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Chapter 13 Narrative Text (Legenda)

Semester Genap Kelas X

Choose the best answer by Crossing (X) a, b, c, d or e!

Text 1
The Legend of Toba Lake

There was a handsome man named Batara Guru Sahala, who enjoyed fishing so much. One day,
he caught a fish. He was surprised to find out that the fish could talk. The fish begged him to set
it free.

Batara Guru Sahala could not bear it. He made the fish free. As soon as it was free, the fish
changed into a very beautiful woman. Batara Guru Sahala fell in love with that fish-woman and
wanted to marry her. Batara Guru Sahala promised to keep the secret that she had been a fish and
would never tell anybody about it.

They were married happily. They had two daughters. One day Batara Guru Sahala got very angry
with his daughters. He could not control his temper. He shouted angrily and got the word of fish
to his daughters. The daughters were crying. They found their mother and told her about it.

The mother was, very angry. Batara Guru Sahala broke his promise. The mother was shouting
angrily, then the earth began to shake. Volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a very big
hole. People believed that the big hole became a lake. Today the lake is known as Toba lake.

1. What kind of text is the text above?

a. recount
b. descriptive
c. narrative
d. explanation
e. spoof

2. What is the general purpose of the text?

a. to describe a particular thing
b. to give information about how something happen
c. to explain about something
d. to amuse or entertain the reader
e. to tell about past event

3. What kind of tense was mostly used in the text?

a. Present tense
b. Present continuous tense
c. Present future tense
d. Past tense
e. Past Perfect tense

4. What is the generic structure of the text?

a. Orientation – event
b. Orientation – complication – resolution
c. Complication – orientation –resolution
d. Resolution – complication –orientation
e. Orientation – event – resolution
5. Arrange these jumbled sentences to make a meaningful narrative text.

1. He was very hungry and weak

2. Nobody wanted to help the little boy.
3. Once upon a time, there was a little boy, who was poor, dirty, and smelly.
4. He came into a little village
5. He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him
6. Finally, a generous old woman helped him
7. She gave him shelter and a meal.

The best arrangement of the sentences is…

a. 3 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 6
b. 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 7
c. 3 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 7 – 5 – 1
d. 5 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 7
e. 5 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 3
6. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. The boy came to the village to find some money
b. The boy was helped by a generous youg woman
c. The boy got house and food at the end
d. Nobody helped the boy
e. Nobody gave him food

Text 2
Long time ago there lived a king of a kingdom of Kediri, Raden Putra. He liked cock fighting. 
One of his wives told him that the queen had put poison in his food.  The king was very angry.
Without thinking deeply, he ordered his soldiers to bring the queen to a wood and kill her. But
the soldiers took a pity on her as at that time she was pregnant.  They did not kill her.

When the queen gave birth to a baby boy, she named him Cinde Laras. In his 15, he had a cock.
Cinde Laras liked cock fighting, too. His cock was strong, so it won all fight. Hearing it, the king
invited Cinde Laras to the palace for a cock fighting. In a fight, his cock could easily beat the
king’s cock. Everybody was surprised when Cinde Laras’ cock crowed “Cockledodo,  I am
Cinde Laras’ cock, who lived in the wood, the son of Raden Putra”.

The king was very surprised. Cinde Laras told him that he was the son of the queen who now
lived in the wood. It made the king regretted his unwise decision. The King regretted his unwise
decision.  After that the king met the queen in the wood. Then he brought them back to palace
and he punished his evil wife.

7. What does the text 1 tell us about?

a. Cinde Laras.
b. Raden Putra.
c. A cock fighting.
d. A King of Kediri Kingdom
e. The history of Kediri

8. Why did the soldiers bring the queen to the forest? Because ...

a. the soldiers did not like the queen.

b. the soldiers are asked by the King.
c. the queen put poison into the King’s.
d. the queen wanted to live in the forest.
e. they want to kill the queen

8. What can we learn from the story?

a. Be wise in every decision you make.
b. Honest is the best attitude in our life.
c. Patient will give us a peaceful life.
d. Don’t worry about your future
e. Don’t be greedy

A long time ago, there's a king who ruled a rich, prosperous island. He had all the things a
king could ever ask for: the power, the wealth, and all the delicious foods one could only
imagine.The king's name was King Barabas.

King Barabas is a rude king and overweight, indulging himself to all the foods available,
hesitant to share to anyone. And his castle is starting to become filthy. He would spend most of
his time sitting and eating with his bare hands. As he eats, he drips food on the floor and smile
mockingly at the people around him, specially his servants.

People in the kingdom would approach with requests for his help, but he would always
refuse. As he neglected his kingdom, people started to complain and starve. After some time, an
old hunched-back woman showed up at the castle begging for food while the king was eating.
The old lady asked for food as she was starving. "Go away! I don't have anything to give. Can't
you see I'm eating?" said the king. "Please, my king," begged the old woman. "I'm asking for
anything, anything you could give me as I am so hungry. Even a little piece of bread or fruit
would do." "Get out at once! You disgust me," the king belittled the old beggar.

The old woman stood up straight, casting aside her stooped posture. "I've heard much about
you and how your kingdom is suffering." The tone of her voice had changed. It was no longer the
voice of a weak, old woman. "I asked for help, and you shoved me away. You have a lot for
yourself, but when I only asked for a little food, you belittled me. You are selfish. No one loves
you and no one will remember you when you are gone!" And the beggar disappeared.

After a few more days, the king slowly weakened and became sick. No one knows what's
wrong with him. He got weaker and weaker and lost much weight. He looked older than his age.
Soon after that, the king died. As unfortunate and unexpected as it was, no one cried and
nobody showed up at the king's burial. He died alone. And where the king was buried, his people
noticed a strange plant growing, a plant they had never seen before. The plant soon grew into a
tree, which bore rounded fruits that turned yellowish when ripe.

People also noticed that the fruit seemed to have a crown as it develops, which reminded
them of their selfish, arrogant king. The flesh of the fruit tasted a bit sour, just like the sour
personality of the king towards them.

The people learned to eat the fruit, which helped them with starvation. And because the tree
was from the grave of their King Barabas and it has crown just like their king, they named the
tree after him: barabas, which in time they called bayabas.

The fruit is still called, as to this day, bayabas.

Text 4

Leadership Types Characteristic

Democratic Leadership The leader makes decisions based on the input of each
team member
Autocratic Leadership The leader makes decisions based without taking input
of anyone
Bureaucrative Leadership The leader tents to reject an employee’s input if it
conflics with gcompany policy
Transactional Leadership The leader focuses on the balance task and
responsibilities for each employee
Strategic Leadership The leader focuses on the wealthy
Laissez Leadership The leader trust their worker to work hard

10. Based on the text 3 and the text 4, it can be concluded that the king, Raden Putra has ...
a. a transformational leadership style
b. a democratic leadership style
c. a autocratic leadership style
d. a strategic leadership style
e. a transactional leadership style


Compose a story based on the pictures provided at least 20 Sentences!

Answer Key :

1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. E
9. A
10. C

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