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Julianne B.

dela Cruz

Intellectual Revolutions
Question for Reflection

1. Why do you think were most intellectual ideas controversial?

- Intellectual ideas are controversial because they can be far removed from reality.
the complexity of the world, and the more abstract, the more controversial. The
more ‘tied to ego’ one’s declaration of how the world is’, the most controversial or
‘how defensive’ people will be in assuming a position, and the more ‘politically
divided. But the most innovative and interesting ideas often are controversial
because many people, even academics, tend to form beliefs and opinions that
become part of their perception of self and instinctively attack anything that that
might supplant or conflict with those beliefs and thus force them to rethink how
they view themselves, how they view reality, or how they should act or behave.

2. Why did the people accept these new discoveries despite being contradictory to what
was widely accepted at that time?
- People accepted those new discoveries because they were backed up with evidence.
These evidence were gathered through scientific research. Despite the contradicting
idea being introduced by these discoveries, sufficient amounts of data were
gathered through scientific analysis which made it acceptable and valid.

3. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?

- I think the intellectual revolutions are organized by the most misunderstood people
who fought for the privileges we enjoy these days. There are still intellectual
revolutions. Intellectuals will always try to make our world less messier place to live
in, that’s why. Intellectuals of intellectual revolutions are those who have diverse
knowledge and perceptions as well as valuable foresights. They apply their
brainpower and revolutionary visions for the purpose of awakening the society and
they help divert the masses from what is injudicious and unwise toward what is
upright and just. It will transform societies through critical-thinking, evaluation, and
creating appropriate rules for equal opportunity. It is a continuous process of
development to achieve the needs of society. The collaborations of great minds
make the world peaceful and progressive.

4. Can you name other scientific revolutions that happened in the following places?
a. Meso-America - Other important scientific revolution that happened in
Mesoamerica were their belief in the cycles of planets and celestial beings like the
sun, and the moon; they also built observatories which helped in their agricultural
and architectural calculations.
b. Asia - At present, probably the most notable country in Asia in terms of its
technological and scientific achievement is Japan, which is particularly known for its
electronics and automobile products.
c. Middle East - The Syrians were skillful as experimental metallurgists. The Damascus-
made Sword was highly reputable for its mighty strength.
d. Africa - Africa has the world's oldest record of human technological achievement:
the oldest stone tools in the world have been found in eastern Africa, and later
evidence for tool production by our hominin ancestors has been found across Sub-
Saharan Africa
5. Can you name other scientific revolutions that happened in the Nursing profession?
- Florence Nightingale and Martha E. Rogers represent two scientific revolutions in
nursing as a learned discipline. The outcomes of the two scientific revolutions in
nursing have been the professionalization of nursing that evolved from Nightingale's
work, followed by the disciplinary and paradigmatic revolution that is represented
by Rogers' works, from which derive the philosophy of the unitary human being, the
environment, and the homeodynamic principle.

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