Open Minded Ka Ba?: Exploring The Business Strategies of Networking and It's Effects To Students

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
City Schools Division of Koronadal
City of Koronadal

Open Minded Ka Ba?: Exploring the Business Strategies of Networking

and it’s Effects to Students

A Research Presented

to the Faculty of Senior High School

Koronadal National Comprehensive High School

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the Practical Research 1

(Quantitative Research)


Eazel June Ira G. Alegria

Krishna L. Rivera

John Marwin F. Bulan

Angelle Mae G. Paclarin

March 2018

Chapter I


This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the

problem, significance of the study and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

A family is living happily and peacefully together in one home where

the parents are giving all the love, care, attention and all the needs of their

children. Necessities like food, clothing, a house to live in, and education in

able to have their children a better future and a quality life are some of the

needs that must be fulfilled. But this is not true to all family. The Main reason

for that is because of poverty. Poverty is a big hindrance to have a quality life

and because of that parents choose to be separated to their children and

work abroad to provide their needs. The only way that they can escape

crushing poverty, unemployment and provide the needs of their family is to be

an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)

Overseas Filipino Workers are occurring in conformity here in the

Philippines. These individuals work overseas because of the perks of having

higher salary and several opportunities given in other countries than staying

in the Philippines. These people work strenuously and they endure the pain in

order to sustain the needs of their families which are the food, clothing, rent,

medical fund, education, recreation fund and extra money for emergency

purposes. According to Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) the number of

overseas Filipino workers (OFW’s) during the period April to September 2016

was estimated at 2.2 million and because of that millions of spouse, husband,

sisters, mothers, fathers, and especially children were left behind in their


With this large number of Filipino migrants, more serious issues are

arising regarding children left behind. Issues about school performance, class

attendance, health condition, interaction with others, behaviors, familial

relationship especially with their parents and their vision in life after his/her

parents left for abroad.

According to Reyes (2008), with this huge number of Filipino migrants

leaving the country temporarily, more pressing concern is regarding children

being left behind remained unnoticed. In terms of investments in education,

the earned money by migrant parents increase the levels of educational

attainments among their children, opening more opportunities for their future.

Moreover, having Overseas Filipino Worker parents can have a huge

impact on the children’s life. It can either be a positive effect or it will lead to

emotional imbalance that will affect their future. In some cases, they can lead

to peer pressure, smoking, drug use, pre-marital sex, cutting classes,

pregnancy, etc. Therefore, it is really important for the children to acquire

deeper knowledge about it’s effects so that they can obtain a good coping

mechanism and avoid ruining their lives.

In the Philippines, the number of Filipino families dealing with poverty

is increasing and the idea of being an Overseas Filipino Worker is

widespread. Yet only few studies were found involving Overseas Filipino

Worker Parents that explore the effects of migration to the children left

behind, and what can be done to improve their coping mechanisms beneficial

to their well-being and sustainability. Thus, this explanatory study is designed

as an extension to the existing knowledge found in Overseas Filipino Workers

studies and to fill the gap about the effects and coping mechanisms to the

children with OFW Parents.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to thoroughly investigate about the condition of

Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) parents to their children and the changes

when their parents work abroad. It will tackle about the emotional and social

aspects, and their perspectives on their lives. Furthermore, this study

intended to determine how these children cope with the changes on their lives

or their coping mechanism and this study also identified the advantages and

disadvantages of those ways to cope up with.

Specifically this study seeks to address the following research


1. What are the positive effects of having an Overseas Filipino Worker

(OFW) parents?

2. What are the negative effects of having an Overseas Filipino Worker

(OFW) parents?

3. What are the ways or the coping mechanism of the children left


Significance of the Study

This study aimed to discuss the different effects of having Overseas

Filipino Worker parents to the children themselves. The study will help other

students, teenagers or children to have an insight on the specific topic

regarding academic performance and relationship with their family, friends

and acquaintances. In addition, this study will also discuss the point of view of

the said children. The results and findings of the study will have great benefit

to the following:

To the Students. The results and findings of this study will provide the

students more knowledge and understanding about the effects of having

overseas Filipino worker parents. They will also know the problems that it

may cause if the person has a bad coping mechanism when being separated

with their parents and how can it be avoided. It will give the student a different

point of views or realization towards the topic.

To the Parents. It will serve as a basis on how the parents should

treat the children so that the children would cope with the changes in their life

in a positive way rather than ruining their lives. Through the given data the

parents will be able to comprehend the reason why their children act on a

certain way because of their decision to work abroad. In addition, they will

know how to manage and discipline their children.

To the Teachers. It will provide deeper knowledge on what strategies

to use to educate their students about the advantages and disadvantages of

having Overseas Filipino Worker parents. It will also give the teachers

another perspective on why the children would act a certain way, therefore it

can help them have additional techniques on how to improve the academic

performances of their students who needs a positive coping mechanism.

To the Future Researchers. The ideas presented in this research

may be used as reference data conducting new researches or in testing the

validity of other related findings. This study will also serve as their source of

the background and overview regarding Overseas Filipino Workers.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is focused only in discussing the effects of having an OFW

parents and this study will also seek the phenomena on how the children

cope up with the changes. This study is conducted only in vicinity of


Koronadal City where 10 respondents are students of Koronadal National

Comprehensive High School- Senior High School grade 11 and grade 12 and

the other 10 are within the Koronadal area. All respondents should have a

parent or parents working abroad. The study will start at the month of January

up to February 2018.

Operational Definition of Terms

To further understand and comprehend the intention of the study, the

researchers defined the following concepts conceptually and operationally;

Abroad. It means to go beyond the boundaries of one’s country or in a

foreign country.

Coping Mechanism. An adaptation to environmental stress that is

based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over

behavior or gives psychological comfort.

Hindrance. The state of being interfered with, held back, or slowed


Migrant. A person that travels to a different country or place, often in

order to find work.

Overseas. Beyond or across the sea

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW). Refer to persons of Filipino origin

who live/work outside Philippines. This term applies to Filipino workers who

are abroad indefinitely as citizens or as permanent residents of a different

country and to those Filipino citizens abroad for a limited, definite period, such

as on a work contract.

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Serves as the central

statistical authority on primary data collection in the Philippines by conducting

censuses on different sectors of the Philippine economy such as population,

housing, agriculture, fisheries and business.

Poverty. The state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable

amount of money or material possessions.


Chapter II

This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies

wherein the researchers have persuaded to shed the light on the topic under

the study about the effects of having Overseas Filipino Worker parents to

their children.

Local Literature

According to Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA), there are about 2.2

million Filipino who work abroad. With this huge number of overseas Filipino

worker, lot of children were also left behind here in the country. The reason

behind this migration event is because they want to sustain or give the needs

of people whom they love. This needs include shelter, food, clothing and

education. Minda (2017), said that most Filipino migrant parent think that the

closeness of their relationship cannot measure by physical relation but it is

how parents do their role to make their children’ lives good. Marave and Asis

(2013) stated also that Filipino parents see education as one of most

important things in earth and they are the one who should find a way to make

her/his child attend to school. To perform this role, parents choose to work


The Philippines, one of the largest migrant sending countries around

the world where approximately 10% of the country’s population is abroad, has

always been in the leading edge in the promotion and protection of human

rights, and more importantly children’s rights. Enclosed in its constitution in

the Article 13 on Social Justice and Human Rights, the Philippines has bring

into existence some institutional machineries and in authorization to realize

the state’s policy of valuing the worthiness of every human person and

guaranteeing the complete respect for human rights. Furthermore, the country

is a signatory to all the seven core international instruments on human rights

and had moved over to several laws and policies to accomplish such


The migrations of the parents have a lot of effects to those children left

behind. It affects the child emotional aspect, social aspect and the perception

in life of the child. These children are vulnerable to lots of problem and also

becoming self-doubting because of the lack of attention from parents (Minda

2017). Additionally, Minda (2017), explained that children who left behind are

more likely being materialistic than having good values and also being

rebellious to both parents.

Foreign Literature

As eloquently stated by Reyes (2008), in Asia, the Philippines is the

major supplier of labor migrants to over 100 countries and the leading female

migrant sending countries along with Indonesia. More than 8 million (10%) out

of the 85 million Filipinos were working or living abroad. While over 72% of

total migrants from Philippines were women workers. Many of these women

work as domestic helpers, nurses, caregivers, and entertainers. With this

huge number of Filipino migrants (and still more) living the country temporarily

(or permanently), a more pressing concern is with regards to children left

behind. Though there is no systematic data on the number of children left

behind, it is estimated to be 9 million or 27% of the total youth.

According to the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory (sometimes

known as The Social Readjustment Rating Scale used mostly in the US),

marital separation from mate is ranked as the 3rd most stressful life events for

a person, preceded by death of spouse (1st) and divorce (2nd). People get

married so they can be together (physically, emotionally, psychologically and

spiritually) for the rest of their lives on earth. Lisbe (2017), revealed that the

complex factors of migration, husbands and wives get separated for long

periods of time and this separation has caused tremendous stress to both of

them. As the Human Development Report (2009) put it, separation [between

husbands and wives] is typically a painful decision incurring high emotional

costs for both the mover and those left behind. The emotional and

psychological issues are exacerbated by a number of factors including marital

infidelity issues, and gender role issues, among others. In his personal

encounters with the OFW families, Clinical and Industrial Psychologist,

Francis Santamaria (2011), said that marital infidelity is a very common

situation among many spouses of overseas workers.

It is noted above that the OFW phenomenon has significantly affected

the relationships of both the migrant spouse and the one left behind as well

as the migrant’s relationship with his/her children. Each member of the family

experiences different emotional and psychological challenges as they

continue to live life having one significant family member physically, and for

the most part, emotionally absent (Lisbe, 2017). These factors have effects

on the overall family dynamics as stated earlier. But another aspect of

migration also affects the overall family dynamics – that is the area of


In a joint research project entitled Hearts Apart: Migration in the Eyes

of Filipino Children undertaken in 2003 by the Episcopal Commission for the

Pastoral Care of Migrant and Itinerant People/Apostleship of the Sea-Manila

(ECMI-AOS), Scalabrini Migration Center (SMC) and the Overseas Workers

Welfare Administration (OWWA), it was reported that, the migration of one or


both parents has definitely rearranged the division of labor in the family during

the time when fathers, mothers or both parents are abroad.

As indicated by Llorente (2010), it is true that the money Filipino

overseas workers earn trickles into towns and villages, helping build houses,

open restaurants and send children to school. But the absence of so many

industrious and skilled people also exact a heavy toll. The worth of it all to

individual families is, however only one part of a cost-benefit analysis of

Philippine Labor migration.

Local Studies

Children have various levels of tolerance or acceptance of the situation

depending on their cognitive development. Related studies on children left

behind by their OFW parents have several factors that may negatively or

positively affect the personal development of the children.

One factor is the academic performance and school behavior of the

children. Dissimilar from the perceived odds and ends, children of migrants

performed better in terms of academic performance than that of the non-

migrant children. Battistella and Conaco (1996), indicated in their study that

this finding is rather true, and the study seems to imply the significance of the

mother’s presence to the children with their school behavior. At the same

time, Cruz (1987) mentioned that the children of migrants and non-migrants

did not show significant difference towards their performance in school, there

is even a majority of good ratings in terms of conduct and discipline received

from the teachers where 78% are children of migrants while 81% children of

non-migrants. The children of migrants interact more with classmates and

actively participate in class and the activities and extra-curricular activities as

stated in his study (Cruz, 1987).


Asis (2000) also did not discover any evidence based on observation

to test the truth that children of migrant workers are more likely to engage in

juvenile delinquency than children of non-migrants.

Another factor is that of socialization of children and learning to be

independent. Social behavior of children can also be affected by migration of

their parents. Battistella and Conaco (1996) eloquently stated that children

with abroad mothers reveal less than adequate social adjustment and

suffered slow progress of psychological development. But in the study of

Scalabrini (2003), it revealed that children have generally adjusted socially for

the most part because of the effective social support from family members

and relatives. Despite whether the parents are present or not, children can

also partake in responsibility with the household chores. Even though the

report states that migrant children go through difficulties and longing for their

absent parents, they also recognized that they were able to be more

independent in the process.


Foreign Studies

Graham and Jordan (2011), conducted a study about migrant parents

and the psychological well-being of the children left behind. The research

results indicated that children who left behind suffer from psychological

distress because of separation of parents from them. It also shows that

children who are separated from his or her mother are prone to negative

impacts that include physical health.

The role of both parents is very important to child welfare. Other

studies also show that the role of parents is important to their children. Zarra-

Nezhad et al. (2015), explained that the effect of mothers’ high affection is

having less negative emotions of children. A supportive mother and father

and shows more affection will make their children have a good psychological

functioning (Stafford et al., 2015).

Additionally, according to Parrenas (2001), mothering away from a

distance has effect in emotional aspect of the child.


Chapter III

This chapter presents the research design, research locale, research

respondents, research instrument, and research procedure in our research

entitled Isolated Souls: Exploring the effects of having Overseas Filipino

Worker parents to the children left behind.

Research Design

To reach the purpose of this study, the researchers incorporated

descriptive qualitative design and will prepare a series of questions for

interview to collect the necessary data for the study. It attempted to know the

effects of having overseas Filipino Worker parents and determine their coping

mechanisms to the situation. Therefore, the various questions that the

researchers made for interview would be appropriate to the study.

The study of the effects of having Overseas Filipino Worker Parents

and their coping mechanisms will be done using qualitative method. This is

possible by using a series of questions prepared by the researchers for

interview to gather the necessary data for the qualitative aspect of the study.

Research Locale

Figure 1. Location Map of the Study. KNCHS 2018.


The locale of the study would be at Koronadal National

Comprehensive High School – Senior High School. It is a public school that is

composed of more than 8,000 senior high school students with 4 major

strands offered such as STEM, ABM, HUMSS, and TVL. Koronadal National

Comprehensive High School was established in 1947, occupying at first a

dense cogonal area of 79,000 square meters. Its first name was Koronadal

Junior High School and later through Republic Act 5550, a bill sponsored by

James Chiongbian, converted Koronadal Junior High School to Koronadal

National Comprehensive High School on July 1, 1970. The school’s

conversion to a national comprehensive high school paved a way for more


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study are the Grade 11 Senior High School

students that has OFW parents from the STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy, Business and

Management), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), and TVL

(Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) Strands, who are officially enrolled in the

school year 2017-2018 and former students who had already dropped out

from school with parents working abroad. In total of 20 respondents. We have

20 respondents because Crouch and McKenzie (2006) proposed that less

than 20 participants in a qualitative study helps a researcher build and

maintain a close relationship and thus improved the open and frank exchange

of information.

Research Instrument

The Information for this study were gathered through the series of

questions that the researchers prepared for interview involving their coping

mechanism, academic performance, health condition, and their relationships

with other people

Research Procedure

First, a letter of permission will be submitted to the office of the

principal regarding the current study. Second, the researchers will obtain

permission from the respondents that they will be going to interview. Then,

the researcher will prepare a series of questions appropriate to the study for

the interview. The Grade 11 students were informed about the study

beforehand so that we can schedule the time and date to perform the

interview on their free time. Then, the researchers will explain the purpose of

the research in a more detailed manner along with a letter upholding the

granted permission from our practical research teacher to allow the students

to be a part of the study. The respondents who are currently not attending

school will also be contacted to inform them about the schedule of our

interview. The participants will remain anonymous for the study. During the

interview, the series of questions will be asked to obtain the information

needed for the study and the answers stated by the respondent will be noted

by the researcher. Lastly, the researcher collects all of the notes from the

interviews and will tally and collate all the results.


Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study

Conducting an Interview

Analyzing the Study

Peer-debriefing and Validating of Data

Figure 2. Flow Chart of the Research Procedures

Formulating Summary and Insights

Chapter IV

This chapter presents analyzes and interprets the data gathered from

the 20 respondents, 10 are students from KNCHS-SHS, and 10 are out of

school youth coming from the vicinity of Koronadal City.


Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 1:

“Uhm… Ara, may ara She said that her father is the
actually kay si papa siya only one who has income
lang angi sa uh broken because they are broken
family man kami so uhm family, and when he went Sustain Needs/
siya lang isa na kumbaga abroad he is the only one Education
ay ara sang income who can sustain their needs
saamon, so tung nag and send them to school.
abroad siya kumbaga daw
na sustain na amon nga
needs, uhm, nahatag nya
ang mga financial needs
bala namon haw kagina pa
send nya kami sa school. “
Respondent 3:

“Uhmm… naka, siya She said that her mother is

nagpa eskwela sa akon the one who sends them to Sustain Needs/
kay wala naman si papa ko school, gives them allowance Education
gasuporta sa akon so bale and sustain their needs since
siya tanan gahatag sang her father doesn’t support the
allowance sa amon, anymore.
gahatag financial needs,
tanan tanan.”

Respondent 5:
She said that her mother who
“Arang… uhm naka ano na went abroad was able to
kami mayad maka… send them to school &
eskwela kami tarong tapos sustain their needs. Her Sustain Needs/
daw tanan nga kinanglan mother also doesn’t leave Education
namon hatag nya lalo na them alone in terms of their
sa financial …waay nya pa need and make sure that they
gid kami ginapabay an, always comes first more than
ginauna nya gid kami anything even if she tends to
permi pero sarili nya sacrifice her own needs.
ginapabay an nya lang.”
Respondent 15:

“Ara gid eh… ng bal an

niyo hiwalay na bi parents He said that his mother can
nakon so si mama ko lang sustain their needs and also
ang nagahatag needs so his mother can send him to Sustain Needs/
tung nagabroad na siya school. Education
nahatag niya na ang needs
ko kag napaeskwela niya
ko kaso lang nag untat
lang ko.”

Respondent 6:

“Uhm… She can gave me She said that her mother can
what I need and what I give her what she needs and Sustain Needs/
want. She can also send wants and also support her Education
me to school.” studies.

Respondent 10:

“Uhmm… positive effect is

ma ano niya ma provide She said that the positive
niya ang mga needs effect is that her mother was
namon everyday tapos ng able to provide their everyday Sustain Needs/
kunwari sang mga needs and if they need Education
emergency nga barayan immediate money, her
pwede siya ka ano dason mother can provide. Her
ka produce sang kwarta mother can send them also to
tapos ipadala niya sa school.
amon then amo sato mapa
eskwela niya ko then amo
sato mapaeskwela niya ko,
ganon, napa graduate niya
na gani si ate.”
Respondent 19:

“Napaeskwela ko dati kag He said that his parent was Sustain Needs/
nahatag niya ang mga able to sustain his needs and Education
needs ko.” send him to school when he
was still attending school.
Respondent 4:
Sustain Needs/
“Te tung nag abroad abi He said that when his mother Education
siya, so may ara ng mga went abroad, she was able to
needs ko mahatag niya na give them their needs and
mapaeskwela niya ko, amo was able to send him to
sina.” school.
Table 1.0 Respondents’ answers to question number 1

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 16:
He said that the positive
“Ang positive effect niya is effect is that their needs and Sustain Needs
mahatag niya ang needs wants can be sustained.
namon kag ang wants

Respondent 12:
“Bilang anak ng isang
OFW Parent nakakaranas She said that as a child of an
kami ng maayos na OFW Parent, she
pamumuhay… nakakakain experienced a good Sustain Needs
ng tatlong beses sa isang livelihood, they can eat 3x a
araw, may pang tustos sa day and can afford their daily
arawaraw na gastusin.” needs.
Table 1.1 Respondents’ answers to question number 1

ang kinanglan namon … Support

Basta mahatag niya kung
ano dapat ihatag niya.”

Table 1.2 Respondents’ answers to question number 1

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondents 8:

“Ang positive effect niya is She said that their life

ano ang nag mayo ang became better and their

kabuhi namon naka naka financial needs were Good Financial

pundar kami sang mga sustained because of her Support
financial needs uhm sang mother.
uhm maka provide si
mama sang mga financial
needs namon tapo sano to
daw mag an na ang
pangabuhi namon

Respondent 13:

“Well, positive effects, He said that the positive

ano… hindi, hindi man abi effects is that their lifestyle Good Financial
kami laki sa yaman abi na became better, even it is not Support
family so yung mama ko that much, at least they rose
nag try sya abroad so ang up from poverty. Now, they
positive effect nya is kung are not that poor anymore
ano ang may ara kami and they can eat 3x a day.
karon, daw kaangat na
kami na karon sa life…
mahambal ko man na hindi
kami angat pero atleast na
kabangon kami sa daw
pobre man gyapon di nag
gid pareho dati na mahirap
na mahirap so amuna na
siya ang positive effect na
murag na kami makakain
ng 3x a day.”

Respondent 11:
She said that the positive
“Positive effect is mahatag effect is that her parent can Good Financial
nya tanan na needs give their needs, especially Support
namon lalo na sa their financial needs.

Respondent 2:
She said that they attained
“Uhm… I think uhm good good livelihood and good
livelihood something like financial support, and Good Financial
that uhm… good financial because of his father going Support
and as of now our house is abroad their house is now in
in good condition and it is a good condition and well
well rebuilt because of rebuilt.

Respondent 17:

“Ang positive effect sang He said that the positive

OFW nga parent, mas dali effect of having an OFW Good Financial
masolusyonan ang parent is that their financial Support
financial problem… natural problems can now be easily
kay mas taas gid man ang solved since the income is
maging income sang higher abroad.
worker sa ibang bansa
kaysa diri sa pilipinas.”

Respondent 18:
He said that the positive
“Ang positive effect is effect is that his parent can Good Financial
nahatagan niya na gid ko now support him financially. Support
kwarta kag masuporthana
niya na ko sa akon
especially sa kwarta”

Respondent 20:

“The positive effect of She said that the positive Good Financial
having an OFW parents is effect is that her parent can Support
that they can provide now support her in terms of
easily all your needs, money.
Table 1.3 Respondents’ answers to question number 1

The table 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 showed the positive effects of having OFW

parents to their children. Findings indicate that 8 out of 20 respondents

answered that the positive effects are both sustain needs and education, this

answer has the highest number of answers. The second highest number of

answers is good financial support as a positive effect with a number of 7 out

of 20. In addition, 3 out of 20 respondents answered both sustain needs and

good financial support as the positive effects. Lastly, to complete the 20

respondents, 2 out of 20 said that their only positive effects is sustain needs.

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 5:
She feels sad because there
‘’Syempre ano eh sad kay is no one who will nag at Lack of Guidance/
walana pirmi gabuyayaw them in the morning, no one Lack of Presence

sa amon taga aga, wa may to wake them up and no one of Parent

gapukaw, wala may to guide them.
gaano, way may ga
Respondent 17:

Tapos ang negative effect

man, oo mas dali ang He said that the negative
kwarta pero syempre effect is that even though his
madula ang financial needs can be
pangangailangan mo sa sustained, he is still away Lack of Guidance/
mga ginikanan, dali gid from his parent. Due to the Lack of Presence
man lang ang kwarta sang lack of guidance from his of Parent
OFW pero kapalit sini parent, he didn’t attend
kalian man gyapon kay school.
wala sa tupad mo ang
pamilya mo… makaapekto
ni siya sa pag eskwela ko
kay way ga guide saakon,
amo na nga makapagusto
ko sa himuon ko,
makasulod man o hindi,
makapagusto gyapon ko.

Respondent 19

Uhm ng wala bala may ga He said that he lacks

guide saimo so ng wala guidance from his parents Lack of Guidance/
bala may mag upod sa imo and also lacks the presence Lack of Presence
haw ng daw gusto mo or attention from them. of Parent
sang attention pero wala
may mag hatag halin sa
parents mo

Table 2.0 Respondents’ answers to question number 2

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 2:

‘’Uhmm...Yes… uhm She said that her negative

negative effect I think is experience is that she misses
uhm I miss my father we her father and that they don’t
don’t have any bond. Uhm bond enough bond enough Lack of Presence
I mean we actually haven’t and talked too much because of Parent
talked too much and bond she is an only child and she
too much, because I’m wants attention from her
only child and yes, I want father. She also feels sad but
attention… I feel sad but she keeps telling herself that
sometimes I keep telling it’s okay because it is for her
myself that it’s okay it’s for own good.
myself It is for my own

Respondent 15

First gid is lack of attention He said that the negative Lack of Presence
gid tapos ng gapangita gid effect is lack of attention, lack of Parent
ko sang presence niya. of presence, and lack of time.
Kulang pa gid siya sang
time sa amon haw.
Respondent 12

‘’Yung mga pagkakataong She said that there are times Lack of Presence
na wala sayo ang mga when they aren’t there for her of Parent
magulang mo yung kahit especially when she needs
kailangan mo sila sa tabi them because of the fact that
mo, wala sila dahil they need to work for their
kailangan nilang mag loved ones.
trabaho para sa mahal nila
sa buhay.’’

Respondent 3

‘’Syempre ang negative She said that the negative Lack of Presence
effect, syempre di ko sya effect is that she isn’t with her of Parent
upod sa pila ko birthdays for a number of birthdays and
kona special occasions special occasions.
wala sya. Ng mga time nga
kailangan ko siya, wala
siya ‘’
Respondent 10:

“Syempre, ang negative She said that the negative

effect diba kung OFW ka effect is that she lacks the
ng malayo kana sa family presence of her parent when
mo, so syempre… ano ang she needs one because of Lack of Presence
kailangan mo sa isa ka the distance. of Parent
nanay hindi niya ma ano,
ma hatag, so amuto,
malayo siya sa imo nga
family tapos, tapos, kung
kailangan ko siya as a
mother daw si papa ang
gastand as a mother
Table 2.1 Respondents’ answers to question number 2

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 4:

“So sa for example tung He said that the negative

high school ko, effect is when he is in high
elementary, syempre, pag school or elementary, when

may mag family day or there is a family day his

anything nakinanglan sang mother isn’t there. Lack of Presence
parents meeting walasya… When he became mature, he of Parent/
tung umpisa tung nagka started to understand why his Emotional Problem
isip ko , daw ma mother went abroad because
intindihanko man kung if his mother will not work
ngaa siya nag abroad kay abroad their needs cannot be
kung hindi siya mag sustained. He also felt hurt.
abroad so wala… daw di When he sees his classmates
ko nag gid abi maalala abi or his friends with their
ah… Ng syempre kalian sa complete family while his
pamatyagan kay Makita family is incomplete.
mo ang iban mo nga
classmate or friends mo
nga kumpleto sila tapos
ikaw kulang kulang.’’

Respondent 6
She said that growing without
‘’Growing without parents parents beside you especially Lack of Presence
beside you specially the the mother’s care is difficult. of Parent/
mother’s care which is very She feels lonely and Emotional Problem
important… I feel lonely abandoned and she doesn’t
and abandoned. I don’t have anyone to vent her
have any to tell my problems.
problems, especially my
Respondent 9

‘’Ng ano ng parehas sito She said that the negative

pag graduate sang grade 6 effect is when it comes to
ng ano ng wala may graduations, she has no
makuha sang sa imo sa parent to get her diploma on
stage, dayon magkuha stage, and her cards. Also, Lack of Presence
sang cards mo, tapos ng on family days, there are no of Parent/
mag family day wala may parents to accompany her. Emotional Problem
mag attend sa imo sang She feels jealous of other
parents, daw mainggit ka children because they are
bala haw, sila kumpleto complete while she doesn’t
ikaw wala kay parents mo have anyone to attend, that’s
ara sa gwas, feeling ko why she feels bitter toward
against nako sa iban other families.
kasadya sang iban,
kasadya nga kumpleto

Respondent 18
He said that the negative Lack of Presence
“Nang una uhm ng ano effect is he feels left behind of Parent/
bala ng ang negative effect and he lacks the presence of Emotional Problem
is ng feeling mo ng ging his parent.

bilin ka bala haw kag

gapangita ka sang
presence sang nanay mo”

Table 2.2 Respondents’ answers to question number 2

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 7:

‘’So first is emotionally ng He said that emotionally he Emotional

may daw ara part sa akon feels that a part is missing in Problem
ng daw kulang siya sang his heart because they aren’t
sa akon nga hindi kami a complete family and there
complete nga family… coz’ is a member in their family
wala ang isa sang part that is missing.
sang member namon sang
pamilya. That’s it.’’

Respondent 1:

‘’Sure may ara kay diba sa She said that she

feeling nga siya na lang isa experiences the feeling of
ang nabilin sa imo nga being alone and being left
parent tapos yung ba behind by the parent
naghalin pa gid bala sya especially when her father
haw… eh ano ang left. The negative effect of
negative effect sato this is she lacks guidance
kumbaga daw makulangan from parents. Also, that on Emotional Problem
kis a kay guidance sang her younger years, when she
parents na ara bala didto. didn’t understand yet, she
So amo to sya … Actually wished that her father should
dati tung mga younger not have went abroad,
years pa ko tung wala ko because she felt like she over
pa naintindihan ng na ano reacts to everything.
ko gid na tani wala nalang
siya nag abroad… feel ko
daw ano, daw gin bilin bala
haw, daw feel ko nga gi
abandon. Ng tanan na lang
bala aw feel ko tanan ibilin
ko. Daw over over nab ala
ang pag emote ko sa
Table 2.3 Respondents’ answers to question number

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 14:

“Negative effect niya gid is He said that the negative Emotional

nagkaroon ko sang bisyo effect on his life is that he had Problem/Have

tapos ng mafeel ko nga vices and he feels that Vices

anytime kag miskan sin o anytime anyone can leave
pwede nila ko ibilin. Ng sa him. He always over react to
gamay nga bagay lalo na such little things especially in
pag about sa family issue family issues.
gareact gid ko.”

Table 2.4 Respondents’ answers to question number 2

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme
Respondent 11:

‘’Negative is may times gid She said that the negative

nga maglayo loob namon effect is that there are times Relationship Gap
sa iya kag wala siya if ever that they feel the gap
na kailangan namon sang between her and her mother,
nanay.’’ and she isn’t there when they
needs her.

Respondent 16:

“Ang negative effect niya is He said that the negative

hindi namon siya makita effect is that they don’t see
sang laba nga panahon each other for long periods of
asta sa chat nlng kag time and they only
video call kami naga kit communicate through chat
anay. May gap na kag kag and video call. He also said Relationship Gap
hindi ka gid close saiya that there is a relationship
kung mag abot siya. Naga gap between them.
longing gd ko saiya nga
tani mag abot tung
panahon nga maskin hindi
na siya mag abroad basa
ara lng kamo sa iisang
bubong. Mamiss ko gd
sya, amu na ang top
negative effect para

Respondent 20:

“Negative effect although She said that the negative

naprovide mo needs ng effect is that there is a Relationship Gap
anak mo medyo malayo relationship gap between
loob ng anak mo sayo, them because she grew up
tapos parang emotional without her.
ako na lumalaki kasi nga
wala siya.”
Table 2.5 Respondents’ answers to question number 2
Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme
Respondent 8:

‘’Ang negative effect sito ih She said that the negative

kung name ang pangabuhi effect of it is that their family Separation of

namon ti naguba sa pag is now broken even if they’re Family

abroad ni mama, naguba not experiencing poverty. Her
man ang pamilya namon. parents are now separated
Kay si papa, nagbulag sila because her father couldn’t
kay sigurohindi kaya ang take the long-distance
long distance amuna relationship. Even though
nabulaganay sila. Nami their life is in good condition,
ang pangabuhi namon but their family status isn’t.
pero ang status sang
pamilya namon is
hindi kay separate abi ah
ang parents namon. ‘’

Respondent 13:

‘’Negative effects, siguro He said that the big impact of

sa akon wala pero sa mga it is to his siblings, they are
manghod ko kay may ara now separated from each
paman ko kapatid nga other because his mother is
tatlo, amona kami tatlo kay now in abroad and his father
nag abroad si mama kay is not supporting them
wala si… wala nako anymore. He also said that
papa…. Wala nako papa there is no one to discipline
ba, tapos… huy gash… his siblings. Although, they
ning…amona ang can eat three times a day, yet
manghod ko ara karon sa they cannot eat the same Separation of
davao tapos ng, am na table together anymore. Family
ang negative effects ng
wala sang daw mag
discipline sa mga
manghod ko, iba gid bala
pag gadako ang family sa
sa kompleto nga pamilya…
siguro amo ng negative
effects, wala hindi na kami
makakaon, although
makakaon kami, kung ang
positive makakaon kami
three times a day, karon
hindi na kami makakaon
sa isa nga table nga
kumpleto, amona.’’

Table 2.6 Respondents’ answers to question number 2

The table 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 showed the negative

effects of having OFW parents to their children. Findings revealed that the

emergent theme with most number of answers is lack of presence of parent


as a negative effect with a number of 5 out of 20 respondents. The data also

showed that both lack of presence of parent and emotional problem ranked

as the second highest with 4 out of 20 respondents. Lack of presence of a

parent and lack of guidance tied up with relationship gap with 3 out of 20

respondents. Additionally, emotional problem and separation of family also

tied up with 2 out of 20 respondents. Lastly, the one with the least answered

is both emotional problems and having vices.

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 1:

‘’uhm… I’m so blessed She said that she is still

kasi may ara man sang blessed because there are Guidance from
iban nga naga guide sa other people that will guide Church
akon kag nga kumbaga her. She also grew up in
daw naga nagdako ko sa church and the people there
church so amuto nga gi guided her.
guide nila ko.’’

Table 3.0 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 2:

‘’uhm… talking to him on She said that she copes up

messenger uhm video chat with this through talking with Communication
and calling him when he him on messenger, video
has spare time.’’ chat and on call when her
father has spare time.
Respondent 3:
‘’Na ano gina chat ko siya She said that her coping
everyday kung may time mechanism is that they
tapos hulton ko lang siya communicate through chat
mag reply kung san o kay every day and she tells her
busy man siya tapos pirmi mother ‘’I love you’’. She also
ko sa iya gahambal ‘’I love tells her mother her daily
you’’ kung ano man gid activities to keep her updated
tapos…uhm… ginahambal even if they are apart.
hambal ko tanan nga ano
garatabo sa akon para
updated man siya biskan
layo siya.’’
Respondent 12:

“Lagi kami nakikipag She said that they always


communicate sa kaniya communicate with her

dahl sa teknolohiya ngyon mother, hey can talk to each Communication
pwede mo na siyang other even though hey are far
makita,makakausap mo na away from each other.
siya, dito naming
napapakita na kahit
malayo kami ay prang
magkasama pa rin kami.”
Respondent 11:

“Well si mama abi everday She said that her mother is

gid siya nagabasa sang reading bible everyday so I Communication
bible, so bale nagaya ko also read bible and we are
bala kag amo na o gina always communicating to
himo ko and naga each other
communicate sa isa’t isa,
amo na ang nagging
coping mechanism ko.”
Respondent 16:
He said that his coping
“Ang coping mechanism mechanism is following his
ko, first gina sunod ko ang parent’s orders. He also said
gusto nya kay para man na that they communicate with
saakon. Chat kag video each other through chat and
call lang gd para video call. Communication
mabawasn ang pagkamiss
ko saiya. Communicate
lang gd kami.”
Respondent 17:

“Maka cope up ko sa paagi He said that he can cope up Communication

nga makahatag parent ko with it because his parent can
sang gusto ko kag paagi give him what he wants and
nga biskan nga ara siya sa with the support and love of
ibang bansa di madula ang his parent. He also said that
support niya kag pag they communicate with each
palangga niya saakon. Kag other.
ga chat and video call man
Respondent 6:

“Since we are already in She said that her coping

millennials we can mechanism is communicating Communication
communicate in video call, with her mother.
so it’s easy to
communicate with my
Table 3.1 Respondents’ answers to question number 3
Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme
Respondent 4:

‘’So ga engage ko sa mga He said that his coping

sports, daw sa activities, mechanism is being engaged With Friends

sa school, sa mga friends in sports, activities, friends Studying/

na lang dira nanabalhin and school, that’s where his Engaging in Sports
attention ko.’’ attention is now focused.

Respondent 5:

‘’uhm… gaeskwela gid ko She said that she study hard

tarong…mga friends ko and she has friends to With Friends
ara ng support man… support her. She also joins Studying/
gasali man ko sa sports kis sports events such as ping Engaging in Sports
a, naga… nagahampang pong.
ko sang ano sang ping

Respondent 7:

‘’So far sa studies lang gid He said that he focuses on With Friends
ko gafocus para makabawi his studies to get back his Studying/
sa mga gina pang hatag mother’s sacrifices. His Engaging in Sports
niya sa amon and friends coping mechanisms also is
and mga hobbies nga may going with his friends and
pagka sporty ako, pero not playing sports.
all the time, that’s all.”
Table 3.2 Respondents’ answers to question number 3
Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme
Respondent 9:

‘’Hambal ko sige lang kay She said that she tells herself Studying with
gina ano man ni mama that her mother going abroad Friends
gaubra siya sa gawas is for her own good. Her
sang abroad para man ni coping mechanism is that she
sa amon… gaupod man ko hangs out with her friends
sa friends ko kag gas and studies well.
kwela tarung.’’
Respondent 8:

‘’Tung ging himo ko lang is She said her coping

nag ano lang ko motivate mechanism is that she
ko gid ang sarili ko nga motivates herself to study Studying with
mag skwela, skwela gid ko hard for her future and she Friends
nga para man ni sa future hangs out with her friends
ko kung isipon ko para who are also grade
man sa akon kag tapos conscious.
gaupod ko s friends ko nga
ang isip man nila mag
skwela man.

Respondent 10:

‘’Gina isip ko na lang, ga She said that she just thinks

isip ko sang mga positive positive thoughts, she knows
thoughts like uhm… bal an that what her mother is doing

ko nga ang gina himo niya is for their own good anyway.
is for us, for sa family And if she needs a parent
namon tapos kung she knows that her mother
kailangan ko man siya gives her moral support. And
syempre ng bal an ko man to make her parents proud,
nga ang moral support she strives to be an achiever
niya ara sa akon so amo in school thus, her main focus Studying with
sato uhm… kag ano kag is school. She also said that Friends
syempre ang akon nga she shares her problems to
ginahimo is kung para ma her friends to avoid being
ano ko mahatag ko ang depressed.
ang maging proud man sila
sa akon is, maging proud
man siya sa akon is
kailangan mag
skwelatarong. Uhm…
kailangan mo may achieve
may kailangan mo maging
achiever sa school… gina
ano ko gina, uhm, ang
akon nga focus is sa, focus
is sa school tapos ng
uhm… gina angakon, sa
friends diba gashare man
ko sa friends ko about sa
mga problems ko so daw
wala na siya sang, daw di
na may depressed
depressed amona kay ga
share nako sa mga friends
ko about sa mga problems
Table 3.3 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 15:
He said that he copes up with
“Ng gaupod upod lang ko it by hanging out with his With friends/
sa mga barkada ko. Gina friends and diverts his Diverts Attention
baling ko sa iba ang attention.
atensyon ko.”

Respondent 13:

“So ano… gina divert ang He said that he diverts his

attention ko sa kung diin attention to other things that With friends/
happy ko, like gaupod ko make him happy and when Diverts Attention
sa friends ko. tung he is still studying, he focuses
gaskwela pa ko, ang focus in school and participate in
ko sa skwela, ng damo ka every extracurricular.
extracurriculars para hindi
mo lang maisip nga wala

ka upod, nga wala si

mama mo, basta gina
divert ko lang attention ko.”

Respondent 20:

“Coping mechanism I use She said that she hangs out

to hang with my friends, it’s with her friends as a coping With friends/
my way to cope up with my mechanism and also diverts Diverts Attention
stress or my pain. And also her attention to other things.
I divert my attention to
other things.”
Table 3.4 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 18:

“Ng ga basketball nalang He said that he plays With Friends/

ko pirmi kag ga upod sa basketball and hangs out with Engage in Sports
barkada ko, amo lang to” his friends.

Table 3.5 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 19:

“Ng syempre sa friends ko He said that he hangs out

gaupod ng gina isip ko with his friends, thinks about With Friends/
nalang ang mga happy happy thoughts and he uses Engaging in
thoughts kag kis a his girlfriend as a coping Relationship
ginagamit ko ang miga ko mechanism.
as coping mechanism”

Table 3.6 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

Thematic Statement Meaning Emergent Theme

Respondent 14:

“Ang ginhimo ko is nagtry He said that he tried to drink

ko magi nom bala aw para alcoholic drinks so he can With Friends/

malimtan ko lang ang forget that her mother left him Having Vices
thought nga wala siya and also he goes out with his
tapos gaupod man ko sa friends.
barkada ko.”

Table 3.7 Respondents’ answers to question number 3

The table 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 showed the coping

mechanisms of the children having OFW parents. The highest number

answer of respondent is through communication with a number of 7 out of 20

respondents. On the other hand, with the least numbered response of the

respondents are through guidance of church, with friends and engaging in

sports, with friends and engaging in relationship and with friends and having

vices with a number of 1 out of 20. In addition, there are 3 answers that tied

up which are with friends, studying and engaging in sports, studying and with

friends and with friends and diverts attention with a number of 3 out of 20.

Chapter V

This chapter presents the summary of findings, and insights of the

current investigation.


This educational research sought to describe the positive effects,

negative effects, and coping mechanisms of children, either students of

KNCHS-SHS and out of school youth, having OFW parents which aimed to

answer the following questions:

1. What are the positive effects of having Overseas Filipino workers

(OFW parents)?

2. What are the negative effects of having Overseas Filipino workers

(OFW parents)?

3. What are the ways or the coping mechanism of the children left


To attain the objectives of the study, the researcher used the interview

method to collect the data that is needed to fulfill the goal of the study. In

addition, the purposive sampling is used for selecting and choosing the



The following were the results of the study:

The researchers found out that having Overseas Filipino Worker Parents

have a great effect on the children left behind. There are positive effects,

negative effects and coping mechanism. Most of the respondents said that

both sustaining needs and education are the positive effects of having OFW

parents. On the other hand, most of the respondents answered that the lack

of presence of their parent is the negative effect of having OFW parents,

while both emotional problems and having vices are the least answered

theme. In addition, the researchers found out that the most answered coping

mechanism is having communication with their parents working abroad while

the least answered are having vices and engaging in relationships.


After gathering and analyzing the data, the researchers discussed and

realized the effects of having Overseas Filipino Worker parents. Family has a

massive role and impact in our society, it is extremely important. In fact, it can

influence the well-being of a certain person, especially to the children

nowadays who are dependent to their families. When the children continue to

live with their parents in one roof, their attitude, way of thinking and academic

performance can be developed into their fullest potential.

Our respondents have different stories and experiences towards their

family standing, but they have one thing in common, that they’re children left

behind by their parents who work abroad. Almost every respondent in this

study who participated stated that the main and utmost reason why their

parents decided to work abroad is to send them to school and to sustain their

needs in everyday life. Thus, this motivated the students to study hard and

pursue their studies. When the student pursue their studies, they can make

their parents proud and when that happens their parents will support them

more and this would lead to further betterment of students’ academic

performance. Also, they became more independent when it comes to their

responsibilities and their lives became much easier and better than before in

terms of financial needs. In addition, they had a new perception of life which

is they treasure and give more importance to the things around them because

they know and understand the feeling of having something and the emptiness

of having nothing. If that is the understanding of a certain child, it means that

their parents working abroad has a massive positive impact on the well-being

of the child.

But then, this phenomenon has some negative impacts to the children

left behind. Others were slacking off and decided to stop their education

because of the lack of guidance, care and presence of their parents. The

researchers also found out that if their parents are with their children; having

vices and dropping out of school can be avoided. Their relationship gap with

their parents, which is also another negative effect, has resulted them to build

up their walls and obtain emotional problems towards other people. For

example, there are respondents who thought that they can always be left

anytime since their parents already left them, how much more when it comes

to other people.

Since these effects continue to exist, they developed their own coping

mechanism. One of them is hanging out with their peers, that’s why the

people who surround them should be understanding, supportive and are good

influences to them. In addition, some respondents answered that they engage

in sports to cope with, that’s why schools should implement more physical

activities. Furthermore, most of the respondents mentioned that their coping

mechanism is communicating with their parent. Their communication should

be strengthened, that’s why technology is very essential and important to the


Having Overseas Filipino Worker parents has its own unique

advantages and disadvantages. But as researchers believe that this


phenomenon greatly affects the students left behind. It all depends on the

students’ perspective and perseverance towards having parents working




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Republic of the Philippines
Region XII
Koronadal National Comprehensive High

City of Koronadal

Asst. Principal for Academics
KNCHS-SHS City of Koronadal

Dear Sir:

Greetings of Joy and Peace!

A topic we want to dig more about is the experiences of students in KNCHS

and out of school youth that have OFW parents and also the coping
mechanisms that they do. We think that through this study, we, as students
and as part of this community, will understand teachers in a larger and much
vivid view and how noble the profession is, especially to those teachers who
taught unfortunate youths.
In relation with our subject (Practical Research I), we were tasked to conduct
a Qualitative Research as a part of our requirements for the final quarter for
the second semester. We would like to ask permission from your office that
we will conduct our study, “Isolated Souls: Exploring the Effects of Having
Overseas Filipino Worker Parents to the Children Left Behind”, within the
premises of KNCHS and allow us to interview selected senior high school
having OFW parents in our city.
We are hoping for your consideration and support. God bless!

Respectfully yours,
John Marwin F. Bulan
Eazel June Ira G. Alegria
Angelle Mae G. Paclarin
Krishna L. Rivera

Noted: Approved:
Mr. Jepte Dagum Fernando L. Nequinto
Teacher - Practical Research I Asst. Principal for Academics

Republic of the Philippines

Koronadal City

February 5, 2018

Dear respondents,


We are students of Koronadal National Comprehensive High School who are

currently conducting a research study entitled “Isolated Souls: Exploring
the effects of having Overseas Filipino Worker parents to the children
left behind”, as a requirement of our subject Practical Research I.

In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our respondents of this
study and we hope that you will take time answering the questions honestly.
Rest assured that all the data gathered will be treated with utmost
confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you very much for your consideration and cooperation.

Very truly yours,

Eazel June Ira G. Alegria

Krishna L. Rivera
John Marwin F. Bulan
Angelle Mae G. Paclarin

Noted By:

Jepte Dagum
Practical Research I Teacher


Summary Data/Raw Data


Question 1

Respondent 1:

“Uhm… Ara, may ara actually kay si papa siya lang angi sa uh broken family
man kami so uhm siya lang isa na kumbaga ay ara sang income saamon, so
tung nag abroad siya kumbaga daw na sustain na amon nga needs, uhm,
nahatag nya ang mga financial needs bala namon haw kagina pa send nya
kami sa school. “

Respondent 2:

“Uhm… I think uhm good livelihood something like that uhm… good financial
and as of now our house is in good condition and it is well rebuilt because of

Respondent 3:

“Uhmm… naka, siya nagpa eskwela sa akon kay wala naman si papa ko
gasuporta sa akon so bale siya tanan gahatag sang allowance sa amon,
gahatag financial needs, tanan tanan.”

Respondent 4:

“Te tung nag abroad abi siya, so may ara ng mga needs ko mahatag niya na
mapaeskwela niya ko, amo sina.”

Respondent 5:

“Arang… uhm naka ano na kami mayad maka… eskwela kami tarong tapos
daw tanan nga kinanglan namon hatag nya lalo na sa financial …waay nya
pa gid kami ginapabay an, ginauna nya gid kami permi pero sarili nya
ginapabay an nya lang.”

Respondent 6:

“Uhm… She can gave me what I need and what I want. She can also send
me to school.”

Respondent 7:

“Ang na kwan namon kuha ang financial needs na mas nag gaan yung aming
kwan gastos. Mas makabakal kami sang materials na needed,sa pang araw
araw na pangangailangan sa buhay and that’s all.”

Respondents 8:

“Ang positive effect niya is ano ang nag mayo ang kabuhi namon naka naka
pundar kami sang mga financial needs uhm sang uhm maka provide si mama
sang mga financial needs namon tapo sano to daw mag an na ang pangabuhi
namon subong.”

Respondent 9:

“Nang ano nang amon na balay nakay o na, nag name na siya ,nakumpleto
na kami sa needs kag wala na kami gina kulang sa kwarta.”

Respondent 10:

“Uhmm… positive effect is ma ano niya ma provide niya ang mga needs
namon everyday tapos ng kunwari sang mga emergency nga barayan pwede
siya ka ano dason ka produce sang kwarta tapos ipadala niya sa amon then
amo sato mapa eskwela niya ko then amo sato mapaeskwela niya ko, ganon,
napa graduate niya na gani si ate.”

Respondent 11:

“Positive effect is mahatag nya tanan na needs namon lalo na sa financial.”

Respondent 12:

“Bilang anak ng isang OFW Parent nakakaranas kami ng maayos na

pamumuhay… nakakakain ng tatlong beses sa isang araw, may pang tustos
sa arawaraw na gastusin.”

Respondent 13:

“Well, positive effects, ano… hindi, hindi man abi kami laki sa yaman abi na
family so yung mama ko nag try sya abroad so ang positive effect nya is kung
ano ang may ara kami karon, daw kaangat na kami na karon sa life…
mahambal ko man na hindi kami angat pero atleast na kabangon kami sa
daw pobre man gyapon di nag gid pareho dati na mahirap na mahirap so
amuna na siya ang positive effect na murag na kami makakain ng 3x a day.”

Respondent 14:

“Uhm… mahatag sang nanay ko ang financial needs namon, sa mga utod ko
mahatag niyaid ang kinanglan namon … Basta mahatag niya kung ano dapat
ihatag niya.”

Respondent 15:

“Ara gid eh… ng bal an niyo hiwalay na bi parents nakon so si mama ko lang
ang nagahatag needs so tung nagabroad na siya nahatag niya na ang needs
ko kag napaeskwela niya ko kaso lang nag untat lang ko.”

Respondent 16:

“Ang positive effect niya is mahatag niya ang needs namon kag ang wants

Respondent 17:

“Ang positive effect sang OFW nga parent, mas dali masolusyonan ang
financial problem… natural kay mas taas gid man ang maging income sang
worker sa ibang bansa kaysa diri sa pilipinas.”

Respondent 18:

“Ang positive effect is nahatagan niya na gid ko kwarta kag masuporthana

niya na ko sa akon especially sa kwarta”

Respondent 19:

“Napaeskwela ko dati kag nahatag niya ang mga needs ko.”

Respondent 20:

“The positive effect of having an OFW parents is that they can provide easily
all your needs, financially.”

Question 2

Respondent 1:

‘’Sure may ara kay diba sa feeling nga siya na lang isa ang nabilin sa imo nga
parent tapos yung ba naghalin pa gid bala sya haw… eh ano ang negative
effect sato kumbaga daw makulangan kis a kay guidance sang parents na
ara bala didto. So amo to sya … Actually dati tung mga younger years pa ko
tung wala ko pa naintindihan ng na ano ko gid na tani wala nalang siya nag
abroad… feel ko daw ano, daw gin bilin bala haw, daw feel ko nga gi
abandon. Ng tanan na lang bala aw feel ko tanan ibilin ko. Daw over over nab
ala ang pag emote ko sa tanan.’’

Respondent 2:

‘’Uhmm...Yes… uhm negative effect I think is uhm I miss my father we don’t

have any bond. Uhm I mean we actually haven’t talked too much and bond
too much, because I’m only child and yes, I want attention… I feel sad but
sometimes I keep telling myself that it’s okay it’s for myself It is for my own

Respondent 3:

‘’Syempre ang negative effect, syempre di ko sya upod sa pila ko birthdays

kona special occasions wala sya. Ng mga time nga kailangan ko siya, wala
siya ‘’

Respondent 4:

“So sa for example tung high school ko, elementary, syempre, pag may mag
family day or anything nakinanglan sang parents meeting walasya… tung
umpisa tung nagka isip ko , daw ma intindihanko man kung ngaa siya nag
abroad kay kung hindi siya mag abroad so wala… daw di ko nag gid abi
maalala abi ah… Ng syempre kalian sa pamatyagan kay Makita mo ang iban
mo nga classmate or friends mo nga kumpleto sila tapos ikaw kulang kulang.’’

Respondent 5:

‘’Syempre ano eh sad kay walana pirmi gabuyayaw sa amon taga aga, wa
may gapukaw, wala may gaano, way may ga guide.’’

Respondent 6:

‘’Growing without parents beside you specially the mother’s care which is very
important… I feel lonely and abandoned. I don’t have any to tell my problems,
especially my heartaches.’’

Respondent 7:

‘’So first is emotionally ng may daw ara part sa akon ng daw kulang siya sang
sa akon nga hindi kami complete nga family… coz’ wala ang isa sang part
sang member namon sang pamilya. That’s it.’’

Respondent 8:

‘’Ang negative effect sito ih kung name ang pangabuhi namon ti naguba sa
pag abroad ni mama, naguba man ang pamilya namon. Kay si papa,
nagbulag sila kay sigurohindi kaya ang long distance amuna nabulaganay
sila. Nami ang pangabuhi namon pero ang status sang pamilya namon is
hindi kay separate abi ah ang parents namon. ‘’

Respondent 9:

‘’Ng ano ng parehas sito pag graduate sang grade 6 ng ano ng wala may
makuha sang sa imo sa stage, dayon magkuha sang cards mo, tapos ng mag
family day wala may mag attend sa imo sang parents, daw mainggit ka bala
haw, sila kumpleto ikaw wala kay parents mo ara sa gwas, feeling ko against
nako sa iban kasadya sang iban, kasadya nga kumpleto sila.’’

Respondent 10:

“Syempre, ang negative effect diba kung OFW ka ng malayo kana sa family
mo, so syempre… ano ang kailangan mo sa isa ka nanay hindi niya ma ano,
ma hatag, so amuto, malayo siya sa imo nga family tapos, tapos, kung
kailangan ko siya as a mother daw si papa ang gastand as a mother saakon.”

Respondent 11:

‘’Negative is may times gid nga maglayo loob namon sa iya kag wala siya if
ever na kailangan namon sang nanay.’’

Respondent 12:

‘’Yung mga pagkakataong na wala sayo ang mga magulang mo yung kahit
kailangan mo sila sa tabi mo, wala sila dahil kailangan nilang mag trabaho
para sa mahal nila sa buhay.’’

Respondent 13:

‘’Negative effects, siguro sa akon wala pero sa mga manghod ko kay may ara
paman ko kapatid nga tatlo, amona kami tatlo kay nag abroad si mama kay
wala si… wala nako papa…. Wala nako papa ba, tapos… huy gash…ning…
amona ang manghod ko ara karon sa davao tapos ng, am na ang negative
effects ng wala sang daw mag discipline sa mga manghod ko, iba gid bala
pag gadako ang family sa sa kompleto nga pamilya…siguro amo ng negative
effects, wala hindi na kami makakaon, although makakaon kami, kung ang
positive makakaon kami three times a day, karon hindi na kami makakaon sa
isa nga table nga kumpleto, amona.’’

Respondent 14:

“Negative effect niya gid is nagkaroon ko sang bisyo tapos ng mafeel ko nga
anytime kag miskan sin o pwede nila ko ibilin. Ng sa gamay nga bagay lalo
na pag about sa family issue gareact gid ko.”

Respondent 15:

First gid is lack of attention gid tapos ng gapangita gid ko sang presence niya.
Kulang pa gid siya sang time sa amon haw.

Respondent 16:

“Ang negative effect niya is hindi namon siya makita sang laba nga panahon
asta sa chat nlng kag video call kami naga kit anay. May gap na kag kag hindi
ka gid close saiya kung mag abot siya. Naga longing gd ko saiya nga tani
mag abot tung panahon

Respondent 17:

Tapos ang negative effect man, oo mas dali ang kwarta pero syempre
madula ang pangangailangan mo sa mga ginikanan, dali gid man lang ang
kwarta sang OFW pero kapalit sini kalian man gyapon kay wala sa tupad mo
ang pamilya mo… makaapekto ni siya sa pag eskwela ko kay way ga guide
saakon, amo na nga makapagusto ko sa himuon ko, makasulod man o hindi,
makapagusto gyapon ko.

Respondent 18:

“Nang una uhm ng ano bala ng ang negative effect is ng feeling mo ng ging
bilin ka bala haw kag gapangita ka sang presence sang nanay mo”

Respondent 19:

Uhm ng wala bala may ga guide saimo so ng wala bala may mag upod sa
imo haw ng daw gusto mo sang attention pero wala may mag hatag halin sa
parents mo

nga maskin hindi na siya mag abroad basa ara lng kamo sa iisang bubong.
Mamiss ko gd sya, amu na ang top negative effect para saakon.”

Respondent 20:

“Negative effect although naprovide mo needs ng anak mo medyo malayo

loob ng anak mo sayo, tapos parang emotional ako na lumalaki kasi nga wala

Question 3

Respondent 1:

‘’uhm… I’m so blessed kasi may ara man sang iban nga naga guide sa akon
kag nga kumbaga daw naga nagdako ko sa church so amuto nga gi guide
nila ko.’’

Respondent 2:

‘’uhm… talking to him on messenger uhm video chat and calling him when he
has spare time.’’

Respondent 3:

‘’Na ano gina chat ko siya everyday kung may time tapos hulton ko lang siya
mag reply kung san o kay busy man siya tapos pirmi ko sa iya gahambal ‘’I
love you’’ kung ano man gid tapos…uhm… ginahambal hambal ko tanan nga
ano garatabo sa akon para updated man siya biskan layo siya.’’

Respondent 4:

‘’So ga engage ko sa mga sports, daw sa activities, sa school, sa mga friends

na lang dira nanabalhin attention ko.’’

Respondent 5:

‘’uhm… gaeskwela gid ko tarong…mga friends ko ara ng support man…

gasali man ko sa sports kis a, naga… nagahampang ko sang ano sang ping

Respondent 6:

“Since we are already in millennials we can communicate in video call, so it’s

easy to communicate with my mother.”

Respondent 7:

‘’So far sa studies lang gid ko gafocus para makabawi sa mga gina pang
hatag niya sa amon and friends and mga hobbies nga may pagka sporty ako,
pero not all the time, that’s all.”

Respondent 8:

‘’Tung ging himo ko lang is nag ano lang ko motivate ko gid ang sarili ko nga
mag skwela, skwela gid ko nga para man ni sa future ko kung isipon ko para
man sa akon kag tapos gaupod ko s friends ko nga ang isip man nila mag
skwela man.”

Respondent 9:

‘’Hambal ko sige lang kay gina ano man ni mama gaubra siya sa gawas sang
abroad para man ni sa amon… gaupod man ko sa friends ko kag gas kwela

Respondent 10:

‘’Gina isip ko na lang, ga isip ko sang mga positive thoughts like uhm… bal an
ko nga ang gina himo niya is for us, for sa family namon tapos kung kailangan
ko man siya syempre ng bal an ko man nga ang moral support niya ara sa
akon so amo sato uhm… kag ano kag syempre ang akon nga ginahimo is
kung para ma ano ko mahatag ko ang ang maging proud man sila sa akon is,
maging proud man siya sa akon is kailangan mag skwelatarong. Uhm…
kailangan mo may achieve may kailangan mo maging achiever sa school…
gina ano ko gina, uhm, ang akon nga focus is sa, focus is sa school tapos ng
uhm… gina angakon, sa friends diba gashare man ko sa friends ko about sa
mga problems ko so daw wala na siya sang, daw di na may depressed
depressed amona kay ga share nako sa mga friends ko about sa mga
problems ko.’’

Respondent 11:

“Well si mama abi everday gid siya nagabasa sang bible, so bale nagaya ko
bala kag amo na o gina himo ko and naga communicate sa isa’t isa, amo na
ang nagging coping mechanism ko.”

Respondent 12:

“Lagi kami nakikipag communicate sa kaniya dahl sa teknolohiya ngyon

pwede mo na siyang makita,makakausap mo na siya, dito naming napapakita
na kahit malayo kami ay prang magkasama pa rin kami.”

Respondent 13:

“So ano… gina divert ang attention ko sa kung diin happy ko, like gaupod ko
sa friends ko. tung gaskwela pa ko, ang focus ko sa skwela, ng damo ka
extracurriculars para hindi mo lang maisip nga wala ka upod, nga wala si
mama mo, basta gina divert ko lang attention ko.”

Respondent 14:

“Ang ginhimo ko is nagtry ko magi nom bala aw para malimtan ko lang ang
thought nga wala siya tapos gaupod man ko sa barkada ko.”

Respondent 15:

“Ng gaupod upod lang ko sa mga barkada ko. Gina baling ko sa iba ang
atensyon ko.”

Respondent 16:

“Ang coping mechanism ko, first gina sunod ko ang gusto nya kay para man
na saakon. Chat kag video call lang gd para mabawasn ang pagkamiss ko
saiya. Communicate lang gd kami.”

Respondent 17:

“Maka cope up ko sa paagi nga makahatag parent ko sang gusto ko kag

paagi nga biskan nga ara siya sa ibang bansa di madula ang support niya
kag pag palangga niya saakon. Kag ga chat and video call man kami.”

Respondent 18:

“Ng ga basketball nalang ko pirmi kag ga upod sa barkada ko, amo lang to”

Respondent 19:

“Ng syempre sa friends ko gaupod ng gina isip ko nalang ang mga happy
thoughts kag kis a ginagamit ko ang miga ko as coping mechanism”

Respondent 20:

“Coping mechanism I use to hang with my friends, it’s my way to cope up with
my stress or my pain. And also I divert my attention to other things.”



This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed the Qualitative

Research entitled “Isolated Souls: Exploring the Effects of Having Overseas

Filipino Worker Parents to the Children Left Behind” of John Marwin F. Bulan,

Eazel June Ira G. Alegria, Angelle Mae G. Paclarin and Krishna L. Rivera,

senior high school students with the course of Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) as to its content, grammar, organization and other

related requirements.

This certification is granted to meet the requirement for their

Manuscript Final Printing.

Issued this ___ day of March, 2018 at Koronadal National

Comprehensive High School (KNCHS), Rizal Street, Brgy. Zone IV, City of

Koronadal, Province of South Cotabato.


Critic Reader

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