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Reading and Writing in Philippine History Activity 1

Direction: To show how things become alike is being done by comparing. And, to show
how things become different is being done by differentiating. There are likeness and
differences in the accounts of the first Mass in the Philippines that pertain to Butuan and
Limasawa. Use the diagram below to compare and contrast the opposing views of the
site of the first Mass in the Philippines.

Subjects (events) compared Cite reasons for comparison

1. The routes taken by Magellan and his 1. The two accounts have different routes
men. presented.
2. The date if the first mass 2. The limasawa tradition cited more valid
date of the first mass than in Butuan

Evidence 1 Evidence 2
1. “Combes cites two visits to Limasawa: 2. “ Sunday 31 March - early in the morning
Magellan visits first Limasawa; from of Sunday, the last of March and Easter
Limasawa to Butuan; then from Butuan to day, Magellan sent the priest ashore with
Limasawa again; then from Limasawa to some men to prepare for Mass. Later that
Cebu” morning Magellan landed with fifty men
and Mass was celebrated, after which a
cross was venerated.

Evidence 1 Evidence 2
1. “In Colin’s account, from BUtuan to 2. “Meanwhile, Giovanni Francesco
LImasawa, then from Limasawa to Cebu.” Gemelli Careri, influenced by Colin, had
made visit to Phil. and published Giro del
Mundo (A Voyage Around The
World,1698). He counfused two distinct
events: the first Mass in Butuan, the other
is the baptism of rajah in Cebu.”

Give a summary of the evidence of Pigafetta and Albo

 Both accounts stated that they took supplies of water and wood from island namely
 Route taken after Homonhon was”towards the west southwest, between four islands:
“Ceilon”(Pigafetta) or “Seilani”(Albo) ; Hiunanghan ; Ibusson ; Albarien.
 Magellan’s expedition lasted a week in an island called Mazaua at 9 2/3 north
latitude as described by Albo; a small island near the passage between Bohol and
Western coast of Ceilon as described by Pigafetta.
 They stayed for a week and left the island on April 4 to travel to Cebu.

Why did the confusion on meeting the king of Butuan led to the controversy of the place
where the first Mass in the Philippines was said?
 The meeting the King of Butuan led to the controversy of the place where the first
Mass in the Philippines was held because the King of Butuan visited when the mass
happened in Mazaua.

Direction: Write the answer to each question before the number.

Antonio Pigafetta 1. Who was the chronicler of Magellan’s First Voyage believed to
have the most complete account of the expedition?

Island of Saint Lazarus 2. What was the name given by Magellan to the place where
the first Mass happened?

March 16, 1521 3. What date did the Spaniards first arrive to the Philippines?
March 31 4. What date did Easter Sunday in 1521 fall?

Limasawa Island (Mazaua) 5. What place was referred to by Pigafetta as the place of
the first Catholic Mass in the Philippines?

April 7, 1521 6. When did Magellan and his men arrive in Cebu?

18 men 7. How many survivors of Magellan’s Voyage came back to Spain in 1522?

9 and 2/3 North Latitude 8. “Mazaua” was located in latitude ____________ from the

Francisco Albo 9. Who was the other chronicler of Magellan’s voyage whose accounts
coincided with Pigafetta?

Fr. Pablo Pastells S.J. 10. Who among the historians above initially started the question
on the site of the first Mass in the Philippines?

Direction: Find monument in your place or neighborhood. Take a photo of it with you.
Paste the picture inside the box. Construct a short narrative why such monument was
erected in such location.

Photo taken from:,_Cotabato_City.jpg

 This is the monument of Dr. Jose Rizal located in Cotabato City. As we all know,
monument of Rizal were erected in many places in the Philippines and even in other
countries. This is to commemorate the memory of Jose Rizal, a Philippine patriot,
writer, and a poet. This monument that is located in Cotabato City shows that every
Filipino around the world, should always remember our National Hero.

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