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Water Supply System Structure Construction Level III

Learning outcomes
Learning module3
Module title:- maintaining dam and water storage assets At the end of this module the trainer will be able to
Module code:- WRS WSC3 M030311
• Lo1:-plan and prepare for work.
Nominal duration:- 75
• Lo2:- clean and maintain water tans and water
Module description:- this module aims to provide the trainees with
required knowledge, skills and attitudes required to maintain and
storage assets.
repair tanks and water storage assets including reservoir, balancing • Lo3:- document work
storage, sand dams and ring dams

Lo1 : plan and prepare for work Cont….

1.1 determining the work requirement for maintaining and 1.2 work planning according to job requirement
repairing tanks and water storage assets includes is done by using the following methods:-
 To make work site boundaries.  using plans
 To Know the type of tanks and assets to be maintained or  drawings
repaired.  standards
 To decide the method to be used.  technical data
 To make risk assessment and preventive measures

Cont….. Cont…..
1.3 coordination issues 1.5 legislative and organizational requirements
 isolation of the work  by laws and organizational requirements
Selection of material, equipment and tools  standard operating procedures
 permits of the work  environmental protection
 lifts and cranes
 public safety code

Prepared by shoeib muhumed

Water Supply System Structure Construction Level III

Lo2:- clean and maintain water tanks Cont….

and water storage assets
2.2 types of the dams are:-
2.1 Introduction to dam:- a) Embankment dams
dam is hydraulic structure of fairly impervious material
 Earth fill dam
built across a river to create a reservoir on its
upstream side for impounding water for various purposes
 rock fill dam
Such as irrigation, hydropower, water supply, flood control, b) Concrete dam
Navigation, fishing and recreation.  Gravity dam
Dam may be built to meet one purpose or more than one  Buttress dam
purposes of the above mentioned.  Arch dam

Cont….. Con…
2.3 Criteria's for classification of the dam: B) Based on hydraulic design:-
 Over flow dam
Dams can be classified according to different
 Non over flow dam
criteria, as given below. C) Based on material of construction:
a) Based on the function served.  Masonry dams
 Storage dams  Concrete dam
 Detention dams  Earth fill dam
 Diversion dam  Rock fill dam
 timber dam
 Debris dams
 steel dam
 Coffer dams  composite dams

D) Based on rigidity Cont…..
Rigid dam  steel dam
 non rigid dam  timber dam
E) Based on the structures of the dams: # assignment1
 gravity dam 1)Write the advantage and disadvantage of the
following dams.
 earth dams
 gravity dam
 rock fill da  earth fill dam
Arch dam  rock fill dam
Buttress dam Arch dam
Buttress dam

Prepared by shoeib muhumed

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