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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 . ISSUE 3136/2020 . PP19055/06/2016(034530) DIGITAL

INSIDE! Woods 12


Q&A Square F E AT UR E


with Tan Sri Investment opportunity

Lim Kang Hoo in north Singapore

After a false start in 2017, the defining moment

for Bandar Malaysia came on Sept 15, 2020.
Can tycoon Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo pull off the
multi-billion ringgit development of national
interest this time? See Pages 4 to 8.

This time
for real?
Stay updated on
the latest news at
EP 2 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020



NAPIC: Property
market records sharp
fall in 1H2020
Property transaction volume for 1H2020 dropped
by 27.9% y-o-y to 115,476, while transaction value
declined 31.5% to RM46.94 billion, based on the latest
data released by the National Property Information
The Edge Property Sdn Bhd
Centre (NAPIC) on Sept 22, 2020.
(1091814-P) The residential sector recorded 75,318 transactions
Level 3, Menara KLK,
No. 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara worth RM25.61 billion in 1H2020, declining 24.6% in
Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia
volume and 26.1% in value compared to 1H2019.
A total of 13,294 units were launched in 1H2020,
falling by 43.6% against 23.591 units in 1H2019.
Against 2H2019, new launches were 31.6% lower.
Managing Director/Editor-in-chief Sales performance was poor at 3.3%, significantly (2H2019: 30,664 units) and 6.4% in value against
Au Foong Yee
lower as compared to 1H2019 (30.9%) and 2H 2019 the preceding half year (2H2019: RM18.82 billion).
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng
(28.4%), owing to the Movement Control Order (MCO) As at 2Q2020, the Malaysian House Price Index
Deputy Chief Copy Editor period, which was imposed on March 18, 2020. (MHPI) stood at 198.3 points, up by 0.4% on an
James Chong
Senior Writer Residential overhang continued to rise, no thanks annual basis, the lowest annual growth recorded
Rachel Chew
to a slow market. There were 31,661 overhang units since 2010. However, on a quarterly basis, MHPI
Natalie Khoo, Chin Wai Lun, worth RM20.03 billion, an increase of 3.3% in volume fell marginally by 0.7%.
Chelsey Poh
Senior Designer Jun Kit

For New Launches/Events/

1H2020’s residential
Press Releases/News Tips
email: [email protected] erty in 1H2020 plunged by 24.1% is gearing for more new launches
Tel: (03) 7721 8211  Fax: (03) 7721 8280
loan approval rate y-o-y to RM96.45 billion, while total
amount of approved loans decreased
HOTLINES namely Aetas in Damansara and Al-
ira in Subang Jaya in 2020. The total
Associate Account Director, stood at 34.1%, by 39.1% to RM 32.84 billion, which is For COVID-19 screening GDV of these new launches amount
Advertising & Marketing
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880
lowest in 10 years, the lowest amount in a decade. or tests, contact the Health to over RM1 billion.
Senior Account Managers
Ian Leong (012) 359 1668
says NAPIC The steeper drop in total amount Ministry’s Crisis Preparedness 2020 will be a record year for the
of approved loans has caused the and Response Centre (CPRC) group in terms of handing over com-
Cecilia Too (012) 319 7666
The loan approval rate for residential loan approval rate to decline from Tel: 03-8881 0200, pleted projects, with more than 3,000
Marketing Support & Ad Traffic properties 1H2020 stood at 34.1%, 42.4% in 1H2019 to 34.1% in 1H2020, units to be delivered to homeown-
Madeline Tan (03) 7721 8218 03-8881 0600
email: [email protected] which is the lowest in 10 years, ac- the lowest level across 10 years. and 03-8881 0700 ers of Selangorku PR1MA Lakefront
cording to the 1H2020 Property Mar- from 8.30am to 5pm daily Homes and Lakefront Residence
ket Report released by the National Or Email: [email protected] Phase 2 at Lakefront @ Cyberjaya,
Nimalen Parimalam (014) 324 3193 Property Information Centre (NAPIC). and Casa Bluebell and Casa Wood
To help stimulate the soft market For more information, go to at Cybersouth in 2020.
Sales Manager battered by Covid-19 and the move- CPRC Telegram channel at
Stannly Tan (012) 538 1687 ment control order (MCO), the gov-
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ernment has cut Overnight Policy
& CUSTOMER ADVISORY Rate (OPR) by an accumulative 125 For queries on the Restricted
Omar Nawawi (012) 537 1687
basis points since March 2019. Al- Movement Control Order,
Nazrin Hakimin (017) 368 6061 though this would lower borrowing call 03-8888 2010.
For enquiries and listings
cost, banks are becoming more cau- Govt announces
email: [email protected] tious on lending.
RM10b Kita Prihatin
Tel: (03) 7733 9000 NAPIC’s report, citing data from
Bank Negara Malaysia, shows that package e-Publication
is published by The Edge Property the total loan application amount The government will implement living: Suntrack
Sdn Bhd. Download it for free at
for the purchase of residential prop- several initiatives and additional Development unveils assistance under the RM10 billion Tuai Residence More than 380,000
PRIHATIN Supplementary Initiative individuals need
The Edge Malaysia Get BREAKING Package (KITA PRIHATIN) in line Property developer Suntrack De-
loan repayment
Publisher and Group CEO PROPERTY with its efforts to boost economic
velopment has unveiled its latest
project development called Tuai moratorium
Ho Kay Tat
NEWS delivered Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Residence. Located on 6.6-acre of With the blanket automatic loan
Editor-in-chief Azam Aris
to you daily via Yassin said the additional package freehold land with a total of 330 moratorium coming to an end next
includes the RM7 billion Bantuan units, the project has unit built-up week, banks have contacted more
Chief Operating Officer
WhatsApp! Prihatin Nasional 2.0 (BPN 2.0), the sizes ranging from 1,109 sq ft to 1,927 than two million borrowers to offer
Lim Shiew Yuin RM2.4 billion Wage Subsidy Pro- sq ft and starting price of RM450 psf. loan repayment assistance after Sept
ADVERTISING & MARKETING gramme 2.0 and the RM600 million Tuai Residence is designed to be 30, according to CIMB Group Hold-
Chief Commercial Officer
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056
PRIHATIN Special Grant (GKP) worth wheelchair-friendly from specific ings Bhd’s group chief executive officer
General Manager RM600 million. toilets in apartment units all the (CEO) Datuk Abdul Rahman Ahmad.
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831 He said the KITA PRIHATIN pack- way to common facilities. All ramps, Rahman said the banks have
Senior Sales Manager
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614
age targets four main groups, name- lifts to units and communal facili- managed to speak to 1.4 million bor-
Head of Marketing ly the B40 group who are married ties, and link bridge are accessible rowers of the over two million con-
Support & Ad Traffic and single; M40 group with family to wheelchairs, baby strollers, and tacted. Currently, more than 380,000
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 TO SUBSCRIBE
and single; local workers in various older pedestrians. contacted customers have confirmed
1. Add +6018 290 2116 fields and micro traders in various that they require loan repayment
to your contact list fields. MCT to launch assistance.
as EdgeProp News. The KITA PRIHATIN package is
the extension of the previous eco-
projects worth over Among the 380,000 seeking help,
26,000 are small and medium en-
Or scan this QR code.
nomic stimulus packages, namely RM1b GDV in 2020 terprises (SMEs) with the remaining
2. Send us a WhatsApp PRIHATIN, PRIHATIN SME PLUS and Following the recent launches of bulk being retail borrowers, showing
PENJANA worth a total of RM295 Casa Bayu @ Cybersouth and PR1MA that the SMEs seem to have handled
with "NEWS" and billion, or about 20% of the nation’s Shops in Lakefront @ Cyberjaya, MCT the situation better.
your full name in gross domestic product, with an ad-
the message. ditional fiscal injection by the gov- How do I get past issues of this weekly e-Publication?
ernment totalling RM45 billion. Go to to download for free!
EP 3 Fr i day sep tem b er 2 5 , 2 02 0

An affordable modern
Brought to you by

contemporary living
concept in Seberang Prai
n densely-populated cities such as Penang, surau and kindergarten. Without over-the-top
budget-conscious homebuyers tend to shy renderings, maintenance fees can be kept to a Strategically
located in
away from strategic locations, not because minimal RM0.20 psf. At the same time, sustain-
they don’t want to live within the ease of all able long-term maintenance is ensured. Pauh, the
the infrastructure and amenities, but because The family-friendly units have spacious built- 300-unit
the price tags are usually beyond their reach. ups of 1,100 sq ft housing three bedrooms condominium
Even if the instalment payments seemed man- each. Offering different choices for unit types is part of
UDA’s efforts
ageable, the hefty down payments would have and views, they are priced between RM494,648
in raising the
made the dream harder to attain. and RM541,380. homeownership
Taking cognisance of the general populace’s Buyers do not have to wait long for handover rate among
concern and needs, UDA Holdings Bhd (UDA) is as the RM141.88 million GDV project is slated Penangites.
offering a well-positioned condominium project for completion by the end of this year.
in Penang under a special collaboration with
Maybank Islamic to facilitate a less daunting fi- A financing scheme that
nancial commitment towards homeownership. is easy on the pocket
Under its subsidiary UDA Land (North) Sdn For those who are keen to purchase a unit here
Bhd, the long-established Malaysian develop- but have yet to save enough for the 10% down
er is building a block of condominium on four payment, there is good news.
acres of land in Taman Pauh Jaya, Permatang In conjunction with UDA’s 50th anniversary,
Pauh. Named Evoke Residence @ Gravitas, the the proactive developer has recently partnered
35-storey project offers 300 units. with Maybank Islamic to enable purchasers to
Designed in a V-shape structure, residents get Evoke Residence units through the Houz-
get a 180-degree dimensional vista which in- KEY programme.
cludes the most photographed landmark of the The main benefits of this innovative financing
state – the Penang Bridge and its accompanying method are no requirement of down payment
seaview, as well as the eye-soothing foliage of and a mortgage loan of up to 100% of the prop-
Bukit Mertajam. erty price. To gain a higher chance of approval,
Yes, the linking bridge is not just within sight this special scheme also allows the buyer to get
but also conveniently within a 5km reach, where three guarantors.
its main highways and the PLUS Highway would “As property prices increase from time to
ease travel between the mainland and the island. time, HouzKEY is the best option, especially for
Being near to tertiary educational institu- young people who are still renting or for first-
tions like Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) time home buyers who find it difficult to provide
Penang branch and Politeknik Seberang Perai, a 10% down payment,” said UDA president and
the area has ready amenities like supermarkets CEO Sr Mohd Salem Kailany.
and schools to meet daily necessities. Strategi- “With the low cost of moving in, this is a new
cally sited among other developing cities such method to help people own a home without
as Bandar Seberang Jaya, Bandar Baru Peda having to take a longer time to save money
and Bukit Mertajam, Evoke Residence is also to pay for a high amount of down payment,”
an attractive investment option with promising he adds.
potential. Aiming to raise the homeownership rate in
The freehold development comes with com- the country, the HouzKEY programme is one of
plete condominium facilities including a swim- the conscientious developer’s efforts in resolving
ming pool, playground, sky garden, gymnasium, the current hindrances towards that goal, espe- tandem with its emphasis on customer-oriented
tennis court, barbecue pit, covered car park, hall, cially in highly urbanised locales like Penang. In business, UDA is constantly working on various
HouzKEY is open to all
initiatives to provide homes for Malaysians to
eligible applicants who
call their own, and thus enrich their lifestyles.
Spaciously meet the requirements
sized at 1,100 Through the alternative financial assistance,
set by Maybank Islamic.
sq ft, each UDA hopes interested buyers could obtain Evoke
unit comes Interested buyers may
Residence Condominium units sans the burden contact the Sales and
with three
of heavy financing. Marketing Division of
which caters On top of the HouzKEY scheme, buyers of UDA Land North Sdn Bhd
comfortably for Evoke Residence also get to enjoy various oth- for more information.
a family. er rebates such as free maintenance fees for
one year and free fees on sale and purchase Sales gallery address
agreement, memorandum of transfer and loan 24G, TPJ 1/1, Taman Pauh
agreement. In addition, the developer under- Jaya, 13700 Perai
stands the financial constraints brought on by Contact number
the current pandemic and is also offering to 011 1722 6215
waive late payment interest charges for up to
12 months, in the event buyers face difficulty in
servicing the monthly instalments.
So, hurry and take advantage of all these Facebook
promotional offers to own an address in one of UDA Property Malaysia
Penang’s main neighbourhoods.
EP 4 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020


will be
as a regional
financial and
business hub.

What’s next for


he appointment was set at
10am but by 9.45am, Tan Sri
Lim Kang Hoo had the Edge-
Prop Malaysia team ushered
into the modest-sized and
unassuming meeting room
in his office in Gombak, Se-
Waiting to greet us was a relaxed-looking Lim.
Clearly, the executive chairman of Iskandar Wa-
terfront Holdings Sdn Bhd (IWH) and chairman
of Ekovest Bhd, was ready and even eager to take
questions on his most ambitious project yet — the
RM140 billion Bandar Malaysia. posit to secure the Bandar Malaysia development,
LOW YEN YEING  | Have you been sleeping well? the deal lapsed and the RM741 million IWH-CREC
Lim: Sure, I sleep well. paid as deposit for a 60% equity stake in the RM7.41
Lim’s spontaneous response is expected. After billion project was fully refunded to IWH-CREC.
a long hiatus, the stars for this mega project — the However, Bandar Malaysia was revived in April
most-anticipated and biggest ever for Malaysia 2019 with an open public tender. This time around,
and the most ambitious for Lim — appear finally IWH-CREC won the bid after competing against
aligned. more than 40 companies.
The success of Bandar Malaysia is not only key Fast forward to Sept 15, 2020, with the initial
for Lim but, equally so for the country. In the words payment settled, IWH-CREC has two more stage
of Lim, “This is a Government-to-Government pro- payments of RM963 million each to the govern-
ject. Bandar Malaysia is the largest project in the ment, with the balance to be settled via two bank
One Belt One Road initiative and with the partici- guarantees over three years. In accordance with the
pation CREC — one of the Fortune 500 companies agreement, IWH-CREC is allowed to commercialise
— it can attract other global top companies to set and market the 133 acres of the Bandar Malaysia
up their regional offices there.” land to local and international strategic investors
After a false start in 2017, the defining moment who qualify and fit into the Phase 1 Bandar Ma-
for Bandar Malaysia came on Sept 15, 2020. IWH- laysia master plan.
CREC Sdn Bhd settled the RM1.24 billion initial Bandar Malaysia sits on the single largest tract
payment to TRX City Sdn Bhd, a Ministry of Finance of 486 acres of premium land in the heart of Kua-
Incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary, for a 60%
stake in Bandar Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
The project of la Lumpur. Located at the site of the former Royal
Malaysian Air Force base in Jalan Sungai Besi, the
IWH-CREC is a joint-venture of Iskandar Wa- this national mega integrated development has a gross devel-
terfront Holdings Sdn Bhd (IWH) — a private ve- opment value of RM140 billion.
hicle of Lim — and China Railway Engineering interest and As the master developer of Bandar Malaysia,
Corp (M) Sdn Bhd (CREC). The JV has success- IWH-CREC is now able to kick start its planned
fully tendered for a 60% stake in Bandar Malaysia the project of land sale. According to Lim, IWH-CREC inked an
Sdn Bhd at RM7.41 billion, valuing the latter at agreement with TRX City Sdn Bhd and settled the
RM12.35 billion. this size will deposit and advance payment of RM1.24 billion
To recap: IWH-CREC first won the deal in 2015
but it was called off in 2017 due to issues related take 20 to earlier this month, allowing the JV company to start
selling the 133-acre plots to interested investors
to 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) as 1MDB
was the government entity holding the remaining 30 years and property developers.
Positive market response is crucial no doubt.
40% stake at that time.
1MDB, a government-run development com-
to complete.” Lim hints that the market could expect several
significant agreement signings involving overseas
pany, was in trouble when the country’s sixth
prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was
— Lim investors in the coming weeks, adding he was not
at liberty to immediately divulge more information.
accused of channeling over RM2.67 billion When pressed, Lim would only say that these
from 1MDB to his personal bank accounts are FDIs (foreign direct investments) that could see
in 2015. Since then, projects related to 1MDB Bandar Malaysia as a strategic destination in the
have been affected and scrutinised, including development of China’s Belt and Road initiative
Bandar Malaysia. and its immense economic spin-offs.
Despite IWH-CREC clearing the required de- CON T I N UES N EXT PAGE →
EP 5 Fri day sep t emb er 25 , 2020

cover s tory

What makes Bandar Malaysia attractive?

← fr o m pr e v i o u s PAG E
These FDIs would not only boost sentiments The 486-acre Bandar Malaysia Iskandar Waterfront Holdings Sdn Bhd It comprises multi-level public
of Bandar Malaysia but would stimulate both development is more than a financial and chairman of Ekovest Bhd, Tan Sri transport networks including the
the Malaysian real estate sector and economy. and business centre; the development Lim Kang Hoo obtained during a holiday upcoming Kuala Lumpur-Singapore
Lim wants to position Bandar Malaysia as comprises offices, retail, residential, in Montreal, Canada. High Speed Rail (HSR), soon-to-be-
the regional financial and business hub that arts and entertainment, medical and The plan is to turn the underground completed electrified double-tracking
could become a home for Fortune 500 com- education components that offer space into a 24-hour retail and enter- project, KTM Komuter, MRT and LRT,
panies, multinational corporations and tech- convenience to the residents and tainment centre that caters to the needs Monorail and Express Rail Link.
nology companies. working population there. of the working population in Bandar In terms of road connectivity, it
For this to be a reality, Lim says the gov- Another key feature that enabled Malaysia. is easily accessible via Duke 3, KL-
ernment has agreed to provide customised IWH-CREC Sdn Bhd to win the Bandar Designed as an integrated terminus, Seremban Highway, SMART tunnel,
incentives to foreign investors. Malaysia deal is the idea of creating the connectivity and accessibility to public Maju Expressway, East-West Link
Bandar Malaysia, he says, would be an in- an underground canal city — an transportation and road system are the Expressway and future elevated
tegrated development that is ideal for people inspiration which executive chairman of greatest advantages of Bandar Malaysia. highways.
to live, work, and play
“We are going to build a ‘business centric
intelligent city with integrated connectivity,
sustainability and livability concept” in Ban-
dar Malaysia. There is a 120 years golf course
where we will upgrade and turn into a ‘fairy
land’ complemented with entertainment cen-
tre, performing arts centre, a central park with
a grand waterfall and river canal and boutique
retail areas that cater to everyone’s needs,” Lim
tells EdgeProp.
Meanwhile, for the the infrastructure, con-
struction and property development compa-
ny - Ekovest, which is also founded by Lim, its
participation will complement IWH’s role as
the master developer.
Ekovest’s investment in Bandar Malaysia
Project will provide the head up for Ekovest
to build up its order book.
Being the founders of both companies, Lim
says the main reason to rope in Ekovest is to
offer the company’s shareholders an oppor-
tunity to tap into this mega development in
the CBD city.

To be part of this deal, Ekovest will need to
pay RM1.3 billion, but spread over three years
and with an cash initial amount of approxi-
mately RM250 million. Malaysia
Still, Ekovest’s participation in Bandar Ma-
laysia is pending an EGM for shareholders’

bandar malaysia

Pricing of Bandar
Malaysia land
Lim says the land price in Bandar Malaysia
could be “at least RM1,500 psf”, stressing that
prime location land in the Kuala Lumpur city
centre is becoming scarce. Moreover, the aver-

age price in the KLCC area is around RM4,000
psf, he says.
“Property developers and investors are The site
looking at the CBD (central business district) of Royal
area. So, if you look at KL, how much of such
of the Bandar Malaysia Malaysian

land is left? If you can count, you will know AIr Force
there’s not much land left. base in
“This (RM1,500 psf ) is the price for a plot Sungai Besi.
ratio of eight… It’s a good deal,” he adds.
To increase the attractiveness of Bandar Ma-
laysia, the government is offering tailor-made May 2011 May 2016 July 2017 December 2019
incentives to eligible companies that are inter- Malaysia’s 6th Prime The deal falls apart and The Ministry of Finance TRX City Sdn Bhd signs the
ested to set up their operations in the mega-de- Minister Datuk Seri Najib IWH-CREC receives the (MoF) launches a request share sale and shareholders
velopment. These include top 100 financial Razak announces the refund of RM741 million for proposal and up to agreements with IWH-
institutions, multinational companies, Fortune Bandar Malaysia project that it had paid as deposit seven Chinese and two CREC Sdn Bhd that will kick
500 companies, tourism-related companies, which will be carried out to purchase a 60% equity Japanese companies submit off the Bandar Malaysia
medical and education institutes. through a public-private stake in Bandar Malaysia proposals for the Bandar development.
On top of this, a one-stop centre is also be- partnership model. Sdn Bhd for RM7.41 billion. Malaysia project. However,
ing planned to assist companies to set up and To realise this MoF didn’t reveal further September 2020
smoothen their operations in Bandar Malaysia. development, the Royal May 2017 details about the deals. IWH-CREC is ready to
“It will take some time to set up the intelli- Malaysian Air Force airbase, Najib visits Beijing, China, take off with the Bandar
gent, modern and integrated one-stop centre... which is located in Sungai for the One Belt One Road April 2019 Malaysia development
It will enable us [Bandar Malaysia] to compete Besi, will shift to Sendayan, Forum. During the joint Former Economic Affairs with the settlement of the
with other cities regionally,” says Lim. Negeri Sembilan. conference at Sofitel Beijing Minister Datuk Seri RM1.24 billion deposit and
Hotel with Wanda Dalian Azmin Ali reveals that advance payment for the
December 2015 Group, the latter expresses the government will call project.
See Page 7 for the Question and IWH-CREC buys 60% stake interest to participate for bids on the Bandar
Answer session with Lim where of Bandar Malaysia from in the Bandar Malaysia Malaysia development via
he also addresses issues on IWH- 1MDB for RM7.41 billion. development. an open tender process.
CREC’s funding, timing of Bandar
Malaysia and the property glut.
EP 6 FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 5 , 2 02 0

Where sustainability and

innovation form the crux
of a masterpiece Lendlease’s first
residential tower
in TRX comprises
444 units, while the
second tower has

442 units.
ocated in the heart of fic. It is also connected to a network
Kuala Lumpur’s new of highways such as MEX and SPE
Central Business Dis- and will have pedestrian links to
trict (CBD), the upcom- Bukit Bintang and KLCC for con-
ing TRX Residences venient access to key city nodes.
will be one of the most coveted All the development compo-
addresses among the well-heeled nents are the results of well-thought
in the country. planning by the developer, with the
This urban integrated develop- objective of integrating every el-
ment inspires wellness, sophistica- ement to deliver convenience at
tion, liveability and lifestyle. your doorstep.
TRX Residences is the brainchild
of leading international property and Creation of a
infrastructure group, Lendlease, and prestigious developer
the master developer of Malaysia’s Formed over 60-years ago, Aus-
first international financial and life- tralian-based Lendlease is well
style district, TRX City Sdn Bhd. established with a footprint that
The much-anticipated freehold spans Asia, Australia, Europe and
residential component of The Ex- the Americas.
change TRX, was unveiled in what With a global development pipe-
is touted to be the first-of-its-kind line of over A$100 billion (RM303
Digital Launch on Thursday (Sept billion), the developer has partic-
24), at 12pm online. ipated in iconic global landmarks
TRX Residences is located within such as the Sydney Opera House,
the 17-acre integrated development National 9-11 Memorial and Muse-
of The Exchange TRX, a vibrant ex- um, Statue of Liberty and our very
perience led lifestyle destination own Petronas Twin Towers.
crowned and seamlessly integrat- From a residential standpoint,
ed to a 10-acre activated public Lendlease has delivered homes
park. Residents will be able to live across the spectrum from com-
at the centre of it all within the new munity land plots to luxury high-
lifestyle epicentre of Kuala Lumpur rise and retirement villages. It is
with easy access to socially immer- currently involved in 21 major urban
sive experiences encompassing regeneration projects in nine gateway
events, entertainment, arts and cities including The Exchange TRX.
culture, sports and leisure and over The most recent completion is
500 lifestyle, dining offer, concept Park Place Residences within the
stores and new-to-market brands. Paya Lebar Quarter in Singapore
The other components of the earlier this year, where it was award-
development include Malaysia’s ed the Top Tier Star Rating for the
first design-led luxury boutique Building and Construction Author- tle in London has appreciated by top priority. Hence, every Lendlease itively crafted digital journey.
hotel Kimpton Hotels and Restau- ity (BCA) Quality Mark, recognising 75% in 6 years since its launch, project, regardless of where it is Be ready to discover world-class
rants, and a Grade-A campus style superb workmanship. As with TRX outperforming the regional average located internationally, complies urban integrated living in KL’s new
office block. Residences, Park Place Residences by over 50%; and in the One Syd- with its Global Minimum Require- CBD with engaging and interactive
The development offers unri- also received strong market sup- ney Harbour project in Barangaroo ments (GMRs). This ensures world- videos, animations, visuals, quiz-
valled connectivity by MRT, major port with Phase 1 allocated units South which achieved the highest class standards for the Lendlease zes and information. Guests were
highways or pedestrian networks. fully sold within one day. price per square metre for resi- brand, such as in matters of safety transported virtually to five distinct
TRX Residences is just 70m to Ma- Lendlease’s strong residential dences in Australia. and quality. zones where they could share their
laysia’s only MRT interchange and capability is evidenced in its other As a global developer, Lendlease experience via embedded social
has direct access from the SMART urban regeneration developments is committed to sustainability, and First-of-its-kind media functions.
Tunnel, bypassing surface road traf- around the world – Elephant & Cas- safety with customer focus as its Digital Launch Do not miss the opportunity to
The Digital Launch of TRX Residences be the first in town to experience
on Thursday has been a unique this prestigious development by the
experience for the participating established international-standard
guests, as they found themselves developers — Lendlease and TRX
immersed at the centre of the intu- City Sdn Bhd.

The facilities include a lap pool overlooking the green tranquility of the Royal Selangor Golf Club. A Gourmet Dining Room to host meals in indoor and outdoor settings.
EP 7 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020


with Tan
Sri Lim
Kang Hoo There had been

false starts before. Is this time
for real?  
Tan Sri Lim Kang Hoo: Yes of course it is real.
IWH CREC Sdn Bhd has on 15 September 2020
paid RM1.241 billion, being the 10% deposits


(RM741 million) and the RM500 million advance
payment to the vendor, TRX City Sdn Bhd (“TRXC”),
a wholly owned subsidiary of Ministry of Finance
Incorporated (“MOF”).
IWH-CREC is a joint consortium between IWH,
a public-private-partnership company, and China
Railway Engineering Corp (M) Sdn Bhd, a wholly
owned subsidiary of CREC, a China state-owned
company and a fortune 500 company.

Why are you so confident that

Bandar Malaysia will be a reality? existing ERL railway which connects Kuala Lum- corporations and Fortune 500 companies and top
The Bandar Malaysia project is a joint development pur International Airport (KLIA) and the Kuala 100 finance institutions to relocate their operations
between MOF (40%), IWH-CREC (60%). Lumpur Sentral transportation hub. The MRT2 has here. This will further increase high-income em-
IWH is a public-public-partnership company, already designated two stations in Bandar Malaysia ployment opportunity as well as reduce the brain-
which is co-owned by my private entity Credence
A master which are set to be completed by 2021, as well as drain out of the country.
Resources Sdn Bhd (63%) and KPRJ (37%), the developer the Setiawangsa -Pantai Expressway (SPE) formerly This is in line with the government’s policy of
wholly owned subsidiary of the State Govern- known as DUKE 3 slated to be completed by 2021, offering special tax incentives for various qualified
ment of Johor.
plans, which is linked to 12 other highways into KL city, economic sectors to attract MNCs to Malaysia to
The consortium will jointly attract the foreign develops, and will be aligned to Bandar Malaysia. invest in high-tech and high-value fields.
direct investors (“FDI”) and other Multi-national To be developed over 20 years, Bandar Malaysia The project is further expected to relieve the
companies (“MNC”) via various incentives and key
implements will shape the future direction of Kuala Lumpur by Klang Valley’s excess supply of office space and
strategic planning and support from federal and large-scale offering a liveable new lifestyle city with modern residential properties as these are expected to be
state governments to make the new Kuala Lumpur development infrastructure to become an iconic development filled quickly by foreign companies and their high-
Centre Business District (“CBD”), the purpose-built within the Asean region and to the world. skilled workers and expatriates.
international city a reality. for sizeable In addition to providing Grade A office prem-
landbank that ises, it will encompass other key components like Why is it exciting?
You have not talked a lot about hotels, shopping, healthcare, education and well- Bandar Malaysia is an exciting and important
this project before; why now?  have been ness facilities. There will also be 10,000 affordable project for Malaysia and it will attract FDI and
We are ready now because we have just fulfilled
our obligations to pay the RM1.241 billion.
identified as homes to benefit low-and-medium income groups.
The RM140 billion integrated development will
MNCs and attract the repatriation of brain drain
overseas back to Malaysia. In addition, it will also
Pursuant thereof, based on the agreement with development feature integrated components covering finance, create the much-needed demand to absorb the
TRXC, we will commence our local and internation- precincts.” technology, medical science, education, tourism oversupply of offices and residential [properties]
al marketing for the Bandar Malaysia project and and entrepreneurship, as well as being an Intel- in Kuala Lumpur as many professionals and con-
aim to attract FDI, MNC and various developers — Lim ligent City. It is designed to attract multinational sultants will need to be engaged to undertake the
to co-contribute to our development. BANDAR MALAYSIA
massive project. In addition, we believe there will
The Bandar Malaysia project is a project of be many expatriates who will be heading here to
national importance for Malaysia and it will be a fill up the supply of properties in Kuala Lumpur
project which can partially anchor the economic city as the Bandar Malaysia Phase 1 development
stimulation plan by the government. can only be completed and ready to be occupied
in the next three to four years.
How would you fund your
share of the project? Details of the connectivity
The funding for this project will be via a combina- — and its impact 
tion of internally generated funds, bank borrow- Bandar Malaysia is well connected via 12 rails and
ings and the initial public offering of IWH which is highways which the connectivity and link to this
expected to be undertaken in the first half of 2021. project is as per the transportation network as set
out herein. Ekovest is currently undergoing the
What are the components construction for Duke 3 at Sungai Besi, which is
of the project?  the elevated highway running parallel to the run-
Bandar Malaysia will be the transit oriented devel- way in Bandar Malaysia. Duke 3, will provide the
opment (“TOD”) to the Express Rail Link (ERL), infrastructure and pre-cursors for the construction
KTM, double tracked from Kayu Hitam to Bandar of the underground city for phase 1 of the Bandar
Malaysia, Bandar Malaysia to Johor Bahru and The multi-billion ringgit development will offer a liveable new lifestyle Malaysia project.
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Line 2 and 3 and the to city-dwellers. CON T I N UES N EXT PAGE →
EP 8 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020



About the underground city

— why is this significant
for the project?
Kuala Lumpur is a tropical city — by having an un-
derground city, it will provide the much needed
working environment, connectivity and ambiance
for 24-hour operations in Kuala Lumpur for all in-
ternational MNCs to operate and bring in life and
business activities to Malaysia.
Bandar Malaysia will also be one of the major
tourism attraction destinations for Kuala Lumpur
and Malaysia.

As a master developer,
what would be your role?
A master developer plans, develops, and imple-
ments large-scale development for sizeable land-
bank that have been identified as development
precincts. Through a broad set of planning param-
eters, the master developer takes into considera- To be developed over 20 years,
tion the mix of use, urban design, and infrastruc- Bandar Malaysia will shape the
tural requirements for the entire master plan. In future direction of Kuala Lumpur.
planning the success of the development precinct,
the master developer may choose to partner with
or transfer development rights of specific plots
to other developers to execute project plans. The
phasing of the development precinct is controlled within the master-planned development contin- and most shops and offices are occupied. The feel
closely by the master developer via its release of ues to be built upon and the development precinct good factors in Johor Bahru — especially with the
development plots, and the master developer increases its stature as an address, the remaining formalisation of the Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid
works directly with the government to develop development plots will become more valuable due Transit System (RTS) between the Malaysian and
incentives that are relevant to the success of the I always to the scarcity of land. Singapore governments recently — will further
development precinct.
The master developer is the key driver in en-
believe, if What was your inspiration for
enhance the connectivity between Johor Bahru
and Singapore.
suring that the vision of the master plan for the we have the the planning of Bandar Malaysia?
development precinct is achieved. In doing so, And what is your vision for it? What would be the incentives
the master developer may release plots of land in vision, the Bandar Malaysia will be a catalyst for the transfor- to draw in FDIs?
the development precinct for sale by tender or via
joint venture with local or foreign investors who
passion and mation of Greater Kuala Lumpur.
My inspiration and aspiration are to join hands
As part of the Bandar Malaysia agreement, the
government is to provide tailor made incentives to
are able to assist the master developer in realising the patience with the Malaysian state and Federal authorities attract all the FDI and MNCs into Bandar Malaysia.
the development precinct’s vision. These investors and China state owned entity, ie: CREC to jointly
invest capital and technical market expertise to we can and develop this world class intelligent city, namely Do you see Bandar Malaysia
develop land plots, in accordance with the master
will succeed Bandar Malaysia. attracting the same names that
plan envisioned by the master developer. Bandar Malaysia is one of the most significant are already in Malaysia? Or new
A successful development precinct creates an in all projects by the China government as part of their ones altogether? Why and how?
attractive address for the establishment of busi- one-belt, one road programme. We welcome all MNCs and FDI and local corpora-
nesses. This attracts FDI when specific industry challenges.” Currently the Royal Malaysian Air Force Base, tion to relocate their regional and local offices to
clusters are created within the development pre-
cinct, generating job opportunities for the locals — Lim this premium land in Sungai Besi will be one of the
most sought-after pieces of land in the city. Bandar
Bandar Malaysia upon assessing the infrastructure
and connectivity and various tailor made incen-
and enhancing overall economic growth. A suc- Malaysia aspires to be an exemplary mixed-use tives that can be value add by Bandar Malaysia. It
cessful master-planned development is evidenced community of the highest standard, where nature, is the vision and mission for the joint consortium
by its prominence as an address and a location. culture and creativity are a part of everyday life. to build an intelligent and digital driven city which
This encompasses availability of good amenities, One of the key components of Bandar Malaysia is provides the new angles for all the existing offices
complementary infrastructure and an appropriate the transit oriented development with easy ingress and transit oriented developments in Kuala Lumpur.
mix of development components in a variety of and egress, high utilisation of public transport, and The 486-acre Bandar Malaysia project is a pur-
land use that supports the development’s popula- efficient internal transit. Infrastructures planned pose-built city which is well designed and has all
tion and economic growth. The master developer include innovative car and bicycle hire-schemes, the relevant components to make it a successful
continues to invest in the development precinct well-planned road networks, pedestrian-centric extended CBD for Kuala Lumpur. Bandar Malaysia
(e.g. by making infrastructure improvements, etc.) connections and shaded walkways. Bandar Ma- has the strategic location, size and reach to enable
in order to obtain long-term returns. A successful laysia is planned around the principles of (i) con- a purpose built city to be formulated.
master-planned development will create demand nectivity (ii) sustainability (iii) livability.
from investors, which leads to an increase in land Your biggest challenge
values in a specific development precinct. As plots Timing — Would Bandar in this project
ALL PICTURES BY BANDAR MALAYSIA Malaysia not further exacerbate This project of national interest and the project of
supply and overhang in the this size will take 20 to 30 years to complete so, there
Klang Valley? will always be challenges that we need to overcome
Many took the view that the Bandar Malaysia de- to meet the requirements of all stakeholders un-
velopment will further worsen the oversupply of der the public-private-partnership (“PPP”) model,
properties in Kuala Lumpur. But I disagree totally which consists of MOF, CREC and IWH.
with that view. Otherwise, I would not embark on With this PPP model intact, I trust we can over-
this project. My experience in Johor Bahru 23 years come all challenges!!
ago — when we launched Danga Bay — has proven I always believe, if we have the vision, the pas-
otherwise. Johor Bahru back then was one of the sion and the patience we can and will succeed in
worst hit cities affected by oversupply of properties all challenges.
with plenty of unemployment. Johor Bahru lacked
economic activity and was severely affected by the Do you have a Plan B?
Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Johor Bahru was What do you mean by Plan B?
considered the backyard of Singapore. Upon the Bandar Malaysia is a national project which
launch of the first economic corridor by former we will need to see through with our sharehold-
prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in ers collectively.
2006, the economy has become more vibrant and
today it is one of the most active states in Malaysia. Have you been sleeping well?
There are many activities in Johor Bahru today Sure, I sleep well.
EP 9 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020





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EP 10 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020


Should you
The London
BY RAC HE L CHE W skyline.

hile “don’t put all your

buy property
eggs in one basket” is a
well-used adage, it re-
mains a relevant invest-
ment strategy today.
Property portfolio di-

overseas now?
versification in types and destinations has prov-
en to help manage investment risk. This being
the case, anytime would be a good time to put
one’s money into the real estate sector.
“There is no good time or bad time to buy
property locally or overseas. We believe every day
is a good time to buy as long as we understand
the respective countries’ property market well,”
Jalin Realty International founder and CEO Ian
Chen tells
Unlike a “normal market”, this pandemic
period has seen developers dangling attractive
incentives, Chen shares. “The fact is, during uncertain times, people “Buying a property in Singapore is still a pop-
However, besides the global economy, one look more towards tangible assets, income-pro- ular idea for Malaysian investors as the market is
needs to consider the supply and demand of ducing assets, and lower risk assets; London prop- quite promising. If a project’s price and location
the area, the location and most importantly, Whilst physical erty ticks all those boxes,” Heaton-Watson notes. are correct, it will still attract a fairly good num-
personal risk appetite and financial position. Meanwhile, let us not forget about our neigh- ber of Malaysians,” said PropNex Realty head of
Chen finds Malaysian investors financially
viewings were bour down south, Singapore. The island republic international market Matt Tian.
independent, well-travelled with a sound under- difficult during has consistently been one of the top choices for Tian added that familiarity with each other’s
standing of the global property investment scene. Malaysian investors owing to its proximity and culture and close distance are the main reasons
Hence their being global property landlords. lockdown, strong robust economic growth. Malaysians choose to invest in Singapore.
“Malaysians are quite adventurous and enter- levels of CON T I N UES N EXT PAGE →
prising. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic
and restriction on travelling, demand for overseas pent-up demand

property investment has been quite subdued. were building.”
“Still, we continue to receive enquiries on
property investment in Australia and the UK from — Heaton- Malaysians’
those who see opportunities presented by the Watson favourite
pandemic crisis. Developers are offering good
incentives to generate sales revenue during this
pandemic,” adds Chen. investment
Knight Frank Malaysia’s International Res-
idential Project Marketing associate director
Dominic Heaton-Watson concurs that the pan-
demic hasn’t dampened Malaysians’ appetite What to watch out
for overseas property. for when investing London
“In fact, we have seen some really interesting
trends since the start of the pandemic. While
in overseas
physical viewings were difficult during lockdown, properties Birmingham
strong levels of pent-up demand were building,
evident by the ‘Lock-down lift-off’. • Know the country
“For instance, the market in London quickly • Know the property New York Familiarity with It may seem
returned to the strong pre-pandemic levels of
transactions and July and August were the bus- • Study the market well each other’s easy to buy a
iest months on record for Knight Frank. During • Know the legal, finance, Melbourne culture and close property abroad
July and August, 44% of Knight Frank Malaysia duties and foreigners’
transactions for London property were 2-bed- restrictions distance are the foreign but
room apartments,” Heaton-Watson shares. • Appointing the right Bali main reasons investors must
He adds that the lockdown period allowed agency — property and
clients to really fine tune their requirements; tenant management is Malaysians consider the after
they now place greater emphasis on wellness vital during the investment Bangkok choose to invest sales implications
attributes in the property they buy. The need for period
access and proximity to open green space, larg-
• Consider local tenant
in Singapore.” and services.”
er balconies and extra bedroom has also been Singapore
evident as people want more space for leisure demand before choosing — Tian — Chen
and home office. a unit
EP 11 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020


The city of
Melbourne, Australia.


Why Malaysians Searching for a safe haven

buy overseas JLL Property Services (Malaysia) and Japan. These countries,
Sdn Bhd country head YY Lau alongside Singapore, Aus-
properties also sees investors stepping up tralia, and several others, can
risk management by diversifying be deemed safe havens with
into different property sectors their monolithic fundamen-
Children’s and locations. tals as well as sustainability in
education Yield-sensitive investors and property demand,” Lau tells
those hoping for long-term ap-
preciation and sustainability are The UK, Lau says, has proven
looking to buy more properties, to be a safe haven for investment
Portfolio especially with capital in play as the units are usually tenanted
diversification being higher today than ever. quickly. Even during the lock-
While UEM Sunrise is contin- down, all tenants renewed their
uing its foray into the Australian agreements.
Safe haven market, Axis REIT recently dis- “Even during the peak of the
status closed their preference for the pandemic, there have been no
local market’ and both of them requests for rental rebates or
have reported success in their waivers whatsoever in the UK
ventures, says Lau. market. Another safe haven, Ja-
Tips on buying your Pure ROI “Individual investors have pan, also continues to enjoy po-
(return on shown interest in the interna- litical stability, a defensive cur-
first overseas property investment) tional properties we launched rency, low vacancy rate. Rental
recently, especially in the UK collection was also not an issue
during the peak of the pandemic
Understand there,” she notes.

foreign buyer Besides the UK and Japan,

Lau sees Indonesia continuous-
Yield-sensitive investors ly lobbying for the relocations of
as well as those looking US and Japanese companies to
South East Asia. Tokyo, mean-
For pure investment at long-term appreciation while, is offering incentives to
Engage reputable purpose, pick a and sustainability are Japanese companies to diversify
local agency for destination with easy looking to buy more from China to South East Asia.
advice and after market exit policy; “So, yes, it is still a good time
properties, especially
sales service such as buy what the local to invest abroad depending on
property management tenant market is with capital in play being the location and sector. However,
and leasing looking for higher today than ever.” investors must do a comprehen-
— Lau sive study on their own or appoint
a specialist for the task,” adds Lau.


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EP 12 FR I DAY SEP TEM B ER 2 5 , 2 02 0

Woods Square is an
integrated commercial
development in
Singapore with offices,
retail and F&B outlets
and a childcare centre.

ompanies aiming to capture
a bigger pool of clients and
customers in the northern
part of Singapore are set-
ting up shop at Woods Square, located
in the vibrant Woodlands centre and
close to Johor, Malaysia.
An integrated commercial de-
velopment with retail, F&B and a
childcare centre, Woods Square sits
squarely in the heart of Woodlands
Regional Centre. Under the North-
ern Gateway blueprint in Singapore’s

Woods Square:
Urban Redevelopment Authority
(URA)’s Master Plan 2019, the region
promises to be a new transformative
hive of commercial activities includ-
ing a new agri-tech hub.

Key tenants
Anchor tenants at Woods Square in- A draw for firms heading north of Singapore
to tap a bigger population base
clude Qiren Organisation (SP — Qiren,
an authorised representative of AIA
Singapore, Reg. No. 201106386R),
Anytime Fitness, Far East Organiza-
tion, Superland Pre-School and The
Write Connection.
Qiren Organisation will be taking time. “This is the first time that our safe, clean and fun environment for pressway, Bukit Timah Expressway Office Loft Office (SOLO) units for
up approximately 36,000 sq ft of satellite offices are located with- them to workout 24/7. and the new North-South Corridor, sale. There are 101 such strata-titled
space spread over 1½ floors at Woods in one location. Coupled with our “Our gyms are designed to be con- which eases traffic flows and cuts SOLO units with sizes ranging from
Square for its latest satellite office digital transformational undertak- venient, affordable and accessible so travel time to the city by half an hour. 495 to 1,800 sq ft, and 5m floor-to
which it has named Woods Valley. ing, it will drive better collaboration that members continue to be moti- Commuters travelling in and out of floor height with furniture platform
The insurance giant views Woods and improve our efficiency, which vated in their lifelong fitness journey,” Johor, Malaysia, can also seamless- provided.
Square as an attractive location giv- in turn, will enhance our ability to adds the company spokesperson. ly do so with the completion of the Many have witnessed the respec-
en its centrality within Woodlands support and serve our customers These established companies see Johor Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit tive success of Tampines and Jurong
Regional Centre, and proximity to better. In addition, as a value-add the potential of Woodlands as the System (RTS). It was announced on regional centres in the Eastern and
Yishun and Sembawang in the North, to our Woods Square owners and next growth hub, especially with the July 2020 that the RTS Link will be an Western part of Singapore, where the
as well as Punggol and Sengkang in tenants, we have also carved out a launch of 2,110 Build-To-Order (BTO) LRT line, and the RTS station is just 1 once-residential towns were trans-
the Northeast region. This enables range of meeting facilities for them flats in August by the Housing & De- MRT stop away from Woods Square. formed into thriving centres of com-
representatives of AIA Singapore to to access for a nominal fee,” says velopment Board. When the project is completed in merce. As the next regional centre
reach out and serve a larger pool of Cheryl Huan, Far East Organization’s Catering to the needs of residents 2026, it will connect Bukit Chagar in developed by URA, Woodlands, with
customers. Chief Operating Officer for the Sales and the office population, Woods Johor Bahru to Woodlands North MRT the added advantage of proximity
With Woodlands Regional Centre and Leasing Group. Square has a wide range of retail and station in Singapore, and is expected to Malaysia, looks set to follow in
poised to be the largest economic Superland Pre-School will be F&B outlets such as Eu Yang San TCM to serve about 10,000 passengers per the footsteps of its successful pre-
hub in the northern part of Singapore, setting up an infant and childcare Clinic, Fun Toast, Glance Optical, Ji hour each way to help ease traffic decessors.
coupled with the fact that the popu- centre that can accommodate up De Chi Dessert, Saizeriya, Sanook congestion on the Causeway. Prices start from S$1.04 million
lation is bigger than in other estates, to 100 children between the ages of Kitchen, and Swee Heng 1989 Classic. for a 560 sq ft office unit and S$1.43
being located at Woods Square brings two months and six years at Woods Only Grade A-like million for a 721 sq ft SOLO unit.
greater convenience, says Qiren Or- Square. “Woodlands is a new target Connectivity offices in the North Buyers and sellers of commercial
ganisation. market for our pre-school,” says a Connecting key locations in both Sin- In all, there are four towers in Woods property enjoy exemption for addi-
“Having office, retail and other company spokesperson. “We chose gapore and Johor Bahru, the Wood- Square – Tower 1 & 2 and SOLO 1 & tional buyer’s stamp duty (ABSD) or
amenities, including a childcare cen- Woods Square for its excellent loca- lands Regional Centre is expected to 2. The 365 office units in Tower 1, seller’s stamp duty (SSD) which is a
tre within an integrated develop- tion and its positioning as a major hub serve as the strategic domestic cen- with floor-to-floor heights of 4.2m, good bonus for companies looking
ment, enables us to engage in direct in the North.” tre for the Northern Agri-Tech and are for sale. Tower 2 is set aside for to purchase their own office space
outreach marketing activities with Woods Square’s connectivity to Food Corridor. The centre will bring lease with Far East Organization as and investors. There is currently a 4%
our key customer segments, and to Woodlands MRT Station and Bus In- together various elements to form a an anchor tenant. Currently, 62% of per annum rental guarantee for three
achieve our objective of being the terchange allows Superland to tap a larger ecosystem that comprises the the 208 office units launched for sale years for selected units, a good con-
insurance provider for families,” adds new and growing catchment area. future Agri-Food Innovation Park re- have been sold. sideration for investors who want to
Qiren Organisation. “Our commitment “Being right in the centre of such plete with modern high-tech farms, Flexible office spaces range from enjoy guaranteed rental for a locked-
has always been to ensure that peo- an important hub will definitely in- and the Senoko Food Zone that will 549 to 9,849 sq ft which can be amal- in period.
ple and their families are adequately crease the demand for our services,” cater to the food-related industry gamated up to 20,000 sq ft. In the The office spaces are also avail-
protected.” adds the company spokesperson. and businesses. wake of Covid-19 safety management able for lease.
Far East Organization, Singapore’s “Overall, it would help us to provide Woods Square has sheltered ac- measures, they are ideal for satellite
largest private property developer, an even better level of service to our cess to the Woodlands MRT Station, offices and business continuity plans. Brought to you by

is another major occupier at Woods customers.” which is positioned as the intersec- To address the growing appeal for Far East Orchard Ltd, Far
Square, taking up about 73,200 sq Anytime Fitness will be another tion of the North-South Line (NSL) smaller and compact office spac- East Organization
ft of space spread over three floors occupier at Woods Square. “We are and Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL). es, Woods Square also offers Small & Sekisui House Ltd
within Tower 2. The space will feature very excited to be part of this bustling Scheduled to be fully operational by
modern workplace facilities such as neighbourhood and to have the op- 2024, the TEL will provide a fast- To make an appointment to view the office units or for a
open collaborative areas that encour- portunity to influence a healthy life- er commute from the North to the personalised virtual tour from the comfort of your home:
age creativity and teamwork and an style through fitness and wellness in Central Business District and Or- call +65 65348000 or WhatsApp +65 97122344.
on-site café. the Woodlands community,” says a chard Road.
Woods Square will see Far East company spokesperson. As a lead- For those who drive, Woods Please refer to
Organization’s satellite operations ing brand in the industry, Anytime Square is accessible to major ex- for more information.
housed under one roof for the first Fitness provides members with a pressways such as the Seletar Ex-

The joint developers of Woods Square are among the leading organisations in real estate development and management in the Asia-Pacific region. Sekisui House is the leading housing company in Japan, headquartered in
Osaka; Far East Orchard a diversified property investment portfolio, owns and manages an extensive range of hospitality assets; and Far East Organization is Singapore’s biggest private property developer.
EP 13 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020



Eyeing growth in the Lion City

Singapore 2Q2020 private Promising market
n diversifying their prop- residential property index Besides the good property market per-
erty investment portfolios, formance, Tian points out that Singa-
Singapore has been one of KEY INDICATORS 1Q2020 2Q2020 CHANGE pore is one of the most politically stable,
the top choices for Malay- Price index 152.1 152.6 0.3% democratic and safe countries in Asia Why do people
sian investors for its prox- to work and live in.
imity and robust economic Rental index 105.6 104.3 -1.2% A stable economy and political envi- like Singapore?
growth. Take-up 2,149 1,713 -20.3% ronment are the assurance to good re-
PropNex Realty group lead- turns in property investments, he says, • Safe environment and political
Pipeline supply 48,868 49,090 0.5%
er Matt Tian tells adding that Hong Kong used to attract stability
that Malaysians are one of the Vacancy rate 5.4% 5.4% 0.0 many among the global super-rich
• Promising returns as there is
biggest foreign property buyers but high-net-worth individuals are
in Singapore, and vice-versa. PROPNEX REALTY looking for other alternatives in Asia very limited development land
The familiarity with each other’s these days, and Singapore has caught • Well-planned city with good
culture and close distance are their attention. infrastructure
the main reasons Malaysians Geographically, Singapore is located
choose to invest in Singapore. in the heart of Southeast Asia and is well • Close to Malaysia, hence easy
According to Singapore Ur- positioned to serve the fast growing mar- to manage
ban Redevelopment Authority ket of the Asia Pacific region. The Johor
(URA) data, from January to Bahru-Singapore Rapid Transit System
August this year, the top five (RTS) and KL-Singapore High-Speed Rail
foreign buyers in Singapore are (HSR) infrastructure development are Chagar in Johor Bahru to Woodlands
from China, Malaysia, India, In- expected to further enhance the Lion in Singapore, serving about 10,000 pas-
donesia and the United States. City’s connectivity. sengers per hour each way, to help ease
Although Malaysian buying Things to consider The RTS Link will connect Bukit traffic congestion on the Causeway.
interest has decreased due to “We are in the buyer’s market now.
the weakening ringgit, Tian ob- Tian: Buying a property in
before purchase Developers are very sensitive to their
serves that Malaysian investors
still prefer to have a property
Singapore is still a popular idea
for Malaysian investors as the
Singapore property selling price, which is an advantage
to buyers [who are interested to own a
1 Buyer’s stamp duty rate
across the Causeway and are market is quite promising. for residential properties types at a glance property in Singapore]. Coupled with the
constantly looking for good op- current low interest rate environment,
portunities. Despite the restrictions and First S$180,000: 1% it makes sense for buyers to invest in
“Buying a property in Sin- higher entry cost, Singapore is Next S$180,000: 2% property now.
gapore is still a popular idea still an attractive destination to Next S$640,000: 3% “While foreigners are not eligible to
for Malaysian investors as the foreign investors, thanks to the Remainder: 4% buy HDB projects and projects in the
market is quite promising. If a resilient demand even during CBD may be too pricey, you may con-
project’s price and location are the Covid-19 pandemic. sider buying into those areas that have
2 Additional buyer’s
correct, it will still attract a fair- “People have been wait- transformed or those new areas that
stamp duty
ly good number of Malaysians,” ing for a significant price drop HDB project have been identified by the government
he shares. when Covid-19 hit. However, Singapore permanent for redevelopment and transformation,
six months have passed and resident’s (PR) first Reserved for citizens and permanent such as places like district 21 and 15,”
property: 5%
Restrictions on the property price doesn’t seem
to be much affected. The price Singapore PR’s second and
residents (with strict criteria to fulfill) Tian reckons.
Projects which have good access to
foreign purchase is still holding up nicely,” Tian subsequent property: 15%
Executive condominium RTS are also worth considering, for in-
While welcoming foreigners to noted. Foreigners: 20% stance, Woods Square in the heart of
Singapore, the Lion City also According to URA, prices of Could sell to foreigners after Woodlands Regional Centre.
has strict restrictions to pro- private residential properties a 10-year of Minimum Occupation Poised to be the largest economic hub
tect the interest of Singapore increased by 0.3% in the second 3 Other costs of in Singapore’s North region under the
transactions Period (MOP)
citizens and the local property quarter of 2020, compared with URA’s Master Plan 2019, Woods Square is
market. For example, public the 1% decrease in the previous Mortgage duty, legal and an integrated commercial development
housing under the Housing and quarter. Meanwhile, rentals of administration fees. Private high-rise project with retail, F&B, and a childcare centre
Development Board (HDB) is private residential properties and is connected to Woodlands MRT
only available for citizens and decreased by 1.2% compared Open to all citizens and foreigners Station via the neighbouring Causeway
qualified permanent resident. to a 1.1% increase in the first 4 Loan for foreign Point mall.
For foreign buyers, there will quarter of 2020. buyers? Landed property With the project being well connected
also be an additional buyer’s Some 1,852 uncompleted The loan-to-value ratio to the key locations in Singapore and Jo-
stamp duty (20%) on top of private residential units were Reserved for citizens and permanent hor Bahru, Woodlands Regional Centre
maximum is 60%;
the normal buyer’s stamp duty introduced to the market in downpayment: 5% to 10% residents (with strict criteria to fulfill) can serve as the strategic centre for the
during transaction. 2Q2020 and 1,713 were sold. Northern Agri-Tech and Food Corridor.
EP 14 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020


An aerial
view of


BY N ATAL IE KHOO prime Central London, he sees
prices rising as high as 6% and
eal estate in the 7% respectively, in 2022.
United Kingdom What investors should note
(UK) has always are areas marked for regenera-
been a hit for Ma- tion. The infrastructure in these
laysian property areas is being upgraded by pub-
investors. Besides lic initiatives and new homes
being viewed as a highly-fa- built by private enterprises.
voured study destination, UK “Notable hotspots include
real estate had always boast- Whitechapel with the upcom-
ed strong capital growth and ing Crossrail station that con-
steady rental yield. nects East and West London
However, with the noise on on high speed rail. In 2016,
UK’s withdrawal from the Eu- JLL produced a research re-
ropean Union (Brexit), coupled port which reviewed all the 42

Expected price growth

with the upcoming challenging Crossrail stations. This docu-
winter season and rise in Cov- ment researched aspects like
id-19 cases which Prime Min- price growth, rental demand,

for UK properties in 2022

ister Boris Johnson has labelled lifestyle and the general impact
a second wave of virus, will the on the area. Whitechapel was in
UK retain its appeal as a prop- the top spot for price growth out
erty investment hotspot? of all 42 stations,” says Whitten.
It is noteworthy that UK Whitechapel is located two
house prices soared to record minutes away from the City of
highs last month since 2016 Au- London and three minutes from
gust despite the Covid-19 crisis, Canary Wharf, one of the three
with market observers attribut- core Financial and Business Pros and cons London will remain competitive despite stamp duty changes
ing this to the stamp duty cut
and pent up demand.
Services (F&BS) employment
locations in London in large of investing 350 Domestic

in UK

Whether this trend is a flash part responsible for the capital’s 300

Transaction tax (£ ’000)

in the pan is anyone’s guess. emergence as Europe’s premier 250

financial centre.


Slight recovery Will London remain a good


property investment choice?
in 2022

JLL Property Services Malaysia 100


£58,000 £60,000
Property consultancy firm JLL Lead of International Residen- • A world-class 50
Research head of UK Living Re- tial Christine Wong believes so, financial 0
search Nick Whitten points out thanks to its undervalued cur- centre and London Paris New York Sydney Singapore Hong Kong Berlin Vancouver
that UK is the sixth largest econ- rency, relatively cheaper stamp education hub
omy in the world, with London duty compared to other major – London has
being the capital city. Other no- cities and strong economic fun-
table cities include Birmingham, damentals.
four universities in the Top UK house price change House price change JLL house price forecast
50 (top and annual transactions Annual transactions JLL transactions forecast
Manchester, Glasgow, Liver- “The 2020 UK Budget has — Historic and JLL forecast
pool, Bristol and Edinburgh. announced a 2% rise in stamp • Reliable rental returns
Whitten is more conservative duty for foreign buyers effec- due to low vacancy rate. 30
Global Financial Crisis
(2007 - 09)

Transactions (m per year)

about the market. The lockdown tive April 2021 — completed Expected return of around UK recession
(1990 - 91)
Covid-19 (2020 - )
% change per year

period severely affected trans- purchases before that date will 3% to 5%, depending 20
action volume and he expects pay the same as domestic inves- on location and capital 10 1.0

average house prices to drop tors. The Sterling Pound is also investment with low 0.8
about 8% this year, remaining undervalued with the pound to vacancy period 0.6
flat in 2021 before recovering dollar exchange rate at US$1.40 • Strong capital growth 0.2
to 3% in 2022 and 5% in 2023 as compared to May this year at prospect due to UK -20 0.0
Dec 94

Dec 96

Dec 99
Dec 98

Dec 04

Dec 06

Dec 09
Dec 08
Dec 95

Dec 00

Dec 05

Dec 24
Dec 92

Dec 02

Dec 20
Dec 93

Dec 03

Dec 22
Dec 97

Dec 07

Dec 23
Dec 14

Dec 16
Dec 91

Dec 19
Dec 18
Dec 01

Dec 10

Dec 15

housing shortage –
Dec 12

Dec 21
Dec 13

Dec 17
Dec 11

and 2024. US$1.23 and pre-Brexit in 2016

For Greater London and at US$1.48,” says Wong. demand exceeds supply for
many years to come
• Letting and management
of property are done
professionally and
How to buy an international property
governed by clear and fair
rules and guidelines STEP 1 STEP 4 STEP 6
• Performed well during Be prepared — Research Hire a lawyer or agent to Once the contract is
crisis and strong track the advantages of assist with handling the signed, be prepared to
record of return investing in different contract. Reputable real transfer the necessary
countries and learn about estate consultants should deposits.

• Tax efficient investment

their taxes and property be happy to recommend
regulations. experts for this task. STEP 7
Closer to completion,
Exposed to STEP 2 STEP 5 secure a mortgage
foreign currency Identify the property to Agents can assist with provider, if one is
fluctuation risk purchase contract translation needed. Again, trusted
Whitten: Notable hotspots Wong: The 2020 UK Budget if capital needs services where necessary real estate agencies will
include Whitechapel with the has announced a 2% rise in to be repatriated STEP 3 and arrange signing be able to recommend
upcoming Crossrail station that stamp duty for foreign buyers back to domicile country Pay a reservation fee sessions with developers, banks offering mortgage
connects East and West London effective April 2021 – completed someday unless proper towards the ‘preliminary so travel may not be products for overseas
on high speed rail. purchases before that date hedging knowledge is sales and purchase necessary in all cases. buyers.
will pay the same as domestic acquired. agreement’.
EP 15 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020



Australia still hot among

ustralia is no

overseas investors
stranger to Ma-
laysians. Her
climate, world-
class education
and lifestyle of-
fered continue to draw proper-
ty investors from Malaysia and
across the globe.
A report published this year KNIGHT FRANK MALAYSIA How to buy property
by independent global property
consultancy firm Knight Frank
Pros and cons in Australia
titled Focus in Australia said her of investing
population grew 1.5% in 2019
to 25.4 million. The two most in Australia
populated cities are Sydney (5.3
million) and Melbourne (5.1
• Safe
million) *
According to the report, last
and political
year, the research and analysis
division of Economist Group stability *
providing forecasting and ad- • Safe haven destination **
visory services has placed five • International portfolio
Australian cities in the top 18 diversification
most liveable, from 140 cities. Heaton-Watson: Most major *
• Strong currency
Melbourne took the 2nd spot, Australian cities were on a
followed by Sydney 3rd and Ad- significant upward price growth • World-class education
elaide 10th. Perth and Brisbane trajectory coming into 2020 • Transparent and stable

took the 14th and 18th spots re- with relatively solid underlying political and legal systems.
spectively. The index was based key fundamentals • Australian trend of
on 30 considerations across five downsizing from house
areas including stability, infra- from investors to owner-occupi- and land to amenity-led
structure, education, health care ers as a result of cooling meas- apartments.
and environment. ures and tighter lending.
• Lifestyle and liveability of


“Downsizers are securing
the major cities.
Where are the low-maintenance residences
so investors are wise to keep
hotspots? domestic buyers in mind for
With so many states in Australia their eventual re-sale market. • Tighter
to invest in, where are some of Medium-density new build de- lending from
the hotspots not to be missed? velopments within reasonable banks
Knight Frank Malaysia in- distances of the CBD and offer- for 6 months
• Foreigner of the year
ternational project marketing ing abundant common amen- stamp duty
associate director Dominic He- ities are expected to perform
• Foreign investors can
aton-Watson says “it is difficult well,” Heaton-Watson explains.
only buy off-the-plan,
to pin point the specific areas However, Melbourne and
new build properties (not
in today’s challenging times”. Sydney could see a hard down-
existing stock).
However, he sees the more es- turn this year due to impact
tablished cities likely to be more from the Covid 19 pandemic • Before purchasing a
resilient, with Perth likely to on international tourism, enter- residential property in
perform best in the mainstream tainment and higher education. Australia, all foreign
market. “In contrast, Western Aus- investors must apply to
“One strong performing sec- tralia’s economy is forecast the Foreign Investment
tor I would highlight is the su- to outperform, helped by the Review Board (FIRB) and
per-prime and branded resi- recovery in China’s demand a fee is payable before the
dences market in Sydney. With for commodities. Historically, application is processed.
such limited stock, few compet- Perth’s property market flour- This fee does not provide *FIRB: Foreign Investment Review Board **ATO: Australia Taxation Office
ing buildings and low incoming ishes with a booming commod- any assurance of securing
supply in the pipeline, the price ity sector,” Heaton-Watson says. the property.
performance is well supported “Key global cities and eco- nificant upward price growth trajectory the rest of 2020, we are looking at a re-
and demand levels are evidently nomic powerhouse locations SOURCE: KNIGHT FRANK MALAYSIA coming into 2020 with relatively solid turn to growth in 2021 with the hope of
strong,” he tells such as Sydney are likely to fare underlying key fundamentals,” Hea- a vaccine in play.
According to Heaton-Wat- better, show the most resilience, ton-Watson emphasises. “The Knight Frank Sydney office and
son, Australia records a wide and bounce back quicker than His observation was based on the min- residential sales team have reported that
spectrum of residential property other cities domestically and imal price reductions in residential pro- they had significantly more enquiries
buyers, although in recent years internationally. Most major jects and established homes in 2Q2020. during lockdown than they did last year
the market has notably shifted Australian cities were on a sig- “Although the outlook is bleak for over the same period,” he adds.
EP 16 Fri day sep t emb er 25 , 2020

s potlig h t F r i day au g u s t 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
Click/tap on
each listing
Commercial Residential to visit the
Properties for sale and rent listing’s page

RM570,000 RM34,000/mth RM3,100,000 RM638,000

Lexa Residence @ The Quartz, KL Eco City, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur Section 2, Shah Alam, Selangor Taman Yarl, Jalan Klang Lama,
Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur Type: Office Tenure: NA Type: Bungalow Tenure: Leasehold Kuala Lumpur
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Built-up: 4,381 sq ft Built-up: 4,180 sq ft Land size: 8,530 sq ft Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 893 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 6 Bathroom: 5 Built-up: 2,400 sq ft Land size: 1,540 sq ft
Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 3

Fazli Shahar (REN 18056) Felicia Lee (REN 22331) Fitri (REN 22367) Joseph Tin Kok Hua (REN 31981)
DRMI Property Consultant (VE (3) 0369) IQI REALTY SDN BHD (E (1) 1584) CBD PROPERTIES SDN BHD (E (1) 1197) CID REALTORS SDN BHD (E (1) 1855)
+6012 360 2422 +6019 381 2638 +6019 999 3444 +6019 265 6602

RM5,000 (RM5.98 psf) NE
Serviced apartment unit, DE
Pavilion Suites, Kuala Lumpur
Concluded by: Kelly Tan Yen Chin
of IQI Realty Sdn Bhd
(PEA 1960)

(+6012 266 0695) When: June 2020

RM19,438,650 RM1,980,000
Pulau Indah Industrial Park, Launched and developed by appreciation potential, just like SouthLake, Desa Parkcity,
Pulau Indah, Selangor Noteworthy Pavilion Group in 2015, Pavilion the Taiwanese landlord who Kuala Lumpur
Type: Industrial land Tenure: Leasehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
• Built-up: 836 sq ft Suites is a freehold single tower owns the unit,” Tan noted.
Land size: 5.95 acres Built-up: 2,000 sq ft Bedroom: 4
development that houses 383 Meanwhile, the tenant is a
• Freehold Bathroom: 4
serviced apartments. There are Singaporean who is working
• 2 bedrooms;
Foong Boon Chin (REN 24025) four floor plans to choose from in Kuala Lumpur. She likes this Frank Liang (REN 20657)
1 bathroom
MEGAHARTA REAL ESTATE SDN BHD (E (1) 1215) with built-up ranging from 718 unit for the KLCC view and REAPFIELD PROPERTIES (HQ) SDN BHD (E (1) 0452)
• Fully furnished sq ft to 1,254 sq ft.
+6012 692 2939 the impeccable furnishing by +6012 211 3138
• Mid floor with KLCC Pavilion Suites is connected Pavilion Group.
view to the Pavilion Shopping Centre “This unit also comes with
• Facilities: Infinity Kuala Lumpur, which is located a plus one room with a study
pool, wading in Jalan Bukit Bintang and linked desk, which can function as a
pool, pool deck, to the Petronas Twin Towers via small office, fulfilling the tenant’s
gymnasium, spa
the pedestrian bridge of KLCC. It needs as she has to work from
room, indoor Jacuzzi,
is also 300m away from Bintang home more often since the
function room,
outdoor terrace, MRT station. movement control order started
sitting lounge and According to real estate in March,” Tan said.
water feature. agent Kelly Tan Yen Chin of IQI While there is no transaction
• Amenities: Realty Sdn Bhd, who recently data available for Pavilion
Pedestrian bridge concluded a rental deal in Suites so far this year, last year
RM287,000 linked to Petronas Pavilion Suites, it is one of the saw 22 and 40 units asking for
Twin Towers, 300m most sought-after projects in sale and rent respectively, as of
Puncak Saujana, Kajang, Selangor away from Bintang the Golden Triangle of Kuala mid-September, according to Fraser Towers, Petaling Jaya,
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold MRT station, walking Lumpur, thanks to its location. Selangor
Built-up: 1,055 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 distance to Bintang Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
“The project units were The average asking price
Walk and Changkat Built-up: 1,904 sq ft Bedroom: 4
snapped up fast despite it is RM2.73 million or RM3,299
Bukit Bintang. Bathroom: 3
being one of the most premium psf, while the average asking
Fuad Yusof (REN 22840) launches back in 2015. Many monthly rental is RM5,375 or Glenn Mak (REN 22639)
MAXXAN REALTY SDN BHD (E (1) 1766) buyers were buying for its capital RM6.96 psf. AVID ESTATES (E (3) 1524)
+6018 259 7160 +6012 868 3563

RM1,100,000 RM1,150,000 RM995,000 RM480,000

Elmina 3, Denai Alam, Selangor Denai Alam, Selangor Seri Riana Residence, Wangsa Taman Gembira, Klang, Selangor
Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Maju, Kuala Lumpur Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 2,056 sq ft Land size: 2,760 sq ft Built-up: 3,300 sq ft Land size: 2,960 sq ft Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 1,600 sq ft Land size: 1,400 sq ft
Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 5 Built-up: Leasehold Land size: 1,528 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2
Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2

Hakimi (REN 42898) Hanif Kasmani (REN 38092) Harry Anwar (REN 38290) Hayati Husin (REN 01018)
SDN BHD (VE (1) 0241) +6016 222 6377 +6010 404 0345 +6012 912 5034 +6019 359 6969
EP 17 Fri day sep t emb er 25 , 2020

sp otl ight
Find your dream home from more than
250,000 listings at

Commercial Residential

Properties for sale and rent Pro Agents, get your listings featured here! Email [email protected] or call 03-7733 9000

RM6,700,000 RM650,000 RM6,500/mth RM228,000

Q Sentral, KL Sentral, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Northpoint Residences, Mid Valley Sri Penara, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold City, Kuala Lumpur Type: Flat Tenure: Leasehold
Type: Office Tenure: Freehold Built-up: 915 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 650 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2
Built-up: 4,100 sq ft Built-up: 1,800 sq ft Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 3

Henry Chin (E1833) Henry Heng (REN 32256) Josephine Tan (REN 05324) Ikhwan Arif (REN 35921)
+6012 377 8306 +6012 800 4113 +6012 390 9498 +6012 581 9566

RM3,500 (RM2.83 psf) NE
Office unit in Arcoris Business DE
Suites, Mont’Kiara, Kuala Lumpur
Concluded by: Catherine Wong
of Kith and Kin Realty Sdn Bhd
(REN 23091)

(+6019 663 3377) When: May 2020

RM229,000 RM3,900/mth
Sri Ivori Apartment, Ayer Itam, Developed by UEM Sunrise Bhd, tower, not all the office units Kempas, Johor Bahru, Johor
Penang Noteworthy Arcoris Business Suites houses come with garden terraces. Type: Industrial land Tenure: Freehold
Type: Apartment Tenure: Leasehold Land size: 10,000 sq ft
• Built-up: 262 business suites with full- Most of the units are pretty
Built-up: 700 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2
1,233 sq ft fledge infrastructure complete standard with built-up ranging
• Freehold with the latest technology from 666 sq ft to 899 sq ft. Only
Joyce Cheah (REN 30486) and security systems. The a handful of the units have Ivy Low (REN 15879)
• Semi-furnished
BIG PLUS PROPERTIES (PENANG) SDN BHD units of various sizes are also garden terrace,” Wong tells GATHER PROPERTIES SDN BHD (E (1) 1536/4)
(E (1) 1834/2) +6016 415 4708
• Comes with a built around voids to promote +6019 727 3149
garden terrace
cross-ventilation and maximum She adds that the landlord
• Access to natural light. is an investor who has been
swimming pool, renting out this unit since the
According to Kith and Kin
sauna room,
Realty real estate negotiator vacant possession in 2017, while
Catherine Wong, the project is the current tenant is her second.
launderette and different from the other office According to EdgeProp
BBQ area buildings in Mont’Kiara because Research, there were three
• Amenities: it has direct access to facilities units in Arcoris Business Suites
Direct access to such as swimming pool, sauna that changed hands in 2019 at
Arcoris Plaza’s room and gymnasium room. an average transaction price of
retail and dining Meanwhile, the unit where RM1,130 psf or RM1.03 million.
outlets, walking she concluded the rental real No transaction was recorded in
RM2,650,000 distance to
shopping malls,
was a unique one as the 869 sq 2020.
ft office unit comes with a 364 As of mid-September, there
Kayangan Heights, Shah Alam, commercial sq ft terrace, providing a total are six units in Arcoris Business Damansara Indah Resort Homes,
Selangor hub and
space 1,233 sq ft. Suites listed for sale. The average Tropicana, Selangor
Type: Bungalow Tenure: Leasehold international Type: Bungalow Tenure: Leasehold
“The tenant loves the concept asking price is RM811,066 or
Built-up: 6,500 sq ft Land size: 9,852 sq ft schools. Built-up: 7,000 sq ft Land size: 10,000 sq ft
of an office with its own garden RM927 psf. Meanwhile, there
Bedroom: 6 Bathroom: 7 Bedroom: 7 Bathroom: 7
terrace, which could be used as are 13 units up for rental. The
Izzah Rohaizad (REN 10356) an outdoor space or balcony. average asking monthly rental is Jacinta Lee (REN 11916)
SDN BHD (VE (1) 0241) +6017 422 2179 +6012 296 1477

RM25,000,000 RM1,450/mth RM4,280,000 RM650,000

Hicom Glenmarie, Subang, Lexa Residence @ The Quartz, Subang Jaya, Selangor Kota Kemuning, Selangor
Selangor Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur Type: Factory Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
Type: Factory Tenure: NA Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Built-up: 6,300 sq ft Land size: 9,740 sq ft Built-up: 2,100 sq ft Land size: 1,650 sq ft
Built-up: 29,000 sq ft Land size: 72,000 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3

Judy Chan (REN 00827) Jack Khor (REN 05436) Jack Wong (REN 34442) Judy Ng (REN 06777)
+6012 201 9077 +6012 800 6826 +6016 905 9066 (E (1) 1439) +6016 292 2703
EP 18 Fri day sep t emb er 25 , 2020

s potlig h t F r i day au gu s t 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
Click/tap on
each listing
Commercial Residential to visit the
Properties for sale and rent listing’s page

RM320,000 RM25,068,000 RM6,200,000 RM1,300,000

Taman Nusari Bayu 3, Seremban, Jalan Puchong Jaya, Puchong, U-Thant Residence, Taman Stonor 3, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur
Negeri Sembilan Selangor U-Thant, Kuala Lumpur Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Agricultural land Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Built-up: 871 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2
Built-up: 1,650 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Land size: 126,590 sq ft Built-up: 6,800 sq ft Bedroom: 6
Bathroom: 3 Bathroom: 8

Juliaty (REN 03840) James Lee (PEA2496) James LH Ong (REN 03246) Justin Lee (REN 32527)
+6019 200 3007 +6010 773 0073 +6014 206 9118 +6016 618 9568

RM658,000 RM1,150,000 RM1,350,000 RM2,937,600

Diamond City, Semenyih, Selangor SS 7, Kelana Jaya, Selangor Twins @ Damansara Heights, Pusat Shantung Road, Hilltop Luyang,
Type: Cluster house Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Bandar Damansara, Kuala Lumpur Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Built-up: 1,862 sq ft Land size: 1,400 sq ft Built-up: 2,900 sq ft Land size: 3,100 sq ft Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Residential land Tenure: Leasehold
Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 1,480 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 5 Land size: 18,360 sq ft

Janice Tan (REN 01426) Justin Low (PEA2226) Jennifer Yap (REN 01757) Jenny Wong (REN 31278)
+6017 555 9588 +6018 969 6878 +6012 324 0238 +6019 881 3803

RM998,000 RM3,600/mth RM6,800,000 RM800,000

Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Aria Luxury Residence, Jalan Tun Taman Taming Jaya, Balakong, Taman Segar Perdana, Cheras,
Type: Bungalow Tenure: Freehold Razak, Kuala Lumpur Selangor Selangor
Land size: 5,400 sq ft Bedroom: 5 Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Factory Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Leasehold
Bathroom: 4 Built-up: 753 sq ft Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Built-up: 21,000 sq ft Built-up: 1,800 sq ft Land size: 1,300 sq ft
Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 4

Jenny Wong (REN 17859) K V Chai (REN 16891) Jessica Tung (REN 05827) Jessie Lim (REN 05281)
+6016 333 4080 +6012 934 6860 +6012 381 7783 +6013 340 7162

RM450,000,000 RM738,000 RM799,888 RM 1,590,000

Life Plaza, Jalan Loke Yew, Jaya One Residence, Petaling Jaya, USJ 5, Subang Jaya, Selangor Subang Parkhomes, Subang Jaya,
Kuala Lumpur Selangor Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Selangor
Type: Commercial complex Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 2,000 sq ft Land size: 1,800 sqft Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Tenure: Leasehold Built-up: 560,000 sq ft Built-up: 1,051 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 2,772 sq ft Bedroom: 5
Land size: 704,915 sq ft Bathroom: 5

Jimmy Ng (REN 02015) Joanne Than (REN 06279) John Oh (REN 07002) Joseph Tan (REN 05029)
+6016 257 0886 (E (1) 1439) +6016 626 8226 +6012 298 6266 +6012 212 3479
EP 19 FRI DAY SEP T EMB ER 25 , 2020

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