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Repaso del ES y and grammar

f rm the tasks on p. 181
► Review the vo
capitulo t
► Demonstra e You can per o

◄~ Vocabulario to ask for and give direc tions

to talk abou t drivin g aprox imada mente approxirn, 'aly
la avenida avenue 1,C6mo se va . .. ? How do y,,. t 9o
el camio n, pl. los truck compl icado, -a complicai· ct ···1
camlo nes to cross
cruza r
la carret era highway straight
derec ho
el condu ctor, la driver from , sine~:
condu ctora desde
to turn
el cruce de cafles intersection dobla r
in the middle Of
fa cuadr a block en medio de
as far as, up to
la esquin a corner hasta
to drive
fa estatu a statue manej ar
fa fuente fountain el metro
to stop
el peat6 n, pl. los pedestrian parar
peato nes to pass, to go
el permi so de driver's license for, by, around al 0
por through ' "!
mane jar
la plaza plaza to be located
queda r
el polic,a , la policia police officer to follow, to continue
seguir (e + i)
poner una multa to give a ticket to be in a hurry
tener prisa
el puent e bridge
el semaf oro stoplight Gramatica
la serial de parada stop sign
prese nt progr essiv e: irregu lar forms
el trafico traffic
decir: dicien do vestir : vistiendo
to give and recei ve drivin g advic e pedir: pidien do dormi r: durmiendo
ancho, -a wide
repetir: repitie ndo creer: creyendo
iBasta! Enough!
seguir: siguie ndo leer: leyendo
De acuer do. OK. Agreed.
servir: sirvien do traer: trayendo
dejar to leave, to let
Dejame en paz. Leave me alone. irregu lar affirm ative tu commands
despa cio slowly hacer: haz
esper ar to wait ir: ve
estar seguro , -a to be sure ser: se
estrec ho, -a narrow
Seep. 168 for a more compl ete chart.
Me estas ponien do You are making me
nervous. direc t objec t prono uns
nervio so, -a.
,-- --- --~ --- --- ----
peligro so, -a a -----
:::..u.:.. l:::..
g n
~ - -S_i_ r
.:_ --1-- :__:
-__'.P ra::..1----- -
quitar to take away, to remove me me nos us
to be careful te you (fam .) os you (tam.)
tener cuidad o
already 10
, , la him, her, it, you los, las them, you
For Vocabulario adicional, see pp. 506-507.

180 ciento ochenta • Terna 3 •Tuy tu comunidad

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