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Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 – 8:30 a.m.

Virtual via Zoom
1. Call to order, Deborah Boyer

2. Introductions

3. Approval of the minutes of the October 7, 2020 meeting Action Item

4. Financial report – Tori Decker Action Item

a. Approval of 2021 Proposed Annual Budget by Category to be Submitted with the Annual
Report and Budget to the City Action Item
b. Approval of preliminary 2021 operating budget Action Item

5. Board elections
c. Review of open seats and nominees
d. Approval of currently seated property owner nominees Action Item
e. Approval of new property owner nominees Action Item
f. Approval of business tenant and community at large nominees
Action Item
g. Approval of nominations solicited from the floor Action Item

6. Nominations of officers for the coming year

a. President Action Item
b. Vice President Action Item
c. Secretary Action Item
d. Treasurer Action Item

7. Public comments and announcements

8. Clean and Safe Updates

Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act) requires that a brief description of each item to be transacted or discussed be posted at least 72 hours prio r to a regular meeting. The
Corporation posts agendas with the City at 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, #101. Action may not be taken on items not posted on the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available
from the Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association at 388 19th Street, Oakland, CA 94612. Meeting facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you require special
assistance to participate in the meeting, notify our office at 510 238-1122 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting


388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612

DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530
[email protected]
[email protected]
9. Marketing and Branding Updates

10. Other

11. Next meeting date:

12. Adjournment

Adjournment into Executive Session

All staff and public attendees are required to leave the meeting at this time.
All decisions will be a part of public record according to Government Code 54950 (The Brown Act)

13. Discussion of additional personnel compensation Action Item

Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association - Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 8:30 A.M.
Virtual via Zoom

Present: Deborah Boyer, Ruth Simon, Kim Bardakian, Sara de la Riva, Nicole Price, Yvette McCoy,
Ke Norman, Don Rogers, Jamie Choy, Grant Rockwell, Terry Wood, Ramsey Wright

Absent: Chris Kwei, Elisse Douglass, Dan Pitcock

Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Tori Decker, Tamiko Garner

General Counsel: Daniel Schacht


Discussions held and decisions made by the Board of Directors

Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 8:32a.m.
Public comment and On October 20, 2020 the Oakland Chamber is
announcements hosting a meeting to discuss the City of Oakland’s
Encampment Management Policy. Staff will
forward the invite so that those who are interested
can participate.
Approval of the minutes of the The minutes of the August 5, 2020 Joint Board Deborah Boyer moved,
August 5, 2020 meeting Meeting were presented for review. and Terry Wood
seconded the motion to
approve the minutes of
the August 5, 2020
meeting as presented.
The motion was
approved unanimously.
Don Rogers abstained.
Financial Report: Operations The financial report was presented to the board for Ke Norman moved and
Director review. Deborah Boyer seconded
the motion to approve
LMUDA cash available: $1,281,151.87 LMUDA financial report.
Assessment collection exceeded budget by The motion was
$24,918.72. approved unanimously.

Total Marketing and Branding expenses:

Favorable TV in overall category – strategic

388 19th Street  Oakland, California 94612

Phone 510.452.4529  Fax 510.452.4530  [email protected] 
projects, such as AMP Oakland, pending
implementation. Series may not occur due to
COVID-19 regulations.

Total ORG expenses: $180,578.89

Favorable TV in overall category – due to projected
end of year bonus included in staffing line items.

Total Clean & Safe expenses: $574,475.42

Favorable TV in overall category – due to projected
end of year bonus included in staffing line items.

Total Expenses: $787,736.32

Cash remaining: $493,415.55
Non-Assessment Funds: $30,542.32

Approval of the recommendation The recommendation from the Joint ORG Deborah Boyer moved
by Joint ORG Committee to not Committee is to not pursue an assessment increase and Kim Bardakian
include a request for an FY21-22 for FY21-22. seconded the motion to
assessment increase in the approve the
Annual Report to the City recommendation by Joint
ORG Committee to not
include a request for a
FY21-22 assessment
increase in the Annual
Report to the City. The
motion was approved
COVID-19 Operations Update Clean and Safe
a. Clean and Safe - The ambassador team is Meeting
b. Marketing and business contracted hours and adhering to COVID-19
support safety guidelines. The 2021 contract with
c. City and other BBB will include a policy with regards to
organizational staff deployment when air quality is
partnerships/ compromised.
collaborations - Daniel Schact is reviewing an amendment
to the BBB contract to provide for
ambassador housing through a partnership
with the Berkeley YMCA.
Marketing and business support
- Flex Streets: permits were secured by the
districts to establish road closure in 3
locations; Uptown, Downtown, Old
Oakland. Participating businesses have
indicated that this initiative has been
successful thus far and has kept them from
closing permanently. Staff will be collecting

data to determine the success of the
project over its six-month run.
- Keep Oakland Alive program – 5% charge to
merchant order and product at doorstop in
2 days. Low impact for merchants as they
don’t need online presence.
City and other organizational
- Oakland Cocktail Week collaboration
allowed us to resume or AMP Oakland
programming via livestreamed events.
- Shoppable Moments collaboration with
Square and Town Experience – windows
will provide information on how to shop
virtually with the first installation at 1300
Other Tupac Museum slated for May 2021 with a
Memorial Day opening and a six-month run.
Estimated draw of 300,000.

Poncho, the owner of The Hatch, a bar on 15th

Street, was featured on the New York Times The
Daily podcast, in a compelling episode that
provided insight from a bar owner in downtown
Oakland during this pandemic.

Mural project funded by Kaiser Permanent with

Sorrell Tsui of ABG is moving forward. The mural,
to be located at 20th and Broadway, should be
installed by the end of October.

A beautiful mural by Armenian artist, Yervand

Hovakimian, has been installed on the façade of the
Kapor building.
Next Meeting Date Annual Elections Meeting December 2, 2020
Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 am.

Minutes taken by: Tamiko Garner, Administrative & Marketing Coordinator

Lake Merritt Uptown District Association
YTD Cash Summary - November 2020

Perm/Temp Variance Comments

Cash Available YTD Actual YTD Budget YTD Variance (For variance amounts of 10% and $10K)
Assessment Income $1,580,399.72 $1,555,481.00 $24,918.72 Favorable PV - August disbursement, received in
September, was greater than expected as 2020 budget
was built on an assumed 97% assessment collection. Will
carry forward into 2021 as additional Reserve.
Less Reserve $38,887.00 $38,887.00 $0.00 Reserve reflects 3% of budgeted income.

Total Cash Available $1,541,512.72 $1,516,594.00 $24,918.72 See comment above

Marketing and Branding $80,420.53 $130,350.01 $49,929.48 Favorable TV, likely to be a PV at year's-end - strategic
projects, such as AMP Oakland, will not be fully
implemented as a result of the pandemic.
Administrative (ORG) $283,496.80 $323,910.58 $40,413.78 Favorable TV, likely to be a PV at year's-end - includes
percentage of projected end of year bonus in monthly
allocation for Staff Personnel as well as Annual Event
allocation that will go unspent.
Clean and Safe $874,548.74 $937,176.17 $62,627.43 Favorable TV, likely to be a PV at year's-end - includes
percentage of projected end of year bonus in monthly
allocation for Program Director and Program Coordinator
Total Expenses $1,238,466.07 $1,391,436.76 $152,970.69 See comments above and expense detail attached.

Cash Remaining $303,046.65 $125,157.24 $177,889.41

Total Available Non-Assessment Funds as of 9/30/2020 $21,220.17

* PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
* TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
10:27 AM Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association
Cash Basis November 2020 Expenses

LMUDA YTD Variance Report - November, 2020

* PV = Permanent Variance for the year.
* TV = Temporary Variance due to timing.
Curr. Actual Curr.Bud. Curr. Var. % Var. Permanent Variance Comments Temporary Variance Comments
Operating Expenses Variance - 10% and $10,000 - Summary Line Items
Marketing and Economic
Marketing and Branding
Marketing & Communications 12,702.67 36,666.67 23,964.00 35% Favorable TV, and likely to be a PV at year's-end, as a result of strategic
projects such as small business mixers and social media campaigns not
Digital Media Coordinator 36,128.40 37,766.67 1,638.27 96% happening in 2020 due to COVID-19.
Public Space Programming 31,589.46 55,916.67 24,327.21 56% Favorable TV, and likely to be a PV at year's-end, as a result of strategic
projects such as AMP Oakland and other public space activation not
happening in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Total Marketing and Branding 80,420.53 130,350.01 49,929.48 38% Favorable TV in overall category - please see notes above.
Administrative Expenses
Accounting Expenses 3,450.00 3,500.00 50.00 99%
Computer Service & Support 367.30 1,375.00 1,007.70 27%
Consulting & Legal Expenses 0.00 916.67 916.67 0%
Fees & Permits 2,058.90 1,833.33 -225.57 112%
Directors & Officers 600.00 600.00 0.00 100%
General Liability 4,958.00 5,107.00 149.00 97%

Misc. 3,230.78 2,750.00 -480.78 117%

Rent 59,951.39 64,166.67 4,215.28 93%

Office Furniture & Equipment 1,626.05 5,041.67 3,415.62 32%

Postage, Shipping & Delivery 101.65 320.83 219.18 32%
Printing & Copying 301.16 2,750.00 2,448.84 11%
Supplies 1,518.47 2,750.00 1,231.53 55%
Telephone & Telecommunications 2,662.85 2,750.00 87.15 97%
Annual Stakeholder Event 0.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 100% Favorable PV - event not taking place in 2020 due to COVID-19.
Staff Personnel 200,920.41 217,216.08 16,295.67 92% Favorable TV - due to a percentage of projected end of year bonus included in
monthly allocation for Staff Personnel.
Staff and Board Development 1,749.84 7,333.33 5,583.49 24%
Total Marketing and 363,917.33 453,260.59 89,343.26 20% Favorable TV in overall category - see notes above.
Administrative Expenses
Clean and Safe Enhancements

Clean and Safe 739,124.11 793,356.67 54,232.56 93% Favorable TV - due to contracted housr not being met consistenly throughout
the year as a result of service disruption caused by COVID-19.

Misc. 3,304.48 2,826.08 -478.40 117%

Program Director 29,223.23 30,060.25 837.02 97%
Program Coordinator 49,631.01 55,195.25 5,564.24 90%
PROW Maintenance 53,265.91 55,737.92 2,472.01 96%
Total Clean and Safe 874,548.74 937,176.17 62,627.43 7%
TOTAL EXPENSE 1,238,466.07 1,390,436.76 151,970.69 11%
2021 LMUDA Proposed Annual Budget
By Category

2021 Proposed
Less: General Annual Budget
Benefit (Assesment % of
Budget Category CBD Budget Allowance Total) Total Notes

Marketing and Economic Enhancements $464,555.00 $0.00 $464,555.00 28.4%

Clean and Safe Enhancements $1,089,416.00 $37,040.00 $1,052,376.00 66.6%
Reserve $81,789.00 $0.00 $81,789.00 5.0% Doubles
over 2020
TOTAL $1,635,760.00 $37,040.00 $1,598,720.00 100.0% Assumes

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Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Board of Directors

Person Elected Property Representing Committee Term Expiring

1. Deborah Boyer Swig Co./Kaiser Center ORG 2 years – 2021

President Officer term – 2020
2. Kim Bardakian Kapor Center for Social M & B, ORG 2 years – 2020
Impact Officer term – 2020
Vice President
3. Ruth Simon Resident/Broadway Grand ORG 2 years – 2021
Treasurer Officer term – 2020
4. Jamie Choy Signature Development C&S 2 years – 2020
Group Officer term – 2020
5. Don Rogers CIM Group C & S, ORG 2 years – 2020

6. Terry Wood Kaiser Foundation - 2 years - 2021

Health Plan
7. Yvette McCoy BART - 2 years - 2020

8. Dan Pitcock RECO/2406 Webster Street C&S 2 years - 2020

9. Ke Norman Nailphoria Day Spa M&B 1 year - 2020

Business Tenant
10. Ramsey Wright Colliers International M&B 1 year -2020
Community at Large
11. Elisse Douglass Signature Development - 2 years - 2021

12. Chris Kwei 2424 Webster Street - 2 years - 2021

14. Sara de la Riva Rubicon Point Partners 2 years - 2021

15. Nicole Price Starwood Capital Group 2 years - 2021

16. Grant Rockwell Kaiser Foundation 2 years - 2021

Health Plan

Proposed 2021 Meeting Schedule

Month Meeting Date and time

January ORG Committee Wednesday, January 6 - 9:00 a.m.
Joint Board Wednesday, January 20 - 8:30 a.m.

February Clean & Safe Wednesday, February 10 - 12:00 p.m.

Marketing & Branding Thursday, February 18 - 11:00 a.m.

March DOA Board Wednesday, March 3 - 11:00 a.m.

LMUDA Board Wednesday, March 3 - 8:30 a.m.

April Clean & Safe Wednesday, April 21 - 12:00 p.m.

May DOA Board Wednesday, May 5 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, May 5 - 8:30 a.m.
Marketing & Branding Thursday, May 20- 11:00 a.m.
June Clean & Safe Wednesday, June 16 - 12:00 p.m.

July No meetings
August DOA Board Wednesday, August 4 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, August 4 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, August 12 - 12:00 p. m.
Marketing & Branding Thursday, August 19 - 11:00 a.m.
September No meetings
October DOA Board Wednesday, October 6 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Wednesday, October 6 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, October 20 - 12:00 p.m.

November Marketing & Branding Wednesday, November 18 - 12:00 p.m.

December DOA Board Wednesday, December 1 - 11:00 a.m.
LMUDA Board Thursday, December 1 - 8:30 a.m.
Clean & Safe Wednesday, December 15 - 12:00 p.m.


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