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National Service Training Program

Environmental Protection
by: Mary Ann S. Umayao
Salud Isabel P. Petalcorin
Melissa C. Napil, Ed D

Team Leader and Content Editor

AVP Sitti Rogaiya L. Apadan
University of Mindanao
Mc Arthur Highway, Matina, Davao City
October 27, 2020
Table of Contents

Module 4: Environmental Protection

Module Overview………………………………………………………………..4
Lesson 1: Environmental Protection and Management Introduction……………5
Lesson 2: Seven Principles of Environment and Environmental Laws ………...11
Lesson 3: Forest Issues, Threat and Protection …………………………………19
Lesson 4: Water Pollution, Sanitation and Conservation ……………………….26
Lesson 5: Other Environmental Concerns ………………………………………33
Lesson 6: The Role of Youth in the Environmental Protection
and Management ………………………………………………..……39

2 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Module 4
Environmental Protection
The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful
stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to
destroy it for use by future generations.
~ John Paul II

In this Module
1. Environmental Protection and Management Introduction
 Environmental Protection and Management
 Environmental Education is Important
 Laws in Promoting Environmental Education
2. Seven Principles of Environment and Environmental Laws
 The Seven Environmental Principles
 Laws in Promoting Environment Protection
3. Forest Issues, Threat and Protection
 Deforestation
 Republic Act 9175 and Executive Order No. 23, s. 2011
 Department of Environment and Natural Resources & Forest
Management Bureau
4. Water Issues, Sanitation and Conservation
 Water Pollution
 Water Sanitation and Conservation
 Republic Act 9275
5. Other Environmental Concerns
 Climate Change and Republic Act 9279
 Pollution and Republic Act 8749
 Biodiversity and Republic Act 9147
6. The Role of Youth in the Environmental Protection and
 Youth for a Cleaner and Greener Environment
 Ways Youth Can do to Protect the Environment
 Earth Day

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Human beings have become the primary agents changing the conditions on the
earth. We have done this by tapping into the energy resources buried deep in our planet.
Natural gas provides energy for us to obtain supplies and power for our modern-day
businesses. But the abuse of these natural resources has led to serious consequences for our
environment, so much that we have had to enact laws to regulate our use of our earth’s
resources, and manage our environmental impact.
It can then be concluded that Environmental Management comes down to how we
use these natural resources in a way that is sustainable and creates the less environmental

This module starts with a brief overview of environmental education and protection,
its definition, and its importance. Next, this module will also discuss the seven principles of
the environment and the related laws in environmental protection. The module will end
discussing the role of the youth in the Environmental Protection and Management.

Upon completion of this module, you shall be able to:

 Define environmental protection and environmental management;
 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws with regards to environmental protection;
 Formulate an action plan that shall address the environmental concerns.

Are you ready? Then start the lessons now!

4 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Environmental Protection and
Management Introduction
 Students will have a concrete definition of environmental protection;
 Be able to cite the importance of studying and implementing the
principles within Environmental protection; and
 Analyze the implications of the importance of Environmental Education
in daily life.

Environmental education is a process which is very useful to human beings in order to
manage their environment well and instill the right behavior that serves as the key to
sustainable development (Labuguen et al., 2012).
It is a learning procedure that increases people's awareness and knowledge about the
ecosystem and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and competence to
address the challenges, and develops motivations, character, and commitments to create
informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, 1978).

The class plays the game “Scavenger Hunt." The teacher

Activity will ask each student to make a list of the top 5 to 10
products they use each day.
 once the lists have been finalized, the teacher
divides the class into four groups;
 each group should gather the list from each
member for inventory;
Each student needs  the goal of this activity is to show the students that
to make a list/ they can make informed decisions by realizing their
inventory of the top
consumption patterns and the wastes that they
five to 10 products
they use each day at create each day that contributes to environmental
home. problems.

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Once the activity has finished, the teacher gathers the students and
discusses the following points with them:

a. What does your list/inventory tell you about the top 5 to 10 products that you use each
day at home?

b. How do you feel? Are you saddened or overwhelmed by the result?


c. How would you manage to tell your parents about the result and suggest alternatives?

d. Is there a need to change the consumption patterns?



Informed citizens have a natural curiosity about things related to law,

especially one which concerns our environmental policies and laws. Our
interest extends beyond watching popular legal dramas like “Suits” or
“Law & Order.”

Environmental Protection
The United Nations defines ‘Environmental protection’ as any movement that
involves maintaining or restoring the quality of “environmental media” by avoiding the
discharge of pollutants or lessening the existence of polluting substances. It may consist of:

6 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

(a) changes in the characteristics of goods
(b) in consumption patterns,
(c) changes in technique production
(d) , treatment or disposal of residuals in
separate environmental protection
(e) recycling, and
(f) prevention of degradation of the
landscape and ecosystem. difference-does-a-year-make-chinas-

It is an ethical commitment for people to secure the environment from contamination and
other activities that lead to environmental corruption. The organization Conserve Energy
Future emphasizes that environmental corruption is extremely critical to address as it
threatens animals, people, and plants' long-term well-being.

Air and water pollution, global warming, smog, acid rain, deforestation, and wildfires are just
few of the environmental issues that we are facing right now. It is everyone’s obligation to
take care of the environment to make this planet a wonderful place to live in. One does not
need to put lot of money to “go green” instead adopt simple changes in our daily lifestyle to
reduce your impact on the environment.

Environmental Management
It consists of organizing different environmental initiatives to address various
environmental issues that dramatically affect our planet earth. It also deals with trying to
prevent ecological disasters and aiding in ecological crises and trying to find appropriate
solutions. Environmental management looks at the land, marine, and atmospheric conditions;
and aims to address issues such as global warming, marine-life preservation, and
The fundamental aim of environmental management is making sure that we leave the
planet earth in a healthy state for future generations and to help preserve all forms of life. To
do so, environmental managers need to take a look at the ‘carbon footprint,’ defined by the
Oxford Dictionary as “the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted
due to the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person or group,” of the current human

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generation and consider ways to reduce any irreversible damage we are leaving behind.
Carbon emissions are known to contribute to global warming, and in effect, climate change.

One of the main studies of environmentalists is investigating possible sources of energy

that can be renewed to ensure there is enough natural gas left once our generation is gone, as
these natural gases take millions of years to regenerate.
Environmental management also involves understanding the structure and the functioning
of the earth and how humans fit in. Thus, environmental management predicts future
environmental changes, and maximizes human benefit while minimizing environmental
degradation (Courtnell, 2019). There is a process of environmental management:
(a) Recognizing the environmental desired results;
(b) second, identify the physical, economic, social, cultural, political, and
technological constraints on obtaining these outcomes;
(c) last, consider the most feasible options for achieving the desired outcomes
(d) Anticipating, avoiding, and understanding natural and preservation issues

Environmental Education is Important

In the path to learning Environmental Management, one must first be exposed to
education that focuses on the environment.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA) defines
Environmental education as a process wherein learners are exposed to environmental issues,
engage in problem solving discussions regarding these issues, and be empowered with
information to take action on these issues.
“As a result, individuals develop a deeper understanding of environmental issues and
have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions,” said US-EPA.
Environmental education is even being integrated into schools in the US as it provides
the opportunity for students to have an awareness of the issues that plague the planet, and be
engaged about issues outside of the walls of a classroom.

US-EPA provides the following factors of environmental education:

 Awareness and sensitivity to the environment and environmental challenges
 Knowledge and understanding of the environment and environmental challenges
 Attitudes of concern for the environment and motivation to improve or maintain
environmental quality
 Skills to identify and help resolve environmental challenges
 Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of environmental challenges

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It is important to note that environmental education does not advocate for one type of
viewpoint regarding conservation. Rather, environmental education teaches individuals how
to consider the various sides of an issue through critical thinking, and in the process,
enhances their own problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Philippine Laws in Promoting Environmental Education

Republic Act 9512

Enacted in 2008, it is also known as the “National Environmental Awareness and
Education Act of 2008” and seeks to promote environmental awareness through
environmental education.
This law recognizes the responsibility of the state to protect and advance the right of
the Filipino people to a balanced and healthy ecology, as well as recognizing the role of its
youth in nation building through the protection and conservation of its natural resources, for
future generations to come.
The law also mandates that Environmental Education and awareness, and any
corresponding activities become a part of the National Service Training Program.

Executive Order 579 s. 2006

An order which encourages the formulation and implementation of Green Philippines
Programs through the National Service Training Program (NSTP).
This order mandates that the NSTP will aid in building a quality of life for all with the
following initiatives:
a) Taking back our forests and replenishing fallen trees with new, protected forests;
b.) Beautifying our barangay and cities;
c) Building more urban parks and recreation areas;
d) Purifying our water;
e) Cleaning up industrial sites

CHED Memo 33 s. 2009

This memorandum mandates the integration of Environmental Education in the
college – level curriculum, particularly in the Civic Welfare and Training Service Component
of the NSTP.

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Create a graphic organizer that would show the relationship of
human beings with nature. Then write a one-paragraph essay
describing your graphic.


Congrats! You have reached the end of this lesson! Great job! It is expected that you have
gained insights and meaningful experience in the definition of environmental protection and
management. Now, you are already prepared to move to Lesson 2 of this module.

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Seven Principles of Environment
Lesson And Environmental Law
 Identify and provide definition and context on the seven principles of
the environment;
 Translate these environmental principles into concrete examples/
explanations based on the contemporary situation; and
 Practice in daily life the prevailing thought in each principle.

There is a single key to understanding the environmental problems that we encounter
today, and it is to learn about the ecosystem wherein we as humans live and move. This
lesson highlights the basic ecological principles, varied types of ecosystems, current
ecological issues, anthropogenic activities that threaten the environment, and the youth's role
in protecting our environment.


Search on Youtube
a video titled
Principles and
Keystone Species –
Puno ng Buhay –
Grade 7-10
Science.” Make sure
to finish watching
the video and
provide what is/are
asked in the Analysis

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1. What was the video all about?
Analysis ___________________________________________________________
2. From the seven environmental principles, which do you think bears the most
importance? Why?
3. Can you give an example of environmental law that you may know something


The Seven (7) Environmental Principles

Nature knows best.

This principle is essential and encompasses all the
others. Human beings must understand nature and
abide by the rules imposed by nature. One natural
preparation that needs vital consideration is
nutrient cycling, wherein nutrients pass from the
environment to the living beings and back to the
ground. A human must not go against the natural

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order if one wants to guarantee a continuous and consistent supply of resources. Any
disturbance within the cycle can bring inequality. As an example of a disturbance in the
nutrient cycle, the burning of farm wastes rather than letting it decompose naturally disturbs
the natural pace of nutrient absorption, and can even pose a pollution risk to the air and water

All forms of life are essential.

Each life form plays a crucial part in
nature. All living things provide a balance in
maintaining their ecosystems. It is easy to
appreciate the lovely butterflies, especially
knowing their important role in pollination.
The giant elephants, whales, and alligators
are objects of wonder; and the items they
produce like ivory, oil, leather, individually,
are profoundly prized. But when it comes to nature/animal-kingdom/

unattractive, wriggly, and troublesome animals, this rule is uncommonly ignored. It is even
common for us to be disgusted by and kill any ‘ugly’ wriggling creature like worms without
considering what part they play in nature. All creatures, insects, and micro-living beings play
an important role in the circle of life.

Everything is connected to everything else.

The concept of the ecosystem best exhibits this principle. All living (plants, animals)
and non-living (rocks, temperature) components are connected to guarantee that structure is
maintained in the ecosystem. Any outside interruption
may result in inequality and the weakening of the
Deforestation within the mountains may
influence the lowlands through erosion, surges, and
dry season. Anything that happens to our nation can
also affect other nations.

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Everything changes
There is an old saying, “Nothing is
permanent in this world but change.”
Change may be cyclical, random, or
linear. Cyclical change is demonstrated by
the seasons and the rhythms in flower and
faunal life stages that go with the seasons.
An example of random change is the 1991
eruption of Mt. Pinatubo, which brought
extraordinary disturbance to parts of Luzon and changes within the land's geography. Lastly,
linear change is the progression or the evolution of species, which has brought higher and
more complex life forms. The environment is always changing. Living beings also emerge
through time.
On the other hand, man's innovation has significantly influenced these common
changes, and to an uncertain degree.

Everything must go somewhere.

When you throw away a piece of
paper, it may disappear from your sight,
but it does not mean that the paper does
not exist anymore. Someone may
discharge gases through smokestacks, but
in the end, it will end up as a component
of the atmosphere or bring acid rain. If
seabirds-eat-plastic-they-think-it-smells-tasty waste is irresponsibly disposed, it will still
go back to one's own backyard in some
other forms. It is critical that one becomes mindful of the distinctive sorts of wastes –
whether they are dangerous or not.

Ours is finite earth

Planet earth's resources can be labeled either renewable or non-renewable.
Renewable resources like water, plants, and animals, can rapidly be restored by natural

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cycles. In contrast, non-renewable resources like oil
and coal cannot be restored through natural cycles.
Even though renewable resources can be recharged, it
is imperative to note that these are renewable for as
long they are not abused or devastated by elements like
pollution. Information on the planet earth's restricted
assets leads to a conscious effort to change one's
consumerist perception, and create processes and
innovation that could bring effective recycling of an
incredible number of resources. distructed-illustration-image52555302

Nature is beautiful and wonderful, and we are stewards of God's creation.

Among all creatures, God created human beings
in his image and we have been given the right to rule
over all his creations. Being gifted with reason and
brilliance, the human can manipulate creation to their
own advantage. However, creation exists not to be ruin
or mishandled but to be taken care of. Without nature,
human beings cannot exist. Human beings and the environment have this mutual relationship. If the
environment they live in is annihilated, with it will go
Homo sapiens.

Laws in Promoting Environment Protection

Republic Act 9003 – The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
Enacted into law on January 26, 2001, this provides for the ecological solid waste
management program, and creates the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives,
appropriation of funds, and declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties.
Through this law, it becomes the policy of the State to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and
ecological solid waste management program which ensures the protection of public health
and the environment, utilize methods that maximize valuable natural resources but in a way

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that is environmentally sound, conserve and recover these resources, and sets guidelines for
citizens on the reduction, recycling, reusing, and proper disposal of solid wastes.
The law also provides that of ecological solid waste management and resource conservation
and recovery topics are integrated into the academic curricula of Philippine schools at all
levels, in order to promote environmental awareness and action among the citizenry.

Republic Act 9275: March 2004

Known as the Philippine Clean Water Act, it was turned into law in 2004 and
provides for the country’s comprehensive water quality management.
While the country still wishes to develop economic growth through its natural marine
resources, it is enshrined in this law that these economic pursuits will be done in a manner
that has the protection, preservation, and revival of our natural marine resources as the
foremost consideration.

Davao City Ecological Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 2009

Passed as local ordinance no. 0371-10, this ordinance provides for a localized Ecological
Solid Waste Management law, prohibiting certain acts, providing penalties for violations, and
for other purposes.
The City Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) is the leading actor in
enforcing the provisions set in our local ecological solid waste management law, and among
the highlights of the Davao ordinance include the use of recyclable, reusable, or
biodegradable grocery bags and containers; and banning non-biodegradable plastic bags and
‘styro’ foam or polystyrene foam as food containers. The city government also mandates that
Davaoenos take the lead in the ecological solid waste management by being the first to
segregate waste coming from their homes, with the following categories:

1. Biodegradable (Vegetable and fruit residues)

2. Recyclable (Plastic bottles and aluminum cans)
3. Residual (Sanitary napkin and diaper)
4. Special Waste (Rags and battery)

These wastes should be contained separately per category, and properly secured upon

Under the ordinance, these are the following prohibited acts:

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1. Littering, scattering, throwing and dumping of waste matters in public
2. Littering from vehicles;
3. Leaving or abandoning construction materials or debris on the public road;
4. Dumping of human feces/urine in mobile garbage bins or collection points;
5. Dumping feces or bodies of animals in mobile garbage bins or collection
6. Removal of mobile garbage bins from designated collection points without
authorization from the Barangay;
7. The open burning of solid waste;
8. Non-segregation of solid waste;
9. Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste;
10. Mixing, causing or permitting the mixing of toxic and hazardous wastes
(THW) from health care facilities, industries and other THW generators in
the municipal waste collected by the City;
11. Dumping of waste in areas other than the disposal facility of the City;
12. Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegradable materials
in flood-prone areas;
13. Operating without a Solid Waste Management Certificate as prescribed in
these Rules;
14. Non-implementation of the Solid Waste Management Plan and Program
submitted as part of the requirements for the issuance of the Solid Waste
Management Certificate;
15. Refusing entry of CENRO or its duly authorized representative while in
the exercise of its visitorial powers provided in these Rules; and
16. Violation of any other provision of these Rules.

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Contextualize the 7 Environmental Principles to the Philippine
Setting. Give concrete examples.



1. Nature Knows Best

2. All forms of life are important

3. Everything is connected to
everything else.

4. Everything changes.

5. Everything must go
6. Ours is a finite Earth.

7. Nature is beautiful and

wonderful, and we are
stewards of God's creation.

Congratulations! You have finally reached the end of the lesson 2. It is expected that
you have gained important insights that you can connect to the next lesson. So, continue
navigating this module and keep reading!

18 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Forests Issues, Threat,
and Protection

 Describe the different laws and policies on forest protection;

 Determine the forest protection initiatives; and
 Utilize knowledge to action regarding forest protection.

The country has a total land mass of approximately 30 million hectares (ha), 14.2
million (47.3%) of which was classified as alienable and disposable lands, while the other
15.8 million ha (52.7%) was identified as forestlands. These forestlands are then further
subdivided into closed or open forest formations, young natural stands, plantations, forest
nurseries, seed orchards, bamboo, palm, and fern (PNRPS, 2012). The country was
considered as one of the megadiverse regions with most tropical forests in the world,
nourishing biodiversity and carbon-rich ecosystems which “sequester carbon through
reforestation, agroforestry, and conservation of existing forests” as indicated by the lush
forest cover (Rubas-Leal et al. 2017 as cited by Domingo & Manejar, 2018).
In addition, Presidential Decree No. 75, issued in 1975, became the country's
blueprint of forest management. Forty-three years later, the same law was still practiced. It
has not been updated, revised, or improved into a Republic Act, which can strengthen the
forestry sector.
The past administrations believed two landmark executive orders in 2011 will solve
the problem pertaining to logging and reforestation. The influx of functional policies down
DENR's chain of command was all in the process of maintaining forestlands; however, the
sector still faced pressures and problems similar to developing countries with rich natural
resources, which eventually decreased the forest cover (Domingo & MAnejar, 2018).
These concerns included deforestation, illegal logging, and land conversions, among others.
In line with this, DENR and related institutions have put initiatives in place to mitigate the
problems. These were in the form of National Greening Programs and stricter implementation
of tree-cutting and earth balling permits.

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Draw an image of your ideal forest, which you can be proud to say
that "This is the forest which my grandchildren can enjoy".

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As an NSTP student-trainee, why do you think it is essential that
you know laws and policies pertaining to the conservation and
development of our forests? Elaborate your answer.

.` _______________________________________________________________________

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Trees and plants play a major part in the world’s initiatives to slow the
pace of climate change, preserve its wildlife, and support the lives and
livelihoods of billions of human beings. (Nunez, 2019)
But the mass destruction of trees and the ecosystems they support
continues at a rapid pace, and long-term benefits are sacrificed for short-term profits.
National Geographic reports that while forests still cover about 30% of the world’s
land area, they are disappearing at an alarming rate. For a period of 26 years between 1990
and 2016, the world lost 502,000 square miles (1.3 million square kilometers) of forest,
which is an area larger than South Africa. Since humans started sawing down forests, 46% of
trees have been felled, according to a 2015 study in the journal Nature. Even the ‘Earth’s
lung,’ the Amazon Rainforest, has seen 17% of its forest cover destroyed in the last half
century, with losses still continuing.


Deforestation, defined in Live Science as “the

permanent removal of trees to make room for
something besides forest,” which includes the
clearing of land for agriculture or grazing for
livestock, or using the wood for fuel,
construction, or manufacturing.
Deforestation results in more carbon dioxide
being released into the atmosphere. Trees take
in carbon dioxide from the air to be able to do photosynthesis, and the carbon is locked
chemically in their wood. When trees are burned, this locked carbon returns to the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Fewer trees mean more carbon dioxide is present in the
atmosphere, accelerating global warming.
Serrat, O. (2016) in his study ‘Deforestation in the Philippines’ has found that while forests
are a major natural resource of the country, it has suffered immense depletion as a result of
logging, ineffective reforestation, population pressure, and shifting cultivation.

As the lead agency responsible for the formulation, implementation of policies and
guidelines, and rules related to environmental management, the Department of Environment

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and Natural Resources (DENR) also sets the rules and regulations that govern the
exploration, development, extraction, disposition, and use of forests, minerals, wildlife, and
other natural resources.
Meanwhile, it is the Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources that provides technical guidance to the central and field offices for the
effective protection, development, and conservation of forestlands and watersheds. The
bureau recommends policies and programs towards
the achievement of sustainable forest management,
based on science and principles of good forest

Causes of Deforestation in the Philippines

Forest Fires - an uncontrolled fire in a wooded area.

Kaingin System – the method of clearing forested areas

by cutting down and burning trees and plant growth for
farming/cultivation purposes. Also known as ‘swidden
farming’ in other countries, it is a traditional practice but
considered a destructive agricultural system used in
many parts of the world. (Domingo, 2012)

Illegal Logging – defined by Conserve Energy Future as

the cutting down of trees, transporting them, or utilizing
their products such as timber for economic gains against
the law.

Some Effects of Deforestation

 Increase in global warming – Lack of trees to absorb greenhouse gases such as carbon
dioxide increases its presence in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming
 Increase in greenhouse gas emissions – Cutting and burning wood and other plant materials
contribute to the presence of emissions in the atmosphere
 Floods – Trees aid in retaining water in the soil. When they are cut down, it can lead to floods
in some areas and droughts in others.
 Wildlife Extinction & Habitat Loss - Forests are home to a variety of plant and wildlife that
each do their part in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Wiping out forests means they lose
their home, and the balance of nature is disrupted.

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 Loss of Biodiversity – A large percentage of global biodiversity is found in our rainforests.
Forests not only provide habitats for wildlife but also foster medicinal conservation. The
forest acts as a critical medium to preserve the wide variety of species.
Source: Conserve Energy Future

Laws Protecting Philippine Forestland

Republic Act 9175

Known as the Chainsaw Act of 2002, this law regulates the ownership, possession,
sale, importation, and use of chain saws; providing for the penalization of violators and other
It is a measure to aid in the conservation of forest resources by limiting the equipment that
one person can use which is classified as potentially harmful to these types of environments.

Executive Order No. 23, s. 2011

This executive order declares a halt on the cutting and harvesting of timber in natural and
residual forests, and provided for the creation of the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force.
For further definition, natural and residual forests are defined in the order as such:
Natural and Residual Forests- are forests composed of indigenous trees, not planted by man.
The creation of the Anti-Illegal Logging Task Force is to enforce the moratorium and lead
the anti-illegal logging campaign.

24 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Inside the balloon, write your thoughts about the implemented laws
that give regards to forest protection.


Congratulations! You have fully reached the end of lesson 3. It is expected that you have
gained important insights that you can connect to the next lesson. So, continue navigating
this module and keep reading!

25 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Water Pollution, Sanitation and
 Identify what is the current crisis in the country about water and
 Explore the RA 9275: The Philippine Clean Water Act;
 Consider making active changes in lifestyle that contributes to
water conservation and protection.

The main sources of water in the country are rivers, lakes, river basins, and
groundwater reservoirs. Cagayan River is regarded as the longest and largest river that
discharges approximately 53,943 million cubic meters of water annually. Its groundwater
reserves are 47,895 million cubic meters replenished by rainfall and seepage from rivers and
lakes. The lakes are utilized mainly for fish cultivation. The areas of Cagayan, Central
Luzon, Agusan, and Cotabato are the four major groundwater reservoirs of the country.
There are 438 major dams and 423 smaller dams. Dams and reservoirs are mainly used for
water storage and supply, irrigation, regulation of flood, and hydropower.
Out of the more than 100 million people living in the Philippines, nearly seven million are
relying on unsafe and unsustainable water sources, and 24 million lack access to improved
sanitation. Despite the growing economy of the Philippines, it has a significant challenge in
terms of water and sanitation access like rapidly urbanizing, and its growing cities struggle to
provide new residents with adequate water and sanitation services.
Direction: Ask from your parent or guardian about your last three
months’ water bill. List it down in the WATER CONSUMPTION
Activity column. Interview any household member who is older than you about
your water consumption and then ask them for advice on how to
practice water conservation.

Water Water
Consumption Conservation
Make It

26 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

1. From the interview you have conducted, what have your learned
or discovered?

Analysis ________________________________________________________

2. How do you feel? Are you saddened by the result or overwhelmed?


While water is an essential component to life, water pollution is among
the most serious ecological threats faced today.
This pollution affects not just humans, but animals and plants as well
who largely depend on natural water sources as their home. In turn,
humans depend on these plants and animals for livelihood and sustenance. If plants and
animals who are exposed to, or ingest these polluted water sources are then consumed by
humans, we get sick as well, and it goes on in a cycle.
Water is the chemical which allowed life to flourish on earth when it has not done so
elsewhere. It is critical that this life-giving and life sustaining element is kept safe and clean.
Bodies of water are home to millions of species, and clean drinkable water is an important
resource for land and air-dwelling creatures.
About 5 million individuals within the Philippines rely on unsafe and unsustainable water
sources and 9 million lack access to improved sanitation. Despite its developing economy, the
Philippines faces significant challenges in terms of water and sanitation access. The nation is
rapidly urbanizing, and its growing cities struggle to provide new residents with adequate
water and sanitation services.

27 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Within the Philippines and around the world, people are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic,
and millions are striving to endure this crisis with an added challenge. They lack access to
life’s most critical resource – water. Now more than ever access to safe water is critical to the
health of families in the Philippines. (, Philippines’ Water and Sanitation Crisis)

Water Pollution
Water pollution is a broad term that
describes any sort of contamination to bodies of water-pollution/

water, by substances that can pose threats to

human health or the natural environment.
Water pollution comes from a variety of
sources. Examples include discharges from
factories, or even botched water treatment
facilities. Spills and leaks from oil pipelines
also contribute to pollution. The wind, typhoons, storms, and floods can also bring in litter
from areas where humans reside.

Simple and Easy Way to Help Reduce Water Contamination

 Use less plastic
 Reuse items
 Recyclable options
 Do not dispose of oils in the sink and cleaning chemicals.
 Handle toxic chemicals properly
 Do not throw away medicines
 Avoid toilets for throwing household items (tissue, dental floss and wrappers)
 Garbage disposal
 Avoid pesticides
 Don’t throw your garbage or trash into or near the water
 Join water conversation organizations
 Volunteer and help cleaning in your locality. Source: Conserve Energy Future

Water Sanitation
The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that everyone in the world has
the right to water. Yet billions of people still have limited or no access to safe drinking water,
which WHO defines as water that is easily accessible, available when needed, contaminant-

28 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

free. In the Philippines, it is projected that 1 in 10
people still do not have access to improved water
WHO data states that in 2016, among the
top 10 leading causes of death in the Philippines
was acute watery diarrhea, claiming over 139, 000
If safe drinking water is difficult to obtain, people
may often resort to relying on other sources that
may not be safe. Safe water is also essential for basic hygiene. It is important to also note that
low or negative water pressure due to a short water supply can attract contaminants in the
pipes that can put water quality at risk when the supply is restored.
People also tend to store more water if they live in an area where there is a limited supply. If
these water containers are not handled or stored properly, it can attract mosquitoes, and be a
breeding ground for the dengue-carrying variety.
“Safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities are essential to health and wellness in the
communities. Safe water and sanitation is especially linked to young children’s nutrition and
ability to stay healthy and focused in school. Diseases caused by unsafe or unhygienic
practices decrease children’s chances to successful school completion and healthy growth,”
said UNICEF Philippines Representative Lotta Sylwander.

The DOH provides the following ways of securing water from contamination during
handling, transport, and storage:
 Always use clean water containers provided with cover
 Wash containers after every use
 Clean and disinfect storage tanks at least every quarter
 Avoid hand contact with water during transport

DOH also recommends the following methods of water treatment

 Boiling - water should be brought to a rolling boil for at least two (2) minutes
 Disinfection - by using chlorine
1. Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 1 level of powder. Chlorine compounds
(65% to 75% available chlorine) to 1 liter of water.
2. Add 2 teaspoons of stock solution to 5 gallons (20 liters) of water. Mix thoroughly
and let it stand for atleast 30 minutes before using.

29 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Water Conservation
Food security, habitats to countless species of plants
and animals, an essential in agricultural production, and the
lifeblood of ecosystems, there is very little areas where
water doesn’t play a part in maintaining life.
Yet freshwater resources are increasingly dwindling. Water
scarcity is now one of the leading challenges for
sustainable development, and will only continue to be a
challenge as the world’s population continues to grow and
living standards increase. (World Economic Forum, United blog/water-conservation-why-
The United Nations reports that water scarcity is felt by 700 million people in 43
countries, and predict that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in areas with absolute
water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world's population could be living under water stressed

30 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

31 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act 9275)

This law provides for essential water quality management provisions for our resources in the
Philippines. The Clean Water Act states that while the government seeks economic
betterment for all by utilizing the country’s natural water resources, it will be within the
context of protecting, preserving, and even reviving the quality of our fresh, brackish, and
marine waters.

Draw a simple info graphic that involves one (1) fact about water. Be


Congratulations! You have fully reached the end of lesson 4. It is expected that you
have gained important insights that you can connect to the next lesson. So, continue
navigating this module and keep reading!

32 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Other Environmental
 Have an awareness of the problems facing the country in terms of
protecting and conserving our environment;
 Utilize this awareness into action that is beneficial for the environment;
 Integrate environmentally conscious practices in their day-to-day lives.

The one constant factor about our environment is that it is in a constant state of
change. Yet what we need to be aware of is that as it is in fact always changing, then humans,
as the steward of the environment; need to become increasingly aware of the problems that
affect it.
Environmental problems are an economic problem as it is an ethical and political one.
The negative effects of pollution on the environment affect the poor the most, whose
livelihoods often involve labor and a strong dependency on these natural resources. The
United States government, through their USAID initiative, states that the continuous
ineffective management of solid waste can seriously degrade the country’s significant
biodiversity resources.


List your observations of solid waste management being put into

practice in your community or household.
Place your observations in a separate sheet along with a
recommendation on how to improve these existing practices. It can
be in table format.
I Spy

33 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Climate Change

Observe your immediate weather condition for the day: notice how it changes?
Sometimes it is raining, other days it is not. But generally for us here in the Philippines, while
our weather can change, our climate is supposed to be constantly classified as tropical. And
herein lies the difference between Weather and Climate: time.
Climate is the condition of the atmosphere is over a long period of time, while weather is the
condition of our atmosphere over a short period. (NASA, 2005)

The climate of our Earth always experienced natural cycles, because of how much of
the sun’s energy our atmosphere has absorbed is always changing. In fact, over the past
650,000 years, the Earth has gone through five ice ages.

Causes of Climate Change

Human activity remains to be the
biggest contributor to global warming. A
recent UN report has predicted that we have
just about 12 years to make immense moves
to stop global warming. But the good news is
that there is still time to make a difference.
Greenhouse gases are the main cause
of climate change. This is due to the fact that the increasing amount of greenhouse gases
released into the air is forming a layer around the earth, trapping the sun’s rays and
redirecting them back to the surface. The biggest culprits are burning fossil fuels, farming,
and deforestation.

Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect
occurs when certain gases, which are
known as greenhouse gases, accumulate
in the Earth’s atmosphere. Greenhouse
gases include carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O),
ozone (O3), and fluorinated gases.

34 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

(National Geographic)
The gases act like the glass walls of a greenhouse, trapping sunlight which
continually warms the Earth, thus the name, greenhouse gas.

What can we do?

Climate scientists are in agreement that the top way to combat climate change
and the greenhouse effect is that that we must reduce the amount of greenhouse gases
released into the atmosphere. The ways to do this include:

 driving less, using public transportation, carpooling, walking, or riding a bike.

 flying less—airplanes produce huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.
 reducing, reusing, and recycling.
 planting a tree—trees absorb carbon dioxide, keeping it out of the atmosphere.
 using less electricity.
 eating less meat—cows are one of the biggest methane producers.
 supporting alternative energy sources that don’t burn fossil fuels.
Source: National Geographic

Republic Act No. 9729

Also known as the Climate Change Act of 2009, it is a law mainstreaming
climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the country’s framework
strategy and program on climate change, and creating the country’s Climate Change
The government shall afford full protection and the advancement of the right of
the people to a healthful environment. In connection with this, the State has adopted the
Philippine Agenda 21 framework which places an emphasis on sustainable development, and
to fulfill human needs while maintaining the quality of the natural environment for current
and future generations.

Pollution is one of the primary causes of many environmental concerns, including climate
change and biodiversity. (Environmental Technology)

Different Types of Pollution

35 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

 Air Pollution
The contamination of the air we
breathe with different pollutants, such
as fumes and chemicals.

 Soil Pollution
Also known as land pollution, this is
the contamination of the soil that
prevents the growth of natural life. It is
mostly attributed to non-sustainable
farming, hazardous wastage and

 Noise Pollution
Loud noises created by human activity
can disturb the living standards of
those nearby. Excessive noise also
leads to temporary or permanent
hearing loss, and can disturb nature or
wildlife in an affected area.

 Radioactive Pollution
Known as the most dangerous form of
pollution, as radiation can lead to mass
extinction of ecosystems, nature, and
humans. With the rise of nuclear and
atomic physics, radioactive pollution
has been on the rise.

 Light Pollution
The disturbing over illumination of a
certain area that can interfere with
astronomical observation. For example,
if you can’t see the stars from your local
area, chances are you’re affected by
light pollution.
Source: Environmental Technology

36 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Republic Act 8749
An act approved in 1999, and dubbed the Philippine Clear Air Act.
As part of its responsibility to uphold every citizen’s right to a health environment, the Clean
Air Act pushes that violators to its provisions must be penalized accordingly, so that a clean
and healthy environment can be attained by all.

Biodiversity is the most complex and vital
feature of our planet. Each living thing on this earth
affects us and our environment. Everything we
consume: the air, the water, and the food we eat, are all
reliant on the biodiversity of our world. We must
understand that each and every living thing on earth
has a purpose and influences much wider processes.
But with the increase in global warming, pollution and environment/zero-carbon-eden/ecology-and-
deforestation, biodiversity is in danger. Billions of
species are extinct, or are going extinct, due to loss of habitat and food. There are some
suggestions from experts that we are in fact, in the beginning of the world’s sixth mass
extinction event. (Environmental Technology)
Much of the Earth’s biodiversity is in trouble because of human activities and consumption
that disturb and even destroy ecosystems.

Republic Act No. 9147

This law provides for the conservation and protection of our wildlife resources and their
habitats, which is why it is also known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and
Protection Act.
This law shall have the following objectives:
(a) to conserve and protect wildlife species and their habitats to promote ecological balance
and enhance biological diversity;
(b) to regulate the collection and trade of wildlife;
(c) to pursue, with due regard to the national interest, the Philippine commitment to
international conventions, protection of wildlife and their habitats; and
(d) to initiate or support scientific studies on the conservation of biological diversity.

37 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Determine the state of biodiversity in your area and the elements that
seem to be deteriorating it. Create a cycle graph in the space below
that illustrates what your area looked like before, then during, and
the possible after-effects of what pollution and other destructive
Application elements can do to the biodiversity in your area.

Congratulations! You have reached the end of lesson 5. It is expected that you have
gained important insights that you can connect to the next lesson. So, continue navigating
this module and keep reading!

38 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson The Role of Youth in the Environmental
Protection and Management
 Discuss how the youth can contribute to promoting environmental
protection and management;
 Utilize their understanding into positive action that the actions of each
preceding generation have consequences on the next generation, and
 Bear an active role in their individual responsibility in protecting their

History has allowed us to see the past, and there remain many more rules, laws and
conventions that are made for protecting the environment, yet even until now, there is no
effective implementation. For this implementation, the youth play a vital role.
It is a fact that youth are the backbone of the nation. That they can change the future
of society with their well-being and courageous behavior (Acharya, 2013). However, the sad
truth is that the youth of today are not as engaged with national concerns. But comprising a
large part of the world's population, and inheriting a world their parents and grandparents left
for them, the youth will be th ones to live with the consequences of our present ecological
decisions. In addition, future generations will also be affected by these decisions, and again
the ones to come, so it is best to become involved with national concerns especially the


One Minute Paper

Direction: For one minute, reflect on how you can play an active role in
protecting and managing our environment.

39 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

1. What do you think your fellow youth shall do to participate in
promoting environmental protection and management?
Analysis __________________________________________________________

Youth are back bone of the nation, and the future stewards of society.
They will be inheriting the world left behind by their elders, and will be
the ones who have to deal with the consequences of present actions.
Young people can take the lead in protecting and improving the
environment by involving their homes, schools, and organizations in practices that mitigate
environmental impacts. Engaging the youth in environmental protection not only creates
direct impact on changing their peers’ behaviors and attitudes, but also possibly that of their
parents, relatives and families.
However, to harness the talents and innovations of the youth, there is a need to ensure they
are equal partners in the measures toward environmental sustainability.

Ways The Youth Can Protect the Environment

1. Plant trees or save trees – Aside from

making the environment cooler and having
us breathe easier, saving trees will also help
save wildlife. Make sure though that the
trees you plant are not invasive to your
specific ecosystem.
2. Save paper - Use recycled paper, and avoid
printing needlessly.
3. Limit the use of air conditioners
4. Stop using deodorant and aerosol sprays
– These can contain chlorofluorocarbons planet-concept_7877554.htm
(CFC) that leak into the atmosphere, and
deplete the ozone in the air. The ozone layer is what protects us from the harmful
radiation of the sun.
5. Conserve Electricity – Don’t forget to turn off the lights when not in use, and switch
off any appliances you do not need at the moment.

40 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

6. Save Water Where Possible – Don’t let the water from the faucet continuously run
while you brush your teeth; and manage any leaks you might have at home.
7. Drive less; walk more – Exercise is good not just for the body, but for the
environment as well.
8. Use less plastic – Use your own shopping bag along when you go shopping, try to
limit ordering takeout food, and try to make the switch to biodegradable materials.
Source: Soapboxie

Earth Day
Every year on April 22, people all over the world observe Earth Day.
Celebrate Earth Day by inculcating these
environment-friendly tips into your daily life:
 Become a waste warrior
Don’t just throw something right
away! See if it can serve another purpose.
 Plant a Tree
We’ve already discussed how trees
are an important part of our Earth’s
ecosystems, so if you can do your part
when you can, then be proud to do so and day-lettering-planet_7089067.htm
plant a tree!
 Turn off the lights
The energy that is needed to keep our artificial lights shining bright means a
lot of fossil fuel is used, so turn it off when you can!
 Limit your water usage
Clean, drinkable water is a luxury in many parts of the world, and incredibly
hard to come by. Do your part in conserving this important resource by turning off the
faucet when you aren’t using it, and keeping your usage to a limit.
 Offer your time
Acts of service are one of the sincerest ways to participate in the Earth-saving
initiative, and if there are initiatives like gardening, clean up drives, or tree planting
activities available to you, join in!
 Spread the message
Talk to your friends and family members about what you’re doing and ask
them to help. The more people do, the better off our planet will be!

41 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

As an NSTP student-trainee, formulate your personal advocacy on
environmental protection and management. Elaborate on your answer.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed Module 4.
42 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

According to Labuguen, et al. ( 2012), all major natural resources in the country are
in grave danger of irreparable damage. The last hope of salvaging this grave situation is by
making the Millennials be aware that they need to proactively begin to protect the
environment they will inherit.
In addition, a society cannot survive if its natural resources are rendered unfit for use
by its people. Overconsumption of resources and over-population threaten the existence and
survival of many environmental products. Worse is the development of aggression in many
areas where natural resources have not been exploited.
The national concern of the environment is the attention given to educating the
Filipino youth on how to protect and preserve the existing resources, thus prevent it from
being exploited. There are also environmental movements that encourage and promote proper
zero-waste management.

43 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

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50 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

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