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Fire detection system


008851_s_en_-- Building Technologies

2016-01-27 Control Products and Systems
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Issued by:
Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel. +41 41 724-2424

Edition: 2016-01-27
Document ID: 008851_s_en_--

© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2006

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Fire Safety 2016-01-27
Table of contents

1 About this document ............................................................................. 9

1.1 Applicable documents ................................................................................11
1.2 Download center ........................................................................................11
1.3 Technical terms and abbreviations .............................................................11
1.4 Revision history .........................................................................................12
2 Safety ............................................................................................... 15
2.1 Safety instructions .....................................................................................15
2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation ...........................................17
2.3 Standards and directives complied with......................................................19
2.3.1 CPR conformity and firmware version .........................................19
2.4 Release Notes ...........................................................................................20
3 Setup of the compact control panels ..................................................... 21
3.1 Packaging units .........................................................................................21
3.2 Station rear panels (packaging unit) ...........................................................21
3.2.1 Rear panel in Eco housing ..........................................................22
3.2.2 Rear panel in Standard housing ..................................................23
3.2.3 Rear panel in Comfort housing ....................................................24
3.2.4 Rear panel in Comfort housing FC2030.......................................26
3.2.5 Rear panel in Large housing .......................................................28
3.2.6 Mounting material .......................................................................30
3.3 Rear panels version [CH] ...........................................................................31
3.3.1 Eco rear panel of the FT2040-CZ ................................................31
3.3.2 Standard rear panel for FC2020-CZ ............................................32
3.3.3 Comfort rear panel of the FC2020-CC .........................................33
3.3.4 Comfort rear panel of the FC2030-CC .........................................35
3.3.5 Comfort rear panel of the FC2040-CC .........................................37
3.4 Operating unit, operating add-on and cover cap (packaging unit) ...............39
3.4.1 Operating units and operating add-on .........................................39
3.4.2 Cover cap ...................................................................................40
3.5 Location of components .............................................................................41
3.5.1 Eco housing (fire terminal) ..........................................................41
3.5.2 Standard housing (fire control panels) .........................................42
3.5.3 Comfort housing (fire control panels) ...........................................43
3.5.4 Large housing (fire control panels) ..............................................45
3.5.5 Operating unit .............................................................................46
3.5.6 Position of modules for extended networking...............................47
4 Setup of FC2080 ................................................................................ 52
4.1 Packaging units .........................................................................................52
4.2 Location of components .............................................................................53
4.3 Setup with one power supply group (sample) .............................................55
4.4 Setup with two power supply groups (sample)............................................56
4.5 Optional operating units and operating add-ons .........................................58

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5 Mounting and installation of the compact control panels...........................59
5.1 Mounting procedure ................................................................................... 59
5.2 Mounting and assembling a station ............................................................ 61
5.2.1 Install rear panel ......................................................................... 61
5.2.2 Installing an additional housing ................................................... 62
5.2.3 Connect the mains cable............................................................. 64
5.2.4 Installing the operating unit and the operating add-on.................. 68
5.2.5 Mounting the cover cap ............................................................... 73
5.3 Periphery board (2-loop) ............................................................................ 74
5.3.1 Installation .................................................................................. 74
5.3.2 Pin assignments ......................................................................... 75
5.4 Periphery board (4 loops) .......................................................................... 81
5.4.1 Installation .................................................................................. 81
5.4.2 Pin assignments ......................................................................... 82
5.5 Fire terminal board .................................................................................... 88
5.5.1 Installation .................................................................................. 88
5.5.2 Pin assignments ......................................................................... 90
5.6 Power supply (70 W) ................................................................................. 94
5.6.1 Installation .................................................................................. 95
5.6.2 Pin assignments ......................................................................... 96
5.7 Power supply (150 W) ............................................................................... 98
5.7.1 Installation .................................................................................. 98
5.7.2 Fitting an additional power supply (150 W) ................................ 101
5.7.3 Pin assignments version A4 ...................................................... 103
5.7.4 Pin assignments version A5 ...................................................... 106
5.8 Battery kit (9 V) [FR] ................................................................................ 113
5.8.1 Installation in the Eco and Standard housings ........................... 113
5.8.2 Installation in Comfort housing .................................................. 114
5.8.3 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 114
5.9 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE] .................................................... 115
5.10 Loop extension ........................................................................................ 116
5.10.1 Installation ................................................................................ 116
5.10.2 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 117
5.11 Relay module .......................................................................................... 119
5.12 Mounting plate ......................................................................................... 120
5.12.1 Install mounting plate ................................................................ 120
5.12.2 Installation of the mounting plate in the Large housing .............. 122
5.13 Fire brigade periphery module [DE].......................................................... 124
5.13.1 Installation ................................................................................ 124
5.13.2 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 126
5.14 Network module (SAFEDLINK) ................................................................ 131
5.14.1 Installation ................................................................................ 131
5.14.2 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 133
5.15 Installing the fiber optic cable network module ......................................... 134
5.15.1 Replacing the DIN rail clip ......................................................... 134
5.15.2 Installation variants ................................................................... 135
5.15.3 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 136

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5.16 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 .......................................142
5.16.1 Installation of Ethernet modules ................................................142
5.16.2 DIN rail clip mounting ................................................................143
5.16.3 Installing mounting kit FHA2029 ................................................144
5.16.4 Installing Ethernet switch FN2012 .............................................150
5.16.5 Wiring .......................................................................................154
5.16.6 Pin assignments .......................................................................156
5.17 Connection module (card cage) ...............................................................158
5.17.1 Installation ................................................................................158
5.18 Card cage ................................................................................................159
5.18.1 Installation ................................................................................159
5.18.2 Pin assignment of the card cage (2 slots) ..................................161
5.18.3 Pin assignment of the card cage (5 slots) ..................................163
5.19 Module bus cards ....................................................................................166
5.19.1 Installation ................................................................................166
5.19.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................167
5.20 RS232 / RS485 module ...........................................................................185
5.20.1 Installation ................................................................................185
5.20.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................187
5.21 Event printer ............................................................................................189
5.21.1 Installation ................................................................................189
5.21.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................191
5.22 Key switch (Kaba) FTO2005-C1...............................................................194
5.23 Redux module [DE]..................................................................................195
5.23.1 Installation ................................................................................195
5.23.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................196
5.24 Input/output module FDCIO224 [DE]........................................................197
5.24.1 Installation ................................................................................197
5.25 Sounder module ......................................................................................198
5.25.1 Installation ................................................................................198
5.25.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................199
5.26 Modes of mounting for modules ...............................................................202
5.26.1 Mounting on DIN rail or mounting plate......................................203
5.26.2 Mounting in housing FDCH221 .................................................204
5.27 RT interface [NL] .....................................................................................205
5.27.1 Installation ................................................................................205
5.27.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................207
5.28 RT interface [CH] .....................................................................................212
5.28.1 Installation ................................................................................212
5.28.2 Pin assignments .......................................................................213
5.29 Cable kit (communication)........................................................................216
5.30 Insert license key .....................................................................................217
5.31 19" mounting kit .......................................................................................218
5.32 FM blind ..................................................................................................220
5.33 Batteries ..................................................................................................223
5.34 Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL] .......................................224
5.34.1 Adjustment elements.................................................................226

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5.35 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver ............................. 228
5.35.1 Remote 20-zone EVAC-NL indicator ......................................... 228
5.35.2 Fitting the EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1................ 229
5.35.3 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 231
5.35.4 Cable length and cable resistance............................................. 233
5.35.5 Indicators .................................................................................. 235
5.35.6 Connection FTI2002-N1 ............................................................ 236
5.35.7 Connection FTO2007-N1 .......................................................... 243
5.36 Door contact kit [DE] ................................................................................ 244
5.36.1 Installation ................................................................................ 244
5.36.2 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 245
5.37 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009 ................................ 246
5.37.1 Installing the mounting kit .......................................................... 246
5.37.2 Installing the modules ............................................................... 251
5.37.3 Wiring of FN2008 with fire terminal............................................ 252
5.37.4 Connecting the Ethernet switch ................................................. 255
5.37.5 Connecting the safety module FN2009...................................... 257
5.37.6 Modifications to the modules for class B.................................... 258
5.38 Installation checklist ................................................................................. 260
6 Mounting and installation FC2080 ....................................................... 262
6.1 Mounting procedure ................................................................................. 262
6.2 Processor unit (19", FC2080) ................................................................... 264
6.2.1 Installation ................................................................................ 265
6.2.2 View of card cage (CPU) FCC2003-A1 ..................................... 266
6.2.3 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 268
6.3 Assembling the carrier (19", card cage).................................................... 271
6.3.1 Installing the card cage (5 slots) on the carrier (19", card cage) . 272
6.3.2 Installing DIN rails on the carrier (19", card cage) ...................... 273
6.4 Installing the carrier (19", card cage) ........................................................ 274
6.4.1 Installation ................................................................................ 274
6.4.2 Views of card cage (5 slots) ...................................................... 275
6.4.3 Pin assignments ....................................................................... 276
6.5 Installing the carrier (19", option)..............................................................278
6.6 Installing the battery tray (19") ................................................................. 279
6.7 Installing the switch and socket on the carrier (19", power supply)............ 281
6.8 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)................................................. 282
6.8.1 Installation ................................................................................ 282
6.8.2 Parallel connection of three power supplies (150 W) ................. 284
6.8.3 Wiring ....................................................................................... 285
6.9 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)................................................... 288
6.9.1 Wiring up the mains voltage ...................................................... 291
6.9.2 Installing the temperature sensor .............................................. 294
6.10 Wiring up the system supply and module bus...........................................296

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6.11 Installing the CPU card and communication card .....................................304
6.11.1 Installation in card cage ............................................................304
6.11.2 Switching the network module with dual CPU operation ............306
6.11.3 Ethernet connection ..................................................................307
6.12 Insert license key .....................................................................................308
6.13 Installing the operating unit and operating add-on ....................................309
6.13.1 Installation ................................................................................309
6.13.2 Wiring .......................................................................................312
6.14 Installing the key safe adapter [DE] ..........................................................313
6.14.1 Installation on the carrier (19", option) .......................................313
6.14.2 Installation on the side wall .......................................................314
6.14.3 SDA wiring via I/O module and FDnet control ............................316
6.14.4 SDA wiring via I/O module FDCIO222 .......................................318
6.14.5 SDA wiring via an I/O card ........................................................320
6.15 Installing the fiber optic cable network module .........................................322
6.15.1 Installation ................................................................................322
6.16 Installing an Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008 ..............................................323
6.16.1 Installation ................................................................................323
6.17 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 .......................................324
6.17.1 FHA2029 in the housing (19", pedestal housing) .......................324
6.17.2 FN2012 in station with housing (19", pedestal housing) .............325
6.18 Installing the battery kit (9 V) [FR] ............................................................326
6.18.1 Installation ................................................................................326
6.18.2 Wiring .......................................................................................326
6.19 Install batteries ........................................................................................327
7 Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch) .................................. 329
7.1 Setup of fire terminal (Touch) FT2080 ......................................................329
7.2 Installation in 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080 ...................................331
7.3 Installation in housing (standard)..............................................................334
7.4 Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039 ............................................335
7.5 Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040 ..................................340
8 Replacing components ...................................................................... 346
9 Concluding work............................................................................... 347
9.1 Insert printing paper .................................................................................347
Glossary ................................................................................................... 351
Index ...................................................................................................... 352

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About this document
Applicable documents

1 About this document

Goal and purpose
This document describes the installation process for the stations and components
of the FS20fire detection system. It especially provides information on the
● Mounting of the stations
● Mounting of the individual components
● Assembly of the stations
The document 008836 System description contains the overview of the structure
and function of the fire detection system and of the structure of the documentation.
Document 008837 Product data contains the detailed technical description for the
components of the FS20 fire detection system.
You will find information about assembling and installing the gateway (SIGMANET)
and the associated components in the Gateway (SIGMANET) Technical Manual

The information contained in this document is valid for market package MP6.
The document also contains information on country-specific components. Country-
specific components are marked with square brackets, e.g. [DE]. It may be the
case that these cannot be used in your country.

Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:

Target group Activity Qualification

Installation personnel ● Assembles and installs the product ● Has received specialist training in
components at the place of the area of building installation
installation. technology or electrical installations.
● Carries out a function check
following installation.
Commissioning personnel ● Configure the product at the place ● Has obtained suitable specialist
of installation according to training for the function and for the
customer-specific requirements. products.
● Check the product operability and ● Has attended the training courses
release the product for use by the for commissioning personnel.
● Searches for and corrects
Maintenance personnel ● Carries out all maintenance work. ● Has obtained suitable specialist
● Checks that the products are in training for the function and for the
perfect working order. products.
● Searches for and corrects

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About this document
1 Applicable documents

Source language and reference document

● The source/original language of this document is German (de).
● The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.

Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:

ID code Examples
ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY A6V10215123_a_de_DE
-- = multilingual or international A6V10215123_a_en_--

Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of
international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).

Conventions for text marking

Special markups are shown in this document as follows:

⊳ Requirement for a behavior instruction

1. Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
– Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
⇨ Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
⇨ End result of a behavior instruction
● Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
> Relation sign and for identification between steps in a sequence,
e.g., 'Menu bar' > 'Help' > 'Help topics'
↑ Text Identification of a glossary entry

Supplementary information and tips

The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of

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About this document
Applicable documents

1.1 Applicable documents

Document ID Title
008836 FS20 Fire Detection System System Description
008837 FS20 Fire Detection System Product Data
009052 FS20 Fire Detection System, Commissioning,
Maintenance, Troubleshooting
A6V10281424 Technical manual FG2020

1.2 Download center

You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation
instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
l Enter the document ID in the 'Find by keyword' input box.

You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.

1.3 Technical terms and abbreviations

You will find details of technical terms and abbreviations in the 'Glossary' chapter.

See also
2 Applicable documents [➙ 11]

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About this document
1 Revision history

1.4 Revision history

The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference
document is translated.

The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.

The table below shows this document's revision history:

Version Edition date Brief description

s 2016-01-27 Corrections and additions:
Chapter 'Mounting and installation FC2080' – 'Wiring up the system supply and
module bus': Pin assignments of the optocouplers K1 and K2 modified.
r 2015-12-15 Edition for MP6
● 'Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012' in 'Mounting and installation
of the compact control panels' and 'Mounting and installation FC2080'
● Pin assignment for power supply (70 W) FP2015 inserted
Corrections and additions:
● Chapter 'Installing mounting kits' adapted for FN2008 and FN2009
● Referenced documents updated
● Chapter 'Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)': Mounting of mains
filter removed, mounting of desktop housing (FT2080) modified, installation in
wall housing changed to housing (Standard)
● Chapter 'Insert license key' updated
● Notice about ground fault monitoring incorporated into chapter 'Mounting and
installation FC2080' – 'Installing the operating unit and operating add-on'
● Chapter 'Mounting and installation of the compact control panels' – 'Event
printer' – 'Connection on printer side' product version 02 integrated
● Chapter 'Mounting and installation FC2080' – 'Wiring up the system supply
and module bus', 0 V connection inserted between PSU1 and PSU2 to
guarantee ground fault monitoring, relay wiring K1 and K2 replaced by
● Chapter 'RS232/RS485 module'; cable gland on operating unit removed. All
corresponding graphics revised
● Chapter 'Mounting and installation FC2080' – 'Installing the key safe adapter
[DE]': Wiring drawings modified
q 2014-02-10 Information on voltage ranges revised in relation to supply outputs for fire terminal

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About this document
Revision history

Version Edition date Brief description

p 2013-11-14 Edition for MP5
Change to date format according to ISO 8601
Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch) FT2080-A1
Installation of module bus cards for AlgoRex migration:
● Line card (AnalogPLUS) FCL2005-A1
● Line card (interactive) FCL2006-A1
● Line card (interactive Ex) FCL2007-A1
Corrections and additions:
● Note on Ethernet loop FN2008 added.
● RS485 module: Slot address assignment
● FC2080: Chapter 'Wiring the system supply and module bus' moved up one
level and detailed wiring diagrams added
● FC2080: Chapter 'Parallel connection of three power supplies' – Connection
diagram modified
● FC2080: Wiring diagram of the mains supply cable on carrier (19", power
supply) integrated
● FC2080: Installing the power supply kit (150 W) – Wiring, connection diagram
for mains supply cable modified
● FC2080: Key safe adapter, chapter on wiring with FDCIO222 added and
wiring via I/O card (programmable) changed (heating isolation integrated)
● Various minor corrections and adaptations
CPR replaces CPD: The Construction Products Regulation (CPR 305/2011)
replaces the previous Construction Products Directive (CPD 89/106).
o 05.2012 Edition MP-EN 4.0
Fire control panel FC2080:
● Housing (19", pedestal cabinet) FH2080-AA
● Processor unit (19", FC2080) FCC2002-A1
● CPU card (FC2080) FCC2004-A1
● Communication card (FC2080) FCC2005-A1
● Network module (SAFEDLINK, CC) FN2010-A1
● I/O card (remote transmission) FCI2007-A1
● Installation and wiring of key safe adapter [DE]
Fire control panel FC2060/FC2080:
● I/O card (horn/monitored) FCI2009-A1
● Power supply unit (150 W) Version A5
● Link to the Technical Manual FG2020, A6V10281424
Revision of:
Power supply unit (150 W) Version A4
n 05.2010 Third edition MP3.0
● Revision history redefined and standardized
● Installation of FN2008 and FN2009 revised (symmetry element removed)
● Integration of PMI & mainboard FCM2027
● Mounting of remote EVAC-NL revised
● Pin assignment for event printer FTO2001-A1
● Various minor changes

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About this document
1 Revision history

Version Edition date Brief description

m 03.2010 Second edition MP3.0 for VdS:
● Assignment of manufacturer designation "Scalance" to BT designation
l 10.2009 First edition MP3.0 for VdS
Integration of Scalance module for extended networking:
● Installation arrangement
● Installing mounting kit
● Installing Scalance modules
k 02.2009 Fifth edition MP2.1
● Operating add-on FCM2015-D1 removed
● Mounting of remote EVAC-NL FCM2008-N1 integrated
● Mounting of EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1 integrated
● Various minor corrections
j 01.2009 Fourth edition MP2.1
● Operating add-on FCM2008-N1 modified (adjustment elements)
i 11.2008 Third edition MP2.1
● Various corrections
● 150 W supply, horizontal
● Card cage mounting
● Module bus card pin assignment
h 08.2008 Second edition MP2.1 for field test
● Various corrections and additions
g 2008-05 First edition MP2.1 for VdS
● New MP2.1 components
● Minor changes
f 2007-12 Fourth, corrected and extended edition of MP1.2
● RT interface [CH]
● Rear panels [CH] added to chap. 3
● Mounting material extended
● Chap. 4 mounting process added to
● Chap. 6.25 recess mounting kit, mounting steps corrected
e 09.2007 Third extended edition MP1.2
● Insert printing paper
● Sounder module
● RT interface [NL]
● Chap. 4.3 new cascading diagrams
d 08.2007 Second extended edition MP1.2
c 06.2007 Extended edition MP1.2
b 02.2007 MP1.2 edition for VdS
a 09.2006 First edition MP1.1

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Safety instructions

2 Safety

2.1 Safety instructions

The safety notices must be observed in order to protect people and property.
The safety notices in this document contain the following elements:
● Symbol for danger
● Signal word
● Nature and origin of the danger
● Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures or prohibitions for danger avoidance

Symbol for danger

This is the symbol for danger. It warns of risks of injury.
Follow all measures identified by this symbol to avoid injury or death.

Additional danger symbols

These symbols indicate general dangers, the type of danger or possible
consequences, measures and prohibitions, examples of which are shown in the
following table:

General danger Explosive atmosphere

Voltage/electric shock Laser light

Battery Heat

Signal word
The signal word classifies the danger as defined in the following table:

Signal word Danger level

DANGER DANGER identifies a dangerous situation, which will result directly in death or
serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.
WARNING WARNING identifies a dangerous situation, which may result in death or serious
injury if you do not avoid this situation.
CAUTION CAUTION identifies a dangerous situation, which could result in slight to
moderately serious injury if you do not avoid this situation.

NOTICE NOTICE identifies possible damage to property that may result from non-

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2 Safety instructions

How risk of injury is presented

Information about the risk of injury is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

How possible damage to property is presented

Information about possible damage to property is shown as follows:

Nature and origin of the danger
Consequences if the danger occurs
● Measures / prohibitions for danger avoidance

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Safety regulations for the method of operation

2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant
European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local
safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, mounting, installation,
operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these
must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product

Electrical installations

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and
supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical

● Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying
out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
● Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
● Label the connection terminals with external external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
● Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own,
clearly marked fuse.
● Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950-1
outside the installation.
● Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.

Noncompliance with the following safety regulations
Risk of injury to persons and damage to property
● Compliance with the following regulations is required.

● Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.

● Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a

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2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

Mounting, installation, commissioning and maintenance

● If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended
for the work in hand.
● When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot
● Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below
are observed.
● You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.

Testing the product operability

● Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
● If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.
● The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause
injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following
instructions must be observed:
– Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation.
– Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option).
– Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
● Inform people before testing the alarm devices and allow for possible panic
● Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
● Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.

Modifications to the system design and the products

Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from
Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.

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Standards and directives complied with

Modules and spare parts

● Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by
● Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
● Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by
● Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe
national guidelines and regulations.

Disregard of the safety regulations

Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function
correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries
caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger
warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
● Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of

2.3 Standards and directives complied with

A list of the standards and directives complied with is available from your Siemens

2.3.1 CPR conformity and firmware version

In order to satisfy Ordinance No. 305/2011 (the Construction Products Regulation –
CPR), the firmware of a newly installed fire detection installation must be current
market package version MP6 or higher.

Firmware version of a newly installed fire detection installation not updated
No CPR conformity
● Compare the firmware version of a newly installed fire detection installation
with the firmware version MP6.
● Update the firmware if necessary.

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2 Release Notes

2.4 Release Notes

Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with
a particular firmware version are possible.

Limited or non-existent fire detection
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

Incorrect planning and/or configuration
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied.
Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning.
Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

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Setup of the compact control panels
Packaging units

3 Setup of the compact control panels

3.1 Packaging units

The stations can be delivered in several packaging units. Mounting and assembly
are carried out on-site.
The delivery consists of the following packaging units:
● Pre-installed rear panel, with periphery board, power supply, disconnect
terminal block and wiring
● Pre-installed operating unit with cover cap
● If ordered: Operating add-on with cover cap
● Options

When unpacking the station do not damage or dispose of the packaging.

The packaging includes a drilling template for the corresponding station housing.
The packaging of the rear panel can be used as protection after mounting to
protect the open station against soiling and damage.

3.2 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

The following chapters show views of the stations as they are delivered. The
design of the rear panels differs depending on the housing and the type of the
You will find detailed information about the housing types and individual stations in
document 008836.
You will find detailed information about the individual components in document

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.1 Rear panel in Eco housing

The fire terminal is available in the Eco housing.
1 2 3 4 5 2

7 7

7 7

9 9

Figure 1: Fire terminal in Eco rear panel

1 Eco rear panel

2 Opening for cable feed from rear side
3 DIN rail for disconnect terminal blocks
4 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
5 Hole for wall mounting (top)
6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 Fire terminal board
9 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)

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Setup of the compact control panels
Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.2 Rear panel in Standard housing

The setup of the different fire control panels in the Standard housing is always
1 2 3 4


6 6

11 7

6 6

8 10 9 9 8
Figure 2: Fire control panel in Standard rear panel

1 Standard rear panel

2 Hole for wall mounting (top)
3 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
4 Openings for cable feed from rear side
5 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
6 Mounting holes for operating unit
7 Periphery board (2-loop)
8 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
9 Secondary-side cabling of the power supply
10 Primary-side cabling of the power supply
11 Power supply
12 DIN rail with network separation terminals, also for additional components
13 Strain relief for mains supply cable

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.3 Rear panel in Comfort housing

With the exception of the periphery board type, the setup of fire control panels
FC2020 and FC2040 in the Comfort housing is identical. One exception is the fire
control panel FC2040-BB [SE], [FI], which is supplied in the Large housing.
Example of a fire control panel FC2040 in Comfort rear panel:
1 2 3 4 2 5 2

7 7

7 7


11 11


11 11


13 13

1 Comfort rear panel

2 Holes for wall mounting (top)
3 DIN rail for additional components
4 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
5 Openings for cable feed from rear side

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Setup of the compact control panels
Station rear panels (packaging unit)

6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit

7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 Periphery board
9 Secondary-side cabling of the power supply
10 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on
11 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
12 Power supply (150 W)
13 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
14 Strain relief for mains supply cable
15 DIN rail with network separation terminals, also for additional components
16 Primary-side cabling of the power supply

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.4 Rear panel in Comfort housing FC2030

1 2 3 4 5


7 7

7 7


11 11

14 12

11 11


13 13

Figure 3: Fire control panel FC2030 in Comfort rear panel

1 Comfort rear panel

2 DIN rail for additional components
3 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
4 Openings for cable feed from rear side
5 Holes for wall mounting (top)
6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 Periphery board (2-loop)

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Setup of the compact control panels
Station rear panels (packaging unit)

9 Secondary-side cabling of the power supply

10 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on
11 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
12 Power supply (150 W)
13 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
14 Strain relief for mains supply cable
15 DIN rail with network separation terminals and for additional components
16 Primary-side cabling of the power supply unit
17 Card cage (2 slots) for modernization cards

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.5 Rear panel in Large housing

FC2060 as an example of the fire control panel setup in the Large housing:
1 2 3 4 2

6 6

6 6


10 10
14 11

10 10


13 13

Figure 4: Fire control panel in Large rear panel

1 Large rear panel

2 Holes for wall mounting (top)
3 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
4 Openings for cable feed from rear side
5 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
6 Mounting holes for operating unit
7 Periphery board (4 loops)
8 Secondary-side cabling of the power supply

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Setup of the compact control panels
Station rear panels (packaging unit)

9 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on

10 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
11 Power supply (150 W)
12 DIN rail for additional components
13 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
14 Primary-side cabling of the power supply
15 DIN rail with network separation terminals and for additional components
16 Strain relief for mains supply cable
17 Card cage (5 slots) for module bus cards.
18 Mounting plate with slots for fastening the shield connection terminal blocks 1

1The mounting plate, as a carrier for the periphery board and the card cage, is
offset around 2 cm from the rear panel. The cables of the external supplies and
power line can then be led behind the mounting plate.

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Station rear panels (packaging unit)

3.2.6 Mounting material

The following mounting material is supplied with all stations:

6 Rear panel screws Ø 6/40 mm

6 Nylon wall plugs Ø 4.5-6 mm
6 Cable ties 2.4 x 137 mm
5 Philips screws M 3/6 1
2 Philips screws M 3/12 (2
2 Edge protection strip 40 x 100 x 1.5 mm
3 Trapezoid edge protection strip
4 Pole protection caps
2 Flat cable mounting
1 Installation plate 3
5 Aluminum sticker for the cover cap of the wall mountings 4

1 Pre-assembled connection cable for the batteries

1 2k2/500 mW resistance
3 3k01/500 mW resistance
3 1 kV/1 A diodes

1 There are three extra screws with the Eco and Standard housings.
2 Both M3/12 screws are required for cable strain relief if a thick supply cable is
3 The installation plate must be affixed to the outside of the control panel housing

and must be clearly legible (EN 54-2). The installation number and the date of
commissioning must be added upon commissioning.
4 If the station is mounted on a combustible surface, the mounting holes must be

covered with the aluminum stickers (CE directive).

In addition, the following documentation is enclosed with the stations:
● Letter with feedback sheet (return fax)
● License agreement A5Q00021001
● Product insert for the station (mounting instructions) A5Q00015754
● Product insert for the power supply

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Setup of the compact control panels
Rear panels version [CH]

3.3 Rear panels version [CH]

This chapter provides an overview of all components built in the stations of the
country variants for Switzerland [CH].

3.3.1 Eco rear panel of the FT2040-CZ

1 2 3 4 5

7 7

7 7

10 10

Figure 5: Fire terminal FT2040-CZ in Eco housing

1 Eco rear panel

2 DIN rail (L = 70 mm)
3 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
4 Hole for wall mounting (top)
5 Opening for cable feed from rear side
6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 Terminal set on DIN rail (L = 70 mm)
9 Fire terminal board
10 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Rear panels version [CH]

3.3.2 Standard rear panel for FC2020-CZ

1 2 3 4

6 6

6 6

8 8

10 9 9
Figure 6: Fire control panel FC2020-CZ in Standard rear panel

1 Standard rear panel

2 Hole for wall mounting (top)
3 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
4 Openings for cable feed from rear side
5 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
6 Mounting holes for operating unit
7 Periphery board (2-loop)
8 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
9 Secondary-side cabling of the power supply
10 Primary-side cabling of the power supply
11 Power supply (70 W)
12 DIN rail L = 180 mm with mains separation terminals, relay module and
blocking module
13 Strain relief for mains supply cable

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Setup of the compact control panels
Rear panels version [CH]

3.3.3 Comfort rear panel of the FC2020-CC

1 2 3 4 5 2

7 7

7 7




12 12

16 13


12 12


14 14

Figure 7: Fire control panel FC2020-CC in Comfort rear panel

1 Comfort rear panel

2 Holes for wall mounting (top)
3 DIN rail for additional components
4 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
5 Openings for cable feed from rear side
6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 DIN rail L = 420 mm with terminal set

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Rear panels version [CH]

9 Periphery board (2-loop)

10 Cable duct L = 410 mm
11 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on
12 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
13 Power supply (70 W)
14 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
15 Strain relief for mains supply cable
16 DIN rail L = 175 mm with mains separation terminal and socket type 13
17 DIN rail L = 320 mm with terminal set
18 Cable duct L = 300 mm

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Setup of the compact control panels
Rear panels version [CH]

3.3.4 Comfort rear panel of the FC2030-CC

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2

16 8

9 9

19 10

9 9


18 12

13 13


16 14

13 13


15 15

Figure 8: Fire control panel FC2030-CC in Comfort rear panel

1 Comfort rear panel FHA2003-A1

2 Holes for wall mounting (top)
3 DIN rail L = 420 mm with terminal blocks and fuses
4 DIN rail L = 175 mm with 3 mains input terminals
5 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
6 Terminal block, switch module, and 2 fuses for secondary supply
7 Openings for cable feed from rear side
8 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Rear panels version [CH]

9 Mounting holes for operating unit

10 Terminal block for control pipes
11 Periphery board (2 loops) FCI2002-A1
12 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on
13 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
14 Power supply (150 W) mounted on DIN rail L = 175 mm
15 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
16 Strain relief for mains supply cable
17 DIN rail L = 175 mm with 7 mains separator terminals and socket type 13
18 Card cage (2 slots) FCA2007-A1
19 I/O module FDCIO222

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Setup of the compact control panels
Rear panels version [CH]

3.3.5 Comfort rear panel of the FC2040-CC

1 2 3 4 5 2

7 7

7 7



16 10

11 11


11 11


13 13

Figure 9: Fire control panel FC2040-CC in Comfort rear panel

1 Comfort rear panel

2 Holes for wall mounting (top)
3 DIN rail for additional components
4 Fastening tabs for the cover cap
5 Openings for cable feed from rear side
6 Recesses for the hinges of the operating unit
7 Mounting holes for operating unit
8 DIN rail L = 420 mm with terminal set

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Rear panels version [CH]

9 Periphery board (4 loops)

10 Recesses for the hinges of the operating add-on
11 Mounting holes for the operating add-on
12 Power supply (150 W) mounted on DIN rail
13 Holes for wall mounting (bottom)
14 Strain relief for mains supply cable
15 DIN rail L = 175 mm with mains separation terminal and socket type 13
16 Cable duct L = 300 mm
17 DIN rail L = 320 mm with terminal set
18 Cable duct L = 410 mm

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Setup of the compact control panels
Operating unit, operating add-on and cover cap (packaging unit)

3.4 Operating unit, operating add-on and cover cap

(packaging unit)
The operating unit and the optional operating add-on are supplied together with the
cover cap as a separate packaging unit.

3.4.1 Operating units and operating add-on

The operating unit is part of every station. In the Comfort housing the operating unit
is installed in the upper section of the housing. The operating add-on is installed
either in the bottom part of the Comfort or Large housing or in an additional empty
In the operating units, MP3.0 uses the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and also the
PMI & mainboard FCM2027. You will find detailed information about this in
document 008837.

1 2

3 3

3 3

Figure 10: Rear view of operating unit (without options) with PMI & mainboard FCM2027

1 2

3 3

3 3

Figure 11: Rear view of operating unit (without options) with PMI & mainboard FCM2004

1 Support plate
2 PMI & mainboard
3 Mounting holes of operating unit
4 Lug with securing clip for ribbon cable
5 Hinge

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Operating unit, operating add-on and cover cap (packaging unit)

Supplied mounting material

4x M5 screws for securing the operating unit
2x M2.5 screws for securing the hinge of the operating unit
1x ribbon cable for the connection from the PMI & mainboard to the periphery
Inscription set or inscription sheet (only for operating unit)

You will find additional inscription strips, e.g. for the operating add-on, in
document 009026.

3.4.2 Cover cap


Figure 12: Rear view of cover cap

1 Distance pins
2 Fixing screw

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

3.5 Location of components

This chapter outlines the following components that can be installed in the station:
● Components installed as standard
● Optional components
Optional components are supplied in separate packaging units. The figures show
the maximum possible scope of equipment.
You will find detailed information about the individual components in document

3.5.1 Eco housing (fire terminal)

The fire terminal is available in the Eco housing.
3 4

Figure 13: Components in the Eco housing (fire terminal)

1 Battery kit 9 V [FR] (option)

2 Power supply (70 W) (option)
3 Mains separation terminals or relays on DIN rail (options)
4 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE] or cable kit (communication), (option)
5 Fire terminal board
6 Batteries (option)

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Location of components

3.5.2 Standard housing (fire control panels)

The fire control panel FC2020 (2-loop) is available in the Standard housing.

2 6

Figure 14: Components in the Standard housing (fire control panel)

1 Battery kit 9 V [FR] (option)

2 Power supply (70 W)
3 Relay (option) on DIN rail
4 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE] or cable kit (communication),
5 Loop extension (FDnet) (option)
6 Periphery board (2-loop)
7 Batteries

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

3.5.3 Comfort housing (fire control panels)

Fire control panels FC2020, FC2030 and FC2040 are available in the Comfort
housing. With the exception of the card cage and periphery board type, the setup is
identical. One exception is fire control panel FC2040-BB [FI], [SE], which is
supplied in the Large housing.

5 5



2 10

Figure 15: Components in the Comfort housing taking the example of fire control panel FC2040 with
cascaded power supply

1 Batteries
2 Socket (option) on DIN rail
3 Battery kit 9 V [FR] (option)
4 Space for other options (e.g. fire brigade periphery module [DE]) or card
cage (2 slots) with the FC2030
5 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE] or cable kit (communication), (option)
6 Relay module (option) on DIN rail

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Location of components

7 Loop extensions (FDnet) (option)

8 Periphery board (4-loop) with FC2040 and/or periphery board (2-loop) with
FC2020 and FC2030
9 Power supply (150 W)
(fitted horizontally as standard)
10 Additional power supply (150 W) (option)

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

3.5.4 Large housing (fire control panels)

The fire control panel FC2060 is available in the Large housing as standard. Fire
control panel FC2040-BB [FI], [SE] is also supplied in the Large housing.


4 8



1 12

Figure 16: Example: Components in the Large housing of the fire control panel FC2060 with power
supply switched in parallel

1 Relay module (option) on DIN rail

2 Socket (option) on DIN rail
3 Card cage (5 plug-in cards) (not in the FC2040-BB)
4 Module bus cards (max. 5 items) in card cage (not in the FC2040-BB)
5 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE] or cable kit (communication) on
mounting plate (options)
6 Mounting plate for card cage (5 slots) and periphery board (4-loop)
7 Loop extensions (FDnet) (option)
8 Periphery board (4 loops)
9 Battery kit 9 V [FR] (option)
10 Additional power supply (150 W) (option)
11 Power supply (150 W)
12 Batteries

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Location of components

3.5.5 Operating unit

In the operating units, MP3.0 uses the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and also the
PMI & mainboard FCM2027. You will find detailed information about this in
document 008837.

3 4 5 6

8 7 9
Figure 17: Components on the operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2004

3 9 4 5 6

8 7
Figure 18: Components on the operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2027

1 PMI & mainboard

2 Space for options (printer or LED indicator)
3 Network module (SAFEDLINK) on X13 (master module), (option)
4 Slot 1 [SER_OPT1] for the first serial module at X14 (option)
5 Slot 2 [SER_OPT2] for the second serial module at X19 (option)
6 Degraded mode network module (SAFEDLINK) on X12 (option)
7 Connection module (card cage) on X11 (standard with FC2030 and FC2060)
8 Key switch (Kaba or Nordic), (option)
9 License key (option)

Both slots X14 and X19 can hold the RS232 or RS485 serial module.

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

3.5.6 Position of modules for extended networking Modules in station with Comfort housing

Installation arrangement of an Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1 or Security
module (firewall) FN2009-A1 taking the example of the FC2040-AA with fire
brigade periphery module FCI2001-D1.

1 Mounting kit (switch, Comf.), installation bracket with two DIN rails
2 FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Location of components Modules in station with Standard housing

Due to space constraints, no Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1 or Security module
(firewall) FN2009-A1 can be installed in a fire control panel FC2020. An additional
empty housing (Eco or Standard) is needed for this application and is fitted under
the fire terminal.

Protection from battery leakage
The cable connections into the bottom housing must be led through a packed
gland to ensure protection from battery leakage.

Figure 19: Example of module arrangement with fire control panel in the Standard housing with an
additional empty housing (Eco)

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

1 Housing (Eco) FH2001-A1, empty

2 Mounting kit (switch, Comf.), mounting bracket with two DIN rails
3 FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1
4 Fire control panel FC2020 in the housing (Standard)

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Setup of the compact control panels
3 Location of components Modules in the fire terminal

Due to space constraints, no Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1 or Security module
(firewall) FN2009-A1 can be installed in the fire terminal FT2040. An additional
empty housing (Eco) is needed for this application and is fitted under the fire

Protection from battery leakage
The cable connections into the bottom housing must be led through a packed
gland to ensure protection from battery leakage.

Figure 20: Sample structure of fire terminal with FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1 in additional housing

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Setup of the compact control panels
Location of components

1 Housing (Eco) FH2001-A1, empty

2 Installation kit (switch, comf.)
3 I/O module for alarming the detector contact
4 FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1
5 FT2040 fire terminal with optional power supply and batteries

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Setup of FC2080
4 Packaging units

4 Setup of FC2080

4.1 Packaging units

The fire control panel FC2080 is delivered in several packaging units. Mounting
and assembly are carried out on-site.

Housing (19", pedestal cabinet) incl. accessories

● Housing incl. door with plan compartment, standing on ½ Euro pallet, wrapped
with plastic film
● Base for housing incl. mounting matieral
● 2 C rails with 10 screws M4 x 6
● 2 cable ducts 80 x 80 x 80 x 1500 mm
● 12 Philips screws M6 x 10
● 2 toothed discs M6
● 10 shield connection terminal blocks
● 1 switch
● 1 power socket (Euro)
● 4 expansion bolts with screws for wall mounting
● 1 Siemens/Sinteso sticker each
● 4 screws to fix the cabinet on the base

Each component is a packaging unit.
● Battery tray (FC2080)
● Basic components
– Processor unit (19", FC2080) incl. plug-in cards and installation plate
– Carrier (19", power supply) incl. mounting accessories
● Additional components and devices incl. accessories in line with order
● Batteries
● Operating unit and operating add-ons, optional
● Options for the operating unit

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Setup of FC2080
Location of components

4.2 Location of components

Figure 21: FC2080, location of components

1 Housing (19'', free-standing cabinet) with base

2 Carrier (19", power supply) with two power supplies (150 W)
3 Power supply kit (150 W, A)
4 Battery tray (19") with batteries
5 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

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Setup of FC2080
4 Location of components

6 Carrier (19", card cage) with two installed card cages (5 slots)
7 Carrier (19", card cage) with one installed card cage (5 slots) and DIN rails
8 Carrier (19", card cage)
9 Carrier (19", option)
A First power supply group with carrier (19", power supply) and battery tray (19") with batteries.
● Carrier (19", power supply) must be installed in the highest possible position.
● Battery tray (19") with batteries must be installed in the lowest possible position.
B Second power supply group with carrier (19", power supply) and battery tray (19") with batteries.
● Carrier (19", power supply) must be installed directly below the first carrier.
● Battery tray (19") with batteries must be installed above the first battery tray.
C Processor unit (19", FC2080) must be installed at the top.
D Free installation space for card cages, additional devices and relays
! When installing a second power supply group, the free installation space for card cages etc. is
reduced according to the battery size.

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Setup of FC2080
Setup with one power supply group (sample)

4.3 Setup with one power supply group (sample)

FC2080 with one carrier (19", power supply) and the maximum number of card
13 1




Figure 22: FC2080 with one battery kit and the maximum number of card cages (view of the left-hand
side wall and view from the front)

1 FC2080 view of rear panel

2 Processor unit (19", FC2080)
3 Carrier (19", card cage) with two card cages (5 slots)
4 Second carrier (19", card cage) with two card cages (5 slots)
5 Third carrier (19", card cage) with two card cages (5 slots)
6 Carrier (19", optional) with installed fiber optic cable network module
7 Battery tray (19") with batteries
8 Base
9 Bottom grounding terminal

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Setup of FC2080
4 Setup with two power supply groups (sample)

10 Carrier on side wall

11 Carrier (19", power supply)
12 Top grounding terminal
13 FC2080 view of the right-hand side wall

4.4 Setup with two power supply groups (sample)

FC2080 with two carriers (19", power supply) and two battery groups.
13 1




Figure 23: FC2080 with the maximum number of batteries (view of the left-hand side wall and view from
the front)

1 FC2080 view of rear panel

2 Processor unit (19", FC2080)
3 Carrier (19", card cage) with two card cages (5 slots)
4 Second carrier (19", card cage) with two card cages (5 slots)

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Setup of FC2080
Setup with two power supply groups (sample)

5 Carrier (19", optional) with installed fiber optic cable network module
6 Top battery tray (19") with batteries
7 Bottom battery tray (19") with batteries
8 Base
9 Grounding terminal
10 Carrier
11 Bottom carrier (19", power supply)
12 Top carrier (19", power supply)
13 FC2080 view of the left-hand side wall

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Setup of FC2080
4 Optional operating units and operating add-ons

4.5 Optional operating units and operating add-ons

Operating units and their operating add-ons are separate stations if observed
functionally and can be installed in the door of the FC2080 as an option.

Figure 24: FC2080 with optional operating unit, view of the inside of the cabinet door

1 Operating unit (option)

2 Operating add-on (option)
3 Breakout opening for second operating add-on
4 Plan compartment A3

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting procedure

5 Mounting and installation of the compact

control panels

5.1 Mounting procedure

Mounting takes the following sequence:
● Mounting of rear panel
● Fitting all components
● Assembly of the stations

● All parts have been checked to make sure they are complete and intact.
● The mains supply cable is disconnected from the power supply.

Mounting steps
The detailed mounting steps in the following chapters are largely optimized, but do
not have to be complied with.

Electrical voltage
Mortal danger due to electric shock
● Before working on the station check that the mains supply cable is
disconnected from the power supply.
● Check to make sure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being
switched on.
● Always connect the grounding (PE) to the mains supply cable first.
● The components must be installed by a qualified electrician or a trained

Damage to hardware
● Perform all mechanical work before installing the components.
● Insert possible plug-in cards only after installing all the card cages.
● Do not connect up the batteries after installation but wait until commissioning.

1. Mount the rear panel.

2. Install the options in the rear panel.
3. Mount options on the operating unit.
4. Secure the operating unit and the optional operating add-on on the hinge of the
rear panel and wire them up.
5. Fit the batteries (do not connect).
6. Insert the inscription strips into the operating unit or the operating add-on.
7. Screw the operating unit or the operating add-on to the wall.

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5 Mounting procedure

8. Fit the cover cap(s) and screw into place.

9. Secure the installation plate on the outside of the control panel housing such
that it is clearly legible.
– Add the site number 'No.:' and the commissioning date 'Date:' during
commissioning in accordance with EN 54-2.
a The station is then ready for commissioning.
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Fire Safety & Security Products
CH-6301 Zug
85...265VAC 90VAC

EN54-2 / (PSU:EN54-4)
Prod. Date:


Figure 25: Sample installation plate

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station

5.2 Mounting and assembling a station

5.2.1 Install rear panel Surface mounting

Mounting instructions
Any surface irregularities can be compensated with washers or wooden wedges.
● The rear panel is attached to the wall using screws with a diameter of 6 mm.
● The supplied edge protection strip must be placed around rectangular breakout
● Depending on the cable type, up to max. eight cables can be fed through each
round breakout opening (20 mm with rubber grommet).
● Only one cable may be fed through each screwed cable gland (not within the
scope of delivery).

Mounting steps

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● The mains supply may only be connected by an expert.

Heat bridge between the station and mounting surface caused e.g. by
overheating of the batteries
Danger of fire
● If you mount the station on a flammable wall, all cut-out sections for the
mounting holes must be sealed using the supplied aluminium stickers.

1. Break out the required cable openings on the rear panel. Signal and control
cables must be fed into the housing from above or from the rear (EMC
2. Screw in the cable gland for the mains cable (Ø 20 mm), or insert a rubber
3. Mark the bore holes for the dowels using the supplied drilling template. The
cardboard cover in the packaging is also the drilling template. The holes in the
cardboard cover correspond to the fixing holes in the rear panel. You can also
mark the holes based on the specifications provided in the product insert.
4. Drill the holes and insert the supplied dowels.
5. Attach the housing using the supplied screws.
6. Stick the supplied aluminium stickers over all holes for wall mounting.
7. Feed the mains cable into the housing and fix the cable with cable ties.
8. Protect the electronics if necessary using the cover of the packaging or other
suitable means.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Mounting and assembling a station

5.2.2 Installing an additional housing

Separate housings can be mounted for components which do not have any space
in the housing or for decentralized supply units. The additional housings are
generally mounted right below the stations and attached to them with screws.
The housings comprise the following elements:
● Rear panel
● Operating add-on (with LED indicators depending on the version)
● Cover cap

4 5

3 3

2 2
Figure 26: Mounting additional housing (example: Standard housing), view from the front and view of
the additional housing from above

1 Empty additional housing

2 Holes for wall mounting
3 Holes for housing assembly
4 Breakouts for cable entry
5 Breakout holes for cable entry

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station

Mounting steps

Heat bridge between the station and mounting surface caused e.g. by
overheating of the batteries
Danger of fire
● If you mount the station on a flammable wall, all cut-out sections for the
mounting holes must be sealed using the supplied aluminium stickers.

1. Break out the required cable entries at the bottom of the rear panel and the
cover of the additional housing (4, 5), as well as the mounting holes for housing
assembly (3).
2. Attach edge protection strips or rubber grommets to the cable entries.
3. Fasten the rear panel of the additional housing (1) in the same way as that of
the station. Make sure that the alignment is exact.
4. Stick the supplied aluminium stickers over all holes for wall mounting.
5. Attach the two housings to one another by putting screws through the mounting
holes (3) in the bottom and the cover.

Battery leakage
Damage to hardware
● If you assemble two housings one on top of the other, you fit the batteries in
the lower housing.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Mounting and assembling a station

5.2.3 Connect the mains cable Cable routing

● The network cables must be inserted from above.
● The mains lead must be placed along the left side of the housing (observe
EMC zone boundary).
● Signal and control lines must only be fed into the housing on the right from
above or from the rear.
● Batteries must be installed so that they cannot leak.
● No cable openings should be made in the base of the housing, unless an
additional housing is mounted below the station to accommodate the batteries.
5 6 5



Figure 27: Laying the mains cable for the Standard housing (left) and the Comfort housing (right)

1 EMC-critical zone (no high-voltage power permitted)

2 Mains connection from below (not recommended)
3 Disconnect terminal blocks
4 Cable strain relief for mains supply line
5 Mains connection from above (recommended)
6 EMC boundary

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Before connecting the mains cable, make sure that the cable is current-free.
● Ensure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being switched on.

1. Lay the mains cable (5) along the left side of the housing.
2. Insulate the mains cable as needed and connect it to the disconnect
terminals (3) according to the pin assignment specified in the next chapter. Use
cable end sleeves for wires.
3. Fix the cable with the strain relief clamp (4).
4. Secure the cable with cable ties.

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5 Mounting and assembling a station Standard connection


1 1

6 4



6 4 3 2

Figure 28: Mains connection in the Standard housing (left) and the Comfort housing (right)

1 Mains cable (feed from above)

2 Strain relief clamp
3 Ground on the rear panel
4 Disconnect terminal
5 Primary cabling for power supply
6 Ground cable (yellow/green), pre-assembled
7 Cable tie
PE Protective conductor (terminal on the left)
N Neutral conductor (terminal in the middle)
L1 External conductor (terminal on the right, with mains disconnector)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station
5 Connection version [CH]

1 8

2 3
4 7
L1 6

3 PE
4 2
5 1

Figure 29: Swiss version mains connection in the Standard housing (left) and the Comfort housing

1 Mains cable (feed from above)

2 Strain relief clamp
3 Ground cable (yellow/green) pre-assembled
4 Ground on the rear panel
5 Primary cabling for power supply
6 Disconnect terminal
7 Cable fixing with cable tie
8 Cable duct
PE Protective conductor connection (terminal 7)
N Neutral conductor (terminal 4)
L1 External conductor (terminal 1)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Mounting and assembling a station Connection with EU socket




Figure 30: Mains wiring with EU socket taking example of fire control panel FC2040-BB

1 Mains cable (feed from above)

2 Strain relief clamp
3 Ground on the rear panel
4 Disconnect terminal
5 Primary cabling for power supply
6 Ground cable (yellow/green) pre-assembled
PE Protective conductor connection (terminal 2)
L1 External conductor (terminal 3)
N Neutral conductor (terminal 4)

5.2.4 Installing the operating unit and the operating add-on

This chapter describes how to assemble the operating units.

● The housing has been installed.
● The operating unit options are fitted.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station
5 Mounting and wiring the operating unit

The procedure for mounting the operating unit in the Siemens wall housing is the
same for all operating units. The wiring differs according to which options are
installed. However, the cable routing is the same for all operating units.

From MP-EN 4.0 onwards, the operating units are supplied with the PMI &
mainboard FCM2027. Stations that are equipped with the PMI & mainboard
FCM2004 must not be integrated in an extended network. You will find detailed
information about this in product data document 008837 and in the planning
document 008843.

1 2 3 4

9 8 7 6
Figure 31: Mounting of the operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2027

1 2 3 4

9 8 7 6
Figure 32: Mounting of operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2004

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Mounting and assembling a station

1 Hinge of the operating unit

2 Cable routing to the optional components
3 Cable ties for fixing the cables
4 Operating unit
5 Holes for securing the operating unit
6 Connection (X3) for the ribbon cable on the PMI & mainboard
7 Ribbon cable from the PMI & mainboard to the periphery board
8 Plastic clip for securing the ribbon cable
9 Connection (X3) for the ribbon cable on the periphery board

2 3

Figure 33: Detail view of the hinge of the operating unit

1 Cut-out section on the rear panel for the hinge of the operating unit
2 Hinge of the operating unit
3 Screw for securing the hinge

Mounting steps
1. From the rear side, hang the operating unit by inserting the hinges (2) into the
openings in the rear panel of the housing (1).
2. Hold the operating unit in place and secure the hinges (2) with the screws (3).
3. Insert the connection cable to the periphery board into the respective plug-in
positions (6 and 9) as shown in the figure.
4. Stick the supplied cable support to the inner right side of the station at the
same height as the cable and fix the flat cable.
5. Guide the cables (2) of the operating unit options to the station as indicated
and fix these cables with cable ties (3).
6. Insert the supplied inscription strips underneath the operating unit foil as shown
in the illustration.
7. Swivel the operating unit towards the station and secure it using the four

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station


Figure 34: Inserting the inscription strips into the operating unit

1 Inscription LEDs
2 Inscription standard keys 1
3 Inscription standard keys 2
4 Inscription station type

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Mounting and assembling a station Install operating add-on

For stations in a Comfort housing, operating add-ons are installed in the bottom
half of the housing. For stations in an Eco or Standard housing, operating add-ons
must be installed in a separate housing. Additional operating add-ons can be
mounted in separate additional housings. The mounting is carried out as described
for the operating unit.


Figure 35: Example view of Comfort housing with operating add-on

1 Fixing screws (left)

2 Operating unit
3 Fixing screws (right)
4 Operating add-on

See also
2 Mounting and wiring the operating unit [➙ 69]

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting and assembling a station

5.2.5 Mounting the cover cap

● All options have been installed.
● The operating unit and the operating add-on have been mounted and fastened.
● The batteries have been installed.
● The mains voltage is switched off and secured against being switched on
● The jumper wire of the batteries for serial connection should not be inserted.
The cover cap is hooked into the rear panel with four holder cams and screwed at
the top.
The housings must be opened and closed with an Allen key (standard equipment
for service technicians).

Mounting steps
1. Always hook the lower cover cap in first.
2. Insert the cover cap at an angle into the guides on the rear panel.
3. Secure the topmost cover cap with the hexagon socket screw. The bottom
cover cap is automatically fixed by the top one.
After the station has been assembled, it is ready to be commissioned.
Commissioning must only be carried out by a trained specialist.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Periphery board (2-loop)

5.3 Periphery board (2-loop)

5.3.1 Installation
The periphery board (2-loop) FCI2002-A1 is mounted in the fire control panels in
the factory and only has to be replaced in the event of a repair.

X7 X6 X12 X11
X9 X8


X400 X3

Figure 36: Mounting of periphery board (2-loop)

1 Threaded bolts on rear panel

2 9 fixing screws
3 Periphery board (2-loop)
X1 Connector for supply
X3 Connector for connection cable to PMI & mainboard (operating unit)
X400 Connector for periphery bus

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Periphery board (2-loop)

w Components that make access to the periphery board difficult are removed
(e.g. mounting plate).
w Connections and plug-in contacts are disconnected and the cables are
w The periphery board is removed.
1. Mount the periphery board (3) with the nine fixing screws (2) to the threaded
bolts (1) in the rear panel.
2. Wire up the periphery board (2-loop) according to the pin assignment.
3. Re-install any modules that you may have had to remove.

5.3.2 Pin assignments

Inputs and outputs which are not used do not require termination.
FDnet detector lines which are not used must not be terminated. X1 supply
Pin Designation Description
1 #BATT Message input from the power supply: Battery fault
2 #CONV Message input from the power supply: Converter fault
3 #MAINS Message input from the power supply: Mains failure
4 COMMON Ground
5 3SRC+ Supply input for third supply source (+) [FR]
6 3SRC– Supply input for third supply source (–) [FR]
7 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
8 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
9 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
10 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

3SRC+ 5
3SRC- 6
VSYS- 10

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5 Periphery board (2-loop) X6 Horn, alarm and fault monitored outputs

Pin Designation Description
6 FAU_OUT Output fault
5 VSYS_O Supply output for consumer fault
4 AL_OUT- Alarm output (-)
3 AL_OUT+ Alarm output (+)
2 SOUND1- Horn output (-)
1 SOUND1+ Horn output (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Remote transmission

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Periphery board (2-loop)
5 X7 RT alarm and RT fault changeover contacts

Pin Designation Description
6 FAU_NC ↑ RT fault ↑ normally closed contact
5 FAU_COM RT fault center tap (common)
4 FAU_NO RT fault ↑ normally open contact
3 AL_NC RT alarm break contact (normally closed)
2 AL_COM RT alarm center tap (common)
1 AL_NO RT alarm make contact (normally open)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Remote transmission
FAU_… Diagram of relay in ↑ normal operation = contact 5/4 closed
AL_… Diagram of relay in normal operation = contact 2/3 closed

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Periphery board (2-loop) X8 configurable inputs / outputs 1…4 and supply output 1

Pin Designation Description
6 GND_01 Supply output 1 (–)
5 VSYS_01 Supply output 1 (+)
4 I/O4 Configurable input/output 4
3 I/O3 Configurable input/output 3
2 I/O2 Configurable input/output 2
1 I/O1 Configurable input/output 1

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

All inputs/outputs can be connected as follows:

1 Configured as output
2 Configured as input

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Periphery board (2-loop)
5 X9 configurable inputs/outputs 5…8 and supply output 2

Pin Designation Description
6 GND_02 Supply output 2 (–)
5 VSYS_02 Supply output 2 (+)
4 I/O8 Configurable input/output 8
3 I/O7 Configurable input/output 7
2 I/O6 Configurable input/output 6
1 I/O5 Configurable input/output 5

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

All inputs/outputs can be connected as follows:

1 Configured as output
2 Configured as input X11 detector line loop 1

Pin Designation Description
4 LOOP1_2– ↑ Loop 1 / ↑ stub 2 (–)
3 LOOP1_2+ Loop 1 / stub 2 (+)
2 LOOP1_1– Loop 1 / stub 1 (–)
1 LOOP1_1+ Loop 1 / stub 1 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

LOOP1_2- - 4
LOOP1_2+ + 3
LOOP1_1- - 2
LOOP1_1+ + 1

One ↑ loop or two ↑ stubs can be connected.

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5 Periphery board (2-loop) X12 detector line loop 2

Pin Designation Description
4 LOOP2_2– ↑ Loop 2 / ↑ stub 4 (–)
3 LOOP2_2+ Loop 2 / stub 4 (+)
2 LOOP2_1– Loop 2 / stub 3 (–)
1 LOOP2_1+ Loop 2 / stub 3 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

LOOP2_2- - 4
LOOP2_2+ + 3
LOOP2_1- - 2
LOOP2_1+ + 1

One ↑ loop or two ↑ stubs can be connected.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Periphery board (4 loops)

5.4 Periphery board (4 loops)

5.4.1 Installation
The periphery board (4-loop) FCI2004-A1 is already mounted in the fire control
panels in the factory and only has to be replaced in the event of a repair.

X21 X11
X7 X5
X22 X12



1 X3 X1 2 3
Figure 37: Mounting of the periphery board (4 loops)

1 Threaded bolts on rear panel

2 13 fixing screws
3 Periphery board (4 loops)
X1 Connector for supply
X3 Connector for connection cable to PMI & mainboard (operating unit)
X400 Connector for the periphery bus to the fire brigade periphery module [DE]
X401 Connector for periphery bus

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Periphery board (4 loops)

w Components that make access to the periphery board difficult are removed
(e.g. mounting plate).
w Connections and plug-in contacts are disconnected and the cables are
w The periphery board is removed.
1. Mount the periphery board (4-loop) (3) with the 13 fixing screws (2) to the
threaded bolts (1) that are embedded in the rear panel or mounting plate
2. Wire up the periphery board (4-loop) according to the following pin assignment.
3. Re-install any modules that you may have had to remove.

5.4.2 Pin assignments

Inputs and outputs which are not used do not require termination.
FDnet detector lines which are not used must not be terminated. X1 supply
Pin Designation Description
1 #BATT Message input from the power supply: Battery fault
2 #CONV Message input from the power supply: Converter fault
3 #MAINS Message input from the power supply: Mains failure
4 COMMON Ground
5 3SRC+ Third power supply input (+) [FR]
6 3SRC– Third power supply input (–) [FR]
7 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
8 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
9 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
10 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

3SRC+ 5
3SRC- 6
VSYS- 10

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Periphery board (4 loops)
5 X5 monitored horn outputs 1 and 2

Pin Designation Description
4 SOUND2- Horn output 2 (-)
3 SOUND2+ Horn output 2 (+)
2 SOUND1- Horn output 1 (-)
1 SOUND1+ Horn output 1 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

SOUND2- - 4
2.3 ... 5.5 kΩ
SOUND2+ F403 + 3
SOUND1- - 2
2.3 ... 5.5 kΩ
SOUND1+ F400 + 1 X6 alarm and fault monitored outputs

Pin Designation Description
4 FAU_OUT Output fault
3 VSYS_O Supply output for consumer fault
2 AL_OUT- Alarm output (-)
1 AL_OUT+ Alarm output (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Remote transmission

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5 Periphery board (4 loops) X7 RT alarm and RT fault changeover contacts

Pin Designation Description
6 FAU_NC ↑ RT fault ↑ normally closed contact
5 FAU_COM RT fault center tap (common)
4 FAU_NO RT fault ↑ normally open contact
3 AL_NC RT alarm break contact (normally closed)
2 AL_COM RT alarm center tap (common)
1 AL_NO RT alarm make contact (normally open)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Remote transmission
FAU_… Diagram of relay in ↑ normal operation = contact 5/4 closed
AL_… Diagram of relay in normal operation = contact 2/3 closed

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Periphery board (4 loops)
5 X8 configurable inputs/outputs 1…12 and supply outputs

Pin Designation Description
8 GND_01 Supply output 1 (-)
7 VSYS_01 Supply output 1 (+)
6 I/O6 Configurable input/output 6
5 I/O5 Configurable input/output 5
4 I/O4 Configurable input/output 4
3 I/O3 Configurable input/output 3
2 I/O2 Configurable input/output 2
1 I/O1 Configurable input/output 1
16 GND_02 Supply output 2 (-)
15 VSYS_02 Supply output 2 (+)
14 I/O12 Configurable input/output 12
13 I/O11 Configurable input/output 11
12 I/O10 Configurable input/output 10
11 I/O9 Configurable input/output 9
10 I/O8 Configurable input/output 8
9 I/O7 Configurable input/output 7

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

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5 Periphery board (4 loops)

All inputs/outputs can be connected as follows:

1 Configured as output
2 Configured as input X11 / X21 detector line loop 1 (module 2/3)

Pin Designation Description X11 X21 1
4 LOOP1_2– ↑ Loop 1 / ↑ stub 2 (–) Connection – 1st Loop Connection – 3rd Loop
3 LOOP1_2+ Loop 1 / stub 2 (+) Connection + 1st Loop Connection + 3rd Loop
2 LOOP1_1– Loop 1 / stub 1 (–) Connection - 1st Loop Connection - 3rd Loop
1 LOOP1_1+ Loop 1 / stub 1 (+) Connection + 1st Loop Connection + 3rd Loop

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Loop number without loop extension

X11 / X21
LOOP1_2- - 4
LOOP1_2+ + 3
LOOP1_1- - 2
LOOP1_1+ + 1

● The technical term LOOP 1 applies to both loops on connectors X11 and X21.
● One loop or two stubs can be connected.

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Periphery board (4 loops)
5 X12 / X22 detector line loop 2 (module 2/3)

Pin Designation Description X12 X22 1
4 LOOP1_2– ↑ Loop 1 / ↑ stub 2 (–) Connection – 2nd Loop Connection – 4th Loop
3 LOOP1_2+ Loop 1 / stub 2 (+) Connection + 2nd Loop Connection + 4th Loop
2 LOOP1_1– Loop 1 / stub 1 (–) Connection – 2nd Loop Connection – 4th Loop
1 LOOP1_1+ Loop 1 / stub 1 (+) Connection + 2nd Loop Connection + 4th Loop

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Loop number without loop extension

X12 / X22
LOOP2_2- - 4
LOOP2_2+ + 3
LOOP2_1- - 2
LOOP2_1+ + 1

● The technical term LOOP 2 applies to both ↑ loops on connectors X12 and
● One loop or two stubs can be connected.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Fire terminal board

5.5 Fire terminal board

5.5.1 Installation
The fire terminal board FTI2002-A1 is already mounted in the fire terminal in the
factory and only has to be replaced in the event of a repair.

● Components that make access to the periphery board difficult are removed.
● All connections and plug-in contacts are disconnected (label cables before
disconnecting them).
● The fire terminal board is removed.

X6 X5


X400 X3

Figure 38: Mounting of fire terminal board

1 6 fixing screws
2 Fire terminal board
3 Screw bushings on the rear panel
X1 Connector for power supply input
X3 Connector for the connection cable to PMI & mainboard (operating unit)

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Fire terminal board

X5 Connector for power supply output Vsys

X6 Connector for supply input Vsys 2
X7 Connector for supply input Vsys 1
X400 Connector for periphery bus

Mounting steps
1. Mount the fire terminal board (2) with the six fixing screws (1) to the screw
bushings (3) that are embedded in the rear panel.
2. Wire up the fire terminal board according to the following pin assignment.
3. Re-install any modules that you may have had to remove.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Fire terminal board

5.5.2 Pin assignments X1 supply
The optional power supply or the external 24 V supply is connected to supply input


Fire terminal board


Figure 39: FTI2001-A1, supply input for external supply or fitted power supply (optional)

Pin Designation Description

10 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
9 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
8 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
7 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
6 3SRC– Input for third supply source (–) [FR]
5 3SRC+ Input for third supply source (+) [FR]
4 COMMON Ground
3 #MAINS Message input from the power supply: Mains failure
2 #CONV Message input from the power supply: Converter fault
1 #BATT Message input from the power supply: Battery fault

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

VSYS - - 10
VSYS - - 9
VSYS + + 8
VSYS + + 7
3SRC - 6

3SRC + 5


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Fire terminal board
5 X5 supply output

Pin Designation Description
4 GND 2 Ground
3 VSYS 2 System supply (+) (1 A/T)
2 GND 1 Ground
1 VSYS 1 System supply (+) (1 A/T)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

GND 2 4
VSYS 2 3
GND 1 2
VSYS 1 1

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Fire terminal board X6/X7 supply input 2/1

If the fire terminal is supplied by a fire control panel, a redundant supply is needed
according to EN 54. For reasons of reliability, the two supply lines must be routed


Fire terminal board

USys 1

USys 2

Figure 40: FTI2001-A1, supply via a fire control panel

X6, supply input 2

Pin Designation Description
4 VSYS - 2 Ground
3 VSYS - 2 Ground
2 VSYS + 2 System supply (+)
1 VSYS + 2 System supply (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

VSYS -2 - 4
VSYS -2 - 3
VSYS +2 + 2
VSYS +2 + 1

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Fire terminal board

X7, supply input 1

Pin Designation Description
4 VSYS - 1 Ground
3 VSYS - 1 Ground
2 VSYS + 1 System supply (+)
1 VSYS + 1 System supply (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

VSYS -1 - 4
VSYS -1 - 3
VSYS +1 + 2
VSYS +1 + 1

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Power supply (70 W)

5.6 Power supply (70 W)

In fire control panels, the power supply (70 W) FP2001-A1 or FP2015-A1 is always
built-in. In fire terminals and additional housings, the power supply (70 W) is an

Primary wiring

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Before connecting the mains cable, make sure that the cable is current-free.
● Ensure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being switched on.

Secondary wiring

Damage to hardware
● Before removing or fitting the power supply, remove the jumper wire between
the two batteries.
a This ensures that the secondary side is current-free and that no components
can be damaged due to a short circuit.

EN 54-2 stipulates that the power supply must be installed in the housing.
Fit the power supply (70 W) in close proximity to the batteries as it does not have
an external temperature sensor.

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Power supply (70 W)

5.6.1 Installation
The 70 W power supply FP2001-A1 or the FP2015-A1, which is identical in
construction, is only installed in Standard and Eco housings.


2 1 X2

Figure 41: Example: Installation of the power supply (70 W) in the Standard housing

1 Fixing screw (under mains connection terminal X1)

2 Power supply (70 W) FP2015
3 Guides for the distance pins of the power supply unit
X1 Mains connection terminal primary wiring
X2 Supply output secondary wiring

1. On the rear side of the power supply, insert the pins laterally into the guides (3)
in the rear panel.
2. Fasten the power supply (2) (under the mains connection terminal X1) using
the Phillips screw (1).
3. Mount the mains connection terminals onto the power supply (over the fixing
4. Connect the power supply according to the following pin assignment.

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5 Power supply (70 W)

5.6.2 Pin assignments X1 mains connection

Pin Designation Description
1 Ground (protective conductor PE)
2 N Neutral conductor
3 L External conductor (L1)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm² X2 Power supply and signal lines FP2001

Pin Designation Description
8 Battery Detection line (#BATT): Battery fault
7 Convert Detection line (#CONV): Power supply fault
6 Mains Detection line (#MAINS): Mains fault
5 Common GND Ground (COMMON)
4 Usys + System supply (VSYS+)
3 Usys – System supply (VSYS-)
2 Akku + Battery supply (+)
1 Akku – Battery supply (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

Battery 8 #BATT
Convert 7 #CONV

Main 6 #MAINS
Usys + + 4 VSYS+
Usys - - 3 VSYS-
Akku + F103 + 2
Akku - F102 - 1

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

See also
2 X1 supply [➙ 75]
2 X1 supply [➙ 82]
2 X1 supply [➙ 90]

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Power supply (70 W)
5 X2 battery supply and signal lines

Pin Designation Description
8 Battery Detection line (#BATT): Battery fault
7 Not used
6 Mains Detection line (#MAINS): Mains fault
5 Not used
4 Usys + System supply (VSYS+)
3 Usys – System supply (VSYS-)
2 Akku + Battery supply (+), protected with F3
1 Akku – Battery supply (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

Battery 8 #BATT
Mains 6 #MAINS
Usys + + 4 VSYS+
Usys - - 3 VSYS-
Akku + F3 + 2
Akku - - 1

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Power supply (150 W)

5.7 Power supply (150 W)

The description for installing the power supply (150 W) applies to both versions of
the power supply, for the type A4 and for the type A5. Only the wiring of the
network connection and when switching in parallel are different.
With fire control panels in the Comfort housing, the power supply (150 W) FP2004-
A1 is always built-in. If you want to install an additional 150 W power supply
FP2005-A1 (optional), you must mount both power supplies in a vertical position.
When installing a power supply (150 W) in an additional empty housing, it can be
mounted horizontally on the DIN rail.

Primary wiring

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Before connecting the mains cable, make sure that the cable is current-free.
● Ensure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being switched on.

Secondary wiring

Damage to hardware
● Before removing or fitting the power supply, remove the jumper wire between
the two batteries.
a This ensures that the secondary side is current-free and that no components
can be damaged due to a short circuit.

EN 54-2 stipulates that the power supply must be installed in the housing.
The power supply (150 W) has an external temperature sensor. This must be
positioned directly next to the batteries.

5.7.1 Installation
The power supply (150 W) FP2004-A1 is fitted horizontally on a DIN rail as
standard in the fire control panels in the Comfort and Large housing.

Preparatory work
We would recommend first removing the batteries when removing and refitting the
power supply.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Power supply (150 W)

Mounting in the power supply

1 2 X11 X8


6 5 4
Figure 42: Installation of the 150 W power supply in the Comfort housing

1 DIN rail for power supply

2 Fixing screws for DIN rail
3 Power supply (150 W) FP2004-A1
4 Bottom fixing screw
5 Retaining bracket
6 Slot for retaining bracket
X1 Mains connection terminal
X8 Supply output terminal
X11 Monitoring signals terminal

1. Slide the retaining bracket (5) into the mounting slot (6) from below as shown.
The bracket jams solidly.
2. Attach the power supply (3) to the DIN rail (1) as shown using the affixed DIN
rail clip. To do this, hook the power supply on at the top and then press it down.
3. Screw the power supply (3) to the retaining bracket (5) with fixing screw (4)
from below.
4. Connect the power supply according to the pin assignment.

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5 Power supply (150 W)

Installing the temperature sensor

Figure 43: Position of temperature sensor in housing

1 Batteries
2 Temperature sensor
3 Luster terminal
4 Connection cable to the power supply
5 Connection terminal X11 to the power supply for the temperature sensor
x Approximate distance to the lower edge of the power supply: 20 mm
y Approximate distance to the side wall of the power supply: 5 mm

1. Position the luster terminal (3) in accordance with the dimensions (x) and (y)
and secure the luster terminal with the supplied adhesive mount.
2. Connect the assembled cable (4) to the luster terminal (3) and to the
connection terminal X11 (5) of the power supply according to the pin
assignment shown in the next chapter.
3. Secure the temperature sensor (NTC resistor) (2) directly next to the
batteries (1) as shown.

Secure the temperature sensor as close to the batteries as possible.

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Power supply (150 W)

5.7.2 Fitting an additional power supply (150 W)

The additional power supply (150 W) FP2005-A1 in the Comfort housing is
installed vertically along with the existing power supply to save space.

Preparatory work
Before the additional power supply FP2005-A1 can be installed, the existing power
supply and the DIN rail must be removed as described in the previous chapter.

Installing a power supply




Figure 44: Installation of an additional power supply (150 W) in the Comfort housing

1 Lugs at the top for screw fastening

2 Additional power supply (150 W)
3 Existing power supply (150 W)
4 Distance pins at the bottom
X1 Mains connection terminal
X8 Supply output terminal
X11 Monitoring signal terminal

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Power supply (150 W)

Mounting steps
1. At the bottom of the power supply (4), insert the distance pins into the guide on
the rear panel as shown.
2. Fasten the power supply (2 and 3) to the lug at the top (1) using the Phillips
3. Connect the power supply according to the pin assignment in the next chapter.

Installation of the temperature sensor


Figure 45: Installation of the temperature sensor

1 Batteries
2 Temperature sensor
3 Luster terminal
4 Connection cable to the power supply
5 Connection terminal X11 to the power supply for the temperature sensor
x Approximate distance to the lower edge of the power supply: 20 mm
y Approximate distance to the side wall of the power supply: 5 mm

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Power supply (150 W)

Mounting steps
1. Position the luster terminal (3) in accordance with the dimensions (x) and (y)
and secure the luster terminal with the supplied adhesive mount.
2. Connect the assembled cable (4) to the luster terminal (3) and to the
connection terminal X11 (5) of the power supply according to the pin
assignment shown in the next chapter.
3. Secure the temperature sensor (NTC resistor) (2) directly next to the
batteries (1) as shown.

Secure the temperature sensor as close to the batteries as possible.

When using two power supplies (150 W) just one temperature sensor has to fitted
despite this.

5.7.3 Pin assignments version A4 X1 mains connection

Pin Designation Description
1 PE Earth (protective conductor)
2 L External conductor (L1)
3 L External conductor (L1)
4 N Neutral conductor
5 N Neutral conductor

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm² X8 output voltage

Pin Designation Description
10 +BI-begr. Connection for battery, current limited via internal battery fuse F2 (without parallel
9 +BI-unbegr. Connection for battery, no current limit (when switching in parallel, fuse in the
cable tree)
8 +24 V Supply output +24 V
7 +24 V Supply output +24 V
6 +24 V Supply output +24 V
5 +24 V Supply output +24 V
4 +24 V Supply output +24 V
3 0V Supply output 0 V
2 0V Supply output 0 V
1 0V Supply output 0 V

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

Batteries may be connected either on terminal 10 or, with external fuse, to
terminal 9.

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5 Power supply (150 W) X11 monitoring signals

Pin Designation Description
9 NC Not used
8 NC Not used
7 SA Control line for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
6 SA Control line for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
5 F Connection for temperature sensor (master only)
4 F Connection for temperature sensor (master only)
3 BS Signaling: Battery fault (↑ normal operation 1/3 closed)
2 NS Signaling: Mains fault (normal operation 1/2 closed)
1 S Signaling: Common fault contact

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

SV 24V-150W-A4
NC 9
NC 8
SA 7
SA 6 NTC 4.7 kΩ
F 5
F 4

T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 VSYS-

I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

Figure 46: Wiring of the single power supply SV 24V-150W-A4

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

See also
2 X1 supply [➙ 75]
2 X1 supply [➙ 82]
2 X1 supply [➙ 90]

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Power supply (150 W)
5 Parallel switching of two supply units

Damage to the power supply
Different versions (A4/A5) of the power supply (150 W) may not be switched in

NC 9
NC 8
SA 7 2
SA 6 NTC 4.7 kΩ
F 5
F 4
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 2 VSYS-
F2: 12 A ... 20 A
I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

SV 24V-150W-A4 SLAVE
NC 9
NC 8
SA 7
SA 6
F 5
F 4


C S 1

T6.3A I-begr. +B 0
I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

Figure 47: Parallel connection of two power supplies (150 W)-A4

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5 Power supply (150 W)

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

2 Existing cable tree (connection for master power supply)
3 Additional cable tree for the second power supply (slave)
4 Additional fused terminal (F2) on the DIN rail

● The connection lines marked in bold of the additional cable tree (3) and the
existing cable tree (2) must be wired again when installing the second power
supply (slave).
● In order to avoid operating temperature differences, the two power supply units
must be mounted next to each other in the same housing.
● The batteries and the system supply must only be connected to the master
power supply unit.
● The positive pole for the batteries must be unwired at connection X8-9 (Master)
and be provided with an external fuse.
● Only one temperature sensor must be connected to the master power supply
● The temperature sensor must be fitted close to the batteries. (You will find
precise details in document 008851).

5.7.4 Pin assignments version A5 X1 mains connection

Pin Designation Description
1 PE Earth (protective conductor)
2 N Neutral conductor
3 N Neutral conductor
4 L External conductor (L1)
5 L External conductor (L1)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

When replacing a power supply, note the different pin assignment as against that
in the power supply SV 24V-150W-A4.

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Power supply (150 W)
5 X8 output voltage

Pin Designation Description
10 +BI-begr. Connection for battery, current limited via internal battery fuse F2 (without parallel
9 +BI-unbegr. Connection for battery, not current limited (when switching in parallel: Fuse in the
cable tree)
8 +24 V Supply output +24 V
7 +24 V Supply output +24 V
6 +24 V Supply output +24 V
5 +24 V Supply output +24 V
4 +24 V Supply output +24 V
3 0V Supply output 0 V
2 0V Supply output 0 V
1 0V Supply output 0 V

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

Batteries may be connected either on terminal 10 or, with external fuse, to
terminal 9.

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5 Power supply (150 W) X11 monitoring signals

Pin Designation Description
9 SB Control line B for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
8 SB Control line B for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
7 SA Control line A for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
6 SA Control line A for even current distribution (only when switching in parallel)
5 F Connection for temperature sensor (master only)
4 F Connection for temperature sensor (master only)
3 BS Signaling: Battery fault (↑ normal operation 1/3 closed)
2 NS Signaling: Mains fault (normal operation 1/2 closed)
1 S Signaling: Common fault contact

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

SV 24V-150W-A5
SB 9
SB 8
SA 7
SA 6 NTC 4.7 kΩ
F 5
F 4

T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 VSYS-

I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

Figure 48: Wiring of the single power supply SV 24V-150W-A5

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

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Power supply (150 W)
5 Parallel switching of two supply units

SB 9
SB 8
SA 7 2
SA 6 NTC 4.7 kΩ
F 5
F 4
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 2 VSYS-
F2: 12 A ... 20 A
I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

SV 24V-150W-A5 SLAVE
SB 9
SB 8
SA 7
SA 6
F 5
F 4


C S 1

T6.3A I-begr. +B 0
I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

Figure 49: Parallel connection of two power supply units (150 W)-A5

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

2 Existing cable tree (connection for master power supply)
3 Additional cable tree for the second power supply (slave)
4 Additional fused terminal (F2) on the DIN rail

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Power supply (150 W)

● The connection lines marked in bold of the additional cable tree (3) and the
existing cable tree (2) must be wired again when installing the second power
supply (slave).
● In order to avoid operating temperature differences, the two power supply units
must be mounted next to each other in the same housing.
● The batteries and the system supply must only be connected to the master
power supply unit.
● Only one temperature sensor must be connected to the master power supply
● The temperature sensor must be fitted close to the batteries. (You will find
precise details in document 008851).

Damage to the power supply
Different versions (A4/A5) of the power supply (150 W) may not be switched in

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Power supply (150 W)
5 Parallel switching of three supply units

SB 9
SB 8 2
SA 7
SA 6 NTC 4.7 kΩ
F 5
F 4

X8 4 -VSYS
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 2
F2: 12 A ... 20 A
I-unbegr. +B 9
+24V 8
+24V 7
+24V 6 Battery
+24V 5
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

SV 24V-150W-A5 SLAVE 1 SV 24V-150W-A5 SLAVE 2

X11 X11
SB 9 9 SB
SB 8 8 SB
SA 7 7 SA
SA 6 6 SA
F 5 5 F
F 4 4 F
NO BS 3 5 3 BS NO
C S 1 1 S C

X8 X8
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 0 +B I-begr. T6.3A
I-unbegr. +B 9 9 +B I-unbegr.
+24V 8 8 +24V
+24V 7 7 +24V
+24V 6 6 +24V
+24V 5 5 +24V
+24V 4 4 +24V
0V 3 3 0V
0V 2 2 0V
0V 1 1 0V

Figure 50: Parallel switching of three power supply units (150 W)-A5

1 Cable tree to periphery board or fire terminal board

2 Existing cable tree (connection for master power supply)
3 Additional cable tree for the second power supply (slave 1)
4 Additional fused terminal (F2) on the DIN rail
5 Additional cable tree for the third power supply (slave 2)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Power supply (150 W)

● The connection lines marked in bold of the additional cable tree (3 and 5) and
the existing cable tree (2) must be wired again when installing the second
power supply (slave).
● In order to avoid operating temperature differences, all three power supply
units must be mounted next to each other in the same housing.
● The batteries and the system supply must only be connected to the master
power supply unit.
● Only one temperature sensor must be connected to the master power supply
● The temperature sensor must be fitted close to the batteries. (You will find
precise details in document 008851).

Damage to the power supply
Different versions (A4/A5) of the power supply (150 W) may not be switched in

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Battery kit (9 V) [FR]

5.8 Battery kit (9 V) [FR]

5.8.1 Installation in the Eco and Standard housings


4 3 2
Figure 51: Mounting of battery kit FCA2010-F1 in Eco and Standard housing

1 Power supply (70 W), if installed

2 Battery holder
3 Fixing screws
4 Battery, 9 V block type E
X1 Battery kit connection (9 V)

Mounting steps
1. Position the battery holder (2) under the power supply (1).
2. Fasten the battery holder using the two screws (3).
3. Connect the cable of the battery kit according to the pin assignment.
4. Insert the battery (4). Observe correct polarity.

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5 Battery kit (9 V) [FR]

5.8.2 Installation in Comfort housing


3 2 1
Figure 52: Mounting of battery kit FCA2010-F1 in Comfort housing

1 Battery, 9 V block type E

2 Fixing screws
3 Battery holder
X1 Battery kit connection (9 V)

Mounting steps
1. Position the battery holder (3) to the left of the power supply.
2. Fasten the battery holder using the two screws (2).
3. Connect the cable of the battery kit according to the pin assignment.
4. Insert the battery (1). Observe correct polarity.

5.8.3 Pin assignments

Connecting the battery kit to the periphery board and the fire terminal
X1 Designation Connection
5 3SRC+ Positive pole, red
6 3SRC- Negative connector, blue
Table 1: Pin assignment for terminal X1 on the periphery board and the fire terminal board

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Shield connection terminal blocks [DE]

5.9 Shield connection terminal blocks [DE]

1 2

Figure 53: Mounting of the shield connection terminal blocks

1 Shield connection terminal block

2 Terminal strip
3 Philips screws M 3/6

Mounting steps
1. Fasten the terminal strip (2) using the two screws (3) as follows:
2. Eco and Standard housings: Above the rectangular cable breakout opening on
the right
3. Comfort housing: One terminal strip above each of the rectangular cable
breakout openings
4. Hang the shield connection terminal blocks (1) onto the terminal strip (2) and
fasten them by tightening the knurled screws.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Loop extension

5.10 Loop extension

5.10.1 Installation
The loop extensions (FDnet) FCI2003-A1 are mounted onto the periphery board.
The slots are located next to the corresponding detector line connections.
The installation of the two loop extensions on the periphery board (4-loop) is
● Loop extension integrated line card 1:
– Plug X15 / periphery board (4-loop)
– Plug X15 / periphery board (2 loops)
● Loop extension integrated line card 2:
– Plug X25 / periphery board (4-loop)



X14 X13

Figure 54: Installing a loop extension with the example of the periphery board (2-loop)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Loop extension

1 Mounting holes on periphery board

2 Spacer bolts
3 Fixing screws
4 Loop extension (FDnet) FCI2003-A1
5 Loop extension connector to the periphery board
X13 Loop 3 connection terminal
X14 Loop 4 connection terminal

1. First, remove the relevant fixing screws (3) from the periphery board.
2. Screw the two spacer bolts (2) into the mounting holes (1) on the periphery
3. Mount the loop extension (FDnet) onto the connector (5) on the periphery
4. Screw the loop extension (FDnet) in place using the two fixing screws (3).
5. Wire up the detector lines according to the pin assignment.

5.10.2 Pin assignments X13 connection loop 3

Pin Designation Description
4 3_2- ↑ Loop extension for loop 3 or ↑ stub 6 (–)
3 3_2+ Loop extension for loop 3 or stub 6 (+)
2 3_1- Loop extension for loop 3 or stub 5 (–)
1 3_1+ Loop extension for loop 3 or stub 5 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

3_2– - 4
3_2+ + 3
3_1– - 2
3_1+ + 1

● One loop or two stubs can be connected to the ↑ loop extension (FDnet).
● The plug for the loop extension (FDnet) is always located at the corresponding
↑ detector line connection.

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5 Loop extension X14 connection loop 4

Pin Designation Description
4 4_2- ↑ Loop extension for loop 4 or ↑ stub 8 (–)
3 4_2+ Loop extension for loop 4 or stub 8 (+)
2 4_1- Loop extension for loop 4 or stub 7 (–)
1 4_1+ Loop extension for loop 4 or stub 7 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

4_2– - 4
4_2+ + 3
4_1– - 2
4_1+ + 1

● One loop or two stubs can be connected to the ↑ loop extension (FDnet).
● The plug for the loop extension (FDnet) is always located at the corresponding
↑ detector line connection.

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Relay module

5.11 Relay module

1 2

4 3
Figure 55: Mounting of relay module

1 DIN rail
2 Relays Z3B171
3 Locking clamp for the relays
4 Fixing screws for the DIN rail

1. Insert the relays (2) on the DIN rail (1) and press them down until they snap
into place.
2. Mount the locking clamp (3) to secure the relays.
3. Depending on their intended use, connect the relays to the configurable control
outputs of the periphery board. For the pin assignment, refer to the product
data of the respective periphery board.

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5 Mounting plate

5.12 Mounting plate

The mounting plate FHA2007-A1 is used to hold components that have to be
installed above the periphery board. It is supplied in a disassembled state and in a
separate packaging unit.
There are two different kinds of installation:
● Installation in the Standard and Comfort housings
● Installation in Large housing

5.12.1 Install mounting plate

Mounting plate FHA2007-A1 is delivered unassembled and must be assembled
prior to installation. The edge protector (included) can be slid onto the respective
edges of the mounting plate to protect the cables.
10 12 13


10 9 8 7 6
Figure 56: Example of installation of mounting plate FHA2007-A1 in housing (Comfort)

1 Threaded hole in rear panel for spacer

2 Spacers (2 pieces) for fixing the mounting plate
3 Top fixing screw with spring (pre-mounted)
4 Mounting plate
5 Bottom fixing screw with spring (pre-mounted)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting plate

6 Hinged bracket
7 Fork head (2 pieces) for mounting the hinge bracket
8 Counternut M 5 (2 pieces)
9 Spacer bolts (2 pieces)
10 Threaded holes in rear panel for spacer bolts
11 Fastening clamp, installation position (2 pieces)
12 Spacer bolts, assembled and mounted
13 Fastening clamp (fixed position)

1. Screw the spacers (2) into the threaded hole on the rear panel (1) to the right of
the periphery board.
2. Screw the two spacer bolts (9) into the threaded holes (10) on rear panel to the
left of the periphery board.
3. Screw one counternut (8) onto each spacer bolt (9).
4. Screw the fork heads (7) onto the spacer bolts (9) and fix them in a horizontal
position (in accordance with the figure) using the counternut (8).
5. Insert the mounting plate (4) with the hinge brackets (6) into the fork heads (7)
so that the fastening clamps (11) can be inserted into the fork heads from
above as shown.
6. Swivel the fastening clamps (11) backwards so that they snap in place in the
spacer bolts (9) (see [13] in figure).
7. Swivel the mounting plate (4) over the periphery board and fix it in the spacer
bolts (2) with the fixing screws (3, 5).
8. If the mounting plate is not true, the fork heads can be adjusted with the
counternuts (8) (loosen the fastening clamps and remove the mounting plate).

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5 Mounting plate

5.12.2 Installation of the mounting plate in the Large housing

5 4 3
Figure 57: Installing the mounting plate FHA2007-A1 in the Large housing (FC2060)

1 Periphery board (4 loops)

2 Mounting hole in the rear panel for spacer
3 Spacer
4 Fixing screw for mounting plate
5 Assembled mounting plate

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Mounting plate

Mounting steps
1. Screw the spacer (3) to the rear panel (2) to the right below the periphery
board (1).
2. Assemble the mounting plate (5) and install the mounting plate according to the
instructions in the previous chapter (Installation for the Standard and Comfort
3. Swivel the mounting plate (5) over the periphery board (1) and fix it in the
spacer (3) with the fixing screw (4).

See also
2 Install mounting plate [➙ 120]

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5 Fire brigade periphery module [DE]

5.13 Fire brigade periphery module [DE]

5.13.1 Installation
The fire brigade periphery module FCI2001-D1 can be mounted at different
positions depending on the station type and equipment:
● In the Comfort housing to the left of the periphery board, if there is sufficient
● In the Comfort, Standard and Large housings on the mounting plate above the
periphery board

Figure 58: Examples of modes of mounting for fire brigade periphery module in Standard and Comfort

1 Fire brigade periphery module mounted on the mounting plate

2 Mounting plate above the periphery board
3 Fire brigade periphery module mounted on the rear panel

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Fire brigade periphery module [DE]

X2 X3 X4 X5 X6

X401 X402

Figure 59: Mounting of the fire brigade periphery module

1 Spacer sleeves (5 pieces) (only required for mounting on the mounting

2 3 fixing screws at top
3 Fire brigade periphery module FCI2001-D1
4 2 fixing screws at bottom
X2 Connection for fire brigade operating panel
X3 Connection for fire brigade operating panel
X4 Connection for remote transmission / release element
X5 Connection for fire brigade key depot
X6 Connection for intrusion detection system, local alarm, identification lamp
X401 Connection for periphery bus
X402 Connection for periphery bus

1. Mount the fire brigade periphery module (3) to the mounting plate or the rear
panel (observe correct installation position) as shown in the figure using the
fixing screws (2 and 4). Spacer sleeves (1) must be used when installing on the
mounting plate.
2. Wire up the fire brigade periphery module according to the pin assignment.

See also
2 Install mounting plate [➙ 120]

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5 Fire brigade periphery module [DE]

5.13.2 Pin assignments

Inputs and outputs which are not used do not require termination. X2 fire brigade operating panel / X3 fire brigade operating

X2 fire brigade operating panel
Pin Designation Description
8 +24V Operating voltage (+24 V)
7 0V Operating voltage (-)
6 ↑ UE ausgel ↑ Remote transmission triggered
5 LA ausgel Extinguishing system triggered
4 Bf St ab Fire controls off
3 Ak Sign ab Acoustic signals off
2 BMZ rueckst Reset fire control panel
1 UE ab Remote transmission off

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

X3 fire brigade operating panel

PIN Designation Description
8 Bf St ab Fire controls off
7 Ak Sign ab Acoustic signals off
6 BMZ rueckst Reset fire control panel
5 ↑ UE ab ↑ Remote transmission off
4 UE pruefen Check remote transmission
3 Reserve Reserve output
2 Reserve Reserve input
1 Not used

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

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Fire brigade periphery module [DE]

+24V + 8
0V - 7 2

UE ausgel 6 3

LA ausgel 5 4

Bf St ab 4 5

Ak Sign ab 3 6

BMZ rueckst 2 7

UE ab 1 8

Bf St ab 8 9
Ak Sign ab 7
BMZ rueckst 6 11
UE ab 5
UE pruefen 4
Reserve 3
Reserve 2

1 The connection details correspond to the FBF Type Wiesmeier FBF0770

2 Only switch possible

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5 Fire brigade periphery module [DE] X4 remote transmission /release element

Pin Designation Description
6 +24V Operating voltage (+24 V)
5 ↑ UE Alarm+ ↑ Remote transmission/device alarm (+)
4 UE Alarm- Remote transmission/device alarm (-)
3 UE Rueckm Remote transmission /device acknowledgement (+)
2 FSE+ Release element with monitored remote switching output or separately monitored
key switch
1 FSE-

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²


+ 6 ST
UE Alarm + + 5
200Ω ... 2kΩ
UE Alarm - - 4

UE Rueckm 3

+ 2
FSE - - 1 680Ω

ST Fault contact of the transmission device

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Fire brigade periphery module [DE]
5 X5 fire brigade key depot

Pin Designation Description
8 Sabotage + Tamper monitoring (+)
7 Sabotage - Tamper monitoring (-)
6 Entriegel + Unlocking (+)
5 Entriegel - Unlocking (-)
4 Riegelkont + Latch contact (+)
3 Riegelkont - Latch contact (-)
2 Heizung + Heating (+)
1 Heizung - Heating (-)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 1*
X5 2
Sabotage + + 8
2.2kΩ 3*
Sabotage - - 7
Entriegel + + 6
- 5 6
Entriegel -
Riegelkont + + 4
Riegelkont - - 3

Heizung + + 2
10 5W
Heizung - - 1

1* Door contact
2* Drill protection
3* Key contact

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5 Fire brigade periphery module [DE] X6 intrusion detection system / local alarm / identification

Pin Designation Description
8 Ke Leuchte + Identification lamp (+)
7 Ke Leuchte - Identification lamp (-)
6 Oertl Alarm + Local alarm (+)
5 Oertl Alarm - Local alarm (-)
4 - Not used
3 FSD sabotage, closer (normally open)
2 FSD sabotage, common
1 FSD sabotage, opener (normally open)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

Ke Leuchte + 300mA / max. 7.5W
+ 8
Ke Leuchte - - 7
Oertl Alarm + + 6 1*
40 Ω ... 2kΩ 560Ω 3* 3*
Oertl Alarm - - 5 2W

3 2*


1* Horn or beacon
2* FSD sabotage, connection for "Transmission intrusion detection system"
(can be connected as NO or NC)
3* If necessary

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Network module (SAFEDLINK)

5.14 Network module (SAFEDLINK)

5.14.1 Installation
This component is installed in exactly the same way as for the operating units
with the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and the PMI & mainboard FCM2027.

If you are installing only one network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1, you must
do so in the left-hand slot (X13).
When two network modules are used (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1, installation is
identical for both.


X3 7


Figure 60: Installation of both network modules (SAFEDLINK)

1 Network module (SAFEDLINK) on X13 (master module)

2 Fixing screws (2 pieces)
3 Mounting links on support plate
4 Nut for cable gland (2 per module) 1

5 Cable gland (2 per module) 1

6 Degraded mode network module (SAFEDLINK) on X12

7 Connector X1 on the rear of the network module
X3 Connection terminal FCnet
X13 Plug-type connection for main module
X12 Plug-type connection for degraded mode module
1 When using shielded cables, the cable screw connections are needed to secure
the shielding.
When installing only one network module (SAFEDLINK), ensure that the main
module is installed at the correct position on X13.

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5 Network module (SAFEDLINK)

Mounting steps
1. When shielded cables are used, mount the two cable glands (5) with the
nuts (4) on the flange between the fastening tabs (3). These are needed to
secure the shielding.
2. Connect the network module (SAFEDLINK) (1, 6) to the connector X1 (7) at the
desired slot (X13, X12).
3. Fasten the module to the lugs (3) using the two screws (2). Ensure that the
network module is secured correctly in order to prevent open lines.
4. Wire up the system bus according to the pin assignment at X3.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Network module (SAFEDLINK)

5.14.2 Pin assignments Connector X3
Pin Designation Description
4 A1 Line 1 (+)
3 B1 Line 1 (–)
2 A2 Line 2 (+)
1 B2 Line 2 (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

FCnet FCnet

FCM 200x
A1 B1 A2 B2

4 3 2 1


Figure 61: Wiring of 1 network module

FCnet FCnet

FCM 200x

X13 X12
A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
X3 X3

FN2001 FN2001

Figure 62: Wiring of 2 network modules

The main module must always be plugged in slot X13 of the operating unit
When two network modules are used, the degraded mode module must be
plugged in slot X12 of the FCM20xx operating unit.

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5 Installing the fiber optic cable network module

5.15 Installing the fiber optic cable network module

5.15.1 Replacing the DIN rail clip

The identical fiber optic cable network modules FN2006-A1 and FN2007-A1 can be
installed on a DIN rail either horizontally or vertically. If the DIN rail clip is removed,
horizontal installation on the flanges is also possible.
The diagram below shows how to install or replace the DIN rail clip for the
installation variants.


Figure 63: View of the DIN rail clip installation variants

1 Fixing screws for DIN rail clip

2 Mounting holes for DIN rail clip on the front side
3 Lower flanges for installation on the rear panel
4 DIN rail clip
5 Fiber optic cable network module on the rear side
6 Upper flange for installation on the rear panel

Replacing the DIN rail clip

1. Loosen the two countersunk screws (1) and remove the DIN rail clip (4).
2. Fasten the DIN rail clip (4), rotated by 90º, at the threaded holes (2) using both
countersunk screws (1).

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Installing the fiber optic cable network module

5.15.2 Installation variants

The fiber optic cable network module can only be mounted horizontally on a DIN
rail in the compact stations. The space available depends on the station type and
the options installed.
● The fiber optic cable network module cannot be mounted on the flanges in all
FS20 compact control panels because there is no suitable method of fastening
it in the rear panels or on the mounting plate.
● Horizontal installation with a DIN rail on a mounting plate is not possible
because there are no installation parts (the DIN rail cannot be ordered with
installation material).
● Vertical installation is not possible because of space issues and a lack of
● If the fiber optic cable network module cannot be installed in the control panel
due to space issues, it must be installed remotely; in an empty housing, for
Required space incl. plug-type connections and cable radii
These measurements only apply to installation with screw terminals and without a
● Minimum length or depth approx. 175 mm
● Minimum width approx. 180 mm
Example of horizontal installation on a DIN rail
1 2

Figure 64: Example of installing a fiber optic network module horizontally on the DIN rail

1 Fiber optic network module installed horizontally

2 DIN rail

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5 Installing the fiber optic cable network module

5.15.3 Pin assignments Power A and B sockets, fault contact

The 5-pin connector for the power supply is supplied with the fiber optic cable
network module.

Pin Designation Description

1 DC+ 9…30 V Supply input +
2 DC- 9…30 V Supply input -
3 COM Fault relay: Common contact
4 NO Fault relay: Normally open
5 NC Fault relay: Normally closed

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

● The power supply need not be monitored and made redundant when installing
in the fire control panel.
● The supply line must be shielded with remote network module.
● Relay contact opens in the event of an error. The display indicates the error
(COM and NC are connected).

1 2 3 4 5

+ - C NO NC

Figure 65: Connector for Power A and Power B sockets

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Installing the fiber optic cable network module

1 Connector with housing

2 Socket on fiber optic cable network module
3 Connector without housing
4 Cover cap (open)
5 360° shielding

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5 Installing the fiber optic cable network module EF1/EF2 sockets for SAFEDLINK wiring

The 3-pin connector for the FCnet/SAFEDLINK connection is supplied with the
fiber optic cable network module.

EF1 socket, FCnet A1/B1

Pin Designation Description
3 B1 FCnet line 1 (-)
2 – –
1 A1 FCnet line 1 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

EF2 socket, FCnet A2/B2

Pin Designation Description
3 B2 FCnet line 2 (-)
2 – –
1 A2 FCnet line 2 (+)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²


1 2 3

A1 B1
A2 B2

Figure 66: Connector for EF1/EF2 socket, for SAFEDLINK networking

1 Connector with housing

2 Socket on fiber optic cable network module
3 Connector without housing
4 Cover cap (open)
5 360° shielding

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Installing the fiber optic cable network module

The feed line of the electric FCnet can be either shielded or unshielded. If the feed
line is shielded, cable glands must be used for the ↑ network module
(SAFEDLINK). You will find information in the description of network module

Fire control panel

A1 1
- EF 1 Line 1
A1 B1
B2 A2 1
- EF 2 Line 2

7 + 1
Vsys+ 8 - Power A
9 C
Vsys- 10 NO

+ 1
- Power B
Periphery board NC
FCI2002 / FCI2004

Figure 67: Example of wiring the FN2006 / FN2007 to the FN2001 for internal installation

The total cable lengths of the electric FCnet connections (copper cable) in the
optical network may not be longer than 1000 m.

Wiring cross-wise in the electrical FCnet
If the FN2001 is wired cross-wise to the FN2006/FN2007, ground fault monitoring
is not required. The wiring must be carried out 1:1 according to the diagram
above (A1-A1, B1-B1, A2-A2, and B2-B2).

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5 Installing the fiber optic cable network module Fiber optic cable connection

If the fiber optic cable network module is mounted in the ↑ station, then only
one supply must be connected.
● In the case of remote installation, the supply must be shielded and made
redundant in accordance with EN 54.
FN2006/FN2007 FN2006/FN2007
A1 A2
B1 A1 A2 B2
1 Line 1 Line 2 1
B1 B2

A2 A1 B2
Line 2 Line 1 A1
B2 B1 B1

3 Vsys Power A Power A Vsys 3

4 Vsys Power B Power B Vsys 4


1 B1 A1
A2 Line 1
B2 B1

A2 Line 2
3 Vsys Power A
Power B

Figure 68: Example of different wirings of the fiber optic cable network module

Designation Description
A ↑ Station with one ↑ network module (SAFEDLINK) and external fiber optic cable
network module
B Station with one network module (SAFEDLINK) and internal fiber optic cable
network module
C Station with two network modules (SAFEDLINK) and external fiber optic cable
network module
1 Network module (SAFEDLINK), master module
2 Network module (SAFEDLINK), degraded mode module
3 'Power A', supply input A to fiber optic cable network module
4 'Power B', supply input B to fiber optic cable network module (redundant supply) 1

A1/B1 FCnet connection for line '1'

A2/B2 FCnet connection for line '2'
Fiber optic cable connection (RX), optical receiver
Fiber optic cable connection (TX), optical transmitter

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Installing the fiber optic cable network module

Fiber optic cable wiring

● The accessible laser radiation is harmless. It corresponds to Laser Class 1 in
accordance with IEC 60825/ANSI Z136.
● The fiber optic cable is wired cross-wise:
– The optical transmitter (TX) of one device must always be connected
with the optical receiver (RX) of the other device.
– Line 1 must always be connected with line 2.
● The bending radius of the fiber optic cable must not be less than the
manufacturer's specification (e.g. 10 x external diameter).
● Standard (PC) cable termination is sufficient, 8° polish (APC) is not necessary,
but is supported.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

Malfunctions during a partial upgrade
Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 is not compatible with Ethernet switch (MM)
FN2008 and so may only be used in panels ≥MP6.

5.16.1 Installation of Ethernet modules

The Ethernet switch (modular) must be equipped with Ethernet modules.
Installation is the same for all modules.



Figure 69: Installation of an Ethernet module in the Ethernet switch (modular)

1 Ethernet switch (modular)

2 Ethernet module built-in
3 Fixing screw with retaining spring
4 Ethernet module
5 Plug-in contacts
6 Threaded fixing hole
7 Positioning aid

1. Position the Ethernet module (4) as shown.

2. Push the Ethernet module (4) into the slot opening so the plug-in contacts (5)
slide into the connector on the Ethernet switch.
3. Ensure that the Ethernet module (4) slides into the positioning aids (7).
4. Use the fixing screw (3) to fix the Ethernet module in the threaded hole (6).
5. Wire up the Ethernet module according to chapter 'Wiring'.

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16.2 DIN rail clip mounting

The diagram below shows how to mount the DIN rail clip on the FN2012.


1 2x countersunk screws
2 DIN rail clip in mounting position
3 4x spacers with thread for fixing the DIN rail clip
4 Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012
5 Flange with retaining clamp

1. Place the DIN rail clip (2) in the required mounting position relative to the
FN2012 (4) so that the flange with the retaining clamp (5) is at the bottom.
2. Fasten the DIN rail clip (2) using both countersunk screws (1) at the
spacers (3) located one above the other.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16.3 Installing mounting kit FHA2029

The mounting kit (switch) is required to install Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012.
VdS does not allow the Ethernet switch to be installed in any other way. If the
stations do not provide enough room to install a mounting bracket, the Ethernet
switch must be installed in an empty housing. This empty housing must be
mounted below the station for conformity to VdS requirements.

Only one FN2012 may be mounted on a mounting bracket. The mounting brackets
are screwed onto the rear panel of the housing or, in the case of the
'housing (19", pedestal cabinet)', onto the side walls.
The mounting kit FHA2029 contains two mounting brackets:

Small mounting bracket

● In the case of all wall-mounted empty housings, the installation position can be
on the right or on the left
● In the case of stations in the Comfort housing, the installation position is on the

Large mounting bracket

● In the case of stations in the Large housing, the installation position is on the
● For FC2080 in 'housing (19", pedestal cabinet)'

Pack content
FHA2029 contains all the mechanical components required for installation in the
respective housing, including a cable kit comprising the following:
● 2x RJ45 Ethernet cable 1 m
● 1x RJ45 Ethernet cable 3 m
● 2-core signal cable, shielded, 1 m
● Black cable AWG22, 1 m
● 1x blue and 1x red cable AWG18, 2 m
● 1x blue and 1x red cable AWG18, 3 m

View of mounting kit FHA2029

Figure 70: Mounting kit FHA2029, small and large mounting brackets

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

Types of installation
● The small mounting bracket is intended for installation in an empty housing and
can be installed on both sides, i.e., in either the left or the right installation
position. The bracket must be rotated 180 degrees to fit it on the right-hand
● The small mounting bracket must be mounted on the left-hand side if it is being
installed in a station inside the Comfort housing.
● The large mounting bracket is intended for installation in a station inside a
Large housing – where it has to be mounted on the right behind the power
supply – or for installation in a 19" pedestal housing – where it can be mounted
on the right- or left-hand side wall.

Please pay attention to the amount of space required for the wiring. The
connections for the optical fibers must be aligned so they point upward.

1 2 3 4

Small mounting bracket, left-hand Large mounting bracket, right-hand

installation position installation position

1 2x/3x fixing screws for DIN rail

2 Retaining bracket for fixing the FN2012 on the side
3 U-rail L=65 mm for small mounting bracket and L=150 mm for large mounting
4 Mounting bracket

1. Use the two or three screws (1) to mount the U-rail (3) and the retaining
bracket (2) on the mounting bracket (4) as shown.
2. Mount the mounting bracket (4) in the relevant housing as described in the
following chapters.
3. Mount the FN2012 according to chapter 'Installing Ethernet switch FN2012'.
4. Wire up the FN2012 according to chapter 'Wiring'.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 Installation in empty and Comfort housing

The process of installing the small mounting bracket from mounting kit FHA2029 is
identical for all empty housings and for stations in Comfort housings.


6 7 8 9
Figure 71: Installing the small mounting bracket in a Comfort housing

Figure 72: Small mounting bracket, installed in the Comfort housing

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

1 Empty Comfort housing

2 Small mounting bracket
3 Lugs for recesses for securing the power supply (70W)
4 DIN rail installed
5 Retaining bracket installed
6 3x fixing screws for mounting bracket
7 3x sleeves for fixing to spacer
8 3x holes in mounting bracket for spacer
9 3x spacers with thread in rear panel

1. Position the small mounting bracket (2) as shown.

2. In the case of the Eco and Standard housings, please ensure that the tabs (3)
of the mounting bracket go into the recesses for the power supply (70 W).
3. Using the holes (8), push the mounting bracket (2) onto the spacers (9) that
have been pressed into the housing.
4. Place the sleeves (7) on the spacers (8) of the rear panel and use the fixing
screws (6) to secure the mounting bracket.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 Installation in a station with a Large housing


9 8 7 6
Figure 73: Screwing the large mounting bracket onto the Large rear panel

Figure 74: Large mounting bracket installed without supply

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012


Figure 75: Supply installed on top of large mounting bracket

1 Housing (Large)
2 Large mounting bracket
3 U-rail installed
4 Retaining bracket installed
5 3x fixing screws for mounting bracket
6 3x holes for fixing screws
7 3x threaded holes in rear panel
8 Mounting flange for the power supply (150 W)
9 U-rail for the power supply (150 W)
10 Power supply (150 W)

w Power supply (150 W) is removed

1. Mount the mounting bracket (2) in the Large housing (1) as shown and screw
the screws (5) into the threaded holes (7) in the rear panel.
a The power supply U-rail (9) is located in the recess of the mounting
2. Install the power supply (150 W) (10) on the mounting flange (8) and the U-
rail (9).
3. Wire up the Ethernet switch according to chapter 'Wiring'.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16.4 Installing Ethernet switch FN2012

To ensure that installation conforms to VdS requirements, the FN2012 must be

mounted vertically on a mounting bracket from mounting kit (switch) FHA2029 .
The connections for the fiber-optic cables must be aligned so they point upward. FN2012 in empty housing

Installation of the small mounting bracket is the same for all empty housings.


Figure 76: Example of installation in an empty Standard housing

1 Empty housing
2 Small mounting bracket from mounting kit FHA2029
3 DIN rail with retaining bracket
4 FN2012

w The DIN rail clip is mounted on the FN2012.

1. Holding it at an angle and working from below, place the FN2012 (4) against
the bottom edge of the DIN rail (3) and press it up so that the retaining clamp in
the flange gives way.
2. Push the upper flange into position over the DIN rail and release the spring
a The DIN rail clip is now in place.
3. Check that the DIN rail clip is fully engaged on the DIN rail.
4. Wire up the FN2012 according to chapter 'Wiring [➙ 154]'.

See also
2 Wiring [➙ 154]

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012
5 FN2012 in a station with a Comfort housing

Figure 77: Small mounting bracket installed in a Comfort housing

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012


Figure 78: FN2012 in the Comfort housing

1 Comfort housing
2 Small mounting bracket from mounting kit FHA2029
3 DIN rail with retaining bracket
4 FN2012

w The DIN rail clip is mounted on the FN2012.

1. Holding it at an angle and working from below, place the FN2012 (4) against
the bottom edge of the DIN rail (3) and press it up so that the retaining clamp in
the flange gives way.
2. Push the upper flange into position over the DIN rail and release the spring
a The DIN rail clip is now in place.
3. Check that the DIN rail clip is fully engaged on the DIN rail.
4. Wire up the FN2012 according to chapter 'Wiring [➙ 154]'.

See also
2 Wiring [➙ 154]

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012
5 FN2012 in a station with a Large housing

Figure 79: FN2012 mounted in the Large housing

1 Housing (Large)
2 Large mounting bracket from mounting kit FHA2029
3 DIN rail with retaining bracket
4 FN2012
5 Power supply (150 W)

w The DIN rail clip is mounted on the FN2012.

1. Holding it at an angle and working from below, place the FN2012 (4) against
the bottom edge of the DIN rail (3) and press it up so that the retaining clamp in
the flange gives way.
2. Push the upper flange into position over the DIN rail and release the spring
a The DIN rail clip is now in place.
3. Check that the DIN rail clip is fully engaged on the DIN rail.
4. Wire up the FN2012 according to chapter 'Wiring [➙ 154]'.

See also
2 Wiring [➙ 154]

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16.5 Wiring Wiring overview

The figure shows typical usage of the Ethernet switch in an FS20 station with all
connections and in an optical Ethernet ring. All the connections shown are current-
limited and monitored.
The electrical Ethernet cables for external connections P2 and P3 must be
between min. 2 m and max. 6 m long.

Ethernet Ring

P0 P1
P5 P4 P3 P2

2 x Ethernet external

1 x Ethernet internal



PMI & Mainboard


Figure 80: Overview of wiring for Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

Connector/designation Description
P0, P1 For FS20/FS720 applications: Optional modules for Ethernet ring connections for
optical wiring (SM, MM)
P4, P5 Internal Ethernet connections in stations
P2, P3 External Ethernet connections for SintesoWorks, MMS, SintesoView, etc.
MoNet Connection from PMI & mainboard to Ethernet switch (modular) for the supply
and transmission of degraded mode and system signals (MoNet bus)
FCA2031 Connection module (MoNet) in the SAFEDLINK main module slot. Makes the
MoNet bus available.
Panel Approved Siemens station in which the FN2012 is installed

Configuration of the Ethernet switch (modular) is described in detail in document


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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012
5 MoNet bus connection

Preparing the FN2012 for the MoNet bus connection

Figure 81: Breaking out the MoNet bus cover plate

l Use a screwdriver to carefully remove the cover plate from the MoNet
connector, as shown in the figure.
a By moving the screwdriver as a lever in the direction of the arrow, you will
release the cover plate at the four intended breakout points.

Connection for MoNet bus flat cable

Figure 82: Connecting the MoNet bus flat cable

l Connect the 1.35 m-long flat cable for the MoNet bus to the FN2012, as shown.

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5 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

5.16.6 Pin assignments 'POWER' connector strip

The 'POWER' connector is only used if power cannot be supplied via the MoNet
bus or PoE. Generally, this is only the case if the Ethernet switch (modular) is
installed remotely in another device. Power must be supplied via a DC 24 V power
supply unit with a regulated and power-limited output that has been listed for
signaling fire.

Designation Description
A+ Supply input 1 (+DC 24 V)
A- Common supply input 1 (DC 0 V)
B- Not connected
B+ Not connected

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

B+ B- A- A+
Connector FN2012


Terminal Plug

Supply input

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Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012
5 'FAULT' connector strip

The fault output is a potential-free relay contact which, depending on the
configuration, can be used to report fault conditions by interrupting the contact. If
the FN2012 is switched off, the relay contact is deactivated (opened).
The following error messages can be configured by the web interface:
● 'Fatal fault': Ethernet Switch (modular) malfunction
● 'Ring fault': Ring faults are only indicated if the Ethernet switch (modular) has
assumed the 'Redundancy Manager' function
● 'Ring port fault': 'Link down' state on a ring port

Pin Designation Description

F1 OUT Potential-free relay contact 1 (common, normally
F2 OUT Potential-free relay contact 2 (common, normally
F3 IN Not connected
F4 IN Not connected

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²



F4 F3 F2 F1

Terminal Plug

Cover cap

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5 Connection module (card cage)

5.17 Connection module (card cage)

5.17.1 Installation
This component is installed in exactly the same way as for the operating units
with the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and the PMI & mainboard FCM2027.

The connection module (card cage) FCA2006-A1 is always needed in conjunction

with the card cage (2 slots) or card cage (5 slots). It is fitted in the corresponding
fire control panels the factory and only has to be replaced in the event of a repair.
1 X11 2

Figure 83: Installation of connection module (card cage)

1 Spacers (2 pieces)
2 Connection module (card cage)
3 Operating unit
4 Fixing screws (2 pieces)
X11 Connector for connection module (card cage)
X500 Module bus cable connection

1. Attach the connection module (card cage) (2) to the connector intended for it
(X11) on the operating unit (3) as shown.
2. Fasten the module to the spacers (1) using the two screws (4).
3. Connect the flat cable for the module bus of X500 connection module with
X501 on card cage.

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Card cage

5.18 Card cage

5.18.1 Installation
The card cage is used to hold module bus cards and is fitted in fire control panels
FC2030 and FC2060 in the factory:
● Card cage (2 slots) FCA2007-A1 in fire control panel FC2030
● Card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1 in fire control panel FC2060
The card cages only have to be replaced in the event of a repair. Along with the
card cage, the connection module (card cage) FCA2006-A1 is already fitted on the
PMI & mainboard.

Installation of card cage (2 slots) FCA2007-A1 in FC2030

6 5 4
Figure 84: Installation of card cage (2 slots)

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5 Card cage

Installation of card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1 in FC2060

6 5 4
Figure 85: Installation of card cage (5 slots)

1 Rear panel (FC2030) or mounting plate (FC2060)

2 Periphery board
3 Card cage housing cover (EMC protection)
4 Card cage
5 Mounting holes for screws (2) in card cage housing
6 Mounting holes for screws (4 pieces) in printed circuit board

1. Tighten the 4 fixing screws of the printed circuit board (6) as follows:
– For the FC2030 on the rear panel (1, top figure)
– For the FC2060 on the mounting plate (1, bottom figure)
2. Tighten the 2 fixing screws in the card cage housing (5) as follows:
– For the FC2030 on the rear panel (1, top figure)
– For the FC2060 on the mounting plate (1, bottom figure)
3. Insert the desired module bus cards in the card cage (see chapter 'Module bus
cards [➙ 166]').
4. Mount the housing cover (3) of card cage and secure with the four screws.
5. Connect the card cage according to the following pin assignment.

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Card cage

5.18.2 Pin assignment of the card cage (2 slots) Views of card cage (2 slots)

X22 X21 X12 X11

1 1 1 1



1 1


1 1

X9 X25 X15
Figure 86: PCB view of card cage (2 slots) FCA2007-A1

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for module bus card 1
X2 Connector strip for module bus card 2
Connection terminals X9 System supply connection
X11 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X12 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X21 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X22 Connection terminals for module bus card 2

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5 Card cage

Element Des. Function

Connector X15 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus
Degraded mode card 1
X25 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus
card 2
Internal bus X501 Connector for module bus input X9 supply
Pin Designation Description
1 VSYS+ System supply (+)
2 VSYS+ System supply (+)
3 VSYS+ System supply (+)
4 VSYS- System supply (–)
5 VSYS- System supply (–)
6 VSYS- System supply (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

VSYS- 6 X11…X22 connection terminals for the module bus cards

The module bus card determines the PIN assignment of the four connectors. You
will find the pin assignments in the description of the corresponding module card.
The assignment of the connector is:
● Connections of module bus card 1 are on connectors X11 and X12
● Connections of module bus card 2 are on connectors X21 and X22

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Card cage

5.18.3 Pin assignment of the card cage (5 slots) Views of card cage (5 slots)

X52 X51 X42 X41 X32 X31 X22 X21 X12 X11

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1

X500 X9 X55 X45 X35 X25 X15

Figure 87: PCB view of card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for module bus card 1
X2 Connector strip for module bus card 2
X3 Connector strip for module bus card 3
X4 Connector strip for module bus card 4
X5 Connector strip for module bus card 5

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5 Card cage

Element Des. Function

Connection terminals X9 System supply connection
X11 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X12 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X21 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X22 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X31 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X32 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X41 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X42 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X51 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
X52 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
Connector X15 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 1
Degraded mode X25 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 2
X35 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 3
X45 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 4
X55 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 5
Internal bus X500 Connector for module bus output to other card cages
X501 Connector for module bus input X9 supply
Pin Designation Description
1 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
2 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
3 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
4 VSYS- System supply (0 V)
5 VSYS- System supply (0 V)
6 VSYS- System supply (0 V)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.5…2.5 mm²


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Card cage
5 X11…X52 connection terminals for the module bus card

The module bus card determines the PIN assignment of the four connectors. You
will find the pin assignments in the description of the corresponding module card.
The assignment of the connector is:
● Connections of module bus card 1 are on connectors X11 and X12
● Connections of module bus card 2 are on connectors X21 and X22
● Connections of module bus card 3 are on connectors X31 and X32
● Connections of module bus card 4 are on connectors X41 and X42
● Connections of module bus card 5 are on connectors X51 and X52

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5 Module bus cards

5.19 Module bus cards

5.19.1 Installation
The module bus cards are installed in the card cages of fire control panels
FC2030, FC2060, FC2080 or gateway (SIGMANET) FG2020. The following
module bus cards are available:
● Line card (FDnet/C-NET) FCL2001-A1
● Line card (collective) FCL2002-A1
● Line card (MS9i) FCL2003-A1
● Line card (AnalogPLUS) FCL2005-A1
● Line card (interactive) FCL2006-A1
● Line card (interactive Ex) FCL2007-A1
● I/O card (RT) FCI2007-A1
● I/O card (programmable) FCI2008-A1
● I/O card (horn, monitored) FCI2009-A1
All module bus cards are installed in the same way in all card cages and slots.

5 4 3
Figure 88: Installation of a module bus card taking the card cage (5 slots) in the FC2060 as an example

1 4 fixing screws for housing cover

2 Housing cover for card cage (EMC protection)
3 Any module bus card
4 Guides for module bus cards
5 Card cage housing

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Module bus cards

1. Remove the housing cover of the card cage (2) by loosening the four fixing
screws (1).
2. Insert the module bus card required (3) into the slot required as shown in the
3. Ensure that the module bus cards are held correctly in the guides (4).
4. Once all the module bus cards required have been installed, fit the housing
cover (2) of the card cage (5) by fastening the four screws (1).
5. Wire the module bus cards according to the pin assignment below.

5.19.2 Pin assignments Views of card cage (2 slots)

X22 X21 X12 X11

1 1 1 1



1 1


1 1

X9 X25 X15
Figure 89: PCB view of card cage (2 slots) FCA2007-A1

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5 Module bus cards

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for module bus card 1
X2 Connector strip for module bus card 2
Connection terminals X9 System supply connection
X11 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X12 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X21 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X22 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
Connector X15 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus
Degraded mode card 1
X25 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus
card 2
Internal bus X501 Connector for module bus input

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Module bus cards
5 Views of card cage (5 slots)

X52 X51 X42 X41 X32 X31 X22 X21 X12 X11

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1

X500 X9 X55 X45 X35 X25 X15

Figure 90: PCB view of card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for module bus card 1
X2 Connector strip for module bus card 2
X3 Connector strip for module bus card 3
X4 Connector strip for module bus card 4
X5 Connector strip for module bus card 5

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5 Module bus cards

Element Des. Function

Connection terminals X9 System supply connection
X11 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X12 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X21 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X22 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X31 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X32 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X41 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X42 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X51 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
X52 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
Connector X15 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 1
Degraded mode X25 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 2
X35 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 3
X45 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 4
X55 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 5
Internal bus X500 Connector for module bus output to other card cages
X501 Connector for module bus input

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Module bus cards
5 Connection terminals of line card (FDnet/C-NET) in card

The ↑ line card (FDnet / C-NET) FCL2001-A1 determines the PIN assignment of
the four connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Loop ↑ Stub

X11 1 IO_1 Loop1_1+ Loop 1 Stub 1
2 IO_2 Loop1_1-
3 IO_3 Loop1_2+ Stub 2
4 IO_4 Loop1_2-
X12 1 IO_5 Loop2_1+ Loop 2 Stub 3
2 IO_6 Loop2_1-
3 IO_7 Loop2_2+ Stub 4
4 IO_8 Loop2_2-
X11 5 IO_9 Loop3_1+ Loop 3 Stub 5
6 IO_10 Loop3_1-
7 IO_11 Loop3_2+ Stub 6
8 IO_12 Loop3_2-
X12 5 IO_13 Loop4_1+ Loop 4 Stub 7
6 IO_14 Loop4_1-
7 IO_15 Loop4_2+ Stub 8
8 IO_16 Loop4_2-

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

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5 Module bus cards Connection terminals of line card (collective) in card cage

The ↑ line card (collective) FCL2002-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the four
connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Stub

X11 1 IO_1 Stub_1+ Stub 1
2 IO_2 Stub _1-
3 IO_3 Stub _2+ Stub 2
4 IO_4 Stub _2-
X12 1 IO_5 Stub _3+ Stub 3
2 IO_6 Stub _3-
3 IO_7 Stub _4+ Stub 4
4 IO_8 Stub _4-
X11 5 IO_9 Stub _5+ Stub 5
6 IO_10 Stub _5-
7 IO_11 Stub _6+ Stub 6
8 IO_12 Stub _6-
X12 5 IO_13 Stub _7+ Stub 7
6 IO_14 Stub _7-
7 IO_15 Stub _8+ Stub 8
8 IO_16 Stub _8-

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

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Module bus cards
5 Connection terminals of line card (MS9i) in card cage

The ↑ line card (MS9i) FCL2003-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the four
connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Loop / signal ↑ Stub /

X11 1 IO_1 + 27.5 V Connection for
MS9i devices
2 IO_2 GND
3 IO_3 Not used
4 IO_4
X12 1 IO_5 Not used
2 IO_6
3 IO_7 Not used
4 IO_8
X11 5 IO_9 Loop1_1+ Loop 1 Stub 1
6 IO_10 Loop1_1-
7 IO_11 Loop1_2+ Not used
8 IO_12 Loop1_2-
X12 5 IO_13 Loop2_1+ Loop 2 Stub 2
6 IO_14 Loop2_1-
7 IO_15 Loop2_2+ Not used
8 IO_16 Loop2_2-

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

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5 Module bus cards Connection terminals of line card (AnalogPLUS) in card

The ↑ line card (AnalogPLUS) FCL2005-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the
four connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Loop ↑ Stub

X11 1 IO_1 C11_POS Loop 1 Stub 1
2 IO_2 C11_NEG
3 IO_3 C12_POS (Stub 1) 1
4 IO_4 C12_NEG
X12 1 IO_5 C21_POS Loop 2 Stub 2
2 IO_6 C21_NEG
3 IO_7 C22_POS (Stub 2) 1
4 IO_8 C22_NEG
X11 5 IO_9 C31_POS Loop 3 Stub 3
6 IO_10 C31_NEG
7 IO_11 C32_POS (Stub 3) 1
8 IO_12 C32_NEG
X12 5 IO_13 C41_POS Loop 4 Stub 4
6 IO_14 C41_NEG
7 IO_15 C42_POS (Stub 4) 1
8 IO_16 C42_NEG

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

1 Only one stub may be connected to each of the connections C1x to C4x.

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Module bus cards
5 Connection terminals of line card (interactive) in card cage

The ↑ line card (interactive) FCL2006-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the
four connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Loop ↑ Stub

X11 1 IO_1 C11_POS Loop 1 Stub 1 1
2 IO_2 C11_NEG
3 IO_3 C12_POS (Stub 1 1 )
4 IO_4 C12_NEG
X12 1 IO_5 --
2 IO_6 --
3 IO_7 --
4 IO_8 --
X11 5 IO_9 --
6 IO_10 --
7 IO_11 --
8 IO_12 --
X12 5 IO_13 --
6 IO_14 --
7 IO_15 AUX_POS DC 24 V auxiliary
voltage output

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm².

1 Only one stub may be connected for each ↑ line card. At either connection C11

or C12.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Module bus cards Connection terminals of line card (interactive, Ex) in card

The ↑ line card (interactive, Ex) FCL2007-A1 determines the PIN assignment of
the four connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Signal Connection ↑ Loop ↑ Stub

X11 1 IO_1 C11_POS -- Stub 1 1
2 IO_2 C11_NEG
3 IO_3 C12_POS (Stub 1 1 )
4 IO_4 C12_NEG
X12 1 IO_5 --
2 IO_6 --
3 IO_7 --
4 IO_8 --
X11 5 IO_9 --
6 IO_10 --
7 IO_11 --
8 IO_12 --
X12 5 IO_13 --
6 IO_14 --
7 IO_15 AUX_POS DC 24 V auxiliary
voltage output

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm².

1 Only one stub may be connected for each line card. At either connection C11 or


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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Module bus cards
5 Connection terminals for the I/O card (programmable) in

the card cage
The I/O card (programmable) FCI2008-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the
four connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

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5 Module bus cards

Connector Pin Designation Description

X11 1 IO_1 Configurable input/output 1
2 IO_2 Configurable input/output 2
3 IO_3 Configurable input/output 3
4 IO_4 Configurable input/output 4
X12 1 IO_5 Configurable input/output 5
2 IO_6 Configurable input/output 6
3 VSYS_01 Supply output 1 (+)
4 GND_01 Supply output 1 (–)
X11 5 IO_7 Configurable input/output 7
6 IO_8 Configurable input/output 8
7 IO_9 Configurable input/output 9
8 IO_10 Configurable input/output 10
X12 5 IO_11 Configurable input/output 11
6 IO_12 Configurable input/output 12
7 VSYS_02 Supply output 2 (+)
8 GND_02 Supply output 2 (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm² Connection terminals for the I/O card (horn/monitored) in

the card cage
The I/O card (horn/monitored) FCI2009-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the
connection terminals for the module bus cards in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

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Module bus cards

Example for pin assignment at slot 1

Connector Pin Designation Description
X11 1 FIRE_OUT_1+ Horn/alarm monitored
3 FIRE_OUT_2+ Horn/alarm monitored
X12 1 FIRE_OUT_3+ Horn/alarm monitored
3 FIRE_OUT_4+ Horn/alarm monitored
X11 5 FIRE_OUT_5+ Horn/alarm monitored
7 FIRE_OUT_6+ Horn/alarm monitored
X12 5 FIRE_OUT_7+ Horn/alarm monitored
7 FIRE_OUT_8+ Horn/alarm monitored

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm2

Xn2 Xn1
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
- + - + - + - +

Out 4 Out 3 Out 2 Out 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5
- + - + - + - +

Out 8 Out 7 Out 6 Out 5

n = Slot no.

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5 Module bus cards

Switching variants for monitored alarm and horn outputs with

decoupled load (EN 54)
Example horn output
1 2
X11 FireOutput2- - 8 Rload
FireOutput2+ + 7 Rcable
Example alarm output
FireOutput1- - 6 Rload
FireOutput1+ + 5 Rcable

Figure 91: Switching examples for monitored alarm and horn outputs with decoupled load (EN 54)

Rload Load resistance

Rcable Line resistance
Reol Termination resistor
1 Standard EOL
2 EOL with decoupled load

Switching variants for monitored alarm and horn outputs with load
resistance monitoring (VdS)
Example horn output
X11 FireOutput2- - 8 Rload
Rx* *
FireOutput2+ + 7 Rcable
Example alarm output
FireOutput1- - 6
FireOutput1+ + 5 Rcable

Figure 92: Switching examples for monitored alarm and horn outputs with load resistance monitoring

Rload Load resistance

Rcable Line resistance
Rx Additional load resistance
* If necessary

* Adaptation of the load resistance.

You will find detailed information regarding the determination of the resistances for
the monitored outputs in the document Planning 008843.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Module bus cards
5 Connection terminals for the I/O card (RT) in the card cage
The I/O card (↑ RT) FCI2007-A1 determines the PIN assignment of the four
connection terminals in the card cage.
External connections on the card cage using the example of module bus card 1
with the associated connection terminals X11 and X12:

X12 X11
4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

8 7 6 5 8 7 6 5

● The external connections of module bus card 2 are on connection terminals

X21 and X22
● The external connections of module bus card 3 are on connection terminals
X31 and X32
● The external connections of module bus card 4 are on connection terminals
X41 and X42
● The external connections of module bus card 5 are on connection terminals
X51 and X52
Depending on the card cage, not all slots may be available for module bus cards
and connection terminals. However, the numbering and assignment of the
connection terminals are identical on all card cages.

Connector Pin Designation Description

X11 1 AL-NO Alarm relay normally open contact (normally open)
2 AL_COM Alarm relay center tap (common)
3 AL_NC Alarm relay ↑ normally closed contact
4 27V2 Supply output (+Vsys)
X12 1 0V Supply output (–Vsys)
2 FAU_NO Fault relay ↑ normally open contact
3 FAU_COM Fault relay center tap (common)
4 FAU_NC Fault relay normally closed contact (normally closed)
X11 5 RT_Fault+ Output 3 (+) fault output
6 RT_Fault- Output 3 (-) fault output
7 FireOutput 2+ Output 2 (+) can be configured as alarm output or horn
8 FireOutput 2- Output 2 (-) can be configured as alarm output or horn
X12 5 FireOutput 1+ Output 1 (+) can be configured as alarm output or horn
6 FireOutput 1- Output 1 (-) can be configured as alarm output or horn
7 RE_Response/GPIO1 Programmable input/output / RE response in
accordance with ↑ VdS
8 GPIO2 Input/output programmable

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

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5 Module bus cards

Switching for RE response in accordance with ↑ VdS

27V2 + 4
0V - 1

FireOutput1+ + 5
UE _Rückmeldung 7
Figure 93: Switching for RE response in accordance with VdS

ST Fault contact of the transmission device

Switching for monitored remote transmission

X11 UE_Fault+ + 5
Rload 1
UE_Fault- - 6

Figure 94: Switching for monitored remote transmission

Rload Load resistance

Rcable Line resistance
1 Remote transmission

Switching variants for monitored alarm and horn outputs with

decoupled load (EN 54)
Example horn output
1 2
X11 FireOutput2- - 8 Rload
FireOutput2+ + 7 Rcable
Example alarm output
FireOutput1- - 6 Rload
FireOutput1+ + 5 Rcable

Figure 95: Switching examples for monitored alarm and horn outputs with decoupled load (EN 54)

Rload Load resistance

Rcable Line resistance
Reol Termination resistor
1 Standard EOL
2 EOL with decoupled load

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Module bus cards

Switching variants for monitored alarm and horn outputs with load
resistance monitoring (VdS)
Example horn output
X11 FireOutput2- - 8 Rload
Rx* *
FireOutput2+ + 7 Rcable
Example alarm output
FireOutput1- - 6
FireOutput1+ + 5 Rcable

Figure 96: Switching examples for monitored alarm and horn outputs with load resistance monitoring

Rload Load resistance Rx Additional load resistance

Rcable Line resistance * If necessary

* Adaptation of the load resistance.

You will find detailed information regarding the determination of the resistances for
the monitored outputs in the document Planning 008843.

Switching for configurable inputs/outputs

X11 27V2 + 4 1

0V - 1
27V2 2

Figure 97: Switching for relays

1 Configured as output
2 Configured as input

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5 Module bus cards

Switching for relays ↑ RT alarm and RT fault

X11 AL_COM C 2

Figure 98: Switching for relays RT Alarm and RT Fault

1 Remote transmission
FAU_… Configured as RT fault relay output
- ↑ Normal operation (no fault) = contact 2/3 closed
Configured as universal relay output
- Normal operation (no fault) = contact 3/4 closed
AL_… Configured as RT alarm or universal relay output
- Normal operation (no alarms) = contact 2/3 closed

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RS232 / RS485 module

5.20 RS232 / RS485 module

5.20.1 Installation

This component is installed in exactly the same way as for the operating units
with the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and the PMI & mainboard FCM2027.

The serial modules include:

● RS232 module (isolated) FCA2001-A1
● RS485 module (isolated) FCA2002-A1
The various serial modules can be installed on slots X14 and X19. Installing two
identical modules is permitted. One single module must be installed at slot X14.
The mounting procedure of the two serial modules is the same for all modules.

If the RS485 module is being pre-configured in SintesoWorks, the address must

be assigned according to the slot.

Slot Address
X14 6
X19 7

1 2

Figure 99: Installation location of the serial modules

1 X14, slot 1 [SER_OPT1] for the first series module (figure: RS232 module)
2 X19, slot 2 [SER_OPT2] for the second series module (figure: RS485

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5 RS232 / RS485 module




X14 X19
Figure 100: Sample installation of the serial modules

1 RS232 module in slot X14

2 Fixing screw (2 pieces)
3 Mounting links on support plate
4 RS485 module in slot X19
X14 Slot 1 on the operating unit with RS232 module
X19 Slot 2 on the operating unit with RS485 module
X3 Connection terminal on RS232 module
X2 Connection terminal on RS485 module

1. Plug the serial module (1 or 4) into the corresponding connector (X14 or X19).
2. Secure the serial module to the fastening tabs (3) using the two screws (2).
3. Wire up the serial module with the intended components according to the pin

When using a shielded cable, we recommend installing a cable kit

(communication) FCA2014 in order to connect the shielding.

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RS232 / RS485 module

5.20.2 Pin assignments

You will find information on connecting the event printer in the chapter 'Event
printer'. X3 DTE HOST on RS282 module

Pin Designation Description
8 ← DCD Data Carrier Detected
7 ← DSR Data Set Ready
6 ← CTS Clear To Send
5 0V Ground
4 ← RXD Received Data
3 DTR → Data Terminal Ready
2 TXD → Transmitted Data
1 RTS → Ready To Send

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²


0V 5


T Participant with RS232 interface

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5 RS232 / RS485 module X2 on RS485 module

Pin Designation Description
4 RS485_A Line A
3 RS485_B Line B
2 Not connected
1 Not connected

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

RS485_A A 4
RS485_B B 3


T1 First participant
Tn Last participant

*) Stub lines must not exceed 20 m!

● Consider the polarity A, B!
● Terminate the line after the last participant (Tn) with 120 Ω!

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Event printer

5.21 Event printer

5.21.1 Installation

This component is installed in exactly the same way as for the operating units
with the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and the PMI & mainboard FCM2027.

The event printer FTO2001-A1 is an option and can be installed either in the
operating unit or in the operating add-on, depending on the station design.
Depending on the operating add-on, the printer can be installed either on the left or
on the right.

Figure 101: Installation of the printer in the operating unit

1 Event printer
2 Mounting space for the event printer
3 Guide for the fastening clamp
4 Fastening clamp (for both sides)

Note that the serial RS232 module FCA2001-A1 is not included in the printer set
and has to be mounted unless it is already installed. Only one printer can be
connected per RS232 module.

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5 Event printer

Mounting steps

Check the installation site carefully

Depending on the station type it is possible that the depth is insufficient for the
event printer. This must be checked especially if operating add-ons are used, as
the batteries are installed immediately behind the event printer.
If it is installed in the wrong place, this cannot be corrected and may under certain
circumstances affect the subsequent assembly of the station.

1. Using a knife, cut out the cover foil along the pre-cut opening.
2. Carefully loosen the pre-cut opening.
3. From the front side, insert the printer (1) into the opening (2) of the operating
4. Holding on to the printer, slide the fastening clamps (4) on both sides of the
printer from the rear into the guide slots (3) of the printer.
5. Press the clamps against the operating unit until you can hear them snap in
place and they hold the printer sufficiently well.
6. Connect the printer with the supplied cable kit according to the pin assignment.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Event printer

5.21.2 Pin assignments Connection on printer side

Product version (ES) 01
2 3

1 1
Figure 102: Rear view ES01

Product version (ES) 02

3 2 ES02: Serial interface settings

+ –



1 1
Rear view ES02 View from below

1 Fastening clamps
2 Supply connection
3 Data line connection

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5 Event printer Connection on station side

The event printer must be directly connected to the power supply.

Connecting the event printer to the power supply (70 W)

Connector From printer To Power supply terminal X2
2 Positive supply (red) => X2, PIN 4 (Usys +)
Negative supply (blue) => X2, PIN 3 (Usys -)
Table 2: Pin assignment for power supply (70 W)

Connecting the event printer to the power supply (150 W)

Connector From printer To Power supply terminal X8
2 Positive supply (red) => X8, PIN 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 (+24 V)
Negative supply (blue) => X8, PIN 1, 2, or 3 (0 V)
Table 3: Pin assignment for power supply (150 W)

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Event printer

Connection of event printer to RS232 module

Connector From printer To Terminal X3 of RS232 module
3 Data (white) => (X3) PIN 6 (CTS)
Data (brown) => (X3) PIN 4 (RXD)
Data (green) => (X3) PIN 2 (TXD)
Data (yellow) => (X3) PIN 5 (0 V)
Table 4: Pin assignment for RS232 module

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5 Key switch (Kaba) FTO2005-C1

5.22 Key switch (Kaba) FTO2005-C1

This component is installed in exactly the same way as for the operating units
with the PMI & mainboard FCM2004 and the PMI & mainboard FCM2027.

1 2

Figure 103: Installing the guard ring for the key switch on the foil side

1 Foil side of the operating unit

2 Guard ring for the key switch

1 2

4 3
Figure 104: Installing the key switch on the PMI & mainboard

1 Opening in the operating unit for the key switch

2 Lock cylinder (key switch)
3 Fixing screws (2 pieces)
4 Spacer bolts (2 pieces)

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Redux module [DE]

1. Using a knife, cut out the cover foil along the opening for the key switch (1)
(working from the front if possible).
2. Place the cylinder of the key switch (2) on the spacer bolts (4) and screw it
tightly in place using the two screws (3).
3. From the front, press the guard ring for the key switch onto the lock cylinder (2)
until it snaps into place, as shown in the figure above.

5.23 Redux module [DE]

5.23.1 Installation
The Redux module RGQ:FAT-Redux-FS20 is an option for redundantly activating
the fire brigade indication panel (FAT) [DE]. It is fitted on the DIN rail in the fire
control panel.
1 2



Figure 105: Installation position of the Redux module

1 DIN rail
2 Redux module
X1 Connection terminal for line 1 and 2 to the FAT / VAREX
X2 Connection terminal for signals to the fire control panel
X3 Input for system voltage
X4 Output for power supply of the FAT
X5 Connection terminal fault relay

1. Place the Redux module (2) on the DIN rail (1) with the clamp.
2. Connect the Redux module according to the pin assignment.

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5 Redux module [DE]

5.23.2 Pin assignments

The pin assignment of the Redux module is listed in the manual of the Redux
During connection please observe the following:
● The data cables of the Redux module are connected to the RS485 interface.
● The supply of the Redux module is connected to the periphery board.
– Periphery board (2 loops) FCI2002-A1: Supply output 2 on plug X9
– Periphery board (4 loops) FCI2004-A1: Supply output 1 on plug X8
● The fault output of the Redux module can be connected to any I/O on the
periphery board. The I/O must be configured accordingly.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Input/output module FDCIO224 [DE]

5.24 Input/output module FDCIO224 [DE]

5.24.1 Installation
The input/output module FDCIO224 has four potential-free contact inputs and four
control outputs for VdS-compliant connection of the VdS extinguishing interface.
For this application it must be installed in the fire control panel. The input/output
module is mounted onto the DIN rail.
2 1

Figure 106: Installing the input/output module FDCIO224 in the fire control panel

1 Input/output module FDCIO224

2 DIN rail
3 Mounting feet

1. Insert the two mounting feet (3) at the sides of the input/output module.
2. Push the input/output module (1) with the mounting feet (3) against the DIN rail
(2) until the mounting feet snap into place.
3. Connect the input/output module according to the pin assignment. You will find
the pin assignment in document 007023, Technical Manual.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Sounder module

5.25 Sounder module

5.25.1 Installation
Sounder module FCI2005-A1 is fitted in the fire control panel. The sounder module
can be screwed flat onto the rear panel or mounting plate or engaged on the DIN
rail by means of the enclosed mounting feet FDCM291.
The following instructions show how the sounder module is mounted onto the DIN


Figure 107: Installation example: sounder module FCA2005

1 DIN rail
2 Mounting feet FDCM291
3 Sounder module FCA2005-A1

1. Insert the two mounting feet (2) laterally in the sounder module (3). Two
mounting feet must always be fitted together.
2. Push the sounder module (3) with the mounting feet (2) against the DIN rail (1)
until the mounting feet snap into place.
3. Wire up the sounder module according to the pin assignment.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Sounder module

5.25.2 Pin assignments X1 supply input and sounder input from the periphery

X1 sounder module Periphery board Periphery board
2 loops 4 loops
Pin Designation Description Pin Designation Pin Designation
1 +Vsys Supply input from the X8-5 VSYS_01 (+) X8-7 VSYS_01 (+)
periphery board (+)
2 Ground Supply input from the X8-6 GND_01 (-) X8-8 GND_01 (-)
periphery board (-)
3 Sound In + Sounder input from the X6-1 SOUND1+ X5-1 SOUND1+
periphery board (+)
4 Sound In - Sounder input from the X6-2 SOUND1- X5-2 SOUND1-
periphery board (-)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.08…1.5 mm²

Vsys 1
Ground 2
Sound In+ + 3
Sound In- - 4 X2 sounder 1 and 2 outputs

Pin Designation Description
1 S2 out+ Sounder output 2 (+)
2 S2 out- Sounder output 2 (-)
3 S1 out+ Sounder output 1 (+)
4 S1 out- Sounder output 1 (-)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.08…1.5 mm²

S2 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
S2 out- - 2
S1 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
S1 out- - 4

The terminating resistor of 3 kΩ has to be connected even when the output is not in

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5 Sounder module X3 sounder 3 and 4 outputs

Pin Designation Description
1 S4 out+ Sounder output 4 (+)
2 S4 out- Sounder output 4 (-)
3 S3 out+ Sounder output 3 (+)
4 S3 out- Sounder output 3 (-)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.08…1.5 mm²

S4 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
S4 out- - 2
S3 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
S3 out- - 4

The terminating resistor of 3 kΩ has to be connected even when the output is not in

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
Sounder module
5 Cascading of two sounder modules

A maximum of two sounder modules may be cascaded.

X6 / X5 X1 X2
SOUND1- - 4 - Sound In- S2 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
SOUND1+ + 3 + Sound In+ S2 out- - 2
2 - Ground S1 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
X8 1 + Vsys S1 out- - 4
GND_01 -
VSYS_01 + X3
S4 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
Periphery board S4 out- - 2
FCI2002/FCI2004 S3 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
S3 out- - 4

X1 X2
4 - Sound In- S2 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
3 + Sound In+ S2 out- - 2
2 - Ground S1 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
1 + Vsys S1 out- - 4

S4 out+ + 1
3 kΩ
S4 out- - 2
S3 out+ + 3
3 kΩ
S3 out- - 4
FC20xx FCA2005

Figure 108: Cascading of two sounder modules FCA2005-A1

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Modes of mounting for modules

5.26 Modes of mounting for modules

Modules like the input/output module (transponder) or the sounder module can be
fitted in different ways. The following modes of mounting are possible:
● Installation on DIN rail
● Installation on a mounting plate
● Installation in separate housing FDCH291, FDCH292 or FDCH221



Figure 109: View of module

1 Cable tie holder

2 Holes for mounting on a mounting plate
3 Module to be installed
4 Holes for mounting feet FDCM291 for mounting on a DIN rail

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Modes of mounting for modules

5.26.1 Mounting on DIN rail or mounting plate

Short mounting distance
Module overheating
● There must be an air gap of at least 1 cm above the cover cap of the module.
● There must be a minimum distance of 1 cm between two modules or any
other object.

If you are installing the module without the housing, proceed as follows:
1. Use two screws to mount the module on a flat surface or use two mounting feet
FDCM291 to mount on a DIN rail.
The cover cap must be transparent to allow the LEDs to be seen at all times.
Pick a suitable mounting position, ensuring that the LEDs will remain visible at
all times during operation.
2. Connect the cables to the corresponding terminals. Only connect one wire per
3. Fix the cables to the module by means of cable ties.

Figure 110: Mounting feet FDCM291

Figure 111: Mounting on DIN rail or mounting plate

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5 Modes of mounting for modules

5.26.2 Mounting in housing FDCH221

When installing the module in the housing FDCH221, proceed as follows:
1. Break out the cable entries.
2. Mount the housing on a flat surface.
The housing cover is transparent so the LEDs can be seen at all times. Pick a
suitable mounting position, ensuring that the LEDs will remain visible at all
times during operation.
3. Insert cables. If necessary, secure cables with the M20 cable glands or use a
different cable entry.
4. If necessary, press the auxiliary grounding terminals into the back box. Then
connect the shielding. The shielding must not touch any extrinsic potentials to
ground or metal parts in the device.
5. Install the module in the housing.
6. Connect the cables to the corresponding terminals. Only connect one wire per
7. Close the housing by snapping the housing cover into place.
The screws supplied must always be used for the housing with seal.

If the cable diameters on the inputs/outputs are greater than 1.5 mm2, auxiliary
terminals must be used:
In the case of cables with a diameter of 1.5…2.5 mm2, the connection terminal
DBZ1190-AB can be used.
For larger diameters, the customer should procure a suitable terminal.
The terminal can be positioned inside the housing.

Figure 112: Mounting with housing FDCH221

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
RT interface [NL]

5.27 RT interface [NL]

5.27.1 Installation
The RT interface FCI2005-A1 can be mounted at different positions depending on
the station type and equipment:
● In the Comfort housing to the left of the periphery board, if there is sufficient
● In the Comfort, Standard and Large housings on the mounting plate above the
periphery board

X5 X6
X1 X2 X3 X4


Figure 113: Mounting the RT interface into the mounting plate

1 Mounting plate
2 Spacer bolts (5 pieces)
3 Fixing screws (5 pieces)
4 RT interface
X1 Switching contacts relays 1 … 5
X2 Relay 6…10 switching contacts
X3 Relay 11 + 12 switching contacts
X4 Relay supply Vsys+ and relay coils 1 … 5
X5 Relay supply Vsys+ and relay coils 6…10
X6 Relay coils 11 … 14
X7 Relay 13 switching contacts
X8 Relay 14 switching contacts

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5 RT interface [NL]

1. Mount the RT interface (4) to the mounting plate (2) or the rear panel (observe
correct installation position) as shown using the five fixing screws (3). The five
spacer bolts (1) must be used when installing on the mounting plate.
2. Wire up the RT interface according to the pin assignment.
3. Fix the cables with the enclosed, self-adhesive Panduit bases and the cable
ties. One means of fixation may be e.g. for the mounting plate and the other for
the rear panel of the station.

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RT interface [NL]

5.27.2 Pin assignments X1 switching contacts relays 1…5

Pin Designation Description
10 REL1_OUT+ Relay 1 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
9 REL1_OUT- Relay 1 switching contact
8 REL2_OUT+ Relay 2 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
7 REL2_OUT- Relay 2 switching contact
6 REL3_OUT+ Relay 3 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
5 REL3_OUT- Relay 3 switching contact
4 REL4_OUT+ Relay 4 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
3 REL4_OUT- Relay 4 switching contact
2 REL5_OUT+ Relay 5 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
1 REL5_OUT- Relay 5 switching contact

NO = Normally open
NC = Normally closed
Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

REL1_OUT+ 10

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5 RT interface [NL] X2 switching contacts relays 6…10

Pin Designation Description
10 REL6_OUT+ Relay 6 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
9 REL6_OUT- Relay 6 switching contact
8 REL7_OUT+ Relay 7 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
7 REL7_OUT- Relay 7 switching contact
6 REL8_OUT+ Relay 8 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
5 REL8_OUT- Relay 8 switching contact
4 REL9_OUT+ Relay 9 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
3 REL9_OUT- Relay 9 switching contact
2 REL10_OUT+ Relay 10 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
1 REL10_OUT- Relay 10 switching contact

NO = Normally open
NC = Normally closed
Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

REL6_OUT+ 10
REL10_OUT+ 2
REL10_OUT- 1

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RT interface [NL]
5 X3 relay 11 + 12 switching contacts

PIN Designation Description
1 REL12_OUT+ Relay 12 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
2 REL12_OUT- Relay 12 switching contact
3 REL11_OUT+ Relay 11 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
4 REL11_OUT- Relay 11 switching contact

NO = Normally open
NC = Normally closed
Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

REL12_OUT+ + 1
REL12_OUT- - 2
REL11_OUT+ + 3
REL11_OUT+ - 4 X4 relay supply Vsys+ and relay coils 1…5

Pin Designation Description
6 20V-30V/VSYS+ Supply Vsys+ (connected to X5, PIN 6)
5 REL1_IN- Relay coil 1, active low
4 REL2_IN- Relay coil 2, active low
3 REL3_IN- Relay coil 3, active low
2 REL4_IN- Relay coil 4, active low
1 REL5_IN- Relay coil 5, active low

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm² X5 relay supply Vsys+ and relay coils 6…10

Pin Designation Description
6 20V-30V/VSYS+ Supply Vsys+ (connected to X4, PIN 6)
5 REL6_IN- Relay coil 6, active low
4 REL7_IN- Relay coil 7, active low
3 REL8_IN- Relay coil 8, active low
2 REL9_IN- Relay coil 9, active low
1 REL10_IN- Relay coil 10, active low

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm²

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5 RT interface [NL] X6 relay coils 11…14

Pin Designation Description
4 REL11_IN- Relay coil 11, active low
3 REL12_IN- Relay coil 12, active low
2 REL13_IN- Relay coil 13, active low
1 REL14_IN- Relay coil 14, active low

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.14…1.5 mm² X7 relay 13 switching contacts

Pin Designation Description
1 REL13_OUT_NO Relay 13 switching contact, normally open
2 REL13_OUT_NC Relay 13 switching contact, normally closed
3 REL13_OUT_CO Relay 13 switching contact, common

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

REL13_OUT_CO CO 3 X8 relay 14 switching contacts

Pin Designation Description
1 REL14_OUT_NO Relay 14 switching contact, normally open
2 REL14_OUT_NC Relay 14 switching contact, normally closed
3 REL14_OUT_CO Relay 14 switching contact, common

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²


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RT interface [NL]
5 Connection of cable tree to periphery board

RT interface Cable tree Periphery board Periphery board
4 loops 2 loops
Pin Designation Cable color Signal Pin Designation Pin Designation
X4-6 20V- White-green Supply (+) X8-7 VSYS_01 X8-5 VSYS_01
X4-5 REL1_IN- Blue/red Manual X7-1 AL_NO X7-1 AL_NO
X4-4 REL2_IN- Gray/pink Auto X8-1 I/O1 X8-1 I/O1
X4-3 REL3_IN- -- Alarm 2 -- -- -- --
X4-2 REL4_IN- Violet Fault X7-6 FAU_NC X7-6 FAU_NC
X4-1 REL5_IN- Black Alarm 1 X8-2 I/O2 X8-2 I/O2
X5-6 20V- -- Supply (+) X8-15 VSYS_02 X9-5 VSYS_02
X5-5 REL6_IN- -- Alarm 2 -- -- -- --
X5-4 REL7_IN- Red Fault X8-3 I/O3 X8-3 I/O3
X5-3 REL8_IN- Blue Isolation X8-4 I/O4 X8-4 I/O4
X5-2 REL9_IN- Pink Technical X8-5 I/O5 X9-1 I/O5
X5-1 REL10_IN- Gray Supervision X8-6 I/O6 X9-2 I/O6
X6-4 REL11_IN- Yellow Fire alarm X8-9 I/O7 X9-3 I/O7
X6-3 REL12_IN- Green -- X8-10 I/O8 X9-4 I/O8
X6-2 REL13_IN- Brown -- X8-11 I/O9 -- --
X6-1 REL14_IN- White -- X8-12 I/O10 -- --

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5 RT interface [CH]

5.28 RT interface [CH]

5.28.1 Installation
The RT interface FCI2006-C1 [CH] is delivered as a complete set incl. connection
cables. The RT interface is already inserted onto the mounting plate in the card
cage. The cables are connected and pre-assembled.



13 12 11
Figure 114: Installation example of the RT interface FCI2006-C1

1 Hinge angle on mounting plate

2 Fork head (2 pieces)
3 M5 x 5 hexagon nut (2 pieces)
4 M5 hex spacers (2 pieces)
5 Mounting holes in housing rear panel
6 Fastening clamp (2 pieces)
7 Distance piece, circular
8 Safety washer (pre-mounted)
9 M4 x 14 fixing screw (pre-mounted)
10 Mounting plate set with RT interface FCI2006-C1, incl. pre-mounted cables
11 Connection cable for the RT device (fixed with cable tie)
12 Connection cable to the periphery board (guided through the cable duct)
13 Cable duct

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RT interface [CH]

1. Screw the round spacer (7) onto the rear panel to right of the periphery board.
2. Screw the two spacers (4) onto the rear panel to the left of the periphery board.
3. Screw one counternut (3) onto each spacer (4).
4. Screw the fork heads (2) onto the spacers (4) and fix them in a horizontal
position (in accordance with the figure) using the counternut (3).
5. Insert the mounting plate (10) with the hinge brackets (1) into the fork heads (2)
so that the fastening clamps (6) can be inserted into the fork heads from above.
6. Swivel the fastening clamps (6) backwards so that they snap into place behind
the fork heads (2).
7. Guide the pre-assembled connection cable (12) to the periphery board through
the cable duct (13) and wire up the RT interface in accordance with the pin
8. Wire up the RT device (if present) with the pre-assembled connection
cable (11) according to the pin assignment.
9. Swivel the mounting plate (10) over the periphery board and fix it with the pre-
mounted fixing screws (8, 9) in the round spacer (7).

5.28.2 Pin assignments X15 terminal strip

Pin Description
1 Relay 1, input -
2 Relay 2, input -
3 Relay 3, input -
4 Relay 4, input -
5 Test output
6 0 V supply
7 Relay 4 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
8 Relay 4 switching contact
9 Alarm test switching contact
10 Fault test switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
11 Not used
12 Fault test switching contact
13 Relay 1 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
14 Relay 1 switching contact
15 Relay 2 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
16 Relay 2 switching contact

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5 RT interface [CH]

Pin Description
17 Relay 3 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
18 Relay 3 switching contact
19 Relay 4 switching contact (configurable as NO or NC)
20 Relay 4 switching contact

- 1
- 2

- 3

- 4
- 5
H3 S1
- 6
+ 7

- 8
- 9

X2 - 10
- 12

Y3 - 13
H1-1 K1 X3
- 14
Y4 - 15
K2 X4
- 16
Y5 - 17
H2-1 K3 X5
- 18
X6 - 19
H2-2 - 20

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RT interface [CH]
5 Connection of cable tree to periphery board

RT interface Cable tree 4 loop periphery board 2 loops periphery board
Pin Designation Cable color Cable no. Pin Designation Pin Designation
1 Relay 1 Black 1 X8-1 I/O1 X8-1 I/O1
2 Relay 2 Brown 1 X8-2 I/O2 X8-2 I/O2
3 Relay 3 Green 1 X8-3 I/O3 X8-3 I/O3
4 Relay 4 -- -- -- -- -- --
5 Test Gray/pink 1 X8-6 I/O6 X8-4 I/O4
6 0 V supply Blue 1 (+ 2) X8-8 GND_01 X8-6 GND_01
7 + 24 V supply Red 1 (+ 2) X8-7 VSYS_01 X8-5 VSYS_01
8 Alarm Gray 1 (+ 2) X7-3 AL_NC X7-3 AL_NC
9 Alarm Pink 1 (+ 2) X7-2 AL_COM X7-2 AL_COM
10 Fault Violet 1 (+ 2) X7-4 FAU_NO X7-4 FAU_NO
11 -- Yellow 1 (+ 2) X8-5 I/O5 X9-4 I/O8
12 Fault White 1 (+ 2) X7-5 FAU_COM X7-5 FAU_COM
13 K1 Black 2 -- -- -- --
14 K1 Brown 2+3 -- -- -- --
15 K2 Green 2 -- -- -- --
16 K2 -- 3 -- -- -- --
17 K3 Gray/pink 2 -- -- -- --
18 K3 -- 3 -- -- -- --
19 K4 -- -- -- -- -- --
20 K4 -- 3 -- -- -- --

Cable no.:
● Cable 1 to periphery board, control cable VDE LI-CY 0.34 mm 2, 14-pin, length
560 mm, included in cable kit
● Cable 2 to ↑ RT device, control cable 14-pin VDE LI-CY 0.34 mm2, length
700 mm, included in cable kit
● Cable 3 = loop made from wire jumpers 3 x 0.22 mm 2 x 40 mm

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5 Cable kit (communication)

5.29 Cable kit (communication)

The cable kit (communication) FCA2014-A1 is used as an intermediate piece for
wiring the external lines to the modules on the operating unit. The connecting
cables supplied are fully assembled and have a length of 1110 mm. The cable kit is
mounted in the top right of the housing instead of the shield connection terminal

Figure 115: Installation of the cable kit (communication) on the rear panel (example, Standard housing)

1 Screw bushings in rear panel for terminal strip

2 Terminal strip with 2 shield connection terminal blocks and connection
3 2x fixing screws
4 Periphery board

Mounting steps
1. First remove the shield connection terminal blocks if present.
2. Screw the mounting rail (2) to the screw bushings in the rear panel (1) using
the two fixing screws (3).
3. Now wire the existing module to the operating unit using the cables provided
according to the allocation plan of the respective module.
4. Guide the cable to the operating unit along the rear panel and fasten using
cable ties.

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Insert license key

5.30 Insert license key

The license key is inserted in the designated holder on the rear of the operating


Figure 116: Using the license key on the operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2027


Figure 117: Using the license key on the operating unit with PMI & mainboard FCM2004

1 Holder for the license key

2 License keys

Disconnect the station from the power supply

If the station is not disconnected from the power supply or if the license key is
inserted when the station is switched on, the license key functions will not be
You will find a detailed description of how to disconnect the station from the
power supply in document 009052.

License key installation position: The wider side points toward the clamp, the
narrower side toward the printed circuit board.
w The station is current-free, i.e., it has been disconnected from the power supply
and the batteries have been disconnected too.
l Raise the clamp of the retainer (1) and push the license key (2) underneath the
a After a restart, the new functions will be enabled.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 19" mounting kit

5.31 19" mounting kit

The 19" mounting kit FHA2016-A1 serves as a retainer for installing a station into a
19" rack or into a 19" cabinet. To fix a station, the two retainers enclosed with the
kit must be mounted.
The mounting instructions described below apply to all housing types.



Figure 118: Installing the 19" mounting kit, taking the example of the Standard housing

1 Fixing screws for the station (3x or 5x), M5 x 10 pan head screws
2 Rear panel of the station
3 Fixing of the crossbars on the 19" housing or rack (2 screws each) with M5 x
10 pan head screws
4 19" housing or rack
5 19" cross bars (4x per kit)
6 19" housing brackets (2x per kit)
7 Hexagonal fixing screws M6 x 12 for housing brackets (2x per side) and
washers M6
8 Top 19" retainer
9 Bottom 19" retainer

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19" mounting kit

1. Screw the 19" crossbars to the housing bracket. Consider the installation depth
of the station.
2. Secure 19" retainers to 19" rack or in 19" cabinet. Consider the mounting
height of the station.
3. Fix the station on the housing brackets.

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 FM blind

5.32 FM blind
The FM blind is required to achieve a level covering of the station in the event of
recess mounting.
There is one FM blind each for the 1HU and 2HU housing heights:
● FM blind (1HU) FHA2017-A1 for the Eco, Standard and Large Extension
● FM blind (2HU) FHA2015-A1 for the Comfort and Large housings
The FM blind is installed in an identical way for both variants.


Figure 119: Installing the FM blind, taking the example of the Comfort housing

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FM blind

1 Plastic stopper Ø 12 mm
2 4 hexagon fixing screws M5 x 10 mm for recess-mounted cover cap
3 FM blind (2 HU)
4 2 fixing screws used for operating add-on (only with Comfort housing)
5 Operating add-on (only with Comfort housing)
6 Rear panel fixation
7 Rear panel
8 Fixation for wall mounting
9 Operating unit
10 2 fixing screws for the operating unit





Figure 120: Detailed view of rear panel fixation

6.1 M6 x 60 hanger bolts with nylon dowel Ø 6 - 8 mm (3 pieces)

6.2 Washer Ø 6.4/16/0.8 (3 pieces)
6.3 Pressure spring d=2 mm / Dd=10 mm / Lo=18 mm / Ln=12.11 mm /
Fn=140.44 (3 pieces)
6.4 Washer Ø 6.4/16/0.8 (3 pieces)
6.5 Rear panel mounting hole
6.6 Washer Ø 6.4/16/0.8 (3 pieces)
6.7 Hexagon nut M6 x 0.8 mm (3 pieces)

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5 FM blind

Recess sizes (W x H x D)
● Housing (Eco) 456 x 424 x 97.5 mm
● Housing (Standard) 456 x 424 x 177.5 mm
● Housing (Large Extension) 456 x 424 x 277.5 mm
● Housing (Comfort) 456 x 822 x 177.5 mm
● Housing (Large) 456 x 822 x 277.5 mm
These dimensions have been measured from the plastering or casing.
You will find information about formwork boxes in document 008843, Planning.

For fixing the station in the niche of the wall, the station must be placed on the
floor of the niche and screwed in this position.
This guarantees a simple mounting and that the base of the station and the wall
mountings are not burdened by the weight of the batteries.

1. Place the station on the niche floor and mark the holes for the dowels (only 3
pieces per station).
2. Remove the station, drill the holes for the dowels and insert the dowels.
3. Screw the hanger bolts (6.1) into the wall. Use the supplied nuts (6.7) for this
purpose and screw the hanger bolts into the wall using a spanner or ratchet.
Then remove the nuts again.
4. Now place the washer (6.2), the pressure spring (6.3) and another washer (6.4)
onto the hanger bolts (6.1) one after another.
5. Now place the rear panel (7 / 6.5) onto the hanger bolts that have been
6. Place a washer (6.6) and hexagon nut (6.7) onto the hanger bolts one after
another. The pressure springs press the rear panel forwards, thereby allowing
for accurate depth alignment.
7. Align the housing by tightening or loosening the hexagon nuts (6.7) so that the
surface of the operating unit is level with the plaster. This is to ensure that the
FM blind is level with the wall.
8. Fix the operating unit (9) to the wall with the two bottom screws (10).
9. If available, screw down the operating add-on (5) using the two top screws (4).
10. Place the FM blind (3) onto the rear panel so that the upper bracket is placed
on the housing (7).
11. Screw down the FM blind with the four fixing screws (2).
12. Plug the plastic stoppers (1) into the four fixing screws (2).

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5.33 Batteries

Switching batteries in parallel
Risk of explosion and fire
● Never connect batteries in parallel!
● If you need more power, you must use batteries with a higher capacity.

● The batteries must meet the predefined specifications. You will find further
information in document 008843.
● Batteries must be installed so that they cannot leak. The openings for cables in
the back box must not be broken out (EN 60950-1).
● If two housings are installed and attached one under another, the batteries
must be installed in the bottom housing.

Mounting steps

Danger of short circuit
Potential damage to hardware
● The supplied jumper wire must not be connected until the time of
● Note the polarity of the supply: Red cable = positive pole; blue cable =
negative pole

1. Place the batteries on base of the rear panel.

2. Connect the unconnected cable ends of the secondary cabling of the power
supply to the poles of the batteries:
3. Red cable on positive pole of the left battery
4. Blue cable on negative pole of the right battery
a The station is then ready for commissioning. You will find information about
commissioning in document 009052.

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5 Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL]

5.34 Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL]

X400 6
X401 1 2 3
5 X402 X400 X402 X400

8 4

8 4

S20 X1 S20 X1

Figure 121: Example: Installation of the operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL

1 Operating add-on FCM2008-N1 [NL]

2 EVAC-NL operation FTO2007 (slave)
3 EVAC-NL operation FTO2007 (master)
4 Holes for operating add-on fixing screws
5 Hinges of operating add-on
6 Periphery board (2-loop or 4-loop depending on type of station)
7 Existing operating unit
8 Mounting holes for the operating add-on

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Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL]

2 3

Figure 122: Detail view of the hinge of the operating add-on

1 Cut-out section on the rear panel for the hinge

2 Hinge
3 Screw for securing the hinge

1. Remove cover from fire control panel.

2. Remove empty operating add-on.
3. From the rear, hang the new operating add-on FCM2008-N1 into the openings
in the rear panel of the housing (1) with the hinges (2).
4. Hold the operating add-on in place and secure the hinge (2) with the
screws (3).
5. Connect ribbon cable (X402) for peripheral data bus with periphery board
(X400 or X401).
6. Use the following tables to check the address setting.
7. Swivel the operating add-on towards the station and secure it using the four

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5 Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL]

5.34.1 Adjustment elements

The EVAC-NL indicator is configured with the switch S20.
Setting for one or the first EVAC-NL

Switch S20 Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6
S0 S1 S2 Master Syn (Empty)
ON OFF Device address 1 1
ON ON OFF Device address 2
ON ON OFF Device address 3
ON ON ON OFF Device address 4
ON ON OFF Device address 5
X X X ON ON Mimic display outputs are actuated
and polled (LED, keys and key switch)

Blank fields = Switch in 'OFF' position

X = Switch position according to addresses 1 to 5
1 If working with a single EVAC-NL indicator (10 zones) and if working with the first

EVAC-NL indicator, S20/4 (Master) must always be set to ON. If used in the EVAC-
NL mimic display driver, the S20/5 (Syn) switch must also be ON.

Each address can be assigned only once per ↑ station.

The factory setting is always made for the application in question.

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Operating add-on with 20 zones EVAC-NL [NL]

Setting for the second and/or any subsequent EVAC-NL indicator

Switch S20 Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6
S0 S1 S2 Master Syn (Empty)
OFF OFF Device address 1
ON OFF OFF Device address 2 1
ON OFF OFF Device address 3
ON ON OFF OFF Device address 4
ON OFF OFF Device address 5
X X X OFF ON Mimic display outputs are actuated
and polled (LED, keys and key switch)

Blank fields = Switch in 'OFF' position

X = Switch position according to addresses 1 to 5
1 2 EVAC-NL indicators must not be operated on the same address (per station).

On the second or any subsequent indicator, the address must always be set 1
higher (slave). If used in the EVAC-NL mimic display driver, the S20/5 (Syn) switch
must also be ON.

Each address can be assigned only once per station.

The factory setting is always made for the application in question.

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

5.35 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display


5.35.1 Remote 20-zone EVAC-NL indicator

4 5 6 7

X402 X400 X402 X400

1 2 1 2

X2 X4
33 34 33 34

1 2 1 2

X3 X5
33 34 33 34

X1 1

X2 1 2 1 2

X2 X4
33 34 33 34

1 2 1 2

X3 X5 S20 X1 S20 X1
33 34 33 34


Figure 123: Example of remote mounting of the 20-zone EVAC-NL indicator in an Eco housing

1 EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1

2 Eco housing (example)
3 Power supply (70 W) (example)
4 EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1
5 Operating add-on FCM2008-N1
6 EVAC-NL operating unit FTO2007-N1
7 EVAC-NL operating unit FTO2007-N1

The 20-zone EVAC-NL indicator is available as a component in the operating add-
on FCM2008-N1. It can be installed in a station as an operating add-on or remotely
operated in any housing. In this instance it is also supplied using any separate
power supply, which can be installed in the housing, or via an external power
The following components are also needed to operate the remote operating add-on
● Any housing or Eco housing FH2001-A1
● Any DC 24 V power supply or power supply (70 W) FP2015-A1
● 1 or 2 EVAC-NL connector boards FTI2002-N1 (1 each per 10 zones)
● 34 pin x 1 mm ribbon cable for connecting to the EVAC-NL connector board
● RS485 module FCA2001-A1 for installation in the associated control panel

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Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

1. Mount the operating add-on FCM2008-N1 (5) on the Eco housing (2) or on any
2. If the power supply is integrated, install power supply (3) in the Eco
housing (2).
3. Depending on the number of zones, mount 1 or 2 EVAC-NL connector boards
FTI2002-N1 (1, 4) with spacer bolts in the housing (2).
4. Wire up the power supply, connector boards and the operating add-on
according to the following pin assignments.
5. Check the address settings on the EVAC-NL operating units FTO2007-N1 with
the following address setting.
6. Swivel the operating add-on (5) on to the housing (2), secure it, and fit the
cover cap (for Eco housing).

5.35.2 Fitting the EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1


X1 X400



Figure 124: Assembly of EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1

1 EVAC-NL operating unit FTO2007-N1

2 Ribbon cable between EVAC-NL connector board and EVAC-NL
operating unit
3 EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1
4 4 spacer bolts (15 mm) and fixing screws for securing housing
5 4 spacer bolts (15 mm) and fixing screws for fixing printed circuit board
X1/ Connection strip for supply, monitoring signals and RS485 connection
X2 Connections of LED mimic display indicator 1…17

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

X3 Connections of LED mimic display indicator 18…34

X4 Ribbon cable connection to EVAC-NL FTO2007
X5 Connections for mimic display operation
X400 Connection peripheral data bus, input
X402 Connection for peripheral data bus, output

The EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1 is supplied as a component which
is fitted by operators in their own housings. It is also supplied by the operators
using a separate power supply, which can be fitted in the housing, or via an
external power supply.
The following components are therefore also needed to operate the EVAC-NL
mimic display driver FT2003-N1:
● Any housing or Eco housing FH2001-A1
● Front plate, LED indicators and operation keys for the mimic display panel
● Any DC 24 V power supply or power supply (70 W) FP2015-A1
● Molex 87586-3493 spring strips (Siemens no. A5Q 00005805) for mimic
display connections
● 34 pin x 1 m ribbon cable for mimic display connections
● RS485 module FCA2001-A1 for installation in the control panel
● If using several cascaded EVAC-NL mimic display drivers FT2003-N1, one
ribbon cable each for the peripheral data bus.
1. Fit the EVAC-NL mimic display driver FT2003-N1 with 4 spacer bolts and fixing
screws (4) in the housing.
2. Install the power supply and mimic display elements according to the following
pin assignments.
3. If working with cascaded mimic display drivers, observe the address settings
and connect the EVAC-NL operating units FTO2007-N1 with a ribbon cable
using the X400/X402 plugs.

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5.35.3 Pin assignments

The EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1 is used as an interface from the
EVAC-NL operating unit FTO2007-N1 to the RS485 card in the control panel.
Vext. 1
X1 X1

2 FCM2008-N1 X402


FTO2007 FTO2007

Vsys RS485


Peripheryboard PMI & Mainboard

Figure 125: Wiring of the EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1 in a remote EVAC 20-zone indicator

1 Any housing (e.g. ECO housing)

2 Operating add-on FCM2008-N1
FTI2002 EVAC-NL connector board
FTO2007 EVAC-NL operating unit

The two EVAC-NL operating units FTO2007-NL must be linked to each other for
synchronization via the peripheral data bus (X400 –X402). If the LED indicators on
the two components do not flash in synch, this indicates that they are not
connected to one another.

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

In the EVAC mimic display FT2003-N1, the EVAC-NL connector board FTI2002-N1
is supplied together with the EVAC-NL operating unit FTO2007-N1.

X5 X2/X3


Vsys RS485


Periphery board PMI & mainboard

Figure 126: Wiring for EVAC-NL mimic display FT2003-N1

1 Any housing IP30 (e.g. ECO housing)

2 Any mimic display indicator and operation
FT2003 EVAC-NL mimic display
FTO2007 EVAC-NL operating unit
FTI2002 EVAC-NL connector board

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5.35.4 Cable length and cable resistance

If using a remote EVAC-NL indicator and the EVAC mimic display driver, the length
of the power supply cable is limited if the component is supplied internally via the
periphery board.
The diagram below can be used to determine the maximum cable lengths for both
The following cable is specified for the power supply:
● No shielding
● Twisted pair cable
● With at least 10 twists.
Please refer to the data for the corresponding component for the maximum RS485
interface cable length.
120 1.8

100 1.5

80 1.2
R' cable [Ohm]

Current [A]
60 0.9

40 0.6

20 0.3
0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

x10 zones
Figure 127: Diagram for calculating the max. cable resistance

1 Max. cable resistance R' for EVAC-NL mimic display driver

2 Max. cable resistance R' for remote EVAC-NL indicator
3 Max. current for remote EVAC-NL indicator
4 Max. current for EVAC-NL mimic display driver

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

Example of using the diagram

Two remote EVAC-NL indicators, one with 20 zones, the other with 30 zones, are
supplied by the periphery board of the same ↑ station.
Remote (mimic) EVAC, 20 zones
Remote (mimic) EVAC, 30 zones
FTO2007-N1 X402


FTO2007-N1 X402

20 pin FT2003-N1 mimic display driver
FTO2007-N1 X402
Operating unit

Operating unit
X4 34 pin Operating unit
Synoptic panel

Synoptic panel

FTI2002-N1 'Master' X400

board X2 Synoptic panel

20 pin
X3 3 x 34 pin

X1 X5
FT2003-N1 mimic display driver

FT2003-N1 mimic display driver

3 x 34 pin

3 x 34 pin
34 pin

34 pin

FT2003-N1 mimic display driver

FTO2007-N1 X402
X4 34 pin Operating unit
FTI2002-N1 X1 'Slave' X400





board X2 Synoptic panel

20 pin
X3 3 x 34 pin




FT2003-N1 mimic display driver

FTO2007-N1 X402
RS485 (FCA2002-A1) X4 34 pin Operating unit
FTI2002-N1 X1 'Slave' X400
Usys (Peripherieboard 2-/4-Loop) Connector
board X2 Synoptic panel
X3 3 x 34 pin

Figure 128: Wiring example for calculating the cable resistance

Number of zones via the same supply cable: 50 (20 from panel 1 and 30 from
panel 2)
According to the diagram, this results in the following values for the EVAC-NL
mimic display driver:
● Maximum cable resistance R' is 10 Ω (curve 1)
● Maximum current is 0.85 A (curve 4)
In the same way, this would result in the following for a remote EVAC-NL indicator:
● Maximum cable resistance R' is 22 Ω (curve 2)
● Maximum current is 0.4 A (curve 3)

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5.35.5 Indicators
Indication and operating elements for EVAC-NL operating unit
In the case of the EVAC mimic display driver, all display and operating elements
are wired to the mimic display panel via three 34-pin ribbon cables.

Display and operating elements on the front panel

S3 Totaal H431
H430 H401 H430 H401
S7 Zoemer S1 S1
uit H429 H429
H428 H402 H428 H402
S11 Start S5 S5
H427 H427
H426 H403 H426 H403
S15 Stop S9 S9
H425 H425
H424 H404 H424 H404
S13 S13
H423 H423
H422 H405 H422 H405
S4 IN/UIT S12 S12
H421 H421

LED H420 H406 H420 H406

S8 S16 S16
H418 H407 H418 H407
S2 S2
H417 Select H417
H416 H408 H416 H408
S6 S6
H415 Start H415
H414 H409 H414 H409
S10 S10
H413 Stop 2x H413
H412 H410 H412 H410
S14 S14
H411 H411

Figure 129: EVAC master unit (left), EVAC slave unit (right)

Indicators on the print plate

LED Color Function State Meaning
H205 Yellow Watchdog Off Normal condition
On Function failure of the processor

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

5.35.6 Connection FTI2002-N1

See also
2 Power supply (70 W) [➙ 94]
2 RS232 / RS485 module [➙ 185] X1 supply
Pin Designation Description
10 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
9 VSYS– Supply input from the power supply (–)
8 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
7 VSYS+ Supply input from the power supply (+)
6 RS485_B Input connection B 1
5 RS485_A Input connection A 1
4 COMMON Ground
3 #MAINS Message input from the power supply: Mains failure
2 #CONV Message input from the power supply: Converter fault
1 #BATT Message input from the power supply: Battery fault

Tn = Last participant

1Note the polarity of connections A and B.
The last participant connection must have a resistance of 120 Ω.

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Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver
5 X2 LED mimic display

Pin Connection for LED Master description Slave description
1, 2 H405 (green) Selection zone 5 Selection zone 5
3, 4 H409 (green) Selection zone 9 Selection zone 9
5, 6 H406 (green) Selection zone 6 Selection zone 6
7, 8 H410 (green) Selection zone 10 Selection zone 10
9, 10 H407 (green) Selection zone 7 Selection zone 7
11, 12 H417 (yellow) Fault/Isolation zone 7 Fault/Isolation zone 7
13, 14 H416 (red) Alarm zone 8 Alarm zone 8
15, 16 H415 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 8 Fault/isolation zone 8
17, 18 H414 (red) Alarm zone 9 Alarm zone 9
19, 20 H413 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 9 Fault/isolation zone 9
21, 22 H412 (red) Alarm zone 10 Alarm zone 10
23, 24 H408 (green) Selection zone 8 Selection zone 8
25, 26 H411 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 10 Fault/isolation zone 10
27, 28 H404 (green) Selection zone 4 Selection zone 4
29, 30 H403 (green) Selection zone 3 Selection zone 3
31, 32 H402 (green) Selection zone 2 Selection zone 2
33, 34 H401 (green) Selection zone 1 Selection zone 1

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H405 'Selection zone 5'
H409 'Selection zone 9'
H406 'Selection zone 6'
H410 'Selection zone 10'
H407 'Selection zone 7'
H417 'Fault/Isolation zone 7'
H416 'Alarm zone 8'
H415 'Fault/Isolation zone 8'
H414 'Alarm zone 9'
H413 'Fault/Isolation zone 9'
H412 'Alarm zone 10'
H408 'Selection zone 8'
H411 'Fault/Isolation zone 10'
H404 'Selection zone 4'
H403 'Selection zone 3'
H402 'Selection zone 2'
H401 'Selection zone 1'

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Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver
5 X3 LED mimic display

Pin LED connection Master description Slave description
1, 2 H422 (red) Alarm zone 5 Alarm zone 5
3, 4 H426 (red) Alarm zone 3 Alarm zone 3
5, 6 H423 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 4 Fault/isolation zone 4
7, 8 H427 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 2 Fault/isolation zone 2
9, 10 H424 (red) Alarm zone 4 Alarm zone 4
11, 12 H434 (red) Totaal alarm --
13, 14 H433 (green) Bedrijf --
15, 16 H432 (yellow) Uitgeschakeld --
17, 18 H431 (yellow) Storing --
19, 20 H430 (red) Alarm zone 1 Alarm zone 1
21, 22 H429 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 1 Fault/isolation zone 1
23, 24 H425 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 3 Fault/isolation zone 3
25, 26 H428 (red) Alarm zone 2 Alarm zone 2
27, 28 H421 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 5 Fault/isolation zone 5
29, 30 H420 (red) Alarm zone 6 Alarm zone 6
31, 32 H419 (yellow) Fault/isolation zone 6 Fault/isolation zone 6
33, 34 H418 (red) Alarm zone 7 Alarm zone 7

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H422 'Alarm zone 5'
H426 'Alarm zone 3'
H423 'Fault/Isolation zone 4'
H427 'Fault/Isolation zone 2'
H424 'Alarm zone 4'
H434 'Totaal Alarm'
H433 'Bedrijf'
H432 'Uitgeschakeld'
H431 'Storing'
H430 'Alarm zone 1'
H429 'Fault/Isolation zone 1'
H425 'Fault/Isolation zone 3'
H428 'Alarm zone 2'
H421 'Fault/Isolation zone 5'
H420 'Alarm zone 6'
H419 'Fault/Isolation zone 6'
H418 'Alarm zone 7'

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Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver
5 X5 mimic display operation

Pin LED connection Master description Slave description
1, 2 S1 Selection zone 1 Selection zone 1
3, 4 S2 Selection zone 7 Selection zone 7
5, 6 S3 Totaal alarm --
7, 8 S4 IN/UIT --
9, 10 S5 Selection zone 2 Selection zone 2
11, 12 S6 Selection zone 8 Selection zone 8
13, 14 S7 Zoemer uit --
15, 16 S8 LED TEST --
17, 18 S9 Selection zone 3 Selection zone 3
19, 20 S10 Selection zone 9 Selection zone 9
21, 22 S11 Start --
23, 24 S12 Selection zone 5 Selection zone 5
25, 26 S13 Selection zone 4 Selection zone 4
27, 28 S14 Selection zone 10 Selection zone 10
29, 30 S15 Stop --
31, 32 S16 Selection zone 6 Selection zone 6
33 SUK_EXT Key switch (external) Key switch (external)
34 (GND) (GND for key switch) (GND for key switch)

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5 Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver


S1 'Selection zone 1'

S2 'Selection zone 7'

S3 'Totaal Alarm'


S5 'Selection zone 2'

S6 'Selection zone 8'

S7 'Zoemer uit'


S9 'Selection zone 3'

S10 'Selection zone 9'

S11 'Start'

S12 'Selection zone 5'

S13 'Selection zone 4'

S14 'Selection zone 10'

S15 'Stop'

S16 'Selection zone 6'

SUK_EXT 'External key switch'

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Remote EVAC-NL and EVAC-NL mimic display driver

5.35.7 Connection FTO2007-N1 Adjustment elements

The EVAC-NL indicator is configured with the switch S20.
Setting for one or the first EVAC-NL

Switch S20 Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6
S0 S1 S2 Master Syn (Empty)
ON OFF Device address 1 1
ON ON OFF Device address 2
ON ON OFF Device address 3
ON ON ON OFF Device address 4
ON ON OFF Device address 5
X X X ON ON Mimic display outputs are actuated
and polled (LED, keys and key switch)

Blank fields = Switch in 'OFF' position

X = Switch position according to addresses 1 to 5
1 If working with a single EVAC-NL indicator (10 zones) and if working with the first

EVAC-NL indicator, S20/4 (Master) must always be set to ON. If used in the EVAC-
NL mimic display driver, the S20/5 (Syn) switch must also be ON.
Each address can be assigned only once per ↑ station.
The factory setting is always made for the application in question.

Setting for the second and/or any subsequent EVAC-NL indicator

Switch S20 Meaning

1 2 3 4 5 6
S0 S1 S2 Master Syn (Empty)
OFF OFF Device address 1
ON OFF OFF Device address 2 1
ON OFF OFF Device address 3
ON ON OFF OFF Device address 4
ON OFF OFF Device address 5
X X X OFF ON Mimic display outputs are actuated
and polled (LED, keys and key switch)

Blank fields = Switch in 'OFF' position

X = Switch position according to addresses 1 to 5
1 2 EVAC-NL indicators must not be operated on the same address (per station).

On the second or any subsequent indicator, the address must always be set 1
higher (slave). If used in the EVAC-NL mimic display driver, the S20/5 (Syn) switch
must also be ON.
Each address can be assigned only once per station.
The factory setting is always made for the application in question.

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5 Door contact kit [DE]

5.36 Door contact kit [DE]

5.36.1 Installation
The door contact kit FCA2009-A1 is needed for a class 3 key depot [DE] and must
not be used for other applications. The door contact is fitted on the housing such
that it is triggered when the cover cap is removed.


Figure 130: Installing door contact kit FCA2009-A1

1 Crossed recess sheet-metal screws for fixation

2 Mounting holes in housing
3 Door contact switch
4 Pre-assembled pigtails

1. Use the two sheet-metal screws (1) to screw the door contact switch (3) in the
position shown (contact towards front) using the two holes on the housing (2).
2. Wire up the door contact with pre-assembled strands (4) in accordance with the
pin assignment on fire brigade periphery module FCI2001-D1 on FSD tamper
connection. You can also connect the door contact to a free I/O contact on the
periphery board.
3. If necessary, secure the strands to the self-adhesive mounting plate supplied
on the housing.

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Door contact kit [DE]

5.36.2 Pin assignments

Inputs and outputs which are not used do not require termination. X6 intrusion detection system / local alarm / identification

Pin Designation Description
8 Ke Leuchte + Identification lamp (+)
7 Ke Leuchte - Identification lamp (-)
6 Oertl Alarm + Local alarm (+)
5 Oertl Alarm - Local alarm (-)
4 - Not used
3 FSD sabotage, closer (normally open)
2 FSD sabotage, common
1 FSD sabotage, opener (normally open)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…1.5 mm²

Ke Leuchte + 300mA / max. 7.5W
+ 8
Ke Leuchte - - 7
Oertl Alarm + + 6
560Ω 3* 3* 1*
40 Ω ... 2kΩ
Oertl Alarm - - 5 2W

3 2*


1* Horn or beacon
2* FSD sabotage, connection for "Transmission intrusion detection system"
(can be connected as NO or NC)
3* If necessary

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

5.37 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

The installation description for these modules for extended networking relates to
the following modules, which are identical in construction:
● Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1
● Security module (firewall) FN2009-A1
You will find detailed technical information on the corresponding data sheet or in
the technical description provided by the manufacturer.

5.37.1 Installing the mounting kit

The mounting kit is needed to install the modules for extended networking laterally.

Mounting kit FHA2029-A1

● For all empty housings for wall mounting
● For stations in Comfort housings
The modules have to be mounted horizontally or laterally in these housings as
there is insufficient installation depth.
The mounting kit FHA2029 consists of the following components:
● Angle plate for installing in the housings
● Two U-rails TS35, L 65 mm
● Two retaining brackets for fixing on the side
● Various mounting material
● Cable kit and connection cable RJ45
A maximum of two modules can be installed on the angle plate.

Mounting kit FHA2030-A1

● For stations in Large housings with enough free space
● For the FC2080 in the housing (19", pedestal cabinet)
The modules can be installed standing on the DIN rails in the Large and Large
Extension housings, as well as in the 19" pedestal cabinets, and do not require an
angle plate.
The mounting kit FHA2030 consists of the following components:
● Various mounting material
● Cable kit and connection cable RJ45

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

View and installation of mounting kit FHA2029

Figure 131: Mounting kit FHA2029-A1 for installation on the DIN rail

1 2 fixing screws for the bottom DIN rail

2 Bottom DIN rail
3 Angle plate for the Ethernet switch
4 Retaining bracket for lateral fixing
5 Upper DIN rail
6 2 fixing screws for the top DIN rail

The mounting kit FHA2029 can be installed on both sides of the housing
(installation on left or right side wall). The angle plate must be rotated 180 degrees
to fit it on the right-hand side wall.
The process for installing stations and empty housings is identical. In stations there
must be sufficient space for the modules.
1. Firstly use the screws (6) to install the DIN rails (2, 5) and the retaining bracket
(4) on the angle plate.
2. Fit the angle plate (3) on the left-hand side of the housing as shown (or rotated
180 degrees for the right-hand side of the housing) and screw it firmly in place.
In the Eco and Standard housings, ensure that the two lugs go into the
recesses for the power supply (70 W).
3. Fit the modules as described below.
4. Wire the modules as described below.

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009 View of installation in housing (Eco)



Figure 132: Installation of mounting kit in the housing (Eco)

1 2 screws each for DIN rails

2 Bottom DIN rail
3 Lugs for the housing recesses (top and bottom lug)
4 Angle plate
5 2 screw holes for top DIN rail
6 2 screws for fixing bracket
7 2 housing recesses (provided to fasten the 70 W power supply)

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009
5 View of installation in housing (Standard)


Figure 133: Installation of mounting kit in the housing (Standard)

1 2 screws each for DIN rails

2 Bottom DIN rail
3 Angle plate
4 Lug for the housing recesses (top and bottom lug)
5 2 screw holes for top DIN rail
6 4 screws for fixing bracket
7 2 housing recesses (provided to fasten the 70 W power supply)

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009 View of installation in housing (Comfort)

3 4

Figure 134: Installation of mounting kit FHA2029-A1 in the housing (Comfort)

1 2 screws for each DIN rail

2 Bottom DIN rail
3 Angle plate
4 3 screws for fixing bracket
5 2 screw holes for top DIN rail

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

5.37.2 Installing the modules

The process of installation using the mounting kit is identical for all housing
variants and applies to the following modules:
● Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1
● Security module (firewall) FN2009-A1

Figure 135: Example: Installation in the Standard empty housing

1 Bottom DIN rail (for optional second module)

2 Angle plate
3 Top DIN rail with retaining bracket for FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1
4 FN2008-A1 or FN2009-A1

1. Attach the module's top snap-in guide (4) onto the top DIN rail (3) at an angle
from above and gently press down until it snaps into place.
2. If necessary, install a second module on the lower DIN rail (1).
– Install a retaining bracket for a second module.
3. Wire the module as described below.

See also
2 Modifications to the modules for class B [➙ 258]

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

5.37.3 Wiring of FN2008 with fire terminal

FT2040 FC20xx

PMI & Mainboard


Figure 136: Wiring the FN2008-A1 with I/O module in a separate empty housing with the fire terminal

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

If cabling is being carried out using multiple PMI & mainboards and the FN2008, a
loop can be created accidentally. Please observe the following information.

Loop with Ethernet cable
Impairment of system function
● Pay attention to the Ethernet cable connection if you are connecting more
than one PMI & mainboard.
● Never connect a port P1…P4 to a port P1…P4.

FT2040 Fire terminal with optional power supply and batteries

FH2001-A1 Empty Eco housing
FDCIO222 I/O module (any I/O module possible)
LINE+ FDnet loop connection
IN 1 Control input on separate I/O module (e.g. FDCIO222)
1 Connection for detector contact (F1, F2) 1
Rp Parallel resistor for I/O module 2

P1…P4 Electric Ethernet connections

L1+, (L2+) Vsys + system supply from fire terminal board 3
M1, (M2) Vsys - system supply from fire terminal board 3

1 The detector contact is normally wired on a free I/O connection of the periphery
board. If all connections are occupied or if using the FT2040 fire terminal, the
detector contact must be connected via an I/O module (e.g. an FDCIO222). In this
instance, the signal of the I/O module must not be configured as 'Degraded alarm
If a station is located very close to the FT2040 fire terminal, the detector contact
can also be wired directly to this station.
2 The parallel resistor for the detector contact depends on the I/O module used.

Refer to the documentation provided with the I/O module used for more details.
3 Use of the redundant L2+/M2 supply inputs is optional and not necessary for EN-

54 compatibility.

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

Wiring table
The wiring table below summarizes the plug assignments from the corresponding
product data.

Connection from To
Connector Pin Designation Connector Pin Designation
FN2008-A1 L1+ Supply+ input Fire terminal board X5 1/3 Vsys+ supply output
M1 Supply- input 2/4 Vsys-- supply output
F1 Detector contact FDCIO222 1 IN1 Control contact input
F2 Detector contact IN1 Control contact input
P1 Electrical Ethernet 1 PMI & mainboard X5 Electric Ethernet
FDCIO222 1 LINE+ FDnet connection 1 FC20xx 1 LOOP1_1 (+/-)
LINE- Periphery board 2
X11 or X12
LINE+ FDnet connection 2 3 LOOP1_2 (+/-)

1 Any I/O module can be used in place of the FDCIO222.

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

5.37.4 Connecting the Ethernet switch Connecting optical Ethernet

Wiring a loop network with four network nodes
To set up a redundant loop topology with the Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1,
both free ends of the optical Ethernet must be joined to form a loop.

1 1

1 1

Figure 137: Connecting a fiber optic cable for optical Ethernet with FN2008-A1

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

1 Ethernet connection to PMI & mainboard

2 Optical Ethernet (loop network)
P1…P4 Electrical Ethernet ports
P5, P6 Optical Ethernet ports
RX Optical receiver channel
TX Optical transmission channel


Heavily concentrated light
Eye damage
● Do not look into the red light of the transmitter (TX).

● The fiber optic cable is wired cross-wise:

The optical transmitter (TX) of one port must always be connected to the other
switch with the optical receiver (RX) of the other port.
● The bending radius of the fiber optic cable must not be less than 20 mm.
If cabling is being carried out using multiple PMI & mainboards and the FN2008, a
loop can be created accidentally. Please observe the following information.

Loop with Ethernet cable
Impairment of system function
● Pay attention to the Ethernet cable connection if you are connecting more
than one PMI & mainboard.
● Never connect a port P1…P4 to a port P1…P4. Connector strip for supply

Pin Designation Description
1 L1+ Supply input 1 (+DC 24 V)
2 M1 Supply input 1 (DC 0 V)
3 M2 Redundant supply input 2 (DC 0 V), optional
4 L2+ Redundant supply input 2 (+DC 24 V), optional

The L1+/M1 and L2+/M2 connections are designed for redundant supply and are
not plated-through. Use of the redundant L2+/M2 supply inputs is optional and not
necessary for EN-54 compatibility.

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009
5 Connector strip for detector contact

The detector contact is a potential-free relay contact which can be used to report
error states by interrupting contact.
The following errors can be signaled by the detector contact:
● Loss of a link on a monitored port
● Failure of a redundant source of voltage
● Incompatible C-plug inserted
The detector contact remains activated until the error is rectified or until the current
status is adopted by the button as the new nominal status.
The detector contact is always activated (opened) by switching off the FN2008-A1.

Pin Designation Description

1 F1 Detector contact 1
2 F2 Detector contact 2

5.37.5 Connecting the safety module FN2009 Connector strip for supply

Pin Designation Description
1 L1+ Supply input 1 (+DC 24 V)
2 M1 Supply input 1 (DC 0 V)
3 M2 Redundant supply input 2 (DC 0 V), optional
4 L2+ Redundant supply input 2 (+DC 24 V), optional

The L1+/M1 and L2+/M2 connections are designed for redundant supply and are
not plated-through. Use of the redundant L2+/M2 supply inputs is optional and not
necessary for EN-54 compatibility. Connector strip for detector contact

The detector contact is a potential-free relay contact which can be used to report
error states by interrupting contact.
The following errors can be signaled by the detector contact:
● Error in voltage supply
● Internal error
The detector contact remains activated until the error is rectified.
The detector contact is always activated (opened) by switching off the FN2009-A1.

Pin Designation Description

1 F1 Detector contact 1
2 F2 Detector contact 2

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5 Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

5.37.6 Modifications to the modules for class B

For the 'Ethernet switch (MM)' and 'Security module (firewall)' modules, the
following modifications are required to the wiring to reduce fault transmission from
limit value class A to class B:
● For each electrical Ethernet connection, one ferrite core, type Würth Elektronik,
742 701 51
● For each supply connection, one ferrite core, type Würth Elektronik, 742 715 4

P1 2


L1+ 4
M2 7

6 5




L2+ 7

Figure 138: Modifications to the wiring for class B

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Ethernet switch FN2008 and safety module FN2009

1 Station or empty housing

2 FN2009-A1 Ethernet connection, internal
3 FN2009-A1 Ethernet connection, external
4 Supply connection
5 Ethernet connections switch FN2008-A1
6 Ferrite core for LAN cable
7 Ferrite core for supply cable

1. Install the ferrite cores on each supply terminal connection and each LAN cable
plug connection.
2. Loop each connection cable to the plug or connection end with one wind
around the ferrite core.

P1 P1
P2 3 P2

L1+ P4
M2 8 L1+
4 8 M2

Figure 139: Example of the mounting of two modules in the same housing

1 Station or empty housing

2 Ethernet connection between two modules
3 Ethernet connection, external
4 Supply connection between two modules
5 Supply connection
6 Wiring of optical Ethernet
7 Ferrite core for LAN cable
8 Ferrite core for supply cable

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Mounting and installation of the compact control panels
5 Installation checklist

5.38 Installation checklist

The following list serves as a checklist or task list for the installation personnel. It
includes all components available as options. It can be copied and handed out to
the installation personnel with the installation instructions.

Position Type Component/task Comment Complete

1 – Install rear panel –
2 – Install housing extensions Additional empty housing for further
components (e.g. batteries)
3 – Connect the mains cable Note country-specific terminal
4 – Install operating unit Standard
5 – Install operating add-on In bottom half of housing or in
additional housing
6 – Mounting the cover cap –
7 – Install periphery board Only after a disassembly
8 – Install fire terminal board Only after a disassembly
9 FP2003-A1 Install a power supply Option for fire terminal
(70 W)
10 FP2004-A1 Install a power supply Option of extra power supply for
(150 W) Comfort and Large Extension
11 FCA2010-F1 Install a 9 V battery set Only for France
12 – Install shield connection Included in country kit [DE] FA2001
terminal blocks
13 FCI2003-A1 Integrate a loop extension Max. 2 modules depending on the
(FDnet) periphery board
14 Z3B171 Install relay module –
15 FHA2007-A1 Install mounting plate Mounting above the periphery board
16 FCI2001-D1 Install fire brigade Only for Germany.
periphery module [DE] Note different mounting possibilities
17 FN2001-A1 Install network module Max. 2 modules
(SAFEDLINK) Ensure correct installation site
18 FCA2006-A1 Connection module (card Only if replaced
19 FCA2007-A1 Card cage (2 slots) Only if replaced
FCA2008-A1 Card cage (5 slots)
20 FCI2008-A1 Module bus cards: Mounting in card cage:
FCL2001-A1 I/O card (programmable) Only possible in FC2060
FCL2002-A1 Line card (FDnet/C-NET) Only possible in FC2060
FCL2003-A1 Line card (collective)
Line card (MS9i)
21 FCA2001-A1 Install RS232 module Ensure correct installation site
(depending on use)
22 FCA2002-A1 Install RS485 module –

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Installation checklist

Position Type Component/task Comment Complete

23 FTO2001-A1 Install event printer An RS232 module must also be fitted
to slot 1
24 FTO2005-A1 Install a key switch (Kaba) –
25 – Install a Redux module Only for Germany
26 FDCIO224 Install input / output –
module [DE]
27 FCA2005-A1 Install sounder module Max. 2 depending on the periphery
28 FCI2005-N1 Install RT Interface [NL] Only for Netherlands
29 FCI2006-C1 Install RT interface [CH] Only for Switzerland
30 FCA2014-A1 Install cable kit –
31 Insert license key Only 1 license key per station
32 FHA2019-A1 Install the 19" mounting kit –
33 FHA2015-A1 Fitting FM blind Also refer to document 008843,
FHA2017-A1 Installing formwork boxes

34 – Install batteries Only connect during commissioning

35 FCM2008-N1 Install operating add-on Only for Netherlands
with EVAC
36 Remote EVAC- ● Operating add-on Only for Netherlands
NL FCM2008-N1
● EVAC-NL mimic
display driver FT2003-
37 FCA2009-A1 Install door contact kit Only for Germany
Table 5: Installation checklist

Due date: Ordering unit: Date

Table 6: Ordering unit for installation work

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Mounting procedure

6 Mounting and installation FC2080

6.1 Mounting procedure

The following mounting processes are described in the following chapters:
● Assembling the housing (19", pedestal cabinet) FH2080-AA
● Installing the carrier components
● Installing all other components

● All parts have been checked to make sure they are complete and intact.
● Mains connection is current-free

Mounting procedure
The installation procedure described below is an overview and is largely an
optimized procedure but does not have to be adhered to exactly.

Electrical voltage
Mortal danger due to electric shock
● Before working on the station check that the mains supply cable is
disconnected from the power supply.
● Check to make sure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being
switched on.
● Always connect the grounding (PE) to the mains supply cable first.
● The components must be installed by a qualified electrician or a trained

Damage to hardware
● Perform all mechanical work before installing the components.
● Insert possible plug-in cards only after installing all the card cages.
● Do not connect up the batteries after installation but wait until commissioning.

1. Position the base such that the cable can be routed from the right-hand side of
the housing interior.
2. Fit the base securely to the substructure with 4 screws and dowels.
3. Remove the cover plates at the bottom of the cabinet to gain easy access to
the mounting points.
4. Place the cabinet on the base and connect it with 4 screws.
5. If the planned installations impair the accessibility of the grounding bar, move it.
It must be possible to install the cable insulation and strain relief.
6. After inserting the cable, seal the base by screwing down the plates again to
ensure EMC protection.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Mounting procedure

7. Mount the individual components:

– Processor unit (19", FC2080) at the highest position in the housing
– Desired number of card cages on the carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1
– Switch and socket on carrier (19", power supply) FHA2022A1
– Carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1 and carrier (19", optional) FHA2023-
A1 on the rear panel
– Carrier FHA2022A1 (19", power supply) on the left-hand side
– Battery holder and batteries
– Operating unit and the operating add-on (if present) in the openings of the
– Establish the ground connection with the door.
8. Mount the cable duct at the right-hand side wall and the required C rails for
special components.
9. Use the cable ducts to lay the cable.
10. Mount options on the operating unit.
11. Fit the batteries (main switch to OFF).
12. If installed, insert the inscription strips for FT2040 into the operating unit or the
operating add-on.
13. Install removed side walls and ground them at the ground point using the
ground cable.
14. Finally, fit the plate with the company logo and the installation plate on the
outside of the control panel housing such that it is clearly legible (EN 54-2
specification). The installation number (No.:) and the date of commissioning
(Date:) must be completed upon commissioning. The installation plate is placed
together with the processor unit.
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Fire Safety & Security Products
CH-6301 Zug

115V / 230V 50...60Hz 10,2 / 5,1A

Figure 140: FC2080 installation plate

a The station is ready for commissioning.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

6.2 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

Damage to hardware
● Remove the plug-in cards from the card cage first of all before installing the
processor unit (19", FC2080).

The following accessories are delivered along with the processor unit:
● CPU card (FC2080) equipped with the network module (SAFEDLINK,CC)
● Communication card (FC2080) equipped with the network module
● 3 metal cover places for module bus card slots
● Adapter and 1.4 m flat cable for the power supply of the optional operating unit
● LAN cable, 30 cm
● Flat cable, 10 cm, for the module bus
● 2 supply cables red and blue, 1.6 m
● One 4-pole signaling cable, 1.4 m
● Self-adhesive plastic fasteners for the flat cable
● 2 shield connection terminal blocks
● 4 cage nuts with screws
● Installation plate

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Processor unit (19", FC2080)

6.2.1 Installation
The processor unit (19", FC2080) FCC2002-A1 forms part of the FC2080's basic
setup and is installed in the top of the cabinet.

1 2 3 4
Figure 141: Installing the processor unit (19", FC2080)

1 Mounting holes in rear frame

2 Mounting holes in the processor unit (height distance 266.7 mm)
3 4 fixing screws M6 x 12 with cage nuts
4 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

w The plug-in cards must not be installed.

1. Install the processor unit (19", FC2080) (4) as shown with four fixing screws (3)
and cage nuts in the mounting holes (1) of the rear frame.
2. Wire up the processor unit (19", FC2080) according to the following card cage
(CPU) pin assignment.
3. Wire up the card cage (5 slots) according to chapter 'Views of card cage (5
slots) [➙ 275]'.

See also
2 Views of card cage (5 slots) [➙ 275]

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6 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

6.2.2 View of card cage (CPU) FCC2003-A1

X52 X51 X42 X41 X13 X14 X12 X11
1 1 1 1

5 5 5 5

1 1 1 1





1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1

X5001 X10 X55

Figure 142: Printed circuit board view of card cage (CPU) FCC2003-A1

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for plugging in the first ↑ CPU card
X2 Connector strip for plugging in the second CPU card (redundant
CPU card)
X3 Connector strip for plugging in the communication card
X4 Connector strip for plugging the module bus card into slot 4
X5 Connector strip for plugging the module bus card into slot 5

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Processor unit (19", FC2080)

Element Des. Function

Connection terminals X10 Connector terminal for system supply
X11 'SDL1', connection terminal for network module (SAFEDLINK, CC) of
the first CPU card
X12 'SDL2', connection terminal for network module (SAFEDLINK, CC):
● Degraded mode module on the communication card with Single
CPU operation
● Network module for second CPU card with Dual CPU operation
Connector X13 'SER_OPT2', connection terminal for RS232 interface
X14 SER_OPT1, connection terminal for RS485 interface
Connector X45 'DegradeAT', connector strip for degraded mode indicator [AT] of
Degraded mode module bus card on slot 4
X55 'DegradeAT', connector strip for degraded mode indicator [AT] of
module bus card on slot 5
Connection terminals X41 Connection terminals 1 for the module bus card on slot 4
Module bus cards X42 Connection terminals 2 for the module bus card on slot 4
X51 Connection terminals 1 for the module bus card on slot 5
X52 Connection terminals 2 for the module bus card on slot 5
Internal bus X5000 'Module bus1', connector strip for module bus 1
X5001 'Module bus2', connector strip for module bus 2
X30 'PMI', connection between supply and optional operating unit

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6 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

6.2.3 Pin assignments X11/X12 connection terminals for SDL1/SDL2

The ↑ FCnet is connected to the following connection terminals:
● X11 'SDL1'. FCnet connection for network module (SAFEDLINK, CC) of the
↑ CPU card (FC2080)
● X12 'SDL2' FCnet connection for network module (SAFEDLINK, CC) of the
communication card (FC2080) or the redundant CPU card (FC2080)
● X3 FCnet connection for ↑ network module (SAFEDLINK) on connector X13
(main module) on the optional operating unit

Pin Designation Description

4 A1 Line 1 (+)
3 B1 Line 1 (–)
2 A2 Line 2 (+)
1 B2 Line 2 (–)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.2…2.5 mm²

The ↑ FCnet networking of the FC2080 or the FG2020 is always connected via two
network modules irrespective of the number of ↑ CPU cards. The network module
on the communication card is used with a CPU card.
FCnet FCnet



A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
X12 X11

Figure 143: ↑ FCnet networking of FG2020 without operating unit

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Processor unit (19", FC2080)

FCnet FCnet


FCC2003 FCM20xx

A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
X12 X11 X3
FN2010 FN2010 FN2001
Figure 144: ↑ FCnet networking of FG2020 with optional operating unit

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Processor unit (19", FC2080) X10 connector terminal for supply

Pin Designation Description
1 #BATT Battery signal monitoring (normally open)
2 COMMON GND for #BATT (normally open)
3 #MAINS Signal monitoring power supply system
5 3SRC+ 3rd source (DC 7…30 V) [FR]
6 3SRC- 3rd source (0 V) [FR]
7 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
8 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
9 VSYS- System supply (0 V)
10 VSYS- System supply (0 V)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.5…2.5 mm²

You will find details about signal monitoring and wiring diagrams in the product
data of the power supply (150 W).

See also
2 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B) [➙ 282] X41 / X42 / X51 / X52 connection terminals for module bus
The module bus card determines the PIN assignment of the connectors. You will
find the pin assignments in the description of the corresponding module card.
The assignment of the connector is:
● Connections of module bus card 4 are on connectors X41 and X42
● Connections of module bus card 5 are on connectors X51 and X52

See also
2 Pin assignments [➙ 167]

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Assembling the carrier (19", card cage)

6.3 Assembling the carrier (19", card cage)

The carrier (19" card cage) FHA2023-A1 is supplied with two installed cable ducts
but no card cage.

Enclosed accessories
● 2 ribbon cables, 24-pin, 750 mm long
● 4 fixing screws M 6 x 12 with cage nuts
● 2 DIN rails, 180 mm long
● 4 spacer pipes, DM9/6, 6.5 mm long
● 4 screws M 3 x 6
The carrier (19" card cage) can be assembled as follows:
● 2 card cages (5 slots) FCA2008-A1
● 1 card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1 and
● 2 DIN rails

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Assembling the carrier (19", card cage)

6.3.1 Installing the card cage (5 slots) on the carrier (19", card
The carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1 is supplied without a card cage (5 slots)
FCA2008-A1. A maximum of two card cages (5 slots) can be installed.

6 4

7 3
Figure 145: Installing the card cage (5 slots) on the carrier (19", card cage)

1 Top cable duct (shown removed)

2 Card cage (5 slots)
3 6 fixing screws M3 x 6
4 Mounting holes in the card cage
5 Threaded press-in sleeves for securing the card cage on the right-hand side
6 Threaded press-in sleeves for securing the card cage on the left-hand side
7 Lateral cable duct (shown removed)

1. Install the card cage (5 slots) (2) with six fixing screws (3) on the pressed-in
threaded sleeves (5) in the carrier (19", card cage).
2. The installation process for the second card cage (5 slots) is identical to that of
the first card cage.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Assembling the carrier (19", card cage)

6.3.2 Installing DIN rails on the carrier (19", card cage)

The carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1 is supplied with two 180 mm long DIN
rails as accessories. These DIN rails can be used to install devices when e.g. only
one card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1 is installed.

7 6
Figure 146: Installing the DIN rails on the carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1

1 Carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1

2 Top DIN rail installed
3 Card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1 installed
4 2 fixing screws M6 x 12 per DIN rail
5 Bottom DIN rail
6 2 spacer pipes DM6/12 x 6.5 mm per DIN rail
7 Press-in threaded sleeves for securing DIN rails
8 Lateral cable duct (shown removed)

1. Screw the DIN rail (5) into the pressed-in threaded sleeves (7) on the carrier
(19", card cage) with 2 fixing screws (4) and 2 spacer pipes (6) as shown.
2. Install the second DIN rail (2) in the same way as the first.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the carrier (19", card cage)

6.4 Installing the carrier (19", card cage)

6.4.1 Installation
The carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1 with the installed card cages (5 slots) or
the DIN rails is an extension for additional module bus cards and I/O cards and
also serves as a carrier for small modules or relays. A maximum of three carriers
(19", card cage) can be installed in the FC2080.

1 2 3 4
Figure 147: Installing the carrier (19", card cage) FHA2023-A1

1 Mounting holes in rear frame

2 Mounting holes in the carrier (19", card cage), height distance 266.7 mm
3 4 fixing screws M6 x 12 with cage nuts
4 Carrier (19", card cage) with installed card cage (5 slots)

1. Install the prepared carrier (19", card cage) (4) on the rear frame (1) with four
fastening screws and cage nuts (3).
2. Wire up the card cages (5 slots) according to the allocation plan of the
respective module bus cards.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the carrier (19", card cage)

6.4.2 Views of card cage (5 slots)

X52 X51 X42 X41 X32 X31 X22 X21 X12 X11

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1 1 1 1

1 1

1 1 1 1 1

X500 X9 X55 X45 X35 X25 X15

Figure 148: PCB view of card cage (5 slots) FCA2008-A1

Element Des. Function

Slots X1 Connector strip for module bus card 1
X2 Connector strip for module bus card 2
X3 Connector strip for module bus card 3
X4 Connector strip for module bus card 4
X5 Connector strip for module bus card 5

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the carrier (19", card cage)

Element Des. Function

Connection terminals X9 System supply connection
X11 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X12 Connection terminals for module bus card 1
X21 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X22 Connection terminals for module bus card 2
X31 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X32 Connection terminals for module bus card 3
X41 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X42 Connection terminals for module bus card 4
X51 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
X52 Connection terminals for module bus card 5
Connector X15 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 1
Degraded mode X25 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 2
X35 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 3
X45 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 4
X55 Connector for degraded mode indicator [AT] of module bus card 5
Internal bus X500 Connector for module bus output to other card cages
X501 Connector for module bus input

6.4.3 Pin assignments X9 supply
Pin Designation Description
1 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
2 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
3 VSYS+ System supply (DC 24 V)
4 VSYS- System supply (0 V)
5 VSYS- System supply (0 V)
6 VSYS- System supply (0 V)

Admissible cable cross-section: 0.5…2.5 mm²


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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the carrier (19", card cage)
6 X11…X52 connection terminals for the module bus card

The module bus card determines the PIN assignment of the four connectors. You
will find the pin assignments in the description of the corresponding module card.
The assignment of the connector is:
● Connections of module bus card 1 are on connectors X11 and X12
● Connections of module bus card 2 are on connectors X21 and X22
● Connections of module bus card 3 are on connectors X31 and X32
● Connections of module bus card 4 are on connectors X41 and X42
● Connections of module bus card 5 are on connectors X51 and X52

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the carrier (19", option)

6.5 Installing the carrier (19", option)

The carrier (19", option) FHA2024-A1 is intended for the installation of smaller
modules and relays. To this end, it is equipped with two DIN rails that are fitted one
above the other.

1 2 3 4
Figure 149: Installing the carrier (19", option)

1 Mounting holes in rear frame

2 Mounting holes in carrier (19", option)
3 4 fixing screws M6 x 12 with cage nuts
4 Carrier (19", option)

1. Install the carrier (19", option) (4) on the rear frame (1) with four fastening
screws (3) and cage nuts.
2. Equip the carrier (19", option) with the intended modules.
3. Wire up the modules used according to the separate installation sheets.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the battery tray (19")

6.6 Installing the battery tray (19")

The battery tray (19") FHA2021-A1 contains two batteries and serves as leakage
protection and a holder for fixing batteries with tension belts. The battery tray (19")
is supplied with three tension belts for fixing the batteries.


1 4

Figure 150: Assembly of battery tray FHA2021-A1


Figure 151: Installing the battery tray in the 19" pedestal cabinet with detailed view A

1 Battery tray
2 Bridges for fixing the retaining belt
3 4 countersunk screws M4 x 10 for securing the compartment
4 Mounting holes in the crossbeam

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the battery tray (19")

5 8 threaded screws M6 x 12 for securing the crossbeam

6 Threaded holes for securing the compartment
7 2 crossbeams for the battery tray
8 Lateral crossbars with mounting holes

1. Install the battery tray (1) on the two crossbeams (7) with four countersunk
screws (3). Depending on the lateral cable guide, you can install the battery
tray in the three mounting holes (6) offset to the side.
2. Secure the entire battery tray (19") at the height you want on the lateral
crossbars (7) by inserting eight screws and nuts (5) through the mounting holes
in the crossbeams (4).
3. The installation process for the second battery tray (19") is identical to that of
the first. Ensure that you keep it a sufficient distance from the bottom battery
tray (note the height of the batteries).

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the switch and socket on the carrier (19", power supply)

6.7 Installing the switch and socket on the carrier (19",

power supply)
The carrier (19", power supply) FHA2022-A1 is supplied without a main switch and
socket. A single carrier or the first carrier (19", power supply) must be equipped
with the main switch supplied with the housing FH2080-AA. Mounting of the socket
is optional.

6 5
Figure 152: Installing the main switch and socket

1 Carrier (19", power supply) with two power supplies

2 Euro socket (option)
3 Fixing cam for installation on the DIN rail
4 Main switch (cabinet accessory)
5 DIN rail
6 Primary connection terminals with fixing clamp on the left and right

w The fixing clamp on the right of the terminal block (6) must be removed or
offset to the right (as shown).
1. First install the main switch (4) on the DIN rail (5) of the first carrier (19", power
supply) (1) by sliding the main switch sideways along the DIN rail (5) as far as
the primary connection terminals (6).
2. Then install the socket (2) on the DIN rail (5) by hanging the socket on the DIN
rail (5) at an angle from above and pressing down until the cam (3) snaps into
3. Slide the installed parts to the left as far as the terminal block and fix the parts
again with the right fixing clamp.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

6.8 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

6.8.1 Installation
The carrier (19", power supply) FHA2022-A1 is supplied with two power
supplies (150 W) connected in parallel. For more power, a third power supply can
be installed with the power supply kit (150 W, B) FP2005-A1.
A power supply (150 W) of the type SV 24V-150W-A5 is part of the power supply
kit (150 W, B).

Only the power supply (150 W) of type SV 24V-150W-A5 may be connected in

parallel as a third power supply. Power supplies of type –A4 and –A5 must not be
combined with each other.

Accessories supplied with the power supply kit (150 W, B)

● 1 cable kit for FP2004-A1 (is not required)
● 1 cable kit for FHA2022-A1 for parallel connection
● 1 fused terminal for the DIN rail
● 1 fine fuse T 12.5 A as a spare fuse



9 4



Figure 153: Installing the third power supply (150 W)

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

1 Carrier (19", power supply)

2 Clamps for securing to the DIN rail
3 Mounting slots for right-hand retaining bracket
4 Additional third power supply (150 W), slave
5 Power supply (150 W), slave
6 Power supply (150 W), master
7 Primary terminals with main switch
8 Clamping screw M3 x 6 for third power supply (150 W)
9 Retaining bracket for power supply
10 Mounting slots for left-hand retaining bracket
11 DIN rail for power supplies
12 Secondary terminals
A Detailed view of rear power supply
B Detailed view of fixing retaining bracket

1. Install the power supply (150 W) (4) in the topmost position by hanging the
power supply on the DIN rail (11) at an angle from the side.
2. Push the power supply (4) back until the two clamps (2, detail A) snap onto the
DIN rail.
3. Slide the retaining bracket (9) into the front mounting slots (10). Note the cable
duct. If the carrier (19", power supply) is installed on the right-hand side of the
housing, slide the retaining bracket (9) into the front mounting slots (3).
4. Screw the clamping screw (8, detail B) into the retaining bracket (9) and lock
the power supply.
5. Wire up the third power supply according to the following chapter.

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6 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

6.8.2 Parallel connection of three power supplies (150 W)

SB 9
1 SB 8
SA 7
SA 6
F 5
F 4
NO NS 2 6
C S 1 F 5
F 4
X8 5
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 #MAINS 2
I-unbegr. +B 9 COM 1
+24V 8
+24V 7 K1-A2 BATT
+24V 6 K2-A1 MAINS
+24V 5 K2-A2 MAINS
+24V 4
0V 3
0V 2
0V 1

SV 24V-150W-A5 SLAVE 1 SV 24V-150W-A5 SLAVE 2

X11 X11
SB 9 9 SB
2 SB 8 8 SB
SA 7 7 SA
SA 6 6 SA
F 5 5 F
F 4 4 F
C S 1 1 S C

X8 X8
T6.3A I-begr. +B 0 0 +B I-begr. T6.3A
I-unbegr. +B 9 9 +B I-unbegr.
+24V 8 8 +24V
+24V 7 7 +24V
+24V 6 6 +24V
+24V 5 5 +24V
+24V 4 4 +24V
0V 3 3 0V
0V 2 2 0V
0V 1 1 0V

Figure 154: Diagram for parallel connection of three power supplies (150 W) A5 for the FC2080

1 Master power supply (150 W)

2 Slave 1 power supply (150 W)
3 Slave 2, additional power supply (150 W, B)
4 Terminal strip of the secondary connections
5 Terminal block 1…6 for signal lines

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

● In order to avoid operating temperature differences, all three power supply

units must be mounted next to each other in the same housing.
● The batteries must be connected to the master power supply.
● Only one temperature sensor must be connected to the master power supply
● The temperature sensor must be fitted close to the batteries.

Damage to the power supply
Different versions (A4/A5) of the power supply (150 W) may not be switched in

6.8.3 Wiring
Wire up the additional third power supply (150 W) using the cable tree supplied
according to the following wiring diagram.

Damage to the power supply
Different power supplies (150 W) of type A4 and A5 must not be combined.
Only the power supply (150 W) of type A5 may be used as the third power supply
connected in parallel.

Note that the sliding switch (S) on the third power supply is set to 'Slave'.

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6 Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

24V 0V 1...6 F1 K1K2

12 12

11 11
14 14

1 2 3 4 5 6

A1 A1
>Master A2 A2
r bl

Slave 2
PE 8
N 3
L X1 2
5 Master Slave

S 1

X8 4 r

3 bl

Slave 1 9

X1 X11
Master Slave

X8 4 r

3 bl

Figure 155: View of cable tree wiring for the third additional power supply

Slave 1 Second existing power supply (150 W)

Slave 2 Third additional power supply (150 W)
S 'Master/Slave' sliding switch
X1 Mains connection terminal (pin assignment according to type A5)
X8 Output voltage terminal
X11 Monitoring signal terminal

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Installing the power supply kit (150 W, B)

24 V Vsys +24 V terminal block

0V Vsys 0 V terminal block
F1 Circuit breaker for charging current (20 A)
K1 Monitoring relay 1
K2 Monitoring relay 1

Wiring table for signal and system voltage connections of the 3rd
power supply (slave 2)
Connector Pin Wire up according to Information
Slave 2
X11 9 X11/9 – slave 1 Strand 0.5 mm2 / black / 350 mm
X11 7 X11/7 – slave 1 Strand 0.5 mm2 / black / 350 mm
X11 2 Relay K1/A1 Strand 0.5 mm2 / black / 350 mm
X11 1 X11/2 – slave 1 Strand 0.5 mm2 , not included in the
cable tree
X8 4 Terminal strip +24 V Strand 1.5 mm2 / red / 550 mm
X8 1 0 V terminal strip Strand 1.5 mm2 / blue / 550 mm

Wiring table for power cable of the 3rd power supply (slave 2)
Connector Pin Wire up according to Information
Slave 2
X1 1 Primary terminal block Strand 1.0 mm2 / yellow-green /
[PE] 600 mm
3 Primary terminal block Strand 1.0 mm2 / blue / 600 mm
5 Primary terminal block Strand 1.0 mm2 / brown / 600 mm

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

6.9 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

The carrier (19", power supply) FHA2022-A1 is installed on the side of the cabinet.
The installation position can be determined depending on the arrangement of the
other components and the battery tray. When installing two carriers (19", power
supply), note that the installation position of the top carrier is as high as possible.

Enclosed accessories
● 4 threaded screws M 6 x 12

● Main switch installed
● Socket installed, if required
● Third power supply (150 W) installed, if required

Note the installation position of the carrier (19", power supply). When installing
two carriers (19", power supply), the top carrier must be installed as high as
possible. If the carrier is installed too low, there will not be enough room to install
a second carrier (19", power supply).

Only one main switch (accessory for housing FH2080-AA) need be installed per
fire control panel FC2080. When installing two carriers (19", power supply), install
the main switch preferably on the bottom carrier (mains supply cable).

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the carrier (19", power supply)





2 3 4
Figure 156: Installing the carrier (19", power supply) with details of the mounting points

1 Carrier (19", power supply)

2 Crossbars on the sides of the housing
3 Main switch for mains supply cable
4 4 fixing screws with nuts
A Mounting points for top carrier
B Mounting points for bottom carrier
C Mounting points for single carrier

289 | 354
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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

Installation positions for two carriers (19", power supply)

When installing two carriers (19", power supply), the carriers should be installed as
high as possible to keep sufficient space for the battery trays.

A 1 Top mounting point for first carrier

2 Bottom mounting point for first carrier
B 1 Top mounting point for second carrier
2 Bottom mounting point for second carrier

Installation positions for one carrier (19", power supply)

When using just one carrier (19", power supply), it can basically be positioned
anywhere. The mounting points (C) serve only as an example.

C 1 Top mounting point

2 Bottom mounting point

1. Install the prepared carrier (19", power supply) (1) on the lateral crossbars (2)
with four fastening screws (4) and cage nuts.
2. Wire up the carrier (19", power supply) according to the following pin

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Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

6.9.1 Wiring up the mains voltage

The primary wiring supplies and outlets must be secured with cable ties.

NN L1 L1

2 PE N L 3 4 5

N N L2 L2 L PE N

8 6 7 6
Figure 157: Cable guide of the mains supply cable on carrier (19", power supply)

1 Integrated power supply (150 W), PS1…PS3

2 Mains cable duct
3 Install the main switch, only for the first carrier (19", power supply)
4 Euro socket
5 Secondary circuit and signal cable duct
6 Cable tie (strain relief)
7 Support plate ground terminal
8 Mains connection cable 1

PE Protective conductor terminals

N Neutral conductor terminals
L External conductor terminals
L1 External conductor for mains switch input
L2 External conductor for mains switch output

1 The mains connection of a second carrier (19", power supply) must be connected
from terminals 'N', 'L' and 'PE' of the first carrier (19", power supply).

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6 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

Wiring of the mains cable on the bottom terminal block


N N L1 L1

N N L2 L2 L PE N

PSU2 PE Mains connection N L

Figure 158: Wiring diagram of the complete bottom terminal block on carrier (19", power supply)

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Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

Connection From To
Mains supply cable External conductor (L) Main switch L2 (bottom)
Neutral conductor (N) Main switch N (bottom)
Protective conductor (PE) Terminal PE (bottom)
Earth connection Terminal PE (top) Ground connection
Primary terminals (L, N) Main switch L1 (top) Terminal L (top)
Main switch N (top) Terminal N (top)
Socket Terminal L (bottom) Connection L
Terminal N (bottom) Connection N
Terminal PE Connection PE
Mains supply cable to Terminal L (bottom) PSU2 / terminal L
second carrier (19", power (bottom)
Terminal N (bottom) PSU2 / terminal N
PSU2 (bottom)
Terminal PE (bottom) PSU2 / terminal PE
Mains supply cable to the Terminal PE (top) X1/PS1-1
individual power supplies X1/PS2-1
(150 W)
on PSU1 or PSU2
Terminal N (top) X1/PS1-3
Terminal L (top) X1/PS1-5

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6 Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

6.9.2 Installing the temperature sensor

6 7 6 8 9 10

Figure 159: Installing the temperature sensor for batteries

1 Carrier (19", power supply)

2 Mounting location of temperature sensor for second, top battery kit
3 Second, top battery kit
4 Mounting location of temperature sensor for first, bottom battery kit
5 First, bottom battery kit

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Installing the carrier (19", power supply)

6 Nut M3
7 Washer M3
8 Spacer sleeve M3
9 2-pin luster terminal
10 Screw M3

1. Position the luster terminal (9) as close as possible to the top of the batteries
(3) or (5) on the crossbar according to the diagram.
2. Secure the luster terminal (9) to the crossbar using a spacer sleeve (8), a
screw M3 (10), two washers (7) and a nut M3 (6).
3. Connect the assembled cable to the luster terminal and the secondary terminal
block, connection 4 and 5, on the corresponding carrier (19", power supply).
4. Mount the temperature sensor (NTC resistor) as shown (2 / 4) directly next to
the batteries.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Wiring up the system supply and module bus

6.10 Wiring up the system supply and module bus

The following guidelines must be observed when wiring the module bus and
system supply.


Switching batteries in parallel
Risk of explosion and fire
● Never connect batteries in parallel!
● If you need more power, you must use batteries with a higher capacity.

● The maximum current of the system supply per card cage is 8 A. The power
supply must be distributed accordingly.
● The system supply to the card cages must be wired in a star configuration from
the secondary terminals.
● A maximum of 4 card cages may be connected per module bus.
● The supplied cables must be used to wire up the module bus. Extending the
module bus cable is not allowed.
● Module bus wiring up of the card cage must be carried out as shown in the
– Card cages 1 to 4 on module bus 1 (X5000)
– Card cages 5 to 7 and 8 on module bus 2 (X5001)
● To guarantee ground fault monitoring in all card cages via the communication
card FCC2005, the 0 V connection must be inserted between the two carriers
(19", power supply).
The following diagram shows an example of the wiring principle for the module bus
and supply connections. The setup shown with 2 battery kits and 8 card cages
serves as an example only and is not feasible in a cabinet in practice.

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Wiring up the system supply and module bus

Vsys 2
Card cage Card cage (CPU)
VBatt 1
(5 slots) FCC2003
0V FCA2008
X9 X10
24V 0V 1...6 K1K2



Card cage Card cage 5
(5 slots) (5 slots)
FCA2008 FCA2008
X9 X9





Vsys 2
0V Card cage Card cage
3 6
(5 slots) (5 slots)
24V 0V 1...6 K1K2
FCA2008 FCA2008
X9 X9



Card cage Card cage
4 (5 slots) 7
(5 slots)
FCA2008 FCA2008
X9 X9



+VBatt 0V X501
Battery package 1

+VBatt 0V

Battery package 2

Figure 160: Wiring principle for the system supply and the module bus

PSU1 Carrier (19", power supply) 1

PSU2 Carrier (19", power supply) 2
Battery package 1 Battery kit 1
Battery package 2 Battery kit 2
Vsys System supply +24 V/0 V
0V 0 V connection between two carriers (19", power supply)

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6 Wiring up the system supply and module bus

VBatt Battery supply +24 V/0 V

1…6 Terminal block for signal connections
F1 15 A circuit breaker for +24 V battery supply
K1 Monitoring signal optocoupler #BATT
K2 Monitoring signal optocoupler #MAINS
X5000 Module bus output 1, card cage (CPU)
X5001 Module bus output 2, card cage (CPU)
X500 Module bus card cage output
X501 Module bus card cage input
X9 Card cage supply input
X10 Card cage (CPU) supply input

1. Wire up module bus 1 from terminal X5000 to the card cage (CPU) serial to the
connections of the first four card cages (5 slots).
– X500 is the module bus output.
– X501 is the module bus input.
2. Wire up the other card cages (5 slots) from terminal X5001 to the card
cage (CPU).
3. Wire up the monitoring signals and the supply input (X10) of the card cage
(CPU) from the terminal block (PSU1) of the first carrier (19", power supply) on
which the main switch is also installed.
4. Wire up the system supply from the terminal blocks [24 V] and [0 V] of the
carriers (19", power supply) to the connectors (X9) of the card cages (5 slots)
and installed modules, if necessary. In doing this, comply with the planner's
5. Connect the batteries to the pre-assembled cables on the terminal block (VBatt
- connection F1 and 0 V) of the corresponding carrier (19", power supply).
– Only one battery kit may be connected per carrier (19", power supply).
– The positive pole must be connected to the circuit breaker F1.
– The negative pole must be connected to the 0 V terminal to the left of the
circuit breaker.

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Wiring up the system supply and module bus

Wiring diagram with one carrier (19", power supply)

FCC2002-A1 Control unit (19", FC2080)
FCA2008-A1 FCC2003-A1
X500 X501 X5000 X5001
Cardcage Cardcage
2...4 5...7



X9 X10 X9
1 1 1 VSYS+




Battery pack 1 6 VSYS-

Temp.Sensor 1


11 5 3SRC+
6 3SRC-
K1 K2
123456 8 VSYS+

A2 10 VSYS-




Figure 161: Wiring diagram for one carrier (19", power supply)

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6 Wiring up the system supply and module bus

Wiring diagram with two carriers (19", power supply)

FCC2002-A1 Control unit (19", FC2080)
FCA2008-A1 FCC2003-A1
X500 X501 X5000 X5001
Cardcage Cardcage
2...4 5...7



X9 X10 X9
1 1 1 VSYS+





Battery pack 1
Temp.Sensor 1


11 5 3SRC+
6 3SRC-
K1 K2
123456 8 VSYS+

A2 10 VSYS-





Battery pack 2
Temp.Sensor 2


K1 K2







Figure 162: Wiring diagram for two carriers (19", power supply)

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Wiring up the system supply and module bus

Wiring monitoring signals

The following diagrams and pin assignments show the wiring of the monitoring
signals from the power supplies to the optocouplers.





5 3SRC+

6 3SRC-
11 14 K1 11 14 K2 7 VSYS+


A1 A2 A1 A2
+ - + - 10 VSYS-



Figure 163: Wiring of monitoring signals with one carrier (19", power supply)
Pin assignment for one carrier (19", power supply):

Signal From optocoupler connection To terminal X10

Battery K1-11 X10-1 (#BATT)
K1-14 X10-2 (COM)
Mains K2-11 X10-3 (#MAINS)
K2-14 X10-4 (COM)

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6 Wiring up the system supply and module bus





5 3SRC+

6 3SRC-
11 14 K1 11 14 K2 7 VSYS+


A1 A2 A1 A2
+ - + - 10 VSYS-



11 14 K1 11 14 K2

A1 A2 A1 A2
+ - + -


Figure 164: Wiring of monitoring signals with two carriers (19", power supply)

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Wiring up the system supply and module bus

Pin assignment for two carriers (19", power supply):

Signal From optocoupler To optocoupler To terminal X10

Battery PSU2/K1-11 -- X10-1 (#BATT)
PSU2/K1-14 PSU1/K1-11 --
PSU1/K1-14 -- X10-2 (COM)
Mains PSU2/K2-11 -- X10-3 (#MAINS)
PSU2/K2-14 PSU1/K2-11 --
PSU1/K2-14 -- X10-4 (COM)

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the CPU card and communication card

6.11 Installing the CPU card and communication card

6.11.1 Installation in card cage

Installing the cards

4 5 6

9 8

Figure 165: Installing the plug-in cards in the processor unit (19", FC2080)

1 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

2 Card cage (5 slots)
3 Card cage (CPU)
4 Connector strip for communication card (FC2080)
5 Connector strip for redundant CPU card (FC2080)
6 Connector strip for CPU card (FC2080)
7 Fixing screws for plug-in cards in the card cage
8 Plug-in card, CPU card (FC2080)
9 Plug-in card, communication card (FC2080)

Arranging the cards

The slots 1 to 3 in the card cage (CPU) of the processor unit (19", FC2080) are
reserved for the following plug-in cards:
● CPU card (FC2080) FCC2004-A1
● Redundant CPU card (FC2080) FCC2004-A1
● Communication card (FC2080) FCC2005-A1
The cards must not be swapped over.

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Installing the CPU card and communication card

3 2
5 4
Figure 166: Arrangement of the plug-in cards in the processor unit (19", FC2080)

1 Processor unit (19", FC2080)

2 CPU card (FC2080) in slot 1
3 Redundant CPU card (FC2080) in slot 2
4 Communication card (FC2080) in slot 3
5 Slot 4 for module bus cards or I/O cards, e.g. I/O card (RT)
6 Slot 5 for module bus cards or I/O cards, e.g. I/O card (horn/monitored)
7 5 slots for module bus cards or I/O cards

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6 Installing the CPU card and communication card

6.11.2 Switching the network module with dual CPU operation

If a second CPU card is installed for redundant CPU operation, the network module
must be removed from the communication card and plugged into the second CPU
card, before it is installed, as shown.

2 4

1 3

Figure 167: Switching the network module from the communication card to the CPU card

1 Remove the network module from the communication card

2 Communication card
3 Plug the network module into the second CPU card
4 Second CPU card (optional)

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the CPU card and communication card

6.11.3 Ethernet connection

The CPU card and communication card are connected via the Ethernet
connections of the corresponding cards. Both the CPU cards and the
communication card must be connected to each other to ensure redundancy.

When operating with two CPU cards, the network module (SAFEDLINK, CC)
must be removed from the communication card and fitted on the CPU card!

Wiring with a CPU card

4 3 2
Figure 168: Ethernet wiring for a CPU card

Wiring with two CPU cards

4 3 2
Figure 169: Ethernet wiring for two CPU cards

1 Ethernet connections
2 First CPU card
3 Second CPU card for dual CPU operation
4 Communication card

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Insert license key

6.12 Insert license key

The license key is inserted in the communication card (FC2080/FG2020) in the
holder intended for it.

Note the wiring of the Ethernet cable before you remove the card for the installation
of the license key.

1 2
Figure 170: Inserting the license key into the communication card.

1 Holder for the license key

2 License keys

1. Raise clamp of retainer (1) slightly and push the license key (2) underneath the
clamp with the engraving pointing downwards (broader, flat side to the top).
2. Re-insert the communication card and re-insert the Ethernet cable correctly.
3. Restart the system.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the operating unit and operating add-on

6.13 Installing the operating unit and operating add-on

The fire control panel FC2080 has no integrated operating unit. The operating unit
and a maximum of two operating add-ons form a station of their own within the
FC2080. The communication takes place via FCnet. The current load of the
optional operating unit must be incorporated into the current balance of the

Product version of the network module is ES <12
Communication error
● If an operating unit is installed in the FC2080, then the operating unit must be
equipped with a network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 with a product
version ES ≥12.

If one or more operating units, within or outside the stations, are connected to the
same power supply as the FC2080 or FG2020, ground fault monitoring must be
deactivated on the operating units by setting switch 'S38' to the 'OFF' position.
Otherwise, ground fault monitoring will always be active.

6.13.1 Installation
Before an operating terminal is installed, the following components must first be
mounted on the operating unit.
● Network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 with ES ≥ 12, for connecting to the
● Adapter and connection cable for the power supply
– Supplied with processor unit (19", FC2080) FCC2002-A1

Preparing the operating unit

The network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 must be installed on connector
X13 of the operating unit (main module slot).

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the operating unit and operating add-on



Figure 171: Installing the required components, taking operating unit FCM2028-A1 as an example

1 Operating unit
2 Flange with threaded holes for securing the module
3 Connector strip X13 for network module
4 Network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 with ES ≥ 12
5 2x fixing screw
6 PMI & mainboard FCM2027
7 Adapter for power supply (including ribbon cable)
8 Connector strip X3 peripheral data bus connection

1. Plug the network module (SAFEDLINK) (4) into connector X13 (3) of the
operating unit (1).
2. Secure the module to mounting flange (2) with both screws (5). Ensure that it is
secured correctly to avoid interrupts.
3. Plug the adapter (7) into connector X3 (8) of the PMI & mainboard (6) so
inscription 'TOP' is at the top.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the operating unit and operating add-on

Installing operating unit

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 172: Mounting operating terminal in door, taking operating unit FCM2028-A1 as an example

1 Inside of door
2 Opening for operating unit
3 4x welded threaded bolts
4 4x mounting holes in the operating unit
5 4x fixing screws

1. Remove the cover plate (2) by removing the four nuts (5).
2. Place the mounting holes (4) of the operating unit on the four threaded bolts (3)
and screw the operating unit down with the four nuts (5).
3. The operating add-ons in the bottom window openings are installed in the
same way.
4. Wire up the operating unit and operating add-ons according to the following
wiring instructions.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the operating unit and operating add-on

6.13.2 Wiring
1 2 3


Figure 173: Wiring up the operating unit and the operating add-on

1 Peripheral data bus connection on operating unit for options

2 FCnet connection terminal on network module (SAFEDLINK)
3 Inside of door
4 Operating unit
5 Ribbon cable for peripheral data bus
6 Cable clamp
7 Connector for peripheral data bus options
8 Operating add-on with LED indicator (example)
9 Adapter for flat cable of the supply
10 Flat cable for system supply FC2080 (FCC2002, connector X30)

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

6.14 Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

The key safe adapter SDA3000 [DE] is used to connect the fire brigade key depot
[DE] to the fire control panel FC2080. The following options for controlling the key
safe adapter are available and are described using examples for the wiring:
● Via an I/O module and controlled via the FDnet
● Via an I/O module, e.g., the FDCIO222, with heating isolation
● Via I/O card (programmable) FCI2008-A1
You will find detailed information on the key safe adapter in the manufacturer's
original document 'SDA3000 installation instructions', which comes with the key
safe adapter.

6.14.1 Installation on the carrier (19", option)

Key safe adapter SDA3000 is installed as standard on a carrier (19", option). The
carrier (19", option) has 3 prepared installation positions for the key safe adapter,
each with one rectangular cable entry and 3 mounting holes.

In this type of installation, the cable duct may have to be removed and the right
half cut away to make enough space for the key safe adapter.

4 6
1 2

Figure 174: Standard installation of the key safe adapter on the carrier (19", option)

1 Carrier (19", option)

2 Additional terminal block, if required
3 I/O module FDCIO224 (example)
4 DIN rail
5 Openings for cable entry to key safe adapter (3)
6 Key safe adapter in right-hand position

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

Example of installation
1. Prepare the carrier (19", option) (1) for the installation of the key safe
adapter (6) by mounting or removing the DIN rails as appropriate.
2. Install the key safe adapter (6) on one of the three positions provided on the
carrier (19", option) (1). The breakout openings on the rear panel of the key
safe adapter come to be positioned over the rectangular cable entry (5) on the
carrier (19", option).
3. If you use an I/O module FDCIO224 (3), install it on the DIN rail together with
an additional terminal block (2) for the cable connections of the components to
each other and to the FC2080.
If you use an I/O card, this point does not apply.
4. Wire the components according to their individual wiring diagram or as per the
following wiring examples.

6.14.2 Installation on the side wall

If key safe adapter SDA3000 cannot be installed on a carrier (19", option) due to
space issues, it should be installed on the right-hand side wall instead. The DIN rail
required for this is not included in the scope of supply for the standard cabinet.

Figure 175: Installation example of the key safe adapter

1 Right-hand side wall of the FC2080

2 I/O module FDCIO224 (example)
3 Additional DIN rail
4 Locking clamps for terminal block
5 Additional terminal block
6 Key safe adapter

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

Example of installation
1. Mount the key safe adapter (6) on the carriers of the right-hand side wall (1).
2. Mount an additional DIN rail (3) on the right-hand side wall as shown in the
3. If you use an I/O module FDCIO224 (2), install it on the DIN rail together with
an additional terminal block (5) using standard locking clamps (4).
If you use an I/O card, this point does not apply.
4. Wire the components according to their individual wiring diagram or as per the
following wiring examples.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

6.14.3 SDA wiring via I/O module and FDnet control

Control via the I/O module FDCIO224 with control via the FDnet as an example of
in-principle wiring is shown below. Use of FDCIO224 is obligatory for extinguishing
applications. The FDCIO222 can be used in all other cases.

Control via the FDnet and the FDCIO224

X11 27V2 + 4 3k3
X12 0 V - 1
I/O4 8
14 13 12 11




in dieser Konfiguration
nicht relevant FDCIO224

1 S4 8
21 22 23 24



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24

9 10

5 6 7 8
bl rt

3 4
gr rs

ws br
1 2


Stromversorgung SD-Heizung

Figure 176: In-principle wiring of the SDA3000 via I/O module FDCIO224

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

FCI2007-A1 I/O card (RT)

FCL2001-A1 Line card (FDnet/C-NET)
FDCIO224 I/O module
SDA3000 Key safe adapter SDA3000 [DE]
FSD Fire brigade key depot [DE]

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

6.14.4 SDA wiring via I/O module FDCIO222

In the following example, with control via I/O module FDCIO222, the heating of the
key safe adapter is wired so that it is isolated in the event of an alarm or a power

Control via an FDCIO222 with heating isolation

FCI2007 SD-Sabotage
X11 27V2 + 4
1k15 3k01
X12 0 V - 1
I/O4 8
14 13 12 11





1 S4 8
21 22 23 24



11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24

Betrieb 1
J1 3
9 10

5 6 7 8
bl rt

3 4
gr rs

ws br
1 2


Stromversorgung SD-Heizung

Figure 177: In-principle wiring of the SDA3000 via I/O module FDCIO223 with heating which can be

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

FDCIO222 I/O module

SDA3000 Key safe adapter SDA3000 [DE]
FSD Fire brigade key depot [DE]

Wiring the FDCIO222 with 1.15 kΩ and 3.01 kΩ resistors applies for monitoring for
short-circuits and open circuits.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

6.14.5 SDA wiring via an I/O card

An example of in-principle wiring with control via a (programmable) FCI2008-A1 I/O
card is shown below.
I/O1 1
UE Aktiv/bestätigt
I/O2 2
X11 Summenalarm
I/O3 3
I/O4 4
I/O5 1
I/O6 2
VSYS_01 + 3
GND_01 - 4
I/O7 5
I/O8 6
I/O9 7 K1
I/O10 8
I/O11 5
I/O12 6
VSYS_02 + 7
GND_02 - 8

Darstellung: Jumper-Einstellung
Anlage in Ruhe, in dieser
SDA-Deckel Konfiguration
geschlossen nicht relevant

1 S4 8
21 22 23 24
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

S1 J2
J1 3
2 1N4007
1 1N4007
9 10

5 6 7 8
bl rt

3 4
gr rs

ws br
1 2


Stromversorgung SD-Heizung Heizung

Figure 178: In-principle wiring of the SDA3000 via an I/O card (programmable) FCI2008-A1

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing the key safe adapter [DE]

FCI2008-A1 I/O card (programmable)

FCL2001-A1 Line card (FDnet/C-NET)
SDA Key safe adapter SDA3000 [DE]
FSD Fire brigade key depot [DE]

The supply and the inputs/outputs must be connected to the same I/O card.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the fiber optic cable network module

6.15 Installing the fiber optic cable network module

6.15.1 Installation
The identical fiber optic cable network modules FN2006-A1 and FN2007-A1 can be
installed on a DIN rail either horizontally or vertically. To do this, the DIN rail clips
must be changed from the rear side to the rear face. When the clips are removed,
installation on a plate is also possible. The following example shows the horizontal
installation on a DIN rail.
1 2 3

Figure 179: Installation example of the fiber optic cable network module in the FC2080

1 Fiber optic cable network module

2 Additional DIN rail with terminal block and locking clamps (if required)
3 Carrier on the right-hand side wall

Example of installation
1. Install an additional DIN rail (2), if required with a terminal block and locking
clamps as shown in the example, on the carrier of the right-hand side wall (3).
2. Install the fiber optic cable network module (1) on the DIN rail (2).
3. Wire the fiber optic cable network module according to the planner's
You will find detailed information regarding wiring and pin assignment of the
electrical and optical connections in the document 008837, Product data.

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing an Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008

6.16 Installing an Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008

6.16.1 Installation
The Ethernet switch (MM) FN2008-A1 is installed vertically on a DIN rail. The
following example shows the installation on the DIN rail on the side wall.
1 2 3

Figure 180: Example of installation of the Ethernet switch in the FC2080

1 Ethernet switch (MM)

2 Additional DIN rail with terminal block (if required) and locking clamps
3 Carrier on the right-hand side wall

Example of installation
1. Install an additional DIN rail (2), if required with a terminal block and locking
clamps as shown in the example, on the carrier of the right-hand side wall (3).
2. Install the Ethernet switch (MM) (1) on the DIN rail (2).
3. Wire the Ethernet switch (MM) according to the planner's specifications.
The Ethernet switch wiring corresponds to the specifications of this module for the
compact control panels given earlier in this document. You will also find detailed
information regarding wiring and pin assignment of the electrical and optical
connections in the document 008837, Product data.

See also
2 Connecting the Ethernet switch [➙ 255]

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Fire Safety 2016-01-27
Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

6.17 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

You will find information on the wiring and pin assignment in 'Mounting and
installation of the compact control panels'.

See also
2 Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012 [➙ 142]

6.17.1 FHA2029 in the housing (19", pedestal housing)

1 2 3 4

7 6
Figure 181: Installing the large mounting bracket in the 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

1 3
Figure 182: Large mounting bracket mounted in 19" pedestal housing

324 | 354
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Fire Safety 2016-01-27
Mounting and installation FC2080
Installing an Ethernet switch (modular) FN2012

1 Lateral support rail in the 19" pedestal housing

2 Mounting holes in lateral support rail
3 Large mounting bracket from FHA2029
4 4x mounting holes in mounting bracket
5 4x fixing screws for mounting bracket
6 U-rail installed
7 Retaining bracket installed

1. Mount the large mounting bracket (3) in the position shown and screw the four
screws (5) into the threaded holes (2) in the lateral support rail.
2. Wire up the Ethernet switch according to chapter 'Wiring [➙ 154]'.

6.17.2 FN2012 in station with housing (19", pedestal housing)

Figure 183: FN2012 in the 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

1 Side wall of 19" pedestal housing

2 Large mounting bracket from mounting kit FHA2029
3 DIN rail with retaining bracket
4 FN2012

w The DIN rail clip is mounted on the FN2012.

1. Holding it at an angle and working from below, place the FN2012 (4) against
the bottom edge of the DIN rail (3) and press it up so that the retaining clamp in
the flange gives way.
2. Push the upper flange into position over the DIN rail and release the spring
a The DIN rail clip is now in place.
3. Check that the DIN rail clip is fully engaged on the DIN rail.
4. Wire up the FN2012 according to chapter 'Wiring [➙ 154]'.

See also
2 Wiring [➙ 154]

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Installing the battery kit (9 V) [FR]

6.18 Installing the battery kit (9 V) [FR]

6.18.1 Installation
The battery kit 9 V FCA2010-F1 [FR] is a holder for a 9 V monobloc battery and is
required in France for maintaining emergency supply in the case of battery failure.
1 2 3

Figure 184: Installing the 9 V battery kit in the FC2080

1 Additional DIN rail with terminal block (if required) and locking clamps
2 Carrier on the right-hand side wall
3 Battery kit 9 V FCA2010-F1 [FR]

Example of installation
1. Install the battery kit (3) on a carrier of the right-hand side wall (2).
2. If required, install an additional DIN rail with terminal block (1) and locking
clamps on the right-hand side wall as shown in the example.
3. Connect the battery holder according to the following connecting chart.

6.18.2 Wiring
Connection of the 9 V battery kit to the card holder (CPU)
X10 Des. Connection
5 3SRC+ 3rd source (DC 7…30 V), positive pole, red
6 3SRC- 3rd source (0 V), negative pole, blue
Table 7: Pin assignment of the terminal X10 on the card holder (CPU)

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Mounting and installation FC2080
Install batteries

6.19 Install batteries

The batteries must be secured with the tensioning set belts supplied.

The tensioning belts for fixing the batteries must not be twisted. The clamping
device must not be on an edge. Install the edge protector provided.


Figure 185: FC2080, installing the batteries and fixing them with tensioning belts

1 Clamping device (tensioning set)

2 3x tensioning belts
3 Carrier for battery tray
4 Battery tray
5 Bridges for fixing belts
6 2x batteries
7 Belt in clamping device
8 Clamping device ratchet

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Mounting and installation FC2080
6 Install batteries

1. Place the batteries (6) as shown in the installed battery tray (4).
2. Loop the belts of the tensioning set (2) as shown under the battery tray (4) and
around the batteries (6). One belt should be placed along each battery and one
across both batteries.
3. Open the ratchets, thread the belts (2), as shown, into the clamping device (7)
and pull the belts through the clamping device by hand.
4. Tension the belts by moving the handle of the ratchet (8). Ensure that the belts
lie between two bridges (5) of the battery tray (4). The bridges fix the belts on
the sides.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Setup of fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

7 Mounting and installation of fire terminal


7.1 Setup of fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

1 2 3

4 4

4 4

Figure 186: Rear panel fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

1 Support plate
2 Front indicator (Touch) FTO2010
3 PMI & mainboard FCM2027
4 4x mounting holes in the operating unit
5 Shield plate above carrier (CPU)
6 Hinges for wall housing

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Setup of fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

Arrangement of components

Figure 187: Components on the fire terminal (Touch) FT2080, without cover cap

1 Front indicator (Touch) FTO2010

2 Main network module (SAFEDLINK) on X13, optional
3 License key, optional
4 Slot 1 [SER_OPT1] for the first serial module at X14, optional
5 Slot 2 [SER_OPT2] for the second serial module at X19, optional
6 Degraded mode network module (SAFEDLINK) on X12, optional
7 CPU module (CORVUS) FCC2009
8 Carrier for CPU modules FTO2014
9 CPU module (MPC8248) FCC2006
10 PMI & mainboard FCM2027
11 Slot X11 for serial module. Not required for FT2080

Both slots X14 and X19 can hold the RS232 or RS485 serial module.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

7.2 Installation in 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

The installation instructions described below apply to all operating units.

Before an operating terminal is installed, the following components must first be

mounted on the operating unit.
● Network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 with ES ≥ 12, for connecting to the
● Adapter and connection cable for the power supply
– Supplied with processor unit (19", FC2080) FCC2002-A1

Preparing the operating unit

The network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 must be installed on connector
X13 of the operating unit (main module slot).


Figure 188: Installing the required components, taking operating unit FCM2028-A1 as an example

1 Operating unit
2 Flange with threaded holes for securing the module
3 Connector strip X13 for network module
4 Network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001-A1 with ES ≥ 12

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

5 2x fixing screw
6 PMI & mainboard FCM2027
7 Adapter for power supply (including ribbon cable)
8 Connector strip X3 peripheral data bus connection

1. Plug the network module (SAFEDLINK) (4) into connector X13 (3) of the
operating unit (1).
2. Secure the module to mounting flange (2) with both screws (5). Ensure that it is
secured correctly to avoid interrupts.
3. Plug the adapter (7) into connector X3 (8) of the PMI & mainboard (6) so
inscription 'TOP' is at the top.

Installing operating unit

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 189: Mounting operating terminal in door, taking operating unit FCM2028-A1 as an example

1 Inside of door
2 Opening for operating unit
3 4x welded threaded bolts
4 4x mounting holes in the operating unit
5 4x fixing screws

1. Remove the cover plate (2) by removing the four nuts (5).
2. Place the mounting holes (4) of the operating unit on the four threaded bolts (3)
and screw the operating unit down with the four nuts (5).
3. The operating add-ons in the bottom window openings are installed in the
same way.
4. Wire up the operating unit and operating add-ons according to the following
wiring instructions.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in 19" pedestal housing of the FC2080

Wiring the fire terminal (Touch)

3 4 5

Figure 190: Wiring the fire terminal (Touch) with FC2080

1 Ribbon cable for FC2080 system supply to card cage (CPU) X30
2 FCnet connection to card cage (CPU) X11/X12
3 X3 connection to network module (SAFEDLINK) to PMI & mainboard
4 Inside of door (section view)
5 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080
6 Adapter for flat cable of the supply

FCnet FCnet

FC2080 Door


A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2 A1 B1 A2 B2

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
X12 X11 X3
FN2010 FN2010 FN2001

Figure 191: Example of FCnet wiring of X3 on PMI & mainboard FCM2027 of the fire terminal (Touch)
* The FCnet connection from X11 to X12 on the card cage (CPU) FCC2003 is
wired up in advance at the factory.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in housing (standard)

7.3 Installation in housing (standard)

Figure 192: Installation of fire terminal in the housing (standard) FH2002

1 Mains connection terminals

2 Power supply unit (70 W) FP2015
3 Rear panel (standard)
4 Fire terminal board FTI2001
5 Wiring FCnet/SAFEDLINK
6 Network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001
7 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080
X3 Ribbon cable connection from the fire terminal (Touch) to the fire terminal
X1 Supply input for fire terminal board

You will find detailed information on wiring the 'fire terminal board FTI2001' and the
'network module (SAFEDLINK) FN2001' in document Product Data 008837.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

7.4 Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

The rear panel (FT2080) can be used for installation in a desk or installation in a
third-party housing. Installing the rear panel (FT2080) in a third-party housing
guarantees the required EMC protection. The installation sequence is as follows,
due to the restricted space:
● Installing the fire terminal board FTI2001
● Wiring the fire terminal (Touch)
● Installing the fire terminal (Touch)
● Installing the rear panel (FT2080) in a desktop

View of rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

Figure 193: Rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

1 Rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

2 250 V EMC filter, 3 A with plug-in contacts
3 Clamping bracket with screw for ground connection

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

Installing fire terminal board FTI2001


Figure 194: Installing the fire terminal board in the rear cover (FT2080)

1 Rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

2 Fire terminal board FTI2001
3 4x fixing screws
4 4x mounting holes
5 Threaded press-in sleeves in rear cover (FT2080)

1. Position the fire terminal board (2) in the rear panel (1) as shown.
2. Use the four fixing screws (3) to screw the fire terminal board (2) in the rear
panel (1) firmly onto the threaded press-in sleeves (5).

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

Wiring the fire terminal (Touch)

When installing in a desktop that is thicker than 33 mm, the cables must be routed
through the rectangular openings of the rear panel (FT2080), and not through the
round cable breakthroughs.

Figure 195: Wiring view of the fire terminal (Touch) in the rear cover (FT2080)

1 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

2 Network module (FCnet/SAFEDLINK) FN2001
3 FCnet connection cable
4 Prefabricated cable for supply connection to X7
5 EMC filter
6 Input for DC 24 V system supply to EMC filter
7 Fire terminal board FTI2001

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

1. Wire up the flat cable from the fire terminal board X3 to the PMI & mainboard
2. Wire up the prefabricated cable of the supply from the EMC filter to the fire
terminal board X7.
3. Wire up the external cables of the supply, the FCnet and the Ethernet cable
through the cut-out in the desktop and the cable lead-throughs in the rear

Installing the fire terminal (Touch)



Figure 196: Installing the fire terminal (Touch) in the rear panel (Touch)

1 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

2 4x fixing screws
3 4x mounting holes in the fire terminal (Touch)
4 Cable lead-through in the rear panel
5 4x threaded holes in the rear cover (FT2080)
6 Lateral cable lead-throughs
7 Rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039
8 Cut-out in the desktop
9 Desktop

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

1. Position the wired-up fire terminal (Touch) (1) on the rear panel (7) as shown.
2. Screw the four fixing screws (2) through the holes (3) to secure the fire terminal
(Touch) (1) into the threaded holes (5) in the rear panel.

Installing the rear cover (FT2080) in a desktop


Figure 197: Installing the rear cover (FT2080) in a desktop

1 Rear panel (FT2080) FHA2039

2 Mounted fire terminal (Touch) FT2080
3 4x fixing screws
4 Mounting holes in the flanges of the rear panel (FT2080)
5 Bores in the desktop
6 Desktop
7 Cutout for rear panel (FT2080) min. 430 x 268 mm

1. Place the rear panel (1) in the cut-out of the desktop (6) as shown. Ensure that
the cables are not pinched.
2. Use the four fixing screws (3) to screw the rear panel (1) into the bores (5) of
the desktop at the flanges (4).

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

7.5 Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040


Figure 198: View of desktop housing (FT2080)

1 Top of desktop housing

2 Tilting bracket for top of housing
3 Base of desktop housing
4 M4x10 pan head screw (scope of delivery)
5 Clamping bracket for ground cable (scope of delivery)
6 250 V EMC filter, 3 A with plug-in contacts (mounted)
7 Fixing screw by customer
8 Washer 5/15 mm (scope of delivery)
9 4x rubber grommets (scope of delivery)
10 Spacer sleeves (scope of delivery)
11 Ethernet coupling

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

1. Remove the top of housing (1) by pushing the two tilting brackets (2) on the left
and right inwards until you can lift off the top of housing.
2. Connect the ground connection as shown with clamping bracket (5) and M4
pan head screw (4).
3. Place the spacer sleeves (10) from below over the rubber feet (9).
4. Position the housing (3).
5. Place the washers (8) onto the rubber feet (9) inside the housing.
6. Screw the housing (3) tight with a screw (7) suitable for the substructure.

Installing fire terminal board FTI2001


Figure 199: Installing fire terminal board in desktop housing

1 Base of desktop housing

2 Fire terminal board FTI2001
3 6x fixing screws (scope of delivery)
4 Spacer with thread in rear panel

1. Position the fire terminal board (2) in the housing (1) as shown.
2. Screw the fire terminal board (2) firmly onto the spacers (4) in the housing (1)
using the four fixing screws (3).

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

Installing fire terminal (Touch) FT2080



Figure 200: Mounting in top of housing

1 Tilting brackets on left and right for fixing the top of the housing
2 2x fixing screws for tilting brackets and fire terminal
3 2x fixing screws for fire terminal
4 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080
5 Top of desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

1. Place the fire terminal (4) in the top (5) of the desktop housing as shown.
2. Screw the tilting brackets (1) into the top of the housing on the left and right as
shown, through the top holes in the fire terminal (4).
3. Due to the restricted space available, connect the Ethernet cable to plug X5
before mounting the fire terminal (Touch).
4. Use the two other screws to screw the fire terminal (4) into the top of the
housing through the bottom holes.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

Assembly of desktop housing (FT2080)


Figure 201: Assembly of desktop housing

1 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

2 Top of desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040
3 Tilting brackets on left and right for fixing the top of the housing
4 Guide cams on left and right for tilting brackets
5 2x threaded holes for fixing the top of the housing
6 Base of desktop housing
7 Fire terminal board FTI2001

1. Move the top of the housing (2) with the installed fire terminal (1) to the position
2. Gently press the two tilting brackets (3) inwards and lift the top of the
housing (2) into the two guide cams (4).
a The top of the housing is fixed in the open position and the tilting brackets
act like hinges.

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
7 Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

Figure 202: Securing the top of the desktop housing

1 Securing cap (scope of delivery)

2 Opening for fixing screw
3 Top of the desktop housing (Touch)
4 Fixing screw with securing device

1. To close the housing, tilt the top of the housing (3) onto the housing and secure
the top to the housing using both screws (4).
2. Close the openings for the fixing screws (2) using both securing caps (1)

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Mounting and installation of fire terminal (Touch)
Installation in desktop housing (FT2080) FHA2040

Fire terminal wiring

Figure 203: Wiring view of the fire terminal in the desktop housing

1 Fire terminal (Touch) FT2080

2 Network module (FCnet/SAFEDLINK) FN2001
3 Fire terminal board FTI2001
4 Prefabricated cable for supply connection to X7 fire terminal board
5 FCnet connection cable
6 EMC filter
7 Input for DC 24 V system supply to EMC filter
8 Internal cable RJ45 for Ethernet connection, L=420 mm

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Replacing components

8 Replacing components
The components are dismantled in reverse sequence of installation. To replace
components if repairs are necessary proceed as follows:
● Take the station out of operation.
● WARNING! Mortal danger due to electric shock. Before working on the
station check that the mains supply cable is disconnected from the power
● Ensure that the mains is secured against inadvertently being switched on.
● Replace the component.
● Start the station up again.
You will find information about taking out of service and commissioning in
document 009052, Commissioning, maintenance, troubleshooting.

If you return the operating unit for repairs, you have to remove all options, incl. the
license key.

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Concluding work
Insert printing paper

9 Concluding work

9.1 Insert printing paper

The printer can also be fitted the other way round, i.e. different from the position
shown below.

Opening the printer

l Push the clips slightly down and open the printer as shown in the figure.

Figure 204: Opening the printer

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Concluding work
9 Insert printing paper

Replacing the paper roll

1. Remove the reel of the old paper roll.
2. Insert the new paper roll as shown in the figure below.

Please make sure that the side that will be unwound is at the back of the drum,
corresponding to the dashed line in the figure below.

Figure 205: Inserting paper roll

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Concluding work
Insert printing paper

Closing printer
1. Pull some of the paper out of the printer.
2. Hold the paper end upwards.
3. Close the printer by holding the bracket upwards until the clips audibly engage.
a The printer is ready.

Figure 206: Closing printer

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Concluding work
9 Insert printing paper

Figure 207: Printer is ready

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CPU Stub
Abbreviation for 'Central Processing Unit'. The Detector line which is only connected to the fire
computing unit of the fire control panel. control panel on one side. In the event of an
open line or short-circuit, it may no longer be
possible for all fire detectors to communicate
Detector line with the fire control panel.
Electrical connection between the detectors and
the fire control panel. There are collective
detector lines and addressed detector lines.
Abbreviation for 'Vertrauen durch Sicherheit', a
company in the Gesamtverband der Deutschen
FCnet Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV). Inspection
Protocol used in SAFEDLINK. and certification body for fire detection systems
in Germany.
Line card
Card for connecting peripheral devices. The card
can be a plug-in card or it can be integrated into
the periphery board.

Detector line topology which runs from the fire
control panel via the fire detectors and back to
improve operational reliability. This type of wiring
allows all detectors to communicate with the
control panel even in the event of an open line or

Network module (SAFEDLINK)

FS20/FS720 network card.

Normal operation
The fire detection installation is supplied with
mains voltage.

Normally closed contact

Opens a power circuit when activated.

Normally open contact

Closes a power circuit when activated.

Remote transmission
Remote transmission.

The abbreviation for remote transmission.

The abbreviation for 'remote transmission'.

Unit for system control. Fire control panel or fire

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FTO2001-A1 ................................................. 189
D FTO2005-C1 ................................................. 194
Download center
URL ................................................................ 11 O
Original language
F Source language ............................................ 10
FCA2001-A1 ................................................. 185
FCA2002-A1 ................................................. 185 P
FCA2006-A1 ................................................. 158 Printer
FCA2007-A1 ................................................. 159 Inserting paper.............................................. 347
FCA2008-A1 ................................................. 159
FCA2009-A1 ................................................. 244
Source language.............................................. 10
FCA2010-F1.................................................. 113
FCA2014-A1 ................................................. 216
FCC2003-A1 ................................................. 266
FCI2001-D1 .................................................. 124
FCI2002-A1..................................................... 74
FCI2003-A1................................................... 116
FCI2004-A1..................................................... 81
FCI2005-A1............................................ 198, 205
FCI2006-C1 .................................................. 212
FCI2007-A1................................................... 166
FCI2008-A1................................................... 166
FCI2009-A1................................................... 166
FCL2001-A1 .................................................. 166
FCL2002-A1 .................................................. 166
FCL2003-A1 .................................................. 166
FCL2005-A1 .................................................. 166
FCL2006-A1 .................................................. 166
FCL2007-A1 .................................................. 166
FDCIO224..................................................... 197
FHA2007-A1 ................................................. 120
FHA2015-A1 ................................................. 220
FHA2016-A1 ................................................. 218
FHA2017-A1 ................................................. 220
FN2001-A1.................................................... 131
FN2006-A1.................................................... 134
FN2007-A1.................................................... 134
FN2008......................................................... 246
FN2009......................................................... 246
FN2012......................................................... 142
FP2001-A1 ...................................................... 94
FP2004-A1 ...................................................... 98
FP2005-A1 ...................................................... 98
FP2015-A1 ...................................................... 94
FT2080 ......................................................... 329
FTI2002-A1 ..................................................... 88

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Issued by © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2006
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Division Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
+41 41-724 24 24

Document ID: 008851_s_en_-- Manual FS20

Edition: 2016-01-27

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