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Lea Jane G.

Cadano BSA 1-A


Make a research on the following Filipino scientists and inventors and give their most significant
contribution to Philippine nation-building.

1. Paulo Campos - Establishing the first and best-known Radioisotope Laboratory in the country, the first
Research Laboratory in the Department of Medicine, University of the Philippines and the Thyroid Clinic
of the UP-PGH Medical Center.

2. Angel Alcala - Known for his fieldwork to build sanctuaries and to promote biodiversity in the aquatic
ecosystems of the Philippines.

3. Ricardo Sigua – He contributed to engineering research in the Philippines and wrote a book called The
Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering due to the scarcity of textbooks on the traffic engineering relevant
to the Philippine context.

4. Maria Ligaya Braganza - Investigates the use of banana flour as a wheat flour extender in pan de sal
and doughnuts.

5. Baldomero Olivera - Known for discovery of many cone snail toxins important for neuroscience.
These molecules, called conotoxins, led to a breakthrough in the study of ion channels and
neuromuscular synapses. He discovered and first characterized E. coli DNA ligase, a key enzyme of
genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.

6. Dioscoro Umali – Known as the “Father of Philippine Plant Breeding” due to the programs he
conducted that are related to rainfed and upland agriculture, social forestry, and environmental

7. Diosdado Banatao - Credited with having developed the first 10-Mbit Ethernet CMOS with silicon
coupler data-link control and transceiver chip, the first system logic chip set for IBM's PC-XT and the PC-
AT, and the local bus concept and the first Windows Graphics accelerator chip for personal computers

8. Ame Garong - Published Ancient Filipino Diet: Reconstructing Diet from Human Remains Excavated in
the Philippines based on her doctoral dissertation.

9. Raymundo Punongbayan – Became popular after handling two well-known calamities, the 1990
Luzon earthquake and the 1991 Pinatubo eruption.

10. Gavino Tronio – Known as the” Father of Kappaphycus farming” for his contributions to the study of
tropical marine phycology, focusing on seaweed biodiversity, established the largest phycological
herbarium in the country – the G.T. Velasquez Herbarium in the University of the Philippines’ Marine
Science Institute.

11. Proceso Alcala - He is considered the 'Father of Organic Agriculture' because of his work in the
Organic Agricultural Act of 2010 (RA 10068).
12. Alfredo Galang -

13. Benito Lumen – First discovered the anti-cancer properties of Lunasin with Dr. Alfredo Galvez, when
they were enhancing the nutritional properties of soy protein.


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