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1. What is used for NDT of boiler?

2. Which pump is used for transfer molten soap?

3. On which principle refrigeration cycle works?

2. In vapor absorption cycle which refrigerant is used?

5. Which is true for vapor compression cycle?

6. Which refrigerant is environment friendly?

7. Which is the property of transmission shaft?

8. What is the property of antifriction bearing?

9. For high speed engine which should be motion for cam follower?

10. If ohmmeter shows the value close to zero what is happened to the resistor?

11. If resistance is 8 ohm, what is the conductance?

12. For eqillibrium of three phase system, how will be the neutral current?

13. For a 90 rev/s single loop D.C. motor, how much peak value can be achieved?

14. For local heating in the engine, what will be occurred?

15. For weak mixture in diesel engine how will be the efficiency?

16. What happened if diesel is used in gasoline engine?

17.Which one is the most volatile?

18. What is flash point?

19.Which criteria should be followed during shaft coupling?

20. Why capacitor bank is used?

21. If primary voltage is 110 volt of 15:1 transformer ,what will be the voltage at the load having
resistance of 120 ohm?

22.How C.O.P is measured in refrigeration?

23. Which one is true for the relation between mechanical advantage and velocity ratio of ideal……?

24. Which efficiency is better for Carnot refrigeration, in winter or summer?

25. If a diesel engine is operated with very lean air fuel ratio of 30:1, what may happen for gasoline

26. Why drying is done in vacuum place?

27. Why priming is needed in a pump?

28. In steam turbine which state of steam is used?

29. Why safety valve is used in boiler?

30. 1+1=?

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