1.1: Functions: Reason: in Arrow Diagram (B), Domain A' Has Two

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1: Functions
We can define a function as a special relation which maps
each element of set A with one and only one element of set
B. Both the sets A and B must be non-empty. A function
defines a particular output for a particular input. Hence,
f: A → B is a function such that for a ∈ A there is a unique
element b ∈ B such that (a, b) ∈ f.

Here Arrow diagram (a & d) are functions but AD (b & c)

are not functions.
Reason: In Arrow diagram (b), domain ‘a’ has two
different images ‘q & r’, while in the arrow diagram (d),
domain ‘b’ has no image, that is why these are not

1.2: Types of Functions
1.2.1: One to One Function
A function f: A → B is One to One if for each element of
A there is a distinct element of B. It is also known as
Injective. Consider if a1 ∈ A and a2 ∈ B, f is defined as f: A
→ B such that f (a1) = f (a2).

1.2.2: Many to One Function

It is a function which maps two or more elements of A to
the same element of set B. Two or more elements of A
have the same image in B.

1.2.3: Onto Function
If there exists a function for which every element of set B
there is (are) pre-image(s) in set A, it is Onto Function.
Onto is also referred as Surjective Function.

1.2.4: One – One and Onto Function

A function, f is One – One and Onto or Bijective if the
function f is both One to One and Onto function. In other
words, the function f associates each element of A with a
distinct element of B and every element of B has a pre-
image in A.

1.2.5: Floor Function:

For any real number x, the floor of x is written as  x 

and it equal to the greatest integer less than or equal to x.
1.2.6: Ceiling Function:
For any real number x, the ceiling of x is written as
 x  , is the least integer greater than or equal to x.

1.3: Inverse of a Function

What is the Inverse of a Function?
 We have learned that a function f maps x to f(x). 
 The inverse of f is a function which maps f(x) to x in
 The inverse of the function f is denoted by f-1.
 The inverse of a function is found by interchanging
its range and domain. The domain of f becomes the
range of the inverse and the range of f becomes the
domain of the inverse of f . The inverse of a function
is not always a function and should be checked by the
definition of a function. A function only has an
inverse if it is one-to-one.

How to find the inverse of a function?

The steps involved in getting the inverse of a function
Step 1: Determine if the function is one to one.
Step 2: Interchange the x and y variables. This new
function is the inverse function
Step 3: If the result is an equation, solve the equation
for y.
Step 4: Replace y by f-1(x), symbolizing the inverse
function or the inverse of f.

1: Determine whether the function f from{a,b,c,d} to
{1,2,3,4,5} with f(a)=4, f(b)=5, f(c)=1, and f(d)=3 is one-
Solution: The function f is one-to-one because f takes on
different values at the four elements of its domain. This is
illustrated in Figure 1.

Fig: 1
2: Determine whether the function f(x)= x 2 from the set
of integers to the set of integers is one-to-one.
Solution: The function f(x) = x2 is not one-to-one
because, for instance, f(1) = f(−1) = 1, but 1 is not equal
to −1.
3. Let f be the function from{a,b,c,d}to{1,2,3}defined
by f(a)=3, f(b)=2, f(c)=1, and f(d)=3. Is f an onto

Solution: Because all three elements of the codomain are
images of elements in the domain, we see that f is onto.
This is illustrated in Figure 2. Note that if the codomain
were {1,2,3,4}, then f would not be onto.

Fig: 2
4. Let f be the function from{a,b,c}to{1,2,3}such that
f(a)=2, f(b)=3, and f(c)=1. Is f invertible, and if it is, what
is its inverse?
Solution: The function f is invertible because it is a one-
to-one correspondence. The inverse function f−1 reverses
the correspondence given by f, so f−1(1) = c, f−1(2) = a, and
f−1(3) = b.
5. Let f : Z→Z be such that f(x)= x +1. Is f invertible,
and if it is, what is its inverse?
Solution: The function f has an inverse because it is a
one-to-one correspondence, as follows from Examples 10
and 14. To reverse the correspondence, suppose that y is
the image of x, so that y = x +1. Then x = y −1. This
means that y −1 is the unique element of Z that is sent to y
by f. Consequently, f−1(y) = y −1.
6. Let f be the function from R to R with f(x)= x 2. Is f
Solution: Because f (−2) = f (2) =4, f is not one-to-one. If
an inverse function were defined, it would have to assign
two elements to 4. Hence, f is not invertible. (Note we can
also show that f is not invertible.).
The Graphs of Functions
We can associate a set of pairs in A×B to each function
from A to B. This set of pairs is called the graph of the
function and is often displayed pictorially to aid in
understanding the behavior of the function.
1. Display the graph of the function f(n) =2n+1 from
the set of integers to the set of integers.


Q: Display the graph of the function f(x)= x2 from the
set of integers to the set of integers.
Permutation & Combination:
Permutation: A permutation is an ordered arrangement
of r objects chosen from n objects.
Combination: A combination is an arrangement of
r objects chosen from n objects and the order is not
How to know when to use combinations or
Both combination and permutation count the ways that (r)
objects can be taken from a group of (n) objects, but
permutations are arrangements (sequence matters), while
combinations are selections (order does not matter). 
For example, how many ways can you seat people at a
table? That's permutation. How many poker hands are
available in five-card draw? That's a combination.
Example: Given a set of seven letters: {a, b, c, d, e, f, g}
1: How many permutations of three letters?
2: How many combinations of three letters?
3: I have 20 students in a class. I am going to pick 5
students for a prize. The first person I pick will get 1st
prize, the second student 2nd prize and so on. How many
ways can I choose the students?

4: I have 20 students in a class. I am going to pick 5
students for a prize. They will all get the same prize. How
many ways can I choose the students?
5: A committee is formed consisting of one
representative from each of the 50 states in the United
States, where the representative from a state is either the
governor or one of the two senators from that state. How
many ways are there to form this committee?
6: A club of nine people wants to choose a board of three
officers: President, Vice President and Secretary. How
many ways are there to choose the board from the nine
7: A group of 30 people have been trained as astronauts
to go on the first mission to Mars. How many ways are
there to select a crew of 6 people to go on this mission
(assuming that all crew members have the same job) ?


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