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Contents illustrations Search from the illustration

1 For safety and security Be sure to read the customer that would like

2 Some of the meters meter, warning light (by type, such as concerns about

3 Operation of Parts opening and closing the door, door glass, and adjust the driver
before the operation, such as

4 Driver required and/or advice to the driver

5 Passenger compartmentcompartment
equipped with features.
equipment, including the use

6 The condition may only. of car care and maintenance

7 In the event of fault or when the emergency action, such as

8 Vehicle Information specification of the car to suit your needs and taste of the
features such as information

Search from a symptom

from the sound

The bite.
in the alphabet search search

search alphabetically.
2 TABLE OF CONTENTS > Table Of Contents

知 っ て お い て い た だ き た い こ と .....6
3 Operation of Parts
S ome of this doc ume nt ...................10
O nl y for the s ear c h. ..........................11
Contents ill us tr ati ons .......................12 3-1.key
K ey ..............................................92
1 For safety and security
3-2.opening and closing the doors of the lock
1-1, For Your Safety S mart E ntry & S tart Sy stem ...95
B efor e y ou dri v e ......................22
Wi r el es s r emote c ontr ol ......105
F or a s afe driv e .......................24
Door ........................................108
S eat belt .....................................26
Tr unk .........................................111
S RS air bag ...............................30
3-3. Adjusting the seat
For the safety of the children.
Fr ont s eat ................................114
the headr est ............................116
Chil d S eats ...............................39
3-4.handle position mirror
child safety seat installation.) 47
Handl e ......................................118
Note for ex haus t gas ..............53
Inner Mir r or .............................120
1-2.hybrid system
Door mirr or ..............................122
Hybrid features of the system.) 54
3-5. Opening and closing the door glass
The hybrid system Note.) 58
El ec tri c wi ndow ......................125
1-3.anti-theft device
Immobiliz e r system................................. 63

2 Some of the meters

2. Some of the instrument

Warnin g lights............................................. 66
Instrume nts.................................................... 69
Multi-infor mation display ........... 72

4) oper ati on 5 passenger compartment equipped with


4-1.driver release notes Duri ng c ol d weather dri vi ng. 179

Driv er Rel eas e Notes ..........130
Note W hen l oadi ng c ar go. .137
4-2.driving only.
Engine (ignition) switch
(The Smart Entry & Start System
Non-if fitted).
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Power (ignitio n ) switch
(Smart Entry & Start system if
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... 142
Driv e mode EV ........................148
the gear box .............................150
Di r ec ti on l ev er ........................152
P ar ki ng br ak e .........................153
Hor n ( Hor n). ..........................................154
4-3. How to make light of how to
use the wipers.
light s wi tc h ..............................155
Automatic high-beam ..............158
Windshield Wiper and Washer
(F r ont) .........................................................162
Windshield Wiper and Washer
(r ear) .............................................................165
4-4. Only for refueling.
How to open the gas ............167
4-5. For more information about
driver support equipment
auxiliary equipm ent to driver.
4-6. Driving Tips
Hybrid-electric vehicles
Drivi ng Ti ps ..........................177
5-1, air conditioning, and how
to use the defogger
Auto air conditioning ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
184 1
Rear Window Defogger
Front wipers 193 2

5-2. How to Use the Audio

types of audio ..........................................194
Using the Radio ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 196
How to use the player CD.......198
MP 3/WMA disk to listen to.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 203 4

In order to listen to comfort............209

the steering wheel-mounted switches.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 211 5

5-3. How to make the interior lights

Interior light list ......................................214
Personal light. .......................215
Room Lights ..........................215 equipment

list storage ..................................................217
Glove Box .............................218
And Front Passenger Seat Upper
Box.218 8
Cup holder.............................221
bottle holder. .........................222
Pull-out-coin holder. ........... 223
4 TABLE OF CONTENTS > Table Of Contents

5-5. How to use the other in-room

7 In the event of
Sun Visor/Vanity Mirror ........... 224
Watch.....................................225 7-1. First
Ac c es s ory s oc k et ..................226 When the fault is. ................................ 272
SEAT HEATING emergency lights
the fr ont s eat) . ...................................227 (The hazard warning lights)..........273
RE A R A RMRE S T .................229 flares.............................................................. 274
Gr ab han dl e ............................230 To stop the emergency vehicle. 276
7-2.Emergency Action
6 The condition may only.
For more information about towing 278
Warning light when the ................... 285
6-1. The only condition. You will receive a warning
message when the................... 289
exteri or i n good c onditi on. ..232
When you puncture
Interi or i n good c onditi on. ...235
(Temporary use spare tires fitted to the vehicle).
6-2.A simple inspection and parts .........................................................................303
replacement When you puncture
the bonnet ...............................238 (tire emergenc y repair kit if
fitted to the vehicle)..................313
Tr oll ey j ac k ..............................241
Hybrid system when you are
W as her fl ui d s uppl y ..............243 not starting......................................... 326
For more infor mati on about You can shift the gear lever is
tir es ...........................................244 shifted when not.......................... 328
KEY BATTERY An electronic key will not work properly for you
RE P LA CE ME NT ...................247 (Smart Entry & Start system if
Check and replac e the fuse
When in high spirits ........................ 331
B ul b Repl ac em ent ................257
When the overheating of the 336
Replacing the Air Filter ............268
when you are stuck ..................... 340

8 vehicle information The bite.

8-1.specification list This is

maintenance data (By symptom index)...........................................352
From the car when it rings. 1
(fuel, oil, etc. ) .344
8-2. customization capabilities
alphabet ic al index ............................................... 357
User customization features list.
................................................ 349 alphabetical index ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 358 2


Things You Should Know

For the contents of this document

This document provides you with the option of including description, all of
the equipment. As a result, the customer is not in the car with the
guidance is provided. In addition, the cars may make changes to
specifications, the content is by car if you do not match Please note that
there may be. Toyota dealer installed equipment (dealer option) for the
handling of the products to the Instructions for Use provided with please
The illustration is described by the specificati ons , and the like, becaus e of
the differenc e between your vehicle's equipment and might not match.

For more information about unauthorized modification

Toyota's report to the Ministry of Land, other than the part that is installed
with a positive mismatc h can be modified.
The height can be lowered and wide tires, such as the performance of the
car and not suitable for features is installed with a part is the cause of the
fault, a major accident and injury may be danger ous.
The handle remodeling is strictly prohibited. the air bag on the handle
SRS are integrated in the improper handling, and does not work
properly, accidentally sticking out over the serious injury or death, and
(in the worst case to be one.
- If the following Toyota dealers can help.
and tire disk wheel and wheel nut replacement of different types or to use somethi ng
other than the road affecting adversely affect, or you might have to unauthoriz ed
modificati on.
The radio equipment, electrical equipment, electronic devices and components
installation and removal, or if a fault affecting adversely affect vehicle fire, and
may lead to an accident.
The front- window glass, and on the driver's and front passenger's
seats at the door glass color film (including transparencies, etc. do not
paste. World Vision, not only to prevent unauthorized modifications
may result.

For more information about record vehicle data.

Your vehicle is the control of the vehicle and to record data on an operati on,
such as a computer printer is equippe d with more than one of the following
major, recording such data.
and engine speed.
and electric motor rotational speed
Status of the operation of the accelerator pedal.
Status of the operation of the brakes.
vehicle speed.
Position of the gear selector.
The condition of the battery for driving
Upgrade options fitted with the data recorded by the different items. have a
conversati on, and the computer , such as the audio and video recording.
For more informati on about handling of the data.
Toyota is a computer data recorded in the vehicle's diagnosti c, research
and developm ent, and improve the quality of acquisition and use for the
purpos e.
It should be noted that, except in the following cases, the Toyota to the
retrieved data to a third party and will not be supplied.
Your use of the vehicle's consent (Consent of lessee is leasing a car if you have
Court, the police, and government agenci es that have the legal force of the reques t,
based on the
and statistical processing for purpos es , by using and/or the vehicle has been
identified as not machini ng data to research institutions , such as if you want to

event data recorder

Your vehicle is, the event data recorder (EDR are equipped with the.
The EDR constant close to the collision and collision state (SRS Airbag
disability and street of the contacts, etc. ) at the time of an operation of
vehicle systems to record data about the situation. The movement of a
vehicle EDR or safety systems for short-term recording data is designed
to be.
The following EDR, recording such data.
The operating conditions of each of the vehicle's systems
accelerator pedal and brake pedal operation
vehicle speed.
These data are the collisions and injury has occurred to help understand the
Note: In the event of a collision EDR is when to record the data. During
normal operation the data is not recorded. In addition, personal information
(for example: name, gender, age, and collision location) is not recorded.
However, in the event of an accident investigation, including law
enforcement, usually by a third party as the procedure that can be used to
identify individuals collected type of the data and EDR data to be used in
combination. In EDR recorded data to be readable, a special device to the
vehicle or EDR must be connected to. In addition, Toyota, including law
enforcement, special equipment is owned by a third party to vehicle or EDR
even when connected to that information can be read.
- EDR data disclosure of information.
Except in the following cases, the Toyota is in EDR recorded data to
be disclosed to a third party.
Your use of the vehicle's consent (Consent of lessee is leasing a car if you have
Court, the police, and government agenci es that have the legal force of the reques t,
based on the
Toyota if you want to use in a lawsuit
However, the Toyota
Data to vehicle safety study of perfor manc e that can be used.
And, vehicle-specific data that is not for the purpos e of researc h to disclose it to third

For more information about Warranty and check

For more information on warranty and maintenanc e booklet, described in
the "Maintenanc e Notebook." It is, in conjunc tion with the .
Daily Inspection and Maintenanc e and periodic inspection and
maintenanc e is the responsi bility of the customer to perfor m in. (required
by law).

For more information about hybrid system

The Corolla Axio hybrid electric motor with a gasoline engine and hybrid
system. Corolla Axio hybrid to safety and comfort for your document to
read and firmly.

Some of this document

Amulets, and not have the privilege of doing yourself and the
people around, and the death can result in serious personal injury
to explain that.

amulets and not have the privilege of doing the car and
equipment failure and may lead to damage to explain that.

Operati on and work procedur es . In the order of the numbers . And

the press, including not only

You want to have an operation.
After you open the operation
after the operati on, such as.

What is the description and

"The "don't like this" and "do
not like this do not give rise
to that means.

Description of features and how to work with other than you need
to know about, you know that it can be useful to help them.

Only for the search.

Search by name.
and alpha betic al Inde x ......358
and alphabetical Index ..........357

Find from the position.

Content s and illu stration s .. 12

From the sound and look for symptoms.

And this is
(B y s y mpt o m ind ex) . ..........3 52
and from the vehicle when it rings
(in de x) .........................................................3 56

search by title.
/ Tab le of Conte nts .................. 2
12 Contents illustrations

Contents illustrations
appearanc e.

2 10 7 4 3 9

11 12 9

8 9 8 6 1 5
The shape of the headlights, such as upgrade. (P. 257). 101
1 Door." ........................" ....." ..P.108
Lock/Unlock." ................" ...." ..P.96,105
Opening and closing the door glass." ............." ......" ..P.125
In the Mechanical Key Lock/Unl ock * .....................P.329 warning
message." ........................." .. P.292
2 Trunk." ......................." ..." ..P.111
Open from the inside of the vehicle." .................." ..." ..P.111
Open from the outside." ............." ...." ..P.96,105
Key in the open ." .................." ..." ..P.111
Warning message." ................" ....." ..P.292
3 Door mirror." ................." ......." ..P.122
Angle adjustment of the mirror." .................." ..." ..P.122
Mirrors." .........................." ..P.122
Cloudy (mirror heating) ..............." ..P.192
4 Windshield Wiper
Note for the winter." ...................." ...." ..P.179
anti-freezing (front wipers) ......" ..P.193

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
Contents ill us tr ati ons 13

5 gas." ......................." ....." ..P.167

How to Fill." ................................... .P.169 types of fuel and fuel
tank capacity." .....................P.344 tire."
6 ..................................... .P.244
Size and pressure." ...............................P.347
for winter tires, Tire Chains." ........" ..." ..P.179
Check and rotation." ............" ...." ..P.244
What puncture." ...................." ..P.303,313
7 the bonnet
More open." ........................" ...." ..P.238
engine oil." ................." ...." ..P.344
What overheating." ...." ................P.336

With respect to driving of the exterior Light Bulb

Replaceme nt: P.257, wattage: P.347).

8 The Headlights and Parking Lights." ...................." ..P.155

9 Direction indicator." ............................" ..P.152
Tail Light." ........................" ....." ..P.155
1 Number light." ................................" ..P.155
1 Back Up Light
1 Shift position to R." .............." ..P.150

14 Contents illustrations

Instrument panel.

12 8 7 3 4 1 6 1

11 5 2 10 9 00 BT O

1 Engine Switch/ power switch* ...........P.138,142 starting mode switch

of the hybrid system."....P.138,142 emergency stop of the hybrid
system." .................P.276 hybrid system cannot start address of
when.".......P.326 warning message." ........................." ..P.297
2 gear lever." ....." .......................P.150
The position of the gear selector switch." ......." ...." ..P.150
Towing note." ........................." ..P.278
Move the lever does not move around when." ..." ..." ..P.328
3 Meter." ........................" ..." ..P.69
Adjust the brightness." ..........." ....." ..." ..P.85
instrumentation." ........................." ...." ..P.69
Warning light." .........................." ..P.66
WARNING LIGHT ON action." ....................." ..P.285
4 450." ......." ..P.72
Contents display." ......................" ....." ..P.72
Warning message." .................." ..." ..P.289

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
Contents ill us tr ati ons 15

5 Parking Brake." .............." ..." ..P.153

And to make clear." ......................." ..P.153
Note for the winter." ................................. .P.180 buzzer and warning
messages." ........" ..." ..P.292
6 Direction lever." .................." ..." ..P.152
Light switch." ................." ...." ..P.155
the headlights, parking lights, tail lights." ........" ..." ..P.155
7 Wiper/Washer Switch." ..........." ..P.162
"how." ......................" ......" ..P.162
fill the washer fluid." ...." ..." ....." ..P.243
8 emergency lights switch." ....................." ..P.273
9 the bonnet release lever." .........." ......" ..P.238
Position handle adjustment lever." ..........." ..." ..P.118
1 The climate." ................." ...." ..P.184
1 How operation." ......................." ..." ..P.184
1 The Rear Window Demist (Rear Window Defogger) ...P.192
The Audio
12 ." ..........................." ..P.194
Listen to the music." ....................." ..." ..P.194

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
16 Contents illustrations

Switches and controls.

3 2

4 5

00 BT O

1 Door mirror switch." .............." ..." ..P.122

2 Manual adjustment dial * ....." ...." ...." ..P.156
3 the front wipers
Switch ." .............P.193 window lock switch." ................"
Door Lock Switch." .............." ..." ..P.108
Electric window switch." ........." ..." ..P.125

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
Contents ill us tr ati ons 17

1 3

00 BT O

The Audio control switches

1 ." .........." ..." .. P.211
2 meter operation switch." ...........................P.72
TRIP switch." ..................." ..." ..P.70

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
18 Contents illustrations

1 2 3 3

5 4

00 BT O

1 Eco Mode Switch." ............." ...." ..P.151

2 vehicle approaching OFF alerting device switch." ....." ...." ..P.55
3 Seat Heater switch * .........." ......" ..P.227
4 EV drive mode switch." ........" ..." ..P.148
5 VSC OFF switch ." .............." ..." ..P.172

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
Contents ill us tr ati ons 19

8 1 7 9 4 5 4

2 3 6

1 SRS airbag." ..........." ..." ..." ..P.30

2 floor mats." ...................." ..." ..P.22
3 front seat." .................." ..." ..P.114
4 the headrest..............................." ..P.116
5 seat belt." ...................." ..." ..P.26
6 Console." .............." ..." ..P.219
7 Locking Lever." .................." ...." ..P.109
8 cup holder." ..." ..........." ..." ..P.221
9 grab handle." ................" ..." ..P.230
20 Contents illustrations

1 Rear-view mirror." .................." ..." ..P.120

2 Sun Visor* ...................." ...." ..P.224
3 The vanity mirror
." ......................." ..P.224
Personal light." ................" ..." ..P.215

*: Forced to take child safety seat in the front passenger seat

If you want to turn back to the child seat in the
orientation do not install. More than a serious
injury or death can result, in the worst case
may be. (P. 52)

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options

For safety and security

-Please read through
1-1, For Your Safety
B efor e y ou dri v e ...................... 22
F or a s afe driv e ....................... 24
S eat belt .................................... 26
S RS air bag ............................... 30
F or the s afety of the c hil dr en. 38
Chil d S eats ............................... 39
The child seat mounting and 47
for Exhaust Gas note .................. 53
1-2.hybrid system
The hybrid system features 54
The hybrid system. Note 58
1-3.anti-theft device
Imm obiliz er sy ste m ................ 63
22 1-1, For Your Safety

Before you drive

Inspection and Maintenance

Daily Inspection and Maintenance and periodic inspection and
maintenance is the responsibility of the customer, not only that they have
a legal obligation. At the appropriate time to perform maintenance on the
car, check that there are no faults.
daily inspectio n and maintenanc e and inspection, such as Items for more information, see
the "Mainten a nc e " please see the. If the result is abnorm al, Toyota dealers, be sure to
check for service.

floor mat
dedicated floor mats on the carpet of the floor and ensur e it is fully seated.
1) Fixed hook (clips) floor mats to fit
mounting holes

2 securing hook (clip) the Top bar

to turn, floor mats, to secure
Be sure to match mark.

securing hook (clip) the shape of the illustration, and might be different.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 23


Ensure that the following must be observed. Amulets, floor mats and not have the
privilege of doing it out in the car, each pedal and may interfere with the speed that
will not come apart or make it difficult to stop the car, which may lead to a serious

* in the driver's seat when you hol d down the carpet. 1

T o y o t a genuine, even in other models, and a different expression of the carpet is a

For safety and security

The driver's seat-only floor mats for you want to use.
- F i x e d hook (CLIP) by using the always firmly in place.
The other floor mats and do not use the top
around the floor mats, upside-down, turn it upside down and do not use the
before driving.

The floor mat is all fixed hook (the LIP) in

the correct position that it is securely in
place on a regular basis to make sure the
car wash, in part icu lar to make sure
Stop the hybrid system and the gear shift
lever is in the state of P each pedal fully
depressed, floor mats and to verify that
there is no interf er en ce.
24 1-1, For Your Safety

For a safe drive

Driving safely before driving to the seat and mirrors, such as adjust as

good driving posture

1 sit straight, tall driver during the
operation so that they will have
to adjust the angle of the seat
back (P. 114).
2 pedal firmly, stepping into Triendl
came to hold an invitation when
is a little like turning the position
of the seat can be
(P. 114).
3 is t he c ent er of t he headres t
on t he s t amp of approv al of
t he ear t o be per ( P. 116).
4 using a seat belt properly.
(P. 26).

Correct wear seat belt.

All occupants of the vehicle, make sure before using a seat belt properly.
(P. 26).
Using a seat belt properly when you can put small children, not the
appropri ate child seats.

Mirror adjustment.
Back in so you can see to ensure that the inner mirror door mirror is adjusted
properly . (P.120,122).
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 25


Ensure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do not commit to
a serious injury or death, in the worst case may be.
- In the driver's seat while the vehicle is not to be adjusted.
It may b e wron g t o dri ve. 1
- between the seat and back cushions and other do not turn on. Correct driving
position, and not only when it comes to the conflict between the strike, such as
seat belts and head fully effective it may not.

For safety and security

At the bottom of the front-seat do not place. It is caught and the sheet are not fixed
and accidents and the adjustment mechanism is a cause of the fault.
T h e o t h e r cars and pedest rians, and the surrounding circumst a nces to pay attentio n
and to operat e the vehicle in a safe manner.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibit e d. Note If you drink and
judgment is the first time in stunning as you may cause an accident. In additio n, may
cause drowsiness when I drank the medicine Please refrain from driving.
- using cell phones while driving, or adjustment of the equipment. Attention to the
situation around, such as insufficient to very dangerous. Non-hands-free car
phone or a mobile phone that you use on the phone while driving is prohibited by
When the long-distance drive and feels tired on a regular basis before the break. In
addition, fatigue and sleepiness while driving when you feel, do not force the
driver to rest as soon as possible, without taking a rest under a tree.
26 1-1, For Your Safety

Seat belt

Before driving all passengers wear seat belts properly is essential.

Wear correctly.
The shoulder belt, enough to make a shoulder
From there on the neck and shoulder to not be
disap p oint e d.
The wai s t bel t, onl y y ou c an be s ur e of the hi ps
to the l ower pos i ti on to adher e
- A dj us t the s eat bac k to A br aham and r otate
the tor s o to the deep s i t s i tti ng
To make sure you don't twist.

Those who wear and remove

1 belt to fix the "snap" until a click is Release button
heard and baffle plate, inserting it into
the receptacle
2 belts to remove the keypads to Press

Seat belt pretensioners, Front seat and rear outer seats).

S tr ong i mpac t fr om the fr ont
when y ou r ec ei v e i t, the s eat
bel t to dr aw appr opr i ate
oc c up a nt r es tr ai n t effec t.
From the front of the shock is weak and
the shock from the Next or Back when
the roll over, usually does not work.

11 DK BTO 101
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 27


How to Disengag e the locking seat belt.

There was sudden stop and shock belt is locked. Sudden forward to quickly pull
out the seat belt is also if you want to lock. the belt by pulling firmly if you move
slowly, loosen from the belt, you can pull out.

How to use the seat belts for children. 1

The vehicle's seat belts, the seat belt to install enough for the physique of adults
who had been designed for.

For safety and security

the seat belt is in the correct position for small children you can wear if you do not, your
child's body to use the child seat. (P. 39).
the seat belt is in the correct position for children that can be worn if you wear your seat
belt for that only. (P. 26).
For more information about seat belt pretensio ner.
SEAT BELT PRETENSIONERS ONLY ONCE does not work. snooker club, such
as collision and continuous impact, even if after the vehicle is in a collision, and
then will not operate.
28 1-1, For Your Safety


In the event of an accident or sudden braking TO PREVENT BODILY INJURY,

ensure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do not commit
to a serious injury or death, in the worst case may be.
For more informat ion about the seat belts.
Everyone is to buckle their seat belts.
- using a seat belt properly.
the seat belt is a set for children to use in a pair of
belt, do not use more than one person.
T h e children to sit in the rear seat to wear the seat belt.
t h e seat back down more than is necessary, but the upper body to sit in seat,
The shoulder belt under the arm not worn through
T h e waist belt as low as possible to adhere to wear
When you use the rear seat belt the sea belt is
properly guided through to the seat belt is not
twisted. Make sure you

11 DK BTO 102

If the pregnant

Precautions to doctors, be sure to check

the correct for clothes. (P. 26) normal
wear in the same way as the fault is hips,
lumbar Bae in the lowest possible position
in that it takes the swelling in the stomach,
under the shoulders to ensure that the
shoulder belt through the swelling of the
stomach to avoid wear on the chest to
Wear the belt correctly, such as when it
comes to the conflict between the maternal
fetal to not only has a serious injury, or
death, in the worst case it could lead to.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 29


However, if you of the disease.

precautions to ensure that the doctors on correctly, you must ensure that you are wearing.
When carrying children.
Children should not be used as a play on to the seat belt. if belt is wrapped around
the neck, if you have a serious injury, such as suffocation, and in the worst case scenario
or across the hall
Together which may lead to death. In such a state by mistake as it turned out, if you do
not miss buckle the seat belt and a pair of scissors, cut in.

For safety and security

For more informat ion about seat belt pretensio ner.
When it is triggered, seat belt pretensioner SRS Airbag/pre -throttle
potentiometer Werner warning light is lit. If this is the case, seat belt ca n be re-
used to Toyota dealers, as it must be replaced.
For more informat ion about faults and damage of the seat belt.
T h e belt buckle, and plate, and the seat and the door, such as trapping and so that they
will not be damag ed.
the seat belt is damaged when the seat belt until you repair the seat should not be
To ensure that the plate is inserted into the buckle the seat belt is not twisted, or not.
If you do not get into the Toyot a dealer immediat ely.
The was in a serious accide nt when, for obvious damage, even if they do not look at
the sea, replace the seat belt.
- equipp ed seatbelts attaching or removin g and decom position, and disposal, such as
non-Toyot a dealers could do not. Improper handling may not operat e properly.
30 1-1, For Your Safety

SRS airbag
SRS airbag is a serious hazards to occupants such a strong swelling at
the time of impact, the seat belt is to be constrained to work in
conjunction with push to occupants in the event of deregulation, to

3 1

2 1

Front airbag SRS
1 driver SRS airbag passenger airbag SRS
(on the driver's and front passenger's head and chest, reducing the
impact of such).
The SRS side and curtain shield airbags

2 SRS front side airbag

the front seat occupant's chest, reducing the impact to).
3 SRS curtain shield airbags
the front seat and the rear seat occupants outside the main to mitigate
the impact to the head).
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 31


For more information about SRS airbags.

Ensure that the following must be observed. Amulets, and not have the privilege of
doing a serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario in which may lead to death.
T h e dri ver an d all p asse n gers sh o ul d use t hei r seat b el ts prop erl y. 1
SRS airbag as an aid to the seat belt.
T h e front passenger airbag is SRS swell with the strong power of the seat to

For safety and security

adjust the seat back to the seat, as far as possible away from the airbag SRS
Sit up straight.
T h e child is small and seat belt if you are unable to use a child seat firmly in place.
Children in the rear seat, and put on the seat belt and child safety seats, it would
be a good idea to wear. (P 47.

sit on the edge of the sheet to the dashboard

does not leans

The children SRS airbag on the passenger

seat in front of the stand or sit on the
concerned does not do
T h e driver and passenger's knees, do not
have anythin g on the

T h e doors and the A-pillar, B-pillar and rear

pillars and side roof rail not lean on.
32 1-1, For Your Safety


For more information about SRS airbags.

- In the passenger's seat toward the door to

his knees, face, and from the window do not
make a move on

t h e dashboard and handle a portion of the

pad is nothing to install, do not place

the door and front glass doors glass, and

the long-pillar and rear pillars and side
roof rail, grab handle, do not install
anything on the speed limit, except
label P. 319).
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 33


For more information about

SRS airbags.
- SRS side airbags to cover ballooning location such a sheet accessories you must
not use. When airbag deployment and accessories may be interfering. Such
accessory is airbag system is operating correctly and that the system is
unavailable, or the airbag i s inco rrect or deploy 1
It may be that.
- SRS around the airbag system components, such as strongly. Do not use
unnecessary force.

For safety and security

The SRS airbag is working correctly you will have.
- SRS airbag is 2,190 after the component is hot, do not touch.
The SRS airbag is 2,190 after breathing is difficult, but if you feel the doors
and door glass is opened, air is turned on or to ensure that it is safe for
you to come outside. To reduce the risk of skin irritations, residue is wash
it as soon as possible.
The SRS airbag is housed some of the pad and the A-pillar of The Gurney is
scratched, cracked when it is used as is, without having to replace the
Toyota Dealer.
34 1-1, For Your Safety


For more information about remodelin g, and disposal.

Toyota dealers to consultation of the following modifications to the disposal.
SRS airbag doesn't work properly, or accidental, such as carp, to serious injury or
death, and (in the worst case it could lead to.
- SRS airbag removal and installation, disassembly and repair
T h e handles and instrument panel and dashboard seat seat upholstery and the A-
pillar, B-pillar and rear pillars and side roof rail removal around science, Osamu,
modifie d
t h e front fenders, front bumper, side sections of vehicle repairs or modifications.
T h e grille guard (bull bars, in view louver, etc. ) and snow removal equipme nt, and
installing the winch, etc.
Modification of the suspension.
- CD players, radios and other electronics mounting

When the airbag is deployed SRS.
- SRS airbag by contact with, such as bruises and grazes there can be.
Working with sound-white gas will occur.
The front- seat and the A-pillar and rear pillars and side roof rail not only a part of
airbag components, such as the handle of the hub air bag cover and expanding the
Daughter) still have a few minutes may be hot to the touch. Air bag itself is also very
T h e f r o n t - window glass may be damaged.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 35

When the SRS Airbag (front SRS airbag).

T h e f r o n t - SRS airbag is the strength of the impact value you set (or move the
deformation that is fixed in the wall speed of approximately 20 to 20 MPH (30 KM/H
frontal impact, if the impact of the strength of the equivalent value) or more in the
case of the operation. However, the following is a list of the airbag is activated when
the vehicle speed is higher than the setting value.
And the car park and si gns by such a shock to move or transform to the collisi on. 1
And till such a hit (for example, front section of the vehicle is till trying to get into the
bottom of the track, such as be squashed by)

For safety and security

the seat belt pretensione r by the collision condit ions you might only be activat ed.
When the airbag is deployed SRS (SRS side and curtain shield airbags).
SRS side and curtain shield airbags, the strength of the impact value
(approximately 1.5T VEHICLE IS APPROXIMATELY 20 to 30 MPH (30 km/h to
the rooms at the speed of the collision at a right angle to the strength of the
impact if the value equivalent) or more in the case of the operation.
When operat ing in non-collisio n.
In situations such as the following to strong impact under the vehicle when it has been,
but if you want to front SRS airbag is triggered.
end of the curb and the sidewalk, such as when hit
The deep hole in the groove and fall when the ride over
- jump on the ground if I fall, or when the road

The SRS won't have the airbags (front SRS airbag).

Front SRS the airbag, side and rear impact and rollover, or slow, before the end
of the shock from the normal does not operate. However, the impact is enough to
slow down on the front of the case to cause the front SRS airbags may be
From the side-collision
Rear-end collisions.
Roll over.
36 1-1, For Your Safety

The SRS airbag DOES NOT OPERATE (SRS side and curtain shield airbags).
If you have an angle of the impact from the rooms and on the side of non -
impact, side and curtain shield airbags SRS if it does not work.
All rooms except the area to the side of the impact.
the shock from an angle.

SRS side and curtain shield airbags, front and rear side impact and rollover from the
slow, and it is from the side of the to operate in the area of impact is not designed.
From the front of the collision.
Rear-end collisions.
Roll over.

The SRS Majesta, from the back of the shock and in longitudinal direction and
Subversion, the low speed from the front and side impact, usually does not work.
Rear-end collisions.
to overthrow of the vertical direction.

11 BT O DK011
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 37

Toyota dealer if you need to contact

In cases such as the following, the Repair and inspection is required. Toyota to sell as soon
as possible please contact your shop.
-either the SRS airbags when 2,190
The front- SRS airbag is a swell is in an accident, the front section of the vehicle
to the collision with.
Or, if there is damage, deformation, etc. 1

For safety and security

- SRS side and curtain shield air baffle is
not inflated in the accident, but when it
comes to the conflict between doors, or
when there is damage, deformation, etc.

- PAD portion of the handle of the dashboard, passenger seat airbag near SRS is
scratched, cracked, or otherwise damaged when received.

- SRS side airbag is integrated. seat surface is

scratched, cracked, or otherwise damaged
when received.

- Majesta SRS has an integrated part of the

A-pillar and rear pillars and roof side of
70% damaged, cracked, or other
damage when it has been.
38 1-1, For Your Safety

For the safety of the children.

When carrying children, the following must be observed.

- Children should also be sure to wear a safety belt. You can use their seat
belts properly do not put small children, the appropriate child dedicated
sheets availabl e. (P. 39).
come to the driving device to prevent the rear seats, the children, it would
be a good idea to put.
- When driving, to open the door, Electric windows, do not mistake the child
protector (P. 110) window rocks the realization (P. 125) should be
The small children, electric window, such as the hood, trunk and sea,
and it may be pinched with equipment operation.


T h e children in the car, do not leave. Interior is too hot to heat shoot disease and
dehydrat ion, to a serious healt h proble m, or if it's a worst case scenario which may
lead to deat h. In addition, the childre n of the vehicle to operat e the equipme nt, such
as the glass in the door, flares, etc. being pinche d or burns in the driving device to
move, it may lead to an accident may be dange rous.
- If you will be carrying children in the vehicle, so as to ensure the safety of children
in child safety seats and precautions such as mounting of the child seat to take
in. See . (P 47.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 39

Child Seats
The mechani s m for securing child seats use the Seats for children can be

Things You Should Know 1

The car's specificati ons and/or age of children in accordanc e with the size and
the appropri ate child seats.

For safety and security

How to install a child seat, and remov e each of the child seats offer the
instructions that came with.
-The car went into effect October 1, 2006, that comply with the relevant
standards of safety ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar is fitted as

Conformity of children only sheet for a complete list

For more information about mass group.
ECE R 44 *that they comply with the standards of the Child Seats for
children by weight the following fall into five categories .
Group 0: Group 0 up to
10Kg +: Up to 13 KG I Group:
9 to 18 kg II Group: 15 to 25
kg III Group: 22 to 36 kg
This book, the following is a typical three types of child seats and seat
belts with the how.
ECE R 44, international regulations for child seats.
For more information about class size and mounti ng.
Children Only classification symbol that appear s on the sheet and the
subsequent installation of detector sign.
40 1-1, For Your Safety

Child-only type of sheet

baby seat 
ECE R 44 standards of group Group 0 of 44 criteria ECE R + ,
0, equivalent to 0+ equivalent to I

11 BTO DK003 11 BTO DK004

ECE R II group of 44 standards,
equivalent to III

11 BTO DK005
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 41

POSITION OF THE SEAT another child seats compatibility list

(with the seat belt mounting).

seating position (or other location)

Mass Group Front seat rear seat
passenger seat center
rear 1
0 (up to 10 kg) x U L1
0 + ( up to 13 kg) U L1

For safety and security

positive L 2
I (9 to 18 Kg) U L2
back orientati on
II (15 to 25 kg) X L L3 * X3 *
*3 *1
III (rang e of 22 to L L3
36 above
The description of the character you want to fill.
U: this mass group, you are allowed to use the generic (Universal), Seat of the
category is suitable for children only.
L 1: this mass group are allowed to use in the Toyota genuine NEO G-Child ISO
Baby", "Toyota genuine NEO G-Child ISO tether", "Toyota genuine NEO G-
Child suitable for baby".
L 2: this mass group are allowed to use in the Toyota genuine NEO G -Child ISO
tether", "Toyota genuine NEO G-Child suitable for baby".
L 3: this mass group are allowed to use in the Toyota genuine Junior Seat" in the
X: A child seats cannot be installed.
When installing child seats for the headrest is removed.
not listed in the table if you want to use child seats for the child seat manufactur ers or
distribut ors. Child Seats for children only during the instructions that sheet.
42 1-1, For Your Safety

POSITION OF THE SEAT another child seats for conformance with Table
(ISOFIX top-tether anchors for mounting).

Size Vehicle position

Mass Group Mounting
Left rear seat
F ISO /L 1 X
the calliper cotto
G ISO /L 2 X
0 (up to 10 kg). E ISO /R 1 IL 1
E ISO /R 1 IL 1
0 + ( up to 13 kg). D ISO /R 2 2 IL
C ISO /R 3 2 IL
D ISO /R 2 X
C ISO /R 3 X
I (9 to 18 kg). B ISO /F 2 IUF, IL 2
B1 ISO /F 2X IUF, IL 2
A ISO /F 3 IUF, IL 2
II (15 to 25 kg). (1). X
III (rang e of 22 to (1). X
36 kg).
The above description of the character you want to fill.
(1) Size: Grade (from A G) child seats for each position of the seat in the
corresponding ISOFIX children only seat locking mechanism for handling the
children only to the manufacturer or distributor.
IUF: this mass group, you are allowed to use the generic (Universal) category for the
ISOFIX suitable for children only positive.
IL 1: this mass group are allowed to use in the Toyota genuine NEO G -Child
ISO Baby", "Toyota genuine NEO G-Child ISO leg." It is suitable for.
IL 2: this mass group are allowed to use in the Toyota genuine NEO G -Child
ISO suitable for leg".
X: ISOFIX child seats cannot be installed.
rear seat seat left when the child seats for the rear center seat.
not listed in the table if you want to use child seats for the child seat manufacturers or
distribut ors. Child Seats for children only during the instructions that sheet.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 43

List of children ISOFIX dedicated sheet

Mass Group fixture ISOFIX child seats category
Toyota genuine NEO G-
E ISO /R semi-
Child ISO baby
0 (up to 10 kg) 1 universal
Toyota genuine NEO G- 1
E ISO /R semi-
Child ISO leg
1 universal
Toyota genuine NEO G-
E ISO /R semi-

For safety and security

Child ISO baby
1 universal
0 + ( up to 13 kg) E ISO /R
1 Toyota genuine NEO G-
D ISO /R semi-
Child ISO leg
C 2
ISO /R universal

2 ISO Toyota genuine NEO G-
I (9 to 18 kg) B1 semi-
/F Child ISO leg
2X universal
The ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar
This car which are standard on the ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar is the
ECE R44 children are dedicated seat-mounted only. Otherwise, you will not be
able to use.
The childre n only for more informatio n about using the sheet, select
Ideal for children-childre n only about the seat, child seat manuf act urers, as well as consult
with the seller.
The childre n are growing, and proper seat belt was fastened to it to be appropriat e for your
child to use the child seat.
The body is large enoug h, the child seat is not required for children in the rear of the car
and put it to use a seat belt.
Install the belt type of child seats for more informatio n about selecting
"The position of the seat another CHILDREN's SEAT Compatibility List ( P.41, see
the children's sea-You can install and the corresponding child-only type of sheet
(symbols) Please check and to choose the right one.
44 1-1, For Your Safety

The ECE R ISOFIX 44 fit for the child seats for more information about selecting
"The position of the seat another child seats fit List" (P. 42) to ensure the
appropriate sheet, select.
1 children from weight of the corresponding "mass group"
(Example 1): weight is 12kg, Mass Group is " 0 +".
(Example 2): weight is 15 kg, the I mass group.
2 sizes to select grade.
determined in Step 1 from the "Mass Group" to determine appropriate size
(Example 1): Mass Group is " 0 , then the size of the class is "C" and "D" and
"E" shall be the.
(Example 2): Mass Group is "I", then the size class is "A" and "B" and " 1" and "C
"D is appropriate.
* However,
even though the grade size of conformity of the list." "Vehicle ISOFIX
position "X" and one that is listed is not available for selection.
3 children only is displayed in the sheet
marked/check the label, and conform to the
standards to ensure that a sheet
General (Universal) A child seats has
the following marks and labels are
is displayed, such as Position, sign on to the product.

1 ISOFIX children with special seat indicate

Class size is shown. (The characters that appear
depend on the product).
Verify that the size in step 2 to the class, which meets.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 45

2 Universal (Universal), Children's seat

authorization mark
UNIVERSAL for general authorization, if
any, to be used in conjunction with the
child's weight in the range.

3 top tether (P. 49) to mark
Installing the Product due to the location of
the equipment, the design is different.

For safety and security

For the ISOFIX children only type of sheet (Size classes).

A-ISO /F 3 Positive infant child seat height

B-ISO /F 2 Low-positive infant child seat
Low-positive infant child seat
B 1-ISO /F 2X
(B-ISO /F 2 and another shape).
C-ISO /R 3 Large-scale retrospective infant child seat
D-ISO /R 2 Small rearward facing infant child seat
E-ISO /R 1 Rear-Facing infant child seat
F-ISO /L 1 child safety seats left for the position (the calliper cotto).
G-ISO /L 2 child safety seats for right position (the calliper cotto).
46 1-1, For Your Safety

The child seat in the front passenger seat when you are installing.
Inevitably in the front passenger seat if you are installing child seats for the front
passenger's seat, make the following adjustments to the child seat installed in a
positive manner.
The sheet to be the best at the back

Before you lay the seat back to the first-

stage solid position, rotate it up to 4 for the
second stage to adjust to a fixed point
1 1 second -sta g e
2 4 second -sta g e

For more information about the calliper cotto.

the calliper cotto is landscape can be attached to the baby seat. knowing very well
the child seat manufacturers or distributors to ask.


The childre n only if you do not use the seat.

- Do not use child seats, even when properly and securely on the sheet with take.
Loosen state was in place to avoid in the room.
Removing the child seat if you need to remove the vehicle to save them, or you easily
in the trunk to keep it from moving to storage.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 47

The child safety seat.

Y ou c an us e thei r s eat bel ts pr oper l y do not put s mal l c hi l dr en, the
c hi l d s eat. F or the s afety of the c hi l dr en i n the r ear s eat, Chai fj or d.
How do I install the products in the Instructions for Use provided with
must be followed. 1

the seat belt.

(P. 48).

For safety and security

11 BTO DK006

ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar (P.

Rear outer seats are equipped with.
(retaining bar are fitted with a tag that
indicates to the sheet).

11 BTO DK007

top tether anchors (P. 49). top tether

tether to be used to secure. top tether
ancho rs are fitted to the rear outer seats.

BTO 11 DK008
48 1-1, For Your Safety

Seat belts.

1 in t he c hild res t raint s eat belt t o

t he mount ing plat e t o t he bac k ,
t o " s nap" and t he ex t rapolat ion
unt il a c lic k is heard. A t wis t ed
belt does not s eem t o want t o
child safety seats, and follow the
manufacturer's instructions provided
with the seat belt and child safety seat
11 BTO DK009
to secure them to.
2 in t he c hild res t raint s eat belt
loc k ing dev ic es if y ou do not
hav e a loc k ing c lip (anot her
s hort ) f ix ed us ing
locking clip in purchasing, please contact
your Toyota dealer.
(locking clip part number: 73119 -

After installing a child safety seat shake down to the right or left, and that it is
securely in place and make sure.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 49

ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar & top tether anchor (rear outer
1 ISOFIX child safety seat solid
constant private bar to check the
position of
retainin g bar is in the back of the seat cushion.

For safety and security

2 c hild s af et y s eat on t he s eat
c an be remov ed
T he c hild s eat mounting br ac k ets to tak e
c hild- s eat r etaining bar . How to ins tall
eac h of the Chai- s heet, follow the
ins tr uc tions that c ome with.

3 open t he lid and t op t et her

hook up t o t he c ar t o f ix t he
f ault t o t ight en t he t et her.
tether and tension to the hook is that it
is fully seated.

Hook Tether
4 . The c hild s eat bac k and f ort h
s winging t o t he right or lef t is
f ix ed, t o v erif y
50 1-1, For Your Safety


For more information about child safety seats.

In a sudden stop or accident-an effective way to protect children, it is essential to
allow children of any age or size to match the seat belt or child safety seat use. To
entertain children in her arms while in the place of the child seat. If the vehicle is
involved in an accident, and children is on the front glass and the crew of the
vehicle, equipped with a major injury to the long, or if it's a worst case scenario
which may lead to deat h.
T h e child's age and size of the child seat in the rear to install to.
to sit in the child seat, even if the A-pillar and door seat rear pillars and side roof rail
to the infant near the head of the body, not against any part. If SRS airbag is 2,190,
very dangero us, serious injury, or in the worst-case may lead to deat h.
T h e child safety seat is installed, you can install, or can be a challenge. Always
check the child seat to the Instructions for Use provided with the read, on how to
use, make sure to mount must be observed. How to use to ensure that are used
incorrectly or if it is not seated at the sudden braking and other conflicts, such as
in a serious injury or death, and (in the worst case it could lead to.
When installing child safety seats.
- Childre n should not be used as a play on to the seat belt. if belt is wrappe d around
the neck, if you have a serious injury, such as suffocat ion, or if it's a worst case
scenario in which may lead to death. In such a state by mistake as it turned out, if
you do not miss buckle the seat belt and a pair of scissors, cut in.
of the seat belt buckle-plat e and are firmly secured, the belt is not twisted and check.
T h e child safety seat swing to the right or left, ensure that it is secured.
- after securing the child safety seat, the seat not be adjusted.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 51


When installing child safety seats.

T h e driver's seat and the child safety seat is in

collision, the seat is installed correctly says
if you do not, the passenger's side rear seat
and install
It is the. 1
The front passenger's seat and the child
safety seat is so that they do not interfere
with the passe ng e r's seat and adjust.

For safety and security

Force d- po sit ive in the front passe ng e r seat
if you are installin g a child seat, the front
passe n ge r's seat back to the most in.
Passen g er
airbag SRS a lot of speed and power, so
do get big, serious injury to be destroyed,
or if it's a worst case scenario which may
lead to death.
52 1-1, For Your Safety


When installing child safety seats.

The forced child safety seat in the front passenger seat if you are planning on installing a
child seat on the back. Back to Orientation, and it is installed, such as an accident, the
front passenger seat air bag is 2,190 SRS, when more than a serious injury or death, and
(in the worst case it could lead to. On the passenger side sun visor with the same type of
label. In conjunction with the .

- Junior seat if you are using the shoulder belt is always the child of the shoulders
back to the center. belt from the shoulder with release from the neck to prevent it
from falling. amulets and not have the privilege of doing an accident or emergency
braking to serious injury or death, in the worst case it could lead to.
The ISOFIX child safety seat retainer bar when you are using, if there is any
obstruction in the area, the seat belt is not pinched or, and more.
1- 1, F or Y our S afety 53

Note for exhaust gas

Exhaust gas is harmful to the human body and suction to substances are
Exhaust gas is a colorless, odorless, harmful substances such as carbon monoxide (CO) is
included in the following:
And please be sure to follow. amulets and not have the privilege of doing the exhaust gas
into your vehicle, the amount of exhaust gas is invited to cause drowsiness and cause of the

For safety and security

accident, as well as to a serious health problem, or if it's a worst case sce nario may lead to
Considerat ions when driving.
trunk is closed. In the trunk is closed in the Vehicle Exhaust smell of gas when you open
the door glass, and air, and immediately suspected Toyota dealer for service.
When parking.
In the garage ventilat ion is poor, such as location and surrou nde d by, the hybrid system to stop
Long-hybrid system is still active. when unavoidable, the Open Location to park your car in
the exhaust gas is inside the vehicle to come to that.
When the snowfall and snow has fallen in place, the hybrid system is still active in.
snow around with an exhaust gas fumes into the passenger compartment, the
intrusio n may result.
For more information about exhaust pipes.
exhaust pipes must be checked regularly. such as exhaust pipes, such as
corrosion of holes by cutting up, turtles, and fitting, as well as damage to the
part of the exhaust noise, such as an abnormal, it is essential to realize Toyota
dealer check.
54 1-2.hybrid system

Features of the hybrid system

Corolla Axio hybrid the hybrid system, the electric motor with a
gasoline engine, the power of two Synergy (synergistic) effects than to
a superior power performance and low fuel consumption of both
requirements at a high level. In addition, lower exhaust emissions and
cleaner exhaust emissions to the environment and environmentally
friendl y technol ogi es .

1 2

BTO 12 DK001

The illustration for Illustration. In fact, and will vary.

1 petrol engine
2 electric motors
When the vehicle is stopped and the engine at
low speed and when the gasoline engine
when the vehicle is stopped. When starting to
use the electric motors.
At low speeds or when driving downhill also stop the gasoline engine, the electric
motor vehicle use.
Drive for battery charging is required and only when the engine is warm,
gasoline engine, such as automatic it may not stop. (P.56).

During normal driving the

Use the key to driving a gasoline engine. If necessary move electric motor as a
generator to recharge the batteries for the drive.
In addition to the sudden acceleration engines for driving, but also from the battery
to supply power to the electric motor, electric motor output, and powerful
1- 2.hy bri d s ys tem 55

When the decelerati on, braking

(regener ati v e braking).
wheels move electric motor as a generator to recharge the batteries for the drive.
Gasoline engine is stopped when the vehicle is being driven, the state of
the vehicle in the new approach, to inform the people of the surrounding
emergency vehicle approaching
area in accordance with the vehicle speed to ring on a scale. vehicle speed
is increased to approximately 25 MPH (30 km/h, and muting the pass. By
operating a switch can also be muted.
switch the engine to mutethe "ON"
orpower switchis ON mode when the

For safety and security

switch is pressed,
In the meter of the approaching vehicle
OFF alerting device display light (P.
68) is lit. Press the switch again and
the vehicle approaching OFF alerting
device indicator light will turn off.
Close OFF vehicle alerting device 12 DK BTO 102

when the indicator light is on: mute

alerting device vehicle approaching
OFF indicator light is off when the siren
engine switch
to "ON" or powerto the
switch and to ON mode, the vehicle
approaching the ON alerting device.


For more information about regenerat ive braking.

The following vehicle's kinetic energy to electrical energy conversion for the drive to the
fuel cell to charge with can be slow to get power.
the gear lever or B D when driving, with your foot off the accelerator pedal when it's
the gear lever or B D when driving, when the brake pedal is depressed
For more information about EV indicat or.
gasoline engine and electric motor, while
stopping only when you are driving in the
EV indicator will light up.

12 BTO DK003
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
56 1-2.hybrid system

For more information about automatic stop for petrol engines.

vehicle depending on the state, the gasoline engine to automatically start and stop.
However, the following conditions will not be shut down automatically.
Gasoline Engine during warm up.
For battery-driven when the temperature is high, or when low
Battery charging time for driving.
If you are on the heating.
For more information about battery charge for driving.
With the gasoline engine -powe red by regenerat ive braking and charging the battery is
being charged for driving from the outside, so the charge is not require d. However,
the vehicle must be left for too long, and little by little the discharge. As a result, at
least once every two to three mont hs for about 30 minut es or 16 km driving. For
driving, in case the battery is complet ely discharge d, the hybrid system does not start
when you contact the distribut or Toyot a.
T h e shift lever is N when it is in the drive for battery charging is not performed.
When the vehicle is stationary is always P. In addition, even when in a traffic
jam, or B D driving in it.
Accessories for instructio ns on charging the battery .

The Accesso ries battery is in high spirits, and I was in such as replacin g when
removin g
The gasoli ne engi ne auto stop may not occur. Auto Stop is 2 to 3 days,
followed by Toyota dealers please contact us.
1- 2.hy bri d s ys tem 57

Hybrid Car For more informat ion about sound and vibrat ion of specif ic
Hybrid vehicles are READY indicator is lit, the vehicle can be used in any state of
the vehicle, the engine noise and vibration, because it is not in state that can be
driven on that if you do not notice. For safety reasons, the park in the shift to
ensure that the bar P to the parking brake.
After starting the hybrid system, the following noise and vibration may occur, but not a
probl e m. 1
The motor noise from the engine compartment.
When starting or stoppin g the hybrid system to be heard during and rear of the vehicle
for driving the batteries or sound

For safety and security

When you open the trunk operating sound can be heard
- start and stop the engine when starting off or traveling at low speeds, and at idle speed can
be heard from Tiger Mission Perform ance" tappi ng" and "Rattling" noise
The sudden acceleration of the engine.
When the brake pedal is depressed to hear sounds of the regenerative brake
When the brake pedal is depressed, you can hear the noise and motor noise
- start and stop the gasoline engine vibration and noise.
Under the Rear Seat (on the left) that can be heard from the intake fan
For more information about maint enance, repair, and disposal.
car maintenance and repair and disposal of Toyota is essential to consult your
dealer. If you want to specifically designed vehicles, Toyota dealers for driving
through batteries. Please help.
For more information about emergency vehicle approaching.
The following is the case around the sound is heard reports it might be difficult.
If you have a lot of ambient noise.
If rain or high winds.
In addition, the vehicle approach alerting device on the front of the vehicle, as c ompared
with the front of the vehicle and the rear of the vehicle can be easily heard.
For Sale features that can be configure d in the store
emergency vehicle approachi ng the volume can be larger. (P. 350).
58 1-2.hybrid system

The hybrid system note

In the hybrid system, the power source and power control unit, and the
orange high voltage cable and electric motors such as high-voltage parts (up
to approxi mately 520 V) and the cooling radiator such as high-temp er atur e
areas, so there are note. It should be noted that the high-voltage criteria, for
exampl e, the care and handling of the label that you follow the instructions of
the label to the correct handling.

1 2


7 6 12 DK BTO
The illustration for Illustration. In fact, and will vary.
1 caution label 5 OF THE POWER CONTROL
UNIT DC/DC converter
2 Service plug
3 OF THE AIR 6 drive for battery

CONDITIONING COMPRE 7 high voltage cable (orange).

4 electric motors

Drive for Battery cooling inlet

under rear seat (on the left) is part of the drive
for Battery for the cooling air inlet. blocking
the air to the left of the entrance, the drive for
battery overheating and causing the output.

12 BTO DK005
1- 2.hy bri d s ys tem 59

Emergency stop system

impact due to an accident, such as when the hybrid system is stopped and high
voltage OFF. In addition, fuel pump control to stop the supply of fuel, the fuel is also
to minimiz e it. The hybrid system, it will not be pos sible to restart a second Toyota
dealers please contact us.

Warning message
The hybrid system anomali es and notice when there is what you want to appear

For safety and security

automatic ally.
Warning messages are displayed on
the multi-infor mati on display.
The follow the instructions on the screen. (P.

12 BTO DK008

The warning light will come on, and when the warning message is displayed, or when Lee and
Accessories battery is no longer connect ed to the when.
Hybrid system may not be able to restart. Start the engine again, even if the indicator is lit
READY Toyota if you do not want to sell please contact your shop.
When we ran out of gas.
ran out of gas in the hybrid system is impossible, the low fuel level warning
light (P.67) is off until you restart it to the fuel tank. The small amount of gas,
if you do not start with. The amount of fuel in the vehicle approximately 5 L
horizontal state. slope of the vehicle to change the amount of fuel).
60 1-2.hybrid system

For more information about electroma gnetic waves.

The high- voltage and high-volt age wiring site, an electroma gnetic shield structure. car
and house of tradition al electronic products compare d with electroma gnetic waves,
but it is not that there are many.
Some of the amateur radio (Telecom municat ions) in the presence of noise when you
receive if you please be aware.
For more information about battery for driving.
The battery life for driving. Using the life of the vehicle, depending on driving
Declarat ion of Conf ormit y.
This vehicle is ECE, 100 (battery electric vehicle safety) based on the amount of
hydrogen emissions compliance.


For more information about high-volt age and high-t emp erat ure.
This car is a high-voltage system is being used. To do the following and burns and
electric shock, serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario to which may lead to
The high- volt age and high-volt age wiring site (orange) and the connect ors
should be taken apart, such as the absolut e do not attempt to.
- After the vehicle is a hybrid system is hot. Car label that is attached to the finger,
always follow the high-volt a ge and high-t e mpe rat ure areas.

The Service plug is inst alle d in the batt er y for driving. Servic es Plug the
Toyot a Deale r at time of repair of the vehicle, such as the batt ery for
driving high-vo lt a g e in order to block. is not hand le d prope rly it may cause
elect rical shock, do not absolut e .
12 BTO DK006
1- 2.hy bri d s ys tem 61


The accident occurre d when the

Observe the following and not have the privilege of doing, electric shock, or serious injury
to the center, and in the worst case scenario which may lead to death.
- To prevent accidents occurring a safe location to stop the gear lever to the Perkins P
parting brake to stop, the hybrid system. (P.138, 143). 1
T h e h i g h - voltage, high-volt a ge, wiring site (orang e in color), and the are, not to touch the
expose d high-volt a ge compo nent s and wiring, be sure that you don't have.

For safety and security

T h e vehicle's passenger compartment and in the engine compartment, it extends beyond
the electrical wiring is not absolute
T h e liquids and also if it has not to touch the driving cell electrolyte (strong alkaline) come
to eyes or skin and blindness and skin injury may result in dangerous. If the eye or if it
comes into contact with skin, immediately wash the affected area thoroughly with water
and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
- If there is a fire, the vehicle when the ABC, fire extinguishers, fire use water to make a
large amount of fire hydrants.
the front wheel is on the ground in a state not towing the Drive System Parts may be
damaged. (P.283).
T h e bottom of the car, such as the surface of the liquid to verify it (other than water for air
condit ioning ) is found, fuel system may be damage d. hybrid system as it is used to start
a fire in the fuel and it is because it is dangero us and does not start. If this is the c ase,
contact the situation and Toyot a dealers in conjunctio n with when you ask to be
For more information about battery for driving.
Absolute resale, assignment, such as modifications to the Do Not. You should take the car
to run dynamic batteries to prevent any accidents, Toyota dealers throughout recovery.
Your cooperation. If you do not return to the right of the following, you will come across a
serious injury, or if the top of the evil which may lead to death.
T h e illegal dumping or leaving the pollutio n to the environm ent and not only by a third party,
high-volt ag e parts, and I put an electric shock hazard.
T h e vehicle is equipped for driving in non-usin g the battery, (such as modificat ions, including
the risk of electric shock, the heat and smoke and fire and explosion, electrolyt e leakag e,
such as an accident.
In particular, such as resale and transfer to the other party and these risks may not be
detected and may lead to an accident.
62 1-2.hybrid system


The drive for the cooling air inlet for informat ion about batteries
t h e air around the entrance, such as luggage do not place. The intake can be
busy and the drive for battery overheating, causing the fault.
T h e inlet is not clogged, be cleaned regularly.
In the Inlet Water and/or debris. Batteries for driving may be damage d.
In the area for battery-driven large amounts of water do not spill. When
accidentally spilled, the Toyota dealer for service.
1- 3.anti -theft devic e 63

Immobilizer system.
Transmitter Signal to the key internal pre-register ed, non-key, hybrid system
is not allowed to start.
If you must leave the vehicle key in the vehicle, do not leave.
This system is to contribute to the preventi on of vehicle theft, for all of the 1
Vehicle Theft guarantee the complete security.

Power switch, and the system to

For safety and security

OFF indicating the operation of the
service to the replicator is flashing.
T he k ey to the mobile, the p ower
s witc h and ac c es s or y mode or
O N mode will dis ar m the s y s tem,
an indic ator will tur n off.

For more information about maint enance.
Immobilizer System maintenance is required.
The system is in normal operatio n when not
T h e key is made of metal, which is adjacent to the Covered
T h e key is the other key FOR VEHI CLE SECURI TY SYSTEM (signal transmitt e r internal key)
when it is superimp osed and approach when you are


The Immobilizer system in order to work properly.

The modifications to the system or removing. System is not functioning correctly.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
64 1-3.anti-theft device

Some of the meters

2. Some of the instrument
W ar ni ng li ghts .......................... 66
Ins tr um ents ............................... 69
Mul ti-infor mation displ ay ......... 72
66 2. View of the instrument

Warning lights

In the meter of the indicator and warning lights may in status of the
The following illustration shows the description of all the indicator and
The meter
warning lights.

20 DK BTO 446

the dashboar d (immobiliz er system if fitted to the vehicle).

2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 67
system anomalies, such as warning.
Warning* light
Parking brake
Electronic Controlled
not OFF warning light
(in yellow). Brake Warning Light
* *
Brake Warning slip indicator light
Light (P.286). 2
(in red). (lit).
(P. 285).
Engine warning Low fuel level warning light

Some of the meters

light (P.287)

SRS airbag and seatbelt

* Seat belt reminder warning light
warning light
(P.286). (P.287)
* *
ABS & BRAKE ASSIST Master warning

Power-assisted steering warning light

Check for the engine switch to"ON"orthepowerswitch, and will turn on when the ON mode after a
few seconds, or a hybrid system to start off with. If you do not light up and the
light stays on the system when it is abnormal. Toyota's dealer for service.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
68 2. View of the instrument

Indicator light
The system displays the operating status.
direction EV drive mode indicator light
indicator lamp (P.148).

emergency vehicle approaching
Tail Light Indicator
OFF Indi cator Light (P. 55).
Light (P. 155).

High Beam
ECO MODE Indicator Light
Indicator Light
(P. 151).
(P. 155).

Automatic High Beam *

Indicator Light(P.158) EV indicator
(P. 55).

* *
VSC OFF slip indicator light
Indicator Light (P. 172).
(P.173. (flashing).
low temperature READY indicator
(P.138, 142).
(P. 69).
system indicator
Gear position display
(P. 150).
(P. 63).
Check for the engine switch to"ON"orthepowerswitch, and will turn on when the ON mode after a
few seconds, or a hybrid system to start off with. If you do not light up and the
light stays on the system when it is abnormal. Toyota's dealer for service.

Safety equipm ent if the LED is not lit

or SRS ABS airbag warning light, such as the safety equipment is Engine
switch to"ON" or power switch andON mode if it does not come on and the light
stays on when the accident to operate correctly, without serious injury or death,
and (in the worst case it may lead to. Toyota dealer at immediately.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 69


1 2 3 4

Some of the meters

8 7 6 5 20 BT O
1 tachometer
Every minute of the petrol engine

2 speed. Speed meter indicates the speed of

the vehicle.

3 Display *
Displays the time. (P. 225).

4 450

5 Fuel level gauge*

Low fuel level.

6 Trip Information odometer and trip meter. (P.


7 air temperature - 40°C C to 50 degrees between the display. outside air

temperature is about 3 degrees when the C: the low-temperature display (P. 68)
is lit.
8 SET button
*-simpletoselecthescreendisplaywhenyouaremoving.(P. 75).
70 2. View of the instrument

is unset for display.

Items to be di s pl ay ed on the
di s pl ay to ex pend the T RIP
c ontr ol .

20 BTO DK010

Trip Information
Each time you press TRIP switch as follows: instead of Turn off.
1 odometer total distance travelled.
2 trip meter A *
Res et the di s tanc e tr av el l ed fr om
the v i ew.
To reset the trip meter contour A
TRIP during the sweep, press and
hold the Chi.

3 Trip Meter B * 20 1 2 3 BTO DK049

Res et the di s tanc e tr av el l ed fr om

the v i ew.
To reset the trip meter contour B
TRIP during the sweep, press and
hold the Chi.
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 71

For more information about external temperat ure display.
If you are correct, the following will show the ambient temperature, the
temperature display does not update or a slow, but that is not a failure.
The stationary or when driving at low speeds (20 km/h or less) when the
The sudden change in the outside air temperature (when the garage, such as at the
entrance of the tunnel.
The external temperat ure display to view the solicitation when it is the
It is possible the system malfunction. Toyota's dealer for service. 2
For more information about LCD display.

Some of the meters


Hybrid systems and compon ent s in order to avoid damage to

the vehicle is in the place of the temperature gauge to 450alert messages ( P.
289) is displayed. the engine cooling water temperature" or "hybrid
" system overheating limit output and a warning message is displayed when the
overheating because it may stop the car in a safe place immediately.
(P. 336).
72 2. View of the instrument


The outside temper atur e and the vehicle 450a variety of informati on.

- driv e-m ae-f ault

(P. 73).
T o v i ew a v ar i ety of i nfor mati on
about dr i v i ng.

- ECO (P. 74) as well as information

about the fuel economy.
The screen settings (P. 74). 12 BTO DK008

Date modified and/or settings on the

screen and make your changes.
-Warning Message (P. 289).
There is a fault on each of the systems
that you want to be display ed in the

is unset for display.

Items that appear on the di s pl ay ,
the handl e i s uns et for Mae 1
c ontour oper ati on c ontr ol .
1 Select Switch 32
i tem( s ) and/or to s el ec t the
S c r een/mov e.
2 determine which switch.
3 back to switch back to the previous screen
20 DK BTO 115

2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 73
S elec t t he s wit c h or pus h t he
mov eoperation
How t o eac h of t he it ems .
Or , if Th y ou want to wor k on
the s c r eene ic on is dis play ed in 1 23
the s ec ond s ec tion of the
c ur r ently s elec ted tab is fenc ed
1 drive information
2 eco
3 configuration
The drive informati on BTO 20 DK016

Some of the meters

Select the switch Or The Press the next screen, you can select.
- Drive Info screen (P. 77).
Average fuel consumption, average speed and driving time/EV EV road ratio and shows the
total distance travelled.
The energy monitor screen (P. 76).
Check on the status of the hybrid system can be activated.
The sportiness screen (P. 75).
To view the sportiness.

The simple screen (P.75).

Clock, outside temperature, and fuel gauge to the screen to display the zoom.
74 2. View of the instrument

Select the switch Or The Press the next screen, you can select.
- eco-judge screen (P. 78).
To determine the status of eco-driving.
- eco-wallet screen (P. 79).
Enter the price of gasoline, the distance to be traveled to and consumption based
on the amount of gasoline. In addition, if you enter any of the fuel economy, in fact
the difference between the vehicle and fuel economy, but they may appear as a
dollar amount.

- eco-wallet HISTORY Screen (P. 80).

To view the history of eco-wallet.
Fuel- HISTORY Screen (P. 80).
The average fuel economy for each month.

Fuel- ranking screen (P. 80).

The best fuel economy of the past and the current standings 3.
The 5-minute screen fuel economy (P. 78).
For each 5 minutes to display the fuel econom y. Current Consum ption by
simulta n e o us ly viewing the fuel econom y of the past can be compared.

Set the display of the meter, such as settings and

adjustments .
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 75

sportines s.

1 vehicle speed 1 2
2 possible cruising distance

20 BT O
DK017 2
Simple screen.

1 clock
1 2 3

Some of the meters

2 external temperature
3 fuel gauge

20 BT O
76 2. View of the instrument

Energy Monitor.

electrical energy, while driving the vehicle.

b o th g a so line a n d e lectric e ne rgy, w hen d riving

th e

In energy in the gasoline while driving the vehicle.

For driven to the battery when you are charging

When there is no flow of energy

Less More

Amount of power remaining in the batteries for

driving display

For more information about screen displays the actual situation and may be slightly different.
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 77

The drive info

Average fuel consumpti on, average
speed, driving time, driving EV EV
ratio and the distanc e travelled and 12
the trip meter Oh-meter to view
either the originati ng in or you are
viewing the contents are differ ent. 34
When the odometer display: High-Britney-
system, from the start of the lap.
During the trip meter display: Gantry - 20 BTO DK026

the place to reset the meter to record 2

from the display. The trip meter A B

Some of the meters

each recording.
To reset the trip meter and records will also
be rese t. (P. 70).
1 average fuel consumption
To display the average fuel economy.
2 driving time
To view the running time.

3 EV EV driving distance ratio

EV ratio and distance travelled (electric motor driving only in the distance and the
percent a g e is displayed.

4 possible cruising distance

The current amount of fuel remaining in the distance that can be travelled to display the
And the average fuel economy of the past is the distance on the basis of
the calculation, so that the actual distance that the vehicle is not
The amount of fuel injected is low, the display will not be updated.
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle: the refueling the engine switch
to "LOCK ". In case the engine switch to "LOCK" if you do not have the tank, the
display will not be updated. Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle.
When the oil-air lubrication OFF power switch. If the power switch to the tank
without OFF if you have to, the display will not be updated.
Averagespeedbysetingalsoalowsyoutoview.(P. 84).
78 2. View of the instrument

1 battery level indicator for driving 1 2
2 hy brid s y s t em indic at or.
Out put of t he hy brid s y s t em and
regenerat iv e brak ing lev el.
(P. 82).
3 view the status of eco-driving 3

driving situation, and ECO-DRIVING ECO-stop start and stability 20ofBT O

divided into 3 patter ns in the five-step process. In addition, the vehicle is
every time you stop to view scores. (starting at the end of each reset
and the integrati on is not involved).

Fuel economy every 5 minutes .

Hy br i d s y s tem, s tar ti ng fr om the
hi s tor y of the fuel c ons umpti on i n 5 -
mi nute i nter v al s . Cur r ent
c ons umpti on at 30 mi nutes pr i or to
the s how's fuel ec onomy and c an
be c ompar ed.

20 BTO DK028
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 79

Eco wallet
Cons umpti on of gas ol i ne pr i c es and
fuel c ons umpti on c an be to mak e a
c ompar i s on of.


BTO 20 DK029 2
1 consumption Consumption
amount to view the amount.

Some of the meters

Either the odometer and trip meter that you can see the view.
When the odometer display: a hybrid system, from the start to view the
amount of.
During the trip meter display: trip meter reset and to view the amount of.
The trip meter A B to view the amount of each.
To reset the trip meter and amount are also reset. (P. 70).
2 compared fuel economy
On the Setup screen, you want to compare against any fuel economy, type a
number. (P. 85).
80 2. View of the instrument

Eco wallet history

E c o- wal l et i n fuel ec onomy
c ompar ed to enter and v i ew the
hi s tor y of the amount, y ou mus t
enter the amount of c ons umpti o n
hi s tor y . T hi s month, i n the l as t
thr ee months of the s ame month
a y ear ago, the di s pl ay wi l l be
abl e to c ompar e.
In addition to the graph also display a number. 20 BTO DK030

Fuel consumpti on history.

The average fuel economy for each month.
Earlier this month, in the last three
months, and the same month in 1999, the
display will be able to compare.

20 BTO DK031

fuel efficiency ranking.

Three best fuel economy of the past and
the current rank.

20 BTO DK032

When the odometer display: a hybrid system to record from the start.
During the trip meter display: trip meter reset and to display the record.
The trip meter A B each recording.
At the top ranking is 100, and is displayed as the rank outside.
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 81

The Clear

Eco-wallet history, fuel efficiency and fuel economy history ranking to be

1 you want to clear history screen when you are viewing. decision to
switch, press and hold Reset History screen appear s.

1 Eco wallet history

2 fuel economy fuel
3 economy ranking 2

Some of the meters



2 S elec t S wit ch Or Press to select "Yes" (The

Th The
Witch) is pressed, the histor y will be erased.
82 2. View of the instrument

Hybrid system indicator

1 2 4

20 BT O

* regenerativ e energy charge area shows the. regenerativ e power to the drive for battery
chargin g.

In additio n, the charging. is displayed.

Here, the"REVIVAL" means, thekinetic energy isconverted toelectrical energy.
2 Eco area
Do not use gasolin e - pow ered status indicates the status with a lot. petrol engine
(turboch a rg e d engine with a variety of conditions to automat ic ally stop and restart.

3 ECO-DRIVING ECO-area (environmentally-friendly driving) for

the state. at full throttle power area, such as the eco-driving

4 range indicates the state is passing.

Eco area indicator that keeps the eco-driving.
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 83

Change Display Settings

You can configur e the following contents . Be sure to go to a safe location.
Select the switch Or The P us h as ide.
To move the cursor to the section Set
Second, the decision to switch to the
Setup screen and press instead of 1 23 45 67
Turn off.
1 EV (P.84).
of EV ON/OFF midst.
2 drive info (P. 84).
Drive Info screen first and second rows of items to the average vehicle

Some of the meters

speed" and "Average Fuel Economy" and
The "Drive Time" you can select from.

3 eco-wallet (P. 85).

price of gasolin e fuel economy settings can be
config ure d for the comparis on.

4 night Dimming (P. 85).

20 BTO DK035

vehicle width Light light intensit y meter.

5 date (P. 86).

You can adjust the date.

6 practice result (P. 86).

The results display DRIVING ON/OFF midst.
7 initialization
84 2. View of the instrument

■ View EV

20 BTO DK036

1 Select the switch Or The "EV in view, select the " ( Deter mine
the sweep).
Select the switch Or In OFF ON or, select the to
2 The (
Deter mine switch) is pressed.

The drive info

20 BTO DK037

1 Select the switch Or The IntheSelectthedriveinfo" ( A

switch is pressed.
Select the switch Or "The Second Line" or in the "Second
2 The
Line" and select Determine switch) is pressed.
Select the switch Or To select an item (Decision switch),
3 The The
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 85

Set Eco wallet

20 DK BTO 138

Some of the meters

1 the switch Or The The "eco- wall et" in the Select The(a
switch) is pressed.
Select the switch Or Gasoline prices in the fuel economy
2 The
comparison" or "select." Determine switch) is pressed.
Select Switch (RISE) or (descendi ng) and then set the
3 The The
number . (duel for constant switch) press

The night dimming

20 DK BTO 139

1 Select the switch Or The "night."nI ordertoselectthelight ( Deter mine

the sweep).
Select the switch (bright) or the dark) to set the light intensi ty.
2 ( (
The Witch decided to press
86 2. View of the instrument


20 BTO DK040

1 Select the switch Or The Select the "date" ( Deter mine

switch) is pressed.
2 Select the switch Or The year/m onth/day , select (RISE) is
Th The
also Fall) and then set the number Determine
( e (
switch), press.

Driving results display.

20 BTO DK041

1 Select the switch Or The The road in to select the result."The

(switch) is pressed.
Select the switch Or In OFF ON or, select the to
2 The (
Deter mine switch) is pressed.
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 87

This practice results

W hen y ou s top to hy br i d s y s tem,
the hy br i d s y s tem, s tar ti ng fr om
the ti me that the data i n a l i s t.
To lock the door and the screen will disappear.

dge 20 BTO DK042

Some of the meters

The amount of power remainin g in the batteries for driving for more
informat ion about display
Charge the batteries for driving amount by a hybrid system is controlled by automatic.
As a result, features regenerative braking by gasoline -electric power generation using
collection are the amount of power remaining in the batteries for driving Maximum
display (level 8), that you do not reach, but there is not a problem.
With possible cruising distance.
The current amount of fuel remaining in the distance that can be travelled to
display the estimated. The average fuel economy of the past, is the distance
to be calculated on the basis for the display, the distance that the vehicle is
in fact not necessarily.
For more information about Eco-judg es.
Evaluation points by driving conditions and the environment will change. As a result, the
fuel economy and link it may not.
For more information about Eco wallet
T h e consumption amount, the amount you get may be used as a guide.
Only the oil and driving condit ions and the environm ent , such as by filling in when the
actual amount of faces and images that appea r on the amount there may be
Get the consumptio n amount, the amount of Eco-ju dges evaluat ion points and if you
do not link.
88 2. View of the instrument

ACCESSORIES BATTERY TERMINAL when removing the following data will be reset.
- Clock
Fuel- ranking (4th)
average fuel economy.
possible cruising distance.
The average vehicle speed
- Driving EV EV driving distance ratio.
running time.
For more information about LCD display.
spots and small light on the display may be displayed. This is a liquid crystal display on
the behavior of specific using it as it is not a problem.
For more information about openin g screen.
 Smart Entry & Start System Non-IF
ENGINE switch to "ON" or the "ACC"
to betwe en 3 seconds .
 Smart Entry & Start system if fitted
to the vehicle: the power switch is
ON mode or the accessory mode for 20 BTO DK043

3 seconds .
During the opening screen displays the
following actions by opening screen is
To non-P and shift the gear lever to the operation.
Handle TRIP switch or switch, the
meter operation to the operation.

For more information about configuration screen.

When the vehicle is moving is not operational.

20 BTO DK044
2. Vi ew of the i ns tr ument 89

When the fuel tank.

after refueling the engine switchto"ON" orpower switchand ON mode to Automatic,
gasoline prices, and input screen (P. 85) is displayed.
For more information on initializin g.
On the Configuration screen to do the initialization for the following initial (Factory
setting) you can get back.
· View EV
Drive Info
Eco wallet
And at night dimmi n g 2

Results can be displayed and travel

Some of the meters

20 BTO DK045

1 Select the switch Or The "Initalization" andintheSelect (

Deter mine
the sweep).
Select the switch Or "Yes" or "no", and then select
2 Th
Determine switch) is pressed.
( e


For more information about Eco

Eco judges judges are as a rule of thumb. traffic conditions, be sure to note the
safety of those around you.
The display when you want to change the configuratio n of
the hybrid system is activated in the state to perform operations, such as in a
garage in the area with adequate ventilation. As the air and the exhaust gas is
filled with the exhaust gas of the carbon monoxide (CO) leads to severe health
problems, or in the worst-case which may lead to death.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
90 2. View of the instrument


When the temperat ure

of the screen displayed on the screen when temperature is extremely low, the
midst of the screen display may be delayed due to the heat inside the vehicle
to use.
* When you change the settings of the Display
Accessories battery up so it could be to ensure that the hybrid system is

Operation of Parts
K ey .............................................. 92

3-2.opening and closing the doors

of the lock only.
S mart E ntry & S tart Sy stem ... 95
Wi r el es s r emote c ontr ol ...... 105
Door........................................ 108
Tr unk ........................................ 111

3-3. Adjusting the seat

Fr ont s eat ................................ 114
the headr est ........................... 116

3-4.handle position mirror

Handl e...................................... 118
Inner Mir r or ............................. 120
Door mirr or ............................. 122

3-5. Opening and closing the door

El ec tri c wi ndow ..................... 125
92 3-1.key


For more information about key

The following key to the customer.
 Smart Entry & Start System key non-fitted to the

1 vehicle (wireless functionality .

Wireless activation of the function.
(P. 105).
2 Key (wireless) key number plate

Smart Entry & Start System vehicles with electronic key

Smart Entry & star.
Wireless activation of the function.
(P. 105).
2 Mechanical Key
3 number plate
3-1.key 93

Mechanic al key to use instrumentati on and wear Smart Entry & Start System
Mechanical key solution to eject the
device button, and then press the
Enter key to remove it.
After use, the return e-key in
combination with the mobile phone. E-
key is a pond off the electricity or when
Smart Entry
& start system is in normal operation,
when a mechanical key is required. (P.

key (Smart Entry & Start System Non-fitt ed to the vehicle) or mechanical key .
The dge
When you lose

Operation of
Key Number plate engraved with the key number and the rest of the key
from the key, or mechanism, the Toyota Dealer Toyota genuine and you
can create new key. Key Number plate of the car other than in a secure
location, such as a wallet in the store.
When you ride on the aircraft.
If you are key to the aircraft to bring in an aircraft, with the key switch is not
pressed. In addition, bags, etc. If you want to save, it is easy to switch is
pressed to the store. switch is pressed and the radio is placed in the aircraft
to the operation may compromise.
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
94 3-1.key


The key to prevent the fault.

- Dropped, or strong impact, do not bend
High-temperature do not leave a long time
Do wet-ultrasonic cleaner, do not wash
In the Key-metal or magnetic Products to Install or do not associate with
Do not disassemble the.
On the surface, such as seal-e-key not found.
- TV and audio cooking product s that have magnetic fields, such as low-frequ ency
Therapy Device, or any electrical medical equipm ent placed near the
Note the key handlin g.
Wireless key and electronic key Radio Law is fit for authentication. Make sure
that the following must be observed.
T h e batteries can be replaced when they are not inadvertently, do
not attempt to disassemble. apart, that has been converted to
use is prohibited by law.
- Make sure you are using in Japan.
When you want to carry the e-key.
While it is powered on electronics products and is 10 cm or more away. In less
than 10 CM and electronics radio waves and the interference may not function
The Smart Entry & Start System, such as the fault by DEALER FROM THE
Supplied with the vehicle that you have all of the e -key.
The keyor e-keyis lost when the
Key or electronic key is lost, leaving the state, and a very high risk of theft. The
vehicle is provided with the rest of the keys or electronic key, you have all of
Toyota's dealer immediately, it can help.
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
3-2.openi n g and closing the doors of the lock
onl y . 95

Smart Entry & Start System.

Functional Overview.
electronic key, such as a pocket to carry on, and you can do the following.
(Be sure your driver).

12 3

Operation of
BTO 32 DK001

To1lock and unlock the doors ( P. 96).

2 To Unlatch the Trunk (P. 96) to start hybrid system ( P. 142).
The operat
dge ion signal.
doors and locks, emergency lights flashing and a buzzer. (lock is a one -time,
unlock 2 times).
Unlock security features of the operatio n.
Unlock within approximately 30 seconds after the operation, the door did not
open when the anti-theft lock automatically. (Security lock, when the e-key on
the position of the passenger compartment in the working area of the
electronic key is detected again, and that the lock is not).

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
96 3-2.opening and closing the doors of the lock only.

the door lock and unlock the front side door handles only).
squeeze the handle and to unlock
handle on the back to ensure that the sensor
Lock for 3 seconds after the operation cannot unlock.

Door HA Triendl c am e at
t he t op s urf ac e of t he
lower bac k (t he handle
rec es s of t he depart m ent )
t o loc k it .

To Unlatch the Trunk

T RUNK O P E N s wi tc h to unl oc k
pr es s
3-2.openi n g and closing the doors of the lock
onl y . 97

Position of the antenna and operating range

The position of the

1 aerial vehicle exterior

2 antenna antenna
3 outside trunks in the
4 trunk antenna antenna

Operation of
The operati ng range (E-key of the detecti on area.
: the doors lock and unlock
From the door handle by around
70 CM in the electronic key, if you
are working in. (electronic key is
detected by the door handle only
works in the).

: When unlock the trunk:

TRUNK OPEN switch around from
within about 70 CM in the electronic
key, if you are working in.
W hen the s y s tem s tar ts up
or hy br i d mode when mi ds t
In the passenger compartment to the
mobile e-key if you are working in.
3-2.opening and closing the doors 99
98 of the
3-2.opening and closing the doors of the lock
lock only.

dge door handle in the upper lock sensor when not locked
The upper part of the handle to lock
sensor should also be locked it is
when you cannot lock sensor part of
the top and bottom of the frame at
the same time.
For more information about sound and display a warnin g alert.
by misuse, such as unexpected accidents and to prevent theft, and the
vehicle interior and exterior, and you hear the alert to 450that you will
receive an alert. If you receive a warning that the display based on the
appropriate action. (P. 297).
If you hear only the sound of the alert status and workaround is as follows.

Warning sound Status Workaround

E-key in the vehicle.
From the inside Open the front door. From the inside of the
of the vehi cl e the locking lever on the
vehicle to take out e-key
and one "beep" side to lock and pull the
and then re-lock can be
"beep" sound door handle to close the
from the outsi de door and leave.
ring and 5 And so that the lock
secon ds
E-key in the vehicle.
not being a smart Take e-key from the
encoding. inside of the vehicle.
Lee & start system Once again, to lock out
As you lock the doors with To
.the and
"From the Outsi d e"
One of the doors is open
and Smart encoding when
After all, close the door
Victory & start system
Sound 5 seconds and lock again.
and lock the doors, and
all the doors are locked
From within the trunk e-
in state electronic key,
key after you remove the
leave it on the
tiger close fitting
trampoline, trampoline,
100 3-2.opening and closing the doors
of the lock only.
Warning sound Status Workaround
Shift the gear lever is in
From the inside of a state other than P OFF
To move the gear lever to
the vehicle and power switch without the
continu e to ring." driver's door is open. P
Driver's door is open, the
key is in the ON mode
Th e p o w e r sw i tch to
"Beep, Beep" from the Power Switch
th e OFF a fte r cl o si n g
inside of the vehicle Accessories (accessory
th e d ri ve r's d o o r.
and continue to ring mode when the driver's
door is open.

Operation of
3-2.opening and closing the doors 10
of the lock only. 1
Power saving features.
Long-term parking e-key at the time of the battery and the vehicle's Accessories
battery up the section to prevent electronic function.
- In the followin g situations, with Smart Entry & Start system to unlock time you might be.
and out of the vehicle to within approxi matel y 2M electronic key, leave at least 10
More than 5 days, Smart Entry & Start System did not use
- More than 14 days, Smart Entry & Start System, you are in luck if you did
not use in the non-rolling seat can be unlocked. If this is the case, the
driver's door handle, or to hold the wireless capabilities, mechanical key
The feature may not function correct ly there are situations
The Smart Entry & Start System using weak radio waves. The following
such a case, the E-key to the communication between the vehicle and also
the Smart Entry & Start System, and wireless remote control, engine
immobilizer system is not functioning correctly, you will get together.
(workaround:P. 329).
- The e-key when batteries are low.
Near-TV Tower, power plant s and gas stations, broadcast ing stations and large-screen
display, the Sky Harbor, where there are strong radio and noise when in the location
where you want to.
T h e electronic key, with the following metal adjacent to, or when they are covered with
Aluminum Foil and metal, such as the card
Aluminum Foil and use the cigarette box.
And Metal purse or bag
The Cairo
and the media, such as CD and DVD
In the vicinity of the other radio frequency wireless remote control when you are using.
T h e electronic key, such as the following, to make waves at the same time as product
when you are mobile
and radios, cell phones, and cordless phones and other wireless communication
And for the other car electronic key and radio frequency wireless remote control
PCs and mobile information terminals (PDA, etc. ).
Digital Audio Player.
Portable gaming devices.
t h e headrests, including metal film, such as when there is
T h e battery charger of electronic equipment such as the key, if you place a near
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 101

You should be aware that I would like you.

- e-key is in the working area (coverage area) in the following, even if it is in such a
case might not work properly.
And doors and locks the electronic key is door glass and door handles too close
to the ground, or if you have to close and/or high location
and unlock the trunk: The electronic key is on the ground or near the high, or
rear, and Campana in the middle if too close.
When the system starts up, hybrid or the mode switch is in the electronic key
instrument panel and the rear seat on the floor of the rear package tray and
door potentiometer on diskette, or in the glove compartment, such as if it
was placed in
The instrument panel and door pocket electronic key, close to leave the vehicle,
depending on the situation outside of the radio to the antenna is detected from the
outside by the door lock may be able, electronic key is locked in the vehicle may
cause it to.
The electronic key is activated if it is within range and an el ectronic key to the
mobile people who are also non-lock and unlock. However, the electronic key is

Operation of
detected outside the door can be unlocked.
the exterior door glass closer to the location when there is an electronic key, the
hybrid system's start is possible you might be.
The electronic key is activated if there is within the range, car wash, heavy rains, large
amounts of water on the door handle and, when the doors are locked and unlocked.
(unlocked, even if you must have an open/close operation in approximately 30
seconds after the lock automat ically).
The vehicle closer to the location when you have electronic key locks with wireless
remote control, such as the Smart Entry & Start System unlock with you might not
be able. The wireless remot e control to unlock the back).
102 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた

considerations of the lock.

- wearing gloves when touching the lock sensor to lock, the lock will be delayed or
may or may not have. If so, remove and LOCK SENSO R gloves come in.
The Lock operation is valid up to two (2) times in a row, the third time since the doors
do not work.
The key to the mobile washing water, such as if you have put on the door handle, lock
and unlock to repeat behavior. If this is the key to more than 2m away from the
vehicle to the location, as well as the tube, such as car wash. (The key to the theft
of the note).
When you have the key in the vehicle, such as a car wash the car wash in water when
put on the door handle, and an alert is displayed on the vehicle 450the fuser is
siren. If you lock the door, all the alarm if you will no longer be displaye d.
On the surface of the lock sensor ice, snow, slush, mud, if it is contaminated with the
sensor may not. If you do not respond to the surface must not be covered with ice,
snow, slush, mud, remove or re-operation, the door handles with lock at the bottom
of the sensor.
- When you are working on the door handle to the door of the nail. Door to damage
divided by the claws and be caref ul that you don't .
Unlock items to be aware of.
The sudden door handle operations, the vehicle in the working area of the antenna to
the door in hand, when the operation if you do not unlock. If this is the case, once
the door to it's original location, unlock the back to make sure that pull the door
handle to.
- wearing gloves when holding the door handle to unlock, unlock will be delayed or
may or may not have. If so, and gloves, remove some of the sensor come to handle
The key to the mobile washing water, such as if you have put on the door handle, lock
and unlock to repeat behavior. If this is the key to more than 2m away from the
vehicle to the location, as well as the tube, such as car wash. (The key to the theft
of the note).
Within the operating range of the other when there is an electronic key, using the door
handle to unlock from time to be a little longer.
- When you are working on the door handle to the door of the nail. Door to damage
divided by the claws and be caref ul that you don't .
If you do not want long-t erm operatio n.
- To protect it from theft, electronic key from the vehicle to more than 2m away.
- Pre-Sm art Entry & Start System, you can make non-op erat ion al.
For more information please contact your Toyota dealer.
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 103

The system for proper operat ion.

Be sure to carry the e-key on that. In addit ion, working from the outside is too close to
the vehicle electronic key is make sure that you do not. During operat ion of the
electronic key position and/ or by holding the electronic key is detect ed correctly, but
the system is not operatin g correct ly. (accident ally alarm rings or close the key feature
does not work. :P. 98).
electronic key, in the trunk. Electronic key location (temporary use spare
tirenear the end of the trunk inside), the status (metal or in the stamp of approval,
such as near the Metal), or of the surrounding radio frequency depending on the
environment, Close Key feature does not work. (P. 112).
The Smart Entry & Start system is operatin g correctly when not
The doors and locks:P.32 9
The hybrid system starting:P. 330 3

For more information

about battery drain.
- The standard battery life is 1 to 2 years.

Operation of
The battery power is low, the hybrid system is stopped when the warnin g tone will sound
from the inside of the vehicle.
The electronic key is always receives the signal, so that it does not use batteries are
getting rid of the mals. The following conditions when the battery is low, it is
possible that. Replace the batteries.
Smart Entry & Start System, and wireless remote control does not work
Operating range is narrower.
and electronic key LED is not lit.
- significa nt wear and tear on the battery, such as: avoid magnet ic appliances within the
1M electronic key, make sure that you do not store.
· TV
Your PC.
and mobile phones, cordless phones, and a charger
and electrical stand
Electromag neti c cooker
104 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 105

When the batteries are dead.

For Sale features that can be configure d in the store
Smart Entry & Start System, such as a non-operating can be changed.
(Customize List:P.349).
for sale in stores Smart Entry & Start System, when the non-activat ed
The doors and locks: The wireless feature, or by using mechanical key lock or unlock of
doors. (P.1053 29).
- start of the hybrid system and power switch mode switch:P. 330
The hybrid system stop:P. 143


For more information about the radio impact

- implanted cardiac pacemakers and cardioverter-Both the ventricular pacing pulse
generator and cardioverter-defibrillators are fitted with indoor antennas, and
exterior aerial (
P97) to close to within about 22 CM be sure not to. by radio waves
implanted cardiac pacemakers and cardioverter-Both the ventricular
pacing pulse generator and cardioverter-defibrillators may affect the
operati on.
T h e implanted cardiac pacemakers and cardioverter-Both the ventricular pacing
pulse generator and cardioverter-defibrillators for non-medical electrical
equipment, you can use radio-frequency 2.37 for medical electrical equipment
manufacturers, such as pre-check in. Radio waves are Knoppix-Med effort of
electrical equipm ent that may affect behavior.
Smart Entry & Start System, can also be non-operational. For more
information please contact your Toyota dealer.
106 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた

Wireless remote control

Functional Overview.
Lock the door, and unlocked to unlatch the trunk.
Smart Entry & Start System all non-fitted to the

1 vehicle and lock the doors.

2 To unlock all the doors.

Operation of

lock the 1doors.

2 To unlock all doors to unlatch the trunk (long
3 press).
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 107

The operat
dge ion signal.
Door: buzzer (Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle) and
emergency lights flashing. (lock is a one-time, unlock 2 times).
Trunk: buzzer.
the half door buzzer (Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle).
door is not completely closed, and the doors are locked, and the buzzer will
door is fully closed doors and try again.
Unlock security features of the operatio n.

Unlock within approximately 30 seconds after the operation, to open the door if
you do not lock automatically to protect it from theft.
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle

The feature may not function correct ly there are situations
 -if fitted to the vehicle, the following
wireless remote control may not function correctly.
T h e wireless remote control when the battery is low
Near-TV tower, and the power plant, broadcastin g stations and airport facilitie s, such as
a strong signal to the radio freque ncy of the radio waves, such as audio -visual
equipme nt, electronic equipm ent, and large-screen display that occur when there is
T h e r a d i o , cellular phones, cordless phones, wireless communication devices such
as mobile phone when you are
T h e wireless remote control of a metal that is adjacent to be covered and when.
Near-radio frequency wireless remote control when you are using.
t h e headrests, including metal film, such as when there is
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle

108 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた

The wireless remot e control does not work properly when the
 -fitted to the
vehicle doors and locks:P.108
Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle
doors and locks:P.329
For more information about battery drain.

- The standard battery life is 1 to 2 years.
Wireless remote control-without having to use the battery is depleted. The following
conditions when the battery is low, it is possible that. New replace the batteries.
Wireless remote control does not work 3
Operating range is narrower.
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle

Operation of
When the batteries are dead.
For more information about checking the registratio n key number.
that is registered to the vehicle of the key can be determined the number. For
more information please contact to Toyota dealers.
For Sale features that can be configure d in the store
Wireless remote control, such as a non-operation can be changed.
(Customize List:P.349).
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 109

the door lock and unlock
Smart Entry & Start System, and wireless capabilities, key, door lock
switch to lock and unlock.
The Smart Entry & Start System .

The wireless feature

The key

key, and the door will operate as described below.

Smart Entry & Start System all non-fitted to the

1 vehicle and lock the doors.

2 To unlock all the doors.


MECHANICAL key and unlock and lock the doors. ( P. 329).
All of the door lock

1 switch to lock the

2 door to unlock all
the doors.
108 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 111

the locking lever

To lock1the door to unlock the

door. 2
Driver's door, the locking lever is
locked in the vehicle, even if the bar
is pulled the door open.

Key from the outside without the need for front seat when you lock
1 locking lever on the side to lock on the door
2 handle to close the door and pull and hold
vehicles not fitted

Operation of
key is inserted into the switc h engi ne when not locked.
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle
Power switch accessory mode or ON mode, or in the electronic key in
the vehicle when the left is locked.
Key is detected correctly if you do not have to be locked.
110 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた

Child Protection
The lock on the side and on the rear side door is
opened from the inside of the vehicle.
1 Lock
2 unlock
allow children to have rear side door to
be opened. Both sides of the rear seats
on the side and lock the doors.

Using the child protect ors when the door opening.
To unlock the door and the outside door handle is pulled and it will open. The
event is open from the inside of the vehicle, the door glass and lower the vehicle
to get the pull the door handle to.

In order to prevent an accident.
While driving, be sure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do
not open the door to surprise attack, serious injury, or in the worst case it may lead
to death.
- To ensure that all of the doors closed, and the doors
- while the vehicle is on the inside of the door to door lever opens the door not
may be thrown out of the vehicle. In particular, the driver's door lock lever is
locked side door is open.
T h e children, when put on the rear seat and the child protect ors if vehicle use to
prevent the door from opening.
When you open or close the door of the mind
The slope between the door and the wall, narrow and winds around, such as to
check the status of unexpected movements, but also to ensure that it can handle
to ensure that the door handle to keep your door open and closed.
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 113

trunk opener and Smart Entry & Start System, keys, wireless remote
control , you can open it using.

To open the trunk from the inside of the vehicle

Pull up on the lever to unlock the trunk.

Operation of
To open the trunk from outside
The Smart Entry & Start Syste m (Smart Entry & the conto u r syste m
if fitted).
The wireless remote control (Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).
The key (non-Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle).
Turn the key to unlock the trunk.
112 3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた

Open the trunk and the trunk when the lamp is lit.
The key in the trunk close about anti
(Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).
-All of the doors are locked in the trunk if you leave an e-key to Tiger St. When you
close and an audible tone is heard. In this case, the outside, open the trunk open
a l l the doors are locked, the spare key when you place it in the trunk, close key
function is working, to open the trunk. To protect it from theft when leavi ng your
vehicle, be sure to make all electronic key to your mobile.
-All of the doors are locked in a trunk in the electronic key is, even if you place an
electronic key was located and the surrounding radio frequency depending on the
circumstances, the electronic key in the trunk may be unable to detect. If this is the
case, close key function is not work and close the ranks when it is locked in. When
you close the trunk does not required to verify the whereabo ut s of electronic keys.
T h e door is unlocked if you are close, key function will not work. If this is the case, open
the trunk and the passeng er compart m ent, trunk opener.

Ensure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do not commit
to a serious injury or death, in the worst case may be.
Before attemptin g to move the vehicle.
before driving the trunk is closed. not completely closed when driving and
suddenly open to the outside of your luggage or or being thrown out by the
unexpected may lead to an accident.
In the trunk should not be used as a play. If you have accidentally trapped and
asphyxia, such as prone as it may cause.
T h e children of the trunk to open/close operation. Taken by surprise, the boot lid
is opened or closed, hands, head, neck, or pinch may be.
Considerat ions when driving.
In a trunk in the absolute do not allow people to ride. sudden braking and sharp
turning and when collision for you, such as when you commit to a serious injury or
death, in the worst case it could lead to.
3-2. ドアの開閉、ロックのしかた 113

Use of the trunk.
Ensure that the following must be observed. not have the privilege of doing amulets,
such as trapping and can result in serious personal injury is dangerous.
Before you open the trunk lid, on the weight of the snow and ice, remove any
obstructions. After opening the lid by the weight may close unexpect e dly.
How to Open and close the trunk, when enough of the surrounding safety, please make
When you are the people, and to ensure that it is safe to let you know that the "move"
to the calling.
When the wind is sufficient to open and close the note. The gust boot lid is open
or closed, it may be that you want to.

You want to use in the half-open state and the

Operation of
boot lid is closed unexpectedly serious
injury may result. In particular, a smooth, flat
surface on slope as opening and closing the
trunk is difficult to retract to a sudden
parting is opened or closed it may be. Make
sure the trunk is fully open and in that still
make sure that you use.

When you close the trunk lid, such as a finger,

so that it is not pinched with care.
The trunk lid is always from the outside
face, gent ly press on close.

the boot lid to Toyota genuine accessories accessories other than Do not install it.
A heavie r weight of the boot lid open, sudde nly after it is closed.
114 3-3. シートの調整

Front seat
Only the adjustment.

1 Adjust position before and after

2 Tilt up/down adjustment
3 of the whole sheet
(Driver's side only).
3-3. シートの調整 115


When you adjust the seat to

t h e passenger in the seat to prevent injury.
T h e bottom of the seat and moving parts and do not associat e
with. Insert your fingers or hands, serious injury could be
dangero us.
For more informat ion on adjust ing the reclinin g
seat back down to not more than is necessary. More than you need to, and too
down in case of an accident under the seat belt, dive into the abdomen, under
pressure to do more shoulder belt can take on the neck, and serious injury to, or
call the worst case may lead to death.
The longit u din al adjust m ent when working on
the foot of the space being careful not to pinch.

Operation of
116 3-3. シートの調整

the headrest
Front seat
you lower the Release button is being Release Button
pressed. 33 BTO CP001

Rear center seat

you lower the Release button is being

Release button
3-3. シートの調整 117

When removing the headrest.
Press and hold the release button
and pull the headrest.


For more information about the height of the head restraint.

Make sure that the center of the headrest of both ears of the top to adjust 3
the Per.

Operation of
For more information about rear center seat.
When you want to use from the stored location is always a stage in the raised position.


The following information about the headrest must be observed. Amulets, and
not have the privilege of doing a serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario in
which may lead to death.
t h e headrest is a dedicated to each of the sheet you want to use
the headrest to-be sure to adjust
t h e head restraint to the correct position to adjust the fixed after to ensure that
headrest to-do not leave the vehicle
118 3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー

Only the adjustment.
1 Grasp the handle and lower the
lever to the

2 Handle Up or Down to move to the

appropriate location.
Once you determine the position of the lever up to secure
the handle.
3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー 119

tilt and telescopin g steering wheel fitted to the vehicle, lower the lever handle
1 To

Handle 2and forth, and Up and Down to move to the

desired location.
Once you determine the position of the lever up to secure 3
the handle.

Operation of

The driving considerat ions

while the vehicle is to adjust the handle position. Driving over to the serious
injury or death, and (in the worst case it could lead to.
The handle to adjust the position after the
handle is secured to ensure that it. Fixed is not enough and the position of the
handle instead of a sudden accidents, resulting in serious injury to, or more than
the worst case may lead to death.
120 3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー

Inner Mirror
Back enoug h so that you can confir m that you want to adjus t the
positi on of the mirror so that you can.

Only the up and down adjustment.

Inner mirror body you have to adjust the
up and down direction.

dimming feature
manual auto-dimming rear-view mirror if fitted to the vehicle
Lever to operate the car caused by the reflection of light from the headlight
to the decline.
1 During normal
2 use during
3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー 121

Auto-dimming rear-
The subsequ ent vehicle headlight glare of reflecte d light according to
the automatically decrease .
Auto-di mmi ng feature
When the ON indicator is lit.
Power Switch to the ON mode is a
mirror is always automatic dimming
feature is ON. Press the button and
indicator to be OFF contour will be off.
prevent unint en ded operat ion of the sensor.

Operation of
Malfunction of the sensor, the sensor
to prevent or to cover the sensor, do


Adjustment of the mirror while driving. Driver incorrectly, serious injury, or if it's a
worst case scenario in which may lead to death.
122 3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー

Door mirror
Only the adjustment.
1 You want to adjust the mirror to
choos e , you press the itch
1 L
2 ef

2 A dj us tment of the mi r r or , mi r r or to
s wi tc h i s pr es s ed the
1 T
2 o
3 p
4 Ri
3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー 123

You want to store door mirror.

Press the button
Press Enter again and go back to the
origin a l positio n.
124 3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー

operat ing conditio ns of the mirror.

"ON" when the
Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the vehicle accessory mode
or ON mode
When cloudy mirror (mirror heating if fitted).
Rear Window Defogger mirror heater to operate, and is in use at the same
time, you can take the tarnish. (P. 192).
The Rain Clearin g mirror.
In the Surface to allow the condensation to increase membrane-like effect of
a hydrophilic coating is applied when driving in the rain and back to improve
clean debris from the mirror, or when, such as underground, and indoor parking, not

Operation of
on the day of the parking place for too long, such as when the hydrophilic effect is
reduced, but the sunny days 1 and 2 days at the time solar to be hydrophilic effects
in a gradual recovery.
The hydrophilic effects that fall- When you want to recover as quickly as the
recovery work (P. 233) to.

Considerat ions when driving.
While the vehicle is to be sure that the following must be observed. Follow the
Driver, and not have the privilege of doing it wrong to a serious injury or death, in
the worst case it could lead to.
not for the adjustment of the mirror
The door mirrors are still stored does not driving
Before the practice, the driver's side and passeng er's side of the mirror to its original
position, a positive impressio n to adjust
Mirror is when you are on the move.
do not come to hand. Across the street from a hand injury, such as the fault of the
mirror can be a source.
mirror heatingi s act ivat ed when the
Specular is hot because they do not come.
3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー 125
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
126 3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー


The Rain Clearin g mirrorab out the handling of the

hydrophilic effect is limited and subject to availability. To ensure the long life you
will be able to: Give amulets.
In the silicone water repellent agent, waxes, wax, and other car maint en ance
product s, the mirror if you want to use to prevent adhesio n to care.
- With the Sand cloth, take oil slick or abrasive, such as damage to the mirror, but
do not rub.
T h e mirror surface is frozen, when heat ed, or mirror heating , such as to operat e the
Ice solution. Part of the freeze of the mirrors are made of a plastic plate, or the
like, do not shave.
T h e water-re pelle nt washin g cars, the mirror has been made with large amounts of
water and wash with a clean, soft cloth and wipe.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
3-4. ハンドル位置・ミラー 127
and options
3-5. ドアガラスの開閉 125

Electric window
Only the opening.
You can switch to open and close doors with glass.
switch operation and the door glass to the next move.
1 closed
2 automatic full-closed
Open 3
4 automatically full*
When you want to stop on the way to the switch
Go to the other side.

Operation of
window lock switch
When the switch is pressed , except for the driver's
seat, the glass is not ready.
Childre n can accident ally opening door glass, you can
preve nt them.

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is
Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle when the ON mode
126 3-5. ドアガラスの開閉

After a stop operatio n of the hybrid system.

Engine switch to "ACC" or "LOCK" even after approximately 45 seconds,
you can open or close the door glass. In the meantime, however, driver's
door opening and will no longer be activated.
Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle
Power Switch to the On Accessories mode or OFF even after
approximately 45 seconds, you can open or close the door glass. In the
meantime, however, DRIVER's DOOR OPENING AND THE 1137.
Close door glass, when the middle of the window frames and door glass
prevents operation is inhibited and open a little bit.
POWER WINDOW can close when not
Is the anti-pinch abnormal operation in the door glass, can be closed when
not, of the doors can be closed with electric window switch, perform the
following actions.
- To stop the car, the engine switch to"ON",orpowerswitchandON mode in state of the electric
window switch to "Auto full-closed position can continue with door glass, can be
Of the above operat ion is performed to close door glass if you do not initialize the anti-
pinch feature in the following procedu re.
1 Electric window switch to "Auto all closed" position, the door glass, continuing after
being closed, and switch for 6 seconds can continue
2 Electric window switch to the "ON" position for fully open, press and hold to open the
door glass, after all, and hold for 2 seconds to switch
3 the electric window switches back to the "Auto" position for all closed, continuing in the
closed door Gala switch for 2 seconds, and then can continue
door glass from the switch during operation and releasing and then repeat
the process from the beginning. by doing the above is reversed and Close if
you do not turn off the Toyota Dealer check.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
3-5. ドアガラスの開閉 127
and options
128 3-5. ドアガラスの開閉

Ensure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do not commit
to a serious injury or death, in the worst case may be.
When opening or closing the door glass.

When opening or closing the door glass, the

occupant's hands, arms, head and neck,
such as involving Or pinch or to make sure
that you do not. Especially to the children,
such as calling out to it.
the door to the children of the glass is a manipulat ion. door
glass pinched or caught up to do it. 3

t h e anti-pinch function to operat e on purpose to the occupant s of the hands, arms,

Operation of
head and neck, and the pinch.
t h e anti-pinch function is a door glass is closed completely before operating the
foreign bodies, and if you do. In addition, the anti-pinch function, the switch can
have continu ed to operat e in the state. finger, being caref ul not to pinch.
3-5. ドアガラスの開閉 129
130 3-5. ドアガラスの開閉 129

Driver 4
4-1.driver release notes 4-3. How to make light of how to
Driv er Rel eas e Notes .......... 130 use the wipers.
Note W hen l oadi ng c ar go. . 137 light switch ................................................ 155
4-2.driving only. Automatic High Beam ... 1 58
Engin e (ignitio n ) switch wiper with washer
(The Smart Entry & Start System (Front)............................................................162
Non-if fitted). Windshield Wiper and Washer
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (rear)...............................................................165
... ... 138 4-4. Only for refueling.
Power (ignitio n ) switch
How to open the gas ......................... 167
(Smart Entry & Start system if
fitted). 4-5. For more information about driver
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... support equipment
... ... 142
auxiliary equipm ent to driver. ...... 171
Driv e mode EV ....................... 148
4-6. Driving Tips
the gear box ............................ 150
Hybrid Car Driving Tips.......... 177
Di r ec ti on l ev er ........................ 152
During cold weather driving.......... 179
P ar ki ng br ak e ......................... 153
Hor n ( Hor n). ..........................................154
130 4-1. 運転にあたって

Driver Release Notes

operate the vehicle in a safe manner, driving in the following steps.

hybrid system that you wish to start.


To start
1 brake pedal is depressed, the gear lever remains to D ( P.150)
2 Release the parking brake ( P. 153).
3 From the brake pedal to graduall y remov e your foot from the acceler ator
pedal foot slowly pulling away.

1 the gear lever is still D the brake pedal is depressed if necessary and that
2 the parking brake when the vehicle is long time to move the gear lever to P. ( P.

Car Parking.
1 the gear lever is still D the brake pedal is depressed parking brake
23 To move the gear lever to P ( P. 150).
In the middle of the hill if you want to park, if necessary, use Wheel chocks * .
Wheel chocks are Toyota dealers, you can purchase.
4 hybrid system to stop.
Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle engine switch to "hide"

the LOCK.
Smart Entry & Start system power switch to OFF

fitted to the vehicle.

5 Key to the fact that you have to make sure to lock the doors.
4-1. 運転にあたって 131

Starting on the hill only.

1 Firmly apply the parking brake, and shift the gear lever to the D.
2 Accelerator pedal depressed slowly
3 Check the cars move up to feel if the parking brake is released, be starting

For more
dge information about starting uphill.
Hill-start Assist Control is activated. (P. 171).
While driving to improve fuel econom y.
Hybrid vehicles, such as sudden acceleration to refrain from ordinary gasoline-
powered vehicles as well as keeping in mind the is required. P.For 177 of the
hybrid car driving advice".
For more information about driving on a rainy day.
The wet , poor visibilit y, and the glass is cloudy, the road surface is slip, so it becam e
easier to be careful when driving.
As well as the rain, the track was slippery, so more carefully when driving.

- High-speed driving on a rainy day, such as between the tires and the road surface
water film, there is no handle or brake failure because of the speed is a
conservat ive.
* For more information about the engine speed while driving
The following when driving if engine speed can be high. This is according to
speed Shift Up or Shift Down, restrictions on the number of out of order to
automatically perform rapid acceleration, and it is not shown.
T h e vehicle is driving uphill, or downhill, you determine that the when.
When the accelerator pedal is released.
Installin g the Driver signs.
magnet-type of the novice driver signs signs and elderly drivers, such as
bumpers and aluminum parts cannot be installed.
For more information about overheatin g.
severe driving conditions such as the following, as it may overheat.
On a hot day-long uphill to drive the vehicle.
Immediately after the road test the high speed deceleration and the sudden stop.
132 4-1. 運転にあたって

Observe the following warnings. amulets and not have the privilege of doing a
serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario in which may lead to death.
When you want to start.
That car is moving to prevent accidents caused by READY indicator is lit, the
stationary state when the brake pedal is depressed, always. Target creature's
behavior because the car is moving to prevent the.
when driving.
To avoid confusion the tread on the brake pedal and the accelerat or pedal position,
underst an d enough on the driver.
accelerator pedal and brake pedal depresse d and
confused and the vehicles will be the sudden
accelerati on may lead to an accident.
When you are back twists and attitude, because it
is difficul t for the operati on of the pedal. You can
pedal operati on is to ensure that you shoul d be
careful .
and a short drive to move to correct driving
position, such as the brake pedal and accel erator
pedal cells to ensure that they can.
the brake pedal on the right foot. In his left foot on
the brake in an emergency, such as slow
accidents which may lead to dangerous.
T h e hybrid vehicle by means of an electric motor at the time of the driving noise of
the engine, because of the people around you do not have access to the vehicle if
you do not notice. Close to ON VEHICLE alerting device, such as in a noisy
environment, if you have a large vehicle will not notice of the approaching, so be
caref ul driving.
T h e combustibles on the road, or near combustible materials to park your car in the
does not. The high-t e mp erat ure exhaust pipes, exhaust gas, and is located near
combust ible materials and fire it may be dangero us.
U s u a l l y when driving while the vehicle is a hybrid system, please do not stop.
Driving a hybrid system, and the steering wheel and the brake and stop the
operat ion of the handle can be a force for auxiliary is no longer working, but it
becomes difficult to handle. To ensure that it is safe on the road as soon as
possible to stop. In additio n, stop the vehicle in the normal way so as not to be an
emerge ncy, the P.276 .
The steep hill, the engin e brake is used to slow down. contin uo us brake, too,
cause the brake s a healt hy and funct ion ing. (P. 150).
4-1. 運転にあたって 133

Observe the following warnings. amulets and not have the privilege of doing a
serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario in which may lead to death.
when driving.
The handle and the driving seat and door mirrors, and rear-vie w mirror for the
adjust m ent of the do not.
It may be wrong to drive.
- All of the passen gers, and the hand, the head of the other part of the body from the
car to not have.
Easy-t o-slip off the track when you drive.
T h e sudden braking and rapid acceleratio n and sudden moveme nt s of the steering
wheel the tire slip, the vehicle can be controlled as it may not.
T h e rapid action on the accelerat or, brake and engine with gear change of engine
speed to the car, such as people moved sideways. 4
After driving the puddles on the brake pedal, and brake pedal lightly sure that work
properly. That may be the pads and the brake was not working well, so it is not a
wet one, and only the handle is doome d, and it may be there.

When you move the lever.
T h e shift lever to the forward position of the gear select or in the R wheelin g back and
leave that to move forward in inertia is not permitt ed. Accidents and may be the
cause of failure.
While the vehicle is in motion, the gear lever P Please do not put it in. Damage
to the gearbox of the vehicle may be a control.
- while the vehicle is moving forward, the gear lever R Please do not put it in.
Damage to the gearbox of the vehicle may be a control.
- while the vehicle is retracted, the gear lever D Please do not put it in. Damage
to the gearbox of the vehicle may be a control.
U s u a l l y when driving, shift the gear lever to N The hybrid system for power
transmissio n is unlocke d and engine braking.
t h e accelerator pedal is depressed operation you have to be very careful. Shift
the gear lever is located in one of the non-P or N sudden acceleration and the
car and the accidents that may be dangerous.
134 4-1. 運転にあたって

On an ongoing basis from the edge of the brake warning sound (audio) occurs when the
Toyota dealer as soon as possible to check in, replace the brake pad. When you
need to replace the pad if you do not damage the brake discs may be linked to.
Pads and rotor components such as Wear along with a role to play. Wear over
the limit when driving, not only can cause faults may lead to an accident.
When you want to stop.
T h e unnecessarily without depressing the accelerator pedal.
Shift the gear lever is located in one of the non-P or N sudden acceleration and
the car and the accidents that may be dangerous.
T h e car is moving to prevent accidents by the READY indicator is lit whenever
the brake pedal, if necessary or parking brake.
When parking on a hill-before and after the move, it could result in a serious
accident in order to prevent having your foot on the brake pedal, if necessary,
apply the parking brake.
- While the bus is stopped and the sky. Overheating of the exhaust tube is
located near combustible materials and fire which may lead to dangerous.
When parking.
Under a scorching sun-glasses, lighters, spray cans, soda cans, etc. do not leave it
inside the vehicle. If left untreat ed, the following may cause dangero us.
Writer and from a spray can, or gas is to fire
and plastic lenses and glasses of plastic materi al ,
the deformati on or cracks can cause.
and carbonated soft drink cans exploded in the
vehicle and the electri cal components or soil
causing a short.
Leave it inside the vehicle, the writer should not leave. Writer, Bosch, such as
gloves or put it into dropped to the inside of the vehicle and leave luggage, tries to
press sheet or when you move to a malfunction of the writer, which may lead to
fire is dangerous.
4-1. 運転にあたって 135

For example, the window glass to the suckers. In addition, the dashboard and
instrume nt panel on the container, such as air freshen ers do not located. Suction
cups and containers to the work of the lens and the vehicle may lead to fire risk.
T h e silver metal, such as metallized film posted in curved glass, door and window will
not leave open. direct sunlight is reflect ed from the inside of the glass surface of
the lens to the work which may lead to fire is dangero us.
When leaving the vehicle, make sure that the parking brake, place the shift lever
in P, the hybrid system to stop and the lock. hybrid vehicle will state that the
READY indicator is lit), even if there is no noise and vibration.
- READY indicator is lit when you are stopped, or a hybrid system immediately
after the exhaust pipes do not come in. 4
It may be that you want to burn.
When you want to sleep.

Be sure to stop the hybrid system.
READY indicator remains lit a nap and shift to the unconscious to move the bar,
depress the accelerator pedal, and accidents and hybrid system abnormalities
cause overheating and a fire may occur. In addition, the airflow in the wrong place
and put an end to the exhaust gas into your vehicle, the amount to a serious health
problem, or if it's a worst case scenario it could lead to death.
When you put on the brakes.
When the brake is wet than usual, note the mileage. Brake is wet and the
braking distance is long, the brake for the difference between the left and the
right in May. In addition, the parking brake is firmly and it may also cause.
E l e c t r o n i c Controlled Brake System does not work when the other car, getting
closer. In addit ion, downhill and sharp curves should be avoide d. When the brake
is activat e d, but you will need to take more than you normally would. In addition
braking distance also increases. As soon as the brake repair.
t h e brake system has two or more independent systems are comprised of a single
oil pressure to a system fault, the rest will continue to work. This can be obtained
from the brake pedal must be depressed than the longer braking distance. As
soon as the brake repair.
136 4-1. 運転にあたって

When you are driving.
While driving the accelerator pedal and brake pedal not depressed
simultaneously. accelerator pedal and the brake pedal is depressed and if you
want to suppress the driving force.
- parking on a hill, the accelerat or pedal in order to use the accelerat or pedal and
brake pedal depresse d simult an eously, do not.
When parking.
always shift the gear lever to P. If you do not keep P to allow the vehicle to roll,
and it incorrectly when the pedal is depressed to sudden acceleration.
* To prevent damage to the parts
T h e power-assist ed steering motor, to prevent the damage to the handle to the full;
do not continu e for much longer.
For example, the disk wheel, to prevent the damage to, such as flush, when passing
only can be driven slowly.
* When driving, if the tire is punct ured
Because of the following reasons the flat tire and damage. handle firmly to
gradually put on the brakes, slow down.
The handle is to
-An abnormal noise and vibration.
The vehicle is leaning toward abnormal
If you have a flat tire for P.303,313 .
Note about driving roads may be flooded.
In heavy rain, such as submerged roads, such as the following, which can cause
serious damage. It may do not drive the vehicle.
Engine stalls.
The electrical equipment is in short circuit.
The ingested water, damage to the engine.
In case the submerged roads, water, soak in the vehicle when it is Toyota's dealer,
be sure to check the following.
condition of the brakes.
t h e engine oil and transmissio n fluid for hybrid vehicles, such as changes in the
quantit y and qualit y
- E a c h bearing and poor lubrication of each joint, such as part of
4-1. 運転にあたって 137

Note When loading cargo.

A safe, comfortabl e, and to be able to drive when loading cargo may you will
be able to: Choo Shin-soo.

doesn't need to be trained in.
such as the following to load it and flash it is dangerous.
Fuel is a container.
Spray cans.
When loading cargo.
Ensure that the following must be observed. amulets and not have the privilege of
doing the brake pedal and accelerator pedal for proper operation and/or luggage 4
can be a good visibility and tell occupants, or collision, the accidents which may lead
to dangerous.
- luggage is as much as possible in the trunks.

- In the following locations do not load the luggage storage.
- Driver's seat footwell
and front passenger seat and rear seats (if you stack luggage).
And package tray
The instrument panel
- All cargo is loaded in the passenger compartment to ensure a steady and secure.
The weight of luggage, and loads of informat ion on how to make a
- Luggage Storage, do not overload.
- Do not put non-uniform load.
This is to impose a burden on the tires, not only could handle operation and
brake control by low-down accidents, resulting in serious injury to death, or if it's
a worst case scenario that may be.
138 4-2. 運転のしかた

Engine (ignition) Switch (

non-Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the
Only the hybrid system is starting.
Correct1driving position (P. 24) and sheet in such a way that the pedal to
adjust the position of each of the to check the position
2 parking brake is engaged to ensure that the gear lever is P to
3 make sure they are in place firmly on the brake pedal and
4 engine switch to "Take" START
5 Position of the stroke.
A hybrid system is fully depress the
brake pedal until you start.

6 indicator is lit to verify that.
READY indicator is off in the state cannot be driving.
42 BTO DK001

stop only the hybrid system.

To stop1 the vehicle to move the gear
lever to2position the P
3 Apply parking brake (P. 153).
4 E n g in e s w it c h t o " A C C " o r t h e " L O C K " a r o u n d t h e p o s it io n
4-2. 運転のしかた 139

The position of the switch engine midst

1" LOCK" (OFF).
- The steeri ng is locked.
When the shift lever is P the key,
you can insert and remove.
2 "ACC"
the electric al access ory socket, etc. can be
3 "ON"
You can use all of the electrical components.

Hy br id s y s tem y ou c an s tar t.

140 4-2. 運転のしかた

The dgekey to the "ACC" but "LOCK" around to
1 the position of the gear lever P to ensure that key while
2 pushing in on until "LOCK"
Forget about

For more information about sound of high voltage relay.

starting the engine and hybrid system through the rear of the vehicle in the
event of an outage,"tons" and "CUFF" you can hear the sound of clanging
sound. This is a high-voltage relay by the sound of it is not unusual.
When outside air temperat ure is low.
When the system starts up hybrid READY indicator will blink time is longer.
READY indicator is lit when driving if you can point it to wait until the
indicator light.
Steering to unlock
Handle to the left or right to move the switch to turn
the engine.

* In case the READY indicator is when it is not lit.

Starting with the proper procedure and READY indicator is not lit. immediately
if a Toyota dealers please contact us.
Hybrid system when there is a fault with the
The key-in-ignit ion warning buzzer
KEY SWITCH THE ENGINE plugs "ACC" or "LOCK" and the driver's door is
opened and the warning buzzer.
4-2. 運転のしかた 141


At the start of a hybrid system,

make sure you sit in the driver's seat. This is a never depressing the
accelerator pedal. Accidents can lead to serious personal injury, or in the worst
case may lead to death.
Warnin g while driving the
engine while the vehicle is in "Switch to "LOCK. Emergency is a hybrid
system, while driving down the "ACC ". Hybrid Car in a line when the
system is stopped may think may lead to an accident is dangerous.
(P. 276).

hybrid system in order to prevent the engi ne stop switch to "during" or
"ON ACC" to leave for long time.

At the start of a hybrid system,
the hybrid system is difficult to start immediately if a Toyota dealer inspection.
142 4-2. 運転のしかた

Power (ignition) Switch (

Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle).

You can carry your e-key to perfor m the following actions in the beginni ng of
the hybrid system dynamic or power mode on the switch, you can expend.

Only the hybrid system is starting.

Correct1driving position (P. 24) and sheet in such a way that the pedal to
adjust the position of each of the to check the position
2 parking brake is engaged to ensure that the gear lever is P
3 position to ensure that the brake pedal firmly depress ed
4 System
Multi-information display

The ray is displayed.

If you do not see the hybrid system

will not start.

Press power
5 switch. 42 BTO DK011

If you READY indicator is lit, the

hybrid system is successfully
A hybrid system is fully depress the
brake pedal until you start.
Power switch which mode (P.143
hybrid system from starting. 42 BTO DK002

6 indicator is lit to verify that.
READY indicator is off in the state cannot be driving.
4-2. 運転のしかた 143

stop only the hybrid system.

1 vehicle to a complete stop.
2 Shift the gear lever to be the position of P parking
3 brake (P. 153), press power switch.
45 Remov e your foot from the brake pedal to the multi-infor mati on display,
the display of the "Power ON" to make sure they are off to see

Power switch mode switch

Do not depress the brake pedal, the power switch is pressed, then the mode,
you can switch. (press switch mode to each instead of cut).
OFF * 1
emergency lights can be used. 1 2 3
Mode accessories
the electrical accessory socket, etc. can be

Multi-information display the ray ON
"power" is displayed.
ON mode
You can use all of the electrical components.

Multi-information display the ray ON

"power" is displayed.
Shift position is display ed.
When the shift lever is the non-P
quirks mode, Sally does not OFF.
42 BT O
144 4-2. 運転のしかた

Shift the gear lever is in non-hybrid system P when it stops.

Lever in the P in non-hybrid system is brought to a stop, if high-Buri
mid-System is shut down, but the power mode on the switch to OFF.
Use the following procedure to OFF.
1 parking brake is engaged to move the gear lever to ensure that
2 the position of the P
3 The " 450" and "power to power ON OFF" will be displayed if the
check that the power switch is pressed once sweeping
4 The Power of 450ON OFF" and "power." The display is off to
ensure that the

The automatic
dge power OFF feature
When the shift lever is P accessori es mode more than 20 minutes or an
hour or more ON mode (hybrid system has not been started) that you want
to leave, the power switch is in Auto OFF.
However, the automatic power OFF feature is, the Accessories battery up
to prevent full is not. hybrid system is not activated, the power switch is the
habit to Sally mode or ON mode that you do not leave for long time.
For more information about sound of high voltage relay.
starting the engine and hybrid system through the rear of the vehicle in the
event of an outage,"tons" and "CUFF" you can hear the sound of clanging
sound. This is a high-voltage relay by the sound of it is not unusual.
The E-key for more informat ion about battery drain.
When outside air temperat ure is low.
When the system starts up hybrid READY indicator will blink time is longer.
READY indicator is lit when driving if you can point it to wait until the
indicator light.
The Smart Entry & Start System it may not work properly with the situatio n.
You should be aware that I would like you.
4-2. 運転のしかた 145

When you do not start the hybrid system.

T h e Immobilizer system has not been released. (P. 63) Toyota dealers please
contact us.
Position of the gear lever P check to see if
you. At the start of a hybrid system, the
shift lever is tilted in a location other than
the P and the steering lock function is
activated to start hybrid system that may
not be possible.

42 BTO DK006 4

For more information about steering wheel lock.

power switch to OFF after opening and closing the door to the steering lock

function will handle is fixed. Power switch is operated, the steering lock is
automatically released.
the steering lock is unlocke d when you can
Steering wheel lock is in the
unlocked position and not a multi-
information display to unlock the
steering wheel lock" is displayed.
With the selector lever in position P
ensure to turn the handle to the left
is a re-operation.
42 BTO DK004
146 4-2. 運転のしかた

Steering lock motor for the overheat protectio n

The hybrid system in a short period for a start and stop the motor over heat
to prevent the operation you want to limit. If you are ahead of the operation.
At about 10 seconds and return to the state.
On the Multi-I nf ormatio n display The Smart Entry & Start System Check" will
be displaye d when that
There is a fault in the system. Toyota dealer at immediately.
* In case the READY indicator is when it is not lit.
Starting with the proper procedure and READY indicator is not lit.
immediately if a Toyota dealers please contact us.
Hybrid system when there is a fault with the
The battery is the electronic key is when
For more information about operatio n of the power switch.
When the power switch is operated to ensure that the short press. If you do it you can
press to ensure that the mode of the midst of the hybrid system, you might not be
able to start. Also, if you can do to ensure that you do not need to hold down.
As soon as the power switch, after OFF after restarting the engine if the hybrid
system does not start. After restart, the OFF power switch, wait a few seconds
and then do this.
for sale in stores Smart Entry & Start System, when the cancel


At the start of a hybrid system,

make sure you sit in the driver's seat. This is a never depressing the
accelerator pedal. Accidents can lead to serious personal injury, or in the worst
case may lead to death.
4-2. 運転のしかた 147


Warnin g during the driving

of the hybrid system, stop the vehicle when the runway condition, the vehicle is in
a safe state until you stop to open the door and the Lock operations do not.
Steering lock function is activated, the accidents, and lead to serious injury and
swim in the worst case may lead to death.
The hybrid system in an emerg ency how to stop
when driving a hybrid system, if you want the Emergency Stop, the power
switch for more than 3 seconds, press and hold 3 or more times in a row
quickly. (P. 276), except in the case of an emergency, however, when
driving, do not come in power to the switch. When driving a hybrid system,
and the steering wheel and the brake and stop the operation of the handle, it
is possible that additional operati ng force, no longer handle will make it
difficult to operate. To ensure that it is safe on the road as soon as possible
to stop. 4
THE ACCESS O RI E S BATTERY up in order to prevent .

The hybrid system is not activat ed, the power switch is to accessor Lee mode or ON
mode for long time to leave.
The hybrid system is not activated, the multi-information display the "Power ON"
display is off when you are not OFF power switch is not. Power switch from OFF
to move away from the vehicle with.
The shift lever is in non-hybrid system P do not stop. With the selector lever P in non-
hybrid system is brought to a stop, the power switch is if accessories mode, and leave
the battery up and the accessories.
At the start of a hybrid system.
The hybrid system is difficult to start immediately if a Toyota dealer in spection.
For more information about operation of the power switch.
Power switch during the operation, such as being stuck in the discomfort of the
fault when it is. As soon as possible please contact your Toyota dealer.
148 4-2. 運転のしかた

Drive mode EV e
EV drive mode to use the drive for battery electric motor to drive the i
vehicle mode. Early morning and late at night, in a residential area and v
indoor parking, noise and exhaust gas without having to worry about the e
The vehicle is usually close ON alerting device because the road you
wish to quiet the OFF. (P. 55).
The drive mode EV
ON/OFF to expend b
EV drive mode when the EV drive a
mode indicator light is lit. t
Pr es s the s witc h again to nor mal r oad
(gas o lin e eng in e and an elect ric r
moto r to drive at night ) to come. y
42 BTO DK005

Kno a
When the gasoline engine is cold in the midst EV for drive r
Petrol engine when cold when you start the hybrid
system, if you get in touch with you for the warm gasoline i
engine will start automatically the EV drive mode, you will s
not be able to expend. After the operation, starting
READY hybrid system indicator is lit when the gasoline l
engine is started, before you press the switch to EV drive o
mode. w
For more information about the Midst EV drive mode.
When the following EV drive mode if you do not change. w
do not change the Drive Mode EV when you turn off the
buzzer will sound.
The hybrid system is hot when the scorching sun after parking
on a slope or employ during the high-speed driving, etc. d
When a low-temperature of the hybrid system. r
Approximately 0° C down at low temperatures for long periods, i
such as after parking the
The gasoline engine is warm when the driver.
4-2. 運転のしかた 149

Meter displays the amount of power remaini ng in the 149

batteri es for low (P. 76.
When the vehicle speed is high
- When the accelerator pedal is large and slope, etc.
- Take the windscreen glass cloudy when you are using.
4-2.driving only.

The EV drive mode for automatic release

In EV drive mode when driving, automatically when the following normal
practice (gasoline engine and an electric motor with the mileage). EV drive
mode is deactivated and the buzzer will sound when the EV drive mode
after the warning light is flashing, then turns the light off.
For the driving of the battery when the battery is low
When the vehicle speed is high
- When the accelerator pedal is large and slope, etc.
The EV drive mode possible driving distance
EV drive mode possible driving distance, speed of approximately 55
MPH (30 km/h in less than a few hundred meters from approximately 2
km away. (mileage for driving the charged amount of batteries and
driving varies, dependi ng on the state)
For more information about fuel economy.
The Corolla Axio hybrid is normal practice (gasoline and electric motor and
travel line) in most fuel-efficient, so that it is controlled. Drive mode EV 4
intensive and fuel economy is getting worse.


The practice of warnings during

EV drive mode, the engine noise is not of the people around, because the
vehicle and tangent in the nearby if you don't notice. In particular, emergency
vehicle approaching the OFF, caution.
150 4-2. 運転のしかた

150 4-2.driving only.

the gearbox

How to Move the gear lever

42 BTO DK007

Engine switchis "ON" or power switchis ON modes on the brake

pedal is depressed.
From P from any other position, or D R R and P, and from off to B P and D, or
when your foot on the brake pedal, the car is completely stopped.

Purpose of Use of the position of the gear selector

Shift position Purpose

P Starting the car or a hybrid system
R Back
N State Power is not transmitted from
D generation
* Normaltodriving

Steep hill steep enough, such as strong engine brake is

Improved fuel economy and reduced noise, usually for use D position.
4-2. 運転のしかた 151

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
152 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-2.driving only. 151

Eco-drive mode selected.

Typically compared to depress the accelerator pedal to loose torque
occurs, in the air conditioning (heating and cooling) of the cause to
improve fuel economy and for driving.
Press the switch to eco-drive Mode
ON/OFF can midst
When the s witc h is pr es s ed in,
the meter ECO MO DE indic ator
light is lit.
When you get back to the normal
driving mode press the switch again.

42 BTO DK008

Kno 4
dge you use the Eco Drive mode for more informatio n about air condit ioning
operat ion.
Eco Mode operation of the heating and air conditioning and ventilation, and

to improve the fuel economy. Air conditioning does not work well when you
want to better the temperature setting, and the wind, and to adjust the
volume of the Eco-drive mode.
Reverse warning buzzer.
Shift the gear lever to R buzzer will sound, if you put this in the R to alert the d river.
the gear lever is not P when you can shift from


The slippery road when driving

a sharp acceleration and the shifting operation should not be performed. A
sudden change of engine braking power people moved sideways and spin due
to the note.
4-2. 運転のしかた 153


For more information about the charge of battery for driving

with the selector lever in N is equipped with a gasoline engine are spinning
drive for battery does not charge in the N left for a long period and the drive for
battery charge is low, driving becomes unreachable.
154 4-2. 運転のしかた

152 4-2.driving only.

Direction lever

Only of the operation.

Turn1left onto
2 Turn right lane
3 change to the left
(the lever to keep in the middle).
until you relea s e the lever left direction
indicat o r light is a point to get rid of.
lane 4change to the right
(the lever to keep in the middle).
until you relea s e the lever down right 13 4
directio n indicat o r is the point.

42 BTO DK009

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle when the ON mode
The indicat or light flashes when it is abnorm ally fast
Direction indicator light bulb has burned out please make sure that you do not have.
4-2. 運転のしかた 155

4-2.driving only. 153

Parking brake
Only of the operation.
1 brake the parking brake
while depressing the brake pedal 1 2
and pull up to full
2 T o r el eas e the par k i ng br ak e,
pul l the l ev er up s l i ghtl y , pr es s
and hol d button to get bac k to
the bottom


* For dge
The Winter for more informatio n about using the parking brake
the parking brake when the vehicle has not been clear warnin g buzzer


The practice of the precaut ions to take before

the parking brake is fully disengaged. Apply the parking brake when driving
while the brake heating of the components of the brake was not working well, so
as soon as possible, and wear you do.
156 4-2. 運転のしかた

154 4-2.driving only.

Horn (Horn).
The handle If you press around the edge of the horn will sound.

The handle to adjust the position after the
To ensure that the handle is fixed to ensure that is it. Fixed is not
enough and if it does not work. (P. 118).
4-2. 運転のしかた 157

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 155


light switch

Automatically or manually, such as the headlights, you can light up.

Only of the operation.

1 parking lights, tail lights,

number light maple with the
lights on.
2 The lights and the
headl i gh ts lit.
3 the headl i ghts , par k i ng
l i ghts , and A uto O n/O ff .
(The switch is Jin
"ON", or power
switchesareON mode) 32 1 4

43 BTO DK001

The main beam headlights.

1 light s do not light up when
c ut t ing bac k on high beam
Auto m a t ic High Beam Headlight switch
is fitted to the vehic le, when the AUT O 2
Auto m a t ic Trans m is s io n system over
the main bea m headlig hts are 1
activ at e d .
(P. 158) lever back to its original position and
the dipped beam headlights back on. BTO 43 DK002

Pull up
2 on the lever and the main beam
headlights, while
158 4-2. 運転のしかた

The light is off, even if the high beam

lights. When the lever is released, t he
dippe d headlig ht s, or Off to the top.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
4-2. 運転のしかた 159

156 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.

Manual adjustment dial (Halogen Headlights if fitted).

numb er of passeng ers or the amount of luggage , etc. in accorda nce with
the changing attitude of the headligh ts can be adjusted .
1 Face down to
2 adjust to adjust

starting point for the set up of the scale.

Conditions for passenger and luggage

Dial Position
Passenger Luggage storage
Driver None 0
Driver's and front None 0
All passengers None 2
All passengers When trunk room! 2.5
Driver When trunk room! 5
160 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 157


wle .
The light
On the sensor or the sensor set to fill
in the window glass, do not paste. The
light from around the block and the
Auto On/Off feature that will work

Don't forget the lights protect ion (automatic headlight s on and off system if fitted to the vehicle).

Engine switch to "ACC" or "LOCK" to open the driver's door and the
headli ghts and tail lights are off. Again if you want to switch on the lights
and the engine switch to "ON" or all at once.
Prompting OFF switch to put it back and try again. Or to the ON position.

Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle

Power switch mode or OFF Accessories to open the driver's door and the
headlights and tail lights are off. Again if you want to switch on the lights and
the power switch on to ON mode or all at once.
Prompting OFF switch to put it back and try again. Or to the ON position.

Lights on warning buzzer.

the headlight and tail light is lit on the driver's door is opened, and get rid of the
lights as a reminder to the buzzer will sound.
* An automat ic leveling system (high intensit y disch arge headlam ps as if fitted).
Passersby and oncoming vehicles to avoid dazzling drivers, such as the
amount of number of passengers and luggage by the vehicle attitude
change, the headlights and automatic adjustment.
For Sale features that can be configure d in the store
Light sensitivity of the sensor, such as the settings that you can change.
(Customize List:P.349).
4-2. 運転のしかた 161


THE ACCESS O RI E S BATTERY up to prevent to a hybrid system,

with the STOP LIGHTS DO NOT lit for a long time.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
162 4-2. 運転のしかた

158 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.

Automatic high-beam.
Automatic high-beam, and the inner mirror camera installed to an oncoming
car assembly with surface or the car in front of the light and street lights,
such as the brightness automatically to determine the Midst high and low
How To Use The Automatic High Beam
Light switch to AUTO, press the
bar to the front.
Automatic High beams are activated,
autom atic high beam indicat or light is lit.

43 BTO DK003

High and Low Beam conditions for automatic midst

If all of the following conditions apply, the main beam headlights.
The vehicle speed is increased to approximately 30 MPH (30 km/h or more
the front of the vehicle is dark.
The oncomin g vehicles or vehicle may not exist, or the lamp is not lit.
of one of the following conditions is when the dipped beam headlights are ON.
The vehicle speed is increased to approximately 25 MPH (30 km/h)
the front of the vehicle has a bright
The oncomi ng vehicles or vehicles ahead, the lamp is lit.
4-2. 運転のしかた 163

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
164 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 159


Only the Manual switch.

midst of the dipped beam headlights.
lever back to its original position.
Automatic High Beam Indicator Light
will turn off.

43 BTO DK004

The midst of the high beam.

light switch. that you want to.
Automatic high beam indicator light is
off, the high beam indicator light is lit. 4

43 BTO DK005

ing condit ions.
When the power switch is ON mode
For more information about automatic high beam.
In the followin g situations, the high beam is automatically to the low beam off you
might not change.
At the curve, with poor visibility and a sudden oncoming vehicles when passing by one
and other cars across to the front when.
and continuous curves and the central Separation Zone, street trees, such as
oncoming vehicles and vehicles ahead when you have Maneuvered
The oncoming fog lights, High Beam to low beam when you turn off.
T h e streetlight and traffic signal, and advert isin g lighting, or signs, signs with reflect ive
material such as high-B B-t o low beam turn off, or if you want to continue low-bea m
headlig ht s.
4-2. 運転のしかた 165

160 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.

The following reasons for the high and low beam switch if you want to change the
and oncoming vehicles or the car in front of the lamp brightness
oncoming vehicles or motion and orientation of the vehicle ahead
And an oncoming car or the car in front lights are only one-sided while the light
and oncoming vehicles or vehicle ahead of two-wheeled vehicles when
and road conditions (slope and curve, road conditions, etc. ).
number of passengers or the amount of luggage.
The automatic high-beam to the front of the vehicle, such as the brightness of the lights
in the situation around. Therefore, the high and low beam in a sense of the driver if
you do not turn off.
T h e light vehicles such as bicycles are not detected.
- In the following situations, the ambient light is exactly not be detected, the main
beam headlights an oncoming car and the car in front to be spam, or if you want to
continu e low-be am headlig ht s. This is a manually, midst high and low beam.
during bad weather conditions (fog, snow, and heavy rai n, snow, etc. ).
front window glass is dirty, or when it is cloudy
Front window when there is cracked or broken
and Inner Mirror and camera sensor is deformed, or when you are dirty
In the area around the headlights and tail lights, such as when there is similar to light.
and oncoming vehicles or the car in front when the lamp is 1,300,000, and in
the event of a lighting dirt or discoloration or when optical alignment
Rapid change in brightness when consecutive
And undulating roads are flush and when driving
There are many curves when you are driving on a road
and to the front of the vehicle so that the signs and mirrors to light when there is a strong
containers, such as light, is at the rear of the vehicle when you strongly reflected
The relocation of the vehicle headlight is broken or dirty when it
and punk and towing, etc. When the vehicle is in a tilted
Mid) and a warning message is displayed when you are
The Multi-I nf orm at ion display a warning messag e is displayed when.
There is a fault in the system. Toyota dealers to check in.
Ability to customize.
Automatic high-beam can switch off.
(Customize List:P.349).
166 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 161



* For Your Safet y

automatic high beam headlights do not overconfident. They are always driving
around on their own responsibility, to understand the situation of safe driving to
manually if desired, high and low beam in midst.

The automatic high beam in order to operat e correctly.

To properly operate the automatic high beam in order to observe the following.

- do not come to the lens of the camera sensor

t h e rear-view mirror or camera sensor not to strong impact
Do not disassemble the camera sensor.
T h e Inner Mirror and camera sensors do not pour liquids into
- The front window of the camera sensor close to the glass does not affix stickers.
- placed on top of the dashboard to do not place
around the inner mirror and camera sensors to not install accessories
Do not overload the luggage storage.
Do not modify the vehicle.
Of the non-genuine Toyota front window does not replace the glass.
4-2. 運転のしかた 167

162 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.

Wiper/Washer (front).

Only of the operation.

intermittent windshield wipers

In the following, use the lever to select the operation of the

1 wipers. Intermittent (INT).
2 Low Speed (LO) high-speed
3 operation (HI) temporary
4 operation (MIST).

5 washer liquid to
Works in unison with the windshield wipers.
168 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 163


intermittent speed intermittent wipers

"INT" is selected, the time delay can be adjusted. In the following, use
the lever to select the operation of the wipers. WINDSHIELD WIPER
INTERMITTENT time can also be adjusted.
1 Intermittent (INT) of the low
2 speed operation (LO) high-
3 speed operation (HI)
4 temporary operation (MIST).

5 Wipers, intermitten t operation
6 freque ncy (decrease)
intermitte nt wiper operation
freque ncy (increase).

7 washer liquid to
Works in unison with the windshield wipers.
4-2. 運転のしかた 169

164 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle when the ON mode
The washer fluid when there is no
Washer fluid level is not out to the washer fluid does not come out of the nozzle,
which means that when you check.


When you use the washer warning

when cold to warm the windscreen glass washer fluid and should not be used.
Washer fluid is frozen to the windscreen glass, good visibility mismatch can
cause accidents, and lead to serious injury to, or more than the worst case may
lead to death.


the front window glass when it is dry

cleaning is not used. glass can cause
The washer fluid when there is no
washer switch, do not continue. The pump is faulty.
When the nozzle is clogged
nozzles when stuck Toyota dealers please contact us.
pins, etc. do not be removed. Nozzle may be damaged.
170 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-3. How to make light of how to use the 165


Wiper/Washer (rear).
Only of the operation.
In the following, use the lever to select the operation of the wipers.
1 Intermittent (LO) for normal
2 operation (HI) washer liquid
3 to windshield wipers are activated to
work with. washer liquid to works in

4 unison with the windshield wipers.

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle when the ON mode
The washer fluid when there is no
Washer fluid level is not out to the washer fluid does not come out of the nozzle,
which means that when you check.
4-2. 運転のしかた 171

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
172 4-2. 運転のしかた

166 4-3. How to make light of how to use the wipers.


the rear window glass is dry when the

wiper is not used. glass can cause
The washer fluid when there is no
washer switch, do not continue. The pump is faulty.
When the nozzle is clogged
nozzles when stuck Toyota dealers please contact us.
pins, etc. do not be removed. Nozzle may be damaged.
4-2. 運転のしかた 173

4-4. Only for refueling. 167

How to open the gas

Before you refuel
Close the door and the door glass and the engine switch to"LOCK" or
power switchandOFF.
Determi ne the type of fuel.

of fuel.
regular unleaded petrol
For more information about ethanol -blend ed fuels.
ethanol-blended fuels (ethanol mixture of 3% or less of the charged
oxygen compounds of oxygen 1.3% or less) can be used as well.

174 4-2. 運転のしかた

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
4-2. 運転のしかた 175

168 4-4. Only for refueling.

When you are filling.
Ensure that the following must be observed. observed fire and not have the
privilege of doing, such as to cause serious injury to, or more than the worst case
may lead to death.
- before filling the metal body, such as coming to the body to discharge static
electricity. After you remove the tank is back in the vehicle until you have complet ed
the other people and things do not come in. In additio n, the filling to remove any
static charge to people who do not do not associat e with. An electrost at ic charge on
the people who were closer to the gas discharge, and sparks to ignit e the fuel.
t h e cap of the knob and slowly open. In addition, CAP, when you loosen the "shoe" if
you hear the sound, until it stops to keep the castle place. Open as soon as the
temperat ure is high, such as when fuel is inject ed from the mout h may erupt.
T h e vaporized fuel not to smoke. The components of the fuel
and hazardous substances, some of which include.
- Do not smoke.
To avoid the boiling over the following points in mind.
To ensure that the nozzle and gas vents that you want to insert.
do not add to the tank.
- If you do not you can successfully filling the Stand representative called to follow the
176 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-4. Only for refueling. 169


When you want to

specify the fuel use of gasoline. Use of Gasoline and Other Fuels (Poor quality
gasoline and diesel fuel, kerosene, and high-density alcove containing the
fuel), and use the fuel spills. The following conditions may be.
Starting in the gasoline engine will be worse off
from the gasoline engine, such as noise and vibration (Jerking) occurs
for a petrol engine - there is a loss of power to
control the exhaust system is not functioning properly.
- damage to fuel system components
to any damage to the paint.

How to open the gas
1 up to the filler neck can open

2 c ap s l owl y tur n c an open Drive
4-2. 運転のしかた 177

170 4-4. Only for refueling.

3 cap fits into the holder.

close to filling
Cap to "snap" and noise is to close
When you releas e your hand, the cap is
coming back a little bit in the oppos it e
directio n.


the cap does not close normally

always when Toyota dealers please contact us. does not close normally cap to
accept the cap for non-genuine and to use, as in a fire and that could lead to a
serious injury to, or more than the worst case may lead to death.
178 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-5. For more information about driver support equipment 171

auxiliary equipment to driver.

road safety and Driver to enhance the performance according to the driving
situation, the following equipment is automatically activated. However, these
systems are complementary, so that without faith in overload to the driver to
be careful.

the ABS (Anti-lock braking system).

During emergency braking or when braking on slippery road surfaces on
the tires and the lock, to prevent slip will be suppress ed.
The Brake Assist System

During emergency braking, the larger brake force.

The VSC (Vehicle Stability Control).
or a sudden slippery road surfaces when turning in people moved 4
sideway s and contribute to maintai ni ng the posture of the vehicle.
The TRC (Traction Control).

slippery road surfaces when starting or accelerati ng tire spinning, thereby
contributing to the securing of the driving force.
The EPS (electric power- assis ted steering) .

Use the electric motor to assist the handle.

The Hill-start Assist Control

hill climbing uphill or slippery surface when you start with the brake pedal
is released and a tempor ar y braking force to keep the vehicle, to help.
4-2. 運転のしかた 179

172 4-5. For more information about driver support equipment

The VSC ABS TRC, while it is operating

The TRC VSC ABS is activated
and when the warning light is
flashing, the SLIP.

45 BTO DK001

To stop the TRC

New mud and snow, etc. When you escape from the TRC being activated
and the active cell PEDAL IS DEPRESSE D output of the hybrid system is
able to come up off the

You may find it difficult to come. That's when By pressing the can

also make it easier for you to escape.

To stop the TRC.

To stop the TRC Push aside.

Multi-information display the ray "TRC
OFF" is display ed.

Once again Press the system

back to the ready state.

45 BTO DK002
180 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-5. For more information about driver support equipment 173

The TRC and to stop the VSC

and VSC TRC to stop when the

vehicle stops, Press and hold to

hold more than 3 seconds

VSC OFF indicator light is on, the

multi-information display
"TRC OFF" is displayed.
45 BTO DK003

Once again Press the system

back to the ready state.

4-2. 運転のしかた 181

174 4-5. For more information about driver support equipment

* You do not need to press the "TRC OFF 450" is displayed when.
TRC and Hill-start Assist Control is not possible to state
. Please contact your Toyota dealer.
The ABS brake assist VSC TRC and Hill-start Assist Control, and noise and
During the starting phase, the hybrid system immediately after starting up the brake
pedal repeatedly depressed, it should be possible to hear the noise from the engine
room, but not a problem.
T h e above system is activat ed, the followin g sympt oms may occur, that noise is not
and body and the handle to feel vibrations
After stopping the vehicle motor noise is heard.
When ABS and operation of the brake pedal moves to wiggle
After the end of the operation, and ABS the brake pedal is a little back.
Listen for the operation of the motor EPS.
When you handle the motor noise ( "Vienna" noise) may be heard, but not a
For information about the auto return TRC and VSC
and VSC TRC operate to stop after the next, when the return to the ready state.
switch the engineto"LOCK", or power switch, when the OFF
-(TRC only to stop working if the When vehicle speed is high.
However, operation of VSC TRC and if you stop by the automatic return, the
vehicle speed is not.
Effects of EPS go down when.
While the bus is stopped at an end or when driving at low speed to turn and
hold the long handle EPS system over the bar to avoid EPS heat will reduce
the handle operation is heavy be felt. If this is the case, to refrain from
operating the handle or the vehicle is stopped, and the hybrid system to
stop it. Even 10 minutes and go back to the state.
182 4-2. 運転のしかた

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
4-2. 運転のしかた 183

4-5. For more information about driver support equipment 175

The Hill-st art Assist Control operatin g condit ions.

The next time, the system is activated.
The position of the gear lever is P or non-N (forwards or backwards, uphill during the
starting phase.
State vehicle is stopped.
The accelerator is not depressed.
the parking brake is not present
Hill-st art Assist Control (autom at ic release
When one of the following system is released.
To move the gear lever or N P-to the ON position.
by depressing the accelerator pedal.
- apply the parking brake.
- Remove your foot from the brake pedal about 2 seconds

The ABS effective when you can

- the grip from the tires when limits of perform ance over the snow-covere d roads in
excess wear on tires, such as when you want to.
T h e w e t in wet and slippery road surfaces when traveling at high speeds on the track
of the hydroplanin g occurs when.
The ABS is working and that the braking distance is longer than usual when you have a
ABS braking distance to the device and is not. In particular, the following
conditions, which are always speed to adapt to conservative and a safe distance
T h e mud and gravel roads and snow, while driving the vehicle.
tire chains, when you are
- seams of the road, such as when an EAR flush fitting.
T h e uneven road surfaces and played on a poor road surface, such as while driving the
The TRC effective when you can
The TRC slippery road conditions, is working and also the vehicle directional
stability and driving you may not get. directional stability of the vehicle and
driving situation to lose, especially in the drive carefully.
184 4-2. 運転のしかた

The Hill-st art Assist Control can be effective when not

Hill-start Assist Control do not rely too much on. On a steep slope of the icy
road conditions, and the Hill-start Assist Control does not always work.
4-2. 運転のしかた 185

176 4-5. For more information about driver support equipment

The slip indicat or light will flash when the
The VSC TRC ABS is in operation, and let them know that you will be. safe
driving and always aiming at heart. The reckless driving Accidents which may lead
to dangerous. Especially, if the indicator light is flashing the drive carefully.
■ To OFF VSC TRC or when you want to.
and VSC TRC is the driving force and direction of the vehicle to ensure stability
and to the system. As a result, except when required to operate VSC TRC, in a
stopped state. and VSC TRC off when the speed according to the conditions,
especially in heavy driving, be careful and keep in mind.
When you replace the tire.
All four wheels at the size specified by the same manufacturer, and tread pattern
(shape of groove) Use tires of the recommended pressures. (P.347 different
tires, with the ABS VSC and TRC and will not function properly. Tires, or the
wheel, when you replace a Toyota dealer for assistance.
Handling of tires and suspension.
There is a problem, you use the tires and suspension modifications, and to do
to negatively affect the system, the system that result in the failure of others
may be in danger.
186 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-6.Driving Tips 177

Hybrid Car Driving Tips

Environme ntally- fri endly economic operati on, for the following in mind.

Take advanta ge of the Eco-drive mode.

When you use Eco-drive mode, compared to normal depress the accelerator pedal
to the torque. In addition, air conditioning (hot/cold) to reduce the operation,
resulting in improved fuel economy. ( P. 151 ).

Take advanta ge of the hybrid system indicator.

Th e h yb ri d syste m i n m u l ti -d i sp l a y o f R e p l i ca to r Eco a re a ra n g e to
ke e p d ri vi n g w i th th e e n vi ro n m e n t i n m i n d . ( P. 82 ).
The decelerati on when the engine is decelerating, the brakes as soon as
possible to proceed slowly, that the brake. The electrical energy generated
during deceleration to collect more.

The traffic conges tion

Repeated acceleration and deceleration and long, waiting for the traffic signal to

the fuel. Before arriving traffic information, such as to determine the traffic as
much as possible, so as to avoid. When the traffic congestion, the brake pedal
to slow down progress and fine-tune the accelerator pedal to the pedal is at a
loss for what to do. To reduce excess gasoline consumption.
The speed of the road while driving speeds, driving at a constant speed. In addi tion,
toll in front as soon as possible to the accessible, the pedal is back slowly, that the
brake. Occurs during deceleration
Electrical energy can be more than you can pay.
the air conditioning ON/OFF
Except when you need to OFF. excess fuel consumption, you can.
Summer: outside air temperature is high, the recirculation mode when set to. Will
reduce the load on air conditioning to improve fuel economy.
Winter: gasoline engine and passenger cabin is to warm up the petrol engine,
because it does not stop the auto fuel consumption. In addition, to avoid excessive
heating, can lead to improved fuel economy.
4-2. 運転のしかた 187

178 4-6.Driving Tips

Check the tire pressure of the tire inflation pressure check the frequently. Proper
tire pressure and fuel economy do not lead to a further deterioration in.
In addition, the winter tire rolling resistance is large, so that the road surface is
dry of fuel. depending on season of the year, the condition of the road at the
right time to replace tires.

The luggage storage

heavy loads are stacked up and fuel economy will deteriorate. do not leave
luggage carrying, without having to be let off. In addition, the large roof carrier
as well as heavy luggage to lead to deterioration in fuel eco nomy.
warm up before driving the petrol engine has been in the cold, when the gasoline
engine start/stop, automatic, and so on, so warm up is not required.
It should be noted that, short journeys, messing with the warm up for the start of
the gasoline engine is made to judge will lead to the deterioration of the fuel
188 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-6.Driving Tips 179

During cold weather driving.

During cold weather, such as prepare properly, check the action on the
appropriate driver.

prepare for winter

The following are suitable for each to the external temperature .
Engine Oil
Cooling water.
Washer fluid.
For the winter tires (for the four-wheel and tire chains (front tires for it.
All Four Wheels tires in the same stock in the specified size, the size of
the tires, the tire chain to suit your needs. 4
(For more information about tires:P. 244).

Before you drive
Depending on your situation you will have to do the following.
The door is frozen and wipers when you open it or move may not be such as
to make the water ice to comb out as soon as the water is enough to wipe
the windscreen glass-front in the air intake of the snow that had
accumulated, the air conditioning and the fan to operate correctly, please
remove snow.
the exterior lights of the vehicle roof, and in the surrounding of the tire to the
brake disc with snow and ice when you are, remove it.
- before you ride to the sole of the shoe with a good snow fall.

When driving
start slowly, you have to get enough distanc e from the vehicle speed is an
unders tatem ent.
4-2. 運転のしかた 189

180 4-6.Driving Tips

When parking.
Apply parking brake and the brake system is frozen and you can clear
as it may not. do not apply the parking brake, shift the gear lever to P
parking in the Wheel chocks *.
wheel stops, the Toyota Dealer can be purchased.

For more
dge information about tire chains.
For information about installing and removing and handling the following instructions.
The work securely in place where you can make.
To i n sta l l th e fro n t-w h e e l -
The tires came with the chain to follow the operating instructions
- After installing approxi mately 0.5 to 1.0 MILES (30 KM)If you want to re-tighten
For more information about cold weather windshield wiper blades.
You want to use for the Snow Wiper blades for the cold, the snow to prevent the
adhesion of the metal covered with a rubber. Toyota dealer cars in May to ask for
the blade.
- When the vehicle speed is great er than the normal wiper blades wipe glass may be
difficult . In that case is to reduce speed.
190 4-2. 運転のしかた

4-6.Driving Tips 181

The winter tire warning
Ensure that the following must be observed. amulets and not have the privilege of
doing the vehicle's control and swim in a serious injury and death of the worst case
may lead to an accident.
Specify the size of tires to use.
Adjust the pressure to the recommended value.
- To install winter tires for maximum speed and the speed limit does not exceed the
maximum speed in
For the winter tires are installed, it is essential to install all four wheels.
the tire chain at time of install warning
Ensure that the following must be observed. amulets and not have the privilege of
doing the safety-car driving, you will not be able to, in an accident may lead to a
serious injury to, or, in the worst case it may lead to death.
- with the speed limits, which were established in a chain, or 30 km/h or low er, or
the vehicle speed is not over
- To avoid the bumps and holes

T h e sudden accelerations, braking and shifting operat ion rapid engine brake to avoid
the use of
T h e curve in front of the entrance enough slowing down and loses control of the car to
The warning when parking.
without applying the parking brake when parking, be sure the wheel stops.
Wheel chocks, and the car does not move the accidents which may lead to
4-2. 運転のしかた 191


For more informat ion about using the tire chain

Toyota genuine tire chains is recommended. Of the non-genuine Toyota tires in
the chain to be used, and the body of the way of the vehicle and there is a fear
that it will be. For more information please contact your Toyota dealer.
the windscree n glass with the ice on which
you want to remove it. When you do not speak. inside the window
glass (inside) is it might break.
192 4-2. 運転のしかた

182 4-6.Driving Tips

4-2. 運転のしかた 193


Passenger compartment equipped with 5


5-1, air conditioning, and how to equipment

use the defogger list storage.................................................. 217
A uto air c onditi oni ng ............ 184 Glove Box .............................218
Rear Window Defogger And Front Passenger Seat Upper Box..218
(cl oudy . ......................................................192 interior. ..................................219
Front wipers 193 cup holders. ..........................221
5-2. How to Use the Audio and bottle holder...................222
ty pes of audi o ........................ 194 coin holder and pull it out. ..... 223
Usi ng the r adi o ...................... 196 5-5. How to use the other in-room
CD How to us e the pl ay er. .... 198
MP 3/WMA disk to listen to.
Sun Visor/Vanity Mirror .......... 224
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... 203 Watch ............................................................225

In order to listen to comfor t Accessory socket................................. 226

................................................... 209
the front seat)..........................................227
the steering wheel-mounted
switches. REAR ARMRE ST ................................. 229
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Grab handle .............................................. 230
... ... 211
5-3. How to make the interior
Interi or li ght lis t ...................... 214
Per s onal light. ...................... 215
Room Lights ......................... 215
194 4-2. 運転のしかた

184 5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the defogger

Auto air conditioning

1 of the amount of wind 6 Auto Set
2 demist the windscreen glass 7 air conditioning on/off
3, " nano-E 8 midst outlets
4 Recirculation Air recirculation 9 pollen
switch. 10 blower stop
5 of the temperature adjustment

To use the air conditioning.

1 Press.

air vent and the air flow is automatically adjusted.

2 To change the temperature setting temperature adjustment dial to the

3 right (warm) or left (cold) to press around

4-2. 運転のしかた 195

Each time you press the button on the air conditioning, dehumidification capabilities and OFF
ON instead of cutting.
196 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the 185


When using your favorite setting.

air flow
1 to adjust the adjustment of the amount of air delivered to the right
(increase) or the left (decrease) around.

To stop the air Press to.

To change
2 the temperature setting temperature adjustment dial to the right (warm)
or the left (cold) around.

is not pressed, the ventilation or heating can be used.

is unset
3 for air vents. "Λ V," or "press"

Each time you press outlets instead of Turn off.

the windscreen glass to take the cloudy.

The dehumidif ic ation function is activated,
the air flow is increased. Be careful in
circulatio n if you are in the outside air. (To
with features.
compartment equipped
turn off automat ic a lly. ) air flow and
increas e the temperat ure settings and the
fog as soon as you can take.

If demist and press again to return to the

previou s mode.
4-2. 運転のしかた 197

186 5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the defogger

For more information about air vent and air

upper air distribution.

With the torso in the footwell air distribution.

: cold weather specification vehicles only

In the footwell air distribution.

: cold weather specification vehicles only

Ventilation, and at the foot of the glass to take cloudy.

: cold weather specification vehicles only
198 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the 187


The recirculation is unset for the air recirculation.


Each time you press the button to turn off the external Air -

recirculation. The recirculation when

The you are selecting The

indicato r light will be illuminat ed.

Use the Features pollen


Instead, turn off the recirculation in the upper air to remove pollen. Usually

about 3 minutes later before you press to return to the mode.

When you stop in the middle, again Press to return to the previous mode.

"In order to use nano-yi"

Press the switch with features.
compartment equipped
When air conditioning air "nano-yi" is Passenger
activated and the display "nanoe" is
y:P. 190).
4-2. 運転のしかた 199

188 5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the defogger

Adjustment of wind direction and opening and closing the air vents
Center outlets.
Adjustment of wind

Left-hand and right-

hand air vents.
Adjustment of wind

Opening and

1 closing the air

2 vents close

dge auto setting on the operatio n of the air flow and air temperature setting

is due to the state of the automatic adjustment. The After that,

200 4-2. 運転のしかた

press, direct the warm air and cold air for a while until you are ready

to stop.
4-2. 運転のしかた 201

5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the 189


For more information about window fogging.

T h e vehicle's passenger compart me nt when the humidit y is high fogging mayThe

occur. If so To

If you ON from the air vents, dehumidified air, which effectively allows you to
take as cloudy.

- To ON OFF from the fogging may occur.

If you use the RECIRCULATION-window fogging.

For more information about deploym ent , and the Recirculatio n Air.
tunnels, such as traffic congestion, dirty air and put in the vehicle and when you
do not want, and the outside temperature is high when you want to increase the
cooling effect if you want to, and recirculation and effective.
The ambient air temperature is close to 0° C drops

If you press the dehumidification effect if you do not work.

For more information about pollen mode.

When the outside temperat ure is low, the windscree n glass to prevent fogging of the 5
following if you want to operat e.
Turn off and do not change the air recirculation.
The dehumidification function to operate.
with features.
compartment equipped
And after about a minute to stop operating.


TheW FOGGI N G Press to.

H u m i d i t y is very high and when window fogging.

- OFF pollen mode when the pollen is also removed by the filter.
202 4-2. 運転のしかた

190 5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the defogger

*For more information about "nano-yi" * 1

the air conditioning in the nano-yi" technologies are installed. This technology
is blown out on the driver's side through the mouth in the water skin and hair
wrapped in the mildly acidic-friendly "nano-yi" is released in the passenger
compartment to meet fresh air * 2.
eh"Tnano-e operatio n, with the followin g conditio ns take effect. Other than the followin g
condit ions, the effect is not enoug h to gain.

and vent The Or When the

and the driver's side vent is open
eh"Tnano-e is operat ing, the trace amount s of ozone, that faint smell in the forest, such as
there is in the natural world, to the extent that amount, so there is no impact to the
human body.
- dimly during operation, it should be possible to hear the noise, but not a problem.
nanoe", "nano-yi" and "nanoe" mark, the Panasonic Co. , Ltd.
This is the trademark.
* 2
temperature-humidity environment, air flow, depending on the winds of the nano -
yi" effect is enough to gain a
If you are.
For more information about smell of the air condit ioning.
When using the air conditionin g system, in-car smell a variet y of internal and external
air condit ioning unit incorpo rat ed in to the mix, by the wind from the air vents is that
it smells.
that occurs when the air conditionin g is switched to reduce the smell of that Park in
the outside air, it is recomme nde d that you.
When the air condit ioning is switched on in order to reduce the smell, when you use
the auto-configu rat ion immediat ely after the start, the air is if you want to stop for a
For more information about air conditio ning filters.
P 268
Eco-drive mode.
4-2. 運転のしかた 203

5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the 191



the front of the window in order to prevent fogging

o f th e a i r h umidity i s h i gh w he n th e a ir to a l owe r te mperature setting

w h e n to o perate i n th e must n ot b e p ressed. Th e te mperature

d i ffe rence b etwe en AIR a nd g la ss, o u tsid e o f th e g lass w i ll b e

o ve rcast, a nd

interfere with the vision.

For more information about the "nano-yi."
This system is a high-voltage component, which includes the disassembly and
repair. If a repair is required, the Toyota dealer for assistance.


hybrid system in order to prevent being stopped more than necessary, do not
use the air conditioning.

with features.
compartment equipped
The"nano-E to help prevent damage to the
air vents in the driver's seat in the vicinity of the spray, or use the balloons with
your mouth, do not put it into. System may not work properly.

204 4-2. 運転のしかた

192 5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the defogger

Rear Window Defogger (cloudy.

REAR WINDOW FOGGING in your when you take.

By pres sin g the ON/O F F is off during
opera t io n , inste a d of by the
illum in a t io n of the warnin g light.
Rear Windo w Defogger is autom atic ally
turned off.
O p e ra t in g t im e, and out s ide air
t e m p e ra t u re t o t he driv ing s t at e
in s t e a d o f b y .

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle when the ON mode
mirror heating (mirror heating if fitted to the vehicle).
Rear Window Defogger mirror heater to turn on and operate


mirror heating during operat ion of the warning (mirror heating if fitted to the vehicle)
mirror surface is hot. Burn you because they may not come.
4-2. 運転のしかた 205



continuous and after a period of time and use, Accessories battery up.
206 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-1, air conditioning, and how to use the 193


Front wipers.
the windscreen glass and windshi el d wiper blades to prevent freezing is

Front wipers is approximately 15
minutes and will be turned off

ing condit ions.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is 5

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
with features.
compartment equipped
vehicle when the ON mode


During the operatio n of the warning

the windscreen glass bottom and the driver's side A-pillar horizontal surface is
hot, and may burn you so it's not coming in.
4-2. 運転のしかた 207

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
208 4-2. 運転のしかた

194 5-2. How to Use the Audio

types of audio
CD Player, AM/FM radio fitted to the vehicle

Title Reference page

Using the radio P. 196
How to use the player CD P. 198
MP 3/WMA disk to listen to. P. 203
In order to listen to comfort P. 209
the steering wheel-mounted switches. P. 211

Use of
dgemobile phones.
Listen to the audio when the vehicle is in the vicinity of the vehicle or
using a mobile phone, the audio of the noise can be heard from the
4-2. 運転のしかた 209

5-2. How to Use the Audio 195



hybrid system to prevent audio for a long time in the Stop should not be used.
About the handlin g of audio
, such as audio to drink to prevent.

with features.
compartment equipped
210 4-2. 運転のしかた

196 5-2. How to Use the Audio

Using the radio

1 Frequency Automatic configuration of the
2 Stations of the power on/off, 5 broadcasting station
3 adjust volume for Frequency of 6 AM/FM MIDST OF

Broadcasting Station and storage

Manual configur ation.

1 To turn, or "Λ" (high-frequency) or "V"

(low-frequency) of your choice, then press the broadcasting stations, looking

2 Remember you want to switch To "Picker"andpressuntilyouhearabeep

Automatic Configur ati on.

"Picker" and press until you hear a beep
A good order of receiver sensitivity to memory up to 6 stations. Remember to
4-2. 運転のしかた 211

exit and the "Pippi" and sound.

212 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-2. How to Use the Audio 197

To receive traffic information.

Press again and released.

* dge For more information about
When the new car to the 1620 kHz are set.

When the AM radio mode. "Picker"andpressandholduntilyouhearabeep,andthefrequency.

You can remember. However, Accessories battery and is no
longer connected to the switch back to the 1620 kHz.

- The
Th e ra d i o a n d p re ss w h e n yo u a re re ce i vi n g And
And Through these actions, and the frequency is not cut off.
* The Accessories battery and is no longer connect ed to the when. 5

To It is set to broadcast will be erased.

For more information about receiving sensit ivit y.

with features.
compartment equipped
The position of the aerial is the change over time, so does the strength of the signal will
be different, obstructions, trains and signal through the effects of factors such as to
keep a good receiver sensitivit y can be difficult.

- If you are using the Auto Tune and automatic memory may not be possible.
4-2. 運転のしかた 213

198 5-2. How to Use the Audio

How to use the player CD

1 CD. 5 Play
2 Power on/off, adjust volume for 6 Repeat Playback of
3 music 7 random play midst
4 The early back/forward 8
214 4-2. 運転のしかた

You want to insert CD
One, that you want to insert CD

To retrieve CD
Press to eject CD

To choose song

T o tur n, or "Λ" song) or "V"

(song) songs you want to hear and then press to

display the number of
5-2. How to Use the Audio

The fast-forward to the early back

Back to the early, or fast-for war d the (back soon)
or (Fast Forwar d) continue to press

Repeat (RPT) to play

(RPT), press.

random (RAND) to play

(RAND) press press

For each of the following, and press to turn off
to expend view order of songs and the elapsed
the display.
time song title 5

with features.
compartment equipped

For more
dge information about display.
You can view at a time on the display of up to 12 characters.
CD song title, or if you are at least 13 characters. Press and hold to
be more than 13 characters, you can view after the first.
You can display up to 24 characters.
4-2. 運転のしかた 215

Press and hold again to more than about 6 seconds, or you do not work, and
you want to leave
of the original 12 characters back in view of the second. The record that is,
depending on the content is not displayed correctly, the display may not be
The random play, repeat play unlock the
Once againRAND)
( or (RPT).

Error display.
"ERROR": disc is dirty or worn wrong side out, and vice versa, and not be able to
read, or inside the player when there is a problem with the display.
216 4-2. 運転のしかた

200 5-2. How to Use the Audio

CD available for playback.

The following marked disk you can play. Recorded State and characteristics of
a disk, and scratches, dirt, and they cannot play due to wear.

With features such as copy-protected CD cannot be played.

The protection features CD player.
Player internal to protect the anomalies during use when running without
stopping to play automatically.
The CD, on the inside, the player or players that pops out in the same state
when you put long loose
But CD scratch will not be available.
lens cleaner.
Do not use the lens cleaner. The player that you want to use it may damage.
4-2. 運転のしかた 217

5-2. How to Use the Audio 201

No, you can use the adapter CD
The following CD, 8CM Dual Disc CD adapter, do not use to. When you use
the player fails, or may not be able CD and out of it.

T h e 12-cm diame ter of non-circul ar CD

The low-quality or deformed CD

The recording part is transparent or semi-transparent CD

with features.
compartment equipped

T h e cellophane tape, seals, CD-R label, for

CD posted, and after the the CD
218 4-2. 運転のしかた

202 5-2. How to Use the Audio


About the handling of the CD player

to do the following, and no longer hear CD CD player, or may not work
- insert CD CD other than in the mouth do not
CD player-to
-oil and paint and not the CD away from direct sunlight to keep
the CD player does not attempt to disassemble
the two or more pieces at the same time do not want to insert the CD
4-2. 運転のしかた 219

5-2. How to Use the Audio 203

MP 3/WMA disk to listen to.

1 Remove CD. 6 Play

with features.
compartment equipped
2 Select the file of the power 7 Repeat
3 on/off, adjust the volume of the 8 Playback of
4 file select the early 9 random play
5 back/forward 10 midst the
Select Folder

MP 3/WMA to insert a disc, or eject


The fast-forward to the early back


Folder is selected, the first folder to the top

"Λ" (folder) or "V" (folder) folder in which you want to hear it,
220 4-2. 運転のしかた

then press Select.

The back of the first folder to "Λ" to "Picker" and press until you hear a beep.
4-2. 運転のしかた 221

204 5-2. How to Use the Audio

To select a file

To turn, or "Λ" file) or "V" (front

file) to find the file you want to hear press

Repeat (RPT) to play

messing with the file that you want to play.

(RPT), press.
repeated referenc es to the folder that you want to play.

(RPT), "Picker" and press until you

random (RAND) to play

In a specific folder. random files from that you want to play.

(RAND), press.
During the disk from a random sample of all of the files that you want to play.

(RAND), "Picker" and press until you

to expend view

For each of the followi ng, and press to turn off the display . Folder number ,

file number and elaps ed time folder title file name 

disc title (MP3 only) artist name
222 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-2. How to Use the Audio 205

For more
dge information about display.
You can view at a time on the display of up to 12 characters.
CD song title, or if you are at least 13 characters. Press and hold to
be more than 13 characters, you can view after the first.
You can display up to 24 characters.
Press and hold again to more than about 6 seconds, or you do not work, and
you want to leave
of the original 12 characters back in view of the second. The record that is,
depending on the content is not displayed correctly, the display may not be
The random play, repeat play unlock the
Once againRAND)
( or (RPT).

Error display.
"ERROR": disc is dirty or worn wrong side out, and vice versa, and not be able to
read, or inside the player when there is a problem with the display.
"NO MUSIC": In the Disk MP 3/WMA file is not included in the display.
CD available for playback.
The following mark indicates that the disk cannot be played. Recorded State

with features.
compartment equipped
and characteristics of a disk, and scratches, dirt, and they cannot play due to

CD player protection features.

Player internal to protect the anomalies during use when running without
stopping to play automatically.
The CD, on the inside, the player or players that pops out in the same state
when you put long loose
But CD scratch will not be available.
lens cleaner.
Do not use the lens cleaner. The player that you want to use it may damage.
4-2. 運転のしかた 223

206 5-2. How to Use the Audio

The MP 3/WMA for file

MP 3 (MPEG Audio LAYER 3), which is the standard format for audio
compressi on technology.
If you use MP 3, the original file is approxi mately 1/10. can be
compressed to the size.
WMA (Windows Media Audio) is a Corporati on Microsoft audio
compressi on format. To MP 3 size smaller than can be compressed.
You can use MP 3/WMA file standards and remembers it for media, formats
are limited.
- MP3 files that can be played on standard.
Corresponding standards.
Sampling frequency response.
1 LAYER MPEG 3:32, 44.1, 48 (kHz) MPEG
2LSF LAYER 3:16, 22.05 , 24 (kHz).
and corresponding bit rate
MPEG 1LAYER 3:64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256,
320 (kbps).
2 LSF MPEG LAYER 3:64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160 (kbps).
* VBR are supported.
and corresponding Channel Mode: Stereo, Joint stereo, dual -channel, mono
- WMA files that can be played on standard.
Corresponding standards.
WMA Ver 7, 8, and 9
Sampling frequency-32, 44.1, 48 (kHz).
and corresponding bit-rate Ver 7, and 8: CBR 48, 64, 80, 96, 128, 160, 192
(kbps) Ver 9:CBR 48, 64, 80, 96, 128, 160, 192, 256, 320 (kbps).
* 2CH playback only.
For more information about media that can be used.
MP 3/WMA file playback media that can be used is the CD-R and CD-RW.
CD-R, CD - depending on the state of RW can not be played. In addition, disk
scratches, fingerprints, and the fact that you can play to skip.
224 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-2. How to Use the Audio 207

For more information about the format of the disks that can be used for media
that can be used are as follows: format.
Disk Format: CD-ROM Mode 1 and Mode 2, CD-ROM XA, Mode 2Form 1
and Form 2
File Format: IS 09660 level 1, and Level 2 (Romeo, Joliet) format
described above that have been written in non-MP 3/WMA file does not
play properly, the file name or folder name, may not be displayed
Standard and limitations are as follows.
The MAXIMUM DIRECTORY hierarchy: 8-tier
The maximum folder name/number of file name: Cannot Exceed 32 characters
(double-byte character information that is recorded in this audio, you will not be
able to view.
The maximum number of folders: 192 (including root)
The maximum number of files in the disk: 255
For more information about file names.
MP 3/WMA file that you want to play and the MP 3/WMA the extension "
. MP3" or " .wma" only.
For more information about multi-session.
Multi-session and MP 3/WMA added a file it is possible to playback of the disk. 5
However, the first session only.
- ID 3tag/WMA tags
The ID MP 3file3 tags with known characters you can enter information for the

with features.
compartment equipped
song title, artist name, etc. can be recorded.
3 ID ID Ver1.0, 1.1, 3, 2.3, and Ver corresponds to the tag.
(The length ID 3Ver1.0and 1.1 compliant).
In the file, the WMA WMA called tags supplied character information to be
entered, and ID3 tag in the same way as the song title, arti st name, so that you
can record.
- MP 3/WMA for more information on playing.
MP 3/WMA files are included on the disk you want to insert the first disk and all of
the files in the check. The end of the file and check the first MP 3/WMA to play the
file. To check the disk as soon as possible in order to end the MP 3/WMA files do
not need any other files or folders that you do not write such as recommended.
Music Data and MP 3, or WMA mixed data in the form of the disk is not re -live.
For more information about extensions.
MP 3/WMA in a file other than " .MP3" or " .wma" extension, and MP 3/WMA
files and interpret the play, and there are large noise speakers may be
4-2. 運転のしかた 225

208 5-2. How to Use the Audio

For more information on playing.

stable quality, in order to play back MP 3, 128 kbps constant bit rate, sampling
frequency of 44.1 kHz is recommended.
and CD-R, CD-RW due to the nature of the disk can not be played.
And MP 3/WMA may be left to the market, and many of the freeware encoder
software, there is the state of the encoder or the file format, the sound quality is
degraded by the noise is present at the start of playback you do. In addition,
you can play with.
Disk MP 3/WMA if you record a file other than the disk to recognize the time an d
can not be played. The Windows Microsoft Windows Media, Microsoft
Corporation The United States of the United States and in other countries is
registered trademark, and a registered trademark.


You cannot use the adapter (CD (P.201)

about the handling of the CD player (P. 202).
226 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-2. How to Use the Audio 209

In order to listen to comfort

1 Press to dial to display mode .
2 T ur n di al to c hange the fol l owi ng
s etti ngs
The quality and volume balance
(P.210), an optimal sound quality
and volume and balance to listen to,
you can change the settings.
automatic sound level and the ON
OFF (P. 210).

To change the settings.

midst of quality mode.

As you press each of the following. FADBASTREBALASL


with features.
compartment equipped
4-2. 運転のしかた 227

210 5-2. How to Use the Audio

Adjusting the sound quality.

To turn to adjust the level of sound quality.

Quality mode View Level Turn to the Rotate to the

volume left right
FAD 7 7 to R F Turn the Large front
balance back-end.
Bass * BAS - 5-5
before weak Strong
after* TRE - 5-5
BAL 7 7 to R L Large left Right large
OFF Rotate to the right
Volume ASL
HIGH Turn to the left

The radio or audio quality levels can be adjusted in each CD player.

■ SRSdge
Labs, Inc registered trademark

Is the product AM radio mode, except

SRS Labs, Inc. The SRS

TruBass for use of the technology. The TruBass

FOCUS SRS, and The symbol
SRS Labs, Inc. trademarks . The TruBass
SRS Labs FOCUS technol ogy , Inc.from the
license of the produc t based on.
228 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-2. How to Use the Audio 211

Steering wheel switch for operation.

handle that the switch on the left side, you can work with audio.

The mode switch and CD, radio, etc. for information about the operatio n of
installed by audio or if different, the operation may not be possible.
The Toyota dealer optional navigation system, and the operati on of the
audio, please refer to the manual .
1 To adjust the volume.
2 T he c ur r ent audi o mode i ns tead of
featur es .
Exploring the frequency (radio use.
and tune (CD during playback).
File/Folder Selection
(MP 3/WMA during playback).
3 Power supply is turned on, the mode switch.

Turn on power supply.

with features.
compartment equipped
When the power is ON, switch to "Picker" and press and hold until power is OFF.
4-2. 運転のしかた 229

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
230 4-2. 運転のしかた

212 5-2. How to Use the Audio

Mode to expend
When the power of the audio ON Each time you press the Mode is
off in the following order.
The disk is inserted into the CD * when it is not is not available for selection.

To adjust the volume.

To increase the volume. T


Press and hold to switch to continuous, you can adjust the volume.

To select stations

1 The AM FM press or to select the "Λ" or "Press the side V"

2 Each time you press the switch to the remembered the to select the frequency.
"Picker" and press and hold until the automatic that can be received by the to
select the frequency.

The CD

1 Press to select the CD "Λ" side, or "V" side, press to select

2 the desired song

4-2. 運転のしかた 231

5-2. How to Use the Audio 213

MP 3/WMA operation
To select a file.
1 The CD press (MP 3/WMA) to select

2 "Λ" side, or "V" side, and then select the desired file and press
Select Select.
To select a folder.
1 The CD press (MP 3/WMA) to select the "Λ" side, or "V" side to

2 the "Picker" and push it in until

Continue to select the desired file.


To prevent the accident

while driving when you are working with audio switch with caution.

with features.
compartment equipped
232 4-2. 運転のしかた

214 5-3. How to make the interior lights

Interior light list

1 Personal light
(P. 215).
2 Interior lighting (P. 215)
3 engine switch lighting
(The Smart Entry & Start System Non-if fitted).
Power switch lighting
(Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).
4-2. 運転のしかた 233

5-3. How to make the interior lights 215

Personal light
lights on and off.

Interior lighting

2 door position (door
3 Integration) ON (solid).

with features.
compartment equipped
234 4-2. 運転のしかた

216 5-3. How to make the interior lights

The illuminat
dge ed entry system.

Door courtesy light switch position, the door lock/unlock door open switch
closed, engine parts, depending on the location of the lighting is automatically
turned on and off.
Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle door courtesy light switch

position, the detection of an electronic key and door locks

/Unlock, and opening and closing the doors due to the state of the power switch, a nd
each point of lighting is
Engine switchis "LOCKOFF" or the power switch is on, the interior lights will
turn on when you leave the, when the Automatic switch off after about 20
For Sale features that can be configure d in the store
Time to turn off the interior lights, you can change the settings for.
(Customize List:P.349).


THE ACCESS O RI E S BATTERY up in order to prevent

hybrid system is stopped, switch on the lights and Long Time do not.
4-2. 運転のしかた 235

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
236 4-2. 運転のしかた equipment 217

list storage

6 4 3 1

6 5 2
54 BT O 5

1 Pull-out-coin holder . 4 Passenger's upper box

(P. 223). (P. 218).

with features.
compartment equipped
2 cup holder (P. 221). 5 console box
3 glove box (P. 218). (P. 219).
6 Bottle Holder
(P. 222).


Leave the storage should not be

writers and spray cans, glasses, equipped with storage in the left do not leave.
If left untreated, the following may cause dangerous.
When the room temperature is high, the heat and other storage, such as contact
with the spect acle is deform ed to cause cracks or
t h e room temperature is high when the writer or spray cans, explosion or other
goods stored in contact with the writer has been triggered and the spray cans,
such as that of the gas is also in case of fire you will
4-2. 運転のしかた 237

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
238 4-2. 運転のしかた

218 equipment


Storage: when not in use, or when driving consideratio ns

must be closed after that. For example, during sudden braking. After you open
the storage compartment or which had been flying in or out, and you may think
may lead to an accident.

Glove Box
open by pulling the lever

Passenger's upper box

Press the button open
4-2. 運転のしかた 239 equipment 219

console box
 -fitted to the vehicle).
Pull up on the lever to lift lid


the driver's side and after.


with features.
compartment equipped
upper box (slide functions if fitted to the vehicle).
B y pul l i ng the l ev er on the pas s enger
s i de to l i ft l i d
240 4-2. 運転のしかた

220 equipment

informatio n on the console after the slide function fitted to the vehicle).
After that you can slide back and

For more informatio n about the card holder (slide functions if fitted).
the upper box after the card holder is not.
4-2. 運転のしかた 241 equipment 221

Cup holder

54 BTO DK002

Removal of the partition.
in cup holders and to clean to operate a
business is ready to be removed.

54 BT O

with features.
compartment equipped

Don't put the

Cup in the holder of the cup, but the cans do not place. Brakes down due to an
accident or injury may result. To prevent burns from hot drink is to close the
242 4-2. 運転のしかた

222 equipment

Bottle Holder

For more
dge information about bottle holder.
- Be sure to close the lid plastic bottles from the store.
The size of the plastic bottles, depending on the shape you may not be able retracted.


The storage compart m ents are not supposed

the juice in the bottle holder is turned on, such as paper cups, glass cup, and
do not store. juices, spill, or broken glass.
4-2. 運転のしかた 243 equipment 223

Pull coin holder

(Smart Entry & Start System Non-fitted to the vehicle).
Open knob and pull

For more information about the pull-out -coin holder
hauling and is ready to be removed. such
as removing, cleaning, based on the mark,
get back on when you turn it on.

with features.
compartment equipped

For more informat ion about the pull-out -coin holder

coin holder, pull out on the left, right, top,

and bottom force do not have to join in.
strong force is applied and the separation
to be disappointed. When off, the mark up
in the "clicks" and push firmly until a click
is heard.
244 4-2. 運転のしかた

224 5-5. How to use the other in-room equipment

Sun Visor/Vanity Mirror

Sun Visor
1 Forward to intercept the visor
2 The side to block the visor in the
down position, the hook should be
from around to the side

Vanity Mirror.
Slide the cover open
4-2. 運転のしかた 245

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
246 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-5. How to use the other in- 225

room equipment


Press the button to adjust the time.

1" time" to adjust.

2" Minutes" to adjust.
3 " Minutes" to 00 *
CLOCK SET button simultaneously for 1
(for example: 1:00-1:291:00
1:30 A.M. To 1:59 p.m.2:00

dge the time is
displaye d.
Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted when the switch is
Smart Entry & Start system power switch is
fitted to the vehicle when the ON mode
with features.
compartment equipped
ACCESSORIES BATTERY TERMINAL for removing and refitting of the clock and data
will be reset.
4-2. 運転のしかた 247

226 5-5. How to use the other in-room equipment

Accessory socket
Less than 12 V 10 A of electrical and electronic products, when used as
a power supply for your.
Open the lid to use

55 BTO DK001

of Use.

or "ON" when the

Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the vehicle accessory
mode or ON mode


The short-circuit or fault,

accessory socket to prevent foreign material into the water, so that they do not
depend on when it is not being used, please close the cover.
The fuse is in order to prevent the
12 V A do not exceed 10 .
hybrid system in order to prevent is stopped, accessory socket is not in use for
a longer period.
248 4-2. 運転のしかた

5-5. How to use the other in- 227

room equipment

Seat Heater (front seat).

You can seat to heat up.

1 HI (strong)
2 LO (Weak).
s eat heater is ac tiv ated, the dis play when
the light is lit. 12

55 BTO DK002

ing condit ions.
Engine switchis "O
e is ON mode when the
For more information about seat heat er.
- HI (strong) and the seat back and seat cushion, and the whole part to warm up.
- LO (weak) and the back of the sheet of the center seat and minutes to heat.

with features.
compartment equipped

For more information about burns:

t h e low temperature burns, because it may take the following are of particular
infants and children, and the elderly and sick people, and for people with
, and the skin
of the weak and fatigue and heavy
drinking and sleep so drugs (sleeping pills, cold medicine, etc. ) and that he
had taken the
seat heater, blankets, cushions, and should not be used. SEAT HEATING by
the use of heat, which in turn provides the cause of abnormal heating.
t h e seat heater is required to at least should not be used. low temperature
burns, or abnormal heating of the seat heater can be a source.
4-2. 運転のしかた 249

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
250 4-2. 運転のしかた

228 5-5. How to use the other in-room equipment


SEAT HEATI NG to avoid malfunct ion of

the heavy weight of flat sheet, or place it on the wire and the sharp objects
such as needles do not pierce.
hybrid when the system is down, the seat heater is used when you do not.
4-2. 運転のしかた 251

5-5. How to use the other in- 229

room equipment

Use the fold down.

55 BTO DK003


the armrest to prevent damage to the

load on the excessive do not apply.

with features.
compartment equipped
252 4-2. 運転のしかた

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
4-2. 運転のしかた 253

230 5-5. How to use the other in-room equipment

Grab handle
that is mounted on the ceiling,
assistance to the grip, while the
vehicle is in a seat in state when to
suppor t your.


For more information about the grab handles

grab handles, and to facilitate entry and exit from the sheet, such as when to
stand up should not be used.


To prevent damage to the

door handle to make heavy, excessive load.
254 4-2. 運転のしかた


The condition may only.

6-1. The only condition.

exteri or i n good c onditi on. .. 232
Interi or i n good c onditi on. ... 235
6-2.A simple inspection and parts
the bonnet ............................... 238
Tr oll ey j ac k ............................. 241
W as her fl ui d s uppl y ............. 243
For more infor mati on about tires 244
................................................... 247
Chec k and r epl ac e the fus e 250
B ul b Repl ac em ent ................ 257
Air conditioning filters replacement ... 2 68
4-2. 運転のしかた 255

232 6-1.The only condition.

exterior in good condition.

cleaning, the following items can be performed.

- enough water body, while around and around under the order from
the top to the bottom to be dirty wash
The body of the sponge or chamoi s soft surfaces like washing in
When the is very dirty, use the car shampoo, rinse well with water
Wipe off the water.
The water is a bad flick off when it is done, and waxing.
The dirt on the surface of the body to the ground water even if it is not possible to get a
ball and the body temperat ure to a cold Waxing (approxim at ely body temperat ure, as a
rule of thumb).
It should be noted that body coated wheel, such as courts, glass coated
Toyota-culture products, if the constructio n is differe nt, and how to care. For
more information please contact your Toyota dealer.

you use automat ic car wash.
The mirror is in the door, wash the vehicle from the front. In addit ion, the vehicle must
be de-mirror, before returning back to the state.
- scratch-brush, to the rear of the car which can damage the paint.
When you use pressure washing machines.
The water in the passenger compart me nt is because it may be the end of the nozzle
to the door glass and door frame too close to near.
- In front of the car wash to ensure that filling to assure it is closed.
- Drive System Parts, gearbox, etc. ) to the part of the bearin gs and oil seals do not too
near it. too close togethe r, and because of the high water pressure, water and grease to
the inside of the outflow performan ce may be degraded.
256 4-2. 運転のしかた

6-1.The only condition. 233

The car wash, the vehicle, such as when water (Smart Entry & Start system if
An electronic key to the mobile washing water, such as if you have put on
the door handle, lock and unlock to repeat behavior. The case, the E-key
more than 2m away from the vehicle to the location that you saved it to,
such as a car wash. (electronic key to the theft of the note).
The alumin um wheels .
- With a mild detergent and clean, as soon as possible. Any abrasive cleaners, and
the brush is hard to damag e paint. Don't use it.
After the summer months, such as long-dist ance driving is at the wheel of a hot, do
not use the SOAP.
After you have used the detergent is sufficient to wash it as soon as possible.
For more information about front bumper.
abrasive cleaners do not scrub hard to prevent.
the front door glassf or more informatio n about the water -re pelle nt coating.
T h e water-repellent coating for long lasting effects, be aware of the following.
front door glass surface, such as the mud to clean.
And the stain as soon as possible, such as soft damp cloth to clean.
Compound (shine powder that contains glass cleaner or wax, do not use the
And Metal tool does not frost
T h e water droplets are bad is when you can repair. For more informat ion please
contact your Toyot a dealer.
The Rain Clearing t h e hydrop hilic properties of Mirror effect for recovery
The hydrophilic properties of the mirror effect, solar by gradually recover.
(P.123) is on when you want to recover faster, make sure that you do the
The condition may only.


1 In the surface with water to wash dirt, mud, water and a clean, soft cloth to

2 clean glass cleaner or mild soap after cleaning with a mild detergent in

3 enough water to wash with a clean soft cloth to a mirror surface, such as
4 water to wipe off with outdoor parking the vehicle in the sunlight, the mirror to
5 find out about 5 hours.
(Depending on the type and the amount of dirt, and recovery time are different).
4-2. 運転のしかた 257

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
258 4-2. 運転のしかた

234 6-1.The only condition.


The car wash

in the engine compartment when you do not sprinkle water on. electric parts
such as water is to take the vehicle and fire may lead to dangerous.
For more information about the exhaust pipes
exhaust pipes by the exhaust gas temperature. If you come by car, such as
enough to output trachea after it has cooled down. It may be that you want to


Deteriorat ion of the paint and body and compone nt s (wheels, etc. ) to prevent corrosion.
T h e f o l l o w i n g is the case, immediately wash the.
coastal areas, and after driving the
And the anti-freezing agent to an xy (scatter) chart after driving on a road.
coal tar, SAP and pollen and get ready for the birds and insects, including death of when
it is contaminated with
and soot and dust, powder and oil fumes, chemical substances, su ch as where there are
many descent after driving
dust, dirt, mud and other fiercely, when.
Benzene, Gasoline, paint, organic solvents such as when it is contaminated with
T h e paint is scratched, if you have to repair it as soon as possible.
When the wheel is stored to prevent corrosion, clean and with a dry, store location.
Cleaning the lamp
Note- please wash the dishes. organic solvent s and stiff brush should not be used.
light, it may cause damage.
- In the event of a lighting waxing, do not occur. Lens and may be damaged.
4-2. 運転のしかた 259

6-1.The only condition. 235

Interior in good condition.

The condition may, in accordance with the following guidelines.

in good condition
such as vacuum cleaner to remove dust, water or lukewarm water with a
cloth to take blow

The genuine leather parts in good condition.

such as the vacuum cleaner to remove dust and sand
The diluted mild detergent and soft cloth, wipe off dirt
For wool with a mild detergent and up to about 5% of the aqueous solution diluted should be
It was the fresh water-tight cloth, squeeze out remainin g on the surface cleaner to
wipe off.
Dry the surface with a soft cloth to wipe away the water, and the airy to
dry in the shade

Synthetic leather parts in good condition.

- Vacuum clean, you have a high-
- Use the sponge or soft cloth and synthetic leather portion to mild 6
A few minute s from detergen t to clean and tightly focused with a clean The condition may only.

cloth to wipe off cleaner

260 4-2. 運転のしかた

236 6-1.The only condition.

The leather
dge parts of thumb
Quality to prolong the period of twice a year, it should be noted that it is in good
Cleanin g the carpet.
Carpet is always a dry condition is recommended that you keep. In the cleaning
of a commercially available foam type cleaner is available. sponge or use a
brush foam into the carpet, spread in a circle to fill. do not pour water directly
from the wipe dry.
Seat belts.
mild detergent and warm water, using a cloth or sponge, please wash the
dishes. the seat belt is not worn and frayed, scratches, etc. should be inspected


The entry of water to the vehicle

, and the floor in the trunk for battery-driven cooling air inlet to the inside of the vehicle, such as water or
liquid TO DO NOT DO. traction batteries and electric parts such as water and fire, the fault and/or the
vehicle which may lead to dangerous.
- SRS airbag components or electrical wiring, do not soak. (P 30 SRS electrical
fault, the airbag, or will not function properly, serious injury, or in the worst case it
may lead to death.
If you want to clean the interior of the (especially instrum ent panel)
glaze glaze cleaner wax and/or Do Not Use. The panel instrumentation is the
windscreen glass reflection to the driver's view of the accident may not have
feelings for disturbing, and lead to more than a serious injury or death, in the
worst case may lead to the.
4-2. 運転のしかた 261

6-1.The only condition. 237

When you clean the solvent used for the
T h e discoloration, or stains, paint is not the cause of the following solvents should not be
Seat of non-: Benzene, Gasoline and Other organic solvents and acid or Al
Khalil, for solvents, bleach, and dyeing
And part of the sheet: paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, and other alkali or acid
and solvent.
T h e glaze glaze Cleaner Wax or Do Not Use. The panel instrumentation and other
interior paint is, melting, deform at ion can be a source of.
The genuine leather in order to avoid being damage d.
On the surface of leather deterioration or damage, in order to avoid that the following must
be observed.
Genuine leather-dust from the sand and immediately remove
- prolon ged exposure to direct sunlight to
avoid the summe r months in particular
that you want to store your vehicle in the
- made of vinyl and plastic, wax content of the in-vehicle as it will be hot to stay tied
and leather because it may not place it on leather.
Take water on the floor.
do not wash with water. There is audio and under the carpet on the electrical
components of the vehicle and take water is the cause of the fault, or body is
The inside of the rear screen window when you want to clean.
The condition may only.

the heated windscreen and antenna, because it may cause damage to the glass
cleaner, etc. will not be used, or the antenna along the heated water or lukewarm
water with a cloth and gently wipe.
Heated-and antenna, so as not to damage or scratch, you must be careful.
262 4-2. 運転のしかた

238 6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement

the bonnet
From the passenger compartment to unlock and open the bonnet.

1 Pull the hood release lever.

the bonnet is slightly raised.

2 Pull the lever to open the bonnet

3 B onnet s tr ut mounti ng hol e pl ugs

i nto

62 BTO DK018
4-2. 運転のしかた 263

6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement 239

For more
dge information about battery accessories.
-The vehicle's Accessories battery under
the rear seat (on the right) in the cover of
the engine compartment, are not
FOR FILLING is not required for the type
of battery fluid, such as the amount of the
check is not required ).
62 BT O
- Accessories battery is in high spirits
when I was in the engine compartment
for relief using a terminal, and actions.
(P. 331).


- Accessories battery terminal to your computer, and remove the memory information
is erased. ACCESSORIES BATTERY TERMINAL is unscrewed, when Toyota
dealers to give advice.
The always-terminal to which you want to remove.


Check before driving the 6

bonnet is fully sure it is locked. Without Locking the vehicle when the vehicle is
in motion, suddenly open to critical injury call may, in the worst case you may
lead to death.
The condition may only.

The repair and car inspect ion and maint enance services to check the Maint enance
Mode to expend, so you must be sure your Toyota dealer. High -voltage
systems, since you are using is not handled properly, serious injury, or in the
worst case it could lead to death.
Check the engine room after check
in the engine compartment behind the tool or piece of cloth to ensure that is not.
Used to check and clean the cloth and a tool, such as in the engine compartment,
behind the cause of the fault in the engine compartment, and the vehicle for high
temperature, which may lead to fire is dangerous.
264 4-2. 運転のしかた

240 6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement

When you close the hood.

H a n d , b e i n g ca refu l n o t to p i n ch . Se ri ou s
i n j u ry m a y re sul t i n d a n ge r.

62 BT O DK019


TERMI NA L when removing or refitting.
Be sure-terminal to which you want to remove. + terminal to which you want to
remove, and the + terminal is coming to the metal around the spark could
cause fire that it might lead to the risk of electric shock, other than a serious
injury or death, and (in the worst case it could lead to.
Accessories for battery replacem ent.
When you replace the Corolla Axio hybrid product specific to the use. If you use
non-proprietary products, gas (hydrogen) must be in the passenger
compartment intrusion by the explosion, and the danger of explosion is
dangerous. Accessories for battery replacement, please contact your Toyota


The hood in order to avoid damage to

the weight when you close the hood to make a strong, such as Do not pressed.
It may be to have the bonnet.
4-2. 運転のしかた 265

6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement 241

Trolley jack
Use the trolley jack and when to lift the vehicle is in the correct position, the
footage at jack to the set. If you do not set to the Correct Position of vehicle
damage and injury to.

The front-side

the rear-side

The condition may only.

62 BTO CP047

266 4-2. 運転のしかた

242 6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement

When to lift the vehicle.
Ensure that the following must be observed. Amulets, and not have the privilege of
doing a serious injury, or if it's a worst case scenario in which may lead to death.

- It's a garage jack as shown in the illust ra tio n to the

vehicle using the lift.

When you use the trolley jack, make sure the trolley jack to the Instructions for Use
provided with enough on the Are you sure that you want to use,
The in-vehicle that is not using a jack, the vehicle may fall out.
T h e garage was only support ed by jack under the vehicle, or part of the body, or do not
attempt to go undergrou nd
T h e trolley jack and axle stands for the automobile, and No Tilt flat on the floor to use.
jack up the vehicle is in the hybrid system does not start.
T h e flat hard stop on the ground, and the parking brake, place the shift lever bar to P
Jack is the garage, be sure to properly set the jacking point trolley jack is correctly
set to lift the vehicle and without damage to the vehicle. In addition, the vehicle
garage to fall off the jack.
- In the vehicle when the vehicle is not to raise the vehicle
When the vehicle is lifted up on the top and bottom of the trolley jack, but don't put to
4-2. 運転のしかた 267

6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement 243

Washer fluid supply

Only the fill.
Washer fluid is low and the washer
fluid it.

62 BTO DK009


The washer fluid when the

hybrid system when it is hot and hybrid system is when you are starting the
washer fluid. Washer fluid alcohol is because it contains, such as the hybrid
system to fire and it takes it is dangerous.


For more informat ion about the washer fluid

The condition may only.

washer fluid, and soap and water instead of engine antifreeze, do not turn on.
paint stains on it.
The washer fluid while watering down
if necessary dilute with water. Water and washer fluid as a percentage of
washer fluid in a container of the reference to the freezing temperatures.
268 4-2. 運転のしかた

244 6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement

For more information about tires

Check the tires, are mandated by law. As the daily check be sure to check
the heads et. even to the wear of the tires to extend their life, the tire rotation,
tire replacement position) to 5,000 km at a time.

Check the tires item

The tires, check the following items. How to check the
Maintenance Booklet for notes.
tire inflation pressure.
Check the pressure, when that the tires are cold.
The tires of the presence or absence of any cracks or damage
The depth of the groove of the tire.
Abnor mal wear of the tires (only one side of the tires to the extreme is
worn or wear, is significantly different from the other tire and such as
whether or not.

Only the tire rotation.

A s s hown i n the fi gur e on the ti r es and
the l ow tabl e to per for m.
Tire wear the uniform, to extend their
life, with the Toyota Periodic Inspection
of each tire rotatio n is recom m ended.
4-2. 運転のしかた 269

6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement 245

Tire pressure.
kPa pressure (kg/cm2).
Tire size
Front wheel Rear wheel
175 / 65 15 84 H R 230 (2.3)

temporary use spare tires:420 kPa (4.2 kg/cm 2 )*

The tire pressure is specified, the driver's side of the tire air pressure on the
label can be determined.
that the tires are cold tire pressure when


the tire to the related parts when replacing

Disk Wheels and Tires, wheel mounting nut to the replacement, the Toyota
Dealer can help.

Warning 6

inspection and replace ment of

the following warning must be must be observed. Amulets, and not have the
The condition may only.
privilege of doing damage to the driveline components and/or erratic driving, due
to the nature of the serious injury or death, and (in the worst case it could lead
T h e t i r e s are all on the same brand and same stock, same tread pattern, wear
of the difference betwee n using a tire with a not
- non-manufacturer-specified size of the tires and wheels DO NOT USE THE
- radial tires and bias tires Bell Ted and a bias ply tires for mixed -use
summer tires and all-season tires, winter tires, do not use the mix
270 4-2. 運転のしかた

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
4-2. 運転のしかた 271

246 6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement

The ban on the use of the tire is faulty
There is a fault that the tire is fitted directly, and when driving, and a handle to an
unusual feel the vibrations. In addition, the following will lead to unexpected things,
hence it could lead is dangerous.
For example, you can burst-damage repair
The vehicle is people moved sideways.
- The original performance of the vehicle (fuel consumption, and vehicle stability and
braking distance, etc. ) will not be realized
Note: tire replace ment.

Make sure the nut on the inside of the tapers of the

as is. taper on the outside and install the Taper
wheel is broken and out of reach for a
serious injury or death, and (in the worst
case it may lead to.

Oil and grease to the threads do not. Tighten the nut to be tightened when the bolt
is broken, diskette, the wheel may be damaged. In addition, loose wheel nuts, 2 -
1 down in a serious accident may result. oil or grease on the thread if you are
with a wipe.


While the vehicle is in the air

driving if there is, do not continue. tires or wheels
could be damaged.
Note for the driving on a bad road
bumps or uneven road and you should use caution when driving. The tire is the
tire of the cushion effect is reduced. In addition, such as tires, wheels, body parts
are also may be damaged.
272 4-2. 運転のしかた

6-2.A simple inspection and parts replacement 247


When the batteries are low, replace the batteries.

Using a flat-blad e screwdriver.
Small flat-blade screwdriv er .
Lithium-i on batteries.
and CR2016 (Smart Entry & Start System Non-if fitted).
and CR1632 (Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).

Replacing the Battery only.

The Smart Entry & Start System vehicles not fitted
1 Take off cover.
To avoid scratching the negative-rai
ends of the bar, such as a cloth to
wrap the guardian.
Button-side-down on the cover, not
the. Facing up to the button and may
be ejected.

2 Module removed
The condition may only.
6-2.A simple inspection and 249
parts replacement
248 6-2.A simple inspection and parts

3 replacement
modul e c ov er to get r i d of
Mi s s mal s to r etr i ev e the
The newy . battery on the + pole to take

4 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle
1 Mechanical key is removed

2 Take off cover.
To avoid scratching the negative-rai

The condition may only.

ends of the bar, such as a cloth to
wrap the guardian.

3 To remove the battery wear.

The new battery on the way to take it with

4 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

250 6-2.A simple inspection and
parts replacement
Get the
dgelithium-ion batteries.
Batteries are Toyota dealers and watch stores and camera shops, etc. can be
purchased in.
T h e Smart Entry & Start System Non-Vehicles Equipped 2016 CR
T h e Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle: CR1632
The E-key Battery is worn and
In the following states.
T h e Smart Entry & Start System wireless feature is not working
The working distance is short.


For more informat ion about removing the battery and parts
caused to children. Because of the small parts, swallowing, throat and to be at a
loss for words, such as a serious injury and swim in the worst case it could lead
to death.


After the replace ment, in order to

function correctly
, make sure that the following must be observed.
- with wet hands do not replace
the batteries, the cause of
anti-corrosio n protect ion.
Except in the case of batteries to a part of the experience, or do not move
do not bend to the electrodes.
6-2.A simple inspection and 251
parts replacement

Check and replace the fuse

lamp does not light up or when electrical equipment is not working, when
you are thinking about any fuse. Check the fuse.

1 switch to"LOCK", or power switch ,to OFF

2 From the conditions of the failure should be checked fuse and the fuse
placement and load"
(P. 252) that you want to review.
3 open fuse box.

engine room (A). Engi ne Room (B).

By pressing the tab you have to raise the By pressin g the tab to bring up
cover the cover

62 BTO DK010 62 BTO DK011

252 6-2.A simple inspection and
parts replacement
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 251

footwell cover , y o u s h o u l d t a k e t h e
fuse box cover, and then
r e mo v e .
take off is

4 Pull out fuse.

Remo v e fuse, fuse in you can crop

62 BTO DK012
The condition may only.

5 T her e i s a bl own fus e to c hec k

i t i s not
1 fuse is blown.
2 Follow the prompts of the fuse box and
replace the fuse in the constant
252 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 253

Fuse placement and load

engine room (A).

1 2 3

4 5 67 8 9
10 11 12

10 11 12 13
27 28 29

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

25 30
21 22 23 24 31

62 BT O

Fuse description Amperage. take charge of the fuse Main Facility

1 EFI-MAIN 20 A 2, Description
EFI EFI NO system
2 HORN 10 A horn
3 2 IG 30 A 2 IG NO 2, meter, IGN
4 2 EFI NO 10 A EFI system
10 A Right headlight (low beam) and Mae
5 H-LP RH LO 1
* contour
15 A
10 A left the headlights (low beam) and
6 H-LP LH LO 1
15 A * Mae contour
7 H-LP RH-HI 10 A Right headlight (high beam)
8 H-LP LH-HI 10 A Left headlight (high beam)
Steering wheel control, EFI system,
start system, smart encoding-LEE &
9 2 IG NO 2 10 A
start system, airbag system

audio system, VDR ECU, body,

10 DOME 15 A
interior lights
Body ECU, Smart Entry & the printer
11 ECU-B NO1 7.5 A

12 METER 7.5 A Meter

254 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Fuse description Amperage. take charge of the fuse Main Facility

13 IGN 15 A EFIDescription
14 HAZ 10 A Direction indicator/emergency lights
15 ETCS 10 A EFI system
16 ABS NO1 20 A Brake System
17 ENG W/PMP 30 A EFI system
18 H-LP-MAIN 2 7.5 A The Headlight main relay.
air conditioning system, Meter, the
star system, Smart Entry & the
19 ECU-B NO 2 7.5 A
contour system, power door lock

20 2 AM 7.5 A Start System

Sta rt Syste m , sm a rt e n co d i n g -
21 STRG LOCK 20 A L EE & sta rt syste m , ste a ric Gl o ck

22 2 ABS NO 10 A Brake System

IGCT NO IGCT NO .3, .2, .4, and

24 D/C CUT 30 A The DOME ECU-B NO1 6

25 DEICER 20 A Front wipers

26 BATT FAN 10 A Drive for Battery cooling fan

The condition may only.

27 2 IGCT NO 10 A Hybrid System
28 4.1.4 IGCT NO 10 A Hybrid System
29 PCU 10 A Hybrid System
30 IGCT NO 3 10 A Hybrid System
31 MIR HTR 10 A mirror heating

* 1:
halogen headlights if fitted to the vehicle
* 2:
high intensity discharge headlamps as fitted to the vehicle
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 255


Fuse description Amperage. take charge of the fuse Main Facility

1 WIPER RR 15 A Description
2 WIPER 20 A Front wiper
3 WASHER 15 A Washer
Back-up lights and the shift lock
4 GAUGE 10 A
system, audio equipment, VDR,
vehicle approaching 911
Automatic air conditioning, front
5 HTR-IG 7.5 A

6 ECU-IG NO 2 5A Electric power-assisted steering

7 ECU-IG NO1 5A The main body ECU VSC system
8 DOOR F/L 20 A Electric window
9 DOOR R/R 20 A Electric window
Meter lighting, switch lighting, Alistair
ring switch
parking lights, tail lights, license plate
11 2 TAIL NO 10 A
light, manual adjustment dial, EFI
12 FOG FR 15 A Unused
13 AM 1 7.5 A Engine switch
Start System, Shift lock control system,
14 STOP 7.5 A emergency vehicle approaching, stop

15 FOG RR 7.5 A Unused

16 OBD 7.5 A Die agneau consistency connector
17 D/L 25 A door lock
256 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Fuse description Amperage. take charge of the fuse Main Facility

Main Body ECU, electric door mirrors
18 ACC 5A
and shift lock system

19 P/OUT LE T 15 A Accessory socket

20 DOOR F/R 20 A Electric window
21 DOOR R/L 20 A Electric window
10 A Unused
22 S-HTR 1 *
23 4WD 7.5 A Unused
: The Seat Heating vehicles not fitted
* 2:
seat heater fitted to the vehicle

The fuse
dgehas been replaced
- Replaced and the lights are not lit, replace the bulb.
(P. 257).
- replace the fuse is also again if you check with the Toyota Dealer.
the accessories from the battery to the circuit of an excessive load 6

Before you receive any damage to the harness fuse is designed to.

The condition may only.

The light bulb (bulb) when you want to replace.
This vehicle is specified genuine Toyota is recommended. Some of the
bulbs are over-current circuit dedicated to prevent because it is connected
to the vehicle, the Toyota is non-genuine and may not be available to you.


The fault of the car, and the vehicle to prevent fire of the following
must be observed. amulets and not have the privilege of doing the fault of
the car, fire, injury to.
The provisions of the fuses in the fuse or non-ca pacit y to use somet hin g other than
do not.
Genuine Toyota-Make sure fuse or equivalent.
t h e fuse and fuse box should not be modified in any way.
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 257


The power-co nt rol unit for the fuse box near

high-voltage criteria, high voltage wiring which is located very close to check -in,
the absolute do not replace. if mishandled, electric shock, or serious injury to
the worst case may lead to death.


Before replacin g the fuse, the

fuse is blown electrical overload that caused when they discovered, when the
Toyota dealer for service.
258 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Bulb Replacement
You want to follow the light bulb is on your own, can be replaced. bulb
replacement bulb depends on the degree of difficulty is. Parts may be
damaged, so Toyota dealer is recommended that you replace.

Light Bulb available.

Out of the light bulb was W (watts) to confirm the number. ( P. 016-347).

Valve position
halogen headlights if fitted to the vehicle

BTO 62 DK015

The condition may only.

1 head lamp
2 Front direction indicator lights and
3 emergency lights
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 259


62 BTO DK014

1 Main beam headlights

2 Front direction indicator lights and
3 emergency lights

the rear

1 Tail Light rear direction

2 indicator/hazard warning
3 light lights

4 Number plate illumination lamp

260 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Only replace a bulb.

the headlight (Halogen Headlights if fitted).
1 Open the bonnet and remov e the

62 BTO DK001

2 rubber cover.

The condition may only.

3 put an end to Miss Kim.

6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 261

To remove
4 light bulb

5 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

The main beam headlights (HID) headlam ps fitted to the vehicle).
1 Open the bonnet and remov e the
socket, turn

62 BTO DK002

2 Press the tabs of the connector and

remove the bulb
260 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

3 the bulb and can stick to the

4 socket, turn to secure

Some of the bulbs and the tabs (3
places) to plug in phone.
After you have installed the socket was
being head to turn on the light from the
bulb of the Lamp light is that it is not

The condition may only.

262 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Car lights
Open 1 the bonnet and remove the socket,

62 BTO DK003

2 To remove light bulb

3 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 263

Front direction indicator /emer gency lights

1 From t he right -hand f igure in <Surfac "TURN."
t he luggage c ompart ment , t he e >
replac ed t ool ( P.304, 314) to
Front direction indicator/emergency
lights of the valve replacement tool to <Back "TURN."
exchange the "TURN" side. >

62 BT O


TURN" side of the front direction
indicator/Hazard light socket, and
snap it into place around in the
direction of arrow mark

The condition may only.

62 BTO DK005

After 3removing the power socket to

remove ball

62 BTO DK006

4 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

264 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

The tail lights, rear direction indicator /haz ar d warning lights, Rear lights
1 Open the trunk and remove the

2 Removing Socket to turn tail light

1 rear direction indicator/hazard
2 warning light lights

3 To remov e light bulb

1 tail light
2 rear direction
3 indicator/hazard warning light

4 When installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 265

The number light small such as the driver for the end of the

1 plastic tape to prevent scratching on for protection. To remove

2 1 Small such as the driver,
Jorge Lorenzo's next feeding
into the hole.
2 Remove as shown in the illustration.

3 To remove light bulb

To install
4 to install bulb lens
5 The lens was removed and installed in the same direction.

The condition may only.

266 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

the bulb on the following to replace the

The following lamp is turned off, when the Toyota Dealers must be replaced.
- hand dipped beam headlight (high intensity discharge headlam ps as fitted to the
the side direction indicator light/emer gency lights
- Stop Light
The third brake light.

vehicle is fitted with the halogen headlig ht when installin g the rubber cover.
To ensure that it is seated make sure that the outer rubber cover and firmly engage
2 rubber cover around the inner (bulb) bulb
all the way round the metal cover can be
sure push in

Operat ion of the High Intensity Discharg e Headlig ht s (HID) headla mps if fitted to the
Operating voltage range to be off and the lights are turned off, and the light
on the button goes out. voltage is normal to the top and re -lit.
For more information about LED light.
The high level brake light brake light in a few LED configuration. You also
have one LED even when it is not lit, the Toyota Dealer must be replaced.
In the Lens of water droplet s and cloudy.
The lens in a temporary fog on the feature not a problem. However, the followi ng is a
list of the Toyota dealers can help.
On the inside the lens with large drops of water
In the light water that has accumulated.
the side directio n indicat or light/eme rgency lights for
light bulb and the lens is a one-to-one because of the bulb can be unlatched. When you
need to replace the Toyota Dealers must be replaced.
The light bulb (bulb) when you want to replace.
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 267

When replacin g the bulb.
T h e light is off. Turn off the high-t e mperat ure immediat ely after because it is in and
should not be replaced. can cause serious burns.
t h e bulb of glass with bare hands do not come in. If you are forced to have a glass
of the bulb grease or moisture, so as not to stick with a clean dry cloth, such as
through it with. In addition, damage to a light bulb, and a ball that falls out and
t h e bulb and bulb to secure parts of the place. If there is not enough the heat and
catch fire, or the headlight to the inside of the lens by the flood in fault or cloudy
can occur.

The headlamps if fitted to the vehicle: the head lights

are ON and OFF the headlights back immediately
after the metal is hot, and because it is not. can
cause serious burns.

The condition may only.

For more information about the high intensit y discharge headlig ht s. BTO 62 DK007

- When you replace the bulb replacement including Toyota, always consult your dealer.
While the light is on the high-voltage socket do not come in.
instantaneous 3 million volt Voltage, because it will cause a serious injury due
to electrical shock or death, in the worst case it could lead to.
t h e bulb and socket, Electric Circuits, and compone nt s, repair or disasse mble. by
electric shock, or serious injury to the worst case may lead to deat h.
The car to prevent malfunctio n or fire.
light bulb is in the correct position is firmly attached to the check.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
268 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

Replacing the Air Filter

Air conditioni ng for your comfort, Air conditioni ng filters to be replaced

Only the replacement.

Engine to ,
1 switch "LOCK", or power switch to OFF
2 O pen the gl ov ebox , Damper
S tay off of the pi n.

3 G l ov e box by pr es s i ng i n on
the s i des of the teeth to one
s i de at the top and bottom
tabs , r emov e abs ent

4 Remove filter cover

1 S ec ur i ng the fi l ter c ov er that
the s ol uti on that y ou want to
ex c l ude
1 2 lugs
2 Di r ec ti on of the ar r ow to fi l ter
c ov er , s l i de the c ov er i s
r emov ed fr om the r etai ni ng
l ug fi l l c ontour 62 BT O
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 269
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
270 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換

filter is
5 removed , the new filters and
replace ment.
The "up arrow" Mark UP arrow pointing upwards.

6 installing, removing and installing in the reverse order to removal

For more information about replaceme nt of the air
condit ioning filter air conditioning filters the following
approximate time to replace. 20,000 km in the
10,000 per km *
* Major Cities, such as cold and snowy areas, traffic and dust area of
the air condit ioning will reduce the flow of the time.
clogging of the filter, the filter to be replaced.

Note 6

The use of an air conditio ner should you be aware of when

fitted with a filter-wit ho ut the use of the air conditio ning and the cause of the fault. It

The condition may only.

must be fitted with a filter.
To replace the filter type. Rinse and clean the air blow
To prevent damage to the

fi l te r yo u w a n t to u n l o ck th e co ve r to
se cu re th e fi l te r co ve r i n th e d i re ctio n
o f th e a rro w to m o ve th e j a w s i n o rder
to a vo i d e xce ssive fo rce. Ta b s a re
m a y b e d a m a ged .

62 BTO DK017
6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 271
270 6-2. 簡単な点検・部品交換 271

In the event of 7
7-1. First
W hen the faul t is . .................. 272
emergency lights
(T he haz ar d war ni ng li ghts) . 273
fl ar es ......................................... 274
To stop the emer gency vehicle. 276
7-2.Emergency Action
For more infor mati on about towing
................................................... 278
W ar ni ng li ght when the ....... 285
You will receive a warning
mess age when the .............. 289
When you puncture
(Tempor ary use spare tires fitted to
the v ehicl e). ..........................................303
When you puncture
(tire emergenc y repair kit if
fitted to the v ehicl e) . ..................313
Hybrid system when you are
not starti ng ............................ 326
You can shift the gear lever is
shifted when not .................. 328
An electronic key will not work properly for
(Smart Entry & Start system if
W HE N in high s pirits ........... 331
When the overheating ... 3 36
when you are stuck ................... 340
272 7-1. First

When the fault is.

When the fault as soon as possible following the instructions below.

emergency lights (P.273) to

flash while the pull over and
stop the vehicle when
emergency lights are unavoidable in the
fault, such as parking in the street, if
you want to propa gat e to other cars.

highways and roads, follow the

to evacuate the passengers .
- More than 50 m to the
rear of the vehicle by More than
f l a m e t u b e ( P 274) and a 50m
stop plate to put the light Behind
stopped to use
If you have bad and estimates put the in addition to
the rear.
and flares is also the fuel of the microcells" or when
not in use.
- such as outside of the guard then
evacua te the

the stop plate and STOP warning light on
T h e h i g h s p e e d roads and expressways in
stop plate STOP
parking, if you want t o st op t he display
board or STOP indicat or light s display, warning light
are mandat e d by law.
t h e stop plate and STOP warning light for how
to purchase, please contact your Toyota
7-1. First 273

emergency lights (The hazard warning

In an accident, such as if you want to park on the street, forced to inform
other cars.

Press the switch

All of the direction indicator light
flashes. Press again to turn off.

For more information about emergency lights.
Hybrid System emergency lights in the stop after a period of time and use, Accessories
battery may rise.

In the event of
274 7-1. First

highway and railroad crossing of a fault, such as in the event of an
Accident and Emergency Signal for Use.
(in a tunnel of combustible materials and do not use it near)
flame time is approximately 5 minutes. With the emergency
1 front passenger footwell flares out to

2 body bleed by turning the unit upside down on

the plugging in

3 Tips To Take the lid off the tip of the Tube

in the medicine -- flame, the ignition to rub
Must be used on the outside. When the tube is ignited
to your face or body. Rub medicine
7-1. First 275

Expirat ion date of flares.
In the body of the display before the expiration date, the Toyota Dealer. Effective after the
time period expires, the flames do not trigger the may be smaller.

The flares do not use a location
In the following locations, flares, should not be used. Poor visibility in the smoke or
fire, because it may be dangerous.
In the tunnel.
The gasoline and other flammable material near the
For more informat ion about handling of flares.
Ensure that the following must be observed. not have the privilege of doing amulets, serious
injury could be dangerous.
i n u s e , the face or body flares, do not associate with
The flares, the children are not caused to

In the event of
276 7-1. First

To stop the emergency vehicle.

If the vehicle is stopped only when you have an emergency , use the
following procedur e to stop the vehicle.

1 feet on the brake pedal firmly and hold

do not repeat on the brake pedal depress ed. more power than normal will be required,
and long-dist a nc e movement.
2 to shift the gear lever to N

3 after slowing down the vehicle to a safe stop on the road

4 hybrid system to stop.
Shift the gear lever is in N if you do not turn on.

3 press and hold in both feet on the brake pedal, to slow down as much as
4 Smart E nt ry & S t art s y s t em if
f it t ed t o t he v ehic le: t he
engine s wit c h t o " A CC" and
high-B uri mid-t o s t op t he
s y s t em.

Smart Entry & Start system if

fitted to the vehicle: power
switch, press and hold more
than 3 seconds, or
eleme nt a ry
More than 3 times in a row as
Press More than three (3)
soon as possible and go for the
seconds or more than 3
high-British press to stop mid - times in a row
system. 71 DK BTO press 001
5 car to a safe stop on the road
7-1. First 277

When driving the necessity to stop the hybrid system
T h e handle is heavy, so it will be difficult for the control of the car is dangero us. The dive
lid to stop the system, before you enough to slow down.
The Smart Entry & Start System Non-I F FITTED TO THE VEHI CL E: remove the key, and
the handle is locked and the key is not to absolut e.

In the event of
278 7-2.Emergency Action

For more information about towing

As much as possible, the towing Toyota dealers or contractors . If this is the
case, tow truck or the vehicle transpor t, it would be a good idea to use the
vehicle. forced by the other car towing rope, if you are going to the car,
vehicle loading, such as the movement of short-range in mind as much as

In front of the vehicle to the Store Sales Contact is required

If the followin g fault of the drivetrain , so it is thoug ht to be to contact
Toyota dealers.
450-A warning mes s age (P .
289) is displayed, the vehicle is not moving
-An abnormal noise.
7-2.Emergency Action 279

When towing tow truck.

 Back to orientation when

72 BTO DK058 72 BTO DK059

Release the parking brake. Use the dolly to lift the rear wheels

When you use the vehicle transport vehicle is

transp or t vehicle transp ort by car
when the location of the figure to
install the hooks

72 BTO DK060

C h a i n s , c a b l e s, e t c. t o t h e v e hi c l e u s i n g t h e 7

If you want to bind to the solid

black in the figure shown at
In the event of

angle to be 45 degrees to gain

healthy weight to bind

72 BTO DK061
280 7-2.Emergency Action

When towing.

1 tow hook to retrieveP.304,314).

2 us ing a f lat -blade s c rewdriv er
t o remov e t he us e
To avoid scratching the negative coil to
the end of the bar, such as cloth and
wrapp e d to protect it.

3 tow hooks into the holes,

insert the lightly tighten

4 wheel nut s panner and met al

rods , et c . of t he f irm t o us e
t o ens ure t hat c an s t ic k t o
bumper in order to prevent scratching of
the tween, the nut wrench and metal
bars of the firm, such as a c loth on the
end to protect the coil.

5 tothe rear of the car to

prevent scratches to row
tow hooks
To the rear of the car without scratching
it. In addition, it must be towed in
forward directio n.
7-2.Emergency Action 281

6 in the middle of the rope, white Less than 25M

cloth Less than 5M
The size of the cloth.
0.3m square (30 cm x 30 cm) or

Towing direction white


7 the driver to tow the vehicle to ride to start, the hybrid system.
hybrid system will not start the engine switch to"ON", or power switchandON mode.

8 the vehicle being towed to move the gear lever to N The parking
brake to release.
When Towing, the rope is slack during deceleration, as well as match the speed of the
vehicle in front.
do not shift the gear lever is shifted when you can:P.328

Purpose of Use of the tow hook.
The tow hook is used when towing, and there may be other to tow the vehicle is also used.
When the towing.
hybrid system is stopped and the brake was not working well, so the hand. The operations
are heavier than usual.
For more information about the wheel nut wrench
In the event of
In the trunk is installed in. (P.304,3 14).
For more information about emergency hook.
blow up in the snow, such as stack in the
vehicle when you no longer forced by the
other car, pull-out in order to get it to use.
Other vehicles can be towed.


Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
282 7-2.Emergency Action

When you install the lid.

1 from the bottom of the bumper after plugging in

2 after and push the left to engage the tabs

7-2. 緊急時の対処法 283

Ensure that the following must be observed. Follow the leader and do not commit to a
serious injury or death, in the worst case may be.
When the towing.

Be sure to lift front wheels, or on all four

wheels have been transported on the state.
the front wheels on the ground when we
arrived at the tow and the drive system
components may be damaged.

62 BTO DK062

For more informat ion about driving in tow.

- When you are Towing with rope tow hooks, rope and excessive load on to sudden
accelerat ion, etc. should be avoided. Tow Hook and rope is broken, and the broken
pieces of the people around you, such as a critical flaw may harm.
switch the engine to"LO
CK"orpowerswitch, not OFF. Handle is locked, it may not be able handle
The tow hook when you are installing to the vehicle.
At the specified position and firmly seated. At the specified location is not firmly
seated at the tow hook may be disappoi nted
There is.

In the event of

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
284 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

When the tow truck and towing

To p re ve n t d a ma ge to th e ve h i cle
su ch a s th e o n e sh o w n i n th e ca r
ve h i cl e sh o ul d n o t b e to w e d .

62 BTO DK063

The vehicle transport vehicle in the car when you want to bind to gain healt hy weight
Cable to excessively Do not overtighten. may lead to damage to the vehicle is
The drivelin e components to prevent damage to the
- When the tow rope, ensure that the following must be observed.
Do not use the wire rope.
And speed is 5 KM/H vehicle transport, and the distance to the car, such
as the movement of short-distance as much as possible to keep
In the Forward to be towed.
Part of the suspension, such as not a rope
- OTHER VEHICLES or boat on this vehicle (trailer) and should not be towed.
The long downhill When You Are towing.
tow truck, front wheels raised, or all four wheels tow lift. If you do not tow truck
and towing the brake is overheating was not working well, so it may not be.
For more information about emergency hook.
Ensure that the following must be observed. amulets and not have the privilege of
doing the equipment, such as the deformation and damage the vehicle may
- Do not use only when absolutely necessary.
In the Emergency hook for any other vehicle should not be towed.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 285

Warning light when the

The warning light is on or blinking if it remains calm and do the following. It
should be noted that, even if the flashing lights on and off, and then if you do
not have a problem with. However, if the same problem occurs again if you
have a Toyota dealer inspection.

stop immediately. While driving is dangerous.

The followin g warnin gs are the brake failure may mean that it is. stop the
car in a safe place as soon as the contact to the Toyota Dealer.

Warning warning lights and warning

light Brake Warning Light
Brake fluid level.
(in red). brake system malfunction

In the event of
286 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Check immediately.
The following warning is to leave, and the system does not work
properly and may seem dangerous or fault, there is a danger that the
means that. Toyota dealers in immediately accepted by check .

Warning warning lights and warning

light Engine warning light
Hybrid anomaly of the system.
engine electronic control system malfunction.
And the electronically controlled throttle fault
SRS airbag and seatbelt warning light
SRS Airbag fault in the system.
Seat belts and seat belt pretensioners with anomaly of the
· Abnormal ABS
Brake Assist is abnormal
Power-assisted steering warning light (buzzer).
EPS (Electric Power Steering) anomaly
slip indicator light
VSC fault in the system.
TRC fault in the system.
Hill Start Assist Control System malfunction and ABS TRC
VSC and the flash. (P. 172).

Electronic Controlled Brake Warning Light

Electronic Controlled Brake System Malfunction
(in yellow). and regenerati ve brake system malfuncti on.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 287

immediate action.
The followin g warnin gs are each of the steps in your solution, deal with the
warnin g light to turn off.

Warning warning lights and warning Workaround

light Low fuel level warning light
To provide fuel
When the fuel level drops below
approximately 5 Lwarning light
Seat belt reminder
(buzzer * 1). To wear seat belts
Driver's and front passenger's seat To
belt non-wear
Parking brake has not been OFF
(buzzer * 2).
warning light Parking brake.
Is there parking brake To unlock
When you can
Master warning
At the time of system anomalies
with buzzer
flashing lights on and the multi-An P.289
Warning messages on the
To display the message.
* 1
driver's seat and front passenger seat belt unfastened warning buzzer:
Driver's and front passenger's seat belt is not fastened while the vehicle speed is
increased to approximately 12 MPH (20 km/h or more to give warning buzzer will
sound. And then also driver's and front passenger's seat belt is not fastened to the
Up to 30 seconds, and 30 seconds after intermittent sounds of the buzzer, and
instead of sound 7
90 seconds will sound.
* 2
WHEN THE VEHICLE PARKING BRAKE not clear warning buzzer:
While applying the parking brake, and the vehicle speed is 5 MPH (5 km/h or more and
In the event of

the warning buzzer will sound.

When the buzzer sounds, the parking brake is released.
288 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

the seat belt is not fastened warning light on the operatio n of the Passen ger detect ion
The front passenger seat, without the need to have to put in the luggag e, and the sensor
is weight and examine the knowled ge and the light will be blinking.
In the passeng er seat-cushion to lay out such as passeng ers, the sensor does not
detect warnin g light may not operat e.
The power-assist e d steering warning light and buzzer for
ACCESSORIES BATTERY CHARGE is insufficient, or if the voltage supply is
temporarily down if you have to give warning light comes on, the buzzer sounds.

The power-assist ed steering warning light will come on when the
It will be a very heavy handle operation. When operating the handle is heavier than
normal, the handle and grasp than normal, and High.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 289

You will receive a warning message when

450a warning message is displayed if you have a calm and do the following.

1 master warning
1 2
Multi-information display a warning
message is displayed when the flashing
lights on and.

2 multi-information display

72 BT O
After action message appears again, contact your Toyota dealer.

stop immediately.
With buzzer warning message is displayed. The following warning is the
damage to the vehicle may or may seem dangerous, it may mean that you
have. safe location to stop immedi atel y and to contact Toyota dealer.

Warning message warning

of the hybrid system fault warning message to

match the buzzer.

In the event of
290 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Warning message Warning


warning buzzer will sound.

Overheating of the hybrid system

intensive driving conditions (for example, a long
Wh e nroad).
th e messa ge i s d isp layed to yo u mig ht
warning buzzer will sound.

Engine oil pressure problems.

th e e n g ine o i l p ressure i s a b normal ly l o w, a
w a rn in g.
Display along with the fuser.

The power-assisted steering system anomaly

warning buzzer will sound.

The Charging Circuit Malfunction

7-2. 緊急時の対処法 291

Check immediately.
With buzzer warning message is displayed. The following warnings are
ignored, and the system does not work properly, may seem dangerous
or failure, there is a danger that refers to it. Toyota dealer at

Warning message Warning

AHB (automatic high beam)of the anomaly.

warning buzzer will sound.

Head Light auto-leveling systemanomalies.

warning buzzer will sound.

Smart Entry & Start system anomalies.

Lock th e ste eri ng fa ul t i n th e syste m. 7
warning buzzer will sound.
blinking). In the event of

Batteries for driving the cooling performance is reduced

290 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
292 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

immediate action.
With buzzer warning message is displayed. The following warnings are
the actions each of the steps in your solution, a warning message is to
turn off the check.

Warning message Warning Workaround

To ensure that each of
the doors and the trunk is
not closed
Open Doors, Travis
St. is displayed. Each
of the doors and the
trunk is positive
It's really not closed Each of the door and close
....... The vehicle the trunk
speed of 5 MPH (5 To
km/h when passing
Th e is
b l i n ki n g
The buzzer will sound.
Parking brake device is
not the
Parking brake that the
Apply the parking solution that you want to
brake, while vehicle exclude
speed is 5 MPH (5
km/h when passing
The will be

Head Light, Tail Light is

a point that is light, and
Head Light, Tail Light
the driver's door is
light to get rid of.
( Wa rn i n g , yo u h e a r
a fu se r.

Drive for Battery

( blinking).
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 293

Low Wa rn i n g , When the selector lever is in

w e a th e r w i l l the state you can charge N
so u n d . not stationary for long
periods, when you put in the
the P Trevor.
294 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Warning message Warning Workaround

Long lever in the N

because it is the amount If the vehicle starts to
of power remaining in move the system to re-
the batteries for driving start the dive lid
(blinkin is low
Wa rn i n g , yo u h e a r
a fu se r.

When the shift lever is

N the accelerator pedal Remove your foot from
is depressed. the accelerator pedal, the
Wa rn i n g , yo u h e a r shift lever to release the
(blinkin a fu se r. B D R or turn on.


With the selector lever N

and D and B, and the
driver's door open. To move the gear lever to P
Wa rn i n g , yo u h e a r
(blinkin a fu se r.


When the fuel level
drops below To provide fuel
approxi mately 5 L
In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 295

Warning message Warning Workaround

Any EV drive mode.

You can change status is
notDrive mode EV
Why you can't use Use Drive mode EV
A i r / e lengine
e c t ri c p o n d It can be for the situation?
c h a r gzone
speed i n g EV
/ If you want to use
Too much tread on cell)
Is there may be some.

EV drive mode for the operating conditions, P.148 .
296 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Warning message Warning Workaround

EV drive mode is
automatically unlocked *
Drive mode EV why
you can't use
(electricity charge driving for a while.
pond/EV exceeded
speed Accelerator/too
underfoot) display is
out of place.


EV drive mode for the operating conditions, P.148 .

In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 297

immediate action.
Hybrid system when you start, the following warnin g is displaye d,
accordin g to the state of the alert messag e instructio ns each action.
Warning message Warning Workaround
* After a few seconds
when the display is
At least
turned off 15 minutes, the hybrid
Th e o p e ratio n i s to ma intai n th e
ACCESSO stacharge
To te , a cce
e Si s The display does not disappear when
Missing "Acce sso ri e s b a tte ry i s i n h i g h
i ri ts w h e n .
(P.331) in steps of hybrid
Start up the system.
Approximately 6 seconds.

The"ACCESSORIES BATTERY (starting) insufficient charge Manual." Make sure that the
table is frequent.
ACCESSORIES BATTERY IS there is a possibility of deterioration. in that state,
and leave the ACCESSORIES BATTERY up because it may cause the Toyota
298 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

immediate action. *
Each of the action steps in your solution, a warning messa ge is to turn off the
warnin buzzer
IDE warning message WARNING workaround
g buzzer
CLE e l e ctro n i c
k en yd,
the electronic electronic key,
key is operating h
Go i ve o f th e
in a band
one The British mid- ltoi pstart
-Syste m
the system
attempt is made
to start the
worth the the
is in a state other
than OFF
except for the
o o r seat Electronic Key to
is opened in
thethe back
by taking
key of the
was to bring out
3 fl as
the Trevor
in the P state
() p o w e r so u rce 7
without having to th e sw i tch
to switch to to OFF th e
OFF key, hold e l e ctro n i c
ke y i n th e In the event of
out driving's
door is open ve h i cl e b a ck
closed the

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 299
and options
300 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Interi Exter
or ior Warning message Warning Workaround
warnin buzzer

Wi th th e
l e ve r i n th e P
Th e w o rth p o w e r so urce
sw i tch to th e sw i tch
One w i th o u t OFF to OFF a n d
Continuo e l e ctro n i c th e n re -a pply
us tone. ke y is to l o ck
(5 (Alternately). o u tsi d e th e
seconds) d o o rs a re
(blinking). u n l o cke d a n d
th e l i ke .

p o si ti ve
re g u l a ti o n In ve h i cl e s
9 of equipped
Non e l e ctro n i c w i th
key is in e l e ctro n i c
e ( blinkin
th e ke y to m a ke
g). passenger su re to b e
co m p a rtm e
n t, a s w e l l
as driving
co n d i ti o n .
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 301

Continuous tone. None

( blinking).
302 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Sh i ft th e g e a r l e ve r i s i n a sta te o th e r th a n P p o w e r 299
sw i tch to OFF w i th o u t th e d ri ve r's d o o r i s o p e n .
Sh i ft-b a r to P
7-2.Emergency Action

warnin buzzer
vehicle warning message WARNING workaround
g buzzer

in a state other
, a n d th e
than P
power bar to
sw i tch to t h e P t o
beeps beeps ( (
OFF put in the
vehicle and
w i th o u t
an electronic
h a vi n g to
alternating) shift key that is
leave out
) in one
d ri ve r's
door is
ionp ev ne eh di c l e
b llae
e i nscktlreof nt i c

to th e
sStm a ra-r t
se ynsd
a ctoeldomicnkg &
t h e cd ao rosr s
wni tdh t h e
e l e ctro nic key,
continuo e l e ctro n i c
froymi nthaen d o u t
us m 7
(after the key is
ately) 5 i n si d e o f th e
on, again
to lock the front
seconds (flashing) d o o r o p e n , the ve h i cl e
l o cki n g l e ve r
In the event of

to l o ck th e
while pulling
u p to cl o se
lt ohck
e dthoeo r
Andpnpdra i sa l
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 303

300 7-2.Emergency Action

Interio Exterio
r Warnin
r Warning message Warning Workaround
Buzzer g
and the Crab
Unlock the
The power
The Witch.
Press the car.
Key in Bl e n d in g a n d
passenge e ve ryo n e i s
One None ( r d e p re sse d i n
com partm e -ke y p o w e r
ent sw i tch OFF.
was not able
K edetect
y in
ThetYouh e canpower
detect. s e2n g is
a snot
It is e
tim es in when
a orm
p a. r t m
Hive lid
sta rti n g
Th e P
syste m
NO ON E- Sh i fte r-
One None ( to l e ra n t b a r
AL L gear o r th e d i ve
blinking). se l e cto r stri p p e r-
co syste m to
Then tro l , sta rt.
p o si ti o n ,
h i g h -Bri tn e y-Times: The hive
syste m to try D e Fl i c e n
to sta rt Fl agci nStu
Be d i oa t
ni ng
th etw
Be ti m
e een 5
Au to m a ti c
d i i n ure
ffe tenti
s al,H A
None None power OFF d i ve
a p p ro ximatel y
fe a tu re i s Fl i cke r-
a cti va te d . syste m has
the accessories.
L e e , ch a rgi ng
a cti va te d to
.syste m
m a i n ta i n th e
sta te ,
304 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 301

Interi Exter
or ior Warning message Warning Workaround
warnin buzzer

E-E-E i s l o w The new

One pond pond is to
Non replace
(P. 247).

Power swi tch

is in OFF
....... dri ver's
door i s open
and cl ose the Bl e n d in g a n d
l i d from the p o w e r so urce
System hi ve sw i tch
wi thout d e p re sse d .
starti ng In p re ss,
One power to the
swi tch is
accessi bl e
( blinkin
e Sari , twi ce i n
g). the mode .
Electronic key
does not work Th e d a ta i s ri n gi ng i n
properly when 1 0 se co n ds fro m
starting-up of Pow er So urce 7
the hybrid Press the itch.
system in a
power to the
switch to an
electronic key
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 305

In the event of
Power Bl e n d in g a n d
sw i tch , if d e p re sse d .
you press Th e g ra n d
about 3 d o l l a rs to th e
Non Se co n d s to l e ft tu rn to
( blinkin Al i sta i r th e ri g h t
g). Ring Lock while yo u
is not p re ss th e
clear. p o w e r sw itch
306 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

302 7-2.Emergency Action

Interi Exter
or ior Warning message Warning Workaround
warnin buzzer

Wi th th e
se l e cto r
One l e ve r i n
Non sta te s o th e r
e th a n P
Po w e r o n th e sh i fte r -
to l e ra n t b a r
Sw i tch to th e And to P
( OFF.

th e gear
l e ve r i s i n
p o w e r so urce
n o n -P
One to th e sw i tch
D i l w o rth OFF
Non to OFF
sw i tch a fte r
( blinkin
e th e sh i ft to
g). th e b a r to P

For more information about warning buzzer.
Depending on the situation, the external noise and audio sounds, such as the
buzzer will be heard if you do.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 307

7-2.Emergency Action 303

When you puncture (temporary use spare

tire fitted
flat tire, a built in to the use
temporary vehicle).
spare tire and replaced.
(For a detailed explanation of tire P. 244).

When you have a flat tire: tire is
do not leave the puncture in the vehicle. Even short distance, Wheels and tires could not be
repaired, damaged or accidents which may lead to dangerous.

On the JACK before lifting body.

The ground is a hard, flat location that you want to move.
- Parking brake
- P Shift the gear lever to turn on.
The hybrid system that you want to stop.
emergency lights to blink.

In the event of
308 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

304 7-2.Emergency Action

Position of the jack and tools


2 1

1 temporary 4 jack handle

use spare tire 5 wheel nut wrench
2 Jack 6 valve replacement tools
3 tow hook
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 309

7-2.Emergency Action 305

For more informat ion about using the jack.
The following must be observed. Misuse of the jack and the car will fall to a
serious injury or death, and in the worst case scenario may lead to the center.
- The jack tire and tire chain installat ion and removal for the purpose of non-
Do not use
T h e built-in jack on your vehicle can be used only for the other in the car for
the other car with jack on your vehicle, do not use the
- Jack jack is correctly set to make position
It is supported by the jack under the vehicle does not turn on.
t h e vehicle on a jack that is underpinne d by the hybrid system, and start the
car does not run.
People in the vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle does not lift
When the vehicle is raised to the top or bottom of the jack does not place
When the vehicle is raised, the tires can be replaced up to the height not more than
crept into the bottom of the car if you want to work in that you want to use the jack stand.
When lowering the car to the people around, make sure that no one is,
when people are talking to you and lower

In the event of
310 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

306 7-2.Emergency Action

While out of the jack

1 front passenger 's seat the most to
move before

2 knob to knob on the inside, and

then pull it toward you to remove
the cover.

Loosen and remove 3 Jack

1 tightened

First Aid for those who tire

1 set of feeler gauges to Remove Matte
2 fasteners to remove the spare tire
to remove
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 311

7-2.Emergency Action 307

* When you want to store temporary use spare tire.
Body and first aid between the tires for, such as a finger and being careful not
to pinch.

Changing a flat tire

1 Wheel chocks *you want to.
wheel stops, the Toyota Dealer can be

the deflated tire Position the wheel stops

Left After turning right rear wheel
Front wheel
Right side After turning left wheel
Left Right front wheel
Rear wheel

2 whee l cap is unscrewed * 7

steel wheels only
To avoid scratching the wheel to the tip
In the event of

of the trench, such as cloth and

wrapp e d to protect it.
312 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

308 7-2.Emergency Action

3 nut slightly (approximately 1

turn) can become loose

4 part of the jack to get A turn, Jack

groove to the jack set firmly in place.

5 t ires f rom t he ground, leav ing a

lit t le bit t o inc reas e body

6 remove all nuts, Thailand Jani is

W h e n y o u p la c e t he t ire, direc t ly
o n t h e g ro u n d , on t he s urf ac e of e,
a v o id s c ra t c h e s on t he s urf ac e.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 313

7-2.Emergency Action 309

For more informat ion about replacing a tire.
Immediately after the practice, such as around disk wheels and brakes
do not come immediately after the road test to the disk wheel and
brake temperatures around because it is such as tire replacement,
such as hand or foot in and go crazy and burn you.
- a n y o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g to do that and the nut is loose, the
wheels may fall off a major injury, or More Than, in the worst case it may
lead to deat h.
Oil and grease to the threads and do not paint over when you tighten the nut
on the bolt is tightened, the damaged disk wheel may be damaged. You
can also loose wheel nuts may fall out. oil or grease on the threads are a
After the replacement of the wheel and immedi ately 103 N-m (1050 kgf-
cm) tighten the nut on the strength of
To install the tires and wheels, the use of the dedicated use of nuts.
Some of the screws, bolts, nuts, and get drunk in the bolt holes in the
wheels, such as cracks or if you have used the noise, the Toyota Dealer to
Receive check

temporary use spare tire mounting

1 front wheel contact surface to
clean the
Wheel bearing surface is dirty, combined with the driving
the nut i s l oos e i n the ti r es ar e out of pl ac e 7
It may be.
In the event of
314 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

310 7-2.Emergency Action

2 for first aid tires mounted, tires are not that much is nuts by hand until
you tighten
Steel wheel steel wheel when
returnin g from (for first aid on the
ear, including : nut the tapers of
the wheels are part of sheet to be
lightly to forget to come

Some of tapers sheet

Aluminu m wheels for first aid from

Thailan d back to when the tapers
of nuts of the wheels are lightly to
seat of forget to come up until

Some of tapers sheet

A l u mi n u m B o d y f r o m t h e Washer
console back to al-ho-yi,
when the washer nut wheel
to rotate until


3 lower body
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 315

7-2.Emergency Action 311

4 figure of the order of the number at

the nut firmly tightened to 2, 3
Tightening torque: 103 N-m (1050 kgf-

Replace the cap* 5 wheel

tire valve (Air Inlet) with notches and
wheel caps to ensure a successful
installatio n .
steel wheels only (for first aid inThailand you cannot

6 all of the tools, and jack to flat tire stowage

For more information about tires for first aid.
On the side of the tires TEMPORARY USE ONLY written. for emergency use only.
- Be sure to check the tire pressure. (P. 016-347).
First Aid: for when the tires
In the event of

When compared to standard tires vehicle height is low.

The snow and ice condit ions, when you have a flat tire wheel
1 rear wheel to replace tires for first aid
2 flat with the front wheels off on the rear wheels to replace
3 tire chains on the front wheels.
316 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

312 7-2.Emergency Action

* When you use tempora ry use spare tire
Dedicated to the customer's vehicle because it is in the car, and the other should
not be used.
- Two or more concurrent for first aid do not use tire.
- as usual as quickly as possible and replace the tires.
T h e sudden accelerations, braking and shifting operat ion of the engine brake rapid
should be avoided.
First Aid: for when the tires
An exact vehicle speed, you may not be able to detect the following system is
operating correctly as it may not.

Brake Assist. · EPS
· TRC Automatic high-beam.
When using the
temporary use spare
tire speed limit
temporary use spare tires, and, when the 100 km/h at a speed of more than in the
vehicle. For first aid, the tires are not suitable for high speed driving, so may think
may lead to an accident.

For information about installing the tire chains.
For First Aid for the tires, Tire Chains, do not. tire chains are body, damaging the
car or a road to adversely affect or cause harm.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 317

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
318 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 313

When the flat tire (tire emergency repair kit if

fitted to the vehicle).
Tire puncture Emergency Repair Kit models are equipped with a fully, and
that the spare tire is not installed.
When a flat tire, the tire puncture repair kit, first aid first aid may be repaired.
nails, screws, etc. lodged a mild degree of emergency repairs to get a
puncture. (from a puncture repair liquid per first aid, you can repair the tires
this is one) tire
puncture repair kit, first aid emergency repair tire repair and replacement for
the Toyota dealers can help.

While the punct ure. For more informat ion about driving.
A flat tire on the road, do not continue. Even short distance, Wheels and tires could not be
repaired, damaged or accidents which may lead to dangerous.

Before you fix

The ground is a hard, flat location that you want to move.
- Parking brake
- P Shift the gear lever to turn on. 7
The hybrid system that you want to stop.
emerge ncy lights to blink. In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 319

314. 7-2.Emergency Action

FLAT TIRE REPAIR KIT and first aid of the tool position.

4 2 1 6

72 BT O
5 3 DK002

1 tow hook 4 jack handle

2 wheel nut wrench 5 tire emergency repair kit
3 Jack 6 valve replacement tools
* How to use the jack (P. 308).
320 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 315

flat tire repair first aid kit contents and names of parts

One hose 5 Power Supply Plug

2 air relief cap 6 speed limit label
3 pressure gauge 7 Puncture repair fluid has been injected
4. Switch label

Removing the emergency repair kit
1 set of feeler gauges to Remove Matte
In the event of

2 first aid to retrieve repair kit

72 BTO DK003
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 321

316 7-2.Emergency Action

While out of the jack

1 set of feeler gauges to Remove Matte
2 to retrieve Jack

72 BTO DK004

Before you fix

To determine the degree of damage the tires.
nai l s , s c r ews , etc . i s i ns er ted
onl y i f the ti r es to fi x .
stuck to the tires and nails, screws,
etc. do not. Unplugging and the
hole is too large, you can no
longer be repaired first aid.
And Puncture repair
fluid is due to a flat
tire to prevent if you
know where the
puncture is on a point
to move the vehicle.
322 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 317

When you want to fix

1 first aid to retrieve repair kit
2 the flat tire from the valve to remove the valve

3 bot t le of prot ec t iv e f ilm f rom t he hos e

f rom t he hos e t o ex t end t heir bot t le c ap
t o remov e A ir Wic k
that is supplied with the bottle Puncture
repair fluid filled the label to the
specified position with Paste. (9 to) air
relief cap is
Because you want to use it again, so
they are not lost.
4 bottle of hose to the valve with the flat
tire to connect to
end of the pipe, y ou hav e to tur n ar ound to watc h
scr ew until the end fir mly . 7
In the event of

5 the pressure surface sweep of the

"chi" in a "OF F to verify that
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 323

318 7-2.Emergency Action

6 COMPRESSOR OF F the power


7 c ompres s or power plug t o t he

ac c es s ory s oc k et t o plug in
(P. 226).

8 speed limit the label

324 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 319

Comes with 9 OF THE 2 labels as shown in

the figure below and paste it into each
Clean and dr y the wheel enough
to wipe to pas te labels . Labels
c an be pas ted to a if y ou ar e in
the T oy ota Dealer to r epair a tir e
punc tur e r epair and r eplac ement
liquid note alr ead y , it is es s ential
to them.

T o connect to 10 bottles to
look similar to the figure to the right,
press the bottle straight to the
repressor-Insert and connect the
protrusion of the bottle firmly into the
groove of the case and will make sure
that they do it.

In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 325

320 7-2.Emergency Action

11 to ensure the tire pressures specified

On the driver' s side to check tire pressure on
the label. (P. 016-347) .

12 hybrid system to start.

13 ON compressor switch to the flat
tire repair fluid and air filling the

14 air pres s ure is giv en t o t he

pres s ures t o f ill up.
1 switch "ON" the pan
immediately after the repair
liquid to fill, on a temporary
basis, to increase pressure
2 1 minutes (5 minutes if the
temperature is about to
display the actual pressure
3) A designated pres s ure t o be
f illing up.
Are the pressures of the compressor
to the sweeping "OFF" to confirm.
Too much air in your fingers, note the
constant pressure to fill up and return
Over 35 minutes the filling pressure
to also specify if not, first aid
cannot be repaired. Please contact
your Toyota dealer.
326 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

When the air is too much until the

specified air pressure air. (P. 016-
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 327

7-2.Emergency Action 321

15 Compressor switch is in "OFF" to verify that the frizz on Sally,

remove the power plug from the socket from the valve to remove
the bottle of Ho
When removing hose Puncture repair fluid might be leaking.

16-valve caps to fix the tire valve was installed to

T he end of the pipe 17 of the
bottle cap and install the air
air relief Do not refit the cap and a
puncture repair fluid leak in the car may
be a dirty one-siz e -f its -all.

Once you have the bottle and conne ct the Compressor in the trunk
remains to put in.
The liquid inside the tire puncture repair to evenly spread immediately,
about 5 KM, and Ahn all driving in (speed of 48 MPH (80 km/h).
After driving the vehicle, from the
hoses of the bottle cap, removing,
Air Wick again to connect
emergency repair kit.

In the event of

the compressor switch for

approximately 5 seconds, the
"ON" to "OFF" to check tire
1 pressure is less than 130 kPa
Place: first aid cannot be
repaired. The Toyopet" please
contact the dealer.
328 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

More than 130 kPa 2 pressure is

less than the specified
pressure of:
3 p r e s s u r e i s g i v e n a n e m p t y f e e l i n g p r e s s u r e ( P.
347): To
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 329

322 7-2.Emergency Action

the compressor switch to "ON" to specify the pressure to fill the air,
again, after approximately 5 km of driving once again. From that
you want to.
T he end of the pi pe of the bottl e c ap i s r epl ac ed the
ai r es c ape
air relief Do not refit the cap and a
puncture repair fluid may also be car is
blurre d , there is possible.

Bottle and compressor to remain connected to trunk compartment in a

hard braking, sudden acceleration. Handle carefully to avoid the
steep below 80 km/h if you are driving to go to Toyota's dealer.
For more information about the tire repair and replacement Toyota dealers can help.

First Aid: Do not you can Punct ure repair kit repair.
If you are of the following first aid, first aid kit, repair cannot be repaired. Contact
your Toyota dealer.
T h e tire pressure is not sufficient in state tire if it is damaged
T h e t i r e s and the ground surface such as the side other than w hen there is a
hole or damage
From the wheel to clear the tires is when out of place
The tires of more than 4 mm when there is cut or puncture
The wheel is broken
- Two or more of your tires is when you have a flat tire
- one of the tires of two or more locations when there is cut or puncture
After the emerg ency repair of the tire for a valve
To use the emergency repair kit when the tire valve is replaced with a new one.
For more information about checking the emergency repair kit.
Puncture repair check the expiration date of the liquid is performed on a regular
basis. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle. Expired tire repair fluid should
not be used. Emergency repair kit to repair is good you may not be able to .
330 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 323

For more information about emergency repair kit.

T h e emergency repair kit is a car tires for filling the air.
T h e Puncture repair fluid has an expiration date. The expiration date is displayed on
the container. Beneficial to be replaced before it expires. For information on
replacing the guest reviews are submit t ed by Minist er Toyot a dealer.
T h e puncture in the tire repair fluid bottle one once you can fix. Puncture repair
using the fluid replaced, the Toyota Dealer can help. Compressor, you can use
the Repeat.
The ambient air temperature is 30 degrees to 60 degrees C C when you can use.
The emergency repair kit for vehicles with tires only. Specify the size of the tires other
than tire and not used for other purposes.
T h e Puncture repair fluid stains on your clothing, and you may be in.
The Puncture repair wheel and body fluid if it adheres to the left, taking with it on. Wet
cloth, wipe it as soon as possible.
T h e emergency repair kit during operation, the loud noise is not a fault.
Check the tire pressures and adjust the Do Not Use.
Turn on the air when too much
1 tires to Remove hoses from
2 the end of the Pipe Cap to cover up the
air discharge of the protrusions of the
cap to the tire valve and pull the air
pushing against

In the event of

3 from the hose cap discharge air to re-connect the hose to remove
4 emergency repair kit, switch to "ON" and after a few seconds, then switch to "OFF" to
specify that you want to check tire pressure gauge, air pressure is lower than, again, the
switch to "Emergency Repair Kit ON" until the specified pressure to inflate.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 331

324 7-2.Emergency Action

For more information about emergency repair kit.
T h e emergency repair kit is housed at the specified location. During emergency
braking, such as emergency repair kit will pop up in or broken, or may think
that it is dangerous because it may lead.
T h e emergency repair kit the customer's vehicle -o nly. Do not use on other cars. In
other cars may use may lead to an accident .
Specify the size of the tires for non-tire and not used for other purposes. Tire repair
is complet ely without any accident s, which may lead to dangerou s.
For more informat ion about Liquid Punct ure repair.
T h e swallowin g and is bad for the healt h. This is the case as much as possible and
drink lots of water, consult a doctor immediat ely.
T h e eyes, skin contact if the water, rinse the. But still felt somet hing was wrong, see
your doctor.
The flat tire, when you fix
t h e vehicle to a safe stop on a smooth, flat surface.
Immediat ely after the practice, such as around the wheel and brake do not come
immediat ely after the road test around the wheel and the brake may be hot hand or
foot because such as burns from the can.
T h e t i r e s on the vehicle and the bulbs and the hose and secure the connectio n.
T h e c o n n e c t i o n , if there is not enoug h air is also a Punct ure repair liquid
splashes you do.
- during the filling process, and be out of the pipe with the pressu re hose is rapidly
moving to may be in danger.
- After filling the hose to remove air, and when you disconnect a punct ure repair
liquid splashes.
Follow the instructions to fix the work. do not perform the steps and a Puncture
repair spray liquid.
There is the danger of explosion, emergency repair kit is running away from the tires
under repair. Tire on cracks or deformation may occur immediately, if the sweep
of the kit, the "OFF" to stop the repair.
T h e emergency repair kit is a long operation might be overheating. 40 minutes
on reasonable do not operate in a row.
332 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 325

During operation of the emergency repair kit is a partially it becomes
hot. in use, or after using the handle them with care.
The r a t e l i m i t is specified in a position other than seal do not
stick. The pads of the handle SRS airbag deployment, such as the
part of the stick SRS airbag is operating correctly as it may not.
The repair liquid to evenly spread about driving.
T h e slow and careful driving. In particular, the swivel when the curve.
T h e vehicle does not have a straight, the handle to the vehicle and if
you want to do, stop the vehicle, ensure that you do the followin g: .
Check the tires. Tires are off from the wheel .
and check the air pressure. If you are less than 130 kPa, tires are large
da image might have been.

When you want to fix.
T h e t i r e s went home to nail or screw to remove temporary repairs. If
you remove the emergency repair kit in first aid may not be able
Emergency repair kit-resistant feature. During a rainfall, such as water
so that they do not. 7

For example, the sand-du st directly at the point where many do not use it.
Inhale dust, such as the cause of the fault. In the event of

For more information about emergency repair kit.

- DC emergency repair kit is 12 V-only. In other power supplies are not available for use.
that there is petrol in the emerg ency repair kit, it may be degra ded. Gasoline
is so that they do not.
- First Aid repair kit is to avoid dust and water storage.
T h e emergency repair kit is housed at the specified location, the child is
accident ally, please do not come.
- e x p l o d e d , modified, etc. is strictly prohibit ed. In addit ion, pressure
gauge, such as a shock. The cause of the fault.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 333

326 7-2.Emergency Action

Hybrid system when you cannot start

Hybrid system does not start becaus e you can vary dependi ng on the
situation. The following will be asked to confirm, and take the appropri ate
How do I start the correct Hybrid System ( P.138,142) also follow
does not start

It may be for the following reasons.

- e-keyis not working properly. ( P. 329).
There is no fuel. the fuel tank.
- There is a fault on the immobilizer system.
(P. 63).
the steering lock system is faulty.
The Smart Entry & Start system if fitted to the vehicle: the E -key battery fuse
blown out and there is an electrical fault, such as it could be. Depending
on the type of fault, the hybrid system to a temporary treatment, cannot be
started. (P. 327).

Interior lights, headlights is dark and the horn sound is small, or if you do
not sound
It may be for the following reasons.
- Accessories battery might be up. (P. 331).
- Accessories battery terminal may be too loose.

Interior lights and head lights do not work and if you do not horn
It may be for the following reasons.
- Accessories battery might be up. (P. 331).
When you don't know what to do, or even if you do not start the hybrid system is the
Toyota when you contact the distributor.
334 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 335

7-2.Emergency Action 327

emergency start-up function (Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).

In normal operation of the hybrid system is starting hybrid system does
not start, the hybrid system in the following steps you might have to
Except in the case of an emergency in this manner, do not try to start.
1 parking brake is applied to ensure that
3 Power Switch to the ON mode accessories
4 of the brake pedal , make sure your foot is firmly on Power Switch
press the power button for more than about 15 seconds.
In the above method of starting the hybrid system, the system fault is
thinking. Toyota dealer at immedi atel y.

In the event of
336 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

328 7-2.Emergency Action

You can shift the gear lever is shifted when not

With the brake pedal depress ed if you do not you can shift gear lever, Shift
Lock System (shift lever to prevent accidental operati on. Such devices could
be faulty. Toyota dealer at immedi ately . Howev er , as a tempor ary measur e,
to move the gear lever in the following ways you can shift.

1 parking brake
2 OF THE ENGINE switchto"ACC", or power switchandaccessor Lee
3 press the brake pedal.

4 Shift Lock Release button press.

1 wit h a s m all f lat blade
s c rewdriv er or t o
rem ov e c ov er
2 S hif t Loc k Releas e but t on
pus h.
Press the button while it allows you to
shift the lever. 72 DK BTO 105
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 337

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
338 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 329

Electronic Key Does Not Work Correctly When the

Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).

Electronic key and the communication between vehicle and obstructing

(P. 100), and the battery is an electronic key, when the Smart Entry &
Start System and wireless remote control is no longer available. In such a
case, the following procedure is to open the hybrid system, you can start
to do.
doors and locks
Mechanical Key (P. 93) the
following operations.
1 all locked doors
2 unlock all doors

In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 339

330 7-2.Emergency Action

How Hybrid System is starting.

1 lever in the P firmly on the brake pedal and the depressed state.

2 electronic key for the T oyota

emblem come to face with the
power switch
elect ro n ic key, and the buzz er sounds
to reco g n iz e ON mode inst ead of Turn
off. Abilit y to custom iz e smart encodin g
in the Lee & start system , when you
canc e l the acce ss o ry mode instead of
72 BTO DK006

3 of the brake pedal is fully depressed, the multi-information display

It is the view that you want to review.

4 Press power switch.

Even if the action does not work, please contact your Toyota dealer.

How to stop a hybrid system.
The normal of the hybrid system as well as how to stop the shift lever to the P
power switch is pressed.
For more information about replacing the battery.
This section describes the methods of starting the hybrid system is a temporary
action. When the battery is out, replace the battery immediately. ( P. 247).
The mode switch.
starting at step 3 in the hybrid system , the brake pedal is released and the
power when the switch is pressed, the hybrid system is without starting each
time you press the switch mode is off. ( P. 143).
340 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 331


ACCESSO RIES BATTERY IS FLAT, the next step to start hybrid system
can be perturbed.

The battery booster cables and 12 V relief if you have a car with a hybrid
system, as described in the following procedure, it is possible to start.
1 open the bonnet and the fuse
Bosch hand mixer cover off.
By pressin g the tab, and then lift the cover

62 BTO DK011

2 in the fuse box for the relief

end to open the cover.
By pressin g the tab, and then lift the cover

72 BTO DK007 7
In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 341

332 7-2.Emergency Action

3 booster cable to connect to the following order



BTO 72 DK008

1 the red booster cable to relief of the vehicle for connecting to the
2 the red booster the other end of the cable to the rescue of the battery
of the car
Connect the + terminal
3 black booster cables to the rescue of the battery of the car - terminals
connecting to
4 black booster for the other end of the cable to an unpainted metal part
(as shown in the figure Fixed Part A) connecting to
4 relief starting the engine of the vehicle, the engine speed is a litt le
higher, to approximately 5 minutes of vehicle accessories to charge the
5 Smart E nt ry & S t art S y s t em OFF power s wit c h is f it t ed t o t he
v ehic le in t he s t at e of one of t he doors t o open or c los e.
Rotate the engine in a vehicle 6 relief while maintainingthe switch the
enginedoes have to ON, or power switch
once to ON mode and then
starting the system HA dive lid
7 READY indicator is lit to make sure that you want to
if not CONTACT YOUR Toyota dealer.

8 hybrid after the system starts, booster cable is plugged in the

reverse order OFF in
342 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

9 terminals for relief close the cover of the fuse box cover and re-
the fuse box cover and to the back of the tabs (2 places) to hook to which you want to
take from it.
The hybrid system is started as soon as possible to the Toyota Dealer to
check in.
Depending on the vehicle fitted with different
features and options
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 343

7-2.Emergency Action 333

The Accessories battery for starting up
This vehicle is by pushing the vehicle cannot be started.
The hybrid system is stoppe d, the light and the audio is turne d off.
long time in traffic stops, such as the unnecessary electrical equipm ent is turned off.
The Accesso ries battery is in high spirits consideratio ns when the Smart Entry & Start
system if fitted to the vehicle).
- Accessories battery is in high spirits after by Smart Entry & Start System Doors may
not be possible. If you do not you can unlock the remote control, or mechanical key
lock and unlock in.
- Accessories battery is in high spirits after that, for the first hybrid system can be a
good start. Second and subsequent hybrid system is starting to work, so not a
proble m.
The vehicle will always remember the state of the power switch.
ACCESSORIES BATTERY up after refitting the accessories Battery
Accessories battery, the vehicle will rise to return to a previous state.
Accessories battery, the power switch for the removal and refitting of the
BEFORE THE ACCESSORIES BATTERY up the power switch is in an unknown state,
the Accessories battery when connected, be especially careful.

The Accessori es battery is in hi gh spirits when I 7

Computer memory in that the information is erased. Battery is in high spirits as
they have been checked by the Toyota Dealer.
Accessories for instructio ns on charging the battery.
In the event of

the accessories of energy in the battery, the vehicle is not in use, while some of
the consumer consumption and discharge to the little by little, the consumption.
As a result, the vehicle for a long time, and you want to be in high spirits
ACCESSORIES BATTERY hybrid system, do not start. (Accessories battery
during the operation of the hybrid system with automatic charging).
344 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

334 7-2.Emergency Action

the accesso ries of the battery to prevent fire or explosion.
ACCESSORIES BATTERY that occur from the flammable gas flammable
danger of explosion is dangerous, because there is no fire or sparks, so that the
following must be observed.
- booster cables connected to the correct terminals do not non -
the + terminal of the boost er cables connect e d to the bracket and near to an
unpaint ed metal part of genus do not come in contact with
+ Side-booster cables and-side terminal of the absolute do not come in contact
- accessories near the battery, such as Matches and Lighters smoking or fire, do
not give rise to
The rise in prices for Accessories battery after the action.
Toyota dealers in early ACCESSORIES BATTERY CHECK. Accessories
battery if it is worn, and keep it running and Accessories battery or odor if there
is gas in the rear, health problems may affect it is dangerous.
Accessories for battery replacem ent.
For more informat ion about the accessories of the battery.
the accessories in a battery are toxic, corrosive acid electrolyte is turned on and
in addition to the part related to the Lead or contain a mixture of the handling of
the following items with respect to observe it.
- Accesso ries battery, wear prot ective glasses when handling the liquid (acid) is
skin and clothin g clothes, to the rear of the car to prevent adhesio n
- More than you need to, such as the face and head Accessories battery does not
come near to
If the incorrect battery fluid to be the body and the eyes, immediat ely wash out with
plenty of water and seek medical advice immediat ely to be examine d by a
physician, and to water until the sponge or cloth included to get to the affected
area may be affected by
- Battery fluid is swallowe d by mistake, if large amount s of water to drink and seek
medical advice immediat ely.
- Accessories battery posts, terminals, and other related parts of the hand washin g
after handlin g.
The children do not come near to the Accessories battery.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 345

7-2.Emergency Action 335

For more informat ion about handling the boost er cables.
booster cables to connect, when removing the cooling fan and belts are
involved to take care to avoid.
For more information about terminal for relief.
This car terminal for Relief of the other car as an emerg ency measure from
accessories to charge the battery. You can use terminal for this relief, the other
car and the battery up to the rescue you will not be able to.

In the event of
346 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

336 7-2.Emergency Action

When the overheating

The following is the case, might be overheating.

450-the engine cooling water temperature is displayed, there is a loss of

power to the hybrid system (the speed does not come out, etc. ).
"The hybrid system to over 450-heat output restrictions" is displayed.
Steam is coming out from the engine compartm ent.

the engine cooling water temper atur e in the 450" is displayed when.
1 stop the car in a safe place, then turn off the air conditioning, and a
hybrid system to stop.
If there are two steam: steam is no longer coming out to make sure you
have a note to open the bonnet,
If you do not have steam coming:
Please note the Open the bonnet.
3 hy brid s y s t em has s uf f ic ient
t ime t o c ool down s ome of t he
radiat or c ore
(Heat) and hoses etc. cold drive
away from the water to check is
1 radiator
2 fan
Large quantities of cooling water and 1 2
if it has, not only in land Toyota
72 BT O

7-2. 緊急時の対処法 347

7-2.Emergency Action 337

4 cooling water reservoir tank

"F ULL" (upper limit) and 12 3
"LOW" (lower limit) during
the check for the presence
1 reservoir tank
2" FULL" (upper limit).
3" LOW" (low). BTO 72 DK010

5 cooling water if there are not enough to top up the

water, the cold drive away ( P. 346).
If there is no cooling water, water as an emergency measure.

72 BTO DK011
6 hybrid system to turn on the air conditioning system, start the
radiator cooling fan is running, and radiator core, hoses, etc. from
the cooling water and it has not been to re-check
hybrid system in cold immediately after the start, the air conditioning is turned on, that the fan
is running. The fan(s) and/or in the wind. difficult to understand, when the air conditioning is
on and off repeatedly.
(However, freezing temperatures will be cold weather fan might not operate).
7 if the fan is not running: a hybrid system, as soon as you stop the Toyota
If the fan is running: the nearest Toyota dealer to
In the event of

Receive check
348 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

338 7-2.Emergency Action

The hybrid system in the 450overloa d during heat output limits" is

displaye d when that
1 stop the car in a safe place.
2 hybrid system to stop and note, open the hood
3 hy brid s y s t em has s uf f ic ient
t ime t o c ool down s ome of
t he radiat or c ore
(Heat) and hoses etc. cold drive
away from the water to check is
1 radiator
2 fan
Large quantities of cooling water and 1 2
if it has, not only in land Toyota
72 BT O


4 cooling water reservoir tank of

"F " (upper limit) and "L" (Low) 12 3
during the check.
1 reservoir tank
2" F" (upper limit).
3" L" (low).
BTO 72 DK012

5 cooling water if there are not enough

to top up the water, the cold drive
away (P. 346).
If there is no cooling water, water as an
emerg e n cy measure.

72 BTO DK013

6 start the hybrid system, the multi-information display to verify Ray

If you do not then disappears: a hybrid system is stopped and Toyota
dealers to contact
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 349

If you have display disappears: the nearest Toyota dealer to

receive check in
350 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 339

Check the engine compart m ent during an accident or bodily injury of to to prevent
- steam coming from the engine room, steam will not come up do not
open the hood until. In the engine is hot enough to burn it to a
serious injury, which may be dangerous.
After the stop of the hybrid system, the READY indicator is off and
the check. hybrid system is activated and the petrol engine
(turbocharged engine is automatically started, or gasoline engine
is stopped and a sudden cooling fan out around it. belt and/or
rotating parts such as a fan or a close to the hands and clothing
(especially neckties, scarves and a muffler) are caught up, and
serious injury may be dangerous.
T h e hybrid system and radiat or is hot, the water reservoir of the fitting cap
do not open. The high temperat ure steam and cooling water can be blown
by the pressure, such as burns to take a serious injury.

When you turn on the water.
Hybrid system has sufficient time to cool down slowly. hybrid system to rapidly
when it is hot and cold water, high-Britney-doing so may damage the system.
- The cooling system in order to prevent faulty
Make sure to follow the following
- foreign particles (sand, dust, etc. ) to the cooling water to prevent contamination. In the event of

the cooling water additives for not using

7-2. 緊急時の対処法 351

340 7-2.Emergency Action

When you are stuck

mud, sand, snow, or tire to spin into buried in not move when it is out in the
following ways.

1 apply the parking brake, and shift the gear lever to the P hybrid systems
that you want to stop.
2 around the front wheels to remove dirt and snow, etc.
3 under the front wheels, such as wood, stone and apply.
4 hybrid system to restart.
5 Shift the gear lever to D or R to turn them on, and release the parking
brake and note the accelerator pedal is depressed

When you make it difficult to escape.

Press OFF TRC to confer the

72 BTO DK014

When you want to escape.
forward to reverse and Repeat if you escape from the stack, the other car, or
people and to avoid a collision that there is nothing around. When you want to
escape from the stack, the car forward or backward pops out, so you may be
especially careful.
When you move the lever.
Depress the accelerator pedal and leave it to make sure it doesn't work. The car
is off the accidents which may lead to dangerous.
352 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

7-2.Emergency Action 341

the gearbox and other parts to avoid damage to
t h e front wheels are spinning to avoid more than necessary, the accelerator pedal is not
Using the above method. If you do not you can escape, the towing relief is required.

In the event of
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 353

342 7-2.Emergency Action

354 7-2. 緊急時の対処法


Vehicle Information

8-1.specification list
maintenance data
(fuel, oil, etc. ) .344
8-2. customization capabilities
User customizati on features
list. .......................................... 349
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 355

344 8-1.specification list

maintenance data (fuel, oil, etc. ).

To use Oil and fluid, and the quality of life of your car may be significantl y.
Your vehicle is the most suitable our original Oil and fluid (the "specified
stock") is recommended.
Using a non-specifi ed stock if the specified stock, quality will be
compar abl e to that of the to be used.


Specify fuel The L capacity (reference

regular unleaded petrol value) 36

Engine Oil

The L capacity" (reference

value ( * 1).
Oil and the
specified stock Only oil filter
replace replaceme
oil nt
Sukiyaki - Toyota Motor Oil be
SN 0W - 20 * 2
Sukiyaki - Toyota Motor Oil be
SN 5W - 20
API SN/RC, ILSAC GF-5, SAE 5W - 20 3.4 3.7
Sukiyaki - Toyota Motor Oil be
SN 5W - 30
Sukiyaki - Toyota Motor Oil be
SN 10 W - 30
30* 1
the amount of engine oil to the replacement of thumb. Check the oil level in
the engine warm up a hybrid system, after the stop after at least five
minutes, the level with the dipstick.
* 2
0W - 20 is specified in the table above in the stocks, the most fuel -efficient with excellent
356 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

8-1.specification list 345


The specified engine oil

Standard API SN/RC, SM/EC ILSAC standards, or pass the oil is
recommended. In addition, standard ILSAC pass the oil cans ILSAC
CERTIFICATION (IL suck Certification) mark.
1 Mark API
1 2


The recommended engine oil viscosity

In accordance with the table below to the external temperature was suitable for
the viscosity to be used.

W - 20 when a new car is in the filling, and the above is shown in the figure, the most
fuel-efficient oil is excellent.
For more information about oil viscosity (as for example 0W - 20):
0 W - 20 0W, starting the engine when cold
characteristics. W smaller number in front
of winter and the cold weather is easier to

start the engine.

0 W - 20 of 20 is at high temperature, the viscosity characteristics. High
viscosity (the higher the number) oil, which is suitable for driving fast or
heavy loads.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 357

346 8-1.specification list


The L capacity (reference value)

specified stock
Petrol engine Inverter
Genuine Toyota Super Long Life cold weather
Coolant specifica
freezing temperatures guarantee tion 5.3 1.6
30% concentrati on Except for cold
- 12C weather
50% concentrati on specificatio
- 35C n 4.5
the gearbox

specified stock The L capacity"

Genuine Toyota Auto fluid WS (reference value * ).
will need to be replaced when a Toyota dealers can help.

Brake fluid.

specified stock
Genuine Toyota brake fluid 2500 H-A

Brake pedal.

Item Reference values in

Play mm
1 to 6
when depressing the gap as the floorboards * 70
* A hybrid
system is running 294 N (30kgf) pedal when the floorboards and minimum value of
the gap
Parking brake.

Item reference value

can pull (number of)
8 to 11
Operating Force 200 N (20.4 kgf) when
* of notches *
notch and the parking brake is when you make the Moderation ( "clicks." It is.
358 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

8-1.specification list 347


The L capacity (reference value)


tire and wheel

When tires are cold
Wheel kPa pressure
Tire size (kg/cm 2 ).
Front Rear
Standard tires 175 / 65 15 84 H R 15 x 5 J wheel
230 (2.3)wheel
temporary use T 125 / 70 16 96 M 16 x 4 T 420 (4.2)
spare tire . D

Light Bulb W (watts)

head lamp
Halogen Headlights if fitted to the vehicle
(valve type: H 4). 60 / 55
High intensity discharge headlamps as if fitted to
the vehicle
Main beam headlights (valve type: HB 3). 60
Dipped beam headlights 35
(HID) headlamps: D 4S).

Exterio Car lights 5 8

r Front direction indicator/emergency lights 21
side direction indicator/emergency lights 5
rear direction indicator/emergency lights 21
tail light 5

Back Up Light 16
Number plate illumination lamp 5
Personal light 8
Interior Interior lighting 8
Trunk light 3.8
Not Listed in the table with the Lamp LED.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 359

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
360 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

348 8-1.specification list 349


Name Type Engine Electric Driving

Corolla Axio Designation motor type Method
hybrid 165 NKE 1LM
(1.5 L petrol). (front-wheel

8-2.customization capabilities

User customization features list.

Your vehicle is set, it is possible to change many of the equipment.
Toyota dealer of your choice, such as operating in you can change your
signal buzzer
volume) without
signal of 7-2. 緊急時の対処法 361
wireless door unlock emergency 8
P. 105) a door is opened, after 60
( Smart Entry was 30
time to start system 120
and the Automatic seconds (

Lock to the vehicle)
fitted seconds
door buzzer without

times can
trunk unlock operation 1 once press
hold down
(short) press 2

Depending on the vehicle fitted with
different features and options
362 8-2.customization
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 capabilities

Item details of the after initial

featurefunctions configurati
Wireless door lock on change
operation without the
(P. 105) Smart
signal (emergency
( Entry & Start lights)
System Non-if fitted after you unlock the 60
to the vehicle) The door without an open seconds
wireless automatically after 120
you to lock time is 30 seconds
light sensitivity of the level 3 level 1 and 5
sensor detect
to the
automatic headlights
darkness from the La longer time
on and offthe system
prompting until the standards
(P.157160) light goes on, the
a u to m a ti c h i g h -
b e a m h e a d l i g h ts

off the time of 15

Seconds to
after unlock without seconds
illumination (
activation of 7.5
P.216) the switch-jin
"Cho LOCK" after
the operati on of
after OFF
operation of
vehicle without close
adjust the volume level 1
monitoring equipment ( level 3
level 2
P. 57)

For more
dge information about customized vehicle.
Unlock and open the door, after the Automatic Lock is activated when the sign of the
"Activation on a signal (emergency lights)" and "activation of the volume signal (buzze r
volume adjustment) depends on the setting.
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 351

The bite.

This is
(B y sy mpto m i ndex) . ...............................................................................................................352

From the car when it rings.

(index ) .......................................................................................................................................................356

アル ファ ベッ ト 順さ くい ん ..................................................... 357

五十 音順 さく い ん ........................................................................ 358
364 This is (by symptom index) .
7-2. 緊急時の対処法

This is (by symptom index).

For guidanc e, the Toyota Dealer before contacti ng you must first ensure that
you do the following: .

Lock/Unlock/opening and closing the doors is not available

Rather than have the key.

Mechanical Key-Key or not, if you have a Toyot a dealer Toyot a genuine new key,
or you can make mecha nical key. (P. 93).
- Key or electronic key, and eliminat e risk of theft is very high, but because it will
be to talk to your Toyot a dealer. (P. 94).

do not you can lock and unlock

The key of the battery is low, or the battery is dead or not? (P. 247).
The Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle ON mode or not?
When you lock the power switch to the OFF (P. 143).
The Smart Entry & Start System FITTED IN THE VEHI CL E BEHI ND e-key?
When you lock the electronic key, verify that the mobile phone.
The signal strengt h to function properly, it is not working.

Rear side door does not open.

The child protect ors is not on?

There is the child protect ors and will not open from the inside of the vehicle. Once
you open the child protect o rs from the outside to be lifted.
(P. 110).
This is (by sympt om index).
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 353

fault? And if I thought

Hybrid system does not start

(The Smart Entry & Start System Non-if fitted).

The shift lever is in P? (P. 138).

the steering wheel is not locked? (P.140).
- Accessories battery is not in high spirits? (P. 331).

Hybrid system does not start

(Smart Entry & Start system if fitted).

the brake pedal f irmly and while holding power swit ch is pressed?
(P. 142).
The shift lever is in P? (P.145).
The key of the vehicle in a location that will be detected? (P. 97).
the steering wheel is not locked? (P.145).
The key of the battery is low, or the battery is dead or not? This is when, in a
tempora ry way hybrid system, you can start. (P. 330).
- Accessories battery is not in high spirits? (P. 331).

EVEN WITH BRAKE PEDAL DEPRESSED P shift lever does not move from

The Smart Entry & Start System engine vehicles not fitted position of the switch to
"ON" now? The position of the switch in the "ON" Brake pedal does not clear even
with (P. 328).
The Smart Entry & Start system power switch is fitted to the
vehicle to ON mode?
Power switch is ON mode, with the brakes applied when you can clear the
354 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
This is (by symptom index) .

To stop the hybri d system after it is not to handl e is aroun d.

The Smart Entry & Start System to protect it from theft non-fit t ed to the vehicle, the
key to the engine is locked out from the switch.
The Smart Entry & Start system fitted to the vehicle to prevent the theft, the data is
automat ically locked. (P. 145).

Oper ati n g the electri c window switch opens and closes the door glass is a

The window lock switch is presse d? Windo w lock when the switch is pressed,
POWE R, except for the driver's seat, and is no longer operation al. (P. 125).

Power switch is automatically OFF (Smart Entry

& start system if fitted).

A certain amount of time-accessory mode or ON mode (hybrid system is not

activated), and the automatic power OFF function is activated.
(P. 144).

The warning tone will sound.

It is the warnin g tone will sound when the sound from the car when it rings
(inde x)
This is (by sympt om index).
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 355

warning light or warning message is displayed when a

The warning light or warning message is displayed, when the P.285,289 check

The trouble occurs.

A flat tire.

temporary use spare tire fitted to the vehicle.

put an end to the vehicle to a safe location, with the flat tire for first aid to replace
the tires. (P. 303.
First Aid for tire punct ure REPAI R KIT fitted to the vehicle and vehicle parked in a
safe location, the tire punct ure repair kit, first aid, first aid with the flat tire repair.
(P. 313).

You are stuck.

The mud, sand, snow, etc. When stuck in the way out is to try. (P. 340).
356 From the car when it rings (index).
7-2. 緊急時の対処法

From the car when it rings (index).

The following circumstanc es , such as the status of the vehicle and improper
to inform you the warning tone will sound.

When you get in a car and when alighting

Status cause For
E-keyis leaving behind the inside of the
When the door is Engine switch . The key is inserted. P.140
opened. Position of the gear selector is in non-P P.298
Car lights and head lights are on. P.157
When you close the E-keyin a trunk is left behind in P.112
Hybrid system when
An electronic keyforbattery is low. P.301
you stop

One of the doors is to ensure that it is not P.98

When you lock E-keyis leaving behind the inside of the
Position of the gear selector is in non-P

While driving the vehicle.

Status cause For
One of the doors and trunk is to ensure that details
it is not closed
When I went out. the parking brake is released does not have P.287
Driver's and front passenger's seat belt not
being worn *
When the brake
th e b ra ke p ads a re w orn i t may h ave
pedal is applied P.134
(squeaks and sounds
into confusion.
Put my luggage in the front passenger seat if you hear the beep.

Depending on the vehicle fitted with different features
and options
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 357

alphabetical index
(air co ndi ti o ni n g).............................................................................................................................................184
(Anti-lock braking system) .........." ..." ..171,286
(Automatic high beam) ............" ...." ..158,291
(event data recorder).................................................................................................................................................. 8
(elect ric power-assist ed steering)...........................................................................................................171
(Elect ric Vehicle)....................................................................................................................................................148
Front-e ngine, front-drive). ..............................................................................................................................348
(IL suck certificat ion)..........................................................................................................................................345.
(ISO-Fix and Fix) ........" ..." ..39, 47
(the pre-mental restraint system) ...." ..." ..30,286
(traction control)......................................................................................................................................................171
(Vehicle Stability Control). .............................................................................................................................171
358 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

alphabetical index

Window ....................................... 125

washer ... ... ... ... ..., 165
Earth point to
Electric window ..................... 125
Accessories battery up action ...
rear window
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... 331 Defogger .............................. 192
window l ock s witc h ................... 125
(The r ear ar mr est). .............................229
warning lamp (warning light)............285
outer mirror (mirror) ... 122
washer ... ... ... ... ... ... ..., 165
Operation ............................ 122
supply of li quid ...................... 243
Rain Clearing
switches ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 16
Mirrors ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Fuel tank c apacity ................ 347
Acces sor y s ock et ...................... 226
Before the winter preparation,
Mode acc ess ori es ..................... 143
When you no longer move 179
Grab handle................................ 230
(stack). .............................................................340
Anti-lock braking system
Driver ........................................ 130
(ABS)............................................................1 71
auxiliary equipment to driver.
antenna (Smart Entry &
During cold weather driving. 171
Start Sys tem) . ................................................
good driving postur e ..............179
................................................. 24
Step ..............................................
Is 1997
Drive mode EV ........................... 148
ignition switch (
Picture 130
Air conditi oni ng .......................... 184
the switch) ....138,142
Auto air c onditi oning ............ 184
Replacement Position
Replac e the filter ................... 268
(tire rotati on). .............................................244
Air bag........................................... 30
event data recorder
SRS Airbag W ar ning Li ght . 286
Oper ati ng c onditi ons ............. 35
Immobiliz er sy stem..................... 63
Plac e ........................................ 30
illuminated entry
Ener gy Monitor ............................ 76
System...................................... 216
elec t ric pow er -as s is t ed s t eering
Indic ator (indic ator li ghts). ...............68
(EPS).............................................................1 71
Inner Mirr or ................................. 120
Features.............................. 171
Power-assisted steering warning
light.......................................... 286
Indic ator (Indicator). ............................152
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Directi on lev er ....................... 152
Watts ...................................... 347
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 359

Engine tempor ary use s pare tir e ......... 303

Engine war ni ng light ............ 286 Press ur e ................................ 347
engine Switch ... ..138,142 How do I r eplac e .................. 303
hybrid system methods of starting When car rying chil dr en. ............. 38
... ... ... ... ... ... ... 138,142 window lock switch ................ 125
Overheati ng .......................... 336 For the safety of the children.
the bonnet .............................. 238 Child Seats .............................. 38
................................................... 39
Engine Oil ................................... 344 wear s eat belts. ....................... 27
War ni ng mess age ................ 289 child restraint installation 4 7 ...
Before the winter preparation, Child Protecti on .................... 110
ins pec
mai tion ..............................
ntenanc e data ................ 344 179 Odometer ..................................... 69
Oil press ur e war ning ............ 290 mi dst of .................................... 70
engine Switch ... ... 138,142
the bonnet (hood) ... 238 ?
While Open............................ 238 curtain s hield airbags ................... 30
Car pet ......................................... 235
from the engine room engine room Cleaning.............................. 236
steam c omi ng........................... How to Install the floor mats .. 22
outsi de air temper atur e dis pl ay 69
may 336 regener ative br ak e ...................... 55
Audio ........................................... 194 the ex terior light bul bs ......................257
MP 3/W MA ............................ 203 as follows. .............................. 257
CD player ............................... 198 Watts ...................................... 347
Audi o ...................................... 194 customiz ation capabilities ....... 349
Steering wheel-mounted Type Designation .................. 348
switc hes .................................
Adjustment 211
......................... 209 Cup holder .................................. 221
Radio ...................................... 196 glass Defogger
Auto air c onditi oning ................. 184 (Rear Window Defogger)
Automatic high- beam ............... 158 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
an automatic leveling system ... ...
Troll ey255.255.255.192
j ack ................................. 241
(headli ght). ..................................................157 submer ged Road ...................... 136
Overheati ng ............................... 336 During col d weather drivi ng. ... 179
Gas ......................................... 169
Trunk ...................................... 111
the bonnet .............................. 238
oil ( engi ne oil).............................................344
360 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

Emergency actions
hybrid system
Key ................................................. 92
does not s tart ...................... 326
hybrid system
the over heating. .................... 336
does not s tart ...................... 326
KEY BATTERY .... 247, 329
KEY NUMBE R P LATE .......... 92
war ning li ght. ......................... 285
Key c onfiguration. ................... 92
warning messages
(2) Keyless Entry ... ... and
Is the dis play. ..................... 289
key, ... ... ... ... ... ... 93, 94
Towi ng ................................... 278
does not work properly ....... 329
When the fault is . ................. 272
You c an l ock and unl ock .... 329
An el ectr onic k ey .................... 92
do not all ow the s hift ......... 328
Battery ... 247,329
vehicle emer gency s top. ...... 276
Mec hanical Key ...................... 92
The stack . .............................. 340
Wirel ess remote c ontr ol ...... 105
Electronic key does not work
Keyless Entry ... ... ... ... 95,105
properly ................................... 329
flar es ....................................... 274
Smart Entry &
Accessories battery is in high
Star t S ystem......................... 95
flat ... ... ... ... ... ....TEL: 5401- 331
Wirel ess door l ock ............... 105
0411 Ext., 313
Ter mi nals for r elief .................... 335
Gas ............................................ 167
Press ur e (tir es)........................................347
Only the oil-air lubrication. ... 169
maintenanc e data ................. 347
sector distance meter
mec hanism.................................... 27
(The tri p meter ). ........................................69
mi dst of .................................... 70
Tak e cloudy . .............................. 192
glass ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 185,
193or heati ng ....................... 192
rear window
Defogger .............................. 192
Hor n ( Hor n). ................................................154
Clearance lights (lights)........................155
Switc h..................................... 155
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Watts ...................................... 347
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 361

Clip War ning message ..................... 289

floor mat ................................... 22 vanity mirror (vanity mirrors)............224
Glove Box ................................... 218 Towi ng ........................................ 278
ONLY for towing. .................. 278
kick Hook ....................................... 280
Hor n ( Hor n). ................................................154
Ins tr ument ( meter). .................................69 fixed
Exter nal temperatur e display 69 coin holder .................................. 223
CLO CK SE T button ............. 225 replacement
Brightness adj ustment .......... 85 Air conditioning filters ........... 268
speed meter ............................ 69 KEY BA TTE RY .................... 247
Tac hometer ............................. 69 Tire.......................................... 303
Clock dis play ............................... bulb) .............................................................257
70 69 trip info ... Fus e........................................ 250
Fuel lev el gauge ..................... 69 tool (tool) ... ... CISMOR, 314.
multi-information optic al axis adjus tment di al ..... 156
Display ................................... 72 possibl e cruisi ng distanc e ......... 77
War ni ng light ................................ 67 back-up LIGHTS (LIGHTS).
ABS & Br ak e Assis t ............. 286 Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
SRS air bag............................ 286 Watts ...................................... 347
Engine .................................... 286 High-v oltage cri teria ................... 58
seat belt is not fastened ..... 287 Child Seats ................................... 39
slip indic ator light ................. 286 How do I s elec t ....................... 39
Low fuel l ev el ........................ 287 Whil e i nstalling ....................... 47
Power- assisted s teering ..... 286 cons ole box ................................ 219
parking brake r elease. ........... 287 the light
brake ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (Auto O n/Off equipment). .....................
Mas ter warni ng..................... 287
buzzer The 155
seat belt is not fastened ..... 287 SIDE A IR BA G ............................ 30
parking brake side direc tion indic ator ............. 152
When the vehicle has not Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 266
been unl
Power- ocked s....................
assisted teering ..... 287 286 Directi on lev er ....................... 152
half- door ................................. 106 Watts ...................................... 347
Half door when driving ......... 292
Lights ...................................... 157
Rev ers e ................................. 151
362 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

side mirrors (door mirrors). .............122 Shift the gear l ev er ................... 150
Operation ............................ 122 mi dst of s hift r ange .............. 150
Rain Clearing Mirrors ... shift lock system
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (rel eas e button). ............................328
Hill start assistanc e ................... 171 Operation ............................ 150
Servic e pl ug ................................. 58 Rev ers e war ning buzzer ...... 151
Sun Vis or .......................................... You can shift the gear lever is
shifted when not ....................... 328
The 224 TIGHTENING TORQUE (the wheel). 311
Sheet ........................................... 114 Jack
Child Seats .............................. 39 Trolley jack ............................. 241
good driving postur e .............. 24 Automotive Jack ... ... ... ... ... CISMOR, 314.
Adjustment ......................... 114 Jack Handle ... ... ... ....CISMOR,
kept ......................................... 235 314 car lights ............................... 155
Front s eat .............................. 114 Switc h..................................... 155
the headres t .......................... 116 Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
SEAT HE AT ING ........................ 227 Watts ...................................... 347
Seat belt........................................ 26 Vehicle ty pe ............................... 348
childr en wear. ......................... 27 VEHICLE SPECIFICATIO N (SPEC). 344
27 EMERGENCY SEAT BELT emer gency v ehicle appr oac hing 55
Seat ...
belt reminder warning light Vehicle r ecordi ng data. ................ 7
to properly wear .....................287
................................................. 26 To s top the emergency v ehicle. 276
Those who wear and remove Manual adj ustment dial . .......... 156
kept 26
......................................... 236
................................................... Juni or s eat .................................... 40
For Pr egnant Women wear . 28 instantaneous ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 74,
Seat belt pretensioners ................. 26 78
Featur es ................................... 26 Passenger 's upper box ............. 218
SEATBELT WARNING LIGHT Specific ati on (if fitted) . ......................344
Interior lights ( Interior lighting). ...2
................................................. 286
Operation ............................ 215
Watts ............................................
Starting with only 347 ... ... ... ... ...
... ... 138,142
Shift position ............................... 150
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 363

Spare Tire (temporary use spare

Press ur e ................................ 347
Switch to
How do I r eplac e .................. 303
Drive mode EV ...................... 148
Spec (i f fi tted). ...........................................344
ignition ... ... ... ... 138,142
Smart Entry &
Window Lock ......................... 125
Start system. .............................. 95
washer ... 162,165
Positi on of the aerial .............. 97
Eco- driv e mode .................... 151
of the hybrid system
engine switch .... 138,142
Starting ............................. 142
Audi o ...................................... 194
customizati on capabilities ... 349
Automatic high-beam............. 158
WA RNING B UZ ZE R ............. 98
SEAT HE AT ING ................... 227
War ni ng mess age ................ 289
emergency vehicle
approac Oper ati ng r ange ..................... 97
Door mirrhior
ng............................ 55
When you do not work
door l ock ................................ 108
S avi ng Features ............ 329
Electric window ..................... 125
For more information about radio
emergency lights
the impact
door lock and100
ock ....... 96
(The hazard warning lights).
...273 Unlock the tr unk: .................... 96
.....FF ............................................172
SIDE LIG HTS ( LIGHTS) . ..............155
front wiper
Switc h..................................... 155
De ey e s ur face ................... 193
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Light ........................................ 155
Watts ............................................
rear window
Defogger .............................. 192
To 347
wiper ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
162,165 clean ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Stack ............................................ 340,
alumi num all235 oy wheels........ 233
steering wheel
Exterior ................................ 232
(handl e). .........................................................118
Seat belt ................................. 236
Alignment .............................. 118
Interior ................................. 235
Steering Lock ... ... ... 140,145
when you can unlock .... 140,145
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 266
War ni ng mess age ................ 145
total distance indicator
brake lights (Stop Light).
(odometer). ....................................................69
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 266
mi dst of .................................... 70
Winter tires fitted ( winter tires). ...179
security indicator .......................... 63
speed meter ................................. 69
364 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

Sensor tire chains .................................... 180

Inner Mirr or ............................ 121
Automatic high-beam............. 161 Value
Light s ens or .......................... 157 Chain (Tire Chains)
Car Wash................................. 232 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Headli ghts ( headlight) . .....................155 ... ... Safety
Child 180 S eat ........................ 39
War ni ng mess age ................ 289 Installing the ISO FIX bar. ....... 49
Manual adj ustment dial ....... 156 Sec uri ng the s eat belt. .......... 48
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 How do I s elec t ....................... 39
Light s ens or .......................... 157 Child Protecti on .......................... 110
Lights on warning buzzer ...... 157 parking brake
Lights features pr ev ent ....... 157 (parking brake) . ......................................153
light s witc h............................. 155 Operation ............................ 153
Watts ............................................ parking brake release.
War ni ng light ...................... 287
With 347 When the vehicle has not
speed meter been clear war
maintenanc ni ng
e data buzz er . 346
................. 287
(speedometer). ..........................................69
tool (tool) ... ... CISMOR, 314
The dir ec tion i ndicator light). ....152 and
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 DC/DC c onv er ter ......................... 58
Directi on lev er ....................... 152 display
Watts ...................................... 347 Ener gy Monitor ........................ 76
Tire............................................... 244 War ni ng mess age ................ 289
tempor ary us e s par e tir e ..... 303 trip
Pressur e................................. 347 Infor mati on............................ 70
Replace ............................... 303 high intensity discharge headlamps as
Tightening tor que ................. 311 An automatic leveling system
Check................................... 244 Switc h..................................... 157
................................................. 155
when the puncture .... 303,313 Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 266
Wheel siz e............................. 347 Watts ...................................... 347
(Loc ati on) .......................................................
Around 244 tire is empty.
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 365

Care ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Door mirr or ................................. 122
alumi num all oy wheels........ 233 Operation ............................ 122
Exterior ................................ 232 Rain Clearing Mirrors ...
Seat belt ................................. 236 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...123
Interior ................................. 235 (233
Tail Li ghts ( tail lights) .........................155 immobilizer anti-theft devices
Switc h..................................... 155 System .................................. 63
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 Watch........................................ 225
Watts ...................................... 347 top tether anc hors. ...................... 47
Defogger Drive Infor mation .......................... 73
(Rear Window Defogger) traction control
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... (TRC)............................................................1 71
... ... 192
bulb). Trunk ........................................... 111
Replace outline (exterior Door Openers ....................... 111
valv es)..
Watts .....................................................257
............................................ Key anti close ....................... 112
Check reference value 347 War ni ng mess age ................ 289
(Mai ntenanc e Data). .........................344 Trunk light ................................... 112
An electr onic key ......................... 92 Watts ...................................... 347
Oper ati ng r ange ..................... 97 the gear box ................................ 150
When you do not work Operation ............................ 150
corr ectly
Power S .avi ng Features ...... 100
................................ 329 maintenanc e data ................. 346
Battery ... 247,329 trip info ...
Replaci ng the Battery .......... 247 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Battery r epl acement (k ey) . ..........247 ... 69
Trip Meter ..................................... 69
and mi dst of .................................... 70

Door .......................................... 108 decorated

War ni ng mess age ................ 289
Smart Entry & Stor age equipment .............. 217
Star t S ystem......................... 95 kept ......................................... 235
Child Protecti on .................... 110 Nano- E........................................ 187
door glass .............................. 125
Central door locking switch
Half-DOOR BUZZER when 125
Locki ng Lev er ........................ 109 292
Wirel ess remote c ontr ol ...... 105
366 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

Hybrid System
luggage. Indic ator ................................... 82
Note W hen y ou pile up. ...... 137 Overheati ng .......................... 336
Trunk ............................................ If y ou c annot start ................. 326
How do I start ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 8,142
The hybrid system note ............ 58
Stuck in the mud may 111 (stack) Hybrid
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Featur es of the sys tem ...... 54
... ... 340 Hybrid Car Driving Tips .......... 177
I third brake light.
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 266
instantaneous fuel economy ... ... ... Hazard warning lights (emergency lights).273
... ... ... ...fuel
Screen ...
74, 78 ............ 74 Switc h..................................... 273
Average Fuel Economy ... ... ... ... Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
... ...
Fuel ... ... ... ... 74, 78
........................................... 344 Watts ...................................... 347
Gas ....................................... 167 Anti-pinch feature
Type ..................................... 344 Electric window ..................... 126
Low fuel level warning light flar es ............................................ 274
Capacity .............................. 344
................................................. 287 Backup Lights (lights).
Fuel l ev el gauge ......................69 is Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Watts ...................................... 347
Battery is in hi gh s pirits . .......... 331
Parking brak e ............................. 153 vanity (cos metic) mir ror ........... 224
War ni ng mess age ................ 289 bulb (bulb)
Operation ............................ 153 Replace outline (exterior valves). 257
parking brake release. Watts ...................................... 347
War ni ng light ...................... 287 Electric wi ndow ......................... 125
When the vehicle has not window lock switch ................ 125
been clear war
mai ntenanc ni ng................
e data buzz er . 344 287 can be closed when not working
Personal light .............................. 215 the 126..................................... 125
Watts ...................................... 347 Anti-pi nch featur e ................. 126
Exhaust gas .................................. 53 Power- assisted s teering .......... 171
Main beam headlights). .....................155 Power-assisted steering warning light 286
Automatic high-beam............. 158
Switc h..................................... 155
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Watts ...................................... 347
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 367

The puncture.
temporary use spare tires
the booster cables
fitted to the v ehicle
tire emergency repair ...............
kit 303
How to c onnec t ....................... 331
If fitted to the v ehicle ......... 313
number light
seat belt is not fastened ....... 287
(license plate light)......................................155
parking brake
Switc h..................................... 155
When the vehicle has not
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 been unl ockeds.................... 287
Power- assisted teering ...... 286
Watts ...................................... 347
Half door when driving ........ 292
Rev ers e ................................. 151
(The steering wheel). .......................118
Alignment .............................. 118
Tow Hook .............................. 278
Floor Mat fix hook .................. 22
THE FUEL meter
vehicle stability
(The fuel gauge). ......................................69
Control (VSC)...................................1 71
Before the winter Preparation (cold
Winterdriving.. .................................................1
tir es ................................. 79
Auto air c onditi oning ............ 184
SEAT HE AT ING ................... 227
regener ative br ak e ................. 55
Pull-out-c oin hol der .................. 223
War ni ng mess age ................ 292
emergency lights (The hazard warning
Parking brak e ........................ 153
lights) ... 273
Switc h..................................... 273
Brake Warning Light ... ... ... ...
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
.285, 286 e data ................. 346
Watts ...................................... 347
Brak e Assist ............................... 171
Tail Li ghts ( tail lights) .........................155
ABS & Brake Assist
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
War ni ng light ...................... 286
light s witc h............................. 155
Features.............................. 171
Watts ...................................... 347
brake from the near key key.
Fus e............................................. 250
heard......................................... 134
Indic ator li ght ............................... 68
Brak e flui d .................................. 346
Sun (s un visor s) ......................................224
floor mat........................................ 22
Hill Start
Distanc e c ontr ol ...................... 171
368 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

Front s eat ................................... 114 directi on indic ator ...................... 152

SEAT HE AT ING ................... 227 Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
good driving postur e .............. 24 Directi on lev er ....................... 152
Adjustment ......................... 114 Watts ...................................... 347
kept ......................................... 235 ACCESSORIES BATTERY
the headres t .......................... 116 ACCESSORIES BATTERY
Front pers onal li ght ................... 215 When i n hi gh s pirits .......... 331
Watts ...................................... 347 For more information about
Front directi on indicator ............ 152 Horacc
n ( ess
.......battery 239
................................. 54
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 War ranty ......................................... 9
Directi on lev er ....................... 152 Bottl e Hol der ............................... 222
Watts ...................................... 347 the bonnet .................................. 238
Front wipers ................................. 193 Whil e Open .................................

. not 238
Average F uel Economy .............. 77 Mas ter warni ng. ......................... 287
head lamp................................... 155 multi-information
War ni ng mess age ................ 289 Display ........................................ 72
Manual adj ustment dial ....... 156 War ni ng mess age ......................
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257 7 0 289 trip info ...
Light s ens or .......................... 157
Lights on warning buzzer ...... 157 look
Lights features pr ev ent ....... 157 mirror
light s witc h............................. 155 Inner Mirr or ............................ 120
Watts ...................................... 347 Door mirr or ............................ 122
headlight leveling function Vanity Mi rror ......................... 224
System...................................... 157
War ni ng mess age ................ 291 second
the headr est ............................... 116 Meter (instr uments) . ..............................69
baby s eat ...................................... 40 War ni ng light ........................... 67
Brightness adj ustment .......... 85
flame Indic ator li ght .......................... 68
wheel multi-information
Exchange (tir es) . ............................303 Display ................................... 72
mai ntenanc e data ................ 347 Meter ........................................ 69
Mechanical K ey ........................... 92
mai ntenanc e data ..................... 344
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 369

rear direc tion indicator .............. 152

Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Us er c us tomiz ation featur es ... 349
Directi on lev er ....................... 152
snow-covered roads that do not move
up Watts ...................................... 347
Rev ersing .........................................
Lubricants ................................... 344

Interior rear-view mirror can be 165
plate light
(Inner Mir ror ). ............................................120
(number i ndic ator light) . .................155
Interior lighting (Interior lights).
Switc h..................................... 155
........Watts ..........................................................214
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
Watts ...................................... 347
Located (tr unk). .........................................111
Is 347
cooling water .............................. 346
War ni ng mess age ................ 289
Overheati ng .......................... 336
Prepar e befor e the winter . . 179
mai ntenanc e data ................ 346
maintenanc e data ................. 346
cooling system (radiator).
Interior lights .......................... 214
Overheati ng .......................... 336
Bul b Repl ac ement ............... 257
maintenanc e data ................. 346
Personal light ......................... 215
Rain Clearing mirror
emergency lights
Features.............................. 123
(The hazard warning lights).
...............................273 care
.......................Lights ........................155 (hydrophilic effects recovery).
Direction ................(turn
Light/i ndic ator) . .............................152
Gas ......................................... 169
Light s ens or .......................... 157
Shift ........................................ 150
Lights on warning buzzer ...... 157
Trunk ...................................... 111
Lights features pr ev ent ....... 157
Directi on................................. 152
Interior lighting ....................... 215
the bonnet r el eas e ............... 238
Watts ...................................... 347
Lock the door) . ..................................109
Lights features pr ev ent ..................

Is 157
REA R A RMRES T ...................... 229
Rear Window Defogger
Switch ....................................... 192
370 7-2. 緊急時の対処法
alphabetic al index

Window Lock ......................... 125
shift lock ................................. 328
Smart Entry &
Star t S ystem......................... 95
Child Protecti on .................... 110
Door ..................................... 109
Wirel ess remote c ontr ol ...... 105

Windshield Wipers &
Washer ... ... 162,165
Wiper blade
(Cold W eather) . .....................................180
Wireless r emote c ontrol ............ 105
Sign of operation ................... 106
Operation ............................ 105
Change the battery. .............. 247
Half- DO OR B UZZE R ........... 106
Wax .............................................. 232
Watts ........................................... 347
7-2. alphabetical
緊急時の対処法 index 371
384 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

The information at the gas pump

, such as refueling and replac e items will need to be together.

the bonnet hook trunk opener Gas

P.238 P.111 P. 169

the bonnet release gas door openers Tire pressure

lever P.238 P.169 P. 347

fuel capacity (reference 36 L

value)of fuel
Type regular unleaded petrol P.344
When tires are cold
tire pressure
ENGINE OIL When replacing oil only: 3.4 L oil
( CAPACITY and filter replacement: 3.7 L
reference value). Toyota Motor Oil be Malkiya.
· 0 SN W - 20 (API SN/RC, ILSAC GF-5, SAE 0W -
Type of engine oil 20).
· 5 SN W - 20 (API SN/RC, ILSAC GF-5, SAE 5W - 20).
· 5 SN W - 30 (API SN/RC, ILSAC GF-5, SAE 5W - 30).
· 10 SN W - 30 (API SN/RC, ILSAC GF-5, SAE 10 W -
7-2. 緊急時の対処法 385
386 7-2. 緊急時の対処法

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