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The tradeoff between user experience and delivery time is


User Experience (UX) is not just what it looks like and feels like. UX is how it

If user experience of a product is poor, _____________. Select the options that

correlate with the given statement.
User will go

User Experience is an important consideration for any product because


Aesthetics is optional in usability.


A form having many fields must be broken down into smaller chunks based on the
similarity of the information captured using these fields.

An error message should include the cause of the error and possible solution to get
rid of the error.

While designing a page layout, alignment must be done considering the which of the
following factors.
Alignment rules -- Correct

Consistency is used to

Affordance refers to
how people -- Correct

Choose the correct option for the given statement. When processing time is more
than 10 seconds, it is recommended that
progress bar -- Correct

The usability of a mobile application was evaluated through series of user tests.
One of the observations during the test was - Users were not able to find out that
they had to perform a swipe gesture on the screen to open the filter panel.
According to you, which of the following heuristic must be improvised to overcome
this problem?

Affordance -- Correct

Alignment in a text-heavy page is important because

It makes the text easier -- Correct

Where is affordance useful?

For designing icons -- Correct
Grouping is useful because
It helps to easily -- Correct

Findability allows


How simply something can be used without any help, refers to

Ease of use

Users without specialized knowledge are able to use the product easily. This
implies that the product can be considered under'
Ease of use

‘Recovery from errors’ helps users to

Recover from

State if the statement is true or false. “All system feedbacks need to have a
visual element to it”.

Recovery from error is important for


Which of the following would you consider to improve the aesthetic of a software

Ease of use is critical in scenarios where


Allow quick

When is it recommended to use 'System Feedback'?

To indicate error

Which of the following can be termed as examples of System Feedback?

A Ping

Allow quick


How ‘Help’ is treated for a good usability?

All are

Minimalist design means

Using minimum text

Minimizing user’s memory loads is related to

Usability is an important goal and a subset in an overall UX design.

If a user is able to retrieve a mail mistakenly sent in trash back to inbox, it is

Error Recovery

‘Save’ button has ‘Green’ color on a page and ‘Red’ on another page, select the
appropriate comments based on the given statement.

The download icon looks like a print icon. Which Usability heuristic is affected

How to deliver a better product in terms of Usability and User Experience?


Which of the following should be implemented in a good UX design?


Why to think about Usability and User Experience?

To increase

While pressing on ‘Logout’ button, pop-up of ’Do you really want to logout?’ shows
Error Prev

Creating accessible product is an ‘extra’ thing in product design.


Usability principles should be practiced

From the

‘Your system will restart automatically after installation’ is an example o

System feedback

User is not able to view action button. How this issue can be qualified?
It is a critical

User interface design is about


Select a correct sequence for the mentioned tasks.


Choose the correct options about Usability and User Experience,


If a user is able to perform a specific task, it is definitely a good UX.


Error messages should be represented in technical jargon indicating underlying
technical problem to the user.

For driving, if a road is usability, the surrounding scenery, lights, trees and
traffic signals can be said contributors to User Experience.
User Experience is an enhanced Visual Design of the product.

The spelling mistakes in content affect which of the usability heuristics


A beautiful visual design can compensate flaws in usability.


Google shows appropriate search keyword options upon entering wrong spellings in a
Google Search bar. This can be considered as an example of

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