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American Feng Shui Institute


AS211 – Zi Wei Dou Shu 3, Intermediate Class

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-i
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© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-iii
AS211 – Zi Wei Dou Shu 3, Intermediate Class
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Zi Wei Dou Shu Intermediate Class .........................................................1

A Series of Stars Placed by the Hour of Birth..........................................................................4

Huo Xing and Ling Xing ............................................................................................................... 5

Interpretation of Stars 15 through 22 .......................................................................................... 7

A Series of Stars Placed by the Month of Birth .......................................................................9

A Series of Four Stars .................................................................................................................. 11

Interpretation of Star 23 through 35.......................................................................................... 14

A Series of Stars Placed by the Year Stem ..............................................................................16

Interpretation of Stars 36-44....................................................................................................... 18

The Four Transforming Stars.................................................................................................20

Interpreting the Four Transforming Stars ................................................................................ 22
45 Hua Lu Combinations...................................................................................................................... 22
46 Hua Quan Combinations.................................................................................................................. 24
47 Hua Ke Combinations...................................................................................................................... 25
48 Hua Ji Combinations........................................................................................................................ 26
Test 1..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Test 1 Answers ...................................................................................................................................... 32

A Series of Stars Placed by the Year Branch..........................................................................36

Interpretation of Stars 49 through 62 ........................................................................................ 38

Three Additional Stars ............................................................................................................41

Interpretation of Stars 63 through 65 ........................................................................................ 46

Yang or Yin, Male or Female..................................................................................................47

Stars that Follow 36 Lu Cun...................................................................................................49

The Five-Element Long Life Spirits.......................................................................................50

Interpreting the Stars That Follow Lu Cun .............................................................................. 53

Interpreting the Five-Element Long Life Spirits ...................................................................... 55

Ming Ruler and Shen Ruler ...................................................................................................57

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-iv
Interpretation of the Ming Ruler and the Shen Ruler.............................................................. 59

How to Read a Lifetime Chart................................................................................................60

The Weight of Stars ..................................................................................................................... 61

Discussing the Reading with Clients .......................................................................................... 62

Case Study ...............................................................................................................................63

Final Exam............................................................................................................................................ 67
Final Exam Answers ............................................................................................................................. 68

Index of the 89 Permanent Stars ............................................................................................70

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-v
Introduction to the Zi Wei Dou Shu
Intermediate Class
Welcome to the Zi Wei Dou Shu Intermediate Class! We will now add 75 more stars to
the lifetime chart. Some of these are quite minor, but others rival the power of the Fourteen
Major Stars. With so many stars, it may seem that reading a chart is quite complex. A palace
can end up with ten or more stars in it. Interpretation will become easier with experience. We
will give some introductory remarks on reading the lifetime chart here, and revisit the issue at
the end of this class.
This Intermediate Class only looks at the natal or lifetime chart. Therefore interpretation
at this layer only describes the personality of the subject and the people in his life, and overall
trends and tendencies. To predict the outcome of a specific situation, we need to factor in
time. How to do this is taught in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class.
There are a couple of images that may help you in interpretation. Think of each palace as
a pot of soup. The different stars are the ingredients that are added to make the soup. The
flavors blend together and cannot be tasted separately, but the strongest flavors are still easy
to identify by taste or smell. Certainly a blindfolded person could identify chicken noodle
soup or split pea soup, although he might not be able to identify all the spices that were added
to it. Nevertheless, these spices contribute to the overall flavor.
The Fourteen Major Stars and some of the stars in this class give the main identifiable
flavors. Other stars in this class are like subtle spices.
Whether the soup tastes good or bad is another issue. Some stars almost always have a
good flavor. Other stars usually taste bad. Some stars taste good with certain stars and bad
with others. The blend is almost as important as the individual ingredients, since the flavors
mix together. In addition, you may like certain soups and dislike others according to personal
taste; just because you don’t like the soup doesn’t mean that it is bad. Others may like it a lot.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-1
Another helpful image is of a scale.

Different stars have different weights. The Fourteen Major Stars are quite heavy. So are
the Four Transforming Stars, which you will learn in this class. The rest of the stars vary in
weight. Some are quite important (heavy) and others are very minor (light). A few have little
weight in some palaces, but are important in others. We will expand on this idea at the end of
this class.
The minor stars (taught in this class) are a little different than the Major Stars in that
some may be beneficial and others may be harmful almost all of the time. Remember, none of
the Fourteen Major Stars are actually bad. Some are just easier to get along with than others.
In any case, most palaces will have a mix of good and bad stars. Isn’t it your experience
that life is a mix of good and bad? It is rarely perfect, and rarely perfectly horrible. So think
about the weight of the stars. If you put the good stars from a palace on one side of the scale
and the bad stars on the other, which way would the scale tip? One small star that is bad does
not have the power to ruin a good star that is big, although it may decrease its benefits a little.
But many bad small stars together will have a larger effect. A palace will only give a lot of
trouble when the bad stars outweigh the good.
Some stars have very little meaning or power in a palace if they are not relevant to the
category. For example, 56 Gu Chen is a sleep-alone star. It has a lot of weight and
significance on the bad side if it is in the ming or spouse palace. If it is in the money palace, it
has little significance beyond adding weight on the bad side.
Finally, even though a sleep-alone star like 56 Gu Chen is not as important in the money
palace, when you learn about timing in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class, it can take on
more importance; the palace that represents money for the lifetime chart may represent ming
or spouse for ten years, one year, or a month at a time. The sleep-alone star will have a
stronger effect when it is in a relevant palace.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-2
Everyone has the same stars distributed throughout their chart, but how they are
distributed makes a big difference. It is like dealing a hand in a card game. It is the same deck
of 52 cards, but it does not help you if all the good cards are dealt to your friends rather than
to you.

If all the good stars accumulate in certain palaces, the client will be very lucky in those
areas. But that also means all the bad stars will accumulate in other palaces and bring them
big problems. Most of us have good and bad spread out through all the palaces, so we have
ups and downs, but life is not too extreme. Unbalanced charts are interesting to examine, but
those lives usually have extreme problems along with the extreme achievements.

Just like in a card game, you have to play with the cards (stars) that are dealt to you.
However, even with a hand that is not great, you can often win if you play it well. So by
understanding our stars, we can develop a more effective strategy for playing the game (life).

Now we will start learning the minor stars.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-3
A Series of Stars Placed by the Hour
of Birth
Use the hour of birth to locate the palace of the next group of stars:

Stars Placed by the Hour of Birth

15 16 17 18 19 20
Hour 文昌 文曲 地劫 地空 台輔 封誥
of Wen Wen Di Di Tai Feng
Birth Chang Qu Jie Kong Fu Gao
Zi 11p - 1a Xu Chen Hai Hai Wu Yin
Chou 1-3 am You Si Zi Xu Wei Mao
Yin 3-5 am Shen Wu Chou You Shen Chen
Mao 5-7 am Wei Wei Yin Shen You Si
Chen 7-9 am Wu Shen Mao Wei Xu Wu
Si 9-11 am Si You Chen Wu Hai Wei
Wu 11a - 1p Chen Xu Si Si Zi Shen
Wei 1-3 pm Mao Hai Wu Chen Chou You
Shen 3-5 pm Yin Zi Wei Mao Yin Xu
You 5-7 pm Chou Chou Shen Yin Mao Hai
Xu 7-9 pm Zi Yin You Chou Chen Zi
Hai 9-11 pm Hai Mao Xu Zi Si Chou

For example, a person born in the chen hour (7-9 am) would have 15 Wen Chang in the
wu palace, 16 Wen Qu in the shen palace, 17 Di Jie in the mao palace, etc.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-4
Huo Xing and Ling Xing
To locate the palace of the next two stars, 21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing, compare the
hour of birth with the year branch. The year branches are divided into four groups according
to the three combinations relationship. First find the table that has your year of birth. Then
check the hour of birth.
21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing 21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing
Year Shen, Zi, or Chen Year Yin, Wu, or Xu
Branch 21 22 Branch 21 22
Star 火星 鈴星 Star 火星 鈴星
Hour Huo Xing Ling Xing Hour Huo Xing Ling Xing
Zi Yin Xu Zi Chou Mao
Chou Mao Hai Chou Yin Chen
Yin Chen Zi Yin Mao Si
Mao Si Chou Mao Chen Wu
Chen Wu Yin Chen Si Wei
Si Wei Mao Si Wu Shen
Wu Shen Chen Wu Wei You
Wei You Si Wei Shen Xu
Shen Xu Wu Shen You Hai
You Hai Wei You Xu Zi
Xu Zi Shen Xu Hai Chou
Hai Chou You Hai Zi Yin

21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing 21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing
Year Si, You, or Chou Year Hai, Mao, or Wei
Branch 21 22 Branch 21 22
Star 火星 鈴星 Star 火星 鈴星
Hour Huo Xing Ling Xing Hour Huo Xing Ling Xing
Zi Mao Xu Zi You Xu
Chou Chen Hai Chou Xu Hai
Yin Si Zi Yin Hai Zi
Mao Wu Chou Mao Zi Chou
Chen Wei Yin Chen Chou Yin
Si Shen Mao Si Yin Mao
Wu You Chen Wu Mao Chen
Wei Xu Si Wei Chen Si
Shen Hai Wu Shen Si Wu
You Zi Wei You Wu Wei
Xu Chou Shen Xu Wei Shen
Hai Yin You Hai Shen You
For example, a person born in a si year at a chen hour would have 21 Huo Xing in the
wei palace and 22 Ling Xing in the yin palace. This is found in the bottom left table which is
for the years si, you, and chou.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-5


5 Tian Tong 1 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
21 Huo Xing
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
16 Wen Qu
Ren Year: Bing Shen Ding
Chen Month: 7 Shen You
22 Ling Xing Hour: 6 Si 1 Zi Wei 4
11 Tian Xiang 4
Xin Type: Wood 3 Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 SHEN 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
19 Tai Fu
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

AB was born at 10:50 am, the 6th hour (si). If we look at the table called Stars Placed by
the Hour of Birth, and check the row for si branch hour, we find that 15 Wen Chang is located
in the si branch palace, 16 Wen Qu is located in the you palace, etc.
To locate 21 Huo Xing and 22 Ling Xing, we check the year branch. AB was born in a
shen year. There are four tables for Huo Xing and Ling Xing. The top left-hand table is for
people born in shen years (as well as zi and chen years). Looking down the Hour column to si,
we see that Huo Xing goes in the wei palace and Ling Xing goes in the mao palace.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-6
Interpretation of Stars 15 through 22
Here is information on interpretation of the first series of minor stars. These add more
detail and color to the reading. While not considered Major Stars, a reading would be
incomplete without some of these. In fact, a few rival the importance of the first fourteen.
Sometimes we will mention stars that you have not yet studied. We also make some
comments regarding time periods. While you may not fully understand these comments now,
they will be useful in interpreting the chart once you have finished all of the Zi Wei Dou Shu

15 Wen Chang 文昌 “Literature Flourishes”

 Writing, literature (but not the other arts). A serious scholar. Smart, clever. Famous, but
this star doesn’t imply power.
 Peach blossom.

16 Wen Qu 文曲 “Literature and Song”

 Many talents (e.g., arts, music, sports). Not specialized in literature like Wen Chang.
Smart, knowledgeable about many topics. Magician, spiritual, mystical, but this star
doesn’t imply power.
 Peach blossom. More fun-loving and less serious than 15 Wen Chang.

Either 15 Wen Chang or 16 Wen Qu with bad stars such as 48 Hua Ji in a palace such
as property can signify that someone in the family might die.

If these two are together in the same palace, they are very strong for both creativity and
peach blossom. This creativity is not always channeled into the high arts. Check the other
stars to determine more details about the person.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-7
17 Di Jie 地劫 “Earth Robbery”
18 Di Kong 地空 “Earth Void”
 Both are consuming stars. For example, money is spent before it is earned. If these are in
ming, the person may only have the desire to spend. If they are in shen gong, the person
will actually spend the money.
 These stars also consume other things such as time and energy. They tend to be more
bad than good. However, they can also consume greediness or illness, for example.
 If “Kong Jie” 空劫 (consisting of both stars together) is in the karma palace, the person
is especially spiritual or religious. They may renounce the world and material thinking
and become a monk or a nun. If not, their pockets never have money. This is called ‘yin
eating mao’s food,’ which means spending tomorrow’s money today. This may manifest
as living on a credit card, for example. If these two are together in ming, you may start
with nothing and improve later, but if they are in karma, the excessive spending will
always manifest. The person will never be content or satisfied, even if they are able to
get rich.This combination can only occur in the si or hai palace, but it can affect the
karma palace even if it is in three combinations relationship. There is a case study
involving this combination in Part 2 of the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class.

19 Tai Fu 台輔 “Platform Assistant”

20 Feng Gao 封誥 “Grant Title”
 If both are in ming gong or in the three combinations relationship with ming gong, these
stars mean power and name or fame.

21 Huo Xing 火星 “Fire Star”

 Strong character, temperamental, easily irritated.
 Bad things happen fast!!!
 When combined with 9 Tan Lang, you can make money but it comes fast and goes fast.
Know when to quit.

22 Ling Xing 鈴星 “Bell Star”

 Strong character, stubborn, scary.
 Ling Xing in ming can be a fussy person or a perfectionist.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-8
A Series of Stars Placed by the
Month of Birth
To locate the palace of the next group of stars, use the lunar month of birth.

Stars Placed by the Month of Birth

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
左輔 右弼 天刑 天姚 月馬 解神 天巫 天月 陰煞
Lunar Zuo You Tian Tian Yue Jie Tian Tian Yin
Month Fu Bi Xing Yao Ma Shen Wu Yue Sha
1 Yin Chen Xu You Chou Shen Shen Si Xu Yin
2 Mao Si You Xu Yin Si Shen Shen Si Zi
3 Chen Wu Shen Hai Mao Yin Xu Yin Chen Xu
4 Si Wei Wei Zi Chen Hai Xu Hai Yin Shen
5 Wu Shen Wu Chou Si Shen Zi Si Wei Wu
6 Wei You Si Yin Wu Si Zi Shen Mao Chen
7 Shen Xu Chen Mao Wei Yin Yin Yin Hai Yin
8 You Hai Mao Chen Shen Hai Yin Hai Wei Zi
9 Xu Zi Yin Si You Shen Chen Si Yin Xu
10 Hai Chou Chou Wu Xu Si Chen Shen Wu Shen
11 Zi Yin Zi Wei Hai Yin Wu Yin Xu Wu
12 Chou Mao Hai Shen Zi Hai Wu Hai Yin Chen

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-9


5 Tian Tong 1 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
21 Huo Xing
26 Tian Yao
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
Ren Year: Bing Shen Ding
Chen Month: 7 Shen You
22 Ling Xing Hour: 6 Si 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
Type: Wood 3 23 Zuo Fu
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu
31 Yin Sha
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

AB was born in the 7th month, shen. On the preceding table, we find that for people born
in the 7th month, 23 Zuo Fu goes in the xu palace, 24 You Bi goes in the chen palace, etc.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-10
A Series of Four Stars
These four stars are placed by counting clockwise or counterclockwise from the palace
of a landmark star until you reach the location of the new star. The stars used as landmarks
are 23 Zuo Fu, 24 You Bi, 15 Wen Chang, and 16 Wen Qu.

Star Location Method

32 三台 San Tai With 23 Zuo Fu’s palace as one, count clockwise to day of birth
33 八座 Ba Zuo With 24 You Bi’s palace as 1, count counterclockwise to day of birth
With 15 Wen Chang’s palace as 1, count clockwise to day of birth
34 恩光 En Guang
minus one
With 16 Wen Qu’s palace as 1, count clockwise to day of birth
35 天貴 Tian Gui
minus one

If the person was born on the first day of the lunar month, then 32 San Tai is in the same
palace as 23 Zuo Fu and 33 Ba Zuo is in the same palace as 24 You Bi. However, since both
34 En Guang and 35 Tian Gui count clockwise to day of birth minus one from their landmark
star, a person born on the first day of the lunar month will end up one palace
counterclockwise from the landmark.
If the person was born late in the month, they will need to count around the twelve
palaces more than once.
We give two examples, below.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-11
Example 1:
Spouse Siblings Ming Parents
10 Ju Men 3 6 Lian Zhen 3 12 Tian Liang 2 13 Qi Sha 1
16 Wen Qu 11 Tian Xiang 2 19 Tai Fu
26 Tian Yao
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Children Name: CD Karma Shen
9 Tan Lang 1 Date: 8/22/66 5 Tian Tong 3
22 Ling Xing Time: 2:48 am 15 Wen Chang
24 You Bi
32 San Tai 7 Year: Bing Wu
ren Month: 7 Shen ding
chen Day: 7th you
Money 6 Hour: 2 Chou Property
8 Tai Yin 5 4 Wu Qu 1
20 Feng Gao Type: Metal 4 18 Di Kong
25 Tian Xing 23 Zuo Fu 1
33 Ba Zuo
35 Tian Gui
xin wu
mao xu
Illness 5 Travel 4 Friends 3 Career 2
1 Zi Wei 1 2 Tian Ji 5 14 Po Jun 1 3 Tai Yang 5
7 Tian Fu 1 17 Di Jie 30 Tian Yue
21 Huo Xing
27 Yue Ma
28 Jie Shen
29 Tian Wu
31 Yin Sha
34 En Guang
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai
23 Zuo Fu is in the xu palace. CD was born on the 7th day of the month so we count 7 palaces
clockwise to find 32 San Tai in chen. For 34 En Guang and 35 Tian Gui, we use the day of
birth minus one, so we count 6 palaces clockwise from their respective landmarks. 33 Ba Zuo
is the only one of these stars that is found in a counterclockwise direction.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-12
Example 2:
5 Tian Tong 1 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
21 Huo Xing
26 Tian Yao
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai 19 Year: Bing Shen
Ren Month: 7 Shen Ding
Chen Day: 19th You
MING 6 18 Hour: 6 Si ILLNESS 13
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing Type: Wood 3 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu 1
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 4 16 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu
31 Yin Sha
35 Tian Gui
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai
Since AB was born on the 19th day of the month, we must count around the twelve palaces
more than once. Since there are twelve palaces, 13 returns to the same palace as 1, and we
keep counting until we arrive 19 palaces from the landmark.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-13
Interpretation of Star 23 through 35
23 Zuo Fu 左輔 “Left Assistant”
24 You Bi 右弼 “Right Assistant”
 People will help, as these stars are assistants to 1 Zi Wei, the Emperor.
 If placed with 47 Hua Ke, famous people will help. If placed with 46 Hua Quan,
powerful people will help.
 Either of these stars in the spouse palace is bad, as ‘helpers’ mean that an outsider enters
into the marriage, resulting in an affair.
 These stars are especially auspicious if:
 Both are together with 1 Zi Wei. This combination can only occur in wei or chou
 One is placed in each of the palaces on either side of 1 Zi Wei. It is not important
which of these two stars is in the palace to the right or left of 1 Zi Wei.
 Both stars and 1 Zi Wei are in the three combinations relationship with each other.

25 Tian Xing 天刑 “Heavenly Punishment”

 Powerful, but lonely. A judge. Executioners have Tian Xing in ming gong.
 In karma, you punish yourself.
 In illness, leg problems.

26 Tian Yao 天姚 “Heavenly Elegance”

 Peach blossom. You love to drink.
 An artist. Good at public relations.

27 Yue Ma 月馬 “Moon Horse”


28 Jie Shen 解神 “Untie Spirit”

 Fixes big problems. Released from jail. Legal problems get resolved.
 Mostly good, but 48 Hua Ji and Jie Shen together mean divorce in the spouse palace.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-14
29 Tian Wu 天巫 “Heavenly Shaman”
30 Tian Yue 天月 “Heavenly Moon”
 Both stars mean sickness or worry.
 Tian Wu only occurs in the Four Corners.
 Do not confuse 30 Tian Yue 天月 with 40 Tian Yue 天鉞.

31 Yin Sha 陰煞 “Yin Evil”

 In ming gong, beware of back-stabbing and jealousy. This can be in your own behavior or
in behavior around you.
 In the illness palace, hidden or yin-type disease.
 Yin Sha only occurs in the palaces with yang branch.

32 San Tai 三台 “Three Platforms”

33 Ba Zuo 八座 “Eight Stands”
 If these two stars are in the three combinations relationship with ming gong, the person
will have good position in society. If San Tai and Ba Zuo are in the same palace, this
effect is even stronger.
 San Tai is straight forward and overly confident.
 Ba Zuo leaves home early in life. It means a foreign trip when it is in the current age

34 En Guang 恩光 “Grace and Light”

35 Tian Gui 天貴 “Heavenly Preciousness”
 If these two stars are in the three combinations relationship with ming gong, someone
powerful will help. The person also loves literary arts. If you are an artist, you may
receive help from a patron of the arts.
 En Guang and Tian Gui in ming or karma: You are emotional and giving but saving face
is important.
 You pass tests easily.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-15
A Series of Stars Placed by the Year Stem

To locate the palaces for the next group of stars, use the stem of the year of birth:

Stars Placed by the Year Stem

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
祿存 擎羊 陀羅 天魁 天鉞 天官 天褔 截路 空亡
Year Lu Qing Tuo Tian Tian Tian Tian Jie Kong
Stem Cun Yang Luo Kui Yue Guan Fu Lu Wang
Jia Yin Mao Chou Wei Chou Wei You Shen You
Yi Mao Chen Yin Shen Zi Chen Shen Wu Wei
Bing Si Wu Chen You Hai Si Zi Chen Si
Ding Wu Wei Si Hai You Yin Hai Yin Mao
Wu Si Wu Chen Chou Wei Mao Mao Zi Chou
Ji Wu Wei Si Zi Shen You Yin You Shen
Geng Shen You Wei Chou Wei Hai Wu Wei Wu
Xin You Xu Shen Yin Wu You Si Si Chen
Ren Hai Zi Xu Mao Si Xu Wu Mao Yin
Gui Zi Chou Hai Si Mao Wu Si Chou Zi

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-16


5 Tian Tong 1 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen Ding
43 Jie Lu Day: 19 You
Ren Hour: 6 Si
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha
35 Tian Gui
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-17
Interpretation of Stars 36-44
Lu Cun, Qing Yang, and Tuo Luo: 36 Lu Cun a very good star. 37 Qing Yang and 38 Tuo
Luo are considered sha (bad stars). 36 Lu Cun is always in the middle of these three stars,
with 37 Qing Yang on one side and 38 Tuo Luo on the other. This is because ‘bad guys’
always follow the money around.

38 Tuo Luo ← counterclockwise ← 36 Lu Cun → clockwise → 37 Qing Yang

36 Lu Cun 祿存 “Salary Accumulation”

 In ming it means that the person loves money and is somewhat selfish, especially if there
are no major stars with it. In general, if Lu Cun is in ming, the person will always have
money when they need it. If it is with 7 Tian Fu or 4 Wu Qu in ming, that person will
become very wealthy.
 In the spouse palace of a man’s chart it means that the wife loves money and she listens
to him. However, for a woman it means that her husband loves money but he won’t
necessarily listen to her.
 Good luck. Helps smooth out bad stars, as money helps ease most situations.

37 Qing Yang 擎羊
 Always bad: it will hurt you like a knife. Something is cut or severed. However, it is not
as bad to have Qing Yang in ming because it is better if you are holding the knife rather
than someone else; you get to decide when to cut something off. Qing Yang severs things,
so it means divorce in spouse. If Qing Yang is in the spouse palace during a break up,
your spouse is holding the knife against you. S/he is the one severing the relationship.
 Qing Yang is the worst in travel because you always face the knife wherever you go.
 It is bad in career because then the knife is pointing at your spouse (the opposite palace).
 In illness: bleeding, stabbing. Donate blood or have elective surgery to help neutralize it.
 In children, miscarriage, birth defects.
 In karma, you are aggressive.
 It is only good in wu palace, alone in ming without any major stars. That signifies a very
powerful person.
 If with 15 Wen Chang or 16 Wen Qu in ming or shen, the subject will have a big scar on
his or her face.

It is difficult to translate Qing Yang. This star is also called Yang Ren 羊刃 or ‘Sheep Knife.’ It is best to think
of this star as a knife.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-18
38 Tuo Luo 陀羅
 Causes delays. Bad luck lasts longer.
 In spouse: even after divorce, he or she always comes back to bother you.

The Four Sha: Yang Tuo Huo Ling

37 Qing Yang, 38 Tuo Luo, 21 Huo Xing, and 22 Ling Xing are called the 四煞 Four Sha.
Sha means, ‘evil or negative influence.’ They are among the most inauspicious stars in Zi Wei
Dou Shu.

39 Tian Kui 天魁 “Heavenly Chief”

40 Tian Yue 天鉞 “Heavenly Ax”
 People will help you. Both are very good stars.
 Tian Kui means elderly people will help. It is yang.
 Tian Yue is yin. It means a female will help you. However, it is not a peach blossom star.
 Do not confuse 40 Tian Yue (天鉞) with 30 Tian Yue (天月).

41 Tian Guan 天官 “Heavenly Official”

 Official position.

42 Tian Fu 天褔 “Heavenly Blessing”

 Good luck.
 Do not confuse 42 Tian Fu 天褔 with 7 Tian Fu 天府.

43 Jie Lu 截路 “Severed Path”

44 Kong Wang 空亡 “Vacant and Lost”
 They reduce the power of every star they are with, good or bad, by about half.
 Bad in ming or shen, signifying difficulty, turmoil, and heading in the wrong direction.
You work hard, but everything is cut off when you are half-way to your goal. Negative
thinking. You may become a monk or priest.
 In the money palace, the money is spent, possibly robbery.
 In the property palace, it is hard to buy property.
 In travel, a bad thing could injure you or a scary thing could happen.
 Good in illness, meaning no disease.

A Buddhist term for a magic formula, charm or spell.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-19
The Four Transforming Stars
These four stars follow other stars and transform them or change their emphases. Which star
they follow and transform depends on the stem of the year of birth.

The Four Transforming Stars

45 46 47 48
化祿 化權 化科 化忌
Stem Hua Lu Hua Quan Hua Ke Hua Ji
Jia 6 Lian Zhen 14 Po Jun 4 Wu Qu 3 Tai Yang
Yi 2 Tian Ji 12 Tian Liang 1 Zi Wei 8 Tai Yin
Bing 5 Tian Tong 2 Tian Ji 15 Wen Chang 6 Lian Zhen
Ding 8 Tai Yin 5 Tian Tong 2 Tian Ji 10 Ju Men
Wu 9 Tan Lang 8 Tai Yin 24 You Bi 2 Tian Ji
Ji 4 Wu Qu 9 Tan Lang 12 Tian Liang 16 Wen Qu
Geng 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu 8 Tai Yin 5 Tian Tong
Xin 10 Ju Men 3 Tai Yang 16 Wen Qu 15 Wen Chang
Ren 12 Tian Liang 1 Zi Wei 23 Zuo Fu 4 Wu Qu
Gui 14 Po Jun 10 Ju Men 8 Tai Yin 9 Tan Lang

When you mark these four in the chart, you must show which star they transform. See
the example below.
In the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class, you will find out that these transforming stars
are also located for the stem of the Large (Ten-Year) Cycle and the stem of the current year.
Therefore, there will be three of each of these four stars in a chart at any given time.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-20
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen
43 Jie Lu Day: 19th
Ren Hour: 6 Si Ding
Chen You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha
35 Tian Gui
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai
The Four Transforming Stars are found in AB’s chart, based on bing, the stem of his year of
birth. Note that each of these four is written next to the star it transforms.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-21
Interpreting the Four Transforming
These four stars transform or modify the star with which they are associated. Usually,
they only affect the star that they transform and not the other stars in the same palace, so it is
important that when you write them in the chart, you identify the transformed star. However,
48 Hua Ji can affect the rest of the stars in a palace much more than the other three.
Besides flowing the Four Transforming Stars for the birth year, we also flow them for
the stem of the current Ten-Year Cycle ming, and the stem of the current year or month.
However, they are not placed for the palace of the current age (Small Cycle). (See the Zi Wei
Dou Shu Advanced Class.)
Giving accurate and detailed Zi Wei Dou Shu readings depends on your ability to
interpret these important transforming stars.

45 Hua Lu Combinations

45 Hua Lu 化祿 “Transforms Salary“

Hua Lu transforms the star with which it is associated to bring money, helpful people,
and good luck. It is the most auspicious of these four stars.
In ming gong, Hua Lu brings good relationships. Life is filled with optimism. The
person enjoys good food. Hua Lu is auspicious when found in ming gong but is even better in
36 Lu Cun and 45 Hua Lu are closely related to each other but Lu Cun is different
because it has bad stars next to it: 37 Qing Yang and 38 Tuo Luo. This makes Hua Lu
somewhat better, since it doesn’t always have bad stars near it.
For the most part, 36 Lu Cun or Hua Lu in the illness palace cancels out bad stars. If a
person becomes sick while one of these stars is in the illness palace, there will probably be
Here is how Hua Lu affects its related stars when located in ming gong. If it is found in
other palaces, the meaning will be modified by those palace categories.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-22
Transforming 6 Lian Zhen: Gives power. People support you. Increases its peach blossom

Transforming 2 Tian Ji: Smart, quick-thinking, wise, imaginative; loves philosophy,

religion, and the esoteric arts.

Transforming 5 Tian Tong: Good luck. Cancels disasters. However, this may be a bit too
good, as the person does not need to be ambitious or aggressive and may become lazy.

Transforming 8 Tai Yin: Relaxed life, good money.

Transforming 9 Tan Lang: Peach blossom; money from gambling, casinos, lottery,
entertainment, stock market, or from the opposite sex. Long life.

Transforming 4 Wu Qu: Works hard and earns a lot of “official money.” This means a
typical 9 to 5 job, as opposed to an inheritance or the type of money 9 Tan Lang can make
when transformed by Hua Lu.

Transforming 3 Tai Yang: The boss or a high-ranking officer.

Transforming 10 Ju Men: Good at speaking, no negative speech. Uses speech in their career
and makes money. Good for sales job. Eats well.

Transforming 12 Tian Liang: Long life. Cancels bad events. This combination has some
bad connotations, however. Tian Liang is someone who helps (such as a civil servant or judge)
who is not generally rich. If they do have a lot of money, they could be taking bribes.

Transforming 14 Po Jun: Lots of changes but good opportunities.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-23
46 Hua Quan Combinations

46 Hua Quan 化權 “Transforms Authority”

Hua Quan gives the star it transforms authority and power.
In ming, Hua Quan means power, authority, being the boss, a strong character, being
aggressive, and brings opportunity. While the following combinations are discussed for ming
gong, they can be interpreted in a similar way for other palaces.

Transforming 14 Po Jun: Loves to make changes and create opportunities.

Transforming 12 Tian Liang: People admire, believe in, and want to follow this person they
see as leader, a priest, a cult leader, or a guru. This charismatic person can easily convert
people to their beliefs.

Transforming 2 Tian Ji: Plans well even to the smallest detail. Can do calculations easily.

Transforming 5 Tian Tong: Tian Tong is usually very relaxed, so it lacks achievement.
When Tian Tong is transformed by Hua Quan, it works harder and more aggressively. Tian
Tong with Hua Quan is therefore more auspicious than Tian Tong with Hua Lu.

Transforming 8 Tai Yin: These people develop their own businesses. They love to work.

Transforming 9 Tan Lang: Good at debating, defending, but stubborn. They love to possess
power. They also love doing promotional work. Attractive to the opposite sex.

Transforming 4 Wu Qu: This person loves creating his own business. He works hard
physically and mentally. A strong character.

Transforming 3 Tai Yang: A strong character, stubborn. He wants immediate gratification.

Transforming 1 Zi Wei: The Emperor has power and a good position. He is not just a

Transforming 10 Ju Men: Sharp verbal abilities, can easily win debates. However, does not
necessarily inspire belief or followers like 12 Tian Liang.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-24
47 Hua Ke Combinations
47 Hua Ke 化科 “Transforms Name”
Hua Ke brings name or fame with it.
In ming, Hua Ke means gentleness. A person represented by Hua Ke cares for his name
and reputation. He or she dresses well for whatever roles he has. Hua Ke brings peach
blossom. Women use a lot of makeup. They love to be beautiful.
While the following combinations are discussed for ming gong, they can be interpreted
in a similar way for other palaces.

Transforming 4 Wu Qu: Has a name because of money. If 48 Hua Ji appears in the same
palace, the person has a name, but isn’t as wealthy as he or she seems.

Transforming 1 Zi Wei: The Emperor has a name but maybe doesn’t have power or money.
A figurehead.

Transforming 15 Wen Chang: Wise, good in literature, well known. The subject has a wide
range of knowledge.

Transforming 2 Tian Ji: Wisdom. Loves to use his mind.

Transforming 24 You Bi: People always help you. Also, you are a good at managing details
in life and at work.

Transforming 12 Tian Liang: Whatever work you do, you have a good name.

Transforming 8 Tai Yin: Loves to dress well, can be vain. Therefore, this combination was
not considered good for women in the past.

Transforming 16 Wen Qu: Knows and is good at many arts. Well known.

Transforming 23 Zuo Fu: Same as for 24 You Bi.

While Hua Ke does not transform 14 Po Jun, if they are found together in ming or
spouse it can mean cosmetic surgery.
Hua Ke in general also signifies sweet talk, especially when in the same palace as 10 Ju
Men (although Hua Ke never directly transforms Ju Men).

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-25
48 Hua Ji Combinations

48 Hua Ji 化忌 “Transforms to Trouble”

Hua Ji is almost completely inauspicious, subtracting benefits from the star it transforms.
However, it can occasionally cancel some negative effect of a star. For example, if associated
with 9 Tan Lang, it can reduce the peach blossom nature but it is more likely that if the
person touches the peach blossom, he or she will get hurt.
Hua Ji, unlike the other three transforming stars (Lu, Quan, and Ke), has an effect on the
other stars in a palace, always adverse. The stars in a palace may show some potentially bad
events, but when Hua Ji enters the palace, it is like pulling the trigger on a gun, allowing
those events to happen. (This relates to the timing factors, which you will learn in the Zi Wei
Dou Shu Advanced Class.)
In ming, Hua Ji denotes stubbornness. These people love to keep whatever they possess.
Others consider them to have an unusual character and to be slightly unreasonable. They are
not good at socializing and have poor relations with others.
Since Hua Ji means that it is easy to attract something bad, in travel palace it can predict
a car accident.
Hua Ji in the friends palace means, among other things, that it will be hard to find a good
business partner.
If Hua Ji is found in your spouse palace, with bad stars in the karma and illness palaces,
it doesn’t necessarily mean that the spouse is troublesome. It may mean that your spouse
worries about you.
If a person is seriously ill and Hua Ji is in the illness palace, it is usually a grave
While the following combinations are discussed for ming gong, they can be interpreted
in a similar way for other palaces.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-26
Transforming 3 Tai Yang: For a young person, Hua Ji transforming Tai Yang in ming bodes
poorly for the father. It means the father has a poor financial situation or is not close
physically or emotionally to his children. The father and mother may separate.
For an older male, it represents himself and means a tough life. For an adult female, it
represents her sons.
For a woman, Hua Ji transforming Tai Yang means that a man will cheat her or hurt her
in some way.
If Hua Ji transforms Tai Yang in the parents palace, it means the father dies early or
some other major problem awaits him.
Hua Ji transforming Tai Yang can also mean a temperamental, easily frustrated person,
who likes to show off. It also represents eye problems.

Transforming 8 Tai Yin: Since Tai Yin represents money, when transformed by Hua Ji it
means financial headaches. It also represents the possibility of being hurt by something
hidden. It is bad for love and means a man may be hurt by a woman.
For a young person it may represent the mother in a similar way to Tai Yang
representing the father. For an older male it represents the wife and daughters. For a female, it
represents herself.
Tai Yin transformed by Hua Ji also can predict insomnia.

Transforming 6 Lian Zhen: The person is rebellious with an attitude of “I don’t care what
anyone thinks.” This rebelliousness brings out a willingness to break the law. Its effects may
be criminal behavior and arrests. Lian Zhen is afraid of Hua Ji because it transforms Lian
Zhen into a ‘prison star.’
Also, since Lian Zhen is a peach blossom star, Hua Ji may bring a sexually transmitted
If 9 Tan Lang, Lian Zhen, and Hua Ji are together, a person could die due to peach
blossom, murdered by a jealous spouse, for example. This combination can only happen in si
and hai palaces.
Hua Ji transforming Lian Zhen can mean bleeding or burns (in illness), or fires (in
Also, Lian Zhen with 13 Qi Sha and Hua Ji in travel is a critical combination, causing
accidents with serious injury. This combination can only happen in chou or wei palaces.
For all these reasons, Lian Zhen is very much afraid of Hua Ji.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-27
Transforming 10 Ju Men: This person loves to attack verbally. There is gossip all around. It
means separation or divorce due to arguments in the spouse palace (for you) or in the parents
palace (for your parents). It can also signify lawsuits

Transforming 2 Tian Ji: A know-it-all, but is often wrong, always jumping to conclusions.
These people are superstitious and strongly religious. They are very unstable and unreliable
because of their changeability.
In ming or spouse, Hua Ji transforming Tian Ji can mean the breakup of a marriage or
the death of a spouse. This outcome is more reliable in spouse; in ming it can also mean
In the property palace, this combination also means moving.
Hua Ji transforming Tian Ji is especially difficult in travel, causing accidents.
Tian Ji is very much affected by Hua Ji, as Tian Ji is already unstable, even when alone.

Transforming 5 Tian Tong: Especially if in the karma palace, it means love problems. The
person is hurt by the one he loves and will cry a lot.
Tian Tong with 54 Hong Luan and Hua Ji means bleeding or fires.

Transforming 16 Wen Qu: It is difficult to study any subject well, even with a desire to
It is also bad for tests or interviews (especially on a ji stem day), when in career palace,
or opposite it, or in the three combinations relationship with it.
Watch out for contracts. You may miss something in the fine print.

Transforming 15 Wen Chang: It is bad for tests or interviews (on a xin stem day),
especially if in career palace, or opposite it, or in the three combinations relationship with it.
It can also mean a funeral, especially if in the property palace (associated with the
family). Don’t sign contracts for land or property.
Be careful of contracts in general, as you may not read all of the fine points.

If the stem of the birth year is xin, then 15 Wen Chang is transformed by Hua Ji and 16
Wen Qu is transformed by 47 Hua Ke. This person is talented in many ways but dislikes

16 Wen Qu or 15 Wen Chang with 14 Po Jun and 48 Hua Ji in ming or shen gong, or
opposite one of those palaces, can mean death from drowning. Be careful of water.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-28
Transforming 4 Wu Qu: You are lonesome, stubborn, and unhappy. You lose money,
bankruptcy. You may become a nun or monk of the ascetic or hermit type.

Transforming 9 Tan Lang: Everything you imagine or desire does not come true and
remains only in your imagination. You have too much idealism and not enough reality. You
may become religious in your thinking but set too high a goal.
If Tan Lang is the only major star in the palace, Hua Ji reduces its peach blossom nature,
or you want the peach blossom but cannot obtain it, or the peach blossom may injure you.
Your love life is not in good shape. You suffer from love and it becomes a burden.
If Tan Lang, 6 Lian Zhen, and Hua Ji are together, a person could die due to peach
blossom, murdered by a jealous spouse, for example. This combination can only happen in si
and hai palaces.
When found in the current age ming, Tan Lang transformed by Hua Ji from the current
year stem may indicate separation of a marriage due to peach blossom. Read the stars in the
spouse palace for more details in this situation.
Tan Lang is the star that is least afraid of Hua Ji since Tan Lang is wood, denoting

12 Tian Liang is not transformed by Hua Ji, but if they fall in the same palace, Tian Liang is
not afraid, as Tian Liang specializes in changing bad into good.

 You learned in the previous class that if a palace has no Major Stars, the Major Stars
from the opposite palace are reflected in but maintain the original rating. If a reflected
star is transformed by one of these four stars, the transforming star is also reflected in.
However, the rest of the stars in this class have an influence on the opposite palace but
are not reflected into it.
 When all Four Transforming Stars appear in relationship (inside, in opposition, or in
three combinations relationships) to a specific palace, especially ming, it is a powerful
chart with lots of opportunity. There will be more details in the Zi Wei Dou Shu
Advanced Class.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-29
Test 1
1. Add stars 15 through 48 to this chart and then answer the questions below.
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2
13 Qi Sha 2

gui jia yi bing

si wu wei shen
Money male Parents
10 Ju Men 3 Year: xin you
Month: 1, yin
Day: 12th
Hour: 7, wu

Element Type: Fire 6

ren ding
chen you
Illness Karma
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3

xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 14 Po Jun 3

geng xin geng ji

yin chou zi hai

a. Besides looking at shen, the body palace, which palace in this chart is most important to
examine? Analyze it if you can. (Hint: Look at the Transforming Stars.)
b. Do you think he will have children?

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-30
2. Add stars 15 through 48 to this chart and then answer the question below.
Property Career Friends Travel
11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2
13 Qi Sha 2

ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma female Illness
10 Ju Men 3 Year: gui si
Month: 5, wu
Day: 5th
Hour: 5, chen

bing Element Type: Water 2 xin

chen you
Parents Money Shen
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3

yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 14 Po Jun 3

jia yi jia gui

yin chou zi hai

This chart has the major stars in the same palaces as the previous chart. Briefly describe a few
important differences between this chart and the previous one.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-31
Test 1 Answers
1. Add stars 15 through 48 to this chart and then answer the questions below.

Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen

11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2 20 Feng Gao
17 Di Jie 40 Tian Yue 13 Qi Sha 2 27 Yue Ma
18 Di Kong 28 Jie Shen
29 Tian Wu 35 Tian Gui
42 Tian Fu 38 Tuo Luo
43 Jie Lu
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money male Parents
10 Ju Men 3 LU Year: xin you 21 Huo Xing
15 Wen Chang JI Month: 1, yin 25 Tian Xing
22 Ling Xing Day: 12th 36 Lu Cun
23 Zuo Fu Hour: 7, wu 41 Tian Guan
44 Kong Wang
ren Element Type: Fire 6 ding
chen you
Illness Karma
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3 16 Wen Qu KE
32 San Tai 24 You Bi
30 Tian Yue
37 Qing Yang
xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 QUAN 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 26 Tian Yao 19 Tai Fu 14 Po Jun 3
31 Yin Sha 33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
39 Tian Kui
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

a. Besides looking at shen, the body palace, which palace in this chart is most important to
examine? Analyze it if you can. (Hint: Look at the Transforming Stars.)
Answer: The chen palace because it has both 45 Hua Lu and 48 Hua Ji. This is his money
palace. Therefore, he will have both very good and very bad aspects to his finances. For
details, we need to examine the stars.
10 Ju Men is transformed by Hua Lu. Maybe he is a successful sales person or lawyer
(making money by speech). However, 15 Wen Chang in money or property probably
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-32
represents signing contracts, or making money by writing. So his writing gets him in financial
trouble or he signs bad contracts and loses money. Hua Ji affects the other stars in a palace, so
even though his speech is lucky, he will still come across problems in it that affect his money.
In addition, Ju Men can also signify lawsuits when in the same palace as Hua Ji.
22 Ling Xing is one of the four sha and adds to his problems, but 23 Zuo Fu lets us
know that there are people who will give him financial assistance when he needs it.
44 Kong Wang does two things. One is, it reduces the power of the other stars (good or
bad), so things are not quite as extreme. But it is not a good star and also reduces his income.
Overall, this palace has more bad than good. And don’t forget that money is in the three
combinations relationship with ming, so these stars will affect more than just his finances.
This is a good analysis for this palace, but we have already made an error by not looking
globally. What is in the opposite palace? What else is in the three combinations relationship?
The xu palace (karma) is opposite and has 16 Wen Qu transformed by 47 Hua Ke. The zi
palace (career) is in the three combinations relationship and has 3 Tai Yang transformed by 46
Hua Quan. This means the chen palace (money) sees all Four Transforming Stars. His chart
looks a lot better now as when all Four Transforming Stars appear in relationship to a
specific palace, it is a powerful chart with lots of opportunity. Since it is the money palace,
this means lots of financial opportunity, although the Hua Ji means that he will still meet with
losses at times. However, now the overall good is much greater than the bad.

b. Do you think he will have children?

Answer: The children palace is in si. 11 Tian Xiang doesn’t really tell you if he will have
children or not. Let’s look at the other stars. He has 17 Di Jie, 18 Di Kong, and 43 Jie Lu.
These are images of emptiness, robbery, or something severed. There is a good chance that he
will never have children, although there is the possibility that he has them but they are taken
away or very sick, or die before he does. 29 Tian Wu adds sickness and worry.
Only 42 Tian Fu is lucky, but this star does not have enough weight to overcome all the
others. This is a very bad children palace if he wants to have children.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-33
2. Add stars 15 through 48 to this chart and then answer the question below.

Property Career Friends Travel

11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2 16 Wen Qu
26 Tian Yao 15 Wen Chang 13 Qi Sha 2 23 Zuo Fu
29 Tian Wu 20 Feng Gao 18 Di Kong 27 Yue Ma
39 Tian Kui 24 You Bi 21 Huo Xing
42 Tian Fu 31 Yin Sha 30 Tian Yue
41 Tian Guan
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma female Illness
10 Ju Men 3 QUAN Year: gui si 34 En Guang
bing Month: 5, wu xin
chen Day: 5th you
Parents Hour: 5, chen Money Shen
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3 JI Element Type: Water 2 19 Tai Fu
17 Di Jie
40 Tian Yue
yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 KE 25 Tian Xing 28 Jie Shen 14 Po Jun 3 LU
22 Ling Xing 37 Qing Yang 32 San Tai 35 Tian Gui
33 Ba Zuo 43 Jie Lu 36 Lu Cun 38 Tuo Luo
44 Kong Wang
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-34
This chart has the major stars in the same palaces as the previous chart. Briefly describe a few
important differences between this chart and the previous one.
Answer: The previous chart has ming in the shen palace. This chart has ming in the yin
palace. Although they are different palaces, the previous chart has the same Major Stars in
ming because they are reflected into the shen palace from yin. However, the minor stars in
ming are different. Nevertheless, the two mings have a lot in common, and in some ways they
will have similar characters.
Because of the location of ming, the palace categories will all be in different palaces
with different stars. For example, look at the money palaces. The first chart has money in
chen, with 10 Ju Men transformed by 45 Hua Lu. This chart has money in xu with 5 Tian
Because their birth years have different stems, the four transforming stars are associated
with different stars. This makes a big difference.
Finally, because all of their birth data is different, all the minor stars fall in different
Later, when we learn about timing (in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class) and
something called ‘yin or yang, male or female’ (later in this class), we will see other
So even though both have the Fourteen Major Stars in identical locations in the chart,
their lives will be more different than similar.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-35
A Series of Stars Placed by the Year Branch
The following stars are placed depending on the branch of the year of birth:
Placement of the Stars
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
命馬 華蓋 天空 天哭 天虛 紅鸞 天喜 孤辰 寡宿 咸池 龍池 鳳閣 蜚廉 破碎
Year Ming Hua Tian Tian Tian Hong Tian Gu Gua Xian Long Feng Fei Po
Branch Ma Gai Kong Ku Xu Luan Xi Chen Su Chi Chi Ge Lian Sui
Zi Yin Chen Chou Wu Wu Mao You Yin Xu You Chen Xu Shen Si
Chou Hai Chou Yin Si Wei Yin Shen Yin Xu Wu Si You You Chou
Yin Shen Xu Mao Chen Shen Chou Wei Si Chou Mao Wu Shen Xu You
Mao Si Wei Chen Mao You Zi Wu Si Chou Zi Wei Wei Si Si
Chen Yin Chen Si Yin Xu Hai Si Si Chou You Shen Wu Wu Chou
Si Hai Chou Wu Chou Hai Xu Chen Shen Chen Wu You Si Wei You
Wu Shen Xu Wei Zi Zi You Mao Shen Chen Mao Xu Chen Yin Si
Wei Si Wei Shen Hai Chou Shen Yin Shen Chen Zi Hai Mao Mao Chou
Shen Yin Chen You Xu Yin Wei Chou Hai Wei You Zi Yin Chen You
You Hai Chou Xu You Mao Wu Zi Hai Wei Wu Chou Chou Hai Si
Xu Shen Xu Hai Shen Chen Si Hai Hai Wei Mao Yin Zi Zi Chou
Hai Si Wei Zi Wei Si Chen Xu Yin Xu Zi Mao Hai Chou You

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-36
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
54 Hong Luan
57 Gua Su
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu Day: 19th 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Hour: 6 Si 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian
Ren Type: Wood 3 Ding
Chen You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
52 Tian Ku
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui
49 Ming Ma
53 Tian Xu
60 Feng Ge
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

Star 49 through 62 are placed by reading the row labeled shen, since AB was born in a bing
shen year.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-37
Interpretation of Stars 49 through 62
49 Ming Ma1 命馬 “Fate Horse”
 Busy. The horse keeps running.
 With 36 Lu Cun, you can make a lot of money. The further away you travel for work, the
more money you can make.
 With 2 Tian Ji and 48 Hua Ji, be careful of a car accident.

50 Hua Gai 華蓋 “Carriage Canopy”

 Loves religious beliefs and literature. Famous but lonely.
 You prefer to stay home.

51 Tian Kong 天空 “Heavenly Void”

 In shen gong, you feel emptiness within. Everything is empty.
 Reduces good or bad stars.
 You have a lot of imagination, you would make a good fiction writer.
 With 10 Ju Men, you tend to lie.

52 Tian Ku 天哭 “Heavenly Weeping”

 You have something to cry about.

53 Tian Xu 天虛 “Heavenly Emptiness”

 Emptiness within.

54 Hong Luan 紅鸞 “Red Phoenix2”

 If you are young, it can mean peach blossom, marriage or a baby. In ming, it signifies an
attractive charismatic person who is easy to get along with. In karma, they may have
difficulty staying faithful. If Hong Luan is in current age or ten-year ming, and the annual
45 Hua Lu comes into the palace or in the three combinations relationship, marriage is
possible. If the annual Hong Luan is in the current age ming, you can get married.
 Hong Luan is bad for older people. If you are older with 48 Hua Ji and Hong Luan in the
spouse palace, then your partner might die or have bleeding problems.
 If with 37 Qing Yang, bleeding.

Also known as Tian Ma (天馬), ‘Heavenly Horse.’
Actually not a phoenix, but some other type of Chinese mythical bird that has no English translation.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-38
55 Tian Xi 天喜 “Heavenly Happiness”
 Celebration, a good star. It is always located in the opposite palace from 54 Hong Luan.

56 Gu Chen 孤辰 “Solitary Time”

 Bad for a male in ming gong. He will sleep alone, not marry, or marry late. It has some
effect in a female’s ming, but less than for a male.
 In the parents palace, it means the father will become a widower or otherwise has to sleep
 In the spouse palace of a woman’s chart, the husband will have to sleep alone. Therefore,
the woman will also have to sleep without her husband.

57 Gua Su 寡宿 “Widow’s Lodge”

 Bad for a female in ming gong. She will not marry, will sleep alone, or will marry late. It
has some effect in a male’s ming, but less than for a female.
 In the parents palace, it means that the mother will become a widow or will sleep alone.
 In the spouse palace of a man’s chart, the wife will have to sleep alone. Therefore, the
man will also have to sleep without his wife.

58 Xian Chi 咸池 “Temptation Pool”

 Strong peach blossom effects: whether in a positive or negative manner depends on one’s
marital status.

59 Long Chi 龍池 “Dragon Pool”

 Good for a government or corporate job. If it is in the current age or monthly ming, it is a
good time to take an exam for promotion or licensing.
 With good stars in ming, it means a good name, a high-class person.
 Deafness or ear problems in the illness or ming palaces, especially when older.

60 Feng Ge 鳳閣 “Phoenix Chamber”

 Good for a governmental or corporate job.
 In ming or shen, it means a classy person who has a lot of style. They love to dress well.
It especially means elegance and grace for a woman.
 This person is also artistic. It is similar to 15 Wen Chang or 16 Wen Qu, but is more
involved in the high arts; for example, writing poetry, instead of science fiction or murder

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-39
61 Fei Lian 蜚廉 “Flying Sha”3
 Loneliness. Bad in ming or shen.
 Also bad in the palaces representing family members and friends, as it means they will
not be able to help you.
 Do not confuse with 72 Fei Lian (飛廉).

62 Po Sui 破碎 “Break and Shatter”

 In ming or shen, the person is very isolated and never finishes projects.
 In shen it also signifies a scar or mark on the face.
 With 14 Po Jun or 9 Tan Lang, the person could be an executioner, prison guard, or some
other type of person who could easily kill someone.
 Funerals or death.

Not a literal translation.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-40
Three Additional Stars
There is one more star placed by the year branch: 63 Tian Cai. However, it is placed in a
palace by its category, not by the palace branch.

63 Tian Cai 天才
Zi Ming
Chou Parents
Yin Karma
Mao Property
Chen Career
Si Friends
Wu Travel
Wei Illness
Shen Money
You Children
Xu Spouse
Hai Siblings

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-41
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
54 Hong Luan
57 Gua Su
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu Day: 19th 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Hour: 6 Si 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian
Ren Type: Wood 3 Ding
Chen You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
52 Tian Ku
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui 63 Tian Cai
49 Ming Ma
53 Tian Xu
60 Feng Ge
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

Star 63 Tian Cai is placed in the hai palace, which is also the money palace, since AB was
born in a shen year.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-42
64 Tian Shou 天壽: Start from the palace containing shen gong, the body palace. Calling
that palace “1,” count clockwise to the number of the branch of the year of birth. The
numbers of the branches are repeated here for convenience:
1 Zi 7 Wu
2 Chou 8 Wei
3 Yin 9 Shen
4 Mao 10 You
5 Chen 11 Xu
6 Si 12 Hai

Example: We count forward nine palaces in this example because the year branch is shen,
the 9th branch.
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
Gui Jia 54 Hong Luan Yi Bing
Si Wu 57 Gua Su Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu Day: 19th 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Hour: 6 Si 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian 64 Tian Shou 9
Ren Type: Wood 3 Ding
Chen You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
Xin 34 En Guang Wu
Mao 52 Tian Ku Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui 63 Tian Cai
49 Ming Ma
53 Tian Xu Geng Xin Geng Ji
60 Feng Ge Yin Chou Zi Hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-43
65 Xun Kong 旬空
To find 65 Xun Kong, use both the stem and branch of the year of birth. In the first
column of the following table, find the stem of the year of birth. Follow that row over until
you locate the branch of the year of birth. Then follow that column down to find the two
branches of Xun Kong. Write the star in both of the two palaces.

65 Xun Kong
Year Branch
Jia Zi Xu Shen Wu Chen Yin
Yi Chou Hai You Wei Si Mao
Bing Yin Zi Xu Shen Wu Chen Find the year
Ding Mao Chou Hai You Wei Si stem and
Wu Chen Yin Zi Xu Shen Wu branch in
Ji Si Mao Chou Hai You Wei the columns
Geng Wu Chen Yin Zi Xu Shen on the left
Xin Wei Si Mao Chou Hai You
Ren Shen Wu Chen Yin Zi Xu
Gui You Wei Si Mao Chou Hai
Xu Shen Wu Chen Yin Zi Palaces for
Hai You Wei Si Mao Chou Xun Kong

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-44
AB was born in a bing shen year. In the table for locating 65 Xun Kong, bing is the third row
of the first column. Follow that row across until you locate shen in the fourth column of the
branch section. Follow this column down and you will find that 65 Xun Kong is located in
the palaces with the branches of chen and si. Write 65 Xun Kong in the chen and si palaces of
the chart.


5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 26 Tian Yao
65 Xun Kong 54 Hong Luan
57 Gua Su
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai Year: Bing Shen 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Month: 7 Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu Day: 19th 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Hour: 6 Si 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian 64 Tian Shou
65 Xun Kong Type: Wood 3
Ren Ding
Chen You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
23 Zuo Fu
33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
52 Tian Ku
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui 63 Tian Cai
49 Ming Ma
53 Tian Xu
60 Feng Ge
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-45
Interpretation of Stars 63 through 65
63 Tian Cai 天才 “Heavenly Talent”
 Ability, genius.

64 Tian Shou 天壽 “Heavenly Longevity”

 Long life if in the ming, shen, or illness palace.
 In the siblings or spouse palace, big gap in age.
 In the parents palace, they were older when they had you, or there is a big age gap
between your parents’ children.

65 Xun Kong 旬空 “Ten-Year Void”

 Reduces the strength of the stars it is associated with by about half. For example, 10 Ju
Men transformed by 48 Hua Ji with 65 Xun Kong does not have such a big mouth as it
would otherwise.
 Associated with two palaces. See the section on locating this star for details.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-46
Yang or Yin, Male or Female
Men and women each have two types: yin and yang. It has nothing to do with masculinity or
femininity; it only determines the direction of some calculations. The stem of the year of birth
determines whether a person is yin or yang:

Yang or Yin, Male or Female

Type Definition
Yang Male Male born in yang stem year
Yin Male Male born in yin stem year
Yang Female Female born in yang stem year
Yin Female Female born in yin stem year

To review, the polarity of the stems are shown below:

Stems Polarity
Jia Yang
Yi Yin
Bing Yang
Ding Yin
Wu Yang
Ji Yin
Geng Yang
Xin Yin
Ren Yang
Gui Yin

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-47
A person’s status as yin or yang, male or female, influences the direction of rotation of
certain stars and events as follows:

Yang or Yin, Male or Female

Type Direction
Yang Male ++ Clockwise
Yin Male -+ Counterclockwise
Yang Female +- Counterclockwise
Yin Female -- Clockwise

You can think of this mathematically: yang or male each represents a positive (+). Yin or
female each represents a negative (-). If you multiply a positive number by a positive number
or a negative number by a negative number, you get a positive (clockwise) number for the
answer. But if one number is positive and the other is negative, you get a negative
(counterclockwise) number for the answer.

Write the person’s status as yin or yang, male or female, in the center of the chart. We
will see the significance of this in the upcoming pages.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-48
Stars that Follow 36 Lu Cun
The following stars are located based on the palace of 36 Lu Cun. Star 66 Bo Shi is always in the same palace as Lu Cun. If the chart is for a
yang male or yin female, the rest of this series of stars follow clockwise in order around the chart. If the chart is for a yin male or yang female,
the rest of the stars follow counterclockwise in order around the chart.

Stars that Follow 36 Lu Cun

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
Bo Shi Li Shi Qing Long Xiao Hao Jiang Jun Zou Shu Fei Lian Xi Shen Bing Fu Da Hao Fu Bing Guan Fu
Palace of 36 Lu Cun 博士 力士 青龍 小耗 將軍 奏書 飛廉 喜神 病符 大耗 伏兵 官府
Yang Male, Yin Female Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai
Zi Zi
Yin Male, Yang Female Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou
Yang Male, Yin Female Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou
Yin Yin
Yin Male, Yang Female Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao
Yang Male, Yin Female Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin
Mao Mao
Yin Male, Yang Female Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen
Yang Male, Yin Female Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen
Si Si
Yin Male, Yang Female Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu
Yang Male, Yin Female Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si
Wu Wu
Yin Male, Yang Female Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei
Yang Male, Yin Female You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei
Shen Shen
Yin Male, Yang Female Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You
Yang Male, Yin Female Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen
You You
Yin Male, Yang Female Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu
Yang Male, Yin Female Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu
Hai Hai
Yin Male, Yang Female Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-49
The Five-Element Long Life Spirits
These stars are named after the first star in the series, 78 Chang Sheng, which means long life. They are located based on the element type and
yin or yang, male or female. If the chart is for a yang male or yin female, the rest of this series of stars follow clockwise in order around the chart.
If the chart is for a yin male or yang female, the rest of the stars follow counterclockwise in order around the chart.

Five-Element Long Life Spirits

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
Chang Sheng Mu Yu Guan Dai Lin Guan Di Wang Shuai Bing Si Mu Jue Tai Yang
Type 長生 沐浴 冠帶 臨官 帝旺 衰 病 死 墓 絕 胎 養
Yang Male, Yin Female You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei
Water 2 Shen
Yin Male, Yang Female Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You
Yang Male, Yin Female Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu
Wood 3 Hai
Yin Male, Yang Female Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi
Yang Male, Yin Female Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen
Metal 4 Si
Yin Male, Yang Female Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu
Yang Male, Yin Female You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei
Earth 5 Shen
Yin Male, Yang Female Wei Wu Si Chen Mao Yin Chou Zi Hai Xu You
Yang Male, Yin Female Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou
Fire 6 Yin
Yin Male, Yang Female Chou Zi Hai Xu You Shen Wei Wu Si Chen Mao

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-50
Example 1:
AB is a yang male, born in a bing (yang) stem year so these stars flow clockwise.
Since AB was born in a bing stem year, 36 Lu Cun is located in the si palace. Therefore, 66
Bo Shi follows it into the si palace, and the rest of this series flow clockwise from there.
AB is a Wood 3 type, so 78 Chang Sheng falls into hai palace and the rest of that series
also flow clockwise.
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3 69 Xiao Hao
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao 87 Jue
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 67 Li Shi 26 Tian Yao
65 Xun Kong 85 Si 54 Hong Luan
66 Bo Shi 57 Gua Su
84 Bing 68 Qing Long
86 Mu
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Name: AB 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Date: 8/24/56 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi Time: 10:50 am 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Year: Bing Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Month: th7 Shen 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian Day: 19 64 Tian Shou
65 Xun Kong Hour: 6 Si 70 Jiang Jun
77 Guan Fu 88 Tai
83 Shuai Type: Wood 3
Ren YYMF: Yang Male (so he moves Ding
Chen clockwise) You
22 Ling Xing 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
76 Fu Bing 23 Zuo Fu
82 Di Wang 33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
52 Tian Ku
71 Zou Shu
89 Yang
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 74 Bing Fu 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 80 Guan Dai 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 73 Xi Shen 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 79 Mu Yu 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui 63 Tian Cai
49 Ming Ma 72 Fei Lian
53 Tian Xu 78 Chang Sheng
60 Feng Ge
75 Da Hao
81 Lin Guan
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-51
Example 2:
Because CD is a yang female, born in a bing (yang) stem year, these stars flow
Since CD was born in a bing stem year, 36 Lu Cun is located in the si palace, so 66 Bo
Shi follows it into the si palace, and the rest of this series flow counterclockwise from there.
CD is a Metal 4 type. Therefore, 78 Chang Sheng goes into the si palace and the rest of
that series flow counterclockwise.

Spouse Siblings Ming Parents

10 Ju Men 3 6 Lian Zhen 3 JI 12 Tian Liang 2 13 Qi Sha 1
16 Wen Qu 11 Tian Xiang 2 19 Tai Fu 49 Ming Ma
36 Lu Cun 37 Qing Yang 26 Tian Yao 56 Gu Chen
41 Tian Guan 77 Guan Fu 51 Tian Kong 75 Da Hao
44 Kong Wang 89 Yang 76 Fu Bing 87 Jue
62 Po Sui 88 Tai
66 Bo Shi
78 Chang Sheng
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Children Karma Shen
9 Tan Lang 1 Name: CD 5 Tian Tong 3 LU
22 Ling Xing Date: 8/22/66 15 Wen Chang KE
24 You Bi Time: 2:48 am 39 Tian Kui
32 San Tai 54 Hong Luan
38 Tuo Luo Year: Bing Wu 74 Bing Fu
43 Jie Lu 86 Mu
57 Gua Su Month:th 7 Shen
60 Feng Ge Day: 7
67 Li Shi Hour: 2 Chou
79 Mu Yu
ren Type: Metal 4 ding
chen YYMF: Yang Female (so she moves you
Money counterclockwise) Property
8 Tai Yin 5 4 Wu Qu 1
20 Feng Gao 18 Di Kong
25 Tian Xing 23 Zuo Fu
55 Tian Xi 33 Ba Zuo
58 Xian Chi 35 Tian Gui
64 Tian Shou 50 Hua Gai
65 Xun Kong 59 Long Chi
68 Qing Long 73 Xi Shen
80 Guan Dai 85 Si
xin wu
mao xu
Illness Travel Friends Career
1 Zi Wei 1 2 Tian Ji 5 QUAN 14 Po Jun 1 3 Tai Yang 5
7 Tian Fu 1 63 Tian Cai 17 Di Jie 30 Tian Yue
21 Huo Xing 70 Jiang Jun 42 Tian Fu 40 Tian Yue
27 Yue Ma 82 Di Wang 52 Tian Ku 72 Fei Lian
28 Jie Shen 53 Tian Xu 84 Bing
29 Tian Wu 71 Zou Shu
31 Yin Sha 83 Shuai
34 En Guang
61 Fei Lian
65 Xun Kong
69 Xiao Hao
81 Lin Guan
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-52
Interpreting the Stars That Follow Lu
This set of stars has a relatively low weight in analyzing a chart.

66 Bo Shi 博士 “Great Scholar”

 Always located in the same palace as 36 Lu Cun. Bo Shi leads this group of stars out. Bo
Shi means wide knowledge, like a Ph.D.

67 Li Shi 力士 “Powerful Person”


68 Qing Long 青龍 “Green Dragon”

 Celebration. Improvements.

69 Xiao Hao 小耗 “Small Consumer”

 Consumes time, money, energy, etc. in a small way or with small things.

70 Jiang Jun 將軍 “Army General”


71 Zou Shu 奏書 “Written Report”

 Good news is received.

72 Fei Lian 飛廉 “Flying Sha1”

 Hidden sha (evil influence). It flies out of nowhere.
 Do not confuse with 61 Fei Lian (蜚廉).

73 Xi Shen 喜神 “Happy Spirit”

 Good things. Celebration.
 Do not confuse 73 Xi Shen (喜神) with 105 Xi Shen (息神).

Not a literal translation
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-53
74 Bing Fu 病符 “Disease”

75 Da Hao 大耗 “Big Consumer”

 Consumes time, money, energy, etc., in a large way or with big things.

76 Fu Bing 伏兵 “Ambush”
 A bad thing awaits you.

77 Guan Fu 官府 “Official Capital”

 Lawsuit, prison.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-54
Interpreting the Five-Element Long Life
These twelve stars represent a life cycle from birth to death and back to birth again.
In part, they add a little bit of meaning to a palace, although their effects are not strong.
For example, 79 Mu Yu adds some peach blossom to a palace, especially if there are other
peach blossom stars in the same palace.
However, these stars probably have more significance as a life cycle. 78 Chang Sheng
signifies birth. The palace it inhabits is like the springtime of your chart. The qi in that palace
is not yet extremely strong, but it is new and healthy and increasing in strength. 79 Mu Yu
represents a young child. 80 Guan Dai represents graduation from school. 81 Lin Guan is
getting your first job. 82 Di Wang is at the peak of growth; this palace has the strongest qi. 83
Shuai is the decline after the peak. Later, illness comes with 84 Bing. After illness is 85 Si
death. After death, there is 86 Mu, burial in the grave. 87 Jue is when the body has gone back
to the earth and everything is exhausted. 88 Tai is actually the beginning of the new cycle;
there is conception and a fetus comes into existence. However, the child has not yet emerged
into an individual life. It is still hidden from sight. In 89 Yang, the fetus receives nourishment
from the mother. Then the cycle can start again with 78 Chang Sheng when the child is born.
When used as a lifecycle, it tells how vibrant and alive a palace is. For those of you who
have studied fengshui and the nine flying stars, you are already familiar with a smaller
version of this. The wang in 82 Di Wang is the same term we use for the current twenty-year
period. The coming two twenty-year periods are called sheng, like 78 Chang Sheng. The
recently completed twenty-year periods are shuai, like 83 Shuai. And the twenty-year periods
that are long gone are si, like 85 Si. In fengshui, you know a star is stronger and more
beneficial when it is wang or sheng. It is weaker or more harmful when shuai or si. It is the
same idea with these stars, although perhaps the effects are not as strong.

78 Chang Sheng 長生 “Long Life”

 Good things happening. Booming. Long life. Chang Sheng leads out the others in this set
of stars.

79 Mu Yu 沐浴 “Wash and Bathe”

 Peach blossom.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-55
80 Guan Dai 冠帶 “Hat and Belt”
 Celebration. Happy things.

81 Lin Guan 臨官 “Arrive at Official Position”

 Celebration. Happy things.

82 Di Wang 帝旺 “Emperor Prospering”

 Strong and prosperous. Good in any palace.

83 Shuai 衰 “Decline”
 Decay. Especially bad at a young age.

84 Bing 病 “Sickness”
 Illness. Especially bad in ming or the illness palace at a young age.

85 Si 死 “Death”
 Death. Especially bad in ming or the illness palace at a young age.

86 Mu 墓 “Grave”
 Bad in ming or shen. Depressed, not lively. However, Mu also means the storage of things
so it is good in the money palace.

87 Jue 絕 “Exhausted”
 Used up. Negates whatever is in the palace.
 Bad in the children palace: infertility, or children come late in life, or children die before
their parents.
 Good in the illness palace: no sickness.

88 Tai 胎 “Fetus”
 Good things, but hidden. Serendipity.

89 Yang 養 “Nourish”
 Good things.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-56
Ming Ruler and Shen Ruler
One star represents the potential of ming or fate. This potential may or may not be
expressed, depending on the circumstances of a person’s life.
Likewise, another star represents the potential of the shen or body.

Determine the ming ruler by the branch of the ming palace:

Locating the Ming Ruler
Branch of
Ming Ruler
Ming Gong
Zi 9 Tan Lang
Chou 10 Ju Men
Yin 36 Lu Cun
Mao 16 Wen Qu
Chen 6 Lian Zhen
Si 4 Wu Qu
Wu 14 Po Jun
Wei 4 Wu Qu
Shen 6 Lian Zhen
You 16 Wen Qu
Xu 36 Lu Cun
Hai 10 Ju Men

Determine the shen ruler by the branch of the year of birth:

Locating the Shen Ruler
Branch of
Shen Ruler
Birth Year
Zi 21 Huo Xing
Chou 11 Tian Xiang
Yin 12 Tian Liang
Mao 5 Tian Tong
Chen 15 Wen Chang
Si 2 Tian Ji
Wu 21 Huo Xing
Wei 11 Tian Xiang
Shen 12 Tian Liang
You 5 Tian Tong
Xu 15 Wen Chang
Hai 2 Tian Ji

Write these stars in the center of the chart.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-57
CD’s ming gong is in the wei palace: therefore, her ming ruler is 4 Wu Qu. She was born in a
wu branch year, so her shen ruler is 21 Huo Xing. These stars are written in the center of the
Spouse Siblings Ming Parents
10 Ju Men 3 6 Lian Zhen 3 JI 12 Tian Liang 2 13 Qi Sha 1
16 Wen Qu 11 Tian Xiang 2 19 Tai Fu 49 Ming Ma
36 Lu Cun 37 Qing Yang 26 Tian Yao 56 Gu Chen
41 Tian Guan 77 Guan Fu 51 Tian Kong 75 Da Hao
44 Kong Wang 89 Yang 76 Fu Bing 87 Jue
62 Po Sui 88 Tai
66 Bo Shi
78 Chang Sheng
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Children Karma Shen
9 Tan Lang 1 Name: CD 5 Tian Tong 3 LU
22 Ling Xing Date: 8/22/66 15 Wen Chang KE
24 You Bi Time: 2:48 am 39 Tian Kui
32 San Tai 54 Hong Luan
38 Tuo Luo Year: Bing Wu 74 Bing Fu
43 Jie Lu 86 Mu
57 Gua Su Month:th 7 Shen
60 Feng Ge Day: 7
67 Li Shi Hour: 2 Chou
79 Mu Yu
ren Type: Metal 4 ding
chen YYMF: Yang Female (so she moves you
Money counterclockwise) Property
8 Tai Yin 5 4 Wu Qu 1
20 Feng Gao Ming Ruler: 4 Wu Qu 18 Di Kong
25 Tian Xing Shen Ruler: 21 Huo Xing 23 Zuo Fu
55 Tian Xi 33 Ba Zuo
58 Xian Chi 35 Tian Gui
64 Tian Shou 50 Hua Gai
65 Xun Kong 59 Long Chi
68 Qing Long 73 Xi Shen
80 Guan Dai 85 Si
xin wu
mao xu
Illness Travel Friends Career
1 Zi Wei 1 2 Tian Ji 5 QUAN 14 Po Jun 1 3 Tai Yang 5
7 Tian Fu 1 63 Tian Cai 17 Di Jie 30 Tian Yue
21 Huo Xing 70 Jiang Jun 42 Tian Fu 40 Tian Yue
27 Yue Ma 82 Di Wang 52 Tian Ku 72 Fei Lian
28 Jie Shen 53 Tian Xu 84 Bing
29 Tian Wu 71 Zou Shu
31 Yin Sha 83 Shuai
34 En Guang
61 Fei Lian
65 Xun Kong
69 Xiao Hao
81 Lin Guan
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-58
Interpretation of the Ming Ruler and the
Shen Ruler
The ming ruler is a potential that you have which may or may not get fulfilled in your
life. For example, if 16 Wen Qu is your ming ruler, you may find that you have great artistic
talent. Yet if you are never given a brush and paper, and if you have to work as a laborer all
your life, you may never discover these talents. The shen ruler has a similar effect, but the
potential will probably develop later in a person’s life.

Many of you will ask, can’t we use software, rather than doing all this calculation by
hand? Yes, software is available both in English and Chinese, but you have to be careful
when you choose it. There are different styles and different schools of Zi Wei Dou Shu. Some
people calculate the stars differently, including the essential Four Transforming Stars. Some
may calculate differently for someone born in a leap month or someone born between 11 pm
and midnight. Some software may not include all the stars that we use.
We can recommend some software, but this is better discussed in the bulletin board, or
you can contact the American Feng Shui Institute at [email protected] or at

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-59
How to Read a Lifetime Chart
1. Look at the ming.
 What is the branch or grouping of its palace?
 What Major Stars are there? How are they rated?
 What additional stars are there, especially the Four Transforming Stars?

2. Look at travel (opposite), career, and money (in the three combinations relationship).
 Look at the same factors as for ming.
 Look at how these palaces affect ming and each other.

3. Look at shen, the body palace.

 What palace category does it coincide with? This is a significant area of the chart.
 Look at the same factors as for ming, but apply them to the person at a later age.

4. Look at karma and spouse to see how happy they will be with their life.

5. If they have other areas of interest, look there, too: children, parents, illness, etc.

6. Where is 48 Hua Ji? This is likely to be a difficult area.

7. Where is 47 Hua Lu? This is likely to be a more satisfying area.

8. Do you see a palace where a lot of good stars or a lot of bad stars collect?

9. Look at the ming ruler and the shen ruler for a hidden potential.

Remember, in palaces with no Major Stars, the Major Stars, the Major Stars from the
opposite palace are reflected in but maintain the original rating. If a reflected star is
transformed by one of these four stars, the transforming star is also reflected in.
The rest of the stars in this class have an influence on the opposite palace but are not
reflected into it.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-60
The Weight of Stars
Remember the concept of putting the stars in a palace on a scale? Some stars only have a
small effect on a chart. Others can really tip the scale. You cannot put an exact weight on each
star, and some are only significant in certain palaces, but here is an approximate estimation as
a guideline for students:

Most Heavy:
 The Fourteen Major Stars and the Four Transforming Stars.

Very Heavy:
 15 Wen Chang, 16 Wen Qu
 17 Di Jie, 18 Di Kong
 21 Huo Xing, 22 Ling Xing
 23 Zuo Fu, 24 You Bi
 36 Lu Cun, 37 Qing Yang, 38 Tuo Luo

Somewhat Heavy or Heavy Only in Certain Palaces:

 25 Tian Xing, 26 Tian Yao
 28 Jie Shen
 31 Yin Sha
 54 Hong Luan, 55 Tian Xi
 56 Gu Chen, 57 Gua Su

Often the other stars will not have a dramatic effect unless a few similar ones gang up.
But don’t take the suggested weights too literally. Develop your own experience to find out
how powerful the different stars are.
Remember, most palaces have good and bad stars mixed. Weigh them on the scale to see
which is greater. Taste the soup to see how they combine. Try to see how stars in the same
palace interact and how the palaces affect each other.
When two or more stars that have similar meaning are in the same palace, their effect is
multiplied. One peach blossom star makes a person attractive. Two peach blossom stars mean
it is an important part of who they are. Three or more will probably be way out of balance.
You can apply the same idea to consuming stars, lonely stars, money stars, etc.
In reading a chart, you cannot always take into account every star in every palace. There
is too much information there. You don’t need to tell a client about every aspect of their life.
Often you will choose to focus a reading on their areas of interest. This is especially true once

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-61
you have learned the material in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class. You cannot possibly tell
someone every aspect of their past, present, and future.
Finally, I suggest that you reread the introduction to this Zi Wei Dou Shu Intermediate
Class. It also gave a lot of information about reading a chart that may be more meaningful
now that you have learned about these 75 stars.

Discussing the Reading with Clients

You need to tell people the truth, but there is an art to telling the truth in a way that
benefits the client and does not harm him or her.
We all have flaws or defects in our character. If it shows up in a chart, it is very hard to
change because it is hard-wired into the person. We must be non-judgmental, and find soft
ways to discuss it. If someone has stars that show they love to gossip behind people’s back,
you can tell them something like this: “People easily misunderstand what you say and it is
easy for others to feel hurt by your words even if you intend no harm. It is better if you think
carefully before you speak. It is better if you speak about others less. It is better if you speak
to someone directly about a problem. If you discuss someone’s problem with other people, it
will find a way of coming back to hurt you.” You can let people know how to improve
without making them feel bad about themselves. Remember, they were already dealt their
hand in life. You cannot change the cards they were dealt, but you can help them see how to
play their cards better.
You must also be careful when you see a problem in some area of a person’s life. If a
newly-wed comes to see you and you tell them their spouse stars are bad and that they cannot
have a happy marriage or that they will get divorced, it can easily make them depressed. It
will ruin any good times that they may have. Instead warn them that all marriages have rough
spots. Theirs is no exception. They must try to understand that all arguments have two sides.
They must learn to compromise with their spouse. You can give more precise guidance based
on the stars in their ming and spouse palaces.
You must always try to inspire your clients and give them hope. If they are having a
crisis in one area of life and you cannot see any resolution, look for another area that is good
and ask them to focus on that. For example, if spouse stars are bad but career stars are good,
tell them that they will feel more satisfied if they put extra effort into their career.
With practice, you will find discussing the reading with your clients a little easier.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-62
Case Study: AB
5 Tian Tong 1 LU 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
15 Wen Chang KE 7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3 69 Xiao Hao
36 Lu Cun 18 Di Kong 20 Feng Gao 87 Jue
41 Tian Guan 37 Qing Yang 21 Huo Xing
44 Kong Wang 67 Li Shi 26 Tian Yao
65 Xun Kong 85 Si 54 Hong Luan
66 Bo Shi 57 Gua Su
84 Bing 68 Qing Long
86 Mu
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun 2 Name: AB 2 Tian Ji 2 QUAN
17 Di Jie Date: 8/24/56 10 Ju Men 1
24 You Bi Time: 10:50 am 16 Wen Qu
32 San Tai 39 Tian Kui
38 Tuo Luo Year: Bing Shen 51 Tian Kong
43 Jie Lu 58 Xian Chi
50 Hua Gai Month: th7 Shen 62 Po Sui
61 Fei Lian Day: 19 64 Tian Shou
65 Xun Kong Hour: 6 Si 70 Jiang Jun
77 Guan Fu 88 Tai
83 Shuai Type: Wood 3
Ren YYMF: Yang Male Ding
Chen You
MING Ming Ruler: 16 Wen Qu ILLNESS
22 Ling Xing Shen Ruler: 12 Tian Liang 1 Zi Wei 4
25 Tian Xing 11 Tian Xiang 4
76 Fu Bing 23 Zuo Fu
82 Di Wang 33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
52 Tian Ku
71 Zou Shu
89 Yang
Xin Wu
Mao Xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 JI 55 Tian Xi 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5
27 Yue Ma 74 Bing Fu 42 Tian Fu 19 Tai Fu
28 Jie Shen 80 Guan Dai 59 Long Chi 30 Tian Yue
29 Tian Wu 73 Xi Shen 40 Tian Yue
31 Yin Sha 79 Mu Yu 56 Gu Chen
35 Tian Gui 63 Tian Cai
49 Ming Ma 72 Fei Lian
53 Tian Xu 78 Chang Sheng
60 Feng Ge
75 Da Hao
81 Lin Guan
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-63
Analysis of AB’s Chart: We last discussed AB’s chart at the end of the Zi Wei Dou Shu
Beginning Class, Part 2. Let’s see what else we can add.
Ming: Since AB’s ming is in mao and it has no Major Stars, 2 Tian Ji 2 and 10 Ju Men 1 are
reflected into his ming from the opposite palace (you, AB’s travel palace). The ratings remain
the same, whether in the original or the reflected palace. The high ratings of these two stars
let you know that they will be on their best behavior. Tian Ji is smart, changeable, active, and
quick. It is given power by 46 Hua Quan. This adds to its intelligence, or gives AB the power
to put his intelligence to good use. Tian Ji is combined with Ju Men, which represents
someone who speaks. The two together have the image of someone who talks fast and talks a
lot (definitely true for this person).
The minor stars in AB’s ming include 22 Ling Xing and 25 Tian Xing. These add some
roughness or aggression. He already has Hua Quan in ming, so his personality may be so
strong that some people do not feel comfortable around him.
Career: AB’s career palace has 3 Tai Yang 3 and 8 Tai Yin 3 together in wei. This is the sun
and moon together. It makes for a very changeable situation. You would expect him to change
careers often since two major stars are in one palace, and these two stars represent the sun
and the moon. Because it is an earth palace, the instability is not extreme. However, now we
see that 21 Huo Xing is also here. This can mean that when the changes occur, they will be
abrupt, like wild fire. Some of the stars here, such as 26 Tian Yao, 54 Hong Luan, and 57 Gua
Su are not very relevant in the career palace, but will be important in other ways once you
have studied the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class.
Money: The money palace (hai) has 12 Tian Liang with a low rating, so his money luck is
not very strong overall. The minor stars are good and bad mixed, but don’t give a strong
message. 63 Tian Cai gives ability, so he can probably manage his own money.
Travel: Travel (in you) has the same Major Stars as ming: 2 Tian Ji 2 transformed by 46 Hua
Quan and 10 Ju Men 1. Tian Ji signifies traveling far from the birth place to make a living.
AB was born in New York, but has lived and worked in California for many years. 39 Tian
Kui means people will help him if he needs it when traveling and that older people will be the
most helpful. He has two peach blossom stars, 16 Wen Qu and 58 Xian Chi, so it may be
easier for him to find romance when he is traveling then when he is near to home. There are
not many bad stars in this palace, and 64 Tian Shou (representing longevity) helps protect
him from serious accidents or disease while traveling.
Overall, with these four palaces, we have a portrait of a strong personality, smart,
talkative, who may easily offend people unintentionally. His career and money are not very
remarkable. He is not a high achiever, but these palaces don’t show disaster either.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-64
Spouse: We already discussed that AB’s shen gong is in his spouse palace (in the Zi Wei Dou
Shu Beginning Class). This palace (chou) has no major stars, so 3 Tai Yang 3 and 8 Tai Yin 3
are reflected into it, with no change of ratings. Spouse is important to AB because shen gong
is there, but his spouse will be changeable, because the palace contains the sun and moon
together. A changeable spouse is not ideal, as you want someone you can rely on. In this case,
the minor stars do not add a lot of detail, but looking at the spouse palace in the different time
periods should be interesting, as he had quite a bit of turbulence in this regard.
Karma: AB has 5 Tian Tong 1 transformed by 45 Hua Lu in karma. In addition, he has 36 Lu
Cun. In other palaces, this might make him lazy. However, in karma, it will make him content
(and still a little lazy). He is unlikely to feel a big need for spiritual growth, but he will be
happy. However, this palace also has 44 Kong Wang and 65 Xun Kong, two ‘emptiness’ stars.
These reduce the benefits, but they do not make the good stars bad.
AB also has 15 Wen Chang with 47 Hua Ke. These are both peach blossom stars. This
gives him some tendency towards peach blossom, but perhaps less than if they were in ming.
Ming shows outer behavior while karma shows inner thought. Wen Chang also gives him a
creative streak, while Hua Ke adds some gentleness.
Now we can see that although AB’s exterior behavior and speech may be a little coarse,
he really is soft or gentle on the inside. He is not mean or aggressive, although he might give
that as a first impression.
Hua Ji and Hua Lu: Hua Ji and Hua Lu can be used as markers to indicate which palace will
give the most benefit or the most trouble. We have already seen that Hua Lu is in AB’s karma,
so he has the ability to be happy.
It is good to also check for the source of trouble in his life. Where is Hua Ji? It is in the
siblings palace in yin. If he had no siblings, it would have little effect on him. But AB has a
sister. When AB moved to California, he had just taken his infant daughter away from the
psychologically incompetent mother. He moved to California because his sister said she
would help take care of the child. The sister was married with a son one year older than AB’s
daughter. AB needed her help, but she also was a source of great difficulty for him. The
siblings palace has 28 Jie Shen which will help resolve problems (she helped him with child
care). It reduces some of the strength of the Hua Ji. On the plus side, it also has 35 Tian Gui,
representing someone who helps.
The siblings palace has 27 Yue Ma and 49 Ming Ma (and is in a corner), showing that
this is an extremely active and unstable palace. There are also some sha or consuming stars:
29 Tian Wu, 31 Yin Sha (indicating a female, his sister), 53 Tian Xu, and 75 Da Hao. So we
can see, she helps him out, but really makes him pay for it in other ways.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-65
Ming and Shen Ruler: The ming ruler has 16 Wen Qu. AB must really have some kind of
talent although it is a potential or more hidden (with 15 Wen Chang in karma). It would be
good to advise him to start some kind of creative hobby. He would enjoy it and be good at it.
The shen ruler has 12 Tian Liang. Tian Liang likes to help out and fix things. Perhaps as
he ages (since shen ruler is for later in life), he can find ways to help people and work to
better society.

We hope this case study helps to illustrate how to read a chart. There is still much more
to learn in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class. In the first part, you will learn how to predict
events based on time. In the second part, there are case studies and analysis of charts to help
teach the fine points of reading a chart.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-66
Final Exam
Add stars 49 through 89 and the ming and shen rulers to this chart. Then answer the questions
below. This is the same chart from Test 1, Question 1.
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2 20 Feng Gao
17 Di Jie 40 Tian Yue 13 Qi Sha 2 27 Yue Ma
18 Di Kong 28 Jie Shen
29 Tian Wu 35 Tian Gui
42 Tian Fu 38 Tuo Luo
43 Jie Lu
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money male Parents
10 Ju Men 3 LU Year: xin you 21 Huo Xing
15 Wen Chang JI Month: 1, yin 25 Tian Xing
22 Ling Xing Day: 12 36 Lu Cun
23 Zuo Fu Hour: 7, wu 41 Tian Guan
44 Kong Wang
ren Element Type: Fire 6 ding
chen YYMF: you
Illness Karma
1 Zi Wei 2 Ming Ruler: 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3 Shen Ruler: 16 Wen Qu KE
32 San Tai 24 You Bi
30 Tian Yue
37 Qing Yang
xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 QUAN 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 26 Tian Yao 19 Tai Fu 14 Po Jun 3
31 Yin Sha 33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang
39 Tian Kui
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

1. We already looked at his children palace, and it looked bad for having kids. Has it changed
any with the additional stars?

2. What can you tell us about his spouse and karma?

3. What about ming ruler and shen ruler?

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-67
Final Exam Answers
Add stars 49 through 89 and the ming and shen rulers to this chart. Then answer the questions
below. This is the same chart from Test 1, Question 1.
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2 20 Feng Gao
17 Di Jie 40 Tian Yue 13 Qi Sha 2 27 Yue Ma
18 Di Kong 54 Hong Luan 57 Gua Su 28 Jie Shen
29 Tian Wu 58 Xian Chi 68 Qing Long 35 Tian Gui
42 Tian Fu 69 Xiao Hao 85 Si 38 Tuo Luo
43 Jie Lu 86 Mu 67 Li Shi
62 Po Sui 84 Bing
63 Tian Cai
64 Tian Shou
70 Jiang Jun
87 Jue
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money Parents
10 Ju Men 3 LU Year: xin you 21 Huo Xing
15 Wen Chang JI Month: 1, yin 25 Tian Xing
22 Ling Xing Day: 12th 36 Lu Cun
23 Zuo Fu Hour: 7, wu 41 Tian Guan
44 Kong Wang 52 Tian Ku
71 Zou Shu Element Type: Fire 6 66 Bo Shi
88 Tai YYMF: yin male 83 Shuai
ren ding
chen Ming Ruler: 6 Lian Zhen you
Illness Shen Ruler: 5 Tian Tong Karma
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3 16 Wen Qu KE
32 San Tai 24 You Bi
53 Tian Xu 30 Tian Yue
72 Fei Lian 37 Qing Yang
89 Yang 51 Tian Kong
77 Guan Fu
82 Di Wang
xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 QUAN 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 26 Tian Yao 19 Tai Fu 14 Po Jun 3
31 Yin Sha 50 Hua Gai 55 Tian Xi 33 Ba Zuo
34 En Guang 59 Long Chi 65 Xun Kong 49 Ming Ma
39 Tian Kui 60 Feng Ge 75 Da Hao 56 Gu Chen
73 Xi Shen 65 Xun Kong 80 Guan Dai 61 Fei Lian
78 Chang Sheng 74 Bing Fu 76 Fu Bing
79 Mu Yu 81 Lin Guan
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-68
1. We already looked at his children palace, and it looked bad for having kids. Has it changed
any with the additional stars?
Answer: No, it is still very bad. 62 Po Sui (“Break and Shatter,” isolated, never finishes,
funerals, death) and 87 Jue (infertility, children die before the parents) are now in the children
palace. Some of the other small stars are good, but the weight of six very bad stars is

2. What can you tell us about his spouse and karma?

Answer: He has Tian Liang 1 as the Major Star in his spouse palace (wu). She may be older.
She will take care of him, but may like to micromanage his life (nag). In addition, there is the
possibility that he could divorce and remarry the same woman. 40 Tian Yue also adds to her
helpfulness. The wu palace (a peach blossom branch), 54 Hong Luan, and 58 Xian Chi give
her peach blossom. She will be attractive. 69 Xiao Hao means she will consume some of his
resources, perhaps she likes to buy nice things for herself.
Karma palace is in xu. He has 5 Tian Tong, so he should be relatively content and easy
to get along with, although easily hurt in love. However, 37 Qing Yang may toughen him up a
little, making him more aggressive. 30 Tian Yue makes him a bit of a worrier. He must be
interested in the arts because of 16 Wen Qu transformed by 47 Hua Ke.

3. What about ming ruler and shen ruler?

Answer: The ming ruler is 6 Lian Zhen. It is very charismatic and full of peach blossom. He
does not have any peach blossom stars in his ming, so this indicates that he has some
potential to make himself over into a more sexually attractive person if he likes.
The shen ruler is 5 Tian Tong, which is a star of relaxing and enjoying. This person has
ming and shen in the same palace (shen branch). It contains two Major Stars in a corner. One
of them is 2 Tian Ji. He also has 27 Yue Ma. All of this adds up to a lot of activity and
movement. He will not be a relaxed, easy going person. But as he ages, if he chooses, he
could really slow down and began to enjoy life more, since he has 5 Tian Tong as his shen

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-69
Index of the 89 Permanent Stars
The 89 Permanent Stars
1 Zi Wei 紫微 31 Yin Sha 陰煞 61 Fei Lian 蜚廉
2 Tian Ji 天機 32 San Tai 三台 62 Po Sui 破碎
3 Tai Yang 太陽 33 Ba Zou 八座 63 Tian Cai 天才
4 Wu Qu 武曲 34 En Guang 恩光 64 Tian Shou 天壽
5 Tian Tong 天同 35 Tian Gui 天貴 65 Xun Kong 旬空
6 Lian Zhen 廉貞 36 Lu Cun 祿存 66 Bo Shi 博士
7 Tian Fu 天府 37 Qing Yang 擎羊 67 Li Shi 力士
8 Tai Yin 太陰 38 Tuo Luo 陀羅 68 Qing Long 青龍
9 Tan Lang 貪狼 39 Tian Kui 天魁 69 Xiao Hao 小耗
10 Ju Men 巨門 40 Tian Yue 天鉞 70 Jiang Jun 將軍
11 Tian Xiang 天相 41 Tian Guan 天官 71 Zou Shu 奏書
12 Tian Liang 天梁 42 Tian Fu 天褔 72 Fei Lian 飛廉
13 Qi Sha 七殺 43 Jie Lu 截路 73 Xi Shen 喜神
14 Po Jun 破軍 44 Kong Wang 空亡 74 Bing Fu 病符
15 Wen Chang 文昌 45 Hua Lu 化祿 75 Da Hao 大耗
16 Wen Qu 文曲 46 Hua Quan 化權 76 Fu Bing 伏兵
17 Di Jie 地劫 47 Hua Ke 化科 77 Guan Fu 官府
18 Di Kong 地空 48 Hua Ji 化忌 78 Chang Sheng 長生
19 Tai Fu 台輔 49 Ming Ma 命馬 79 Mu Yu 沐浴
20 Feng Gao 封誥 50 Hua Gai 華蓋 80 Guan Dai 冠帶
21 Huo Xing 火星 51 Tian Kong 天空 81 Lin Guan 臨官
22 Ling Xing 鈴星 52 Tian Ku 天哭 82 Di Wang 帝旺
23 Zuo Fu 左輔 53 Tian Xu 天虛 83 Shuai 衰
24 You Bi 右弼 54 Hong Luan 紅鸞 84 Bing 病
25 Tian Xing 天刑 55 Tian Xi 天喜 85 Si 死
26 Tian Yao 天姚 56 Gu Chen 孤辰 86 Mu 墓
27 Yue Ma 月馬 57 Gua Su 寡宿 87 Jue 絕
28 Jie Shen 解神 58 Xian Chi 咸池 88 Tai 胎
29 Tian Wu 天巫 59 Long Chi 龍池 89 Yang 養
30 Tian Yue 天月 60 Feng Ge 鳳閣

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 3 3-70

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