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OGL 360 Final Portfolio

Sarah Reinhardt
Part I: Where You Want to
Always Growing and Learning
I.1. What Leadership
Means to You
Revisiting your still life, did anything change over the last 7 weeks?

The last seven weeks have resulted in a change in perception of myself and my focus.
The images I selected for my still life seem somehow childish and immaterial. I’ve
spent the last seven weeks of my life in my home, living, working, doing schoolwork,
and feeling both isolated, safe, and grateful, simultaneously.

I believe I am less inwardly focused and more focused on those around me. I am still
aware of myself and my goals, but I have focused on thinking less about myself and
more about those around me.

My understanding of my own values and why I selected those values has become more
apparent to me. Spending time with my peer coaches has helped me see value in
places I may have missed previously. I see value in their values in a way that I would
have missed several weeks ago.

I’m leaving my original still life here as a reminder, eventually I will produce something
that is a better illustration.
I.2. Core Values
• Top Five Core Values:
• Consistency, Dependability, Transparency – These values are important to me and I feel that they go together. They
are all traits that I look for in my own leaders
• Integrity – Important in everything I do; treating others as I would want to be treated
• Balance – Having balance in work and life; having a balanced personality
• *My peer coaches referenced multiple times humility or being humble, and that this value was apparent in my writing
and discussions with them. Adding it here because it is now always in the back of my mind. It may be a good
touchstone for me!
• Link between your core values and objects in your still life:
• All the objects are tied to growth and development:
• The coffee mug, pen, and notebook represent tools I use on my leadership journey as I learn more about myself,
my goals, and my values as a woman and a leader.
• The cactus and poinsettia are both representations of my personality that are reflected in my leadership values,
representing change and aspects of my personality that need to be softened over time for me to be a good leader.
I.3. Future Vision
Professional and
• The next five to ten years…
To continue my journey by • Increase my professional network and establish deeper bonds.
exploring the world around me, • Take better care of myself and realize that not everything has to be perfect.
• Continue evaluating my career and determine where I want to be in the next 5, 10 years,
focusing on learning and and beyond.
expanding my capacity to learn. • Determine next steps for my education: pursue my masters or evaluate Agile
certifications such as Certified Agile Coach, SAFe certification.
• Stretch my learning style
• Consider if my path includes obtaining a titled leadership position or remaining as
individual contributor.
• Move back to a role at a startup.
• Continuing learning and growing.
Part II: Where You Are
II.1. Sociogram
• My network is:
• underdeveloped and needs some
attention to grow and flourish.
• not very diverse as most of the friends
are also co-workers and my current co-
workers are the closest friends I have
• My family bonds are a work in progress but
getting stronger!
• As a working adult with no children and few
community ties, I need to be creative to
establish additional bonds:
• Volunteering
• Condo building committee
• Book club
• Friends of friends
Sar ah R einhar dt LPI
II.2. Leadership Model the Way Shared Vision Challenge the Process

Practices Inventory Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart

39.5 39
• My strengths are Encouraging the
Heart and Modeling the Way.
• My biggest weakness is Inspiring
a Shared Vision




Averages from raters of LPI this semester, does not

include my own personal ranking.
II.3. Learning Style
Inventory Assessment
• My learning style is Analyzer and my flexibility score
is between .6 and .7
• My learning style means I don’t like to take risks,
socialize with others, or dealing with lack of
structure. I consider all of these to be weaknesses.
My strengths are generally planning, the
organization of information, and not letting emotion
get in the way of decisions.
• I need to expand my ability to be flexible, work off
plan, and find ways to overcome desires to work
alone. I need to interface with people more to build
my network and establish myself as a leader.
Assuming responsibility
for everything that goes
wrong and taking
personal ownership of it

This image reflects the

growth that is possible if
I can step away from my
limiting behaviors
II.4. Limiting Assumptions
Education and Learning
My Partner and Pet

III.5. What
Matters Most
to You

This image of our pet, Buddy, illustrates my connection with

learning. Yes, that is our Leadership Challenge book he is
laying on. The image of my partner and I, heading out for an
afternoon in mid-September 2019 for a meal and drinks.
Part III: Getting from Where
You Are to Where You Want
to Be
Long Road Ahead
III.1. Competency Development Strategy
• I need to begin by providing myself the opportunity to relax, exercise, sleep well,
and eat better.
• Document and manage how my time is spent.
• Develop a daily and weekly plan to focus on the goals that I have documented
and next steps to reach them. Be cognizant of documenting improvements,
changes, or areas of re-focus.
• What have you found helpful about your coaching
III.2. Coaching relationships in this class?
• Open conversations about leadership spark growth
Relationship(s) • Coaches can be individuals with less work experience
• It’s alright to be honest about being unsure of where you are
going, even when speaking with people that have a concrete plan
• Coaches can have very different perspectives on the same topic
• Vulnerability is not a bad thing
• What are some ways you can continue to use coaching to
grow professionally?
• Revisiting the things we discussed to keep them fresh in my
• Focusing on the areas of growth and the areas that I am doing
well to keep them top of mind daily
• Allowing myself to be more vocal about what I need and how
things are impacting me
III.3. Learning Style and Flexibility
• My Analyzer learning style will help me to create a concrete and well
documented plan that I can put in place for competency development
• My Analyzer learning style will also inhibit relationship building without active
monitoring and efforts to extend myself
• I will need to actively look for ways to learn from and with others and approach methods that
are outside my Analyzer style for the most success
• My Learning Flexibility score indicates that I have the capacity to leverage
multiple learning styles to best achieve my goals. I think with some active
attention on this flexibility, I can find ways to increase the learning methods I
gravitate toward
III.4. Action Plan
• Specific things I can start today:
• Create appointments with myself to focus on exercise, eating right, and making sure that I get
enough sleep
• Document my goals in a planner

• How will you monitor your progress?

• I purchased a Passion Planner after my peer coach made the recommendation
• I plan to spend time on Sunday reviewing the upcoming week and to spend time each day
focusing on planning and progress monitoring
Start 01/03/2021
Exercising, Make
Eating Decision on
Better, and 12/25/2020 Next Steps

III.5. Daily
Finish OGL

Timeline 05/15/2020
Start Using
Passion Progress Progress
Planner Towards Towards
Goals Goals
Part IV: Overall Conclusion
Growth In All Things
• This was a great review of all the components of the class.
• Pulling everything together in one place makes it more consumable for the future
and for delivering on the action plan.
• This has been one of the more challenging courses of my Organizational
Leadership program so far, and one of the most enjoyable.
• It’s become apparent that one of the biggest roadblocks to my success is keeping
myself on track and focused on what I want to achieve.
• I envision using The Leadership Challenge book, along with the LPI assessment on
a weekly basis as a reminder and tools to refocus.

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