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Preface to Lyrical Ballads (MCQ’S)

1. The first volume of lyrical Ballads was published with a brief advertisement but
o Conclusion
o Theme
o Preface
o Criticism

2. Who asked Wordsworth to write a Preface for second addition_______________.

o His friends
o His family members
o His lover
o The King

3. The second edition of lyrical Ballads explains its aims and objectives and the theory
o Critic
o Literature
o Poetry
o Criticism

4. ______________poetic diction was famous in the Wordsworth’s age.

o Historical
o Artificial
o Dramatical
o Supernatural

5. The hoe of the poet to win the appreciation of the people through reasoning
o Good
o Bad
o Foolish
o Intelligent

6. Wordsworth chosen the various aspects of________________.
o Royal and Rich life
o War and Peace life
o Humble and Rustic life
o Nature and Poetic life

7. Rustic life is more noble and permanent because they are connected with the objects
o Real life
o Truth
o Nature
o Fancy

8. In Wordsworth’s poems __________________are more important than action and

o Imagination
o Fancy
o Feelings
o Knowledge

9. According to Wordsworth _______________is not essential to poetry.

o Imagination
o Talent
o Metre
o Rhyme

10. _____________diction would shock the sensible reader.

o Rhymed
o Un-Rhymed
o Ornamental
o Un-Ornamental

11. A primary function of poetry is to give _______________for his readers.

o Knowledge

o Idea
o Truth
o Pleasure
12. A poet differs from an individual not in nature but in ________________.
o Imagination
o Talent
o Degree
o Words

13. Wordsworth justifies the use of Metre and condemn the use of _____________.
o Rhyme
o Verse
o Poetic diction
o Tradition

14. The poetic composition takes place in ____________stages.

o 2
o 4
o 6
o 8

15. Wordsworth proves that real the real thing in poetry is _____________, not the
o Truth
o Knowledge
o Feeling
o Tone

16. The only difference between the language of prose and language of poetry is
o Use of Rhymes
o Use of Feelings
o Use of Words
o Use of Metre

17. ___________deals with the abstract truth.
o History
o Poetry
o Philosophy
o Science
18. Wordsworth is against____________.
o Puritanism
o Naturalism
o Structuralism
o Sensationalism

19. Wordsworth gives much importance to the ___________of the poetry.

o Fancy
o Language
o Feelings
o Metre

20. Wordsworth has dealt with great and universal passions of ___________.
o Man
o Poetry
o Poet
o Criticism

21. According to Wordsworth poetic diction has______________.

o Rules
o No Rules
o Rustic Language
o Artificial Language

22. Poetry is superior to____________.

o Science
o Philosophy
o History
o Abstract Truth

23. The language of rustic life occupy a ___________rank in the society.
o Less
o Higher
o Noble place
o Both a & b

24. Preface means?

o Documentary
o Short notes
o Brief Description
o Introduction

25. The first volume of the Lyrical Ballads was published without.
o Preface
o Advertisement
o Without copyright from Coleridge
o Poetic diction

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