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ABRASIVE WEAR IN PUMPS- A TRIBOMETRIC APPROACH TO IMPROVE PUMP LIFE by Gerhard Vetter Professor Ralph Kiebling and Wolfgang Wirth Research Engineer University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Erlangen, Germany Gerhard Vetter obtained his Dipl. Ing degree (Mechanical Engineering) at Technische Universitat Karlsruhe, Germany. After some years as a Research Engincer in turbomachinery at the same university, he joined Lewa, Leonberg (Germany) as head of the Research and Development Deparment. He became Chief Engineer and, in 1970, Technical Managing Director. In 1981, he accepted chair (professorship) for Apparatus and ‘Chemical Machinery atthe University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He is a corresponding member of the International Pump User’ Sympostim Advisory Committee Prof Netter has dedicated more than 25 years 10 research, devel ‘opment and design of pumps and metering equipment He has been ‘one of the pioneers in diaphragm pumps development. Many >apers, patents, and contributions to textbooks, some dealing with basics lke cavitation, fatigue, pulsation, vibrations, abrasive wear ‘and metering accuracy, have established his reputation asa pump specialist. The well equipped laboratory at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg performs research work on pump and ‘metering subjects Ralph Kiefling studied inthe Department of Chemical Engineering at the University Erlangen-Nurembers, Ce ‘many. Afer receiving his Dipl-Ing. degree {in 1992, he joined the Institute of Apparatus ‘and Chemical Mackinery at the same University. His research subjects were Inydroabrasive wear in rotary positive dis- placement and centrifugal — pumps, fespecially in clearance seals, On this topic he prepared a doctoral thesis in 1994 (Dr: Ing. degre) us Wolfgang Wish obtained his Dipl-Ing Unix: degree (Chemical Engineering) at the university of Erlangen-Nurembers, Germany in 1986, and subsequently joined the Institute of Apparatus and Chemical Machinery at the same institution. AS a research engineer, he prepared a thesis f ‘about methods for modelling of the Inydraulic and tribologic properties of pro- gressing. cavity. pumps and received his Deng. degree in 1993, ABSTRACT ‘The reduction of abrasive wear and extension of the endurance ‘of pumps requires a system analysis. Various pump types demon- sirate different tribological systems under abrasive Wear, which are basically dominated by siding, jet, and stamping wear types. The ‘morphological approach yields an understanding of why wear tacks have to be considered predominantly. ances. and limitations for wear and endurance prediction based on tibometric simulation are discussed. As quantitative pre: diction is not always possible, the method of relative suitability turns out to be a good to ‘As experience shows predominant jet and sliding wear in pumps, these two wear types are discussed closer. ‘Avgood example fora tibological system dominated by sling wear is the progressing eavity pump. Several tribological simula: tions, including parameter studies are discussed, evaluated, and ‘compared that demonstrate strategies for pump improvements, ‘Jet wear dominated tribological systems are special clearances in rotary pumps that are discussed with respect to wear phenomena and tribological simulation. Furthermore, methods of wear predic tion for centrifugal pumps in general, based on parameter studies ‘with jt wibometes, are explained. ‘The discussion is ended with an extended analysis of various materials, different stel, and sintered types in solid or layered at PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM along with plastics for application in pumps against hydroabrasive ‘wear, Following the method of relative suitability based on tibo- ‘metric data for jet and sliding wear. INTRODUCTION ‘There are many applications for pumps in processing and conveying systems, where suspensions, slurries, of particle conta ‘minated Mluids have to be handled. The interaction of abrasives with the pump pans is characteristcally for the various pump types, demonstrating at certain locations wear rates by erosion that ‘may cause severe reduction of pump lifecycle “Typical failures are increased clearances at ntermeshing sealing parts implementing larger internal leak losses, as is shown in Figures and 2 [1], for the rotor of a progressing cavity and the valve seat of a reciprocating pump (2), The alteration ofthe rotor shape with centrifugal pumps, be it surface quality or flow channel ‘geometry in genera, is strongly influencing pump petformance and function (Figure 3). © View X Figure 1. Wear at the Rotor of a Progressing Cavity. Pump (Helical Wear Traces) Abrasive wear which is dreetly responsible for the reduction of ‘energetic and volumetric efficiency life cycle time, malfunction, Safety and economy has to be avoided by a tribological analysis of the endangered pump locations ‘The authors feel that this paper will stimulate the application of system analysis and tribometry to achieve the extension of purnp lite cycles. Basics of Tribometric Simulation ‘Wear, per definition isthe permanent material loss atthe surface ‘of pump components by mechanical and combined chemical action, representing not a material bt a systems characteristic. The ‘physical Wear mechanisms comprise adhesion, abrasion, surface fatigue, tibo oxidation and tibo corrosion effects [3]. In general, ibologieal systems by superposition of several wear mechanisms demonstrate typical wear types like jet, sliding, rolling, resp. stamping wear. ‘As an example, the tribological system is shown in Figure 4 of sliding wear, with the system components the intermeshing com- ponents (positions 1 and 2) the fluid (position 3), the particles (position 4) and other characteristics like temperature, chemical and physical fluid, and particle properties. Bach pump type demon- ‘rates one or more characterstially tribological systems that have tbe analyzed in order to recognize the predominating important parameters on wear. Figure 2. Local Jet Wear Traces at the Metallic Seat of a Reciprocating Pump Check Valve. WN 1: HV, geometry S 2: HV, geometry 3 3: pH. n, 8. ¢5 yy 4: Hp dp L, 7 * Figure 4. Tribological Sliding Wear System: I) wear component 2)wear component; 3) fluid; 4) abrasive particle. [ABRASIVE WEAR IN PUMPS-A TRIBOMETRIC APPROACH TO IMPROVE PUMP LIFE Ms ‘The further explanation will exclusively concen Inydroabrasive tribological systems. ‘The basic idea of tbometrc simulation isto analyze the pump ‘with respect to the relevant wear locations, in order to find out the predominantly active tribological systems and methods for their ‘wibometrc simulation with flexible and simple tes is. Wear Locations Considering a number of representative pump types (Figure 5) including centrifugal pumps, rotary, and reciprocating displace: ‘ment pumps shows that hydroabrasive tribological systems in pumps are mainly based on three wear types: jet, sliding, and stamping or rolling wear Figure 5. Morphology of Wear Locations for Various Pump Types: 4) centrifugal: b) nwo screw: c) three lobed) progressing cavity; e) sliding vane: ) gear: g) reeiprocating (plunger seal) h) recip cating (check valve. ‘The hydroabrasive jet wear type is characteristic at all types of flow channels in impellers oF housings with or without blades (Figure (a), the particles may move parallel or angular relative to the wearing walls, ‘A special case of hydroabrasive jet wear isthe low in annular $00) by heat treatment, bt corrosion res tance and ductility are reduced. For a number of applications these :materals ae a good choice for hydroabrasive low corrosion attack. + Grow G3: Special alloys with hard carbidie inclusions. ‘The basic matrix contains hard carbidic inclusions. either by precipita- ‘ion of by external implementation as particles. The hard partiles, for phase areas represent together with the basic material matrix a reinforced structure against wear attack, ‘These materials are available as castings or welded resp. sprayed coatings. Hardness is, high (500 © HY < 1000) + Grow G4: Hart metals and ceramics. Hard metals are mainly based on carbide particles embedded within « metallic matrix ‘They can be used either as sintered pars oF as sprayed coatings. High wear resistance is paired with britleness and difficult machining (HV > 1000), 156 PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM ey : emmeer] NA cmt ia Bee, 2 Prlila ” — Figure 31. Linear Wear Rate Related to the Hardness of the ‘Material: a) sliding wear; b) parallel jet wear (bore): c) orthogo- nal et wear + Group G5: Plasiomers and elastomers. Corrosion and, wear resistance make these materials attractive for lining or coating of ump components, Material Hardness and Wear Resistance For most of the materials, except of the plastic type materials, the hardness/wear correlation i definite. For comparable tribolog ieal conditions that with sliding and orthogonal, respectively, Parallel jet wear very similar characteristics ofthe material groups G1 ~ Ge are shown in Figure 31 Group GI (HV < 500): Increased hardness does not reduce wear rate much, as the tribological system in on the high wear level (Ry >I Group G2 (HV > 500): Increased hardness shows a stronger influence on wear rate. Double hardness yields sliding. wear reduction by a factor 20 to 40 and jet wear reduction by factor 2.0 50, Group G3 (HV > 500): Alloys with carbide inclusions demon- strate at nominally equal hardness improved wear resistance, 28 Tocal hard inclusions aet as a shield ‘Group G4 (HV > 1200): Due tothe transition ofthe wibological system from the high tothe low wear level (Ry, 1), the wear Fates are reduced substantially by factor 100 and more. ‘The similarity of wibometric test results i clearly demonstrated in Figure 31 with respect to the relative suitability of materials ‘This is also true for the results ofthe rotary clearance tribometer (Figure 32), From Figure 31(b) and (©) yield the great difference in wear rate between parallel (= 0) and orthogonal («= 90 degrees) Flow direction (Factor 10 and more!) Figure 32. Relative Material Suitability based on Different Trbomeiric Data [As the reported results are related 10 definite tribosystem (particle characterisation, concentration, hardness etc), they are, therefore, not ditectly transformable to ether conditions, ‘Material Suitability and Optimization There are some possiblities to improve material hardness (HV = 800) by various (surface) hardening. processes (thermal treatment, nitration ete). A further step is the implementation of hard particles, eg, carbides like TC, Cr4Ca, into a metallic matrix (CoCr, NiCh) The shielding mechanism for sliding and jet wear is, ‘demonstrated in Figure 33. tis possible for certain types of stainless cast steels to control the precipitation of hard carbides by thermal treatment in a manner ‘that an improvement of wear resistance results due tothe shielding cfects mentioned previously ABRASIVE WEAR IN PUMPS-A TRIBOMETRIC APPROACH TO IMPROVE PUMP LIFE ist Figure 33. Protective Effect of Carbide Deposits in Cases of Jet Wear CONCLUSIONS Various pump types demonstrate characteristic tribological systems at definite lations, dominatingly based on sliding o jt wear attack. Evidently for many pump features, it i feasible 10

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