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Quarter 1 – Module 6:

Self and Peer-Assessment

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Redemption C. Guinto

Editor: Rolylyn H. Dado
Reviewer: Rolylyn H. Dado
Illustrator: Ralph Berly A. Pineda
Layout Artist: Ralph Berly A. Pineda
Management Team: SDS Zenia G. Mostoles, EdD, CESO V
ASDS Leonardo C. Canlas, EdD, CESE
ASDS Rowena T. Quiambao, CESE
CID Chief, Celia R. Lacanlale, PhD
SGOD Chief, Arceli S. Lopez, PhD
June D. Cunanan, EPS-I, English
Ruby M. Jimenez, EPS-I, LRMDS

Published by: Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga

Telephone No: (045) 435-2728

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Introductory Message

Welcome to the 21st Century Literature Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Self
and Peer-Assessment.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints
in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module:

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also
need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included
in the module.

Welcome to the 21st Century Literature Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Self
and Peer-Assessment.

Literature is said to be a mirror of how rich a society is, and how proud of that society or
community in its roots. It also signals where the community is going. The Philippines has had
a colorful history and these periods in history has proven to be a receptacle of prized gems that
distinguished authors has penned for us to devour. And with the 21st Century and all its
trimmings allow; we can usher in new era of 21st century literature.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided
and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the
contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
When you read a story or essay, watch a movie or listen to songs you will always find
yourself giving comments about what you have read, watched or listened to. You may like it
or not. This is the same as self or peer-assessment.
You are going to appreciate what you have made depending on criteria which you
yourself will be designing.
And hopefully, this endeavor will lead to a better understanding of what it takes to give
yourself a “grade.”
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. Craft an assessment tool for self or peer-assessment.
2. Assess one’s adaptation of literary text through set criteria.

After creating your multimedia or ICT-based adaptation of your chosen literary piece, you
are now ready to assess your own work. Let us ease into self and peer-assessment. On a separate
sheet, complete the semantic web with words you can associate with the given words, you can
add more bubbles to the four already given. A sample was done for you.


media ICT laptop

After producing your ICT-based adaptation. You would be focusing now on self and peer
assessment. You need to be honest enough to evaluate your own work, based on the criteria
you will establish and on a tool you will design.

Read the following statements and check review on the previous lesson about 21st Century
Literary Genre.
____________1. A combination of science fiction, supernatural, futuristic, etc.
____________2. This genre tells the journey of a female protagonist’s life.
____________3. These are narrative which has less words and more drawings of the
____________4. This is usually done a blogger who has a set of followers in social
____________5. This is a poem which is chosen by the reader/user, depending on the
link he/she will click next.

Read the sample haiku below, what can you say about it in terms of the following
characteristics? Write on your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. (Be prepared to
compile your work in a portfolio.

Flowers bloom during summer

Reminds us of life,
Beautiful, but does not last.

1. Number of lines :
2. Number of syllables per line :
3. Punctuations used :
4. Topic used :
5. Feelings felt when read :
Discussion of Activity 1
The current situation needs you to be able to present your learnings to your teacher in
different ways and it also needs you to be able to evaluate your own work based on your set
criteria. Own work for the subject 21st Century Literature would mean any of the following:
1. Graphic Organizers:
A graphic organizer is your written response which organizes ideas, concepts, facts or terms
in a visual way to prove that you have understood the relationships between the individual
2. Essays:
These are more traditional response or show of understanding regarding a particular topic.
You have written countless essays before and by this time you would have been aware of its
elements and the conventions in writing them.
3. Specific Literary Genre:
This may be your choice or given by your teacher. Depending on the genre you are studying
or focusing on, chances are you will be asked to create your own piece, depending on
conventions and standards for the particular genre.
The relationship of self and peer assessment with your work is you will have a say on how
do you want your adaptation to be evaluated. You will have to come up with your own
assessment tool.

Evaluation tool can be any of the following:

1. Graphic Organizers
Evaluation through graphic organizers is easier since graphic organizers present
the students’ learning and make these learnings visible for both the student and
teacher. An unfilled shape for example can mean whatever gap in the student’s
knowledge and needs to be learned further. A fully filled graphic organizer can mean
that the student has enough knowledge about the topic, and the student can explain
why did he/she place a particular info in this part? Or how relevant is a sub-topic to
the totality of the topic.
2. Rubrics
Rubrics presents success criteria and exact descriptions of levels of
performance, which makes it a valuable tool to assess your own work. You can
monitor your own progress versus a set guideline or characteristics.
It is important that you first come up with your Rubric even before you do your
task. So that you can include all characteristics and levels of proficiency you would
like to use.
In coming up with your rubric, you have to think of the following: performance
criteria, the rating scale, and the indicators of performance.
Using the activity in What’s New. Create the criteria for a rubric for a poem. You may
choose from the characteristics given in the box. #1 was done for you already. Write your rubric
on another sheet of paper. Do not forget to include performance indicators.

Flowers bloom during summer

Reminds us of life,
Beautiful, but does not last.

Form No. of syllables used per line

Syllabication Following directions
Mechanics Spelling
Appropriateness of Theme Cleanliness
Evoked Feelings Grammar

Criteria 1 2 3 4
1. Form

Remember your Tanaga from Lesson #4? Write that on a separate sheet and make a self-
assessment using the rubric you did on the previous page. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Completed Rubric
1. Form

What is your favorite Movie? It may be local or foreign; classic or contemporary. Write a
short plot and use its title to explain why you liked it. Use a separate sheet of paper. A sample
was done for you.

She’s Dating the Gangster

2014 Movie by Cathy Garcia-Molina
Produced by Star Cinema
Popularized in Wattpad by Bianca Bernardino (pen name: SGwannaB)
Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla
Kenneth is angry at his dad Kenji upon learning that there was another “Athena” in his
dad’s life than his mother. Kenji still proceeded with his trip to Bicol but his plane met an
accident which made Kenneth eager to look for him. While on the way to look for his dad
amidst problems in transportation and delayed bookings, he met Kelay, who lied about
being Kenji’s daughter so she can also look for him. This further angered Kenneth but
seeing a picture of a young Kenji and another young lady made him curious as to the
identity of the young woman with his dad.

Plot continued:
Kelay agreed to tell him everything on a condition that they go together. So Kenneth
knew about his father being a gangster, Athena Dizon and Kenji delos Reyes’s love story
which entangled with Kenneth’s mother Athena Abigail Tizon. Kenneth knew how
everything happened and why his father ended up marrying his mother who already passed
away. He also made his peace with his Dad, and the time Kelay and Kenneth spent on the
journey made them love one another. Kenji saw Athena Dizon once again, before she died.
S - such a
H - heartwarming,
E - exciting
S - story
D - describing
A - a
T - timeless
I - idealized
N - narrative
G - giving
T - the
H - happy
E - eclectic
G - group of
A - audience
N - non stop
G - giddiness
S - served for
T - total
E - enjoyment and high
R - rating

Choose from the criteria inside the box those which you can use in making a Rubric for a
story. Use a separate sheet of paper.

Character Setting Plot Problem

Solution Dialogue Events Music

Tick the criteria which you think can be used in evaluating a translated song.

1. Song choice 6. Timeliness

2. Presentation 7. Mechanics
3. Word Choice 8. Ease of Translation
4. Preparation 9. Voice Quality
5. Speed 10. Appropriateness of Translation
With your choice of criteria from Independent Activity # 3. Create your Rubric and use it
to evaluate your translated song from Lesson #4. Use a separate sheet.

What have you learned regarding self and peer assessment? How can these guide you in
creating a literary adaptation?
On a separate sheet, complete the Venn Diagram.
Rubrics Graphic Organizer

Have your texttula printed on a separated sheet of paper, then create a Rubric which you will use
to evaluate your own work.

Get a copy of one of your classmates’ adaptation work. Copy, paste, print it on a separate
sheet and evaluate it based on an appropriate rubric.
Hyperpoetry 5. Appropriateness of 5.
Blog 4. Ease of Translation 4.
Graphic Novel 3. Mechanics 3.
Chick Lit 2. Timeliness 2. vary
Speculative Fiction 1. Word Choice 1. The answer will
What’s In Independent Activity #2
and Assessment:
All other Activities

Black, Paul and Wiliam, Dylan. Inside the Black Box Raising Standards Through Classroom
Assessment. London: Unesco.Org, 2010.

Chua, Rina Garcia. 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World. Makati: Diwa
Learning System, 2016

Mendoza, Paul Anthony, and Silva, Maristel. 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World. Bulacan: St. Andrew Publishing House, 2016.


“Assessment for Learning.” Accessed May 29, 2020
assessment/student_strategies_enhance.html May 27, 2020.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Schools Division of Pampanga, Learning
Resource Management System
High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando
Pampanga, Philippines 1200
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
Email Address: [email protected]

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