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Design: Wolfgang Baur, Celeste Conowitch, David “Zeb” Cook, Dan Dillon, Robert Fairbanks,
Scott Gable, Richard Green, Victoria Jaczko, TK Johnson, Christopher Lockey, Sarah Madsen,
Greg Marks, Ben McFarland, Kelly Pawlik, Lysa Penrose, Richard Pett, Marc Radle, Hannah
Rose, Jon Sawatsky, Robert Schwalb, Brian Suskind, Ashley Warren, Mike Welham
Development & Editing: Scott Gable
Additional Development: Meagan Maricle
Art Director & Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Cover Art: Marcel Mercado
Interior Art: Bruno Balixa, Jeff Dee, Jeff Easley, Justine Jones, William McAusland,
M. Wayne Miller, Pedro Potier, Marc Radle, Melissa Spandri, Dean Spencer,
Phil Stone, Karl Waller
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

Kobold Press, Midgard, Open Design, and their associated logos are trademarks of Open Design.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, place names, new deities,
etc.), dialogue, plots, story elements, locations, characters, artwork, sidebars, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been
designated as Open Game Content are not included in this declaration.)
Open Game Content: The Open content in this book includes the subclasses Beast Trainer, Chaplain, Circle of Dust, Circle of the
Evergyre, College of Tactics, Legionairre, Path of the Herald, and Sapper; the monsters clockwork beast, coin drake, lupine shade,
moirai, and rune raven; the magic items anointing mace, arrow of grabbing, baleful wardrums, banner of the fortunate, bloodbow, censer
of dark shadows, cloud feather token, dark of the moon feather token, elemental wraps, farhealing bandages, goggles of shade, lodestone
caltrops, resolute bracer, and sanguine lance; the spells battle chant, hedgehog dozen, march of the dead, remove insulation, storm of axes,
and summon clockwork; and the feats Adaptable Magic, Close Combat Caster, Connections, Giant-Foe, Ley Ferryman, Part of The Pack,
Rimecaster, Tundra Walker, Underfoot. No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.

© 2020 Open Design LLC

Touring the Lands Fantastic........................................................................................................6
LORE AND STORYTELLING ...................................................................................................7
The Burnished Grove: Rava’s Clockwork Forest ............................................................................ 8
A Grand Tour of the Eleven Hells ..................................................................................................22
ADVENTURE AND DUNGEONEERING ..............................................................................35
The Town of Smoke ..........................................................................................................................36
The Doom in the Pillars ....................................................................................................................50
Old Grandmother’s House ..............................................................................................................62
The Darkest Vaults of the Great Maze ...........................................................................................73
Treasure Vaults of Midgard .............................................................................................................81
MONSTERS ...............................................................................................................................87
Boss Monsters ....................................................................................................................................88
Abominations of the Blood Kingdom ..........................................................................................113
NPCS ........................................................................................................................................126
The Band of the Twice Damned ....................................................................................................127
Wotan’s Warriors.............................................................................................................................141
Thaern ...............................................................................................................................................149
Zoranya Vell ....................................................................................................................................154
Yana Harr .........................................................................................................................................158
Galvanix ............................................................................................................................................162
Bolgoro Netweaver ..........................................................................................................................166
Regar Neryan....................................................................................................................................170
MAGIC ....................................................................................................................................174
Dwarves at War ...............................................................................................................................175
Amidst the Dust: Hardy Survivors and Lost Relics ....................................................................182
Midsummer Fair: Clockwork Companions ................................................................................190
Treasures of Perun’s Daughter ......................................................................................................197
11 Magic Staves of Midgard ...........................................................................................................203
Lost Combat Spells and War Magics of the Red Wastes ...........................................................210
Cogs and Gears: The Automata Epidemic ..................................................................................217

PLAYER ...................................................................................................................................223
Dwarven Devices: Firearms and Airships ....................................................................................224
Courtfolk: The Quiet People of the Covenant .............................................................................231
Riverfolk: The Scattered People of the Trade ..............................................................................241
Winterfolk Halflings: The Hidden People of the Plains .............................................................251
The Butcher’s Bill: Wartime Careers and Creatures in Midgard ..............................................261
For Canton and Glory: The Ironcrag Way of War .....................................................................273
The Free Companies: Mercenary Backgrounds in the Septime States .....................................281
Index ........................................................................................................................................289

by Scott Gable

N eed details on the Eleven Hells and their

shadowy bordertown of Smoke? Or on
the mysterious destruction of Iram and its
into categories, combining like elements.
You can start with Lore and Storytelling
and then ease right into Adventure and
strange legacy? Or even on Baba Yaga’s hut Dungeoneering: these are where you’ll find
itself? the deepest currents of Midgard history and
Maybe it’s monsters you’re after. Consider recent events, as well as the lore of its various
a range of unique boss beasties to end any planes and locations of interest. Then it’s off
adventure, or a taste of the cruel and nasty to the crunchier bits of Monsters, NPCs,
from the Blood Kingdom. Perhaps you need a Magic, and Player options. We didn’t want to
fully statted and highly motivated NPC to fill break up individual articles, but this—along
out your game. with the index—brings a whole new level
Or it may be the player’s side of things of utility to the book and offers a way to get
you’re craving: New spells and firearms, more out of the content even if you already
airships and vril-powered skiffs, clockwork have the individual Warlocks.
devices and new equipment? New subclasses? We’ve collected here everything from
And oh, so much rich detail on the halflings! Warlock 11 to Warlock 19, all the thrilling
Dear reader, you can have it all! words, including any errata, and all the
The kobolds were supremely busy this past glorious illustrations—plus entirely new
year on the Warlock Patreon! It’s easy to material never seen before! Just look at those
forget what we’ve done when we’re so focused credits, see those names that you’ve come to
on pushing ahead with each new Warlock, but know so well and those new rising talents,
then we get to the Warlock Grimoire, and… it and you just know you’re holding something
feels so good! All those magical places we’ve special. We’re proud to present Warlock
visited collected in one slick hardcover. (It’s Grimoire 2, a trove of the dark and fantastical.
gonna look so good on the shelf next to the
first one!) Yrs on the Dark Side,
We could have simply laid out all the issues
Scott Gable
back to back, but the Warlock Grimoires are a
Editor, Kobold Press
bit more useful than that. All the articles are
re-sorted from their sequencing to fit better


by Sarah Madsen

The Plane of Gears sprawled before her. The around her ankles as she swirled deasil for
cog she stood on was a shining expanse of miles and miles and miles, sometimes nearly
metal against a heat-shimmering sky, a blank vanishing from view across the distant horizon
ingot ready to be hammered, twisted, and before returning in a wide, sweeping arc, each
formed. She smiled at the possibilities within circuit just ever so much smaller than the last.
such unmarred terrain. She hadn’t known Her staff twirled within her six hands, its tip
before what this bare swath would be, but now, carving intricate trails over her head, causing
it could only ever have been set here for this the filaments to whirl and eddy in response.
purpose. Her work was never done, and that Her spiraling dance finally brought her to the
suited her ... there was so much left to do. This center of the coil. Her feet stilled. Her breath
wonderful, winding, weaving world was vast heaved. When she lifted her head, a glowing
and perfect, everything just where it needed to gyre surrounded her, etched from her footsteps
be—but with potential for so much more. She into the very ground around her, waiting.
reveled in her industry and productivity. With a sharp cry of victory, she brought her
Shaking her head, she admonished herself staff down into the heart of the gleaming whorl.
with a laugh that chimed and tinkled like A flash of light split the sky. A great,
a music box. Here she was, caught out thunderous grinding echoed across the vast
daydreaming when there was work to be done. plain. The staff, which a moment before was
One last glance at the sky where the filaments a simple rod of burnished metal, sprouted
of fate wound in an elaborate and precise branches and expanded until it no longer fit
weave that only she could see, and with a long, within her hands. She turned and strolled
deep breath, she began. through the forest as it sprang up around her
The filaments overhead shuddered and with a flourish of leaves and a cacophony of
reformed as she held her staff before her like a chimes that reverberated from discordancy into
noon-facing hand and placed one foot in front perfect harmony. The ground beneath her feet
of the other. She went slowly at first, carefully, shook as roots burrowed and tunnels bored
but gained speed with each step until she themselves into existence. Here and there, she
twirled in a graceful dance across the metallic reached out a hand, plucked a sprouting bud
plain. Each footstep left behind a molten from a branch, and blew breath into it, and
mark pressed into the ground, a seed sewn on where she dropped it, a clockwork creature
the surface of this yet-unnamed space. Her unfolded from the petals and slunk away into
skirts became a kaleidoscope of shifting color the trees.

At the edge of the spiral, a group of druids clockwork, crawl through the underbrush in
and tinkerers—halflings and elves and the Burnished Grove.
gearforged alike—had already gathered, called The intricacy of the construction and the
there by an unknown voice that spoke to them strange, pseudo-organic facade fascinates
in their dreams. She smiled at them, she who metalworkers, artificers, and tinkerers alike,
was the source of that calling, and though they but it also draws those who are more nature-
were afraid, they did not flee. oriented (such as elves, druids, and rangers)
“Care for it,” she said to them, her gentle to its borders in order to study its strange,
voice a bare whisper across their consciousness. contradictory nature. Occasionally single-
“Tend to the trees and the creatures within. minded craftsmen can be found lingering on
Cultivate the Mainspring, help it bear its fruit. the outskirts of the grove, hoping to glean
Do not let it come to harm, for it is vital to all.” its secrets—or hoping to earn the favor of
They nodded and turned to regard her newest the druids who tend to the forest. The wisest
creation: the Burnished Grove, a clockwork of these craftsmen will hire mercenaries or
forest unlike anything they’d ever known. adventurers as an escort to protect them
from the clockwork creatures that inhabit the
grove, to negotiate with the druids on their
The Clockwork Forest behalf, or even to steal specimens for them to
Rava. Ariadne. The Gear Goddess. The examine in a safer environment.
Clockwork Oracle. Mother of Industry, Covering roughly 10,000 acres, the forest
Spinner of Fate, Merchant Goddess, Patron of and its clockwork denizens are a marvel to
the City of Zobeck, Patron of Weavers and the behold. Trees are the primary structure found
Gearforged... whatever the mask, hers is the here, most topping out between fifty and one
Plane of Gears, an endlessly turning demesne hundred feet. Some are metallic simulacra of
of cogs and metal. Here, on a field of brass trees found on the material plane—pines of
far from any civilization, lies the Burnished green-tarnished copper, birches of silver, old
Grove. From a distance, the sprawling copse oaks of deep brass—but some are unique to
of trees seems an organic anomaly within this the grove and not seen anywhere but within
strange land of steam and machinery. But its borders. Vines of intricate links of flexible
on closer inspection, the true nature of this metal wind across the forest floor and up
forest is revealed: every tree, bush, leaf, and tree trunks, and underbrush of delicate foil
blossom are composed of hammered metal chime in the light breeze and at the passing
and inexorably turning clockwork. of adventurers’ feet. In the center of the grove
The mechanical nature of the Burnished stands the heart of the forest: the Mainspring,
Grove often lulls adventurers into thinking a gargantuan tree that towers over the rest of
the forest is benign and peaceful. But this the metallic foliage.
is a forest like any other, and creatures live A constant, low thrumming and rhythmic
within the underbrush—but rather than thumping can be faintly heard throughout
beasts of flesh and blood, everything within the grove, the sound of unseen machinery
the Burnished Grove, both flora and fauna, working away at some enigmatic process.
is a product of Rava and therefor built from The temperature within the grove is strangely
clockwork. Beasts of metal stalk the shadows... mild; though steam escapes through vents
birds composed entirely of feather-thin within the trees, hinting at some greater
layers of silver and brass flit from branch to industry occurring below, the environment
branch, chiming out their bell-like songs... is temperate and oddly comfortable to most
even insects, wrought from impossibly tiny creatures, even cooling in the evenings and

warming around noon. The area follows of the grove, and those druids that leave the
through day and night in a perfectly even clockwork forest put the same care and effort
twelve-hour cycle: four hours of dawn, into cultivating those they think are vital to
eight hours of day, four hours of dusk, and the order and cycle of the world. Just as it’s
eight hours of night. Varying weather and nearly impossible to detect the rotation of the
seasons are the only things that appear absent earth from its surface, it’s equally impossible
here—the trees are always in bloom, and to see the pattern of the weave from within,
the temperature remains within a consistent and few druids of the Burnished Grove claim
range. Rain never falls, nor does snow, and to know what mysteries the Spinner of Fate
clouds never mar the copper-colored sky. keeps. They are ever vigilant for those who
would work against the order of the natural
THE DRUIDS OF THE world, those bent on destroying that which is
BURNISHED GROVE not theirs to destroy.
The druids of the Burnished Grove work
The Burnished Grove is tended to by a
their way through the forest in a daily cycle,
community of druids who have devoted
repairing each plant and tending to the
themselves to the care of this mechanical
creatures within a very specific routine:
forest. Many of them follow the clockwork
while the plants blossom and sprout almost
Circle of the Evergyre (detailed below), a
magically, they are still machines that
strange path that blends the reverence of
need constant attention in order to remain
both nature and machine. On the surface,
operable. Some druids occasionally venture
the idea of a clockwork druid may seem
out of the grove for necessary supplies—or
irreconcilable—since druids typically shun all
for their own adventures—but they outsource
things metal and man-made, how could one
what jobs they can in order to stay within the
devoted to the artificial, unbending constancy
bounds of the forest where their attention is
of a machine also be in tune with the raw
needed most.
chaos of the natural world? But those who feel
The druids of the Burnished Grove adhere
the movement of the tides, watch the path of
to a strict hierarchy. The youngest members
the stars across the sky, witness the phases of
tend to the forest floor and peripheral plants,
the moon, and observe the cycle of birth and
making minor repairs and working as
death and rebirth recognize that the world is
sentries at the forest edge. Those of middling
rhythmic and reliable in its existence. Worlds
reputation handle the larger repairs to the
turn; a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly
forest and its clockwork beasts and work in
who lays an egg that hatches a caterpillar;
the subterranean levels known as the Verge
the seasons progress without interruption...
and the Marrowforge. Only the archdruid
the physical world itself is a great machine,
herself and her cohort of five (known as the
persisting throughout the aeons.
Spindles) tend to the Mainspring. Any others
Natural disasters on the material plane
who attempt to enter the heart tree will find
are seen as the hand of Rava, the Spinner
an unpleasant welcome awaiting them.
of Fate herself, reshaping the construction
of the world so that it might function more
fluidly—or as intrusions by a malevolent,
LN female elf druid 19
chaotic force attempting to disrupt the
delicate cycle. This does not mean that the An ancient elf with copper hair and deep
druids of the Burnished Grove are content brown skin coated with freckles, Archdruid
to watch events pass without involvement; Lanai has tended to the Burnished Grove for
they work tirelessly to maintain the order several centuries. She follows the Circle of

the Evergyre, and some even speculate that of her charges. Occasionally, in the quiet
she developed the path herself. Her time on moments, a wistful, melancholy sadness
the Material Plane is a mystery to most as seems to seep into her features, though it
she no longer speaks of her life before her washes away a moment later as if it were but a
stewardship of the grove, and none remain trick of the light.
that knew her in her early years within the Archdruid Lanai Aynwyn leads the druids
Plane of Gears. Now, she governs the druids within the Burnished Grove. Most notable
of the grove, taking on the responsibility are the Spindles, five powerful druids that
of the clockwork forest and the leadership function as her eyes and ears and hands
of those beneath her. Strict but fair, she is within the forest: Lahga Barrowrun (female
calm in demeanor, serene and constant in all centaur druid 17), Wilrich Owlsheart (male
things, and does not brook any interruption winterfolk halfling druid 16/ranger 2),
in her work or dereliction of duty from any Njadlka Fjordblood (female bearfolk druid

15/barbarian 4), Eirfyr Holsword (male (known as nimalli fruit) is an anomaly within
elfmarked druid 17), and Aegis Cogborne the forest: it is the only thing within the grove
(gearforged druid 14/fighter 5). that is not made entirely of metal. The exterior
of the ovoid fruit is a shimmering rose-gold
THE MAINSPRING foil, but with application of firm pressure, the
thin skin splits to reveal a juicy, dark purple
Also known as the “mother tree” or the “heart
meat beneath. At the center, through several
tree,” this towering tree occupies the middle
inches of sweet purple flesh, is a pit of pure
of the Burnished Grove and is the epicenter
adamantine that constitutes one ingot’s worth
for all the activity and industry within the
of the precious metal.
forest. Where the other trees stand between
The pulp of a ripe nimalli can be distilled
fifty and one hundred feet tall, the Mainspring
by a skilled herbalist into a healing salve
tops out at over three hundred, its diameter
specifically formulated for machines and
reaching forty feet at the widest point of the
constructs. The salve dissolves rust and
base. The silvery leaves are as wide as a human
reforms metals, making it vital to the druids
hand and roughly heart shaped with scalloped,
within the Burnished Grove and highly
razor‑sharp edges. The trunk is a deep brass,
sought after by gearforged and tinkerers alike.
bumpy and pitted like coarse bark with a fine
Crafting one of these healing salves requires
patina dulling the shine of the metal to a more
half a nimalli fruit and otherwise follows the
organic-looking finish. Far above within the
rules for crafting healing potions. The salve,
branches grows metallic fruit roughly the size
while restorative for constructs, is inert when
of a human head.
used on beings of flesh and blood.
The entire reason for the existence of the
Burnished Grove, the fruit of the Mainspring


When a living, non-construct creature the workings of a goddess. When a character
consumes the fruit of the Mainspring, it can consumes the nimalli, roll on the table below
allow them to see into the strands of existence, to determine the side effects.
but not all minds are equipped to peer into

1 Catatonia. For the next minute, the creature stares into the middle-distance and is otherwise
considered unconscious.
2 Far Sight. For the next minute, the creature is under the effects of the foresight spell.
3 Fugue. For the next minute, the creature is no longer in control of their mind or body and
is under the effect of the confusion spell with two exceptions: the creature cannot make
Wisdom saving throws to end the effect and a roll of a 9–10 is treated as a 1.
4 Glossolalia. For the next minute, the creature is under the effects of the tongues spell with
one exception: the creature cannot speak or understand any language they already know.
5 Rejection. The creature takes 3d10 poison damage and spends the next minute violently
vomiting as the fruit is purged from their system. When the minute ends, the creature gains a
point of exhaustion.
6 Rejuvenation. The creature gains the benefits of a long rest.

If the raw pulp is ingested by living creatures, scale the Mainspring in search of fruit (or the
it can cause vivid visions of ever‑twisting imbued silk) must contend with the moirai
fates and events that may or may not come who, even in their torpor, are constantly
to pass, paired with hallucinations, catatonia, alert for intruders. Fending off one of these
fugue, illness, or other unpredictable side creatures is no small feat, and the Mainspring
effects as the creature’s mind is assailed by houses dozens of them.
things no mortal is meant to see. Because of
its potentially prophetic qualities, nimalli flesh MOIRAI
is highly cherished by the priestesses of the Large construct, unaligned
Clockwork Oracle in Zobeck and on the isle of Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Archae, and even a small amount of the fruit Hit Points 76 (8d10 + 32)
of the Mainspring fetches a hefty price on the Speed 30 ft.; climb 30 ft.
black market. (See the “Effects of the Nimalli
Fruit” sidebar for more details.)
19 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 4 (−3) 15 (+2) 3 (−3)
Obtaining the nimalli is not without its
challenges however. The druids of the forest
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +5
are fiercely protective of the fruit, but the true Damage Resistances bludgeoning, slashing, and
guardians are the moirai—giant spiders of piercing from nonmagical weapons
dark metal that live within the branches of the Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Mainspring. Also referred to as “harvesters” Condition Immunities
or “reapers,” the spiders lie charmed, exhaustion,
dormant for much of the growing frightened, paralyzed,
season, waiting patiently for the petrified, poisoned
Mainspring to bear fruit, at which
point they rouse from their torpor
to gather the ripe nimalli. They
bequeath a portion of their harvest
to the druids and keep the rest for
themselves, consuming the flesh
entirely and discarding the pits to the
forest floor below. For the next few
days, the silk they spin is imbued
with the threads of fate, glowing
faintly in the harsh light of
the plane, and gifted to Rava
herself. What becomes of the
silk after that is a mystery,
though many of the druids of
the Burnished Grove believe
Rava uses it on her great loom,
weaving the ever-growing
tapestry of existence, yet others
claim it is twisted and reformed
to create the soul gems necessary
for crafting gearforged. Needless
to say, anyone that attempts to

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 grove and make repairs where necessary.
Languages machine speech Accessing these lower levels is not easy... the
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) doors are well-hidden and often guarded by
clockwork creatures and locked by magical
Spider Climb. The moirai can climb difficult means to prevent any unexpected visitors. As
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
dangerous as the surface level of the grove is,
without needing to make an ability check.
the mazes of underground tunnels can be far
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the
moirai knows the exact location of any other more deadly for the unprepared.
creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The moirai ignores movement LEVEL ONE: THE VERGE
restrictions caused by webbing.
Above ground, the Burnished Grove appears
Actions to be made up of thousands of individual
Multiattack. The moirai makes either two foreleg plants and trees, but the truth is concealed
attacks and one bite attack or one entwine just below the surface: every piece of metallic
attack and one bite attack.
flora is connected by an interwoven network
Foreleg. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach
of pipes that form the roots of the entire
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing
damage. organism, carrying fuel and waste to and
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., from the system. In this first level, known
one creature. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage. as the Verge, these pipes (some as thin as
Entwine (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: a wrist, others large enough to fit an entire
+5 to hit, reach 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The Medium‑sized creature) line the walls and
creature is restrained by webbing and pulled 30 ceilings of the corridors in an intricate array.
feet straight toward the moirai. As an action, the
The thumping of engines and clanking of
restrained creature can make a DC 15 Strength
gears are louder here, and the rumble of vast
check, breaking the web on a success. The
webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC machinery can be felt in the floor and the
11, 10 hp, vulnerability to fire damage, immunity walls. It is warmer within the tunnels than
to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). in the forest above, and the air is stuffy and
Web Quake. The moirai violently shakes its web humid, filled with strange odors of oil and
in a 30-ft. radius. Any creature on the same web grease and hot metal.
within the affected area must make a DC 14
The druids work here as well, adjusting
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the creature
is knocked prone.
settings and opening and shutting
pressure‑release valves to keep the
steam-powered system operating at peak
Beneath the Surface performance. The man-made aspect of the
Like most things on the Plane of Gears, tunnels can be deceiving, however, as the
the Burnished Grove is far more than it Verge is like any other subterranean cavern
appears. Beneath the trees are several levels network: it is difficult to navigate without
of machinery, all working to power the guidance and prone to infestations of vermin,
Mainspring and aid in the production of its both clockwork and organic. The druids do
precious fruit. There are several doors and their best to keep it cleared of any unwanted
hatches scattered throughout the forest, creatures, but their primary attention is to
panels nestled in large trees or hidden the pipes and the grove above, so they would
below the underbrush, that lead down into rather outsource pest control to others than
the subterranean depths of the woods so have to divert their efforts to something as
the druids can tend to every aspect of the paltry as killing rats.

LEVEL TWO: THE MARROWFORGE shout is rendered inaudible while within
the Marrowforge. However, the noise aids
Heat. That’s the first thing travelers notice
any who are attempting to move unheard
when they enter the Marrowforge. The second
through the passageways: creatures have
is the deafening sound of machinery. The
advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) rolls within
Marrowforge houses the power of the forest:
the Marrowforge.
large furnaces spew heat and flame, steam
spouts from pipes, and gigantic cisterns mix
the vital components for the creation of the
nimalli fruit, all powered by thrumming This sewer-like system sprawls the entire third
engines and grinding clockwork. Here, level below the Burnished Grove. The heat
gearforged druids tend to the fires and, in the from the engines above is absent here, and in
center of the level, feed ingots of a strange, comparison, the air is almost cold. The sound
shimmering metal, known as ætherchrome, of the machinery above is still audible but no
into large vats where it is melted and pumped longer deafening. Thick, pungent sludge oozes
into the pipes of the Verge to then travel from the Marrowforge above, through ducts in
through the whole system to its ultimate the ceiling, and flows away from the center of
destination—the Mainspring. the forest in channels like the spokes of a great
The heat and noise of the Marrowforge wheel. A slurry of chemicals, lubricants, and
are too much for a living creature to handle the occasional corpse of a lost and deactivated
for long periods of time, so gearforged and construct or wayward creature, the dark,
other, more mindless constructs are the main viscous liquid is highly acrid, and getting too
caretakers of this level. Thanks to the generally close can lead to burned lungs at best—and a
unlivable conditions of the Marrowforge, tragic fall into the muck at worst.
it’s rare to find a creature within the tunnels There is no light in the Mireways. The sludge
that is not intended to be there. However, itself gives off a faint, sickly purple glow when
anything that is found within these steaming in complete darkness but is too dim to see by.
halls is sure to be more than a mere rat. Those without darkvision will find themselves
Because of the constant roar of the hard pressed to navigate the Mireways
engines, any speech below the level of a without a light of some sort, but open flame is
highly discouraged: pockets of odorless, highly
flammable gasses are often found within these
corridors and can be catastrophic if met with a
burning torch or spark from flint and steel.
Because of the oppressive atmosphere within
the Marrowforge, any living creature that
spends too much time within the tunnels A land of machinery and moving gears can
typically finds their body and mind worn down often be volatile and unpredictable. The
from the incessant heat and noise. For each Burnished Grove, while seemingly peaceful
hour spent within the Marrowforge, each and well-run, is no different. Enterprising GMs
creature must roll a DC 15 Constitution saving who wish to throw a bit more of a challenge at
throw. On a failure, the creature suffers a their players can incorporate one or more of
point of exhaustion, compounding with each these aspects within the Burnished Grove.
subsequent failure. A long rest or application
• Perilous Pendulums. While navigating
of greater restoration removes one point of
portions of the Burnished Grove,

adventurers must be constantly on guard access to the Verge, for example, may be
for wayward elements of clockwork. closed off when a party finally returns or
Turning gears, swinging pendulums, and may lead to a completely different section
steaming pressure-release valves all pose of the surface than before.
risks for those not always on their toes.
Certain areas of the Verge, Marrowforge,
or Mireways may only be accessible by
Accessing the Burnished Grove
a well‑timed sprint through an array The location of the Burnished Grove—the
of clanking clockwork or a carefully Plane of Gears—causes some trouble for
balanced trek on a beam across a chasm adventurers (or tourists) eager to view the
filled with churning gears. forest’s beauties and oddities for themselves.
Naturally, powerful wielders of the arcane
• Thunderous Chimes. The workings
have their ways of accessing the planes, but
of the Burnished Grove are even and
there are other ways to reach this mythical
metered, and the druids of the grove are
wood if a party lacks a practitioner with the
kept on schedule by the chiming of a
means of extraplanar travel. Rumors claim
giant timepiece somewhere within the
that a gearforged shopkeeper in Zobeck will,
bowels of the forest, ringing out the hour.
for the right price, allow adventurers access
The sound can be heard from anywhere
to a brass door that opens directly onto the
within the grove, but in the lower depths,
Plane of Gears. And there are tales of a cavern
it reverberates off the metal walls and
deep within the Wasted West that holds a
crescendos to a deafening level. At the
shimmering portal that deposits a traveler
top of each hour, when the great clock
conveniently on the edges of the Burnished
chimes, creatures within the subterranean
Grove itself. Needless to say, gaining access to
levels (that is, the Verge, Marrowforge,
either of these entry points is not easy—and
or Mireways) must make a DC 15
often not cheap. Other ways to the plane
Constitution saving throw. On a failure,
surely exist for those determined enough to
the creature is stunned for 1 round and
find them.
takes 1d10 force damage; at noon and
midnight, due to the longer duration of
the chiming, the creature is stunned for
1 minute and takes 3d10 force damage.
The druids who work within the depths
of the grove carry ear coverings to protect SLUDGE HAZARDS
themselves from the excruciating noise. Adventurers who find themselves in the
Mireways must be particularly cautious to
• Shifting Grounds. The mechanisms
avoid the sludge-filled channels that line this
within the trees are not the only elements
claustrophobic level. When a creature comes
of the grove that move. All four levels
within five feet of the sludge, they take 1d4
of the Burnished Grove shift slowly but
poison damage per round from the fumes. If
steadily, like great gears of a clock, and
a creature enters the sludge itself, they take
do so at different speeds and in different
1d6 acid damage on contact and an additional
directions. Doorways move, orientations
1d6 acid damage per round they spend in the
shift, and what was a northerly pathway sludge. If in combat, damage is applied when
at dawn may be facing south by dusk. the creature enters the affected space and
Traveling between the levels becomes when they start their turn in the affected space.
particularly tricky—a hatchway that gave

Adventure Seeds Player Option:
For GMs eager to incorporate the Burnished Circle of the Evergyre
Grove into their setting, we offer a few Druids who follow the Circle of the Evergyre
adventure seeds to get your imagination have a unique kinship with both machine
going. Obviously, feel free to create your own and nature and are devoted to the turning
if none of these fit within the story you and of the wheel, heedless of morality (tending
your players are creating. toward lawful neutral)—nature is a cold,
• Fruitful Harvest: A dwarf smith has emotionless machine, constantly moving
heard tell of a grove within the Plane forward and perpetuating itself, concerned
of Gears, a place where seeds of pure more with the survival of the whole rather
adamantine rain from the sky and lay than the individual. Sometimes a worn or
strewn about the ground like refuse. She broken cog must be replaced so that the
is willing to pay market price plus hazard system may survive. Druids who follow the
pay for these seeds but has no desire to Circle of the Evergyre are far more likely to
accompany the party. help civilization work in concert with nature
• Inconvenient Infestation: Rust monsters rather than openly disrupt any construction
have managed to make their way into the or technological progress: they feel at home
Burnished Grove, damaging vital parts of within a bustling city as much as a secluded
the machinery and throwing the entire forest and view responsible development as an
system into chaos. The druids have cleared evolutionary imperative.
them from the trees and underbrush on Druids who follow the Circle of the Evergyre
the surface, but they need adventurers often face backlash and prejudice (or at the
to venture into the subterranean levels very least a severe frown of disapproval)
and make sure there are no more of the from druids who maintain a more traditional
creatures below... even one lingering rust worldview. Clockwork, being a creation of
monster can wreak havoc on the entire man as well as Rava, draws criticism and
delicate system. skepticism from most druids, and one who
• Modest Proposal: An enterprising (if chooses this path should be aware of the
rather shady) alchemist desires the potential disdain from their brethren. Some
nimalli fruit for study. She’s willing to pay traditional druids view the Circle of the
handsomely for each intact nimalli fruit Evergyre as anathema, often refusing to work
brought to her. She doesn’t know much with them and sometimes going so far as
about the Burnished Grove itself, but she’s denying the clockwork druids entry into more
sure the party will be more than capable of natural druidic groves.
handling whatever it may hold.
• Tinker’s Paradise: A gnome tinkerer has
2nd Machine Speech, Circle Spells
spent her entire life searching out rumors
of the mechanical forest. She is searching 6th Additional Contagion, Affinity for the
for an escort to take her to the Plane of Forged
Gears and the Burnished Grove with the 10th Ore Weaver
intent to remain there for several weeks to 14th Beast in the Machine
study the intricate clockwork within.

When you choose the
Circle of the Evergyre
at 2nd level, you tap
into the workings of
clockwork, constructs,
and machinery.
You can cast
machine speech (see
Deep Magic: Clockwork
or Midgard Heroes
Handbook) without
consuming a spell slot.

When you choose Circle of the
Evergyre, you increase your affinity
for machines, forging a deeper connection
with automata, constructs, and similar
creations of Rava and mortal alike. At 3rd,
5th, 7th, and 9th level, you gain access to
circle spells. These spells can be found within
Deep Magic: Clockwork and the Midgard ADDITIONAL CONTAGION
Heroes Handbook. At 6th level, rust (see Deep Magic: Clockwork)
Once you gain access to a circle spell, you is added to your list of effects for the
always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count contagion spell.
against the number of spells you can prepare
each day. You cast these spells as druid spells. AFFINITY FOR THE FORGED

DRUID You have an uncanny ability to connect

LEVEL CIRCLE SPELLS with constructs and other metal creations.
3rd repair metal, lock armor At 6th level, you’re able to cast the summon
clockwork beast ritual once per day (see
5th gear barrage, soul of the machine
below). In addition, when you use the
7th grinding gears, steam blast
commune with nature spell, construction
9th mass repair metal, mechanical union no longer inhibits your ability to sense your

surroundings. If you are in an environment BEAST IN THE MACHINE
composed of metal, your range is 3 miles;
At 14th level, you’ve mastered the melding
other constructed environments are limited
of nature and construct. Your beast forms
to 300 feet.
are now mechanical in nature, coated in
metal and immune to much that would
injure a creature of pure flesh and blood.
Metal is a product of the earth, a natural While in beast form, you gain the Flesh of
resource needlessly shunned by other druids. Steel trait of the gearforged (see Midgard
But you, with your broadened horizons, can Heroes Handbook) and also gain resistance to
tap directly into that reserve. At 10th level, piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage
you are able to pull raw metal from the very from nonmagical weapons. Your attacks while
ground beneath your feet or twist existing in this form are considered magical.
metal to suit your purposes. Twice per day,
as an action, you can use this feature to create CLOCKWORK BEASTS
one of the following effects:
The Circle of the Evergyre gains access to the
• You create a nonmagical metal dome (3 summon clockwork beast spell and the little
inches thick and with a 10-foot radius) clockworks it summons.
around you that can fit up to nine other
creatures of Medium size or smaller. SUMMON CLOCKWORK BE AST
When you use this feature, you may 5th-level clockwork (conjuration) (ritual)
choose the type of metal (though your Casting time: 10 minutes
GM may restrict your options based on Range: 10 ft.
rarity and environment) and whether the Components: V, S, M (a handful of tiny gears)
dome is solid or includes openings like
Duration: 1 hour
windows and doors (though there are no
hinges, so any openings are just that— Once per day, you can cast this ritual to
openings). The dome lasts for 12 hours summon a Tiny clockwork beast. The creature
or until you dispel it, at which point it is considered a construct and can take the
crumbles and returns to the earth. shape of the following: a spider, rat, snake,
octopus, bat, or raven. Appearing in an
• You create a wall, bridge, or other
unoccupied space within range, the clockwork
structure as with the wall of stone spell
beast gains the statistics listed below.
with the following differences: your
The clockwork beast acts independently of
structure is made of metal rather than
you but always obeys your commands. In
stone, and the AC for each panel is 18
combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on
instead of 15. The initial metal panel must
its own turn.
be in contact with the ground. When
When the clockwork beast is within 100
you use this feature, you may choose
feet of you, you can communicate with it
the type of metal (though your GM may
telepathically. Additionally, as an action, you
restrict your options based on rarity and
can see through the clockwork beast’s eyes
and hear what it hears, and you continue to do
• You bend or shape existing metal as with so until you use your action to return to your
the stone shape spell. normal senses. During this time, you are deaf
After you use this feature twice, you must and blind with regard to your own senses.
finish a long rest before you can use it again. The clockwork beast doesn’t require air,
food, drink, or sleep. When its hit points are

reduced to 0, it crumbles into a heap of gears Damage Resistances bludgeoning, slashing, and
and springs. piercing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
CLOCKWORK BE AST Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Tiny construct, unaligned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Languages understands common, telepathy 100
Hit Points 2 (1d4)
ft. (summoner only)
Speed 30 ft., (depending on its form, the
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
construct gains the following movement) spider
climb 20 ft.; rat climb 20 ft.; snake swim 20 ft.; Actions
octopus swim 20 ft.; bat fly 20 ft.; raven fly 20 ft.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
3 (−3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 3 (−3)

by Wolfgang Baur

The Eleven Hells of Midgard are the least‑visited, least-studied, and most‑feared planes
known to the mortal world, ranking in the realm of whispered horrors and extremely scanty
documentation. Those who visit rarely recommend them.

O ften confused with Evermaw (the divine

realm of the gods of undeath) and the
Yawning Void (a nightmare realm beyond
Several of the hells themselves are known
to send ambassadors to the mortal world,
seeking closer ties. Evil nations such as
mortal understanding), the Eleven Hells are Niemheim and Caelmarath both have (or
the homes of demons, devils, and fiends of had) deep connections to the hells, and their
all kinds, and most are at least theoretically people frequently visit. Other wiser nations
survivable by living visitors. They are ruled avoid any and all contact with the diabolical
by dark forces inimical to those of good and and the demonic.
light. While some might seem relatively Structurally, the Eleven Hells follow a
benign on the surface, all contain horrors, and progression from Urgennos (the most
all are hostile to the goals of righteous folk. common entry to the Eleven as a whole) to
Chundresh (the most difficult to reach from
Cosmology of mortal lands or from Yggdrasil). However,
this is not strictly a linear path: Urgennos and
the Infernal Planes its fire connect directly to Efrizarr’s ice, Qes-
Some souls migrate over the River Lethe and al-Marit’s darkness, and the cold waters of
down the Styx to the hells for punishment in Archedantuss and the Styx. No well-attested
the afterlife, but these planes are primarily planar document describes all the connections
realms given over to dark forces and purely between the Eleven Hells, though it seems
malevolent creatures, which seek to corrupt, clear that they are roughly ranked from easiest
destroy, and conquer all realms. Their eternal to enter to most difficult. The roads and gates
war against the forces of the light is sporadic between them are somehow controlled by the
but persistent, and mortals who visit the archdukes, dark gods, and demon lords who
Eleven will often find themselves drawn rule them; they are not dependent on ley lines
into this struggle by corruption, selfishness, or similar magic but on transdimensional
ambition, or wrath. Thus do the hells turn arcane rites known primarily to fiends and
all the multiverse to their corrupt purposes. certain trusted cultists.

Servants and Vassals fire imps, and echo demons are all quite
common as well, as are efreeti and malign fire
Among the Hells elementals and salamanders.
The inhabitants of the Eleven Hells are vast The primary city of the plane is Ahtesseri,
in number, and they include all known the City of Flowering Fire, known for its
demons and devils, many tieflings, great magma fountains and its exotic scents,
apocalyptic heralds, and purely mercenary perfumes, and metal works. Among its
fiends and horrors who traverse the hells citizenry are barbed devils, salt devils, and
and make a fortune defending one warlord gilded devils, and a large number of efreeti
against another. Other evil races from ogres find the place congenial. Looming over the
to derro and even the world-ending satarre city and staffed with hundreds of barbed
(see Underworld Player’s Guide) can be found devils and fire imps is the Scarred Palace,
among the hells as well, at least in particular a frequently blackened and occasional
sites and cities. scarlet‑painted monstrosity of turrets, heavy
While most reports of the hells emphasize walls, and deep-dug barracks. This is the seat
the societies and people therein, it is worth of power of Duchess Alsikaya, the Screeching
noting that many bizarre and fiend‑inflected Mother of Volcanoes, ruling the majority of
plant and animal species exist and are
unique to these planes. These range from
the common sulfur rats
and bluewing biting flies to
necrotic mammoths, noxious
hell weed and shambling
brambles, tar melons, head‑like
ingattet, and bloodsucking thickets
of various kinds. Leopard-spotted
goats, murderous teal river pigs,
and other familiar-yet-twisted
species are found in every one
of the hells, either feral or as
domesticated animals.

Urgennos is a plane of choking
smoke, sinuous rivers of lava and
strangely dancing sky-rivers made
of ash, and stony ground, teeming with
peculiar fireweeds and black brambles.
Clouds of noxious smoke often fill the
air, and settlements are few and far
between. The dominant life forms
are the vast swarms of slintesh,
also called sulfur rats, that devour
both plants and the living. (For slintesh
statistics, use wolves.) Alnaar demons,

Urgennos with her occasional consort and does rise above freezing from time to time,
favored warlord, Mechuiti, Lord of Apes and allowing rivers to turn to churning masses of
Fire. Duchess Alsikaya is a babbling demonic ice and slush, destroying bridges and wiping
creature of hideous stench, a round-faced and away settlements along their banks. These
stringy-haired demon with some resemblance times are also known for chilling fogs, which
to a troll and covered in pustules that cover everything in thin rime.
resemble small volcanic cinder cones. The greatest city of Efrizarr is Azulanta, a
Their rival on the plane is Camazotz, the deep-blue series of chambers and corridors
Lord of Bats, who rules the rusted, stony beneath the Azulor Glacier, home to demons,
Qëqboo Peaks and the seemingly infinite devils, imps, and a surprisingly large group
caverns of explosive gas and teeming insects of frost giants and dwarves. Rune-encrusted
beneath them. His various demonic hordes stone tunnels connect the blue ice chambers
are often mistaken for swiftly flying clouds, and corridors to the magma-heated chambers
and they strike and retreat with dizzying called the Foreigner’s Gallery where
speed. Most of these are neophron or echo temperatures are tolerable for most mortal
demons, though some are vrock, fire imps, races. This quarter includes the Bitteran
wind demons, and even stranger species of Forge, where the ice devils and other creatures
demon. Camazotz seems to have no particular of Efrizarr melt, refreeze, and forge various
favorite abode, though the Ubintel Caverns ice spears, craft steel and iron weapons and
see him often enough to maintain the Singing armor, and mint coinage and melt treasure
Shrine to his name, sometimes called the into bars, for instance. Warmth-tolerant
Cayin Shrine of Camazotz. creatures are often taken as slaves to pump the
In addition, the demon lord Typhon, Lord bellows, feed the furnaces, and handle the iron
of Monsters (see Creature Codex) lives in worked in the Bitteran Forge.
Urgennos, gathering an army of fiends to The city is ruled by Duke Gletsagrim, an
some purpose known only to itself. The arch-devil of frost and glacial powers who
mustering grounds are called the Brambles, resembles a mummified frost giant with
a region of thorny execrable shrubs and devil eyes of bitter blue, two additional arms, and
boughs (see Creature Codex). The demon lord a smaller creature embedded in his chest, a
seems to have a vast store of coin and lemures fleshbound servitor called Gletsa Minor. This
to feed to demonic mercenaries, infernal creature seems to be some form of undead,
troops, and stranger denizens of the planes. perhaps a wight, with frozen breath and
At some point, it is expected it will march bluish hair and limbs. Gletsagrim himself
against the Storm Court, Valhalla, or the seems to have powers of prophecy or runelore
Celestial Stairs. rarely found in the hells and frequently drinks
waters stolen from Hvergelmir (the Well of
2. EFRIZARR, FROZEN HELL Nidhoggr at the root of Yggdrasil) to retain
OF ICE AND SILENCE these powers. As a result, he often knows
exactly when to expect visitors, can address
Efrizarr is a hell of snow and ice, of cities them by name without introduction, and
carved into glaciers miles deep, and of entire generally seems shockingly well-informed
armies frozen near the gates where they about plots against him. Most of his foes wind
entered without sufficient preparation for up frozen in a glacier or turned into a bloody
the blizzards, frozen tundra, and lack of paste by frost giant clubs.
sustenance that characterize the plane. While In addition, the dark god Boreas maintains
the event is rare, the temperature of Efrizarr a residence here as well as his tower in the

mortal world. These two are said to
be linked by a simple portal that
allows the God of the North
Wind easy access between
his two domiciles.
Efrizarr is well known
for its peculiar weather
systems: silent storms and
thunderice storms. The silent
storms are magical bursts
of powerful wind, up to
eighty or ninety miles per
hour, that tear icicles from
overhangs and that kick
snow into the sky—and
that utterly silence any
creature that remains
within the winds for
more than a minute.
After the storm passes,
voices and sounds return
within a minute.
The thunderice storms are
powerful hailstorms that
combine lightning strikes and
hail the size of a fist or larger,
often resembling the effects
of both call lightning and ice
storm spells. These storms
are sent with a purpose: both
Boreas and Duke Gletsagrim
seem able to command the storms
to attack particular targets or chase
fugitives, leading to the local expression,
“Might as well die fighting since you can OF DARKNESS AND BONE DUNES
never outrun the storm.” The demons of
Efrizarr are a stoic bunch. Qes-al-Marit resembles a vast open plain
Connections from Efrizarr are known to under a sky of blinking, often moving lights,
lead up a frozen river of black ice (sometimes a place where darkness seeps into everything,
called the Sable Slush) to the Riverine Hell. the earth is chill, and white sand drifts in vast
Boat fiends on the Slush charge extra; the constellations of dunes, waves, and even rivers.
work of keeping a skiff, barge, or barque The shifting sands often seem to whisper to
afloat among the ice is exhausting even for those who listen closely, and some poets are
enormously strong servants of Charun and driven mad by the sand of Qes-al-Marit, which
the river lords. retains its slithering and blasphemous voice
when removed from the plane.

The Hell of Darkness is not heavily Another important figure in Qes-al-Marit
populated. Its demons and devils are quite is the Queen of the Ghuls, her majesty Aicha
few but extremely dangerous, including Qandisha , and her various followers. Exiled
balors, owl harpies, erinyes, various sphinxes, from Evermaw by Vardesain and his legions,
malakbel demons, as well as salt devils, the queen seeks to prove her strength and
nalfeshnee demons, crystalline devils, and increase her following among necromancers,
harvester devils. Barbed devils are also quite ghouls, and cultists throughout the planes and
common as are a variety of blue‑skinned is known to readily grant arcane and divine
tiefling rarely seen elsewhere. favors to her faithful.
The Qes-al-Marit is home to nomadic groups
of fiends, some shepherding flocks of souls 4. ARCHEDANTUSS, RIVERINE HELL
while others are more warlike and given to OF THE STYX & LETHE
banditry. Its greatest city is Sa-Mozan, the City
The plane of Archedantuss is sometimes
of Silences, the home of Alquam. Its walls are
proposed as the entryway to the Eleven Hells
made of black glass ten feet thick, carved with
as the rivers that feature so prominently in
hideous protective wards, resembling glass
its topography also connect to less maleficent
shards or spikes that project from the walls,
places and water the roots of Yggdrasil.
which cut everything they touch. These walls
However, others believe that this knot of
are often bathed in the blood of creatures
waters, marshes, and riverbanks is more akin
executed there, enemies of its people.
to a maze or labyrinth, meant to keep planar
The ruler of Sa-Mozan is the owllike
travelers from any further progress into the
Alquam, the Demon Lord of Night, Prince of
hells. This is because while the rivers lead into
Nocturnes, Master of Silence, and King of the
Archedantuss they rarely seem to lead out. The
Whispering Wastes. His rule is capricious,
god Charun the Boatman deposits souls here
and he plays favorites against one another
hourly as do other psychopomps and gods
constantly; new visitors (especially mortal
concerned with the great passage from life into
ones) are sometimes brought to his palace
afterlife, arriving from all the mortal worlds
atop the city’s acropolis, among a dozen
with a few coins on their eyes—small fiery
ruined temples to other rulers or dark gods,
souls seeking forgiveness, mercy, punishment,
to stand and wait upon Alquam’s curiosity,
absolution, but finding only the fog and
surrounded by twenty or a hundred lunar
despair of this hell where nothing is ever
devils. Sometimes this takes the form of an
forgiven, where fiends never display pity, and
awkward, painful staring contest when the
where punishment is plentiful but absolution
eyes of Alquam seem to dissect a visitor,
is unattainable. Souls brought here writhe in
leaving them paralyzed or confused. Other
shame and torment and are quickly enslaved,
times, the demon lord asks a few questions
devoured, or cheated by the many devils and
about the mortal world and quickly grows
soulstealers who frequent its shores.
bored. On rare occasions, a visitor is eaten or
Duke Mammon (see Tome of Beasts) collects
held hostage for reasons that are rarely shared
coins from the dead souls, surrounded by
with the victim; other members of the fiendish
legions of gilded devils and hezrou who patrol
band or adventuring company are let go with
the rivers, seeking easy prey among the lost
a prophecy in hand or a blade of lunar steel.
souls. His throne sits in the city of Plutus, a
Some whisper that is was Alquam who created
lavish and ostentatious place of gilded pillars
the Scepter of Silence, which Shelesorra
and glittering roof tiles, where the Castle Oriel
stole from him via some peculiar bargain or
contains both stymphalian birds of bronze,
through subterfuge.
an entire legion of devils, and a fraction of

Mammon’s great wealth in the form of coins, impoverished, but the inhabitants of Plutus
rings, necklaces, and other golden objects. The are miserly, cruel, and ungracious, often
streets of Plutus are paved with a golden shade cursing at strangers, denying any hospitality,
of copper, and its doors are worked silver. and holding themselves about the “penniless
As a result, visitors are often confounded by tourists” who dare visit them. Instead they
how any such place can feel so empty and spend their time on an endless round of

one‑upmanship with other devils, which might and planar portals for the tosculi to raid
consumes their energies entirely. Compassion, not just their neighbors but mortal races far
a friendly greeting, or even an honest smile are distant from tosculi homelands. When one of
unknown to Mammon’s followers. the insect armies of Bzeletalet arrives out of a
No other great cities stand in Archedantuss, hell portal, the world might as well be ending
though the Nebbuzzar Cove is a gathering for any humans, dwarves, or goblins nearby—
place for riverfolk, including charonadaemons, their system of conquest and strip mining of
hezrou, angels of judgement, and priests of food, metals, slaves, and magic is extremely
Charun. The Boathouse Temple there stands well-developed, and a region plundered by
along the riverbank and is said to be eternally an infernal army may never recover at all.
full of ghosts and spirits. All that remains in these places is usually
an ancient portal, half-powered, that awaits
5. BZELETALET, BUZZING HELL someone foolish enough to link a ley line to
OF INSECTS it or that uses liminal magic to empower and
restore the connection to the hells and step
Bzeletalet is a plane of forested hills, mild
through to Bzeletalet. When this happens, the
climate, and abundant prey and herd animals,
tosculi often know that a region has recovered
from infernal swine to vast flocks of flightless
somewhat and might be worth returning to
birds. Throughout are dozens or hundreds of
for an additional round of plunder, raiding,
tosculi cities and colossal shrines to Arbeyach
and blood sacrifices.
and similar diabolical figures, for the tosculi
consider Bzeletalet a paradise rather than any
kind of hell at all.
Duke Arbeyach is a power here along with
the arch-devil Ia’Affrat (see Tome of Beasts), Snorecksubo is a strange hell, a place that in
though by most standards the realm of many regards seems a normal, if oppressive,
Bzeletalet is considered a minor hell at best. plane of millions of tielfings, greater fiends,
Its people are tosculi, infernal wasps, and hobgoblins, ogre magi, wasteland dragons,
similar things, all buzzing and chitinous and and other creatures living and working to
eager to devour softer visitors whole. serve dark gods such as Marena, the White
The many hive-cities of Bzeletalet are named Goddess, and the Hunter. It resembles a string
after their founders and include the extremely of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of islands in
ancient halls and honeycombed chambers of a rust-red sea with enormous hive‑like cities
Usmarrek, Yseetet, and K’kar’iket. Each of on the biggest of these and smaller fishing
these hive‑cities is devoted to a diabolical lord, villages and farms on smaller islands.
and each generates vast legions of ice devils, The duke of Snorecksubo is the Shogun
tosculi diabolists and warriors, automata Ai-Tai-Anma, a bearded arch-devil usually
devils, and more. The tosculi system of totally dressed in an Eastern and courtly manner
devoted service to their hive queens fits very and sometimes in lamellar armor and holding
neatly with the devils’ system of hierarchy, a green mace of malachite infused with the
and the two seem to strengthen one another power of disease, called the Arbiter Mace
not only when they serve in a planar army but of Snorecksubo. Some believe that Ai-
more generally. Tai‑Anma is an Eastern mask of the death
The partnership works like this: tosculi are god Anu‑Akma, but this may simply be a
builders and farmers, able to generate a vast too-literal conclusion drawn on the linguistic
array of foodstuffs, walls, weapons, and more. similarity of their names. Others point out
The devils and archdevils provide arcane that devils are rarely masks for one another.

In any case, Ai-Tai‑Anma uses his mace to
start plagues among courtiers who
displease him—merely touching
someone with the mace is usually
fatal, and the victims are exiled
from the palace, spreading their
contagion further.
All creatures of Snorecksubo
rush to seek shelter in locked
homes or in overcrowded
temples when the plagues
come. The plagues burn
through entire towns and cities
but disappear as quickly as
they come. While some
might see thousands or tens
of thousands of infected creatures
as a chance to rally magical healing
and show mercy, in this hell, no
curing touch or spell seems to
work. The fickle hand of the plague
strikes down rather at random and
weeds out the elderly and the young
with special ferocity. Mass graves are
common. Empty cities are certainly
known. And no inhabitant knows
when next the plague will come.
While most plagues of Snorecksubo
merely kill their victims, a few worse
plagues are also well-known here. The
zombie plague turns its victims into undead, heights where it is sprayed as a corrosive mist
the spore plague devours the bodies from or rain over all beneath them. Visitors must
within and then explodes it in a messy set of be immune to the dissolving power of these
spores, and the burning plague generates a sprays in most of the territory of Emwabbik
fever that eventually becomes a literal fire, Em as the mists are carried far from the
often leading to a combination of plague and forests, scouring grasslands into yellow husks,
citywide blazes. destroying the few crops (primarily tar melon
and the nutty, somewhat gritty sanga grain,
7. EMWABBIK EM, ALIEN HELL but also headfruit—see Fleggesun for details).
The acid abyss has thousands or tens of
Emwabbik Em is a place of tall tales and thousands of small villages, formed where
few believable reports. It contains entire fiends have placed slate stones or racks of
continents filled with vast forests of xichar camparesh leaves in between the xichar
columns, a species of fiendish or at least columns, forming dry spaces as shelter and
malevolent tree that carries vile, burning fluid then planting tar melon vines or harvesting
from the swampy ground up to enormous headfruit for sustenance. Most of these

villages are a few dozen ill-tempered fiends, 8. FLEGGESUN, FETID HELL
but about a third of them are populated by OF CANNIBAL ROT
enormous hezrou demons or similar major
Fleggesun is a hell of decay, fungal growth,
figures—ruled by a xecha king or queen—
lush green and purple jungles, and
who use the villages to gather up soul coins,
stench‑ridden marshes along pestilential
ambush neighboring villages, and seek to
riverbeds. Its inhabitants are mushroom folk
carve out small fiefdoms.
and oozes, demons of decay, mud‑spattered,
The layer’s ruler is Xecha Zecha Amblamar,
surface-dwelling derro, and a particularly
the Lady of Pure Distillate. While her form
aggressive species of subek (see Tome
is generally humanoid, twelve feet tall, her
of Beasts). Everywhere you look is mud,
flesh is a translucent green and turquoise,
whispering reeds, and frequent, oily rain.
somewhat like a humanoid gelatinous cube.
The smell of the place is almost impossible to
Sometimes she surrounds and absorbs smaller
remove from wool or linen.
humanoids, slowly peeling them from the
outside in, and (it is said) absorbing all their
magic, talents, and memories as well as their
flesh and bone. The ahu-nixta (see Creature
Codex) are her most devoted and capable
servants, and she commands many oozes,
worms, and evil elementals.
The acidic oceans of Emwabbik
Em are home to the demon lord
Chemosh, Lord of Conquest, and
his sahuagin, shark-jaw skeletons,
and deep one legions. Almost
nothing is known of his Great
Shark Citadel other than that its walls
are said to be made of entire generations
of whale bones, and its interior tunnels are
lit only by bioluminescent coral. Maze-like
and meant to confound any intruder,
some of the citadel’s tunnels are said
to be filled with pure acid distillate;
visitors may not notice until their
eyes and armor are already half-
dissolved. The very heart of the
Great Shark Citadel is said to be
a gathering place of leviathans and
godlings bent on the conquest
of mortal oceans and the death
of entire nations of sea elves,
locathah, and similar creatures.

The largest city of Fleggesun is a reeking 9. NAKHOL, VANISHING HELL
pile of crumbled stone and rotting reed OF IGNORANCE
rooftops called Hargemissan, the Halls of
In Nakhol, all creatures are stunted and
Necrosis, City of Leather and Worms, filled
stupid, and visitors to the realm quickly realize
with towering temples to all the dark gods
that the plane itself is hostile to knowledge
and inhabited by trollkin, tieflings, trolls,
and learning through strange mechanisms
ogres, barbed devils, subek, and minotaurs
that are quite difficult to discern. Scrolls
as well as oozes and various forms of
and books (even magical ones) brought into
mushroom folk and even derro. The place
Nakhol quickly fade with cantrips and non-
is enormous but decayed and decrepit, a
magical writing disappearing within hours,
city that looks as if it were once wealthy
1st-level spells within a day, 2nd-level spells
and powerful with entire quarters partly
within 2 days, and so on. All Knowledge rolls
underwater and other sections overgrown
made on the plane are made at disadvantage.
and inhabited only by flies and lizards.
The landscape of Nakhol is pleasant enough:
Hargemissan sits on the banks of a tributary
rolling plains, wide rivers, copper and crimson
of the River Styx with good connections by
forests, all interspersed with cloud-shrouded
river barge to Archedantuss.
mountains and winding roads that always
All the races of Fleggesun are headhunters,
seem to circle back to the great city of
cannibals, or otherwise depraved and evil,
Luret‑Moire at its heart. This is a place entirely
and they practice the rearing or conjuration
built to confound visitors: it has a very tall city
of ingattet (in-GAH-tet, or literally
wall set with more than twenty impossibly
“headfruit”). This is an alchemical process
thin, 600-foot-high towers, each of which has
that transforms the head of an enemy into a
a commanding view over the plains. Within,
shrunken sphere the size of an apple or even
its streets curve and spiral and sometimes fail
a plum and retains its rough shape. These
to intersect properly as one street sometimes
small items can be devoured by their owner
bridges over or dives under another; at
with the effect of a potion of healing, or they
other times, streets simply dead-end without
can be eaten and used to grant advantage to
warning. Luret-Moire is all about function
a single die roll. Ingattet are sometimes used
at some level; its squarish and hexagonal
as primitive currency, and creatures wearing
buildings are connected via skybridges and
large necklaces of them are generally either
floating streets and barges at the upper levels,
extremely lethal combatants or extremely
and tunnels below the streets are comfortable
high-status rulers among the plane’s various
terrain for the tieflings, satarre, and lesser
tribes and factions.
devils who make up most of the city’s
The Lord of all Rot is better known as
population. There is no map, and there are no
Qorgeth, Demon Lord of the Devouring
street signs; natives know their way around,
Worm, a servitor or at least ally of the
and giving directions is an unknown custom.
hunger god Vardesain and an ancient
Visitors are encouraged to hire a guide to help
entity of evil in its own right. It maintains
them get anywhere specific.
an audience chamber at the shrine city
And the tone of the place is quite unlike the
of Kneccor where the flow of blood and
rest of Nakhol. It seems, in some ways, as if
sacrifices to its gullet is constant. Visitors are
all the elegance and wisdom and skill that has
few. Most of the city inhabitants are ghouls,
been drained from elsewhere on this plane
members of Qorgeth’s cult, or wyrmhearted
are presented here in baroque and florid
suffragans (see Tome of Beasts).
form. Everything is decorated, embellished,

gilded and overblown. Demons wear pocket the place: whirlwinds that carry illusions away
watches, and devils offer elaborate courtesy to or coat entire landscapes in bright colors or
visitors (before attempting to draw them into hellish spikes, rains of acid that dissolve all
depravity and evil of course). Flattery, poetry, lies for a time, washing away deceptions and
and even scholarly discussion can be heard leaving the plane’s creatures in their true
on the streets, even if nothing is ever written form until their illusions are restored, and
down. Songs and jests and incredibly filthy night time when all shadows are animated
jokes pass through Luret-Moire like fair winds. and all darkness grows hungry. In most ways,
It is a strange thing to hear laughter, even cruel strangest of all are the mirror shard winds, a
laughter, in the hells, but it is found here. silvery wind that chills creatures and deposits
Nakhol is ruled by Parzelon, Arch-Devil of a peculiar mirror coating on all surfaces,
Secrets (see Creature Codex). All knowledge turning everything reflective. Sooleleed is a
in Nakhol belongs to Parzelon and him alone, place where nothing can be relied on, even
for he controls the magical Library of Sondre- the ground and sky are subject to change
Fillieux where all the disappearing knowledge and subject to vanishing into something else
and fading writing of the plane is pooled and entirely. Nothing can be trusted.
somehow retained. Secret shames and dark While it might seem that a plane of
deeds useful for extortion find their way into shifting reality and constant deception
Archduke Parzelon’s many dossiers and files. would be a terrible place to attempt to build
Cryptic prayers and lost arcana are found in a large settlement, the will of the Duchess
his golden books of dark piety and forgotten of Lies has made it possible to build a city
spellcraft. While he lacks anything like the of great splendor. This is Traumhof, the
armies of other arch‑dukes, he is rarely at war City of Beautiful Dreams, which changes
with any of them, for he knows everyone’s its face daily to suit the ruler’s whims and
secret weaknesses, fears, and frailties, and which retains a simple, effective structure
those who cross him find their reputation in underneath thick layers of illusion, glamour,
tatters, their fiefdoms undermined by rumor, and arcane frosting. At its center is the Palace
and their most important servitors and of Perfection, a mirrored hall with diamond
proxies mysteriously absent. pillars that is quite difficult to navigate without
careful attention at all times as the whole
10. SOOLELEED, MIRROR HELL OF LIES building seems optimized to confound the eye.
A passive Perception of 15 or better is required
The deeply disquieting plane of Sooleleed to move through the palace without stumbling
(SOH-leh-leed) is a world of illusions and into walls or mistaking mirrors for doors.
shadows where very little is real and most The city’s primarily inhabitants are
creatures, objects, and even features of the fiends, possibly doppelgangers, and many
landscape are not as they appear. Items melt other shapeshifters and shadow creatures,
and reform over a period of hours; some including voidlings, shadows, and satarre (see
lakes and hills are little more than mirror- Underworld Player’s Guide). Many are here
trickery, and entire villages may be reflections for the prominent college of illusion magic,
of a single building or a mirror maze of real the College of Subtle Mirrors. The archmagi
and illusory places. Likewise, the inhabitants at its heart are Speega Narra and Sporra
of Sooleleed are shapeshifting, skilled at Vet, two Khandirian humans who came to
deception, and often spin webs of arcane learn from this plane and found that their
deception impenetrable to even the keenest talents were appreciated here. The students
eye. Add to this the truly bizarre weather of are generally evil aligned but not always,

and their mastery of
illusion is enhanced
by the properties
of the plane itself.
Many of the students
walk around with
a particular variant
of mirror image,
meaning that they
always appear to be
three or four identical
selves in class.
Duchess Shelesorra,
the Arch-Devil of Lies and
Cruelty, rules the plane as
the sworn foe of Totivillus,
the Diabolical Scribe, and
as the nemesis of all gods
of truth and justice. As the
perverted and depraved
daughter of Addrikah
and Mammon,
Shelesorra is the Mother
of Doppelgangers and
Queen of Illusion,
able to bend reality
around her and to skew
anyone’s senses into a conflicting
welter of jarring, blurred, and deceptive
sights. She maintains a perpetual ability
to see through all lies, illusions, and
deceptions used against her, though she
seems to have a particular vulnerability
to radiance and fire. The arch-devil Belphegor (see Creature
In addition, Shelesorra either created or Codex) also maintains a court in a distant
stole the Scepter of Silence, a deep-black corner of Sooleleed (and seems to be allied
artifact bound in spirals of demon-skin with Parzelon and a rival of Shelesorra). His
leather and topped with a bright-red sphere court is a place of maleficent constructs and
of pure arcane energy, capable of stilling devices, built and tended to by the inhabitants
the tongue of foes and rendering them of Endekkor, a city full of tieflings and
temporarily or permanently mute as well as gnomes. Diabolical automatons and spiked
destroying the minds of lesser souls entirely. walls, streets, and even taverns are common
In this manner, she delights in destroying the in Endekkor, a place more suited to barbed
songs of bards, the prayers of the faithful, and devils and spider fiends than anything else.
the arcana of wizards and sorcerers, leaving Some believe that Belphegor has recently
them with no words to call for help. become enmeshed in studying the Void itself,

and that this explains his growing power over that has not changed hands a dozen or a
enormous undead such as death barques and hundred times. A Chundran demon lord or
bone colossi (see Warlock #15). It’s unclear arch-devil on the move from place to place is
whether this is just the clack that he spreads always accompanied by at least a few hundred
about to warn off enemies while he lolls about fiends if travelling informally or an entire
in perpetual sloth and idleness. army on a more public round of visits to its
holdings and estates. The use of body doubles
11. CHUNDRESH, HUNTER’S HELL and illusions is very common in Chundresh,
OF BLOOD AND FEAR and many of the illusions and transmutations
used in this manner are purchased from the
Chundresh is a place of dark forests and
College of Subtle Mirrors or from Sooleleed
narrow ravines, of hilly uplands roamed by
generally; the two planes share at least one
vast herds of hellish goats, peculiar black
major gate, the Reflecting Cloud. Entering it
sheep, and red-eyed, white-furred deer. It is
to traverse between the two planes has been
a place where predators roam free to kill for
described as somewhat akin to walking into
sport and for sustenance and where some
a cloud of flesh-stripping flies and being
souls are set loose in the bodies of prey, the
vomited forth on the other end. Few mortals
better for them to be hunted, chased, and
enjoy it.
dragged down to a messy end.
Sleep and rest are quite difficult for
While most of the plane of Chundresh is
non‑natives on Chundresh. Each short rest
devoted to blood hunts, it does also have a few
brings a sense of unease as if something is
scattered cities and keeps, all devoted to the
watching. And indeed, often birds or other
worship of the Hunter or to various demon
small, unnaturally colored animals will seem
lords of a similar stripe. The greatest of these
to observe creatures at rest and occasionally
cities is Verdano, a noisy place of hounds
call with a peculiar whistling tone said to
and leatherworkers, falconers and butchers.
bring wolves, hounds, or hunters. Each long
Its inhabitants are almost all tieflings with
rest brings disturbing dreams of being chased,
a scattering of trollkin and even orcs. They
torn apart, and devoured by demons or other
maintain large packs of hunting dogs, from
horrors—a successful DC 15 Constitution
hounds of the night to mastiffs and lich
check is required for non-natives to rest
hounds, for the use of the lords and ladies
successfully in Chundresh.
of the hunt (almost all major cultists of the
Hunter or impressive demons). Dog fights in
the street are a common entertainment, and In Summary
anyone who is without some form of guardian While the Eleven Hells are home to sentient
animal is treated as a servant (for servants are creatures and complex societies, they are
forbidden from owning animals in Verdano). hostile and xenophobic enough to ensure
When not hunting game and souls, the lords that travelers are unwelcome and visitors
and ladies of Chundresh hunt one another; unwanted. True heroes and scholars might
this is more dangerous than game but also visit and survive long enough to bring some
leads to greater status and greater prizes as word of these places back to the mortal
each lord and lady has at least one and often realms of Midgard and thus ensure that other
dozens of small keeps and castles to defend. travelers continue to avoid them. A grand
Small-scale raids, midnight ambuscades, tour of the Eleven Hells is, after all, far less of
and everyday assassinations are common in a joy than a grand tour of just about anywhere
Chundresh, and rare is the Chundran keep else in the multiverse.


by David “Zeb” Cook

“Where is Smoketown? Gods blessings, that I cannot say. I don’t think anyone really knows
where it is, but I can tell you how to find it. Just take the northeast road from here, and when
you get to a big bend with a standing rock, look for a trail going more north. You follow that
over the ridge, and once it goes into the mist, Smoketown will find you.
“But I must ask, why? Only the lost and fools go to Smoketown.”
—Deacon Tunburga Swinhall

O f all the towns and villages of the Shadow

Realm, Smoketown is something
different. True, it is home to an assortment
There are hell’s refugees and asylum seekers,
broke and trapped; mad twisted dreamers,
looking for dark enlightenment; con men,
of mismatched folk, mostly tieflings, just fortune hunters, and collectors of the
like other places. True, it is a backwater, grotesque and arcane; cults, good and foul,
just like many other places. And true, it is competing for the faithful; noble paladins,
a marketplace, and there are many of those planning heroic raids; and even the occasional
in the Shadow Realm. But Smoketown sells demon or devil on diplomatic duty.
something no other town has—pathways to
the Eleven Hells. Its most important goods are
the services of the guides who make it home. Getting There
While the gates to the Eleven Hells are Sometimes called the “shifting village,”
open to anyone, those are the gates for the the “town in the mist,” or simply the “lost
dead and damned. Only the foolhardiest of place,” Smoketown hovers in the indefinite
mortals bang on these doorways, demanding border between the Shadow Realm and hell,
entrance. Few do, and fewer still survive to all of the Eleven Hells. It borders all eleven
regret it. No, to get in—and maybe out—of or none at all, all at the same time. The
the hells safely requires a guide, someone geometaphysicians who have studied it say
who knows the secret pathways the demon parts of the town, specifically the gateway and
and devils overlook. And the place to find the road up to it, exist in the Shadow Realm
those guides is Smoketown. while the rest of the town exists in a psychic
In addition to the guides or because of them, no-man’s-land, a vague realm that touches all
Smoketown draws the desperate and broken. of the hells. Others disagree of course. They


7 3




say the town is a psychoresonant entity that that will be gone the next time they pass by
responds to the yearnings of travelers. Thus it that way. The path winds through familiar
appears where it is needed or wanted and takes to increasingly unfamiliar terrain. The land
the traveler to where it thinks they belong. becomes shrouded in thick mist as it plunges
Smoketown is able to appear anywhere forward. After an unexpected turn, bend, dip,
on the border of the Shadow Realms and or rise, Smoketown appears out of the nothing
connects to various places in all of the Eleven as if it had always been there.
Hells. Where exactly is exists is unknown as
it is always shrouded behind a wall of mist
and fog, but more so, its exact location in the
Shadow Realm changes frequently, so finding New arrivals are invariably greeted by
it is never a simple case of following the a distinguished older man dressed as a
directions used by the last traveler. seasoned warrior, possibly a nobleman. He
Through trial and error, seekers have settled introduces himself as the Captain, the master
on two ways to find Smoketown. Both are of Smoketown. If the town was summoned,
rituals of sorts. In the first, the traveler writes the Captain produces the contract the player
a contract expressing their Secret Desire—the wrote and buried and politely asks for the
passion that drives them to seek the hells in payment. Once the payment is made, both
the first place. The contract must state the hell sides mark the contract fulfilled. The Captain
being sought and the fare the traveler is willing explains they are now free to find and hire a
to pay. Fares can be almost anything: gold, guide to continue their journey onward. If
magic, years of life, dreams, living sacrifices, asked, he points people toward the First Hope
knowledge, promises of future reward, or Tavern as a good place to begin their search.
whatever seems suited to where the traveler is If for some reason the player refuses to
trying to go and the urgency of their journey. honor their contract, the Captain will press
The contract is buried in the dark on a them to change their mind. He warns they
well‑traveled path, and the petitioner waits. If will not like the consequences but makes
everything was correctly worded and the price no overt threats or hostile moves. Instead
reasonable, an emissary contacts the person he asks the players to come with him to the
to settle the deal. The emissary may be almost town square. Whether they come or refuse,
anything: a raven, a one-legged man, a dream, he still goes to the square and stands under
a talking goat, a pattern in the fallen leaves, an ancient, hanging gibbet to read out their
even a newborn child. There may be haggling sentence.
over the price, but once that is settled, the “Citizens, by the voice of your Captain and
emissary provides a place and time where the authority granted him, know that [name
Smoketown will be found. of the one sentenced] has refused just and legal
Others say Smoketown can also be found payment for our services. Let no person provide
by those who passionately need it even if they guidance or charity until the proper payment
don’t realize it. They claim Smoketown senses has been made twice over. So the justice of
the desperate and opens a path to draw them Smoketown is declared!”
in. When this happens, the traveler simply With that, he nails the contract to the gibbet
finds the town without ever realizing they pole, and the sentence is complete.
were searching for it in the first place. The Once the sentence is passed, no one in
traveler has found their way to Smoketown Smoketown will agree to guide the sentenced
Whatever the method, the journey to out of town, regardless of their destination.
Smoketown always leads the traveler to a trail Likewise, no one will offer them any free

lodging, food, or supplies. These things can be blunder around in the fog, the GM should
bought, but prices may be dear. The sentence determine where they eventually wind up by
will be lifted when the player(s) pay double making a percentile check:
whatever they promised in the contract.
Sometimes this is easy to figure out, but if not, 01–45 After 2–3 days of wandering, the group
the GM should make clear to the players what stumbles back into Smoketown. They
will fulfill the sentence. In no case should have wandered in a great circle.
the GM present them with terms that are 46–95 After a day’s journey, the group arrives
completely impossible to fulfill. at a random* hell.
For players who arrive without a contract, 96–00 Through amazing luck, the group
strictly based on passionate need, the Captain manages after two days of wandering to
greets them by name on their arrival. If reach their desired destination.
questioned, he can explain that they have
*Random, of course, can mean a hell where the GM has
been embraced by Smoketown and that here an adventure ready to use.
they can find the service they need. The GM
For those under the Captain’s sentence,
can use the Captain to provide semi‑cryptic
leaving is even more difficult. No guide will
guidance to players who are unclear about
why they are here and what they should
do next.
If players attack the Captain, he and
any guards with him will fight without
mercy to the best of their ability.

Getting out of Smoketown is no
easier and possibly even harder
than getting into Smoketown.
The town’s existence in a place
that is neither here nor there makes
it almost impossible not to get lost in
the mist without a guide. That is
the point of Smoketown;
people come here to hire
guides to lead them into
whatever hell they want to visit.
Trying to make that trip without a
guide is foolishness.
Of course, some people will
be foolish. Those not under
sentence can pick a road and
plunge into the mist whenever
they want. However, there
are no road signs or markers
to guide them once beyond
the town. While the players

work for anyone under sentence. Those who sit down face-to-face. There are times when
leave without a guide will wander in the mist a celestial arrives on one road while an
for 1–2 days only to return to Smoketown. No archdemon enters by another. These meetings
matter what precautions are taken, the result is are carefully planned in advance and the
always the same. Short of using extraordinary Captain makes special effort to make sure
magical means, the only way to leave is to pay everything goes smoothly.
the Captain’s fine and hire a guide.
The Town
Duels and Deals First-time visitors often gape at the collection
Smoketown is home to and hosts a wide range of diabolic souls who live in Smoketown.
of beings with beliefs ranging from self- Depending on the visit, the town has 200–500
righteous virtue to abhorrent evil. With such residents. The majority are tieflings who
a mix, one might expect the town to be a field have found occupations and shelter here.
of open warfare. However, the opposite it the The next largest group are humans, followed
case. A tenuous understanding keeps all this by trollkin, shadow fey, gnolls, dragonkin,
from exploding into outright slaughter. It is an dhampir, elves, and elfmarked. Dwarves,
accepted tradition that Smoketown is a place gnomes, halflings, gearforged, kobolds, and
of truce—except when it isn’t. others are rare.
Demons and devils love no one, even their Travelers who have been here more than
own. The righteous fume about the evil around once are amazed that the streets and buildings
them. The vengeful see Smoketown as a place of Smoketown are completely different from
to settle scores. Therefore, knowing the nature visit to visit. It may on one visit be a walled
of his visitors, the Captain turns a blind eye to hamlet with well-made stone buildings and
dueling—provided some rules are followed. on the return trip be a sprawling, defenseless
• The duelist must formally challenge his village of mud-brick buildings. Each time
target and establish a time and place. a traveler arrives, the layout of streets, the
Simply attacking a foe in the middle of the placement of buildings, even the very nature
street is a violation of this rule. of the town is different.
• The duel must be fought away from people Still, elements of Smoketown remain
and buildings. With wizard spells, breath unchanged even if appearances are altered.
attacks, and worse, the risk to others is There is always a river or stream that runs
too great. There are a number of accepted through or past the town, and it is always
dueling grounds on the fringes of town, plied by boats bringing goods and travelers.
even fitted with pavilions for spectators. The businesses and homes are always
• The duel must be one-on-one. This is to present—there is always the First Hope
prevent large mob battles from erupting. Tavern, the Captain’s Manor, the Gibbet, the
Smoke Gate, and others. The buildings will
The Captain and his guards will arrest
look different and be in different places, but
anyone who defies these basic rules. It may
the inhabitants will be the same.
take time and effort to arrest a demon lord
The locals do not find this unusual,
intent on destroying the town, but the
and many aren’t even aware that their
Captain will persist.
surroundings are different. It is not clear
Because the town is a mixing point for
when the change happens since the town
folks noble and vile, it also serves as a neutral
never seems to alter its appearance while the
ground for those times when two sides must
player characters are staying there.

Collecting travelers’ reports, there appear it is not necessary to map every iteration of
to be eleven different configurations of Smoketown. Simply describe the look of the
Smoketown. These are: buildings using one from the list above and
1. A stereotypical human town, walled with keep the locations vague. “Down the street” or
a single gate, half-timbered buildings with “across town” is enough to provide directions
shingled roofs. without requiring an exact survey.
2. A walled town with mud-brick buildings
laid out in a very rectangular grid. Guide to Smoketown
3. A ramshackle collection of wooden Regardless of the layout, the town will always
buildings and shacks within a rotting have the following locations. The buildings are
wooden palisade. described in general terms of size and purpose
4. A collection of tribal huts surrounding an along with suggested appearances for different
old temple. manifestations of Smoketown.
5. A village of stone-and-thatch buildings
enclosed in an earthen wall ring 1. THE CAPTAIN’S HALL
6. An unwalled village of elaborately carved The Captain’s Hall is always one of the largest
wooden buildings with high-peaked roofs and most important buildings in Smoketown,
and dragon-headed ridgepoles. as befits the lord of this strange village. Here
7. A prosperous town of brick buildings and the Captain both lives and manages the daily
cobbled streets inside a crumbling ancient business of ruling Smoketown. Regardless
stone wall. of form, the hall always has a space where
8. A landscape of crystalline buildings with the Captain receives ambassadors and hears
sharp edges lit in smoky blue hues. the day’s cases if there are any. In addition,
there will be a small armory, his private
9. A walled town of ancient, polished stone
quarters, kitchen, and at least one storeroom.
buildings with a majestic but crumbling
Depending on the town configuration, there
plaza at the center.
may be additional rooms or outbuildings for
10. A town of mildewed townhouses where guards, servants, and special guests.
the streets are all canals crisscrossed by
• The Hall is an unadorned stone keep
with a great set of iron-clad doors and
11. A log-walled stockade with thick timber arrow slits in the walls. The building is
blockhouses, enclosing wood-and-hide three stories tall with a main feasting hall
lodges. overlooked by an upper gallery and many
Metaphysicians have tried to calculate if the side rooms.
town’s appearance is linked to whichever hell • The Hall is a grand tribal building built on
is nearest and if the town maintains a fixed stilts, so it stands 6 feet off the ground. A
order to the hells it visits. Unfortunately, swooping palm-leaf roof has wide eaves
knowing both of these things requires going to protect from the sun and rain. Lavish
to each hell and coming back, sometimes rattan weavings cover the floors and walls
repeatedly—something no scholar has yet where the Captain receives visitors, eats,
managed to do. and sleeps.
In play, it is best to have at least two • The Hall is the best of the leaky shacks
different town layouts, even if the players only that make up the town. Worn cowhide
expect to visit Smoketown once. However, covers the holes in the roof. Inside there

are benches and stools around a warming • This is a traditional half-timbered
central firepit. In the shadows are sleeping building in clear need of repairs. The
mats, baskets, and chests. mud-and-wattle walls are cracked, and
large chunks of the plaster have fallen
The Captain is a human man, grim and
away in places. The place is a maze of little
heartless but scrupulously proper. He
rooms, most windowless, on a variety of
enforces and is part of the unstated laws
floors and uneven hallways. The main
that govern Smoketown. He is a classic
room is dingy and overheated with soot-
tyrant with absolute power over Smoketown
stained glass windows that barely let any
and a dedication to protect it. While his
light in.
judgements are harsh, they are scrupulously
fair by Smoketown standards. He adheres • The dusty mud-brick inn’s main room
to the absolute letter of the law regardless is a cantina with bare dirt floors and
of the suffering this causes the guilty or the a mismatched collection of tables and
innocent. He has never been known to display benches. The second floor is mostly two
favoritism or mercy and has a well-earned large rooms where a traveler can rent a
reputation for being incorruptible. pallet on the floor. A few private rooms
The Captain is a powerful fighter of have doors that don’t latch and windows
indeterminate level. He should provide a without any glass or coverings.
severe challenge to any group that threatens • This crystal building has seen better days.
him, always being at least equal to them The walls are marked by spiderweb cracks
if not better in power. However, he is not and unwashed grime that dmiminish the
invulnerable or unkillable—he can be
defeated by those with enough
skill and luck. If he is killed, he
will reappear the next morning
as if nothing had happened. He literally
holds no grudge or ill-will against
anyone who kills him, at most advising
his killers their efforts are futile and
unproductive. Killing him will not lift any
sentence he set on a player character.

Always located on the town’s
riverbank, the By-Water Inn is
Smoketown’s only, and thereby finest,
inn. It provides lodging for travelers
and some permanent guests, victims of
the Captain’s sentence still looking for the
way to pay their sentence. Overall the inn is
less-than-stellar. The food and drink are both
thin and sour, the staff cross and suspicious
of all their guests. Regardless of the rest of the
town, the inn buildings are always in need of
repair and cleaning.

luster of the crystal. Throughout there
are too many sharp‑edged projections for
anyone to sit comfortably anywhere.
The landlord is a one-eyed, one-horned
tiefling man named Holst Nactwier, as surly
a host as one might ever find. He seems to
actively resent all his guests and believes every
one of them is trying to cheat him in some
way. His only concern is to be paid upfront at
whatever gouging price he can get. Complaints
about the inn’s cleanliness, bad food, lack
of service, or anything else are met with a
churlish snort and the offer to throw “your
ungrateful hide” out into the street. Nor is his
partner, an elf woman named Twiletta, any
better—shrill, sharp‑tongued, and altogether
un-elflike. She is quick to flourish a boning
knife as a way to make her point clear.


Located on the river, the docks are only used
by boats carrying travelers in and out. Mostly
deserted, especially at night, the docks are a
popular place for clandestine meetings with
guides, infernal agents, and robbers. It can be
hard to tell one of these from the others.
The docks, regardless of the town’s
appearance, always look like standard docks
appropriate to the rest of the town.
• The tavern is a simple outdoor space with
4. FIRST HOPE TAVERN shade-providing trees. A small shack
serves as the storeroom and bar front.
The tavern is always located near the Smoke
Charms and icons hang from the branches
Gate, ready to greet new arrivals. No matter the
of the trees over the guests.
appearance of the town, the First Hope Tavern
• Amid the dingy shacks of the town, the
sports religious items that are the antithesis
tavern is notably clean and well-repaired,
of the Eleven Hells. The yard in front of the
making it one of the few solid structures
tavern is a thicket of protective idols, lucky
in the town. Inside the warmly lit main
horseshoes, warding posts, spirit bundles,
salon, the walls are lined with protective
painted charms, and inspiring holy symbols.
idols. Paper charms are plastered over
• The building is a long, wooden mead the door and window frames, doing more
hall. The path to the door is lined by holy than keeping out drafts.
iconography while the doorposts and
lintels are carved with protective prayers of The tavern is run by o-Gromma Hakkir, a
many different religions. dragonborn. He is elderly and needs a cane to

get about but is still filled with determination • The caravanserai is a single large building
and hope. His body shows the scars of battles with only two heavily barred gates.
fought long ago, but as o-Gromma readily Inside is a large courtyard where the
admits, those days are long past. Big of body animals care kept. Surrounding this are
and spirit, o-Gromma presides over the two stories of galleries with rooms for
tavern with gruff good cheer and a devout supplies, gear, trade goods, and sleeping
reverence for the “noble” gods. He is open for the caravan crews.
with his advice and counsel for those who • It is a stone plaza on the edge of town,
seek it and often teaches new travelers the dominated by a magical fountain with the
ropes of Smoketown. power to refresh the weary and restore
His staff is a collection of the trapped and stamina for the long journeys ahead.
the lost—travelers needing a job before they Outbuildings line the plaza—stables,
can move on or those under sentence who ordered by beast, plus warehouses, flop
find comfort and understanding from the rooms, and fodder cribs.
old dragonborn. It is clear he cares for their
well-being. What he does not tolerate though 6. FERISSON SMITHY
are slackers and con men. Those hoping to
Run by a pair of hill dwarf brothers, Kelka
take advantage of his generosity often find
and Trav Ferisson, this small ironworks
themselves hustled out the door at the point
provides the needs of Smoketown and the
of his sword.
travelers that pass through. The brothers
came here to make their fortune and they are
5. THE CARAVAN YARD well on their way. Kelka, the older, is a sharp
This is the arrival and departure point for dealer who will never give a discount to even
the large overland caravans that sometimes a loyal customer. Trav does most of the work
pass through Smoketown. Thus it is a good at the forge and seldom has a kind word to
location to gather information on the route share with anyone although he can spare
ahead and the latest news from the hells. It time for those who know anything of infernal
is run by the tiefling Missara Curved-Blade. smithing. His metalwork is not amazing but
Running one of the few successful businesses good enough for Smoketown.
in town, she keeps a close watch on the • It is a stone shed with a massive forge and
comings and goings of all strangers—and a bellows powered by a water sluice drawn
more than a few of the guides. Realistic and from the river. A coal bunker fills the rest
hard-nosed, she is very guarded, but those of the space and Trav’s anvils sit under an
who prove themselves worthy of her trust awning out front.
are rewarded with her guidance and insights • The forge is a clay pit in a dusty courtyard
as to the reliability of the various guides and surrounded by mounds of coal and wood.
mercenaries found in the town, along with Large flat stones serve as anvils, and reed
their schemes and secret alliances. mats are Trav’s workbenches.
• The business consists of a large stable, able • Built into the hollow of a great dead tree,
to house 30 or more animals, along with forge smoke has charred the interior of
an attached corral where more beasts can the natural chimney to the point where
be kept. Missara maintains a small office it can no longer burn. Nearby, a fine
just inside the stable doors. building of wood and iron serves as the
workshop and shop front for the brothers.

7. THE OLD TEMPLE of deceit to save the lost from the treacheries
found in Smoketown. Those who can decipher
It is hard to know which god was served by
his twisting wordplay and riddles can learn
this crumbling old ruin. Once it was a modest
useful advice about the guides in town—who
but fine structure to a deity of good will and
knows a true path and who is likely to lead
intentions, but whatever symbols it bore are
their client into an ambush.
long missing. Were they removed or were
they defaced? There are signs and suggestions
that either could be true. The grounds still 8. THE SMOKE GATE
carry a faint aura of good, but there is also a No matter what form the town takes, there
strong trace of evil. Was the temple attacked is always the Smoke Gate at the road leading
and overrun? Abandoned? Desecrated? into town. It marks the boundary between
Or is it a steadfast reminder that even here Smoketown and frayed edges of whatever lies
goodness can be found?
• The ruin is little more than a few wooden
poles, burnt long ago and moldering with
age. The altar, carved from a single
massive log, still remains,
charred but solid.
• Clearly this was once a small
but soaring crystal structure.
Now it lies in a jumble of
broken shards with only
the archway of the main
entrance still standing.
• Once it was a small clay-
brick ziggurat with elaborate
decorations on the sides.
Time and weather have
eroded these to be almost
unrecognizable. The ritual
brazier at the top still stands
with signs of recent ashes.
Still, the ruin is not
abandoned. A tiefling cleric,
Manar Inkala, has a small hovel
near the ruin. He is ragged
and wild-haired. He speaks in
cryptic phrases and lies more
than he tells the truth. Most
in town figure he is mad—just
another of the lost who have
drifted into Smoketown. In
truth, Manar is a cleric of
Sarastra with a particular
passion to use his divine skills

beyond, Shadow Realm or one of the hells. on information she learns to her infernal lord.
The gate serves a powerful protective function Supporting this theory, she is particularly
for the town because the gate can only be well-informed about visitors to Smoketown
found by those who live in Smoketown or along with any sentences the Captain has
have made a contract with the Captain, and pronounced.
no one can properly enter Smoketown except For a devil spawn of the Lord of Secrets, she
through the gate. It is believed that the ghosts is cheerful, talkative, and helpful, especially to
sometimes seen in the streets are the images those who cannot pay the Captain’s fines. For
of those who skirted the gate on their way in. those willing to pay her price, Hezapah can
• The Smoketown gate is a stout stone persuade the Captain to modify his sentence.
structure with heavy, banded doors Whatever secrets she knows, the Captain is
protected by a wrought-iron portcullis of determined to keep them hidden. Her price
snakes and flames. The Captain’s banner varies by person. It may be a secret of great
hangs over the top of the archway. power or it may be a soul. Whatever is paid,
• The gate is a living archway of thorny she casts it upon the millstone and makes it
vines. The wilted flowers and brown leaves forever hers.
don’t reveal what plant this is or was. A • The wooden building’s mossy walls
sign for Smoketown hangs at the top in shudder slightly as the great water wheel
the faded blooms. turns. With each turn, the gears slowly
• The gate is a massive bronze door thump as the stones grind together.
decorated with lapis lazuli and gilded • An isolated tower stands on an island in
designs. It is set in a wall and flanked by the river. Driven by water powered gears,
two polished marble pillars flying the the tower steadily turns, the entire base
banners of the Captain and the town. acting as a millstone.
• The rhythmic beat of hammers resounds
9. THE SOUL MILL from the brick building on the bank. The
wheel turns the clockwork gears that drive
At the bank of the river is the second‑oldest
this hammer mill.
building in Smoketown—a water-powered
grist mill. Day and night, the stone wheel
turns without stop whether there is anything 10. THE GIBBET
to grind or not. The villagers do bring their This skeletal structure where prisoners are
grain here to turn into flour and meal, but it’s caged and hung exposed to the elements
known that the miller has other goods to sell. day and night is always at the center of
The mill is owned and run by Hezapah, a Smoketown, regardless of its configuration.
spawn of Parzelon. If asked why she is here, Furthermore, it’s appearance never changes—
she tells a tale of how she angered Parzelon an ironbound cage hung from a crossbeam
and was banished to the Shadow Realm. After that gently twists and swings at the slightest
much wandering, she found her way here. breeze. Sometimes it is empty but more often
Unable to go closer to home, she has settled in occupied. It might be a traveler pleading
Smoketown and is making the best of it. Why for mercy, a minor demon who dared to
a miller? The mill was available, and the job is challenge the Captain’s power, a rotting
easy, according to her. corpse, or a raving madman. Whatever is
Of course, nobody else in town believes a inside is held by powerful wards woven into
word of it. The popular theory is that Hezapah the very metal of the cage.
is still serving the Lord of Secrets by passing

The gibbet is reserved for criminals caught On the gibbet post are contracts for travelers
in Smoketown, mostly murderers and thieves. currently under the Captain’s sentence. They
They are sentenced by the Captain and caged can be read by anyone. It may be that a group
in the gibbet until their sentence is served. It of adventurers has the means to pay off a
might be several days exposure or to remain trapped traveler’s sentence. Who knows what
in the cage, without food or water, until dead. might come of that?
The townsfolk know better than to release
anyone sentenced to the gibbet. That is
another serious crime in the Captain’s ledger
The Guides
The entire point of Smoketown is to find a
sheet. Yet that does not prevent them from
guide. This should be simple. There are plenty
hiring or tricking adventurers into staging
of guides here, but finding a reliable one is
a breakout. That would certainly mean the
another matter. They range from trustworthy
adventurers committed the crime and not
to treacherous and none of them know the
their would‑be employer.
paths to every hell.


THENA FARROW and intensely concerned for others, his first

Tiefling (7th-level ranger), neutral evil reaction to those who try to hire him is to
Paths Known: try talking them out of their journey. On the
Archedantuss (Riverine Hell of the Styx road, he has good intentions but is not the
& Lethe), Urgennos (Luminous Hell of Fire best at following through on his plans.
Thena is a sharp-eyed scout with distinctive Human (6th-level wizard), lawful neutral
flowing horns that make up for her short Paths Known:
stature and a blunt way with people. She Archedantuss (Riverine Hell of the Styx
knows her way around, but if she thinks a & Lethe), Emwabbik Em (Alien Hell of the
group is going to get her killed, she has no Acid Abyss)
problem ditching them to their fate. She will
feel bad about it later… while she is alive and Gregor is one of those people who always
having a drink at the First Hope Tavern. manages to see the worst in any situation,
even when things are going well. Although
KLAUS MUELLER extremely skilled and competent, he is
Human (6th-level sorcerer), lawful neutral plagued by self-doubts and does not see his
own ability. He is a meticulous organizer but
Paths Known:
becomes extremely stressed when things do
Bzeletalet (Buzzing Hell of Insects), Efrizarr
not go according to plan.
(Frozen Hell of Ice and Silence)
Klaus describes himself as a man who has MALKAS
freed himself from the bonds of ordinary Tiefling (8th-level fighter), neutral
society. Others describe him as a lazy, Paths Known:
no‑ambition bum. After years of barely Bzeletalet (Buzzing Hell of Insects), Fleggesun
getting by as an adventurer, he somehow (Fetid Hell of Cannibal Rot)
found himself in Smoketown where he
discovered a talent for finding the paths Loud to the point of obnoxiousness and
through the mist. Not a natural planner, oblivious to the feelings of those around
his preparation is mostly, “Don’t worry. him, Malkas is a hard tiefling to love.
Everything will work out.” The rest is all Fortunately, most of the time he is happy and
“Everybody run!” when trouble breaks out. good‑natured, but he is quick to take insult
when challenged. His talents as a guide are
YOUMA ADAMIZ KA’MOURA’I’A GARA far less than he believes them to be, but he is a
Elfmarked (5th-level cleric), lawful good trustworthy sword when things get dicey.

Paths Known: BRIGID NO-MAN

Qes-al-Marit (Shifting Hell of Darkness and Trollkin (8th-level fighter), neutral good
Bone Dunes), Snorecksubo (Lingering Hell
of Plagues) Paths Known:
Nakhol (Vanishing Hell of Ignorance),
Abandoned as a child, Youma has grown up Snorecksubo (Lingering Hell of Plagues)
with an intense desire to protect and help
Abrasively sarcastic and half-drunk most of
the lost and forlorn, which has naturally
the time, Brigid is a surprisingly reliable and
led him to Smoketown. Devoutly religious
effective guide. Although she puts up a tough

front, she has a weak spot for families and he is a good guide for those who can tolerate
especially children. This is matched by her his personality.
burning hatred of slavers. If the story can be
coaxed out of her, player characters might “BUCK” VYGER
learn she takes only the most dangerous Gearforged (7th-level paladin), lawful good
and high-paying guide runs to earn enough Paths Known:
money to buy her daughter out of bondage. Chundresh (Hunter’s Hell of Blood and
Fear), Nakhol (Vanishing Hell of Ignorance),
HAMILSCAR NORAND Urgennos (Luminous Hell of Fire and Sulfur)
Shadow fey (6th-level rogue), chaotic evil
Buck is a model of quiet virtue, honorable but
Paths Known:
not naive. He is not overly friendly though.
Emwabbik Em (Alien Hell of the Acid Abyss),
Indeed, most consider him grumpy. He often
Qes-al-Marit (Shifting Hell of Darkness and
mutters displeasure about the “unnatural
Bone Dunes), Sooleleed (Mirror Hell of Lies)
arrangements” of Smoketown. He is selective
Charming but treacherous, Hamilscar is a about who he works for, not accepting
complete and experienced liar. Careful to contracts with those whose motives he thinks
appear as a guide of modest skill, he keeps are suspect. Even if not hired, he will try to
apart from other guides—who well know his help earnest travelers by warning them away
true nature. He presents himself as studious from unreliable guides and offering advice to
in his guide occupation, but once he leads better prepare for the journey ahead.
a group into the mist, his goal to take them
to a camp of his brethren. There his clients HELNA GRASS-SCALE (“THE LOST LIZARD”)
will be stripped of their possessions and Dragonborn (commoner), lawful neutral
dumped to fend for themselves, unarmed, in Paths Known:
the hostile wilderness. Or killed if necessary. Efrizarr (Frozen Hell of Ice and Silence),
If Hamilscar is caught in his ruse, he can be Sooleleed (Mirror Hell of Lies)
forced to guide the party properly, though he
Helena is the most unlikely of guides, a simple
will attempt to escape at the first opportunity.
woman, albeit dragonborn, with a talent for
TAMININO guiding through the most dangerous lands.
Gnome (6th-level fighter), neutral evil How she came here and why she stays is a
mystery although her mossy-tinged scales
Paths Known:
betray her green dragon ancestry. The
Chundresh (Hunter’s Hell of Blood and Fear),
work does not seem to bring her any joy as
Fleggesun (Fetid Hell of Cannibal Rot)
Helna always seems fearful of the job and
Taminino is a skinny little fellow, perpetually intimidated by the adventurers she leads.
badly shaven and dressed in patchy clothes Some think her successes are pure luck, but
and armor. This is not from poverty but she’s wily and uses her weaknesses to her
extreme frugality. He almost never speaks. If advantage. She goes to great lengths to avoid
these odd habits were not enough, he has the discovery and especially fighting. She knows
unsettling habit of staring at people when he the ways not patrolled, the places to hide in
thinks they aren’t looking, abruptly looking the muck, where the dimwitted sentries are,
away when noticed. He clearly does not seem how to cower like a peasant not worth the
to like anyone, simmering with some unstated trouble of killing, and when to flatter the
resentment that he mutters under his breath powerful. On the road, she has no pride and
when he thinks he is out of hearing range. Still will do whatever it takes to escape notice.

by Basheer Ghouse

A thousand years ago, the City of Pillars

was a wondrous thing.
Look! Its marble palaces, sprawling estates
That tree is Iram. That guard is Iram. That
king is Iram.
Look! The rot is bone deep. It runs the length
riddled with luxury. Look! Its great gardens, of the pillars, infests the walls, the water.
their free fruits and enchanted delights. Look! Every delight is poisoned, every tile hides a
Its lofty pillars, carrying entire districts, their malignant cancer. Underneath the boots of the
roofs spread like the branches of a great tree. beloved are untold trodden souls.
Look! The Tree of the City, tall and majestic, Look!
green growth entwining its branches. Look! The City of Pillars was not a city. The city was
The ankheg guards, eyes milky white, great Iram. That the gods murdered it was a mercy.
feelers protecting the citizens and accepting
their scraps. Look! Its benevolent king,
organic crown upon regal frame, dispensing The History of the Pillars
justice and wisdom to all who ask. North of the road from Siwal to Prezhan,
Look! in the great wastes of the Sarklan Desert
That tree is not a tree. That guard is not a that separates the hungry Mharoti Empire
guard. That king is not a king. from Nuria Natal, lies the Field of the Lost
Look! The vines are a parasite. They have Army. It is named for the Mharoti legion that
killed the tree, drained its life, and feast upon died there, swallowed by the sands. And it
its corpse. It stands only for they are there, surrounds the ruins of Iram, the City of Pillars.
maintaining the facade. Look! The guard is Today, the city is barely visible, subsumed
blind, the infection has taken its sight, terrible almost entirely by sand-swept dunes and
worms live in its mouth, extending as feelers, barren rock. Tower heads and shattered pillars
stealing meals from its gut. Look! The crown litter the sands. An intrepid traveler might
is a growth. Its roots bury in the king’s spine, be warned away by the occasional corpse,
in his skull. It directs his thoughts and works abandoned camp, or gnawed b ones of a
his mouth, and when the sun is bright, when qutrub’s victims.
his children speak to him, when the growth Or they might continue. They might pierce
is weak, he realizes what he has become, and the ruins, seeking the center of the city, the
he weeps. thing that begat so many legends. They may
find the Pit. Yawning, greedy, sand dribbling

down its maw, light fading into unending, broke them. They saw Iram, and they wept for
untextured black. The far-away bounce of a the brethren they could not help.
dropped stone forestalling further exploration. In the reign of a wise and just king of the
That which you see, above the sands, is city, one of these poor souls went so far as to
the barest tips of the city of pillars. The throw themselves at his feet, begging for relief.
uppermost towers of its outermost rings. To The tales differ, and no history of that place
see more, to explore its splendor, one must now exists. Perhaps it was a father bereaved
descend beneath the sands and unearth its of his child. Perhaps it was a daughter whose
buried majesty. Perhaps you go through one lover had risen above her station and been
of the towers, digging through layers of sand taken by Iram. Perhaps it was simply an
and earth, marveling at its ever-greater depth, idealistic, desperate person with no idea
crumbling architecture now supported by how to help their fellows save to appeal to
endless rock. Perhaps you bring rope and light whatever remained of their king.
and careful preparation, and you rappel into They died but not in vain.
the yawning dark. Perhaps you have magic, fly The king was young and not yet entirely
into the depths with night-seeing goggles and gone. He was conscious for an hour each day,
well-adapted eyes. at sunset, when the monster in his flesh and
Then, only then, do you see the wonders that in his crown was drowsy and allowed him to
were—do you see the truth to the legend told do as he wished. Many of his ancestors had
in every culture in the Southlands, every city attempted to end their own torment during
in the Mharoti Empire, every monastery in this time, few had succeeded.
Khandiria and the east. The details differ, but Instead, the king visited the tree.
the truth at its core is this. The tree was the project of generations. A
The Sarklan was not always a desert. grand thing at the city’s center, growing with
When the city was at its peak, when the infinitesimal slowness and covered in fungal
oldest histories were young and the elves still growth. It was a young World Tree, gone
resplendent, it bloomed. horribly wrong. It was the grand project of the
Clear rivers flowed through the sands. Fields city, housed within a great temple and only
of lentils, abundant date palms, and ancient seen by those within the monster’s grasp.
olive trees sprawled the countryside. The The king went to the tree and laid his hands
streets were wide and clean, and impossible upon it and in his final moments of lucidity
pillars supported great fields of towers that uttered a prayer to any god who might listen.
stretched skyward. And one answered.
It was a city of superlatives. Its soldiers People lie as to whom or do not know. Many
stronger, scholars smarter, priests wiser, gods in Nuria Natal eagerly take credit. The
merchants richer than its neighbors. Its Mharoti make it a point of pride that Baal was
monarchs were icons of stability and responsible. Others claim that Dyjj himself
authority, and any challenge to its hegemony smote the city for what it did.
was met with great and furious repudiation. It does not matter who did it.
It was paradise. It was hegemon. It was a lie. What matters is what happened.
Beneath the splendor, in the shadows of Iram was scoured from everything it had
its impossible pillars and sprawling palaces, inhabited in the city and its lands. Every
were the poor of the city, and they suffered, pillar, every building, every rock, stone,
and they saw what others did not. The thing blade, and cloth. Each of its victims and, most
infesting the architecture, the soldiers, the importantly, the tree itself. It was left with
scholars. The thing that took the great and nothing save the idols from whence it came.

Light could be seen from miles away, and an proud, and powerful and has little interest in
unearthly, keening scream would be heard the humble. It only makes deals with adults of
in dreams for centuries, driving victims to intelligent species.
violence and endless ambition. Iram may offer a willing creature a blessing
Those beneath its notice or too young to or charm or may offer the functional
infest fled. Fled as it was scoured, root and equivalent of a regeneration, greater
branch, from every part of their city. Everyone restoration, or heal spell. A character in dire
and everything else—from the king to the straits, of particular interest, or who has
fields and clear rivers of the Sarklan—died. already accepted several favors may receive an
And ever since, the city has sat undisturbed. epic boon.
Scarcely worth looting. In the short-term, Iram’s goal is to infest
Until, of course, Meskhenit killed a Mharoti more people and to get at least one Clay Idol
legion atop its corpse. of Iram out of the City of Pillars. It will tailor
all of its actions and bargains toward making
Iram this happen and hopes to paint the idols as
immensely valuable treasure rather than a
The monster’s name is Iram. It is ancient,
vector for infection.
powerful, and alive still. It is fundamentally a
A creature that allows Iram to help it directly
becomes infested by Iram. Iram may influence
Iram’s deepest desire is to become a new
the target’s actions as if it were a sentient
Yggdrasil. To flower a new World Tree and
magic item with a charisma of 18. If the target
infest it. Become a power source of all the
allows Iram to affect an animal, item, or
most potent beings in the many worlds and in
object that they possess, that object is treated
doing so make them part of itself. Perhaps it
as the sentient magic item instead. Iram may
imagines itself a new World Serpent, ready to
communicate with anyone within a quarter
birth from the husk of this world.
mile of any creature or item it has infested.
Fortunately, it can only act via pawns.
Iram generally tries to avoid conflict
People who have accepted its deals, allowed
with those it has infested, instead offering
it into themselves and their possessions.
additional favors. Each favor furthers the
Their wills twisted to its purpose until they
infestation until, at five favors, two years of
become a mere extension of it. Once this was
infestation, or a point of the GM’s choosing,
its strength, allowing it to control the City of
the infested creature loses all free will and
Pillars without outside scrutiny. Now it is a
becomes an extension of Iram. This build up
weakness, leaving it starving to death in a ruin
should be gradual.
without means to act.
A creature that has become an extension
However, the Lost Legion has given it an
of Iram changes their type and subtype to
opportunity. A single survivor, willing to do
aberration (Iram). Their charisma changes
anything to keep living, and bait to draw in
to 18, and they gain proficiency in Deception
more prey. A chance, however slim, to escape
if they did not have it. Additionally, fungal
the City of Pillars.
growths or wormlike protrusions begin to
emerge from their body. Iram is a skilled
Running Iram manipulator and pretends to be a victim to
Iram always presents itself as a figure who the best of its ability.
wants to further the goals of the great and A creature that is infested but retains its
whose price for helping you is allowing it to free will can purge Iram by dying and being
help you. It is interested in the ambitious, returned to life or through burning out the

infection with a series of DC 20 medicine
checks equal to twice the number of favors
Faheleel is a small trading town built at
it has accepted or the number of months it
a crossroads and oasis between Gizmiri
has been infested, whichever is greater. Each
Province and Siwal. It has a thriving, illicit
attempt at a medicine check deals 3d6 fire
market in battlefield salvage, and as it sits on
damage to the infested. All checks must be
the only route through the Sarklan Desert,
completed within an hour.
it hosts a constant stream of trade caravans
Unfortunately, freeing yourself of Iram is
heading in either direction.
not the end. The infestation is physical, as
The people are friendly, welcoming, and
fungal fiber and chthonic carapace augment
wildly diverse. A cross-section of Nuria Natal
muscle and bone. Upon being cured, the
and the Mharoti Empire in demographic,
formerly infected suffers a penalty to attack
language, and architecture. There is an
rolls, saving throws, and ability checks as if
expectation that travelers are to spend
they had been raised from the dead, with the
money freely here and that the competing
same duration. This stacks with any penalties
interests of their neighbors will keep Faheleel
if they are raised from the dead.

Hooks to Seek the City LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE

Need a hook to bring your adventure to Iram? IN FAHELEEL
Try these:
Faheleel always seems to be changing as
• Scavengers have sent word to the Mharoti travelers come and go and new discoveries
Empire that Azhad the Red still lives. The constantly find their way into town.
sultan is keenly interested in the potential
survival and rescue of a trueborn dragon. ANTHROPOLOGIST’S ARCHIVE
• Iram’s Great Library is believed to contain This large, squat building is home to Asra,
knowledge thought lost to time, including a human veteran and head of Faheleel’s
information the party desperately needs. budding anthropological society. She is a
They must seek it out to find what they are pale‑skinned Mharoti woman who normally
searching for. wears concealing, colorful clothes and a red
• Something is horribly wrong with the ley hijab. Her association has been researching
lines, and a great sage believes it is related the history of various ruins and the peoples
to the cataclysm that destroyed Iram. The who lived in them for some time, and the
party must investigate for clues as to what uptick in battlefield looting and associated
drove the ley lines from that ancient place artifacts has resulted in an interest in the City
and if it might happen again. of Pillars.
While she does not know about the creature
• An idol from Iram has entered the
Iram, she knows quite a bit about the culture
magical curiosities market and is linked
of the city and its history and is eager to
to rapidly ascending fortunes and bizarre
tell the players that Iram probably wasn’t
behavior. While the client investigates the
its original name and that the city was once
market, the players are to travel to Iram
famous for its magical automatons and
and see if they might learn about it.
djinn‑trapping vessels. She is interested in
further artifacts and information from the
city and will pay well for anything delivered
to her.

Characters on good terms with Asra can Vaizal fear the worst. He will pay handsomely
get access to the archives, either for free or if any could bring proof of the dragon’s death
a nominal fee, depending on how well they or if undead to put him to rest and bring back
are liked. The archives have the following something for burial.
information on the City of Pillars:
• Iram was the earliest producer of djinn AND CARAVANSERAI
vessels, ancient idols and containers that Faheleel’s largest caravanserai has been swiftly
could trap genies. converted into a makeshift auction house by
• Iram was an ancient city, destroyed in a its latest owner. Persenet is a minotaur from
long-forgotten cataclysm at the end of Corremel who has made the auction house
a period of profound social change and the latest in a long list of business projects:
upheaval. It fell at the height of its power most modest successes, some spectacular
and refugees fled to what are now the failures. A DC 15 History check reveals
Mharoti Empire and Nuria Natal. the “self‑harvesting wheat enchantment,”
• Ancient cults believed that Iram was an incident of some renown and much
ritually unclean and banned all travel speculation that she refuses to speak of.
within fifty miles of it, which is why The auction house, however, is
the roads through the Sarklan Desert uncontroversial and wildly successful,
avoided it even before the ghosts of dead especially with so many of the caravans
legionnaires infested the area. and adventurers staying at the caravanserai
• Impressive magical constructs known as serving as a ready stream of moneyed buyers.
pillar guardians were once produced in She is eager to talk about an incredible statue
Iram. Few examples survive to this day, brought in from the ruins of Iram recently,
but they are believed to have been more which sold for twenty-five thousand gold,
intelligent than golems. and is eager to help further expeditions outfit
themselves if they promise to auction some of
BURIAL DETAIL their findings here.
Faheleel’s graveyard is a massive thing some Art pieces and other loot from Iram are
distance away from the town proper. It is almost ready for auction while minor magical
dominated by a tall stone building in the items periodically find their way to the
Mharoti style, the words Burial Detail carved auction floor. With such valuable loot about,
in massive letters above its entrance. It is run Persenet keeps a mage, three gladiators, and a
by Vaizal, a Mharoti kobold priest whose dozen minotaurs on staff as guards.
life’s work has been to recover and bury the
remains of the Lost Legion. He has financial THE OASIS
support from home and also runs the town’s At Faheleel’s center is the oasis. A large,
graveyard as a side business, though the town’s shallow lake fed by several underground
graves are a tiny proportion of what’s buried rivers and surrounded by tall reeds and date
out back. He is willing to pay thirty gold for palms. It’s the heart of the town: children play
every set of remains, or legionary shield and around it, locals rest and socialize in the shade
helm, that is delivered to the detail from Iram. of its trees, and an impromptu marketplace
He is especially interested in the remains of rises around it whenever a large caravan
the red dragon Azhad. He was killed when stops in town. The oasis itself is carefully
Meskhenit turned the legion, but his body was maintained by the locals, and travelers must
never found and the abundance of undead go to one of the town’s wells to get water
and necromantic qutrub in the region makes instead of drinking from it directly.

This also makes it far easier to charge • He lived in Iram for some time before
foreigners to refill their water supplies as they he met Sahure. Most of the city is
pass through. underground and far more dangerous
The largest permanent building near the than the upper city.
oasis is the abode of Faheleel’s headman, a
gnoll mage named Sahure. Sahure is well
aware of the oddity of his position being a The Upper City
male gnoll with social and political power Iram is approximately three days north of
and is eager to ensure that his position does Faheleel. Ruined pillars and weathered marble
not slip. He took power after the previous plazas rise over the horizon, protruding
headwoman was exiled by the populace due unnaturally from the rock. The ruins rise one
to rampant cruelty and perceived favoritism to two floors above the ground and are clearly
toward rich travelers over the inhabitants of the upper spires of something greater buried
Faheleel. He is an intelligent and kind leader below. This ring of ruins is about a mile and
and is reasonably popular in the town. That a half in radius, which is rather large by the
said, he doesn’t approve of the excavation of standards of Midgardian cities, and there
Iram as he believes it will bring something are no visible ruins of city walls or defensive
dangerous to Faheleel or anger the undead and fortifications that would mark an official
djinn in the desert but does not view himself boundary, merely the slow realization that the
as having the legal or moral authority to stop ruins stretch out into the distance.
adventurers. Especially with how much wealth In the center of the ruin is a massive
it has brought into the town. This has brought sinkhole that makes up the visible portion
him into conflict with Asra, though it’s a of the Pit. It is a quarter mile in radius and a
conflict that has remained civil so far. hundred feet deep, and the sinkhole can be
He lives with his partner, Aset, a qutrub who seen from above if one is standing at its edge.
turned away from cannibalism and isolation to The upper city is fairly safe during the day
live in Faheleel. Aset serves as a guide to those but has also been thoroughly looted over the
in the area and regularly roams the desert to millennia. However, at night, ruthless undead
save lost or distressed travelers or negotiate and hungry qutrub roam the towers for prey.
with other qutrub to keep them away from Banshees, qutrub, shadows, and wraiths
the town and its population. Foreigners are common threats, often in great, ghostly
occasionally confuse him for a werewolf, swarms under the command of a qutrub.
which he’s often slow to correct. He’s not Other explorers and wild animals, including
eager to speak of Iram but if approached and bulettes, rogue or weaponized elementals,
convinced can give the following information: and giant scorpions are also threats, though
• At night, undead legionnaires rise and less common in the city than outside of it.
attack those they find. They are solely
incorporeal undead, mostly banshees, LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE
shadows, and wraiths, as the legionnaires’ IN THE UPPER CITY
bodies are trapped underground. If you get
There is not so much left to see in the upper
below ground, you’re fair game at all times
city, but it serves as a staging ground.
of day and may run into corporeal undead.
• The qutrub are flesh-eating djinn who QUDRA THE STORYTELLER
consider Iram a hunting ground. Many Qudra is a qutrub necromancer, always
leash the undead and use them to kill accompanied by her bound wraiths. She has
travelers who the qutrub then eat. cleared out an ancient tower as her lair and

fashioned it with salvaged finery. She travels a massive, ruined temple. It has no roof, and
the city and desert at night, accosting travelers the petrified corpse of a massive tree stands at
on the road and demanding to hear stories its center. Once, the tree must have emerged
of their travels. Those who impress her are from the pit itself, but it has snapped near
blessed, and undead will not attack them the base and toppled, crushing part of the
unprovoked for a day and a night. Those who temple’s outer wall.
tell purposefully boring stories or refuse her The tunnels are larger, stretching underneath
are attacked and eaten. the entirety of the upper city, but less
accessible by far. They are a series of tunnels,
Ruined Camps
caverns, and buried buildings, utterly devoid
The camps of less fortunate explorers are a
of light and incredibly difficult to navigate or
common sight in the upper city. Some are
map. Getting lost is easy and, due to the sheer
corpse-strewn messes, where shadows and
hostility of the terrain, often lethal.
wraiths killed an expedition in the night.
Both areas are infested with undead.
Others are eerily abandoned, well-organized
Banshees, ghasts, ghouls, mummies,
affairs where an expedition headed into the
skeletons, wights, and wraiths all infest the
undercity and never returned. A ruined camp
undercity, reliving the battle that killed them
may hold some sort of expedition journal,
and viewing interlopers as hostile combatants.
detailing one of the dangers of the City of
Qutrub are rarer here than in the upper city,
Pillars or of the art and signs of life found
but some yet exist, gathering and binding
in the undercity. Alternately, it may house a
undead to their service or keeping vigil over
swarm of shadows that killed the previous
the ruins.
occupants, eager to murder new prey that
Additionally, many pillar guardians have
dare step into the shade.
survived the fall of Iram. Some are inactive,
Tunnel Entrances only striking in self-defense. Others follow
Many towers in the city are entrances to the orders long-since rendered irrelevant,
network of tunnels and subterranean caverns guarding ruined vaults, watching cribs
that make up the Pit. Excavating rubble will rotted to dust, pulling rotted buckets from
reveal sloping paths into the darkness or dried wells to fill shattered tubs. They are
still intact stairways to descend. Monsters immediately and immensely hostile if their
often live in these entrances, waiting out the ancient orders are threatened. Worse, they are
burning heat of the day in relative safety. often tasked in pairs.
Even so, to a group without flight, they are the However, this danger also means that
easiest way into the Pit. the wonders of the Pit are relatively intact.
Art pieces, murals, preserved writings, and
The Pit techno-magical constructs are all lucrative
items to any party brave enough to retrieve
The Pit is divided into two parts: the sinkhole
them and strong enough to get out alive.
and the tunnels.
The Sinkhole is the most visible part of the
Pit. It is an open-air stretch of ruins where the LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE IN THE PIT
city’s center crashed through the ground from
There is still much to find in the Pit for those
the sheer force of its destruction. It is littered
willing to risk it.
with enormous buildings, towers collapsed,
roofs caved in, both weathered by millennia AZHAD’S WARREN
of exposure and protected from the elements Azhad’s warren is a network of large tunnels
by the sheer walls of the Pit. At its center is and caverns in the northern section of the

tunnels. It houses Azhad and Muttalib, two of sole purpose in undeath is to ensure that the
Iram’s victims who have become trapped in idols remain here until Iram starves to death
the Pit, as well as their hoard of treasure. and they crumble. It is not aware of Azhad’s
Azhad was a trueborn dragon attached to the possession of an idol or resultant Infestation.
legion killed by Meskhenit. He was swallowed The corpses of would-be thieves are stacked
by the sands, his wings torn from his body, like cordwood in a corner of the courtyard.
but survived the ordeal by giving himself to
Iram. He is trapped in the warrens, too large
This grand, three-story building was once the
for tunnels and unable to dig, so he journeys
glorious royal library, repository of all the
through the paths he can reach in an endless
knowledge and history and culture of the City
search for freedom. He is accompanied by
of Pillars. Unfortunately, Iram had little need
the djinn outcast Muttalib, who searches the
for a library or for records of its actions. It
tunnels for prey and guides Azhad to them
remembered those things, and records would
that the two might eat.
be clues as to its existence and nature. As such,
Azhad is a young adult red dragon with
the library was left to gather dust once Iram
no fly speed. Muttalib is a qutrub who has
possessed the city, its tomes moldering, its
maximum health per hit dice (50). Both have
archives sealed, and its halls empty, inhabited
been entirely subverted by Iram, so their types
only by those poor, still-free souls who needed
have been changed to aberration (Iram).
a roof over their head for a night or to hide
As neither can escape, Iram is using them
from the many eyes of Iram for a day.
as bait. They will attack those they encounter,
It is currently haunted by the ghost of
and Iram will offer to help their victims. If
Ubar, a librarian who had been investigating
anyone accepts, Azhad and Muttalib will
Iram’s slow takeover of the city when he
become sloppy and allow either an escape
was murdered. The ghost cannot leave the
or for themselves to be killed, though Iram
library but wishes to show people the cache
prefers to preserve them for continued use.
of intelligence he managed to preserve before
They have amassed a small hoard of wealth
his death. As such, he will attempt to attract
from their victims and store it in their lair. Its
the attention of trespassers in the library,
centerpiece is a Clay Idol of Iram.
speaking to them in a long-dead dialect of
THE GRAND TEMPLE Common and directing them to a loose floor
At the very center of the Pit is a temple. A tile under which is hidden a wax-sealed
monumental, open-topped building that once tube containing reams of information about
housed a nascent World Tree. The tree has Iram: of note are its name and that it targets
toppled and fallen over the north wall of the the powerful and ambitious preferentially.
temple, shattering it. Its outer wall is a grand Additionally, there is a journal of the
thing of sheer marble walls, elegant domes, investigation that ends with Ubar realizing
and exquisitely carved entryways. Statues that he is being followed and praying that
to dozens of gods line its halls, each subtly others succeed where he has failed.
marred with fungal growth, blackened veins, For those with no interest in the ghost, the
or hollowed eyes. At its center is a grand, library still has a wealth of immensely valuable
open-roofed courtyard, benches arrayed in tomes. Ancient magical secrets, accounts of
rows around the World Tree’s corpse and a events before recorded history, and much of
grand, circular altar ringing its stump. the past of the City of Pillars and its many
Four Clay Idols of Iram are arranged about achievements can be found here if one can
a dais, watched eternally by the unceasing discern the intact tomes from the ruined and
vigil of the Stalwart King. The undead king’s decipher their long-dead language.

Additionally, two djinn vessels are secreted
away somewhere in the library’s subterranean
There is much to fear in the City of Pillars.
archives, hidden among active pillar
guardians and hungry oozes that have made
the place their home.
Medium construct, unaligned
• One contains Nadir, a bloody-minded Armor Class 16
efreet, sealed away while Iram was in Hit Points 128 (17d8 + 51)
power for discovering Iram and insulting Speed 40 ft.
it at length. Unfortunately, while he
knows much, he is also pointlessly STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
belligerent and is unlikely to cooperate 20 (+5) 10 (0) 17 (+3) 7 (−2) 17 (+3) 9 (−1)
when freed. He knows nearly everything
about Iram, save how the city was Saving Throws Int +1
destroyed and how to save the infested. Skills Athletics +8, Perception +6
• Bushra is a proud but gracious marid, Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
sealed away as Iram came to power in the
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
city. She was a friend of Ubar and was
assisting him in his investigation.
One night, she came to
warn Ubar of an attempt
on his life, only to be
imprisoned and sealed
in the archives. She
is haughty toward her
rescuers but intersperses
this with sincere thanks
and well-wishes. She
shares what she knows
of the city if players ask,
including what little she
knows about Iram. (It is an
infestation of some sort and
can be violently burned
out of its victims at
some risk to the victim’s
health). If the party leave
on good terms with her,
the next time they are in
mortal danger, three water
elementals arrive to
rescue them, declaring in
Bushra’s voice that they
are even.

Senses darkvision 90 ft., passive Perception 16
Language none
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Magic Resistance. The pillar guardian has

advantage on all saving throws against
spells and other magical effects.

Multiattack. The pillar guardian makes
three sword attacks or one sword attack
and one lash attack.
Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 10
(1d10 + 5) slashing damage
Lash. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8
to hit, range 60 ft., two targets. Hit:
7 (2d6) piercing damage, and the target
must make a DC 14 Strength saving
throw or be grappled and pulled to
a space of the pillar guardian’s choice
within 10 feet of it.
Shockwave (Recharge 6). Each creature
in a 25-foot cube originating from the
pillar guardian must make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw or take 21
(6d6) damage and be knocked prone.

Pillar guardians are ancient automatons

created in the City of Pillars well before
Iram’s arrival. They were used as soldiers,
guardians, babysitters, and ornamentation and QUTRUB
were intelligent enough to accept and interpret Medium elemental, neutral evil
orders from their masters. Unfortunately, the Armor Class 15
art faded with Iram’s infestation of the city Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
and died entirely when it was destroyed. Now, Speed 30 ft.
they simply follow their last given orders.
Appearing to the world as wondrous, finely STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 9 (−1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (0) 9 (−1)
made statues until some offense causes them
to murder those responsible.
Saving Throws Dex +1, Con +4, Wis +2, Cha +1
Pillar guardians in the city appear to be finely
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +1, Survival +2
made humanoid statues, painted exquisitely
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
and decorated with gold, silver, and precious Perception 12
gems. Equivalents were once exported, most Languages Common, Terran
to cities now lost to time, and often looked far Challenge 1 (200 XP)
different. A reflection of the recipient or an
eccentric artist’s personal flair. In Per-Bastet, Arcane Cannibal. If the qutrub spends a minute
Meskhenit is reported to have a single pillar eating a corpse, it regains all uses of a single spell.
guardian fashioned in the image of an aasimar Innate Spellcasting. The qutrub’s spellcasting
guarding her treasures. ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit

with spell attacks), and they can innately
cast the following spells:
2/Day each: entangle, inflict wounds,
1/Day each: pass without trace,

Multiattack. The qutrub
makes two claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon
Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1)
slashing damage.

Qutrub are scavenging,

earthly genies the size
of a human with thick
fur and canine heads.
They eat corpses and
scavenge from the dead,
drawing magical power
from the flesh of intelligent
creatures. Qutrub prefer to
inhabit ruins in inhospitable
wilderness, ranging out to find
prey or simply taking the bodies
of those who have fallen to the
elements of other predators.
Qutrub are intelligent and can talk
but dislike doing so with potential
meals. They often make deals with
bandits, tyrants, and organized criminals,
trading their physical might and spellcasting
for more regular access to corpses.


Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Medium undead, lawful neutral
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Armor Class 17
Senses truesight 90 ft., passive Perception 17
Hit Points 171 (17d8 + 17)
Languages all
Speed 50 ft.
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)


Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Stalwart
13 (+1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 15 King fails a saving throw, he can choose to
(+2) succeed instead.
Iram’s Bane. The Stalwart King has advantage
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +4, Wis +7 on attack rolls against creatures and objects
Skills Acrobatics +9, Insight +7, Perception +7 infested by Iram and advantage on saving
Damage Immunities Poison throws against any effect originating from them.

Actions Magic Items
Multiattack. The Stalwart King may make one
There are great wonders to be found in the
spear attack and two slam attacks.
forgotten City of Pillars.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage
and 9 (2d8) thunder damage. Target must make CLAY IDOL OF IRAM
DC 17 Strength saving throw or be moved 10 feet Wondrous item, artifact
away from the Stalwart King and knocked prone.
These clay idols hold extensions of Iram’s
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) bludgeoning
consciousness, allowing it to survive so long
damage. as even one exists and allowing it to speak to
Leashed Wrath. Choose 3 targets within 90 feet those infested within a mile of the idol at any
and in line of sight. Each must make a DC 16 given time. To uninfected, they are merely
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 13 a magically powerful art object that looks
(2d10 + 2) radiant damage. beautiful to the beholder no matter who they
Dread Beckoning (Recharge 6). All hostile are and what their standards of beauty are.
creatures within 200 feet must succeed on a
To those infested by Iram, touching the
DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or take 36 (8d8)
thunder damage and be pulled 50 feet toward idol and spending a bonus action allows the
the Stalwart King or until they are stopped by user to see and hear through any object Iram
intervening terrain. On a success, they take half has infested, even if it is on another plane
damage and are only pulled 5 feet. Creatures of existence. Iram facilitates this and will
adjacent to the Stalwart King are not affected by help guide them toward events it thinks they
this ability.
should observe.
Legendary Actions
The Stalwart King can take 3 legendary actions,
choosing from the options below. He may only Wondrous item, rare
use one option at a time and only at the end of A rough predecessor to the ring of djinni
another creature’s turn. The Stalwart King regains summoning and the ring elemental command,
spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
this clay vessel is approximately a foot long
Attack. The Stalwart King makes a slam attack. and half as wide. An iron stopper engraved
Command (2 Actions). The Stalwart King casts the with a rune of binding seals its entrance.
command spell (DC 16)
While empty, once per day, the vessel may
The last king of the City of Pillars did not be unstopped to cast the banishment spell
survive his sacrifice. However, his body was (DC 15) upon a celestial, fiend, or elemental.
reanimated by the holy energy that killed him, If an elemental is banished in this way, it is
filled with singular, holy purpose. It gathered stored in the vessel instead of banished to a
the clay idols that housed the remnants of demiplane or its native plane. At the end of
Iram and secluded them within the city’s the spell’s duration, it is trapped in the vessel
temple, keeping an eternal vigil to ensure that where it is aware of the outside world and of
Iram starves in the city’s ruins. all other djinn vessels but can take no actions.
If killed, a speak with dead spell allows the An elemental trapped in this way may be
caster to speak with Aratesh, the last king released by removing the vessel’s stopper.
of the City of Pillars. Aratesh knows all A released elemental is under no magical
information described in the City of Pillars compulsions regarding its behavior.
and Iram sections and is eager to warn others.
Even he does not know which deity answered
his call. He refuses any attempt at resurrection.

by Ben McFarland with Robert Fairbanks

A lways located in a secluded clearing,

often in the Margreve but occasionally
in the stark pine forests of Vidim or
the meat from the bone, and at night, their
sockets flicker, each filled with a tiny mote of
firelight from Grandmother’s fireplace. The
Domovogrod or the melancholic Rothenian skulls infrequently bicker, mutter warnings,
Plains, the home of Baba Yaga exudes the or throw insults; each still remembers its
oppressive stillness of a graveyard, the air former life.
heavy with the stale scent of ancient death.
The sounds of nature remain eerily absent: no
natural wild creature willingly remains within
The Cottage Court and
five miles, and the sky overhead appears
Tea with Grandmother
overcast, growing stormier depending on Delighting in both intrigue and mockery,
Old Grandmother’s mood. Thin grass barely Baba Yaga permits certain lesser gods, powers,
covers the ground, which seems to slouch and nations to keep diplomats in her home.
away from the hut, a structure without doors These intelligent beasts speak like mortals
or windows. Sometimes, whether or not Baba but serve as representatives of their various
Yaga is away on errands or at home, a vila masters, knowing they only continue to live as
sweeps the walkway or one of her knights long as Old Grandmother wills it. Should they
brushes their mount in the shade. lose her favor, any of them could fill her stew
Surrounding the hut stands a wrought-iron pot and be replaced before the moon repeated
fence. Ninety-nine skulls of various races its phase. They linger in her yard, foyer, and
adorn its spikes, one spike always left empty in a few rooms the Arch Crone has specifically
for the next petitioner to earn Baba Yaga’s permitted. She calls this group the “Cottage
wrath. On either side of the gate, tied to the Court” in a gesture of derision toward the
fence and stretching to the spire of the hut’s many faerie courts.
conical roof, two twisted lines of captured red They include Koschei’s goat, the only
hats of Niemheim gnomes windlessly flutter creature Baba Yaga holds sacred and may
like prayer flags. If one stands silently at the even love. The hourglass-pupiled goat holds
gate’s threshold, the faint, soulful cries of their the duck, which contains the rabbit, which
captured previous owners become audible, holds the egg containing Koschei’s soul and
drifting through the Margreve. allows Baba Yaga to access it whenever she
Observant visitors may notice the skulls desires in order to speak to the undying
bear tool marks, indicating someone scraped king, heal him, or gift him a sliver of her

power. Other emissaries include Drift, the a kinked tail, golden eyes, and a razor-sharp
snow fox of Boreas with a silver tongue and a tongue; Telja, the raven of Wotan who
debonair manner—he is the longest-visiting mostly watches and rarely speaks unless
emissary; Hedge, the fat, gluttonous, yellow spoken to; Arcadrine, the enormous barn
toad that spitefully serves Mammon; S’paw, owl ambassador of the Moonlit Court of the
the black feline representative of Ulthar with shadow fey, is often draped in cobwebs and

On the Fence: Baba Yaga’s Skulls (Roll d20)

Across centuries, Grandmother claimed the walking and disappears someplace unknown
skulls of innumerable beings who frustrated, when it begins traveling again; the skulls along
insulted, irritated, or wronged her. The fence its spikes magically vary from her collection. This
is enchanted to appear when the hut stops is a sampling the characters may encounter:

1 Rosencheeks, a Niemheim gnome glassblower who thought she could buy her family's pardon and
mistook the price.
2 Barkstripper, a Niemheim gnome who refused to reveal their past and leads visitors astray.
3 Bentcopper, a middle-aged gnome and former Zharadnik of Niemheim, hid his cap before
being captured.
4 Rowan, a Dornish elf wizard, sought after secrets of Thorn and knew too much.
5 Thorsil, a Northlander dwarf who failed to steal Boreas's ambassador to Grandmother.
6 Gurthanix, a demon being punished. It mocks and insults anyone expecting to deal with
7 Tolga, a Mharoti dragonborn ambassador who brought a message to Baba Yaga but committed a
faux pas.
8 Eir, a Northlander dwarf who wanted to learn the fate of a sibling but broke Baba Yaga's bargain.
9 Sandor, an Ironcrag dwarf of Grisal Canton, was trying to steal from her treasury but was caught.
10 Veska, a Trollheim trollkin sought information about Fenris but crossed Baba Yaga.
11 Gyorgji, a Krakovan trollkin who killed one of Baba Yaga's favorite vila.
12 Raggedskein, a shadow fey who was caught trying to steal a rival’s skull off the fence. He’s always
on the opposite side of the hut from the rival now.
13 Drago, formerly a dhampir from the Blood Kingdom who offered to catch a gnome for
Grandmother but gave the gnome to their lord in an attempt to gain leverage with Baba Yaga.
14 Socha, a merchant from Vidim who tried to cheat Baba Yaga after meeting her on the road.
15 Fang, a darakhul who tried to eat Koschei's goat and was caught by the Knight of Dusk.
16 Luciano, a satyr who broke a vila's heart and tried to seduce her sister.
17 Durril, a Kariv human who double-crossed the Knight of Day and sold his horse to centaurs.
18 Miklos, a Blood Kingdom peasant who failed in a task and cannot be freed until it is completed.
19 Druuj, a ravenfolk bard who has plans to be rescued and resurrected but wants to first spend a
decade on the fence.
20 Aleks, a Dornig elfmarked wizard who attempted to bind Grandmother.

hates Telja; and the Grime, a hive-minded guest and always present in their true form,
swarm of roaches bound to Akyishigal, the past callers include the Master of Demon
demon lord of filth and corruption, and Mountain, sometimes called Roggero Lucar
which Baba Yaga whimsically snacks upon, Ordontrona; Mwato Yaav, the Sorcerer Queen
snatching up an insect to carefully savor of Lignas’s Viper Throne; Enkada Pishtuhk,
whenever the mood strikes. These creatures Treachery’s Rider; Mharot the Founder;
snipe and bicker, attempting to get a court Reborn Queen-Goddess Meskhenit, Mother
rival consumed by Old Grandmother in a of Destiny and Shield of Per-Bastet; the
moment of provoked fury. lich Nulu Nagoa, the Eternal Lord of Kush;
Baba Yaga entertains other visitors as well. the Norns of the Well of Urd; the Saffron
On the new moon, when Selles offers her dark Rajah, Vaghamesh Drustani Arenja; spirits
face, Grandmother hosts one or more potent of Babas from other branches of the World
individuals for a cup of tea and conversation; Tree, though what Baba Yaga might learn
she particularly loves a brew made from petals from tea with herself from another reality is
of a blue rose. These peaceful encounters unclear; before her coma, the Imperatrix of
present opportunities for the parties involved the Arbonesse visited at least three times; since
to trade or barter for tidbits of information her acquisition of a Divine Spark, Yeneva
or favors only the immensely powerful might Podella, the Oracle of Kammae Straboli and
provide. Often intimate affairs of a single First Servant of Hecate, has visited twice; and


Old Grandmother’s residence effectively serves hut must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
as a lair for her knights, including Koschei, and throw, taking 10 (3d6) psychic damage on a
vila and other fey. An encounter with one of failed save or half as much on a successful
these creatures where it evokes the following one. This effect lasts until both of the other
powers might be a way to find the otherwise two available lair actions are used or the
elusive site. Although they rarely linger, when invoking creature dies.
encountering a creature allied with Baba Yaga • The invoking creature may exit into the
within 100 feet of the hut, they can invoke the underbrush at the edge of the clearing and
inherent magic to take lair actions. On initiative reenter at any other point along the edge of
count 20 (losing ties), they may cause one of the circular clearing as part of a move action.
the following effects: This travel doesn’t provoke opportunity
• The fiery cinders within the fence’s skulls attacks. This effect persists until initiative
swirl and impact against one target per 3 count 20 on the following round.
HD of the activating creature. Each targeted Story Seed: Alas, I Knew Him. The characters
creature must make a DC 15 Dexterity must find a specific skull and get it to answer
saving throw, taking 16 (3d10) fire and force particular questions. The skull refuses until a
damage and being knocked prone on a task is completed from its mortal life, but it
failure or half as much and not knocked swears to answer truthfully. It also swears Baba
prone on a successful one. Yaga’s hut will sit in this same place when the
• The cries of the souls captured within the characters return with proof of their success.
Niemheim gnome caps rend and tear at the Is knowing the hut’s verifiable location worth
psyche. Any creature ending their turn within more than the skull’s information, especially to
30 feet of the entrance gate to Baba Yaga’s someone like the deposed Queen of Krakova?

in a feat not quite understood, an individual fitted with a heavy polished brass knocker.
claiming to be the Black Sorceress arrived once Both the door and the gate to the yard swing
and left after three hours. The Animal Lords open untouched.
of Khandiria appear to hold some enmity Though a device, the hut most certainly
toward Baba Yaga and have not visited, but at demonstrates personality. Sometimes it
least one Cathayan ambassador has shared tea shivers or squawks as a cleric enters. It is vain
before the previous Interregnum. and stubborn, a little proud and mischievous.
It is an inveterate liar, never turning down an
Outside and In opportunity to deceive—though it never, ever
From outside, Baba Yaga’s home appears as lies about its name or status as Baba Yaga’s
a small, circular log home, just twenty feet hut. Few claim it is possible to earn the hut’s
in diameter and built with wooden pegs, favor by complimenting its construction or
sporting a conical, slate-shingle roof and a endurance while traveling. Not generally an
cemented, river-stone chimney, which always aggressive combatant, it strikes back hard
appears to rise from the opposite side of when attacked (AC 17, legs are 200 hp each;
the roof from the viewer. Seventeen feet tall attacks with the same attack bonus and
at the wrought iron spire extending from double the damage as attacker).
the roof’s peak, a thick, deep-grey plaster The hut contains an impossibly huge space
seals its external walls, but it is cracked and inside, with kitchens stocked with cooking
missing in places. The hut doesn’t have any supplies, storerooms loaded with dry goods
windows, and initially, anyone approaching and gear, dungeons for those Baba Yaga
it cannot find the door. Even when circling wishes to linger over questioning, laboratories
the hut from more than one direction at for her magical experiments, guest rooms
the same time, the door remains hidden. It for her rare guests, strange oddities kept on
is impossible to enter the hut without first display in passageways and parlors, dining
saying the phrase: “Hut, turn your back to the rooms, smithies with white-hot forges,
forest and your front facing me.” vaults loaded with gold and silver coins
This causes the hut to stand, turn, and settle from a hundred forgotten kingdoms, and
back down, like a bird in its nest, revealing even stables kept stocked with rich oats and
the entrance to the speaker. Baba Yaga uses fine riding tack. The hut boasts no fewer
a different phrase, but hers seems to change than forty rooms, and its layout shifts with
frequently. The door is crafted from heavy, Grandmother’s whims. Opening certain doors
dark cedar, wrapped with iron bindings, and with a magic keyring the Fell Crone possesses


The undying knight Koschei desires his executed, such a task could ensure the service
freedom from Baba Yaga’s service and knows of one of the greatest forces of destruction
he must first acquire the egg containing his on Midgard while turning Old Grandmother
soul. He offers a deal: he will complete a against the Infernal Duke of Greed. They simply
task if the characters are willing to engineer have to ensure no other emissary discovers
the goat’s escape from the hut and the yard their involvement or somehow benefits from
and three tasks if they will frame Mammon’s the deed. Can they surreptitiously turn the
toad emissary, Hedge, for the theft. Properly Cottage Court against one another?

allows one to cross through specially prepared any centaurs who approach her and a bit more
thresholds in distant lands thanks to a willing to tolerate misbehavior from them on
long‑forgotten agreement with the Doorlord, the chance she might discover excellent stock
Hune. A long hallway of unique doors allows to incorporate into her herds. Some whisper
her to visit each of her daughters’ walking she is either the source or has the cure to the
huts; Grandmother’s hut is the largest, and black strangles—or both—and simply waits
some believe the lesser huts to be spawned for a petitioner to bargain for the cure.
from it, hatched from opal-like eggs hidden In the deepest, most isolated room, a sleeping
in the house. Baba Yaga keeps a treasure trove dragon guards three doors. Legends say they
of magical herbs and teas; a very special door lead to the Realm of Dreams, the Land of the
opens into a freestanding threshold at the Dead, and to the location of the traveler’s
Witch’s Garden in a secret valley, hidden on greatest desire, respectively. However, the
the Rothenian Plain, where she tends to and doors shift and move, and the dragon often
collects rare herbs and plants for her potions. wakes hungry. If placated, the wyrm knows
A beautifully crafted marble fountain bubbles how to spot specific doors and can aid parties
in another remote corner of the hut, flowing trying to locate a specific portal in this
with the “waters of life.” Those who drink chamber or another elsewhere in the hut.
from the fountain confirm its healing and As a pocket dimension created by Baba
rejuvenating effects but also note Baba Yaga Yaga, she has established the laws governing
seems able to wordlessly communicate with magic within her hut. No spells may affect
them afterward, even over great distances. her unless the caster possesses a small, baked
Her favorite room, and the one where most biscuit that easily crumbles. She keeps a small
people first meet Baba Yaga, remains her collection of these in a psoglav-shaped jar,
primary kitchen—of the five known—with its hidden in two of the five kitchens, only rarely
large, slate hearth and oven. The smoldering gifting them. The hut steals any other spells
embers within warm or dry anything, and cast for the Fell Crone’s later use, their magic
after stoking them with a few silver birch claimed like a ring of spell storing, but with no
logs, Grandmother can cook anything into an limit on the level of effect captured. She also
edible meal. Baba Yaga sleeps on the hearth continually benefits from a stoneskin effect
at night and is so attuned to the scents of while inside.
the kitchen that she can identify a visitor’s The hut moves supernaturally fast,
nationality with just a sniff, separating traversing planes at angles to reality, utilizing
Vidim from Kariv from Ishadian without a shadow roads and Red Portals to cover great
glance. When housework or cooking chores distances. Tales speak of travelers seeing it
need to be done, she summons three pairs walking ley lines or paused for some reason
of floating hands to tidy up or prepare the in the netherspace between worlds; only the
food. These hands roam the whole structure, foolhardy interrupt Grandmother hurrying to
mischievously investigating any guests. some destination, but it is possible to engage
There are no less than four sets of stables her there. Her presence there often means
within the hut, each housing a score of Baba Yaga is also traveling through time;
magnificent steeds that she breeds and those causeway petitioners who survive report
provides to the knightly avatars of Dawn, she sometimes forgets people or knows of
Noon, and Night; replacing those lost to events that have not yet passed, depending on
combat or simply consumed by the power whether she comes from the relative past or
of her magics. She takes great pride in these future. When traveling mundanely, the hut
beasts. Baba Yaga is immensely curious about strolls with a base speed of 50 feet and crosses

deep rivers and lakes effortlessly, keeping the of water—especially if she discovered its
house dry. It is capable of massive leaps, easily purpose. How will the group acquire this
covering a mile or more, paying no attention simple bit of liquid and smuggle it back to
to rough terrain, freezing snow and ice, or free the sage? Or will they perform a task
bogs and mires. for her, asking for it as their price?
• Besides teleportation, almost nothing
STORY SEEDS travels as fast, as reliably, or as stealthily as
Old Grandmother’s hut. If the characters
Need to bring Baba Yaga into your game? could learn where the hut is and where it
Try these: will go next, possibly through a diviner
• Baba Yaga transformed an individual or other source of prognostication, they
the characters need to question into a might be able to enter the hut and have
hedgehog statuette. Unable to be restored a sufficiently distracting conversation
or interrogated until someone washes the with the great witch to infiltrate another
statue with water brought from within region at a potentially small cost. The trick
her hut, the characters need a cup of this lies in being able to verbally occupy the
water. But Baba Yaga gives nothing away Fell Crone long enough to complete the
and stealing anything directly from Old trip without entering into some lopsided
Grandmother draws her wrath, even a cup bargain or being tricked into service.

Magic Items At the end of each long rest, an addicted
creature must make a DC 13 Constitution
Folktales associate numerous items with Baba
saving throw. On a failed save, you lose 25%
Yaga, magical devices and weapons that she
of your available Hit Dice for use during
has gifted or enjoys or has sought to recover.
a short rest; this becomes your maximum
The following list is a sample of such baubles.
available hit dice for use during a short rest
until you break the addiction or receive a
greater restoration. If you have no remaining
Wondrous item, rare
hit dice to lose, you gain another exhaustion
When the petals of this cerulean flower are level, and your hit dice are returned to 75%
prepared into a compote and consumed, you of your maximum hit dice available when
suffer 1 point of Charisma, Intelligence, and not addicted. This process continues until the
Wisdom damage and gain abilities you may exhaustion levels are removed or you receive
use three times until your next long rest when a greater restoration. On a successful save,
the benefits fade. The damage remains until your exhaustion level decreases by one level.
you receive a lesser restoration or take another If a successful saving throw reduces your level
long rest. If you are a spellcaster, you may use of exhaustion below one, you recover from
the following abilities: the addiction. Taking blue rose again means
• Increase the DC of an abjuration spell you you do not need to check for the effects of
cast by 2. addiction for 1d4 days
• Cast a spell as if you used a spell slot one
level higher than actually used. BLUE ROSE TEA
• Cast the spell as if you had applied one Wondrous item, uncommon
of the following metamagic benefits to it, A special preparation of blue rose, this
whether or not you know the particular tea allows you to cast the divination spell.
metamagic: heightened, quickened, or However, you may ask a single question
subtle. concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to
You may use one to three uses of the blue occur within 14 days. You can render a dose
rose as part of the action of casting a spell. of blue rose into three doses of blue rose tea
If you are not a spellcaster, you may use a with a DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A
reaction to use the following abilities: failed check indicates only one dose is made,
• Gain advantage on a saving throw against and a check result of greater than 20 indicates
an abjuration effect. an additional fourth dose is made.
• Increase the DC of the ability check made
as part of a dispel magic effect by 2.
Wondrous items, rare; require attunement
Upon consuming the blue rose you must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving These are items crafted as tokens of service or
throw or become addicted. reward to faithful henchmen, loyal allies, or
It takes 1d4 days for blue rose addiction’s the occasional mortal committing noteworthy
symptoms to manifest in a creature. deeds on behalf of Grandmother’s marshals:
Symptoms include fatigue and nausea. You the three horsemen, the “sons” of Baba Yaga.
suffer one level of exhaustion and regain only While the potency of these enchanted items
half the normal number of hit points from grows as they are brought together so too does
spending Hit Dice and no hit points from the danger. There is a 5% chance per item
finishing a long rest. per week of attracting the attention of one of
Baba Yaga’s horsemen while within 150-miles

of the Margreve Forest and a 2% chance of move silently and on Wisdom (Survival)
it alerting Grandmother herself. Attuning to checks made after dark. When combined
one piece of the set does not count toward and attuned as one-third of the Panoply,
your limit of attuned items if you have the boots also grant a climb speed of 15 feet
another part of the panoply attuned; only the and advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics)
first item counts toward attunement. and Strength (Athletics) skill checks.
Additionally, for 1 hour each day (which
Dawnbringer’s Coif
starts at nightfall), nightwalker’s boots
Wondrous item (helm), rare; requires attunement
increase your speed by 30 feet.
While you wear, and are attuned to, this
magical cloth‑and‑leather hood, you PELEGORN GOODBELLY’S LOST LADLE
gain +1 bonus to AC and are immune to
Wondrous item, unique; requires attunement
magical sleep. When combined and attuned
as one-third of the Panoply of Dawn, Day, Little is known of the cause of Chef
and Dusk, the dawnbringer’s coif grants you Goodbelly’s fate other than he once dared
advantage on perception rolls involving serve up Grandmother’s morning borscht with
sight and immunity to the blinded and something other than her preferred borscht
stunned conditions. Additionally, for 1 ladle, which he admitted to misplacing.
hour each day (which starts at daybreak), From that moment, Goodbelly himself was
you have advantage on initiative and “misplaced,” and was not seen since, though
cannot be surprised. occasionally heard, his soul being bound to
the ladle. An intricately, if disturbingly, carved
Daysinger’s Shield serving ladle, it is fashioned from ancient,
Armor (shield), rare; requires attunement
yellowed ivory or bone. Its spoon-like cup
This rustic, wood-and-leather cavalry is stained a deep, dark burgundy (almost as
buckler sports an enchanted brass shield dark as the soul now residing within). Once
boss polished to a dazzling, golden gleam. per long rest, drinking water from the ladle
When equipped, critical hits against you provides the benefits of a lesser restoration.
have a 20% chance to cause the shield to Chef Goodbelly can be consulted, providing
flash and ring out, reflecting back half of you advantage on three Intelligence (Arcana)
any (GM’s discretion) damage and blinding or Intelligence (Religion) checks. After three
or deafening (50/50%) the target for 1 checks, Goodbelly wants to be freed, and if you
round (DC 13 Wisdom save to avoid). do not work toward his release, there is a 50%
When combined and attuned as one-third chance he will impose disadvantage on any
of the Panoply, the daysinger’s shield also Dexterity (Stealth) or Charisma (Deception)
grants you resistance to fire, a +1 bonus to checks as he verbally sabotages you. Freeing
AC, and for 1 hour each day (which starts the chef is a task left to the GM’s discretion,
at midday), you gain regeneration (3 hp/ but Baba Yaga will not take kindly to someone
round) while outdoors and above ground. undoing her handiwork.
Nightwalker’s Boots
Wondrous item (boots), rare; requires attunement PERIAPT OF ELDRITCH KNOWLEDGE
Wondrous item, uncommon; requires attunement
These magical, knee-high moccasins are
of dark wolfskin and soft doe hide. While This pendant consists of a hollow metal
wearing and attuned to nightwalker’s cylinder on a fine, silver chain and is capable
boots, you gain advantage on Dexterity of holding a spell scroll within. When you
(Stealth) rolls made to remain hidden or put a scroll in the periapt, it is added to your

prepared spell list, but you must still use any Margreve Forest. When you hit a target with
spell slots necessary to cast it. You may apply this magic weapon, you deal an additional
any metamagic you know to it as normal. If 2d4 necrotic damage, and any damage caused
the spell is not usually on your class’s spell by you doesn’t bleed and therefore does not
list, it cannot be higher than half the level of draw the ire of the Margreve Forest when
the highest-level spell you can cast, minimum fighting its agents; you do not suffer a penalty
level 1. If the spell has an option for casting at to Status if you kill an agent of the forest. You
a higher level, you may do so normally. also do not shed blood if injured, preventing
the forest from learning more about you or
SOULBOUND NIEMHEIM CAP sensing your location; you have a +10 bonus
Wondrous item, uncommon to Status with regard to the Margreve Forest,
While wearing this red, woolen cap, you but this bonus cannot raise your Status to
are hidden from Baba Yaga’s divination greater than “Guest of the Margreve.” You
magic. You can’t be targeted by her magic have advantage on saving throws against
or perceived by scrying sensors. However, effects generated by the forest which might
she can see or hear you normally. You have affect you. The stone pestlemace grinds away at
advantage on Charisma (Deception) and undead creatures, inflicting an additional 2d6
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when dealing hit points of damage per attack while ignoring
with devils and gain +2 on those checks with any immunities or resistance to necrotic
other creatures. Due to the soul of a dead damage the target may possess. Particularly
gnome bound to the hat, divination magic favored by vila, the fey daughters of Baba
always shows a Niemheim gnome wearing it Yaga are known to wield them.
and located at Baba Yaga’s hut. A vila using a stone pestlemace replaces its
multiattack and shortsword attacks with the
Weapon (mace), rare
Multiattack. A vila makes two stone
pestlemace attacks or two shortbow attacks.
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage Stone Pestlemace. Melee Weapon Attack: +9
rolls made with this mace, fashioned from a to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
single piece of carefully carved blue stone and bludgeoning damage and 5 (2d4) necrotic
quarried from hidden locations within the damage.


A soulbound Niemheim cap is brought and trapping their souls in the resulting caps. Is
back home, and the initial horror of an item it worth so much death to hide a whole people
containing the bound soul of a fellow gnome from Grandmother? And even if it works, success
gives way to desperate optimism. The magical means every gnome born in the future will
process used to create the caps, if deciphered require the death of a living gnome to ensure
and replicated, could liberate the Niemheim the continued safety of the survivors. Will the
gnomes from Baba Yaga. However, this characters surrender the cap, flee, or destroy it
freedom means killing half their population before the king’s court wizards can seize it?

Spells give a climbing speed of 20 feet to any ally
using them along a single wall. If five or more
Some spellcasters have managed to glean
sets of hands are used, they can be used to
secrets from their interactions with Baba Yaga.
cross open pits or chasms up to 20 feet + 10
feet per additional two pairs.
4th-level necromancy (sorcerer, warlock, wizard) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Casting Time: 1 action using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
Range: 120 feet number of pairs of hands increases by one per
Components: V, S level, and the maximum total weight the hands
Duration: instantaneous may carry as a group is increased by 10 lb.
With a claw-like plucking gesture, you cause a
terrible wound to the targeted creature’s eye.
3rd-level necromancy (bard, cleric, sorcerer,
With a failed Charisma save, the target takes
warlock, wizard)
4d10 necrotic damage and suffers disadvantage
Casting Time: 1 action
on ranged attacks and Wisdom (Perception)
Range: 30 feet
checks involving sight until the target takes a
Components: V, S
long rest or benefits from a lesser restoration.
Duration: 1 day
Success indicates the target takes half damage
and suffers no impairment. Targets with only Less effective than the magics that make
two eyes who suffer this spell twice without soulbound Niemheim caps, you temporarily
removing the impairment gain the blinded bind a spirit to an object, causing it to animate
condition until they take a long rest or benefit the object and complete tasks for you.
from a lesser restoration spell. Only one animated object or corpse may
be controlled by the caster at a time. When
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
the servant has completed three tasks, the
using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the
object falls apart and is no longer functional—
damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level
the spirit is released. In order to create a
above 4th. If you use a spell slot of 7th level
new animated object while one is already
or higher, you may affect both eyes in a single
functional, you must physically destroy the
casting by sacrificing 2d10 damage from the
existing object. If directed to attack, it uses the
total number of damage dice.
statistics for a zombie, skeleton, or animated
object, as appropriate. Fighting for up to 5
rounds counts as a task.
2nd-level conjuration (ritual) (bard, cleric,
The animated object speaks with the voice
sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
of a deceased loved one; anyone hearing
Casting Time: 1 action
it hears a different voice, even though the
Range: 30 feet
message is the same. While the object fulfills
Components: V, S
the command, the object suffers minor
Duration: 10 minutes, concentration
cosmetic disintegration, losing bits and
You create three sets of disembodied hands pieces but remaining functional. It also emits
that obey your commands. Each set of hands some sensory element that renders its nature
can carry 7 lb. separately or 30 lb. together, apparent to the observant: an animated cat
working either collectively or individually on might leave pawprints which smolder for a
up to three tasks for the spell duration. second or two as it walks, a lantern might
Or you may choose to cast the spell with the emit a scent of brimstone while it operates.
hands affixed to a wall: three sets of hands can

The spirit is required to accurately, correctly, Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +8, Wis +6
and promptly complete the tasks ordered by Skills Arcana +3, History (Margrave) +3,
you and to respond truthfully to your questions. Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival +6
Damage Resistances lightning
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
Damage Immunities cold
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the
Condition Immunities prone, restrained,
duration is extended for 1 day and one task unconscious
per level of the spell slot used. Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Draconic, Sylvan
Baba Yaga’s Drake Challenge 7 (2,900)

While countless vila, psoglav, strigoi, ala, and

Amphibious. The drake can breathe air and water.
the three knights serve Old Grandmother, she Innate Spellcasting. The drake’s innate
has another creature at her beck and call—the spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell-save DC
bolla. Cunning and vicious, it hides in fens 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The drake can
and lairs on cloud-shrouded hilltops, hunting innately cast the following spells, requiring no
travelers and awaiting its mistress’s call. material components:
At will: clairvoyance, fog cloud, misty step,
snowblind stare*, wresting wind*
3/Day each: blindness, dispel magic,
Gliding through the air like an enormous eel freezing fog*
through water, a long, serpentine form slowly 1/Day: control water, control weather
materializes from the swiftly gathering fog. (500-ft. radius), drown*
(*see Midgard Heroes Handbook)
Rushing River. Semi‑translucent and Magic Resistance. The drake has advantage on
cloudlike, the snakelike bolla seems formed saving throws against spells and other magical
of little more than water, mist, and magic. effects.
“Swimming” toward foes, it hisses quietly,
maneuvering to strike while the mists
Multiattack. The drake makes three bite attacks.
and vapors swirl and coalesce, binding
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
and bending themselves to the creature’s
one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage
bloodthirsty will. plus 5 (1d10) lightning damage.
Storied Pedigree. Legend states the bolla Misty Manipulations. The drake can psychically
(or mist drake) is a hatchling, maturing into control any fog, murk, or mist within 1 mile
of its location, manipulating its density and
adolescence as the more fearsome errshaja
movements at will.
(or wind drake), and eventually molting into
Fangs in Fog. Any creature caught within the
adulthood as the dreaded, city-shattering confines of the drake’s fog cloud or freezing fog
kulshedra (or storm dragon). spells is subject to this ability. As its reaction, the
drake can use an additional bite attack made
BOLL A with advantage against one target within the
Medium dragon, chaotic neutral area of effect, regardless of the targets range,
Armor Class 16 elevation, or positioning.
Hit Points 123 (13d8 + 65) Frostbite Breath (Recharge 5–6). The drake
Speed fly (hover) 45 ft. exhales freezing mist and sleet in a 30-foot cone.
Each creature in that area must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 31 (7d8) cold
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
damage on a failed save or half as much damage
9 (−1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (−2) on a successful one. On a failed save, a target’s
speed is also halved.

by Richard Pett

A maze within a maze within a maze…

Every minotaur whispers its name,
senses its presence, wonders at its complexity,
home. The dark face is called Broken, which
still believes the war with dragons goes on in
the city streets above and reaches out, claws
its enigma, its beauty—the First Labyrinth. outward to draw aid into the First Labyrinth
To them, the Plane of the Great Labyrinth for the battle that rages only inside its mind.
is just one facet of all mazes, and all mazes And to its fractured mind, that aid can take so
are one. Their darkest secrets, their greatest many different forms.
treasures, their deadliest dangers, all may be The madness is spreading. Yearning for aid,
found beyond the next turn or through the it stumbles blindly around every corner of
next portal. every maze searching.
The First Labyrinth—maze of the world, Mazuli Sul (the Heart’s name in the native
cradle of convolution, and insanity of endless tongue of minotaurs) thus gropes outward,
complexity—is one of the great mazes of ever searching for help, opening portals into
the world. Or maybe it’s one aspect of all mazes that should be left undisturbed and
mazes given form in Midgard. For now, the unknown. Mazes grow into mazes, ways
First Labyrinth may be the most unstill of become confused, complex, unpredictable. The
all mazes. Through the Plane of the Great greatest maze-conjuring minotaur priests have
Labyrinth, the Great Maze touches every maze an inkling of the dangers this holds—accidents
in existence, senses kinship and reaches out: in their own summonings have taught them
touches, sometimes binds, absorbs, embraces, that no maze is ever truly tamed—and they
often fleeting, occasionally forever. whisper tales of dread but also tales of vaults
The First Labyrinth is in the Southlands city groaning with secrets, magic, and treasure.
of Roshgazi but exists everywhere. The city These vaults may be encountered around
decays on the shores of the Middle Sea, her any turn in the most mundane dungeon or
towers torn by dragons 300 years ago, her soul simplest maze. There is therefore an endless
fractured like that of her guardian and ward, vigil, watching alert for what the Heart has
the enigmatic and shattered Heart of the First drawn to its bosom to aid the minotaurs and
Labyrinth. The Heart reaches into the dreams thus potentially reap their destruction through
of minotaurs, haunts them, teases them, desperation. They call these vaults the Dark
guides them, yet it is insane. One face of the Vaults of the Great Maze.
Heart is called the Poet: wise and benevolent, The Plane of the Great Labyrinth is endless
it seeks to bring aid to repair its fractured and so is the potential for these dark corners.

A few are listed below, but in truth, when
maze links maze, there is no knowing
what may lurk beyond the next turn…

Belphegor’s Penance
Do archdevils dream?
In their endless plotting
and hate, do thoughts come
unbidden to them? Paranoid,
powerful, hungry, what
crooked wants lurks behind
those demented minds? Is
there any doubt? Is there
any fear?
Belphegor once had
a dream—or more
correctly a nightmare.
In his nightmare,
Belphegor (see
Creature Codex)
was stripped
of his beloved
Prime, his steed
and citadel and love, and cast back to the wondered in its dark heart who had caused
terrible pit from which he crawled an eternity it. They would suffer as only an enemy of an
ago. In that pit, his fears were laid bare: archdevil can.
his terror, his desires, his misery. And that Alas, it returned to his dreams and grew
suffering was given flesh, a wretched, pitiful flesh anew, and each time the archdevil
wan thing that sobbed as it dragged its flaccid tore the thing apart, it came back stronger,
wings behind its emaciated form. slowly taking pieces of the archdevil with
But when Belphegor awoke, the nightmare it—memories, desires, hungers. Strength. His
did not go. The given flesh and form and pain twin, his alter ego, grew, and Belphegor knew
lay humble and broken before him. So quite he would never be free of it.
naturally, the archdevil tore it to pieces and

Belphegor spoke to his beloved Prime, Labyrinth tell of something out there in the
anger of toil—the thing of bones and metal dark that is a prison, but for what?
and hate—and Prime whispered a plan. Build And alas, for Belphegor also senses this and
again, it impeached. Build a prison about fears a joining, fears that his Penance will be
your shadow that it can never escape from breached, violated. And that cannot happen.
and where nothing can ever find it to use He sends his own crooked creations into the
against you. aspects of the Great Labyrinth to seek, to cut
It called the prison Belphegor’s Penance. these ties, to break these limbs, and to destroy
The Penance is alive, alive with wickedness the thing that seeks to embrace his misery—
in its cat’s cradle of gears and gates and traps Broken itself.
and structures, a maze with a dark secret.
Shambling constructs roam its endless levels:
crooked gorgons with too many heads,
The Bastion: The Great Folly
pale golems made of the flesh of things that
or Cathedral of Iasona
have never cast a shadow. In mockery of his There is a poem called the Epic of Iasona
own crooked shadow, his unwanted twin, that is sung by minotaurs on their darkest
Belphegor flensed his skin and gave it life, festivals and mid-winter nights. The tale of a
gave it hunger and lidless eyes that never cold, immortal priestess of Hecate who has
tire of their watch. And there within, in a spent her years constructing a maze of such
tower within a maze within a citadel, lurks astonishing beauty and terror that minotaurs
the true Penance of Belphegor, his alter ego, often weep merely at its mention. In the
his intimate, his shame, a thing that calls poem, the Bastion exists partly above and
itself the Shadow of Belphegor—a wretched partly below ground and grows constantly. An
sickly thing that embroils all the terrors and army of minotaur craftsmen (many of which
paranoia of an archdevil. And in its terror, it are slaves but some who work for joy) and
wears the skin to keep it safe, crooked limbs a host of undead minotaurs ruled by Iasona
to fend off foes and bloated eyes that forever toil endlessly to grow the vast cathedral. It
seek escape from its vile guardians. is built in honor of Hecate, yet the priestess
And one night, the dream of Belphegor oddly twists the doctrines and philosophies
entered the dream of Broken. of the Lady of Sighs and Tears. Iasona extolls
Broken sensed the awful power at the other the view that everything that is not minotaur
end of that vision, a twisted kinship in the is an enemy of the minotaur—or will be one
constructed maze with a dark brooding day—and her twisted vision of Hecate has
purpose and anger. And one day, Broken caused her to seek to spread her glory in her
reached out, and the First Labyrinth touched own cold, mistaken way.
the Penance… The Folly (as some minotaurs refer to it
Now fronds of its demented limbs caress mockingly) is vast, a hymn in stone to Hecate
the First Labyrinth, grope in the darkness, the and the abilities of the minotaur crafters who
great mazes somehow sensing kin, wanting to work here, and this work has been going
embrace. For now, such couplings have been on for centuries. Each wall is carved with a
rare—a scent upon the air of maze walkers thousand faces, each chamber themed—some
of oil and flesh and torment, confinement are swirling in stone flowers or carved trees so
beyond counting in mortal time. Screams beautiful that they actually bloom. Impossibly
made with mouths that have never seen the graceful spiral stairs wind upward into the
sun. Tales from demented things that lurk dizzying space below the gables, which are
in the deepest parts of the Plane of the Great supported by thousands upon thousands

of angels. Somehow, songs are woven into their essence, stealing their darkest secrets
the very stones of the building and graceful before escape. A master wizard of the
singing echoes at all times, praising the clockwork domain and worshipper of Rava
Opener of Doors. However, the paranoid the Clockwork Oracle, Abrin consorted with
mind of Iasona has crammed the place with dragons who used his copious talents to aid
guardians and a small but powerful group them in their conquering and to defend their
of fanatical spies and creatures called the precious hordes. But Abrin delved too deep
Horns of Iasona. These stalk the mazes of the into the dark and twisted corners of the Great
world (and other places), seeking the greatest Labyrinth where madness and the despair
craftsmen and guardians and treasures as of the lost lurks. His mind became locked
well as enemies of Hecate. Unfortunately, to with those dark places and unraveled as they
the fervent mind of their demented priestess, tattooed their secrets onto his soul. Centuries
what constitutes an enemy can be varied to the passed as the Mad Kobold built about himself
point of madness: is it not possible that even a maze made of madness—his House—to
those devoutly worshipping Hecate herself are protect himself. The kobold was obsessed
tricking the goddess? To Iasona, enemies lurk only with his own safety, toiling alone for
behind smiles and may be very close at hand. long years as his mind became focused on one
To Broken, she is a heroine who must be thing—on his own continuation.
courted. Their minds share a vision of a race As his frail body finally neared collapse, the
persecuted by others and that must defend Mad Kobold disappeared. Died some say.
itself or fail. The two infest each other’s Others whisper something else.
dreams and have become lovers in the world They say that his lonely house has only
of thoughts. Broken sees enemies in shadows one occupant of flesh and bone and that its
and dwells in a dead war; her friendship is mechanisms toil away under the gaze of a
something he seeks, arguing that to have single machine that lurks at its very heart.
such an ally, graced with a Book of Doors
(see below), could purge all enemies of the
For now, the waking times of the Poet
cause Broken to forget where the search
has taken the First Labyrinth’s groping
corridors, but its insane messages to Iasona
reach her loudly. The quest of Broken to save
Roshgazi is conducted at a distance until the
two meet at last and their quest can truly be
consummated with a crusade that will be
sung throughout time.

The House of the Mad Kobold

Beware the sound of great cogs and gears
turning, for that may herald the House of the
Mad Kobold Abrin.
It is said that the Mad Kobold was a captive
of the minotaur for many decades and
learnt from them the ways of mazes and

A machine with a wicked heart. And within
that heart lurks the Mad Kobold’s sleepless
Other Vaults in the Dark
It is endless, as we have already said, but
essence, seeking to continue, to perfect his
its darkest corners lurk so close. The songs
own skin. Surrounded by clockwork servitors
and poems of minotaurs name a thousand,
that exist in mockery of a mundane life, the
thousand places within the Great Labyrinth;
Mad Kobold has become king over a domain
some are apocryphal, surely, but many have
of metal.
a knack of growing skin and bones and
doorways, looming out of the stories and into
The World Maze: Vault of your path.
Mammon, Morsel of Hell Beware the Terrible Endless Stair of Tharb:
The mazes of Hell, they say, have no equal. some say those who walk the stair do so
The Vault is no mere maze; it is a world, a for all time or perhaps find heaven at its
hollow world of anger locked in perpetual summit—or hell at its base. The Swallowing
nightfall at the edge of the event that destroys Maw lies somewhere out there, bards say, a
it. The day it was swallowed by Mammon. dungeon that hungers for visitors to feed its
The archdevil’s vast, bloated form hangs in lonely madness and many mouths. If you
the heavens of this dying world, a world that hear a howling song on the wind, is it the
offended the Archdevil of Greed, his salivating stalking Hound of Garth that hunts the Great
mouth agape in the act of devouring. His Labyrinth with its sisters? Does that door
monstrous form filling the dark sky. conceal the Singer of Blood Songs with her
Below, this hollow world has become countless hungry children? Is that whistling
torment. Scoured across its skin is an endless the Grymm of Dar who hobbles on his staff
maze, a maze that holds the people who made of the stolen feet of travelers he meets
dared to offend him. Their lives are one of within the Great Labyrinth and who would
survival and despair under the mocking dare step through the Portal of the Wan King
gaze of their tormentor. Into this maze, the and meet the ruler itself?
archdevil cast his brood, things stepped out Once a door is open and her threshold
from children’s nightmares and given flesh. crossed, there is sometimes no stepping back.
These odd creatures stagger the maze wanting, Beware the darkness, my friend!
hungering, mocking. To further show his
displeasure, the Archdevil of Greed took all
the beauty of this world and hung it in his
The Book of Doors (Artifact)
The greatest and most ancient of minotaur
palace at the Halls of Avarice, sucking the
maze priests spent their days toiling at a
soul of the place and leaving it a dead sphere
single work—the so-called Book of Doors. The
riddled with endless tunnels into which his
book details every aspect of the Plane of the
children—his hunting rats—feed on those
Great Labyrinth, a catalogue of mazes, but
left until at last, hungry, they will turn on
it is so much more than that. Part religious
themselves and leave nothing. Such is the end
supplication to the goddess Hecate, these
of those who refuse those who want.
magnificent tomes are clothed in gold and
His eye is wrath as it gazes down with
jewels and chained to the chamber in which
detached amusement at what he has created:
they were created and which forms part of
a symphony of suffering. Sometimes that
their unique magic. Remove the book from
laughter is heard, or more often felt, by those
its (usually adamantine) chain and room, it
who step into the Great Labyrinth…
withers—and any wrathful magic weaved into
its fabric is then released.

It would be correct to call the entire book THE BOOK OF DOORS
an artifact; however, since its component Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
parts are found scattered across the labyrinth
Each book is unique, sumptuously illustrated
of the world, it is more properly considered
and weighing as much as an adult minotaur.
fragments of a single artifact, yet artifacts
They are always encountered in chambers
themselves. Some worshippers of Hecate
richly displayed with wondrous scenes
are bound by a vision they share—possibly
weaved with dire warnings about the ignorant
before an earthquake threatens the Plane of
attempting to steal or deface the book. All
the Great Labyrinth or when conversely its
books are sealed with a clasp made of carved
riddle is about to be solved and all of creation
minotaur fingerbones (often of a saint) that
swallowed by its joy and beautiful deliberate
are intricately woven into a metal clasp
confusion. They believe that at that time all the
designed to look like an incredibly complex
component tomes will be drawn into a single
chamber at the heart of the plane and herald
something momentous.

maze: this maze is a lock, and only by tracing
the correct pattern through the maze with
Possible Adventures
a finger (or other appendage) can the book All mazes linking to one gives you a great way
be opened. All other attempts result in the to introduce something that runs contrary
book being destroyed and any protection to the location the PCs are in—and design
magic released. A minotaur can automatically an adventure accordingly. What happens if
see the way through the maze lock to its the crooked children of Mammon stumble
heart and thus trigger the opening; all other through a strange new opening from the
characters must make a DC 25 Intelligence World Maze and into the long-abandoned
check to do so. dungeons above the village of Clubbman.
Do greedy maze-hunter minotaurs arrive
Gateways. The book contains a number of at a remote mountain village en masse, the
illustrations of aspects of the Great Labyrinth. Hecate-obsessed Horns of Iasona here looking
Characters attuned to the artifact are able to for a Book of Doors? These minotaurs stop
use these pages to summon a portal, which at nothing to achieve their end, but whispers
remains until dismissed by the attuned about vaults groaning with treasure soon reach
character in question. If that character is slain, the PCs’ ears. During a mundane exploration
the gateway remains permanently in place. of a small dungeon filled with hobgoblins, the
Each aspect of the book contains 1d12 such PCs suddenly hear gears clicking and run into
pages. The locations of which can be chosen clockwork abominations. Does the mission
by the GM; such locations are not limited by change to simply trying to find a way home, or
where the book is or at what time or in which does the PCs’ clockwork host have another use
plane of existence. This makes ownership of for the PCs?
the books something many seek—particularly Who knows what lurks around the next
in those rare books that are able to trigger corner, my friend.
portals into different times.
Vengeful. Each tome has a unique vengeful
aspect if the book is destroyed or removed The Enigma of the Heart
from the chamber it is linked to—something of the First Labyrinth
that also always destroys the book. Such For those of you interested in learning more
magic is invariably associated with mazes: about Broken and the Poet, check out the
sometimes the despoiler is magically forthcoming tremendous adventure An
drawn into a maze spell that they share Enigma Lost in a Maze from Kobold Press.
with something suitably terrible such as The fractured Heart of Roshgazi reaches out
an ophanim angel (see Creature Codex) in madness for aid, just as an enormous black
or gypsopshinx (see Tome of Beasts) that dragon and a small army of kobolds arrives at
stalk the violators through the maze and the ruined city seeking it. An Enigma Lost in
occasionally keeps returning time after time a Maze is an adventure for 5th Edition and is
despite destruction. Sometimes it is the maze designed for 5th- or 6th-level characters.
itself that is the revenge; stories circulate of
inescapable mazes where victims starve to
death or—much worse—endlessly walk in
solitude through eternity.
Random Properties. 2 major beneficial
properties, 1 minor detrimental property.

by Mike Welham

M any are those needing to store wealth,

information, and other odds and ends
they’d prefer not fall into the hands of thieves.
DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check fools
the locking mechanism into unlocking
while a successful DC 20 Dexterity check
All across Midgard, special repositories are using thieves’ tools bypasses the locking
built to this end: difficult to locate and access mechanism. On a failure by 5 or more, the
and often featuring traps and guardians to creature making the check is targeted by
destroy intruders. Here are detailed but a few disintegrate as though cast with a 9th-level
of those. spell slot.
Entering the vault is easy compared to
exploring it. The layout forms a variety
Bemmean Wandering Vault of sigils, each of which terminates at the
The Wandering Vault is a semi-sentient beginning of a new sigil. The confounding
construct that roams the Magocracy of Allain. paths created by these sigils sometimes
The hexagonal building measures 40 feet on overlap, incorporating portions of other
each side and is 20 feet tall. It is invisible and sigils and making it difficult to walk each
can become ethereal (rendering all creatures sigil perfectly as required. A successful DC
and objects within ethereal as well) for 10 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check discerns
rounds as a reaction, so it escapes the notice the path of each sigil, which terminates at
of most. It crawls on a thousand pairs of the beginning of a new sigil. A creature
metal, millipede‑like appendages, giving it a that fails to follow the path must make a
speed of 150 feet. It has a fly speed of 50 feet, DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55
and it can take an action to teleport up to 1 (10d10) acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage
mile if an unauthorized creature attempts (determined randomly) on a failed save or
to breach it. The vault can take an action to half as much damage on a successful one.
attack with its appendages, making up to Six iron golems patrol the vault’s halls and
two attacks per creature within 10 feet of the are not required to follow the path of the
building (Walking Appendage. Melee Weapon sigils. The golems challenge all visitors to
Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: the vault, but presenting a Bemmean key
20 (2d10+9) bludgeoning damage). wand to a patrolling golem allows the bearer
Very few people outside of the nine and all creatures designated by the bearer to
archmages of Allain have Bemmean key pass freely. A successful DC 18 Intelligence
wands that unlock the vault. A successful

(Arcana) check using an object that requires
attunement by a spellcaster simulates the key
wand. Alternatively, a successful DC 22
Charisma (Deception) check tricks the
golem into believing the character
presented a key wand. Failure
on either check causes the iron
golem to attack. It fights to the
death and pursues creatures
until they leave the building.
(Note, also, that creatures failing
to follow the path of sigils take
damage as above.)
The vault is rumored to
hold dangerous, powerful
magic items and artifacts from
the Great Mage Wars as well as
ancient grimoires containing
horrific knowledge, usually
pertaining to the terrible entities
roaming the Wasted West. The
vault’s extreme protections
and difficulty to locate support
the notion that it contains items
the Magocracy does not want to
fall into the wrong hands.

Dragon Empire Vaults

Most dragons in the Dragon Empire prefer
their hoards easily accessible, either in
buildings they own or on their own person, so of punishment) upon completion of their
they can admire their accumulation of wealth. service. Coin drakes enjoy living in coin-
However, paranoid or ostentatious dragons filled hoards and often protect vaults merely
sometimes commission vaults where they store for the pleasure of swimming in the coins
their hoards. Distrustful dragons consider the contained within.
cost of a vault worth the protection granted A vault in the dragon empire typically
by the structure. Flashier dragons see these contains material wealth in the form of coins,
vaults as a representation of their wealth and gems, and jewels. Powerful dragons also
practically dare thieves to attempt to break sequester magic items—either items they
into their vaults and loot them. take a liking to or those capable of harming
Regardless of the purpose for the vaults, dragons—in their hoards.
the dragons commissioning them also hire Spike Spike Trap. Kobolds created this two-
kobolds to build diabolical traps. They also step trap, which triggers when a creature
bring in drakes to serve as guardians with opens the trapped door or chest. Each spike
the promise of a reward (or fulfilling a term makes a ranged attack with a +8 bonus

against up to four random targets within 20 of greater value. Coin drakes not associated
feet of the trapped item. (The spike does not with another dragon’s hoard must constantly
need to see a creature to attack it.) A target replenish coins they lose in combat. When
that is hit takes 11 (2d10) piercing damage they are killed, they collapse into a heap of
and must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving coins.
throw to avoid being impaled by the spike. Watchful Wardens. Coin drakes among a
A creature can take an action to remove a pile of coins become attuned to the coins
spike with a successful DC 12 Strength check. and can sense movement of those coins. This
Regardless of the check’s success, pulling the makes them excellent guardians of coin-filled
spike out inflicts 3 (1d6) damage to the target. hoards belonging to more powerful dragons
One round later, on initiative count 10, a who don’t mind the loss of a handful of coins
volley of spikes magnetically attracted to the to drakes who must rebuild themselves after
first group of spikes launches from the other a fight.
side of the chamber. All creatures within
Coin Dependent. Coin drakes measure 3
the chamber make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
feet long and weigh 50 pounds with most of
throw, taking 22 (4d10) piercing damage on
that weight from coins. Plucking individual
a failed save or half as much on a successful
coins from the drakes is difficult, but it sheds
one. Creatures impaled by a spike in the
them when it engages in vigorous activity. A
previous round have disadvantage on their
“naked” coin drake often dies within an hour
saving throws.
of losing its last coin, prompting a desperate
Prevention: A successful DC 15 Wisdom
search for replacements.
(Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation)
check notices holes in the trapped object.
A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using
Small dragon, neutral
thieves’ tools disarms the trap, disabling the
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
firing mechanism. A failure on this check Hit Points 82 (11d6 + 44)
triggers the trap. Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Another successful check spots the holes in
the opposite side of the chamber. A successful STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
DC 17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
disarms the second part of the trap. A failure
on this check only triggers the second part of Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +5
the trap. Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning
COIN DRAKE Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
paralyzed, unconscious
Layers of coins of all description cover this Senses passive Perception 14
draconic creature’s head, body, and tail. Its Languages Common, Draconic
teeth and claws appear to be coins filed down Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
to a fine point.
Living Treasure. Coin drakes are their own Coin Sense. The coin drake has advantage
hoard. When adult drakes produce an egg, on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
vibrations when a creature comes into contact
they find a suitable pile of coins in which to
with coins within 20 feet of the drake.
place the egg. As coin drakes grow older and False Appearance. While the coin drake remains
larger, they add more coins to their bodies motionless, it is indistinguishable from a pile of
and replace coins of lesser value with those coins.

Multiattack. The coin drake
makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with
its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
slashing damage.
Hurled Coins. Ranged Weapon
Attack: +6 to hit, range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3)
bludgeoning damage.
Molten Gold (Recharge
5–6). The coin drake expels
gold heated within its body in
a 15-foot cone. Each creature in
that area must make a DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, taking
33 (6d10) fire damage or half as
much damage on a successful one.
A creature that fails its save is
restrained by the rapidly cooling
gold. As an action, the creature
can make a DC 15 Strength
check, breaking free of the gold
on a success.

The Frozen Bastion

The northern reaches of Jotunheim hosts No living creatures guard the vault’s interior.
the Frozen Bastion, a repository of wealth Instead, a ghost dragon (see Creature Codex)
and devastating weaponry commissioned and a dozen quiet souls (see Creature Codex)
by Boreas and Loki. A squadron of eighteen roam the halls. These undead can sense any
frost giants guards the lone peak containing living creature who enters the vault, and
the vault. None of the giants are aware of they gather together as a group to attack
the vault’s existence, and they are afraid intruders. Creatures killed by a quiet soul
to inquire about the mountain’s contents. within the Frozen Bastion rise as a new quiet
They are aware of the ancient white dragon soul one round later, bolstering the guardians’
dwelling within the mountain and providing numbers.
additional protection for the vault. The The vault is inhospitable to creatures without
dragon spends most of its time slumbering immunity to cold. A creature must succeed on
in its lair, but its rare emergences to hunt a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the end
for food may alert canny observers to the of each minute spent within the vault to avoid
presence of something significant. taking 5 (1d10) cold damage.

Nearly all items contained within the Frozen
Bastion are entombed in solid ice. Piles of
Treasury of the Maze
This vault, built by the minotaurs below
coins, gems, and jewels, seemingly added to
Gramvar on the Serene Isle of Kyprion,
the vault within the past few days, are free
was once protected by an honor guard of
of the ice. However, the ice appears to creep
minotaurs. Its twisty hallways that seemed
inexorably over this newly deposited wealth. A
to turn back on each other also confounded
spell or effect that deals fire damage removes
intruders. With the recent razing of Gramvar,
a 1-inch layer of ice in the area of the spell or
however, the vault no longer has its minotaur
effect for every 10 points of fire damage dealt.
guardians. Instead, treasure hunters must
Alternatively (or additionally for a weapon
contend with demons and fiery undead,
that also deals fire damage), 20 points of
such as alnaar demons (see Creature Codex)
weapon damage clears an inch of ice. Harming
and perpetually burning tar ghouls (see
the ice triggers the vault’s defense mechanism,
Creature Codex), to gain access to the vault.
which attempts to encase the origin of the
Fortunately, none of these unwelcome
spell or effect in ice. A targeted creature must
creatures have been able to reach the vault’s
succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw
treasures at the maze’s center.
or become restrained by ice. An inch of ice
The maze is nearly impossible for
forms around the restrained target each round
non‑minotaurs to navigate. At normal speed
thereafter. Until the ice solidifies, a creature
and without any unexpected detours, it
can take an action to make a DC 17 Strength
takes 3 hours to reach the center. Every 10
check to free a creature restrained by the ice.
minutes spent in the maze requires creatures
After the ice forms, fire or weapon damage is
traversing its corridors to succeed on a DC
necessary to free the target. A creature stuck in
18 Intelligence check to avoid becoming lost
the ice takes 5 (1d10) cold damage. If it dies as
for 20 minutes. On a failure by 5 or more,
a result of the cold damage, it becomes a quiet
this period increases to 1 hour. Intruders
soul one round later.
who managed to evade the minotaurs often
Most of the material wealth not sheathed in
succumbed to dehydration and starvation
ice is illusory, owing to Loki’s influence in the
trying to find their way out of the maze.
vault’s design. A creature that takes illusory
Those who managed to discover the exit often
treasure must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
turned themselves over to the minotaurs,
check to disbelieve the illusion. When a
so they could receive treatment. For those
creature that failed its save spends this illusory
who decide to rely on devices to mark a path
wealth, the illusion fades 1 minute after
through the maze rather than their wits, the
the treasure is handed over. If this is done
maze has arcane measures in place to destroy
in the Northlands, this usually results in a
physical objects, such as twine, or to erase
negative status change for the creature and its
chalk markings and the like.
associates even if the creature makes up for
The vault at the center of the maze is not
the unintended indiscretion immediately.
unprotected as a pair of stone golems crafted
The Frozen Bastion is rumored to hold
to look like hulking minotaurs wielding
a battleaxe capable of inflicting grievous
massive axes stand sentry. (These golems
wounds on cold creatures and able to wound
replace one of their slam attacks with a
Boreas. The same rumors say that Boreas
battleaxe attack, dealing the equivalent
cannot destroy the axe, so he keeps it here, out
amount of slashing damage as their slam
of the hands of his foes.
attacks.) The golems are programmed to
inform non-minotaur visitors they are

prohibited to enter the vault. Minotaurs can 10 feet times the save DC value. Failing the
freely pass the sentries and designate others to Strength (Athletics) check by 5 or more
enter the vault. A successful DC 20 Charisma results in the same fall without a chance for a
(Deception) check allows passage as well, but saving throw.
a failure on this check provokes the golems to The vault is open to the sky, which makes
attack. They otherwise do not attack unless a it accessible to flying creatures. The vault
creature attempts to pass by them or attacks is cleverly concealed, so a DC 19 Wisdom
one of them. Once engaged, one of the golems (Perception) check notices it from above.
pursues fleeing creatures while the other Additionally, twenty rocs patrol the skies
remains at its post. The golems can navigate around the vault and attack unauthorized
the maze without difficulty. creatures. Finally, if an unauthorized
The vault is rumored to contain weapons and creature flies into the vault, a dispel magic
relics important to the minotaurs and brought spell cast using an 8th-level spell slot targets
to Kyprion by minotaurs fleeing Kadralhu and the creature.
Roshgazi. One such item of great significance Navigation within the vault is fraught with
is the Ivory Comb of Hecate. danger as the leafy boughs conceal holes
that result in fatal falls. A successful DC 14
Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival)
Treetop Vault of Tomierran check notes these locations. If a creature
Many people envision vaults as structures travels more than 5 feet in a round and
locked away underground, but the elves does not notice these empty spaces, it must
of the Tomierran Forest have chosen an succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw
equally inaccessible location for their treasure or fall 180 feet.
repository among the boughs of the forest’s A cadre of fourteen wood golems (see
taller trees, standing in the shadow of the Creature Codex) patrols the vault and has no
corrupt World Tree. difficulty navigating the treetop branches.
Accessing the vault initially requires a These wood golems can make a special slam
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check attack that pushes a target back 5 feet on a
to find the correct branches to traverse and a hit if the target fails a DC 16 Strength saving
successful DC 8 Strength (Athletics) check to throw. If the target fails its Strength saving
ascend the branches. Eight additional checks, throw, it must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity
each requiring 10 minutes’ worth of work, are saving throw or fall 180 feet.
necessary to reach the vault, and each check The Treetop Vault is rumored to contain
increases the DC by 1. Failing the Wisdom ancient elven treasures left behind by the elves
(Survival) check by less than 5 delays the when they abandoned the forest. Additionally,
journey by 10 minutes as no progress is made the vault allegedly holds cultivars of animated
while failing the check by 5 or more requires plants, such as treants and wood golems.
the first creature attempting its Strength According to the rumors, tending these
(Acrobatics) check to succeed on a Dexterity cultivars will produce full‑grown specimens
saving throw at the same DC as the Wisdom that follow the commands of the creature
(Survival) check or fall a distance equal to tending them.


by Celeste Conowitch, Scott Gable, Richard Green, TK Johnson,
Kelly Pawlik, Robert Schwalb, Mike Welham

Languages —
Catscratch Challenge 3 (700 XP)
The cat before you emits a horrific yowl as
its body begins to bulge and swell. Within Keen Smell. The catscratch has advantage on
moments, a massive veined form covered in Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
patches of fur casts a mad gaze upon you. Nine Lives. When the catscratch would be
reduced to 0 hit points, it instead drops to 9 hit
Not of This World. A catscratch comes from points. This feature can only be used once per
parts unknown. No one is quite sure of its encounter.
source, but wherever domestic cats are found, Pounce. If the catscratch moves at least 20 feet
these creatures appear. It is a hybrid monster, straight toward a creature and then hits it with
created when an aberrant virus infects a cat or a claw attack on the same turn, that target must
cat-like humanoid. succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
Summoned by Rage. A community may catscratch can make one bite attack against it as
not know a catscratch has affected their pets a bonus action.
until it’s too late. An infected cat will not
transform until it becomes angry. Once a cat
Multiattack. The catscratch makes one bite attack
is sufficiently upset, it immediately swells to a
and one claw attack.
massive size, intent on destroying everything
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
in sight. one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage,
and the target must succeed on a DC 13
CATSCRATCH Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1
Huge aberration, chaotic evil hour. Any felids or feline humanoids that fail this
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) saving throw immediately contract catscratch
Hit Points 76 (8d12 + 24) fugue (see sidebar).
Speed 30 ft. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Vomit (Recharge 5–6). The catscratch vomits
poisonous bile in a 15-foot cone. Each creature
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)
in that area must make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage
Damage Immunities poison on a failed save or half as much damage on a
Condition Immunities poisoned successful one. Any felids or feline humanoids
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 that fail this saving throw immediately contract
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 catscratch fugue (see sidebar).

Catscratch fugue is a bacterial infection that violent mood swings. At the end of each day,
only affects felids and feline humanoids. This the infected can repeat the saving throw to
infectious organism is carried to earth by falling see if they stave off the infection. A lesser
stars and transmitted either through contact restoration spell will also cure the disease in
with the crash site or by being bitten by a this incubation time.
carrier. After the 3-day window, if the infection is
Upon contact, the target must make a DC 13 still present, any negative emotion will cause
Constitution saving throw or become infected. the victim to transform into a monstrous
Once infected, catscratch fugue incubates in catscratch intent on destroying everything
the host for 3 days. During this window, the around it. There is no cure once the victim
victim’s skin itches, and they will be prone to has transformed.

This bestial creature would stand over 15 feet
tall if erect but is more comfortable crouched
with its knuckles resting on the ground. It
wears a pair of trousers and a vest, both
obviously made for someone much smaller
than it, and a shallow, round‑topped brimmed
hat rests on its head. Its cunning eyes belie a
malignant intelligence.
Bound to Service. Though they are not devils,
vexxeh are natives of the Eleven Hells. Their
susceptibility to magical domination makes
them ideal lieutenants for evil spellcasters.
Once a vexxeh has agreed to serve a
master, it adheres to the letter of
the agreement that has been struck
and will not break the contract even
under the threat of destruction.
Lovers of Carnage. Vexxeh only
know joy when they are harming
living creatures. They relish
battle, enjoying the opportunity
to shed blood and break bones.
More than combat, however,
vexxeh enjoy torturing mortals,
especially if there is no purpose to it. The
psychic distress and trauma suffered by the
victims of their torture makes vexxeh gleeful.
Fiendishly Polite. Despite their love of Saving Throws Str +8, Wis +3
violence, vexxeh are unfailingly polite. They Skills Intimidation +4
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
mimic the etiquette and social norms of the
slashing from nonmagical weapons
culture their current master belongs to, going
Condition Immunities poisoned, unconscious
so far as to affect mannerisms of nobility. Even
Senses truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 10
when rending a creature into bloody chunks, a Languages Common, Infernal
vexxeh seems regretful and apologetic. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

VE XXEH Four-Legged Lope. When the vexxeh uses its

Huge fiend, lawful evil action to Dash, it moves at three times its speed.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Weak Willed. The vexxeh has disadvantage on
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) saving throws against being charmed.
Speed 40 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The vexxeh makes two claw attacks.
20 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., GULPER BEHEMOTH
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage Gargantuan monstrosity, unaligned
and 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Rend. If the vexxeh hits a creature with two claw
Hit Points 195 (13d20 + 65)
attacks in one round, it does an extra 14 (4d6)
Speed 0 ft., swim 40 ft.

Gulper Behemoth 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)
The titanic eel-like creature has delicately
dancing frills and flickers of phosphorescence Damage Vulnerabilities piercing
just under its translucent skin. Its mouth opens Damage Resistances acid, thunder
impossibly wide as it surges forward. Condition Immunities blinded
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception
Deep Sea Lure. The gulper behemoth lives in
Languages —
the waters of the Western Ocean. It lures sea
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
dwellers to their deaths with dancing motes
of light within its massive, ballooning gullet—
some have speculated the low population
of whales may be directly related. Rumors
abound that even a sharp pinprick will deflate
the sea monster, but brightly colored and
labyrinthine giant corals and smaller,
mutualistic predators keep their lairs
well protected from hunters.

Death Burst. The gulper behemoth explodes Lair Actions
when it drops to 0 hit points. Each creature On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the
within 40 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 gulper behemoth takes a lair action to cause one
Constitution saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) acid of the following effects.
damage on a failed save. Being underwater
• Deep sea eels patrol inside of the gulper
doesn’t grant resistance against this damage.
behemoth’s lair, seeking easy targets left
Echolocation. The gulper behemoth can’t use its behind, attempting to constrict them. The
blindsight while deafened. target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
Keen Hearing. The gulper behemoth has saving throw or become restrained.
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that • Foliage shoots boiling water at creatures
rely on hearing. inside the gulper behemoth’s lair in a 15-
Actions foot cone. Each target must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking 17 (5d6)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
fire damage on a failed save or half as
one target. Hit: 40 (6d10 + 7) piercing damage.
much damage on a successful one. Being
If the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape
underwater doesn’t grant resistance against
DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the target is
this damage.
restrained, and the gulper behemoth can’t bite
another target.
Swallow. The gulper behemoth makes one bite
attack against a Large or smaller creature it is
The Pumpkin King
grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the
Wooden roots twist together to create a
bite’s damage, the target is swallowed, and the towering spindle draped in a cloak of verdant
grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is leaves. Crowning the figure is an impossibly
blinded and restrained, it has total cover against large pumpkin carved with a twisted smile.
attacks and other effects outside the behemoth,
Lord of Harvest. The Pumpkin King is a
and it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage at the start of
each of the behemoth’s turns. minor fey lord who rules over bounteous
If the gulper behemoth takes 20 damage or harvest, particularly in the autumnal seasons
more on a single turn from a creature inside before snow blankets the world. The Pumpkin
it, the behemoth must succeed on a DC 17 King can make a region flourish, changing
Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn barren farms and struggling villages into
or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall
fruitful locales with a single blessing.
prone in a space within 10 feet of the behemoth.
If the behemoth dies, a swallowed creature is no Unknown Deal. The Pumpkin King listens
longer restrained by it and can escape from the from their hidden patch in the Summer
carcass by using 15 feet of movement, exiting Lands, waiting to hear the desperate pleas
of struggling farmers and starving villagers.
Sonic Pulse (Recharge 5–6). The gulper
Once the Pumpkin King hears such a
behemoth expels a sonic pulse in a 60-foot cone.
Each creature must succeed a DC 17 Constitution request, they place their blessing upon the
saving throw or take 18 (4d8) thunder damage land, bringing ten years of prosperity. What
and be stunned until the end of the behemoth’s the farmers do not know is that upon the
next turn. On a successful save, the target takes moonrise of that tenth year, the Pumpkin
half the thunder damage and isn’t stunned. King returns to collect the promised share
of the harvest. The Pumpkin King has
no compassion for the locals and may
unknowingly destroy an entire village as they
enjoy their moonlit feast.

THE PUMPKIN KING Vine. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15
Huge fey, chaotic neutral ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning
damage, and the target is grappled (escape
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
DC 16).
Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60)
Harvest Dance (1/Day). As an action, the
Speed 30 ft.
Pumpkin King can summon a swirling mass of
gourds and vegetables. This vortex extends in a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 15-foot radius from the Pumpkin King. Until the
20 (+5) 8 (−1) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) effect ends, the area is difficult terrain, and when
a creature enters the area for the first time on
Damage Vulnerabilities fire a turn or starts its turn there, they must make a
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (3d8)
slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that bludgeoning damage on a failed save or half as
aren’t cold iron much damage on a successful one. This vortex
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, persists for three rounds before dissipating.
deafened, exhaustion, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Pumpkin King’s

innate spellcasting ability score is Charisma
(save DC 16, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The
Pumpkin King can innately cast the following
spells, requiring no material components.
At Will: entangle
3/day each: plant growth, spike growth
1/day: insect plague
Legendary Resistance
(1/Day). If the Pumpkin
King fails a saving throw,
they can choose to
succeed instead.
Magic Resistance.
The Pumpkin King
has advantage
on saving throws
against spells and
other magical effects.

Multiattack. The Pumpkin
King makes four vine attacks.

Clockwork Archon Corruptible Constructs. On occasion, a
clockwork archon is captured by the enemy.
The air around this massive construct is
The followers of some evil gods, archdevils,
filled with the sound of spinning gears and
and demon lords have determined methods of
mechanisms. The sheer size of a clockwork
overwriting the construct’s animating magic,
archon is staggering. The spectacle of an entire
turning the creature to their fell purposes.
unit of them has been known to drive enemy
More than one community has had its cheer
armies from the field before they have even
turn to dismay as the clockwork archon they
taken to it.
freely allowed inside the walls disgorged
Servants of the Righteous. Clockwork archons enemy agents while attacking the structures
are built to fight in the names of deities and residents. More insidious cults use their
devoted to justice, battle, and glory. They clockwork archons to mask their true natures.
stand as bulwarks upon the battlefields of the They allow the common folk to believe they
holy, offering a rallying point for paladins represent good faiths while they rot the
and crusaders. Churches that have the ability community’s moral fabric from the inside.
to manufacture clockwork archons guard
the knowledge jealously, lest it falls into the
hands of the unworthy.
Engines of War.
Clockwork archons are
deployed as support
vehicles and weapons.
A single archon
can quickly reduce
a small settlement’s
defenses to ruin,
while groups of them
can swiftly render
fortified structures
to rubble. Armies
with clockwork
archons at their
disposal sometimes
use them to move
sensitive materiel
and personnel
into position.

CLOCKWORK ARCHON Death Barque (Necrotech)
Gargantuan construct, unaligned
Drifting across the dark water is a hideous
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
vessel made from skin and bones and with
Hit Points 201 (13d20 + 65)
tattered sails of crudely stitched leather. Its
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.
macabre figurehead is a skeletal vulture‑headed
sphinx, and a long, bony spiked tail protrudes
24 (+7) 9 (−1) 20 (+5) 7 (−2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) from its stern. As the figurehead turns to stare
at you with its unnatural glowing green eyes,
Saving Throws Con +9 you realize that the bone ship is alive—or
Damage Immunities poison, psychic rather, undead.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Grotesque Hybrid. The death barque is an
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned undead creature built in the form of a ship to
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
combat the threat of the aboleth on the Sunless
Languages Common
Sea and elsewhere in the Ghoul Imperium.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Its 50-foot-long body is constructed from
hardened purple worm hides stretched taut
Armored Transport. The clockwork archon can
carry up to six Medium or eight Small creatures over the ribcage of a giant subterranean
inside its torso. The two escape hatches can shark. Its figurehead was once a gypsosphinx
each be opened as a bonus action. One creature while its tail belonged to a cave dragon. The
traveling inside the clockwork archon may exit first death barque was developed by Smiling
from either of the hatches in a round, on their Magerette, a drow darakhul who is now the
wizard-general of the Harvester Legion. A
Immutable Form. The clockwork archon is
talented necromancer, Magerette created
immune to any spell or effect that would alter
its form. other necrotech, including ether towers and
Magic Resistance. The clockwork archon has zombie‑legged battering rams during her time
advantage on saving throws against spells and in the Necrophagi.
other magical effects. Patrolling the Sunless Sea. Death barques
Siege Construct. The clockwork archon ignores
typically carry a dozen zombies armed with
the damage threshold of objects.

Multiattack. The clockwork archon makes two
The darakhul of the Ghoul Imperium
attacks with its transforming weapon.
have long practiced necromancy, using
Transforming Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack:
+11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 39 (5d12 the corpses and bones of Underworld
+ 7) damage. As a bonus action, the archon denizens to create new undead servants
can change its sword into a warhammer or vice and devise powerful war machines to aid in
versa. The transforming weapon deals slashing their conquest of the subterranean lands.
damage as a sword or bludgeoning damage as Under Emperor Nicoforus, the darakhul
a warhammer. necromancers, known as the Necrophagi,
Fire from Heaven (Recharge5–6). The clockwork have prospered in their mission to develop
archon unleashes a brilliant beam in a 90-foot experimental necrotech, and their progress
line that is 10-feet wide. Each creature in that
has accelerated over the last decade, thanks
line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw,
taking 58 (13d8) radiant damage on a failed save
to the blasphemous volumes of eldritch
or half as much damage on a successful one. lore gifted to the ghouls by the vampires of
Morgau and Doresh in exchange for their
military aid against Krakova.

glaives and chained to the barque’s deck with Skills Perception +6, Stealth +7
hooks through their flesh to prevent them Damage Resistances psychic
becoming lost overboard. But it’s the death Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
barque that is the true threat. Its sphinxlike Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
figurehead is capable of breathing a deadly
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
cone of necrotic energy, and its spiked tail can
Languages Darakhul, Deep Speech
launch explosive bone shards at its enemies.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Immutable Form. The death barque is immune to
Gargantuan undead, neutral evil
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Magic Resistance. The death barque has
Hit Points 264 (12d20 + 72) advantage on saving throws against spells and
Speed swim 50 ft. other magical effects.
Siege Monster. The death barque deals double
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage to objects and structures.
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 23 (+6) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) Turn Resistance. The death barque has advantage
on saving throws against any effect that turns
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +10, Wis +6 undead.

Actions victims and be present when the disease
Multiattack. The death barque makes a bite overtakes their prey. While pustulent
attack and a tail smash attack. shamblers have rudimentary intelligence,
Bite. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft., their relationship to the disease allows them
one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) piercing damage. to recognize other shamblers. They work
Tail Smash. Melee weapon attack: +9 to hit, reach
together to harvest food when it is plentiful.
20 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (7d6 + 5) bludgeoning
damage and must succeed on a DC 17 Strength
Predictably, shamblers turn on each other
saving throw or be knocked prone. when sources of flesh become scarce.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5–6). The death Ooze Nature. The pustulent shambler doesn’t
barque exhales a dark cloud of necrotic energy require sleep.
from its figurehead in a 60-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must make a DC 18
Constitution saving throw, taking 60 (11d10)
necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much Gargantuan ooze, unaligned
damage on a successful one. Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Shrapnel Burst. The death barque launches Hit Points 186 (12d20 + 60)
a ball of bone shards from its tail at a point Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
within 120 feet, which explodes in a 10-foot
radius. Creatures in the area must make a DC 16 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Dexterity saving throw, taking 36 (8d8) piercing 19 (+4) 5 (−3) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 1 (−5)
damage and being blinded for 1 minute on a
failed save or half as much damage and avoiding
Damage Resistances bludgeoning
the blinding effect on a successful one.
Damage Immunities acid, fire, necrotic
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed,
Pustulent Shambler deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
Piles of dissolved bones, seemingly eaten away passive Perception 10
by acid, encircle this mound of quivering, Languages —
pus‑covered flesh. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
Dissolvers of Bone. Crawling heaps of diseased
flesh, pustulent shamblers possess a corrosive Amorphous. The pustulent shambler can move
material that eats away at bone matter. They through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide
without squeezing.
also carry a terrible disease that rots a victim’s
Bonerot. A creature infected with this disease by
bones from within, rendering the victim
a pustulent shambler’s pseudopod takes 1d4
immobile as its skeleton wastes away. Strength damage and 1d6 Dexterity damage,
Keepers of Macabre Larders. Pustulent and the infected creature’s walking speed is
shamblers drag victims of bonerot to their reduced by 10 feet. The creature must make a
DC 18 Constitution save after each long rest.
lairs to feed on the boneless flesh. Though
On a failure, the creature takes damage, and its
they idly devour their victims, they have walking speed is reduced as above. The creature
enough awareness of potential retribution recovers from the disease if its saving throw
so keep a few corpses available to quickly succeeds after two consecutive long rests or
heal themselves. When hunting, pustulent if it receives a regenerate spell or comparable
shamblers often carry corpses with them, magic. If the disease is cured through magic,
the creature’s walking speed is restored to full.
taking them far from their lairs.
Otherwise, its walking speed increases by 10 feet
Connected to Bonerot. Pustulent shamblers per day. Regardless of the method of cure, the
have a preternatural link to the disease they creature recovers 2 Strength and Dexterity points
inflict. This allows them to track escaping per day naturally.

Bonerot Sense. The pustulent shambler is aware Actions
of all creatures infected with bonerot up to a Multiattack. The pustulent shambler makes three
mile away, regardless of the infection’s source. pseudopod attacks.
Corrosive to Bone. A creature with exposed Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
bones (such as a skeleton) that hits the pustulent reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4)
shambler takes 5 (1d10) acid damage. Any bludgeoning damage plus 11 (2d10) acid
nonmagical weapon made of bone that hits the damage, and the target must succeed on a
shambler corrodes. After dealing damage, the DC 18 Constitution saving throw or contract
weapon takes a permanent and cumulative −1 bonerot.
penalty to damage rolls. If the penalty drops
Absorb Flesh. A pustulent shambler sharing a
to −5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical
space with a corpse can consume it, regaining
ammunition made of bone that hits the
10 hit points from a Small or Medium corpse, 20
shambler is destroyed after taking damage.
hit points from a Large corpse, and 40 hit points
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 from a Huge or larger corpse. If the corpse has
feet of the pustulent shambler must succeed intact bones, the shambler loses its Amorphous
on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be trait for 1 minute.
poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a
successful saving throw, the creature is immune
to the shambler’s stench for 24 hours.

Languages Common; telepathy 120 ft.
Incarnate Gloom Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
This inky black cloud exudes an terrible chill
and seems to tear at the soul, inducing a feeling Calm Emotions Vulnerability. If the incarnate
of despondency and loneliness. gloom ends its turn in an area affected by the
calm emotions spell, it takes 11 (2d10) psychic
Despair Given Form. Incarnate glooms result
damage. Additionally, if the incarnate gloom is
when a group of people numbering at least in an area affected by the spell, target creatures
a dozen suffer from hopelessness and die have advantage on saving throws against the
without receiving any relief from this feeling. gloom’s despairing touch attack or Divide and
This collective negative emotion coalesces into Conquer.
a nebulous form that seeks out more despair Deepening Gloom. The incarnate gloom
to feed upon. generates a 30-foot radius aura of darkness,
which moves with it and spreads around corners.
Whisperer in the Darkness. An incarnate Darkvision can’t penetrate this darkness, and
gloom takes perverse pleasure in picking off no natural light can illuminate it. If any of the
members of a larger group one at a time. It darkness overlaps with an area of light created
surrounds a chosen victim and telepathically by a spell of 4th level or lower, the spell creating
the light is dispelled.
imparts a sense of isolation on its quarry.
Animals do not willingly approach within 30
Will-o’-Wisp Symbiosis. Incarnate glooms feet of an incarnate gloom unless a master
work with will-o’-wisps to attract prey to makes a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Animal
the glooms’ dark masses. Though incarnate Handling) check.
glooms snuff out light in their vicinity, they Incorporeal Movement. The incarnate gloom can
move through other creatures and objects as if
allow the light produced by the smaller
they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force
undead to shine, providing a false sense of damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
security to potential victims. Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness,
Undead Nature. The incarnate gloom doesn’t the incarnate gloom can take the Hide action as
require air, food, drink, or sleep. a bonus action.

Multiattack. The incarnate gloom can use its
Gargantuan undead, neutral evil Divide and Conquer. It then makes two attacks
Armor Class 16 with its despairing touch.
Hit Points 207 (18d20 + 18) Despairing Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
Speed fly 40 ft. hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 32 (6d8 + 5)
psychic damage, and the target must succeed
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or have
4 (−3) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks
until the beginning of the incarnate gloom’s
next turn.
Saving Throws Wis +7
Divide and Conquer (Recharge 4–6). The
Skills Intimidation +10, Stealth +9
incarnate gloom envelops one Large or smaller
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
creature in its space. The creature must succeed
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw to avoid
from nonmagical attacks
being enveloped. While enveloped, the creature
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant is blind, deaf, and restrained. It takes 27 (6d8)
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison psychic damage at the start of each of the
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, incarnate gloom’s turns and must succeed on
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, a DC 18 Charisma save or gain one level of
restrained exhaustion. Additionally, the creature believes
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 12 it has been separated from its companions and

must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma save each
time it is targeted by a beneficial spell or the
Infernal Swarm
effects of the spell are ignored. An enveloped A towering winged devil looms above—bat
creature can escape by using its action to make wings, curving horns, spiked tail, goat legs,
a successful DC 18 Charisma saving throw. An a wicked scimitar in its grasp. Its form
escaped creature reduces its exhaustion level continually shifts, subtly, as if driven by
by one for each minute after escaping (until it
internal forces, giving the constant impression
reaches the level of exhaustion it had before
being affected by Divide and Conquer). that it might just fall apart.
If the incarnate gloom kills a creature it has Infernal Insects. Infernal swarms can be
enveloped, it gains a number of hit points equal found throughout the Eleven Hells and the
to half the victim’s maximum hit points. If the
lands linked to them. These hellish insects
gloom gains 100 hit points in this fashion, it
splits into two incarnate glooms, with each
form a hive mind and use their enhanced
possessing half the parent gloom’s hit points. magical abilities as defensive camouflage,
These incarnate glooms cannot split again until projecting the illusion of a massive winged
after completing a long rest.  devil whenever they are threatened.

Considered a delicacy among the nobility A Scattered Mind. While an infernal swarm
in the Hells, the individual insects are bat- is resistant to psychic interference, it may be
winged and have bulging eyes, long spindly disrupted with a clever use of sound. Loud
legs, and a carapace covered in poisonous noises will disorient the insects and interrupt
barbs that they fire to ward off predators. their illusions, scattering the individuals away
A Hellish Feast. Infernal swarms feed from one another. While alone, in spite of
on carrion and soul larvae, injecting the possessing only an animal-like intelligence,
carcasses with a poison that liquifies tissue these insects still prove formidable foes: they
and organs for easier digestion. This same are capable of shooting their barbs and casting
poison can be spread through their barbs to the spells minor illusion, disguise self, and
painfully dissuade predators, attacking and firebolt at will. It is not common to encounter
disintegrating whatever organic material with these silent killers hunting on their own, so
which it comes into contact. Hunters may if one is spotted, there are certain to be many
easily become overwhelmed by these swarms more to follow.
and find themselves to be the meal.

Huge swarm of Small fiends (devil), unaligned Barbed Sting (Swarm). Melee Weapon Attack: +8
Armor Class 16 to hit, reach 0 ft., three creatures in the swarm’s
Hit Points 143 (20d8 + 20) space. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) piercing damage or 14
Speed 25 ft., fly 40 ft. (2d8 + 5) piercing damage if the swarm has half
of its hit points or fewer, and the target must
make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking
22 (4d10) poison damage on a failed save or half
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) as much damage on a successful one.
Barbed Sting (Single). Ranged Weapon Attack:
Damage Vulnerabilities thunder +5 to hit, range 60/120 ft. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5)
Damage Resistances fire, poison, psychic; piercing damage, and the target must make a
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (1d10)
nonmagical attacks poison damage on a failed save or half as much
Condition Immunities charmed, grappled damage on a successful one.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 Greataxe (Infernal Projection Only). Melee
Languages — Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) target. Hit: 58 (8d12 + 6) psychic damage. The
target must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede to see through the illusion, taking full damage on
the infernal swarm’s darkvision a failed save. On a successful save, the target is
immune to the illusion for the next 24 hours.
Fear Aura. Any creature hostile to the infernal
swarm that starts its turn within 20 feet of
the swarm must make a DC 18 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
Bone Colossus (Necrotech)
frightened until the start of its next turn. If a Standing over thirty feet tall, this undead titan
creature’s saving throw is successful, the creature is composed of thousands of tiny chittering
is immune to the infernal swarm’s fear aura for skeletons, knitted together into one enormous
the next 24 hours. creature of bones and skulls by foul necromantic
Innate Spellcasting. The infernal swarm’s innate magic. As the towering colossus strides forward,
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17).
the earth shakes beneath its feet.
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring
no material components: Necrotech Titans. Over sixty years ago,
At will: disguise self, firebolt, minor illusion Sandor Greyskin, Master of the Necrophagi,
3/day each: hallucinatory terrain, major image created the first bone collective (see Tome
1/day each: fireball, greater invisibility, of Beasts) in his laboratory in Darakhan,
immolation White City of the Ghouls. Fifty years later,
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the infernal the forbidden lore shared by the vampires has
swarm fails a saving throw, it can choose to allowed the Necrophagi to develop a new, far
succeed instead. larger type of bone collective.
Magic Resistance. The infernal swarm has
advantage on saving throws against spells and Weapons of War. In his tome of deranged
other magical effects. ramblings, Tomislav the Thrice‑Flayed
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s theorized how “posthumes”—the tiny
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move skeletal creatures used to make up the bone
through any opening large enough for a Small collectives—might be gathered in even greater
creature. The swarm can’t regain hit points or
numbers to form bigger, stronger creatures.
gain temporary hit points.
Magenthus Quickborn, current Master of the
Necrophagi and a bone collective himself, set
to work creating a bone colossus, an undead

creature big and powerful enough to serve as Saving Throws Con +11, Wis +8
a rallying point for the ghoul legions in battle. Skills Intimidation +10, Perception +8
The first bone colossus was deployed in anger Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
against the Electoral Kingdom of Krakova slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
where it proved decisive in bringing the
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
siege of Wallenbirg to a rapid and favorable
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
conclusion for the undead armies. More
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18
bone colossuses are under construction; an Languages Common, Darakhul
enthusiastic Emperor Nicoforus intends to Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
position the huge creatures at the vanguard of
each of his imperial legions. Hive Mind. All elements of the bone colossus
within 50 miles of their main body constantly
BONE COLOSSUS communicate with each other. If one is aware
Gargantuan undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 247 (15d20 + 90)
Speed 30 ft.


24 (+7) 11 (+0) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)

of a particular danger, they all are. Any bone
colossus with at least 40 hit points forms a hive
Vent Linnorm
mind, giving it an Intelligence of 14. Below The immense reptile soars menacingly through
this hit point threshold, it becomes mindless the water—long and sleek, powerful tail
(Intelligence 0). At 0 hp, a few surviving sets of undulating rhythmically, threatening all in its
bones scatter, and the Necrophagi must spend terrifying wake.
months creating a new bone colossus.
Siege Monster. The bone colossus deals double
Terrors of the Deep. Vent linnorms live
damage to objects and structures. near hydrothermal fissures located in the
Swarm Form. A bone colossus can use its action deepest parts of the ocean. When they are
to split into four individual swarms of tiny not hunting, they can be found basking in
bone posthumes. Each swarm is Large, has one their lairs, enjoying the dark, warm waters
quarter of the colossus’s current hit points, of their homes. They spend much of their
and attacks and moves independently. A bone
time hunting in the lightless depths of the
swarm can occupy another creature’s space and
vice versa, and the swarm can move through
ocean. They are proficient hunters whose diet
openings at least 1 foot wide. As an action, the includes all varieties of sharks and whales,
swarms can reform into a single bone colossus giant squid, dragon turtles, dragon eels, and
as long as they are adjacent to one another. younger sea dragons. While they are generally
Turn Resistance. The bone colossus has solitary creatures, mated pairs sometimes
advantage on saving throws against any effect team up to hunt ancient sea dragons and
that turns undead.
kraken before resuming their solitary lives.
Actions Primeval Dragons. Many sages believe that
Multiattack (Colossus Form Only). The bone linnorms are precursors to modern dragons.
colossus makes two thunderous slam attacks. Like their more evolved kin, vent linnorms
Thunderous Slam (Colossus Form Only). Melee enjoy amassing hoards of treasure they bury in
Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 20 ft., one
the silty floor of their lairs. Younger linnorms
target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage
plus 10 (3d6) thunder damage, and the target spend much of their time searching through
must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be the wreckage of sunken vessels, while older
knocked prone. ones actively sink passing ships, eating the
Razor Teeth (Swarm Form Only). Melee Weapon sailors as they thrash in the water and picking
Attack: +12 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature in up the fallen treasures at their leisure.
the swarm’s space. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) piercing
damage. Aboleth Hunters. Due to the relative
Dispersal (Swarm Form Only). Each swarm slow‑wittedness of vent linnorms, aboleths are
separates further into dozens of individual fond of dominating them for use as servants
posthumes, which scatter in different directions. and war beasts. For their part, linnorms
Attacking the posthumes is ineffectual; the bone despise aboleths for enslaving them. A vent
colossus is effectively removed from play while
linnorm who becomes aware of the presence of
it is dispersed. The bone colossus must spend
at least 1 minute fully dispersed before it can
aboleths immediately ceases its current activity
reform as an action. After dispersing, it must and moves to destroy their hated enemies.
reform as a single bone colossus within 60 feet
of its prior location.

VENT LINNORM Tail. Melee Weapon Attack. +12 to hit, reach 20
Gargantuan dragon, neutral evil ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) damage. If the target is Large or smaller, it is
grappled (escape DC 18). Until this grapple
Hit Points 247 (15d20 + 90)
ends, the target is restrained, and the linnorm
Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft., swim 80 ft.
can automatically hit the target with its tail. The
linnorm can still make tail attacks against other
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA targets and can use its tail to grapple up to three
25 (+7) 14 (+2) 23 (+6) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 creatures at once.

Saving Throws Str +12, Dex +7, Con +11, Cha +8

Skills Intimidation +8, Perception +7, Survival +7
Damage Resistances fire
Damage Immunities cold
Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision
120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Amphibious. The linnorm can breathe air

and water.
Blood Sense. While in the water, the linnorm
has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks to locate creatures that don’t have
all their hit points.
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If the
linnorm fails a saving throw, it can
choose to succeed instead.

Multiattack. The linnorm
can use its Frightful
Presence. It then makes
three attacks: one with its
bite and two with its tail.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) piercing
damage and 11 (2d10)
necrotic damage.

Frightful Presence. Each creature of the linnorm’s to spread chaos and ruin across the mortal
choice that is within 120 feet of the linnorm and world. Once he has reduced humanity to ruin,
aware of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
he will return to the Abyss and reclaim his
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the
stolen throne.
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on Dread Appearance. Most who deal with the
itself on a success. If the creature’s saving throw demon never see his face or form, for Bathael
is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature
prefers to keep to the gloom lest he terrorize
is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
the next 24 hours.
his slaves.
Inky Breath (Recharge 5–6). The linnorm
exhales a cloud of briny ink in a 60-foot cone. BATHAEL
Each creature in that area must make a DC 19 Huge fiend (demon), chaotic evil
Constitution saving throw, taking 52 (15d6) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
necrotic damage and being blinded for 1 minute Hit Points 319 (22d12 + 176)
on a failed save or half as much damage and Speed 30 ft.
not suffering blindness on a successful one. A
blinded creature can repeat the saving throw at STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
27 (+8) 10 (+0) 26 (+8) 21 (+5) 18 (+4) 23 (+6)
itself on a success.

Reactions Saving Throws Str +14, Dex +6, Con +14,

Curse of the Deep. When the linnorm is killed, it Cha +12
unleashes a curse upon its killers. All creatures Skills Deception +12, Perception +10
within 100 feet of the dead linnorm that Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning
dealt damage to it must succeed on a DC 19 Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning,
Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 levels of piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
exhaustion or half that many levels of exhaustion Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
on a successful save. A creature that failed the frightened, poisoned
saving throw must remake the save each time it Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 15 ft., passive
finishes a long rest in order to remove one level Perception 20
of exhaustion. Languages Abyssal; telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)

Bathael Blasphemous Burbling. Foul blasphemies sound

The gigantic demon has the lower body of a from Bathael’s maw. When a creature that is
maggot merged with a humanoid torso whose not a demon starts its turn within 15 feet of
black flesh appears carved from stone. At the Bathael and can hear the demon, the creature
must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving
point where the two forms meet, it has a wide,
throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage and
slobbering maw with pink and white striped become charmed for 1 minute or until it is no
lips, serrated teeth, and a roaming puce longer within 15 feet of Bathael. A creature that
tongue. The creature wears an iron helmet that succeeds on this saving throw becomes immune
conceals all but its three gleaming eyes. to Bathael’s blasphemous burbling for 24 hours.
Magic Resistance. Bathael has advantage on
Behind the Scenes. Once a dread lord of
saving throws against spells and other magical
demons, Bathael was forced to flee from the effects.
Abyss after his subjects rose up against him. Magic Weapons. Bathael’s weapon attacks are
Since, he has installed himself in the sewers magical.
beneath Harkesh, working behind the scenes Swift Curse (Recharge 5–6). Bathael uses Vile
to make slaves of its people and use them Curse as a bonus action.

Actions check against Bathael’s Strength check. If the
Multiattack. Bathael makes two attacks: one with target fails, Bathael drags the target up to 15 feet
his chain and one with his battleaxe. closer to itself and can make a bite attack as a
bonus action.
Chain. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach
30 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) bludgeoning Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
damage. If the target is 10 feet or further from reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) slashing
Bathael, the target must contest a Strength damage.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach Deathly Avatars. Shadows of death sometimes
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (2d12 + 8) piercing answer the call of death cults throughout
Midgard. Rather than aid them though, they
Vile Curse. Bathael bestows a curse, chosen from
make them into their victims, killing them
the options presented below, on one creature it
can see within 120 feet.
first before spreading the grave’s shadow
Blistering Curse. The targeted creature must across the world. From their hatred of all life,
succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving they form obsidian blades, which they use to
throw or become cursed for 1 minute. While take the lives of anyone they encounter.
cursed in this way, the target takes 22 (4d10)
acid damage at the start of each of its turns. SHADOW OF DE ATH
If the target drops to 0 hit points or fewer Large celestial, chaotic evil
from this damage, the target dies, and its
Armor Class 18
flesh dissolves into a pool of jelly that dries
Hit Points 250 (20d10 + 140)
1d6 hours later. The target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Speed 50 ft. fly 120 ft.
ending the effect on itself on a success.
Deafening Curse. The targeted creature must STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving 7 (−2) 26 (+8) 24 (+7) 25 (+7) 25 (+7) 30 (+10)
throw or take 45 (10d8) thunder damage
and become cursed for 1 minute. While Saving Throws Int +14, Wis +14, Cha +17
cursed in this way, the target is deafened Skills Perception +14
and makes attack rolls with disadvantage. Damage Vulnerability radiant
The target can repeat the saving throw at
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning,
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
on itself on a success.
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
Maddening Curse. The targeted creature must
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or
frightened, grappled, petrified, poisoned, prone,
suffer the effects of short-term madness for
1 minute. The target can repeat the saving
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the effect on itself on a success. Languages all; telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP)

Shadow of Death Death Throes. When the shadow of death dies,

it explodes, and each creature within 30 feet of
Draped in black funerary garb, ribbons of it or inside the area of its deathly shroud must
which move of their own accord, the creature make a DC 25 Constitution saving throw, taking
has the appearance of a skeletal angel. 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save or
half as much on a successful one. The explosion
Angels of Death. Once beings of light and
destroys the shadow of death’s Blade of Unlight.
beauty who championed justice across the
Deathly Shroud (Recharge 6). As a bonus action,
planes, the shadows of death formed after the shadow of death causes magical shadows to
some agent of entropy discarded their bodies spill forth from a point it can reach, out to a 120-
into the Void. Their celestial forms protected foot radius, turning all light in the area to dim
them from ultimate annihilation, but their light. The shadows suppress all forms of light,
minds were forever darkened by the plane’s even that created by spells and other magical
effects. The shadows remain for 1 hour or until
dread influence. The shadows of death
the shadow of death is incapacitated.
emerged from the darkness as death-obsessed At the start of each of the shadow of death’s
agents of entropy. turns, each creature in the area of shadows
other than itself, constructs, and undead must

succeed on a DC
25 Constitution
saving throw or
take 11 (2d10)
necrotic damage.
Destroyer of Life. A
creature reduced to 0 hit points
from damage dealt by the shadow of
death dies and can’t be revived by any
means short of a wish spell.
Magic Resistance. The shadow of death has
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
Shadow Leap. If the shadow of death is inside
the area of its deathly shroud, it can magically
teleport, along with any equipment it is wearing
or carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied
space it can see inside the area of its deathly
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness,
the shadow of death can take the Hide action as
a bonus action.

Multiattack. The shadow of death makes three
Blade of Unlight attacks. It can substitute Vision
of Ending for two of these attacks.
Blade of Unlight. Melee Weapon Attack: +15
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.
necrotic damage, and the target gains one level While frightened in this way, the creature is also
of exhaustion and must succeed on a DC 24 paralyzed. If the save fails by 5 or more, the
Constitution saving throw or reduce its hit point target also takes 35 (10d6) psychic damage. A
maximum by an amount equal to the necrotic frightened target can repeat the saving throw
damage taken. This reduction lasts until the at the end of each of its turns, ending the
target finishes a long rest. frightened condition on itself on a success. If a
Vision of Ending. Each creature that is not target’s saving throw is successful or the effect
undead within 60 feet of the shadow of death ends for it, the target is immune to this shadow
that can see it must succeed on a DC 25 Wisdom of death’s Vision of Ending for the next 24 hours.

Degmadu Siege Monster. Degmadu deals double damage
to objects and structures.
A massive, fleshy polyp emerges from the
ground, ringed with hundreds of wobbly eyes Actions
and filled with a whirlpool of stony, buzzsaw Multiattack. Degmadu makes one bite attack and
teeth. Tentacles burst from within this gaping four tentacle attacks.
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
maw like serpents ready to strike.
30 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 10) bludgeoning
The Millennium Polyp. Degmadu the damage, and the target is grappled (escape
Shuddering Maw, or the Millennium Polyp, DC 19). Until this grapple ends, the target is
is a recurring terror in the subterranean restrained. Degmadu has thirteen tentacles, each
kingdoms but rarely appears on the surface. of which can grapple one target.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach
It is said to grow more active on the surface
5 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) piercing
every thousand years when it’s ready to burst damage. If the target is a Large or smaller
from its earthly confines into the sky to live a creature grappled by Degmadu, the target is
brief second life in a new form. This new life also swallowed, and the grapple ends. While
lasts only three days before it returns to the swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained,
vaults of the earth for another millennium. it has total cover against attacks and other effects
outside Degmadu, and it takes 49 (14d6) acid
damage at the start of each of Degmadu’s turns.
If Degmadu takes 55 damage or more on a
Gargantuan monstrosity, chaotic neutral
single turn from a creature inside it, Degmadu
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) must succeed on a DC 24 Constitution saving
Hit Points 555 (30d20 + 240) throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all
Speed 20 ft., burrow 60 ft. swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space
within 10 feet of Degmadu. If Degmadu dies, a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it
30 (+10) 11 (+0) 27 (+8) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) and can escape from the corpse by using 15 feet
of movement, exiting prone.
Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +8, Con +16, Resonance. Degmadu creates a sonic wave. Each
Int +13, Wis +14 creature within 120 feet of Degmadu and able to
hear it must make a DC 24 Constitution saving
Damage Immunities acid, thunder; bludgeoning,
throw. On a failure, a creature takes 27 (5d10)
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
thunder damage and is deafened for 1 minute.
Condition Immunities frightened, paralyzed,
On a success, the creature takes half the damage
and isn’t deafened.
Senses tremorsense 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages understands Abyssal, Celestial, Legendary Actions
Infernal, and Primordial but can’t speak; Degmadu can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
telepathy 120 ft. from the options below. Only one legendary action
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP) option can be used at a time and only at the end
of another creature’s turn. Degmadu regains
Earth Glide. Degmadu can burrow through spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While Tentacle Attack. Degmadu makes one tentacle
doing so, Degmadu doesn’t disturb the material attack.
it moves through.
Resonance (Costs 2 Actions). Degmadu uses
Earthbound. Degmadu is confined to the earth Resonance.
and can’t leave it. It can use Earth Glide to climb
Sounding Sea (Costs 3 Actions). Degmadu
difficult surfaces, including upside down on
creates a seismic disturbance that lasts until
ceilings, without needing to make an ability
the end of its next turn. An intense tremor
rips through the area, shaking creatures and

structures in contact with the ground within concentration is broken. The tremor deals
60 feet of Degmadu. The ground in the area damage to structures, which might collapse
becomes difficult terrain, and each creature on and damage nearby creatures; this effect of
the ground must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving Sounding Sea works like the earthquake spell,
throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked except the damage to the structures isn’t
prone. Each creature on the ground that is doubled from Degmadu’s Siege Monster trait.
concentrating must make a DC 24 Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s

Three legendary creatures of ill repute from the
Greater Duchy of Morgau, Doresh, and Krakovar.
by Christopher Lockey

T he Blood Kingdom of Midgard is an

accursed realm unlike any other, home to
horrors both unspeakable and spectacular. The
But hear you this and remember, whether
questing across the bloodstained Field of
Salesh or braving the boundless corners of
amalgamated lands of Morgau, Doresh, and your own mortal mind... tread carefully when
Krakovar persist under the cruel reign of King walking among the dead, for the eyes of Lucan
Lucan, vampire lord of Bratislor. Meanwhile, lurk in every shadow.
the subterranean realms beneath these
federated kingdoms serve as the dominion of
Nicoforus the Pale and his Ghoul Imperium. Horror in Roleplaying:
A grim yet fortuitous alliance between these Genre and the Blood Kingdom
two despots has fueled a steady rise in the Chances are you’ll only take a trip to
proliferation of powerful undead in the Midgard’s Blood Kingdom if your gaming
region, which has no doubt made the Blood group enjoys a fair bit of horror in your
Kingdom even more inhospitable for the weak shared roleplaying experience. If this is
of will and the faint of heart. the case, you’re in for a treat, for the Blood
What follows is a macabre treatise on three Kingdom is rife with dread. If you’re relatively
unique monsters that reside within various new to the horror genre or simply reluctant to
corners of Midgard’s Blood Kingdom (but taste of its forbidden fruits, then rest assured:
who are also perfectly at home in any dark a little fear in your storytelling makes the
fantasy setting with a proper penchant for light-hearted fare taste oh so sweeter. But
gothic horror and the phantasmagorical). whether you’re an experienced gore hound
Herein you will find examinations of the or a fledgling fear chaser, the Blood Kingdom
legendary creatures known as the Bloodstone beckons with open arms and eager fangs.
Gargoyle of Bratislor Pass, Scythe Tail the This material encourages you to embrace the
Undying Wyvern, and the Heiderbirg Horror. darker side of your roleplaying, and it draws
During your scrutiny of these abominable inspiration from a wide variety of grim and
beasts, you may very well discover various gothic tales—fitting with the dark fantasy
customs of the Blood Kingdom themselves surrounding the Midgard setting itself. Below
along with information on notable personages, ground, Nicoforus the Pale’s ghoulish minions
local legends, and an enchanted item or two. toil for a grim future in which the Midgard

they inhabit is less governed by the sun-loving as you’d like them to be. But don’t be afraid
nations of the surface. (If this means allegiance to lean on trope because a genre as nuanced
to Lucan and his bloodthirsty kin, then so as horror demands a certain amount of
be it.) In the realms above, an evil army of discipline to feel authentic and sincere, and
vampires has expanded from the seclusion this discipline is informed at every turn by the
of their mountain keeps, establishing one of generations of horror storytellers that came
the largest and most powerful dominions in before—how they innovated and what we can
the known world. The existence of the Blood learn from them—stretching all the way back
Kingdom establishes a new normal. to the campfires of time immemorial. Study
Adventures in Morgau, Doresh, and your favorites, and bring what they teach you
Krakovar (as well as the caverns beneath) can to the table.
be as convention-laden or as free of tropes

Rumors and Legends

Extensive travel through Midgard is bound to stir up some chatter about the Blood Kingdom and
the peculiar horrors that haunt its tortured landscapes. Furthermore, passing through a border
town or investigating local legends could reveal all sorts of details. Roll a d12 or choose from the
following list of rumors to determine what kind of information characters might discover:

1 Merchants traveling south from Bratislor along the Great Northern Road talk of a haunted
mountain pass that calls lonely travelers to their dooms.
2 Traders who ferry along the River Brocken speak of a foul wind that stirs off the western
banks of the river near Lengrove.
3 Pirates of the Nieder Straights whisper tales of a doomed ship that was savaged by a strange
form of vampiric plague it picked up near Heiderbirg.
4 Dozens of pale infants in the lands surrounding Morgau and Doresh are being born with an
irregular, triangle-shaped birthmark—a blemish that resembles a map of Bratislor Pass.
5 On the day preceding each full moonrise, the northern waters of the River Yoshtula run red
with blood.
6 Trees of the Siarka Swamp bleed a loathsome crimson sap.
7 One in nineteen horses birthed in the Blood Kingdom are born pale and gaunt but harbor
strange supernatural gifts.
8 The sacking of Heiderbirg has angered the ancient Wolfmark gods; as a result, the skies above
the marshes west of Heiderbirg are wracked by weird storms.
9 A temple to Marena south of Bratislor trains its Red Sister devotees to supplicate themselves
to strange earthen idols.
10 The winged beasts and feral ghouls of the Cloudwall Mountains worship an elder wyvern god.
11 Children who die under a new or full moon are cursed and must serve the Red Goddess and
her minions in the afterlife.
12 Earthquakes in the Great Necropolis have begun waking strange horrors from the shadowy
depths of the earth.

Fearful Omens and previous editions of the game). Since
vampires of the Blood Kingdom occupy a
With the advent of the alliance between
more “normal” place in society, it falls on the
King Lucan and Nicoforus the Pale, the
abnormal to take up their traditional roles.
confederated Blood Kingdoms have ushered
The emergence of Midgard’s abominations
in a new era of prosperity for evil means and
has often been preceded by calamitous events
the monsters who perpetuate them. In the
that herald their arrival, like storms, plagues,
days and nights since Lucan’s grim treaty
famines, or fires. How the abominations
has come to pass, the denizens of the foul
contained herein manifest themselves in your
lands between Dornig and Niemheim have
campaign is entirely up to you.
grown increasingly aware of their rising
station. And this supernatural momentum is
almost tangible. After all, the Ghost Knights Dramatis Personae
of Lucan’s army couldn’t have stormed the Whether by accident or design, those who
northern coasts of the Wolfmark without scour Midgard’s forbidden realms are often
darakhul warriors in their midst, and the fate-bound to find what they seek, and if one
ghouls of the Imperium can only expand so travels the Great Northern Road long enough,
far without the aid of their surface-dwelling the sinister forces of supernatural evil are
brethren. More than a mere political current, never far behind. Here now are three of the
this is the movement of a society—an entire most notorious legendary creatures that reside
undead civilization—whose motivations within Midgard’s Blood Kingdom along with
are predominantly questionable, if not descriptions of their lairs, regional effects,
altogether evil. The psychic, supernatural, and plot hooks, and more. If you’re looking for
metaphysical maelstrom this has wrought is more than a mere encounter, consider these
one of epic proportions. unique monsters to be “minibosses” of your
One result of this confluence is the own campaign, and try to present them with
ongoing emergence of new and otherwise the narrative pacing and dramatic gravitas a
long-dormant creatures of legend. There classic horror story deserves.
are entities who prefer to skulk furtively
in the shadows, and there are those whose THE BLOODSTONE GARGOYLE
reputations precede them like the doom OF BRATISLOR PASS
winds of a plague storm. The Blood Kingdom
A hulking effigy carved from solid bloodstone
is the sum of its parts: the essence of every
clings to the sanctuary steeple. A closer look
abominable horror that crawls within the
reveals a sinister winged creature of elemental
lands of Morgau, Doresh, Krakovar, and
earth that bears the loathsome likeness of
the realms beneath. And they are ultimately
a demonic statue with long, curving horns
defined by the denizens who defend (and
and a prodigiously wicked grin. The sound
expand) their shared borders.
of grinding stone and the blinking of two
We’re all familiar with the mythological
luminous crimson eyes precede the gargoyle’s
trappings of the classic vampire lair: coffins
lightning-swift assault.
draped in cobwebs in silent dungeons,
creatures of the night prowling misty Blood and Stone. Journeyed pathfinders and
moorlands full of foreboding shadows. By loyal servants of the Blood Goddess Marena
its very nature, a nation full of vampires know of a seldom-used mountain pass, south
betrays some of the mystery and pageantry of of Bratislor along the Great Northern Road,
the vampire myth (as defined in the current where a secluded monastery is situated in

grim isolation. Here, the Bloodstone Gargoyle Damage Immunities poison
of Bratislor Pass watches balefully over the Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
crumbling walls of the Vermilion Abbey from Condition Immunities exhaustion, petrified,
atop its black granite steeple. A coterie of poisoned
ghouls and vampire spawn occupy the abbey’s Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
lightless sanctuary, patiently awaiting the Languages Terran, understands Common but
can’t speak, telepathy 120 ft.
return of their Red Sister mistresses under the
Challenge 5 (2,300 XP)
tireless guidance of their unholy sentinel.
Grim Sentinel. Born from a massive slab
False Appearance. While the bloodstone gargoyle
of chalcedony, the Bloodstone Gargoyle remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from
of Bratislor Pass gleefully serves the cruel an inanimate statue.
interests of its sanguine masters and has
watched over the Vermillion Abbey’s
mountain sanctuary for at least a century. Multiattack. The bloodstone gargoyle makes two
attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.
The precise origin of this peculiar elemental
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
menace remains a mystery, for none quite one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage plus
like it has ever been chronicled. Yet despite 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point
this surreptitious history (or perhaps because maximum is reduced by an amount equal to
of it), the tale of the guardian has become a the necrotic damage taken, and the bloodstone
prized fable among Midgard storytellers with gargoyle regains hit points equal to that amount.
a fondness for horror. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a
long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces
Evil to the Core. An accursed gemstone
its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in
known as the heliotrope heart is buried deep this way and then buried in the ground rises the
within the bloodstone gargoyle’s stony chest. following night as a vampire spawn under the
This magical orb can only be retrieved if the bloodstone gargoyle’s control.
gargoyle is slain, at which point the rest of the Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
earthen creature crumbles to dust. A scant few ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
entities are even aware of the orb’s existence, Fiendish Charm. The bloodstone gargoyle’s
eyes sparkle with crimson light as it targets one
such as the Arch-Devil Parzelon, Midgard’s
humanoid it can see within 60 feet of it. If the
most learned sages, and the Red Goddess target can see the bloodstone gargoyle, the
Marena herself. target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
Elemental Nature. The bloodstone gargoyle throw against this magic or be charmed by
doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. the bloodstone gargoyle. The charmed target
regards the bloodstone gargoyle as a trusted
BLOODSTONE GARGOYLE friend to be heeded and protected. Although
the target isn’t under the bloodstone gargoyle’s
Large elemental, chaotic evil
control, it takes the gargoyle’s requests or
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
actions in the most favorable way it can, and it is
Hit Points 72 (8d10 + 28) a willing target for the gargoyle’s bite attack.
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Each time the gargoyle or the gargoyle’s
companions do anything harmful to the target,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
18 (+4) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 6 (−2) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts
24 hours or until the gargoyle is destroyed, is on
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and a different plane of existence than the target, or
slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t takes a bonus action to end the effect.

The bloodstone gargoyle can take one legendary The Bloodstone Gargoyle of Bratislor Pass
action, choosing from the options below. Only serves as the sleepless sentinel of a crumbling
one legendary action option can be used at a time
mountain temple to the Blood Goddess
and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Marena, where he perches upon an ebon
The bloodstone gargoyle regains spent legendary
actions at the start of its turn. steeple. Known as the Vermillion Abbey, this
black granite edifice also houses a restless pack
Detect. The bloodstone gargoyle makes a
Wisdom (Perception) check.
of ghouls and a small cadre of vampire spawn
Hurl Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, birthed from the gargoyle’s sinister bite.
range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature,
it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving The craggy region surrounding the
throw or be knocked prone. bloodstone gargoyle’s lair in Bratislor Pass

has been corrupted by its unnatural presence, • A cabal of Red Sister acolytes has
creating the following effects: kidnapped the characters who find
• There’s a noticeable increase in the themselves imprisoned within the lightless
population of bats in the region. dungeon of the Vermillion Abbey. If they
• Plants within 1,000 feet of the lair are manage to escape their blasphemous jail,
withered, and their stems and branches will they survive the abbey’s bloodstone
have become twisted and thorny. sentinel and his retinue of undead
• Shadows cast within 1,000 feet of the lair minions?
seem abnormally gaunt and sometimes • A powerful druid of Wendestal Forest
move as though alive. tasks the characters with retrieving the
heliotrope heart from the bloodstone
If the bloodstone gargoyle is destroyed, these gargoyle’s earthen remains. In return, she
effects end after 3d6 days. promises to reward the characters with a
magical boon (such as the spells greater
BLOODSTONE GARGOYLE OF restoration, reincarnate, or scrying in a
time of need) and safe passage through
Characters could find themselves
the Wendestal.
encountering the Bloodstone Gargoyle of
• A blistering snowstorm drives the
Bratislor Pass for a variety of reasons:
characters into the Bratislor Pass for
• While traveling the Great Northern Road,
shelter as they make their way north
the characters encounter the lone survivor
or south along the Great Northern
of an ill-fated adventuring party. Two
Road. During their first rest, one of the
prodigious bite marks on the fellow’s
characters—or perhaps a friendly scout
shoulder betray his encounter with the
in their midst—is beset by a trio of ghouls
bloodstone gargoyle, which he describes
who drag the hapless victim toward
in vivid detail before succumbing to his
the shadow-steeped threshold of the
wounds. As he dies, he beseeches the
Vermillion Abbey.
characters to purify the unholy altars of
the Vermillion Abbey by destroying them.

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This polished orb of dark-green stone is Curse. This orb is cursed, a fact that is revealed
latticed with pulsing crimson inclusions that only when an identify spell is cast on the orb or
resemble slowly dilating spatters of blood. you attune to it. Attuning to the orb curses you
While attuned to this orb, your hit point until you are targeted by the remove curse spell
maximum is not affected by the necrotic or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed,
damage of the bite of a vampire or vampire you are unwilling to part with the orb, keeping it
spawn. Additionally, while holding this orb, on your person at all times. While cursed, your
you can speak its command word as an action shadow seems abnormally gaunt and sometimes
to cast false life as if it were cast using a spell moves of its own volition as though alive; as
slot of 2nd level; this property can’t be used a result, you have disadvantage on Charisma
again until the next dusk. (Performance) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks.

Large undead (ogre mutant), chaotic evil
The pallid skin and beady red eyes of this
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
corpulent ogre betray its undead nature, but
Hit Points 76 (9d10 + 27)
the slavering, blood-soaked tissue between its
Speed 40 ft.
gruesome bifurcated jaws suggests something
more than mere vampirism. As the creature STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
shambles forward, a ten-foot, toothed 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 7 (−2)
proboscis flicks forth from its gory maw. The
undulation of a small rasping mouth on the tip Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +3
of this monstrous tongue is almost as sickening Skills Perception +6, Stealth +3
as the smell of carrion rot that clings to it. But Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
not quite. piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Vile Origins. The Heiderbirg Horror is
Languages understands Common and Giant but
the hideous product of foul necromantic can’t speak
experimentation. Conceived as a weaponized Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
form of vampirism, the horror was created
by a mad Krakovan chirurgeon named Regeneration. The horror regains 10 hit points
Vol Vorigrad in the depths of his dingy at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point
Heiderbirg laboratory. After slaying its maker and isn’t in sunlight or running water. If the
in a most brutal fashion, the horror escaped to horror takes radiant damage or damage from
holy water, this trait doesn’t function at the start
the streets above and nimbly evaded the local
of its next turn.
commandery during a blood-soaked exodus
Vampire Weaknesses. The horror has the
through Heiderbirg’s western gate. It has following flaws:
stalked the swamp-soaked village known as Forbiddance. It can’t enter a residence without
West Heiderbirg ever since. an invitation from one of the occupants.
Odious Methods. Vorigrad introduced a Harmed by Running Water. It takes 20 acid
number of strange mutations and “upgrades” damage when it ends its turn in running water.
to his giantkin subject, including the curse of Stake to the Heart. It is destroyed if a piercing
vampirism, a unique bloodborne pathogen, weapon made of wood is driven into its heart
while it is incapacitated in its resting place.
and the magically assisted graft of a grotesque,
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. It takes 20 radiant
lamprey-like tongue. These alterations have
damage when it starts its turn in sunlight.
made the Heiderbirg Horror a valuable yet While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack
unpredictable asset for those who would rolls and ability checks.
benefit from its chaotic brand of destruction.
Putrid Progeny. Like other vampires, the
Multiattack. The horror makes two attacks, only
Heiderbirg Horror passes on the curse of
one of which can be a toothed proboscis attack.
vampirism to its victims. Vampire spawn
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
created by the horror’s distinct virulence one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
carry the abomination’s sludge blood disease Instead of dealing damage, the horror can
themselves and are also capable of inflicting grapple the target (escape DC 15).
it upon others. As a result, the doom of West Toothed Proboscis. Melee Weapon Attack: +8
Heiderbirg owes nearly as much to sludge to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 4)
blood as it owes to the undead mutant itself. piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage,
and the target is grappled (escape DC 15).
Undead Nature. The Heiderbirg Horror
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained,
doesn’t require air. and the horror can’t bite another target. If the

target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC Legendary Actions
15 Constitution saving throw against disease The Heiderbirg Horror can take one legendary
or become infected with sludge blood until the action, choosing from the options below. Only
disease is cured. Additionally, the target’s hit one legendary action option can be used at a time
point maximum is reduced by an amount equal and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
to the necrotic damage taken, and the horror horror regains spent legendary actions at the start
regains hit points equal to that amount. The of his turn.
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long
Charge. The horror moves up to its speed.
rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain in this Vomit Blood. The horror spews a noxious jet
way and then buried in the ground rises the of blood from its bloated gut. Each creature
following night as a Heiderbirg vampire spawn in a 15-foot cone must succeed on a DC 15
under the Heiderbirg Horror’s control. Constitution saving throw or become poisoned.
While poisoned in this way, a target takes 5

(1d10) poison damage at the start of each of REGIONAL EFFECTS
its turns. A target can repeat the saving throw The region surrounding the Heiderbirg
at the end of each of its turns, ending the
Horror’s boggy lair has been corrupted by the
effect on itself on a success. Additionally, each
creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 creature’s unnatural presence:
Constitution saving throw against disease or • There’s a noticeable increase in the region’s
become infected with sludge blood until the rat, snake, and leech populations.
disease is cured.
• Plants within 1,000 feet of the lair are rotted;
THE HEIDERBIRG HORROR’S LAIR their stems and branches are covered in
black knots and festering wounds.
The Heiderbirg Horror stalks the
swamp‑soaked ruins of a doomed village • Stagnant water within 1,000 feet of the lair
west of Heiderbirg where its insatiable is covered in a cloudy layer of scum that
appetite subsides on any warm-blooded sometimes roils and moves as though alive.
creatures it can find. The stagnant waters • A storm cloud clings to the sky within
of this rural marsh surrounding “West 1,000 feet of the horror’s lair where sheet
Heiderbirg” are quite hospitable to lightning and moaning winds herald
the horror, whose malevolent essence intermittent downpours.
has obscured the very sun itself with a If the Heiderbirg Horror is destroyed, these
penumbral blanket. effects end after 2d6 days.


Sludge blood is a peculiar illness that originates 1, the creature dies. A humanoid slain in this way
from the Heiderbirg Horror’s putrid bite and rises the following night as a Heiderbirg vampire
noxious blood. It is sometimes transmitted by spawn under the Heiderbirg Horror’s control.
the horror’s vampiric spawn and the vermin
Variant: Heiderbirg Vampire Spawn
that dwell within its marshy lair.
A casualty of the Heiderbirg Horror’s bite
When a humanoid creature is bitten by a
attack or of the deadly effects of sludge blood
carrier of the disease or otherwise exposed, the
can reanimate as a variant vampire spawn.
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
Heiderbirg vampire spawn are considered CR 6
saving throw or become infected.
monsters and gain the following attack:
It takes 1d3 hours for sludge blood’s
symptoms to manifest in an infected creature. Diseased Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Symptoms include lethargy, contusions, and reach 5 ft., one willing creature or a creature
darkened veins. The infected creature gains that is grappled by the vampire, incapacitated,
or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage
vulnerability to necrotic and poison damage
plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s
and to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
damage, and it regains only half the normal
equal to the necrotic damage taken, and
number of hit points from finishing a long rest.
the vampire regains hit points equal to that
At the end of each long rest, an infected
amount. The reduction lasts until the target
creature must make a DC 15 Constitution
finishes a long rest. The target dies if this
saving throw. The creature recovers from
effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
the disease following three successful saves.
Additionally, the target must succeed on a DC
On each failed save, the creature’s Dexterity
15 Constitution saving throw against disease or
decreases by 1d4 points. If Dexterity loss
contract sludge blood until is cured.
reduces the infected creature’s Dexterity below

Characters could find themselves
Cobwebs and mold cover the decrepit
encountering the Heiderbirg Horror for a
scales of this hulking undead wyvern who
variety of reasons:
sits menacingly upon a scattered mound
• A few citizens of the village west of
of rotting bones. The tip of its razor-sharp
Heiderbirg have survived the horror’s
stinger drips a noxious black poison upon
onslaught by hiding in the swamp‑soaked
the skeletal heap, and its milk‑white eyes
basements and moldy attics of their
pierce the darkness in hungry anticipation. As
ramshackle dwellings. Desperate to
the undead wyvern shifts atop its makeshift
escape but too timid to leave, they
throne, you spy the hilt of a colorful blade
remain fearfully out of sight and wait for
protruding from the creature’s left shoulder.
salvation as they slowly starve to death.
Grim Hunter. In life, the wyvern Scythe Tail
One of these villagers—a malnourished
was the scourge of the Lengrove hinterlands.
teen named Kóri Myrrström—has
After a short-lived death, it now presides as a
made his safe exodus out of the West
tyrant of the caverns below. Its once-leathery
Heiderbirg swamp and beseeches the
wings, now gaunt and thin as parchment,
party for aid.
help it patrol the subterranean sprawl beneath
• An infamous Bemmean warlock named the Cloudwall Mountains with ease. And
Yorick Lesch desires a sample of the the poison stinger at the tip of the undead
Heiderbirg Horror’s vital fluids for his wyvern’s eponymous tail has become a foul
own perverse experiments and will pay perversion of its original form—a blade-like
the characters handsomely if they can barb that injects a deadly necrotic venom.
retrieve a liter or more of the creature’s Cruel and Conniving. Scythe Tail’s
noxious blood. transformation was the result of potent
• Wandering vampire spawn who carry the darakhul necromancy, but the covenant
noxious disease known as sludge blood between the undying wyvern and his ghoulish
have taken up residence along the mouth creators is tenuous at best. The alliance
of the Yoshtula River. The scattered clans between Scythe Tail and the ghouls of the
of Wolfmark barbarians who roam these Great Necropolis has served their mutual
lands are eager to remove the vampiric interests for nearly a century, but while the
pestilence from their shores and welcome ghouls continue to benefit from the terrifying
any outlanders who would take arms presence of their immortal warden, the
against the invasive undead and help undead wyvern itself has grown increasingly
locate the source of their profane origin. restless. Scythe Tail hungers for more than the
• An upstart lieutenant from the Order wealth of wayward outlanders and carefully
of the Bloody Blade at Heiderbirg plots a dreadful ascension from the depths of
Castle views the Heiderbirg Horror as a its fetid subterranean lair.
valuable asset in the war against Lucan’s The Hexen Blade. An adamantine short
enemies. This obstinate dhampir noble—a sword known as the hexen blade has remained
warrior named Saoirse Khet—is keen on curiously lodged above Scythe Tail’s right
capturing the abomination for study in shoulder following a long‑forgotten foray
her dungeon far beneath Heiderbirg. She with the weapon’s previous owner. This magic
offers the characters generous rewards sword grants its wielder the ability to master
from her enchanted armory in return for certain uncanny illusions and would make
successful exfiltration and enslavement of a prized addition to any enchanted armory.
the legendary creature.

Despite the hexen blade’s modest renown, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
none who have set out to claim it have 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing
returned from the wyvern’s lair alive. One
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
certainly wonders what other treasures have
5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing
heaped themselves upon Scythe Tail’s hide or damage.
hoard since. Stinger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Undead Nature. Scythe Tail doesn’t require reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5)
air, food, drink, or sleep. piercing damage. The target must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6)
SCY THE TAIL, THE UNDYING WYVERN necrotic damage on a failed save or half as
Large undead (wyvern), neutral evil much damage on a successful one. A creature
who suffers necrotic damage from this attack
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
becomes poisoned until the start of Scythe Tail’s
Hit Points 142 (15d10 + 60)
next turn.
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft.
Legendary Actions
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Scythe Tail can take 2 legendary actions,
21 (+5) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 8 (−1) 14 (+2) 6 (−2) choosing from the options below. Only one
legendary action option can be used at a time
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
Damage Immunities poison Scythe Tail regains spent legendary actions at the
start of its turn.
Skills Perception +5
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Detect. Scythe Tail makes a Wisdom (Perception)
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned check with advantage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Melee Attack. Scythe Tail makes one melee
Languages understands Common and Darakhul
but can’t speak Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). Scythe Tail
fixes its gaze on one creature it can see within
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
80 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC
15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Scythe Tail fails
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving
a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Actions the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s
saving throw is successful or the effect ends
Multiattack. Scythe Tail makes two attacks: one
for it, the creature is immune to Scythe Tail’s
with its bite and one with its stinger. While flying,
Frightening Gaze for the next 24 hours.
it can use its claws in place of one other attack.

Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement)

The colorful surface of this sleek adamantine This magic weapon has 3 charges. While
shortsword exhibits a perpetually shifting, holding it, you can use an action and expend 1
iridescent sheen. charge to cast disguise self, hypnotic pattern, or
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage mirror image (save DC 15).
rolls made with this magic weapon. The sword regains 1d3 expended charges
daily at dawn.

The Undying Wyvern occupies a The cavernous region surrounding Scythe
shadow‑haunted cave within the Lengrove Tail’s lair has been corrupted by the creature’s
hinterlands where he presides over a unnatural presence, creating the following
cold subterranean lake from atop a nest effects:
of timeworn bones. A bizarre species of • There’s a noticeable increase in the
pallid, carnivorous fish patrols the rimy populations of bats, scorpions, and snakes
lake. Opposite the cavern’s twisting eastern in the region.
entrance, tunnels spider out mazelike from • Plants will not grow within 500 feet of the
the central cave toward the lightless depths of lair, and any vegetation that once grew
the Great Necropolis and beyond. here has long been replaced by moldy
fungal rot.

• A creeping mist clings to the ground • The characters have been incarcerated
within 500 feet of Scythe Tail’s lair. The by darakhul slavers within the Great
mist occasionally takes eerie forms, such as Necropolis below Lengrove. After
grasping talons and writhing serpents. successfully liberating themselves from
• Undead within 500 feet of the lair have a nefarious Necropolis prison known
advantage on saving throws against effects as Skarhold, the only thing between the
that turn undead. characters and the surface world is the
If Scythe Tail is destroyed, these effects end carefully guarded chamber of Scythe
after 2d10 days. Tail—who is eager to eviscerate any
interlopers who cross its path.
Characters could find themselves
encountering the undying wyvern for a
Other Abominations
variety of reasons:
of the Blood Kingdoms
• A headstrong descendant of the hexen The Bloodstone Gargoyle, the Heiderbirg
blade’s gnomish creator seeks to retrieve Horror, and Scythe Tail are not the only
the magical shortsword to honor his abominations of Midgard’s Blood Kingdom.
family and gain favor with various lords Scores of various legendary creatures are
of Niemheim. This perilous quest requires rumored to exist in the outlying lands of
a dauntless group of explorers, and the Morgau, Doresh, and Krakovar—including
characters are no doubt precisely the party the Spawn Mother of Salesh, the Demon Bat
for the job. of Castle Bruvik, and the Lurker of Lodezig,
among others. And there most certainly are
• Scythe Tail has grown increasingly ornery
over time, and his once-fruitful symbiosis
What unknown evils prowl the blood‑soaked
with the ghouls and other renegades of the
lands between Dornig and Niemheim? And
Great Necropolis has been compromised
what new atrocities will the unholy alliance
by his feral nature. A coalition of devious
of Lucan and Nicoforus yield? A world of
Fretlock merchants and their patrons have
remarkable horrors lies waiting to be found.
pooled their resources to hire a group of
Will Midgard’s would-be heroes and villains
sellswords to slay the beast or rout him
be mighty enough to survive them? Only time
out of the Lengrove hinterlands.
and your fiendish imagination will tell…
• In a perverse attempt to intimidate her
darakhul allies, a contentious vampire
baroness of Lengrove wants to mount
Scythe Tail’s head above her mantle. She is
willing to pay the characters a handsome
reward of 1,000 gp if they can deliver the
undying wyvern’s skull intact.


Six infamous outriders in the service of King Lucan
and Emperor Nicoforus the Pale.
by Christopher Lockey

T he following serves as a grim dossier,

detailing six unique non‑player characters
(NPCs) who prowl the shadow‑haunted
You may find it difficult to scale these NPCs
to 1st-level encounters without sacrificing
many of the traits and abilities that make them
realms of Midgard’s Blood Kingdom. These unique, but you should run into very little
villainous outriders are united by their trouble in your attempts to scale them upward
allegiance to a sinister mercenary company for higher-level adventures. A few extra hit
known as the Band of the Twice Damned, dice, a handful of minions, and a couple of
a cruel and cunning cadre of elite vampire interesting magic items can go a long way
spawn and other denizens of the night led by when it comes to balancing your encounters.
the undead warrior Vilém Erzov.
If you’re a stranger to the Midgard setting,
the Band of the Twice Damned can find
Dramatis Personae
Below are the members of the Band of the
a home in your own game world with the
Twice Damned.
slightest modicum of effort. Rest assured,
these horrific, headstrong characters belong
anywhere they roam.

An alabaster mask hides the face of this

Scaling Encounters with enigmatic fellow clad in a hooded black robe.
the Twice Damned The mask is a stark combination of features: a
manic smile on the left gives way to a grotesque
The characters and creatures that comprise
frown on the right. The fellow removes the
the ranks of the Band of the Twice Damned
mask to reveal the wily countenance of a
feature challenge ratings between 2 and 6, so
middle‑aged man. His eyes burn with unsettling
gamemasters (GMs) should find them readily
anticipation, and he cackles senselessly as his
accessible for encounters throughout low- to
hands trace arcane symbols in the air.
mid-level campaigns. But that doesn’t mean
the Twice Damned can’t give higher-level Tenebrous Altars. This Krakovan
characters a run for their money as well. rogue‑turned-warlock is the wild card of the
group. One of the few humans under Vilém
Erzov’s command, Havran Krev is almost as

bloodthirsty as his vampiric brethren. Yet
instead of satiating his own appetites,
Havran kills for the entropic glory of
his otherworldly patron: a mask of the
Great Old One Nyarlathotep known as
the Crawling Chaos.
Unlikely Allies. As the highest‑ranking
human mercenary in the Band
of the Twice Damned, Havran is
exceptionally poised for duplicitous
interactions with Midgard’s less
sinister peoples. Whenever Sister
Radana Nohc is unable to broker
parley or pacify the weak, the
Twice Damned call upon Havran
to dispense his peculiar brand of
civility. In tandem with Havran’s
allegiance to the Crawling Chaos, this
has made for some interesting (and
often aberrant) allies throughout the
band’s sordid history.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
Innate Spellcasting. Havran’s innate spellcasting
Speed 30 ft.
ability is Charisma. He can innately cast
the following spells, requiring no material
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12(+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
At will: detect magic, mage armor (self only)
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Havran deals an extra
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4 7 (2d6) damage when he hits a target with a
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand roll or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of
+5, Stealth +5 his who isn’t incapacitated and Havran doesn’t
Senses passive Perception 16 have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Languages Common, Darakhul, Elvish, Spellcasting. Havran is a 4th-level spellcaster. His
telepathy 30 ft. spellcasting ability is Charisma (save DC 13, +5
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) to hit with spell attacks). He has two 2nd-level
spell slots, which he regains after finishing a
Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Havran can short or long rest, and he knows the following
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, warlock spells:
or Hide action. Cantrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast,
Dark Devotion. Havran has advantage on saving mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation,
throws against being charmed or frightened. true strike
1st level: dissonant whispers, hideous laughter
2nd level: detect thoughts, invisibility,
phantasmal force

Multiattack. Havran makes two melee attacks. Small humanoid (derro), chaotic neutral
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Armor Class 17 (splint mail)
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing Hit Points 64 (10d8 + 20)
damage. Speed 30 ft.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
piercing damage.
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Ideal. “Only the gods that were can tell.” Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
Skills Arcana +2, Athletics +5, Perception +4
Bond. “Servitude is just a means to an end.”
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Flaw. “My body is not my own, for there are Languages Common, Deep Speech, Dwarvish,
greater gifts than these.” Undercommon
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
THE BLACKSMITH Eldritch Resilience. Old Brimstone has advantage
on Constitution saving throws against spells.
The smell of forge fire clings to this aged derro
soldier, who wears a strange set of ebony
goggles upon his ashen face. He throws down a
pair of battered tongs, produces a massive silver
warhammer from behind his back, and charges
headlong into battle with a guttural roar.
From the Depths. Nicknamed “Old
Brimstone” by his compatriots, this insane
derro blacksmith hones his craft in service
to the Twice Damned. From the
forge to the field of battle, his prowess
with hammers is unparalleled, and
though he thoroughly enjoys tossing a
hammer or two, Old Brimstone is most
satisfied when swinging his trademark
silver warhammer.
Forge Madness. Old Brimstone’s backstory
is a mystery to his allies, partly due to the
mélange of insanities that riddle his dark
dwarven mind. In addition to his delusions
of grandeur and an array of auditory
hallucinations, Old Brimstone
mutters constantly to himself in
Deep Speech—a habit that raises the
suspicions of even the diehard killers of
the Band of the Twice Damned.

Insanity. Old Brimstone has advantage on saving OLD BRIMSTONE’S PERSONALITY TRAITS
throws against being charmed or frightened. Ideal. “A life of battle is a life well lived.”
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Old Bond. “I was born to craft blades for the
Brimstone has disadvantage on attack rolls and
world’s most powerful armies.”
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
unless he is wearing his goggles of shade. Flaw. “Perfect is never good enough.”

Multiattack. Old Brimstone makes two melee
attacks with his warhammer or two ranged
attacks with light hammers. A lithe, garnet-eyed woman in crimson robes
Two-Handed Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 surveys the battlefield with cold calculation
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 +
before raising a strange silver censer above
3) bludgeoning damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be her head. As incense wafts away from the orb,
knocked prone. the air around her darkens with supernatural
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to shadow. She raises her head in gleeful mockery
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) before the gloom obscures her sultry form, and
bludgeoning damage. all that remains is her cruel laugh.
Light Hammer. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to Sanguine Sister. This dhampir cleric of
hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
the Blood Goddess Marena is a valuable
bludgeoning damage.
member of Vilém Erzov’s crew whose
Field Repair (3/Day). Old Brimstone can use his
action to temporarily improve the quality of one
delicate demeanor obscures her deadly
weapon or one piece of armor he can touch. nature. Although Erzov trusts her completely,
Until the end of the encounter, an improved Radana’s true fealty remains with her coven
weapon receives a +1 bonus to damage rolls of Red Sisters at Cantri Abbey—who have
and a repaired piece of armor receives a +1 instructed her to ride with the Band of the
bonus to AC. A weapon or piece of armor
Twice Damned so that she can monitor (and
can only be improved this way once, and the
temporary improvement ends immediately
report) their ongoing activities.
following the final turn of combat. Umbral Sentinel. Sister Radana’s dhampir
heritage is well-suited for her assignment to
Erzov’s vampiric warband. Not only are her
divine magics a potent asset on the battlefield,
she is unhindered by the sunlight that so
righteously assaults many of her allies. When
they must travel overland during sunlight
hours, the Twice Damned operate under the
protections of Sister Radana Nohc and her
GOGGLES OF SHADE censer of dark shadows.
Wondrous item, uncommon

While wearing these dark lenses, you have

advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.
If you have sunlight sensitivity, wearing these
goggles negates the disadvantage on attack
rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on sight when you, the target of your
attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive
is in direct sunlight.

Medium undead (dhampir), lawful evil Multiattack. Radana makes two rapier or two
Armor Class 14 (leather) shortbow attacks. She can make a grapple attack
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16) or Dark Thirst attack in place of any attack.
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13(+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +4, Cha +5

Skills Athletics +3, Deception +5, Medicine +7,
Persuasion +5, Religion +3, Stealth +4
Damage Resistances necrotic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Darakhul
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Spellcasting. Radana is a 5th-level spellcaster.

Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She has
the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, sacred flame,
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds,
guiding bolt, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/
deafness, spiritual weapon
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead,
dispel magic
Undead Resistance. Radana has
advantage on saving throws against disease.


Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This enchanted censer paints the air with The shadow emanates from the censer and
magical, smoky shadow. While you hold it, you moves with it. Completely enveloping the censer
can use an action to speak its command word within another sealed object, such as a lidded
to conjure a 30-foot-radius sphere of magical pot or a leather bag, blocks the shadow. If any
shadow for 1 hour. Bright light and sunlight of this effect’s area overlaps with an area of
within this area is reduced to dim light, and dim light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the
light within this area is reduced to darkness. spell that created the light is dispelled. Once this
The shadow spreads around corners, and ability of the censer is used three times, it can’t
nonmagical light can’t illuminate this shadow. be used again until the next dawn.

Dark Thirst. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Radana Nohc’s Personality Traits
reach 5 ft., one creature that is grappled by
Ideal. “Ecstasy through pain.”
Radana, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 1
piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) necrotic damage. Bond. “All things are possible with the
Radana regains hp equal to the amount of blessings of the Red Goddess.”
necrotic damage dealt. Flaw. “I have little respect for anyone who
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 does not show fealty to Marena’s will.”
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Censer of Dark Shadows (3/Day). Radana
conjures a 30-foot-radius sphere of magical VARRATIR V’AL, THE HUNTER
shadow for 1 hour. Bright light and sunlight
within this area is reduced to dim light, and dim A slate-skinned elven archer emerges from
light within this area is reduced to darkness. The the shadows with uncanny grace. Two wicked
shadow spreads around corners, and nonmagical horns—like the subtly curved antlers of an
light can’t illuminate it. The shadow emanates impala—protrude from beneath the folds of
from the censer and moves with it. Completely
the fellow’s long silver mane, which is pulled
enveloping the censer within another sealed
object, such as a lidded pot or a leather bag, back into a handsome topknot. As the shadow
blocks the shadow. If any of this effect’s area fey ranger takes aim, a wolf made of dusk
overlaps with an area of light created by a spell itself darts out from behind him and quickly
of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the closes in.
light is dispelled. Unseelie Emissary. This callous shadow fey
Predatory Charm. Radana magically beguiles hunter is the scourge of northern woodlands
the mind of one humanoid she can see within
and serves as the dutiful and demented scout
30 feet for 1 hour. The target must succeed
on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, or Radana of Erzov’s terrifying troupe of vampiric
has advantage on Charisma checks against the villains. With the benefit of Varratir’s expert
target. If Radana or any of her allies damage orienteering, the Band of the Twice Damned
the target, the effect ends. If the target’s saving navigate the shadow roads (both known
throw is successful or the effect ends, the target and unknown) that weave their umbral
is immune to Radana’s Predatory Charm for
way through the Blood Kingdom’s unholy
the next 24 hours. A creature immune to being
charmed is immune to this effect. Radana can hinterlands with preternatural ease.
have only one target affected by her Predatory A Tooth for a Tooth. Varratir is allied with
Charm at a time. If she uses her Predatory Charm a special undead animal companion—the
on another target, the effect on the previous hateful lupine shade named Forathas. The
target ends. origin of Varratir’s strange symbiosis with
spectral beasts is a mystery but is no doubt
connected to his shadow fey ancestry. With


Varratir V’al is closely linked to a lupine shade Forathas obeys Varratir’s commands as best
named Forathas, which serves as the shadow it can and takes its turn on Varratir’s initiative.
fey ranger’s companion. Forathas is a lupine Varratir can use a bonus action to verbally
shade with an AC of 14, 30 hit points, and an command Forathas to take the Attack, Dash,
additional +2 proficiency bonus to attack rolls, Disengage, Dodge, or Help action. If Varratir
damage rolls, saving throws, and Dexterity is incapacitated, absent, or doesn’t issue a
(Stealth) checks. command, the lupine shade acts on its own.

or without the combat support of their Blood Steel Will. Varratir has advantage on saving
Kingdom comrades, Varratir and Forathas throws against being frightened.
make an extremely formidable team and are Traveler in Darkness. Varratir has advantage
on Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to know
nigh inseparable.
about shadow roads and shadow magic spells
or items.
Undead Companion. Varratir can use a bonus
Medium humanoid (shadow fey elf), neutral evil action to verbally command the lupine shade
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Forathas to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage,
Hit Points 54 (10d8 + 10) Dodge, or Help action. If Forathas dies, Varratir
Speed 30 ft. can obtain a new companion by spending 8
hours magically bonding with a lupine shade
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA that isn’t hostile to him.
12 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11(+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) Actions
Multiattack. Varratir makes two shortsword or
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4, Cha +4
shortbow attacks.
Skills Arcana +2, Perception +4, Stealth +8,
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Survival +4
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 damage.
Languages Common, Elvish, Umbral
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Colossus Slayer. When Varratir hits a creature

with a weapon attack, the creature takes an extra
1d8 damage if it’s below its hit point maximum.
Varratir can deal this extra damage only
once per turn.
Fey Ancestry. Varratir has advantage
on saving throws against being
charmed, and magic can’t put him to
Innate Spellcasting. Varratir’s innate
spellcasting ability is Charisma. He
can cast the following spell innately,
requiring no material components:
1/day: misty step (when in
shadows, dim light, or
darkness only)
Spellcasting. Varratir is a
5th‑level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 14, +4 to hit with
spell attacks). He has the following cleric
spells prepared:
1st level (4 slots): fog cloud, hunter’s
mark, longstrider
2nd level (2 slots): pass without trace
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight,
Varratir has disadvantage on attack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Accursed Methods. Erzov is a cunning
range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) tactician and a skilled fighter who exploits
piercing damage.
every advantage and opportunity on the
Varratir V’al’s Personality Traits battlefield he can find. Not only has Erzov
surrounded himself with some of the fiercest
Ideal. “The hunt is the greatest thrill.”
cutthroats in Midgard, he’s begun to amass
Bond. “Show respect to the shadow roads and
a small collection of arcane curiosities that
the dark ways lest ye be taken by them.”
will no doubt help the tides of fate flow in his
Flaw. “Others need me much more than I favor: among these are his accursed sanguine
need them.” lance, his mithral armor, and his grim destrier.
Undead Nature. Vilém Erzov doesn’t

A pallid yet imposing warrior clad in VILÉM ERZOV Medium undead (vampire
blackened mithral plate mail sits atop a pale Medium undead (vampire spawn), neutral evil
undead warhorse draped in rusted barding. Armor Class 18 (mithral plate mail)
This rugged, long-haired mercenary—whose Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33)
yellow eyes and semi-translucent skin betray Speed 30 ft.
his vampiric nature—flashes a cruel smile to
reveal two prodigious fangs before raising a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
bloodstained lance from his side. He seems 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11(+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
thirsty. And prepared.
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +4
Grim Allegiances. Vilém Erzov is the
Skills Perception +4, Stealth + 6
spawn of a powerful vampire lord of ill
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
repute: Commander Baleneus of Cantri piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Abbey. Instead of servitude to Lucan’s Ghost Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Knights however, Erzov sought to continue Languages Abyssal, Common, Darakhul
his life as a freebooting mercenary. As the Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
self‑appointed leader of the Twice Damned,
he commands his cutthroat band of macabre Brave. Vilém has advantage on saving throws
mercenaries with an iron fist and ill will. against being frightened.

Magic weapon (lance), uncommon (requires attunement)

This fiendish lance runs red with blood. You Curse. This lance is cursed, and becoming
gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls attuned to it extends the curse to you. Each
made with this magic weapon. day, as long as you remain cursed, you have
Whenever you hit a target with this lance, disadvantage on Constitution saving throws
the target takes an additional 1d6 necrotic until you draw blood from another creature
damage, and you regain hit points equal to with the lance. Once the lance has done
half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. The damage to another creature or its surface has
extra damage lasts until the target finishes a contacted the blood of another creature, this
long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces effect of the curse is negated until the next
its hit point maximum to 0. dawn.

Regeneration. Vilém regains 10 hit points at the
start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point and
isn’t in sunlight or running water. If he takes
radiant damage or damage from holy
water, this trait doesn’t function
at the start of his next turn.
Spider Climb. Vilém can
climb difficult surfaces,
including upside down on
ceilings, without needing to
make an ability check.
Vampire Weaknesses. Vilém has
the following flaws:
Forbiddance. He can’t enter
a residence without an
invitation from one of the
Harmed by Running Water.
He takes 20 acid damage when
he ends his turn in running water.
Stake to the Heart. He is destroyed if a
piercing weapon made of wood is driven
into his heart while he is incapacitated in his
resting place.
Sunlight Hypersensitivity. He takes 20 radiant
damage when he starts his turn in sunlight.
While in sunlight, he has disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks.

Multiattack. Vilém makes two melee attacks,
only one of which can be a bite attack.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
ft., one willing creature or a creature that is
grappled by Vilém, incapacitated, or restrained.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 7 Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long
(2d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point Rest). For 1 minute, Vilém can utter a special
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the command or warning whenever a non-hostile
necrotic damage taken, and Vilém regains hit creature that he can see within 30 feet of him
points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The
until the target finishes a long rest. The target creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can
dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum hear and understand Vilém. A creature can
to 0. benefit from only one Leadership die at a time.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach This effect ends if Vilém is incapacitated.
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing Sanguine Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
damage. Instead of dealing damage, Vilém can hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 4)
grapple the target (escape DC 13). piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Longsword +1. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) magical amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and
slashing damage. Vilém regains hit points equal to that amount.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to The reduction lasts until the target finishes a
hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its
piercing damage. hit point maximum to 0.

Reactions ŽRAVIKA
Parry. Vilém adds 2 to his AC against one melee Medium undead (vampire spawn), chaotic evil
attack that would hit him. To do so, he must see Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Hit Points 110 (12d8 + 56)
Vilém Erzov’s Personality Traits Speed 30 ft.

Ideal. “Who dares, wins.”

Bond. “I’ll never forget the immortal power 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 11(+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
my vampire lord has given me.”
Flaw. “I have little respect for anyone who is Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +3
not a soldier.” Skills Perception +3, Stealth + 6
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
A tangled mane of black hair obscures the Languages Common, Darakhul
feminine face of this imposing vampire spawn. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
A feral ferocity is evident in the bloodstains
on her shredded garments and by her curious Blood Frenzy. Žravika has advantage on melee
blood‑soaked arsenal: a chain that dangles attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t
menacingly at her side, its far end fused to a have all its hit points.
Regeneration. Žravika regains 10 hit points at the
rusty hunting trap. She lurches forward with
start of her turn if she has at least 1 hit point and
a hiss, dragging the hefty iron trap along the isn’t in sunlight or running water. If she takes
ground before winding up the chain for a toss. radiant damage or damage from holy water, this
Hook and Pull. Žravika utilizes a crude trait doesn’t function at the start of her next turn.
Spider Climb. Žravika can climb difficult surfaces,
and brutal arsenal to capture and savage her
including upside down on ceilings, without
victims, including her supernaturally gifted needing to make an ability check.
claws and fangs as well as a bear trap hooked Vampire Weaknesses. Žravika has the following
to a 20-foot chain. She almost prefers to snare flaws:
her victims with the trap instead of her bare Forbiddance. She can’t enter a residence without
hands if only for the distress it seeps into an invitation from one of the occupants.
their doomed and frantic souls. As Žravika is Harmed by Running Water. She takes 20 acid
fond of saying, “Terror makes the blood taste damage when she ends her turn in running
sweet.” water.
Stake to the Heart. She is destroyed if a piercing
Unholy Hunger. Žravika is nicknamed “the
weapon made of wood is driven into her heart
Mangler” by her allies because of the blood while she it is incapacitated in her resting place.
frenzy that drives her chaotic style of combat. Sunlight Hypersensitivity. She takes 20 radiant
It is a rare circumstance that a victim of damage when she starts her turn in sunlight.
Žravika’s is left whole enough to re-animate, While in sunlight, she has disadvantage on
and she is quite often drenched in blood after attack rolls and ability checks.
feeding. This untamed approach to battle is an Actions
effective one however—that is, when Žravika’s
Multiattack. Žravika makes two melee attacks,
ruthless appetites don’t spook the quarry or only one of which can be a bite attack.
needlessly hurry the chase. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
Undead Nature. Žravika doesn’t require air. ft., one willing creature or a creature that is
grappled by Žravika, incapacitated, or restrained.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7

(2d6) necrotic damage.
The target’s hit point
maximum is reduced by
an amount equal to the
necrotic damage taken, and
Žravika regains hit points
equal to that amount. The
reduction lasts until the
target finishes a long rest.
The target dies if this
effect reduces its hit point
maximum to 0.
Claws. Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 +
4) slashing damage. Instead of
dealing damage, Žravika can
grapple the target (escape
DC 14).
Bear Trap Bola. Ranged
Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 20 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing
damage plus the target is
grappled (escape DC 13).

Personality Traits
Ideal. “The greatest pleasures are
derived from inflicting pain.”
Bond. “I thirst for the glory of the master.”
Flaw. “All living creatures are cattle and
should be treated as such.”

Encounters with the Band ranks of the Ghost Knights of Morgau.

of the Twice Damned As part of their training, Commander
Whether presented as allies or enemies, Baleneus of Cantri Abbey has ordered
there are many ways characters could come the party to meet up with the Band of the
into contact with Vilém Erzov’s Band of the Twice Damned outside of Heiderbirg.
Twice Damned. Here are a few scenarios Here, they will collectively plan an assault
(both within and outside the Blood against several barbarian tribes of the
Kingdom) that could draw the party into a Wolfmark that have risen up against their
conflict or confrontation: vampiric invaders. Once the uprising
• The characters are soldiers in King has been adequately stamped out, the
Lucan’s army, training among the lower characters are promoted in rank by

Commander Baleneus who stations them Wurm leads this putrid horde from atop
near Cantri Abbey for a new campaign his nightgaunt steed (see Creature Codex).
alongside the Red Sisters. Increasing numbers of Fell Rider patrols
• A wealthy merchant from the Free City have been seen outside the borders of the
of Jozht hires the characters to disprove Blood Kingdom—a grim development that is
a despicable rumor: that his offspring—a alarming to many of the fair peoples of greater
brash cleric of Thor named Magni Midgard, to say the least.
Magnason—has not only fallen in battle
against the dread armies of King Lucan ROT COMPANY
but has been re-animated to serve their
abyssal ranks in damnable perpetuity. The soldiers of Rot Company are comprised
With the name and last known location of a legion of zombies and skeletons led
of the Band of the Twice Damned as his by a triumvirate of masked necromancer
only leads, the elder Magnason offers the overlords—referred to simply as the Three.
party a handsome fee to find his boy and Rot Company continues a slow and perpetual
either bring him home or put him out of march across the Blood Kingdom from their
his undead misery. Necropolis headquarters south of Bratislor,
returning to the capital at least once a year to
• The characters are all residents of a
Blood Kingdom border town (such as celebrate their spoils. Massive skeletal beasts
Skogarholm, Lingenau, or the Obertal are said to support their numbers, along with
Freehold) that is sacked by the Band of the divine aid of an unholy relic of Vardesain
the Twice Damned and allied soldiers in known as the Crucible of the Hunger God.
Lucan’s army. Instead of slaughter, the
party members face a life of servitude to New Creatures
the Twice Damned. How they survive is Amidst their legions of lesser minions, the
entirely up to them. armies of King Lucan and Nicoforus the Pale
are often reinforced by special undead animal
Other Warbands companions. The grim destrier and the lupine
of the Blood Kingdoms shade are but two of these creatures. Larger
warbands of the Blood Kingdom have been
The Band of the Twice Damned aren’t the
known to boast a wide array of exotic undead
only outriders operating throughout the wilds
beasts and uniquely horrifying entities, all of
of Morgau, Doresh, and Krakovar. The Blood
which serve to frighten their enemies as much
Kingdom—and the lightless realms beneath—
as bolster their ranks.
are home to many undead warbands who
serve one lord or another (if not many at the
same time).
A grim destrier is an undead warhorse bred
THE FELL RIDERS utilizing the loathsome magic of powerful
necromancers. These dreadful steeds are
This group of ghoulish mercenaries stationed
immune to the effects of exhaustion and will
near Lengrove is known for the foul, winged
tirelessly serve any riders both brave and
mounts that carry its woeful warriors
malevolent enough to mount them.
into battle (featuring creatures such as
Undead Nature. A grim destrier doesn’t
giant bats and skull drakes). An eccentric
require air, food, drink, or sleep.
darakhul commander named Barron Sefton

Large undead, lawful evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 15 (breastplate barding) Armor Class 12
Hit Points 75 (10d10 + 20) Hit Points 30 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 60 ft. Speed 50 ft.

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 6(−2) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) 6 (−2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 6 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)

Damage Immunities poison Skills Stealth +6

Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
poisoned Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Languages understands Abyssal and Common from nonmagical attacks
but can’t speak them Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
Trampling Charge. If the grim destrier moves at restrained
least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
hits with its hooves on the same turn, that target Languages understands Common and Umbral
must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw but can’t speak them
or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the Challenge 2 (450 XP)
destrier can make another attack against it with
its hooves as a bonus action. Amorphous. The lupine shade can move through
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
grim destrier to 0 hit points, it must make a squeezing.
Constitution saving throw (DC 5 + damage Keen Hearing and Smell. The lupine shade has
taken) unless the damage is radiant or from a advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
critical hit. On a success, the grim destrier drops rely on hearing or smell.
to 1 hit point instead.
Pack Tactics. The lupine shade has advantage on
Actions an attack roll against a creature if at least one
of the lupine shade’s allies is within 5 feet of the
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning
Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness,
damage plus 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.
the lupine shade can take the Hide action as a
bonus action.
LUPINE SHADE Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the lupine
shade has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
Lupine shades are undead beasts resembling checks, and saving throws.
dark exaggerations of wolf shadows. Like
shadows and shrouds, lupine shades hunger
Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
for the vitality of living creatures but are
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic
particularly drawn to those unpolluted by the damage, and the target’s Strength score is
taint of evil. Long tied to the unseelie courts reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its
of the shadow fey, these wolvish creatures also Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until
make exceptional minions for undead and the target finishes a short or long rest.
necromantic masters. If a non-evil humanoid dies from this attack,
Undead Nature. A lupine shade doesn’t a shadow or a shroud (50% chance; see Tome of
require air, food, drink, or sleep. Beasts) rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later.

by Hannah Rose

“Forth from craggy peaks they strode, Wisdom they sought, knowledge earned dear,
Their blades bright-shined and razor-honed. A raven’s whisper in the All Father’s ear.
Before them lay a dangerous road,
Though no one knows from whence they came,
With enemies both far and near.
The tale is told from fane to fane,
With sword and shield, with axe and spear, Of Warriors who honor Wotan’s name.”
They fought with valor and gained song-fame. —from the Scrolls of the Raven Father

W otan’s Warriors are a small band of

dwarven reavers who came together
to form a highly mobile, elite squad in the
The Warriors were last seen somewhere near
the Gloaming Crag, where they are reportedly
hunting a mighty frost giant known as
name of Wotan, the All Father. Rumors of the Coldmaw.
squad’s purpose are many and varied—some
say that Wotan’s Warriors were assembled
to gather information on the Mother of
Torven the Runekeeper
Unusually for a dwarf, Torven uses no family
Madness and her worshippers while others
or clan name, though he is clearly a native
swear that their sole purpose is to quietly
of the Northlands. Before the Warriors were
dispatch enemies of Wotan with deadly force.
assembled, Torven was a priest at Wotan’s
Whatever their assignments, they are known
shrine in Stannasgard, and he is often called
throughout the Northlands as skilled fighters,
the Runekeeper for his mastery of rune magic.
clever strategists, and connoisseurs of fine ale.
Torven is the unofficial leader of Wotan’s
Wotan’s Warriors report directly to Brökk
Warriors, and his grey-streaked hair and
Kolisen, the high priest of Wotan. However,
watchful eyes give him the appearance of a
there are whispers among Wotan’s faithful
stern but kindly father.
that they may have gone rogue, breaking ties
Torven is slow to anger and slow to forgive.
with the official organization of warpriests.
Those who inspire his wrath are sure to
Brökk Kolisen is a human, though raised
feel the full might of Wotan’s Warriors, an
among dwarves and generally considered a
experience that few have survived. He values
dwarf by bond if not blood, so rumormongers
loyalty, fairness, and justice and abhors petty
speculate that the Warriors resented being
tyranny, cowardice, and greed.
commanded by a non-dwarf and refused to
take orders from Brökk.

Relationships. Torven and Greta are the
most experienced members of the group,
and he follows Greta’s lead in matters
of battle strategy and tactics. He
privately thinks of Almaro and
Bronwyn as the children he
never had. Torven trusts
Gunther, but it bothers
him that Gunther won’t
share the details of his
past—if Gunther has
old enemies, then
the group should
be prepared for
whatever might
come their way.


Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful neutral
Armor Class 18 (plate)
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
Speed 25 ft.


16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) Dwarven Resilience. Torven has advantage on
saving throws against poison and resistance to
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +3 poison damage.
Skills History +3, Insight +7, Religion +3 Runekeeper’s Blessing. Torven knows the runes
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 dagaz, gebu, ingwaz, and mannaz (see Midgard
Languages Common, Dwarvish Heroes Handbook). The blessing of Wotan allows
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) him to trace the ingwaz rune using one action,
rather than the usual 2 rounds.

Spellcasting. Torven is an 8th-level spellcaster. His reluctance to confront the details of their
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, relationship, which has begun to progress
+7 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following
beyond that of fellow warriors.
cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): bless the dead*, guidance,
mending, sacred flame
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral good
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, deep breath*,
guiding bolt, longstrider, shield of faith Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
2nd level (3 slots): blade of wrath*, lesser Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
restoration, see invisibility, spiritual weapon Speed 25 ft.
3rd level (3 slots): call lightning, fear, glyph of
warding, revivify STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
4th level (2 slots): divination, faithful hound, 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
inspiring speech*
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +5
Skills Athletics +7, History +4, Religion +4
Multiattack. Torven makes two attacks with his Damage Resistances poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Divine Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Languages Common, Dwarvish
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 4) slashing
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
damage and 7 (2d6) radiant damage.
Ingwaz. Torven traces the ingwaz rune upon the
face of a willing creature. That creature gains the Bulwark. Greta has advantage on saving throws
benefits of a barbarian’s Rage feature as though against being knocked prone or moved from
it were an 8th-level barbarian. her current space.
Dwarven Resilience. Greta has advantage on
saving throws against poison and resistance to
poison damage.
Greta Whitecrag Wotan’s Champion. Greta’s weapon attacks
Greta is the master strategist of the group. The score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. On a
others rely on her knowledge of battle tactics, critical hit, she also deals an additional 9 (2d8)
monsters, and ancient Northlands customs. radiant damage.
Greta spent years fighting giants, trolls, and Actions
wolves, and she has a personal animosity
Multiattack. Greta makes two attacks with her
toward trollkin and werewolves. battleaxe or javelins.
Greta values honor, knowledge of the old Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
ways, and freedom. She is loyal to a fault and reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing
will make it her personal mission to hunt down damage.
traitors, spies, and deserters that threaten the Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
safety of her people. Sturdy and stout, she 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing
wears unadorned plate armor and coils her damage.
long silvery braids beneath her helmet. Bonus Actions
Relationships. Greta is a stern and Shield Bash. Greta can use a bonus action to
uncompromising warrior, but Almaro and slam a creature within 5 feet of her with her
Bronwyn are the most likely to earn her rare shield. The creature must succeed on a DC 15
smiles, though she and Torven enjoy swapping Strength saving throw or fall prone.
tales—or boasts—over mugs of ale. Greta
is especially stern and dour when it comes
to Gunther, but her reticence stems from a

Small humanoid (halfling), neutral
With an impressive, intricately braided beard
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
and piercingly bright eyes, Almaro Merecrest
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
stands at three feet, ten inches—small for
Speed 25 ft.
a dwarf—but Almaro is in fact no dwarf.
Almaro is a halfling who wears a belt of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
dwarvenkind, passing himself off as a dwarf 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)
thanks to his fluent Dwarvish, knowledge
of dwarven customs, and—of course—his Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +3
magnificent beard. Skills Deception +8, Perception +3, Persuasion
Almaro loves a good ale, a game of dice, +5, Stealth +11
and a spot of gossip, but he’s always quiet Damage Resistances poison
when it comes to his own history. Only his Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
companions in Wotan’s Warriors know of his Languages Common, Dwarvish, Halfling, Thieves’
true identity as a halfling from a small farm cant
somewhere near Zobeck, one of six brothers Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
and sisters.
Belt of Dwarvenkind. Almaro has advantage
Wotan’s creeds demand honor in battle, but
on saving throws against poison and resistance
despite his talent for subterfuge, Almaro is as to poison damage. He also has advantage on
true a follower of Wotan as any priest. “I am Charisma checks made to interact with dwarves.
no coward, nor am I a fool,” he says. “I am Brave. Almaro has advantage on saving throws
a warrior wise enough to use the gifts I am against being frightened.
given.” Evasion. If Almaro is subjected to an effect that
Relationships. Almaro’s trust is hard‑earned, allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw
but the Warriors have been through enough to take only half damage, he instead takes no
damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and
together to trust each other with their lives—
only half damage if he fails.
and at least some of their secrets. He deeply Sly Escape. Almaro can take the Disengage or
respects Torven but is often tempted to Hide action as a bonus action on each of his
challenge his authority. Although Greta and turns.
Almaro have completely different fighting Sneak Attack. Once per turn, Almaro deals an
styles, they are frequent sparring partners, extra 14 (4d6) damage when he hits a target
taunting and ribbing each other good- with a weapon attack and has advantage on the
attack roll or when the target is within 5 feet
naturedly. Bronwyn and Almaro get along
of an ally of his that isn’t incapacitated and he
well enough as long as Bronwyn refrains from doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
making jokes about his stature. Gunther is
a mystery to him, and the question of their Actions
origin bothers Almaro so much so that he has Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to
begun discreet investigations into the matter hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5)
piercing damage.
of Gunther’s family and home.
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing damage.

Theft of Knowledge (2/day). When a creature
that Almaro can see casts a spell, he can force
it to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On
a success, the spell functions as normal. On a

failure, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect, Warriors describe Gunther as a middle-aged
and it can’t cast the same spell again until it dwarf clad in mismatched hides, bearing a
completes a short or long rest. staff with a raven perched on the top.
Gunther’s deepest secret is that even they
Gunther Skjaldhammer don’t remember their past. Sometimes they
wonder if they were always a dwarf or if they
Gunther Skjaldhammer’s past is a mystery.
were a raven that Wotan transformed into
As far as anyone knows, they simply walked
a dwarf for the god’s own purposes. They
out of the mountains and straight into
find peace and meaning in their relationship
Wotan’s shrine in Stannasgard. There is
with the natural world and fight fiercely to
no Skjaldhammer clan or ancestral hall, so
defend the other Warriors, their family in all
presumably it is a name that Gunther picked
but name.
for themself. Those who tell tales of Wotan’s

Relationships. Gunther hasn’t told the Actions
others of their missing memories for lack of Runestaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
trust—it’s simply that they want to be the first 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning
to discover the secrets of their past before damage. When a creature that is concentrating
sharing it with others. They admire Torven’s on a spell takes damage from this weapon, it has
disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to
leadership, Bronwyn’s boldness, and Almaro’s
maintain its concentration.
cleverness. Gunther has developed romantic Change Shape (2/day). Gunther magically
feelings for Greta but is unsure of Greta’s assumes the shape of a beast with a challenge
feelings for them. rating of 2 or less and can remain in this form
for up to 4 hours. Gunther chooses whether
GUNTHER SK JALDHAMMER their equipment falls to the ground, merges
Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful good into their new form, or is worn by the new form.
Armor Class 12 (16 with barkskin) Gunther reverts to their normal form if they
fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Gunther can revert to their normal form using a
Speed 25 ft.
bonus action on their turn.
While in a new form, Gunther uses the game
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA statistics of the beast (except class features,
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) legendary actions, and lair actions) but retains
their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +7 scores as well as their skill and saving throw
Skills Nature +3, Perception +7, Survival +7 proficiencies. They can’t cast spells, but they
Damage Resistances poison can continue concentrating on a spell they have
already cast and take actions that are part of a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
spell they have already cast.
Languages Common, Druidic, Dwarvish
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Dwarven Resilience. Gunther has advantage on Tiny celestial, lawful neutral
saving throws against poison and resistance to Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
poison damage. Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Runic Familiar. Gunther can cast find familiar Speed 10ft., fly 60 ft.
as a ritual to summon a rune raven ally. Unlike
other familiars, the rune raven can attack as STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
normal. 5 (−3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 6 (−2)
Spellcasting. Gunther is an 8th-level spellcaster.
Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). They have Senses passive Perception 13
the following druid spells prepared:
Languages understands Celestial, Common, and
Cantrips (at will): druidcraft, produce flame, Dwarvish but can’t speak them
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, hearth charm*,
thunderwave, wolfsong*
Flyby. The rune raven doesn’t provoke
2nd level (3 slots): barkskin, hold person, pass
opportunity attacks when it flies out of an
without trace, snowblind stare*
enemy’s reach.
3rd level (3 slots): freezing fog*, meld into
Mimicry. The rune raven can mimic any sounds it
stone, protection from energy, sleet storm
has heard, including voices. A creature that hears
4th level (2 slots): hallucinatory terrain, ice the sounds can tell that they are imitations with
storm, locate creature a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check.

Actions Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +7
Multiattack. The rune makes two attacks, one Skills Arcana +3, Performance +7, Persuasion +7,
with its beak and one with its talons. Religion +3
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Damage Resistances poison
one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Languages Common, Dwarvish, Giant
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Dwarven Resilience. Bronwyn has advantage on
Croak of Doom (Recharge 5–6). When a creature saving throws against poison and resistance to
within 30 feet of the rune raven that it can see poison damage.
makes a saving throw, the rune raven can use its Spellcasting. Bronwyn is an 8th-level spellcaster.
reaction to impose disadvantage on that saving Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
throw. DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). She has the
following bard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): mending, message, vicious
Bronwyn Brawnstein mockery
With shining copper hair and ruddy cheeks, 1st level (4 slots): bane, comprehend languages,
Bronwyn Brawnstein is the picture of a fair heroism, thunderwave
dwarven maiden, though she knows bawdy 2nd level (3 slots): heat metal, shatter,
songs that would shock even the most grizzled unluck on that*, Wotan’s rede*
reaver veterans. Despite her mysterious 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fear, hero’s
occupation, she maintains a close relationship steel*, nondetection, tongues
4th level (2 slots): confusion, freedom of
with her family; Wotan’s Warriors are
movement, polymorph
frequent guests at the Brawnstein clan hall.
Bronwyn loves a good joke, but her calling Actions
lies in creating epic poems, sagas that carry Multiattack. Bronwyn makes two attacks with her
ancient magic in their words. Many of warhammer.
the rumors about Wotan’s Warriors were Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
started by Bronwyn to spread confusion and hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4)
bludgeoning damage.
obfuscate the truth of their missions.
Relationships. Bronwyn finds Almaro’s Bonus Actions
posturing annoying at times but enjoys his wit Scorn of the Skald (4/day). When Bronwyn hits
and ability to spin a tale as fine as any skald. a creature with a weapon attack on her turn,
Her irrepressible cheer and determination she can deliver a short, mocking verse. If the
have seen the entire group through many a creature can hear her, it must succeed on a
DC 15 Charisma saving throw or take 14 (4d6)
battle and many a blizzard.
psychic damage. On a failure, the creature also
has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability
BRONWYN BRAWNSTEIN checks until the end of its next turn.
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral good
Armor Class 17 (half plate)
* Spells marked with an asterisk are from
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36)
Midgard Heroes Handbook.
Speed 25 ft.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4)

Ghost on the Shadow Road
by Jon Sawatsky

Thaern at a Glance met Somorin of the River Court on a mission

in Bad Solitz.
Thaern is an elfmarked bard, traveling the
shadow roads, offering help to the lost, and Love Gained and Lost. The regal envoy of
always spying for their patron, Ulorian the the River King, Somorin Fantharas, caught
River King. the eye of young Thaern, and the two
quickly fell in love. For several years, the
two maintained a relationship over distance,
Background engaging in a competition to see who might
Child of the Procession. Thaern spent their send the most elaborately delivered letter.
childhood at their mother’s side while she One day, after a drought of letters from their
served in the Procession of the Imperatrix as it love, Thaern received a summons from the
wandered Dornig. The young elfmarked child Court of the River King.
learned the rules and etiquette of court in their Audience with Ulorian. In their audience
early days—eventually joining their mother with King Ulorian, Thaern learned that
as a servant to the nobles. Even then, Thaern’s Somorin had been assassinated in an ambush
considerable powers of persuasion and natural while traveling the shadow road to Corremel.
charisma gave them advantage over the other In the watery court of the River King, a
servants and eventually drew the attention of shadow grew over Thaern’s heart. Capitalizing
a member of the Lords Arcane. on Thaern’s despair and anger, Ulorian
Natural Spy. Taken as an apprentice into the wasted no time in offering the young bard a
Lords Arcane of Dornig, Thaern spent their position as a spy against the Black Prince, who
late childhood and early teen years learning Ulorian suspected was the organizer of the
magic inside the semi-secret organization. ambush. The River King gave to Thaern some
Their instructors noted Thaern’s affinity of his power through a handful of enchanted
for persuading others and moving among river stones.
crowds unnoticed. Thaern learned much Upon the Shadow Road. Today, Thaern
from them, including several songs from wanders the shadow roads in hopes of
the Summerland, whose lyrics had not been uncovering the plans and ambitions of the
heard in Midgard for an age, and was steered Black Prince. Their magical power is bolstered
toward the information‑gathering branch of by the River King but also by the rage and
the Lords Arcane where the young spy first sadness the young bard keeps prisoner in

their heart. Ulorian knows that the spy works expunge shadow fey from a crumbled
to further their own goals as much as his own, tower on a shadow road to Nuria.
but this is of no concern to the king who is Confronted, the shadow fey make a
more than happy to receive Thaern’s reports counteroffer for the party to take Thaern
from Corremel. prisoner. In truth, a vril artifact lies in the
ruined dungeon beneath the tower, and
Current Goal both Thaern and the agents of the Black
Prince are looking to obtain it.
Thaern seeks to gather information about
the Black Prince and ultimately learn why
Somorin was slain. The young bard trades in Adapting for Other Settings
information and has the means to hire and Rather than the River King, Thaern is a
negotiate with adventurers to work against mercenary spy available for hire to the highest
the Black Prince. bidder. They might work as an entertainer to
cover their missions. Thaern’s revenge-fueled
Roleplaying Tips motives make them unpredictable, possibly
even working as a double agent.
Courtly. Thaern’s speech is elevated, and
they rarely curse. Despite their manner of
speaking, Thaern is not shocked or offended
by coarse and crude talk. Thaern wears a voluminous black traveler’s
Conflicted. Thaern struggles to maintain cloak lined with soft fur and trimmed in slate
their mood. Their past in the Court of the silk. The bard’s rusty-brown hair is long and
Imperatrix is at odds with the burning hatred tied back with a leather thong. Their features
and sadness they hold in their heart. These are sharp, leaning heavily toward their elven
darker emotions rise unexpectedly, making heritage. Thaern’s frame is slight, and their
Thaern an inconstant companion. hazel eyes absorb the light in an unsettling
Spirited. Thaern is quite lively and charming
Deceitful. Thaern is a trained liar. From their
in most interactions. A wry smile or sarcastic
childhood navigating the social complexities
remark is no stranger to the bard.
of imperial courts to their current occupation
as a spy, the bard knows how to manipulate
Plot Hooks (Midgard) others through deception and guile.
Here are some ways to incorporate Thaern Rising Power. Thaern’s arcane power has
into your campaign: been increased through the magic of Ulorian
• The party becomes lost while traveling and their knowledge of ancient elven songs.
one of the shadow roads. Thaern Thaern’s magic has not yet reached its peak,
appears and offers to guide them to their and the young bard is always looking for
destination but only if they agree to opportunities to test their limits.
carry one of the magical river stones for Master of the Shadow Roads. Thaern spends
several days. During this time, the party most of their time spying on the officials
are attacked by shadow fey who see an of Corremel. They know the secrets of the
opportunity to destroy one of the River roads and are an excellent guide for those
King’s scrying stones. attempting to cross them. Rather than coin,
• Thaern seeks out the party based on Thaern trades information for safe passage on
reputation and offers them coin to the shadow roads—whatever the bard knows,
Ulorian knows as well.

THAERN Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin,
Medium human (elfmarked), neutral Halfling
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Challenge 2
Hit Points 56 (7d8)
Speed 30 ft. Grace of the River King (1/Day). As a bonus
action, Thaern evokes the magic of the River
King. For 1 hour, Thaern gains advantage on
Dexterity saving throws. While this ability is
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
active, Thaern does not take damage when
falling from a height of thirty feet or less.
Skills Deception +5, Performance +5 River Stones of Ulorian. Thaern is attuned to the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 river stones of Ulorian and may use their abilities.

Spellcasting. Thaern is a 4th-level spellcaster. their minds calm, granting them one usage
Their spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save of Legendary Resistance. After 24 hours, this
13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). They know the
ability fades whether used or not.
following spells:
Winter. A peaceful lullaby that induces rest
Cantrips (at will): minor illusion, vicious mockery
and relaxation. Thaern’s voice soothes like
1st level (4 slots): disguise self, guest of honor*,
heroism, sleep a cool, gentle wind through the evergreens.
2nd level (3 slots): enhance ability, invisibility, Willing listeners gain the benefits of a long
maddening whispers** rest, restoring all Hit Dice instead of the
(*see Deep Magic: High Elven Magic; **see Deep normal half.
Magic: Void Magic)


Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
This magical silk pouch contains three river
Shadow Blind (3/Day). Thaern uses their action
stones taken from the floor of the River King’s
to create a band of magical darkness around
the head (or heads) of one target creature they court. The stones are opalescent, worn smooth
can see. That creature must succeed on a DC by the silt and sand carried in the current of
13 Dexterity saving throw or be blinded for the river.
1d4 rounds. After using this ability, Thaern may While attuned to this magical item, its
teleport to any unoccupied space within 15 ft. bearer may use a bonus action to activate one
of the following effects:
• A cloud of magical leaves erupts from
Thaern knows the season songs of the elves the ground under one target creature you
and plays them for the right price and can see. The creature must succeed a DC
audience. The bard rarely sings a song twice 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)
for the same creature. slashing damage on a failed save or half
Spring. This song starts quiet and slow—a as much on a successful one. This ability
new bud forming on a branch—but soon cannot be used again until you complete
rises in pitch and tempo to celebrate nature’s a long rest.
renewal. Willing listeners are cured of any
• Mist forms around you until the end of
diseases and have all levels of exhaustion
your next turn. While the mist is present,
attacks against you gain disadvantage.
Summer. The summer song is an anthem
This ability cannot be used again until you
to the glory of the elves and their realm.
complete a long rest.
Thaern’s voice is stretched to its maximum in
• A swift-flowing current of water appears
this polyphonic chorus of sheer joy. Willing
at your feet. Your speed is doubled until
listeners gain inspiration and temporary hit
the end of your next turn. While affected
points equal to twice their proficiency bonus.
by this ability, you provoke no attacks of
Fall. A contemplative song that stays in
opportunity. This ability cannot be used
the low range, fading to a whisper in some
again until you complete a long rest.
verses. Thaern’s voice is steady and strong,
finishing with a lyrical tour of the Arbonesse
before the great retreat. Willing listeners find

Sorcerous Mercenary Brawler
by Mike Welham

opinion, Valeran soldiers and sailors often

Zoranya Vell at a Glance took supplies from her parents’ store without
Zoranya Vell is a Septime mercenary who, paying or severely underpaying, excusing
while gifted with sorcerous power, relishes it with the claim of wartime necessity. She
hand-to-hand combat. In that pursuit, she decided to take matters into her own hands
taught herself how to use her gifts to augment after one of these shakedowns and robbed the
her battle prowess. soldiers of the ill-gotten goods as well as the
soldiers’ wealth out of spite. Zoranya’s pride
about taking a stand was short-lived however
Background as the soldiers had identified her and returned
Rough and Tumble Childhood. Zoranya is to destroy her parent’s shop.
the fifth child of merchant parents who lived
Burgeoning Sorcerer. Though her parents
solely in the port city of Maragia. Smaller than
were able to restore their livelihood, Zoranya
other children her age, she quickly learned the
fled Maragia partially out of shame but mostly
value of training to defend herself from larger
to avoid further retribution against her or her
children, including her own elder siblings.
family. Furthermore, she figured she would fix
She also realized there was no such thing
the damage she unwittingly caused by earning
as a fair fight, and any advantage she could
money in one of the Seven Cities’ mercenary
gain was worth it to score a win. Though she
companies. After bouncing from company to
never used her savvy in fights to bully other
company, looking for a competent group with
children, she made sure someone who started
whom she could stake her future, she found
a fight with her had reason to reconsider such
Savoc’s Marauders, led by self-styled Savoc
action in the future.
the Quick. To ensure acceptance into the
Lessons about Might. Zoranya’s parents Marauders, she had to hold her own against
spent most of their time with their business, the strongest member of the group. Zoranya’s
so they never kept tabs on their daughter. initial overconfidence changed to frustration
Otherwise, they would have tried to steer as her opponent kept knocking her to the
her away from her confrontational nature. ground and gloating afterward. Intending
Zoranya developed the view that her parents’ to knock the man down at a moment when
gentle demeanor gave others an opening to he was playing to the rest of the group and
take advantage of them. Giving proof to her ignoring her, she gasped when flames spread

out from her outstretched hands, badly entanglements. She welcomes revenge against
burning her opponent. Savoc, impressed her but refuses to drag lovers and family into
with Zoranya’s physical and magical skill feuds she initiates.
and despite her injuring one of his company,
invited her to join the group. Plot Hooks (Midgard)
Growing Dissension. Zoranya’s first year Here are some ways to incorporate Zoranya
with Savoc’s Marauders proved fruitful, into your campaign:
allowing her to send gold to her parents. • Zoranya has been recruiting additional
Though she reconciled with her parents and combatants for an assault on a dragonborn
felt safe returning to Maragia, mercenary column at the Rumelan border. She sizes
life suited her, so she remained with Savoc’s up the party’s capabilities by ambushing
company. However, the group’s leader them and then relenting if they prove
recently took several job endangering civilians powerful enough or accepting their
over Zoranya’s objections. She has spoken to surrender and a small ransom if they
some of her compatriots who agree with her prove unworthy. Depending on her
assessment on the callousness of targeting assessment of the party’s moral standing,
noncombatants. Rather than leave to find a she either directly asks them to kill Savoc
new group, she hopes to convince Savoc to or embellishes tales of his cruelty to set
change his attitude or to usurp him. wheels in motion.
• Zoranya accepted a side gig to assassinate
Current Goal a minor Capleon noble at the Baron’s
Zoranya’s immediate goal is to eliminate Trade Fair. The party might be hired to
Savoc and install herself as the mercenaries’ help Zoranya with the job or to prevent
leader. She also works to hone her ability to her from carrying it out.
blend close combat with her magical power.
Adapting for Other Settings
Roleplaying Tips Zoranya is a mercenary with an odd code of
Sense of Honor. Zoranya is ruthless in combat honor and can serve that role without the
and takes every advantage she can to win a political involvement associated with the
fight. However, this only applies to opponents Seven Cities. She could operate as a free agent
able to fight back. She rarely attacks those or as part of a mercenary team, either leading
who seemingly can’t defend themselves and it or aspiring to assume leadership.
often breaks from combat when her foes are
obviously unable to continue the fight. She is ZORANYA VELL
keenly aware of the impact of her actions on
innocent parties and tries to minimize it when Zoranya, a woman with a deep tan
possible. complexion and shorn hair, wears leather
Obsessive Follow-Through. Experience has armor, which protects her torso but leaves
taught Zoranya not to leave loose ends in a her muscular arms free. She has weapons
job. While she won’t wantonly kill those who strapped to her back and wears hand wraps,
might retaliate against or report her, she takes indicating that she is an accomplished
measures to ensure she will be long gone hand‑to-hand combatant.
before any retribution can strike. Banterer. Zoranya enjoys fighting and
Secretive. Zoranya never speaks about makes it known to her opponents as she gives
her past or divulges familial or romantic a lively rundown of combat. She is quick to

taunt her foes when they make mistakes, Self-Preserving. Zoranya fights
but she also demonstrates approval for with gusto, but she knows when she is
well‑executed attacks. overmatched. When attempting to escape,
Melee First. Scrapping in the streets most of she uses defensive magic at her disposal or
her young adult life led Zoranya to prefer her resorts to threats with powerful spells to
fists and weapons over magic. This, combined persuade her foes to allow her to retreat.
with her strange code of honor, causes her to If she has allies, she feels remorse for
eschew magic altogether in situations where abandoning them but tempers that with the
she believes physical might alone is enough delusion that they should know better to stay
to win. in an unwinnable fight.

ZORANYA VELL Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 +
Speed 30 ft.
2) bludgeoning damage or 7 (1d10 + 2)
bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 17 (+3)
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +4, Intimidation +5 Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Senses passive Perception 10 You have resistance to your choice of acid,
Languages Common, Dwarvish cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage while
Challenge 3 (700 XP) wearing these hand wraps.
The wraps have 10 charges. While wearing
Concentrate Area Spell. Zoranya can transform
them, you can use a bonus action to expend
a spell with an area effect into one that targets
a single creature. When she casts the spell, she
1 or more of its charges to add 1d6 damage
makes a melee spell attack against the creature per charge to your unarmed attacks until the
within her reach. On a hit, the target is affected beginning of your next turn. The damage type
by the spell and receives no saving throw. is the same you choose for your resistance.
Imbue Unarmed Strike. As a bonus action, You can change your choice of the wraps’
Zoranya can empower her unarmed attacks with damage type after a short or long rest.
spell power. She can choose a cantrip, which
The wraps regain 1d6 + 4 expended charges
adds 2d4 damage (her choice of either psychic
damage or the damage type inflicted by the daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
spell) to her unarmed attacks until the end of roll a d20. On a 1, the wraps unravel and fall
her turn. She can instead expend one of her spell to the ground, which destroys the wraps.
slots, which adds 1d6 damage plus 1d6 damage
per spell level (damage type chosen as above)
to her unarmed attacks for a number of rounds
equal to the spell level.
Spellcasting. Zoranya is a 5th-level spellcaster.
Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). She knows the
following spells: CLOSE COMBAT CASTER
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, poison spray, (FEAT)
shocking grasp, GM’s choice Prerequisite: Intelligence or Charisma 13
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, color spray, or higher
witch bolt, GM’s choice
2nd level (3 slots): shatter, GM’s choice You have learned to focus your spells, so you
3rd level (2 slots): lightning bolt can target creatures within reach. When you
cast a spell that normally has an area of effect,
Actions you can instead make a melee spell attack
Multiattack. Zoranya makes two attacks: two against a target within your reach. On a hit,
fist attacks or a fist attack and a melee weapon the target is affected by the spell and receives
no saving throw.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Additionally, you no longer have
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning
disadvantage on a ranged spell attack roll if
you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature that
can see you and isn’t incapacitated.

Builder of Bridges
by Jon Sawatsky

Yana at a Glance Bright-Hearted. For six years, her

membership in the Sons of Vael Turog
Yana is an ambitious and bright-hearted
provided Yana the challenges she needed.
young bookbinder who is slowly being
While some of her peers were attracted to
corrupted by an evil tome entitled The Bridges
the power of the plagues conjured by the
of Sot’Holon.
Caelmarathian mages, Yana found herself
repulsed by them. It was through her study of
Background plagues that Yana learned what was important
Skilled Bookbinder. Yana spent her childhood to her: hope.
learning the craft of bookbinding in Bemmea. Chosen. In what would be her final year
By the time she was eleven, her skills rivaled of study in the Librarium Caelmarath, an
that of her instructors who were at once innocuous historical tome presented itself
impressed and jealous of her. She was given in a moldering pile of water-damaged
the opportunity to bind a new spellbook manuscripts. Yana found it by chance as she
for an academy wizard who was struck by walked by. Its pale-yellow cover, stained by
the girl’s attention to detail. Within a few water and time, displayed its title in faded
days, she was taken on by the wizard as an golden script: The Bridges of Sot’Holon. The
apprentice. book detailed the construction of bridges in
Dedicated Student. Though her arrival to the ancient Caelmarathian cities. Detailed
the formal study of magic came late (she engineering drawings were annotated and
was twelve), Yana quickly caught up to accompanied by design notes and brief
and surpassed the other apprentices. Her narratives of how successful the builds were.
concentration exceeded that of her peers, and Despite its mundane subject, Yana found
she rarely left the crooked halls and cramped herself enthralled by the book—whose pages
rooms of her academy. Yana’s dedication to entered the young mage’s dreams.
her studies eventually caught the attention of Wandering Sage. Yana abandoned
the Sons of Vael Turog who lured her away her formal training and her studies at
from her middling master to join them in the the Librarium Caelmarath shortly after
Librarium Caelmarath. discovering The Bridges of Sot’Holon. Her
dreams led her to the Mage Road and into the
old places of magical power nearby. In her

dreams, Yana unlocks great protective magic
through the study of the tome and in the
Current Goal
Yana wants to acquire the funds and means to
collection of magical artifacts. She is currently
build the first bridge detailed in The Bridges of
traveling the Mage Road in hopes of financing
Sot’Holon. After gathering what she needs for
her first attempt at building one of the bridges
the project, she must find a proper site for the
detailed in the book.
bridge to be built.

Roleplaying Tips
Genuine. Yana rarely lies or misleads others.
She is true to her word and is sincere in her
desire to protect Allain. She genuinely believes
building the bridges detailed in the book will
bring hope to the world.
Awkward. Yana spent most of her teen years
in seclusion in the Librarium Caelmarath. She
lacks subtlety in her conversations and is easily
flustered by situations requiring social skills.
Haunted. The dream incursions are having
a cumulative effect on Yana. She stares into
empty spaces, becomes distracted easily, and
is often tired.

Plot Hooks (Midgard) Adapting for Other Settings
Here are some ways to incorporate Yana into Rather than protecting her homeland, Yana
your campaign: is driven to build the bridges in hopes of
• The party hears of a recently graduated increasing her own arcane power. Spurred
academy mage from Bemmea looking to on by the evil artifact she carries, the young
hire adventurers. Arriving at her camp wizard unknowingly moves the world toward
near some Caelmarathian ruins, they meet danger as the portals formed by the bridges
Yana who offers them coin in exchange for allow all manner of creatures to cross over.
exploring and making safe the old keep. Under the cover of rebuilding ruins for the
Her dream visions have led her to this use of a noble lord, Yana works to enact the
site, where she hopes to acquire a magical will of the book.
chunk of granite to serve as the foundation
stone for the first bridge. YANA HARR
• While exploring ruins near Bemmea, the Yana wears worn traveler’s clothes and a
party discovers an injured Yana in some faded blue Bemmean cowl and robe. She
remote corner. She offers the party a carries a quarterstaff topped with a small
magical item to help her escape the place. cluster of sapphires. She is of average build
After the rescue, Yana invites the party to with curly brown hair cut close to the scalp.
witness the completion of the first bridge Driven. Yana’s natural ambition is amplified
along the Mage Road—an act they have by the evil tome she carries with her. While
unknowingly facilitated in aiding the mage. she does not currently engage in outright evil
acts, the influence of The Bridges of Sot’Holon
may lead her to take extreme actions to ensure
the bridges are built.


1 The PC is overwhelmed by a sense of joy and knowledge that lasts for a day.
2 The PC is certain they are on the verge of a major breakthrough of some kind for 1 hour.
3 During their next long rest, the PC has a vivid dream of crossing a bridge of light.
4 The PC spends their next short rest drawing perfect arcs and spheres in the dirt or any nearby
markable surface.
5 For 1 hour, the PC speaks with a heavy Caelmarathian accent.
6 The PC gains the ability to cast mending for 24 hours.


1 Upon reaching the other side of the bridge, the party is sped along a shadow road to a random
location in Midgard.
2 At the midway point of the bridge, the party is attacked by a hard encounter of devils. If they defeat
them, they may pass into the hells, arriving in a random location.
3 Upon reaching the other side of the bridge, the party travels back in time to the beginning of the
Great Mage Wars; turning around, the bridge is nowhere to be found.
4 Shortly after stepping onto the bridge, a portal to the slumbering Anax Apogeion (see Midgard
Worldbook) opens on the other side.

Hopeful. At her core, Yana is a kind‑hearted must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
and hopeful person. She genuinely wants to or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
Additionally, creatures who fail this saving throw
protect the people of Allain and sincerely
have disadvantage on attack rolls made against
believes that studying The Bridges of Sot’Holon Yana for 1 minute.
and manifesting them in the world furthers
Choose from the table below or roll randomly
YANA HARR to determine what happens when a PC tries to
Medium human (humanoid), neutral good read The Bridges of Sot’Holon.
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Speed 30 ft. Choose from the table below or roll randomly
to determine what happens if the party (or a
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA PC) crosses a completed bridge of Sot’Holon.
9 (−1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Saving Throws Int +7
3rd-level divination (ritual)
Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Perception +4
Casting Time: 1 action
Senses passive Perception 11
Range: Self
Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling
Challenge 5
Components: V, S, M (a copy of The Bridges
of Sot’Holon)
Bemmean Excellence. Whenever Yana rolls a 1 or Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
2 when making a spell attack, she may reroll that Drawing on the knowledge contained within
attack. She must use the second result. The Bridges of Sot’Holon, you magically
Chosen of Sot’Holon (1/Day). Any attack, spell, increase your powers of reasoning and
or effect that reduces Yana to 0 hit points or less
deduction. You gain advantage on any
instead reduces her hit points to 1.
Intelligence (Investigation) ability check for
Spellcasting. Yana is an 8th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save the duration of the spell. While concentrating
15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). She has the on this spell, your spell attacks deal 7 (2d6)
following spells prepared: additional force damage.
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, message,
1st level (4 slots): cloak of shadow*, guiding
star*, mage armor, magic missile
2nd level (3 slots): bad timing**, misty step The Bridges of Sot’Holon is an evil artifact
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, Sot’Holon’s created by a mad mage of fallen Caelmarath.
formula (see below), wind wall On the surface, its pages appear to contain
4th level (2 slots): confusion, polymorph information on the building of stone and
(*see Deep Magic: Illumination Magic; **see wood bridges; in truth, the book details
Deep Magic: Chaos Magic)
diabolical rituals to bridge the mortal world
Actions with countless other dimensions. The book
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to is sentient and communicates with its bearer
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8 − 1) via dreams. The book wants to be used and
bludgeoning damage. attempts to influence its bearer to do so; only
Curse of Sot’Holon’s (1/Day). Yana chooses one a powerful arcane master can unlock the
creature she can see and fills its mind with the secret rituals contained within.
designs and formulas of Sot’Holon. That creature

Heart of the Storm
by Mike Welham

Galvanix at a Glance to finally take a stand when one of the drakes

made good on his threat to destroy a book she
Galvanix is a paper drake dragon mage,
carried. The image of the turisaz rune burned
specializing in lightning magic, who uses
brightly in her mind as she unleashed a fatal
herself as a spellbook. She is a war leader for
bolt of lightning on the bully.
the Mharoti Empire, excelling in skirmishes
and battles requiring quick, decisive action. Pilgrimage to the Northlands. Seeing the
turisaz rune in her mind’s eye and realizing the
power it held, at least for her, Galvanix yearned
Background to understand more about the rune and how
Humble Origins. Galvanix’s parents served she could control its power. Ostracism for
as scribes in Harkesh, and the young paper killing one of her tormenters provided the
drake’s intense curiosity allowed her to pick impetus to leave Harkesh and travel to the
up her parents’ trade quickly. Her parents Northlands where she hoped to study under
assumed she would follow in their chosen practitioners of rune magic. Her search led her
profession and surpass them but worried to Thunder Mountain where, after overcoming
about her desire to understand the reasoning initial suspicion about her presence, she
behind the writs and orders being scribed. studied and grew in knowledge and power. She
She also sought to expand her knowledge, discovered an aptitude for combat and aided
focusing on spells and arcane secrets. the residents in repelling and destroying giants.
Bullied by Crimson Drakes. Galvanix’s Rising in the Ranks. After a decade in
insatiable hunger for learning might not have Thunder Mountain, Galvanix longed for a
been enough to change her life’s trajectory, return to the Dragon Empire. Her magical
but her treatment by other drakes ultimately might and combat prowess gave her
drove her down a different path. Her main confidence to return to the empire and assume
tormenters were crimson drakes convinced of a role as a soldier. Her analytical mind gave
their superiority to the studious paper drake. her insight into tactics that made her stand
The bullying drakes habitually intercepted out among the rank‑and‑file soldiers. She
Galvanix as she returned from a nearby proved adept at leading small groups in raids
library, threatening to burn her books and where a massive army would prove useless,
place the blame on the paper drake. They often culminating in the destruction of a cell of
singed her wings with their fire breath. As Rumelan dissenters. She currently leads a
her ability to wield magic grew, she decided squadron of blitzkrieg units.

Current Goal and her own spells with creatures she should
consider beneath her station, assuming
Galvanix feels constant pressure to prove the the creatures possess wisdom previously
worth of her smaller army units, often at odds unknown to her.
with dragons who believe an overwhelming
force always wins battles. When she can, she Pyrophobic. Though Galvanix is no more
continues her research into lightning‑based vulnerable to fire than most dragons, she fears
spells and relics. it. She never casts a spell that deals fire damage
and bristles when she sees others using fiery
magic. When readying for battle, she ensures
Roleplaying Tips she has protection from that element.
Inquisitive. Galvanix hungers for knowledge, Mercurial. A pleasant exchange of
especially regarding magic and magical information can turn in an instant if
techniques. She often shares information someone conversing with Galvanix brings

up her childhood, questions her intellect, or skin. Electricity plays along every surface of
broaches a topic from a seemingly random the drake’s body, and her eyes seem to contain
array. The drake crackles dangerously with miniature thunderstorms.
lightning, threatening to unleash it upon Living Spellbook. Galvanix has several
the offender if they are not quick enough additional folds of paper containing the spells
to apologize. If placated, she returns to a she has studied and picked up in her travels.
previous conversational thread as if nothing She can produce additional sheets of paper
had happened. upon which she scribes new spells she learns
or duplicates of spells she knows.
Plot Hooks (Midgard) Eager Learner. The drake is aware she must
constantly acquire new knowledge to fully
Here are some ways to incorporate Galvanix
achieve mastery of lightning. Though willing
into your campaign:
to take what she desires by force, she values
• The party discovers a minor artifact that negotiating for the information she seeks. In
harnesses the power of storms, allowing rare cases, she trades spell pages from her own
its owner to summon lightning and papery flesh for new spells.
thunder. Galvanix learns about the party’s Ruthless Commander. Galvanix usually has a
treasure and seeks to acquire it: first by retinue of lesser dragons under her command.
offering a sizeable sum and then by force She shows no remorse about sacrificing them
if the party refuses her. for strategic gains or to cover her escape.
• Galvanix has heard of a spell capable of
conjuring a powerful lightning storm GALVANIX
hidden among ruins in the Southlands. Small dragon, chaotic neutral
Her duties as one of the empire’s war Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
mages prevent her from hunting for the Hit Points 92 (14d6 + 42)
spell. She offers a considerable reward Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft.
to a group of adventurers to uncover the
knowledge she seeks. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
7 (−2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)

Adapting for Other Settings Skills Arcana +7

In settings without a consolidated dragon Damage Immunities lightning
empire, Galvanix has a vendetta against red Condition Immunities paralyzed, unconscious
dragons and other draconic creatures using Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
fire, making her an odd ally against a powerful Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish
dragon. She might also be a reclusive hoarder Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
of arcane power, parting with knowledge
for equivalently powerful knowledge or Duplicate Spellbook Pages (1/Day). Galvanix
dispatching minions to acquire more. can spend 1 hour to create a duplicate of
the equivalent of one spell from her body.
This inflicts 1d4 damage per spell level of the
GALVANIX reproduced spell to the drake.
Refold (Recharge 5–6). Galvanix can fold her
Galvanix has the sharp edges and translucent
body into different sizes and shapes. She can
skin common to paper drakes, but she has adjust her size by one step in either direction
refashioned herself, so the outer edges of but can’t be smaller than Tiny or larger than
her wings look like lightning bolts. Arcane Medium size. Changes in size or shape don’t
writing replete with turisaz runes cover her affect her stats.

Shelve. Galvanix can fold herself into a from Galvanix, it is targeted with a 9th-level
small, almost flat form, perfect for hiding remove insulation spell (DC 15). Additionally,
on bookshelves. She can be recognized as
a creature affected by remove insulation
something other than a book by someone who
handles the ostensible book (doesn’t just glance
(whether through the spellbook or another
at it on the shelf) and makes a successful DC 11 source) takes 4d8 lightning damage each
Intelligence (Nature or Investigation) check. She round it is in contact with the book (no
can hop or fly (clumsily, by flapping her pages) 5 saving throw).
feet per turn in this form. Galvanix contains the following spells:
Spellcasting. Galvanix is a 9th-level spellcaster. blindness/deafness, chain lighting, chromatic
Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
orb, cloudkill, dancing lights, haste, lightning
15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). She has the
following spells prepared:
bolt, lightning shield, mage armor, mage
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, hand, remove insulation (see below), shatter,
shocking grasp, true strike, GM’s choice shocking grasp, thunderwave, and true strike
1st level (4 slots): chromatic orb, mage armor, (along with 6 spells of the GM’s choice).
thunderwave, GM’s choice
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, shatter, REMOVE INSUL ATION
GM’s choice 4th-level necromancy
3rd level (3 slots): haste, lightning bolt, GM’s Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
4th level (3 slots): lightning shield (variant fire
Components: V, S
shield that inflicts lightning damage), remove
insulation (see below), GM’s choice Duration: 8 hours
5th level (1 slot): cloudkill You target a creature within range, and that
creature must succeed on a Fortitude saving
throw or become less resistant to lightning
Multiattack. Galvanix makes one bite attack, one
damage. A creature with immunity to
claw attack, and one tail attack.
lightning damage has advantage on this saving
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage throw. On a failure, a creature with immunity
plus 3 (1d6) lightning damage. to lightning damage instead has resistance to
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., lightning damage for the spell’s duration, and
one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) slashing damage a creature with resistance to lightning damage
plus 7 (2d6) lightning damage. loses its resistance for the duration. A creature
Tail (Recharge 5–6). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 without resistance to lightning damage that
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3)
fails its saving throw takes double damage
bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) lightning
damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
from lightning for the spell’s duration.
13 Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated Remove curse or similar magic ends this spell.
for 1 round. At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 6th level or higher, the duration is
Galvanix as a Spellbook 24 hours. If you use a spell slot of 8th level or
higher, a creature with immunity to lightning
If Galvanix does not lose more than half
damage no longer has advantage on its saving
her hit points from fire damage, her corpse
throw. If you use a spell slot of 9th level or
becomes a viable spellbook. The first time
higher, the spell lasts until it is dispelled.
a creature attempts to learn or copy a spell

Wizard on the Run
by Jon Sawatsky

Bolgoro at a Glance and shield. He spent his nights under the

tutelage of a dwarven practitioner of ring
Bolgoro is a charismatic and unscrupulous magic who lived near the sea. The affable
dwarf whose impulsive nature has entangled dwarf’s anger was properly channeled by his
him in the affairs of frost giants and shadowy training, and his hatred for dragons became
agents of Boreas. the foundation of his success in the martial
and arcane arts.
Background Revenge Denied. Before his training allowed
Born on the Docks. Bolgoro grew up on the him to hunt the dragon that slew his family,
docks of Stannasgard. His father, a net maker King Shipkeeper declared the monster dead.
and general laborer, was slain by Visandred Upon hearing the news, Bolgoro was struck
the Horse-Eater in one of the dragon’s fiery with a crippling melancholy. For a year, the
assaults on the city. The young Bolgoro dwarf stopped his training and his studies—
vowed to avenge his father’s death but could helping weave nets at the newly built docks
not abandon his mother who needed the coin instead. Bolgoro drank and fought—throwing
he earned to keep the family fed. Bolgoro fists at bar patrons and his ghosts alike. Bolgoro
learned that his quick wit and outgoing abandoned Stannasgard and went North.
nature could be used to his advantage in
Bolgoro’s Return. For eleven years, the
these early years.
dwarf wandered the Northlands. This
Fire and Loss. In an attack that would period remains unrecorded, though remote
inspire King Shipkeeper himself to take communities along the Bleak Wastes report
action, the red dragon Visandred descended a dwarf matching his description serving as
on the docks of Stannasgard and nearly both hero and mercenary in the region. Then
destroyed the entire district. Bolgoro was Bolgoro suddenly returned to Stannasgard
badly burned in the attack, but his mother bearing a staff twice his height—a ring staff,
and brother both lost their lives. The though not of dwarven origins. The dwarf told
dwarf now contended with the reality that a dubious tale of discovering frost giants who
Visandred had slain his entire family. had stolen the secrets of ring magic and, with
Driven to Train. Bolgoro joined the prayers to Boreas, forged rings of their own.
Stannasgard army shortly after the tragic Bolgoro claimed to have stolen the staff from a
events. He learned to fight with axe, sword, powerful frost giant before fleeing. As quickly

as he returned, Bolgoro disappeared again—
heading south at great speed.
Current Goal
Bolgoro has not yet unlocked the true powers
Hunted. Today, Bolgoro travels through of the frost giant’s staff. His goal is singular:
Midgard, never staying in one place for more wield the staff to understand it, thereby
than a week. He wields the frost giant staff in increasing his own power and ability to fight
hopes of unlocking its powers and secrets. All the evils of the world.
the while, the cold reach of Boreas pursues
him in the form of frost wraiths who
seek to return the staff to the
giants of the Northlands.

Roleplaying Tips Adapting for Other Settings
Crass. Bolgoro left what manners he had in With the exception of his training in ring
the Bleak Wastes. He is direct, uncouth, and magic, Bolgoro is easily worked into most
entirely without pretense. He openly mocks campaign settings. He might act as the catalyst
those who speak eloquently. for adventure, offering the party treasure
Melancholic. The dwarf goes through to assist him in slaying some great beast or
prolonged periods of depression and exploring dangerous ruins. Replace the ring
melancholy. During this time, he is listless, magic with any similar crafting-based magic.
combative, and unreliable. Rather than being pursued by the undead
agents of Boreas, Bolgoro is instead wanted
Bold. Bolgoro has faith in his abilities and
for crimes committed in the throes of a
is often found leading expeditions into
melancholic episode. The party are hired as
dangerous places or battling against enemies
bounty hunters to bring the dwarf to justice.
others might flee from.
Plot Hooks (Midgard) Bolgoro wears patched chain mail armor and
Here are some ways to incorporate Bolgoro
a thick, fur-lined cloak made from grey cloth.
into your campaign:
On his back is a massive iron staff with three
• The party stumbles onto a battle between silver rings at its head. The bottom of staff is
Bolgoro and the frost wraiths of Boreas adorned with a sharpened white dragon tooth.
while traveling through the wilderness. Wanderer. Bolgoro’s pursuers keep him on
Pleading for aid, the dwarf presents an the move. He stays ahead of them by taking
opportunity for the PCs to anger Boreas strange and unpredictable routes from one
themselves by slaying the wraiths. Bolgoro place to another. Bolgoro is as likely to be
explains the wraiths will keep coming and encountered in the depths of some ruin as he
offers the party a magic ring for escort to is in the streets of populated centers.
points farther South. Alone. The dwarf travels alone most of the
• The party learn Bolgoro’s tale while time. This makes it easier to escape the frost
staying in Stannasgard and are wraiths should they find him. Occasionally he
approached by the ring mage who once attaches himself to a caravan or expedition if
trained the dwarf. Aglirond the Salted it suits his purpose.
offers the party a powerful magical item to
track down Bolgoro and give him a simple BOLGORO NET WE AVER
silver band. Over several weeks, the party Medium dwarf (humanoid), neutral good
tracks the dwarf until they find him in Armor Class 15 (chain mail; 17 when wielding the
Zobeck, quarreling with guards outside a Bastard Staff of Ulvirist)
tavern. Giving him the band, the dwarf’s Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40)
spirits are raised, and he asks them to Speed 30 ft.
escort him back to Stannasgard to mount
an expedition to slay the returned dragon, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +5, Int +7

Skills Athletics +6, Arcana +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft. passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Dwarvish, Halfling ancient white dragon, held in place by thick
Challenge 8 cords of sinew. The staff is nearly twice the
length of a normal quarterstaff, and its bearer
Bearer of the Bastard Staff of Ulvirist. Bolgoro must have a Strength score of at least 14 to
is attuned to the Bastard Staff of Ulvirist (see
make weapon attacks with it, though they
below). He may use its abilities freely. Bonuses
from the staff are included in this stat block.
can attune to it even if they do not meet this
Champion of the Northlands. Bolgoro’s weapon requirement.
attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. The staff belongs to a frost giant named
Ring of Regeneration. Bolgoro is a practitioner Ulvirist who extracted the secrets of dwarven
of ring magic and is attuned to a ring of ring magic from a captive dwarf. The wizard
regeneration which heals him for 1d6 hit points died in the process but not before the giant
every 10 minutes. learned to imbue three large silver rings with
Spellcasting. Bolgoro is a 7th-level spellcaster.
the power of the Bleak Wastes. The staff was
His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
stolen by a dwarven hero from Stannasgard
16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). He has the
following spells prepared: with whom it remains. Ulvirist implored the
Cantrips (at will): hoarfrost* (2d4 cold damage), frost giant priest of Boreas to help return his
ray of frost (2d8 cold damage), shocking grasp, staff, and so were the agents of the cold god
true strike sent to retrieve it.
1st level (4 slots): disguise self, expeditious While attuned to this staff, you gain a +1 to
retreat, ringstrike*, shield ranged spell attack rolls, +1 to melee weapon
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, locate object, spider attack and damage rolls made with the
staff, and the DC to save against your spells
3rd level (3 slots): fear, haste, tongues
increases by one. Melee weapon attacks made
4th level (1 slots): spinning axes*
with the staff are considered magical and have
(*see Deep Magic: Ring Magic)
a reach of 10 ft. Additionally, you gain access
Actions to the following spells, which you can prepare
Multiattack. Bolgoro makes two attacks with the as though transcribed into your spellbook.
Bastard Staff of Ulvirist. You lose knowledge of these spells if you
Bastard Staff of Ulvirist. Melee Weapon Attack: become unattuned to the staff, and you may
+7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 +
not copy them into your spellbook: hoarfrost,
3) bludgeoning damage.
ringstrike, and spinning axes.
Overhead Smash. Bolgoro raises the massive
staff over his head and brings it down with force.
Sunder the Glacier. Your ringstrike spell’s
Bolgoro makes one Bastard Staff of Ulvirist attack damage dice increase to 1d12.
with advantage. If the attack hits, the creature
must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw FROST WRAITH OF BOREAS TEMPLATE
or be stunned until the end of their next turn. The frost wraiths of Boreas are wraiths with
the following modifications:
Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires • 82 (11d8 + 33) hit points
attunement, must be able to cast 1st-level wizard • Immunity to cold damage
spells to attune)
• Life Drain attacks do an additional 7 (2d6)
One end of this heavy iron staff is pierced cold damage
by three silver rings the size of dinner plates; • Challenge rating 6
the rings move freely and make an audible • Can cast locate creature (1/day)
chiming noise as the bearer moves. The other
end of the staff is tipped with the fang of an

Arcane Knight, Unknowing Fey Agent
by Mike Welham

Regar Neryan at a Glance with the end goal of throwing his clan into
disarray. Regar stumbled through a hedge
Regar is a centaur whose magical awakening
maze, reaching the center after two days of
along the shadow roads drove him to become
searching. There he witnessed an elaborate
an arcane knight, complete with a lance he
yet realistic illusion detailing an ancient fey
uses as a magical implement. He serves as a
creating the first centaurs by fusing humans
Runkelstad war mage.
and horses together. The centaur, awestruck
by this revelation, pledged loyalty to this
Background unknowable being, incidentally forming
Rothenian Born. Regar is the eldest son of a pact with it and setting Regar down the
the chieftain of the nomadic Gathering Storm warlock’s path. The delight of the shadow
Clan. The centaur clan has a reputation for fey with the potential chaos caused by Regar
banditry, but it is not as bloodthirsty as other quickly shifted to surprise when, as the
clans. Even as a youngster, Regar felt pangs centaur returned to the Rothenian Plains, he
of guilt when he had to dispatch a stubborn spontaneously declared he would protect the
foe and relief when his clanmates allowed weak and uphold virtue as a sign of his fealty.
innocents to escape. He felt pressure to He further declared he would not divulge the
harden himself to the fate of their marks and “secret” of the centaurs’ creation.
enemies, especially since he would assume Newly Minted Knight. The excursion took
leadership of the clan when his father died. several days for Regar, but he appeared less
Shadow Road Journey. During a battle with than an hour after he left. Regar understood
shadow fey with which the Gathering Storm his newfound outlook conflicted with his
Clan had initiated combat to gain their wealth clan’s and reasoned the best course of
and magic, one of the shadow fey opened a action would be to leave, never to return.
portal to a shadow road through which her Remembering the centaurs’ numerous clashes
compatriots could escape. Regar, leading with Magdar Kingdom knights, the centaur
the charge at the time, was steps ahead of decided to make the kingdom his new home
his clanmates and entered the shadow road where he could act as a stalwart defender of
alone in pursuit. The shadow fey could have the innocent. Within eight months of applying
slain the solitary centaur. However, they for knighthood in the Order of the Undying
decided to stage an elaborate prank on Regar Sun and despite some initial skepticism from

the senior knight to whom Regar served as
squire, he became a war mage, proving equally
Roleplaying Tips
capable in combat and in spellslinging. Honorable. Regar always keeps his promises,
sometimes to his detriment. He carefully
Trusted Mentor. Regar has grown as a knight, weighs the outcomes of making a promise
his blending of martial and magical might before committing to it. The sole exception is
giving him an uncommon perspective within during the heat of combat where spontaneity
the order. While his squires had misgivings overtakes him. He is quick to give his word on
at the outset of their service, they found the the battlefield, but he ensures he sticks to even
centaur a source of wise counsel. When Regar the most reckless pledge.
leaves service as a knight, he hopes to settle
down in Runkelstad where he can become an
instructor at the College of Wands.

Current Goal
Regar is at a crossroads,
deciding whether to retire and
teach the next generation of knights
or to end his career—and perhaps his
life—on a glorious crusade against the
dragonkind of the Mharoti Empire.

Meditative. Contrasting with his impetuous REGAR NERYAN
nature in battle, Regar spends time
Regar stands 9 feet tall from hoof to the top
deliberating on points of conversation,
of his head. He protects his torso with chain
especially when they turn to philosophical
mail, and plate barding covers his lower body,
matters. Those who mistake his delay in
leaving his lower legs and tail exposed. He
responding as stupidity are surprised when he
has short dark hair shot through with streaks
provides an elegant solution to a problem or
of gray, and his tail, fashioned into a neat
provides a welcome bit of advice.
ponytail, has similar coloration. The tip of the
Secret’s Burden. Regar’s oath to his patron lance he wields crackles with eldritch energy.
included keeping the knowledge about the Impulsive Action. When combat starts,
centaurs’ “origin” to himself. If the subject of Regar is eager to join the fray. Intricate plans
centaurs and their place in the world comes that include the centaur often go awry as he
up, Regar quickly changes the subject out of executes his tasks moments ahead of schedule.
fear he might accidentally reveal information Oddly, this has not cost him in battle nor has
he shouldn’t. his recklessness resulted in his allies’ deaths
or injuries.
Relenting Combatant. Regar takes his
Plot Hooks (Midgard) oath to protect the innocent seriously and
Here are some ways to incorporate Regar into accepts surrender from his foes. He also
your campaign: refuses to attack opponents who can’t defend
• Word reaches Regar about Clan Rhoet’s themselves, at least in his estimation.
plan to attack the Gathering Storm clan. Spell-Charged Lance. The centaur has
He can’t take a regiment of knights to no qualms with augmenting his lance with
stop the attack and instead hopes to find spells he delivers with a touch or as part of an
companions to thwart Clan Rhoet. With attack. He believes he is justified in using his
Regar’s father dead as a result of the talents in righteous battle.
battle, Regar faces the decision to assume
leadership of his former clan or return to REGAR NERYAN
service as a knight. Large monstrosity, lawful good
• The Queen of Night and Magic has Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
suffered diminished might as Regar Hit Points 221 (26d10 + 78)
unwittingly advances his patron’s plots. Speed 40 ft.
She sends shadow fey to ascertain the
patron’s identity and assassinate the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
centaur if necessary. The characters have 17 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 21 (+5)

an opportunity to save Regar’s life during

Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +6, Cha +8
an assassination attempt.
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +6, Survival +6
Condition Immunities charmed
Adapting for Other Settings Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Centaur, Common, Sylvan
Regar could be a rarer NPC in other settings
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
where centaurs are less common. In such
settings or in those without a nation formally Charge. If Regar moves at least 30 feet straight
centered on knights and a chivalric code, toward a target and then hits it with a lance
Regar serves as an itinerant wanderer who attack on the same turn, the target takes an
fights injustice wherever he finds it. extra 19 (3d12) piercing damage.

Innate Spellcasting. Regar’s spellcasting ability is Pact of the Blade. Regar creates his pact weapon,
Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell a lance, in his empty hand. If the lance is more
attacks). He can innately cast the following spells, than 5 feet away from Regar for 1 minute or
requiring only verbal components: more, the weapon disappears. If he uses this
1/day each: conjure fey, forcecage, glibness ability while the lance is present, the new lance
Pact Weapon Lance. Regar’s lance attacks are replaces the existing one.
Spellcasting. Regar is a 16th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC Reflect Charm. When a creature attempts to
17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He knows the charm Regar, he can turn the charm back on
following spells: the creature, which must succeed on a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by Regar
Cantrips (at will): blade ward, friends, true strike,
for 1 minute or until the creature takes damage.
GM’s choice
5th level (3 slots): blink, calm emotions, dispel
magic, dominate beast, dominate person, SPELL IMBUEMENT
faerie fire, greater invisibility, hold monster, 3rd-level transmutation (ritual)
phantasmal force, plant growth, seeming,
Casting Time: 1 minute
sleep, witch bolt, GM’s choice
Range: Touch
Actions Components: V, S, M (copper wire)
Multiattack. Regar makes two attacks: one with Duration: 8 hours
his lance and one with his hooves.
For the duration of the casting you, you can
Lance. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10
imbue a melee weapon with one of your spells
ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d12 + 3) piercing.
that targets a single creature. A weapon can
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning only hold one spell in this way. The weapon’s
damage. wielder can use a bonus action to discharge
Imbue Lance (Recharge 4–6). As a bonus action, the spell on a successful hit, which ends the
Regar casts one of his spells, charging his lance spell for that weapon.
with the spell. If he hits a target creature with his
lance, the spell also affects the creature. If Regar
uses his lance attack just to deliver the spell, he
has advantage on the attack roll and deals no
damage. The spell fades at the beginning of his
next turn.


Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature
If your pact weapon is a ranged weapon, you weapon is a melee weapon, you can throw it
do not have disadvantage on the attack roll if (range 10/30). The first time you use this feature
you are within 5 feet of a hostile creature who with the melee weapon during a particular
can see you and isn’t incapacitated. If your pact combat, you have advantage on the attack roll.


Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Blade feature, Surprise Strike feature
When you throw a melee weapon using recall the weapon to your hand. You can’t do
Surprise Strike, you can use a bonus action to so again until you complete a short or long rest.


by Wolfgang Baur

T he news from the Ironcrag Cantons is

always of interest to lowland humans,
given how often the followers of Mavros hire
As part of this prophecy, a new battle chant
has spread among the faithful, giving strength
to their arms and axes and victory against
dwarves to serve as mercenaries in the Seven dust goblins and ghouls alike. Older, more
Cities or to help the Magdar Kingdom hold traditional spells such as hedgehog dozen,
the line against the Mharoti in the east. In march of death, and storm of axes have also
recent years though, many small dwarven found new favor.
companies are forming up to go west to the
Wastes or north to the Wolfmark and the free
city at Johzt. Some of this is driven by piety
News from the Dwarfmoot
The Dwarfmoot has been lively and not
and some of it by greed; we’ll address each in
just because of Toveli’s prophecy and the
turn here.
restlessness of a young generation of reavers.
Other interests have been proclaimed loudly,
The Word of the Forge in particular the wish of Jaro Whitebeard,
Many young dwarven warriors are convinced Commander of the Black Fortress and leader
that the opportunities to find ancient vaults of the Grisal Canton, to form a standing body
in the Wastes are better now than in prior of troops to push hard against Morgau and
times, largely because of the Forge Prophecy the ghouls of Krakovar. All dwarves at the
proclaimed by Toveli Rogest, priest of Volund moot are in favor of this in principle, though
and master of the Templeforge halls. His the matter is more fraught when the question
oracular pronouncement claims that cantonal of pay arises. Grisal is not a wealthy canton,
dwarves are poised to seize new lands, rather and the folk of Bundeshausen and Gunnacks
than defending human kingdoms, if only they are happy to fund some of this Great
can accomplish two things: 1) find the Horn of Cantonal Levy and claim much of the glory.
Verrante from the treasure vaults of the west However, they both insist that one of their
and 2) drive back the vampires and ghouls generals leads it. The discussion continues
and establish the righteous rule of the living in whether Grisal troops will fight for a “soft
Morgau, Doresh, and Krakovar. It is, frankly, canton” leader, and meanwhile, Toveli Rogest
a call to religious action both by followers of strives to gather axe-dwarves and others to the
Thor‑Perun and by all dwarves of good heart. new “Great Canton” banner with promises of
plunder from Krakovar.

The dwarves of Grisal did not wait for the
decision; some are going to attend Queen
Dwarven Battle Magic
Dwarves spend a large portion of their
Dorytta’s Queensmeet to ask for her promise
summer in mercenary work, and reavers
of pay in exchange for this Great Levy and
plan their spring raids all through the winter,
to call a few of the more experienced knights
so battle magic is often on their minds. In
to bring their cavalry north against Morgau.
addition to the standard sorts of arcane
Whether this will come to anything is open to
improvements to their roster and abilities
debate; already other cantons accuse Grisal of
common to the human legions such as the
“speaking for other cantons” and attempting
Wands of Runkelstad and the Bemmean
to lead the Ironcrags into a larger engagement
arcanists, the cantonal dwarves have several
than already exists. The dour dwarves of
secrets spells that they seldom share with
Grisal point to their own losses and the
outsiders. These are described here; human
dangers of the undead and insist that other
and darakhul foes are familiar with them from
cantons not rely on Grisal as “both sword
the battlefield certainly but generally have no
and shield and strength of arms” against the
access to the formulas used.
undead. They feel they have carried too much
of the burden for too long.
The Dwarfmoot has thus been a cauldron
2nd-level enchantment (ritual)
of varying opinions, many spilling out into
Casting Time: 1 minute
sharp insults, muddy fistfights, and even
Range: 60 feet
a few instances of beard pulling or beard
Components: V, S, M (a swinging censer of
cutting (both punishable offenses: the first
by a fine, the second by expulsion from the
Duration: Concentration, up to 5 minutes
For a general list of events that might You bless up all allied creatures of your choice
enliven a Dwarfmoot, consult the “Events at within range. Whenever a target lands a
the Dwarfmoot” table (see next page). successful hit before the spell ends, the target
can add 1 to the damage roll.

When cast by multiple casters chanting in MARCH OF THE DE AD
unison, the same increases to 2 points added 3rd-level necromancy
to the damage roll. Casting Time: 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell Range: 50 feet
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you Components: V, S, M (a prayer scroll with
can extend the range by 10 feet for each slot names of the fallen)
level above 2nd. Duration: Instantaneous
This spell animates recently dead to remove
HEDGEHOG DOZEN them from a battlefield. Choose one corpse of
3rd-level illusion a Medium or Small humanoid per level of the
Casting Time: 1 action caster (within range). Your spell imbues the
Range: Touch targets with an animating spirit, raising them
Components: V, S as construct creatures similar in appearance
Duration: 1 minute to flesh golems, though with the strength and
Eleven illusory duplicates of the touched abilities of zombies. Dwarves use this to return
creature appear in its space. A creature the bodies of the fallen to clan tombs and to
affected by hedgehog dozen seems to have a deny the corpses the foul attention of ghouls,
dozen arms, shields, and weapons—a swarm necromancers, and similar foes.
of partially overlapping, identical creatures. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus
Until the spell ends, these duplicates move action to mentally command all the creatures
with the target and mimic its actions, shifting you made with this spell if the creatures
position so it’s impossible to track which are within 60 feet of you. You decide what
image is real. You can use your action to action the creatures will take and where
dismiss the illusory duplicates. they will move during the next day; you
While surrounded by duplicates, a creature cannot command them to guard. If you issue
gains advantage against any opponent because no commands, the creatures only defend
of the bewildering number of weapons and themselves against hostile creatures. Once
movements. given an order and direction of march, the
Each time a creature targets you with an creatures continue to follow it until they
attack during the spell’s duration, roll a d8 to arrive at the destination you named or until
determine whether the attack instead targets 24 hours have elapsed when the spell ends
one of your duplicates. On a roll of 1, it strikes and the corpses fall lifeless once more.
you. On any other roll it removes one of your To tell creatures to move for another
duplicates; when you have only five duplicates 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the
remaining, the spell ends. creatures again before the current 24-hour
A creature is unaffected by this spell if it period ends. This use of the spell reasserts
can’t see, if it relies on senses other than your control over up to 50 creatures you
sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive have animated with this spell rather than
illusions as false as with truesight. animating a new one.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher,
you animate or reassert control over two
additional construct creatures for each slot
level above 3rd (two creatures/level at 4th,
three creatures/level at 5th). Each of the
creatures must come from a different corpse.


1 A bitter feud has erupted between dwarves of two clan holdings. Several scathing songs
have been composed, declaiming the faults of one or another clan, and both sides have
seen scuffles and insults hurled during otherwise festive meetings.
2–3 A case of ownership of a particular gold claim is to be settled at the moot. Roll additional
d6: 1 = the judge has gone missing, 2–3 = one side has taken a hostage unless the case is
dropped, 4 = the gold claim seems to have been mined in stealth since the first complaint
and the gold is gone, 5 = both sides have pledged the funds to the defense of Grisal, 6 = a
new and human claimant has muddied the case.
4–5 A group of female dwarves from Alpentor is at the Dwarfmoot, rousing much curiosity.
They all wear bandannas and heavy clothes, and they claim to wish to take up arms in
the spring as shieldmaidens, quite against Alpentor custom. They call themselves the
“Veiled Sisters” and seem quite competent with weapons and divine magic.
6 A famous elderly dwarven smith, Jan “Copperbeard” Desmeldin, seeks an apprentice.
He is asking candidates to show their best work; competition is quite keen.
7–8 An ax-throwing contest is announced with the prize of a golden axe head to the winner
(400 gp value).
9 One of the ravenfolk is attending the Dwarfmoot and seems to be consulting various
sages, rune shapers, and ring mages about some arcane matter.
10 Three dwarves have taken seriously ill; poisoning of some food or drink is suspected but
cannot be proven.

STORM OF AXES Dwarven Magical Items

4th-level conjuration (battle)
Casting Time: 1 action
of the Cantons
The dwarves make a huge variety of tools
Range: 25 feet
and weapons for their expeditions into the
Components: V, S, M (axe handle)
lowlands. Other items, particularly their
Duration: concentration + 1 round
temple horns, are rarely taken out of the
You conjure up dozens of axes and direct cantons themselves. Both types of items are
them in a pattern in chopping, whirling described here.
mayhem. The blades fill eight 5-foot squares Note that the temple horns are somewhat
in a line 40 feet long or in a double-strength religious and require attunement by the
line 20 feet long and 10 deep. The axes cause faithful. This is as normal attunement;
6d8 slashing damage to creatures in the area however, it succeeds only if attuned to a
at the moment the spell is cast or half damage follower of the god in question. This need
with a successful Dexterity saving throw. By not be a cleric, druid, or other spellcaster;
maintaining concentration, you can move any sincere follower of the god can attune
the swarm of axes up to 20 feet per round in the item. While these are usually dwarven
any direction you wish. If the storm of axes followers of Khors, Ninkash, Volund, or
moves into spaces containing creatures, they Thor-Perun, cases have been recorded of
immediately must make another Dexterity human and even ravenfolk heroes successfully
saving throw or suffer damage again. using temple horns.

11–12 A crossbow contest is announced with a prize of a mithral crossbow bolt to the winner
(400 gp value).
13 A young dwarf claims to be an orphan and tries to ingratiate himself with a dwarven PC,
seeking a mentor. He is far too young to be on his own and may be a runaway apprentice.
14 A high price is offered for strong, hardworking thralls brought to the Dwarfmoot and
sold for work in the mines. Indeed, mines are shorthanded everywhere.
15 A griffon egg is offered for auction. Bidding begins at just 100 gp, but the priests of
Templeforge will pay as much as 500 for it.
16 A muleskinner and an entire mule train of ale, cider, and provisions from Gunnacks has
gone missing on the way to the Dwarfmoot. No one is sure what happened to Eclara
“Bootleather” Gunnacks, the tough leader of the mule train, but the gathering is uneasy
about this and sends out search parties.
17 The stones and law tablets of the Dwarfmoot have been defaced with blood during the
night. Agents of Morgau are suspected, though some say it is just a foolish prank.
18 A strange priestess of Ninkash visited the Dwarfmoot this year, offering wine and
praising Baccolon and speaking Elvish. Some believe she has been possessed by an elvish
ghost or banshee.
19 Three wild rocs have taken up residence in the foothills near the western wastes, stealing
several mounts and mules from dwarves in the western cantons. So far, no one has been
able to chase them off.
20 Rumors swirl that Volund has possessed a famously pious follower who is watching the
Dwarfmoot and speaking in an archaic language. Each item she touches is blessed.

GRISAL TRUMPET undead creatures shining with the radiant

Uncommon wondrous item light of the sun (as a light spell). The targets
become skeletons if you choose bones or
A brass trumpet coiled into a circle and
zombies if you choose corpses.
sometimes decorated with black cords or
ribbons, these are sacred to the sun
god Khors. Its holder can
use an action to blow the
trumpet, which imbues all
bones or corpses within
60 feet with a mimicry
of life, raising them as

On each of your turns, you can use a bonus HORN OF VERRANTE
action to mentally command any creature Rare wondrous item, requires attunement
you called up with this item if the creature is by the faithful
within 60 feet of you. (If you control more Made of gold, remorhaz ivory, and chased
than one creature, you can command any with designs of interwoven shields and axes in
or all of them at the same time, issuing the finest mithral, the Horn of Verrante is possibly
same command to each one.) You decide one of the few items left from the height of
what action the creature will take and where dwarven power, before the Mage Wars and
it will move during its next turn, or you can before the elven legions commanded much
issue a general command, such as to guard a of the Crossroads, the West, and the Seven
particular chamber or corridor. If you issue Cities.
no commands, the creature only defends itself You can take an action to blow the Horn of
against hostile creatures. Once given an order, Verrante. Doing so invokes powerful battle
a creature continues to follow it until its task magic. (Spells marked with an asterisk [*] are
is complete. from Midgard Heroes Handbook and/or Deep
The creatures remain under your control for Magic: Battle Magic.)
24 hours, after which the remains vanish with
1 charge for warning shout* (for all allies that
a gentle pulse of sunlight.
hear the horn)
A Grisal Trumpet has three charges per day;
these are regained each day at dawn. 2 charges for wresting wind*
3 charges for inspiring speech* (though with
HORN OF NINKASH effective casting time of 1 action)
Rare wondrous item, requires attunement If used with ley line attunement, the Horn of
by the faithful
Verrante’s powers increase sharply.
Sometimes called a “feasting horn,” a Horn of 0 charges are expended for warning shout*
Ninkash is usually shaped like a drinking horn
1 charge is expended for wresting wind*
or sometimes a bit like a beer stein with a
handle and a mouthpiece for blowing. When 2 charges are expended for inspiring speech*
the horn is sounded, a raucous noise such as a (though with effective casting time of 1
cheer or toast emits from the horn along with action)
a feeling of fellowship and confidence to all 3 charges are expended for instant
who hear it. They gain a 1d6 bonus to a check fortification*
or attack made within 12 hours of hearing the 4 charges are expended for holy ground*
horn. A creature benefits from this blessing of
The Horn of Verrante regains 1d6 charges
Ninkash only once per day.
each day at dawn. If it is ever blown and
The bearer of a horn of Ninkash can always
its last charge expended, the desired effect
give commands to a keg golem and expect
occurs. In addition, the mouth of the horn is
them to be obeyed.
instantly sealed by a small leaden plug that
cannot be removed without destroying the
horn. To unseal it, the Horn of Verrante must
be blown at the site of a great dwarven victory
in battle, or it must be the subject of a holy
aura spell cast at Templeforge or a similar
high holy altar of the dwarven gods.

Rare wondrous item,
requires attunement by the faithful
The Horn of Volund is a marvel of
metalworking with gold, mithral, and vermeil
mixed together, often making the shape of a
dwarf with an open mouth, which forms the
sounding bell of the horn. Its tone is loud but
not unpleasant and can be heard for distances
up to 2 miles without difficulty.
You can take an action to blow the Horn of DRAUGHT OF THE BLACK OWL
Volund. Doing so invokes divine light to bless Common Potion
the armor and shields of all allied creatures By drinking this potion, you transform
within 60 feet and either wearing Medium yourself into a large black owl. The
or heavier armor or carrying a shield. Those transformation lasts until dawn or until the
given the blessing of Volund gain advantage drinker drops to 0 hit points or dies. Your
on all saving throws for four rounds. game statistics, except for mental ability
scores and hp, are replaced by Str 3, Dex 13,
HORN OF THOR-PERUN Con 8, AC 11, and darkvision 120 ft. You gain
Uncommon wondrous item keen vision and hearing and thus advantage
This silver horn is decorated with on all Perception checks. You retain your
thunderbolts of gold and often with a holy alignment and personality.
symbol of Thor-Perun included in its maker’s The owl form is limited in the actions it can
mark. You can take an action to blow the perform by the nature of its new form, and
Horn of Thor-Perun. Doing so generates an you can’t speak, cast spells, or take any other
immediate two-step shift in the weather, action that require hands or speech.
growing cloudy and thundering in the Your gear melds into the new form. While
distance. At the same time, all weapons in owl form, only druids with Wildshape can
held by your allies are blessed and add 1d6 activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from
lightning damage on their next melee or any equipment, and even this equipment must
ranged attack. be worn or grasped (such as a ring or wand).

by Dan Dillon
(with special thanks to Brandon Hodge for his work on Sunken Empires)

M idgard’s Western Wastes are a wound

that will never heal, festering in the
wake of the Great Mage Wars. Fine dust
Druids of the Circle of Dust align their
magic with the unpredictable mystic nature
of the wastes. They draw sustenance from it,
chokes the blasted landscape, swirling across protect against otherworldly creatures, and
dunes, craters, and ruins held in the grip of gather lost knowledge hidden beneath the
deadly unpredictable magic. Empires lay ancient sands.
buried in the wasteland’s dust, and beneath
even those remains, echoes of lost Ankeshel
rest in the cold dark. The shattered magic of the wastes infusing
In the shadows of the Dread Walkers and your being grants you knowledge of certain
their spawn, few creatures could survive, let spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain
alone thrive. And yet, even in the wastes, life access to the spells listed for that level in the
endures and flourishes. Pilgrims and priests Circle of Dust Spells table.
travel to the Seat of Mavros. Scholars and Once you gain access to one of these spells,
explorers brave the ruins in search of power you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t
and knowledge, and the dust goblins slowly count against the number of spells you can
grow into a formidable power. prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell
that doesn’t appear on the druid spell list, the
spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Druid Circle: Circle of Dust
Groups of dust goblin shamans, druids, ruin Circle of Dust Spells
hunters, and explorers once banded together, DRUID
united by their lives spent crawling the LEVEL SPELLS
Western Wastes. These canny survivors eked 3rd levitate, locate object
out a living among the dust and unpredictable 5th create food and water, magic circle
magic as they searched out lost relics from
empires long buried. The Circle of Dust is the 7th banishment, death ward
result of their study. Today, most of the Circle 9th hallow, legend lore
of Dust are dust goblins, but druids of other
races brave or foolish enough to venture into BONUS PROFICIENCIES
the wastes to earn the circle’s trust have joined At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with
their ranks. Ankeshelian medium armor, relics, shields,

and weapons. You can wear and use • When you, or an ally within your shroud,
Ankeshelian armor and shields made of metal. cast spells in the Western Wastes, you
don’t risk unstable results from your spells
(see Midgard Worldbook).
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the ability
The aura lasts for 1 hour or until you use
to create a field of magical energy around
your Wild Shape again.
yourself that warps ambient magic. As an
action, you can expend a use of Wild Shape to OTHERWORLDLY RESONANCE
create an aura, which fills the area within 10 At 6th level, your mind transforms due to
feet of you. While this aura is active, you gain the twisting energies of the wastes. While
the following benefits: your Resonating Shroud is active, you can
• Your melee weapon attacks deal an extra no longer be charmed or frightened, and
1d6 force damage to any target they hit. aberrations must succeed on a Wisdom saving
• Your AC increases by 2. throw against your spell save DC to attack
• When you cast spells with a you. An aberration that fails this save can
range of touch, your reach choose a new target, or it wastes the attack.
extends to anywhere
within your shroud.
Other aspects of the
spells are unchanged.

MYSTIC ABSORPTION Ankeshelian devices, architecture, and
At 10th level, you have advantage on saving surviving artwork often incorporate a
throws against spells and other magical effects. mysterious reddish-gold metal called
Additionally, when you take damage from orichalcum. Orichalcum used in the
a spell, you can use your reaction to absorb construction of magic items or in powered
some of the energy. You can expend Hit Dice vril devices seems to have a faint inner light
to regain hit points as if you finished a short and appears slightly translucent.
rest. The maximum number of hit dice you Ankeshelian weapons and armor require
can expend is equal to half your druid level. their own proficiency, which characters can
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it train using the downtime training rules.
again until you finish a short or long rest.
At 14th level, your Resonating Shroud now All vril technology requires a power source to
extends to the area within 30 feet of you, and function, and the only such sources known
your foes treat the area within your shroud as to successfully power these devices are vril
difficult terrain. A creature hostile to you that batteries. A vril battery is a glass cylinder of
ends its turn in your shroud takes 1d8 force varying size, depending on how much power
damage. the battery can hold.
Inside the cylinder is a stack, or stacks, of
alternating copper and orichalcum discs
Ankeshelian Relics suspended in a briny alchemical solution.
The devices and armaments of lost Ankeshel The ends of the cylinder are capped with
make use of vril technology to achieve strange filigreed brass, set with terminals and thumb
effects, ranging from simple but effective screws that allow the battery to be plugged
all the way to nothing short of astounding. into a vril device, either directly or by means
Like the batteries and weapons of Cassadega of a canvas-sleeved copper wire or cable.
(see Midgard Worldbook), vanishingly few Cassadegan experts can recharge a depleted
Ankeshelian relics are functional when vril battery by replacing the spent discs and
discovered. Rather, it might take dozens of solution.
specimens of a given piece of vril technology Connecting or removing a vril battery from
to yield enough components for artisans a device requires a bonus action for a small or
to refurbish a single item. Despite its medium battery and an action for a large or
nonmagical nature, attempts to reproduce heavy battery.
vril technology without using salvaged
materials have all failed. SMALL
The smallest vril power vessel is 3 inches long
and 1 inch wide. It holds 10 charges at full
Small 150 gp 100 gp 10 1 lb.
Medium 750 gp 500 gp 25 4 lb.
Large 1,500 gp 1,000 gp 50 8 lb.
Heavy 3,000 gp 2,000 gp 100 16 lb.

MEDIUM at the time. Each creature takes 5d4 lightning
A middle ground between convenience and damage or half as much with a successful DC
capacity, a medium vril battery is 8 inches 10 Dexterity saving throw, and the battery
long and 2 inches wide. At full power it holds loses 5 charges.
25 charges. If reduced to 0 hit points, the battery shatters
and releases all of its remaining charge. A
creature that hit it with a melee attack and a
The most common vril battery, and the first creature wearing or carrying the battery each
variety discovered, is a glass cylinder about take 1d6 lightning damage for every 2 charges
12 inches long, and 3 inches wide. It holds 50 the battery currently holds or half as much
charges when fully powered. damage with a successful DC 15 Dexterity
HEAVY saving throw.
Rarest of all, heavy vril batteries are too large
to connect directly to all but the largest and
usually stationary vril relics. Nearly 2 feet long While ancient Ankeshel likely created and
and 8 inches wide, these monstrous capacitors employed armor of all varieties, only metal
have fittings on their end caps for straps or armor made of bronze, copper, orichalcum,
other fasteners. They can be fitted and worn mithral, adamantine, or other wondrous
like a backpack and connected to devices alloys survive to this day. Surviving armor
by cables. A heavy vril battery has enough must have new leather straps and fittings
terminals to connect to 4 devices at one time. attached, which requires a character proficient
At full power, it holds 100 charges. in blacksmith’s or leatherworker’s tools and
In addition to its cumbersome weight, heavy costs 5 gp in materials. A suit of Ankeshelian
vril batteries are dangerous to carry and use. medium armor without vril technology is
The battery has AC 15 and 20 hit points. worth an additional 250 gp and heavy armor
When reduced to less than 10 hit points, an extra 500 gp for their historical and
it discharges an arc of lightning into the collector’s value.
creature that damaged it with a melee attack The most prized and rare Ankeshelian armor
and into the creature wearing or carrying it and shields also contain vril technology.

Medium Armor
Charged breastplate 1,500 gp 1d6 25 lb.
Charged half plate 2,000 gp 1d6 45 lb.
Heavy Armor
Charged splint 2,500 gp 1d10 70 lb.
Charged plate 3,000 gp 1d10 75 lb.
Charged shield 150 gp 1d4 8 lb.
Vril shield 1,000 gp — 10 lb.

Steed 5,000 gp 60 ft./7 mph 1 1 250
Carriage 10,000 gp 50 ft./6 mph 1 5 1,000
Soaring 30,000 gp 80 ft./9 mph 1 1 250

CHARGED ARMOR you are wielding. When activated, the shield

Some of the armor and shields recovered drains 1 charge from the attached vril battery
from Ankeshelian sites are outfitted with and projects a larger disc of crackling,
ports suitable for connecting vril batteries translucent blue force from its face. The force
and strange copper and orichalcum channels shield lasts until the start of your next turn
and coils running along the outer surface and grants you 3/4 cover.
of the bronze plates. While a vril battery is
connected to a functional suit of charged ANKESHELIAN SKIFF
armor you are wearing, you can activate the
These vril-powered vehicles are among
armor as a bonus action.
the rarest and most amazing Ankeshelian
While active, lightning runs through the
relics, and only a few have been restored
armor’s channels and coils, humming softly to functional condition. Skiffs are made of
and occasionally discharging small sparks. A shaped stone and metals. Originally mistaken
creature within 5 feet of you that hits you with for sculptures and statues, the skiffs discovered
a melee attack takes lightning damage (1d4 for so far all appear to be stylized animals
a shield, 1d6 for medium armor, 1d8 for heavy such as horses, griffons, dragons, or large
armor). Each time a creature takes damage sea creatures. An intact skiff has a number
from the armor, the armor drains 1 charge of metal and orichalcum levitation pads,
from the attached vril battery. controls, and a battery port. You can activate
or deactivate a powered skiff as an action.
VRIL SHIELD Operating a skiff requires proficiency in
A vril shield is a small round shield, perhaps Ankeshelian vehicles. Attempting to operate a
1 foot across. Six small orichalcum disks sit skiff without proficiency requires a successful
along the rim of the shield with a slightly DC 15 Intelligence check to operate any
larger disk in the center. Orichalcum function. While operating a skiff, you can use
channels connect all the disks together. A its speed to move instead of your own.
small, medium, or heavy vril battery can Crew. Ankeshelian skiffs require only a
attach to terminals on the back side. As a single person to operate them. Sudden or
bonus action, you can activate a vril shield complex maneuvers might require Dexterity


At the GM’s discretion, attacks that originate this sparingly, however, to avoid complicating
from behind an active vril shield might reduce combat and removing the usefulness of the
or even eliminate the cover it provides. Use feature.

17 50 —
17 75 10
17 50 —

(Ankeshelian vehicles) checks. Skiffs are Passengers. The number of creatures that
designed for Medium creatures. Small can ride comfortably on a skiff. Seating is
creatures might have difficulty operating the designed for Medium creatures, so two Small
controls comfortably, and Large or larger creatures might be able to take a single seat
creatures can’t operate a skiff. with some discomfort.

Cargo. This indicates how many pounds of This larger vehicle has six levitation pads.
cargo the skiff can carry. The battery port can hold any size vril battery,
Damage Threshold. A carriage skiff has and the carriage skiff drains 2 charges per
immunity to all damage unless it takes 10 or hour while active. It has a speed of 50 feet
more points of damage, in which case it takes with the same movement restrictions as the
damage as normal. Any damage less than 10 is steed skiff.
considered superficial and doesn’t reduce the Some carriage skiffs have enclosed crew
skiff’s hit points. and cargo compartments with hatches that
create airtight seals. These varieties can dive
Skiff Repair. Repairs to a damaged skiff can
underwater with a swimming speed of 50 feet
be made while the skiff is inactive. Repairing 1
and produce fresh air while the compartments
hit point of damage requires 1 day and 20 gp
are sealed. While sealed and producing air,
for materials and can only be accomplished by
the carriage skiff drains a total of 3 charges
Cassadegan artisans. A fabricate spell cast on
per hour.
a skiff repairs 10 points of damage.
Steed skiffs most often resemble stylized Soaring skiffs are the rarest of all Ankeshelian
horses with two horizontal metal discs, one skiffs with the number of functioning
at the front and another at the back, in place specimens in the single digits. They appear
of legs. It has a seat built into its back, foot similar to steed skiffs with their appearance
rests where stirrups would be, and a stone and resembling avian creatures rather than horses
metal ring or loop in line with what would be but with an additional levitation pad. A
a living animal’s spine along the back of its soaring skiff can function as a steed skiff with
neck. The ring is a control device a rider grips a speed of 80 feet, or you can cause it to fly
with both hands. with a speed of 80 feet (hover). While flying, a
Behind the control ring is a cylindrical port soaring skiff drains 3 charges per hour.
that can accept a small, medium, or large vril
battery. A heavy battery can be connected to ANKESHELIAN WEAPONS
it with a cable, but the immense battery can’t In addition to the more common Cassadegan
fit into the port. It drains 1 charge per hour coil rifle (see Midgard Worldbook), several
while active and hovers between six inches and varieties of ancient vril weaponry have
a maximum of 10 feet off the ground. It has surfaced in the sunken and buried ruins
a speed of 60 feet and ignores ground‑based of Ankeshel. Most of these weapons are
difficult terrain such as mud or rubble. It enhanced melee weapons that draw on vril
can move over water and other liquids but batteries to fuel their destructive components,
can’t climb vertical surfaces. Steep slopes are but skilled experts have recently restored a few
difficult terrain. new vril ranged weapons.
CARRIAGE Ankeshelian weapons require vril batteries
to function. A one-handed weapon can accept
A carriage skiff is a much larger version of
a small vril battery directly or any other size
the steed. Instead of a saddle-like seat, it has a
battery with a cable. A two‑handed weapon
recessed compartment with seats for a driver
can accept up to a large vril battery directly
and passenger and a larger cabin or bed in
and a heavy battery via cable.
the rear. The bed has room for additional
passengers or cargo. The compartments
provide half cover to creatures sitting in them.

CHARGED WEAPON deals double damage to objects and structures.
Ankeshelian melee weapons have copper Each attack drains 2 charges from the attached
and orichalcum coils built into their blades vril battery.
or heads with small terminals for vril battery
connections. You can activate or deactivate
a charged weapon you’re holding as a bonus Round balls crafted with a secret formula of
action. When you hit a creature with an active specially charged iron. The projectiles react
charged weapon, the creature takes an extra to the magnetic fields created by coil rifles
1d8 lightning. Each hit drains 1 charge from and revolvers and are propelled at high speed
the attached vril battery. when fired.
This sophisticated vril pistol is heavy and These melee weapons incorporate orichalcum
ornate. It fires ferromagnetic projectiles at filigree and discs into their blades or heads
high speed using magnetic coils in its barrel. A with terminals for vril battery connections.
revolving cylinder in the center of the weapon You can activate or deactivate a powered
holds 5 shots, and each attack drains 1 charge weapon you’re holding as a bonus action.
from an attached vril battery. It takes an action When you hit a creature with an active
to load 5 new shots into the cylinder. powered weapon, the creature must succeed
on a Strength saving throw (DC equal to 8 +
DISRUPTOR the ability modifier you used for the weapon’s
A bulky, rifle-like weapon with ornate copper attack + your proficiency bonus) or fall prone.
and orichalcum filigree. When connected to Each hit drains 2 charges from the vril battery.
a charged vril battery, the disruptor hums
softly, and the thick barrel flashes with faint
white arcs of energy. Firing the weapon
produces an incandescent white beam that
disintegrates solid material. The disruptor

Melee Weapons
Charged +500 gp as base weapon as base weapon charged
weapon plus 1d8 lightning plus 1 lb.
Powered +1,000 gp As base weapon as base weapon powered
weapon plus 2 lb.
Ranged Weapons
Coil revolver 5,000 gp 1d10 piercing 5 lb. ammunition
(range 30/90), special
Disruptor 8,000 gp 2d8 force 10 lb. range 100/300,
special, two‑handed
Ferromagnetic 10 gp — — —
projectiles (10)

by Greg Marks

T he Zobeck Midsummer Fair is a time

of wonder, a place where one can find
little pieces of joy hidden between the finest
collection of clockwork creatures for sale that
boggles the mind. In addition to many more
commonly seen clockwork creations, Cisnac
silks and ostentatious jewelry of exotic has created several truly unique specimens.
craftsmanship. There is no place like the All of Cisnac’s creations come with the
Crossroads City when the trade fair comes. option of bonding the clockwork to the
Amidst all its many wonders, the true purchaser or having it take orders from
prizes are made of clockwork. Booths hawk anyone holding a particular rod branded with
wares from independent craftsman, the Cisnac’s likeness and a code specific to that
Arcane Collegium, House Greymark, the clockwork. This bonding is blessed by a priest
Geargrinder’s Emporium, and even kobolds of Rava and is said to be unbreakable.
from the Kobold Ghetto. So much can be
found, they say you can’t see it all. Walk ASSASSIN SNAKE
around and try! Price: 200 gp
Despite its name, Cisnac markets this
Cisnac’s Confounding clockwork solely as a pest control option. The
Clockwork Creatures assassin snake can eliminate nuisance pests by
crawling through your house’s walls or deep
Rumors say that Cisnac Cligiglam failed out into rodent burrows infesting your garden.
of the Arcane Collegium where he learned the It is strictly NOT for use against humanoids,
basics of clockwork magic. Other whispers pets, livestock, or other beings.
say that the gnome is truly mad and made an To avoid legal problems, Cisnac only sells one
infernal pact for his creativity. Whatever the use of poison preloaded into the assassin snake
case, this diminutive phenomenon has one of and directs the buyer to visit an appropriately
the most eye‑catching tents at the Midsummer licensed dealer for their pest control needs
Fair. A cacophony of ticking gears and ringing when considering reloads. For an extra 50 gp,
bells pours out onto the street from a tent he will supply a set of tinker’s tools needed
covered in colorful pennants and ribbons, reload the clockwork, or he is willing to do the
fluttering in the breeze. A customer brave labor himself at his store located in the Gear
enough or curious enough to enter finds a District for the low price of 5 gp.

ASSASSIN SNAKE with a 3-ft.-by-3-ft. internal storage locker in
Tiny construct, unaligned its trunk where gardening staff can store tools
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) or other supplies. As an added bonus, it can
Hit Points 7 (2d4 + 2) even provide shade on a warm day.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Large construct, unaligned
2 (−4) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 6 (−2) Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (7d10 + 7)
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5 Speed 15 ft.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned 14 (+2) 8 (−1) 12 (+1) 4 (−3) 10 (+0) 4 (−3)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands one language (usually Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Common) but cannot speak Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Immutable Form. The assassin snake is immune Languages understands one language (usually
to any spell or effect that would alter its form. Common) but cannot speak
Magic Resistance. The assassin snake has Challenge 1 (200 XP)
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects. Immutable Form. The clockwork gardener is
Reservoir. The assassin snake is capable of immune to any spell or effect that would alter
carrying only one dose of poison, and once its form.
expended, the poison must be reloaded, a Magic Resistance. The clockwork gardener has
process that requires tinker’s tools and at least advantage on saving throws against spells and
1 minute. other magical effects.
Actions Water Hose. The clockwork gardener can
forcefully spray water in a powerful 60-ft. jet
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
to drive away pets or a 30-ft. cone that creates
ft., one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the
a gentle drizzle suitable for watering plants or
target must make a DC 11 Constitution saving
extinguishing exposed flames in the area.
throw, taking 7 (3d4) poison damage on a failed
save or half as much damage on a successful one. Actions
Multiattack. The clockwork gardener makes three
CLOCKWORK GARDENER attacks: two with its scything blades and one
with its slam.
Price: 150 gp
Scything Blades. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
The clockwork gardener’s bronze trunk and reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing
copper leaves help it blend into the owner’s damage.
decorative gardens while it quietly works. The Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
clockwork gardener is a boon to anyone with one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
large grounds that need constant maintenance. Water Jet. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to
hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
It can plant seeds, trim grass with scythe‑like
bludgeoning damage and the target must
blades stored internally, or even water the succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be
plants from a spigot hidden among its knocked prone.
branches. The construct also comes equipped

CLOCKWORK GUARDIAN Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 1) bludgeoning
Price: 1,500 gp
One of Cisnac’s most novel creations is the
clockwork guardian: a clockwork creature that
Parry. The clockwork guardian adds 4 to the
you wear. The clockwork guardian appears
AC of an adjacent creature against one melee
to be a baroque set of steel half plate, and attack that would hit it. To do so, the clockwork
while it is inactive, it gives the wearer all the guardian must be able to see the attacker.
benefits and disadvantages of wearing that
armor. However, as a bonus action, the wearer WATCH OWL
can order the clockwork guardian to attack a Price: 150 gp
target. It then disengages from the wearer and
One of Cisnac’s most popular clockworks is
transforms into humanoid clockwork warrior
the watch owl, a construct capable of watching
capable of defending its owner.
over an area and alerting you to trespassers.
CLOCKWORK GUARDIAN It can be set to make gentle hooting noises,
Medium construct, unaligned screech loudly, or mentally alert the owner
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) when detecting trespassers. These clockwork
Hit Points 31 (7d8) owls are available in silver, gold, or (for an
Speed 30 ft. additional 15 gp charge) painted to look like a
natural owl.
12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 5 (−3) 12 (+1) 3 (−4) WATCH OWL
Tiny construct, unaligned
Skills Athletics +3, Perception +3 Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Damage Immunities poison, psychic Hit Points 5 (2d4)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Speed 5 ft., fly 60 ft.
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Languages understands one language (usually 3 (−4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 4 (−3) 12 (+1) 8 (−1)
Common) but cannot speak
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Skills Perception +3, Stealth +3
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
False Appearance. While worn, the Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
clockwork guardian remains motionless. It is frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
indistinguishable from a suit of half plate and can Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
take no actions. It takes the clockwork guardian Languages understands one language (usually
an action to disengage from its wearer or to Common) but cannot speak
reform into a suit of half plate that can be worn.
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Immutable Form. The clockwork guardian is
immune to any spell or effect that would alter
Flyby. The watch owl doesn’t provoke opportunity
its form.
attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Magic Resistance. The clockwork guardian has
Immutable Form. The watch owl is immune
advantage on saving throws against spells and
to any spell or effect that would alter
other magical effects. It does not impart this
its form.
ability to its wearer.
Innate Spellcasting (1/day). The watch owl
Actions can innately cast alarm, requiring no material
Multiattack. The clockwork guardian makes two components. Its innate spellcasting ability is
slam attacks. Charisma.

components, pays no mind to passersby
unless they approach him. This tent is the
home of a group of five kobolds calling
themselves the Collective, and what they have
to offer is truly unique. The Collective does
not make clockwork constructs, but rather,
they modify them. For the right price, paid
upfront, they can make a number of changes
or improvements, not all of which are strictly
legal. Interested parties are taken inside, so
negotiations can happen out of public view as
the Collective displays what it has for sale only
for the right kind of customer.
All modifications are made to order and
take 3d6 days to complete, during which time
the clockwork to be modified must be present
to be worked on, except as noted.

Price: 500 gp
Opening up the clockwork and installing
several additional large gears, the Collective
can install the ability for your clockwork to
understand a second language. These gears
are hard to come by and are usually not
available for rare languages (GM discretion).
Addition of the language gears requires an
expansion of the clockwork controlling the
Keen Hearing and Sight. The watch owl has construct and leaves an unsightly bulge in its
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
head. This modification only grants the ability
rely on hearing or sight.
to understand the second language. The
Magic Resistance. The watch owl has advantage
on saving throws against spells and other clockwork still cannot speak.
magical effects.
Price: 150 gp
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage. It’s not pretty, but the Collective can
bolt plates of iron onto your construct,
increasing your clockwork’s armor class by
The Collective 1. Unfortunately, the metal plates are heavy
In an out-of-the-way corner of the fair sits and awkward. They decrease the speed of
a patch-covered tent with a hand‑scrawled your construct by 10 feet, and it suffers
sign that reads “Repairs Quick‑Quick!” A disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
kobold sits behind a counter that is little This modification cannot be added to the
more than a board balanced on two barrels. clockwork guardian and is mutually exclusive
The kobold, working on various clockwork with the speed boost modification.

COUNTERFEIT CONTROL ROD varies with the size of the clockwork (see
Price: 1,500 gp below). Note that the modification is a single
tank, so the doses must all be of the same
The Collective has copies of Cisnac Cligiglam’s
poison or alchemical substance. Reloading the
designs and can forge new control rods
tank requires tools and at least 1 minute.
for any of his creations. These rods allow
• Tiny: 2 doses
another user to give the specified clockwork
commands. This is highly illegal and thus • Small: 3 doses
expensive. This modification does not require • Medium: 5 doses
the presence of the clockwork to be created. • Large: 7 doses
At the GM’s discretion, the control rods are
imperfect and have a 25% chance of failing, HIDDEN COMPARTMENT
causing the creature to go berserk and attack Price: 50 gp
the wielder of the false control rod. The collective can install a hidden
compartment in your clockwork. Locating
the hidden compartment requires a successful
Price: 500 gp
DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Kobolds are cunning strategists and no The hidden compartment modification
strangers to adding a little spice to their cannot be combined with the chemical
creations. This modification causes the reservoir modification. The amount of space
clockwork to inject or excrete a substance the compartment can hold varies with the size
upon making a successful attack. This is of the clockwork:
most commonly used to affect the target with • Tiny: folded map, ring, lock picks
poison as most other alchemical substances • Small: dagger, potion vial, scroll tube
would also damage the clockwork. However, • Medium: shortsword, quiver of arrows
the Collective isn’t picky. If you want to squirt
• Large: longsword, full backpack
acid or alchemist’s fire all over your clockwork
in an effort to get your enemy as well, that’s
your business. They make sure the reservoir is
Price: 750 gp
resistant to alchemical reactions, though there
are no guarantees about the integrity of your Using a small blue crystal, usually in the
clockwork once it is released. This reservoir forehead for constructs that have heads, the
holds only one dose, and reloading it requires clockwork can record up to 1 hour of what it
tools and at least 1 minute. sees. The owner can then trigger the crystal
The expanded reservoir modification cannot to project the recording as an illusion similar
be combined with the hidden compartment to a silent image. Note that the recording is
modification and cannot be added to the completely visual, there is no sound, and the
assassin snake as it already has one. crystal can only recount that which could
be detected with normal vision. The magical
EXPANDED RESERVOIR recording can be deleted or saved within the
Price: 250 gp crystal after watching. The recounting crystal
can only retain one recording at a time.
Taking advantage of the ability to pack tanks
within empty space in the construct, the
Collective increases the number of doses
of poison or alchemical substance that a
clockwork can store. The storage tank size

Price: 150 gp Tiny construct, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
By removing some of the armor plating Hit Points 2 (1d4)
covering your construct and tightening its Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft.
springs to dangerous levels, the Collective
can increase the speed of your construct by STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 feet. Unfortunately, your construct’s AC is 6 (−1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 2 (−4)
lowered by 1 in the process.
This modification is mutually exclusive with Damage Immunities poison, psychic
the armor modification. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Arcane Collegium Languages understands one language (usually
Student Bazaar! Common) but cannot speak
For the first time ever, Collegium Guildmaster Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Orlando has ordered that the apprentices
Lantern’s Light. The clockwork lantern can shed
in the School of Gear Magic display their
light from dim to bright in a radius of 5–30 feet
projects to the public. This maze-like tent is on command.
filled with designs that range from laughable Immutable Form. The clockwork lantern is
to amazing. Most are not available for sale, immune to any spell or effect that would alter
but having already been scored and returned its form.
to the students, a few of the coin-strapped Magic Resistance. The clockwork lantern has
apprentices are looking to turn their talents advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects.
to profit, much to the dismay of the clerics of
Rava and the Geargrinders Guild. Actions
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
CLOCKWORK LANTERN one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Price: 100 gp Lantern’s Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +2 to hit,
range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) fire damage.
Apprentices find themselves working at all
hours and frequently need a good lamp. The
clockwork lantern is an improvement on
Price: 1,000 gp
the standard lantern as it floats up to 10 feet
off the ground and can follow the pace of an The clockwork tutor is the answer to any
average student as they go about their chores. student’s problems. This adaptive clockwork
It can alter its wick on command to shed light learns the way you learn and assists in
in a radius from 5–30 feet, even dimming teaching you any language or tool proficiency,
itself if ordered. decreasing the downtime days required to
The creator of the clockwork lantern learn them by 25%. In addition, it is capable
has accompanied his master on several of casting a number of spells that can help any
expeditions into dangerous places, so the apprentice short of time.
lantern also comes equipped with the ability The clockwork tutor looks like a Medium-
to lob small tongues of fire short distances in sized humanoid made of tin and brass with
order to discourage hungry predators. It can full beard and dressed in comical wizard
also be used to start campfires. robes complete with pointed metal hat.

CLOCKWORK TUTOR Immutable Form. The clockwork tutor is immune
to any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Medium construct, unaligned
Innate Spellcasting. The clockwork tutor’s innate
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
DC 13). It can innately cast the following spells,
Speed 30 ft.
requiring no material components:
3/day each: guidance, light, mage hand,
prestidigitation, vicious mockery
8 (−1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (−1)
1/day each: alarm, comprehend languages,
goodberry, sleep
Saving Throws Dex +2, Con +4, Int +5 Magic Resistance. The clockwork tutor has
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Insight +2, Nature advantage on saving throws against spells and
+5, Religion +5 other magical effects.
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Actions
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned Multiattack. The clockwork tutor makes two slam
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10 attacks.
Languages Common Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage.

Adaptive Teaching. The clockwork tutor

decreases the time required to learn
a language or tool
proficiency by
25%. To reap this
decrease, the tutor
must work with the
student for at least 4
hours per day.

by Lysa Penrose

O ft threatened by raiding centaurs,

dragon legions, and the bandits of
the Ruby Despotate, the Duchy of Perun’s
is famed—are quite adept at defending the
duchy. Their natural and trained skills are
aided by masterfully crafted items and by relics
Daughter doesn’t take kindly to outsiders discovered in Sephaya, the current capital city
too curious about what lies in Perunalia’s and former ancient city of the elves.
vaults and armories—especially those who
gawk at the duchy’s leadership of powerful ANCIENT SEPHAYAN BOW
women. Societies dominated by men are Weapon (longbow), uncommon
dominated too by their rampant emotions: Perunalian historians believe these longbows
envy, greed, rage. Waging war to capture the uncovered in the trees of Sephaya were crafted
coveted treasures of their neighbors seems by elves who lived in an ancient city on the
ridiculous to the matriarchal Perunalians same land. The wood does not match any
despite its common practice. They believe it’s found in the plentiful gardens of Perunalia’s
much more sensible to nurture a legacy of capitol city, and the true origins of these
culture, education, and invention. This rare bows—flexible and light yet sturdy and
peek at Perunalia’s bounty has been pieced strong—remains a mystery.
together by accounts from the Crossroads’s This longbow does not have the heavy
noble daughters who’ve attended Perunalia’s property.
academies and Zobeck merchants who’ve
crossed paths with Perunalian traders. ARCH OF THE TEMPEST
Weapon (longbow), legendary, requires attunement

Daughters of Some say the master bowyers of Perunalia

War and Thunder gained the knowledge to craft these longbows
as a gift from Perun himself. Others say the
Perunalia is ruled by the demigod Vasilka boldest women of Perunalia stared into the
Soulay, the daughter of Perun, god of war heart of the storm without fear and learned to
and thunder. Although Vasilka is a woman harness its power themselves.
of wisdom and learning, she is also a goddess You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
of great courage, and Perunalia’s warrior rolls made with this magic weapon. When you
women—whether paladins of the Order of the hit a target with the longbow, it takes an extra
White Lions or archers for whom Perunalia 3d6 thunder damage.

Righteous Lightning. The longbow has 3
charges. When you make a ranged attack
roll with this weapon, you can expend a
charge to cause a stroke of lightning 5 feet
wide to blast after your arrow in a straight
line ending at your target. Each creature in
the line, including your target,
must make a DC 17 Dexterity
saving throw. A creature
takes 8d6 lightning
damage on a failed save
or half as much damage
on a successful one.
The longbow regains all
expended charges at dawn.
Avatar of the Storm.
When the longbow
is fully charged, its power
manifests in a 10-foot-radius
sphere around you, such as swirling
winds or crackling dark clouds above
you. When you are hit by a melee attack
and the attacker is within this sphere, you
can use your reaction to deal 3d6 lightning
damage to the attacker.
For Perunalia! Only those native to
Perunalia can wield this weapon freely. If
you are not native, when you attune or break
attunement to this bow, you must make a
DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 100
(10d10 + 45) thunder damage or half as much 17 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d6
damage on a success. piercing damage and dislodging the arrow on
a success.
ARROW OF GRABBING As an action, you can attempt to pull the
Weapon (arrow), very rare grabbed creature up to 10 feet in a straight
This arrow has a barbed head and is wound line toward you, forcing the creature to
with a fine but strong thread that unravels as reattempt the saving throw. If the creature
the arrow soars. If a creature takes damage fails, you can move it.
from the arrow, the creature must succeed a
DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 ARROW OF UNPLEASANT HERBS
damage and have the arrowhead lodged in Weapon (arrow), rare
its flesh. Perunalia is known for its botanists who
A creature grabbed by this arrow cannot use their skills to beautify the duchy’s many
move farther away from you. At the end gardens and to create healing and helpful
of its turn, the creature can attempt a DC potions and poultices. But their discovery

of more “unpleasant” herbs doesn’t go to CLOAK OF THE WHITE LIONS
waste. Handle these arrows carefully. Their Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
arrowheads are rubbed with poisonous leaves.
This cloak is woven with crisp white and
If a creature takes damage from the arrow,
shining silver threads to create the image of
it must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving
a roaring female lion’s head. While wearing
throw against poison. On a failed save, the
this cloak, you have advantage on attack
creature spends it next turn retching and
rolls against a creature if at least one of your
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and isn’t
BLOODBOW incapacitated.
While wearing the cloak, you can use
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)
your action to cast polymorph on yourself,
A fresh bloodbow is carved of a light, sturdy transforming into a lion. While you are in the
wood such as hickory or yew, but to reach form of the lion, you retain your Intelligence,
its full potential, a bloodbow must be stained Wisdom, and Charisma scores. The cloak can’t
in the blood of creatures it has slain. You’re be used this way again until the next dawn.
more likely to see a bloodbow in a deep
maroon hue, lacquered and aged under GAUNTLETS OF THE WHITE LIONS
layers of sundried blood and sometimes Wondrous item, uncommon
embellished with dragonborn teeth, centaur (requires attunement by a paladin)
tails, or other battle trophies. Perunalians use
The female paladins of the Order of the White
these weapons to make their enemies’ blood
Lions defend their lands against the onslaught
boil into madness. of warring men. These gauntlets—steel cast
Bloodbows affect creatures of the type with in the shape of lions’ heads and polished to a
whose blood the weapon was last soaked.
When you make a ranged attack roll with this
magic weapon against a creature of that type,
you have a +1 bonus to attack and damage
rolls. If the attack hits, your target must
succeed a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or
become enraged until the end of your next
turn. While enraged, the target suffers a
short-term madness effect.
Bloodbows most commonly are
soaked in the blood of bandits,
dragonborn, and other humanoids. If you
soak this weapon in the blood of a different
creature type, the bloodbow immediately
ceases to affect the previous type. The
bow affects the new type after a
long rest.

nearly white gleam—strengthen their divine
powers for this cause.
The Duchess’s Fair
All of Perunalia’s archers put their skills
While you wear these gauntlets, when you
on display at this famous summer fair and
hit a creature with a melee weapon attack
tournament. Archers earn colorful feathers that
and use your Divine Smite feature, the
are markers of their warrior rank. These have a
damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an evil
single-use effect, after which they become mere
humanoid, to a maximum of 6d8.
decorations—more motivation for archers to
PERUNALIAN TRAINING BOW return each year to earn new feathers.
Weapon (shortbow), uncommon
For girls in Perunalia, beginning one’s archery Wondrous item, uncommon
training is a rite of passage at the age of 14.
This feather token is shaped like a white cloud.
Families send their daughters to the best
You can use an action to step on the token,
archery schools throughout the lands, and
which expands into a 10-foot-diameter cloud
mothers traditionally gift their daughters’ first
that immediately begins to rise slowly to a
bows and arrows at this age.
height of 20 feet. Any creatures standing on
This bow has 5 charges. When you make
the cloud rise with it. The cloud disappears
a ranged attack roll with this weapon and
after 10 minutes, and anything that was on the
miss the target, you can expend 1 charge and
cloud falls slowly to the ground.
reroll the die. Alternatively, when you make
a ranged attack roll with this weapon, you
can expend 3 charges to forgo rolling the d20
Wondrous item, rare
to get a 13 on the die. The bow regains 1d4
charges daily at dawn. This feather token is shaped like a black moon.
As an action, you can brush the feather over a
PERUNALIAN TRAINING QUIVER willing creature’s eyes to grant it the ability to
Wondrous item, uncommon see in the dark. For 1 hour, that creature has
darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, including
The wealthy families of Perunalia ensure their
in magical darkness.
daughters are equipped with everything they
need before sending them away to archery
academies. In addition to holding your
Wondrous item, legendary
standard arrows, these training quivers have
extra adventuring gear any young warrior The annual winner of the Duchess’s Fair is
might need. deemed the Grand Maiden. This multi‑colored
As an action, you can reach into the quiver feather token is shaped like the flag of
and request adventuring gear worth up to Perunalia: a red flag with a roaring white lion
50 gp. Roll 1d100. If you roll higher than the and a blue thunderbolt. While carrying this
numerical value of the cost of that item, you token, you gain a +2 bonus to ability checks,
find it in your quiver. For example, if an item saving throws, and attack rolls.
costs 5 cp, you must roll 6 or higher. If an As an action, you can choose one of the
item costs 50 gp, you must roll 51 or higher. following effects:
The quiver cannot be used in this way again • Tear off a red feather. You are immune to
until the next dawn. all damage for 10 minutes.
Once you’ve pulled 5 items from the quiver, • Tear off a white feather. Allies within 30
it becomes a non-magical quiver. feet of you regain hit points equal to half of
their maximum hit points.

• Tear off a blue feather. Furious lightning When not bound to a book, this red
and showers of arrows strike to the leather cover is embossed with images
ground at four different points you can of eyes on every inch of its surface. Once
see within 1 mile. Each creature in a wrapped around a tome, it shifts the book’s
40-foot-radius sphere centered on each appearance to a plain red cover with a title of
point you choose must make a DC 17 your choosing and blank pages on which you
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes can write.
20d6 lightning damage and 20d6 piercing When viewing the wrapped book, other
damage on a failed save or half as much creatures see the plain red version with
damage on a successful one. any contents you’ve written. A creature
succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
HELD HEART FEATHER TOKEN check sees the real book and can remove the
Wondrous item, very rare shroud.
A Perunalian warrior bearing the red feather
has mastered her weapon. This feather token
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
is shaped like red heart held aloft by a hand.
While carrying this token, your initiative rolls When storms pass through Perunalia and
have advantage. As an action, you can press lightning strikes the Argent River, Perunalia’s
the feather against a willing creature. The fishers know to check for oysters washed
target regains all its hit points. ashore, for they might hold rare storm-
touched pearls with a characteristic deep
blue hue. Only the duchy’s finest jewelers can
A Center of Culture, afford to craft with such a coveted material,
Art, and Trade and rarely do they get ahold of more than one
Although Perunalians’ mastery of war brings or two such pearls. As such, often these blue
them renown, the women of Perunalia find pearls are fashioned into earrings.
more joy in the pursuit of education, the While wearing these earrings, you gain the
study of art, and the trade of their gentler following benefits:
bounties: fish and oysters, gardening, fine • You have resistance to cold, lightning,
jewel work, and more. The merchants of and thunder damage.
Zobeck to the northwest speak highly of • You can understand Primordial. When
shrewd Perunalian traders and their wares. it is spoken, the pearls echo the words
in a language you can understand, at a
BOOK SHROUD whisper only you can hear.
Wondrous item, uncommon • You cannot be deafened.
They say there are two sides to every story, • You can breathe air and water.
and hidden in the Perunalian Palatial • Once per day, you can cast the spell sleet
Library’s shelves, there are some books that storm (DC 13). Once used, this property
prove this truer than ever. While browsing of the earrings can’t be used again until
tomes of ancient lore, you might happen the next dawn.
upon a book spine whose title seems to shift
and shimmer. This book might be hiding its
true knowledge beneath a book shroud.

Wondrous item, legendary Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement by a bard)
Although many women who flee the
Although her father is the god of war and Despotate or the Magdar Kingdom to the
thunder, Vasilka takes after her human duchy’s borders join Perunalia’s army as
mother Illyena and spends her time in soldiers, nearly as many find a livelihood
contemplation and study. She is a patroness as weavers. Beautiful woven cloth is one of
of learning and the arts and holds bards in Perunalia’s chief exports. This portable frame
high esteem, hoping to entice more female loom is appropriate for adventurers with
bards to her capitol city Sephaya. Bards whose a taste for arts and crafts as well and offers
music moves Vasilka are gifted powerful insight into why Perunalia’s fabric is so valued.
instruments bestowed with her divine favor. A If you spend 1 hour weaving on this loom,
creature that attempts to play the instrument roll 1d20 and record the number rolled. You
without being attuned to it with Vasilka’s can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or
blessing must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom ability check, made by you or a creature that
saving throw or take 6d4 psychic damage. you can see, with this roll. You must choose to
One Woman Band. This item can transform do so before the roll. The loom can’t be used
into any musical instrument. As an action, this way again until the next dawn.
you can transform the instrument into the Once you have used the loom 3 times,
form of any with which you are proficient. the fabric is complete, and the loom is no
Legendary Performer. While attuned to this longer magical. The fabric becomes a shifting
instrument, you have advantage on Charisma tapestry that represents your adventures those
(Performance) checks. 3 days.
Vasilka’s Divine Magic. You can use an action
to play the instrument and cast one of its WHITE DANDELIONS
spells: bless, calm emotions, control weather, Wondrous item, common
death ward, guardian of faith, mass heal, These fluffy white flowers are the bane of
sanctuary. Once the instrument has been used many a Perunalian botanist as they seem to
to cast a spell, it can’t be used to cast that spell wage war against a carefully curated garden
again until the next dawn. The spells use your with the same efficacy of any Perunalian
spellcasting ability and spell save DC. warrior. However, Perunalians also associate
the flower with their protectors, the Order
of the White Lions, and Perunalia’s children
gleefully blow on the flowers’ seeds to spread
their good omen, much to the botanist’s
Perhaps there is something to their
reputation as protectors. As a reaction, you
can choose for the white dandelion to explode
in a flurry of seeds that distract your attacker,
adding a +1 bonus immediately to a saving
throw or to your armor class until the start of
your next turn. Once it is used in this way, the
remaining flower stem wilts.

by Marc Radle

M agical staves are among the most

sought-after magic items for many
spellcasters. In Midgard, there are a number
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, the crystal shatters,
of unique magical staves, many with rich destroying the staff and dealing 2d6 piercing
histories and lore. damage to anyone in a 10-foot radius.


Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
While many magical staff spells are found in warlock, or wizard)
the SRD, those marked with an asterisk (*)
Fashioned from twisted ash wood, this staff’s
appear in the Midgard Heroes Handbook.
head is carved in the realistic likeness of a
serpent preparing to strike.
Serpent staves are often found in the hands of
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard) lamia sorcerers in Kush and Nuria Natal and
among the serpent‑scholars of Lignas.
A staff carved from a single piece of solid
You have resistance to poison damage while
crystal, it has numerous reflective facets that
you hold this staff.
produce a strangely hypnotic effect.
The staff has 10 charges.
These strange magical staves were relatively
common in the Valeran Empire before its fall Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
and in Ankeshel during its golden age. Today, action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
those few crystal staves that remain can be cast one of the following spells from it, using
found almost anywhere in Midgard. your spell save DC: poisoned volley*
The staff has 10 charges. (2 charges), or protection from poison
(2 charges).
Spells: While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to Serpent form: You can use an action and
cast one of the following spells from it, using expend 2 charges to assume the shape of a beast
your spell save DC: color spray (1 charge), (snake only) that has a challenge rating of 2 or
hypnotic pattern (3 charges), confound senses* lower. You can remain in this form for up to
(3 charges), confusion (4 charges), jeweled 1 minute. You can revert to your normal form
fissure* (3 charge), prismatic ray* before then by using an action. Otherwise, treat
(5 charges), or prismatic spray (7 charges). as the druid’s Wildshape ability.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, the carved snake head
twists and magically consumes the rest of the
staff, immediately destroying it.

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a druid, sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
Delicate web-like designs are carved into
the wood of this twisted staff, which is often
topped with the carved likeness of a spider.
Said to have been created in the Southlands
by mages loyal to the Spider Prophet, these
magical staves are occasionally encountered in
regions far from that windswept desert land.
The staff has 10 charges.
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: spider climb (2 charges) or
web \(2 charges).
Spider Swarm: While holding the staff, you
can use an action and expend 1 charge to
cause a swarm of spiders to appear in a space
that you can see within 60 feet. The swarm
of spiders remains for 1 minute, until you
dismiss it as an action, or until you move
more than 100 feet away from it.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, a swarm of spiders appears
and consumes the staff and then vanishes.

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
Made from stout oak with steel bands and bits
of chain running its entire length, the staff
feels oddly heavy.
First known in the magocracies before the
collapse, there are still a few of these staves in
Bemmea and Bourgund today.
This staff has 10 charges.

Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: arcane lock (2 charges),
hold monster (5 charges), hold person
(2 charges), lock armor* (2 charge), or planar
binding (5 charges).
Unbound: While holding the staff, you can
use your reaction to expend 1 charge and gain
advantage on a saving throw you make to
avoid being paralyzed or restrained.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff constricts in upon
itself and is destroyed.

Staff, rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
This is a graceful, highly polished wooden
staff crafted from willow. A crystal ball tops
the staff, and smooth gold bands twist around
its shaft.
The first known reports of these staves come
from the courts of the Grand Duchy and the
Seven Cities, especially Friula, Triolo and
Capleon, but they can now be found in almost
every part of Midgard.
This staff has 10 charges.
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
to cast one of the following spells from it,
using your spell save DC: detect thoughts (2
charges), locate creature (4 charges), locate
object (2 charges), scrying (5 charges), true
seeing (6 charges).
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, a bright flash of light erupts
from the crystal ball and the staff vanishes.

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
Made of gently twisting ash and engraved with
spiraling runes, the staff feels strangely lighter
than its size would otherwise suggest.
First created in Kel Azjer, a secluded
mountaintop city in the Southlands region
known as the Dominion of the Wind Lords,
these staves can be found throughout most of
Midgard due to the network of magical Red
Portals located within the city.
This staff has 10 charges.
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: circle of wind* (1 charge),
feather fall (1 charge), gust of wind (2 charges),
Perun’s doom* (3 charges), wind wall (3
charges), wind walk (6 charges), wind tunnel*
(1 charge), or wresting wind* (2 charges).
You can also use an action to cast the wind
lash* cantrip from the staff without expending
any charges.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff crumbles into
ashes and is taken away with the breeze.


Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a cleric,
sorcerer, or wizard of a non-evil alignment)

Crafted from polished bone, this strange staff

is carved with numerous arcane symbols and
mystical runes.
These rare and powerful staves originate from
the gravebinders of Siwal in the Southlands,
though they have been reported in the
possession of powerful white necromancers as
far away as Valera and Trombei.
The staff has 10 charges.
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: false life (1 charge), gentle

riposte (2 charges), heartstop* (2 charges), STAFF OF WINTER AND ICE
death ward (4 charges), raise dead (5 charges), Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
revivify (3 charges), shared sacrifice* (2 warlock, or wizard)
charges), speak with dead (3 charges). This pure white, pine staff is topped with an
You can also use an action to cast the bless ornately faceted shard of ice. The entire staff is
the dead* cantrip from the staff without using cold to the touch.
any charges. Crafted in the Northlands, there were once
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges many of these staves. Now, there are only
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, five known to exist. One is rumored to lie
roll a d20. On a 1, the bone staff immediately somewhere in the great ice castle of the frost
crumbles to dust. giant jarl, Holgi the Grim; another is said to
be in the possession of the trollkin sorcerer
Ulraag the White; a third staff was last seen
Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a druid, among the hoard of the fearsome white
sorcerer, warlock, or wizard)
dragon Gelidaxis; the whereabouts of the
This gnarled and twisted oak staff has remaining two are not currently known.
numerous thorns growing from its surface. You have resistance to cold damage while
Green vines tightly wind their way up along you hold this staff.
the shaft. The staff has 20 charges
The origin of these staves is unknown,
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use
though many say that the first such staves
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
came from the druids of Verrayne.
to cast one of the following spells from it,
The staff can be wielded as a magic
using your spell save DC: Boreas’s breath*
quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack
(2 charges), curse of Boreas* (6 charges), ice
and damage rolls made with it.
storm (4 charges), flurry* (1 charge), freezing
When you hit with a melee attack using the
fog* (3 charges), frostbite* (5 charges), frozen
staff, you can expend up to 3 of its charges.
razors* (3 charges), gliding step* (1 charge),
For each charge you expend, the target takes
sleet storm (3 charges), wall of ice (6 charges),
an extra 1d6 piercing damage.
cone of cold (5 charges), freezing sphere (6
The staff has 10 charges.
charges), snow boulder*
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an (4 charges), triumph of ice* (7 charges).
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to You can also use an action to cast the chill
cast one of the following spells from it, using touch or ray of frost cantrips from the staff
your spell save DC: barkskin (2 charges), without using any charges.
entangle (1 charge), speak with plants (3
Retributive Strike: You can use an action
charge), spike growth (2 charge), vine trestle*
to break the staff over your knee or against
(2 charges), or wall of thorns (6 charges)
a solid surface, performing a retributive
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
remaining magic in an explosion that expands
roll a d20. On a 1, the thorns immediately fall
to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on it.
from the staff and it becomes a nonmagical
You have a 50 percent chance to instantly
travel to a random plane of existence, avoiding
the explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect,
you take cold damage equal to 16 × the
number of charges in the staff.

Every other creature in the area must make
a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, a creature takes an amount of cold
damage based on how far away it is from
the point of origin as shown in the following
table. On a successful save, a creature takes
half as much damage.

10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of

charges in the staff
11–20 ft. away 6 × the number of
charges in the staff
21–30 ft. away 4 × the number of
charges in the staff

The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges

daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its resistance
to cold damage but loses all other properties.
On a 20, the staff regains 1d8 + 2 charges.

Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a sorcerer,
warlock, or wizard)
Sturdy and smooth, this impressive staff is
crafted from solid stone. Most stone staves are
crafted by dwarf mages and few ever find their
way into non-dwarven hands.
The staff can be wielded as a magic
quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with it.
The staff has 10 charges.
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells from it, using
your spell save DC: earthskimmer* (4 charges),
entomb* (6 charges), flesh to stone (6 charges),
meld into stone (3 charges), spire of stone*
(2 charges), stone shape (4 charges), stone skin
(4 charges), or wall of stone (5 charges).
You can also use an action to cast the
pummelstone* cantrip from the staff without
using any charges.
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges
daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,

roll a d20. On a 1, hundreds of cracks appear You have a 50 percent chance to instantly
across the staff’s surface and it crumbles into travel to the Plane of Shadow, avoiding the
tiny bits of stone. explosion. If you fail to avoid the effect, you
take force damage equal to 16 × the number
UMBRAL STAFF of charges in the staff.
Staff, legendary (requires attunement by a sorcerer, Every other creature in the area must make a
warlock, or wizard) DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
Made of twisted darkwood and covered in a creature takes an amount of damage based on
complex runes and sigils, this powerful and how far away it is from the point of origin as
sought‑after staff seems to emanate darkness. shown in the following table. On a successful
There have only been three umbral staffs save, a creature takes half as much damage.
known in the world. Rergrath the Red, a DISTANCE FROM ORIGIN DAMAGE
powerful centaur warlock of the Rothenian
10 ft. away or closer 8 × the number of
Plain possesses one; a shadowmancer known
charges in the staff
only as The Night That Walks is said to have
one; the last is said to be lost somewhere in the 11–20 ft. away 6 × the number of
charges in the staff
fallen magocracies of the Western Wastes.
You have resistance to radiant damage while 21–30 ft. away 4 × the number of
you hold this staff. charges in the staff
The staff has 20 charges.
The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges
Spells: While holding the staff, you can use
daily at midnight. If you expend the last
an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff retains its
to cast one of the following spells from it,
ability to cast the claws of darkness*, shadow
using your spell save DC: become nightwing*
blindness*, or douse light* cantrips but loses all
(6 charges), black hand* (4 charges), black
other properties. On a 20, the staff regains 1d8
ribbons* (1 charge), black well* (6 charges),
+ 2 charges.
cloying darkness* (1 charge), cloak of shadow*
(1 charge), darkvision (2 charges), darkness
(2 charges), dark dementing* (5 charges),
dark path* (2 charges), darkbolt* (2 charges),
encroaching shadows* (6 charges), night RANDOM TREASURE
terrors* (4 charges), shadow armor* (1 STAFF % ROLL
charge), shadow hands* (1 charge), shadow Crystal Staff 01–11
puppets* (2 charges), or slither* (2 charges). Serpent Staff 12–23
You can also use an action to cast the claws
Spider Staff 24–35
of darkness*, shadow blindness*, or douse
light* cantrips from the staff without using Staff of Binding 36–45
any charges. Staff of the Four Winds 46–53
Retributive Strike: You can use an action Staff of Scrying 54–63
to break the staff over your knee or against Staff of Thorns 64–73
a solid surface, performing a retributive Staff of the White Necromancer 74–85
strike. The staff is destroyed and releases its
Staff of Winter and Ice 86–87
remaining magic in an explosion of darkness
Stone Staff 88–98
(as the darkness spell) that expands to fill a
30-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Umbral Staff 99–00

by Brian Suskind

T wo hundred years of war between the

Mharoti Empire and Great Khandaria
destroyed the fair country of Sindhu. Rivers
Chain Counterspell (abjuration)

of blood spilled from the clash of armies, Druid Spells

titanic detonations of alchemical munitions,
and arcane corruption from all manner of 2ND LEVEL
spells transformed this once fertile land into Blessings of the Animal Lords (transmutation)
the Red Wastes. Yet among the hastily buried Caustic Sphere (conjuration)
corpses, shattered skeletons of siege engines,
and forgotten encampments, great plunder
and lost arcana await the bold or foolish. Expeditious Attack (enchantment)

New Spells Burning Cyclone (evocation)
The urgency of war brings about efficiency
and creativity in all things. This includes the Ranger Spells
development of magic.

Bard Spells Blessings of the Animal Lords (transmutation)

3RD LEVEL Warlock Spells

Expeditious Attack (enchantment)
6TH LEVEL Alchemical Geyser (evocation)
Chain Counterspell (abjuration)

Cleric Spells Caustic Sphere (conjuration)


Blessings of the Animal Lords (transmutation) Expeditious Attack (enchantment)


Expeditious Attack (enchantment) Chain Counterspell (abjuration)

Wizard/Sorcerer Spells 3RD LEVEL
Expeditious Attack (enchantment)
Alchemical Geyser (evocation) 4TH LEVEL
Burning Cyclone (evocation)
Caustic Sphere (conjuration) 6TH LEVEL
Chain Counterspell (abjuration)


Spells are presented in alphabetical order. 2nd-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level evocation Components: V, S, M (a pinch of fur and
Casting Time: 1 action feathers tied with silk cord)
Range: 120 feet Duration: 8 hours or until dispelled or
Components: V, S, M (a dilution of
alchemist’s fire in a vial) Channeling the power of the Animal Lords,
Duration: Instantaneous you trace a glyph onto a willing creature that
With a tremendous explosion, a fountain of bestows a specific blessing. When you cast this
alchemist’s fire erupts from a chosen point spell, you choose which Animal Lord symbol
within range. Every creature in a 10-foot the target creature receives. The symbol is
radius centered on that point must make a nearly invisible and requires a successful
Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 1d4 fire Intelligence (Investigation) check against your
damage on a failed save and half as much on a spell save DC to be found.
successful one. The target of your spell can activate the
A creature who fails its saving throw takes glyph as an action or reaction depending on
an additional 1d4 fire damage at the start the type of Animal Lord chosen. A creature
of each of its turns. A creature can end the can possess only one glyph on its body at a
ongoing fire damage by using its action to time. When 8 hours have passed or a glyph is
make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish triggered, the spell immediately ends.
the flames. • Bat King: Keen Hearing [Action]. You
gain advantage on your next Wisdom
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
(Perception) check that relies on hearing
using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you
create one additional geyser for each slot level • Brother Ox: Deflect Missile [Reaction].
above 1st. Overlapping damage from different When struck by a ranged weapon attack,
geysers do not stack. you can reduce the damage by 1d10 +
your spellcasting ability modifier + your
proficiency bonus.
• Lord of Vultures: Winged Reposition
[Action]. On your next movement, you
can fly up to 60 feet without provoking
opportunity attacks

• Monkey King: Drunken Dodge [Reaction]. foot cube must make a Strength saving throw.
When you are struck by a melee weapon On a failed save, the high winds of the vortex
attack, you gain resistance against that pull the creature 5 feet toward the center of
type of attack until your next turn. the cyclone.
• Mouse King: Keen Sight [Action]. You At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
gain advantage on your next Wisdom using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you
(Perception) check that relies on sight can create one additional cyclone for each slot
• Queen of Birds: Parry [Reaction]. You level above 4th. Damage from overlapping
can add 5 to your AC against one melee cyclones do not stack.
weapon attack that would hit you,
provided that you can see the attacker and CAUSTIC SPHERE
you are wielding a melee weapon. 2nd-Level conjuration
• Queen of Cats: Agile Leap [Action]. On Casting Time: 1 action
your next movement, you can move up Range: 120 feet
to your speed, jumping or climbing over Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powdered
obstacles, and ignore extra movement alum, niter, and sulfate)
from difficult terrain. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
• Queen of Serpents: Ophidian Fortitude A glowing green orb flashes from your
[Reaction]. You gain advantage on your hand to a chosen point within range for the
next saving throw against poison. duration. When the spell ends, either because
your concentration is broken or because you
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
decide to end it, the orb ruptures into a cloud
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you
of acid. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius
can inscribe another glyph on a different
sphere centered on that point must make a
willing creature for each slot level above 3rd.
Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6
acid damage on a failed save or half as much
on a successful one.
4th-level evocation
If at the end of your turn the orb has not
Casting Time: 1 action
yet ruptured, the damage increases by 1d6
Range: 120 feet
(maximum 1d6 per caster level).
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of red
If a creature enters a square adjacent to the
dragon scale)
greenish orb or touches it, the creature must
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Invoking the draconic mastery over fire and save, the spell ends immediately, causing that
the sky, a whirling cyclone of wind and flame orb to rupture.
covering a 10-foot cube erupts at a chosen On a successful save, the creature can pick
point within range. Each creature in the area up and throw the orb up to 40 feet. When it
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a strikes a creature or a solid object, that orb
failed save, a creature takes 5d8 fire damage or immediately ruptures.
half as much on a successful one.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
A creature takes the same damage when it
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher,
enters the cyclone for the first time on a turn
you create one additional orb for each slot
or if it ends its turn there.
level above 2nd. You can choose to trigger
Upon casting the spell and at the beginning
individual orbs to rupture.
of its turn, each creature adjacent to the 10-

6th-level abjuration 3rd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 reaction which you take Casting Time: 1 reaction which you take when
when you see a creature within 60 feet of you an ally within range makes a successful attack
casting a spell (see text) Range: 60 feet
Range: 60 feet Components: V, S
Components: S Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) When you witness an ally’s successful attack,
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the you can use a reaction to give that ally an
process of casting a spell, and if successful, you immediate bonus attack with a −2 penalty to
can chain additional counterspell attempts for the attack roll.
the rest of the round. If the target creature is At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell
casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the ally
fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell gains another bonus attack for each slot level
of 4th level or higher, make an ability check above 3rd. However, each bonus attack after
using your spellcasting ability (DC 10 + the the first adds a cumulative −1 to the attack roll
spell’s level). On a success, the creature’s spell penalty (that is, −3 for 2nd bonus attack, −4 for
fails and has no effect. 3rd, −5 for 4th, and so on).
As a bonus reaction until the beginning
of your next turn, you can attempt to
counterspell any creature you can see casting Equipment
a spell within 60 feet of you. Regardless of the Your efficacy as a soldier is dependent upon
level of spell the creature is casting, you must the quality of your gear.
make an ability check using your spellcasting
ability (DC 10 + the spell’s level). On a success,
the creature’s spell fails and has no effect. As an action, you can throw one of these
As long as you continue to make successful bottles up to 20 feet. Shattering on impact,
ability checks, you may continue to use bonus the alchemical liquid inside causes a specific
reactions to counterspell. If you fail one of type of damage. Make a ranged attack against
these ability checks, this spell ends. a creature or object, treating the bottle as an
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes
using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage (and any additional effect), according
DC for the additional counterspell attempts is to the type of liquid (see chart below).
reduced by 1 for each slot level above 6th.


Acid 2d6 acid damage (as acid vial). 25 gp
Cold 1d4 cold damage, and target’s speed is halved until it uses an action to succeed at a 50 gp
DC 10 Constitution check.
Fire 1d4 fire damage (as alchemist’s fire). 50 gp
Lightning 1d6 lightning damage and target must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution 100 gp
saving throw or be paralyzed for one turn.
Poison Target must succeed at a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. 100 gp
Thunder 1d4 thunder damage and target is deafened until it uses an action to succeed 50 gp
at a DC 10 Constitution saving throw.

The glowing sword buried in a hastily dug Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
grave. The overlooked chest from a raided While holding this banner aloft with one
supply caravan. A scroll tube still clutched in hand, you can use an action to grant any
a dead wizard’s hand. All of these and more ally who can see you, within 60 feet at the
await in the Red Wastes for the canny thief or moment of activation, advantage on their
opportunistic adventurer. next attack. The banner cannot be used this
way again until the next dawn.
The magic items are presented in alphabetical Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement
order. by a cleric, druid, or paladin)

You can use an action to wrap these white

linen bandages around the appendage of a
Weapon (maul), uncommon
creature. Anytime during the next hour, you
(requires attunement)
can use an action to activate the bandages
Also called an anointing gada, you gain a to heal 1d6+3 hit points of damage. The
+1 bonus to attack and damage with this creature must be within 60 feet of you when
Khandarian magic weapon. In addition, you activate the bandages.
the ornately decorated head of the mace is Once activated, the bandages cannot be used
perforated with small holes, and within is a again in this way until the next dawn. You
reservoir for liquid. As a bonus action, you can only have one farhealing bandage attuned
can activate the item, so a successful melee at a time.
attack deals normal damage and causes the
target to suffer the effects of the stored liquid LODESTONE CALTROPS
(such as alchemist’s fire). Wondrous item, uncommon
Activating this feature uses up the liquid
As an action, you can spread a bag of twenty
regardless of the success or failure of the
magically magnetic caltrops to cover a square
attack. You can use an action to load a new
area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature
liquid into the anointing mace.
that enters the area wearing metal armor or
BALEFUL WARDRUMS carrying metal items must succeed on a DC
10 Strength saving throw or stop moving
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
this turn. A creature who begins its turn in
You must be proficient with percussion the area can attempt another saving throw to
instruments to use these drums. The drums leave or drop its metal objects.
have 3 charges. If you play the drums as an
action, you can use one charge to force all foes LUCKY CHARM OF THE MONKEY KING
within 60 feet to succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
saving throw or gain disadvantage on their
This tiny stone statue of a grinning monkey
next weapon or spell attack. A creature that
holds a leather loop in its paws, so the charm
succeeds on its saving throw is immune to the
can be hung from a belt or pouch. While you
effects of this drum for 24 hours. The drum
are attuned to the lucky charm, you can use a
regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
bonus action to grant yourself a +1 bonus to
your next die roll. The charm cannot be used

again this way until the next dawn.
You can only be attuned to one
lucky charm at a time.

Wondrous item, uncommon

This 60-foot length of fine wire

cable weighs 2 pounds. If you
hold one end of the cable and use
an action to speak its command
word, the other end plunges into
the ground, burrowing through dirt,
sand, and similar material to emerge from
the ground at a destination you can see up to
its maximum length away.
On the same turn as it is activated, you can
use a bonus action to magically travel from
one end of the cable to the other, appearing in
a free space adjacent to the further end. This
movement does not provoke opportunity
attacks nor does it cost movement.
On subsequent turns, you or other
creatures can use an action to travel along
the cable. You can retract the cable by using
a bonus action to speak the command word a
second time.
The cable has AC 14 and 12 hit points. It
regains 1 hit point every 5 minutes as long as
it has at least 1 hit point. If the cable drops to
0 hit points, it is destroyed.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This ornamental bracer features a reservoir

capable of securely holding a liquid similar
in size to a potion. While you are attuned to
this item, you can use a bonus action to speak
the command word and absorb the liquid as
if you had consumed it. Liquid stored in the
bracer for longer than 8 hours evaporates.
You can use an action to add a new potion
or a liquid of similar size to the bracer.

by Greg Marks

My dearest Sillustria,
Patients with the strange metal‑transforming disease I have spoken of in the past have been
appearing at the hospital in greater frequency. I have been able to confirm that the strange
rust covering the gearforged patient I went to see is indeed the same disease that infected my
previous flesh and blood patients. How a mechanical body could so be infected by disease is still
beyond me, but that is not the most troubling news.
While my patients in Longezza continue to languish, I have received word that their
symptoms have worsened. One of the patients, a weaver, who just last week had only a few
patches of rusty iron beneath the skin of her right arm, has now had her entire arm transformed
into a rusty metal claw. The young boy who has the rust upon his face now has a functional
metal eye. None of my reports of this rust have ever detailed such transformations. I worry
something new has come.
All my love,

T he disease rust (see clockwork magic from

Deep Magic) appeared years ago, covering
gearforged with infectious rusty lesions that
beneath their skin, but entire limbs have
transformed to functional clockwork, if
painfully so.
spread across their bodies. The infection One of the leading researchers into rust is
has since leapt to flesh-and-blood patients, Dr. Brimley Angur of the Longezza Hospital.
converting their limbs into rusty metal. Dr. Angur has been traveling far and wide,
Rumors abound as to the source of the disease: documenting the disease, and in several cases
punishment from the Gear Goddess Rava, a has hired adventurers and other mercenaries
diabolic bargain gone wrong, or even some to aid him on his travels. In his case notes
form of possession. Whatever the truth of its and correspondence, the doctor refers to the
origin, one thing is true—it has gotten worse. warped form of the disease as calcesplasia,
Seven months ago saw a new version of and that moniker has stuck.
the disease. Rust patients in Longezza and Much of what we know about this new
Zobeck have been reported with clockwork disease comes from Dr. Angur’s notes. While
mutations. Not only has rusty metal formed mutations from calcesplasia are mostly found

around the site of the initial infection, the 1 point after each long rest. However, if
disease seems to be carried by the blood, so it mutations have occurred, the infected tissue
is not uncommon to see patients with several must be removed before the disease can be
limbs affected. So far, new symptoms have cured. Calcesplasia-mutated limbs can be
luckily only been found in flesh-and‑blood cleanly amputated with a successful DC 15
patients. While gearforged and other Wisdom (Medicine) check, removing the
constructs can be carriers of calcesplasia, affected limb and all of the infected tissue
there does not seem to be any harmful effects without killing the patient. A regenerate
beyond rusty lesions. spell or more powerful magic is needed to
regain use of the limb after amputation. At
Infection and Cure this time, no method short of wish has been
found to return natural function of torso or
Calcesplasia infection is similar to normal
head mutations, though the search for such
rust. Any creature injured by an infected
a cure is rumored to be found somewhere on
construct must succeed on a DC 15
Ravatet, the Plane of Rusty Gears.
Constitution saving throw or contract
calcesplasia. Symptoms present 1d4 days later, Dr. Brimley Angur, Case Note 566-0: I
beginning with an itchy rash around the site located a cleric of Rava named Shedio and
of the injury that rapidly progresses to skin convinced him to speak with me concerning
and muscle necrosis and finally sloughing off calcesplasia. He is convinced that the
to reveal the clockwork beneath within one worsening form of rust must be a punishment
day. Once infected, the victim only recovers sent from his goddess to punish those that
half hit points from all natural and magical abuse technology. That seems unlikely, but I
effects. The process of mutation is extremely watched as the cleric’s miracles healed those
painful and not all survive. infected with rust, so maybe there’s some truth
Every 24 hours after symptoms manifest, to it? Of particular interest, Shedio told me a
the victim may attempt a DC 15 Constitution fable about a place called the Hall of Inevitable
saving throw to halt the progress of the Fate, which supposedly exists on Ravatet, and
disease. If the saving throw succeeds, the about the Desert of Rust. If these places exist
disease stops progressing, but all penalties and the disease truly is divinely sent, maybe the
and acquired mutations are permeant without answers I seek are there. I will need help getting
magical intervention. If the saving throw there. Sillustria will not be pleased. This will be
fails, the infected creature loses 1 point of my most dangerous journey yet.
Dexterity, and they must repeat the saving
throw after another 24 hours. If the saving Calcesplasia Mutations
throw fails by 5 or more, the infected acquires Once a patient contracts the mutated form
a calcesplasia mutation (see below). Whenever of the disease, it does not take long before
acquiring such a mutation, the victim must clockwork mechanisms begin sprouting from
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving their flesh. This process is brutally painful, and
throw or lose 1 point of Constitution. the final conversion looks wholly unnatural.
Calcesplasia can be completely cured by To determine the location of an infection
lesser restoration or comparable magic if and mutations suffered, use the tables below.
applied before any mutations are acquired. When rolling for location, if the result is an
Lost Dexterity or Constitution can be restored arm or leg, consider odd numbers to be the left
by greater restoration, or once the disease side and even numbers to be on the right side.
is cured, it returns naturally at the rate of

TABLE A: INFECTION LOCATION Calcesplasia victims suffer disadvantage
d6 LOCATION to avoid being touched by a rust monster’s
antennae. If the saving throw fails and the
1–2 Leg
rust monster touches the victim, the entire
3–4 Arm
mutation turns to a powdery rust that
5 Torso immediately falls away for the rust monster to
6 Head consume. When this occurs, the victim suffers
1d12 necrotic damage for every point of
Dexterity they have lost due to calcesplasia. If
Calcesplasia and Rust Monsters the victim has more than one site of infection
Victims of calcesplasia are especially or mutation, roll randomly to determine
susceptible to rust monsters and similar which area is affected. The creature suffers
effects. Rust monsters are attracted to damage each time a mutation is destroyed in
victims, like any other ferrous metal, and this manner, but once the victim no longer
seem to take great glee in devouring infected has any clockwork components, they are
clockwork limbs. Indeed, Dr. Angur has completely cured of the disease.
been considering experimenting with rust
monsters as a safer method than amputation
to remove infected tissue.


1 Clockwork The joint of your knee has been replaced by a massive spring and clockwork gear. You
Knee may make long jumps up to 20 feet and high jumps up to 15 feet, with or without a
running start. However, the gear is noisy and stutters regularly. You have disadvantage
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and your walking speed is decreased by 5 feet.
2 Gripping Several sharp-toothed cogs have grown out of your foot, helping you get traction. You
Cog gain advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb and Dexterity (Acrobatics)
checks made to keep your footing or keep from falling prone. Unfortunately, you
cannot wear boots or other footwear. You have disadvantage on Dexterity saving
throws to avoid caltrops or similar dangers.
3 Oil Drip Small pores form in the metal of your clockwork leg that constantly drip oil. As a bonus
action, you may smear the oil over yourself to get advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics)
checks made to escape being grappled or restrained. Unfortunately, the oil is very
flammable, and if you ever fail a saving throw versus an effect that does fire damage,
you catch fire. You take 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of your turns until you
extinguish the flames by using an action to make a successful DC 10 Dexterity check.
4 Paddle Foot Your foot has been replaced by a metal flipper. You gain advantage on Strength
(Athletic) checks made to swim but suffer disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks
and Strength (Athletic) checks made to climb or jump.
5 Piston Leg Both of your legs fuse together and are replaced with a spring-loaded piston. You gain
advantage on Strength (Athletic) checks made to jump but suffer disadvantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks and Strength (Athletic) checks made climb.
6 Reinforced Your leg has been replaced with hydraulics and tightly wound springs that stretch
Leg along your back. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity
and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. However, your leg is very heavy, and you
decrease your movement speed by 10 feet.


1 Bolt Your fingers end in spring-loaded,
Fingers arrowlike protrusions that you can fire
as a ranged weapon attack that does
1d4 + your Dexterity modifier piercing
damage with a range of 20/40. If
discharged, your fingertips grow
back after you complete a long rest.
Your bolts are very temperamental
and tend to fire when jolted.
Whenever you take damage, you
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw. On a failure, you
prematurely fire your fingertips
harmlessly into the ground.
2 Clockwork Your shoulder has been replaced with a series of gears and pneumatic rods. If you
Shoulder use an action to wind the large key that sprouts from your shoulder, you can increase
your Strength by 4 for your next action. However, your limb tends to wear down from
normal use. You must wind your arm after every five rounds of strenuous activity, or it
goes limp and useless.
3 Fist of Your hand forms into solid metal. It no longer flexes and cannot be used to pick up
Steel objects or wear gloves or gauntlets. Your hand is a natural weapon, which can be used
to make unarmed strikes that do 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
4 Grasping Dozens of writhing steel cables have slithered out from underneath your skin. They
Cables grab anything nearby, giving you advantage on checks made to grapple an enemy.
However, the cables have a mind of their own and attack any living creature who
comes within 5 feet of you, friend or foe. They also frequently grab nearby objects
whether you want to or not.
5 Telescopic Your arm becomes a series of interlocked cylinders, allowing you to extend your reach
Arm 5 feet further than normal as a bonus action. Your arm is weaker when extended, and
while doing so, you suffer disadvantage on all Strength‑based attack rolls and skill
6 Tinker Your entire limb has been replaced with dozens of fine instruments, sprouting from a
Limb central stalk. You have advantage on fine work such as picking a lock,
repairing a watch, or performing surgery as you can operate the blades, needles, wires,
picks, and other tools independently. The limb cannot be used to grasp objects or wear
gloves or gauntlets.


1 Armored Thick metal plates cover your chest, protecting your vital organs. The massive plates
Carapace make it impossible to wear armor, but you may use a shield. You have disadvantage on
all Dexterity-based checks. Your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier.
2 Clockwork A pair of clockwork wings have grown from your back, granting you a fly speed equal
Wings to your walking speed. These massive wings cannot be folded down and are always
obvious. You cannot wear armor or a robe, and you have disadvantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made to hide.
3 Iron Heart Your heart has been replaced with a clockwork pump. Your new heart is strong and
steady, and you have advantage on Constitution saving throws to avoid exhaustion due
to exertion. However, your heart is slow to get pumping when you get excited, and you
suffer disadvantage on Initiative checks.
4 Metallic Your blood is replaced with flowing, rust-colored metal. You suffer disadvantage on
Blood saving throws to resist exhaustion, but it rapidly clots, and you become immune to
effects that cause bleeding or attacks that drain blood.
5 Robe of Dozens of sharp metal blades sprout from your torso. You can use a bonus action
Knives to make a melee weapon attack with your blades against a target within 5 feet. If
the attack hits, the blades deal 1d4 + your piercing damage. You use your Strength
modifier for the attack and damage rolls. Additionally, creatures that grapple you take
1d4 piercing damage. The blades make it impossible for you to wear armor or a robe.
6 Third A clockwork arm has grown out of your chest. The arm is not strong enough to make
Arm attacks but can pick and hold objects such as a torch or shield. The arm throws off your
balance, and you suffer disadvantage on ranged attacks and Dexterity (Acrobatics)

Dr. Brimley Angur, Case Note 127-7b: A patient who suffered critical mutations to their
warrior of some renown came in today, asking head or trunk should they encounter the touch
for me by name. Seeing the woman had but of these creatures.
one leg, I quickly surmised her malady but
wondered why she sought me out rather than
someone skilled in creating a prosthesis. She
Elfax, Herald of Corrosion
explained that she had become infected with Stories have begun to circulate of a gearforged
rust, and eventually cogs had replaced her with metal horns and eyes of fire that
knee. Much of her lower leg became metal as purposely sought out infection with rust in
well. A clear case of calcesplasia. However, an effort to create a pandemic of flesh and
she had encountered a lobster-like creature metal suffering. Unfortunately, the stories are
with feathery antennae that she called a rust true. Elfax (CE hellforged warlock) calls itself
monster. When the creature touched her, it the Herald of Corrosion and was last seen in
turned her infected limb into a pile of rust, Verrayne. While the source of rust may be
which it then consumed. Upon examination, unknown, warping it into calcesplasia is the
I could find no trace of the disease in her. The doing of this vile creature.
creature had entirely cured her somehow. I Elfax is generally accompanied by 2d4
may need to employ adventurers to acquire bandits, 1d6 cult fanatics, and at least
some of these beasts for further study, though one clockwork abomination (see Tome of
I shudder to think what would happen to a Beasts). All of them are infected. The cult has

been raiding isolated villages and capturing followers worship it, and the cult would do
the inhabitants so that it can infect them. anything to protect their master. They believe
Once the villagers are infected, their homes in a future where all life is a perfect fusion of
are burned, and they are set free. Panicked metal and flesh. Suffering is the tempering
villagers inevitably seek aid elsewhere, flame that they need to pass through in order
potentially spreading the contagion. Elfax’s to claim this gift. They are utterly insane.


by Ashley Warren

D warves are often lauded for their

impeccable engineering, but this extends
far past intricate stone work and into the
your materials yourself. One can only call
themself a maker if they bring something to
life with their own hands.
realm of science and artifice. They delve into Two notable inventions have arisen from
the Ironcrags to glean resources needed to this culture: firearms and airships. Although
create mechanical inventions unlike anything these developments differ greatly in their
else seen in Midgard. Don’t be fooled by purpose, the processes of building them share
the boisterous dwarf; these are nimble- many similarities. It’s inarguable that these
handed folks who can construct the smallest have changed Midgard irrevocably—for
of innerworkings of clocks and the most better or worse.
powerful of engines.
Not all dwarves are drawn to the depths. Cult of the Gear Maiden
It is the cantonal dwarves, residing in the
For dwarves of Zobeck, passion for devices
Ironcrags, who are unique among other
and constructs is more than just a lucrative
dwarven communities. The cantons are
endeavor. These dwarves revere the Gear
scarred with various mountain ranges that
Maiden, Rava, and those who worship Rava
form a ring around the region. Cantonal
see artifice as an extension of the natural
dwarves have a saying: “The colder the peak,
world. They do not see nature and science as
the stronger the ore.” As such, they’ll brave
incompatible but rather as a way to cultivate
the dangers of the kobold-occupied depths
and process materials sourced from the wild.
to collect whatever they can. Those who are
It is a mutually respective relationship: Rava
successful often find acclaim and wealth.
provides, and the dwarves of Zobeck reap,
And all those unique substances found
process, and build.
pique further interest with many of these
resource‑seeking dwarves continuing their
studies in laboratories and workspaces. Maker’s Marks
It’s nearly possible to separate the culture Dwarves who mine, forge, and craft often
of mining from science, artifice, and include a Maker’s mark on their inventions,
construction. Many dwarves consider it whether it’s engraved on the back of a pocket
part of the process—if you want to create watch or on the butt of a firearm. The mark
something from scratch, you must first source is determined by the dwarf’s family and the

metals they employ in their creations. Thus a mostly in open-field combat, the fighter would
mark is comprised of three components: load the bow with a bolt and pack it with
• First letter of the dwarf’s surname. gunpowder, and the arrow would shoot forth
• A symbol that represents their house. toward its target. Dwarf engineers were then
Dwarves from ancient and noble houses eager to streamline and automate this process
often have a sigil, but dwarves without further, and thus the firearm was made.
such lineage typically create their own Gunsmiths continue to develop new firearms
based on their personality or values. and push the boundaries of weapon design.
Even in a world where magic is
• A shape or symbol that designates their
commonplace, guns still inspire fear. The
specialty. These mirror symbols that
weapons can be unpredictable, and many
alchemists use, and there’s quite a bit
gunsmiths suffer lasting injury from the
of crossover between alchemists and
volatile gunpowder. Because so much goes
artificers. For example, a goldsmith’s mark
into crafting a firearm, dwarves don’t often
displays a circle with a dot in the center.
sell their creations. It’s uncommon for these
More experienced dwarves may specialize guns to be used in criminal activity because
in more than one material, and this is they are easily traced back to their maker.
reflected in the mark. Dwarf PCs who are Still, some dwarves use them on the battlefield
artificers, crafters, miners, and forgers can in place of more traditional weapons like axes
create a maker’s mark using the same system. or swords.
However, there is a prerequisite: they must
create at least one item in the material they DWARVEN ARQUEBUS
consider their “specialty.” Once this item has Spot a dwarven arquebus by the intricate
been crafted, it must be used and stress tested. geometric metalwork along the barrel; most
If it can suitably accomplish the purpose it makers place their mark right on the stock.
was intended for, the creator is permitted The arquebus uses bullets, which must be
to design a maker’s mark. Some dwarves kept wrapped in cloth to prevent them from
specialize in this design and offer this service accidentally detonating.
to others. It takes an action to load an
arquebus safely. Spending
a full action means that
Firearms the gun is loaded
Gunpowder is rare in Midgard, and
firearms even rarer. To create both requires
a dedication to mining some of the most
dangerous substances found in the Ironcrags.
Swordsmiths and goldsmiths are highly
respected among dwarven society, but
gunsmiths supersede even the best of these
because of the danger associated with
their craft. Meeting a grayed and
weathered gunsmith is a special
and rare encounter.
The first firearm designed
by dwarves was essentially
a modified crossbow. Used

1,000 gp 1d10 piercing+1d4 fire 8 lb ammunition (range 40/120), loading,

safely and doesn’t backfire. The user adds

their dexterity modifier to the attack roll. On a
The invention of the airship can be traced
successful hit, the bullet causes the target 1d10
back to Klaudus Erdogant. Like many
piercing damage and 1d4 fire damage.
scientific developments, the energy source
A character can choose to load as a bonus
of airships was discovered by accident.
action instead; however, quick loading the
Originally an alchemist, Klaudus invented
firearm has a 20% chance of backfiring. If
“liftgas” by dissolving a waxy material in
the gun backfires, the user suffers 1d6 fire
boiling water; the paste that resulted emitted
damage, and the gun must be repaired before
a potent gas that lifted the parchment under
it can be used again.
which it was being stored. An additional
The arquebus can be improved to increase
experiment—a lit match—confirmed
damage. Spending downtime to refine and
Klaudus’s suspicions that the gas was indeed
rebuild the gun increases the damage by
flammable. Klaudus survived his laboratory
another d10, capped at 3d10. Improvements
explosion but lost a finger, which he
may include expanding the bullet chamber,
considered quite worth the cost of science.
adding a scope, shortening or lengthening the
Both the gas and Klaudus’s inspiration
barrel, or any other change that would affect
were ignited, and he turned his attention to
the gun’s mechanical abilities.
harnessing this interesting gas, for it could
BOMB emulate the (normally magical) processes of
Miners often make bombs to help clear out flight. After much trial and tribulation, he was
large amounts of stone and ore; however, the able to fill a pigskin balloon with the gas. Lo
bombs can also be used in combat. Crafting and behold, the balloon floated around the
a bomb is dangerous as is any activity laboratory—much to Klaudus’s delight—until
involving gunpowder. The powder must be it too exploded in an array of fleshy carnage.
wrapped in parchment and then contained Klaudus emerged unscathed and continued
in a cylindrical vessel comprised of wood to refine his design, using a silk that was less
or a thin, pliable metal. Lighting the wick prone to porous gas leaks. Eventually he
leads to its detonation in a 10-foot space; any developed an airship that could carry him
creature within that space suffers from 5d6 alone, and this led to the creation of more
fire damage. A DC 12 Dexterity save halves substantial airships.
the damage. Unfortunately, Klaudus’s invention was
also what killed him. When demonstrating a
Dwarven Bomb. As an action, a character
prototype of a more substantial airship to a
can light this bomb and throw it at a point
group of potential patrons, the craft crashed
up to 30 feet away. Each creature within 5
and burned with Klaudus inside. This didn’t,
feet of that point suffers 5d6 fire damage;
however, stop the patriarchs from continuing
a successful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw
Klaudus’s research and funding additional
halves the damage.
airship development.
Type Adventuring gear; Cost 300 gp; Klaudus was a priest of Volund and resided
Weight 2 lb. on the holy ground of Templeforge, and as

requested by the Archpatriarch, Klaudus’s provides their combatants ample opportunity
widow sold his lab notes to Onderval to drop bombs upon their surprised enemies.
Templeforge. Onderval took up the mantle Some wartime airships are powered entirely
of airship engineer and built several notable by constructs, which prevents loss of life
expansions to Klaudus’s designs, including when the fighters eventually turn their
a steam-powered propeller that allowed the attention to the aircraft above. However,
ships to travel much farther distances. some take issue with this, for many makers
Airships were quickly adapted for use in treat their constructs as familiars and
combat. The single-rider ships were used laboratory assistants.
to transport dwarven engineers to the city The Liftgas Merchant Marine Air Corps is
gate during the Siege of Latorne. This stealth the only organized airship militia. Joining
action lowered the engineers onto the city the LMMAC is prestigious; most involved
gate, enabling them to declare victory. are dwarves and many dwarven families
Both acolytes of Volund and Rava have a dream of having a family member become
connection to airships and count the sight part of the LMMAC.
of one as a positive omen. Templeforge is
abundant with the substances needed to CREW OF AN AIRSHIP
produce liftgas. However, this process is
Manning an airship is not unlike a ship at
strenuous, and a new airship is only created
sea. Captains must closely follow weather
around once every 20 years. It is very
patterns to avoid inadvertently leading a crew
expensive to maintain an airship that is safe
to danger. The sky’s patterns mirror those
to fly. Still, those who are part of the industry
of the sea, and the climate can change at a
enjoy their lucrative career.
moment’s notice. A crew must work together
to keep the airship afloat.
• Captain: The captain is in charge of
Dwarven airships come in different piloting the ship (and in fact, some
designs. Most popular and well-known is airship crews call their captain the
the blimp‑style airship in which the entire “pilot,” but this has yet to catch on).
mechanical structure and residential quarters Captains must undergo rigorous training
are ensconced within a liftgas-filled balloon. to earn their title and the coveted pair of
These can vary wildly in size. goggles awarded upon their graduation.
Other airships have carriages that suspend The tests a captain takes require extensive
from the bottom of the balloon. These are knowledge of the intricate interworkings
more frequently used in combat. of the engine, the ability to repair the
ship while it’s in flight, and an arsenal
AIRSHIPS IN COMBAT of spells or arcane tools to employ in
Despite the strenuous work it takes to the event of an emergency. Most airship
build one, airships are surprisingly delicate captains tend to be dwarves, for they
constructs and easily felled by enemies. are among the few who possess such
Unfortunately, though, many airships fail knowledge and expertise.
rather by mistakes of the crew or passengers. • First Officer: The first officer assists the
However, the benefit of using an airship captain in any way possible, including
in combat comes down to stealth and the managing the rest of the crew and
element of surprise. Few warriors expect ensuring that the airship is in flyable
to see an airship flying overhead, and this condition.

• Navigator: Captains often employ mages • Bard: An airship bard helps improve crew
or oracles to serve as navigators. This morale. These bards often favor wind
has both an immediate role in keeping instruments.
an eye on the skies to plan for danger or
inclement weather as well as an arcane CAPTAIN’S GOGGLES
role in determining the viability of a Rare wondrous item, requires attunement
voyage and divining potential threats.
Airship captain’s goggles are made of copper
• Chief Artificer: The chief artificer and glass designed to repel water and to never
oversees all mechanical components on fog. While wearing these goggles, the wearer
the ship and manages the mechanics who cannot suffer from exhaustion. They are fitted
work under their direction. specifically for the wearer and are marked
• Mechanic: In the event of an emergency,
mechanics spring into action and make
all necessary repairs using the many
materials kept on hand. Most mechanics
tend to be constructs developed for this
specific purpose, but occasionally young
dwarves who aspire to be captains join
the mech crew for training. Although
it may seem like grunt work,
engine mechanics are prized and
respected by the crew.
• Cleric: Most ships employ
at least one healer who
can ensure that the
crew remains healthy
and able.
• Cook: For long journeys,
cooks are brought on
board to ensure that crew
members and passengers are
well fed. They are not, however,
permitted to use fire or flammable
chemistry while on the ship, lest the
liftgas catch fire and consume all
within. No pie is worth the risk.

with the captain’s name. The goggles can only STONELESS (BACKGROUND)
be attuned to one person.
Dwarves who spend a lot of time on airships
If the goggles break, the wearer must be the
are often referred to as the Stoneless. These
one to repair them; otherwise the goggles lose
are dwarves who have less experience in the
their magical properties.
mines and do not possess the same abilities
to forge and craft items as their cantonal
Character Options brethren. However, they have a keen
The following character options are available understanding for how to build, maintain,
for cantonal dwarf PCs: and pilot an airship.

1 I prefer the company of engines and technology to people.
2 I can discern the needs of an airship the way miners can sleuth out the most potent veins
of ore.
3 I help build any ship on which I fly and know everything about it. Any ship I build is safe
and efficient.
4 Like many dwarves, I seem gruff, but I take a liking to anyone who also enjoys airships.

1 More people should experience life in the skies. It puts everything else into perspective.
2 While in flight, my life belongs to the ship. I owe it respect and care.
3 The world would be a better place if more people chose to travel via airship.
4 If I never had to return to ground, I would remain in the sky forever. This is my home
and where I am most comfortable and productive.

1 I am close with my crew and will do anything to protect them. I consider them my family.
2 Whatever the captain says is what I believe. If I am the captain, I expect my crew and I to
have consensus over decision making.
3 If my ship is used in combat, it’s for a righteous cause. I would only put my ship and
crew in harm’s way in pursuit of something good.
4 I never refer to an engine or mechanic as “broken”; I consider it bad luck to refer to
technology like that. Instead, I refer to it as “needing” something, like care or maintenance.

1 I bristle at those who think life aboard an airship is “easy,” and my temper is easily stoked.
2 I do not always get along with other dwarves who are more experienced miners and
forgers. They don’t understand my skillset, and I don’t understand theirs.
3 I spend so much of my life in the air I am disconnected by the politics of life down below.
4 Navigation on land eludes me.

AIRSHIP ACOLYTE (BACKGROUND) acolytes of Volund although they may serve
Acolytes who serve on airships can be clerics any deity that has a connection to mining,
who aid in healing or even combat or any science, or artifice related to the development
crew member who sees the sailing of airships of airships.
as a spiritual experience. These are often

1 I am quite introverted and introspective once a ship takes flight. I consider flight to
be meditative.
2 I intimately know the innerworkings of airships and am attuned to their needs.
3 I am always eager to set sail on a new voyage. The farther I can travel via airship,
the better.
4 I enjoy sharing my values and passion for airships with others who may not know as
much about these wondrous inventions.

1 The sky is the realm of the gods, and we navigate through their home. They’ll permit us
safe passage if we do not anger them.
2 My temple is wherever I go, and my faith is not constrained by arbitrary traditions
or practices.
3 An airship is like a ship at sea and deserves a name. The crew must treat the ship with
4 Scientists and artificers have a responsibility to not put their creations in harm’s way.
The things we bring to life have value and personality.

d4 Bond
1 I regard all light and weather patterns as omens. A crew will never be caught off guard.
2 I am not frightened by the expanse of the sky and the creatures that live within it.
3 The voice of the engines and mechanics is the voice of the gods, speaking to us through
their manifestations.
4 I value the ships on which I serve and revere them as a friend.

1 I don’t understand those who are fearful of flying or heights.
2 The way I pray and practice my faith is often strange and foreign to others as their ways
are to me.
3 I don’t understand gods or beliefs that see nature and technology as separate.
4 I don’t think airships should be used in combat; to me, that goes against their purpose
and uses their creation for harm instead of good.

by Victoria Jaczko

N o creature epitomizes the art of

graceful service like the courtfolk, an
accomplishment these halflings take with
smoking pipes. Courtfolk women particularly
favor pipes of unique design.
Courtfolk are not motivated by material
great (but quiet) pride. Courtfolk are defined wealth or luxury, finding genuine contentment
by their dedication and deference to the great in simple things, but what they do keep, they
elven courts of old, but their identities are in desire to be of fine quality. They take pains
flux in the wake of the Great Retreat. Now to care for their clothing, family heirlooms,
their oaths are sworn to the variable moods musical instruments, work implements, and
and personalities of scattered elfmarked lords, other valued possessions.
to the humans in large cities who see halflings
as a simple labor force, and to rare elves who
are not quite what they once were. Centuries
History of Servitude
The provenance of the courtfolk—indeed, all
of elven absence have been difficult on the
halflings—is the subject of speculation, and
courtfolk, but they, like all halflings, have
one the halflings themselves are curiously
proven capable of adapting to a world that no
unconcerned with solving. Some suspicious
longer needs them as they were.
humans maintain halflings were once human
servants, but frequent exposure to the Elflands
Fey-Touched Finery and the magic there left them stunted and
Courtfolk are as small in size and stature as enthralled to the fey. An occasional mage
any halfling. Their long proximity to elves postulates the halflings were wholly created as
and the Elflands shows in their complexion, elven servitors, made up partly of Midgard’s
usually pale and freckled with light-colored substance and given life by fey magic.
eyes and curly mops of hair. Courtfolk prefer The courtfolk themselves laugh off such
neat, well-tailored clothing (most of which claims. They maintain they are simply
they make themselves) with touches of elven halflings, but unlike the reclusive winterfolk
inspiration apparent without ever descending and sly riverfolk, they did not break faith with
into gaudy imitation. Men typically wear the covenant they forged, by choice, with
baggy trousers and tight vests and women the great elven lords and ladies of old. The
favor flowing skirts with bodices. Colors are courtfolk are what halflings should be, they
pastel or forest tones and muted, befitting claim, and their pitiable offshoot cousins are
a servant, but never drab. Elven jewelry is defined by their loss of purpose.
common among halflings of any gender as are

Numerous families of
courtfolk once served
elven courts from
Arbonesse to Valera and
every holding in between.
They were expert craftsmen,
faithful seneschals, discreet
handmaids, efficient
butlers, reliable messengers,
unexpected bodyguards, and
talented gardeners such that
their elven masters trusted few
others with their breathtaking
gardens and courtyards. While
never ostentatious, halflings whose
families served since the earliest
days of the elves’ arrival bore a certain
prestige among their own, respect owed for
the lengths of their good service. Servants Without Masters
Most of these families disappeared in Courtfolk enjoy long lives, lingering in a
the Great Retreat with their lords and pleasant old age for up to 350 years, a century
ladies, separated from friends and kin. longer than most halflings do. Most have a
Those remaining behind honored their parent or grandparent who remembers the
oaths, lingering in the fading courts and old courts and passed down their stories,
subservient to elfmarked descendants of mannerisms, and a keen sense of loss. As
once-mighty rulers. Time wore on, and a such, adapting to newfound freedom in only
seed of sorrow took root in the courtfolk, one or two generations has proven difficult
though hidden by deference and cheery for those who remained after the Last Horn.
service. The names of kin gone since the As observed with some small bitterness,
Last Horn are recorded among them from those halflings who abandoned their duties
generation to generation and repeated in and wandered away, becoming winterfolk
their private songs and stories. and riverfolk elsewhere, seem to have had
less trouble.

Only the secluded River Court and the
Imperatrix’s own Royal Court still maintain
Hospitality, Home, and Hearth
Courtfolk maintain servitude was never
families of courtfolk servants in significant
forced upon them but freely chosen. This
numbers. Outside of the remaining courts,
belief, true or not, gives them a sense of
courtfolk struggle to maintain their family
agency and relevance to their servitude. The
identities against their oaths, scattered as
profound delight the courtfolk derive from
they are among elfmarked fiefs and baronies.
being of service to others and in performing
Worse off still are the greater numbers of
a job well stems from knowing they have
courtfolk in the young kingdoms, working as
controlled their destiny.
common servants to humans and other races
Service is an honor to the courtfolk. The
without the mutually beneficial arrangements
halfling reverence for hearth and home is as
enjoyed under their old elven masters.
strong in them as any other, but the courtfolk
Courtfolk families try to stick together in
extend this reverence into the notion of
these circumstances, but kinship ties tend
powerful hospitality: as natives of this realm,
to unravel while serving those who neither
they considered it a duty and a privilege to
understand nor are inclined to learn the
make the elves, guests from the other side
necessities of courtfolk family relationships.
of Midgard, feel welcome, comfortable, and
Courtfolk without holdings or patrons
cared for in a world not their own. Service
to serve sometimes find places to settle as
comes to the courtfolk out of compassion
families. Reywald, a popular destination,
rather than fear or awe (although certainly
has so many halflings that it supports Little
individual courtfolk may come to fear or
Reywald, a halfling and gnome village north
worship their masters based on treatment),
of the city. It’s not the elven courts, but for
but it is deeply unseemly of a servant to point
many courtfolk, it’s good enough to serve in
out what good service they provide. Courtfolk
the city and come home to family. Others
seldom discuss with others the importance
realize they are very much stuck—nothing
of their role and find contentment in any
more than leftover servants for others to use.
reward, praise, or even an acknowledging nod
In recent decades—and virtually unheard
from their patrons.
of before then—some courtfolk, primarily
When exemplifying their role as perfect
castoffs from the still-functioning courts or the
servants, someone could be excused for
rare halfling who emerges from the military
not noticing a courtfolk at all: they excel in
with exemplary service, spearhead a business
drawing attention away, focused on their
enterprise with their family. These businesses
masters, and in moving through the world
number a mere handful in Dornig and less
with quiet, unassuming grace. The same
in the Crossroads. Still beholden to courtfolk
observer might be intrigued to discover
nature, such business attempts orient
courtfolk have rich private lives of their own.
toward hospitality and service: artisan shops,
Courtfolk have a practical, down-to-earth
bakeries, inns, taverns, and the like. Breaking
culture, appreciating simple things like
from the mold as servants and underlings is
healthy gardens, a good book, cheery music,
difficult. In order to do so, courtfolk must
and the company of friends. When the courts
overcome dismissive attitudes toward their
they served could support it, they made their
role as servants, which is uncomfortable for
homes in partially underground burrows,
them. They aren’t predisposed to be ashamed
all part of a greater community. A courtfolk
by their lives of service. As a result, even
home needed to accommodate multiple
successful courtfolk accept less than what they
generations under one roof. In recent
deserve and settle for subsistence.

times, more courtfolk take their lodgings Imperatrix’s indisposition consumes nearly
wherever available where they are serving or all their time. What time they do have is taken
increasingly attempt to establish their own up by their own kin who live in and around
homesteads and villages as they carve out new Reywald as common servants. The courtfolk
places in the world. in the Great Procession currently can’t turn
Gatherings are important to courtfolk. around without yet another distant cousin
Servitude is usually a year-round affair, angling to be added to the Royal Court’s
and getting halflings together for stories, servant retinue.
matchmaking, and reinforcing ties can be The River Court is largely withdrawn from
difficult. Family connections are vital for a most affairs as are now the courtfolk families
courtfolk’s well-being; no one but their own who serve it. Here perhaps more so than
kin can truly understand the joys and sorrows anywhere, the relationship between courtfolk
of being called to service. All courtfolk are servant and elven master has continued with
invited to gatherings, whether or not they can the least disruption. This idyllic existence
officially prove kinship. Unlike the stately and has a complication however; as the elder
organized affairs they help orchestrate in elven generation of courtfolk have passed, the
courts, courtfolk gatherings are much more seclusion of the River Court has come into
informal as details shift with the whims of stark relief. The courtfolk here have had
their patrons and courtfolk adjust accordingly. little contact with their kin outside of it, and
At a minimum, a courtfolk celebration must many years pass without even hearing about
have lively music, excellent food and drink, a courtfolk gathering. Even if they did, many
the freshest flowers, sunshine, and as many fear to leave and visit in case there is any risk
kin, friends, and pets as can be gathered into of being unable to return. Courtfolk weddings
one place. Most matchmakings are made at and births have diminished here, and the
courtfolk gatherings as one of the few times families—among the eldest yet remaining
when a couple can be in one place to receive on this side of Midgard—fear their current
blessings from both families. generation may be the last, yet setting off and
away from the last true bastion of elven glory
In the Elven Courts is even more terrifying.
These troubles compound the heartache
Within the courts of the River King and
courtfolk feel for their long-lost kin and
the Imperatrix, courtfolk serve elfmarked
way of life. Little news travels between the
(or less commonly true elven) patrons with
realms anymore, and what does is about elven
all the cheer and skill of their historical
politics and concerns, not servants. Whatever
reputations. These are often the oldest yet
is transpiring in the Summer Lands, the
remaining courtfolk families with the greatest
courtfolk know nothing of how their long-
prestige, but for all that, they have their
vanished kin are faring. The recent resurgence
hands full. Those with the Imperatrix’s Royal
of elves in Arbonesse has given them hope
Procession in Reywald have had no end of
however that perhaps at last things may return
logistical and political nightmares thrust
to how they were. To some courtfolk though,
upon them since she fell into slumber. The
beginning to flex newfound independence,
maintenance of the Great Procession, politely
this is more of a worry than a hope.
redirecting petitioners and emissaries to other
parties, and keeping alert eyes on suspicious
characters who might see opportunities in the

Into Darkness those who seldom appreciate them. Courtfolk
aren’t motivated by greed but are shrewd
Courtfolk are strongly tied to their elven
enough to weigh the risks and rewards of
patrons, even following them during the
adventuring and choose appropriately.
Great Retreat. When the elves proved
If unable to be with their families, courtfolk
corruptible during the Sorceress’s Revolt
gravitate toward powerful personalities. They
and fell to shadow, many of their servants
are picky in this, seeking good, benevolent
followed as proven by the gnomes and pixies
people, but once they’ve chosen to befriend
serving in the Moonlit Courts. The courtfolk
someone, that’s it. A courtfolk is a dauntless
however were a notable exception; when their
ally and comrade-in-arms and never aims
masters turned to dark powers, their courtfolk
to steal the credit for their friends’ derring-
fled to the remaining elven lines. There is
do. Their loyalty and practicality make them
no record of any significant population
faithful companions in the heart of a dungeon
of halflings serving in the Shadow Realm.
as much as an intrigue-steeped noble court.
While seldom investigated, it is surmised
that the courtfolk dedication to hospitality
and selflessness, combined with inclinations Courtfolk Names
toward contentment, renders them immune Courtfolk names have an obvious elven
to Shadow temptations of ambition and greed. influence, mired as they have been in elven
Despite this, they aren’t incorruptible. While culture for generations. Their given names
they cannot be swayed to dark powers with are shorter than elves’ but with a notably
usual tactics, there is a growing population softer and lilting flair than other halflings.
of courtfolk in Zobeck who have, since Family names are borrowed from the
the Great Retreat and splintering of their common names of the elf that the family first
families, been unable to find their own way. served as vassals and prefixed by of. The older
To them, serving the shadow fey—serving the lineage, the more the family’s prestige.
any elf—is preferable to serving no one. These Sometimes a courtfolk’s primary role is added
courtfolk are faded reflections of themselves, to the end of their name, especially since the
their sunny attitudes and energy muted and Great Retreat as more courtfolk lose touch
buried beneath a jaded cynicism. They remain with their family lineages. A River Court
excellent servitors but have lost the spirit courtfolk might be named Silla of Stars-Cook,
of hospitality: the shadow fey send them to but in Hirsh‑Dammung, she is probably just
infiltrate targets’ households as mere servants, Silla Cook.
but they act as spies, rumor mongers, thieves,
and in rare cases, poisoners with expert
knowledge of deadly herbs. Adan, Alis, Aran, Aus, Berri, Carr, Darris,
Errian, Ervio, Galin, Immerin, Ivello, Luc,
Pael, Perin, Rai, Ral, Ren, Rian, Soven, Taris,
Creating a Future Tham, Thel, Van, Varr
The courtfolk adventurer is less absurd than
it seems, but their adventures tend to be FEMALE NAMES
motivated by one of two things: loyalty to Adie, Annas, Andra, Bethry, Cae, Dania, Elle,
an ally or generating money to look after Felosa, Jelen, Keyle, Lathe, Lea, Merri, Mia,
their families. Service doesn’t pay well, and Naia, Netha, Phia, Quilla, Rynn, Shanna, Silla,
forward-thinking, younger courtfolk see that Thea, Valla, Vara, Xan
without wealth their families are going to
continue being splintered apart in service to

FAMILY NAMES Disquiet. You still look like your old self,
Autumn, Brooks, Chase, Dances, Eyes, but your mind is changed by the knowledge
Flower, Gem, Hawk, Journey, Keys, Leaf, you’ve accepted—and you’re not sure it’s for
Moon, Night, Oak, Petals, Quick, River, Stars, the better. Your Intelligence score increases
Tower, Vale, Whisper, Young by 1. Additionally, something in your eyes
makes people uneasy around you. You
Courtfolk Halfling Traits have advantage on Charisma (Intimidate)
and Charisma (Deception) checks against
Courtfolk are at home in elven courts and
politics and have had generations to practice
the art of remaining unnoticed until needed. Silent Steps. You’ve always been adept at
They also care deeply for their companions evading notice, but now your own shadow
and for the natural world, making them seems to muffle the noise you make. You can
excellent in supportive roles. They make good cast the silence spell once per day centered
rogues, though they care little for stealing, on yourself, which you can end at any time
but also excel as bards, druids, or sorcerers, by speaking. Additionally, you always have
thanks to their innate glamour. Courtfolk advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made
have the following two traits and modification to be quiet.
in addition to standard halfling traits.
Age. Courtfolk are the longest-lived of the Courtfolk Background:
halfling subraces, perhaps owing to their Court Servant
close association with elves. Courtfolk are Courtfolk are a long-lived race, and old
elderly by their second century but enjoy habits have been hard to shake. The majority
relatively pleasant and unhindered old age of courtfolk, even independent now, were
well past 300 years. once servants at some point in their lives.
Boon Companion. You are quick to step in These halflings are experts in complex social
and help your friends, and you have a knack dynamics and knowledgeable in elven history
for knowing exactly how to best do it. When and customs.
you work with an ally to complete a task or Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Nature
take the Help action in combat, your ally adds Tool Proficiencies: One artisan’s tools set
a d4 to their check or attack roll (this includes of your choice
the second roll made with advantage).
Languages: Elven
Wee Glamour. You are—ever so slightly— Equipment: One artisan’s tools set of your
imbued with a bit of elven magic. You move choice, a unique piece of elven jewelry,
with grace, your laugh is always pleasant, a set of fine clothes, a handcrafted pipe,
and colors are more vibrant on you. Your and a belt pouch containing 20 gp
Charisma score increases by 1, and you
have advantage on saves against spells of the FEATURE: SERVANT’S INVISIBILITY
enchantment school. The art of excellent service requires a balance
struck between being always available and yet
SHADOW SERVITORS unobtrusive, and you’ve mastered it. If you
do not perform a visible action, speak or be
Those courtfolk who elect to serve shadow fey spoken to, or otherwise have attention drawn
are usually broken spirits to start with, and to you for at least 1 minute, creatures nearby
over time, the cracks in their souls become have trouble remembering you are even in
filled with something darker. the room. Until you speak, perform a visible

action, or have someone draw attention to they will conduct themselves as though you
you, creatures must attempt a Wisdom save aren’t present until either attention is drawn
(DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your to you or one of their actions would take them
proficiency bonus) to notice you. Otherwise, into or adjacent to the square you occupy.

1 Unless I must speak, I hold my breath while serving others.
2 It takes all my effort not to show the effusive emotions I feel when I help others.
Best to quietly serve.
3 It’s getting harder to tolerate the prejudices of those I serve daily.
4 Though the old ways are hard to give up, I want to be my own boss. I’ll decide my path.
5 Serving my family and friends is the only thing I truly care about.
6 City life is killing my soul. I long for the old courtly ways.
7 It’s time for my fellows to wake up and be taken advantage of no longer.
8 It’s the small things that make it all worth while. I try to be present in every moment.

1 Family. My family, whether the one I come from or the one I make, is the thing in this
world most worth protecting. (Any)
2 Service. I am most rewarded when I know I have performed a valuable service for another.
3 Sloth. What’s the point of helping anyone when we’ve been discarded? Our existence is an
elven joke. (Chaotic)
4 Compassion. I can’t resist helping anyone in need. (Good)
5 Tradition. Life under elven rule was best, and things should be kept as close to their ideals
as possible. (Lawful)
6 Joy. The pursuit of happiness is the only thing worth serving anymore. (Neutral)

1 My family needs me to provide for them. They mean everything to me, which means I’ll do
whatever it takes.
2 My kin have served this holding and its lords and ladies since before the Great Retreat. I
serve them faithfully to make my lineage proud.
3 I can’t read the inscriptions on this odd elven ring, but it’s all I have left of my family and
our history of loyal service.
4 I’m with the best friends a halfling can ask for, so why do I feel so lonesome and homesick?
5 I’ve found a profession where my skills are put to good use, and I won’t let anyone bring
me down—I’m already short enough.
6 I found peace in a special garden filled with beautiful life, but I only have this flower to
remind me. Someday I’ll remember where to find that garden.

1 I would rather serve darkness than serve no one.
2 I’m afraid of taking risks that might be good for me.
3 I believe elves are superior to all other races, and I’m not afraid to share that truth.
4 I always do as I’m told, even though sometimes I don’t think I should.
5 I know what’s best for everyone, and they’d all be better off if they’d follow my advice.
6 I can’t stand seeing ugly or depressing things. I’d much rather think happy thoughts.

Courtfolk Feats As an action, you may snap your fingers
and every nonmagical portal within 30 feet
Courtfolk halflings have developed the
of you will immediately close and lock itself
following feats.
(if possible) so long as it is unobstructed.
ADAPTABLE MAGIC (Obstructed portals remain open.) Once
used, this ability cannot be used again until
Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell the next dawn.
You possess great finesse with magic, either
by virtue of generations of ancestral service in STORYTELLER’S PIPE
elven courts or potentially knowledge gleaned Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
from service to the Shadow: This long-shanked wooden smoking pipe
• You learn one Metamagic option of your is etched with leaves along the bowl. It is
choice from among those available to the serviceable as a typical pipe, but as an action,
sorcerer class. you can blow out smoke and shape it into
• If you already have sorcery points, you wispy images and manipulate them as silent
gain one more. Otherwise, you have two image with a range limited to the 10-foot cone
sorcery points, which recharge after a in front of you and images no larger than
long rest. a 5-foot cube. The smoky images last for 3
rounds before fading, but you can continue
blowing smoke to create more until the pipe
Courtfolk Magic Items burns through the smoking material in it.
A few specialized enchanted items circulate
among courtfolk families, either created
by them or created for them, and most
are intended to make their jobs more
pleasant and efficient.

Wondrous item, rare
(requires attunement, see below)

These white gloves have elegant

tailoring and size themselves perfectly
to fit your hands. A pair of seneschal’s
gloves must be attuned not only to
a person but to a specific, habitable
place with walls, a roof, and doors. To
attune to a place, the gloves must be
left in the location from one dawn to
the next. The gloves cannot be attuned
to a creature until they have attuned to a
location although they can still be worn.
While you wear the gloves, you may unlock
any nonmagical lock within the attuned
location by touch, and any mundane portal
you open while wearing these gloves will
open silently.

Additionally, if you use the storyteller’s can be drowned out in loud environments,
pipe’s command word, you may blast a potentially requiring a Perception check (DC
cloud of hazy, choking smoke in a 30-foot 15 for a noisy tavern equivalent or DC 20 for
cone in front of you. Creatures within the combat). In a quiet environment, it is possible
haze have half-cover and must attempt for others to hear the whispers if they are
DC 15 Constitution saving throws or be within 5 feet of you and make a successful
afflicted with debilitating coughing and Perception check against your spell save DC.
wheezing, unable to speak or cast spells with Only sounds inside the garden’s boundaries
verbal components and gaining one level of (determined by gates, fencing, hedges, or
exhaustion, for 1 minute. where cultivated plants give way to wild
growth) are transmitted. The boundaries of
Courtfolk Spells the spell are set at the time of casting. After
that, you may leave the spell’s area of effect
Of all halflings, the courtfolk are the most
and maintain your link with the garden.
magically adept.
This spell transmits sounds with as much
accuracy as possible while remaining a
whisper. It does not convey individual voices
2nd-level transmutation
or identify the source of the noise.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
This spell cannot be cast within range of
Range: Self (120-foot radius)
sentient plants.
Components: V, S, M (a garden at least
10-ft.-by-10-ft. large with cultivated, healthy
vegetation to use as a focus)
Duration: 1 hour
You meditate within a garden and
share your consciousness with
the plants within it. For the next
hour, all sounds, including speech,
within the garden come to you as
soft whispers through this link. These
whispers are actual sounds and

by Victoria Jaczko

F rom ramshackle patchwork barges to

the decks of fishing boats and smuggling
vessels, riverfolk halflings are found along the
are small, as all halflings, a little stockier
although more graceful than most.
Most riverfolk are found along the River
greatest rivers of the Crossroads... and some Argent, especially around Zobeck and its
of the less great. The gruff barge pilot in the neighbors, but wherever river routes are good,
wide-brimmed hat, predicting a river with they go. These halflings have made themselves
near-prescient skill; the singer, stamping out a home in most every river port where they’ve
rhythms on the deck while belting out bawdy been permitted to spread. Zobeck, Magdar,
songs; the charming huckster, swindling the the Seven Cities, and even Krakova—riverfolk
big folk out of their savings for promises found they can do a brisk business with the
and trinkets with a gleam in his eye—all dead if one doesn’t get squeamish—regularly
different but all riverfolk and all making their have riverfolk in their ports.
sometimes contentious homes wherever the
current takes them. Preternatural Navigators
The courtfolk have it that the riverfolk and
Barge-Born winterfolk were servitors like them but
Riverfolk are, by their own description, not as forsook their oaths following the Great
“fussy” as the courtfolk, bowing in Arbonesse, Retreat and lost their connection to the
or their stodgy winterfolk cousins, scavenging Summer Lands. Riverfolk put no stock in this
in the Rothenian Plains and farther north. story; according to them, the riverfolk were
Riverfolk laugh more, drink more, fight more, once the only type of halfling there was, and
and by their own consideration, have much most riverfolk now are descended from the
more fun. They have dark coloring all around, ones who didn’t get wooed by elven promises.
various shades of woody browns from hair to As to why the elves took interest is a subject
eyes to skin. They blend as well with a dark seldom brought up to outsiders: the riverfolks’
alley as a ship’s deck. Men and women dress birthright, an inherent connection to the
similarly in practical working clothing, mostly mysterious ley lines of Midgard.
tough canvas or leather shirts and pants, and Riverfolk don’t claim any type of powerful
favor hefty, good-quality work gloves. Most arcane culture, now or ever, but they sense
riverfolk don some type of hat as a preferred ley lines the way others can sense a storm
accessory, from the floppy, wide-brimmed to brewing without a cloud in the sky. Some even
caps bearing jaunty duck feathers. Riverfolk learn to follow them, accessing the shadow

roads for brisk travel or even last-ditch hiding their frequent hobnobbing with big folk has
places. Most take the presence of a ley line as taught them that money is the surest way to
a sign to be cautious and nothing more. That respect and freedom. This has given them a
connection, however, must have surprised predilection to gambling, typically unable to
the elves and maybe even intimidated them— resist a card or dice game. While halflings are
and so they took some riverfolk as favored notoriously lucky, they can push that luck to
servants in pretty cages and slowly warped the limit. Once it runs out—well, there’s more
that power into the glamour the courtfolk now than one reason why riverfolk make a habit
possess. Those halflings who fled into their of crime.
ranks following the Great Retreat regained Riverfolk have shrewd business minds, and
their ley line connections over time but lost they go where the risk-reward ratio is best.
their glamour and longevity. According to Smuggling proved a natural fit for them,
the riverfolk, that’s all the proof they need of
the truth.

Rough and Tumble

Riverfolk love matching strength and wits
against the big folk—and against each other
too, if the drinks are flowing. Their favorite
competitive game is barrel walking along
their decks or on the piers, a display of
physical prowess. Riverfolk excel at it, and
they’re glad to show off to romantic
interests or challenge others, especially
if money is involved. If riverfolk have
a major weakness, it’s money; they
aren’t attracted to luxury
comforts so much as

especially once they sorted out that few regard rivers with reverent consideration.
non-halflings could tell them apart. Barges Anyone showing cruelty to animals or
keep complex smuggling schedules that polluting the rivers with filth or garbage are
operate primarily through word-of-mouth quickly introduced to the business end of a
with illegal cargo seldom being shipped on riverfolk pole.
the same barge more than twice in a row. Some riverfolk explore these bonds further,
The patchwork barges the big folk deride leaving the hectic river-trade lifestyle for
as floating eyesores are perfect smuggling a while and becoming rangers and druids
vessels: they are infuriatingly hard to search with special interest in river ecology. Stories
as they go against typical construction layouts circulate about a riverfolk barge being
and have many hidden pockets and secret helplessly ravaged in rapids, only to have
trapdoors impossible to distinguish from the the waters separate around it with one wave
main ship. In the time it takes to search one from a halfling druid abord, and of greedy
halfling barge that may have no smuggled fishermen poaching fish in strained areas
cargo on it, two more have time to load up being overcome by schools of river sharks, the
contraband and leave. largest ridden by a riverfolk ranger.
Few dare suggest the halfling barges be
outlawed altogether however. Despite the River Workers
complaints against smugglers, riverfolk are
Away from the elven courts and Rothenian
more notable for their remarkable capability
Plains, riverfolk are the most common
in forging rivers, and few others can with the
halflings other races meet. They still labor
same efficiency. They’ve been welcome sights
under the stigma of being “little people” and
in remote areas in need of food and common
get taken for servants, holdovers from their
goods and in the larger cities and kingdoms
courtfolk cousins’ dedication to indenture.
for the rare goods and news they bring back.
As such, riverfolk have to fight for decent
shifts in river docks across the big cities,
Animal Ken and when they don’t get overlooked entirely
Most barges utilize draft mules to haul their for crewing the barges and riverboats, they
boats upstream, but the going is notoriously often get saddled with thankless cooking and
slow and tedious. Riverfolk, however, enjoy a cleaning work or used for their small size for
knack with animals that persuades their mules hard-to-reach repairs. As much as they can,
to work as part of the team. Riverfolk mules riverfolk prefer joining barges manned by
are efficient and determined, hauling their their own kind, but riverfolk with the funding
barges upstream faster with less goading and to run their own operations aren’t common.
few mishaps. When asked if they use magic The ones that do more often than not have
to get their animals to behave, riverfolk just patchwork boats put together with mixes
shrug and say everyone works better when of new material and those harvested from
shown proper respect. wrecked or decommissioned vessels—but if it
This knack extends beyond draft animals. floats, a riverfolk will make it work.
Riverfolk fishermen enjoy bountiful catches, Riverfolk work hard on the docks, boats,
reeling in fish while big folk swear the river’s and barges along the River Argent and the
gone barren. Birds like to roost on riverfolk other major rivers through Krakova, Magdar,
boats and homes and tend to bring small gifts and the Seven Cities. The comings and goings
when they visit, ranging from seeds to shiny of riverfolk from port to port means their
coins. This respect goes both ways; while population numbers are seldom counted, but
riverfolk seldom farm or tend gardens, they they’re there. They are fishermen, warehouse

workers, shipwrights, carpenters, smugglers, being spent, and they’re being very generous
hucksters, pilots, and more, almost all of them with it. In exchange for shifting cargo—not all
eking out livings from the river or adjacent of it mere objects—between Zobeck and the
to it. A smattering of riverfolk can be found Shadow Realm via the river-bound shadow
making a go at other professions inland, but roads, a riverfolk barge captain can come into
the reasoning for sticking to the rivers is significant wealth and power. Despite the
simple: they’re good at it, and it’s one of the temptation, many suspicious riverfolk judge
few places a halfling might find respect. such bargains as too good to be true—just a
The dream of many young riverfolk is to case of some other type of elf finding a way
own their own river barge one day, whether to make halflings serve. They closely observe
freshly built or pieced together from scrap those who’ve made such deals, waiting and
and determination. The great barges on watching to see how quickly their newfound
the Argent are almost tiny kingdoms unto success flounders.
themselves with the captain as its monarch
and where riverfolk rule is law. Not that most Eye on the Prize
riverfolk have any interest in ruling anything,
Riverfolk are among the most adventuresome
but it presents a unique opportunity to be
halflings in Midgard. They can be impressed
able to live as they like and not be obligated
with tales of daring, valor, and—maybe most
to put up with any big folk nonsense. Other
of all—promises of terrific wealth. It takes
races finding themselves working on or with
effort to woo a riverfolk away from their rivers,
passage booked on a halfling barge ought to
but with a notion of buying their own boat,
show a little respect: the riverfolk like to deal
with rudeness by letting the river teach the

Rivers of Shadow
As of late, new opportunities have
been surfacing for the riverfolk barges.
For those willing to move cargo down
shadier corridors than even the most
nefarious smuggling route, shadow fey coin is

buying their own dock, or simply elevating Emilienne “Emma”, Eveline “Evie”, Florentine
their kin out of criminal activity to survive, “Flora”, Franseza “Frankie”, Genevieve
money makes a powerful lure. Their natural “Vivi”, Giselle “Gigi”, Gwendoline “Gwen”,
connections to the world make them potent Heloise “Ella”, Isabeau “Izzy’, Jacquette
druids and rangers, but their slippery, tough “Ketta”, Jocelyn “Josie”, Lilou “Lily”, Lorette
lot in life also lends them well to professions as “Etta”, Madeline “Maddy”, Magalie “Mags”,
a fighter, rogue, or scoundrelly bard. Majorlaine “Margot”, Myriam “Ry”, Nicolette
“Nikki”, Noemi “Em”, Penelope “Penny”,
Riverfolk Names Rosemonde “Rosie”, Roxanne “Roz”,
Syvilanne “Sylvie”, Tiphaine “Tip”, Victorine
Riverfolk are an independent lot and often
“Vicky”, Zephyrine “Zee”
jostled about among other races, like it or not.
To maintain cultural ties, they favor giving RIVERFOLK FAMILY NAMES
their children older names of their ancestors Argentford, Brookway, Craneship,
or clever riverfolk heroes (mostly smugglers Draughtbank, Eelprow, Finderfish,
and captains). These names give way to Greendrift, Halfeddy, Jetfrog, Knotreed,
nicknames quickly, a means of maintaining Loamford, Mistwood, Newtford, Otterflow,
some control in the world—big folk don’t get Prowflood, Quicknot, Riverbottle,
the satisfaction of knowing their true names. Silverbrook, Turtlebarge, Underriver,
Family names evoke a mix of natural themes Whitedrift, Youngwood
and boat life and are combined elements
from both mother and father. For example,
if Margo Whitebottle and Rennie Halfknot
Riverfolk Halfling Traits
have a son, they might name him Lothaire Riverfolk are city halflings, usually growing
Halfbottle, called “Louie.” Riverfolk believe up on docks, fishing boats, and the patchwork
honoring their ancestry is important and barges. Most are more at home on a
don’t care if it makes their genealogy difficult temperamental river than on solid ground,
for anyone else to follow. and riverfolk seldom fear drowning. Despite
their urban natures, riverfolk maintain
MALE GIVEN NAMES AND NICKNAMES a strong connection with natural forces.
Alain “Lain”, Amaury “Murry”, Augustin Riverfolk halflings have the following two
“Gus”, Basile “Bas”, Bertrand “Bert”, Casimir traits and one modification in addition to the
“Cas”, Corentin “Cory”, Cyrille “Cy”, Daniel standard halfling traits.
“Dany”, Diodore “Dio”, Edgard “Eddy”, Alignment. Most riverfolk are somewhere
Fabrice “Fabe”, Francis “Frank”, Gabin between chaotic good and chaotic neutral.
“Gabe”, Ghyslain “Gish”, Guillame “Guy”, They are free spirits, independent-minded,
Honore “Rene”, Jeremie “Remy”, Jonathan and chafe beneath the rules and restrictions
“Jon”, Leonide “Leo”, Lothaire “Louie”, others place on them. Some emerge as
Marcellin “Marc”, Maximilien “Max”, underdog champions, climbing their way
Nicodeme “Nick”, Osric “Oz”, Placide “Cid”, through society to make things better for
Raphel “Rafe”, Renaud “Rennie”, Rodolph others, while others prefer to enjoy what they
“Rudy”, Sylvestre “Sly”, Theophile “Theo”, can get from a society that doesn’t want to
Valerian “Val”, Yezekael “Zeke” give them anything.
FEMALE GIVEN NAMES AND NICKNAMES Sure-Footed. You’re tough and strong despite
Amandine “Amy”, Apolline “Polla”, Beatrice your small size, no stranger to hard work,
“Trixie”, Cassandra “Cassie”, Doriane “Dori”, labor, and working muscle against the will of

a river. Your Strength score is increased by weaker; you have disadvantage on your
1. Additionally, you are adept at maintaining Charisma (Persuasion) check.
your balance on wet decks; you have • You can, at any time in a population
advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to center with halflings, make a Charisma
keep your balance. Slippery surfaces are not (Persuasion) check against a DC 20 to see
considered difficult terrain for you. if you know anyone there. (Populations
River’s Child. You have advantage on that are mostly courtfolk or winterfolk
Strength (Athletics) checks to swim. impose disadvantage on this roll.) If you
Additionally, you add twice your Wisdom succeed, you find someone you know who
bonus on your Wisdom (Animal Handling) is friendly to you; they will not provide
checks with advantage if the animal is native you aid of any significant gold value, but
to rivers or nests in riverbanks. You can sense may share local information, directions,
ley lines that cross or run parallel to a river a free hot meal, or a place to sleep or hide
within 1 mile of you but gain no other benefit for the night.
to tap into or unlock it.
Prerequisites: Halfling (riverfolk), Intelligence
Riverfolk Feats or Wisdom 13 or higher
Riverfolk halflings have developed the All riverfolk can sense ley lines when they
following feats. intermix with rivers, but most of your kin
CONNECTIONS use this knowledge to show caution and
respect. You prefer to refine this sense to take
Prerequisite: Halfling (riverfolk), Charisma 10
advantage of the paths that ley lines open up
or higher
to you:
Riverfolk have many diverse kin scattered
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom
across river ports in the Crossroads. When
score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
you need something badly, you know if you
• You have advantage on Wisdom
just ask around enough, you’ll find a cousin
(Survival) checks to avoid becoming lost
who knows someone who knows someone
in any realm that contains ley lines.
else who might be able to help you out:
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a • You do not incur a penalty on your
maximum of 20. Intelligence (Arcana) checks on Shadow
Road Lore.
• Whenever you are in an area with a
halfling population, you can make a • While traveling a shadow road on
Charisma (Persuasion) check (DC 15 a river, you reduce your travel time
in areas with 1,000 or more halflings in to a destination by 1d2 days + your
residence, DC 20 if 100–999, and DC 25 if Intelligence modifier (to a minimum
less) to get in touch with distant kin who travel time of 1 day).
can provide you with a service. As long as UNDERFOOT
the particular service or item is available
Prerequisites: Small size or smaller, Strength
in the area, you can purchase it from your
13 or higher
connection with a 5% reduction in cost
for every 5 you exceeded the DC on your You excel at tripping up taller races and
check. In regions with more courtfolk and sending them to the ground:
winterfolk halflings, you may still make • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a
the check, but these connections are far maximum of 20.

• While wielding a quarterstaff or barge
pole, you have advantage on Strength
Riverfolk Equipment
Barge poles (or quant poles) are about 10 feet
(Athletics) checks to trip a creature up to
long with a cap at one end and a prong at the
two sizes larger than you.
other. Primarily used to propel or steer barges
• If using the fighter class Trip Attack Battle
through the water, the forked prong at one tip
Master maneuver with a quarterstaff or
prevents the pole from sinking into muck in
barge pole, your target has disadvantage
the riverbed. Barge poles can be wielded as a
on their Strength saving throw to avoid
bludgeoning weapon or used to stab with the
being knocked prone.


Simple Melee Weapon
Barge Pole 1 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 7 lb. heavy, special, two-handed

prong for 1d4 piercing damage. Barge poles that won’t fit in a pocket. You can withdraw a
are clumsy weapons at best, even in the hands specific item at will; when reaching for it, the
of riverfolk who have learned to wield them. correct pocket appears.
In the hands of anyone but a riverfolk halfling, If you desire, you can concentrate on keeping
a barge pole is an Improvised Weapon and all pockets visible on the coat; there are four
deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage. Riverfolk may pockets, two on each side, on the outer coat,
wield barge poles as simple weapons. four on the inside, and two pockets in each
sleeve. The pockets remain visible while you
Riverfolk Magic Items maintain concentration on doing so.
A smuggler’s coat is resistant to most
Riverfolk halflings make special use of the
damage, but deliberately shredding it,
following items.
incinerating it, or otherwise subjecting it to
massive damage can obliterate the coat and
everything in it, though an artifact inside a
Wondrous items, rare
smuggler’s coat will manifest elsewhere.
These pebbles can be shaped like salmon, river Detecting the magic of a smuggler’s coat will
clams, or iridescent river rocks. Regardless of not reveal the magical auras of any items it is
the form, all give a distinctive shine in sunlight containing.
and radiate a scent of fresh, roiling water no Placing the coat within another
matter how long it’s been on dry land. These extradimensional space, such as a bag of
tokens seem sturdy with light handling but holding, or vice versa will destroy both items
crumble easily if you attempt to crush them. and create a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate
You can crush a token into a river to calm originates where the one item was placed
the waters ahead to a gentle current for 1 inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet
hour. Hostile creatures within the river or of the gate is sucked through it and deposited
lairing on the riverbanks nearby (within 500 in a random location on the Astral Plane. The
feet) are soothed by the power in the token. gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and
They must make Wisdom saving throws (DC can’t be reopened.
15) to be able to take any hostile actions for 1
hour; attacking an affected creature ends this
effect immediately.
Riverfolk Class Options
Riverfolk halflings have made certain classes
Once crumbled, the river token is consumed.
all their own.
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

When you attune yourself to this coat, it Those who have been burned by a bard of “the
conforms to you in a color and style befitting arts” know exactly what sort of art is conveyed
your race and local culture. It has no visible by the name: the art of the swindle, the con,
pockets, but they appear if you place your and the huckster.
hands against the side of the coat and expect Con artistry isn’t a profession all riverfolk
pockets. Once your hand is withdrawn, the claim, but the ones who do are very good at
pockets vanish and take anything placed it. Halflings are an underestimated lot, and
in them to an extradimensional space. A their happy-go-lucky dispositions, size, and
smuggler’s coat can hold up to 40 pounds of apparent harmlessness makes them easy
material in up to 10 different extradimensional to trust. These hucksters take advantage of
pockets. Nothing can be placed inside the coat these traits to humble the big folk. The more

noble ones among them are inclined to target condition and disadvantage on Perception
haughty, greedy people who make life difficult checks for as long as you continue talking, up
for the lower classes, taking them down a to 1 minute (after the first round, treat this
few pegs to teach a lesson. Other hucksters, as maintaining concentration). Attacking the
however, are more concerned with making target breaks the effect immediately as does
money, and the only line they won’t cross is leaving the target’s line of sight or rendering
swindling their own kin—if even that. the target unable to hear or understand you.
In seedy riverside taverns, on rollicking boat Potentially hostile actions the target notices
parties, or off in dens and bazaars of dubious allow another saving throw with advantage.
repute, so often are bards of this college The effect ends at the start of the target’s turn
found. When one “artist” recognizes another, once you stop speaking or lose concentration.
they are quick to swap tales and tricks and the
names of previous marks and potential dupes
they haven’t gotten to yet. Unless of course Beginning at 6th level, you can expend one
the bards in question have made rivals of each use of Bardic Inspiration as a bonus action
other by lingering too long in a similar trade to heckle your target, a creature no more
in the same place: then it can become a feud than 60 feet away from you, peppering them
where one attempts to discredit the other with insults, clever repartee, or actual rotten
before they both are found out. produce. Your target must make a Wisdom
saving throw against your abuse. On a failure,
MISDIRECTION the target subtracts an amount equal to your
When you join the college of the arts at 3rd Bardic Inspiration die on their next attack
level, you learn the secret of keeping a target’s roll, saving throw, or skill check, but the
eyes everywhere but on what your hands are target gains advantage on their next attack
doing: roll against you. The effects only apply on the
• You gain proficiency in Dexterity (Sleight target’s next roll.
of Hand) if you do not have it already.
• You have advantage on any Dexterity MASTER OF LIES
(Sleight of Hand) check to engage in an Starting at 14th level, your lies and falsehoods
act of legerdemain or manual trickery, have become so convincing that you yourself
such as to conceal an item, make it believe them half the time:
“disappear,” or plant an item elsewhere. • Checks made against you to discern your
• As a bonus action, you can conceal or deceits have disadvantage.
draw a light weapon that weighs no more • You have advantage on all Charisma
than 1 pound. (Deception) checks.
• Magical divinations from spells or items
FAST-TALK that can detect falsehoods or elicit the
Starting at 3rd level, you learn the secret that truth struggle to pierce your deception.
what you say matters less than how you say it. Against such methods, you have
You can expend one use of Bardic Inspiration advantage on any such effect that grants
and spend your entire action talking to a you a saving throw, and against effects
target. Whether feigning acquaintance, asking without a saving throw, there is a 50% you
questions, or simply jumping from one non- are determined to be truthful and a 25%
sequitur to another, your target must make a chance the effect refuses to function at all.
Wisdom saving throw against your spell save
DC. On a failure, the target has the charmed

by Kelly Pawlik

The Small Folk of Domovogrod HEARTS OF ICE AND IRON

The origins of the winterfolk are shrouded in Winterfolk homes are devoid of comforts,
mystery. Sightings of them are so rare in most befitting a people that has come to almost
parts of the world that some doubt they exist relish hardship. When their lives become too
at all. Sages debate whether or not they were a comfortable, winterfolk begin to fear they
distinct people prior to the Great Retreat or if have upset their ancestors and the land. They
they were once courtfolk or riverfolk halflings seek out challenges with a zeal that appears
who broke away from their kin when the elves suicidal to others.
departed. It is assumed they were once loyal Winterfolk rarely let their guard down
servants to the elves like the courtfolk, and because a lapse in attention can spell doom
they still bear a great deal of respect for elves for themselves or their community. Like their
and the elfmarked, though they have little love courtfolk and riverfolk cousins, community
for the shadow fey. means a great deal to winterfolk, and they will
Despite their scarcity, the winterfolk do give no quarter to any creature that seeks to
exist. They dwell in the northern portions threaten the freedom and security of their
of the Rothenian Plains, particularly in the settlement. Otherwise, winterfolk regard their
Duchy of Domovogrod, north of the Raven’s southern kin with disdain and sadness. They
Road. Before the fall of the Silver Mountain view other halflings, perhaps erroneously, as
Kingdom, they lived in comfortable huts and frivolous, lazy, and selfish.
burrows in the hills. When the giants sacked The life of a winterfolk child is as rugged as
the kingdom, the winterfolk were driven from that of an adult. From the time they can walk,
their homes into the rugged wilds. Because they are expected to keep up with their family.
they are almost always encountered while As soon as they have the strength to hold
they are hunting, many believe winterfolk are tools, fishing nets, or weapons, they are taught
nomadic. They are not. Small communities of how to use them. Children are expected to
them hide their sod-roofed huts throughout hold their obligations to family and settlement
the lowlands of the Tunturi Range, trusting above all other considerations.
the rugged terrain will keep intruders from Winterfolk are superstitious. When a
finding them. relative dies, they are cremated holding four
stones, two in each hand, and the ashen
remains are kept in an urn in a quiet place.

A candle is burned in honor of a dead than two dozen individuals sharing a few
relative for four days following their death. huts. Most colonies are comprised of a few
On the fourth anniversary of the death, the intermarried families, and rarely are more
winterfolk’s cremated remains are divided than two or three generations represented.
into four parts and left to be scattered by Whatever crops the winterfolk can eke
the wind in four different locations. If these out of the unforgiving soil grow amidst the
rituals can’t be followed, winterfolk wisdom structures of the settlement. Winterfolk never
states that the dead will return as an ashen plant recognizable fields, nor do they prune
ghost to slay their still living family unto the trees or bushes in the hopes that creatures
youngest generation. passing through the territory mistake the
Women are held in slightly higher chaotic jumbles of plants for wilderness rather
esteem than men within their settlements, than cultivated orchards and gardens.
and they tend to hold most positions of
importance in their communities, though
this is not universally true. All are expected
Tools of the Winterfolk
The heart of each community is the forge.
to contribute equally to the family unit, and
Winterfolk metalworking is done at low
men are as likely to be found carrying young
temperatures and most communities have
offspring with them in leather and fur slings
at least one member capable of creating
while they work or hunt as women.
masterful coldforged items. Tools crafted by
the winterfolk serve double duty as weapons
as well. Farmers and herders are loath to
Winterfolk communities are most commonly overburden themselves by carrying spears
found in the craggy foothills of the
northern Rothenian Plains. Settlements
are always small, rarely
numbering more

as well as spades, so the blades of shovels rake can make a special melee attack to trip
and trowels are keenly edged. Rakes, hoes, a creature up to two sizes larger, knocking it
pitchforks, and picks are built sturdily enough prone. When tripping a creature, the attacker
to split skulls as well as stones. makes a Strength (Athletics) check contested
The winterfolk have devised many tools that by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
can be used to both work the land and fend (Acrobatics) check (whichever is more
off creatures that seek to harm them. advantageous for the target). If the attacker is
able to make multiple attacks with the Attack
New Weapons action, the trip attack replaces one of them.

Many of the tools forged by the winterfolk Whipsaw. A whipsaw is comprised of

can be used as weapons by simply substituting razor-sharp teeth loosely riveted together
the closest approximation. A trowel acts as and attached to a T-shaped handle at each
a dagger, a spade acts as a battleaxe, and a end. Used as a tool, a whipsaw allows single
pitchfork acts as a trident, for instance. A few winterfolk to cut down a moderately sized tree
of the tools do not have easy approximations relatively quickly and effortlessly. Used as a
however and are detailed below. weapon, a whipsaw leaves grievous bleeding
wounds that require medical attention to
Climbing Adze. This tool is made of a sharp,
stanch. A creature that takes damage from
wide blade perpendicular to a short handle
a whipsaw loses 1 hit point at the beginning
with a leather thong to loop over the user’s
of each of its turns for 1 minute following
wrist. In addition to peeling the bark from
the injury. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
felled trees or removing buried stones from
(Medicine) check or receiving any amount of
the soil, a pair of climbing adzes gives the
magical healing stops the bleeding. When not
wielder advantage on Strength (Athletics)
in use, a whipsaw can be coiled and hung from
checks made to climb.
its wielder’s belt or pack.
Hand Trebuchet. The metal pocket of a hand
trebuchet can be loaded with acid, alchemist’s
fire, holy water, or other small containers
Hidden Places
of liquid. See the appropriate entry for the As befitting a race that values its privacy, the
ammunition used to determine damage and winterfolk hold a special reverence for several
other effects. As a melee weapon, a hand difficult to find locations scattered about the
trebuchet deals damage as a club. Rothenian Plains.
Stone Rake. Settlers use stone rakes to remove Anguished Spire. This impossibly narrow
rocks and other obstructions from the soil stone spire stands in the southeast foothills
prior to planting or building temporary of the mountainous region of the Rothenian
structures. In combat, a creature using a stone Plains, approximately 215 miles from the


Martial Melee Weapons
Climbing adze 6 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. light
Stone rake 10 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. versatile (1d10), special
Whipsaw 15 gp 1d8 slashing 2 lb. finesse, special
Martial Ranged Weapon
Hand trebuchet 4 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 3 lb. ammunition (60/240), special

Winter Tree. The near-constant wind, Penitent winterfolk travel here to confess
blowing from the north, causes the spire to their sins to the silent trees and sometimes
emit a ghastly howl that has been described bury evidence of their misdeeds. A narrow
by visitors as the howl of a colossal banshee. creek running with sweet, clean water bisects
Visitors who are 5–200 feet away from the the grove like a fine silver thread. Sometimes
spire are deafened by the buffeting winds. the pilgrims visiting the grove aren’t simply
Creatures within 5 feet of the spire find the air seeking peace of mind. Winterfolk who have
is calm and silent, even the movement of cloth fallen into banditry sometimes hide in the
and the rustle of grass underfoot is silenced. trees and victimize other visitors or simply
The spire was erected by elven magisters wait for them to leave and dig up any valuable
shortly before the Great Retreat and serves mementos left behind.
as a seal imprisoning the rubezahl (see Tome Vistag’s Fall. Located at one of the highest
of Beasts) warlord Ghurrich and his army points of the central Tunturi Range, over
of lesser demons and dark fey. If the spire is 10,000 feet above sea level, Vistag’s Fall is
substantially damaged or falls completely, rarely visited by civilized people. The accused
Ghurrich’s army will be released to wreak winterfolk traitor Vistag Highbadger was
havoc on the region. Malicious fey often executed for crimes he did not commit by
bedevil mortals that visit this location. being thrown from this cliff. Visitors to this
Fingers of Forgetfulness. The water running in location must scale a steep shale-covered
this series of five short tributaries is sluggish, trail lined by jagged rocks and hardy ferns.
black, and deathly cold. The River Lethe taints Climbers who examine the ferns closely can
this water, which is located approximately find skeletal evidence of people who failed the
50 miles northeast of the Winter Tree. ascent or who have met the Falls’ guardian.
Creatures who drink the water of the Fingers Vistag’s wraith haunts this location every
must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution saving night, seeking to avenge his wrongful death by
throw or become poisoned. Such creatures visiting his rage and malice upon any living
forget everything they experienced during creature he comes across.
the week prior to drinking the water. An
affected creature can make a new saving
throw every 24 hours to overcome the effect
New Feats
This section introduces a selection of feats
and immediately remembers everything the
that allow you to further explore your heritage
poison caused them to forget. Winterfolk who
as a winterfolk halfling.
have settled near the Fingers of Forgetfulness
use the black water to poison their blades and GIANT-FOE
arrowheads. A creature struck by a weapon Prerequisite: Halfling (winterfolk)
treated with diluted black water must succeed You are a bitter enemy of the giants and their
at a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be kin that have conquered the Silver Mountain
poisoned for 1 minute. Kingdom. You gain the following benefits:
Unseen Grove. Nestled beneath the ground • Increase your Strength score by 1, to a
approximately 2 days travel northeast of maximum of 20.
Olersheim, this copse of stunted spruce • You do not have disadvantage on attack
trees is only accessible via a series of narrow rolls using weapons with the heavy tag.
tunnels. That trees survive in this place at
• When a giant scores a critical hit against
all is only due to the finger-wide beams of
you, it deals no additional damage.
sunlight that penetrate the cavern ceiling.

PART OF THE PACK be able to summon a wolf if you are indoors
Prerequisite: Halfling (winterfolk) or in a region that wolves are not native to.
The wolves of Domovogrod are never seem Once you have summoned a wolf with this
to be far from your side and consider you to feat, you must finish a long rest before you
be a packmate. As an action, you can howl can summon another wolf.
to summon a wolf to assist you. The wolf RIMECASTER
appears in 1d4 rounds and remains within 50
Prerequisite: Halfling (winterfolk)
feet of you until 1 hour elapses or until it dies,
whichever occurs first. You cannot control You have learned to adapt your elemental
the wolf, though it will not attack you or your magic to reflect your northern heritage. You
companions and will attack any creature you gain the following benefits:
are engaging in melee combat. If you are level • When you use your action to cast a spell,
4 or higher when you summon a wolf, there you can use your bonus action to change
is a 50% chance you will summon a dire wolf the type of damage the spell deals to cold
instead. At the GM’s discretion, you may not damage.

• When you cast a spell that deals cold
damage, you gain resistance to cold
New Background
The new Silver Mountain Kingdom scout
damage until the start of your next turn.
background is suitable for winterfolk halflings
TUNDRA WALKER who hail from Domovogrod, though human
Prerequisite: Halfling (winterfolk) and huginn characters from the region may
You are inured to the extreme cold find it suitable as well.
temperatures of your frigid northern home.
You gain the following benefits: SILVER MOUNTAIN KINGDOM SCOUT
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a When the giants of the Northlands sacked
maximum of 20. the Silver Mountain Kingdom, you were one
• You are adapted to cold environments, of the lucky few who escaped into the wider
allowing you to automatically succeed environs of Domovogrod. What you were
on Constitution saving throws to avoid before the invaders came is inconsequential.
exhaustion while traveling through Now you spend your time planning and
regions where the temperature is at or executing strikes against your conquerors.
below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The harsh wilds of the north have melted any
• If the frostbite and hypothermia softness from your body and spirit, leaving
conditions (see Midgard Hero’s only a hard determination as unforgiving as
Handbook) are used, you automatically the mountains themselves.
succeed on saving throws against Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival
nonmagical sources of them.
Language: Giant
• You can move on slippery ice as though it
Equipment: A hunting trap, a tent, a tinder
were normal terrain.
box, a cold weather outfit, and a pouch
• You do not contribute to the total weight
containing 10 gp
when calculating the weight tolerance of
thin ice you are moving across. Feature: Emergency Supply Cache
While you are traveling in the Silver
Mountains, you can find and use small supply
caches left by other scouts. Caches are small by
necessity with a value that doesn’t exceed 5 gp.

1 I will return my people to this land.
2 The giants and their minions have ruined everything. We must stand against them.
3 The people of the south are soft and decadent. They cannot endure the trials we have.
4 We might as well drink and enjoy ourselves today. Our lives may be taken tomorrow.
5 I am death’s architect. My weapons are the tools of my trade.
6 My will is steel. I am not scared, no matter the size of my enemy.
7 This land sustains and preserves us.
8 I will not fall until all evil has been exterminated from the world.

1 Pride. My skill at arms is enough to gain me all I desire. (Neutral)
2 Hate. My war starts with the giants, but it won’t end until we slaughter all the savage races.
3 Service. My obligation to my family comes first, then my duty to my people. (Lawful)
4 Freedom. I can do as I wish and roam where I may. No king or queen rules over me.
5 Piety. The gods spin our fates. We are but pieces in their games. (Neutral)
6 Partnership. We must care for our companions and trust they will care for us. (Good)

1 I will free my kin who are being held in Vellarsheim.
2 When I slay a giant, I keep one of its smallest finger bones.
3 My husband keeps the home fires lit while I ply my trade.
4 This spear has been handed down from parent to child in my family for generations.
I will pass it to my first born when the time is right.
5 We are caretakers of the Winter Tree. If we preserve it, we earn passage to the Elflands.
6 Olersheim is the last bastion of civility in the region. I will protect it to the end.

1 I speak with contempt to people who are not from the north.
2 One never knows when they will be in need. I steal a small bit of food from every
homestead I pass through.
3 I want to leave the north for warmer climates. We’ll never reclaim the Silver Mountain
Kingdom anyway.
4 I have killed travelers and made it appear as though giants were at fault.
5 I trust all the people of Domovogrod without question.
6 There is no law in the wilds. I will do as I wish with no fear of consequences.

A typical cache consists of enough rations for supplies for others to use, you risk gaining
four people for one day, two full waterskins, a negative reputation amongst your fellow
two torches, plus a dagger, a quiver of 20 freedom fighters.
arrows, or a case of 20 crossbow bolts. You can
find a cache by spending an hour searching.
If you search for more than one cache in a Silver Mountain Kingdom scouts tend to be
seven-day period, the second takes two hours fatalistic with a grim sense of humor. When
and a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) they allow themselves a rare respite from
check to find. The Wisdom (Survival) check their struggle, they enjoy good food, strong
DC increases by 5 for each cache sought after drink, and other pleasures of the flesh. While
the second. For example, if you are searching they are executing an operation, scouts are
for a fifth supply cache in a seven-day period, focused and almost unshakeable in their
you must search for two hours and make a determination to rid their homeland of the
DC 25 Wisdom (Survival) check. If you use giants that plague it.
the caches left by other scouts but never leave

Winterfolk Magic RANGER SPELLS
Spellcasters are rare amongst the winterfolk. 2ND LEVEL
Most take up professions as rangers, Lure Prey (winterfolk)
wanderers, and warriors, though some few 3RD LEVEL
join a druidic circle or a bard’s college. Fewer
Hearth and Home (halfling)
still take up the mantle of a wizard or sorcerer,
and the odd individual who trades power for 5TH LEVEL

service as a warlock is destined to become Unerring Mark (winterfolk)

an outcast of his community. Despite their 6TH LEVEL
lack of magical mastery, the winterfolk have Spirit of the Hills (winterfolk)
developed a small number of spells which are
usually passed from master to apprentice.
Spell Descriptions
These spells are well-known among the
Spell Lists winterfolk, but rarely shared with outsiders.
The spell lists are organized by class. Each
spell also indicates its school, tradition, HE ARTH AND HOME
domain, pact, or other origin. Check with 3rd-level conjuration (halfling)
your GM to find out which spells are allowed Casting Time: 1 action
in your campaign. Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (two warm pebbles)
Duration: 8 hours
While under the effects of this spell, your
body radiates a pleasant heat to a range of 5
Lure Prey (winterfolk) feet. For the duration, you do not gain levels
of exhaustion from exposure to extreme cold
CLERIC SPELLS weather or from the effects of extreme hunger
3RD LEVEL or starvation.
Hearth and Home (halfling) At Higher Levels: Casting hearth and home
using a spell slot of 4th level or higher allows
you to affect one additional creature per level
Spirit of the Hills (winterfolk)
of the spell slot used. For instance, if you use
a 5th-level spell slot to cast this spell, you can
DRUID SPELLS affect three creatures you touch.
Lure Prey (winterfolk) LURE PREY

3RD LEVEL 2nd-level enchantment (winterfolk) [ritual]

Casting Time: 1 minute
Hearth and Home (halfling)
Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S, M (a wishbone)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
The location in which you cast this spell
Unerring Mark (winterfolk) becomes too enticing for small game to resist.
At the end of the casting time, the caster
breaks the wishbone in two and places both

pieces on the ground. Within 2d6 minutes, If you fail a Constitution saving throw to
1d6 beasts of challenge rating 0 arrive at the maintain concentration on this spell, you
spell location. The animals lured by the spell can elect to take 1 point of exhaustion once
are all of the same type and are of species the duration ends in order to maintain
native to the region and environs in which concentration on it. If you choose to stop
the spell is cast. Creatures drawn to the concentrating on the spell, the ancestral
location remain there for the duration or spirits depart you in a rush, dealing 1d10 force
until attacked. damage per round remaining in the duration
While usually cast to draw food creatures to all creatures within 15 feet of you. Creatures
to a location, enterprising winterfolk just as damaged by this use of the spell can make a
often use lure prey to bring small creatures Constitution saving throw to take half damage.
through locations they suspect are trapped or
to use the summoned animals to distract or UNERRING MARK
draw the attention of larger creatures. 5th-level divination (winterfolk)
At Higher Levels: If lure prey is cast with a Casting Time: 1 action
4th-level spell slot, at the caster’s choice, it Range: Self
summons 2d6 beasts of challenge rating 0 or Components: V, S, M (an arrowhead flecked
1d6 beasts of up to challenge rating 1. If it is with dried animal blood)
cast with a 6th-level spell slot, it summons Duration: 1 round per level
4d6 beasts of challenge rating 0 or 1d6 beasts You are suffused with the spirits of
of up to challenge rating 2. your ancestors, who guide your attacks.
While under the effects of this spell, your
SPIRIT OF THE HILLS ranged weapon attacks hit their target
6th-level necromancy (winterfolk) automatically with no attack roll. Targets with
Casting Time: 1 action three‑quarters cover or total cover are not
Range: Self affected by this spell. When calculating your
Components: V, S ranged weapon damage, you subtract 1 from
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute each damage die rolled to determine the total
Ancestral energies surround and fill you, damage dealt. While under the effects of this
transforming you into a paragon of the spell, you cannot strike a critical hit against a
winterfolk. While under the effects of spirit creature with a ranged weapon attack.
of the hills, you have advantage on attack At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using
rolls and saving throws. You also have a 6th-level spell slot, the decrease to your
resistance to cold and fire damage as well as weapon’s damage is negated, and you deal
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage damage as normal for the weapon used. If
from nonmagical weapons. you cast unerring mark using an 8th-level
spell slot, all creatures standing within 10 feet
of you gain the benefit of the spell when they
make ranged attacks.

by Kelly Pawlik

N o matter how sophisticated the civilized

races of Midgard become nor how
peaceful the times seem, the threat of war
of even the meanest creatures. Legionnaires
are rogues who will fight to win, no matter
the cost. And sappers are the ditch-digging,
is never far off. Just in recent history, the bridge‑building rogues who keep the army’s
vampires of Morgau and Doresh annexed supply train moving.
the former Electoral Kingdom of Krakova
whose ruling family in exile now wages an
internecine war against their conquerors. Path of the Herald
In the Seven Cities, where war is a way of (Barbarian Primal Path)
life with a specific season for waging it, the In northern lands, the savage warriors charge
Mharoti Empire ceased to be merely a far‑off into battle behind chanting warrior‑poets.
threat when it seized the nearby Grand These wise men and women collect the
Duchy of Illyria. In the Wasted West, the histories, traditions, and accumulated
scattered tribes of dust goblins are uniting knowledge of the people to preserve and pass
under a single charismatic leader to bring on. Barbarians who follow the Path of the
death to the Seat of Mavros. Herald, who are sometimes called skalds, lead
With the threat of battle never far off, the their people into battle chanting the tribe’s
soldiers, officers, companies, and armies that sagas, spurring them on to new victories while
hope to eke a profit from wartime are never honoring the glory of the past.
hard to find. The following six specializations
are particularly suited to different aspects ORAL TRADITION
of making war, though more traditional When you adopt this path at 3rd level, you
adventurers who hew to a strategic or warlike gain proficiency in History and Performance.
mindset will benefit from them just the If you already have proficiency in one of these
same. Barbarians who choose the path of the skills, your proficiency bonus is doubled for
herald learn to share their battle-lust among ability checks you make using that skill.
their companions. Bards from the College
of Tactics learn how to inspire their troops
to greater victories. Chaplains are fighters Starting when you choose this path at 3rd
whose faith grants them the ability to spur level, when you enter a rage as a bonus action,
their friends on in the face of adversity. Beast you can expend one additional daily use of
trainer rangers can create small armies out rage to allow up to three willing creatures

within 30 feet to enter a rage as well. The THUNDROUS ORATORY
creatures must be able to see and hear you. At 14th level, when you enter a rage, your
Creatures affected by this feature gain the attacks deal an extra 2d6 thunder damage.
same benefits and restrictions you do when If you strike a critical hit, your target must
you enter a rage. succeed at a Strength saving throw (DC 8
Battle fervor lasts for 1 minute. It ends early + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
if you are knocked unconscious or if your modifier) or be pushed 10 feet away and
turn ends and you either haven’t attacked a knocked prone in addition to the extra
hostile creature since your last turn or have damage. When you enter battle fervor, you
taken damage since then. You can also end and all the creatures affected by it deal an
battle fervor on your turn as a bonus action. extra 1d6 thunder damage. If you or any of
the affected creatures strikes a critical hit,
the target must succeed on a Strength saving
As a historian, you are well aware how much throw as calculated above or be pushed 10 feet
impact the past has on the present. At 6th away in addition to the extra damage.
level, you can enter a trance and explore
your people’s sagas to cast the
augury, comprehend languages,
and identify spells but only as
At 10th level, when you end
your rage as a bonus action,
you regain a number of
hit points equal to your
barbarian level × 3. If you
end your battle fervor as a
bonus action, you restore
a number of hit points equal
to your barbarian level +
your Charisma modifier to
yourself and all creatures
affected by it.

COLLEGE OF TACTICS Once a creature has used the selected
strategy, it can’t be used by the same
(Bard College)
creature again until it receives a new Bardic
Bards of the College of Tactics are calculating Inspiration die.
strategists who scour historical records of
Bait and Bleed. When the affected creature
famous battles for tricks they can use to give
uses its action to Dodge, it can make one
their own troops, and those of their patrons,
melee attack against a creature that is within
an edge on the battlefield. Members of this
5 feet of it.
college travel from war zone to combat
site and interview the veterans of those Blitzkrieg. When the affected creature uses its
engagements, trying to discern how the victors action to Dash, it can make one melee attack
won the day and leveraging that information at the end of its movement. If the attack is a
for their personal glory. critical hit, the targeted creature is frightened
until the beginning of your next turn.
Counter Offensive. When the affected creature
When you join the College of Tactics at 3rd takes damage from another creature, it can
level, you gain proficiency with medium use its reaction to make an attack against the
armor, shields, and one martial weapon of attacking creature. The creature using this
your choice. strategy must be wielding a weapon that can
SETTING THE BOARD reach its attacker.
Also at 3rd level, you can move your allies Distraction. When the affected creature uses
into more advantageous positions like moving this strategy, it can Disengage as a bonus
the pieces on a game board. As a bonus action.
action, you can roll a Bardic Inspiration die Hold Steady. When the affected creature uses
and multiply your result by 5 to determine its action to take the Ready action and the
how much distance in feet your allies can trigger for the readied action doesn’t occur,
travel. You can then move any number of it can make an attack or cast a spell after all
willing allies who can see or hear you the total
other creatures have acted in the round.
amount of distance rolled in increments of 5
feet. For instance, rolling a 4 on your Bardic Indirect Approach. When the affected
Inspiration die allows you to move one or creature uses its action to Help a friendly
more willing allies 20 feet. You could use that creature in attacking a creature within 5
movement to move one willing ally 5 feet and feet of it, all other friendly creatures have
another willing ally 15 feet or to move two advantage on their first attacks against the
willing allies 10 feet each. target creature.
Movement generated by this feature does not Rest and Recovery. When the affected
cause your allies to draw opportunity attacks. creature uses its Bardic Inspiration die, it can
recover one use of one of its features that has
a limited number of uses per day, such as a
Beginning at 6th level, when you choose
barbarian’s Rage. A creature can’t use this
a creature to benefit from your Bardic
feature to recover a spell slot.
Inspiration, it also gains one of the strategies
of your choice from the list below. The ABLATIVE INSPIRATION
affected creature must use the strategy before Starting at 14th level, when you take damage
the duration of the Bardic Inspiration die from a spell that affects an area, you can use
expires but can use it on the same turn it uses your reaction to redirect and dissipate some of
the Bardic Inspiration die. the spell’s power. If you succeed at the spell’s

saving throw, all friendly creatures within two levels of exhaustion in addition to the
10 feet of you are also treated as though they conditions listed above.
succeeded at the saving throw. You expend At 17th level, your allies can also ignore the
one of your Bardic Inspiration dice when you effects of being paralyzed as well as a total of
use this feature. three levels of exhaustion in addition to the
conditions above.
Chaplain If a creature affected by this feature is
(Fighter Archetype) already suffering from one of the conditions
they can ignore, that condition is suppressed
In the eyes of your companions, you are as
for the duration and resumes affecting them
much a counsellor and spiritual leader as you
once the duration expires. Once you have
are a fellow warrior. Militaries and mercenary
used this feature, you must finish a short or
companies often contain members of various
clergies among their ranks. These chaplains long rest to use it again.
often come from religious sects whose tenets FIELD MEDIC
promote war, healing, peace, protection, or When you reach 10th level, you can spend
freedom, and they tend to the emotional and one of your Hit Dice to regain hit points
physical well-being of their companions. as an action. The hit points regained with
STUDENT OF FAITH this feature can be applied to yourself or to
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, another creature you touch.
you gain proficiency in either Insight or If you spend Hit Dice to recover hit points
Religion. during a short rest, any hit points regained
that exceed your hit point maximum, or that
TEND THE INJURED of the creature being tended to, can be applied
Beginning at 3rd level, you can heal another to another creature.
creature you touch when you spend Hit Dice When you finish a short rest, you regain one
to regain hit points during a short rest, instead spent Hit Dice.
of applying the regained hit points to yourself.
Additionally, the number of Hit Dice you RALLY POINT
regain after a long rest is equal to half your Beginning at 15th level, when you see one
total number of them plus one. For instance, of your allies take damage, you can use your
if you have four Hit Dice, you regain three reaction to move that creature toward you to
spent Hit Dice upon finishing a long rest. a maximum distance of its speed. The player
of the affected character, or the GM if an NPC
RALLY THE TROOPS is being moved, can choose the path traveled
Starting at 7th level, you can urge your but must ensure the creature is closer to you
companions to overcome emotional and at the end of this movement than it was at the
spiritual obstacles as an action. Any creature beginning of the movement.
you consider an ally that can see and hear you
can ignore the effects of being charmed and HOSPITALER
frightened for 1 minute. Starting at 18th level, you recover a number
At 10th level, your allies can also ignore the of spent Hit Dice equal to 1/4 of your total
effects of being incapacitated as well as one Hit Dice when you finish a short rest.
level of exhaustion. Additionally, you recover all your spent Hit
At 15th level, your allies can also ignore the Dice when you finish a long rest.
effects of being stunned as well as a total of

Beast Trainer In order to use this feature, you must practice
and play with your animals daily, focusing
(Ranger Archetype)
your attention on them: this expends one spell
People have used animals in their war efforts slot of the highest level you have.
since time immemorial. As a beast trainer,
you teach animals how to fight and survive BESTIAL FLANKER
on the battlefield. You also train them to At 7th level, when you and one of your trained
recognize and obey the other people in your animals Attack the same creature, your trained
unit. While a beast trainer can train any type animal has advantage on its attack roll.
of animal, they often generate a strong bond
with one species and focus their training on
Starting at 11th level, when you practice with
beasts of that type.
your trained animal, you may expend a second
BEAST WHISPERER spell slot each day of the highest level you have
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in order to give your trained animal resistance
in Animal Handling. If you are already to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
proficient in this skill, your proficiency bonus from non-magical weapons. Additionally, you
is doubled when you use it. can choose Large beasts when you select your
trained animals.
Beginning at 3rd level, when you take this PRIMAL WHIRLWIND
archetype, choose a beast that is Medium and At 15th level, when you command your trained
has a challenge rating equal to 1/4 your level, animal to use the Attack action, it can make an
rounded down, or lower. This beast takes attack against every creature within 5 feet of it.
its turn on your initiative and obeys your If you have more than one trained animal, you
commands. As a bonus action on your turn, choose one of them to use this feature.
you can use gestures and verbal commands to
order your beast to move up to its movement
speed and take one of the following actions:
Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, or Help. (Rogue Archetype)
If you are knocked unconscious, killed, or Sinners, scoundrels, cheats, and killers,
otherwise unable to command your trained legionnaires live hard and die harder. For
animal, one of your allies can command it some, mercenary life is not a choice, it is the
by using a bonus action to make a DC 10 reward for a lifetime of burglary, swindling,
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. poaching, and worse crimes. Criminals whose
When you reach 7th level, you can have misdeeds are not awful enough to warrant
more than one trained animal at a time. All execution are often conscripted to mercenary
your trained animals must be of the same type companies and foreign legions where their
and can have a total challenge rating equal wits and tenacity are put to use fighting wars
to 1/4 of your level, rounded down. A beast they have no stake in.
with challenge rating 0 is considered to have
a challenge rating of 1/8 for the purpose of FORCED MARCH
determining the number of trained animals Starting at 3rd level, when you travel more
you can have. You can use a bonus action than 8 hours in a day, you do not need to
to direct all your trained animals to take make a Constitution saving throw for each
the same action, or you can use an action to additional hour travelled and do not gain
command them to take different actions. levels of exhaustion due to your travel pace.

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
(Rogue Archetype)
you can use your reaction to make a Sneak
Attack against a creature that reduces you You focus as much on identifying the weak
to 0 hit points or kills you outright. You points of structures as on the weak points
have advantage on your attack, and your of creatures. Sappers are deployed with the
attack is resolved after the attack against you, soldiery to dig trenches, build bridges, and
using one of the weapons you are wielding. breach defenses. When troops move into a
You can’t make a last laugh attack against a heavily defended area, it’s your job to make it
creature you can’t reach. happen as efficiently as possible.


Beginning at 9th level, you can stomach When you select this archetype at 3rd level,
almost anything. You have resistance to you gain proficiency in alchemist’s supplies,
poison damage, and you have advantage carpenter’s tools, mason’s tools, and tinker’s
on saving throws against being poisoned. If tools. Using these tools, you can do or create
you already have a feature that grants you the following.
these benefits, such as dwarven resilience,
you automatically succeed at any subsequent
As a bonus action, you can mix together
saving throws you make to end that instance
volatile chemicals into an explosive
of being poisoned.
compound. Your bomb has a range of 30 feet
CHEAT DEATH and deals 1d6 force damage to all creatures
When you reach 13th level, you can reroll any in a 10-foot cube. You can use your bombs
result of a 1 or 2 when you roll a Hit Die to to deal Sneak Attack damage to objects and
regain hit points. Additionally, you can deny constructs. A creature hit by your bomb can
death. When you are reduced to 0 hit points succeed at a Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 +
or are killed outright, you are instead reduced your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency
to 2d8 hit points, though you can still use bonus) to halve the damage dealt. Alchemical
your last laugh feature. Once you have used bombs lose potency and become inert 1
this feature to deny death, you must finish a minute after they are created.
long rest to do so again. Your bomb’s damage increases by 1d6 when
you reach 9th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and
LAST STAND 17th level (4d6).
At 17th level, you endure beyond mortal
limits. When reduced to 0 hit points, you
remain standing. When you succeed at a With 1 minute of work you can:
death saving throw, you can act as normal and • Create a low wall, large enough to provide
have advantage on attack rolls. When you fail half cover to a medium size humanoid.
a death saving throw, you can only move and • Dig a 5-foot-long, 3-foot-wide trench to a
use your bonus action and reaction. depth of 3 feet.
• Build a 5-foot-long, 3-foot-wide ladder.
Each additional minute spent on this
option increases the length of the ladder
by 5 feet. The ladder built is sturdy enough
to be used as a bridge.

Collapsing Roof 5 minutes per 5-ft.-by-5-ft. section When you have finished building this
trap, it is considered set
Falling Net 1 minute 1 action
Hunting Trap 1 minute 1 bonus action
Pit 5 minutes for a 10-ft.-deep simple pit When you have finished building this
15 minutes for a 10-ft.-deep hidden pit trap, it is considered set:
1 hour for a 10-ft.-deep locking pit. 1 bonus action to reset a simple
pit or locking pit; 1 action to reset a
Add 1 minute to add spikes to a pit.
hidden pit

If there is insufficient available material or to travel through for 1 minute. Mechanical
the ground is too hard to work, the GM may and magical traps will not be triggered for the
rule that you can’t use this option. duration. Additionally, difficult terrain will
not impede your movement or the movement
of any creature that can see and hear you that
You can create and set some types of traps you consider an ally.
quickly. The chart on the following page Once you have used this feature, you must
indicates the timeframes required to build and finish a short or long rest to use it again.
deploy commonly used traps. At the GM’s
discretion, you may be able to use this feature
to make and use other types of traps. Creatures of War
SCULPT TERRAIN Intelligent creatures have used beasts and
birds as implements of war since the concept
Beginning at 3rd level, you can target the floor
of warfare was invented. Easy to train animals
or ground with your alchemical bombs. The
are used as mounts, messengers, weapons,
area targeted and all areas within 5 feet of it
and sometimes even siege engines if the
are considered difficult terrain.
creature is large enough. Appendix A of
You also gain an additional way to use your
the Monster Manual contains statistics for
Sneak Attack: you can use your Sneak Attack
numerous beasts that one might find on a
against a creature standing in or moving
battlefield. The beasts on the following pages
through difficult terrain you have created.
are trained to thrive in a warzone. Many of
BREACH DEFENSES them can be used by the animal trainer ranger
Starting at 9th level, when you target an archetype’s Train Animal feature detailed
object, you ignore 5 points of its damage earlier in this book.
threshold. For instance, if you target a door
that has a damage threshold of 10, its damage TRAINING A BEAST FOR BATTLE
threshold is only 5 against your attacks.
You can use Wisdom (Animal Handling)
At 13th level, you can ignore 10 points of
to train a beast with an Intelligence of 2 or
an object’s damage threshold, and at 17th
3. Doing so requires the beast you desire
level, you can ignore 15 points of an object’s
to train and one week of training per point
damage threshold.
of challenge rating (minimum one week).
If an object doesn’t have a damage threshold
During training weeks, six to eight hours
or if this feature reduces its damage threshold
per day must be spent with the animal
to 0, you can deal sneak attack damage to it.
being trained. The DC of the Wisdom
CLEAR THE PATH (Animal Handling) check varies depending
At 13th level, you have advantage on checks on the purpose you are training the beast
to disarm traps. If you fail a check made to for, but training a juvenile animal that has
disarm a trap, it doesn’t trigger even if its been separated from its parents gives you
description states otherwise. In addition, you advantage on the check.
can disarm a trap as a bonus action. Basic Combat Training (Training DC 10). An
animal with this training does not get spooked
or flee when they are in an area of conflict.
Beginning at 17th level, as an action, you can
The animal knows which humanoids are
make a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation)
friendly to it and which ones aren’t, even in a
check to declare a 50-foot-square area safe
pitched battle. The animal will take commands

from up to two humanoids. These designated Scout Area (Training DC 12). This animal has
humanoids can command the animal to been trained to scout ahead and report back
Attack, Defend, Disengage, or Help by using to its sender. The beast will maintain a range
an action to make a DC 10 Wisdom (Animal of 50–100 feet from its sender in a direction
Handling) check. designated by the sender. The animal will
Advanced Combat Training (Training then return to its sender to quietly report if
DC 15). An animal with advanced combat it detects any dangers in the area scouted. If
training gains all the benefits of basic combat the animal is attacked, it returns to its sender
training, plus it will take commands from up immediately. An animal in basic or advanced
to four humanoids rather than just two. In combat training can be trained to scout an
addition to the commands learned in basic area as part of that training. Doing so increases
combat training, the designated humanoids the total DC of training the animal by 3.
can command the animal to Dash, Dodge,
Hide, Ready, or Use an Object. The Use an WAR ANIMALS
Object command can be used to deliver an
object to another character or fetch it from A wide variety of creatures find new roles
a willing character or the environment. If during war.
possible, the animal remains on the field of
battle until all of the humanoids friendly to it
Large beast, unaligned
have left the area.
Armor Class 12 (light barding)
Deliver Message (Training DC 15). This Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
animal can deliver a written message that Speed 40 ft.
has been attached to it to one of up to four
specific locations, humanoids, or both, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
in any combination. One of the locations 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 2 (−4) 9 (−1) 5 (−3)
or humanoids must be designated as the
messenger animal’s home. For example, a Senses passive Perception 9
messenger falcon can be trained to deliver Languages —
messages to its trainer (designated as the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
animal’s home), its trainer’s spouse, a tower ACTIONS
in its trainer’s home city, and a garrison 150 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
miles away from its trainer’s home city. Once ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning
the message is delivered, the messenger animal damage.
will take a long rest before returning to its Spit (Recharge 5–6). The cavalry camel spits a
home. An animal in basic or advanced combat nauseating wad of phlegm at a single target
training can be trained to deliver messages as within 15 feet. The target must succeed on a DC
12 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until
part of that training. Doing so increases the
the end of its next turn.
total DC of training the animal by 5.
Mount (Training DC 10). This animal has In the deserts of the Southlands, a cavalry
been trained to allow a humanoid of up to camel is worth its weight in exotic spices.
one size smaller than it to ride it and direct its Aggressive to others but loyal to their
movements. An animal in basic or advanced masters, these combat-trained beasts are
combat training can be trained as a mount as as much a weapon as a mount and will
part of that training. Doing so increases the fight to the death to protect their riders if
total DC of training the animal by 1. they are dismounted. Cavalry camels are

usually single-humped dromedaries, though MEGARAPTOR
double‑humped camels are not unknown on Huge beast, unaligned
the battlefields of the South. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 127 (15d12 + 30)
HOMING PIGEON Speed 60 ft.
Tiny beast, unaligned
Hit Points 2 (1d4) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 2 (−4) 10 (+0) 4 (−3)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.
Senses passive Perception 10
3 (−4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 5 (−3) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Senses passive Perception 11
Languages — Multiattack. The megaraptor makes two attacks:
one with its bite and one with its scythe claw.
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.
Messenger. When a message tube is attached
Scythe Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
to its leg, the homing pigeon flies directly to a
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5)
single specified location.
slashing damage.
Prehistoric titans still walk the hidden jungle
Peck. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
reaches of the Southlands. Despite being
one target. Hit: 1 piercing damage.
almost thirty feet in length, megaraptors are
This tiny two-tone grey bird has black speedy, agile, and relatively light, weighing
speckles on its wings, black bands on its body, only 1 ton. Unlike other raptors, with
and a piercingly intelligent look in its eyes. As their sickle-clawed feet, megaraptors have
it moves, the small feathers on its neck take a footlong scythe claw on their forelimb
on an almost metallic sheen. that they use to dispatch their prey. Some
Military field commanders have used Southlands tribes know the secret of raising
homing pigeons to send messages from and training megaraptors and use them as
the front to their superiors for centuries. mounts and beasts of war.
The animals are prized for their relative
intelligence and their uncanny ability to PYGMY WOOLLY RHINOCEROS
navigate to message delivery sites. If the Medium beast, unaligned
homing pigeon has been trained using the Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
rules in Training a Beast for Battle, above, it Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
can deliver messages to its designated people Speed 30 ft.
or locations with its Messenger feature.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 6 (−2)

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Hustle. The pygmy woolly rhinoceros can Dash as

a bonus action.

Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Tusks. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning 10 ft., one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) slashing
damage. damage.
Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach
Primarily found in arctic climes, the
5 feet, one prone creature. Hit: 34 (4d12 + 8)
pygmy woolly rhinoceros is a mastiff-sized bludgeoning damage.
pachyderm covered in shaggy brown, gray,
or black fur. They are curious and social, An oliphaunt is a massive pachyderm with
though they can be aggressive when they or four scimitar-like tusks and a thick gray-
their offspring are threatened. Pygmy woolly brown hide covered with patches of coarse
rhinoceroses are as intelligent as a dog and black hair. Its trunk is short and sits above a
can be trained for battle or even to perform large maw full of sharp teeth. Large round ears
tricks such as fetching or jumping. Some lie hanging at the sides of its head.
northern‑dwelling halflings and dwarves use Juvenile oliphaunts are often trained for
these rhinoceroses as mounts and beasts of war and are prized among the armies of the
burden. Southlands for their ability to breach the
defenses of enemy fortifications.
Huge beast, unaligned PIT TERRIER
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Small beast, unaligned
Hit Points 172 (15d12 + 75) Armor Class 11
Speed 40 ft. Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 12)
Speed 25 ft.
26 (+8) 9 (−1) 20 (+5) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 4 (−3) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 3 (−4) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages — Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Foul Temper. All Wisdom (Animal Handling)
checks made to calm down the oliphaunt have Keen Hearing and Smell. The pit terrier has
disadvantage. advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Siege Beast. If the oliphaunt uses its trampling rely on hearing or smell.
charge against an object, it ignores the object’s
damage threshold. If the oliphaunt reduces
an object’s hit points to 0, all enemy creatures Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
within 10 feet of it must make a DC 9 Charisma one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage and
saving throw or be stunned until the end of the target must succeed at a Strength (Athletics)
their next turn. or Dexterity (Acrobatics) contest against the
Trampling Charge. If the oliphaunt moves at least pit terrier’s attack roll or be grappled by the pit
20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits terrier.
it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target This low-slung dog has a compact, muscular
must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw
body covered in short fur. Its legs are short and
or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
oliphaunt can make one stomp attack against it widespread, giving the dog a very low center of
as a bonus action. gravity. Its head is large and somewhat flat with
a pronounced underbite and sharp-looking
teeth jutting from the lower jaw.

Pit terriers have been bred as dogs of war. own army’s advance. Some less scrupulous
They are fiercely loyal to their masters and will commanders douse their war pigs with pitch
fight to the death to keep their masters from and set them aflame before spurring them
harm. Despite their fierce reputations, in times toward the enemy. Such an incendiary war
of peace, pit terriers are as friendly as any pig takes 3 (1d6) fire damage each round but
other species of dog, making them ideal pets. deals 3 (1d6) fire damage to any creature that
makes a melee attack against it.
Medium beast, unaligned WOLVERINE
Armor Class 11 Medium beast, unaligned
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 48 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 25 ft., burrow 10 ft.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 3 (−4) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 2 (−4) 12 (+1) 4 (−3)
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages — Senses passive Perception 11
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Charge. If the war pig moves at least 20 feet
straight toward a target and then hits it with a
gore attack on the same turn, the target takes Multiattack. The wolverine makes two claw
an extra 3 (1d6) piercing damage. If the target is attacks.
a creature, it must succeed on a DC 12 Strength Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
saving throw or be knocked prone. one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage. If
Frightful Squeal. As a bonus action, the war pig the wolverine hits the same creature with both
can emit a loud, high-pitched squeal. Beasts claw attacks in the same round, it rends the
within 15 feet of the war pig must succeed on target, dealing an extra 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
until the end of its next turn. Once a beast has This shaggy, low-slung animal looks like the
made the saving throw, it is immune to all war offspring of a badger and a grizzly bear. Its
pigs’ frightful squeals for 24 hours. short, broad muzzle is filled with small teeth,
and each paw is tipped with five long, ragged
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Some Dwarven armies use wolverines to
one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.
burrow underneath enemy holdings and
This muscular, human-sized swine is covered fortifications. Once these fierce creatures have
with bristly brown and grey hair. A pair of emerged inside enemy lines, they act as shock
long curved tusks juts from its lower jaw. troops, softening up the enemy while the
War pigs are the bane of cavalry and army uses the tunnel the wolverine burrowed
other army units that make extensive use of to move its forces into place.
animals. Often the war pigs are untrained.
Officers of the army using them simply
keep them penned in a dark, covered area
until they are needed and set them loose on
the enemy army immediately prior to their

by Ben McFarland and Robert Fairbanks

T he Ironcrags rise out of central Midgard,

a stony sword thrust toward the heavens
and the homeland of numerous dwarven
Ironcrags, both for fear of becoming a thrall
and for concern on the safety of countrymen
held as thralls. Thralls are fed and cared
clans that migrated from the Northlands. for, worked hard but not beaten, generally
They found the mountains rich and verdant receiving a tattoo or brand on the shoulder to
and established many scores of canton mark their status, and live a decade of hard
strongholds throughout the peaks and valleys. labor before being released. Dwarven law
While dwarven culture became more urbane dictates all slaves have the right to sustenance,
and political, the dwarves never lost their taste shelter, and life, and they are permitted to
for combat and martial activities. Mercenary complain to a magistrate if denied food or to
companies created by younger dwarves and accuse a dwarf of killing a slave.
aging veterans unwilling to retire quietly As warriors, the Ironcrag Free Companies
march out early each spring to earn fortunes enjoy excellent reputations for steadfast
and hard-fought experience on the battlefield. dedication, the ability to endure harsh
The cantons benefit from those who return, conditions without complaint, and being
gaining an influx of blooded veterans, ferocious combatants. Their shorter stature
strategy, and treasure. almost never plays a role, and they often match
their allies’ marching pace while wearing
Mustering and Marching heavier armor. However, dwarven mercenaries
are also known for using any advantage they
Never ones to shy away from combat,
can find on the battlefield. They love using
Ironcrag mercenary companies gather in the
the terrain to their advantage and performing
canton of Tijano, mustering and recording
night operations, using their darkvision and
their heraldry with the priests of Volund
discipline to work from the shadows when an
before marching out to serve under the
enemy might otherwise be blind.
banners of the Septime Cities throughout that
region’s Season of War.
While this tradition does provide valuable Tools of the Trade
combat experience, it also provides dwarves Two new weapons presented here, the chain
the opportunity to take captives, pressing hook and the Dolen axe, offer maneuvers
them into service as thralls for 10 years. The to make combat more interesting, called
custom discourages others from attacking the Weapon Options. Weapon Options appear

in Midgard Heroes Handbook and unless As an attack while you are wielding a chain
specified otherwise can be used by any hook, you may entangle your opponent’s
character as long as they’re wielding the legs, attempting to trip them. Make an attack
appropriate weapon and are proficient with roll against a Large or smaller creature. If
it. If a maneuver requires a creature to make a the attack hits, the creature must succeed
saving throw, the DC equals 8 + the attacker’s on a Strength saving throw or fall prone. If
proficiency bonus + the attacker’s Strength or mounted, they have advantage on this saving
Dexterity modifier (attacker’s choice). Unless throw; failure means they are pulled to the
specified, these maneuvers have only their ground, prone.
listed effect and don’t deal weapon damage.
Named after the clan which popularized them,
This unusual and multipurpose weapon a Dolen axe has a shorter haft than a standard
greatly resembles a robust, utilitarian battle axe, a reinforced spike on the head, and
interpretation of the Cathayan yawanga. a heavy, counter-weighted pommel. Balanced
Its development and use among canton to be usable with one hand or two, many
mercenary companies is uncertain but northern canton warriors prefer the Dolen
may have traveled west with merchants or
explorers. Consisting of
6–9 feet of hefty chain and
terminating in an iron
weight set with a bladed
hook, this weapon can be
used to attack, unhorse,
and even occasionally
disarm opponents.
You have disadvantage
when attacking creatures
within 5 feet of you.
When a creature attacks
you with a weapon, you
may use your reaction to
catch their weapon and
attempt to disarm them.
Make an attack roll with
your chain hook. If the
result of this roll equals or
exceeds their attack roll,
their attack misses, and
they must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or
drop their weapon.

Chain hook 15 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. special, reach, thrown (range 10/30)
Dolen axe 15 gp 2d4 slashing 6 lb. heavy, versatile (1d10)

axe, and its prominent spike occasionally WEAPON OPTION: POMMEL SMASH
serves as a makeshift guidon for units in areas As a reaction, you may slam an attacking foe
with lower ceilings, like warren tunnels. with the weighted pommel, leaving the target
gasping for breath. Make an attack roll; if the
result exceeds their attack roll, the next attack
As an action, you can set your axe against
against the target has advantage. You must
a charge. If a creature moves at least 20 feet
have the Dolen axe in hand to take this action.
straight toward you and attacks, you may use
your reaction to make an attack with the spike
of the Dolen axe. If this attack hits, it does Alchemical Creations
double damage, and both you and the target Many dwarven alchemists begin their
must make a Strength saving throw. Creatures careers as guild artisans or merchants only
failing this saving throw fall prone (and fall off to be bitten by the desire for adventure,
their mount if mounted). whether to fund their research, to acquire
WEAPON OPTION: HAFT LOCK rare components, or to seek out rare or lost
When a creature attacks you with a weapon, knowledge necessary to improve their craft.
you may use your reaction to attempt locking Ironcrag alchemists are renowned for their
their blade with the haft of your axe, parrying various concoctions, sometimes inspired by
the attack. Make an attack roll with your or reverse-engineered from foes’ weapons.
Dolen axe with advantage if you wield it with Ghoul Saliva Paste. Collected from captive
both hands. If the result of this roll equals or ghouls and mixed with compounds that
exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses. preserve and concentrate its efficacy, ghoul


Steel forged with the ashes of the fallen dead, meaningfully affected by being partially made
first pickled in ale and cremated through of soulbound steel: a longsword can be a
special ritual to Ninkash, creates a special alloy soulbound weapon while a staff cannot. When
known as soulbound steel, said to contain a wielding a weapon made from soulbound steel,
sliver of the spirit of the warrior rendered into once per long rest, the bearer may use their
ashes. The strong, flexible metal has a light reaction to roll a saving throw with advantage
grey color and a beautiful, powdery finish, against a mind-affecting spell, effect, or ability.
sometimes worked into frost-like patterns. A character can only benefit from a soulbound
Armor is not usually made of soulbound steel steel item once per long rest, regardless of how
although rarely a buckler or shield is forged. many they possess. These weapons cost an
Other items not primarily of metal are not additional 500 gp to create.

saliva paste is smeared on weapons as a Languages: Pick two additional languages—
contact poison. When a creature attacked from a choice of Darakhul, Draconic,
by a treated weapon suffers damage, they Enochian, Kariv, Minotaur, Northern
must make a DC 10 Constitution save or be Tongue, or Nurian. This replaces the Soldier
paralyzed for one minute. An application is background’s tool Proficiencies.
good for two successful attacks and can be
put on one Medium weapon or ten pieces of STRANGE PLACES
ammunition. Cost: 50 gp per application.
Mercenaries from the Ironcrags can be
Sloughide Dissolvent. This clear, gelatinous stationed far and wide and have no qualms
liquid is kept in specially prepared porcelain about serving with auxiliaries of different
spheres designed to be thrown or in a brass nationality or heritage as long as the pay is
and crystal bombard to be fired in a spray. good. When in a larger town or settlement,
Targets hit with the liquid must make a DC 13 you can spend a few hours finding either
Constitution save or be paralyzed and suffer dwarven mercenaries, veterans, active duty
1d6 acid damage. This damage continues until troops, or sellswords who have previously
a successful saving throw, five rounds have served with one of the Free Companies. As
passed, or the target is doused with a gallon of brothers in arms, they’re willing to provide
wine. Cost: 75 gp (sphere), 350 gp (bombard: you and a small group of friends a safe place
30-ft line, refillable, 75 gp per refill). to stay for the night, an introduction to a local
individual who might be able to assist with
your current business, or insider information
Ironcrag Cultural Options about a particular event, location, or person
Several backgrounds remain iconic to the of interest. They might permit you to borrow
lands of the Ironcrag dwarves, different from a piece of equipment temporarily or use a
the Northlands clans or their Nurian cousins. workshop but will not risk their lives.
Ambitious and industrious, travelers familiar
with all three cultures say the Ironcrags feel BACKGROUND VARIANT URCHIN:
like a blending of the northern reavers’ martial FORMER TEN-YEAR THRALL
attitudes with the southern artisans’ ingenuity.
These backgrounds represent options for In what feels like an different lifetime, you
characters hailing from the cantons. were a soldier or simply someone caught up in
the wrong place who fought against dwarven
BACKGROUND VARIANT SOLDIER: mercenaries, either defending another land or
IRONCRAG CANTON MERCENARY as part of a retributive raid, and lost. Dwarven
troops captured and pressed you into a decade
Whether you were a member of the Firethroat of hard labor and unwilling service before
Regulars, Ironcrag Exiles, Free Peshvai releasing you. You know about their rules
Axes, Rampant Bear Company, or Trollbane regarding treatment and hospitality and can
Lances, you mustered in Tijano and crossed easily comment about their life and customs.
the passes to fight in the lowlands against the
Skill Proficiencies: Pick one (Animal Handling,
armies of the Septime Cities and beyond. You
Athletics, Insight, or Nature) and Stealth
know what it means to be in an organized
military company for hire and what the Tool Proficiencies: Alchemical, Farming, or
duties, responsibilities, and expectations are Mining tools
for a member of a mercenary band. Languages: You may add Dwarvish to your list
of spoken languages

Equipment: Your equipment may contain a FIGHTER: IRONCRAG BADGER RIDER
keepsake of little or no value, a reminder of MARTIAL ARCHETYPE VARIANT
your time in the cantons, if you desire.
Certain of the Free Companies among the
VARIANT FEATURE: SHARED EXPERIENCE cantons are renowned, fortunate, or wealthy
You know a web of decent people who were enough to employ a unique type of cavalry:
formerly thralls and can rely on them to get badger riders. These elite, mobile infantry units
messages or even small packages safely across consist of an Ironcrag war-badger with one
vast distances. You can also occasionally reach or sometimes two riders. Serving not just as
out to this network to find an uncommon mounted shock troops, badger riders specialize
product, an unusual sage or guide, or a in long-range reconnaissance and as sappers.
ship captain going to your destination and They are especially feared for their burrowing
willing to take on passengers. Should you ambush and all-terrain, night fighter tactics.
ever remove your tattoo or branding mark They rightfully remain among the most
for some reason, you will need to make a dreaded soldiery found among the cantons.
successful DC 13 Diplomacy check prior Serving in one or more of these prestigious
to using this feature. You have advantage mercenary companies, you’ve established
on checks to determine something about the loyalties and relationships, martial
dwarven culture. prominence and coin enough, to earn the
right to claim as your own one of these rare
TRICK FIGHTER (FEAT) and “respected” war steeds. This archetype
You are very adept at special maneuvers with modifies the griffon knight archetype (see
your weapons. When performing a Weapon Midgard Heroes Handbook).
Option attack, you gain the following benefits:
• +2 to hit on attack rolls for Weapon WAR-BADGER MOUNT
Options. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level,
• +1 to the DC to resist Weapon Option you gain a trained Ironcrag war-badger as
effects if applicable. your mount. Loyal to you but savage and
unpredictable toward others, your war-badger
• If your proficiency bonus is +3 or higher,
is bonded to you and fights to protect you in
you gain an extra reaction each combat
battle. Use the war-badger statistics, but each
round which may only be used for
time your proficiency bonus increases (at 5th
Weapon Option attacks.
level, 9th level, and so on), add +1 to your
badger’s AC, saving throws, and attack bonus
Riding into War and increase its hit point maximum by 10.
With their broad experience in the conflicts of Your mount obeys your commands to the best
Central Midgard, the seasoned dwarfs realized of its ability, taking its turns on your initiative.
the benefit of mounted troops in lowland war It moves and acts as you direct it with just 3
but wanted an option also providing an edge action options (Dash, Disengage, and Dodge).
against underground foes. Units of badger If you want the badger to attack, you must
riders developed as a result. use your action to command the badger to
do so; this allows it to use the Attack action
as a reaction on your turn. Once you gain the
Extra Attack feature, you can make a weapon
attack yourself in addition to ordering your
badger to attack.
This replaces Griffon Mount.

SANDHOG CLAWS to your proficiency bonus. If used on an
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to soften earth‑based elemental creature, it requires
earth and stone, turning a 10-foot cubic area a DC 8 (+ proficiency bonus) Wisdom save
of solid rock into earth and clay, which your or the creature gains vulnerability to melee
war-badger can dig through normally. You attacks for three rounds.
can do this a number of times per day equal This replaces High in the Saddle.

The abilities in the griffon knight’s Aerial Large beast, unaligned
Combat Mastery trait should be read as Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
applying to the war-badger’s movement, which Hit Points 48 (5d10 +20)
might involve digging or burrowing through Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft.
the earth. They are otherwise unchanged.
This adjusts Aerial Combat Mastery. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
17 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 7 (−2) 10 (+0) 5 (−3)
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +5, Con +6
The ability in the griffon knight’s Improved Skills Perception +3, Survival (tracking) +3
Aerial Combat Mastery trait called Sir Ector’s Condition Immunities frightened
Deadly Swoop should be replaced with the Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 12
ability detailed below. The trait is otherwise Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Feral Frenzy. While reduced to less than 50% of
SIR SIGFRIED’S DEADLY BREACH its hit point maximum, the war-badger’s attacks
While mounted on your badger, you can make do an additional 5 (1d4+3) damage.
a vicious attack. You may move up to double Hard Charger. If the war-badger moves at least
the war-badger’s movement, but the last 15 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it
feet of movement is underground, and you and with an attack on the same turn, that target must
successfully roll a DC 12 Strength saving throw
your mount burst up through the ground in a
or be knocked prone.
square adjacent to the enemy. You and your
Keen Smell. The war-badger has advantage on
mount make your attack rolls with advantage, Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell
and you add 1d10 to the damage for each and is able to detect creatures within 10 feet of
attack that hits. The target makes a DC 12 it, even while burrowing.
Strength saving throw; failure indicates they
are knocked prone.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
This adjusts Improved Aerial Combat
one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 +3) piercing damage.
Mastery. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 feet, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 +3) slashing damage.
IRONCRAG WAR-BADGER Multiattack. The war-badger makes 2 Claw
Created in recent years from the largest stock
Opportunist. If a prone target is within 5 feet
of badgers available and augmented with ritual of the war-badger, on its turn, the war-badger
magics from priests of Volund, the Ironcrag can use a bonus action to make one Bite attack
war-badger now breeds true, and is found against it.
across the region.

The weathered and battle-scarred mercenary

glowered from the saddle, slowly drawing
forth a length of thick, iron chain from a
This archetype could also work with similar
saddle-pouch. His snarling, snapping mount; a
CR 2 or CR 3 creatures such as crypt spiders,
monstrous and equally scarred war-badger, is
dogmoles, eel hounds, ghost boars, ghoul
draped in battleworn scale-mail and harnessed
steeds, giant ants, lou carcohl, shadhavar,
for combat. The dwarf struggled to contain his
or terror birds (see Tome of Beasts and
steed as it growled and drew furrows in the
Creature Codex).
earth, rabidly eager for the signal to charge.

by Brian Suskind

I n Springmelt, the officers of the Free

Companies gather to recruit brave soldiers,
adventurers, and sellswords for the coming
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival.
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set,
plus one from among leatherworker’s
season of war. These mercenary bands might tools, smith’s tools, or vehicle (land).
include as few as a dozen warriors or they
Languages: Any one of your choice.
might number in the scores or hundreds.
Each courageous warrior who joins a free Equipment: A backpack, an insignia of
company does so for his or her own reasons, your rank, a set of traveler’s clothes, and
be it fame, fortune, or a yearning for the cold a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
embrace of death, and each comes from a
wide swath of society. MERCENARY SPECIALIZATION
In part, you are known for a specific role
Famed Condottiere during your time in a free company. Roll a d8
(Background) or choose from the options in the table below
Among those who interact with the free to determine your specialization.
companies, your name is known. This
reputation, for good or ill, is built from every d8 SPECIALTY
mile you’ve marched, every scar you’ve 1 Logistics (wagoneers, cooks, smiths,
earned, and each drop of blood spilled on and so on)
the battlefield, and you hold the title of
2 Light or Heavy Cavalry
condottiere or “battle leader.” While not the
captain of the free company, you have fought 3 Mage or Clerical Corps
in the seasonal campaigns of the Seven Cities 4 Archery
ever since you were old enough to hold a 5 Light or Heavy Infantry
blade. Looking toward the future, a peaceful
6 Spies and Scouts
life seems dull compared to the opportunity
to continue using your hard-earned skills. 7 Engineering and Siege Engines
8 Officer

FEATURE: by their heraldry alone and can list the names
PROFESSIONAL MERCENARY of the commanders, captains, and previous
employers. In any town or city, you have an
You know the lifestyle of the Free Companies
unerring ability to find a tavern or alehouse
as only one who has lived it can. You can
catering to mercenaries and can usually find a
identify the various Septime mercenary groups
place to sleep or a bite to eat there.

1 I am blunt and to the point. There is no time to play with pretty words.
2 I have nightmares of refighting old battles.
3 I love taking risks and rolling the dice on a risky plan if the profit is high enough.
4 Making quick decisions and going with your gut is how you survive in this mad world.
5 Being patient and careful is how you manage the risk and danger.
6 I brag about my accomplishments at every opportunity to better spread my legend.
7 Every morning, I recite the names of my companions who have died so I can live up to
their memory.
8 I try to be professional in everything I do because I am a condottiere not some common

1 Defense. A swift victory assures no innocent lives will be lost in an extended conflict.
2 Duty. The oaths between myself and my companions are the most important law.
3 Liberty. We must fight those who cruelly oppress and enslave, so all might be free.
4 Valor. Good? Evil? All that matters is testing my skills against all comers. (Neutral)
5 Greed. For the right amount of coin, I’ll do anything. (Evil)
6 Fame. Building up my reputation is the only thing that matters to me. (Any)

1 I will protect others from seeing the same horrors I experienced on the battlefield.
2 My honor guides me.
3 My first band of companions were betrayed and slain, I will not let that happen again.
4 As a professional soldier, it is my duty to protect non-combatants.
5 I am happy to raise my sword to stop those who would serve an evil cause.
6 The deeds at the heart of my fame were the work of another. I hope to achieve my own
accomplishments before this secret is uncovered.

1 It is only a matter of time before they catch up with me.
2 I am secretly very afraid, and it is only a matter of time until my nerve breaks.
3 Violence is always the answer.
4 I am often boastful and unintentionally loud.
5 There are no rules or morals in battle, on or off an actual battlefield.
6 I will betray anyone and any cause for another taste of fame and glory.

SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS another. Adored or perhaps ignored by your
parents, you spent your formative years
The mercenary life and the fame you have
learning weapons and armor skills from
earned are both a source of pride and guilt.
brave captains, camp discipline from burly
Do you feel you earned your reputation? Or
sergeants, and a host of virtues and vices
are you haunted by companions who fell
from the common foot soldiers. You’ve
along the way? This contradiction marks all
always been told you are special and destined
who serve among the Free Companies.
to glory. The weight of your family’s legacy,
honor, or reputation can weigh heavily,
inspiring you to great deeds, or it can be a
Once your name lingered on the lips of factor you endeavor to leave behind.
every tavern song, now you are reviled, Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, History.
feared, and hated. You operate on the fringes
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming
of the criminal underworld with thieves,
set, one musical instrument.
murderers, and pirates as your untrustworthy
companions. Your unsavory reputation may Languages: One of your choice.
stem from the events which began your fall Equipment: A backpack, a signet ring
from the heights of fame, or it may be due to emblazoned with the symbol of your
your recent unsavory activities. family’s free company, a musical
If you decide your departure from a free instrument of your choice, mess kit, a
company led you down a path to the criminal set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch
underworld, you can choose the Infamous containing 20 gp.
Renown feature (see sidebar) instead of the
Professional Mercenary feature. FREE COMPANY REPUTATION
The mercenary group your family is
Free Company Scion associated with has a certain reputation that
(Background) may or may not continue to impact your life.
Roll a d8 or choose from the options in the
You descend from a famous line of Septime
table on the following page to determine the
free company veterans, and your first
reputation of this free company.
memory is playing among the tents, training
yards, and war rooms of one campaign or


If your character has the Famed Condottiere people in back alleys, dockside taverns, and
background, you may select this background seedy dens who have the latest rumors about
feature instead of Professional Mercenary. who is doing what in the area. Additionally, you
You find your reputation often evokes fear and always know where to go to be inconspicuous if
trepidation, and you can leverage this to your bounty hunters pick up your trail.
benefit. In a town or city, you know the sort of

FEATURE: THE FAMILY NAME Cities, as war is a seasonal occupation,
mercenaries walk the halls of power. You
Your family name is well known in the
can also gain access to friendly military
close-knit world of the Septime mercenaries.
encampments, fortresses, or powerful political
Members of free companies readily recognize
figures through your contacts among the
your name and will provide food, drink,
mercenaries. Such connections might require
and shelter with pleasure or fear, depending
the donation of money, magic items, or a
upon your family’s reputation. In the Seven
great deal of drink.

1 Infamous. The company’s evil deeds follow any who are known to consort with them.
2 Honest. An upstanding company whose words and oaths are trusted.
3 Unknown. No one knows this company. Its deeds have yet to be written.
4 Feared. For good or ill, this company is generally feared on the battlefield.
5 Mocked. Though it tries hard, the company is the butt of many jokes and derision.
6 Specialized. This company is known for a specific type of skill on or off the battlefield.
7 Disliked. For well-known reasons, this company has a bad reputation.
8 Famous. The company’s great feats and accomplishments are known far and wide.

SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS bonds of loyalty, military discipline, and a

practical mind. Yet this history can scar as
The turmoil of war, the drudgery of the camp,
well, leaving the scion open to guilt, pride,
long days on the road, and the thrill of battle
resentment, and hatred.
shape a Free Company Scion to create strong

1 I am ashamed of my family’s reputation and seek to distance myself from their deeds.
2 I have seen the world and know people everywhere.
3 I expect the best life has to offer and won’t settle for less.
4 I know stories from a thousand campaigns and can apply them to any situation.
5 After too many betrayals, I don’t trust anyone.
6 My parents were heroes, and I try to live up to their example.
7 I have seen the horrors of war; nothing disturbs me anymore.
8 I truly believe I have a destiny of glory and fame awaiting me.

1 Glory. Only by fighting for the right causes can I achieve true fame and honor. (Good)
2 Dependable. Once my oath is given, it cannot be broken. (Lawful)
3 Seeker. Life can be short, so I will live it to the fullest before I die. (Chaotic)
4 Ruthless. Only the strong survive. (Evil)
5 Mercenary. If you have gold, I’m your blade. (Neutral)
6 Challenge. Life is a test, and only by meeting life head on can I prove I am worthy. (Any)

1 My parent’s legacy is a tissue of lies. I will never stop until I uncover the truth.
2 I am the only one who can uphold the family name.
3 My companions are my life, and I would do anything to protect them.
4 I will never forget the betrayal leading to my parent’s murder, but I will avenge them.
5 My honor and reputation are all that matters in life.
6 I betrayed my family to protect my friend who was a soldier in another free company.

1 I have no respect for those who never signed on to a free company or walked the
2 I cannot bear losing anyone close to me, so I will keep everyone at a distance.
3 Bloody violence is the only way to solve problems.
4 I caused the downfall of my family’s free company.
5 I am hiding a horrible secret about one of my family’s patrons.
6 I see insults to my honor or reputation in every whisper, veiled glance, and knowing look.


Mercenary Recruit
(Background) You have an encyclopedic knowledge of
stories, myths, and legends of famous soldiers,
Every year, the hopeful gather in fields across mercenaries, and generals. Telling these
the Seven Cities, striving to earn a place in one stories can earn you a bed and food for the
of the great mercenary bands. Some of these evening in taverns, inns, and alehouses. Your
would-be heroes received training from a free age or inexperience is endearing, making
company but needed more training before commoners more comfortable with sharing
gaining membership. Others are full members local rumors, news, and information with you.
but were selected to venture abroad to gain
more experience before gaining an officer or SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
condottiere rank. You are one of these hopeful
warriors, just beginning to carve your place in Recruits are eager to earn their place in the
the world with blade, spell, or skill. world of the free companies. Sometimes
humble, other times filled with false bravado,
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion.
they are still untested by the joys and horrors
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set. awaiting them. Meaning well and driven to
Equipment: A letter of introduction from learn, recruits are generally plagued by their
an old teacher, a gaming set of your own fears, ignorance, and inexperience.
choice, traveling clothes, and pouch
containing 10 gp.

1 I am thrilled by the thought of an upcoming fight.
2 Why wait until I’m famous to have songs written about me? I can write my own
right now!
3 I know many stories and legends of famous adventurers and compare everything
to these tales.
4 Humor is how I deal with fear.
5 I always seek to learn new ways to use my weapons and love sharing my knowledge.
6 The only way I can prove myself is to work hard and take risks.
7 When you stop training, you sign your own death notice.
8 I try to act braver than I actually am.

1 Respect. To be treated with honor and trust, I must honor and trust people first. (Good)
2 Discipline. A good soldier obeys orders. (Lawful)
3 Courage. Sometimes doing the right thing means breaking the law. (Chaotic)
4 Excitement. I live for the thrill of battle, the rush of the duel, and the glory of victory.
5 Power. When I achieve fame and power, no one will give me orders anymore! (Evil)
6 Ambition. I will make something of myself no matter what. (Any)

1 My first mentor was murdered, and I seek the skills to avenge that crime.
2 I will become the greatest mercenary warrior ever.
3 I value the lessons from my teachers and trust them implicitly.
4 My family has sacrificed much to get me this far. I must repay their faith in me.
5 I will face any danger to win the respect of my companions.
6 I hide a map to an amazing and powerful magical treasure until I grow strong enough to
follow it.

1 I do not trust easily and question anyone who attempts to give me orders.
2 I ridicule others to hide my insecurities.
3 To seem brave and competent, I refuse to allow anyone to doubt my courage.
4 I survived an attack by a monster as a child, and I have feared that creature ever since.
5 I have a hard time thinking before I act.
6 I hide my laziness by tricking others into doing my work for me.

airships, 224, 226–230 demon lords, 22–34 elves in Smoketown, 40, 48 Volund, 175, 178–179, 181, 226,
Arbonesse Forest Alquam, 25–26 halflings and the elven courts, 230, 273, 279
and courtfolk, 232, 234. See also Camazotz, 23–24 231. See also elven courts White Goddess, 28
halflings, courtfolk Chemosh, 29–30 Sephaya, ancient city of the elves, Wotan, 63, 141–147
and the Imperatrix, 64 Mechuiti, 23–24 197 halflings, 231–260
and the Songs of the Qorgeth, 30–31 Songs of the Summerland, 152 courtfolk, 231–240
Summerland, 152 Typhon, 23–24 Treetop Vault of Tomierran, 86 riverfolk, 241–250
arch-devils, 22–34 dhampir equipment winterfolk, 251–260
Ai-Tai-Anma, 28–29 as NPCs, 130–132. See also NPCs bomb, 226 horror in roleplaying, 113–115
Alsikaya, 23–24 in Smoketown, 40 ghoul saliva paste, 275–276 invocations
Arbeyach, 28 Domovogrod, 62, 251, 255–257. Khandarian elemental bottles, 214 return to me, 173
Belphegor, 33–34, 74–75 See also halflings, winterfolk sloughide dissolvent, 276 surprise strike, 173
Gletsagrim, 24–25 Dornig soulbound steel, 275 Iram, 50–61
Ia’Affrat, 28 Little Reywald, 233–234. See also feats kobolds
Mammon, 26–28, 33, 63, 65, 77, 79 halflings, courtfolk Adaptable Magic, 239 and clockwork, 190, 193–195
Parzelon, 31–33, 46, 116 NPCs of, 149–152. See also NPCs Close Combat Caster, 157 House of the Mad Kobold, 76–77
Shelesorra, 26, 32–34Totivillus, Tomierran Forest, 86 Connections, 246 in Iram, 54. See also Iram
32–34 Dragon Empire (Mharoti Empire). Giant-Foe, 254 and vaults of the Dragon Empire,
armor See also Iram; and Red Wastes Ley Ferryman, 246 82–83. See also Dragon Empire
charged armor, 185–186 NPCs of, 162–165. See also NPCs Part of the Pack, 255 Krakovar. See Blood Kingdom
vril shield, 185–186 and vaults, 82–83 Rimecaster, 255–256 magic, 174–222. See also magic
Baba Yaga, 62–72 at war with, 171, 175, 261 Trick Fighter, 277 items; and spells
Baba Yaga’s hut, 62–72 dragonkin Tundra Walker, 256 clockwork magic, 190, 217
Cottage Court, 62–65 in Smoketown, 40, 43–44, 49 Underfoot, 246–247 elemental magic, 255
backgrounds dwarves, 175–181, 224–230, firearms, 224–226 Great Mage Wars, 82, 182
airship acolyte, 230 273–280 gearforged ley lines, 22, 53, 66, 241, 246
court servant, 236–238 airship acolyte, 230 and the Burnished Grove, 12–13, necrotech, 95–97, 102–104
famed condottiere, 281–284 Dwarfmoot, 175–176, 178–179 16–17, 20 nimalli fruit, 12–13, 16, 18
former ten-year thrall, 276–277 dwarves in Smoketown, 40 and calcesplasia, 217–218, 221 Red Portals, 66, 206
free company scion, 284–287 Forge Prophecy, 175 in Smoketown, 48 rune magic, 141, 162
Ironcrag Canton mercenary, 276 former ten-year thrall, 276–277 Ghoul Imperium, 95, 113 shadow magic, 133
mercenary recruit, 287–288 Ironcrag Canton mercenary, 276 gnomes. See also Niemheim vril, 184–189. See also relics
Silver Mountain Kingdom scout, maker’s marks, 224–225 and Baba Yaga, 62–64, 70 magic items. See also relics
256–258 stoneless, 229 and clockwork, 190 ancient Sephayan bow, 197
stoneless, 229 Eleven Hells, 22–34. See also in the Eleven Hells, 33. See also anointing mace, 215
beast training, 265, 268–269 arch-devils; demon lords; and Eleven Hells arch of the tempest, 197–198
Blood Kingdom Smoketown in Little Reywald, 233. See also arrow of grabbing, 198
and the annexation of Krakova, 261 Archedantuss (plane), 26–28, 31, 48 halflings, courtfolk arrow of unpleasant herbs, 198–199
monsters of, 95, 102–103, 113–125 Belphegor’s Penance, 74–75 in the Moonlit Court, 235. See baleful wardrums, 215
NPCs of, 127–140. See also NPCs Bzeletalet (plane), 28, 48 also Elven Courts banner of the fortunate, 215
and riverfolk, 241, 243. See also Chundresh (plane), 34, 49 and plot seeds, 18 Bastard Staff of Ulvirist, 169
halflings, riverfolk Efrizarr (plane), 24–25, 48–49 in Smoketown, 49. See also bloodbow, 199
at war with the Ironcrag Cantons, Emwabbik Em (Abyss) (plane), Smoketown blue rose, 68
175–176, 179 29–30, 48–49, 106 gods blue rose tea, 68
City of Pillars. See Iram Fleggesun (plane), 30–31, 48–49 Baal, 51 Book of Doors, The, 77–79
clockwork, 8–21, 190–196, monsters of the Eleven Hells, 90, Boreas, 24–25, 63, 84–85, 166–169 book shroud, 201
217–222. See also monsters, 100–102 Charun, 25–26, 28 Bridges of Sot’Holon, The, 160–161
individual entries Nakhol (plane), 31–32, 48–49 divine retribution on Iram, 50–51 captain’s goggles, 228–229
Burnished Grove, 8–21 Qes-al-Marit (plane), 25–26, 48–49 dwarven temple horns, 178–181 censer of dark shadows, 131
House of the Mad Kobold, 76–77 Snorecksubo (plane), 28–29, 48 and the Eleven Hells, 22, 26, 28, Clay Idol of Iram, 61
Crossroads. See also halflings, Sooleleed (plane), 32–34, 49 31, 33 cloak of the White Lions, 199
riverfolk; and Margreve Forest Urgennos (plane), 23–24, 48–49 emissaries of the gods, 62–65 cloud feather token, 200
and courtfolk, 232–233. See also Vault of Mammon, 77 Hecate, 64, 75–79, 86 crystal staff, 203
halflings, courtfolk Elven Courts, 231–234. See also Hunter, The, 28, 34 dark of the moon feather
Free Cantons of the Ironcrags, halflings, courtfolk Khors, 178–179 token, 200
175–181, 224–230, 273–280. Court of the Imperatrix, 150, 234 Loki, 84–85 djinn vessel, 61
See also dwarves Court of the River King, 149–150, Marena, 28, 115–117, 130, 132 draught of the black owl, 181
Magdar Kingdom, 170, 175, 202, 152, 234 Mavros, 175, 182, 261 earrings of the storm oyster, 201
241, 243 court servant (background), Ninkash, 178–180, 275 farhealing bandages, 215
Perunalia, 197–202 236–238 Perun, 197 gauntlets of the White Lions,
Zobeck. See Zobeck Moonlit Court, 63, 140, 235 Rava, 8–21, 76, 190, 195, 199–200
darakhul elves. See also Dornig; elven 217–218, 224 goggles of shade, 130
and the Blood Kingdom, 115, 138 courts; halflings; and planes Sarastra, 45 grand maiden’s feather token,
and necromancy, 122–123, 125 elfmarked NPCs, 48, 149–152. Thor-Perun, 175, 178, 181 200–201
and necrotech, 95–97 See also NPCs Vardesain, 26, 31, 138

Grisal trumpet, 179 gulper behemoth, 91–92 Ginnungagap (Yawning Void), lure prey, 259–260
held heart feather token, 201 Heiderbirg Horror, 119–122 22, 34, 108 march of the dead, 177
heliotrope heart, 118 homing pigeon, 270 Ravatet (Plane of Gears), 8–21, 218 remove insulation, 165
hexen blade, 123 incarnate gloom, 99–100 Shadow Realm, 36–49, 209, 235, Sot’holon’s formula, 161
horn of Ninkash, 180 infernal swarm, 100–102 244. See also Smoketown soulbound servant, 71–72
horn of Thor-Perun, 181 Ironcrag war-badger, 277–279 Silendora (Elflands, Summer spell imbuement, 173
horn of Verrante, 180 lupine shade, 140 Lands), 92, 231, 234, 241. See also spirit of the hills, 260
horn of Volund, 181 megaraptor, 270 halflings, courtfolk storm of axes, 178
instrument of Vasilka’s blessing, moirai, 13–14 Valhalla (and the Storm Court), 24 summon clockwork beast, 20–21
201–202 necrotech, bone colossus, ravenfolk, 178 unerring mark, 260
lodestone caltrops, 215 102–104 Red Wastes, 210–216 whispering gardens, 240
loom of fate, 202 necrotech, death barque, 95–97 relics, 184–189. See also subclasses
lucky charm of the Monkey King, oliphaunt, warbeast, 271 subclasses, Circle of Dust Beast Trainer (ranger), 265
215–216 pillar guardian, 58–59 Ankeshelian armor, 185–186 Chaplain (fighter), 264
Panoply of Dawn, Day, pit terrier, 271–272 Ankeshelian skiffs, 186–188 Circle of Dust (druid), 182–184
and Dusk (dawnbringer’s coif, Pumpkin King, 92–93 Ankeshelian weapons, 188–189 Circle of the Evergyre (druid), 18–21
daysinger’s shield, nightwalker’s pustulent shamble, 97–98 vril batteries, 184–185 College of Tactics (bard), 263–264
boots), 68–69 pygmy woolly rhinoceros, 270–271 River Lethe, 22, 26–28, 48, 254 College of the Arts (bard), 248–250
Pelegorn Goodbelly’s Lost qutrub, 59–60 River Styx, 22, 26–28, 31, 48 Ironcrag Badger Rider (martial),
Ladle, 69 rune raven, 146–147 Rothenian Plains 277–279
periapt of eldritch knowledge, 70 Scythe Tail, the Undying and Baba Yaga, 66 Legionnaire (rogue), 265–266
Perunalian training bow, 200 Wyvern, 122–125 and halflings, 241, 243, 251–253. Path of the Herald (barbarian),
Perunalian training quiver, 200 shadow of death, 108–109 See also halflings 261–262
relocation cable, 216 Stalwart King, 60–61 NPCs of, 170–173 Sapper (rogue), 266
resolute bracer, 216 vent linnorm, 104–106 Vidim, 62 trollkin
river stones of Ulorian, 152 vexxeh, 90–91 Seven Cities in the eleven Hells, 31, 34. See also
river tokens, 248 war pig, 272 Capleon, 155, 206 Eleven Hells
sanguine lance, 134 watch owl, 192–193 Friula, 206 in Smoketown, 40, 48. See also
seneschal’s gloves, 239 wolverine, 272 Kammae Straboli, 64 Smoketown
serpent staff, 203–204 Niemheim Kyprion, 85–86 vehicles. See also airships
smuggler’s coat, 248 and Baba Yaga, 62–64, 70–71. and mercenaries, 175, 281–288 Ankeshelian skiff, 186–188
soulbound Niemheim cap, 70 See also Baba Yaga NPCs of, 154–157. See also NPCs clockwork archon, 94–96
spider staff, 204 and the Blood Kingdom, 115, and riverfolk, 241, 243. See also Wasted West
staff of binding, 204–205 125. See also Blood Kingdom halflings, riverfolk Ankeshel, 182–189, 203. See also
staff of scrying, 206 and the Eleven Hells, 22. See Triolo, 206 relics
staff of the four winds, 206 also Eleven Hells Valera, 154, 206, 232 and the Burnished Grove, 17
staff of the white necromancer, Northlands and war, 261 Bemmea, 81–82, 122, 158, 160,
206–207 Frozen Bastion, 84–85 shadow fey, 40, 49, 63, 132–134, 176, 204
staff of thorns, 207 Jotunheim, 84–85 140, 150, 170, 172, 235, 236, Bourgund, 204
staff of winter and ice, 207–208 NPCs of, 141–148, 162–169. 244, 251 Caelmarath, 22, 158–161
stone pestlemace, 70 See also NPCs and Baba Yaga, 63. See also Cassadega, 184, 188
stone staff, 208–209 Stannasgard, 141, 145, 166–169 Baba Yaga Dread Walkers, 182
storyteller’s pipe, 239–240 NPCs (with statblocks), 126–173 and the Elven Courts, 235. See Magocracy of Allain, 81–82,
umbral staff, 209 Almaro Merecrest, 144–145 also Elven Courts 158–161
white dandelions, 202 Bolgoro Netweaver, 166–169 and halflings, 236, 244, 251. See NPCs of, 158–161. See also NPCs
Margreve Forest, 62, 69, 70 Bronwyn Brawnstein, 147 also halflings Seat of Mavros, 182
minotaurs Galvanix, 162–165 and monsters, 140. See also weapons
in the Eleven Hells, 31. See also Greta Whitecrag, 143 monsters, grim destrier arquebus, 225–226
Eleven Hells Gunther Skjaldhammer, 145–147 as NPCs, 132–134. See also NPCs barge pole, 247–248
in Iram, 54. See also Iram Havran Krev, the Harlequin, in Smoketown, 40, 49. See also chain hook, 273–275
and the Great Maze, 73–79. 127–129 Smoketown charged weapon, 189
See also planes, First Labyrinth Old Brimstone, the Blacksmith, at war with, 170 climbing adze, 253
Morgau and Doresh. See Blood 129–130 Smoketown, 36–49 coil revolver, 189
Kingdom Regar Neryan, 170–173 guides of Smoketown, 48–49 disrupter, 189
monsters, 87–125 Sister Radana Nohc, the Chaplain, Southlands. See also First Dolen axe, 273–275
assassin snake, 190–191 130–132 Labyrinth; and Iram ferromagnetic projectiles, 189
Bathael, 106–108 Thaern, 149–152 and creatures of war, 269–271 hand trebuchet, 253
Bloodstone Gargoyle of Torven the Runekeeper, 141–143 Nuria Natal, 50–54, 203 powered weapon, 189
Bratislor Pass, 115–118 Varratir V’al, the Hunter, 132–134 Per Bastet, 59, 64 stone rake, 253
bolla (mist drake), 72 Vilém Erzov, the Commander, Roshgazi, 73–74, 76, 79, 85–86 whipsaw, 253
catscratch, 88–89 134–136 Treasury of the Maze, 85–86 World Trees
cavalry camel, 269–270 Yana Harr, 158–161 spells. See also invocations and Baba Yaga’s Cottage Court, 64
clockwork archon, 94–95 Zoranya Vell, 154–157 alchemical geyser, 211 and Iram, 50–52, 57
clockwork beast, 21 Žravika, the Mangler, 136–137 battle chant, 176–177 Treetop Vault of Tomierran, 86
clockwork gardener, 191 planes, 8–34, 36–49, 73–79. See blessings of the animal lords, Winter Tree, 254
clockwork guardian, 192 also Eleven Hells; Smoketown; 211–212 Yggdrasil. See Yggdrasil
clockwork lantern, 195 and Yggdrasil burning cyclone, 212 Yggdrasil, 22, 24, 26
clockwork tutor, 195–196 Evermaw, 22, 26 burst occulus, 71 yugoloths
coin drake, 83–84 Infinite Halls (and the Celestial caustic sphere, 212 Zecha Amblamar, 29–30
Degmadu, 110–111 Stairs), 24 chain counterspell, 214 Zobeck, 9, 13, 17, 144, 168, 190,
frost wraith of Boreas Eleven Hells. See Eleven Hells; expeditious attack, 214 235, 241, 244
(template), 169 and also Smoketown greater unseen servant, 71
grim destrier, 138–140 First Labyrinth (Plane of the hearth and home, 259
Great Labyrinth), 73–79 hedgehog dozen, 177

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