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# Good morning everyone, A very warm welcome to all of you to the District
Discussion meeting for the month of February 2021.

#Thank you everyone for connecting on a zoom meeting on a Sunday morning.

Though we are not physically present with each other but are united in hearts
through this virtual meeting.

#Humbly request everyone to keep their mikes on mute when not speaking or
when someone is speaking to avoid any disturbance.

everyone to
keep their
on mute
when not
speaking or
someone is
speaking to
avoid any
#I request the guests present today to introduce themselves.

(After the introduction). Heartiest welcome to all of you to the Bharat Soka Gakkai

# I will now share the important dates for this month:

1. February 4th, 1961 –
On February 4th, 1961, in a profound ceremony conducted at Bodhgaya, the
place of Shakyamuni’s enlightenment, Ikeda Sensei buried a granite plaque
bearing the inscription, ‘Kosen-rufu in Asia’ along with other
commemorative items. Expressing his deep-seated pledge to shoulder full
responsibility for Toyo-kofu (Kosen-rufu in Asia), Sensei vowed, “I’ll do it.
I’ll do it no matter what…. If I fall along the way, I’ll entrust its completion
to the youth, whom I consider extensions of my own being. Come forth, you
Shin’ichi Yamamotos, in countless tens, hundreds of thousands!” This
passionate and fervent prayer of our mentor has served as the prime point for
countless courageous Bodhisattvas of the Earth to emerge throughout the
length and breadth of our country. BSG has continued to commemorate this
day as Indian Kosen-rufu Day.

This year, Feb 4th assumes even greater significance as it marks the 60th
anniversary of that historic first visit of Ikeda Sensei to India. February 11th,
1900 – Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda is born

2. February 16th, 1222 – Feb. 16 commemorates the 799th anniversary of

the birth of Nichiren Daishonin, the 13th-century Buddhist reformer
and founder of Nichiren Buddhism. Nichiren’s philosophy originates in
the teachings of Shakyamuni. His philosophy reveals that an infinite
potential and high life force, is inherent in all life. It affirms that all people
are capable of attaining absolute happiness.

3. February 27th – On Feb. 27, 1990, SGI President Ikeda opened the First
SGI-USA Women’s Division Meeting with these enduring words
“My sole desire for women’s division members is that they become the happiest
people in the world.” His guidance that day, titled “Buddhism Is the Clear Mirror
That Reflects Our Lives,” became the eternal starting point for the women of
America. He then named Feb. 27—Mrs. Ikeda’s birthday— as the Women’s
Division Day.

#We are very fortunate to receive Mrs. Kaneko Ikeda’s 2021 Message. I request
Shweta di to please share Mrs. Ikeda’s message
#The precious and irreplaceable members of the future division represent
humanity's future. It is for this reason that Ikeda Sensei has poured his energies
into fostering them into genuine leaders of the 21st century who are friends to the
I would like to welcome Future Division members of our district to present the
Future Division activity: “I Spy with my Buddha eyes”
Over to Vishi

# “The sharing of faith experiences—the transformation in people’s lives realized

through Buddhist practice—is a central element of discussion meetings”.
Now, I would like to invite Jiana to share her victories in faith with us.

#President Ikeda says “Where there are songs, there is growth, there is vigor and
momentum. Songs spur swift action and victory.”
We have some of our members performing live, the song “Rising Up”. I request
Vishi to take it forward.
Thank you. I am sure this song has filled us with vigor and strength to advance
even more courageously in Kosen-Rufu.

# few of our members will present the concept of ‘Earthly Desires Lead to
Enlightenment’ I would like to invite Anuj Bhaiya to take it over.

Thank you, members, for explaining this concept so beautifully.

# The floor is now open for Question and Answers. Please feel free to ask
questions or share your experiences. (In case nobody asks anything). I request the
guests to please share your views or impressions about the meeting. If anyone
wants to share anything.

# I request Kenny ji to share Sensei’s guidance with us.

# I sincerely thank each one of you for attending the meeting today.

We shall close the meeting by saying goodbye to each other.


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