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8 Short Adventures
for 5th Edition
Design: James J. Haeck, Jerry LeNeave , Mike Shea, and Bill Slavicsek
Cover Art: Marcel Mercado
Interior Art: Marcel Mercado, Florian Stitz, Bryan Syme
Cartography: Jon Pintar, Michael Tumey
Editing: Chris Harris
Art Direction: Marc Radle
Layout and Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

© Copyright 2018 Open Design LLC

Kobold Press, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
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Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the monster names, statistics, traps, and skill rules.
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Table of Contents
PIT OF THE DUST GOBLINS ................................................................................................ 4
An adventure for five 4th-level characters by James J. Haeck
CRYPT OF GREEN SHADOWS.............................................................................................10
An adventure for five 5th-level characters by James J. Haeck
UNDER THE DEVIL’S THUMB............................................................................................16
An adventure for five 5th-level characters by Jerry LeNeave
BLOOD VAULTS OF SISTER ALKAVA................................................................................30
An adventure for five 5th-level characters by Bill Slavicsek
CARRION SHRINE OF QORGETH.....................................................................................38
An adventure for five 6th-level characters by James J. Haeck
THE LEYSTONE OF THE INDIGO STAR............................................................................44
An adventure for five 7th-Level characters by Mike Shea
PALACE OF THE WIND LORDS..........................................................................................52
An adventure for five 7th-level characters by James J. Haeck
THE UNDYING TOURNAMENT.......................................................................................58
An adventure for five 8th-level characters by James J. Haeck


Monsters in these adventures are marked with bold text. If a creature cannot be found within the
System Reference Document (SRD), then a reference to the Tome of Beasts is provided.

Pit of the Dust Goblins
An adventure for five 4th-level characters set in the Western Wastes
by James J. Haeck


The goblins squatting in the ruins of Feycircle are outcasts
Pit of the Dust Goblins is a trap-laden lair set at the edge
from the Bloody Tusks tribe; cultists exiled for venerating
of Midgard’s Western Wastes in the ruins of the town of
the mysterious shadow fey instead of the Great Old Ones
Feycircle. It is a short dungeon that requires stealth, clever
that lumber across the Wastes. The leader of the goblins
tactics, and manipulation of different factions within the
is a shaman named Sisskuss, who leapt on the chance to
dungeon to ensure survival. This dungeon can be linked
capture the abandoned fairy ring: a nexus of power at
to the Crypt of Green Shadows and the Carrion Shrine of
the crossing of two minor ley lines. Sisskuss summoned
Qorgeth, but it can also be used as a stand-alone dungeon.
a shadow fey called a selang inside the circle, hoping to
court it and empower her bloodline with its dark magic.
The people of Feycircle believed the fairy ring for The selang is the goblins’ unwilling captive, and is willing
which their town was named protected them from the to strike a bargain in exchange for their total annihilation.
encroaching sands of the Western Wastes. When the ring Like all fey, however, his moods are fickle, and he is just as
withered, they learned they were right. Feycircle’s dew- likely to cheat the PCs as he is to reward them.
flecked pastures and verdant forests succumbed to the
Wastes in an instant. SURVIVORS
Feycircle sank deep into the sands and was soon Three humans remain in the Pit of the Dust Goblins. The
occupied by a tribe of fanatical dust goblins, a herd of first is Hana, a loyal gatekeeper who has vowed to watch
dogmoles, and the giant worms that caused the blight. the town no matter what. She is trapped within her home,
The PCs may explore the keep—the only structure hoping to find two young siblings named Rennie and
remaining in the dusty sinkhole now called the "Pit of Linde who were unable to flee. She (correctly) believes
the Dust Goblins." Inside the keep is an entrenched they are being held by the goblins as a bargaining chip.
gatekeeper who can divulge that two children remain in
town, imprisoned by the goblins.
The dust goblins have summoned and imprisoned a ADVENTURE HOOKS
selang—a shadow fey—inside the blighted fairy circle. Most of the refugees from Feycircle have pitched tents
The goblins fear open combat and have laced the sunken some twenty miles from the city. As your players’ GM, you
keep with traps, and would sooner parley than fight. know best how to involve the PCs in this adventure. The
following adventure hooks are provided to inspire and
BEASTS assist you.
The Pit is currently inhabited by two kinds of beasts:
crusher worms and dogmoles. The crushers are the spawn
• Money. Feycircle was not a poor village; the lord
and lady lived comfortably in their keep, and a large
of Qorgeth, Demon Lord of Worms. The worms and their
amount of treasure is contained within. Greedy
dread master are the cause of the blight; they live only to
adventures may be lured by rumors of this much
feed. Were it not for a wandering pack of worm-hunting
unattended wealth.
dogmoles, they would have consumed Feycircle already.
Escaped from a dwarven settlement, these domesticated • Protection. The chief of the Bloody Tusks goblin
dogmoles sought refuge and regular meals in the ruins of tribe is disturbed by the success of Sisskuss and her
Feycircle. The dust goblins treat their unlikely allies with fey‑worshiping deviants, and wants them wiped out. If
uncommon kindness. the PCs seek safe travel across the Wastes, he is willing
to offer protection on their journey if they destroy the
exiled goblins.
• Heroism. There are children trapped inside the Gate Towers. The two 30-foot-tall watchtowers flanking
village—a brother and sister named Rennie and Linde. the gate are still standing and relatively stable. They can
Their distraught mother, Relimma, is a refugee in a both be ascended by climbing the ladders inside the walls.
camp some twenty miles away from the sunken village.
Worm Traps. The dust goblins have spread worm traps all
She offers anything the PCs want—up to the 50 gp
along the main road leading from the gate to the fortress.
she has to her name—in exchange for their safety. The
Each trap hides under the dust, and snaps up with iron
siblings’ father, Petring, ventured out to find them the
clamps when a Medium or larger creature steps on it.
day after the worms came, and hasn’t been seen since.
The creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 2d6 piercing damage on a failed save and half as
OUTSIDE THE KEEP much on a successful one. On a failed save, the target is
also restrained, but can end the restrained condition by
By the time you reach Feycircle, only a few shattered timbers making a DC 11 Strength check to remove the trap.
protrude from the hungry sands, joined by a dozen decaying
corpses of goblins and giant, man-sized worms. At the edge of 1A. DUSTY COURTYARD
the wreckage is a deep sinkhole—a vast pit that has devoured the
town’s keep. Its crumbling walls are still visible above the pit’s You squeeze through the hole in the stone walls and find yourself
edge. Looming on the horizon like a distant, black moon is the in what may have once been a beautiful flower garden. The
terrible silhouette of Anax Apogeion, one of the Great Old Ones flowers are worm-eaten and withered. The heavy stink of death
that haunt the Western Wastes. draws your attention to the western corner, where a pile of
human corpses is being swarmed by maggots.

1. MAIN GATE The milky-white death maggots devouring the bodies

are the larval stage of the crusher worms that infest the
You descend thirty feet down the sandy slopes of the pit and sinkhole. A creature that investigates or otherwise disturbs
find yourself before the slanted gates of Feycircle Keep. You the body must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw
hear war cries and animal roars from within! Just inside the or be immediately swarmed by these creatures. On a
walls, a battle has broken out—goblins hiding in a collapsed failure, they must then make a DC 15 Constitution saving
tower shooting at gigantic lavender worms. Both sides are too throw. The creature to take 28 (8d6) piercing damage as
preoccupied to notice you. the maggots devour their flesh on a failed save, and half as
A group of six dust goblins (Tome of Beasts, p. 232) are much damage on a successful save.
defending their turf against a swarm of twelve giant A character investigating the bodies may make a DC 13
crusher worms (use constrictor snake statistics). The Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a success, they find
goblins are barricaded within a fallen tower and raining valuables worth a total of 50 gp, including a rosewood
crossbow bolts on the worms. They see all intruders as holy symbol.
enemies, but a successful DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) A small alley leads along the east end of the keep towards
can convince their boss, Tummy, to ally with the PCs out of a room that has been crushed by a fallen tower. A DC 14
necessity. If the PCs are noticed, half the worms and half Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the interior of the
the goblins attack them immediately. castle is visible through the wreckage. A creature can make
If the battle here goes south, a pair of dust goblins run to a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to squeeze through;
Area 3 to “release the hounds,” adding 4 dogmoles (Tome failure by 5 or more means that they take 1d6 damage and
of Beasts, p. 120) to the fray. do not enter. This passage leads to the keep’s bedroom
Fallen Tower. The tower is completely collapsed, but up (Area 9).
to 6 Small creatures can squeeze inside by succeeding
on a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check as an action;
failure by 5 or more means that they take 1d6 bludgeoning A small cottage stands just east of the main gate. Its bright
damage and do not enter. Creatures within the rubble have yellow paint is faded and peeling, and its front window is
three‑quarters cover. boarded up. Its door bears the scars of recent assault.
Collapsed Wall. The sand pit that has devoured the keep As soon as the PCs approach, they may make a DC
has also destabilized the fortress’s walls, and a small fissure 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, read or
has formed in the wall just north of the gate. A character paraphrase the following:
must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to As you approach the door you catch a glimpse of sudden
slip through; failure by 5 or more means that they take 1d6 movement behind the boarded-up, smashed window. You just
bludgeoning damage and do not enter. This fissure leads to make out the tip of a crossbow bolt pointed through the boards—
Area 1a. aimed at you!


Hana, Feycircle’s loyal gatekeeper, was captured by the or weapons. The dust goblins manning the gate in Area
goblins when they took over, but managed to escape. She’s 5 may also see characters in the cemetery and attack with
been trapped inside her house ever since, and the stress their light crossbows. The gravestones in the cemetery
has made her paranoid. She wants to search for Rennie provide half cover to prone creatures.
and Linde, the missing children, but regular goblin patrols Collapsed Wall. The goblins invaded by swarming
and dangerous worms make it impossible to leave. Hana through both the main gates and a collapsed portion of
is a guard. the wall behind the cemetery. It faces a shallow wall of
Hana’s home is sparsely decorated; she dismantled most the sinkhole, and can be used to escape the dungeon by
of her furniture to build barricades inside and to board up making a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.
the windows. She has a rack of four potions of greater healing
hidden beneath her bed and an heirloom set of fine china Monument. Amidst the smaller graves is a grand
worth 25 gp. monument to three heroes; an elf paladin, a human
wizard, and a half-elf warlock. These warriors founded
What Hana Knows: Feycircle, and made a pact with the Summer Court. The
• The only people who remained in town after the fairy ring created by their pact has until now kept the town
goblin attack, other than herself, were a handful of safe from the Wastes—the answer to the failure of this
now‑deceased guards, Rennie and Linde, and their magic lies beneath this monument, in the Crypt of Green
father, a butler named Petring. Shadows. A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
• The goblins have domesticated a herd of beasts called check reveals that the slab bearing the heroes’ names
dogmoles and are using them to fight the worms. (al-Azill, Tenebrae, and Flamesong) can be moved. A
• While she was the dust goblins’ prisoner, she learned staircase beneath leads into the crypt, but opening the slab
that their leader is a shaman named Sisskuss, and she causes four giant crusher worms (use constrictor snake
has used the blighted fairy ring to summon a shadow statistics) to surge out of the opening.
Amid the keep’s crumbling walls is a mighty iron portcullis. Five
This house is filled with smashed bunks, overturned lavatory squat figures move about atop the battlements, crossbows drawn.
buckets, and splintered mops. Worm corpses are strewn To the right of the gate is a hole in the crumbling wall, wide
throughout the room, and several are being gnawed upon by enough to pass through. On the other side is a granite fountain,
a pack of hound-sized beasts, their tentacled mouths eagerly now dry and full of sand.
slurping up wormflesh.
Five dust goblins stand atop the battlements above the
The worm-eating beasts are 4 dogmoles (Tome of Beasts, gate and attack any humanoids or worms that draw near,
p. 120). They arrived in Feycircle a few days after the
worms appeared. They are escaped, domesticated beasts
trained to track subterranean worms. The dust goblins
found them easy to retrain and turn against the invading
worms, and are using the servants’ quarters as a kennel.
The dogmoles lash out if a creature gets too close, but
can be calmed by a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal Handling)
check. A character who makes three successful checks
before three failures gains the beast as an ally as if it
were affected by the animal friendship spell. It fights
independently of its master.

Cracked gravestones lie strewn across a field
of blackened grass. Bones jut awkwardly out
of the sandy earth. A dogmole chews on a
worm caught in an iron trap beside the only
standing structure in the destroyed cemetery—a
towering monument topped with the weathered
statues of three knightly heroes.
The dogmole is busy devouring the worm, but it is
still famished. It attacks anything that smells of worm—
including characters with worm blood on their clothes
unless a truce has been made (such as with Tummy in 8. AUDIENCE CHAMBER
Area 1). They can open the gate from the battlements,
but a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) check can also force the The walls of this wide chamber are covered in decaying tapestries
portcullis open for 1 round. of golden trees and crimson flowers. Against the back wall is a
marble throne, and piled at its base are the eviscerated corpses of
Collapsed Wall. Part of the wall has crumbled just south a dozen goblins. On the throne sits a bloody sword.
of the gate, but it is heavily trapped. A trip wire hidden
within the rubble drags a net barbed with poison hooks A flying sword rests on the throne, coated in dried blood.
onto any creature who triggers it. The wire requires a This animated object is a dancing sword (longsword) that
successful DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot, has been magically bound to protect the throne from
and a successful DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check to usurpers. If defeated in single combat, it acquiesces to its
safely disarm. A creature who triggers the trap must make new master. If the sword is not defeated in a fair duel, it
a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the target is shatters when reduced to 0 hit points.
restrained by the net and takes 1d4 piercing damage and A short hallway in the east of the chamber leads to the
6d6 poison damage. lord and lady’s bedchambers (Area 9).
Keep Courtyard. Two beautiful fountains flank the door; 9. BEDROOM
now dry and full of sand, there are heaps of money piled in
the bottom of this fountain if a character takes 5 minutes A tower has fallen on this once-luxurious bedchamber. The
to sift through each. Each dry fountain contains 40 gp in splinters of a rich four-poster bed are strewn across the floor,
assorted coinage. mingling with scattered coins and the dust of pulverized
flagstones. The collapsed tower has also smashed through part
6. ENTRANCE HALLWAY of the southern wall, and you can smell burning excrement and
hear the sound of low, chittering voices from beyond the wall.
The air inside the keep’s entrance hall is dry and sour. The hall
extends straight for about ten yards, then turns to the right. This room was once the lord and lady’s bedroom. It has
There are two doors—a stone one on the north wall, embellished been smashed by a falling tower, creating a passage to the
with gold, the other carved from wood and decorated with an outside (see Area 1a). Similarly, the tower has crushed the
engraving of a crown of flowers. The sweet smell of honey lingers south wall between here and the Dining Hall (Area 10). A
around this door. creature can make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
to squeeze through; failure by 5 or more means that they
The entrance hall has two doors to the north and south, take 1d6 damage and do not enter. Characters who want
and bends south after 30 feet. The north door leads to the to clear the rubble can undergo 5 man-hours of heavy labor
Audience Hall (Area 8) and the south door to the Shadow to clear a path, but the noise alerts the inhabitants of Area
Ring (Area 11). 10 to investigate and sneak up from behind by way of the
Pit Trap. At the corner of the hallway is a pit trap (marked Audience Chamber (Area 8).
on the map). The trap is poorly concealed and requires Stones from the fallen tower have left debris of
a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot, crushed armoires and bedside stands. An Intelligence
but cannot be disarmed, only avoided by passing a DC 13 (Investigation) check reveals jewelry and coins worth a
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. A character unaware of the number of gold pieces equal to the result of the check × 10
trap must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to avoid it. gp; the check can be repeated, but yielding up to 500 gp.
On a failure, a character falls 40 feet through the floor into The jewelry includes sapphire earrings and a golden heart
a freshly-dug pit. locket.


This hallway has two doors to the east and west, leading to The culinary disaster being perpetrated in the dining hall smells
the Shadow Ring (Area 11) and the Dining Hall (Area 10). like burning refuse. The body of a giant worm is turning on a
Invisible Wire Trap. The middle of this hallway is laced spit, and several dust goblins dance gleefully around the flames,
with dozens of nearly-invisible strings, requiring a DC 17 screeching cooking songs. A totem-draped shaman sits removed
Wisdom (Perception) check to spot. Passing through the from the rest, meditating. A giant black stewpot is in the
web of wires requires three successful DC 14 Dexterity northeast corner, and muffled voices echo from within the pot.
checks. Whenever a check is failed, or if a character does The dining hall is where Sisskuss, a dust goblin druid
not see the wires, the character triggers a wire and must and her main force of 8 dust goblins have made camp.
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the The room is filled with upturned tables and chairs, and
character takes 2d6 piercing damage from a sharpened the goblins are busily figuring out how to roast worm
bone dart fired from a hole in the wall. meat, with Sisskuss deep in meditation. Stealthy PCs may
be able to save the children, Rennie and Linde, without
alerting the goblins to their presence.

Sisskuss and the Selang. Sisskuss wants to mate with

the selang to mix her bloodline with his dark power. If
she is defeated, she realizes that her dream is dead, and
surrenders. She grudgingly offers to release the fey from
the circle (see Area 11, Dismissing the Selang) if the
PCs agree to allow her and the goblins to remain
in the keep.
Children. The missing children,
precocious six‑year‑old Rennie and
steely 10-year-old Linde, are tied up and sitting in a black
iron stewpot in the northeast corner of the dining hall. It
is full of water, and the goblins are making preparations to
boil them alive if their worm-feast doesn’t pan out.
What the Children Know:
• Linde saw her father in town just before she and her
brother were captured by the goblins! He disappeared
into a hole in the “big statue” in the cemetery.
• Linde knows where all the traps in town are, and will
help the PCs avoid them.
• Rennie says that he and Linde first snuck into the castle
through a hole made by the fallen tower (Area 9), and Dismissing the
that they could get out through there! Selang. If the PCs
defeated Sisskuss,
11. SHADOW RING she agrees to dismiss the
Shadow engulfs you as soon as open the door to this room. It selang, but does not reveal that they
spills from within like mist rolls from the sea. No matter how will have to kill him. Her dismissal
hard you try, it is impossible to see through the coiling shadows. ritual allows the dark satyr to leave
the fairy ring without the ring being
Light does not penetrate the darkness in this room, and broken. As soon as the selang is
darkvision cannot pierce it (see Magical Darkness, below). free, Sisskuss flees, hoping to escape in
This room, despite the blight upon Feycircle, is full of life. the confusion and return another day.
It is hot, humid, and jet-black flowers bloom from vines
that climb the walls and creep across the floor. The room
smells of honey and chocolate. Trapped inside the fairy CONCLUSION
ring is an indistinct humanoid silhouette.
If you are running this dungeon as a stand-alone
Magical Darkness. Only characters that can see in adventure, defeating the selang and purifying the fairy
magical darkness such as warlocks with the Devil’s Sight ring sees life return to Feycircle. The worms flee and
invocation can see within this room. The daylight spell can new blades of grass begin to poke through the newly-
create light within a reduced 30-foot area in this room, invigorated soil. Rennie and Linde may be returned to
but does not dispel the shadows that spill forth from the their mother, though their father may never be seen again.
corrupted fairy ring. Depending on how Sisskuss and the goblins were dealt
Selang. The fey trapped inside the ring is a dark satyr with, Feycircle may once again be a prosperous village—
known as a selang (see Tome of Beasts, p. 341). He lives for one where the PCs have many new friends.
slaughter and chaos, but was trapped in this ring by the If you plan on connecting this dungeon to the Crypt of
shaman Sisskuss, and must do her bidding while he is Green Shadows and the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth, then the
within the ring. He wants vengeance against the goblins, PCs are not so lucky. Feycircle remains fallow until the
and promises to slaughter them all if the party breaks the taint of Qorgeth is eradicated.
ring and frees him.
Breaking the Ring. The selang is true to his word and helps Petring’s children saw their father disappear into a hole
the PCs slaughter the goblins, but he will turn on them beneath the Heroes’ Monument in the town graveyard.
afterward if he thinks he can overpower them. Freeing the The PCs will learn that the desolation of Feycircle is due to
selang by breaking the fairy ring seals Feycircle’s fate; the Petring foolishly invoking the power of Qorgeth, Demon
Wastes can never be forced back without its power. Lord of Worms, and creating a shrine to his dark master
beneath the crypts.
Crypt of Green Shadows
An adventure for five 5th-level characters set in the Western Wastes
by James J. Haeck

GM INTRODUCTION an elf paladin, Hassan, a human wizard, and Tymande

Firestorm, an elfmarked warlock. Qorgeth’s worms have
The Lord of Worms will consume all, and his feast begins started to devour their bodies, sending their spirits into a
in the Crypt of Green Shadows. Wormhearted invaders murderous rage.
have breached the walls of the labyrinthine mausoleum,
and their mere presence sows chaos and madness Shadow Fey
among the dead. The crypt was once the resting place The three heroes shared an unbreakable bond with the
of three heroes who forged peace between humans and Queen of the Shadow Fey. When the heroes passed, her
the Unseelie fey, but the gnawing mouths of Qorgeth’s servants created a tomb that would protect the heroes’
worms have ended their slumber. This unholy incursion bodies and riches for all time. When the worms invaded
has drawn the wrath of both the spirits of the dead and the this sanctuary, the heroes’ spirits called out for protection;
shadow fey who created the crypt. a number of shadow fey warriors have answered the call,
but are cornered in Area 6.
This dungeon can be used to continue the adventure in
the Pit of the Dust Goblins or as a standalone adventure. As your players’ GM, you know best how to involve the
The children from the previous adventure, Rennie and PCs in this adventure. The following adventure hooks are
Linde, are in search of their father, Petring, who they saw provided to inspire and assist you.
disappear into the crypts beneath town. • Unfinished Business. Following the adventure in the
The crypt is thick with supernatural shadow. Torches can Pit of the Dust Goblins, the children Rennie and Linde
be lit from a brazier of green faerie fire in the entrance that direct the PCs to the heroes’ crypt in search of their
cuts through magical darkness. The torches burn rapidly, father, Petring. Petring is in over his head and is now a
and the PCs must travel quickly to preserve their light until prisoner within the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth, deep
they reach the funeral pyre in the heart of the crypt. There below the crypt. The path to the shrine is hidden in the
they can learn the way to the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth. twisting passages of Area 3.
• Magic. The heroic wizard Hassan was entombed
FACTIONS with his spellbook. Its pages are rumored to contain
Several forces, each with their own motivations, seek countless spells of unimaginable power. The
control of the crypt, and any or all of them may oppose the wormhearted servants of Qorgeth seek its power, too,
PCs on first encountering them. and are overjoyed to slaughter any competition.
Spawn of Qorgeth • Contact. As part of an ongoing campaign, the PCs
Qorgeth’s servants blindly consume everything they must contact the spirits of a legendary hero or group of
can find. Only creatures who pledge their devotion to heroes. Krythitas, Hassan, and Tymande can be used
the Writhing Prince himself are spared their hunger. In as-is or replaced with other heroes suitable for your
addition to the mindless worms, Petring’s foul rituals have campaign. Their spirits must be pacified before they
called several wormhearted suffragans to his cause. They can be contacted.
care little for why Petring summoned them; they are far The PCs enter the crypt by descending two flights of
more interested in claiming the arcane relics entombed perfectly smooth stone stairs. Petring’s footprints are
here in the name of their dark lord and letting their worms visible in the dust. As they near the bottom of the stairs,
devour the rest. they are engulfed by a haze of eerie, green shadows.

Heroic Spirits Green Shadows. Shadow envelopes the entire dungeon.

It is a form of magical darkness; light does not penetrate
The city of Feycircle above the crypt was founded on
it and creatures with darkvision cannot see through it.
a truce made between three knightly heroes and the
Spectral, humanoid forms seem to move through the
courts of the shadow fey. These heroes are Krythitas,
shadows when viewed from a distance, and unintelligible
whispering can be heard while within the haze. The 3. HALL OF SECRETS
shadows also create a permanent gentle repose effect
within the crypt. Swirling green shadows fill this labyrinthine hallway.
Somewhere in the maze of twisting little passages, someone hums
Navigating the Crypt. Effects that penetrate magical a quiet tune. “Hum hum, by my green candle…”
darkness still work within the green shadows, but have
their range and duration halved. Torches, candles, and A wraith and two specters drift counterclockwise around
lanterns can be lit from the brazier of green faerie fire in the main loop of this area. The wraith is the deranged
Area 1, but shed magical light in half their usual radius. spirit of the human wizard Hassan, and carries a green
Most importantly, light sources lit from this flame burn candlestick in a cracked porcelain teapot. The eerie glow
out after 1 minute, and can be extinguished by strong only casts light in a 5-foot radius, and the wraith does not
wind. Because of this, tracking time is especially important notice any creatures outside its light. Hassan’s spectral
in this dungeon. As each round is 6 seconds, the GM can figure appears similar to his physical body in Area 4b; his
easily track time in the dungeon by using a d10 to count up thick black beard is braided into dozens of tiny strands,
each round until 1 minute has passed. and his magnificent robes billow around him as if blown
by a wild wind.
1. HALL OF GREEN FLAMES Hassan. The wizard’s spirit patrols these corridors and
The bottom of the stairs opens into a circular chamber, attacks all non-fey on sight, though he can only see
illuminated by a brazier of green flames in the center of the floor. creatures adjacent to him. He uses the candle of daylight
Three stone doors carved with delicate floral sigils impede passage to illuminate the area around him, allowing his specter
to the north, west, and east. The air is dry, stale, and free from the retainers to see his enemies as well. This spirit can be
smell of rotting flesh. dispelled by reducing it to 0 hit points, extinguishing
the candle, or immolating Hassan’s physical body on the
The green flames dispel magical darkness. The brass funeral pyre (see Area 11). Hassan cannot be reasoned with
brazier holding the inextinguishable fire in this room can unless the PCs present one of his companions’ treasured
be moved, but the flame does not move with it, instead artifacts. If this is done, he regains his senses for 1 minute
remaining suspended a foot above the ground. and urges the PCs to seek Krythitas in the northernmost
Doors. The doors leading out of this room are covered in room for a way to set the heroes’ spirits to rest.
flowery fey designs and Sylvan script. The north door reads Candle of Daylight. Though Hassan is incorporeal, the
“Krythitas watches the Funeral Pyre,” the west door reads candle is a solid object and can be handled by creatures
“Hassan watches the Hall of Secrets,” and the east door living and dead. This candle of daylight sheds green light in
reads “Tymande watches the Pit of Undying Fire.” a 5-foot radius when lit. By speaking “Candle, reveal all
things!” the light surges outward, casting light in a 60-foot
2. HALL OF HOWLING SPIRITS radius for 1 hour as the daylight spell. This ability cannot be
Wails of agony pierce your ears when you open the door. An icy used again until next dawn.
wind strikes you like a charging bull, knocking the air from your Secrets. This area has two secret doors; both are marked by
lungs. Suddenly, the room plunges into darkness—the wind a carving of Hassan putting his finger to his lips. A DC 10
extinguished your flame! Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals how to open the
The first time the PCs enter this room, their light is door; by mimicking Hassan’s gesture and “shushing” the
extinguished without a save. In the future, they may make wall. The southern passage leads to Area 9 and emerges
a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to protect their light. The into an empty sarcophagus. The northern passage leads to a
howling spirits in this hallway are loud, but otherwise staircase that descends into the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth.
harmless. Locked and Trapped Doors. Two doors in the north lead to
Corpse. In the middle of this hall is the corpse of a shadow Hassan’s reliquary and burial chamber, Areas 4a and 4b.
fey guardian from Area 6. Its muscular body is 10 feet tall The door to 4a displays the image of Hassan calling fire
and covered in maggots. down from the sky.

Flamestrike Trap (magical trap)

A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that
touching the door will trigger a flame strike trap. Creatures
within 10 feet of the door must make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 radiant
damage on a failure or half as much damage on a success. A
DC 15 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check disables the trap by
scratching out the runes; failure by 5 or more on this check
triggers the trap.

The locked door to Area 4b requires a DC 13 Dexterity Secret. In the northeast corner of the room is a heroic
(thieves’ tools) check to unlock and bears an image of statue of Hassan. A DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
Hassan sleeping on a stone slab. check reveals there is a groove in the floor that allows it to
be pulled 1 foot west. Moving the statue in this way opens
4. HASSAN’S RELIQUARY a secret door in the wall to Area 11.
A stone wall divides this chamber, in the center of which is a
glowing barrier. Within the barrier is a tome upon a pedestal. 6. INSIDE THE WORM
Shining treasure is strewn across the floor, but from beyond the Where you would expect to see a door is instead the toothy maw
partition you can hear the sounds of steel striking stone. of a gargantuan purple worm! Faint slurping sounds echo from
The wizard Hassan desired his tomb separated in three; inside its gullet.
one half for the arcane relics he had collected throughout The purple worm that devoured this hallway is only 1 day
his life, one half for his body, and a small alcove for his dead, slain by the shadow fey in Area 6. Its gullet is still
spellbook in the center. wet. Three young purple worms (use giant constrictor
Treasure. The reliquary is filled with mundane treasure, snake statistics) are inside its body, devouring it from
such as gold and platinum coins, and gem-encrusted within, but are hungry for fresher flesh.
ceremonial weapons worth a total of 3,000 gp. If Hassan Fey Door. The shadow fey have created a magical gateway
is substituted for a legendary hero in your campaign, between the inside of the snake and their base in Area 6.
this reliquary may have a signature legendary item in it; Its onyx-black archway glistens with amethyst light, and
otherwise the treasure chamber also contains a brooch of the other chamber can be seen
shielding and carpet of flying (capacity 600 lbs.). clearly through it.
Spellbook. Hassan’s spellbook is on a pedestal in the center
of his burial chamber. It is surrounded by a permanent
translucent barrier similar to an antilife shell. This barrier
can be dispelled as if it were a 7th-level spell, but the
spellbook can also be bypassed through player ingenuity;
nonliving matter passes through the barrier without
resistance. The spellbook contains up to 70 levels of spells,
or the following:
1st – burning hands, identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd – acid arrow, darkvision, gentle repose, knock, levitate,
rope trick
3rd – fireball, haste, magic
circle, slow, vampiric touch,
water breathing
4th – black tentacles, dimension door, polymorph,
secret chest
5th – animate objects, hold monster, passwall

A stone wall divides this chamber, in the center of
which is a glowing barrier. Within the barrier is
a tome upon a pedestal. The chamber is spattered
with dark blood, and three armored warriors
are mechanically hacking at six man-sized worms
struggling to get inside a stone sarcophagus.
Three suits of animated armor tasked
with defending Hassan’s body are
beset by six giant worms (use
constrictor snake statistics), and
the corpses of a dozen more are
strewn across the room. The suits of
armor attack all creatures who touch
Hassan’s perfectly‑preserved body.
7. SHADOW FEY CAMP fire damage. Whenever the skeleton hits with a melee
weapon attack, the target takes an additional 5 (1d10)
This tomb has been converted into a military camp. Two fire damage. The skeleton is immune to fire damage.
ten-foot-tall, hulking creatures with gray-black skin and
glimmering chain shirts stand arguing around an unlit brass Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet that the skeleton
brazier. Despite their monstrous size, their speech sounds elven. moves in water, or for every gallon of water splashed on
it, it takes 1 cold damage.
The shadow fey arrived to protect the heroes a few days
ago. They were originally led by an enchantress named 9. TYMANDE’S TOMB
Xarrika, but she was ambushed by the wormhearted
suffragans in Area 8 and hurled into the Pit of Undying This sepulcher rings with unearthly screams as the wraith of a
Flame. Now all that remains is the muscle; two hulking husky half-elf plunges its daggers into the cloaked figure before
shadow fey guardians (Tome of Beasts, page 174). They it. No blood spills from the wound as the figure turns to face you.
are lost without Xarrika’s leadership, and are bickering in Through rotting lips, it growls, “Hurry. Together, we can destroy
their camp about the best course of action to protect their this spirit.”
heroes. A character may attempt a DC 14 Charisma check Tymande’s spirit watches over her lifeless body—interred
to convince them to go along with any plan. in a sarcophagus in the tomb’s northeast corner—as a
Brazier. The shadow fey can see up to 60 feet in magical wraith. She is locked in combat with a wormhearted
darkness, and have left the brass brazier unlit. It is filled suffragan (Tome of Beasts, page 410) and 4 giant worms
with tinder, and can be lit with green flame from the (use constrictor snake statistics) seeking to devour her
entrance to create another inextinguishable source of corpse. The suffragan sees the PCs as potential allies and
flame. offers them wealth or information in exchange for their
aid in destroying Tymande. It honors this amnesty until
Sarcophagi. Four sarcophagi are arranged along the the PCs have let their guard down.
western wall of this room. Inside are the corpses of
Tymande’s retainers, perfectly preserved by the gentle repose Tymande. Tymande’s spirit is mad with rage, and cannot
effect that pervades the crypt. Searching the sarcophagi be reasoned with unless the PCs present one of her
yields 52 gp, a +1 dagger, a mithral chain shirt, and a silk companions’ treasured artifacts. If this is done, she
burial shroud worth 50 gp. regains her senses for 1 minute and urges the PCs to seek
Krythitas in the northernmost room for a way to set the
Secret. A section of wall in the northwest corner has a heroes’ spirits to rest.
picture of the half-elf warlock Tymande Firestorm with
daggers crossed in front of her chest. The wall slides open Treasure. Tymande was a Pact of the Blade warlock in
if a character adopts the same pose in front of it, leading to service of the Old Ones that wander Midgard’s Western
the inside of an empty sarcophagus in Area 9. Wastes. Her pact weapon was the dagger of venom now
laid across her chest. She wears a set of glamoured studded
8. PIT OF UNDYING FLAME leather enchanted to look like a flowing robe with a flame-
embroidered collar.
You stand at the top of a marble platform above a sea of fire.
As you enter, a cowled figure wheezes and rises to its feet on the Secret. Against the west wall of the room is a heroic statue
platform on the far end of the room. Out of the corner of your eye, of Tymande. A DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
you can see humanoid shapes moving within the flames. reveals there is a groove in the floor that allows it to be
pulled 1 foot east. Moving the statue in this way opens a
The floor of this chamber is a sea of emerald fire. All secret door in the wall to Area 11.
entrances to this room are on elevated stone platforms 10
feet above the flames. A 3-foot-wide stone bridge connects 10. RETAINERS’ TOMB
north and south platforms. Meditating on the north
platform is a wormhearted suffragan (Tome of Beasts, The hallway before you is flanked by ten upright sarcophagi. For
page 410), that awakens as soon as the PCs enter. It casts a tomb, the room smells surprisingly fresh, as if there were no
command on the first PC it sees, pointing a gnarled finger dead interred here.
and rasping, “Approach.” The PC must move towards it This hallway is home to the sarcophagi of eight of the three
by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it heroes’ loyal soldiers. The wormhearted suffragan in Area
moves within 5 feet of the suffragan. 8 transformed these warriors into zombies. The zombies
Within the pit are 12 flaming skeletons loyal to the throw the lids off their sarcophagi as soon as the PCs fully
suffragan. They climb up the platforms to attack the enter the hall. Nothing physically indicates that these
PCs in melee. They act like typical skeletons with the perfectly preserved warriors are undead other than their
following features: glowing red eyes.
Fire Form. A creature that touches the skeleton or hits it Secret. The two central coffins on the east and west of the
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 5 (1d10) hall do not have zombies inside. If they are opened, a wall

with the carved image of a hero is revealed. See Areas 3 or 6 retains some of her mind and sense of holy purpose, but
for their description. only freeing her wrathful spirit (see Area 11) will restore
her senses.
Trap. When the northern door is opened, a trapdoor in the
floor in front of the door falls open. Any creatures within 5 At the far end of this room is Krythitas’ sarcophagus,
feet of the door must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw its lid thrown on the floor. Piled in front of it are the
of fall 20 feet into Area 10. A character can make a DC 16 corpses of a wormhearted suffragan and two shadow fey
Intelligence (Investigation) check to discover the trap, and guardians. Nothing is inside the sarcophagus. Krythitas
a DC 18 Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check to disable it. strikes when the PCs examine the sarcophagus.
Krythitas initially attacks with her longbow and
11. DRAINAGE DITCH cannot be reasoned with unless they present one of her
companions’ treasured artifacts. If this is done, Krythitas
The green light pervading the crypt makes the river of momentarily regains her senses. She realizes that the
crimson blood in this ditch appear to be made up of sticky, heroes’ spirits have been driven into a rage by Qorgeth’s
black ichor. The perfectly preserved corpses of would- minions, and reveals that the only way to end their wrath
be tomb raiders lie broken and mangled beneath the is by cremating their corpses on the pyre in Area 12. She
trapdoor. The blood of the giant worm slaughtered in Area only remains lucid for 1 minute, after which she continues
12 drains through an iron grate into this ditch. A door to attacking anyone in sight.
the east carved with spiraling flame sigils leads to Area 7.


You have found the heart of the crypt. In the room’s center is a If you are running this dungeon as a stand-alone
slab of white marble that shines like moonlight in the darkness. adventure, defeating the minions of Qorgeth and
Atop the slab, a shallow basin filled with dry cedar, frankincense, absconding with the treasure may be enough for treasure-
and rosemary. The basin is wide enough to hold three people, side hunting heroes. However, cremating the corpses of
by side. A single door stands closed across from the stairs, behind Krythitas, Hassan, and Tymande grants an additional
the bloody corpse of a giant, milky-white worm. reward. When their bodies are consumed by the purifying
flames, their spirits rise above the pyre and thank the PCs
The Pyre. The shadow fey that built this crypt feared that for setting them free from Qorgeth’s madness. They offer a
evil might one day seek the hidden crypt to corrupt its choice of reward:
tenants, even in death. As a safeguard, they constructed
a funeral pyre with which to purify their spirits by Information. If the PCs are seeking Petring and the
immolating the bodies of the three heroes. The sacred Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth, Hassan directs the PCs to the
herbs that fill the pyre and the Sylvan runes carved around hidden stairs in Area 3 leading to it. Otherwise, the spirits
its edge help give peace to their restless souls. Only igniting offer one deep secret in your campaign world.
the pyre with green flame from Area 1 or Area 7, or from Power. The spirits offer to improve one relic of the PCs’
Hassan’s green candle (Area 3) will complete the ritual. choice; Hassan transforms the candle of daylight into a
Completing the Ritual. By cremating the bodies of the candle of invocation, Tymande improves the dagger of venom’s
heroes, their rage is abated and their spirits (regardless poison damage to 4d10, or Krythitas transforms one of
of whether their wraiths were defeated) appear above the her +1 weapons into a +1 vicious weapon.
flickering pyre. See “Conclusion” for how the spirits thank
the PCs.
Petring has lost control of the demonic forces he
Secrets. Two secret doors open into this room from Areas summoned. He invoked Qorgeth’s power with the best of
4b and 8. They cannot be opened from this side. intentions, hoping to protect his home, but only brought
ruin upon it and himself. He is now a prisoner in the
13. KRYTHITAS’ TOMB Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth, and will soon be consumed by his
Two rows of decorative columns line this hall, which disappears dark master.
into darkness beyond the light of your flame. Black blood spatters
the floor and pillars of the hall, and the bisected corpses of dozens
of worms litter the floor.
A character who makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check when entering the room notices a silhouetted figure
hiding behind one of the pillars closest to the door. This
figure is Krythitas, now a wight with AC 18 (plate), 75
hit points, and a +1 longsword and +1 longbow. Krythitas

Under The Devil’s Thumb
An adventure for five 5th-level characters set in the Southlands
by Jerry LeNeave

Special Thanks to: Ben McFarland, Ben Menard, Angela LeNeave, and Irish breakfast tea.
For my Dad, who I lost this year. He was always a big fan of perilous adventures. Although he never played,
I know he’d have loved a good dungeon crawl.

GM INTRODUCTION she dies of old age. That eight-year period is poised to

turn again in just a few months and Sister Starkfeather is
Under the Devil's Thumb is an adventure of choices, already beginning to take steps to ensure her victory over
double crosses, and devious puzzles that tests the her fiercest competitor, Lord Vermin.
capabilities of even the most able adventurers.
Lord Vermin, an ambitious roachling rogue who happens
HISTORY & BACKGROUND to be the newest of the five Exalted claims ownership of
Nakresh, the eight-armed simian demon-god of many subterranean lairs under the city of Highgate, as
thieves and unscrupulous wizards, is alive and well in well as all of its appointed officials. He is eager to win the
the Southlands. The fingers of his lower left hand are next contest and his devotees, known as The Umbers,
represented by five individuals known as The Exalted. are anxious to assist. Ever aware of his people’s relatively
These five cultists are the absolute most cunning, short lifespan, he is determined to win the contest, as it
audacious, and devoted to Nakresh. Showing dedication may be the last chance he gets in his lifetime.
to Nakresh means perpetrating some of the highest
crimes, heists, and robberies in known history. HIGHGATE
Currently the five Exalted are: Lord Vermin, a South of Per-Xor and just off the Lotus Trail, resting on
male roachling rogue; Master Kiprak, a male kobold the east bank of the River Nuria sits the city of Highgate.
alchemist; Mognyr Dunestalker, a male gnoll ranger; Standing tall, a bastion of high-walled white limestone
Sister Starkfeather, a female tengu cleric; and Zheita the juts upward in stark contrast to the low rolling sands of
Magicmonger, a female derro sorceress. the desert.
Every eight years the Exalted partake in their most Built hundreds of years ago to serve as a defensive
grandiose crimes and even scheme against one another station during darker times, before the taming of the
in an effort to prove which is the most pious servant of gnolls, Highgate is just as formidable now as it was then.
Nakresh. The outcome of this competition is determined An engineering marvel, even for something built so
by the monetary value of all the spoils of these heists, and long ago, Highgate is a rather advanced city. Resting on
a secret ballot cast by lesser cult members. Of course, the the River Nuria allows it to have aqueducts, and a fully
Exalted may not kill one another or turn one another over functioning sewer system.
to authorities. “Honor among thieves, and all that,” as even Inside though, the city is anything but gleaming.
the faithful of Nakresh don't turn each other in to the Law. Highgate is overcome with a sickness of unknown origin
The winner is given the rank of “Venerated Exalted,” that is now being exploited to keep its people obedient
and holds the title for the next eight years. Should one through fear. Once ruled by pharaohs and sultans,
of the Exalted seats become vacant, either by death, Highgate now rests on the backs of the meek – corrupt
expulsion, or capture without hope of rescue – the other “elected” officials who take bribes for silence and turn a
four vote to raise a 5th member to fill the seat from among blind eye to crime. Merely puppets, the rulers of Highgate
the capable thieves of the region. are a façade of the city’s true rulers, The Umbers.

Of the five Exalted, Under the Devil’s Thumb focuses
primarily around only two of them; Sister Starkfeather, Player characters enter the city and immediately notice
and Lord Vermin. Sister Starkfeather, an albino tengu that despite its outward appearance, something is wrong.
cleric is the current Venerated Exalted of the lower left Plagued by an affliction being called "stone sickness" or
hand of Nakresh, and plans to hold that position until "the gorgon’s touch" that disorients people and turns
them to stone. Those with, or suspected to have, the In the distance ahead through the undulating heat, you see the
affliction are being banished from the city. Some demand a white limestone walls of the city known as Highgate shining in
cure, but most are just scared for their loved ones. the midday sun.
A ravenfolk woman named Spinel Larkdon, mother to a
Allow players to introduce themselves and their
child with the gorgon’s touch, begs the PCs for assistance.
characters and get acquainted briefly. Tell them that
An artifact known as the Shroud of Tiberesh, capable of
their journey on the Lotus Trail has had its fair share of
curing any sickness, is locked away within The Umbers'
hardships and that stopping at Highgate is advisable since
vault of spoils below the city. Passionate, she is determined
the nearest civilized shelter and source of supply is at least
to save her son and all those afflicted.
2 days’ journey from here.
She explains that the Shroud could heal and even
As they approach the city:
completely reverse the effects of the gorgon’s touch. A
vocal group of citizens also believe the Umbers' treasure As you approach the looming perimeter of Highgate, you notice
horde holds some magic powerful enough to rid Highgate there are many stone statues outside its walls. Depictions of men,
of the disease. However, none of the aristocrats or city women, and children in various poses grow in number the closer
officials will do anything to retrieve it. Officials say that you get to the entrance. Some in fetal positions, some on their
there is no guarantee raiding the Umbers’ lair would knees, some embracing one another.
produce anything useful, and drawing the ire of the Characters investigating any of these statues do not need
cult will do more harm than good, likely costing more to make a check to notice they are immaculate depictions
lives than it would save. Some of the braver residents of of the various races that inhabit this region. However, a
Highgate attempted to infiltrate The Umbers' Gauntlet successful DC 12 Investigation check reveals that some of
themselves, but wound up either found as corpses riddled the statues appear slightly moist in places, as if made from
with knife wounds, or simply never seen again. clay that is not fully dried.
Lord Vermin and his cronies don’t know that one of their If a player character gets a particularly high result (DC
seemingly mundane magical baubles among hundreds 20+), they believe one of the statues made a muffled sound.
within their vault contains such power. They have so many
items down there they can barely keep track of them all. THE STONE SICKNESS
It’s treasure, nonetheless, and they don’t like to part ways Also referred to as “The Gorgon’s Touch”, this disease is
with their spoils, with one exception: a reward for those transferred through the sharing and/or contact of bodily
who survive the Umber’s Gauntlet. fluids with someone who is already afflicted. So far, there is
Fortunately for the player characters, completing the no known cure for the disease although some in Highgate
Umber’s Gauntlet alive means they are not only entitled believe there is magic powerful enough within the thieves
entrance into the cult, but also a single item from its vault guild's vaults to help.
of spoils. The PC's only hope of procuring the Shroud is
by traversing this initiation Gauntlet – a series of traps, ENTERING THE CITY
monsters, and puzzles devoted to the demon-god Nakresh Upon entering the city, the characters should immediately
- and claiming the Shroud as their prize. notice, amid the typical hustle and bustle of the city,
To gain the Shroud from the Gauntlet, the PCs either everything here is not exactly as gleaming and bright as it
need to enter undetected or by posing as prospective seems from the outside.
cultists themselves. Once inside the Gauntlet, should
Horse and camel-drawn carts steadily trot along the stone streets
they survive and obtain the Shroud for Spinel, they will be
before you. The smell of freshly baked bread wafts through the air
rewarded handsomely for their hard work.
as children run about and play, and vendors boast about their
Only after it’s too late will they realize that they’ve served
wares loudly from their stalls.
as a pawn in a much larger scheme of Sister Starkfeather’s,
Louder however, is the voice of a dark-skinned dwarven
which in turn, could spawn an entirely new adventure!
man standing atop a barrel. Ringing a bell and holding a bold
statement on a sign that reads, “ANU-AKMA COMES.”
PART 1: CALLOUSED Allow the characters to briefly soak in their
The adventure opens as characters traverse the Lotus Trail, surroundings. Interacting with the dwarf man should
headed either north toward Per-Bastet, or south toward clearly let the players know:
Per-Kush. Allow the group to come up with their own • His name is Badul and he believes the city is
reasons for traveling together. Perhaps they are a nomadic succumbing to a divine plague.
group of entertainers, or a specialized team of “tomb • He declares people are slowly turning to stone, it starts
liberators.” Maybe they formed a bond after surviving a with a small patch of dry skin but quickly spreads and
perilous event together such as exploring the Tomb of turns their entire person to chalky white stone within a
Tiberesh or meeting an angry djinn. few days’ time.


• The city officials are doing almost nothing to help, and city of thieves will risk their own neck to help, but perhaps you
simply urging citizens to stay indoors until the sickness will? I can make it worth your while.”
runs its course.
Spinel is dressed in sandy-colored hooded robes tied
Whether interacting with Badul or not, after being in the with a simple white sash. Her eyes are a pale blue, and
city for a few moments read the following. filled with desperation. Allow the player characters to
The bazaar at the city gates is peppered with various statues like question her as they see fit, while doing so keep the
the ones outside. Some lay in corners, others lie prostrated on the following in mind:
sandstone streets. People bustle past the statues while avoiding • Spinel is genuinely concerned about saving a young
looking at them, many covering their mouths with handkerchiefs boy named Etiryp (Et-rip) who has the stone sickness,
or wearing makeshift masks. although he is not actually her son. He is the son of a
friend of hers, Galena, who came to her for help, and
MEETING SPINEL (HOOKS) is in the middle stage of the disease’s progression. He
Whatever the player characters decide to do next should only has about 24 hours before it consumes him.
be interrupted by Spinel Larkdon, a tengu woman with • The Umbers have a hold over the city, they are a
reddish-grey plumage, and a beak that has a deep gouge guild of thieves dedicated to a cult of the demon-god
in its left side. If the players decide not to approach or Nakresh, devoted to thievery and magic. Any character
interact with Badul, the same information is relayed to succeeding a DC 10 History check reveals whatever
them after speaking with Spinel. portions of the History section you’d like to relay.
“Travelers!” A somewhat shrill and fragile voice erupts from the • She is familiar with the cult of Nakresh and its Gauntlet
hum of the city. “Please, a mother begs of your aid. My son suffers because she is a member herself, she serves Sister
with this terrible sickness. A mother cannot simply stand by and Starkfeather. Although she passes this knowledge off
watch her only child slowly turn to stone! No one in this forsaken with a convincing story about how Lord Vermin’s
associates troubled her family for decades. (Insight irritated, and she’ll no longer increase the reward.
DC 25 reveals she's telling a partial truth. Her clan If pressed for provisions, Spinel can offer to provide two
skirmishes with Vermin.) potions of greater healing, basic ammunition, rations, and
• She claims that a family heirloom artifact (the Shroud torches.
of Tiberesh) was stolen by The Umbers several years For combat purposes, should less wise characters’
ago, and without its healing properties, her sister attempt to cross or harm Spinel, she is a Tengu archmage.
passed away. This story is absolutely false, but Spinel Additionally, her friend Galena is a crimson-feathered
shares it with the conviction of one who’s told a lie Tengu assassin and will arrive to assist her 1 round after
so many times that they themselves believe it. An combat begins.
Insight check (DC 25) reveals this. Spinel refuses to Characters who attempt to make checks to detect
acknowledge the falsehood. deception fail automatically, Spinel has had a lifetime of
• She has more than adequate monetary and magical practicing her craft. Repeatedly prying or accusing her of
resources to pay the characters handsomely for the falsehood will only anger her; each time a player character
artifact’s return (within reason), a paltry price to pay does so, decrease the amount of gold rewarded to them by
for aiding Sister Starkfeather while simultaneously 10% and remove a minor magical item from the treasure
avoiding risking her own life. cache. Additionally, each time this happens, reassure the
players that Spinel seems genuine. Proceed to Part 2.
If the players show interest, Spinel asks them into her
home, which is nearby, to speak more privately, though she
doesn't insist. In either case, have her direct them toward a Once the characters have agreed to help, whatever their
secluded space to discuss the job more in depth. motivations, Spinel provides them with a means to escape
“Thank you, thank you so much. Now, we’re going to need to the Gauntlet swiftly once they’ve obtained the shroud.
recover a magical artifact that once belonged to my family. Stolen “Take this scroll, it was a gift from a mother’s grandfather
by Lord Vermin’s filthy little insects, it is a burial shroud of a once many moons ago. It was he who planned to infiltrate the cult’s
powerful sorcere- king that has immeasurable restorative and Gauntlet and steal their most prized possessions and whisk
preservative powers.” himself away. The spell inscribed herein will teleport your group
to safety once you’ve got what you need.”
Spinel explains this artifact is hidden within the Nakresh
Guild maze, with powers capable of saving her son. The The scroll of word of recall only functions to return its
item is known as the Shroud of Tiberesh. Not only will it help travelers to the permanent circle within Spinel’s home.
save Etiryp, but it could also save and potentially reverse “Now, as for gaining entrance to The Umber’s Gauntlet and
the effects of the sickness on other citizens. claiming its prize, you can either sneak your way in or pose as
She explains those who survive the Gauntlet are not only initiates. The Umbers have little faith in outsiders who wish to
granted entrance into The Umbers, but may claim a single prove themselves, assuming they’ll perish almost instantly, and
item from the hoard at the end of the trial. This treasure so they let most anyone into the trial.”
serves both as a prize and as proof of survival. This of
course is not the only way, as breaking in and finding a way If the PCs pose as cultists, they can approach the guards
to the hoard is also an option. She laments, she would do it directly through the entrance below the Bazaar at the
herself, if she were the bird she once was 20 years ago. center of town. Spinel tells them:
She offers to pay 300 gold pieces per character, and “Have your wits about you, you’ll need to give the impression of
she has a small cache of minor magic items for them as utmost devotion to the ‘8-armed Demon God Nakresh, his hands
well (GM’s pick), one for each of them, to divide among grasp all there is to take and hold’. Head straight to the Umbers'
themselves as they choose. If the players agree to meet in Gauntlet foyer by speaking with Corvus, one of their fences who
her home, she shows them the cache by motioning toward runs a shop as a cover, set up in the bazaar.
a locked chest and showing them a sample from within
However, if they opt to avoid interacting with the Umbers,
(your choice as DM). Otherwise she does not specify which
there are two little-known routes through the sewer that
items, but assures the characters they are worthwhile.
can conceal their entrance into the Gauntlet, and Spinel
Spinel is wealthy, though she doesn’t really look the part,
can direct the PCs to either.
and can be bargained with. A successful DC 16 Persuasion
If the characters decide to break into the Umbers'
check convinces her to pay more; she offers an additional
Gauntlet, Spinel tells them:
100 gold pieces per character. A result of 20 or higher
causes her to offer the characters the option to keep the You’ve two options for sneaking in; either through the Dead
Shroud of Tiberesh after it is used to cure Etiryp, should Man’s Slough in the graveyard district, or Geb’s Maw. The
they do a particularly efficient job of acquiring it. Checks graveyard is a bit less conspicuous, but beneath is surely guarded
failing to meet the DC by 10 or more cause her to become by something undead.

Characters inquiring about Dead Man’s Slough hear: If the characters approach Corvus as an entire group,
“Beneath a grate near the back of the graveyard district near the they must prove themselves worthy. Doing so requires
old king’s tomb, lies a tunnel that should lead you directly into each of them to succeed a DC 15 Persuasion or DC 14
one of the chambers within the Umber’s Gauntlet.” Deception check to even have him begin considering
them for admission. Characters may intimidate him by
Characters inquiring about Geb’s Maw hear: succeeding a DC 20 Intimidate check instead, but these
“Between the stables and the slums, a massive sinkhole breaches checks are made with disadvantage.
the city streets. Not many go near it for fear it will widen and If the characters approach Corvus individually, or after
swallow them whole. At its bottom is a sewer tunnel that lead to the group has proven themselves to him, they must simply
the Umber’s Gauntlet.” show their “devotion” to Nakresh by “donating” an item
of their own or by procuring one from a stranger in the
After speaking with the characters about their approach, bazaar.
she takes a few moments to provide them with a rough
hand-drawn map indicating where to find Corvus, and the
entrances she’s described.
Allow the characters to make any final requests, ask
questions, etc., before they set out to enter the Gauntlet.
Proceed to the appropriate entrance chosen by the group.

Characters seeking out Corvus will easily find him marked
on Spinel’s map in an octagonal black tent with gold trim,
each side having an embroidered shape of a hand on it.
Upon entering, read the following aloud to the characters:
Standing inside and idly admiring his own jewelry is a finely
dressed roachling man with a pompadour haircut of thick, wiry
hair, and well-polished shoes. He regards you with a wide smile,
as his antennae stand up from his well-groomed coiffure. “What
can I do for ya’?”

Corvus’ Tent
This is the characters' chance to roleplay a bit, allow them
to interact with Corvus and guide those interactions based
on the following:
• Corvus is a roachling of stature within Lord Vermin’s
ranks. He is a faithful and tenured guild fence. He is
primarily concerned with the moving of goods, and his
own self-importance.
• He does not know of Spinel personally, all of Sister
Starkfeather’s acolytes are all the same to him.
• He does not know of the Shroud of Tiberesh or many
specifics of the guild Gauntlet beyond being glad
he was grandfathered in before the trail became
• He takes the intake of initiates into the Gauntlet very
seriously, and only allows those who prove their true
devotion to Nakresh to pass.
• He knows that, typically, Umber initiates come one or
two at a time, an entire party of initiates is uncommon,
and often a red flag.
• When taking payments being shown as devotion to
Nakresh, Corvus doesn’t care about the source, so
long as they have some value. Every little bit helps Lord
Vermin’s cause.

Once this has been done and Corvus decides to let the The Sunken Homestead
characters through, read the following aloud: At the bottom of this massive sinkhole, roughly 20 feet
Corvus pulls back the fine gnollskin rug on his floor, revealing a in diameter and 150 feet deep, lies a shattered home, its
hatched sewer entrance. Well-kept and relatively free of grime, debris strewn and stretched across a natural chasm.
you descend directly down into a foyer where four heavily armed Should characters decide to enter this way, they may
guards, two roachlings and two gnolls, stand watch over the draw a crowd of onlookers swept up in fear and awe. They
Gauntlet’s entrance. The hatch closes and seals above you. will also require climbing tools, magic, or some other
means of securing themselves as they travel downward.
Development. If the party attacks Corvus, he flees, but If traditional climbing tools are used, know that the earth
tells no one in order to save face. He is there when they here is unsettled, ask for DC 10 Athletics or Acrobatics
return and congratulates them on their success. checks every 50 ft. If one of these checks fail, explain that
If the party pursues Corvus, they will face the guards in they lost some footing but manage to steady themselves.
the Vestibule (Part 3, Area 1). Two subsequently failed checks, or a die result of 1 results
in the character falling the remainder of the distance.
GRAVEYARD The bottom of the sinkhole is effectively in darkness.
Marked with a skeletal hand on Spinel’s map, the Once a light source is used, or for characters with
Graveyard district holds the most discrete entrance to the darkvision, read the following aloud:
Umber’s inner workings, however, it is dangerous. Should
From the bottom here, you find a short dog-leg tunnel, and
the characters decide to go this route, read the following:
far down it, perhaps 100 yards, you see a natural chasm
The limestone streets here are cracked and choked with brambles approximately 10 feet wide, separating you from the other side
and loose sand. At the base of a tall marble statue depicting an where a torch lit entrance to the sewer ducts gleams. This jagged
old king lies a simple brass grate and ladder. Hollow whispers of tear in the earth descends to further unknown depths. Across
air bellows from beneath. it lies splinters of the broken home, and a ruined support pillar
from the city walls above.
King's Antechamber
The chasm is a straight drop for another 300’ and what
This entrance leads way into the old king’s tomb, guarded
lies at the bottom is certain death. Characters who further
still by undead servants. The ladder descends into a small
inspect the boards and succeed on a DC 12 Investigation
10 ft. by 10 ft. featureless room that smells of rot and dust.
check should be read:
A simple wooden door here gives way to a much larger
30 ft. by 30 ft. antechamber filled with monsters and The boards that stretch across are unfit for supporting even the
crumbling limestone that’s strewn about the floor. weight of a dog without crumbling.
Beyond this room lies a narrow, linear series of hewn Characters may determine their own solution or use
stone crypts that lead to a dead end. The dead end is the crumbled support pillar to form a makeshift bridge to
actually a secret revolving door (Perception DC 13) which cross the gap. If so, one character must succeed on a DC 16
leads into the Gauntlet’s chapel. Athletics check to move the pillar, and each must succeed
Creatures. The antechamber contains a wraith, a ghoul, on a DC 13 Dexterity check to cross without falling. Other
and 2 zombies that attack on sight. precautions can be taken, such as the use of ropes, to
increase the chance of success.
Treasure. The creatures have no treasure, as the guild
After half of the party has crossed the gap they encounter
regularly cleans out this area and dresses it to appear
3 hungry gricks hiding amid the rubble (Perception DC 16
abandoned and unused.
to spot). Read the following aloud:
Proceed to area 5, Chapel of Chance in Part 3.
The silence here is suddenly pierced by chittering and suckling
STABLES sounds as 3 tentacled snake-like creatures slither outward. Their
Not long ago a sinkhole opened up just within the city’s body's colors shifting like chameleons as they detach from the
walls near the stables. Many locals thought this was a sign rubble they in which they were hiding.
from the gods. In reality, the subterranean foundation of
After crossing the chasm, Proceed to area E, Demon’s
the city was merely settling and unfortunately swallowed
Gambit in Part 3.
up a nearby homestead from the adjacent slums district.
Creatures. The gricks are trained to remain in this area
and do not pursue parties out.
Treasure. The creatures have no treasure, as the guild
regularly cleans out this area and dresses it to appear
abandoned and unused.

All who wish to serve The Umbers, and in turn, Nakresh, The iron doors creaks shut with a low rumble of metal against
must complete this Gauntlet in order to become a the stone floor. From the other side you can hear the muffled
member. Located deep below the city, within segregated sound of a board being slid across the door, barring you inside.
sections of decommissioned sewer, lies a series of linked
Five bronze keys lay within plain sight, but four of them
chambers filled with traps, challenges, and monsters. No
are false, and they are all guarded by very real traps.
matter which path is taken, all 5 trials must be completed
The relief on the floor represents Nakresh and his eight
in order to unlock the vault of spoils and prove themselves
arms, grasping all that he can hold. The pillar in the center
worthy. Each chamber contains one of the 5 keys required
holds one of the five keys in this room, although it is
to open the vault.
false. The true key lies on the shelf of the pillar (4) to the
Each key should have a different description, and feel
southeast that Nakresh’s lower-left hands are grasping.
free to be creative with the shapes, like a skeletal hand, or
a shooting star, or a dragon. However, the portion of each This chamber of smooth stone is home to a carved relief of a
true key to be inserted is triangular in shape. Keep the massive beast upon its floor. At its center, a simian face with its
descriptions filled with details, and only include this if the mouth agape holds an octagonal pedestal that rises about three
group asks for specifics about that portion. feet from the floor. Two bodies lie propped up against it. Directly
Unless otherwise noted, throughout the Gauntlet all the across the way, you see another door.
doors are unlocked, and not trapped. All rooms are lit by Characters who inspect the bodies and succeed a DC
torches in sconces. 10 Medicine check reveal that they have both been dead
Additionally, taking a rest is not an option during this for approximately 1 week. Both halflings, one appears
event, as saving the boy is time sensitive, should characters to have been killed by a crossbow bolt to the head. The
consider taking a rest, remind them that it will cost Etiryp other, who is much older, remains unknown. A successful
his life. DC 11 Perception check reveals that among them is a
hand crossbow, 4 bolts, a small pouch filled with sand,
1. VERMIN’S VESTIBULE 2 daggers, and each wears leather armor and plain iron
Descending from Corvus’ tent is a short trip. Once wedding bands.
characters reach the bottom, read the following aloud: Once the characters have been in the room for a minute
This massive cave holds a gigantic carving of a demonic baboon read the following aloud:
face, its tongue sticking outward. A half dozen armed guards You notice that the relief includes eight arms that snake along
stand before you, seeming completely ambivalent to your the floor in pairs of two, each set branching toward four separate
presence. Flanking a sturdy iron door with pull-rings, the gnolls columns that run floor-to-ceiling at the north and south ends of
brandish polearms. The roachlings each wear a bandolier of the room.
daggers and shortswords rest at their hips. None of the guards
speak or make much eye contact. These 4 columns are at the northwest, northeast,
southwest, and southeast attached to the walls, flanking
Interacting with the guards here won’t elicit much both doors. Marked on the map as 1-4, each is painted
of a response. They tell the characters to move into the with a different scene, and each contains a small shelf
Gauntlet or get out. The guards here assume, like most, holding an identical triangular bronze key. Column 4
the characters will not survive long. holds the real key.
Creatures. The two roachlings are assassins, and the The columns each depict an aspect of Nakresh’s aspects:
four gnolls are gladiators. This is a deadly encounter that
1. Brazen Theft: Hooded figures stealing from paupers
would make short work of the PCs should they pick a fight
and the elderly.
here. Alternatively, the guards could opt to subdue them
and let them live, delivering them to some other portion of 2. Magical Treasure: Piles of glittering gold, wands,
sewer, the desert wastes, or whatever you prefer. weapons, and baubles.
Treasure. The creatures have their gear. However they 3. Power: An insect, holding a blade in its pincers and
represent a challenge which should be beyond most sitting atop a throne.
parties. If defeated somehow, they have an uncommon 4. The Exalted: One hooded figure, stealing from
magic item each, and 50gp. another dressed identically.

Each is also trapped. DC 15 Perception to spot Once the ceiling has descended 15 ft., all creatures
irregularities, DC 14 Investigation to assess the medium sized or larger must succeed a DC 15 Athletics
mechanism and discover how to disable each trap: skill check or fall prone. If the ceiling manages to descend
fully, it crushes and instantly kills any living creature
The Columns within the room.
1. Necrotic Trap (magical trap)
A DC 15 Perception check notices a fine white hair about 3 3. MAGIC-MONGER’S MENAGERIE
inches in length lying under the key. The column is infused The central chamber to the Umber’s Gauntlet is in
with necromantic magic that can be detected with detect dedication to the arcane and strange magical puzzles that
magic, or a successful DC 15 Arcana check. Removing this wizards of Nakresh adore.
key will instantly age the first person who touches it 3d6 A massive obsidian skull sits in the center of the room,
years. (DC 15 Wisdom save to resist, but the creature's hair faux gemstones made of glass are set into the stone floor
turns white on a successful save). A DC 15 Arcana check below it. Adorning its third eye with a proper gemstone
can temporarily bypass the trap. will relinquish the key held in a protective stasis above it.
Using the wrong gemstone may result in certain death, or
2. Poison Gas Trap (mechanical trap)
mighty amusement.
A narrow slot just below the shelf can be detected with Regardless of the entry point into this chamber, read the
a DC 15 Perception check. A DC 10 Investigation check following aloud:
determines that there isn't a sure way to deactivate the
This perfectly square chamber has a high ceiling and doors on
trap, but succeeding by 5 or more on the check reveals
each wall. At its center, sitting in a shallow pool cut into the floor
that standing back some distance and using an object
is a huge obsidian skull. Floating high above it within a small
to remove the key might avoid whatever effect it has. A
magical force field is a triangular bronze key.
burst of sour-smelling, yellow gas sprays from the slot.
Creatures adjacent to the pillar must succeed on a DC 15 The skull itself was carved from a single chunk of
Constitution or become poisoned for 1d4 hours. obsidian. Its mouth frozen in a grin, it has two massive
3. Spear Trap (mechanical trap) cannonball-like gemstones for eyes. Its left is made of
ruby, and its right sapphire. Each gemstone weighs 85 lbs,
A spear bursts from a hidden recess in the column (+6 and can be removed using an adequate metal instrument
to hit, range 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) piercing after succeeding on a DC 20 Strength check. At the center
damage). It thrusts forward five feet and then retracts back of its forehead is a third eye, carved depicting eyelashes
into the pillar. and a centered gaze. Characters succeeding on a DC 12
4. False Trap (mechanical trap) Investigation check notice that there is a shallow divot in
Characters hear a deep metallic “click” followed by a faint this center eye where the pupil would be.
rumble from somewhere deep within the walls. Nothing The key is suspended in midair, 10 ft. above the skull.
happens. The skull itself is roughly 4 ft. tall. Characters attempting
to climb, fly, or otherwise reach the key cannot interact
Removing the key from this pillar causes the with it; the magical barrier surrounding it is far too
weight‑sensitive plate it rests upon to trigger the crushing strong. The barrier radiates abjuration magic (Arcana
ceiling trap. DC 14). The only way to dispel the barrier is to pluck the
ThePedestal (crushing ceiling trap) proper gemstone from the floor and put it into the inset of
the skull’s third eye.
(mechanical trap)
Read the following aloud when characters take a closer
A DC 15 Perception check is required to spot the seam inspection of the area surrounding the skull:
around the plate. With a successful DC 14 Investigation
check, a PC can determine that removing the key without The skull sits in a shallow pool of water cut a few inches into
triggering the trap requires something else of similar the floor here. Beneath the calm ripples, you notice a series of
weight (4lbs) be placed here when the key is removed. colorful, fist-sized gemstones, which are also set into the floor.
The ceiling of this chamber is 20 feet high, and the The gems are arranged in a straight line from left
crushing ceiling trap descends at a rate of 5 ft. per round, to right under the shallow water: quartz (clear), red,
each round after being triggered on initiative count 20. orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black. Each of these
If the key or an object of the same weight is placed back “gemstones” are simply cut and dyed glass made to
upon the pedestal the ceiling trap stops, remains still for resemble similarly colored gems such as ruby, citrine,
one round, and recedes another 5’ back toward its initial onyx, and have no value. This can be deduced via a
position until back in place, or until the trap is triggered successful DC 15 Investigation check, but only after one of
again. the gems has been removed from their inlays and properly
inspected. They can easily be pried up from beneath the
water with a dagger, knife, or anything thin enough to
wedge between them and their inlays in the floor.
The combined colors of the skull’s eyes provide the
solution to the puzzle, so purple is the correct gemstone
to remove and place in the skull’s third eye. Upon doing
so, the force field from above flickers out, and the key falls
to the ground with a metallic *clang*.
When other gemstones are removed and placed within
the eye, other effects take place. They cannot trigger more
than once, and removing the gemstone will not reverse its
effects once triggered:
• Quartz. The character who placed the gemstone has
its lungs immediately filled with water and begins
suffocating. (A DC 13 Constitution check to vomit
out the water and remove the condition)
• Red. A portal opens from the back of the skull and a
cambion crawls forth, attempting to drag a character
back into the hells with them. It fights to the death.
• Orange. A fireball explodes from the skull’s nostrils
as if cast from a 5th level spell slot, delivering 35
(10d6) fire damage.
• Yellow. Lightning leaps out in all
directions, filling the room and affecting
every creature inside per the effects of
lightning bolt (DC 14 Dexterity save for
half damage). Creatures standing in the
shallow pool around the skull take an
additional 2d6 lightning damage.
• Green. Cloudkill erupts from the skull’s
mouth as if cast from a 6th level spell
slot (20-foot radius, 27 (6d8) poison
damage, DC 15 Constitution for half
• Blue. The entire room is temporarily
plunged through the arcane veil as 3
nothics skitter into existence and Evard’s
black tentacles (DC 15 Dexterity to evade,
or 3d6) erupt around the skull for 5 rounds.
Fighting to the death, the nothics use
their weird insight power to taunt the party in
• Black. Unnatural darkness dims the torchlight in the
room. Three night scorpions flicker into view and
immediately attack.
Creatures. The creatures do not leave this room. Sprinkles of rock and dust crumble to the ground as an animated
Treasures. The creatures have no treasure. mouth on the north wall opens with a yawn. It speaks to you.
“Travelers, perhaps I may be of some assistance?”
If the Wrong Gem is Chosen. Luckily, the characters
won’t be without at least a little help here. A sentient The magic mouth does not operate per the standard rules
magic mouth dwells on the north wall of this chamber. It for such a spell. It promises to answer two “yes-or-no”
can be easily spotted by anyone looking on the north wall questions from the party, and it bluntly tells them that one
near the door. It triggers after the first time the wrong gem of the answers will be true and the other will be a lie.
is inserted into the skull’s third eye. Read the following After being asked its two questions, the wall recedes and
aloud when this happens: doesn’t reappear until the next set of hopefuls traverses
the Gauntlet.
Development. As the core of the test, the party may pass The ground in the areas adjacent to the ledges (indicated
through this area several times as they complete the other by dotted lines, lightly shaded) are regularly greased by
tests. As long as they do not reset the gems, they do not cultists, and are for all purposes under the effect of a
trigger further effects. Proceed to the appropriate areas. permanent grease spell.
The precipice at the center of the chasm is littered with
4. DEMON’S GAMBIT rubble from bolt impacts and the natural degradation of
This chamber is also the byproduct of the Umbers being the cave, and it is considered rough terrain.
resourceful with the natural areas of their subterranean Each demonic simian face carving adjacent to the
Gauntlet. This chamber holds its key atop a specialized door (A, B) is a relief, depicted with its mouth agape.
bolt thrower that rains death onto those who enter the The tongue of each relief serves as a button, if both are
room, trapping its occupants inside. depressed simultaneously, the flechette volley trap stops
Any characters entering this room from either entrance for 1 full round before resuming. The buttons are rather
may immediately notice that the ground near the chasm is obvious, and only require a successful DC 12 Perception
covered in a translucent brown liquid on a successful DC check to notice.
11 Perception check. This is grease, set to make traversing
Flechette Volley Trap
the chasm even harder.
Once the flechette volley trap is activated, read the
Entering From Geb's Maw following aloud:
If characters are entering from the east, read the following A metallic *SHING* echoes sharply as mechanical grinding
aloud: sounds fill the chamber. The cylinder at the center of the precipice
After traversing the sewers for some time, you find your passage whirs to life and begins launching thick iron quarrels in all
widens and gives way to a room carved from a natural cave. directions, their impacts biting tiny chunks out of the walls with
At the center of this chamber a precipice of rubble-strewn rock each volley.
runs its entire width. Across it, you see a wooden door flanked by
The bolt thrower is a specialized mechanism, loaded
carvings of demonic simian faces. At the center of the precipice
with special flechette munitions. Every other round (1,3,5,
sits a cylindrical post with a bronze key atop it, glinting in the
etc.) on initiative count 20, it fires 4 heavy crossbow bolts
torchlight of the room.
in orthogonal directions. Each bolt is tipped with a glass
Once characters step far enough into the room, a bauble filled with acid that does an additional 1d4 acid
pressure plate (marked by PP in the dotted area on the damage in a 5-ft. radius sphere from its point of impact.
map) (Perception DC 20 to spot) will send a portcullis Every other round (2,4,6, etc.) that it does not fire on, it
from a recess above slamming down into the rock, rotates 45 degrees counterclockwise and reloads. It has
trapping the characters inside the room. It is immensely enough ammunition to fire 30 times.
heavy and requires a DC 26 Athletics check to pull up. The shots fired from this mechanism can strike any
Once this happens, the flechette volley trap activates. creature within a 10’ wide path from the direction it is
fired, striking the first creature or object in its path.
Entering From Magic-Monger's Menagerie The bronze key sits freely atop the flechette volley
If entering from the west read the following aloud after all mechanism, bouncing a tiny bit with each activation, but
characters have crossed into the room: not enough to cause it to fall off. The door on the west wall
Just as the last of you steps into this room, the door behind you remains locked (DC 20 Dexterity check with thieves' tools)
emits a deep *click* that reverberates through the chamber, until the key is obtained.
locking you inside. The door is flanked by carvings of demonic
simian faces, and directly across from you is a wide chasm 5. CHAPEL OF CHANCE
interrupted by a thin precipice of rock, across from that the room Access to this chamber is possible through Area 3, and
continues off into a perilous tunnel of darkness. through Part 2, The Various Routes.
This small crypt wasn’t part of the Gauntlet when first
Approximately one round after the characters have
built, but The Umbers have turned it into a shrine to
taken a few moments to take in their surroundings and
their demon-god. It also serves as an initiate's first test of
potentially notice the grease on the floor or take a closer
loyalty. Cultists come here to pay tribute and beg favors
look at the demonic faces on the walls, the flechette volley
of Nakresh, in return they offer tribute in the form of
trap activates.
coin, magical treasure, or nothing at all. Those who offer
The chasms (indicated by the heavily shaded dark areas)
nothing gamble with their lives.
are over 200 ft. deep and filled with jagged rubble at the
A skeletal servant of Nakresh guards this room, holding
bottom. Any creature falling into this chasm is killed
one of the keys needed to unlock the vault of spoils
outright from the fall.
and also offering up a game of chance to those feeling
particularly bold.
When characters enter, read the following aloud: The first character making an offer of gold or magic is
Littered with rubble, this chamber is brightly lit by three large rewarded with the key by the skeletal servant and also
braziers on its south wall with doors to the west and east. To gains a +1 bonus to all die rolls for the remainder of
the north sits a crumbled sarcophagus turned into a makeshift the adventure. Subsequent offerings grant characters
throne. Upon it sits a blindfolded skeleton, it turns and tilts its advantage on a single check of their choice before the
skull curiously at you as you enter. adventure’s end.
Those who attempt to steal from the offerings amuse
The skeleton sits motionless and will look at and offer Nakresh greatly, the sheer audacity required to steal
a roll of the dice it holds to each character only once. The from the shrine of a god dedicated to thievery begets
skeleton does not speak and if threatened or attacked divine intervention. If this happens, the character who
it vanishes in a burst of shimmering particles. After all perpetrated the act is affected by one random result of the
characters have either rolled, passed, or made an offering, dead man’s dice, regardless of any further rolls.
the skeleton sits back in its seat, dormant until its next set
Should the skeleton leave after being threatened or
of visitors.
attacked, it still leaves a key behind. However, this key is
When the characters approach the skeleton: cursed (Arcana DC 17 to detect), inflicting disadvantage to
The skeleton holds its thumb and index finger in a circle, with any attack rolls or checks made by the first PC to pick it up,
its other three fingers fanned upward and places it over its an effect which lasts until the party reaches 6. The Hive.
blindfolded eye as if it were a monocle. Looking at you, its other
hand extends forward holding two blank dice carved from bone 6. THE HIVE
in its palm. This final trial focuses around being able to kill or outwit
These dead man’s dice the skeleton holds are useless whatever guardian lurks within it. The Hive is a circular
if rolled separately. If they are taken from this room they chamber, dank, and filled with refuse and rubble. It is lined
vanish in a puff of iridescent smoke after crossing the with mottled windows, outside of which hang the corpses
room’s threshold. of those who have come before and failed. Kept both as
a grim reminder to those who make it that far, and as a
The braziers in this room are meant for offerings, the
means of storage for feeding whatever beasts currently
brazier on the left has piles of coins, jewelry, and other
reside as The Hive’s guardian.
valuables at its base. The brazier on the right holds a
collection of small magical items such as enchanted The guardian can be chosen randomly from the
daggers, wands, scrolls, and the like. The brazier in the following table, or determined ahead of time by the DM.
center only has a shallow velvet-lined box at its base.
d8 Hive Guardian
Characters who wish to make an offer to Nakresh may do
so by leaving 20gp or more worth of valuables, any magical 1-2 Cloaker
item, or by offering nothing and rolling the dice offered by 3-4 2x Mezzoloth
the skeleton into the velvet lined box. 5-6 2x Otyugh
For those who do roll the dice, consult the following
table and feel free to get vivid when describing to them 7-8 Grick Alpha, Grick
what happens to their character:

2d6 Dead Man’s Dice Effect

2 Death. Succeed on a Constitution saving throw or die immediately, only to rise within 24 hours as some variety of
ghoul (DM's discretion).
3 Sickness. Vomit and become poisoned until completing a long rest.
4 Hourglass. Age 10 years, instantly.
5 Covetous. Overcome with desires for others' belongings.
6 Decay. Reduce max HP by 6.
7 Luck. Roll again twice, applying both effects (only happens once per character).
8 Visions. Gain inspiration.
9 Quickness. Gain advantage on your next Dexterity saving throw.
10 Brawn. +1d4 bonus damage on physical attacks until completing a long rest.
11 Wealth. A mundane item in the character’s bag is turned to gold.
12 Favor. Gain advantage on your next 3 skill or ability checks.
Creatures. Every time the party retreats and returns to Either a detect magic, a successful DC 14 Arcana check, or
this area, roll for a new guardian monster. a DC 13 History check should reveal to the characters that
this is the item they’re looking for. If proof is needed, any
Room Features
injured characters may hold the shroud near one of their
The perimeter of the hive is a ledge that raises 10 ft. above wounds and feel it numb their pain. The characters should
the floor of the rest of the chamber. Stairs on the north use their scroll of recall to get back to Spinel.
and south ends lead upward to this ledge. The floor below
Characters can bring the corpses of any fallen friends
is strewn with rubble, sewage, offal, or whatever other
when using the scroll. If things went particularly well with
bits the DM finds appropriate for the guardian, and is
Spinel earlier in the adventure, she will attempt to see if
considered rough terrain.
the Shroud will bring them back to life.
At the center of The Hive is a pedestal, containing the
After the characters have used the scroll of recall proceed
final key required to open the doors to the vault of spoils.
to Part 4.
At the north end of the chamber atop the staircase is a
massive brass door with 5 triangular keyholes, each must
be filled with working keys in order to open G. The Vault PART 4: THE CON
of Spoils.
After using the recall scroll the characters find themselves
If characters can manage a way to retrieve the key from
instantly transport ed to the basement of Spinel’s dwelling.
the pedestal and open the door without fighting the
She is there, Etiryp is there with his mother, and they are
guardian, or do so while it is distracted, restrained or
hovering over the boy.
simply attacking them, know that the door opens very
slowly. It takes a full four rounds to open high enough for You’ve arrived just in time! Spinel’s feathers are ruffled and
Small-sized creatures to fit through. molting from stress. She rushes to you, “do you have it? Oh, a
The room is fairly straightforward, depending on the mother begs you!”
particular enemy the party faces. You may want to adjust The characters should now turn over the Shroud of Tiberesh
the following descriptive text accordingly: to Spinel. If they attempt to make further bargains with
You enter into a huge circular chamber, mottled glass windows her, or refuse to give her the item she becomes extremely
line its circumference atop the ledge you stand on, looking down angry with them and demands the Shroud. Reduce their
into an arena of filth below. Outside those windows you see a reward by half.
small sea of corpses, hung up on hooks in various states of decay. Once Spinel has the Shroud read the following aloud:
After looking around the room for a moment: Spinel takes the shroud and places it over Etiryp’s face. Slowly,
you see the petrified portions of his body recede and turn to flesh
A mechanized hatch high above opens, as a few corpses fall from
once again.
above, their bones shattering on the surfaces below. A roar/
Tears run down Galena’s face. She turns to Spinel and says,
bellow/rumble/growl vibrates the air…
“Thank you, thank you so much for saving him. My baby, he’s
Treasure. The creatures have no treasure, as it is in area 7. going to live!"
Spinel gives a warm hug to Galena before seeing them up the
7. THE VAULT OF SPOILS stairs and out of the basement. She turns to you, a glint in her
eye. “You have served Sister Starkfeather well! Lord Nakresh
The vault is straightforward; should the characters reach
will be very pleased.”
this room, describe it as follows:
Before you is an impressive chamber, filled with coins, jewelry, Let this settle in with the characters for a moment,
baubles, clothing embroidered with golden thread, magical and if they inquire further Spinel will tell them she was
weapons, wands, scrolls, statuettes, and just about anything else genuinely concerned, although the boy wasn’t hers, and
you can think of. that this will further help Sister Starkfeather secure her
victory against Lord Vermin in the upcoming trials. She
Afterward, provide them the opportunity to search asks the characters if they’d care to assist her further, or
around for the Shroud of Tiberesh, give them a minute or join with her and the Starkfeathers. Together they could
two, describing whatever grandiose or odd things they sift rule this city!
through before reading the following aloud: Spinel provides the gold and items as promised during
A thick shroud of burlap cloth lies here amidst some scrolls and their initial discussion, and even tosses in a little extra gold
other papers. Faint stains mar its surface that could vaguely as a consolation if they are feeling too betrayed.
resemble a face. “Awww, here you go, keep your chins up, you could have done
worse! You could have accidentally helped that filthy little Derro,

If They Hold Back. In the event that the characters did not WHERE TO GO FROM HERE?
bring back the Shroud or attempt to keep it, Spinel, Galena, There are now some pretty great threads for you to take
and 3 other hidden cultists attack, fighting to the death. and run with in your own Southlands campaign. For
Creatures. The party is highly unlikely to survive example, does the party:
against this group. Feel free to use a high-level spell as • Attempt to stop Spinel?
a demonstration to prove this to them, and give them a • Join up with The Umbers and try and take them down
second chance to turn over the Shroud. Spinel (archmage), from the inside? Or actually join the Umbers?
Galena (assassin) and cultists (3)
• Side with Starkfeather and join up?
Treasure. The creatures have their gear for treasure, that • Seek to re-obtain the Shroud of Tiberesh for themselves?
is all.
Should the Party Flee. Spinel tracks them and teleports
after them later, to recover the Shroud with prejudice. It
should be an unpleasant encounter. If they give up the
Shroud and just flee, she hunts them later, helping
their enemies for a year.
If They Fail. In the event that the characters
did not return the shroud because they
failed the trials or felt they could not
survive, Spinel and Galena are greatly
disappointed; they search the characters'
belongings and then demand they
leave. They go on to gather other
Starkfeather devotees to get the job
done themselves. Etiryp will likely
die, however.

Blood Vaults of Sister Alkava
An adventure for four to six characters of 5th to 6th level
by Bill Slavicsek

GM INTRODUCTION Blood-Letting Chamber, the Donor Pens, the Storage

Alcoves, and finally the Blood Cauldron Sepulcher, the
Sister Alkava, one of the priestesses of the Red Goddess, massive chamber that Sister Alkava has turned into her
has been utilizing necromancy and blood magic in an seat of power.
effort to impress her superiors in the priesthood and to
garner the attention of the Elders of the Principality. To
these ends, she created the Blood Vaults. She developed ADVENTURE HOOKS
not only a method for prolonging the storage of fresh Beyond the usual desire for reward, adventure, and
blood, but a way to draw power from the sacred Blood experience, the player characters could have a variety of
Cauldrons she uses in the storage process. That power other reasons for deciding to aid the village of Karvolia.
motivated Sister Alkava to postpone the unveiling of the Here are a couple of examples.
Blood Vaults and keep the news of her success to herself.
• It’s All Relative. One or more of the PCs grew up in
She tasted the power, tested it, drew it into herself. And
Karvolia and has a beloved relative among the donors
she found the power intoxicating.
sent to the Blood Vaults. For these PCs, the mission is
This year, as part of the Festival of the Verdant Tower, extremely personal.
Sister Alkava collected the requisite tribute of blood from
the people of the village of Karvolia. Unlike in previous
• A Matter of Church and State. One or more of
the PCs has been sent to investigate Sister Alkava
years, however, none of the blood donors returned from
by either the priesthood of the Red Goddess or the
the donation site. Moreover, the village elders have just
Elders of the Principality. In the case of the former,
been informed that a second tribute is required, and
Sister Alkava’s superiors grow increasingly concerned
they have been commanded by the priestess of the Red
that they haven’t heard from their priestess in months.
Goddess to send another dozen young men and women
They worry that Sister Alkava has gone rogue, and
to the edifice of stone that looms on the cliffs overlooking
for good reason. The priesthood wants to know what
the village—the dreaded Blood Vaults of Sister Alkava.
Sister Alkava is up to, and they want her brought
The village elders, afraid of the Red Goddess and the
back to the Temple of Aprostala to answer for her
vampiric Shroud-eaters but even more fearful of losing
infuriating silence.
more of their young people to the Blood Vaults, quietly
In the case of the latter, the Elders of the
put out the word that they are willing to pay adventurers
Principality know that Sister Alkava was close to a
handsomely to find a way to make this second tribute
breakthrough in necromantic techniques. When her
pass them by. Unfortunately, by the time the brave
regular reports stopped arriving, they feared that she
adventurers respond, the latest set of donors has already
had stolen the research for her own purposes. This
entered the Blood Vaults and is being prepared for the
cannot be allowed to stand.
donation process.
• Rebellion. One or more of the PCs belongs to a secret
group of freedom fighters working in the shadows to
SUMMARY topple the governments of the undead. In particular,
The player characters must infiltrate the Blood Vaults, they seek to weaken or even end the rule of the
rescue the intended donors, and confront Sister Alkava— vampires of the Principality. When they receive word
finding a way to stop her before her power grows too great of Sister Alkava’s experiments to extend the Shroud-
to contain. eaters’ ability to preserve and store fresh blood, they
know they have to destroy the process. And when
The adventure begins with a meeting with the village
they learn that the blood can also be used to increase
elders and the acceptance of a quest to save the young
the power of the vampires, they know that they must
men and women who were recently marched into the
stop at nothing to put an end to Sister Alkava and her
Blood Vaults. Once inside the glorified mausoleum,
necromantic plans.
the player characters explore the Blood Procession, the
THE VILLAGE ELDERS: • The village has faithfully provided blood tributes in
the past, but this is the first time their loved ones never
A REQUEST FOR AID returned after making their offerings.
The adventure begins as the player characters are spirited • A second tribute was ordered by Sister Alkava. Another
away to a back room of the Bleeding Crow Tavern to meet dozen young men and women have been escorted to
with Karvolia’s council of elders. the Blood Vaults—perhaps also never to return.
The back room of the Bleeding Crow Tavern smells of stale beer • Sister Alkava has at least a few living assistants,
and old smoke. Lanterns hung at intervals along the walls including a bugbear and a stony goblin.
provide muddy illumination, as there are no windows to let in
either light or fresh air. Three ancient villagers study you from
across a large wooden table—two men nursing tankards of ale A well-traveled path leads from Karvolia up the hill to the
and a woman who occasionally sips from a goblet of wine. cliffs overlooking the village. There, a looming edifice of
stone that resembles a huge mausoleum seems to watch
The elders present to meet with the PCs include the angry the village like a malevolent gargoyle. The final approach
Tanner Grimm, the nervous Olan Forn (who owns the to the Blood Vaults, a cobblestone trail that cuts through
tavern), and the stern Lady Bestin (who is neither noble the trees and winds directly to the massive stone doors,
nor courtly, but earned the honorific by virtue of her age, is protected by a hulking ogre zombie that Sister Alkava
her wealth, and the respect the villagers heap upon her). called forth specifically to guard the way.
The three take turns explaining the situation in Karvolia, The ogre zombie has been ordered to keep the villagers
relating what they know about Sister Alkava (which away while Sister Alkava finishes processing the most
isn’t much), the Blood Vaults, the secret work she’s been recent tribute. It bellows and blusters, deliberately
performing these past few months, and the details of this swinging wildly to drive the PCs away as they try to
year’s Festival of the Verdant Tower. approach the doors to the Blood Vaults. If the PCs attack
“Our initial tribute was accepted,” Lady Bestin explains, “but the ogre zombie, however, it ignores its orders to do no
none of the donors returned from the Blood Vaults. When Sister harm and tries its best to injure or even kill the intruders.
Alkava demanded a second tribute, we knew drastic measures
had become necessary. Save our young men and women, and a ENTERING THE BLOOD VAULTS.
coffer of rare gems will be yours.” The cobblestone path leads up to a massive set of stone doors set
The elders offer a small coffer of gems worth 2,000 into the walls of a massive stone structure. Gothic flourishes
gp—a fortune as far as the villagers are concerned—if the decorate the walls, but the bas relief of the Red Goddess carved
PCs can save the twelve young men and women who were into the doors strikes anyone who views it as both impressive and
marched off to the Blood Vaults less than twenty-four disturbing in its details.
hours ago. The locked doors require a successful DC 15 Dexterity
Before the PCs make the trek out of the village and up check to pick the complicated lock. Moreover, Sister
the hill to the looming Blood Vaults, they might want to Alkava placed a trap upon the lock: DC 15 Intelligence
find out more information by talking to other people in (Investigation) check to spot the trap and DC 10 Dexterity
the village. In general, the villagers appear nervous around check to disarm it. A PC who attempts to unlock the doors
the adventurers and suspicious of their motives. They trust without spotting or disarming the trap triggers a poison
the village elders, though, and are willing to discuss certain needle that springs out of the lock and deals 2 piercing
matters, at least to some small degree. If the PCs approach damage and 11 poison damage. The injured PC must
the villagers politely and do their best to put them at ease, succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or suffer an
they can learn the following information: additional 11 poison damage.
• Sister Alkava is a Red Sister, a priestess of Marena, the Once the PCs deal with the trap and the lock, they can
Red Goddess. enter the Blood Vaults.
• The priestess came to the village a few months ago
and immediately began her work to renovate the old
Sanguine Shrine and turn it into the Blood Vaults. A small vestibule leads up into the main portion of the Entry
• Blood Vaults have been popping up throughout the Chamber, a 20-foot-tall room with three arched openings that
Principality as storehouses for the Shroud-eaters, but provide access into the facility.
the villagers have reason to believe that Sister Alkava’s Tall statues on the right and left walls portray different
Blood Vaults are special. aspects of the Red Goddess. The statue on the right depicts
• The villagers suspect Sister Alkava is a necromancer, Marena as the goddess of sex and childbirth, showing
due to the supplies she has commandeered from the an alluring temptress clearly pregnant beneath her filmy
village in the months she’s been working in the old gown. The statue on the left represents the goddess as the
patron of the realm, a wicked dagger in one hand and a
decanter of blood in the other, firmly in control of death
and suffering. On the far wall, two small archways stand to
each side of a wider and taller archway, revealing corridors
that lead deeper into the Blood Vaults.
Piles of bones lie scattered between the
two aspects of Marena.
If any of the PCs inspect the arches more
closely, read:
The central arch stands 15 feet high and 10 feet wide.
Carved droplets of blood decorate the arch, appearing
almost as crimson drops of rain that frame the
passageway. The arches to either side stand
10 feet high and 5 feet wide. These smaller
passages are unadorned.

marching toward the doors, decorate every inch of

the walls, floor, and arched ceiling using perspectives
that make everything seem to flow to the north.
Without a sound, two undead forms rise out the walls and
slide toward you.
This long hallway serves as the facility’s Blood
Procession, the path freely traveled by donors willing to
give their blood to support the Elders of the Principality.
Any PC who succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence (History) Two specters haunt the Blood Procession, remnants of
check recognizes the central passage as the Blood donors who died in the process of providing sustenance
Procession of the Red Goddess, the traditional path taken to the Shroud-eaters in years past when this was still a
by supplicants and other donors intent on making an Sanguine Shrine. The specters, composed of undying
offering of blood to Marena and the Shroud-eaters. hatred fueled by their untimely deaths, strike at any living
When the PCs begin to climb the stairs into the main creatures in the hallway that aren’t under the protection of
portion of the Entry Chamber, the bone piles animate and Sister Alkava—in this case, the player characters.
form into four distinct skeletons, each prepared to defend
the Blood Vaults from intruders. 3. DONOR PENS
Treasure. One skeleton wears a tattered pouch on a The eastern and western passages leading away from the
threadbare belt that holds a transparent piece of pale Entry Chamber and the Blood Procession provide access
blue quartz. A second skeleton has a small, round chunk to the Donor Pens where Sister Alkava keeps supplicants
of blackest obsidian stuck into its right eye socket. These prior to sending them into the Blood Letting Chamber
gemstones are worth 10 gp each. (area 5 on the map).
Area 3a: Male Donor Pen. A dark, dank chamber
2. THE BLOOD PROCESSION accessed through an iron gate in the western passage
The central, 10-foot-wide corridor beneath the 15-foot high arch contains the two male supplicants who have not yet been
leads to a set of double doors made of stone. Smaller stone doors sent to the Blood-Letting Chamber. Olak Forn, son of
separate the wide corridor from the eastern and western passages. the tavern owner and village elder, and Bruf Gaeron, an
Carvings on the double doors show the Red Goddess at the apprentice at the blacksmith’s forge, cower in the cell
head of a blood procession, arms outstretched, welcoming as the domovoi (Tome of Beasts, page 122) guard (a stony
supplicants and donors ripe with rich, warm blood. Lifelike goblin) watches from the shadows of area 3c. The domovoi
paintings of even more donors, packed tightly together and enjoys taunting and terrorizing the supplicants.
If the domovoi hears the sounds of battle (against the Area 4a: Western Alcoves. Every alcove except for the
skeletons or specters or both), it prepares for the intruders one containing the secret door holds one of the massive
by casting invisibility so that it can strike with surprise if urns. A DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check is required to lift
the PCs approach its location. It won’t leave its post unless one of the heavy stone lids so the PCs can peer inside an
ordered to by either Sister Alkava or the bugbear guarding urn. Thick, rich blood, magically fresh and as viscous as
area 3d. when it spilled from a supplicant’s veins, fills each urn.
Area 3b: Female Donor Pen. A dark, dank chamber If the PCs examine the empty alcove, they have a chance
accessed through an iron gate in the eastern passage of finding the secret door with a DC 15 Intelligence
contains the two female supplicants waiting to enter the (Investigation) check.
Blood-Letting Chamber. Ara Kellt, daughter of the village One of the storage urns (marked with an “x”) contains
brewer, and Jolla Rann, who operates a small tailor shop, a blood elemental (Deep Magic 12: Blood and Doom Magic,
stand defiantly in the cell, badgering the bugbear (in area page 17), a creation of Sister Alkava’s necromancy that has
3d) and demanding to be released immediately. been growing within the enchanted blood. The creature
The young women’s constant demands make the bugbear dislodges the heavy lid and flows out to attack while the
increasingly angrier, almost to the point where it’s ready PCs search the empty alcove or when they pass by the
to swing open the gate and throttle the two supplicants. If blood elemental’s urn.
it becomes aware of the PCs, it calls for the domovoi and Area 4b: Eastern Alcoves. The urns are the same as the
rushes to attack. (The bugbear is slightly smarter than the ones described in area 4a, and the secret door can be found
tougher domovoi and has become the de facto leader of as described above.
the pair.) The storage urn marked with an “x” in this hall contains
Secret Doors. Secret doors set in the north walls of areas a blood elemental. It dislodges the lid of its urn and flows
3c and 3d open onto hidden passages that lead deeper out to attack while the PCs search the empty alcove or
into the Blood Vaults. The domovoi and the bugbear don’t when they head toward the northern passage.
know about these secret doors, since they date back to This hall has one additional guardian. A wight stalks the
when the place was a Sanguine Shrine. A PC can spot a corridor, patrolling from the top of the northern passage
secret door with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to the beginning of the eastern alcoves and back again.
while searching the chambers where the bugbear and Anyone who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception)
domovoi spend the bulk of their time. check notices the blood-covered but obviously fancy
scabbard attached to a belt around the wight's waist. (See
Treasure. The domovoi confiscated the pouches that
Treasure, below, for more information.)
belong to the two male prisoners. They contain gemstones
and coins totaling 120 gp. The bugbear keeps a potion of If the wight spots intruders, it immediately attacks.
healing hidden in an old rotting boot resting in the east Areas 4c and 4d: Hidden Passages. The secret doors here
corner of area 3d. can each be found with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check.
Treasure. If the PCs examine the urn in the western
Alcoves in the eastern and western passages contain alcoves that released the blood elemental, they find an
huge stone urns that stand about 4 feet high and almost opaque yellow pearl worth 100 gp resting at the bottom
5 feet wide. These urns hold much of the precious blood of the blood-filled urn. The urns in the eastern alcoves
that Sister Alkava collected during this season’s festival. contain only blood.
Strange arcane symbols decorate each urn and its heavy
The wight wears a +1 short sword in a scabbard at its side.
stone lid. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check
Though a favored weapon in life, the wight appears to have
lets a PC determine that the markings aid the magic
forgotten all about it and never uses it to attack.
that somehow keeps the blood fresh and pure. A DC 20
Intelligence (Arcana) check also allows a PC to determine 5. BLOOD-LETTING CHAMBER
that the magic links each of the urns to some other vessel
Doors depicting the Red Goddess at the head of an
of power elsewhere within the Blood Vaults. When the PCs
elaborate blood procession open to reveal the large,
enter one of these areas, read:
domed Blood-Letting Chamber. Here, Sister Alkava and
Alcoves line the passage ahead. All but one of these recessed her servants collect blood for use in her necromantic
spaces contains a large stone urn, its top covered by a heavy stone experiments, instead of for the Elders of the Principality
lid. Strange symbols decorate each urn, unreadable runes that as was originally intended. When the PCs push open the
seem to vibrate if you look at them too long. A faint metallic doors or enter via the secret passage from the west, read:
tinge hangs in the air.
The domed chamber features a concave floor with rivulets
carved into the stone that lead to a central drain. Eight tall
metal cylinders, about the height and circumference of a large
man, hang on chains suspended from the domed ceiling.
Space remains between the bottom of each cylinder
and the highest point of the curved floor, where the
carved channels begin. Blood drips from holes in
each cylinder’s base, pooling beneath it before
flowing down the rivulets and into the central
drain. A clockwork automaton moves from one
cylinder to the next, prodding each with a long
wooden pole so that it swings upon its chain.
In order to extract every drop of blood from the donors,
Sister Alkava constructed these exsanguination cylinders.
The eight cylinders each contain one of the young men
and women who came to the Blood Vaults as part of the
second call for a tribute of blood donors. The clockwork
fellforged (Tome of Beasts, page 182) prods and swings
the cylinders to ensure every drop of blood falls into
the collection rivulets in the floor. A DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check lets a PC hear the muffled, fearful
whimpers of pain emanating out of a swinging cylinder.
When the PCs arrive, three of the donors have already
succumbed to the blood-letting and have died, but if the
PCs hurry they can still save the remaining five.
To rescue a donor, a PC must move next to a cylinder
and use an action to open the hinged door and set the
victim free. By the time the PCs reach them, rescued
donors are unconscious from the loss of a lot of blood.
Once freed, a donor must be stabilized or healed within 3
rounds or he or she succumbs to the wounds caused by the
exsanguination cylinder.
Any donors still inside the cylinders 3 rounds after the
PCs entered the chamber must make a death saving throw
at the start of every subsequent round. They have each
already failed one save so far. On a third failed save, a
trapped donor dies.
When a metal cylinder is opened, a PC can
see that the interior features hundreds of short,
razor‑sharp spikes designed to pierce the surface of
the flesh and allow blood to freely flow. Holes in the floor
of the cylinder give the blood a way to escape and drip into
the collection rivulets carved into the floor of the chamber. to the fellforged. It only wants to protect the blood
Necromantic spells cast upon the drain sends the donors until every drop of blood has been fed to the Blood
collected blood directly to the Blood Cauldrons in area Cauldrons in the next chamber.
6. If characters spend a moment to watch the blood flow Rescuing Blood Donors. For every blood donor the PCs
into the drain, they see the blood swirl, fill the drain, and save, including those kept in the donor pens, the PCs gain
simply disappear. 100 XP. No extra experience is awarded for donors who
Defenders. A fellforged, a clockwork construct die, either from exsanguination or by some other means.
given sentience by a captured wraith, tends to the
exsanguination cylinders for Sister Alkava. It ignores the 6: BLOOD CAULDRON SEPULCHER
PCs until they either attack the fellforged or try to free The massive chamber in the northern section of the Blood
one of the donors from a cylinder. When either of these Vaults is the Blood Cauldron Sepulcher. When the PCs
conditions is met, the fellforged attacks. approach the doors to the sepulcher, read:
At the beginning of the next round after combat begins, The carved stone doors show an image of Marena the Red
a vampire spawn loyal to Sister Alkava rushes into the Goddess in all her power and glory, providing the blood that
chamber through the northern doors to help defend the sustains the undead and keeps the realm safe. She stands amid
exsanguination cylinders. It doesn’t care what happens huge stone cauldrons that overflow with precious blood.
When the PCs open the stone doors, or when they alternatively use a bonus action to activate the skeletons
approach the sepulcher from the passages to the east or (two at a time) if the PCs didn’t step into the lower level.
west, read: Sister Alkava. Sister Alkava is a priestess of the Red
The massive chamber is divided into three distinct areas. A grim Goddess and a necromancer of skill and power. Once
entryway fills the southern portion of the chamber. Bas reliefs of completely loyal to the Elders of the Principality, her
skeletal forms jut from the walls and reach down from the ceiling, experiments with preserving and empowering blood have
while the floor itself appears to be made of a carpet of bones. made her hungry for even more power and glory. She hopes
Stairs rise out of the bones to the central area. to achieve a level of power that will either make the Elders
The central area contains four large stone blood cauldrons. offer her a place of prestige in the Principality or force them
Blood bubbles and undulates in the cauldrons as magical energy to leave her alone. Regardless, there’s no way she’s going to
sparks along the rune carved floor. let a group of foolish adventures interfere with her plans.
A cross-shaped dais in the center of the northern wall features The entire sepulcher has been designed to augment
a magnificent and terrifying statue of the Red Goddess. And and enhance Sister Alkava’s power. She continues to pray
kneeling before the statue, her head bowed in prayer, is a priestess before the statue of the Red Goddess until one or more of
in blood-stained robes—Sister Alkava. the PCs enters the central portion of the sepulcher. Then
The climactic battle in the sepulcher can be complex due she rises and turns to face them. She never addresses the
to everything happening in this chamber. The action is PCs directly. Instead, she carries on a conversation with
divided between the three key threats here: 8 skeletons, the Red Goddess, a one-sided monologue in which she
wights, and Sister Alkava (use the Emerald Order Cult comments on the actions of the PCs, describes her own
Leader from Tome of Beasts, page 421) role in the events, and otherwise prays for guidance and
support. Here are some samples of what she might say:
Skeletons. When the PCs step onto the bone-covered
lower level of the sepulcher, Sister Alkava’s first layer of “Look how they storm about our holy sepulcher, Red Goddess.”
defense springs into action. (The skeletons don’t activate “Red Goddess, grant me your blood and your power!”
if the PCs arrive at area 6 by way of the east or west
passages.) Read: “That one insults you, Holy Mother. Let me smite him for you.”

The bone covered floor shifts and rumbles. Suddenly bones rise up “I think that one would be perfect as a meal for my blood
and fly together, assembling to form eight distinct skeletons. The elemental.”
skeletons turn empty eye sockets toward you and rush to attack. “Their blood is not worthy to fill these cauldrons, Crimson
The skeletons attack the intruders as Sister Alkava Mother.”
continues to pray at the statue of the Red Goddess. If The Blood Cauldrons have been necromantically
the PCs remain in the lower level, they can deal with the enchanted to increase Sister Alkava’s power. Each Blood
skeletons without any other interference. But if any of the Cauldron provides Sister Alkava with the following
PCs step into the central portion of the sepulcher, the next benefits: +1 AC bonus, 25 temporary hit points, and 1 extra
layer of defense is activated. action each round. So, while all four cauldrons are active,
Wights. When any of the PCs enter the central region of Sister Alkava has a +4 bonus to AC, 100 temporary hit
the sepulcher, read: points, and 4 extra actions every round. (Damage always
targets temporary hit points first, if they are available).
The churning blood in the nearest stone cauldron bubbles over Sister Alkava acts normally on an initiative count of 13.
and a head rises out of the crimson depths. Blood flows down its She can use her extra actions on initiative counts 20, 15,
face and neck as dead eyes open wide. The rest of the body emerges 10, and 5.
as blood continues to run down its arms and chest. Then the When the Red Sister uses an extra action, crimson
wight opens its mouth and screams. energy rises out of one of the cauldrons and flows into her.
The first round in which any of the PCs enter the She then releases that energy as either an extra move or
sepulcher’s center region, the wight inside the nearest attack action.
cauldron emerges. It screams a terrible, mournful wail, Destroying the Blood Cauldrons. If the PCs realize that
an indication that it realizes the fate that has befallen it. the priestess draws power from the Blood Cauldrons,
These four wights were created from the bodies of some they can deny her some of that power by destroying the
of the villagers who arrived as part of the first tribute, used enchanted vessels.
to power the Blood Cauldrons and prepared in case Sister Each Blood Cauldron has AC 10 and 20 hit points. When
Alkava needed undead defenders. It shambles toward the a cauldron is destroyed, Sister Alkava loses one point of
nearest PC and attacks. bonus AC, 25 temporary hit points, and 1 extra action
In subsequent rounds, Sister Alkava uses a bonus action (starting with initiative count 20, then 15, then 10, and
each round to call forth another wight. She does this each finally 5). If all the cauldrons are destroyed, she loses all the
round until all four wights have come into play. She can associated bonuses and benefits.
What happens next depends on the relationship the PCs
After defeating Sister Alkava and her minions, the PCs
have with either the Red Goddess or the Elders of the
should return to the village and claim their reward. The
Principality. Do they destroy the Blood Vaults? Do they try
village elders remain true to their word. They hand over the
to restore the site to gain favor with the priesthood? Or do
coffer filled with gems totaling 2,000 gp if the PCs bring
they report Sister Alkava’s activities to the Shroud-eaters
back proof that Sister Alkava has been defeated, news
in hopes of earning an additional reward from the ruling
regarding the fate of the village’s young men and women,
class of vampires?
or if they return any of the rescued donors safely back to
the village. The more victims from the second tribute they
were able to save, the more grateful the elders are toward
the PCs. In addition, the PCs receive 100 bonus XP for
each villager rescued from the Blood Vaults.

Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth
An adventure for five 6th-level characters set in the Western Wastes
by James J. Haeck

Qorgeth’s fanatical undead followers await a messenger A number of parties with divergent goals occupy the
from their dark master. They whisper blasphemous shrine's chambers, all presenting their own challenges to
prayers at blood-drenched altars in total darkness, their the PCs.
profane chants calling Qorgeth’s demonic emissary to the
mortal world. The unspeakable evil that now threatens Wormhearts
Midgard’s Western Wastes was awoken by the well- Qorgeth’s most devoted servants, the Wormhearts,
intentioned mistakes of a man named Petring, a loving long to hear what they call "The Utterance of Certain
father who was seduced by Qorgeth’s lies. It falls to a Decay," a word of power sacred to the Writhing Prince.
party of PCs to undo his cataclysmic mistakes and protect The malakbel demon they are summoning will deliver
Midgard from the coming of a demon prince. it unto them. The wormhearted suffragans animated by
Petring’s misguided rituals singlemindedly pursue the
task at hand: summoning the malakbel or killing their
SUMMARY enemies, in order of immediate importance. If Qorgeth’s
This dungeon can be used to conclude the adventure minions claimed any of the artifacts in the Crypt of
began in the Pit of the Dust Goblins and continued in the Green Shadows, they are used against the PCs by the
Crypt of Green Shadows, or as a standalone adventure. This wormhearted suffragans in Area 8.
adventure is most cohesive if the PCs are familiar with the Prisoners
children Rennie and Linde from the Pit of the Dust Goblins
A number of prisoners—living, dead, and undead—are
adventure and have heard of Petring, their father.
being held as sacrifices for the Wormhearts’ summoning
Petring was once a butler who served the lord and lady ritual. As a demon lord, Qorgeth demands living
of Feycircle, but withdrew from service when he began sacrifices, but as Prince of Decay, he also hungers for dead
experiencing apocalyptic dreams; every night he saw Anax flesh. The zombified corpses of the living suit his needs
Apogeion, one of the Great Old Ones that menace the well. Those prisoners who have not yet been ceremonially
Western Wastes, swallow up his little town. He prayed to prepared and slaughtered are too weak to escape on
every god he could think of, but only Qorgeth responded. their own, but can reward the PCs if they are saved and
The demon lord manipulated Petring into corrupting the returned home (see Area 4).
corpses of Feycircle’s ancient dead into his own undead
servants. When Petring began to resist, the undead Petring and his Children
Wormhearts subdued him, his usefulness outlived, and Petring has a special role in the Wormhearts’ ritual:
continued their profane quest to summon the malakbel, bait. Qorgeth’s minions have been commanded to lure
a demonic messenger said to spread the corrupting word his innocent children and their heroic protectors to the
of Qorgeth until such time as the lord of worms can be ritual as grand sacrifices. Petring is a captive and longs for
summoned himself. freedom, but is tormented by guilt for what he’s done. If
sufficiently motivated (see Area 1), he joins the PCs and
MONSTERS helps thwart the Wormhearts’ profane scheme. Rennie is
Some of Qorgeth’s undead followers use NPC statblocks; a precocious six-year-old and is full of childish bravado,
these creatures also have the following traits: though it crumbles to panic at the first sight of danger.
• Their type is changed to Undead. Ten-year-old Linde is a well of quiet determination, and
• Their Armor Class is reduced by 2 and they gain her courage can grant inspiration to one PC when they
vulnerability to radiant damage. need it most. All three are human commoners.
• They gain the Undead Fortitude trait, as a zombie.
• Their attacks deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage.

ADVENTURE HOOKS • He is a prisoner of the undead priests that Qorgeth
used him to create. They are conducting some damn
As your players’ GM, you know best how to involve the awful magic in the tunnels, and he doesn’t know why
PCs in this adventure. The following adventure hooks are he’s kept out here.
provided to inspire and assist you. • The Wormhearts keep talking about some “Uttering of
• A Missing Father. Following the adventure in the Sudden Doom” or something, and said that they want
Crypt of Green Shadows, the PCs learn that Rennie and a demon to tell it to them.
Linde’s father created a secret passage leading to a • Other prisoners are being kept in the tunnels
shrine beneath the crypt. Only their swift intervention somewhere. Some are alive, others are undead.
can save him.
• End of Act I. A demon-summoning ritual is the 2. MOUTH OF QORGETH
perfect capstone for the lower levels of a long-term Inside the worm’s mouth are two earthen tunnels; the eastern
campaign. If the campaign isn’t Qorgeth-focused, is sealed by a stone door and the western is blocked by a wall of
the Wormhearts may be the militant religious arm of stinking flesh. Flies buzz throughout this chamber.
an evil empire or the secret heart of the corruption
infesting a church of purity and light. Both tunnels lead to the Heart of Qorgeth, but only
the western path is currently used by the Wormhearts.
Unless otherwise noted, all areas in this dungeon are
Petring has been dragged through both tunnels countless
devoid of light. The descriptive text in this adventure
times, and knows that prisoners are being held in the
assumes that the PCs have darkvision or a light source.
west, but doesn’t know why the undead priests don’t use
The PCs descend two flights of crude earthen steps the eastern passage anymore. He also knows that the
leading to a cramped passageway, clearly only designed for Wormhearts always say a certain phrase before opening
one person’s use. Immediately before them is a room lit by doors in this place. He can’t remember it very well: “Vosh
flickering torchlight. tilloobum Qorgeth dar.” A successful DC 14 Intelligence
check reveals that he is trying to speak the Abyssal phrase
“Qorgeth’s messenger will come,” correctly “Va’ash
At the base of the stairs is a tiny chamber dug out from the tar’rupan Qorgeth ta.” This phrase protects the speaker
surrounding earth. Looming in the center of the wall opposite against the infestation trap on the walls of flesh along the
you is a stone carving of a massive worm’s toothy mouth. western path.
Through the mouth is a dark tunnel, and in front of it is a stone Eastern Door. The eastern path was locked down when
altar. A motionless man is shackled to the slab. His fine silken the furious earth elementals rose from the soil and killed
clothes are spattered with blood and muck. Two torches flicker a Wormheart, setting its many undead thralls free. The
dimly on either side of the altar. iron door to this tunnel bears an ominous circle of Abyssal
The man shackled to the slab is Petring, and this shrine sigils, surrounding what looks like a handprint of dried
is of his own creation. The caverns just behind the gaping blood. It is also locked, requiring a DC 15 Dexterity
maw were entirely created by the undead created through (thieves’ tools) check to unlock.
his rituals. He is unconscious, but stable at 0 hit points. Inflict Wounds Trap. The eastern door bears a deactivated
If revived, Petring awakens in a state of panic, but he is trap. A successful DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check
calmed by a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check or the puzzles out that a character can reactivate the trap by
sight of his children. Unshackling him requires a DC 15 either casting inflict wounds on the door or by self-inflicting
Dexterity (thieves’ tools) check or a DC 18 Strength check. 5 damage and placing a bloody handprint within the ring.
The Children. Rennie and Linde love their father dearly When this inflict wounds trap is active, the next creature to
and are terrified by what has happened to him. They beg touch the door instantly takes 3d10 necrotic damage. After
recalcitrant PCs to forgive him and refuse to leave his side. being triggered, the trap becomes inert until recharged by
If the PCs wish to bring Petring into the dungeon with blood or magic.
them, Rennie’s eagerness may prove dangerous, though
Western Door. The western path is blocked by a wall of
Linde’s resolve can grant inspiration to a character once
rotting flesh. Tiny, grotesque helminth worms audibly pop
per day.
through its flesh as they writhe through it. A door is visibly
What Petring Knows carved from the wall, with a handle of bone protruding
from the flesh. The door is unlocked and can be opened,
• He built this small shrine because for weeks he received but the opener may be victim to its Infestation Trap.
apocalyptic dream-visions. The Great Old Ones
converged on Feycircle and destroyed everything and Infestation Trap. Parasitic helminth worms, like those
everyone. He gave in and created this shrine, which that live within the wormhearted suffragans’ flesh, have
was shown to him in a dream. The tunnels through the infested this wall of flesh. A creature that touches the flesh
worm’s mouth aren’t his creation at all. or attacks it without first speaking the word of power must
make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
they are infested by parasites. An afflicted creature can’t
regain hit points and its hit point maximum decreases by
10 (3d6) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the affliction
reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the victim
dies. The affliction lasts until removed by any magic that
cures disease.

The walls and floor here smell rank, like a decaying corpse,
and the ground squelches beneath your feet—and you realize
that this chamber isn’t made of stone at all. All around you
is a cavern of rotten flesh, and four humanoid corpses
partially protrude from the walls and ceiling.
If living creatures enter this room without
a wormhearted suffragan for an escort, a
group of four undead thugs drop from the
ceiling as a single wight pulls itself out of a squishy
orifice on the floor.
Walls of Flesh. The northern door of this chamber
is crawling with helminths and has an Infestation
Trap identical to the one in Area 2. Touching the
walls, ceiling, and floor of this chamber is viscerally
disgusting, but not actually harmful.
Secret. The lifeless head of a giant worm
protrudes through the northern wall, its jaw
clenched tight like an iron vise. A successful
DC 20 Strength check is required to force
its jaws open. The decaying worm “tunnel”
leads to the cells in Area 4, allowing
sneaky creatures to ambush the undead
guards there.

Massive, yellow-white ribs grow from
the floor and pierce the walls, creating
three separate cages. All are filled with
bodies, and you can see movement in one,
hear breathing from another, and see only
motionless bodies in yet another. Three
figures in full armor with ghastly white skin stand
guard between the doors in the north and south.
A trio of wights protect the Wormhearts’ future sacrifices
from living intruders. They were once mortal worshipers has no concept of subtlety or a “stealthy escape.” Her
of Qorgeth trapped in undeath by some damning bargain, fellow prisoner is the last human captive from Feycircle,
and exist solely to drain souls from their living foes a grizzled hunter named Klegg who accepts rescue
and transform them into undead abominations, just as but tries to secretly kill Petring with a hidden knife for
Qorgeth did to them. They do not immediately notice bringing this calamity upon his town. The final prisoner
intruders from the secret passage in Area 3, but prolonged is Nevamira, an elfmarked adventurer from Dornig. She
noise, even whispers, draws their attention. was staying in Feycircle to investigate the Crypt of Green
Shadows when the blight hit.
Cages. The northwest cage is filled with corpses.
The northeast cage holds five placid zombies. The Walls of Flesh. This chamber is made entirely of flesh
southernmost cage is filled with three living creatures. and smells of vomit and acid, as if the stone itself was
The first is a dust goblin raider named Wristsnapper, who transmuted into a giant digestive organ. The walls drip
with corrosive ooze that deals 1d10 acid damage to anyone 7. GARDEN OF HANDS
who touches it, and the helminth-infested door is identical
to the Infestation Trap in Area 2. Dozens of skeletal hands protrude from the dirt floor of this
cavern, grasping and reaching as if for something just out
5. SHATTERED RIB OF QORGETH of sight. Some have their bony fists clasped tight around the
motionless bodies of worms as long as your arm. There is a stone
The fleshy walls of this room ooze black, metallic-smelling ichor. door to the north.
A giant curved bone the color of spoiled milk has been turned
into an altar in the north of the room. You can hear the shuffling Each 5-foot square in this room is filled with undead
of multiple creatures coming from the tunnel to the north. hands; a space filled with hands is difficult terrain.
Whenever a creature enters or examines a new space, roll
Upon examining the altar: 1d6 + 2 to determine the number of hands. The hands
This altar is caked with dry blood and covered with torn toenails, make a grapple attempt whenever a creature enters their
atop which rests a small clay bowl of squirming helminth larvae. space, gaining a +1 bonus on its check for each hand in
the space. If the hands successfully grapple a creature, it is
If the PCs enter from the south, two wormhearted
knocked prone and takes 2 slashing damage for each hand
suffragans, (Tome of Beasts, page 410) arrive from the
in its space at the beginning of its turn.
northern passage, each dragging two corpses. They hiss
A space can be cleansed of hands by dealing 20 damage.
when they see the characters and one spends its first action
The hands are vulnerable to fire damage and immune to
to cast animate dead to turn the corpses into zombies, while
necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. A space cleared of
the other begins by casting hold person on the best-armored
hands is no longer difficult terrain, but new hands sprout
PC. On subsequent rounds, one wades into combat
out of the soil 2 round later.
while the other casts spells. The undead minions use the
Help action whenever possible to grant the suffragans Trapped Door. The northern door of this chamber is
advantage on its helminth infestation attacks. made of thick stone and bears a circle of Abyssal sigils and
If subdued, the Wormhearts mechanically repeat, an uncharged Inflict Wounds Trap just like the door in Area 2.
“We await the messenger of the Devourer. We await the
Utterance of Certain Decay.” 8. HEART OF QORGETH
The walls of the tunnel fade from dull grey and black to bright,
6. PIT OF CORRUPTED EARTH bloody crimson. The walls pulsate, and the bass notes of a
This wide, stone chamber suddenly drops off into a pit of dark thunderous heartbeat rumble through the cavern. Soon, the
soil. The movement in the pit is subtle, but you can see three large sound is all around you. The tunnel curves and you emerge into
mounds of earth churning through the pit with the speed and the atrium of a massive, beating heart. At the far end of the
energy of swarming hornets. chamber swirls a vortex of color, sickly green morphing into puce
and then gangrenous black and yellow. A pile of bodies
Unlike the rooms in the western passage, Areas 6 and 7
Four wormhearted cultists of Qorgeth stand in small ventricles
are made of stone and dirt, not rotting flesh and bone. The
on the sides of the chamber, their heads lowered and chanting
pit is 20 feet deep, with no obvious way in or out. Dozens
demonic verses. Each one is surrounded by a half-dozen corpses,
of corpses were tossed into this pit for later use before this
already sacrificed. In the center of the atrium is the undead priest
passage was sealed. The three mounds of dirt that move
leading the incantation. Beside it is a coiled purple worm.
slowly within the pit are earth elementals that have been
driven mad by the corruption in these caverns, and bits The Wormhearts’ ritual need only continue for 30 more
of rotting human limbs protrude out of them. When an seconds before the portal at the far end of the room
elemental is killed, the two zombies inside it emerge and stabilizes, allowing the malakbel demon (Tome of Beasts,
attack the nearest living creature. page 78) to emerge. The ritual can only be stopped by
Trapped Door. The northern door of this chamber is killing or otherwise incapacitating all three wormhearted
made of thick stone and bears a circle of Abyssal sigils and suffragans (the ritual leader and the cultists in the
an uncharged Inflict Wounds Trap just like the door in Area southernmost chambers) and both undead cult fanatics
2. (in the northern chambers). The young purple worm (use
giant constrictor snake statistics) protects its master, but
Secret. A character who makes a successful DC 20 is not important to the ritual.
Wisdom (Perception) check on the raised lip around the If the ritual is halted, Qorgeth’s power instantly begins
pit notices a dimly shining hunk of onyx protruding from to collapse. Any remaining undead disintegrate and
the north wall. A DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the fleshy, necrotic walls of Areas 3, 4, 5, and 8 wither
that it is a receptacle for necrotic energy. When the gem away to nothing, causing these rooms to collapse after
takes at least 10 necrotic damage, it slides into the wall and 1d6 rounds, dealing 10d6 bludgeoning damage to any
creates a tunnel leading north into Area 7. The stone has 50 creatures within them.
hit points.
If the ritual is completed, the malakbel tears through CONTINUING THE ADVENTURE
the portal in a burst of radiant, black flame. The malakbel The worms and their masters are gone from Feycircle,
delivers a message to the cultists when it appears—the the dead are at peace, and life is returning through the
Utterance of Certain Decay. purified fairy ring. Rebuilding Feycircle may still require
“The Writhing Prince, Lord of Decay, Devourer of All Things, adventuring into the blighted Wastes. The prisoners from
will be reborn into the world of the living on the night when Qorgeth’s shrine could all use assistance getting back
a consul of the Free City devours the heart of her rival. This home, and are fairly wealthy; managing the personalities
knowledge is now known, and you have served your purpose, of sarcastic Wristsnapper and aristocratic Nevamira is an
loyal servants. Embrace your reward.” adventure of its own.
After delivering the Utterance, the malakbel attacks the
undead servants of Qorgeth, granting them the decay
they sought to bring to the world. Its Abyssal radiance
probably makes short work of the Wormhearts,
after which it turns its attention to
the PCs. Depending on the size and
strength of the party, they may be able
to overcome it, at which point the
Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth begins
to crumble as if the ritual had been
halted. If they flee from the malakbel,
it allows them to escape, preferring to
see them sow fear and chaos by spreading
rumors of Qorgeth’s return.

The Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth is
the jumping-off point for a longer,
Qorgeth-themed campaign. GMs
looking to use it as a standalone
adventure or a conclusion to a trilogy
of short adventures can exclude this
new plot hook; instead, the Wormhearts
intended to summon Qorgeth himself,
but underestimated their power, and
summoned a malakbel that sought only to
destroy them.
Petring and his children can be
returned to their wife and mother
in the refugee camp, reuniting the
family. If the PCs deem Petring worthy
of punishment, it is their duty alone; none
else know of his transgressions. The undead
minions of decay had no use for wealth, but
the villagers pooled together what money they
had left to give the PCs a reward of 500 gold in
mixed coinage and family heirlooms.

The Leystone of the Indigo Star
An adventure for five 7th-level characters on the edge of the Western Wastes
and the Magocracy of Bemmea by Mike Shea

GM INTRODUCTION eradicated centuries ago in the fall of Vael Turog. The

magocracy arrested Askalan and interrogated him.
The interrogation of the rogue wizard, Askalan, by the Though they learned of the existence of the empowered
magocracy of Bemmea exposed his creation of unstable Leystone, Askalan died from the very arcane plague he
magical artifacts built in a ruined ley-line conduit. This brought back to life.
Leystone, built by the mages of Vael Turog, had been Now the magocracy has hired a band of adventurers to
dormant for centuries until Askalan discovered a way to locate the Leystone and return the source of its power to
power it. Now, after his untimely death, the Leystone's Bemmea.
unstable power continues to grow at the edge of the
Western Wastes. The magocracy hires the characters to
find the awakened Leystone, uncover the mystery of this ADVENTURE SUMMARY
growing power, and return the source of the power to The adventure begins when Finnius Kalarex, agent of the
Bemmea for study. Magocracy of Bemmea, meets the characters in one of the
Please note, it is highly recommended that the city's glass gardens. Finnius wishes to hire the characters
adventurers include at least one spellcaster trained in to locate the ruins discovered by Askalan. The magocracy
Arcana. wishes to disable the Leystone before its power grows too
great to control and learn what they can from the source
of that power.
BACKGROUND In order to locate the Leystone, Finnius gives the
Askalan Graydust wasn't much of a wizard. Ignored by characters a ley line-sensitive chime and the use of a
his superiors in the magocracy of Bemmea, Askalan had teleportation circle to take them closer to the edge of the
been sent on missions of little import and long travel for Western Wastes. Before they use the teleportation circle,
two decades. Upon one of his journeys to the edge of the a band of fanatics from the Sons of Vael Turog attack the
Western Wastes, Askalan witnessed a miracle. A star fell characters in the hopes of stealing the chime and taking
from the sky, burning violet across the black night. At the possession of the Leystone themselves.
crash site he found a being who looked like a newborn Once they have defeated the fanatics, the characters
baby, though its strange, semi-translucent skin revealed a travel into the Western Wastes and to the Leystone. Within
network of glowing, dark purple energy. Even the baby's the ruins, the characters must bypass the Leystone's
eyes burned with violet light. He called the child the protections and defeat those creatures who still reside
"Indigo Star." there. During their exploration, they learn of Askalan's
Slipping away from the magocracy of Bemmea, Askalan research into the Indigo Star. Near the end of their
raised the child and studied it's strange origin. Three years journey, the characters must choose what to do with the
after finding it, he found the key he needed to unlock the Star before facing the Leystone's final threat, a void dragon
Indigo Star's incredible power. Buried within the sands of named Ixaranum. With that foe defeated, the characters
the Western Wastes on the northwestern edge of the Field return to Bemmea and face the results of their choice.
of Doors, Askalan found the remains of a ley-line conduit
built over a thousand years ago by the mages of Vael Turog.
For two years Askalan restored the Leystone, learning its ADVENTURE HOOKS
secrets and rebuilding its arcane conduits. Two years later,
he placed the Indigo Star within its heart. The conduit Characters can get involved in this adventure in many
flared to life, drawing energy from the ley lines that had different ways. The following three hooks give examples
long lay dead within the sands of the Western Wastes. of story threads that might draw the characters in.
Tailor these hooks to suit the origins and drives of the
Askalan used the power of the Leystone to forge magical
characters, or develop your own adventure hook based on
artifacts well beyond his skill. Returning regularly to
their backgrounds and the history of the Leystone.
Bemmea, he sold these items to unsuspecting wizards.
Now these wizards have begun to die, their arcane Premonitions of a Growing Power. One of the
energy devouring their bodies in a plague once thought characters becomes overtaken with premonitions of a
terrible growing power within the Western Wastes. They he forged these items, a ruined Leystone at the edge of the Western
see a black spire piercing up from the earth and hear the Wastes. Before they could draw the location from him, Askalan's
sounds of screaming echoing in their minds. They learn cursed body broke apart, consumed by the arcane plague he
that Finnius Kalarex of the Magocracy of Bemmea might carried within him. The dangerous power of the Leystone, the
have answers to their premonitions. mages discovered, continues to grow there after his death.
A Favor for the Magocracy. Characters with ties to the Finnius asks the characters to find the Leystone and
Magocracy of Bemmea receive a summons from Finnius disable the power growing within it. If they agree to help,
Kalarex. Finnius asks to meet the characters at the Twilight Finnius will give the characters a small chime capable of
Gardens of the Academie Arcane in the city of Bemmea. guiding the characters to the Leystone. The chime is an
The Dark History of Vael Turog. Characters discover the item of delicacy and secrecy, he explains, and must be
dark history of Vael Turog, the fallen city of mages before protected.
the Great Mage War and their experiments twisting the Askalan will also provide the use of a teleportation circle
ley lines. Their research catches the eye of the Magocracy departing from a small observatory outside Bemmea
of Bemmea which summons them to aid in a mission of that leads to a group of standing stones at the edge of the
mutual interest. Western Wastes.
For their services, Askalan will reward the characters
with one of three wands (lightning, fireballs, or binding)
PART 1: A REQUEST FROM and a choice of three spell scrolls containing wizard spells
THE BEMMEAN MAGOCRACY up to level 4 along with gemstones worth a total of 2,000
gold pieces when they return.
Whichever hook draws them to Bemmea, the characters
arrive at the Twilight Gardens of the Academie Arcana. THE SONS OF VAEL TUROG
When the characters arrive, read or summarize the As they make their way out of Bemmea to the observatory,
following: the characters are tracked by a spy of the Sons of Vael
Beautiful trees sculpted out of violet glass and deep red crystal Turog named Sareth. It is possible that a character spots
line the twisting path of the Twilight Gardens. As the path the spy with a Wisdom (Perception) check versus the spy's
turns, you see the huge statue of a serpentine monstrosity formed Dexterity (Stealth) check. If the characters notice her and
from shining red and black crystals. track her without being seen, they arrive at a fountain in a
"You like our andrenjinyi?" asks a voice from behind you. You plaza. The Sons of Vael Turog have bribed the local guards
turn to see a middle-aged man with short, receding hair, dressed to leave the plaza alone and plan an ambush there. Should
in loose trousers and the silver-embroidered blue silk jacket that the characters see the spy, they have a chance at scouting
marks him as a ranking member of the Bemmean magocracy. out the ambush before it happens. Two mages stand
"You can't imagine the cost of imprisoning a beast like that." The on nearby rooftops, one on each side of the plaza. Two
crystal eyes of the serpent blaze with red light. "Oh, she likes you! additional spies lurk in the alleyways of the plaza.
I am Finnius Kalarex and I thank you for meeting with me." If the characters do not notice the spy or lose her as they
try to track her, they find themselves ambushed as they
Finnius Kalarex takes the characters to a gazebo
enter the plaza. The mages hurl fireballs and magic missiles at
within the gardens where servants bring fine wine and
the characters while the spies try to attack spellcasters in
aged cheese over fresh bread. Finnius makes small talk
the party.
as they eat, asking them how they like Bemmea and of
The fountain itself is an arcane statue depicting a former
their former adventures before getting to the crux of
leader of the magocracy whose upraised hand spouts
his request. At that point, Finnius relays the following
colored water into the scintillating pool at the fountain's
information to the characters:
base. A large crack at the statue's base leaks arcane
Two weeks ago a low-ranking researcher of the Magocracy of energy. A character within 5 feet of the statue can attempt
Bemmea named Askalan Graydust returned to the city. He was to channel this energy as a bonus action with a DC 14
a poor researcher, often sent on long exploration missions alone. Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, the character
The magocracy never expected much from him. Then suddenly, adds 10 (3d6) force damage to any spell damage they inflict.
this mage began to sell magical artifacts of power well beyond On a failure, the character takes 7 (2d6) force damage.
him. Those who purchased these items began to die, consumed by If the characters successfully interrogate any of these
their own twisted arcane energy. assailants, they learn that the attackers are from the Sons
After one such foul death, Askalan was arrested and of Vael Turog and that they seek the ruined Leystone.
interrogated. His artifacts were examined and while found to Before they can get far into the interrogation, investigators
pose no great danger in and of themselves, it is feared these items of the Magocracy arrive and arrest the assailants with
could bring about the return of the arcane plagues of Vael Turog. plans to perform their own interrogation and suggest that
During his interrogation, Askalan revealed the location where the characters continue on their way.
TELEPORTING TO THE EDGE A trapezoidal entryway blocked by a pair of heavy stone
OF OBLIVION doors stands at the front of the structure. Stone carvings of stern
tiefling faces sit on the surface of each door, their pupil-less eyes
A short time later the characters arrive at the observatory.
staring out over the dead wastelands.
Read or paraphrase the following:
A bronze half-sphere tops a tall stone structure on a hill, its walls Much of the Leystone lies beneath the cracked earth, yet
cracked from centuries of age. A complicated set of tubes and the upper spire and its entryway stand exposed after years
rods made of brass and glass protrude from the top of the bronze of erosion.
sphere. A large door opens at the base of the observatory. "It's A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals that the
about time you arrived," speaks a raspy voice. "I've been waiting air feels much colder as one approaches the doors. A DC
all morning." 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that each door is
infused with a powerful necrotic enchantment requiring
The speaker is a thin man, hunched over, and wearing a some sort of key to pass through safely.
complicated set of lenses and crystals on a network of iron Askalan originally found the key to this door when he
and leather bands around his forehead. He introduces learned about the Leystone itself. Not being particularly
himself impatiently as Glek, observer of the otherworldly. subtle, he buried the key nearby under a stack of flat
He watches for fallen stars though he hasn't seen one for stones. A character can spot this stack of stones with a DC
over five years. Glek takes the characters to a chamber 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. If they investigate, they
within the sprawling observatory wherein lies a stone find a black iron clawed gauntlet with a strange glyph on
teleportation circle. There, speaking a few words of power, the palm. Under the glove is a parchment with the word
Glek opens up a gateway that blows hot wind through the "power" written on it in Infernal and a note in the trade
room and reveals the standing stones at the edge of the tongue that reads, "Find a better hiding spot."
Western Wastes. The door opens for anyone who places their gauntleted
THE WESTERN WASTES hand on the door and speaks the word "power" in Infernal.
Anyone attempting to open the door without wearing
When the characters arrive at the Western Wastes, read or
the glove and speaking the word takes 36 (8d8) necrotic
paraphrase the following:
damage or half damage on a successful DC 15 Constitution
Hot wind and dust howl through a circle of standing stones saving throw. The necrotic energy can be channeled and
looming thirty feet high, their surfaces scoured under the redirected with a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana)
constant assault. Crumbling walls protrude from the cracked check. A failure results in the creature attempting the
earth of the wastes, the last remnants of towns and cities redirection to take damage as though they attempted to
destroyed centuries earlier. The chime in your hand begins to open it without the glove.
hum, revealing the remnants of twisted ley lines now long dead.
The characters can easily use the chime to triangulate the
location of the Leystone. As they travel through the edge When the characters enter, read the following:
of the Western Wastes they might witness many strange Scintillating colors shine against the flat black walls of this
sights including huge shambling forms far off in the hall. The left side of the wall looks as though it has melted. The
distance, or see strange arcane patterns form in the clouds petrified forms of tieflings reach out from the molten stone, their
above. They might stumble upon a storm of fine bone hands clawed and mouths agape in silent agony.
shards, a gravity quake, or a storm that howls and whispers Three large circles have been carved into the floor of the hall,
with the voices of the dead of the Great Mage Wars. each circle containing a strange glyph. The first of these glyphs
As they follow the continued humming of the ley-line glows blue and the second glows violet. The third does not glow
chime, they arrive two days later at the ruined Leystone. and large cracks from the molten walls to the left snake through
it, splitting it into three pieces. A gray liquid seeps out from the
crack. Two doors line the left wall and a third door sits at the far
PART 2: THE LEYSTONE right side of the hall.
OF THE INDIGO STAR Characters who investigate the runes on the floor may
As the characters approach the Leystone, read or make a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success,
paraphrase the following: they are able to feel two distinct forms of energy coming
The dust of cracked mud blows past, revealing a spire of smooth from the glyphs. The blue energy feels like arcane cold
black stone jutting out of the ground ahead. It rises over one energy while the violet rune radiates a strange astral
hundred feet into the air like the tip of a knife. A great flood energy not native to this world.
seems to have carved away the ravine wall, exposing the strange If the characters come within five feet of the dead glyph,
structure which must have been buried in the earth for hundreds the gray fluid coalesces into a gray ooze. This ooze is large
of years. in size, has 100 hit points, and may make four pseudopod
The closest door on the left is protected with a glyph Portions of the chamber were damaged hundreds of
of warding cast by Askalan. A creature can detect the years ago when the entire Leystone was left active for too
glyph with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. If long. It melted the stone and killed many of the tieflings
triggered, the glyph inflicts 27 (6d8) lightning damage who worked within the Leystone. Askalan had to manually
to all creatures within 20 feet of the doorway. Askalan place the spheres in the cauldrons to reduce the speed of
himself placed this glyph here using a password that died the obelisk or it might have destroyed the entire structure.
with him, so the glove will not disarm it. He most recently took them out.
Among the notes are two words written in Infernal. They
2. ASKALAN'S STUDY are "Ignite" and "Infuse" and are used to open the doors in
When the characters enter this room, read or paraphrase areas 4 and 8.
the following: This chamber also contains a copy of a spellbook of
Parchment lay scattered across the floor of this chamber. A Askalan's containing the following spells:
large table sits on the far side of the room, likewise piled with alarm, arcane lock, banishment, chill touch, counterspell, dispel
parchment. An arcane symbol has been drawn onto the floor in magic, firebolt, glyph of warding, mage armor, mage hand, magic
red chalk and a carved statue of a stern female tiefling stands circle, mending, nondetection, planar binding, protection from
on the northern side of the room. A tangle of bedding lies in one energy, shield, stoneskin
corner among piles of candles melted down to pools of wax.
This room, which once served as the quarters for the
commander of the Leystone, had become Askalan's When the characters enter this room, read or summarize
study. Askalan's incomprehensible notes are scattered the following:
everywhere. A mixture of mathematical formulas and A glyphed circle sits on the dark stone floor. Three large stone
arcane scrawlings cover the walls, some rubbed out or blocks cut into angles form a half-circle facing the door. Each of
overwritten. Characters who spend the time to investigate these three blocks contains three brass-lined basins of a strange
Askalan's notes learn the following: metallic liquid. The left-most block is badly cracked and the
About five years ago, Askalan came upon a fallen star liquid within the bowls has a dark tint to it.
from the sky above. It glowed with tremendous power. He
This room served as the primary monitoring room for
took it to his home on the outskirts of Bemmea, where
the Leystone. When unused, all the basins have a still,
he studied it for years, discovering it possessed an alien
reflective, metallic liquid within them. When one stands
in the circle, however, one can call upon the liquid to
Then, two years ago, Askalan found this Leystone of
form images of various rooms in the Leystone. Activating
Vael Turog, lost during the Mage Wars. It once held
the basins requires a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
tremendous power but now lay dormant. After a year of
Failure on this check results in a powerful psychic feedback
studying this structure, Askalan learned how to use the
that inflicts 10 (3d6) damage to the one attempting the
fallen star to act as the stone's power source. He placed the
check and anyone aiding them.
stone in a cell and the Leystone came to life.
On a success, the character performing the check can
Characters may dig deeper into Askalan's notes with
observe six of the nine rooms of the Leystone including
either a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check or a DC
the entryway and chambers 2, 4, 5, 7, and 10. The block
13 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, the character
that controlled the pools to scry upon chambers 8, 9,
who performs the check learns the following additional
and the hallway between them was broken when those
pieces of information. Anyone who attempts this check
rooms were damaged five centuries ago. Any character
and fails takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage as Askalan's
that attempts to activate those pools with an Intelligence
madness tears into their minds.
(Arcana) check automatically fails the check and takes 10
The power cell in which the fallen star now rests sends (3d6) psychic damage.
raw arcane energy into a pair of large brass cauldrons
which mix it with a blue fluid. This fluid is sent into the 4. THE COMPRESSION CHAMBER
central chamber where the fluid's energy causes a huge
When the characters enter this room, read or paraphrase
black obelisk to spin rapidly, drawing nearby dead ley
the following:
lines to the Leystone. This spinning obelisk can use the
Leystone's power to infuse magic into powerful magical A violet glow shines across the black stonework of this chamber.
artifacts, but the energy isn't entirely stable. A pair of vented iron blocks, roughly ten feet on a side, hum and
Spheres of a black, arcane energy-absorbing metal kept shake violently. A pair of glass and twisting metal tubes filled
within a pair of rooms can be placed in the large brass with a deep blue liquid feed into the blocks from the eastern wall.
cauldrons. This draws arcane energy out of the pipelines Another glass tube filled a glowing light blue liquid feeds into the
and slows down the obelisk. north wall. A black iron door with the stern face of a tiefling on
its surface stands on the north side of the chamber.
The large blocks of iron and stone in this chamber serve
to compress the deep blue liquid into a form suitable to
conduct the arcane energy coming out of the cell. The
infused liquid then flows into the arcane dampener in
room 5.
A spark (Tome of Beasts, page 357) has been living
within the iron blocks, feeding off of the arcane
residue that flows into the chamber. When the
characters enter the chamber, the spark will break
away from the blocks and attempt to inhabit an
arcane spell wielder if possible. If unsuccessful, it
attacks with its innate spells.
A DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check exposes
necrotic energy flowing off of the door. The door
can be opened by a creature placing the glove
found outside the Leystone upon it and speaking the
word "Ignite".
Anyone attempting to open the door without using the
glove and speaking the password takes 36 (8d8) necrotic
damage or half damage on a successful DC 15 Constitution
saving throw. The necrotic energy can be channeled and
redirected with a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) 6. THE RUNOFF POOLS
check. A failure results in the creature attempting the When they enter room 6, read or paraphrase the
redirection to take damage as though they attempted to following:
open it without the glove and password. Two large pools of a glowing green liquid sit in the floor of the
chamber illuminating the melted stone around them. One of
5. THE ARCANE DAMPENER these has overflowed and bolts of black lightning arc from the
A pair of doors leads from room 4 to room 5, creating a molten stone on the south wall to the western pool of green
buffer between the two rooms. One door must be closed liquid. Large pipes on the northern wall drip more of the green
before the other one will open. liquid into the pools.
When the characters enter room 5, read or summarize
the following: The green liquid in this chamber is a by-product of the
arcane fluid flowing through the Leystone. It is filtered out
A large brass orb sits atop a black stone platform in the center of by the brass sphere in room 7 and fed through these pipes
this room. Glass tubes filled with a glowing blue liquid run from into the pools.
the sphere to the eastern and southern walls. Another tube filled Any living creature that touches a pool takes 18 (4d8) acid
with a scintillating violet energy flows into the sphere from the damage and 18 (4d8) lightning damage or half damage on a
north wall. successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw.
The top of the sphere appears to be open, and above it hangs a
Arcane instability has created a malevolent pool of the
canister of brass and glass attached to a complicated network of
liquid that forms into a black pudding that glows green
metal supports. A black orb floats in the center of the canister. A
instead of black. When a creature gets within 10 feet of the
panel of glyphed metal sits on the eastern wall.
south-western corner of the room, the pudding animates
The metal panel controls the pillar which can lower the and attacks.
canister into the brass sphere. Someone can control the
panel with a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) check. Failure 7. THE DAMAGED ARCANE DAMPENER
results in the pillar moving haphazardly, dropping in too Unlike the doors leading to room 5, both doors leading to
quickly and emitting a burst of arcane energy into the room 7 have been destroyed. When the characters enter
room. Any creature in the room when this occurs takes 28 room 7, read or summarize the following:
(8d6) lightning damage or half damage on a successful DC The walls of this chamber have been warped beyond any others
14 Dexterity saving throw. in the Leystone. A tarnished bronze sphere sits on a cracked
When the panel drops in, the blue and violet light begins stone pillar in the center of the room. Three glass tubes feed into
to fade and lowers the power being fed to the obelisk in and out of the bronze sphere, one a shining blue feeds into the
room 9. south wall, one a brilliant violet comes in from the west, and
one a dark thick green leading to the east. The top of the bronze
sphere appears open and bolts of energy spontaneously erupt from
the brass sphere arcing into the nearby walls. The wreckage of
twisted brass hangs from the ceiling and a glass canister capped Below the spinning obelisk sits a circular shining metal table
by brass sits on the floor nearby. A sphere of perfect blackness sits on a large circular dais, its edges marked with carefully etched
in the center of the glass canister. glyphs. Two large glass tubes of shining blue liquid feed into the
bottom of the circular dais.
Unlike room 5, this room is badly damaged. The glass
canister must be placed into the brass sphere manually This large obelisk is the primary force that draws ley
while simultaneously disrupting the arcing energy pouring lines to the Leystone. It acts as a conductor for that power
out of the sphere. Doing so requires a DC 14 Strength and channels it into the metal table. Every few minutes a
(Athletics) check by one creature and a DC 14 Intelligence bolt of brilliant violet energy will arc from the bottom tip
(Arcana) check by another. Failure on either of these skill of the obelisk to the top of the table. Anyone who gets in
checks results in a blasting arc of arcane energy. Everyone the way of that arc will take 75 (10d6 + 40) force damage.
within the room takes 28 (8d6) lightning damage or half If this damage reduces the creature to 0 hit points, it is
damage on a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. disintegrated. This damage can be negated with a DC 18
When the canister is placed into the sphere, the violet and Dexterity saving throw.
blue light dims. If both canisters are placed in both spheres A DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that the
in rooms 5 and 7, the energy pouring out of the arcane cell obelisk is spinning too fast to draw any sort of stable
lowers considerably and the obelisk in room 9 begins to magic. In fact, if the power of the Leystone is not reduced
slow down. The cell in room 10 can now be safely opened. within the next few weeks, the obelisk will lose its stability
and explode, destroying the Leystone and everything
When the characters approach this hall, read or The power of the obelisk has drawn a young void dragon
summarize the following: named Ixaranum, who feeds off of the escalating energy
A pair of large doors stand on the western end of this T-shaped of the obelisk. Currently, Ixaranum swirls around the top
hall. A carved tiefling face stares out from each door, one male of the obelisk in a shadowy form. A DC 16 Intelligence
with its mouth open in a silent roar, and one female with eyes (Arcana) check can reveal that the shadow swirling above
of brilliant sapphires. In many places, the smooth stone walls of the obelisk appears to be sentient.
these halls appear melted and almost organic. A single petrified If the characters have successfully removed the Indigo
hand reaches out from the molten stone, its fingers tipped in long Star from the arcane cell in room 10, the dragon drops
claws. The walls and floor of this hall vibrate from some powerful down onto the floor of the chamber and demands they give
but unseen force. the Star over to it. If they agree, it devours the Star, roars
in ecstasy, and returns to its home in the void.
These doors are heavily protected, requiring the glove
If they fight Ixaranum, the dragon begins the battle by
to open as well as the password found in room 2. A DC
breathing out its Stellar Flare breath. If they have brought
14 Intelligence (Arcana) check shows that both doors are
the Indigo Star with them, the Star will stand in the way
heavily protected with abjuration magic. When a living
and absorb the energy of the breath weapon. The characters
creature gets close to the doors, both doors say "speak the
will realize that such an effort will destroy the Star and if
word and enter" in Infernal. If someone attempts to open
they wish, some of the characters can push the Star out of
the doors without speaking the proper word, or they fail
the way and take on the full breath weapon themselves.
on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check to try to bypass the
Otherwise, the Star is destroyed by the attack but absorbs
doors, the male door breathes out a blast of fire while bolts
Ixaranum's breath weapon damage completely.
of lightning arc from the eyes of the female door. Those
within 30 feet of the door take 35 (10d6) fire damage and 10. THE CHAMBER OF THE ARCANE CELL
35 (10d6) lightning damage or half damage on a successful
When the characters enter this room, read or paraphrase
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
the following:
A character wearing the glove found outside of the
Leystone can open the door by placing their hand on the Violet light shines across the black stone of this chamber. A glass-
door and saying the word "Infuse" in Infernal. encased sphere held by a metal scaffold swirls with violet energy.
Large glass tubes filled with the same violet energy emerge from
9. THE CHAMBER OF THE OBELISK the brass enclosure and flow into the walls south and east. A
When the characters enter this room, read or paraphrase large iron vent sits in the center of the floor.
the following: As you stand in front of the orb, the silhouette of a hand presses
up against the inside of the glass, four long fingers reaching out
A powerful wind roars around this vast chamber. The walls of for escape from the torment within.
the chamber angle inward as they soar to the full height of the
Leystone's central spire one hundred feet above. A huge black If the characters have not yet placed the arcane
obelisk floats and spins in the center of the chamber so quickly dampeners into the brass spheres, they can sense that
that its sharp edges blur. A large shadow swirls around the top of tremendous energy still flows out from the sphere and
the obelisk far above. through the tubes. It is painfully clear that any attempt to
break into the sphere will meet with catastrophic results If they bring the Star back out with them to chamber 9,
and destroy the entire complex and anything within it. Ixaranum demands that they let the him devour the Star.
The power feeding out of the cell must be lowered before At the end of the adventure, if the characters treat the
it can be opened. Indigo Star well, it pierces into its own chest and draws
If the arcane dampeners are in place in rooms 5 and 7, forth a glowing violet stone. It then hands this stone to the
the arcane energy isn't nearly as dangerous and the sphere character who best treated it. This stone acts as a luckstone.
can be cracked open. A purple liquid bursts out from the Otherwise the stone is left over after the Star's death.
sphere and flows into the vent on the floor. The Indigo Star
falls to the ground and pushes itself up.
The Indigo Star appears to be a child of five years. Its
head is hairless, its skin pale, and its limbs seem longer This adventure can conclude in a few different ways, all
than they should be. Its eyes shine with violet light. The centering around the choices the characters make in
Indigo Star does not speak any language known to the relation to the Indigo Star. The characters might decide
characters but will follow their instructions. to set the Star free to wander into the Western Wastes, a
The characters have a few potential choices in this choice that likely will not kill the Star but might have other
chamber. They might choose not to crack the sphere at all unseen consequences. They might choose to sacrifice the
and leave the structure as it is. If they do so, the structure Star to Ixaranum. They might choose to destroy the Star
will explode as they make their way back across the themselves, fearing the power it contains. They might
Western Wastes. Instead, they might choose to bring the choose to bring the Star along with them, hiding it from
Indigo Star back to the Magocracy of Bemmea or perhaps the magocracy of Bemmea which can lead to many future
slay the Star here. Slaying the Star causes no catastrophe, adventures. Or they might simply choose to bring the Star
the Star's luminescent blood flows from its body into the back to the magocracy as instructed. None of these choices
vent, forever losing its arcane luster. are wrong and each choice has the potential to lead to
future fantastic adventures.
Palace of the Wind Lords
An adventure for 5 7th-level PCs set in a flying city in the Southlands
by James J. Haeck

An ancient palace constructed by the mighty Wind Lord The flying city currently hosts several different parties, all
Boreas has a new master: the gnoll sorcerous matriarch at odds with one another and possibly the PCs as well.
Odjanbago and her clan—the Archthieves. With the flying
Sky Palace at her command, Odjanbago’s legendary clan Gnoll Archthieves
of thieves and killers have cast a shadow of fear over the Odjanbago, Archthief matriarch, uses the power of her
Southlands’ northwestern desert. All tremble in fear of the captured djinni to slake her thirst for power and stroke
Archthieves, from the jinnborn tribes of the Dominion her massive ego. Her gnolls aid her out of abject fear,
of the Wind Lords to the priests of Bastet in Nuria Natal. not loyalty—though the promise of fabulous wealth also
Even lords of Midgard’s Seven Cities grow uneasy at keeps them in line.
their mention. Whether they hail from the Southlands Leyla
or elsewhere in Midgard, the PCs must shoulder the
Leyla is completely at Odjanbago’s mercy. She has no will
responsibility of ending Odjanbago’s reign of terror.
of her own, but hates the gnolls with every fiber of her
elemental being. Even death would be a welcome escape
SUMMARY from servitude. Djinni are predisposed to twisting the
intentions of their masters’ wishes, but if rescued, Leyla
The Palace of the Wind Lords, also known as the Sky
considers herself honestly bound to anyone who delivers
Palace, was once a retreat for Boreas the North Wind.
her from this torment.
When Boreas betrayed the Wind Lords and departed
for the Northlands, the magic that supported the palace Aechatta
began to fade, and the city that once surrounded the This elemental gearforged was once a free air spirit before
palace has been dashed upon the earth below. When being bound by humans to a physical form. He led a party
Odjanbago and her gnolls discovered the flying fortress, of adventurers in an attack on the Sky Palace about one
only the central palace remained. Odjanbago battled the week ago, but their raid ended disastrously. With his metal
palace’s last owner, a djinni named Leyla, and trapped her body crippled, Aechatta simply wishes to gain the power
within a magic crystal. to emancipate his spirit and return to the Plane of Air.
No matter the PCs’ reasons for entering the Sky Palace,
an army of gnolls, demons, and evil witches stands
between them and victory. ADVENTURE HOOKS
As your players’ GM, you know best how to involve the
MONSTERS PCs in this adventure. The following adventure hooks are
Some of the gnolls use NPC statblocks; these creatures provided to inspire and assist you.
also have the following traits:
• Theft. Baron Raúl Cazagoza of Capleon has been
• Their type is changed to humanoid (gnoll) and they can robbed! The extravagantly wealthy lord of Capleon—
only speak and understand Gnoll. one of Midgard’s Seven Cities—paid handsomely
• They gain the Rampage trait, as a gnoll. for an ivory-white Mharoti camel, believing that the
• They gain darkvision out to 60 feet. beautiful beast possessed magical powers. Not long
• They gain a bite attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage after the money and the camel changed hands, the
plus their Strength modifier. This attack has a +5 bonus Archthieves and the Sky Palace descended upon the
to hit. baron’s caravan and stole his prize. He already sent
a team of mercenaries to reclaim it, but they never
returned. He is willing to pay a king’s ransom to
retrieve the white camel.
• Hunting the North Wind. The ascended Wind Lord
Boreas was exiled from the Dominion of the Wind
Lords and was reborn as a dark god in the northern at half their usual speed, and must make a DC 12 Strength
tundras of Midgard. Adventurers from both Midgard (Athletics) check at the beginning of each of their turns to
and the Southlands have reason to want Boreas’s hang on.
power diminished, as he often visits his ancient home
in the Southlands to wage war against the other Wind 2. CRUMBLING GATE
Lords and their followers. Rumor has it a blade of At the top of the palace’s mooring is an arched gateway tall
the south wind, a weapon fashioned to slay the North enough to accommodate a savannah giraffe with room to spare.
Wind, was locked within the Sky Palace after Boreas Its monumental doors are shut; engraved into their crumbling,
fled the Southlands. cloudy-white stones are hundreds of djinn and winged soldiers,
• Three Wishes? A popular rumor says that the fearsome their scimitars drawn and their faces leering down at you. The
Archthieves have been able to terrorize the Middle lower engravings have been crudely altered to depict cackling,
Sea region with impunity because they have a djinni in hyena-headed gnolls instead.
their service. If the PCs have need of a wish, an ally may
know where they can find one. A character who examines the doors may make a DC 12
Wisdom (Perception) check. On a success, they discover
The PCs approach the palace by its tether, an anchor that the door is very slightly ajar, just enough to fit a
currently weighed atop a sandy bluff overlooking a murky crowbar or another small tool into the gap.
lake. The trek up the hill is simple enough, but the sphere Attempting to force open the massive doors requires 1
of whirling air keeping the Sky Palace aloft creates vicious minute of work and a successful DC 20 Strength check;
sandstorms around its mooring. creatures making the check without a crowbar or similar
Sandstorms. Any outdoor area within a half mile of tool do so with disadvantage. Failure by 5 or more alerts
the palace, including bridges between palace rooms, is the gnoll gatekeepers inside, giving them time to retrieve
scoured by sandstorms. All creatures within a sandstorm the horn of alarum and hide behind the statue of Boreas (see
have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls and Wisdom Area 3).
(Perception) checks. Creatures with a nonmagical fly speed
must land at the end of their turn or fall in a direction of 3. GRAND GATEHOUSE
the GM’s choice. Beyond the Sky Palace’s enormous threshold is a gatehouse
Falling. The Sky Palace is floating 100 feet above a small dominated by the towering statue of a winged old man, his
lake. If a creature falls from the palace, they may make a long hair and shaggy beard blown in all directions by a wild
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to twist towards the lake. A gale. While the gatehouse and its furnishings are made of the
creature who falls in the water takes half the usual falling same cloudy stone as the gates, the statue is carved from solid,
damage. unmelting ice. A cold wind surrounds the statue. There are doors
to the northeast and northwest.
Clearance. Rooms within the Palace of the Wind Lords
are 100 feet tall unless stated otherwise, and the hallways If the PCs infiltrated the palace without alerting the
between rooms are little more than unrailed bridges gnolls within (see Area 2), add the following:
exposed to the elements. Doors are 40 feet tall and 20 feet Four mangy, hyena-headed humanoids bark and cackle at one
wide. Huge-size or smaller creatures must make a DC 15 another, squabbling over a zebra haunch in front of the statue.
Strength check to open or close a door, though all interior On the floor near them is an ivory bugle, forgotten in the scuffle.
doors are left open enough for one Medium creature to
pass through. The palace was clearly constructed for a The four gnolls in the gatehouse have abandoned their
massive being, perhaps Boreas himself. guard duties to fight over rations. Their horn of alarum (see
next page) has been dropped halfway between the base
1. CLIFFSIDE MOORING of the statue and the main gate. The gnolls have a passive
Wisdom (Perception) of 5 for the next 2 rounds while they
You push through the howling sandstorm to the top of a rocky squabble.
bluff. Above you looms the silhouette of a flying palace; a
magnificent ruin of crumbling walls and broken battlements, Alert. If the gnolls discover the PCs, one scraggly whelp
surrounded by a perfect sphere of howling wind. At the top of this remembers his orders and rushes to grab the horn of alarum
cliff is an anchor the size of a bull, linked by a sturdy chain to the and blow it (requiring an action) to alert Odjanbago to the
citadel hovering above you. intrusion. If the matriarch is alerted to the PCs presence,
two invisible stalkers uncoil from the icy statue of
Before the Sky Palace dropped anchor here, this cliff Boreas and wait until the PCs have let their guard down to
overlooked a gentle oasis 50 feet below. Another 50 feet ambush the most vulnerable character.
above the cliff is the palace itself. Creatures cannot easily After the horn is blown, Odjanbago uses scrolls of
fly within the sandstorm that surrounds the palace, but sending to alert the gnolls in Areas 4 and 9, and the sand
may climb the anchor’s chain. A climbing creature moves hag in Area 5 to prepare for intruders.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A cloud of whirling sand engulfs this open courtyard. Through
This ivory horn is decorated with engravings of trumpeting the sandstorm, you catch a glimpse of three tall standing stones
elephants. The horn is designed to be blown by a creature in the southeast. The wind whistles through holes in the stones,
other than the one attuned to it. It produces no sound and they sing a quiet, despairing melody.
when blown, but instantly alerts the attuned creature of
the direction of the creature that blew the horn as long as If the horn was blown:
that creature is on the same plane of existence. You briefly see the delicate figure of a young woman chained
between the standing stones. She turns to face you and you briefly
4. DINING HALL AND THE SHIPWRECK see her tear-streaked face before she is engulfed by the sands.
This chamber is filled with the wreckage of what was once a
If the horn of alarum was not blown:
lavish dining hall. Dishes of all shapes and sizes litter the room—
some human-sized, others the size of humans! The devastation You see a cloaked figure with wispy white hair in the east of
seems to have been caused by the single-masted ship that smashed the room. It turns toward you and you can just barely see its
through the chamber’s walls. The wrecked ship takes up most of withered face before it vanishes into the sandstorm.
the room, and its hull is torn open. The sound of cackling gnolls This aged creature is a vile sand hag (Tome of Beasts,
echoes from inside the ship, and you see a trio of gnolls outside page 245) named Mambinn. If the horn of alarum alerted
the ship, tossing around a metal leg. You can see the sandstorm Odjanbago, then the hag already disguised herself as the
raging outside the smashed walls, but it does not enter inside the djinni Leyla, bound in chains by her wrists and ankles to
palace walls. three standing stones. If not, she assumes her disguise
About a week ago, a wooden ship named the Reddenwick as soon as the sandstorm conceals her, appearing as a
was caught in the Sky Palace’s sphere of wind and plucked beautiful woman with icy blue skin barely visible through
from the Western Ocean. The vessel smashed into the her spiral-patterned headscarf.
walls of the dining hall and is now lodged here with its The open-air garden was once green and filled with tall
belly torn open. Three gnoll berserkers are playing a game cedar trees, sweet myrrh, and flowering saffron. Since
of toss-and-catch with a dismembered gearforged leg Leyla’s capture, it has become a sand-blasted plain of worn
outside the ship. stones and withered plants. The sandstorm here restricts
Inside the Reddenwick are four gnolls, three bandit visibility to 30 feet to creatures without blindsight or
captains led by a musclebound gladiator named truesight in addition to its other effects. In the west of the
Gurzinbago, the Archthieves’ second-in-command and room is Leyla’s boudoir, but a sizeable chasm was created
prideful sister of matriarch Odjanbago. Gurzinbago near the bedroom when the Reddenwick crashed into the
wields a +1 flail. The gnolls are in the main hold of the palace. A creature who unwittingly steps into the chasm
ship, searching through the cargo and filling their pockets must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall 100 feet
with gold taken from the slaughtered crew. Baron Raúl to the water below.
Cazagoza’s stolen white camel is inside this ship (see Mambinn’s Deception. The sand hag Mambinn joined
“Aechatta,” below), and the gnolls are here to return the Archthieves for the chance to spread chaos and
it to Odjanbago. Eight human corpses can be found misery on a massive scale, and her approach to intruders
throughout the ship, plus the legless body of a gearforged is no different. Pretending to be the benevolent Leyla,
named Aechatta. she promises to grant her rescuers three wishes each if
Aechatta. This air elemental gearforged veteran was the they free her from her enchanted chains. She claims the
leader of the first adventuring party hired to reclaim Baron “magical key” is in her boudoir, lying through false tears.
Cazagoza’s prized camel and captain of the Reddenwick. She urges the PCs to watch out for the crevasse between
His legs were torn off by the Archthieves when they her and the bedroom, but uses a “shape earth” spell to
slaughtered his crew, and he has been feigning death ever close it up—in reality a major image designed to look like
since. If the gnolls are killed or otherwise eliminated, he part of the crevasse is closed up.
stops feigning death and tries to get the party to help him: Mambinn’s chains are a major image as well. Trying
he accepted Cazagoza’s offer to rescue the camel for an to break them or unlock them with the key from the
ulterior reason. Aechatta is an elemental gearforged—an boudoir instantly reveals the deception. When found out,
air elemental spirit unwillingly bound to a mechanical Mambinn calls six anubians (Tome of Beasts, page 113)
body. He seeks the djinni Leyla, fabled master of the from the sand while she uses invisibility and flees, hoping
Palace of the Wind Lords, in the hopes she can return his to ambush the PCs in another room of the GM’s choice.
spirit to the Plane of Air. Without his legs, he can do little
to help, but he begs dearly for the PCs’ aid.
Treasure. The gnolls are laden with loot: 150 gp in coins
and semiprecious gems.
6. LEYLA’S BOUDOIR feed on the crystal’s magic. Inside is the hilt of a blade of
The djinni’s boudoir has all the trappings of a lavish the south wind (see below). The crystal weighs 4,000 lbs.,
bedroom, but all the beautiful portraits, quilted has AC 5, 100 hit points, and has immunity to all damage
bedsheets, and silk nightgowns are ragged and torn. except bludgeoning damage from magical attacks.
Despite the squalor, the walls shine with all colors of the Magic Carpets. The three rugs in the southeast of the
rainbow, glinting as the light shifts. A DC 14 Intelligence room seem to be carpets of flying when identified, but are
(Investigation) check on the walls reveals that the mirror- actually rugs of smothering that envelope any would-be fliers.
like walls are actually coated with motionless prismatic
beetles. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a BLADE OF THE SOUTH WIND
silver key hidden stabbed into a shredded portrait of Weapon (greatsword), very rare (requires attunement)
Leyla. Touching the key causes the entire room to explode This silver hilt has no blade, and deals 1d4 bludgeoning
in a flurry of wings and flashing light as four prismatic damage. An attuned wielder can speak the command
beetle swarms surge from the walls to devour the nearest word to summon a greatsword-sized blade of wind. The
living creature. sword has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and is
Treasure. Looting Leyla’s chamber yields four sapphires light enough to be wielded in one hand. The blade can be
each worth 100 gp and one ethereal robe that glows like summoned and dispelled as a bonus action. As an action,
silver, moonlit fog. It is nonmagical, but worth 1,000 gp. you can expand the blade into a gust of wind. You cannot
use this ability again until next dawn.
The still stagnant air here tastes of salt. Even the roaring 9. ARCHTHIEF BARRACKS
wind outside sounds muted and distant. In the northeast is a This barracks is thick with the scent of blood, carrion, and wet
fifty‑foot‑tall ice statue of Boreas, looming imperiously over two fur. Seven hastily-constructed wooden bunks line one of the
dozen perfectly-white petrified worshipers. walls. The floor is strewn with gnawed bones, and a group of
Two salt devils (Tome of Beasts) lurk at the base of the armored gnolls are batting them around like toys.
statue. They are bound to follow Odjanbago’s orders; if the This structure is divided into two rooms—Areas 8 and
horn of alarum was blown previously, the gnoll matriarch 9. If a battle takes place in one room, the occupants of the
ordered these devils to kill all non-gnoll intruders. If the other hear it.
horn was not blown, they cannot attack unless the PCs Twelve gnolls and two gnoll knights make these
strike first. They sarcastically mock the PCs, hoping to barracks their home and are so fearful of their matriarch
goad them into violence. that they never leave unless ordered. At any given time,
Worshipers. At the height of Boreas’s power, he seven are awake and playing, gambling, or fighting. The
commanded a cult of thousands. The two dozen petrified other half are in their bunks and awaken if combat breaks
worshipers here were transformed into pillars of salt, out in Area 8 or 9 or if the horn of alarum was blown within
smote in the midst of prayer by a higher power when the past hour.
Boreas departed for the Northlands. A pillar disintegrates Treasure. Beneath each of the seven bunks is a small
into fine grains when touched and the creature that footlocker containing 3d6 gp and a potion of greater healing.
touched it is cursed by a bestow curse effect of the GM’s
Grand Door. The ornate stone doorway to the throne The distinctive scent of myrrh and patchouli invades your
room (Area 10) can only be opened by a powerful gust of nostrils when you open the door. A single talisman-draped gnoll
wind, such as the gust of wind spell or an attack from the sits cross-legged amidst a heap of swords and daggers, a smoking
blade of the south wind in Area 7. censer in his lap. Around the gnoll stand racks of spears and
blades and suits of metal and hide armor.
This structure is divided into two rooms—Areas 8 and 9.
Your skin tingles with the ineffable sensation of magic. A
If a battle takes place in one room, the occupants of the
twenty‑foot-tall, sky blue crystal hums with energy in the center
other hear it.
of the room, its surface crawling with turquoise insects. In its
This gnoll cult fanatic has an AC of 16, has 66 hit points,
center floats the silver hilt of a sword with no blade. Several
and has an additional +1 bonus to all saving throws. Smoke
bookshelves have been forcefully knocked to the ground and
emanates from his censer of controlling air elementals, which
dozens of books and scrolls are strewn across the sandy floor. Three
has the following additional property:
colorful carpets lay rolled up tightly in the southeast of the room.
If you spend your action concentrating on the censer,
The insects crawling on the storm crystal are three you can animate up to 5 unattended weapons as flying
manabane scarab swarms (Tome of Beasts, page 374) that swords which act on your initiative. If you do not spend
your action concentrating, the weapons fall inert at the initiative count 20, another rotting wind emerges from
end of your turn. the crystal. After the third rotting wind is created, the
Treasure. The gnoll wears +1 studded leather and a ring crystal shatters and Leyla dies. Only touching the crystal—
of protection, and possesses an unconventional censer of becoming its new master—and wishing to save the djinni’s
controlling air elementals. life can save her.


A throne fit for a god towers before you. A mortal-sized staircase If Leyla is saved, she grants the PCs three wishes (total),
leads to the seat of the throne and a smaller throne has been though one wish was already used to save her life. (She
constructed on the seat of the larger. On this throne sits a gnoll apologizes, but “it’s an Unbreakable Law.”) She begs them
of incredible size—nearly ten feet tall—covered in scars, war also to set her free so that she can return the Sky Palace
paint, and ruby beads. In her lap is an orb of sky blue crystal. to its former glory, potentially leaving only a single wish
If the PCs enter without stealth or are detected: left for altruistic PCs. If the PCs spend their last wish
on freeing Aechatta as well, Leyla is stunned by their
The gnoll stands, still holding the crystal orb, and howls with
selflessness and offers to serve them willingly for a year
laughter. “E’ cannit believe yer still alivin’!” she shrieks gleefully.
and a day. Leyla’s power has been diminished by her recent
“Your eyes see Odjanbago, Archthief! Tha master a’ tha djinni’s
brush with death, and must turn down unreasonable
crystal! Ya grovel, now!”
wishes the GM considers beyond her power.
Odjanbago (a gnoll mage) lusts for domination. Even
false groveling appeases her and makes her willing to CONTINUING THE ADVENTURE.
negotiate. Conversely, any hesitance or opposition from If the PCs want to claim the Sky Palace itself as their prize,
the PCs instantly drives her to anger. She holds the crystal they must spend one of their wishes to give one character
aloft and uses her action to bark, “Djinni. Last wish. Give mental control over the palace, just as Odjanbago did. If
your life to kill tha intruders.” the PCs intend on returning Baron Raúl Cazagoza’s prized
A deep crack appears on the side of the crystal, and white camel, it may just be an albino beast. On the other
a cloud of rotting wind seeps out of the crystal as the hand, what would happen on the return journey were the
captured djinni Leyla begins to die. Every 2 rounds on camel truly imbued with supernatural power?

The undying tournament
An adventure for five 8th-level PCs set in a subterranean city of the ghouls
by James J. Haeck

GM INTRODUCTION Imperial Legions. The Corpse Tearers have a reputation

for being easily incensed, and gained their name because
Within the darakhul city of Gonderif, at the nadir of a of the frequent honor duels between members of the
thousand‑foot‑deep chasm, is the site of a vile tournament legion. PCs looking to distract legion forces in Gonderif
where Gonderif ’s most rebellious slaves and war could try to incite chaos among their ranks. All darakhul
prisoners are forced to fight to the death—and through in this adventure belong to the legion and wear mithral
undeath after undeath—until only one living champion scale mail.
remains. Whether they came as captives or as liberators,
the PCs must survive the Undying Tournament. Slaves
The tournament grounds are home to 9 of Gonderif ’s
most headstrong, rebellious slaves. PCs will probably not
SUMMARY become close with all of them, and you should choose
The slaves of Gonderif outnumber their ghoulish masters several that interest you as a GM to promote up from
ten-to-one. Any slave brave enough to try and lead a “extra” status. All are bound by rare spellbinding shackles
rebellion is sent to the Undying Tournament, where they (see Area 1).
are “mercifully” promised freedom from slavery if they • Alejandra, chaotic good human. A grandmother,
are the last prisoner standing. No one trusts this promise, ex‑field sergeant, and mage, Alejandra just wants
but the insidious seed of hope has been planted in their to see her family in Zobeck again. She is terrified of
hearts—there is a chance at freedom. Vordu and refuses to fight with him.
Depending on how PCs come to Gonderif ’s slave pits, • Khadamar, lawful neutral mountain dwarf. A young
they may or may not be forced to fight in the Undying adult, Khadamar is Deskorma’s brother and noble heir
Tournament; if they avoid detection, the tournament may to a small canton in the Ironcrags. He always pursued
not occur at all. Slaves and captives of many different races human-style diplomacy over traditional dwarven
exist in the pits, and clever PCs may be able to overcome combat, and is willing to work with anyone to escape.
the racial tensions between the factions and unify a revolt • Deskorma, neutral evil mountain dwarf. Khadamar’s
against their undead jailers. younger sister, a seasoned and power-hungry
MONSTERS gladiator who is next in line for the throne and wants
to see her brother fall in the tournament. Deskorma
The other imprisoned slaves use NPC statblocks; these wishes for the tournament to go on, and aids no escape
creatures also have the following traits: plans unless she convinces a PC to kill her brother.
• They have 3 levels of exhaustion, giving them • Vordu, chaotic evil derro. A wild-eyed, truly insane
disadvantage on ability checks, halving movement assassin who wants nothing more than to see the
speed, and imposing disadvantage on attack rolls and darakhul burn. If the PCs help him escape, he buries a
saving throws. dagger in their backs as a parting gift. Tries to speak in
• They have no weapons or armor; their AC is equal to limericks, but isn’t very good at it. He sees Temmy as a
10 + their Dexterity modifier. rat to be kicked around.
• Temmy, lawful good kobold. A commoner, but
FACTIONS an expert trapsmith, even when using mundane
materials in poor conditions. She cheerfully works
Gonderif contains a few factions with their own interests, with anyone but the dwarves; to her, they are almost
requiring only a little pressure to come to blows beyond as bad as the darakhul.
what is intended for bloodsport.
Calmed Slaves
Corpse Tearers Of the 625 slaves in Gonderif, about half of them have
Both Gonderif and the Undying Tournament grounds undergone a procedure called the Calming. A calmed slave
are protected by the Corpse Tearers, one of the darakhul is murdered as cleanly as possible—without damaging
muscle or bone—and reanimated as a mindless, obedient • Rescue. A friend or ally has been captured by the
undead. To the darakhul, calmed slaves are generally Imperium. The PCs learn through divinations or
preferable to living ones, but they are costly to create and reconnaissance that their friend has resisted the ghouls
decay prohibitively quickly unless properly preserved. at every turn, and has been sentenced to fight to the
The wealthy Duke Radu Kopecs, lord of Gonderif, uses death in the Undying Tournament in Gonderif. The
calmed slaves as laborers and janitors for the Undying same intelligence that delivered this news also tells of
Tournament. PCs that disguise themselves as darakhul a secret aboveground entrance into the tournament
can fool the undead thralls into performing tasks for them. grounds. If you choose this adventure hook, the PCs
make their way into the tunnels that lead into Area 10.
ADVENTURE HOOKS • Revolution. The Imperium must fall! Striking at
Gonderif will cripple its production of weapons
As your players’ GM, you know best how to involve the and armor, hamstringing the Imperial Legions.
PCs in this adventure. The following adventure hooks are With the Corpse Tearer legion protecting the city, a
provided to inspire and assist you. direct assault is ill-advised, but an intelligence report
• Escape. The PCs are captives of the Ghoul Imperium, states that Duke Radu Kopecs, lord of Gonderif, is
and have been sentenced to fight to the death in the attending an event called the Undying Tournament.
Undying Tournament. As 8th-level characters, they Assassinating him will likely incite a revolution among
were likely captured as prisoners of war, either from a the slaves and send the city into chaos. If you choose
surface raid or because they were captured attacking a this adventure hook, the PCs make their way into the
darakhul outpost. If you choose this adventure hook, tunnels that lead into Area 10.
the PCs awaken in chains in Area 1, stripped of their All areas within this location are completely dark, unless
gear (see Area 5). illuminated by another source.
Total Party Kill. If the PCs are all reduced to 0 hit points
during an escape attempt, they are not killed outright.
Instead, they are knocked unconscious and returned to
their cells. When they awaken (at 1 hit point) they have time
for one short rest before the tournament begins.
Undying Tournament. The tournament begins 6 hours
after the start of the adventure, if an escape attempt has not
been made. Three loud blasts of a horn heralds the arrival
of Duke Radu Kopecs and his retainers, as four dozen
ghouls spill into the coliseum (Area 10). At this signal,
six darakhul (see Tome of Beasts, page 216) enter the PCs’
cellblock and usher them into the Staging Area (Area 7),
where they are prepared for combat.
The rules of the tournament are explained to them: In
the first round, each character is pitted against a wild beast
in single combat. In the second round, the survivors fight
one-on-one until only half remain. The final round is a free
for all, with the last creature standing declared the victor.
Magic is not permitted in the tournament, as enforced by
each combatant’s spellbinding shackles (see Area 1).
The ghouls do not reveal everything about their cruel
sport to the victims, however. For more information, see
Running the Tournament, in Area 10.


Slate gray walls. Cramped, iron-barred cells. The pervasive smell
of urine mixed with corpse rot. And an incessant dripping sound
from somewhere just out of sight. If you didn’t know better, you
might think this cell block is one of the Eleven Hells.
If the PCs were captured by the darakhul before the
events of this adventure, they awaken here locked in
separate cells without any of their equipment. Their
equipment is stored in a chest in Area 5. They are Treasure. An iron pot filled with liquid gold bubbles over
restrained by rare spellbinding shackles (see below). Any an open fire against the western wall. The gold inside is
cells not occupied by PCs contain captive NPCs of the worth 100 gp.
GM’s choice (see “Factions,” above).
Despite being coated in mildew and dried gore, the 4. NORTHERN CELL BLOCK
cells are sturdy, requiring a successful DC 30 Strength or This dingy cell block is cramped and filled with slaves—most of
Dexterity check to open (each check takes 10 minutes). A whom are already corpses. One living prisoner glances fearfully
patrol of two darakhul (see Tome of Beasts, page 216) from at you as you open the door, but its expression changes from one
Area 5 passes through this cell block once every two hours, of fear to one of confusion when it realize that you aren’t a ghoul
alerting the rest of the guards if the prisoners have escaped at all!
either their cells or the block.
The cells in this block are populated by any NPCs the
Doors. Both doors in this room have a complex internal
PCs have not yet met (see “Factions,” above). Any empty
lock, requiring a key held by the Masked Warden (Area 6),
cells contain the rotting carcasses of the tournament’s
or a DC 30 Strength or Dexterity check to open.
previous victims. Despite being coated in mildew and
SPELLBINDING SHACKLES dried gore, the cells are sturdy, requiring a successful DC
30 Strength or Dexterity check to open (each check takes
Wondrous item, varies
10 minutes).
While bound by these mithral shackles, you cannot cast A patrol of two darakhul from Area 5 passes through this
spells below a certain level. The spell level, along with cell block once every hour, alerting the rest of the guards if
the Strength DC required to break the manacles or the prisoners have escaped either their cells or the block.
Dexterity DC required to pick the lock is determined by
the item’s rarity, as shown on the table. The chain binding 5. MONITOR HALL
the manacles can be broken or removed without ending
this item’s enchantment; only breaking the manacles This guard post is brimming with armed ghouls. Over a dozen
themselves ends the anti-magic effect. darakhul prison guards are sparring, gambling, and telling
gruesome stories, while a handful of other ghouls are keeping the
Rarity Spell Level Escape DC room clean and fetching items for the guards. Several ghouls sit
around a table; one is scribbling notes inside a hefty ledger.
Rare 3rd or lower 20
If the PCs began as prisoners, read:
Very Rare 5th or lower 25
Legendary 7th or lower 30 Another ghoul is trying on armor and weapons that have been
haphazardly thrown into a rusty chest—your stolen equipment!
This guard post is the center of Corpse Tearer activity in
2. CROSS HALLS the slave pit. At any given time, 5 darakhul and 10 ghasts
This hall echoes all hours of the day with screams from (about half the total garrison) are drilling, sleeping, or
the torture chamber to the west, only ceasing when the killing time here. They see this tournament as a gross
Undying Tournament is in progress. The noise masks any excess and would rather be defending Gonderif itself.
violence perpetrated here. The east and west doors are The other half of the guards are patrolling the grounds,
unlocked, but the north and south doors require a DC 30 keeping watch in the Sentinel Tower (Area 6), or watching
Strength or Dexterity check to unlock. an animal fight in the coliseum (Area 10). If combat erupts
here, one ghoul rushes to Area 6 to alert the warden.
3. TORTURE CHAMBER The guards here are tended to by a small staff of calmed
This is a room of suffering, filled with implements of torture slaves (see “Factions,” above). These 4 brain-dead ghouls
designed to strip a being of its willpower. The screams of one tend to their undead masters’ every whim, as long as the
poor prisoner, stretched out on a rack and struck repeatedly by commands are simple enough for them to comprehend.
a ghoul’s lash, ring through the room. Their wails seem to shake Any slave that has undergone the calming is conditioned
the foundation of the room, rattling chains and causing iron to recognize all undead creatures and anyone who wears
maidens to shudder. The three ghouls gleefully torturing this the Corpse Tearers’ uniform as a master.
prisoner do not notice your entrance. Ledger. A ledger on the table assigns certain slaves to fight
One NPC of the GM’s choice (see “Factions,” above) certain animals in the first round of the tournament. The
is stretched on a rack, being whipped by three snarling list reads:
darakhul. Four ghouls hang by thumbscrews in the north • Old human – Tiger • Derro male – Winter Wolf
of the room—the reanimated remains of fatally tortured • Dwarf male – Giant Boar • Dragon runt – Lion
prisoners. They tear out the screws and attack when • Dwarf female – Elephant • New arrivals – Wyvern
Treasure. If the PCs began this adventure as prisoners, This small cave is wedged between the prison and the
then their equipment is stored in a rusty, unlocked chest coliseum, and is dimly lit by ghostly dancing lights. The
in a corner of this room. The chest also contains an light glints ominously on the bare steel of the armor and
additional 3,000 gold in tribute given to the legion. A rack weapons that line the cave walls. The weapons’ handles are
of vials on the table also contains 5 potions of greater healing caked with dried blood from dozens, if not hundreds of
and 3 potions of greater restoration. contestants that died holding them in tournaments past.
Portcullis. This portcullis can only be opened by pulling a
6. SENTINEL TOWER lever in Area 6. Its bars are wide enough for a Tiny creature
A winding staircase climbs five stories to the top of this tower. to fit through, and requires a DC 25 Strength (Athletics)
You ascend the staircase to the top, but the pervasive smell of the check to climb.
undead still lingers here. Two ghouls look out over the edge of the Armament. The selection of weapons and armor here is
tower, unaware of you, using large glass lamps to cast a beams of limited, but not excessively so. All simple weapons can be
ghostly green light into the prison yard. A golden font filled with found here, and there is a 75% chance a specific martial
tiny bones rests on a pedestal in the center of the tower. weapon can be found as well. There are twelve sets of nets
This 50-foot-tall tower has a clear view of everything and tridents, as well as ten gladii (short swords). All forms
within the slave pit, save for the inside of the prison itself. of light armor can be found here, and there is a 75% chance
A spiraling staircase leading to the top takes up most of the a specific set of medium armor can be found as well. There
tower; no landings exist between the ground floor and the is one set of plate armor.
top. At all times, 4 will-o’-wisps shimmer at the corners Tournament. If the PCs are brought here to prepare for
of the tower. Instead of shining light in a radius, the wisps the Undying Tournament, their darakhul captors do not
shine a 40-foot-long beam of light that is 5 feet wide, with enter the chamber, but lock the door behind them. The
an additional 40 feet of dim light beyond that. These wisps PCs are the first to arrive, followed by any NPCs that were
are trapped in enchanted glass and cannot move or take in their cell block, then NPCs in the Northern Cell Block
the attack action. The 2 darakhul atop this tower cannot (Area 4). Whatever resolve those NPCs had falters here,
see beyond 60 feet with their darkvision, and must have and emotions run high. Vordu the insane derro assassin
these “searchlights” to scan the grounds. may try to eliminate the competition early by murdering
In the center of the tower is a golden font emblazoned one of the PCs here. The chains on the characters’
with the frightful crest of the Ghoul Imperium. Inside spellbinding shackles are removed, though the manacles still
the font is a small heap of tiny bones and platinum-plated inhibit spellcasting.
teeth. This bone collective (see Tome of Beasts, page 39) is
the Masked Warden, the sadistic hive mind behind the 8. ANIMAL PENS
Undying Tournament and keeper of the slave pit. She
usually exists as a swarm of bones and teeth, and only takes If the foul stench of death weren’t enough, this wide pen smells
singular form if intruders enter her tower, the alarm is also of decaying animal fur. A strange herd of assorted animals
raised, the tournament begins, or she decides to personally shambles around this enclosure.
torture one of the imprisoned slaves (Area 3). In this These pens hold wild animals used in the first round
singular form, the Warden drapes her humanoid frame in a of the Undying Tournament. All of these animals are
shadowy cloak and hides behind a bone-white mask. zombies, granting them the Undead type, immunity
Treasure. The golden font holding the Warden’s bones is to poison damage and the poisoned condition, and the
worth 1,500 gold, and her platinum-plated fangs are worth Undead Fortitude trait (as a zombie).
100 gold each (3,200 gold total). A single master key rests The zombified animals here include an elephant, a giant
beneath her remains; this key opens all locks within the boar, a tiger, a lion, a winter wolf, and a wyvern. They
complex. hunger only for living flesh and attack any living creatures
that enter their pen.
Levers. Two levers on the east and west of the tower open
the portcullis in Area 7 and the northern door in Area 10, Treasure. There is no treasure in this pen, but eliminating
respectively. some or all of the animals in secret before the Undying
Tournament may allow some characters to survive the first
7. COLISEUM STAGING AREA round of the tournament.
Eerie green light flickers across the walls of this cave, cast by 9. LIFT
globes of light that dance around the cavern. The walls of the cave
are lined with suits of armor and racks of gladiatorial weapons. This circular platform is wide enough to hold about ten people
At the far end, a heavy portcullis bars the passage between you in close quarters, and its stone surface has been worn smooth
and the coliseum. through countless years of use. It is attached by stone gears to
tracks running up the length of this shaft.
The lift is a circular platform connected to an old piece 10B. BEGGARS’ SEATS
of derro engineering from Gonderif ’s glory days. Pulling
Dozens of pathetic beggar ghouls (see Tome of Beasts,
a lever on the platform causes it to rapidly ascend towards
page 213) fill the cheap seats. They are an excitable mass
the city above, reaching the city in about 30 seconds.
and are easily swayed by displays of power. Most of these
10. COLISEUM ghouls are laborers treated barely better than living slaves,
and would leap on the opportunity to seize power from
Secret. A small rocky outcropping in the southeast corner their duke if both the Masked Warden and the duke’s
of the arena conceals a secret passageway to the surface, bodyguard suddenly fall under attack.
made by the only prisoner ever to escape Gonderif. If the
PCs infiltrated the slave pit, they begin inside this tunnel.
The sand in this wide arena is spattered with dried gore.
Gray stone juts out of the sand in places, and the rocky ridge The Undying Tournament can be a standalone adventure
surrounding the arena has been crudely carved into benches for or the beginning of a high-level war or espionage campaign
spectators. with the Ghoul Imperium as major villains. NPCs like
Alejandra or the dwarf nobles may be powerful allies if the
If the tournament is in progress, also read: adventurers return to Zobeck or the Ironcrag cantons.
On the benches you see two cheering masses; to the south, a group
of ragged, emaciated ghouls. This event may well be the only joy CONTINUING THE ADVENTURE.
in their wretched existence. To the north you see a regal ghoul If the PCs did not discover the secret exit out of the slave
dressed in verdant finery, wielding a golden scepter, and holding pit, and instead rode the lift into Gonderif, their escape
a golden bowl. He is protected by an armed bodyguard. may have only just begun. Consider using the Ghoul
Outpost lair from the Book of Lairs to represent their
Running the Tournament. The Undying Tournament is escape from the Flesh Tearer legion through the mining
split into three rounds, with enough time between rounds tunnels of Gonderif.
for the PCs to take a short rest:
In the first round, each PC and NPC faces an undead
animal from Area 9 in single combat. The animals faced
by the NPCs are described on the ledger in Area 5, with
the PCs names left blank. The ledger can be sabotaged,
but as written has Alejandra face a tiger, Khadamar a
boar, Deskorma an elephant, Vordu a winter wolf,
and Temmy a lion. The PCs are to fight against a
wyvern together as a special event. Following a
battle, all corpses are left in the arena.
In the second round, the survivors fight to
the death. Try and pair as few PCs together as
possible; ideally, no more than one pair of PCs
must fight. All corpses are left in the arena.
In the third round, the remaining combatants
fight in a free-for-all. There is a twist, however: after
3 rounds, a wave of necromantic energy sweeps through
the arena, reanimating all humanoids who have died so far
as ghasts. They attack the nearest living creature.
The last surviving creature is congratulated, then
personally slain by Duke Kopecs, “freeing” them from an
eternity of undead servitude.


The highest and best-protected seats are reserved for
darakhul nobility, with a special seat reserved for Duke
Radu Kopecs, a darakhul noble. When the tournament is
in session, the duke is flanked by a darakhul bodyguard
that can use its reaction to become the target of one
ranged attack targeting the duke. If the Masked Warden (a
bone collective) is still alive, her golden font rests beside
the duke. They are tended by four calmed ghouls.
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