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Hydrangea Production: Species-Specific Production Guide

Technical Report · January 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35311.23206

1 1,642

3 authors:

Amy F Fulcher James S. Owen Jr.

University of Tennessee United States Department of Agriculture


Anthony Lebude
North Carolina State University


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PB 1840-B

Hydrangea Production:  
Species-Specific Production Guide
Amy Fulcher, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Tennessee
James S. Owen, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Virginia Tech
Anthony LeBude, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, North Carolina State University

This is one of two Extension INTRODUCTION

publications that discusses hydrangea The genus Hydrangea is expansive and includes approximately 1,000
production. This publication species, hybrids and cultivars, which can be deciduous or evergreen
presents research-based production shrubs, small trees or climbers. Hydrangea is the second most popular
recommendations tailored to deciduous shrub in the U.S. and is produced in more than 1,500 nurs-
the primary species grown in the eries nationwide. With more than 10 million plants being sold annually,
Southeast. Specific practices related accounting for 13.5 percent ($91,265,000) of annual U.S. shrub sales,
to propagation, fertilization, blueing, hydrangea is a significant crop and offers tremendous opportunies for
irrigation, pruning and plant growth nursery producers. Four species are most commonly produced in nursery
regulators are discussed. In the cultivation in Southeast and Mid-Atlantic nurseries. The taxa currently
companion publication, “PB 1840- found in the trade in the U.S. include H. arborescens, H. macrophylla
A Hydrangea Production: Cultivar (including var. normalis and subsp. serrata, which is synonymous with
Selection and General Practices to H. serrata in the industry), H. paniculata, and H. quercifolia.
Consider When Propagating and
Growing Hydrangea,” general plant Hydrangeas commonly produced commercially are deciduous shrubs,
characteristics, species evaluations, selected for their showy inflorescence (flower), with some native to the
and general production practices U.S., others to Asia. The floral display of hydrangea is largely due to sterile
are covered. Detailed information is florets, grouped into large rounded corymbs or conical panicles, and
also provided on propagation and ranges from white to shades of pink, purple and blue. Fertile flowers are
diagnosing nutrient deficiencies in the generally inconspicuous (Figure 1) Hydrangea macrophylla and H. ar-
companion publication. borescens have flowers in corymbs. For H. macrophylla and H. serrata,
the flower form can be a traditional round corymb, commonly referred to
as a mophead form, or lacecap form flowers. Lacecap flowers have flat to
rounded flower heads encircled by showy sterile florets. Both H. panic-
ulata and H. quercifolia have flowers in conical panicles. These panicles
open from the base to the tip and continue to expand in length as they
open. Flowers on some selections are prized for their ability to continue to
develop color as they mature, creating an “antiqued” look (for example, H.
macrophylla ‘Blushing Bride’ and H. paniculata Little Lime). Production
of several species and cultivars of hydrangea as well as remontant bloom-
ing (rebloom during the season) selections of H. macrophylla can extend
sales throughout the year.


H. arborescens — Smooth Hydrangea

Smooth hydrangea is native to deciduous woodlands of New York,
south to the Gulf states, and west to Iowa (USDA plant hardiness zones
3 to 9). With ample moisture, smooth hydrangea will grow well in full
sun, especially in more northern parts of the U.S., but does best in
Figure 1. Small, infertile flowers partial shade in the Southeast. It is more tolerant of alkaline conditions
(center) are inconspicuous yet help than H. macrophylla and prefers moderate moisture levels. It flowers
support pollinators. Larger, infertile reliably from Florida to Canada. Leaves (immature and mature) are
florets (outlying) are showy but lack more frost-tolerant than those of H. macrophylla and H. serrata. Fall
pollen or nectar for pollinators. color is often brown but some years a clear yellow. Smooth hydrangea
bears large, white corymbs at the shoot terminals starting
in mid- to late May and lasting for six to eight weeks (Fig-
ure 2). Inflorescences of native populations consist primar-
ily of small fertile flowers with a few large sterile flowers
and thus may not be ideal for breeding stock.

Figure 3. Due to weak branches and heavy inflo-

rescence, H. arborescens may require staking or
other management practices.

Nutrient management. Anecdotal landscape and

container production information suggests H. arbo-
Figure 2. Large, white corymbs crown the foliage rescens can be grown using much less nitrogen than
of H. arborescens. other hydrangea species. While H. arborescens White
Dome required the high rate of five to six month 15-9-12
Propagation. Hydrangea arborescens is easy to propa- controlled release fertilizer to maximize growth when
gate by softwood cuttings using 1,000 ppm indole produced in Europe, no difference in growth of H. ar-
3-butyric acid (IBA), either in solution or talc. Stem cut- borescens ‘Annabelle’ was observed in Michigan when
tings often have 100 percent rooting within two to three produced with 26 g per #3 container (a very low rate)
weeks. Although H. arborescens roots readily through the using a 19–5–9 CRF, and substrate pore water electrical
summer and into September, it is recommended to collect conductivity was maintained between 0.5 and 1.0 dS/m
cuttings early in the season and root them early enough (regardless if under normal or deficit irrigation). Correctly
in the season to promote growth and establishment as a matching liners to container sizes can result in a finished
liner to increase overwintering survival. For this reason, plant within one season (approximately four months).
nurseries in USDA plant hardiness zone 6 or lower might
collect softwood stem cuttings during the summer in order Irrigation. In Michigan, there were no growth dif-
to reduce heating costs associated with fall weather and ferences for H. arborescens White Dome regardless
to provide enough time for stem cuttings to root prior to of whether partial or full daily water replacement was
overwintering. employed. However, water use was substantially reduced
with partial replacement irrigation schedules. In a Michi-
Production. Rooted cuttings are typically potted into gan study, H. arborescens Incrediball used approximately
#1 or #3 containers, depending on the size of cutting and half the water when compared to H. paniculata ‘Limelight.’
crop cycle. Containers should be well-spaced to support
branch development and lateral growth; #3 containers are
often placed on 2-foot spacing. Plants in a #3 container can
be bumped to a #5 container, which is the largest size of Partial daily water replacement — Irrigating
hydrangea typically marketed. Plants can be grown without with a volume of water that partially replaces
shade, particularly in more northern environments. Stems the amount of water used by the plant and lost
are often not branched and can be stiff but weak and thus to evaporation since the previous day’s irriga-
insufficient to support the large, heavy corymbs character- tion event.
istic of cultivated varieties, necessitating other manage-
ment practices such as pruning, plant growth regulators Full daily water replacement — Irrigating with a
(PGRs), or irrigation management to control growth and volume of water that replaces the entire amount
avoid labor-intensive staking (Figure 3). of water used by the plant and lost to evaporation
since the previous day’s irrigation event.

Pruning. Hydrangea arborescens will need to be pruned can be damaged by low temperatures. Flower color
multiple times each season during production to produce ranges from pink to lavender to blue depending on
full, densely branched plants that ultimately produce many cultivar and soil chemical properties (Figure 4a).
blooms, which form on new growth. Avoid pruning in the There are also a few white-flowered cultivars whose
spring, the season of sale, as that can delay flowering. Note flowers may turn very pale pink or blue as they age.
the problems mentioned above associated with weak stems Two horticultural groups of H. macrophylla are
and large, heavy corymbs. recognized — mopheads, also called hortensias, and
the lacecaps. Mopheads have large, round corymbs
consisting primarily of large, sterile flowers (Figure
H. macrophylla — Bigleaf Hydrangea
4b). Lacecaps have an inflorescence consisting of an
Bigleaf hydrangea is native to Japan and Korea. Plants
outer ring of large, sterile flowers and an inner core
usually grow 3 to 6 feet high, but can grow to 10 feet with
of small fertile flowers (Figure 4c). Some selections,
width becoming equal to or greater than plant height. Big-
both mophead and lacecap, are remontant and
leaf hydrangea is considered hardy in USDA plant hardiness
will rebloom later in the season. Bailey Nurseries’
zones 6 to 9. However, hardiness varies among cutivars,
remontant selection, The Original Endless Summer
and selection must be made carefully to match the location.
(Hydrangea ‘Bailmer’), and marketing efforts related
Cold injury to the flower buds and improper pruning are
to it are credited, at least partially, with the resur-
the usual reasons for flower failure in the landscape. Bigleaf
gence in hydrangea popularity.
hydrangeas form flower buds during late summer and fall;
therefore, buds are exposed to winter temperatures and

Figures 4a, b, and c. (a) Even on a given plant, shown here The Original Endless Summer (Hydrangea
‘Bailmer’), the flower color can vary; (b) a mophead, or hortensia, flower type; (c) a lacecap flower type.

Propagation. Hydrangea macrophylla is easy to prop-

agate by softwood, semi-hardwood or hardwood cuttings,
although softwood cuttings are most common in the trade
(Figure 5). A 1 peat:1 perlite substrate with intermittent
mist is recommended for softwood cuttings. Terminal
softwood cuttings treated with 1,000 ppm IBA, either in
solution or talc, rooted in three to five weeks at near 100
percent, yet success near 100 percent is also reported for
untreated softwood cuttings. Hydrangea macrophylla
can also be propagated by semi-hardwood cuttings using a
5-second basal dip in 500-1,500 ppm of the potassium (K)
salt of IBA (K-IBA) or by hardwood cuttings set directly out-
doors in pine bark substrate, but these are less commonly
used methods. Hardwood cuttings rooted at approximately
50 percent, with some remontant cultivars rooting at 80
percent by late spring the following year. Rooting leaf bud
cuttings and single bud cuttings successfully has also been
reported. For alternatives to K-IBA, see Boyer et al. in the Figure 5. Softwood cuttings of H. macrophylla.
References and Additional Resources section.
Production. Typically, liners rooted in trays or 2-inch sired growth and quality. Rates as high as 0.53 pounds per
containers are transplanted into a #1 or #3 container filled yd3 P2O5 are commonly used and appear to be excessive.
with pine bark-based substrate. Quart liners of H. ‘Nikko See Flower Color Management section for further details.
Blue’ and similar cultivars transplanted in the spring into
#5 containers can finish by fall. In a study that included Irrigation. H. macrophylla is considered a heavy water
pine bark, peat and less traditional container substrate user and wilts easily under water deficit; however, dif-
components, the optimum container substrate was 3 peat:1 ferences among cultivars exist. Average daily water use
bark. Additionally, plant biomass increased as contain- of ‘Fasan’’ (7.8 fl. oz. per day) varied from that of ‘Pia’
er size increased from 0.24 gallon to 1.2 gallons. Bigleaf (7.0 fl. oz. per day) when grown in #2 containers outdoor
hydrangea is normally grown under shade in the southeast- under 40 percent shade. However, both species used
ern U.S. approximately 4.5-5.0 gallons of water over a two and a
half month period. However, opportunities exist to refine
High summer temperatures greater than 86 F during the irrigation applications, as the reputation of a heavy water
day are known to interfere with normal flower and vegeta- user seems to promote overirrigation of this species. ‘Mini
tive development. Additionally, high night temperatures, Penny’ irrigated at 20 percent volumetric water content
80 F or higher, are potentially damaging to previously (considered “dry” by many growers) used less water by
formed floral primordia, delaying, distorting or preventing half than the nursery standard irrigation regime yet had no
new flower development and/or causing vegetative dis- reduction in growth. Nutrient leaching was also reduced
tortion. The severe southeastern U.S. heat wave of June by reducing irrigation volume. Water uptake does seem to
2015 appears to have been sufficient to prevent many H. be restricted to higher volumetric water content (VWC),
macrophylla selections from blooming while in produc- at least for some selections, which may partially explain
tion and prevented sales at least for some producers. Root the reputation of hydrangea as a heavy water user. Water
restriction in container production can also reduce flower uptake by ‘Fasan’ decreased at 28 percent VWC and ceased
initiation. at 16 percent VWC. Daily light integral (the amount of light
that a crop receives over the course of a day) is an accurate
Yellow foliage, chlorosis and weak root systems can be predictor of ‘Pia’ and ‘Fasan’ daily water use; plants grown
problems during nursery production of H. macrophylla, under heavy shade require less irrigation compared to
particularly in midsummer. This problem has been at- plants grown with greater light exposure.
tributed to overwatering, root rot and low iron uptake.
A composted bark, mini nugget substrate with desirable Moisture content in both the container substrate and plant
physical properties (air space 39 percent, container capaci- can be regulated through irrigation management, in turn
ty 53 percent, available water 21 percent, unavailable water controlling growth and in some cases reducing or elim-
32 percent, bulk density 0.2 g·cm3, and cation exchange inating the need for PGRs. For ‘Hermann Dienemann,’
8.1) produced the best growth of five different substrates ‘Nymphe,’ and ‘Renate Steiniger,’ cool morning tempera-
tested for #1 and #3 plants. The 9:1 bark to kaolin clay tures, reduced irrigation (2.8 fl. oz. per 6-inch pot per
substrate resulted in the least amount of growth. day), and the PGR daminocide all reduced shoot length
similarly in plants being forced in controlled environments.
Liners should be a minimum of 6 inches tall (bare root), Increasing the irrigation volume (irrigating with 4.4 fl. oz.
or 1 quart or larger (container), when lined out for field or approximately 3.7 fl. oz. per 6-inch pot per day) earlier
production. Bigleaf hydrangea requires a site that has good in production increased height, plant width and leaf area.
drainage yet can withstand poorer soils than many other Conversely, increasing irrigation at the end of the pro-
woody nursery crops. Hydrangea macrophylla benefits duction cycle did not lead to greater shoot growth but did
from supplemental water during dry periods. When tem- improve inflorescence development. ‘Leuchtfeuer,’ pro-
peratures are above 85 F, plants in full sun can wilt, even duced in 2 white peat: 3 composted bark (0.40-0.80 inch)
when provided with adequate moisture. and subjected to a water-limiting irrigation regime, had
reduced leaf area, height and flower size, but quality and
Nutrient management. In Ontario, Canada, 1.3 to 2.3 compactness were increased. In a study with a variety of
pounds per yd3 was the optimal rate of 19-6-13 plus minors, mulches (geotextile discs, coco discs, plastic discs, hazelnut
eight to nine month controlled release fertilizer (CRF) for shells, sawdust, Biotop and crumb rubber) applied to con-
#2 bigleaf hydrangea. In a study with a variety of mulches tainer-grown plants, there was no appreciable difference in
(geotextile discs, coco discs, plastic discs, hazelnut shells, water use of mulched and nonmulched ‘Fasan’ and ‘End-
sawdust, Biotop and crumb rubber) applied to contain- less Summer,’ suggesting that plant transpiration, and not
er-grown plants, hydrangea growth, quality and foliar color substrate evaporation, is the greater component of daily
were better when fertilizer was placed under the mulch. water use.

Low phosphorus levels have the potential to prevent exces- General flower color management. Bigleaf hydran-
sive algae growth in reclaimed water and have the added gea is popular in part because some cultivars have blue
benefit of conserving a natural resource. Phosphorus levels flowers (sepals), yet flower color can be manipulated to
of just 0.29 pounds/yd3 P2O5 were sufficient to produce de-

produce a range of colors from pink to lavender to blue
(Figure 6). The color intensity is determined by a culti-
var’s inherent ability to produce blue pigment, aluminum
availability in the soil or substrate as managed by alumi-
num addition and pH, and a cultivar’s ability to uptake
aluminum. When the soil/substrate pH is acidic (4.5–5.5),
sepal color can be expected to be blue because aluminum
is generally highly available at a low pH. At pH ≥ 6.0, sepal
color is most likely pink. Between pH 5.5 and 6.0, sepal
color might be pink, blue or lavender, or a mixture of pink
and blue flowers may be present on the same plant. This
is highly dependent upon cultivar. The flower color is not
permanent. There are a few cultivars, such as ‘Pia,’ ‘Masja,’
‘Alpengluhen,’ and ‘Todi,’ that do not turn blue regardless
of soil pH, or they have several colors on an individual
inflorescence. At low pH, these flowers may turn an un-
attractive muddy-red. Additionally, some new selections
such as H. macrophylla BloomStruck are hybrids that do
not turn blue readily regardless of cultural or production Figure 7. To ensure the highly desirable blue
practices, resulting in florets with blue-purple (blurple) sepals on H. macrophylla, water, substrate and
coloring. nutrients must be closely managed.

The aluminum in aluminum sulfate lowers the pH,

making the aluminum available for uptake by the plant.
Incorporation of aluminum sulfate at a rate of approx-
imately 12.5 lbs per cubic yard of substrate is likely
required as soilless substrates have little or no aluminum.
If the substrate pH >5.5 or aluminum was absent during
potting, topdress with a polymer-coated aluminum sulfate
Photo Credit Kim Williams at the labeled rate or drench a moist container at a rate
of approximately 1.5 fl. oz. (45 g) per gal. (10 lbs alumi-
Figure 6. Multitude of H. macrophylla colors num sulfate per 100 gal. of water) before the flower buds
(blue [left], “blurple” and multitude colors of pink form in order to increase blueness of the flower color.
[right]) as a result of pH and subsequent Ideally, aluminum should be available from potting to
aluminum availability. sale. Drenches should be repeated every 10 to 14 days and
should not coincide with fertigating with a complete fertil-
Container flower color management. Nursery izer containing phosphorus. Phosphorus can bind to alu-
growers report that they sell on average 10 blue hydrangeas minum, making it less available. Guides for greenhouse
for every pink one, so controlling the color is crucial. To production of florist hydrangea recommend fertigating
produce a blue-flowered bigleaf hydrangea in containers, with moderate nitrogen, no or low phosphorus, and high
the substrate, water and mineral nutrition of the crop must potassium; therefore, using an incomplete fertilizer with
be managed closely to ensure aluminum remains available a ratio of 6N: 1 P2O5: ≥6K2O is preferred when forcing
(Figure 7). Substrate pH should be maintained at 4.5 to hydrangeas and/or targeting blue flowers. Additionally, if
5.5; however, some growers will target a pH of 5.0 with acidifying irrigation water, use sulfuric acid or nitric acid
a resulting pH of 4.5 or greater and produce a successful instead of phosphoric acid to minimize the interaction of
crop. However, other mineral nutrient deficiencies (cal- phosphorus and aluminum to maximize aluminum avail-
cium, magnesium or aluminum) or metal toxicities can ability. Aluminum toxicity can damage or kill roots, stunt
occur because bigleaf hydrangea cultivars tolerate or prefer plants, and cause leaves to drop and the smaller flowers to
alkaline conditions, yet they are grown in acidic substrates; abort. Plant death can also occur; therefore, use of alumi-
therefore, incorporate ground or coarse dolomite as needed num sulfate must be done carefully and on a small scale
to amend the substrate at a rate to maintain desired pH until the grower becomes familiar with how the plants will
and ensure adequate amounts of calcium and magnesium respond in their individual production system. Not only
for plant uptake. Variables that affect aluminum availabil- can too much aluminum damage crops, but so can a pH
ity include substrate components, substrate amendments that is too low.
including lime and phosphorus, how long ago the plants
were potted, the quality of irrigation water, the amount Specific heated/fired clays or industrial mineral ag-
of rainfall and irrigation to which the plants have been gregates may also provide a mechanism for delivering
exposed, and the formulation, application method and rate aluminum to the crop with less risk of subjecting plants
of fertilizer. Testing the water supply is crucial to gain the to an extremely low pH or aluminum toxicity. Including
necessary information on water pH and alkalinity.

10 percent Kaolite (v/v), a calcined clay mineral, in the Photo Credit Jim Owen
potting substrate increased aluminum and sepal blueness.
Plants grown in 10-20 percent zeolite (mined from volcanic
rocks and ash layers reacted with alkaline groundwater)
precharged with aluminum produced blue sepals when it
was the only source of aluminum. However, growth was
reduced at 30-40 percent zeolite. Adding calcined clay and
aluminum sulfate supported blue sepals even at higher pH
values. Increasing levels of Pozzolan (thermally activated
kaolin-clays), and/or aluminum increased blue color and
consumer desirability ratings, both of which were best
when aluminum sulfate and Pozzolan were used in combi-
nation (Figure 8).

Photo Credit Jim Owen

Figure 9. Pink H. macrophylla require a sub-

strate pH closer to 6.0 and may be more prone
to iron deficiency than when grown to produce a
blue-flowered crop.

Field production flower color management. As

opposed to soilless substrates used in container pro-
duction, mineral soils normally have sufficient levels of
aluminum. Therefore, elemental sulfur rather than alu-
minum sulfate is recommended. The sulfur is necessary
to lower the pH to 4.5-5.5, so that the naturally occurring
aluminum is available to plants. Because aluminum can
become toxic at low pH, additional aluminum as would
be supplied by aluminum sulfate is not desirable. Before
planting any crop or adjusting pH, a soil test is necessary.
Field-grown bigleaf hydrangeas can be induced to bloom
blue by lowering the soil pH several months in advance of
bud set (six months if pH is high). However, lowering the
pH rapidly with a large amount of sulfur can cause the
soil pH to go below 4.0, which can damage or kill roots.

Pruning. Hydrangea macrophylla growth can be-

come rank and require multiple prunings per season.
It has been trained as a standard form (Figure 10).
Figure 8. H. macrophylla produced without This species generally flowers on old wood, so it should
(bottom) and with (top) a Pozzolan clay-amended not be pruned after bud set starting in late summer
Douglas-fir bark substrate with no additional alu- through bloom the following season or the buds will
minum added. be pruned away. If drastic pruning is needed, such as
to reduce size, do it right after flowering. Remontant
To produce pink hydrangeas, avoid supplying aluminum bloomers, those that bloom throughout the season on
to plants and maintain a substrate pH >6.0 by amending new growth, have more flexibility regarding pruning.
substrate with lime or dolomite (Figure 9). Use phosphoric In a study that examined pruning at 2 to 3 inches above
acid to adjust irrigation water pH as needed. Use a con- substrate level (rejuvenation pruning), pruning halfway
ventional controlled-release fertilizer or liquid feed with back (to the previous years’ growth), or no pruning, #3
a rotation of calcium nitrate and ammonium phosphate, bigleaf hydrangea had about 30 percent more blooms
normal phosphorus levels, and low to moderate levels of when pruned halfway back than when the plants weren’t
potassium. Overcome iron deficiency with iron sulfate or pruned. Bloom number for rejuvenation pruning was
chelate and ammonium nitrate fertilization. Iron deficiency not different from unpruned controls.
will be most prevalent when pH is > 6.4.

Figure 10. H. macrophylla can be produced as a Figure 11. Terminal softwood, semi-hardwood
standard form. (shown) and hardwood cuttings all root readily
when treated with a rooting hormone.

Production. Hydrangea paniculata is a vigorous species

H. paniculata — Hardy Hydrangea
even in container production. Medium labeled rates of
Hardy hydrangea is native to Japan and eastern and
fertilizer are sufficient. A 2 ¼-inch liner will finish a #3
southern China. It is cold hardy to USDA plant hardiness
container in four to five months. Minimal care is needed
zone 4, making it one of the most cold hardy hydrangea
while in production. Pruning twice a season and/or PGRs
species. Hardy hydrangea can grow to 10 to 20 feet in
are typically used in an effort to increase branch number,
height and spread and can be trained as a small tree.
flowers and plant density. In a nonscientific study, con-
Some selections have a very rigid habit with a coarse
sumers preferred more but smaller flowers when com-
texture. Hardy hydrangea is generally very easy to grow.
pared to plants with fewer but much larger inflorescences.
Most newer cultivars were developed to not grow as large
It can be produced in full sun, but partial shade is used
as the species and have a more refined texture. Begin-
further south.
ning with the introduction of the cultivar ‘Tardiva’ and
then ‘Limelight’ in 2002, hardy hydrangea’s popularity
Irrigation. Hydrangea paniculata is considered more
tolerant of dry conditions than H. macrophylla but is a
high water user and will take advantage of abundant wa-
Hardy hydrangea can grow under full sun to light shade,
ter, unlike H. quercifolia. Under 100 percent daily water
is pH adaptable, but requires good drainage. It can toler-
replacement regimes, H. paniculata ‘Limelight’ used more
ate urban environments and drier soil conditions (once
water than any other irrigation treatment species combi-
established) better than most other hydrangeas in the
nation, approximately 0.7 inch per #3 container per day,
trade but also can wilt during drought and high tempera-
which was twice as much as H. arborescens. Irrigation
tures. Hardy hydrangea generally flowers in midsummer,
regimes that supplied less than the daily water use led to
beginning in mid- to late June and lasting until October,
smaller plants for ‘Limelight,’ whereas other shrub species
depending on the cultivar and location. The inflorescenc-
in the study were not smaller. However, H. paniculata
es are large panicles, 6 to 18 inches long, that contain
‘Unique’ had higher water use efficiencies under irriga-
both fertile and sterile flowers. The flowers can cause the
tion regimes supplying partial daily water use and had
branches to bow over in a graceful arch when in contain-
no difference in growth compared to replacing 100 per-
er production. Flowers open white and often age to a pale
cent of water lost, suggesting irrigation volume could be
to medium pink. However, the change to pink is more
further reduced without a growth reduction. Additionally,
consistent in cooler climates, and cultivars that can age
‘Unique’ may be a viable selection where H. paniculata is
to pinkish purple colors may not do so in warmer areas.
desired but persistent water shortages exist. Researchers
at Michigan State University developed seasonal crop co-
Propagation. Terminal softwood cuttings of H. panic-
efficients for H. paniculata ‘Limelight’ (6.07 in 2009 and
ulata will root in a well-drained substrate, such as sand
5.46 in 2010).
and peat, in approximately four weeks with 1,000 ppm
IBA quick dip or talc. Untreated cuttings do not root
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ irrigated with water
in high percentages. This species can be rooted as late
containing 2.4 ppm free chlorine had no damage until
as September. Semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings
approximately day 60 of using this water source, when
also root. Hardwood cuttings require a rooting hormone
5 percent of flowers and matured leaves exhibited some
(Figure 11).

symptoms but were not rendered unmarketable. At approxi- H. quercifolia — Oakleaf Hydrangea
mately 75 days, new and more severe damage was present. Oakleaf hydrangea is native to the southeastern U.S. and is
hardy to USDA plant hardiness zone 5. Most cultivars reach
Pruning. Hydrangea paniculata flowers on new wood 6 to 8 feet in height. Plant spread is greater than height as
so it can be pruned in winter or early spring. Plants can be plants sucker from roots. Like most hydrangeas, oakleaf hy-
pruned immediately following blooming and may bloom drangea benefits from light shade in the landscape but will
again. For field production cut back to within 6 inches of tolerate full sun in the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions if
ground in February to March after the first growing season given ample moisture. They are subject to root rot if overir-
and after the second growing season if not sold. Pruning rigated or placed in poorly drained soil. Oakleaf hydrangea
plants in container production can lead to different flow- flowers in early to midsummer. Flowers are large, white to
ering results than for those planted in the field. Pruning cream-colored panicles and may turn pink to rose as they
can increase flower size in the field, although in replicated age, depending on the cultivar and location (Figure 13).
studies, hand pruned ‘Limelight’ and Little Lime in #3 Inflorescences are composed of a mixture of large, sterile
containers had fewer and smaller flowers than plants and small, fertile flowers.
treated with water or PGRs.

Training a standard. Hydrangea paniculata can also

be trained to a tree form and is the most common hy-
drangea in the trade to be trained as a standard (Figure
12). Typically, large cultivars are selected for standard
forms. This training should begin at an early age in the
nursery and will require a stake. To develop the tree
form, select and stake a single strong stem and remove
all other competing growth. Once the stem reaches the
desired height, cut it back using a heading back cut to
stimulate branching. Prune out the tips of new growth
repetitively to develop a dense, bushy canopy. This can
be done by cutting all top growth back to the same height
or pruning the topmost branches back to slightly differ-
ent heights, allowing the branches to emerge from a short
section of the trunk rather than one point. While more
time-consuming, a stronger standard can be produced by Figure 13. Many H. quercifolia flowers age to an
the latter technique. Allowing small branches to remain attractive rose color.
on the trunk temporarily will help develop caliper. Be
sure to remove temporary branches regularly, before they Propagation. Hydrangea quercifolia is the most diffi-
exceed pencil size diameter. To maintain the tree form, cult of these species to root. Terminal cuttings collected
remove branches that develop from the trunk several as green wood or firm wood treated with 4,000 ppm IBA
times throughout the year and cut the canopy back peri- quick dip or talc root well in five to six weeks (Figure 14).
odically to preserve the dense, rounded shape. Untreated cuttings do not root in high percentages. A
well-drained propagation substrate such as 100 percent

Figure 14. H. quercifolia cuttings treated with

Figure 12. H. paniculata is the hydrangea most 4,000 IBA root readily.
commonly trained as a standard.
perlite or 3 perlite : 1 peat and intermittent mist must be wet. In a study comparing daily water use with on-demand
used. Following rooting, take precautions not to overir- irrigation schedules, plants irrigated according to the on-de-
rigate. Rooted cuttings should not be disturbed in order mand schedule received 0.31 gallons and 0.12 gallons of wa-
to increase survival. Additionally, rooted liners must be ter on average per day for #3 and #1 containers, respectively.
overwintered in a cool environment, not a greenhouse, to Both the on-demand and daily water use irrigation schedules
increase the survival rate. Semi-hardwood cuttings should used less water than a 1-inch per day conventional irrigation
be treated with 2,500 ppm IBA. schedule. In #3 containers, water use was reduced by 63 and
56 percent for on-demand and daily water use, respectively,
Production. Oakleaf hydrangea is not as easy to grow and 57 and 36 percent for on-demand and daily water use,
in a container as the previously mentioned hydrangea respectively, in #1 containers.
species. The following production schedule has been used
successfully (adapted from Halcomb et al., 2013): Surface Pruning. Hydrangea quercifolia flowers on old wood,
sow seeds into trays in September-November. Transplant so prune after flowering, if necessary. Pruning in the late
seedlings into 36-inch cell flats when the seedlings devel- summer or fall through bloom time the following year will
op the second pair of true leaves. Keep seedlings on the remove potential buds. Hydrangea quercifolia can have
dry side. Transplant seedlings into jumbo 5 ¼-inch pots, a very undesirable, asymmetrical growth habit, with most
pinching to leave two nodes to force branching. Trans- branches lying over the side of the container, although
plant into #3 containers when the roots fill the 5-inch newer releases such as the USDA releases ‘Ruby Slippers’
containers. Prune any vigorous lateral branches that are and ‘Munchkin’ are much more compact and symmetri-
stimulated after the pinching. Plants partially fill a #3 cal in their growth habit (Figures 15a and b). The typical
container by mid- to late April but are not large enough to branch architecture is highly undesirable as it takes up
sell. If the seedlings go into #1 from the 36-cell pack and more space in production and transportation and doesn’t
they are grown with heat in a greenhouse all winter, #1 display well in garden centers. In a study comparing
containers can be ready to sell by late April. Transplant- tissue culture and cutting propagation, ‘Alice’ oakleaf
ing the seedling straight into a #1 container or the 36-cell hydrangea plants propagated by tissue culture had greater
pack straight to a #3 can lead to the small plants staying quality rating and, depending on year, more branches.
too wet and developing root rot. Cutting-propagated plants needed to be pruned to achieve
the same quality. As with all hydrangeas, keep plants
In studies at the UT Institute of Agriculture in Knox- well-spaced.
ville, individual 4-inch ‘Alice’ liners transplanted into
#3 containers were ready for retail sales in four months.
Plants tolerate full sun in production if given adequate
irrigation. Dieback has been reported after shearing in
the Midwest and Southeast. It was not clear if dieback
occurred because the plants were using much less water
than other plants in the irrigation zone and were, thus,
overwatered or some other cause. Oakleaf hydrangea
appears to be the least “water loving” hydrangea species.
Air pruning containers, containers with openings in the
sidewalls, have been employed successfully in nurseries
to reduce the chance that plants are too wet. This can be
an especially helpful technique when oakleaf hydrangea
must be grouped in an irrigation zone with other plants
that require more water. To conserve water, place plants
in either their own zone or the same irrigation zone as
plants with similar water needs.
Figures 15a and b.
Nutrient management. There is little research on (a) New releases
nutrient response of H. quercifolia. Oakleaf hydrangea like ‘Ruby Slip-
‘Alice’ plants mentioned in the Irrigation section were pers’ are much
fertilized with a controlled release fertilizer at the medi- more compact
um rate (10 grams actual nitrogen). Therefore, fertilize and lend them-
H. quercifolia with a controlled release fertilizer at the selves to rack
medium rate with fertilizer longevity matched with crop shipping; (b) H.
production cycle and assess quality and growth. quercifolia can be
lanky and asym-
Irrigation. When in the same irrigation zone as more metrical in a con-
water-loving plants, H. quercifolia can be potted in con- tainer and require
tainers with porous sidewalls or a coarser substrate with repeated pruning
greater porosity to help prevent the roots from staying too to make a densely
branched plant.
Photo Credit Amy Fulcher
In summary, hydrangea are a significant nursery crop to almost any landscape setting and among the popular
and can be grown profitably in the southern and mid- species, flower from spring through fall in a range of
Atlantic states. With relatively few inputs and moderate colors. Whether it’s a native oakleaf or Asian bigleaf hy-
irrigation management, hydrangeas are ready for sale drangea, hydrangeas hold an irreplaceable and growing
within a year from propagation. Hydrangea species have part of our culture and landscape.
tremendous marketing potential since they are adaptable

References and Additional Resources

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Photo credits: Amy Fulcher, unless otherwise noted.

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