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UNIT 1 Short Texts Practice 6

9 have 13 is
Practice 1 10 live 14 about
1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 11 reasons 15 healthily
5 C 6 C 7 B 8 A 12 reducing 16 promotes

Practice 2 Practice 7
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 A 9 behaviour 13 are
5 B 6 B 7 B 8 A 10 this 14 be
11 when/while 15 seen
Practice 3 12 Malaysians 16 addressed
1 C 2 B 3 B 4 C
5 A 6 C 7 B 8 A Practice 8
9 has 13 us
Practice 4 10 of 14 delivered
1 B 2 B 3 B 4 C 11 is 15 sharing
5 A 6 A 7 A 8 B 12 store 16 no
Practice 5
1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B UNIT 3 Information Transfer
5 B 6 A 7 B 8 C

Practice 6 Practice 1
1 B 2 C 3 C 4 C 17 Carol Smith
5 A 6 B 7 C 8 C 18 a lightweight activity
19 stimulates blood vessels
20 stimulates blood flow
UNIT 2 Error Correction 21 increases energy levels
22 fatty tissue
Practice 1 23 reducing clogged arteries
9 its 13 have 24 who are aging
10 this 14 to
Practice 2
11 dishes 15 traditions
17 Emily Anthes
12 country 16 looked
18 journalist
Practice 2 19 Jacintha David
9 northern 13 served 20 bioengineering
10 in 14 won 21 gene modification and cloning
11 become 15 many 22 non-fiction
12 years 16 beside 23 biological science
24 technology
Practice 3
9 developed 13 a Practice 3
10 young 14 will/can 17 deep fry
11 broaden 15 in 18 stir fry
12 understanding 16 of 19 steaming
20 boiling
Practice 4 21 fat is removed
9 is 13 reduce 22 meat is tender
10 benefits 14 look 23 the internet
11 help 15 our 24 body builders, health enthusiasts (any one)
12 be 16 the
Practice 4
Practice 5 17 reduce, reuse, recycle
9 to 13 the 18 tissue papers
10 living 14 happens 19 scrap papers
11 first 15 caused 20 plastic bags
12 of 16 study 21 unused clothes
22 cans
23 plastic bottles
24 environment

A1 Praktis Topikal KSSM Bahasa Inggeris Form 3 – Answers

PT KSSM English F3-Answers.indd 1 1/25/19 12:57 PM

Practice 5 32 Health products and supplements
17 space saving 33 betterment
18 easy to carry 34 bountiful
19 easier to exchange
Practice 5
20 take up space
25 uncomfortable and agitated
21 physically heavy
26 21% of teenagers
22 easily destroyed
27 mean and nasty comments
23 online stores
28 the authority and the website administration
24 the apps store
29 responding or giving comments
Practice 6 30 feeling depressed and lonely
17 Holly Meade 31 frequently absent
18 how to fly 32 Parents and teachers
19 fall 33 prevalent
20 get lost 34 agitated
21 safe
Practice 6
22 believe in oneself
25 5 minutes
23 try new things
26 the morning or dusk
24 3 – 8 years old
27 we have full load
28 turn off the tap
UNIT 4 Short Answer 29 all showers and nozzles
30 Use brooms
31 Mulching
Practice 1
32 aerators
25 cultural or traditional costumes
33 mulch
26 50% off
34 opt
27 they purchase 10 tickets
28 call or email
29 games, gymnastic, handicraft and painting UNIT 5 Matching (Gapped Text)
30 scrumptious food
31 9.00 a.m. till 4.00 p.m. Practice 1
32 special parade, aircraft air show 35 D 36 G 37 F 38 C
33 scrumptious 39 B 40 E
34 pax
Practice 2
Practice 2 35 E 36 C 37 G 38 B
25 the advantages of computers 39 A 40 H
26 accounting to presentation
27 quickened productivity and increased profits Practice 3
28 60 gigabytes 35 H 36 G 37 B 38 E
29 a few hundred terabytes 39 D 40 C
30 watching movies, listening to music
Practice 4
31 access information from the internet
35 D 36 G 37 E 38 C
32 communication and entertainment
39 H 40 B
33 conglomerates
34 impeccable Practice 5
35 C 36 D 37 F 38 A
Practice 3
39 B 40 G
25 a conducive place to study
26 quiet and tranquil Practice 6
27 increase each other’s understanding/share their 35 G 36 B 37 A 38 H
knowledge 39 D 40 C
28 to retrieve information
29 healthy mind
30 short notes UNIT 6 Short Communicative Message
31 watch knowledgeable videos
32 take extra classes Practice 1
33 regimen Dear Syafiq,
34 tranquil There are many ways to save water, and the most
Practice 4 common would be to always turn off the tap while brushing
25 those aged 21 and above one’s teeth. We should also adhere to taking short showers. In
26 Kuala Lumpur General Hospital addition, we should maintain all faucets and showers in the
27 first 50 participants house regularly to avoid leakage. Saving water is important as
28 save many lives it helps to conserve water for future use. The water supply will
29 one day be beneficial for others in the future.
30 health exhibition and check-up booth Best,
31 website at Mariam

 Penerbit Ilmu Bakti Sdn. Bhd. (732516-M) 2019 A2

PT KSSM English F3-Answers.indd 2 1/25/19 12:57 PM

Practice 2 UNIT 7 Notes Expansion
Dear Yun Ling,
I am glad that you would like to join in the blood donation Practice 1
drive. I am interested to go on 10 October if you would like to The weather was bad in Malaysia for the past two days. On
go together. We should be there as early as we can, as there such a day, Johan was seen driving speedily along the wet
is a free blood check-up for the first 50 participants. Blood roads. As he was driving, he came to an intersection. Despite
donation is important as well as healthy for adults as it the speed limit signage, Johan kept accelerating.
decreases heart diseases and helps to identify certain issues Just as he was about to make a sharp turn, his tyres lost
relating to blood diseases. It also helps to save other people’s the traction on the road, and he lost control of the car. The
lives who need the particular blood group in certain cases. car skidded off the road and crashed into a tree. He began
Best, bleeding profusely.
Yun Hong Thankfully, the other cars stopped and helped. One of
them called for the ambulance, and within a few minutes
Practice 3
the authorities arrived and rushed Johan to the hospital. He
Dear Uncle, regretted his action. He promised to be more careful in the
I would like to suggest the Beautiful Resort as your future.
destination for a family vacation. Once there, you may watch
a movie in their in house cinema, or play golf with your family Practice 2
on their golf course. Besides that, you may also relax for a A very good morning, I bid to wish our principal, teachers
whole day in their promising spa for a good massage therapy. and friends. Today I would like to give everybody a speech on
Going there will help in strengthening family bond as you are healthy eating habits.
surrounded by nature, as well as help in the family spirit as all Firstly, it is important to realise that obesity rates are
the activities are group-centered. Not to mention, the place increasing day by day. Children as young as 12 to adults in the
helps you to be away from the business of our everyday lives. mid 50’s are diagnosed with obesity. This is a very alarming
It is indeed a very good place to unwind and relax. fact.
Best, In order to avoid this, we should all abstain from eating
Ratna Devi oily food. Deep-fried and stir fried, as long as there is a high
oil content, we should avoid eating on a regular basis. Fast
Practice 4 food is also very unhealthy. Eating oily food is the number
Dear Fatimah, one reason for obesity. One should always practise eating
I’m glad that you’re interested in the Merdeka Party food with balanced nutrition based on the food pyramid.
event. There will be many activities organised for this event, In conclusion, eating the right type of food is always
such as gymnastic activities, handicrafts and painting. There beneficial for us, and eating the wrong type of food will lead
will also be mouth-watering food for sale. These events are us to danger. One such danger is obesity. Thank you.
very important for us to attend as they enhance patriotism
Practice 3
amongst us. Besides, these events also foster harmony and
It was sunny bright day as I stepped outside to head to school.
peace among us as a multicultural society. I hope to see you
However, as I turned into the corner, I noticed a motorcycle
there on the day of the event!
whizzing past the school very suspiciously. I had a funny
feeling about them.
In the blink of an eye the pillion rider grabbed a woman’s
Practice 5 handbag and sped off in the distance. I still stood there,
Dear Ramona, paralysed by fear, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, the siren
I understand that you are interested in learning more of a police car broke the silence and sped past me.
about cyberbullying. One million children have become Within seconds they had curved around the motorcycle
victims of cyberbullying in the year 2011. Only one in every six which screeched and fell down. The motorcyclists tried to
adults knows about these incidents. In most cases, rude and evade the police officers. However, the officers managed
nasty comments will cause children to be nervous to go to to nab them in time. They were cuffed and dragged to the
school. Parents and teachers can help to deter cyberbullying, back of the police car and were locked in. The lady’s bag was
by noticing signs of being bullied and providing counselling returned. A few passers-by who witnessed the incident, had
when necessary. Schools should also organise talks on how to finally managed to move and walk to school.
be a responsible social media user. Practice 4
Best, A very good morning to all. I am honoured to stand in front
Joseph of all of you here today to give a speech on the importance of
Practice 6 celebrating the national day.
Firstly, celebrating national day serves as a remembrance
Dear Leon,
of our independence. Our forefathers had fought very hard for
I understand that you are interested in learning how to
our country’s freedom. This had resulted in a lot of sacrifices
study smart. Firstly, you have to always have a quiet place to
from them. Hence, this celebration serves as a form of respect
study. This will help increase your concentration level. You can
for those who have made these sacrifices.
choose to to have group studies to share knowledge among
Furthermore, we also celebrate to emphasise on our
friends. Practising a healthy lifestyle is also very important in
togetherness as Malaysians and how we are always united as
the course of studying. You can exercise regularly or practise
one. It is the day to remind ourselves that we should be proud
healthy methods of eating to do so. Writing short notes during
of our national identity.
classes is also very helpful. Hope you find these tips useful.
In a nutshell, the celebration of the National Day is
important for us. It would help us to always remember the

A3 Praktis Topikal KSSM Bahasa Inggeris Form 3 – Answers

PT KSSM English F3-Answers.indd 3 1/25/19 12:57 PM

sacrifices many others have made for us to stand proudly as Part 3
Malaysians today. Thank you. 17 Sputnik I
18 October 1957
Practice 5 19 Explorer I
The 21st century has given birth to a whole new world of 20 January 1958
technology and gadgets for us. One device that has become a 21 Lunar Orbiter
staple in our daily lives is the smartphone. 22 Neil A. Armstrong
A smartphone can easily be carried around everywhere. 23 Edwin Aldrin
We are linked to our personal contact and various social 24 China
medias via our smartphone. We can get the latest news and
information from social networking sites. Apart from that, we Part 4
can also use it during emergency. 25 young and eager school leavers
However, a smartphone also has some disadvantages. 26 higher education opportunities
There is always a risk of being addicted to social networking 27 Peter Wong
sites to the point of wasting time. We are also prone to the 28 SPM and STPM results
dangers as there are many predators in the virtual world. 29 Sunday and Monday
The smartphone is indeed a useful tool in today’s 30 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
world. It is up to us on how we can be healthy users of this 31 Counsellors representing institutions
technological gadget. 32 Ravi Maniam and Henry Tan
33 vital
Practice 6 34 options
Good morning everyone. Today, I will be talking about
examples of protective gear and its importance while playing Part 5
games. Protective gears are important as they protect parts of 35 G 36 D 37 B 38 H
our body and prevent injuries. 39 A 40 C
Helmets are important for sports such as football,
hockey, biking and skateboarding. When putting on the
Part 1
helmet, make sure it fits firmly and comfortably.
Dear Linda,
Eye protection is necessary for many sports. Face masks
should be worn in sports such as ice hockey and water sports. During a swap party, each participant will bring unused
Goggles should be worn for basketball, racquet sports and items which are still in good condition. They give the items
water sports. All eye protection devices should be fitted whatever prices they like and at the party, they swap things or
securely. just buy the desired items. These items may include clothes,
Wearing guards can prevent injuries. Mouth guards ornaments, books, bags and many more. Sometimes, we
protect our mouth, teeth and tongue. This is necessary when get gifts we do not really like and just keep them. Hence,
playing a contact sport or other sports where head injury swapping is a great way of recycling unused items.
is a risk such as football, basketball, hockey, volleyball and Best,
boxing. Wrist, knee and elbow guards should also be worn to Anita
protect the wrists, knees and elbows.
Part 2
As you all can see, wearing protective gear when playing
Proper dental care involves good eating habits and proper
sports can greatly reduce the chances of sustaining injury.
brushing of teeth. There are many ways to make sure we have
I hope those of you who are active in sports will use protective
clean and healthy teeth. For one, it should start from the
gear from now on. Thank you.
moment children begin teething. This is because milk teeth
are important. A child can use a tiny toothbrush with soft
PT3 Model Test nylon tufts.
Tooth decay is caused by plaque, an invisible layer of
Pemahaman bacteria that forms on our teeth. It causes teeth to decay
Part 1 rapidly. Eating too much sugary food also shortens the life of
1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B our teeth. The sugar left behind in the mouth causes bacteria
5 A 6 C 7 C 8 B which in turn attacks our teeth. When gums become infected
and diseased, they cause tooth decay to happen faster.
Part 2
Technology now offers us attractive options and
9 maintain 13 variety
solutions. Lasers are used to remove decay within a tooth and
10 condition 14 having
prepare the surrounding enamel for the filling. Composites
11 does 15 aim
or tooth-coloured dental fillings, are used especially for the
12 illness 16 walking
front teeth. How long our teeth last depends on how well we
take care of them.

 Penerbit Ilmu Bakti Sdn. Bhd. (732516-M) 2019 A4

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