The History of Thailand (The Greenwood Histories of The Modern Nations)

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John T. Alexander
Professor of History and Russian and European Studies,
University of Kansas
Robert A. Divine
George W. Littlefield Professor in American History Emeritus,
University of Texas at Austin
John V. Lombardi
Professor of History,
University of Florida

Patit Paban Mishra

The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations

Frank W. Thackeray and John E. Findling, Series Editors
Copyright 2010 by Patit Paban Mishra
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a
review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Mishra, Patit Paban.
The history of Thailand / Patit Paban Mishra.
p. cm. — (The Greenwood histories of the modern nations)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-313-34091-8 (hard copy : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-57356-791-6 (ebook)
1. Thailand—History. I. Title.
DS571.M57 2010
959.3—dc22 2010020760

ISBN: 978-0-313-34091-8
EISBN: 978-1-57356-791-6
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Series Foreword vii

Preface xi

Timeline of Historical Events xiii

1 Introduction to Thailand 1

2 From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 21

3 The Emergence of Thai States: Sukhothai and Lan Na 35

4 The Kingdom of Ayudhya 45

5 History of Thailand, 1605–1782 59

6 The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 71

7 King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 83

8 Democratic Transition 95
vi Contents

9 Wars and Coups 107

10 Contemporary History of Thailand 125

11 Thailand Today 137

Notable People in the History of Thailand 153

Glossary of Selected Terms 169

Bibliography 173

Index 179
Series Foreword

The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations series is intended to provide

students and interested laypeople with up-to-date, concise, and analytical
histories of many of the nations of the contemporary world. Not since the
1960s has there been a systematic attempt to publish a series of national his-
tories, and as series advisors, we believe that this series will prove to be a
valuable contribution to our understanding of other countries in our increas-
ingly interdependent world.
Some 40 years ago, at the end of the 1960s, the Cold War was an accepted
reality of global politics. The process of decolonization was still in progress,
the idea of a unified Europe with a single currency was unheard of, the
United States was mired in a war in Vietnam, and the economic boom in Asia
was still years in the future. Richard Nixon was president of the United States,
Mao Tse-tung (not yet Mao Zedong) ruled China, Leonid Brezhnev guided
the Soviet Union, and Harold Wilson was prime minister of the United
Kingdom. Authoritarian dictators still controlled most of Latin America,
the Middle East was reeling in the wake of the Six-Day War, and Shah
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was at the height of his power in Iran.
Since then, the Cold War has ended; the Soviet Union has vanished, leaving
15 independent republics in its wake; the advent of the computer age has rad-
ically transformed global communications; the rising demand for oil makes
viii Series Foreword

the Middle East still a dangerous flashpoint; and the rise of new economic
powers such as the People’s Republic of China and India threatens to bring
about a new world order. All of these developments have had a dramatic
impact on the recent history of every nation of the world.
For this series, which was launched in 1998, we first selected nations whose
political, economic, and sociocultural affairs marked them as among the most
important of our time. For each nation, we found an author who was recognized
as a specialist in the history of that nation. These authors worked cooperatively
with us and with Greenwood Press to produce volumes that reflected current
research on their nations and that were interesting and informative to their
readers. In the first decade of the series, more than 40 volumes were published,
and as of 2008, some are moving into second editions.
The success of the series has encouraged us to broaden our scope to include
additional nations, whose histories have had significant effects on their regions,
if not on the entire world. In addition, geopolitical changes have elevated other
nations into positions of greater importance in world affairs, and so we have
chosen to include them in this series as well. The importance of a series such
as this cannot be underestimated. As a superpower whose influence is felt all
over the world, the United States can claim a “special” relationship with almost
every other nation. Yet many Americans know very little about the histories of
nations with which the United States relates. How did they get to be the way
they are? What kind of political systems have evolved there? What kind of influ-
ence do they have on their own regions? What are the dominant political, reli-
gious, and cultural forces that move their leaders? These and many other
questions are answered in the volumes of this series.
The authors who contribute to this series write comprehensive histories
of their nations, dating back, in some instances, to prehistoric times. Each of
them, however, has devoted a significant portion of their book to events
of the past 40 years because the modern era has contributed the most to con-
temporary issues that have an impact on U.S. policy. Authors make every
effort to be as up-to-date as possible so that readers can benefit from discus-
sion and analysis of recent events.
In addition to the historical narrative, each volume contains an introductory
chapter giving an overview of that country’s geography, political institutions,
economic structure, and cultural attributes. This is meant to give readers a
snapshot of the nation as it exists in the contemporary world. Each history also
includes supplementary information following the narrative, which may
include a time line that represents a succinct chronology of the nation’s historical
evolution, biographical sketches of the nation’s most important historical fig-
ures, and a glossary of important terms or concepts that are usually expressed
in languages other than English. Finally, each author prepares a comprehensive
bibliography for readers who wish to pursue the subject further.
Series Foreword ix

Readers of these volumes will find them fascinating and well written. More
importantly, they will come away with a better understanding of the contem-
porary world and the nations that compose it. As series advisors, we hope
that this series will contribute to a heightened sense of global understanding
as we move through the early years of the twenty-first century.

Frank W. Thackeray and John E. Findling

Indiana University Southeast

Thailand is a fascinating country with a very rich civilization. It was in

Thailand that the world’s first rice cultivator had the unique opportunity to
plough the field. Even today it is the world’s leading exporter of rice. Home
to one of the earliest iron and bronze cultures, it may be regarded as a “cradle
of civilization.” Though not recognized as one of the world’s pristine centers
of civilizations like that of Egypt, Mesoamerica, Mesopotamia or China, it
was one of those early centers of civilizing human development.
Remaining free from colonial rule, Thailand was one of those countries that
was able to become special and unique in its own way. Today, Thailand is a
mosaic of ethnic, linguistic, cultural, historical, and physical features. Exter-
nal influences from Indian, Chinese, Islamic, and European civilizations have
left deep imprints on the indigenous culture of Thailand.
Although Thailand has received a transfusion of culture from other civili-
zations, it has added to that culture its own nuances and shades of meaning
through centuries. As a result, the country has not lost its idiom. It has main-
tained its separate identity and independence in spite of invasion from
neighboring regions and the expansion of colonialism in Southeast Asia. The
name “Siam” was in vogue officially from 1855 to 1939 and again between
1946 and 1949. It is Siam that the world sees in performances of the musical
The King and I. Since 1949 the region has been called Thailand. In the language
xii Preface

of Thai, the official name of the country is Ratchaanachak Thai (Kingdom of

This book is meant for high school and undergraduate students, as well as
for general readers interested in learning about Thailand. It is divided into
11 chapters along with an introduction, chronology of events, biographical
entries on key figures, a bibliography, glossary, and selected pictures and
maps. Although the book is written in India, the author has spent long peri-
ods in Thailand at different times.
This personal experience has facilitated the research that went into writing
the book, including consulting indigenous source materials, undertaking field
work inside of Thailand, and for expressing the feelings most visitors have for
this very beautiful country. The author has followed a chronological pattern
in delineating the subject. Unlike a research work, it is not crammed with
source citations. The author has tried his best to consult the latest materials
available on the subject and write in an objective matter.
The author is indebted to his family members, Professor Andrew Waskey,
Mr. Subaramya Nambiaruran and to Ms. Kaitlin Ciarmiello for their
ungrudging help and cooperation.
Timeline of Historical Events


500,000 Ordinary stone tools used
10,000 Domestication of plants as indicted by findings from
Spirit Caves

10,000 to 7,000 Use of nuts, pepper, cucumber and beans as evident

from findings of the Spirit Cave
5,000 Beginning of rice cultivation. The excavations at Non
Nok Tha yield rice chaff

3600 to 1000 Settlement in Ban Chiang, a “cradle of civilization”

2500 Metal works of bronze and iron

2100 Settlement at Ban Non Wat

1500 Copper site of Non Pa Wai

1000 Ban Prasat pottery at Prasat Hin Phanom Wan

xiv Timeline of Historical Events

Third Century B.C.E. The Buddhist missionary is sent by Indian King

Asoka (273–232 B.C.E.)


First Century C.E. Strong evidence of Indo–Thai trading relationship

500 Mon Kingdom of Dvaravti in Thailand with capital

at Nakhon Pathom; advent of Buddhism; spread of
Indian culture

Mid-Sixth Century Southern Thailand comes under domain of the

Kambuja Kingdom

Late Seventh Century Establishment of Haripunjaya in Lamphun region of

northern Thailand; extension of political influence
of Sri Vijaya on Dvaravati; capital city is Chaiya, in
southern Thailand

802 The Khmer empire is established by King

Jayavarman (802–834) in Cambodia; Thailand comes
under its sway

1238 First independent Thai state called Sukhothai

founded by Sri Indraditya (r. 1238–1270); the
Sukhohthai period continues until 1350

1239 Rama Khamheng (1239–1298), Thailand’s best-

known king and creator of Thai script, begins his
reign during the Golden Period

1254 Waves of Thai migrants move to Sukhothai from

Yunnan after Mongol conquest

1259 Lanna (Lan Na) Kingdom founded by Prince

Mengrai (1239–1317); it continues until 1558

1350 Rama Tibodi I (1312–1369) founds the Kingdom of

Ayudhya in central Thailand; the laws promulgated
by Rama Tibodi continue in principle for six centu-
ries; a combination of indigenous practices and
Indian legal concepts, this legal system exhibited
characteristics of the society of that time

1431 The Khmer capital Angkor is captured by Ayudhya

King Borommaracha II (r. 1424–1448)
Timeline of Historical Events xv

1511 Arrival of Portuguese envoy Duarte Fernandez to

carry on trade

1569 Fall of Ayudhya to the Burmese after a prolonged


1590–1605 Reign of King Naresuan, the Great; the Burmese are

ousted from Ayudhya; trading agreement is formed
with the Dutch

1656 King Narai the Great ascends the throne, ruling

for 32 years, concluding a trading agreement with
European powers and modernizing the Kingdom

1668 Arrival of Islamic missionaries

1685 The Jesuits establish a mission in Thailand

1697 Cambodia acknowledges Thai sovereignty

1767–1782 Reign of Phya Thaksin, liberator of Thailand after

the Burmese devastation of Ayudhya in April 1767;
a new capital at Thonburi; establishes a puppet
ruler in Cambodia in 1771 and after five years takes
over Chiang Mai; occupation of Vientiane; famous
Emerald Buddha is returned in 1779

1782 Beginning of Chakri dynasty, which still exists today;

new capital at Bangkok built by King Rama I; the
sultans of Malay Peninsula like Kedah, Kelantan,
and Trenggannu acknowledge the suzerainty of the
Thai monarch; flowering of Thai literature; the Ram-
akien (Thai version of the Indian epic the Ramayana)
is written

1785 Renewed attacks by the Burmese are repelled

1809–1824 Reign of Rama II

1822 First trade treaty with Britain

1833 Treaty of friendship and commerce with the United

Sates; a British Indian mission demands Siam open
up for more free trade

1851 Mongkut ascends the throne in 1851 as Rama IV;

signing of unequal treaties with European powers
xvi Timeline of Historical Events

1868 Accession of Rama V, commonly known as Chula-

longkorn; initiates an era of reforms of Thai society
and economy

1874 Edict abolishing slavery; complete abolition after

31 years

1893 Franco–Siamese treaty of October 3, 1893, the French

protectorate over Laos, Thailand gives up its claim
on the territories of the left bank of the Mekong River
covering most of the area of modern Laos
1896 First railroad opens from Bangkok to Ayudhya

1904 Anglo–French treaty is signed; Thailand gives up

Champassak and three years afterward Sayaboury
provinces to the French
1909 Anglo-Thai Convention of 1909; Thailand gives
up its suzerain rights over the four southern states
of the Malay Peninsula: Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and
Trengganu; Britain recognizes the Thai control over
the Muslim-dominated Pattani province

1910 Chulalongkorn dies on October 23, now observed

as a national holiday; reign of King Rama VI,
Vajiravudh, begins

1912 Abortive coup attempt

1916 Foundation of Chulalongkorn University

1917 Thailand joins the Allied cause in the First World

War on July 22

1919 Thailand participates in Paris Peace Conference

and becomes a member of the League of Nations

1925 Accession of King Prajadhipok (Rama VII)

1927 Khana Rasdr (People’s Party) comes into existence

1929 Financial crisis in Thailand due to worldwide

1930 Communist Party of Siam is formed

1932 Revolution on June 24 converts the absolute mon-

archy to a constitutional one; a new constitution is
Timeline of Historical Events xvii

established on December 10; Monapahorn Nitithada

(1884–1948) of the Khana Rasdr becomes the first
prime minister

1934 Foundation of Thammasat University

1935 Reign of Rama VIII begins

1938 Appointment of Phibul Songkhran as premier;

he holds the post until 1944 and again from 1948 to

1939 World War II begins on September 3; Thailand

declares neutrality

1941 Japan invades Thailand on December 8; pact with

Japan; Thailand declares war against the Allies;
Japan claims it will help in getting back Thai territo-
ries lost to Britain

1943 Pridi Panomyong forms an underground resistance

movement against the Japanese; free Thai Movement
in the United States is set up by ambassador Seni

1946 Accession of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Rama IX,

Thailand’s longest-reigning monarch

1948 Islamic insurgency in southern Thailand

1949 A new permanent constitution is created

1950 Thailand sends troops to Korea

1951 Communist Party of Thailand sends cadres to rural

1954 Thailand joins Southeast Asian Treaty Organization

1957 Army chief Sarit Thanarat (1909–1963) seizes power

by a coup
1958 Thanom Kittikachorn becomes premier in January
after elections; Sarit’s second coup in October; his
economic policies result in American and Japanese
investment and the rise of a new wealthy class due
to land speculation and sustained economic growth
of 5 percent per year
xviii Timeline of Historical Events

1961 Thailand forms the Association of Southeast Asia

(ASA) along with Malaysia and the Philippines

1962 Rusk–Thanat Agreement of 1962 is signed, repre-

senting American guarantee of Thai security

1963 Thanom A. Kittikhachon (1911–2004) is appointed

premier by the king; close collaboration with the
United States in Vietnam War

1964 Bombing of North Vietnam by the United States

from Thai bases

1965 Communist insurgency in northeastern Thailand;

Thai combat units in South Vietnam

1967 Formation of ASEAN (Association of Southeast

Asian Nations)

1968 Promulgation of a new constitution with a Senate

and a House of Representatives

1969 In the February 1969 elections, Thanom’s United

Thai People’s Party secures 75 seats out of 219 in
the lower house, giving them the largest representa-
tion among the thirteen parties

1971 Military rule imposed

1972 Agitation by the National Student Center of

Thailand, increased communist insurgency in the
northern provinces

1973 Student unrest and mass demonstrations leads to the

end of Thanom’s regime in October

1974 Promulgation of new constitution; increased social

unrest and politicization of the nation along liberal
and conservative lines; September demonstration in
Bangkok by peasants, workers, monks, and students;
tenth constitution is created in October

1975 The end of war in Vietnam; unification of Vietnam;

proliferation of bars, massage parlors, and hotels for
entertainment of American military personnel; the
nation begins to face problems arising out of exodus
of refugees from Laos and Vietnam; Seni Pramoj,
Timeline of Historical Events xix

leader of the Democratic Party, heads a coalition

government; Seni’s brother Kukrti succeeds him

1976 Massacre at Thammasat University by right-wing

activists and police on October 6; return of military
rule; General Thanin Kraivixien is installed as the
premier; another military coup and General Kriang-
sak Chomanan becomes premier

1978 Diplomatic relations are restored with Vietnam

1979 China declares that it will no longer help the Thai


1980 General Prem Tinsulanonda’s premiership begins;

follows economic policy leading to Thailand’s eco-
nomic growth in the 1980s
1981 The abortive coup of “Young Turks” is led by Gen-
eral San Chipatima

1982 Offensive against drug lord Khun Sa, who escapes to

Myanmar; threat from the communist insurgency in
northeastern Thailand

1983 Parliamentary elections and formation of gov-

ernment by Prem

1984 Devaluation of Thai currency, baht, by 14.8 percent

1985 Thai–Vietnamese border clashes

1988 Chatichai Choonhavan becomes premier after


1989 Damage in Chumphon and Ranong provinces due to

Typhoon Gay

1991 17th military coup since 1932; Anand Panyarachun,

a civilian, becomes the premier

1992 Chuan Leekpai, leader of the Democratic Party,

becomes Premier after the September elections

1994 Thai culture promotion year

1995 Constitution Drafting Assembly is formed; Banharn

Silparcha of the Thai Nation Party is the new Premier
xx Timeline of Historical Events

1996 New Aspiration Party under leadership of Chavalit

Yongchaiyudh emerges victorious after resignation
of Banharn

1997 Beginning of Economic Crisis

1998 Thaksin Shinawatra establishes Thai Rak Thai (Thai

love Thai) Party; controversial antidrug drive begins
2001 Thaksin Shinawatra (1949–) becomes prime minister

2003 Controversial “war against drugs” continues

2004 Thailand becomes world’s leading exporter of rice;

eruption of violence in Muslim-dominated region
of southern Thailand kills more than 600 in two
years; December 26, 2004, tsunami hits Thailand’s
southwest coast, killing thousands; Thailand is the
tenth largest supplier of foreign troops in Iraq

2005 Thailand becomes the world’s seventh-leading

exporter of automobiles

2006 Security alliance of the United States of Thailand

along with Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the
Philippines; Prime Minister Thaksin resigns on
April 4 after protest demonstrations and afterward
ousted by a military coup on September 19 led by
General Sonthi Boonyaratglin (1946–)

2007 Thai Rak Thai Party banned in May; eruption of

violence in Yala province

2008 Coalition government of Samak Sundaravej, political

crisis in Thailand, and Abhisit Vejjajiva’s ministry in

2009 The Thai army cracks down on antigovernment

protesters in the month of April
2010 The supporters of Thaksin called “Red Shirts” hold
demonstrations and clash with army which leads
to the death of 27 persons on April 10; the situation
calms down after Abhisit announces plans for hold-
ing elections
Thailand (Cartography by Bookcomp, Inc.)
Introduction to Thailand

The Southeast Asian country of Thailand (“Land of the Free”) has a glorious
history and rich culture. Its first permanent settlements date to about
40,000 years ago, as the archaeological excavations of recent decades have
revealed. These and subsequent peoples practiced early forms of plant
domestication, cultivated rice, and used metals such as bronze and iron to
make tools.
The Chao Praya River Valley in Western Thailand became the nourishing
ground of Thai civilization and history. The first Kingdoms that arose in
Thailand were strongly influenced by Buddhism and Hinduism. Thai cul-
ture took form out of a unique blend of Indian customs and indigenous ele-
ments involving cultural interaction with India, rather than transplantation
of Indian culture.
Though the exact origin of the Mon Kingdom of Dvaravati is unknown, its
Buddhist character is well attested. The oldest known Mon-Buddhist inscrip-
tion, near the central province of Nakhon Pathom, is dated to the sixth cen-
tury C.E. Before those who would become the Thai people came to Thailand
in large numbers by the beginning of the thirteenth century, different areas of
2 The History of Thailand

Thailand were under the Funan, Chenla, and Sri Vijaya Kingdoms. The neigh-
boring Khmers also had established authority in central Thailand. Due to
pressure from the Mongols, the ancestors of today’s Thais were compelled to
leave the Kingdom of Nan Chao, in what is now China’s Yunnan area. The
migration to the south was slow at first but increased significantly with the
conquest of Nan Chao by the Mongols in 1253. The decline of Khmer power
in the river areas of what was becoming Thailand weakened resistance to
the migration among groups already present in the region.
In 1238, the Thais declared themselves independent after challenging
Khmer suzerainty. Sri Indraditya (r. 1238–1270) set up the first Thai state,
which the Thais called Sukhothai.
Rama Khamheng (1239–1298) was the most famous Thai king, his reign
regarded as the golden era in the Kingdom’s history. In the middle of the
fourteenth century, Thai political power shifted from the Chao Praya Basin
farther south to Ayudhya with the establishment of a new Kingdom in central
Thailand. Within a span of 20 years, the Kingdom extended its territories to
include the entire Chao Praya, part of Mon country in the west, and the Malay
Peninsula in the south. The Khmer capital, Angkor, was captured by the
Ayudhya king Borommaracha II (r. 1424–1448) in 1431, resulting in an influx of
Khmer bureaucrats, artisans, and Brahmans (Hindu priestly class) to Ayudhya.
The second half of the sixteenth century was notable for a disastrous war with
Myanmar. During the second half of the eighteenth century, the Kingdom’s
decline was accompanied by the sacking of the beautiful 400 year-old city of
Ayudhya. The city was not immediately rebuilt after the expulsion of the
Burmese. Within a few decades, the Thai capital was established in Bangkok.
The new period in Thai history known as the Bangkok period began with the
establishment in 1782 of a new dynasty, the Chakri, which has reigned to the
present day.
During the nineteenth century, Thailand remained free from colonial
domination due to a policy of modernization, its leaders’ astute diplomacy,
and the geographical location of the country. Thai kings such as Rama V
and Chulalongkorn gave territorial concessions to the British and French;
however, the colonial powers only cooperated to keep Thailand a buffer
zone. Thailand remained as an independent state, keeping her religious and
cultural values intact. After the First World War, it joined the League of
Nations. The rulers followed a foreign policy best suited to the country’s
independence. Internal political pressures, changes in class structure and
political consciousness, and worldwide depression led to the revolution of
1932, after which a constitutional monarchy was established. Struggle
between democratic forces and the military became a regular feature of Thai
politics after the revolution.
Introduction to Thailand 3

In the Cold War period Thailand joined alliances with the United States and
became the closest U.S. defense ally in Southeast Asia. Even without its alli-
ance with the United States and other Western nations, Thailand very likely
would still have had to grapple with the problem of communist insurgency.
The nation recovered from the financial crisis of 1997, but the Islamic insur-
gency had made southern Thailand a zone of bloodshed and violence. Not-
withstanding these difficulties, the country remained stable. But the struggle
between the army and the clamor for democracy continues in Thailand.


The people belonging to the Thai ethnic group constitute about 80 percent
of the population of Thailand. These Khon Thai migrated to Thailand in dif-
ferent historical periods but mostly, as noted, after the conquest of Nan Chao
by the Mongols. The Thais form a part of a Tai ethnolinguistic people found in
the neighboring countries of Thailand. Inside the country, the Thais are con-
centrated in central Thailand, constituting 36 percent of the population. The
rest are Thai-Lao, northern Thai, and southern Thai people. The Chinese are
the largest minority group, making up 15 percent of the population. Other
groups include Malays, hill tribes, Burmese, Indians, and refugees from
Indochinese countries. The mountains of northern Thailand are home to a
number of diverse groups of different hill tribes such as the Akha, the Hmong
(Meo), Karen, Lisu, Lahu, and Mien, numbering about half a million. Inter-
ethnic relationships in Thailand are known to be somewhat better than in
other Southeast Asian nations. While not giving up their culture and language,
sizable numbers of minorities have adopted Thai names and speak the Thai
language. This makes it rather difficult to determine the ethnic character of a
person from their name alone. Moreover, the Lao people, who number about
20 million and live in the northeastern region (more than the 6.5 million in
Laos), are related to the Thais ethnically and can mix with the Thais easily.
With a population of 67 million as per the estimate of the Thailand National
Statistic Office, 2009 (urban population constitutes 31.6 percent of total popu-
lation), Thailand has a low population density of 327 per square mile. The
annual rate of population growth was 0.68 percent and birthrate 13.9 births
per one thousand persons. About 68 percent of the people live in rural areas
and the rest of the population is found in cities like Bangkok, Songhkla,
Suratthani, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Chantaburi, Nakhon Ratchasima, and
Khon Khaen. Bangkok, with about 6.3 million inhabitants, has become over-
crowded, with 10 percent of the country’s urban population living in the
capital. Migration is from rural areas to cities as well as to other Southeast
Asian countries, Canada, and the United States.
4 The History of Thailand

With a strong agricultural base, the multifaceted economy of Thailand has
resulted in growth in industry and technology. One of the Asian tigers, the
economic growth of Thailand in the decade following the mid-1980s was
remarkable. But the depreciation of Thai currency (baht) to about 26 percent
in September 1996 led to the collapse of stock and property markets. The
International Monetary Fund secured for Thailand $17.2 billion in loans.
There was a huge scaling down of expenditures in government and private
sectors. Thailand endured the financial crisis after the government initiated
a series of economic reforms in 1997. In human development, it showed tre-
mendous progress. The Human Development Index rate is 73. With a Human
Poverty Index Rate of 28, the population below poverty line is only 10 percent,
although poverty is still significant in poorer regions and villages. The coun-
try has a very low unemployment rate of about 1.5 percent. With the gains
made by the urban middle class, Thailand has become a large market for
expensive cars and costly consumer goods. Its gross domestic product
(GDP) grew by 5 percent in 2006. The inflation rate was 2.5 percent. External
debt was only 32 percent of GDP, and foreign reserves amounted to U.S.
$67 billion. An increase in exports—in particular rice, textiles, fishery prod-
ucts, jewelry, automobiles, and electrical appliances—and a fall in imports
were major factors behind the GDP growth. Compared to 4.3 percent for the
year 2005, the export volumes increased to 8.5 in 2006. The import growth fell
from 9.3 percent in 2005 to 1.6 in 2006. Thailand imports commodities such as
capital and intermediate goods, raw materials, and fuels.

In recent decades, Thailand has taken steps to provide better health care for
its people. These include the government’s passing of a series of measures
such as the Medical Facilities Act of 1998, the Thai Health Promotion Founda-
tion Act of 2001, and the National Health Security Act of 2002. The govern-
ment has taken necessary measures to reduce poverty by an agenda of 30 baht
health programs all over Thailand to reduce health-related poverty. In hospi-
tals and primary health centers, this program has resulted in giving better
service to the patients. The percentage of persons receiving access to medical
facilities at the time of illness has risen from 49 percent in 1991 to 71.6 in 2004
due to the nation’s universal health care plan. The country also was a pioneer
in providing medication to persons infected by HIV/AIDS. A sustained pub-
lic awareness program, along with official measures, resulted in containing
the HIV-infected adult population below 2 percent. However, the health care
system in Thailand is not uniform throughout the country despite the fact that
Introduction to Thailand 5

health resources per capita are higher than those of other nations. Compared
to those in rural areas, the city dwellers have better access to health services.
The inequity is reflected in resource allocation between the capital and north-
east region. In 2003, the bed/population and doctor/population ratios in
Bangkok were 1:206 and 1:767 respectively. In the northeast, the ratios were
1:759 and 1:7,251 respectively. The infant mortality rate (IMR) was 1.85 times
higher in nonmunicipal areas than in the municipalities.

The literacy rate in Thailand is much higher than those in other Asian and
African countries, around 92.6 percent. Until the middle of the nineteenth cen-
tury, the Buddhist wat (temple) was the disseminator of education. Through a
policy of modernization, the Thai rulers improved the country’s educational
system, and in the last half century has shown a significant expansion of sec-
ondary and higher education. The 1977 National Scheme of Education initia-
tive achieved universal primary education. The National Education Law of
1999, mandating nine years of compulsory education from the age of six,
allowed for 12 years of free education altogether. About 96 percent of students
had finished sixth grade and 48 percent twelfth grade in 2004. The student
enrollment in schools was about 8.8 million in the same year. Among the
major institutions of higher learning in Thailand are Chulalongkorn Univer-
sity, Mahidol University, Thammasat University, Silpakorn University, and
the Asian Institute of Technology. Thai students also went in substantial num-
bers to the United States, Australia, Japan, and European nations for higher
education. The national male-to-female ratio for university graduates is
roughly even.

With an area spanning 198,270 square miles, Thailand is the size of New
Mexico and Arizona combined. It is the third largest nation in Southeast Asia.
Myanmar lies to the west and northwest, Laos to the northeast, and Cambodia
to the east. To the south, the Malay Peninsula is bordered to the west by the
Andaman Sea and to the east by the Gulf of Thailand. Thailand enjoys a tropical
climate with long hours of sunshine and high humidity. The three main sea-
sons are hot (March–June), rainy (July–October), and dry/cool (November–
February). In the hot season, the temperature reaches about 40 degrees Celsius
(104 degrees Fahrenheit) in many parts and in the cool season it is 10 degrees
Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) in north Thailand. Climate is dependent on
the Southeast Asian monsoons. In the cool season, northeast winds blow from
land to sea. A high-pressure zone is created over Southeast Asia as the sea
6 The History of Thailand

takes a much longer time to cool than land. The interregnum hot season fol-
lows before the advent of the southwesterly monsoon, during which winds
blowing from the Indian Ocean meet the low-pressure area of the mainland,
resulting in rain. The average annual rainfall is sixty inches. Southern Thailand,
which is in the direct way of monsoon winds, receives around one hundred
inches per year. Flashfloods occur in many regions of the country during the
monsoons. In the mountainous region, the temperature is much cooler.
Thailand has a rich diversity of wildlife, with elephants, rhinoceros, tiger,
leopards, wild ox, water buffalos, gibbons, and other mammals found in the
forests. Roughly 50 percent of the country was covered by forests in 1960s, but
by the end of twentieth century, it had depleted to 20 percent. The government
designated some forests as protected areas for conservation and recreation.
The production forests are for the export of logs and timber, whose export had
increased from 50,000 cubic meters to 2 million cubic meters per year from
1991 to 2001. The deforestation has caused climatic changes and landslides. It
also threatens the survival of 30 mammal species.
With a long coastline of 2,000 miles; 12-nautical-mile territorial sea and a
200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone are claimed by Thailand. The hol-
iday resorts on beaches in Thailand are famous worldwide and generate for-
eign exchange for the country. However, due to their location they can face
devastating natural calamities. The dead from the tsunami of December 26,
2004, included many foreign tourists.
Thailand is famous for its gemstones, teak industry, rice, and rubber. Mined
resources include tin, lead, gypsum, tungsten, and zinc. Unfortunately, the
opium grown in its remote regions has attracted many smugglers and other
Thailand is divided into 75 provinces, each in turn subdivided into amphoe
(county), tambon (district) and muban (village). The largest province is Nakhon
Ratchasima in central Thailand, followed by Chiang Mai in the northwest. It
is also categorized into five regional groups such as the North, Northeast
(Isan), central, east, and southern regions. The special administrative area of
Bangkok is the 76th province. Topographically, Thailand is divided into four
main regions: North, Northeast, Central, and South. Each has a unique geo-
graphical feature. Northern Thailand is marked by mountains, fertile river
valleys, and waterfalls. The highest mountain of Thailand, Doi Inthanon
(8,417 feet) is situated in Chiang Mai province. The mountains along the
Myanmar border go down through the Kra Isthmus to the southern border
with Malaysia. In the North, the Ping, Wahng, Yom, and Nahn rivers flowing
southward join to form the Chao Praya River in central Thailand. A part of the
famous opium-growing region known as the Golden Triangle is situated here.
The Northeast, or Isan, region, bordered by the Mekong River demarcating the
Administrative regions in Thailand, 2005. (CIA. Provided by University of Texas
8 The History of Thailand

Thai-Lao border and to the south by Cambodia, is composed of the Korat

plateau, low hills, and shallow lakes. One of the poorest regions of Thailand,
it is not productive agriculturally due to frequent floods. The Mun River rises
in the Khao Yai National Park, moves east, and joins the Mekong River, where
the controversial Pak Mun dam is situated. The Chi and Po are two other
regions of this area. The famous Ban Chiang archaeological site testifying
to the oldest Bronze Age civilization is located in northeastern Thailand.
A large fertile plain sustained by the Chao Praya River is the dominant fea-
ture of central Thailand. Surrounded by mountains and plateaus, the central
plain extends down to the Gulf of Thailand. The “Rice Bowl of Asia,” much
of Thailand’s rice, other crops, and fruits are grown in the region. The Chao
Praya and Mekong river systems sustain the agricultural economy of the
country. The Chao Praya’s networks of canals support waterborne life in
addition to navigation. As the cradle of many civilizations in the past, central
Thailand dominates the economic and political life of the nation. The capital
city of Bangkok is situated at the southern edge of central Thailand.
The southern or peninsular Thailand extending through the Kra Isthmus to
the Thai-Malaysian border is dominated by rain forests and long coastlines.
It is the home of the commercial seaports of Thailand. Rice is cultivated and
rubber is produced in the region. Tin mining, tourism, and coconut planta-
tions are also sources of commercial activity.

The Thai society presents a harmonious balance between tradition and
modernity. Educated Thais may wear Western dress, listen to Pop music, or
go out dancing in clubs. But they will not give up the traditional values that
the society has handed down through the centuries. These include respect
for elders, good manners, taking part in Thai festivals, a strong faith in
Karma, and the belief in rebirth through reincarnation. Harmonious relation-
ships in the workplace, cordial relations among employer and employees,
and avoidance of conflict are important in Thai society. Djai-yen (“keep cool”),
sanook sanam (“enjoy life and be happy”), mai pen rai (“never mind”), kreng
chai (“not to hurt other’s feeling”), and phut prachot (“masking the feeling”)
are some of the common Thai phrases that represent this philosophy of life.
The famous Thai smile will be there while one is confronting difficult situa-
tions. A unique Thai identity has developed, influenced to a large extent by
the precepts of Buddhism. Avoiding the extremities of life by following a
Middle Path characterizes Thai life. A general Thai identity, or Ekkalak Thai,
is to be found whether one is in a remote village or in cosmopolitan Bangkok.
A Thai will be a modern person yet also traditional. This unique blending
makes Thai society quite special.
Introduction to Thailand 9

In traditional Thai society, which is hierarchical, a family includes not only

the husband and wife but also includes grandparents, parents, unmarried
siblings, and widowed male and female relatives. Several generations usually
live in the same house as it is the norm of Thai society to take care of aged
parents. Age is an important factor for determining the status of a person
and the loyalty, obedience, and respect that person is due. A child learns to
show respect to parents and elders. In turn, the child is looked after by the
seniors. The relationship is carried over afterward, when the child becomes
an adult. Important decisions are undertaken with the permission of parents.
The husband is considered to be the head of the family. Family members have
to abide by the decisions of the patriarch, the most senior member of the fam-
ily. Although he has considerable hold on family governance as the husband,
the voice of the wife also counts. It is not uncommon in Thai society to see the
importance of the youngest daughter, who eventually inherits the parental
property and takes care of aged parents.
With the growth of urbanization, technological advancement, and better
job opportunities, the family structure in Thailand is changing. Migration
from rural areas to cities has resulted in the smaller nuclear family becoming
the norm in many quarters of Thai society. These city dwellers prefer to have
nuclear families with only a husband, wife, and children. When children
grow older and marry, they prefer to have their own, separate homes. But
tradition lingers on, and couples take care of their aged parents when there
is need. Although individuals select their own life partners, families play an
important role. The groom has to get the consent of the bride’s parents, who
sometimes get sin sawt (“bride money”). Polygamy was prevalent in the past
among the aristocracy. Today it is rarely found, although instances exist
where a wealthy man keeps another wife known as minor wife.
In spite of the cultural impact of the West, Thai etiquette has remained
unchanged. With a smile, Thais greet one another by saying Sawadi, with
palms joining and fingers outstretched. The palms are held at the breast
height. When one greets a senior, the position of the palm goes up against
the body and the bow is more exaggerated. The younger person is the first to
greet the elder, and the latter reciprocates. The wai, or greeting, has a deeper
meaning, originating from doctrines of Hinduism. It is believed that divinity
resides in the human body and the greeting is a demonstration of respect to
that divinity. Therefore human beings must be respected. The Thai avoid body
contact. The head, the noblest part of the body, must not be touched, and
pointing by the foot is a form of insult. Shoes should be removed before
entering a home.
The modernization process, contact with the West, industrialization,
expansion of education, involvement in the Vietnam War, and other factors
have had a great impact on Thai society. Social mobility has become common.
10 The History of Thailand

The employment boom between 1985 and 1996 witnessed people flocking
from rural areas to the cities. In industrial and service sectors, 55 percent of
the labor force is employed out of 35.3 million workers, according to 2004 fig-
ures. The manufacturing share of the GDP has shown a tremendous growth;
from 22 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2004. With avenues for growth
opened, combined with foreign investment and technology, new previously
unknown job opportunities have appeared.
The status of women has increased with the expansion of educational
opportunities, and today a vast majority of women are employed in different
sectors. Taking the husband’s family name after marriage has not been
required since 2003. But the status of women is degraded to an extent by the
growth to 100 billion baht per year of the sex industry. Its origins may be traced
to the proliferation of bars, massage parlors, and escort services at the time of
the Vietnam War, when U.S. soldiers stationed in Vietnam came to Thailand
for R&R, or rest and relaxation as it was called. After the war, the clientele
changed from military personnel to male tourists from all over the world.
But it should be kept in mind that not all tourists come to Thailand for sex
alone. The 8 million tourists visiting the country per year are interested in its
history, scenic beauty, magnificent monuments, and Thai hospitality.
Like any other country Thailand is beset with social problems. Environ-
mental pollution, congestion in cities, AIDS, drug trafficking and human traf-
ficking, extortion, corruption, terrorism in southern Thailand, the gap
between rich and poor, and regional imbalances are among the society’s
major ills. There are, however, welcome signs as people accept civil instruc-
tion from the government, which is taking measures to eradicate the prob-
lems plaguing the Thai society.
Education has played an important role in raising public consciousness.
The country’s nongovernmental agencies are actively working to address
and mitigate the problems. The Thai government is sufficiently aware of the
country’s problems and is taking steps with various pieces of legislation to
keep social evils in check. In 1999, it enacted the Money Laundering Preven-
tion and Suppression Act B.E. Thailand has attracted money laundererers as
a transit country for narcotics and a center for counterfeit goods, gambling
dens, lotteries, and underground banking systems. The act stipulated seven
predicate offenses including trafficking in women or children for sexual pur-
poses, fraud, financial institution fraud, customs evasion, extortion, narcotics
trafficking, and drug smuggling.

The cultural life of Thailand is rich and vibrant. In spite of external influen-
ces, the country has retained its unique character. In various traditional
Introduction to Thailand 11

spheres, Thai culture has excelled. Religion has been an important factor in
shaping the destinies of the Thai people. About 90 percent of the population
is Buddhist, with Muslims constituting about 6 million people, the largest
minority group. In the three southern provinces of Patttani, Narathiwat, and
Yala, Muslims are in the majority with about 76 percent of the population
adhering to the Islamic faith. About one percent is Christian, and a small
number of Confucians, Taoists, Hindus, and Sikhs are found spread through-
out Thailand.
The history of Buddhism in Thailand has been closely interlinked with
developments of the religion in India, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. The
Buddhist missionaries and traders played an important role in disseminating
the message of Buddha. Although it has been argued that Buddhism had
taken roots in Thailand from the time of Buddha himself, a clear picture of
its entry emerges from the period of Mauryan king Asoka (273–236 B.C.E).
In the third or fourth century C.E. the Buddhist missionaries Theras
Sona and Uttara came to Suvarnabhumi, with its capital at Nakon Pathom,
to propagate Buddhism. A huge stupa, Pathom Chedi, was built to com-
memorate the event. The coming of Mahayana Buddhism in the seventh cen-
tury C.E. to southern Thailand is the second stage of development of
Buddhism in Thailand. The third phase of Buddhism, known as Pukam
(Pagan) Theravada Buddhism, was introduced in the eleventh century C.E.
It came from the Thaton capital of Mons, but some historians argue that it
came from Nakon Pathom. Under the king Rama Kamhaeng (1239–1298), a
fourth phase, known as Lankavong, began to predominate in Thailand. It
came from Sri Lanka, which had become an important center of Theravada
Buddhism in the twelfth century C.E. The coexistence of indigenous and
nonindigenous elements in Thai Buddhism has been a hallmark throughout
its history. The idea of phi (spirits), an animistic belief, is pervasive in
Thailand, denoting spirits of town, spirits of house, caves, and other places.
These spirits are concerned with mundane problems like health and prosper-
ity. Small model houses are constructed to serve as homes for the spirits. The
combination of phi, an indigenous concept, along with thewada (Devata or
God) from Hindu–Buddhist cosmology, arose from the process of merging
different religious traditions. Sometimes the higher spirits were also called
deva, brahma, or other names. Along with animistic practices, Buddhism
also interacted with Hindu cultural patterns that had been introduced. The
rapprochement between Indian traditions and Thai Buddhism could be
broadly divided into two categories, one operating in royalty and the other
present in the social system, customs, arts, and other parts of the culture.
The invoking of gods from the Hindu pantheon such as Siva, Vishnu, and
Ganesha in different ceremonies is prevalent. It is common to find houses
or buildings with the icon of the Hindu god Ganesha at the entrance. One
12 The History of Thailand

can find in Bangkok the famous Erawan shrine dedicated to Lord Brahma,
where the Thais congregate to worship and bow their heads in reverence.
Consequently a single distinct tradition emerged in Thailand out of animistic
beliefs, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The Thai people have shown tremendous
capacity to harmonize different traditions and yet retain their own distinctive
At the time of decline of the Indianized Kingdoms of Southeast Asia, Islam
began to penetrate the region. The Arab traders played an active role in bring-
ing the region under the spell of Islam. Islam is strongly installed in Thailand’s
southern provinces close to Malaysia. The Muslims of the region have been
asking for greater autonomy for some time. The central plains of Thailand
include Muslims of Persian, Pakistani, Indian, and Indonesian and Cham
descent. Those Muslims in the northern provinces of Lampang, Chiang Mai,
and Chiang Rai are from Myanmar and southern China. The cultural life of
the Muslims differs from the general Thai population in language, manners,
and customs. One can see in southern Thailand numerous mosques. There
are some churches in Bangkok. Some Vietnamese refugees and tribes of
northeastern Thailand profess Roman Catholicism. Although the Chinese
have been integrated into the Thai society with Thai names, they have their
own shrines and festivals. In the Chinatown area of Bangkok, one can taste
the Chinese way of life and culture. The Chinese New Year festival is a big
occasion in Thailand. Even in some Thai houses, one can find a Chinese
shrine called Tee-Ju-Iya. Unlike the Chinese, the Hindus and Sikhs have not
integrated fully into the society. The Hindu temples and Gurdwaras are there
in the country, but the number is much less. An Indian woman with a sari or
traditional salwar kammez could be easily recognized. The Sikhs retain long
hair and wear turbans.
In Thai cultural life, festivals play an important role. Throughout the year,
there are religious and secular festivals, which make Thai culture very
colorful. The That Phanom Festival of the northeastern province of Nakhon
Phanom in the month of January is a large gathering of the Thais. The Chiang
Mai Flower Festival held in the month of February is observed in memory of
Buddha’s preaching to the monks. The Dove Festival, an occasion where sing-
ing doves are celebrated in Yala province, is held in the month of March. The
Chakri Day on April 6 is observed in honor of Rama I (1737–1809). To mark
the beginning of the Buddhist New Year, the Songkran Festival is observed
throughout Thailand April 13–15. During this festival, in a symbol of cleans-
ing and renewal, Thais throw water on each other. Offerings are made in the
Buddhist wats, and the monks receive food as well as new garments. White
powder is smeared on the face as a sign of protection from evil. The city of
Chiang Mai is most famous for this festival, where the revelry of Songkran
is enjoyed by Thais as well as by tourists coming from all over the world.
Introduction to Thailand 13

The coronation day and the Visakha Puja, in memory of Buddha’s life are
observed in the month of May.
The famous festival of the Royal Ploughing Ceremony began in the period
of the Sukhothai dynasty, marking the beginning of the rice-growing season
in May. It is observed annually with two ceremonies, a cultivating ceremony
and a ploughing ceremony. The ceremonies are held at Sanam Luang, the
Royal Grounds, with Brahmans (Hindu priests) chanting hymns. The Asalha
Puja, held in July, commemorates Buddha’s first sermon. The queen’s birthday
is celebrated on the twelfth of August, which is a public holiday. The Chinese
Buddhists observe a nine-day celebration held in late September to early
October, during which time they eat only vegetarian food. In November, the
Loi Krathong festival comes, which is observed on a full-moon night. People
flock to the klong (canal) or river and (loi) float krathong (small boats) with
flowers, incense, and candles in the hope that good fortune will be brought
to them. One can visualize a myriad of flickering lights on the water as night
falls. Sometimes, fireworks displays and beauty contests are held. The festival
has become one of the most important in the country. The fifth of December is
a public holiday to commemorate the king’s birthday and is celebrated
with portraits of the king embellishing the buildings of cities and villages.
December 10 is Constitution Day, a public holiday.
The official language of Thailand is Thai, from the Tai family of languages.
It possesses 44 consonants and 32 vowels. Whereas 40 percent of the popula-
tion speaks Thai, 50 percent use related Tai languages. Chinese, too, is used by
some, while those who have higher education often speak English. Malay is
spoken in some quarters of southern Thailand. The Thai alphabet was
derived from the Indian Devanagari script, which originated during the reign
of Sukhothai King Rama Khamheng in 1283. The Thai language has absorbed
Khmer, Pali, and Sanskrit words. Some of the ancient place names of Thailand
such as Sukhothai, Ayuthia, Haripunjaya; Lopburi, Dvaravati, and Sajjanalaya
have origins in Sanskrit. The influence of India is marked on the names of
the kings also: Indraditya, Rama, Ananda, Suryavamsa Mahadharmarajad-
hiraja, Cakrapat, Trailok, etc. Innumerable words in the Thai language origi-
nate in Sanskrit, including Akas (Akas), Maha (Maha), Sthani (Sthan), Racha
(Raja), Sabadi (Svasti), Pratehet (Prades), Narai (Narayana), Isaun (Isvara), Samkha
(Samgha), Jatura (Catura), Radu (Rtu), Tepa (Deva), Thatu (Dhatu), Phram (Brah-
mana), Nakhon (Nagara), Sakhon (Sagara), Pinai (Vinaya), and many more. The
language is spoken all over the country along with regional dialects.
Thailand’s classical literature is based on tradition, legends, and history.
The oldest known poem, the Suphasit Phra Ruongs, was written in the late
1200s. Thailand’s first love story was Lilit Phra Lo. The reign of King Narai
(r. 1656–1688) saw a flowering of Thai literature. Indian classical texts have had
a strong influence on Thai literature and stories of Sakuntala, Madanabodha,
14 The History of Thailand

Savitri, and Ilorat became part of it. The stories from the Ramayana were incor-
porated into Thai literature, with Rama I authoring the Thai version of the
ancient Sanskrit epic, the Ramakien, a work that would influence Thai litera-
ture, painting, dance, and drama. The Ramakien differed in many ways from
the original Ramayana of Valmiki. For example, in the Thai version of the story,
Hanumana is a romantic person falling in love with ladies, Ravana’s daughter
Vinayaki assumes the form of Sita; Dasaratha and Ravana are cousins.
Sunthon Phu (1786–1855) is the celebrated author of the famous romantic
adventure Phra Aphai Mani and the travelog nine Nirats. Thai literary works
were in verse form until 1850. From the latter part of the nineteenth cen-
tury, Thai literature addressed themes and plots about common people and
their problems. Kings such as Rama II (r. 1809–1824), Rama V (r. 1867–1910),
and Rama VI (r. 1910–1925), all themselves notable authors, exercised royal
patronage of literature. In the modern period, Thai authors have written about
social problems and the life of the common people. Phya Anuman Rajadhon
(1888–1969) was an authority on Thai culture. Angkarn Kalayanaponge wrote
about nature and environmental pollution. Some of the notable authors of the
modern period are Boobpha Nimmanhaemindha, Malai Choopinit, Mai
Muang Doem, Yakhop, Kukrit Pramoj, Krisna Asokesin, Seni Saowaphong,
Suwanee Sukhontha, Vanich Charungkichanand, Saksiri Meesomsueb, and
Pira Pira Sudham.
The art and architecture of Thailand were influenced by Indian and Khmer
styles. While the concepts were borrowed, the choice of pattern and other
details add an indigenous touch to artistic and architectural designs. The
genius of Thai artists can be seen in the temples (wat), stupa (pra), monasteries
(vihara), and halls (bot) found in the monuments of Sri Deva, Visnulok,
Svargalok, Vajrapuri, Lopburi, Sukhothai, Ayuthia, and Bangkok. Historic
sites and structures include the Emerald Buddha Temple, Grand Palace, Wat
Suthat, Wat Arun, and Wat Benchamabophit. The tiered roof of Thai architec-
ture was influenced by the sikhara of the Hindu temples. The superimposed
roofs, glazed colored tiles, gilding, and decorative sculptures add magnifi-
cence. The scenes of the Ramakien also are found in temples of Thailand. On
the bas-relief of Phimai temple, there are scenes depicting Rama’s war with
Ravana. The paintings on the outer gallery of Emerald Buddha Temple depict
scenes from the Ramakien such as remorseful Sita in Lanka and the Rama-
Ravana battle. Of course, today tall buildings, skyscrapers, apartments, and
resorts are also found in Thailand.
Thai sculpture encompassed icons of Hindu gods and Buddha. Images of
Vishnu have been found from the Si Thep (Sri Deva) area in the Chao Praya
Basin dating to the end of sixth century C.E. The inscription of Rama Tibodi
I (1312–1369) spoke of the installation of images of Siva, Vishnu, and Buddha.
Large bronze statues of Siva and Vishnu were erected at Kampen Phet.
Introduction to Thailand 15

In Thailand Buddhism and Hinduism were often fused together and there
was no differentiation. In Sukhothai, Wat Pra Pai Luang and Wat Sisawai
were built for Brahmanical worship as evident from sculptures of Hindu gods
and goddesses. The icons of Parvati, Hanumana, Ganesa, Indra, Brahma, and
others are found in the wats in Thailand. Images of Buddha in various sitting,
standing, and reclining positions have adorned numerous monuments. The
serenity of the face, smoothness of the metals, simplicity of form, and perfect
style have made these icons exquisite. The Buddha images vary from the
gigantic seated Buddha of Wat Si Chum to tiny amulets.
Thai music and musical instruments were influenced by neighboring
regions, but it was assimilated by evolving into a unique type. The piphat
and khruang sai musical instruments are used in religious gatherings and
theatres. Apart from these two, the Thais have developed instruments includ-
ing the phin, sang, pichanai, krachap pi, chakhe, and thon. In festivals, marriages,
and folk theater one can find use of flutes, stringed musical instruments, and
gongs. The two types of folk music are called luk thung and kantrum. Due to
the influence of Western music, new forms are being introduced like luk grung
and wong shadow. The String was the first Thai pop band. Sometimes tradi-
tional music was mixed with the Western style.
The Thai classical dance form in Thailand shows influence from Cambodia
and India with themes taken from the Ramakien. The Thai classical dance took
Indian body movements, evolving into its own special style. The khon, lakhon,
and fawn Thai are some varieties of classical dance. With its stories from the
Ramakien, the masked dance drama called khon has become very popular. Folk
dances include wai khru, ram muay, and likay. In the shadow plays known as
nang, stories of Rama and Sita are enacted.
One can find beautiful paintings of Thailand on the walls of temples, palace
interiors, cloth banners, and manuscripts. Murals of Bangkok’s Wat Suthat
and Thon Buri’s Wat Suwannaram are fine examples depicting the episodes
of Buddha’s life, Jataka stories, and scenes from the Ramakien. The Western
style has influenced contemporary Thai painters, whose works combine
tradition and modernity.
Textiles, earthenware, silverware, and pottery comprise Thai crafts. Cotton
and silk weaving of Thailand have a long tradition. Thai silk is famous all
over the world. The northeastern region is famous for silverware, producing
exquisite bowls and boxes. From the ancient Ban Chiang civilization, the art
of shaping and baking clay has survived to the present day, with the discov-
ery of pots, water jugs, flower vases, and animal figures. The celadon industry
of Thailand was famous during the Sukhothai period, with products exported
outside the country. Thailand is well known for its crafts like woodcarving,
lacquer work, basketry, mother-of-pearl inlay, and metalwork. Thai cuisine
has been influenced by Chinese stir frying techniques and noodles along with
16 The History of Thailand

Indian curry. But it has its own culinary style. Delicious spicy and hot Thai
food with a wonderful blend of basic flavors is popular throughout the world.
Rice is a staple food and a meal usually includes meat, salads, soup, noodles,
curry, and rice. Fresh tropical fruits like mango, banana, rambutan, jackfruits,
papaya, and other fruits serve as desserts. Iced coffee or tea and alcohol are
taken as beverages. Some of the delicious and popular Thai dishes are dtom
kai jai (chicken soup), rad na (rice noodles), pad see ew (fermented sausages
with fried rice), khanom chin namya (boiled round rice noodles along with
curry sauces and fresh vegetables), massuman jai (spicy curry with chicken)
and lahb moo (spicy salad).


After the 1932 revolution, the Thai rulers became constitutional monarchs.
The nation was governed by prime ministers, who were appointed by the
king. They came to power because of democratic processes or military coups.
The politics of Thailand witnessed democracy and military rule playing musi-
cal chairs. A party system would be in place, constitutions would be drafted,
and elections would be held—all pointing to the advent of a democratic form
of government. But then military intervention would turn democracy into a
sham. This has been the fate of Thailand since 1932. During its three-quarters
of a century of constitutional monarchy, the country has experienced 17 suc-
cessful military coups. Alternate sharing of power between civilians and the
military has put Thai politics into a permanent state of flux. Infighting among
elites for greater shares in the political process opposed at times by the domi-
nance of the bureaucracy has marked Thai politics with instability.
The authority of the central government is superior to that of provincial
and municipal governments in the unitary state of Thailand. The central
government is composed of three branches: executive, legislative, and judi-
ciary. The king is head of state and the commander-in-chief of the armed
forces. He appoints the prime minister. The latter is usually the leader of the
dominant party or coalition parties supporting him. The prime minister
heads the cabinet, which does not have more than 35 members. The legisla-
tive organ of the government is a bicameral legislature called Ratha Sapha
(National Assembly) consisting of the Sapha Poothaen Rassadorn (House of
Representatives) and the Woothi Sapha (Senate). The former has 500 members;
400 are elected directly from single-member constituencies and the rest
elected proportionately through a party list. It has a four-year term limit.
The Senate has 200 members elected for six years from the districts within
the Thai provinces.
Thailand has a three-level court system. The Supreme Court is the apex body
followed by Court of Appeal and Courts of First Instance. For the Muslims,
Introduction to Thailand 17

there are the sharia courts. Military courts deal with cases involving military
personnel. Citizens are guaranteed equal justice under the law. An Election
Commission supervises the elections, and voters must be 18 years old. The
Buddhist monks do not cast votes because it is forbidden by religious
The Khana Rasdr (People’s Party) came into existence in 1927 and formed
the government after the 1932 revolution. The history of political parties in
Thailand has not been a happy one, as they were banned frequently. From
1933 to 1945 and again from 1958 to 1968 political parties did not function.
The military was taking an upper hand. Later, laws such as the 1981 Political
Parties Act was enacted to revamp the party system. The measure called for a
minimum number of members of Parliament and made it mandatory to
contest one-fourth of all parliamentary seats. Critics of the Thai political
parties—which include the Thai Rak Thai (Thai Love Thai), Phak Prachatipat
(Democratic Party), Phak Chart Thai (Thai Nation Party), Phak Khwam Wang
Mai (New Aspiration Party), and Phak Mahachon (Great People’s Party)—
suggest the parties often lack clear-cut ideologies while tending to cater only
to the needs of an individual or a small group.
The dominance of the military continued until October 1973, when student
involvement and mass demonstrations ended the military rule. There was a
return to civilian government, although the top brass of the military continued
to have some influence in the politics of the nation. (Although the present king,
Bhumibol Adulyadej, does not enjoy any real power, his political acumen and
popularity among the Thai masses has been a stabilizing factor in the country’s
politics.) The years 1991 and 1992 were turbulent in Thai politics. The seven-
teenth military coup occurred in 1991, with Anand Panyarachun (b. 1932), a
civilian, becoming premier. Elections were held in March 1992 in which
General Suchinda Kraprayoon (b. 1933) was selected as the new prime minis-
ter. But the coup leader Suchinda faced demonstrations in May that resulted
in shootings by the military of unarmed protestors, which in turn led to
Suchinda’s resignation. Anand became the interim prime minister, a role he
held until Chuan Leekpai (b. 1938), leader of the Democratic Party, was elected
in September. After three years, the Constitution Drafting Assembly met.
Banharn Silparcha of the Thai Nation Party became the new premier. There fol-
lowed increased demands for political reforms as ministerial offices were used
for personal gains and electoral system was abused by politicians.
A new liberal constitution came into effect in 1997. The prime minster hold-
ing the office for four years was to be elected by the political party having the
most seats in the House of Representatives. The 1997 constitution established
further principles to strengthen the party system.
Chuan headed a seven-party coalition after the November 1997 elections.
His rule came under severe criticism as the government’s policy was perceived
18 The History of Thailand

as helping big companies and it faced many corruption scandals. With a popu-
list agenda, the Thai Rak Thai was emerging as a major political force, and it
won the 2001 elections with an absolute majority. With a large and unprec-
edented electoral mandate, it has initiated major reforms but has also faced chal-
lenges. An anti-drug campaign ended in April 2003 with 2,275 people having
been killed. This was a campaign of police aggression and the dead were drug
dealers. Looming large in southern Thailand was an Islamic insurgency that
led to 500 deaths in 2004. The deadly tsunami of December 26, 2004, killed more
than 5,300 people in coastal Thailand.
The Thai Rak Thai won the election of 2005 with outstanding results. Offi-
cially registered in July 1998, the party is under the leadership of telecommu-
nications billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra (b. 1949), who built up the cadre by
inducting persons with varied ideologies and by launching a popular cam-
paign. Thaksin, the founder of Shinawatra Computer and Communications
Group, has helped to make Thailand’s communication system world-class.
He was the deputy premier in 1995. His party secured an absolute majority
in 2001 elections, winning 248 out of 500 seats of the House of Representatives.
In the legislative elections of February 2006, it won 375 out of 500 seats.
The Thai Nation Party secured 41 seats in the 2001 elections and was a
coalition partner in Thaksin’s government. Banharn Silpa-Archa (b. 1932), its
leader, was prime minister from July 1995 to December 1996. The leader
of the New Aspiration Party, General Chavalit Yongchaiyudh (b. 1932), was
commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army before entering politics.
He was prime minister from November 1996 to November 1997 but resigned
after the Asian financial crisis. He made an alliance with Thaksin’s Party to
contest the 2001 elections. Afterward the New Aspiration Party merged with
Thai Rak Thai and Chavalit became deputy premier in Thaksin’s cabinet.
Thaksin continued as premier after his party’s spectacular victory in the
February 2005 elections. For the first time, a single-party government gov-
erned the nation. However, charges of corruption and abuse of power were
brought against Thaksin by the opposition and this dissolved the Parliament.
In spite of the overwhelming support of the rural people, Thaksin had alien-
ated the Bangkok elite by disregarding their views. In the 2005 general elec-
tions, the Democratic Party, which came into existence in 1945, was against
military interference in politics, and took part in the “People Power” move-
ment of 1992, received 18.3 percent of the popular vote and 96 out of 500 seats.
Its leader, Chuang Leekpai, hails from the Trang province in South Thailand,
and he was the Parliament Speaker in 1987. He led coalition governments
from 1992 to 1995 and again from 1997 to 2001. Chuang is also responsible
for the party’s dominance in southern Thailand.
In the April 2006 elections, amid mass rallies against Thaksin, the Thai Rak
Thai still won 57 percent of the vote. But the opposition boycott and protest
Introduction to Thailand 19

vote forced him to resign. The Supreme Court invalidated the elections.
Thaksin remained the caretaker premier. On September 19, 2006, while he
was at the United Nations General Assembly, the military staged a coup.
The junta, calling itself the Council for Democratic Reform, dissolved
Parliament and imposed martial law. Its leader, Sonthi Boonyaratkalin
(b. 1946), a Muslim and commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai Army, was
backed by retired army commander General Surayud Chulanont (b. 1943)
and Privy Council president General Prem Tinsulanonda (b. 1920), advisers
to the king. Surayud was appointed as prime minister in October 2006. A con-
stitutional tribunal was instituted, which dissolved the Thai Rak Thai in
May 2007 for election fraud and banned Thaksin from politics for five years.
The complex political configurations, business considerations, power politics,
and instances of personal ambition have left the Thai political scene somewhat
murky and muddled. The junta promised restoration of a democratic process.
In 2008, the People’s Power Party formed the government after emerging
victorious in the elections. The country witnessed political turmoil and again
there was a new government of the Democratic Party led by Abhisit Vejjajiva
(b. 1964) in December. His government faced demonstrations and mass rallies
by the supporters of Thaksin called “Red Shirts.” They paralyzed central
Bangkok from March 2010. In a clash with the army, about 39 demonstrators
were killed and 300 injured. The situation continued to be tense in spite of
withdrawal of protest by the Red Shirts on May, 19, 2010.
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai

Recent archaeological discoveries have pushed back the prehistory of

Thailand to a much earlier period than was initially recognized by researchers
of previous generations. The country has been credited with the earliest rice
cultivation in the world as well as an important Bronze Age culture. Perma-
nent human habitation began in Thailand about 40,000 years ago. Its earliest
inhabitants went through an evolutionary process. Archaeological evidence
discovered in different regions of Thailand such as Ban Chiang, Spirit Caves,
Non Nok Tha, Non Mak La, Non Muang Kao, Sab Champa Non Muang Kao,
and Ban Lum Khao point toward a developed society, economy, and culture.
The early peoples of Thailand domesticated plants and animals. They also
made use of bronze and iron tools and lived in villages. As the earliest prehis-
tory of Thailand unfolds itself to researchers, we gain glimpses from the
findings of that archaeological sites that dot the country.

Ordinary stone tools have been found dating back to 500,000 B.C.E. in north,
northeast, and central Thailand. These implements of the Paleolithic period
provide a picture of the early culture of prehistoric human life. The earliest
22 The History of Thailand

settlement is dated about 40,000 years old at Lang Rong Rien in northern
Thailand. The domestication of plants began around 10,000 B.C.E. as is indi-
cated by the findings from the Spirit Caves, where archaeologists have deter-
mined that people used nuts, pepper, cucumber, and beans sometime
between 10,000 and 7,000 B.C.E.
Humans were living near the waterways of Thailand’s rivers from an early
date. Neolithic settlements studied by archeologists have revealed that their
culture included the use of tools and objects made of bone and shells. Rock
paintings discovered belonging to this period depict domesticated animals,
fish, wild animals, and people dancing.
The archaeological excavation made in the village of Ban Chiang in Udon-
thani province of Thailand brought worldwide attention to the fact that the
early occupants of the country were thriving during the Bronze Age. The ear-
liest known bronze culture of the world is located on the Korat plateau in
northeastern Thailand. The area witnessed the production of bronze bracelets,
bells, necklaces, and axes and spearheads around 3600 B.C.E. The prehistoric
culture dating from around 3600 B.C.E. to 200 C.E. reveals the development
from an agricultural community in the Neolithic period to the Bronze and Iron
Ages. Archaeological excavations have yielded painted pottery, cord-marked
pottery, animal bone, human skeletons, glass beads, bracelets, and other
The discovery in the advancement in agriculture has been gleaned from the
remains of plant seeds, such as rice. The people lived a simple life in villages.
There was no urbanization and the rural inhabitants had no kings or political
structure. Warfare was absent in the Ban Chiang culture. With knowledge of
agriculture and metallurgy, these people’s primary productions were pottery
and bronze materials. So precocious were they that even the Chinese received
their knowledge of bronze from the Ban Chiang people.
The Ban Chiang culture flourished near water sources where rice cultiva-
tion was the main source of livelihood. Hunting was done with spears, axes,
and arrows. Domestication of the water buffalo allowed the Ban Chiang to
use the draft animal for farming and other projects. The clay rollers found at
the site point toward printed designs on the textiles. Archaeologists also found
that they made stylistic ceramic vessels with painted designs. Ornaments
were made of stone as well as glass beads. The people also used amulets of
earthenware and bronze bangles.
In the graves, ornaments, utensils, and skeletons have been found that give
a picture of the customs of the people. Belief in a life after death has been
inferred by archaeologists by their manner of burial, which was internment
with the personal belongings of the deceased for use in the next life. The find-
ings at Ban Chiang demonstrate a developed knowledge in bronze and iron
metallurgy. Neither Mesopotamia nor China no longer holds the credit of
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 23

pioneer in this art. The Ban Chiang people were well adapted to the forests as
well as to the wetlands. They also used trading networks with other regions.
However, eventually deforestation and soil erosion forced the people to
migrate to other regions, causing the Ban Chiang culture to an end.
The Non Muang Kao culture, or the Mound of the Ancient City, a large set-
tlement in the Mun Valley located in northeast Thailand on the Korat Plateau,
is another major archaeological site. It was occupied in the Bronze Age begin-
ning in 500 B.C.E. and continued into the Iron Age. Ceramics found in the
region date only to before 600 C.E. Ban Lum Khao, Noen-U-Loke, and Mon
Muang Kao were important sites in the Mun River Valley. The sites had plas-
tered floors, wooden posts, and ordinary graves. Glass beads, rings made of
bronze and iron, and Phimai Black pottery vessels have been found in the
graves. The pottery from graves contained traces of rice. There were also
remains of animals like deer, dog, cattle, and pigs.
The 110 burial sites of Ban Lum Khao in the upper Mun Valley contained
the bones of pigs and fish, bangles, shellfish, and vessels. In the cemetery,
bones of infants, children, and adults were found. Burial was simple, neither
wrapped nor in jars. This Bronze Age occupation beginning from 500 B.C.E.
of the upper Mun River Valley also contained remains of fish, turtle, frogs,
birds, wild water buffalo, pet dogs, and burnt fibers of bamboo. Ceramics were
cord-marked ware and decorated black pottery. Excavators at the site of Ban
Lum Khao found over 400 pottery vessels. They included round vessels, open
bowls, and vessels with round bases. The site yielded bangles made of marine
shell and marble. The Ban Lum Khao site has parallels in the cemeteries of
Ban Prasat, Noen U-Loke and Non Nok Tha, which points toward similar a
culture in the second half of first millennium B.C.E.
In the Khon Khaen province of Northeast Thailand, the archaeological site
of Non Nok Tha is noted for evidence found there of rice cultivation and
Bronze Age culture. Excavations yielded rice chaff belonging roughly to
5, 000 B.C.E. This was the earliest evidence of rice (Orzya sativa) cultivation for
the whole world. Grain imprints were found in the pottery shards. The inde-
pendent bronze culture emerged in the region around 2000 B.C.E. Apart from
pottery shards and bronze materials, the site yielded iron objects, remains
of skeletons after burials, and burial offerings. There was even evidence of a
settlement of metalworkers. The cultural deposit of the site showed an evolu-
tionary process passing through bronze and iron ages from the third millen-
nium B.C.E. to the early centuries of the Common Era.


In the Bronze and Iron Ages, there was neither urban life nor any warfare.
The simple village life gradually gave way to regional Kingdoms. The river
24 The History of Thailand

valley in central and northern Thailand became the major centers of Thai
history and civilization. Different ethnic groups like the Mons, Khmers, and
others formed early Kingdoms having Hindu-Buddhist practices. These
lasted until the emergence of Sukhothai in 1238, the first Thai Kingdom. The
earliest states were contributions of the Mons, who hail Dwarvati as the first
Mon Kingdom. The Mon people were living in lower Myanmar (Burma)
and northern Thailand along the Chao Praya River Valley. Some historians
believe that the Mons were descendants of immigrants from the southern
Orissa and northern Andhra Pradesh region of India. The Mons were prob-
ably a mixture of all these people.
Animism with ancestor worship had been the primitive belief of the people
until they were strongly influenced by Buddhism. The advent of Buddhism
began from the period of Mauryan king Asoka (273–236 B.C.E) of India. After
the third Buddhist Council held in Pataliputra under the patronage of Asoka
and Mogaliputta Tissa as president, nine groups of Buddhist missionaries
from India were appointed to propagate the doctrine of the faith. Two of the
Buddhist missionaries, Sona and Uttara, came to Suvarnabhumi to preach
Buddhism. Suvarnabhumi had been identified with the region comprising
south Myanmar, Central Thailand, and east Cambodia.
Two cities of antiquity in Thailand’s central river basin have long been
called Suphanburi (“City of Gold”) and U Thong (“Cradle of Gold”). Buddha-
ghosa’s Samantapasadika refers to the successful mission of Sona and Uttara
and credits them with the authorship of Brahmajala Sutta. A huge stupa
known as Pathom Chedi (Prathama Chaitya in Sanskrit) was built. Sona and
Uttara constructed it during the reign period of Asoka to commemorate the
event. The Mon settlements gradually became urbanized. There emerged
the Mon Kingdom of Dvaravati with its capital in Nakhon Pathom, the largest
city of the period. Dvaravati consisted of a number of city-states in the lower
plain of the Chao Praya River, with its area comprising Nakhon Pathom,
Lopburi, Ratchaburi, and Prachinburi in modern Thailand.
Most of the people of Dvaravati were Buddhists. India played a major role
in introducing Buddhism in the region. The oldest known Mon-Buddhist
inscription near Nakhon Pathom is probably not earlier than the sixth century
C.E. Other Buddhist sites include Phra Pathom and Phong Tuk in Dvaravati.
One of the special features of Buddhist art is the representation of Buddha
descending from heaven with Hindu gods Indra and Brahma. The represen-
tation of Buddha, such as that in Phra Pathom showing dharmacakra (the
wheel of life, symbolizing the Buddha’s first sermon and teachings) with
crouching deer proved the strong influence of Buddhism in this Kingdom.
In addition to Buddhist architecture, the Mons were skilled at building moats
and embankments. An earthen embankment and two moats surrounded the
cities of Dvaravati. The culture of Dvaravati flourished in between the middle
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 25

of the fifth and eleventh centuries. Afterward the Kingdom started to decline
and most of it was absorbed by the advancing Khmers. Its art and architecture
would influence later Kingdoms.
Besides Dvaravati, the Mons had established other Kingdoms in central
and northern Thailand. The Lop Buri Kingdom of central Thailand was also
known as Lavo, and name derived from that of Lava, son of Rama, the hero
of epic Ramayana. Famous for its art and religion, the Lopburi Kingdom was
incorporated into the Khmer empire by Suryavarman I (1002–1050). Mon
Princess Chamadevi had established another Mon Kingdom in the Lamphun
region of northern Thailand during the years 661 to 750. Along with her went
the Buddhist monks to this new Kingdom of Hariphunchai. The capital city,
Lamphun, had many Buddhist relics. The two famous Buddhist temples were
Wat Haripunchai (1040) and Wat Chamadevi (1218). For defense, the city of
Lamphun had many wiangs, or outposts, such as Wiang Mano, Wiang Tho
and Wiang Tha Kan. The Chamadevivamsa and Jinakalamali chronicles men-
tioned that the Kingdom was attacked by the Khmers in the eleventh century.
Finally it became a part of the Lanna Kingdom in 1292 after King Mengrai’s
capture. According to the Tamnan Hariphunchai (History of Kingdom of
Hariphunchai), Yip was the last ruler of Hariphunchai.

In the first century of the Common Era, states in Southeast Asia took part in
trade relationships with India. Although trading had been conducted since the
prehistoric period, trade between the two regions now became brisk. Indian
art, architecture, statecraft, administration, and other cultural features arrived
in many forms to create Indianized Kingdoms. The Funan (150–550 C.E.) was
one such Kingdom, which was established by an Indian Brahman.
The coming of Indian cultural influence was convenient for the rulers, who
used it to support their own political authority. This process of cultural inter-
action slowly affected not only the elite but also lower-class people in their
socio-religious life. Under Fan Ch’an, the territory of Funan extended up to
central Thailand. Rudravarman was the last king of Funan. The dominant
religion of Funan was Hinduism but the Buddhists constituted an important
The Kingdom of Funan lasted from the second to sixth century. It was
followed by the Kingdom of Chenla (550–802 C.E.). At its height, Chenla
included southern Laos, the Vietnamese coast, and the lower valley of Chao
Praya and Mun Valley in Isan region. The Chenla kings came to be deified.
By tradition, its princesses were married to Brahmans who came from India.
The ruling elite embraced Saivism and claimed descent from the Sun dynasty
of Rama, the hero of Ramayana. There was “water” Chenla, which was distinct
26 The History of Thailand

from the “land” Chenla. The former had appropriated the Funan Kingdom.
In turn, the rulers of the Srivijaya and Sailendra dynasties incorporated the
water Chenla.
The Khmer empire flourished in Thailand between 802 and 1431. It ben-
efited from territorial expansion as well as cultural efflorescence. The Khmer
territories covered the present northeastern region of Thailand, much of the
central area, and stretched into the west up to Kanchanaburi province.
Thailand received Indian cultural patterns through the Khmers and adapted
these according to its needs. The Angkor dynasty was established in 802
C.E. by Jayavarman II (802–834). Its new rulers introduced the Devaraja cult,
in which influences from India, as well as the megalithic culture of South-
east Asia, Campa, Indonesia, and China could be discerned. Devaraja means
the “king of Gods,” which is the god Siva himself. The successive rulers
contributed in different ways to the cultural life of Angkor and territories
under its sway.
The Brahmans continued playing an important role in the religious life of
the people. In Cambodia, the purohita, or chief priest, had a powerful influ-
ence on the royalty. This sacerdotal office passed from uncle to nephew in
the maternal line, exemplifying the indigenous matrilineal social system.
The royalty was well versed in Sanskrit and acquainted with Indian epics,
kavyas (a type of classical Sanskrit poetry), and puranas (A genre of important
Hindu encyclopedic religious texts, depicting legends of gods, history of
royal dynasties and cosmogony). Sanskrit was used for royal genealogies,
panegyrics for kings and donors of various categories. In the stone inscrip-
tions dotted throughout Thailand, Khmer, Pali, and Sanskrit were used. Many
of the words from Sanskrit and Pali found their way into the Thai language
during the period of Khmer dominance. In the art and architecture of Thailand
today, the presence of Indian and Khmer influence can be traced back to this
period. The beautiful stone temples of Phimai and Phanom Rung in northeast
Thailand were examples of Khmer art in Thailand. The Khmer rulers also
ordered roads built, which were wide and paved by laterite. Icons of Hindu
gods and Buddha images showed artistic skill with beautifully engraved lines
and exquisite finish.
By 802 the Khmers had extended their territory into the neighboring areas.
Jayavarman II occupied land to the north and east of Chenla. The Khmer empire
stretched to Ubon in Isan by 889 during the reign of Indravarman I (877–889).
The long rule of Jayavarman V (968–1001) was marked by peace and cultural
attainments previously unknown. Suryavarman I (1006–1050) extended the
Khmer power into the Chao Praya River Valley in the west and Mekong Valley
in the north. South Thailand was made into his tributary. He used his wealth to
make donations to the religious foundations and assist in the spread of
Mahayana Buddhism.
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 27

The Angkor civilization reached its apogee at the time of Suryavarman II

(1113–1150), who constructed the magnificent Vishnu temple, the Angkor Wat.
Pagan (in Myanmar) in the west, the Vietnamese coast in the east, and the
Malay Peninsula in the south were the territorial extent of the Khmer empire
during his rule. After subjugating Champa, Jayavarman VII (1181–1219)
unleashed a career of conquest. Vientiane, Annam, south Thailand, north
Malay, and a portion of Myanmar came under his rule. He constructed the
famous Buddhist temple in the new capital city of Angkor Thom. But the royal
treasury was depleted due to incessant wars and construction works.
The steady southward movement of the Thai people resulted in the emer-
gence of new principalities held previously by the Khmers. The Chmas began
putting pressure on the Khmers. The Khmer empire began to decline after
Jayavarman VII’s death. Warfare between the Thais and Khmers was constant,
becoming a regular feature from the middle of the fourteenth century. Angkor
was captured ultimately by the Thais in 1431.


The research studies on the history of southern Thailand are not as exten-
sive as studies on other areas of the country. However, recent studies and
archaeological excavations have shed new light on the history, culture, and
archaeology of the region. Situated between the Andaman Sea and the Gulf
of Thailand, southern Thailand and northern Malay have occupied a strategic
position in regional and Asian trading systems. The zone was the meeting
point for people from China, India, Sri Lanka, and the neighboring locales.
Its history and culture were shaped by external influences and indigenous
factors. The region had a rich prehistorical heritage. Discoveries of artifacts
and metallurgical objects have pushed back the cultural history. Between
4000 and 1000 B.C.E., the Neolithic mode of technology appeared. Bronze
and iron made their appearances from 500 B.C.E. onward. The traders from
this region played an important role in the Indian Ocean. The Indian trade
was intensified with a demand for goods of this region. The people were
politically, economically, and culturally receptive to elements of Indian culture.
According to the Chinese sources, there emerged in the beginning of the
Common Era city-states like Tun-hsun, Ch’ih-t’u, P’an-p’an, Tan-tan, Tambra-
linga, and Langkasuka in the Thai-Malay Peninsula that were influenced by
the Indian culture. The confederacy of Tun-hsun existed from the first century
C.E. and it had contact with Tonking, India, and Parthia. A large number of
Indian traders, Brahmans, and Buddhists made it their trading base.
The Kingdom of Ch’ia-t’u (“Red-earth land”) was situated in the area of
northeastern Malay. The Chinese text Ch’ih’-t’u kuo chi attests to the presence
28 The History of Thailand

of Buddhists and Brahmans. P’an-p’an was on the trade route between India
and China. From P’an-p’an, the Brahmin Kaundinya II went to Funan. The
state of Tan-tan was situated in the region of Trengganu and its ruler sent to
China gifts like the tooth relic of Buddha, painted stupas, and leaves of the
bo tree.
The first century C.E. state of Langkasuka was near Patani and had access
to the Gulf of Thailand. Its ruler Bhagadatta established a diplomatic relation-
ship with China in 515 C.E. The Chinese travelers, Yi Jing (635–713, I-tsing)
and Xuanzang (602–664, Hiuen-tsang) recorded their observations of Langka-
suka. It was in control of trade routes to the east. The ruins of a Siva temple
have been found from this place. Tamralinga, located between Chaiya and
Pattani, was already in existence in the second century C.E. as evident from
the Buddhist canon Nidesa. The Thai–Malay Peninsula, with its city-states,
assumed importance in the trading network involving Rome, India, and
Ships of the Roman empire came to Southeast Asia from the Indian Ocean
during this period. After the collapse of Roman trade, the merchants went
through Kedah to southern Thailand and from there to Campa by way of
northern Thailand and Cambodia. The trading activity in the region began
around the second century C.E. The Hindu influence could be marked from
the findings of Chaiya in southern Thailand. Trade in beads and the discovery
of Buddhist votive tablets and the many Hindu icons point toward strong
Indian influence in the region. The city-states lost their independence as a
result of the expansion of island power of Srivijaya, which engulfed the city-
states by the middle of the eighth century.
From its headquarters in Palembang in southeastern Sumatra, the regional
center of Srivijaya in south Thailand was Chaiya, near modern Surat Thani.
The town of Chaiya and its surrounding areas still have relics of Srivijayan
art and architecture. Buddhism flourished in Srivijaya due to patronage by
its rulers. Mahayana Buddhism was prevalent in the Kingdom. Apart from
influences from Java, the Amaravati, Pala, and Gupta styles of India had an
impact on architecture found on the eastern coastline from Surat Thani south
to Songkhla. Some of the important monuments of the Srivijayan period were
found in Chaiya, including Phra Borom Mathat and Wat Kaew Pagoda. Wat
Mahathat could be found in the Srivijayan city of Nakhon Sri Thammarat.
Specimens of Srivijayan art with strong Indian influence are preserved at the
National Museum in Bangkok, as well as the Nakhon Sri Thammarat Museum
and wat Phra Mahathat Museum in Chaiya. Though adherents of Buddhism,
the rulers continued to honor indigenous beliefs: one of the stone inscriptions
depicted a local Malay water oath with a Buddhist icon. The Srivijayan rulers
built monuments in areas as far away as Canton in China and Negapattan on
the east coast of south India. Dharmakirti was the greatest Pali scholar in the
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 29

first two decades of the eleventh century. He was the head of the Srivijaya
clergy, for whom the Thai king had built a monastery, the Lankarama. Apart
from Buddhism, Indian influence was present through Sanskrit language also.
Some of the inscriptions were in Sanskrit, which was popular in Srivijaya.


The introduction of Indian culture into Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and
Indochina forms an important aspect of early and medieval history of South-
east Asia. In the modern contemporary period, some Indian cultural influence
lingers on. It would not be out of context to analyze cultural interactions
between Southeast Asia and India, as it has relevance in studying Thai history.
Indian art, architecture, literature, religion, and statecraft had a fundamental
impact on Thai history. Some of its remnants are still extant in modern Thailand.
This Indian influence in Southeast Asia is often referred to as “Indianization,”
and various theories look at the motives and process of this cultural impact.
It is to be noted that interaction between the cultures of India and Southeast Asia
resulted in the spread of Indian culture. The Indian cultural influence was by
peaceful and nonpolitical methods. For a long time, the process of Indianization
was regarded as an Indian initiative with Southeast Asia at the receiving end.
The countries of the region were described by nationalist historians of India as
colonies of India. In 1926 the “Greater India Society” was established to recover
the historic role of India in Southeast Asia. Formed by nationalist historians
wanting to glorify ancient Indian culture , its members referred to Indian adven-
turers traveling by ship and setting up Kingdom after Kingdom. The indige-
nous population of Southeast Asia was characterized as the passive recipient
of Indian culture.
The earlier view of large-scale Indian migration “colonizing” Southeast
Asia is far from the truth. The arrival of large numbers of Indians would have
led to significant demographic changes, but even Indian dietary habits, such
as using curry powder and milk products, did not seem to have been adopted
by Southeast Asians. In addition, political allegiance toward India was not
practiced by these Southeast Asian countries. Economically speaking, the
states of Southeast Asia were not colonies as the opportunity for economic
exploitation was missing. India did not enjoy a monopoly in the field of
foreign trade.1 Various theories regarding the motives and process of Indian-
ization have emerged. Even the use of the term “Indianization” has been criti-
cized because “it may suggest a conscious effort on the part of Indians to
spread their culture over major parts of Southeast Asia”.2
Some scholars have preferred the term “classical” and terms like “Indic,” dis-
carding “Indianization.” One author went to the extent of saying that his objec-
tion to the term “Indianization” was “the modern prejudice against Indians in
30 The History of Thailand

twentieth-century Burma, where because of many Indians were of a lower

socio-economic status, we concluded that they surely could not have influenced
Burma in the past.”3 In spite of objections in certain quarters regarding the use
of the term “Indianization,” the term has been retained in this book for the study
of Indian cultural influence. It has been used in a broader context with due
emphasis on Southeast Asian initiative or indigenization.
The general consensus is that the process of Indianization was accom-
plished by peaceful means and it was nonpolitical in character. The polemics
is about the factors, process, and extent of Indian influence in Southeast Asia.
Various theories have been propounded in spite of the fact that they are not
entirely exclusive of one another. The first theory is the ksatriya (warrior class)
theory, which proposes that the influence from Indian culture came from the
large numbers of Indian warriors and conquerors who migrated to the area.
The adventurous ksatriya immigrants established “colonies” after “colonies”
(the term used by nationalist historians) in Southeast Asia. They got married
into local ruling families and afterward enlisted the service of Brahmins for
supporting their political authority. Due to the unsettled political condition
in India, large numbers of refugees migrated to seek new places across the
ocean. However, there is no proof of a large-scale migration after Asoka’s con-
quest of Kalinga in 261 B.C.E.; rather, the war made a remorseful Asoka turn
toward Buddhism. Neither the Kushana invasions of the first century C.E.
nor Samudragupta’s campaign resulted in the mass exodus of people.
The advocates of the ksatriya hypothesis have visualized the introduction of
Indian culture as a result of the activities of Indian warriors playing the role
of robber barons, marrying locally, and producing a society of mixed blood.
It has been argued that Indian influence can be explained by colonization
due to the warriors. All the above postulations are speculative and there is
no real evidence for it. Indian immigration was not so massive otherwise
there might have been demographic changes among the inhabitants. There
is no doubt that persons of Indian origin are residing in some pockets of
Thailand as in Nakhon Sri Thammarat and Bangkok. It is not known in what
circumstances they came. The argument that overseas empires were colon-
ized and administered from Indian centers can be dismissed due to the lack
of evidence. In the inscriptions of Southeast Asia, one does not find any refer-
ence to the ancestry of these warriors or the reasons for their coming to distant
lands. But it is plausible that sons passed over in the succession might have
gone to far off places to seek glory and power, which they considered their
due. This is a mere suggestion only and not supported by any fact.
The vaisya (merchant class) theory proposes that the Indian influence came
from traders, who passed along their goods and culture to the indigenous
population and even married local women in some cases. Through the trad-
ing establishments of the Indians, the culture was diffused. The traders were
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 31

thus transmitters of the culture to the Indianized elite. Commerce was the
prime factor behind the Indian expansion in the first century C.E. Indians
came to Southeast Asia traders in search of spice and gold, married into the
local families, and in some cases an Indian might have imposed himself as
chief over local populations, establishing Indian-styled Kingdoms. The serv-
ices of the Brahmans were enlisted, who merged the Hindu religious system
with local cults and made the rulers as avataras (incarnations) of god. The
vaisya hypothesis may be criticized on the following points: (1) merchants
were not enlightened enough to transmit a higher culture or to have contact
with royalty; (2) they were versed in vernacular language only and not in
Sanskrit; (3) the scholastic character of Indian culture in Southeast Asia had
been learned by the people and not brought by Indians; (4) if the traders
had played a major role in spreading Indian culture, the early centers of
Indian civilization would have been found in the coastal regions, whereas
these were in the interior of Java and the royal abodes were also not in coastal
regions; and (5) commercial contacts were not enough for the transmission of
civilization. In spite of serious objections to the vaisya theory, it contains
elements of truth. It would be wrong to assume that merchants were not com-
petent to transmit elements of culture. In spite of the caste system in India,
there was social mobility among different castes. The Brahmans performed
functions other than acting as priests. If they traveled overseas despite injunc-
tions mentioned in ancient scriptures, they could also take on vocations
including trade. The ksatriyas were not warriors only, and there are numerous
instances of kings and princes well versed in literature. So it would be wrong
to say that the vaisyas were not at all acquainted with Sanskrit and were famil-
iar with vernacular literature only. It is also not convincing to say that the
character of Indian culture was scholastic—whether the people who had
learned elements of Indian culture were locals or Indians who had come to
Southeast Asia. It is also not correct to say that only interior areas were centers
of Indian influence. Oc eo, Palembang, Trang, and Kedah were ports with
traces of Indian influence. They were not only centers of commercial activities
but places of cultural interaction. At Oc eo, archaeological excavations have
proved Indo-Southeast Asian contact. Sanskrit inscriptions of earlier periods
have been found from Kedah. The Amaravati sculptures were found on the
sea route joining Kedah, Palembang, the east coast of Java, and Western
Celebes. Among the merchant groups, the practice of Buddhism was strong.
The removal of caste barriers and restrictions on maritime voyages resulted
in the arrival of sailors. The Jataka stories dealt with maritime activities of
the traders. Images of the Buddha at the Amaravati School were discovered
in Southeast Asia. The sailors were devotees of Dipankara Buddha (“Calmer
of Waters”) and evidence of Indianization is said to be revealed in these
Buddha images. The activities of Buddhist missionaries gave further impetus
32 The History of Thailand

to Indianization because they came to the royal courts of Indonesia, con-

verting the rulers, and establishing a new order of monks. So, on the whole,
in spite of criticism against the vaisya theory, it contains a certain degree of
historical truth as seen in the elements of Hindu and Buddhist culture known
to have spread through trading centers.
The third theory, known as the brahmana theory, proposes that indigenous
port patricians and rulers used the service of Brahmans to support their
political authority through Hindu ceremonies and rituals. This view opened
new perspectives by not only rejecting the earlier two theories but giving
importance to local initiative.4 Emanating from the court, the Indian cultural
influence was focused on consecration formulas and royal proclamations in
the sacerdotal language of the Brahmans. The priests became counselors
in the affairs of the courts and provided political support to the rulers by
giving them a sort of investiture and genealogical list, which elevated their
position. Thus the brahmana theory made Indianization proceed as an initia-
tive of the elites of Southeast Asia. Even if one agrees to the view propounded
by the brahmana theory that it was the local aristocracy who took the initiative,
nevertheless the Indian elements like Sanskrit language, the Hindu–Buddhist
cults, Dharmasastras, concepts of royalty and other “gifts” from India became
essential features of the early states of Southeast Asia.
Even though a small population of the region was affected by Indian culture,
this aristocracy had bequeathed to the people cultural heritage in the form of
literature, monuments, and icons. It is also difficult to agree with the proposi-
tion that Indian influence was confined to royalty and court. That the common
people were influenced by it to a considerable extent is evident from the popu-
larity of Sanskrit epics such as the Ramayana, Indian themes in dance dramas,
worship of Brahma, festivals, and so on. Therefore, all three hypotheses out-
lined here contain some amount of historical truth.
It seems likely that the whole process of Indianization was the product of
endeavors made by warriors, traders, and priests, along with some indigenous
initiative. The local society produced new cultural forms out of the different
cultures it received. Quite often the three types of people—ksatriya, vaisya, and
brahmana—were not distinct in the Southeast Asian context. A ksatriya might
have been a trader or a vaisya might have indulged in a power struggle of the
court. All these classes of people also might have sought local help to serve their
interests and the latter in turn would have desired assistance from the influen-
tial Indians.
Giving greater importance to the role of Indians rather than a purely
indigenous initiative may be the result of a semantic disagreement. However,
there certainly were interactions between Indians and local cultures. South-
east Asians were able to choose which elements of Indian culture they could
apply to their own beliefs—an indication of a highly functioning civilization
From Prehistory to Pre-Thai Kingdoms 33

during this early period of history. Vishnu’s consort Laksmi became the
goddess promoting fertility in the rice fields of west Java. Siva was trans-
formed to the tradition of cult of earth god in Campa. In the site of Ba Phanom
of Cambodia, the goddess receiving sacrificial rituals was an amalgamation of
the earlier goddess Me Sa (“white mother”) with the Indian goddess Mahisa-
suramardini. The stories of the Ramayana were transformed into Thai, Lao, or
Indonesian versions. In the devaraja cult, Hindu concepts blended with South-
east Asian mountain cult ideas. The Southeast Asian people took cultural
customs from Indian elements and adapted them to fit their own indigenous
traditions. Indian culture itself consists of a plurality of traditions that
evolved out of interaction between Sanskrit culture and vernacular lore of
dominant groups. It spread to Southeast Asia also as a result of interactions
between indigenous and imported cultures, resulting in the adoption of Indian
religions, ideas of kinship, administration, law, writing, literary traditions,
festivals, art, and architecture. During the last 2,000 years, the region that
has become modern Thailand was under the influence of major civilizations
of the world—above all Indian traditions. India’s contact with Thailand could
be dated to the fourth century B.C.E. as is evident from the excavations in the
Iron Age burial site of Ban Don Ta Phet, where bronze bowls have been found.
The late prehistoric sites such as Ban Chieng, Ban Na Di, Non Muang, and
Ban Tha Kea have yielded glass beads, which were tangible indicators of the
contact of Thailand with the outside world.
Evidence of Buddhism coming to Thailand could be found from the discov-
ery of an ivory comb that bears a Buddhist motif and icons of the Amaravati
school of art. The Mon Kingdom of Dvaravati had Buddhist sites yielding
Buddha images. The Tai conquest of the thirteenth century gave further impetus
for the spread of Buddhism. In the development of Buddhism in Thailand, influ-
ences from India, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Myanmar were quite discernible.
One finds the impact of Hinduism on Thai society presently through festi-
vals, music, architecture, language, and literature. The rulers have legitimized
their position by taking recourse to the Hindu dharmasastras (religious scrip-
tures) and brahmanical rituals. The Brahmans (priests, phrams in Thai) perform
various rituals connected with royalty. The Thai culture has appropriated
certain elements of Hinduism. Images of Hindu gods and goddesses such as
Parvati, Hanuman, Ganesha, Vishnu, Indra, and Brahma adorn wats (temples)
of Thailand. The icons of Ganesha are installed in newly constructed build-
ings as symbols of good omen. The Erawan shrine in Bangkok is the site of a
statue of Brahma that is venerated by the Thais. The Ramayana (Ramakien in
Thai) tradition is a perennial source of inspiration for the people and the per-
forming arts forms like classical dance, masked plays, theater shows, and
shadow plays have used the stories from this classic. The Thai festivals such
as Loh Chingecha (swing ceremony), Loi Krathong (festival of lights), Baruna
34 The History of Thailand

Satra (rain festival), and Songkran (astrological New Year) possess elements of
Hindu and Buddhist traditions. The Brahmans conduct family ceremonies
such as births, deaths, purifications, and weddings. Nonetheless, Thai society
has retained its distinct identity in spite of adapting certain Indian cultural

1. For details regarding Indianization, please see, Patit P. Mishra, “Critique
of Indianization Theory”, Full Article in Proceedings of Indian History Congress,
58th Session, Bangalore (Aligarh, 1998), pp. 799–807. See also, Presidential
address of Indian History Congress, Patit P. Mishra, “A Discourse on Indo-
Southeast Asian Relations: Prejudices, Problems and Perception”, 65th Session,
Bareilly, December 28–30, 2004, Section, IV (Delhi, 2005–2006), pp. 912–45.
2. J. G. de Casparis and I. W. Mabbett, “Religion and Popular Beliefs of
Southeast Asia before c. 1500,” in N. Tarling, ed, The Cambridge History of
Southeast Asia, Vol. 1 (Singapore, 1992), p. 281
3. M. Aung Thwin, “The Classical Southeast Asia: The Present in the Past”
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 26 (1995), f.n. 22.
4. J. C. van Leur, Indonesian Trade and Society (The Hague, 1955),
p. 95: “The Indian priesthood was called east-wards certainly because of its
wide renown for the magical, sacral, legitimacy of dynastic interest and the
domestication of subjects, and probably for the organization of the ruler’s
territory into a state.”
The Emergence of Thai States:
Sukhothai and Lan Na

There are many hypotheses about the origin of the Thai race. One theory
postulated is that they migrated from the Siachun province in central China
and set up a Kingdom in southern China called Nanchao (Nanzhao/Dali
Kingdom). The Nanchao rulers occupied parts of Myanmar and North
Vietnam. It was incorporated into the Mongol empire in 1253 by Kublai Khan
(1215–1294). This theory argued that the migration that proceeded southward
into northern Thailand was slow early on but was sped up by the Mongol
conquest. Based on evidence from archaeology and anthropology, another
theory claims that the Thais were living in Thailand for a long time. They
were forced by the Mons and Khmers northward into what is today the
Yunnan area of China. Once again the Thais migrated to their original home-
land in Thailand. Another hypothesis argues that the Thais migrated from the
Malay archipelago northward. Another claimed that they came from southern
Chinese provinces, including those we know today as Guangdong, the former
Guangxi Zhuangzu, and Yunnan. The Thai migration from these three prov-
inces has been accepted by most scholars. The Thais belong to the Tai ethnic
group living in neighboring areas of Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, China, and
northeastern areas of India. Before the establishment of Kingdoms, the Thais
36 The History of Thailand

resided in muangs or clusters of villages grouped together in principalities.

These consisted of the ruling aristocracy, cultivators, and slaves.
Since the muangs were established on river valleys, rice cultivation was their
main source of revenue. The Thai principalities were established in areas such
as Chiang Saen, Chiang Rai, and Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. Gradually,
more fertile lands in the central plains came under the occupation of these
principalities, who were able to maintain a large army out of economic sur-
plus. By the thirteenth century, the Thais became the dominant force in the
area, making a dent on the Khmer and Mon powers. Thailand came to be ruled
by the Thais, ending any previous non-Thai Kingdoms. The Thais took advan-
tage of the decline of Khmer power after the death of Jayavarman VII in 1219.

The local Thai princes Pho Khun Bang Klang and Pho Khun Pha Muang,
who were governors of Ban Yang and Rad, revolted against the Khmer rule.
They established the independent Kingdom of Sukhothai (“Dawn of Happi-
ness”) in 1238. In the Thai imagination, Sukhothai was seen as the first Thai
Kingdom to have material prosperity and cultural blossoming. Bang Klang
became the King of Sukhothai with title of Sri Indraditya (r. 1238–1270). The
wave of migration after the Mongol victory over Nanchao in 1253 reinforced
the nascent Thai state. The army was bolstered due to an influx of Thai sol-
diers from Nanchao. The formative stage of Thailand’s history began with
powerful monarchs operating from Sukhothai on the banks of the Mae Nam
Yom River. The Kingdom of Sukhothai’s dominance was due to the fact that
it had tremendous potential for agricultural production. It controlled water
resources for the entire Chao Praya basin, as it was situated at the top of the
main flood basin. A surplus of production in this fertile land made it possible
to have a large army. The minor Thai princes lent support to Sukhothai, which
increased the strength of the Kingdom considerably. Indraditya was suc-
ceeded by his second son Pho Khun Ban Muang (r. 1270–1277). The territorial
extent of Sukhothai was the area between the rivers of Ping and Nan.
There was further expansion under Rama Khamheng (1239–1298), who
ruled from 1277 until 1298. A younger bother of Ban Muang, Rama Khamheng,
also known as Rama the Great, was one of the greatest monarchs of Thailand
and at the time of his death he left a vast Kingdom. His domain in the north
extended up to Luang Prabang and to Nakhorn Sri Thammarat in the south.
Substantial parts of the lower Chao Praya, the upper Mekong, and the lower
Salween Valleys came under his subjugation. He adopted both diplomacy
and warfare to expand Sukhothai’s domain. The stability of Sukhothai was
assured by friendship with China. A Chinese mandarin named How Chow
Chi came to Sukhothai in 1282 and a treaty of friendship was signed between
The Emergence of Thai States: Sukhothai and Lan Na 37

China and Sukhothai. Rama Khamheng visited Peking (Beijing) in 1282 and
brought Chinese potters back with him, establishing a ceramic industry that
was economically important for a long time. The kilns of the Kingdom pro-
duced glazed ceramic wares known as sangkhalok. These were exported to
countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, where specimens of this type
of ceramic have been found. Rama Khamheng was determined to check any
future Khmer aggression and developed friendly relations with Lanna ruler
Mangrai (r. 1259–1317) and Prince Ngam Muang of Phayao. Sukhothai was
secure in the west through friendship with Makato, the ruler of Pegu. Rama
Khamheng’s Kingdom was larger than present-day Thailand. However there
was no direct control of outlying provinces, which acknowledged his
Rama Khamheng’s reign was marked by general peace and prosperity for
the people. He was a benevolent monarch. A bell hung in front of his palace
bore testimony to his sense of justice. The king would listen to grievances after
the ringing of the bell. Rice and fish were in abundance so that his subjects did
not have any food shortages. There was no road tax. People did not have to
pay tax on merchandise and inheritance. Trade in horses, silver, and gold
was brisk. Rama Khamheng was interested in moral education for his subjects
and persuaded them to lead a life following Buddhist precepts. The Thai soci-
ety that evolved in the Sukhothai period was elitist in nature with the presence
of a non-Thai slave population. The Thai aristocracy resembled that of the
Many important facets of Thai culture developed under Rama Khamheng’s
reign. Sukhothai was one of the early Kingdoms that emerged in Thailand
integrating traditional muang administration with the Indian mandala concept
of a centralized state. It also borrowed from the Khmer various art forms and
administrative structures. The impact of the Mongols could be discerned in
military units beginning from 10 onward to 20, 30, and so on. Legal traditions
came from the Mons. In spite of influences from India, Sri Lanka, and neigh-
boring regions, Sukhothai evolved its own cultural pattern, still maintaining
its identity. The legacy of Sukhothai was in the realm of language, script,
and religion that became an essential part of Thai culture.
The Mons, Khmers, Indians, and Sri Lankans had close cultural contact
with Sukhothai. The Sri Lankan variety of Buddhism (Theravada Buddhism)
became predominant in Sukhothai. Rama Khamheng invited monks from Sri
Lanka to come to Sukhothai to free existing Khmer-dominated Buddhism.
The monks of Sukhothai went to Sri Lanka to learn about Buddhist cannons.
Nakon Sri Tammarat became an important center of Sri Lankan Theravada
philosophy. It had close religious ties with Sri Lanka, with which contact
was established through Nakon Sri Tammarat. In continuity with the indige-
nous tradition of worshiping spirits, Rama Khamheng continued to make
38 The History of Thailand

offerings to Phaya Khaphung, the phi-thewada or spirit deity located on a hill

south of Sukhothai, even after adopting Theravada Buddhism. His inscrip-
tion of 1292 mentioned the link between the prosperity of Sukhothai and
respect for Phaya Khaphung. Thus two religious traditions were merged.
The art and architecture received inspiration from Sri Lanka, India, and
neighboring regions but retained a separate identity. The artistic excellence
of artisans could be visualized in Sukhothai, Si Satchanalai, and Kamphaeng
Phet. The Buddha images of the period denoted elegance, calmness, and
serenity. In the monasteries in the major cities of Sukhothai, the monks led a
disciplined lifestyle. The bell-shaped stupa, stucco decoration, and lotus-
bud spires were testimony to Thai genius.
Rama Khamheng was the originator of the Thai script. He changed the
Khmer alphabets and adapted it to the sounds of Thai words. The Thai alpha-
bets invented by him in 1283 are basically still in use with some modifications.
The written languages of the Burmese, Khmer, Sanskrit, and Pali had greatly
influenced his innovation. A common written language gave the Thais an
identity of their own. Rama Khamheng’s famous inscription dated 1292 was
written in the new script and bears testimony to the prosperous Kingdom of
Sukhothai. The reign of Rama Khamheng, the warrior and benevolent
monarch, is rightly called the “golden period” in Thai history as mentioned
in Chapter 1.
After the death of Rama Khamheng, his son Lo Thai (r. 1298–1346) ascended
the throne. Decline of the Kingdom had begun and successors of Rama
Khamheng could not check the process of disintegration. During the reign of
Lo Thai, most of the vassal Kingdoms seceded from Sukhothai. Uttaradit,
Suphanburi, Luang Prabang, and Vientiane declared independence from the
yoke of central rule. In 1321, the ancient town of Tak was wrested by the Lan
Na Kingdom. Thus Sukhothai was much reduced in size. A struggle for power
followed the death of Lao Thai, and the next ruler, Pho Khun Nguanamthom,
ruled only for some months in the year 1346. Lao Thai’s third son Pho Khun
Luthai ultimately became the ruler with title of Mahathammaracha I (r.
1346–1368). A great scholar and patron of Theravada Buddhism, the king
was more involved in religious affairs than his title suggested. The Lankavong
form of Buddhism reached its high-water mark under Mahadhammaraja
Lithai, who even entered the monastic life of a Buddhist monk for four
months. He did not pay much attention to the affairs of the state. A treatise
on Buddhist cosmos entitled Tribhumikatha has been attributed to him.
The emergence of the powerful Lan Xang Kingdom in Laos and Ayudhya
in southern Thailand resulted in the loss of a sizable territory of Sukhothai.
Fa Nagum (r. 1353–1373) had established the first unified state of Lan Xang
in 1353. The Kingdom of Ayudhya founded by Rama Tibodi (r. 1350–1369)
in 1350 dominated Thai power and culture for four centuries. Neither
The Emergence of Thai States: Sukhothai and Lan Na 39

Mahathammaracha I nor his successor, Mahathammaracha II (r. 1368–1398)

could check the acquisition of Sukhothai territory by Lan Xang and Ayudhya.
In 1371 Boromaraja I (r. 1370–1388) of Ayudhya, bent upon a policy of doing
away with his Tai rivals, invaded Sukhothai and captured several towns. Four
years afterward, the important town of Phitsanulok fell into the Ayudhya king’s
army. The frontier city of Chakangrao was also taken. Sukhothai became a
vassal state of Ayudhya in 1378 after 140 years of independent existence.
In 1400, there was a flicker of hope for Sukhothai, when Mahathammaracha III
(r. 1398–1419) declared independence from Ayudhya’s subjugation. It was sup-
pressed and a new king, Mahathammaracha IV (r. 1419–1438), was installed by
Ayudhya. Phitsanulok was the new capital of a much smaller Sukhothai.
It became a province of Ayudhya after the king’s death. The princes of the royal
family generally became the administrators of the Sukhothai region. The ruins
of the Sukhothai capital of Tambon Muang Kao are now a historical park in
Thailand. Apart from weak rulers, who were more interested in religious
affairs and building activities than the defense of the Kingdom, the decline of
Sukhothai was due to the emergence of the powerful Thai state of Ayudhya.

The Lan Na (“land of a million rice fields”) Kingdom, another contemporary
Thai state, emerged in northern Thailand in the middle of the thirteenth cen-
tury. Its founder, Mangrai (r. 1259–1317), hailed from the Yuan Tai family that
ruled over the Chiang Saen region. The ancient city of Chiang Saen was called
by various names such as “Nakhapun Singhanuwat Nakorn” and “Yonok
Nakorn Chaiburi Sri Chiang Saen.” It was established by the Tai chieftain
King Singha Nuwat, who had migrated from Yunnan around the middle of
the sixth century. For about 500 to 600 years, it had been difficult to construct
a reliable history of the region due to a paucity of materials. But it can be
safely assumed that small principalities were in existence in the upper
Mekong River region, stretching from Lu in Yunnan to Lunag Prabang in
Laos. The advent of Mengrai, a person of intellect, farsightedness, and valor,
changed the scenario. His heritage was impeccable, as his mother was the
daughter of the ruler of Lu in Yunnan. After the death of his father in 1259,
Mangrai ascended the throne at Chiang Saen (Yonok Nakhon). His first task
was to unify various warring tribes from different principalities into the
Lanna Tai Kingdom. The leaders of various communities came to Chiang Saen
to pay homage, and any recalcitrant fief was subjugated. After extending the
territorial boundary of the new Kingdom, Mengrai established the capital city
of Chiang Rai in 1262. But Chiang Saen remained as an outpost for defensive
purpose in the northern area. Its location was strategic as the Mekong River
formed a natural border in the east. Troop movements to Chiang Saen were
40 The History of Thailand

easier due to its location among waterways of rivers such as the Mekong, Mae
Chan, and Mae Ruak. It had eight watchtowers and eleven gates. The Ping
River Basin came under control of the king, who named it Khwaen Ping.
The Chiang Khong area was captured in 1268, and four years afterward the
capital was moved to Fang, from where further expansion of the Kingdom
would be carried out.
Another factor that facilitated the security of Mengrai’s Kingdom was the
close alliance with the powerful Thai rulers of Phayo and Sukhothai. Apart
from Sukhothai, the Phayao Kingdom was another autonomous Thai state,
although not as powerful as Lan Na or Sukhothai. Until its annexation to
Lan Na in 1338, the independent Phayo Kingdom east of Chiang Mai, with
its capital near Phayo Lake, was famous for Wat Sikhom Kham. Mengrai,
Rama Khamheng, and Muang became close allies and never fought against
one another. Mengrai turned his attention toward the south, where the Mon
Kingdom of Haripunchai (Lamphun) was located. The Mons tried to extend
their territory in the Ping River Basin. The capture of the prosperous trading
city of Haripunchai would bolster trade and enrich the treasury of Lan Na.
Mengrai knew that a war with the Mons would be disastrous, and he devised
a plan to capture Haripunchai. Ali Fa, a merchant and confidant of the king,
was sent to the Mon Kingdom to foment discontent and rebellion against
the Mon ruler Phaya Yi Ba. At the opportune moment, Mengrai seized the city
of Haripunchai and, after staying in the city for three years, appointed Ali Fa
as his representative to rule over the Mons. Mengrai looked for a new capital
city. Muang Cha Wae, located northeast of Haripunchai, was chosen. But fre-
quent flooding compelled the king to search for another capital. The fertile
basin of the Oing River was chosen and the city of Wiang Kum Kam was set
up. Mengrai stayed in the new capital for five years, but heavy flooding
forced him to look for another site again. The relics of this ancient capital are
present in the Sarapee district of the Chiang Mai province.
In 1296, Mengrai discovered a meadow near a mountain that had many
waterfalls. The legends surrounding the place spoke of the Hindu god Indra’s
order for a city that would be free from any misfortune. Although mythology
and favorable omens were responsible for the choice of the site, its strategic
position between the Kok and Ping rivers, abundance of fertile land for
agriculture, and location along the north-south route weighed heavily in the
mind of Mengrai for building the new capital. He was still not satisfied with
all these, and invited close friends Ngam Muang and Rama Khamheng to
help with the planning of the new capital, ultimately giving his final approval.
In 1287, the three kings took a vow to never invade each other’s Kingdom.
Phayo, Sukhothai, and Lan Na had expanded their domain and were assured
of each other ’s neutrality. The new city named Nopburi Sri Nakorn Ping
Chiang Mai was constructed in 1296. Shortened to Chiang Mai, the city
The Emergence of Thai States: Sukhothai and Lan Na 41

became the center of a unique northern Thai culture and a tourist attraction in
modern times. In the center of the capital city, a monument was built for the
three kings. It currently adorns the facade of the Chiang Mai City Hall. Within
four months the construction of the rectangular shaped city, which was 1,000
wah (one wah equals two meters) in length and 900 in width, was completed.
The city walls had gates on each side, eight meters in width. A royal monas-
tery was constructed in the garden adjacent to the Western gate of the city,
where relics of Buddha brought from the Sukhothai Kingdom were preserved.
A threat, however, was looming at large from the northern direction.
The Mongols were constantly harassing Mengrai’s Kingdom and in 1301
the combined army of Sukhothai and Lan Na repulsed the Mongol attack.
Mengrai was not only a warrior, who expanded the territorial boundary of
the Kingdom, but also a compiler of law codes known as Mangraisart. The
king also established markets in the cities of Chiang Mai and Wiang Kum
Kam. He patronized and brought skilled artisans from the Pagan area. He
organized the administration by parceling the Kingdom into rice-growing
areas. A prince was to get 1,000 rice fields apart from getting territories in out-
lying areas for defense purposes. A commoner was to get cultivated fields for
growing 5 muen (about 60 kilograms). After his death in 1311, 17 kings and
queens after Mengrai ruled over Lan Na.
Phaya Chai Songkhram, son of Mengrai, ruled over the Kingdom from
Chiang Rai. Songkhram’s successor Saen Phu constructed a city in Chiang
Saen, which was made into the royal abode. The notable event during the reign
of Phaya Kham Fu (r. 1334–1345), successor of Saen Phu, was the annexation of
the Phayo Kingdom in 1338. Pha Yu (r. 1345–1367), the next ruler, was instru-
mental in spreading Buddhism in the Kingdom. He shifted the capital to Chiang
Mai and built the Wat Li Chiang. Keu Na, the sixth ruler (1367–1385), intro-
duced the Lankavong Buddhism of Sri Lanka and invited the Sukhothai monk
Phra Sumana Thera. The Wat Buppharam, constructed in 1373, became the
disseminator of the Lankavong sect. He also assisted King Mahathammaracha
II in 1372 in Sukhothai’s war with Ayudhya. Keu Na’s successor, Phaya Saen
Muang Ma (r. 1385–1401), made an abortive attack against Sukhothai. There
was also a war with Ayudhya King Boromaraja I (r. 1370–1388) in 1387. The
invading forces of Ayudhya were defeated at Sen Sanuk near Chiang Mai.
The victory was mainly due to the bravery of the Lan Na princess Nang
Muang, who fought with the invading army on the back of an elephant
dressed as a man. Muang Ma also began the construction of the Phra Chedi
Luang. He was succeeded by his son Phaya Sam Fang Kaen (r. 1401–1441),
who forced the retreat of the Haw toward Sipsong Panna. Kaen’s son Phaya
Tilokaraj (r. 1441–1487) was a notable ruler of the Lan Na dynasty.
The Nan Kingdom was inhabited by Tai Lao and Tai Lu, and had come into
existence in 1368. It was incorporated into Lan Na in 1449. Tilokaraj also
42 The History of Thailand

fought an indecisive war with Ayudhya in 1470s. However, the Lan

Na-Ayudhya warfare consolidated the Kingdom of Tilokaraj and bolstered
his image. The Shan state in the west and Chiang Rung in the north were
the territorial extent of Tilokaraj’s Kingdom. His reign was important for con-
struction work and the building of monuments such as Wat Jed Yot, Wat Pa
Tan, and Wat Pa Daeng Maha Vihar. In 1477, the Eighth Buddhist Council
met in Wat Pa Daeng Maha Vihar near Chiang Mai to review the Buddhist
scripture, the Tripitaka. This proved the power and prestige that Lan Na
enjoyed. Lan Na declined due to political instability beginning in the first
decade of the sixteenth century, and ultimately it became a vassal state of
Myanmar in 1558 during the reign of Phaya Mekuthi of Muang Nai. The
period of occupation by Myanmar continued until 1774. Chiang Mai became
a tributary state of Thonburi and of Ratanakosin afterward. It became a prov-
ince of Thailand in 1932.
The Lan Na Kingdom had remarkable artistic achievement. Its literature
flourished during the reign of Phaya Mueang Kaeo (1514–1525). The impor-
tant Pali text Khamphi Mangkhalatha Thibani was composed by Phra Siri
Mangkhalajan. The kilns at Wiang Galong of Chiang Rai were famous for
the ceramic industry. Archaeological excavations have yielded exquisite
Galong ceramics, which were traded locally and outside the country. The
architectural genius of Lan Na artisans was reflected in innumerable Wats
dotting the Kingdom. A unique Lan Na pattern emerged out of blending vari-
ous styles from eastern India and the Mon and Khmer Kingdoms. There were
also influences from Pegu and Ava from Myanmar. A Buddhist temple, Wat
Ku Kham (Temple of the Golden Chedi) was built in the capital city of Wiang
Kum Kam by Mengrai in 1288. The wat, one of the oldest extant structures
of Lan Na with its ratna cetiya (jeweled chedi), was constructed on the bank
of the river Ping. The relics of Buddha were kept in a chedi (stupa). Mengrai
also constructed the first monastery in Chiang Mai, the Wat Chiang Man in
1297. Built in 1385 in Chiang Rai, the Wat Phra Singh was an example of
classic religious Lanna architecture. The Wat Phra That Haripunchai, which
represented the Mon-style ratana cetiya, was built in 1418. The Wat Phra
Kaeo, located in the city of Chiang Rai of the late Lan Na period, was
famous for its statue of the Emerald Buddha, which was later enshrined
in Bangkok. The Kingdom of Lan Na was also famous for bronze Buddha
icons in different postures. After becoming a vassal state of Myanmar, the
artisans lost their royal patronage, and for the next 200 years styles from
Myanmar dominated the region. With its various manifestations and cross
cultural influences, the culture of Lan Na had become a part of Thai culture
as a whole.
The Emergence of Thai States: Sukhothai and Lan Na 43


The history and culture of the neighboring countries of Thailand and Laos
are interwoven to a great extent. The majority of the population in both regions
is of Tai stock, who shares a common tradition. In fact the Tai Loa people of
northeastern Thailand are greater in number than of those in Laos. Before the
emergence of Tai states in Thailand and Laos, these areas were under domina-
tion of the Mons and Khmers. Prince Fa Ngoum (r. 1353–1373), a Tai Lao,
founded the first unified state, Lan Xang (“land of a million elephants”), in
1353. He occupied the Korat plateau in northeastern Thailand. In the middle
of the fourteenth century, the Tai kings of Lan Na, Lan Xang, Ayudhya, and
Sip Song Panna (in China) had agreed not to disturb each other’s territories.
The powerful Lan Xang Kingdom ruled Laos, northeastern Thailand, areas
of the Cambodian plateau, and parts of Yunnan.
In the first two decades of the sixteenth century, Lan Xang rulers began to
interfere in internal matters of the Lan Na Kingdom. The ruler of Lan Xang,
King Phothisarat (r. 1520–1548), occupied Chiang Mai in 1545 while an intense
power struggle was going on in Chiang Mai. He installed his son Settathirat
(r. 1548–1571) upon the throne of Lan Na. While going back to Lan Xang after
his father ’s death, Settathirat took the Emerald Buddha along with other
Buddha images, religious scriptures, and texts. He enshrined the Emerald
Buddha in Wat Phra, Vientiane, after keeping it in Laung Prabang for some
time. Only in 1778 did the image come back to Thailand. Internal dissension
and powerful neighbors brought Lan Xang’s decline in 1713, and it splintered
into the three Kingdoms of Luang Prabang, Vientiane, and Bassac.
The Kingdom of Ayudhya

From the middle of the fourteenth century, Thai political power shifted
farther south with the emergence of the Kingdom of Ayudhya, which lasted
for the next four centuries. Ruling over much of the former Angkorean
empire, it became the most powerful political entity of the peninsula. Domi-
nating Thailand as well as mainland Southeast Asia, the capital Ayudhya
was an island-city located at the meeting point of the Chao Praya, Lopburi,
and Pasak rivers. It was well protected from invasion due to its strategic
location on an island. One of the most famous metropolises of the middle
ages, Ayudhya was a well-developed city with its monasteries, buildings,
international settlements, and waterways. A major tourist attraction today,
the city was declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1991.

The Ayudhya Kingdom was founded by General U Thong after capturing
some principalities held by Sukhothai. He assumed the title of Rama Tibodi
(r. 1350–1369) at the time of his coronation in 1350. He named the new capital
city Ayudhya after the capital of the Kingdom of Rama, the hero of the
46 The History of Thailand

Ramayana. From a modest settlement of teakwood houses, the city became the
center of imperial grandeur. Known as Rama Tibodi I in Thai history, adven-
turous Rama Tibodi had matrimonial alliances with royalty in the cities of
Lop Buri and Suphan Buri. The king followed a policy of expansion, taking
advantage of the weakening power of Sukhothai and Angkor.
The strategic location of the capital Ayudhya facilitated the task of attacking
the Khmers. The control of people living in the borderlands of the two King-
doms had become one of contention. Tibodi also was bent upon claming over-
lordship of the region. He began to exert pressure against the Kingdom of
Angkor, which was followed by his successors until the complete subjugation
of the Khmers. Beginning with Jayavarman VII’s death in 1219, the decline of
the Khmer empire continued. Warfare between the Thais and Khmers contin-
ued from the middle of the fourteenth century onward. The expedition against
the Khmers in 1352 under the king’s son Ramesuan ended in a disastrous
defeat at the hands of Khmer king Jayavaman Parameswar (r. 1327–1353).
Tibodi went on exerting pressure against the Kingdom of Angkor. The second
attack was led by the king’s brother and Angkor was subdued by it in 1369.
The important consequence of the victory was an influx of Khmer bureaucrats,
artisans, and brahmins to Ayudhya. Tibodi extended his domain to the lower
Chao Praya River, the Gulf of Martaban, and the Malay Peninsula. He had to
suppress frequent rebellions in Chiang Mai and Sukhothai.
Composed of self-governing principalities, the Kingdom had to be held
together by the monarch’s sagacity and vigilance. Rama Tibodi had to buttress
authority and legitimize his claims by following the practice of Indian kings,
who declared themselves to be the devaraja or divine king. The laws promul-
gated by Rama Tibodi continued in principle for six centuries. A combination
of indigenous practices and Indian legal concepts, this legal system exhibited
characteristics of the society of that time. The royal decrees were added to
the legal code written in Pali, and it was operational until the last decade of
the nineteenth century. In administering the Kingdom, the king was assisted
by ministers such as the khun klahng (minister of finance), khun muang (minis-
ter of local government), and khun nah (minister of agriculture). A deadly out-
break of cholera spread in 1357, resulting in innumerable deaths. Tibodi
embraced Theravada Buddhism in 1360, which became the state religion of
Ayudhya. The monks came from Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism.


After the death of Rama Tibodi I, his son Ramesuan (r. 1369–1370), the gov-
ernor of Lopburi, ascended the throne. He abdicated the throne in favor of
Boromaraja I (r. 1370–1388), who was popular among the people of Ayudhya
because of his successful expedition against Angkor. He gave priority to
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 47

establishing dominance of Ayudhya over the upper Chao Pray Valley.

Sukhothai raised the banner of independence, and a series of invasions,
beginning from 1371 ultimately led to the submission of Sukhothai king
Mahathammaracha II. He ruled as a vassal of Boromaraja. Ayudhya’s expedi-
tion against Lan Na in 1387 failed due to the valor of its princess, Nang
Muang. The troops of Boromaraja were defeated at Sen Sanuk. Thonglun,
a boy of 15, became king after Boromaraja’s death but would rule for a week
only. The ex-king Ramesuan seized the throne and ruled Ayudhya again from
1388 to 1395. Ramesuan defeated the Lana Thai ruler in 1390 and seized
Chiang Mai. The victory attributed to the Ayudhya king was described
in the Thai chronicle the Pongsawardan, but it does not find favor with some
Ramesuan took up the task of subjugating the Khmers. The control of
Ayudhya ended after the Khmer ruler Kambujadhiraj (r. 1377–1383) recovered
Angkor. Among the rulers of Ayudhya, two different thoughts had alternated
regarding policies to be followed toward the Khmers. The Lopburi faction
wanted to establish hegemony over the Khmers. But the Suphanburi faction
was interested in subduing the Thai Kingdoms in the north and visualized
Sukhothai, rather than Angkor, as a rival. Boromaraja I, who was from
Suphoburi, did not follow an active policy toward the Khmers and concen-
trated his energy in subduing Sukhothai. Rama Tibodi I and his son Ramesuan
were from Lopburi and perceived the threat from Angkor as more menacing
than that from Sukhothai.
The immediate cause of the invasion by Ramesuan I in 1393 was the
capture of Chonburi and Chantaburi by the Khmer ruler Dharmasokaraj
(r. 1383–1389), who had also taken away a majority of the population. Angkor
fell to the Thai army and 90,000 people were taken as prisoners. Rama Raja’s
rule for the 15 years from 1395 to 1409 was comparatively peaceful. A palace
revolt resulted in the emergence of Prince Nakorn Intra, son of Boromaraja I,
from Suphanburi. He defeated Rama Raja and became king of Ayudhya
(r. 1409–1424) with the royal title of Somdej Phra Nakorn Intrathi Raja. Intra-
thi Raja had visited China in 1377, which resulted in an influx of Chinese to
Ayudhya. He suppressed a rebellion by the Sukhothai king Mahathammaracha
III and installed a new king, Mahathammaracha IV, in 1419. After the death
of Intrathi Raja, a war of succession ensued among the princes. The winner
was Prince Sam Phaya, who became the ruler of Ayudhya as Boromaraja II
(r. 1424–1448). He led a large army against the Khmers in 1431 and occupied
the capital city Angkor Thom after killing the ruler Srey (according to some
The sacking of the Angkor Thom (Sri Sothonpura) by the Thais led once
again to a burgeoning of Khmer culture in Ayudhya. The Khmer features in
the social and cultural domains percolated throughout Thai society. But the
48 The History of Thailand

Ayudhya occupation was only for a brief period, as Prince Intaburi, who had
been installed as the new king by his father, Boromaraja II, died within a few
months. The Khmers relocated the capital to Phnom Penh in 1434, as Angkor
Thom was close to the Thai border. The sacking of their capital incurred
heavy losses in terms of men and material for the Khmers. But from the Thai
viewpoint, they had gained supremacy by these invasions and Ayudhya was
safe from any attack from the Khmers.
A general pattern also was emerging in the internecine wars between
Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar. Apart from ransacking the towns and
imposing tributes, the victorious power would take much of the local popula-
tion to make up for persons killed in the wars. One result produced is the
ethnic mix now found in mainland Southeast Asia.
Sukhothai formed a part of the Ayudhya Kingdom by becoming a province
of it in 1438, with Prince Ramesuan appointed as governor. Four years after-
ward, Boromaraja II led an unsuccessful campaign against Phaya Tilokaraj
of the Lan Na Kingdom. His army was defeated by the Chiang Mai forces.
Boromaraja II developed an illness during the campaign and died in 1488. His
eldest son, Prince Ramesuen (Trailoknath), the governor of the Phitsanulok
province since 1438, became the next king of Ayudhya.

The reign of Trailoknath (r. 1448–1488) formed an important period in the
history of Ayudhya. After the beginning of Thai migration from Nan Chao,
the Thai princes established small principalities independent of one another
and constantly at war. The control of central authority was nominal. The
absence of a unified state resulted in losses of revenue and the neglect of both
forest and agricultural lands. Trailoknath turned his attention toward the
administrative problems faced by the expanding nation because the existing
structure was not adequate. The king brought all the Thai principalities
together under centralized control and divided the Kingdom into a number
of provinces, each headed by a Chao Phraya, or governor. He organized the
central administration on a departmental basis with a high-ranking official
in charge of each department.
The five krams (departments) were established in the capital city so that
the king could have direct control over them. A chief minister headed the
Ministry of Interior. The city and province of Ayudhya was under the ministry
of the local government. The Ministry of Finance looked after taxes and state
income. In light of growing maritime commerce, a separate branch for foreign
affairs and trade was created under this ministry. Cultivation, food supplies,
and land tenure were under the Ministry of Finance. The Kalahom, or head
of military affairs, with the same status as that of a minister, looked after a
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 49

separate category of military administration that was different from civil

affairs. The army chiefs were brought under one royal command.
Trailoknath overhauled the Thai bureaucracy by assigning lands to differ-
ent categories of people. The nobility having varying amounts of sakdina
(honor marks) were categorized into seven grades. At the top was the Chao
Phaya followed by Phra, Luang, Khun, Muen, Pun, and Tanai. The Chao Phaya
was reserved for princes who were entitled to about 4,000 acres. In contrast,
the share of the lowest category, the Tanai, was 10 acres. Thus economic hold-
ings determined the status of a person. Except for the Chao Phaya, the rest of
the ranks were nonhereditary. The nobles were supposed to maintain their
livelihood from revenue collected from the land.
In 1450, the king codified the Kot Montien Ban (palace law) pertaining to
royal families and tributary states. It created a hierarchy for royalty, each rank
having separate laws. There were altogether five classes of queens and prin-
ces as per their rights and duties. The rituals, ceremonies, and functioning of
the royal court were enacted. Details of punishment were meted out to royal
families in cases of violations of the laws. Execution was the fate for a lady
indulging in adultery. A member of the royal family was to be beaten to death
by a sandalwood club. Death was prescribed for whispering at the time of
royal audience and for shaking the boat of the king. Trailoknath saw to it that
succession was peaceful and therefore created the post of the heir-apparent,
brah maha uparaja (Vice King). Generally the heir apparent, who was the eldest
son or the younger brother of the king, received the privileges of having a
separate palace and 40,000 acres of land. The innovations of Trailoknath
continued for centuries in Thailand. Some of the reforms of the king violated
the principle of equality before law, but they gave stability to the Kingdom
within the parameters of an absolute monarchy.
Trailoknath continued the policy of his predecessors in subduing the Lan
Na Kingdom. The ruler Phaya Tilokaraj had besieged Phitsanulok but was
driven out by Ayudhya troops. From 1463, Trailoknath began to reside in
the city of Phitsanulok in the north of the Ayudhya realm, leaving his son
Prince Boromaraja in charge of the capital city Ayudhya. Traiolknath and
Tilokaraj fought indecisive wars throughout the 1470s, and both kings agreed
for a peace settlement. Chiang Mai remained outside the reach of Ayudhya.
Meanwhile, the rulers of the port city of Melaka had become Islamized and
came into conflict with Ayudhya rulers bent upon extending influence over
all of the Malay Peninsula.
During the reign of Muzaffar Shah (r. 1445–1459), Tun Perak, the bendahara
(chief minister), had to fight a naval as well as a land battle with Trailoknath
in 1456. The Thai forces were repulsed. Ayudhya and Melaka made peace
afterward. The Melaka Sultan Mansur Shah (r. 1459–1477) was given a queen
from Ayudhya.
50 The History of Thailand

Trailoknath also did much to encourage the arts and literature. He was a
devout Buddhist and his palace was used for activities of the Buddhist
Sangha. The king also built Buddhist monasteries and trade centers in the city
of Ayudhya and other places of the Kingdom. A new sect of Buddhism,
named Vanaratnavong or the Pa-Kaeo, became popular during the reign of
Trailoknath. He joined the Buddhist seminary as a monk at Wat Chulamanee
in Phitsanulok, where he died in 1488.


Boromaraja III (r. 1488–1491), who managed the affairs of the Kingdom
during Trailoknath’s absence from Ayudhya, became the ruler after his
father’s death. There were no significant events during the three-year reign
of the king. He was succeeded by his younger brother Prince Jutta, the gover-
nor of the Phitsanulok province. Jutta assumed the title of Somdej Phra Rama
Tibodi II (r. 1491–1529). He introduced conscription for male citizens from the
age of 16. Those unable to serve had to provide ivory, saltpeter, and hides.
Between 1507 and 1515, a number of clashes occurred between Rama Tibodi
II and the Lan Na rulers Phaya Yot Chiang Rai (1485–1514) and Phaya
Mueang Kaeo (1514–1525). But these did not change the status quo.
The Portuguese victory over Melaka in 1511 had important consequences
for the history of Southeast Asia as well as Thailand. The entry of the
Europeans into Thailand forced the Thai ruling class to find means for main-
taining its independence in the face of colonial expansion. Aflonso de
Albuquerque, the conqueror of Melaka, sent Duarte Fernandez to Ayudhya
to advance Portuguese commercial interests. Fernandez became the first
European to make contact with the Thais. A treaty signed in 1517 with the
king permitted the Portuguese to carry out trade and establish a Roman
Catholic church. In return, the Portuguese provided firearms and military
training. Some Portuguese soldiers even joined the army of Ayudhya.
Boromaraja IV (r. 1529–1533) made peace with the Lan Na rulers during
his short reign. He appointed his brother Chai Raja to be the governor of
Phitsanulok. The king died due to smallpox and his son Rasadathi Raja, a
child of five years, was placed on the throne. Chai (r. 1534–1546) killed
Rasadathi and became the king of Ayudhya. Such palace revolts and usurpa-
tions of the throne by murdering child kings occurred frequently in the
history of Ayudhya. Chai developed water communications by finding
the shortest route for transportation on the Chao Praya River. The bend of
the river in Bangkok has become the main course of Chao Praya since then.
Disputes over succession in the Lan Na Kingdom witnessed the involvement
of the Ayudhya, Lan Xang, and Toungoo dynasties. The Lan Xang ruler of
Laos Phothisarat claimed the throne of Chiang Mai and occupied it in 1545.
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 51

His son Settathirat was installed as the king. Chai intervened but was
repulsed by the Chiang Mai army and afterward by Lan Xang troops while
retreating. Chai Raja died in 1546, to be succeeded by his 11-year-old son,
Keo Fa (r. 1546–1548). But the real power was with his mother, Queen Sri
Suda Chan, who acted as the regent. There were palace intrigues, adultery
committed by the queen, and assassinations. A younger brother of Chai,
Prince Tian Raja, became the king of Ayudhya with the title Maha Chakraphat
(r. 1548–1568). He along with his queen, Suryothai, fought against the
Myanmarese menace from the west.


The ruler of the Toungoo dynasty in Myanmar, Tabinshweti (r. 1531–1550),
followed an expansionist policy, which went beyond Myanmar and toward
the east. Lan Na, Lan Xang, and Ayudhya were on his agenda of conquest.
After the unification of Myanmar, Tabinshweti became confident of bringing
the eastern Kingdoms under his domain. The immediate cause of the war with
Ayudhya was over white elephants, highly venerated figures in Hindu and
Buddhist mythology. Tabinshweti’s desire was to become a chakravartin (con-
queror of the world) of the white elephant myth of Buddhist legends. The
Ayudhya king possessed white elephants and he was bent upon having a num-
ber of these animals. Another reason to wage war by the rulers of Myanmar
and Thailand was to augment the population with prisoners, who would be
used as slaves. The earlier conflict between Chai and Tabinshweti were border
skirmishes only between the respective troops. In 1548, the real war began
with an invasion by Tabinshweti with a large army after the rainy monsoon
season was over. The dispute over succession and violent happenings in the
palace made the king confident of an easy victory. Both armies met near the
city of Ayudhya. Queen Suryothai fought along with her husband dressed as
a male soldier on an elephant. In an act of unsurpassed valor, she put herself
between Chakraphat and Tabinshweti, when the former was losing the
combat. She was slain by Tabinshweti, who afterward retreated. His troops
returned to Myanmar through the Mae Lamow Pass, but not before being
ambushed by Thai soldiers. Her saga of bravery and courage has been immor-
talized in the Hollywood movie The Legend of Suriyothai (2003). The Thai
version released in 2001 became one of Thailand’s biggest box-office hits. The
ashes of Suriyothai are preserved in the chedi of the Suan Luang Sobsawan
The second attack occurred during the reign of Bayinnaung (r. 1551–1581),
the brother-in-law of Tabinshweti. After occupying the states of Myanmar and
Bayinnaung, “the conqueror of ten directions,” moved toward the east. The
Lan Na Kingdom was ruled by Phra Mekuthi of Muang Nai (r. 1552–1558),
52 The History of Thailand

who surrendered to the invading army in 1556 and agreed to pay an annual
tribute. But Mekuthi had to face invasion from Lan Xang, the ruler of
Settathirat. In 1558, Bayinnaung defeated the Lan Xang ruler. Settathirat and
Chakraphat made a formal alliance after Bayinnaung’s departure to his
homeland. In 1563, Bayinnaung invaded Ayudhya. The pretext was the Thai
king’s refusal to surrender two elephants to him. But the real motive was to
control the northern and central Thai states. He launched a two-pronged
attack. Bayinnaung himself led a large army and reached Ayudhya after pass-
ing through the Sittang Valley, Chiang Mai, Kampengphet, and Sukhothai.
Another army from Myanmar came through the Mae Lamow Pass in the
Tak province. The war resulted in the defeat of Ayudhya so that Bayinnaung
was forced to return with four white elephants and some hostages from the
royal family. Chakraphat’s son Mahindra ruled as a vassal ruler with a
Myanmarese garrison controlling him. When Bayinnaung reached Pegu, he
found Pegu burning along with the palace. The rebellion caused by the Shan
and Thai prisoners of wars was crushed ruthlessly and the capital was built
again. A split in the royal family of Ayudhya in 1565 facilitated an attack
from Myanmar again. Chakraphat and Mahindra wanted a close relationship
with Lan Xang. But Tammaraja, holding the second most powerful position
in Ayudhya as the governor of Phitsanulok, was well disposed toward
Bayinnaung. Mahindra and Lan Xang, the ruler Settathirat, joined forces
and attacked Phitsanulok. Chakraphat, held as a hostage in Pegu, was even-
tually allowed to return to Ayudhya on a pilgrimage. But he discarded the
saffron robe of the monk and joined the attack against Phitsanulok. Another
attack was launched in 1568 by Bayinnaung, who marched through the
Mae Lamow Pass. After capturing Phitsanulok, he besieged the city of
Ayudhya in 1568.
Chakraphat died and his son Mahindra succeeded him. Ayudhya soldiers
offered fierce resistance, but ultimately the city fell due to the treachery of
Phaya Maha Thamraja and Prince Chakri. Ayudhya was plundered and the
victorious king returned with a large number of prisoners. Maha Thamraja
(r. 1569–1590) was installed as a vassal ruler and his son Naresuan, a boy of nine
years, was taken as a hostage to ensure the loyalty of Thamaraja. Mahindra had
died while being taken as prisoner to Pegu. Ayudhya remained under Toungoo
occupation for 15 years, until 1584.
The Dhammathat based on Manu’s code of law was introduced in Ayudhya.
The Thai also adopted the Era of Myanmar beginning from 638 C.E. The
system remained in force until the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1887.
Naresuan was allowed to return to Ayudhya in 1576. He was put in charge of
Phitsanulok. A capable leader, Naresuan organized an army and was waiting
for the opportune moment to make Ayudhya independent. He successfully
repulsed the Khmer during the years 1575 to 1578. Nandabayin became the
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 53

ruler after the death of his father Bayinnaung in 1581. A rebellion had broken
out in the Shan states and Naresuan suppressed it after his help was requested
by Nandabayin. The success and popularity of Naresuan created jealousy in
the mind of Nandabayin. He wanted to get rid of Naresuan before he proved
to be too dangerous. Naresuan was again requested by Nandabayin to quell
the rebellion of Prince of Ava and a plan was hatched to murder him. Naresuan
became aware of it on the border area and in a declaration before his soldiers
proclaimed his intention to throw off the yoke of servitude.
After killing the leader of Myanmar’s army, Naresuan reached Ayudhya
in 1584. Ayudhya was once again free and was put in charge of the defense
of the Kingdom by his father, Maha Thamraja. Naresuan undertook the task
of strengthening Ayudhya by building a strong army. He persuaded people
from the northern area and the Shan states to join him. Nandabayin mounted
another attack in 1584, but Naresuan defeated the invading troops. The second
invasion three years later was also abortive. Naresuan also repulsed an attack
by the Khmers, pursuing the army to the capital of Lovek.
Naresuan became the king of Ayudhya with the title Somdej Phra Naresuan
Maharaj (r. 1590–1605) after the death of Thamaraja. Trade agreements with
European powers were made during his reign. After the Portuguese, the
Dutch and Spanish signed similar agreements with Ayudhya. A similar treaty
in 1592 gave the Dutch a privileged position in the rice trade.
Spain had brought the Philippines under its colonial rule in 1598. Don Tello
de Aguirre, the Spanish envoy came from Manila to Ayudhya to sign the
Treaty of Friendship and Commerce. Nandabayin launched the fifth attack
against Ayudhya in 1593. Naresuan marched to Nong Sarai to meet the troops
of Crown Prince Min Kyawsaw. Both fought on elephant back, and Naresuan
killed the prince.
Commemorating the victory, the King of Ayudhya erected a pagoda at Don
Chedi in Suphanburi that is still extant. There is a fair on January 25 each year
in honor of Naresuan. It is also Thailand’s National Armed Forces Day. Some
of the weapons and belongings of Naresuan find a place in Royal Regalia
even now. The king then took the initiative and attacked Myanmar.
For her maritime commerce, Thailand needed ports in the Indian Ocean,
and in 1593 two armies under Generals Chao Chakri and Phaya Praklong were
dispatched to southern Myanmar. Chakri seized Tenesserim and Praklong
occupied Tavoy. Naresuan wanted to secure the southeast frontier and
marched against Cambodia. The Khmer king Raemea Chung Prei fled from
the capital in 1594 and Naresuan returned with prisoners of war to be relocated
in the depopulated northern provinces. Naresuan received an appeal from
the Chiang Mai ruler, Tharrawaddy Min, a son of Bayinnaung, for help after
an attack by Lan Xang. In 1595, Lan Na came under suzerainty of Ayudhya
again, but Myanmar regained it after 20 years. Naresuan made an abortive
54 The History of Thailand

attack against Pegu in 1595, repulsed by the arriving forces of Nandabayin

arriving from Toungoo.
In 1599, Naresuan launched another attack against Pegu, while internecine
quarrels took place among Prome, Ava, and Toungoo, all ruled by brothers
of Nandabayin. Pegu was in ruins when Naresuan arrived. He marched fur-
ther toward Toungoo but was defeated. Naresuan returned to Ayudhya.
According to some sources, the king marched in 1605 for the last time against
Myanmar and crossed the Saleween River. But he died after falling sick with a
carbuncle on his face. The lower portion of Myanmar from Martaban onward
was in control of Ayudhya. King Naresuan the Great not only freed Ayudhya
but also made the Kingdom very powerful. The history of Ayudhya from the
seventeenth century onward will be explored in the next chapter.


The important religions of the world thrive side by side in Southeast Asia.
Religion has been an important factor in shaping the destinies of the people
of the region. Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia are predominantly Muslim
countries. The Philippines and Thailand include sizable Muslim populations.
At the time of the decline of the Indianized Kingdoms of Southeast Asia,
Islam began to penetrate the region. The Arab traders played an active role
in bringing the region under the spell of Islam. They purchased pepper from
Sumatra and spices of Maluku (Moluccas) and Bandas.
After the advent of the Turks in India, the Islamization of Southeast Asia
was rapid. The conquest of north India by the Turks was an event of far-
reaching consequences for Southeast Asian countries. The spice and pepper
trade to the Mediterranean by the Gujrati traders resulted in the establish-
ment of Muslim settlements in Southeast Asia. From Gujarat and the Coro-
mandel Coast, the traders traveled through the region, spreading their
beliefs about Islam as they went. As it was the Indian Muslims who spread
the religion, Islam in Southeast Asia was not the orthodox Islam of Arabia.
The Indian traders were themselves newly converted, so the religion that they
brought was not completely alien. Southeast Asia preserved some of the
Hindu–Buddhist characteristics long acquired by its contact with India.
The progress of Islam in Southeast Asia became rapid after the rise of
Melaka. The earliest evidence of Islamic presence in the Malaya Peninsula is a
stone inscription found at Trengganu that says that the local people have con-
verted themselves to Islam. Paramesvara, a rebel refugee from Palembang,
founded Melaka and began to rule from 1403 to 1424 with the new name of
Iskandar Shah. Earlier, in 1390, he had killed the ruler of Singapore (Tumasik),
Tamagi, whose father was a Thai prince and whose mother was a daughter of
the Patani noble. Singapore was under the suzerainty of Ayudhya from 1364.
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 55

Patani, along with Ayudhya, dispatched a navy to capture him, but Parames-
vara escaped. Melaka soon became prominent politically as well as commer-
cially. The spice trade route was from Maluku to India through Melaka. This
port attracted traders from neighboring areas as well as India, and many of
the traders were Muslims. The Gujratis, Parsis, Arabs, Bengalis, Kalingans,
and others constituted the trading communities. The Tamils were also involved
in politics and rose to high positions. These Marakkayars from the Coromandel
were playing a major part in politics as well as trade. Melaka was also becom-
ing the main diffusion center of Islam in Southeast Asia. On the eve of the
Portuguese conquest of Melaka in 1511, Islam had been firmly entrenched in
Southeast Asia.
Islam came to Thailand from various regions including China, India, the
Middle East, the Malay–Indonesian archipelago, Myanmar, and Cambodia.
As noted, Muslims as a whole constitute about 10 percent of the total popula-
tion today. But Malay-speaking Muslims, who inhabit the southern provinces
bordering Malaysia, make up about 3 percent of the population. In the four
southern provinces of Thailand—namely Patani, Narathiwat, Satul, and Yala—
about 76 percent of the people adhere to the Islamic faith. In its initial phase,
roughly between the seventh and twelfth centuries, the Muslim traders played
an important role in propagating Islam. Maritime commerce was an important
activity of the Thai states.
The southern ports played major roles in oceanic trade. The traders from
the Middle East, South Asia, and neighboring Kingdoms began to arrive
and south Thailand witnessed the advent of Islam through trade. The religion
was not confined to south Thailand only, as the city of Ayudhya was a center
of commerce that had international settlements, including the Muslim
traders. The indigenous traders as well as people of Thailand were attracted
to Islamic preaching, its egalitarianism, and its belief in one god. Islam, with
its prohibition of idol worship and images, presented a new form of faith.
The prosperity of Muslim traders coming to Thailand might have been an
added factor. But it was the creation of states ruled by Muslim sultanates that
was responsible for making southern Thailand Islamized. Islam began to hold
its sway here as compared to other areas of Thailand. The Hindu–Buddhist
tradition was not as firmly established here as it was in north and central
In the beginning of the Common Era, city states like Tun-hsun, Ch’ih-t’u,
P’an-p’an, Tan-tan, Tambralinga, and Langkasuka emerged in the Thai–
Malay Peninsula. The first century C.E. state of Langkasuka was the predeces-
sor of the Patani sultanate established in 1374. The Langasuka and Tambral-
ing areas witnessed its continued importance in regional and international
trading network. The Melaka sultanate and Ayudhya Kingdom desired to
bring it under their sphere of influence. Tamralinga, located between Chaiya
56 The History of Thailand

and Pattani, was already in existence in the second century C.E. It was
the precursor of the Nakhon Si Thammarat Kingdom. With the decline of
Srivijaya, it became dominant in the region.
Nakhon Si Thammarat was paying tribute to the Sukhothai Kingdom and
afterward to Ayudhya. In turn Songkhla was a vassal of Nakhon Si Tham-
marat, and according to Royal Thai chronicles its ruling aristocracy were
Muslim landlords. Farther south was Patani, which assumed much more
importance in the history of southern Thailand. The greater distance from
Ayudhya facilitated the Islamization of Patani. Islam came to Patani even
before the Melaka sultanate was established. Patani, like the Malay states of
Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah, and Pahang, had a tenuous relationship with
Ayudhya in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Kedah had contact with Ayudhya, as is evident from sources of Kedah,
which had a Muslin name for Rama Tibodi I, Sultan Mad Zafar Syah III.
One of his sons was buried in Alor Setar, Kedah. When the central authority
was strong enough, the Malay states had a vassal status. But most of the time
they enjoyed almost an independent status.
After the Islamization of Pasai on the island of Sumatra toward the last decade
of thirteenth century—as is evident from Sultan Malikul Saleh’s tombstone
dated 1297—Patani had Pasai Muslims living there in a village called Kampung
Pasai. Patani was not unknown to the Islamic world before it was Islamized.
Local legends mentioned in the chronicle Hikayat Patani state that Patani was
Islamized toward the latter part of the fourteenth century at the time of its ruler
Raja Indra. The name, “Patani” came into vogue at the time of his father, Raja
Sri Wangsa. The state was prosperous due to trade and it was visited by mer-
chants from different regions. A learned Pasai Muslim named Sheik Syafialudin
once cured Raja Indra on the condition that he would be converted to Islam.
The sheikh began to indoctrinate members of royalty in Islamic laws and
precepts. Raja Indra took the name Mahmud Shah with the title of sultan.
Incorporating the neighboring provinces of Narathiwat, Yala, and Satun
gradually, the state came to be known as Patani Raya. In the fifteenth century,
Melaka, Ayudhya, and Patani endeavored to dominate each other as well
as the Thai–Malay peninsula. Sometimes it resulted in war and at other times
friendship. The Melaka sultanate under Iskandar Shah and his successors
spearheaded the spread of Islam and cultivated a relationship with the royalty
of the peninsula.
The Sultan of Patani, Mahmud Shah, sent ambassadors to Melaka, who
returned with gifts for him. The two Muslim sultanates became allies. Patani
became known to the outside world, and traders from Ayudhya, China, Japan,
India, Arabia, and Persia came to the sultanate of Patani. Rivalry between
Melaka and Ayudhya became intense, with trade and religion playing impor-
tant parts. The Thai king Trailoknath had attacked Melaka in 1456 but did not
The Kingdom of Ayudhya 57

succeed. Patani threw its lot with Melaka, keeping in view the long-standing
enmity with Ayudhya. Both wanted to have mastery over the isthmus of Kra
so that it would be easier to control the Straits of Melaka. Ayudhya also had
an eye on the lucrative trading port of Melaka in the fifteenth century and
the Malay states south of Nakorn Sri Thammarat.
From the isthmus of Kra, Patani began to launch attacks against Ayudhya,
and the latter left no stone unturned to bring Patani under its control. Under
the rulers of the Ayudhya dynasty, southern Thailand and particularly the
Patani region enjoyed alternate phases of independence and subjugation.
The population of Patani increased, as did the progress of trade. Ships car-
rying goods came through the mouth of the Patani River. In 1516, a Portuguese
ship loaded with different commodities came from Melaka for the first time to
the Sultanate of Patani, who was very much impressed with the arms and
ammunition that the Portuguese brought. Afterward the Portuguese ships
came regularly for trade. There were about 300 Portuguese living in the city
of Patani. Sultan Mahmud Shah, a capable ruler, died in 1538, to be succeeded
by his son Muzafar Shah. Muzafar visited Ayudhya during the reign of Maha
Chakraphat but was not treated well. However, the sultan was presented with
slaves from Pegu and Cambodia. As they were Buddhists, a monastery was
built for them in a village called Kedi (monk’s house), and the Kampung Kedi
still exists today.
Taking advantage of Ayudhya’s war with King Bayinnaung, the sultan
launched an attack against Ayudhya in 1563 with warships. His younger
brother Raja Mansur and some chiefs accompanied the sultan. But the attack
proved inconclusive and the sultan died while retreating. Raja Mansur became
the next sultan with the title Sultan Mansur Shah. Then, after a palace revolt,
Raja Bahadur, son of Mansur Shah, became the sultan. He had three daughters
named Raja Hijau, Raja Biru, and Raja Ungu (Green Princess, Blue Princess,
and Purple Princess).
After Bahadur died, Raja Hijau became the first female sultan to govern
Patani. At this time, Patani had become virtually independent from Ayudhya.
Hijau governed with skill and to the best of her ability. She was quite well
known in the chancelleries of Europe, Ayudhya, and Japan. She sent her
representatives to these places. The king of Japan sent envoys asking for
permission to have trade and commercial relations with the sultanate of
Patani. Hijau granted the request in 1592. She also sent emissaries to Japan
in the years 1599 and 1606 requesting friendship and a trade relationship.
In spite of a rivalry with Ayudhya, the trade relationship was not hampered
between the two. There were also exchanges of friendship missions. Ayudhya
kings always referred to the queens of Patani by the honorable title Pra Nang
Chau Ying (Her majesty, the female Raja). But beneath the surface, there was
the lurking desire of Ayudhya as well as Patani to subdue each other.
History of Thailand,

The remaining 162 years of rule by Ayudhya kings were eventful in Thai
history. The Kingdom was consolidated by absorbing Malay states and
thwarting invasion by neighbors. International contact increased, and the
name Siam became familiar among royalty, travelers, adventurers, and schol-
ars of the world. After 1767, the Kingdom of Ayudhya ceased to exist, but its
name and culture remained.


After the death of Naresuan, his younger brother Prince Ekatosrost became
the ruler with the title of Somdej Phra Ekatosrost (r. 1605–1620). He reaped the
benefit of a consolidated Kingdom created by his elder brother, but due to con-
stant wars the royal treasury was almost empty. Therefore he took avid inter-
est in commerce and administration. He introduced the payment of taxes.
The revenue of the Kingdom increased as shop owners and traders had to
pay taxes. Ayudhya was in control of export items like ceramics, timber, gem-
stones, and other commodities. The king brought Thailand into the sphere of
international trade by exchanging ambassadors with other nations. He was
60 The History of Thailand

interested in the Netherlands, where the telescope was invented. In 1608, the
king sent a delegation to the Hague with a letter and gifts. The Prince of
Orange was impressed by the Thai ambassador ’s espousal of Thai–China
friendship, as the Dutch were also interested in China.
The first Portuguese Jesuit missionary, Balthazar de Seguerra, arrived in the
year 1609. Shortly afterward, in 1612, the British and Dutch established trad-
ing factories in Thai territory. In June 1612, the first British ship, The Globe,
sailed from Java to Patani, from where the merchants could reach Ayudhya
for trade. A Japanese settlement in Ayudhya called Ban Yipun was inhabited
by traders, unemployed Samurais, and Christian converts from Japan. Com-
modities like silver and handicrafts were being imported from Japan in
exchange for Thai deer hides. Some of the Japanese were military men and
there was a department in the administration for these “volunteers” called
Krom Asa Yipun. Yamada Nagamasa (1590–1630), a Japanese adventurer,
became the chief of Ban Yipun around 1610. He rose rapidly in the hierarchy
of Thai nobility, becoming Okya Senaphimuk. During the reign of Ekatosrost,
the Anglo–Dutch rivalry was intense and both fought between 1618 and
1620 in Patani and Ayudhya.
Sri Sauvapark, a son of Ekatosrost, became the next ruler, in 1620. He
was killed and Indraraja, his stepbrother, became the king as Songtham
(r. 1620–1628). In 1624, the Portuguese had captured a Dutch ship but had
to return it after Songtham’s intervention. The king began the tradition of
paying homage to footprints of Buddha in Saraburi province. Songtham also
wrote books on Buddhism. The king proclaimed Prince Jeta as the successor
to the throne, and he ruled as Phra Jetathiraj from 1628 to 1630.
Sri Voravongse, an uncle of King Songtham, was powerful, and he became
the Chao Phya Kalhom (head of military). He murdered the king, and after-
ward the younger brother King Atitaya ruled for about a month. The Kalhom
proclaimed himself to be the king of Thailand as Phra Chao Prasart Thong
(r. 1630–1655). Thong turned his attention toward the southern sultanate of
Patani. Ayudhya was bent upon subjugating Patani because of its commercial
value. A sovereign ruler in the south that could block access to Ayudhya was
not to be tolerated. King Naresuan had made an abortive attempt in 1603,
when a Thai armada landed in Kuala Patani. The attack was repulsed by
Patani’s ruler, Raja Hijau (Green Princess). In 1632, during the reign of Raja
Biru (Blue Princess), Ayudhya attacked Patani for the second time. The prom-
ised help of the Dutch company based in Jakarta did not arrive and the Thai
forces suffered defeat at the hands of the combined army of Patani and Jahor.
The next year, at the time of the reign of Raja Ungu (Purple Princess), Patani
was attacked again under the same commander, Okya Decho. The Thai armada
battled with Patani-Jahor troops for some months and had to retreat due to
shortage of food and affliction of diseases. The six warships of the Dutch
History of Thailand, 1605–1782 61

arrived very late. Thong sent an emissary to the new ruler of Patani in 1635 to
submit. But Kuning, daughter of Ungu, the new ruler, declined.
Yamada Nagamasa, who had been given the charge of the Nakhon Si
Thammarat province, was asked by the king to attack Patani, but he also
failed. Afterward, there was no major conflict between Ayudhya and Patani
for quite a long time. Both sides were exhausted by the continuous warfare.
The local history mentioned that Patani remained independent. But according
to some sources, the Patani ruler in 1636 accepted nominal suzerainty of
Ayudhya in light of Dutch advice.


After Yamada’s death in 1630, Thong destroyed the Ban Yupin and Japan
ended its trade relationship with Ayudhya. The Dutch replaced the Japanese
as Ayudhya’s closest trading partner. A disagreement over the supply of rice
caused the relations between Ayudhya and the United East India Company
(Vereenigde Oostndische Compagnie, VOC) to deteriorate, but good relations
were eventually restored again. The king received a letter from Batavia along
with valuable gifts. The Dutch had helped Thong in his war against neighbor-
ing countries by sending warships. Cambodia, which was under the vassalage
of Ayudhya, had declared its independence during the reign of Songtham, but
Thong brought it under Thai control. With the Dutch help, the Thai army
subdued a rebellion in Songkla.
After ruling for 25 years, Thong died and was succeeded by Prince Chai,
who ruled for some months only. The brother of Thong, Sri Suthamraja, also
ruled for a short time. King Narai (r. 1656–1688) occupied the throne after a
palace revolt. Narai the Great was a notable ruler. He became preoccupied
with a rebellion in the northern states and European powers. In 1660, the
Chinese had invaded the Kingdom of Ava successfully and Chiang Mai, the
vassal state of Ava, sought the help of Narai. The ruler of Chiang Mai soon
changed his mind, and Narai returned to Ayudhya after capturing the town
of Lampang. The following year, Narai checked an invasion from Myanmar
successfully. In 1662, Narai led a successful invasion of Chiang Mai, bringing
it under Ayudhya’s control. He also married a Chiang Mai princess, and their
son, Sorasak, became the king of Ayudhya afterward. But Ava captured
Chiang Mai again in 1664 and kept it under its control for 63 years.
The Dutch were becoming the dominant power in Ayudhya, demanding
more privileges in trade. In spite of being allowed to establish a processing
plant, the Dutch desired a monopoly in deer and cow hides. Narai did not
yield to this. The Dutch seized an Ayudhya merchant vessel in the Gulf of
Thailand and blockaded the mouth of the Chao Praya River. In August of
1664, Narai had to succumb to pressure and signed a treaty with the Dutch,
62 The History of Thailand

which gave the latter monopoly of trade in hides and China–Ayudhya trade
as well as extraterritorial rights of jurisdiction. Like a wise strategist Narai
began cultivating relations with the British and French in order to countervail
the Dutch dominance. The British factory at Bantam urged London to assist
Narai. But the Ayudhya factory was under the jurisdiction of Madras (Chennai)
in India, and London did not want to interfere in Thai affairs.
Roman Catholic missionaries had arrived from France around 1664. Narai
was not interested in their religion but took the help of Father Thomas, an
engineer, to build forts in Thonburi, Nonthaburi, and Ayudhya. The French
were allowed to open a trading station in Songkhla. De Lamar, a French
engineer, put 18 guns around the city as a deterrent against hostile forces
coming from the Gulf of Thailand. The French built a church and for some
time Ayudhya was their headquarters in Southeast Asia. The king also shifted
his residence to Lopburi and constructed a new palace. All these moves were
for the purpose of weakening the Dutch influence in his Kingdom. In 1673,
Pope Clement IX presented a letter to Narai urging him to convert to Roman
Catholicism; however, the attempt under the auspices of French Jesuits to
convert Narai failed.
A British ship, the Phoenix, arrived in Ayudhya in 1675 with Constantine
Phaulkon (1647–1688), a Greek adventurer, as one of its trading staff. A linguist
and thoroughly pro-French, Phaulkon began his remarkable career in Songkhla.
He was known as the “Falcon of Siam” as his personal seal carried the image of
a falcon. Phaulkon became the Superintendent of Foreign Trade and afterward a
close confidant of the king. His advice to the king concerning trade affairs with
Europeans was accepted. Marrying a Portuguese–Japanese Roman Catholic
woman, Phaulkon discussed with the king the merits of Catholicism. The
extravagant lifestyle, hobnobbing with royalty, favoring private traders, and
other shortcomings would eventually come back to haunt him later.
The exchange of diplomatic relations between Ayudhya and France began.
In 1680, a ship was sent by the French East India Company to trade with
Ayudhya. A second Thai embassy embarked for the court of Louis XIV
(r. 1638–1715) in 1684, as the first one sent four years before had been lost at
sea. Chervalier De Chaumont (1640–1710) came to Ayudhya as an ambassador
of France in 1686. He accompanied the Thai ambassador Phra Wisutsuntorn in
the Kingdom’s third diplomatic mission to France. Narai was not interested in
changing his religion to Christianity, but he desired a trade agreement.
Songkhla was ceded to the French and they monopolized the tin trade on
Phuket Island. There was also a tax exemption of the French East India Com-
pany. France was the predominant trading partner with extraterritorial rights
in Ayudhya. Meanwhile, the India Company had claimed compensation from
Ayudhya for damage to British ships along the Indian Coromandel coast
caused by ships sailing under the Thai flag.
History of Thailand, 1605–1782 63

In August 1687, Narai declared war against the EIC upon advice of
Phaulkon. King Louis XIV decorated Phaulkon in 1687 and he became a
Knight Order of St. Michael and St. Peter because of his services to France. The
unlimited power wielded by Phaulkon had made him a hated figure among
certain sections of the nobility of Ayudhya. The pro-French attitude of the
king along with stationing of the French soldiers in Bangkok and Mergui (sit-
uated on the southern Myanmarese coast but under Thai control) were also
resented. A powerful general and foster brother of Narai, Phetraja became
the leader of an anti-foreign group. Sentiments against the Farangse (French,
abbreviated to Farang afterward, which is used until now for a foreigner in
Thai) rose to a high point. When the king became seriously ill with dropsy
in 1688, Phetraja used the king’s weakness to keep him as a virtual prisoner
in the palace of Lopburi. Phaulkon was executed for treason. Phetraja killed
the royal heirs and proclaimed himself king with the title Somdej Phra
Phetraja (r. 1688–1703), after the death of Narai in July.
Narai was one of the greatest Thai kings. He cultivated international
relations and diplomatic contact with rulers from Asia and Europe, putting
Ayudhya on the map of oceanic trade. In 1664, he had a sent a mission to
the Golconda sultanate of south India. After five years, another went to court
of the Safavid ruler, Shah Solayman (r. 1666–1694). The legacy of a close
relationship with France remained. The French accounts of Chevalier de
Chaumont, the Abbe de Choisy, Fr. Tachard, Claude de Forbin, and de la
Loubere regarding Ayudhya became important source materials for histori-
ans. In the French cities of Brest and Marseilles, streets were named Rue de
Siam in honor of diplomatic missions of the king. The cannons given as a gift
to Louis XIV by Narai were functional at the time of the French Revolution on
July 14, 1789. However, he allowed Phaulkon unlimited powers and in the
process alienated the majority of the nobility, leading to his downfall as well
as Phaulkon’s execution. An anti-foreign feeling began, which developed into
a policy of isolation. It continued until the middle of nineteenth century.


It became the policy of Phetraja and his successors not to allow any
foreigner like Constantine Phaulkon to wield unlimited power. Also in the
future no foreign power was allowed such privileges. The French fortification
in Bangkok was seized and its troops left Ayudhya in November 1688.
Phetraja also had declined the French offer of a new treaty one month earlier.
The European missionaries were taken as hostages but released after the
return of the Thai embassy from Europe. The king again allowed religious
freedom. A new agreement with the Dutch was signed. Phetraja faced inter-
nal disturbances during his reign from different provinces of the Kingdom.
64 The History of Thailand

In 1690, an imposter by the name of Tam Tien, claimed to be a brother of

Narai and rose in rebellion from the Nakhon Nayok territory. Although he
was captured and executed afterward, many people fled to Myanmar in
fear of persecution. The following year, the provincial governors of Korat
in the north and Nakhon Si Thammarat in the south made abortive
attempts to become independent from Ayudhya rule. Both rebellions were
suppressed with an iron hand and much cruelty. In the battle for Korat,
kites were flown over the city with flaming torches that landed on rooftops
and burned houses. Nakhon Si Thammarat’s governor escaped with the
assistance of the chief of the navy of Ayudhya. The latter’s head was placed
on the city gate as an exemplary punishment. In 1699, a rebellion of 4,000
broke out again in Korat, spearheaded by a fanatic and magician, but it
was crushed.
Cambodia had acknowledged Ayudhya’s sovereignty and its king, Chettha
IV, presented Phetraja with a white elephant. The neighboring Kingdom of
Lan Xang of Laos experienced a succession dispute after the death of its king,
Souligna Vongsa (r. 1637–1694). The Kingdom was fragmented into Luang
Prabang, Vientiane, and Bassac. The Vientiane ruler received help from
Nguyen and Ayudhya, which became rivals for dominance of Lao territory.
A son of Phetraja, Luang Sorasak, the Phrachao Sua (“king tiger”) became
the king of Ayudhya in 1703. He was a psychopath, debauched and cruel.
Nothing significant occurred during his reign of six years. The king was fond
of hunting, fishing, and Muay Thai (Thai kickboxing). After his death, his son
Taisra (r. 1709–1733) succeeded him. Taisra appointed his younger brother,
Phra Bantunnnoi, as uparat, or heir apparent, to the throne of Ayudhya. In
1714, the king of Cambodia, Prea Srey Thomea (Sri Timmaraja), took asylum
in Ayudhya after being deposed by his uncle Keo Fa with assistance from
Vientiane and Hue. The Thai army attempted to restore him but was defeated
by Fa twice. However, the 1717 invasion was successful and Ayudhya
reestablished sovereignty over Cambodia. The uparat became the king of
Ayudhya with title of Maha Thammaraja II. Usually referred to as Boromakot
(r. 1733–1758), his reign was fairly peaceful and prosperous. The only discord-
ant note was an attack by 300 Chinese settlers in 1733, who were executed.
The king was a great patron of Buddhism. It was now the turn of Ayudhya to
send monks to Sri Lanka, which in 1753 requested Boromakot send priests
to establish the Buddhist Sangha. Buddhism was in a state of decline in Sri
Lanka. Under the leadership of Upali Mahathera and Ariyamuni Theras,
15 monks went with a golden image of the Buddha and a royal letter in Pali
and gifts. The group set up in Sri Lanka the Siyamopali Vamsa (a Thai sect),
which is still present to this day. The king also constructed monasteries in
his Kingdom. The monasteries received lavish grants and became the center
History of Thailand, 1605–1782 65

of religious ceremonies. These were places to impart teaching to monks and

students. Uthumpon, the youngest son of Boromkat, succeeded to the throne
in the year 1758. He was of religious temperament and enjoyed living in a
monastery. Called by his subjects Khun Luang Ha Wat (The King of Buddhist
Inspiration), he abdicated to lead the life of a monk in Wat Pradu Rongtham.
His older brother Prince Ekatat became the ruler of Ayudhya, assuming the
title of Boromaraja V (r. 1758–1767).

A Kingdom or dynasty cannot last forever. Myanmar was now in an expan-
sionist phase and Ayudhya bore the brunt of its growing power. A new and
powerful dynasty was emerging in the west, which would close the Ayudhya
period in the history of Thailand. In 1752 Alaungpaya (r. 1752–1760) was rec-
ognized as the king of Ava and founded the Konbaung dynasty. He captured
Pegu five years afterward and in 1760 launched the first attack against
Ayudhya. After regaining the cities of Tavoy, Mergui, and Tenesserim,
Alaungpaya besieged Ayudhya for about a month. Uthumpon was recalled
by Boromaraja V to rule on his behalf as the latter felt that he was not compe-
tent enough to protect Ayudhya. Meanwhile Alaungpaya had been wounded
severely and died while retreating.
The next ruler was his eldest son, Naungdawgyi (r. 1760–1763), who was
succeeded by his brother Hsinbyushin (r. 1763–1776). He followed the policy
of his father, with attempts to conquer Ayudhya. He planned to attack it from
the north after overrunning Lan Xang and Vientiane. In 1764, he began his
campaign by subduing both Kingdoms in the north and marching south with
the intention of capturing Ayudhya. A supporting army marched toward the
east from Myanmar. By October 1765, much of the southern, Western, and
northern territories of Ayudhya had come under Hsinbyushin. The siege of
Ayudhya began in February 1766, and after a year it capitulated in April 1767.
Hsinbyushin declined the offer of Boromaraja V to become a vassal king and
unleashed a reign of plunder, destruction, and devastation after storming
the city gate of Ayudhya on April 8, 1767.
Hsinbyushin’s marauding army of 1.5 million soldiers and 6,000 elephants
destroyed everything in Ayudhya and burned the city to the ground.
Ayudhya’s soldiers and civilians perished along with Buddha icons, royal
chronicles, temples, and literary works. The destruction reduced the heritage
of Ayudhya to ashes. Thus ended one of the most beautiful cities of the world
and its history of 417 years. The body of Boromaraja V lay in the west gate of
Ayudhya. Uthumpon was a prisoner of war in the city of Pegu, where he
penned the book Khun Luang Hawat (The Priest Monarch).
66 The History of Thailand


The Ayudhya Kingdom had ceased to exist, but its legacy remained
imprinted in Thai history and culture. The city became a cosmopolitan center
with the advent of traders, scholars, travelers, and adventurers. Ayudhya
was an international city with many settlements of foreigners as well as an
emporium of international trade. The diplomatic missions sent to countries
like China, Japan, Golconda, Persia, the Netherlands, Britain, France, and
the Vatican put Ayudhya on the international map. The growth of trade with
Asia and Europe made it wealthy. The Chinese, Persian Muslims, Indians,
Japanese, and European traders as well as merchants from Pegu, Cochin–
China, and the Malay Peninsula gave the city a true international color. The
foreigners also obtained high positions in the court of Ayudhya and became
advisors of the king like Phaulkon. Shaikh Ahamad Qomi, a Persian mer-
chant, rose to a high rank of Chularajmontri at the time of King Ekatosrost.
He supervised Thailand’s trade with the Middle East and with the Deccan
sultanates of India.
Ayudhya was the city where merchants exchanged goods from China and
Japan for commodities brought from Malay, Indonesia, India, and Persia.
The Chinese and Muslim merchants dominated the scene to a great extent.
Even the foreign department had Chinese and Muslim sections. There were
Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, and cult worshippers in Ayudhya.
The Muslim population in Ayudhya up to the last decade of the seventeenth
century was overwhelmingly Shi’ite Persians. They came from Persia (Iran)
proper and also from the Shi’ite Deccan sultanates of India. The lingua franca
of the Muslims of the Ayudhya was Persian, unlike the Malay language of the
southern Kingdoms of Thailand. The king sponsored the tazia procession of
the Muslims, as is known from the account of the French traveler and diplo-
mat Guy Tachard.
The Sino–Thai trade thrived in Ayudhya. While dealing with other traders
from Southeast Asia, the Chinese sometimes used the Thais as intermediaries.
The Chinese enjoyed a privileged position in Thai society because they did
not participate in corvee, or forced labor. They were free to engage themselves
in trading activities. Some of the persons from foreign countries also obtained
high positions in the court of Ayudhya.
The Kingdom of Ayudhya excelled in literature with novel content as well
as forms. The title denoted the content; kamsuan would be a poem dealing
with the pathos of departed lovers and nirat described the journey of sepa-
rated lovers. Originating from the folklores of north Thailand, the Lilit Yuan
Phai was about war between Ayudhya King Trailoknath and Tilokraja of Lan
Na. The poem, the Lilit Phra Lo, was a love story between the ruler of Suang
city Phaya Lo and Princesses Phuan and Phaeng of Song city. The romance
History of Thailand, 1605–1782 67

between the three lovers of rival cities ended in a tragedy. The Mahachat Kham
Luang, story of Prince Wetsandon, was a commissioned work ordered by King
Literature developed a great deal during the reign of King Narai. Phra
Horathibodi wrote the first textbook on the Thai language, entitled Chinda
Mani. The didactic literature of the period included works such as Khlong
Phali Son Nong, Khlong Thotsarot Son Phra Ram, and Khlong Ratchasawat, which
discussed principles for entering into royal services and the art of governance.
The festivals of each month, royal as well as public, were described in the
chronicle Phraratcha Phongsawadan Krung Si Ayutthaya. In the nirat tradition,
the work Khlong Nirat Hariphunchai described the poet’s longing for his
beloved while going to Lampun located in the Kingdom of Haripunchai. The
Samutthakhot Kham Chan (The story of Prince Samutthakhot) and Sua Kho
Kham Chan (The Tiger and the Cow) were also written during King Narai’s
time. The former had beautiful couplets such as “Cease heart, heart without
joy, heart with its everlasting memories of her beauty/memories that remain with
me.” The life of Narai as an exile was depicted in Khlong Kamsuan (A Mournful
Journey), written by Si Pat. In the reign of Boromakot, Thai literature flour-
ished with the coming of excellent work like Kap He Ruea (boat song), written
by Prince Thammathibet in the nirat tradition. The description of natural
beauty while on a boat journey influenced later-day poets. In the procession
of royal barges, the verses of this work are recited. Phra Maha Nak’s poetic
work entitled Punnowat Kham Chan was about a visit to Phra Phutthabat
(Buddha’s Footprint Shrine) located in the Saraburi province.
Art and architecture flourished brilliantly in the Ayudhya period. It was
influenced by traditions from Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and India. The impact
of Sukhothai lingered on for sometime. But the Ayudhya artisans developed
a unique style producing masterpieces. In spite of the destruction caused by
the events of 1767, many had survived, reflecting the resilience of Ayudhya
art. Religious architecture became massive and the structures were imposing.
Steep-roofed Ayudhya temples had their own pattern with elaborate orna-
mentation. The spires of the chedis became elongated. Wat Phutthaisawan,
Wat Mahathat, and Wat Phra Ram were some of the earlier constructions of
the Ayudhya period. The Wat Mahathat was a royal monastery and excava-
tions in 1956 yielded relics of Buddha, Buddha images, votive tablets, and
plaques made of gold. The Wat Phra Si Sanphet was constructed during
the period of Trailoknath. Rama Thibodi II installed a standing image of
Buddha, Phra Buddha Chao Sri Sanphet, 16 meters in height. The icon was
covered in gold. The Wat Chaiwatthanaram, an imposing structure, was built
by King Prasat Thong in 1630.
The gilt-lacquered Buddha images of the gallery in mara vijaya mudra (“vic-
tory over evil posture”) were exquisite. The Buddha icons of the Ayudhya
68 The History of Thailand

Kingdom had a unique hair frame and small line engraved above the upper
lip and eyes. The Buddha figures were made of stone in the early Ayudhya
period, which gave way to gilted bonze icons. One of the best specimens
was found in Wat Phra Sri San Phet, which was shifted to Hor Phra Nag
and afterward was enshrined in the temple of the Emerald Buddha. The Bud-
dha images were in various postures, such as reclining and standing. In the
late Ayudhya period, the Buddha icons were adorned in royal attire and the
base of sitting images was profusely ornamented. The scenes of Ramakien
and Jataka stories were also found in the bas-relief of temples. The Ayudhya
sculptures encompassed icons of Hindu gods and the Buddha. The inscrip-
tion of Rama Tibodi I is mentioned in the installation of images of Siva and
Vishnu from the Hindu pantheon. Many of the beautiful artworks in bronze,
woodcarving, and stucco were lost to posterity because of destruction by the
army from Myanmar in 1760s.
The performing arts also reached greater achievements. The dance, khon,
based on the Ramakien was popular. The artists used masks for the first time
during the Ayudhya period. The royalty encouraged nang yai (shadow puppet),
hun (marionette), and piphat (musical orchestra).


After the Burmese devastation of Ayudhya in April 1767, it was the half-
Chinese general Phya Taksin (r. 1767–1782), governor of Tak province, who
restored the pride of Thailand. Taksin had become famous in 1763 when he
along with 500 followers resisted an army of the king of Ava, Hsinbyushin.
Before launching a full-scale invasion against Ayudhya in 1765, another con-
tingent of forces of Hsinbyushin had been turned back from Petchburi by
Taksin. While Ayudhya was being destroyed in April 1767, Taksin had left the
doomed capital and reached the safe sanctuary of the eastern shore of
the Gulf of Thailand. With an expanded army of 5,000, he became the leader
of resistance against Hsinbyushin’s army. Taksin instructed soldiers of the
novel method of using a sword in each hand while fighting the adversary.
The province of Rayong came under his occupation, and afterward in
June 1767 Taksin overran Chanthaburi. He was now the master of a sizable
territory. His armada sailed along the Chao Praya River and proceeded
toward Thonburi.
Taksin established himself as the king of Siam (Thailand) in the town of
Thonburi after defeating both the army of the renegade Nai Thing-in and later
Suki, the Myanmarese Commander of Hsinbyushin. Taksin had become the
“Liberator of Siam” and people lovingly called him Phaya Chao Taksin, or King
Taksin. Thonburi became the new capital, and the Chinese from Taksin’s
paternal home of Chaozhu supplied the labor force and building materials
History of Thailand, 1605–1782 69

for building the capital. Strategically located near the mouth of the Chao
Praya River, Thonburi was a suitable port. Trade was essential to revive the
Thai economy. There was much maritime commerce, and the Chinese-Thai
traders took a large part in it.
Taksin took recourse to guerrilla warfare against the troops of Hsinbyushin
and occupied many towns. Bangkok and finally Ayudhya came under his
sway. He had complete control over central Thailand areas like Bangkok,
Ratchaburi, Nakhon Pathom, Jaksi, Prachin, Chantaburi, and Nakhon Sawan.
There were independent rulers as well, such as Chao Nakorn controlling
Nakhon Si Thammarat and other southern provinces. The governor of Phitsa-
nulok named himself as King Ruang. Korat and the adjoining eastern area
were under control of a son of Boromakot named Prince Pimai. The extreme
northern part was under the control of the “Priest King,” Chao Phaya Fang,
who also seized Phitsanulok in 1768. At the outset, Taksin defeated Pimai
along with his Myanmarese commander and brought the Korat area under
his control. The following year, Nakhon Si Thammarat came under Thonburi.
But his Cambodian adventure failed. The exiled king, Ang Non, had come to
Thonburi in 1769 and Taksin had asked Ang Tong, ruler of Cambodia, to pay
tribute. An army was sent to restore Ang Non, but it did not succeed. Taksin
led a large army against Fang and it was successful. Afterward he marched
to Cambodia and installed Ang. Ang Tong ousted the Thai army in 1772 with
help from Vietnam, but he could rule for a year only. The next year, the Thais
again controlled the affairs of Cambodia and Ang Non was made ruler of
Cambodia. Taksin repulsed the attack of Myanmar against Chiengmai and
Chiensen in 1774 and 1775. Hsinbyushin and his troops no longer posed any
threat to Taksin.
The Kingdom of Luang Prabang under Inta Som became an ally of Thailand
in 1774, throwing off the Myanmarese domination. Vientiane, whose ruler
Ong Boun had defied Taksin by maintaining an alliance with Myanmar, was
occupied in 1778. The famous Emerald Buddha, in Vientiane’s possession
since 1564, was brought to Bangkok at that time.
The frequent campaigns took a toll upon the health of Taksin and he began
to show signs of insanity. He grew ever more paranoid. He had fantasies of
becoming an enlightened figure like Buddha. Taksin also claimed he had
mystical powers and desired sainthood. By the year 1782, he had become
depraved and brutal. The hostility of Buddhist monks against Taksin’s
demand of respect and homage led to his downfall and imprisonment.
General Chao Praya Chakri and his younger brother Chao Praya Surasi, the
commanders of the Thai army, declared Taksin insane and deposed him.
The historical consensus is that he was executed, but one Thai tradition men-
tioned that he was dispatched secretly to Nakhon Si Thammarat, where he
passed the remaining years of his life as a Buddhist monk. Nevertheless,
70 The History of Thailand

Taksin became a symbol of Thai resistance against the marauding forces of

Myanmar. He was the savior of the Thais after Ayudhya was burned to
ashes. One of the most remarkable kings of Thailand, he had rallied the
Thais against alien occupation. He was not only a warrior, but also a lover
of arts and literature. The equestrian statue of Taksin adorns the big circular
grounds of Thonburi.
The Chakri Dynasty:
Rama I to Rama IV

The Chakri dynasty was established on April 6, 1782, when Chao Phaya Chakri
was crowned the king of Thailand as Rama I (r. 1782–1809). In the history of
Thailand, what is known as the Rattnakosin or Bangkok period began with
Rama I’s rule. The rulers belonging to the House of Chakri have been kings
of Thailand ever since. The present ruler, Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), the
ninth ruler of the Chakri dynasty, became the king in 1946. They have built
up the administrative institutions of the illustrious rulers of the past and also
made new contributions. The country has remained united ever since. The
illustrious Chakri rulers have managed to steer clear of the difficulties faced
by the country during the troubled times of earlier colonial rule. They have
modernized Thailand with a great vision.

Thong Duang was born on March 20, 1737, to Phra Aksorn Sundara
Smiantra, a noble of the Ayudhya Kingdom. After finishing his education in
the Buddhist temples, he served in the royal household for some time and
finally joined Thaksin’s army. He conquered Vientiane in 1778 and it became
72 The History of Thailand

a vassal of Thonburi. The famous Emerald Buddha, which was in Vientiane’s

possession since 1564, was brought back to the capital of Thonburi. Taksin
having been declared insane, it seemed that the newly established peace
and order of the Kingdom would pave the way for a civil war and anarchical
situation. Thong Duang rose to the occasion. He returned from the military
campaign of Cambodia. He assumed the royal title after restoring order and
came to be known as Rama I.
Rama I decided to move the capital from Thonburi to the opposite bank
of the Chao Praya River. It was a vast stretch of land with scope for future
expansion. Earlier there were only a few trading settlements, a French
garrison, and some villages. The king planned the layout for a new city of
Bangkok. It has remained the capital of Thailand ever since. On the eastern
side of the Chao Praya, he made a strong defense layout for the capital with
fortification. Taksin’s capital Thonburi was on both the banks of the river so
as to make a gateway in case of an invasion by water. Rama I did not have
any plan for escaping and concentrated on checking any future attack from
the capital itself. A large Chinese community residing on the eastern side
was transferred half a mile downstream to Sampheng. (It is now the location
of a famous Chinese shopping area.) Rama I built a palace, which is still in
existence. He was residing in a temporary abode made of wood. Within three
years, the Grand Palace was constructed. In tune with the earlier Thai mon-
archs, connections with Indic-style Sanskritized epithets were retained as is
evident from a host of adjectives used for the new city such as “Impregnable
City of god Indra,” “Grand Capital of the World,” and “A City given by Indra
and built by Vishnukrma.” The Emerald Buddha was installed in Wat Phra
Kaew. On both sides of the Chakkrabhat Piman Hall, a splendid residential
complex was built up. The new capital was inaugurated in 1785 with the very
long official title Khrung Thep Maha Nakhon Amorn Rattanakosindra Mahin-
drayutthaya Mahadilokpop Noparattana Radchhani Burirom Udom Rachnivet
Mahastan Amorn Pimarn Avatarn Satit Sakatuttiya Vishnukarm Prasit (City of
Angels, Great City and Residence of the Emerald Buddha, Impregnable City
of god Indra, Grand Capital of the World, Endowed with Nine Precious
Gems, Abounding in Enormous Royal Palaces which Resemble the Heavenly
Abode where Reigns the Reincarnated god, a City given by Indra and Built
by Vishnukrma).
The reign of Rama I witnessed a consolidation and expansion of the Kingdom
by extensive warfare. The king of Myanmar, Bodawpaya (r. 1781–1819), was
determined to bring the neighboring state of Thailand under his submission.
He arranged nine armies and sent them in three directions, which were suc-
cessfully repulsed in 1785 and 1787 respectively. In 1793, Rama I invaded
Myanmar provinces that extended into the Malay Peninsula but failed to
capture it. Chiang Mai and Chiang Saen were once again under Thailand.
The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 73

The Kingdom of Vientiane of Laos acknowledged the vassalage of Thailand.

Chao In (r. 1792–1805) of Luang Prabang remained as a vassal of Rama I. Thus
Thai control extended over to Laos. In 1795, Rama I installed the exiled ruler
Anh Eng (r. 1779–1796) in Bangkok as king of Cambodia. Eng was sent back
to the Cambodian capital Udong under protection of a Thai army. Rama I
annexed provinces of Battambang and Siem Reap as a price for help rendered
to Eng. When the powerful Gia Long (r. 1802–1820) unified Vietnam, Cambodia
had to acknowledge suzerainty of both Thailand and Vietnam. The sultans of
the Malay Peninsula such as Kedah, Kelantan, and Trenggannu acknowledged
the suzerainty of the Thai monarch. They used to send bunga mas (gold leaves)
as a mark of insubordination to the Thai court. When the British began to con-
trol the sultanates in 1909, the practice of offering bunga mas stopped. Chao
Praya Surasingha Nath, the Uparaja, or Second King, and younger brother of
Rama I, led an expedition to Patani in 1785. He was in southern Thailand
resisting the troops of Bodawpaya. The sultanate of Patani had declared its
independence in the 1760s, when Myanmar was attacking Ayudhya. Sultan
Muhammad II was defeated. He had two gigantic Phya Thani canons, which
were captured and taken to the capital. They are now displayed in front of the
building that houses the Ministry of Defense. The prisoners of war, number-
ing around 4,000, were employed in digging the klongs (canals) of Bangkok.
A rebellion in Patani in 1791 as well as 1808 was crushed, and Patani was for-
mally annexed into Thailand in 1902.
Rama I revamped administration in the provinces as well as in the capital,
thus making his rule very much centralized. The incessant Myanmar inva-
sions of the eighteenth century had made bureaucracy and the monkhood
corrupt and lax. During the years 1784 to 1801, Rama I restored the moral
standard of the Buddhist monks by a series of royal decrees. The Buddhist
scripture the Tripitaka (Three Baskets) and Thai civil law had been destroyed
during the sacking of Ayudhya. Rama I called a Buddhist council in 1788,
attended by 250 monks and Buddhist scholars who participated in reconstruct-
ing the Tripitaka. The Thai king was the defender of Theravada Buddhism, the
pillar of Thai governance and society. Rama I performed his obligation to
the fullest extent. A post designated as Supreme Patriarch of Thai Buddhism
was also created. Rama I appointed a commission in 1795 that consisted of
11 jurists and scholars to look into the laws promulgated by Rama Tibodi I,
the founder of the Ayudhya dynasty. The code of laws comprising indige-
nous practices and Indian legal concepts was changed to a certain extent.
The new Code of 1804, known as Tra Sam Duang (Laws of the Three Seals),
categorized the 48 provinces of the Kingdom. The governors were gen-
erally appointed from the royalty for a term of three years only. The min-
istries of Mahat Thai (North), Kalahom (South), and Khlang (Finance) oversaw
provincial administration. The code also enumerated provisions for civil
74 The History of Thailand

and military administration. The king took special care in appointing persons
to head the ministries. Some of the appointees in the ministries were not
Thais, as they were actually the Brahmans from India and Bunnag family
from Persia.
There was a flowering of Thai literature under Rama I. He had initiated the
royal writings known as Phra Rajanibondh. He was the author of the Thai
version of the Indian epic, the Ramayana, which depicted the hero, Rama.
The Ramakien of Rama I differed significantly from the original, with many
interpolations throughout. Prose literature developed during this time as
well. The Sri Lankan Mahavamsa was translated. The Unarut, based on the
Indian epic the Mahabharata, depicted the life history of Krishna’s grandson,
Aniruddha. In the performing arts, apart from the Ramakien, dance dramas
such as Dalang and I Noa were adapted from Javanese Panji. Verse recitals
accompanied by musical instruments were also fairly common. Rama I died
on September 7, 1809, in Bangkok, leaving 42 children from 29 wives. Many
of his children renovated 23 temples in Bangkok and Thonburi. He was suc-
ceeded by his son Prince Isarasundorn as King Rama II (r.1809–1824). Rama
I had left his mark in Thai history as a patron of literature, lawgiver, benevo-
lent ruler, and empire builder.

The Kingdom held by Chakri rulers was fairly strong, with Thai suzerainty
extending over most of Laos, part of northeast Myanmar, west Cambodia,
and the northern portion of the Malay Peninsula. Rama II ruled smoothly
during a time of peace and stability. The king appointed his confidants from
among the royal relations and especially from the side of his mother, Queen
Amarindra, strengthening his power base. Myanmar invaded the Peninsula
region in 1810 and occupied Takau-Pa and Thalang in Phuket. But it was
repulsed soon by a contingent of 20,000 soldiers. The town of Talang was dev-
astated and depopulated by the army of Myanmar. It took quite some time to
bring back normalcy. There was much increase in Sin-Thai trade with the
important export of rice to China. Rama II asked the traders to import
Chinese ceramics. The king also made Buddha images. He introduced the
Niello ware and artisans were sent to Nakorn Sri Thammarat to set up a
manufacturing center.
Thai literature reached its pinnacle of glory due to the writings of the king
and the court poet Sunthorn Phu (1786–1855). The Ramakien’s two episodes
were scripted by Rama II for dramatic performance. Authorship of the epic
poem I Nao also was credited to him. Much of Thai social history pertaining
to the early nineteenth century could be gleaned from this work. He was the
author of the story titled The Prince in a Conch Shell, which is still read by
The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 75

students in Thai schools today. The Sang Thong and Kraithong were written for
dramatic performance as well. Sunthorn’s life was a colorful one. He had a
love affair with a lady of the court and he married her afterward. He became
a court poet. Sunthorn was jailed in 1821 due to his involvement in a brawl.
After Rama II’s reign, he lost his royal patronage and became a monk. His
poetic romances were in the sepha (a type of ballad) style. His magnum opus,
the Phra Aphai Mani, narrated the romantic adventure of Prince Aphai in
ancient Thailand. Sunthorn also penned nine nirats. He wrote in a simple lan-
guage for the common people. The Khun Chang Khun Phaen was another epic
poem of the period. The story behind the poem’s 30,000 lines originated in the
folk tradition. It was indigenous in origin without influence from India or
Java. The story revolves around two male characters, Phlai Kaeo and Khun
Chang, who love Nang Phim. The three pass their lifetime amid happiness,
sorrow, love, and war. They are not from royalty and belong to ordinary
families. The story ends in tragedy with the heroine’s death.
The reign of Rama II witnessed the resurrection of relations with the
European power once again. The Thai monarchs had the difficult task of deal-
ing with colonial powers expanding in Southeast Asia. Due to the sagacity
and willingness to compromise of the kings, Thailand would remain free
from Western imperial domination. The European countries had undergone
dramatic changes after the Industrial Revolution. Development of technology
had put them ahead of Asian countries. From traders, they became colonial
masters. The Indian subcontinent had become a British colony. Southeast Asia
was coming under their sway gradually. Penang Island and Melaka were
acquired in 1786 and 1795 respectively. When the Napoleonic Wars were over,
there was a renewed political and commercial offensive. After the reign of
King Narai, Thailand had avoided having any treaty with European coun-
tries. It was Rama II who once again started signing treaties. From Macao, a
Portuguese representative named Carlos Manoel Silveira arrived in Thailand
in the year 1818. He became the Portuguese consul in Thailand after signing a
trade agreement. The only expansionist act of Rama II was ousting the Sultan
of Kedah, who fled to Penang in 1821. The mission of John Crawford in 1821
to Thailand failed and no treaty could be signed, as there was disagreement
over Anglo–Thai trade procedures and the status of the Kedah sultanate.

Rama II died in 1824 and his son Prince Tub began to rule Thailand as
Rama III (r. 1824–1851). Myanmar was no longer a threat to Thailand as it
was directing its attention toward the west, and the first war between Britain
and Myanmar broke out (1824–1826) because of a dispute along the border
between Myanmar and India. The British wanted the support of Thailand
76 The History of Thailand

against their common enemy Myanmar as well as for an extension of the

British expansion to the northern Malay states of Perak and Selangor. At the
same time, they desired to have Thai influence in Malay states. The British East
India Company (EIC) sent Captain Henry Burney to sign an agreement with
the Thai king. The June 1826 Treaty of Commerce and Friendship did not alter
the Thai position as far as the Malay states were concerned. It also did not
withdraw troops from Kedah. Any trading activity or building of factories
would be done with the permission from the king only. The export of rice
as well as the import of opium was forbidden. The Thai court did not accept
any British consul and the king retained his monopoly over most of the export
items. At least for some time Thailand did not succumb to outside pressure.
But a relationship with the British had been established by a treaty. In 1818,
American missionaries came and were allowed to provide medical treatment
to the Thais. They established the first printing press in 1833. It was Dan
Beach Bradley who set up the press for printing in Thai alphabets. In 1833
Edmund Roberts was sent by the American President Andrew Jackson to sign
a Treaty of Amity and Commerce Friendship with Thailand. However,
another attempt by the United States to exact concession from the Thai court
did not succeed. Rama III did not receive the America envoy Joseph Balestier
personally and asked the finance minister to confer with him. Balestier’s mis-
sion thus failed. Another British mission came in 1851, hoping to establish a
favorable trading agreement with Thailand. Rama III was ill and did not
receive the emissary of Queen Victoria, Sir James Brooke. The White Raja of
Borneo (Sarawak) instead met the finance minister, who did not want any
change in the status quo. Brooke had no other alternative but to leave fuming.
Had Rama III lived longer, things might have been different. These are big
“ifs” of history. Probably Britain and Thailand would have come closer.
The military might of the Bangkok Kingdom was unleashed against Laos in
1826–1827. The splinter Kingdom of Vientiane was maintaining a balance
between Vietnam and Thailand, showing allegiance to both. The ruler Anuvong
(Chao Anou, r. 1805–1828) had wanted his son to be the ruler of Champassak,
but the Thais resisted. Anuvong was determined to throw off the Thai yoke. He
crossed the Mekong and attacked Korat, hoping that the Lao-speaking people
would support him. Luang Prabang did not side with him but supported
the Thais. He marched against Bangkok in 1827, but the Thai retaliation resulted
in the depopulation of a major part of the Kingdom and the destruction of
Vientiane. The following year Anuvong was captured and he died as a prisoner
in Bangkok. The Vientiane Kingdom was abolished and it became a part of a
Thai province. In 1831, Rama III sent an expedition against Cambodia down
the southern shores of the Tonle Sap and the Thai troops occupied Phnom Penh.
But the Emperor Minh-Mang (r. 1820–1841) of Vietnam sent a large army that
expelled the Thais from the newly occupied territory. Thailand’s hold over west
The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 77

and east Cambodia, however, remained unchanged. Its ruler, King Ang Chan II
(r. 1806–1834), no longer sent the bunga mass, a symbol of vassalage status. The
eastern portion was under Vietnamese domination. In late 1840, a large-scale
revolution occurred in Cambodia against the Vietnamese, when Thieu Tri
(r. 1840–1847), Emperor of Vietnam, began to impose a direct rule. In 1841, the
Thai troops again invaded and installed Ang Duong (r. 1841–1859) as the king.
By a compromise formula, the ruler showed allegiance to both Vietnam and
Thailand. The distant vassals like Terenganu, Perak, and Kedah continued to
pay tribute to the Thai court. In 1838, the mutiny by way of an attempt of the
Sultan of Kedah to be independent was crushed.
The trade and commerce of the Kingdom continued to flourish and its
income rose. Rama III strengthened the economic base of the Kingdom. The
Chinese trade had developed to its fullest extent with the export of rice, tin,
pepper, and cardamom, among many other things. Bangkok imported silk,
paper, tea, porcelain, and saltpeter. Rama III had kept the profits from the
Chinese trade in bags near his bed called “red bag money.” The production
of tobacco, sugarcane, and pepper increased manifold. Industries connected
with sugar, tin, iron, and shipbuilding developed tremendously. The royalty
and the emerging Chinese commercial elite had befriended each other. The
Chinese could buy land and property. Emphasis on money and the economy
had started a new age. It gave Thailand the semblance of a modern state in
the context of a changing world. It was further developed by his successors.
Although the threat from Western colonialism was renewed later, skillful
negotiations by the king preserved Thai dominance in the outlying provinces.
The king diplomatically avoided war and disallowed preferential trading
privileges to Europeans. Rama III preserved his Kingdom in Southeast Asia
at the time the region was being dominated by a Western presence, the
British. He neither succumbed to Western pressure nor alienated Western
countries completely. Rama III was a devout Buddhist. During his reign,
about 50 temples were constructed and others received major renovations.
He died in 1851 and was also known as Nangklao posthumously. As the king
had not named a successor, the Council of Ministers decided to put Rama III’s
half-brother Prince Mongkut on the throne.


Mongkut (r. 1851–1868), the grandson of Rama I, was son of Rama II
and Queen Sri Suriyendra. Mongkut donned the garb of a Buddhist monk at
the age of 19 and led the life of an ascetic until the day of his coronation as
Rama IV. As a monk, he had founded the Thammayut Nikaya reform move-
ment. He devoted his time to studying Western science and humanities.
He was a renowned scholar on Buddhism. Mongkut had mastery over Pali,
78 The History of Thailand

Sanskrit, and major languages of mainland Southeast Asia. Well versed in

European affairs, he learned Latin and English. He was an occasional
contributor to the local Siam Times. Mongkut had traveled throughout the
Kingdom as a monk and knew about the people. While on a pilgrimage in
1833, he discovered the famous inscription of the Sukhothai king Rama
Khamheng. After becoming the king, he appointed his younger brother
Prince Pinklao (Chudamani) as the vice king, who advised the king fre-
quently. The king had an open mind with an incessant quest for knowledge,
which ranged from the classical scriptures of Pali language to Western science
and culture. Retaining the fundamentals of Thai culture, he began to modern-
ize the country in a way best suited to Thailand. There was blending of tradi-
tion and modernity.
Without compromising his status as a benevolent despot, Mongkut under-
took major reforms. He initiated major changes in building activities, health,
education, administration, and court etiquettes. The king appointed Western
experts as well as advisors to facilitate the task of modernization. In the royal
army two Frenchmen were in charge of the drill and band. The mercenary
police force was headed by a British commander. The customs service was
looked after by an American. Mongkut also was in correspondence with the
heads of state from France, the United States, Britain, and with Pope IX
(1792–1878). He had invited foreign dignitaries to his coronation ceremony
and frequently met with them in the royal palace. No persecution of Christians
in the capital and other provinces was allowed. Freedom of religion was
granted. Mongkut had developed a personal rapport with some of the mis-
sionaries as well as his tutors in Western languages and sciences. Chudamani,
the vice king, equally matched the zeal of his brother with his interest in
Western technology, the English language, and European manners. He named
his eldest son George Washington. Chudamani built ships with steam engines
and repaired watches. The reign of Mongkut witnessed massive construction
works in the form of bridges, brick buildings, canals, and roads. The roads in
Bangkok such as the Fuangnakorn road, the Charoen Krung road along Chao
Praya River, and the Bumrung Muang road were constructed. The capital also
was connected with the Moulmein–Singapore telegraph line. On the rivers,
steamers appeared. A royal mint was established and for the first time
currency in the form of metal coins was produced to meet the demand of
the economy. The reign also saw a relaxation in the rigid court manners. The
nobles were encouraged to put on shirts. Foreigners were exempted from
crawling while going to meet the king. A prevailing ancient custom making
it mandatory for persons to close windows and doors at the time of a royal
entourage’s passage was abolished. As a ruler with special concern for his
subjects, the king granted them the right of petition directly. He appeared in
public on a weekly basis to listen to the grievances of the subjects. Mongkut
The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 79

believed in Western medicine. Bradley, who had established the printing press
at the time of Rama III, was also a doctor credited with introducing the small-
pox vaccination in Thailand. Mongkut received it from the doctor’s hands. He
also encouraged medical work of the missionaries.
With his love of English language and Western knowledge, Mongkut wanted
the members of the royalty to be trained in English. Initially, the wives of the
missionaries like Ms. Bradley and Ms. Jones taught the ladies of the court
religious texts in an effort to convert them to Christianity. Afterward the king
recruited the services of Ms. Anna Leonowens (1834–1914), a British widow
from Singapore. She arrived in Bangkok in 1862 to teach English to Mongkut’s
children. She taught them English language skills, science, literature, and
history. All the sons and daughters of the king, numbering 60, were taught by
her. One of her promising students was the Crown Prince Chulalgkorn. The role
of Leonowens in influencing the modernization program in the nation has
generated much debate. The king had set the agenda of modernizing Thailand
much before he came into contact with her. Her exaggerated claim has been
disproved by modern research and her autobiographical account, The English
Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace
(1870), contained lies and half truths. At best, it could be said that Leonowens
made the royal children educated in the English language and the king had
respect for her as she was the tutor of his beloved children. Her “favorite” stu-
dent Chulalongkorn did not invite her to the Kingdom after she had left in
1867. But the saga of Anna Leonowens had caught the imagination of novelists
and moviemakers. In certain quarters, her story is much more important than
the life and philosophy of Mongkut himself. The king was an erudite scholar
and an enlightened person. By no stretch of the imagination would he have been
influenced by the tutor of his progenies. In 1944 Margaret Landon wrote Anna
and the King and screen versions of it came afterward. There was a movie entitled
Anna and the King of Siam (1946). The Broadway play The King and I (1951) is still
banned in Thailand for distorting Thai history and portraying Mongkut to the
point of ridicule. More recently, the motion picture Anna and the King (1999)
generated further controversy in Thailand. The Thai Censor Board ruled that
Thais should not see the movie, which was said to misrepresent the monarchy
and exaggerate the extent of impact of Leonowens on Mongkut.
One of Mongkut’s greatest accomplishments was to keep Thailand free
from colonial rule by use of diplomacy, treaty arrangements, and grants of
concessions. Rama III had just begun this policy, but it was left to Mongkut
to make a major breakthrough. He had already done his homework and knew
very well that the times had changed and that Thailand must keep pace with
them. The king had created an atmosphere of amity and trust by removing
suspicion from the minds of foreigners. John Bowring (1792–1872), an author
of repute and the fourth governor of Hong Kong, was the emissary of Her
80 The History of Thailand

Majesty’s Government to sign a new treaty with Thailand. London was deter-
mined to square up the unfinished task of James Brooke. He arrived from
Singapore in the warship the HMS Rattler and desired attendance with the
king and not with the finance minister. Bowring was greeted by the king,
whose demeanor charmed him. The 1855 April Treaty of Friendship and
Commerce between Britain and Thailand was the precursor to treaties signed
with other European countries and the United States. These treaties were
more or less similar with the agreements that China signed with foreign
powers. The advantage was with the foreign countries as they received the
status of most-favored nation, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and tariff control.
Therefore, these unequal treaties were abrogated afterward in the reign of
Rama VII (r. 1925–1935). The Thai treaty with Britain allowed British nationals
to own land property in Bangkok. The import of opium was made duty-free,
rice trade was opened, and for the rest of the imports from Great Britain the
customs duty was 3 percent only. The British Consul only would handle cases
concerning offenses committed by the British subjects in Thailand. The Thai
laws and courts did not have any jurisdiction over them.
Mongkut had no other way out but to sign a treaty with Britain. By 1852,
the southern provinces of Myanmar had become a part of the British empire,
making Britain an immediate neighbor of Thailand and establishing itself as
the most powerful colonial power on the Asian continent. It was a judicious
decision of the king, lest the British might expand their territorial aggrandize-
ment further. The other colonial power, France, rival of Britain, had to be
contained, too. A similar treaty was signed with France in 1856, when an
envoy of Napoleon III (1808–1873), the vice-consul of Shanghai de Montigny,
arrived in Bangkok. The Thais were apprehensive of French designs on
Cambodia. In fact, the French interests were a combination of economic,
political, and religious motives. In 1867, Thailand recognized Cambodia as a
French protectorate and annulled earlier treaties between the two countries.
The century-old Thai domination of major parts of Cambodia had ended
except for its ports in the provinces of Siem Reap and Battambang. A few
months before the French treaty, a Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Immigra-
tion had been signed with the United States in May 1856 and Stephen Mathon
became the first American consul in Thailand. Similar treaties were signed
with Denmark (1858), Portugal (1859), the Netherlands (1860), Prussia
(1862), Sweden–Norway (1868), Belgium (1868), and Italy (1868). One of the
major consequences of the treaty system was the end of Chinese dominance
in the foreign trade of Thailand. The British gained a major foothold and
profited from trade, investment, and shipping. The foreign trade of Thailand
increased phenomenally from the middle of the 1850s, most of it going
through Singapore. British companies opened branches in Bangkok. Invest-
ments were made in the tin and timber business. The so-called free trade
The Chakri Dynasty: Rama I to Rama IV 81

benefited the British. Remittance abroad became easy, as the British had
abundant reserves in gold. The British economic predominance over Thailand
continued until the 1940s and the Thais continued its policy of allying with
the most powerful regional power.
An avid astronomer, Mongkut had invited the courtiers and foreign
communities to Thailand to observe the total solar eclipse, which he had
calculated two years earlier. After observing it in 1868 in malaria-infested
Sam Roi Yod, Mongkut and Prince Chulalongkorn were stricken with the dis-
ease. The king died a few days afterward and Chulalongkorn, who survived,
became the next king of Thailand. Mongkut is venerated in Thailand for his
modernization program and introduction of Western science and technology.
An astute statesman and one of the most remarkable kings of Thailand, he
ruled the country with dignity and preserved its independence.
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V)

As we saw in the previous chapter, it was Mongkut and his son Chulalongkorn
who preserved the independence of Thailand at the time of Western colonial
expansion in Southeast Asia. Both father and son ushered in an era of moderni-
zation and propelled the country toward a new age. Mongkut had laid the
foundation and Chulalongkorn followed his father’s footsteps. He demolished
the power brokers of the earlier regime and built a support base to assist him in
his schemes. Gradually, Thailand began to free itself from the late medieval age
and entered into the modern period.


Chulalongkorn was born in the year 1853 as the eldest son of Mongkut and
Queen Debsirindra (1834–1861). He received a traditional education as well as
instruction from European tutors, including Anna Leonowens. In fact
he was a favorite student of Leonowens and thanked her profusely after she
had left the Kingdom. Chulalongkorn became the king of Thailand at the
age of 15 after his father’s death in 1868. Due to his tender age, the Kingdom
was placed under the Regency of Chao Praya Siri Suriyawong (1808–1883)
until 1873. During this period, Chulalongkorn traveled widely. While in
84 The History of Thailand

Singapore, Java, and India, he acquainted himself with the administration

of the colonial powers. This was the second visit of a Thai king abroad, the
first being the visit of Sukhothai king Rama Khamheng to Beijing in 1282.
Chulalongkorn knew about the history and cultures of other countries. This
exposure helped him a great deal in modernizing his Kingdom. The king
was now at the helm of affairs after the end of Regency, but the direct influ-
ence of the old guards was still there. He had differences of opinion with
Suriyawong over the pace of reforms. The latter belonged to the powerful
Bunnag family, who were under the services of Thai kings for more than 200
years. His father had been the Phra Khlang, or finance minister, under Rama III.
Suriyawong was in charge of military (Kalhom) command under Mongkut.
Many persons belonging to the higher echelons of the administration had a
stake in maintaining the status quo. In 1875 the hua boran (conservative)
forces, in fear of losing privileges by the reforms of the king, staged an abor-
tive palace revolution and tried to put Prince Wichaichan on the throne. The
king began to induct his younger brothers and persons amenable to reforms.
Prince Damrong Rajanubhab (1862–1943), a stepbrother of the king who was
with the Royal Bodyguard Regiment, undertook major administrative
reforms of the provinces. He became the deputy commander-in-chief of the
army, minister of education, and afterward headed the ministry of interior.
Devawongse Varopakar (1858–1923), another stepbrother of the king as well
as a brother-in-law due to his sisters’ marriages with the king, was the personal
secretary of the king in 1878. After the resignation of Chao Praya Phanuwong, a
member of the Bunnag clan, Varopakar took charge of foreign affairs. He was
mainly instrumental in maintaining Thai independence by diplomacy and bal-
ancing Anglo–French interest. It took the king about 10 years to undertake
changes without any opposition as advisors were persons of the king’s choice.
In the 1870s, the reform process was slow, but in the 1880s it was all pervading
in administration.

Chulalongkorn reformed Thai society. His changes in administration, edu-
cation, and the judicial system had a lasting impact on the country. In 1873,
the system of prostrating before the presence of the king was done away with.
By a royal proclamation it was declared that any person born during the
king’s reign was a free man, which was the first step toward the abolition of
slavery. Children born of slave parents would be free by the age of 21. It took
31 years for the complete abolition of slavery. Gradual abolition of slavery did
not raise protests from any quarters, not even from conservative elements. In
1874, privy councils were created. The lower one was in an advisory capacity,
bringing important matters to the court. The higher council, composed of
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 85

princes and nobles, was an advisory body regarding matters of revenue and
loyalty of the subjects. It was presided over by the king. With consultative
functions only, these bodies did not represent the will of the people, and it
would take a long time for democracy to arrive in Thailand.
The king was deeply committed to educational reforms. A school was
established to impart secular education. It became the Royal Pages School in
1902. In addition to offering training in civil services, its curriculum included
international relations, engineering, medicine, and commerce. It was named
the Civil Service College in 1911 and after seven years the famous Chulalong-
korn University came into being. In 1887, a separate department of education
was created. The king instituted a scholarship program for students. The
princes and scholars were sent abroad for higher education. In 1880, the king
established the first public museum inside the Grand Palace; after seven years
it was converted to the National Museum. A medical school was also estab-
lished. James W. McKean, an American doctor and Protestant missionary,
did yeoman service in the Thai medical field. He supplied quinine tablets,
vaccinated for smallpox, and helped persons afflicted with leprosy. In Sirirat,
the first public hospital was established in 1887. It offered services in both
indigenous and Western medicines. Prince Damarong set up a medical school
in 1890 that afterward became a college. Thai students benefited a lot after the
printing of a textbook entitled Paetsart Sonkhra in 1895. The printing press of
the state provided school textbooks and a Royal Gazette was also published.
Damarong and British civil servant Robert Morant (1863–1920) did much for
educational improvement during the reign of Chulalongkorn. Morant also
was in charge of tutoring the royal family. Press freedom was guaranteed by
royal decree and nonlibelous writing against the royalty was tolerated to a
certain degree. Chulalongkorn announced religious toleration in 1878.
Sunday was declared a holiday. With the abolition of the traditional lunar cal-
endar, Thailand followed the Western pattern of calendar.
From the 1880s, the administrative apparatus of Thailand was changed dras-
tically and most of it was at the behest of the principal advisor and most trusted
person of the king. Prince Damrong had been Minister of Education and after-
ward Minister of Interior. The provincial administration was overhauled, with
the division of the Kingdom into monthon (circles), which were subdivided into
changwat (provinces) and amphur (districts). The samuthathespiba was the head
of circles. Provincial autonomy was curtailed a great deal with nominated gov-
ernors, who received their salary from the ministry. Thus central control over
outlying regions was ensured. The districts were under control of nai amphur,
or district officers, who were appointed by the center. The village was the small-
est unit and the kamnan or chief belonged to the local community. Generally a
leader represented a hamlet of about 20 families and he would have a major
say in the appointment of kamnan. The ministries were also revamped.
86 The History of Thailand

The trusted persons of the king were appointed in important ministries

such as the interior, foreign, justice, and military affairs. In 1892, the ministers
met as a cabinet for the first time. In 1891, the king ordered organization of the
mining industry and entrusted the task to Herbert W. Smyth (1867–1943). He
became the secretary and afterward director of the newly constituted Depart-
ment of Mines. Smyth traveled widely throughout Thailand and reported
about mining potentiality. He also arbitrated conflicts among different mining
In 1888, a separate department for the army was created and the Thai army
was strong enough to suppress any local rebellion. A modern army on the
pattern of European countries was created and Chao Phra Surasakmontri
(1851–1931) was placed in its command. Chulalongkorn introduced conscrip-
tion in 1902. The king gave special attention to creating a strong army, and
the defense expenditure rose from 1 million baht in 1898 to 13 million in
12 years. The outburst of rebellions from minority areas was easily crushed.
The nation’s martial power, consisting of the Thai army of 20,000, navy of
5,000, and 50,000 reserves, was strong enough to crush any internal dissen-
sion. About 2,500 rebels of Ubon in northeast Thailand had revolted under
the leadership of Thao Thammikarat. He styled himself as the Messiah
and began a millenarian movement. The rebels sacked Khemmarat in 1901.
But soon the Thai army suppressed them. The Shans of Phrae in the north
rose in rebellion, aided by local rulers. The latter were in distress over the
loss of privileges by the sweeping reforms. Phrae was captured and Lampang
was attacked. It was also crushed by a Thai army led by Danish adviser H. M.
Jensen and Surasakmontri. The sultan of Patani, Abdul Kadir Kamaruddin
(r. 1899–1902), revolted in 1902. The seven provinces of Patani had been
regrouped as one unit called boriween chet huamuang (area of the seven prov-
inces). Loss of autonomy and sending of revenue to the central treasury
resulted in a rebellion against Chulalongkorn by the sultan. The revolt was
suppressed and the sultan was arrested. In 1902, Patani was incorporated into
the Thai Kingdom. Reform in judiciary was undertaken on a large scale.
A Ministry of Justice was created in 1892, headed by Oxford-returned
Prince Rajeburidirekrit, who set up law courts in districts, provinces, and at
the country’s center. Multitudinous cases had been piled up, and to clear the
backlog special courts were also set up. The profit of middlemen and officials
was curtailed to a great extent. Five years afterward, a law school was estab-
lished for training lawyers and judges. In 1908 the Thai laws were codified.
The following year, the penal code of Thailand was passed. Apart from the
prince, a Belgian advisor, Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns (Chao Phraya Aphai
Raja, 1835–1902), helped in bringing about judicial reforms. In 1891, the
Belgian solicitor had met Prince Damrong in Cairo and accepted the post of
a general advisor with an annual salary of £3,000. In 1897, he helped in the
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 87

establishment of a law school to provide training facilities to Thai lawyers

and judges. Rolin-Jaequemyns was of the opinion that traditional laws of
the countries should be maintained while the legal system was updated.
Some of his reforms in accountancy and public projects led Thailand toward
the foundation of a modern state. A statue was erected at the Law Faculty
building of Thammasat University in his memory.
Chulalongkorn brought about major changes on the financial front.
For all financial transactions, auditing, budgeting, and bookkeeping were
introduced by Prince Damarang. The bureaucracy was centralized for finan-
cial as well as other departments. While recruitment of the staff was made,
the modern educational background was always kept in mind. Alfred
Mitchell-Innes (1864–1950), a British diplomat, was appointed the financial
advisor of the king in 1896. The flat silver coin was replaced by introduction
of paper money in 1902. Baht was the official currency. Tax collection
was given to parties by public auction and not to private individuals. The
corrupt middlemen were ousted as the taxes were paid directly to the state.
Revenues from taxes were deposited in the treasury and all expenditures
were accounted for. The revenue increased from 1.6 million baht in 1874 to
57 million in 32 years. Agriculture was the main source of livelihood for the
majority of the population. For the benefit of cultivators, title deeds were
given for the land. The land tax became more equitable. Due to canal projects,
new areas were brought under cultivation. The uncultivated lands of the
landlords were given to peasants and the latter occupied it during the period
of cultivation. The production of rice increased from about a million piculs
(1 picul is about 60 kgs) in 1950 to 11 million by the year 1900. During the reign
of Chulalongkorn, technological advancements were made with new roads,
bridges, canals, and water gates. In the capital city, new roads, avenues, and
boulevards were constructed. The traffic on canals gave way to roads. Bangkok
looked like any modern city, with European-style houses, pavement, and tree-
lined roads. The famous Rajadamnoen Avenue was built linking central
Bangkok with Dusit Palace. European technicians also installed electricity in
the palace of the king. In 1875, the royal telegraph was established. The trans-
port system was revolutionized with the introduction of railway track from
Bangkok to Paknam at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River, over which trav-
elers could travel a distance of about 12 miles within an hour. Both goods and
passenger trains plied between the two terminals covering 10 stations. Within
a few years, the return from the capital invested in the rail system was high
because of its regular traffic. It took five years to complete it in 1893. No single
European country was given monopoly in railway construction in spite
of Queen Victoria’s desire. The railway track was completed with help from
foreign technicians belonging to different nations. The railway was a joint
enterprise of Belgium and Denmark with locomotives constructed by
88 The History of Thailand

the Kraus of Germany. In 1905 the British government provided the king
loans for meeting expenses connected with the railways.
Thailand was increasingly known to the outside world due to the influx of
foreign advisors and opening of Thai consulates in major cities of the world.
Out of a total of 549 advisors, the majority belonged to Great Britain. They
were mainly in the field of finance, education, police, and mining. Rolin-
Jaequemyns from Belgium had helped in the Thai judicial reforms and
foreign affairs. The Americans helped the government in medical advance-
ments and negotiating Thailand’s treaty system with colonial powers. Francis B.
Sayre, an American lawyer, was a foreign office advisor. The Danes, French,
Belgians, Germans, and Italians worked in various projects of the state. The
role of the Europeans was in an advisory capacity and ministries were headed
by the Thais. Loyalty to throne was a must for any person residing in Thailand.
Chulalongkorn was in correspondence with the heads of state from different
countries in Asia and Europe. He traveled around Europe in 1897 and 1907.
Czar Nicholas II of Russia (1868–1918) and the German Kaiser Wilhelm II
(1859–1941) supported Thailand’s endeavor to be a part of the international
system. Chulalongkorn became the first Thai monarch to visit Europe. The
major cities of the world like Berlin, Tokyo, Paris, St. Petersburg, London,
and Washington, D.C., had Thai consulates. The foreign office under knowl-
edgeable and efficient foreign Minister Varopakar was reorganized. By skill-
ful diplomacy, he made a harmonious balance between Anglo–French
interests in Thailand and preserved the nation’s independence.


The sweeping reforms of Chulalongkorn changed Thai society and the
economy a great deal. The influx of Western culture made a lasting impact
on the country. The society was not going to be the same. Although most of
the benefits reached the elite, it also percolated to other classes of the society
over the course of time. Common people did not have money and they were
busy in earning their livelihood. The city of Bangkok thrived with a popula-
tion increase from 100,000 during the reign of Rama III to 500,000 in the year
1909. With the improvement in communications, people from all over the
world came and many resided in the city. The Chinese population in the
capital city increased considerably. The Chinese from all over Thailand consti-
tuted about 10 percent of the total population. The Thai aristocracy began to
don Western apparel, and foreign shops like Bad Man Store, Windsor Store,
Ramsey Store, Kim Seng Lee, and S.A.B. Store opened in Bangkok. The women
wore Western-style makeup and cut their hair short. The mahatthai (parted
topknot) of men was no longer seen as it was being replaced by a short hair-
style. The Ramsey Seck Field on Bamrungmüang Road was a famous shop
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 89

for Western-style dressmaking. The capital became one of the biggest markets
in Southeast Asia, with imported consumption goods flowing. Watches,
jewelry, perfumes, German beer, canned milk, typewriters, and liquor were
sold by different shops. The lifestyle of urban people changed with boriphok
niyom (consumerism) becoming the catch word for rich people of the cities.
Clubs and holiday resorts also sprang up. The wealthier people constructed
Western-style houses with materials imported from abroad. Concrete, iron,
and chandeliers came from Britain. Singapore, Italy, and Belgium supplied
cement, marble, and glass, respectively. Skilled artisans came from abroad.
The popular sayings about cuisine were kinkhao kin pla (“eat rice and fish”)
and numprik phaktom (referring to a sauce of shrimp paste, chili, and boiled
vegetable). After the establishment of rice mills, white rice became popular.
In the cities, the age-old custom of betel chewing gradually fell out of favor.
The use of spoon, knife, and fork was much in vogue. Chulalongkorn asked
his minor wives to prepare soup, stew, steak, salad, sandwiches, and desserts.
Soda and ice were becoming popular in certain quarters. The first ice factory
was the Nai Loet ice factory. The rich mainly adopted Western values and
purchased luxurious goods. Consumerism came to society because of the
remarkable changes during the reign of Chulalongkorn.
The Thai economy witnessed the impact of reforms in all its ramifications.
International trade expanded, becoming the biggest source of state income.
Rice was the major item of export. Teak, tin, textile, pepper, gemstones, rhi-
noceros leather, ginger, nutmeg, wax, and lead were other items of export.
Rice business was under the Chinese, and the European companies controlled
teak production. The imported commodities were mostly of consumer goods
for the elite. These were opium, copper sheets, tea, eyeglasses, mirrors, metal-
ware, liquor, chinaware, face powder, camphor, pigments, perfumes, ceramic
ware, and paper. For monetary transactions the British opened banks between
1888 and 1894. In 1897, the French opened Banque de l’ Indochine. Goods were
imported and exported mainly in ships, with the British and German ships
providing most of the shipping facilities. The prices of land for residential
and shopping purposes increased. Investment in land became a profitable
business. The unused land between Silom Road and Ban Thawai in Bangkok
was developed for the Chinese and Europeans, who constructed houses as
well as shops. There was demand for rental housing for the floating popula-
tion of Bangkok, many of whom came to the capital only for a short time.
Apart from economic reforms, the era saw developments in Buddhist religion
and literature. Vachirayan, half-brother of the king, was appointed as head of
a new Buddhist academy in 1893. By the Sangha Act of 1902, the monks were
organized into a single order under the king. The Supreme Patriarch was
Vachirayan. The Thammayut order of King Mongkut spread to different
provinces of Thailand. In 1899 the king ordered the construction of a Buddhist
90 The History of Thailand

temple in Bangkok. The Wat Benchamabophit (Marble Temple) was one of the
most magnificent examples of modern Buddhist architecture, with its Italian
marble and orange tiered roofs. The Thai epic poem Khun Chang Khun Phaen
had another revision by Prince Damrong in 1910. It became the standard text
with, including interpolations and deletions from the original.


Thailand survived without becoming a colony of either Britain or France
due to the sagacious policy of Chulalongkorn. When imperialism was at its
height in Southeast Asia, the neighbors of Thailand had succumbed to colonial
onslaught. Mongkut had signed unequal treaties of friendship and commerce,
allowing extra-territoriality rights. Chulalongkorn followed his father’s foot-
steps with some changes and retained the country’s independence. With his far-
sightedness, knowledge of the English language, and deep study of European
history, he knew well that the best course for Thailand would be to maintain
friendly relations with colonial powers even at the cost of Thai territory. Chu-
langkorn also was aware of the limitation of his military prowess against the
might of colonial powers and made several land concessions to the French
and British, keeping Thailand as a buffer state between the two. Britain was
the master of the whole of Myanmar in 1885, and it reigned supreme in the
southern Malay Peninsula. France had established its stronghold in Indochina
save for Laos. There was a rivalry between Britain and France in Southeast Asia
and Africa. The last two decades of Chulalongkorn’s reign witnessed the
impact of the European alliance system over Thailand. In the 1890s, Anglo–
French relations had deteriorated over what was known as the Fashoda inci-
dent in Africa, and only in the beginning of the twentieth century did they
begin to improve. The entente cordiale of Britain and France in 1904 would have
its impact in Thailand as well. It settled the two Western nations’ disputes over
Africa, Canada, and Southeast Asia. Between British Myanmar and French
Indochina lay the independent Kingdom of Thailand. Both colonial powers
thought it judicious to keep Thailand as a buffer state rather than bringing it
under colonial hold. Neither France nor Britain would remain as a silent spec-
tator were the other to gobble up Thailand. France as well as Britain wanted to
seize as much Thai territory as possible. Chulalongkorn exploited the Anglo–
French rivalry and he was prepared even to “bend with the wind”—that is,
he was prepared to sacrifice territories for the sake of the independence of
Thailand. The territories that Thailand ceded to colonial powers did not
belong to the core area, where ethnic Thais were living. These were the outly-
ing periphery zones where Thailand had forced suzerainty. The king thought
it better to give up the claims. By sacrificing a little, he thought the country
would achieve more. Its sovereignty would be preserved.
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 91

France was determined to extend its hold over Laos after controlling
Tonkin, Annam, Cochin–China, and Cambodia by 1885. A clash between
French ambition and Thai suzerainty over Laos was inevitable. Four years
afterward France proposed to Britain that Thailand be declared a buffer zone
between the spheres of influence of both the countries along with division of
Thailand along the Mekong River. Britain declined the proposal. France
planned for conquest of Laos, which was the last stage of French imperialism
in Laos. Thailand had reduced the king of Luang Prabang, Oun Kham
(r. 1872–1887 and 1889–1895), to the status of a governor following the French
advance. In 1885, it also sent a military expedition to Luang Prabnag under
the pretext of protecting it from Ho tribes. The French were alarmed over
the events as they did not want Laos coming under Thai authority. An agree-
ment with Bangkok in May 1886 resulted in the creation of the post of a vice
consul in Luang Prabang. Auguste Pavie (1847–1925), a famous explorer
who was responsible for bringing Laos under French colonial rule, joined
the post in 1887. The Thai army chief had made another raid to Luang
Prabang, but the Ho tribes sacked the city after it had left. Pavie decided to
take initiative with the backing of Parti Colonial in France and he received
additional staff and financial support for his mission. In 1892, Pavie was
appointed the chargé d’affairs with the rank of a consular general in Bangkok.
He was determined to acquire territory east of the Mekong River and used
force to secure the compliance of Bangkok. Thus the Paknam incident began.
The Paknam (Phra Chulachomklao) fort at the estuary of the Chao Praya
River had been completed in 1893 and the French navy was fired upon from
the fort in July. The 25-minute battle resulted in the loss of 151 Thai soldiers.
The casualty figure for the French was 32. Afterward, the French moved
15 miles upstream to Bangkok, threatening to bombard it. The guns of the
two ships, the Comete and the Inconstant, were targeted at the royal palace.
The king received an ultimatum of two days to recognize the French rights
to territories east of the Mekong River, withdrawal of Thai garrisons and a
compensation of two million francs. The Thais did not receive any support
from Britain and agreed for a treaty in October by establishing the French
protectorate over Laos. The French empire extended from the coast of Vietnam
to the Mekong across the whole of Laos. It was further noted in the agreement
that Thailand would not use the Mekong River for warships, and on the west
bank of the river on a width of 16 miles, military activity was disallowed.
France acquired the right over disputed land, where 600,000 people were
living over an area of 55,000 square miles. The Paknam clash also demon-
strated the weakness of the Thai army. Although it was strong enough to quell
local rebellions, it was no match for a Western army. In many quarters of
Thailand, the incident is taken as a cause of grief due to territorial loss after
the humiliating treaty. An Anglo–French agreement of 1896 guaranteed the
92 The History of Thailand

integrity of central Thailand, leaving northeast Thailand and the Mekong

basin for furthering French interests as well as the Malay Peninsula for the
British. In spite of British noninterference in the Paknam incident, Bangkok
did not want to lose the support of Britain and agreed for a British proposal
not to give concession to any other power except London south of the 11th
parallel, where the Kra Isthmus and southern Malay states of Thailand were
situated. This agreement of April 1897 also stipulated that Britain guaranteed
rights of Thailand in this zone. The Kra Isthmus was of strategic importance
to the British. A canal over it would reduce the importance of Singapore.
The French were planning to build a canal over it. Therefore, the Anglo–Thai
agreement of 1897 secured the British position south of the 11th parallel. The
states of southern Thailand as well as the isthmus were free from dominance
by any country other than Britain. Chulalongkorn also had visited Europe in
the same year to garner support of Russia and Germany for Thai indepen-
dence. Thailand had to cede territories further in the first decade of the twen-
tieth century to preserve its independence.
In February 1904 France acquired territories on the west bank of the
Mekong including Xainyaburi and part of Champassak and retained com-
mercial establishments in towns like Nongkhai and Khemmarat. The earlier
mentioned April 1904 agreement between Britain and France finally brought
the archrivals together in the face of increasing cooperation between Germany,
Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Britain came out of “splendid isolation,” so that
its position in the world would be secure. It had already come to an under-
standing with the United States and Japan. An alliance with a European
country was a necessity as Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy had already
signed the Triple Alliance in 1887. The final declaration of the cordiale was
about Madagascar, the New Hebrides, and Thailand. Britain and France
agreed on the point of Thailand’s status as a neutral buffer zone between
the British territories of Myanmar as well as Malaya and French Indochina.
The British and French zones of influence in Thailand were outlined as it
suited both. London and Paris also agreed not to annex any Thai territory.
However, France and Britain signed further treaties with Thailand in 1907
and 1909 respectively. Thailand gave up the northwestern Cambodian
provinces of Siem Reap, Battambang, and Sisophon, and France in turn
renounced the extraterritorial privileges. It also withdrew from the
eastern Thai province of Chanthaburi. By the Anglo–Thai Convention of
1909, Thailand gave up its suzerain rights over the four southern states
of the Malay Peninsula: Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and Trengganu. Britain
recognized the Thai control over the Muslim-dominated Patani province
and gave up extraterritorial privileges in Thailand. The convention thus
fixed the present existing boundary between Malaysia and Thailand, which
has become one of the factors for a rise of Islamic terrorism in Thailand.
King Chulalongkorn (Rama V) 93

The Malay States gave a loan amounting to £4 million for a railway

line between Thailand and Malaya. The treaty was a turning point in the
history of southern Thailand and the Malay states. Patani, Narathiwat,
Songkhla, Satun, and Yala (Jala) remained under Thailand. Bangkok gave
up its suzerainty over four Malay states and paved the way for the transfor-
mation of Malay into a unified state. Thailand survived the onslaught of
new imperialism by a precarious balancing act. The heartland of Thailand
was preserved by any means at the expense of peripheral territories in Laos,
Cambodia, and the Malay states. Chulalongkorn and his team played the
diplomatic game very well. Thailand ceded territories but remained free
from colonial rule.

A remarkable change had taken place in Thai society. The society and
economy had changed beyond recognition due to the advent of Western cul-
ture, increase in international trade, changes in the taxation system, and the
reforming zeal of Chulalongkorn. He intensified the reforms that had started
during his father’s reign and took Thailand toward the threshold of a modern
age. A feeling of Thai nationalism took incipient form. The Thais looked
toward his reign with pride. A national identity had been formed. The Thai
language was taught in all the provinces, where new schools had been estab-
lished. The reign of Chulalongkorn has often been criticized as undemocratic,
with the king resisting the move toward a representative form of govern-
ment. Actually, the movement started during the reign of the king. This was
suppressed or sometimes even ignored by the throne. Anybody involved in
writing against the government was punished. A journal, Sayam Praphet,
was edited by Kulap Kritsanon. It reached a circulation of 1,500. Thianwan
Wannapho, an advocate, was jailed in 1882 for criticizing the ruling aristoc-
racy for corruption and exploitation. In 1885, a memorandum signed by a
group of foreign-returned students and three princes urged the king to move
toward democracy under a constitutional monarchy. It also called for equal
rights and freedom of the press. Chulalongkorn replied that the country was
not ready for constitutional monarchy and that benevolent despotism suited
Thailand the best. Chulalongkorn had written to the Crown Prince Vajirunhis
in July 1893, saying that the monarchy was not for wealth and pleasure.
A king should try to reduce the sufferings of his subjects. The reward would
be fame and glory after death. The letter aptly summed up Chulalongkorn’s
notion of monarchy. Although he was not prepared to pave the way for
democracy, his policy of modernization bore fruit and subsequently became
a contributing factor in taking Thailand toward the revolution of 1932. When
Chulalongkorn died on October 23, 1910, in Bangkok, he had left a modern
94 The History of Thailand

state to his successor, Vajiravudh (1881–1925), who ascended the throne as

Rama VI. In commemoration of Chulalongkorn, October 23 is observed as a
national holiday. In 1997, a pavilion was constructed in honor of Chulalong-
korn at Ragunda in Sweden. The 150th anniversary of the king’s birthday, in
collaboration with the UNESCO, was celebrated with all pomp and show in
Thailand in April 2004.
Democratic Transition

A new Thai identity was emerging in the first few decades of the twentieth
century as we saw in the preceding chapter. The centralized, bureaucratic,
and strong state sans slaves had intellectuals as well as a ruling aristocracy
who were westernized. The different groups such as intellectuals of urban
areas, ambitious generals, Thai–Chinese businessmen, and communists
wanted a share of the nation-state. There was clamor for a democratic transi-
tion. The changes in China, World War I, the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution of
Russia, and the world depression of 1929 had a profound impact on the
course of Thai history. The above events generated internal dynamics in the
country transforming its society and economy. Thailand became a constitu-
tional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government in 1932. This was
a period of great developments in education and literature. Thailand also
enhanced its international standing by joining the Paris Peace Conference
and League of Nations. The extraterritorial rights granted to the United States
and European nations were done away with.
96 The History of Thailand

Vajiravudh (Rama VI) became the king of Thailand after his father
Chulalongkorn died in 1910. He was born in 1881 to Queen Sri Bajarindra
(1864–1919). The crown prince since 1894, Vajiravudh was educated at
the Royal Military College, Sandhurst and Christchurch College, Oxford.
He had great love for traditional Thai drama as well as Thai and English lit-
erature. His coronation in Bangkok on December 2, 1911, was attended by
royalty from Japan and European countries. Vajiravudh preached his notion
of social relations and patriotism through his plays and writings. The state-
sponsored nationalism of the king was eclectic, with elements of Western
values and Thai traditions. The king emphasized three parameters of nation-
alism: Chat, Sasana, and Phramahakasat (Nation, Religion, and Monarch). These
were worth defending and dying for all Thais. These ideals were propagated
through public addresses and the writings of the king. Whatever demerits
might have accrued from Vajiravudh’s idea of nationalism, he is revered in
many circles as the “father of Thai nationalism.” During Vajiravudh’s reign,
monarchies were abolished in countries like China, Russia, and Turkey. The
overseas Chinese were feeling a sense of nationalism with allegiance to China.
The Chinese society was pushing for Chinese education. The Thai capitation
tax law of 1910, which was applicable to all residents, was resented by the
Chinese of Thailand. A general strike was announced for three days in
Bangkok, bringing Chinese business to a standstill. There was, however, Thai
resentment against them. The king published a pamphlet, The Jews of the East,
criticizing the Chinese. Writing under the penname Asvapahu, he mentioned
that the Chinese had enjoyed the privileges of citizenship but were not show-
ing loyalty to the adopted country. The Chinese, who were the largest minor-
ity group, felt alienated by the king’s emphasis on Thai nationalism.
The king ignored the advice of state councilors and succumbed to the
flattery of a group of courtiers. He had alienated many of the powerful prin-
ces of his earlier reign. Vajiravudh was also profligated and his lifestyle was
not in conformity with the tradition of Thai aristocracy. His extravagant
expenditure on his coronation, official functions, and travels had depleted
the state coffer. There was criticism against the king because of his luxurious
living, which included constructing the Sanam Chal palace and importing
expensive horses from Australia. Much of his time was being spent on liter-
ary and dramatic activities. In spite of his stay in Britain, the United States,
and Japan, where he inculcated Western values and learned about a
representative form of government, the king remained a diehard conser-
vative as far as monarchy was concerned. He believed in absolute monarchy
and propped up a figurehead to buttress his position as an absolute monarch.
In May, the king established the Sua Pa (Wild Tiger Corps), a paramilitary
Democratic Transition 97

organization designed to protect him as well as the throne. It became the

mouthpiece of His Majesty. King Naresuan of Ayudhya had an army called
the Sua Pa Maew Morn, and in line with that Vajiravudh created an organiza-
tion providing advance scouts for the regular Thai army. It would assist the
regular army only. Military training was to be imparted to civil servants by
the White Tiger Corps. There would be unity of the Thais as peoples from
various backgrounds would be inducted into the organization. It would also
maintain law and order in the Kingdom. Throughout the country, the Tiger
Corps in their black uniforms became conspicuous figures. Children also
were indoctrinated and a junior division of Wild Tigers was established.
It was known as the Lok Sua, or Tiger Cubs, and was similar to the U.S. Boy
Scouts. But it was militaristic in its program. It was expected that when chil-
dren would grow up they would be an asset to the nation with their notion of
duty and service. It became quite popular and the number of Lok Sua reached
38,735 in 1925. Opposition to the king’s reign was growing due to his
policies that alienated important sections of the society, and in March 1912
an abortive coup was led against him by junior army officers. Increasing
the power of Sua Pa was perceived as a threat to the army. The leaders of
the coup along with 92 persons were arrested. After a trial, only 23 were
put behind bars, until 1924. The rest were granted royal pardon.


The king had only five wives and he abolished the royal harem. He intro-
duced monogamy and asked women to adopt a Western style of dress. Free
mixing between men and women was encouraged. Women’s fashion styles
and apparel changed during the reign of the king. Women’s hair was neck-
length, and sometimes long hair for women with a Western-style bun
became a fashion. Blouses had high necks and long sleeves. Women were
encouraged to don tube skirts called phathung. The king ordered the use of
the term “Buddhist Era” (B.E) for the official records in 1912. The era was
counted from the date of death of Buddha. He also introduced the new tri-
color red, white, and blue national flag in September 1917. The three colors
symbolized sacrificial blood for the defense of the nation, religion, and mon-
archy, respectively. This was in conformity with the king’s three pillars of
Nation, Religion, and Monarch. The king took steps to popularize the
Western system of medicine. He and the royal family looked into the health
problems of the subjects. In 1911, construction of Chulalongkon Hospital
began, and it started functioning only three years later. Another health
center named the Vajira Hospital became operational in 1912. A research
institute named after the queen mother, Sri Bajarindra, began to produce
98 The History of Thailand

vaccines against cholera and antidotes for poison in 1913. The earlier practice
of studying Thai as well as Western systems was abolished. The Medical
License Act of 1923 brought Thai medical practices to an end, finding them
“nonscientific.” Smallpox vaccinations were given free in the clinics estab-
lished by the king’s order. Vajiravudh ordered the creation of surnames for
every Thai family in 1913 and a deadline of six months was given to the head
of the family for registering the surname. He began the process of simplifying
the names of his predecessors by using the name Ramathibodi for all the
kings. His name became Rama VI. The king also banned lotteries and gam-
bling in the same year. In December 1923, the metric system of weights
and measures was introduced. The game of soccer was encouraged. Thai
Buddhism developed during the reign of Vajiravudh. Prince Wachirayan
Warorot (1860–1921), the head of the Thammayut sect, became the supreme
patriarch of Buddhism (1910–1921). The Thai Sangha had been centralized
in the previous reign, linking the capital with the 80,000 monks of the whole
country. There was also reform in Sangha education. Wachirayan made the
study of the Pali language somewhat simpler by writing the textbooks in
six volumes, Bali Waiyakon. Buddhism had become one of the three pillars
of Thai nationalism. Nation, Religion, and Buddhism became interdepen-
dent in the scheme of the king. In education and public morality, the Tham-
mayut order had done commendable service. Presently it wields a lot of
influence. The social status of a person became interlinked with the educa-
tion he or she had, and King Vajiravudh had done yeoman service for Thai
education. He introduced compulsory education in 1921 and Thailand
became the second country after Japan in Asia where boys and girls were
required to join schools. In March 1917, the first University of Thailand
was established. The Chulalongkorn University became the premier educa-
tional institution of the nation. It had been formed out of a merger of the
Civil Service School and other institutions. The Thai students, numbering
303, went abroad for higher studies. The king also sent royal officers for
training in foreign countries. In November 1918, the king outlined a pro-
gram for female education. Women could now pursue subjects like medi-
cine, education, law, and science. Female enrollment in schools increased
rapidly, from only 7 percent in 1921 percent to 38 percent four years later.
Apart from state-run schools, private schools also were available. A text
entitled Sombat khong phu di (The Qualities of Gentlefolk) by Chaophraya
Phrasadet emphasized the moral character of students. He established the
Department of Municipal Affairs and improved upon the skuhaphiban (local
government). Some of the other measures taken were the setting up of the
Sam Sen power plant, a population survey, the registration of vehicles, and
improvement of the water supply.
Democratic Transition 99


Vajiravudh was a distinguished writer and his notable works were Phra non
Kham Luang and a collection of nationalist articles entitled Muang Thai Chong
Tun Thoet (Wake up, all Thais). He also wrote plays including Matthanaphata
and Sakuntala and frequently acted in the theater. The king translated works
of Shakespeare, including The Merchant of Venice, As You like It, Othello, and
Romeo and Juliet into the Thai language. He also translated School for Scandal
of Richard B. Sheridan (1751–1816) and Jean-Baptiste Poquelin’s (Molière,
1622–1673) Le Médecin malgré lui (The Doctor in Spite of Himself) into Thai. The
king started the Enhancement of Knowledge Club, which staged plays and
published magazines. In 1915, the first Thai novel, Khwammaiphayabat (No
Vendetta), by Luang Wilatpariwat, was published. Gradually, fiction, short
stories, and books on Buddhism also came out. Prince Damrong Rajanubhab,
who was the interior minister until 1915, was a well-known literary figure
writing on Thai history, culture, and arts. He began the practice of distribut-
ing books at funeral ceremonies as a mark of respect for the departed soul.
The two outstanding books written by him on history were Our Wars with
the Burmese: Thai–Burmese Conflict 1539–1767 and Journey through Burma in
1936: A View of the Culture, History and Institutions.
Vajiravudh’s reign was important for the development of newspapers
and magazines. Tienwan and K. S. R. Kulap were prose writers and essayists
writing with political themes. Articles came out on subjects like the clash
between Thai and Western civilization, modernization, social order, and eco-
nomic problems. The newspapers began to play an important role among
the public, ruling circles, and educated elite. During the First World War,
newspaper articles urged the king to join with the Allies against the Central
powers to end the unequal treaties signed during the reign of Mongkut and
Chulalongkorn. There were altogether 149 newspapers and magazines in
1920, including some exclusively meant for women. In 1925, seven women’s
magazines in Thai and three each in English and Chinese were published.


Countries such as Thailand, Turkey, Japan, China, and the Asian colonies of
the imperial powers were involved in the First World War fought between the
Allied (Britain, France, the United States) and Central (Germany, Austria–
Hungary, the Ottoman empire, Bulgaria) powers. Its impact was immense in
unleashing forces of nationalism and self-determination. The local elite were
influenced by the ideas of democracy and self-determination of American
president Woodrow Wilson (1856–1924). The only military action by the
100 The History of Thailand

Central powers in Southeast Asia was the naval raid by the German cruiser
Emden off the Penang coast of Malaysia. The German agents were active in
Batavia and Bangkok with arms and money to incite anticolonial insurrec-
tions. But its impact was very limited.
The Oxford- and Sandhurst-educated Vajiravudh knew the advantage
of joining the Allied cause. He was hopeful of revoking extraterritorial
rights imposed by France, Britain, and the United States. It would also assist
Thailand in getting equal status with other nations of the international
community. The Anglophile king donated large amounts to the British war
effort. Moreover, he was an honorary army general of the British army. The
Thai neutrality was only for official purposes and the king was looking for
an opportune moment to join the war. The American entry on the side of
the Allies in April 1917 turned the tide against the Central powers. King
Vajiravudh sided with the Allied powers and made his independent country
a belligerent nation on July 22, 1917. Immediately, the unequal treaty signed
with Germany was canceled and German citizens were arrested. The 12 ships
of the North German Line were seized.
Major-General Phya Pijaijarnrit (afterward Lieutenant-General Phya
Devahastin) led an expeditionary force of 1,284 persons to fight the battle on
the Western front along with Allied battalions. A medical unit was dispatched
and its nurses served in the trenches of the Western front. Thailand also had
sent a contingent of the Army Air Corps, which underwent training at the
French Army Flying Schools at Avord and Istres. The pilots were further
trained in bombing (Bomber School, Le Crotoy), reconnaissance missions
(Reconnaissance School, Chapelle-la-Reine), gunnery (Gunnery School,
Biscarosse), and conversion courses at Piox. The Thai Air Force had just been
established and the three most important officers—all of whom had finished
their training in France in 1913—were Major Luang Sakdi Sanlayawut, Captain
Luang Arwut Sikikorn, and First Lieutenant Tip Ketuthat (afterward Air
Marshal Phraya Thayanpikart). The three officers completed their training
in August 1913. The movie First Flight (2007) depicted the exploits of the
pilots and Thai–French cooperation in aviation. The Thai soldiers did not
experience any combat as the war had ended in November 1918 before its
training was over. But, this had been disputed and the Monument to the
Expeditionary Force was erected in Bangkok, where the names of 19 soldiers
killed during the First World War battle were engraved. The Thai troops,
along with the victorious troops of the Allied countries, paraded on July 19,
1919, in Paris. They came back home on the ship, and each one was decorated
by the king.
The end of the war on November 11, 1918, and the defeat of the Central
powers formed a watershed in Asian history. The prestige of some of the
Western powers suffered drastically. The mutual bickering and fratricidal
Democratic Transition 101

struggle among European powers convinced the Asian countries that the
Western nations were not at all superior. A new Asian self-consciousness
developed. Arabs, Jews, Indians, Vietnamese, and others felt deceived by
the double-dealings of the colonial powers. With renewed zeal, they strove
hard to oust the imperialists. The Fourteen Points of U.S. president Woodrow
Wilson, particularly the principle of self-determination, had raised high
hopes. However, these ideas were applied in Eastern Europe only. Thailand
received most of the direct benefit due to war.
The country participated in the deliberations of the Paris Peace Conference.
The Articles 135, 136, and 137 were devoted to it in the provisions of the
Treaty of Versailles. Thailand became a founding member of the League of
Nations in January 1920. The First World War was an excellent opportunity
for Thailand to be treated on par with other countries. Its international pres-
tige increased. Thailand had lobbied in the Versailles palace for ending the
extraterritoriality rights granted to Western countries during the earlier
regimes. Prince Devawongse Varopakar, the Foreign Minister since the reign
of Chulalongkorn, endeavored hard for an end to extraterritoriality and
unequal treaties that infringed upon Thai sovereignty. The United States gave
up its extraterrestrial rights and tariff restrictions in 1920 without any condi-
tion. The treaty was to be over after 10 years and finally the treaty was abro-
gated in 1930. President Wilson’s son-in-law, Francis B. Sayre (1885–1972),
who was an adviser to the Thai foreign office (1920–1927), helped a lot with
the revisions of the unequal treaties. Tokyo acquiesced in March 1924. Sayre
went to Europe in 1925 in hopes of persuading France and Britain to abrogate
the unequal treaties. France relinquished its rights in February 1925. Britain
was the largest trading partner of Thailand, with 30 percent of exports and
67 percent of imports. Tariffs on goods such as cotton yarn, fabric, and iron
and steel products were limited to 5 percent for 10 years. The British advisors
at law courts were withdrawn. In 1925 Sayre concluded the treaties ending
extraterritoriality rights with five more European countries. The following
year, four countries signed the treaties. By 1939, all the special treaties had
been abrogated. For his work, Sayre was endowed with the title Phya Kalyan
Maitri (Pyha means Royal/a honorific title, Kalyan Maitri means a kind friend).
The Thai economy was affected in various ways by the war. In fact eco-
nomic conditions after the war were quite bad. As the value of silver had
increased, the exchange rate between the pound sterling and the Thai baht
was 1 to 9.54. Previously it was 13 baht. A bad harvest after the war contrib-
uted to the economic malaise. In 1922, Thailand borrowed 2 million pounds
at 7 percent interest and after two years another 3 million at 6 percent from
Britain. In 1923, the exchange rate was at 11 baht per pound sterling. There
was also a huge trade deficit. The expenditure of the Kingdom went unabated
with the military consuming 23 percent of state’s budget. A cruiser (a type of
102 The History of Thailand

large warship) was purchased in 1920. Vajiravudh remained adamant and

did not reduce any expenditure. Moreover, there was a strike by the workers
of the tramways in 1922–1923. The king also curtailed press freedom to a con-
siderable extent. Stories, rumors, and gossip went around the capital about
the king’s fondness for men and dislike for the opposite sex. Nonetheless,
he married late at the age of 38 and a daughter was born to Queen Pra
Nang Chao Suvadhana (1905–1985) just two days before the king’s death in
November 1925. The king was only 44 years old.

Prajadhipok became the next king of Thailand under the title Rama VII
(r. 1925–1935). A younger brother of Vajiravudh, he was born in 1893 to Queen
Sri Bajarindra. Educated at Eton as well as the Royal Military Academy at
Woolwich and afterward in France at the Ecole Superieure de Guerre,
Prajadhipok came back to Thailand in 1924. As per the law of succession,
since Vajiravudh had no male heir, the sons of Chulalongkorn would be the
next king. The elder brothers of Prajadhipok had died, and thus he became
the king in November 1925. He was quite unprepared for it and the elderly
princes of the royal family advised him in administration. They began to hold
top positions. He was thorough with all official papers and listened to the
suggestions of experts. The king was a liberal and intelligent man. The stri-
dent nationalism of Vajiravudh had mellowed down to an extent with an
emphasis on “Thailand for the Thais” only. He would have governed very
well, but the time and circumstances were against him. The king was inclined
toward political reforms. He was aware of the fact that these were necessary
and an absolute monarch could not last long. In 1927, he wanted to enlarge
the Privy Council and the Supreme Council of the State. In the Council of
the State, five important members of the royal family were appointed due to
pressure from the princes. Prince Damrong Rajanubhab was a member of
the Privy Council and wielded a lot of influence. He dissuaded the king from
taking radical measures. The king lacked self-confidence and also was not
willing to go against the advice of senior members. The princes began to
monopolize the prized posts in the administration, much to the chagrin of the
rising educated intelligentsia. Thailand was in disarray after the end of the First
World War and the continued financial chaos became one of Prajdhipok’s
pressing problems. He had to take measures that led to discontentment among
many sections of the society. Moreover, the world financial crisis of 1929 was
The king had brought about notable changes in the country before he was
ousted from power in 1932. He cut down the expenditure of the royalty to
40 percent. During his reign, the Civil and Commercial Code was promulgated
Democratic Transition 103

in 1925. He believed in monogamy and had one wife only, Queen Rambai
Barni (1904–1984). He encouraged cooperative farming, enacting a law in
1928 benefiting the farmers. The king enacted legislation such as the Land
Expropriation Act and amended the Marriage Law. The king took special mea-
sures toward the improvement of libraries, publication of Buddhist textbooks,
and preservation of ancient monuments. Thai literature developed to a great
extent during the reign of Prajadhipok. Many novels came out centering
around the theme of lovers with a happy ending. Various social problems
including inequality, polygamy, and prostitution, among others, also formed
the theme of the writings of the period. Manutsayatham (humanism) was one
of the dominant themes in Kulap Saipradit’s (1905–1974) novels. Writing
under the pen name Siburapha, his Khang Lang Phap (Behind the Painting) has
become a classic in Thai literature. It revolved around the tragic love affair
between a student and an unhappy Thai aristocratic woman. In 1928, he wrote
Luuk Phuu Chai (A Real Man). He published another important work entitled
Songkhram Chiwit (Life Struggle), dealing with poverty and inequality. Phajon
Barb (Facing Sin), a novel whose theme was religion, was written in 1934.
Akatdamkoeng Raphiphat penned the popular novel Lakhon haeng chiwit
(The Circus of Life) in 1929, describing the struggle for social change by a
foreign-returned young man. Wichit Wathakan’s Prawatisat sakhon (Universal
History), written in the genre of nonfiction analyzed Thai nationalism. The
publishing industry experienced a proliferation, with 14 publishers and 127
printing presses in the country. A journal on agricultural affairs was started
by Prince Sithiporn Kridakara.


Like any other revolution, the Thai revolution of 1932 had immediate and
outlying causes. The slashing of the salaries of civil servants as well as cutting
down on the number of posts made the king the targets of the attack. They
ignited the fire, becoming the immediate causes of the revolution. There was
simmering discontent against the monarchy for the last two decades. The
newly emerging intellectuals, bureaucrats, and army officers were clamoring
for more shares in administration and the decision-making process. In a
world full of new ideas, absolute monarchy was incongruous. It had neither
appeal nor any legitimacy. The world economic crisis and its result on the
Thai economy became added factors.
The first two decades of the twentieth century were full of new ideas
stimulated by events in China, Russia, and Asian colonies and by the ideol-
ogy of democracy. Monarchy had become a thing of the past in countries
like Turkey and Russia. Thailand had participated in the First World War
and it had become the theatre of operation for the nationalist struggles of
104 The History of Thailand

neighboring countries. The exploits of Ho Chi Minh (1890–1969) in

northeastern Thailand in the 1920s and his blending of communism and
nationalism had not escaped the attention of many intellectuals. The Chinese
communists had also become active in Thailand, particularly after the boy-
cott of Japanese goods in the late 1920s. The new elite studying abroad were
imbued with Western ideas of a democratic government. They found out-
moded institutions after returning home, which were not in conformity with
the modern world. A sense of disenchantment with the absolute monarchy
had developed, along with rising anger against the princes, who had
acquired the top posts of the state. There were also regular meetings of Thai
students in Paris. The venue was the house of Prayoon Phamornmontri
(1897–1982), who took part in the 1932 revolution. The students were advo-
cating for ending the absolute monarchy and the promulgation of a new
constitution. Pridi Phanomyong (1900–1983), the future leader of the revolu-
tion, was studying at the Sorbonne in France. In February 1927, he along
with five others founded the Khana Rasdr (People’s Party) with an agenda
of economic planning, liberty, equal rights, and an end to royal privileges.
After his return in 1927, he headed a group of 50 officials who wanted to
bring about a constitutional monarchy.
Thailand reeled under the impact of the world economic crisis of 1929.
It continued to adhere to the gold standard, resulting in Thai rice becoming
expensive internationally. But, in the domestic market, the price dropped by
two-thirds, which hit the peasants severely. They were unable to pay taxes
and pay back loans as their income was much reduced. Prajadhipok under-
took economic reforms for minimizing expenditures. He was unable to
procure loans, and the revenue from the export of rice and teak had been
reduced. The government officials suffered due to the cut down in expendi-
tures. The budgetary allocation of ministries was curtailed, resulting in
the scaling down of salaries and retrenchment of hundreds of officials. There
was an exemption for the princes from the Civil Service Law of 1928. The
royalty and aristocracy were being taxed lightly. The army was not happy as
the Supreme Council had also cut the military budget, slashing the salaries
of army officers. The prestige of the monarchy had suffered as Prajadhipok
was not able to take swift decisions. His close advisors belonging to the royal
family were looked down upon as incompetent. The government had become
ineffective in the eyes of many officers in bureaucracy and the army.
Although the king was not adverse to constitutional reforms, his coterie
believed strongly that Thailand was not yet ready for democracy. Prajadhipok
also did not do anything tangible toward this end and went along with the
advice of his trusted lieutenants. A coup became inevitable as the economic
woes were spiraling out of control.
Democratic Transition 105


While the king was relaxing in the royal summer residence in Hua Hin, the
coup leaders began their operation in the early hours of June 24, 1932. The jun-
ior army officers, Western-educated intellectuals, and civil servants belonging
to the Khana Rasdr, seized power without any bloodshed. Numbering around
114, they were led by Pridi Phanomyong, Phraya Phahol Pholphayuhasena
(Phahon Phonphayuhasena, 1887–1947), Khuang Abhaiwongse (1902–1968),
Prayoon Phamornmontri, and Luang Phibun Songkhram (1897–1964); all
were destined to play a greater role in Thai politics and history afterward.
Apart from Phahon, the inspector-general of military education, the military
leaders taking part in the coup were Praya Songsuradet (1892–1944), superin-
tendent of educational section of the army, and Praya Ritakhane (1890–1960),
commander of the local artillery regiment. They had gathered along with
soldiers of the military academy, a unit of the navy, and an infantry battalion.
The Commander of the Royal guards was captured along with 40 high
officials, who were interned in Ananlasanakan Hall of Bangkok. Prince
Nakhon Sawan (1881–1944), who was the Interior Minister as well as the
supreme advisor of the king, was also taken hostage by the coup leaders
known as “Promoters.” The two other prominent members of the royal family
arrested were Prince Damrong (1862–1943) and Prince Narisa (1863–1947).
An ultimatum of one hour was given to the king asking for his acquiescence
in a constitutional monarchy. The king was “invited” to the capital to reign as
a constitutional monarch. The king agreed to the demands, mentioning that
he was considering such a proposal himself. He also made his intention clear
that he wanted to avoid any violence. The king returned to Bangkok on June 25
and after two days met the leaders at the Sukhothai Palace. Prajadhipok, in a
symbolic gesture, ordered the unfurling of the Thai national flag, replacing
the traditional one of the Chakri dynasty. On the same day, the erstwhile
ministers and heads of the department were made to retire and the Executive
Committee of Khana Rasdr took over the reigns of a provisional government.
The National Assembly, composed of 70 appointed members, was the legisla-
tive branch. Praya Manopakorn Nititada (1884–1948), the ex-president of the
Court of Appeal, was the head of the Executive Committee. A committee was
appointed by him to frame a constitution. Thailand was going to have rule of
law within the framework of a democratic form of government. The leaders
of the revolution sought to blend Western ideals of constitutionalism with the
realties of Thailand. The country was just coming out of old order, although
the wealth of the country was concentrated with only a few families.
On December 10, 1932, Prajadhipok signed Thailand’s first constitution,
ending the rule of absolute monarchy spanning 692 years from the Sukhothai
106 The History of Thailand

period. In spite of promulgation of successive constitutions, the basic frame-

work of the Thai constitution has remained unaltered. Despite the end of
absolute monarchy, the prestige and deference to the crown were preserved.
He had become the symbol of love, respect, hope, and aspiration of the Thais.
In a moment of crisis, his advice was sought. His power was similar to that of
the British constitutional monarch. He could veto legislation once only.
It would become law with the approval of the assembly again. The king had
the power to dissolve the assembly, but had to call for elections within three
months. The royal princes were banned from holding any executive position.
But they could become members of the diplomatic corps or function in an
advisory capacity. The national assembly, a bicameral one, was composed of
elected and nominated members in equal proportion. The king was to
appoint the 78 members on the advice of the Cabinet to the Senate (the Upper
House). Election was indirect through an electorate of local and district
bodies to the House of Representatives (the Lower House). It was to be
held every four years on the basis of universal suffrage. Within 10 years, it
would be a fully elected body. The cabinet was responsible to the Assembly.
Manopakorn remained as the first Premier of Thailand (August 28, 1932–
June 20, 1933). Phahon was the commander-in-chief of the army with
Songsuradet as his deputy.
The events of 1932 have been criticized for being elitist and not democratic.
Rural folks were hardly affected by it. Instead of the royalty, it was the new
caucus that governed the country. In addition to the remnants of nonroyal ele-
ments in bureaucracy, there was an influx of new persons belonging to the
same upper-class society. Moreover, the constitution gave scope to instability
in politics by tolerating some opposition. The army began to dominate, and
instead of royalty it was the rule of the army in Thai politics many times.
Although Thailand became a constitutional monarchy, the army began to
have a prominent role. The democratic experiment was punctuated by the
military coups. There was dominance of Khana Rasdr with excessive concen-
tration of power. Formation of khanathipatai (cliques) became a feature of Thai
politics henceforth. There was hardly any role for the people as such in the
1932 revolution. In spite of the validity of the criticism to an extent, the fact
remained that 1932 was a watershed in the long history of Thailand. Dem-
ocratic institutions had begun in rudimentary form. After all, a revolution
was not an end in itself. It would take years to bring democracy in its true
sense. Even after the French Revolution of 1789, there were revolutions of
1830 and 1848 to make France more democratic. The end of czarist Russia
witnessed the one-party rule of the Bolsheviks and it took 73 years for democ-
racy to arrive. The revolution of 1932 was the beginning of a process toward
the democratization of Thailand. The absolute monarchy was over and the
stage was set for alternate democratic and military regimes.
Wars and Coups

The history of Thailand after 1932 is a turbulent one. The experiment with
democracy had many pitfalls. Political instability and military coups became
the hallmark of Thai history and politics. Very soon Thailand became involved
in the Second World War, with devastating consequences. In the subsequent
Cold War, Thailand became one of the closest allies of the United States. It also
joined the Vietnam War, which had a great deal of impact on its society, poli-
tics, and economy. The communist rebellions in northeastern Thailand threat-
ened the security of the nation. Unrest in society and ideological polarization
brought about rifts and acrimonious feelings among the votaries of different
ideologies, which was also a threat to the very unity of the nation.

The political system of Thailand was dominated by elite infighting,
the dominance of bureaucracy, and the influence of the army. After the prom-
ulgation of the Constitution on December 10, 1932, the government of Mona-
pahorn Nitithada was beset with several problems. The leaders of the coup
were composed of both civilians and military personnel. Factionalism among
the ruling elite soon became conspicuously divisive. The civilian movement
108 The History of Thailand

led by Pridi Phanomyong was pitted against the military clique. The latter
also had two factions, the senior group led by Phahon Phonphayuhasena
and the junior army officers supported by the navy under Phibun Songkh-
ram. But the two merged under the leadership of Phanon afterward and
toppled the government of Nithiada on June 20, 1933. Another party called
Khana Chat (Nationalist Party) had been established in January 1933 under
the leadership of Luang Wichit (Luang Vichitr Vadakarn, 1896–1962), which
was vocal in its criticism against dominance of the Khana Rasdr. The manifesto
of the Khana Rasdr at the time of the revolution had become the guiding prin-
ciples of the new government. It had envisaged the economic betterment for
people, equal rights, liberty, educational opportunities, and preserving the
independence of the country. On March 1, 1933, Pridi, who was in charge of
finance, chalked out a revolutionary economic program for the entire country.
It was accepted as one of the principles in the 1932 revolution. Bordering on a
socialist agenda, it called for dividing the economy into cooperatives, the
nationalization of natural resources, and imposing taxes on inheritance as
well as income. Pridi’s plan was opposed by the conservative faction of the
party and it was denounced as being communist by Prime Minister Monapa-
horn Nitithada and Praya Siwisanwacha (Srivisar Vacha, 1897–1968), the for-
eign minister. The army leaders also were against the plan. Cracks began to
appear in the government over the question of the registration of the new
party, the Khana Chat.
Amid all the foregoing developments, the conservatives gained the upper
hand. Prime Minister Monapahorn, along with the tacit support of the king,
adjourned the National Assembly, the power base of Khana Rasdr, on April 1,
1933. A new cabinet was formed and Pridi fled into exile to France and his
supporters were sidetracked. A jail term for 10 years was earmarked for any-
body professing communism. Thailand was not yet ready for an overhaul
in the social and economic structure of the country. The abolition of absolute
monarchy with the rudiments of a democratic system was enough. The new
cabinet ordered all officials to withdraw themselves from Khana Rasdr mem-
bership, and in Thai politics there was to be no legal party. On April 22, the
Khana Rasdr called itself the People’s Party Club, without any political objec-
tive. The move by the premier to induct top officers of the pre-1932 regime
alarmed the military leaders of the coup such as Phahnon and Phibun, who
had already resigned from the party. These disgruntled members staged a
coup on June 20 and Phahnon became the new premier. The national assembly
was reopened and the military faction of the erstwhile Khana Rasdr began
to wield real power. Monapahorn went to the British colony of Penang Island,
where he lived the last years of his life. In September Pridi came to Bangkok
again with promised cooperation with the new government’s economic mea-
sures. The anti-Khana Rasdr group was not sitting silently. It was planning to
Wars and Coups 109

topple Phahnon’s regime, accusing it of pro-communist tendencies. Prince

Boworadet (1878–1953), grandson of Mngkut and the ex-defense minister
under King Prajadhipok, led the pro-Royalist army officers marching from
Korat to Bangkok intent on toppling the government. On October 12, the Air
Force headquarters at Don Muang, north Bangkok, was captured and a one-
hour ultimatum was given to the government to resign. The royal couple took
refuge in Songkhla. The newly formed Khana Ku Banmuang (National
Salvation Party) presented a list of demands, which were rejected by the prime
minister. Fighting soon broke out and the army led by Phibun Songkram
defeated the rebel forces by October 24. The sanctity of the constitution was
proclaimed by the government, and on November 2 a law was passed by
which persons suspected of anticonstitutional activities were to be punished.
Elections were completed by November 28 for the 78 seats of the National
Assembly. Only 10 percent of the voters participated in the elections, which
confirmed the popularity of Pridi. However, Phibun also had become a major
force in Thai politics, and he remained as the premier. The government was
determined to preserve the constitution and helped in forming Samakhom
Khana Ratthathamanun (Society for the Constitution) on December 14. The soci-
ety had 27 members drawn from among civilians as well as army officers, and
its task was the protection of the constitution and promotion of unity among
the Thais. Pridi was the chairperson. The society also opened branch offices
in the provinces, and provincial governors were kept in charge of these offices.
Although the Khana Rasdr was not in existence as a political Party, members of
the society had become influential in the politics of the country. The members
of the Khan Rasdr had control over the government, as was evident from the
appointment of second-category assembly members after the elections of
November. Most of them were participants in the 1932 revolution.
The relationship between the king and government, which had been close,
was now deteriorating. Prajadhipok did not give consent to the appointment
of the second category of members. The king left for Europe in January 1934
on personal grounds to seek eye care. He charged the government with
high-handed actions as it did not abide by the royal veto. The king had exer-
cised his veto powers to reject bills passed by the National Assembly. He had
vetoed drafts of the inheritance law and bills for the revision of criminal pro-
cedures as well as the military criminal code. All three were passed by the
assembly, overriding the veto. The king announced his decision to abdicate,
as reconciliation with the government was not feasible. On March 2, 1935,
Prajadhipok abdicated without naming a successor. The National Assembly
proclaimed Prince Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII, 1935–1946), nephew of
Prajadhipok, as the legal heir. As the prince was studying in Switzerland, the
assembly appointed a Council of Regency to perform the functions of the
monarchy as enshrined in the constitution. Thailand was without a resident
110 The History of Thailand

monarch for the first time in its history. Prajadhipok died of heart attack on
May 30, 1941, in Britain.
The premiership of Phahnon from June 21, 1933, to December 16, 1938, was
marked by a struggle between the military and civilian forces for dominance
in Thai politics. It became all the more intense after the abdication of the
king. Phibun, who had proved his mettle in crushing the royalist counter-
revolution of October 1933, was emerging as the spokesperson of the military
force. The army was in an advantageous position with its dedicated cadre,
strength, and discipline. Once it dabbled in politics, it would be difficult to
challenge it. The share of the military in the budget was increased to 26 percent.
One of the acts of Phibun was the pro-Japanese stance that became responsible
for Thailand’s abstaining from the censuring motion in the League of Nations.
After the Japanese invasion of Manchuria (Dongbei or northeast), the League
had passed a motion in 1933 branding the Japanese as the aggressors. The
Thai military officers were sent to Japan for training in 1935. An Association
of Friendship was established between the two countries. Thailand purchased
24 warships from Italy and Japan. Both the army and the air force were mod-
ernized and equipped with sophisticated weapons. Phibun’s collaboration
with the Axis powers was evident in the Second World War. The government
also passed censorship legislation in 1934 to muzzle newspapers and radio
Pridi, the law professor and author of the 1932 revolution, also endeavored to
consolidate the civilian base. He had the support of the Thai intelligentsia. Pridi
had a genuine desire for the participation of people in democracy and wanted
ordinary people to have an education. He was instrumental in setting up the
University of Morals and Political Science in 1934, which came to be known as
Thammasat University (University of Morals). There was a fourfold hike in
expenditures on education, which increased the literacy rate. In primary
schools, the student enrollment increased from 700,000 in 1931 to 1.7 million
in 1939. A special school for dance and drama was started in January 1934.
The government also initiated major reforms in various spheres. Trade recov-
ered as the baht went off the gold standard. In 1937, direct elections were
held for the National Assembly. Phahon once again became the premier. The
local bodies were also empowered. The parental consent for marriage was


August 1938 brought increasing confrontation between the first and second
category members in the national assembly. A proposal for an amendment
was brought up, which would make it mandatory on the part of the
government to submit the draft of the budget before the national assembly.
Wars and Coups 111

It was approved and on September 11, 1938, Phahnon dissolved the assembly
by saying that the proposal would restrict the functioning of the government.
He did not accept the post of prime minister again and Phibun became the
new premier with the support of second category members on December 16,
1938. He took over the post of Minister of Defense as well as commander-in-
chief of the army. He was the supreme leader of Thailand, and his policies
went hardly unopposed. Thailand drifted toward military dictatorship. His
political enemies were arrested. A special court sentenced 25 persons to life
imprisonment and 18 were given capital punishment.
Phibun Songkram dominated Thai politics as the premier from 1938 to 1944
and again between 1948 and 1957. His concept of nationalism bordered on the
concept of an extreme xenophobia, chauvinism, irredentism, the superiority
of the Thai race, and a personality cult. He was an admirer of Nazism and
fascism. Phibun made close alliances with Japanese militarism. Instead of an
absolute monarch, Thailand now had a dictator and the Vajirbudh’s “king”
was replaced by Phunam (Leader). The ideological basis of Thai politics made
a complete volte-face; from prativad (revolution) to phadetkan (dictatorship).
Phibun wanted the Thais to emulate the doctrine of fascism; credere, combat-
tere, and obbedire (“believe, fight, and obey”). Paramilitary youth organizations
similar to Nazi Germany’s brown-shirted SA, the Sturmabteilung (storm
troopers), and black-uniformed S.S., the Schutzstaffel (security echelon), were
established. The Thai militarism glorified the martial values and army recruit-
ment increased with the military budget. A combination of traditional Thai
cultural mores, Western practices, and discrimination against non-Thais were
some of the parameters of Phibun’s cultural nationalism. The rathaniyom, or
state regulations, made Western style of dress mandatory. The Ministry of
Culture insisted upon putting on Western clothing, gloves, and hats. The
wearing of the panung (indigenous skirt) was discouraged. Chewing of the
betel nut was prohibited. Around 1938, Phibun began to set up a national
code of honor, the wiratham, in line with the Japanese busido. It stressed loy-
alty, economic self-sufficiency, and certain Buddhist doctrines. The people
residing in outlying areas were identified with Thai connotations such as Thai
Muslim and Thai Isan. The Chinese were targets of sustained racial cam-
paigns undertaken by the state. The government closed down 271 Chinese
schools. Chinese newspapers were suppressed. Luang Wichit Wathakan,
the spokesperson of Phibun’s regime, was the head (1934–1942) of the new
Fine Arts Department established in January 1934. A number of plays, dance
dramas, and writings came out, glorifying Thai history and its culture. He
harped back on the cultural efflorescence of the Thais during the Sukhothai
period. Wichit’s play Nanchao (1939) was full of venom against the ethnic
Chinese. The state-run schools received free copies of Luat Suphan (Blood of
Suphan), which delineated the invasion of Myanmar during the Ayudhya
112 The History of Thailand

period. The Thai language as well as Buddhism received official patronage

that was unheard of in earlier regimes.
In the economic sphere, state enterprises in textile and oil were established
under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense. By the year 1941, the Ministry
was controlling the agricultural, transportation, and many industrial sectors.
The underlined subtle motive was to oust the Chinese-controlled industries.
The Thais received preference in government-sponsored programs. The code
of nationality of 1939 made it obligatory to have Thai names and learn the
Thai language. To top it all off, the official name of the country was changed
from Siam to Thailand (after Muang/Prathet Thai or “land of the Thai”) in
1939. Phibun was impressed by the expansionist policy of Germany, Italy,
and Japan. The military strongman of Thailand was nurturing a desire to get
back the lost territories of Thailand. His jingoism led to a pan-Thai movement
aimed at recovering Thai territories of the extended empire. Phibun’s asser-
tive nationalism had resulted in the publication of maps showing Laos and
parts of Cambodia along with Vietnam as part of Thailand. The onset of the
Second World War was an opportunity that Phibun did not want to miss.


When the German war machines marched into Poland in a blitzkrieg (light-
ning attack) on September 1, 1939, World War II began. At first, Thailand pro-
fessed neutrality. The traditional Thai policy was to “bend with the wind”
and join the winning side so that the country’s interests would be best served.
It had fought in the First World War on the side of the Allies in the belief that
the unequal treaties would be revised and that Thailand would join the
international community. When the Axis powers were on a winning spree in
the initial years of the Second World War, Thailand decided to join with them.
Over a period of about two years, the juggernaut of Hitler ’s Wehrmacht
(armed forces) incorporated Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands,
and Belgium. The fall of France on June 22, 1940, was another triumph for
Hitler. Japan was also expanding over a large area in Southeast Asia. It was
desperately struggling for new acquisitions in Southeast Asia in order to gain
raw materials and oil. The Japanese forces were in Indochina and were ready
to invade the Dutch East Indies. Phibun thought it was the right time to recover
lost territories from the trans-Mekong region, Cambodia, Myanmar, and the
Malay sultanates. After the surrender of France, the balance of power between
Thailand and French Indochina altered drastically in favor of Thailand. Popu-
lar opinion claimed and clamored for retrieving lost territory acquired by
France in 1893, 1904, and 1907.
Some of the nationalist leaders of Southeast Asia collaborated with the
Japanese with a view to getting rid of Western domination. The Japanese
Wars and Coups 113

slogans such as “Asia for Asiatic” and “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity
Sphere” appealed to the anti-Western sentiments of nationalist leaders.
Phibun collaborated with the Japanese to spare the country devastation as well
in an attempt to regain the lost territories. Thailand had sent a mission to Tokyo
to purchase weapons. The increasing Thai-Japanese cooperation was evident.
Japan was the second largest trading partner with Thailand after Britain.
Japan had a full-fledged embassy in Bangkok with consulates in Chiang Mai
and Singora. Moreover, the Axis was the winning side in 1940–1941. To be on
the safe side, Phibun had signed provisional nonaggression pacts with France
and Britain on June 12, 1940. On the same day, he had also signed a friendship
treaty with Japan. But the situation changed after the triumphant Nazi army’s
entry to Paris on June 14 and the signing of the armistice at Compiègne eight
days afterward. Marshal Henri Philippe Petain (1856–1951) was the premier
of the puppet Vichy government. Bangkok took advantage of Vichy Indochina’s
weakness to secure the lost provinces in Laos and Cambodia. Thailand’s
demand in October for the return of territories was rejected by Vichy France.
Phibun took recourse to an undeclared war from November, which continued
for three months. The five divisions of the Thai army, numbering around
50,000, began to mobilize itself. It also had 100 modern fighter planes and its
navy was superior to that of French Indochina. By the third week of November,
there were border clashes and the Thai army crossed the Mekong River
in December. In the first week of January 1941, the Thai army launched a
full-scale invasion on Laos, Dangreks zone, and the Battambang province.
Although the Thais were in advantageous positions in both the ground
and air wars, they were defeated in the naval war of Koh Chnag by the Vichy
forces on January 17, 1941. With Japanese mediation, an armistice was signed
aboard the Japanese warship Natori and a treaty was signed on May 9, 1941.
Thailand gained the disputed territories of Laos, the Battambang province,
and a part of Siem Reap. But after the end of the Second World War, the terri-
tories once again reverted back to the possession of the French colonial
government. In 1941, Phibun was the national hero of Thailand and was pro-
moted to the rank of field marshal.
Japan was the real wielder of balance of power in mainland Southeast Asia.
By skillful diplomacy, it aimed at increasing its dominance in Indochina.
Afterward Japan would acquire the British possessions in the Malayan archi-
pelago. For this, close relations with Thailand were not sufficient. December 7,
1941 ( Japan Standard Time, December 8), was an important day in the history
of the Second World War. The Japanese war machine moved deep into South-
east Asia, incorporating it with the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere.
The Japanese Imperial army landed in Thailand from its bases in Indochina.
The war had also become truly global after Japanese warplanes struck the
military and naval installation of Pearl Harbor at 7:55 a.m., on December 7
114 The History of Thailand

(03:25 a.m., Japan Standard Time, December 8). The next day, the United
States declared war on Japan. Germany and Italy declared war on the
United States three days afterward. Fighting broke out between the Thai
army and the Japanese 1st Infantry Battalion of the 143rd Infantry Regiment
at Chumphon for a few hours during the morning hours of December 8.
Singora (Songkla) port on the eastern coast of the Thai Malay Peninsula was
the headquarters of the Sixth Army Division of Nakhon Sri Tammarat. The
harbor along with its airfield was the ideal place to launch the Japanese inva-
sion into Malay. On December 8, Lieutenant General Tomoyuki Yamashita,
commander of the Japanese 25th Army, landed in Singora. There was hardly
any fighting because of the order of Phibun. He also gave orders for an
immediate cease-fire and consequently fighting in places like Patani, Hat
Yai, Surat Thani, Samut Prakan, and Prachuap Khiri Khan also stopped.
Thailand followed the pragmatic course of action and prudently spared
Thailand the devastation that was experienced by Burma (Myanmar). The
country maintained its sovereignty and the only price to be paid for was
permission granted to the Japanese for using Thai territories and facilities.
Right of passage was given to the Japanese army for marching into the
British colonies of Myanmar and Malay. On December 21 Thailand and
Japan signed a mutual defense pact in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha,
by which the former would get back territories lost to Britain. The Anglo–
Thai Convention of 1909 had stipulated renunciation of sovereign rights
over the four southern states of the Malay Peninsula: Kedah, Perlis, Kelan-
tan, and Trengganu. Thailand also would possess the areas of Myanmar,
Mongpan, and Kengtung. Bangkok would assist Japan in its war with the
Allied powers. On January 25, 1942, Thailand became a belligerent country
in the Second World War and the Allied planes began raiding Bangkok.
The pro-Japanese policy of Phibun was not liked in many quarters, and a
clandestine organization against the Japanese was set up called Khabuankarn
Seri Thai (Free Thai Movement). Apart from the stigma of siding with the
fascist forces, the pro-Japanese policy was creating havoc with the Thai
economy. There was a phenomenal increase in cost of living. The stationing
of 150,000 Japanese soldiers created a burden on Thailand and shortages of
essential goods and materials. The external trade of the country also declined.
Some of the officials took recourse to shady dealings with the Japanese. The
Chinese became targets of persecution at the behest of the Japanese and their
assets were frozen. The bombing raids resulted in causalities and damage
to properties. In the war front, Lieutenant General Tomoyuki Yamashita
(1885–1946) was instrumental in conquering the British colonies of Malaya
and Singapore in February 1942. Three months afterward, the American and
Filipino troops surrendered in Manila Bay. The Japanese reached the borders
of India after occupying Myanmar. In Thailand, the Free Thai movement
Wars and Coups 115

centered around Pibun’s rival, Pridi. He had resigned from the post of finance
minister and was the regent for King Ananda. The United States Office of
Strategic Services (OSS) and the British Force 136 based in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
were in touch with the agents in various places of Thailand. With the Allied
assistance, about 50,000 Thais were resisting the Japanese. A plan to establish
a parallel government in north Thailand was given up and instead a core
group of Free Thai known as the X-O Group came up.
Seni Promoj (1905–1997), the Thai ambassador in Washington, organized
the Free Thai movement in the United States. He did not deliver formally the
government’s declaration of war against the United States. Therefore, techni-
cally, Thailand was not at war with the United States and the latter did not
declare war on Thailand. Seni had also met the U.S. Secretary of State, Cordell
Hull (1871–1955), and discussed the matter with him. He also used the frozen
Thai assets in the United States and organized the Free Thai movement with
the help of Thai expatriates in the United States. Seni submitted to the American
authorities a list of notable Thai nationals such as his brother Kukrit Promoj
(1911–1995), Pridi, Khuang Aphaiwong, and Direk Chaiyanam, who were
anti-Japanese and supporters of Free Thai. About 40 Thai students studying
in various universities of the United States expressed their willingness to join
the OSS and were sent as Free Thai officers to China in the middle of 1943.
The military attaché, Colonel Luang Khunchon commissioned the volunteers
as Free Thai officers. As the government of Britain received the letter of decla-
ration of war from Thailand, it declared war against Thailand. But the Thai
residents of Britain also had formed the Seri Thai. The important members
were persons belonging to the royal family such as Queen Rambai Barni,
widow of King Prajadhipok, her brother Prince Suphasawat Wongsanit, and
Prince Chula Chakrabongse. The queen was the head of the Seri Thai in Britain
and was one of the four women taking up nonmilitary tasks. The Thai stu-
dents (numbering 36) of Britain like Snoh Tambuyen and Puey Ungphakorn
became members of the Pioneer Corps. Prince Suphasawat joined as a major
in the British army.
In July 1944, Phibun was forced to resign as Nazi Germany’s defeat was
imminent. Events were not going in favor of the Japanese either. Khuang
Apaivongse, one of the leaders of the Free Thai, became the prime minister
in August. The political prisoners were released and many of the projects of
Phibun were done way with. Meanwhile, the Free Thai was gaining momen-
tum during the last year of the war. The local representatives of the national
assembly mobilized the common mass against the Japanese. They maintained
regular contact with anticolonial groups of Indochina. One notable figure of
the region was Tiang Sirikhanth (1909–1952), a member of Parliament of Sakon
Nakhon, who had supported Pridi’s social and economic programs. Peasants
were given training in arms in the Phu Phan Mountain area. Tiang also was in
116 The History of Thailand

touch with Lao leaders. By the end of Second World War, the Free Thai cadres
had reached 3,000 in Isan. The volunteers of the Free Thai recruited from all
over Thailand had been armed, and contact was maintained with the Allied
High Command in Sri Lanka. The Thai 1st Army was in readiness against
the Japanese troops stationed in Bangkok. The Allied bombing increased on
Japanese installations and paratroopers landed on Thai soil. Pridi was very
much active in recruiting Thai students from the Universities of Chulalongkorn
and Thammasat for underground work. He was also in touch with the
Allies for taking the best possible advantages for Thailand at the end of the
war. At the behest of Pridi, Admiral Sangvara Suwannacheep launched a police
training program and the Japanese commander General Akeo Nakamura was
told that it was for resisting Allied invasion. The strategic ruse worked very
well. Pridi also was careful not to antagonize the British as the Shan states of
Myanmar had been occupied by the Thai Phayap army since May 1942. Mean-
while, the Allied bombings inflicted causalities and damaged buildings as they
missed their targets. On March 5, 1945, 78 people were killed on the east bank
of the Chao Praya River along with damage to Pridi’s residence, hospitals,
and Thammasat University. After 17 days, a train carrying Thai soldiers was
hit near Paknampo. The indiscriminate bombing continued throughout April,
damaging railway stations, airports, and power plants. Hundreds of civilians
were killed.
The Free Thai units were ready for a coordinated attack on the Japanese
installations, and Pridi was waiting for a green light from the Supreme Allied
Commander of Southeast Asia, Lord Louis Mountbatten (1900–1979), for the
Allied invasion. However, the dropping of atomic bombs on August 6 and 9
led to the Japanese surrender. Japan signed the instrument of surrender on
the USS Missouri in Tokyo Harbor on September 2, 1945. Japan was placed
under international control of the Allies and lost all its overseas possessions.
The efforts of the Free Thai Movement spared Thailand the fate that befell
the Axis powers. There were reports about Thailand being ceded to Britain,
but the plan was scotched and Bangkok had to supply 3 million tons of rice
to London as reparation. Thailand’s diplomatic relations with the United
States and Britain were restored on January 5, 1946. The reparation claim of
the British and the French was reduced to a large extent due to the role of the
United States, which honestly believed that many Thai people were not behind
Phibun. The Thai leaders had also lobbied in the United States and Pridi had
gone to meet the American president Harry S. Truman (1884–1972). Even the
Free Thai had considerable support from police as well as the army. The Thai
military did not come under control of the Allies after the war. It retained its
strength and once again dominated Thai politics after three years. Thailand
surrendered the territories annexed during the war from Myanmar, Malay,
Cambodia, and Laos. Phibun was imprisoned in Japan as a war criminal
Wars and Coups 117

and was allowed to return to Thailand in 1947. Many of the Free Thai mem-
bers had distinguished careers in Thai politics, bureaucracy, and business.
Pridi and Promoj became premiers. Puey Ungphakorn (1916–1999) was the
chairperson of the Bank of Thailand and Rector of Thammasat University.
Siddhi Savetsila (1919–) became the Air Chief Marshal and Foreign Minister.


After the war, Thai civilians and military personnel struggled for power.
Politics was marked by factional infighting among elites. Sometimes there
was a sharing of power, but at other times bitter rivalries led to the ousting
of an enemy group. There were democratic experiments, and then the army
would take over. Again civilian regimes would be installed only to be
deposed by a military junta. The post-1945 period centered around two major
civilian groups. There was a tussle between the liberal following of Pridi,
comprising intellectuals as well as bureaucrats, and the traditionalists as well
as royalists who joined hands with Khuang and Seni Promoj. All the while,
the military was looking for an opportunity to seize power.
The elite infighting was evident from the fact that between 1944 and 1948
Khuang held the office of prime minister three times, while Seni and Pridi
each enjoyed the post only once. Tawee Boonyaket (1904–1971) and Rear
Admiral Thamrong Nawasawat (1901–1988) were premiers for short periods.
Khuang resigned on August 31, 1945, and was replaced by Tawee, who
remained in the post for only 18 days. Seni was called back from the United
States and he assumed the office on September 17, 1945. Once again Thailand
was known as Siam. Seni found that the political atmosphere in Bangkok was
not suitable to his temperament. The Cabinet was full of Pridi loyalists. He
resigned on January 31, 1946, and Khuang again became prime minister for
three months. The political parties had become legalized and elections were
held on January 6, 1946. In Thailand, parliamentary democracy had been fully
restored with elections being held after 10 years. Khuang had formed
the Prachathipat (Democratic Party), which did very well in the elections. He
was against a bill for reducing public expenses and had to resign on March 24.
Thereupon Pridi became prime minister and would continue in office until
August 3. On May 10 he promulgated a new, liberal constitution providing
for a bicameral legislature. For the first time, the members of the House of
Representatives were fully elected, and they were to elect the members of the
Senate for a tenure of six years. The right to organize political parties was
established in the constitution. The active civil and military officials were
barred from holding political posts in the Parliament or Cabinet. The majority
in the Parliament facilitated the task of Pridi in enacting liberal measures.
Censorship laws were relaxed and anti-communist laws were scrapped.
118 The History of Thailand

The civilian interregnum was marked by writings influenced by socialism. The

anticolonial struggle going on in Indochina against the French gave rise to
socialist and democratic ideas.
King Ananda Mahidol had returned to Thailand in December 1945 and the
constitution had been drafted in his honor. He was shot dead on June 9, 1946,
under mysterious circumstances. The persons responsible for the regicide
have never been determined and Pridi was held morally responsible for the
sad demise of the king. The king’s younger brother Bhumibol Adulyadej
(Rama IX, 1946–) ascended the throne. He returned to the country only in
1951 as he was studying in a Swiss school. Pridi resigned and one of his fol-
lowers, Thamrong Nawasawat, became the prime minister, serving until
November 8, 1947. He faced vehement criticism unleashed by the Democratic
Party of Khunag. Thamrong faced problems relating to finance, corruption,
and the inquiry of the murder of Ananda Mahidol. He tried his best to control
the food prices. Treasury gold bonds were sold to raise state income. Barely
did he survive a no-confidence movement against him in May 1947. Mean-
while, Thailand became the 55th member of the United Nations Organization
(UNO) on December 16, 1946.


The military force that had wielded power for so long was getting restless
after its debacle in 1945. It was looking for an opportunity to step in once
again. The cut down in troop strength did not go well with the top brass of
the army. The general criticism of the army by the civilian ministers was not
appreciated. The common soldiers also had faced hardships while withdraw-
ing from Shan states, which were given back to the British. The army units
facing the Chinese Guomindang (Kuomintang—KMT) in 1946 had suffered
without essential supplies. There was general discontentment in the country
due to economic woes related to the war, such as the reparation payments
and high inflation. The corruption in bureaucracy and mismanagement by
governmental agencies undermined civilian regimes. Even then, the advent
of an army takeover would not have been feasible had the nonmilitary elite
remained united. In a span of three years, there were nine administrations.
A section of the society was looking for stability amid rampant corruption,
bureaucratic inefficiency, and economic chaos. It seemed as if the elite of about
5,000 were after the spoils of office rather than doing something meaningful for
the country. The political parties were striving to achieve power by hook or by
crook. The conservative and liberal groups worked at loggerheads, which
often created breaches that were filled by military resurgence. The prominent
military leaders like Lieutenant General Phin Choonhawan (1891–1973),
Colonel Sarit Thanarat (1908–1963), and Phao Sriyanond (1910–1960) staged a
Wars and Coups 119

coup by deposing Nawasawat on November 8 and invited Khunag to take over

the reigns of government. Nawasawat went into exile to Hong Kong. The next
day, the 1946 constitution was abrogated and Prince Rangsit (1885–1951), the
regent of the king, accepted the new charter of the coup leaders. An important
feature of the charter was removal of the ban on military and civil officers to
work in the Parliament and Cabinet. The Senate was recast as an appointed
body having 100 members. Khunag joined as prime minister on November 10.
In the general elections of January 29, 1948, the Democratic Party of Khuang
and Seni Promoj won. The relations between the army and Khuang were
deteriorating gradually as the latter did not become pliable to army demands.
There was disagreement over the appointment to the Cabinet and Senate.
Phibun, the strongman of Thai politics, was brought back by the military from
exile and by an open coup Khuang was forced to resign on April 8, 1948. The
development in Phibun’s regime became the yardstick for events in coming
decades. Close alliance with the United States during the Cold War period
and a repressive state apparatus would become the hallmark of Thai politics.
The state would not tolerate any dissent to the regime. The dominance of
military power would continue. Thailand would get involved in the Vietnam
War as the closest allies of the United States in Southeast Asia. Phibun took
the reins of the government on April 8, 1948, and once again Thailand relapsed
into the assertive nationalism of his earlier government.
The name Siam was replaced by Thailand again in 1949. In social behavior,
conformity with Western standards became the norm. The military budget
increased. Again, the Chinese were the targets of a discriminatory policy,
which became more intense after Mao Zedong established the People’s
Republic of China on October 1, 1949. The victory of communism in China
made the Thai ruling class panicky. The workings of Chinese business houses,
schools, newspapers, and social organizations were curtailed. An assimilation
policy of intermarriage between the Thai and the Chinese was encouraged.
Phibun cut down the immigration quota of the Chinese from 10,000 to 200 only
and imposed exorbitant alien registration charges. The Chinese were looked
at as communist sympathizers and hence disloyal to Thailand. The spread of
communism in Indochina, the onset of the Korean War, and unrest in the Isan
region of the northeast generated a communist phobia among Thai elite.
In 1952, the Communist Party of Thailand was banned. Phibun unleashed a
reign of terror against the dissidents of the regime. Phao Sriyanond (1910–1960),
the notorious police chief of Thailand and a close ally of Phibun, was the person
responsible for crushing opponents of the regime through his clique, the
“Knights of the Diamond Ring.” In March 1949, three MPs from Isan were shot
dead. The Free Thai leaders, including Tiang Sirikhanth, Thawin Udom,
Thawi Thawethikul, and Chan Bunnak, were eliminated in an extrajudicial
manner. Tiang, the most vocal opponent of Phibun’s dictatorship, and his
120 The History of Thailand

associates were arrested and murdered in December 1952. Phon Malithong,

the MP from Samut Sakhon, was strangled to death as he had provided evi-
dences of huge wealth amassed by the police chief through fraudulent means.
An abortive coup backed by supporters of Pridi was crushed on February 29,
1949. Pridi went to China as an exile. A new constitution was promulgated
on January 23, 1949, replacing the charter of earlier years. The drafting com-
mittee under Seni Promoopj was dominated by the royal princes Rangsit and
Dhanivat Vidyalabh (1885–1974). It elevated the monarchy by providing it
with power to appoint members of the Senate and strengthening the veto
power. The king could even call for a referendum for amending the
constitution. This constitution also was abrogated in 1952 and Phibun became
the regent for the king. In the single national assembly, 103 out of a total
123 members were either from the army or the police squad. Afterward,
provisions for the election for half of the legislature were introduced in March.
Naturally, Phibun won the elections and the other half appointed members
from the military. The Thai dictators had used the royalty to buttress their
own position and crush communist revolts in Isan. The king became the sym-
bol of national unity. Although there was no absolute monarchy, the influence
of the king remained in Thai society and politics. After his coronation on
May 5, 1950, King Bhumibol and his Queen Sirikit (Mom Rajawongse Sirikit
Kitiyakara, 1932–) had made an extensive tour of the country. The royal couple
had a genuine love and respect for the common people. A learned man,
the king also was involved in many developmental projects of the country.
He did not refrain from interfering with politics as in the 1973 or 2006 crises
for the good of the nation. For the Thais, he was revered as a semidivine figure
in keeping with centuries-long Buddhist-Hindu tradition.
In external affairs, Thailand adapted itself to the post-1945 scenario. For the
United States and the Soviet Union, who had recently defeated in the Axis
powers a common enemy, a new form of struggle ensued. The world was
now divided into two blocs. Apart from the communist regimes behind the Iron
Curtain, communist parties proliferated in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Far
East, and Europe. For Thailand, the new enemy was communism. In addition
to China, a second country neighboring Thailand, Vietnam, had become com-
munist. In Laos and Cambodia, communism was spreading. In Thailand itself,
there was danger of communism from within after the establishment of the
CPT in 1942. Keeping in tune with the policies of Chakri rulers, Bangkok
thought it judicious to align itself with the dominant power. It was Britain ear-
lier. In the Second World War, for many, it was Japan. The sun had set in the
British empire and the choice now was for the United States. Bangkok evolved
a policy of close alliance with Washington, D.C., joining the American bloc in
the Cold War. From the 1950s, gradually, for a quarter century, pro-U.S. and
anti-communist policies guided Thai foreign policy. Thailand became
Wars and Coups 121

America’s staunchest ally in the latter ’s policy of the containment of

In 1950, Thailand signed educational, cultural, economic, and technical
agreements with the United States. Thailand’s security relationship with the
United States had a foundation dating back to 1950, which was strengthened
as the Cold War progressed. In October came the Thai–U.S. Military Assistance
Agreement. In the Korean War, 6,500 Thai troops served under the United
Nations Command and there were 1,250 causalities. In the Geneva
Conference of 1954 pertaining to Indochina, Thailand supported the policy
of the United States. While the peace-making process was going on in
Geneva, the United States initiated the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
(SEATO), or the Manila Pact. The main architect of this pact was the American
secretary of state John Foster Dulles (1888–1959), who wanted collective
defense against communist aggression. On September 8, 1954, the United
States, Great Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand,
and the Philippines became signatories of the SEATO. A special protocol
added Cambodia, Laos, and South Vietnam to be protected by SEATO.
Phibun agreed to the view of Dulles that if communism was not to be checked,
the noncommunist states would fall like dominoes. Bangkok was the head-
quarters of the civil and military organization of SEATO. The post of Secretary
General was instituted in 1957 and Pote Sarasin of Thailand (1905–2000) was
the first person to hold the post. The treaty was viewed as another attempt
to bring the Cold War to South and Southeast Asia. The joining of Thailand
invited criticism from the Afro-Asian bloc as it was seen as serving the
designs of neocolonialism in the region. The Cold War conflict was intensified
in Southeast Asia because of SEATO. The Soviet Union, China, and North
Vietnam condemned the treaty. But SEATO was not helpful to the concerns
of the United States and Thailand in stopping ongoing communist victories.
In the Vietnam War, the treaty was not beneficial in the anti-communist drive
of the United States. After the communist victory in the Indochinese states in
1975, SEATO was an anachronism in the region. The member nations decided
to disband the treaty in a meeting in September 1975 held in New York.
SEATO was formally dissolved two years later.
While Phibun was aligning with the United States, his own position was
being eroded. The military had its own factions. In an abortive coup attempt
by the navy in 1951 he was almost killed. Phibun could have retained his
position because of the rivalry between Phao Siyanon and Sarit Thanarat
(1909–1963), Commander of the First Division stationed in Bangkok. The trium-
virate of Phibun, Phao, and Sarit was the most powerful in Thai politics. Sarit
was at somewhat of a disadvantageous because of his close collaboration
between the other two. Phibun was the chairperson and Phao was the secretary
of the newly formed official party, the Seri Manangasila (Free Stone Seat Party),
122 The History of Thailand

which was the largest party with enough funds to spend. Less than a month
after the February 1957 elections, which were rigged according to the oppo-
sition, Phibun formed a new government with Phao as the interior minister.
After Sarit criticized Phibun vehemently relations between the two became
strained and cooled off. Phibun had ordered that military or civil officials
should not have any dealings with business establishments. It hit Sarit hard as
he had commercial interest in many companies. On September 17, Sarit, who
had become commander-in-chief of the army, deposed Phibun and Phao in a
bloodless coup. Phibun went to Japan as an exile. Phao fled to Switzerland,
where he had deposited a huge amount of his ill-gotten money in Swiss banks.

Pote Sarasin served as the caretaker prime minister between September 21
and December 26, 1957. After general elections, General Thanom Kittikachorn
(1911–2004), a close aide of Sarit, became Prime Minister on January 1. Tha-
nom handed over the power to Sarit after the latter’s return to Thailand from
the United States, where he had received medical treatment. Sarit became the
Prime Minister of Thailand on February 9, 1959, as head of the Revolutionary
Party. After his death on December 8, 1963, Thanom headed the government
until October 14, 1973. The Sarit–Thanom regimes did not see any changes
in domestic and foreign policy. Thailand became more closely aligned with
the United States. The military elite became rich as their pockets swelled with
large portions of the billions of dollars’ worth of American aid that passed
through their hands at the time of the Vietnam War. Relations with China
and North Vietnam deteriorated. Sarit decided to rule the country with an
iron fist by banning opposition parties and newspapers and suspending
constitutional amendments, while simultaneously seeking to stamp out
Thailand’s opium trade, police corruption, and organized crime. He tried to
build up traditional Thai values. The promotion of Buddhism and cultivation
of the monarchy were important features of his policies. Sarit cleverly utilized
the monarchy both to enhance his own legitimacy and to strengthen the institu-
tion of the monarchy itself. The components of nation in his concept were the
Phokhun (Leader), Kharatchakarn (Bureaucracy), and Prachachon (People).
The economic policies of Sarit encouraged huge U.S. and Japanese investment
and gave rise to a new wealthy class due to land speculation and sustained
economic growth of 5 percent per year. Major projects of electrification and
irrigation were undertaken with assistance from international agencies.
Thailand formed the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA). It was the first step
toward regional integration of Southeast Asia, along with the Philippines and
Malaya (since 1963, Malaysia). The legacy of Sarit after his death in 1963
was the Thai involvement in the Vietnam War and the establishment of
Wars and Coups 123

development-oriented technocratic agencies. Thanom, who had become field

marshal in 1964, faced communist revolts. International investment and
American military expenditures in Thailand resulted in considerable eco-
nomic growth for the country. It was primarily through the initiative of
Thailand that a regional association was established to strive for peace and
prosperity of the region. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines
as original members, was established on August 8, 1967. In the February 1969
elections, Thanom’s Saha Prachathai (United Thai People’s Party) secured 75
seats out of 219 in the lower house, giving it the largest representation among
the 13 parties. The Democratic Party, with 57 seats, came second. Popular dis-
content against Thanom was growing and on November 17, 1971, he staged a
bloodless coup against himself. The constitution was abrogated and the
National Assembly was dissolved. Thanom assumed dictatorial power and
imposed martial law. The National Executive Council was formed. Thanom,
Field Marshall Prapass Charusathiara (1917–2001) and son of Thanom,
Narong Kittikachorn (who was also son-in-law of Prapass), were the three
most powerful persons of Thailand. They were known as the “Three Tyrants.”
Protests arising out of consequences of the Vietnam War were increasing. The
social discontent in north and south Thailand had given rise to communist
insurgencies. The labor organizations, student unions, and intellectuals rose
against Thanom. His rule was over after the October 14, 1973, revolution.


Thailand was the most trusted Southeast Asian ally of the United States in the
war against communist forces in the Vietnams, Laos, and Cambodia. It sent
troops to Indochinese countries, collaborated with the CIA, allowed the station-
ing of American troops on Thai soil, and permitted bombing raids against the
Indochinese countries from its air bases. From the dispatching of a marine heli-
copter detachment to Thailand under the administration of President John F.
Kennedy (1961–1963) in March 1961 to the withdrawal of the American military
in July 1976, the Thai government as well as the army established a patron-client
relationship with the United States. For maintaining its security, Bangkok joined
the war efforts of the United States against communism. Even before the escala-
tion of the Vietnam War, cooperation between the governments of the United
States and Royal Lao government (RLG) was strong. American aid was passing
through Thailand to landlocked Laos, and the United States had built new
airfields in northeastern Thailand. Thailand was panicky as the leftist Pathet
Lao’s forces were gaining ground in the Lao civil war. Transport and communi-
cation facilities improved between Thailand and Laos, which was a part of the
U.S.-sponsored communication network in Laos, Thailand, and South Vietnam.
124 The History of Thailand

Thailand was for a friendly regime in Laos and all the while it supported the
rightist RLG. The failure of the Geneva Accords of 1962 saw Laos embroiled in
the Vietnam War.
On March 6, 1962, the United States and Thailand signed the Rusk–Thanat
agreement, which spelled out that obligations under SEATO were “individual
as well as collective.” The United States declared a unilateral defense guaran-
tee, and military assistance to Thailand was doubled. American troops in
Thailand were increased to 49,000 by 1972. Thailand became the sanctuary
for the air war against Indochina. From air bases in Don Muang, Korat,
Nakhon Phanom, Takhli, Utapo, Ubon, Udorn, and Khon Kaen, B-52 bombers
delivered million of tons of bombs. The aircrafts used napalm and defoliants
sometimes and bombing was characterized by heavy civilian toll and was
responsible for creating a large number of refugees. The number of Thai
troops increased in Laos; from 5,000 in 1965–1966 to 20,000 in 1972, and Thai
pilots were flying the special planes called T-28s in bombing the Pathet Lao
areas in Laos. In 1966, the first Thai contingent, called “The Queen’s Cobra
Regiment,” was sent to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and the number of Thai
troops increased to 12,000 afterward. The Thai government also granted the
United States the use of the large naval base at Sattahip.
Thailand’s involvement in the Vietnam War witnessed infrastructural
developments of the country. These included growth of Thai business and
economy. But most of the benefits were enjoyed by the upper strata of the
society. A culture developed, particularly among the middle and upper
classes, with an emphasis on consumerism. This emphasis was there earlier,
as noted, after Thailand’s entry into the modern age, but it became more
widespread with the coming of the Vietnam War. From the middle of the
1960s large segments of Thai society came into contact with Western fashions
and styles of living. The cities of Thailand transformed their hotels, clubs, and
massage parlors, and the sex industry grew in order to accommodate the
American military personnel coming for rest and recreation (R&R) as men-
tioned earlier. Although it would be naive to say that prostitution came to
Thailand with the Vietnam War, there was no doubt of its proliferation
because of the war. Sex tourism was one of the reasons for the influx of tou-
rists. Anti-American sentiments were expressed in some quarters of society.
A feeling developed that the Thai culture was being threatened. A sense of
resentment developed due to the presence of foreign troops on Thai soil and
the alignment of Thai policy makers with U.S. interests.
Contemporary History
of Thailand

Thailand’s history since the 1970s is full of momentous events that

have placed the country in a unique position. The student revolution of
October 1973, struggle for power between civilian and military regimes, social
discontent, end of the Cold War, globalization, and Islamic insurgency have
shaped the nation in various ways. Thailand was at the threshold of momen-
tous developments when the new millennium arrived. In Southeast Asia it
had become a major power. The economy had recovered after the Asian finan-
cial crisis, and the integrity as well as sovereignty of the nation were intact.
In spite of political instability due to military coups and violence in the south,
Thailand showed remarkable resilience while facing disturbances within and
tackling problems at regional and international levels.


Beginning from the middle of the nineteenth century onward, Thailand had
been modernized under the Chakri rulers. After the 1932 revolution, Thailand
ushered in a new era. There were remarkable changes in Thai society. But the
bulk of the masses did not receive many benefits, as the advantages did not
126 The History of Thailand

percolate downward. In the countryside, the peasants had to toil as hard or

harder than always. Gradually, discontent arose against elite dominance in
Thai society. The infighting between different categories of the elite hardly
affected the life of the masses, whose predicament was increasingly deplorable.
In the northeastern region of Isan, the poverty index was more in compari-
son to many other areas of Thailand. Poverty was significant in rural areas
and outlying regions. The inequality of income had been growing since
1960. Emphasis on nonagricultural manufacturing industries had aug-
mented the gap between the living standards of core and outlying zones.
The poverty incidence (head-count ratio) in 1962–1963 was 57 percent for
whole of the country, but in rural areas it was 63 percent. The percentage
of rural households living below the poverty line in the central plains was
34.9 percent in 1971–1972, but for Isan the figure was a staggering 74.7 percent.
Isan had been a neglected region, and the ethno-regional consciousness of the
people made it a breeding ground for insurgency. From the 1960s to 1980s,
Isan became the strongest base for the Communist Party of Thailand (CPT).
The ruling elite were apprehensive of communist domination in Thailand and
a confrontation arose between the ideology of the left and that of the rightists,
their counterparts.
The CPT had been established on December 1, 1942, and the Free Thai
Movement had given it an opportunity to come in contact with rural regions.
Apart from its strategic location, Isan had a long history of resistance against
Bangkok. The violent anticommunist repression policy unleashed by the
Sarit regime had driven the communists to the countryside. In 1961, the CPT
had founded the Democratic Patriot Front for indoctrinating peasants in
armed struggle. In March 1962, the CPT radio station, Voice of the People of
Thailand (VPT), was established in southern China. On August 7, 1965,
clashes occurred between government troops and insurgents. The revolt
spread all over the country, including the northern and southern regions.
A 13-year struggle continued from the August events in the Phupan range,
with increasing clashes between communists and government troops. The
opium war of July 1967 had enabled the CPT to recruit cadres from the refugees
from Laos and other places who had been relocated by the government. The
communist insurgency also received support from China, North Vietnam,
and Pathet Lao from Laos. A communist commando unit made an attack
against the air base of Udon on July 26, 1968. The number of clashes increased
from 154 to 680 in 1972.
From the early 1970s different classes of the population were in discontent.
The time was propitious for a revolution. The inflation of 1972 caused the price
of rice to climb by almost one percent per month. The government was
mismanaging the affair, as it had allowed the export of rice on a large scale.
Thanom’s son Narong was put in charge of price controls. His efforts were to
Contemporary History of Thailand 127

no avail and led to further mismanagement. Hoardings, shortages, and long

lines to buy rice in urban areas resulted. Wage earners were hard hit. The work-
ing class resorted to strikes beginning in January. Labor organizations organized
as many as 40 strikes, including the Thai Steel Company strike, a month-
long affair. The students, who had established the National Student Center of
Thailand (NSCT) in 1968, came to the forefront. They held a major demonstra-
tion in October 1971. The manifestation of student movements continued
throughout 1972. In November, the NSCT held a weeklong demonstration
against Japanese imports. There was anti-Japanese sentiment and the demand
for concessions to Thailand for its trade deficit with Japan. In December, the
students, now having organized themselves into a political force, rose against
the governmental control of the judiciary. The announcement of an interim
constitution with an appointed legislative assembly provoked widespread
protest. The students came into the streets in May 1973, demanding elections
and a democratic constitution. The beating and expulsion of nine students
from Ramkhamhaeng University in June for making a caricature of the regime
led to widespread protests. (The students were reinstated afterward.)
The students had become frustrated due to the lack of job opportunities
after graduation. They orchestrated protests against “The Three Tyrants” of
the military government—Thanom, Prapass Charusathiara, and Narong
Kittikachorn—by appealing to religion and monarchy. In the protest rallies
several figures of Buddha, pictures of the king, and the national banner were
waved. The antimilitary movement gathered momentum after it attracted the
support of factory workers, intellectuals, and the middle-class population of
Bangkok. Popular discontent was mounting against the government. Even
the civilian political elite, sections of the business community, and rival mili-
tary factions protested against the policies of the government. The civilians
were aggrieved as they had been debarred from the sharing of power. The ris-
ing inflation as well as Japanese economic influence ran counter to indigenous
commercial interest. There were also protests over the stationing of American
troops and the military regime’s strong support of Washington. The power
wielded by Thanom’s son Narong was not liked by a section of the army.
The aggrandizement of wealth as well as concentration of power by Thanom,
Narong, and Prapass was not to be tolerated by the majority of people. The
venom against the triumvirate resulted in a massive demonstration of
250,000 people, who had gathered before the Democracy Monument, the
symbol of the 1932 revolution. After 41 years, Thailand was witnessing
another upsurge. In the violence that ensued, 400 persons died and thousands
were wounded due to police gunfire. Four buildings were burned. October 14
was designated as Wan Maha Wippasok (The most tragic day). A memorial at
the junction of Central Ratchadamnoen Avenue and Tanao Road was erected
afterward in memory of those young students, who sacrificed their life for a
128 The History of Thailand

noble cause. The king interfered and further violence was averted. Prime
Minister Thanom resigned and left the country, along with his son and the
Deputy Premier Prapass. The rule of the “Three Tyrants” was over. Thailand
had witnessed two revolutions in a span of 41 years, each resulting in
momentous changes. The critics had castigated the 1932 revolution as elite-
initiated and the one in 1973 for leading to the dominance of the military after
three years. The character and leadership of both had come under the scanner
of critics. But the fact remained that injustice and inequality would not last
long. When the boundary of tolerance reaches its optimum point, a revolution
has to occur. The gains of it in the long run can be realized if one takes a long-
term view of progress in the history of a country. In that sense, 1932 as well as
1973 were not lessons in failure but turning points in the hopes and aspira-
tions of people toward democratization. Even under the military regimes,
there was apprehension about another mass upsurge. A ruling clique,
whether military or civilian, could not afford to drive the masses to a point
where the clique would be obliterated in another mass upsurge. The ruling elite
in the post-1973 era would be conscious of the needs of the common people.
Professor Sanya Thammasak (1907–2002), Rector of Thammasat University,
was appointed as the prime minister of Thailand by a Royal Decree on
October 14. He remained in the office until May 22, encountering the prob-
lems arising out of students and bringing normalcy after the revolution. The
militant student faction was unhappy over the direction toward which the
government was heading. The NSCT had been divided into moderate and
radical factions. The former was composed of university students belonging
to the middle class. The students from technical schools were radicals who
were not averse to violence. However, in spite of different groups among stu-
dents such as the People for Democracy of Thirayuth Boonmee (1950–) and
the Federation of Independent Students led by Saeksan Prasertkul, the
involvement of students in the affairs of the nation was increasing. They were
in various committees of bureaucracy. The students developed contact with
laborers and peasants, who became vocal in asserting their rights. Even some
in the police and military service began to question the counterinsurgency
policy. The membership of the CPT increased. Somkid Srisangkom’s (1918–)
Socialist Party of Thailand also became more active. The secretary of the party
was Boonsanong Punyodyana (1936–1976), who, along with 13 other activists,
had been arrested by Thaonom’s regime. The Thai Party was organized by the
former president of NSCT, Sombat Thamrongthanyawong, and the academic
Pongpen Sakultpai. The ideological divide among students, intellectuals, and
other sections of the society became conspicuous. The communist victories
in neighboring Indochina and the withdrawal of American troops from
Southeast Asia made the conservative section of society apprehensive of
leftist dominance.
Contemporary History of Thailand 129

A new constitution was adopted in October 1974 providing for a bicameral

national assembly. The members of the House of Representatives were to be
elected by popular ballot and the senators to be appointed by the king. The
stronghold of military and bureaucracy over Thai politics was loosened by
abolishing the provision of financial secrecy, right of appointed members in
a no-confidence vote, and holding both the office in assembly as well as mili-
tary or administration. In the elections of January 1975, 44 parties participated
with 22 gaining seats. On February 15, 1975, Seni Promoj, the leader of the Pak
Prachatipat (Democratic Party), became the prime minister, leading a three-
party coalition government. Within a month of assuming office, he did not
get a vote of confidence and his brother Kukrit Promoj, leader of the Pak Kit
Sangkhom (Social Action Party), was selected to head a coalition ministry on
March 17. By April both Cambodia and Vietnam had communist govern-
ments, which worried the rightist forces in Thailand. Kukrit also visited
China. There were strikes by farmers and students in May and July. The left
was campaigning for U.S. withdrawal and the end of the support of the mili-
tary. The U.S. military force, numbering 27,000, began to leave Thailand start-
ing in March 1975 and the process was completed the next year. There were
anti-American demonstrations after the Mayaguez incident of May 1975, when
the United States used the airbase of Utapo without the consent of Bangkok.
The anti-American rhetoric, along with a move toward the left in public opin-
ion, goaded the rightists to retaliate. A witch hunt began with virulent criti-
cism against the left. Rightist organizations such as Nawa Phon (New Force),
Red Bulls, Luk Sua Chaoban (Village Tiger Cubs), and the Village Scout Organi-
zation were established in 1976 with the motive of confronting the left. Once
again the ultranationalists, composed of conservative civilian elements and
senior military officers, defended the Nation-Religion-King regime with the
rallying cry of Nawa Phon. Political assassinations and attacks against student
demonstrations became a regular affair. Right-wing militancy was steadily
growing in 1976 and the government of Kukrit was helpless in checking the
violence that had erupted. The April 4, 1976, election was one of the bloodiest
in Thai political history, with 30 casualties including the Socialist Party leader
Bunsanong. The Pak Prachatipat, with 114 of the 279 seats, became the largest
Party. On April 21, 1976, Seni became the prime minister again, heading a
coalition government of four parties.


REGIMES, 1976–2006
For 30 long years, Thailand witnessed a duel between civilians and the
military to hold the reigns of the government. In spite of a tradition of a rudi-
mentary democracy after 1932 and ascendancy of liberal forces after 1973,
130 The History of Thailand

the military was constantly lurking behind the scenes, ready to seize
power. This was due to weakening of the civilian forces, changing regional
as well as international scenarios, and economic travails. The military seized
upon the opportunity when the whole of Indochina went red. The commu-
nist insurgency within the country was also increasing. The bogey of
communism provided the military an opportunity to crush the civilians after
unleashing a reign of terror. It led to the downfall of Seni’s government on
October 6, 1976.
There began stage-managed crises of which the left bore the brunt. Facing
violent retaliations by the rightists, they were branded as communists and
antinationals. In August Prapass, one of the “Three Tyrants,” appeared in
Thailand, but he had to make a hurried departure to Taiwan after widespread
demonstrations against him. Thanom returned after a month, donning a
monk’s robe. He was well protected by rightist organizations like Nawa Phon
and Luk Sua Chaoban. Students who protested against his stay in Thailand
were accused of being communists because of their opposition to a Buddhist
monk, and two protestors were hung in Nakhon Pathom. The government
was demoralized and there were conflicts between the liberals and rightists
after a reshuffling of the cabinet. Emotions ran high, leading to a volatile
atmosphere. The students had gathered in Thammasat University and staged a
play enacting the hanging of the two student protestors. On October 5, the
right-wing newspapers published manipulated images of a student actor
resembling the crown prince. A pretext was made to attack the rally of the
students as they had indulged in the act of lèse-majesté. On October 6, hun-
dreds of right wingers followed by the police as well as the military stormed
the campus of Thammasat University, killing hundreds of students and
arresting 3,000. Violence and mayhem were perpetrated against some stu-
dents as they tried to escape. The army seized power and established the
National Administrative Reform Council (NARC). The civilian government
of Seni was ousted, the constitution abrogated, and martial law proclaimed.
The experiment with democracy was over and Admiral Sangad Chaloryu
(1915–1980) became chairperson of the National Administrative Reform
Council (NARC). He continued in this post until November 23, 1980. A new
government under Thanin Kraivichien, an ex-judge of the Supreme Court,
was formed with the support of the king and NARC. A diehard conservative
and an avowed anticommunist, he remained in the office from October 8,
1976, to November 12, 1977.
The Thanin government was one of the most repressive regimes that
Thailand had witnessed. It enforced strict censorship of media, tight control
of trade union activities, and the expulsion of communists from bureaucracy
as well as from universities. The leadership among communist cadres swelled
after the Thammasat massacre as intellectuals along with students and farm
Contemporary History of Thailand 131

and labor leaders fled to the jungles to escape secret punishment from
the coup leaders. On March 26, 1977, General Chalard Hiranyasiri made an
abortive coup and was summarily executed. The oppressive rule was too
much even for the military and Thanin was replaced by General Kriangsak
Chomanand (1917–2003), who became prime minister on November 12,
1977. Sangad Chaloryu became the defense minister.
The government of Kriangsak showed comparative political stability.
Thailand and its communist neighbors followed a policy of rapprochement. In
1978, Thailand signed agreements on trade with Laos as well as China. It also
restored diplomatic relations with Vietnam. China declared in 1979 that it
would no longer help the CPT. This was the period when the communist states
fought against one another. Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia in December
1978 was followed by the Chinese attack against Vietnam in February 1979.
The events in Cambodia had great repercussions on Thailand’s security
and economy. The Thai and Vietnamese forces confronted each other after
the proclamation of the pro-Vietnamese People’s Republic of Kampuchea.
Thailand, members of ASEAN, the United States, and China demanded the
withdrawal of Vietnamese forces from Cambodia. Thailand provided logisti-
cal and financial support to different factions operating against the Phnom
Penh regime. The influx of a large number of refugees placed a great strain
on the Thai economy, resulting in inflation, which greatly affected country’s
industry and agriculture. On the domestic front, the CPT was weakened due
to the new direction of foreign policy of the government, the rift among com-
munist nations, and the reconciliatory policy of Kriangsak. He had raised the
minimum daily wage for workers in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The 18
dissidents arrested in the wake of the October 1976 events were pardoned in
September 1978. The general amnesty program resulted in the surrender of
8,000 insurgents. The constitution of 1978 established a bicameral national
assembly. The 225 members of the Senate were to be appointed by the prime
minister. It was powerful as it could block important measures concerning
national security and economy, which were already passed by the House of
Representatives. The members of the House of Representatives, numbering
310, were to be elected. The military and civil servants received a stay of five
years for appointment to ministerial posts. The April 1979 elections resulted
in the victory of moderate rightist parties. A coalition government was formed
with Kriangsak remaining as the prime minister. The opposition to his
government was increasing as Thailand was witnessing deteriorating eco-
nomic conditions due to the international oil crisis. The prime minister
announced a hike in the prices of oil, gas, and electricity. He was forced to
resign on March 3, 1980, due to the large scale opposition to his policy, and
General Prem Tinsulanonda (1920–), the commander-in-chief of the army,
became the prime minister.
132 The History of Thailand

Prem’s administration, with its five successive coalition cabinets, witnessed

an emphasis on exports and industrialization, leading to a rapid development
of the Thai economy from the middle of the 1980s onwards. The policy
toward Vietnam became tough and there were border skirmishes between
the two countries. The danger to the stability of Thailand due to insurgency
was reduced to a considerable extent with the surrender of rebels. Popularly
known as Papa Prem (although a bachelor), he had a clean professional
record and he enjoyed the support of the monarchy. In Thailand, the political
system was becoming accommodative of various groups. The different com-
ponents of the ruling elite like military, business, political parties, and techno-
crats had never wavered from the commitment to democracy. Narrow
interests of each group appeared to have the only motive of being in
government by hook or by crook. They were compelled to tolerate each other,
as there was no other option left for them. The military also knew that it was
impossible to rule as it was doing in the 1950s. The time had changed and
there were different factions in the army. The Young Turks had been instru-
mental in ousting the two prime ministers in 1977 and 1980 successively. Gen-
eral Arthit Kamlangek made abortive attempts in 1981 and 1985 to oust Prem,
who, with great dexterity, had built his power base. He played one group
against the other and maintained a balancing act between political parties
and military-civil officers. With support from the king and regional military
commanders, Prem was able to crush the rebellion of the Young Turks on
April 3, 1981. The rebels, led by General San Chipatima, fled from the country
and the rest of the participants were granted royal clemency. Another attempt
by the Young Turks on September 9, 1985, also failed and General Chavalit
Yongchaiyuth (1932–) took a leading part in suppressing it. Prem was success-
ful in driving Khun Sa, the mastermind behind the narcotics trade, from his
base at Baan Hin Taek in the Chiang Rai Province. He fled to Myanmar along
with his Shan United Army in January 1982. On the 40th anniversary of CPT’s
establishment, about 1,000 communists surrendered themselves to General
Arthit on December 1, 1942. China also closed down the radio station of the
party. The ruling class was relieved after the end of the communist menace.
Prem received support from the Democrat Party and the Social Action Party
in the House of Representatives and in the cabinet the majority of members
were civilians. In the Parliamentary elections of April 1983, none of the politi-
cal parties were able to enjoy majority in the House of Representatives. Prem
formed another government. He made structural changes to the Thai
economy. The Thai business associations were successful in persuading the
government for a Joint Public and Private Sector Consultative Committee.
There was demand from students and the middle class of cities that the prime
minister be an elected member. Prem, in spite of support from monarchy,
business groups, and major political parties wanted to avert a political crisis.
Contemporary History of Thailand 133

He resigned on August 4, 1988, after the elections, as he was never an elected

member of the Parliament. Prem became a member of the Privy Council. The
new prime minster, Chatichai Choonhavan (1920–1998) of the Pak Chart Thai
(Thai Nation Party), continued in the office until February 23, 1991.
As the first fully elected prime minister after 12 years, Chatichai reasserted
the role of Thailand as a major economic power in Southeast Asia. It pursued
an active role in the ASEAN and followed a dynamic foreign policy with
neighboring Indochinese countries. But the urban middle class as well as
military charged the government with corruption, as it was using its power
for personal gains. On February 23, 1991, the coup leaders, known as the
National Peace Keeping Council, seized power. The commander-in-chief of
the Royal Thai army, Suchinda Kraprayoon (1933–), was the coup leader. Gen-
eral Sunthorn Kongsompong (1931–1999) remained as the chairperson of the
council from February 23 to March 7. The public had welcomed the coup as
military leaders had mentioned that they were ousting the government only
with a view to eradicate corruption. Anand Panyarachun (1932–), a diplomat
and businessman, was appointed as prime minister pro term by the military
clique. The drafting of a new constitution witnessed confrontation between
the military and its opponents. It was clear that the military was in no mood
to give up political control. There was a large scale protest of 50,000 people
on November 19, 1991. A new party of retired army officers, called Samakkhi
Tham, began to project Suchinda as the next prime minister. The 1992 elections
were rigged with utter corruption and free play for rampant vote-buying.
Suchinda took office on April 7, which led to a popular uprising. Once again,
the military, which was at the receiving end, took recourse to violence in sup-
pressing the outburst. The various groups such as the urban middle class,
trade unions, and students thronged in Bangkok and in these four days of vio-
lence about a 1,000 people were killed. The international opinion showed con-
cern at the developments in Thailand. Professional groups and the business
community were showing apprehension over the impact of military rule on
the Thai economy. A wider section of people had joined the antimilitary
movement. Public awareness was much more prominent than it was during
the earlier movements in the 1930s or 1970s. The mass media and political
commentary by intellectuals had made many groups of people aware of the
true nature of military rule. On May 24, 1992, Suchinda had to resign after
being forced to by King Bhumibol, who granted amnesty to demonstrators.
Anand headed an interim government, bringing out major reforms which
led to economic growth. Chuan Leekpai (1938–) of the Democratic Party
won the elections and a coalition government of pro-democracy parties took
office on September 23.
The government of Chuan came under much criticism due to its policy
toward Myanmar, failure of a reforestation program, and corruption. In fact,
134 The History of Thailand

Chuan had faced criticism in 1987, when he was the Speaker. His brother had
fled from the country after embezzling U.S. $10 million. Chuan’s cabinet min-
isters were accused of large-scale corruption. Banharn Silparcha (1932–) of the
Pak Chart Thai (Thai Nation Party) became the prime minister on July 13, 1995,
after winning the elections. Banharn’s government also was plagued with
corruption. He was compelled to conduct elections soon and thereby General
Chavalit Yongchaiyudh, leader of the Pak Kwam Wang Mai (New Aspiration
Party), took office on December 1, 1996. The Asian financial crisis of 1997
doomed his fate and he had to resign, paving the way for Chuan’s second
term from November 9 onward. Meanwhile a new constitution had been
promulgated on October 11. This was hailed as the most democratic Con-
stitution that Thailand ever had. The Constitution was, to a considerable
extent, in conformity with the meaning of the word “constitution” in the Thai
language. It was governance as per dharma or ratha thama noon. The drafting
assembly had been elected by popular election. The party system was
strengthened and the various articles enshrined in the constitution were
democratic. Both of the houses of the Parliament were to be elected. The
1997 constitution made several innovations as compared to previous constitu-
tions. Voting became compulsory and there was a provision for an indepen-
dent election commission. A system of checks and balances was introduced
with the creation of new agencies including the Office of the Auditor General,
the National Counter Corruption Commission, the National Human Rights
Commission, and others. Perhaps the most laudable feature of the consti-
tution was the section on human rights, which truly made the constitution a
democratic one like any other document of a modern democratic state. There
were as many as 40 rights provided in it compared to only 9 rights in the
constitution of 1932. The Thais had rights to free education, freedom of infor-
mation, public health, and protests.
Chuan’s government of seven party coalitions came under bitter criticism
because of corruption, violations of human rights, the nomination of Thanom
as an honorary royal guard to the king, and favor shown to large financial
institutions. The ministers holding key positions were found guilty of embez-
zling millions of dollars. The villagers protesting against the Pak Mun dam
had to bear police brutality. The editor of the newspaper Pak Nua faced an
assassination attempt. Chuan’s decision to honor Thanom was dropped due
to protests. The social activists, intellectuals, and business entrepreneurs criti-
cized the neo-liberal policy of government and launched a self-sufficiency
campaign. The victory of the Thai Rak Thai (TRT, Thai Loves Thai) party of
telecommunications billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra (1949–) in the January
2001 elections was on a nationalist platform. He had a program of popular
scheme of economic distribution campaigning against corruption, organized
crime, and drugs. Thaksin’s popular mandate was larger than that of
Contemporary History of Thailand 135

any other prime minister and he took office on February 9, 2001. Thaksin
endeared himself to the royal family, business class, and military personnel
to consolidate his position. In the Asian financial crisis of 1997, Thailand
had borrowed heavily from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It was
paid back well before time. The economy was once again booming. The coun-
try became the leading exporter of rice by 2004 and world’s seventh-leading
exporter of automobiles in 2005. The sophisticated manufacturing units pro-
duced goods for the domestic market as well as for exporting.
Thaksin also became the first elected prime minister in Thai history to com-
plete a full term in office and get reelected. His policies pertaining to health,
education, foreign relations, finance, drugs, and energy got him a landslide vic-
tory. Poverty had gone down remarkably by half in a span of five years. The
healthcare system improved. His populist measures included medical facilities,
housing plans, and credits at a subsidized rate. There was a revamping of the
school curriculum. For the less affluent students, loans were given for educa-
tion. Thaksin’s drug policy became highly controversial. His all out campaign
for drug eradication resulted in the killing of about 2,700 people. The provincial
governors had a more active role to play as they became chief executive officers.
He vehemently criticized the old order and outmoded institutions with the
slogan, Think new, act new. The new slogan, The heart of TRT is the people, became
very popular in 2003. Thaksin’s measures became universal and people in gen-
eral felt the presence of a benevolent government. The popularity rating of the
prime minister rose from 30 to 70 percent. On December 26, 2004, a tsunami
hit Thailand’s southern coast; particularly the holiday resort islands of Phuket
and Phi Phi as well as the province of Phang Nga. The consequence was devas-
tating with 5,400 causalities and 2,800 missing persons. The emergency
response and relief operations undertaken by the government were praised by
the international community. Utapao air base and Sattahip naval base became
centers of international relief efforts for the entire region. Thaksin won a spec-
tacular victory in the 2005 election by getting 61 percent of the vote and winning
377 out of 500 seats. But within a year he was no longer in power. The opponents
of Thaksin did not appreciate his aggressive mode of functioning, abuse of
power, and undermining of institutions, and they alleged corruption against
him. The court’s ruling absolving the prime minister over shares in the Shin
Corporation was not accepted by the opposition. His detractors argued that
his personal and authoritarian style ran counter to development of a healthy
democracy. Thaksin publicly expressed his disdain for old institutions, acade-
micians, rule of law, and human rights, all of which he claimed were quite often
hindrances in working for the benefit of people. From December 2005 onward,
the anti-Thaksin campaign became intense. In an ever present tussle between
military and democracy, he was ousted in a coup on September 19, 2006, led
by General Sonthi Boonyaratglin (1946–).
Thailand Today

In recent years, the focus of attention in Thailand has been on Islamic insur-
gency, the economy, foreign policy, and the workings of the present military
government. Islamic insurgency has a historical background and there is no
sign of any meaningful solution. In the last few decades, Thailand has become
a major economic power in Southeast Asia, and its economy had been revived
after the Asian financial crisis. Coming out of the compulsions of the Cold
War, Thai policy makers had reformulated their foreign policy so as to cope
with changing circumstances.

Religion has been an important factor in shaping the destinies of the people
of Southeast Asia. Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia are predominantly Islamic
countries. In the Philippines and Thailand, there are sizable numbers of
Muslims. At the time of the decline of the Indianized Kingdoms of Southeast
Asia, Islam began to penetrate the region. Islam had arrived at Thailand from
various regions like India, China, the Malay-Indonesian archipelago, Myanmar,
and Cambodia. The Arab and Indian traders were pioneers in bringing Islam.
The spread of Islam accelerated after the founding of Melaka. The Persian
138 The History of Thailand

traders, who were frequent visitors to Ayudhya, also brought Islam. There
was also an influx of Sulawesi Muslims, who fled from the Dutch persecu-
tion in southern Celebes around 1666 and 1667. In the central plains, there
are Muslims of Persian, Pakistani, Indian, and Indonesian and Cham
descent. In the northern provinces of Lampang, Chiangmai, and Chiang
Rai, the Muslims were from Myanmar and southern China. The insurgency
in southern Thailand’s Muslim-dominated regions has escalated in recent
years. Secessionist tendencies were not new in the region. There were alter-
nate phases of independence and subjugation from Thai central rule in the
three southern provinces of Patani, Narathiwat, and Yala. As noted earlier,
the Malay-speaking Muslims constitute about 6 million or nearly 10 percent
of the country’s total population. The economic disparities between Bangkok
and rural areas has resulted in the economic underdevelopment of the south.
There seems to be an imagined as well as a real perception that the region is
neglected by Bangkok.
The Patani region remained as a vassal state, but there were revolts against
the Thai rule. In 1786, Patani was annexed by the Thai kings of the Chakri
dynasty. It was divided into seven zones under a centralized bureaucracy.
By the Anglo-Thai Convention of 1909, Thai control over Patani was recog-
nized and the four states of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and Trengganu were
given to the British. The convention thus fixed the present existing boundary
between Malaysia and Thailand. The Muslims of the Malay states were freed
from the Buddhist rule of Thailand, but those of Patani hoped that they
would be united with their counterparts of the Malay states. Thus the sepa-
ratist movement in southern Thailand had a historic legacy, which was
aggravated afterward in the modern period.
Thailand followed a policy of noninterference in the first three decades of
the twentieth century. But under the military dictatorship of Phibun, the policy
of forcible assimilation alienated the Thai Muslims. The government wanted
to bring minority groups into mainstream Buddhist Thai culture. The intro-
duction of Buddhist laws in place of the shariyat (Islamic laws), discrimination
against the Malay language, and the banning of sarongs and of carrying loads
on one’s head (Malay-style) created bitterness among the Thai Muslims. The
latter did not have soft feelings toward the influx of poor Buddhist cultivators
to the south with governmental support. The installation of a massive statue
of Buddha outside Narathiwat, cancelation of Friday as a holiday, looking
down upon the Malay language as pasar khaek (language of strangers), and
the visit of Thai officials to mosques without removing their shoes angered
the Muslim population of southern Thailand. The attitude and behavior
of the Thai bureaucracy had not helped in solving the minority problem. It
had hampered progress toward a climate of understanding. The rural areas
of the south are underdeveloped. Even though Thailand belongs to the
Thailand Today 139

middle-income group of countries with a rank of 73 in the Human Develop-

ment Index, the regional imbalances persist. The deprivation and inequalities
of opportunities among the underprivileged classes in the northeast and
south have resulted in discontent. In northeastern Thailand, a communist
insurgency movement accompanied the era of the Cold War. The southern
provinces are the least developed, with people taking recourse to agriculture,
fishing, and working as laborers in rubber plantations. The household income
in the south was one-fifth and gross domestic product one-fourth, respec-
tively, of the national average.
A feeling of social alienation and cultural subordination has added to
the growth of separatism. The government is taking some steps to solve the
problem. The Thai constitution gives equal rights and opportunities to the
Muslims. Freedom of worship exists. There are about 5,000 mosques and sev-
eral thousand madrasas (religious schools) across Thailand. The Thai Muslims
have taken part in politics. There are many examples of Muslims becoming
successful politicians and government officials. Both Wan Muhammad Noor
Matha and Surin Pitsuwan had remained as the President of the National
Assembly and Foreign Minister of Thailand, respectively. The Thai Muslims
also express their voice through the Democratic Party of Thailand, which
has remained a popular party of southern Thailand. In 1988, a political faction
called wahdah (unity) was formed.
But the ethnic minority residing in remote areas far from the capital feels
politically slighted as well as economically exploited. The communal interac-
tion between the Thai Muslims and the Thais is rather scant. Barriers of lan-
guage and strict adherence to the shariyat prevent Thai Muslims from
having any meaningful interaction with other communities. The educational
opportunities for the community are few, and this lack of proper education
has been another factor in aggravating their problem. The religious schools
manned by the ulema do not help the Muslim youths to get jobs in today’s
competitive market. The famous pondok system of education continues
imparting religious education. However, there is integration through a com-
prehensive program in Islamic private schools, which prepares Muslim
youths for a professional life. The Ministry of Education has recruited quali-
fied teachers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan,
and Turkey. In schools and colleges of southern Thailand the percentage of
Muslim teachers is very low. The introduction of Thai as the national language
was resented. The schools and Buddhist teachers are targeted by militant
youths. The presence of a civil society is not strong in southern Thailand.
The region also has been marked by lawlessness, high crime rates, and a pro-
liferation of illegal business. The latent dissatisfaction has been channeled
into a path of confrontation between the government and Thai Muslims.
Violence as a method to realize the objective of independence persisted.
140 The History of Thailand

The insurgency movement that began in the 1940s continued until 1980s. But
again it has flared up in the twenty-first century with unabated violence. The
rise of Islamic fundamentalism and free flow of money from the Middle East
has intensified the separatist movement.
Separatist movements advocating for an independent Patani have emerged
since the 1940s in its first phase and remained until 1980. The four main actors
in the irredentist movements were as follows: the minority group (Thai
Muslims), host government (Thailand), mother government (Malaysia), and
the sympathizers in the mother government. When the government of Phibun
undertook the policy of the assimilation of Thai Muslims, a leader of the Thai
Muslims, Haji Sulong, demanded recognition of Islamic laws, 80 percent
reservation in government jobs for Muslim youths, and that locals remain in
charge of the administration of Muslim-dominated provinces. Haji was
arrested and about 2,000 Thai Muslims fled to Malaysia. There was even a
demand for the incorporation of southern Thailand into the newly formed
Federation of Malay. The Patani National Liberation Front (Barisan National
Pemberbasan Patani, or BNPP), which can trace its roots to the year 1947, was
led by Yala Nasir, a descendent of the Patani sultanate. Badri Hamdan led the
movement after Nasir’s death. Its army wing, the Patani People’s National
Liberation Army (Tantera Nasional Pemberbasan Patani, or TNPP), was led by
Bapa Idris. It was known for the kidnapping of Chinese businessmen for ran-
som. In 1969, the Patani United Liberation Organization (PULO) was formed
under the leadership of Tunku Bira, a Patani aristocrat, who used to travel fre-
quently to Middle Eastern countries and Malaysia. The problems of Thai
Muslims are voiced in international Islamic conferences. It made a daring
attack on the life of the royal couple when they visited the province of Yala
in September 1977. Another organization known as the Organization of
Warriors of Allah (Perrubuhan Agkatan Sabilullah) was urban based and came
to the surface in 1975 after the killing of 11 Thai Muslims. It advocated for a
militant Islamic state.
The left-leaning and rural-based National Revolutionary Front (Barisan
Revolusi Nassional, or BRN) was formed in 1960. Led by Ustad Karim, it advo-
cated for an Islamic state on socialist lines. It was closely aligned with the
Malay Communist Party (MCP). The MCP appealed to Muslims on both sides
of the border and set up the Partai Persaudaraan Islam (Islamic Fraternal Party).
The CPT joined and formed the Muslim Liberation Army of Thailand
(MLAT). It called for autonomy in southern Thailand. The secessionist move-
ments in its first phase were characterized by sporadic attacks against police
forces, throwing a bomb sporadically, and demonstrations. It received exter-
nal assistance. The secessionist leaders like Suolng and Yala had their stra-
tegic operations from the territory of Malaysia. Arms and money from
private quarters poured into southern Thailand. The leaders went to Middle
Thailand Today 141

Eastern countries to garner support for the cause of Thai Muslims. The Thai
government contained the secessionist movement by intensified police opera-
tions. From 1980 onward, the Thai government changed its policy. It stopped
the assimilation policy, declared a general amnesty, and brought out a devel-
opment plan. But the relatively quiet period was soon over and in its second
phase the separatist movement was intensified with terrorist activities.
The belief that terrorism was waning was short-lived. After the Septem-
ber 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, the country saw a recrudes-
cence of terrorist violence. It flared up with a series of raids, attacks, and
murders. The secessionist organizations had regrouped themselves. At the
time, when the secessionist organizations remained low-key and had almost
stopped violent activities, attention was diverted toward organizational mat-
ters. Talks were held to coordinate different factions. The United Front for the
Independence of Patani or Bersatu (United) was formed for pooling resources
from different organizations. The leaders from PULO and the newly formed
Mai PULO (New PULO), BRN, BNPP, and Mujahadden Patani met on
August 31, 1989, and established the Payong organization. It was decided that
there would be a unity of purpose for the struggle. Apart from getting help
from the fellow ethnic Malay Muslims of the provinces of Kenantan and
Kedah of Malaysia, the secessionist organizations were provided with money
and arms by Osama bin Laden’s (1957–) Al Qaida, formed on August 11, 1988.
The Patani Islamic Mujahideen Movement (Mujahideen Islam Patani) estab-
lished in 1995 is believed to be affiliated with Al Qaida. With the motive of
setting up the Islamic state, terror groups like Al-Maunah (Malaysia), Laskar
Jihad (Indonesia), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (the Philippines), and
BRN, along with the Mujahideen Islam Patani (Thailand), stepped up terrorist
activities. Transnational Islamic fundamentalism was active in southern
Thailand with the help of persons educated in religious schools abroad. The
growth of Islamic identity among Thai Muslims had been increasing. The
donations from the Middle East had fostered fundamentalism in the religious
schools that dotted southern Thailand. These had become breeding grounds
for radical Muslims. The Thai Muslim students, who had graduated from
schools in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, returned home and became votaries
of Islamic fundamentalism.
The latest outburst of violence that began in 2001 witnessed the murder of
19 police personnel and about 50 terrorist activities in the three southern
provinces of Thailand. The following year, there was an upsurge in violence
with 75 incidents and the killing of 50 police officers. Since January 2004,
about a 1,000 people have met violent deaths due to rebellion. Martial law
was imposed in several districts of the Narathiwat province after rebels
stormed an arms depot and burned 18 schools on January 4, 2004. On Febru-
ary 15 a village official and telecommunications workers were shot dead.
142 The History of Thailand

Thirty-six government buildings were torched on March 18. On April 28,

108 Muslim rebels were killed in a clash with Thai security forces. The Thai
Muslim demonstrators, numbering around 84, were suffocated to death after
they were dumped in trucks by security forces in October. In the year 2005,
the same pattern of violence continued. On January 23, 2005, two Buddhist
monks were shot dead by Islamic militants. In the February elections, the
candidates of Thaksin lost. The government declared emergency rule in the
three provinces on July 15. General Sonthi became the first Muslim to occupy
the post of army chief in a major reshuffle in August. The move was aimed
at placating the Thai Muslims of the southern border provinces, where
30,000 soldiers were engaged in combating insurgency. There was report of
talk between PULO and Thai authorities in Switzerland, which was denied
by the government. The beginning of the New Year was marked by the killing
of two police officers in Yala in January 2006. The arbitrary detention and
torture of suspected militants by the police at the time has been criticized by
international human rights groups. In September, motorcycle bombs killed
three people and wounded about 60 in the southern town of Hat Yai.
There was no perceptible change under the new military regime, with
relations between ethnic Malay/religious Islamic vis-á-vis Thai/Buddhist
identities remaining strained. The violent incidents and killings related to
the insurgency went on. Even the royal family was not spared. Princess
Sirindhorn (1955–) came under attack when a bomb was placed on the
landing pad of her helicopter. In March 2007, the convoy of Crown Prince
Vajiralongkorn (1957–) was targeted. Busy commercial areas, schools, and
hotels were also under the insurgent’s target many times till present day.
A negotiated settlement to the problem of Thai Muslim insurgents is the need
of the hour. The formation of an independent state for Thai Muslims is not
feasible in the near future, though it is hoped that this group can work with
the government to negotiate legitimate demands in order to end the viola-
tions of human rights.

Thailand today has strayed a long way from the close military alliance it
had with the United States during the Vietnam War period. The Thai foreign
policy aimed to mend relations with the communist countries and increase
regional integration. In spite of different political ideologies, Thailand estab-
lished full diplomatic relations with China in 1975. An attempt was made to
improve relations with Indochinese countries. But the special relationship
with the United States continued. It was the largest trading partner of
Thailand in the beginning of the new millennium. Thailand, the “major non-
NATO ally,” had allowed the air base of Utapao and a naval base in Sattahip
Thailand Today 143

to be used for logistical support for the U.S. military in Afghanistan and Iraq.
After the September 11, 2001, attacks, the Thai government established the
Counter Terrorism Intelligence Center (CTIC) for intelligence sharing
between Thai intelligence agencies and the CIA. In August 2003, the dreaded
terrorist Riduan Isamuddin of the Jemaah Islamiyah (1993–) outfit of Indonesia
was arrested in Ayudhya. Thailand had committed itself to fight international
terrorism in Southeast Asia. It was assumed that if violence in southern
Thailand escalated with the involvement of international Islamic networks,
Bangkok might expand its cooperation with the United States at an increased
level of commitment. Thailand, the United States, Japan, and Singapore par-
ticipated in the joint military exercise in Thailand known as Cobra Gold
2005. In 2006, a security alliance was formed including, in addition to the
United States and Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and the Philippines.
In case things should get out of hand, the alliance might come to the rescue of
Bangkok. It had also sent around 450 troops to Iraq in the “reconstruction”
effort of that country, despite criticism from many quarters in Thailand.
It withdrew its troops in September 2004.
Regionalism played a significant role in Thai foreign policy after the
end of the Cold War. The spirit of ASEAN aimed at pacific settlement of dis-
putes among members. With the inclusion of the three communist states of
Indochina, it became broad based and created a space for it in international
relations. The member countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam
had bilateral as well as multilateral agreements on trade, tourism, industry,
energy, education, science, banking, and culture. The development of South-
east Asia as a whole had been an undergoing process and Thailand was con-
tributing substantially to it. Thailand, along with the rest of the members of
ASEAN, had endeavored to tackle problems such as drug trafficking, traffick-
ing in women, money laundering, terrorism, and other transnational crimes.
In December 1997, the leaders of the ASEAN countries envisaged the ASEAN
Vision through organizations like the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Special
ASEAN Ministerial Meetings, ASEAN Chiefs of Police (ASEANAPOL),
ASEAN Centre for Combating Transnational Crime (ACTC), Senior Officials
Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC), and ASEAN Ministerial Meeting
on Transnational Crime (AMMTC). Steps were taken to combat various forms
of crimes affecting Southeast Asia in particular and the world in general. On
October 30, 2005, Thailand hosted the ASEANPOL conference, where
cooperation in matters relating to drug trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism,
and credit card fraud were discussed.
The ASEAN group looked beyond Southeast Asia for political and eco-
nomic cooperation. Thailand had been an active participant in the endeavor
of ASEAN. The member countries attended the meetings and participated in
144 The History of Thailand

deliberations of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-

Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the East Asia-Latin America Forum (EALAF).
In 1994, the ARF was established with non-ASEAN countries including
the United States, Russia, China, and India to discuss security issues and take
steps in confidence building. An agenda was developed for an enhanced
role of the ARF in matters of security dialogue and cooperation. Meetings were
held in the Cambodian capital and Potsdam, Germany, in 2004 and 2005
respectively. The Fourth ASEAN Summit, held in Singapore in January 1992,
called for annual consultation between ASEAN and its dialogue partners like
Australia, China, the European Union, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea,
Russia, and the United States. The December 2005 ASEAN Summit, held in
Kuala Lumpur, noted with satisfaction progress toward creation of a Free Trade
Area with Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, India, and the Republic of
Korea. ASEAN cooperated with the East Asian nations of China, Japan, and
the Republic of Korea, and they were accorded a special status of ASEAN Plus
Three. They will have a free trade agreement by the year 2010.
Thailand has taken major steps in improving relations with its Asian neigh-
bors on a bilateral level. A business-oriented approach was the hallmark of
Thai policy. In spite of different political ideologies, Thailand established full
diplomatic relations with China in 1975. China exported military equipment
to Thailand, when Beijing and Bangkok supported the resistance groups
against the Vietnamese-installed regime. Both had also promoted the Greater
Mekong Sub-region (GMS) Economic Zone. In 2005, there was a major agree-
ment between the two countries concerning investment and trade. Bangkok
was also going to open four new consulates in China. There was an attempt
at improving relations with Indochinese countries. Border clashes between
Thailand and Laos had become things of the past and border crossing became
easier. The Thai–Lao cooperation had been strengthened by mutual visits of
leaders, officials, media personalities, and cultural delegations. The foreign
minister of Thailand, Nitya Phibun Songramm (1941–), welcomed in
August 16, 2007, a delegation from the Lao foreign ministry. Both countries
had active cooperation in bodies like the GMS and Ayeyawady-Chao
Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS). Thailand also
joined with organizations involving South Asian countries. The BIMSTEC
(Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Economic Cooperation)
aimed at close cooperation among member countries. The Mekong–Ganga
Cooperation (MGC) was founded in November 2000 for better understanding
and close relations among member countries like India, Myanmar, Thailand,
Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. A Mekong–Ganga Tourism Investment Guide
would facilitate travel in the region and promote package tours and develop-
ing transport networks such as the East–West Corridor and the Trans-Asian
Highway. There would be greater linkage between the two after the completion
Thailand Today 145

of the third Friendship Bridge, connecting the Nakhon Phanom province of

Thailand and the Khammouane district of Laos.
In spite of clashes between Thai and Cambodian troops in 2002, relations
between the two countries have been fairly good. The Thaksin govern-
ment had placed special emphasis on maintaining a cordial relationship with
Myanmar for the past few years. In 2004–2005, the Shin Corporation had been
granted a profitable contract for providing communication networks in
Myanmar. In December 2004, Thaksin went to the extent of calling the deten-
tion of Aung Sun Su Kyi (1945–) reasonable. The dispute over the maritime
boundary with Vietnam was resolved. Thailand had used the expanding
market of Vietnam for its consumer goods. Relations with Malaysia were a
bit complex due to the Islamic insurgency in southern Thailand. The matter
had been complicated by militant camps along the Thai–Malaysian border
and a shared ethnic bond between Thai and Malay Muslims. However, the
relations had remained fairly good. Malaysia hosted the meeting of the
Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) in December 2005 and there was no
support given to the Islamic insurgency of Thailand.
Throughout its history, Thailand has followed a flexible and dynamic for-
eign policy. It has allowed itself to bend with the wind and yet has retained
its freedom of action as well as national sovereignty. The close identification
with American interest was long over. After the end of the Cold War, Thailand
devoted its energy to bringing stability to Southeast Asia as well as contribut-
ing to the solution of transnational problems in the present-day world. It had
diplomatic relations with major governments, membership in many
international bodies, and served as the headquarters of several international

The economic growth of Thailand was remarkable from the middle of the
1980s. From a regional agrarian economy, the country became a globalized
industrial economy. Thailand became one of the Asian tigers along with
Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Hong Kong by 1991. It was the new
member of the “newly industrializing countries.” With the fad for a socialist
economy on the wane worldwide, many countries took recourse to a
market-oriented economy. Thailand became entrenched within the global
economy. With the new mantra of liberalization and globalization, the world
had become a huge market for investments and sales of commodities.
Thailand did not lag behind in the race. The shift from rural to urban areas
led to the consequent growth of urbanization. Social mobility became
common, and the employment boom especially within the 10 years after
1985 resulted in people flocking from rural to urban areas.
146 The History of Thailand

There was ample foreign investment in Thailand. As the baht had been
attached to the U.S. dollar, it became cheaper for the Japanese to invest, as
the value of the dollar went down against the yen. Thailand had increased
exports as well as trade with Japan. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)
reached a high figure of 1753.73 in the beginning of 1994. The financial institu-
tions and banks were flooded with foreign funds. Private capital inflows
surged the financial market of Thailand. The offshore banks began to arrive
from Japan and the West. But from late 1996 cracks began to appear and bub-
bles began to burst. Thailand, which was a model for economic development,
was going to be hit by a crisis resulting in foreign debts, currency deprecia-
tion, unemployment, and inflation. What started in 1997 as a regional eco-
nomic crisis beginning in Thailand developed into a worldwide economic
crisis within a year. The Asian economic crisis commenced from July 2,
1997, when the Bank of Thailand decided to float the baht. The repercussion
was swift with great impact over the money market of Southeast Asia. The
value of the Philippine peso, Malaysian ringgit, and Indonesian rupiah went
down. The fixed exchange rate of the baht, the plunge in price of the property
market, and decline in exports became responsible for the Thai economic pre-
dicament. The baht, which was pegged at 24.3 to the U.S. dollar in June 1997,
went down as low as 44 by the end of December. In January 1998, it made a
slide to 52.5. The situation in the financial sector became critical and 56
finance companies were shut down by the end of 1997. The SET reached its
lowest point in 1999 with an index of 481.92. Thailand faced recession and
its economic growth rate was 5.9, −1.7, −10.2, and 4.2 for the years 1996,
1997, 1998, and 1999. The halt in high-rise construction projects resulted in
massive amounts of defaulted loans. The ambitious sky train project linking
different areas of Bangkok also was shelved. The country’s credit rating went
down and investments decreased considerably, with a capital outflow from
private sectors amounting to a staggering sum of 645,096 billion baht. In
August the IMF gave a credit of U.S. $17.2 billion to Thailand with the condi-
tion that it maintain a budget surplus. The Thai government would have to
cut down expenditures and increase its revenues so that the surplus would
amount to 60 billion baht. The government had to initiate major reforms in
financial sectors. It increased the value-added tax (VAT) from 7 to 10 percent.
Consumer spending went down. About 2 million people lost their jobs, lead-
ing to a lowering in the standard of living. The Thai economic crisis also wit-
nessed a major change in the ownership of companies and financial
institutions. Foreign firms went for joint ventures with local business houses,
and their share in banks also increased.
The government initiated a series of economic reforms such as making
changes in lending practices, encouraging incentives, and making corporate
governance strong. There was gradual economic recovery. In the middle of
Thailand Today 147

1998, the IMF also loosened its hold over the government in the face of criti-
cism. The measures initiated by Chuan’s government resulted in bitter social
protest, and there was a perception that the government was averse to the
plight of the common people. The prime minister cooperated with the IMF.
Globalization was attacked from many quarters because there was bank-
ruptcy. Unemployed people flocked to their ancestral villages to earn their
livelihood. The emphasis became more focused on local communities and
welfare plans. The community-based plans were mooted by governmental
departments to ward off the economic crisis. By the year 2000, the country
had weathered well the economic consequences of the crisis and limped back
to economic recovery. The Thaksin government launched an ambitious pro-
gram of reforms by which domestic demand would be stimulated. Support
was accorded to domestic firms. But at the same time, there was a promotion
of open markets as well as foreign investments. The agenda of Thaksinomics
were: distribution of 1 million baht to each village, a three-year moratorium
on small-scale debts of farmers, disbursement of loans to poorer sections,
and the creation of the National Asset Management Corporation (NAMC).
The NAMC took over bad debts from banks at a discount. The customers
again received new credits from the banks. By 2001 Thailand had recovered
from the crisis, and its GDP was 5.2 percent the next year.
Thailand witnessed an economic boom again. In 2004, 55 percent of the
labor force was employed in the industrial and service sectors. Educational
opportunities increased manifold. Avenues of opportunities opened along
with foreign investments, industrialization, and the growth of technology.
Women’s empowerment was marked as a vast majority of women were
employed in different sectors. In human development, Thailand showed
tremendous progress. There was a rise in the per capita income from U.S.
$7,010 to $7,595. The average life span also increased from 69 to 70 years.
With a Human Poverty Index Rate of 28, the population below poverty line
came down to 10 percent only, although poverty was still significant in poorer
regions and villages. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 5 percent in
2006. The manufacturing share of GDP increased from 22 percent in 1980 to
35 percent after about 25 years. The foreign reserve of Thailand was U.S.
$67 billion. The import growth fell from 9.3 percent in 2005 to 1.6 in 2006.
The main items of imports were capital and intermediate goods, raw materi-
als, and fuels. Thailand was exporting rice, textiles, fishery products, jewelry,
automobiles, and electrical appliances. The volume of exports increased
steadily from 4.3 percent for the year 2005 to 8.5 in 2006. Increases in exports
and falls in imports were major factors behind the GDP growth. The inflow
of foreign capital had increased and the exports accounted for about
70 percent of the GDP. The Thai economy was strong enough to weather any
storm. Its future seemed to be bright.
148 The History of Thailand


The coup of September 19, 2006, once again demonstrated the dominance
of the military in Thai politics. Thaksin had ruled with an iron fist, overriding
all opposition. His populist measures had made him prime minster twice,
both times with a big mandate. But there was increasing dissent against mis-
use of power. A leading critic in the beginning was media moghul Sondhi
Limthongkul (1947–). A rally was organized on February, 4, 2006, against a
huge deal concerning the Thaksin family’s 49.6 stake in the Shin Corporation.
The share, amounting to U.S. $1.9 billion, was sold to Singapore’s Temasek
Holdings. No tax was paid to the government as the transaction was done
through a company registered in the British Virgin Islands. Although the
court verdict made it legal, Thaksin came under criticism. An organization
known as the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) was established on
February 8, drawing support from middle and upper-class Bangkok
residents, academics, students, socialites, and some Buddhist monks. The
five-member central committee included Sondhi Limthongkul, politician
Major General Chamlong Srimuang (1935), University Professor Somkiat
Pongpaibun, labor leader Somsak Kosaisuuk, and social activist Phiphob
Thongchai. Mass rallies and television shows were organized by the PAD
clamoring for the prime minister ’s resignation. Thaksin dissolved the
Parliament and called for elections.
In the elections held on April 2, 2006, Thaksin secured 460 out of 500 seats
in the House of Representative. The opposition parties such as the Democratic
Party, Thai Nation Party, and Great People’s Party boycotted the election and
Thaksin resigned two days afterward. Chidchai Vanasatidya acted as prime
minister on behalf of Thaksin from April 5 to May 23. The Constitutional
Court afterward invalidated the elections and in May the cabinet decided to
hold new ones in October. The protest led by Sondhi against Thaksin also
went against parliamentary norms as the latter was being criticized abusively.
The chairperson of Amnesty International’s Thailand branch condemned the
manner in which Thaksin was being criticized. Sondhi’s Manager Daily wrote
a series of articles mentioning that Thaksin was planning a republic against
the royalty. Sondhi’s involvement in the PAD and talk shows had garnered
profit for his media companies to the tune of U.S. $6 million in late 2005 and
early 2006. While the PAD was planning for a massive rally on September 20,
Sonthi Boonyaratkalin (1946–), a Muslim and commander-in-chief of the
Royal Thai army, backed by retired army commander General Surayud
Chulanont (1943–) and Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda (1920–),
staged a coup one day before the rally was to take place. Thaksin was in
New York for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly and he
declared a state of emergency. Sonthi, who was the chairperson of the newly
Thailand Today 149

formed Council for Democratic Reform, dissolved the Parliament and abro-
gated the constitution. The PAD announced its dissolution on September 21.
Remaining as prime minister for 11 days, Sonthi handed over charge to
Surayud on October 1.
As the coup was backed by the king, the large majority of people did not
oppose it. There was no shedding of tears generally at the removal of Thaksin.
Speculations and different interpretations emerged for his ouster. In the white
paper issued by the junta, factors like corruption, abuse of power, and the
destruction of Thai unity were cited. Conflict with royalty as well as class
conflict between the rural poor and urban elite also led to Thaksin’s removal.
It seemed that the combination of many factors inherent in Thai politics were
responsible for the seizure of power by the military. There had been cycles of
Parliamentary elections, coming of democratic governments, corruption in
civilian regimes along with factionalism, military coups, and elections.
It was arrogance of power that ultimately destroyed Thaksin. The question
remained as to how many months or years it would take for the military
regime to hand over power. After the September coup, the first public protest
was staged on September 22, with less than 100 demonstrators at Siam
Square. Three days afterward, 30 demonstrators and 100 journalists organ-
ized a rally at Thammast University. In September and October there were
sporadic protests at Chulalongkorn University, Thammasat University, near
Democracy Monument, and in front of the Arm Headquarters. On October 10,
Constitution Day, 2,000 demonstrated in front of the Democracy Monument.
There were also online petitions. However, the military regime was quite safe
as there was no coordinated movement against it. The coup leaders went on a
witch hunt against Thaksin and his supporters. Chidchai Vanasatidya and
Defense Minister Thammarak Isaragura were soon arrested. The Thaksin loy-
alists in the military were purged. The diplomatic passport of Thaksin was
revoked on December 31. Committees were set up to look into irregularities
committed by the earlier government.
In January 2007 the Constitutional Drafting Council was appointed with
the military having control over the membership. On April 26, the Drafting
Committee prepared a draft constitution, which would go for a referendum.
The draft provided for a bicameral legislature with an elected House of
Representatives consisting of 400 members. The 160 members of the Senate
would be an appointed body by a royal order after the selection by the Senator
Selection Commission. The draft envisaged fundamental rights for the Thais
such as equality before the law, the right to liberty, and freedom of expression,
among others. The draft charter would be approved by the public referendum
on August 19. The constitution would be the 18th one since Thailand became
a constitutional monarchy. The main criticism against it was that unlike the
1997 Constitution it included a provision for an appointed Senate. The number
150 The History of Thailand

of elected members of the House of Representatives had been slashed from

500 to 400. The persons who had drafted the charter were not elected members.
The draft charter also undermined the party system. However, it had retained
the fundamental rights of the citizens, raised the profile of the judiciary,
and empowered voters to launch impeachment proceedings against elected
representatives. In a landmark judgment on May 30, 2007, the Constitutional
Tribunal dissolved the Thai Rak Thai and banned Thaksin along with 110 senior
officials of the party for five years from politics. It acquitted the Democrat Party.
After six days, the military junta lifted the ban on political activity. In a future
election, the Democratic Party would hold the sway. The military clique was
coming under mounting criticism and the United Front of Democracy against
Dictatorship (UDD) staged hourlong demonstrations on July 22 by 6,000 pro-
testors. It was also reported that the junta had disbursed 1.5 billion baht to
military officers for joining the coup. Sonthi was accused of having two wives,
which was in violation of Thai criminal code. The prime minister had also been
accused of shady land deals.
While attending the meeting of ASEAN in Manila, Foreign Minister Nitya
said that general elections would be held in December. He also was a party
to the draft charter of ASEAN for banning the coups and respecting human
rights. Indications of a return to democracy were in the cards. After a refer-
endum for the constitution was over, there was a strong feeling that process
of normalization would take place along with a realignment of political par-
ties. The TRT had been dissolved and its members formed a new party called
the People’s Power Party (PPP) with a non-TRT politician, Samak Sundaravej
(1935–), as its leader. An archrival of Prem, he had been instrumental in
Prem’s quitting politics in 1988. Samak’s Prachakorn Thai was in the coalition
led by Chatichai’s ministry. The Democratic Party remained one of the
strongest parties after coming out unscathed from the May court ruling.
The newly formed Rak Chart (Love the Nation) had the blessings of the mili-
tary and the ability to develop candidates from among the corps of retired
army officers.
The PPP leader Samak Sundaravej (1935–) formed a coalition government in
January 2008 with five smaller political parties, after his party emerged victo-
rious in the elections held the previous month. Thailand limped back to
democracy after 15 months’ military rule. But the country witnessed a political
duel between the PPP and PAD that was marked by demonstrations and
strikes. In February, the former premier Thaksin returned to Thailand. The
PAD launched widespread protests in August and September. A state of emer-
gency was declared in the capital. After Samak’s resignation in September
2008, Somchai Wongsawat (1947–), brother-in-law of Thaksin, became the
premier. He could barely hold the office for three months. The political turmoil
of Thailand became unprecedented with the seizure of Bangkok’s two airports
Thailand Today 151

on November 25 and blockading of Parliament by the PAD. On December 2,

2008, the Constitutional Court banned the PPP and dissolved the government.
On December 15, 2008, Abhisit Vejjajiva (1964–) of the Democratic Party was
elected the new prime minister and was endorsed by the king two days later.
The government of Abhisit had faced a lot of opposition and demonstration.
Sometimes it was marked by violence. The ghost of Thaksin loomed large over
the premier. Unlike Thaksin, Abhisit was not elected and lacked a popular
mandate. The supporters of Thaksin called “Red Shirts” were drawn mainly
form the rural areas of northeastern Thailand as well as some poor people
from cities. The capital city of Bangkok witnessed demonstrations by the pro-
testors. A clash with the army led to the death of 27 persons on April 10, 2010.
Abhisit would be facing a lot of problems if he would not dissolve Parliament.
Central Bangkok was burning for the last two months. The Premier had
announced plans for holding elections on November 14 on the condition that
the Red Shirts would end their protest. The protestors wanted sincerity of
the government in holding elections. In this situation, the King would play
a decisive role. The city of Bangkok had been turned into an urban war zone
due to a bloody conflagration between the army and protestors. About a
dozen more people had been killed after April 10 due to firing by Thai troops.
The total death tally was about 39 and the injured figure was about 300. The
crisis would be intensified if there was no definite solution. The situation
continued to be tense in spite of withdrawal of demonstrations on May 19.
A civil war-like situation would emerge threatening the country’s political
and economic stability. The clash, which was a tangled web of different inter-
est groups, had to be contained. The best way was to go for a negotiated solu-
tion. The political pundits would watch the coming events with interest.
Notable People
in the History of Thailand

Buddha (563–483 B.C.E.). Although Buddha was not born in Thailand, his life
and teachings have had considerable influence on Thai history, culture, and
society. The Buddhist Era in Thailand is calculated taking the year 543
B.C.E. as the base year. The year 2010 is 2553 the Buddhist Era. Lord Buddha
was born in Kapilavastu, Nepal, and began his spiritual journey in 543 B.C.E.
He preached the first sermon at Sarnath, India, called turning the Wheel of
Law. After his death, Buddhism spread to different parts of Asia. Buddhism
had taken roots in Thailand from the lifetime of Buddha himself, as per tradi-
tions. Under King Ashoka (273–236 B.C.E.), the Buddhist Theras Sona and
Uttara came to Suvarnabhumi, with its capital at Nakon Pathom, to propagate
Buddhism, and a huge stupa, Pathom Chedi was built to commemorate the
event. The majority of the people (about 90 percent) profess Buddhism in
Thailand. The genius of Thai artists can be discerned in the Buddhist Wats,
stupas, and icons of Buddha.

Mangrai (r. 1259–1317). Mangrai was the founder of the Lan Na Kingdom in
northern Thailand, contemporary with that of Sukhothai. He belonged to the
Yuan Tai family ruling over the Chiang Saen region. Various warring tribes
from different principalities were unified under his leadership. The capital
154 Notable People in the History of Thailand

city of Chiang Rai was established in 1262. He had a close alliance with
Sukhothai as well as another autonomous Thai state called Phayao. Mangrai,
Rama Khamheng, and Ngam Muang of Phayo never fought against each
other. Mangrai subjugated the Mon Kingdom of Haripunchai (Lamphun) in
south. He kept his capital changing and in 1296 established the city of Chiang
Mai, which became the center of a unique Isan culture. The Kingdom of
Mangrai was subject to frequent raids from the Mongols, who were repulsed
with the help of Sukhothai’s army. Mangrai compiled law codes known as
Mangraisart. After his death, 17 kings and queens ruled over Lan Na.

Rama Khamheng (r. 1277–1298). Rama Khamheng, or Rama the Great, was born
in 1239. He was the son of the founder of the Sukhothai dynasty, Sri Indraditya
(r. 1238–1270). One of the greatest monarchs of Thailand, Rama the Great left
a vast Kingdom in the south at the time of his death in 1298. His domain
included Luang Prabang and Nakhorn Sri Thammarat, as well as parts of the
lower Chao Praya, the upper Mekong, and the lower Salween Valleys. He
made friendship with China, assuring the stability of his Kingdom. The king
also developed friendly relations with the Lan Na ruler Mangrai (r. 1259–1317).
Rama Khamheng visited Beijing in 1282, bringing Chinese potters back with
him. The ceramic industry became important economically for a long time.
A true dharmaraja, he looked after the welfare of his subjects. Rama Khamheng
was the originator of Thai script, and many facets of Thai culture originated
during his reign period.

Rama Tibodi I (r. 1350–1369). The founder of the Ayudhya Kingdom, General
U Thong, assumed the title of Rama Tibodi at the time of his coronation in
1350. The capital city was named Ayudhya after the capital of the Kingdom
of Rama, hero of the Ramayana. He expanded the Kingdom at the cost of the
declining powers of Sukhothai and Angkor. Administrators, artisans, and
Brahmans came to Ayudhya from Angkor. His Kingdom penetrated to the
lower Chao Praya River, the Gulf of Martaban, and the Malay Peninsula. He
followed the practice of the Hindu kings and styled himself as the devaraja,
or divine king. Thus his legitimacy was established. He was also a lawgiver.
His decrees were added to the legal code written in Pali and remained in force
until the last decade of the nineteenth century. Tibodi embraced Theravada
Buddhism in 1360, and it became the state religion of Ayudhya.

Trailoknath (r. 1448–1488). The son of Boromaraja II (r. 1424–1448), Prince

Ramesuen was at one point the governor of the Phitsanulok province. Ayudhya
and Lan Na fought indecisive wars in the 1470s. Trailoknath came into con-
flict with Melaka ruler Muzaffar Shah (r.1445–1459). Ayudhya’s dominance
over the whole of the Malay peninsula did not materialize and the Thai troops
Notable People in the History of Thailand 155

were repulsed. An innovator in administration, he brought all the Thai prin-

cipalities together under centralized control. The Kingdom was divided into
provinces, each headed by a Chao Phraya, or governor. In the central
administration, there were five important krams (departments). The nobility
had varying amounts of sakdina (honor marks) and were categorized into
seven grades. The king codified the Kot Montien Ban (Palace Law) pertain-
ing to royal families and tributary states in 1450. A post of heir-apparent,
brah maha uparaja (vice king) was created for peaceful succession. The
Vanaratnavong or the Pa-Kaeo sect of Buddhism became popular during
his reign. He died as a Buddhist monk at Wat Chulamanee in Phitsanulok
in 1488.

Queen Suryothai (d. 1548). Suryothai was the Queen of the Ayudhya ruler
Maha Chakraphat (r.1548–1568). The ruler of the Toungoo dynasty of Myanmar,
Tabinshweti (r.1531–1550) attacked Ayudhya in 1548 and both the rulers fought
on elephants. Donning the uniform of a male soldier, Suryothai joined the battle
mounting an elephant. The queen fought bravely and put herself between the
two rulers as her husband was losing the combat. Tabinshweti killed Suryothai
and retreated afterward. As per legend, the valor and sacrifice of the queen
shamed the Toungoo ruler. Suryothai is famous in Thai history, culture, and
popular imagination for her bravery. She is a revered figure in Thailand. Her
saga of bravery has been immortalized in the Hollywood movie The Legend of
Suryothai (2003). The Thai version released in 2001 became one of the biggest
box-office hits. The ashes of Suryothai are preserved in a chedi (reliquary) at
the Suan Luang Sobsawan temple.

Patani Queens (r. 1584–1688). Under the rulers of the Ayudhya dynasty, the
Patani region enjoyed alternate phases of independence and subjugation.
Patani was a prosperous Kingdom because of international trade. The Queens
of Patani were looking after the subjects well. They tried their best to maintain
independence, but were not always successful. After the death of Sultan Baha-
dur (r. 1573–1584), his daughters Raja Hijau (Green Princess r. 1584–1616), Raja
Biru (blue Princess r. 1616–1624), and Raja Ungu (Purple Princess r. 1624–1635)
became successive queens. They were named after the colors of the rainbow.
Hijau was quite well known in the Chancelleries of Europe, Ayudhya, and
Japan. Under Biru and Ungu, the Thai attacks were repulsed. Simultaneously,
there were also exchanges of friendship missions between the two Kingdoms.
Raja Kuning (r. 1635–1688), daughter of Raja Ungu, was the last queen of
Patani. Known as the “Yellow Queen”, her reign was marked by the decline
of Patani. She visited Ayudhya in 1641 and was welcomed by King Prasat
Thong (r. 1630–1656). She accepted nominal suzerainty of Ayudhya and sent
bunga mas (gold leaves) as a sign of tribute.
156 Notable People in the History of Thailand

Naresuan Maharaj (r. 1590–1605). After the plunder of Ayudhya, the Toungoo
ruler Bayinnaung (r. 1551–1581) installed Maha Thamraja (r. 1569–1590) as a
vassal ruler, and his son Naresuan, a boy of nine years was taken as a hostage.
He was allowed to return in 1576. Naresuan organized an army and made
Ayudhya independent in 1584. He became the king of Ayudhya after the death
of his father Thamaraja. There were trade agreements with European powers
during his reign. In 1593, the invading troops of Myanmar were defeated
again. He erected a pagoda at Don Chedi in Suphanburi to commemorate
the event. A fair is organized every January in honor of Naresuan, and it is also
Thailand’s National Armed Forces Day. The king then took initiative of attack-
ing Myanmar. For maritime commerce, Thailand needed ports in the Indian
Ocean and in 1593 troops were dispatched to southern Myanmar. The south-
east frontier was secure after a successful invasion against Cambodia. In
1595, Lan Na came under his suzerainty. He died after falling sick with a car-
buncle on his face, while on a march against Myanmar.

Narai, the Great (r. 1656–1688). Narai was the son of Ayudhya king Prasat
Thong. He became preoccupied with rebellion in the northern states and sign-
ing treaties with European powers. Narai established diplomatic missions
with Asian and European countries. His reign witnessed the beginning of
influences from the West. The newly constructed palace in Lopburi had con-
tributions from Jesuit architects. Determined to have a trade monopoly, the
Dutch blockaded the mouth of the Chao Praya River. Narai signed a treaty
in 1664, which gave the Dutch a monopoly of trade in hides and extraterrito-
rial rights of jurisdiction. The king took the help of French engineers to build
forts in Thonburi, Nonthaburi, and Ayudhya. The French were allowed to
open a trading station in Songkhla. In spite of efforts of the French Jesuits,
Narai did not change the religion. The king made the Greek adventurer
Constantine Phaulkon (1647–1688) his confidant. The relations between
Ayudhya and France became close due to efforts of Phaulkon. Narai became
very sick with dropsy in 1688 and died afterward.

Phya Taksin (r. 1767–1782). The half-Chinese general Phya Taksin, the governor
of Tak province, restored the pride of Thailand after the devastation of
Ayudhya in 1767. Known as the ”Liberator of Siam”, he became the leader
of the resistance against Myanmar. He established himself as king of Thailand
in the town of Thonburi. A new capital was built with help from his paternal
home in Chaozhu. The Chinese supplied labor force and building materials.
Finally Ayudhya came under his sway. He had complete control over central
Thailand. The Vietnamese influence over Cambodia diminished temporarily
and was replaced by Thai influence in 1771. Luang Prabang became an ally
in 1774. Vientiane was occupied in 1778 as it had defied Taksin by maintaining
Notable People in the History of Thailand 157

an alliance with Thailand’s traditional enemy Myanmar. The famous Emerald

Buddha that had been in Vientiane’s possession since 1564 was brought to
Bangkok. He began to show signs of insanity. The hostility of Buddhist monks
led to his downfall and imprisonment. A remarkable king of Thailand, he also
had rallied the Thais against alien occupation. He was not only a warrior, but
also a lover of arts and literature. The equestrian statue of Taksin adorns the
large circular ground of Thonburi.

Rama I (r. 1782–1809). Born on March 20, 1737, to a noble of the Ayudhya King-
dom, Phra Aksorn Sundara Smiantra, Chao Phraya Chakri had a distinguished
career in the army of Phya Taksin. After becoming the king as Rama I, he
shifted the capital from Thonburi. The attacks from Myanmar were success-
fully repulsed in 1785 and 1787. The Sultans of Malay Peninsula such as
Kedah, Kelantan, and Trenggannu acknowledged the suzerainty of the Thai
monarch. They used to send bunga mas (gold leaves) as a mark of insubordina-
tion to the Thai court. Rama I annexed provinces of Battambang and Siem
Reap of Cambodia. The Sultan Muhammad II of Patani acknowledged the
suzerainty of Rama I. He made changes in the administration and introduced
a new code in 1804. He initiated the royal writings known as Phra Rajanibondh.
He was the author of the Thai version of the Indian epic, the Ramayana. Rama I
died on September 7, 1809, in Bangkok and was succeeded by his son Prince
Isarasundorn as King Rama II (r. 1806–1809). He left his mark in Thai history
as patron of literature, law giver, and empire builder.

Sunthorn Phu (1786–1855). One of the great Thai literary figures, Sunthorn
was born in Bangkok. He led a colorful life in the royal court. Even his child-
hood was spent there as his mother was working as a wet-nurse. He had a
love affair with a woman of the court and married her later. He became a
court poet and Rama II (1809–1824) bestowed on him the title Khun
Sunthorn Wohan. Sunthorn was jailed in 1821 due to his involvement in a
brawl. After Rama II’s reign, he lost royal patronage and became a monk.
His poetic romances were in the sepha (a type of ballad) style. His magnum
opus, the Phra Aphai Mani, narrated the romantic adventurers of Prince
Aphai in ancient Thailand. It began while he was a prisoner and was fin-
ished after 20 years. Sunthorn also penned nine nirats (travelogues), records
of his visits to different places. He wrote in a simple language for the
common people, describing everyday life. Thailand celebrates Sunthorn
Phu Day June 26.

Sri Suriyawongse (Chuang Bunnag, 1808–1883). Sri Suriyawongse was born

on December 23, 1808, to Prayoonrawongse (Dis Bannag) and Tan Poo Ying
Chan. His ancestors come from the Persian Gulf region and officiated in high
158 Notable People in the History of Thailand

positions in finance and the military. An educated person, he had progressive

ideas. He was in charge of military affairs. An experienced administrator,
Suriyawongse was appointed as regent when Chulalongkorn was a minor.
After the king assumed charge, he had differences of opinion with Suriya-
wong. The latter was not opposed to reforms per se, but wanted a slower pace.
Suriyawongse supported the king regarding the abolition of slavery, but
opposed financial centralization. When foreign companies started life insur-
ance in Thailand, he was the first to have a policy. He died on January 19,
1883, in Ratchaburi. The Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University was built
at the site of his residence afterward.

Mongkut (r. 1851–1868). Mongkut, the grandson of Rama I was born in

1804 to Rama II (r. 1809–1824) and Queen Sri Suriyendra (1767–1836). He
became a Buddhist monk at the age of 19. Well-versed in European affairs,
he learned Latin and English. He ascended the throne in 1851 as Rama IV. In
1855, he signed an unequal treaty of friendship and commerce with Britain,
followed by similar treaties with the United States and major European coun-
tries. The advantage was with the foreign countries, as they received the
status of most-favored nation, extraterritorial jurisdiction, and tariff control.
He also initiated reforms in education and health, encouraging medical work
of missionaries, teaching his sons English and liberal arts, establishing a royal
mint, and relaxing court rituals. Anna Leonowens (1834–1914) was the English
governess of his children whose influence on the king has been exaggerated
in novels and movies. Mongkut also established a Buddhist sect called dham-
mayutika. An avid astronomer, Mongkut invited the courtiers and foreign
community to Thailand to observe the solar eclipse in 1868 in malaria-
infested Sam Roi Yod. Stricken with the disease, he died soon afterward. He
is remembered for his policies of modernization and preserving his country’s

Damrong Rajanubhab (1862–1943). Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, born on

June 21, 1862, was the fifty-seventh son of Mongkut from a lesser wife named
Choom. In 1880, he became commander of the Royal Pages’ Bodyguard
Regiment and after seven years was elevated to deputy commander-in-chief
of the army. He was also the education minister of King Chulalongkorn and
brought about major reforms in the Thai education system. As Minister of
Interior from 1894, he revamped the provincial administration. After leaving
the ministry in 1915, he indulged himself in writing books on Thai history, lit-
erature, and culture. He initiated the practice of distributing books at funeral
ceremonies. Damrong lived many years in the British colony of Penang,
where he died on December 1, 1943. He was the first Thai to be honored by
UNESCO as one of the world’s distinguished personalities.
Notable People in the History of Thailand 159

Chulalongkorn (r. 1868–1910). Rama V, commonly known as Chulalongkorn,

was one of the greatest Thai monarchs, noted for his foreign policy and
modernization program. The fifth king of the Chakri dynasty was born to
King Mongkut and Queen Debsirinda (1834–1861) on September 20, 1853,
in Bangkok. He was a widely traveled person to neighboring countries,
India, and Europe. The liberal rule of Chulalongkorn, which lasted a very
long 42 years, witnessed reforms with far reaching consequences for Thai
society and economy. The archaic feudal administration in provinces was
changed with the division of the Kingdom into changwat (provinces) and
amphoe (districts). In 1874, any person born during his reign was a free
man, which was the first step toward the abolition of slavery. He gave away
territory to the French and British, keeping Thailand as a buffer state
between the two. In exchange for a 25 kilometer neutral zone along the
Mekong’s west bank, Thailand ceded the Champassak and Sayaboury prov-
inces to the French in 1904 and 1907, respectively. By the Anglo–Thai Con-
vention of 1909, Thailand surrendered suzerain rights over the four
southern states of the Malay Peninsula: Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, and Treng-
ganu. Britain recognized the Thai control over the Patani sultanate. When
Chulalongkorn died on October 23, 1910, in Bangkok, he left a modern state
to his successors. October 23 is observed as a national holiday.

Phraya Manopakorn Nititada (1884–1948). The first prime minister of

Thailand after the end of absolute monarchy was born on July 15, 1884, as
Thongkon Hutasingha in Bangkok. The son of a cobbler, he attended Suan
Kulap school, law school, and completed his education in London. He was a
Minister of Justice, Privy Councilor, Finance Minister, and professor of law.
He was the choice of the Khana Rasdr (People’s Party) to head the government.
He remained as Premier from August 28, 1932, to June 20, 1933. He continued
in the post after the promulgation of the Constitution on December 10, 1932.
His government was beset with problems, as factionalism among the ruling
elite was becoming conspicuous. Manopakorn dismissed the Assembly on
April 1, 1933, on the ground that members were floating communist ideas.
The Economic Development Program of Pridi Banomyong had come under
lots of criticism. In June, he was ousted by a coup and went into exile in
Penang. He died there on October 1, 1948.

Phahon Phonphayuhasena (1887–1947). Phahon Phonphayuhasena, son of

General Phahon Phonpayuhasena and Jub Bahalayodhin, was born in Bangkok
on March 29, 1887. After finishing military education in Demark and Germany,
he returned to Thailand in 1913. He became the inspector-general of military
education. Phahon was one of the important leaders of the 1932 revolution.
He, along with Phibun Songkhram toppled the government of Manopakorn
160 Notable People in the History of Thailand

Nititada, and Phahon became the second prime minister of Thailand. His pre-
miership from June 21, 1933, to December 16, 1938, was marked by struggles
between the military and civilian forces for dominance in Thai politics. A mili-
tary coup under the leadership of Prince Boworadet (1878–1953) was sup-
pressed by Phibun in October. Phanon dissolved the national assembly in
September 1938. He did not accept the post of prime minister again. He retired
from public life and died of a stroke on February 14, 1947. A highway joining
Bangkok and the border of Myanmar in the north is named after him.

Phibun Songkhram (1897–1964). Born into the farmer family of Keed and
Sam-Ang Keetasangka in Nonthabui on July 14, 1897, Phibun received his
education in Bangkok and at the Fontainebleau Military Academy, France.
In Paris, he came into contact with the leaders of Khana Rasdr and one of the
coup leaders in 1932. He was the army chief and defense minister before
becoming prime minister on December 16, 1938. He dominated Thai politics
as the premier from 1938 to 1944 and again between 1948 and 1957. An ardent
admirer of Nazism and fascism, his concept of nationalism bordered on an
extreme xenophobia, chauvinism, irredentism, superiority of Thai race, and
personality cult. He allowed the Japanese troops passage through Thailand
in the Second World War. Phibun made Thailand an aggressive nation on
January 25, 1942, a move that was opposed by many. Close alliance with the
United States in the Cold War period and a repressive state apparatus became
the hallmark of his second tenure. On September 17, 1957, he was over-
thrown. Phibun went to Japan as an exile and died on June 11, 1964.

Pridi Phanomyong (1900–1983). The Thai political leader, prime minister, and
author was born on May 11, 1900, in the Ayudhya province to a rich Chinese
rice merchant and Thai mother. A bright student, he studied in Thailand
and France. He organized the Thai Student’s Association in France and after-
ward was mainly instrumental in forming the Khana Rasdr. In the govern-
ments formed after 1932, he held positions of the Interior, Foreign, and
Finance. He was instrumental in setting up the University of Morals and
Political Science in 1934, which came to be known as Thammasat University.
He was the leader of the Free Thai movement in the Second World War. Pridi
was prime minister between March 24 and August 23, 1946, and resigned
after the mysterious death of the King Ananda Mahidol. He remained in
China until 1970 and moved to Paris until his death on May 2, 1983. The Imper-
manence of Society (1957) and What Is Philosophy? were his two major works of
Pridi, who had believed in “Democratic Scientific Socialism.”

Khuang Apaivongse (1902–1968). The three time Premier of Thailand was

born on May 17, 1902, in Battambang, which was a Thai province at the time.
Notable People in the History of Thailand 161

His father, Chao Praya Abhayahubet, was the governor of the Battambang
province. Khuang studied engineering at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon in
France. He was the Director of the Telegraph department and later joined the
Royal Guard. He was one of the free leaders of the Free Thai movement and
became prime minister on August 1, 1944. He released political prisoners. In
the elite political infighting, he resigned on August 31, 1945. His second term
was for three months. Khuang had formed the Pak Prachathipat (Democratic
Party), which dominated Thai politics many times. He became prime minister
for the third time on November 10, 1947, but was forced to resign on April 8,
1948, after a disagreement with the military. He remained in the opposition
as leader of the Democratic Party. Khuang died on March 15, 1968.

Queen Rambai Barni (1904–1984). The only wife of King Prajadhipok, Queen
Rambai Barni was born on December 20, 1904. When the king abdicated the
throne on March 2, 1935, she accompanied him to Britain. The royal couple
lived in Surrey. As they had no children, the couple had adopted an infant
son from one of Prajadhipok’s deceased brothers, who became a fighter pilot
in the Royal Air Force. The queen became the leader of the Seri Thai (Free Thai)
movement of Britain, organized by Thai residents. The important members
were the queen’s brother Prince Suphasawat Wongsanit and Prince Chula
Chakrabongse. She was one of the four women taking up non-military tasks
in the Second World War. The queen returned to Thailand in 1949 with the
ashes of her dead husband. She died on May 22, 1984.

Kulap Saipradit (1905–1974). Kulap Saipradit, born on March 31, 1905, was a
political activist, journalist, and novelist. He was jailed between 1942 and
1944. Kulap was the president of the Thai Newspaper Association in 1944
and 1945. The activities of his Peace Foundation of Thailand invited the wrath
of the dictator Phibun. He was imprisoned from 1952 and 1957. He went to
China to attend the Afro-Asian Writer’s meeting. Apprehensive of a jail term
again, he remained in China for rest of his life and died of pleurisy on June 16,
1974. Manutsayatham or humanism characterized his novels. Writing under
the pen name Siburapha, he wrote Khang Lang Phap (Behind the Painting, 1936)
depicting a tragic love affair between a student and unhappy female Thai
aristocrat. It became a classic in Thai literature. His other works were Luuk
Phuu Chai (A Real Man, 1928), Songkhram Chiwit (Life Struggle, 1931) and
Phajon Barb (Facing Sin, 1934).

Seni Promoj (1905–1997). A great-grandson of Rama II and son of Prince

Khamrop and Mom Daeng, Seni was born on May 20, 1905, in the Nakho
Sawann province. After finishing his education in Britain, he joined the legal
service and later worked in the Foreign Ministry. He was the Thai ambassador
162 Notable People in the History of Thailand

in Washington. Seni organized the Free Thai movement in the United States
and did not formally deliver the government’s declaration of war against the
United States. He became prime minister on September 17, 1945, and found
that the political atmosphere in Bangkok was not suitable to his temperament.
He negotiated hard for avoiding the British protectorate over Thailand. He
resigned on January 31, 1946. Seni became the leader of the Democratic Party
in 1968. On February 15, 1975, he became the prime minister, leading a three
party coalition government. After a month in office, he did not get the vote of
confidence and resigned. On April 21, 1976, Seni became the prime minister
again, heading a coalition government of four parties. There was a rightist
backlash headed by the military, unleashing a reign of terror, which led to the
downfall of Seni’s government on October 6, 1976. Seni left politics and turned
to legal practice. He died on July 28, 1997.

Sarit Thanarat (1909–1963). Son of Major Luang Detanan, Sarit was born in
Bangkok on June 16, 1909. He graduated from the military academy of Chula
Chom Klao in 1929. An efficient and ambitious army officer, Sarit became
commander of the First Division and commander-in-chief. He engineered a
nonviolent coup overthrowing the government of Phibun. He proceeded to
rule the country with an iron fist after becoming premier on February 9,
1959. He banned opposition parties and newspapers. Constitutional amend-
ments were suspended. Simultaneously he sought to stamp out Thailand’s
opium trade, end police corruption, and battle organized crime. Bilateral
relations between Thailand and the United States were further strengthened
by the Rusk–Thanat Agreement of 1962, which represented an American
guarantee of Thai security. Sarit supported the rightists in Laos in their fight
against the communist-oriented leftist organization Pathet Lao. His economic
policies resulted in U.S. and Japanese investment, rise of a new wealthy class
due to land speculation, and sustained economic growth of 5 percent per year.
He died on December 8, 1963. His legacy was the Thai involvement in the
Vietnam War and the establishment of development-oriented technocratic

Vajiravudh (r.1910–1925). Born on January 1, 1881, to Chulalongkorn and

Queen Sri Bajarindra (1864–1919), Vajiravudh (Rama VI) was educated at
the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and Christchurch College, Oxford.
The king emphasized three parameters of nationalism: Chat, Sasana, and Phra-
mahakasat (Nation, Religion, and Monarch). He created a paramilitary organi-
zation, Sua Pa or Wild Tiger Corps, to protect the throne. The king introduced
monogamy and asked women to adopt Western styles of dress. Western medi-
cine became popular because of his efforts. He also ordered the use of the
term “Buddhist Era (B.E.)” for the official records in 1912. Vajiravudh ordered
Notable People in the History of Thailand 163

the creation of surnames for every Thai family. The Chulalongkorn University
was established in March 1917 under his reign. He had a great love for tradi-
tional Thai drama and acted in plays as well. The king had some of the works
of Shakespeare translated. His notable works were Phra non Kham Luang and
nationalist articles entitled, Muang Thai Chong Tun Thoet (Wake up all Thais).
He was considered to be an extravagant person. There were rumors and gos-
sip about the king’s fondness for men and dislike for the opposite sex. He was
married late at the age of 38 to Queen Suvadhana (1905–1985). He died on
November 25, 1925.

Kukrit Pramoj (1911–1995). The younger brother of Seni Promoj, Kukrit

Promoj was born on April 20, 1911, in Bangkok. Educated in Oxford, he was
with the Ministry of Finance. He joined politics and founded the Progressive
Party in 1945. It merged with the Democratic Party the following year.
In 1946, he became a member of Parliament. A prolific author, translator, jour-
nalist, and banker, he founded the newspaper Siamrath in 1950. He authored
novels including Four Reigns (1953), Many Lives (1954), and Red Bamboo
(1961). He emerged as a key figure in politics after the Student Revolution of
October 1973. He was the Speaker of the National Assembly in 1973–1974.
In 1974, he founded the Pak Kit Sangkhom (Social Action Party). He was the
prime minister of a coalition government between March 17, 1975, and
April 21, 1976. The American troop withdrawal and recognition of China were
his major achievements. Right wing militancy was steadily growing in 1976
and Kukrit was helpless in checking violence. He was the recipient of the
Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize in 1990. Kukrit died on October 9, 1995.

Thanom Kittikachorn (1912–2004). Born in the Ban Nhong Ploung, Tak prov-
ince to Amphan and Linchee Kittikachorn on August 11, 1912, Field Marshal
Thanom Kittikachorn was a military dictator, ruling Thailand from January 1,
1958, to October 20, 1958, and again between December 9, 1963, and
October 14, 1973. He had graduated from the royal military academy of
Chula Chom Klao in 1931. His second term witnessed major developments
in Thai history. Thailand became more closely aligned with the United States.
Relations with China and North Vietnam deteriorated. The Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on August 8, 1967.
Military rule was imposed in 1971. Thanom, Field Marshall Prapass
Charusathiara (1917–2001), and son of Thanom, Narong Kittikachorn, who
was also the son-in-law of Prapass, were called the “Three Tyrants.” Student
unrest and mass demonstrations led to the end of the regime on October 14,
1973. Thanom fled to the United States. The government’s decision to honor
Thanom in 1999 for his service to the Royal Guard was dropped due to
protests. He died on June 16, 2004.
164 Notable People in the History of Thailand

Prem Tinsulanonda (1920–). Son of Luang Winithantakarma and Ord

Tinsulanonda, Prem Tinsulanonda was born on August 26, 1920, in the province
of Songkhla. He became a career army officer after studying at the Army College
and National Defense College. He became commander-in-chief of the Royal
Thai Army in 1968. In the 1970s his political career began and he was named
a member of Parliament, deputy Interior Minister, and Minister of Defense.
He was the prime minister of Thailand from March 3, 1980, to August 4, 1988.
His administration, with five successive coalition cabinets, witnessed rapid
development of the Thai economy. With support from the king and regional
military commanders, Prem was able to crush the rebellion of the Young Turks
in 1981 and 1985. He resigned after the 1988 elections, as he was not an elected
member of Parliament. Enjoying the confidence of the king, Prem became a
member of the Privy Council and backed the coup of September 2006.

Prajadhipok (r. 1925–1935). Born on November 8, 1893, Prajadhipok (Rama

VII), the younger brother of Vajiravudh, was educated in Eton, Woolwich
Military Academy of Britain and afterward at the Ecole Superieure de Guerre,
France. The king was a liberal and intelligent man. He was inclined toward
political reforms. The king was aware of the fact the reforms were necessary
and an absolute monarch could not last long. He had brought about some
notable changes in the country before he was ousted from power in 1932.
The expenditure of the royalty was slashed by 40 percent under his rule.
The Civil and Commercial Code was promulgated in 1925. He believed in
monogamy, having one wife only, Queen Rambai Barni (1904–1984). The
king took special care to improve libraries, promote the publication of
Buddhist textbooks, and preserve ancient monuments. On December 10, 1932,
he signed Thailand’s first constitution, ending the rule of absolute monarchy.
His relations with the new government were deteriorating and he abdicated
on March 2, 1935. His last days were spent in Britain. He died of heart failure
on May 30, 1941, in Surrey.

King Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927–). The longest-living monarch of the world,

Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), was born on December 5, 1927, in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, to Prince and Princess Mahidol of Songkla. He was educated
at Lausanne University. He became the king on June 9, 1946. While he was hos-
pitalized in Lausanne after an accident, Sirikit, the daughter of the Thai
ambassador visited him frequently. They got engaged in July 1949 and mar-
ried in April 1950. The royal couple have one son and three daughters. The
king is engaged in the social welfare and economic development of Thailand.
He is the most venerated figure in Thailand. At times of national crisis, the
king plays an important role in defusing the crisis. The king, who is
immensely popular, is a painter, photographer, and author.
Notable People in the History of Thailand 165

Queen Sirikit (1932–). Queen Sirikit, wife of King Bhumibol, was born on
August 12, 1932, to Colonel Mangkala Kitiyakara and Bua Kitiyakara. She
was educated abroad in countries such as France, Denmark, and Britain,
where her father was the Thai ambassador. While studying in Switzerland,
she met King Bhumibol. In July 1949, they got engaged in Lausanne and were
married in April 1950 at Pathumwan Palace, Thailand. She was the regent,
when the king was a monk in 1956. A respected figure, her birthday is observed
as the country’s official Mother’s Day. The queen devotes her time to charitable
work and is revered throughout the country. She has been the president of the
Thai Red Cross since 1956. The queen promotes Thai culture and because of
her initiative the movie The Legend of Suriyothai was produced. The royal couple
have four children.

Ananda Mahidol (r. 1935–1946). Ananda Mahidol (Rama VIII), grandson of

Chulalongkorn and son of Prince Mahidol Adulyadej, was born in Heidelberg
on September 30, 1925. He received his education in Switzerland. After the abdi-
cation of his uncle Prajadhipok, he was appointed as king in 1935 by the
national assembly. As he was a minor studying abroad, the Council of Regency
performed the functions of the monarchy in his place. For the first time in its his-
tory, Thailand was without a resident monarch. He returned to Thailand in
December 1945 but was found shot to death in his bedroom on June 9, 1946,
under mysterious circumstances. Pridi Banomyong, the prime minister, was
held morally responsible for the act and resigned shortly afterward. Investiga-
tions continued for six years without any conclusive findings. Some of the
king’s bodyguards were executed in 1954. It is generally believed that the king’s
.45-caliber automatic pistol might have been discharged accidentally.

Surayud Chulanont (1943–). Surayud Chulanont came from a family of mili-

tary officers and his father was Lieutenant Colonel Phayom Chulanont, who
joined the Communist Party of Thailand. After graduating from the Royal Mili-
tary Academy, Surayud joined the army. He was close to Prem Tinsulanonda.
Surayud became commander-in-chief in 2003 and later became a member of
the Privy Council. While Premier Thaksin was in New York, commander-in-
chief Sonthi Boonyaratkalin staged a coup on September 19, 2006, which was
backed by Surayud and Prem. On October 1, Surayud became the prime minis-
ter of the interim government. He increased the military budget by 35 percent.
There was an allegation against his government for the violation of human
rights. The Islamic insurgency escalated in southern Thailand. There were
protests against the government of Surayud quite often.

Sonthi Boonyaratkalin (1946–). Born on October 2, 1946, Sonthi Boonyaratkalin

graduated from Chula Chom Klao Royal Military Academy in 1969. He was
166 Notable People in the History of Thailand

made the commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai army in October 2005,

becoming the first Muslim to hold the post. Sonthi was backed by retired
commander-in-chief of the Royal Thai army Surayud Chulanont and Prem
Tinsulanonda for the coveted post. He had denied that the army would not
be involved in a coup. Meanwhile, relations with Premier Thaksin Shinawatra
were cooling off. He wanted more power for the army to deal with insurgency
in southern Thailand. On September 19, 2006, he led a coup with the support of
Surayud and Prem. He became the chairperson of the newly formed Council
for Democratic Reform. He dissolved the Parliament, abrogated the
constitution, and became prime minister for 11 days before handing over
control to Surayud on October 1. There were public protests against the regime
of Sonthi, but it was quite safe, as there was no coordinated movement against
it. In January 2007 the Constitutional Drafting Council was appointed, with
the military having control over the membership. On a referendum held on
August 19, 2007, the draft constitution was approved by 58.24 percent
of voters.

Sondhi Limthongkul (1947–). Media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul was born in

Bangkok to an immigrant family from Hainan. He was educated at the Univer-
sity of California, Los Angeles. Sondhi began to publish a daily newspaper,
Phoojatkarn Rai Wan, and later set up a publishing house called the Manager
Group. He expanded his businesses and by 1996 had assets worth U.S.
$600 million. Sondhi was bankrupt for three years after the Asian financial
crisis. His companies were investigated for illegal transactions. His Manager
Daily praised Thaksin initially, but the relations between Sondhi and Thaksin
began to deteriorate and the former took leadership in anti-Thaksin cam-
paigns by organizing public rallies and criticizing Thaksin on talk shows.
Sondhi was instrumental in establishing the People’s Alliance for Democracy
(PAD) in February 2006. The Central Committee of PAD had five members:
Sondhi, Major General Chamlong Srimuang (1935), university professor
Somkiat Pongpaibun, labor leader Somsak Kosaisuuk, and social activist Phi-
phob Thongchai. Sondhi had also profited a lot—to the tune of U.S. $6 million
by 2005. He was planning for a massive rally on September 20, 2006, but
Thaksin was removed in a coup the day before. The PAD announced its disso-
lution on September 21.

Thaksin Shinawatra (1949–). Thaksin Shinawatra was born to a well-known

business family of Chiang Mai. He joined the police academy and afterward
received a doctoral degree in criminal justice from Sam Houston State Univer-
sity, in the United States. He entered into the telecommunications business,
becoming one of the wealthiest people of Asia. He joined politics in 1994, hold-
ing different cabinet posts. He founded the Thai Rak Thai (Thai loves Thai)
Notable People in the History of Thailand 167

Party, leading it to victory in the 2001 elections. He took office on February 9,

2001. Thaksin began a populist program, becoming an iconic figure in rural
Thailand. Poverty levels had gone down remarkably, by half, in a span of five
years. The economy also was once again booming. He was praised by the
international community for his post-tsunami relief measures of Decem-
ber 2004. Thaksin won a spectacular victory in the 2005 election again. How-
ever, the opponents of Thaksin did not take kindly to his aggressive mode of
functioning, abuse of power, and alleged corruption. He was removed in a
military coup in September 2006. A constitutional tribunal dissolved the Thai
Rak Thai in May 2007 for election fraud and banned Thaksin from politics for
five years. He now lives in Britain with an uncertain political future.

Thirayuth Boonmi (1950–). A political activist and academic, Thirayuth

Boonmi was born in 1950 in Nakhon Pathom. He studied engineering at
Chulalongkorn University and became the leader of the National Student
Center of Thailand (NSCT). On October 6, 1973, he, along with 12 other stu-
dents, was arrested by the government for sedition as they demanded a new
constitution. After the October 14 happenings, the NSCT was divided.
Thirayuth had formed the “People for Democracy.” He fled to the jungles in
Nan after the military coup of October 1976 and joined the Communist Party
of Thailand. In 1981, he returned and went to the Netherlands on a fellowship
program. He later joined the Faculty of Sociology of Thammasat University.
He was vocal in criticizing the policies of the government in his public
speeches and writings. Thirayuth has written two books, Strong Society and
Turning Point of the Era.

Maha Vajiralongkorn (1952–). Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn was born on

July 28, 1952, to King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit. A product of
the Royal Military College of Duntroon, Australia, the heir apparent took part
against communist insurgencies in 1970s in Isan. He is an officer in the Royal
Thai army and took part in Thai–Cambodia border skirmishes. Vajiralongkorn
participates in royal functions and makes frequent public appearances. He
was married to Princess Soamsavali Kitiyakara (1957–) in January 1977 and
divorced her in July 1993. The crown prince married again in 1994 to
Sucharinee Polpraserth, who later left for Britain. Vajiralongkorn was married
a third time in February 2001, to Srirasmi Akharaphongpreecha (1971–), who
has no royal background. Known as Mom Srirasmi Mahidol na Ayudhya, she
began a campaign for breast-feeding in June 2005 after the birth of a son.

Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (1955–). Born on April 2, 1955, to King Bhumibol and
Queen Sirikit, Maha Chakri Sirindhorn was a very bright student, at the top of
her class in school and on university examinations. She had obtained a
168 Notable People in the History of Thailand

doctoral degree from Srinakharinwirot University in 1986. An accomplished

musician and master of many languages, the princess also teaches in the his-
tory department of Chula Chom Klao Military Academy. A goodwill ambas-
sador of the UNESCO, she is the recipient of many awards including the
Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service (1991), the Chinese Language
and Culture Friendship Award (2000), and the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace,
Disarmament, and Development (2004). The princess takes an avid interest in
the country’s developmental projects. Sirindhorn is an admired and beloved
figure in Thailand and is often referred to as Phra Thep (Princess Angel). Not
currently married, she is third in line to the throne.

Abhisit Vejjajiva (1964– ). Abhisit Vejjajiva, the current prime minister of

Thailand, was born on August 3, 1964, to Dr. Athasit Vejjajiva and Dr. Sodsai
Vejjajiva. He is married to Dr. Pimpen Sakuntabhai. Educated in Great Britain,
he taught in the Thammasat University and Ramkhamhaeng University. He
opted for a career in politics and became the Democrat Party MP from Bangkok
1992. Abhisit rose steadily in the party hierarchy and became its leader in 2005.
He was the opposition leader twice: from April 2005 to September 2006 and
again in between February 2008 and December 2008. He assumed office as pre-
mier of Thailand on December 17, 2008. Abhisit had faced opposition from
Thaksin’s supporters, the Red Shirts. Abhisit is in a difficult situation due to
mounting pressure on him to hold the elections.
Glossary of Selected Terms

BAHT — basic unit of currency
BODHI — Enlightenment
BORIPHOK NIYOM — consumerism
BOT — hall
BUNGA MAS — gold leaves
CHAKRAVATIN — the World Emperor as per Hindu–Buddhist cosmology
CHANGWAT — provinces
CHAOPHRAYA — One of the highest nonroyal titles in the traditional
ranking system
CHAT — race/nation
CHATPRATHET — nation-state
CHEDI/STUPA — reliquary temple. A domed edifice containing relics
of the Buddha
DHAMMA/THAMMA — doctrines of faith, teachings of Buddha regarding
righteous conduct
170 Glossary of Selected Terms

DHAMMARAJA/THAMMARACHA — a king adhering to Buddhist

EKKALAK THAI — Thai identity
FARANG — foreigner, generally a Westerner
ISAN — northeastern region of Thailand
ISUAN — god
JATAKA — a collection of stories from the past life of Lord Buddha
KAH — madam
KALAHOM — head of military affairs
KAM — karma, the law of cause and effect in Buddhism
KAMNAN — village chief
KAMSUAN — a poem dealing with the pathos of departed lovers
KAWII — All different forms and genres of poetry song
KHANA/PAK — party
KHARATCHAKARN — bureaucracy
KHRUNG THEP — city of angels
KHUN KLAHNG — minister of finance
KHUN MUAN — minister of local government
KLONG — canal
KOT MONTIEN BAN — palace law
KRAM — department
KRAPH — sir
LUANG — title of a person in royal employment
MAANA — mother water, denoting a river
MOKSHA — liberation
MUANG — a political unit
MUAY THAI — Thai kickboxing
NAI — master. Lowest rank in the traditional nobility system
NAROK — Hell
NÍPPHAAN — Nirvana, final enlightenment
NIRAT — a poetic form depicting the travel experience/journey of separated
PHADETKAN — dictatorship
Glossary of Selected Terms 171

PHATHUNG — tube skirts

PHI — spirits having power over humans
PHRA — honorific title for Buddhist monks
PHRAI — a commoner or serf in the traditional order
PHRAYA/PHAYA — traditional princely title given to viceroys and those
of second-highest rank in a bureaucracy
PHUNAM — leader
PRATHET — country
PRATIVAD — revolution
PUSSA — worship
RACHA — raja, king
RAD NA — rice noodles
RATHA SAPHA — national assembly
RATHA THAMA NOON — constitution
RUAN PHAE — houseboat
SAKDINA — traditional ranking system of nobility
SANGH — community/order of Buddhist monks
SAVAN — paradise
SAWADI — greeting
SEPHA — a type of ballad
SERI THAI — Free Thai movement against the Japanese in Second World War
SIN SAWT — bride money
SUA — tiger
TAI — family of languages spoken in Southeast Asia and south China, including
Thai, Lao etc. Also, people speaking the particular language.
TAMBON — district
THERAVADA — Orthodox branch of Buddhism,also known as hinyayan
THEWADA — devata, god, deity
TRAIPIDOK — Tripitaka, “Three Baskets.” Canon including sacred texts
of Buddhism
VIHARA — monastery
WAT — Buddhist temple

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Abhisit Vejjajiva, 19, 151, 168 143–144, 146, 148, 150–151, 157,
Anand Panyarachun, 17, 133 159–160, 162, 163, 166, 168
Anna Leonowens, 79, 83, 158 Britain, 66, 75–76, 78, 80, 88–92, 96,
Architecture, 14, 24–26, 28–29, 33, 99–101, 110, 113–116, 120–121,
38, 42, 67, 90 158–159, 161, 164–165, 167–168
ASEAN, 123, 131, 133, 143, 144, Buddha, 11–15, 24, 26, 28, 31, 33, 38,
150, 163 41–43, 60, 64–65, 67–69, 72, 74,
Australia, 5, 96, 121, 143, 144, 167 97, 114, 127, 138, 153, 157
Ayudhya, 2, 38, 39, 41–43, 45–57, Buddhism, 1, 8, 11, 12, 15, 24, 26, 28–
59–71, 73, 97, 111, 138, 143, 31, 33, 37–38, 41, 46, 50, 60, 64, 73,
154–157, 160, 167 77, 98–99, 112, 122, 153–155
Burma/Myanmar, 2, 5–6, 12, 24, 27,
Baht, 4, 10, 86–87, 101, 110, 29–30, 42, 48, 51–55, 61, 64–65,
146–147, 150, 68, 69–70, 72–76, 80, 90, 92, 99,
Bangkok, 2–3, 5–6, 8, 12, 14–15, 18, 111–112, 114, 116, 132–133,
19, 28, 30, 33, 42, 50, 63, 69, 71–74, 137–138, 143–145, 155–157
76–80, 87–93, 96, 100, 105, 108–
109, 113–114, 116–117, 120–121, Cambodia, 5, 8, 15, 24, 26, 28, 33, 43,
123, 126–127, 129, 131, 133, 138, 48, 53, 55, 57, 61, 64, 67, 69, 72–74,
180 Index

76–77, 80, 91–93, 112–113, 116, Islamic Insurgency, 3, 18, 125, 137,
120–121, 123, 129, 131, 137, 145, 165
143–145, 156–157, 167
Canada, 3, 90 Khuang Apaivongse, 115, 160–161
Chakri Dynasty, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, King, 2, 13–16, 19, 22, 24–26, 31,
105, 138, 159, 36–41, 43, 46–53, 55–57, 59–68,
Chao Praya River, 1, 6, 8, 24, 26, 71–81, 83, 87–89, 91–99, 103, 106–
46, 50, 61, 68–69, 72, 78, 91, 116, 109, 115–120, 130, 132, 138, 149
154, 156 Kukrit Pramoj, 14, 115, 129, 163
Chulalongkorn University, 5, 85, Kulap Saipradit, 103, 161
98, 149, 163, 167
Communism, 104, 108, 119–121, Lan Xang, 38–39, 43, 50–53, 64, 65
123, 130 Lan Na, 35, 37–43, 47–51, 53, 66,
Communist, 3, 107–109, 117, 119– 153–154, 156
121, 123, 126, 129–132, 139–140, Laos, 3, 5, 25, 35, 38, 39, 43, 50, 64,
142–143, 159, 162, 165, 167 73–74, 76, 90–91, 93, 112–113,
116, 120–121, 123–124, 126, 131,
Democracy, 3, 16, 85, 93, 99, 103–104, 143–145, 162
106–107, 110, 117, 127–130,
132–133, 135, 148–150, 166–167 Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, 167
Dvaravati, 1, 13, 24–25, 33 Maha Vajiralongkorn, 167
Malay, 2–3, 5–6, 8, 13, 27, 35, 46, 49,
First World War, 2, 99–103, 112 54–57, 59, 66, 72–74, 76, 90, 92–93,
France, 62–63, 66, 78, 80, 90–92, 100, 114, 1116, 138, 140–142, 145,
99–102, 104, 106, 108, 112–113, 154, 157, 159
121, 156, 160–161, 164, Malaysia, 6, 8, 12, 54–55, 92, 100,
122–123, 137–141, 143, 145–146
Geography of Thailand, 5–8 Mangrai, 37, 39, 41, 153, 154

Haripunchai 25, 40, 42, 67, 154 Nan Chao, 2, 3, 48

Hinduism, 1, 9, 12, 15, 25, 33 Narai, 13, 61–64, 67, 75, 156
Naresuan Maharaj, 53–54,
India, 1, 3, 11–16, 24–34, 35, 37, 38, 59–60, 156
46, 54–55, 62–63, 66–67, 74–76, New Zealand, 121, 144
84, 101, 137–138, 144, 153, 156, North Vietnam, 35, 121–122, 126, 163
157, 159
Indian Culture, 1, 27–33 Pakistan, 121, 139, 141
Indonesia, 12, 26, 32–34, 37, 54–55, Patani Queens, 57, 60, 155
66, 123, 137–139, 141, 143, 146 Phahon Phonphayuhasena, 105,
Isan, 6, 25, 26, 111, 116, 119–120, 126, 108, 159
154, 167 Phibun Songkhram, 105, 108–116,
Islam, 3, 11, 12, 18, 54–56, 137 116–122, 138, 140, 144, 159–162
Index 181

Phraya Manopakorn Revolution of 1932, 2, 16–17, 93,

Nititada, 159 103–104, 106, 108–110, 125,
Phya Taksin, 68–70, 156–157 127–128, 159
Poland, 112 Revolution of 1973, 103–106
Population of Thailand, 3
Prem Tinsulanonda, 19, 131, 148, Sarit Thanarat, 118, 121–122, 162
164–166 SEATO, 121, 124
Pridi Phanomyong, 104–105, Second World War, 107, 110,
108–110, 115–118, 160, 165 112–114, 120, 160–161
Prince Damrong Rajanubhab, 84–86, Seni Promoj, 115, 117, 129, 161, 163
99, 102, 105, 158 Siam, 59, 62–63, 68, 112, 119
Sondhi Limthongkul, 148, 166
Queen Rambai Barni, 103, 115, Sonthi Boonyaratglin, 135, 165
161, 164 South Vietnam, 121, 123
Queen Sirikit, 120, 165, 167 Sri Suriyawongse, 157
Queen Suryothai, 51, 155 Sukhothai, 2, 13, 15, 24, 35–41, 43,
46–48, 52, 56, 67, 78, 84, 105, 111,
Rama I (Chao Phaya Chakri), 12, 14, 153–154
71–74, 79, 157–158 Sunthorn Phu, 74–75, 157
Rama II (Prince Isarasundorn), 14, Surayud Chulanont, 19, 148, 165–166
74, 75, 77, 99, 157–159, 161
Rama III (Prince Tub), 75–77, 79, Taiwan, 130, 145
84, 88 Thai constitution, 13, 16–17, 95,
Rama IV (Mongkut), 71, 73, 75, 104–106, 109, 117, 119–120, 123,
77–81, 83–84, 89–90, 99 129–131, 133–134, 139, 167
Rama V (Chulalongkorn), 2, 5, 14, Thai culture, 1, 11–12, 14, 33, 37,
79, 81, 83–94, 96, 98–99, 101–102, 41–42, 88, 124, 148, 124
116, 149, 158–159, 162–163, Thai economy, 69, 89, 101, 103, 114,
165, 167 131–133, 147, 164
Rama VI (Vajiravudh), 14, 94, Thai festivals, 8, 12–13, 15, 32–34, 67
96–100, 102, 162, 164 Thai foreign policy, 120–123, 142–143
Rama VII (Prajadhipok), 80, Thai language, 3, 13, 26, 67, 93, 99,
102–105, 109, 115, 161, 112, 134
164–165 Thai literature, 13–14, 74, 103, 161
Rama VIII (Ananda Mohidol), 109, Thai military coups, 16–17, 19, 106,
118, 120, 160, 165 107–109, 111, 113, 115, 117, 119–
Rama IX (Bhumibol Adulyadej), 17, 123, 125, 131, 133, 140, 149–150
71, 118, 120, 133, 164–167 Thai political parties, 16–19, 104,
Rama Khamheng, 2, 13, 36–38, 40, 106, 108–109, 117–118, 119–121,
78, 84, 154 123, 126, 128–129, 132–134, 139–
Rama Tibodi I, 14, 45–47, 50, 56, 68, 140, 148, 150–151, 159, 161–162,
73, 154 165, 167
182 Index

Thai society, 8–10, 12, 21, 32–34, 37, United States, 3, 76, 78, 80, 96, 99,
46–47, 66, 84, 88–90, 93, 95, 97, 100–101, 107, 114–117, 119,
106, 109, 118, 120, 124–126, 159 120–124, 129, 131, 142–143, 158,
Thaksin Shinawatra, 18, 134, 166 160, 162–163, 166
Thanom Kittikachorn, 122–123, UNO, 118
126–128, 130, 133–34, 163
Thammasat University, 5, 87, 110, Vietnam, 10, 12, 25, 27, 35, 69, 73,
116, 128, 130, 149 76–77, 101, 112, 120–121, 123,
The Philippines, 37, 53–54, 121–123, 126, 129, 131, 142–145, 156,
137, 141, 143 162–163
Thirayuth Boonmi, 167 Vietnam War, 9–10, 107, 119,
Trailoknath, 48–50, 56, 66–67, 154 121–124, 142, 162

UNESCO, 45, 94, 158, 168 Young Turks, 132, 164

About the Author

PATIT PABAN MISHRA is Professor of History at Sambalpur University,

India, where he specializes in World History with particular reference to
South Asian and Southeast Asian History. He obtained his M.A. in History
at Delhi University, and his M.Phil. (1974) and Ph.D. (1979) at JNU New
Delhi in the Centre for South, Southeast and Central Asian Studies. In
1998 Professor Mishra was awarded the D.Litt. degree from Rabindra
Bharati University, Calcutta. He has taught History for 30 years and super-
vised M.Phil., Ph.D., and D. Litt. scholars. In 2004, he was the President of
Indian History Congress (Sect. IV). He is the author of over 35 research
articles and has written about 900 articles in more than 65 encyclopedias,
all published in the United States. Professor Mishra has an outstanding
scholarly reputation as an encyclopedia editor, chairperson/participant of
24 international conferences, three dozen national conferences, visiting
professor/fellow, and author or coauthor of numerous books. Currently
he is engaged in coediting the Encyclopedia of the Middle East and South Asia
(ME Sharpe) and Native Peoples of the World: South Asia and Middle East
Tribes (ME Sharpe).
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