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DAILY LESSON PLAN School Atoyay National High School Grade 11

Teacher Melanie B. Inson Subject 21st Century Literature

Position Teacher I Quarter 1
Date Section Vergara
Time 10:45-11:45 am Time 60 minutes

A. CONTENT STANDARDS The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the
elements and contexts of the 21st century Philippine literature
from the regions.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st Century Philippine literature from the
regions through;
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of
Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the
D. LC Code EN12Lit-Ia-21
E. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. identify the 21st century literary genres based on their
elements and structures;
2. compare and contrast the characteristics of the two
literary genres (conventional and 21st century);
3. appreciate the unique features of each genre.
I. CONTENT 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World:
Conventional and 21st Century Genres
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages SLM’s
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Internet sources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the
new lesson
 Preliminaries (5 minutes)

 Prayer One student will lead the prayer

 Greetings Good afternoon everyone! How are you today?

 Checking of attendance To check who are in this afternoon, the class monitor will check
the attendance. May we know who are absent today if any?

 Pre-assessment Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a comic book or book series published in Japan.

a. Digi-Fiction
b. Doodle Fiction
c. Illustrated novel
d. Manga
2. It is a website that contains short articles posted and
changed regularly.
a. Blog
b. Flash Fiction
c. Hyper poetry
d. Digi-Fiction
3. Stories told almost entirely in dialogue, simulating
social network exchanges.
a. Chick lit
b. Digi-fiction
c. Hyper poetry
d. Text-talk novel
4. It is a genre fiction which addresses issues of modern
womanhood, often humorously and light-heartedly.
a. Chick-lit
b. Digi-fiction
c. Hyper poetry
d. Text-talk novel
5. A literary genre which combines three media: book,
movie/video and internet website.
a. Digi-fiction
b. Doodle fiction
c. Science fiction
d. Creative non-fiction

 Reading of objective The teacher will present the objectives to the students.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Look for the conventional literary genres in the puzzle below
MOTIVATION and, on a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions that

1. What are the four conventional literary genres have you

found in the puzzle?
2. What do you think are their unique features?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new Introduce the following:

21st Century Literature refers to new literary work created within the
last decade. It is written by contemporary authors who may deal with
current themes/issues and reflects a technological culture. It often
breaks traditional writing rules.

21st Century Learners grew up using technology as a primary learning

tool. He is capable of navigating and interpreting digital formats and
media messages.

Match Me!
Group the students into 4, have them match the four conventional
literary genres to their definition and examples.

Check their work and discuss the four conventional literary genres.

Poetry- is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through

meaning, sound and rhythmic language choices to evoke an emotional

Drama- is a composition in prose or verse presenting in dialogue or

pantomime a story involving conflict more contrast of character,
especially on intended to be acted on a stage: a play.

Fiction- is literature created from the imagination, not presented as

fact, though it may be based on a true story.

Non-fiction-is based on facts and the author’s opinion about the


Given the elements and structures of the different literary

genres of the 21st century, group the class into 4 groups and
ACTIVITY 2 have them identify the given literary pieces of 21st Century


1. What makes you think the presented literary piece belong to a

certain 21st literary genres?
2. What are your evidences/basis in identifying the 21st century
literary genres?
3. What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of
4. What characteristics make these genres similar in terms of
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Elicit/ Process the class works.
E. Developing mastery
ABSTRACTION Group the class in two and have them do the activity.
1. Identify the literary genres of each example.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the two.

F. Finding practical applications of concepts

and skills in daily living
G. Making generalizations and abstractions Generalizations (2 min)
about the lesson Ask the students what they have discovered about the lesson.
Have them reflect what they have learned by answering the
questions that follow.
1. What are the conventional literary genres?
2. What are the common characteristics of conventional
literary genres?
3. What are the different 21st century literary genres?
4. What are the common characteristics of modern literary
5. What is the difference between the conventional and
modern literary genres?
H. Evaluating learning


I. Assignment
 Create a blog post based on what you have learned
about the lesson. Use the rubric below as your guide.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the

formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who require additional

activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No of
learners who caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require


E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized materials

did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I-JHS Head Teacher III/School Head

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