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Name________________________ Date: __________________________________

English test paper 7th grade A

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use, be going to, Future Simple,
Future Continuous. -12p
1) We __________ (spend) next summer holidays in the south of Spain.
2) In the future ___________ (there/not/be) petrol engines.
3) On Friday at 7 p.m. I ___________ (jog) with my sister in the park.
4) The bags look heavy. I ___________ (help) you carry them.
5) Look at the black clouds in the sky. It ___________ (rain).
6) I expect they ___________ (arrive) soon.
7) I ___________ (not/work) tomorrow evening so we can go to the theatre.
8) Have you done the shopping yet? No? When ___________ (you/do) it?
9) Don’t worry, Sheila ___________ (not/tell) anyone your secret.
10) ___________ (you/be) quiet, please? Your dad is taking a nap.
11) A: We’ve run out of sugar.
B: No problem. I ___________ (buy) some on my way back home.
12) This time next week we ___________ (lie) on the beach and we __________ (sunbathe).

B. Choose the correct answer. – 5p

1. I will / might join you later. I’m not sure yet.

2. Andrew won’t / may not be able to come into town now. He’s got too much homework to do.
3. I ’ll / might sit and listen to my favourite music this evening, as I always do.
4. I don’t think Clare will / might call today.
5. Gina may / could be here any minute so we should finish cleaning.

C. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. -5p

1. It rain later but who knows?
a can b will c might
2. I won’t come to your party as I’m going to be away.
a probably b definitely c maybe
3. If my dad gets a tablet, he me his old laptop.
a will give b give c are giving
4. I don’t think we will enjoy the football match if it tomorrow.
a rains b will rain c doesn’t rain
5. 5 You won’t be able to buy new stuff if you have any money.
a might not b won’t c don’t

D. Put the verb into the correct First Conditional form: -18p

1. If I _____________ (go) out tonight, I __________________ (go) to the cinema.

2. Peggy ________________(go) shopping if she _________________(have) time in the afternoon.
3. If you ____________ (get) back late, I __________________ (be) angry.
4. Michael's teacher___________________ (phone) his parents if he _______________ (not/write) his
5. If we __________________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we _____________ (see) each other
next week.
6. If he ______________ (come), I __________________ (be) surprised.
7. Susan _________________(move / not) into the new house if it ___________(be / not) ready on
8. If we __________________ (wait) here, we __________________ (be) late.
9. If we _______________ (go) on holiday this summer, we __________________ (go) to Spain.
10. He ______________________(improve) my English if he _____________ (study) harder.
11. If the weather __________________ (not / improve), we __________________ (not / have) a
12. If I __________________ (not / go) to bed early, I __________________ (be) tired tomorrow.
13. If we ______________ (eat) all this cake, we __________________ (feel) sick.
14. My sister ___________________(be) angry if I _________________(turn) on the music too loud.
15. If you __________________ (not / want) to go out, I ________________(cook) dinner at home.
16. Richard _______________(walk) to school if he ______________( miss) the bus.
17. The policeman _______________ (tell) you the way if you ________________ (ask) him.
18. She __________________ (stay) in London if she __________________ (get) a job.

E. Match the communication words with the comments. – 6p

blog post ~ Tweet ~ forum ~Skype™ ~ social media post ~ text message

1. I can send short messages and it’s cheaper than a phone call. _________________
2. I can chat with my friends and see them at the same time. ____________________
3. I can send really short messages to all my friends at the same time. _____________
4. I can add photos and videos and my friends can visit my page. __________________
5. I can ask questions and post messages and anyone on the list can reply. __________________
6. I can write about my life and the things I’m interested in and anyone can read it. ______________

F. Complete the sentences with the words below. -4p

experience ~ form ~ job ~ course
1. Have you had any work ______________in this type of job?
2. I’m going to get a part-time __________________two days a week.
3. I’d like to apply for a training ________________in computers.
4. Could you complete this application ___________________ , please?

G. Write your opinion about: Teenagers use their mobile phones too much. – 30p
Do you agree with this statement? Use the questions to help you.
 Do teenagers use their mobiles a lot these days?
 What are the good things about having a mobile?
 What are the bad things about using a mobile a lot?
 What do you think – do you agree with the sentence?


+ 20p BONUS

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