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Title of the Article: Effects of radiation emitted by WCDMA mobile phones on

electromagnetic hypersensitive subjects
Information: This research study wanted to test if the use of the third generation (3 G)
mobile phones would have possible health effects of radio frequency-electromagnetic fields
(RF-EMFs) emitted by wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) mobile phones in
1. The Problem
 As the title depicted, the study focused more on the possible health effects of
radiation emitted by 3G mobile phones. The purpose of the study was to conduct
a research experiment to determine the difference between the electronic
hypersensitivity (EHS) group and the non EHS group. In addition, the
background of the study clearly hypothesised that radio frequency-
electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) emitted by mobile phones can make humans
feel several non-specific symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness. Although the
key terms used in the study were not used on an everyday basis, it made a
significant change in how the readers would easily understand the whole process
of experimentation by defining each term efficiently.

2. Review of Literature
 By citing several sources to support their study, it was evident that it was well
researched and comprehensively dealing with the problem at hand. The studies
the researchers have included were cited accordingly and supported each other.
As for the recency of the studies, the range of 2001-2011 was still considerable in
respect with the time of this study’s publication. The related literature were
mostly about past experimentations which did not vary in results so there was no
hint of bias.

3. Design and Procedure

 Based from what I have read, the study relied more on the observational
procedure of the effects of WCDMA on two dependent groups which were the
EHS and non EHS groups. The research design was correlational because as I
said the results would rely on the observation during experiment. This study was
conducted to support and give new knowledge on past studies also examining
reiation effects on humans. The research team used devices like electric and
magnetic field analyser, radiation meter and computerized polygraph. In order for
the team to achieve better control over exposure, they used WCDMA modules
with Qualcomm chipsets (baseband: MSM6290, RF: RFR6285, power
management: PM6658, San Diego, CA) to generate WCDMA RF-EMFs instead
of a regular smart phone. The independent variables administered were average
ELF electric (1.8 ± 0.0 V/m) and magnetic (0.02 ± 0.01 μT ) fields while the two
dependent groups consisted of EHS (17 subjects) and non EHS (20 subjects)
4. Data Analysis
 A repeated two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed using SPSS
software (SPSS 18, SPSS, Chicago, IL) to investigate differences in heart rate,
respiration rate, and relative change in LFP/HFP with exposure and stage for
EHS and non-EHS groups. The study depended on the quantitative because they
have measured the amount of people experiencing common symptoms after being
exposed. After analysing their data, they have found out there were no significant
difference between the EHS and non EHS group which proves their hypothesis to
be nonviable. They have discussed hat there are other factors affecting the mental
state of the subjects such as stress.
5. Conclusions and Implications
 The purpose of the study was to determine if WCDMA could affect the health of
humans which were then proven to be less factual. The results showed that there
were no indications that the EHS group detected any sign of exposure. Therefore,
concluding that the WDCMA radiation could not affect the mental health of
humans. It would benefit the society knowing that their mental health would
either be damaged or improved while using mobile devices.
C. Overall Assessment
 For my review of the study, I found that there were minimal errors and the idea of
the whole study was well supported with adequate experimentation and cited
relative studies.

TALLEDO, Arianne Rose E. 9-Lavoisier

D. Title of the Article: Risk Assessment of Using Aluminum Foil in Food Preparation.
Information: The aim of this research study is to detect leaching levels of aluminum from
aluminum foil in different food solutions, because in recent years there was a continuous use
of aluminum foil in cooking process despite the fact that aluminum is associated with
different diseases.
6. The Problem
 The study focused more on to detect leaching levels of aluminum from aluminum
foil in different food solutions. Aluminum salts can be absorbed by the gut and
concentrated in various human tissues including bone, parathyroid, and brain.
High concentration of aluminum have been detected in brain tissues of patients
with Alzheimer’s disease. Although the key terms used in the study were not used
on an everyday basis, it made a significant change in how the readers would
easily understand the whole process of experimentation by defining each term

7. Review of Literature
 The researchers looked for some articles that can help the study. These studies
increased their knowledge. The authors of these studies shared extra ideas that the
researchers can use. The selected articles/studies support their study. It give
suggestions and help them to make it better.

8. Design and Procedure

 The aluminum foil that they use is taken from UAE Market. Specimens of
aluminum foil are cut into rectangular dimensional shapes of 8x 4 cm, each with
a 1 mm diameter hole at one end in order to hang them while inserting them into
the different food solutions. They also use other samples with different
dimensional shapes. The experiments of aluminum leaching from aluminum foil
are performed in liquid and vapor phases at both boiling temperature and in the
oven. The ph of each solution is measured before the experiment. The aluminum
foil samples are immersed in the boiling solution for two hours. After the
experiment, the samples are cleaned by distilled water followed by acetone and
finally are weighed.

9. Data Analysis

10. Conclusions and Implications

 In conclusion, as what I have read aluminum leaching from the foil into the food
solution is the same in liquid and vapor phases. Aluminum foil used in cooking
provides an easy channel for the metal to enter the human body. The increase in
cooking temperature causes more leaching. The article stated that aluminum foil
is not suitable for cooking specially with acidic food. It is also possible that
excessive consumption of food baked with aluminum foil may carry a serious
health risk.
E. Overall Assessment
 When I critiqued the paper, the article was very well explained. Although the key
terms used in the study were not used on an everyday basis, it made a significant
change in how the researchers would easily understand the whole process of
experimentation by defining each term efficiently. This study can help us realized
not to use aluminum foil because it might contribute to different diseases.

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