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Teacher JEFFREY R. YUMANG Learning Area Chemistry 2
LOG Teaching Dates and Time JANUARY 06-10, 2020 Quarter 3rd


rd rd
I. OBJECTIVES 1. Describe the different types of 1. Differentiate between dilute and 1. Perform calculations for solution 3 Periodic Test 3 Periodic Test
solutions concentrated solutions. concentration given appropriate data.
2. Compare and contrast saturated, 2. Define quantitative ways of
unsaturated and supersaturated expressing solution concentration using
pecent by mass, percent by volume, and
solutions. molarity.
3. Appreciate the importance of 3. Perform calculations for solution
solutions in our daily life. concentration given appropriate data.
A. Content Standard Properties of Solutions, solubility, Properties of solutions, solubility, and Properties of solutions, solubility, and the
and the stoichiometry of reactions the stoichiometry of reactions in stoichiometry of reactions in solutions.
in solutions.
B. Performance Standard The learners design a simple Perform calculations for solution Perform calculations for solution
investigation to determine the concentration given appropriate data. concentration given appropriate data.
effect on boiling point or freezing
point when a solid is dissolved in
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Describe the different types of At the end of the lesson, the students At the end of the lesson, the students will
solutions (STEM_GC11PP- will be able to: be able to:
2. Use different ways of expressing 2. Use different ways of expressing
IIId-f-110) concentrations of solutions: percent by concentrations of solutions: percent by
mass, mole fraction, molarity, molality, mass, mole fraction, molarity, molality,
percent by volume, percent by mass, percent by volume, percent by mass,
ppm. ppm.
(STEM_GC11PP-IIId-f-111) (STEM_GC11PP-IIId-f-111)

II. CONTENT Physical Properties of Solution Concentration Units and comparison of Concentration Units and comparison of
concentration units: concentration units:
a. Percent by mass, by volume e. Percent by mass, by volume
b. Mole fraction f. Mole fraction
c. Molality g. Molality
d. Molarity h. Molarity
Percent by volume, percent by mass, Percent by volume, percent by mass, ppm
A. References General Chemistry 2 Teaching Guide for SHS pp. 184-191 General Chemistry 2 Teaching Guide for SHS pp. 184-191
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from White board, marker, laptop, LCD projectors White board, marker, laptop, LCD projectors
Learning Resource
(LR)portal Orange juice Table salt Orange juice Table salt
Glass Sugar Glass Sugar
Water Isopropyl alcohol Water Isopropyl alcohol
Teaspoon NaOH solution Teaspoon NaOH solution
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities Preparatory Activities
presenting the new lesson Prayer Prayer Prayer
Checking of attendance Checking of attendance Checking of attendance
Classroom management Classroom management Classroom management

B. Establishing a purpose for the Note: Please see the attached DLP Students are asked to recall their Students are asked to recall their
lesson previous lesson focusing on different previous lesson focusing on different type
for the complete details of the lesson type of solution by using picture of solution by using picture analysis.
for classroom observation analysis.
C. Presenting examples/Instances Ask student to derive a formula or Ask student to derive a formula or
of the new lesson manipulate the unknown in the problem. manipulate the unknown in the problem.
Find X=? Find X=?
a = x/b a = x/b
b= c/x b= c/x
c = dx/fg c = dx/fg
Identify the following units. Identify the following units.
Mole – mol Mole – mol
Molarity(M) – mol/L Molarity(M) – mol/L
Mass – g, kg Mass – g, kg
Molality – mol/kg Molality – mol/kg
D. Discussing new concepts and Prepare samples of orange juice with Prepare samples of orange juice with
practicing new skills # 1 different concentration. different concentration.
a. 1 tsp orange powder + one half of a. 1 tsp orange powder + one half of
water water
b. 1 tsp orange powder + 1 glass of b. 1 tsp orange powder + 1 glass of
water water
a. one half tsp orange powder + 1 a. one half tsp orange powder + 1
glass of water glass of water
b. 1 tsp orange powder + 1 glass of b. 1 tsp orange powder + 1 glass of
water water
a. Describe the samples prepared in the a. Describe the samples prepared in the
activity. activity.
b. How do you compare the color b. How do you compare the color intensity
intensity of the two glasses of juice in of the two glasses of juice in set A? in set
set A? in set B? B?
c. In each set, which contains a smaller c. In each set, which contains a smaller
amount of solute? Which contains amount of solute? Which contains greater
greater amount of solute? amount of solute?
d. What do you mean by concentration? d. What do you mean by concentration?
(Concentration refers to the amount or (Concentration refers to the amount or
quantity of solute present in a specified quantity of solute present in a specified
amount of solvent.) amount of solvent.)
Teachers write the words dilute and Teachers write the words dilute and

concentrated on the board. concentrated on the board.
Ask the students to define the meaning Ask the students to define the meaning of
of each. Ask the students which of the each. Ask the students which of the
samples prepared are dilute and which samples prepared are dilute and which
are concentrated. are concentrated.
The teachers will explain the difference The teachers will explain the difference
between dilute and concentrated and tell between dilute and concentrated and tell
the students that this is just a qualitative the students that this is just a qualitative
means of determining concentration can means of determining concentration can
be determined quantitatively by the be determined quantitatively by the
following: following:
i. % by mass of solute i. % by mass of solute
ii. % by volume of solute ii. % by volume of solute
iii. Molarity iii. Molarity
E. Discussing new concepts and PERFORM AN EXPERIMENT: “Ways of PERFORM AN EXPERIMENT: “Ways of
practicing new skills # 2 Expressing Concentration” Expressing Concentration”

F Developing mastery Guide Questions Guide Questions

(leads to Formative Assessment
3) i. When is a solution said to be i. When is a solution said to be
diluted? Concentrated? diluted? Concentrated?
ii. What is percent by mass solute? ii. What is percent by mass solute?
iii. What is percent by volume solute? iii. What is percent by volume solute?
iv. What is Molarity? iv. What is Molarity?

Solve the following problems: Solve the following problems:

i. A solution is prepared by dissolving i. A solution is prepared by dissolving
8g of sugar in 78g of water. What is it % 8g of sugar in 78g of water. What is it %
by mass? by mass?
ii. Calculate the mass in grams of ii. Calculate the mass in grams of
NaOH presen in 150 grams of 15% NaOH presen in 150 grams of 15%
iii. What is the molarity of 500ml iii. What is the molarity of 500ml
solutions which contains 29grams of solutions which contains 29grams of
NaCl? NaCl?

G. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and When you buy rubbing alcohol, which
one would you choose, 30% ethyl When you buy rubbing alcohol, which one
abstractions about the lesson
alcohol at P23.00 or 70% ethyl alcohol
would you choose, 30% ethyl alcohol at
at P28.00? Why? (Assume equal
volumes of the rubbing alcohol.) P23.00 or 70% ethyl alcohol at P28.00?

Why? (Assume equal volumes of the

rubbing alcohol.)

I. Evaluating learning 1. Concentration refers to the mass or 1. Concentration refers to the mass or
volume of solute present in a specified volume of solute present in a specified
amount of solvent. amount of solvent.

2. A solution is dilute if the solvent is 2. A solution is dilute if the solvent is
much greater than the solute in a given much greater than the solute in a given
solution. A solution is concentrated if the solution. A solution is concentrated if the
amount or volume of solute is much amount or volume of solute is much
greater than the amount or volume of greater than the amount or volume of
solvent in a given solution. solvent in a given solution.

3. Percent by mass is the expression of 3. Percent by mass is the expression of

the mass of solute per 100 grams of the the mass of solute per 100 grams of the
solution. Its formula is written as solution. Its formula is written as
% mass = mass of solute x 100 % mass = mass of solute x 100
Mass of solution Mass of solution

4. Percent by volume is the expression 4. Percent by volume is the expression of

of the volume in ml of solute per 100ml a the volume in ml of solute per 100ml a
solution solution
% volume = volume of solute x % volume = volume of solute x
100 100
Volume of solution Volume of solution

5. Molarity is defined as the number of 5. Molarity is defined as the number of

moles of solute per liter solution or moles of solute per liter solution or
Molarity = number of moles of Molarity = number of moles of
solute solute
Liter of solution Liter of solution

Since number of moles (n) is equal to Since number of moles (n) is equal to
mass of solute per molar mass of solute mass of solute per molar mass of solute
then, molarity may also be expressed as then, molarity may also be expressed as

Molarity = mass of solute per Molarity = mass of solute per molar

molar mass of solute mass of solute
Liter of solution Liter of solution

And rearranging the equation gives And rearranging the equation gives

Molarity = mass of solute Molarity = mass of solute

Molar mass of solute x Molar mass of solute x
liter solution liter solution
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared: Noted:


Subject –Teacher Principal I


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