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American Feng Shui Institute


AS201b –Zi Wei Dou Shu2, Beginning Class, Part 2

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-i
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© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-iii
AS201b – Zi Wei Dou Shu 2, Beginning Class, Part 2
Table of Contents
Locating and Rating the Fourteen Major Stars.......................................................................1
Five Element Type ......................................................................................................................... 1

Locating the Zi Wei Star (紫微星 2
Quiz 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Quiz 1 Answers....................................................................................................................................... 6

A Series of Stars Placed by the Location of Zi Wei..................................................................... 8

A Series of Stars Placed by the Location of 7 Tian Fu................................................................ 9

Checking the Placement of Stars ................................................................................................ 10

Quiz 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 12
Quiz 2 Answers..................................................................................................................................... 15

Rating the Stars............................................................................................................................ 18

Quiz 3 ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Quiz 3 Answers..................................................................................................................................... 23

Conventions Used In These Lessons ......................................................................................25

The Twelve Palaces of Zi Wei .................................................................................................26

Interpreting the Fourteen Major Stars...................................................................................32

1 Zi Wei 紫微...............................................................................................................................
紫微 33

2 Tian Ji 天機 .............................................................................................................................. 35

3 Tai Yang 太陽 ........................................................................................................................... 37

4 Wu Qu 武曲..............................................................................................................................
武曲 39

5 Tian Tong 天同 ......................................................................................................................... 41

6 Lian Zhen 廉貞 ........................................................................................................................ 43

7 Tian Fu 天府.............................................................................................................................
天府 45

8 Tai Yin 太陰 .............................................................................................................................. 47

9 Tan Lang 貪狼..........................................................................................................................

貪狼 49

10 Ju Men 巨門 ........................................................................................................................... 51

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-iv
11 Tian Xiang 天相 ..................................................................................................................... 53

12 Tian Liang 天梁 ..................................................................................................................... 55

13 Qi Sha 七殺.............................................................................................................................
七殺 57

14 Po Jun 破軍 ............................................................................................................................ 59

Further Interpretion of the Fourteen Major Stars ................................................................61

Unstable Stars .............................................................................................................................. 63

Teaching and Learning................................................................................................................ 64

Money ........................................................................................................................................... 64

Peach Blossom Stars .................................................................................................................... 64

Appendix: The Meaning of the Names of the Fourteen Major Stars ...................................67
Final Exam............................................................................................................................................ 71
Final Exam Answers ............................................................................................................................. 72

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-v
Locating and Rating the Fourteen
Major Stars
The first fourteen stars are the most important. So important, in fact, that some books teach
simplified methods of Zi Wei using only these fourteen. The interpretation of these stars will
be discussed after we place all fourteen within the chart and rate them.

Five Element Type

In order to locate the first star, Zi Wei, we need to find the Five Element Type for the subject
of the chart. Look at the palace where the ming gong is located. Using the stem and branch
combination for the ming palace (not the birth year), check on the following table to find the
element type. Write it in the center of your chart.

Branch Five Element Type

of Ming Stem of Ming Palace
Palace Jia or Yi Bing or Ding Wu or Ji Geng or Xin Ren or Gui
Zi or Chou Metal 4 Water 2 Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3
Yin or Mao Water 2 Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3 Metal 4
Chen or Si Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3 Metal 4 Water 2
Wu or Wei Metal 4 Water 2 Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3
Shen or You Water 2 Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3 Metal 4
Xu or Hai Fire 6 Earth 5 Wood 3 Metal 4 Water 2

Some of you may be familiar with the 60 Jia Zi Nayin (六十甲子納音). The above table
contains the nayin element for that stem - branch combination. If you are not familiar with
the nayin, it will not impair your ability to follow this material. The nayin are discussed in
our Marriage Partner Selection Class and in Case Study 13.

Notice that the following numbers are associated with the five elements:

Water Wood Metal Earth Fire

2 3 4 5 6

The significance of these numbers will be discussed in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced Class.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-1
Locating the Zi Wei Star (紫微星)
You have already calculated the lunar birth day for your subject and written it in the center of
the chart. Use the element type and the lunar birth day to locate the palace of the Zi Wei Star:
Location of Zi Wei Star
Day of Element Type
Lunar Month Water 2 Wood 3 Metal 4 Earth 5 Fire 6
1 Chou Chen Hai Wu You
2 Yin Chou Chen Hai Wu
3 Yin Yin Chou Chen Hai
4 Mao Si Yin Chou Chen
5 Mao Yin Zi Yin Chou
6 Chen Mao Si Wei Yin
7 Chen Wu Yin Zi Xu
8 Si Mao Mao Si Wei
9 Si Chen Chou Yin Zi
10 Wu Wei Wu Mao Si
11 Wu Chen Mao Shen Yin
12 Wei Si Chen Chou Mao
13 Wei Shen Yin Wu Hai
14 Shen Si Wei Mao Shen
15 Shen Wu Chen Chen Chou
16 You You Si You Wu
17 You Wu Mao Yin Mao
18 Xu Wei Shen Wei Chen
19 Xu Xu Si Chen Zi
20 Hai Wei Wu Si You
21 Hai Shen Chen Xu Yin
22 Zi Hai You Mao Wei
23 Zi Shen Wu Shen Chen
24 Chou You Wei Si Si
25 Chou Zi Si Wu Chou
26 Yin You Xu Hai Xu
27 Yin Xu Wei Chen Mao
28 Mao Chou Shen You Shen
29 Mao Xu Wu Wu Si
30 Chen Hai Hai Wei Wu

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-2

Gui Jia Yi Bing

Si Wu Wei Shen
Date: 8/24/56
Ren Time: 10:50 am Ding
Chen Year: Bing Shen You
MING Month: 7 Shen ILLNESS
Day: 19 1 Zi Wei
Xin Hour: 6 Si Wu
Mao Type: Wood 3 Xu
Geng Xin Geng Ji
Yin Chou Zi Hai

 AB is a Wood 3 Type because the stem in his ming gong is xin and the branch in his
ming gong is mao.
 AB was born on the 19th day of the lunar month.
 AB’s Zi Wei star is found in the xu palace,1 which also happens to be his illness palace.
We know that Zi Wei is in the xu palace because if you look in the Wood 3 column of
the preceding table and find the row for the 19th day, you’ll find that it tells you ‘xu.’

We always refer to palace by its branch (not its stem or category) because the branch is always in the
same location in every chart.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-3
Quiz 1
1. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Money Children Spouse Siblings
ji geng xin ren
si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
wu Month: 11, zi gui
chen Day: 15th you
Travel Shen Hour: 4, mao Parents
ding jia
mao Element Type: xxxxxxx xu
Friends Career Property Karma
bing ding bing yi
yin chou zi hai

2. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money Year: xin you Parents
ren Month: 1, yin ding
chen Day: 12th you
Illness Hour: 7, wu Karma
xin wu
mao Element Type:xxxxxxx xu
Travel Friends Career Property
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-4
3. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Property Career Friends Travel
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
bing Month: 5, wu xin
chen Day: 5th you
Parents Hour: 5, chen Money Shen
yi ren
mao Element Type: xxxxxxx xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-5
Quiz 1 Answers
1. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Money Children Spouse Siblings
ji geng xin ren
si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
1 Zi Wei Month: 11, zi
wu Day: 15th gui
chen Hour: 4, mao you
Travel Shen Parents
ding Element Type: Metal 4 jia
mao xu
Friends Career Property Karma
bing ding bing yi
yin chou zi hai

2. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money Year: xin you Parents
ren Month: 1, yin ding
chen Day: 12th you
Illness Hour: 7, wu Karma
1 Zi Wei
xin Element Type: Fire 6 wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-6
3. Find the element type and then the location of the Zi Wei Star:
Property Career Friends Travel
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
bing Month: 5, wu xin
chen Day: 5th you
Parents Hour: 5, chen Money Shen
1 Zi Wei
yi Element Type: Water 2 ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-7
A Series of Stars Placed by the
Location of Zi Wei
Now that your chart has the pertinent birth information of the subject, palace stems and
branches, palace categories, and the 1 Zi Wei star, you are ready to begin placing in the rest
of the stars. This is not done all at once, but by one series of stars after another.
The Zi Wei Star is said to lead out the other stars, because we find it first, and because
the location of the other stars are based on the location of Zi Wei.
In the left-hand column of the table below, locate the branch of the palace in which Zi
Wei is located. Look in the right-hand columns to find the location of the first series of stars:

Placement of the Stars

Location of 2 3 4 5 6 7
紫微 天機 太陽 武曲 天同 廉貞 天府
1 Zi Wei Tian Ji Tai Yang Wu Qu Tian Tong Lian Zhen Tian Fu
Zi Hai You Shen Wei Chen Chen
Chou Zi Xu You Shen Si Mao
Yin Chou Hai Xu You Wu Yin
Mao Yin Zi Hai Xu Wei Chou
Chen Mao Chou Zi Hai Shen Zi
Si Chen Yin Chou Zi You Hai
Wu Si Mao Yin Chou Xu Xu
Wei Wu Chen Mao Yin Hai You
Shen Wei Si Chen Mao Zi Shen
You Shen Wu Si Chen Chou Wei
Xu You Wei Wu Si Yin Wu
Hai Xu Shen Wei Wu Mao Si

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-8
A Series of Stars Placed by the
Location of 7 Tian Fu
The placement of the second group of stars is based on the location of the seventh star,
Tian Fu.
In the left-hand column below, find the branch of the palace in which 7 Tian Fu is
located. Look in the right-hand columns to find the locations of the next group of stars.

Placement of the Stars

Location 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
of 太陰 貪狼 巨門 天相 天梁 七殺 破軍
天府 Tai Tan Ju Tian Tian Qi Po
7 Tian Fu Yin Lang Men Xiang Liang Sha Jun
Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Xu
Chou Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Hai
Yin Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen Zi
Mao Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Chou
Chen Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Yin
Si Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Mao
Wu Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chen
Wei Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Si
Shen You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Wu
You Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Wei
Xu Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Shen
Hai Zi Chou Yin Mao Chen Si You

You have now completed placement of the Fourteen Major Stars.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-9
Checking the Placement of Stars
After placing the stars, you can check for mistakes by looking for a pattern:
1. If 1 Zi Wei is in the yin or shen palace, then 7 Tian Fu should also be in the same
2. If 1 Zi Wei is in any other palace, 7 Tian Fu should be diagonally opposite it.
This pattern is shown in the following diagrams:

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-10
5 Tian Tong 4 Wu Qu 3 Tai Yang 9 Tan Lang
7 Tian Fu 8 Tai Yin
Gui Jia Yi Bing
Si Wu Wei Shen
14 Po Jun Date: 8/24/56 2 Tian Ji
Time: 10:50 am 10 Ju Men
Ren Ding
Chen Year: Bing Shen You
MING Month: 7 Shen ILLNESS
Day: 19th 1 Zi Wei
Hour: 6 Si 11 Tian Xiang
Xin Wu
Mao Type: Wood 3 Xu
6 Lian Zhen SHEN 13 Qi Sha 12 Tian Liang

Geng Xin Geng Ji

Yin Chou Zi Hai

 1 Zi Wei is placed in the xu palace based on AB’s Wood 3 type and his being born on the
19th day of the lunar month.
 Stars 2 through 7 are placed in location by following the table called A Series of Stars
Placed by the Location of Zi Wei. We look at the row that shows the locations based on 1
Zi Wei in the xu palace.
 This puts 7 Tian Fu in the wu branch palace.
 From the table called A Series of Stars Placed by the Location of 7 Tian Fu, we place
stars 8 through 14, based on 7 Tian Fu’s location in the wu palace.
 Notice that a palace may contain one, two, or none of the Fourteen Major Stars. An
empty palace takes on the major stars of the opposite palace. In this case, the mao palace
is empty, so the two stars in the you palace are reflected in: 2 Tian Ji and 10 Ju Men.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-11
Quiz 2
1. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Money Children Spouse Siblings

ji geng xin ren

si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
1 Zi Wei Month: 11, zi
Day: 15th
wu Hour: 4, mao gui
chen you
Travel Shen Element Type: Metal 4 Parents

ding jia
mao xu
Friends Career Property Karma

bing ding bing yi

yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-12
2. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen

gui jia yi bing

si wu wei shen
Money Year: xin you Parents
Month: 1, yin
Day: 12th
ren Hour: 7, wu ding
chen you
Illness Element Type: Fire 6 Karma
1 Zi Wei

xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property

geng xin geng ji

yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-13
3. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Property Career Friends Travel

ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
1 Month: 5, wu
bing Day: 5th xin
chen Hour: 5, chen you
Parents Money Shen
1 Zi Wei Element Type: Water 2

yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children

jia yi jia gui

yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-14
Quiz 2 Answers
1. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Money Children Spouse Siblings
12 Tian Liang 13 Qi Sha 6 Lian Zhen

ji geng xin ren

si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
1 Zi Wei Month: 11, zi
11 Tian Xiang Day: 15th
wu Hour: 4, mao gui
chen you
Travel Shen Element Type: Metal 4 Parents
2 Tian Ji 14 Po Jun 2
10 Ju Men
ding jia
mao xu
Friends Career Property Karma
9 Tan Lang 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu 5 Tian Tong
8 Tai Yin 7 Tian Fu
bing ding bing yi
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-15
2. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Children Spouse Siblings Ming Shen
11 Tian Xiang 12 Tian Liang 6 Lian Zhen
13 Qi Sha
gui jia yi bing
si wu wei shen
Money Year: xin you Parents
10 Ju Men Month: 1, yin
Day: 12th
ren Hour: 7, wu ding
chen you
Illness Element Type: Fire 6 Karma
1 Zi Wei 5 Tian Tong
9 Tan Lang
xin wu
mao xu
Travel Friends Career Property
2 Tian Ji 7 Tian Fu 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu
8 Tai Yin 14 Po Jun
geng xin geng ji
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-16
3. Find the rest of the Fourteen Major Stars:
Property Career Friends Travel
11 Tian Xiang 12 Tian Liang 6 Lian Zhen
13 Qi Sha
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
10 Ju Men Month: 5, wu
bing Day: 5th xin
chen Hour: 5, chen you
Parents Money Shen
1 Zi Wei Element Type: Water 2 5 Tian Tong
9 Tan Lang
yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 7 Tian Fu 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu
8 Tai Yin 14 Po Jun
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai
Notice that this chart and the previous one have some similarities. Zi Wei is in the mao
palace in both, so all Fourteen Major Stars are in the same palaces in both charts. Even so,
ming can fall into any one of the twelve palaces, which will make a huge difference in
In the previous chart, the ming was in the shen branch palace, which is empty. Therefore,
it uses 2 Tian Ji and 8 Tai Yin, reflected in from the opposite (yin) palace. In this chart, the
ming is in yin, with the original 2 Tian Ji and 8 Tai Yin. Even though the ming contains the
same stars in both charts, the other eleven palaces have different stars.
In addition, the location of shen, the body palace is not the same. Further, when we add
the rest of the stars in the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, there will be big differences.
Finally, the timing, which we learn in the Advanced Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, will not be the
Therefore, these charts have much in common, but also have quite a bit of difference.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-17
Rating the Stars
Whether a star is auspicious or not depends on the branch of the palace in which it is located.
The ratings used in the table on the next page are defined here:

Rating Meaning Chinese

1 Excellent 廟 miao
2 Very Good 旺 wang
3 Average 平 ping
4 Poor 閑 xian
5 Bad 陷 xian

The better the rating, the more the star’s positive aspects come out. The worse the rating, the
more the difficult aspects of the star emerge. If two stars are in the same palace, the one with
the better rating will have more influence.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-18
Ratings for the Stars
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
紫微 天機 太陽 武曲 天同 廉貞 天府 太陰 貪狼 巨門 天相 天梁 七殺 破軍
Palace Zi Tian Tai Wu Tian Lian Tian Tai Tan Ju Tian Tian Qi Po
Branch Wei Ji Yang Qu Tong Zhen Fu Yin Lang Men Xiang Liang Sha Jun
Zi 3 1 5 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
Chou 1 5 5 1 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2
Yin 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 5
Mao 2 2 1 5 1 4 3 5 3 1 5 1 5 2
Chen 5 1 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 3 2 2 2 2
Si 2 3 2 3 1 5 3 5 5 3 3 5 3 4
Wu 1 1 1 2 5 3 2 5 2 2 2 1 2 1
Wei 1 5 3 1 5 2 1 3 1 5 4 2 2 1
Shen 2 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 1 5 1 5
You 3 2 4 2 3 3 5 2 3 1 5 2 4 5
Xu 4 1 5 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 4 2 1 2
Hai 2 3 5 3 1 5 2 1 5 2 3 5 3 3

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-19
Example: AB (male)

The ratings of the Major Stars are now added into AB’s chart, based on the table from
the previous page. Note that the ratings are placed after the star’s name. We can see that the
you palace contains 2 Tian Ji with a rating of 2 and 10 Ju Men with a rating of 1. The high
ratings let you know that these stars will be on their best behavior. The you palace is AB’s
travel palace. Since AB’s ming is in mao, the opposite palace, and it has no major stars, 2
Tian Ji 2 and 10 Ju Men 1 are reflected into his ming. The rating does not change in the
reflected palace. The interpretation of this will be discussed below.
In the first part of the Zi Wei Dou Shu Beginning Class, you learned that the most
important palaces are ming, career, and money. These palaces are in the three combinations
relationship. Traditionally a triangle is drawn from ming to the other two. In addition, the
palace opposite ming is also essential to interpretation, so a line is drawn from ming to travel.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-20
Quiz 3
1. Add the ratings for the Fourteen Major Stars:
Money Children Spouse Siblings
12 Tian Liang 13 Qi Sha 6 Lian Zhen

ji geng xin ren

si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
1 Zi Wei Month: 11, zi
11 Tian Xiang Day: 15th
wu Hour: 4, mao gui
chen you
Travel Shen Element Type: Metal 4 Parents
2 Tian Ji 14 Po Jun
10 Ju Men
ding jia
mao xu
Friends Career Property Karma
9 Tan Lang 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu 5 Tian Tong
8 Tai Yin 7 Tian Fu
bing ding bing yi
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-21
2. Add the ratings for the Fourteen Major Stars:
Property Career Friends Travel
11 Tian Xiang 12 Tian Liang 6 Lian Zhen
13 Qi Sha
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
10 Ju Men Month: 5, wu
bing Day: 5th xin
chen Hour: 5, chen you
Parents Money Shen
1 Zi Wei Element Type: Water 2 5 Tian Tong
9 Tan Lang
yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 7 Tian Fu 3 Tai Yang 4 Wu Qu
8 Tai Yin 14 Po Jun
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-22
Quiz 3 Answers
1. Add the ratings for the Fourteen Major Stars:
Money Children Spouse Siblings
12 Tian Liang 5 13 Qi Sha 2 6 Lian Zhen 1

ji geng xin ren

si wu wei shen
Illness Year: jia chen Ming
1 Zi Wei 5 Month: 11, zi
11 Tian Xiang 2 Day: 15th
wu Hour: 4, mao gui
chen you
Travel Shen Element Type: Metal 4 Parents
2 Tian Ji 2 14 Po Jun 2
10 Ju Men 1
ding jia
mao xu
Friends Career Property Karma
9 Tan Lang 3 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 2 5 Tian Tong 1
8 Tai Yin 1 7 Tian Fu 1
bing ding bing yi
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-23
2. Add the ratings for the Fourteen Major Stars:
Property Career Friends Travel
11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2
13 Qi Sha 2
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma Year: gui si Illness
10 Ju Men 3 Month: 5, wu
bing Day: 5th xin
chen Hour: 5, chen you
Parents Money Shen
1 Zi Wei 2 Element Type: Water 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3
yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 14 Po Jun 3
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-24
Conventions Used In These Lessons
Traditionally, these fourteen stars are always learned and discussed in the same order. In
these lessons, we refer to the stars by number and name. There is some variation in the order
of the stars taught in the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, but generally all books follow a
similar sequence. Because the names are more difficult for those who do not read Chinese,
we have assigned the stars numbers according to this sequence.
These numbers are not used by the Chinese and have no significance except to help the
student index the stars.
The names of the stars (and all Chinese terminology) are transliterated into our alphabet
using the system called Pinyin. There is a guide to Pinyin pronunciation in Part 1 of this
Beginning Zi Wei Dou Shu Class.

We have also given ratings to the Fourteen Major Stars using numbers. These numbers
follow the names of the Fourteen Major Stars when in a chart, but are not used for any of the
other stars (to be learned in the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class).


2 Tian Ji 3
This means star number 2 (which is Tian Ji) and it has a rating of 3.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-25
The Twelve Palaces of Zi Wei
The following charts show the locations of the Fourteen Major Stars. For each location
of 1 Zi Wei, the other thirteen Major Stars also have a fixed location. Once all Fourteen Stars
are located, we add the ratings for these stars. Therefore, only twelve charts are needed to
show every possible combination of the Fourteen Major Stars. Referring to these charts is
more convenient than calculating locations and ratings every time you make a chart.
While there are twelve possible positions for the stars, within each of these twelve charts,
it is possible for the ming to be in any one of the twelve palaces. This gives us 144 possible
charts. Once we start adding the minor stars in the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, there
will be uncountable variations within these 144 charts.

8 Tai Yin 5 9 Tan Lang 2 5 Tian Tong 5 4 Wu Qu 3

10 Ju Men 5 11 Tian Xiang 1
si wu wei shen
6 Lian Zhen 2 1 Zi Wei in Zi 3 Tai Yang 4
7 Tian Fu 1 12 Tian Liang 2
chen you
13 Qi Sha 1

mao xu
14 Po Jun 5 1 Zi Wei 3 2 Tian Ji 3

yin chou zi hai

6 Lian Zhen 5 10 Ju Men 2 11 Tian Xiang 4 5 Tian Tong 2

9 Tan Lang 5 12 Tian Liang 5
si wu wei shen
8 Tai Yin 4 1 Zi Wei in Chou 4 Wu Qu 2
13 Qi Sha 4
chen you
7 Tian Fu 3 3 Tai Yang 5

mao xu
1 Zi Wei 1 2 Tian Ji 1
14 Po Jun 2
yin chou zi hai
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-26
10 Ju Men 3 6 Lian Zhen 3 12 Tian Liang 2 13 Qi Sha 1
11 Tian Xiang 2
si wu wei shen
9 Tan Lang 1 1 Zi Wei in Yin 5 Tian Tong 3

chen you
8 Tai Yin 5 4 Wu Qu 1

mao xu
1 Zi Wei 1 2 Tian Ji 5 14 Po Jun 1 3 Tai Yang 5
7 Tian Fu 1
yin chou zi hai

11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2

13 Qi Sha 2
si wu wei shen
10 Ju Men 3 1 Zi Wei in Mao

chen you
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3
mao xu
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 14 Po Jun 3
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-27
12 Tian Liang 5 13 Qi Sha 2 6 Lian Zhen 1

si wu wei shen
1 Zi Wei 5 1 Zi Wei in Chen
11 Tian Xiang 2
chen you
2 Tian Ji 2 14 Po Jun 2
10 Ju Men 1
mao xu
9 Tan Lang 3 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 2 5 Tian Tong 1
8 Tai Yin 1 7 Tian Fu 1
yin chou zi hai

1 Zi Wei 2
13 Qi Sha 3
si wu wei shen
2 Tian Ji 1 1 Zi Wei in Si 6 Lian Zhen 3
12 Tian Liang 2 14 Po Jun 5
chen you
11 Tian Xiang 5

mao xu
3 Tai Yang 2 4 Wu Qu 1 5 Tian Tong 2 7 Tian Fu 2
10 Ju Men 1 9 Tan Lang 1 8 Tai Yin 1
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-28
The next six charts are identical to the first six except for two things: they are rotated 180°,
and the ratings change because the stars are in different palaces.

2 Tian Ji 3 1 Zi Wei 1 14 Po Jun 5

si wu wei shen
13 Qi Sha 2 1 Zi Wei in Wu

chen you
3 Tai Yang 1 6 Lian Zhen 1
12 Tian Liang 1 7 Tian Fu 2
mao xu
4 Wu Qu 4 5 Tian Tong 5 9 Tan Lang 2 8 Tai Yin 1
11 Tian Xiang 1 10 Ju Men 2
yin chou zi hai

2 Tian Ji 1 1 Zi Wei 1
14 Po Jun 1
si wu wei shen
3 Tai Yang 2 1 Zi Wei in Wei 7 Tian Fu 5

chen you
4 Wu Qu 5 8 Tai Yin 2
13 Qi Sha 5
mao xu
5 Tian Tong 4 11 Tian Xiang 1 10 Ju Men 2 6 Lian Zhen 5
12 Tian Liang 1 9 Tan Lang 5
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-29
3 Tai Yang 2 14 Po Jun 1 2 Tian Ji 5 1 Zi Wei 2
7 Tian Fu 3
si wu wei shen
4 Wu Qu 1 1 Zi Wei in Shen 8 Tai Yin 2

chen you
5 Tian Tong 1 9 Tan Lang 1

mao xu
13 Qi Sha 1 12 Tian Liang 2 6 Lian Zhen 3 10 Ju Men 2
11 Tian Xiang 1
yin chou zi hai

4 Wu Qu 3 3 Tai Yang 1 7 Tian Fu 1 2 Tian Ji 3

14 Po Jun 4 8 Tai Yin 3
si wu wei shen
5 Tian Tong 3 1 Zi Wei in You 1 Zi Wei 3
9 Tan Lang 3
chen you
10 Ju Men 2

mao xu
6 Lian Zhen 2 12 Tian Liang 1 11 Tian Xiang 3
13 Qi Sha 1
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-30
5 Tian Tong 1 4 Wu Qu 2 3 Tai Yang 3 9 Tan Lang 3
7 Tian Fu 2 8 Tai Yin 3
si wu wei shen
14 Po Jun 2 1 Zi Wei in Xu 2 Tian Ji 2
10 Ju Men 1
chen you
1 Zi Wei 4
11 Tian Xiang 4
mao xu
6 Lian Zhen 1 13 Qi Sha 2 12 Tian Liang 5

yin chou zi hai

7 Tian Fu 3 5 Tian Tong 5 4 Wu Qu 1 3 Tai Yang 4

8 Tai Yin 5 9 Tan Lang 1 10 Ju Men 1
si wu wei shen
1 Zi Wei in Hai 11 Tian Xiang 5

chen you
6 Lian Zhen 4 2. Tian Ji 1
14 Po Jun 2 12 Tian Liang 2
mao xu
1 Zi Wei 2
13 Qi Sha 3
yin chou zi hai

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-31
Interpreting the Fourteen Major
The first fourteen stars are the most essential in interpreting a chart. Many books on Zi
Wei astrology include only these fourteen. What follows is a discussion of each of these
fourteen. First there will be a longer description of the star when it appears in ming. This can
also be used for interpretation of shen, the body palace. However, while shen represents the
time after the person is about 35 years old, they do not lose the essence of their personality
from ming. Think of it as the flavor of shen gradually mixing in with the flavor of ming.
After the portrait is drawn for a star when it is found in ming, there will be a short
description of the star’s effects when it falls in one of the other palace categories.
All of these fourteen stars have good and bad characteristics, although some are more
social and others are harder to get along with. When a star has a good rating, its more
beneficial characteristics will stronger. If the rating is low, the defects of the star will
None of these stars should be considered good or bad. It takes all kinds to make the
world. If everyone were relaxed, content, and easy to get along with, society would not
The best advice is to work to strengthen your assets and soften your deficits. You can use
these descriptions of the stars as a guideline for self-development. You have the potential for
cultivating the assets of the major star or stars in your ming palace, and can also work on
reducing the deficits. Of course, even the assets can become unbalanced if too strong. And in
some circumstances, the deficits can be used to bring benefit.
When I (Lorraine Wilcox) first started doing readings, I did a chart for a woman who has
a very strong personality. When I saw her chart, it showed characteristics that I thought were
‘bad.’ I didn’t know how to talk to her about it. I hesitantly began giving her the reading, and
very quickly she responded, “I love what my chart has to say!” She was very happy with her
strong stars, and I learned that even if I don’t really like the personality of certain stars,
someone else may value them a lot.
Parents can also use this as a guideline for dealing with their children. For example, if a
child has 1 Zi Wei, the emperor star in ming, he may easily throw tantrums when he doesn’t
get what he wants. You may find you can influence him more with praise that with threats. At
least you can recognize that he is not just being willful; it is something that is hard-wired into
his soul.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-32
1 Zi Wei 紫微 Earth Element

MING: From the name of this style of astrology we know that Zi Wei is honored as the
emperor star. Emperors love to command, and there is a tendency to be overly confident or
conceited. People with this star in their ming gong are gullible and easily influenced by
flattery, so they can be changeable. They are also permissive and tolerant when happy, yet
stubborn and intolerant if they feel they don’t receive enough respect. They love praise and
demand loyalty. Zi Wei tends to be suspicious and is not always honest.
When in adversity, Zi Wei tends to feel quite a bit of pain. However, as emperor, Zi Wei
often chooses not to communicate his feelings; Zi Wei believes no one else can understand
Zi Wei dislikes sitting alone. This means that the emperor star likes to have certain stars
nearby to serve him. Without assistants, he tends to become ill-tempered and solitary. This is
most apparent when Zi Wei sits alone in the wu branch palace, the strongest palace for Zi Wei.
Here he becomes very unhappy without help.
Without the assistance of its helper stars, such as 23 Zuo Fu, 24 You Bi (the emperor’s two
assistants), 7 Tian Fu (the emperor’s treasury), and 11 Tian Xiang (the prime minister), Zi
Wei becomes lost, lonely, and overambitious.2 Zi Wei also likes the help of 14 Wen Chang
and 15 Wen Qu; these two stars signify education, which helps the emperor to make good
Zi Wei also does not like to be caught in Heaven Net (chen branch palace) or Earth Net
(xu branch palace).

Physical characteristics: The body is very stocky. Those with pale-colored faces were born
into wealthy families. Those with a slightly purple facial color were not born into wealthy

You will learn the location and meaning of any unfamiliar stars in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Intermediate Class.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-33
1 Zi Wei in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Siblings are helpful but may not get along well, since they want to be treated
like the emperor.

SPOUSE: You are dissatisfied with your spouse, who wants to be treated like an emperor or

CHILDREN: Children are elegant but difficult to teach. They have their own ideas. There
are not many children.

MONEY: Easy money, not from hard work.

ILLNESS: Spleen and stomach; digestive difficulties.

TRAVEL: People will help you during travel.

FRIENDS: Powerful friends, but they are more important than you.

CAREER: You work with high-society people or in a big organization.

PROPERTY: You like high altitude, the mountains, and busy cities.

KARMA: You feel lonely. ‘No one understands me.’

PARENTS: Parents tell the child what to do. Poor communication.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-34
2 Tian Ji 天機 Wood Element
MING: Tian Ji is the star of action, or active thought and wisdom. Tian Ji is physically and
mentally active. It is studious, always interested in learning new things and techniques, yet
lacking in perseverance: a typical Jack of all trades, but expert in none.
People with Tian Ji in their ming gong are sharp, astute, kind-hearted, and good at public
relations and negotiation with others. However, Tia Ji is quite sensitive to bad stars, such as
48 Hua Ji. If they are also present, Tian Ji can get into trouble by being too smart; for
example by being a know-it-all, or by making mistakes because of doing calculations too
Some people with Tian Ji in ming have a tendency toward shoplifting. Some may even
become a thief; but in any case, Tian Ji will always have a good heart.
If there are no other Major Stars in the same palace, Tian Ji can be argumentative.
Being active and energetic, Tian Ji dislikes staying at home. When it appears, it signifies
a busy time with changes in the environment (moving, changing jobs, changing relationships,
etc.) and is often unstable due to excessive activity.

Physical characteristics: The face is long and oval. They have a medium build or can be a
little thin. They are refined and elegant, with a good disposition. They do not care too much
about appearance, unless combined with certain stars.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-35
2 Tian Ji in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Smart siblings. Arguments with brothers or sisters. More sisters than brothers.
Half-siblings or one sibling adopted by different parents.

SPOUSE: Unstable marriage.

CHILDREN: Active, smart kids. Step-children or half-siblings. More girls than boys. Sons
come late. Miscarriage if with 48 Hua Ji.

MONEY: Earned by working alone. Money is moving, active.

ILLNESS: Liver or gall bladder problems.

TRAVEL: You move far from your birthplace to earn a living.

FRIENDS: You change friends often and have a big circle of friends or community.

CAREER: Artist. Religious career or politics because you can convince others. If in politics,
you give ideas to the general: strategist. Not good for a desk job.

PROPERTY: You love to move.

KARMA: You are hungry to receive new things, curious. You have a lot of new ideas. You
are generous most of the time but can pinch pennies on petty things.

PARENTS: The parents’ lives are not stable.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-36
3 Tai Yang 太陽 Fire Element
MING: Because Tai Yang has the image of the sun, it symbolizes masculinity, heat, radiating
outward, and being visible to all. Because of this, it represents brightness, altruism, and
generosity. It also tends to show off and is straight-forward, frank, and blunt, with a sharp
tongue. It is short-tempered and easily frustrated.
Women with Tai Yang in their ming gong are very competent and ambitious like men.
Tai Yang’s brilliance varies according to its different positions in the twelve palaces. It is
stronger with the branches that represent spring and summer.
Tai Yang in ming gong is good for people born in daytime; they can obtain fame and
wealth easily. Since the sun loses its brilliance at night, people with Tai Yang in ming gong
who were born at night have to work exceedingly hard and achieve little.
If Tai Yang is in a ming in you, xu, hai, zi, or chou palace, or if the person is born in the
night time or winter months, the person is ‘born to be a laborer’ (non-stop working). However,
those born in the night time will be smart.
For men and women, Tai Yang in ming gong is used to predict their fathers’ fate in
childhood. When their fathers are deceased, Tai Yang is used by men to predict their own fate
and by women to predict their husbands’ fate. Both sexes can use Tai Yang to predict their
sons’ fate in old age. (See 48 Hua Ji in the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class for details.)
If Tai Yang is in a woman’s chart in the ming or spouse palace with a rating of 4 or 5, it
means a male or her mate will hurt her.
People with 8 Tai Yin and 3 Tai Yang in the same palace are very changeable. This
combination only occurs in the chou or wei palace.
Tai Yang is not well matched with 10 Ju Men. Ju Men is considered a ‘dark star’ and
absorbs Tai Yang’s light.

Physical characteristics: The face is square but the four corners are rounded and not angular.
The body is stocky. If 48 Hua Ji is attached or Tai Yang has a low rating, they will be skinny.
If born in the day time, they will look like an authority.

Note: With Tai Yang, a rating of 1 or 2 is called ‘shining.’ A rating of 4 or 5 is called ‘dark.’

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-37
3 Tai Yang in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: If shining, successful siblings. If dark, siblings are unremarkable.

SPOUSE: A wife is aggressive, strong, and masculine. A husband is masculine.

CHILDREN: If shining, an active child. If dark, an isolated child with negative thinking.
Mostly boys if in yang palaces, such as zi, yin, chen, etc.

MONEY: Appears better than it is. If shining, you make a lot and spend a lot. You love to
show off and want to have good face. With a lower rating, you make less but still spend a lot.

ILLNESS: Eye problems (especially the left), heart and/or blood diseases.

TRAVEL: If shining, people help when you are away from home. If dark, you won’t be
happy if you have to make a living away from home.

FRIENDS: If shining, lots of helpful friends. If dark, friends don’t help.

CAREER: Changing jobs. Good for publicity, broadcasting (disseminating information or


PROPERTY: You prefer areas with sunshine. With good stars, such as 45 Hua Lu, you
inherit property (but not if dark).

KARMA: If shining, people in high positions help. If dark, you always have negative
thoughts and are dissatisfied.

PARENTS: If shining, the father has a good position. If dark and 57 Gua Su is also in this
palace, the father dies when the child is young.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-38
4 Wu Qu 武曲 Metal Element

MING: Wu Qu is the star of wealth that comes from hard work. People with Wu Qu in their
ming gong are upright, decisive, and distinguished in their careers. They tend to make
unilateral decisions and don’t work well with others (metal is sharp). They are like military
generals, strong-willed and brave. They have strong characters and opinions.
Wu Qu loves money. They are usually lonesome and somber, too focused on their work,
and may even be cold-hearted. If Wu Qu is combined with certain other stars, such as 36 Lu
Cun or 45 Hua Lu, they will have very good money luck all their life, but loneliness may still
be an issue.
Women with Wu Qu in their ming gong tend to exert authority over their husbands and
love to compete with men, both at home and in society.

Physical characteristics: The face is pale. They have rough hair, thick eyebrows, a wide
forehead, and a square jaw line. If the ming is in zi, wu, mao, or you palace, they have a tall
and stocky body. Others are medium sized.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-39
4 Wu Qu in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Siblings have strong characters and are opinionated.

SPOUSE: The spouse acts independently. The wife is opinionated and strong. The husband
also is difficult. It is better to get married late. Wu Qu is a ‘lonely star’ and is related to stars
56 Gu Chen and 57 Gua Su, the sleep-alone stars.

CHILDREN: Difficult to educate.

MONEY: Wealthy people. Good (Wu Qu is metal element, which symbolizes money). Easy
to make money with rating of 1 or 2.
Wu Qu and 7 Tian Fu together are the best combination for money (this only occurs in zi
or wu palace).

ILLNESS: Lung or large intestine problems.

TRAVEL: You must travel or move far from home to make money. If Wu Qu is with good
stars: you have strong money luck when you are away; perhaps you are a wealthy merchant.
If travel is in an earth palace, you can be even wealthier, since earth is a ‘warehouse.’

FRIENDS: Difficult to communicate and make friends.

CAREER: Good for the army or metal-type professions: engineering, technical trades.

PROPERTY: You have a good house or lots of property.

KARMA: You can make money but are lonesome. If with 36 Lu Cun and a good rating, you
are always satisfied, even with just a bowl of rice.

PARENTS: Tough parents. They order the children around.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-40
5 Tian Tong 天同 Water Element

MING: Tian Tong is the star of good fortune. People with Tian Tong in their ming gong are
art lovers and collectors. They pay attention to the enjoyment and spices of life, and love a
leisurely lifestyle. They are idealists, with many ambitions but few accomplishments. People
with Tian Tong in ming are easy-going and things tend to come to them without hard work.
They are impractical, dreamers, casual, relaxed, and may even be lazy.
People with Tian Tong in their ming gong are ‘nice guys.’ It is easy for them to get along
with other but they can be very sensitive. Tian Tong cries easily. They are not good at arguing
or fighting with others. Their feelings can easily get hurt. They lose control emotionally
because Tian Tong loves to enjoy life and easily becomes prey to a romantic atmosphere. A
geng stem year is especially bad in this respect for 5 Tian Tong, as 48 Hua Ji follows it in that

Physical characteristics: Round-faced, innocent looking, with a very good personality.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-41
5 Tian Tong in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Good siblings, easy to talk to.

SPOUSE: Harmonious and sweet, but the spouse may be moody or overly sensitive. Round
face, often heavy.

CHILDREN: Nice, cute, but naughty children.

MONEY: Money comes in easily when you need it, but not necessarily a lot of it.

ILLNESS: Kidney, urinary bladder, ear, or bone problems.

TRAVEL: Makes friends easily.

FRIENDS: Harmonious, easy-going.

CAREER: Not ambitious, easy-going. But things come easily to you.

PROPERTY: Possible inheritance. Property comes without much effort.

10 Ju Men and Tian Tong together mean a lawsuit (this combination only occurs in the wei
or chou palace).

KARMA: Good! Easy to get along with, nothing bad within. But sensitive and easily hurt.
Falls in love easily.

PARENTS: Nice, relaxed parents.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-42
6 Lian Zhen 廉貞 Fire/Wood Element

MING: Lian Zhen loves to excel and is capable of numerous changes. It is good for political
and public office. Lian Zhen likes to lead, so it may say what others wish to hear. It uses
charisma to achieve its goals. Lian Zhen is easily influenced because it wants to please others
and can be good or bad depending on these influences. This can create instability and
moodiness. At times, they are temperamental or very suspicious. You cannot always count on
Lian Zhen.
This star is associated with peach blossom and loves to make friends. It is well liked by
the opposite sex. People with this star in their ming gong like to gamble and drink, especially
if the rating of this star is under 3.
Lian Zhen is impatient, adventurous, likes new ideas, and has a good memory. It is also
well-known for its sense of humor. Lian Zhen is wild and charismatic.
When Lian Zhen is matched with stars such as 45 Hua Lu and 36 Lu Cun, it can attain
eminent fame and celebrity. But when matched with the wrong stars (such as 48 Hua Ji), it
can cause death due to a traffic accident or imprisonment. Someone with Lian Zhen and bad
stars should stay away from any illegal activities as it is easy for them to go to jail.

Physical characteristics: Big and tall. The hair of their eyebrows is thick but sparse or thick
and standing up. They are generally hairy.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-43
6 Lian Zhen in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Some days they’re good to you and some days they’re bad.

SPOUSE: With a rating of 1 or 2, very social. With a rating of 4 or 5, argumentative.

CHILDREN: Children enjoy examining things; they may take toys apart to understand them,
so be careful of electrical toys.

MONEY: Not easy to keep money. With a rating of 4 or 5, you love gambling.

ILLNESS: Many small problems. Since Lian Zhen is related to the fire element, it can
signify the heart, heat, and dryness. When older, insomnia. If with 48 Hua Ji, it can mean

TRAVEL: You have to work hard. If you travel far to work, you will perform heavy, maybe
even coerced, labor. If with 48 Hua Ji, it can mean a traffic accident.

FRIENDS: Easy to get along with, or get help from, the opposite sex.

CAREER: Officer, judge, military career.

PROPERTY: Big changes. Bankruptcy or riches. If with 48 Hua Ji, it can mean a fire.

KARMA: Not stable; unnecessarily busy, changing thoughts.

PARENTS: Difficult to understand, moody parents.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-44
7 Tian Fu 天府 Earth Element

MING: Tian Fu represents wealth and property and is as important as Zi Wei. People with
Tian Fu in their ming gong (when properly matched with other stars and a good rating) are
entitled to immense wealth. They are conservative, steady, prudent, capable, and experienced.
They have a good temperament. They love riches and can be trusted with considerable
financial responsibilities. They may have great power or be the boss.
However, people with Tian Fu in the same palace with sha stars such as 38 Tuo Luo, 37
Qing Yang, 18 Di Kong, and 17 Di Jie and a low rating would not hesitate to rob others by
hook or by crook; they would exploit every means to reach their objective. They can be
cunning and like to get around the law. Tian Fu can also be very moody if bad stars affect it.
Tian Fu helps 1 Zi Wei. It represents the emperor’s treasury or storehouse. It is always
good if these two stars are together except in the spouse palace. This combination is called
“Zi Fu (紫府).” People with Zi Fu in ming are stable, broad-minded, and can accept anything.
They have a “thick back’ because they can carry any burden. (Zi Fu only occurs in yin or
Tian Fu never directly associates with the Four Transforming Stars (45 Hua Lu, 46 Hua
Quan, 47 Hua Ke, and 48 Hua Ji), although one of them may fall in the same palace when
associated with another star and thereby have an effect on Tian Fu.
Do not confuse 42 Tian Fu (天福) with 7 Tian Fu (天府).

Physical characteristics: If ming is in zi, wu, mao, you, or chou palace and with a good
rating, they are stocky and have a broad back. If ming is in si or hai, they will be tall and slim.
All other will be medium sized.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-45
7 Tian Fu in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Siblings love to negotiate. Parents usually favor other siblings over you.

SPOUSE: Spouse is good at managing finances.

A second marriage if 1 Zi Wei and 7 Tian Fu (two very strong stars) are in the same palace.
In this case, it is better to marry later in life.

CHILDREN: Very good children! They love their parents and listen to them.

MONEY: Easy to keep money. Good finances. You don’t have to work hard to make money.
People with 4 Wu Qu and 7 Tian Fu together have the best combination for money. This
only happens in the zi and wu palaces.

ILLNESS: Digestive (spleen and stomach) problems. When older, swollen legs. This star,
more than any of the others, signifies someone who is relatively healthy.

TRAVEL: You love to help people and find it easy to get help when needed.

FRIENDS: Powerful friends: rich people, managers, bosses.

CAREER: You are the boss, supervisor, or owner.

PROPERTY: Good or big property.

KARMA: You easily accept ideas or things. You tend to be happy and satisfied.

PARENTS: Parents are accepting of children. They may have money or property.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-46
8 Tai Yin 太陰 Water Element

MING: Tai Yin, like Tai Yang, can change its brilliance according to the time of the day. Tai
Yin, the moon, symbolizes femininity. Thus, people with Tai Yin in their ming gong are
usually gentle and reserved. People with Tai Yin in ming love the arts, and spiritual or
mysterious things. Tai Yin is changeable and easily influenced. It is smart, high class, clean,
and care about relationships with others.
Tai Yin in ming gong is good for people born at night. They can obtain wealth easily.
Since the moon’s brilliance subsides during the day, people with Tai Yin in ming gong who
were born in the daytime will travel an uneven and bumpy road in life. Tai Yin is also good
for people born in the beginning of the lunar month, when the moon is waxing.
For both men and women, Tai Yin in ming gong is used to predict their mothers’ fate in
When their mothers are deceased, Tai Yin is used by women to predict their own fate; by
men to predict their wives’ fate; and by both in old age to predict their daughters’ fate (see 48
Hua Ji for details).
If Tai Yin is in ming or spouse in a male’s chart and has a low rating, he will get hurt by
a female.

Physical characteristics: All people with Tai Yin in ming or especially in shen gong tend to
be pretty or handsome.
The face is white with a light yellow tone, but if born during the day, they will tend to be
darker skinned.
If born during mid-month, the face will look like a full moon. All others will have a
pointed chin like a watermelon seed.
Males with ming in zi or wu palace will be big and tall. Those with ming in si or hai
palace will be short and small.
For females, those with the ming in zi will be big. Those with ming in wu will be
feminine, flirtatious and dependant. Those with ming in you, xu, or hai, will have a
voluptuous figure. A woman with a rating of 5 or even a 48 Hua Ji attached to Tai Yin tends
to be the prettiest because traditionally the weaker the woman, the more beautiful. This may
not be the case today, as many find an athletic female body appealing.
A female with 2 Tian Ji or 8 Tai Yin or both in ming loves to get made up and look

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-47
8 Tai Yin in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Soft, not harsh. However, it is difficult to communicate with them if Tai Yin has
a bad rating.

SPOUSE: If with 48 Hua Ji in a male’s spouse palace, the wife may die early.
With a rating of 1 or 2, the spouse is understanding.
If born at the beginning of the lunar month (before day 14), the marriage improves with
time; if at the end of the lunar month (after day 16), it gets worse.

CHILDREN: Gentle, smart children. They love the arts and spiritual things.

MONEY: You can make money. Tai Yin is good for money because yin gathers. With a
rating of 5 you still make money, but less; and it is difficult to keep.

ILLNESS: Kidney, blood, gynecological problems. Diabetes. Mysterious or hidden diseases.

Eye problems, especially the right eye. Insomnia.

TRAVEL: Women will help. You love to stay out late.

FRIENDS: Female friends. If Tai Yin is strong, they will help you. If Tai Yin is weak or
combined with bad stars, they will hurt you.

CAREER: Stable.

PROPERTY: You like quiet, hidden, not too open places, far from city.

KARMA: Spiritual, romantic (in the sense of the arts). If with bad stars, up all night

PARENTS: With a rating of 1, good. With a rating of 5, cold parents.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-48
9 Tan Lang 貪狼 Wood/Water Element
MING: Tan Lang is the star of talents. People with Tan Lang in their ming gong can impress
others with their eloquence. They are good at negotiation. They have the talent of language,
love the arts, appreciate good wine, romance, gambling, and other pleasures in life. They are
also interested in metaphysics, spiritualism, religions, and various mysterious things. They
are idealists.
Tan Lang is the ‘greedy wolf’ who wants to experience everything from the spiritual to
the carnal. This can lead to problems with peach blossom and desire. People with Tan Lang in
their ming gong usually suffer emotional frustration. This is usually worse for younger Tan
Langs, who may be too wild. They may not be happy when they are young, but if they learn
to control their behavior, they improve with age.
The peach blossom aspects of Tan Lang are really brought out in the palaces of the four
directions. It is more restrained when found in the four earths, especially chen and xu (heaven
net and earth net).
Tan Lang is a star of action, but its type of action is different than that of Tian Ji. Tian
Ji’s action is more physical in nature, while Tan Lang’s action is from the inner self.
Nevertheless, Tan Lang needs constant movement physically and mentally. They like
Tan Lang can be very good or very bad. They are free thinkers, revolutionaries, leaders
of conspiracies, geniuses, fearless.
Tan Lang and 1 Zi Wei together in ming gong have traditionally been considered bad for
women. It signifies a woman who loves to hear good things, is greedy, interested in life’s
pleasures, and won’t be told what to do. This is especially true if stars 15 Wen Chang or 16
Wen Qu are not present, meaning she has no education or skills.

Physical characteristics: Long faced, thick hair, all types of body shapes. If female, they are
beautiful. If male, they are very persuasive.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-49
9 Tan Lang in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Better if they live apart; otherwise, a bad relationship. Maybe half-brothers.

SPOUSE: Your spouse likes romance, therefore the marriage is not so stable. Your spouse
may truly love you but still have a lover as well. Spouse has hobbies and is good at public

CHILDREN: Changeable character. Curious. May like to gamble and drink.

MONEY: You love money but also love gambling. It is easy to get money from the opposite
If 21 Huo Xing is in the same palace, you may hit the lottery or have unexpected money
come in a year when this palace is active.

ILLNESS: Gall bladder problems.

TRAVEL: You love excitement, adventure, new and interesting things.

FRIENDS: Diverse friends. They enjoy drinking and gambling.

CAREER: You can be anything. You are talented and seek new adventures.

PROPERTY: No inheritance, you have to get property by yourself. Property comes late in

KARMA: Idealistic. Desirous. You love to eat. You love mystery. If together with 17 Di Jie
and 18 Di Kong you may become a monk or priest.

PARENTS: Complicated. Poor relationship with the mother (8 Tai Yin is in ming when Tan
Lang is in parents).

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-50
10 Ju Men 巨門 Water Element

MING: Ju Men represents speech, verbal skills, and eloquence; however, it often signifies
difficulty in communicating. People with Ju Men in their ming gong are often involved in
gossip and scandals or other trouble stemming from improper speech.
Ju Men is analytical and has a good memory.
Ju Men tends to be jealous or suspicious but is not open about it. People with this star in
ming may try to pull strings to get results. Others may not be aware of these interactions
taking place behind closed doors or behind their back. Ju Men likes to gossip and do things
secretly. Ju Men represents something hidden. That is why it is called a ‘dark star.’ Ju Men
can also have a tendency to shoplift.
Ju Men will pay back good with good and bad with bad, all in double measure.
People with Ju Men in prominent positions are suitable for professions that require using
the ‘mouth’ (politicians, attorneys, teachers, broadcasters, public relations, salespersons, etc.).
Ju Men is also connected with pharmaceutical substances or drugs. It loves studying
pharmacy and herbs and may represent some kind of unlicensed doctor.

Physical characteristics: Thin lips and a long square jaw.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-51
10 Ju Men in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Difficult to communicate. Gossip, misunderstandings.

SPOUSE: Difficult to communicate. Talkative spouse: sweet if it has a rating of 1, abusive if

the rating is 5. Possibly a mistress or hidden relationship.
Separation if with 48 Hua Ji.

CHILDREN: Talkative or sassy, depending on other stars. Difficulty in communicating.

MONEY: Money comes from speaking (sales, attorney, teacher, etc.). There may be secret

ILLNESS: Digestion, lung, or kidney problems. You may receive a cure from an unlicensed
doctor. If the rating is 5, then color-blindness when older.

TRAVEL: Gossip follows you while traveling.

FRIENDS: Lots of gossip.

CAREER: Career uses speech (broadcaster, judge, attorney, sales, etc.). Also, someone
working behind the scenes.

PROPERTY: You live in the city (a noisy place). Some like to keep their house fairly dark. It
is easy to get lawsuits on this property.

KARMA: Depressed, worried about unnecessary details.

PARENTS: You argue with your parents or they argue with each other.
If with 48 Hua Ji, then the parents divorce.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-52
11 Tian Xiang 天相 Water Element
MING: Tian Xiang represents prudence, thought, and justice. People with Tian Xiang in their
ming gong are cautious in nature and able to work with perseverance. However, they lack
ambition and usually stay in a passive or dependent position. They are suitable for secretarial
and teaching jobs because they can undertake tedious work and tolerate blame from others.
Tian Xiang represents the prime minister for the emperor, 1 Zi Wei, so is used to taking
In the old days, Tian Xiang was considered a good star for a female, as she would listen
to her husband and obey him.
Because of its passivity, whether Tian Xiang is good or bad depends upon its
relationship with other stars. It is good if matched with auspicious stars and bad if paired with
inauspicious stars. Combined with 4 Wu Qu, Tian Xiang has a dual personality. If with 14
Wen Chang and 15 Wen Qu, Tian Xiang can be a scholar. Sometimes Tian Xiang is gay or
People with Tian Xiang in ming gong can have strong personality changes as their
Large (Ten-Year) Cycle changes, depending on the influence of the stars. 6 Lian Zhen also
changes and is easily influenced, but one difference is that Lian Zhen wants power, but Tian
Xiang does not.
Tian Xiang is never directly associated with the Four Transforming Stars, 45 Hua Lu, 46
Hua Quan, 47 Hua Ke, and 48 Hua Ji, although one of them may fall in the same palace as
Tian Xiang.

Physical characteristics: They have an ordinary face, and can be any size or shape. If Tian
Xiang has a good rating, they are elegant. If with a low rating, they have vulgar tastes. With
Tian Xiang, the stars in the parents palace can help give a more definitive picture of the

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-53
11 Tian Xiang in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Mostly good to each other, but if with a bad star, then good and bad.

SPOUSE: Dependent spouse.

If with 4 Wu Qu, the spouse has a split personality: good at times; other times, mean.
If with 48 Hua Ji in the same palace, then “same bed, different dream.”

CHILDREN: Honest, obedient. They love to eat.

MONEY: Signifies financial management, but whether good or bad depends on the rating.

ILLNESS: Urinary bladder problems, diabetes.

TRAVEL: You don’t disagree so you are welcome anywhere.

FRIENDS: Most are the same age as you and have the same hobbies.

CAREER: Stable, passive. If with 4 Wu Qu, then you have a side job.

PROPERTY: With a rating of 1, property is inherited and not worked for. With a rating of 5,
you won’t have property.

KARMA: Depends on the Large (Ten-Year) Cycle to determine good or bad.

PARENTS: Parents are open to the children’s ideas.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-54
12 Tian Liang 天梁 Earth Element
MING: Tian Liang can turn misfortune into good fortune. People with Tian Liang in their
ming gong enthusiastically help others, as an older sibling takes care of the younger ones.
Someone represented by Tian Liang may be a priest, judge, high-ranking officer, or in some
type of public service. It is good for a high position or a government job. Sometimes Tian
Liang does secret things, like a spy or double agent.
Tian Liang often likes to mind other people’s business and can be a bit of a nag because of
its desire to help others improve. Tian Liang cannot show its real talents unless there is some
trouble to fix. It is happy when someone needs help. Tian Liang has the energy and ability to
turn bad into good. However, this means that when Tian Liang comes, you see bad things first;
otherwise they can’t be changed. The good tends to come later.
Because of its ability to transform bad into good, Tian Liang will not be troubled very
much if it falls in the same palace as 48 Hua Ji.
Tian Liang people are prone to showing off and love the limelight. They are quick to react,
good at learning, interested in fame more than gain, suitable for public service, and easily
promoted. They are good teachers but will not share everything they know.
Tian Liang likes to gamble and also to bluff. It can have problems with drug addiction.
Tian Liang also represents longevity or an older person. If it falls in shen gong it means a
long life. Even with a low rating, if Tian Liang is in a significant palace, one can survive a
plane crash or other disaster.
If in a female’s ming and combined with 47 Hua Ke, she is materialistic and vane. If
combined with 14 Wen Chang, 15 Wen Qu, and 26 Tian Yao, Tian Liang can be a high-class
female entertainer.

Physical characteristics: Tall and elegant. They are neat and clean, and a little bit fussy
about their looks.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-55
12 Tian Liang in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: You take care of others, especially younger siblings. There may be a big age

SPOUSE: Your spouse takes care of you but tells you what to do. The spouse may be older
and leave you an inheritance.
Frustrations before marriage: an engagement suddenly and unexpectedly canceled.
The same couple may divorce and remarry each other.

CHILDREN: Children learn fast and love art. They will take care of you.

MONEY: Your money appears good to others but is not really strong. An inheritance or gift
from an older person.
If with 45 Hua Lu or 46 Hua Quan, then you love to gamble.

ILLNESS: Stomach problems. Dizziness. Usually small chronic problems but a long life.
If with 48 Hua Ji and either 15 Wen Chang or 16 Wen Qu, then a brain tumor.

TRAVEL: You meet helpful people, especially the elderly.

FRIENDS: Friends are older and helpful.

CAREER: Good as educator, judge, or officer. Sometimes a secret agent. May have another
job the main boss doesn’t know about.

PROPERTY: You inherit property.

KARMA: You love the arts. You get your own way, so you enjoy life.

PARENTS: Parents are helpful. There may be a big age difference between them or they
may have been older when they had you. They may leave you an inheritance.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-56
13 Qi Sha 七殺 Fire/Metal Element
MING: Qi Sha represents aggressiveness, risk, and big changes. It is adventurous and loves
to challenge dangerous and difficult situations. Qi Sha certainly is not conservative.
People with Qi Sha in their ming gong are highly rational and independent. They may
have strong characters and be quite stubborn. They are willing to confront any situation head
on. Qi Sha often suggests a situation or person that cannot be controlled. People with Qi Sha
in their ming gong tend to encounter precarious ups and downs in their careers. They are
always facing tough circumstances.
Since Qi Sha is always discontent with its present status, it tends to endure a lot of
suffering in life.
If together with 37 Qing Yang, 22 Ling Xing, and 98 Bai Hu (even in the three
combinations relationship with them), they can easily be involved with gangsters.
People with Qi Sha in the zi branch palace should beware of the danger of drowning.
Qi Sha is never directly associated with the Four Transforming Stars, 45 Hua Lu, 46 Hua
Quan, 47 Hua Ke, and 48 Hua Ji, although one of them may fall into the same palace.

Physical characteristics: Long square jaw. Mostly big and tall, and looks like an authority.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-57
13 Qi Sha in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: Lonely. ‘One is east and the other is west.’

SPOUSE: Spouse has strong character. You marry suddenly.

If with a peach blossom star, a second marriage.

CHILDREN: Few children. Wild children, not easy to control.

If with 37 Qing Yang, a miscarriage or a child with birth defects.

MONEY: Money comes, but also leaves in a rough way. Difficult to keep.

ILLNESS: Lung and small intestinal problems. Accident prone.

If with 54 Hong Luan, bleeding or an operation, especially in a xin stem year.

TRAVEL: Active, moving.

FRIENDS: Strong characters, stubborn. Gangster types.

CAREER: Good for a military general only; otherwise you struggle in your career.

PROPERTY: Changeable. Sometimes buying, sometimes selling. Whether there is profit or

bankruptcy depends on the various cycles.

KARMA: You keep busy physically and mentally.

PARENTS: Stubborn, strong character. Parents may hit their children if they don’t listen.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-58
14 Po Jun 破軍 Water Element
MING: Po Jun represents a breaking down and breaking through in order to rebuild,
throwing away the old to make room for the new. Destruction is considered the necessary
first step in the quest for the new. Po Jun loves to make revolutionary changes. If Po Jun falls
in zi or wu branch palaces, you break and then rebuild. In other palaces, you tend only to
People with Po Jun in their ming gong are aggressive and love to take risks. They have
strong personalities and are not easy to get along with. They dare to do or say whatever
comes to mind, being straight-forward in speech. Because of this they are often lonely, and
don’t get along with friends and family. They are frequently suspicious of people and things
and like to instigate trouble.
Po Jun represents an unusual personality or situation. It also tends to consume
everything (money, energy, etc.) Po Jun likes to go hunting.

Physical characteristics: Thick, stocky and short. Thin short eyebrows. Men with Po Jun in
their ming gong do not care about their appearance. Conversely, women with Po Jun are vain
and care a great deal about outward appearances.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-59
14 Po Jun in other palaces:

SIBLINGS: They operate on their own. They don’t help each other.

SPOUSE: An unusual marriage. For example, the couple may live together first (especially
with 4 Wu Qu), have premarital sex, a brother marries a sister-in-law, etc.

CHILDREN: Abortion, miscarriage. Children don’t get along.

MONEY: It comes and goes and is not easy to keep.

ILLNESS: Kidney problems. Water in abdomen. Miscarriage.

TRAVEL: Always busy outside the home.

FRIENDS: Friends have unusual characters. Organized crime or gangsters (the latter occurs
more frequently with 13 Qi Sha).

CAREER: Changes often.

PROPERTY: Inherits property, then ruins it.

KARMA: If in zi or wu branch palaces, it is good. In other palaces, it is difficult. Busy

physically and mentally.

PARENTS: Parents do not have a warm nature. They are unusual thinkers.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-60
Further Interpretion of the Fourteen
Major Stars
These fourteen are called the Fourteen Major Stars. Any time you see the term major stars, it
only refers to one of these. Now that you have read our interpretation of the Fourteen Major
Stars, we offer the following general guidelines for interpretation, comparisons, and
groupings that may further clarify their meanings.

 If a palace does not contain any of the Fourteen Major Stars, the major stars from the
opposite palace are reflected into it. Use the original ratings in the new palace.

 If a palace is empty, its opposite palace will always contain two of the Fourteen Major
Opposite Palaces
Zi Wu
Chou Wei
Yin Shen
Mao You
Chen Xu
Si Hai

 Palaces in opposite positions have the strongest effect on each other. In fact, if stars that
signify good money are in travel (opposite ming), that is better than if they are in ming
itself. For example, if 36 Lu Cun (a strong money star) is in ming and 75 Da Hao (the
‘Big Consuming Star’) is in travel, your money gets consumed easily and you don’t get
to keep it. Even though you have the money, the consuming comes from outside, outside
of your control. Conversely, if 36 Lu Cun is in travel and 75 Da Hao is in ming, you
would have more control over how your money is spent. Bad stars (such as 48 Hua Ji) in
the opposite palace (travel) can be more damaging than when they are in ming.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-61
 The Three Combinations are used to interpret both the palaces and the stars. Stars or
palaces that are in the configuration of the Three Combinations have a strong effect on
each other. These are illustrated below.

The Three Combinations

Shen, Zi, Chen Water North
Si, You, Chou Metal West
Yin, Wu, Xu Fire South
Hai, Mao, Wei Wood East

 It is traditional to draw a triangle on the chart indicating the palaces that are in the three
combinations relationship with ming (career and money), and also a line to the palace
that is opposite ming (travel). This helps you see the relationships clearly and quickly.

 If two of the Fourteen Major Stars are together in any one palace, it may signify two of
whatever that palace represents: two marriages, two sources of money, etc.

 If you understand the description of a major star when it falls in ming gong, you can get
an idea of its meaning when it falls into another palace that represents a person (spouse,
siblings, children, etc.). For example, 10 Ju Men means someone who talks a lot and
may tend to gossip, whether it is in ming, or in friends, or in parents.

 Circumstances influence the quality of the stars: What is the branch of its palace? What
other stars reside in the same palace? What is its relationship with stars in other palaces,
especially those opposite and those palaces in the three combinations relationship? You
must read a chart globally, not star by star, or even palace by palace.

Interpretation takes patience and practice. It is not dependent on intuition but on rational
analysis. The logic of the system at first may seem elusive because Zi Wei was developed in a
different time and culture from the West. However, a keen understanding of psychology and
the nature of people is useful. Also, feedback from your subjects will help guide you in your
future readings.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-62
Unstable Stars
The following are the four most unstable stars:
 13 Qi Sha is dissatisfaction. It uses its will power and determination to control change.
It makes way for new events to happen, chooses new roads or directions. It is the most
changeable of these four stars.

 14 Po Jun is compelled to change. It cannot help it. Po Jun destroys the old and starts
again. It breaks and rebuilds. Po Jun frequently burns its bridges. Both Qi Sha and Po
Jun are aggressive stars.

 9 Tan Lang is the least unstable of these four stars. Tan Lang means a change in
thinking more than an environmental change. Associated with wood, Tan Lang is
flexible and not distressed by whatever changes come. In fact, Tan Lang thrives on
change. It is better at getting along with others and negotiating changes, as it is more
gentle and soothing in its thinking and feeling.

Sha Po Lang (from Qi Sha, Po Jun and Tan Lang) means change: the three are always in the
three combinations relationship. If any one of the three is in ming gong, it signifies a period
of instability, change, and unusual life.

 2 Tian Ji moves incessantly. Change is due to this movement, not because of a desire
for change. Tian Ji can be very irritable if associated with 48 Hua Ji but can be
associated with the flow of money if placed with 45 Hua Lu. If Tian Ji is found in the
ming of the Small (One-Year) Cycle or of the current year, that year will be very busy
with changes in the environment.

The emphasis of these stars depends on the palace that they are in:
Four Corners: More change and movement.
Four Earths: Less movement.
Four Directions: Smarter moves.

These four stars can give us up to 60% of the information in a chart.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-63
Teaching and Learning
The following stars give us information about a person’s ability to teach or to learn:
 12 Tian Liang learns fast but is secretive. Tian Liang won’t share all its knowledge.
 9 Tan Lang learns easily and loves to discover secrets. It wants to grasp everything but
cannot digest it all. Tan Lang keeps searching but is never satisfied. It develops ideas on
its own and does not like to learn by rote.
 2 Tian Ji wants new, interesting things. Tian Ji feels it has mastered the subject too soon
and then quits, easily becoming a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.
 11 Tian Xiang teaches well, but only by rote and without creativity.

The following are considered to be “money stars:” 4 Wu Qu, 8 Tai Yin, and 7 Tian Fu. Other
money stars include 36 Lu Cun and 45 Hua Lu. Will someone be wealthy? Look at the money
and property palaces, but not career.

Peach Blossom Stars

As previously mentioned, peach blossoms are lovely but fragile, as is youth, beauty, and
infatuation. Someone with predominant peach blossom stars is attracted to a social life of
romance, drinking, and gambling. In most cases, this is not productive behavior, but it may
work well for certain lifestyles or professions that are now accepted in current Western
culture. For example, if an actor or singer has a lot of peach blossom in the chart, it may
increase their attractiveness to their fans.
If there are two or more peach blossom stars in the ming and/or karma palaces, the
subject will do whatever the heart feels in regards to love, without concern for propriety or
The strongest peach blossom star is 9 Tan Lang. 6 Lian Zhen is a close second.
Other peach blossom stars include 8 Tai Yin, 15 Wen Chang, 16 Wen Qu, 26 Tian Yao,
47 Hua Ke, 54 Hong Luan, 79 Mu Yu, 58 and 111 Xian Chi.
In addition, the palaces in the four main directions (zi, wu, mao, and you) add peach
blossom, while the earth palaces (chou, wei, chen, and xu) reduce it.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-64
Example: AB (male)

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-65
Discussion of AB’s Chart: Since AB’s ming is in mao and it has no Major Stars, 2 Tian Ji 2
and 10 Ju Men 1 are reflected into his ming from the opposite palace, you (AB’s travel
palace). The ratings remain the same, whether in the original or the reflected palace. The high
ratings of these two stars let you know that they will be on their best behavior. Tian Ji is smart,
changeable, active, and quick. It is combined with Ju Men, which represents someone who
speaks. The two together have the image of someone who talks fast and talks a lot (definitely
true for this person).
AB’s career palace has 3 Tai Yang 3 and 8 Tai Yin 3 together in wei. This is the sun and
moon together. It makes for a very changeable situation. You would expect him to change
careers often since two major stars are in one palace, and these two stars represent the sun
and the moon. However, since it is an earth palace, the instability is not extreme.
We already discussed that AB’s shen gong is in his spouse palace. This palace (chou) has
no major stars, so 3 Tai Yang 3 and 8 Tai Yin 3 are reflected in, with no change of ratings.
Spouse is important to AB because shen gong is there, but his spouse will be changeable,
because the palace contains the sun and moon together. A changeable spouse is not ideal, as
you want someone you can rely on.
AB’s story is this: AB was dating a woman for a short while when he was about 30.
Soon it became obvious that she had severe problems. It turned out she was schizophrenic
and had gone off her medications. Her condition deteriorated and AB broke up with her.
Seven or eight months later, she showed up, very pregnant, saying the baby was his. To
make a long story short, she proved unsuitable as a mother. He gained custody of the child
and raised her alone.
Since that time, he has been torn between wanting a relationship (shen gong in the
spouse palace) and being afraid to marry or live with a woman. In his case, the spouse palace
is so unstable (sun and moon together, perhaps the image of schizophrenia) that he was afraid
to try again. In part, his reluctance to marry may be because of 5 Tian Tong in karma (si
palace). Tian Tong is a nice guy who tries to do the right thing but is easily wounded
Please note that these stars do not always cause such extreme cases. There is much more
detail to be added in the Zi Wei Dou Shu Intermediate and Advanced Classes.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-66
Appendix: The Meaning of the
Names of the Fourteen Major Stars
It is difficult to literally translate the names of the stars into English. Chinese words have
many denotations and connotations that are not obvious to the non-Chinese speaker. These
are lost in word-for-word translations. Once given an English name, the stars tend to take on
English language connotations and denotations in the student’s mind.
The Fourteen Major Stars are Chinese archetypes. Any direct translation will tend to
oversimplify or change their meaning.
However, we have translated the names of the secondary stars in the text (in the
Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class), because those stars are accents or details and not the
major portion of the larger picture.
Instead of a direct translation of the names of the Fourteen Major Stars, we offer the
following discussion.
1 Zi Wei 紫微
Zi Wei is the Emperor Star. Zi means purple or violet, an imperial color.
The relevant meaning of wei is profound, subtle, obscure, hidden, or concealed.
In this case, the literal translation of the name does not seem to shed light on the
meaning of the star. Perhaps the name means “Purple Profundity.” However, it is best if we
simply think of Zi Wei as the Purple Emperor.
2 Tian Ji 天機
Tian signifies ‘heaven,’ ‘celestial’ or ‘sky,’ referring to the traditional Chinese concept of
the heavens, not the Christian or Western idea. Heaven is the upper third of the triad of
heaven, man, and earth. Heaven is yang and is used frequently in the names of stars, as well
as acupuncture points on the head and upper body.
Ji has many meanings and is hard to render in English. It can mean an engine, machinery,
and even airplanes. By extension, it is mechanics in general. This implies perpetual
movement, since a machine moves on its own.
Ji also means a pivot or turning point, once again implying movement, changeability or
instability, as well as opportunity. Ji is used in phrases meaning clever, intelligent, alert,
quick-witted, tricky, cunning, and resourceful. In another phrase Ji means secret or
confidential. One dictionary1 denotes Tian Ji as ‘the secrets of Heaven, something
inexplicable.’ All of the above ideas contribute to the meaning of the name, Tian Ji.

Far East Chinese-English Dictionary, U.S. International Publishing Inc., New York City, 1992.
© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-67
3 Tai Yang 太陽
Tai means extreme, too much, very big, or great.
Yang is the opposite of yin, and implies heat, light, outward motion, and masculinity.
Tai Yang, therefore, is extreme yang-ness. It is also an ancient name for the sun and all that
the sun implies: radiating heat, brightness, and visibility.
Both concepts, of great yang-ness and of the sun, are implied in the name Tai Yang.

4 Wu Qu 武曲
Wu means military, martial, valiant, warlike, or fierce.
Qu is song, melody, or music.
Wu Qu is a star that signifies someone who works very hard and focuses on nothing else,
like a soldier marching to military music.

5 Tian Tong 天同
For discussion of Tian, see 2 Tian Ji.
Tong means same, similar, together, equal, common, or in common; also, to share or
agree. Tian Tong is an easy-going, agreeable person. This person would have no problem
sharing and would base relationships on similarities, equality, and togetherness.

6 Lian Zhen 廉貞
Lian means honest, incorrupt, upright, and clean, but also low-priced, inexpensive, or
cheap. A third meaning is to examine or to inspect.
Zhen is loyal, faithful, chaste, virginity, pure, virtuous, incorruptible, devoted, or
dedicated. A second meaning is to divine, to inquire by divination.
This star’s name could mean ‘to examine the results of a divination.’ Perhaps Lian Zhen
is the emperor’s diviner. This could account for Lian Zhen’s changeable nature: basing
activities on the results of divination does not always seem consistent to those whose lives are
based in the mundane.
The other way of translating Lian Zhen would be, ‘Honesty and Purity.’ This is not
necessarily the nature of Lian Zhen, but Lian Zhen would desire the appearance of honesty
and purity, being a bit of a politician.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-68
7 Tian Fu 天府
For discussion of Tian, see 2 Tian Ji.
Fu is a government office, treasury or archives, an official residence, or a mansion. One
dictionary2 describes the phrase ‘Tian Fu’ as a region of abundance, with natural defense
against invaders.
For Zi Wei Astrology, we can think of Tian Fu as the Emperor’s treasury.

8 Tai Yin 太陰
Tai means extreme, too much, very big or great.
Yin is the opposite of yang, and implies coolness, darkness, inward movement, and
femininity. Therefore, Tai Yin is extreme yin-ness. It is also an ancient name for the moon
and all that the moon implies: mystery and a changeable nature.
We can think of Tai Yin as the moon, great yin-ness, and having the characteristics of
femininity: changing and mysterious.

9 Tan Lang 貪狼
Tan means to desire more than one’s rightful share, to hope or wish for, to probe or
search for, to have an insatiable desire, covet, hanker for; corrupt, greedy, or venal.
Lang is a wolf, a heartless cruel person, cunning and crafty.
One dictionary3 describes the phrase ‘Tan Lang’ as ‘greedy as a wolf.’ Tan Lang is the
greedy wolf, but this greed can manifest as desire for physical pleasures or desire for
understanding the mysteries of the universe. Tan Lang can be very selfish, or very idealistic,
depending on other aspects of the chart.

10 Ju Men 巨門
Ju is great, big, huge or gigantic.
Men means entrance, door, gate or opening.
Since Ju Men relates mainly to speech; one colloquial translation could be ‘Big Mouth.’

11 Tian Xiang 天相
For discussion of Tian, see 2 Tian Ji.
There are many modern meanings of Xiang. In feudal times, Xiang meant the prime
minister. This is the position of Tian Xiang: the prime minister for Zi Wei, the Emperor Star.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-69
12 Tian Liang 天梁
For discussion of Tian, see 2 Tian Ji.
Liang means the beams of a house, a bridge, or a ridge.
Tian Liang is the star that is dedicated to service and helping others. Just as the beams
support a house, Tian Liang supports those around it.

13 Qi Sha 七殺
Qi is the number seven.
Sha is to kill or slaughter, put to death, fight, go into battle, destroy, weaken, or reduce.
The aggressive nature of Qi Sha earns it the name of ‘Seven Slaughters.’

14 Po Jun 破軍
Po is broken, damaged, torn, worn-out, to break, split, cleave or cut, get rid of, destroy,
break with, defeat, ruined; to spend (money, etc.).
Jun is armed forces or services, national defense, military, army.
Po Jun could be the army general, using the army to break down whatever resistance
exists, and usually leaving it to someone else to rebuild.


This is the end of the Beginning Zi Wei Dou Shu Class. You have learned how to find the
Twelve Palace Categories and the Fourteen Major Stars. With this, you have a good sketch
of the personality and overall tendencies of a person in all aspects of their life.
In the Intermediate Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, you will learn to factor in 75 more stars. This
will turn the sketch into a detailed portrait. Some of these stars will greatly modify the feeling
of the sketch you now have, so if some aspects seem a little off, they may come into better
focus later.
In the Advanced Zi Wei Dou Shu Class, you will learn to make predictions based on
different time periods, and there will be a number of case studies to illustrate how to read a

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-70
Final Exam

1. Draw the triangle and line on the following female’s chart:

Property Career Friends Travel

11 Tian Xiang 3 12 Tian Liang 1 6 Lian Zhen 2
13 Qi Sha 2
ding wu ji geng
si wu wei shen
Karma female Illness
10 Ju Men 3 Year: gui si
bing Month: 5, wu xin
chen Day: 5th you
Parents Hour: 5, chen Money Shen
1 Zi Wei 2 5 Tian Tong 3
9 Tan Lang 3 Element Type: Water 2
yi ren
mao xu
Ming Siblings Spouse Children
2 Tian Ji 2 7 Tian Fu 1 3 Tai Yang 5 4 Wu Qu 3
8 Tai Yin 4 14 Po Jun 3
jia yi jia gui
yin chou zi hai

2. Will this person overall be extremely active, slow and calm, or full of peach blossom?

3. Is it easy for this person to have a good marriage?

4. Describe her money palace.

5. What type of illnesses is she more likely to have?

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-71
Final Exam Answers
1. Draw the triangle and line on the following female’s chart:

2. Will this person overall be extremely active, slow and calm, or full of peach blossom?

Answer: Active because ming is in a corner (yin), there are two main stars, and 2 Tian Ji is
one of the major stars.

3. Is it easy for this person to have a good marriage?

Answer: No, it isn’t. 3 Tai Yang has the lowest rating of 5 in spouse (zi), and Tai Yang, the
sun specifically represents a male, her husband. He will be no help, and he may even hurt her.

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-72
4. Describe her money palace.

Answer: Shen (the body palace) is also in her money palace (xu), so money is important to
her, or she has issues with money. She has 5 Tian Tong, so money will come in as she needs it,
but this does not mean she will be rich.

5. What type of illnesses is she more likely to have?

Answer: Her illness palace, you, has no major stars, so 1 Zi Wei and 9 Tan Lang are reflected
in. 1 Zi Wei represents spleen and stomach issues. These two organs govern digestion in
Chinese medicine. 9 Tan Lang represents gall bladder problems.

Notice: You will receive a certificate when you complete the Zi Wei Dou Shu Advanced
Class. Please email ([email protected]) us the name you want on your certificate and
confirm the mailing address you want it sent to. If your address changes before you receive
your certificate, please give us an update. Thanks!

© 2006 by the American Feng Shui Institute Zi Wei Dou Shu Astrology 2 2-73

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