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OGL 360 Final Portfolio

OGL 360 - Fall B 2020

Arizona State University

Karlie VanKruiningen
Part I: Where You Want to Be
I.1 What Leadership Means to You
Over the last 7 weeks, I feel that I have definitely developed my leadership
skills in new and innovative ways but when looking back on my still life photo,
I feel that these objects still represent the same things as they did then to
today. First a foremost, I chose to include a photo of my dog to represent
loyalty. I feel that loyalty is an aspect of leadership that is so incredibly
important not only to the leader but to the members of the team as well. It
allows a strong level of respect to be built between the two. The yoga mat
still represents a consistent level of focus that a leader needs to have in order
to effectively lead the team especially when completing a task or to reach an
end goal. The third object, my eye glasses, represents a visionary leader
which is consistent with a leader having a clear idea of how the future is going
to look for themselves and their team and the steps they are going to take to
get there. Lastly, the laptop, which represents communication skills which is a
necessity to a leader in any leadership role in order for them to develop a
strong team and remain focused on obtaining their goal.
I.2 Core Values
1. Communication- I find communication to be key in all aspects of life but especially important for a leader. You need to be able to
communicate with others on your team and especially with other leaders that you are working with. This will also build levels of trust and
respect amongst everyone. This is a value that I depicted in my still life through the image of the laptop.

2. Loyalty - Loyalty is a value of leadership that is well recognized and appreciated amongst any organization. This is a value I will always
keep with me through my leadership career. This is another value that I depicted in my still life through the image of my dog.

3. Organization - Organization is a leadership value that is very important. A leader must always be organized in order for all tasks and
assignments to be completed accurately and in a timely manner. This not only effects the success of the team but also plays a role in the
success of the organization. I did not personally depict this value in my still life but it is something that I am always mindful of.

4. Visionary - A visionary leader always proves to be an effective leader. Holding this value true as a leader will prove that the leader is
always prepared for what is to come next and what steps need to be taken in order for the team to be successful. I did depict this value in
my still life through the image of my glasses.

5. Dedication - Dedication is a value of leadership that plays a very positive effect on any organization and the teams within that
organization. Dedication will push the leader to take any and every step to be successful therefore not letting any assignments or tasks go
without being accurately completed. This is not a value that I depicted in my still life but a value that I wish I did choose to portray.
I.3 Future Vision

I currently work in Human Resources at Mayo

Clinic in Phoenix but a professional and
personal goal of mine in 5-10 years is to hold a
leadership role within HR at Mayo. This
would be a personal goal of mine because I
would be at a place in my education where I
would be able to qualify for a position like
this. After my bachelor’s degree my goal is to
obtain my Master’s Degree in Human
Resources Development. This would also be
a professional goal of mine because it would
be the next stepping stone for me to qualify
for a HR Chair role within Mayo.

To lead in an innovative, team based, value driven organization.

Part II: Where You Are
II.1 Sociogram
My current network shown in my sociogram is compiled
of people in my professional, social and family life. The
strengths of my relationships with the people in my
social and family life has increased, these are the people
that provide support to me whenever I need it especially
during uncertain times that everyone is currently facing.
The two people in my professional network have
provided excellent support for me over the years I have
worked in Human Resources. They have taught me
everything that I know professionally and have shown
me how strong leadership positively influences a team.
The weaknesses lie within my professional relationships
because we are now unable to interact with each other
face to face due to full time telework. I feel that this can
have an impact on the relationship that I have with
these people and will also effect the skills and
knowledge that I can further develop from them.
II.2 LPI Assessment

Strengths: Chances to take risks at

certain tasks even though there is a
possibility of failure

Weaknesses: Interactions with others

when asking for feedback on how my
own actions affect their performance
II.3 Learning Style Inventory Assessment

My learning style is Initiating. This learning style definitely reflects me personally

because I tend to be a very hands on learner. I learn a lot better when I am taking
information from someone and actually applying them to tasks that I do on a day to
day basis. I feel that this is a strength of mine because not only does it allow me to
learn new things but it allows me to take those things and put them into perspective
when it comes to my daily tasks. A weakness that goes along with this learning style is
the fact that I struggle when being taught in a traditional way. In most professional
development seminars that I have attended, they have been taught in a way where
someone relays information to the group and that is the end of the seminar. I have a
hard time learning and developing from information in this traditional standard
therefore I need to immediately use that information in an interactive manner.
II.4 Limiting Assumption

My Limiting Assumption would be

Doubt. More times than not, I find
myself completing a task and
doubting what I have done. This
usually causes me to fall behind or
reach a standstill in my success.
II.5 What Matters Most to You

1. Committing time to keeping myself healthy

- taking time to exercise and eat a healthy well
balanced diet not only keeps me physically on track
but mentally on track.

2. Maintaining Personal Relationships (Family

& Friends) - taking time to spend quality time with
family and friends and ensuring that they are taken
care of allows me to take my mind off stressors in life
and enjoy the people around me.

3. Increasing success and knowledge in my

professional life - allowing myself to continuously
develop and increase my knowledge in my professional
life will help me focus on reaching my career goals
Part III: Getting From Where
You are to Where You Want to
III.1 Competency Development Strategy
The 3 things that I will focus on to achieve my goals…

1. Be more open to giving and receiving feedback

2. Stop questioning my decisions and start going with what I
feel is right
3. Control my stress (professionally & personally)
III.2 Coaching Relationships

• What have you found helpful about your coaching relationships in this class?
I personally really enjoyed the coaching sessions I had with my peers. I found it very helpful
to be able to look at my ideas through someone else’s eyes. My peers offered great insight
onto my ideas and allowed me to further develop my personal knowledge.

• What are some ways you can continue to use coaching to grow professionally?
I think coaching is a great tool to use to develop and grow professionally. I will continue to
use coaching in order to allow myself to give and receive feedback. This will also help me
develop one of my current weaknesses that I see in myself which will allow me to be a better
III.3 Learning Style and Flexibility

How will your learning style and flexibility help you develop competencies and build

My learning style and flexibility will help me take better control of my continued
professional development skills and put those towards my role as a future leader. I
will also be able to start understanding and overcoming my weaknesses and further
using new skills to turn those weaknesses into strengths.
III.4 Action Plan

Speaking up more during conversations to give feedback

Asking colleagues/peers for feedback at least 1x per day
Stop and think about the steps I am taking when completing a
Take breaks from work when needed
Stick to exercise routine
III.5 Timeline

Get accepted into 8/2021
Grad School at
Begin Grad School
Grand Canyon

5/2021 1/2022
Graduate from ASU Promote into a
with Undergraduate higher level
Degree position at Mayo
Part IV: Overall Conclusion
IV: Conclusion

While working on this final portfolio, I found it to be very helpful and definitely eye
opening. Putting all of this information into one space and reviewing it as a whole
really has me motivated to become a successful leader. It forced me to identify
strengths and weaknesses which is always extremely effective for anyone, especially
with a focus in leadership. I really learned a lot about myself and with that I plan to
keep this information in the back of my mind to really allow myself to focus and
develop on these ideas. This course overall has taught me a lot, it has taught me what
I can improve on, where I excel and how I can effectively work with others in order to
be successful.

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