Influence of Inquiry-Based Science Activities On Students' Achievement

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Volume: 16
Pages: 45-57
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1437
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10438669
Manuscript Accepted: 12-11-2023
Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Influence of Inquiry-Based Science Activities on Students’ Achievement

Glysil R. Villanea*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

This study was conducted to determine which domains of inquiry-based science activities that
significantly influence the students’ achievement of grade 10 learners. The study employed a
quantitative, non-experimental method employing causal- effect. Mean, Pearson-r, and Regression
Analysis were the statistical tools used to determine the level, relationship, and influence of each
variable. The respondents comprised 332 grade 10 students from the four main secondary schools of
District 1 in the Division of Compostela Valley, Province of Compostela Valley, for the School Year
2018-2019. The findings of the study revealed a high level of inquiry-based science activities in
terms of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. This study also revealed
that the level of students’ achievement was high in terms of cognitive development, laboratory skills,
science process skills and understanding of science knowledge. The correlation between two
variables of the study revealed significant relationship between inquiry-based science activities and
students’ achievement. Lastly, the study revealed that exploration, explanation, elaboration, and
evaluation are the domains of inquiry-based science activities that significantly influence students’
achievement. However, engagement appeared to be non-significant hence the null hypothesis is not

Keywords: MAED-Teaching Science, inquiry-based science activities, students’ achievement, Philippines

Introduction to know and apply logical ideas, take part in logical

examination and comprehend the idea of science
(Maranan, 2017). One essential aspect of science
The problem on how to improve students’ education is to improve students’ achievement in
achievement in science has always been the concerns science by developing their cognitive, laboratory and
of many educators. Students at all grade levels and in scientific skills. There is a solid conviction that a child
every domain of science should improve their who is appropriately acquainted with science through
achievement by developing their cognitive, laboratory different aptitudes will discover the abilities helpful all
and science process skills in order to enhance their through life. It is significant that for science figuring
understanding of science concept. This is very out how to be significant and applicable, it ought to
important in order for them to execute activities sufficiently reflect the method for science, process
required by the curriculum and learn effectively the situated and product oriented (Akinbobola & Afolabi,
competencies behind these activities. Despite 2010).
significant achievements in improving access to
quality education over the decades, there is On the other hand, it has been suggested that inquiry-
continuation of poor achievement and performance in based methodology is a way in enhancing student
mathematics and science subjects at the primary and accomplishment and performance, particularly in the
secondary school level. Clearly, the declining training of science and because of that the connection
execution of learners in the National Achievement between inquiry-based learning with learners’
Test (NAT) in the areas like mathematics as well as achievement cannot be disregarded. Learners utilizing
science is as of now an evidence of the current issue. inquiry-based methodology have been discovered to
The consequences of the NAT passing rate reflect perform better with respect to institutionalized
students’ proficiency and achievement in science examinations, develop their methodical abilities in
continuously fall under frustration level (Prudente, science, as well as have progressively inspirational
2011; & Shimbi, 2016). frames of mind to science (Gibson & Chase, 2002; &
Miller, 2014). A Master Teacher I in science in one of
It is important to increase student performance and the school that is included in the study and who
achievement and become the main objective of all happens to be one of the external validators of this
educators. Students’ achievement in terms of the study said that subjects like science are one of the
improvement of their cognitive, laboratory, at the same shortcomings of the learners. The low achievement is
time their scientific aptitudes and skills is significant noticeable in the quarterly examinations as well as in
in the light of the fact that it will empower the students the National Achievement Tests results. This low

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

performance in science of the young Filipino students Methodology

might include the insufficient teaching and learning
This research used the quantitative non-experimental
The researcher has not come across a study that deals design method of research utilizing causal-effect
with the influence of inquiry based-science activities technique. The researcher chose to use quantitative
with the learners’ achievement in the high school non-experimental design because the goal of the study
context within the Division of Compostela Valley. is to know the relationship of the variables. The
Thus, this study can raise concern to the intended researcher used the causal effect technique because the
beneficiaries and possibly develop a specific research objectives is to identify what domain of
intervention to fully implement quality instructional inquiry-based science activities influences the
students’ achievement and the relationship of the
services to students which will help improve their
independent and dependent variables. As the term
performance and achievement in science. It was
correlation research technique, it is the statistical
recorded in the 2003 Trends in International
technique that can show whether and how strongly
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) that the
pairs of variables are related (Gay, Mills & Airasian,
Philippines carried 34th place compared to other
2012).The researcher also utilized a modified and
countries who took examination for both science and
adapted questionnaire to gather data on the influence
math (The Manila Times, 2014). Further, the
of inquiry-based science activities on students’
secondary schools in the District 1 of Compostela
Valley consider the issue mentioned above as the same
problem experienced by the schools in achieving its Participants
success on the students’ academic achievement, thus it
is with great urgency to conduct the study. The respondents of this research were the Grade 10
Junior Secondary School learners from the regular
Research Questions class in the Division of Compostela Valley District 1
who were selected using stratified random sampling.
This research was conducted to determine which The numbers of respondents were determined by using
domains of inquiry-based science activities could Slovin’s Formula. There were 332 respondents in the
significantly influences students’ achievement. study. 125 students were from School A, 77 students
Specifically, the research was conducted to sought from School B, 88 students from School C and 42
answers to the following questions: students were from School D. Grade 10 students under
the regular class of the above-mentioned schools were
1. What is the level of inquiry-based science activities answering the adapted and modified survey
of students in terms of: questionnaire. The respondents must be a grade 10
1.1. engagement; and a bonafide student of the selected schools for the
1.2.exploration; school year 2018-2019. Students who are not grade 10
1.3.explanation; and not bonafide students of the selected schools are
1.4.elaboration; and not allowed to participate in the survey. The
1.5.evaluation? respondents/participants can withdraw if they feel
2. What is the level of students’ achievement in terms threatened with the conduct of the study.
2.1. cognitive development;
Distribution of Respondents
2.2. laboratory skills;
2.3. science process skills; and
2.4. understanding of science knowledge?
3. What is the significant relationship between the
level of inquiry-based science activities and students’
4. Which domains of inquiry-based science activities
that significantly influences students’ achievement?

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Procedure was portrayed at the same time introduced to the

After the approval of the panel members, the contributing school. At that point, the privileges of the
researcher underwent the following steps and respondents to contribute to the collection of
procedures in gathering data for study. Firstly, the information were painstakingly considered and
researcher asked consent to conduct the research. followed upon.
Primarily, the researcher obtained letter of
endorsement from the Program Coordinator of the Privacy and confidentiality. The researcher secured
Graduate School, Dr. Ionne A. Avelino. Then, the the privacy as well as with most extreme secrecy the
researcher forwarded the letter of permission to participants' individual data that might be essential to
conduct the study to the Division Superintendent of the research.
Division of Compostela Valley. Upon approval, the
researcher provided a copy to the School Principals of Informed consent process. The study survey inquiry
School A, School B, School C and School D. Upon the form was liberated from specialized terms that make it
approval to conduct the study, the researcher asked the simpler for the participants to comprehend. It provides
list of the Grade 10 students from the Guidance the participants a vivid understanding of the
Counselor of the said schools. advantages they might acquire once the conduction of
this research is finished. The survey inquiry form was
After this, the researcher computed the number of given to the respondents for them to answer upon the
respondents using the Slovin’s Formula. The approval of the school head.
researcher requested assistance and made some
appointments to the class advisers of the respondents Recruitment. The distribution of the participants
for the distribution of the questionnaire. Before the indicated how the participants were dispersed. Besides,
distribution of the survey questionnaire, the researcher the in form atio n assortm en t systems were
elaborated first the rationale of such activity for the demonstrated, just as how the survey inquiry form was
students to fully understand its purpose. The distributed to the participants, and the way of
respondents were given one hour to answer the participants engaged with the investigation.
questionnaires. Also, the researcher spent time with
the respondents during the administration of the survey Risks. The study did not involve in high risks of
questionnaire. Questionnaires were retrieved after the situations that the respondents may experience in
allotted time given to the respondents was up. Finally, physical, psychological or socio-economic concerns.
the researcher gathered, checked and tabulated the The study just involves in their field of motivation
scores of the respondents upon the approval of the towards learning.
validators, the panel members and the adviser, and
data had been submitted to the statistician for analysis. Benefits. The result of the study benefits DepEd
officials of Compostela Valley Division in terms of
Ethical Considerations acquiring information as to the influence of inquiry-
based science activities on students’ achievement in
There are considerable ethical issues and terms of cognitive development, laboratory skills,
concerns that have specific ramifications for this science process skills and understanding of science
quantitative inquest. Such issues and concerns may knowledge.
arise primarily from the methodology involved in this
study. The ethical contests that are pertinent to this Plagiarism. The research has no indication or proof
research concern issues of the right to conduct the of somebody’s effort as his own. The research had
study, confidentiality and anonymity. gone through plagiarism detector like Grammarly or
Turnitin software.
In conducting this study full ethical standards were
followed following the study etiquette evaluations as Falsification. The research has no hint of intentionally
well as the consistency measures, specifically in confusing the work to suit a method or hypothetical
dealing the participants along with their information anticipation as well as it was found out to have no
enumerated as, but not restricted to: proof of over asserting or distortion.

Voluntary participations. The Grade 10 students Conflict of Interest (COI). The research has no hint
from the chosen institution were given their own- of irreconcilable circumstance like the
willpower to be involved in the study with no type of divulgence of COI which is a lot of conditions where
result or punishment or loss of advantages. Thusly, proficient judgment concerning essential concern, for
after the reason and the advantages of the examination

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

example, members’ benefit or the legitimacy of the

exploration will in general be affected by an descriptive equivalent of high which means that the
optional concerns, for example money related or
level of inquiry-based science activities is much
scholarly gains or acknowledgments.
observed by the learners from their science teachers.
This value is obtained based on the mean scores of
Deceit. The research has no hint of deceiving the
3.57 with a high descriptive equivalent for
participants of the study to any possible mischief.
engagement, 3.73 for both exploration and
Authorship. The author of the research graduated with explanation, 3.77 for elaboration and 3.76 for
the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology with evaluation.
education units. The author of the research
experienced arrangement of paper amendments in Table 1. Level of Inquiry-based Science Activities
view of the proposals made by her adviser. The study
likewise adhered to the measures of University of
Mindanao Ethics Review Committee for the rules of
moral thought. After their endorsement, the research
had to go through preliminary testing at the same time
the information gathered will be deciphered for the
consistency of the research inquiry.

Level of Students’ Achievement

The analysis, interpretation and findings of the data Students’ achievement was evaluated on the
gathered from the respondents were presented in this following parameters cognitive development,
section. The data and results of the study were laboratory skills, science process skills and
presented both in tabular and textual forms. They were understanding of science knowledge. Shown in Table 2
interpreted utilizing appropriate statistical tools are the results for the computation on the level of
needed. All inferential results were analyzed and students’ achievement among Grade 10 students from
interpreted at 0.05 level of significance. The topics the four main secondary schools of District 1 in the
deliberated in this research were the level of inquiry- Division of Compostela Valley. Its overall mean is
based science activities of students, level of students’ 3.66 which is described as High. This indicates that the
achievement, significant relationship between levels of
level of students’ achievement is high. Meanwhile
inquiry-based science activities and students’
among the four indicators, both Cognitive development
achievement and regression analysis on the influence
and Understanding of science knowledge had the
of inquiry-based science activities on students’
achievement. highest mean of 3.72 described as High. Next, is
Science process skills with a mean of 3.62 described as
It could be noted that the standard deviation ranged High. The indicator with the lowest mean of 3.59 is
from 0.67-0.81 which is less than 1.0 as the typical laboratory skills which are still described as High.
standard deviation for 5 – point Likert scale (Wittink
& Bayer, 1994). This means that the ratings in the Table 2. Level of Students’ Achievement
accomplished questionnaires were close to the mean,
indicating consistency of responses among the

Level of Inquiry-based Science Activities

The independent variable used in the study was

inquiry-based science activities whose indicators
include engagement, exploration, explanation,
elaboration and evaluation. Shown in Table 1, is the Significant Relationship between Levels of Inquiry-
summary on the level of inquiry-based science based Science Activities and Students’ Achievement
activities. It appeared that the responses of the
respondents generated an over-all mean of 3.71 with a

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

The test of relationship between the major variables Regression Analysis on the Influence of Inquiry-
involved in the study requires the use of Pearson based Science Activities on Students’ Achievement
Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results
of the test of relationship between these two variables Presented in Table 4 is the regression analysis on the
are shown in Table 3. It shows the significance on the influence of inquiry-based science activities on
relationship between the level of inquiry-based science students’ achievement. As seen in the table, the
activities and students’ achievement. Table 3 shows computed F-value ratio is 73.02 with an associated
that all indicators specifically connects inquiry-based overall p-value of 0.001 or significant. This means that
science activities and suitable representation to there is a significant relationship between inquiry-
specific situation illustrates that there is a significant based science activities and students’ achievement.
relationship between inquiry-based science activities The R value is 0.717 indicating that there is a positive
and students’ achievement. relationship between inquiry-based science activities
and students’ achievement. The computed R2 is 0.514
Table 3. Significant Relationship between Levels of indicating that 51.4% of the students’ achievement in
Inquiry-based Science Activities and Students’ science among the Grade 10 students from the four
Achievement secondary schools of District 1 in the Division of
Compostela Valley is explained by engagement,
exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation
and the remaining percentage is accountable to other
indicators not included in this study.

Data shows that the indicator exploration has a

corresponding p-value of 0.033, explanation with a
p-value of 0.001, the indicator elaboration has a
The r- value for Engagement and Students’ corresponding p-value of 0.001 and the indicator
Achievement is 0.558* with a p-value of 0.001 that evaluation with a p-value of 0.004 which means that
shows a positive correlation at 0.3226. The r-value for the null hypothesis is rejected since their probability is
lesser than the
Exploration and Students’ Achievement is 0.622* with
0.05 level of significance. This further means that
a p-value of 0.001 also showing a positive correlation
there is a significant relationship between inquiry-
of 0.3869. The r-value for Explanation and Students’
based science activities and students’ achievement. On
Achievement is 0.644* with a p-value of 0.001 shows
the other hand, engagement has a greater p-value of
a positive correlation of 0.4147. The r-value of
0.651 which means that it has no significant influence
Elaboration and Students’ Achievement is 0.654* with
to students’ achievement, hence the null hypothesis is
a p-value of 0.001 also shows a positive correlation of
not rejected which means that there is no significant
0.04277. The value of Evaluation and Students’
relationship between engagement and students’
Achievement is 0.604* with a p-value of 0.001 as well
achievement. Moreover the result of this
shows a positive correlation of 0.3648. regression analysis shows a beta value of
engagement of 0.028. Explanation has a beta value
The table highlights that the domains Engagement,
Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration and Evaluation Table 4. Regression Analysis on the Influence of
had a probability level of 0.001 which is less than 0.05 Inquiry-based Science Activities on Students
level of significance, thus, the null hypotheses were Achievement
rejected. The high positive correlation between the two
variables leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
The r-squared of Elaboration has the most significant
relationship of 0.4277 to Students’ Achievement,
Explanation has 0.4147, Exploration has 0.3869,
Evaluation has 0.3648 and Engagement has 0.3226.
Thus, the interdependence of the variables shows that
Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration,
and Evaluation have a significant relationship to
Students’ Achievement.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of 0.253* and the highest among the five indicators understanding.

which make it as the best domain that significantly
influence students’ achievement in science, followed This confirmed to the studies of Abdi (2014);Bybee et
by elaboration with a beta value of 0.221*, next is al.(2006); Ozturk (2013); Wilder & Shuttleworth
evaluation with a beta value of 0.167* and exploration (2005); Sen & Oskay (2016) that evaluation phase or
with a beta value of 0.145*. Apparently, data revealed level guarantees that learners show their training level
that the four indicators have positive regression as well as improvement along with the remarks on the
weight, thus the regression coefficient beta is adequacy of their explanations. Furthermore, it
significant at Alpha which is equivalent to 0.05 levels. likewise guarantees that objectives of the training have
This indicates that the four indicators exploration, been achieved by the educators and have seen the
explanation, elaboration and evaluation are good degree at which learners have improved. In the
indicators of inquiry-based science activities that assessment stage, this is the significant chance of the
significantly influence students’ achievement in students to utilize the aptitudes they have obtained and
science. assess their comprehension.

The indicator of inquiry based-science activities which

Discussion is also high or much observed by the respondents from
their science teachers is exploration. The findings in
this study indicates that the science teacher of the
Presented in this section are the discussions, respondents gives advance reading before conducting
conclusions and recommendations derived from the science activities to find answer to scientific
results of the study. questions. This is parallel to the findings from the
studies of Abdi (2014);Bybee et al.(2006); Ozturk
Level of Inquiry-based Science Activities (2013); Wilder & Shuttleworth (2005); Sen & Oskay
(2016) emphasizing that, in the exploration level,
The level of inquiry-based science activities in this
students are dynamic and they discover plausible
study is high. This means that inquiry-based science
responses to the inquiries they are interested about by
activities are much observed from the science teachers
looking into and asking. Moreover, in this level,
by the respondents. This further indicated that most of
encounters and experiences furnish apprentices or
the items indicated in every inquiry-based science
learners by using a distinctive foundation of exercises
activities indicators are much observed by the
as well as accomplishments inside which with recent
respondents from their science teachers.
ideas (especially confusions), procedures and
aptitudes are distinguished and theoretical
Moreover, the indicator that was much observed in this
change is encouraged.
study is elaboration with the highest mean. The
findings in this study indicate that the science teacher
Likewise, inquiry-based science activities in terms of
of the respondents encourages the students to reflect
explanation are also much observed by the respondents
based on their personal understanding.
from their science teachers. This denotes that their
This confirmed to the findings from the study of Abdi science teacher explains the process and results if they
(2014); Beybee et al. (2006); Ozturk (2013); Wilder & have some doubts and confusion about the result. This
Shuttleworth (2005); Sen & Oskay (2016) who is in consonance to the findings from the studies of
revealed that it is essential to include the learners in Abdi (2014);Bybee et al.(2006); Ozturk(2013); Wilder
more encounters so as to broaden, and expound their & Shuttleworth (2005); Sen & Oskay (2016) that at the
ideas, procedures or abilities in the wake of getting level of explanation educators have an immense task
clarifications about principle thoughts as well as time by asking the learners’ problems to inculcate the ideas
for their training activities. This level or phase also framed during the preceding two levels. Educators
encourages exchange of ideas to firmly connect to the connect the topics to reality by trying to dispose of
latest at the same time different circumstances. students’ misinterpretations of concepts by
recognizing them as well as by making clarifications
The next inquiry-based science activities indicator and justification. The explanation level concentrates to
with the second highest overall mean is evaluation a definite part of the learners’ engagement as well as
which was also much observed in this study which exploration encounters along with experiences as well
denotes that the science teacher of the Grade 10 as gives ch ances to exh ib it their app lied
students requires their students to demonstrate the comprehension, process abilities or practices. This
scientific concepts and skills based on their stage likewise gives chances to instructors to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

legitimately present an idea, procedure or aptitude. Guzman & Bartlett (2012), who stressed out that
logical concept, is normally theoretical as well as
Lastly, the inquiry-based science activities in terms of multifaceted or difficult. On the road of improving
engagement are also much observed by the comprehension of logical information, students should
respondents from their science teachers. This means inspect at the same time control things as one of the
that their science teacher highly prepares series of requirement and causing the undeniably dynamic
questions about the topic they are discussing. This is information to be clearer and progressively concrete
aligned with the findings in the studies of Anderson for students. This is in confirmation also to the
(1997); & Sen & Oskay (2016) that instructors, then findings in the study of Miller (2014) that numerous
again, assume the jobs of an planner, a counselor as students become incapable to actualize logical
well as a manager instead of being the wellspring of information when utilizing normal lecture strategies
right answers in the class. This is also in confirmation and having effectively overlooked what was already
to the findings of the studies of Abdi (2014); Bybee et known to them. Through practical application
al.(2006); Ozturk (2013); Wilder & Shuttleworth approaches, students can witness the results of
(2005); & Sen & Oskay (2016) that during the investigations including numerous factors as well as
engagement stage the instructor or an educational plan observe authentic presentations of the logical
task gets to the students' earlier information and information they have educated. It was found out that
encourages them to become occupied with another authentic presentations promote learners argument,
idea using short exercises that advance interest and because it is simpler for learners to recall diagrams
inspire earlier information. compared to conceptual substance.

Level of Students’ Achievement Furthermore, the indicator on students’ achievement in

science with has also a high descriptive equivalent is
The level of students’ achievement in science for this science process skills which show that students can use
study is also high. This means that the level of scientific knowledge to form a question. This
students’ achievement in this study is high. coincided to the findings of Hardianti & Kuswanto
(2017) & Shebba (2013) in their study that methodical
The indicator on students’ achievement in science with and learning abilities are substantial and psychological
the highest mean and high descriptive equivalent is aptitudes that are identified with essential capacities,
cognitive development. This shows and implies that gained, mastered, and applied in scientific exercises so
students can recall information given during researchers can figure out how to discover something
discussions and during an activity. This is in parallel to different. As learners relate to the realm of science, by
the findings to the study of Lion (1998) that teachers using their very own exploration through the inquiry,
must know about the intellectual advancement or the theory, calculation, examination, understanding, along
manner by which individuals learn. Besides, this with correspondence stages which are called as logical
additionally in consonance to the findings to the study technical abilities and that are considered as an
of Love (2009), who uncovered that in order to essential capacity that everyone must familiarize
recognize various degrees of intellectual improvement towards science comprehension. Scientific process
in their lessons a good path for instructors to follow is ability consequently, is a fundamental capacity for
to utilize Bloom's Scientific Classification. This learners to utilize in conducting the logical strategy
method of classification is considered as a device that required while directing quest for information.
is being used by the instructors for estimating the
degrees of intellectual improvement they are achieving Lastly, the indicator on students’ achievement in
with their teachings. This device is also known as a science with high descriptive equivalent is laboratory
grouping framework and a scientific categorization skills which mean that the students can understand the
that perceives the procedure that student go through relation of facts to the solution of problems. This is in
when discovering facts and data. confirmation to the findings to study of Adb-Hamid,
Campbell, Der & Wolf (2012); & Guzman & Bartlett
Likewise, the indicator of students’ achievement in (2012) who reiterated that connection between student
science with the same overall mean and high accomplishment and practical or applied learning
descriptive equivalent is understanding of science could not be disregarded. To develop as well as
knowledge which indicates that the students can relate increase learners’ performance, particularly in the
what they know in science by integrating science science training, it has been recommended that one of
concepts in their daily life experiences through giving the techniques is the practical laboratory method.
examples. Thus agreeing to the findings in the study of Therefore, a few standards, similar to think

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 45-57, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1437, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438669, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

fundamentally, dissect data, convey logical thoughts, congruence to the findings to the study of
make sensible contentions, function as a component of Nuangchalerm & Themmasena (2009); & Panjwani
a group, and gain other necessary aptitudes, have been (2015), stating that this inquiry-based technique
built up that light up in what way the practical enhances intellectual development. It is also parallel to
representation of knowing science give advantage to the findings to the study conducted by Sola & Ojo
learners compared to the conventional methodologies. (2007); & Khan & Iqbal (2011), that inquiry-based
There is little number of learners who have a better activities is considered to be an encouraging device for
comprehension of getting to know and apply logical learning science as well as improves learners’
inquiry since learners do not find a workable pace performance at the same time stimulates improvement
advantages of a practical, inquiry-based environment. of logical procedure abilities.

Significant Relationship between Levels of Inquiry- This is also in consonance to the findings to study
based Science Activities and St udents’ conducted by Ergul et. al (2011) with elementary
Achievement students about how inquiry- based science learning
change students learning process abilities along with
The present study revealed a high positive significant the approaches to science then had arrived at the
relationship between inquiry-based science activities resolution that inquiry-based learning fundamentally
and students’ achievement in science. This implies that influenced with respect to their learning abilities as
inquiry-based science activities have a positive well as towards science approaches.
association or relationship to students’ achievement
which can be seen on the data. The computed r-value Additionally, this is also in parallel to the findings to
indicates the strength of the relationship between the the study of Minner, Levy & Century (2010) stating
independent variable and the dependent variable that inquiry-based learning as a way to deal with
and there is a positive correlation between variables. knowledge can develop the learners’ conceptual
understanding as well as impact their disposition
The result of the study conformed to the proposition of affirmatively to science in colleges, universities and
Gibson & Chase (2002); & Panjwani (2015) stating secondary schools. This is in confirmation also to the
that inquiry-based science activities and exercises have findings to the study conducted by Blyth (2010) who
affirmative influences on learners’ achievement and expresses that “comprehending logical concepts is
entirely in the learners accomplishments and altogether upgraded once thoughts remain secured
performances in science in relation to their cognitive towards inquest encounters” as stated in a position
development, laboratory skills, science process skills, articulation about logical inquiry by the National
as well as understanding of science knowledge. Science Teachers Association. It is also additionally
prescribed by the association that all educators must
In addition, it also confirmed the findings to the study formulate method of teaching and learning to be the
of Gibson & Chase (2002); & Miller (2014) that it has focal point of their teachings.
been discovered that learners utilizing an inquiry-
based method got an advanced mark with respect to The result of this study is also in congruence to the
institutionalized assessment, develop their logical findings from the study of Sen & Oskay (2016) who
process abilities, and have increasingly uplifting revealed that inquiry-based learning is a technique for
dispositions to science. It is also supported by the teaching and acquiring knowledge as well as skills
research conducted by Nuangchalerm & Themmasena which is considered to be helpful in learners’ training
(2009); & Panjwani (2015) that inquiry-based science in acquiring knowledge and skills as well as in
activities as well as exercises stimulate intellectual at creating higher-stage intelligence aptitude which also
the same time logical understanding, as well as depends on constructivist concept. Learners experience
training fulfillment of the learners. This is also in the following procedures like performing laboratory
consonance to the study of Mysliwiec (2005); Shields activities and experiments as well as doing
(2006); & Blyth (2010) that inquiry-based learning put observations, gathering proof, doing predictions,
together learning works with respect to the necessary making credible justification and analyzing the results
scientific educational program at the same time hoists by utilizing the methods researchers use in logical or
the intellectual improvement of the learners to the scientific investigation through this strategy This is
most elevated stages of Bloom's Classification. also in parallel to the findings to the study of Blyth
(2010), who revealed that the main objective of
Consequently, the objective of this learning method is instructors is to improved student accomplishment at
the intellectual improvement of the learners. This is in the same their performance. To perform to

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Research Article

the best expectations conceivable is the desire of most education. This learning method guarantees that
educators, school administrators, as well as the learners have the chance to explore at the same time
guardians from their learners. In light of this objective, investigate; to be dynamic in classes, as well as they
searching for new training strategies as well as finding arrive at information through dialogue setting as well
better approaches for instruction is significant and as by persistently inquisitive. This is also parallel to
important. Educators are answerable for not only the studies of Bybee et al. (200 6);Ozturk
teaching their students to present data, yet students (2013);Wilder & Shuttleworth (2005); Sen & Oskay
should likewise have the option to apply ideas, decide (2016) that the five levels making up this method are:
consistent ends as well as comprehend the idea of engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration as
science. well as evaluation. This confirms also to the study of
Lister, (2015) that the 5E Instructional method is
Regression Analysis on the Influence of Inquiry- founded in the constructivism’ practices at the same
based Science Act iv it ies on St udents’ time it is investigative in nature which is most
Achievement appropriate towards a component of research as
opposed to the individualized lecture session and
The regression coefficient is to test the significant lesson. Data shows that exploration, explanation,
influence of inquiry-based science activities on elaboration and evaluation with a p-value lower than
students’ achievement among Grade 10 students from 0.05 or significant which means that the null
the four main secondary schools of District 1 in the hypothesis is rejected or not accepted. However,
Division of Compostela Valley. The data revealed that engagement appeared to be non-significant mainly
the influence of inquiry-based science activities on because of the greater p-value, hence the null
students’ achievement was significant. This means hypothesis is not rejected. Moreover, the result of this
that inquiry-based science activities significantly regression analysis has an association to the responses
influenced students’ achievement and is also of the respondents to each item under the indicator
influenced by other factors not included in the study. engagement, especially in item number 4 which states
The overall results of inquiry-based science activities that their teacher in science gives hands-on laboratory
influenced students’ achievement in public secondary activity before the start of the topic discussion which
schools. Therefore, the null hypothesis in this study is only got a mean of 2.78 and a standard deviation of
rejected. On the other hand, the results of the study 1.33 with the descriptive equivalent of average. The
points out the essence of inquiry-based science result could be attributed to the fact that most of the
activities to students’ achievement which contribute to secondary public schools lack laboratory apparatuses
the present pool of literature since the past researchers and materials to be used in the laboratory activities.
focuses only to the general academic achievement of Additionally, some of the teachers who are teaching
the learner . science are not science major and have not undergone
further trainings and seminars.
As stated in the previous section of this study, the
result of computation on the significance of the
relationship conformed to the theories espoused in the
study. It could be repeatedly mentioned in this section
that the significant influence of independent variable Based on the outcomes of the research, inquiry-based
on the dependent variable accentuates the veracity of science activities influence students’ achievement of
the theories and propositions of Gibson & Chase the students. The findings revealed that the inquiry-
(2002);& Panjwani (2015) stating that inquiry-based based science activities in terms of engagement,
science activities and exercises have affirmative exploration, explanation, elaboration and evaluation
influences on learners’ achievement and entirely in are high which means that it is much observed by the
the learners accomplishments and performances in respondents from their science teachers. In addition,
science in relation to their intellectual development, the students’ achievement in terms of cognitive
laboratory abilities, logical methodical aptitudes, as development, laboratory skills, science process skills
well as science knowledge comprehension. and understanding of science knowledge is also high
which means it is much practiced by the students.
Moreover, this is in consonance to the findings to the
studies conducted by GunduzBahadir (2012); & Sen & Moreover, it was found out that there is a high
Oskay (2016), who indicated that The 5E Method is affirmative significant relationship between inquiry-
one of the methods that are utilized in actualizing based science activities and students’ achievement.
inquiry-based teaching and learning in science Inquiry-based science activities significantly

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