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Zinc Finger Proteins:

From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Zinc Finger Proteins:

From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Shiro Iuchi
Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Natalie Kuldell
Biological Engineering Division
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.


U.S.A. U.S.A.
Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit



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Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell, Landes / Kluwer
dual imprint / Landes series: Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit

ISBN: 0-306-48229-0

While the authors, editors and publisher believe that drug selection and dosage and the specifications and usage of equipment and
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Zinc finger proteins : from atomic contact to cellular function / [edited by] Shiro Iuchi, Natalie Kuldell.
p. ; cm. -- (Molecular biology intelligence unit)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-306-48229-0
1. Zinc-finger proteins. I. Iuchi, Shiro. II. Kuldell, Natalie. III. Series: Molecular biology intelligence unit (Unnumbered)
[DNLM: 1. Zinc Fingers--physiology. QU 55 Z767 2005]
QP552.Z55Z56 2005
Preface xiii 12. Wig-1, a p53-Induced Zinc Finger Protein
that Binds Double Stranded RNA 76
Abbreviations xiv Cristina Mendez-Vidal, Fredrik Hellborg,
Margareta T. Wilhelm, Magdalena Tarkowska
1. The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and Their Practical and Klas G. Wiman
Applications in Gene Regulation:
13. Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins
A Personal Account 1
Aaron Klug
in mRNA Binding 80
Perry J. Blackshear, Ruth S. Phillips and Wi S. Lai

BINDING OF ZINC FINGERS TO DNA 14. Ribosomal Zinc Finger Proteins:

The Structure and the Function
2. C2H2 Zinc Fingers As DNA Binding Domains 7 of Yeast YL37a 91
Shiro Iuchi John Dresios, Yuen-Ling Chan and Ira G. Wool

3. TFIIIA: A Sophisticated Zinc Finger Protein 14 BINDING OF ZINC FINGERS TO PROTEINS

Raymond S. Brown and Jane Flint

4. GAGA: Structural Basis for Single Cys2His2 15. LIM Domain and Its Binding
Zinc Finger-DNA Interaction 20 to Target Proteins 99
G. Marius Clore and James G. Omichinski Algirdas Velyvis and Jun Qin

5. The DNA-Binding Domain of GATA 16. RING Finger-B Box-Coiled Coil (RBCC)
Transcription Factors—A Prototypical Proteins As Ubiquitin Ligase
Type IV Cys2-Cys2 Zinc Finger 26 in the Control of Protein Degradation
Angela M. Gronenborn and Gene Regulation 106
Kazuhiro Ikeda, Satoshi Inoue
6. MutM: Single C2C2 Zinc and Masami Muramatsu
Finger-DNA Interaction 31
Ryoji Masui, Noriko Nakagawa 17. Structure and Function of the CBP/p300
and Seiki Kuramitsu TAZ Domains 114
Roberto N. De Guzman,
7. Homing Endonuclease I-TevI: Maria A. Martinez-Yamout,
An Atypical Zinc Finger H. Jane Dyson and Peter E. Wright
with a Novel Function 35
Patrick Van Roey, Marlene Belfort
18. A Zinc Ribbon Motif Is Essential
and Victoria Derbyshire for the Formation of Functional
Tetrameric Protein Kinase CK2 121
8. Zinc Finger Interactions with Metals Odile Filhol, Maria José Benitez
and Other Small Molecules 39 and Claude Cochet
Jay S. Hanas, Jason L. Larabee
9. Synthetic Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 47 19. The FYVE Finger:
Nicoletta Corbi, Valentina Libri
A Phosphoinositide Binding Domain 128
and Claudio Passananti
Harald Stenmark


10. TFIIIA and p43: PROTEINS
Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA 56
Paul J. Romaniuk 20. The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 134
Gilbert G. Privé, Ari Melnick, K. Farid Ahmad
11. RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers 66 and Jonathan D. Licht
Martyn K. Darby
21. KRAB Zinc Finger Proteins: 29. ZAS Zinc Finger Proteins:
A Family of Repressors Mediating The Other κB-Binding Protein Family 213
Heterochromatin-Associated Carl E. Allen and Lai-Chu Wu
Gene Silencing 151
Shiro Iuchi 30. Role of GATA Factors in Development 221
Marc Haenlin and Lucas Waltzer
22. The Superfamily of SCAN Domain
Containing Zinc Finger 31. The Androgen Receptor and Spinal
Transcription Factors 156 and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy 232
Tucker Collins and Tara L. Sander Federica Piccioni, Charlotte J. Sumner
and Kenneth H. Fischbeck

Takahisa Ikegami and Masahiro Shirakawa
23. Sp1 and Huntington’s Disease 168
Dimitri Krainc 33. MOF, an Acetyl Transferase Involved
in Dosage Compensation in Drosophila,
24. The Role of WT1 in Development Uses a CCHC Finger
and Disease 174 for Substrate Recognition 247
Sean Bong Lee, Hongjie Li and Ho-Shik Kim Asifa Akhtar and Peter B. Becker

25. Yin Yang 1 182 34. MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator
Huifei Liu and Yang Shi of p53
Liqing Wu and Carl G. Maki
26. The Multiple Cellular Functions of TFIIIA 195
Natalie Kuldell
27. The Role of the Ikaros Gene Family
in Lymphocyte Development 200 35. The Zip Family of Zinc Transporters 261
Pablo Gómez-del Arco, Taku Naito, John Seavitt, David J. Eide
Toshimi Yoshida, Christine Williams
and Katia Georgopoulos 36. Apoptosis by Zinc Deficiency 265
Kirsteen H. Maclean
28. Basonuclin:
A Zinc Finger Protein of Epithelial Cells Index 273
and Reproductive Germ Cells 207
Howard Green and Hung Tseng
Shiro Iuchi
Department of Cell Biology
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapters 2, 21

Natalie Kuldell
Biological Engineering Division
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 26

K. Farid Ahmad Maria José Benitez
Department of Medical Biophysics Departamento de Quimica Fisica Aplicada
University of Toronto & Division of Molecular Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
and Structural Biology Cantoblanco
Ontario Cancer Institute Madrid, Spain
Toronto, Ontario, Canada E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 20 Chapter 18

Asifa Akhtar Perry J. Blackshear

Gene Expression Programme Office of Clinical Research and the Laboratory
European Molecular Biology Laboratory of Signal Transduction
Heidelberg, Germany National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Chapter 33 National Institutes of Health
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Carl E. Allen and
Department of Pediatrics Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry
Columbus Children’s Hospital Research Institute Duke University Medical Center
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Chapter 29 E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 13
Peter B. Becker
Adolf-Butenandt-Institut, Molekularbiologie Raymond S. Brown
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Division of Experimental Medicine
München, Germany Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
E-mail: [email protected] Harvard Institutes of Medicine
Chapter 33 Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Chapter 3
Marlene Belfort
Wadsworth Center Yuen-Ling Chan
New York State Department of Health Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Department of Biomedical Sciences The University of Chicago
School of Public Health Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
University at Albany Chapter 14
Albany, New York, U.S.A.
Chapter 7 G. Marius Clore
Laboratory of Chemical Physics
National Institute of Diabetes
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
Chapter 4
Claude Cochet David J. Eide
INSERM EMI 104 Departments of Nutritional Sciences and Biochemistry
Département Réponse et Dynamique Cellulaires University of Missouri
CEA Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.
Grenoble, France E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Chapter 35
Chapter 18
Odile Filhol
Tucker Collins INSERM EMI 104
Department of Pathology Département Réponse et Dynamique Cellulaires
Children’s Hospital Boston CEA
and Harvard Medical School Grenoble, France
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Chapter 18
Chapter 22
Kenneth H. Fischbeck
Nicoletta Corbi Neurogenetics Branch
CNR National Institute of Neurological Disorders
Istituto Biologia e Patologia Molecolari and Stroke
Sezione di Patologia Molecolare National Institutes of Health
Rome, Italy Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 9 Chapter 31

Martyn K. Darby Jane Flint

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Department of Molecular Biology
National Institutes of Health Lewis Thomas Laboratory
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A. Princeton University
E-mail: [email protected] Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Chapter 11 Chapter 3

Roberto N. De Guzman Katia Georgopoulos

Department of Molecular Biology Cutaneous Biology Research Center
The Scripps Research Institute Massachusetts General Hospital
La Jolla, California, U.S.A. and Harvard Medical School
Chapter 17 Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Victoria Derbyshire Chapter 27
Wadsworth Center
New York State Department of Health Pablo Gómez-del Arco
and Cutaneous Biology Research Center
Department of Biomedical Sciences Massachusetts General Hospital
School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School
University at Albany Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Albany, New York, U.S.A. Chapter 27
Chapter 7
Howard Green
John Dresios Department of Cell Biology
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Harvard Medical School
The University of Chicago Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 14 Chapter 28

H. Jane Dyson Angela M. Gronenborn

Department of Molecular Biology Laboratory of Chemical Physics
The Scripps Research Institute National Institute of Diabetes
La Jolla, California, U.S.A. and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Chapter 17 National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 5
Marc Haenlin Seiki Kuramitsu
Centre de Biologie du Développement Department of Biology
CNRS UMR Osaka University
Toulouse, France Osaka, Japan
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 30 Chapter 6

Jay S. Hanas Wi S. Lai

University of Oklahoma College of Medicine Office of Clinical Research and the Laboratory
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A. of Signal Transduction
E-mail: [email protected] National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Chapter 8 National Institutes of Health
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Fredrik Hellborg Chapter 13
Department of Oncology-Pathology
Karolinska Institute Jason L. Larabee
Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK) University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
Stockholm, Sweden Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Chapter 12 Chapter 8

James R. Hocker Sean Bong Lee

University of Oklahoma College of Medicine Genetics of Development and Disease Branch
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.A. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
Chapter 8 and Kidney Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Kazuhiro Ikeda Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
Research Center for Genomic Medicine E-mail: [email protected]
Saitama Medical School Chapter 24
Saitama, Japan
Chapter 16 Hongjie Li
Genetics of Development and Disease Branch
Takahisa Ikegami National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
Laboratory of Structural Proteomics and Kidney Diseases
Institute for Protein Research National Institutes of Health
Osaka University Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
Chapter 32
Chapter 24
Satoshi Inoue Valentina Libri
Research Center for Genomic Medicine CNR
Saitama Medical School Istituto Biologia e Patologia Molecolari
Saitama, Japan Sezione di Patologia Molecolare
Chapter 16
Rome, Italy
Ho-Shik Kim E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 9
Genetics of Development and Disease Branch
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Jonathan D. Licht
and Kidney Diseases Division of Hematology and Oncology
National Institutes of Health Department of Medicine
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Chapter 24
New York, New York, U.S.A.
Aaron Klug E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 20
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Chapter 1
Huifei Liu
Department of Pathology
Dimitri Krainc Harvard Medical School
MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Harvard Medical School Chapter 25
Massachusetts General Hospital
Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 23
Kirsteen H. Maclean James G. Omichinski
Department of Biochemistry Département de Biochimie
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Université de Montréal
Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A. Montréal, Quebec, Canada
E-mail: [email protected] Chapter 4
Chapter 36
Claudio Passananti
Carl G. Maki CNR
The University of Chicago Istituto Biologia e Patologia Molecolari
Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology Sezione di Patologia Molecolare
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Rome, Italy
E-mail:[email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 34 Chapter 9

Maria A. Martinez-Yamout Ruth S. Phillips

Department of Molecular Biology Office of Clinical Research and the Laboratory
The Scripps Research Institute of Signal Transduction
La Jolla, California, U.S.A. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Chapter 17 National Institutes of Health
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Ryoji Masui Chapter 13
Department of Biology
Osaka University Federica Piccioni
Osaka, Japan Neurogenetics Branch
Chapter 6 National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke
Ari Melnick National Institutes of Health
Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Chapter 31
Bronx, New York, U.S.A.
Chapter 20 Gilbert G. Privé
Department of Medical Biophysics
Cristina Mendez-Vidal University of Toronto and Division of Molecular
Department of Oncology and Pathology and Structural Biology
Karolinska Institute Ontario Cancer Institute
Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK) Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Stockholm, Sweden Chapter 20
Chapter 12
Jun Qin
Masami Muramatsu Structural Biology Program
Research Center for Genomic Medicine The Lerner Research Institute
Saitama Medical School The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Saitama, Japan Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 16 Chapter 15

Taku Naito Paul J. Romaniuk

Cutaneous Biology Research Center Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Massachusetts General Hospital University of Victoria
and Harvard Medical School Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 27
Chapter 10

Noriko Nakagawa
RIKEN Harima Institute
Hyogo, Japan
Chapter 6
Tara L. Sander Hung Tseng
Division of Pediatric Surgery Department of Dermatology
Medical College of Wisconsin University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Cardiovascular Research Center Cell and Developmental Biology
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. and Center for Research on Reproduction
Chapter 22 and Women’s Health
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
John Seavitt Chapter 28
Cutaneous Biology Research Center
Massachusetts General Hospital Patrick Van Roey
and Harvard Medical School Wadsworth Center
Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A. New York State Department of Health
Chapter 27 Albany, New York, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected].
Yang Shi Chapter 7
Department of Pathology
Harvard Medical School Algirdas Velyvis
Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Department of Pharmacology
E-mail: [email protected] School of Medicine
Chapter 25 Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
Masahiro Shirakawa Chapter 15
Graduate School of Integrated Science
Yokohama City University Lucas Waltzer
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Centre de Biologie du Développement
E-mail: [email protected] CNRS UMR
Chapter 32 Toulouse, France
Chapter 30
Harald Stenmark
Department of Biochemistry Margareta T. Wilhelm
Institute for Cancer Research Department of Oncology and Pathology
The Norwegian Radium Hospital Karolinska Institute
Oslo, Norway Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK)
E-mail: [email protected] Stockholm, Sweden
Chapter 19 Chapter 12

Charlotte J. Sumner Christine Williams

Neurogenetics Branch Cutaneous Biology Research Center
National Institute of Neurological Disorders Massachusetts General Hospital
and Stroke and Harvard Medical School
National Institutes of Health Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Chapter 27
Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A.
Chapter 31
Klas G. Wiman
Department of Oncology-Pathology
Magdalena Tarkowska
Karolinska Institute
Department of Oncology and Pathology
Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK)
Karolinska Institute
Stockholm, Sweden
Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK)
E-mail: [email protected]
Stockholm, Sweden Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Ira G. Wool
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 14
Peter E. Wright Liqing Wu
Department of Molecular Biology Department of Radiation and Cellular Oncology
The Scripps Research Institute The University of Chicago
La Jolla, California, U.S.A. Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected] Chapter 34
Chapter 17
Toshimi Yoshida
Lai-Chu Wu Cutaneous Biology Research Center
Departments of Molecular Massachusetts General Hospital
and Cellular Biochemistry and Internal Medicine and Harvard Medical School
Division of Immunology, Molecular Virology Charlestown, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
and Medical Genetics Chapter 27
The Ohio State University
College of Medicine and Public Health
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
E-mail: [email protected]
Chapter 29

In the early 1980s, a few scientists started working on a Xenopus transcription factor, TFIIIA. They soon discovered a novel
domain associated with zinc, and named this domain “zinc finger.” The number of proteins with similar zinc fingers grew quickly
and these proteins are now called C2H2, Cys2His2 or classical zinc finger proteins. To date, about 24,000 C2H2 zinc finger proteins
have been recognized. Approximately 700 human genes, or more than 2% of the genome, have been estimated to encode C2H2
finger proteins. From the beginning these proteins were thought to be numerous, but no one could have predicted such a huge
number. Perhaps thousands of scientists are now working on C2H2 zinc finger proteins from various viewpoints. This field is a
good example of how a new science begins with the insight of a few scientists and how it develops by efforts of numerous
independent scientists, in contrast to a policy-driven scientific project, such as the Human Genome Project, with goals clearly set
at its inception and with work performed by a huge collaboration throughout the world.
As more zinc finger proteins were discovered, several subfamilies, such as C2C2, CCHC, CCCH, LIM, RING, TAZ, and
FYVE emerged, increasing our understanding of zinc fingers. The knowledge was overwhelming. Moreover, scientists began
defining the term “zinc finger” differently and using various names for identical zinc fingers. These complications may explain
why no single comprehensive resource of zinc finger proteins was available before this publication.
This book adopts a broad definition of zinc finger as a peptide domain with a special tertiary structure stabilized by Zn 2+
coordination. These tertiary structured fingers confer specific binding activities to various molecules such as DNA, RNA, pro-
teins or small molecules. Some groups of scientists exploited the binding specificity to develop tools that target zinc finger
proteins to any DNA and RNA segments at will. Other groups studied additional domains that are required for executing func-
tions of zinc finger protein molecules. Some of these domains, such as BTB, KRAB and SCAN, are often present in C2H2 zinc
finger proteins, while other associated domains are less common but may also play important roles. Functions of zinc finger
proteins include gene expression, signal transduction, cell growth, differentiation and development. Given the broad role zinc
finger proteins play in the cell, it is logical that mutations in some zinc finger proteins have been found to cause diseases such as
cancer and neurological disorders. Likewise, zinc ion deficiency leads to cell death, probably because of the essential nature of
zinc finger proteins.
This book systematically describes features of various zinc finger proteins, presenting specific activities of their domains in
the earlier chapters and cellular activities of the protein molecules in the later chapters. The chapters are written by authors
outstanding in the field. These chapters are grouped according to their binding function and typically include several illustrative
examples of zinc finger proteins for each function. The arrangement reflects this book’s intention to encompass the principles
and the paradigms of zinc finger proteins at levels from atomic through cellular to organismal. This book should be a useful
resource for experts in the field, but also valuable for scientists and graduate students of biological science.
We thank Drs. J.M. Baraban, D.A. Haber, A.G. Jochemsen, F.L. Rauscher III and B. Schulz for their suggestions regarding
experts of research fields, Ms. K. Easley for her assistance, and Dr. H. Green for his support.

Shiro Iuchi
Natalie Kuldell
aACRYBP1 aA-crystallin binding protein dn dominant negative
AAV adeno associated virus DN double negative
ADPRT poly(ADP-ribosyl) transferase DNase deoxyribonuclease
AF-1 activation function 1 DP double positive
AF-2 activation function 2 Dpp decapentaplegic
AFC antibody forming cell ds double-stranded
AGM aorta gonad mesonephros DTT dithiothreitol
AIF apoptosis-inducing factor E6AP viral E6-associated protein
Aio Aiolos ED effector domain
AR androgen receptor Edn endothelin
ARE androgen responsive element EED embryonic ectoderm development
AT-BP2 a1-antitrypsin promoter binding protein Efp estrogen-responsive finger protein
ATM ataxia telangiectasia mutated EGR1 early growth response gene 1
ATR ATM and Rad3-related ERCC excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair
BAC bacterial artificial chromosome deficiency
BAF brg1 associated factors ES cells embryonic stem cells
BLAST basic local alignment search tool EWS Ewings sarcoma gene
BM bone marrow EXAFS extended X-ray absorption fine structure
BMI-1 B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus EZF-2 endothelial zinc finger protein-2
integration site 1 EZH human homolog of enhancer of Zeste
BMP bone morphogenetic protein FA focal adhesion
Bn1 Basonuclin 1 FKBP25 FK506-binding protein
Bn2 Basonuclin 2 FL(2)D female-lethal(2)-d
bp base pairs FS Frasier syndrome
BRCA1 breast cancer predisposition gene 1 FSHD facioscapulo-humeral muscular dystrophy
BTB broad-complex, tramtrack, and bric-a-brac FYVE conserved in Fab1, YOTB Vac1 and EEA1
CARD caspase recruitment domain GATA family GATA sequence-binding zinc finger protein
Cbl casitas B-lineage lymphoma protein GEF GDP/GTP exchange factor
CBP cAMP response element binding protein GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine
CD circular dichroism; chromo domain; chromosome Gly glycine
modifier domain GO 8-oxoguanine
Cdk cyclin-dependent kinase GST glutathione transferase
CFTR cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance GTF general transcription factor
regulator H2TH helix-two turns-helix
CHD congenital heart defect HAT histone acetyl transferase
ChIP chromatin immunoprecipitation HD Huntington’s disease
CHX cyclohexamide HDAC histone deacetylase
CK2 protein kinase CK2 HIF-1a hypoxia-inducible factor-1a
(formerly known as casein kinase II) HIV human immunodeficiency virus
Cys cysteine HIV-1 human immunodeficiency virus type I
CKII casein kinase II HIV-EP human immunodeficiency virus type 1 enhancer
CLP common lymphoid progenitor binding protein
CoA coenzyme A HMG high-mobility group
Col2a1 type II collagen gene HmL37ae Haloarcula marismortui ribosomal protein L37ae
CpG cytidine-guanidine dinucleotide pairs HMQC heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence
CREB cAMP response element binding HMTs histone methytransferases
CRIP cysteine-rich intestinal protein HP1a heterochromatin protein 1 alpha
CRP cysteine-rich protein HPC human homolog of Polycomb
CS cleavage site HPH human homolog of Polyhomeotic
CSD chromo shadow domain HPV human papillomavirus
CtBP c-terminal binding protein HSC hemopoietic stem cell
5S DNA 5S ribosomal RNA gene HSED Heteronuclear Spin-Echo Difference
DBD DNA binding domain HSP heat shock protein
DCC dosis compensation complex HSQC heteronuclear single quantum correlation
DDS Denys-Drash syndrome ICAD inhibitor of calcium-activated DNAase
DHFR dihydrofolate reductase ICR internal control region
DHS Dnase I hypersensitivity site ICR imprinted-control region
DHT 5a-dihydrotestosterone Ig immunoglobulin
DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy IGF-1 insulin growth factor-1
IL-2 interleukin-2 PMA phorbol myristate acetate
Ileu isoleucine PML promyelocytic leukemia protein
ILF3 interleukin enhancer binding factor 3 PML-Nbs promyelocytic leukemia protein-nuclear bodies
ILK integrin-linked kinase pol III RNA polymerase III
IS insertion site POZ poxvirus and zinc finger
KAP-1 KRAB-associated protein 1 PPARγ peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
kb kilobase ppm parts per million
kD (KDa) kilodalton PRDII-BF1 positive regulatory domain II binding factor
KLF Krüppel-like factor PRE polycomb response element
KRAB Krüppel-associated box Pro proline
LBD ligand binding domain R DNA degenerate alphabet A or G
LBP-1 leader binding protein-1 5S RNP 5S ribonucloeprotein particle
Ldb LIM domain binding 5S rRNA 5S ribosomal RNA
LDL low density lipoprotein 7S RNP 7S storage particle;
LeR leucine rich region 7S ribonucleoprotein particle
Leu leucine RAG recombination activating gene
LFSE ligand field stabilization energy RAR retinoic acid receptor
Lhx LIM homeobox RAZ1 SCAN-related protein associated with MZF1B
LID LIM interaction domain Rb retinoblastoma protein
LIM-HD LIM homeodomain RBCC RING finger-B box-coiled coil
LMO LIM only protein RE response element
LSF late SV40 factor Rex-1 reduced expression 1
LTR long terminal repeat RFC replication factor C
Lys lysine RFP ret finger protein
MBP major histocompatability complex enhancer RING really interesting new gene
binding protein; maltose binding protein RMSD root-mean-square-deviation
MBT midblastula transition RNA pol II RNA polymerase II
MDM murine double minute RNAi RNA interference
Mdm2 murine double minute 2 RNP ribonucleoprotein particle
MEFs mouse embryo fibroblasts rp ribosomal protein
MGI mouse genome informatics RPA replication protein A
MIS Müllerian inhibiting substance RPB9 RNA polymerase II subunit 9
MMLV Moloney murine leukemia virus RRM RNA recognition motif
MMPs matrix metalloproteinases rRNA ribosomal RNA
MOF males-absent-on-the-first RSS recombination signal sequences of V(D)J
MOZ monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein recombination
MTA2 metastasis-associated protein 2 RYBP ring1- and YY1- binding protein
MTF metalloregulatory transcription factor SAA1 serum amyloid A1
MVE multivesicular endosome SAS something about silencing
MZF1 myeloid zinc finger gene 1 SBMA spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy
NB nuclear body SCAN SRE-ZBP, Ctfin51, AW-1 (ZNF 174),
NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information and Number 18
NER nucleotide excision repair SCAN-ZFP SCAN domain-containing C2H2 zinc finger
NES nuclear export signal protein
NLS nuclear localization signal Scm sex combs on midleg
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance SDP1 SCAN-domain containing protein 1
NO nitric oxide SELEX systematic evolution of ligands by exponential
NOE nuclear Overhauser effect enrichment
nt nucleotide SET SuVar3-9, Enhancer of Zeste, Trithorax
NuRD nucleosome remodeling deacetylase SF1 steroidogenic factor 1
OS Opitz syndrome SKIP ski-interacting protein
oTFIIIA oocyte form of TFIIIA SLC39 solute carrier family 39
PAR4 prostate apoptosis response gene 4 SNOC S-nitrosocysteine
Pc polycomb SOX9 SRY-related HMG box
PCAF p300-CBP associated factor SP single positive
PcG polycomb group SPRY SPla and the RYanodine Receptor
Pcl polycomb-like SRC-1 steroid receptor coactivator-1
PCNA proliferating cell nuclear antigen SRE serum response element
Peg3 paternally expressed gene 3 SREBP serum response element binding protein
PGC-2 PPARg coactivator-2 SRF serum response factor
Ph polyhomeotic SRY sex-determining region Y gene
PHA phytohemagglutinin ss single-stranded
PHAX phosphorylated adaptator for RNA export SSTR2 somatostatin receptor type II
PHD plant homeobox domain protein; plant sTFIIIA somatic form of TFIIIA
homeodomain SUMO small ubiquitin-related modifier
Pho pleiohomeotic TBP TATA-box binding protein;
PI 3-kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase TATA-binding protein
PI(3,5)P2 phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate td thymidylate synthase gene
PI3P phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate TF transcription factor
TFIIA transcription factor IIA VEGF vascular endotherial growth factor
TFIIH transcription factor IIH VHL von Hipple Lindau
TFIIIA transcription factor IIIA W DNA degenerate alphabet A or T
RRE Rev response element WAGR Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary
RRE-IIB Rev response element stem loop IIB malformations, and mental retardation
TTP tristetraprolin wt wild type
TGF-β transforming growth factor beta WT1 Wilms tumor suppressor gene 1
TIF1 transcriptional intermediary factor 1 WTAP WT1-associating protein
TIF1β transcriptional intermediary factor 1 beta X. laevis Xenopus laevis
Tip TAT-interacting protein Xi X chromosome inactivation
tkv thick veins Xlo Xenopus oocyte type
TM transmembrane domain Xls Xenopus somatic type
TNF tumor necrosis factor XP xeroderma pigmentosum
TPEN N,N,N’,N’-tetrakis- XPA Xeroderma pigmentosum A
(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine YAF2 YY1-associated factor 2
TRAF tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor YL37a yeast ribosomal protein L37a
TRIM tripartite motif YY1 Yin Yang 1
ts temperature sensitive ZBRK1 zinc finger and BRCA1-interacting proteins with
TSA trichostatin A KRAB domain 1
Tyr tyrosine ZF zinc finger
URR upstream regulatory region ZFP zinc finger protein
UTR untranslated region ZIP Zrt-, Irt-like protein
V(D)J variable, diversity, and joining ZNF zinc finger
Val valine

The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and Their Practical

Applications in Gene Regulation: A Personal Account
Aaron Klug


n account is given of the discovery of the classical Cys2His2 tute of Washington in Baltimore on the 5S RNA genes of Xeno-
(C2H2) zinc finger, arising from biochemical studies on pus laevis, which are transcribed by RNA polymerase III (reviewed
the protein transcription factor IIIA found in Xenopus in Brown).3 They discovered that the correct initiation of tran-
ooctyes, and of subsequent structural studies on its 3D structure scription requires the binding of a 40 kD protein factor, vari-
and its interaction with DNA. Each finger is a self-contained ously called factor A or transcription faction IIIA (TFIIIA), which
domain stabilized by a zinc ion ligated to a pair of cysteines and had been purified from oocyte extracts. By deletion mapping it
a pair of histidines, and by an inner structural hydrophobic core. was found that this factor interacts with a region about 50 nucle-
This work showed not only a novel protein fold but also a novel otides long within the gene, called the internal control region.
principle of DNA recognition. Whereas other DNA binding pro- Immature oocytes store 5S RNA molecules in the form of 7S
teins generally make use of the symmetry of the double helix, ribonucleoprotein particles,4 each containing a single 40 kD pro-
zinc fingers can be linked linearly in tandem to recognize nucleic tein which was later shown5 to be identical with transcription
acid sequences of different lengths. This modular design offers a factor IIIA. TFIIIA therefore binds both 5S RNA and its cognate
large number of combinatorial possibilities for the specific rec- DNA and it was therefore suggested that it may mediate auto-
ognition of DNA (or RNA). It is therefore not surprising that regulation of 5S gene transcription.5 Whether this autoregula-
this zinc finger is found widespread in nature, in 3% of the genes tion occurred in vivo or not, the dual interaction provided an
of the human genome. interesting structural problem with could be approached because
of the presence of large quantities of the protein TFIIIA in im-
It had long been the goal of molecular biologists to design
mature Xenopus oocytes.
DNA binding proteins for specific control of gene expression. It
In the autumn of 1982, I therefore proposed to a new gradu-
has been demonstrated that the zinc finger design is ideally suited
ate student, Jonathan Miller, that he begin studies on TFIIIA.
for such purposes, discriminating between closely related se- This led to the discovery of a remarkable repeating motif within
quences both in vitro and in vivo. The first example of the poten- the protein, which we later, in laboratory jargon, called zinc fin-
tial of the method was in 1994 when a three-finger protein was gers, because they contained zinc and gripped or grasped the DNA.
constructed to block the expression of an oncogene transformed The full story of the experiments is told in our first paper6 and I
into a mouse cell line. By fusing zinc finger peptides to repression will only summarize it here. I should however emphasize that the
or activation domains, genes can be selectively switched off and repeating structure was discovered through biochemistry, not as
on. Several recent applications are described. some reviews have stated, by computer sequence analysis. When
After the initial discovery, other types of zinc-binding domains the sequence was published I looked for, and found by eye, a
which fold and interact with DNA or RNA in a different way repeating pattern, which was then confirmed and aligned as a
were found, and these have become loosely grouped under the motif of 30 amino acids by Andrew McLachlan’s computer
name of zinc finger proteins. analysis.6

Introduction The 7S RNP Particle

After ten years of research on the structure of chromatin which When Miller repeated the published protocols for purifying
had led to the discovery of the nucleosome and an outline of its the 7S particle, he obtained very low yields, which we attributed
structure, as well as the next level of folding of DNA in the 300Å to dissociation. Brown and Roeder had used buffers which con-
chromatin fiber,1,2 I became interested in the then so-called “ac- tained variously dithiothreitol (DTT), used because the protein
tive chromatin,” the chromatin which is involved in transcrip- had a high cysteine content, and/or EDTA to remove any con-
tion or poised to do so. I looked for a system which was tractable, tamination by metals which hydrolyse nucleic acids. We observed
that is, offered the possibility of extracting relatively large amounts that gel filtraton of the complex in 0.1mM DTT resulted in sepa-
of material for biochemical and structural studies. rate elution of protein and 5S RNA. However, when we found
I became intrigued by the work of Robert Roeder, then at that the strong reducing agent sodium borohydride did not dis-
Washington University, and Donald Brown, of the Carnegie Insti- rupt the complex, we realized that the protein was not being held

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
2 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

together by disulfide bridges, and that a metal might be involved. amino acid units folds around a Zn ion to form a small indepen-
When the particle was incubated with a variety of chelating agents, dent structural domain, the “finger.” 25 of the 30 amino acid
particle dissociation could be prevented only by prior addition of residues form a loop around the central Zn ion and the five inter-
Zn2+, and not by a variety of other metals. Analysis of a partially vening amino acids provide the linkers between consecutive fin-
purified 7S preparation by atomic absorption spectroscopy also gers. The Zn ion forms the basis of the folding by being tetrahe-
revealed a significant concentration of Zn, with at least 5 mol Zn drally coordinated to the two invariant pairs of cysteines and
per mol particle. histidines. Each repeat also contained besides this unique con-
While these experiments were in progress, Hanas et al7 re- served pattern of Cys-Cys …. His-His, three other conserved
ported the presence of Zn in the 7S particle, at a ratio of two per amino acids, namely Tyr6 (or Phe6), Phe17 and Leu23, all of
particle. We thought this must be an underestimate since their which are large hydrophobic residues. The whole of the 30 amino
buffers contained 0.5mM or 1mM DTT, which has a high bind- acid repeat is rich in basic and polar residues but the largest num-
ing constant for Zn of about 1010. We therefore repeated the ber are found concentrated in the region between the second cys-
analysis with pure and undissociated particle preparations, tak- teine and the first histidine, implicating this region in particu-
ing great care to ensure no contamination. We concluded that lar in nucleic acid binding.
the native 7S particle contains between 7 and 11 zinc ions. This Formally, when indexed on a 30 amino acid repeat, the re-
result was consistent with the fact that the protein contains large peating structure could be written at
numbers of histidine and cysteine residues, the commonest ligands 1–5 6 8 13 17 23 26 30
for zinc in enzymes and other proteins. This hinted at some kind linker h X1 C X2,4 C X3 h X5 h X2,3 H X3,4 H
of internal substructure.
A natural step was therefore to see if any such substructure where h represents a conserved (large) hydrophobic residue.
could be revealed by proteolytic digestion, and Miller had already The proposal that each 30 amino acid unit formed an indepen-
begun such studies. He found two products, an intermediate 33 dently folded, Zn-stabilized domain soon gained support from
kD fragment, and a limit 23 kD. At about that time Brown’s two lines of research. First, we carried out a study using EXAFS
group8 also showed that, on treatment with proteolytic enzymes, (extended X-ray absorption fine structure) confirming that the
the 40 kD TFIIIA protein breaks down to a 30 kD product, which Zn ligands are two cysteines and two histidines. Secondly it was
is then converted to a 20 kD product. They proposed that TFIIIA found by Tso et al12 that, in the DNA sequence of the gene for
consists of three structure domains which they identified as bind- TFIIIA, the position of the intron-exon boundaries mark most
ing to different parts of the 50 base-pair internal control region of the 9 proposed finger domains.
of the 5S RNA gene. In evolutionary terms, the multi-fingered TFIIIA may have
Carrying on these proteolytic studies, we found that on pro- arisen by gene duplication of an ancestral domain comprising
longed proteolysis the TFIIIA protein breaks down further, fi- about 30 amino acids. Because one such self-contained small
nally to a limit digest of about 3 kD. In the course of this break- domain would have had the ability to bind to nucleic acids, and
down, periodic intermediates differing in size by about 3 kD could could be passed on by exon shuffling, we suggested that these
be seen. The correspondence in size between these last two values domains might occur more widely in gene control proteins than
suggested that the 30 3kD domain of TFIIIA might contain a in just this case of TFIIIA. The extent to which this prediction
periodic arrangement of small, compact domains of kD. If each has been borne out (3% of the genes of the human genome, at
such domain contained one Zn atom, then the observed high Zn the latest count) still, on occasion, astonishes me. Indeed, within
content would be accounted for. months of the publication of our paper, I received word of se-
This novel idea of small Zn-stabilized domains was strength- quences homologous to the zinc finger motif of TFIIIA. The first
ened by the timely publication by Roeder’s group9 of the sequence two were from Drosophila, the serendipity gene from Roshbash’s
of TFIIIA derived from a cDNA clone. By inspection, it could be group13 and Kruppel from Jackle’s group.14
seen that the large number of cysteines and histidines present in The key point that emerged from our first paper was that, not
the protein appeared to occur in more or less regular patterns. A only had there emerged a novel protein fold for nucleic acid bind-
rigorous computer analysis showed that, of the 344 amino acids ing, but also a novel principle of DNA recognition. The overall
of the TFIIIA sequence residues, numbers 13-276 form a con- design for specific DNA recognition was distinctly different from
tinuous run of nine tandemly repeated, similar units of about 30 that of the helix-turn-helix motif found in the first DNA binding
amino acids, each containing two invariant pairs of histidines proteins to be described. The latter binds to DNA as a symmetric
and cysteines.6 Repeating patterns in the sequence were also no- dimer to a palindromic sequence on the DNA, thus making use
ticed by R S Brown, Sander and Argos10 who concluded, how- of both the 2-fold symmetry of the DNA helix backbones and
ever, that the whole protein was divided into twelve repeats, in- also the nucleotide sequence. (Later heterodimeric variations of
dexed on a 39 amino acid unit (although their abstract states “about this and related designs were found, but they still make use of the
30”). helix symmetry).
In contrast, the zinc finger is a module that can be used singly
or linked tandemly in a linear fashion to recognize DNA (or RNA)
A Repeating Structure for TFIIIA sequences of different lengths. Each finger domain has a similar
From the three different lines of evidence described above, structural framework but can achieve chemical distinctiveness
namely (1) a 30 amino acid repeat in the sequence, which (2) through variations in a number of key amino acid residues. This
corresponds in size to the observed periodic intermediates and modular design offers a large number of combinational possibili-
the limit-digest product of 3 kD, and (3) the measured Zn con- ties for the specific recognition of DNA (or RNA). It was not
tent of 7-11 atoms, we proposed 6 that most of the TFIIIA surprising that it is found widespread throughout so many differ-
protein has a repeating structure in which each of the nine 30 ent types of organisms.
The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and their Practical Applications in Gene Regulation: A Personal Account 3

The Structure of the Zinc Finger and Its In our laboratory, my colleagues and I adopted a different ap-
Interaction with DNA proach. The reason was that the “rules” did not take into account
the fact that real DNA structures are not fixed in the canonical B
We had noted,6 that in addition to the characteristic arrange-
form but there are wide departures, depending on the DNA se-
ments of conserved cysteines and histidines which are fundamental
quence.20,21 This was further brought home to us by the struc-
in the folding of the finger by the coordinating Zn, there are
ture of the second zinc finger DNA complex to be solved, that
several other conserved amino acids, notably Tyr6, Phe17 and
with the Drosophila tramtrack protein, by Fairall et al22 in Daniela
Leu23, and that were likely to form a hydrophobic structural core Rhodes’s group our laboratory. Here the helical position used for
of the folded structure. In other words, the seven conserved amino the primary contact with the 3'-most base of one of the triplets
acids in each unit provide the framework of tertiary folding, (thymine) is not -1, but 2. The reason was that the DNA struc-
whereas some of the variable residues determine the specificity of ture was much distorted from the B form, with the thymine fol-
each domain. Jeremy Berg15 built on these original observations lowed by the adenine at a helical rotation angle of 39˚ rather than
by fitting known structural motifs from other metallo-proteins the canonical 36˚. The reason is that the T-A step in DNA is
to the consensus sequence of the TFIIIA finger motifs. His pro- unstable as I had noted long ago.20
posed model consisted of an antiparallel β-sheet, which contains
the loop formed by the two cysteines and an α-helix containing
the His-His loop. The two structural units are held together by Affinity Selection from a Library of Zinc
the Zn atom. In analogy with the way in which the bacterial Fingers by Phage Display
helix-turn-helix motif binds DNA, DNA recognition was postu- The alternative to this rational but biased design of proteins
lated to reside mostly in the helical region of the protein structure. with new specificities is the isolation of desirable variants from a
Berg’s model was soon confirmed by the NMR studies of Pe- large pool or library. A powerful method of selecting such pro-
ter Wright’s group16 on a single zinc finger in solution, and sub- teins is the cloning of peptides23 or protein domains24 as fusions
sequently by David Neuhaus in our laboratory17,18 on a two-finger to the minor coat protein (pIII) of bacteriophage fd, which leads
peptide. Our work took longer to solve but had the merit of show- to their expression on the tip of the capsid. Phage displaying the
ing that adjacent zinc fingers are structurally independent in so- peptides of interest can then be affinity purified by binding to
lution, being joined by flexible linkers. the target and then amplified for use in further rounds of selec-
The question remained of the precise pattern of amino acid tion and for DNA sequencing of the cloned gene. We applied
interactions of zinc fingers with DNA. The breakthrough came this technology to the study of zinc finger-DNA interactions,
in 1991 when Nikola Pavletich and Carl Pabo,19 both then at after my colleague, Yen Choo, demonstrated that functional zinc
Johns Hopkins, solved the crystal structure of a complex of a finger proteins could be displayed on the surface of fd phage, and
DNA oligonucleotide specifically bound to the three-finger DNA that such engineered phage could be captured on a solid support
binding domain of the mouse transcription factor Zif268, an early coated with the specific DNA.25,26 The phage display method
response gene. The primary contacts are made by the α-helix was also adopted by other groups working on zinc fingers, in-
which binds in the DNA major groove through primary cluding those of Carl Pabo and Carlos Barbas.
hydrogen-bond interactions from helical positions –1, 3 and 6 to We created phage display libraries comprising about 107 vari-
three successive bases (a triplet) on one strand of the DNA, and ants of the middle finger from the DNA-binding domain of
through a secondary interaction from helical position 2 on the Zif268. A DNA oligonucleotide of fixed sequence was used to
other strand. This is the canonical docking arrangement, but there bind and hence purify phage from this library over several rounds
are however some wide variations from this arrangement in the of selection, returning a number of different but related zinc fin-
family of zinc finger – DNA complexes now known. There are gers which bind the given DNA. By comparing similarities in the
also, of course, other minor secondary interactions. amino acid sequence of functionally equivalent fingers, we could
deduce the likely mode of interaction of these fingers with DNA.
Zinc Finger Peptides for the Regulation of Remarkably we found that many base contacts occur from three
Gene Expression primary positions on the α-helix of the zinc finger, correlating
with the implications of the crystal structure of Zif268 bound to
The mode of DNA recognition by a finger is principally a
DNA. This demonstrated ability to select zinc fingers with de-
one-to-one interaction between amino acids from the recogni-
sired specificity meant that DNA-binding proteins containing
tion helix and the DNA bases. Moreover, because the fingers func-
zinc fingers could be made to measure, and that some general
tion as independent modules, fingers with different triplet speci-
rules could be devised for a crude recognition code.
ficities are combined to give specific recognition of longer DNA
sequences. For this reason, the zinc finger motifs are ideal natural
building blocks for the de novo design of proteins for recognizing Use of Engineered Zinc Fingers to Repress
any given sequence of DNA. Indeed the first protein engineering Gene Expression in a Mouse Cell Line
experiments by Berg and others, using site-directed mutagenesis, In the course of the above work, we showed that a zinc finger
showed that it is possible to alter rationally the DNA-binding mini-domain could discriminate between closely related DNA
characteristics of individual zinc fingers when one or more of the triplets, and proposed that they could be linked together to form
α-helical positions are varied in a number of proteins. As a col- longer peptides for the specific recognition of longer DNA se-
lection of these mutants accumulated, it became possible to pro- quences. One interesting possibility for the use of such protein
pose some rules relating amino acids on the recognition α-helix peptides is to target selectively genetic differences in pathogens
to corresponding bases in the bound DNA sequence. or transformed cells. In December 1994 we reported the first
4 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

such application,27 in which we built a protein which recognized tially independent modules that bind three base-pair subsites to
a specific DNA sequence both in vitro and in vivo. This was a a model that considers functional synergy between adjacent in-
crucial test of our understanding of the mechanism of zinc-finger dependently folded zinc fingers. In this revised model,
DNA recognition. The proof of principle stimulated ourselves, Zif268-like zinc fingers potentially bind four base-pair overlap-
and later others, to devote our future studies to potential applica- ping subsites. We therefore redesigned our method of phage
tions in gene regulation for research purposes or for therapeutic library construction to take account of this refinement,29 which
correction. also has the merit of being more widely applicable and rapid.
In summary, we created a three finger peptide able to bind
(ii) An important step forward has been to increase the length of
site-specifically to a unique nine base-pair region of the p190
the DNA sequence targeted and hence its degree of rarity. Three
bcr-abl cDNA: this is a transforming oncogene which arises by
zinc fingers recognize nine base pairs, a sequence which would
translocation between the tips of chromosomes 9 and 22, of which
occur randomly several times in a large genome. However six
one product is the Philadelphia chromosome. The latter contains
fingers linked together would recognize a DNA sequence 18
a novel DNA sequence at the junction of two exons, one each
base pairs in length, sufficiently long to constitute a rare address
from the two genomic parent bcr and abl genes. Our engineered
in the human genome. One cannot simply go on adding fin-
peptide discriminated in vitro against like regions of the parent
gers, because the periodicity of packed fingers does not quite
bcr and c-abl genes, differing in only a single base, by factors greater
match the DNA periodicity, so that they get out of register. We
than one order of magnitude.
have learned how to engineer longer runs of zinc fingers which
Our peptide also contained a nuclear localization signal fused
can target longer DNA sequences.30,31 By fusing functional
to the zinc finger domain so that the peptide could accumulate in
groups to the engineered DNA binding domains, for example
the nucleus. Consequently, stably transformed mouse cells, made
silencing or activation domains, highly specific transcription
interleukin-3 independent by the action of the oncogene, were
factors can be generated to up- or down-regulate expression of a
found to revert to IL-3 dependence on transient transfection with
target gene.
a vector expressing the peptide. Our construct was also engineered
to contain a c-myc epitope, which enabled us to follow by immu-
nofluorescence the localization of the peptide to the nuclei of the Some Applications of Engineered Zinc
transfected cells. When IL-3 is subsequently withdrawn from cell
culture, over 90% of the transfected p190 cells become apoptotic Fingers
(that is, showing chromosome degradation) within 24 hours. Our Examples of some recent applications by ourselves and others,
experiments were repeated on cells transformed by another re- using either three finger or six finger peptides are:
lated oncogene p210 bcr-abl, which served as a control. All trans- (i) inhibition of HIV-1 expression;32
fected p210 cells maintained their IL-3 dependence, and remained (ii) the disruption of the infective cycle of infection by herpes sim-
intact on entry of the engineered peptide. plex virus;33
Measurements of the levels of p190 bcr-abl mRNA extracted
from cells treated with the peptide showed that the repression of (iii) activating the expression of VEGF-A in a monkey kidney cell
oncogenic expression by the zinc finger peptide was due to a tran- line;34
scriptional block imposed by the sequence-specific binding of the (iv) activating the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor
peptide, which presumably obstructed the path of the RNA (VEGF) in a human cell line, and in an animal model; and35
(v) regulation of zinc finger expression by small molecules.36
Promoter-Specific Activation by Zinc Finger
These experiments showed that a zinc finger peptide could be Other Classes of Zinc Fingers and
engineered to switch off gene expression in vivo. In the same pa-
per27 we described other experiments on a different cell system
Zinc-Binding Domains
(cultured mouse fibroblasts) to show that a gene could also be Shortly after the classical C2H2 zinc finger was discovered in
switched on in a similar way. We used the same nine base pair TFIIIA, sequence motifs that appeared to be related were found
sequence, but this time as a promoter for a CAT reporter gene in several other protein or cDNA sequences of molecules which
bound DNA. It was therefore at first thought that these might
contained in a plasmid. The peptide, which recognized the pro-
have a rather similar structure to the TFIIIA type finger domains.
moter, was fused to a VP16 activation domain and, on transient
The most important and widespread examples are those from
transfection, stimulated expression of the reporter gene by a factor
members of the superfamily of hormone-activated nuclear recep-
of 30-fold above controls.
tors which play a central role in the control of eukaryotic gene
expression, and are indeed transcription factors. 37,38 The
Improving Zinc Finger Specificity DNA-binding domains (DBDs) of such receptors all include two
(i) Our more recent work has focused on improving the specificity motifs in tandem, each about 30 amino acids long, but each motif
of recognition by zinc fingers of the DNA target. While the contains two pairs of cysteines rather than a pair of cysteines and
main source of specificity lies in the amino acids at positions – a pair of histidines as in the first class. They do indeed bind Zn2+,
1, 3 and 6 of the recognition α-helix of a zinc finger for succes- but the three-dimensional structure of two such DBDs, deter-
sive bases lying on one strand of a DNA triplet, we found that mined in solution using 2-D NMR spectroscopy, showed that
the “cross-stand” interaction described above from helical posi- the receptor DBD is structurally distinct from the TFIIIA type of
tion 2 to the neighboring base pair on the adjacent triplet can zinc finger.39,40 The two motifs in each domain each fold up into
significantly influence the specificity.28 Therefore it has been an irregular loop followed by an α-helix, but the two together
necessary to revise the simple model that zinc fingers are essen- form a single structural unit with their helices crossing at right
The Discovery of Zinc Fingers and their Practical Applications in Gene Regulation: A Personal Account 5

angles, so that the DNA recognition helix (from the first motif) The fourth class of zinc fingers discovered was constituted by
is supported by the helix from the second motif. the Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys sequences found in the nucleo-
Hormone receptors bind to palindromic sites (response ele- capsid proteins of retroviruses, which form ‘stubby’ fingers.
ments, RE) on the DNA as dimers, and the DBDs alone also Thereafter several more types were found, which are described in
form dimers, the dimer interface arising from a region of the loop later chapters in this book.
of the second motif of each receptor. These different roles for the This general use of zinc became increasingly clear, even though
two motifs within on structural unit, namely helix recognition the structural information was often still limited. A diverse set of
and dimerization, were deduced by mapping on to the families of proteins which bind Zn2+ and interact with nucleic
three-dimensional structures the site-directed mutagenesis data acids were uncovered and became loosely grouped under the name
from a number of laboratories, particularly those of P. Chambon, of zinc finger proteins. The term was not inappropriate since the
R. Evans and G. Ringold. This combination of structural analy- zinc-binding domains in all these cases do grip or grasp the double
sis and biochemical and genetic experiments pointed toward a helix. Nor would it be inappropriate if the domain does not bind
mechanism of interaction with DNA and a general model was DNA or RNA but another protein, as was foreshadowed,46 and
proposed by Härd et al39 and Schwabe et al.40 as has been increasingly found.
The detailed chemistry of the interactions at the protein-DNA However in more recent years the term zinc finger has begun
interface, however, had to await a crystal structure of a complex. to be used even when the zinc-binding motif or amino acid se-
The first to be determined was that at 2.9Å resolution by Luisi quence does not form an independent, self-folding domain or
and Sigler41 of the DBD of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) minidomain. I personally would prefer the term to be restricted
complexed with a DNA segment 18 bp long. However, the DNA to the latter cases. The cases where a Zn ion, say, is merely used to
segment used was composed of two half sites (each of 6 bp) sepa- link together two regions of a protein, belong to the field of the
rated by a nonnative spacing, with four (rather than three) inter- bioinorganic chemistry of zinc. Its widespread use in proteins for
vening base pairs. As a consequence of this, the two DBDs did such structural purposes must be attributed to the fact that zinc
not bind equivalently to DNA. is what I would call a “safe” metal, in that it has only one main
The crystal structure of a second hormone-receptor-DNA oxidation state and hence has no redox chemistry, as for instance
complex with a correct cognate binding site was solved (at 2.4Å copper and iron do. As a structural element in a protein it has the
advantage over a disulfide bridge in bringing together two parts
resolution) by Schwabe et al42 in our laboratory. This was of the
of a protein, because it cannot be reduced in the reducing atmo-
DBD of the estrogen receptor which recognizes a different DNA
sphere inside a cell.
half-site from GR but with the same native separation of 3 base
pairs between half sites (EREs3). The protein binds as a symmetrical
dimer in an equivalent manner to both half-sites. The interac- Postscript
tions seen in this complex are characteristic in number and type While, as described in the Introduction, it has long been known
of those later found in specific interactions in other families of that TFIIIA binds RNA as well as DNA, there is now increasing
protein-DNA complexes. evidence that zinc fingers are widely used to recognize RNA.
Clearly the second class of zinc finger DNA-binding domains However the molecular basis of the recognition has remained elu-
is not a simple variant of the first TFIIIA class. They differ both sive. In this laboratory, we had not forgotten that TFIIIA binds
in their structure and the way in which they interact with DNA. 5S RNA. After our failure to crystallize the native 7S RNP par-
Above all the GR and ER receptors operate as dimers which bind ticle itself (or a reconstituted version) we set out47 to find rel-
to palindromic DNA sites, whereas the binding of zinc fingers of evant subcomplexes which could show the main interactions be-
the first C2H2 class makes no use of the symmetry of the DNA tween TFIIIA and the RNA. We succeeded and have recently
structure nor of base sequence. The latter function as indepen- determined the X-ray structure of a zinc finger RNA complex
dent modules which can be strung together in a directly repeat- which reveals two modes of zinc finger binding, both different
ing (tandem) fashion with no restriction on their number. from that for DNA.48
It should however be added that some members of the nuclear
receptor family (for example thyroid, vitamin D, retinoic acid) References
also bind as dimers, but as nonsymmetrical dimers to a DNA 1. Kornberg RD. Structure of chromatin. Ann Rev Biochem 1977;
binding site made of two directly repeated identical “half-sites.” 2. Klug A. From macromolecules to biological assemblies. In: The Nobel
Here clearly another interface is brought into play, but again the Foundation 1983; 93-125 Les Prix Nobel en 1982.
discrimination depends entirely on the separation between the 3. Brown DD. The role of stable complexes that repress and activate
repeats in the DNA sequence.43 eukaryotic genes. Cell 1984; 37:359-365.
The structure of a member of a third class of zinc binding 4. Picard B, Wegnez M. Isolation of a 7S particle from Xenopus laevis
domain of a distinct structural type emerged soon afterwards.44 oocytes: A 5S RNA-protein complex. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1979;
This was the GAL4 transcriptional activator, representative of a 76:241-245.
5. Pelham HRB, Brown DD. A specific transcription factor that can
small family found only in yeast. Here two zinc ions and six cys- bind either the 5S RNA gene or 5S RNA. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA
teines in the DBD form a binuclear cluster with each Zn2+ coor- 1980; 77:4170-4174.
dinated by four cysteines, so that two of the cysteines are shared. 6. Miller J, McLachlan AD, Klug A. Repetitive zinc-binding domains
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C2H2 Zinc Fingers As DNA Binding Domains

Shiro Iuchi

Abstract Folding of C2H2 Zinc Fingers

great number of C2H2 zinc finger proteins selectively bind Requirement of zinc ion for transcription factors to bind their
to specific DNA sequences and play a critical role in con- cognate DNA was found in Xenopus TFIIIA (Transcription Fac-
trolling transcription of genes. The specific binding is tor IIIA) first.8 The requirement was due to the ion coordination
achieved by zinc finger domains with ββα structure that is formed with a small peptide domain, named zinc finger, that
by tetrahedral binding of Zn2+ ion to the canonical cysteine and contains two canonical cysteine and histidine residues.1,4-6 Now,
histidine residues. Two to three tandem zinc fingers are thousands of proteins are known to have C2H2 zinc fingers and
necessary and sufficient for the specific binding without the majority of the fingers are thought to bind to DNA. Zinc
participation of any other domains. Zinc fingers bind in the major finger proteins can take three states: unfolded, folded and
groove of the DNA, wrapping around the strands, with specificity DNA-bound forms (Fig. 1 and for details of folded zinc finger
conferred by side chains of several amino acid on the α helices. domain see ref. 1 and 3 as well as Fig. 1 of Chapter 8). Unfolded
Some zinc finger proteins undergo homodimerization by zinc fingers do not bind to target DNA, but folded fingers bind
hydrophobic interactions or by finger-finger binding and to the cognate DNA duplexes. The protein molecules of the DNA
reinforce the specific binding to DNA. Conserved linkers complex are usually associated with other transcription factors
between tandem fingers are necessary for stabilizing the DNA that bind to different domains on the zinc finger protein, or to
complex. Regulatory mechanisms of zinc finger binding to DNA different parts of the zinc fingers. The C2H2 zinc finger motif
are emerging. Some cellular factors are found to acetylate and contains all the information necessary for its folding but folds
phosphorylate zinc fingers and the linkers of a few proteins. These properly only when Zn2+ binds to the canonical residues, two
modifications alter the binding activity of the zinc finger cysteines and two histidines.9,10 The change in Gibbs free energy
proteins and hence control expression of their target genes. Other (∆G) of the folding is enthalpy-driven. The amount, about -8.8
factors can methylate promoter regions of genes. This modification kcal per mole (Table 2),11 indicates that the folded fingers are
alters affinity of zinc finger proteins for the DNA segments and very stable. C 2 H 2 zinc fingers contain three conserved
hence controls expression of their target genes. hydrophobic amino acids at position -12, -3 and +4 in addition
to the two canonical cysteines and histidines (see bolded amino
Introduction acids in the sequence below where the first amino acid residue of
The C2H2 zinc finger consists of twenty to thirty amino acid the α helix is designated as position 1). It has been shown that
residues that have a special secondary structure stabilized by zinc these seven amino acid residues are necessary and sufficient to
tetrahedral binding to two cysteine and two histidine residues.1-6 fold peptides properly by using a designed-synthetic peptide,
Proteins with these zinc fingers are called C2H2 zinc finger K(-13)-YACAACAAAFAAKAALAAHAAAHA-K13. 9 This
proteins. The C2H2 zinc finger protein family is the largest group peptide binds Co2+, a substitute for Zn2+, to the cysteines with a
of all zinc finger protein families (Table 1) and the second largest higher affinity than to the histidines, and the proper folding
group of all protein classes after the envelope glycoprotein GP120 occurs only when the ratio of the ion to the peptide is one or
family. The proteins are present in prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes higher. Similar binding of Zn2+ to the zinc finger motif has also
and are abundant in mammals. More than 700 human genes, or been observed in the synthetic peptide of the zif268 third finger
greater than 2% of the total human genes, encode C2H2 zinc [F(-12)-ACDICGRKFARSDERKRHTKIHLRQ-K15].10,12 The
finger proteins.7 Not surprisingly, C2H2 zinc finger proteins authors of this work have proposed that the zinc finger folding
participate in a variety of cellular activities including develop- begins with binding of Zn2+ to the canonical cysteines and then
ment, differentiation, and tumor suppression. Among C2H2 zinc establishes the tetrahedral structure involving the histidines. They
finger proteins, many bind to DNA duplexes in a finger-mediated have also suggested that the α helix emerges at the
specific manner and participate in controlling expression of the S(1)-DERKRHTKI-H11 sequence as the metal ion binding
target genes. C2H2 zinc fingers, which are often described as proceeds.
X2CX2-4CX12HX2-8H to show the intervals between the zinc
binding residues, contain two β strands and one α helix. All the Tandem C2H2 Zinc Fingers
primary, secondary and tertiary structures are important for C2H2 zinc finger proteins often contain the fingers as tandem
binding to DNA duplexes. In this chapter the general features of repeats connected by short oligopeptides, called linkers. Based
C2H2 zinc fingers-DNA binding are described. on the number and repeat pattern of the fingers, C2H2 zinc

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
8 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Number of zinc finger proteins reported as

of May 2003

Number Average Domain’s

Type of Proteins Length (AA)

C2H2 23,989 23
CCHC (C2HC) 5,215 17
RING 2,010 41
LIM 1,246 58
C2C2 (2x)* 1,243 65
CCCH (C2CH) 1,019 26
TAZ 51 81
Data are taken from Pfam 9.0 at Washington Uninversity in St.
Louis. *The number is for proteins containing two C2C2 fingers.

finger proteins can be divided into four classes (Fig. 2), (A) single
C2H2, (B) triple C2H2, (C) multiple-adjacent C2H2, and (D)
separated-paired C2H2 zinc finger proteins.13 This classification
is useful to predict how the zinc fingers of the proteins exert their
binding activity. The single zinc finger differs from the other zinc
fingers in that it requires an additional, non-zinc finger domain
to establish the binding to the target DNA.14 The other classes,
that is the triple, multiple-adjacent and separated-paired C2H2
fingers, bind to the specific DNA sequence without the aid of
other domains. Both the triple C2H2 and the multiple-adjacent
C2H2 zinc fingers bind to the cognate DNA at the three consecu-
tive fingers.13 Another experiment has shown that a finger pep-
tide with four-tandem identical repeats binds to the target DNA
sequence at the three consecutive fingers only.15 Furthermore,
the separated-paired C2H2 finger can also specifically bind to the Figure 1. Schematic representation of three states of C2H2 zinc finger
cognate DNA, often at the one pair finger. Taking all these proteins. A) Primary structure of proteins. Polypeptide has three tan-
results into account, it may be concluded that two to three dem fingers (ZF1, ZF2 and ZF3), each of which has α helix region
successive C2H2 zinc fingers are the most suitable unit to (thick line) and is connected by linker (L). Other domains of the polypep-
specifically bind to the cognate DNA. tide are presented by A, B, -----, Z. B) Folded zinc finger proteins. Zn2+
Multiple-adjacent C2H2 zinc fingers bind to the DNA, based tetrahedrally binds to the canonical cysteine and histidine residues and
on the rule that two to three successive fingers are responsible for stabilizes the zinc finger’s tertiary structure. (For details of folded C2H2
the specific DNA binding, but the fingers have additional DNA zinc fingers, see ref. 1 and 3 as well as Fig. 1 of Chapter 8). C) Zinc finger
contacts. For example, TFIIIA with nine zinc fingers establishes protein-DNA complex. The α helices of three zinc fingers bind to the
the DNA binding at fingers 1-3, but briefly touches the DNA at DNA duplex in the major groove. Various domains of zinc finger pro-
finger 5 and weakly binds to the DNA at fingers 7-9.16-20 teins, including a part of zinc fingers, interact with other transcription
Another example is Zac. This has seven zinc fingers and binds to factors.
a GC rich DNA duplex. Biochemical and genetic analysis have
shown that Zac binds to the DNA at the two consecutive fingers linker sequences flanking the C2H2 zinc finger DNA may allow a
(finger 2-3) and also at the three consecutive fingers zinc finger sequence to duplicate together with the linker itself
(finger 5-7), without involving finger 4.21 Accordingly, Zac (Fig. 3). The duplication would in turn stimulate the gene
contacts the DNA at more than three fingers, keeping the two to duplication further by using the linkers again or the zinc finger
three finger-DNA binding rule. It is curious that extra fingers are itself. The multiple zinc fingers can gain a better affinity for a
present in multiple-adjacent zinc finger and separated-paired zinc DNA sequence and give the zinc finger protein molecules a
finger proteins, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the ex- selective advantage over the original finger proteins to function
tra fingers are engaged in other interactions not only with a as transcription factors. This speculation is consistent with the
secondary locus of DNA but also with distinct molecules such as fact that many of the separated-paired C2H2 and triple C2H2
RNA and proteins.13,22-24 zinc fingers conserve amino acid residues between tandem zinc
It is interesting to speculate how these tandem zinc fingers fingers.13 After the duplication, point mutations would further
have evolved from a single finger. The Escherichia coli gene, arcA, improve its affinity for the target. Alternative splicing within the
encodes a helix-turn-helix DNA binding repressor protein for the gene26,27 or recombination with another zinc finger gene28 would
genes directing aerobic respiration enzymes.25 This gene has an allow the finger peptide to acquire tandem hybrid zinc fingers
identical eleven-nucleotide sequence flanking a short region, and with a very different specificity. It should not be difficult to show
this genetic organization prompts the region to duplicate sponta- that gene duplication indeed causes the evolution in living cells
neously (Iuchi and Lin, unpublished). Similarly, the identical using well-established bacterial and yeast genetic systems.
C2H2 Zinc Fingers As DNA Binding Domains 9

Table 2. Thermodynamic parameters for zinc finger reactions

Reaction ZF Ka (M-1) ∆G ∆H T∆S Reference

ZFP + Zn2+ ↔ ZFP•Zn2+

1 3.5 x 106 -8.8 -9.3 -0.5 11
2+ 2+
Zif268 3 2.2 x 1010 NA NA NA 33
Zif268 3 2.8 x 108 -11 -6.9 4.5 29
TFIIIA 3 1.3 x 107 -9 -6.9 2.6 30
SP1 3 2.6 x 107 -10 NA NA 32
WT1 4 8.8 x 108 -12 7 19 29
YY1 4 1.8 x 106 -8 -11 -2.8 31
ZFP denotes zinc finger peptide. ZF shows number of zinc fingers per finger peptide. The relation between Gibbs free energy, enthalpy
and entropy is given by ∆G = ∆H -T∆S, where T is absolute temperature. Negative ∆G value suggests that each above reaction favors
the association- over the dissociation- reaction. The unit of energy is kcal/ mol.

Overall Features of the Triple-C2H2 Zinc finger-DNA complex formation. Phosphate contacts, linking to
the DNA backbone, may not be significant in determining the
Fingers Binding specificity but appear to be important for strengthening the
The change in Gibbs free energy of zinc finger-DNA binding is
binding.37 Through further analysis of various zinc finger–DNA
similar to or higher than that of the zinc finger folding (Table complexes, it was found that the overall DNA binding mode of
2)11,29-33 and the binding requires no enzyme action. ∆G is
Zif268 is shared with other tandem C2H2 zinc fingers. These
constant over a biologically-meaningful temperature range, 5 to
fingers include TFIIIA, SP1, GL1, WT1 and Tramtrack17,18,38-41
45 °C.31 The reactions are mostly enthalpy- and entropy-driven as well as the single finger GAGA.14 In addition to these GC-rich
reactions, but some are only enthalpy- or only entropy-driven.
DNA binding transcription factors, an AT-rich DNA recognizing
The ∆G values suggest that the C2H2 zinc fingers bind to DNA
transcription factor, CF2II, is also thought to take the same
as strongly as some antibodies, whose Ka for their antigens is 105 binding mode.27 However, one AT-rich DNA binding transcrip-
to 1012 M-1.34 These zinc finger-DNA complexes are of such high
tion factor, Nmp4, is proposed to associate with minor groove of
affinity that they routinely display an electrophoretic mobility
the DNA.42
shift on native polyacrylamide gels.
When an amino acid and guanine are mixed in water, the
amino acid starts to associate with the nucleotide base and the
reaction soon reaches equilibrium. Tendency of the reaction is
described by the affinity constant, Ka = 1/Kd = [aa-guanine] / [aa]
[guanine]. The Ka of amino acids for guanine is in the order
arginine > lysine > glutamine > glutamate > glycine.35 Amino
acids also have an inherent Ka for the three other bases. Accord-
ingly, it is predictable that the amino acid-base associations are
key for zinc finger peptides to specifically bind to the DNA du-
plexes. Indeed, the arginine-guanine contact, whose association is
the greatest of all the combinations, is quite often present in zinc
finger-DNA complexes (Fig. 4B and C). However, each amino
acid residue of the zinc finger peptides does not have free
mobility to access to the favorite bases due to the rigid zinc finger
structure. How the zinc finger peptides recognize and bind to the
cognate DNA duplex is a big question for the zinc finger-DNA
interactions and the answer has come mostly from structure-ori-
ented and genetic oriented analyses of zinc finger-DNA
complexes. In particular, the structure of Zif268-DNA and
TFIIIA-DNA complexes contributed enormously to the
understanding of how the triple fingers align with the DNA du-
plex and how each finger interacts with the nucleotides of the
DNA.17,18,36 Three α helices of the Zif268 triple zinc fingers bind
in the major groove of the target DNA duplex antiparallel to the
primary strand (defined as the strand to which zinc finger con-
tacts most, Fig. 4A and for details of the binding see ref. 2), mak- Figure 2. Schematic representation of four classes of C2H2 zinc finger
ing hydrogen bonds and forming hydrophobic interactions with proteins. Only one example is shown for each class. Some
nucleotide bases and wrapping around the DNA for almost one multiple-adjacent C2H2 zinc finger proteins contain more than thirty
turn. In addition to hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic zinc fingers. The number and the pattern of C2H2 zinc fingers indicate
interactions, phosphate contacts also participate in the zinc how the zinc fingers are involved in the DNA binding (see text).
10 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 3. A model of intramolecular duplication of the zinc finger region. ZF1 flanked by two identical linker sequences for (L) would form a loop
overlapping at the identical sites, or form a hairpin structure complementing within the single strand at the identical sites. When DNA polymerase
reads the loop or the hairpin structure twice, then the zinc finger region is duplicated together with the linker sequence.

DNA of the Zif268-DNA complex takes a slightly unwound factors involved in specific zinc finger–DNA binding, including
B form so that the major groove is still wide and can be deep.2 amino acid residues within the subsite,47 linkers, and adjacent
This form contains 11.3 bp per turn, which is slightly more bases fingers.2,37
than the B-form itself (10.5 bp per turn). Absence of a strict rule in the side chain-base contacts makes
it impossible to predict the side chain-base contact with 100%
Side Chain-Base Contacts in C2H2 Zinc
Finger-DNA Complexes
Amino acid side chains on the surface of α helices in Zif268
are exposed to the cognate DNA duplex in the major groove, and
the side chains at position 6, 3, 2 and -1 contact selectively with
four successive bases (subsite) (Fig. 4B). Residues at position 6, 3
and -1 bind to three successive bases of the primary strand, the
strand contacted most by the side chains, and the residue at posi-
tion 2 binds to the fourth base present in the complementary
strand. In this way, Zif268 finger 3, 2 and 1 recognize the pri-
mary strand’s subsite, 5’-GCGT-3’, 5’-TGGG-3’ and
5’-GCGT-3’, respectively. Of the four base pairs in the subsites,
the base pair(s) at the end is shared by adjacent fingers. Conse-
quently, the Zif268 triple zinc fingers bind to the ten nucleotide
base pair, 5’-GCGTGGGCGT-3’. Based on statistics, one can
predict with a high accuracy which side chain-base contacts can
happen at the key positions of the α helices in the Zif268 finger
context.43 Stereochemistry between amino acids and bases can
also predict the contacts with a similar accuracy or somewhat less
The rule that side chains positioned at 6, 3, 2 and -1 contact
bases is well preserved throughout the family of C2H2 zinc fin-
gers, but additional contacts can occur in other fingers. Such an
example has been observed in the TFIIIA-DNA complex (Fig.
4C).17,18 There is an additional contact of the side chain at posi-
tion 10. Furthermore, some side chains at the regular positions 6,
3, 2 and -1 reach bases out of the subsites. When Zif268 was
engineered to bind to AT-rich DNA duplexes, many irregular
contacts occurred.2,45 In fact, many of these irregularities occurred Figure 4. A) Antiparallel binding of zinc fingers to DNA. The orienta-
in the complementary strand but not in the primary strand.46 tion of the zinc fingers and the primary strand are antiparallel. B) and
These facts, together with results obtained by mutational analy- C) show amino acid side chain-nucleotide base contacts. Boxes show
ses, have led to the conclusion that there is no simple code for subsites. The side chain-DNA contacts are drawn, based on the results
side chain-base contacts. 2,47 Superimposition of several obtained with the crystallized Zif268-DNA complex B)2, 36 and with the
finger-DNA complex images showed that the irregular contacts TFIIIA-DNA complex in solution C).17 Similar results of the side
coincide with the slight difference in docking angle of the α helix chain-DNA contact for the TFIIIA-DNA complex has been obtained
to DNA. The difference may reveal the influences of all of the with the crystallized complex.18
C2H2 Zinc Fingers As DNA Binding Domains 11

accuracy, but it rather indicates that C2H2 zinc fingers are able to
bind to almost any DNA duplexes. The versatility of the zinc
finger binding relies on hydrogen bonds that can (i) make long
distance contact to bases with and without participation of a water
molecule (>2.75 angstroms),35,48 (ii) make contacts to more than
one base, and (iii) make contacts to bases with flexible angles.35
Zinc fingers’ binding also relies on nonspecific hydrophobic in-
teractions. Although it is difficult to predict exactly which zinc
finger peptide sequence specifically binds to a DNA sequence,
one can obtain desired zinc fingers by the phage display methods
and manipulate expression of the target genes with the obtained
finger proteins.2,49-53

Linkers Figure 5. Modification of zinc finger proteins and the target DNA.
About half of zinc finger proteins have a well-conserved linker,
TGEKP, between adjacent fingers.37 The importance of the linker
specific finger-finger interaction and hence for the Ikaros
in zinc finger-DNA binding has been revealed by analyzing the
homodimerization.62 These amino acids correspond to those of
effect of mutation on DNA affinity after making substitutions
C2H2 zinc fingers with DNA binding activity, and differ from
for the conserved residues54,55 and by analyzing structures of
those needed for the hydrophobic dimerization.
finger-DNA complexes.2,3,56,57 The linker is flexible in solution
without DNA. Upon forming the finger-DNA complex,
however, the conserved lysine residue of the TGEKP sequence Regulation of Zinc Finger Binding to DNA
(Fig. 1) interacts with the phosphate backbone. Moreover, In vitro zinc finger-DNA binding proceeds as long as both
linkers contact the C terminus of the preceding α helix by substances are present in a suitable buffer, but the in vivo
involving threonine and glycine residues so that the zinc binding does not happen automatically and proceeds only under
finger-DNA complex becomes more stable (C capping).17,57,58 certain conditions. The regulation is mediated by modification
Alternative splicing of the WT 1 message disrupts the conserved of either the zinc finger protein itself or the target DNA (Fig. 5).
linker between finger 3 and 4 by inserting the sequence KTS. The former can be executed by acetylation and also by phospho-
The change from TGEKP to sequence TGKTSEP is accompa- rylation, whereas the latter is mediated by methylation. All these
nied by a severe decrease in DNA binding. An NMR study of the modifications increase or decrease the zinc finger protein-DNA
finger peptide-DNA complex has shown that the insertion in- complex formation. The direction in which the regulation pro-
creases the flexibility between finger 3 and 4 and abrogates bind- ceeds, repression or activation, depends on the fingers and the
ing of finger 4 to its cognate site.41 These findings have demon- DNA, as well as the regulatory signal involved.
strated that the conserved linker is not only necessary to promote
fingers to fit completely into the DNA major groove, but also Acetylation of Zinc Fingers
necessary to strengthen the DNA binding. A separated-paired YY1 (Yin Yang 1), with four tandem C2H2 zinc fingers, binds
zinc finger class, ZAS family, also contains the TGEKP linker,59 to various genes and represses or activates their target gene
but fingers belonging to a subtype of the same class, expression.65,66 PCAF (p300/CBP associated factor) acetylates
basonuclin-type fingers, have a distinct linker, LR(K)MHK.13,60 YY1 at the zinc finger domain and inhibits DNA binding. PCAF
Tramtrack also has a distinct linker sequence, KRNVKVYP.39 also acetylates members of the KLF (Krüppel-like factor) family
belonging to the triple C2H2 zinc finger protein class.67,68 It
Dimerization of Zinc Finger Protein acetylates KLF13 at two lysines of the TGEKK linker between
DNA binding proteins often bind to the target DNA duplex finger 2 and 3 and results in stimulating the fingers to bind to
as dimers in order to increase their binding affinity and modulate DNA. Another coactivation factor CBP/p300 acetylates a total
their regulatory activities.61 This is true for C2H2 zinc finger pro- of six lysines including the linker’s two lysines, but it prevents the
teins. Many multiple-adjacent C2H2 zinc finger proteins, such as fingers from binding to DNA. Of the six residues, the lysine of
Ikaros, Roaz, GL1, SW15, TRPS-1 and Zac, form homodimers finger 1 directly contacts bases. However, acetylation of this lysine
on the target DNA duplex using their zinc fingers.23,24,62-64 GL1 is not enough to interrupt the DNA binding and acetylation of
forms a homodimer through the hydrophobic surface of zinc fin- all six lysines is required. Moreover in vitro experiments showed
ger 1 that is not involved in the DNA binding. Similarly, SWI5 that KLF2 zinc finger cotransfected with PCAF increases the tar-
dimerizes through finger 1 at the hydrophobic surface of both get γ globulin gene expression in vivo while the zinc finger
the β strand and the α helix’s C-terminal half. This hydrophobic cotransfected with p300 decreases gene expression.68 Therefore,
dimerization was applied to make the homodimer of an engi- it can be concluded that acetylation of KLF2 regulates the target
neered two-finger peptide on the DNA.63 However, the hydro- gene expression both positively and negatively. Because lysine resi-
phobic binding is not the only dimerization mechanism for zinc dues are abundant in a variety of zinc fingers, acetylation of C2H2
fingers. Ikaros contains six zinc fingers. The N-terminal four fin- zinc fingers is likely to be a common mechanism to regulate gene
gers participate in the specific binding to the DNA, and the expression by modulating the zinc fingers’ DNA binding activity.
C-terminal two fingers, separated from the four and making a Another domain of YY1, the central glycine-lysine-rich
pair of fingers, are responsible for the homodimerization.23 Re- domain, is acetylated by p300 and PCAF. This acetylation has
cently, a mutational analysis of zinc fingers 5 and 6 demonstrated nothing to do with the DNA binding but is required for fully
that amino acid residues on the α helix are responsible for the repressing the target gene transcription.69
12 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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phosphorylation modifies the linkers as the favored sites. A few sites in the protein transcription factor IIIA. Nature 1986;
interpretations can be given. First, modification of the conserved
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regulatory signal is delivered to the fingers. The same arguments 10. Cox EH, McLendon GL. Zinc-dependent protein folding. Curr Opin
can be applied to regulation by acetylation since it also modifies Chem Biol 2000; 4(2):162-165.
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A serine residue of the C terminus immediately after a zinc thermodynamics of a zinc finger. J Mol Biol 2002; 316(4):969-989.
finger can be phosphorylated in the case of Cre1 (catabolite 12. Miura T, Satoh T, Takeuchi H. Role of metal-ligand coordination
repression) of Hypocrea jecorina, perhaps by caseinkinase-II-like in the folding pathway of zinc finger peptides. Biochim Biophys
enzyme.71 Surprisingly, this phosphorylation increases the finger’s Acta 1998; 1384(1):171-179.
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residue may mask the finger’s DNA binding activity directly by 14. Omichinski JG, Pedone PV, Felsenfeld G et al. The solution structure
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Engineered zinc fingers have been shown to distinguish 40(9):2932-2941.
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methylated and unmethylated CpG (cytidine-guanidine dinucleo- the Xenopus 5 S RNA gene. J Mol Biol 1992; 223(4):857-871.
tide pairs) and play important regulatory roles in the expression of 17. Wuttke DS, Foster MP, Case DA et al. Solution structure of the
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mobility shift experiments have demonstrated that CTCF binds zinc fingers of transcription factor IIIA to the energetics of DNA
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TFIIIA: A Sophisticated Zinc Finger Protein

Raymond S. Brown* and Jane Flint

Abstract Transcription of 5S DNA

ranscription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) is widely regarded as Expression of a fluorescent green protein/TFIIIA fusion pro-
the archetypal zinc finger protein. It is a member of a tein shows that TFIIIA is localized as expected in the nucleolus6
very large multigene family of eukaryotic DNA-binding where rRNA genes are transcribed and ribosomes are assembled.
proteins. More than two decades of research have been dedi- Two other pol III transcription factors are also required for initia-
cated to understanding its interaction with the 5S ribosomal RNA tion of transcription of 5S DNA, namely TFIIIB and TFIIIC. In
gene (5S DNA). TFIIIA has nine tandem C2H2 zinc fingers along contrast to TFIIIA these factors contain a number of subunits.
the peptide sequence. The three-dimensional structure of the TFIIIB, which binds upstream of TFIIIA to 5S DNA, consists of
N-terminal 6 zinc fingers bound to 31 base pairs of DNA shows three subunits, the TATA box-binding protein TBP, a single zinc
that not all fingers are equal. Four of them make contacts lo- finger protein Brf and a third subunit B. TFIIIC contains at least
cated on both DNA strands while two fingers act as spacers. six subunits, some of which bind to sequences essential for tran-
Individual fingers can recognize overlapping and interlocking scription within the ICR (for a review see ref. 7).
base pair quartets. Side chains in the short alpha helices of fin- 5S rRNA is the product of transcription from 5S DNA. It is a
gers contact bases in the major groove. It is likely that the linker component of the ribosome 60S subunit. The 120 nucleotide
sequences connecting adjacent zinc fingers evolved to dictate sequence of 5S rRNA is highly conserved among vertebrates. There
which fingers bind to DNA. Signals essential for transcription are two major types of 5S rRNA genes in eukaryotes. Xenopus
initiation of 5S DNA, nuclear localization, and nucleocytoplas- oocyte type (Xlo) and the somatic type (Xls) genes have sequences
mic transport of 5S ribosomal RNA (5S rRNA) are located in which differ at eight nucleotide positions between them.8 Six of
the C-terminal part of TFIIIA. these sequence positions lie within the ICR region. The differ-
ences in sequence do not appear to significantly affect TFIIIA
Introduction binding to 5S DNA in vitro.
An RNA-binding protein accumulates in the oocytes of the
ovaries of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). This protein has TFIIIA Structure and Function
a molecular mass of 40 kilodaltons (kD). About 1010 molecules of
the protein are estimated to be present per oocyte and using fluo-
rescent antibodies it can be seen that this protein is localized mainly Internal Domains
outside of the nucleus.1 Its partner in the cytoplasm was identified In addition to the oocyte form of TFIIIA (oTFIIIA) there is a
as 5S rRNA. About half of the 5S rRNA in the oocyte is associated larger somatic protein, sTFIIIA, which has 22 additional amino
with the 40 kD protein in a stable complex called the 7S storage acids at the N-terminus originating from translation at an up-
particle (7S RNP).2 Similar 7S RNPs are also present in the oo- stream AUG codon.9,10 The existence of sTFIIIA has been con-
cytes of other amphibians, teleost fish and maize embryos.3 firmed by precipitation with antibodies. Cellular levels of the two
In 1980 a transcription factor that is essential for RNA poly- different forms of TFIIIA are probably related to switching from
merase III (pol III) to transcribe Xenopus oocyte 5S rRNA genes the production of oocyte 5S rRNA entirely to that of somatic 5S
was isolated. It was shown to be identical to the 40 kD RNA-binding rRNA in the developing embryo.
protein. The protein isolated from the 7S RNP binds specifically The internal organization of oTFIIIA has been probed by lim-
to radioactively labeled 5S DNA.4,5 This transcription factor was ited digestion of 7S RNP with proteases such as elastase, trypsin
named TFIIIA. In fact this was the first eukaryotic transcription or papain.11 These enzymes can readily cut in exposed regions of
factor to be purified and used to transcribe an isolated gene. Sur- a protein that would be expected to lie between the relatively
prisingly the promoter region that TFIIIA recognizes was found to resistant folded domains. In each case, proteolytic fragments are
be located inside the gene itself. Even more impressive was the dis- released from the C-terminus of the 40 kD protein in a step-wise
covery that a single TFIIIA protein binds without interruption to a fashion to give a 35 kD product first and then a 30 kD core
long sequence of about 55 base pairs. This region of the 5S DNA fragment. The same oTFIIIA digestion pattern is obtained from
was named the internal control region (ICR). either the 7S RNP or a TFIIIA-5S DNA complex. The 30 kD core

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
TFIIIA: A Sophisticated Zinc Finger Protein 15

fragment remains stably bound to 5S rRNA or DNA. This prop-

erty suggests that the structure of TFIIIA is organized in three do-
mains that are revealed by protease digestion. The exact signifi-
cance of these results with regard to the three-dimensional structure
of intact TFIIIA remains unknown. After extensive digestion of
the 7S RNP with chymotrypsin a ladder of small fragments which
differ by about 3 kD are produced.12 This curious result can be
explained in terms of the sequence analysis described below.

Zinc Fingers
Addition of a metal chelating agent lowers the DNA-binding
activity of TFIIIA. However, the protein function can be restored
by addition of zinc.13,14 The presence of integral bound zinc in
the 7S RNP was shown by extended X-ray absorption fine struc-
ture (EXAFS).15 Atomic absorption spectroscopy of the 7S RNP12
and chemical analysis of purified oTFIIIA16 established that there
are about 9-11 moles of zinc in the protein. At the time, it was
very surprising to find that a transcription factor with no enzy-
matic activity was a metalloprotein containing multiple zinc ions.
The amino acid sequence of the 344 residue X. laevis oTFIIIA
was published in 1984.17 Its organization, 9 alternating pairs of
cysteines and pairs of histidines always separated by 12 residues, Figure 1. N-terminal zinc fingers 1-6 of TFIIIA. The crystal structure
was unique. Such a repeating pattern can be seen particularly of a fragment of X. laevis oTFIIIA consisting of residues 10-188 is shown
well in a DotPlot analysis,18 in which a TFIIIA sequence is com- above.48 Individual zinc fingers are numbered from zf1 to zf6. The
pared with itself. The nine internal repeats are revealed as regu- secondary structure of the protein, showing the short alpha helices and
larly spaced, parallel, diagonal lines of scored points (see Fig. 1 in beta strands, is represented as a ribbon and colored green. Zinc atoms
ref. 18). It is striking that repeat 6 has the lowest similarity to the in the fingers are represented as small spheres in violet. An endwise view
others. The nine sequence repeat segments can be aligned using which shows the right-handed helical conformation adopted by fingers
the invariant cysteines and histidines to reveal a consensus 30-34 1-3 (residues 10-99) is seen on the lower left. In contrast fingers 4-6
amino acid motif.12,18 (residues 100-188) have a different, irregular structure that is shown on
It was correctly proposed that consecutive pairs of cysteines the lower right. This figure was made with Swiss-PdbViewer and
and of histidines most likely combine together as four ligands Pov-Ray™.62,63
binding a zinc ion.12 Similar arrangements of cysteine and histi-
dine ligands are common in metalloprotein enzymes. This Comparison of TFIIIA Sequences
Cys2His2 motif, often described as C2H2, has now come to be
The genomic DNA of X. laevis TFIIIA contains nine exons.23,24
known as the TFIIIIA-like zinc finger. In contrast C2H2 zinc fin- Some of these encode single zinc fingers suggesting that the pro-
ger motifs connected with a highly conserved five residue H/C tein was created through gene duplication. TFIIIA sequences con-
linker sequence (TGEKP) are often called Kruppel-like zinc fin- taining nine zinc fingers are presently known for several amphib-
gers.19 The nine zinc fingers in tandem that occupy nearly all of ians; Xenopus laevis,17 Xenopus borealis,25 Rana catesbeiana,25 Bufo
the N-terminal part of TFIIIA (residues 13-276) are required for americanus and Rana pipiens.26 TFIIIA sequences have also been
transcriptional activity, together with the adjacent C-terminal reported for channel catfish27 and some mammmals; mouse,28
region (residues 277-344). rat28 and human.29,30 Bakers’ yeast TFIIIA31 has a long sequence
inserted between fingers 8/9 and the fission yeast protein32 has
C-Terminal Signals 10 zinc fingers with a long insert between fingers, 9/10. A plant
The C-terminal part of oTFIIIA contains several amino acid sequence from Aradopsis thaliana33 also has nine zinc fingers, but
sequences that are required for the different functions of the pro- has long inserts between fingers 1/2 and between 4/5. Proteins
tein. A lysine-rich nuclear localization signal (NLS), EKRKLKEK with TFIIIA-like activity have also been identified in other plants,
(residues 274-286) is situated after finger 9. The presence of an such as, tulip34 and maize,35 and in the amoeboid protozoon
Acanthamoeba castellanii.36
NLS allows TFIIIA to migrate to the nucleus where it acts as a
Although TFIIIA is perhaps the best known example of a C2H2
transcription factor. Domain swapping has demonstrated the
zinc finger protein, it is actually quite atypical. Sequences from
presence of a functional leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES), different species contain additional N-terminal and C-terminal
SLVLDKLTIQ (residues 335-344) close to the C-terminus of extensions of varying lengths. There is little internal sequence
Xenopus oTFIIIA.20 These signals suggest that TFIIIA might be similarity between any of the nine zinc fingers. The number of
a nuclear shuttle protein. However, although TFIIIA is certainly intervening residues found in a cysteine pair varies from 2 to 5,
involved in the nuclear export of 5S rRNA, reentry of 5S rRNA and from 3 to 5 for a histidine pair, in contrast to the more preva-
into the nucleus takes place via a 5S RNP with ribosomal pro- lent Cx2C and Hx3H that is typical of Kruppel-type zinc finger
tein L5.21 A further 15 amino acid sequence, KRSLASRLTGYIP proteins. Sequence divergence within the protein has led to the
(residues 291-304), has been identified as the transcription acti- proposal that TFIIIA may have evolved two differently adapted
vating signal.22 Deletion of the latter sequence inhibits transcrip- sets of zinc fingers, 1-3 that recognize DNA, and 4-7 that bind to
tion initiation. 5S rRNA.37,38
16 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

(for a review see ref. 39). Such approaches cannot provide the
details of the atomic contacts between amino acid side chains of
TFIIIA and individual base pairs in the target DNA. Neverthe-
less, they have established that the ICR contains three sequences
essential for transcription of 5S DNA. These are called the box A
sequence (+50 to +60), the intermediate element (+69 to +71)
and the box C sequence (+80 to +89) (see Fig. 2).40
Protection of DNA by bound proteins can be probed with
chemicals that methylate purine bases or ethylate phosphates and
with hydroxyl radical reagents that cleave exposed regions of the
phosphodiester chain. Accessibility can also be tested by diges-
tion with DNase I, II and micrococcal nuclease. In the case of
Xenopus TFIIIA, the DNase I footprint spans positions +42 to
+96 (54 base pairs) of the plus (noncoding) strand of somatic 5S
DNA. A similar span of the minus (coding strand) is also pro-
tected. This region corresponds closely to the ICR. A similar foot-
print from +42 to +96 can also be produced by binding of a trun-
cated version of TFIIIA (fingers 1-9) synthesized in and purified
from Escherichia coli.41

Distinct Regions within the TFIIIA Footprint

A prominent feature within the intact TFIIIA DNase I foot-
print is an accessible point at positions +62/+64 which divides
the footprint into two distinct regions. This bipartite organiza-
tion of the DNA binding site is mirrored in the protease diges-
tion of the zinc finger domain into two parts. A smaller footprint
extending from +62 to +92 can be produced by binding either
the trypsin core fragment of oTFIIIA,8,11 or a C-terminal trun-
cated fragment containing zinc fingers 1-7 (residues 1-223).41
From these data it is possible to conclude three things. First, the
nine zinc fingers comprise the DNA-binding domain of TFIIIA.
Second, the amino-to-carboxy terminal orientation of fingers 1-9
is in the 3' to 5' direction when bound to the noncoding strand.
Third, the interaction is not completely uniform along the length
of the protected 5S DNA region.

TFIIIA Fingers 1 to 7 and 5S DNA

An exonuclease approaches a DNA-protein complex from the
direction of the flanking sequence until it reaches the binding
site. At this point the exonuclease becomes obstructed by the pro-
Figure 2. Sites of amino acid mutations in Xenopus oTFIIIA that lower
tein and digestion will stop. Therefore the exonuclease III protec-
DNA affinity. TFIIIA zinc fingers, zf1-zf3 (upper) and zf4-zf6 (lower),
tion assay42 complements the footprinting results obtained with
are colored green and shown binding to 5S DNA, +92 to +78 (upper)
DNase I, which may cut freely at any accessible point within the
and +77 to +64 (lower), in blue.48 Amino acids associated with loss of DNA sequence. We have used X. laevis oTFIIIA and Xlo 5S DNA
function by mutation are labeled and appear as ball-and-stick models in to obtain detailed information about DNA recognition in a ho-
red.41,55-59 In finger 1 these are; K11A (N-terminus), K29E and A32V mologous system.
(alpha helix), T38L, G39P, K41S and P42G (1/2 linker). Changes in The trypsin core fragment was identified by standard
finger 2 are; H59R, R62L, R62Q (alpha helix), H63L and C50Y (zinc N-terminal and C-terminal sequencing as comprising residues
ligands). In finger 3 DNA binding is decreased by point mutations; 5-218. This sequence contains zinc fingers 1-7. DNase I foot-
K71E (linker 2/3), F73L (beta strand), A88K, K91S, K92A, K92L, print results for the core fragment show that the protection ex-
F94K, R96Y and F97L (alpha helix). Sites in finger 4 and 5 are Q121R tends from positions +61 to +94 on the coding strand and +65 to
(alpha helix) and F146S (beta strand) respectively. Mutations in finger +90 on the noncoding strand of Xlo 5S DNA. The same increase
6 are T176I, L179S (alpha helix) and H183Y (zinc ligand). This figure in DNase I cutting at noncoding strand positions +62, +75, +90
was produced with RasMol and Pov-Ray™.64, 63 Online color version at and hypersensitivity at +93 is seen with both intact oTFIIIA and the 1-7 core fragment (unpublished data).
124&catid=30 Digestion of both complexes was performed with exonuclease
III/T4 DNA polymerase43 under conditions where the unbound
TFIIIA Interaction with 5S DNA 5' end-labeled coding or noncoding DNA strands were completely
degraded. The limits on the noncoding strand of Xlo 5S DNA
were the same for both oTFIIIA and the 1-7 core protein with
DNA Footprint inhibition starting at +93/+94 to +89. On the coding strand pauses
The binding of TFIIIA to 5S DNA has been studied exten- were found within the +44/+49 region for oTFIIIA and at +62/
sively with genetic, enzymatic and chemical probing techniques +63 for the core protein respectively (unpublished data). These
TFIIIA: A Sophisticated Zinc Finger Protein 17

observations indicate that the limits of protected 5S DNA are helix, the remaining fingers 4-6 have a different, extended con-
+62/+63 to +89 for fingers 1-7 whereas intact TFIIIA influences figuration that runs along the DNA. Fingers 1, 2, 3 and 5 bind in
a region extending from +44 to +94. the major groove in the classical way that is found in the crystal
structures of other zinc finger proteins. In contrast, fingers 4 and
DNA Interaction of C-Terminal Fingers 6 are positioned above the minor groove and act as spacers be-
The binding site of the C-terminal part of TFIIIA can be de- tween their neighboring DNA-binding fingers. The two nonbind-
duced by subtracting the footprints of a series of C-terminal trun- ing fingers allow the protein to change direction and cross the
cated mutants from each other.41 By comparing the DNase I foot- minor groove twice. This results in a customized fit in which
print of TFIIIA with those of fragments 1-9 and 1-8, zinc fingers fingers 1-3 bind to the box C sequence and finger 5 binds to the
8-9 can be assigned to the box A sequence, base pairs +40 to +61 intermediate element of the ICR.
of the ICR.44 The existence of direct contacts with base pairs is In an X-ray structure at a modest resolution of 3.1 angstroms
suggested by the TFIIIA-induced protection from methylation it is not possible to be absolutely certain of the protein-DNA
of guanine bases G53, G57 (coding strand) and G51, G59, G60 interactions. However, consideration of atom positions in the
(noncoding strand).45 The methylation of G51, G52 and G57 model, the distances and angles between atoms, together with
also interferes with TFIIIA binding to DNA.46 Similarly, protec- their chemical nature, identifies some if not all of the bonds. The
tion from hydroxyl radical cleavage occurs between noncoding DNA contacts span base pairs +68 to +93. Fingers 1-3 bind in
positions +53 to +57.47 This is further supported by resistance to the major groove to bases in the box C sequence (+81 to +91)
exonuclease III digestion on coding strand +44 to +62. All these xxAxGGGxxxx/xxTxCxCxxTG, in which only bases recognized
results are consistent with a hypothetical model in which zinc by the fingers are specified, and finger 5 binds to bases in the
fingers 7-9 are in contact with certain guanine bases in the major intermediate element (+70 to +74) GGxxx/xxxxT. There are ad-
groove, perhaps binding in a similar way to fingers 1-3.46 ditional contacts to the 5'-phosphates of nucleotides 69, 79, 83,
84, 86, 87, 88 and to riboses 68, 81, 84 on the noncoding strand,
and contacts to the 5'-phosphates of nucleotides 74, 86, 91, 92,
X-Ray Structure Determination 93 and riboses 75, 89, 92 on the coding strand.

Crystallization Zinc Finger-DNA Recognition

Making large amounts of double-stranded DNA for crystalli- As predicted correctly from sequence analysis, a zinc finger
zation is not to be undertaken by the faint-hearted. Although it is has a short DNA-binding alpha helix with amphipathic charac-
technically possible to chemically synthesize a set of oligonucle- ter.50 Amino acid side chains in the alpha helices of TFIIIA fin-
otides (55-mers) required for crystallization screens, their low gers 1, 2, 3 and 5 make the majority of contacts to base pairs in
yields make it prohibitively costly. For this reason crystals were the DNA major groove. In particular Arg62, Arg96, Arg151 and
made using smaller fragments of X. laevis oTFIIIA synthesized in Arg154 contact guanines G85, G81, G71 and G70 respectively
and refolded from E. coli. These fragments consisted of fingers and Asn89 contacts adenine A83 (noncoding strand). Each amino
1-7 (residues 4-217), fingers 1-6 (residues 1-190) and fingers acid makes two hydrogen bonds with a purine base, to the O6
7-9+C terminus (residues 191-344). Crystallization was success- and N7 atoms of guanine or the N6 and N7 atoms of adenine.
ful with three reconstituted complexes containing 5S DNA du- There are also hydrophobic contacts between Leu148 and thym-
plexes with the sequences +62 to +90, +63 to +9248 and +46 to ine T74, and Ala188 with cytidine C85 (coding strand).
+65 respectively (unpublished data). Interactions made by TFIIIA fit well with the scheme sug-
gested by Pabo based upon the Zif268-DNA complex where side
Structure of Fingers 1-6 with DNA chains of alpha helix positions -1, +3 and +6 make contacts with
An X-ray structure was published in 1998 of the TFIIIA a triplet of bases on one strand of DNA in the 3'-5' direction.51
N-terminal fingers 1-6 in a complex with a DNA duplex (31-mer, These rules also apply to other zinc finger protein-DNA struc-
+63 to +92).48 In complete agreement with the biochemical data, tures.52 The pattern is more extended for TFIIIA DNA-binding
the amino-to-carboxy terminal orientation of fingers 1 to 6 is fingers because the side chain of alpha helix position +2 often
along the noncoding strand in the reverse direction (3' to 5'). As binds to an opposite base in the preceeding base pair on the cod-
expected the six zinc fingers are all folded in a similar way around ing strand. In addition, there are frequently contacts on the
a zinc ion; they form a compact metal-linked beta-hairpin + noncoding strand with the next two phosphates. Clearly, a single
alpha-helix structure (Fig. 1). Each zinc finger contains a short zinc finger recognizes a quartet of base pairs. The quartets can be
alpha helix about 12 residues in length. The variation in the num- overlapping and interlocking as in fingers 1-3 or separated as in
ber of residues between the pair of cysteines or the pair of his- the case of finger 5.
tidines has little effect on the folding of individual zinc fingers.
H/C Linker Structure
Different Binding Modes The H/C linkers that connect zinc fingers in X. laevis oTFIIIA
A novel feature of this three-dimensional structure is that the have diverged from the typical Kruppel-type TGEKP sequence.
six zinc fingers are used in different ways to make an extended The five linkers in fingers 1-6 (TGEKP, TGEKN, NIKICV,
interaction with 31 base pairs of B-form double helical DNA. TQQLP and AG) vary in their lengths, sequences and
Zinc fingers 1-3 wrap around the DNA in a helical side-by-side three-dimensional structures. They form short loops that allow
fashion. This arrangement is similar to that seen in a nuclear the individual fingers of TFIIIA to adopt the optimal DNA bind-
magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of TFIIIA N-terminal fin- ing configuration. Consequently, no pair of adjoining zinc fin-
gers 1-3 (residues 11-101) binding to a DNA duplex (15-mer, gers is positioned in exactly the same way. However, linkers simi-
+79 to +93).49 Instead of continuing to wind around the double lar to the Kruppel-type sequence, TGEKP and TGEKN, still exist
18 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

in TFIIIA and connect fingers 1/2 and 2/3. As fingers 1-3 wrap References
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GAGA: Structural Basis for Single Cys2His2 Zinc

Finger-DNA Interaction
G. Marius Clore* and James G. Omichinski

nM.12 The GAGA-DBD extends from residues 310 to 372 in

he structural basis of sequence specific binding of the
Cys2His2 single zinc finger DNA binding domain of the the intact full length GAGA protein, and consists of a single clas-
transcription factor GAGA is explored on the basis of sical (TFIIIA-like) Cys2-His2 zinc finger13,14 preceded by two
the three-dimensional structure of a complex between the mini- highly basic regions (BR1 and BR2) (Fig. 1A). (Note that there is
mal DNA binding domain (DBD) of the GAGA factor also a basic region C-terminal to the zinc finger domain, but its
(GAGA-DBD) and an oligonucleotide containing its GAGAG presence or absence has no effect on DNA binding affinity12).
consensus binding site. The GAGA-DBD comprises a single clas- While the genes for several proteins containing only a single
sical Cys2His2 zinc finger core, and an N-terminal extension con- classical zinc finger have been identified,12,15,16 the GAGA-DBD
taining two highly basic regions, BR1 and BR2. The zinc finger was the first single classical zinc finger containing protein for which
core binds in the major groove and recognizes the first three sequence specific DNA binding by a Cys2His2 zinc finger region
GAG bases of the consensus in a manner very similar to that has been experimentally demonstrated. In other reported
seen in other classical Cys2His2 zinc finger/DNA complexes. TFIIIA-like zinc finger proteins, a tandem array comprising a mini-
Unlike the latter which require tandem zinc finger repeats with a mum of two zinc binding domains is required for sequence spe-
minimum of two units for high affinity binding, the GAGA-DBD cific high-affinity DNA binding.13,14 The ability of the single
makes use of only a single finger complemented by the two Cys2His2 zinc finger containing protein GAGA to specifically bind
N-terminal basic regions BR1 and BR2. BR2 forms a helix that DNA suggests that all proteins containing a single classical zinc
interacts in the major groove recognizing the last G of the con- fingers are potential DNA-binding transcription factors. Over the
sensus, while BR1 wraps around the DNA in the minor groove last several years, several single zinc-finger domain proteins have
and recognizes the A in the fourth position of the consensus. been identified in a variety of plant species.17 In each case, these
plant proteins contain the highly conserved sequence QALGGH
Introduction in their putative recognition helix within the single zinc-finger
The GAGA factor of Drosophila melanogaster, so-called be- domain. In addition, the SUPERMAN protein from Arabidopsis
cause it binds to (GA)n rich sites, is a TFIIIA-like zinc finger thalania has been recently shown to be a sequence specific
protein which was originally identified on the basis of its ability DNA-binding protein.18 As with the DBD of the GAGA protein,
to bind to (GA)n rich sites in the Ultrabithorax promoter.1,2 The the DBD of the SUPERMAN protein is composed of a single
GAGA factor is encoded by the Thrithorax-like gene,3 is required zinc-finger domain flanked by two basic rich regions. However,
for normal expression of homeotic genes, and acts as a modifier the DBD of SUPERMAN differs from the DBD of the GAGA
of position-effect variegation.4 Both in vivo5,6 and in vitro7-11 protein in that one of the basic regions is C-terminal to the zinc
experiments suggest that the GAGA factor acts as an anti-repressor finger while the second basic region is N-terminal to the zinc fin-
by helping to disrupt nucleosomes associated with gene regula- ger. This arrangement of a DBD containing a single zinc-binding
tory sequences. Putative Drosophila target genes for the GAGA domain flanked by basic regions on both termini has also been
factor include genes such as the heat shock (hsp26 and hsp70), demonstrated with the N-terminal zinc-binding domains of
histone h3/h4, homeotic and housekeeping/constitutive genes.4 chicken GATA-2 and GATA-3.19 These DBDs consisting of a
The GAGA factor is 519 residues in length and comprises three single zinc-binding domains flanked by basic rich regions repre-
domains: an N-terminal POZ/PTB protein interaction domain, sents a very versatile mode of specific DNA recognition that could
a central DNA binding domain, and a polyglutamine-rich be easily exploited in a number of different applications.
carboxy-terminus.4 The minimal DNA binding domain (DBD) In this chapter, adapted from our previously published paper
of the GAGA factor has been delineated and shown to bind spe- describing the three-dimensional solution NMR structure of the
cifically to DNA derived from the h3/h4 promoter and contain- GAGA-DBD/DNA complex (PDB accession code 1YUI),20 we
ing the sequence GAGAGAG with a dissociation constant of 5 summarize the structural basis for sequence specific recognition

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
GAGA: Structural Basis for Single Cys2His2 Zinc Finger-DNA Interaction 21

Figure 2. Views illustrating the interaction of the GAGA-DBD with

DNA. The backbone of the protein is depicted as a green tube, side
chains making base specific contacts are in yellow, the histidine and
cysteine side chains coordinating the zinc (blue ball) in magenta, GC
base pairs in red, and AT base pairs in blue. In (B) the DNA is depicted
Figure 1. A) Sequence of the GAGA-DBD. The locations of the two basic as a molecular surface with the bases colored in blue and the
regions, BR1 and BR2, and the secondary structure elements are indicated. sugar-phosphate backbone in white. The path of the long axis of the
Residues that make base specific contacts are shown in bold. Residues 1-63 DNA helix is shown in yellow in (C). (From ref. 20)
of the GAGA-DBD correspond to residues 310-372 of the full length
GAGA protein. B) Summary of the contacts between the GAGA-DBD The zinc finger core (residues 33-59) of the GAGA-DBD is
and DNA. The DNA is represented as a cylindrical projection viewed from centered around a tetrahedrally coordinated zinc atom, comprises
either the major or minor grooves as indicated. The bases are indicated as a ββα motif (Figs. 2 and 3A), and is very similar to that of other
thick lines in the major groove and thin lines in the minor groove, with the classical zinc fingers with Cα atomic rms differences ranging from
deoxyribose sugar rings as pentagons and the phosphates as stippled circles. 0.8 Å relative to finger 2 of Tramtrack21 to 1.6 Å relative to finger
The hydrogen bond between the imidazole ring of His52 and the phos- 3 of Zif268.22 Arg51, Asn48 and Arg47 at positions 6, 3 and 2 of
phate of C3 is shown as a broken line. (Adapted from ref. 20) the zinc finger helix (α2, residues 46-56) contact the bases of G4,
A5 and G6, respectively. The long axis of the helix α2 is oriented
by the GAGA-DBD. The structure shows how a classical zinc at approximately 60° to the long axis of the DNA. The guanidino
finger complemented by an N-terminal extension comprising a group of Arg51 recognizes the O6 and N7 atoms of G4, the
basic helix and tail can recognize DNA in a sequence specific guanidino group of Arg47 recognizes the O6 atom of G6 and
manner, making base specific contacts with every base in the possibly the N7 atom of G6, and the side chain carboxyamide
pentanucleotide consensus sequence GAGAG. In addition, the group of the Asn48 recognizes the 6-NH2 group and N7 atom of
presence of both major and minor groove contacts in the com- A5 (Fig. 2A). The Cδ of Arg47 is also in close contact with the
plex immediately suggests special constraints on interactions of methyl group of T16 (Fig. 1B). The base specific interactions are
the GAGA factor and DNA targets within nucleosomes. supplemented by hydrophobic interactions with the sugars in-
volving Arg56, Leu55, Arg44 and Ile43, and electrostatic inter-
Overall Descripton of the GAGA-DBD/DNA actions with the sugar phosphate backbone involving Arg56,
His52, Arg50, Arg44 and Gln45. As in other classical zinc
Structure finger-DNA complexes21-23 the Hδ1 proton of the imidazole ring
The key feature of the GAGA-DBD/DNA complex is the pres- of His52 is hydrogen-bonded to the phosphate of C3. BR2 forms
ence of base specific contacts to every base of the G4AGAG8 a short helix (α1, residues 25-29) which is located in the major
pentanucleotide consensus (Figs. 1B, 2 and 3; numbering is that groove and oriented at 80° to the long axis of the DNA. The
of Figure 1B. Major groove recognition of G4, A5 and G6 is guanidinium group of Arg27 of the BR2 helix recognizes the base
provided by the helix of the zinc finger, major groove recognition of G8, while Ser28, Ser30 and Ser26 anchor this helix to the
of G8 by the helix of BR2, and minor groove recognition of A7 phosphates of G6, A14 and T13, respectively (Fig. 3B). The ori-
by BR1. The DNA in the complex is essentially B-type and dis- entation of the BR2 helix with respect to the zinc finger core is
plays a very slight smooth bend of 10° (Fig. 2C). further stabilized by an electrostatic interaction between Ser46
22 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

tagenesis, screening/selection and protein design experiments has

led to a generalized consensus zinc finger recognition code in which
the residues at position 6, 3, and either 2 or -1 recognizes the
first, second and third base of the triplet (reading in the 5→to 3'
direction), respectively.13,14
Recognition of the G4A5G6 triplet by the zinc finger helix of
the GAGA-DBD involves residues at positions 6 (Arg51), 3
(Asn48) and 2 (Arg47). This mode of interaction is identical to
Finger 1 of Tramtrack with the difference that the residue at posi-
tion 2 (Ser) recognizes a T.24 Indeed, the side chain conformations
and the nature of the contacts with the DNA bases for the Arg
and Asn residues at positions 6 and 3 are essentially identical for
the zinc finger of the GAGA-DBD and Finger 1 of Tramtrack21
(Figs. 2A and 3A). It is also worth noting that the conformation of
the Arg at position 6 in the GAGA-DBD, Finger 1 of Tramtrack,21
and Fingers 1 and 3 of Zif26822 are similar and in each case the
guanidino group recognizes the O6 and N7 atoms of a G base
with essentially the same hydrogen bonding geometry.
The number of intermolecular contacts, and hence the strength
of the interaction of each zinc finger with DNA, is not sufficient
in its own right to yield high affinity DNA binding.13,14 The
latter can be achieved in a number of ways. The simplest design
approach, as exemplified by the three zinc finger/DNA crystal
structures,18-20 is to have a modular protein with a tandem array
of two or more zinc fingers. Alternatively, a single zinc finger
Figure 3. Stereoviews illustrating the interactions of the zinc finger core domain can be employed in conjunction with another DNA rec-
(A), the BR2 helix (B) and the BR1 N-terminal tail (C) of the ognition motif. This is the path chosen by the GAGA-DBD where
GAGA-DBD with DNA. The protein backbone is in green, the side the additional contacts required for sequence specific binding are
chains in yellow, T in dark blue, A in lighter blue, C in magenta and G provided by an N-terminal extension comprising two basic re-
in red. (From ref. 20.) gions, BR1 and BR2.
A direct comparison of the GAGA-DBD/DNA complex with
and Glu31 (Fig. 3A). In the minor groove, base specific contacts the two zinc finger Tramtrack/DNA complex21 is afforded in Fig-
are made by Arg14 and Lys16 of BR1. The guanidino group of ure 4 with the zinc finger core of the GAGA-DBD superimposed
Arg14 interacts with the N3 and O2 atoms of A7 and C17, on Finger 2 of Tramtrack. The orientation of the zinc finger core
respectively, while Lys16 interacts with the O2 atoms of T18 and/ of the GAGA-DBD and Finger 2 of Tramtrack with respect to
or C19 (Fig. 3C). the DNA are essentially identical. Moreover, the positioning of
the BR2 helix of the GAGA-DBD approximately matches that
of the helix of Finger 1 of Tramtrack. Unlike the Tramtrack-DBD/
Comparison with Other Classical Zinc DNA complex, however, the GAGA-DBD/DNA complex has a
Finger/DNA Complexes significant minor groove component provided by the basic BR1
At the time the NMR structure of the GAGA-DBD/DNA region which wraps around the minor groove and is involved in
complex was published,20 X-ray structures of three classical zinc several base specific contacts (Figs. 1B, 2 and 3C).
finger/DNA complexes had been solved: Tramtrack,21 Zif26822 N-terminal extensions to the classical zinc finger structure have
and GLI23 which consist of a tandem array of two, three and five been observed for the first of the zinc fingers of Tramtrack (a
zinc finger repeats, respectively, separated by seven amino acids. β-strand)21 and SWI5 (a helix and β-strand).24 In contrast to the
The two zinc fingers of Tramtrack21 and the three zinc fingers of N-terminal BR1 and BR2 regions of the GAGA-DBD, these ex-
Zif26822 make specific contacts with the DNA, and the orienta- tensions are in intimate contact with the zinc finger core and are
tion of each finger with respect to the DNA is very similar in all thought to contribute to the stability of the domains. For SWI5,
cases. For GLI,23 only four (fingers 2 to 5) of the five zinc fingers the N-terminal extension also enhances DNA binding, and al-
contact the DNA. The number of interactions between the zinc though no structure of the SWI5 first finger/DNA complex has
finger domains is small and each finger recognizes DNA in a largely yet been published, model building suggests the involvement of
independent manner.14 Specific recognition is achieved by con- the additional helix in contacts with the phosphate backbone.24
tacts between the helix of each zinc finger and the major groove
of the DNA. The residues of the helix involved in specific DNA Correlation with Biochemical Data
contacts are located principally at positions 6, 3, 2 or -1 (num- The impact of the various base specific interactions with the
bered relative to the N-terminus of the helix and corresponding GAGAG consensus in stabilizing the GAGA-DBD/DNA com-
to Arg51, Asn48, Arg47, and Gln45, respectively, of the plex has also been investigated by gel retardation experiments.20
GAGA-DBD; (Fig. 1A), with usually two of the four positions The most dramatic effects are seen for the G6→A,T,C substi-
making one-to-one amino acid-to-base contacts with a base trip- tutions which removes the hydrogen bond between the guanidino
let.13,14 The crystal structures of these three zinc finger/DNA group of Arg47 and the O6 atom of G6. No complexes at all
complexes together with extensive data from site-directed mu- were observed for any of the G6→A,T,C substitutions, indicating a
GAGA: Structural Basis for Single Cys2His2 Zinc Finger-DNA Interaction 23

The A7→G,T,C substitutions reflect the base interactions

of Arg14 of BR1 in the minor groove (Fig. 3C). The A7→T,C
substitutions still bind the GAGA-DBD, albeit with reduced
affinity, since the O2 atoms of T and C occupy almost the same
position as that of the N3 atom of A. The absence of complex
formation for the A7→G substitution is probably due to steric
hindrance and electrostatic repulsion arising from the presence
of the bulky 2-NH2 group in G which replaces the H2 proton of
A in the minor groove. The importance of Arg14 for sequence
specific recognition is further evidenced by the observation that a
truncated GAGA-DBD starting at Ala15 exhibits no detectable
complex formation as probed by gel shift experiments.

Relationship to Other DNA Binding Proteins

The general mode of DNA binding (as opposed to the specif-
ics of side chain-base interactions and recognition) observed for
the GAGA-DBD is reminiscent of that seen for the DBD of the
GATA-1 transcription factor.25 The GATA-1-DBD also clamps
the DNA with a helix and loop interacting in the major groove,
and a basic C-terminal tail wrapping around the minor groove.
The size of the DNA binding site is similar, and, just as for the
GAGA-DBD, the major groove interactions involve a zinc bind-
Figure 4. Comparison of the GAGA-DBD/DNA and Tramtrack-DBD/ ing domain. The zinc binding module of GATA-1, however, is
DNA complexes. The zinc finger core of the GAGA-DBD (residues not a classical TFIIIA-like zinc finger but is structurally related to
33-58) is superimposed on finger 2 (residues 140-165) of Tramtrack the amino-terminal zinc module of the glucocorticoid receptor.26
(Cα rms difference of 0.8 Å). The protein backbones are shown as tubes Thus, both the GAGA-DBD and the GATA-1-DBD employ two
with the GAGA-DBD in yellow and the Tramtrack-DBD in magenta. structural motifs to interact with the DNA.
The two DNA duplexes are shown as ribbons through the phosphate
backbone; the shorter of the two duplexes with red and purple strands Relationship to Chromatin Remodeling
belongs to the GAGA-DBD/DNA complex, while the longer one with The structure of the GAGA-DBD/DNA complex shows how
light green and pale yellow strands belongs to the Tramtrack-DBD/ a single classical Cys2His2 zinc finger complemented by an
DNA complex. (From ref. 20). N-terminal extension comprising a basic helix (BR2) and tail
(BR1) can recognize DNA in a sequence specific manner. The
reduction in affinity of at least an order of magnitude. This dem- requirement for binding of the zinc finger core and BR2 in the
onstrates the central importance of the Arg47-G6 interaction in- major groove, together with the simultaneous binding of BR1 in
volving the major recognition helix of the zinc finger (Fig. 3A). the minor groove opposite the recognition helix of the zinc finger
The A5→G,T,C substitutions, which decrease the affinity core, suggests that there may be special constraints on interac-
somewhat, remove one of the two hydrogen bonds between the tions between the GAGA factor and DNA targets within nucleo-
carboxyamide of Asn48 and A5, specifically between the between somes, where a part of the binding site may be relatively inacces-
the Oδ1 atom of Asn48 and 6-NH2 group of A5 (Fig. 3A). Con- sible. Such interactions could favor (and be favored by) disruption
sistent with the role of Asn48 is the observation that mutation of of the nucleosome core by displacement or weakening of
this residue to an Asp decreases the DNA binding affinity by DNA-histone contacts, particularly in the presence of additional
more than 10-fold. This mutation removes the hydrogen bond factors such as the nucleosome remodeling factor NURF.9,27
between the side chain Nδ2H2 group of Asn48 and the N7 atom
The minimal binding site for the GAGA-DBD comprises 9
of A5, and introduces electrostatic repulsion between the nega-
basepairs with a central pentanucleotide G4AGAG8 motif (em-
tively charged carboxylate of an Asp and the N7 atom of A5 which
has partial negative charge (acting generally as a hydrogen bond ploying the numbering scheme shown in Figure 1B. Specific bind-
acceptor). ing with only a relatively small decrease in affinity (i.e., less than
Similarly, the G4→A,T,C substitutions remove one of the two a factor of 10), can be achieved with modifications, albeit one
hydrogen bonds between the guanidinium group of Arg51 and basepair at a time, of G4 and A5 to any other base, A7 to T or C,
G4, specifically that involving the O6 atom of the G4 base. The and G8 to A, with only G6 being invariant. The promoters that
effects of these substitutions are not as dramatic as those observed are known to be targets for the GAGA factor frequently contain a
for the G6 substitutions, possibly because a hydrogen bond be- high density of GA repeats,4 generating a large number of poten-
tween Lys16 and the complementary base (C19→T,A,G) could tial GAGA factor binding sites in close proximity. For example,
still be formed in the minor groove (Fig. 3C). the hsp26-1 promoter contains at least 10 partially overlapping
The G8→T,C substitutions markedly reduce the binding, potential GAGA factor binding sites.4,28 Likewise, a subset of
highlighting the importance of the G8-Arg27 interaction involv- highly repetitive DNA sequences found in heterochromatin of
ing the BR2 helix (Fig. 3B). Interestingly, complex formation is Drosophila are GA rich and found to be associated with the GAGA
still observed for the G8→A substitution, probably because one factor at all stages of the cell cycle, thereby possibly modifying
hydrogen bond could still be formed between the guanidinium heterochromatin in these regions.8 This suggests that binding of
group of Arg27 and the N7 atom of the A base. multiple copies of the GAGA factor, possibly interacting with
24 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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The DNA-Binding Domain

of GATA Transcription Factors—
A Prototypical Type IV Cys2-Cys2 Zinc Finger
Angela M. Gronenborn

Abstract helix with respect to the remainder of the first antiparallel β sheet.
The metazoan GATA DBDs always have a 17-residue stretch

he highly conserved DNA-binding domains (DBDs) of
eukaryotic GATA factors comprise one or two zinc bind- between the two cysteine pairs (Cys-X2-Cys-X17-Cys-X2-Cys) and
ing modules with four cysteines embedded in the se- a leucine (an alanine in some C. elegans fingers) in the seventh
quence Cys-X2-Cys-X17/18-Cys-X2-Cys and an adjacent basic re- position after the second cysteine. In vertebrates, two adjacent,
gion. The fold has been defined as a class IV zinc finger motif homologous DNA-binding domains are present in tandem, sepa-
and belongs to the superfamily of glucocorticoid receptor-like rated by a few amino acids, with the carboxy-terminal domain
DNA binding domains. Members of the GATA family are found being the physiological important DBD. The amino-terminal
in a wide range of organisms ranging from slime molds to fungi domain can modulate DNA binding specificity and/or partici-
and plants to vertebrates and exhibit differing and complex roles pates in interactions with other proteins.5,6 In invertebrates both
in transcription regulation mediated by binding to regulatory two-domain and one-domain GATA factors occur. Plant GATA
DNA sequences of the form (A/T)GATA(A/G). Fungal GATA factors contain only one DBD and 18 residues between the two
factors control nitrogen metabolism, light induction, siderophore cysteine pairs. Putative plant GATA factors contain either leu-
biosynthesis and mating-type switching, while the prototypical cine or glutamine in the seventh position. Fungal GATA factors
animal factor GATA-1 is involved in the regulation of all eryth- come in two flavors: one is “animal-like” and the second is
roid cell-specific genes. A unique feature of the GATA DBDs is “plant-like.” The residue at position seven after the second cys-
their ability to interact with DNA as well as with proteins, lead- teine of plant-like fungal GATA factors is glutamic acid.7 With
ing to a multitude of intricate functionalities. One important one exception, fungal GATA factors contain only one DBD that
role is associated with dramatic chromatin rearrangement. resembles most closely the carboxy-terminal DBD of the verte-
brate GATA factors.
GATA DBDs are most likely very ancient eukaryotic motifs
Introduction and a sequence clearly related to GATA factors is present in the
The GATA transcription factors represent a major class of stalky gene of Dictyostelium discoideum.8 A evolutionary relation-
zinc-containing, regulatory proteins that are found in a wide range ship of GATA-binding motifs has been published9 and a sequence
of organisms (for reviews see refs. 1 and 2). They are named after comparison for GATA domains of different species is shown in
the consensus DNA sequence that they recognize, containing a Figure 1.
six base-pair sequence with the invariant GATA core.3,4 The amino
acid sequence of the DNA binding domain (DBD) comprises a
Cys2-Cys2 (C2C2) type IV zinc finger motif, followed by a basic Structures of GATA DNA Binding Domains
terminal tail. The core of the structure consists of about 50 resi- and DNA Recognition
dues. At the N terminus the chain starts with a turn that is fol- High-resolution three-dimensional NMR structures have been
lowed by two short, irregular antiparallel β sheets, an α helix and determined for two GATA-binding domains complexed with their
a long loop that contains a helical turn. At the C terminus of the DNA recognition sequence: the chicken GATA-1 carboxy-
core a Ω loop is found. β strands 1 and 2 form the first β sheet, terminal domain and the Aspergillus nidulans AreA domain.10,11
and β strands 3 and 4 form the second β sheet. Following the Ω The domain contains a compact core formed by two pairs of β
loop is a long, irregular tail which, in the free protein, is unstruc- sheets followed by an α helix and a loop (Fig. 2).
tured and highly flexible. The core is dominated by the Zn ion The structure is dominated by the tetrahedrally coordinated
that is tetrahedrally coordinated to the Sγ atoms of the four cys- zinc via the cysteines and numerous additional hydrophobic con-
teines. The first two coordinating cysteine residues are located on tacts that determine the relative orientation of the two β sheets
β strand 1, and the turn between β1 and β2, while the second and the helix. The α helix and the loop connecting β strands β2
pair resides on the α helix. The geometric constraints imposed by and β3 interact with the major groove of the DNA, mostly via
the Zn and its ligands therefore determine the orientation of the hydrophobic amino acids. Methyl-groups of three leucines and

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The DNA-Binding Domain of GATA Transcription Factors—A Prototypical Type IV Cys2-Cys2 Zinc Finger 27

Figure 1. Amino acid sequences of several eukaryotic GATA

DNA-binding domains. cGATA-1 (C) and (N), carboxy- and
amino-terminal GATA-binding domains of the chicken GATA-1 fac-
tor (note that the last four residues of the amino-terminal domain are Figure 3. Amino acid and nucleotide sequences (left) and ribbon repre-
also the first four residues of the carboxy-terminal domain). Drosophila sentation (right) of the DBD of the fungal GATA factor AreA complexed
melanogaster Serpent, a one-finger GATA factor involved in regulating to the cognate CGATAG DNA target site. The protein backbone is
resistance to pathogens; C. elegans elt-1, a GATA like factor; Neuro- depicted as a red tube and hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids
spora crassa WC1, a ‘plant-like’ GATA factor involved in photoinduc- that participate in DNA interactions in blue and green, respectively.
tion; Arabidopsis thaliana GATA-3, a factor of unknown function; AreA, The cysteine side-chains that coordinate the zinc ion (pink sphere) are
a typical ‘animal-like’ fungal GATA-binding domain. The conserved shown in yellow. The major and minor groove surfaces of the DNA are
cysteines involved in zinc binding are depicted in bold face. shown in blue and orange, respectively. To view online color version, go
one alanine provide the majority of contacts (Fig. 3). They are 124&catid=30.
supplemented by several positively charged amino acids that form
electrostatic interactions with the phosphate groups lining the tiation.12 End-1 and Elt-1 are involved in the differentiation of
outer edges of the major groove. In addition, residues in the the endoderm in C. elegans.13 In Drosophila GATA factors regu-
carboxy-terminal tail contact the phosphate backbone. In the late the immune response, bristle pattern and yolk protein syn-
complex of the chicken GATA-1 the carboxy-terminal tail wraps thesis.14-16 Little is known of the function of GATA factors in
around the DNA and crosses the minor groove, whereas the cor- plants. Although light-inducible promoters contain functionally
responding stretch of amino acids in the A. nidulans AreA runs significant GATA boxes, no involvement of a specific GATA fac-
along the edge of the minor groove, parallel to the phosphate tor has been demonstrated. An interesting case is the promoter of
backbone11 (for example see Fig. 2A and Fig. 4A). The structure the nitrite reductase gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene is
of the target DNA in the complex closely resembles classical B-type induced both by light and nitrate. By analogy to fungi, GATA
DNA in both complexes. sites were found by in vivo footprinting in the nitrite reductase
gene promoter.17 To date, however, no GATA factor has been
GATA Factor Activities found to act as a specific regulator of nitrogen assimilation path-
In vertebrates, GATA factors participate with other transcrip- ways in plants.
tion factors in terminal differentiation. There are six GATA fac- There are numerous GATA factor sequences in the available
tors in mammals. The first discovered and best known, GATA-1, genomes, including metazoan genomes. Their number in the
is essential for the differentiation of the erythroid and
megaloblastoid cell lines.1 Others participate in the differentia-
tion of T cells, the endothelium of the gut, and in heart differen-

Figure 4. Comparison between the wild type and mutant AreA com-
plexes with DNA. A) Tube representation of the protein backbones and
space-filling representation of the DNA. Wild type AreA, red tube;
Figure 2. A) Structure of the C-terminal DBD of chicken GATA-1 mutant AreA, orange tube. The major and minor groove surfaces of the
complexed with the DNA target site. The protein backbone is shown in DNA are colored blue and orange, respectively. B) Detailed view of the
green and the color coding for the bases is as follows: A, red; T, lilac; G, interactions around the sites of mutation (residues 22-24). The wild
dark blue; C, light blue. B) Core module of the DBD of AreA. The two type DBD backbone and side chains are shown in red and blue, respec-
anti-parallel β sheets are shown in red, the α helix in blue and the zinc tively, while the mutant AreA backbone and side chains are shown in
ion as a purple sphere surrounded by the four coordinating cysteine gold and green, respectively. The GCG element of the GCGATAG site
residues in orange. Selected side-chains are shown in green. To view is shown in red and the GTG element of the GTGATAG site is shown
online color version, go to in tan. To view online color version, go to
chapid=1881&bookid=124&catid=30. chapter.php?chapid=1881&bookid=124&catid=30.
28 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

database is, however, considerably smaller than that for other tran- “Plant-Like” GATA Factors: Light Regulation
scription factors such as the classical zinc fingers. No functional
conservation across the fungal and metazoan kingdoms or be-
in N. crassa
tween vertebrates and invertebrates seems to have occurred. Al- Many functions in N. crassa are inducible by blue light, in-
though the DBD sequence motif and DNA binding specificity cluding conidiation, mycelial carotenoid biosynthesis and reset-
are conserved, the rest of the protein sequences are widely differ- ting of the circadian rhythm. The two loci involved, WC1 and
ent. Thus, the same motif and binding specificity can serve dif- WC2, encode “plant-like” GATA factors. These two factors con-
ferent purposes in different contexts. tain typical PAS dimerization domains and act as dimers. A rapid
In ascomycetes the use of nitrogen sources involves transcrip- light-induced turnover of WC1 in the WC1/WC2 complex is
tional control at two levels: induction of specific genes and nitro- correlated with the induction of light-inducible promoters.
gen metabolite repression.18 For example, in order to induce ni-
trate and nitrite reductases, both the presence of nitrate and the A Noncanonical Factor Involved in
absence of ammonium and glutamine are required. Significant Mating-Type Switching
chromatin rearrangement was observed that was independent of Although several unique features are present in its finger loop,
transcription and of the specific factor NirA, but strictly depen- Ash1p of budding yeast, clearly seems to be a GATA factor. Dele-
dent on the GATA factor AreA.19 The transcription of genes in- tion of the gene results in massive daughter mating-type switch-
volved in the utilization of most nitrogen sources requires two ing, whereas overexpression prevents mother switching.
transcription factors and each pathway is regulated specifically by
one transcription factor of the zinc binuclear cluster class. The
general regulator is always a GATA factor. The binding (or acti- The Leucine to Valine Mutant of AreA:
vation) of the specific factor is thought to require the presence of A Paradigm for the Structural Basis of the
a specific inducer, the GATA factor, and a low intracellular con- Associated Phenotype
centration of glutamine. The overall process is very well under- The Arst laboratory has mapped and characterized a myriad
stood and similar in Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa. of mutations in the AreA DBD. As these mutations usually affect
The master gene and GATA factor of nitrogen regulation is the growth of A. nidulans on all or some nitrogen sources, second
NIT2 in N. crassa and areA in A. nidulans.18 The accepted model site revertants can be isolated. Thus, the A. nidulans AreA system
is that a negative-acting protein forms a complex with NIT2 (and is a treasure trove, in which structural data can be uniquely corre-
AreA) in the presence of the repressing nitrogen sources, most lated with functional studies both in vivo and in vitro.
likely mediated by glutamine. This negative regulator interacts The areA102 mutant grows exceptionally well on some amides
both with residues in the DBD and in the carboxy terminus of but not at all on uric acid. The mutation responsible is a leucine
AreA and NIT2, thereby preventing NIT2 and AreA binding to to valine change at position 7 after the second cysteine (labeled
DNA. In the case of AreA, two other levels of regulation are L22V in the structures) (Fig. 4). This leucine in the seventh posi-
present: first, transcription of areA is autoregulated and second, tion of the zinc finger loop is conserved in almost all “animal-like”
the stability of the areA mRNA is lower in mycelia grown on GATA factors (Fig. 1). Revertants with a valine to methionine
repressing nitrogen sources.22 change exhibit a “mirror image” mutant phenotype, thus they
In S. cerevisiae the basic pattern of regulation is the same but grow better on uric acid and worse on amides.25 Specific suppres-
in this case four GATA factors are involved, all of which are inter- sors map to the promoters of the uric acid permease genes. A
connected in a complex regulatory network: Gln3p and Gat1p number of these are mutations of CGATAG or AGATAG to
are transcriptional activators, while Dal80p and Gzf3p are re-
TGATAG. All sites in the promoter region that are involved in
pressors. The haploid genome of S. cerevisiae is most likely to be
utilization of amides are TGATAG sites. A detailed structural
derived from an ancestral diploid and thus there have been two
comparison of the interactions between the amino acids leucine
sets of genes able to diverge in the course of the evolution of the
and valine and their respective target bases for the wild type AreA/
organism. The two filamentous fungi A. nidulans and N. crassa
CGATG and the L22Vmutant/TGATAG complexes was carried
are rather ‘wild’ and represent probably the general situation in
out.26 The global fold and the overall binding mode was found to
the ascomycetes, whereas baker’s yeast is a very domesticated or-
be very similar for both DBDs (Fig. 4A). The positions for all
ganism, therefore exhibiting the more complex regulatory mecha-
sugars and bases are almost identical, with the exception of those
directly surrounding the C/T mutation. The most significant per-
turbations to the protein structure occur around the leucine to
“Vertebrate-Like” GATA Factors: Regulation valine mutation site. The protein backbone shifts slightly, exhib-
of Siderophore Synthesis iting the largest displacement relative to the wild type coordi-
The urbs-1 gene of Ustilago maydis is involved in siderophore nates. Also, the positioning of the valine side chain relative to the
biosynthesis. This gene encodes a GATA factor with two typical base is clearly altered and different χ1 angles are observed. As a
GATA-DBDs. Unlike in vertebrates where the DNA-binding result, the γ2 methyl group of valine occupies a very similar posi-
motifs of GATA factors are separated by only a few residues, the tion to that of the δ1 methyl of the wild type leucine. In the
two motifs of Urbs-1 are separated by 92 amino acid residues.23 structure of the wild type AreA DBD with the wild type AGATAG
As in the vertebrate factors, the DNA-binding finger is the DNA, the leucine side chain is involved in a hydrophobic con-
carboxy-terminal domain. Regulators with similar sequences and tact with the first base, whether that be A, C, or T. In the mutant
functions have since been found in N. crassa, A. nidulans and P. protein, the shorter valine side chain makes van der Waals con-
chrysogenum24 (but not in the genome of S. cerevisiae) implying a tacts with the bulky methyl of the T. Thus, the missing methyl
conservation of siderophore biosynthesis control. group of valine compared to leucine is compensated for by a
The DNA-Binding Domain of GATA Transcription Factors—A Prototypical Type IV Cys2-Cys2 Zinc Finger 29

methyl group now provided by the DNA (Fig. 4B). In another Acknowledgements
mutant, the longer methionine can interact well with an A or C, I am grateful to H. N. Arst Jr, C. Scazzocchio and members of
but clashes with a T. Therefore, the introduction of a T preceding the Felsenfeld laboratory for sharing results and/or helpful dis-
the GATA sequence effectively compensates for the shorter va- cussions.
line side chain in the mutant, restoring a closed-packed hydro-
phobic interface. Based on these structural results with AreA, the References
DBDs of C. elegans and STALKY that contain an alanine and a 1. Orkin SH. GATA-Binding transcription factors in hematopoietic
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5. Yang HY, Todd E. Distinct roles for the two cGATA-1 finger
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are able to interact with other proteins, including other zinc fin- GATA N-fingers are recognized by FOG. J Biol Chem 1998;
ger containing ones.27 AreA/NIT2 can interact via its DBD with 273:33595-33603.
the NMR protein and the specific regulator NirA/NIT4. Whether 7. Ballario P, Vittorioso P, Magrelli A et al. White collar-1, a central
further interactions with other specific regulators occur and regulator of blue light responses in Neurospora, is a zinc finger
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GATA-1 is stringently required in the maintenance of DNase
10. Omichinski JG, Clore GM, Schaad O et al. NMR structure of a
I hypersensitive sites in the chicken- and human globin gene cluster specific DNA complex of Zn-containing DNA binding domain of
enhancers28,29 and it was demonstrated that GATA factors are GATA-1. Science 1993; 261:438-446.
capable of destabilizing nucleosomes in vitro.30 It therefore seemed 11. Starich MR, Wikström M, Arst Jr HN et al. The solution structure
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some maintenance. The nitrite and nitrate reductase bidirectional mode for the basic carboxyl tail of GATA factors. J Mol Biol 1998;
promoter of A. nidulans contains six positioned nucleosomes. In 277:605-620.
12. Gao X, Sedgwick T, Shi YB et al. Distinct functions are implicated
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cleosomes are no longer observed, independent of transcription intestine epithelial cell differentiation. Mol Cell Biol 1998;
or the presence of the NirA-specific factor. AreA is absolutely 18:2901-2911.
required in this positioning.20 Mutations in the AreA-binding 13. Zhu J, Hill RJ, Heid PJ et al. end-1 encodes an apparent GATA
domain result in constitutive chromatin rearrangement. Given factor that specifies the endoderm precursor in Caenorhabditis elegans
that GATA-1 itself is acetylated,31 it may well be that the verte- embryos. Genes Dev 1997; 11:2883-2896.
14. Petersen UM, Kadalayil L, Rehorn KP et al. Serpent regulates
brate GATA-1 DBDs influence directly or indirectly histone acety- Drosophila immunity genes in the larval fat body through an essential
lation. GATA motif. EMBO J 1999; 18:4013-4022.
15. Lossky M, Wensink PC. Regulation of Drosophila yolk protein genes
Conclusions by an ovary-specific GATA factor. Mol Cell Biol 1995;
GATA factors are widespread eukaryotic regulators most likely 16. Haenlin M, Cubadda Y, Blondeau F et al. Transcriptional activity
evolved from an ancestral GATA protein containing only a single of Pannier is regulated negatively by heterodimerization of the GATA
type IV zinc finger. In vertebrates, evolution of GATA factors DNA-binding domain with a cofactor encoded by the u-shaped gene
involved gene duplication whereas additional modular evolution of Drosophila. Genes Dev 1997; 11:3096-3108.
in nonvertebrates has occurred. Vertebrate GATA factors stimu- 17. Rastogi R, Bate NJ, Sivasankar S et al. Footprinting of the spinach
late gene transcription in hematopoietic development while in nitrite reductase gene promoter reveals the preservation of nitrate
regulatory elements between fungi and higher plants. Plant Mol Biol
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lization to mating-type switching. The DBDs recognize DNA in nidulans. Mol Gen Genet 1973; 126:111-141.
a rather special fashion: most of the specific interactions with the 19. Muro-Pastor MI, Strauss J, González R et al. The GATA factor AreA
bases in their respective target sites are hydrophobic. Mutational isessential for chromatin remodelling in an eucaryotic bidirectional
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30 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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mediating nitrogen metabolite repression in Aspergillus, nidulans. 31. Boyes J, Byfield P, Nakatani Y et al. Regulation of activity of the
Mutations, affecting specific gene activation alter a loop residue of a transcription factor GATA-1 by acetylation. Nature 1998;
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26. Starich MR, Wikström M, Schumacher S et al. The solution structure
of the Leu22Val mutant AREA DNA binding domain complexed
with a TGATAG core element defines a role for hydrophobic packing
in the determination of specificity. J Mol Biol 1998; 277:621-634.

MutM: Single C2C2 Zinc Finger-DNA Interaction

Ryoji Masui, Noriko Nakagawa and Seiki Kuramitsu*

activities identical to those of MutM. As MutY and MutT

he prokaryotic MutM protein is a trifunctional DNA base
excision repair enzyme that removes a wide range of homologues have already been found in many eukaryotes, this
oxidatively damaged bases, especially 8-oxoguanine, (N- finding demonstrates the generality of the GO system as a de-
glycosylase activity) and cleaves both the 3’- and 5’- fense against oxidative damage.
phosphodiester bonds of the resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site
(AP lyase activity). This enzyme possesses a zinc finger motif Zinc in MutM
(-Cys-X2-Cys-X16-Cys-X2-Cys-) at the C terminus, which forms Atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis has
a β-hairpin loop. The positively charged Arg247 and Arg253 on demonstrated that each MutM protein molecule possesses one
the β-hairpin loop interact with the phosphate groups to pinch zinc atom.7 Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectra show
the backbone of the lesion-containing strand. This feature directly that the metal is coordinated to the sulfur atoms of four
establishes that the zinc finger motif is essential for binding of cysteine residues. The zinc atom can be displaced by other
MutM to DNA as well as its enzymatic activities. divalent metal cations. Cd2+, Cu2+and Hg2+ inhibit the activity
of MutM,8 although Co2+-substituted MutM is still active.9 The
Introduction importance of the zinc finger motif for the activity has been
In aerobic organisms, cellular DNA is frequently damaged by indicated by site-directed mutagenesis and chemical
activated oxygen species produced as a result of aerobic energy modification of the cysteine residues within the zinc finger motif
metabolism or oxidative stress. In particular, the 8-oxoguanine of the E. coli MutM protein.8 Mutant MutM proteins with a
(GO) lesion is one of the most stable products of oxidative DNA single substitution of each cysteine residue by glycine show
damage.1 GO can base pair with adenine as well as with cytosine, decreased capacity to bind DNA as well as decreased enzymatic
resulting in a G:C to T:A transversion.2 The GO repair system activity; they still have a zinc ion, but bind the ion with much
composed of the MutM protein, also called formamidopyrimidine lower affinity than the wild type. The double mutant (C244S,
DNA glycosylase (Fpg), accompanied by MutY and MutT, C247S) lacks zinc without significant alteration of the secondary
prevents this mutation (Fig. 1). 3 The MutM protein is a structure.10 The cysteine residues within the zinc finger motif of
trifunctional DNA base excision repair enzyme that removes a the MutM protein are the primary sites of NO interaction, which
wide range of oxidatively damaged bases (N-glycosylase activity) irreversibly inhibits its activity.11
and cleaves both the 3’- and 5’-phosphodiester bonds of the
resulting apurinic/apyrimidinic site (AP lyase activity) (Fig. 2).4 3D Structure of MutM
The MutM protein is highly conserved across a wide range of Precise coordination to a zinc ion in MutM proteins has been
organisms. Bacterial MutM proteins (Mr 30 kD) possess the revealed by studies of the three-dimensional structure of Thermus
invariant N-terminal sequence, PELPEV, two strictly conserved thermophilus MutM.12 The crystal structure was determined at
lysine residues, and a zinc finger motif (-Cys-X2-Cys-X16-Cys- 1.9 Å resolution with multiwavelength anomalous diffraction
X2-Cys-) at the C terminus (Fig. 3). As MutM protein functions phasing using the intrinsic zinc ion of the zinc finger. MutM is
as a monomer, this enzyme belongs to the group possessing a composed of two domains connected by a flexible hinge (Fig.
single zinc finger motif of the C2C2-type. The length of the 4A). The N-terminal domain is a two-layered β-sandwich
sixteen residues between two cysteines clusters is relatively short structure composed of nine antiparallel β strands. The C-termi-
in comparison with other zinc finger motifs. This region is rela- nal domain has four helices and two β strands that form a zinc
tively rich in basic residues. finger motif. Most of the conserved residues including the
Recently, MutM homologues have been identified in the catalytic residues are clustered in a large, electrostatically positive
genome database of higher eukaryotes, including man.5,6 These cleft between the domains. The two DNA-binding motifs, the
gene products are thought to constitute an alternative pathway helix-two turns-helix (H2TH) and zinc finger motifs, are also
for the repair of GO and other oxidative lesions, in addition to located in this region (Fig. 4C). The β-hairpin loop formed by
Ogg1, another eukaryotic 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase with the zinc finger motif is directed to the domain interface. The zinc

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
32 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. The GO system against mutations caused by GO. A) System

acting against the occurrence of GO-containing base pairs in DNA.
MutM removes an 8-oxoguanine base from the GO:C pair, whereas
MutY removes an adenine base from the GO:A pair. These enzymes
prevent G:C → T:A transversion caused by GO. B) System acting
against incorporation of 8-oxo-dGTP into DNA upon replication. MutT
catalyzes the degradation of 8-oxo-dGTP to 8-oxo-dGMP and
pyrophosphate, which prevents T:A → G:C transversion.

finger motif of MutM is a single β-hairpin loop that extends into

the inter-domain cleft.
To illustrate the features of DNA recognition by MutM, we
first determined the 2.1 Å structure of T. thermophilus MutM
bound to DNA containing GO opposite cytosine. A mutant Figure 2. General pathways of base excision repair. Enzymic activities
MutM protein in which Glu2 was changed to alanine was participating in each step are represented. For instance, MutM possesses
employed for cocrystallization, as it has been shown to lack N-glycosylase, AP-lyase (3’ site), and AP-lyase (5’ site) (and dRpase)
N-glycosylase activity but retain AP-lyase activity as well as its activities. E. coli endonuclease IV and exonuclease III function as an AP
ability to bind DNA. In complex with a GO:C-containing 11 bp endonuclease, but also have 3’-phosphodiesterase and 3’-phosphatase
oligonucleotide, this E2A mutant protein yielded co-crystals activities.

Figure 3. Aligned sequences of the zinc finger motifs from bacterial MutM proteins. The residue number of the T. thermophilus MutM sequence
is shown in the uppermost line. Conserved residues are marked with asterisks.
MutM: Single C2C2 Zinc Finger-DNA Interaction 33

Figure 4. Overall structure of the MutM-DNA complex. A) Ribbon diagram of the complex. The DNA duplex is drawn by wireframes. A zinc
atom is shown as a sphere. B) Wireframe diagram of the complex. DNA backbones are shown as thick wire-frames. A β-hairpin loop formed by
the zinc finger motif is also shown as a thick wire-frame. Side chains of cysteine residues are diplayed as sticks. The letters N and C represent the
N- and C-termini, respectively. C) Same as in A but viewed from a different perspective. The DNA interfaces besides the zinc finger motif are shown
by arrows. Images were produced using RasMol.15

suitable for structure determination. In the resolved structure of side of the residue neighboring GO (Fig. 5). Although Arg247 is
the MutM-DNA complex, the N- and C-terminal domains mainly not completely conserved among the MutM protein family, the
latch the backbone of the GO-containing DNA strand of the corresponding lysine residue of Bacillus stearothermophilus MutM
duplex (Fig. 4B). The DNA helix is sharply bent (~60°) at the similarly interacts with the backbone phosphate (Fig. 3).13 These
locus of the GO site, but holds an almost canonical B-form interactions demonstrate that the zinc finger motif plays a direct
conformation outside the lesion. role in the binding of MutM to substrate DNA.
The substrate GO residue is fully extruded from the helix and Eukaryotic MutM homologues have no zinc finger motif at
is inserted deeply into an active site in the cleft on the enzyme the C terminus, although they retain the same activities as MutM.
(Fig. 4A). The catalytically important residues, Pro1, Glu2, and Despite the lack of sequence homology in the C-terminal region,
Lys52, are located near the GO residue in the active site. The the eukaryotic MutM proteins possess a conserved arginine
space vacated by GO is filled with the side chains of Met70, Arg99, residue at the position corresponding to Arg253. This arginine
and Phe101 inserted from the minor groove side of the DNA. may play a role similar to that of Arg253. Although no zinc
These residues interact with the opposite and neighboring bases,
thus helping to stabilize the complex. The distorted conformation
of the DNA is also enforced with extensive interactions between
the protein and the backbone of the DNA. His67, Asn161,
Tyr231, Arg247, and Arg253 form hydrogen bonds with
nonbridging oxygens of phosphate moieties in the GO-containing
strand, whereas His81 and Arg100 do so in the complementary

Zinc Finger Motif of MutM

Four highly conserved regions are involved in DNA binding:
1. the loop between β5 and β6, containing His67 and Met70;
2. the loop between β8 and β9, containing Arg99, Arg100, and
3. the H2TH motif, containing Asn161; and
4. the zinc finger motif, containing Arg247 and Arg253.
Among them, the zinc finger motif contacts the DNA helix
from the side of the major groove, whereas the other three re-
gions do so from the side of the minor groove (Fig. 4C). The
positively charged Arg253, an invariant residue among MutM
family proteins, on the edge of the b-hairpin loop, can connect
the phosphate groups 5’ and 3’ to the GO residue (Fig. 5). This Figure 5. Interaction of two arginine residues with the GO-containing
interaction causes backbone pinching of the GO-containing strand. The backbone of the DNA strand and side chains of Arg247 and
strand, which may help to extrude the GO moiety from the he- Arg253 are represented as a ball-and-stick model. Short parallel lines
lix. Also, Arg253 interacts with the phosphate group on the 5’ denote hydrogen bonds. Images were produced using RasMol.15
34 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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Chem 1990; 265:3916-3922.

Homing Endonuclease I-TevI:

An Atypical Zinc Finger with a Novel Function
Patrick Van Roey,* Marlene Belfort and Victoria Derbyshire


-TevI is a site-specific, sequence-tolerant homing endonu- propagated. While a certain level of sequence specificity in both
clease encoded by the td intron of bacteriophage T4. The binding and cleavage is important to minimize random cleavage,
enzyme consists of an N-terminal catalytic domain and a precise cleavage is not essential, since the host’s recombination
C-terminal DNA-binding domain that are connected by a long, and replication functions will repair the cleavage event as part of
flexible linker. The crystal structure of the DNA-binding do- the homing process. In fact, the ability to cleave variant substrates
main of I-TevI, residues 130 to 245, complexed with the 20-bp is advantageous to both the endonuclease and the host intron.
primary binding region of its DNA target, reveals the presence GIY-YIG family members contain up to five conserved se-
of a zinc finger, comprising residues 151 to 167, that makes back- quence motifs that make up the GIY-YIG module with essen-
bone contacts with the DNA from the minor groove. Biochemi- tially no similarity among the proteins beyond that.3 In addition
cal data have shown that the zinc finger does not contribute to to the GIY-(9 to 10 residue)-YIG sequence, this module includes
the DNA-binding affinity or to the specificity of the enzyme, several other highly conserved residues, some of which have been
but rather that it has a novel function and acts as a distance shown to be critical for catalytic activity. These include Tyr1 Arg27,
determinant that controls the relative positions of the catalytic Glu75, and Asn90 (I-TevI sequence numbers).
and DNA-binding domains. I-TevI is encoded by a group I intron in the thymidylate syn-
thase (td) gene of bacteriophage T4, and is the best characterized
Introduction of the GIY-YIG enzymes and the first for which structural infor-
Group I introns are intervening sequences within the coding mation is available (Fig. 1). I-TevI specifically recognizes its 37-bp
sequence of genes that are excised by RNA splicing. They can DNA substrate, or homing site, as a monomer. Despite nanomolar
also be mobile genetic elements at the DNA level.1 If an affinity, the enzyme exhibits a high degree of sequence tolerance.4
intron-containing gene is in close proximity to an intron-less ver-
sion of the same gene, there will be a gene conversion event
whereby the intron-less copy of the gene becomes intron-plus.
This process is called intron homing because the intron “goes
home”. Group I intron homing is brought about by the action of
an endonuclease that is encoded by an ORF located in the RNA
intron. The endonuclease recognizes the exon:exon junction of
the intron-less allele—a contiguous sequence that is not present
in the intron-plus version because of the presence of the intron.
The endonuclease binds to the intron-less cognate allelle and in-
troduces a double-stranded break. Then, the intron-plus gene
aligns with the cleaved version, and recombination and repair
events lead to copying of the intron, resulting in two intron-plus
alleles. Figure 1. Overview of three-dimensional structural information cur-
Homing endonucleases are grouped into at least four differ- rently available for I-TevI. The enzyme consists of an N-terminal cata-
ent families that are defined on the basis of conserved sequence lytic domain joined to the C-terminal DNA-binding domain by a long,
elements as the GIY-YIG, LAGLIDADG, H-N-H and His-Cys flexible linker that remains to be structurally characterized. The
box families.1,2 They are site-specific DNA endonucleases that DNA-binding domain itself has an elongated structure and could only
recognize long DNA targets of 14-40 bp, with some degree of be crystallized in the presence of its DNA substrate. To view online color
sequence tolerance. The biological function of homing endonu- versions of images, go to
cleases is to cleave intronless sites so that their host intron can be chapid=1734&bookid=124&catid=30.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
36 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

No single nucleotide in the 37-bp target is essential for binding to 167); a minor groove-binding α-helix (residues 183 to 194);
and cleavage, and many multiple substitutions are well tolerated.5 and, a helix-turn-helix subdomain (residues 204 to 245). There
Consistent with this sequence tolerance, ethylation and methyla- are phosphate backbone contacts throughout the full length of
tion interference studies indicated that most of the protein-DNA the complex. The elongated segments, which are inserted in the
contacts are via the minor groove and the phosphate backbone.4 minor groove, provide the only hydrogen bonding interactions
The primary binding region of the enzyme is approximately 20 with bases. However, due to the poor information content of the
bp in length, spanning the intron insertion site (IS), with a sec- minor groove, these are of limited value with respect to substrate
ond region of contact close to the cleavage site (CS), which is specificity. In contrast, the helix-turn-helix subdomain, inserted
23-25 bp upstream of the IS. In addition, I-TevI can tolerate into the major groove, makes hydrophobic contacts with the
insertions or deletions between the CS and IS, and still effect C5-methyls of thymines and thus is selective for an AT-rich
cleavage.5 region.
I-TevI consists of two functionally distinct domains, an The biochemical and structural data present a picture of I-TevI
N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding as a catalytic GIY-YIG domain, common to all family members,
domain, that are separated by a long, flexible linker.6 The cata- connected by a long linker of more than 50 amino acids to a
lytic domain contains the GIY-YIG module common to family DNA-binding domain that itself is composed of several
members and forms a discrete structural domain contained within sub-domains. Sequence analysis indicates that the linker and the
the first 92 amino acids of the protein.3,7 This domain has an α/ DNA-binding domain vary greatly among the different mem-
β-fold with a central three-stranded β-sheet surrounded by three bers of the family, with the exception of the C-terminal
α-helices. The GIY and YIG sequences are located on the first helix-turn-helix subdomain which appears to be more conserved,
and second β-strands, respectively, and are important structur- at least among a subset of family members. It is likely that the
ally as well as functionally. A surface composed primarily of the variations in the composition (and structure) of the linkers and
first and third α-helices and the second β-strand is thought to of the DNA-binding domains are important for the recognition
provide the main substrate interaction site. Three residues that of the large and highly variable substrates. Furthermore, the
are known to be important for catalytic activity, Tyr17, Arg27, GIY-YIG homing endonucleases appear to have different separa-
and Glu75, are exposed on this surface. Evidence of a tions between their primary recognition sites and their cleavage
metal-binding site between Tyr17 and Glu75, as well as similar- sites, requiring differences in the relative positioning of the cata-
ity in the arrangement of the three residues with that of the cata- lytic and DNA-binding domains, which can be achieved through
lytically important residues of the His-Cys box homing endonu- alternative linker structures and domain interactions.
clease I-PpoI8,9 (despite completely different protein folds) are
indicative of similarities in the DNA cleavage activities of the Structure of the Zinc Finger Subdomain
GIY-YIG and His-Cys box families.7 The determination of the crystal structure of the DNA-binding
The DNA-binding domain of I-TevI was initially defined to domain of I-TevI revealed the presence of a zinc finger.10 This
be contained between residues 130 and the C terminus of the zinc finger was not anticipated from sequence analysis,3 because
245-amino acid enzyme, based on footprinting and limited pro- it does not occur in any other GIY-YIG endonucleases and be-
teolysis experiments6 The crystal structure10 of this moiety, in cause of its unusual sequence, CXCX10CX2C. Sequence database
complex with a 20-bp duplex DNA that corresponds to the pri-
searches indicate the presence of Cys4-zinc fingers with similar
mary binding region of the enzyme, shows that residues 151 to
separations of the cysteines in the nuclear factor NHR-63 of
245 consist of an extended modular structure that interacts with
Caenorhabditis elegans11 and in the β’-subunits of bacterial RNA
the full length of the DNA duplex (Fig. 2). The molecule consists
polymerases. However, none of these zinc fingers have been struc-
of three distinct subdomains that are connected by elongated seg-
turally characterized. The structure of NHR-63 has not yet been
ments that lack secondary structure: a zinc finger (residues 151
reported while the zinc finger sequence lies just outside the re-
solved three-dimensional structure of the RNA polymerase of
Thermus aquaticus.12 The fact that I-TevI is the only GIY-YIG
protein characterized to date that contains a zinc finger suggests
that this element plays a specific role in the function of I-TevI,
beyond mere DNA recognition.
The I-TevI zinc finger (Fig. 3) consists of two type-I β-turns,
followed by a small loop and a single-turn α-helix. The first two
cysteines, 151 and 153, are the first and third residues in the first
β-turn, while the last two cysteines, 164 and 167, are the first
and last residues of the helix. The zinc finger of I-TevI has been
classified among the treble clef group,11 although it is the small-
est known member of the group and is quite degenerate. The
treble clef zinc finger typically consists of a β-hairpin, a loop, and
an α-helix. The first two cysteines are contributed by the zinc
knuckle, a unique turn with a CPXCG consensus sequence that
Figure 2. Structure of the DNA-binding domain of I-TevI. The joins the two β-strands. In I-TevI, the corresponding sequence,
DNA-binding domain has an extended fold that consists of three CKCG, forms a tighter β-turn, bringing the two short (three resi-
subdomains: a zinc finger (Zn), an α-helix inserted into the minor dues each) β-strands closer together. Krishna and coworkers11
groove (α) and a helix-turn-helix (H-T-H). Segments that lack second- further suggested that, due to the shortness of the α-helix, the
ary structure (orange) connect the three subdomains but are important I-TevI zinc finger could also be classified as a zinc ribbon, albeit
for DNA-binding as they are the only sites of direct hydrogen bonding one that is lacking a β-strand. Interestingly, several Cys4-zinc fin-
contacts with the bases. gers of the treble clef and zinc ribbon groups are known to be
Homing Endonuclease I-TevI: An Atypical Zinc Finger With a Novel Function 37

Figure 3. Fold of zinc finger of I-TevI. The zinc finger,

CKCGVRIQTSAYTCSKC, is one of the smallest zinc fingers yet iden-
tified, and has a degenerate treble clef fold consisting of two β-strands
Figure 4. I-TevI zinc finger/DNA contacts. The zinc finger makes only
and a single turn α-helix. Numbers indicate the N-terminus and the 4
two direct hydrogen bonding contacts (red dotted line) with the DNA,
cyteines that chelate Zn.
between the main-chain nitrogens of Tyr162 and Ser165 and the phos-
phate backbone. The DNA-binding domain of I-TevI was crystallized
important for protein-protein interactions, rather than for DNA with a 20-bp DNA fragment with a one-base 5' overhang, T1 on the top
binding. strand and A31 on the bottom strand. In the crystal, these overhangs of
translationally related molecules form a base pair, T1-A31*, resulting in
I-TevI Zinc Finger/DNA Interaction pseudo-continuous DNA. The side chain of Gln158 is sufficiently close
In the crystal structure of the DNA-binding domain of I-TevI to the base of A31* to suggest that it could make an additional contact
with a 20-bp substrate, the zinc finger makes few contacts with with the natural substrate.
the DNA. Contacts are limited to hydrogen bonds between the
main-chain nitrogen atoms of residues Tyr162 and Ser165 and In order to assess the role of the zinc finger in DNA cleavage,
the phosphates of the last two bases of the bottom strand (G50 we constructed a series of full-length I-TevI derivatives with mu-
and A51), respectively. No base-specific contacts are observed, tations in the zinc finger. These were either deletion derivatives
but Oε1 of Gln158 is 3.6 Å from N1 of A31, the 5'-end over- with two or more cysteines deleted, including a 19-amino acid
hanging base of the translationally related duplex that forms a deletion that removed the whole zinc finger, or Cys-to-Ala sub-
base pair with T1 (Fig. 4). Although this distance is slightly be- stitutions of the cysteines that chelate the zinc moiety. The zinc
yond the normal range for hydrogen bonds, the residue is in-
finger mutant proteins were synthesized in vitro and were tested
serted into the major groove, where it could conceivably form a
for their ability to cleave a plasmid containing the td homing site.
base-specific contact in a complex with a longer DNA substrate.
The proteins were only modestly compromised in DNA-cleavage
activity, by a factor of 4- to 7-fold as compared to the wild–type
A Role As a Distance Determinant enzyme. This was a somewhat surprising result, given the severity
The structural evidence that the I-TevI zinc finger does not of some of the mutations. Further analysis was carried out using
contribute to the DNA-binding specificity of the enzyme, as well homing site derivatives with insertions or deletions between the
as the absence of zinc fingers in other GIY-YIG endonucleases, CS and the IS. Again, the zinc-finger mutants were competent to
suggested that this element plays a role that is specific for the cleave these substrates. The most interesting findings came from
function of I-TevI and one that is likely to be more complex than
experiments designed to determine the exact cleavage site for each
basic protein-DNA interaction. This was confirmed on the basis
I-TevI derivative on the mutant homing site substrates (Fig. 5).
of further biochemical experiments analyzing the role of the zinc
finger in substrate interaction.13 The DNA-binding affinities of Wild-type I-TevI cleaves a wild-type substrate 23-25 bp upstream
several deletion derivatives of the DNA-binding domain were of the IS. With substrates containing modest insertions or dele-
determined. A molecule consisting of all residues C-terminal to tions, the enzyme can move its catalytic domain back and forth
the zinc finger had a DNA-binding affinity similar to that of a to find the natural cleavage sequence. However, with substrates
molecule that includes the zinc finger. In contrast, removal of a containing larger insertions or deletions, wild-type I-TevI prefers
segment that also includes the ten residues following the zinc to revert to distance. Thus, for example, for a substrate contain-
finger, an unstructured segment that contacts four bases in the ing a 10-bp insertion there is an approximately 10:1 bias for cleav-
minor groove, did increase the Kd 10-fold. Consequently, it can age at the natural distance rather than at the natural sequence
be concluded that the zinc finger contributes little to the (Fig. 5, top).
DNA-binding affinity, and should more appropriately be con- For the zinc-finger mutants, the picture is quite different. In
sidered to be part of the linker. each case, these derivatives prefer to cleave at the natural sequence
38 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

ing the catalytic domain so that it is more likely to cleave the

substrate at a set distance from the IS (“B” in top panel of Fig. 5).
In fact, the data are most consistent with a function based on a
combination of these two models.
How might the distance-constraining function of the zinc fin-
ger have evolved? From both structural and mechanistic stand-
points, it would appear that I-TevI was formed by the joining of
individual functional modules. Thus, a catalytic domain became
attached to discrete DNA-binding units that provided substrate
recognition for cleavage. It is a provocative fact that while the
DNA binding units, i.e., the α-helix and helix-turn-helix
subdomains with their connecting elongated segment, have a
nanomolar Kd value, neither the zinc finger nor the catalytic do-
main contributes to the overall binding affinity of I-TevI. Indeed,
the free catalytic domain has no demonstrable binding affinity.
We therefore postulate that the zinc finger evolved to constrain
the catalytic domain at the cleavage site, to increase its local con-
centration, and to facilitate cutting at the preferred sequences.
Whether this function resulted from the adaptation of a zinc fin-
ger that originally contributed to DNA binding, or arose de novo
by capture of a zinc finger with protein interaction potential is an
interesting conundrum.

This research was supported by NIH grants GM56966 (PVR),
GM39422 and GM44844 (MB).

1. Belfort M, Roberts RJ. Homing endonucleases: Keeping the house
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2. Chevalier BS, Stoddard BL. Homing endonucleases: Structural and
functional insight into the catalysis of intron/intein mobility. Nucl
Acids Res 2001; 29:3757-3774.
3. Kowalski JC, Belfort M, Stapleton MA et al. Configuration of the
catalytic GIY-YIG domain of intron endonuclease I-TevI:
Coincidence of computational and molecular findings. Nucl Acids
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4. Bryk M, Quirk SM, Mueller JE et al. The td intron endonuclease
I-TevI makes extensive sequence-tolerant contacts across the minor
groove of its DNA target. EMBO J 1993; 12:2141-2149.
5. Bryk M, Belisle M, Mueller JE et al. Selection of a remote cleavage
site by I-TevI, the td intron-encoded endonuclease. J Mol Biol 1995;
6. Derbyshire V, Kowalski JC, Dansereau JT et al. Two-domain structure
of the td intron-encoded endonuclease I-TevI correlates with the
Figure 5. The I-TevI zinc finger acts as a distance determinant. The two two-domain configuration of the homing site. J Mol Biol 1997;
different scenarios for cleavage preference of wild-type I-TevI at dis- 265:494-506.
tance (top), and the zinc-finger mutant at sequence (bottom), are pre- 7. Van Roey P, Meehan L, Kowalski JC et al. Catalytic domain structure
and hypothesis for function of GIY-YIG intron endonuclease I-TevI.
sented. Scissors represent site of preferred cleavage as described in the
Nature Struct Biol 2002; 9:806-811.
text. Linker organizer (A) and catalytic clamp (B) models for distance 8. Galburt EA, Chevalier B, Tang W et al. A novel endonuclease
determination are designated on the wild-type protein, in the top panel. mechanism directly visualized for I-PpoI. Nature Structural Biology
1999; 6:1096-1099.
site, even if that is displaced far from the IS. It seems that loss of 9. Galburt EA, Chadsey MS, Jurica MS et al. Conformational changes
the zinc finger correlates with loss of a distance determinant for and cleavage by the homing endonuclease I-PpoI: A critical role for
a leucine residue in the active site. J Mol Biol 2000; 300:877-887.
cleavage. There are currently two models for how the zinc finger 10. Van Roey P, Waddling CA, Fox KM et al. Intertwined structure of
might act as a distance determinant that both involve putative the DNA-binding domain of intron endonuclease I-TevI with its
protein-protein interactions between the zinc finger and other substrate. EMBO J 2001; 20:3631-3637.
parts of the enzyme. In one model, the zinc finger acts as a “linker 11. Krishna SS, Majumdar I, Grishin NV. Structural classification of
organizer”, interacting with other parts of the lengthy linker re- zinc fingers. Nucl Acids Res 2003; 31:532-550.
gion to reduce the potential for the catalytic domain to reach out 12. Campbell EA, Korzheva N, Mustaev A, et al. Structural mechanism
for rifamycin inhibition of bacterial DNA polymerase. Cell 2001;
to seek the natural cleavage sequence, and thus making it more 104:901-912.
likely to cleave at distance (“A” in top panel of Fig. 5). In the 13. Dean AB, Stanger M, Dansereau J et al. The zinc finger as a distance
second model, the zinc finger is postulated to interact directly determinant in the flexible linker of intron endonuclease I-TevI. Proc
with the catalytic domain as a “catalytic clamp”, again constrain- Natl Acad Sci USA 2002; 99:8554-8561.

Zinc Finger Interactions with Metals

and Other Small Molecules
Jay S. Hanas,* Jason L. Larabee and James R. Hocker

posed by Brown.4 Klug termed this modular domain a “zinc fin-

inc fingers encompass a wide variety of compact protein
domains that are stabilized by a structural zinc ion which ger” and proposed that each zinc-containing DNA binding mod-
minimally interacts with a cysteine-rich coordination ule coordinated zinc via chelation with two cysteine and two his-
sphere. The selectivity for zinc ion binding is governed by coor- tidine residues.3 This cysteine-histidine coordination sphere for
dinating amino acid side chains and by thermodynamic param- zinc in TFIIIA was later confirmed by EXAFS technology.5 In
eters. Since metal coordination spheres in zinc finger proteins 1989 it was demonstrated that the zinc in TFIIIA was respon-
are susceptible to chemical attack (principally at thiolates) and sible for holding the protein in the proper conformation for DNA
because zinc finger proteins have prominent roles in many cellu- binding as the removal of the metal resulted in an unfolding of
lar processes including the regulation of gene expression and sig- the structure and loss of DNA binding specificity.6
nal transduction, an underlying mechanism for a number of cel- In the original description of the zinc finger model for TFIIIA
lular dysfunctions is likely to be the disruption of zinc coordina- it was suggested this modular cysteine and histidine-rich struc-
tion spheres by a variety of metals and other small molecules. ture folded around a zinc ion may be present in a wide variety of
For instance, a number of toxicity mechanisms are likely to be regulatory proteins as its compactness seemed an ideal structure
the consequence of zinc replacement by xenobiotic metals re- for binding nucleic acids and for evolutionary duplication.3 Berg
sulting in changes in polypeptide conformation and the con- identified this modular structure in a wide variety of bacterial,
comitant loss of protein function. Zinc finger disruption could viral, and eukaryotic protein sequences.7 The term “zinc finger”
also occur by oxidation and modification of critical cysteine and is now commonly used to identify a wide variety of compact pro-
histidine amino acids in the zinc coordination sphere resulting tein domains stabilized by a structural zinc ion.8-11 Zinc finger
in zinc release and alteration of conformation. The chemical re- proteins encompass the largest class of proteins found in eukary-
activity of metal coordination spheres of zinc finger proteins are otic cells and have diverse roles in most cell processes including
utilized in normal physiological processes by providing regula- transcription and translation, DNA replication and repair, me-
tory sites for signal transduction via small molecules like nitric tabolism, signaling, cell proliferation, and apoptosis.11 In most
oxide and oxygen and their reactive intermediates. In addition, cases zinc ions are likely coordinated by both cysteine and histi-
zinc finger proteins and their metal binding sites are promising dine residues but some major families like nuclear receptors and
targets for specific drug design to help ameliorate major diseases. GATA family members have only cysteine coordination. Zinc fin-
ger proteins are classified by the arrangement of the zinc coordi-
Introduction nating amino acids (cysteines and histidines) and the secondary
The discovery that zinc has a structural role in eukaryotic gene structures (fold groups) in which these amino acids are present.
regulatory proteins (as opposed to a functional role in enzyme About 8 fold groups are currently specified.11 One of the more
catalysis) originated from studies which demonstrated the common fingers and fold groups includes the C 2H 2 fold
cysteine-rich transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) contained zinc (ββ-hairpin followed by an α-helix) characteristic of TFIIIA, the
and required the metal for specific binding to DNA.1 That TFIIIA prototypical zinc finger protein. This fold contains about 30 amino
had zinc-dependent DNA binding domains was a novel observa- acids. When the zinc coordinating cysteines are present in the
tion at the time as most DNA binding proteins were believed to sequence CPXCG, this structure is referred to as a “knuckle”.
have helix-turn-helix motifs for DNA interaction similar to the This zinc knuckle structure is found in many zinc finger protein
bacterial repressor proteins. The elucidation of the amino acid folds including the retroviral Gag (nucleocapsid) zinc finger fold.12
sequence of TFIIIA2 led Klug and colleagues to propose that re- The treble clef finger fold which consists of a zinc knuckle and a
petitive cysteine and histidine residues present in the sequence shortened α-helix is found in a wide variety of zinc finger pro-
could form modular domains of about 30 amino acids each, folded teins including RING fingers and the nuclear receptors.11 Zinc
around a zinc atom.3 A similar structure for TFIIIA was also pro- ribbon folds which may represent the most diverse group of zinc

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
40 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. Zinc interaction induces the proper DNA binding conformation of the C2H2 finger polypeptide. By coordinating with the two cysteine
side chains and the two histidine side chains, the zinc ion induces formation of the ββ turn structure in the N-terminal half of the peptide and
the α helical structure of the C-terminal half of the peptide. Six water molecules are released in the peptide coordination reaction. Specific amino
acids in the α helical structure form specific contacts with the DNA bases.

finger proteins are characterized by zinc coordination between with the two coordinating cysteines followed by interaction with
two zinc knuckles separated by about 40 amino acids. 13 the histidines.15,18,19
Cysteine-rich zinc clusters as well as zinc loop folds are character- The anti-parallel ββ sheet plays a role in making nonspecific
ized by the yeast Gal4 regulator and metallothioneins.8 In gen- contacts on the phosphodiester backbone; a conserved basic resi-
eral, zinc finger folds or domains function as interaction modules due located two amino acids from the second coordinating cys-
that bind to many large molecules including nucleic acids and teine in the second β strand makes a phosphodiester oxygen con-
other proteins and to a variety of small molecules including met- tact as does the protonated nitrogen on the first coordinating
als, redox agents, and therapeutic drugs. A number of X-ray and histidine.17 NMR analysis using carboxymethylation of cysteines
NMR structures are available for zinc fingers complexed with a and protonation of imidazole nitrogens indicates zinc cation bind-
variety of nucleic acid templates.11 ing is blocked under these conditions. 20 In addition,
carboxymethylation of cysteines in the absence of imidazole pro-
Regulation of Zinc Finger Conformation by tonation did not result in proper α helical formation, again in-
dicative of the importance of cysteine coordination in the overall
Zinc Ion Binding finger folding process.20 Loss of either cysteine still results in α
Studies with TFIIIA correlated the loss of zinc with a signifi- helical formation but the helix is a looser and less extensive struc-
cant change in protein conformation as well as with a concomi- ture; loss of first histidine results in no helical structure whereas
tant loss of specific DNA binding ability.1,6 These observations loss of the second histidine results in a wild-type CD spectrum.15
indicated that the role of zinc in TFIIIA was to hold the protein It is suggested that the role of zinc is to bring the α helix and β
in the proper conformation allowing specific amino acid side sheet closer together to form a hydrophobic core which is essen-
chains to make specific contacts on the DNA binding site. Much tial for finger stability and that the first coordinating histidine is
has been learned about the role of zinc in maintaining zinc finger essential for hydrophobic core formation.15 In vitro mutagenesis
conformation from studying individual zinc fingers of about 30 studies on TFIIIA demonstrated the importance of the first coor-
amino acids. However, the specific DNA binding ability by these dinating histidine residue for protein-DNA interactions.21 Zinc
individual fingers in the presence of zinc has been difficult to binding to multiple finger domains appears to be more complex
demonstrate. In the absence of zinc, the finger polypeptide is in a than binding to single finger domains. For example, zinc binding
random coil conformation as evidenced by circular dichroism to the C2C2 DNA binding domain of the vitamin D receptor
(CD).14,15 Added zinc induces a prominent α-helix in the finger which contains two such fingers results in a minimal conforma-
structure as evidenced by the two negative CD Cotton peaks at tion change to the first finger and a much more significant con-
208 and 222 nm.15 This α-helix is a prominent structural feature formational change to the second finger as assayed by CD and
in the TFIIIA-type zinc finger (C2H2) as evidenced by NMR and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.22
X-ray crystallography.16,17 The two zinc coordinating histidine
residues located in this helix are three amino acids apart, except
in the rare cases when they are four residues apart. This spacing is Zinc Coordination Structures in Zinc Finger
critical because it places these amino acids on the same face of the Proteins
helix in an ideal position for zinc coordination. This helical struc- For a number of reasons, zinc is an ideal cation for structural
ture allows specific noncoordinating amino acids located in in- or catalytic roles in proteins. The zinc ion (Zn2+) contains a filled
variant positions to be involved in formation of hydrogen bonds d orbital (d10) and therefore the metal cation does not participate
with specific nucleotide bases in the major groove of DNA.17 in redox reactions. Rather it functions as a Lewis acid and will
Another prominent structure in the C2H2 zinc finger is the accept pairs of electrons.23 This lack of redox behavior makes the
N-terminal anti-parallel ββ loop structure which is induced by zinc ion very stable and an ideal metal cofactor for enzymatic
zinc interaction with the two cysteine residues that are usually reactions that require a stable ion to function as a Lewis acid in
2-4 amino acids apart (Fig. 1). The ββ structure is essential for catalytic mechanisms like proteolysis (carboxypeptidases) and
overall zinc finger stability. There is some evidence that when carbon dioxide hydration (carbonic anhydrases).24 As a structural
zinc binds to the unfolded apo-finger the metal ion first interacts cofactor in zinc finger proteins, which to a large degree interact
Zinc Finger Interactions with Metals and Other Small Molecules 41

with nucleic acids, this lack of redox potential is not deleterious

to nucleic acid structure. Zinc cations interact with chemical Table 1. Metal affinities of various zinc fingers
ligands via chelation mechanisms governed by coordination chem-
istry whose bonding forces come from electron density transfers Zinc Fingers Ions Kd Ref. No.
from the nucleophilic ligands (oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur) to the
electrophilic metal cation. In metal-ligand chelation reactions,
Consensus Zn2+ 6.7 x 10-12 M 35
the polarizability or “hardness” of the metal and ligand electron
Prototypical Pb2+ 5.0 x 10-11 M 59
shells help determine the stabilities of the metal-ligand interac-
C2H2 Sequence Co2+ 6.3 x 10-8 M 35
tions. Magnesium and calcium ions are considered “hard” and
Ni2+ 1.6 x 10-6 M 43
more readily interact with “hard” ligands in proteins, like car-
Fe2+ 2.5 x 10-6 M 43
boxyl groups. Cadmium and lead ions are considered “soft” and
Mn2+ > 10-5 M 43
more readily interact with “soft” ligands in proteins like sulfhy-
Second C2H2 Zn2+ 2.8 x 10-9 M 36
dryl groups. Zinc ions are intermediate in this regard and have a
Zinc Finger
preference for histidine residues and to a lesser extent cysteine
Third C2H2 Zinc Zn2+ 6.0 x 10-10 M 37
In a metal chelation reaction, two or more ligands bind the
Finger of Sp1 Co2+ 3.0 x 10-7 M 37
free metal ion and release water molecules from the hydrated metal
Ni2+ 4.0 x 10-6 M 37
in solution (Fig. 1). The increased entropy generated makes the
HIV-CCHC Zn2+ 7.0 x 10-10 M 59
metal-chelate complex very stable. The Irving-Williams effect
Pb2+ 3.0 x 10-10 M 59
predicts that increased chelation stability of metals occurs as the
Co2+ 9.0 x 10-8 M 59
ionic radii decreases (calcium and magnesium chelation have the
Intact TFIIIA - Zn2+ 1.0 x 10-8 M 38
lowest stability and copper has the highest (over about a 10-fold
1 high affinity Ni2+ 2.3 x 10-5 M 38
log range). Zinc is anomalous in this series as it has a smaller
binding site Cd2+ 2.8 x 10-6 M 38
radius than copper but binds less tightly.26 Although in solution
Intact TFIIIA - Zn2+ 2.6 x 10-5 M 38
the zinc cation (Zn2+) interacts with six water molecules, in pro-
9 low affinity Ni2+ 5.2 x 10-4 M 38
teins the zinc cation prefers the tetrahedral coordination sphere
binding sites Cd2+ 1.6 x 10-4 M 38
as this arrangement has the lowest strain and the shortest bond
Intact Zn2+ 1.4 x 10-13 M 39
distances.27 In fact, the electron structure of zinc likely directs its
tetrahedral coordination since its vacant 4p4s3 orbitals can only
N-terminal β Zn2+ 5.0 x 10-12 M 39
accommodate four independent pairs of donated electrons.28 The
domain of
tetrahedral structure of protein-bound zinc regardless of the amino
acid ligand attachments (cysteines, histidines, or carboxyls) is well
suited for stabilizing a given zinc finger fold as higher coordina-
tion numbers might present an entropic barrier to protein fold- cleophilicity.30 Core thiolates are predicted to be chemically reac-
ing as more polypeptide organization would be required with tive in zinc finger cores and screening of this structure by lysine/
higher coordination number. The tetrahedral coordination pref- arginine groups may be necessary to preserve the overall struc-
erence for zinc also sets limits in searching protein sequence data- ture.32 This preservation is not complete however and, as will be
bases for potential zinc finger binding sites. In catalytic sites, the discussed below, the zinc coordination sphere is chemically reac-
four coordination rule for zinc ions can be assumed by three amino tive to a number of electrophiles including xenobiotic metals and
acids and a fourth water molecule that is used in the hydrolysis other small molecules. Such sensitivity likely plays a role in a
reaction.24 number of disease processes.33
At neutral pH in cells, cysteine and histidine coordination to There is a great deal of interest in how zinc metalloproteins in
zinc ions in proteins is likely to involve the deprotonated thiol general and zinc finger proteins in particular acquire and release
(thiolate) as well as the uncharged imidazole nitrogen on histi- zinc inside of the cell. The potential reversible nature of these
dine.29,30 It is noted however that zinc coordination with a pro- interactions likely forms the basis for many regulatory processes
tonated thiol group is theoretically possible and this possibility for gene expression in the cell.34 It is noted that the affinities for
should be noted in final structure determinations.30 In addition, zinc by a number of individual zinc fingers, as well as zinc finger
some thermodynamic evidence is presented that suggests partial proteins like TFIIIA and metallothionein, can vary over many
thiol presence in the zinc coordination sphere.29 For free amino orders of magnitude. A consensus C2H2 zinc finger was found to
acids, the pKa of the cysteine thiol proton is 8.4 and the pKa for bind zinc with a dissociation constant of 5.7 x 10-12 M whereas
protonation of the imidizole nitrogen is 6.0. Embedding these the second finger from the prototypical zinc finger protein TFIIIA
amino acids in a basic structure can lower their pKas even further. had a dissociation constant for zinc binding of 2.8 x 10-9 M.35,36
So in the normal cellular milieu the unprotonated imidizole ni- The third C2H2 zinc finger from the RNA polymerase II speci-
trogen with the free electron pair is readily available for zinc co- ficity protein Sp1 had a dissociation constant for zinc binding of
ordination. The cysteine thiol however may need to be 6.0 x 10-10 M.37 Zinc binding to TFIIIA itself revealed one high
deprotonated and the zinc ions themselves can assist in the affinity site (1x 10-8 M) and nine low affinity sites (2.6 x 10-5
deprotonization of the cysteine thiols. 32 Such thiol M).38 Human metallothionein II which contains 20 cysteines
deprotonization would not be predicted for a hard metal such as binds seven zinc cations with an overall affinity of 1.4 x 10-13 M
magnesium and explains in part the preference of zinc for such (see Table 1) for a compilation of zinc finger affinities). This bind-
coordination spheres.32 The deprotonated thiolate anion of cys- ing is dispersed among two domains, an N-terminal β domain
teine is a strong nucleophile and will accept hydrogen bonds from with an affinity of 5.0 x 10-12 M for three zinc atoms and a
neighboring groups in the zinc finger structure to lower this nu- C-terminal α domain which binds four zinc atoms with variable
42 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

affinity.39 The β domain appears to release one zinc atom much ligands (for example, carboxylates). The “hardness” has to do with
more readily than the α domain.39 It is generally believed that a lack of polarizability whereas “softness” refers to ease of polariz-
the free zinc ion concentration in cells is very low and hence zinc ability. Soft acids have greater numbers of d electrons than hard
metalloproteins do not acquire the metal from a pool of free metal acids and d-rich metals such as cadmium, lead, and mercury most
ions.40 Therefore, zinc uptake and transfer in the cell is possibly readily interact with soft ligands like sulfhydryls. The hard-soft
maintained by metal trafficking proteins like metallothioneins classification is not a sharp divide but rather borderline metals
and ZIP proteins in higher organisms.40,41 Redox reactions which and ligands exist between these two extremes. Zinc ions are in
have the potential to release zinc from a donor protein as well as this borderline classification and interact with nitrogen-based
direct transfer of zinc from a coordination sphere of the donor to ligands like imidazoles but will also interact with sulfhydryls. The
a coordination sphere of the receptor protein are believed to be Irving-Williams series of metals refers to the stabilities of chela-
some of the mechanisms by which zinc metalloproteins includ- tion complexes where chelation is defined as the coordination of
ing zinc finger proteins are populated with zinc in the cell. These two or more donor atoms from a single ligand to a central metal
observations suggest cells and metalloproteins have evolved com- ion.25 In general, for any oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur chelate, the
plex mechanisms for zinc binding and zinc release, which are stabilities of the metal-chelate complex will increase with decreas-
undoubtedly under regulatory control. The elucidation of these ing cation diameter. Therefore large diameter calcium and
regulatory mechanisms will provide valuable information for magnisium cation chelates are less stable than smaller diameter
understanding how cells function in normal and disease environ- d-rich metals like cobalt, nickel, copper, and zinc.
ments. A third stabilization factor helping to explain the zinc prefer-
ence for the cysteine and histidine-rich metal coordination spheres
Zinc Finger Selectivity for Metal Ion Binding characteristic of zinc finger proteins is ligand field stabilization
The initial study demonstrating zinc dependency for the pro- energy (LFSE) which arises because of incompletely filled d or-
totypical zinc finger protein, TFIIIA, also demonstrated the zinc bitals in the transition metal series.26 Because zinc has a com-
specificity for this protein.1 Brief EDTA treatment was used to pletely filled d10 electronic structure, it does not lose any LFSE
abolish specific DNA binding by native TFIIIA and only zinc when it goes from an octahedral coordination sphere with water
from the transition metal series at micromolar concentrations that molecules in solution to a tetrahedral coordination sphere with
included iron (Fe2+), cobalt (Co2+), nickel (Ni2+), manganese sulfur and/or nitrogen ligands in proteins. The other transition
(Mn2+), and copper (Cu2+) was able to restore DNA binding abil- metals (for example, nickel, cobalt, iron) experience a loss of LFSE
ity.1 This observation is significant as it indicates that the C2H2 when going from the octahedral hexaaqua form to the protein
zinc coordination sphere exhibits exquisite specificity for zinc ions. chelated form.42 This loss of energy contributes to the lower af-
This is especially important with respect to the redox active iron finity binding observed for these transition metals when binding
and cooper ions which if presented close to DNA in a finger struc- zinc coordination spheres in proteins. The extra stability of the
ture could result in oxidative damage to DNA. Actual affinity zinc-ligand interaction is also driven by the increased entropy
measurements of zinc and nickel for TFIIIA indicated that two resulting from water release from the zinc hydration shell when
classes of metal binding sites exists on TFIIIA and that zinc binds the water molecules are replaced by the stronger metal-ligand
with higher affinity; zinc ions bind with dissociation constants of bonds (Fig. 1). In the case of zinc (Zn2+), the metal is in the
1.0 x10-8 M and 2.3 x10-5 M whereas nickel ions bind with dis- hexaaqua form and therefore six water molecules are available for
sociation constants of 2.6 x 10-5 M and 5.2 x 10-4 M.38 Because release and entropic increase is necessary to substantially help offset
of their ease of use and interpretation, many more metal binding the entropy loss upon zinc-dependent peptide folding. This tight
studies are being performed with synthetic zinc finger polypep- binding by zinc to the finger structure is necessary for switching
tides than with intact zinc finger-containing proteins.42 Using the apofinger into the correct conformation for specific DNA
synthetic polypeptides, Berg and colleagues have demonstrated binding.
that individual C2H2 zinc finger peptides readily bound zinc ions
but do not readily bind iron, cobalt, nickel, or manganese ions.43 Alterations in Zinc Finger Structure and
The dissociation constants (Kd) for binding of this transition se- Function by Xenobiotic Metals
ries of metals to a prototypical consensus C2H2 sequence was 2 x Most disease states ultimately result from alterations in gene
10-12 M for Zn2+, 5.0 x 10–8 M for Co2+, 1.6 x 10-6 M for Ni2+, expression. Zinc finger proteins have prominent roles in gene
2.5 x 10-6 M for Fe2+, and >10-5 M for Mn2+ (also see Table 1).43,44 expression mechanisms in mammalian cells and up to 1% of
At this time it is not clear why the affinities of the various transi- mammalian genomes code for zinc finger proteins.45 Since metal
tion metals are significantly lower for the intact TFIIIA protein coordination spheres in zinc finger proteins are susceptible to
than the individual synthetic C2H2 zinc fingers but it is possible chemical attack (principally at thiolates) and because zinc finger
the intact protein has a three-dimensional structure that limits proteins have prominent roles in the regulation of gene expres-
access of metals to the coordination spheres. sion, it was reasoned that zinc finger proteins may represent tar-
There are relatively straight forward explanations as to why gets for a variety of toxic agents that could lead to different dis-
some of the more prevalent metal ions in cells (Mg, Ca, Na, and ease states including cancer.46 Such toxic mechanisms could be
K) do not interact with the coordination spheres of cysteine and the consequence of zinc replacement by other metals resulting in
histidine-rich zinc finger proteins. These have to do with the changes in conformation or result from chemical oxidation/modi-
“hard-soft acid-base” concepts as well as the Irving-Williams ef- fication of critical cysteine and histidine amino acids in the zinc
fect for chelation stabilities.26 In general “hard” acids like sodium, coordination sphere. The elucidation of these toxic mechanisms
potassium, magnesium, and calcium (metals are considered acids is important since toxic and carcinogenic metal compounds are
in that they are positive and will accept a negative species, that is known to interfere with DNA metabolic processes like transcrip-
a base) interact with “hard” bases or ligands like oxygen-rich tion and repair at low concentrations.33,47-51
Zinc Finger Interactions with Metals and Other Small Molecules 43

Xenobiotic metals that disrupt zinc finger structure and func- coordinate histidine residues. These structural differences could
tion include cadmium, lead, mercury, gold, and arsenic. Cad- account for the misfolding of zinc fingers when coordinated by
mium ions (Cd2+) have a known specificity for cysteine residues lead ions. Therefore, disruption of zinc finger domains may be a
and are an obvious toxic metal to examine for inhibitory effects common target mechanism that underlies many of the deleteri-
on cysteine-rich zinc finger proteins. Cadmium and arsenite ions, ous effects of lead.60
which also have specificity for reacting with thiol groups, were Other xenobiotic metals that were shown to alter the DNA
shown to block steroid hormone binding as well as DNA bind- binding functions of zinc finger proteins include mercuric and
ing by the glucocorticoid receptor.52 This protein is a member of gold salts. Micromolar concentrations of mercury (Hg2+) were
the nuclear receptor superfamily and is characterized by two C2C2 found to inhibit specific DNA binding by TFIIIA and Sp1 but,
zinc fingers. Micromolar concentrations of Cd2+ but not arsenite in the case of TFIIIA, possibly at additional sites besides the pro-
were shown to inhibit TFIIIA binding to the 5S RNA gene and tein zinc fingers.61 This metal was also shown to inhibit tran-
the target of action was determined to be the zinc finger structure scription factor AP2 and restriction enzymes neither of which
of the protein.47 Cadmium ions did not exhibit any affinity for a have zinc finger sites. Gold salts are known to have
synthetic peptide corresponding to zinc finger 3 of TFIIIA but anti-inflammatory properties and exhibit high affinity for pro-
exhibited high affinity for the third finger from activator protein tein thiols. A thiomalate derivative of gold (Au1+) was found to
Sp1 as well as a consensus C2H2 zinc finger.53 The tumor sup- inhibit the C2C2 zinc finger-dependent DNA binding of the
pressor protein p53, which is mutated in a large proportion of progesterone receptor in vitro and in vivo.62 Thiomalate alone
human carcinomas, requires zinc for specific DNA binding and exhibited no such effects. Selenite, an oxyanion of the
has a CHC2 metal binding domain.54,55 Significantly, micromo- nonxenobiotic selenium, interacted with TFIIIA and Sp1 zinc
lar levels of cadmium ions (levels found in the blood of heavy fingers in rapid fashion and inhibited their DNA binding prop-
smokers) were shown to inhibit specific DNA binding by tumor erties.63 This inhibition was zinc finger specific as the AP2 tran-
suppressor p53 in vitro and in vivo.50 Through the use of scription factor was not affected. Selenium compounds are pro-
conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies against p53, it was posed to be involved in redox coupling between thiol and
demonstrated that micromolar amounts of cadmium caused a zinc-bound states of zinc metalloproteins in cells.64 This coupling
conformational change in the protein in vivo which correlated may contribute to the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory prop-
with loss of specific DNA binding ability as well as loss of erties of selenium.
transactivation of target genes and loss of p53-dependent G1 ar-
rest in the cell cycle.50 These results are significant since it is known Interactions of Zinc Fingers with Signaling
that cadmium is carcinogenic and that normal p53 function in
cells is a major impediment to tumor development. NMR results Molecules and Therapeutic Drugs
indicate that cadmium ions when bound to C2H2 zinc fingers in Zinc finger proteins play such prominent roles in gene expres-
the human metalloregulatory transcription factor MTF-1, induce sion and signal transduction that it is likely evolution has taken
an altered conformation in the zinc fingers that can be restored to advantage of their chemical properties and evolved mechanisms
the ββα structure by added zinc ions.56 DNA repair enzymes for tuning these regulatory processes via interactions with pro-
like the XPA protein (xeroderma pigmentosum A which contains teins, small molecules, and other possible effectors. In addition,
a single C4 zinc finger), poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (which zinc finger proteins remain promising targets for drug design to
contains two C2HC zinc fingers), are both inhibited in their DNA help ameliorate major diseases. Protein interactions with zinc fin-
recognition mechanisms by cadmium and arsenite ions.51 Since gers are best exemplified with members of the nuclear receptor
DNA repair is so vital for maintaining a normal cell phenotype, superfamily (steroid, glucocorticoid, retinoic acid, vitamin D, etc.).
these results suggest additional mechanisms by which cadmium These receptors all have two C2C2 zinc fingers. The first finger
and arsenic may be exerting their carcinogenic activities. region is responsible for specific DNA contacts and the second
Lead is the most prevalent toxic metal in our environment, finger is responsible for protein-protein interactions forming
and its propensity for interaction with protein sulfhydryl groups homo- and heterodimer contacts with the second finger of the
makes it likely to interact with zinc coordination spheres in zinc various classes of nuclear receptors. Such dimerization enables
finger proteins. Using gel shift assays and cell extracts, lead ions these transcription factors to “crosstalk” with a wide variety of
(Pb2+) were initially shown to alter the specific DNA binding receptor family members and greatly increases the regulatory ca-
ability of Sp1 in vitro and in vivo and were thus proposed to alter pacity of this important family of regulatory proteins.
Sp1-dependent transcription in vivo.57 Lead ions at micromolar Further discussion will focus on zinc finger interactions with
concentrations were shown to inhibit the purified zinc finger small molecules like nitric oxide and oxygen and their reactive
domains of TFIIIA as well as Sp1 as assayed by DNase I protec- intermediates, and with drugs of therapeutic interest. These in-
tion.58 The inhibition kinetics were rapid which suggested a di- teractions are based on the unique coordination chemistry of the
rect involvement of lead with the DNA binding domains of these metal binding spheres of zinc finger proteins. Nitric oxide (NO)
proteins. Thermodynamic studies reveal that lead ions bind zinc is a major cellular mediator of signal transduction. NO release
finger domains with dissociation constants ranging from 10-9 to can S-nitrosate sulfhydryl groups under physiological conditions
10-14 M depending upon the number of cysteine residues present and cysteine-rich zinc finger domains were hypothesized to be
in the domain.59 In spite of this tight binding, circular dichroism molecular targets for this molecule and its derivatives.65 Under
and NMR studies indicate that the zinc finger domains are aerobic conditions NO was demonstrated to release zinc from
misfolded when bound to lead which likely explains the inhibi- metallothionein by S-nitrosothiol modification of the
tory nature of the lead-zinc finger interaction.58,59 The lead ion zinc-chelating cysteine residues in the protein followed by disul-
has a much larger radius than the zinc ion and prefers fide bond formation.66 In addition, NO was demonstrated to
six-coordinate ligation spheres rather than the four-coordinate release zinc from metallothionein in endothelial cells.67 Incubation
spheres preferred by zinc. In addition, lead ions do not appear to of lymphocyte nuclear extracts with the NO donor molecule
44 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

S-nitrosocysteine (SNOC) resulted in the inhibition of the spe- correct protein conformation are very redox active. The cell is in
cific DNA binding ability of the RNA polymerase II activator a constant balancing act with respect to enabling these centers to
zinc finger protein Sp1 which activates the IL-2 gene in these bind zinc as well as restoring that binding once oxidation and
cells.68 This inhibition of Sp1 DNA binding paralleled the loss of zinc release has occurred.
IL-2 gene transcription in activated lymphocytes. If lymphocytes The reversibility and reactivity of the zinc binding and zinc
were preactivated before NO treatment, no loss of Sp1 DNA bind- coordination spheres in zinc finger proteins lends itself to the
ing was observed as well as no loss of IL-2 gene transcription.68 design of specific inhibitors that will oxidize these sites and/or
These results collectively indicate that Sp1 once bound to the eject zinc resulting in protein conformational changes and loss of
activator site on the IL-2 gene is resistant to NO-mediated dis- protein function. The specificity of such agents can come from
ruption of the Sp1 zinc fingers. Sp1 also acts as a repressor of drug interactions with nonconserved amino acids in close prox-
TNF-α gene expression and in this case NO was found to induce imity to the zinc coordinating center as well as from secondary
TNF-α by disrupting the repressor binding to the promoter of and tertiary protein structure determinants. One human viral
this gene.69 These results provide sound evidence zinc finger tran- protein targeted for selective inactivation of a crucial zinc finger
scription factors are physiological targets for NO-derived is the E6 oncoprotein from the human papillomavirus (HPV)
nitrosative stress in living cells. which is the causative agent for cervical cancer. This protein has
Oxidation-reduction reactions at critical protein thiol groups two C2C2 zinc fingers which are unique to this virus and have a
play a major role in cellular responses to oxidative stress through role in forming a ternary complex with the viral E6-associated
alterations in gene expression.70 Zinc finger proteins are prime protein (E6AP) and the cellular p53 tumor suppressor. This com-
targets for redox regulation since they contain cysteine-rich zinc plex results in the degradation of p53 via the ubiquitination-
coordination spheres. Evidence is presented that oxidative stress proteosome pathway. The uniqueness of these zinc fingers to the
inhibits DNA binding by Sp1 in vitro and inhibits the in vivo HPV virus makes them attractive candidates for therapeutic in-
transcription of the Sp1-dependent gene, dihydrofolate reduc- tervention. A large number of organic disulfide, azoic, and nitroso
tase (DHFR). This gene is a glycolytic housekeeping gene and is aromatic compounds with known sulfhydryl redox activity and
the type of gene believed to be initially shut down by a cell when zinc ejecting properties were screened for inhibitory activities
encountering oxidative stress.70 The tumor suppressor p53 con- against the human papillomavirus (HPV) oncoprotein E6, its
tains a single CHC2 zinc finger as well as four additional con-
zinc-dependent interaction with E6AP, and for growth inhibi-
served cysteines which could serve as a secondary metal binding
tion of HPV transformed cells.76 The organic disulfide 4,4'
site.71 Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) have a number of
dithiodimorpholine was found to eject zinc from the E6
roles in the p53 anti-proliferative pathway including inducing
oncoprotein, inhibit its interaction with E6AP, and also activate
DNA breaks, regulating DNA binding through oxidation of criti-
p53 in an HPV transformed cell and induce apoptosis.76 This
cal cysteines, and controlling several redox effector genes. With
respect to the regulation of p53 DNA binding, oxidation of agent is believed to form disulfides with the zinc–coordinating
zinc-coordinating cysteines leads to loss of DNA binding.72 In cysteine residues thus ejecting zinc and placing the protein in an
addition, thioredoxin which reduces protein thiols, activates p53 inactive conformation. Another zinc finger protein being targeted
function in vivo which indicates that redox activation of p53 is for therapeutic intervention is the nucleocapsid 7 protein of the
physiologically relevant.73 One of the highly conserved cysteines human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Specific inactivation of
(Cys277) in p53 that does not have a direct role in zinc binding is the C2HC zinc finger of this protein was accomplished using
believed to have a direct role in DNA binding.74 Oxidation of specific disulfide compounds as well as other organics like
this cysteine results in a protein that is unable to recognize a p53 azodicarbonamide which are capable of undergoing redox reac-
binding site containing cytosines in the 3' end of the DNA rec- tions with zinc coordinating thiols resulting in zinc ejection and
ognition pentamer but will specifically bind to a pentamer with a loss of activity.77,78
thymine in this position.74 Thus redox reactions are able to Although technically not a zinc finger structure because the
fine-tune the DNA binding specificity of p53. zinc ion selected for drug design is involved in catalysis, the search
Another example of a zinc finger protein whose activity is regu- for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) inhibitors is instructive in
lated by redox reactions is the heat shock protein (HSP) 33 which the discussion of zinc-targeted intervention therapies. Human
is a bacterial chaperone whose activity is stimulated by cellular macrophage elastase plays an important role in inflammatory pro-
oxidative stress.75 This protein has a unique C2C2 zinc finger that cesses and is believed to be involved in the destruction of elastase
binds zinc in the inactivated state. When a cell is subjected to in lung alveolar tissues in emphysema. The crystal structure of a
oxidative stress, the zinc coordinating cysteines become oxidized hydroxamic acid inhibitor with the zinc catalytic site of this en-
resulting in zinc ejection. This cysteine oxidation and loss of zinc zyme reveals a number of structural requirements for such
results in a protein conformational change that converts the pro- zinc-targeted therapies.79 This structure reveals that positioning
tein to its activated chaperone conformation where it can now of the hydroxamic acid zinc chelator group of the inhibitor is
help maintain the proper conformation of other critical proteins dependent upon precise hydrogen bonding of the inhibitor polar
necessary for cell survival. Zinc finger reactivities are a direct re- groups with elastase amino acid side chains as well as interactions
sult of the unique coordination chemistry present at the confor- between a hydrophobic pocket in the enzyme active site with an
mational active sites of these proteins. These active centers repre- aromatic group on the inhibitor.79 This combination of unique
sent a paradoxical state for the cell. Although the zinc ions protein-inhibitor interactions contributes to the strength and
themselves are not redox active, the cysteine residues and espe- specificity of inhibitor binding and such information gleaned from
cially zinc-bound thiolates responsible for metal coordination and this study is applicable to other zinc-targeted therapies as well.
Zinc Finger Interactions with Metals and Other Small Molecules 45

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Synthetic Zinc Finger Transcription Factors

Nicoletta Corbi, Valentina Libri and Claudio Passananti*

the amino-terminal part of the α helix.9 In particular, a “code”

he possibility of using designed transcription factors to
control gene expression is highly appealing in view of a that relates the amino acids of a single zinc finger to its associated
wide range of promising applications in research and bio- DNA target has been proposed for a variety of zinc finger do-
medicine. In the last decade, the efforts of several research groups mains.10-12 Using and expanding this “code” several research
have clarified the molecular interactions between zinc finger pro- groups have recently engineered and/or selected peptides con-
teins and DNA, generating a “recognition code” that relates taining zinc finger domains able to recognize and to bind specific
amino acids in specific positions of the finger domain to its DNA DNA sequences. These peptides represent DNA binding mod-
target sequence. This chapter describes the methods to design ules that can act as artificial transcription factors when fused to
artificial zinc finger transcription factors using the “code” and an appropriate effector domain.13 Therefore, synthetic ZFP TFs
recent novel selection approaches. Efficacy and possible applica- represent the feasibility of “gene regulation on demand” in higher
tions of artificial transcription factors are discussed. eukaryotes, opening great opportunities for genome analysis and
control. Moreover, zinc finger peptides can act as RNA-binding
modules, enlarging the number of the their possible applications
Introduction in biotechnologies and molecular medicine.14-17
Despite the sequencing and the analysis of the genome of dif-
ferent organisms, the mechanisms by which a peculiar cell type
coordinates gene regulation remain largely unknown. The com- Evolution of the Recognition Code Concept
plex process of eukaryotic gene expression requires integration of Despite the great variety of structural domains, the specificity
various events, accurately selected in million of years of evolu- of interactions observed between protein and DNA is most fre-
tion. These events include: the assembly of general transcription quently due to the complementarity of the surfaces of a protein α
factors, the recruitment of theh transcription machinery to the helix and the major groove of DNA.18 With regards to the recur-
promoter, utilization of cofactor-complexes involved in activa- ring physical interaction of α helix and major groove, it has seemed
tion or repression and chromatin remodeling.1-4 Transcription feasible to describe contacts between particular amino acids and
regulation is mainly achieved through the action of proteins known DNA bases by a simple set of rules that can be combined to form
as transcription factors (TF), commonly organized in two sepa- a stereochemical recognition code. Among the variety of DNA
rable modules: a DNA binding domain (DBD) capable of target- binding domains, the C2H2 zinc finger motif has represented an
ing specific DNA sequences and an effector domain (ED) ca- attractive motif as it is structurally well characterized and it pre-
pable of regulating at different levels the multiprotein machinery, sents distinct DNA binding properties.19-21 ZFP domains dis-
that directs transcription. Transcription factors represent 6% of play only minimal cooperativity, so each finger recognizes a DNA
all the proteins in the human genome.5 In the large class of DNA sequence with relative independence. An understanding of the
binding molecules the Cys2His2 (C2H2) zinc finger domain, with interactions between ZFP domain and its DNA target sequence
the 4,500 examples so far identified, represents the most frequently was initially guided by the analysis of sequence homology be-
encoded motif in the human genome. In particular, C2H2 zinc tween individual fingers from the same protein, or from differ-
finger proteins (ZFP) provide a simple and versatile framework ent, though related, proteins. Site directed mutagenesis experi-
favorable to design and select novel DNA binding proteins that ments, that substituted the non homologous α helix residues,
recognize desired target sequences.6-8 The C2H2 zinc finger do- were able to change the specificity of the mutant finger.6,22-25
main is a compact motif of 28-30 amino acids, that comprises an Thus, the analysis of the available large database of zinc finger
α helix containing two invariant histidine residues coordinated sequence and the rational mutagenesis revealed some
through a zinc atom to two cysteines of a single β turn. The x-ray base-contacting positions even before the solution of the Zif268
crystal structures of the three zinc finger domains of the tran- crystal structure. The determination of Zif268 protein/DNA com-
scription factor Zif268 bound to its DNA target site, reveal that plex at 2.1Å was the basis for many subsequent studies, and Zif268
an individual finger domain binds essentially three base pairs of has proved to be a very useful model system for understanding
double stranded DNA sequence with specific contacts through how C2H2 ZFPs recognize DNA.21 The crystal structure shows

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
48 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. Interactions between Zif268 and its DNA target. Schematic

diagram of modular recognition between the three zinc fingers of Zif268
and the triplet subsites of its DNA target, after the resolution at 2.1 Å.21
Straight arrows indicate the stereochemical juxtapositioning of recogni- Figure 2. Table of recognition code. a) Amino acids located at the key
tion residues with bases of the contacted sense DNA strand. The ZFP positions in the zinc finger α helix (-1,+2,+3,+6) are listed in a matrix
binds to DNA in an antiparallel mode since the N-terminal finger (F1) relating to the four bases at each position of a DNA subsite. Amino acid
contacts the 3' end of the DNA. Reprinted from Isalan M, Choo Y, Klug residues that arise recurrently from phage display selections are in bold,
A. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1997; 94(11):5617-21. Copyright (1997) and asterisks indicate interactions observed in structural studies. Some
National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. correspondences are still uncertain (indicated by question mark) or poorly
defined (left blank). This figure was adapted from reference 8. b) Sche-
the three Zif268 fingers wrap around the DNA in an antiparallel matic diagram of contacts between a ZFP and its DNA binding site
mode and each finger has a similar relation to the DNA with a including cross-strand interactions. Recognition contacts between each
simple pattern of interactions. In each finger three amino acids, finger (position +2) and the antisense DNA strand (shown by curly
in position -1, +3 and +6 of the α helix, contact three adjacent arrows) mean that each finger binds overlapping 4-bp subsites.
bases (three-base subsite) in one strand of DNA duplex. Con-
tiguous zinc fingers recognize adjacent, but independent subsites Several rounds of selection, with modified Zif268 target se-
(Fig. 1). This was the first simplest description of the mode of quence mutated in the middle triplet, returned a number of re-
DNA recognition: a one-to-one interaction between amino acids lated zinc fingers that bind the given DNA target. Choo and Klug
and bases. Dejarlais and Berg were among the earliest to develop confirmed their data backwards performing a SELEX assay (Sys-
a zinc finger-DNA recognition code.21,26 They performed bind- tematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment) in
ing studies on variants of the central zinc finger of Sp1 and com- which zinc fingers, with fixed α helix positions, yield specific DNA
bined in a matrix the correlations between the identity of amino sequence from a randomized pool. By comparing phage display
acid in a contact position and the base pair recognized. They noted and SELEX results, they found some statistically significant cor-
that the discrimination between different bases is rarely absolute relations summarized in a matrix. This code table was subsequently
thus introducing the concept of the degeneracy of the code. They enriched to obtain the version shown in Figure 2a.8;34 X-ray crys-
distinguished between a prediction code that enables the predic- tallographic studies of selected ZFPs have confirmed that some
tion of the DNA sequence to which a given natural ZFP would
“coded contacts” occurs in the designed and selected ZFP vari-
optimally bind, and a simpler design code that would allow for
ants. These data are consistent with physical basis of a stereochemi-
the construction of a protein that would bind a desired DNA
sequence. A certain grade of degeneracy in binding specificity cal recognition code.34-37
may be tolerated or perhaps even desired for designing ZFPs. Subsequent studies (other phage display selections, higher reso-
A step forward in the construction of a code was obtained by lution of Zif268/DNA crystal structure and the resolution of other
the introduction of a selection system that allowed the isolation of ZFP/DNA complexes) shaded light on the role of a fourth amino
desirable mutants with new specificity from a large pool of ran- acid position in base specification, the position +2.30-32,38-43 The
domized ZFPs: the phage display system.10-12,27-33 In this system, amino acid in position +2 of one finger, usually an aspartic acid
the zinc finger-binding domains are fused to a truncated version of or a serine, makes a direct contact with the base at the 5' of ad-
gene III coat protein of phage M13, thus leading to their expres- joining triplet on the antisense strand. This observation involved
sion on the tip of the capsid. Phage, displaying the peptides, can be a partial redefinition of binding subsites for each finger as an
sorted by repeated binding and elution from affinity matrices con- overlapping four base pair subsite (Fig. 2b), and therefore sequence
taining different DNA target sequences. The Pabo group and specificity at the boundary between subsites arises from synergy
Jamieson et al created a library of Zif268 variants randomizing the between adjacent fingers.
four positions of the first finger (-1, +2, +3, +6) and selected them The utility of the code is that new DNA binding proteins
against the Zif268 target with a single modified triplet. Led by the could be constructed by referring to a list of amino acid-base
idea of the importance of the context, Choo and Klug performed contacts simply substituting the appropriate residues in position
more extensive randomization of the α helix (-1, +1, +2, +3, +5, -1, +2, +3, +6 in a standard ZFP scaffold. Designs based on the
+6, +8) of Zif268 central finger.6 code have had a number of applications.26,44-49 Corbi et al have
Synthetic Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 49

promoter, providing an easy and rapid “shot-gun” approach even

with no chromatin structural information on target genes.

Selection and Assembly of Single Zinc Finger

Domains As Building Blocks
The modularity in both structure and function of zinc finger
domain suggested that linking together single domains of known
specificity could create novel DNA-binding proteins. Three suc-
cessful construction methods have been described: parallel selec-
tion, sequential selection, and bipartite selection.55-57

Parallel Selection
This approach (Fig. 4a) preselects individual monomers by
phage display and subsequently combines them into three-ZFPs.
In particular, two Zif268 fixed fingers (anchor fingers), the first
and the third one, ensure the correct positioning on target site,
Figure 3. Table of nondegenerate recognition code. The table allows while the middle finger is randomized in the crucial positions.29
identification of one specific amino acid at each of positions: -1, +2, +3, To date, using parallel selection, Barbas group described zinc fin-
and +6 of the α-helical region of the zinc-finger domain from the over- ger domains that recognize 30 different trinucleotides compris-
lapping 4-bp target sequence in a given DNA target. The depicted cor- ing the GNN and ANN subsets (where N is any one of the four
respondences between amino acid and base are derived from observed nucleotides).38,39,58-60 These selected “monomers” supply prefab-
X-ray crystal structures contacts and from potential amino acid-base ricated building blocks that can be “stitched” together.59 This
interactions. The correspondences suggested exclusively in nondegenerate method had several applications in the construction of artificial
code (not reported in the degenerate code table) are indicated with transcription factors that modulate the expression of diverse tar-
asterisks. get genes even at the endogenous chromosomal site (Table
1).7,13,39,58,61,62 The following two approaches address the prob-
published two papers in which ZFPs were rationally designed to lems dealing with target sites overlap and cooperativity in zinc
bind arbitrary DNA sequences.45,46 These ZFPs bind to the pre- finger-DNA recognition.
dicted sequence with a fairly strong affinity. As a proof of speci-
ficity, the proteins selected strictly related sequences among ran- Sequential Selection
domized ones in SELEX experiments. The results were In this system (Fig. 4b) critical amino acid positions of indi-
encouraging as they validate some of the rules derived from the vidual zinc finger domains are randomized sequentially in the
code. The design based on the code is a valid alternative to selec- context of two “anchor” fingers.32 Thus, finger three of Zif268
tion approach, even considering further level of complexity due protein is substituted by the library represented by randomized
to context-dependent effects such as synergy between adjacent finger one (F1R). After the primary selection against the first three
fingers.36,50-53 Sera and Uranga proposed a rapid creation scheme, nucleotides, the N-terminal anchor finger is removed and the
based on a nondegenerate code (Fig. 3) to develop new ZFPs library of finger two (F2R) is cloned at the C-terminus of the
with satisfactory binding properties in a “high-through-put man- newly selected finger one (F1S), which now is in the central posi-
ner”.54 This method will enable manipulation of gene expres- tion. The F2R library is selected to bind the next three nucle-
sions by screening multiple ZFP TFs for multiple sites in a given otides in the DNA sequence. After one additional round of

Figure 4. Strategies for selecting ZFPs with new

DNA-binding specificities. Randomized fingers
are indicated by superscript R (FR). The fingers
selected against the DNA subsites are indicated
by superscript S (FS). The hypothetical new bind-
ing site is indicated as 5'-ABC DEF GHI- 3'. a)
Parallel selections of middle fingers from
premade libraries are followed by a splicing step
to make a new three-ZFPs. b) Sequential selec-
tions of zinc finger. Following each selection
step, a new C-terminal finger library is cloned
into the construct. In this way, a growing chain
of new peptide “walks” across the gene of inter-
est. c) In bipartite strategy, selections are carried
out from two premade half libraries. Following
which, the two selected zinc finger portions are
spliced together and a further round of selection
produces a new three-ZFP.55
50 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Genes regulated using designed ZFP TFs

Target Effector
Gene Reporter Endogenous ZFP-DBD Used Domain Activation Repression References

BCR-ABL √ 3-finger VP16 √ Choo et al (1994)

BCR-ABL √ 3-finger None √ Choo et al (1994)

erB-2 √ 3-finger KRAB,ERD, √ Beerli et al (1998)

and 6-finger SID
Utrophin √ 3-finger Gal4 and √ Corbi et al (2000)
MDR1 √ 5-finger KRAB √ Bartsevich et al (2000)
(two copies)
Erytropoietin √ √ 3-finger VP16 √ √ Zhang et al (2000)
erB-2 √ √ 6-finger VP64 √ Beerli et al (2000)
(VP16 x 4) Dreier et al (2001)

erB-3 √ √ 6-finger VP64 √ Beerli et al (2000)

(VP16 x 4) Dreier et al (2001)

VEGF-√ √ √ 3-finger VP16 and √ √ Liu et al (2001)

PPARγ1,2 √ 6-finger KRAB √ Ren et al (2002)

VEGF-A * √ 6-finger VP16 √ Rebar et al (2002)

bax √ √ 3-finger VP16 √ Falke et al (2003)

and 5-finger
IE HSV-1 √ √ 6-finger KRAB √ Papworth et al (2003)

HIV-1 Tat √ √ 3-fingers KRAB √ Reynolds et al (2003)

and 6-finger
IGF2 √ 3-finger VP16 and √ Jouvenot et al (2003)
H19 √ 3-finger VP16 and √ Jouvenot et al (2003)
Features of artificial ZFP TFs and related target genes are listed. From the first column on the left: “Target genes”, including both
mammalian and viral genes; “Reporter”, the transcription modulation has been tested, in cell lines, using transiently transfected
reporter constructs; “Endogenous”, the transcription modulation has been tested, in cell lines, on either stably integrated reporter
constructs and/or on the chromosomal gene locus (asterisk indicates the unique example of whole mouse organism targeting);
“ZFP-DBD used”, number of zinc finger domains; “Effector Domain”, type of functional domain; “Activation/Repression” of

exchanges, a new three-finger protein is created in which all of lections the two selected zinc finger portions are spliced together
the fingers (F1S F2S F3S) have been selected in the context of the to make a novel three-ZFP.64
finger next to it.
Alternative Strategies
Bipartite Selection Alternative strategies for selecting ZFPs have used a yeast
This method (Fig. 4c) combines the advantages of the two one-hybrid and a bacterial two hybrid selection systems.65,66 These
preceding methods and overcome incompatibilities at the inter- systems show two useful features: the selection is performed in
face between adjacent fingers.63 According to this method selec- the context of living cells and the best proteins can be obtained
tions are carried out in parallel from two premade “half ” librar- through a one-step selection. In addition, a novel selection sys-
ies, in which one-and-a-half fingers of the three-finger Zif268 are tem using mammalian cultured cells has been recently described.67
randomized. Selection of these two libraries is carried out at the Efforts in synthetic ZFPs design have also been focused on the
same time against DNA sequences, in which half of the Zif268 assembly of ZFPs with more than three fingers.14,57,68 In order to
target site is replaced by the sequence of interest. After these se- assembly such polydactyl ZFPs two strategies have been described:
Synthetic Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 51

connecting sets of fingers using linkers (covalent), or assem-

bling sets of fingers using dimerization domains
(noncovalent).13,39,49,61,68-86 Computer graphics modeling, with
Zif268/DNA complex, suggested the possibility of connecting
two three-finger proteins using the conserved five-residue
(TGEKP) linkers that join the fingers in many naturally occur- Figure 5. Archetype structure of a designed ZFP TF. A specific antibody
ring multi-finger domains.69,71 Other designs have tested a longer, epitope (TAG) precedes a nuclear localization signal (NLS). A designed
flexible or structured, linker to address the problem of the zinc finger DNA binding domain (DBD) is followed by a desired effec-
nonmatching helical periodicity of the zinc fingers versus B-DNA. tor domain (ED).
Indeed, the periodicity gets progressively out of phase when there
are more than three fingers.70,77 These longer linkers appear to
enhance binding specificity.65,74,80 The noncovalent approach Regulation of Gene Expression by Artificial
involves the use of dimerization domains to bring together two ZFP TFs: Applications
separate ZFPs. ZFPs fused either to Gal4 dimerization domain There are several ways to alter gene expression in vivo. The
or to leucine zipper can dimerize and bind a longer DNA tar- transgenesis of cDNA encoding a gene of interest can lead to an
get.83,85 Dimeric complexes can also form when ZFPs are fused increase of its mRNA level in the cell, homologous recombina-
to steroid hormone receptor ligand-binding domains (LBDs). The tion methods can be used to ablate gene expression entirely, while
LBDs are inactive until ligand is added externally, thus allowing the use of antisense reagents, rybozimes, or RNAi allow the low-
the chemical control activity of the ZFP TFs. ering of mRNA levels to different degrees.17,91-93 An alternative
approach consists of the direct transcriptional regulation of a tar-
Affinity, Specificity and Efficacy of Artificial get endogenous locus. Several strategies can be followed for this
purpose. The design of ZFPs with novel DNA-binding specifity
ZFP TFs is the most versatile to target any desired locus to either up-regulate
One of the crucial points in designing and selecting synthetic
or down-regulate gene expression.8,57 To this end, the DNA bind-
zinc finger peptides regards the calibration of correct binding af-
ing domain can be fused to a repertoire of functional domains
finity/specificity. In the cell environment a transcription factor is
such as VP16, p65, for activation, KRAB, Sid for repression (Fig.
often able to bind multiple DNA targets with different degrees of
5).17 The modular feature of ZFP-DNA recognition makes suc-
affinity, exerting in this way an additional level of transcriptional
cessful the “mix and match” approach, in which both natural fin-
regulation.87 It is possible that binding too tightly is unfavourable
for the transcription modulation.13,88 It is likely that DNA bind- gers, with known site preferences, and synthetic fingers, with se-
ing specificity in relation to multiple DNA binding sites has been lected binding sites, are linked together to produce multifinger
accurately calibrated during evolution so that any TF can cor- proteins with the proper affinity for the chosen DNA target.13,17,94
rectly work in the proper pathways. Artificial TFs that are ideally Choo and Klug led the way in the realization of artificial ZFPs
realized to target a single promoter can by chance have multiple based on both coded contacts and selection.48 In particular, they
DNA targets, even if only a small portion of these potential sites engineered a synthetic three-ZFP able to bind specifically the
in the genome will be accessible to TFs. In some favorable cases, unique nine base pair region of the BCR-ABL fusion oncogene,
the binding of a single ZFP to a DNA consensus site can lead to generated by chromosomal breakpoints in acute lymphoblastic
the simultaneous regulation of multiple desired genes. Assuming leukaemia. In transfected cell lines the artificial ZFP able to tar-
random base distribution, a 9 bp long DNA target sequence is get BCR-ABL sequence, led to BCR-ABL mRNA reduction. The
present in the human genome (≅ 3.5 x 109 bp) about 1.3 x 104 authors hypothesized that this is due to sequence specific binding
times.13,47,61 Statistically, a target sequence must be at least 16 bp of the ZFP and subsequent obstruction of the RNA polymerase
long to be unique in the human genome. For this reason Barbas II path. Since then, several studies have shown that designer ZFPs
group and other groups generated six finger polydactyl TFs that can regulate transcription of a target gene (Table
can specify 18 bp recognition.13,61,69,89 The increased length of 1).13,16,17,47,48,61,62,65,95-101 Our group engineered several synthetic
the target sequence in principle should determine a proportional three-ZFPs on the basis of the recognition code selected by sev-
increase of the DNA binding affinity. Nonetheless, on the basis eral research groups. One of these genes, named Jazz, was con-
of certain “mysterious” properties of ZFPs, in some cases in vitro structed to target the promoter of utrophin, a dystrophin related
affinities of three and six finger proteins, toward their respective gene, with the aim to up-regulate the expression level of utrophin
binding sites, are practically equivalent. This could be due to an in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), complementing in
unfavourable cooperativity between certain fingers in binding long this way the lack of dystrophin functions.47 Chimeric proteins,
sequences.90 generated by the fusion of the three-ZFP with both
On the other hand, many other aspects of the artificial TFs Gal4-activation domain and the natural Sp1 protein were able to
must be simultaneously estimated to guarantee the optimum level drive the transcription of a test gene specifically from the human
of gene expression from a given target site in a given cell type. utrophin promoter.
Aspects to consider include: (i) the nature of the effector domain, Kang and Kim reported that ZFPs drive regulation of both
(ii) the position of the target site with respect to the target pro- transiently transfected and stably integrated reporter genes with
moter, (iii) the accessibility of the factors to the target site in en- comparable efficiency, despite important elements affecting tran-
dogenous chromatin location.88 The regulation of the correct scription factor-DNA interaction, such as chromatin structure.94
concentration in the proper “latitude” of the artificial TFs is also Bartsevich and Juliano selected artificial ZFP TFs able to regu-
desirable. For this purpose, various systems have been developed.8 late the transcription of the MDR1 multidrug resistance gene
In conclusion, all these notions indicate that designer ZFP TFs directly in the chromosomal context.65 Beerli et al selected
need to be empirically tested for both the DNA binding proper- six-finger Sp1-based ZFPs able to target and to regulate the en-
ties and the trans-activation ability.47 dogenous erB-2 and erB-3 protoncogenes, frequently
52 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

overexpressed in human cancers.13,38,61 Significantly, regulation In addition, artificial ZFPs could be selected by ZFP libraries
of the two genes was highly specific, despite the fact that bind- on the basis of an induced improved phenotype. Such ZFPs could
ing sites targeted by erB-2 and erbB-3 share 15 of 18 nucle- also be used to regulate the expression of uncharacterized genes
otides. Moreover, they also obtained an inducible expression of leading to identifying new genes and determining their role.67
the artificial ZFPs, which is particularly useful in both gene
therapy and understanding of biological mechanisms. ZFPs and RNA
Liu et al synthesized a panel of ZFPs to target the endogenous The relevance of RNAs in many biological processes has gen-
locus of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF-A), a specific erated great interest in designing sequence-specific RNA-binding
inducer of new blood vessel growth, involved in a variety of medi- molecules.46,103,104 In particular, ZFPs selected to bind RNA, fused
cal conditions.96 They demonstrated that combinations of to appropriate modules, can regulate gene expression at different
three-ZFPs targeted to distinct-adjacent chromosomal sites linked levels, interfering with alternative splicing, RNA trafficking and
to either VP16 or p65 were acting synergistically on VEGF-A stability.105
activation. Moreover, they compared the behaviour of ZFPs tar- Using a phage display approach Friesen et al reported on the
geted to accessible regions (identified by DNAase I hypersensi- amino acid requirements for the binding of TFIIIA to 5S RNA,
tivity assay) with ZFPs targeted to inaccessible regions. While no demonstrating that some RNA/α helix contacts are identical to
evident differences were detected using naked reporter constructs, DNA contacts made by C2H2 zinc fingers.106 Their results indi-
a clear difference in the activity of the endogenous VEGF-A gene cated that zinc finger recognition of RNA might be similar to
was seen, thus emphasizing the importance of chromatin struc- DNA. However more than DNA, RNAs, on the basis of their
ture status. A similar approach was followed to activate the en- rich repertoire of possible tertiary structures, display surfaces that
dogenous erythropoietin gene (EPO), suggesting the possibility resemble protein motifs. It has been observed that proteins and
of recruiting designed ZFPs to a site of interest in order to re- RNA can undergo peculiar conformational changes only in the
model the chromatin and regulate transcription.95 context of the complex RNA/protein.107 This characteristic gives
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ2 (PPARγ2) has the opportunity to design zinc fingers using structurebased strat-
been used as an interesting example of knockdown expression. egies. McColl used this structure-based approach to design
PPARγ2 is nuclear hormonal receptor, whose expression was se- RNA-binding zinc fingers that recognize the HIV- REV response
lectively repressed by a designed ZFP. This ZFP distinguishes element (RRE).108 An arginine-rich α helix from HIV REV was
between the two isoforms γ1 and γ2, leading to determine an inserted into the middle zinc finger of Zif268 framework. The
unique role of PPARγ2 isoform for a correct adipogenesis.97 This resulting hybrid zinc finger-REV was able to fold in a zinc de-
kind of study could be functional for the design of a specific drug pendent manner and binds specifically to the RRE. NMR ex-
able to affect only the desired isoform.14 Customized ZFP TFs periments data provide evidences that monomeric zinc fingers
were also able to inhibit transcription of viral DNA and therefore can recognize specific nucleic acids demonstrating once again the
viral replication. Klug and colleagues designed ZFPs targeted to modular nature of the zinc finger motif.109 In particular, it seems
the viral immediate-early promoter (IE) of HSV-1 that were able to contact RNA into major groove through an extensive protein
to reduce the viral titer by about 90%.99 Similarly, they obtained interface, involving probably not only the α helix, but also the β
repression of the HIV-1 LTR promoter and inhibition of HIV-1 sheet of the zinc finger-binding surface. Moreover several studies
replication.100 These results are promising for biotherapies to face have demonstrated that tethering of multiple binding modules
viral infections. can enhance RNA binding affinity and specificity, a strategy simi-
Juliano et al reported data on an artificial transcription factor larly used in DNA recognition.104
able to stimulate the expression of the endogenous pro-apoptotic
gene bax, one of the p53 targets.101 They propose the induction
of bax gene as valuable tool in cancer chemotherapy, by dimin- ZFPs and Plants
ishing survival of p53-deficient tumor cells. The manipulation of plants is an important issue with appli-
All these data regarding the possibility to reprogram the ex- cations in basic plant biology research and agricultural biotech-
pression of an endogenous gene target seem to predict that engi- nologies.110 Transgenesis has been the most common method to
neered transcription factors could be effective in a whole organ- overexpress a gene in plants. Engineered ZFP TFs represent a
ism model. Indeed, expression of an artificial ZFP TF in a mouse novel promising tool to alter the expression of specific target genes,
ear model (delivered by adeno-vectors) led to induction of the in order to get healthier or more nutritious crop plants.111,112
VEGF-A, demonstrating for the first time the feasibility of regu- Genes related to disease/stress resistance could be turned on, while
lating, in vivo, crucial biological processes as angiogenesis.98 These genes related to pathologic status or to the production of
data underline the potential therapeutic effects of designer TFs. anti-nutritive proteins could be turned off.113 Importantly, to re-
In this context, Kim group proposed the elegant “GeneGrip” duce or eliminate a gene expression in plants is not easy, since to
method based on screening of “natural” zinc fingers from human date no natural modular repressors have been identified. How-
genome, in order to use them as modular building blocks in the ever, foreign repressor domains may function in plants. The mam-
generation of novel ZFPs.102 A naturally occurring linker sequence malian repressor domain KRAB appears to be a poor candidate
was used to connect individual zinc fingers. Microarrays with cell for gene regulation in plants, since it is not found in organisms
lines stable transfected with engineered ZFPs permit to monitor such as Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Saccharo-
the specificity of their action on a genome wide scale. More im- myces cerevisiae. By contrast, the Sid domain (Sin3A interaction
portantly, ZFPs constructed by shuffling naturally occurring hu- domain) interacts with the highly conserved Sin3A and is there-
man zinc fingers may be optimal in therapeutic applications in fore a promising effector domain to regulate endogenous plant
terms of reducing host immune response. genes.111
Synthetic Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 53

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TFIIIA and p43: Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA

Paul J. Romaniuk


FIIIA and p43 are multifunctional zinc finger proteins genes encoding the large rRNAs undergo 1000X amplification
that share a specific affinity for 5S ribosomal RNA. In in order to provide the necessary transcriptional capacity. The
this chapter I summarize over 25 years of research that expression of these amplified genes begins during the later,
highlights the similarities and differences in the RNA binding vitellogenic phase of oogenesis and provides the quantity of large
activity of these two proteins. rRNA required for ribosome assembly. The genes encoding the
5S rRNA component do not undergo amplification, but instead
Introduction are completely derepressed and transcribed throughout oogen-
esis. During the previtellogenic stages of oogenesis, when expres-
In the immature oocytes of Xenopus laevis, other amphibia and
sion of the large rRNA genes is low the excess 5S rRNA that
teleost fish, 5S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is transcribed in large
accumulates is sequestered in the cytoplasm (Fig. 1).2 The accu-
amounts and stored in the cytoplasm as ribonucleoprotein par-
mulated 5S rRNA is stored in two RNPs, one which sediments at
ticles (RNPs). In the case of Xenopus, approximately half of the
7S3 and one which sediments at 42S.4 As the vitellogenic phase
cytoplasmic 5S rRNA is stored in a 7S RNP bound in a 1:1 com-
of oogenesis proceeds, the 5S rRNA is imported to the nucleolus
plex with the protein TFIIIA, while the other half of the cyto-
where it is assembled into the large ribosomal subunit.
plasmic 5S rRNA is stored in a 42S RNP bound in a 1:1 complex
The 7S RNP consists of a bimolecular complex of 5S rRNA
with the protein p43. Although TFIIIA and p43 both bind to 5S
bound to TFIIIA, the 5S rRNA gene-specific transcription fac-
rRNA and each has 9 tandem zinc fingers, there is a remarkable
tor.5 Expression of the TFIIIA gene is under developmental regu-
lack of amino acid sequence homology between the two proteins
lation.5-8 The levels of TFIIIA produced in immature oocytes (ap-
outside of the conserved elements required to fold the zinc finger
proximately 1012 molecules/oocyte) are sufficient to sequester the
5S rRNA in the cytoplasm. In the very late stages of oogenesis,
In addition to forming a 5S rRNA storage particle, TFIIIA
the stored 5S rRNA is used for ribosome assembly and the re-
also acts as an RNA polymerase III transcription factor by bind-
leased TFIIIA is degraded. After fertilization, the level of mRNA
ing to the internal control region of the 5S rRNA gene. It there-
fore has a specific DNA binding activity as well as a specific RNA
binding activity. The p43 protein has no known DNA binding
activity. In the 42S RNP, p43 interacts with the p48 protein com-
ponent of this particle as well as the 5S rRNA.
One of the questions that has occupied my research lab is “what
are the similarities and differences in the mechanisms by which
TFIIIA and p43 interact with nucleic acids?” Ours has been a
very detailed approach to this question, using quantitative equi-
librium binding assays and targeted mutagenesis of the nucleic
acids and proteins in order to identify critical residues required
for the formation of these specific protein-RNA complexes. In
the case of TFIIIA, we have also been interested in understanding
the similarities and differences in the binding of the protein to
DNA and RNA. Before describing twenty years of research into
these intriguing questions, I’ll begin by describing the biology of
the system we are investigating.

5S rRNA Synthesis and Storage during

Two strategies are used to ensure there are sufficient quantities
of RNA components for the burst of ribosome assembly in the
later stages of oogenesis (see review by Denis and le Maire). 1 The Figure 1. Metabolism of 5S rRNA during oogenesis in Xenopus laevis.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
TFIIIA and p43: Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA 57

encoding TFIIIA drops dramatically during embryogenesis and

the level of TFIIIA protein is reduced to approximately 104 mol- Table 1. Comparison of equilibrium binding
ecules per somatic cell. This level of the transcription factor is in parameters for the interaction of TFIIIA
excess to the approximately 800 somatic 5S rRNA genes that are with the 5S rRNA gene and 5S RNA at 22° C
actively being transcribed, and the formation of a 7S RNP in
somatic cells acts as part of a feedback regulatory mechanism that
Parameter 5S rRNA Gene 5S rRNA
couples production of 5S rRNA and ribosomal protein L5.8-13
The 42S RNP consists of tRNA, 5S rRNA, and the proteins
Ka 1.90 × 109 M-1 1.4 × 109 M-1
p43 and p48.14 The 7S RNP contains about half of the oocyte 5S
rRNA, while the 42S RNP contains the other half of the 5S rRNA ∆G° –12.4 kcal mol-1 –12.1 kcal mol-1
and 90% of the oocyte tRNA. The components of the 42S RNP ∆H° –12.1 kcal mol-1 –8.3 kcal mol-1
∆S° +1.23 cal deg-1 mol-1 +13.1 cal deg-1 mol-1
are found in the molar ratio 3:1:2:1 for tRNA:5S
rRNA:p48:p43.14 The p48 protein binds to tRNA and is a ho- half life 15.3 min 25.7 min
mologue of elongation factor EF-1α.15,16 The p43 protein binds
to 5S rRNA and was subsequently shown to be a zinc finger pro- complex dissociates more slowly than the complex of TFIIIA
tein.17 The 42S RNP is a tetramer of a fundamental 15S particle bound to the 5S rRNA gene, consistent with the biological roles
that contains the four protein and RNA components in the ratio of the two complexes. The RNA-protein complex is used to store
given above.1,14,18 In addition, the presence of minor protein com- excess 5S rRNA in the cytoplasm of oocytes and might be ex-
ponents can account for approximately 10 to 30% of the total pected to be reasonably resistant to dissociation, while the
protein of the 42S RNP.1,14 DNA-protein complex should be more readily dissociated to al-
While the sole biological role of the 7S RNP appears to be low for feedback regulation of transcription. The formation of
storage of 5S rRNA until it is required for ribosome assembly, the the TFIIIA-5S rRNA complex at 22°C is favored by both en-
42S RNP may fulfill several roles. The tRNA in the 42S RNP is thalpy and entropy, while formation of the TFIIIA-DNA com-
aminoacylated, and there appears to be free exchange with tRNA plex is favored by enthalpy. In addition to the parameters listed
in the cytoplasm. There is evidence that the 42S RNP carries in Table 1, we also found that the pH optima for both interac-
aminoacyl tRNAs directly to ribosomes in the oocyte.16 There- tions are very similar, but the DNA-protein complex is some-
fore the 42S RNP is involved in regulating the pool of tRNA in what more sensitive to the monovalent salt concentration of the
the oocyte and may act as translation factor during protein bio- binding buffer than the RNA-protein complex. The establish-
synthesis. ment of these equilibrium binding assays and the understanding
In the latter stages of oogenesis, 5S rRNA stored in the cyto- that we obtained about the similarities and differences in the equi-
plasm must be imported into the nucleus for assembly into 60S librium binding of TFIIIA to the two nucleic acids were impor-
ribosomal subunits. When bound to 5S rRNA, the nuclear im- tant for the experiments that followed.
port signal of TFIIIA is masked and 7S RNPs are excluded from The binding site for TFIIIA on DNA lies within the coding
the nucleus.12,13 The form of 5S rRNA that is imported into the part of the 5S rRNA gene.26-28 Within this “internal control re-
nucleolus and assembled into ribosomal subunits is a 5S RNP gion” there are three distinct promoter elements (Fig. 2), with
that consists of the RNA bound to ribosomal protein L5.12,19-22 the intermediate and box C elements being essential for the bind-
Importation of stored somatic 5S rRNA may occur more rapidly ing of TFIIIA.29,30 One of our initial goals for studying the
than oocyte 5S rRNA in the early phases of ribosome assembly.23 TFIIIA-5S rRNA interaction was to determine the precise loca-
Once there is sufficient L5 protein in the oocyte, newly synthe- tion of the binding site for the protein on the RNA. Footprinting
sized 5S rRNA is likely incorporated directly into ribosomes, by- proteins on RNA is not as straightforward as footprinting
passing the cytoplasmic route entirely. DNA-protein complexes for a number of reasons. The nuclease
and chemical reagents used for footprinting RNA-protein com-
plexes are influenced not only by their particular sequence speci-
Interaction of TFIIIA with 5S rRNA and the ficities, but are also influenced by the secondary and tertiary struc-
5S rRNA Gene ture of the RNA. As a result, it is difficult to get uniform cleavage
In 1980 TFIIIA was identified as the protein component of patterns on “naked” RNA, which makes footprinting a protein
the 7S RNP, thus raising the question of how a single protein bound to the RNA more difficult in turn. In addition, nicking an
could form strong, specific interactions with the 5S rRNA gene RNA molecule at a site outside the protein binding region may
and the 5S rRNA transcript.5 The results of exhaustive experi- disrupt the structure of the RNA, leading to dissociation of the
mental testing have demonstrated clearly that the modes of bind- protein-RNA complex. Therefore it is necessary in many cases to
ing of TFIIIA to DNA and RNA are distinctly different. Differ- select for RNA still bound to protein after treating with a chemi-
ent zinc fingers on the protein are involved in forming specific cal or enzymatic reagent in order to be able to detect the foot-
interactions with DNA versus RNA, and different bases and struc- print. Another side effect of disrupting the structure of the RNA
tural features in DNA and RNA are involved in forming the in- by the first nick is the fact that the RNA becomes much more
teractions with TFIIIA. susceptible to cleavage elsewhere, making it necessary to carefully
My lab started exploring the nature of TFIIIA binding to titrate reagents and work out reaction conditions that ensure any
nucleic acids by considering the equilibrium binding properties RNA molecule is only cleaved once. To ensure each putative site
of the protein. We developed a filter binding assay that could represents a unique cleavage on a single RNA molecule, it is nec-
measure the specific interaction of TFIIIA with 5S rRNA and the essary to repeat the experiments with RNA that has been labeled
5S rRNA gene.24,25 We used this assay to quantitatively measure at the 5' end in one case and the 3' end in the other.
the interaction of TFIIIA with both nucleic acid targets under a Keeping these limitations in mind, we used two nucleases to
variety of binding conditions (Table 1). The protein has a slightly footprint TFIIIA on 5S rRNA.31 At the same time, other groups
higher affinity for DNA compared to RNA. The 5S rRNA-TFIIIA were using different reagents to footprint the TFIIIA-5S rRNA
58 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 3. Effects of mutations in 5S rRNA on TFIIIA binding affinity.

Open circles indicate nucleotides that were not tested for importance in
TFIIIA binding. Closed circles represent nucleotides that could be sub-
stituted without significantly decreasing TFIIIA binding affinity. Nucle-
otides shown in normal script occur in areas where the structure (e.g.,
base paired stem) is important for TFIIIA binding, but the actual nucle-
otide sequence is irrelevant. Nucleotides shown in bold occur in regions
where sequence and structure are important for TFIIIA binding.
Figure 2. Footprint of TFIIIA on the 5S rRNA gene and the 5S rRNA.
The box A, intermediate element and box C components of the poly- Veldhoen and Qimin You, three very talented graduate students.
merase III promoter are shown as solid boxes. The footprint on DNA The results obtained with the filter binding assay are summarized
extends from the start of box A to the end of the hatched region down- in Figure 3. Although the effects observed were relatively small in
stream of box C. Base sequence critical for TFIIIA binding is under- magnitude, it is clear that the conserved structure of 5S rRNA is
lined. a main determinant in TFIIIA binding. The mutations with the
greatest effect on TFIIIA binding are clustered in the junction
between the three helical arms of the 5S rRNA.38,43 The nucle-
complex.32-36 The results obtained from these different studies
otides in loop A are particularly critical, even though they do not
were remarkably consistent. The binding site of TFIIIA on 5S
fall within the footprint of TFIIIA on the RNA. Cleavage of the
rRNA as defined by these footprinting experiments is shown in
RNA backbone within loop A also significantly alters the
Figure 2. It was apparent that the footprint of TFIIIA on the 5S
TFIIIA-5S rRNA interaction.44 A three way junction like this
rRNA involved roughly an identical region to the footprint of
controls the coaxial stacking (colinearity in three dimensional
TFIIIA on the 5S rRNA gene. This similarity in the footprint
space) of the three helical arms of an RNA (Fig. 4).45-49 Particu-
areas provided additional motivation to identify the specific nucle-
larly important are the specific base pairs that close the three he-
otides in the RNA and base pairs in the DNA that are critical for lices at loop A, and the stacking of two adenine bases in the loop.38
the binding of TFIIIA. Based upon these results and other studies that compared the
In designing site directed mutations for an RNA ligand of a effects of some of the mutations on the solution structure of the
protein, the effects of any mutation on the overall structure of 5S rRNA,38,45,47 50 we proposed that TFIIIA likely forms a stron-
the RNA have to be taken into account. It is important that the ger interaction with a conformational state of the RNA in which
mutation has a local, predictable effect on the RNA structure in helix II and helix V are colinear. The importance of loop A and
order to draw accurate conclusions about the effect on protein region E sequences for the binding of TFIIIA was also observed
binding. Additionally, mutations that disrupt a base paired stem by the groups of Tomas Pieler and Paul Huber using different
may reduce the binding of a protein either because the specific site-directed mutants of 5S rRNA.51,52
nucleotide sequence that has been changed provides a direct in- The conformation of region E is also essential for TFIIIA bind-
teraction with the protein, or because the base paired stem is an ing (Fig. 3). This region of the 5S rRNA is noncomplementary
important structural element for protein binding. These alterna- and might be expected to be an internal loop of single-stranded
tive effects can be addressed by making double, compensatory nucleotides. However, studies we carried out in collaboration with
mutations that restore a base paired stem but alter the sequence Bernard and Chantal Ehresmann on the solution structure of the
of base pairs. In the case of 5S rRNA, our efforts to probe the oocyte and somatic 5S rRNAs from Xenopus lead to the conclu-
requirement of specific sequence and structural elements for sion that region E is highly structured via the formation of
TFIIIA binding were greatly aided by the well known secondary noncanonical hydrogen bonding interactions.45,46,50 NMR stud-
structure of the RNA. ies by Ignacio Tinoco Jr’s group determined the specific network
Over the course of several years, we constructed and expressed of noncanonical hydrogen bonding interactions that form to give
over 60 site-directed mutations of Xenopus 5S rRNA.21,22,31,37-43 region E its unique structure.53
The effects of these mutations on the in vitro binding of TFIIIA, Because TFIIIA binds to the coding sequence of the 5S rRNA
and the in vivo trafficking of 5S rRNA in the oocyte were as- gene, the set of 5S rRNA genes we constructed to use as tem-
sayed. Most of this work was carried out by Florence Baudin, Nik plates to produce mutant 5S rRNAs could be used to probe the
TFIIIA and p43: Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA 59

Figure 4. Loop A controls the conformation of the three helical arms of

5S rRNA. A wireframe model of the 5S rRNA is shown at left. The
conformation of the loop A region of the RNA is shown at right. The
three base pairs that close the loop are indicated. The two bold residues
are the stacked A11 and A13 nucleotides.

sequence specificity of the TFIIIA-DNA interaction. In essence

we were able to compare the effects of the same mutations on
both nucleic acid binding activities of TFIIIA.37,42 As the results
summarized in Figure 5 show, there is no correlation between the
mutations that reduce the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA,
and those that reduce the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA
gene. The results obtained in similar studies by other groups52,54
are in general agreement with this conclusion. In the case of the
5S rRNA, some single mutations that disrupt a double helical
structure reduced binding by TFIIIA.41 In these cases, the bind- Figure 5. Comparison of the effects of mutations in the 5S rRNA gene
ing could be restored by creating a double mutation that allowed and 5S RNA on TFIIIA binding. For the 5S RNA, the grey bars repre-
for the formation of the double helical stem structure. Such com- sent the effects of a single mutation in a base paired region, while the
pensatory effects were not observed when assaying the binding of striped bar at the same location represents the effect of the compensating
TFIIIA to the same series of mutations in the 5S rRNA gene.42 double mutation. Reprinted with permission from: You Q, Veldhoen
Thus TFIIIA relies upon different sequence and structural fea- N, Baudin F, Romaniuk PJ. Biochemistry 1991; 30: 2495-2500. ©1991
tures of the DNA and RNA ligands in forming specific interac- American Chemical Society.
tions with each. This conclusion was reinforced by studies of point
mutations of the 5S rRNA gene,40 and structural studies of DNase I footprinting. The results of these studies indicated that
TFIIIA-DNA complexes by NMR55 and X-ray crystallography.56 finger 3 made the most significant contribution to the binding of
It seems quite clear that TFIIIA relies upon the overall three di- TFIIIA to DNA. Disruption of the other zinc fingers reduced
mensional shape of the 5S rRNA to form a specific complex, the interaction of TFIIIA with DNA, although less severely than
while a specific sequence of base pairs is important in directing the finger 3 disruption. Further careful analysis of the effects of
the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA gene. these mutations and truncation mutations on the energetics of
With the cloning of the cDNA for Xenopus TFIIIA, and the TFIIIA binding to the 5S rRNA gene indicated that energetically
ability to express and purify recombinant TFIIIA, it became pos- unfavorable interactions occur between zinc fingers at opposite
sible to study the effects of site-directed mutations in the zinc ends of the protein upon binding to DNA.71 This observation
fingers of the protein on the nucleic acid binding activities. Ini- has important implications for the binding of proteins with mul-
tially, truncated peptides of TFIIIA were assayed for the ability to tiple zinc fingers to nucleic acids.
bind specifically to the 5S rRNA gene and the 5S rRNA.57-63 A In my lab, Wei-Qing Zang, Nik Veldhoen and Tatyana
peptide consisting of the first three fingers of TFIIIA retains much Hamilton studied the importance of individual zinc fingers and
of the free energy of binding to the internal control region of the amino acids in the binding of TFIIIA to DNA and RNA using a
5S rRNA gene.64,65 A variety of footprinting techniques were used different approach. We took our cue from the classical studies of
with truncation mutants and full length protein to map each of helix-turn-helix DNA binding proteins, in which “domain swap”
the zinc fingers of TFIIIA on the 5S rRNA gene.57,58,60,66-69 Fur- mutants were created in order to determine protein features es-
ther insight into the interaction of TFIIIA with DNA came from sential for binding to a specific sequence of base pairs in DNA.
careful equilibrium binding studies done by David Setzer’s group The concept behind this approach to creating site-directed mu-
with “broken finger” mutants of TFIIIA.70 For each mutant in tants of a nucleic acid binding protein is that by using a protein
this series, a zinc-coordinating histidine in the targeted finger was from the same structural class, but with different specificities in
replaced by an asparagine, leading to disruption of the folding of the nucleic acid target sequence, it should be possible to use the
the finger. The energetic contribution of each finger was mea- binding domain of that protein as a donor for making specific
sured by a quantitative gel shift assay, and the approximate posi- amino acid sequence changes in the protein of interest without
tion of each finger on the DNA was measured by qualitative causing a significant disruption in the structure of the protein.
60 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

consisting of fingers 1-3 could bind to 5S rRNA with high affin-

ity and high specificity.44,75,77 By doing quantitative equilibrium
binding studies, David Setzer’s group showed that the mecha-
nism of RNA binding by a finger 4-9 peptide appeared to be
indistinguishable from the binding of full length TFIIIA on the
basis of dissociation kinetics and half life of the RNA-protein
complex.44 In comparison, the complex formed between 5S rRNA
and a peptide consisting of fingers 1-3 displayed rapid dissocia-
tion kinetics, suggesting that the mechanism of RNA binding for
this peptide differed from that used by TFIIIA. It appears that
inhibitory finger-finger interactions in the full length wild type
protein may restrict the role of fingers 1-3 to DNA binding.
The essential role of fingers 4 to 7 of TFIIIA in binding to 5S
Figure 6. Effects of finger swapping mutations in fingers 1 through 7 on rRNA was confirmed by David Setzer’s group and their assays
the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA gene and 5S RNA. Solid bars with broken finger mutants of TFIIIA.44 The results of these stud-
indicate that the donor fingers came from Xfin, while stripped bars ies showed that disrupting the structures of fingers 4, 5 and 6 in
indicate that the donor fingers came from p43. turn had the largest effects on the affinity of TFIIIA for 5S rRNA,
although the magnitude of the effects were relatively small. In the
With the structure intact, it becomes more straightforward to case of the finger 5 and 6 mutants, this small decrease in affinity
assign the underlying reasons for loss of function of specific mu- can be explained by the observation that the RNA-protein com-
tant proteins. plexes formed had rapid dissociation kinetics similar to those
We chose three proteins as possible donors of zinc finger se- observed for the finger 1-3 peptide. This result suggests that loss
quences for creating mutants of TFIIIA. One obvious choice was of the “normal” RNA binding mechanism by the broken finger 5
p43, which has the same number of zinc fingers as TFIIIA, but and 6 mutants was compensated for by a gain of an “alternative”
binds only to 5S rRNA and not the 5S rRNA gene. We reasoned RNA binding mechanism attributable to fingers 1-3. In work
that p43 would provide us with valuable information on what with peptides encompassing fingers 4 to 6 or 4 to 7, where a
fingers and amino acids were important for DNA binding by compensating mechanism for RNA binding cannot come into
TFIIIA, but might not be informative on the RNA binding ac- play, Joel Gottesfeld, Martyn Darby and Tomas Pieler indepen-
tivity of TFIIIA. We also chose Xfin as donor, a large zinc finger dently showed key roles for specific amino acids in finger 4 (lysine
protein of Xenopus which does not bind to either 5S rRNA or its 118, glutamine 121) and finger 6 (threonine 176, tryptophan
gene, as well as the Wilms tumour suppressor protein WT1. Like 177, threonine 178).51,61,75 The TWT sequence motif in finger 6
TFIIIA, this protein binds to both DNA and RNA and its four is found in TFIIIA from a variety of species and is also found in
finger domain likely has general features important for allowing finger 6 of p43, making it a sequence of particular interest.
interactions with two conformationally distinct nucleic acids. My lab built upon these observations by working to identify
By working our way through a deliberate series of mutations, the amino acids within full length TFIIIA that are critical for
starting with the swapping of multiple fingers of TFIIIA and then binding to 5S rRNA. Once again, finger swapping mutants were
narrowing down the interesting target regions to ultimately study constructed covering the finger 4 to 7 region of TFIIIA, using
them by point mutagenesis (Fig. 6), we identified several amino p43 and WT1 as donor proteins (Fig. 7). 78 The p43 finger swap
acids within the α-helical region of finger 3 as being particularly mutants established that finger 5 plays a significant role in DNA
important for the interaction of TFIIIA with DNA.72 Contribu- binding. The WT1 finger swap mutants had a number of inter-
tions to DNA binding from fingers 2 and 5 were also identified esting properties. Completely replacing fingers 4 to 7 of TFIIIA
from these studies. A great deal more insight into the specific with the four zinc fingers of WT1 resulted in a mutant TFIIIA
amino acid-nucleotide interactions formed in the TFIIIA-DNA protein that was no longer able to bind to 5S rRNA or the 5S
complex was obtained from NMR studies by Peter Wright’s rRNA gene. This hybrid protein did have the RNA binding speci-
group55 and X-ray crystallographic studies by Ray Brown.56 Hap- ficity displayed by WT1, that is, it had an affinity for a specific
pily, the data from our mutagenesis experiments were consistent RNA aptamer that binds to the WT1 zinc finger domain. How-
with the data from these structural studies. ever, although the isolated WT1 zinc finger domain binds to a 12
The same mutants of TFIIIA that were used to study the in- base pair sequence of DNA with high affinity, the mutant TFIIIA
teraction with DNA could also be assayed for 5S rRNA binding protein did not display this DNA binding activity. This result
activity. Joel Gottesfeld’s lab demonstrated that a peptide consist- suggests the intriguing possibility that finger–finger interactions
ing of only fingers 4-7 of TFIIIA retained most of the free energy within the mutant TFIIIA, and possibly wild type TFIIIA, re-
of binding to 5S rRNA.61 N-terminal deletions beyond finger 4, strict the contribution of certain fingers within the 4-7 central
or C-terminal deletions beyond finger 6 abolished binding to region to a role only in RNA binding.
RNA. Proteolytic digests of TFIIIA-DNA and TFIIIA-5S rRNA By creating a refined set of mutations in the α–helical region
complexes also demonstrated specific roles for fingers 1-3 in high of finger 4, we determined that Lys118 and Gln121 play a minor
affinity binding to DNA and fingers 4-7 in high affinity binding role at best in the binding of full length TFIIIA to 5S rRNA.78 It
to 5S rRNA.73 Comparison of the interaction of a finger 4-7 is possible that these residues are more important in the binding
peptide and TFIIIA with mutants of 5S rRNA further supported of a finger 4-7 peptide to 5S rRNA because they form interac-
the conclusion that the finger 4-7 peptide mimics the mecha- tions that help anchor one of the terminal fingers of the peptide
nism of RNA binding by full length TFIIIA.74 Other groups study- to the RNA. Consistent with this concept is our observation that
ing truncation mutants of TFIIIA observed similar results for the mutations in the 5S rRNA that fall within the proposed binding
most part,44,51,59,75,76 although there was evidence that a peptide sites for finger 4 and finger 7 have much larger effects on the
TFIIIA and p43: Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA 61

Figure 7. Effects of finger swapping mutations in fingers 4 through 7 on

the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA gene and 5S rRNA. Striped bars
indicate that the donor fingers came from p43, while solid bars indicate
that the donor fingers came from WT1.

binding of a finger 4–7 peptide than they do on the binding of

full length TFIIIA.74
When we assayed a set of mutant TFIIIA proteins that had
substitutions in the α–helical region of finger 6, we observed that
replacement of the TWT motif with the amino acids RSD re-
sulted in a loss of affinity for 5S rRNA similar to that observed
when the entire finger 4 through 7 region had been substituted
(Fig. 8). This result is consistent with those of other labs,51,61,75
and indicates that one or more of these amino acids plays a key
role in 5S rRNA binding. It is interesting that this mutation has
a much larger effect on RNA binding affinity than was observed
for the broken finger mutation of finger 6.44 It suggests that other
sequence and structural elements of finger 6 in the TWT>RSD Figure 9. Comparison of the effects of site directed mutations in 5S
mutant may be involved in putative finger–finger interactions rRNA on the binding of TFIIIA and a finger 4–7 peptide. See legend to
within TFIIIA that prevent the use of an alternative RNA bind- (Fig. 3) for details on the symbols used.
ing mechanism involving fingers 1 to 3.
Mutants of 5S rRNA and TFIIIA have also been used as tools experiments, we proposed binding sites on 5S rRNA for the zinc
to map the approximate binding sites for individual zinc fingers fingers of TFIIIA. Other groups have mapped different sets of
on the RNA, and to define a “minimal” RNA binding site for TFIIIA mutants on 5S rRNA using similar techniques.59,76,79 The
TFIIIA. We worked in collaboration with Joel Gottesfeld’s group current view of zinc finger distribution along the 5S rRNA re-
to study the effects of mutations in 5S rRNA on the binding of a sulting from all of these studies is shown in Figure 10.
TFIIIA peptide containing fingers 4–7.74 Mutations in the core Having established that the central zinc fingers of TFIIIA bind
region of the 5S rRNA structure (loop A, helix II, loop B, helix V to the core region of the 5S rRNA, Gottesfeld’s group turned to
and loop E) reduce the binding of both the full length TFIIIA the question of what would represent a “minimal” RNA ligand
and the finger 4–7 peptide (Fig. 9). Mutations extending beyond for TFIIIA. The key to these experiments was to ensure that frag-
this core region that reduced the binding of full length TFIIIA ments derived from the 5S rRNA retained a three-way junction
had no effect on the binding of the peptide to 5S rRNA. Com- and were structurally stable.74,80 Ultimately, they found that a 55
bining these observations with the results of nuclease footprinting nucleotide fragment of the 5S rRNA retains high affinity bind-
ing to peptides that consist of fingers 4–7 or 4–6 of TFIIIA. This
minimal RNA ligand is derived from 5S rRNA but consists of a
complete deletion of helix II, loop B, helix III and loop C, and a
shortened helix IV (Fig. 11). A 61 nucleotide fragment of 5S
rRNA with a similar structure was found by Aaron Klug’s group
to act similarly as a high affinity RNA ligand for TFIIIA.76

Interaction of p43 with 5S rRNA

Once the cDNA had been cloned and sequenced for the p43
protein component of the 42S RNP, it became apparent that an-
other zinc finger protein in Xenopus bound specifically to 5S
rRNA.17 Comparison of the amino acid sequence of p43 and
Figure 8. The effect of targeted mutations in finger 6 on TFIIIA binding TFIIIA showed that both proteins have 9 zinc fingers, with seven
to 5S rRNA of identical size. However, amino acid sequence homology
62 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 2. Comparison of equilibrium binding

parameters for the interaction of p43
and TFIIIA with 5S rRNA at 22° C

Parameter p43 TFIIIA

Ka 1.61 × 109 M-1 1.4 × 109 M-1

∆G° –12.2 kcal mol-1 –12.1 kcal mol-1
∆H° +2.1 kcal mol-1 –8.3 kcal mol-1
∆S° +48.5 cal deg-1 mol-1 +13.1 cal deg-1 mol-1

TFIIIA are mechanistically distinct in their RNA binding prop-

Using the methods and reagents we had generated in studying
the interaction of TFIIIA with 5S rRNA, a graduate student in
my lab, Wei-Qing Zang set out to study the interaction of p43
with 5S rRNA.82 By carefully characterizing the equilibrium bind-
ing of p43 to 5S rRNA, and comparing the results to those for
Figure 10. Proposed binding sites for individual fingers of TFIIIA on 5S TFIIIA, Wei-Qing showed that the mechanism of RNA binding
rRNA. by p43 is very distinct from that of TFIIIA (Table 2). Although
the two proteins have similar affinity for the RNA, the binding
of p43 to 5S rRNA is an entropy-driven process that is quite
resistant to monovalent salt concentration. These observations
are consistent with a mode of binding that involves hydrophobic
and van der Waals interactions rather than the formation of hy-
drogen bonds. Using our library of site-directed mutants of 5S
rRNA, Wei-Qing was able to demonstrate that p43 relies upon
different sequences and structures in the 5S rRNA for high affin-
ity binding than those required for TFIIIA binding (Fig. 12).82
As mentioned above, there is relatively little sequence homol-
ogy between p43 and TFIIIA outside of the conserved residues
required to fold the zinc fingers. One of the few regions of ho-
mology occurs in finger 6, where the TWT amino acid motif
critical for the binding of TFIIIA to 5S rRNA is conserved in
finger 6 of p43. We compared the effects of substituting RSD for
TWT in finger 6 of TFIIIA and p43. While this substitution in
TFIIIA greatly decreased affinity for 5S rRNA, the same substi-
tution in p43 had little effect on 5S rRNA binding.78 However,
Figure 11. Minimal RNA ligands for TFIIIA. The ligand on the left was finger 6 of p43 can functionally substitute for finger 6 of TFIIIA
developed by Joel Gottesfeld’s lab and the ligand on the right was devel- in a hybrid TFIIIA protein.63,78 These observations lead to an
oped by Aaron Klug’s lab. interesting paradox: why is a conserved amino acid motif in two
proteins that bind to the same RNA only required by one protein
between the two proteins is primarily restricted to the conserved for that interaction?
residues required for folding of the zinc fingers. Unlike TFIIIA,
p43 is unable to bind to the 5S rRNA gene and appears to be Future Directions
exclusively an RNA binding protein. The summary I’ve provided demonstrates the depth to which
A natural starting point in characterizing the RNA binding the TFIIIA–5S rRNA interaction has been characterized. Because
activity of p43 was to draw comparisons with what was known the 5S rRNA is a common ligand to TFIIIA, p43 and ribosomal
about the binding of TFIIIA to 5S rRNA. Nuclease footprinting protein L5 the efforts of a number of groups to probe the nature
experiments with both proteins demonstrated that each bind to of these three RNA–protein interactions has generated a wealth
the same region of the 5S rRNA.81 However, there were intrigu- of data, all of which begs the question: are there future directions
ing differences in the specific nuclease protection patterns ob- to be pursued in studying the interaction of 5S rRNA with TFIIIA
served with the two proteins, suggesting there might be signifi- and p43?
cant mechanistic details unique to each. A zinc finger peptide Indeed, there are still a number of compelling questions that
that includes fingers 5 through 9 of TFIIIA has strong affinity for beckon. Of particular interest to my lab is the question of what
5S rRNA, while the same peptide from p43 demonstrates no bind- specific fingers and residues in p43 are required for binding to 5S
ing to the RNA.63 A peptide with fingers 1–4 of p43 binds strongly rRNA. With that information in hand, a more rational compara-
to 5S rRNA, while the comparable peptide from TFIIIA does tive study of TFIIIA and p43 can be carried out to understand at
not. This observation further strengthened the view that p43 and a more detailed level the mechanisms of RNA binding by these
TFIIIA and p43: Binding to 5S Ribosomal RNA 63

Allison, Bernard and Chantal Ehresmann, Joel Gottesfeld, David

Setzer and Eric Westhof. I have also benefited tremendously from
in-depth discussions of our work with other colleagues, particu-
larly Ray Brown, Martyn Darby, Debbie Johnson, Paul Huber
and Tomas Pieler. Finally, I thank the Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council of Canada for their continued funding
of this work.

Note Added in Proof

Since the submission of this manuscript, a three dimensional
structure of a subset of TFIIIA zinc fingers bound to a modified
5S RNA ligand has been reported (Lu D et al. Nature 2003;

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also had the support of a number of excellent research assistants, 1987; 223:232-236.
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RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers

Martyn K. Darby

founded on these synthetic proteins.11,12 RNA-zinc finger com-

NA-protein complexes have important functions in gene
expression and regulation. Zinc fingers of the plexes are yet to be solved at an atomic level, yet some of the
Cys-Cys-His-His (C2H2) class that bind RNA do so via features characteristic of DNA-zinc finger recognition appear to
contacts with amino acid side chains in the α-helical portion of apply to the interaction of zinc fingers with RNA and have been
the zinc finger, similar to their interaction with DNA. In gen- successfully exploited to isolate RNA binding zinc fingers with
eral, two or more tandem zinc fingers are present in naturally novel sequence specificity.13 Like their DNA binding counter-
occurring zinc finger proteins. In vitro selection and recombina- parts, therapeutic or agricultural applications for such
tion techniques have isolated single zinc fingers that bind com- RNA-binding proteins, particularly as anti-viral agents, are envi-
plex RNA structures with high affinity and specificity. These zinc sioned. However, there is unlikely to be a straightforward parallel
fingers may ultimately find use as pharmaceutical or agricultural between the nature of zinc finger interaction with DNA and RNA,
agents designed specifically to modify the function of cellular or since there are fundamental differences in structure that appear
viral RNA. to influence the principles governing protein binding to RNA
rather than DNA. DNA is frequently bound by protein struc-
Introduction tures, including the α helix of C2H2 zinc fingers, that recognize
the unique pattern of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors found
RNA is key to gene expression. It serves important functions
within the major groove of the DNA chain.14 In contrast, the
as a template, catalyst and amino-acid acceptor for protein syn-
major groove of duplex RNA is too narrow to accommodate an α
thesis, a cofactor for mRNA splicing, a sequence guide for RNA
helix and in addition, the rich tertiary structure of RNA contrib-
editing and modification, a structural component for the ribo-
utes significantly to the formation of protein-RNA complex. Fur-
some and spliceosome, and also serves as the genome of many
thermore, most RNA complexes upon formation exhibit substan-
plant and animal viruses.1 In all of these varied functions, com-
tial conformational changes in both RNA and protein (Fig. 1).15,16
plexes of RNA with proteins are essential. The structures of pro-
This chapter explores efforts to develop synthetic RNA bind-
teins that bind RNA are as diverse as the functions of RNA, but
ing C2H2 zinc fingers that bind specific RNAs, from early obser-
can be classified through a few characteristic protein motifs. The
vations that determined the role of zinc fingers in RNA binding,
most common of these are the RNA recognition motif (RRM),2
to contemporary phage display approaches for constructing zinc
the KH domain,3 the dsRNA binding domain,4 the arginine-rich
fingers for developing future applications.
motif,5 and three of the major classes of zinc finger.6 These zinc
finger classes are distinguished structurally by the arrangement of
cysteine and histidine zinc ligands, and with the examples known RNA Binding C2H2 Zinc Finger Proteins
at present, also fall into functional classes based on their predomi- The RNA binding properties of C2H2 zinc fingers have been
nant roles in living cells (see Table 1 for descriptions). The first known since the identification of the repeated zinc finger sequence,
class, C2H2 zinc fingers, are by far the most abundant nucleic yet the number of C2H2 zinc finger proteins shown to bind RNA
acid binding motif in the human genome, and have the unique since that time remains small in comparison to the number shown
ability among zinc finger proteins to mediate binding to both to bind DNA (Table 1). Why are there so many confirmed DNA
RNA and DNA. A second class, the CCHC zinc fingers of binding C2H2 zinc fingers and so few RNA specific? The answer
retroviral nucleocapsids bind and package genomic RNA through may lie in the lack of an identifying sequence characteristic other
tandem zinc fingers or “knuckles”, and the third class, CCCH than the zinc finger consensus. A search of the PIR annotated
zinc fingers, are present in proteins that regulate mRNA stability protein sequence database identified more than 4000 protein
through AU-rich elements. matches to a consensus C 2 H 2 zinc finger sequence
The function of C2H2 zinc finger proteins in DNA binding (Cys-X2-5-Cys-X12-His-X3-6-His) and approximately one third of
has been illuminated by detailed structural studies of DNA-zinc these were connected with the amino acids TGEKP (TGERP) or
finger complexes at the atomic level, and subsequent application Krüppel-like linkers,17 characteristic of DNA binding zinc fin-
of the principles of protein-DNA interaction learned from these gers. Given that about half of the currently confirmed DNA bind-
structures has led to the design of specific DNA binding proteins ing C2H2 proteins have the Krüppel linker, up to two-thirds of
and transcription factors.7-10 Hopes for future gene therapies, the consensus matches may be DNA binding proteins. The re-
based on the controlled manipulation of gene expression, are maining third may well be RNA binding proteins that await

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers 67

Table 1. RNA binding and RNA associated zinc finger proteins*

Finger Type Protein Comments

C2H2 TFIIIA 9 zinc fingers, binds 5S RNA (7S RNP) and 5S RNA gene. Transcription factor.
Cys-X3-5-Cys-X12-His-X4-6-His P43 9 zinc fingers, binds 5S RNA isolated from 42S RNP in Xenopus oocytes
WT1 4 zinc fingers, +KTS isoform associated with splicing factors.
Transcription factor.
Wig-1 3 zinc fingers, p53 induced, localized to nucleoli
dsRBP-Zfa 7 zinc fingers, binds dsRNA through 3 N-terminal fingers or 3 C-terminal zinc
JAZ 4 spaced zinc fingers, binds dsRNA or DNA/RNA hybrids.
MOK2 2 zinc fingers, binds RNA and DNA (brain and testis)
NUFIP 1 zinc finger associates with FMR RNA binding protein
XFO-5, XFG-6 5 – 15 zinc fingers, members of FAR family proteins
ZNF74 12 zinc fingers, deleted in DiGeorge syndrome, binds poly(U)
PEP 4 zinc fingers, co-precipitates in complex including hnRNPK
SL100 18 zinc fingers, binds to SLBP/SL RNA complex using fingers 2-8
Xfin 31 zinc fingers, binds poly(G) preferentially

CCHC (C2HC) HIV p7 2 zinc knuckle, retroviral nucleocapsid protein

CCHC (C2HC) Nanos 2 zinc fingers, translational regulator, Cys and His spacing unlike
nucleocapsid knuckles, non-specific RNA binding.
CCCH (C2CH) Nup475/ TTP 2 zinc fingers, binds to AU-rich mRNA 3’ UTR
Cys-X8-Cys-X5-Cys-X3-His CPSF 5 zinc fingers and 1 CCHC zinc fingers, cleavage and polyadenylation factor
Pos1 2 zinc fingers, translational repressor, binds mRNA 3’ UTR complex with SPN4

C2C2 ZNF265 2 zinc fingers, splicing factor, binds cyclin B1 mRNA

* Consensus sequences are given for each zinc finger class. ‘X’ indicates any amino acid.

discovery. Perhaps more likely, the conformational flexibility of factor.21 In the Xenopus oocyte, where many proteins and RNAs
RNA may account for the lack of consensus amino acid sequences are stockpiled to fuel the rapid cycles of cell division characteris-
within zinc fingers that define an RNA-binding zinc finger and tic of early embryonic development, TFIIIA was found in abun-
there may not be a sequence motif, but rather a structural motif. dance complexed with 5S rRNA in a 7S RNP particle.20,22 Thus
Of the C2H2 proteins listed in Table 1 only TFIIIA, p43 and the notion of the zinc finger protein as an RNA binding protein
WT1 exhibit sequence specific interaction with RNA. RNA se- was established early in the infancy of zinc finger biochemistry.
lection experiments in vitro such as SELEX have been used to The role of the zinc fingers in DNA binding was established later
isolate specific RNA aptamers that bind to zinc finger proteins.18,19 through deletion mutagenesis23 and their involvement in RNA
However, given the extraordinary power of RNA aptamers to dis- binding was suggested (retrospectively) by a residual N-terminal
tinguish even small chemical modifications, it is not surprising 20 kD RNA bound proteolytic fragment, including the zinc fin-
that RNAs specific for zinc fingers can be isolated in this manner. ger region, of the 7S RNP.24
Support for RNA binding by C2H2 zinc fingers in some cases is Identification of a TFIIIA-related protein from another oo-
cyte storage particle further implicated zinc fingers in RNA bind-
indirect and inferred from subcellular location in the cytoplasm
ing.25 The 42S ribonucleoprotein particle accumulates in imma-
with splicing complexes or association with other RNA binding
ture Xenopus oocytes prior to ribosome biogenesis. This particle
proteins. comprises two proteins, p43 and p50, together with 5S rRNA
and amino acyl-tRNAs.26 Similar to TFIIIA, p43 is complexed
TFIIIA and p43 with 5S rRNA in a 7S sub-particle, but unlike TFIIIA, p43 fails
TFIIIA and p43 are the clearest examples of sequence-specific to stimulate 5S RNA gene transcription or to bind DNA, sug-
C2H2 RNA-binding zinc finger proteins. The archetypal C2H2 gesting that it interacts only with 5S RNA.25 Thus, the role of the
zinc finger protein, TFIIIA, was demonstrated to be an RNA C2H2 zinc finger as a motif that could interact exclusively with
binding protein,20 soon after its identification as a transcription RNA was firmly established.
68 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 2. Scale comparison of zinc finger arrangements in RNA binding

zinc finger proteins. The distribution of minimal RNA binding (dark
gray) and DNA binding (light gray) zinc fingers within multi-finger
C2H2 zinc finger proteins. Half-filled boxes are used where two separate
groups of zinc fingers have been identified to have RNA binding prop-
erties. Krüppel-like linkers are indicated by the white diamonds.

Figure 1. Comparison of RNA and DNA structure. Duplex forms of Phage Display of RNA Binding Zinc Fingers
RNA (pdb: 1SRA) and DNA (pdb: 1BNA) are shown with backbone
The role of individual amino acids in RNA binding by zinc
phosphodiester chains in gray and white. The major groove (M) of the
fingers has been sought through a variety of mutagenesis experi-
RNA duplex is deeper and narrower than that of DNA and prohibits
ments in which individual amino acids or groups thereof have
access by a protein α-helix unless distorted. In contrast, the minor groove
been changed from wild type. Displaying a library of mutated
(m) is accessible, but possible H-bond contacts limit sequence distinc-
zinc fingers on the surface of bacteriophage screens the effects of
tion to AT or GC base-pairs.
many amino acid changes simultaneously. Using this approach
important amino acid contacts between RNA and TFIIIA zinc
RNA Binding by Sub-Groups of Zinc Fingers finger 4 were identified and the utility of a phage display ap-
in Multi-Finger Proteins proach was established.37
Much of our understanding of the interaction of C2H2 zinc Phage display presents multiple copies of a single mutant on
fingers with RNA derives from deletion and site-directed mu- the surface of a filamentous phage such as fd or M13 (Fig. 3).38
tagenesis experiments and reveals that subgroups of zinc fingers Binding of a phage library to an RNA substrate (selector RNA) is
within multi-finger proteins can perform independent functions carried out in solution and complexes formed between phage and
such as RNA or DNA binding, although not always with affinity biotinylated RNA are recovered by affinity purification on
comparable to the intact protein (Fig. 2).27 The close structural streptavidin-coated microtiter plates. Phage that do not form com-
relationship between TFIIIA and p43, in contrast to their differ- plexes with RNA are removed by washing under conditions of
ing nucleic acid binding properties, has made this pair of pro- varied stringency. In principle, a single round of affinity selection
teins a favorite choice for comparative structure-function stud- could yield specific RNA-binding phage. However, in practice,
ies.25,27-31 By analyzing groups of three or four zinc fingers from initial selections are impure and the phage are amplified in bacte-
ria after each round of selection and then in an iterative process
TFIIIA, DNA binding activity was localized principally to the
reselected against the same RNA. Successful isolation of
amino terminal zinc fingers, specifically fingers 1-3 (Fig. 2 light
RNA-binding phage is judged by the fraction of input phage re-
gray boxes).29,32,33 These zinc fingers in TFIIIA are connected by
covered from each round of selection. DNA sequencing of recov-
the Krüppel linkers and this linker sequence is notably absent ered phage is used to reveal the amino acid sequence of the zinc
from p43, which binds only RNA. However, conversion of p43 fingers that bind the selector RNA.
linkers to those in TFIIIA does not confer DNA binding activity, Alanine scanning mutagenesis of each of the central zinc fin-
suggesting that the Krüppel linker sequence, while indicative of a gers of TFIIIA (fingers 4 to 7), identified zinc fingers 4 and 6 as
DNA binding protein, is insufficient.29,31,34 Central zinc fingers important RNA binding fingers. In this experiment, four amino
from TFIIIA (fingers 4 to 7) and amino terminal zinc fingers acid positions previously shown to make contact with DNA in
from p43 have the highest RNA affinity of isolated zinc finger crystal structures -1, +2, +3 and +6 with respect to the
fragments (Fig. 2, blue boxes). 29,32,33,35,36 Single finger amino-terminal end of the α helix, were substituted by alanine.
alanine-scanning revealed an important role for zinc fingers 4 Since alanine at these positions does not support RNA binding,
and 6 of TFIIIA when expressed as a four finger fragment (fin- screening all amino acid substitutions at these positions through
gers 4 to 7).37 Finger 6 of both TFIIIA and p43 contains a con- phage display reveals any amino acid combinations that can sup-
served amino acid triplet, Thr-Trp-Thr, which plays a significant port 5S RNA binding (Fig. 4). A cDNA library representing all
role for TFIIIA interaction with 5S rRNA, but not for p43.27 It is possible permutations of amino acids at these four positions in
worth noting that single zinc fingers derived from either protein TFIIIA zinc finger 4 was constructed using degenerate oligonucle-
have no measurable affinity for either nucleic acid and that pro- otides and cloned into a phage display vector that expressed the
teins containing a single finger are a rarity within any class of zinc TFIIIA zinc fingers 4 through 7 as an N-terminal fusion of fd
finger protein found in nature. coat protein III. Phage recovery of 3% of input was observed
RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers 69

dard site-directed mutagenesis, lysine at -1 was changed to ala-

nine. This mutation reduced the RNA affinity by 43 fold. In
contrast, changing the other three mutated positions (+2, +3 and
+6) to alanine caused only a 7 fold reduction in RNA binding
affinity. Interestingly, arginine was not found at position -1 in
any of the zinc finger phage sequenced, despite its greater repre-
sentation in the library, suggesting a specific requirement for a
positive charge provided by the less bulky lysine side chain. These
experiments established the validity of the phage display approach
and encouraged a wider sequence search for zinc fingers that bind
novel RNA substrates, that is, for any chosen RNA.

Selecting RNA Binding Proteins with Novel

The modular nature of C2H2 zinc finger binding to DNA was
clearly established through finger swapping experiments. A single
finger binds a base-pair triplet and rearranging the order of zinc
fingers produces a protein that binds a corresponding rearrange-
ment of cognate triplets.39 Therefore, combining zinc fingers se-
lected by phage display to specific nucleotide triplets creates a
protein with novel and predictable specificity.40-42 A similar cor-
respondence between RNA nucleotides and zinc fingers is un-
likely, based upon RNAse protection experiments with TFIIIA
Figure 3. Phage display and shuffling protocol: In vitro evolution of zinc and p43 that show important interactions at disparate junctions
finger function. The flow of methodology used in a standard phage of RNA helices and bulged nucleotides in 5S rRNA.43-47 How-
display experiment is represented by the black oval. Phage recovered ever, as few as two zinc fingers from TFIIIA or p43 bind RNA.29
from affinity selection against RNA are directly used to re-infect bacteria Therefore, it seemed feasible that a two zinc finger phage display
for subsequent rounds of selection. The gray portion of the flow diagram library could be used to isolate RNA binding proteins. Our C2H2
shows an additional strategy for isolating zinc fingers. Zinc finger cDNA design approach used a randomized α helix as the principle rec-
is amplified from selected phage and is fragmented and recombined ognition element within the RNA-binding zinc finger framework
before reintroduction to bacteria, in this case by transformation rather of tandem copies of TFIIIA zinc finger 4.
than electroporation. While the α helix is the zinc finger structural element that
makes significant contacts with 5S RNA, its size and shape re-
stricts the RNA structures that may be bound. The major groove
after 3 rounds of selection, which represented a 1500-fold of A-form helical RNA is too narrow to accommodate an α helix
enrichment over a control selection without RNA (0.002%). In and the minor groove, which is accessible, has a pattern of poten-
all of the phage sequenced, position -1, immediately N-terminal tial hydrogen bonds that allows discrimination simply for the
to the zinc finger 4 α helix, was lysine, suggesting a critical role presence or absence of A or G.14 In contrast to duplex DNA,
for this amino acid. To confirm this observation through stan- RNA forms complex tertiary structures, which are used to direct
specific association with proteins. Proteins that bind RNA spe-
cifically recognize RNA structures that widen the major groove
by various means and provide access to a richer pattern of poten-
tial base contacts as well as an elaborate binding pocket.
In looking for an existing paradigm to test the hypothesis that
C2H2 zinc fingers with novel specificity could be selected, we
noted the role of a positively charged α helix in the binding of
HIV Rev protein (regulator of expression of viral proteins) to the
Rev response element (RRE) of the RNA genome.48,49 Thus it
seemed feasible that a zinc finger phage display library contain-
ing randomized alpha helices could be used to isolate a specific
binding protein for RRE. Zinc finger proteins with sufficient af-
finity to block Rev binding to RRE could block a key regulatory
point in the HIV life cycle and hence inhibit virion production.
HIV-1 Rev protein is responsible for a switch between early
and late phases of HIV mRNA expression.50 In the early phase of
HIV gene expression, all mRNA is fully spliced to yield RNA
Figure 4. Assessment of the contribution of amino acids in TFIIIA encoding regulatory proteins. Later, as Rev protein accumulates
derived zinc fingers by alanine scanning and phage display of TFIIIA and binds to the RRE present in HIV introns, unspliced and
zinc finger 4. Traditional site-directed mutagenesis determines the ef- partially spliced mRNA bound to Rev, are exported to the cyto-
fect of individual changes in amino acid sequence to test hypotheses plasm.51 These mRNAs encode proteins that are essential for the
regarding the role of specific amino acids, whereas phage display screens formation of the viral coat and thus production of new virions.
up to 10 million sequences simultaneously to determine a consensus Rev binds to its high affinity site in the RRE as a single mono-
amino acid sequence that supports binding. mer, causes conformational changes in the RNA structure and
70 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

promotes binding of additional Rev (to a total of 8 or more)

molecules via protein-protein and protein-RNA contacts.52 Rev
functions on any heterologous RNA containing an RRE and is
independent of the splicing process.53
The interaction between Rev and RRE has been studied in-
tensively and functional amino acids and nucleotides have been
identified. Deletion studies have shown that an unusually argin-
ine rich 17 amino acid fragment of Rev binds to stem loop IIB of
the RRE (RRE-IIB) with an affinity comparable to that of Rev.48,54
The affinity of this peptide for RRE-IIB-RNA correlates with its
helical content. The peptide structure is inherently unstable, but
the helix can be stabilized through addition of a negatively charged
group at the N terminus and amidation of the C terminus to-
gether with introducing an AAAAR segment. Alanine scanning
identified several amino acids (Arg35, Arg38, Arg39, Arg44,
Thr34 and Asn40) that upon mutation strongly reduced RNA

Selection of Rev Response Element (RRE) Binding

Zinc Fingers
The sequence pool from which zinc fingers with affinity for
RRE were isolated was constructed as a zinc finger phage display
library based on tandem zinc fingers of TFIIIA RNA binding Figure 5. Design of a two C2H2 zinc finger phage display library for
zinc finger 4 (Fig. 5). Amino acids at nine positions, between -2 isolation of novel RNA binding zinc finger proteins. Tandem zinc fin-
and +10 of the zinc finger α helix, were randomized to match as gers were expressed using the degenerate DNA sequence shown at bot-
closely as possible a subset of amino acids determined to be present tom. Three different degenerate codons (indicated by shading (see web
in α helices of zinc fingers from a search of the PIR database. In version for color at
addition, a single amino acid position in the linker between fin- chapid=2046&bookid=124&catid=30)) were used to encode different
gers was randomized to permit variations in relative finger orien- sets of amino acid at different positions along the zinc finger α-helix or
tations, as suggested by the observations that relative finger ori- linker as indicated in the model (based on TFIIIA zinc fingers 4 and 5,
entation is critical for DNA zinc finger interaction.55 To maintain pdb: 1TF6). The choice of amino acids was as close as possible to a
the structural integrity of the zinc finger within the α-helical re- consensus of more than 4000 zinc finger sequences present in the PIR
gion, two histidines (+7 and +11 with respect to the start of the α protein database. Amino acids essential for maintenance of the zinc
helix) required for zinc coordination were included, as were two finger structure are shown in stick representation: Zinc ligands cysteine,
additional residues, phenylalanine (-3) and leucine (+4) essential histidine and the hydrophobic core formed by leucine and phenylala-
for the hydrophobic core of the zinc finger. The antiparallel β nine.
sheet region of zinc finger 4 was unchanged. cDNA encoding a
randomized finger 4 was constructed from degenerate oligonucle- DNA shuffling is essentially an in vitro recombination tech-
otides and two copies of this finger were ligated to make a library nique that uses low temperature PCR to recombine fragments of
of tandem zinc finger proteins. This library was displayed on the related DNA.56,57 Shuffling zinc finger cDNA in this way creates
surface of bacteriophage fd as a coat protein III fusion and zinc a new library from a pool of sequences that already have binding
finger expressing phage that bound to RRE-IIB RNA, full-length affinity for the selector RNA, which can be displayed on phage
RRE RNA or 5S rRNA were selected (Fig. 3).13 for selection. Using this approach with zinc fingers selected against
Ten unique tandem zinc fingers were identified among 34 se- RRE-IIB, the most common recombination event joined whole
quenced phage recovered from six rounds of selection against HIV zinc fingers, most likely because the linker and β sheet between α
RRE-IIB RNA. Strikingly, two zinc finger sequences, named RR1 helices of neighboring zinc fingers is the longest region of identi-
and RR2 accounted for 47% of all sequences. The affinity of cal sequence shared between selected proteins. Significantly, RNA
these zinc fingers for the selector RNA was highly specific. For binding affinity was doubled by using this method. When shuf-
example, RR1 bound the RRE-IIB RNA with a Kd of 7.9 nM, fling was incorporated during several rounds of the selection pro-
but bound an unrelated RNA, 5S rRNA, nonspecifically. Simi- cedure for full-length RRE, zinc fingers with sub-nanomolar dis-
larly, a 5S rRNA selected zinc finger bound 5S rRNA with a Kd sociation constants were recovered. Naturally occurring two zinc
of 0.35 nM and failed to bind RRE-IIB RNA at concentrations finger proteins with this degree of RNA affinity or specificity are
up to 2.4 µM. Furthermore, all zinc finger peptides bound only yet to be described. Full length RRE selected zinc fingers bound
the appropriate target RNA in the presence of a 1000-fold molar the RRE-IIB RNA fragment with a significantly lower affinity
excess of competitor tRNA or poly[A] RNA. In these experiments than RRE-IIB selected zinc fingers, suggesting that their mode of
a very large number of zinc finger sequences (1018) were poten- binding or binding sites differ.58
tially encoded by the library, which therefore cannot be compre-
hensively screened with 107 transformants. However, this limita- In Vivo RRE Binding Zinc Fingers
tion can be overcome in part by recombining (shuffling) zinc The binding activity of selected zinc fingers in living cells was
finger cDNA sequences from the output of the phage display confirmed using zinc finger-Tat fusion proteins.54,59 Tat protein
experiment, i.e., from sequences for zinc fingers that already make is an RNA binding transcriptional activator, which functions
one or more productive interactions with RNA. through a binding site in nascent RNA by stimulating RNA
RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers 71

Figure 6. An in vivo assay for RRE-IIB RNA binding. To test RNA

binding, zinc fingers are fused with HIV Tat transcriptional activation Figure 7. RNA binding by a single selected zinc finger peptide. An RNA
domain and cotransfected with a reporter gene containing the RNA mobility shift assay with a selected tandem zinc finger protein (RR1) is
binding site and a chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) coding shown in the top panel. The zinc fingers of RR1 were separately ex-
sequence under control of the HIV LTR promoter. Zinc finger binding pressed and assayed in the two lower panels. Only the C-terminal pep-
to the target RNA sequence in the nascent transcript stimulates tran- tide zf2 retains significant RNA binding activity.
scription and the production of CAT. The lower panel shows a typical
result. Conversion of chloramphenicol to its acetylated form by CAT
26.1 nM, which is just 3 fold lower than RR1, demonstrating
activity is determined by thin layer chromatography and is indicated by
that the observed binding of the two finger construct RR1 is
a faster migrating radioactive spot. Rev43-50, is a positive control fusion
mostly attributable to a single zinc finger (RR1-F2). The speci-
of Tat activation domain with the Rev RNA binding peptide (lane 1).
ficity, as determined by titration with nonspecific competitor or
A negative control of the Tat activation domain alone is shown in lane
binding to mutated RRE-IIB RNA was unchanged.
5. Binding by a zinc finger selected to RRE-IIB (RR31) is confirmed by
A synthetic zinc finger peptide, ZNF28,61 corresponding to
CAT activation (lane 2), whereas a zinc finger selected to an unrelated
RR1-zf2 also binds to RRE-IIB with a dissociation constant of
RNA (5S RNA) does not activate CAT activity (lane 3).
approximately 6 nM (Fig. 8). A model for the RNA binding fin-
ger complexed with RRE-IIB-tr RNA compared with binding of
polymerase elongation.60 Fusing the activation domain of Tat the Rev peptide is shown in Figure 9. The α helix of ZNF28 may
with an RNA binding domain creates a transcriptional activator be oriented parallel to Rev, that is with N-terminal ends together,
and if the cognate binding site is present in the nascent tran- or anti-parallel, with the C terminus of one neighboring the N
script, transcription rates are elevated. Therefore, protein bind- terminus of the other. In the anti-parallel orientation of the zinc
ing to RNA can be readily measured by standard transfection finger α helix an asparagine in ZNF28 can be aligned with a
and reporter gene activity assays. Using this approach, RRE-IIB critical asparagine within the Rev peptide.
selected zinc fingers fused to Tat activator domain stimulated tran-
scription of a reporter gene construct in which the Tat binding
site was replaced by RRE-IIB (Fig. 6).13 Control 5S RNA se- Rev α Helix Zinc Finger Framework
lected zinc fingers fused to Tat activation domain do not stimu- Another approach to designing a RRE-IIB specific zinc finger
late transcription from an RRE-IIB containing template. Attempts protein has embedded the Rev α helix in a zinc finger.62 As de-
to use RRE-selected zinc fingers to inhibit competitively Rev ac- tailed above, the affinity of the isolated recognition peptide of
tivity in cultured cells have as yet been unsuccessful and could be Rev is dependent on α-helical content. Thus, the stability of the
a consequence of the very high apparent affinity of Rev binding C2H2 zinc finger secondary structure was natural choice of struc-
to RRE due to the cooperative nature of the Rev interaction. tural framework with which to stabilize the Rev α helix. To ac-
commodate Rev peptide in the second zinc finger from Zif268,
RNA Binding by Single C2H2 Zinc Fingers of RRE two nonessential arginine residues were replaced with histidine
RNA binding can be specified in a sequence specific manner (Fig. 10). The resulting peptide was shown to fold in a
by single C2H2 zinc fingers. Sequence inspection of the zinc fin- zinc-dependent manner by circular dichroism of a cobalt-peptide
gers selected against RRE-IIB revealed that the C-terminal zinc complex and its competition with zinc. Gel shift assays in vitro
finger (zf2) is more conserved and biased towards basic residues, show similar affinities for zf2-rev or a Rev peptide stabilized
suggesting that each zinc finger in the selected protein contrib- through flanking amino acids binding to RRE-IIB. Zinc finger
uted differently to RNA binding (Fig. 7).58 Individual zinc fin- structural requirements were confirmed through mutation of the
gers were expressed and purified and their affinity for RRE-IIB zinc-coordinating cysteines to serine or omission of zinc during
RNA was determined by protein titration gel shift analysis. RR1 folding and resulted in a 3 and 7 fold reduction in affinity, re-
N-terminal zinc finger (zf1) did not bind 32P labeled RRE-IIB spectively. Substrate specificity was confirmed through mutations
RNA. However RR1-zf2 bound RRE-IIB RNA with a KD of in RRE-IIB that narrow the RNA major groove at the Rev binding
72 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 8. A synthetic peptide, ZNF28, corresponding to RR1-zf2 binds

RRE-IIB RNA. A synthetic zinc finger peptide designed for structural
studies binds to the RRE-IIB RNA used to select the parent molecule
RR1 and to a truncated version of RRE-IIB, RRE-IIB-tr, used in earlier Figure 9. Models for ZNF28 binding to RRE-IIB. This model was
NMR studies of the Rev-IIB RNA interaction and lacks a portion of the
derived by aligning the Rev α-helix (pdb: 1ETF) with the α-helix of
loop. A model for the peptide, ZNF28, is shown in two views at top. The
ZNF28 (blue). Asn40 of Rev, which makes essential base-specific con-
left hand panel views the side of the a-helix, on the right the view is from
tacts with the G-A base-pair in RRE-IIB, and zinc finger Asn20 are
the finger tip along the axis of the helix. The amino acid positions
indicated. The zinc finger is oriented either parallel with the Rev helix
subjected to selection are circled.
(left) or antiparallel (right) which best aligns Asn20 and Asn40 residues.
A color coded version is available on line. See web version for color at
site (G71A), or else change the sequence of the Rev binding pocket
(C46-G74). A five fold reduction in affinity for C46-G74 com- 124&catid=30.
pared to wild type is consistent with major groove binding by the
zinc finger. Significantly, more marked differences in binding af-
finities were reported with the RRE-IIB mutations in cultured Future Directions For Designing RNA
cells using fusion of zf2-rev with Tat activation domain assay. Binding Zinc Fingers
The use of zinc fingers as a tool for constructing RNA bind-
Zinc Fingers That Bind RNA Mismatched ing proteins of predetermined specificity has great potential for
growth. The next steps will require an understanding of how na-
Base Pair ture has taken advantage of zinc fingers in the evolution of RNA
An interesting, systematic approach for elucidating a poten- binding proteins, namely in the use of multi-finger proteins and
tial recognition code for RNA binding zinc fingers has made use combinations of RNA binding motifs.
of a combination of phage display and DNA-RNA hybrids.63
The central zinc finger of a 3 finger DNA binding domain from Selection of Multi Zinc Finger Proteins
Zif268 was randomized at nucleotides within the α helix coding
Although the core of TFIIIA and p43 binding to 5S RNA
region to create a library. Phage display was used to select pro- resides in a few zinc fingers, all fingers clearly make some con-
teins that would bind an eleven base pair DNA-RNA hybrid tacts with nucleotides, which permits close binding of a large RNA
molecule in which the central three base pairs were RNA and the structure (see chapter 10). In part this mode of binding reflects
flanking base-pairs DNA. Each base pair combination was tested the role of TFIIIA and p43 as protective storage particles. Higher
at a single position within the RNA triplet. Interestingly, attempts affinity or recognition of more extensive RNA could be achieved
to isolate Watson-Crick RNA base pairs failed, consistent with by combining RNA binding zinc fingers as has already been ac-
the notion that the α helix recognition motif of zinc fingers re- complished with polydactyl zinc finger DNA binding proteins.
quires an RNA structural feature to open the major groove. The The knowledge that a single zinc finger library can be used to
selected peptide (E4.1) fused to maltose binding protein bound select peptides that bind to a specific RNA will make construc-
the G•A mismatch specifically and has little affinity for either tion of multi-finger RNA binding proteins feasible. Phage dis-
dG•A or Watson-Crick base pairs. play can be used to build sequentially upon a specific zinc finger
RNA Binding by Single Zinc Fingers 73

may explain the two finger requirement.68 The N-terminal zinc

finger is highly structured, but a spectrum for the C-terminal
zinc finger is induced by nine base ribonucleotide, indicative of
induced fit mechanism, in which both RNA and protein compo-
nents of the complex undergo conformational changes. Several
key amino acids in the zinc finger have been identified through
site-directed mutagenesis for RNA binding69 and could be modi-
fied and presented to RNA as a phage display library.
In summary, single zinc fingers can provide a specific RNA
binding motif. The probability for isolating specific RNA bind-
ing peptides using a single zinc finger library phage display li-
brary is much improved over the tandem finger libraries used to
date, since the smaller number of potential sequences can be
screened more comprehensively. Novel zinc fingers proteins could
be used to target RNA either as competitive inhibitors of RNA
dependent processes, as inhibitors of animal or plant RNA vi-
ruses, or as a tool be used to visualize RNA in vivo, or localize
RNA to a particular subcellular location.

I would like to acknowledge the important contributions of
Drs. Westley Friesen, Robert Ryan and Michele Shields for the
work done in my laboratory. Dr. Markus Germann determined
the model for a single zinc finger. My laboratory was supported
by grants from the National Science Foundation (MCB-9206873)
Figure 10. Rev binding helix embedded in a zinc finger framework. A) and the National Institutes of Health (GM50846 and GM/
An alignment of Rev RNA recognition helix with zinc finger 2 of the AI47459).
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Wig-1, a p53-Induced Zinc Finger Protein

that Binds Double Stranded RNA
Cristina Mendez-Vidal, Fredrik Hellborg, Margareta T. Wilhelm,
Magdalena Tarkowska and Klas G. Wiman*


he wig-1 gene (for Wild type p53-Induced Gene 1) is a To learn more about the p53 tumor suppressor pathway, it is
direct transcriptional target of wild type p53. Wig-1 is a important to identify and study the function of p53-regulated
highly conserved unusual nuclear zinc finger protein that genes. wig-1 is a novel p53 target gene that encodes a zinc finger
binds double stranded RNA. Overexpression of Wig-1 inhibits protein with unusual characteristics and unknown function.
cell growth. Wig-1 has been implicated in neuronal apoptosis
and stem cell proliferation/differentiation. Elucidation of the bio- Discovery of Mouse wig-1 and Its Rat
logical function of Wig-1 should provide new insights into the Ortholog pag608
p53 tumor suppressor pathway. The mouse wig-1 gene was identified in J3D mouse T lym-
phoma cells carrying a temperature sensitive Val135 mutant p53
Introduction construct (tsp53). This construct is expressed as mutant p53 at
The p53 tumor suppressor protein is activated by different 37oC but temperature shift to 32°C induces wild type p53 ex-
stress signals such as irradiation, genotoxic drugs, hypoxia, and pression, triggering cell cycle arrest and massive apoptosis. wig-1
oncogenic activation. This leads to p53 accumulation and induc- was identified by differential display analysis as one of several
tion of cell cycle arrest, differentiation, apoptosis and/or senes- mRNAs expressed at 32oC but not 37oC in J3D-tsp53 cells. Wig-1
cence. p53 orchestrates these biological responses through tran- is a 290 amino acid protein with an apparent molecular weight of
scriptional regulation of a set of target genes. This involves binding 32 kD. Northern blotting using the wig-1 coding region as a probe
to a conserved sequence site that consists of two copies of the revealed two main transcripts of 7.6 kb and 2.2 kb. Both tran-
motif 5'-PuPuPuC(A/T) (T/A)GPyPyPy-3' separated by 0-13 scripts are induced by gamma irradiation in mouse fibroblasts in
nucleotides. Induction of the p21 and GADD45 genes triggers a wild type p53-dependent manner. Moreover, wig-1 is strongly
cell cycle arrest whereas transactivation of proapoptotic genes, induced in brain, testis, kidney, lungs and spleen of irradiated
for instance Bax, Fas, KILLER/DR5, Noxa, and PUMA, induces mice, and also expressed at detectable levels in unirradiated brain
apoptosis. p53-mediated repression of the antiapoptotic Bcl-2 and and testis.3
IGF1 receptor genes may also contribute to the apoptotic response. The rat homolog of wig-1, PAG608 (p53-Activated Gene 608)
The p53-induced MDM2 protein regulates p53 stability by bind- was independently identified by Israeli et al.4 At the protein level,
ing and ubiquitinating p53, resulting in proteasome-mediated PAG608 is 97% identical to Wig-1 and is induced in
degradation of p53 in the cytoplasm. This ensures low levels of tsp53-carrying cells in the same manner as wig-1. The protein
p53 in the absence of p53-activating stimuli. p53 induces several localizes to the nucleus and possibly to nucleoli. A weak apoptotic
proteins that regulate MDM2, including cyclin G, PTEN and effect of PAG608 was observed in transient transfection experi-
WISP1 (reviewed by Vousden and Lu ).1 ments.
p53 is inactivated by point mutation or deletion in around Wig-1/PAG608 is a zinc finger protein that contains three
50% of all human tumors. Most point mutations cluster in the Cys2-His2 (C2H2) zinc finger motifs and a nuclear localization
p53 core domain that interacts specifically with DNA, leading to signal between the second and the third zinc finger (Fig. 1). The
inactivation of p53 DNA binding and failure to transactivate two N-terminal zinc fingers show strong homology to each other,
p53-regulated genes. This makes mutant p53 an interesting tar- whereas the third zinc finger differs significantly.
get for cancer therapy. Several novel strategies for p53-based can-
cer therapy have been designed and in some cases tested clini- Human wig-1
cally, including p53 gene therapy and reactivation of mutant p53 Human Wig-1 shows 87% amino acid sequence identity to
by small molecules.2 mouse Wig-1.5 The zinc fingers are almost perfectly conserved,

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Wig-1, a p53-Induced Zinc Finger Protein that Binds Double Stranded RNA 77

Wig-1 is highly conserved between mammalian species the loca-

tion of the p53 binding sites differs. Nevertheless, the direct regu-
lation by p53 is conserved.

The Wig-1 Protein Binds Double-Stranded

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the mouse Wig-1 protein. Zinc RNA
finger regions (ZF1-3) are indicated by black boxes. The nuclear local-
Several proteins bind to double-stranded (ds) RNA structures
ization signal (NLS) is in gray and the region implicated in
through a conserved dsRNA-binding motif (dsRBM).7 This motif
double-stranded RNA binding is underlined.
is composed of approximately 70 amino acid residues and con-
fers sequence-independent dsRNA-binding and sometimes bind-
with only one amino acid mismatch in the third zinc finger be- ing to DNA-RNA hybrids. Recently, a novel class of
tween the human and the mouse protein. The distances between dsRNA-binding proteins lacking the consensus dsRBM has been
the zinc fingers are also conserved (Fig. 2). Human wig-1 is tran- described.8 This novel class of proteins contains unusual C2H2
scribed into four mRNA species detectable by Northern blot- zinc finger motifs separated by long linkers. It is believed that this
ting. The significance of the multiple transcripts is unknown. peculiar distribution of zinc finger motifs is responsible for the
Human Wig-1 is expressed as two distinct bands on Western blots. binding to dsRNA of this group of proteins. The first example of
This could be due to posttranslational modification such as phos- a zinc finger protein lacking a dsRBM and showing a preference
phorylation and/or initiation of translation from different ATG for binding to dsRNA came with the identification of
codons. Human wig-1 is located to the short arm of chromosome dsRBP-ZFa.9 This 55.6 kD protein containing seven zinc finger
3 (3q26.3-27), a region frequently amplified in a variety of tu- motifs was originally found during the screening of a Xenopus
mors. Ectopically expressed human Wig-1 inhibits cell growth in cDNA expression library with radiolabeled dsRNA. It primarily
colony formation assays, although less efficiently than p53 itself. localizes to the nucleus of Xenopus oocytes and its function is
currently unknown. The identification of dsRBP-ZFa as a
Regulation of wig-1 dsRNA-binding protein first indicated that there are proteins that
wig-1 mRNA is upregulated within 2-4 hours following p53 can bind dsRNA in a way distinct from those utilizing the con-
activation3 suggesting that wig-1 is a direct transcriptional target sensus dsRBM. Since then, two other dsRNA-binding zinc fin-
of p53. To prove this, the promoter region of both mouse and ger proteins have been reported. JAZ (for Just Another Zinc fin-
human wig-1 has been characterized. In mouse wig-1 three mo- ger protein) is a protein with four zinc finger domains that are
tifs corresponding to the consensus p53 binding motif have been required for its nuclear localization. JAZ induces apoptosis when
identified upstream of the putative transcription start site. Two overexpressed in murine fibroblasts.10 Wig-1 is the third nuclear
of these formed DNA-protein complexes with recombinant p53, zinc finger protein described so far showing a preferential bind-
and were also found to confer p53-dependent activation to a lu- ing to dsRNA and a similar zinc finger distribution as that found
ciferase reporter plasmid.6 In human wig-1, only one motif cor- in dsRBP-ZFa and JAZ.11 Further, the first zinc finger domain in
responding to the consensus p53 binding sequence has been Wig-1 has been demonstrated to be necessary for efficient
found, located in the intron downstream of exon 1. This DNA dsRNA-binding.
motif forms complexes with recombinant p53 in vitro (M. Wig-1, dsRBP-ZFa and JAZ share several key features (Table
Wilhelm and F. Hellborg, unpublished results), but its function- 1). The linkers connecting adjacent zinc fingers are unusually long
ality in living cells remains to be experimentally proven. Although (34-75 residues as opposed to 6-8 in other zinc finger proteins)

Figure 2. Alignment of human, mouse and rat Wig-1 protein sequences. Zinc fingers are indicated in bold. The nuclear localization signal between
zinc finger 2 and 3 is underlined.
78 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Comparison of dsRBP-ZFa, JAZ and Wig-1

ZF DNA DNA-RNA Subcellular Biological

Protein Identification Moties Binding Binding Localization Function

dsRBP- Screening of Xenopus 7 No Yes Nuclear Unknown

ZFa cDNA library with dsRNA (Xenopus

JAZ Isolation of proteins that 4 No Yes Nuclear/ Unknown/

interact with PKR in nucleolar apoptosis
mouse cDNA library

Wig-1 Isolation of p53-induced 3 No Yes Nuclear/ Unknown/

mRNAs in mouse nucleolar cell growth
J3D-tsp53 cells inhibition

and lack the consensus linker sequence TG(Q/E)KP found in been shown to exhibit sequence similarities (22-32%) with
DNA-binding zinc finger proteins. It has been suggested that dsRBP-ZFa and Wig-1.
proteins harboring widely spaced fingers may show greater versa- In conclusion, dsRNA binding may be a property of any pro-
tility in its binding specificity, strength and span.12,13 Further- tein containing zinc fingers of the type and with the distribution
more, zinc finger proteins normally have four amino acids sepa- found in Wig-1, JAZ and dsRBP-ZFa. The possible functional
rating the histidines involved in zinc coordination. In contrast, relationship between proteins in this group needs further investi-
these three proteins have inter-histidine spaces of five amino ac- gation.
ids. The linker regions show no sequence similarities. Interest-
ingly, Wig-1, dsRBP-ZFa and JAZ all show a characteristic bind- Wig-1 and Neuronal Apoptosis
ing to DNA-RNA hybrids and lack DNA binding activity. Like Rat wig-1 (PAG608) has been reported to be constitutively
the binding to dsRNA through the consensus dsRBM, the bind- expressed throughout the hippocampus, and has also been impli-
ing of this novel group of proteins to dsRNA and DNA-RNA cated in neuronal cell death following cerebral ischemia. In a rat
hybrids is apparently sequence-independent. However, they show model for transient global cerebral ischemia, increased wig-1/
a clear preference for binding to an A-form helix versus the B-form pag608 mRNA and protein levels were observed in the vulner-
helix recognized by most DNA-binding proteins. No function able pyramidal neurons of the hippocampal CA1 region.19 This
has so far been attributed to dsRBP-ZFa, JAZ and Wig-1, al- region is known to undergo apoptosis in response to ischemia,
though JAZ and Wig-1 have been implicated in inhibition of cell suggesting a role for wig-1 in neuronal cell death. Moreover, p53
growth and/or apoptosis. and Wig-1 expression were increased by 6-hydroxydopamine
In addition, it is worth mentioning the identification of two (6-OHDA) treatment in catecholaminergic neuronal cell lines.20
other proteins sharing structural similarities to Wig-1, JAZ and 6-OHDA is a known neurotoxin that causes degeneration of ty-
dsRBP-ZFa but these proteins are less well characterized regard- rosine hydroxylase-positive neurons, and has been used to gener-
ing their nucleic acids binding properties. ZFR (zinc finger RNA ate animal models of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s
binding) is a nuclear protein highly expressed in testis, ovary and disease. Interestingly, the p53 induction following 6-OHDA treat-
brain that was isolated in a screen for RNA binding proteins ex- ment and the subsequent apoptosis-related morphological changes
pressed during mouse spermatogenesis.14 ZFR also exists in could be inhibited with antisense wig-1 cDNA. In addition, a
worms, flies and humans and contains three widely spaced C2H2 Wig-1 zinc finger 1 deletion-mutant also inhibited cell death.
zinc finger motifs, two putative nuclear localization signals and a This implies not only that Wig-1 is an effector of neuronal
314 amino acids region conserved in several dsRNA-binding pro-
apoptosis but that the dsRNA-binding domain of Wig-1 is cru-
teins harboring dsRBMs. Human zfr is mostly expressed in brain.15
cial for the apoptotic effect. Furthermore, Wig-1 was observed to
In nucleic acids binding assays, recombinant mouse ZFR protein
increase p53 protein expression in neuronal cells, suggesting a
displayed affinity for RNA known to contain many duplexed re-
positive feedback loop in which 6-OHDA induces p53 that in
gions but also for DNA.14 Homozygous deletion of the zfr gene
turn induces Wig-1 that increases p53 levels, triggering neuronal
in the mouse leads to both increased programmed cell death and
decreased mitotic index and ultimately to early (E-9.5-10.5) em-
bryonic lethality.16 Hzf is another protein containing three zinc
finger domains similar to the zinc finger domains found in Wig-1, Wig-1 and Stem Cell Proliferation
JAZ and dsRBP-ZFa. It was isolated as a novel gene regulated Another important clue as to the function of wig-1 has come
during hematopoietic development from embryonic stem (ES) from the study of mechanisms that regulate self-renewal of
cells containing a random gene trap insertion and induced to haematopoitetic stem cells (HSC). Bmi-1 is a member of the PcG
differentiate into hematopoietic cells.17 Hzf is predominantly family of transcriptional repressors that control development by
expressed in megakaryocytes suggesting a role in the differentia- the regulation of cell growth and differentiation genes.
tion and/or maturation of this cell lineage. Indeed, studies on Bmi-1-deficient mice developed hypocellular bones and died less
Hzf-deficient mice showed an essential function of Hzf in than 2 months after birth due to no self-renewal of adult HSC.21
megakaryopoiesis.18 Importantly, the Hzf putative peptide has When comparing gene expression profiles of bone marrow mono-
Wig-1, a p53-Induced Zinc Finger Protein that Binds Double Stranded RNA 79

nuclear cells obtained from wild type and Bmi-1 deficient mice, 10. Yang M, May WS, Ito T. JAZ requires the double-stranded
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(Cancerfonden), the King Gustaf V Jubilee Fund, the Ingabritt 14. Meagher MJ, Schumacher JM, Lee K et al. Identification of ZFR,
& Arne Lundberg Research Foundation, the Robert Lundberg an ancient and highly conserved murine chromosome-associated zinc
finger protein. Gene 1999; 228(1-2):197-211.
Foundation, and the Karolinska Institute Funds. 15. Kleines M, Gartner A, Ritter K et al. Cloning and expression of the
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6. Wilhelm MT, Mendez-Vidal C, Wiman KG. Identification of PAG608, requires a zinc finger domain for nuclear localization and
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One motif, multiple functions. Trends Biochem Sci 2000; of adult self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells. Nature 2003;
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9. Finerty Jr PJ, Bass BL. A Xenopus zinc finger protein that specifically 2002; 298(5593):597-600.
binds dsRNA and RNA-DNA hybrids. J Mol Biol 1997;

Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins

in mRNA Binding
Perry J. Blackshear,* Ruth S. Phillips and Wi S. Lai

rat intestinal epithelial cells. Gomperts et al2 were apparently the

small family of mammalian zinc finger proteins contain-
ing an unusual putative tandem zinc finger motif was first to describe the internal cysteine-rich repeat sequence that we
identified approximately 13 years ago. The tandem zinc now refer to as the tandem zinc finger (TZF) domain; they noted
finger domain was characterized by two hypothetical fingers with that this was found both in their clone of cMG1 and also in a
identical Cx8Cx5Cx3H spacing, with exactly 18 amino acids partial clone of TIS11 (tristetraprolin or TTP) previously pub-
between the carboxyl terminal H of the first zinc finger and the lished by Herschman and colleagues.3 As stated by Gomperts et
amino terminal C of the second zinc finger. The two fingers also al2 “… it is noteworthy that each of the repeated elements in
shared a characteristic amino-terminal lead-in sequence of TIS11 and cMG1 contains three cysteines and one histidine resi-
RYKTEL or a close variant. Although first thought to be tran- due, suggesting a possible coordination of these four amino acids
scription factors, these proteins are becoming better understood with a metal ion in a manner analogous to zinc-finger structures.”
as the result of experiments with knockout mice for tristetraprolin It is this TZF domain that will be the focus of this review.
(TTP), currently the best-studied member of the family. These We became involved in the study of the CCCH TZF proteins
mice developed a systemic inflammatory syndrome found to be more than 10 years ago, when one of us (WSL) cloned an
secondary to elevations of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF) insulin-induced gene from a library from an insulin-sensitive fi-
and possibly granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor broblast cell line by differential hybridization. This gene was rap-
(GM-CSF). These elevations were found to be due to stabilized idly induced by insulin, serum and other growth factors, and en-
mRNAs for these cytokines, and subsequent work found that coded a hypothetical protein that we called tristetraprolin or TTP
TTP could bind to the AU-rich elements within the because of three PPPPG motifs in its primary sequence. We de-
3'-untranslated region of these mRNAs and destabilize them, scribed this sequence and the “immediate early response gene”
apparently by initiating a process of 3'-5' deadenylation. This characteristics of its induction in the September 25, 1990 issue
chapter will summarize some of our current thinking about this of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.4 A partial clone of this cDNA
small but interesting protein family, including binding site and (TIS11) had been identified earlier in a screen for phorbol
binding domain characterization, and recent developments in ester-responsive genes, and was described in the January, 1989
mutagenesis and structure determination. issue of Oncogene;3 these authors described the corrected sequence
in the July, 1991 issue of Oncogene.5 The same gene was also cloned
Introduction and Background nearly simultaneously as a serum-induced gene (Nup475) by
Zinc fingers are small, independently folding protein motifs DuBois et al;6 this clone was described in the November 5, 1990,
that require one or more zinc ions to maintain structural stabil- issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
ity. Zinc finger-containing proteins are among the most abun- A third mammalian cDNA was cloned by the Herschman
dant in the eukaryotic genome and are most commonly classified group in a study seeking to identify cDNAs with similar TZF
as transcription factors containing the well-described Cys2His2 domains; this protein was labeled TIS11d, and was described in
zinc finger structure (reviewed in ref. 1). Recently, a more un- the March, 1991, issue of Molecular and Cellular Biology.7 The
usual class of zinc finger proteins has become recognized. In these protein translated from their original TIS11d sequence (GenBank
Cys3H or CCCH zinc finger proteins, the zinc ion is coordinated accession number M58564.1) was truncated in the amino termi-
by three cysteines and one histidine. nus and had a reading frame shift in the carboxyl terminus when
To our knowledge, the first description of a novel family of compared to the current human protein RefSeq (NP_008818),
tandem CCCH zinc finger proteins was made by Brown and col- as we have discussed previously.8,9 We have recently confirmed
leagues in their initial description of the cMG1 protein, pub- that the extended amino terminus is expressed as part of the pro-
lished in Oncogene in July, 1990.2 The cDNA encoding this pro- tein in the mouse (S.B. Ramos and P.J. Blackshear, unpublished
tein was cloned as a gene induced by epidermal growth factor in data).

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins in mRNA Binding 81

The Human Genome Nomenclature Committee has recently main peptides to bind to the ARE probe with high affinity.19
formalized the nomenclature for these three genes in man as Similar conclusions about a physiological role for TTP in the
ZFP36 (encoding TTP, TIS11, Nup475 or G0S24), ZFP36L1 regulation of granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor
(for cMG1, TIS11b, Berg 36, ERF1 and BRF1), and ZFP36L2 (GM-CSF) have been drawn from studies in bone-marrow
(for TIS11D, ERF2 and BRF2). Other aspects of the genomics derived stromal cells from TTP knockout mice and their wild-type
of the human genes, their chromosomal localization and com- littermates.20,21 Although TTP can bind to AREs in the mRNAs
mon variants, can be found in a recent review.10 We will refer to encoding interleukin 3 and other mRNAs, the only mRNAs
the proteins in this chapter as TTP, ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2. shown to be affected so far in the knockout mice or cells derived
As far as we know, these are the three mammalian family mem- from them are the mRNAs encoding TNF and GM-CSF. Thus,
bers of the CCCH TZF proteins. A fourth protein has been iden- we will focus this review on the TZF domains of these proteins as
tified in frogs8 and fish.11 This transcript appears to be expressed ARE binding domains.
only in oocytes, ovary and eggs in these species, and contains not
only the characteristic tandem CCCH zinc fingers but also two Binding Sites for TTP
more degenerate fingers of this type. Although there has been re- To our knowledge, the only physiologically relevant binding
cent speculation that this protein, known as C3H-4 in Xenopus, is sites for TTP that have been proven from experiments in cells
actually a family of related proteins,12 the recent completion of the derived from knockout mice are those in the mRNAs encoding
small Fugu genome suggests that there is only one representative of TNF and GM-CSF. TTP can bind to other AU-rich elements in
this gene in this species, as well as the Fugu representative of the mRNAs, and can be shown to exert its usual deadenylating abil-
three mammalian CCCH TZF proteins (see below). ity on these mRNAs, in cell transfection experiments; examples
Because of its purported nuclear localization, immediate early include the mRNA for IL-3, and for TTP itself. However, we will
response gene induction characteristics, and presumed zinc fin- focus this discussion on the two known physiological substrates.
ger structure, TTP, the best studied of the mammalian CCCH In early experiments,13 we showed by UV light-induced
TZF proteins, was presumed to be a transcription factor. In fact, crosslinking that TTP could bind to the ARE-containing por-
in addition to its well-known “squelching” effect on overall gene tion of the TNF mRNA. We then showed that this could be nar-
transcription,13 TTP has been implicated as a transcription fac- rowed down to a core ARE of 24 b, that was still compatible with
tor in more recent studies. That this remains a possibility is sug- TTP binding and TTP-dependent destruction in cotransfection
gested by the fact that it can shuttle between nucleus and cyto- experiments.16,17 However, when one or more of the key A resi-
plasm.9 However, the best-documented function of the protein, dues within this core ARE was changed to C or G residues, bind-
in our view, is its ability to bind to AU-rich elements in certain ing could be almost completely abrogated (although this depended
mRNA molecules and destabilize those mRNAs, apparently by somewhat on the placement of these residues within the core –
initiating a process of deadenylation. These studies were based on see below).
the fact that TTP knockout mice chronically over-expressed tu- The naturally occurring TNF ARE contains a number of se-
mor necrosis factor alpha (TNF), due in part to their chronic quences resembling so-called class II AREs that may be capable of
over-expression of TNF mRNA.14,15 This was found to be stabi- TTP binding, raising the possibility of multiple TTP binding sites
lized in macrophages derived from the TTP-deficient mice.13 In within the same ARE. To explore the natural variation within the
transfection systems, TTP (and its other family members) can TNF ARE, we performed an alignment of the ARE portion of the
destabilize this mRNA after binding directly to AU-rich elements known mammalian TNF mRNAs using ClustalW (Fig. 1). This
in its 3'-untranslated region (3’UTR).16-18 That the tandem zinc was done by searching known mRNA sequences with the human
finger (TZF) domain is responsible for the binding was demon- ARE portion of the TNF ARE using the nr database from GenBank
strated by the ability of single amino acid mutations in any of the and DNA-DNA blast with the repetitive elements filter disabled;
canonical cysteines or histidines to greatly decrease binding16 as we also searched the mammalian EST collection using the same
well as in the ability of both biosynthetic and synthetic TZF do- program. As will be apparent from this figure, the general gestalt of

Figure 1. Alignment of known

mammalian TNF AREs. These
represent all the known mam-
malian TNF AREs at the time of
this writing, based on known
cDNA sequences as well as
uncharacterized ESTs that were
thought to represent TNF from
these species. They were aligned
with ClustalW. The asterisks rep-
resent identical residues at that
position in all species. The horse
sequence had not been extended
at the time of this writing. See the
online color version of this and
subsequent figures at http://
82 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

We explored these possibilities by selectively mutating the A

residues in this target binding site to C residues (Fig. 2). When
all six of these As were mutated to Cs, as in probe 7, there was no
detectable probe binding to the peptide at 0.5 µM (last lane in
Fig. 2). This is in keeping with previous results using C and G
replacements of the As in longer probes.22 A very informative
probe was probe 3, in which A11, A14 and A18 were changed to
C. In this situation, only a single shifted complex 1 was formed
when the peptide was used at 0.5 µM (lane 5 in Fig. 2). In con-
trast, when only the two middle As (A11 and A14) were mutated
to Cs (probe 4), then both binding complexes 1 and 2 were formed
with almost the same intensity as with the wild-type probe. These
data strongly suggested that the 5' portion of probe 3
(UUAUUUAUUU) was able to bind to peptide, but that the 3'
portion (UUUCUUUAUU) was not; in contrast, when the 3'
end of the probe was changed to UUUAUUUAUU, as in probe
4, then apparently normal binding was permitted.
These data suggested that, at a minimum, two A residues would
be required for a full binding site, surrounded by at least 2 Us
and with Us between them. This was further studied in addi-
tional mutations, as shown in Figure 2. For example, probe 2 also
Figure 2. Binding of synthetic human TTP73 peptide to normal and contained only a single binding site, despite having a more exten-
mutant ARE sequences. Gel shift assays were performed with radiola- sive run of wild-type sequence: UUAUUUAUUUAUUAUUUC.
beled wild-type and mutant ARE probes; the sequences of the ARE This was reduced in size somewhat in probe 5:
portion of the probes are shown, with the original A residues and C UUAUUUAUUUAUUC, which again permitted single complex
substitutions shown in bold. The numbers of the probes correspond to formation as with probe 2. Finally, probe 6, in which the 5',
the lane numbers at the top of the gel. The probes were bound to the middle, and 3' terminal ends contained single As, did not bind
TTP73 peptide at the concentrations shown at the top of the gel. probe at all under these conditions. Thus, the pentamers
Complexes 1 and 2, and the positions of the free RNA probes, are UUAUUU and UUUAUU were not sufficient to bind peptide
indicated. Taken from ref. 19 with permission. under these conditions.
These data strongly suggested that tandem occupancy of the
these ARE elements is similar in all of these mammals, although 24 b ARE occurred, with one mol of peptide binding to each
the alignment is not perfect throughout the whole length of the binding site, with a minimal effective size of 10 b in the form of
ARE. It should be noted that the alignment of the TNF mRNAs UUAUUUAUUU or UUUAUUUAUU. We found in subsequent
from these species is much less good on either side of the ARE. We work that oligonucleotides 9 bases and larger were sufficient to
will return to this alignment after a brief discussion of the tolerable change the NMR conformation of a biosynthetic peptide based
on TTP73, whereas probes of 7 b or fewer were not sufficient to
binding sites within the core human ARE.
cause full conformational changes.19 Both types of experiments
Using the human TNF ARE sequences as a starting point,
indicated that the minimal completely effective binding site was
we recently evaluated the minimal binding sequence in the
the 9mer, UUAUUUAUU. A similar conclusion was drawn in
ARE for human TTP and a synthetic 73 amino acid TZF an independent set of studies.23
peptide derived from it (TTP73; 19). The critical figure from When the sequences aligned in Figure 1 were evaluated for the
that paper is shown as Figure 2. The parental binding site presence of this optimal nonamer, several new patterns emerge.
consisted of 24 b from the human TNF ARE, representing For example, the human sequence is the prototype for a large group
bases 17-40 in the first line of Figure 1, i.e., that includes whales, monkeys, ruminants, and mice, in which there
U1U2A3U4U5U6A7U8U9U10A11U12U13A14U15U16U17A18U19U20U21A22U23U24. are five overlapping nonamers (Fig. 3). The horse sequence was not
When this sequence was radiolabeled and used to bind to the complete at the 3'-end at the time of this writing, but is identical in
synthetic peptide TTP73 at low peptide concentrations (0.1 µM, known residues to the other members of this group. According to
lane 1 in Fig. 2), the probe was shifted into the gel as two main the data from,19 this would probably permit either two or three
bands, a predominant lower complex (Complex 1) and lesser mol of TTP or its TZF peptide to bind to the overall ARE in tan-
amounts of a secondary complex (Complex 2); under these con- dem. This is in keeping with data from that paper, in which three
ditions, a considerable amount of probe remained “unshifted” at complexes appeared to be present when a long ARE probe was
the bottom of the gel in lane 1. The effect of the buffer alone on allowed to bind to the TZF peptide, probably representing single,
the probe is shown in lane 2, with no gel shift occurring. When a double and triple peptide occupancy of the probe.
higher concentration of peptide (0.5 µM) was used, then essen- This pattern is somewhat different for the rat, pig, rabbit and
tially all of the probe was shifted into the gel and formed com- woodchuck (Fig. 3). In the case of the rat sequence, there are four
plexes 1 and 2 with approximately equal intensity, with no evi- overlapping nonamer binding sites; we assume because of steric
dence for the formation of complexes of lower gel mobility, even interference that only two mol per mol of TTP or peptide could
at longer exposures of the autoradiograph. This result was com- bind to this ARE, but this remains to be validated experimen-
patible with either two mol per mol TZF peptide occupancy of tally. In the case of the rabbit, there are a total of three nonamer
the 24-mer probe, or perhaps monomer and dimer formation, binding sites, but since two overlap we predict that only two mol
both conformations permitting probe binding. per mol of protein or peptide should bind to this element. The
Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins in mRNA Binding 83

binding sites are optimal for TTP to accomplish its physiological

Obviously, if the consensus binding site is only slightly looser
than the strict nonamer sequence that we have been discussing,
then other binding sites will be present in the TNF mRNAs, and
in other mRNAs as well. It will be important to determine which
“AREs” occurring in nature are truly responsive to TTP and its
related proteins in knockout experiments, since binding of TTP
to degenerate ARE sequences can be demonstrated readily in
cell-free systems but may not be physiologically relevant because
of, for example, lower binding affinity. Although we know from
direct experimental testing that substitution of all the A residues
in a binding site with either C or G abrogates binding, we do not
yet know whether modest tampering of the UUU internal se-
quence affects binding in a physiologically relevant manner.
Relatively little is known about TNF in nonmammalian spe-
cies, although TTP and members of its family have been cloned
from fish and frogs. We searched the GenBank database for fish
cDNAs encoding TNF, and sequences that were long enough to
include a 3' ARE like sequence are shown in Figure 4. In this
Figure 3. Presence of TTP binding nonamer in TNF AREs. The por- case, the sequences were so unrelated that a consensus alignment
tions of the AREs shown in Figure 1 were analyzed for the presence of was not possible. Interestingly, of these four fish species only the
the putative canonical TTP binding nonamer, UUAUUUAUU. The catfish sequence contained a single nonamer TTP binding site,
lines above the sequences indicate the presence of the nonamer. The and none of the fish contained tandem sites in their “AREs”. The
horse sequence was not complete at the time of this writing. seabream sequence has recently been shown to bind both human
and zebrafish TTP.24 Despite evidence for TTP binding, how-
pig sequence contains five overlapping sites that are somewhat ever, TTP from either human and zebrafish was not capable of
different from the majority of mammals; again, assuming steric causing deadenylation or degradation of the seabream TNF
interference, we predict two mol per mol of protein or peptide mRNA in cotransfection experiments. This supports the specu-
binding, although since the overlap of the nonamers is less than lation that one or more “real” TTP binding sites are necessary for
in the other mammals there may be some tandem “triple” binding. full TTP “activity” in terms of deadenylating and degrading
Finally, the woodchuck should permit at least three mol/mol pep- mRNA. Clearly, considerable future work will be necessary to
tide/RNA binding based on these assumptions (Fig. 3). It will be fully describe the characteristics of TTP targets, preferably in the
interesting to determine whether the rat, rabbit and pig mRNAs context of TNF action in fish and other nonmammalian species.
behave differently in assays of mRNA deadenylation and turn- The other known physiological target of TTP is GM-CSF.
over than those of the other mammals, since they appear to sup- This mRNA is greatly stabilized in bone-marrow derived stromal
port only two mol/mol of protein/RNA binding, based on this cells from TTP knockout mice; furthermore, the stable mRNA
analysis. It is interesting that this analysis predicts at least two exists largely in the form of a completely polyadenylated tran-
mol/mol of protein/RNA binding in all known mammalian script, whereas in the normal cells the mRNA exists as two ap-
sequences, raising the interesting possibility that at least two proximately equally represented fully adenylated and deadenylated

Figure 4. “AREs” from fish

TNF sequences. Fish TNF se-
quences from GenBank were
searched for the most ARE like
sequence within the 3'-UTR,
and these are shown here. The

Figure 5. Alignments of mam-

malian GM-CSF AREs. These
are taken from known mamma-
lian GM-CSF mRNA se-
quences, as well as ESTs, from
GenBank. The asterisks at the
bottom indicate base identity at
those sites, as determined by the
ClustalW alignment program.
The overlines indicate the pres-
ence of the TTP binding
84 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

other to permit tandem occupancy of two protein molecules per

molecule of RNA.
Restricting the definition of potential TTP targets in this way
would greatly decrease the number of potential targets in normal
physiology, and would also markedly decrease the number of
potential targets in the AU-rich element database (ARED; http:/
/, for example. From the
forgoing discussion, a combination of experimentally derived
consensus sequences, coupled with phylogenetic comparisons,
should allow us at some point in the relatively near future to de-
scribe the sequence requirements for physiologically relevant TTP
binding, and thereby delineate the set of possible physiological
targets in the “transcriptome”.

The Mammalian CCCH TZF RNA Binding

A similar phylogenetic argument can be made concerning the
CCCH TZF binding domain. We will consider this TZF do-
Figure 6. ClustalW alignment of AREs from mammalian TNF and main as the entity necessary for high affinity binding to RNA,
GM-CSF sequences. The AREs shown in Figures 1 and 5 were subjected based on our initial studies in which mutation of a single key
to an unbiased alignment with the ClustalW program, and the results are histidine or cysteine almost completely abrogated RNA binding
shown here, with asterisks under the bases indicating identity at each site. (see ref. 17). However, it is important to note that mutation of a
The hyphens were inserted by the program to maximize the alignment. single cysteine or histidine in one of the two zinc fingers permit-
ted a small amount of binding to occur, at least in some experi-
transcripts.20,21 We therefore analyzed the potential ARE TTP ments using expression of the normal and mutant proteins in
binding sites from the known mammalian GM-CSF mRNAs long 293 cells, followed by gel shift assays using radiolabeled RNA
enough to contain a full ARE; these are illustrated in Figure 5. probes with the expressed proteins.13 We assume that this will be
With the exception of the pig sequence, all of the mammalian reflected in a major decrease in binding affinity, and that the physi-
GM-CSF mRNAs illustrated in Figure 5 contain overlapping ological action of TTP and related proteins relies on the presence
nonamer TTP binding sites. In the case of most of the mammalian of both intact zinc fingers; nonetheless, the interaction of a single
sequences shown in Figure 5, there would only be space for a zinc finger with RNA may occur with measurable affinity, as sug-
single mol/mol of TTP binding to the ARE if no overlap is per- gested by the gel shift data cited above as well as by recent work
mitted; however, since the Us at the extreme 5' and 3' ends of the by Berg and colleagues.25
binding site nonamer overlap by only one base, then tandem pro- One approach to the elucidation of key residues within the
tein or peptide occupancy might be permitted. The other possi- TZF domain is to determine conserved residues within the three
bility for multiple protein binding is of course if a loosened con- known mammalian proteins, then mutate them selectively and
sensus sequence is permitted. look for changes in RNA binding, as well as changes in intact
Given that the TNF and GM-CSF mRNAs are the only ones protein-dependent mRNA deadenylation and degradation. Fig-
known to be regulated by TTP in normal mammalian physiol- ure 7 shows an alignment of the known mammalian representa-
ogy, we aligned the AREs of the known mammalian orthologues tives of the TTP family of CCCH TZF domain proteins; some
using a completely unbiased ClustalW alignment (Fig. 6). Re- were translated from EST sequences in GenBank, and all were
markably, there were only two regions of perfect conservation: A aligned and assigned names based on their closest homology to
more 3' perfect UUAUUUAUU nonamer, and a more 5' hexamer the human proteins. For the purposes of this initial discussion,
UAUUUA. Closer inspection of the alignment showed that the we have used the mammalian proteins only, since the functions
5' hexamer was in the middle of a canonical nonamer in 14 of the of TNF, for example, may not be analogous in nonmammalian
21 AREs aligned. In the other cases, the nonamer was altered by vertebrates. As shown in Figure 7, there are a number of areas of
an A residue in place of the first U of the canonical nonamer (6 perfect conservation among the three proteins from the various
sequences) and/or an AU instead of the 3’terminal UU of the mammalian species, taking as given the complete conservation of
classical nonamer (rabbit TNF only) and/or a 3' terminal UC in the CCCH canonical zinc finger motifs and the perfect intra-
the pig GM-CSF sequence. Attempts to confirm the rabbit TNF and inter-finger spacing. Other conserved regions and residues
and the pig GM-CSF mRNA sequences by EST searching re- include: The complete RYKTELC leading sequence leading into
vealed that there were no corresponding ESTs in the database, so the first C of the first zinc finger (this C is represented as C109 in
that these differences in consensus should be viewed only as po- the human TTP protein, RefSeq NP_003398); the R110 residue
tential differences. In addition, inspection of the sequences in immediately following C109; E114; G116; KCQFAHG, con-
Figure 6 shows that both the rabbit TNF and pig GM-CSF AREs taining canonical C124 and H128; ELR at E132; RHPKYKTELC
have canonical nonamers further 5' of the conserved pentamer in at the lead-in sequence before the start of the second zinc finger
Figure 6. These data support a model in which two binding sites at C147; F150; G154; CPYG following C156; and RCHFIH
for TTP and related proteins are present in the AREs of known including the last C162 and H166. There are also a number of,
mammalian mRNA targets, and thus may be necessary for full for example, TTP-specific residues within the mammalian align-
activity of these proteins on mRNA deadenylation and turnover. ments, e.g., L152 instead of T; however, the significance of these
These two binding sites may require enough separation from each protein-specific residues is not yet clear.
Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins in mRNA Binding 85

Figure 7. Alignment of the TZF

domains from mammalian
CCCH proteins. These were
made using the program
ClustalW, and include the
amino-terminal lead-in se-
quences from all known cDNA
and EST sequences correspond-
ing to mammalian CCCH TZF
proteins. The consensus se-
quence of amino acid identities
is shown at the bottom of the
figure. The amino acids corre-
sponding to the numbered dots
at the top of the figure represent
residues of the CCCH zinc fin-
gers, with the numbering system
derived from the human TTP
RefSeq, NP_ 003398.

We have begun to systematically mutate these conserved resi-

dues and evaluate their effect on protein function.26 To date, all
mutations that have affected binding of the intact protein to a
TNF ARE probe have had similar effects on transfection-based
assays of TTP-dependent mRNA deadenylation and degradation,
so for the purposes of this discussion we will focus mainly on the
binding assay. An example of this type of experiment is shown in
Figure 8. These studies used wild-type and mutant human TTP
expressed in human 293 cells, which conveniently lack TTP, as
the source of ARE binding proteins; they also used probes de-
rived from TNF (A) and GM-CSF (B) as gel-shift targets. Panel
C demonstrates the roughly equivalent expression of the
epitope-tagged wild-type and mutant TTP proteins present in
the 293 cell extracts used for the binding assay. As readily seen
when comparing (Fig. 8A), lanes 1 and 2, there were at least three
endogenous probe binding proteins in 293 cell extracts when used
in this assay at this protein concentration (labeled I, II and III);
the identities of these proteins are not known. However, when
the 293 cell extracts containing wild-type TTP were used as the
protein source in this gel-shift assay, there was the characteristic
formation of two typical TTP-probe complexes (lane 3) that were
not present in the extracts from cells transfected with vector alone
(lane 2). As can be seen at the bottom of this gel, most but not all
of the probe was shifted into the gel to form the TTP-probe com-
plexes in lane 3. Essentially identical findings were seen when a
different ARE probe was used (panel B, same lanes). However,
when mutant TTP proteins were used in the same assay, it is
apparent that there was essentially no detectable RNA binding
activity under these conditions. This is demonstrated by the lack
of the presence of the TTP probe complexes in lanes 4-8; the Figure 8. The effect of mutations on residues within the TZF domain
presence of the endogenous 293 cell ARE binding proteins in the upon binding of ARE probes to the intact TTP protein. Gel shift assays
same extracts; and the normal amount of probe remaining at the were performed on cytosolic extracts from 293 cells expressing wild-type
bottom of the gels. Similar findings were present when the sec- TTP or the indicated mutant forms. P’ is a lane containing probe alone;
ond probe was used (panel B), and panel C demonstrates roughly BS+ is a lane containing an equivalent amount of a 293 cell extract trans-
equivalent concentrations of expressed proteins in these extracts. fected with the BS+ vector alone; Wt is wild-type TTP; the other lanes are
These experiments demonstrated no detectable binding of labeled by the appropriate amino acid substitution in the numbered resi-
single zinc finger residue mutants under these conditions, in which dues from the TTP TZF domain. A represents gel shifts using a TNF ARE
the mutations tested were fairly radical modifications of the ca- probe; the numbered complexes formed are indicated to the left. B rep-
nonical C and H residues within the two zinc fingers of human resents gel shifts using a GM-CSF ARE probe, with the same protein
TTP (using the same numbering system as in Fig. 7). We then extracts as in A. C indicates the TTP protein expression in the extracts
applied the same type of assay to mutations of some of the other used, determined by western blotting with an antibody against the epitope
conserved residues described in Figure 7 (Table 1; ref. 26). This tag of TTP. FP= free probe. Taken from ref. 26 with permission.
86 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Summary of point mutant effects on TTP binding to an ARE probe and destabilizing
an ARE-containing mRNA

Interval Amino Acid Change ARE Binding Decrease TNF mRNA? Increase TNF mRNA?

R110E(L) ++ ++++
H148E(L) ++++ ++++
F112Y ++++ ++++
F112Q ++ ++
F150Y ++++ ++++
G116E +++ ++++
G154K ++++ ++++
R117E(L) ++++ ++++
R155L ++++ ++++
C147R 0 0 Yes
Y120F ++++ ++++
Y158E 0 0 Yes
Y158Q 0 0 Yes
G121T(R) ++ ++
G159A(E)(K) ++ ++
K123D ++++ ++++
R161L + +
C124H(R) 0 0 Yes
C162H 0 0 Yes
F126Y ++++ ++++
F126N 0 0 Yes
F164Y ++++ ++++
F164L 0 0 Yes
H128K 0 0 Yes
H166L 0 0 Yes
These data summarize the results from three to four individual experiments. “Interval” represents the distance between each of two
key amino acids in the two CCCH motifs, and X represents any amino acid. “Amino acid change” refers to the results of mutations
encoding conserved amino acids of the CCCH motifs, as illustrated in Figure 1. “ARE binding” means the ability of expressed hTTP
mutants to bind to a GM-CSF mRNA ARE probe as assessed by gel mobility shift assays. The binding activity of wild-type TTP is indicated
by ++++, whereas no binding activity is indicated by 0. ”Decrease TNF mRNA?” represents the ability of a mutant TTP construct to cause
breakdown of the TNF mRNA in cotransfection experiments in 293 cells, indicated as 0 (no effect) to ++++ (equivalent to wild-type
TTP). “Increased TNF mRNA?” refers to the ability of a given mutant to cause an increase in the steady-state concentration of TNF or
other ARE containing mRNAs in the 293 cell cotransfection studies. Modified from ref. 26 with permission.

table does not include mutations within the highly conserved domain (see below). Similar studies are underway for a variety of
lead-in sequences for both fingers or the interfinger spacer which other of the conserved residues within the zinc fingers themselves;
also has a number of conserved residues. Some of these results within the lead-in sequences; within the intra-finger spacer; and
were somewhat surprising. For example, mutation of the perfectly finally, “spacers” are being introduced into the highly conserved
conserved R110 to an acidic E residue had only a modest effect inter-finger and intra-finger distances, to determine how well
on RNA binding, and did not seem to affect the ability of TTP to changes in these distances can be tolerated. This is of particular
promote TNF mRNA degradation in the co-transfection studies. importance when evaluating the numerous members of this
Similarly, mutation of G116 or G154 also had only a modest extended protein family in C. elegans (see below), where there is
effect on TTP binding activity. However, mutation of other con- considerable variability in the distances between key residues in
served residues, such as Y158 to either E or Q, completely abol- the two zinc fingers.
ished RNA binding ability. Another example of this type of pro- In addition to the RNA binding properties of the TZF do-
found change was the F residue in the final intra-finger sequence main, it has emerged within the past few years that the TZF do-
in either zinc finger: mutation of F126 or F164 to Y had no effect main contains sequences that seem to be capable of nuclear local-
on binding, whereas mutation of F126 to N or F164 to L abol- ization. TTP has long known to be capable of moving between
ished binding. the nuclear and cytosolic compartments,27 and recent studies from
Many of these highly conserved residues that are critical for our laboratory have identified nuclear export sequences within
binding have been found to be in significant positions within the the amino terminus of TTP and the carboxyl-termini of ZFP36L1
recently described three-dimensional structure of this binding and L2.9 However, the nature of the nuclear localization signals
Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins in mRNA Binding 87

was not clear. Recently, Murata and colleagues demonstrated that cussion, vertebrate genomes seem to express only four members
two arginine residues within the inter-finger spacer were impor- of the TTP family of TZF CCCH finger proteins, using the fairly
tant for nuclear localization of the protein.28 In our own work, strict spacing definition used here. We recently searched GenBank
the TZF domain alone seems to be entirely nuclear, i.e., when for all known members of this family in vertebrates, in general
lacking the nuclear export sequences. Mutation of the same two using tblastn to search nr, EST and genome databases for the
arginine residues in the inter-finger linker of the whole TTP and various vertebrates. The results of this overall alignment using
ZFP36L1 proteins caused the expressed proteins to be completely ClustalW are shown in Figure 9. In this alignment, the prototype
cytosolic, compatible with an important role for these two resi- TZF domain belonged to mouse TTP, and the distance from
dues as a nuclear localization motif. However, when these mu- mouse was directly proportional to the difference in sequence
tant proteins were expressed in 293 cells and used in a gel shift within the TZF domain. The representation of these differences
assay, they were unable to bind to an ARE probe, suggesting that in a phylogenetic tree are shown in Figure 10. Interestingly, Fig-
these conserved basic residues within the inter-finger linker may ure 9 demonstrates that all three of the Xenopus orthologues of
be critical for the three dimensional configuration of the protein TTP, ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2, known as C3H-1, C3H-2, and
and are necessary for binding to occur. This in turn suggests that C3H-3, respectively, are closer to mouse TTP than any of the
these residues may not constitute true nuclear localization sig- fish members of the family. In fact, the fish members are often
nals, since the fact that the mutant protein can no longer bind difficult to assign to an orthologous family member, and so were
RNA suggests that a fairly fundamental change in structure has arbitrarily numbered 1-4. In particular, the boundaries between
occurred that may prevent the nuclear import of the protein, in- the fish orthologues of ZFP36L1 and ZFP36L2 were often
dependent of true primary sequence nuclear localization motifs. blurred, so it seems possible that these proteins will be found to
Distinguishing among these possibilities will require further ex- be interchangeable in the fish genome, with biological activity
perimentation. possibly more dependent upon expression pattern than primary
Conserved Residues within Vertebrate CCCH This alignment allows for the identification of amino acids
TZF Domain Proteins that are conserved among these various disparate groups of verte-
As mentioned above, a fourth member of this family of pro- brate animals, as shown at the bottom of Figure 9. Remarkably,
teins was identified in frogs and fish.8,11 Although an analysis of many of the conserved residues found in the mammalian align-
the Xenopus and Silurana tropicalis ESTs encoding this fourth ment are still conserved among all vertebrates, and occasional
protein, known as Xenopus C3H-4, suggested that it might repre- differences, such as the equivalent of E145 to Q change in zebrafish
sent a family of closely related sequences,12 we recently deter- “TTP” as the only vertebrate with this change, are possibly due
mined by blasting the Fugu genome that there probably is only a to EST sequencing errors or polymorphisms. Nonetheless, these
single representative of this protein in the Fugu genome, as well conserved residues will continue to represent mutation targets
as three additional proteins representing the Fugu versions of TTP, for understanding the RNA binding domain and nuclear local-
ZFP36L1 and ZFL36L2. Therefore, for the purposes of this dis- ization functions of the proteins.

Figure 9. Alignment of all known vertebrate

CCCH protein TZF domains. These were taken
from blast searches of vertebrate cDNAs and ESTs,
and then aligned by ClustalW. The asterisks indi-
cate amino acid residues that were identical at that
site in all proteins; the colons indicate amino acid
similarity at that position; and the single dots in-
dicate lesser degrees of amino acid similarity. Al-
though the frog sequences could be assigned to
orthologous mammalian proteins by their overall
sequence identities, the fish sequences were not;
these were either numbered randomly or assigned
possible orthologous identities. The top to bot-
tom sequence order is related to the extent of amino
acid identity to mouse TTP, shown at the top,
with the least related sequences at the bottom.
88 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 12. C. elegans CCCH TZF proteins. Shown in (A) is an align-

ment of CCCH TZF domains from all known C. elegans “TZF” pro-
teins with that of human TTP. The hyphens were placed by the ClustalW
alignment program to permit loosening of the spacing conventions of
the mammalian proteins. The amino acid identities and similarities are
indicated by the symbols described in the legend to Figure 9. In (B) is
shown the alignment of TTP with the single C. elegans protein that
maintains the exact vertebrate spacing conventions. Outside of the TZF
Figure 10. Phylogram of the sequences shown in Figure 9. This figure
domain, this protein bears very little resemblance to any of the verte-
shows the hypothetical relationships among the sequences shown in
Figure 9. Note that this tree was calculated based on the alignments of brate CCCH TZF proteins.
the TZF domains alone, as shown in Figure 9, rather than on the align-
ment of the whole proteins. domain, is determined, it will be of interest to determine the corre-
sponding structures of some of these invertebrate forms and work
Two other alignments may be of interest. In the first, we blasted out their function in their respective organisms.
the plant and invertebrate animal sequences in GenBank (ESTs, nr Figure 11 shows only a single representative of this group in
and genomes) with human TTP, and looked for the canonical C. elegans, but if the C. elegans genome, nr and EST databases
CCCH motifs and identical spacing. The results of this search are are blasted with human TTP and the spacer conventions are
shown in Figure 11. There are representative proteins containing not insisted upon, then at least 13 related C. elegans proteins are
versions of this domain from many invertebrates, including two in produced (Fig. 12A). Some of these already have known func-
S. cerevesiae, one in S. pombe, Drosophila, Bombyx mori (silkworm), tions or attributes. For example, the closest sequence to human
the Anopheles mosquito, and Plasmodium falciparum, and still more TTP is sequence 1 in Figure 12A, shown aligned individually
distantly related family members in plants. To date, exploration of with human TTP using ClustalW in Figure 12B. This protein,
the function of these proteins in invertebrates has been disappoint- referred to as a pair of hypothetical proteins F38B7.1a and
ing; for example, disruption of both genes in yeast yielded a com- F38B7.1b (see GenBank accession number NP_505926), or its
pletely viable organism.29 Nonetheless, as the structure of the pro- mRNA, is expressed at a high level during all stages of de-
totype member of this family, presumably the human TTP TZF velopment. According to the RefSeq citation, RNA interference

Figure 11. Sequence alignments of inverte-

brate CCCH TZF domain proteins. These
peptide sequences are derived from cDNAs
and ESTs from GenBank and were aligned
without any vertebrate sequences to anchor
the alignment. The extent of amino acid iden-
tity or similarity is indicated at the bottom of
the alignment, as described in the legend to
Figure 9. The C. elegans sequence used was
from the single C. elegans protein of this class
that maintains the vertebrate spacing con-
ventions (see Fig. 12). The dendrogram at
the bottom is a cladogram, that is, it repre-
sents a the extent of the sequence similarity
among the sequences rather than the evolu-
tionary relationships. This was based on the
sequences of the TZF domain alone.
Tandem CCCH Zinc Finger Proteins in mRNA Binding 89

studies did not yield an obvious phenotype. When the entire

sequence was blasted against the human protein database in
GenBank, the only region of homology determined was with
the TZF domain, so this protein probably should not be con-
sidered an orthologue of any of the known vertebrate proteins,
at least at this stage in our knowledge.
More is known about some of the other C. elegans proteins
with differences in spacing compared to the vertebrate TZF do-
mains. For example, a number of the sequences are from Muscle
Excess (MEX) proteins, also known as Maternal Effect Lethal
(MEL) proteins. Mex-1, shown in Figure 12A as sequence 2, is
embryonic lethal 80-100% of the time when decreased by RNA
interference; the surviving progeny are sterile and often have rup-
tured vulvas (see RefSeq NP_496551). There are other MEX fam-
ily members, and other groups of proteins include the Posterior
Segregation (POS) proteins, Maturing Oocyte Expressed (MOE)
proteins, and others. All are presumed to be nucleic acid binding
proteins. Probably the best known member of this family is Phar-
ynx and Intestine in Excess (PIE-1), which is not shown in Fig-
ure 12 because of its much greater inter-finger distance than the
putative TZF domain proteins shown in Figure 12. Its current Figure 13. CCCH TZF domain structure. The figure represents a sur-
status and recent references are referred to in GenBank RefSeq face diagram of the TZF domain peptide from ZFP36L2 (TS11D)
record NP_499619; these data suggest that it is thought to act as complexed with the RNA nonamer UUAUUUAUU. The RNA chain
a transcriptional repressor as well as a possible translational acti- is shown in white, with rings; the 3' and 5' ends of the RNA oligo are
vator. This once again raises the interesting possibility that the indicated, as are hydrophobic pockets formed by the RYKTEL and
mammalian proteins will also be found to be DNA binding pro- KYKTEL lead-in sequences, and the positions of various aromatic side
teins, in addition to their apparent RNA binding protein abili- chains important for stacking interactions with the bases. See the text for
ties. The PIE-1 protein and other C. elegans family members are further details. From ref. 30 by permission of the Nature Publishing
not apparently orthologues of any of the vertebrate proteins, out- Group.
side of the TZF domain similarities, and it will be interesting to
determine how the C. elegans proteins divide up into RNA and/ conformational change that occurred with RNA binding began
or DNA binding protein families. to deteriorate as the RNA binding site oligonucleotide was short-
ened from the 9 b core ARE binding motif.
Structure of TZF Domains Very recently, Hudson et al30 determined the NMR structure
of the TZF domain from human ZFP36L2 (TIS11D), in com-
Obviously, a structure of the TZF domain in complex with its
plex with the same nonamer binding site, UUAUUUAUU. This
RNA target sequence would represent an important advance in
novel structure has many interesting features, some of which can
our knowledge in this area. It may also provide clues to the mecha-
be appreciated from a surface diagram taken from their paper
nism of action of TTP and its related proteins; clues to the pro-
(Fig. 13), including:
cess by which RNA binding apparently induces a conformational
change in the binding protein; clues to the possible change in (1) There was a conformational change in the peptide struc-
RNA conformation induced by the protein binding, perhaps ture upon RNA binding; (2) The RNA oligonucleotide did not
making it a better substrate for nucleases; and finally, a structure appear to exhibit any significant secondary structure in the com-
might inform the development of inhibitors and activators, both plex; (3) The two zinc fingers were very similar in structure, with
of which might have therapeutic implications in certain settings. the amino terminal zinc finger bound to the 3' UAUU half-site,
Unfortunately, TTP and its relatives behave badly when expressed and the carboxyl terminal zinc finger bound to the 5' half-site;
in bacteria, generally falling out of solution during purification. (4) Base U1, the 5'-most base in the nonamer, was not structured
However, two recent approaches have begun to yield informative in the complex. Other information suggested that the 3'-most U
data. We recently found that a synthetic 73 amino acid peptide might also be replaced by another base with retention of the struc-
containing the amino-terminal lead-in sequence, the complete ture; (5) The peptide-RNA interactions appeared to be in the
TZF domain and a small carboxyl-terminal extension of TTP form of hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions; (6) The
was soluble and capable of binding various ARE substrates con- “lead-in” sequences (R/K)YKTEL were critical in that key aro-
taining one or more copies of the proposed canonical nonamer.19 matic side chains appeared to form stacking interactions with the
A biosynthetic, labeled version of this was also soluble and ca- side chains of the bases, in structural features that the authors
pable of binding ARE substrates, down to and including the same referred to as “hydrophobic pockets” (Fig. 13).
nonamer. An interesting aspect of this binding is that the amino Given the very high percentage of identical amino acids in the
terminal zinc finger appeared to change configuration upon RNA ZFP36L2 and TTP TZF domains, it seems likely that this struc-
binding, as assessed by NMR. In addition, the second zinc finger, ture will be very similar in all members of this family, at least in
which was previously undetectable in the peptide in solution, the mammalian proteins. We recently modeled the human TTP
became “visible” to NMR upon RNA binding. These studies sug- TZF domain based on the ZFP36L2 structure described by
gested that RNA binding confers a significant conformational Hudson et al30 and found that the TTP residues directly in
change upon the TZF domain. The data also indicated that the contact with the RNA were identical to those in the ZFP36L2
90 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

peptide.31 Thus, we can make the assumption that a nearly iden- 14. Taylor GA, Carballo E, Lee DM et al. A pathogenetic role for TNF
tical situation will exist for all the mammalian family members in alpha in the syndrome of cachexia, arthritis, and autoimmunity
complex with the RNA binding site. Further challenges will in- resulting from tristetraprolin (TTP) deficiency. Immunity 1996;
clude additional structure function studies on many conserved 15. Carballo E, Gilkeson GS, Blackshear PJ. Bone marrow
and variable residues within the different TZF domains; the elu- transplantation reproduces the tristetraprolin-deficiency syndrome in
cidation of the mechanisms by which the intact proteins pro- recombination activating gene-2 (-/-) mice. Evidence that monocyte/
mote deadenylation after this binding complex has formed; the macrophage progenitors may be responsible for TNFalpha
identity of the bona fide physiological binding partners for the overproduction. J Clin Invest 1997; 100(5):986-995.
other family members; the numerous regulatory possibilities af- 16. Lai WS, Carballo E, Strum JR et al. Evidence that tristetraprolin
binds to AU-rich elements and promotes the deadenylation and
forded by phosphorylation, nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling, tran- destabilization of tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA. Mol Cell Biol
scriptional regulation and protein binding events; and finally, the 1999; 19(6):4311-4323.
possibility of using this novel structural information to develop 17. Lai WS, Carballo E, Thorn JM et al. Interactions of CCCH zinc
new types of therapies for diseases caused in part by elevated lev- finger proteins with mRNA. Binding of tristetraprolin-related zinc
els of circulating TNF. finger proteins to Au-rich elements and destabilization of mRNA. J
Biol Chem 2000; 275(23):17827-17837.
18. Lai WS, Blackshear PJ. Interactions of CCCH zinc finger proteins
References with mRNA: Tristetraprolin-mediated AU-rich element-dependent
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11(1):39-46. 19. Blackshear PJ, Lai WS, Kennington EA et al. Characteristics of the
2. Gomperts M, Pascall JC, Brown KD. The nucleotide sequence of a interaction of a synthetic human tristetraprolin tandem zinc finger
cDNA encoding an EGF-inducible gene indicates the existence of a peptide with AU-rich element-containing RNA substrates. J Biol
new family of mitogen-induced genes. Oncogene 1990; Chem 2003; 278(22):19947-19955.
5(7):1081-1083. 20. Carballo E, Lai WS, Blackshear PJ. Evidence that tristetraprolin is a
3. Varnum BC, Lim RW, Sukhatme VP et al. Nucleotide sequence of physiological regulator of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
a cDNA encoding TIS11, a message induced in Swiss 3T3 cells by factor messenger RNA deadenylation and stability. Blood 2000;
the tumor promoter tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate. Oncogene 1989; 95(6):1891-1899.
4(1):119-120. 21. Carballo E, Blackshear PJ. Roles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha
4. Lai WS, Stumpo DJ, Blackshear PJ. Rapid insulin-stimulated receptor subtypes in the pathogenesis of the tristetraprolin-deficiency
accumulation of an mRNA encoding a proline-rich protein. J Biol syndrome. Blood 2001; 98(8):2389-2395.
Chem 1990; 265(27):16556-16563. 22. Lai WS, Kennington EA, Blackshear PJ. Tristetraprolin and its family
5. Ma Q, Herschman HR. A corrected sequence for the predicted members can promote the cell-free deadenylation of AU-rich
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Oncogene 1991; 6(7):1277-1278. 2003; 23(11):3798-3812.
6. DuBois RN, McLane MW, Ryder K et al. A growth factor-inducible 23. Worthington MT, Pelo JW, Sachedina MA et al. RNA binding
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highly conserved sequence containing an unusual Cys-His repeat. mRNA of the Marine Fish Gilthead Seabream. Paper presented at:
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four zinc fingers and severely restricted expression. Gene 1999; 25. Michel SL, Guerrerio AL, Berg JM. Selective RNA binding by a
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9. Phillips RS, Ramos SB, Blackshear PJ. Members of the tristetraprolin Biochemistry 2003; 42(16):4626-4630.
family of tandem CCCH zinc finger proteins exhibit 26. Lai WS, Kennington EA, Blackshear PJ. Interactions of CCCH zinc
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Nat Struct Mol Biol 2004; 11(3):257-264.

Ribosomal Zinc Finger Proteins:

The Structure and the Function of Yeast YL37a
John Dresios, Yuen-Ling Chan and Ira G. Wool*


inc finger motifs are common in ribosomal proteins: they
are widely distributed in nature, having been found
amongst the proteins of both subunits of the ribosomes
of all species examined in the three kingdoms; the motif is al-
ways of the C2C2 variety and occurs only once in a protein. De-
spite wide distribution there is neither strict conservation of the
ribosomal proteins with the motif nor of the entire motif in ho-
Figure 1. Zinc finger motifs in S. cerevisiae ribosomal proteins. The
mologous proteins. A comprehensive genetic, biochemical, and
numbers in the second column are the position in the amino acid se-
structural analysis has been made of the contribution of the zinc
quence of the first cysteine residue in the motif.
finger to the function of yeast ribosomal protein YL37a, to date
the only study of its kind. Replacement, one at a time, of the
cysteines with serines in the motif in YL37a revealed that all analyses by atomic absorption spectroscopy indicated that
four cysteines are required for the binding of zinc; nonetheless, mammalian ribosomes have approximately six moles of zinc.8
cells with mutations in three of the four cysteines do not suffer a In rps the zinc finger motif occurs only once; this is in contrast
significant impairment of growth, nor is the binding to rRNA of to DNA binding proteins where there are often tandem repeats
the mutant proteins materially affected. It is possible that the of the motif.9
zinc finger motif in ribosomal proteins are the vestiges, biologi- There is a crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit (50S)
cal fossils if you will, of a former function, and that the motif from archaebacterium Haloarcula marismortui (Hm) resolved to
has been preserved despite the ribosomal proteins having come 2.4 Å;10 the structure confirms the presence of zinc finger motifs
to use alternate amino acid sequences and/or structures to bind in rps:1,2 HmL37e (a homolog of RL37); HmL37ae (RL37a); Hm
to rRNA as has been shown to be the case for YL37a. L24e (RL24); and HmL44e (RL36a). The rat homolog of
HmL24e (RL24) lacks the internal two cysteines and, therefore,
Introduction is unlikely to coordinate zinc. The rat homolog of HmL44e
Ribosomes are large ribonucleoprotein complexes that medi- (RL36a) has an unusually large insert (56 amino acids) between
ate protein synthesis in all organisms in the biosphere; they func- the two internal cysteines of the motif and was overlooked in the
tion to link the genotype to the phenotype. The amino acid se- original analysis.2 In sum, of the four zinc finger proteins in the
quences of the 79 mammalian1,2 and of the 78 yeast3 ribosomal large subunit, one is unique to rat, RL40, and one to H.
proteins (rps) have been determined. The sequences are needed marismortui, HmL24e.
for a solution of the structure of eukaryotic ribosomes, and they In the crystal structure of the 50S subunit of the ribosomes of
should help to understand the evolution of rps, to unravel their the eubacterium Deinococcus radiodurans (Dr) there are two rps
function, and to define the rules that govern their interaction with zinc finger motifs, DrL32 and DrL36;11 both lack eukary-
with ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). An unexpected finding was that otic homologs. In the structure of the 30S subunit from the
some rps had amino acid sequences that were first associated with eubacterium Thermus thermophilus (Tt),12 a zinc atom is coordi-
binding to DNA.1,2,4-6 These motifs include helix-turn-helix,7 nated by four cysteine residues in rps TtS4 (a homolog of RS9;
basic region leucine-zippers,5,6 and zinc fingers.1,2,5 RS9 lacks the zinc coordinating residues and thus the motif ) and
Zinc finger motifs are present in the rps of species from the in TtS14 (homolog of RS29).
three kingdoms.4 Seven rat (R) rps have zinc finger motifs of Thus, in archaebacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes, the large
the C2C2 variety; three are in the small (S) and four are in the subunit contains four rps with zinc finger motifs; in contrast, the
large (L) ribosomal subunit; they are RS27, RS27a, RS29, eubacterial 50S subunit has only two. The similarity of the zinc
RL36a, RL37, RL37a, and RL40 (ref. 2) (Fig. 1); moreover, finger rps of eukaryotic and of archaebacterial ribosomes accords

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
92 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. The effect of mutations in the zinc finger

motif of YL37a on yeast growth and on
zinc binding

Doubling Time Zn Bound to

in YPDa Protein
Mutation (min) (µmol/µmol)

MBP – 0.15

MBP-YL37a-wild type 102 1.00

Figure 2. The sequence of amino acids in S. cerevisiae ribosomal protein
YL37a and in H. marismortui HmL37ae. The residues at the MBP-YL37a-C39S lethal 0.27
amino-terminus (positions 1-18) and in the zinc finger motif (positions
39-60) of YL37a that were mutated are designated in bold. MBP-YL37a-C42S 109 0.16

with the finding that, in general, the amino acid sequences of MBP-YL37a-C57S 106 0.16
their rps are close, closer than either are to bacteria. Nonetheless,
it is important to note that there is neither strict conservation of MBP-YL37a-C59S 102 0.93
the rps with zinc finger motifs nor of the motif in homologous
rps (see later as well). MBP-YL37a-C60S 141 0.20
Little is known of the role, if any, of the motif or of the metal a YPD liquid media: 1% yeast extract, 2% bactopeptone, 2% glucose.
in the structure and the function of the zinc finger rps. But, the
importance of metals in general and of zinc in particular for many
cellular processes inclines one to take seriously the possibility that The Phenotype of Cells with Mutations in the
the rps with zinc fingers might be critical for the assembly or for Cysteine Residues of the YL37a Zinc Finger
the function of the ribosome, perhaps because the motif has a Motif
role in interactions with rRNA. There is a great deal of data that suggests that the tetrahedral
coordination of zinc initiates the folding of the finger motif.16-18
The YL37a Zinc Finger Motif In general, mutations of the amino acids that coordinate zinc
The sequence of nucleotides (nts) in the two genes encoding abolish the binding of the metal and parri passu lead to the loss of
yeast (Y) rp YL37a (Fig. 2) had been determined,13,14 and the function of the protein. Hence, the initial prediction was that
amino acid sequence derived from the nt sequence had estab- each cysteine residue in the YL37a zinc finger motif was essential
lished that YL37a has a zinc finger motif of the C2C2 type. What for tetrahedral coordination of the metal, for the folding of the
had not been determined at the time was whether YL37a binds module, and for the function of the protein. These assumptions
zinc and, if it does, whether the structure formed by the coordi- were tested.14 Single replacements of individual cysteine residues
nation of the metal is necessary for the contribution of the pro- with serine were constructed in a YL37a-B gene in a high copy
tein to the function of the ribosome. plasmid. The mutations were: C39S, C42S, C57S, C59S, and
YL37a is essential for cell viability.14 The lethal phenotype of a C60S (Fig. 2).
strain in which both copies of the YL37a gene were disrupted A plasmid bearing a mutation of the cysteine at position 39
could be complemented with a copy of either the YL37a-A or the (C39S) in a YL37a-B gene was unable to rescue the y137a null
YL37a-B gene.15 Complementation of the null phenotype of the strain (Table 1), i.e., cysteine 39 is essential for the function of
yeast strain yl37a with the open reading frame encoding the ho- YL37a. However, in contradistinction to expectation, plasmids
mologous rat RL37a indicated that the portions of the amino
with mutations C42S, C57S, C59S, or C60S in YL37a-B were
acid sequences of the yeast and of the rat proteins most critical
able to complement the null strain. There are at least two expla-
for function are conserved.14
To address the question of the importance of the zinc finger nations of these results. First, that the coordination of zinc is not
motif for YL37a function, both chromosomal copies of the YL37a be required for the function of YL37a nor of ribosomes and, hence,
gene were disrupted. The efficiency of the complementation of for the growth of yeast cells. This explanation assumes that all
the lethal yl37a null phenotype with plasmid-encoded copies of a four cysteine residues are required for the coordination of zinc;
YL37a gene in which the cysteine residues of the zinc finger mo- i.e., that mutation of any one of the cysteines in the motif abol-
tif were replaced, one at a time, with the codons for serine was ishes metal binding. A second explanation is that YL37a with
assessed. The effect of the mutations on the binding of zinc to three cysteines and a serine at the fourth position is able to coor-
YL37a was also determined.14 Later the role in the function of dinate zinc. Serine differs from cysteine only in that the γ-oxygen
YL37a of the amino acids in the intervening region of the zinc of the former is replaced by a sulfur atom in the latter. Serine
finger motif and of the residues at the amino-terminus of the does participate in the coordination of zinc in several enzymes.19
protein was evaluated.15 In addition, the YL37a binding sites in However, canonical zinc fingers are not known to use amino ac-
26S rRNA were identified and the role of the zinc finger motif ids other than cysteine or histidine to coordinate the metal. To
and of residues in the amino-terminal region on the interaction investigate the two possibilities an in vitro assay for the binding
of the protein with the nucleic acid was investigated.15 of zinc to YL37a was developed.
Ribosomal Zinc Finger Proteins: The Structure and the Function of Yeast YL37a 93

Zinc Binding to Purified YL37a-MBP

YL37a binds zinc; the binding is stoichiometric, specific, and Table 2. The doubling times of S. cerevisiae strains
most importantly requires all four of the cysteine residues in the with mutations in the zinc finger motif
motif.14 YL37a was expressed in E. coli fused to maltose binding and in the amino-terminal region in a
protein (MBP). The purified recombinant YL37a-MBP was re- plasmid-borne copy of the YL37a-B gene
solved by electrophoresis and transferred to nitrocellulose paper.
The fusion protein bound radioactively labeled zinc; whereas MBP Mutation Doubling Time in YPD (min)
alone did not. Each mole of YL37a-MBP bound 0.8 mole of
zinc. The radioactive zinc bound to YL37a could be replaced by
Zinc Finger Motif
an excess of nonradioactive zinc, and by excesses of cobalt, cad-
mium, or nickel, cations that are known to bind to zinc finger YL37a-Wild-type 102
motifs. In contrast, zinc could not be replaced by even greater YL37a-K44A 124
excesses of calcium or of magnesium, cations that do not bind to YL37a-K45A 111
the motif. In addition, the cysteine-specific reagent YL37a-K48A 122
p-hydroxymercuriphenylsulfonate released radioactive zinc from YL37a-R49A 131
YL37a, a further indication that the binding of zinc to the motif YL37a-K44A-K45A 136
depends on the cysteine residues in the protein.14 YL37a-K48A-R49A 610
The effect of mutations of the cysteine residues of the zinc YL37a-W55A Lethal
finger motif in YL37a on the binding of the metal was deter-
mined quantitatively (Table 1). 14 The replacement of the N-terminal region
nonconserved cysteine residue at position 59 with serine did not YL37a-K6A-K7A 141
affect binding. Replacement, one at a time, with serine of the YL37a-K13A 173
conserved cysteine residues in the motif (at positions 39, 42, 57, YL37a-Y14A Lethal
and 60) reduced the binding of zinc to mutant MBP-YL37a to YL37a-R17A 201
levels that did not appreciably exceed background. The conclu-
YL37a-Y18A 155
sion was clear: all four conserved cysteine residues are essential
for the binding of zinc in vitro, but only one, C39, is essential for
YL37a function in vivo. Thus, YL37a can bind zinc, but the func- It seemed possible then that one or more of the four con-
tion of the rp, whatever that might be, does not depend on the served basic residues (K44, K45, K48, and R49) and/or the
coordination of the metal. aromatic residue (W55) in the linker sequence is critical for
the binding of YL37a to rRNA and for its function. To test the
Sequences in YL37a Zinc Finger Motif possibility, nts encoding these residues in a plasmid encoded
between the Chelating Cysteines 2 and 3 YL37a-B gene were replaced with those for alanine and the
Several observations had suggested that the amino acids in the rescue of the null strain was assessed (Table 2). Substitution of
intervening region between the internal cysteines of the zinc fin- alanines for lysines 44, 45, or 48 or for arginine 49 in the in-
ger motifs might be important for the function of rps.4-6 One tervening region consistently increased the doubling times of
observation, especially noteworthy here, concerns members of cells, although the increase was relatively small. The possibility
the eubacterial rp S14 family which are related to the rat zinc that a region of charge density in YL37a is needed for interac-
finger rp RS29. Homologous S14 proteins from several bacterial tion with the RNA was tested by constructing mutations in
species have the entire element; whereas Escherichia coli (Ec) S14 pairs of basic amino acids. The doubling time of cells with
has a degenerate form of the motif. In an alignment with the mutations of lysines 44 and 45 (YL37a-K44A-K45A) was in-
others there is a cysteine in EcS14 at what would be the initial creased approximately 30%. A greater effect was seen in a sec-
position; the other three are absent. The hydrophilic and hydro- ond double mutant, YL37a-K48A-R49A, where the viability
phobic character of the linker sequence, however, is preserved in of the cells was retained but their doubling time was increased
EcS14 and 8 of the 12 residues share identity with amino acids at six-fold (Table 2). It should be noted that of the several muta-
the same positions in Bacilus subtilis (Bs) S14. The spin given to tions in basic residues, the largest negative effect on growth
this finding is that EcS14 once had a full C2C2 motif and that appeared when alanine was substituted for arginine 49: the
parts were lost during divergent evolution. There is, of course, no R49A mutation decreased growth more than the K44A, K45A,
direct evidence for this bias.
or K48A single mutations; and the K48A-R49A double muta-
It is likely that the same amino acid sequences and/or struc-
tures in the B. subtilis and EcS14 proteins are used to bind to 16S tion decreased growth far more than a K44A-K45A variant
rRNA since the binding site is conserved.20 If this assumption is (Table 2). Thus, although all three lysines in the intervening
correct then the conclusion is that the proteins do not use the region of the zinc finger motif contribute to YL37a function,
canonical secondary and tertiary structures that are formed by the most critical basic residue is arginine 49. This may reflect
association with zinc in binding to rRNA, since EcS14 presum- in part the great propensity of arginine for interaction with
ably lacks the capacity to bind the metal and, hence, to form the nucleic acids. In protein-RNA interactions, the predominant
structure. One reconciliation is that the binding to rRNA em- proton donor is arginine; moreover, arginine is more often than
ploys the side chains of the conserved basic, hydrophobic, and lysine involved in the recognition of the 2'-hydroxyl of ribose
aromatic amino acids in the linker region rather than in the fin- and of phosphate oxygens in the backbone.22
ger structure per se. Basic and aromatic amino acids are often Finally, it is noteworthy that the mutation of the aromatic amino
involved in RNA recognition.21,22 acid tryptophan at position 55 to alanine was lethal (Table 2).
94 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 4. The effects of mutations in YL37a on the binding of the

ribosomal protein to domain II or III of 26S rRNA. Histograms of the
fraction of radioactive domain II or domain III of 26S rRNA in com-
plexes with MBP-YL37a having mutations in the zinc finger motif or in
the amino-terminal region of the ribosomal protein.

Figure 3. The binding of the fusion protein MBP-YL37a to the indi- YL37a Zinc Finger Binding to 26S rRNA
vidual domains of 26S rRNA. The binding of 1 µM of MBP-YL37a to Domains II and III
1 nM of each of the six radioactive 26S rRNA domains was determined To delineate the contribution of the zinc finger to the interac-
by spotting the reaction mixture (10 µl) in a single drop on a nitrocel- tion of YL37a with domains II and III of 26S rRNA, the effect of
lulose filter. In (a), a histogram of the fraction of the input of the separate mutations in the cysteines and in the intervening sequence of the
RNA domains in complexes with MBP-YL37a. In (b), autoradiographs motif was assessed. In short, there is a close correspondence be-
of the complexes of MBP-YL37a and the radioactive 26S rRNA domain tween the effect of the mutations on the growth of cells and on
fragments captured on nitrocellulose filters. the binding to 26S rRNA. A substitution of serine for the first
cysteine in the motif (MBP-YL37a-C39S), a mutation that is le-
YL37a Binding Sites in 26S rRNA thal for yeast cells,14 all but abolished binding to domains II and
It is all but certain that it is the rRNAs that are most critical III (Fig. 4). More importantly, for the YL37a-C57S and
for the chemistry of protein synthesis: mRNA, aminoacyl- and YL37a-C60S mutations, there is a clear dissociation between their
peptidyl-tRNA, and the accessory initiation, elongation, and ter- inability to bind zinc on the one hand, and the lack of an affect
mination factors bind to sites in rRNA; it is likely that nts in on cell growth or on binding to rRNA on the other. The C57S
rRNA catalyze peptide bond formation; and changes in the con- and C60S mutations had abolished the binding of zinc to YL37a,
formation of the rRNAs may underlie translocation. However, but the former did not affect the growth of yeast cells and the
the importance of rps is not to be gainsaid since functional ribo- latter caused only a small increase in the doubling time (Table 1).
somes cannot be formed in their absence. Rps serve as chaper- The same mutations either did not affect binding of the protein
ones facilitating the folding of the rRNAs during biogenesis and to domain II or III or caused only a small decrease (Fig. 4). There
stabilize an optimal conformation in the mature particle.10,20 was negligable binding of the double mutant
Mutations in rps that produce a phenotype often are in rRNA MBP-YL37a-K48A-R49A to either domain II or III (Fig. 4). Fi-
binding sites.23 Thus, the chemistry of RNA-protein recognition nally, there was no binding to 26S rRNA of MBP-YL37a-W55A,
is critical to a determination of the structure of the particle and a mutation that was lethal for yeast cells (Table 2 and Fig. 4).
to the unraveling of the molecular details of its function.
It was assumed that the function of YL37a, and hence the Interaction of 26S rRNA with YL37a
phenotype of mutations in the protein, must derive from its in- Amino-Terminal Region
teraction with RNA. For that reason it seemed important to first Once again, it was possible that the side chains of conserved
identify the rRNA binding sites for YL37a and then to evaluate amino acids in YL37a apart from the zinc finger motif, contrib-
the effects of mutations in YL37a on binding to the sites. To- uted to the binding to rRNA. This interpretation is supported
wards this end, a set of six rDNA fragments that encode the do- by the observation that K16 near (but not in) the zinc finger
mains in 26S rRNA was generated by PCR amplification from a motif in Bacillus stearothermophilus S14 can be cross-linked to
plasmid that had a Saccharomyces cerevisiae 35S rDNA transcrip- 16S rRNA.25 Regions rich in basic amino acids are a common
tion unit.24 The rDNA domain fragments were subcloned in ap- feature of RNA-binding proteins. In the amino-terminal region
propriate plasmid vectors for the preparation of radioactive tran- of YL37a six of the fifteen residues between positions 3 and 17
scripts using T7 RNA polymerase.15 An in vitro assay to quantitate are basic and there are, as well, two tyrosines (Fig. 2). In all
binding was developed and the affinity of MBP-YL37a for each eukaryotic organisms for which an amino acid sequence of YL37a
of the six 26S rRNA domains was determined (Fig. 3). Domains is available, six of these eight residues (K6, K7, K13, Y14, R17,
II and III have the primary sites to which YL37a associates.15 and Y18) are either invariant or the changes are conservative.
Ribosomal Zinc Finger Proteins: The Structure and the Function of Yeast YL37a 95

Mutations to alanine, one at a time, of these six residues, in

each instance, decreased cell growth; a Y14 mutation was lethal
(Table 2). Moreover, as in the case of mutations in the zinc
finger motif, the effect of mutations in the amino-terminal re-
gion of YL37a on binding to 26S rRNA mirrors their effects on
cell growth and viability (Fig. 4).

Structural Data
The genetic and the biochemical experiments do not unam-
biguously define the nature of the participation of individual
amino acids in YL37a in the function of the protein, since the
results do not distinguish between a direct contribution of a resi-
due to the free energy of binding to rRNA and an indirect contri-
bution because the residue is critical for the maintenance of the
three-dimensional structure. A decision between these alterna-
tives requires correlation of the results of the genetic and bio-
chemical experiments with the three-dimensional structure of the
protein-RNA complex. On the other hand, hydrogen bonds,
nonpolar contacts, and electrostatic interactions between amino
acids and nts can only be inferred from the X-ray structure;21
biochemistry and genetics are needed to define the subset of
proximities that have functional significance.
An atomic structure of the 50S subunit of H. marismortui ri-
bosomes that has the archaebacterial homolog of YL37a,
HmL37ae, has been determined by X-ray diffraction of crystals
at 2.4 Å resolution.10 The C2C2 motif in HmL37ae (Fig. 5) coor-
dinates a zinc atom and the finger is folded into a form similar to
a zinc ribbon motif. There is conservation of the secondary struc-
tures of H. marismortui 23S and of S. cerevisiae 26S rRNAs and
of the amino acid sequences of HmL37ae and YL37a (Fig. 2).
The proteins have 41% amino acid identity (51% similarity) al-
beit HmL37ae lacks 10 of the amino acids that are near the
carboxyl-terminus of YL37a. Thus, the structure of HmL37ae
can be used, with some confidence, to interpret the biochemical
and genetic results obtained with YL37a.
HmL37ae (Fig. 5) has a globular body (residues 35 to 73) Figure 5. The structure of the ribosomal protein HmL37ae taken from
with two α-helical extensions. The globular body is formed by the crystal structure of the 50S ribosomal subunit.10 In (a), a ribbon
the folded zinc finger; the motif is comprised of four anti-parallel diagram of HmL37ae. α-Helices are red; β-strands are dark blue; loops
β-strands and five loops. One α-helical extension is near the are green; and side chains of amino acids are light blue. Two aromatic
amino-terminus (residues 21 to 34) and the other is at the residues, F14 and W55, are represented by van der Waals spheres. The
carboxyl-terminus (residues 74 to 81). There is also a 310-helix four cysteines (yellow) that coordinate a zinc atom (grey-red ball) in the
(residues 11 to 13) closer to the amino-terminus. One surface of finger motif are at the bottom. In (b), the interactions of amino acids at
the carboxyl-terminal helix is packed against HmL2 (YL8 in yeast the amino-terminus of HmL37ae. In (c), interactions between amino
ribosomes). Basic and aromatic amino acids form an extended acids in HmL37ae and nucleotides in 23S rRNA. Domain II nucleotides
surface on the side of HmL37ae that is in contact with rRNA. (817-822) are lavender; domain III nucleotides are either orange
These residues include K46, K48, and R49 in the intervening (1600-1605) or magenta (1648-1653).
region of the zinc finger; R13, R17, and Y18 at the
amino-terminus; and K34 and K36 as well. of a nt (the closest nt is more than 10 Å away). In support of this
That YL37a binds to domains II and III of 26S rRNA15 ac- interpretation, it should be noted that there is not a single in-
cords with the crystal structure of the H. marismortui 50S sub- stance, in a database of the structures of 45 protein-RNA com-
unit where HmL37ae is in proximity to domains II, III, IV of plexes, of a cysteine being implicated in the recognition of a nt.22
23S rRNA.10 None of the cysteines in the zinc finger motif of The results suggest that the two basic residues, K44 and K45
HmL37ae are within hydrogen-bonding distance (2.4 to 3.4 Å) in YL37a, combine to create a region of positive charge, since the
of a nt in 23S rRNA. For the mutations of three of the cysteines double mutation, YL37a-K44A-K45A, slowed the growth of yeast
in YL37a (C42, C57, and C60) this is compatible with a lack of cells and the binding to rRNA domains more than either muta-
a significant growth phenotype or an effect on binding to rRNA. tion alone. Of the residues in the intervening region of the zinc
The lethal phenotype of the C39S mutation can only be ascribed finger that were mutated, K45 (K44 in YL37a) is not within
to a perturbation of the structure of YL37a, since the mutation hydrogen-bonding distance of a nt; whereas the side chain of K46
abolishes binding to rRNA even though it is unlikely that the (K45 in YL37a) makes contacts to the O1 phosphate of a gua-
amino acid makes a contact to any nt. Indeed, the homologous nosine and the O2 phosphate of an adjacent cytosine in domain
cysteine in HmL37ae is not within hydrogen-bonding distance III (Table 3).
96 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 3. Atomic contacts between amino acids in HmL37ae and nucleotides in 23S rRNA of H. marismortui

Amino Acids 23S rRNA Atomic Contact

HmL37ae YL37aa Nucleotide Amino Acidb Nucleotideb Distance (Å)

Zinc finger motif

K46 K45 G1601 Nζ O1P 3.2
C1602 Nζ O2P 3.2
K48 K48 G1649 Nζ O1P 3.1
R49 R49 C1651 NHη1 O2P 3.0
C1651 NHη1 O5' 3.4
C1652 NHη1 O2P 3.0
C1652 NHη2 O2P 2.7
C1652 Cζ O2P 3.3
N-terminal region
R13 K13 A818 Cδ O2' 2.9
R17 R17 A819 NHη2 O3' 3.2
G820 NHη2 O1P 2.6
G820 Nε O1P 3.3
G820 Cζ O1P 3.3
U821 NHη1 C4' 3.2
Y18c Y18 G820 OHη O1P 2.7
The contacts are from the 2.4 Å resolution crystal structure of the H. marismortui 50S ribosomal subunit.10 a The homologous
amino acids in YL37a (Fig. 2). The amino acids that were mutated (Y14, C39, C42, C57, C60, K44, and W55), but whose homologs
in HmL37ae are not within 3.4 Å of a 23 S rRNA nucleotide are not listed; K6 and K7 were mutated but were not resolved in the
diffraction data. b The side chain atoms are designated by Greek letters; van der Waals contacts are in bold. c Y18 also makes
backbone contacts to the base of A1829 and to the sugar of A1885 in domain IV.

The YL37a-K48A-R49A double mutation increased the dou- Because alanine is smaller than tryptophan it is unlikely that the
bling time of yeast cells six-fold and markedly affected its affinity former would fill the cavity ordinarily occupied by the latter and
for rRNA. Once again, the phenotype of the double mutation the mutation might well cause the collapse of the fold. Thus, the
was far more severe than the sum of the separate K48A or R49A contribution of W55 to the function of YL37a is likely to derive
mutations. The ionic nature of the interaction is supported by from a role in the maintenance of the structure of the protein
the observation that arginine or lysine to alanine substitutions at rather than from participation in binding to rRNA.
positions K48 and R49 respectively reduced binding to rRNA. Among the several basic residues at the amino-terminus of
Indeed, the side chain of K48 in HmL37ae makes a contact to an YL37a that were surveyed, a K13A mutation slowed growth. The
O1 phosphate of a guanosine in domain III of 23S rRNA; whereas, side chain of R13 (the homolog in HmL37ae of K13 in YL37a)
the side chain amino groups of R49 make multiple contacts to makes a van der Waals contact to the 2' oxygen of the sugar of an
O2 phosphates and to a sugar oxygen of adjacent cytosines also adenine in domain II (Table 3). The side chain of a second basic
in domain III, as well as a van der Waals contact to an O2 phos- residue, R17, makes contacts to three consecutive nts in domain
phate of the second cytosine (Table 3). Despite the multiple con- II: van der Waals contacts to the O1 phosphate of a guanosine
tacts, the functional importance of R49 is in some way amplified and to a sugar carbon of a uridine; two electrostatic contacts to
by K48. Of course, the relationship between the two residues can the O1 phosphate of the guanosine; and finally a contact to the
be put the other way around. In any case, the two basic amino 3' oxygen of a sugar in an adenosine (Table 3). The R17A muta-
acids either form an essential region for electrostatic interaction tion in YL37a caused a marked decrease in the growth of yeast
or the fine structure of the region is dependent on the two. It may cells, presumably because these contacts were compromised; in-
be that we have here an illustration of a theme for the chemistry deed, the binding of YL37a-R17A to 26S rRNA was all but abol-
of RNA-protein recognition: the participation of clusters of two ished. The mutation YL37a-Y18 retards the growth of yeast cells,
or more basic amino acids in the recognition of RNA binding and this could be explained by the observation that the hydroxyl
sites. Clusters of basic residues are common in proteins that bind of the aromatic ring of Y18 in HmL37ae makes a contact to an
to RNA, especially in rps.1 The results suggest that it is the over- O1 phosphate of a guanosine.
all charge density of the intervening sequence that is important The closest nt to F14 in HmL37a (Y14 in YL37a) is more
for binding to 26S rRNA rather than specific residues. than 10 Å away; hence, the presumption has to be that the Y14A
A W55A mutation in YL37a was lethal. In HmL37ae, W55, mutation was lethal because the residue is essential to the mainte-
the only solvent inaccessible residue in the protein, occupies a nance of the stability of the amino-terminal region, thereby, pre-
cavity in the hydrophobic core of the globular body formed by serving the orientation of the contacts of nearby amino acids,
the β-strands of the zinc finger motif (Fig. 5); W55, however, is particularly R17 and Y18, to rRNA. The amino-terminal region
not close to an rRNA nt (the closest is more than 10 Å away). of HmYL37ae forms a 310-helix-turn-helix (residues 10-34)
Ribosomal Zinc Finger Proteins: The Structure and the Function of Yeast YL37a 97

(Fig. 5). R13 forms two hydrogen bonds with E30 converting a Biological Significance of YL37a Zinc Finger
hook into a closed loop. The side chains of R17 and Y18 are on
the outer surface of the loop where they make contacts to nts
(Table 3). The interior of the loop has a network of interactions It is a tenet of the faith of ribosomologists that the
between protein backbone carbonyls and amides and side chains “proto-ribosome” had only RNA. This is a belief that is supported
of conserved amino acids in that way forming a stable fold hav- by the mounting evidence that the rRNAs are responsible for the
ing a cavity filled by the bulky side chain of F14; 84 % of F14 is basic biochemistry of protein synthesis. The rps are now viewed
buried. Presumably, alanine in the YL37a-Y14A mutant would as a later evolutionary embellishment and are deemed to facili-
not fill the cavity and, hence, would not maintain the integrity tate the folding of the rRNA and the maintenance of an optimal
of the structure; this in turn might prevent the proper presenta- configuration, in this way endowing protein synthesis with speed
tion of the side chains of R17 and Y18 for binding to rRNA, a and accuracy. This may be too severe a restriction on the role of
failure that could rationalize the lethal phenotype of the Y14A the proteins in ribosome function, nonetheless, it is likely that
mutation. RNA preceded the proteins and hence it is pertinent to ask from
The contacts presumed to have been altered by mutations in whence the latter came.
YL37a, and to have affected binding to rRNA, are predomi- The occasion for the transition during evolution from a ribo-
nantly between amino acid side chains and nt oxygen phos- some that had only RNA to a RNP machine may have coincided
phates or sugars. That the main amino acid contacts are not to with, or been a response to, the appearance of nucleases, which
nt bases suggests that recognition by YL37a is of the shape of its would have put an RNA ribosome at risk. There are at least two
rRNA binding site rather than a readout of sequence. Inspec- possible story lines for the origin of ribosomal proteins. That they
tion of the three-dimensional structure of the relevant regions were designed specifically for the ribosome, or that they were
of 23S rRNA supports this interpretation. The conformation coopted from amongst a set of preexistent proteins that already
of the rRNA binding pocket for HmL37ae is complex with sur- had defined functions. The two possibilities are by no means ex-
faces that have many deviations from A-form. Guanosine 820, clusive nor is it likely that all the proteins were added at one time.
which has three separate contacts to R17 and one to Y18, is If the latter conjecture has substance, the preexistent proteins most
bulged out of a helix distorting the A-form geometry (Fig. 5). likely to have been recruited would have been those that already
In a like manner, cytosine 1652, which has three contacts to had the capacity to bind to nucleic acids. It is possible then that
R49, is also bulged out of a helix, once again distorting the zinc finger motifs in rps are the vestiges of a former function,
A-form geometry (Fig. 5). Nts that distort A-form geometry, perhaps, of binding to DNA or to other RNAs, and that the motif
usually because they form noncanonical pairs, can widen the has been preserved despite the rps having come to use alternate
otherwise inaccessible major groove, or they can reveal distinctly structures or alternate amino acids for associating with rRNA.4-6
shaped features in the minor groove that proteins can recog- This interpretation fits the phenotype of the cysteine mutations
nize. 21,26 It seems most likely that R17 and Y18 in the in the zinc finger motif in YL37a: their replacement with serines
amino-terminal region of YL37a, and R49 in the zinc finger yields variants that lack the capacity to bind zinc but, nonethe-
motif, is recognizing the unique shape of the rRNA in its bind- less, support growth and bind to rRNA; instead basic and aro-
ing site, and that G820 and C1652 are the identity elements in matic residues in the intervening sequence and at the
rRNA for the binding of the rp. amino-terminus of the protein are important in binding to rRNA.
The contacts of the zinc finger motif residues K45, K48,
It has not yet been determined, however, whether the dispens-
and R49 are to nts in domain III; whereas, the contacts of resi-
ability of zinc binding is a common feature of rps with finger
dues at the amino-terminus, K13, R17, and Y18, are predomi-
motifs, or whether it is unique to YL37a.
nantly to domain II. Yet, mutations in these six residues affect
Mutations to serine of three of the four cysteines in the zinc
binding to both domains more or less equally (Fig. 4). Binding
to the two domains is specific since a forty-fold excess of nonra- finger motif of YL37a (C42S, C57S, and C60S) abolish tetrahe-
dioactive domain II rRNA did not affect binding of MBP-YL37a dral coordination of zinc; nonetheless, cells with the mutations
to radioactive domain III rRNA; and nonradioactive domain do not suffer a significant impairment of growth; and binding to
III rRNA did not inhibit binding to domain II.15 Still the origi- rRNA of the mutant proteins is not affected. The results force one
nal observation is a paradox that implies cooperativity in the to conclude, either that the mutations do not materially affect the
binding of YL37a to the two rRNA domains. The possibility structure of the motif despite not binding zinc, or that the motif
has been tested and there is cooperativity but it is not recipro- fold is not essential for the function of YL37a. Whether the motif
cal. An excess of nonradioactive domain III RNA increased the can fold into its characteristic three-dimensional conformation in
binding of MBP-YL37a to radioactive domain II RNA 1.7 fold. the absence of the coordination of the metal is not known. It is
In the reciprocal experiment domain II RNA had no effect on possible that zinc only stabilizes the folded state and that binding
binding of MBP-YL37a to radioactive domain III.15 It appears to rRNA is an alternate way to maintain the conformation of the
that binding of residues in the zinc finger motif to domain III protein, a conformation determined in the first instance by the
alters the conformation of the amino-terminus of YL37a so as amino acid sequence. Based on the results of the experiments with
to favor association with domain II. YL37a and of the natural experiments during the evolution of, for
If we assume that the rps only condition the folding and the example, the S14 family of rps (see earlier), we favor the second-
end state conformation of rRNA, then the corollary that de- ary possibility: that the fold of the zinc finger motif in YL37a and
rives from this study is that the sites in domains II and III to perhaps in other rps is not essential for function.
which YL37a binds must contribute directly or indirectly to
one or another of the partial reactions of protein synthesis.
98 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Acknowledgements 13. Cherry JM, Adler C, Ball C et al. SGD: Saccharomyces Genome
Database. Nucleic Acids Res 1998; 26:73-79.
The work was supported by a grant from the National Insti- 14. Rivlin AA, Chan YL, Wool IG. The contribution of a zinc finger
tutes of Health (GM 33702). motif to the function of yeast ribosomal protein YL37a. J Mol Biol
1999; 294:909-919.
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LIM Domain and Its Binding to Target Proteins

Algirdas Velyvis and Jun Qin*

Abstract Diverse Functions of LIM-Containing

L Proteins
IM domain is a unique double-zinc finger motif found in
a variety of proteins such as homeodomain transcription Proteins containing LIM domains are involved in a variety of
factors, kinases, and adaptors. The LIM-containing pro- biological processes including regulation of gene transcription,
teins are involved in diverse biological processes including cy- cytoskeleton organization, cell lineage specification and organ de-
toskeleton organization, cell lineage specification and organ de- velopment. LIM-containing proteins can have significantly
velopment. Dysfunctions of LIM domains induce pathological
different functions even in the same groups. Three commonly
effects including muscle detachment, embryonic lethality, and
oncogenesis. Acting as a protein-protein interaction motif, the known subclasses of group 1 LIM-containing proteins are: (i)
LIM domain has a conserved scaffold but highly variable mode LIM-homeodomain (LIM-HD) transcription factors, which par-
in recognizing diverse target proteins. This chapter describes the ticipate in activation of transcription and development of the
structure and function of LIM domain proteins and discusses nervous system.6 (ii) LMO proteins that are thought to act as
the molecular basis by which the domain mediates molecular adapters involved in development and oncogenesis.7
protein-protein interactions. The LMO-1 and LMO-2 were first discovered at translocation
breakpoints of T-cell leukemia patients.8,9 The LMO family has
Introduction been now extended to LMO-3 and LMO-4.10 (iii) LIM kinases,
which are involved in cytoskeleton establishment and regulation.
LIM domains were discovered as a novel double zinc finger
sequence motif, C-X2-C-X17-19-H-X2-C-X2-C-X2-C-X15-19-C, LIM kinases (Limk1 and Limk2) are known to phosphorylate
with conserved distribution of cysteine and histidine residues in and thereby inhibit cofilin.11,12 Cofilin functions by depolymer-
lin-11, Isl-1 and mec-3 (hence - LIM) gene products.1,2 LIM do- izing F-actin, hence activation of LIM-kinases by the upstream
mains are found in proteins from varied branches of eukaryotes: small GTPase dependent PAK1 or ROCK kinases leads to accu-
plants, animals, fungi and mycetozoa (D. discoideum) and have mulation of actin filaments.13
been classified as A, B, C or D types based on their sequence A functionally well-characterized subclass of group 2 LIM pro-
similarity.3,4 Several domains fall outside of these classes due to teins is cysteine-rich proteins (CRP1 - CRP3), which are promi-
pronounced sequence divergence. nent in myogenesis and muscle structure. Expression of all three
LIM domains have been also classified into three groups, 1, 2 is upregulated at distinct stages of embryo development and
and 3. LIM domains from classes A and B are most frequently myogenesis.13 Antisense disruption of CRP3 blocks terminal dif-
found fused to other functional domains such as kinase domain. ferentiation in myoblasts.14 Interestingly, in CRP3 knock-out the
But nuclear LIM-only (LMO) proteins, which contain two LIM development appears to be normal, but the arrangement of stri-
domains only, are also important members of this group, called ated muscle myofibrils is disrupted, arguing for a structural or
group 1.5 Class C domains are called group 2. This group’s pro- structureregulating role of CRP3. A structural function for all
teins often contain two copies of LIM domain per protein mol- three CRPs in fibroblast cells is implied by robust intracellular
ecule where the domains are more similar to each other than those staining at actin filaments15 and in focal adhesions (at least for
from classes A and B. There are no other domains in association
CRP1).16 Given that these proteins bind to α-actinin (a well
with the C-class LIM domains. It was suggested that class
C-containing proteins arose via internal duplication of LIM do- known actin bundle cross-linking protein) and to zyxin (a focal
mains.4 Class D serves as a sorting bin for LIM domains lacking adhesion marker protein), such intracellular localization is ex-
homology to other classes and with little similarity among them- pected.13 CRP3 is also reported to bind to βI-spectrin in muscle
selves. Given that sequence similarity of LIM domains in classes cells and colocalizes with spectrin at the plasma membrane where
A - C predicts rather well the global architecture of the entire it overlies Z- and M- lines of striated muscle.17 The composition
protein, perhaps it is not surprising that the motley collection of and function of these regions of muscle cells is rather similar to
LIM domains in class D appears in dissimilar proteins. These are focal adhesions, therefore CRP proteins have similar structural
called group 3 and harbor from one to five LIM domains, either roles in different cell types.
with or without additional functional domains or motifs.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
100 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

The class D LIM domains that belong to group 3 are exempli- group. The cysteine to aspartic acid mutant folded and 113Cd
fied by zyxin (3 LIM domains), paxillin (4 LIM domains), and NMR and Co UV-visible spectra are consistent with conversion
PINCH (5 LIM domains) - three adaptor proteins that are classi- of the S 4 to the (apparently perfectly functional) S 3 O
cal markers of focal adhesion (FA) plaques.18,19 All are thought to Zn2+-coordination sphere. Finally, the arrangements of metal co-
act as adaptor proteins that orchestrate assembly of FAs. These ordinating residues in the LIM domains were derived from NMR
proteins regulate cell shape change and spreading via distinct structure determination.23,24
LIM-mediated protein-protein interactions.
LIM Domain As Protein Interaction Motif
Zinc Coordination in LIM Domains Currently, the only function ascribed to LIM domains is
The presence of a conserved pattern of cysteine and histidine protein-protein recognition. Two recent reviews10,13 present an
residues in LIM domains suggested that LIM domains likely con- impressive list of about 30 known protein-protein interaction pairs
tain structural Zn2+ ions and this is indeed so. From the current for LIM domains. Given that the LIM domain count is in the
data, the consensus pattern appears to be C - X2 - C - X16-23 - H/ hundreds and the consensus opinion in the field that LIM do-
C - X2 - C/H - X2 - C - X2 - C - X15-30 - C - X1-3 - C/H/D (/ mains function by recognizing target proteins, it is clear that this
indicates alternative amino acid residue). Metal coordination by is but the tip of the iceberg. The following sections present some
LIM domains was extensively studied on two members of the well-characterized examples of LIM domain-mediated
family, CRP1 and CRIP proteins. These proteins contain two protein-protein interactions.
and one copies of LIM domains respectively, with metal coordi-
nation consensus residues CCHCCCCC, which all belong to class LIM-HD and LMO Proteins
C. It was established that these LIM domains, expressed in heter- Well-known partners for LIM domains, discovered simulta-
ologous bacterial hosts or isolated from natural sources, contain neously for LIM-HD25 and LMO26 proteins, are proteins from
approximately 2 equivalents of zinc per equivalent of protein.20 the Ldb (LIM domain binding) family. For LIM-HD proteins,
Bound zinc was also demonstrated for native preparations of in nearly all cases protein-protein interactions depend on LIM
zyxin.16 Metal ions can be stripped from LIM domains by dena- domains.6 It is the LIM-Ldb interaction mediated formation of
turation with low pH or guanidinium hydrochloride. A number different heterodimers of LIM-HD proteins that is thought to
of other metals- Cd2+, Co2+, Cu(I),- can be reconstituted into determine distinct identities for motor neurons during develop-
LIM domains upon refolding, again at two ions per domain as ment.27 Ldb1 specifically binds to nuclear group 1 LIM proteins:
established by atomic absorption spectroscopy16 and by titration.21 LMO1, LMO2, Lmx1, Lhx1, Isl1, Mec3, but not LIM kinase,
UV spectroscopy shows bands consistent with formation of paxillin, zyxin, enigma or CRP1.26 Deletion mutagenesis was used
S-metal bonds in the complex.21 A strong CoS4 band dominates to determine the LIM-interacting part of Ldb1. A 39-residue
the Co2+ spectrum. Interestingly, the two metal sites appear to stretch within Ldb1 (residues 300-338 of mouse protein) was
have different affinities for metal ions. This observation was craftily identified that is sufficient to bind LIM domains.28,29 This re-
exploited by preparing a LIM domain with the high affinity site gion is termed “LID” – LIM interaction domain. The LID re-
occupied by Zn2+ and the second site by Co2+.21 This prepara- gion contains both highly hydrophobic and hydrophilic stretches
tion yielded a spectrum consistent with CoS3N type complex. of residues and encompasses a 34 residue sequence where human
1D 113Cd NMR spectra of Cd2+-substituted LIM domains pro- and C. elegans proteins share 23 identical residues (additionally, 7
vided further information on the coordination. Chemical shifts residues are conservatively substituted), which implies strong evo-
of two signals per LIM domain observed in Cd2+ NMR are con- lutionary pressure to preserve the LIM - LID interaction. It is not
sistent with Cd-S4 coordination.21 The chemical shift of one of clear so far what features of LIM domains are responsible for rec-
the signals, however, is in the region consistent with both S4 and ognition of LID: in some instances it is LIM1 (first LIM), while
in others the LIM2 (second LIM) domain of the LIM-HD pro-
S3N coordination. The possibility for S3N coordination was
tein is implicated. Also, some conflicting data exist for X. laevis
strongly supported by observation of J-coupling between Cd2+
Xlim-1 where both LIM1 and LIM2 appear to bind to Ldb1.29
and hydrogen atoms in the approximately 7 parts per million
LID of Ldb1 appears to be functionally independent from the
region, which can be explained only by the presence of Cd2+ co- Ldb1 dimerization domain,28 and monomeric behaviour of LID
ordinated to a histidine imidazole ring.21 However, none of the – LIM (of LMO2 or LMO4 proteins) fusion proteins suggests
above studies determined which of the 7 conserved cysteines form 1:1 binding stoichiometry. 30 The importance of LIM
the S4 and the S3N site respectively. Based on a generally valid domain-mediated interactions for LIM-HD proteins is under-
assumption that individual C-X2-C/H units coordinate the same scored by the finding that Y116C mutation in a human LIM-HD
metal ion, Beckerle and coworkers used mutagenesis to address protein (Lhx3) causes a genetic disease, combined pituitary hor-
this question.22 Results of Co2+ UV-visible and 113Cd NMR spec- mone deficiency.31 Residues equivalent to Tyr116 play a central
troscopy on the mutant proteins indicated that the N-terminal 4 role in hydrophobic cores of known LIM domain structures, hence
residues in the protein sequence (CCHC) form the S3N site, while this mutation is predicted to cause unfolding and loss of function
the S4 site is composed of the 4 C-terminal cysteines. On a side of the LIM domain. Indeed, mutant Lhx3 behaves consistently
note, among the mutants tested was a cysteine to aspartic acid with such prediction.32 While binding to Ldb by LIM-HD and
substituted domain, in which the C-terminal CCCC zinc finger LMO proteins is important for the activation of transcription, a
was transformed into CCCD. Aspartic acid was predicted to be a recently discovered RLIM protein seems to have a negative regu-
zinc binding residue in many LIM domains among LIM-HD latory role33 by binding to Lhx3 via its basic region of about 100
proteins, but generally it is not common as a Zn2+-coordinating residues.34
LIM Domain and Its Binding to Target Proteins 101

Zyxin ing, with LIM3 being absolutely necessary for detectable bind-
A number of binding partners are known for zyxin: CRP pro- ing, while the presence of LIM2 and LIM4 clearly augments the
teins,35,16 α-actinin,36 proto-oncogene Vav,37 p130Cas,38 and mem- extent of binding.55 Given that the LIM domains of paxillin and
bers of the Ena/VASP family of proteins.39 LIM1 of zyxin is nec- His-5 share 68% sequence similarity,51 it is not obvious whether
essary and sufficient for binding to CRP, as demonstrated by blot the protein interface is the same for both members of the family,
overlay and GST pull-down assays.40 Interestingly, although two or only the net result, formation of the complex with PTP-PEST,
zinc fingers in LIM domains form a single domain, individual is conserved.
fingers appear to have some functional independence.22,41 This is
also implied by the study that the N-terminal and not the Enigma Protein
C-terminal zinc finger of zyxin LIM1 is responsible for CRP1 A relatively well-characterized system is Enigma protein that
recognition.42 The C-terminal zinc finger in LIM1 of zyxin could contains three LIM domains at its C terminus. Yeast two-hybrid
be swapped with the C-terminal zinc finger from another LIM screening revealed that enigma binds to the insulin receptor
domain (but not deleted!) with no apparent effect on binding to (InsR) internalization motif. 56 Point mutants in two
CRP1. In CRP1, LIM1 and LIM2 appear to cooperate in bind- internalization-driving tetrapeptides within this segment some-
ing to zyxin, so that deletion of either reduces the extent of bind- what diminished (weaker peptide) and thoroughly blocked (stron-
ing more than twenty-fold in blot overlay assay.43 The entire LIM1 ger peptide) interaction with full-length enigma and LIM3 con-
is required, but the C-terminal zinc finger in LIM2 is disposable. struct. The interaction is specific since the internalization segments
The linker between the two LIM domains is inert. Taken together of IGF1, EGF, sequence-optimized EGF, Transferrin and LDL
these studies present an interesting picture—LIM domains in receptors failed to bind. However, the paired sequence-optimized
CRP1 are linked by a long disordered segment and structurally EGF receptor motif (the tandem repeat of the internalization motif
seem to be entirely independent.44 Zyxin was also suggested to of EGF that has been optimized to display high activity in the
bind to actin filaments via α-actinin and play a regulatory rather internalization assay) did bind, albeit to a lesser extent. The rel-
than a structural role in FAs. Ample biochemical data support evance of the last observation is not clear, since LIM2 in Mec-3,
this notion. Interaction with Ena/VASP proteins is important in a nuclear LIM-HD protein which has no known function in re-
targeting zyxin to lamellipodia,45 although under normal cellular ceptor endocytosis also binds to the paired sequence-optimized
situations the vast majority of zyxin resides in focal adhesions.46 EGFR motif. Furthermore, this paired sequence-optimized mo-
Ena/VASP proteins are known to bind profilin—an actin poly- tif binds equally well to LIM2, LIM3 and the C-terminally trun-
merizing protein. In an important development, it was shown cated LIM3 of enigma.56 Yeast two-hybrid screening was also in-
that zyxin-VASP complex is able to initiate actin polymerization.47 strumental in discovering that the LIM domain fragment of
enigma also binds to Ret Receptor tyrosine kinase.57 Mutating
Paxillin the most C-terminal tyrosine at position 1062 to phenylalanine
or deleting twenty-three C-terminal residues (including Tyr1062)
Paxillin is one of the central proteins in FAs acting as a scaf-
from Ret abolished the interaction. In fact, a 61 C-terminal resi-
fold for a myriad of binding partners. 48 The LIM
due segment of Ret is perfectly capable of binding to enigma58 in
domain-containing C-terminal half of paxillin is known to bind
a GST pull-down assay. Their association is not
to protein tyrosine phosphatase – PEST49,50 and this binding is phosphorylation-dependent, and is specific for enigma, as zyxin
postulated to bring PTP-PEST into the vicinity of its target, phos- and CRP1 did not bind. Enigma-Ret binding was confirmed by
phorylated p130Cas.51 PTP-PEST is required for disassembly of the observation that coinjection of DNA for the LIM
FAs possibly by dephosphorylating p130Cas and paxillin52 and domain-containing part of enigma with the Ret construct into
therefore modulating their FA targeting regions. The LIM do- fibroblasts abolished the mitogenic effect of Ret in a
main region is responsible for targeting paxillin to Fas,53 via a yet dominant-negative style.57 Unlike InsR, Ret peptide is specifi-
unknown binding event. It was recently shown that paxillin LIM cally recognized by enigma LIM2,58 while the LIM domains from
domains bind to α- and γ-tubulin as well,54 which led to a pro- LIM-HD proteins, zyxin, CRP1 or paxillin do not bind Ret or
posal that paxillin is responsible for the interplay between actin InsR peptides. Which residues are important for Ret - LIM2 rec-
filaments and microtubules. A fragment containing both the ognition was further assessed with a competition assay.58 Wild
C-terminal LIM3 and LIM4 of paxillin is competent to bind to type (NKLY1062) and mutant (AKLA and NKLF) peptides
PTP-PEST, while LIM3 or LIM4 in isolation are not.51 Dele- within an otherwise intact 20-residue segment of Ret Tyr1062
tions of LIM3 or LIM4 from an otherwise intact paxillin or its region were used as competitors for Ret in GST-pull down. While
fragments abolish binding, as does disruption of the N- or AKLA peptide and InsR LIM3-recognizing peptide failed to in-
C-terminal zinc fingers within LIM3 and the N-terminal finger hibit the interaction, NKLY and NKLF peptides were inhibitors.
in LIM4 with point mutagenesis. Comprehensive deletion of The capacity of NKLF peptide to act as an inhibitor, however,
PTP-PEST showed that a part of the protein that centers on the contradicts previous data57 that the Y1062F mutation disrupts
2nd (of five total) proline-rich region of PTP-PEST is the binding binding. Also, the GST pull-down titration experiment showed
epitope. The structure of this PTP-PEST peptide is not known, that lower amounts of Y1062F mutant Ret are retained by
but the 50% content of proline likely precludes formation of a GST-LIM2. The apparent discrepancy may arise from the fact
globular fold. It is interesting that a close homologue of paxillin, that the amount of observed binding in GST-pull down assay
Hic-5 protein, also binds to PTP-PEST.55 Broadly the same re- depends on times and volumes of the binding and washing steps,
gion of the phosphatase, rich in prolines, is involved. Here, in in addition to the affinity of interaction. Also, 20-residue pep-
contrast to paxillin, LIM2, LIM3 and LIM4 are involved in bind- tides may be suboptimal for binding, since high concentrations
102 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

were required to document competition.58 A random peptide li-

brary was screened to identify sequence requirements for pep-
tides recognized by enigma LIM3.57 A screen with fixed tyrosine
which is assigned at position 0, and is prominent in both
internalization-targeting peptides in InsR and recognized by
LIM3, identified strong preference for proline at positions –1
and +2. A second screen with a fixed PXXP feature yielded a
consensus GP-Hyd1-GP-Hyd2-Y/F-A, where Hyd1 is Met, Phe,
Tyr or Ile and Hyd2 is Ile, Met or Val. This compares nicely with
the sequence naturally present in InsR: GPLGPLYA. Moreover,
GPLY is present, which is the strong InsR internalization-driving
motif whose mutation blocks binding to LIM3.56

PINCH Figure 1. Rubredoxin (Rd) turns. a) N-terminal turn in P. furiosus Rd

PINCH (Particularly Interesting New Cys-His) protein was (PDB ID: 1brf). b) N-terminal turn in qCRP2 LIM2 (PDB ID 1CTL).
discovered in an immunological screen for senescent erythrocyte Spheres – Fe3+ (a) and Zn2+ (b). HN-S H-bonds are denoted by lines.
antigens.59 Nearly the entire protein sequence of PINCH is con-
tained in the LIM domains, with very short interdomain linker Spin-Echo difference (HSED) spectrum on the Cd2+-substituted
peptides, and a C-terminal extension with numerous positive LIM2 sample showed clearly the existence of partially covalent HN-S
charges. A yeast two-hybrid screen of the human lung library H-bonds. 1H-113Cd HMQC experiment on Cd2+-substituted LIM2
revealed that PINCH interacts with the bait that consisted of the unequivocally established metal coordination in LIM2. The two
N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain of integrin-linked kinase zinc fingers in cCRP1 LIM2 stack together (Fig. 2) to form a single
(ILK).60 Paxillin or zyxin LIM domain fragments failed to bind domain with several bulky hydrophobic residues forming a small
to ILK. MBP-PINCH is able to pull down ILK from cell lysates core. The core is dominated by stacking of the aromatic rings of
and ILK is retained on an anti-PINCH immunoglobulin col- Trp138 and Phe143 (Fig. 3) that reside in the very C terminus of
umn. Binding was confirmed in vitro with an ELISA assay be- the N-terminal zinc finger and the inter-finger dipeptide, respec-
tween recombinant MBP-PINCH and GST-ILK. This establishes
that even though binding in the cells might be mediated by bridg-
ing proteins, it is likely a direct association. Deletion mutagenesis
with a subsequent yeast two-hybrid assay established that LIM1
of PINCH is necessary and sufficient for binding. LIM1 was also
competent to bind to ILK in pull-down and ELISA61,60 experi-
ments. The ankyrin repeat domain of ILK is solely responsible
for binding to PINCH.60,61 The LIM4 domain of PINCH was
found to interact with Nck2 protein that is also an adaptor.62
Deletion mutagenesis revealed that the third SH3 domain of Nck2
is responsible for binding to LIM4,60 however, the affinity of the
interaction was found to be very weak.24
In summary, unlike short peptide-recognizing SH3 or SH2
domains, LIM domains bind to a wide variety of partners, which
make it difficult to pinpoint their binding specificities. Hence,
despite the success in the case of Enigma LIM3, combinatorial
peptide synthesis and modification techniques are of limited value
for research in the field of LIM domains. Structure determina-
tion, which would define conformations of specificity-defining
groups at domain surfaces and would directly reveal the nature of
the interfaces between the molecules in the complex, seems to be
the most robust way to uncover the biochemical basis for recog-
nition of targets by LIM domains.

Structures of LIM Domains

LIM2 of cCRP1 is the first LIM domain for which the 3D
structure has been determined.63 The structure revealed two con-
tiguous zinc fingers. In each zinc finger, two of the
Zn2+-coordinating cysteine residues are located at the turns con-
necting individual β strands in β hairpins. The NOE patterns in
these turns closely resemble patterns observed in the
cysteine-containing turns (also metal-coordinating) in P. furiosus
rubredoxin (Rd) and hence these turns have been called “rubredoxin
knuckles” (Fig. 1). Moreover, these turns contain a unique feature—
HN-S hydrogen bonds from backbone amide protons to metal Figure 2. Ribbon representation of cCRP1 LIM2, with secondary struc-
chelating sulfur atoms, as demonstrated for Rd itself. Heteronuclear ture elements labeled and Zn2+ ions in spheres.
LIM Domain and Its Binding to Target Proteins 103

Figure 3. Hydrophobic core in cCRP2 LIM2. Backbone is shown as a Figure 4. Overlay of CRIP LIM domain (gray, PDB ID 1IML) with
tube. The hydrophobic residues in the core are labeled. cCRP1 LIM2 (black), illustrating the relative twist of the C-terminal
Zn-finger in CRIP. Backbone residues 1-23 of CRIP were best fit super-
tively. The importance of these residues is reflected in their conser- imposed onto corresponding residues of LIM2. a) Overall view; b and
vation: among currently known LIM domain sequences, the posi- c) – top view of individual fingers. b) N-terminal Zn-fingers, used for
tion equivalent to equivalent to Phe143 is occupied by phenylala- superimposition. c) C-terminal fingers, showing rotation in CRIP rela-
nine (80.4%), leucine (10.8%), or tyrosine, valine, tryptophan tive to LIM2.
or isoleucine (6.9%) (total 98.1%). It is quite possible that the
preference for aromatic residues at these two positions is due to binding residues are the key structural determinants, which orches-
strengthening of the hydrophobic cluster by additional aromatic π trate the fold of this fragment. Other residues in Lasp-1 also adopt
- π interaction. Other hydrophobic residues (also highly conserved) conformations close to those observed in the N-terminal halves of
pile on the sides of these two: Val131 from the N-terminal zinc full-length LIM domains.
finger and Leu152, Leu157, Ieu164 from the C-terminal finger. A key issue about the LIM domain is its structural basis in
Interestingly, Perez-Alvarado et al63 also discovered a rather good recognizing target proteins. Recent chemical shift mapping stud-
superposition between the C-terminal zinc finger of LIM2 and the ies on PINCH LIM domains have provided important insights
DNA-binding zinc fingers in the glucocorticoid receptor and in into this issue: 23,24 For PINCH LIM1, it was shown that
the GATA-1 transcription factor (backbone rmsds 2.0 and 1.7 Å, C-terminal hydrophobic patch and several adjoining residues are
respectively), which suggested a possible a role for LIM domains as most perturbed upon binding to ankyrin repepat (ANK) domain
DNA-binding molecules. However, so far this hypothesis is not of ILK (Fig. 5a) whereas residues from N-terminal basic region
supported by experimental evidence.
Since the report of cCRP LIM2 structure, numerous structures
of other LIM domains have been determined by NMR spectros-
copy. These include all three groups of LIM domains: (i) LIM1
domains of LMO2 and LMO4,64 which belong to group 1. (ii)
LIM domains in group 2 family including LIM2 of cCRP1 as
mentioned above, CRIP protein (one LIM domain),65 full-length
cCRP1 (LIM1 and LIM2),43 LIM1 and LIM2 of qCRP2.66,67 In
addition, the structure of an isolated N-terminal zinc finger of LIM
domain in Lasp-1 has been determined.41 (iii) LIM1 and LIM4
domains of PINCH, which belong to group 3.23,24 The main struc-
tural features of these LIM domains were found to be the same as
cCRP LIM2: four short β hairpins with a C-terminal α helix; two
“rubredoxin knuckles”; small hydrophobic core contributed by both
zinc fingers. Although the global fold is similar among all known
LIM domain structures, there are some differences, notably the
relative orientation of the two zinc fingers varies about the long
axis of the domain (Fig. 4). Different orientations between the fin-
gers in LIM domains may be important for protein-protein recog-
nition. Each zinc finger appears to be an independent folding unit Figure 5. Comparison of PINCH LIM1 and LIM4 binding modes to
despite the interactions between the two fingers. This is evidenced target proteins: a) the major binding surface (shaded area with labeled
by the determination of the structure of isolated N-terminal CCHC residues) of LIM1 (PDB ID 1G47) to ILK ANK domain; b) the major
half of the LIM domain of Lasp-1 protein.41 Clearly, four zinc binding surface (shaded area with labeled residues)
104 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

of PINCH LIM4 appear to be responsible for binding to SH3 19. Wang Y, Gilmore TD. Zyxin and paxillin proteins: Focal adhesion
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RING Finger-B Box-Coiled Coil (RBCC) Proteins

As Ubiquitin Ligase in the Control of Protein
Degradation and Gene Regulation
Kazuhiro Ikeda, Satoshi Inoue and Masami Muramatsu*


he protein family harboring the RING finger motif,
defined as a linear array of conserved cysteines and histidines,
has grown enormously in the last decade. The members of
the family are involved in various biological processes including
growth, differentiation, apoptosis, transcription and also in dis-
eases and oncogenesis. It has been postulated that the RING finger
domains have crucial roles in these phenomena themselves, in some
cases, working with other domains in other proteins, although the
precise mechanisms and common features of RING finger func-
tion have not been fully elucidated. However, most recently, an
accumulating body of evidence has revealed that some of the RING
finger proteins work as E3 ubiquitin ligases in ubiquitin-mediated
specific protein degradation pathway. In this review, we focus on
the RING finger protein with special reference to E3 ligase.

Structure of RING Finger

The RING finger protein sequence motif was first identified Figure 1. Schematic representation of the structure of RING finger
in the human gene RING1—Really Interesting New Gene 1— domain. The metal-ligand residues, either cysteine (C) or histidine (H),
which is located proximal to the major histocompatibility region are shown as numbered spheres. The numbers next to the loops connect-
on chromosome 6.1,2 The RING finger motif can be defined as a ing the metal-ligand residues indicate the minimum and maximum
unique linear series of conserved cysteine and histidine residues: number of loop residues.
Cys-X2-Cys-X11-16-Cys-X-His-X2-Cys -X2-Cys-X7-74-Cys-X2-Cys
(RING-CH or C3HC4 type), where X can be any amino acid metal binding residues such as aspartic acid and threonine.8,9 Al-
(Fig. 1). So far, three-dimensional structures of RING domains though the RING domain was initially found in only a few genes,
from human PML (for promyelocytic leukemia protein),3 im- more than 3000 proteins harboring the RING finger domain
mediate early equine herpes virus (IEEHV) protein,4 human have been detected from diverse eukaryotes in the SMART data-
recombination-activating gene 1 protein (RAG1),5 human MAT1 base as of July 2003. Because of this evolutional conservation and
(for menage a trois-1 protein)6 and human Cbl (for Casitas variation in loop lengths, the RING domain appears to have a
B-lineage lymphoma protein) 7 with a cognate ubiquitin- considerable flexibility within the rigid structure.
conjugating enzyme (E2) have been solved at atomic resolution.
These studies have confirmed that the RING finger binds zinc Family of RING Finger Protein
ions in a similar manner as the classical zinc finger motif. Particu- The RING fingers and their variants are generally located close
larly, the RING finger is composed of a unique ‘cross-brace’ ar- to an amino or carboxyl terminus though there are no fixed rules.
rangement with two zinc ions and folds into a compact domain Most of the RING finger is associated with certain protein do-
comprising a small central β sheet and an α helix. There are sub- mains to form larger conserved motifs which may define the func-
families of RING fingers which have Cys5 substituted with histi- tion of the protein, thus the family being divided into subfami-
dine (RING-H2) and a cysteine or histidine substituted with other lies along with the associated domains (Fig. 2). A similar domain

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
RBCC Proteins As Ubiquitin Ligase in the Control of Protein Degradation and Gene Regulation 107

promyelocytic leukemia (APL) translocation,25-27 BRCA1 is

mutated in early-onset breast cancer and ovarian cancer,28 TIF1α
is a positive cofactor of nuclear hormone receptors29 and TRAF
transduces signals from members of the TNF receptor superfamily
to the transcription factor NF-κB.14 Although those studies ap-
pear to show some essential roles played by the RING finger do-
mains in the function of these proteins, the general function of
the RING finger domain has not been resolved. However, re-
cently, it was uncovered that the RING finger proteins are in-
volved in the ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation pathway.
The ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation is a specific and
sophisticated mechanism in which a target protein to be destroyed
is tagged with the ubiquitin. Ubiquitination is accomplished by a
complex process involving ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1),
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and ubiquitin ligase (E3).30
Figure 2. Structures of the RING finger protein family. Representative Ubiquitin ligase mediates the transfer of ubiquitin from E2 to a
RING finger proteins with frequently associated domains are presented. substrate, marking it for degradation by the 26S proteosome.
Therefore, E3 enzyme is thought to be important for the specific
architecture often corresponds with a similar function. For in- recognition of the substrate in the ubiquitination pathway. There
stance, TRAFs (for tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor- is accumulating evidence that RING finger domains are identi-
associated factors) 2-5 have an N-terminal RING domain fol- fied in E3 complexes and proteins, suggesting the broad use of
lowed by five zinc fingers, a coiled coil, and a C-terminal TRAF these domains for ubiquitination. As mentioned above, RING
domain.10 TRAF1 has all of these domains except for the RING. finger domain has the conserved cysteine and histidine residues.
Members of TRAF family have been shown to be involved in The C3HC4 type RING finger is found in several E3 proteins
TNF-related cytokine signal transduction through interactions including Cbl,31 BRCA1,32 Efp (for estrogen-responsive finger
between their TRAF domains and the intracytoplasmic parts of protein)33 and Mdm2 (for murine double minute 2).34 The
receptors of the TNF receptor family which are suicide receptors RING-H2 subtype is found in Rbx1 (for RING box protein 1)
to transfer apoptotic signals into the cells.11-13 and Apc11 (for anaphase promoting complex (APC) subunit 11)
The inhibitors of apoptosis gene family, IAP1, IAP2 and XIAP, in SCF (Skp1-Cullin-F-box) and APC E3 complexes,35 respec-
have a RING domain at their C termini and BIR (baculovirus tively, and other ubiquitin ligases. Thus, evidence is accumulat-
IAP repeat) domain at their N termini. The BIR domains of the ing that the RING finger proteins has crucial roles as an E3
proteins bind and inhibit caspase.14,15 Interestingly, the RING fin- ubiquitin ligase in diverse biological functions and diseases. Cbl
gers of XIAP and IAP2 possess E3 ubiquitin ligase activity and are is one of the initially identified E3 ligase which is involved in the
thought to be responsible for self-degradation when an apoptotic regulation of various tyrosine kinase-linked receptors such as
signal is transduced.16 In addition, the anti-apoptotic activity of growth factor receptors (for example EGF and PDGF receptors),
the protein is lost when the RING domain is mutated.17 cytokine receptors and immuno-receptors (for example T-cell,
There are interesting subfamilies uniquely possessing two B-cell and Fc-receptors).36 Cbl recognizes activated protein ty-
RING fingers. Triad1 (for two RING fingers and DRIL1) and rosine kinases and recruits E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzymes
parkin have two RING finger domains separated by the double through its SH2 and RING finger domain, respectively. For EGF
RING finger linked (DRIL) domain. Triad1 was identified as a and PDGF receptors, increased recruitment of Cbl to the acti-
nuclear RING finger protein, which is up-regulated during vated receptor complex leads to enhanced ubiquitination and
retinoic acid induced granulocytic differentiation of acute leuke- degradation of the activated receptor. In contrast, oncogenic mu-
mia cells.18 Parkin is a responsible gene for familial autosomal tation in the Cbl RING finger which fails to bind E2 ubiquitin
recessive Parkinson’s disease. 19,20 Parkin binds to the E2 conjugating enzymes abrogates Cbl-mediated EGF receptor
ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes through its C-terminal RING fin- ubiquitination and degradation.37 Thus, it appears that Cbl func-
ger and has ubiquitin–protein ligase activity.21 Parkin ubiquitinates tions as an adapter to recruit the ubiquitination machinery to
and promotes the degradation of a putative G protein-coupled activated tyrosine kinase-linked receptors and stimulates recep-
transmembrane polypeptide, Pael (parkin-associated tor ubiquitination and degradation. This causes enhanced
endothelial-like) receptor, the insoluble form of which is accu- down-regulation of the receptor from the cell surface and attenu-
mulated in the brains of Parkinson’s disease.22 The insoluble parkin ation of growth factor receptor signaling.
overexpressed in cells causes unfolded protein-induced cell death, The RING finger protein Mdm2 is identified as an E3
whereas coexpression of Parkin suppresses the accumulation of ubiquitin ligase of the tumor-suppressor protein p53 which is a
Pael receptor and subsequent cell death.21 Parkin also ubiquitinates transcription factor and a potent inhibitor of the cell cycle. Mdm2
and promotes the degradation of CDCrel-1 (for cell division cycle can bind to p53 and promote its ubiquitination and subsequent
related-1) and itself.23 Familial-linked mutations disrupt the degradation by the proteasome.38,39 It is also known that Mdm2
ubiquitin–protein ligase function of Parkin and impair Parkin can ubiquitinate itself, suggesting that some of E3s self-regulate
and CDCrel-1 degradation. their own stability. The RING finger of Mdm2 is necessary for
both p53 ubiquitin and Mdm2 auto-ubiquitination. Substitu-
Function of RING Finger tion of the Mdm2 RING finger domain with the RING finger
It has been shown in early studies that the RING finger pro- from another RING protein maintains the autoubiquination and
teins have crucial roles in the growth, differentiation, transcrip- degradation of Mdm2 but is not able to stimulate p53
tion, signal transduction and oncogenesis.24 For example, PML ubiquitination. Moreover, mutations in the RING finger domain
is fused to the retinoic acid receptor α (RARα) in acute do not impair binding capacity between Mdm2 and p53. These
108 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 4. Clustered localization of the RBCC/TRIM genes in 6p21-22

and 11p15. TRIM22, SSA1, TRIM34, TRIM6, TRIM5, TRIM3 and
SS-56 are clustered in 11p15, whereas RFP, TRIM31, TRIM10, TRIM15,
TRIM26, TRIM38, TRIM39, TRIM40 and HZFW1 are clustered in
6p21-22. The sense strand orientations of each gene are indicated by the

called RBCC or tripartite motif (TRIM) (Fig. 3).43 This largest

subfamily was first identified in a putative transcriptional regula-
tor, Xenopus XNF724 and about 50 members have been identi-
fied since then. Though either one or two B-boxes are present,
the spacing between the RING, B-boxes and the coiled coil is
highly conserved with 38-40 residues between the RING and
first B-box, and less than 10 amino acids between the second
B-box and the coiled coil. There is no apparent homology among
these separating sequences. According to the recent progress of
genomic analysis, it was revealed that the chromosomal localiza-
tion of the RBCC/TRIM subfamily genes has an intriguing fea-
ture. Although the genes encoding the RBCC/TRIM family
members are dispersed throughout the genome, there are two
distinct clusters on chromosomes 11p15 and 6p21-22 (Fig. 4).
SS-56 are clustered in 11p15. RFP/TRIM27, TRIM31, TRIM10,
TRIM15, TRIM26, TRIM38, TRIM39, TRIM40 and HZFW1
are clustered in 6p21-22. In particular, mRNAs for TRIM 21, 22
Figure 3. RBCC/TRIM family genes. The gene names are listed in and 34 are shown to be up-regulated by interferons.44-46 These
numerical order of TRIM genes followed by commonly used names in findings suggest that duplication of an ancestral RBCC/TRIM gene
the second column. Their domain structures are schematically shown to at these genomic loci may have occurred and, regulation and func-
the right. tion may be conserved to some extents in these genes.43
The RBCC/TRIM proteins are associated with certain do-
observations suggest that the RING finger domain appears to be mains such as B30.2-like or SPRY, NHL, PHD and BROMO
required for specific recognition of substrates in some degree, but domains at their C-terminus. These additional domains may con-
is not generally involved in substrate binding.40 tribute to the function of the subfamily. The B30.2-like domain
is a series of 160-170 amino acids containing three highly con-
RBCC/TRIM Subfamily served motifs (LDP, WEVE and LDYE) which is named after the
Frequently, the RING is associated with cysteine-rich B-box B30-2 exon within the human class I histocompatibility complex
domains followed by a predicted coiled coil domain. The B-box locus. The SPRY domain, which was originally named from SPla
domain can be defined as a series of conserved cystein and histi- and the RYanodine Receptor, is composed of around 140 amino
dine residues: B1 [Cys-X2-Cys-X7-10-Cys-X2-Cys-X4-5-Cys-X2-Cys/ acids containing the latter two conserved motifs in B30.2-like
His-X3-6-His-X2-8-His] and B2 [Cys-X2-4-His/Cys-X4-9-Cys- domain. At present, the B30.2-like domain is considered as a
X2-Cys/His-X4-Cys/His-X2-His/Cys] where X can be any amino subclass of the SPRY domain family. The SPRY domain is con-
acid. Structural analysis revealed that it consists of 15 or fewer tained in many of the RBCC/TRIM subfamily including XNF-7,
β-strands.41 The coiled coil is a common protein motif involving RPT-1, SSA-Ro and STAF50. The significantly conserved SPRY
a number of α-helices wound around each other in a highly orga- domains imply the biological importance of this gene, however
nized manner and is often used to control oligomerization.42 These the function of the SPRY domain is not known. The NHL do-
RING, one or two B-boxes and a coiled coil domain motifs are main name was derived from the three founding members:
RBCC Proteins As Ubiquitin Ligase in the Control of Protein Degradation and Gene Regulation 109

NCL-1, HT2A, and LIN-41.47 NCL is involved in rRNA me- B-box and coiled coil domains.43 This strongly suggests that the
tabolism. HT2A was identified as an interacting partner of the overall architecture of the RBCC/TRIM motif is highly conserved,
HIV Tat protein and Lin41 is involved in posttranscriptional regu- perhaps relating to the motif acting as a scaffold for higher-order
lation of mRNA. The NHL motif has a slight homology with protein-protein interactions.57 Molecular modeling suggests that
WD40 domain, suggesting a protein-protein interaction. The the position and orientation of the B-box (adjacent to the coiled
C-terminal PHD fingers and bromodomains are found in TIF1α coil) would be critical for the correct alignment of the α-helices
and KAP1/TIF1β. The PHD domain is a motif characteristically that form the coiled coil. Interestingly, unlike the RING and coiled
defined by seven cysteines and a histidine that are highly homolo- coil motifs, the B-box is only found in RBCC/TRIM family mem-
gous to the RING motif and is contained in some transcription bers suggesting that it is a critical determinant of the overall motif
factors. The PHD domain of MEKK1 (MEK kinase 1) exhibited and its function.43
E3 ubiquitin ligase activity toward ERK (extracellular As mentioned above, the latest findings of RING fingers in
signal-regulated protein kinase) 2, suggesting a negative regula- E3 ubiquitin ligases imply that the members of this RBCC/TRIM
tory mechanism for decreasing ERK1/2 activity. 48 The subfamily are potential candidates for specific regulators/adopt-
bromodomain is also found in transcription factors, can bind hi- ers in ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation. In fact, some
stones with acetylated lysines and appears to be involved in chro- genes belonging to the subfamily has been proven to act as E3
matin remodeling.49 KAP1/TIF1β and TIF1α are involved in ligase. We next discuss such genes focusing on the recent findings.
transcriptional regulation. Genes belonging to this RBCC/TRIM
family are implicated in a variety of processes such as develop- Ring Fingers That Act As E3 Ligases
ment and cell growth and are involved in several human diseases.
PYRIN,50 MID1 (Midline 1)51 and MUL (for mulibrey nanism
proteins)52 are mutated in familial Mediterranean fever, X-linked Efp
Opitz/GBBB syndrome and mulibrey nanism, respectively, Estrogen-responsive finger protein (Efp) is a member of the
whereas PML, RFP (ret finger protein) and TIF1α acquire onco- RING-finger, B1 and B2-boxes, coiled coil and SPRY
genic activity when fused to RARα, RET or B-raf, respectively. (RBCC-SPRY) subfamily in the RING finger family. Efp was
It has been shown that the RBCC/TRIM proteins can isolated as an estrogen-responsive gene by genomic binding-site
oligomerize through their coiled coil domains. In cloning using a recombinant estrogen receptor (ER) protein.58
homodimerization of RFP proteins, the coiled coil region with the The estrogen-responsive element (ERE) to which ER can bind is
B-box but not the RING finger is required.53 In this case, while found at the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) in the Efp gene and
the B-box is not an interacting interface itself, the mutation of the gene’s expression is predominantly detected in female repro-
conserved cysteine residues within the B-box affects the ability of ductive organs including uterus, ovary and mammary gland59 and
RFP to multimerize, suggesting that its structural integrity is nec- in breast and ovarian cancers.60 Estrogen-induced expression is
essary for this interaction to occur.53 The coiled coil domain of found in the uterus, brain and mammary gland cells. Efp knock-
RFP is also necessary for interaction with Enhancer of polycomb out mice have an underdeveloped uterus and estrogen responses
protein (EPC) to repress gene transcription. 54 The of uterin cells from knockout mice are markedly attenuated, sug-
homodimerization and binding with EPC occurs with the proxi- gesting that Efp is necessary for estrogen-induced cell growth.61
mal coil in RFP protein. RFP also directly interacts and colocalizes Moreover, tumor growth of breast cancer MCF7 cells implanted
with PML in a subset of the PML NBs (nuclear bodies).55 This in female athymic mice has been demonstrated to be reduced by
interaction is mediated by the RFP B-box and the distal two coils. treatment with antisense Efp oligonucleotide. In contrast,
The association of RFP with the PML NBs is altered by mutations Efp-overexpressing MCF7 cells in ovariectomized athymic mice
that affect RFP/PML interaction and in APL patients-derived cells. generate tumors in the absence of estrogen.33 These results indi-
These results indicate that RFP have an important role in regulat- cate that Efp mediates estrogen-dependent growth in breast can-
ing cellular growth and differentiation. MID1 protein, which is cer cells. We identified 14-3-3σ which is responsible for reduced
mutated in patients with Opitz GBBB syndrome, and the highly cell growth, as a binding factor to Efp and found an accumula-
related gene MID2 also make both homo- and hetero-dimers me- tion of 14-3-3σ in Efp knockout mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
diated by the coiled coil motifs. The dimerization is a prerequisite Furthermore, it has been revealed that Efp is an ubiquitin ligase
for the association of MID and Alpha 4 (a regulatory subunit of (E3) that targets proteolysis of 14-3-3σ. Specifically, the RING
PP2-type phosphatases) and the complex formation with micro- which preferentially bound to ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
tubules which seems important for normal midline development.56 UbcH8 has been shown to be essential for the ubiquitination of
In contrast, it has been shown that the entire RBCC/TRIM do- 14-3-3σ. Our findings provide an insight into the cell-cycle ma-
main is required for hetero-oligomerization or binding natural chinery and tumorigenesis of breast cancer by identifying 14-3-3σ
ligands. The RBCC region of KAP1/TIF1β associates with the as a target for proteolysis by Efp, leading to cell proliferation. The
KRAB (Krüppel-associated box) transcriptional repressor domain degradation of 14-3-3σ is subsequently followed by dissociation
of KOX-1.57 From extensive studies of the interaction, it has been of the protein from cyclin–Cdk complexes, leading to cell cycle
revealed that the interaction is specific for the KAP1 RBCC/TRIM progression and tumor growth (Fig. 5).
domain. Namely, when each RBCC/TRIM motifs of KAP1 was
swapped with other corresponding ones of MID1, KAP1 did not MID1, MID2
bind the KRAB domain any more. Therefore, each domain of the Opitz GBBB syndrome (OS; Opitz syndrome) is a genetically
RBCC may function as an independent functional unit and have and phenotypically complex disorder defined by characteristic fa-
important roles in the specific recognition of interacting partners cial anomalies, structural heart defects, as well as anal and genital
or oligomers formation. In other RBCC/TRIM proteins, only one anomalies.62,63 A positional cloning approach has revealed a can-
copy of the B-box motif is present, but inspection of the whole didate gene designated MID151 which is a member of the
family reveals a conserved residue spacing between the RING, RBCC-SPRY family. Most of the mutations identified so far in
110 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

PML oncogenic domain.74 Other proteins containing Sp10075

and PLZF (for promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger)76 have been
reported to localize to the NBs. Interestingly, PLZF-RARα fu-
sion protein is also found in a rare form of APL.77 It is shown that
the nuclear bodies were dispersed into a microspeckle pattern in
APL cells but reformed with retinoic acid treatment by which
APL cells differentiated into granulocytes. In addition, the NB is
the preferred site where the early steps of transcription and repli-
cation of DNA virus occurs.78 Therefore, the regulation of NB
formation is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of APL.
Recently, PML is shown to be covalently modified by SUMO-1
(Small Ubiquitin-like Modifier-1) of ubiquitin-like proteins.79
Mutations in the PML RING finger disrupt the nuclear body
formation in vivo3,69 and cause a failure of growth suppression,80,81
Figure 5. Models of Efp action as E3 ligase. Estrogen-induced RING apoptosis and anti-viral activities82 of PML. The dependence on
finger protein Efp recognizes a cell cycle inhibitor 14-3-3σ which keeps an intact RING finger for PML NBs formation implies specific
Cyclin B in cytoplasm. Efp modifies 14-3-3σ with ubiquitin and the protein interactions regulated by the RING structure. Recent stud-
resulting ubiquitinated 14-3-3σ is recruited to 26S proteosome to be ies have shown that PML RING interacting with the SUMO-1
destroyed. The dissociated cyclin B is now capable of entering the nucleus E2 enzyme UBC9 is SUMO modified and the sumolylation of
where it drives cell cycle. PML has an important role in regulating the formation of NBs.83
PML has two B-boxes (B1 and B2) adjacent to the RING
patients with Opitz syndrome cluster in the SPRY domain of domain. Mutations of conserved zinc-chelating residues in B1
MID1. It has been shown that MID1 associates with microtu- and/or B2 boxes collapsed PML NB formation, whereas they did
bules, whereas mutant forms of MID1 do not.64 These results sug- not affect PML oligomerization.84 PML B-boxes are also involved
gest that MIDI has a physiological role in microtubule dynamics. in growth suppression.80 It has been revealed that PML is
Recently, the α4 protein, a regulatory subunit of protein phos- sumoylated in B1 box which is responsible for binding of the 11S
phatase 2A (PP2A)65 was isolated by yeast two-hybrid screening proteasomal subunit to PML NBs.85
with MID1 as bait. It was demonstrated that the B-box 1 is suf- The coiled coil region in PML is indispensable for
ficient for a strong interaction with α4. MID2,66 which is highly multimerization or heterodimerization with PML-RARα,69,71,86
similar to MID1, also binds α4. Cellular localizations of MID1 formation of PML NB and growth suppression activity.80 Nota-
and α4 are coincident with cytoskeletal structures and MID1 bly, the important role of the coiled coil domain for the complex
with a mutation at the C terminus that mimics the mutant pro- formation is also suggested from the studies of other RBCC/TRIM
tein of some individuals with OS results in the formation of cyto- subfamily.43,57
plasmic clumps containing both proteins. The identified substrate
for E3 ligase activity of MID1 is a cytosolic PP2A. In contrast, TRIM8
addition of a proteasome inhibitor to OS-derived fibroblasts ex- TRIM8, a member of RBCC subfamily, is shown to interact
pressing dysfunctional MID1 does not cause either enrichment with SOCS-1 (suppressor of cytokine signaling-1) which is in-
of PP2A or accumulation of the enzyme’s polyubiquitinated duced by cytokines and inhibits cytokine signaling by binding to
forms,67 suggesting that MID1 mutations result in decreased pro- downstream signaling molecules such as JAK (Janus kinase) ki-
teolysis of the C subunit of PP2A in individuals with OS. nases.87-89 The B-box coiled coil region of TRIM8 is sufficient
for efficient interaction with SOCS-1, but the RING portion of
PML the protein is not required for the binding. By contrast, both the
PML also belongs to a subfamily of proteins containing a SOCS box and the SH2 domain in SOCS-1 appear to be neces-
RBCC/TRIM motif.43,68 PML has been implicated in the patho- sary for the interaction between SOCS-1 and TRIM8. It was
genesis of acute promyelocytic leukemia that arises following a found that exogenous coexpression of TRIM8/GERP with
reciprocal chromosomal translocation that fuses the PML gene SOCS-1 decreased the stability of SOCS-1 protein and TRIM8
located on chromosome 15 with the retinoic acid receptor alpha restored the IFN-γ-mediated transcription which was inhibited
(RAR α ) gene located on chromosome 17. The resulting by the expression of SOCS-1.90 These results suggest that TRIM8
PML-RARα fusion protein preserves most of the functional do- is the putative E3 ligase for SOCS-1 and inhibits SOCS-1 func-
mains of both PML and RARα, but it lacks C-terminus of PML tion by targeting it for proteasomal degradation.
and N-terminus of RARα. The fusion protein shows cell type-
and promoter-specific differences from the wild type RARα,25,26,69 TRIM11
while it maintains a responsiveness to retinoic acid. Overexpression TRIM11 is a member of the protein family composed of a
of PML-RARα inhibits vitamin D3 and transforming growth RING finger domain, which is a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase, a
factor β-induced differentiation and also reduces serum B-box domain, a coiled coil domain and a SPRY domain. A re-
starvation-induced apoptosis in U937 cells.70 In addition, dimer- cent experiment with yeast two-hybrid screening has revealed that
ization of PML with PML-RARα is required to block differen- TRIM11 can interact with Humanin91 which is a newly identi-
tiation.71 Thus, PML-RARα is considered to function as a domi- fied anti-apoptotic peptide that specifically suppresses Alzheimer’s
nant negative protein by interfering with the function of PML disease (AD)-related neurotoxicity. It is known that Bax
and RARα. (Bcl2-associated X protein) has a crucial role in apoptosis. In
In normal cells, cellular distribution of PML is found to form response to death stimuli, Bax protein changes the conforma-
a discrete subnuclear compartment (nuclear body, NB)72,73 or tion exposing membrane-targeting domains, translocates to
RBCC Proteins As Ubiquitin Ligase in the Control of Protein Degradation and Gene Regulation 111

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Structure and Function of the CBP/p300

TAZ Domains
Roberto N. De Guzman, Maria A. Martinez-Yamout, H. Jane Dyson and Peter E. Wright*


he TAZ (transcriptional adapter zinc binding) domains region forms a zinc-binding domain similar to the PHD
in the transcriptional coactivators CBP/p300 are zinc-finger motif, and the CH3 region forms two
zinc-binding motifs that are primarily involved in independently-folded zinc-binding domains, the ZZ domain, and
protein-protein recognition. The activation domains of more than the TAZ2 domain.
30 transcription factors have been reported to bind to the TAZ The two TAZ domains are important sites of protein-protein
domains, and each TAZ domain generally binds a different sub- interaction in CBP/p300, and to date, about 30 different tran-
set of transcription factors. Structurally, the TAZ domains con- scription factors have been reported to bind to TAZ1 and TAZ2
tain three zinc binding sites and four alpha helices that are packed (Fig. 1). The zinc-binding motifs of TAZ1 and TAZ2 share a
against each other to form a hydrophobic core. Each zinc atom high degree of homology, each consisting of one histidine and
is bound to one histidine and three cysteine residues that are three cysteine residues (Fig. 2). Sequence homology searches in-
located at the end of one helix, in the interconnecting loop, and dicate that the TAZ domains are currently found only in CBP/
at the beginning of a second helix, forming a characteristic p300-related proteins, and each protein contains two TAZ do-
HCCC-type zinc binding motif. In the absence of zinc, the pro- mains. The TAZ2 domain is always associated with the much
teins are unfolded. The role of the zinc atoms is to organize and larger acetyltransferase module of CBP/p300, an arrangement
stabilize the four amphipathic helices into a global fold, which evolutionarily conserved even in plant proteins.15,16 Each TAZ
then serves as the site of protein-protein interaction. The TAZ1 domain contains three zinc-binding sites with the consensus se-
domains of CBP and p300 binds other proteins mostly by hy- quence His1-X3-Cys2-X4-12-Cys3-X2-4-Cys4, where X is any
drophobic interactions in the grooves and canyons created by
the helical interfaces. The first three helices of TAZ1 and TAZ2
are structurally homologous; the fourth helix, however, is in a
different relative orientation. This major structural difference
between the two domains appears to play an important role in
determining the protein-binding specificity of the TAZ domain.

The protein CBP (cyclic-AMP response element binding pro-
tein (CREB) binding protein)1 and its paralog p3002 are large
multifunctional transcriptional coactivator proteins that bind to
the activation domains of numerous transcription factors.3-8 Struc-
tural and biological studies of CBP/p300 paint a picture of a large
protein (2441 residues for human CBP) containing several globu- Figure 1. CBP/p300 contains four zinc-binding domains that map to
lar domains that are independently capable of interacting with the three cyteine/histidine-rich regions, CH1, CH2, and CH3. The
different sets of transcription factors. Three dimensional struc- first cysteine/histidine-rich region, CH1, is the TAZ1 domain, and the
tures have been reported for the KIX domain9-11 and the nuclear CH3 region is made of two zinc-binding domains, ZZ and TAZ2. CH2
coactivator binding domain (CABD).12 In addition, CBP and forms another zinc-binding domain that is homologous to the PHD
p300 contain four zinc-binding domains that map to three cys- zinc finger motif. The relative location of the CREB-binding domain
teine/histidine-rich regions, initially designated in the literature (KIX), Bromodomain (BR), glutamine-rich region, and the C-terminal
as CH1, CH2, and CH3.13 An alternative nomenclature was pro- activator binding domain (CABD) of CBP/p300 are indicated. Shown
posed by Ponting et al.14 The CH1 region corresponds to the below are the protein factors that have been reported to interact with
TAZ1 (for transcriptional adaptor zinc-binding) domain, the CH2 TAZ1 and the CH3 region.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Structure and Function of the CBP/p300 TAZ Domains 115

Figure 2. Sequences of TAZ1 and TAZ2 aligned at the three zinc binding clusters (Zn1, Zn2, and Zn3). Secondary structures are indicated as wavy
lines for helices and solid lines for loops. The abbreviations and accession numbers are: Mm. (Mus musculus/mouse AAL87531); Hs. (Homo sapiens/
human Q92793 (CBP) / Q09472 (P300)); Xl. (Xenopus laevis/frog AAH44677); Ac. (Aplysia californica/sea hare AAL54859); Ce. (Caenorhabditis
elegans/worm P34545); Ag (Anopheles gambiae/mosquito EAA06516); Dm. (Drosophila melanogaster/fly AAB53050); Gg. (Gallus gallus/chicken
TC65031); At. (Arabidopsis thaliana/plant AAF79331).

amino acid and the subscript denotes the number of residues be- The Zinc-Binding Site
tween the zinc ligands. The basic building block of a TAZ domain is a single
Although the zinc-binding motifs of TAZ domains are ho- zinc-binding site, as illustrated in Figure 3. Each zinc binding mo-
mologous, TAZ1 and TAZ2 domains have been reported to bind tif consists of two helices joined by a connecting loop, with one
a different subset of transcription factors, as indicated in Figure 1 histidine and three cysteine ligands that are arranged sequentially
and Tables 1 and 2. Sequence analyses of the activation domains to form an HCCC-type zinc-binding motif.21 The first two zinc
of their binding partners also do not reveal an obvious sequence ligands (His1 and Cys2) are located at the end of a helix, the third
homology. CBP and p300 do not bind nucleic acids, and no cata- ligand (Cys3) is in the loop following the helix, and the fourth
lytic activity has been reported for regions containing the TAZ ligand (Cys4) is at the beginning of the next helix. The zinc atom is
domains. Thus, their primary role appears to be in protein-protein coordinated to the histidine Nε2 atom; the other possible
recognition, a common function for a growing list of zinc-binding metal-binding site, Nδ1, was excluded based on chemical shift
domains. Structural results from NMR spectroscopy reveal that analysis. Packing interactions between the two helices are stabilized
TAZ117-20 and TAZ221 form a novel zinc-binding motif and show by hydrophobic contacts mediated by nonpolar residues.
how they participate in protein-protein interaction. Comparison
of the structures of TAZ1 and TAZ2 (see later discussion) illus-
trates how a structural change in the orientation of one helix al-
TAZ1 and TAZ2 Structures
lows them to discriminate between two different subsets of bind- The basic zinc-binding cluster in Figure 3 is repeated three
ing partners. times to form a complete TAZ domain, as shown in Figure 4.
The NMR structure of the TAZ2 domain from CBP21 shown in
Figure 4 is currently the only available structure of a free TAZ
domain. The structure of the free CBP TAZ1 has not yet been
reported; the structure shown in Figure 4 was taken from the
TAZ1/HIF-1α complex.17 The free TAZ1 domain from p300
was recently reported to be only partially folded in the presence
of Zn2+and to behave like a molten globule. Binding of the free
p300 TAZ1 to HIF-1α was required for it to form a stable three
dimensional structure.22 This conclusion was based on the poor
dispersion of the NMR proton-nitrogen correlation spectra (2D
HSQC) of p300 TAZ1 in the presence of Zn2+. We have found,
however, that the free TAZ1 domain from CBP has a
well-dispersed 2D HSQC spectra in the presence of Zn2+ ions,
indicating that the CBP domain is folded even in the absence of
binding partners. Preliminary NMR structure calculations for the
free CBP TAZ1 domain indicate a folded structure that is very
similar to that found in the TAZ1/HIF-1α complex (R. N. De
Guzman, S.A. Dames, M. A. Martinez-Yamout, J. Wojciak, H.J.
Dyson, P.E. Wright, unpublished data).
In TAZ1 and TAZ2, the three zinc-binding motifs, Zn1-Zn3,
are distributed approximately at the apices of an irregular triangle.
Figure 3. A zinc-binding motif of the TAZ domains consists of four This arrangement maximizes the hydrophobic interactions be-
zinc-binding ligands His1, Cys2, Cys3, and Cys4, located at the tween the four helices (α1-α4), forming a hydrophobic core in
C-terminal end of a helix, the interconnecting loop, and the N-terminal the middle of the domain, and directing the connecting loops
end of the next helix. outwards. The four helices are generally amphipathic in character,
116 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. List of proteins that have been reported to bind the TAZ1 domain

Protein Function Ref.

HIF-1α Hypoxia inducible factor regulates cellular oxygen level 26

CITED2 CBP/p300-interacting inhibits HIF-1α activity 27
transactivator with ED-rich tail
SCL/TAL-1 T-cell acute lymphoblastic bHLH transcription factor 45
leukemia transcription factor involved chromosomal
translocation in T-cell acute
lymphoblastic leukemia
p73 homolog of p53 apoptosis, growth suppression 46
TBP TATA-binding protein basal transcription machinery 47-49
Ets-1 transcription factor T- and B-cell function and 50
development, Ras signalling
Ets-2 transcription factor cellular transformation, Ras 51
RXR retinoic acid receptor
p65 component of NF-κB; 52,53
inflammation, immune
response, control of cell
division and apoptosis
Pit-1 pituitary-specific transcription factor pituitary cell development, 54
growth hormone expression
STAT2 signal transduction and activator antiviral defense; IFN-α response 55
of transcription
HNF-4 hepatocyte nuclear factor transcriptional regulation of glucose, 56
cholesterol, and fatty acid metabolism
PML promyelocytic leukemia transcription stimulates nuclear receptor 57
factor transcriptional activity

with the hydrophobic residues facing the core of the domain, and dithiothreitol at pH 7.5-8.5, and folded with addition of three
the nonpolar residues solvent exposed. The connecting loops are equivalents of Zn2+ ions.17,20 The NMR 15N-HSQC spectra for
mostly polar. The first three helices, α1-α3, are structurally ho- refolded TAZ1 and for TAZ1 purified under native conditions
mologous in the TAZ domains. Although the TAZ1 α1 helix is are identical, indicating that the refolding procedure does not
longer than the corresponding helix in TAZ2 α1, the relative po- alter the biologically relevant structure.17 In the absence of Zn2+
sition of the zinc atom in both domains is very similar. or with an excess of EDTA, TAZ1 and TAZ2 are unstructured in
The major structural difference between TAZ1 and TAZ2 is solution, and circular dichroism (CD) spectra indicate that there
in the orientation of the fourth helix, α4 (red in Fig. 4). In TAZ1, is little or no residual helical character.
both α1 and α4 are on the same face of α3, while in TAZ2, α3 is Bacterially expressed TAZ2 is less soluble than TAZ1, form-
sandwiched between α1 and α4. The difference in the orientation ing inclusion bodies 21 that require solubilization in 6 M
of the fourth helix also results in a major shift in the position of guanidinium hydrochloride or 8 M urea. Coexpression with its
the zinc atom in Zn3, relative to Zn1 and Zn2.17 This structural binding partners E1A or p53, also resulted in the formation of
difference is also reflected in the number of inter-helical contacts: inclusion bodies, but some soluble protein is formed. As for TAZ1,
there are more inter-helical NOEs between α1 and α4 in TAZ1 three equivalents of Zn2+ were needed to fold TAZ2 under re-
than in TAZ2. In TAZ2, the arrangement of the four helices re- ducing conditions.21 A large excess of Zn2+ resulted in a decrease
sults in a more globular structure, approximating a pyramidal-like of the helical content in the CD spectra of TAZ2. This probably
overall shape. In TAZ1, the overall shape is more of a flatter tri- indicates nonspecific metal binding since TAZ2 contains addi-
angle, or a pie-shaped structure, due to the positioning of α4. tional metal binding residues (four cysteines and two histidines).
This structural difference will be more evident below in the dis-
cussion of the protein-protein complexes formed by TAZ1. Protein-Protein Interactions of the TAZ1
Preparation of TAZ Domains Recent NMR structures of the complexes formed by CBP and
Some bacterially expressed TAZ1 aggregates in the insoluble p300 TAZ1 reveal the structural determinants of protein recog-
fraction, but there is a significant amount (up to ~ 60%) that nition by TAZ1.17-20 Figure 5 shows the structures of complexes
remains in the soluble fraction. This soluble fraction increases to formed by the CBP TAZ1 with the C-terminal activation do-
more than 90% when TAZ1 is coexpressed with binding part- mains (CAD) of HIF-1α17 and CITED2.20 The heterodimeric
ners such as HIF-1α or CITED2.17,20 TAZ1 can be expressed transcription factor HIF-1 (Hypoxia Inducible Factor) plays an
and purified under denaturing conditions, reduced in 10-20 mM important role in the cellular response to low oxygen conditions,
Structure and Function of the CBP/p300 TAZ Domains 117

Table 2. List of proteins that have been reported to bind the TAZ2 domain

Protein Function Ref.

E1A adenovirus early 1A oncoprotein cellular transformation 2,36-38

HPV E6 human papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein repression of p53 transcriptional activity 58
SV40 LT simian virus type 40 large T antigen simian virus transforming activity 59
p53 tumor suppressor p53 protein apoptosis, cell cycle control 30-34
Mad effector of drosophila Dpp gene TFGβ signaling, drosophila Dpp signalling 60
ARIX1/Phox2 homeodomain protein neuron differentiation 61
Py LT polyomavirus large T antigen viral replication and cellular transformation 62
CIITA class II transactivator antigen presentation regulates cytokine 63
Tax human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 human T-cell leukemia virus transcription 64
Tat human immunodeficiency virus HIV replication 65
SF-1 steroidogenic factor 1 development of the adrenal gland 66
E2F1 transcription factor cell cycle control 43,67
Ets-1 transcription factor cell growth and development 50
JunB transcription factor cell differentiation 68
p68 RNA helicase gene transcription 69,70
C/EBP β CCAAT-box/enhancer binding protein blood cell development 71
GATA-1 erythroid transcription factor erythroid cell differentiation 39
BETA-2/Neuro D beta-cell enriched factor transcriptional regulation of insulin 72
gene expression
Mi Microphthalmia transcription factor melanocyte development 73,74
TFIIB transcription factor II B basal transcription machinery 75
PCAF p300/CBP-associated factor histone acetyltransferase 44
MyoD myogenic factor muscle cell differentiation 40
PP90RSK ribosomal S6 kinase Ras signaling 76
c-Fos protooncogene binds with c-jun to mediate signal 41
transduction, cell differentiation
YY1 Ying Yang transcription factor cell growth and differentiation 42

and thus, is a major protein involved in the pathology of cancer, region is capable of tight binding to TAZ1 (Kd = 46 nM)17,20 (and
heart disease and stroke.23-25 Under conditions of oxygen depri- indeed this region was not included in the structure determination
vation, the HIF-1α subunit recruits CBP/p300 to direct expres- of the p300/HIF-1α complex),18 these additional residues increase
sion of genes involved in vascularization and glycolysis to ensure the affinity by about five-fold (Kd = 10 nM).17,20 The poorly struc-
cellular survival.26 HIF-1 also controls the expression of another tured N-terminal αA helical region is followed by an extended re-
nuclear protein, CITED2 (CBP/p300 Interacting Transactivator gion containing the sequence LPQL, which binds tightly at the
with glutamic acid (E) and aspartic acid (D) rich Tail) at the tran- junction of the TAZ1 α1/α2/α3 interface. Following the LPQL
scriptional level. CITED2 competes with HIF-1α for binding to loop, is a short helix, αB, which binds at the TAZ1 α1/α3 interface.
the TAZ1 domain, effectively blocking HIF-1 transcriptional ac- This helix contains the so-called hypoxic switch, an asparagine resi-
tivity.27 This suggests regulation during hypoxia by a feedback due in position 803 that when hydroxylated, impairs the interac-
loop mediated by protein-protein interactions of HIF-1α and tion of Hif-1α with CBP or p300.28 Amino acid analysis and NMR
CITED2with TAZ1. The structures of TAZ1/HIF-1α17,18 and has defined the site of hydroxylation at the pro-S position of the
TAZ1/CITED219,20 complexes provide a detailed picture of the Cβ atom of Asn803.29 Finally, the HIF-1α CAD forms the
protein-protein interactions mediated by a zinc-binding domain C-terminal αC, which binds tightly at the TAZ1 α1/α4 interface.
during hypoxia. The TAZ1/CITED2 Complex.
The NMR structures of the p30019 and CBP20 TAZ1/CITED2
Structure of the TAZ1/HIF-1α Complex complexes provide another detailed picture of how TAZ1 serves as
The structure of the CBP TAZ1 domain in complex with the a scaffold for protein-protein interaction. The structural features,
HIF-1α CAD is shown in Figure 5A. The HIF-1α CAD is un- four helices (α1-α4), three zinc binding clusters, and the overall
structured in isolation, but, upon complex formation, folds and global fold of TAZ1 are preserved in the two complexes. There are
wraps around TAZ1, forming three helices, αA, αB, and αC, that minor differences in the TAZ1 structure between the Hif-1α and
bind in the grooves formed by the interfaces of TAZ1 helices.17,18 CITED2 complexes: a slight bending of α1 in the CITED2 com-
The αA helix is poorly defined and flexible, and interacts mainly plex,19,20 and a slight increase in the length of the α4 in the CBP
with TAZ1 α1. Although the HIF-1α CAD lacking this N-terminal TAZ1/CITED2 complex.20 The main difference between the
118 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

The residues at the C-terminus of CITED2 are flexible and do not

make contact with the surface of TAZ1.20 The two protein com-
plexes shown in Figure 5 have very similar dissociation constants,
suggesting that HIF-1α and CITED2 exert their biological activi-
ties by competing with a limited amount of CBP/p300 and are
able to displace each other during the hypoxic response.
The HIF-1α and CITED2 activation domains do not show
an obvious sequence homology to each other, but after the struc-
tures of the complexes became available, it became evident that
the two proteins do share a limited structural and sequence ho-
mology. Both domains contain a four-residue sequence, LPQL
in HIF-1α and LPEL in CITED2 (shown as a ball-and-stick dia-
gram in Fig. 5) that bind in the same manner at the TAZ1 α1/α2/
Figure 4. Ribbon diagram of the structures of TAZ1 and TAZ2. A TAZ α3 interface.19,20 This apparent homology of sequence and struc-
domain is made of four helices (α1-α4) and three zinc-binding clusters ture does not appear to be general: sequence analysis of the vari-
(Zn1-Zn3). α1, α2 and α3 (blue and green) are structurally homologous, ous transcription factors that bind to TAZ1 reveals that the LP(Q/
while α4 (red) is in opposite relative orientation. α1 is also longer in E)L sequence is not a common motif for binding.
TAZ1 than in TAZ2.
TAZ2 Protein-Protein Interactions
The CBP/p300 TAZ2 domain also participates in
protein-protein interaction, with a different subset of transcrip-
tion factors. A list of proteins that have been reported to bind the
TAZ2 domain of CBP/p300 is given in Table 2. Our laboratory
has explored the binding of the activation domains of the p53
tumor suppressor protein and the adenoviral E1A oncoprotein to
TAZ2. The p53 tumor suppressor plays an important role in cell
cycle control and apoptosis; defects in the p53 gene have been
implicated in many types of human cancers. Binding of the
N-terminal transactivation domain of p53 with CBP/p3006 is
necessary for the full transcriptional activity of p53 and for
p53-mediated control of the cell growth cycle.30-34 Although no
structural information has been reported for the 100-residue
transactivation domain of p53, a peptide within this region con-
taining residues involved in transactivation was reported to form
Figure 5. Structures of the protein-protein complexes of the CBP TAZ1 an amphipathic helix on binding to MDM2.35 NMR results in-
bound to activation domains of HIF-1α (left) and CITED2 (right). The dicate that the TAZ2 domain within the CH3 region of CBP/
four TAZ1 helices α1 (blue), α2 (blue), α3 (green) , α4 (red), and the p300 interacts with the p53 transactivation peptide,21 and chemi-
three zinc clusters (Zn1-Zn3) are indicated. The bound proteins, HIF-1α cal shift mapping indicates that the TAZ2 residues mostly af-
and CITED2, are colored pink and the secondary structures are labeled fected by p53 binding map to the TAZ2 α1/α2/α3 interface.21
(αA-αB for HIF-1α, and αA for CITED2). The four residues of the Another important protein that binds the CH3 region of CBP/
LPQL (HIF-1α) and LPEL (CITED) loops are shown. The hypoxic p300 is the adenoviral E1A oncoprotein.2,36-38 Indeed, the CH3
switch in HIF-1α (Asn803) is located at the C-terminus of αB. region is often referred to as the E1A-binding domain. The inter-
action between CBP/p300 and E1A is necessary for the trans-
HIF-1α and CITED2 complexes is in the structures of the two forming ability of adenovirus, and when E1A is coexpressed with
bound ligands. Like the HIF-1α CAD, the free CITED2 activa- other CBP/p300-binding proteins, it abrogates the interaction
tion domain is unstructured and folds on binding to TAZ1,20 form- between CBP/p300 and the other binding partners.39-44 This
ing a tight-binding helix, αA, and an extended region that loops suggests that the CH3 domain plays an important role in the
around TAZ1 (Fig. 5). The CITED2 αA binds on the same face of protein-protein interactions mediated by CBP. Although sequence
TAZ1 α1 as the disordered N-terminal loop and helix αA of analysis predicts helical regions in the activation domains of p53
HIF-1α.20 This helix also contacts the TAZ1 α1/α4 interface, but and E1A, it is not yet known whether they form helices upon
on the opposite side and at a more oblique angle compared to the binding to TAZ2.
tight-binding helix αC of HIF-1α.19,20 The CITED αA helix is
followed by a loop that contains the LPEL motif (see following Conclusions
paragraph). There is no equivalent structure in the CBP TAZ1/ It is clear that the zinc-binding domains of transcriptional
CITED2 complex to the HIF-1α helix αB,20 although the struc- coactivators such as p300 and CBP are of considerable impor-
ture of the p300 TAZ1/CITED2 complex19 showed a 3-residue tance in the function of these proteins. Unique zinc-binding folds
310-helix in this region. This difference in the structures of the CBP have been identified for the TAZ domains, and structural studies
and p300 CITED2 complexes is probably due to the different have been able to provide rationales for the differences in the
CITED2 constructs used. There is no equivalent of HIF-1α helix binding behavior of the TAZ1 and TAZ2 domains. Work con-
αC in either the CBP or p300 TAZ1 complexes with CITED2. tinues in a number of laboratories on this fascinating new field.
Structure and Function of the CBP/p300 TAZ Domains 119

Acknowledgments 20. De Guzman RN, Martinez-Yamout M, Dyson HJ et al. Interaction

of the TAZ1 domain of CREB-binding protein with the activation
We thank members of the Wright/Dyson lab for continuing help- domain of CITED2: Regulation by competition between intrinsically
ful discussions and comments. RND is supported by a fellowship unstructured ligands for nonIdentical binding sites. J Biol Chem
from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This work was sup- 2004; 279:3042-3049.
ported by grant CA96865 from the National Institutes of Health. 21. De Guzman RN, Liu HY, Martinez-Yamout M et al. Solution
structure of the TAZ2 (CH3) domain of the transcriptional adaptor
protein CBP. J Mol Biol 2000; 303:243-253.
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A Zinc Ribbon Motif Is Essential for the Formation

of Functional Tetrameric Protein Kinase CK2
Odile Filhol, Maria José Benitez and Claude Cochet*


rotein kinase CK2 plays an essential role in the regulation tional overlap of both CK2 isoforms. RNA-mediated interference
of many cellular functions. The enzyme is an in Caenorhabditis elegans has shown that inhibition of the CK2β
heterotetrameric complex formed by the association of two gene leads to embryonic lethality.8 Similarly, disruption of the CK2β
catalytic α/α’ subunits with two regulatory β subunits. subunit in mice leads to a cell-autonomous defect and early em-
High-resolution structure of the CK2β subunit revealed the pres- bryonic lethality.9 Thus, the production of both the α and β sub-
ence of a zinc binding motif made by three-stranded antiparallel units of CK2 appears to be required for cell survival.
β sheets and two “knuckles” (Cys-X4-Cys and Cys-X2-Cys) con- Mounting evidence suggest that CK2 is a component of regu-
tained in the invariant motif CPX3C-X22-CPXC. This zinc bind- latory protein kinase networks that are involved in various as-
ing motif belongs to the sub-family of zinc ribbon domains. pects of transformation and cancer. Targetted overexpression of
CK2β exist as a dimer in which the zinc ribbon motif makes CK2α in T cells and mammary glands of transgenic mice leads
many hydrophobic interactions with the zinc ribbon motif of to lymphomagenesis and mammary tumorigenesis, respec-
the other monomer forming the protein-protein interface. Im- tively.10,11 A number of studies have also shown that in all human
portantly, functional and biochemical studies have indicated that cancers that have been examined, CK2 activity is consistently
the integrity of the zinc binding motif which is pivotal in the enhanced suggesting that the kinase plays a role in cell prolifera-
formation of the CK2β homodimer, is also instrumental for the tion but also participates in the transduction of cell survival sig-
regulatory functions of this important protein. nals.12 Finally, the involvement of CK2 in viral infection and on-
cogenesis has been demonstrated.3
Protein phosphorylation is a major mechanism for the regula-
tion of fundamental cellular processes.1 Among the hundred of Structural and Regulatory Features
protein kinases encoded by the genome of eukaryotic cells, the Ser/ Several recent reports have described specific structural aspects
Thr protein kinase CK2 (formely called casein kinase II) represents of the CK2 subunits and their functional properties providing
an essential component of this family of regulatory enzymes.2-5 long-awaited insights into a potential modus operandi of this piv-
The broad spectrum of protein substrates which are phosphory- otal protein kinase.
lated by CK2 underscores the functional importance of this pro- In many organisms as well as in humans several isoforms of
tein kinase in the regulation of many cellular functions.5 the catalytic subunit of CK2 have been identified.13-16 Although
Protein kinase CK2 exibits a high degree of conservation of closely related, they are in fact the products of different genes.
amino acid sequence between evolutionarily distant organisms such The crystal structure of the catalytic α subunit from Zea mays has
as yeast, Drosophila and human.2 When purified from many shown the common bilobal architecture described for protein
sources, CK2 appears as a tetrameric enzyme (with a molecular kinases. More importantly, this study provided clues for the ap-
mass of 130 kDa), composed of two types of structurally analo- parent constitutive activity of the enzyme and for the fact that
gous catalytic α (42 to 44 kDa) and α’(38 kDa) subunits and two this kinase can use GTP as well as ATP as phosphate donors.17
regulatory β (27 kDa) subunits which associate to form stable α2β2, Distinct isoforms of CK2 regulatory subunits exist in S.
αα’β2, or α’2β2 structures. The lethal phenotype resulting from cerevisiae, A. thaliana and in D. melanogaster. Surprisingly, in
disruption of the α subunit in yeast can be rescued by expression of mammals, this subunit is encoded by a single gene. On the basis
Drosophila α showing that the catalytic subunit is functionnaly of sequence comparisons, CK2β does not share similarity with
interchangeable between distantly related species.6 In male mice, any known protein. However, CK2β exhibits remarkable conser-
CK2α’ is preferencially expressed in late stages of spermatogenesis vation between species suggesting that this subunit plays impor-
and disruption of its gene results in infertility owing to defective tant roles in cellular functions. This contention is illustrated by
spermatogenesis.7 However, the apparently normal embryonic de- the demonstration that the expression of CK2β is essential for
velopment of CK2α’ knockout mice argues again for a strong func- cell proliferation and survival in D. melanogaster18 and in mice.9

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
122 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 2. The electrostatic potential of the molecular surface of the

N-terminal region of CK2β defines an acidic groove. A) Modelization
of polyamine-CK2β contacts. The interaction of a spermine molecule
with the CK2β molecule was modelized by manual docking. B) The
Figure 1. Ribbon representations of the CK2β dimer. The β strands are anisotropic distribution of the electric field around the CK2β dimer is
shown as pink arrows. The α helices are represented as green coils, loops coloured from deep blue (+) to red (-). The molecule shows a striking
as brown lines and the acidic loop as dashed brown lines. The zinc atoms asymmetric charge distribution which generates a monolobol potential
and cysteine ligands are shown in ball-and-stick, blue and yellow respec- field enveloping nearly all the molecule.
tively. A) view along the 2-fold axis. B) The view in (A) was rotated by
90°, the two-fold axis is vertical. (adapted from ref. 19).
The Acidic Binding Groove
A representation of the molecular surface of CK2β shows that
Overall Folding Properties of CK2β the two domain I of the dimer generate an extended acidic groove
The 1.7 Å resolution structure of a C-terminally truncated formed by helices α1 and α3, an acidic loop (residues 55-64) and
form of CK2β that was determined by X-ray crystallography dem- the N-terminus of helix α4. The groove is 35Å long, 7 Å wide
onstrated that two different crystal forms of the protein contain and 4.5 Å deep (Fig. 2A). Remarkably, the size of the groove and
two monomers in the asymetric unit (Fig. 1A). The number of the acidic side chains that line it creates a continuous negatively
contacts and extent of interactions between monomers reflect a charged surface around the CK2β dimer, suggesting that this
physiological self-association and the crystal structure is in ac- protuding region represents a binding pocket for basic ligands
cord with the native dimeric state of CK2β in solution.19 Each (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, it has been observed that this isolated
monomer is an ovoid-shaped molecule containing six α helices region of CK2β exhibited an autonomous binding activity for
and three β strands. The overall topology showed no structural polyamines reflecting a functional folding of this region of the
homology with other known proteins. However the global fold protein.20 Based on its similarity to the clusters of acidic amino
comprises two separately identifiable domains that are packed acids that are typically observed in CK2 substrates, it has been
closely together. Domain I (residues 1-104) is entirely α-helical proposed that this acidic segment 55DLEPDEELED64 is remi-
(α1, α2, α3, α4 and α5). Helices α4 and α5 are forming a 95˚
niscent of the autoinhibitory sequences that have been identified
angle of an unusual arrangement which ressembles the “L” letter.
in a number of other protein kinases.4 Indeed, this acidic stretch
In contrast, helices α1, α2, α3, α4 wrap around helix forming a
was previously proposed to represent a regulatory region involved
protuding acidic loop. Domain II (residues 105-161) exhibits a
in the down regulation of CK2 activity,21 and in its stimulation
three-stranded antiparallel β-sheet (β1, β2 and β3) in which a
by polybasic ligands.20
zinc ion located between the α5 and α6 helices is tetrahedrally
coordinated by four cysteines, (Cys 109, Cys 114, Cys 137 and
Cys 140). Helix α6 (residues 163-170) makes contacts with both The Zinc Ribbon Motif
β1 and helix α5. The structure lack the C-terminal domain that Among the six cysteines present in the primary structure of the
contains the major site of association with the catalytic subunit. human CK2β subunit, only Cys 109, Cys 114, Cys 137 and Cys
However, residues 170-177 which are part of the α-β subunit 140 located in domain II are invariant in different species. The
interface extend away from the bulk of the protein (see below). crystal structure shows that these cysteine residues are indeed in-
Two CK2β monomers pack against each other generating a volved in a zinc binding motif. There are several types of zinc bind-
crab-shaped molecule in which the zinc finger motif present in ing motifs categorized by the nature and spacing of their
domain II mediates the highly stable dimerization of the protein Zn2+-chelating residues.22-24 In the CK2β structure, the motif is
(Fig. 1B). made by three-stranded antiparallel β sheets (β1, β2, and β3) but
A Zinc Ribbon Motif Is Essential for the Formation of Functional Tetrameric Protein Kinase CK2 123

Figure 3. Structure-based sequence alignement of zinc ribbon domains in representative CK2β proteins and in members of the topoisomerase
family. 1) Protein name: CK2β= CK2β regulatory subunit; RPB9= DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 9; TFIIS= transcriptional elon-
gation factor SII; TFIIB= transcription initiation factor IIB; TOP3= topoisomerase III. 2) Organism name: At= Arabidopsis thaliana; Ce=
Caenorhabditis elegans; Dm= Drosophila melanogaster; Hs= Homo sapiens; Sc=, Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Sp= Schizosaccharomyces pombe. 3) Sequence
number of the first residue shown in the alignment. 4) Sequence number of the last residue shown in the alignement. Cys residues in Zn-binding
sites are highlighted in red and are shown in white. Uncharged residues in hydrophobic sites of β-strands are highlighted in yellow. Secondary
structure consensus for β-strand residues is shown below the alignment by black arrows.

unlike the classical zinc finger, no α helix is observed. The Zn2+ bon motif of the other monomer forming the protein-protein in-
binding site of CK2β is well ordered and contains two non-canonical terface. Most of the interactions between two CK2β monomers are
zinc finger loops termed “knuckles” (Cys-X4-Cys and Cys-X2-Cys) contacts between residues that are localized at the edge of the
contained in the invariant motif CPX3C-X22-CPXC. The two knuck- Cys109-X4-Cys114 element and on the β3 strand. In this core
les are placed at almost 90˚ to each other, resulting in tetrahedral region, several conserved hydrophobic residues make van der Waals
geometry of zinc ion. Based on pronounced structural similarity interactions that form several important contacts between the two
and residual sequence similarity, the zinc binding motif present in monomers (Fig. 5). The most significant contacts are Pro 110, Tyr
CK2β belongs to the sub-family of zinc ribbon domains. This motif
resembles the Zn-ribbon structure of transcription factors TFIIS,25
TFIIB, 26 the RNA polymerase II subunit 9 RPB9,27 and
Topoisomerase I and III28 (Fig. 3). Interestingly, the three β strands
and the P loop that form the core of the Zn2+ binding motif of
CK2β show a striking similar topology to the structure depicted
for TFIIS (Fig. 4). The knuckles of the Zn2+ binding site of CK2β
are similar to those described for TFIIS and overall, the zinc ribbon
motif of CK2β aligns structurally with an RMSD of 1.13 Å (96
atoms) with TFIIS. The β sheet surface of the Zn ribbon motif in
CK2β is remarkable for its hydrophobicity, with 13 hydrophobic
side chains defining the central surface. Unlike TFIIS which is a
highly soluble nucleic-acid binding domain, the zinc ribbon motif
of CK2β makes many hydrophobic interactions with the zinc rib-

Figure 5. Ribbon representation of the dimer interface. The β strands

are shown as pink arrows,loops as brown lines and zinc as a blue sphere.
Figure 4. Ribbon representations of the zinc ribbon domains of CK2β and Amino acid chains and the water molecule involved in the protein-protein
of transcription elongation factor TFIIS. The β strands are shown as pink interaction, and the zinc ligands are represented in ball-and-stick in
arrows, loops as brown lines and zinc as blue sphere. (adapted from ref. 19). black, red and yellow respectively. (Adapted from ref. 19).
124 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Implications for CK2 Functions

The regulatory CK2β subunit alone has no known catalytic
activity, but it does associate with the catalytic CK2α subunit to
generate a stable holoenzyme complex. Several studies suggest
that the regulatory subunit modulates the ability of CK2α to
interact with and to phosphorylate substrate proteins.29-31 Thus,
CK2β appears as a crucial mediator of cellular functions of CK2.
Furthermore, CK2β has been reported to be an interacting part-
ner and activator of the mammalian A-Raf kinase21 and an in-
hibitor of the Xenopus laevis c-Mos serine/threonine kinase.32 In
addition, the CK2β3 isoform present in Arabidopsis thaliana has
been identified as an interacting partner of the circadian
clock-associated 1 protein and interferes with regulation of circa-
dian rhythms upon overexpression.33 Taking together, these ob-
servations suggest a regulatory function for CK2β in signaling
It has been demonstrated that in living cells, the CK2β sub-
Figure 6. Worm representation of the CK2β dimer with the contact
unit is synthetized in excess of CK2α and interacts slowly with
interface between monomers. The surface is color coded according to
it.34 Therefore a vast majority of CK2α can potentially interact
the difference between the distance and sum of van der Waals radii of
with CK2β. The β-β dimerization which can occurs in the ab-
the two atoms forming the interface. The distance is coloured from
sence of CK2α is a prerequisite for the incorporation of catalytic
white (0 Å), blue (3 Å) to red (6 Å).
CK2 subunits into tetrameric complexes.35 The high-resolution
structure of the human CK2 holoenzyme (Fig. 7) revealed that
the CK2β homodimer is the building block of this molecular
144, and Lys 147 of one monomer which make hydrophobic con- hetero-complex bridging the two catalytic subunits.36 Modifica-
tacts with their counterpart residues on the other monomer. Away tion of sulfhydryl groups of all cysteinyl residues of recombinant
from the two-fold axis, important hydrophobic interactions can be CK2β using p-chloromercuribenzoid acid abrogated the ability
found such as Val A 112 with Val B 143 and Leu B 124. The of the protein to form either homodimer or canonical α2β2
Cys109-X4-Cys114 element and the β3 strand form a continuous heterotetramers.37 A more direct approach to study the functional
interface that buries a total area of 540 Å2 for each monomer and significance of the zinc ribbon motif of CK2β used CK2β mu-
defines the interface between two CK2β molecules (Fig. 6). In con- tants in which Cys 109 and Cys 114 were exchanged to serines.38
trast, the unvariant region located between the β1 and β2 sheets of As expected, these mutations disrupted the zinc binding motif
the zinc finger motif (Gly123-Ileu 127) is not involved in the for- and resulted in loss of interactions between CK2β subunits. In-
mation of the interface between two CK2β monomers. The con- terestingly, these mutants also failed to interact with catalytic CK2
formationally prominent residues in this region extend onto the subunits. The high-resolution structure of tetrameric CK2 (Fig.
molecular surface of the CK2β homodimer generating potential 7) also shows how stable binding of the catalytic subunits
sites of interaction with other molecules. requires interactions with both C-terminal tails of the CK2β dimer

Figure 7. Overall shape of the human CK2 holoenzyme showing that the CK2β homodimer is the building block of this hetero-complex, bridging
the two catalytic subunits. The view is perpendicular to the C2 axis. The two CK2β chains are drawn in blue and red, the two CK2α subunits in yellow
and grey. The non-hydrolysable analog AMPPNP bound to the ATP binding site of one catalytic subunit is illustrated in red. (Adapted from ref. 36).
A Zinc Ribbon Motif Is Essential for the Formation of Functional Tetrameric Protein Kinase CK2 125

in a manner such that dimerization-deficient CK2β mutants are

not able to interact with CK2α.36 The importance of CK2β
dimerization for the in vivo CK2β functions was demonstrated
in D. melanogaster by expression of mutagenised DmCK2β
transgenes in a DmCK2β null mutant background.18 Mutations
of either cysteinyl residue pair (109/114 or 137/140) involved in
Zn2+ binding resulted in a CK2β protein which was unable to
rescue the lethality of the CK2β null mutant. The failure of these
mutants to substitute for the loss of endogenous DmCK2β func-
tion could be due to misregulation of the catalytic CK2 subunit,
a loss of interaction with a critical CK2β binding partner or an
accelerated protein turnover of the mutated proteins.38 Impor-
tantly, these studies emphasize the absolute requirement of the
β-β dimerisation motif for CK2β function.
The regulatory CK2β subunit has been shown to exert con-
trol over the catalytic activity of CK2 at a number of possible
levels, i.e., in enhancing the catalytic activity and stability of CK2,
and in the modulation of its substrate selectivity. The contribu-
tion of the CK2β subunit to the catalytic activity of CK2α was
evaluated comparing the phosphorylation in vitro of different CK2
substrates by the isolated CK2α subunit or the tetrameric ho-
loenzyme.39 It was observed that CK2β modulates the ability of
the catalytic CK2α subunit to interact with and phosphorylate sub-
strate proteins demonstrating that CK2β plays a key role in the
targeting of CK2 substrates. We have extended this study, analyz-
ing the contribution of the zinc ribbon motif of CK2β in the
regulation of the substrate specificity of catalytic CK2α subunit.
CK2β mutants were constructed in which two of the conserved
zinc ribbon residues, Pro110 and Val143, located at the edge of
the Cys109-X4-Cys114 element and on the β3 strand respec-
tively, were mutated to aspartic acid (Fig. 5). Reconstitution experi- Figure 8. Biochemical characterization of mutant CK2β subunits. A)
ments showed that the recombinant mutant proteins behave as Gel exclusion chromatography of wt CK2β and mutants CK2βP110D
wild type CK2β to form homodimers (Fig. 8A). They were also and CK2βV143D. Proteins were chromatographed on a Ultrogel ACA44
fully competent to interact with the catalytic subunits of CK2 to colomn equilibrated in 20mM Tris, HCl pH 7.4, 0.2M NaCl, 2%
generate the canonical multi-subunit holoenzyme (Fig. 8B). glycerol. Fractions were collected for adsorbance determination at 280nm.
Polyamine binding activity of the mutant CK2β proteins were () wt CK2β; () CK2βP110D () CK2βV143D. B) Gel exclusion
also unchanged (not shown). Unexpectedly, we observed that the chromatography of CK2 holoenzymes reconstituted by combining CK2α
substrate specificity of the reconstituted mutant holoenzymes was subunit with wt and mutated CK2β subunits. Proteins were loaded on
very similar to the one observed for the isolated CK2α catalytic a Sephacryl S-200 HR column equilibrated in 20mM Tris. HCl pH 7.4,
subunit indicating that both mutants were defective in regulat- 0.2M NaCl, 2% glycerol. Fractions were collected for protein kinase
ing the associated catalytic CK2α subunit (Fig. 9). Overall, these activity determinations. ( ) wt CK2β; ( ) CK2βP110D; ( ) CK2βV143D
results show that the zinc ribbon mutants are fully competent to Elution volumes for marker proteins of known molecular mass were
reconstitute an apparently normal tetrameric CK2. However, the determined separately. (Unpublished results from our group.)
enzymatic activity of the reconstituted CK2 holoenzyme complex
was severely affected by the mutations in the zinc ribbon motif. complex was brought by several studies. In this respect, the crystal
Based on our results, we postulate that mutations in this do- structure of tetrameric CK2 highlighted that the limited surface of
main of residues that form important contacts between the CK2β the α-β contacts suggests an inter-subunit flexibility compatible
monomers would induce conformational changes that alleviate with an association-dissociation in vivo.36 In addition, recent evi-
the regulatory function of this subunit on CK2 activity. Collec- dence from live-cell fluorescence imaging have revealed the inde-
tively, these studies show the functional importance of the zinc pendent movements of the catalyic and regulatory CK2 subunits
ribbon motif of CK2β. A correct relative positioning of the sites within cells.40 It was observed in this study, that both CK2 sub-
of contact between the two CK2β monomers is likely to be im- units were separately translocated into the nucleus of growing cells
portant for forming a functional CK2β homodimer. The loss of and that CK2β was not targeted to the nucleus by virtue of its
function for the corresponding CK2β mutants suggests that even stable association with CK2α. In contrast, a deletion mutant un-
though Pro110 and Val143 residues play no direct role in cataly- able to interact with CK2α but containing the zinc ribbon motif
sis, the structural integrity of the β-β protein interface is impor- was efficiently targeted to the nucleus (Fig.10). Interestingly,
tant for the regulation of the CK2 catalytic activity. GFP-CK2β mutant in which Cys109 and Cys114 were replaced
Beside the complex nature of the interaction between the cata- by serine residues, did not accumulate within the nucleus but re-
lytic and regulatory subunits of CK2, there is a growing body of mained in the cytoplasm (Fig. 10). These observations suggest that
evidence to suggest that CK2β also performs functions that are the integrity of the zinc ribbon motif, which is pivotal in the CK2β
distinct from its role as a regulatory subunit of CK2 and the notion homodimer structure, is also instrumental for the correct nuclear
that the catalytic subunits of CK2 exist outside the holoenzyme targeting of the CK2β subunit in living cells.
126 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 9. Stimulation of CK2α subunit catalytic activity by wt and mutated CK2β subunits. Known CK2 protein substrates (Topoisomerase II,
Engrailed, PHAX) were phosphorylated by CK2α in the presence of increasing amount of wt CK2β ( ), CK2βP110D (), or CK2βV143D ().
Phosphorylated proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis and 32P incorporation was determined by autoradiography. (unpublished
results from our group).

Conclusion motif mediates protein-protein interactions. The zinc ribbons which

As a result of the structural work highlighted here and other are the largest fold group of zinc fingers frequently display limited
biochemical studies, we have now dramatically improved our evalu- sequence and structural similarity, mainly restricted to the zinc
ation of the structural conformation of the isolated CK2 subunits ligands and the zinc knuckle motifs. However, the zinc binding
and their arrangement within tetrameric complexes.19,36,41 The motif of CK2β shows a clear structural similarity with the zinc
structure of the CK2β homodimer revealed the presence of a zinc binding sites found in representative members of the classical zinc
binding motif mediating the dimerization of the protein. Thus, ribbon fold group such as the transcription factors TFIIS, TFIIB,
the regulatory subunit of CK2 joins the expanding subset of RPB9 and Topoisomerase I and III. In the case of CK2β, the zinc
self-associating zinc ribbon proteins in which the Zn binding ribbon motif has been now recognized as an important structural

GFP WT 1-150 150-215 M2

Figure 10. Nuclear import of mutant CK2β subunits. NIH3T3 cells were transiently transfected with different GFP-CK2β constructs as illustrated
in the diagram. Transfected cells were observed for protein localization. (Adapted from ref. 40).
A Zinc Ribbon Motif Is Essential for the Formation of Functional Tetrameric Protein Kinase CK2 127

feature of this regulatory protein. The integrity of this motif ap- 19. Chantalat L, Leroy D, Filhol O et al. Crystal structure of the human
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The FYVE Finger:

A Phosphoinositide Binding Domain
Harald Stenmark


he FYVE finger is an evolutionarily conserved double-zinc subunit (named Vps15 and p150 in yeast and mammals, respec-
binding domain with structural similarity to RING and tively) which has serine/threonine protein kinase activity.7,8 To-
PHD fingers. It consists of two β-hairpins that are stabi- gether with several other proteins, the catalytic and regulatory
lized by a C-terminal α-helix and the coordination of two Zn2+ subunits are found in high-molecular weight complexes.9 Unlike
ions. The most characteristic feature of the FYVE finger is a R(R/ class I and II PI 3-kinases, class III PI 3-kinases are active even in
K)HHCR motif associated with the first β-strand. This motif unstimulated cells, and the levels of PI3P in most mammalian
mediates coordination of the ligand, phosphatidylinositol 3-phos- cell types remain fairly constant, typically amounting to about
phate (PI3P), via contacts with the phosphate and inositol hy- 0.2% of the amount of phosphatidylinositol.10 In certain cell types,
droxyl groups of PI3P. PI3P, a rare lipid formed on endosomes such as phagocytes, PI3P levels may increase more than two-fold
and phagosomes by phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol, is upon cell stimulation, and this is likely to have important func-
crucial for phagosome maturation and endocytic trafficking; and tional implications.11,12 PI3P is mainly associated with limiting
FYVE finger proteins are important effectors of PI3P as it has membranes of early (sorting) endosomes and intraluminal vesicles
been shown that several FYVE finger proteins among the 27 of multivesicular endosomes.13 This highly specific localization
human proteins play central roles in endocytic and phagocytic probably results from the fact that the early-endosomal GTPase
membrane trafficking. Rab5 interacts with p150 and thereby directs formation of PI3P
on early endosomes only.14,15
Introduction Metabolism of PI3P can occur via three pathways.16 Quanti-
The FYVE finger was originally discovered as a double-zinc tatively, the most important metabolic pathway appears to be deg-
finger required for the association of the early-endosome radation by lipases within the lumen of multivesicular
autoantigen EEA1 with endosome membranes. Its name derives endosomes.13,17 However, it is also clear that PI3P can be de-
from four of the first proteins shown to contain this motif (Fab1, phosphorylated by PI3P 3-phosphatases of the myotubularin fam-
YOTB, Vac1, EEA1).1 Genomic analyses show that the FYVE ily18-20 or phosphorylated by the PI3P 5-kinase Fab1/PIKfyve (Fig.
finger is highly conserved in yeast, nematodes, flies, plants and 1).21,22
mammals, and that typically about 0.1% of the genes encode Evidence from genetic and pharmacological studies indicates
FYVE finger proteins.2 Thus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 5 that PI3P is crucial for endocytic membrane trafficking and pha-
FYVE finger genes, whereas the human genome contains 27 such gosome maturation.23,24 Indeed, the catalytic and regulatory sub-
genes. With few exceptions, FYVE fingers occur in only one copy units of the class III PI 3-kinase in yeast, Vps34 and Vps15, were
per protein. While most zinc fingers bind to large ligands (nucleic both isolated in a screen for vacuolar protein sorting mutants
acids and proteins), the FYVE finger highly specifically binds to (the vacuole is the yeast counterpart of mammalian lysosomes).7,25
a membrane lipid, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P).3-5 Yeast cells devoid of Vps34 or Vps15 do not display any overt
We will here review the structural basis and functional implica- defects in processes other than vacuolar protein sorting and au-
tions of this interaction. tophagy, indicating that in this organism PI3P is exclusively re-
quired for these processes. The picture is a little more compli-
cated in mammalian cells, in which the role of PI3P has been
Formation and Functions of studied with PI 3-kinase inhibitors and with microinjected anti-
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate bodies against hVps34. Since pharmacological inhibitors of PI
Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P) is formed by 3'-phos- 3-kinase also inhibit class I PI 3-kinases (which produce
phorylation of the abundant membrane phospholipid, phosphoinositides other than PI3P),6 pharmacological studies
phosphatidylinositol (Fig. 1). The reaction is catalyzed by alone do not unequivocally establish a role for PI3P in cellular
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI 3-kinases), notably the class processes. However, when studies using microinjected
III enzymes.6 The latter are the most conserved among PI 3-ki- anti-hVps34 or synthetic PI3P are also taken into account, we
nases and are found both in yeast (Vps34) and in humans can conclude that the following membrane trafficking processes
(hVps34). The catalytic subunit is associated with a regulatory in mammalian cells are controlled by PI3P: Endocytic membrane

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The FYVE Finger: A Phosphoinositide Binding Domain 129

Figure 1. Formation and metabolism of PI3P. PI3P is formed by phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol by a class III PI 3-kinase. Turnover of
PI3P may occur by lysosomal lipases (not shown), dephosphorylation by members of the myotubularin family, or 5-phosphorylated by Fab1/PIKfyve.

fusion,26-28 endosomal invagination,29,30 phagosome matura- to the structural integrity of the FYVE finger.38 Only two muta-
tion12,31 and autophagy.32,33 For all these processes, FYVE finger tions were found to inhibit ligand binding without causing struc-
containing effectors of PI3P have already been identified (see below tural distortion, those of the underlined arginine residues in the
and Table 1). RRHHCR motif. The equivalent residues of other FYVE fingers
should therefore be regarded as primary candidates for mutagen-
Structure and Ligand Binding of the FYVE esis whenever a functional analysis that investigates the role of
PI3P binding is required.
Finger Monomeric FYVE fingers bind the PI3P headgroup with too
The FYVE finger typically consists of 60-70 amino acid resi- low affinity (KD values in the high micromolar range) to explain
dues and shares both sequence and structural similarities with the targeting of these proteins to endosomal membranes.39 Bind-
RING and PHD fingers.2 The structure is built around a pair of ing to such membranes is strengthened by several mechanisms.
β-hairpins which are stabilized by a C-terminal α-helix and two First, a conserved hydrophobic “turret” loop preceding the
Zn2+-binding clusters.34 Each Zn2+-binding cluster consists of two β1-strand is predicted to insert into the lipid bilayer,34-36 (see
pairs of CXXC motifs (in single-letter amino acid code; X is any Fig. 2A) and biophysical studies using purified FYVE fingers and
amino acid), in which the cysteines coordinate Zn2+. In a few liposome membranes support this idea.37,40 Thus, the KD value
cases, the fifth cysteine is replaced by a histidine residue. Similar for binding of a monomeric Hrs FYVE domain to
to RING and PHD fingers, the two cysteine rich clusters bind PI3P-containing membranes has been estimated to be about 2.5
two Zn2+ ions in a cross-braced fashion. Beside the 8 conserved µM, which is a more than 50-fold increase in affinity over the
cysteines, 3 short sequence motifs distinguish the FYVE finger: isolated PI3P headgroup.39 Second, avidity for PI3P-containing
An N-terminal WXXD motif, a R(R/K)HHCR motif associated membranes can be enhanced through multimerization. This has
with the β1-strand, and a C-terminal RVC motif.2 Three been well documented in the case of EEA1, which forms a paral-
high-resolution crystal structures and one solution structure of lel dimer due to coiled-coil interactions N-terminal to the FYVE
FYVE fingers are available,34-37 and the crystal structure of the finger (Fig. 2B) and which significantly increases the avidity for
EEA1 FYVE finger bound to inositol(1,3)bisphosphate,36 reveals PI3P-containing membranes.36 Likewise, while the isolated FYVE
that all the three conserved sequence motifs contribute to ligand finger of Hrs is cytosolic, a tandem Hrs FYVE finger is efficiently
binding (Fig. 2A). In particular, the R(R/K)HHCR motif creates targeted to endosomes.13 Third, the association of FYVE finger
a shallow basic pocket that mediates PI3P binding (Fig. 2B). The containing proteins with membranes may be strengthened through
EEA1 FYVE structure also explains why the FYVE finger only interactions with additional molecules. For example, a domain
binds PI3P and not related phosphoinositides phosphorylated in adjacent to the FYVE finger of EEA1 binds to the endosomal
the 4'- and/or 5'- positions of the inositol ring. Binding of the GTPase Rab5,41 and whereas the monomeric EEA1 FYVE finger
latter ligands would cause sterical problems and disrupt hydro- is not targeted to endosome membranes, constructs that contain
gen bonds formed with inositol ring hydroxyl groups. additional dimerization/Rab5-binding domains are.1
Alanine mutagenesis of conserved residues of the EEA1 FYVE Even though sequences in addition to the FYVE finger are
finger has shown that most of the conserved residues contribute required for endosomal targeting of EEA1 and Hrs, there are a
130 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Examples of mammalian FYVE finger containing proteins

Protein Proposed Function Localization References

EEA1 Rab5/Rab22 effector. Tethering of endosomal membranes. Early endosomes 41,51,74

Phagosome maturation. Early phagosomes
Rabenosyn-5 Rab4/Rab5 effector. Tethering of endosomal membranes. Early endosomes 53
(Vac1) Organization of endosomal microdomains.
Rabip4/RUFY Rab4 effector. Endocytic recycling. Early endosomes 55,56
Hrs (Vps27) Sorting of ubiquitinated membrane proteins from Early endosomes 59-61
endosomes to lysosomes. MVEs
SARA Scaffolding of Smad2 in TGFb signalling. Early endosomes 42,69,70
Regulation of endocytic trafficking?
MTMR3 PI3P and PI(3,5)P2 3-phosphatase. Cytosol 20,75
Regulator of autophagy? Autophagosomes?
PIKfyve (Fab1) PI3P 5-kinase. Membrane recycling from vacuoles/lysosomes. Early endosomes 21,63
Protein sorting into MVEs.
Fgd1* GDP/GTP exchange factor for Cdc42. Regulation of the Plasma membrane 46,76
subcortical actin cytoskeleton. Activation of G1 progression.
Yeast homologs are indicated in parentheses. For a more exhaustive list see ref. 2. *The FYVE finger of Fgd1 has low affinity for
PI3P and also binds PI5P.39


Figure 2. Structural basis of the interaction of the EEA1 FYVE domain with PI3P. A) The indicated side groups of the EEA1 FYVE domain interact
with inositol 1,3-bisphosphate, the headgroup of PI3P. Note that all the three conserved motifs of the FYVE domain (bottom line; residue
nubmering according to the published sequence of EEA177) are involved in ligand binding. Black= carbon; red= oxygen; blue= nitrogen; yellow=
sulfur. Based on the published crystal structure of the ligand bound FYVE domain of EEA136 and adapted from ref. 2. B) model for the binding
of dimeric EEA1 to a PI3P-containing membrane. The molecular surfaces are shown in the same orientation as the schematic drawing and are
colored blue (basic), red (acidic), green (hydrophobic), and white (uncharged polar). The two Zn2+ ions are shown as light blue spheres. The
structure is docked to a membrane, with the polar interface and hydrophobic core regions of the membrane shown to scale. Residues predicted
to be involved in nonspecific hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions with membrane lipids other than PI3P are shown. Myristoyl tails on PI3P
have been modeled. Based on the published crystal structure of the ligand bound FYVE domain of EEA136 and reproduced with kind permission from
J. Hurley.78
The FYVE Finger: A Phosphoinositide Binding Domain 131

few examples of FYVE fingers that by themselves are sufficient EEA1 inhibit phagosome maturation.54 The requirement for
for endosomal targeting. The FYVE fingers of SARA, Endofin EEA1 in phagosomal maturation could possibly reflect the need
and FENS-1 are efficiently targeted to endosomal membranes for Golgi- or endosome-derived vesicles to fuse with the phago-
without the need for additional domains.42-45 It is not known if some as part of the maturation process.24
this reflects an inherent propensity of these FYVE fingers to dimer- In addition to EEA1 and Rabenosyn-5, several other FYVE
ize or whether they interact with additional endosomal molecules. finger containing proteins serve as regulators of endocytic traf-
ficking, albeit at distinct steps. Rabip4/RUFY is an effector of
Cellular Functions of FYVE Finger Proteins the early-endosomal Rab GTPase Rab4, which, in contrast to
Most of the FYVE finger proteins expressed in yeast and hu- Rab5, regulates recycling of endocytosed molecules to the plasma
mans have been functionally characterized to some extent (see membrane. Overexpression studies suggest that Rabip4 indeed
examples in Table 1). Since PI3P is mainly localized to functions as a regulator of endocytic recycling, possibly by regu-
endosomes,13 it is hardly surprising that many FYVE finger pro- lating vesicle formation on endosomal membranes.55,56 Other
teins are found on these organelles. However, certain FYVE fin- endosomal FYVE finger proteins are involved in cargo sorting
ger proteins, such as the Cdc42 GDP/GTP exhange factor Fgd1 and endosomal involution. Hrs (hepatocyte growth factor regu-
and the myotubularin-related PI3P phosphatase MTMR3 (which lated tyrosine kinase substrate)57 is a clathrin-associated protein58
has been implicated in autophagy) are localized to other organelles. which binds to ubiquitinated membrane proteins and targets these
The reason why these proteins are not localized to endosomes to lysosomes.59-62 Besides its sorting function, this protein is also
could be that their FYVE domains bind PI3P with low affintiy or required for endosomal invagination.21,62 Interestingly, another
that they contain additional targeting domains that override the FYVE finger protein, PIKfyve also seems to play a role in endo-
endosomal targeting conferred by the FYVE domain.20,46 some invagination, although its possible relationship with Hrs is
Several FYVE finger proteins bind to the GTP-bound form not known.63 Unlike most other FYVE finger proteins, PIKfyve
(and thus serve as effectors) of endosomal Rab GTPases (Table has enzymatic activity -it is a PI3P 5-kinase which phosphory-
1). Both EEA1 and Rabenosyn-5 are FYVE finger containing lates PI3P into PI(3,5)P2. Evidence primarily derived from stud-
Rab5 effectors that are required for Rab5-dependent membrane ies of Fab1, the yeast homolog of PIKfyve, have indicated that
fusion in the endocytic pathway.41,47,48 This includes homotypic PI(3,5)P2 is crucial for the formation of intraluminal endosomal
fusion between early endosomes as well as heterotypic fusion be- vesicles, and for membrane trafficking from the vacuole (lyso-
tween endocytic or Golgi-derived vesicles and early endosomes. some) to other compartments.21,64,65 Surprisingly, while EEA1,
Yeast cells defective of Vac1, the yeast homolog of Rabenosyn-5, Rabenosyn-5, Hrs and PIKfyve are targeted to endosomes by vir-
have impaired Golgi to endosome trafficking, presumably because tue of their FYVE domains.1,47,66,67 endosomal targeting of Rabip4
Golgi-derived vesicles do not fuse with early endosomes.49,50 In appears to depend on an N-terminal RUN domain. The FYVE
addition to binding to Rab5, EEA1 and Rabenosyn-5 also bind domain of this protein might nevertheless play a role in its re-
to other endosomal Rab GTPases. EEA1 has a C-terminal Rab5 cruitment into specific membrane microdomains.68
binding domain (adjacent to the FYVE finger) and an N-terminal Although several FYVE finger containing proteins serve as regu-
C2H2 zinc finger which can bind both Rab5 and Rab22, an lators of endocytic membrane trafficking, at least one FYVE fin-
endosomal GTPase with unknown function.51 Since the two ger protein functions in signal transduction. SARA (Smad an-
Rab binding domains are spaced apart by a long coiled-coil re- chor for receptor activation) localizes to early endosomes via PI3P
gion, it is possible that simultaneous binding to Rab GTPases on binding by its FYVE domain, and here it serves as a scaffold for
two apposing membranes may serve to tether vesicles/endosomes Smad2, a crucial signal transducer downstream of the activated
prior to fusion. Both Rabenosyn-5 and Vac1 contain an transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) receptor.42,69 Phosphory-
N-terminal C2H2 zinc finger similar to that found in EEA1. Sur- lation of Smad2 by the ligand-bound receptor causes Smad2 to
prisingly, while the C2H2 finger of Rabenosyn-5 binds to Rab5, dissociate from endosomes, and to associate with Smad4. The
the similar zinc finger of Vac1 does not bind to the yeast Rab5 Smad2/Smad4 complex then enters the nucleus in order to acti-
homolog Vps21.52 In addition to the N-terminal Rab5 binding vate transcription of TGFβ–responsive genes. Interestingly, Smad2
domain, Rabenosyn-5 also has a C-terminal Rab5 binding do- phosphorylation and nuclear translocation depend on endocyto-
main.53 Thus, like EEA1, this protein might potentially serve as sis of the receptor/ligand complex and its localization to EEA1/
a tether between two Rab5 positive membranes, even though it SARA-positive early endosomes.43 This provides a clear example
does not contain the long coiled-coil regions found in EEA1. of compartmentalized receptor signalling, and SARA plays a cru-
However, Rabenosyn-5 in addition contains a Rab4 binding do- cial role in this compartmentalization by restricting Smad2 phos-
main in the central part of the molecule, just C-terminal to the phorylation to early endosomes. An alternative internalization
FYVE finger. Since overexpression of Rabenosyn-5 causes the pathway of TGFβ receptors into caveolin-positive (but
apparent merging of otherwise separate Rab4 and Rab5 contain- EEA1-negative) vesicles (“caveosomes”) causes the association of
ing endosomal microdomains, it has been proposed that the receptor with a ubiquitin ligase and results in its rapid turn-
Rabenosyn-5 may serve as an organizer of such microdomains.53 over.70 Thus, segregation of TGFβ receptors into distinct
It is not yet understood how the same protein may serve to regu- endocytic compartments regulates Smad activation and receptor
late both membrane tethering/fusion and domain organization. turnover. It is worth noting that SARA may not exclusively func-
Studies using microinjected antibodies indicate that hVPS34 tion in signal transduction: Similar to several other FYVE finger
and hence PI3P is required for maturation of phagosomes, a pro- proteins, this protein also appears to play a role in the regulation
cess that is crucial for efficient inactivation of phagocytosed mi- of endocytic membrane traffic.71 One might conclude that the
croorganisms.12,54 Interestingly, EEA1 associates with early most common function of FYVE finger proteins is to regulate
phagosomes in a PI3P dependent manner, and antibodies against membrane trafficking into or out of the endosome.
132 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Conclusion 18. Taylor GS, Maehama T, Dixon JE. Myotubularin, a protein tyrosine
phosphatase mutated in myotubular myopathy, dephosphorylates the
The FYVE finger is a rare but important zinc finger that serves lipid second messenger, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Proc Natl
to recruit a small subset of proteins to endosomal membranes by Acad Sci USA 2000; 97:8910-8915.
binding to PI3P. Such recruitment ensures specificity in endocytic 19. Laporte J, Liaubet L, Blondeau F et al. Functional redundancy in
membrane fusion and receptor sorting and creates an environ- the myotubularin family. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2002;
ment for compartmentalized receptor signaling. Some variant 291:305-312.
FYVE fingers lack several of the residues that mediate PI3P bind- 20. Walker DM, Urbé S, Dove SK et al. Characterization of MTMR3:
an inositol lipid 3-phosphatase with novel substrate activity. Curr
ing.2,72 These FYVE fingers bind PI3P with too low affinity to be Biol 2001; 11:1600-1605.
recruited to endosomes, and their functions will have to be re- 21. Odorizzi G, Babst M, Emr SD. Fab1p PtdIns(3)P 5-kinase function
vealed by future studies. Even though the FYVE finger is princi- essential for protein sorting in the multivesicular body. Cell 1998;
pally a lipid binding domain, some FYVE fingers may well be 95:847-858.
involved in protein-protein interactions as well.73 22. Sbrissa D, Ikonomov OC, Shisheva A. PIKfyve, a mammalian
ortholog of yeast Fab1p lipid kinase, synthesizes 5-phosphoinositides.
J Biol Chem 1999; 274:21589-21597.
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The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins

Gilbert G. Privé, Ari Melnick, K. Farid Ahmad and Jonathan D. Licht*

contain a MATH domain,29 while in D. melanogaster and the

he BTB/zinc finger proteins have a wide range of func-
tions in development and homeostasis and a wide range vertebrates, most BTB domains are most often found in proteins
of interactions. The BTB domain appears essential for that contain either kelch repeats,30 voltage-gated ion channels31
these proteins to dimerize, facilitate DNA looping, form (where the BTB domain is commonly known as the T1 domain),
specific multi-protein structures in the nucleus and interact with or Krüppel-type C2H2 zinc finger domains (Fig. 1).
co-repressor molecules. The BTB domains of the proteins differ The human genome encodes 205 BTB proteins, and these are
in their affinity for co-repressors and contribution to the roughly equally distributed among the three subclasses of
transcriptional activity of the proteins. The BTB domain also proteins. There are 47 BTB/zinc finger proteins, 53 BTB/kelch
allows interaction with other BTB proteins perhaps by forming proteins and 57 BTB(T1)/ion channels. The remaining ~20% of
higher order multimers and a network of BTB interactions likely human BTB domain proteins are associated with a variety of other
exists. All of the BTB/zinc finger proteins have other important domains, or with no identified domain such as the Skp1/ElonginC
functional domains. PLZF and Bcl6 have a second repression proteins. One recently identified subfamily are RhoBTB proteins
domain, while Miz-1 has an important activation domain consisting of a GTPase domain, a proline rich region and a
internal to the protein. In addition, the zinc fingers of these tandem arrangement of two BTB domains at the C-terminus (Fig.
proteins can interact with co-factors implicated in transcriptional 1). This family of BTB proteins is largely uncharacterized, but
activity as well as nuclear cytoplasmic shuttling. Lastly given the other Rho GTPase containing proteins have been shown to be
recent information indicating the importance of the BTB involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes,
domain in ubiquitylation pathways the BTB/zinc finger proteins including cytoskeletal remodelling, cell cycle progression,
may also play a role in degradation of specific proteins in the cell. morphogenesis and apoptosis.32 There is also evidence linking
Whether this is related to or distinct from their transcriptional Rho-regulated signal transduction pathways with tumorigenesis
functions remains to be discovered. and metastasis. For instance, DBC2 (deleted in breast cancer) is a
recently identified RhoBTB protein homozygously deleted in
3.5% of breast tumours.33
Introduction The subclass of BTB/zinc finger proteins are generally thought
The BTB (Broad Complex, Tramtrack and Bric à Brac) to be transcription factors, and several of these have received
domain, also known as POZ (Poxvirus and Zinc finger) domain, considerable attention because of their involvement in human
is a highly conserved, widely distributed motif first identified in cancers. Two of the most studied human BTB domain proteins
Drosophila and poxvirus proteins.1-5 Examples of genes encoding are PLZF and BCL-6, which are transcriptional repressors
BTB domain proteins have since been found in all eukaryotes implicated in t(11:17)-associated acute promyelocytic leukemia
studied to date. The domain consists of 90-120 residues, and is (APL) and in diffuse large cell lymphoma (DLCL), respectively.
typically present as a single copy at the extreme N-terminus of The crystal structure of residues 6-126 of PLZF serves to identify
proteins that often contain other motifs. BTB domains are the structural features of the BTB domain in the zinc finger and
protein-protein interaction motifs, and were shown to mediate kelch repeat proteins.6 Briefly, the structure is a butterfly-shaped
homo-oligomerization, 6-8 hetero-oligomerization 5,9-12 and homodimer with a tightly interwound peptide chain (Fig. 2). The
interactions with non-BTB containing proteins.13-27 first ~30 residues form strand β1 and helix α1, and these ele-
While there are only four examples of BTB genes in S. cerevisiae, ments make up an integral part of the dimer interface. The re-
the number is increased dramatically in plants and in each of the maining core of the domain is mostly α-helical, with a short 3
major animal lines (nematodes, arthropods and vertebrates)28 stranded β-sheet exposed to the surface. The dimer interface is
(Table 1). The expansion of BTB domain proteins in multi-cellular hydrophobic and makes up one quarter of the monomer surface,
lineages suggests that these proteins many play suggesting that the PLZF BTB domain is an obligate homodimer.
crucial roles in cellular differentiation and development, and these Structural alignments of BTB-fold proteins reveal a core
expansions appear to be species-specific. For example, in the C. region of 90 amino acids common to all examples of the domain,
elegans genome, the majority of BTB domain proteins also including the T1 and Skp1 subfamiles of the fold. The pairwise

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 135

Table 1. BTB domain-containing proteins

Genome Number Rank

H. sapiens 205 12
C. elegans 183 8
D. melanogaster 147 6
S. cerivisiae 5 > 100
Data compiled at
btb_database.html. Rank indicates the prevalence in the given
genome in the Interpro database.200

sequence identity between the core of these different classes of

BTB domains is less than 20%, and the homologies are at the Figure 2. Ribbon diagram of the PLZF BTB domain dimer. One monomer
limit of detection by sequence-only methods.28 While all of these is colored dark gray, the light gray. The N- and C-termini are labeled,
proteins share a common core fold, these associate into different as well as the secondary structure elements.
types of quaternary arrangements. Thus, the BTB domains from
PLZF and BCL-6 form homodimers with major interchain the domain. For example, in PLZF the BTB domain is required
contacts from the N-terminal extension, while the ion channel for dimerization,6,8 transcriptional repression,36 formation of high
T1 domain forms homotetramers31 and the Skp1/ElonginC molecular weight DNA-protein complexes.37 growth suppression38
proteins forms heterotrimers34,35 utilizing distinctly different and localization of the protein to nuclear speckles.39 Mutations
oligomerization interfaces. The 30 amino acid N-terminal that disrupt the interface and abrogate dimerization of the PLZF
extension is seen only in the zinc finger and kelch-repeat proteins BTB domain or outright removal of the PLZF BTB domain
(Fig. 3), while the Skp1/ElonginC proteins have C-terminal results in completely nonfunctional proteins.40
The biological properties of BTB-containing proteins are BTB Domain Oligomerization
largely a result of the protein-protein interactions made by the BTB domain dimers can potentially form higher order
domain. The primary function of the BTB domain, as found in complexes, such as those observed with the head-to-tail polymer-
zinc finger and kelch-repeat proteins, is to mediate ization of the SAM domains of the transcriptional repressors TEL41
homodimerization, as this role is critical to proteins that contain and polyhomeotic.42 The structural main evidence for this is the
observation of a tight contact between PLZF BTB homodimers
involving the β1-β5’ strands at the “bottom” of the PLZF BTB
protein.6,8 Such an interaction has been observed in two different
crystal lattices, further supporting the biological relevance of this
dimer-dimer interaction. If the homodimers associate as a repeating
chain, it suggests that the full-length PLZF protein may be able
to assemble into a large complex with multiple-zinc finger

Figure 1. Schematic representation of selected BTB proteins. All, except

GAGA factor and BAB, are human proteins. Z represents Kruppel-type
C 2H 2 zinc finger domains, K indicates the Kelch Motif, BRLZ
represents the basic-leucine zipper domain, Rho represents the Rho Figure 3. Superposition of the PLZF BTB domain, the Shaker T1
GTPase domain. The long rectangle (in the Shaker K+ channel) repre- tetramerization domain, elongin C and skp1. The PLZF BTB domain
sents a transmembrane domain. The lengths of the proteins are indi- has an approximately 30-amino acid N-terminal extension, while skp1
cated on the right. has a two-helix C-terminal extension.
136 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

modules. In many BTB transcription factors, the domain is homodimer-homodimer contacts, generating much larger BTB
separated from the C-terminal DNA-binding region by several oligomers.
hundred residues, which are predicted to have little fixed
structure. This leads to a model in which an oligomeric chain of Interactions of the BTB Domain
BTB domains is linked to a series of DNA reading heads by long
flexible linkers, which can in turn interact with multiple DNA
with Co-repressors
recognition sites. It has been demonstrated that the ability PLZF The BTB domain is strongly implicated in the repression of
to form a high molecular weight DNA-protein complex is gene expression through the local control of chromatin
dependent on its BTB domain. Furthermore, the BTB domain is conformation. Several BTB domains were shown to interact with
necessary for directing PLZF,39 BCL-643 and ZID5 to a punctate components of a histone deacetylase complex, such as the
expression pattern in the nucleus, suggesting that these proteins co-repressors silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone
are part of large assemblies. receptor (SMRT), the nuclear receptor co-repressor (N-CoR),
In the case of Drosophila GAGA factor, polyvalent binding to Sin3A and histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC-1).13-22 Repression of
natural operator sequences was also dependent on the formation gene transcription by BTB containing transcription factors such
of higher order protein complexes mediated by the N-terminal as Bach2,53 PLZF,14-18,21,22 FAZF,54 ZID13 and BCL-613,17,19,20
BTB domain.44,45 GAGA factor is a constitutively expressed is mediated by the recruitment of this complex to the chromatin,
Drosophila transcription factor encoded by the essential where the removal of acetyl groups from the histone lysine tails
Trithorax-like gene46 and it binds to GA rich DNA sequences leads to changes in chromatin structure. Furthermore, transcrip-
through its single zinc finger.47 Unlike many BTB domain tional repression mediated by these particular BTB domains is
proteins, however, GAGA factor has been shown to activate reversible with trichostatin A, a specific inhibitor of HDAC
transcription.48 Electron microscopy (EM) experiments have activity.55 Disruption of the BTB fold of PLZF and BCL-6 by
directly shown that GAGA factor binds multiple DNA elements point mutation abrogates the interaction of the BTB domain with
these co-repressors, further verifying the critical role of BTB
as a large oligomer and that the DNA in this complex is bent and
dimerization.40,54 Recruitment of a histone deacetylase complex,
might be wrapped around the surface of a GAGA factor
however, is not a universal property of BTB domain containing
multimer.45 It is thought that, after transient chromatin remod-
transcriptional repressors. The HIC-1 (hypermethylated in
eling by NURF,49 the association of a GAGA factor oligomer
cancer) gene encodes a BTB domain with 13 amino acid alanine
with multiple binding sites within a promoter constrains the DNA
rich insert in the region analogous to an alpha helical region of
trajectory, consequently reorganizing the promoter DNA and
the solved BTB domain structures.56 This domain does not bind
maintaining it in an open conformation.45 This is correlated with
to N-Cor and SMRT and repression by this domain is not
in vivo evidence that have shown that GAGA-binding elements
inhibited by HDAC inhibitors.55 Furthermore the BTB domains
coincide with DNase-hypersensitive sites at promoters.50 Similar
of Bric à Brac 1 (BAB1) and Bric à Brac 2 (BAB2) interact with
higher order complexes have also been observed for the murine
BIP2, a Drosophila TATA-box protein associated factor (TAFII),57
BTB-containing transcription factor Bach1, for which polyvalent raising the possibility that some BTB domains may repress tran-
binding to natural operator sequences was dependent on the scription by interfering with the basal transcriptional machinery.
presence of the BTB domain.51
Chain formation may also be a mechanism for heteromeric
associations between different BTB proteins. Some examples of The Emerging Role of BTB Domains
heteromeric pairs formed between BTB domains include PLZF in Ubiquitylation
and BCL-6,9,10 PLZF and FAZF,11 BCL-6 and BAZF12 and Very recently the BTB domains was identified as a substrate
GAGA factor and TTK. 5,52 However, there appears to be a strict adaptor for cullin 3 (Cul3) E3 ligase complexes.23,24,26,27 Several
specificity to heterodimer formation, as it was shown that the groups found that BTB domain of the C. elegans protein Mel-26
following pairs of domains do not interact: PLZF and LRF,9 interacts directly with cullin 3 (Cul3) and targets the
BCL-6 and LRF,9 BCL-6 and kaiso,10 TTK and ZID,5 TTK and microtubule-severing protein MEI-1 for degradation by the Cul3
ZF5.5 It is important to note that such interactions have been E3-ubiquitin ligase complex.23,24,27 In yeast, S. pombe Cul3
observed by yeast two-hybrid, co-immunoprecipitation and in (Pcu3p) forms a complex with all three BTB proteins in this
vitro co-expression experiments only. In fact, when non-tagged species.26 Complexes of human Cul3 with BTB/kelch and BTB/
and tagged ZID derivatives of differing sizes were mixed together MATH proteins, as well as with the BTB/zinc finger protein PLZF
rather than co-translated, co-immunoprecipitation was inefficient, were found, strongly suggesting that a large number of BTB
indicating that limited exchange took place.5 Therefore the proteins may be regulated by the Cul3/ubiqutin ligase complex
notion that BTB heterodimers may form is an attractive but as or regulate the stability of other proteins through this complex.27
yet unproven possibility. For the DNA-binding members of the Skp1 and Elongin C are small proteins that consist almost
BTB family, heterodimerization might increase the number of exclusively of the core BTB fold, and these are part of the related
gene promoters that proteins family binds can bind to, increasing SCF (Skp1-Cul1-F-box)34,58 and ECS (Elongin C-Cul2-SOCS
the potential for functional variation. However, the biological box)59 E3-ligases, respectively. The latter complex is well known
relevance of the observed heterodimers remains to be clarified. because of the interactions with the VHL tumor suppressor, a
Based on their three-dimensional crystal structures, we have SOCS-box protein associated with the von Hippel-Lindau
proposed that the PLZF and BCL-6 BTB domains form obligate cancer syndrome and kidney cancer. Skp1 and Elongin C inter-
homodimers.6 This is due to the extensive hydrophobic interface act with F-box or SOCS-box adaptor proteins such as Cdc4 or
between monomers, and on thermal denaturation studies on the VHL to recognize target substrates. In the newly described
PLZF BTB domain showing a single step transition between Cul3-E3 ligase complexes, however, BTB domain proteins may
folded dimers and unfolded monomers. 6-8 It is possible, have a “built-in” substrate-recognizing functionality in their
nonetheless, that BTB heteromers can form through C-terminal downstream domains.25 For example, the N-terminal
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 137

Figure 4. Domain structure of PLZF and the PLZF-RARa fusion proteins of acute promyelocytic leukemia.

BTB domain of Mel-26 associates with Cul3, while the C-terminal a poor prognosis and lack of response to all-transretinoic acid
kelch repeats bind directly to the target MEI-1.24,27 Thus, BTB (ATRA), in vivo and in vitro. 62 However, more recently
domain proteins may carry out both the cullin-interacting and several cases responsive to combination therapies such as ATRA
substrate-recognizing functions that are achieved by two proteins and G-CSF 65 or ATRA and chemotherapy,63,67 were reported
in the SCF and ECS systems. Given that zinc fingers are also indicating that the resistance of this syndrome is not absolute.
protein-protein interaction domains it also offers potential However in one of these cases only PLZF-RARα and not the
additional non-transcriptional functions for the BTB/zinc finger reciprocal fusion gene was expressed.67 This and another case64
proteins. suggested that PLZF-RARα may be sufficient to generate disease
and suggesting that the reciprocal RARα-PLZF protein might
The Role of PLZF in Leukemia play a role in the refractoriness of t(11;17)-APL.

The PLZF Gene and Its Fusion with RARα The PLZF Protein
The promyelocyticleukemia zinc finger (PLZF) gene was identi- The PLZF zinc finger transcription factor60 contains nine
fied by its rearrangement in a case of APL with t(11;17)(q23;q21) C-terminal Krüppel-like C2H2 zinc finger motifs and a N-terminal
translocation.60,61 Since then 16 cases of APL with a fusion BTB domain (Fig. 4). PLZF is a 673 amino acid nuclear serine/
between the PLZF and RARα genes were described,62-65 repre- threonine phosphorylated protein68 that binds to DNA specifi-
senting less than 1% of cases of APL. The PLZF gene is located cally to a consensus sequence of GTACT/AGTAC. The last three
on chromosome 11q23 about 1 MB centromeric to the MLL zinc fingers of PLZF which are retained in the RARα-PLZF
(mixed lineage leukemia) gene.66 The PLZF gene was completely fusion are sufficient to recognize the PLZF cognate binding
sequenced and found to be contained in six exons spread over site.36,68,69 In fact RARα-PLZF can bind to a site within the Hoxb2
201 kb of DNA. The resulting 8kb mRNA has a long 6kB 5’ promoter more strongly than PLZF itself70 suggesting that the
untranslated region of unknown function. In (t:11;17) N-terminal BTB domain, as demonstrated originally by
associated APL, the PLZF gene is rearrange with the RARα gene. Bardwell71 may negatively regulate DNA binding. The highly
The breakpoint in PLZF is between exons two and three except related BTB zinc finger FAZF72 also known as TZFP73 or ROG74
in one case where the breakpoint was more 3' in the PLZF gene also has a N-terminal BTB domain and only three C-terminal
between exons three and four. The chromosomal rearrangement zinc fingers which are very similar to those of PLZF. The three
is reciprocal, leading to two fusion gene products PLZF-RARα FAZF zinc fingers recognize the PLZF binding site.72,75 The FAZF
and RARα-PLZF. PLZF RARα contains the N-terminal portion gene is localized on chromosome 19q13.1 adjacent to the MLL2
of PLZF, which contains the transcriptional effector domains of gene. This information suggests that the genes encoding PLZF
PLZF lined to domains B-F of RARα including the DNA and MLL may have arisen from an ancient duplication of genetic
binding and ligand binding domain of RARα. The reciprocal material and the more simple FAZF protein may have been the
fusion RARα-PLZF links the A1 or A2 domain of RARα precursor of the larger PLZF. What the function of the more
resulting from the alternative promoter’s of the RARα gene to the N-terminal zinc fingers of PLZF might be is not yet certain. One
last 7 of nine zinc fingers of PLZF. The PLZF-RARα fusion is an publication suggested that these fingers might be important for
aberrant form of the retinoic acid receptor while RARα-PLZF is transcriptional repression function of the PLZF- RARα fusion.76
an abnormal form of PLZF (Fig. 4). In contrast to the more fre- The first three zinc fingers of PLZF can mediate interaction with
quent t(15;17) APL, this translocation is generally associated with the RAR as well as estrogen receptor in vitro and overexpression
138 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

of these zinc fingers or full-length PLZF can inhibit the as suspected and found for many otherleukemia-associated
transcriptional activity of those receptors and interfere with proteins that HOX genes may be major targets of PLZF and its
RARα/RXR interaction.77 Whether this is a significant interac- fusion protein with RARα.
tion in vivo remains unclear however. A recent paper showed that PLZF may play roles in other tissues as well. Recently PLZF
zinc fingers 5-8 interacted with the intracellular fragment of was identified as a gene whose expression was stimulated in
proHB-EGF and mediated nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of response to glucocorticoid and progesterone treatment of endome-
PLZF.78 trial stromal and myometrial cells.91 In addition PLZF was
The PLZF protein is localized to the nucleus79,80 in a pattern identified as a gene up-regulated in breast cancer cells in response
of ~50 small nuclear speckles,80 which are dependent on the to glucocorticoids and less so in response to progestins.92 PLZF
presence of the BTB domain.76 PLZF is co-localized or adjacent may in part mediate growth suppression by these agents. PLZF
to the PML protein which is disrupted in the more common was detected in the uterus in the mid and late secretory phase of
t(15;17) associated form of APL in a large multi-protein complex the menstrual cycle but not in the proliferative phase, consistent
called the PML oncogenic domain (POD) or nuclear body with the general negative effect of PLZF on cell growth. These
(NB)81,82 suggesting a functional interplay. In t(15;17) and t(5;17) results warrant examination of the reproductive tract of PLZF
APL, PLZF is de-localized into a microspeckled pattern similar null animals for possible developmental changes.
to that of PML-RARα21,81,83 suggesting that delocalization of
PLZF might be important in the pathogenesis of APL.83,84 Biological Effects of PLZF and PLZF Target Genes
Enforced expression of PLZF was achieved in myeloid 32D
PLZF in Development cells and U937 cells as well as non-hematopoetic cells NIH 3T3
PLZF is expressed in undifferentiated myeloid cell lines and cells. In all cases expression of PLZF led to G1 arrest and a block
at lower levels in more differentiated erythroleukemia, in the ability of cells to traverse the S-phase.38,78,86,93,94 Similarly
promyelocytic and monocytic cell lines as well as in peripheral expression of the highly related FAZF protein induces growth
blood mononuclear cells.60,79,80 PLZF is down-regulated during arrest virtually identical to PLZF in U937 cells.85 Prolonged
differentiation of NB4 and HL60 cells60 but is up-regulated in expression of PLZF or FAZF eventually leads to apoptosis,85,94
the MDS cell line after treatment with calcium ionophore, however somewhat paradoxically PLZF expressing cells could
perhaps recapitulating some aspect of monocyte development.80 survive two weeks of withdrawal from IL3.93 The ability of 32D
CD34+ human progenitor cells could be immunostained with cells to differentiate in the presence of G-CSF or GM-CSF was
PLZF antisera in a distinct nuclear speckled pattern.79 When such blocked by PLZF. This was not simply due to the fact that PLZF
cells were placed into culture and allowed to differentiate, PLZF blocks cell division, since even before CSF treatment, PLZF
levels declined with terminal differentiation.85 PLZF expression expressing cells showed elevated expression of the primitive Sca1
may be important for the maintenance or survival of hematopoietic marker and reduced expression of the mature granulocyte marker
stem cells and or early progenitors, down-regulated with Gr1. PLZF expression in monocytic U937 cells inhibited the
differentiation and re-expressed in monocytes where it plays a ability of vitamin D3 (VD3) to stimulate monocytic differentia-
role in regulating monocytic differentiation through direct tion of these cells while leaving differentiation in response to
interaction with the vitamin D3 receptor.86 PLZF expression retinoic acid intact. 86 Similarly enforced PLZF expression
increases through megakaryocytic development and overexpression inhibited VD3-mediated differentiation in HL60 cells.95 The
of PLZF in an erythro-megakaryocytic cell line induced ability of PLZF into inhibit the action of the VDR was associated
megakaryocytic markers and the thrombopoietin receptor with the ability of the BTB domain of PLZF to bind and inhibit
suggesting a role of PLZF in megakaryocytic development.87 This
transcriptional activation by the Vitamin D receptor.
appeared to be mediated through interaction between PLZF and
PLZF can repress cell growth by binding to the promoters
the GATA-1 transcription factor. PLZF may also modulate
and inhibiting the expression of cell cycle regulators such as cyclin
hematopoietic development through interaction with the GATA-2
factor.88 The BTB domain of PLZF mediates interaction with A and c-myc.38,93,94 Enforced expression of cyclinA or c-myc could
the zinc finger domains of GATA-2 and PLZF as well as reverse growth suppression by PLZF, and both of these promoters
PLZF-RARα can block trans-activation by GATA-2, potentially bound PLZF in vivo as demonstrated by chromatin immunopre-
acting to modulate hematopoetic cell division. cipitation, validating them as PLZF targets.94 Furthermore about
During mouse embryogenesis, PLZF is expressed in a segmental 25% of genes identified as regulated by PLZF in a microarray
pattern89 in the nervous system in a pattern reciprocal to the Krox analysis are known or suspected c-myc targets. PLZF regulation
20 zinc finger gene and the Hoxb2 homeobox gene. In of Hox genes96 may also play a role in regulation of cell growth
co-transfection experiments PLZF can repress the Hoxb2 and differentiation. Through a combination of microarray analyses,
promoter through a cognate PLZF binding site as well as an AT bioinformatics and chromatin immunoprecipitation studies we
rich region.70 PLZF expression is also notable in the limb buds plan to more comprehensively identify PLZF targets important
where Hox genes help to guide the development89 and mice in development and differentiation. Currently our working model
lacking PLZF 90 display homeotic limb defects. This phenotype suggests that PLZF, by direct repression of these genes as well as
was associated with a more anterior pattern of expression of some potentially through its action on GATA-2 is associated with
HoxD genes in the developing hind limb bud, suggesting that relative cell quiescence. In addition through interaction with other
PLZF could inhibit the expression of this class of pattern formation transcription factors such as the VDR, PLZF inhibits differentia-
genes. Moreover, Barna et al showed that PLZF directly binds to tion.86 Furthermore the BTB domain of PLZF mediates interac-
and represses HoxD genes. PLZF null mice have not exhibited an tion with that of FAZF72 and additional BTB dimer/dimer inter-
obvious hematopoetic phenotype, nor have they developed actions by PLZF and the PLZF-RARα fusion can be envisioned
leukemia or other tumors. These data do indicate, however, that that may lead to regulation of additional sets of target genes.
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 139

Scheduled down-regulation of PLZF during hematopoiesis receptor co-repressors N-COR, SMRT and sin3A as well as
may allow for controlled cell division and differentiation. Hence histone deacetylases.15, 16,18,22,103,104 PLZF co-localizes to the same
PLZF might be considered a tumor suppressor disrupted by the nuclear sub-location as the SMRT co-repressor.104 Dimerization
t(11;17) translocation in APL. The PLZF-RARα fusion proteins by the BTB domain appears to be required for its ability to
resulting from this translocation may act as dominant negative mediate repression however our group performed a detailed
inhibitors of PLZF. In fact, heterodimerization between mutational analysis of the BTB domain of PLZF and found that
PLZF-RARα and PLZF seems preferential to the formation of a charged pocked at the “top” of the domain was necessary for
PLZF homodimeric complexes, in vitro.76 Therefore, high-level repression. These mutations in the isolated BTB domain
expression of PLZF-RARα in t(11;17)(q23;q21) blasts might tethered to GAL4 changes the domain from a repressor to an
sequester PLZF from binding to its natural target genes and/or activator and when the mutations are made in full-length PLZF
bind to limiting quantities of PLZF transcriptional co-factors.97 the protein is inactive for transcriptional repression and growth
Growth factor-mediated signalling may also modulate suppression. This has led us to investigate the charged pocket
PLZF-mediated gene repression. We found that transcriptional and other features of the BTB domain as therapeutic targets.105,106
repression by PLZF was inhibited by co-expression of a mutant, A second repression domain localized more central in the protein
constitutively active form of the tyrosine kinase receptor Flt3. bears no similarity to other transcriptional effects domains and
Flt3 is the most common mutation identified in humanleukemia binds to ETO (Eight-twenty-one oncoprotein). ETO, the fusion
and mediates signalling through the ras-MAP kinase pathway as partner of AML1 in t(8;21) associated M2 leukemia binds to
well as through the JAK-STAT pathway.98 Co-expression of mSin3a and the N-Cor and SMRT co-repressors. In contrast the
constitutively activated ras or stress kinases a well as mutant Flt3 AML1-ETO fusion protein blocks repression by PLZF, in part
blocks transcriptional repression by PLZF.99,100 Signaling by by inhibiting DNA binding by PLZF and by displacement of
active Flt3 leads to the export of the critical PLZF co-repressor PLZF from the nuclear matrix and possibly from the deacetylase
SMRT from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. While signalling structures.107 This finding suggested that PLZF function might
decreases PLZF-SMRT interaction it increases interaction between be disrupted in other forms of leukemia. We found that deletion
SMRT and the p65 subunit of NFκB, which can then shuttle of either the BTB domain or the second repression domain of
SMRT to the cytoplasm (Takahashi and Licht Submitted). This PLZF severely impaired the ability of PLZF to repress transcrip-
may represent a general way in which signalling may influence
tion and to cooperate with ETO or other co-repressors.108 We
multiple transcriptional repressors that utilize the SMRT co-factor.
hence believe that PLZF forms a dimerization/multimerization
A mechanism more specific to PLZF was recently identified,
platform, which may bind to DNA cooperatively and forms a
potentially important in skin development. Upon proteolytic
multi-protein complex with co-repressors and histone deacetylase.
cleavage of the heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor
In accordance with this model histone deacetylase inhibitors block
(ectodomain shedding) the EGF-like ligand to bind to its
repression by PLZF and the absence of PLZF expression was
cognate receptor. Meanwhile a small ~7kD fragment found within
associated with up-regulation of the endogenous HoxD11 gene
the cytoplasm of the cell translocates to the nucleus where it can
bind to PLZF through the N-terminal zinc fingers of PLZF which in mice, an effect associated with hyperacetylation of that
are not critical for sequence specific DNA binding, leading to the promoter.96
export of PLZF from the cell nucleus. This interaction was The nature of the endogenous PLZF repressor complex
verified to occur naturally in keratinocytes. Nuclear export of remains incompletely understood although several other proteins
PLZF was associated with reversal of PLZF-mediated suppres- have been found in complexes with PLZF. For example the PLZF
sion of cell growth and cyclin A expression.78 The phorbol ester interacts with Bmi-1 a member of the Polycomb protein family
TPA stimulates HB-EGF cleavage and treatment of murine skin implicated in chromatin remodelling.96 PLZF which has a
with this agent induces keratinocytes hyperplasia, possibly by predicted molecular weight of 70 kD, binds to DNA in native
inhibiting the ability of PLZF to control cell growth. Hence gels as a high molecular weight complex of nearly 600 kD.68
signalling through receptor tyrosine kinases may, through two Deletion of the BTB domain of PLZF reduces this complex to
different mechanisms defeat PLZF-mediated transcriptional and about 150 kD suggesting that the BTB domain may allow a
growth regulation. PLZF can associate with another cytoplasmic tetramer of PLZF to form on a DNA binding site. In accordance
factor Epsin1, that is associated with clathrin-coated pits.101 with these studies atomic force microscopy experiments of PLZF
Epsin1 has a structure similar to β-catenin a well-known binding to the Hoxd11 promoter concluded that PLZF bound
transcriptional co-factor. As noted below Kaiso, another BTB-zinc to DNA as a dimer, forming loops when allowed to bind to
finger protein interacts with a catenin-like factor, suggesting a naked DNA.96 The BTB multimer may serve as a platform upon
more general interplay between nuclear BTB-zinc finger proteins which the repressor complex can assemble. DNA looping through
and cytoplasmic co-factors.102 PLZF interacts with Epsin1 the formation of PLZF dimer/multimers might allow repression
through the zinc finger motifs as well as sequences N-terminal to by PLZF to be propagated at distant sites.
the zinc fingers and can recruit Epsin1 to the nucleus. The effect of The identity of the other PLZF partners in the 600 kD
Epsin1 on PLZF transcriptional function and nuclear localization complex is uncertain. One protein we did identify in the 150 kD
remains to be defined. complex is the cdc2 protein, which may play a role in the
phosphorylation of PLZF. Phosphorylation of PLZF may be
critical for its function as treatment of PLZF with a phosphatase
Transcriptional Repression by PLZF and PLZF leads to inhibition of DNA binding activity. In contrast the
Partner Proteins RARα-PLZF protein which is devoid of the BTB or other
Two different portions of PLZF can act as repression domains repression domains of the protein binds to DNA as a 40 kD
when tethered to the GAL4 DNA binding domain. The first complex, exactly as predicted from its molecular weight, does not
corresponding to the BTB/POZ domain interacts with nuclear bind to cdc2 and is unaffected by phosphatase treatment. These
140 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

data suggest that RARα-PLZF is not subjected to the same mal RXR/RAR heterodimers.117 However, due to the ability of
regulation as wild-type PLZF and is consistent with the notion the PLZF BTB domain to bind the co-repressors in an ATRA
that this leukemia-associated protein is a potent dominant insensitive manner, while the PML-RARα protein of typical APL
negative inhibitor of PLZF. releases these factors in the presence of 10 -6 M ATRA,
Several other proteins were recently found to complex with PLZF-RARα does not.15,16,21,22,104 In addition, ETO can bind
PLZF. VDUP1 also known as TRX2 (thioredoxin binding and augment repression by PLZF-RARα but not PML-RARα
protein 2) is a nuclear and cytoplasmic protein mutated in and could contribute to the retinoid resistance of t(11;17)-APL.107
hyperlipidemic syndromes. PLZF was identified in a 2-hybrid HDAC inhibitors, such as trichostatin A and sodium butyrate,
screen as a VDUP1 partner95 and although overexpressed PLZF allowed cells harboring PLZF-RARα to respond to ATRA,
and VDUP1 can interact it is not yet certain if this is a significant presumably by inactivating the co-repressor complexes bound to
in vivo interaction. However VDUP1 can augment repression by the BTB domain.21,22,104 However, there remains a paradox in
PLZF in reporter gene assays. Since VDUP1 binds thioredoxin is the lack of response of PLZF-RARα associated APL. When APL
intriguing to speculate that it could affect the redox state of PLZF. cells are treated with ATRA the PML-fusion protein degrades
PLZF can also interact with the LIM domain protein DRAL/ which may help account for clinical response. A study with
FHL2, an interaction that required both the BTB domain and leukemic blasts from a t(11;17) patient showed that ATRA,
the second repression domain of PLZF. Co-expression of DRAL although unable to induce clinical response did lead to
potentiated transcriptional repression by PLZF. DRAL could be PLZF-RARα degradation.118 This suggests that the PLZF-RARα
localized in both the nucleus and cytoplasm and serum stimula- may leave a permanent, epigenetic mark on the leukemic cell si-
tion of cells increased nuclear accumulation of DRAL and lencing target genes in a long lasting manner in a way recently
further augmented repression by PLZF. This is in accordance with described for the PML-RARα fusion protein through the recruit-
increasing data that PLZF-mediated repression may be subjected ment of DNA methyl transferases to target genes.119
to control through growth factors. In a recent paper one group Indeed recent evidence indicates that there are significant
found that PLZF could be modified by SUMO (small ubiquitin differences in the genes regulated by PML-RARα and
like molecule). The modification occurred in the second repres- PLZF-RARα. Upon induction of these fusion proteins in the
sion domain of PLZF and curiously appeared to inhibit both DNA myeloid U937 cell line, 57 genes were down regulated in
binding and transcriptional activity of PLZF.109 The conditions common by the two proteins but PLZF-RARα down-regulated
under which PLZF may be modified by SUMO and the roles of 31 genes that were unaffected by PML-RAR and PML-RAR
other potential post-translational modifications such as phospho- exclusively regulated a distinct set of genes.120 This group
rylation and acetylation is currently under study. identified a subset of genes down-regulated by both fusion
proteins, that might explain the similar block in differentiation
The PLZF Fusion Proteins in APL at the promyelocytic stage observed in t(15:17) and
The t(11;17)(q23;q21) fusion yields two reciprocal transcripts t(11;17)-associated APL. However, some of these commonly
encoding PLZF-RARα and RARα-PLZF.61,62 The PLZF-RARα regulated genes were only regulated in the presence of ATRA in
fusion contains the entire N-terminal transcriptional effector PML-RARα-expressing cells. For example, the gene encoding a
region of PLZF and the first two zinc fingers of PLZF. In one tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR1) was repressed by both
case, due to an alternative breakpoint in PLZF, three zinc fingers fusions and only re-activated by PML-RARα. In addition ATRA
are included in the fusion. The reciprocal RARα-PLZF transcript treatment of PML-RARα cells led to decreased expression of the
links the ligand independent activation domain of RARα110 to antiapoptotic Bcl2 gene but similar treatment of PLZF-RARα
the last 7 PLZF zinc fingers αPLZF-RARα is an aberrant retinoic cells did not regulate Bcl2. These differences in gene expression,
acid receptor which unlike the wild-type retinoic acid receptor potentially due to the differences in the repressive complexes
can bind to target sites as a homodimer76,80,111,112 α due to the brought to target genes by the two different fusion proteins could
ability of the PLZF BTB domain to mediate homodimerization. help explain the differential sensitivity of the two syndromes to
In combination with RXR, PLZF-RARα forms multiple ATRA and other therapies.
DNA-protein complexes, but the PLZF-RARα/RXR heterodimer Animal models also indicate differences between PLZF-RARα
binds to retinoic acid response elements (RAREs) with higher and PML-RARα. Transgenic animals expressing PLZF-RARα
affinity than PLZF-RARα homodimers.76,80 The PLZF-RARα/ developed a CML-like syndrome rather than APL.21,121 Unlike
RXR heterodimer bound to the RARE less efficiently than PML-RARα transgenic mice, the PLZF-RARα mice did not
wild-type RXR/RARα perhaps due to the ability of the BTB achieve durable remission after ATRA treatment, although leu-
domain to multimerize and preclude efficient DNA binding.71 kemic cells from the mice treated with ATRA differentiated ex
Hence, PLZF-RARα might sequester RXRα, an essential co-factor vivo.21 The relative insensitivity of the disease correlates with the
for RARα function. Furthermore, PLZF-RAR/RXR heteromers markedly decreased ability of PLZF-RARα to transactivate due
also bound to non-classical RAREs, potentially contributing to binding of co-repressors. This idea was confirmed by the result
toleukemogenesis by misdirecting the chimeric protein to novel that the combination of a histone deacetylase inhibitor and ATRA
genes.111,113 PLZF-RARα is relatively weak trans-activator76,80,114 synergistically induced differentiation of these leukemic cells.67
and is a dominant negative inhibitor of wild-type RARα. In ad- Though explaining the poor response of this disease to ATRA,
dition PLZF-RARα may contribute to theleukemic phenotype these animal models do not explain the poor response of some
by blocking vitamin D3-induced hematopoietic differentiation t(11;17)(q23;q21) patients to chemotherapy and the complete
by sequestering the RXR co-factor.115 Repression by PLZF-RARα resistance of fresh APL cells to high doses of ATRA in vitro.62,122
is predominantly due to its high affinity for the HDAC containing These findings implicate the reciprocal RARα-PLZF protein in
co-repressor complexes.15,16,21,22,103,104,116 This could be due in the aggressive nature of PLZF-RARα associated APL.
part to the presence of four docking sites for co-repressors on The reciprocal transcript encoding RARα-PLZF was expressed
each oncoprotein homodimer rather than two sites found in nor- in nearly all of the t(11;17)(q23;q21) patients.62,123 The three
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 141

zinc fingers of RARα-PLZF can bind to the same site as full-length We performed extensive mutagenesis of the PLZF and Bcl-6
PLZF. 36,124 While PLZF represses gene transcription, BTB domain and tested these products in both the full length
RARα-PLZF activates it.36 Whereas PLZF is a growth suppres- and isolated BTB context in vitro and in vivo.6,40,106,137 These
sor, RARα-PLZF activates expression of cyclin A2 and enhances results allowed us to assign functions to its various structural
cell growth.38 Hence t(11;17)(q23;q21) may be an ATRA and motifs. For example, conserved residues in the dimer interface
chemotherapy resistant disease due to the presence of two are required for proper folding, indicating that dimerization is an
oncogenes. PLZF-RARα blocks the differentiation inducing architectural function of BTB domains that is invariant throughout
action of ATRA, while RARα-PLZF may activate cell cycle evolution. While the oligomerization surface was required for high
regulators, blocking the anti-proliferative effects of ATRA. In molecular weight complex formation by PLZF, which is known
accordance with this idea, mice engineered to express the to form such oligomers, there was no evidence that Bcl-6 forms
RARα-PLZF protein develop a myeloproliferative syndrome and similar oligomers through this motif. Therefore, it is possible that
splenomegaly.125 When PLZF-RARα mice were crossed with the Bcl-6 hydrophobic face is involved in other protein-protein
RARα-PLZF mice there was a phenotypic change in the resulting interactions.6,40,106,137 As in the case of PLZF, mutation of the
leukemia with the appearance of more primitive, more prolifera- charged pocket of Bcl6 inhibited both transcriptional repression
tive cells that were highly resistant to apoptosis and morphologi- and interaction with the co-repressors N-Cor and SMRT.
cally more similar to human APL.125 Strikingly, an identical Comparing the PLZF, Bcl6 and PLZF-related FAZF BTB
phenotype was seen when PLZF-RARα transgenic mice were bred domains a single amino acid difference was noted. When this
with PLZF null mice. This information is in accordance with single residue of these three BTB domains was altered to that of
data suggesting that RARα-PLZF is a dominant negative form of one of the other two proteins, the strength of transcriptional
PLZF and a growth activator. It is possible that through aberrant repression and interaction with N-Cor or SMRT was modulated.
expression of PLZF targets such as HOX genes, cyclins, c-myc, This supports the notion that the charged pocket of the BTB is
and other cell cycle regulators, the presence of both fusion genes an important contact site for co-repressors.
lead to a more aggressive and undifferentiated form of leukemia. Further analysis of the Bcl6 BTB domain indicated that the
Though t(11;17)-APL is a very rare disease, the comparison charged pocket could not completely explain repression by the
of contrast of this illness with the more typical form of APL BTB domain. The Bcl6 BTB domain directly bound N-Cor and
solidified the notion of aberrant transcriptional repression as a SMRT much more tightly than PLZF and a small region of N-Cor
root cause of leukemia. In addition studies from our group and or SMRT mediated this direct binding. The co-crystal structure
others have implicated PLZF as an important negative regulator of the Bcl6 BTB domain with a segment of SMRT (aa 1353-1526)
of cell growth with roles in differentiation, development and showed that this portion of SMRT tightly bound to the lateral
homeostasis. face of the BTB domain.138 Subtle mutations in either the SMRT
peptide or in the BCL6 BTB domain abrogated SMRT/Bcl6
The Role of Bcl-6 Protein in Lymphoma interaction and transcriptional repression.
The Bcl-6 gene was first cloned by virtue of its frequent
mutations in B-cell lymphomas, where overexpression or lack of Bcl-6 As a Transcriptional Repressor: Other
downregulation of Bcl-6 occurs when translocated to a
Functional Domains of the Bcl-6 Protein
heterologous promoter or mutations introduced by somatic
The other major structural motif of Bcl-6 is the array of six
hypermutation damage Bcl-6 regulatory elements.126-128 Such
tumors represent approximately 40% of human B-cell lympho- C2H2 zinc fingers at the C-terminal end of the protein, which
mas and are believed to be biologically dependent on Bcl-6 bind to a specific DNA consensus sequence (TTCCT(A/
expression.129,130 Bcl-6 was subsequently shown to also play a criti- C)GAA). 139 The zinc fingers also mediate protein-protein
cal role in the development of the immune system.131-133 The BTB interactions. For example, the zinc fingers interact with class II
domain of Bcl-6 was shown to interact with the SMRT/N-CoR HDACs as well as with the zinc fingers of other BTB proteins
corepressors and histone deacetylases (HDACs).15,16,20,134-136 As in such as PLZF and LRF.140-143 The zinc finger domain also
the case of PLZF there is a second repression domain in the protein interacted with the c-jun transcription factor, leading to negative
localized to the mid-portion of the protein. regulation of AP1 transcriptional activation by Bcl-6.144 Recently,
we found that the ETO protein which was first cloned as a
member of the acute myeloid leukemia (8;21) translocation
Bcl-6 As a Transcriptional Repressor: fusion product, also interacts with Bcl-6 through the zinc
Structure-function Studies of the BTB Domain fingers.145 We had previously demonstrated that ETO is a novel
Along the lines of our studies with PLZF, we performed in corepressor much like N-CoR and SMRT, which interacts with
depth structure-function analysis of the Bcl-6 BTB transcriptional repressors and enhances transcriptional repression
domain.6,40,106,137 The PLZF and Bcl-6 dimer crystals revealed by amplifying histone deacetylation.142,146,147 We found that ETO
that the two structures are very similar. BTB monomers interact and Bcl-6 are co-expressed in normal and malignant lymphoid
via an extensive interface to form obligate dimers. The most highly tissue, where they interact and colocalize in nuclear speckles. ETO
conserved surface feature is a charged pocket. The charged pocket binds to the fourth zinc finger of Bcl-6, enhances Bcl-6 repres-
is structurally consistent with an interaction site for peptides from sion of artificial and endogenous genes in an HDAC-dependent
putative partner proteins. However, there is a region of confor- manner, and forms a complex with Bcl-6 on the promoters of its
mational variability between the PLZF and Bcl-6 pockets endogenous target genes in B-cell lymphoma cells.145 Therefore,
conferred by an α3/β4 loop, where the BCL-6 BTB domain has ETO is a bona fide corepressor for Bcl-6 and is the only corepres-
a unique 4 amino acid insertion relative to PLZF that might sor conclusively demonstrated to bind outside of the BTB
obstruct access to this motif in the case of Bcl-6. domain in the context of physiological transcriptional repression.
142 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Although the zinc finger domain of Bcl-6 was often used as a once again it is unknown whether the BTB contributes architec-
dominant negative construct to antagonize Bcl-6 repression, tural or corepressor function.144
multiple lines of evidence indicate that it may also function as an Bcl-6 was recently shown to induce down regulation of the
autonomous repression motif albeit with much less potency than GATA-3 inducer of Th2 differentiation. This is consistent with
the BTB domain. Although Seyfert et al found that the zinc the increased levels of Th2 cells in Bcl-6 null animals.
finger domain did not repress transcription of a Bcl-6 binding Surprisingly, only GATA-3 protein levels were reduced, while the
site containing reporter,148 the same group also reported that the mRNA level didn’t change.161 This implicates Bcl-6 in the
zinc finger domain functioned as a weak dominant negative when regulation of protein stability, an attractive idea in light of
expressed in Bcl-6 positive Raji cells, indicating that it either does emerging evidence of the role of the BTB domain in
not repress or that it represses less efficiently than full-length ubiquitylation. Finally, Bcl-6 was found in the proximity of DNA
Bcl-6. 149 In contrast, a GAL4-zinc finger fusion construct replicative foci raising the possibility of a role in DNA replication
inhibited transcriptional activation of a reporter gene containing as well.162 Therefore, Bcl-6 is a multifunctional regulatory factor
LexA and GAL4 sites when it was activated by a LexA-VP16 that represses expression of target genes and proteins through
fusion while in reciprocal experiments, deletion of the zinc several different mechanisms.
fingers caused a loss in potency of Bcl-6 repression.141 A zinc
finger only construct was able to partially mediate Bcl-6 induced Bcl-6 and the Immune System
growth and cell cycle arrest in U2OS cells although the BTB
Bcl-6 is a critical regulator of specific components of the
domain was required to induce apoptosis.150 Finally, the Bcl-6
immune system and its hierarchy in this process is underlined by
zinc fingers alone were able to partially inhibit AP1 transactivation,
the severity of the Bcl-6 null phenotype and by the fact that
although full length Bcl-6 as much more powerful.144 These
de-regulation of Bcl-6 expression causes cancer.130 Accordingly,
experiments illustrate the difficulty of determining the functional
expression of Bcl-6 is tightly regulated and limited to specific
contribution of the zinc finger domain to transcriptional repres-
subsets of immune system cells.
sion, which is unlikely to be resolved by studying deletion
mutants of Bcl-6. Taken together these results seem to indicate
that the zinc finger and BTB repression domains both contribute B-Cells
to gene silencing by Bcl-6, although the gene loci they regulate In the B-cell lineage, Bcl-6 is expressed solely in
may not fully overlap. Finally, the central region of Bcl-6 may germinal center (GC) cells. 163,164 Upon T-cell dependent
also have autonomous repression activity by virtue of recruiting antigen challenge, subsets of activated B-cells (pre-GC cells)
HDACs and possibly the Sin3A corepressor.151 enter lymphoid follicles and up-regulate Bcl-6, which induces
cells to proliferative and survive and at the same time to, resist
Transcriptional Mechanisms of Action of Bcl-6 further differentiation.131-133,155,165 Simultaneously, induction of
the somatic hypermutation machinery leads to affinity maturation
Bcl-6 mediates transcriptional repression of a number of
of the immunoglobulin genes. When this process is complete Bcl-6
endogenous target genes that include surface antigens (for
is downregulated.131-133,155,165,166 B-cell clones with productive
example CD23b, CD44 and CD69), cell cycle mediators (for
immunoglobulin rearrangements differentiate further into
example Cyclin D2, and p27KIP), cytokines, chemokines and their
receptors (for example IL2Rα chain, IL5, IL18, MCP-1, MCP-3, post-GC memory or plasma cells while clones with
MIP1α, and CXCR4), and mediators of B-Cell differentiation non-productive rearrangements undergo apoptosis.155,167
such as blimp-1.132,149,152-156 In most cases Bcl-6 binds directly Regulation of Bcl-6 expression at the mRNA level is poorly
to its consensus binding site located in its target loci and understood, although Bcl-6 itself can repress transcription of its
mediates repression in large part through the BTB domain as own message.168 From the protein standpoint, MAP kinase leads
discussed above. However, Bcl-6 also represses downstream to phosphorylation of Bcl-6 via the ERK1/2 kinases with subse-
transcriptional activation by the IL-2, IL-4 and CD40 signal quent ubiquitylation and proteolysis.166,169 This process is under
transduction pathways that mediate lymphocyte differentia- the control of the B-cell receptor in pre-GC cells and possibly
tion.132,155,157-160 A subset of DNA binding sites for mediators under the control of CD40 in post-GC cells.166
such as STAT6, STAT3 and IRF-4 are similar to the Bcl-6 The GC specific role of Bcl-6 is underscored by the pheno-
consensus sequence.132,155,157,160 Bcl-6 can bind to the same sites type of Bcl-6 knockout mice. Such animals are born at the
as these transactivators and repress expression of their target genes. expected frequencies and with all the lymphoid organs fully formed
For example, Bcl-6 inhibits IgE class switching by repressing IL-4 and containing the expected primary lymphoid follicles.131-133
induced activation of the IgE promoter through an overlapping All lymphoid cell subsets are present in normal numbers, although
DNA element with STAT6.160 Consistent with this observation, baseline antibody levels are slightly low.131,132 However, Bcl-6 null
Bcl-6-/- mice demonstrated increased IgE class switching and mice exhibited a complete failure to generate GCs in all
tissue infiltration with IgE+ B-lymphocytes, while Bcl-6-/- lymphoid tissues when challenged by T-cell dependent antigens.
STAT6-/- mice had neither of these features.160 Bcl-6 represses T-cell dependent antibody generation was deficient, with
activation by these transcriptional messengers in a BTB-dependent antibody levels of all classes (Except IgM) lower than control.131-133
manner, although it is not known whether the BTB domain is Even more remarkably, these antibodies had not undergone the
required for an architectural or corepressor recruiting function. (GC-dependent) process of affinity maturation as demonstrated
A third mechanism of Bcl-6 transcriptional repression was by the absence of high affinity binding in antigen binding
recently described in which Bcl-6 acts as a corepressor for AP-1 assays.131 Not surprisingly, memory B cells in these animals
by virtue of binding to c-Jun through the C2H2 zinc finger express only low affinity antibodies after booster shots of T-cell
domain. In this way Bcl-6 can behave as a corepressor by dependent antigens, indicating that these cells had not under-
repressing AP-1 target genes such as p27kip through c-Jun. Full gone somatic hypermutation as they did not transit through GCs
repression also required the BTB domain in this case, although during the course of their terminal differentiation.167
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 143

The defect in GC formation was entirely B-cell autonomous IL4 animals developed progressive infections by Leishmania
as demonstrated by transplantation experiments in RAG1 major, since Th2 reactions are inhibitory to macrophages.159
deficient mice in which the immune system was reconstituted Therefore, Bcl-6 must normally inhibit Th2 formation through
with normal T cells plus Bcl-6 deficient B cells or vice versa.133 an alternate pathway independent of IL4/STAT6 signaling. One
This was confirmed in experiments were chimeric mice were such pathway is mediated through GATA-3 activation of Th2
generated by injecting Bcl-6-/- ES cells into RAG1, IgM or TCRβδ cytokines in the absence of STAT6.173 Interestingly, Bcl-6 single
null blastocysts.153 In the resulting RAG1-/- mice all B and T cells and double knock-out with STAT6 mice have high levels of
derive from the Bcl-6-/- cells, while in IgM-/- only the B-cells are GATA-3.161 Re-introduction leads to downregulation of GATA-3
exclusively Bcl-6-/-, and in the TCRβδ-/- cells only T cells are and downregulation of Th2 cytokine secretion (IL4 & IL10).161
Bcl-6-/-.153 In concordance with the transplantation experiment, As mentioned above, the GATA-3 gene did not have Bcl-6 binding
the Bcl-6-/- RAG1 and IgM null mice were unable to form GCs, sites in its promoter and Bcl-6 seemed to downregulate only the
while GCs were able to form in the Bcl-6-/- TCRβδ chimeric protein but not the mRNA levels of this protein, indicating a
mice.153 potentially novel regulatory mechanism.161 Finally, these results
Only a few of the Bcl-6 target genes relevant for its biological indicate that loss of Bcl-6 results in both humoral and cellular
activity in the GC were identified so far. For example, Bcl-6 immunodeficiency.
directly represses transcription of the Blimp1 transcriptional
repressor gene, which in turn represses expression of genes Macrophages
involved in GC processes such as class switching (Ku70), somatic A role for Bcl-6 regulation of macrophage
hypermutation (AID), proliferation (myc) and B-cell signaling function was suggested by the fact that Bcl-6 was shown to be
(STAT6).149,170 As noted, Bcl-6 binding sites overlap in several expressed in monocytic cells174 and the finding that RAG1 null
loci with binding sties for the STAT3, STAT6 and IRF4 mice transplanted with Bcl-6-/- bone marrow or RAG-/- Bcl-6-/-
transcriptional activators as shown by EMSA and DNA chimeric mice failed to develop eosinophilic infiltrates, indicat-
footprinting.132,155,157-160 Bcl-6 also physically interacts with these ing that full blown Th2 inflammation requires the participation
transcriptional activators and represses promoters with overlap- of additional non-lymphoid cells.153 A Bcl-6-/- TCRα-/- chimeric
ping Bcl-6 and STAT sites such as the CD23b promoter.155,157 mouse specifically unable to generate Th2 cells was used to study
In this way GC cells expressing Bcl-6 could resist differentiation macrophage function.153 Interestingly several chemokines involved
signaling from the IL2, IL4 and CD40 pathways. in inflammatory reactions and eosinophil chemotaxis were
upregulated and some of these were direct Bcl-6 target genes.153
T-Cells Re-introduction of Bcl-6 suppressed expression of these genes.
Bcl-6 plays important regulatory roles in T cells, and is nor- Therefore, macrophage products such as MCP-1 contribute to Th2
mally expressed in germinal center T cells and in a subset of CD30 inflammation possibly by promoting antigen presenting cell stimu-
positive T cells present in interfollicular regions of lymph lation of Th2 and though inhibition of the Th1
nodes.163,171 Bcl-6 is also expressed in cortical and medullary T response by virtue of inhibiting Il-12 production. The triggering
cells of the thymus.172 Bcl-6 null animals appear similar to event that leads to this inflammatory picture remains obscure,
control littermates when born, but rapidly become sickly and although one of the Bcl-6 null mice models had a high incidence
growth retarded.131-133 At least 50% of these mice die by 5 weeks of bacterial infections even though they were housed in a barrier
of age due in large part to an inflammatory infiltrate of facility.
monocytes/macrophages and eosinophils, affecting the myocar-
dium, lungs, gut, skin and other mucosas.131-133 Taken together
with observed increases in IgE expressing B-cells, these findings
Other Tissues
suggested that a powerful Th2-type reaction was occurring in these Bcl-6 is highly expressed in terminally differentiated tissues
animals leading to their demise through systemic inflammatory such as the heart, skin and skeletal muscle.175-177 For example,
reactions. Accordingly, cells isolated from Bcl-6-/- lymph nodes Bcl-6 is upregulated in cardiac myocytes within two weeks of
expressed high levels of (Th2 related) IL4, IL5 and IL13 but low birth. Bcl-6 null mice develop subtle signs of cardiac degenera-
levels of (Th1 related) IFNγ at mRNA and protein levels.131-133 tion within four weeks of birth and apparently prior to infiltra-
These results implicated Bcl-6 in the skewing of T-cells towards tion by the Th2 inflammatory disease (as detected by
the Th1 lineage or in the inhibition of differentiation into Th2 electron microscopy).175 In these tissues Bcl-6 might be required
cells. Since both IL4 and STAT6 null mice lack Th2 cells and to maintain a quiescent, differentiated state. In contrast, Bcl-6 is
given that Bcl-6 is an inhibitor of IL4-STAT6 signaling, it was also highly expressed in spermatocytes undergoing meiosis, which
anticipated that generating mice null for Bcl-6 and deficient of like the somatic hypermutation and class switching of GC B-cells,
either IL4 or STAT6 might resolve the Th2 skewing. 158 leads to DNA breakage in the setting of rapidly proliferating
However, both Bcl-6-/- STAT6-/- and Bcl-6-/- IL4-/- mice cells.178 Interestingly, Bcl-6 protects spermatocytes from apoptosis
exhibited Th2 skewing when mice were challenged with TNP/ and Bcl-6 null animals are infertile.158,178 Therefore, Bcl-6
KHL antigen/hapten. The defect was not due to loss of Th1 physiological effects may vary according to cell type and available
differentiation since Bcl-6 single or double knock-out mice were partner proteins.
able to generate Th1 cells in response to IL12.158
The immunological significance of this phenomenon was Bcl-6 and B-Cell Lymphomas
illustrated by the following experiment. The 129sv and C57BL/ In spite of the frequent involvement of the Bcl-6 locus in B-cell
6 strains from which the Bcl-6 null animals were derived are lymphomas, no definitive gain or loss of function study has
normally able to mount a Th1 immune reaction that heals demonstrated that deregulated Bcl-6 expression causes lymphoma.
infections by Leishmania major through macrophage stimulation However, several lines of evidence are consistent with potential
by IFNγ.159 In contrast, both single and double knock-out Bcl-6/ oncogenic effects of Bcl-6.
144 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Most studies of Bcl-6 functions in primary cells and lymphoma Like many BTB domains both the HIC-1 and γFBP-B (an
cells indicate that Bcl-6 protects cells from apoptosis. For example, avian homologue) BTB domains can function as autonomous
Bcl-6 deficiency induces apoptosis in spermatocytes, skeletal transcriptional repression domains. However, they do not
muscle cells, and causes degenerative changes in cardiac interact with components of the histone deacetylase complex in
myocytes.175,178,179 In B-cell lymphoma cell lines, a dominant vitro or in vivo. Furthermore, transcriptional repression by HIC-1
negative form of Bcl-6 that releases repression of Bcl-6 target genes was not alleviated with the HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A,
induced apoptosis as well.149 Furthermore, Bcl-6 may prevent further substantiating the idea of an alternate mechanism of
apoptosis by directly repressing the PDCD2 pro-apoptotic transcriptional repression by these particular BTB domains.55 This
gene.180 Most recently, Bcl-6 was discovered in an unbiased screen was confirmed when it was determined that HIC-1 could complex
of cDNA libraries to bypass p53 mediated cellular senescence in with the co-repressor CtBP through a motif more internal within
mouse embryonal fibroblasts.181 When Bcl-6 was co-expressed the protein.185 The BTB domain did not directly interact with
with an activated allele of Ras, these cells became fully transformed CtBP, yet deletion of the BTB domain of Hic-1 severely impaired
and formed colonies in soft agar and tumors in nude mice.181 transcriptional repression by the protein. This and evidence from
Induction of cyclinD1 was required for these effects. the study of PLZF and Bcl6 indicates that dimerization/
Furthermore, primary human tonsilar B cells infected with a Bcl-6 multimerization through the BTB domain is a critical function
expressing retrovirus were able to grow indefinitely in culture in of the motif in transcriptional repressors, but the BTB domain
the presence of CD40L, IL2 and IL4.181 However, Bcl-6 can also itself need not be required for direct interaction with co-repressor
induce apoptosis, although this usually occurs in the context of complexes.
forced overexpression studies in non-physiologically relevant cell
lines such as CV1 and U2OS.150,182 Kaiso
The ability of Bcl-6 to block differentiation induced by IL2, The Kaiso BTB domain protein was identified in a two-hybrid
IL4 and CD40L pathways explains in part how Bcl-6 mediates screen as an interactor with p120Ctn a protein similar to catenin
the B-cell GC life cycle.155 Accordingly, expression of Bcl-6 in with multiple armadillo repeats. Kaiso interaction with p120Ctn
WIL2 and SUDHL5 cells blocked differentiation while in Raji was specific and no interaction with E-cadherin, β-catenin or
cells, a dominant negative Bcl-6 zinc finger construct triggered α-catenin could be detected. Kaiso is ubiquitously expressed and
incomplete plasmacytic differentiation.149 contains a N-terminal BTB domain and three C-terminal zinc
Since Bcl-6 establishes a proliferative cohort of cell in finger motifs.102 Kaiso/p120Ctn interaction was mediated by a
germinal centers, it would be expected to mediate cell cycle region of the protein encompoassing the zinc finger motifs and
progression. Accordingly, in Raji cells, dominant negative Bcl-6 including a region immediately N-terminal to these motifs.102,186
caused cell cycle arrest in G1 and in BCL-1 cells, expression of Kaiso was localized mostly to the nucleus but in some cells
Bcl-6 overcomes the G2/M phase cell cycle arrest mediated by cytoplasmic localization was noted suggesting that the Kaiso/
IL-2 and IL-5.149,155 Bcl-6 regulates a number of cell cycle p120Ctn interaction may mediate a nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttling.
mediators and inhibitors including cyclin D2 gene, cyclin A2, Kaiso was subsequently identified as part of a methyl CpG DNA
p27 and cyclin D1.149,154,181 Therefore, it is possible that Bcl-6 binding activity known as MeCP1. Kaiso itself bound to DNA
may differentially affect cell cycle progression according the specifically in a methylation dependent manner.186,187 Zinc
milieu of the cell type. Thus, while Bcl-6 may mediate cell cycle fingers 2 and 3 of the protein were sufficient for specific DNA
progression in GC B cells, it might inhibit cell cycle in terminally binding to two symmetrically methylated CpG dinucleotides in
differentiated cells such as myocytes and keratinocytes. the core sequence. Kaiso could also recognize with high specificity a
Taken together, these data suggest that in germinal center non-methylated DNA sequence implying a role for the protein
B-cells, de-regulated expression of Bcl-6 causes cells to survive in in epigenetic silencing as well as broader transcriptional
the face of DNA damage and evade p53 mediated senescence, as processes.186 Kaiso repressed transcription of a reporter gene
well as to transit the cell cycle, block differentiation and undergo containing a consensus Kaiso binding sequence in a cell line
continuous mutagenesis through somatic hypermutation charac- otherwise defective for methylation-dependent silencing due to
teristic of germinal center B cells. deletion of another methyl-DNA binding protein. Repression by
Kaiso required the BTB domain as well as the zinc fingers of
Other BTB/Zinc Finger Proteins The function of Kaiso is conserved in evolution as Xenopus
Kaiso, tethered to the Gal4-DNA binding domain could represses
HIC-1 (Hypermethyalted in Cancer-1) a reporter gene in frog oocytes.188 This information suggested
Recruitment of a histone deacetylase complexes not a universal that Kaiso might play a part in the silencing of methylated genes
property of BTB domain containing transcriptional repressors. by recruitment of co-repressors complexes through the BTB and
The HIC-1 gene encodes a protein with five C2H2 zinc fingers other domains of the protein. Indeed this notion was confirmed
and an N-terminal BTB domain. 183 Transcription of this when Kaiso was found as a component of a high molecular weight
ubiquitously expressed gene is activated by p53, but HIC-1 is complex containing the co-repressor N-Cor (but not the related
not expressed in several common types of human cancers due to SMRT protein) and HDAC3.189 As in the case of PLZF and
hypermethylation of its promoter. These facts make HIC-1 a Bcl6 the BTB domain mediated interaction of Kaiso with N-Cor
strong candidate for a tumour suppressor gene.183 In accordance and a histone deacetylase inhibitor reversed repression by the Kaiso
with this notion it was recently shown that a heterozygous BTB domain. Chromatin immunoprecipitation demonstrated
disruption of HIC-1 in mice led to a variety of sex-dependent that N-Cor and Kaiso were present on a methylated promoter
tumors arising after a year. In most tumor tissue, it was found at and were released from the gene when cells were treated with the
least one promoter of the wild-type HIC-1 allele was de-methylating agent 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine. The presence of
hypermethylated.184 Kaiso on an endogenous promoter was associated with
The BTB Domain Zinc Finger Proteins 145

de-acetylation histone 3 lysine tail residue 9 and methylation of domain mediates p300 interaction. Myc-Miz-1 interaction may
this residue, a set of changes associated with gene repression.190 also release a latent repression activity of Miz-1, possibly involv-
Knockdown of Kaiso by siRNA led to reactivation of a ing the BTB domain but to date no mechanism of active repres-
methylated gene and loss of co-repressors from the gene. These sion by the Miz-1 has been elucidated. The ability of TGFβ to
studies indicate a major role of Kaiso in epigenetic gene inhibit cell growth was related to its ability to decrease c-myc
silencing. However the importance of kaiso in regulation of other levels and inhibit myc-Miz-1-mediated repression of p15INK4b.194
genes through non-methylated DNA sequences and the role of In addition activation and nuclear migration of SMAD3 and
p120Ctn in Kaiso function in vivo and gene silencing is as yet SMAD4 proteins allowed these transcription actors to complex
undetermined. In turn these studies raise the idea that other BTB/ with Miz-1 through its zinc finger motifs and further stimulate
zinc finger proteins such as PLZF and Bcl6 may also bind to the p15INK4b promoter. The myc-Miz interaction is also an
methylated DNA and play a role in both adjustment of gene important regulator of p53 action. In the presence of myc,
expression in a dynamic manner as well as in more permanent repression of the p21 promoter through Miz-1 prevents the
inhibition of methylated genes. ability of p53 to inhibit the cell cycle and favors the pro-apoptotic
actions of p53.195
Miz-1 The Miz-1 BTB domain does not appear to play a direct role
The Miz-1 (myc interacting zinc finger-1) BTB protein has in transcriptional activation but does mediate important
come under increasing study, as it appears to be an important protein-protein interactions. An interacting partner for this BTB
mediator of the function of the c-myc oncoprotein. Miz-1 was domain, topoisomerase IIβ binding protein (TOBP1), a BRCT
identified in a two hybrid screen for proteins that interact with domain protein implicated in DNA damage response was recently
c-myc.191 Miz-1, like other BTB/zinc finger proteins, contains isolated.197 Intriguing in light of recent data implicating the BTB
an N-terminal BTB domain and has 12 zinc finger motifs domain in protein degradation, the other interacting protein
localized in the middle of the protein and a lone zinc finger motif isolated with Miz-1 was an E3 ligase. The TOPBP1 protein did
near the C-terminus of the protein. Two regions flanking the 12 not interact with the Bcl6 BTB domain, which we20,138 and
zinc fingers mediated interaction with the helix-loop-helix motif others showed to be a potent transcriptional repressor domain.
of c-myc as well as the related N-myc proteins. Miz-1 bound The TOPBP1 protein inhibited activation by Miz-1 but was found
specifically to a site within the adenovirus major late promoter to be down-regulated in response to UV irradiation, leading to
and unlike the other BTB/zinc finger proteins described activated de-repression of Miz-1 target promoters p21 waf1/Cip1 and
this promoter. Co-expression of myc impaired transcriptional p15INK4b.197 Host cell factor (HCF) a protein previously impli-
activation by Miz-1. Curiously, although the BTB domain did cated in viral gene regulation also interacts with Miz-1 to inhibit
not interact with c-myc, the BTB domain was required for the its ability to activate transcription. This interaction can occur
ability of c-myc to inhibit trans-activation by Miz-1. Unlike other independently of the BTB domain but HCF can also interact in
BTB domain proteins like PLZF, Miz-1 itself was not localized to vitro with the Miz-1 BTB domain.198 Like c-myc, HCF blocks
discrete nuclear foci and was readily extracted from the cell. activation by Miz-1 by interfering with Miz-1/p300 interaction.
However, when co-expressed with c-myc, Miz-1 did localize to As noted with many of the other BTB/ zinc finger proteins
punctate domains and appears to make the Miz-1 protein described above, a common theme appears to be emerging in
insoluble in the cell and extractable from the nucleus only under that many of these proteins may shuttle to the cytoplasm and
high-salt conditions. In part this appears to be due to the ability interact with cytoplasmic proteins. Miz-1 was originally found to
of myc to donate a functional nuclear localization signal to Miz-1. co-purify with tubulin191 and this was confirmed in a chemical
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BTB/zinc finger proteins or co-localize with co-repressors and receptor.199 Addition of a small chemical to cells released Miz-1
histone deacetylases is unknown. from microtubules and allows Miz-1 to bind and stimulate
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relieves its ability to suppress growth. Deletion of the BTB most C-terminal zinc finger motifs, while the BTB domain of
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suppression by Miz-1 implying that domains within Miz-1 other chemical treatment. The physiological role of Miz-1 sequestra-
than the BTB domain were also critical for its transcriptional tion and what natural stimuli encourage its nuclear import are
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KRAB Zinc Finger Proteins:

A Family of Repressors Mediating
Heterochromatin-Associated Gene Silencing
Shiro Iuchi


rüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain, present at the N details of the mechanisms have not been revealed, binding of HP1
terminus of mammalian C2H2 zinc finger proteins, binds is thought to render the DNA region into condensed states and
KAP-1 (also named TIF1β or KRIP-1) that binds HP1α result in gene silencing.4,5 Highly structured DNA and the com-
and SETDB1 (H3-K9 methyltransferase) as well as NuRD com- partmentalization of the heterochromatin may make promoters
plexes (histone deacetylases). The KRAB domain tethers these within inaccessible to RNA polymerase II and III complexes.6
binding proteins to a specific gene recognized by zinc fingers, This repression is called “gene silencing” or “position effect varie-
resulting in a heterochromatin-associated, strong, long-term re- gation (PEV)” after its discovery as the gene-shut-off phenom-
pression of the gene. The importance of such repression is re- enon associated with chromosome rearrangement in Drosophila.7
flected in the large number (two hundred ninety) of the KRAB Only two years after KRAB was found to be a repressor domain,8
zinc finger protein genes in the human genome and revealed by two groups independently identified a KRAB binding protein
early stage-development failure of mouse embryos lacking the and named it KAP-1 or KRIP1,9,10 a third group found a HP1
common corepressor, KAP-1 (TIF1β). Many reports have de- binding protein and named it TIF1β,11 and a fourth group found
scribed KRAB zinc finger proteins that participate in a variety of a KRAB binding protein recognizing it to be TIF1β and KAP-1.12
cellular processes including development of organs and cell types These findings firmly established that KRAB domains of zinc
such as heart, bone, sperm and hematopoietic cells. Some KRAB finger proteins interact with KAP-1 (TIF1β) which in turn binds
zinc finger proteins have an additional repression mechanism HP1 to repress gene expression. This repression turned out to in-
that is KRAB domain-independent and involves histone volve several other proteins that affect chromosomal structure (See
deactylases or NSD1 histone lysine methyltrasferase. below).

Linking of KRAB Zinc Finger Proteins to Structure of KRAB Domains

Gene Silencing Krüppel zinc finger protein was defined as a C2H2 zinc finger
Transcription repressors bind to cis-elements of a given gene, protein with tandem C2H 2 zinc fingers connected by the
curtailing the gene’s expression. Repression mechanisms include well-conserved linker sequence (TGEKP).13 These proteins of-
(1) exclusion of a transcriptional activator, (2) inactivation of the ten contain highly homologous amino acid sequences in the N
gene’s activator, and (3) recruitment of a corepressor complex (see terminus outside the zinc finger motif itself, and the sequence
ref. 51). Mechanisms (1) and (2) result from the repressor’s direct was named Krüppel-associated box (KRAB)14 or finger proceed-
contact to the cis-element and activator, respectively, and these ing box (FPB).15 Initial screening for the sequence estimated that
repression mechanisms have been long studied since investiga- approximately one third of human Krüppel zinc finger proteins
tion on the E. coli lactose operon and the bacteriophage λ regula- contain KRAB,14 and a subsequent study confirmed the conclu-
tory genes.1,2 Mechanism (3), only recently emerged, requires ad- sion and extended the total number of human KRAB-Zinc fin-
ditional repressive proteins to cause gene silencing (repression) ger proteins to two hundred ninety.16 Proteins of this type are
associated with heterochromatin. Heterochromatin was defined also known to be abundant in mammals but not in simpler or-
and described in 1928 as the chromosome region condensed ganisms,17,22 suggesting that KRAB domains associated with
throughout the cell cycle.3,4 It is observed in pericentromeric and/ Krüppel zinc finger proteins in a relatively late stage of protein
or telomeric regions in which repetitive DNA sequences are plen- evolution. KRAB domains consist of a few of sub-domains (A, B,
tiful and structural genes are rare.3,5 This chromosomal region b and C), and KRAB zinc finger proteins belong to either AB-,
exclusively contains heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), which was AAB-, Ab-, AbAb-, AC- or A-type (Fig. 1A).14,18-21 Moreover,
first found in Drosophila but is now known to be widely distrib- KRAB domains coexist with a SCAN domain; and some KRAB
uted from yeast to mammals and the three homologues, HP1α, zinc finger proteins belong to either (SCAN + A)- or (AB + SCAN
HP1β and HP1γ, are present in mammals and humans.4 Although + A)-type (see Chapter 22).19,22 KRAB AB domain, which spans

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
152 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. A) A schematic representation of various KRAB domains present in zinc finger proteins. B) A consensus sequence of KRAB AB domain.
The sequence was previously described.26

about 75-amino acids, is thought to be the origin of all and has sub-domain A is the principal repressor.8,25 Sub-domain B forti-
diverged to the other types by means of duplication, deletion and fies the role of sub-domain A to some extent but the sub-domain
mutation. One strong argument for this suggestion has come from b barely plays any role.25 Sub-domain C has been suggested to
the fact that as many as two hundred sixty two genes of zinc strengthen the repression by sub-domain A but it has not been
finger proteins cluster in the human chromosome 19 and as many demonstrated.20 Perhaps, it may be concluded that KRAB A
as twenty-one genes of KRAB zinc finger proteins cluster in the sub-domain is necessary and sufficient to repress gene expression
700-kb region of human chromosome 19q13.2.19,23,24 There is as originally stated.8
no perfect consensus sequence for the KRAB domains among KAP-1 (TIF1β) binds to the KRAB domain through the
zinc finger proteins, but KRAB A with 42-amino acids is the N-terminal RING, B-boxes, coiled coil (RBCC) (Fig. 2, see Chap-
longest and best conserved of all the sub-domains (Fig. 1B) This ter 16).25-27 The affinity constant is 7x106 M-1.28 It is roughly
sub-domain contains hydrophobic as well as charged amino ac- comparable to the Ka for zinc fingers-DNA binding (see Chapter
ids and is supposed to fold into an amphiphilic α-helix.14 KRAB 2) and the KRAB-RBCC binding has been well demonstrated by
B with a 32-amino acid long sequence is also well conserved and electrophoretic mobility shift assay27,28 and yeast two hybrid bind-
supposed to fold into an α-helix. KRAB b is, however, highly ing assay.25 The KRAB-RBCC binding is very specific as it has
diverged from KRAB B and less conserved within the been shown that the KRAB domains of KOX1, MZF22, MTZ1
sub-domain.18 KRAB C with a 21-amino acid long sequence is and MZF13 bind RBCC from KAP-1 (TIF1β) but not any other
also less conserved.20 homologues including RBCC derived from TIF1α, TIF1γ and
MID.25,27 This strict specificity is consistent with the observa-
Functions of KRAB and the Protein tion that TIF1β -/- mouse embryos are affected at an early devel-
opmental stage and die by E8.5.29 Interestingly, one KRAB binds
Complexes a homotrimer of RBCC in vitro27 and binding of a KRAB zinc
finger protein to KAP-1 (TIF1β) oligomers has been observed in
KRAB and the Interaction with KAP-1(TIF1β) living cells.30 Thus, a KRAB zinc finger protein is able to amplify
Because no natural target genes had been identified, studies the repression through KAP-1 (TIF1β).
on the function of KRAB domains began with KRAB AB do- The RING finger of KAP-1 (TIF1β) contains many canoni-
main (from KOX1 zinc finger protein) fused to GAL4. GAL4 cal cysteine residues that are supposed to chelate zinc ions and
alone activated transcription of a reporter gene in cells but the thereby form the stable tertiary structure (Fig. 2 and see Chapter
expression was abolished by fusing the KRAB domain to the ac- 16). A double mutation of two cysteine residues of the RING
tivator, giving the first insight into KRAB domain’s function.8 finger completely destroys its binding ability to KRAB,27 and a
Since then, the GAL4-KRAB fusion protein and similar constructs similar mutational effect occurs in the second B box. The coiled
have been almost exclusively used for in vivo and in vitro experi- coil domain does not contain conserved cysteine residues but
ments. Analyzing by this method, scientists now know that al- contains many leucine or other hydrophobic residues, which are
though KRAB domain structures has several variations (Fig. 1A), periodically included in the peptide separated by six hydrophobic
KRAB Zinc Finger Proteins 153

Figure 2. A schematic representation of protein-protein interaction in a KRAB zinc finger protein complex. Domain-domain interactions are shown
by dotted lines. The N terminus of proteins is presented at the left and the C terminus at the right, but the KRAB zinc finger protein is drawn in
the opposite direction. Numbers (1), (3) and (6) next to the C terminus of proteins indicate molar ratios in the protein complex.

and hydrophilic amino acid residues and thought to compose a that have a chromosome with a reporter gene at one locus and a
primary pole of a leucine zipper-like structure. Mutagenesis of a repressor gene, encoding a KRAB domain fused to a
leucine of each coil domain intermediately or completely abol- reporter-gene-binding domain whose activity is regulated by a
ished the KRAB binding. These results suggest the predicted leu- hormone, at another.35 In these cells the reporter gene was present
cine zipper-like coiled coil structure is present. in euchromatin without the active repressor, but it was located
within heterochromatin upon activation of the repressor. Fur-
KAP-1 (TIF1β) and the Interactions thermore, the silenced gene was physically bound with KAP-1
(TIF1β), HP1α and SETDB1. This silencing was maintained
with the Downstream Proteins over fifty cell divisions, suggesting that once heterochromatin is
From the middle of KAP-1 (TIF1β) protein to the C termi- made, the structure persists.35 Thus, a KRAB zinc finger protein
nus, there are three conserved domains, HP1 binding box (HP1 silences expression of the target gene by establishing the hetero-
BD), PHD finger and bromodomain (Fig. 2).9-12 These are in- chromatin through the concerted action of KRAB, KAP-1
dispensable for repression. HP1 BD binds HP1α31,32 with 1: 2 at (TIF1β), HP1α and SETDB135 as well as NuRD complexes.33
a Ka value of 1.6 x 107 M-1,32 and PHD finger plus bromodomain It was also shown that the gene silencing is variegated from one
bind NuRD complex as well as SETDB1.33,34 The NuRD com- cell to another. The observation is consistent with the idea that
plexes remove acetyl groups from the N terminus of histones and the more tightly folding heterochromatin gives rise to the stron-
allow histones to interact with DNA33 while SETBD1 methy- ger and longer silencing. Since the promoter of the silence re-
lates the lysine residue at position 9 of histone 3 and stimulates porter gene was hypermethylated at the CpG rich region, DNA
HP1α to interact with DNA.34 The three different KAP1 (TIF1β) methylation may also participate in the gene silencing.35
binding proteins together work toward forming heterochroma- KAP-1 (TIF1β) and HP1α are present in undifferentiated
tin. As KAP-1 (TIF1β) is present as a trimer,27 HP1 can bind six mouse embryonic carcinoma F9 cells, but only HP1α is
molecules per KRAB zinc finger complex and both NuRD and localized within heterochromatin. When the cells are differenti-
SETDB1 can bind up to three molecules (Fig. 2). It is likely that ated by retinoic acid, however, KAP-1 (TIF1β) is compartmented
the three executers would be associated simultaneously through with HP1 within heterochromatin.36 This suggests that some fac-
KAP-1 (TIF1β) to mediate the severe repression. tor, which is likely to be a specific KRAB zinc finger protein,
initiates specific gene’s heterochromatin formation resulting in
Gene Silencing by Heterochromatin Formation silencing of gene expression. Presence of the KRAB protein with
A majority of results on KRAB domain that have been col- an active form of the zinc fingers would be a critical step to ini-
lected to date measure either repression or heterochromatin for- tiate such gene silencing (see Chapter 2). KAP-1 (TIF1β) under-
mation, and the relation between the two has not been clear. Re- goes autophosphorylation and transphosphorylates HP1.31 This
cently, however, a series of experiments examined both gene may have also something to do with regulation of heterochroma-
silencing and chromatin structure together by constructing cells tin formation and gene silencing.
154 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing

Zinc Finger Transcription Factors
Tucker Collins* and Tara L. Sander


he SCAN domain is a highly conserved 84 residue motif Accompanying the C2H2 zinc finger elements in some of the
that is found near the N-terminus of a subfamily of C2H2 transcription factors are a series of extended sequence motifs.
zinc finger proteins. The SCAN domain, which is also These structural modules regulate subcellular localization, DNA
known as the leucine rich region (LeR), functions as a protein binding, and gene expression by controlling selective associa-
interaction domain, mediating self-association or selective asso- tion of the transcription factors with each other, or with other
ciation with other proteins. Bioinformatic approaches were used cellular components. In the C2H2 class of zinc fingers, these
to identify 71 SCAN domains in the human genome and to associated modules include the Kruppel-associated box (KRAB),3
define the structures of the members in the human SCAN do- the poxvirus and zinc finger (POZ) domain,4 which is also
main family. In addition to a single SCAN domain, the mem- known as the BTB domain (Broad-Complex, Tramtrack, and
bers of the family can have a variable number of zinc fingers Bric-a-brac),5 and the SCAN domain.6 These domains define
(2-22), a KRAB domain, as well as a novel N-terminal motif. subgroups within the C2H2 family and may provide insights
The genes encoding SCAN domains are clustered, often in tan- into the functions of the members of this large family of zinc
dem arrays, in both the human and mouse genomes and are finger transcription factors. Here we will place the SCAN do-
capable of generating isoforms that may affect the function of main family of transcription factors in perspective.
family members. Twenty-three members of the mouse SCAN
family appear to be orthologous with human family members, The SCAN Domain
and human-specific cluster expansions were observed. Although The SCAN domain was originally identified in the C2H2 zinc
the function of most of the family members is unknown, an finger transcription factor, ZNF174.6 The name was based on
overview of selected members of this group of transcription fac- the first letters found in some of the founding members of the
tors suggests that the SCAN domain family is involved in the family (SREZBP, Ctfin51, AW-1 (ZNF174), and Number 18).
regulation of growth factor gene expression, genes involved in
lipid metabolism, as well as other genes involved in cell survival Definition of the SCAN Domain
and differentiation. Analysis of the SCAN domain family using
Based on the analysis of a limited number of SCAN genes, the
phylogenetic and comparative genomics approaches reveals that
definition of the SCAN domain has varied, resulting in several
the SCAN family is vertebrate -specific. Remarkably, the SCAN
forms of the domain in online databases.7 Following a more com-
domains in lower vertebrates are not associated with C2H2 zinc
plete analysis of the SCAN domains found in the human ge-
finger genes, but are contained in large retrovirus-like
nome, the definition of the SCAN domain has been refined.8 As
polyproteins. Collectively, these studies define a large family of
will be discussed below, the human genome has at least 70 genes
transcriptional regulators that have rapidly expanded during re- containing the SCAN domain.8 An alignment of a select number
cent evolution. of these members is illustrated in Figure 1. A more extensive align-
ment of the highly homologous SCAN domains (as well as other
Introduction associated domains) can be found online at the Project Website
Zinc finger proteins are a large class of regulatory proteins. ( Based on the sequence alignment,
The zinc finger is a small peptide domain with a secondary struc- as well as the biochemical properties of the recombinant protein
ture stabilized by a zinc ion interacting with the cysteine and detailed below, the SCAN domain is defined as 84 residues, be-
histidine residues of the finger.1 Although several types of zinc ginning with E-43 and ending with R-126 of ZNF174. In many
finger motifs have been identified,2 the C2H2 finger has emerged sequences, there are proline residues both before and after the
as the classical zinc finger and is described as CX2-4CX12HX2-6H domain, helping to delineate the boundaries of the predicted sec-
(reviewed in Chapter 1 of this book). ondary structural elements. Of the 84 residues that comprise the

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 157

demonstrate that self-association of the ZNF174 SCAN domain

requires the entire SCAN domain, in that smaller regions of the
domain failed to interact in the assay.12 Similarly, forms of the
SCAN domain into which mutations were introduced that dis-
rupted the predicted central helix of the domain failed to interact
in the two-hybrid assay. Taken together, these findings suggest
that the minimum length functional unit is the entire SCAN
domain and that structural integrity of this domain is required
for self-association with other SCAN domain partners.
The SCAN domain is capable of mediating protein-protein
interactions in the context of an intact member of the family.
Studies were done in which a tagged full-length form of ZNF174
Figure 1. SCAN domains in the human genome. To illustrate the ho- was cotranslated with another SCAN protein, and associations
mology of the SCAN domain, the amino acid sequences of a select between the two SCAN protein forms were then examined by
number of human SCAN domains were aligned by consensus ClustalW immunoprecipitation with an antibody that recognized the tag.12
sequence alignment using MacVector 7.1.1 (Genetics Computer Group) These coimmunoprecipitation studies confirmed that the SCAN
with an open gap penalty setting of 10.0. Residues that share > 51% domain is responsible for self-association in the context of an
identity are outlined with dark shading, conserved amino acid differ- intact SCAN family member and that the α-helical character of
ences are indicated by lighter shading. The consensus sequence was the domain is required for the interaction. Additionally, these in
determined for the SCAN sequences of the 64 human family members vitro studies demonstrate that intact ZNF174 can selectively bind
(excluding possible pseudogenes) and is shown below the alignment. other members of the SCAN family. Generalizing on these ob-
servations, members of the SCAN family can both self-associate
SCAN domain, a remarkable 62 are conserved in more than 50% and form heterodimers using the SCAN domain as an interac-
of the family members. tion motif.
The SCAN domain has also been called the “leucine rich re-
gion” (LeR).9 This is an unfortunate designation because the simi- The SCAN Domain Forms a Stable Dimer
lar term “leucine rich repeat” is used to describe a different do-
main found in a functionally distinct group of proteins involved in Solution
in inflammation and cell death. For example, the caspase recruit- In previous studies our group and others demonstrated that
ment domain (CARD) containing protein CARD4 (also called the SCAN domain functions as an interaction domain, mediat-
NOD1) is a CED-4/Apaf-1 family member that activates NF-κB ing self-association or association with other proteins bearing
signaling and induces apoptosis.10 CARD4 contains several pu- SCAN domains. In part of those studies, a fragment of either the
tative functional domains, including an N-terminal CARD do- N-terminus of ZNF174 or ZNF202 that encompassed the SCAN
main and a C-terminal region consisting of leucine-rich repeats domain behaved as an oligomeric species.12,14 However, in those
that likely function as a site for interactions with upstream sig- studies the definitive subunit stoichiometry of the oligomeric
naling components. To complicate matters further, the leucine-rich SCAN domain was not determined. Our group utilized the se-
repeat superfamily of proteins is quite diverse and includes the quences of the SCAN domains in the human genome to more
Toll-like receptors that are involved in transmembrane signaling.11 completely define the limits of the domain. The isolated ZNF174
Unfortunately, the use of the term “leucine rich region” to de- SCAN domain was then overexpressed in bacteria, purified and
scribe the SCAN domain, and the related term “leucine rich re- characterized. Both size exclusion chromatography and equilib-
peat,” found in mediators of immune responses and apoptosis, rium sedimentation analysis demonstrate that the isolated
has resulted in confusion in the literature. ZNF174 SCAN domain forms a homodimer.7 Additionally, ther-
mal denaturation studies of the ZNF174 domain revealed a high
melting temperature (74˚C) and demonstrated the stability of
The SCAN Domain Is a Protein Interaction Motif the SCAN dimer. These studies resolve the issue of the oligo-
Unlike the KRAB and BTB/POZ domains, the SCAN do- meric nature of the isolated SCAN domain in that the purified
main does not have transcriptional activation or repression capa- protein forms a stable dimer. However, study of the isolated SCAN
bilities.12,13 Findings using both mammalian and yeast two-hybrid domain does not address the important issue of the oligomeriza-
systems demonstrate that the SCAN domain is an interaction tion state of the intact SCAN domain family member in cells.
motif. 12-14 For example, a mammalian two-hybrid assay was used
to show that the SCAN domain mediates protein-protein inter-
actions. 12 To demonstrate that the SCAN domain can Assembly of a Transcriptional Regulatory System
self-associate, the ability of a ZNF174 SCAN-GAL4 construct Through SCAN-SCAN Interactions
to activate a reporter was tested in the presence of a ZNF174 Based on the ability of the SCAN domain to function as a
SCAN-VP16 fusion construct. Coexpression of both fusion con- dimerization domain, it is possible that the domain participates
structs markedly activated transcription of a GAL4-dependent in the assembly of a family of regulatory proteins. To determine
reporter when compared with that of empty GAL4 or VP16 vec- which SCAN domains have the ability to interact with one an-
tors, or with each of the SCAN domain fusion constructs alone. other, pairwise combinations of nine isolated SCAN motifs were
The SCAN domain did not interact with the leucine zipper mo- tested in the mammalian two-hybrid system.12 Several general
tifs of either c-FOS or c-JUN, demonstrating that the SCAN features of SCAN domain interactions could be inferred from
domain did not interact nonspecifically with other transcription the findings in this system. First, not all SCAN domains are
factors that contain amphipathic α-helices mediating oligomer- able to self-associate. Second, interactions between different
ization.12 The mammalian two-hybrid system was also used to SCAN domains are selective. For example, ZNF174 can interact
158 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

with some, but not all, SCAN domains. Third, there is signifi-
cant variation in the relative affinities of the SCAN domains.
Although these studies with nine SCAN family members repre-
sent only a small fraction of the members of the family, they
may provide some initial guidelines for the assembly of a SCAN
protein network.
In addition to the findings from the mammalian
two-hybrid system, various SCAN domains have been used
as bait in the yeast two-hybrid system. These studies have
identified SCAN containing proteins, revealing new interac-
tions among family members. For example, a region of MZF1
(ZNF42) containing a SCAN domain interacted with RAZ1
(SCAN-related protein associated with MZF1B),13 which is
also known as SDP1 (SCAN-domain containing protein 1)
or SCAND1. Similarly, RAZ1 interacted with the SCAN Figure 2. A model network of SCAN family members. A summary of the
domain of ZNF202 and inhibited its repressive function. 14,15 reported interactions between SCAN family members is shown. Each
A summary of the existing interactions between SCAN fam- SCAN member is represented by a different color: ZNF174 (orange),
ily members is shown in the accompanying model (Fig. 2). ZNF192 (teal), ZNF24 (yellow), ZNF197 (red), MZF1 (blue), SCAND1
The majority of these observations outlined above were based (pink), ZNF202 (green). The SCAN domain of each protein is illus-
on studying isolated SCAN-SCAN associations. Whether trated with a circle; the C2H2 zinc finger motifs are indicated with a box.
most of these interactions occur in the context of full-length Note that some of the interactions were not studied within the context
proteins is uncertain. Additionally, understanding the nature of the full-length protein.
of the partnerships occurring in vivo will be key to defining
the family. diversity from a relatively small number of proteins.16 With a
Transcription factor dimerization can increase the selectivity group of regulators the size of the SCAN family (see below), the
of protein-DNA interactions and generate a large amount of range of potential dimers is tremendous. It will be important to

Figure 3. Structural features of the human SCAN domain family. The names and predicted structures of the 64 members of the human SCAN
domain family are schematically shown in order of their gene locations, starting with chromosome 1. The conserved domains are indicated with
a shaded box: novel region (red), SCAN (orange), KRAB-A (green), KRAB-B (yellow), integrase core domain (black), and C2H2 zinc finger domain
(blue). Zinc fingers displayed as an open white box are atypical and deviate from the C2H2 consensus. A dotted line in some of the structures
indicates that the predicted C-terminal domains are questionable because of discrepancies between the databases. The official gene symbols assigned
by NCBI (as of November 1, 2003) are shown. In instances where an official (or interim) name was not available, the genomic DNA clone
containing the SCAN sequence was given. Note that the SCAN domains of ZFP29 and SCAND1 are truncated. Modified from Sander et al, 2003.
The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 159

determine the structural rules that regulate SCAN dimerization (e.g., ZNF197, ZFP95), while other members contain single or
specificity and obtain experimental data both in vitro and in duplicate pairs of fingers (e.g., FLJ12895, ZNF215). Since
vivo that verifies some of the partners. Based on this informa- Krüppel-type factors are frequently involved in DNA-binding, this
tion it may be possible to classify many of the SCAN family variation in zinc finger number and spacing may have an effect
members based on dimerization properties, as has been done on nucleotide base pair recognition.21 Application of the pro-
for the B-ZIP proteins.17 posed DNA-zinc finger rules,22,23 suggests that most of the
C-terminal zinc fingers of the family members can participate in
Superfamily of SCAN-Domain Containing DNA binding. Notably, members of the SCAN family with mul-
tiple adjacent C2H2 zinc fingers may have more than one DNA
Proteins binding activity, as is seen with other proteins with more than
The SCAN field was limited by an incomplete description four zinc fingers.24 Additionally, since C2H2 fingers have been
and definition of the members within the SCAN domain family. implicated in protein-protein interactions,25 it is possible that some
We reasoned that the release of the human genome could provide of the zinc fingers in the SCAN family members may interact
the key to defining the entire human SCAN domain family of with other members of the family, or with other target proteins.
transcription factors. Therefore, a bioinformatics approach was
used to determine the total number of SCAN domains in the
human genome and to define the structure and chromosome lo- KRAB Domain
cation of each human SCAN family member.8 Twenty-four members of the human SCAN domain family
To determine the total number of genes predicted to encode also contain a KRAB domain (Fig. 3). As outlined elsewhere in
SCAN domains in the human genome, both public and private this book, the KRAB domain is found at the N-terminus of ap-
human genome databases were screened with a representative proximately 200 C2H2 zinc finger proteins19,20 and mediates re-
human SCAN domain (ZNF174). Once the SCAN domains were pression of transcription.26,27 The KRAB domain spans about 75
identified, DNA sequences adjacent to the motif were annotated amino acids and has been divided into two subregions, desig-
to predict the cDNA structures.18 Analysis of expressed sequence nated A and B.3 It has been demonstrated that the KRAB-A do-
tag (EST) databases and serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) main contains transcriptional repression activity. This domain is
libraries confirmed that most of the predicted SCAN family mem- predicted to form an amphipathic helix that interacts with KAP1
bers are actively expressed. (KRAB-associated protein-1, also known as TIF-1β, transcrip-
This screen revealed the presence of 71 SCAN domain- tion intermediary factor-1β). 28-34 KAP1 can enhance
containing genes in the human genome. Twenty-four of the SCAN KRAB-A-mediated repression by recruitment of a histone
domains were known, while 47 were previously unidentified. deacetylase complex containing N-CoR (nuclear receptor core-
Thus, the SCAN family constitutes approximately 10% of the pressor),35 or the Mi-2α subunit of the NuRD complex.33 KAP1
estimated 700 C2H2 zinc finger genes present in the human ge- can also associate with members of the heterochromatin protein
nome.19,20 Sixty-four of the 71 SCAN domains (90%) were found 1 (HP1) family, a family of nonhistone heterochromatin-associated
in complete open reading frames, suggesting that they are con- proteins with an established gene-silencing function.31
tained within functional genes. The remaining seven SCAN do- A sequence alignment of the KRAB domains from the SCAN
mains have termination codons that prematurely truncate the open family members is found on the project web site. As with other
reading frame, suggesting that these domains are contained in KRAB domain containing genes, the KRAB domain is located at
pseudogenes. The DNA sequences adjacent to the 64 SCAN do- the N-terminus of SCAN family members, usually C-terminal to
mains were computationally analyzed and manually annotated the SCAN domain. KRAB-containing proteins can be classified
to predict the cDNA structure and protein coding-potential for into three types:36 those that contain a KRAB-A domain alone,
each member of the human SCAN family. A schematic diagram those with both –A and –B domains, or those that have an –A
of the structural features of the human SCAN family, excluding domain and a divergent –B domain. Twelve members of the hu-
potential pseudogenes, is presented in Figure 3. This approach man SCAN family contain both KRAB-A and -B domains, while
successfully predicted the structures for all of the 24 previously another twelve members have a KRAB-A domain only. It is likely
reported members of the human SCAN family. that the SCAN domain will influence the function of the KRAB
domain, although this has not been extensively studied.
Components of SCAN Family Members
Novel Domain
in Addition to the SCAN Domain Thirty-four members of the SCAN family contain a novel re-
The SCAN family members were predicted to contain con- gion of homology that was found at the very N-terminus of the
served modular motifs lying outside of the SCAN domain. predicted protein (Fig. 3). A sequence alignment of a select num-
ber of the members is illustrated in Figure 4 and a full alignment
Zinc Fingers of all the members is found on the project web site. This region is
The majority of SCAN domains (91%) are associated with 13 residues in length, with the consensus EqEGLLiVKvEEe
C2H2 zinc finger domains. These 58 members contain a variable (where capital letters correspond to amino acids conserved over
number (2-22) of C2H2 zinc fingers, defined by the consensus 51%, and lowercase letters to amino acids conserved over 35%),
sequence CX2-4CX12HX2-6H (with X being any amino acid). All and may be similar to the previously described N-terminal acidic
of the C2H2 zinc finger motifs are located at the C-terminal end domain of the murine myeloid-specific zinc finger gene, MZF-2.37
of the SCAN proteins (Fig. 3). Most of these C2H2 zinc fingers A search of the human genome with the consensus sequence in-
are Krüppel-type, as defined by the conserved link (TGEKP(Y/ dicates that this region may be found only in members of the
F)X) between the histidine of the preceding finger with the cys- SCAN family.
teine of the next finger (H-C link). Many members contain The core of this conserved N-terminal domain in the SCAN
multiple-adjacent fingers that are arranged in clusters of 3 or more family members contains a sequence for conjugation to the small
160 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Overview of Selected SCAN Family Members

The members of the SCAN family of transcription factors can
be divided into classes based on the presence of other modular
elements.41 Representatives from the three largest classes of SCAN
family members will be outlined in this review. Most SCAN do-
mains are found in transcription factors with a variable number
of C-terminal Cys 2 -His 2 (C 2 H 2 ) x type zinc-fingers
[SCAN-(C2H2)x]. A second group of SCAN family members is
composed of proteins predicted to have a SCAN-KRAB-(C2H2)x
domain alignment, while a third class of SCAN family members
consists of isolated SCAN-domain proteins.

Figure 4. The conserved region N-terminal of the SCAN domain. The The first group of SCAN domain proteins consists of family
amino acid sequences of the N-terminal novel region from selected members with just a SCAN domain and a variable number of
members of the human SCAN family were aligned by consensus ClustalW C-terminal C2H2 zinc fingers (Fig. 3). There are at least 40 of
sequence alignment using MacVector 7.1.1 (Genetics Computer Group) these genes in the SCAN family, but only a few have been charac-
with a gap penalty setting of 10.0. Residues that share > 51% identity terized. Some of the better known representatives from this class
are outlined with dark shading, conserved amino acid differences are of genes are indicated in Table 1.
indicated by lighter shading. The consensus sequence for the novel The myeloid zinc finger gene (MZF1, also known as ZNF42)
region of the 34 human SCAN family members is shown below the is expressed preferentially in hematopoietic progenitor cells of
alignment, where capital letters correspond to amino acids conserved the myeloid lineage.42 Inactivation of the murine MZF1 gene
> 51% and lowercase letters to amino acids conserved > 35%. The results in a striking increase in hematopoetic progenitors, with
putative SUMO acceptor site is underlined. the eventual development of lethal myeloid neoplasias,43 suggest-
ing that MZF1 is involved in growth, differentiation and tum-
ubiquitin-related modifier, SUMO. Like ubiquitin, SUMO is a origenesis of myeloid progenitors. In both human and mouse
small polypeptide that is covalently attached to lysine residues in cells, several isoforms of MZF proteins are produced from a single
substrate proteins.38 SUMO is attached to substrate proteins by a gene by the use of alternative promoters and alternative splic-
series of enzymatic reactions similar to those involved in ing.37,44 Of the isoforms, MZF1B, and its murine counterpart
ubiquitination. Following cleavage to expose a C-terminal glycine, MZF-2A, seems to represent the major product of the gene.
SUMO is attached to a heterodimeric E1 SUMO activating en- MZF1B shares identity to the carboxy-terminus of MZF1, a
zyme (Aos1/Uba2), then transferred to an E2 SUMO conjugating C-terminal DNA binding domain consisting of 13 C2H2 zinc
enzyme (Ubc9), before being covalently attached to a lysine in the finger modules, but MZF1B encodes an additional amino termi-
substrate protein. A consensus SUMO acceptor site has been iden- nal extension that contains a novel N-terminal domain, a SCAN
tified consisting of the sequence ΨKXE, where Ψ is a large hydro- domain and a transactivation domain.
phobic amino acid and K is the site of SUMO conjugation.39 Con- To further characterize this member of the SCAN family, pro-
tained within the core of the novel N-terminal region teins that interact with several of the domains of MZF1B
(EqEGLLiVKvEEe) is the sequence VKxE, which fits the consen- (MZF-2A) have been defined. The SCAN domain of MZF1B
sus for a SUMO acceptor site. Additionally, a glycine residue is interacts with RAZ1,13 a member of the SCAN family that lacks
located five amino acids upstream from the acceptor lysine, consis- zinc fingers, as discussed below. The transactivation domain of
tent with the novel domain containing a sumoylation site (Fig. 4). MZF-2A works specifically in myeloid cells and can function as
an autonomous transactivation motif when fused to a heterolo-
Post-translational modification of the SCAN family member
gous DNA binding domain.45 In studies exploring the regula-
by SUMO may have a substantial effect on transcription factor
tion of the activity of the transactivation domain, three serine
activity. By analogy to other proteins, SUMO modification of
residues were found to be phosphorylated by ERK and p38 MAP
the SCAN family member could prevent modification by kinases.46 This suggests that the activity of the transactivation
ubiquitin at that position, potentially preventing degradation of region of MZF-2A is negatively regulated through phosphoryla-
the family member by the proteasome. SUMO may also com- tion by MAP kinases. To understand the mechanism of MZF-2A
pete for post-translational modification of lysines by acetylation. dependent transcriptional activation, a yeast two-hybrid Ras re-
Additionally, SUMO modification of the SCAN family member cruitment screen was done to look for interacting proteins.47 A
may disrupt protein-protein interactions with some proteins, while novel SWI2/SNF2-related protein, termed mammalian Domino,
promoting interaction with other proteins. In addition to play- was identified as a candidate MZF-2A interacting partner. Nota-
ing a role in regulating transcription factor activity, SUMO modi- bly, mDomino contains a SWI2/SNF2-type ATPase/helicase do-
fication also affects transcription factor subcellular localization. main, a SANT domain, and a glutamine rich domain. The
For example, SUMO-1 modified Sp3 accumulates at the nuclear C-terminal Q-rich domain physically associated with the
periphery and in nuclear dots whereas the transcriptionally active transactivation domain of MZF-2A and overexpression of
form lacking SUMO-1 has a more diffuse nuclear localization.40 mDomino enhanced MZF-2A mediated activation of a reporter
Although experimental verification will be required, the potential gene.47 Collectively, these findings suggest that an ATF-dependent
sumoylation site N-terminal to the SCAN domain may have an chromatin-remodeling complex interacts with MZF-2A to regu-
important role in the function of some of the family members. late gene expression in myeloid cells.
The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 161

Table 1. Summary of representative SCAN family members from the three largest classes

SCAN Protein* Interacting Proteins Transcriptional Function

ZNF24 (ZNF191, KOX17, mZF-12) ZNF174, ZNF192, Binding to TCAT repeat in tyrosine
ZNF202, SCAND1 hydroxylase gene
ZNF42 (MZF1, MZF1B, mMZF-2A) RAZ1, ERK, p38, mDomino Regulator of myeloid progenitor
ZNF174 (AW-1) ZNF24, ZNF192, ZNF197 Negative regulator of PDGF-B chain,
TGF-β1 expression
ZNF444 (EZF-2) ND Positive regulator of SREC gene
ZNF192(LD5-1) ZNF24, ZNF174, ZNF197 ND
ZNF197 (ZnF20) ZNF174, ZNF192, VHL Negative regulator of HIF-1α transactivation
ZNF202 ZNF24, SCAND1 Negative regulator of genes involved in
lipid metabolism
ZNF263 (FPM315, mNT2) ND Negative regulator of α2 (XI) collagen
gene (Col11α-2)
SCAND1 (SDP1, RAZ1, mPGC-2) MZF1 , ZNF24, ZNF202, Co-activator, adipocyte differentiation
The official human gene symbol assigned by NCBI is given; alternate human and mouse (m) gene names are in parentheses. ND=
not determined.

To address the key issue of defining genes regulated by MZF1, domain and lacking the zinc fingers.53 The ZNF202 gene prod-
a DNA binding site was determined for the zinc fingers of MZF1 uct is a transcriptional repressor that binds to elements found
and consensus elements were found in the promoters of several predominantly in genes that participate in lipid metabolism, such
hematopoietic cell-specific genes, such as CD34, c-myb, lactoferin as the group of genes that comprise the apoA-I/C-III/A-IV/A-V
and myeloperoxidase.48,49 The MZF1 binding motif is also found gene cluster on chromosome 11, the apoE/C-I/C-IV/C-II gene
in the promoter of the telomerase reverse transcriptase gene,50 cluster on chromosome 19, phospholipid transfer protein, and a
and in an intron in the gene for the high affinity IgE receptor,51 series of enzymes involved in lipid processing, including lipopro-
where MZF1 is likely to function as a negative regulator for gene tein lipase, hepatic triglyceride lipase and lecithin cholesteryl es-
expression. Interestingly, MZF1 activates gene expression in cells ter transferase.53 Additional targets for repression by ZNF202
of the hematopoietic lineage, while in nonhematopoietic cells it include the ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) and ABCG1.15
functions as a transcriptional repressor.42 It is possible that other ABCA1 is a key regulator of plasma HDL levels, while ABCG1
SCAN family members may be both positive and negative regu- supports lipid efflux in human macrophages. ZNF202, which
acts as a transcriptional repressor of both genes, is able to reduce
lators of target gene expression, depending upon the cell type.
phospholipid and cholesterol efflux in transiently transfected
macrophages, demonstrating the functional relevance of the
SCAN-KRAB-(C2H2)x SCAN family member.15 Additionally, ZNF202 expression is in-
A second class of SCAN family members consists of a versely regulated with respect to the expression of its target genes
SCAN-KRAB-(C2H2)x modular architecture (Fig. 3). There are ABCA1 and apoE during macrophage differentiation and foam
at least 24 genes in this class of SCAN family members. Some of cell formation.54 Collectively, these findings demonstrate that
the better known members of this class of SCAN family mem- ZNF202 regulates reverse-cholesterol transport and are consis-
bers are listed in Table 1. tent with the proposal that ZNF202 controls the balanced ex-
An interesting example of this subgroup of SCAN family mem- pression of genes involved in lipid metabolism.
bers is the candidate hypoalphalipoproteinemia susceptibility gene,
ZNF202. A low HDL cholesterol locus on chromosome 11q23 Isolated SCAN Domain Proteins
was identified that is distinct from the apoA-I/C-III/A-IV/AV For six members of the human SCAN family there is no cur-
cluster of genes.52 This new familial susceptibility locus for rent evidence for associated C2H2 zinc finger motifs (Fig. 3). These
hypoalphalipoproteinemia contains the SCAN family member, SCAN domain-only sequences might represent novel genes with-
ZNF202. The gene for ZNF202 encodes a protein predicted to out zinc fingers, or splice forms of larger transcripts that contain
contain a SCAN domain, an intact KRAB domain and eight C2H2 zinc finger motifs. Indeed, there is cDNA evidence that some
zinc-finger motifs. Two splice forms have been identified for SCAN-containing genes are alternatively spliced generating tran-
ZNF202, the m1 form encoding the full-length protein, and the scripts that lack the SCAN, KRAB, or zinc finger domains, as
m3 form encoding a smaller version containing only the SCAN discussed below.
162 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

A murine SCAN domain containing protein was identified

as an adipogenic cofactor bound by the differentiation domain of
the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
γ(PPARγ).55 This mouse protein, termed PPARγ coactivator-2
(PGC-2), or its human homolog, SCAND1 (also known as SDP1,
SCAN-domain containing protein 1; or RAZ1, SCAN-related
protein associated with MZF1B), interacts with the
ligand-independent activation function region (AF-1) of PPARγ
and can potentiate PPARγ-dependent gene expression. This ef-
fect is presumably mediated by facilitating the assembly of a
coactivation complex and enhancing fat cell formation. PGC-2
does not contain zinc fingers, but does contain a partial SCAN Figure 5. Structure and function of some of SCAN family member
domain that consists of the N-terminal 60 residues of the “au- isoforms. Representative isoforms from selected SCAN family members
thentic” SCAN domain. Interestingly, SCAND1 and PGC-2 may discussed in the text. The predicted structure of the isoforms from three
interact with PPARγ through their SCAN domains, even though representative human SCAN-containing family members is shown. The
PPARγ does not contain a SCAN domain.14,56 Although the conserved domains are indicated with a shaded box: novel region (red),
SCAN domain was required for interaction with PPARγ, it was SCAN (orange), KRAB-A (green), KRAB-B (yellow), and C2H2 zinc
not sufficient for coactivator function. Interestingly, SCAND1 finger domain (blue) as shown in Figure 3. A color version of this figure
has been shown to interact with ZNF202 via its SCAN domain, can be viewed at
thereby preventing recruitment of KAP1 and transcriptional re- 1765&bookid=124& catid=30.
pression.15 Thus by enhancing PPARγ-dependent transcription,
and blocking KAP binding to ZNF202, SCAND1 may be an Isoforms Lacking the SCAN Domain
important coregulator of genes controlling the cellular lipid ma- As mentioned above, the MZF1 gene generates a transcript
chinery.54,56 that encodes a SCAN domain-containing zinc finger protein,
This isolated SCAN domain protein may play a role in differ- MZF1B.44 MZF1B shares identity to the carboxy-terminus of
entiation of stem cells in the bone marrow. Pluripotent mesen- MZF1, including the 13 C2H2 zinc finger modules, but MZF1B
chymal stem cells in bone marrow differentiate into adipocytes encodes an additional amino terminal extension that contains a
and other cells. Although balanced cytodifferentiation of stem SCAN domain (Fig. 5). Thus while MZF1 and MZF1B may
cells is essential for the formation and maintenance of bone mar- bind to the same DNA target, it is likely that they exert distinct
row, the mechanisms that control this balance remain largely regulatory effects because of their distinct amino termini. Ad-
unknown. Whereas PPARγ is a key inducer of adipogenesis, in- ditionally, it is possible that when MZF1 is bound to a target
flammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis gene it may act as a dominant-negative inhibitor of MZF1B
factor-α, inhibit adipogenesis. Recent results suggest that the function.
ligand induced transactivation function of PPARγ is suppressed
by the inflammatory cytokines and that this suppression is medi-
ated through a signaling cascade that results in NF-κB activa-
tion. NF-κB blocks PPARγ binding to DNA by forming a com-
plex with PPARγ and its coactivator PGC-2.57 These findings
suggest that expression of the cytokines in bone marrow may al-
ter the fate of stems cells by suppressing PPARγ function, direct-
ing cellular differentiation towards osteoblasts rather than
adipocytes. Since SCAND1 also interacts with MZF1B,13,58 a
factor that plays a role in the differentiation of myeloid progeni-
tors, it is possible that similar SCAND1-dependent mechanisms
may regulate the differentiation of other types of stem cells in the
bone marrow.
This brief overview of just one representative gene from each
of the three largest classes of SCAN family members demonstrates
that the SCAN domain containing transcription factors perform
a wide range of functions important in cell development or dif-
Figure 6. The corresponding model illustrates that selective SCAN dimer-
Isoforms of SCAN Family Members ization may be a potential mechanism for functional diversity in the
and Functional Diversity SCAN family. In one example, a SCAN-containing gene generates two
Alternative use of transcriptional start sites, or alternative splic- isoforms; a SCAN domain-containing zinc finger protein (SCAN-ZFP)
ing, could have a significant effect on the function of SCAN fam- and a protein that lacks zinc finger motifs (SCAN only). Dimerization
ily members. Some specific examples illustrate the effects these of the SCAN-only protein with the SCAN-ZFP might result in altered
processes could have on the functional diversity of the SCAN DNA binding activity, since the heterodimer would lack a pair of zinc
family. finger motifs.
The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 163

Isoforms Lacking Zinc Fingers target, cis-acting regulatory element.62 Several members of the
Other SCAN family member genes also generate forms that SCAN family have been identified by this approach. EZF-2 (en-
lack the C-terminal zinc fingers. Thus in a general context, a dothelial zinc finger protein-2 or ZNF444) is a member of the
SCAN domain-only protein may dimerize with another member family with four zinc fingers and specifically targets the scavenger
of the family and alter nucleotide binding, since the resulting receptor expressed by endothelial cells.63 ZNF263 has nine zinc
heterodimer would lack the pair of DNA binding motifs (Fig. 6). fingers and a KRAB domain and interacts with an element in the
The expression of these alternate transcripts from SCAN con- promoter of the α2(XI) collagen gene.64 ZNF24 (ZNF191) in-
taining genes would, therefore, increase the available number of teracts with an intronic polymorphic TCAT repeat in the tyrosine
protein combinations within the family. Such forms may help hydroxylase gene, the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of
regulate the function of the SCAN family members. catecholamines.65
One interesting example of this type of isoform is derived from
ZNF197 because it interacts with the von Hipple Lindau tumor Binding Site Selection
suppressor (pVHL). pVHL is a component of an E3 ubiquitin A second experimental approach to determine the genes
ligase and targets hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) for regulated by a SCAN family member is to determine its DNA
ubiquitination and degradation under normoxic conditions.59 binding site and then utilize this information to identify can-
pVHL also directly inhibits HIF-1α transactivation by recruit- didate target genes. As outlined above, based on the binding
ing histone deacetylases. In a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins site determination, ZNF202 has been shown to interact with
interacting with pVHL, an isoform of ZNF197 was identified and control the expression of a series of genes involved in lipid
which was given the name pVHL-associated KRAB-A metabolism, including the ATP binding cassette transporter
domain-containing protein (VHLaK).60 It contains a SCAN do- A1.15 Binding sites for MZF1 (ZNF42) were found in CD34,
main and a KRAB A-domain, but lacks the 22 zinc fingers present c-myb and myeloperoxidase, genes that are expressed in he-
in ZNF197 (Fig. 5). The KRAB A domain in VHLaK mediates matopoietic cells.
pVHL binding and functions as a transcriptional repression mod-
ule,60 consistent with previous reports that the KRAB domain of Overexpression
ZNF197 could repress transcription of a reporter gene.9 The In these studies, members of the SCAN family are
SCAN domain in VHLaK mediates homo-oligomerization and overexpressed with promoter-reporter constructs of candidate
enhances VHLaK repressive activity. pVHL can recruit VHLaK target genes. In this type of approach, ZNF174 selectively re-
to repress HIF-1α transcriptional activity and HIF-1α-induced pressed the expression of PDGF-B chain and TGF-β1
VEGF expression.60 Additionally, the ZNF197 isoform can re- promoter-reporters.6 Establishing the biological relevance of the
cruit both KAP1 and pVHL simultaneously, indicating that KAP1 findings is always the challenge with this type of experimental
may participate in pVHL mediated transcriptional repression of approach.
HIF-1α.60 To date, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) has not been
In summary, SCAN family members can generate isoforms used to verify the interaction of SCAN family members with DNA
lacking the SCAN domain as well as isoforms lacking the zinc binding sites in an authentic gene or to clone SCAN family mem-
fingers. Expression of these isoforms may be static, but more likely, ber target promoters.66 Additionally, it should be possible to iden-
the production of these isoforms may be biologically relevant. tify physiologic targets of SCAN family members by looking at
For example, it is possible that in tumors, relative to the corre- altered gene expression profiles using microarrays following
sponding normal tissues, the levels of the various isoforms of the overexpression of a SCAN family member.
SCAN family members may change.61
Genomics of the SCAN Family Members
Identification of Target Genes for SCAN
Family Members Human SCAN Family Genes
The biological function of most of the SCAN family mem- The genes for the human SCAN domain family have been
bers is not known, although the function of a few of the mem- mapped to specific human chromosome locations.8 Of the 71
bers has been inferred following targeted mutagenesis of the cor- SCAN-containing genes, 14 are isolated single genes. The major-
responding mouse gene, or following the identification of ity of genes (80%) are found in clusters on human chromosomes
interacting protein partners. Another way to determine the func- 3p21, 6p21.3, 7q22, 15q25, 16p13.3, 17p11.2, 18q12, 19q13.4
tion of a SCAN family member is to identify candidate target and Xq26, and some of these genes are arrayed in tandem. Some
genes that the member might regulate. Several experimental ap- of these locations are sites frequently disrupted and associated
proaches have been used to identify candidate target genes for with cytogenetic abnormalities. For example, ZNF197 is located
SCAN family members at 3p21, a region frequently involved in cytogenetic abnormali-
ties associated with epithelial malignancies of the kidney, lung,
One-Hybrid Approach thyroid and breast, as well as other tumors.67 The gene for MZF1
Perhaps most compelling are results from groups that have is located at the extreme end of the long arm of chromosome 19.
functionally characterized a specific regulatory element in a gene Since telomeres are known to shorten as cells age, the location of
of interest and then used that site in a “one-hybrid” screen to MZF1 at the telomere may make it vulnerable to dysregulation
identify the cognate regulatory protein. The yeast one-hybrid sys- or disruption during aging.68
tem is based on the principle of the yeast two-hybrid system and When the amino acid sequences of human SCAN domains
is used for isolating novel genes encoding proteins that bind to a were analyzed using a cladistics program, the majority of SCAN
164 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

domains within these clustered regions grouped into distinct sets

sharing sequence similarities.8 For example, several SCAN do-
mains from the clustered regions on chromosomes 3, 6, 18 and
19 are grouped into subsets, whereas the isolated SCAN domains
on chromosomes 1 and 11 are assorted elsewhere due to lesser
sequence similarity. SCAN-containing genes that are tandemly
linked present a target for mispairing and unequal crossover, which
could result in duplication and divergence of the genes. Over
time, these tandemly duplicated SCAN genes could become physi-
cally separated through chromosomal rearrangements and trans-
locations. These local duplications may account for the high de-
gree of sequence similarity shared by neighboring genes. Such
SCAN gene duplication events taking place in the clustered re-
gion on chromosome 19q13.4, for example, would account for
the striking similarity of the neighboring genes MGC4161,
LOC126209, LOC1262110 and LOC126211. These four genes
encode putative SCAN-containing C2H2 zinc finger transcrip-
tion factors that are 80% identical at the nucleotide level. The
SCAN domains are highly conserved (94% identity), whereas
differences at the nucleotide level are most predominant in the
zinc finger regions (68% identity). Within the five predicted zinc Figure 7. Comparison of selected human and mouse SCAN family
fingers found in each gene, most of the amino acids that differ members. The SCAN genes on human 16p13.3 and the corresponding
are found in portions that determine the recognition specificities regions in the mouse genome are indicated. The cluster of six SCAN
of the fingers. This suggests that after a possible duplication event, genes on human chromosome 16p13.3 is represented by only four SCAN
the genes may have acquired changes that permit functional di- genes in the corresponding conserved segments of mouse chromosomes
vergence. 16 (3.2 cM) and 17 (1.3 cM). Conserved reference sets of genes (repre-
This apparent clustered expansion of SCAN genes at chromo- sented by an asterisk) that flank genomic segments containing human
some 19q13.4 appears similar to the human-specific expansion of SCAN genes on chromosome 16 were located in the mouse genome by
KRAB-containing zinc finger genes clustered at this same locus.69 MGI, Ensembl, and NCBI. The mouse DNA region between the mark-
In addition to chromosome 19, chromosome 6 contains highly ers was searched to identify significant matches to DNA sequences cor-
similar SCAN-C2H2 genes (P1 p373c6 and ZNF306 at 6p21.3) responding to SCAN domains. A reciprocal comparison of the human
that may represent a duplication event, suggesting that the expan- and mouse SCAN-containing genes within regions of conserved synteny
sion of SCAN genes at these two clustered sites is similar. identified likely orthologs.

Mouse SCAN Family Genes 16 and 17 (Fig. 7). These findings provide evidence for
An analysis of conserved segments between human and mouse human-specific cluster expansions of SCAN family members. This
chromosomes becomes a useful approach in the identification of argues that some genes within the SCAN family are lineage-specific
likely gene orthologs. To establish potential SCAN-containing and may have been selected independently since the divergence
gene orthologs, two approaches were taken. First, BLAST searches of primate and rodent lineages.
were performed against available mouse genome databases using Similar to the human SCAN family, a large percentage (> 75%)
representative mouse SCAN domains (Zfp38 or Skz1-pending). of the mouse SCAN domain-containing genes are predicted to
Second, conserved reference sets of genes that flank the genomic encode one SCAN domain and a variable number of C2H2 zinc
segment of the human SCAN gene(s) were located in the mouse fingers. Where orthologous relationships could be established, pre-
genome by Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) and Ensembl. dicted structures of the human and mouse family members were
The mouse DNA region between the markers was then searched; highly similar in that they had comparable amino acid lengths and
significant matches to DNA sequences corresponding to SCAN the same number of conserved domains (KRAB and zinc fingers).
domains were identified.8 For example, the human SCAN gene, ZNF287, and its mouse
A reciprocal comparison of the human and mouse ortholog, Zfp287/Skat-2, encode predicted proteins of 754 and 758
SCAN-containing genes within regions of conserved synteny iden- amino acids, respectively, containing one SCAN domain, one KRAB
tified likely orthologs. Based on the SCAN-containing genes rep- domain, and 14 zinc fingers. Interestingly, in some pairs there is
resented in the Ensembl database, at least 23 of these members substantial conservation of the amino acids in the region of the
are represented by putative orthologs on conserved segments of C2H2 zinc fingers that determine the recognition specificity, sug-
the human chromosomes.8 In several cases, homologous SCAN gesting that the contact sites in target genes may be conserved.
family members within the human clusters were indistinguish-
able from each other when compared to the mouse and, as a re-
sult, an ortholog assignment was not possible. Interestingly, we SCAN Family Members Are Vertebrate
found human SCAN clusters that are represented by a smaller Specific
number of SCAN genes in the conserved syntenic regions of the Initial reports of the human genome suggested that SCAN
mouse. For example, the six clustered SCAN genes on human domain-containing C2H2 zinc finger proteins (SCAN-ZFP) are
chromosome 16p13.3 are represented by two clusters of only four unique to vertebrates.19,20 As expected, the genomes of inverte-
SCAN genes in the conserved segment of mouse chromosomes brate species, such as the fly (D. melanogaster), worm (C. elegans),
The Superfamily of SCAN Domain Containing Zinc Finger Transcription Factors 165

Figure 8. SCAN C2H2 proteins are vertebrate specific. The apparent number of SCAN domains found in databases of the worm, fly, zebrafish,
frog, chicken, mouse, and human are indicated in the first column. The apparent number of SCAN-containing retrovirus-like polyproteins,
compared to the apparent number of SCAN-containing C2H2 zinc finger proteins (ZFP), in the represented species is indicated in the second and
third columns, respectively (ND, not determined). Searches were limited by the availability of less complete sequence databases for the chicken
and frog. The predicted structure of a representative SCAN-containing protein is illustrated to the right of each number. The following conserved
regions are indicated: SCAN domain (gray), CCHC zinc knuckle (smallest box), retrovirus-like sequences (black), and C2H2 zinc finger (shaded).
The representative SCAN proteins are: human polyprotein KIAA1925 (Accession XP_166375), human zinc finger protein MGC4161 (Accession
NP_077279), mouse zinc finger protein Zfp29 (Accession NP_033579), frog polyprotein (Xenopus laevis, Accession S33978), zebrafish polyprotein
(Sanger Centre Accession dZ37K09). A color version of this figure can be viewed at

and yeast (S. cerevisiae), do not contain SCAN domains. Updated A number of interesting questions remain about the SCAN
databases were searched for predicted SCAN domains outside of domain, including a detailed understanding of its structure,
the human and mouse genomes. The search was limited by the mechanism of partner choice and the nature of interacting pro-
content available in large-scale sequence databases that are less com- teins. Additionally, identifying the target genes regulated by this
plete than their human and mouse counterparts. Nevertheless, ap- family will be useful in determining the function of this group of
parent SCAN domains were found in the genomes of a number of zinc finger transcription factors. Like the POZ/BTB and KRAB
vertebrate organisms including monkey, cow, pig, mouse, rat, frog domains, the presence of a SCAN domain may provide some
and several types of fish. Representative examples of SCAN do- mechanistic insights into the large number of C2H2 type zinc
mains from each species are provided in Sander et al 2003. finger proteins.

Possible Recent Retroviral Origin of SCAN Domains References

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nonexistence of SCAN-ZFP in lower vertebrates, suggests that Krüppel-associated box domain defines a subfamily of eukaryotic
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ily may contribute to the diversity that is seen in higher verte-
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Sp1 and Huntington’s Disease

Dimitri Krainc


p1, a triple C2H2 zinc finger protein, has been studied for polyglutamine-rich regions are transcription factors. Therefore,
more than two decades and biochemical features of the one possibility is that this tract plays a role in gene transcription.
protein have been well documented. However, its biological Through the use of two-hybrid screens, a number of proteins
roles in humans are still ambiguous. Recent studies on have been identified that interact with proteins containing
Huntington’s disease have shown that the mutant huntingtin polyglutamines; some of these interactions are sensitive to
proteins with expanded polyglutamine tracts interact with tran- polyglutamine-tract length. A recent survey of all S. cerevisiae pro-
scription factors, such as TFIID and Sp1, and have provided teins containing polyglutamine tracts showed that a significant
new insights into mechanisms of gene transcription as well as majority of these tracts are in proteins involved in transcription.
Huntington’s disease. Here, I describe aspects of Sp1 function in Thus, when the mutant form of the HD gene expresses an ab-
the context of Huntington’s disease research. normally long polyglutamine moiety, it might resemble a tran-
scription factor.14-16
Huntington’s Disease
Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal, dominantly in- Nuclear Localization of Mutant Huntingtin
herited disorder characterized phenotypically by chorea, invol- Normal huntingtin is localized in the cytoplasm,17,18 but
untary movements, dystonia, intellectual impairment and emo- mutant huntingtin in addition to being found in the cytoplasm
tional disturbances.1 The gene, huntingtin, which is mutated in is also found localized in the nucleus. The processes governing
HD patients, was mapped to chromosome 4p16.3 in 1983 and nuclear translocation are unclear, although higher numbers of
cloned a decade later.2 The mutation is an expanded polyglutamine polyglutamine residues produce more nuclear localization in a
repeat, (CAG)n, within exon 1 of the gene. The number of dis- variety of experimental systems.19-25 Although polyglutamine re-
eases identified to be caused by (CAG)n (in general n=35 repeats) peat length seems to be one feature governing nuclear entry of
continues to grow and a common mechanism could underlie these huntingtin, another is the length of the whole molecule. Shorter
diseases. Most of the diseases caused by expanded CAG repeats, fragments of huntingtin are translocated to the nucleus more ef-
(CAG) n , share common features, which include ficiently, with longer fragments tending to form aggregates in the
neurodegeneration, a dominant pattern of inheritance and ge- cytoplasm.19-24 In transgenic mouse models, lines that synthesize
netic anticipation.3-6 The CAG trinucleotide repeats in all these truncated forms of huntingtin26,27 demonstrate more nuclear in-
genes are found in the coding region and are translated into a clusion formation and more abnormal phenotypic behavior than
string of glutamines. Despite the widespread tissue distribution transgenic lines that synthesize full-length huntingtin.25,28,29 Simi-
of the protein for each of these genes, the affected region is pri- lar results have been obtained in cellular models and in Droso-
marily the brain, and the regions of neuronal loss are somewhat phila models.29,30 It is not clear if huntingtin possesses active
selective and specific for each given disease.7 nuclear localization signals (NLS). However, in cellular experi-
In HD, the number of CAG repeats ranges from 6-35 whereas mental models, addition of nuclear export signals greatly reduces
in individuals affected by HD the repeat length ranges from nuclear accumulation of huntingtin. Nuclear localization of
40-121. The age of onset of HD is inversely correlated with huntingtin corresponded to increased cellular toxicity, although
CAG-repeat length.1 Although the gene encoding huntingtin is the mechanism by which this causes cellular damage is not yet
expressed ubiquitously,8 selective cell loss and fibrillary astrocytosis clear.31-33 It has been demonstrated that the proteolytic cleavage
is observed in the brain, particularly in the caudate and putamen of a glutathione-S-transferase-huntingtin fusion protein leads to
of the striatum, and to a lesser extent in hippocampus and sub- the formation of insoluble high molecular weight protein aggre-
thalamus. In addition, cerebellar degeneration was also observed gates only when the polyglutamine expansion is in the pathogenic
in post-mortem examination of juvenile-onset cases.9-13 range. 34 Furthermore, electron microscopic studies of
polyglutamine aggregates revealed a fibrillary structure that is remi-
niscent of scrapie prions and -amyloid fibrils in Alzheimer’s dis-
Mutant Huntingtin As “a Transcription ease. So far, similar aggregates have been found in human brains
Factor” affected with CAG-repeat disorders, in animal models for
The functional significance of the expanded polyglutamine tract CAG-repeat-associated diseases and in cell-culture models for these
is not well understood. Many other proteins containing disorders. It is becoming evident that the formation of intranuclear

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Sp1 and Huntington’s Disease 169

and perinuclear aggregates is a characteristic feature of CAG-repeat symptoms or observable cell loss, receptor decreases are not merely
disorders, and might act as a marker of the disease process. How- epiphenomena of disease progression; supporting the notion that
ever, the direct link to the disease process is still elusive. On the neuronal dysfunction is just as relevant for the etiology of symp-
basis of HD mouse-model studies,31 SCA1 mouse-model stud- toms as neuronal death. Especially prominent are early decreases
ies35 and the above in vitro culture studies,36,37 evidence is accu- in the levels of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, both of which
mulating to suggest that the formation of aggregates is not re- regulate gene expression, suggesting that certain alterations in
quired for the initiation of cell death. On the contrary, it has mRNA levels observed in HD are secondary to the loss of neu-
been proposed that aggregate formation might actually have a rotransmitter receptors.50,51 Although decreased mRNA levels
protective role.37 However, it remains to be determined what the suggest that receptor alteration occurs at the level of gene tran-
true role of inclusions is in all CAG-repeat-associated disorders, scription, these observations cannot exclude the possibility that
particularly HD. these changes occur at the level of mRNA degradation. However,
the observation that many mRNA transcripts are unchanged ar-
Interactions of Huntingtin with Transcription gues against a general defect with mRNA processing. In HD mice
crossed with caspase-1 dominant negative mice, delayed symp-
Factors tom onset and prolonged survival correspond not only to delayed
The combination of aberrant nuclear localization and altered nuclear inclusion formation, but also to delayed loss of neurotrans-
protein-protein interactions of mutant huntingtin suggests that mitter receptor binding and a delayed decrease of the correspond-
mutant huntingtin might interact with nuclear proteins. Mutant ing receptor mRNAs.52
huntingtin can recruit transcription factors into aggregates. For Gene expression arrays on DNA microchips have recently been
example, recruitment of TATA-box binding protein (TBP) into used to examine the scope of transcriptional changes in transgenic
aggregates has been shown in vitro as well as in human HD HD mice.53 Using the murine Mu6500 chip (Affymetrix, Santa
post-mortem brains.38 Mutant huntingtin has also been shown Clara, CA, USA) mRNA transcripts from striata of 6- and
to recruit CREB-binding protein (CBP) into aggregates in vitro39 12-week-old R6/2 mice were compared with striatal transcripts
and CBP is recruited into aggregates with the androgen receptor from age-matched controls. The results showed that the genes
in cell culture, in a mouse model of spinobulbar muscular atro- whose expression levels were altered were limited to several key
phy (SBMA), and in SBMA samples from humans.40 Similarly, molecular systems. The affected systems included neurotransmitter
atrophin, the abnormal protein in the polyglutamine disease, receptors, intracellular signaling mechanisms, retinoic acid recep-
dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), can recruit Eto. tor machinery and calcium homeostasis systems. Overall, only
Eto is a transcriptionally active molecule, which is part of the 1.2% of the genes examined had significantly altered levels of
histone deacetylase complex involved in transcriptional repres- expression. The pattern of affected genes shows that a single mu-
sion.41 In addition, an interaction between the N-terminal patho- tant protein affects the expression of many different groups of
genic region of huntingtin and p53 has been shown in vitro by genes.
coimmunoprecipitation and observation of coaggregation within Interestingly, when we examined the known regulatory se-
inclusions generated in cell culture.42 Interactions of mutant quences of the genes identified by the DNA microchips it be-
huntingtin with transcriptional repressors have also been shown. came apparent that all of them contained binding sites for tran-
A yeast two-hybrid system was used to identify an interaction of scription factor Sp1 in their TATA-less promoters. Huntingtin
huntingtin with the transcription factor, nuclear corepressor physically interacts with Sp1 and its cognate coactivator TAF130
(N-CoR)43 More recently, huntingtin has been shown to inhibit and inhibits Sp1-mediated transcription of the D2 dopamine
acetylation of histones via its association with CBP,44 and inter- receptor gene (Fig. 1).54,55
fere with CBP- and BDNF-mediated transcription.45-47
These interactions support the possibility that huntingtin and Transcription Factors Associated with
other CAG-repeat disease proteins might affect cellular function-
ing via alteration of the normal expression pattern of genes, Huntingtin and Sp1
through abnormal association, intracellular redistribution and/ A major target of Sp1 is the general transcription factor TFIID
or sequestration of crucial transcription factors. If huntingtin is that is recruited to DNA by Sp156-63 Once bound to DNA, TFIID
involved in regulating gene transcription it is important to deter- mediates initiation and elongation of transcription. TFIID is a
mine which may be target genes affected by normal and/or mu- multisubunit complex made up of the TATA box-binding pro-
tant huntingtin. Some obvious choices are genes altered in pa- tein and multiple64 TATA box-binding protein-associated factors
tients or in animal models of HD. (TAFs). Previous in vitro studies have pointed to the role of TAFs
as coactivators that interact with and mediate activation by se-
lected transcriptional regulators65-68 In addition, TAFIIs interact
Changes in Gene Expression in HD with core promoter elements and play a role in promoter recog-
Neurotransmitter alterations have been described in early-stage nition. The recent discovery of a subset of TAFs shared by TFIID
human HD autopsy material; many of these changes have been and chromatin remodeling complexes further points to multiple
confirmed in transgenic mouse models of HD.48,49 In transgenic functions of TAFs in regulating eukaryotic gene expression69-71
HD mice, neurotransmitter receptors are affected selectively; To determine contribution that TAFs make to transcriptional
downregulation of specific receptors argues against a generalized activation, several studies have examined the interplay between
problem with receptor production. This receptor downregulation transcriptional regulators and TAFs. A number of TAFs from
occurs only in transgenic lines with abnormal CAG-repeat num- Drosophila, yeast, and humans have been isolated and shown to
bers49 Decreases in receptor binding are corroborated by decreases interact with distinct activators in vitro72 In vivo studies in yeast
in receptor mRNA levels, indicating that affected receptors de- have indicated that TAFs are not required for the transcription of
crease in number, rather than changing their binding characteris- all genes73 but that certain TAF’s are required for the transcrip-
tics. Because receptor downregulation occurs before the onset of tion of distinct groups of genes 76-79 Genome-wide expression
170 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

profiling confirmed these findings; 16% of the genes in the yeast tiator element and its intrinsic enzymatic activities that
genome were affected by the inactivation of yTAFII145 (yeast post-translationally modify general transcription factors and his-
homologue of hTAF(II)250)80 Thus, TAFs serve important func- tones.86 It has recently been shown that huntingtin inhibits his-
tions for a subset of genes. tone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity of CBP.45 Therefore, it was
of interest to determine if huntingtin interferes with HAT activ-
TAF(II)130 and TAF(II)250 ity of TAFII250 and directly modulates the activity of TFIID
The involvement of one of the human TAFs (hTAF130) in complex.
activator-TAF interactions has been examined in detail. The essential nature of TAFII250 can be attributed to its broad
hTAFII130 has been shown to interact with cellular transcrip- requirement during RNA-pol-II-dependent transcription. The
tional activators such as Sp1, the cAMP-response element bind- signal instructing TFIID where to bind the genome comes from
ing protein (CREB), CCAAT-binding factor CBF, as well as activators, such as Sp1, that bind both cis-regulatory regions of
nuclear receptors, viral transcriptional regulators, and a transcrip- target genes and TFIID to recruit TFIID to particular genes.
tional repressor. Sp1 and CREB interact with one or more of the TAFII250 plays a fundamental role in this recruitment process,
four central glutamine-rich domains Q1-Q4 of hTAFII130 as serving as a binding partner for activators and as a scaffold for
determined by in vitro binding and yeast two-hybrid assays.81-85 other TAF subunits of TFIID. The arsenal of TAFII250 enzy-
Since both CREB/CBP40,42,45 and Sp154,55 have been shown matic functions, such as histone acetylation (HAT) and phos-
to interact with huntingtin, it was postulated that TAF(II)130 phorylation, may be employed at this point to provide accessibil-
might play an important role in huntingtin-mediated transcrip- ity to nucleosome-embedded core promoters. Requirements for
tional regulation54 It was found that both Sp1 and TAFII130 are individual TAFII250 activities could be gene specific, since im-
required for maximal protection from the effects of mutant pairment of phosphorylation or HAT activity affects the expres-
huntingtin on gene transcription and cell toxicity. sion of different genes.87 In yeast, genome-wide microarray analysis
We examined whether other TAFs, focusing on TAF(II)250 indicates that expression of 14-27% of RNA-pol-II-transcribed
may also be involved in huntingtin-mediated gene transcription. genes is downregulated more than twofold upon TAFII250 inac-
Recent excitement about TAF250 stems from its involvement in tivation.88 In ts13 hamster cells that harbor a temperaturesensitive
regulating the association of TFIID with the core promoter ini- allele of TAFII250 (mutated HAT domain of TAFII250), similar
analysis indicates that the transcription of 18% of genes tran-
scribed by RNA pol II is affected more than twofold at the
nonpermissive temperature.87 Mizzen et al using in-gel activity
assays showed that TAFII250 has HAT activity.89 The HAT do-
main maps to the central, most conserved portion of metazoan
TAFII250. Many studies have established a correlation between
acetylation of highly conserved lysine residues in the N-terminal
tails of histones and transcriptional activation.90 One model to
explain how histone acetylation affects gene expression proposes
that the extent of chromatin condensation is directly related to
the level of histone acetylation. Accordingly, hyperacetylation re-
duces the affinity of histone tails for DNA, resulting in less com-
pact chromatin and increased accessibility of transcription fac-
tors to DNA. TAFII250-mediated structural changes within
chromatin could allow initiation and elongation of transcription
of a subset of target genes.86,91
Figure 1. Mutant huntingtin disrupts transcriptional activation by Sp1
and TAFII130 in HD. The transcription factor Sp1 binds to DNA Mutant Huntingtin Inhibits Sp1 Acetylation by
elements called GC boxes in cellular promoters. A specific protein-protein TAF250
interaction between the glutamine-rich regions of Sp1 and the TAFII130 These detailed in vitro and in vivo analyses have uncovered a
subunit of TFIID is required for recruitment of the general transcrip- plethora of TAFII250 activities that together underscore the im-
tional machinery, which includes transcription factors TFIIA, B, D, E, portance of TAFII250 as a regulator of RNA pol II transcription.
F, and H. This glutamine interface serves to bridge Sp1 to the machinery In our most recent work, we showed that mutant huntingtin-
required to recruit RNA pol II. Once correctly targeted to the target mediated repression of gene transcription is rescued by an
gene, RNA pol II initiates transcription of an mRNA copy of the overexpression of normal TAF250 but not mutant forms of hu-
target gene. In HD, the glutamine expansion in huntingtin (Htt) dis- man TAF250 with mutated histone acetyltransferase domain
rupts transcriptional activation by Sp1 and TAFII130. An (HAT), suggesting that the effect of TAF250 on
amino-terminal fragment of mutant huntingtin, containing an expanded huntingtin-mediated repression depends on the HAT activity of
polyglutamine tract, accumulates in the nucleus. Here, this mutant TAF250. Furthermore, we found that mutant huntingtin inhib-
protein associates with Sp1 and TAFII130, preventing Sp1 from bind- its acetylation of Sp1 by TAF250, which in turn leads to decreased
ing to the GC box, and ultimately disrupting the ability of Sp1 and binding of Sp1 to DNA and decreased expression of Sp1-driven
TAFII130 to interact. Without proper targeting by the general tran- genes. These findings are particulary intriguing in light of recent
scriptional machinery, RNA pol II cannot properly locate the target reports that Sp1 can be acetylated in vivo and that HDAC in-
promoter region and the gene cannot be transcribed. The hibitors can augment Sp1 acetylation and interfere with Sp1/DNA
deregulated gene expression was noted in HD brain samples isolated binding.92,93
from presymptomatic HD patients suggesting that it may represent an These data suggests that huntingtin interacts with transcrip-
early step in the neurodegenerative process. tional coactivators in the context of TFIID complex and that Sp1
Sp1 and Huntington’s Disease 171

transcription plays a central role in the process. Therefore, we a decrease in Sp1 binding, suggesting the ratio change of the Sp
hypothesize that mutant huntingtin may alter the composition family of transcription factors may also play an important role in
and DNA contacts of transcriptional complexes in HD. It will of regulating transcription in post mitotic neurons. Since the zinc
interest to identify individual components in multiprotein com- finger motif in Sp1 that has been shown to interact with the
plexes in HD and examine the complexes in different brain re- huntingtin protein are conserved in Sp3 and Sp4, the zinger fin-
gions and brain samples from presymptomatic patients as well as ger motifs in Sp3 and Sp4 may also interact with huntingtin,
transgenic animals. For example, striatum may be compared with leading to interruption of Sp3 and Sp4 transcriptional function
hippocampus, cerebellum and cortex in presymptomatic and as well. Because of the distinct role for each Sp family of tran-
symptomatic mice or postmortem human brain samples. In ad- scription factors in neurons, the contribution of these interaction
dition, other Sp1 gene targets, such as Sp1-genes that were al- between huntingtin and different factors to the pathogenesis may
tered in HD (i.e., D2) and genes that were not altered (i.e., vary.
NMDAR1) should be analyzed. Such regional and gene-specific It is worth noting that in those cases that have key residues
approach may identify specific molecular alterations in transcrip- differing between members of the family, the DNA-binding speci-
tional complexes in presymptomatic and symptomatic HD. ficity is frequently altered. For example, Sp2, which has a leucine
In addition to Sp1, neuronal cells also express transcription residue within the first zinc-finger motif in place of the histidine
factors Sp3 and Sp4 that are structurely and functionally related found in the corresponding region of Sp1, preferentially recog-
to Sp1.94 Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 comprise most of the GC box bind- nizes the GT box (5'-GGTGTGGGG-3'), found in many differ-
ing activity in post-mitotic neurons, suggesting that the Sp fam- ent promoters, rather than the GC box. Previous studies also sug-
ily of transcription factors is of importance for the normal func- gested that the linkers between the zinc-finger motifs contribute
tion and activity of post-mitotic neurons. Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 to high-affinity binding of certain zinc-finger proteins. The linker
recognize and bind GC box with similar affinities dependent on regions of members of the Sp1-like family have several poten-
three highly conserved zinc finger motifs in the carboxyl termi- tially relevant differences, but it is currently not known if all of
nus. In addition, each of these Sp family proteins contains two these contribute to differences in DNA-binding activity.
glutamine-rich regions in the amino terminus that contribute to By regulating the expression of a large number of genes that
transcriptional activation. have GC-rich promoters, Sp1 and other zinc-finger transcription
regulators may take part in virtually all facets of cellular function,
Genetic Approaches for Understanding of including cell proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, and neo-
Function of Sp1 and the Sp Protein Family plastic transformation. Individual members of the Sp1-like fam-
Research on Sp1 and other Sp proteins has made rapid ad- ily can function as activators or repressors depending on which
vances in the last few years, with more and more family members promoter they bind and the coregulators with which they inter-
being identified. Most of the knowledge is derived from biochemi- act. A long-standing research aim has been to define the mecha-
cal analyses, in vitro protein-DNA interaction studies and trans- nisms by which Sp1-like factors regulate gene expression and cel-
fection experiments. The knockouts published to date show that lular function in a cell- and promoter-specific manner. Gene arrays
individual family members do have specific functions in the studies in HD have shown that transcription of many Sp1 target
mouse. However, even knockout mice may not reflect the whole genes is altered by mutant huntingtin. Therefore, it will be of
truth because so little is known about the extent of overlapping interest to determine which are the specific cellular functions that
functions. For instance, inactivation of Sp1 was expected to have are altered by the dysfunction of Sp1-like factors in the context
dramatic effects at the cellular level since it was generally believed of HD. Moreover, it will be of interest to examine whether Sp1-like
that Sp1 is the essential transcription factor for expression of house- zinc finger proteins play a more general role in the pathogenesis
keeping genes. Possibly, Sp1 is indeed engaged in the expression of other polyglutamine disorders. For example, androgen recep-
of these genes in vivo, but functionally replaced by Sp3 under tor and Sp1 have been shown to interact with one another and
knockout conditions. In addition, since deletion of the Sp1 gene cooperatively regulate gene transcription suggesting that Sp1 tran-
leads to lethality early in development, the role of Sp1 in fully scription may be deregulated in spinobulbar muscular atrophy
developed tissues remains an open question. In this regard, it is (SBMA).
interesting to note that mutations of Sp1-binding sites in the LDL Conditional disruption of the Sp1 gene in specific tissues at
receptor and collagen type alpha genes have been associated with any given stage of development will be an important step to fur-
hypercholesterolaemia and osteoporosis in humans. ther unravel the physiological role of Sp1 in vivo. The identifica-
Although Sp1, Sp3 and Sp4 are highly related proteins, they tion of target genes presents another formidable challenge. Re-
may have distinct biological roles. Sp3, unlike Sp1 and Sp4 con- cent advances in the detection of differentially expressed genes
tains an inhibitory domain that suppresses transcriptional activa- and the development of DNA microchip arrays provide very use-
tion and may contribute to active repression. Whether Sp3 func- ful tools for high throughput analysis of target genes. This should
tions as activator or a repressor depends on promoter architecture be of great help in understanding the downstream effects that
and cell type. Although both Sp1 and Sp3 are ubiquitously ex- result in the knockout phenotypes.
pressed, Sp4 mRNA and protein are highly expressed in the cen- To fully understand the physiological function of the Sp pro-
tral nervous system and the brain. Gene disruption of Sp1, Sp3 teins, it will be equally important to understand the mechanisms
or Sp4 in mice produces different phenotypes. Interestingly, of their mode of action. Detailed characterization of the indi-
knockout of Sp4 genes in mice produces a complex phenotype vidual transcription factors, identification of specific interaction
that includes behavioral defects, supporting a role for Sp4 in regu- partners, careful analysis of protein modifications and the identi-
lating transcription of genes in the nervous system. In addition, fication of signals and transduction pathways by which these pro-
the relative contribution of Sp family of transcription factors to teins are regulated will be essential for a mechanistic understand-
GC box binding activity was observed to change during neu- ing of transcriptional control by this growing family of
ronal differentiation, with a increase in Sp3 and Sp4 binding and transcription factors. Another important area of research pertains
172 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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The Role of WT1 in Development and Disease

Sean Bong Lee,* Hongjie Li and Ho-Shik Kim


ilms tumor suppressor gene product WT1 is a by Frasier syndrome,8 where decreased production of the +KTS
Cys2His2 (C2H2) zinc finger protein, one of the largest leads to severe developmental defects (see below).
protein families in higher eukaryotes. Since the cloning
of WT1 in 1990, we have learned a great deal about the func- Evolutionary Conservation of WT1
tions of WT1. Now, even greater molecular details of WT1 are The high degree of evolutionary conservation of WT1 is re-
beginning to emerge with a possibility of the unexpected role of markable throughout vertebrate species.9 The overall sequence
WT1 in the post-transcriptional processes. This chapter does similarity between the fish (Fugu) and human WT1 is 68% (57%
not include all aspects of WT1, but is intended to focus on and identical) but exclusive comparison of all vertebrate WT1 in the
highlight the biological function of WT1 (for detailed reviews zinc finger domain alone indicates the greatest conservation in
see refs. 1-4). The chapter consists largely of two parts, the bio- the DNA binding domain (more than 90-95% similar across spe-
chemical characterization of WT1 and the genetics of WT1 in cies). Furthermore, the alternative KTS splicing (KPS in Fugu)
both the human and the mouse, and ends with future perspec- has been conserved in all WT1 orthologs, whereas the alternative
tives on WT1 research. splice I (17 aa) is absent in chicken, reptile, and fish.9 This sug-
gests that the first alternative splicing occurred rather recently
Biochemical Characterization of WT1 with the appearance of placental mammals, while the KTS splic-
ing arose with the earliest forms of WT1 and thus likely to serve
Alternative Splicing and Generation of Multiple a more fundamental role in WT1 function. WT1 transcripts of
lower vertebrates also do not utilize multiple translation initia-
WT1 Isoforms tions and give rise to only two isoforms:10 WT1-KTS and the
WT1 was cloned more than a decade ago,5,6 and the sequence +KTS. Thus, the function of non-KTS isoforms may be mam-
revealed a Drosophila Krüppel-like zinc finger protein with four
mal specific or serve minor or redundant functions of WT1. In-
C2H2 zinc fingers at its carboxyl terminus as the DNA binding
deed, the wt1 knockout mice, which disrupt only the first alter-
domain (Fig. 1). The amino-terminal domain contains a
native splice (exon 5)11 or the upstream CUG-initiation,12 do
proline-glutamine rich region, which is frequently found in many
transcriptional activators. WT1 transcripts undergo numerous not display any gross abnormalities (see below).
modifications such as two alternative splicing events, RNA edit- The remarkable conservation of the KTS sequence through-
ing at codon 280 and alternative usage of either the upstream out vertebrates may indicate a special role of the KTS residues
CUG or the internal in-frame AUG initiations that result in 24 (such as a phosphorylation site). However, a recent study sug-
possible isoforms.3 The exact in vivo functions of the RNA-edited, gests that the KTS can be altered in both its sequence and length
upstream CUG- and internal-AUG initiated gene products are without affecting its apparent function.13 Then, why is the KTS
not clear and represent minor species relative to the 4 major so well conserved from fish to man? The most likely answer comes
isoforms, which arise as the result of two alternative splicing events from the studies of Davies et al13 who showed that the nucle-
(Fig. 1). The first alternative splice event includes or excludes 17 otides that code for the KTS as well as the immediate surround-
amino acids (aa) encoded by exon 5 while the second alternative ing sequences are extremely well conserved throughout evolu-
splice involves differential usage of two splice donor sites located tion. Because maintaining the KTS alternative splicing is central
9 nucleotides apart at the end of exon 9;7 this alternative splice II to the WT1 function as exemplified by the Frasier syndrome8
results in the exclusion or insertion of three amino acids, termed (see below), any changes in the nucleotides within or surround-
KTS (lysine, threonine, and serine), between the zinc fingers three ing the KTS during evolution would have led to defects in KTS
and four. The KTS-containing (+KTS) transcripts are the pre- splicing and subsequent demise of the organism.13 Thus, KTS
dominant form of WT1, at least two to three times more abun- conservation exemplifies a situation where the nucleotides rather
dant than the –KTS, throughout development.7 Maintaining this than amino acid sequences served as the determining factor be-
ratio is critical to the normal function of WT1 as demonstrated hind strict evolutionary conservation.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The Role of WT1 in Development and Disease 175

Figure 1. Schematic representation of various WT1 isoforms. N-terminal

domain contains the transcriptional regulatory domain rich in proline
(PP) residues and the C-terminal domain contains four C2H2 zinc fin-
gers that bind to DNA or RNA. Two alternative splicing events (AS-I
and AS-II) are marked by 17 aa and KTS respectively. RNA editing at
Figure 2. Strong and weak DNA binding by the –KTS and the +KTS
codon 280 highlights leucine (L) to proline (P) change. Two alternative
isoforms of WT1. Each zinc finger (fingers 2-4) recognizes a set of three
initiation sites (Leu at -73 and Met at +127) are marked by arrows. A
nucleotides (marked by dotted lines) with the exception of zinc finger
self-association (SA) domain (residues 1-180) and a potential RNA rec-
1, which is thought to recognize only one nucleotide. Conserved TGEKP
ognition motif (RRM) within residues 11-72 are noted. Four major
linker sequences are shown. Insertion of the KTS between the zinc
isoforms of WT1 (starting at +1 Met) as the result of two alternative
fingers 3 and 4 is marked by a box. The KTS-containing linker remains
splicing events are indicated at the bottom. Black boxes indicate two
its flexible nature, not allowing the zinc finger 4 to make specific con-
alternative spliced exons.
tacts with the DNA (schematically shown by a slanted zinc finger 4 and
the absence of dotted lines). The nucleotide sequence is the optimal 10
Structure and Function of WT1 base pair WT1 binding element identified by Nakagama et al,20 and the
The amino-terminal domain of WT1, which contains both DNA-protein alignment is shown in an anti-parallel manner as pre-
the repression and the activation domains, has been extensively dicted by the EGR1-DNA crystal structure.22
studied for its dichotomous property in transcriptional regula-
tion (for review see ref. 1). A number of different studies provide since examined the exact binding site of WT1,3 and it is now
conflicting results on the exact location of the activation and the generally regarded that WT1-KTS binds to at least two different
repression domains1 and the discrepancies may reflect the vari- DNA elements: (1) GC-rich, EGR-like sequences to which WT1
ability in cellular and promoter context in different studies. A binds with higher affinity than EGR120 and (2) TCC-repeats.21
more recent study has mapped the activation domain to residues It is also assumed based on the crystal structure of EGR1 bound
245-297, which include the alternatively spliced 17 aa encoded to its cognate DNA22 that each of the four zinc fingers of WT1
by exon 5.14 The 17 aa domain was shown to interact with Par4, binds to a set of three nucleotides, resulting in 12 nucleotides as
prostate apoptosis response factor 4, which is a previously identi- the potential WT1 binding element. However, because the first
fied WT1-interacting protein.15 The same 245-297 aa domain of zinc finger of WT1 contributes only weakly to DNA binding at
WT1 was shown to interact with the basic transcription factor least in vitro,20 a 9 or 10 base pair binding site for WT1-KTS was
TFIID, though whether this occurs directly or indirectly through proposed where the zinc finger 1 of WT1 either does not partici-
other proteins is not clear.14 In contrast, a previous study has pate in specific DNA binding or would only specifically interact
mapped the Par4-binding domain to the zinc finger portion of with one out of three nucleotides (Fig. 2). The +KTS form on the
WT1 and suggested that this interaction mediates transcriptional other hand does not bind well to the -KTS DNA binding sites as
repression.15 Despite these discrepancies, mice lacking the 17 aa
the insertion of KTS disrupts the conserved linker TGEKP se-
of WT1 develop normally11 suggesting that WT1 isoforms lack-
quence between the zinc fingers 3 and 4.23
ing the 17 aa are capable of serving all the necessary functions of
WT1. Thus, the exact location of the transcriptional regulatory The structure of WT1 either in the free or DNA-bound state
domains within the amino terminus of WT1 awaits further clari- was recently resolved by NMR spectroscopy.23 Remarkably, both
fication. Other notable features of the amino terminus include the –KTS and the +KTS zinc fingers adopt very similar struc-
the homodimerization domain in the first 180 residues of WT1,16 tures in free solution with the linkers between the fingers display-
and a potential RNA recognition motif (RRM) as predicted by ing great flexibility. Upon binding to DNA, the linkers become
computer modeling (Fig. 1).17 more rigid and adopt a highly conserved structure, which limits
The carboxyl-terminal domain contains four zinc fingers of the movement of adjacent fingers in the -KTS to allow stable
C2H2 type that mediate DNA binding as well as protein-protein interaction with the major groove of DNA.23 The +KTS con-
interaction (see below). The nuclear localization signals also re- taining linker TGKTSEKP, however, maintains its flexible nature
side in the zinc finger region.18 Sequence analysis of the WT1 even in the presence of DNA indicating that the KTS-containing
zinc fingers provided clues to its DNA binding sequences as the linker cannot form structures similar to the other linkers. This is
last three fingers of WT1 matched closely (67% identical) to the probably due to disruption of the highly conserved TGEKP se-
three zinc fingers of the early growth response gene 1, EGR1.19 quence by the insertion of KTS. As a result, the fourth zinc finger
Indeed, WT1 bound to the GC-rich EGR-1 binding site in makes very little contact with the major groove leading to a weak-
vitro albeit with less affinity than EGR1. Many studies have ened or complete loss of DNA binding (Fig. 2).
176 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

WT1 in Transcriptional Regulation

Much of the early work on WT1 was focused on transcrip-
tional repression as many GC-rich containing promoters were
repressed by WT1 in co-transfection studies.1 Thus, WT1 was
thought to function solely as a transcriptional repressor. This
notion prevailed until it was shown that WT1 could activate tran-
scription depending on the promoter-context.24,25 Since then, a
growing number of studies have shown WT1 to be an activator
of transcription.3 Dichotomous nature of WT1 in transcription
regulation is likely to be cellular and promoter dependent with
proteins that interact with WT1 determining the outcome of the
transcriptional regulation of WT1 (Fig. 3). This is demonstrated,
as aforementioned, by the WT1-Par4 interaction where WT1
either activates or represses transcription upon interacting with
Par4.14,15 Other proteins shown to interact and modulate WT1
function are the prototypical tumor suppressor TP53 (p53)26 and
its homolog, p73.27 Interaction with p53 can convert WT1 from
an activator to a repressor on a given WT1-regulated promoter,
and conversely, WT1 can cooperate and enhance the transcrip- Figure 3. WT1 activity is determined by various WT1-interacting pro-
tional activity of p53 on p53-target promoters.26 On the other teins. Transcriptional regulation. Transcriptional activation can be
hand, association of WT1 with p73 results in inhibition of both mediated by WT1 binding to SF1, FHL2, PAR4 and CBP, while inter-
WT1- and p73-mediated transcriptional activation.27 actions with p53 and PAR4 result in transcriptional repression. Poten-
Perhaps transcriptional activation of WT1 is best understood tial mechanisms of WT1-induced chromatin remodeling leading to
by its interaction with the transcriptional coactivator either transcription activation (WT1-CBP) or repression (WT1-HDAC
CREB-binding protein (CBP). Interaction of WT1 with CBP or -repressor) are shown. Notice PAR4 interacts with at least two sepa-
requires the zinc fingers 1 and 2 and the two proteins act syner- rate domains of WT1, Exon 5 and the zinc finger domain.
gistically to activate the Amphiregulin promoter.28 Although the Post-transcriptional regulation. WT1 may participate in various
exact mechanism of WT1-mediated transcriptional activation is RNA-related processes by interacting with splicing factors (U2AF65
unclear, it may be envisioned that WT1 influences the basal tran- and WTAP) and/or by binding to RNA via the RRM and/or the zinc
scription machinery through interacting with proteins such as finger domain of WT1. Interaction with U2AF65 may require both the
CBP. As mentioned, the basic transcription factor TFIID, com- N terminus and the zinc fingers of WT1. The dark circle in the RNA
prised of many subunits, has been shown to interact either di- represents the 5’ m(7)GpppN cap structure.
rectly or indirectly with WT114 and it is well established that
CBP interacts with TFIID.29 Thus, CBP may serve as a bridging first functional clue of WT1+KTS was provided by examining
molecule and allow WT1 to exert its influence on the basal tran- the subcellular localization of both WT1-KTS and the +KTS.33
scription machinery. Synergistic activation of transcription is also It was shown that the +KTS form of WT1 displayed a “speckled”
observed with other WT1-interacting proteins such as Ste- pattern of nuclear distribution which was clearly different from
roidogenic Factor 1 (SF1) on the Müllerian inhibiting substance more diffuse nuclear distribution of the –KTS. This was subse-
(MIS) promoter,30 and four-and-half LIM domain protein quently confirmed by another report34 and perhaps best demon-
(FHL2) on MIS and Dax1 promoters.31 An alternative mecha- strated by the –KTS-specific knockout mouse study where the
nism of transcriptional activation by WT1 may also involve chro- endogenous +KTS was observed to form the “speckles” in vivo in
matin remodeling (Fig. 3). In this scenario, CBP, a histone the absence of the WT1–KTS.35 Distinct speckled nuclear distri-
acetyltransferase,32 may be recruited to the sites of WT1-bound bution is a feature of splicing factors, and subsequently, a num-
promoters and induce chromatin remodeling through histone ber of studies have shown that both WT1±KTS can interact with
acetylation. The relaxed or ‘opened’ chromatin will then allow the ubiquitous splicing factor U2AF6536 and a putative splicing
access to other activators and basic transcription factors to acti- factor hFL(2)D/WTAP (WT1-associating protein),37 a human
vate transcription. Although similar mechanisms can be imag- homolog of Drosophila female-lethal(2)-d (fl(2)-d) which is re-
ined on the transcriptional repression by WT1 through interac- quired for splicing regulation of pre-mRNAs in flies.38 Recently,
tions with the corepressors, histone deacetylases and hFL(2)D/WTAP was also identified by mass spectroscopy as a
methyltransferases, no such interaction with WT1 has been docu- component of spliceosome, a splicing machinery comprised of
mented thus far. Another surprising consequence of the small nuclear RNAs and proteins.39 These observations have led
WT1-CBP interaction is that the zinc finger domain is involved to an intriguing possibility of WT1 participating in the
in both DNA binding and interaction with CBP, presumably si- post-transcriptional processes.
multaneously. How WT1 zinc fingers can interact simultaneously
with both DNA and protein is currently not clear and may be WT1 in Post-Transcriptional Regulation
revealed by the co-crystal structure of WT1, CBP and DNA. Soon after the initial observation of speckled nuclear distribu-
tion of WT1+KTS, studies describing RNA binding by WT140,41
Subnuclear Localization of WT1 and a report of RNA-recognition motif (RRM) in the N termi-
Even though the +KTS isoforms represent the most abundant nus of WT1 as predicted by computer modeling17 emerged. Both
form of WT1 in the cell,7 the specific function of the WT1+KTS WT1-KTS and the +KTS was demonstrated to bind to the RNA
has remained elusive since it did not bind to DNA as well as the sequences in exon 2 of the Insulin-like Growth Factor 2,40 although
–KTS and was inactive in many promoter-reporter assays. The the +KTS bound with significantly higher affinity. Deletion of
The Role of WT1 in Development and Disease 177

the zinc finger 1 abolished the RNA binding, which is in direct dition to WAGR, two other rare syndromes are also affected by
contrast to WT1-DNA interaction where the zinc finger 1 ap- germ line heterozygous WT1 mutations: Denys-Drash syndrome
pears to contribute minimally.20 A recent study has also demon- (DDS) and Frasier syndrome (FS). Symptoms of DDS patients
strated the importance of zinc finger 1 in RNA binding in vivo.42 include defects in genito-urinary development (such as diffuse
Another study using systematic evolution of ligands by exponen- mesangial sclerosis and male-female sex reversal phenotype) and
tial enrichment (SELEX) has identified a group of RNA sequences high incidents of Wilms tumor.56 The majority of WT1 muta-
bound by the WT1-KTS;41 however, this approach did not yield tions found in DDS patients are point mutations within the critical
a consensus RNA binding sequences nor any common secondary residues of the zinc fingers 2 and 3, which abolish DNA binding
structures were evident in the identified RNA. WT1 protein has in vitro.1 Wilms tumors arising in DDS, like WAGR, show a loss
also been isolated from the nuclear poly(A)+ ribonucleoprotein of the remaining WT1 allele.56 In contrast, most FS mutations
fraction using oligo(dT) chromatography.43 Together, a body of are found in the non-coding, splice junction of intron 9, effec-
evidence is starting to emerge in favor of WT1-RNA interaction tively disrupting the production of the alternatively spliced
and a possible role in RNA processing in vivo. The major chal- WT1+KTS isoform.57 This imbalance of the +/-KTS isoforms in
lenge now is to identify the in vivo RNA targets and the exact FS leads to severe genito-urinary defects as many of FS patients
role of WT1 in the post-transcriptional processes. The dual prop- suffer from male-female sex reversal phenotype (as seen in some
erty of WT1 in DNA and RNA binding is not unique to WT1 as DDS patients) and end-stage renal failure resulting from focal
another C2H2 zinc finger protein TFIIIA in Xenopus laevis also segmental glomerular sclerosis.8 FS patients, unlike DDS patients,
binds specifically to the intragenic region of the 5S rRNA gene44 however, are not predisposed for development of Wilms tumor,
and the 5S rRNA.45 but they suffer from a greater risk of gonadoblastoma.57 The role
of WT1 in gonadoblastoma is not known. Thus, these human
Expression of WT1 in Development studies highlight the importance of WT1 function in renal and
Expression of human WT1 has been documented in fetal kid- gonadal development and the involvement of WT1 inactivation
neys and gonads,46 but more detailed knowledge about WT1 in Wilms tumor. Of note, a homozygous point mutation of WT1
expression is available from the mouse studies.47-49 Expression of is also found in non-asbestos-related mesothelioma,58 a tumor
WT1 in developing mouse embryos is restricted to specific tis- derived from the peritoneal lining, although further reports of
sues, most of which undergo mesenchyme to epithelial transition WT1 mutations in mesothelioma are warranted.
during organogenesis.48 These tissues include kidneys, gonads, WT1 mutations are also found in about 10-15% of leuke-
mesothelial lining of the abdominal organs including the epicar- mias,59-61 mostly in adult acute myeloid leukemia. But unlike
dium, spleen, spinal cord, brain stem, ganglion cells of develop- Wilms tumors, many but not all of the WT1 mutations are het-
ing retina and digits. In adults, Wt1 (mouse WT1) expression erozygous in leukemias,61 raising the possibility that the muta-
becomes even more restricted and is maintained only in very few tions act in a dominant or dominant-negative fashion, or per-
cells such as the podocytes of glomeruli, Sertoli cells in testes, haps these mutations represent secondary effects of leukemia.
granulosa cells of the ovary, uterine wall,47 and the immature There are also conflicting results regarding the role of WT1 in
CD34+/CD38- hematopoietic precursor cells in the bone mar- leukemia as some data argue for an oncogenic role of WT1 (re-
row.50 Thus, wt1 (mouse WT1 gene) encodes a transcription fac- viewed in refs 62, 63). In fact, based on the clinical correlation of
tor (and also a RNA-binding protein) whose expression is devel- high WT1 expression and poor prognosis in some leukemias,
opmentally regulated and likely has a limited but specialized immunocancer therapy using anti-WT1-specific cytotoxic T-cells
functions in only a few organs after organogenesis is complete. is being explored for treatment of leukemia.64,65 The paradoxical
effects of WT1 in the hematopoietic system may be partially rec-
onciled by the observation of Ellisen et al.66 In this study, the
Genetic Characterization of WT1 ectopic expression of WT1 in primary CD34+cells isolated from
human umbilical cord blood, which include very rare multipotent
Human Genetics of WT1 stem cells and lineage-committed but undifferentiated progeni-
Identification of diseases affected by the mutations of the WT1 tor cells, resulted in two different populations of cells in culture:
and their symptoms has provided a great deal of knowledge about (1) undifferentiated, but lineage-committed progenitor cells rap-
the possible functions of WT1 (Table 1). A rare human disease idly underwent spontaneous differentiation with ectopic expres-
WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malfor- sion of WT1-KTS; (2) WT1-KTS expression in a subset of
mations, and mental retardation) provided the first clue about CD34+/CD38- cells which represent the most primitive hemato-
the location of WT1. WAGR patients are distinguished by con- poietic precursor cells led to persistent quiescence of these cells in
stitutional hemizygous deletion of the chromosome 11p13 culture. This may be a reflection of the biphasic nature of WT1
band,51,52 and these children are at high risk for Wilms tumor, a expression during normal hematopoiesis, as low level expression
childhood kidney cancer and one of the most common solid tu- of WT1 is detected in a subset of very primitive CD34+/CD38-
mors among young children. Thus, a tumor suppressor gene, as cells50 and is dramatically downregulated as these cells begin to
well as genes responsible for other defects associated with WAGR, differentiate. 67 Expression of WT1 reappears as the
was thought to reside in 11p13. This has led to the positional lineage-committed cells begin to differentiate into granulocyte,
cloning of a zinc finger-containing gene WT1,5,6 which was sub- monocyte and B-cell lineages.66 Thus, it can be postulated that
sequently found to harbor mutations in about 10-15% of all spo- WT1 is involved in both maintaining the cells in multipotent
radic Wilms tumors.53 In most cases, Wilms tumor samples from progenitor state as well as promoting differentiation in later stages,
WAGR patients lose the remaining wild type WT1 allele,54,55 partially explaining the anti- and pro-differentiation properties
suggesting that complete loss of WT1 is required to develop Wilms of WT1, respectively.
tumor. WT1 hemizygosity is also responsible for the gonadal de- WT1 is also involved in a reciprocal chromosomal transloca-
fects and renal failures associated with WAGR patients.53 In ad- tion t(11;22)(p13;q12) in a rare tumor called Desmoplastic small
178 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. Human diseases associated with WT1 mutation

Syndrome Clinical Manifestations Types of Mutations

Wilms tumor Childhood kidney cancer Point mutations, frameshift (small insertions
or deletions), homozygous, somatic
WAGR Wilms tumor Hemizygous interstitial deletion of 11p13
Genitourinary defects (includes WT1) in the germ line, somatic in the
tumor (homozygous)
Denys-Drash Wilms tumor Point mutations usually in the zinc finger
Genitourinary defects (i.e., Arg 394 to Trp), heterozygous in the
Diffuse mesangial sclerosis germ line, somatic in the tumor (homozygous)
Male-female sex reversal phenotype
Frasier Genitourinary defects KTS splice donor site point mutation
Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis (i.e., position +2 in intron 9: TG to TC)
Male-female sex reversal phenotype heterozygous in the germ line
Gonadoblastomaa (reduction of +KTS form)
Leukemia Acute myeloid leukemia Frameshifts, usually heterozygous,
(few homozygous), somatic
Desmoplastic small Small round cells in the abdomen Reciprocal chromosome translocation
round cell tumor (propensity for young adolescent males) t(11;22) (p13;q12), heterozygous, somatic
a Status of WT1 mutation is not known

round cell tumor,68 which fuses the N terminus of Ewings sar- spinal cord. Thus, during kidney development, Wt1 is required
coma gene (EWS) with the last three zinc fingers of WT1. The for the survival of the mesenchymal cells, as well as promoting
EWS/WT1 fusion transcript retains the KTS splicing and thus outgrowth of ureteric bud and responding to the signals gener-
produces two isoforms: EWS/WT1 -/+KTS. EWS/WT1–KTS ated by ureteric bud. In addition to the early stages of renal devel-
is thought to function as a novel transcription factor and some of opment, continuous expression of Wt1 from both alleles is re-
its target genes have been identified (ref. 69 and the references quired for the homeostasis of mature kidneys as demonstrated by
therein). The function of the +KTS version of the fusion protein, frequent renal failures observed in wt1+/- mice and in individuals
however, remains unclear. EWS/WT1-KTS but not the +KTS with only one functional WT1 allele (Table 1). The hematopoi-
can transform NIH3T3 cells in vitro demonstrating the onco- etic system of wt1-null embryos appeared to develop normally,
genic potential of the fusion gene product.70 although early lethality of the mutant animals prevented a more
detailed study.71
Mouse Genetics of wt1 Out-breeding the mixed background of the original wt1+/-
The initial description of wt1 heterozygotes reported no ab- strain to a pure M1 strain background led to prolonged survival
normalities,71 but upon prolonged examination of the wt1+/- strain of the wt1-null embryos, but the animals still lacked kidneys and
showed that 80% of the mice die of terminal renal failure.72 Au- gonads, and died just before or soon after birth.74 However, this
topsy results revealed that these mice suffered from severe glom- allowed the investigators to uncover additional defects within
erular sclerosis. Renal dysfunction and premature death of the wt1-null embryos as these animals lacked spleen and adrenal
wt1+/- strain were also reported by another study.73 These obser- gland.74 The absence of spleen was shown to be due to 4 to 5-fold
vations are consistent with the human studies of WAGR and DDS increase in apoptosis within the spleen primordium. Another
syndromes where WT1 hemizygosity leads to end-stage renal fail- defect was uncovered more recently in the eyes of wt1-/- embryos
ure. Unlike WAGR and DDS patients, however, wt1+/- strain do which were smaller than the wild type littermates.75 Specifically,
not develop Wilms tumor.72,73 wt1-/- retina showed less retinal cell proliferation and increased
Mice with homozygous inactivation of wt1 are embryonic le- apoptosis, resulting in about 40% less cell number in the gan-
thal at around E13.5.71 Examination of the wt1-/- embryos showed glion cell layer of the mutant retina. This was correlated with the
that these animals lack kidneys and gonads in addition to defects absence of the POU-domain transcription factor, pou4f2, which
in diaphram, epicardium and mesothelium lining the abdominal is required for the survival of the retinal ganglion cells. Recurrent
organs. The cause of death was likely due to malformation of observations of decreased proliferation and differentiation along
epicardium, a tissue that surrounds the heart, leading to excessive with increased apoptosis in various wt1-/- organs suggest that one
bleeding and heart failure. Renal agenesis was due to a develop- of the primary functions of wt1 is in regulating genes that are
mental arrest during the early stage of kidney development as critical for cell proliferation, differentiation and survival, either
metanephric mesenchymes, where Wt1 is expressed, die of mas- transcriptionally or post-transcriptionally.
sive apoptosis. In vitro kidney organ culture assay demonstrated A more detailed insight into specific functions of the WT1
that wt1-/- mesenchymal cells also fail to differentiate in response isoforms was provided by the generation of either the –KTS or
to signals from strong inducers of kidney differentiation such as a +KTS-specific knockout mice by introducing mutations in the
The Role of WT1 in Development and Disease 179

splice donor sites at the end of exon 9.35 The first surprise came time, questions that remain unanswered from the past efforts,
when these mice were born with incomplete kidneys and gonads. such as identifying the physiological transcriptional target genes,
As expected, both—and +KTS knockout mice died soon after delineating the transcriptional regulation mechanisms and the
birth due to renal dysfunction. Because the wt1-null animals com- mechanism of tissue-specific regulation of WT1, will continue to
pletely lack kidneys and gonads,71 this suggests that both the fuel and reshape our efforts on WT1. Combining the biochemi-
–KTS and the +KTS isoforms have limited redundant functions cal, cellular and genetical approaches with new tools in genomics
at least during the initial steps of renal and gonadal development. and proteomics will continue to unravel the fascinating stories of
This is both remarkable and unexpected given the dramatic dif- WT1 in development and cancer.
ferences in the DNA binding and the distinct nuclear distribu-
tion displayed by the two isoforms. However, there are also clear Acknowledgments
functional differences between the two isoforms as neither knock- Due to space limitation, many important findings on WT1
out animals fully develop in the absence of the other isoform.35 could not be discussed here. Thus, we would like to acknowledge
The –KTS-null kidneys and gonads are much more reduced in all the investigators in the WT1 field for their many contribu-
size and undifferentiated compared to the +KTS-null counter- tions and apologize to many of our colleagues whose important
parts, suggesting that the –KTS has more fundamental role in work could not be mentioned. We thank Drs. Rick Proia, Connie
proliferation, differentiation and survival. The +KTS-null ani- Noguchi and Barbara Christensen for critical reading and com-
mals, on the other hand, display complete male to female sex ments on the manuscript. SBL is indebted to Dr. Dan Haber for
reversal phenotype. This is reminiscent of the Frasier syndrome his encouragement and unwavering support.
in humans although in Frasier syndrome, the symptoms are mani-
fested by a heterozygous mutation8 while in mouse it takes ho-
mozygous KTS splice mutations to reveal the phenotype.35 The
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Yin Yang 1
Huifei Liu and Yang Shi*


he transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) (also known as Table 1. YY1 Homologues
NF-E1, δ, CP-1 and UCRBP) is a GLI-Kruppel
zinc finger protein.1-4YY1 is highly conserved from Xe- Chromosome
nopus to mammalian YY1 and has been demonstrated to play an Name Species # aa Localization Refs
essential role in mouse embryonic development and other physi-
ological and pathological conditions.5,6 As one of the first mam- YY1 Human 414 14q32 16
malian transcription factors that have been identified to possess YY2 Human 372 Xq22. 11
both repression and activation activities, YY1 has served as a 1-22.2
model for understanding how a single molecule can conduct Delta Mouse 414 12F1 17
opposite transcriptional functions, that is, repression and activa- YY1 Rat 411 6q32 10,18
tion. Recent studies suggest that YY1 is a mammalian counter- cYY1 Chicken 415
part of the Drosophila Polycomb Group (PcG) protein FIII/xYY1 Xenopus 373 9
Pleiohomeotic (Pho),7,8 providing a new framework in which to YY1 Danio rerio 357
further explore YY1’s biological functions and mechanism of (Zebrafish)
action in vivo. In this chapter, we discuss progress on YY1 since Pho Drosophila 520 4 8
its discovery. Pho-like Drosophila 669 3 19
Rex-1 Mouse 288 8 1,12,20
amino acids (aa) (human YY1 aa205-226, Pho aa148-169) is con-
YY1 Family of Proteins served as well with 80% sequence similarity, suggesting that this
YY1 is evolutionarily conserved from human to Xenopus with region may be important for yet to be identified, evolutionarily
significant sequence homology spanning the entire protein (Table conserved functions.8
1). The four zinc fingers that are responsible for sequence-specific
DNA-binding are identical among Xenopus, rat, mouse and hu- YY1 Structure
man YY1, while the N-terminal regions are more divergent.2,5,9,10 YY1 protein contains modular features characteristic of many
Recently, a YY1-related protein, which we term YY2, has been transcription factors: a DNA binding motif and domains impor-
predicted based on the genome sequence.11 YY2 shares 55% ho- tant for transcriptional repression and activation (Fig. 1). The
mology with YY1 and 86% homology in the zinc finger regions. four-zinc-finger DNA-binding domain is located at its C-terminus
Preliminary data suggest that it is likely to be an expressed gene (aa 298-320, 327-347, 355-377 and 385-407), which overlaps
(Shi and Seto labs, unpublished results). However, the function with one of the two repression domains, and is also the most
and mechanism of action of YY2 remain unclear. A third mam- conserved motif among YY1 across species (from Drosophila to
malian protein related to YY1 is Rex-1 (Reduced Expression 1).1,12 human). The second repression domain is located in the central
Sequence homology between YY1 and Rex-1 is limited to the region (aa 170-200). Both repression domains have been shown
four zinc fingers (75% homology).1 Rex-1 was isolated as a pro- to recruit histone deacetylases (HDACs) for repression.21 The
tein whose expression decreases during F9 cell differentiation in- activation domain of YY1 lies at the N-terminus and is generally
duced by retinoic acid.12 Recently Rex-1 has been classified as believed to be bipartite. It contains an acidic activation domain
one of the definitive markers for embryonic stem cells.13-15 (aa16-29 and 43-53) and a glutamine-proline rich region (aa
Two Drosophila PcG proteins, Pho and Pho-like share signifi- 80-100).22 The acidic, glutamine- and proline-rich regions are
cant homology with YY1 within the four zinc fingers.8,19 The common features to many transcription activators.1,23-26 The fact
overall zinc finger sequence similarity between Pho and YY1 is as that both repression and activation domains are present in YY1
high as 96%, with zinc fingers 2 and 3 being completely identi- provides the structural basis for the dual repression and activa-
cal.8 Interestingly, outside the zinc finger region, a stretch of 22 tion activities of YY1. Between the two activation domains, there

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Yin Yang 1 183

The sub-cellular localization of YY1 in mouse early embry-

onic stages is unique in that YY1 is present in the cytoplasm of
unfertilized oocytes and fertilized zygotes.6 It begins to accumu-
late in the nucleus at the two-cell stage, coinciding with the onset
of zygotic transcription. Xenopus YY1 remains as a cytoplasmic
protein from oocytes to at least the neurula stage embryos which
are 12 hr past the onset of zygotic transcription.42 Further char-
acterization suggests that xYY1 is part of a 480 KDa ribonucle-
oprotein complex which includes some maternally expressed
mRNAs. However, it seems that this association is not respon-
Figure 1. Structure of YY1. AD= activation domain; RD= repression sible for preventing YY1 from entering the nucleus since intracel-
domain; His= histidine; Pro= proline; Glu= glutamine; Gly= glycine; lular injection of RNase released YY1 from this large complex
DBD= DNA binding domain. but did not induce its nuclear localization.42,43 These findings
suggest possible novel regulation of YY1 during early develop-
are a glycine-rich region (aa44-69) and a cluster of 11 consecu- ment. Localization of YY1 in the cytoplasm may prevent it from
tive histidines (aa70-80).5,22,27 The functions of these domains, participating in the transcriptional regulation of the zygotic ge-
if any, are not clear. Interestingly, these glycine- and histidine-rich nome during early embryogenesis. It is also possible that cyto-
regions are not conserved in Xenopus YY1 (xYY1), suggesting that plasmic YY1 may perform some yet to be identified functions
they are either not important or they may engage in some (nontranscriptional) that are important for the early development
mammalian-specific functions of YY1. However, deletion of the of the zygotes such as the storage, metabolism and expression of
histidines did not affect the ability of human YY1 to repress tran- the maternally derived mRNA. In this respect, it is interesting to
scription in the GAL4 fusion protein-based assays.28 YY1 also note that the YY1 corebinding site is CAT/ATG, which is the
contains sequences predicted to bind mono- and di-nucleotides signal for translational initiation. However, whether YY1 binds
(aa176-182 FFKKSGK and aa189-195 GAGAAG). However, to mRNA directly needs further investigation.
bacterially purified YY1 does not appear to be capable of binding
ATP or NAD (Shi lab, unpublished). It remains to be determined Mechanisms of YY1-Mediated Transcription
whether endogenous YY1 may bind NTPs or NAD/NADH and Transcription is composed of multiple distinct steps with tran-
whether binding may affect YY1 activities. scriptional initiation being the most extensively investigated pro-
cess. Transcriptional initiation can be regulated at two levels: the
YY1 Consensus Binding Site assembly of the RNA polymerase-containing transcriptional ma-
The concensus binding site of YY1 contains a conserved chinery at the promoters and the local chromatin structure, which
5'-CAT-3' core flanked by variable nucleotides. The following affects the accessibility of promoter DNA to transcription fac-
sequences probably represent the majority of YY1 binding sites, tors. Recent studies have provided convincing evidence support-
GACATNTT, VDCCATNWY (V= not T, D= not C, W=A or T, ing a critical role for histone modifications in transcription regu-
M=A or C, Y=C or T, N= any base) and CGGCATNTT.29,30 lation by remodeling chromatin structure. As discussed below,
The amino acids of human YY1 that contact DNA, identified by YY1 appears to regulate RNA polymerase II-mediated transcrip-
X-ray crystallography, are conserved in YY1 across species from tion initiation by affecting both processes. YY1 may also regulate
human to Drosophila.8,19,31 Consistent with this, homologues of transcription mediated by RNA polymerase I and III.5
YY1 from Drosophila to human bind to the same DNA consen-
sus sequence.8,19 Although the core nucleotides CAT normally Chromatin Remodeling Is an Important Mechanism
determine the binding specificity of YY1, the flanking nucleotides
contribute to the binding affinity of YY1 as illustrated by both
of YY1-Mediated Transcriptional Regulation
binding site mutational studies and the observation of differen- The most recent advance on the understanding of transcrip-
tial binding affinity of YY1 binding sites from different gene pro- tional control is the regulation of chromatin structure by
moters.32-36 post-translational modifications of histones and other chromatin
packing proteins. 44-47 It is generally believed that histone
hyper-acetylation and hypo-acetylation are associated with tran-
Subcellular Localization of YY1 scriptional activation and repression, respectively.44 The histone
With the exception of mouse and Xenopus early acetylation status is regulated by HATs and HDACs which can
embryongenesis, YY1 is found to be a nuclear protein in both the interact with YY1 directly.21,44,48,49 Histone methylation can ei-
soluble nuclear fraction and the insoluble nuclear matrix with a ther activate or repress transcription. Accumulating data support
significant amount of YY1 concentrating in the nucleoli.37-39 Al- the idea that YY1 may activate or repress transcription through
though YY1 does not have a conventional nuclear localization recruiting histone modifying enzymes such as histone
signal, residues 332-398 have been shown to mediate nuclear entry acetytransferases (HATs), deacetylases (HDACs) and
and residues 256-340 target YY1 to the nuclear matrix.40 methytransferases (HMTs). YY1 has been shown to recruit the
Sub-nuclear locations of YY1 have been suggested to be impor- histone H4 (Arginine 3)-specific methytransferase, PRMT1,
tant for regulating YY1’s transcriptional activity.40 For example, through an intermediate protein to YY1-activated promoters.50
in vitro studies showed that B23, a nucleolar protein, could re- In addition, several HMTases protein complexes contain YY1-
lease the repression activity of YY1.39,41 Thus, it would be inter- interacting proteins,51-53 suggesting a potential indirect interac-
esting to identify signals that regulate YY1 nuclear distribution, tion between HMTases and YY1. However, it remains an out-
proteins interacting with YY1 at these different locations and the standing issue as to the mechanisms that control the differential
potential influence on YY1 function. recruitment of these histone-modifying enzymes by YY1.
184 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Histone Acetylases Interact with YY1 Directly and Histone Deacetylases Are Required for Repression by
Regulate the Transcriptional Activities of YY1 YY1 in Several Promoters
The YY1 interacting proteins p300 and CBP are two closely YY1 can repress transcription through direct interactions with
related proteins that have HAT activity and function as transcrip- HDACs or indirect recruitment of HDACs (Fig. 2b). YY1 binds
tional coactivators by acetylating histone tails (Fig. 2a).21,44 How- HDAC1 and 2 directly and this interaction is critical for
ever, their role in YY1-mediated transcription is not completely YY1-mediated transcription repression at several promoters such
understood. An earlier study showed that adenovirus E1A could as the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) and MHC class II
relieve YY1-mediated repression via interaction with p300, sug- gene.49,55,56 YY1 may recruit HDACs indirectly through bridge
gesting that p300 might play a role in YY1-mediated repression.54 proteins as well. Several YY1 binding proteins, including
Consistent with this idea, a recent study showed that upon acety- SAP30, FKBP25 (FK506-binding protein) and MTA2
lation by p300/PCAF (p300/CBP associated factor), the acety- (metastasis-associated protein 2), have been demonstrated to
lated YY1 has decreased DNA binding ability and increased af- bind HDACs. 57-59 The interaction between YY1 and HDACs is
finity to HDACs.21 Taken together, these findings suggest that regulated by post-translational modification of both YY1 and
interactions of YY1 with p300 may in some cases help maintain HDACs. Acetylated YY1 has increased affinity for HDACs,21
YY1 as a repressor. On the other hand, a positive role of CBP has while phosphorylation of HDAC1 disrupts its interaction with
been shown in the 25-hydroxyvitamin D (3)-24-hydroxylase pro- YY1.60
moter where it relieves YY1-mediated repression by preventing
YY1 from contacting and inhibiting TFIIB function.34 However, YY1 May Recruit Histone Methyltransferases to
this action of CBP does not appear to require its HAT activity Regulate Transcription
since a HAT defective CBP mutant is still able to relieve Histone methylation has been demonstrated to play a role in
YY1-mediated repression. In contrast, a CBP mutant defective both transcriptional repression and activation.50,61-64 YY1 has re-
for YY1 interaction failed to relieve YY1 repression, highlighting cently been shown to activate transcription by recruiting the his-
the importance of protein-protein interactions.34 It will be inter- tone H4 (Arg 3)-specific methyltransferase, PRMT1, through
esting to use a combination of ChIP and RNA interference (RNAi) DRBP76, an alternative splicing form of ILF3 (interleukin en-
technology to determine the histone acetylation status at these hancer binding factor 3) which binds both YY1 and PRMT1
YY1-repressed promoters, which may provide insight into whether directly (Fig. 2c).50 PRMT1 has also been demonstrated to facili-
p300/CBP HAT activities play an active role in transcriptional tate transcriptional activation by nuclear hormone receptor.64
regulation at these promoters.

Figure 2. a) YY1 regulates transcription through DNA bending or chromatin remodeling. YY1 recruits coactivators such as p300 and CBP to
acetylate histone tails or YY1 itself; b) YY1 interacts with HDACs either directly or indirectly through bridge proteins. HDACs then deacetylate
histone tails and result in transcriptional repression; c) YY1 tethers HMT through intermediate molecules, HMT then regulates transcription by
methylating histone tails. CBP= cAMP response element binding protein; HDACs= histone deacetylases; HMT= histone methyltransferase; Ac=
acetyl; Me= methyl.
Yin Yang 1 185

Recent studies suggest that YY1 may also recruit YY1 May Regulate Transcription by Directly
HMT-containing protein complexes to regulate transcription. Contacting the General Transcription Factors (GTFs)
Elegant genetic studies in Drosophila showed that YY1 repres- Several YY1-interacting proteins are members of the RNA
sion requires the transcriptional corepressor CtBP.7 CtBP was polymerase II associated basal transcription machinery including
initially identified as an E1A-binding protein and has been shown RNA polymerase II, TBP, TFIIB and TAFII55 (TBP-associated
to repress transcription by recruiting both HDACs and factor II) (Fig. 3b).22,67,72 The interaction between YY1 and these
HMTs.51,65 Thus, YY1-mediated repression may occur through GTFs and the subsequent impact on transcriptional regulation
the recruitment of the HMT-containing CtBP complex. remain largely unclear. It was shown that binding to TFIIB sig-
In summary, recruitment of histone modifiers appears to be nificantly increases the binding affinity of YY1 to its cognate sites
an important mechanism for YY1-mediated transcriptional regu- while YY1 may repress transcription by sequestration of TFIIB to
lation. The role of HATs in YY1-mediated transcription appears prevent it from interacting with transcription activators.34,67
more complicated and will require further investigation.
Competition for Promoter Occupancy and Physical
YY1 Regulates Transcription by Affecting the Basal
Interactions with Other Transcription Factors
Transcription Machinery An earlier model for YY1-mediated repression is competition
In addition to the chromatin-remodeling model, YY1 has been with other activators for overlapping DNA binding sites in a pro-
shown to regulate transcription by influencing the basal transcrip- moter (Fig. 3c).5 This model is supported by the convergence of
tion machinery. YY1 may substitute the function of TBP recognition sites between YY1 and several transcription factors
(TATA-box binding protein) and directly recruit TFIIB (tran- such as serum response factor (SRF) on the skeletal α-actin and
scription factor IIB) and RNA polymerase II to the promoter c-fos promoter, NF-κB on the serum amyloid A 1 (SAA1) pro-
region to initiate transcription. YY1 has also been shown to di- moter. The competitive binding between YY1 and these tran-
rectly interact with several components of the basal transcription scription factors to these cognate sequences are regulated in dif-
machinery. YY1 may also regulate the basal transcription machin- ferent cellular conditions, contributing to differential gene
ery indirectly by interacting with other transcription factors, expression.73-75
coactivators and corepressors.
A second model is a combinatorial regulation of gene tran-
scription by multiple transcription factors binding to their re-
YY1 May Function As an Initiator Element Binding spective consensus sites in the same promoter region. In this case,
Protein to Initiate Transcription in Vitro the YY1 recognition sequence is close to but not overlapping with
Several studies suggest a potential role of YY1 to initiate tran- the DNA binding sites of other transcription factors. The close
scription. YY1 binds to the transcription initiation sites of several proximity of YY1 with other transcription factors facilitates their
promoters such as human PCNA, mouse Surf-1 and the AAV P5 physical interactions at the promoter, which result in new pat-
promoter.5,66 YY1 directly interacts with TFIIB and RNA poly- terns of gene expression. For example, binding of YY1 or E2F2/3
merase II.67 It was demonstrated that the combination of YY1, to their consensus sites in the cdc6 promoter had little effect on
TFIIB and RNA polymerase II is sufficient to initiate transcrip- gene transcription by themselves.76 However, the coordination
tion from the AAV P5 promoter in vitro.67,68 The ability of YY1
of YY1 and E2F2/3 through the cofactor RYBP allows the syner-
to initiate transcription is augmented by the presence of a TATA
gistic activation of cdc6 transcription (Fig. 3d). On the other
motif or binding sites for the transcription factor Sp1, which in-
teracts with YY1 directly.69,70 Finally, the cocrystal structure of hand, it was shown that binding of LexA-YY1 fusion protein to
YY1 zinc fingers with the AAV P5 initiator element provided struc- the LexA-binding sites is important to the YY1-mediated repres-
tural basis for understanding the YY1-dependent, sion on several activators binding to the nearby GAL4 binding
TBP-independent transcription initiation.31 The zinc fingers of sites in a reporter plasmid.77 Although direct protein-protein in-
YY1 bind to both strands of DNA upstream of the transcription teraction between YY1 and these transcription factors may occur,
initiation site while only the template strand downstream of the it is not necessary for at least some, if not all, combinatorial regu-
initiation site binds to YY1, allowing access of RNA polymerase lation.77 The exact mechanism for the combinatorial regulation
II to the transcription initiation sites. This YY1-DNA binding is also not clear. It is possible that this may allow differential re-
permits transcription to occur only from the downstream of the cruitment of histone modifiers and/or interactions with the basal
YY1 binding sites. Transcription started upstream or in the op- transcription machinery. It is often the case that multiple
posite direction will be blocked by YY1-DNA binding which pre- nonoverlapping binding sites are present in a single promoter,
vents the double strand separation. Since all these studies were making this model a potentially common mechanism for tran-
conducted in vitro with the AAV P5 initiator, their in vivo sig- scriptional control involving YY1.
nificance remains to be investigated. Nevertheless, YY1 has been YY1 may also activate or repress transcription through direct
identified to exist in a large RNA polymerase II complex isolated interactions with other transcription factors without binding to
from HeLa nuclear extracts that contains several general tran- DNA itself (Fig. 3e).78 For example, YY1 inhibits the serum re-
scription factors but not TFIIB, TBP and TBP-associated fac- sponse element binding protein (SREBP)-mediated activation of
tors,71 suggesting a potential function for YY1 to initiate tran- the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene in a
scription in vivo (Fig. 3a) and providing a new angle to consider dose-dependent manner.78 This inhibition does not require DNA
transcription initiation from TATA-less promoters. binding of YY1 but relies on the direct interaction between YY1
186 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 3. a) YY1 regulates transcription through protein-protein interaction. YY1 functions as an initiator element binding protein to assemble
the basal transcription machinery. b) YY1 regulates transcription by contacting general transcription factors. c) YY1 regulates transcription by
competing DNA binding with other transcription factors. d) Combinatorial regulation of transcription by YY1 and other transcription factors
binding to the same promoter. e) YY1 either activates or represses transcription by interacting with other transcription factors without binding
to DNA. GTF= general transcription factor; RNApolII= RNA polymerase II.

and Sp1, which may subsequently inhibit the Sp1-SREBP inter- in vivo significance of these models under different physiological
action necessary for transcription activation.78 This model is fur- and pathologic conditions awaits further studies.
ther supported by another study showing YY1 repression of sev-
eral activator- mediated transcription of a reporter gene containing Regulation of YY1’s Transcriptional Activity
no YY1 binding sites.77 This DNA-binding independent activity Previous studies suggest that YY1 can be regulated at multiple
of YY1 is expected to increase the repertoire of genes that can be levels. Activity of YY1 can be modified by its DNA binding sites
regulated by YY1. and its-interacting proteins. In addition, YY1 function also de-
pends on its cellular localization and post-translational modifica-
DNA Bending Plays a Role in Some YY1-Regulated tions. These different factors may help achieve cell and develop-
Promoters mental specific control of YY1-mediated transcription.
DNA bending induced by DNA-binding transcription fac-
tors such as TBP has been suggested to be an important tran- DNA Binding Sites May Regulate the
scription regulatory mechanism. Previous studies suggested that Transcriptional Activity of YY1
YY1 might regulate promoters such as c-fos by inducing DNA YY1 Binding to its consensus sites is likely to be influenced by
bending.79,80 However, the absence of DNA bending in the several features of the DNA binding sites including the flanking
cocrystal structure of the YY1 zinc fingers and the AAV P5 nucleotides, CpG methylation and local chromatin structure. The
initiator element argue against DNA bending as a general fea- differential binding of YY1 to a selected set of promoters in a
ture of YY1-mediated transcription.31 specific cellular environment is critical for its tissue and develop-
In summary, YY1 mediates transcriptional regulation through mental specific control of gene expression.
multiple nonexclusive mechanisms. Current studies of YY1 tran- The local chromatin structure is important in determining
scription mechanisms have mostly been carried out in vitro. The whether a putative binding site is available for YY1 binding. For
Yin Yang 1 187

example, the developmentally-regulated Ig light chain κ gene

expression by YY1 is probably due to a structural alteration of the
chromatin which exposes the YY1 binding site and allows subse-
quent occupancy by YY1 in the plasma cell but not in early stages
of B lymphocytes.81
DNA binding of YY1 has been shown to be sensitive to CpG
methylation.35,82,83 For example, methylation of the CpG se-
quences in the YY1 cognate sequences of the Peg3 promoter (pa-
ternally expressed gene 3) blocks YY1 binding completely.82 It
was further demonstrated that methylation of YY1 binding sites
occurs only at the repressed maternal allele and YY1-binding is
limited to the active paternal allele of the Peg3 in vivo.82
The nucleotide sequence of YY1 binding sites may affect YY1
binding affinity. YY1 sites from several promoters have been shown
to display differential YY1 binding affinity. These sites, arranged
in the order of decreasing affinity, are as follows: upstream en-
hancer of murine intracisternal A particle, human Ig κ light-chain
3' enhancer, upstream conserved region from the Moloney mu-
rine leukemia virus (MMLV) promoter.35 Both mutational and
polymorphism studies illustrate that even a single base change Figure 4. Modification and degradation pathways of YY1 protein.
can cause elimination or generation of a YY1 binding site, and/or ADPRT= poly(ADP-ribosyl) transferase; PCAF= p300/CBP associated
significant binding-affinity change.32,33,84-89 Furthermore, the factor; HDACs= histone deacetylases; ser= serine; thr= threonine.
nucleotide sequence of a binding motif may contribute to deter-
mining whether YY1 functions as a repressor or an activator. This
knockout mice display 50% reduction of YY1 protein level.6,100
is probably because DNA can function as an allosteric regulator
Thus far little is known about transcriptional regulation of the
to change the three-dimensional conformation of transcription
yy1 gene. Sequence analysis identified several Sp1 binding sites
factors upon DNA binding as demonstrated by cocrystal struc-
in both mouse and human YY1 promoter regions.16,101 How-
ture of several DNA binding domains such as POU domain and
their DNA binding sites from different gene promoters.90,91 Mi- ever, the specific role of Sp1 in yy1 gene transcription is not clear.
nor changes of nucleotide sequence in a DNA motif may there-
fore affect the conformation of the bound transcription factor Regulation of YY1 Protein Levels by Protein
and subsequently influence the function of the transcription fac- Degradation
tors and their ability to recruit cofactors. YY1 protein is relatively stable at different developmental stages
and under different conditions. However, down-regulation of YY1
Regulation YY1 Activity by Its Protein Binding protein level, especially through increased protein degradation,
Partners may be critical for myogenic and myeloid differentiation in cul-
Most YY1 binding proteins are either transcription factors such ture.102-104 It has been demonstrated that YY1 can be a substrate
as Sp1, c-myc, c-myb, CREB, or transcription coactivators and for the calcium-activated neutral protease calpain II, the cathep-
corepressors such as HDACs, p300, CBP, YAF2 (YY1-associated sin B-like nuclear protease and the Ubiquitin-mediated 26 S
factor 2) and RYBP (ring1- and YY1- binding pro- proteasome (Fig. 4).104,105 In addition, the proteolytic process of
tein).5,21,22,44,54,69,76,77,92-96 Binding of different proteins may ex- YY1 may be regulated by cellular factors such as YAF2 and extra-
ert dramatic functional consequence on the promoter cellular signals such as interleukin 2 (IL-2).96,106
context-dependent YY1 transcription activity. The C/EBP β-YY1
interaction in the upstream regulatory region (URR) of the hu- Post-Translational Modifications of YY1
man papillomavirus (HPV) type 18 P105 promoter is one of the YY1 has been shown to be subjected to various
best examples of how an interacting protein can influence YY1’s post-translational modifications, including phosphorylation,
transcriptional activity.97-99 YY1 represses transcription of the acetylation, glycosylation, ADP-ribosylation and ubiquitination
HPV p105 promoter in HepG2 cells but activates its transcrip- (Fig. 4). These modifications appear to exert different effects on
tion in HeLa cells. This is because HeLa but not HepG2 cells the activities and stability of YY1.
express C/EBP β, which binds the p105 promoter and interacts YY1 has been shown to be a relatively stable phospho-protein.22
with the adjacently bound YY1. This interaction is believed to There are a total of eight potential serine/threonine (ser/thr) phos-
cause a conformational change of YY1 and allows YY1 to func- phorylation sites in human YY1 with two of them localized within
tion as an activator of the p105 promoter. In the absence of C/ the zinc finger domain.107 Previous studies suggested that phos-
EBP β, YY1 functions as a repressor of the promoter as is the case phorylation might influence YY1’s DNA-binding ability. While
in HepG2 cells. Consistently, ectopic expression of C/EBP β in phosphatase treatment abolished YY1 binding to the murine leu-
HepG2 cells can convert YY1 from a repressor to an activator of kemia virus long terminal repeat (LTR) in Jurkat T cells and to
the HPV P105 promoter, similar to what has been observed in the skeletal actin gene in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, it in-
HeLa cells. creased DNA-binding of YY1 in stage VI Xenopus oocytes and to
the α-element of mouse histone H3.2 gene promoter.42,107-109
Regulation of YY1 Transcription Unlike many other phospho-proteins, phosphatase treatment did
YY1 is expressed in a biallelic manner that is further confirmed not change the size of Xenopus YY1 on SDS gels.42 What compli-
by the observation that cells isolated from heterozygous YY1 cates the interpretation is that the phosphatase treatments were
188 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

conducted with nuclear extracts. Therefore the observed effects for YY1 in cell proliferation and differentiation, implicating a
on YY1 could also be due to dephosphorylation of YY1-interacting potential role for YY1 during development of other systems and
proteins. For instance, the dephosphorylated retinoblastoma pro- at a later developmental stage. Consistent with the above hypoth-
tein (Rb) has been shown to bind YY1 and prevents it from bind- esis, YY1 is likely to be the mammalian homolog of the Droso-
ing to DNA while phosphorylated Rb releases YY1, permitting phila PcG protein Pho. The multiple phenotypic defects associ-
subsequent YY1 binding to DNA.110 ated with the Pho mutants suggest a similar role for YY1 during
YY1 can also be modified by glycosylation through enzymatic mammalian development through its PcG function.118 Below we
addition of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) to serine and threo- discuss the role of YY1 in cell proliferation, cell differentiation,
nine residues by nucleocytoplasmic glycosyltransferase in HeLa neural development and its PcG function.
cells.111 Glycosylation appears to disrupt the interaction between
YY1 and Rb, adding a potential mechanism by which YY1 regu- Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
lates cell cycle.111 Cell culture studies suggest that YY1 promote cell growth and
Transient poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of YY1 has been detected proliferation by activating transcription of genes whose products
in HeLa cells immediately after genotoxic treatment.112,113 are required for cell cycle transition and progression. For instance,
Poly(ADP-ribosylation) is catalyzed by the enzyme previous studies showed that YY1 activates transcription of the
poly(ADP-ribosyl) transferase (ADPRT) and is believed to be a proto-oncogene, c-myc.119 Increased c-myc protein stimulates G1
cellular protective response to DNA damage. 114
to S transition by activating transcription of E2F2 and E2F3 which
Poly(ADP-ribosylation) decreased the binding affinity of YY1 to
subsequently activate several other molecules required for S phase
DNA and thus may prevent transcription from damaged
entry.76 YY1 also collaborates with E2F2 and E2F3 to activate
DNA.112,115 Furthermore, ADP-ribosylated YY1 may expedite
transcription of genes essential for DNA replication such as cdc6.76
the process of DNA repair mediated by ADPRT by increasing its
In addition, YY1 has been shown to activate transcription of such
enzymatic activity through protein-protein interaction.112-116
Thus, YY1 may play a role in DNA repair. genes as ribonucleotide reductase, proliferating cell nuclear anti-
YY1 can also be acetylated by p300 and PCAF (p300/CBP gen (PCNA) and the replication-dependent histones.109,120-122
associated factor) and deacetylated by HDAC1 and HDAC2.21 The protein products of these genes are either essential for S phase
Sequence analysis reveals that there are 6 lysine residues that are DNA synthesis or important for packaging newly synthesized
potential substrates for acetylation within one of the two YY1’s DNA. Consistent with a role for YY1 in cell proliferation, YY1
HDAC interaction domains (residues 170-200). Acetylation of heterozygous cells have been shown to display significantly im-
YY1 residues 170-200 might be important for YY1-mediated tran- paired cell proliferation, supporting a dosage-dependent role for
scription repression, perhaps due to an increased recruitment of YY1 in cell growth control (Shi lab, unpublished result). It should
the repressive HDACs.21 Acetylation of YY1 at residues 261-333 be noted that although the above-mentioned genes are mostly
overlaps with the DNA binding domains (residues 298-414) and engaged in G1/S transition and S phase progression, it has not
decreases YY1’s DNA-binding ability.21 In addition, HDACs do been well characterized as to how YY1 regulates different phases
not deacetylate YY1 at residues 261-333 in vitro.21 The question of cell cycle.
is how these two sets of enzymes with antagonistic functions regu- Numerous studies show that YY1 is important in the tran-
late YY1 in vivo on different promoters. scriptional control of many differentiation-specific genes in cell
Several studies suggest that YY1 can be ubiquitinated and culture, suggesting a potential role for YY1 in cell differentiation.
ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation allows the cells to However, the exact role for YY1 in differentiation remains largely
rapidly reduce YY1 protein level in response to various signals. It unclear, and sometimes controversial. It appears that YY1 may
was demonstrated that purified YY1 could be readily promote cell differentiation in some systems by activating the
polyubiquitinated in reticulocyte lysates.105 Treatment with the transcription of differentiation associated gene expression. These
proteasome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystin stabilizes YY1 dur- include peripheral B lymphocyte differentiation, erythroid dif-
ing in vitro muscle cell differentiation. 105 In addition, ferentiation and myeloid differentiation.2,81,110,123-128 In contrary,
down-regulation of YY1 protein level during serum deprivation it has been shown that YY1 inhibits cell differentiation in several
induced apoptosis in cultured mouse muscle satellite cells and is cultured systems including myeloid differentiation, myogenic dif-
accompanied by the accumulation of ubiquitinated YY1.117 ferentiation, neuronal differentiation and mesenchymal differen-
In summary, it is possible that all the above-discussed mecha- tiation.73,75,102-104,129-133 This idea is supported by the observa-
nisms contribute to the regulation of YY1 activities, allowing this tion that transient down-regulation of YY1 protein level and/or
ubiquitously expressed stable protein to achieve tissue- and activity is correlated with cell differentiation,73,75,102-104,129-132
developmental-specific control of gene expression. Future studies while over-expression of YY1 promotes cell proliferation and in-
will provide us with a better understanding on how these differ- hibits cell differentiation.
ent mechanisms function and cooperate at the molecular levels. It must be pointed out that these cell culture studies may or
may not reflect the actual in vivo function of YY1. Direct genetic
The Role of YY1 During Development evidence is necessary and crucial to establishing a role for YY1 in
YY1 probably plays important roles in multiple stages of de- cell proliferation and differentiation.
velopment. The embryonic death of the constitutive YY1 knock-
out mice provided the first evidence of a crucial function for YY1 Neural Development
during embryogenesis.6 However, the molecular basis for this early Two lines of evidence strongly support a role for YY1 in the
lethality is currently unclear. The neurulation defects observed in induction and patterning of embryonic neural development. First,
a subset of YY1 heterozygous mice and the studies of YY1 on some YY1 heterozygous mouse embryos exhibit neurulation de-
Xenopus development suggest a critical role for YY1 during em- fects resembling exencephaly.6 Second, the role for YY1 in Xeno-
bryonic neural development.6 Cell culture studies support a role pus neural development is shown by both over-expression and
Yin Yang 1 189

knockdown studies.52,134 Knocking down xYY1 by antisense oli-

gonucleotide resulted in abnormal antero-posterior axial pattern
and reduction of head structures in Xenopus embryo after the
tailbud stage. This is accompanied by reduced expression of the
pan-neural marker NCAM, the midbrain/hindbrain junction
marker En2, the hindbrain marker Krox20 and the forebrain
marker Otx2 but not the spinal cord marker HoxB9.134 Consis-
tent with this, over-expression of exogenous XYY1 induced ec-
topic neural axis at the injection site in Xenopus embryos with the
induction of NCAM and two other neural markers NPR-1 and
ANF.52 Furthermore, over-expression of xEED or Drosophila Pho
results in similar phenotype and over-expression of xYY1 and Figure 5. Model for YY1 to recruit PcG complexes to PREs. PRE=
xEED together resulted in synergistic effects, suggesting that the polycomb response element; HPH= human homolog of Polyhomeotic;
interplay between YY1 and EED may be important for the ec- HPC= human homolog of Polycomb; RYBP= ring 1- and YY1- binding
topic induction of the neural structure.52 Thus, characterization protein; BMI-1= B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus inte-
of the direct YY1 targets will help us understand the critical events gration site 1; CtBP= c-terminal binding protein; EZH= human ho-
during neural development. molog of enhancer of Zeste; EED= embryonic ectoderm development.

YY1 As a PcG Protein YY1 may regulate development through its PcG mediated ac-
tivities. Knockout mice of YY1, EED and EZH2 all die at early
Both sequence analysis and functional studies suggest that YY1
embryonic stages, suggesting related developmental func-
is a mammalian counterpart of the Drosophila PcG protein Pho.
tions.6,145,146 As discussed earlier, YY1 is probably essential for
The DNA binding domain of YY1 and Pho share 96% sequence
embryonic neural development and its function relies on the in-
homology and binds to the same consensus DNA sites. 8
terplay with EED.52,134 Mutant animal studies have also demon-
Over-expression of exogenous Xenopus YY1 or Pho in Xenopus strated a critical role for several PcG proteins such as EED, EZH2
embryos caused similar phenotypes that are dependent on an- and Bim1 in mouse lymphopoiesis.135,147-149 It is possible that
other PcG protein EED.52 YY1 also partially rescue the Pho mu- YY1 may play a role in lymphocyte development through its in-
tants.7 Furthermore, in vivo YY1-mediated repression seems to teractions with these proteins.
depend on other PcG proteins including Pc (polycomb), Pcl
(polycomb-like), Scm (Sex combs on midleg), E(z) and Esc.7
PcG proteins function as high molecular weight complexes YY1 and Diseases
and regulate transcriptional repression of target genes, mainly YY1 may play a role in a myriad of pathological conditions
homeotic genes, by binding to the DNA sequence called PcG including viral infection and cancer. The YY1-related pathology
response element (PRE).135-137 There are two multimeric PcG can be the result of loss of function as demonstrated by decreased
complexes identified thus far, the human HPC-HPH complex YY1 protein level or elimination of YY1 binding sites, or a gain
and the EED-EZH2 complex, corresponding to the Drosophila of function due to YY1 over-expression or a newly created YY1
binding site. Although it is currently unclear whether the
PRC 1-complex and E(z)/Esc complex, respectively.135 It is largely
disease-associated YY1 changes are the cause of the pathogenesis,
unclear how PcG complexes are recruited to their target genes
abnormal YY1 activities are likely to contribute to the develop-
since most of the PcG proteins do not have sequence-specific
ment, progress and complications of diseases.
DNA binding ability except for the Drosophila Pho and the mam-
malian YY1 and Mel-18.7,19,138 Previous studies demonstrated
that Pho can link both PcG complexes to PREs by a direct inter- Viral Infection
action with Esc from E(z)/Esc complex and Pc, Ph from PRC YY1 has been suggested to influence infection by viruses such
1-complex.52,139 Pho-binding sites are found in most PREs such as HPV, Epstein Bar (EB) virus, human Immunodeficiency virus
as those from the engrailed, the Ultrabithorax and the Abdominal-B type I (HIV-1).48,150,151 It appears that YY1 may play a positive
promoter regions and are necessary for the PRE function in PcG role in limiting acute viral infection and inhibit viral oncogenesis
repression.8,19,136,139,140 Furthermore, immunolocalization stud- by activating multiple protective mechanisms in the host against
ies show that pho and pho-like proteins collaborate to anchor Pc, viral infection and by inhibiting viral gene transcription. For in-
stance, YY1 induces transcription of β-interferon, one of the first
Psc, and Scm to some polytene chromosomal sites.19 YY1 also
responses of cell to viral infection.152 YY1 may help decrease viral
interacts with EED directly and may also interact with the
infection by down-regulating cell surface expression of viral re-
HPC-HPH complexes indirectly through bridging proteins such
ceptors as demonstrated in the HIV infection.153-155 YY1 may
as CtBP or RYBP.7,52,76,93,141 Thus, one attractive hypothesis is reduce virion production by repressing viral immediate early gene
that YY1, the mammalian homologue of Pho, may also tether expression and by interfering with viral protein function through
PcG proteins to target genes as illustrated in Figure 5. It is re- protein-protein interaction.48,55,150,156-159 All these different
ported that YY1 binds the promoters of several homeobox genes host-responses mediated by YY1 may contribute to viral latency
such as gp91, Msx2, Hoxb4 and Hoxb7.128,142-144 However, YY1 control. YY1 may also inhibit virus-induced malignant transfor-
seems to activate, rather than repress, transcription of gp91 and mation by repressing viral oncogene expression such as HPV E6
Msx2 and therefore contributes to myeloid differentiation and and E7.151,160,161 An effective mechanism developed by the virus
early mouse craniofacial and limb morphogenesis.21,142 Future is to create mutations at YY1 binding sites in the viral pro-
experiments that examine the function of YY1 in mammalian moter region as identified in many HPV 16-positive cervical
PcG repression will provide more direct evidence to resolve this tumors.160,162-164 These mutations decrease or eliminate YY1
issue. binding and are expected to release the YY1-mediated repression,
190 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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The Multiple Cellular Functions of TFIIIA

Natalie Kuldell


ranscription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) is a single polypeptide protein with a single function in a simple organism can have
with several distinct functions in the cell. In this chapter multiple functions in the cells of more complex organisms. This
I will review the role of TFIIIA in transcription model runs counter to the classic “one gene, one protein
initiation of the 5S rRNA gene. I will also describe the model by function” idea from the Beadle and Tatum experiments in Neuro-
which TFIIIA associates with the 5S rRNA itself to regulate spora, but there are several examples of “multitasking” proteins,8,9
ribosome biosynthesis and assembly. Finally, I will compare these including TFIIIA.
functions of TFIIIA in various eukaryotic cells, from yeast to TFIIIA was the first eukaryotic transcription factor to be
vertebrate. In all cases, the part played by the protein’s zinc purified and it is required for the in vitro transcription of 5S
fingers will be emphasized. rRNA gene.10 A second, distinct function was subsequently
assigned to TFIIIA, namely rRNA localization and storage.11 Both
Introduction functions of TFIIIA modulate 5S rRNA availability. TFIIIA, in
its role as a DNA-binding transcription factor, modulates the
Although it is notoriously difficult to identify genes from
synthesis of 5S rRNA and then, in its role as an RNA-binding
sequencing data,1,2 whole-genome analyses have led to the
nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttle, controls the assembly of 5S rRNA
unexpected conclusion that an organism’s absolute number of
into ribosomes. The zinc fingers of TFIIIA (Fig. 1) are critical for
genes is not directly related to its morphological, developmental
both its DNA and RNA binding activities.
or behavioral complexity. Humans, whose genes are estimated at
30,000 or fewer3,4 seem more than twice as complex as flies or
worms, whose genes are estimated at fewer than 14,000 for D. DNA Binding by TFIIIA and Transcription
melanogaster5 and 20,000 for C. elegans.6 Not only are there of the 5S rRNA Gene
unexpectedly few protein-encoding genes in metazoan genomes The work of transcription in a eukaryotic cell is divided among
but also their sequences represent only a small fraction of the three RNA polymerases. In general, RNA polymerase I is used
total. A mere 2% of the human genome is thought to encode for transcription of rRNAs, while RNA polymerase II is the
proteins.7 enzyme that transcribes protein-encoding genes, and RNA
If an organism’s complexity does not arise from the absolute polymerase III primarily transcribes tRNAs and small nuclear
number of proteins in its genome or the amount of genomic “real RNAs. Each multisubunit polymerase requires additional
estate” that is dedicated to them, then perhaps it is their proteins for accurate initiation of transcription. These proteins,
regulation that accounts for interspecies diversity. Perhaps increas- collectively called “basal” or “general” transcription factors, tether
ing complexity arises from a limited number of proteins with and position the polymerase at a gene’s promoter for accurate
increasingly complex expression patterns. Indeed, the more and efficient transcription initiation. TFIIIA is one such basal
complex an organism, the more transcription regulatory proteins transcription factor.
are encoded by its genome,7 and since regulatory proteins often Unlike most rRNAs, the 5S rRNA is transcribed by RNA
multimerize with other regulatory proteins, a small increase in polymerase III in conjunction with the transcription factors
the number of regulatory proteins could give rise to a significant TFIIIA, TFIIIB, and TFIIIC (Fig. 2). Transcription begins with
number of alternative regulatory molecules. Also consistent with the recognition of a 5S DNA sequence by TFIIIA. This recogni-
this “few proteins, greater regulation” model is the observation tion event is unusual in several ways. First, TFIIIA is used
that, in complex organisms, the regulatory sequences upstream exclusively for transcription of the 5S rRNA gene. No other genes
of protein-encoding genes are more dense with binding sites for transcribed by RNA polymerase III are known to require TFIIIA
regulatory factors and extend further upstream from the gene’s for expression, thus the term “general transcription factor” may
start site. For example the regulatory sequence for a yeast gene is not strictly apply. The designation may be more related to the
typically within 200 basepairs of the transcription start site while history of TFIIIA since one of the first eukaryotic genes to be
human genes can have multiple regulatory factors binding transcribed in vitro required purified TFIIIA.10 Second, the
sequences 50 or even 100 kb upstream or downstream from the sequence recognized by TFIIIA is within the 5S gene itself as
gene.7 opposed to upstream of the gene where transcription initiation
An alternative explanation for the gene counting conundrum events traditionally occur. The structural details of this
is the “few proteins, multiple functions” model. Perhaps a protein-DNA interaction have been characterized12-14 and

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
196 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. A schematic diagram of TFIIIA. Relevant sequence and struc-

tural features of the protein are shown. The nine zinc fingers are num-
bered and their arrangement within the protein is indicated. The areas
of the protein critical for nuclear import (NLS) and export (NES) are
shown. Transcription activation is mediated by the C-terminal portion
of the protein, as indicated by the bracket. This figure is a composite of
information known about TFIIIA from different species and, as de-
scribed in the text, many variations of this consensus diagram are known.

molecular contacts responsible for TFIIIA-DNA recognition are

described in Chapter 3 of this book.15 Finally, the sequence that
is recognized by TFIIIA is comparatively long. The TFIIIA
recognition sequence, called the internal control region (ICR), is
approximately 55 base pairs long. This can be compared with the Figure 2. Transcription Initiation at the 5S rRNA gene. The ordered
consensus TATA-binding protein (TBP) recognition sequence, assembly of transcription factors that leads to synthesis of 5S rRNA is
TATAAA, the recognition of which initiates RNA polymerase II depicted. Critical contacts made by each factor with the A-block, the
transcription. C-block and the intermediate element (IE) of the internal control region
The zinc fingers of TFIIIA mediate binding to the ICR of the are emphasized. Contacts made by TFIIIB with upstream DNA se-
5S rRNA gene as well as the protein’s interaction with the 5S quences are not shown. To see the image in color please visit http://
rRNA.16 The region of the TFIIIA sequence that is downstream
of the zinc fingers is critical for transcription activation of the 5S
rRNA gene17 as well as for TFIIIA to shuttle 5S rRNA out of the Once TFIIIA is bound, it recruits TFIIIC, a multisubunit
nucleus, a function discussed in detail below. A yeast two-hybrid factor, resulting in a more stable complex at the ICR. In contrast
experiment identified proteins in rat and human cells that with TFIIIA, which binds principally to the C-block, TFIIIC
interact with the carboxyl-terminus of frog but not yeast TFIIIA.18 contacts the A-block of the ICR.24 Once TFIIIA and TFIIIC are
The protein found by this interaction trap is leucine and glutamate bound, TFIIIB is recruited to the complex.25 This transcription
rich, contains numerous potential leucine zippers as well as a factor contains the TATA-binding protein, and does not directly
C2HC zinc-binding motif, and has no apparent homolog in the contact sequences in the ICR. Rather it is recruited and main-
S. cerevisiae or C. elegans genomes. Analysis of TFIIIA from S. tained through protein-protein interactions with the ICR-bound
pombe revealed no DNA-binding role for the tenth zinc finger transcription factors and through protein-DNA interactions
found at the protein’s C-terminus. Deletion of the sequences that upstream of the transcription start site.25,26 Finally, transcription
separate the ninth and tenth fingers also had no effect on the of 5S rRNA begins after RNA polymerase III associates with
affinity of TFIIIA for the 5S rRNA gene, but deletion the protein’s TFIIIB. It is uncertain if TFIIIA and TFIIIC remain associated
C-terminus severely reduced transcription activation.19 with the gene during transcription.27-29 Assembly of the human
A transcription initiation complex can assemble on the 5S transcription initiation complex may differ slightly from that of
rRNA gene, beginning with the association of TFIIIA and the Xenopus in that some of the components of TFIIIC may enter the
ICR (Fig. 2). The ICR has three sequence elements within it.20 complex after TFIIIB to recruit RNA polymerase III to the 5S
These sequences are called the A-block, the intermediate element, rRNA gene.30
and the C-block. In the Xenopus 5S rRNA gene, these sequences The synthesis of 5S rRNA is developmentally regulated in Xe-
are found from +50 to +64, from +67 to +72 and from +80 to nopus oocytes and nucleosomal structure has long been recog-
+97, respectively. Mutational studies, such as references 21 and nized for its importance in this regulation. 31,32 Nucleosomes wrap
22, and structural data13,14 indicate that the first three zinc eukaryotic genomes and condense the DNA, allowing it to fit
fingers of TFIIIA make base-specific contacts with the C-block into the nucleus. They also limit access of sequence-specific DNA
of the 5S rRNA gene and that these contacts contribute the binding proteins. The nucleosomes that are positioned over the
majority of the binding energy to this protein-DNA interaction. 5S rRNA gene inhibit the interaction of TFIIIA with the ICR in
Additional contacts are seen between zinc finger five and the major vitro. 33,34 Conversely, the RNA polymerase III transcription com-
groove of the intermediate element.14 Given the number of plex bound to the 5S rRNA gene prevents the association of nu-
contacts between TFIIIA and the DNA, it is perhaps surprising cleosomes with this sequence in vitro.35 H2A, H2B, H3 and H4
that their dissociation constant is relatively high (Kd = ~10-9 M).23 are the four core histones that comprise the nucleosome octomer.
The Multiple Cellular Functions of TFIIIA 197

Tetramers containing only H3 and H4 can be assembled on the

5S rRNA gene but these do not inhibit TFIIIA binding or tran-
scription initiation.34,36 Repression of 5S transcription by nu-
cleosomes has been explored further by examining the
amino-terminal tails that extend from each of the globular his-
tones. These tails can be removed by limited trypsin digestion of
each histone. Removal of the tails from H2A and H2B does not
relieve nucleosomal repression of the 5S rRNA gene, whereas pro-
teolytic removal of the H3 and H4 tails allows TFIIIA to bind
the ICR and increases the in vitro transcription efficiency from
the nucleosomal-DNA complex.37 This data suggests it is the hi-
stone tails of H3 and H4 that are critical for nucleosomal repres-
sion of 5S rRNA transcription. Interestingly, hydroxyl radical
footprinting indicates that deletion of the histone tails does not
remove or reposition nucleosomes on the template. Thus it is not
simply the presence or absence of nucleosomes over the ICR that
determines its interaction with TFIIIA. The in vitro transcrip-
tion of Xenopus 5S rRNA has allowed for extensive characteriza-
tion of TFIIIA-nucleosome interactions and the effects of his-
tone modification on the reaction.38
The zinc fingers of TFIIIA cannot simultaneously interact with
the 5S rRNA gene and the rRNA product39 and competition for
TFIIIA binding creates a feedback loop that may help regulate
the cellular concentration of 5S rRNA (ref. 11, reviewed in ref.
9). In this model (Fig. 3), free TFIIIA binds the ICR C-block to Figure 3. A feedback loop regulating 5S rRNA synthesis. Panels A and
activate transcription of the 5S rRNA gene. Once the 5S rRNA is B: the binding of TFIIIA to the 5S rRNA gene recruits RNA polymerase
synthesized, it titrates TFIIIA from the ICR causing transcrip- III and leads to transcription. Other factors required for this process are
tion of the gene to decrease. Less transcription lowers the not shown. Panels C and D: Synthesis of the 5S rRNA titrates TFIIIA
concentration of the 5S product, freeing TFIIIA to bind the ICR away from the DNA, eventually leading to less transcription. Panel E:
so transcription of the gene increases again. In vitro analysis transcription of the 5S rRNA gene stops, eventually causing the concen-
supports the proposal that 5S rRNA inhibits its own synthesis by tration of 5S rRNA to drop, thus freeing TFIIIA to bind the DNA once
directly competing with the DNA for TFIIIA.11 The behavior of again, as shown in panel A.
TFIIIA mutants also supports the feedback model for regulating
5S rRNA concentration. For example mutations that decrease
teraction is characterized by base-specific protein contacts (some
the affinity of TFIIIA for 5S rRNA increase transcription of the
refs. are 21, 22, 48, 49). Furthermore, a different subset of the
5S rRNA gene, presumably because more TFIIIA is available to
protein’s zinc fingers mediate its interaction with DNA and with
bind the ICR.40,41
RNA (see references 8 and 47). Further insight into the binding
of DNA and RNA by TFIIIA has been gained by study of p43.50
RNA Binding by TFIIIA and Regulation p43 is a nine zinc finger protein with affinity for 5S RNA, but, in
of Ribosome Biosynthesis contrast with TFIIIA, p43 does not bind DNA. A detailed com-
TFIIIA spends time in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus. parison of these proteins and their interactions with 5S rRNA
After translation of the mRNA for TFIIIA, the protein is can be found in reference 39.
imported into the nucleus to initiate 5S rRNA synthesis. TFIIIA Like TFIIIA, the 5S rRNA also spends time in both the nucleus
is later exported from the nucleus with 5S rRNA as part of the 7S and the cytoplasm. Newly synthesized 5S rRNA can bind TFIIIA
RNP. Nuclear import signals have been mapped just C-terminal to form the 7S RNP. It can also bind the L5 ribosomal protein
to last zinc finger,42 and a leucine-rich, nuclear export signal (NES), (called YL5, Y1 or L1 in yeast) to form the 5S RNP.51 The binding
important for localization of 7S RNP, is at the extreme C-terminus sites for TFIIIA and L5 overlap but the proteins recognize different
of TFIIIA43 (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the NES of TFIIIA was identi- structural elements.52,53 7S RNP and 5S RNP accumulate in the
fied based on its homology to the NES found in Rev, a protein cytoplasm until they are needed for ribosome assembly.54At that
that shuttles mRNAs from the nucleus of cells infected by time, only 5S rRNA that is bound to L5 is shuttled back into the
human immunodeficiency virus. Indeed, the sequence identified nucleoli to be assembled into the large ribosomal subunit. Thus
as the nuclear export signal in TFIIIA can functionally replace any 5S rRNA that is bound to TFIIIA must transfer to L5 if it is
the nuclear export signal in Rev.43 to be incorporated into the ribosome.
The remarkable ability of TFIIIA to bind both the 5S gene The idea that TFIIIA and L5 coordinate to shuttle 5S rRNA
and its RNA product led many researchers to probe the molecular between the nucleus and the cytoplasm is upheld by mutational
basis of these interactions. The resulting wealth of mutational, analysis of the shuttling components. For example, 5S rRNA
structural and biochemical data makes clear that the interaction mutations that inhibit TFIIIA and L5 binding cause retention of
of TFIIIA with DNA is fundamentally different from its interac- the mutant rRNA in the nucleus.55 Overexpression of TFIIIA
tion with encoded RNA. Its interaction with RNA is based on enhances transcription of the 5S rRNA gene56 as do mutations
particular secondary and tertiary structures rather than primary that reduce its affinity for 5S rRNA.41 Point mutations in L1, the
sequence of the 5S rRNA (some refs. are 46-48 and the TFIIIA-5S yeast homolog of L5, that affect its in vitro and in vivo binding to
RNA cocrystal structure in ref. 47), while the TFIIIA-DNA in- 5S rRNA also cause a polyribosome phenotype in S. cerevisiae,
198 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

suggesting defects in ribosome assembly.53 In Xenopus embryos, bound the 5S rRNA gene as well as its rRNA product in vitro.
overexpression of L5 results in increased expression of 5S rRNA, Furthermore, a TFIIIA-GFP fusion protein localized to the nucleo-
presumably because L5 displaces TFIIIA for the existing pool of lus, suggesting the presence of a nuclear localization signal though
5S rRNA, allowing TFIIIA to re-enter the nucleus and initiate none could be identified by sequence gazing.
new transcription of the 5S rRNA gene.54 These studies provide Given the variety of TFIIIA arrangements it is interesting that
compelling evidence for a TFIIIA/L5/5S rRNA network. the sequence of the 5S rRNA gene, and consequently the rRNA
Further study is needed to understand the mechanisms that itself, is highly conserved. The gene is relatively short, only 120
regulate this network and coordinate it with the synthesis and nucleotides in most organisms, and the minor sequence
assembly of the other ribosome components. variations that occur are primarily in the ICR.
Recent experiments show TFIIIA can be phosphorylated by
casein kinase II,57 a tantalizing observation given that this modi- Summary
fication is so often associated with regulation of protein activity. Studies of TFIIIA have revealed multiple cellular functions
The site of phosphorylation appears to be the first zinc finger. for this protein. Its ability to bind both DNA and RNA has made
This serine/threonine kinase is associated with RNA-binding this protein a wonderful tool for exploration of distinct cellular
proteins in Xenopus oocytes58 and can phosphorylate TFIIIA in activities, providing insight into important regulatory mechanisms.
vitro.59 Indeed, early purifications of TFIIIA were “contaminated” The zinc fingers of TFIIIA play critical roles in the protein’s
with kinase activity.60 Interestingly, human L5 protein was functions. Recent evidence indicates the zinc fingers are essential
isolated in a yeast two-hybrid screen for proteins that interact for yet another cellular function, namely recognition of damaged
with the regulatory subunit of casein kinase II.61 The phosphory- DNA and targeting of DNA repair.66 Studies of TFIIIA continue
lation of L5 decreases its affinity for 5S rRNA in vitro,62 an to generate much interest and excitement.
observation consistent with the idea that phosphorylation
regulates the nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttle of 5S rRNA. References
The physiological significance of TFIIIA phosphorylation is 1. Snyder M, Gerstein M. Defining Genes in the Genomics Era. Science
still unclear. Most TFIIIA that is bound to 5S rRNA is not 2003; 300:258-260.
phosphorylated, but it is certainly possible that the modification 2. Pennisi E. Gene Counters Struggle to Get the Answer Right. Science
is transient or occurs on a small but active fraction of the 7S 2003; 301:1040-1041.
RNP. Alternatively, phosphorylation of TFIIIA could influence 3. Lander ES, Linton LM, Birren B et al. Initial sequencing and analysis
of the human genome. Nature 2001; 409:860-921.
its DNA binding activity or transcription activation function. 4. Venter JC, Adams MD, Myers EW et al. The sequence of the human
Another potentially relevant observation is the ATP-ase activity genome. Science 2001; 291:1304-1351.
detected for TFIIIA,63 an activity that is dependent on DNA. 5. Adams MD, Celniker SE, Holt RA et al. The genome sequence of
How these observations connect and fit into existing models for Drosophila melanogaster. Science 2000; 287:2185-2195.
TFIIIA function and regulation awaits further investigation. 6. Ruvkun G, Hobert O. The taxonomy of developmental control in
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been determined and are widely divergent (reviewed in reference factors that bind DNA and RNA. Nucleic Acids Res 2002;
64). The presence of nine zinc fingers is perhaps the only 30:4118-4126.
common feature of the TFIIIA sequences described so far, and 10. Engelke DR, Ng S-Y, Shastry BS et al. Specific Interaction of a
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RNA Genes. Cell 1980; 19:717-728.
pombe which bears a tenth zinc finger. The yeast S. cerevisiae also 11. Pelham HRB, Brown DD. A specific transcription factor that can
has some noteworthy differences in the arrangement of its TFIIIA bind either the 5S rRNA gene or 5S RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci
zinc fingers. The transcription activation domain and protein’s USA 1980; 77:4170-4174.
localization signals are found between the eighth and ninth zinc 12. Wuttke DS, Foster MP, Case DA et al. Solution structure of the
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vertebrate organisms is similarly varied. Among frog species, X. sequence: determinants of affinity and sequence specificity. J Mol
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The Role of the Ikaros Gene Family in Lymphocyte

Pablo Gómez-del Arco, Taku Naito, John Seavitt, Toshimi Yoshida,
Christine Williams and Katia Georgopoulos*


n many developmental systems, nuclear regulators have been
implicated in coupling key events in gene expression with
specific cell fate and lineage decisions. In the hemo-lymphoid
system, the Ikaros gene family of zinc finger DNA binding fac-
tors controls lymphocyte specification and homeostasis from the
hemopoietic stem cell (HSC) throughout development. The de-
pendence of hemo-lymphoid differentiation on Ikaros DNA
binding activity together with the presence of Ikaros proteins
within higher order chromatin remodeling complexes supports
the hypothesis that Ikaros plays a key role in the lineage-specific
remodeling of chromatin. Association of Ikaros and its remodel-
ing partners with the chromatin of key lineage-specific genes,
and the dependence of these genes on Ikaros complexes for their
expression supports this hypothesis and provides unique para-
digms to study chromatin regulation of differentiation.

The Ikaros-Gene Family Figure 1. Ikaros family proteins. Schematic representation of functional
domains in Ikaros family member proteins and various splicing isoforms.
Functional Domains of Ikaros Gene Family Exons are illustrated individually with zinc fingers shown as boxes.
The Ikaros gene family encodes a unique group of Regions required for DNA-binding and multimerization are indicated.
DNA-binding proteins characterized by the presence of two func-
tionally distinct domains containing Krüppel-type zinc fingers.1-3 esis studies indicate that the function and presence of the core
Initially identified as a regulator of lymphoid-specific genes, Ikaros pair of zinc fingers, F2 and F3, are critical for high affinity bind-
was subsequently determined to be the archetype for a family of ing to the core motif 5'-c/TGGGAAT/c-3'.2,11 The presence of
proteins including Aiolos, Helios, and Eos, expression of which at least one additional flanking zinc finger, F1 or F4, further in-
extends from hemo-lymphoid to neuro-epithelial tissues (Fig. fluences binding to this motif.2 The amino-terminal zinc finger
1).4-7 cDNAs for the Ikaros family members have been isolated domain is also required for nuclear localization.2,11 All recognized
from human, mouse, chicken, amphibian, fish, and protochordate splicing isoforms retain the carboxy-terminal pair of zinc fingers.
species and comparison of the protein sequences indicates a strong This region may represent an evolutionarily conserved interac-
conservation of domain function.8,9 tion module, as it shares homology with the Drosophila hunch-
The full length Ikaros protein is characterized by an back and mammalian Pegasus and tricho-rhino-phalangeal TRPS1
amino-terminal zinc finger-dependent DNA binding domain and proteins.1,12-14 This multimerization domain allows assembly
a carboxy-terminal zinc finger domain required for multimer as- between Ikaros proteins and other family members.
sembly (Fig. 1).2,3 Ikaros is comprised of two alternatively used Multimerization between Ikaros isoforms that can and cannot
noncoding exons followed by seven coding exons.10 Alternative bind DNA compromises the ability of the resulting complex to
splicing of exons four through seven gives rise to ten recognized bind DNA. This suggests that the nonbinding isoforms may rep-
isoforms. These isoforms vary in the inclusion of the four resent a naturally occurring dominant negative mechanism to
amino-terminal zinc fingers required for DNA binding. Mutagen- regulate the activity of this family of proteins.15 Nevertheless, the

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The Role of the Ikaros Gene Family in Lymphocyte Development 201

DNA-binding isoforms Ik1 and Ik2 are most abundant in nor-

mal lymphocytes, although increased expression of the nonDNA
binding isoforms is observed in some human hematologic malig-

Ikaros is highly expressed in the earliest sites of hemopoiesis in
the developing embryo including the blood islands of the yolk
sac at E8, the Aorta Gonad Mesonephros (AGM) and the fetal
liver at E9.5. Ikaros mRNA is subsequently detected in the fetal
thymus from E10.5, concomitant with the onset of its popula-
tion with fetal lymphoid precursors.1 In the adult, Ikaros is ex-
pressed in hemopoietic progenitor populations enriched for the
pluripotent and self-renewing HSC, and in myelo-erythroid pre-
cursors.4,5,16 Upon differentiation of these precursors to mono-
cytes, macrophages and erythrocytes, Ikaros message level is
downregulated, but maintained at significant levels in granulo-
cytes.6 In contrast, Ikaros is upregulated in T and B cell precur- Figure 2. Modes of transcriptional regulation by Ikaros. A) Through
sors as they expand and differentiate and remains expressed in chromatin remodeling. Chromatin remodeling can result in both acti-
mature lymphocytes in the fetus and adult. Among the lymphoid vation and repression by facilitating the binding of a transcriptional
populations, Ikaros expression is highest in double positive thy- activator or a repressor. B) Through histone modifications. The Ikaros/
mocytes and mature T cells, populations that display strong NuRD and Ikaros/Sin3 complexes contain histone deacetylases
haplo-insufficiency phenotypes in mice heterozygous for Ikaros (HDACs). Thus Ikaros can affect transcription by changing the histone
mutations. acetylation status in the vicinity of its target sites. C) Through direct
In contrast to Ikaros, expression of the closely related family perturbation of basal transcription factors. Both CtBP and CtIP can
member Aiolos is restricted to the lymphoid system.4 It is first interact with basal transcription factors. It has been proposed that these
detected at low levels in the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) interactions can directly inhibit the activity or affect the stability of the
and is progressively upregulated during B and T cell differentia- preinitiation complex, thus contributing an HDAC-independent re-
tion.4,17 Aiolos expression peaks in mature and recirculating pe- pression mechanism.
ripheral B cells, populations that are most affected by Aiolos de-
ficiency. The Helios pattern of expression in early hemopoietic The Ikaros interactors described above reveal that there are at
progenitors is similar to that of Ikaros but is detected at much least three different mechanisms that are potentially utilized by
lower levels.5 Unlike Ikaros, Helios is additionally expressed in a Ikaros to alter gene expression (Fig. 2).
variety of epithelial tissues. Finally, Eos is expressed in a variety of a. Targeting of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling to catalyze
tissues outside the hemopoietic system in very low amounts.12 chromatin fluidity, conceptualized as a dynamic equilibrium
between closed and open chromatin states. As many transcrip-
Mechanisms of Action tion factors cannot bind to their recognition sequences in the
To gain insight into the mechanisms by which Ikaros exerts its context of a restrictive nucleosomal structure, nucleosome re-
modeling targeted by an Ikaros complex can facilitate binding
effects on gene expression and to identify associated proteins, bio-
of downstream transcription factors. This may promote or in-
chemical purification of Ikaros was carried out. Purification of
hibit gene expression, depending on the nature of the factors
Ikaros from the thymus of a Flag-tagged Ikaros-expressing
recruited to the region (panel A). Alternatively, Ikaros mediated
transgenic line revealed that it is associated with two different chromatin remodeling may prohibit binding of transcription
classes of chromatin remodeling complexes.18 A major fraction factors and limit the potential for regulation.
of Ikaros associates with components of a previously described
NuRD (nucleosome remodeling and deacetylating) complex that b. The authoring of a “histone code” by Ikaros complexes. Core
contains the ATPase Mi-2 and HDAC1/2. A smaller fraction of histones are biochemically modified at specific residues in a va-
Ikaros was found associated with Swi/Snf, another chromatin re- riety of ways, including acetylation, methylation, phosphoryla-
modeling complex containing the ATPase Brg1 and BAFs. Ikaros tion and ubiquitination. It is widely theorized that a combina-
complexes were also purified from an erythroleukemia cell line tion of specific histone modifications dictates a code establish-
with both classes of chromatin remodelers.19 This group suggested ing a downstream event. Indeed, several conserved protein mo-
that Ikaros may form a mega-complex containing both NuRD tifs are known to recognize specific histone modifications. The
and Swi/Snf components. Outside the NuRD complex, a small Ikaros/NuRD and Ikaros/Sin3 complexes contain HDAC1/2
fraction of Ikaros can also associate with another that can remove acetyl groups from histone tails and establish a
repressive histone code (panel B).
HDAC-interacting factor, Sin3.20 Ikaros can therefore recruit
HDAC activity using two independent pathways. Ikaros has also c. Ikaros may repress gene expression in an HDAC-independent
been shown to repress gene expression in an HDAC-independent mechanism, which involves CtBP and CtIP. Repression by these
manner through CtBP and CtIP.21 molecules is thought to be achieved through a direct inhibition
of basal transcription factors21 (panel C).
202 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

pathway for T cell differentiation that is not dependent on the

common lymphoid progenitor and is less affected by Ikaros defi-
ciency. No fetal or adult waves of lymphoid differentiation (in-
cluding all T cells) are detected in the Ikarosdn/wt mice.
Ikaros null HSC, although reduced in activity and possibly in
number, make a near-normal number of myeloid precursors, in-
dicating an increase in their production.24 The number of ma-
ture myelocytes is also increased in Ikaros deficient mice. Taken
together, these studies on the lymphoid versus myeloid popula-
tions in Ikaros deficient mice have provided us with the hypoth-
esis that Ikaros plays a pivotal role in the differentiation of the
HSC or of its immediate multipotent progeny. At the level of a
multipotent hemopoietic progenitor, Ikaros provides positive regu-
lation for the lymphoid and negative regulation for the myeloid
differentiation programs.

Effects of Ikaros on T Cell Differentiation

T Cell Development in the Absence of Ikaros

The normal fetal waves of T cell development are completely
Figure 3. Mouse model systems. Summary of phenotypes for Ikaros abrogated in Ikaros null mice, and no T cells are detectable in the
null, dominant negative (dn) and Aiolos null mice. underdeveloped thymus of newborn animals.22 At 3-5 days after
birth, small numbers of T cell precursors become detectable in
Ikaros Mutant Mice the thymus, and by one week of age a thymic cortex becomes
In order to understand how Ikaros expression is critical for histologically distinguishable. Although at one week after birth
hemo-lymphopoiesis, two strains of Ikaros-deficient mice were the Ikaros null thymus contains 100-300 fold fewer thymocytes
produced (Fig. 3). Deletion of the last translated exon of the Ikaros than age-matched controls, the adult thymus is of near normal
protein (exon 8) eliminates the C-terminal half of the protein cellularity. Immature CD25+ double negative (DN2 and DN3)
including the C-terminal zinc fingers, which are involved in thymocytes are 10-20 fold reduced in both young and adult Ikaros
protein-protein interactions. No wild-type Ikaros protein is pro- null mice, however, suggesting that Ikaros deficiency either re-
duced after deletion, and instead a virtually undetectable trun- duces the input of hematopoietic precursors from the bone mar-
cated protein is translated then rapidly degraded. These mice are row or that early thymocyte precursors fail to expand normally in
therefore true Ikaros null mutants.22 Alternatively, deletion of the absence of Ikaros.25
exons 5 and 6, encoding zinc fingers 2, 3 and 4 including the An apparent increase in the number of CD4+ SP thymocytes
DNA binding domain core, results in the production of a stable is detected in the Ikaros null thymus, with a concomitant de-
mutant protein. As the dimerization and transcriptional activa- crease in DP thymocytes.22 As will be discussed below, this is in
tion domains remain intact, this Ikaros mutant form functions as part due to a failure of a significant fraction of DP cells to express
a dominant negative (dn) when produced in excess.23 The Ikaros CD826. Lymph node development is severely impaired in the
dn mutation displays a similar trend of phenotypes to the null absence of Ikaros.22 This defect in lymph node and Peyer’s patch
mutation, but the severity is far greater, indicating negative inter- formation is not corrected by transplantation of wild-type bone
actions with other compensating family members. marrow into these mice, suggesting that Ikaros is also crucial for
the development of normal lymphatic structures.24
Effects of Ikaros in HSC and Early Young Ikaros dominant negative heterozygous (dn/wt) mice
Hemopoietic Progenitors have a largely normal lymphoid compartment.27 At 2-3 months
of age, CD4+CD8int and CD4intCD8+ transitional thymocytes
Studies on Ikaros null mice revealed that Ikaros is required at
begin to accumulate abnormally, and T cells expressing
several different steps of the hemopoietic hierarchy. Ikaros null
mice show a significant reduction in HSC activity (> 30 fold re- autoreactive T cell receptor specificities can be detected. Together,
duction in long-term hemopoietic lineage repopulating activity) these observations suggest that normal selection of thymocytes
both in the fetus and in the adult.24 No HSC activity is detected with nonself receptor specificities may be impaired in the Ikarosdn/
in mice homozygous for the Ikaros dn mutation. This suggests background. Ikarosdn/dn animals display a more severe defect in
that Ikaros and family members are required for normal produc- T cell development when compared to Ikaros null mice; in these
tion and perhaps maintenance of HSC. HSC that are produced animals there is a complete block in all fetal and adult T cell
in the Ikaros null mice fail to generate B cells, fetal T cells and lineages and only a rudimentary thymus structure develops.23
Natural Killer cells.22 The block in lymphoid differentiation is
manifested very early, as the earliest described precursors for both Effects of Ikaros-Deficiency on T Cell Activation
the B and T cell pathways, including the common lymphoid pro- Mature CD4 and CD8 αβT cells isolated from Ikaros null
genitor (CLP), are absent.22 The only exception to the early and mice hyperproliferate compared to wild-type in response to in
severe block in lymphoid differentiation imposed by the Ikaros vitro TCR stimulation.25 The lower threshold required for acti-
mutation is a postnatal wave of αβ-T cells. In addition to dem- vation correlates with decreasing Ikaros levels, as Ikarosdn/wt cells
onstrating that production of lymphoid progenitors is dependent show a greater proliferative response to TCR stimulation than
on Ikaros, these studies also reveal the existence of an alternative Ikarosnull/wt cells. In addition, Ikaros mutant T cells exhibit an
The Role of the Ikaros Gene Family in Lymphocyte Development 203

During T cell activation, the loss of Ikaros may increase Mi-2

availability (or activity), which may be responsible for increased
proliferative responses and the oncogenic transformation of lym-

The Role of Aiolos in B Cell Differentiation

and Function
Mice homozygous for a null mutation in Aiolos (Aio-/-) show
that, as predicted from its pattern of expression, Aiolos is not re-
quired for B or T lineage commitment from the early HSC or
CLP. However, Aio-/- mice show defects in B cell maturation and
B cell effector function.29 Aio-/- mice exhibit a severe reduction
in the numbers of long-lived recirculating B220++IgM+ B cells in
the bone marrow, in the number of marginal zone B cells in the
spleen and of peritoneal B1-a cells.29,30 Splenic B cells in these
mice, although normal in numbers, display an activated cell sur-
face phenotype. Additionally, Aio-/- B cells form germinal centers
in the absence of immunization, suggesting that they are respond-
Figure 4. Changes in Ikaros-Mi-2 localization during the cell cycle. A) ing to self-antigens or to low amounts of antigen that would not
Dynamic redistribution of Ikaros and Mi-2β into heterochromatin (HC) normally elicit a response in wild type B cells. Consistent with
upon T cell activation. B) Mi-2β localization to heterochromatin in these observations, Aio-/- B cells display hyperproliferative re-
cycling cells is Ikaros dependent. sponses to B cell receptor, LPS and CD40 stimulation in vitro.
This result is strikingly similar to the hyperproliferative responses
accelerated entry into S phase following activation (16 hours post- observed in Ikaros deficient T cells. As the Aio-/- mice age, they
stimulation versus 26-28 hours for wild-type cells), indicating develop nuclear autoantibodies and symptoms of systemic lupus
that a reduction in Ikaros results in the early initiation of DNA erythematosus, as well as B cell lymphomas.29,31
replication.25 A further role of Aiolos in mature B cell effector function has
Nuclear staining reveals that in resting T cells, Ikaros is dis- been revealed by the study of T-cell dependent immune responses.
tributed into a fine speckled pattern.25 Upon activation, Ikaros Aiolos is necessary for the generation of long-lived high-affinity
plasma cells (or antibody-forming cell, AFC) resident in the bone
proteins coalesce into foci and form distinct toroidal structures
marrow (BM).32 These BM AFC are responsible for immunity to
when the cells are in G1/S phases of the cell cycle.25,28 These
antigens by sustaining long-term antibody production. Chimera
toroids are associated with DNA replication clusters in hetero-
reconstitutions demonstrated that the BM plasma cell defect is
chromatin. Upon T cell activation, the Mi-2 chromatin remodeler
intrinsic to the Aiolos-deficient B cells. Since lack of Aiolos does
(of the NuRD complex) colocalizes with Ikaros into toroidal struc- not alter expression of any of the previously described factors re-
tures18 (Fig. 4). In the absence of Ikaros, the ability of Mi-2 to quired for general plasma cell differentiation, it was proposed that
redistribute into heterochromatin is impaired (Fig. 4), suggesting the differentiation program leading to the formation of the
that the NuRD complex may be targeted to heterochromatic ar- high-affinity plasma cell population in the BM is distinct from
eas by Ikaros-DNA binding in activated T cells. that of other plasma cells and is uniquely dependent on Aiolos.
In summary, Aiolos, in contrast to Ikaros, is not required for
Ikaros Deficiency Leads to T Cell Lymphomagenesis differentiation or commitment to the lymphoid lineages. Instead,
Ikaros-deficient primary T cells require a lower activation Aiolos is critical at later stages of B cell differentiation: for the
threshold to enter the cell cycle and accumulate chromosomal production or survival of long-lived B cell populations like the
abnormalities.25 Ikaros mutant mice develop T cell leukemias and marginal zone B cells, the peritoneal B1-a B cells and the long-lived
lymphomas with a high penetrance and short latency.27 At 2-3 high-affinity plasma cells in the BM.
months of age, a clonal expansion of T cells can be observed in
Ikarosdn/wt mice, and by 3-6 months of age, there is a 100% pen- Ikaros-Family Gene Targets
etrance of T cell leukemias and lymphomas. The development of Gene expression studies on the hemopoietic system of mice
these tumors is always associated with the mutation being at both with Ikaros-family deficiencies have begun to reveal biologically
Ikaros loci.27 Ikarosnull/wt mice are also tumor-prone, but develop important targets for this regulatory network. DP thymocytes
T cell malignancies at a lower frequency than the dominant nega- from Ikaros and Ikaros/Aiolos deficient mice fail to express the
tive.22 Interestingly, when the Ikarosdn/wt mutation is bred onto CD8 gene appropriately, suggesting that Ikaros regulates CD8
recombinase activating gene deficient mice (RAG-/-), which can- expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that Ikaros
not form functional TCR’s, no lymphomagenesis is observed.25 directly associates with the CD8 enhancer DNaseI hypersensi-
This suggests that preTCR or TCR signaling is required for trans- tive sites (DHS). Studies of transgenes driven by the CD8 en-
formation of Ikaros-deficient T cells. hancer elements showed a dependency for their expression on
Interestingly, deletion of the Ikaros-associated NuRD subunit Ikaros. Genetic and molecular evidence therefore indicates that
Mi-2β from peripheral T cells causes a dramatic (5-7 fold) reduc- Ikaros and its family members are required for normal CD8 acti-
tion in TCR-mediated in vitro proliferative responses (C. Will- vation during T cell differentiation.26 A recent report on SWI/
iams et al, in press). This finding implicates Mi-2β as a positive SNF (Brg-1) inactivation in T cells showed a similar deregulation
regulator in TCR-mediated proliferation and suggests that Ikaros of CD8 expression.33 It is likely that the Ikaros-SWI/SNF
and Mi-2 may play opposing roles in lymphocyte homeostasis. complex described in T cells18 is responsible for activating CD8
204 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

expression during development. Activation of Rag-1 and Rag-2 Of the three major areas of Ikaros phosphorylation detected
gene expression is also dependent on Ikaros. Rag gene expression during the G1-S transition, phosphorylation of the S/TRR resi-
is abolished in the HSC compartment (S. Ng, unpublished data) dues in exon 8 negatively regulates the ability of the protein to
of Ikaros null mice and Rag BAC transgenes are downregulated arrest the cell cycle. Ikaros phosphorylation mutants (Serine to
in these cell types (T. Naito, unpublished data). Alanine) at the S/TRR residues act as stronger cell cycle inhibi-
TdT is another potential Ikaros gene target during develop- tors than the wild type protein and increase Ikaros’ DNA bind-
ment. An Ikaros binding site in the TdT promoter overlaps that ing activity. Casein Kinase II (CKII) was found to be responsible
of Elf-1, a putative activator of TdT. In vitro binding of Ikaros for the Ikaros phosphorylation events during the G1-S transi-
and Elf-1 to the site is mutually exclusive, suggesting that Ikaros tion. During mitosis, Ikaros becomes further phosphorylated in
may down-regulate TdT by competing away Elf-1.34 Ikaros has the linker region of the four DNA-binding zinc fingers which
also been implicated in the repression of the lambda5 gene.35 further reduces Ikaros DNA binding.37 Thus, there appears to be
Here again, competition with E2A at a common binding site has a gradual inactivation of Ikaros DNA binding activity during the
been suggested as a repression mechanism. cell cycle that is mediated by phosphorylation. Further studies
are required to determine how these post-transcriptional modifi-
Regulation of Ikaros cations modulate Ikaros’ activity as a transcriptional regulator of
cell cycle control genes.
A progressive reduction of Ikaros protein levels in T cells fa- Transcriptional Regulation of Ikaros
cilitates their activation and causes the rapid development of leu- Ikaros expression in the hemopoietic system is controlled by a
kemias and lymphomas, suggesting Ikaros functions as a potent large number of regulatory regions that are scattered throughout
tumor suppressor. Indeed, Ikaros provides for critical control over its 120kb locus on mouse Chromosome 11.10 The Ikaros gene
cell cycle progression by negatively regulating the G1-S transi- consists of two untranslated exons (1a and 1b) and seven trans-
tion through its DNA binding activity.36 lated exons (exon 2 to 8). The two untranslated exons are inde-
In search of post-translational modifications that regulate Ikaros pendently spliced to exon 2. Several hemopoietic-specific tran-
activity during the cell cycle, three regions of phosphorylation scription start sites were detected in their vicinity that are utilized
were identified in Ikaros proteins.36,37 Phosphorylation impacts at different frequencies indicating the existence of two promoter
Ikaros’ DNA binding ability at different stages of the cell cycle regions upstream of exon 1a and 1b (Fig. 6). These regions do
(Fig. 5). In the G1 phase, Ikaros is expressed in a not contain any TATA or CAAT box canonical promoter ele-
de-phosphorylated state, becomes phosphorylated during the rep- ments and are GC rich in composition, like other hemopoietic
licative phase (S), and remains so through M phase. Ikaros phos- and lymphoid-specific promoters.
phorylation is lost in the G1 phase of the next cycle and is rees- Ten clusters of hemopoietic tissue-specific DNase I hypersen-
tablished during S phase (Fig. 5B). sitivity sites (DHS) in the Ikaros locus were identified which de-
marcate regions of chromatin accessibility found in the vicinity
of active regulatory regions (Fig. 6). Some of these DHS are de-
tected in both spleen and thymus and others are more restricted
to the thymus. Studies on cross species sequence conservation
have identified eight conserved regions, most of which are found
in the proximity of the DHS clusters described for the mouse
Ikaros genomic locus (Fig. 6).
The activity of the two genomic fragments that contain the
Ikaros promoter regions has been reported in mouse transgenic
studies. The DHS-C2 (A) region containing the promoter up-
stream of exon 1a drives expression of the enhanced green fluo-
rescent protein (EGFP) reporter in granulocytes (Mac-1+/Gr-1+)
(Fig. 6, A-p-GFP). The DHS-C3 (B) region containing the pro-
moter upstream of exon 1b provides reporter activity predomi-
nantly in B cells and in some myeloid cells (Mac-1+/Gr-1-) (Fig.
6, B-p-GFP). In both cases, the reporter is subject to position
effect variegation (PEV) indicating that critical regulatory ele-
ments that counteract the restrictive effects of heterochromatin
in the Ikaros locus are missing. The DHS-C3 region is also active
in the hemopoietic stem cell compartment (HSCs). DHS-C3
activity is maintained throughout B cell development and in
mature B cells; however, during T cell development, it starts to
decline at the DN3 stage (CD44-CD25+) and minimal activity is
detected at the DP stage. Thus additional elements are required
Figure 5. Phosphorylation controls Ikaros’ ability to negatively regulate to maintain DHS-C3 activity past the DN3 stage of T cell differ-
the G1 to S phase transition. A) Schematic representation of Ik-1 show- entiation.
ing translated exons (horizontal rectangles) and its 6 Zinc Fingers (F). The DHS-C3 regulatory region, in combination with the
The asterisk and grey rectangle represent residues where Ikaros is phos- intronic DHS-C6 (C) region, provides for almost 100% reporter
phorylated during the G1-S transition. B) Model for Ikaros’ control of activity throughout T cell development in the thymus (Fig. 6,
the G1 to S transition and its regulation by Ikaros phosphorylation. B-p-GFP-C). This combination of regulatory elements in part
The Role of the Ikaros Gene Family in Lymphocyte Development 205

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Basonuclin: A Zinc Finger Protein

of Epithelial Cells and Reproductive Germ Cells
Howard Green* and Hung Tseng

keratinocytes with a cDNA encoding the HLH domain of Myf-5.2

asonuclin is a C2H2 zinc finger protein first discovered in
the keratinocytes of stratified squamous epithelia and in Keratinocyte cDNAs selected by the screening contained a se-
certain keratinocytes of the hair follicles. It was later de- quence of only 26 nucleotides similar to those of the Myf-5 cod-
tected in the reproductive germ cells of the testis and ovary and ing region; these nucleotides encoded the so-called Ω loop3,4 con-
in the cells of the ocular lens epithelium. The only known func- served in the myogenic proteins as NPNQRL.5 The selected
tion of basonuclin is that of a transcription factor in the synthe- keratinocyte cDNAs did not encode an HLH protein but rather
sis of ribosomal RNA, but the interesting question remains why a zinc finger protein containing the loop sequence NPNPRL be-
this function of basonuclin should be required by a small but tween the two histidines of the second zinc finger. The cDNA
diverse group of epithelial cell types. The recent discovery of a was sequenced and found to contain 4611 nucleotides encoding
second basonuclin with strong resemblances in structure and an unknown protein with six typical C2H2 zinc fingers, arranged
function to the first, but with some important differences in cel- in three separate pairs.2 Aside from the short loop sequence, there
lular distribution and in evolutionary behavior, adds to the in- was no similarity between basonuclin and the HLH proteins.
terest of basonuclin as a regulatory protein of epithelial cell types.
Structural Features of Basonuclin
The Discovery of Basonuclin
Basonuclin was discovered during a search for keratinocyte
transcription regulators containing a helix-loop-helix (HLH) The Zinc Fingers
domain. This domain is found in the myogenic family of pro- The C-terminal two-thirds of basonuclin contain the three
teins such as MyoD and Myf-5, which cooperate to initiate pairs of zinc fingers, each pair separated from its neighbors by
myogenesis in myoblasts by inducing transcription of genes spe- 150-320 amino acids (Fig. 1). The first finger of each pair (Fig.
cifically expressed in muscle.1 On the possibility that the control 2) has a short spacer between the two cysteines (C-X2-C) and
of keratinocyte differentiation might rely on similar proteins, we between the two histidines (H-X4-H), whereas the second finger
screened a cDNA library prepared from cultured human has a longer spacer in each location (C-X4-C and H-X6-8-H). The

Figure 1. Principal features of basonuclin 1. Below the line are the numbers of the amino acid sequence beginning or ending each structural element.
Each zinc finger ends on the second histidine. * indicates C-terminus of the protein.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
208 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

basonuclin returned to the cytoplasm, and the rate of keratinocyte

proliferation was reduced.8 Conditions that promote keratinocyte
proliferation are evidently associated with nuclear localization of

Relatedness of Zinc Fingers of Basonuclin to Those

of a Drosophila Protein
In our original paper describing the sequence of human
basonuclin,2 we pointed out the similarity of its first and second
zinc fingers to those of the Drosophila protein disco,9 whose func-
tion in the larval optic nerve seems to have no relation to that of
basonuclin and whose amino acid sequence, apart from the pair
of zinc fingers, also has no similarity to that of basonuclin.
The recently discovered Drosophila gene discorelated10 also has
a function in the development of the larval head, and this func-
tion overlaps that of disco. Discorelated has two pairs of zinc
fingers resembling the first two pairs of fingers of human
basonuclin (Fig. 2). In sequences extending from the residue pre-
ceding the second cysteine to the second histidine, zinc fingers 4
are the most similar (91% identity); the only two mismatches are
due to conservative substitutions. The zinc fingers 2 are 79% iden-
tical, and this finger of discorelated even possesses the loop se-
quence NPNPKL in the same position as the NPNPRL of
Figure 2. Comparison of the four zinc fingers of Drosophila discorelated
basonuclin. Zinc fingers 1 are 73% identical, and only zinc fin-
with the first four zinc fingers of human basonuclin. Dots indicate
ger 3 is poorly conserved. The strong similarity of the shared zinc
identity. + indicates conservative substitution. Sequence of discorelated
fingers 1, 2 and 4 show that these fingers are of ancient origin.
from Mahaffey et al10 Sequence of human basonuclin from Tseng and
Since the rest of the two proteins and their functions are com-
Green.2 Included are the sequences of zinc fingers 5 and 6 of basonuclin,
pletely different, each protein must either alter the nucleotide
which have no counterpart in discorelated.
recognition of the fingers or adapt a similar recognition pattern
to achieve completely different results.
distance between the second cysteine and the first histidine is a
constant 12 residues typical of C2H2 fingers.6
Conservation of Basonuclin during Mammalian
The Nuclear Localization Signal Evolution: Comparison of Its Amino Acid Sequences
The nuclear localization signal (NLS) of basonuclin is located in Human and Mouse
near the middle of the protein between the second and third zinc Overall, murine and human basonuclin are 88% identical.
fingers (Fig. 1). Its sequence, PKKKSR-K539, matches well the This value is intermediate between values for highly conserved
consensus sequence of the class A NLS, in which a helix breaker proteins and highly divergent proteins of mouse and human.12
(a proline or a glycine) is followed by at least three basic amino But the amino acid sequence of certain regions of basonuclin is
acids. Residues 540 and 541 are both serines. Deletion of this highly conserved (Table 1). Although fingers 3 and 4 have di-
region severely reduced nuclear localization of the protein.7 verged considerably, zinc fingers 1 and 6 are identical in the two
Basonuclin of intact keratinocytes was found to incorporate species, and 2 and 5 differ in a single replacement. The regions
32 flanking the NLS and the serine stripe have also been highly con-
Pi. The only phosphorylated amino acid detected was serine.
When phosphorylation of a 33 amino acid sequence containing served. There are numerous silent nucleotide substitutions in all
the NLS was studied in keratinocytes, it was found that substitu- of these conserved regions, supporting the idea that the function
tion of aspartic acid or alanine for serine 541 eliminated phos- of the conserved regions does not tolerate evolutionary amino
phorylation completely or nearly completely, respectively. Sub- acid replacement.
stitutions at serine 537 had weak effects and at serine 540 had no
effect on phosphorylation. Serine 541 was therefore the principal Structure of the Basonuclin Gene
phosphorylated residue. Alanine replacement experiments showed The human basonuclin gene contains five exons spanning nearly
that phosphorylation of serine 541 was the principal determi- 29 kb of genomic DNA.13 The first three exons are relatively
nant of cytoplasmic localization of basonuclin. Inhibition of phos- small and all the zinc fingers are encoded in the fourth and fifth
phatase action on wild type basonuclin in intact keratinocytes exons. A notable feature of the gene is its large second intron of
led to cytoplasmic localization.7 17 kb. The gene was initially mapped to human chromosome 15
The state of phosphorylation of this serine is likely to be regu- by screening a panel of human-rodent somatic cell hybrids13 and
lated by extra-cellular signals. In samples of epidermis of human was later mapped more precisely to 15q25 by fluorescence in-situ
and rat the basonuclin was predominantly cytoplasmic. When hybridization.14 This assignment was confirmed by genomic se-
these cells were put into cultivation with 3T3 feeders (conditions quencing (Celera Discovery System, Gene number hCG27264).
supporting more rapid keratinocyte proliferation) the basonuclin Initial Northern analysis showed basonuclin mRNA as a single
became predominantly nuclear. This translocation of basonuclin band of 4.6 kb. But analysis of RNase resistance, using genomic
was reversible, since when the 3T3 feeders were removed, the DNA to protect the RNA, showed mRNAs with 5' untranslated
Basonuclin: A Zinc Finger Protein of Epithelial Cells and Reproductive Germ Cells 209

Table 1. Comparison of murine with human basonuclin (first cysteine to second histidine of each finger)

Non-Synonymous Synonymous Ratio

Nucleotide Nucleotide Synonymous Mutations/
Zinc Finger Substitutions Substitutions Total Mutations (%)

1 0/66 (0.0%) 8/66 (12.1%) 100

2 1/84 (1.2%) 6/84 (7.1%) 86
3 4/66 (6.1%) 6/66 (9.1%) 60
4 3/78 (3.8%) 3/78 (3.8%) 50
5 1/66 (1.5%) 3/66 (4.5%) 75
6 0/78 (0.0%) 5/78 (6.4%) 100
28 amino acid sequence 0/84 (0.0%) 4/84 (8.3%) 100
containing the NLS
34 amino acid sequence 0/102 (0.0%) 7/102 (6.9%) 100
containing the Serine Stripe
The Loop Sequence 0/18 (0.0%) 1/18 (5.6%) 100
of zinc finger 2
Adapted from Matsuzaki et al;11 human zinc finger 2 corrected

regions of different lengths. The 5' end of the longest mRNA was The Cell Types Containing Basonuclin
located approximately 350 nucleotides upstream of the 5' end of
the original cDNA clone.15 This discrepancy might be explained
by the fact that the sequence near the 5' end of the cDNA clone
Keratinocytes of Stratified Squamous Epithelia
Basonuclin was first detected in the nucleus of basal
(-250 to +187) has a GC content of over 80%,13 in contrast to
keratinocytes of plantar epidermis.17 At the tip of the rete ridges,
the average of 40-50% in the flanking sequences. RNA with high
where the epidermis is thickest, some cells in the first supra-basal
GC content usually contains stable secondary structure that may layer also contained basonuclin. Beyond this layer, basonuclin
hinder reverse transcription. Indeed, evidence from computer was usually absent from the terminally differentiating cells; a typi-
analysis showed that a large and stable (∆G = 210 kcal/mol) cal protein of terminal differentiation, involucrin, was never found
stem-loop structure resembling a cruciform is likely formed by in the same cells as basonuclin.17 Basonuclin of the basal cells
the sequence between –212 to –59 and may explain interference may be either nuclear or cytoplasmic; the latter location seemed
with reverse transcription by the avian enzyme.15 Study of a to be more common in the epidermis of elderly humans.8
coupled transcription-translation system in vitro, from DNA in- The expression pattern of basonuclin in the corneal epithe-
creasingly deleted into the stem-loop region, showed that full lium has been studied in detail in the mouse. In adults, basonuclin
deletion of the stem-loop sequence was required to produce the was present and nuclear in virtually all cells of the basal layer of
full-length basonuclin protein. It was suggested that the stem-loop the epithelium.18 The basonuclin was sometimes present in small
region might be the basis for regulation of basonuclin synthesis intranuclear aggregates or dots, suggesting association of the pro-
at the level of translation.15 tein with a sub-nuclear structure, possibly the nucleolus. This
It has been reported16 that in both human and mouse there is was also true of esophageal and vaginal keratinocytes.
an alternative exon (BSN1b) located downstream from the During corneal development in the mouse, basonuclin first
basonuclin exon I reported earlier.13 Although the human sequence appeared in a few cells of the epithelium at post-natal day 4 and
BSN1b is present in a bacterial artificial chromosome derived from was present in all basal cells by day 20. Curiously, basonuclin was
human chromosome 15, we do not know of any closely related consistently absent from the limbal region, where the stem cells
murine sequence present in GenBank. of the corneal epithelium reside.
The basonuclin promoter was found to be TATA-less.13,15 Tran-
scription from such a promoter usually requires Sp1 as an activa- Hair Follicle Cells
tor protein. Many Sp1 binding sites were found within the GC In the anagen or growth phase of the hair cycle in adult hu-
rich region, but all were located downstream of the start sites of mans and mice, basonuclin-containing cells were found within
the longer mRNAs.13,15 the outer root sheath throughout the length of the follicle includ-
Despite the heterogeneity at their 5' ends, all human basonuclin ing the bulge region, in the adjacent sebaceous gland, and in those
mRNAs shared the same two neighboring AUG codons at +89 cells of the bulb in contact with the mesenchymal cells of the
and +179 of which the first is the initiator codon.15 As basonuclin follicular papilla. In these regions, the basonuclin appeared strictly
mRNA of the mouse lacked the AUG orthologous to the initia- nuclear, whereas in the basal layer of the epidermis and adjacent
tor AUG of human basonuclin, the mouse protein had a slightly outer region of the follicle, basonuclin was located in the cyto-
greater mobility in SDS-PAGE electrophoresis than the human plasm.8,19 The protein also was cytoplasmic in regions associated
protein.11 It is likely that the nucleotide sequence orthologous to with terminal differentiation such as the supramatrical region of
that located between the first two human AUGs is not translated. the bulb.17,19
210 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

In the mouse, strong immunofluorescent staining of basonuclin An unusual aspect of basonuclin in the anterior lens epithe-
was first detected in the nuclei of precursor keratinocytes of the lium is that the protein was always located only in the cytoplasm,
hair follicles on embryonic day 14.19 This shows that the synthe- concentrated in its apical part.18 Even when the cells were prolif-
sis of basonuclin is an early part of the program of follicular gen- erating, the protein was never detected in the nuclei.
esis. As the newly formed hair peg grew into the dermis,
basonuclin-containing cells were concentrated in the nuclei of Location of Intranuclear Basonuclin
the leading tip of the peg, the outer root sheath and the bulb Knowledge of the structure of the gene for ribosomal RNA
close to the follicular papilla. In catagen, basonuclin remained and the role of the transcription factors UBF and SL owes much
nuclear in the retreating epithelial strand and adjacent outer root to the work of R. Tjian22-25 and R. H. Reeder.23,26 This form of
sheath. In telogen, the resting phase of the cycle, basonuclin per- regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis is thought to be present
sisted only in the peg and adjacent outer root sheath of the club. in all cell types.
This is the region from which the new follicle regenerates during Basonuclin is associated with human mitotic chromosomes at
the next anagen. Basonuclin therefore seems to remain in cells eight highly specific sites corresponding to the short arms of the
with proliferative potential for a long period during which they acrocentric chromosomes.14 These sites are known to contain the
are not yet proliferating.17,19 genes for rRNA. This was confirmed by demonstration of
colocalization on those chromosomes of basonuclin and UBF1.14
Germ Line Cells of Testis and Ovary Cultured keratinocytes, like other cell types, contain UBF1
Surveys of mouse and human RNA of different tissues exam- (S. Iuchi and H. Green, unpublished experiments). Unlike UBF1,
ined by Northern analysis and RT-PCR revealed that basonuclin which is entirely nucleolus-associated, basonuclin is present in
mRNA was present not only in epidermis and related stratified the nucleoplasm as well. In tissue sections through the mouse
squamous epithelia but also in the testis,16 where it was even more ovary, basonuclin of the oocyte, like that of the keratinocyte, was
abundant.20 When the sensitivity of detection was increased by not confined to the nucleolus and instead appeared uniformly
hybridizing the RT-PCR products with labeled basonuclin cDNA, distributed in the nucleoplasm and nucleolus.21 But when grow-
bands of basonuclin mRNA were detected in mammary gland ing oocytes were isolated and permeabilized with Triton X100
and thymus at perhaps one order of magnitude lower abundance.20 under conditions that favored Pol I but not Pol II transcription,
This may be explained by the presence in these tissues of some nucleolar basonuclin became predominant. Under these condi-
keratinocytes or related cell types. Placenta and spleen gave sig- tions, active Pol I transcription could be simultaneously detected.21
nals of intensity possibly two orders of magnitude lower than
those of epidermis and testis, but the responsible cell types re- Basonuclin and The Synthesis of Ribosomal
main unknown.
As basonuclin of mouse testis was absent from the Sertoli cells,
the protein was restricted to the germ cell lineage which forms The presence of zinc fingers in basonuclin suggested that it
the seminiferous tubules. At first, basonuclin mRNA was found was a transcriptional regulator with ability to interact with a spe-
in the spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids, but for some cific DNA sequence. This led to a search for the target gene. Two
reason the protein was not detected.16 Later, use of a different groups, independently and by different routes, reached the con-
antiserum revealed the presence of basonuclin protein at all stages clusion that the zinc fingers of basonuclin interact with sites within
of spermatogenesis, including the earliest precursors, the sper- the promoter region of human rDNA, where, like UBF1, the
matogonia, where it was located in the nuclei.20 By late stages of protein acts as a transcription factor for the synthesis of rRNA.14,27
differentiation in the spermatozoa, the basonuclin had moved to In order to isolate human genomic sequences that interact with
an extra-nuclear location and was found associated with the basonuclin, a human genomic library was incubated with bacterial
midpiece, the centrioles and the acrosomes.16,20 inclusions containing human basonuclin and selected for genomic
Basonuclin was shown to be present not only in the male germ sequences with high affinity for the protein.27 After five rounds of
line but also in developing oocytes, the only ovarian cell type that selection, a 2 kb DNA fragment became predominant. By electro-
stained intensively for basonuclin.20 In tissue sections made phoresis mobility shift assay, a 258-bp sequence located within this
through growing primary oocytes and secondary oocytes that had fragment was found to interact with the first pair of human
undergone the first meiotic division, basonuclin was found dis- basonuclin zinc fingers but not with the second. This DNA frag-
tributed evenly through the oocyte nucleoplasm and nucleolus.21 ment contained the rDNA promoter region and all the cis-elements:
the up-stream control element or UCE, the CORE, and the tran-
scription start site. Within the rDNA promoter, basonuclin inclu-
Epithelium of the Ocular Lens sion bodies protected two regions, BBS-1 and BBS-2, from DNase
Basonuclin was shown to be present in the lens epithelium at I digestion. BBS-1 was largely located within a palindrome con-
birth, considerably earlier than in the corneal epithelium. The taining short repeats and both BBS-1 and 2 were also part of a
protein was confined to the preequatorial epithelium and was larger dyad sequence (5'-CGCGTCGCCX18GGCGACGCG).
absent from equatorial cells that contained p57KIP2, an early Independent studies by electrophoretic mobility shift assay also
differentiation marker for these cells.18 Although the first ap- revealed that the DNA-binding sites of basonuclin were located
pearance of basonuclin in the lens epithelium coincided with a within the promoter sequence of rDNA.14 A highly purified prepa-
period of proliferative activity, the protein remained in the cells ration containing the recombinant N-terminal pair of basonuclin
during a long subsequent period of mitotic inactivity. In adults, zinc fingers (designated B10B) protected against DNase I diges-
only 1% of the cells in the preequatorial region of the lens epithe- tion and generated footprints on each strand of the DNA, corre-
lium could be labeled by BrdU, but basonuclin remained in all sponding to two binding sites, A and B.14 The location of bind-
the cells. This observation suggests that the presence of basonuclin ing site A agrees well with that of BBS-1 (nucleotides -95 to -135
in the lens epithelial cells is a reflection of their potential for fu- vs. -88 to 138) and that of B with BBS-2 (-64 to -79 vs -61 to
ture proliferation, for these cells are known to be capable of greatly -74). A third binding site C was located within the transcribed
increasing their rate of multiplication in response to injury. sequence between nucleotides +16 and +30.
Basonuclin: A Zinc Finger Protein of Epithelial Cells and Reproductive Germ Cells 211

Figure 3. Affinity of basonuclin for the promoter region of the ribosomal RNA gene. Shown above is a summary of DNase I footprint experiments
on the promoter of ribosomal DNA by intact basonuclin27 and by zinc fingers 1 and 2.14 By both methods, two regions of protection (boxes) were
found overlapping and adjacent to the region protected by UBF1.25 Both protected regions contain sequence with dyad symmetry.27 In these
regions are numerous copies of a hexanucleotide conforming to the consensus sequence 5’ (G/C) G (C/T) G (A/T) C 3’ (heavy black arrows). There
are five such sequences in the RNA-like strand and three in the antisense strand.

The binding site A/BBS1 (Fig. 3) is of particular interest be- 3. There are six exons in the gene for Bn2, compared with five for
cause it has the highest affinity for the N-terminal zinc finger Bn1, but in both cases most of the protein is encoded by two
pair and overlaps with the binding site of UBF1. Both A/BBS1 exons: 4 and 5 of Bn1, 5 and 6 of Bn2. The splice point be-
and B/BBS2 contain numerous repeats of a short sequence (Fig. tween these exons is identical, interrupting zinc finger 4 at the
3) within the large dyad.27 A consensus sequence for these short same point. It is therefore clear that the genes encoding Bn1
repeats was proposed: 5'-(G/C)G(C/T)G(A/T)C, in which the and Bn2 have a common evolutionary origin. Nevertheless, the
G at the second and the fourth positions and the C at the sixth gene for Bn2 is located on human chromosome 9, not chromo-
position are invariable.14 some 15, which contains the gene for Bn1.
The N-terminal pairs of zinc fingers of human and mouse
basonuclin are nearly identical, but the rDNA promoter sequences 4. The evolutionary origins of Bn1 and Bn2 are ancient, since both
of human and mouse are quite different (only 30% identical). genes are present not only in mammals, but also in birds and
Nevertheless, there are similar binding sites for this pair of zinc fishes. The amino acid sequences of Bn1 of human and mouse
fingers on the rDNA promoter of the mouse.21 This region con- are 88% identical, but the sequences of Bn2 of those species are
tains four copies of a hexanucleotide corresponding to a more 97.5% identical. Moreover, the Bn2 of the mouse, the chicken
relaxed consensus 5' (A/G/C) G (C/T) G (G/A/T) C 3'. Further- and the zebrafish are over 99% identical. This indicates highly
more, the first pair of zinc fingers of basonuclin can inhibit Pol I unusual evolutionary stability of the Bn2 sequence, comparable
transcription by a dominant-negative effect on the mouse gene, to that of p63, a transcription factor essential for the keratinocyte
as detected by a run-on assay.21 This demonstrates that there is lineage.30
functional interaction of basonuclin and the rDNA promoter in 5. Conservation of zinc fingers, the NLS and the serine stripe by
the mouse as well as the human. Bn1 and Bn2 and divergence of the rest of their amino acid
sequence suggests that the recognition system is similar or iden-
The Discovery of Basonuclin 2 tical, but that resulting functions may be different. Since the
It has recently been discovered independently in the labora- sequence of Bn2 is conserved over a broad evolutionary range,
tory of S. Sinha, by Romano et al28 and by Vanhoutteghem and it is possible that its gene is the older of the two and after its
Djian29 that there exists a gene encoding a second basonuclin duplication to produce Bn1, the latter was free to evolve in other
(Bn2). The relation between Bn2 and the original basonuclin (now directions, while Bn2 remained practically invariant.
Bn1) is of great interest. The following is a brief summary of
their findings, some of which were discovered by both laborato- 6. Like Bn1, Bn2 binds to the promoter region of the gene for
ries, others by one laboratory and not yet confirmed by the other. rRNA.
There were no serious inconsistencies between the results of the 7. Bn2 mRNA is expressed in the same cell types that possess abun-
two laboratories. The reader is referred to the original articles for dant Bn1 mRNA: keratinocytes and the germ cells of ovary and
more precise attribution. testis. But there is evidence supporting wider expression of Bn2
1. The amino acid sequences of Bn1 and Bn2 of the mouse are mRNA in epithelial cell types: mouse kidney and lung, human
only 44% identical; but the gene for Bn2 encodes all the princi- embryonic kidney cells and HeLa cells, small intestine, uterus
pal features of Bn1 described above. The sequence identity is and even (to a small extent) in brain.
higher in the zinc fingers, the region of the NLS and the region 8. In most of these tissues or cell types, Bn2 mRNA is more abun-
of the serine stripe than in the rest of the molecule. dant than that of Bn1. But this relation may depend on the
2. The gene encoding Bn2 is considerably larger than that of Bn1 circumstances. In mouse epidermis, whose Bn1 is cytoplasmic,
(300 - 400 kb compared with 29 kb for Bn1). there is rather more mRNA encoding Bn2 than Bn1. But in
212 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

cultured human epidermal cells, in which Bn1 is strongly nuclear, 8. Iuchi S, Easley K, Matsuzaki K et al. Alternative subcellular locations
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9. Previous work on immunocytological detection of Bn1 was car- of the disconnected gene of Drosophila melanogaster. Embo J 1991;
ried out with polyclonal antisera prepared against antigen con- 10(4):809-815.
10. Mahaffey JW, Griswold CM, Cao QM. The Drosophila genes
taining most or all of the Bn1 protein. In view of the similarities disconnected and discorelated are redundant with respect to larval
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to distinguish between the two basonuclins. In order to detect target genes. Genetics 2001; 157(1):225-236.
the protein of each independently, it will be necessary to obtain 11. Matsuzaki K, Iuchi S, Green H. Conservation of human and mouse
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tial for cell proliferation.31 Since all studies on which this hy- 14. Tseng H, Biegel JA, Brown RS. Basonuclin is associated with the
pothesis is based were performed prior to the discovery of ribosomal RNA genes on human keratinocyte mitotic chromosomes.
J Cell Sci 1999; 112 Pt 18:3039-3047.
basonuclin 2, it will be necessary to understand to what extent 15. Tang W, Tseng H. A GC-rich sequence within the 5' untranslated
the functions of the two proteins overlap and to what extent they region of human basonuclin mRNA inhibits its translation. Gene
may differ. 1999; 237(1):35-44.
While some cell types containing basonuclin remain to be iden- 16. Yang Z, Gallicano GI, Yu QC et al. An unexpected localization of
tified, the cell types that have already been identified are all epi- basonuclin in the centrosome, mitochondria, and acrosome of
developing spermatids. J Cell Biol 1997; 137(3):657-669.
thelial cells or reproductive germ cells. Basonuclin has not been 17. Tseng H, Green H. Association of basonuclin with ability of
found in any cells of mesenchymal origin. keratinocytes to multiply and with absence of terminal differentiation.
The one identified function of basonuclin is that of a tran- J Cell Biol 1994; 126(2):495-506.
scription factor in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA. It is not clear 18. Tseng H, Matsuzaki K, Lavker RM. Basonuclin in murine corneal
why epithelial cell types and reproductive germ cells should re- and lens epithelia correlates with cellular maturation and proliferative
quire a specific transcription factor for this purpose, while other ability. Differentiation 1999; 65(4):221-227.
19. Weiner L, Green H. Basonuclin as a cell marker in the formation
cell types appear to use only the widely distributed UBF1-SL1 and cycling of the murine hair follicle. Differentiation 1998;
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by Pol II. It is unlikely that cytoplasmic basonuclin has any func- finger protein basonuclin from the mouse germ cell nucleus to the
tion except to constitute a pool that can be quickly mobilized for midpiece of the spermatozoon during spermiogenesis. Biol Reprod
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transport into the nucleoplasm, but in this case it would be unex- 21. Tian Q, Kopf GS, Brown RS et al. Function of basonuclin in
plained why basonuclin in cells of the ocular lens epithelium has increasing transcription of the ribosomal RNA genes during mouse
so far been found only in the cytoplasm.18 Perhaps basonuclin oogenesis. Development 2001; 128(3):407-416.
might have RNA- or protein-binding properties, such as have 22. Learned RM, Cordes S, Tjian R. Purification and characterization
been found for some other zinc finger proteins.6 of a transcription factor that confers promoter specificity to human
Finally, although basonuclin is a very early marker in the re- RNA polymerase I. Mol Cell Biol 1985; 5(6):1358-1369.
23. Bell SP, Pikaard CS, Reeder RH et al. Molecular mechanisms
productive germ line, it is not a very early marker in the develop- governing species-specific transcription of ribosomal RNA. Cell 1989;
ment of the keratinocyte lineage from embryonic stem cells, for 59(3):489-497.
the transcription factor ∆Np63 appears in this lineage consider- 24. Haltiner MM, Smale ST, Tjian R. Two distinct promoter elements
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2. Tseng H, Green H. Basonuclin: A keratinocyte protein with multiple 27. Iuchi S, Green H. Basonuclin, a zinc finger protein of keratinocytes
paired zinc fingers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1992; and reproductive germ cells, binds to the rRNA gene promoter. Proc
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7. Iuchi S, Green H. Nuclear localization of basonuclin in human 31. Tseng H. Basonuclin, a zinc finger protein associated with epithelial
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cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003; 100(26):15625-15630.

ZAS Zinc Finger Proteins:

The Other κB-Binding Protein Family
Carl E. Allen and Lai-Chu Wu*

40.4 Mouse ZAS1 has been named αA-crystallin binding pro-

he ZAS gene family includes ZAS1, ZAS2, and ZAS3 in
mammals as well as Schnurri in Drosophila melanogaster. tein, αACRYBP1.5,6 Rat ZAS1 has been named α1-antitrypsin
The ZAS genes encode large proteins with two separate promoter binding protein, AT-BP2.7
C2H2 zinc finger pairs that independently bind to specific The ZAS nomenclature recognizes the unique protein domain
DNA sequences, including the κB motif. In vitro experiments shared by this family. A ZAS domain is a modular protein struc-
have shown that ZAS proteins bind to target sequences and ture consisting of a pair of C2H2 zinc fingers with an acidic-rich
regulate transcription of a variety of genes involved in cell region and a serine/threonine-rich sequence.8 Currently, the hu-
growth, development, and metastasis. ZAS proteins also func- man and mouse ZAS genes are named HIVEP-1, -2, and -3 in the
tion in signal transduction: Schnurri interacts with Smad ho- Unigene database.9 We feel that the ZAS name more accurately
mologs in TGF-β-related pathways and ZAS3 interacts with conveys a distinctive family moniker as the HIV enhancer is only
TNF receptor-associated factors in TNF-α pathways. In vivo one of the many ZAS protein targets. Over the past 15 years, more
experiments have shown that disruption of ZAS expression than 20 cDNA sequences corresponding to nine ZAS genes have
alters normal cell growth as well as proliferation and results been cloned from humans, mice and rats (Table 1). An inverte-
in spontaneous tumor formation and impaired lymphocyte brate protein, Schnurri in Drosophila, with zinc fingers similar to
development. those of vertebrate ZAS proteins has also been identified.10-12

Introduction Structure
Three ZAS genes, ZAS1, ZAS2 and ZAS3, have each been
characterized from human, mouse and rat species. A related gene, Gene Organization
Schnurri, has been identified in Drosophila melanogaster. Typi- Human ZAS1, ZAS2, and ZAS3 (hZAS1, hZAS2, and hZAS3)
cally, a ZAS protein is enormous (ranging from 2348 to 2717 have been mapped to chromosomal loci on 6p24, 6q24, and 1p34,
amino acid residues) and contains four to five zinc fingers. Two respectively.13-15 All three ZAS genes are linked to endothelin
sets of the C2H2 zinc fingers pairs form the conserved proximal (EDN) and/or transcription factor AP2 (TFAP2) genes, suggest-
and distal DNA binding domains, ZAS-N and ZAS-C, respec- ing that a single -ZAS-EDN-TFAP2 ancestral gene cluster was
tively. Functionally, these proteins regulate transcription through expanded by tandem duplications.16
binding of specific DNA targets as well as by influencing signal The gene structures of the hZAS1, hZAS2, and hZAS3 are
transduction pathways. They have emerged as a protein family largely similar (Fig. 1). Each gene spans over 150 kb and contains
that may play significant roles in the regulation of immunity as at least 10 exons. The 5' ends of the ZAS genes have not yet been
well as normal cell growth, differentiation and proliferation. reported, though the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) for hZAS3 is
at least 888 nucleotides and the 5'-UTR for rZAS2 (rat ZAZ2) is
Nomenclature at least 766 nucleotides. Both 5'-UTRs are much larger than the
We propose naming this gene family ZAS. The ZAS genes average, 210 nucleotides for human and 186 nucleotides for ro-
have been characterized by many independent laboratories and dent.17 The most notable feature of the ZAS genes is an excep-
have been named according to target genes or motifs, which has tionally large exon, ranging from 5582 to 5978 nucleotides. For
resulted in several names for the same protein. For example, hu- comparison, the average vertebrate exon size is only 137 bp and
man ZAS1 has been called major histocompatability complex few are greater than 600 bp. The putative translation initiation
enhancer binding protein, MBP1,1 human immunodeficiency codon for hZAS1 is located at exon 2. Therefore, its largest exon,
virus type I enhancer binding protein, HIV-EP1,2 positive regu- exon 4, contains exclusively protein-coding sequences. However,
latory domain II binding factor, PRDII-BF1,3 and zinc finger the corresponding exons of ZAS2 and ZAS3 contain UTRs at the

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
214 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Table 1. The ZAS protein family

Protein Species Name CDNA Origin Binding Site Binding Sequence References

ZAS1 Human MBP-1 B cell MHC class I enhancer TGGGGA-TTCCCCA 1,44
β2-microglobulin AAGGGACTTTCCC
PRDII-BF1 osteosarcoma IFN-β promoter GGGAAATTCC 3
ZnF-40 4
Mouse αACRYBP1 lens epithelium αA crystallin promoter GGGAAATCCC 6
Rat AT-BP2 thyroid α1-antitrypsin promoter TGGGGATTCACCA 7
ZAS2 Human MBP-2 retinal cells, preB, MHC Class I enhancer TGGGG(N14)ATTCCCCA 78,79
osteosarcoma Igκ enhancer AGGGGACTTTCCC
β2-microglobulin AAGGGACTTTCCC
HIV-EP2 T cell HIV LTR-1 enhancer TAGGGACTTTCCG 54
Mouse Schnurri-2 77
Rat MIBP-1 liver, brain c-myc intron I GGGTAGGCC 80
AT-BP1 thyroid, liver α1-antitrypsin promoter TGGGG(N14)ATTCACCA 7
ZAS3 Human KBP-1 B cell lymphoma MHC Class I enhancer TGGGGATTCCCCA 79
β2-microglobulin AAGGGACTTTCCC
HIV-EP3 brain-stem, fetal 15
Mouse Rc thymocyte, brain Igκ enhancer GGGACTTTCCC 31
MHC Class I enhancer
KRC adenocarcinomas, S100A4/mts-1 enhancer GGGGTTTTTCCAC 8,47
thymus, brain,
B cells
Schnurri Fly Schnurri Ultrabithorax enhancer B GGGGGGAGCCA 10,11,50

ZAS1 Mouse limb bud α1(II) Collagen TTGAGAAAAGCC 33
intron I
ZAS2 Mouse Brain Somatostatin receptor TTCCTCTTTTCC 34
type II promoter
ZAS3 Mouse thymocyte Recombination CACAGTG GGTTTTTTG 31,45,72
signal sequences

5' region. In addition, the largest exons of ZAS1 and ZAS3 have exon, exon 5b, between exon 5 and exon 6.15 The divergence of the
been shown to be involved in alternative splicing, which results upstream exons and the acquisition of a novel exon in hZAS3 re-
in truncated proteins without ZAS-N.18,19 The Schnurri gene flect the evolution dynamics of the ZAS gene family.
structure is different from the mammalian ZAS genes, suggesting
divergence of exons and introns during evolution from inverte- Protein Domains and Motifs
brates to vertebrates (Fig. 1). The ZAS proteins are enormous and contain four C2H2 zinc
The three exons following the largest exon are similar among fingers, which divided into two pairs. A solitary medial C2HC
the human ZAS genes with respect to size, sequence, and exon-intron zinc finger is present in ZAS1, ZAS3 and Schnurri, but not in
boundaries. One caveat to the faithful conservation of the 3' re- ZAS2. Schnurri has an additional C-terminal zinc fingers cluster,
gion of the ZAS genes is that hZAS3 has acquired an additional giving it a total of eight zinc fingers (Fig. 2).
ZAS Zinc Finger Proteins: The Other κB-Binding Protein Family 215

Figure 1. Exon intron structures of human ZAS and Schnurri genes.

Arrows indicate the 5' to 3' transcriptional orientations. An asterisk
indicates a putative ZAS2 exon in which corresponding human cDNA
has not been reported. However, that region is 90% identical to the
first exon of rat ZAS2 (GenBank accession number d37951). A large
star represents an additional transcriptional termination exon, exon
5b, in ZAS3.

Figure 2. Protein domains in the ZAS pro-

teins. A) Structural domains and motifs. Black
boxes, one to three zinc fingers; black lolli-
pops, Ser/Thr-Pro-X-Arg/Lys sequences; and
red lollipops, P-region of GTPase motif. The
numbering on top of hZAS1 indicates the lo-
cation of some conserved regions. B) Multiple
sequence alignments showing conservation of
the proximal and distal zinc finger pairs. Com-
pletely conserved residues are marked with (*),
and conserved residues are marked with (:).
216 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

The C2H2 zinc fingers are common nucleic acid binding mo- ZAS-N domain, one contains only the ZAS-C domain, and one
tifs, but their sequence and organization is unique in the ZAS has no ZAS domain at all. Some alternative splicing events of
proteins. There are three classes of zinc fingers: multiple-adjacent, ZAS3 transcripts occur in a tissue-specific manner. For example,
triple, and separate-paired. The ZAS, basonuclin, and tramtrack whereas the 176 bp exon is present in most ZAS3 transcripts in
proteins constitute the separate-paired class.20 Sequence compari- the thymus, it is spliced out in brain transcripts.19 The latter tran-
son of zinc finger families across species found the ZAS family scripts encode ZAS3 proteins that lack the carboxyl one third of
zinc fingers to be distinct.21 The overall structure of the ZAS the protein including the ZAS-C domain. Therefore, ZAS3 may
domain, with a tandem zinc finger pair, acidic domain, and serine/ have distinct function between lymphoid and neuronal tissues.
threonine-rich region to form a composite structure, is also unique. Variations in the number of the DNA binding domains should
Sequence identities among the corresponding paralogous and render truncated proteins with functional characteristics distinct
orthologous ZAS zinc fingers are very high, including the back- from full-length proteins. Functional control via RNA process-
bone residues and the linker regions, suggesting conserved ing is supported by the finding that full-length ZAS1 activates
DNA-binding function (Fig. 2B). the HIV-LTR enhancer,32 whereas two truncated isoforms lack-
Excluding the zinc finger pairs, there are eight conserved re- ing either ZAS-N or ZAS-C domains repress transcription.18
gions scattered within the vertebrate ZAS proteins that are not Alternative splicing of mZAS3 transcripts has been observed
present in Schnurri. The largest conserved region is a stretch of in the largest exon of 5487 bp and a 176 bp exon. These exons
~100 amino acid residues between the ZAS domains (region 4 encode sequences including the ZAS-N domain and the ZAS-C
in Fig. 2A). It begins with a glutamate- and proline-rich region, domain, respectively. Additionally, a unique alternative splicing
followed by a putative nuclear localization signal, and ends with event within that enormous exon has been identified.19 Some
a serine stripe, which is also found in basonuclin.15 As afore- mZAS3 transcripts lack a sequence of 459 nucleotides within this
mentioned, basonuclin and the ZAS proteins belong to the exon, which encodes the ZAS-N domain. This intra-exon de-
separate-paired zinc finger class. Basonuclin is expressed in pro- leted sequence starts with “GC” and ends with “AG”, which
liferating cells and appears to be involved in regulation of cell matches splice donor and acceptor dinucleotides. This 459 nucle-
growth.22,23 Three other conserved regions have notable fea- otide sequence may be regarded as an unusual intron which, when
tures. Region 2 contains 27 residues, 40% of which are serine retained in mRNA, encodes a DNA binding domain. Such an
or proline. Region 3 contains 14 residues and is bipolar with alternative splicing event has not been demonstrated for ZAS1,
are three lysines and three arginines at the N-terminus, and two ZAS2, or Schnurri.
glutamic acids and two aspartic acids at the other end. Finally, Human ZAS3 produces a shorter 7 kb transcript by transcrip-
region 10 contains 27 residues, and is named the linker region. tion termination at an upstream exon. As discussed above, hZAS3
Those conserved region do not have obvious resemblance to has an additional 310 nucleotide exon, exon 5b.15 Exon 5b en-
known protein domains.7,15 However, their high degree of con- codes 69 amino acid residues, a 3' UTR of 103 nucleotides, and
servation in the ZAS proteins suggests they may have functional contains a hexanucleotide AAUAAA located 39 nucleotides from
importance. the 3' end of the exon. This AAUAAA sequence is the canonical
Throughout the ZAS proteins there are many potential sites polyadenlyation signal. Therefore, hZAS3 is unique among the
for protein modification. There are three or four tyrosine kinase ZAS genes in that its transcription may termination at either exon
sites clustered within or near the ZAS-C domain. Phosphoryla- 5b, resulting in a 7 kb truncated transcript, or at exon 9, resulting
tion of these sites has been shown to affect DNA binding affinity in the full-length 9.5 kb transcript.
of ZAS proteins.24,25 There are 7 to 12 copies of the serine/
threonine-proline-X-arginine/lysine (SPXK) motif in each ZAS
protein.8 The SPXK motif, frequently found in gene regulatory Tissue Distribution of ZAS Transcripts
proteins,26 can bind AT-rich DNA sequences,27 and may be phos- In adult mouse tissues, ZAS1 and ZAS2 are ubiquitously ex-
phorylated.28 pressed,5,6 where ZAS3 is expressed only in lymphoid and neural
There are protein motifs found only in some ZAS proteins. tissues.8,19,31 ZAS genes are all expressed in developing mouse
Leucine zipper motifs, which may confer protein-protein inter- embryos, though the embryonic stage and patterns of expression
actions, are found in mZAS2 at residues 751-772 and in hZAS3 differ: ZAS1 is first detected at E8.5,33 ZAS2 is detected at E10.5,34
at residues 2024-2052. Three conserved GTPase motifs are found and ZAS3 is detected at E13.5.35 ZAS1 and ZAS2 are expressed
in ZAS3, suggesting the use of GTP as an energy source or allos- relatively uniformly in developing tissues, where ZAS3 expres-
teric effector. These and other unique domains may confer spe- sion is limited to developing trigeminal ganglion, dorsal root gan-
cific functions to individual ZAS proteins. glia, cerebral cortex, and thymus.35 The distinct spatial and tem-
poral expression patterns of ZAS genes suggest that they may
perform general functions as well as specific functions during lym-
Protein Isoforms and Alternative RNA Processing phoid and neural development.
The largest open reading frame of each ZAS is >250 kD (Fig.
2A). Smaller proteins have been identified by immunoblot analysis
using ZAS129 or ZAS325,30 antibodies. These proteins are likely
ZAS isoforms generated by alternative splicing and/or protein
processing. Multiple alternative splicing events have been charac- DNA Binding
terized in ZAS1 and ZAS3 transcripts.5-7,18,19,31 Significantly, al- The Rel/NF-κB and ZAS both bind to the κB motif. Sen and
ternative splicing events involve sequences encoding the ZAS-N Baltimore first described NF-κB as a constitutively active protein
or ZAS-C regions8,18,19,31 and could lead to the production of at in the nuclei of B cells which binds a specific site in the immuno-
least three truncated protein isoforms: One contains only the globulin enhancer.36 Since then, the NF-κB/Rel family has been
ZAS Zinc Finger Proteins: The Other κB-Binding Protein Family 217

extensively studied.37-39 The NF-κB/Rel proteins are thought to

function as a stress-response mechanism whose function is acti-
vated by exposure to bacteria, viruses, cytokines, mitogens, and
environmental chemicals.40 Activated NF-κB/Rel proteins in turn
mediate transcription of genes encoding for cytokines,
immunoreceptors, cell adhesion molecules, acute phase proteins,
stress response molecules, apoptotic regulators, growth factors,
and other transcription factors.40 Mutation studies support the
physiologic importance of the Rel/NF-κB proteins in regulation
of immunity, inflammation, development, apoptosis, cell prolif-
eration, and oncogenesis.40-43 The initial studies leading to the
identification of the ZAS genes sought to characterize transcrip-
tion factors that share binding affinity with the Rel proteins for
the NF-κB binding sites.
ZAS1 was the original clone to be isolated from a human B
cell cDNA expression library by screening with radio-labeled
MHC Class I gene enhancer, a sequence similar to the κB motif,
5'-TGGGGATTCCCA-3'.44 ZAS2 and ZAS3 were subsequently
cloned using similar strategies using specific DNA fragments as
ligands. Specific affinities of the ZAS proteins for promoter and Figure 3. Transcriptional regulation by ZAS proteins. A) ZAS-mediated
enhancer gene targets have been studied extensively. The known gene transcription. Probable interaction of ZAS3 with RSS flanking the
DNA binding targets of ZAS proteins are listed in Table 1. All of variable (V), diversity (D), and joining (J) gene segments of the immu-
the ZAS proteins, including Schnurri, bind cis-acting gene regula- noglobulin heavy chain gene is also shown. B) Schnurri is essential for
tory elements with a consensus sequence similar to the κB mo- dpp-mediated transcription. Signal from Dpp induces phosphorylation
tif: 5'-GGGG(N4-5)CC-3' (Table 1A). In addition to the κB- of Mad by Tkv. Phosphorylated Mad forms a complex with Medea and
like targets, each protein has also been shown to bind Schnurri. This complex regulates Dpp target genes by direct activation,
additional target sequence: mZAS1 binds to a sequence or by inhibition of the repressor brinker.
(5'-GAGAAAAGCC-3') at the core enhancer of the type II col-
lagen gene (Col2α1);33 mZAS2 binds to a TC-rich sequence in tional activators or inhibitors to adapter proteins that recruit
the somatostatin receptor type II (SSTR2) promoter;34 and mZAS3 or sterically hinder other transcriptional proteins.
binds to the cis-acting RSS (recombination signal sequences) es-
sential for somatic V(D)J recombination of the antigen receptor
genes (Table 1B).31,45 Signal Transduction

Regulation of Transcription Signal Transduction by Schnurri and TGF-β

From Drosophila to mammals, the ZAS zinc fingers are Of the ZAS genes, the physiological function of Schnurri is
highly conserved (Fig. 2B) and retain the ability to bind to the best studied. Genetic studies initially identified Schnurri as a
the κB motif (Table 1A). While κB-binding by the Rel family transcription factor that transduces signal from decapentaplegic
proteins activates transcription, the consequences of (dpp), a TGF-β-related ligand homologous to mammalian bone
DNA-binding by the ZAS proteins are not so straightforward: morphology protein, BMP-4. Mutation of Schnurri result in dorsal
ZAS-DNA binding may result in transcriptional activation or patterning and wing formation defects.10-12 BMPs signal through
inhibition. ZAS1 activates transcription of HIV-1 LTR and a heteromeric complex of type I and type II receptor
αA-crystallin.6,32 However, ZAS1 binding to the type II col- serine-threonine kinases in which a ligand-receptor complex re-
lagen gene enhancer inhibits transcription due to blocking the sults in phosphoryation of the type I receptor by the type II re-
binding of Sox9, a transcriptional activator.33 Similarly, ZAS2 ceptor. The activated type I receptor then phosphorylates a
has a dual function in regulating gene transcription. Murine receptor-specific Smad protein. In vertebrates, the phosphory-
ZAS2 binds a TC-box in the somatostatin type II receptor gene lated Smad binds Smad4, and the resulting complex is translo-
promoter, and activates transcription by recruiting a cated to the nucleus. The Smads have weak DNA-binding ability
basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor, SEF-2.34 However, and recognize sequence of low complexity, and are chaperoned to
rat ZAS2 inhibits transcription at the major c-myc promoter.46 target genes by association with specific transcription factors.48
In addition, rat ZAS2 interacts with the Ski-interacting pro- In Drosophila, a model has emerged in which dpp signal is trans-
tein (SKIP), although the consequence of this interaction is duced through the type I receptor thick veins (tkv), which phos-
unknown.46 ZAS3 activates transcription of S100A4/mts1.47 phorylates the Smad1 ortholog, Mad, which is translocated to
It also has the unique characteristic of specifically binding the the nucleus with the Smad4 ortholog, Medea. 49 A
conserved signal sequences of V(D)J recombination (RSS), Shnurri-Mad-Medea complex is essential to transduce
which are not typically thought of as gene regulatory elements. Dpp-mediated transcription: Specific target genes, such as
The ZAS transcriptional functions are summarized in Figure ultrabithorax, are directly activated, whereas the gene encoding a
3A. These isolated mammalian ZAS-DNA interactions de- general transcription repressor, brinker, is repressed. Repression
scribed above provide glimpses of the range of potential com- of brinker subsequently activates multiple additional Dpp-target
plexity of ZAS protein function, from independent transcrip- genes (Fig. 3B).50-52 As a transcription factor that regulates
218 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

expression of global regulators, such as brinker, Schnurri illus- duced by disruption of ZAS3 in cell and animal models suggest
trates the potential for the ZAS proteins as master regulators of that ZAS3 may have clinical relevance as a tumor suppressor.
gene transcription. Chromosomal analysis of multiple tumors identify mutations
around the ZAS3 locus, 1p34: Allelic loss at 1p34 has been
Signal Transduction by ZAS3 and TRAF Proteins reported in multiple tumors including breast cancer,62-65 liver
A role for the ZAS proteins in mammalian TGF-β pathways cancers,66-68 pheochromocytomas,69 and B cell lymphomas.70
has not yet been established. However, biochemical properties Furthermore, changes in expression of ZAS1 and ZAS2 pro-
of ZAS3 suggest the ZAS proteins to be well-suited to mediate teins have been associated with poor prognosis in chronic lym-
signal transduction as DNA binding is regulated by posttrans- phocytic leukemia patients.71
lational modification: ZAS3 is a substrate for epidermal growth
factor kinase and p34cdc2 in vitro, and phosphorylation on Immunity
serine and tyrosine residues increases DNA binding affinity of a Review of known ZAS target genes (Table 1A) implicates the
ZAS3 fusion protein.24 Recent evidence suggests that ZAS3 may ZAS family in transcriptional regulation of genes involved in
function in signal transduction. The result of a yeast two-hybrid immune response as well as cell proliferation. In addition to the
screen suggests that ZAS3 may interact with TRAF proteins κB motif, ZAS3 has been shown to specifically bind the recom-
which transduces TFN receptor signaling, resulting in bination signal sequences (RSS) which flank gene segments eli-
down-regulation of TRAF-dependent JNK activation.53 The gible for somatic recombination in the variable regions of immu-
ZAS proteins, therefore, may have transcriptional as well as noglobulin and T cell receptor genes.31,45,72 These conserved
nontranscriptional functions. motifs are cis-acting gene elements essential for recombination
activating gene (RAG-1 and RAG-2) mediated recombination.73,74
Proliferation and Carcinogenesis In fact, ZAS3 is the most abundant RSS-binding species in the
While molecular studies continue to identify ZAS DNA tar- thymus.35 What a transcription factor might be doing binding
gets and explore the role of ZAS proteins in signal transduction the RSS is not yet clear, however the DNA-binding ability of
pathways, functional studies demonstrate that the ZAS proteins ZAS3 does correlate with activation of V(D)J recombination.25
have important roles in the regulation of cellular proliferation In the context of the accessibility model, ZAS3 may potentially
and growth. Expression of all three ZAS genes can be induced activate transcription at specific target loci, rendering them ac-
by mitogens, such as fetal bovine serum, PHA/PMA and li- cessible to the V(D)J recombinase.75,76 Additionally, ZAS3 could
popolysaccharide.1,35,53,54 In Drosophila, expression of Schnurri theoretically recruit other transcriptional proteins to RSS to ac-
in cyst cells is required to restrict proliferation and mitosis of tivate recombination or block the access of RAGs. Ultimately,
neighboring germ cells.55 In the case of ZAS3, expression is ZAS3 does not appear to be essential for V(D)J recombination
normally restricted to lymphoid and neuronal tissues. However, as RAG2-/-;ZAS3-/- chimeric mice do develop mature thymocytes.
ZAS3 transcripts are detected in every cultured cell line exam- However, there is a progressive depletion of the double-positive
ined, regardless of origin (unpublished observation). When (CD4+/CD8+) T cell compartment over time.57 Similarly, tar-
ZAS3 expression was decreased by an antisense construct in a geted disruption of ZAS2 also results in T cell maturation de-
preB cell line, 38B9, cell proliferation accelerated.30 Conversely, fects. Thymi of ZAS2-/- mice contain few single positive (CD4+/
when ZAS3 protein expression was increased, cell proliferation CD8- and CD4-/CD8+) thymocytes but with normal levels of
slowed. Furthermore, decreased ZAS3 protein expression in double positive (CD4+/CD8+) thymocytes, reflecting defects
HeLa cells conferred anchorage independence and induced for- in positive selection.77 These data suggest that individual ZAS
mation of terminal multinucleated giant cells.30 A similar phe- proteins may be important at different stages of thymocyte
notype was observed with p53 anti-sense expression in HeLa development.
cells.56 These findings support a role for ZAS3 in regulation of
normal cell growth, proliferation, and cell death. Future Directions
The generation of embryonic stem cells in which endogenous From Drosophila to mammals, the ZAS C2H2 zinc finger pairs
ZAS3 is disrupted has provided clues the physiological function specifically bind the κB motif. The snapshots of ZAS-mediated
of ZAS3 protein. In a RAG2-/-;ZAS3-/- complementation assay, transcription collected to date suggest a model in which ZAS
a tumor spontaneously formed in the axilla of one chimera which proteins may function as adaptors that recruit or inhibit other
was composed of > 90% ZAS3-/- cells. The tumor was first noted transcription factors to gene regulatory sites, resulting in activa-
at 3-weeks as a 5 mm mass which grew to more than 20% of the tion or repression of transcription of target genes. Binding of the
total body mass by 5 weeks. DNA analysis showed that the tu- κB motif by the Rel/NF-κB proteins has been extensively stud-
mor was derived entirely from ZAS3-/- cells. It was diagnosed as ied over the past decade (reviewed in 38-41). While ZAS and
a malignant teratoma due to the presence of poorly-differentiated Rel/NF-κB share the same DNA target, little is known about
carcinoma cells coupled with multiple tissues of diverse origin, their competition or interaction. It is reasonable to hypothesize
including hyaline cartilage, skeletal muscle, fat, lymphocytes, that ZAS proteins may stimulate or inhibit NF-κB-mediated tran-
and primitive neural elements. Permanent cell lines were subse- scription.
quently derived from teratoma cells, which continue to grow The ZAS proteins are subject to post-translational regulation,
without viral transformation for over 2 years.57 The spontane- a key feature of proteins involved in signal transduction. In Droso-
ous development of an extragonadal teratoma is very rare. In phila, Schnurri functions as a master-regulator of transcription
the past 25 years, only one case of such an event has been re- by repressing transcription of a super-repressor gene, brinker.
ported in mice.58 Teratomas, however, have been induced in While no brinker homolog has yet been identified in vertebrates,
animals with p53 mutations,59 double p53/atm mutations,60 and it will be interesting to investigate a role for ZAS proteins in Smad
double mdm2/p53 mutations.61 The changes in cell growth in- interactions in TGF-β signal transduction.
ZAS Zinc Finger Proteins: The Other κB-Binding Protein Family 219

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Role of GATA Factors in Development

Marc Haenlin* and Lucas Waltzer

Abstract In Vertebrates

embers of the GATA transcription factor family are During vertebrate development, hematopoiesis occurs in two
found throughout eukaryotes, including plants, fungi, successive waves (reviewed in ref. 17). In mammals, the blood
invertebrates and vertebrates. In this review, we islands of the yolk sac produce transient embryonic red blood
discuss some of the roles of GATA factors during vertebrate and cells (primitive hematopoiesis). At midgestation, definitive
invertebrate development. We place particular emphasis on their hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), specified in the AGM
function in hematopoiesis, in heart and in endoderm (aorta-gonad-mesonephros) region, colonise foetal and definitive
development, phenomena in which several different organisms hematopoietic sites, such as the embryonic liver and the bone
have shown striking molecular and developmental similarities. marrow. Subsequent hematopoietic differentiation is usually
assumed to proceed in a hierarchical fashion: HSC give rise to
multipotent progenitors and then to committed progenitors that
Introduction will differentiate into one or several specialised blood cell types
Members of the GATA transcription factor family are so called (Fig. 1). “Hematopoietic” GATA factors display distinct, but
because they bind to the DNA consensus site WGATAR.1, 2 They overlapping, expression profiles during hematopoietic
all contain one or two conserved zinc finger DNA-binding development, in which they participate from the emergence of
domains, with the characteristic consensus sequence the HSC to terminal differentiation of blood cells.
Cys-X2-Cys-X17-18-Cys-X2-Cys followed by a basic region. GATA GATA2 is expressed in the primitive and definitive HSC as
factors are found throughout eukaryotes, from yeast to well as in mast cells and megakaryocytes and at lower levels in
vertebrates,3 where they regulate a variety of developmental erythroid cells.18-21 Homozygous GATA2 mutant mice die by
processes. In yeast, fungi and plants, they participate in nitrogen embryonic day 10 (E10) after having undergone severely reduced
metabolism, blue-light-regulated morphogenesis and circadian primitive hematopoiesis.22 Furthermore, GATA2 null embryonic
rhythm.4 In animals, GATA factors have been implicated in stem cells (ES) fail to contribute to definitive hematopoiesis in
endoderm formation, hematopoiesis and heart development in chimeric animals.23 Thus GATA2 is essential for the development
numerous species,5 in adipogenesis,6 urogenital development7 and of the blood cell progenitors. One key target of GATA2 in the
neurogenesis8,9 in vertebrates, and in patterning and ectoderm HSC is probably SCL/Tal1, a basic-Helix-Loop-Helix
differentiation in invertebrates.10-14 Here we shall concentrate on (bHLH)-encoding gene, required for all blood cell development,
the conserved functions of GATA factors in the animal kingdom that contains functionally important GATA2 binding sites in its
during hematopoiesis, heart formation and endoderm enhancer.24 The expression pattern of GATA2 in zebrafish and
development and we shall discuss the implication of GATA genes Xenopus suggests that the role of this factor in hematopoietic
in human diseases. progenitor development has been conserved.25-27 Interestingly,
GATA2 can either promote proliferation at the expense of
differentiation or induce differentiation, depending on the
Hematopoieisis hematopoietic cell type in which it is expressed and on its
The founding member of the GATA family, GATA1, was first expression level. Indeed, GATA2 is required at high levels to
identified as an erythroid-specific transcription factor that binds promote proliferation of early hematopoietic progenitors and/or
to functionally important cis-regulatory sequences in the globin survival,23,28 but it has to be downregulated to allow erythroid
genes.15,16 Subsequent cloning of the other vertebrate GATA differentiation to occur.29,30 In addition, GATA2 is required for
factors revealed that three of them, GATA1, 2 and 3, were mast cell differentiation.23
prominently expressed in blood cells. Targeted disruptions of each GATA1 is expressed at a high level in erythroid cells, mast
of these three genes in mouse demonstrate that they play critical cells, megakaryocytes, and eosinophils, and at a low level in
roles in hematopoiesis. Furthermore, a growing body of evidence multipotent progenitors.15,16 Several lines of evidence show that
shows that GATA factor function during hematopoiesis has been GATA1 plays a central role in erythroid differentiation. In
conserved through evolution. chimeric mice, GATA1-/- ES cells contribute to white blood cells

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
222 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

have shown that primitive and definitive erythropoiesis require

different domains of GATA1.46 While the C-terminal zinc finger
that mediates DNA-binding is required both for primitive and
definitive hematopoiesis, the N-terminal zinc finger or the
N-terminal transactivation domains are necessary only for the
latter. These two domains may provide additional regulatory
functions (notably the interaction with FOG1 and autoregulation
of GATA1 expression) required for the more complex lineage
specification process occurring during definitive hematopoiesis.
Interestingly, in a similar assay, GATA2 and GATA3 also rescued
GATA1-/- embryos from lethality; however rescued mice displayed
anaemia and thrombocytopenia, suggesting that GATA1 has
unique functional properties that are distinct from those of other
GATA factors.47
During definitive erythropoiesis, concomitant upregulation of
GATA1 and downregulation of GATA2 expression is essential to
commit proliferating precursors to become mature erythroid cells.
In mouse, chicken and zebrafish, several GATA sites in the GATA1
promoter are required for its erythroid-specific expression. Thus,
GATA2 may trigger GATA1 expression, which may then be
maintained by autoregulation.48-52 Conversely, GATA1 has been
shown to inhibit GATA2 expression by establishing a repressive
chromatin structure and by displacing GATA2 from its own
promoter, thereby disrupting its positive autoregulation.53
Consistent with this analysis, GATA1-deficient progenitors
express high levels of GATA2 and are blocked at the proerythroblast
GATA1 is not only required for erythroid and megakaryocytic
differentiation but it is also sufficient to promote the emergence
of these lineages. For instance, in Xenopus, overexpression of
GATA1 suffices to induce globin gene expression in animal cap
assays 55 and, in combination with the bHLH SCL and the LIM
domain protein LMO2, with which its forms a transcriptionally
Figure 1. GATA factors during hematopoiesis in mouse. Schematic
active complex,56 GATA1 can induce ectopic erythropoiesis in
representation of the hematopoietic lineage differentiation pathway from
the whole embryo. 55 Moreover, in vitro gain-of-function
pluripotential stem cells to mature blood cells. The different GATA
analysis, particularly with retrovirally transformed chicken
genes are indicated at the stage where differentiation is blocked in their
hematopoiteic progenitors, have shown that GATA1 can
absence. See text for further details. Dotted arrows indicate uncertain
reprogram them toward erythroid, eosinophil and thromboblast/
lineage relationships. HSC: hematopoietic stem cells, CLP: common
megakaryocyte lineages.57-63 These assays also brought to light a
lymphoid precursor, CMP: common myeloid precursor, GMP:
cross-regulation between a combination of transcription factors
granulocyte/monocyte precursor, MEP: myeloid/erythroid precursor,
whose equilibrium in the progenitors is critical for cell fate choice.
Tc: T-cytolytic lymphocyte, Th: T-helper lymphocyte.
Notably, the lineage choice appeared to be highly dependent on
the level of expression of GATA1 and of its partners such as FOG1,
but not to mature red blood cells.31 Knock-out and knock-down PU.1 and C/EBPβ (reviewed in ref. 64).
of GATA1 ablate primitive erythropoiesis, whereas definitive GATA3 was originally identified as a T-cell specific transcrip-
erythropoiesis stops at the proerythroblast stage.32,33 Similarly, in tion factor that bound the enhancer of the T cell receptor (TCR),65
zebrafish, the mutant vlad tepes, which carries a null mutation in and it is the only GATA factor to be expressed in T lymphocytes.
GATA1, shows specific defects in the erythroid pathway.34 GATA3 is also expressed in other tissues, including the placenta,
Furthermore, lineage-specific ablation of mouse GATA1 showed the central nervous system, the kidney, the adrenal gland, the
that it is required for terminal differentiation of megakaryo- primitive thymus and the skin.65-68 GATA3-deficient mice
cytes.35,36 An essential partner of GATA1 during erythroid and display anaemia and central nervous system defects and die on
megakaryocyte differentiation is FOG1 (Friend of GATA-1). embryonic day 12 thus precluding a detailed assessment of its
Members of the FOG family are multiple-zinc-finger proteins role in T cell development.69 Generation of chimeric animals
that interact with the N-terminal zinc finger of GATA factors showed that differentiation of GATA3-/- T cells is blocked at an
and act as co-activators or co-repressors.37-43 FOG-1-/- murine early stage, that is, at or before the CD4-/CD8- stage of thymocyte
embryos die because of arrested erythroid cell maturation and development.70,71 In addition to this very early requirement,
complete failure of megakaryopoiesis.37 It was shown that the GATA3 promotes the development of CD4+/CD8+ thymocytes
interaction between FOG1 and GATA1 is critical for erythroid into T helper (TCR high, CD4+) to the detriment of cytolytic T
cell differentiation in vitro and in vivo44,45 and that FOG1 cells (CD8+) in response to TCR signalling.72 Finally, GATA3
functions with GATA1 and GATA2 to control an early stage of induces the differentiation of CD4+ T cells into class 2 T helper
megakaryopoiesis in vivo.45 (Th2) versus class 1 T helper cells (Th1).73-75 It is proposed that
The rescue of GATA1-deficient mice with transgenes expressing interleukin 4 (IL4) signalling induces Th2 differentiation by
various GATA1domains under the control of its own enhancer increasing GATA3 expression in naive T helper cells. GATA3 then
Role of GATA Factors in Development 223

represses Th1 development by inhibiting Th1-specific genes and transcription factors involved in the cardiogenic program
induces Th2 cytokine expression by direct transactivation of the (reviewed in ref. 89). Of these, the GATA factors appear to play a
IL5 and IL13 gene, as well as through remodelling/demethylation critical role.
of the IL4 locus.76-79 Conversely, IL12 signalling inhibits GATA3
expression/function and induces Th1 development by activating In Drosophila
STAT4 and T-bet expression.78 Thus, the precise regulation of During Drosophila embryogenesis, the GATA factor-encoding
GATA3 expression at several stages is essential for proper T cell gene pannier (pnr) is expressed in the dorsal mesoderm from which
differentiation. the cardiac cells develop.90 Its expression overlaps that of the Nk2
type homeodomain protein-encoding gene tinman (tin), a key
In Drosophila regulator of heart development.91 The expression of both genes
Despite the physiological differences between Drosophila and in the dorsal mesoderm depends on the signalling molecule Dpp,
vertebrate blood cells, various aspects of hematopoietic a member of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) family,
development have been evolutionarily conserved.80,81 As in which is expressed in the overlaying dorsal ectoderm. In embryos
vertebrates, Drosophila hematopoiesis (from mesodermally-derived deficient for pnr function, there results a dramatic reduction in
progenitors) occurs in two waves: one during embryogenesis and the number of cardiac progenitors. Moreover, in pnr mutant
the second during the larval stages.82,83 Blood cells (hemocytes) embryos, tin expression is greatly diminished along the dorsal
differentiate into two major classes: plasmatocytes and crystal edge of mesoderm, where the heart precursors form. In tin
cells.82 Plasmatocytes act as macrophages, whereas crystal cells loss-of-function mutants, no heart cells develop at all, which
participate in melanisation, an insect-specific process involved in suggests that the extensive loss of heart cells in pnr mutant is
the encapsulation of foreign bodies and in wound healing. Most probably a consequence of this strong reduction of tin
strikingly, it appeared recently that transcription factors of the expression. The few cells that still express tin develop normally.92
GATA, FOG and RUNX families, which play critical roles Interestingly, whereas pnr expression requires tin, pnr may also
during hematopoiesis in vertebrates, are also involved in regulate tin expression, since GATA binding sites have been
controlling blood cell development in Drosophila. Like GATA2, identified in its promotor region. Besides these transcriptional
the Drosophila GATA factor Serpent (Srp) is expressed in blood cross-regulations, Tin and Pnr have also been shown to interact
cell precursors and is required for the determination, to activate the MADs box transcription factor dMef2, another
proliferation and maintenance of this population. 84,85 gene essential for cardiac myogenesis that is conserved in
Furthermore, Srp is still detected in mature plasmatocytes and, at vertebrates.93,94 Finally, the evolutionary conservation of the
lower levels, in crystal cells. Reminiscent of GATA2 regulation structure and function of GATA factors is strikingly demonstrated
during erythropoiesis, down-regulation of srp expression in by the fact that mouse GATA4 can substitute for pnr during
crystal cells may be important, as suggested by the fact that Drosophila cardiogenesis.90
overexpression of Srp in these cells inhibits their differentiation.86
Nonetheless, Srp is required for crystal cell differentiation in In Vertebrates
combination with the RUNX factor Lozenge (Lz), with which it The vertebrate heart develops from a bilaterally symmetrical
synergistically interacts to trigger the crystal cell-specific genetic region of the anterior lateral plate mesoderm, the cardiac
program (Waltzer et al, in press). Interestingly, the interaction crescent, which adopts a cardiac fate in response to BMP
and cooperation between GATA and RUNX factors appear to be signalling from the adjacent endoderm.95,96 In mouse, three GATA
conserved in vertebrates and it has been suggested that GATA1 factors, GATA4, 5 and 6, are expressed at various stages during
cooperates with RUNX1 during megakaryopoiesis. 87 heart development and can regulate cardiac-specific gene expres-
Furthermore, the Drosophila FOG factor U-shaped (Ush) represses sion in cell culture.97-100 At E7.5, GATA4 and GATA6 are both
crystal cell fate by interacting with Srp,86,88 suggesting that a expressed in the mesoderm that gives rise to the cardiogenic plate
competition between Ush and Lz may modulate Srp activity and whereas GATA5 is expressed in a restricted manner within the
thereby influence the subsequent development into plasmatocytes precardiac mesoderm. Subsequently, GATA4, 5 and 6 are
rather than crystal cells or vise versa. Such cross-interactions
expressed throughout the primitive heart tube, but only GATA4
between GATA factors and their partners may constitute a
and 6 continue to be expressed in the heart after E17 and during
conserved means of regulating lineage choice and differentiation
postnatal development. Expression of GATA5 becomes restricted
during hematopoiesis.
to the atrial endocardium and is extinguished at E16.5. These
three GATA factors are among the earliest markers of the cardiac
Heart Formation myocyte lineage and are expressed as early as the vertebrate
Recent studies have shown that heart formation is controlled ortholog of tin, Nkx2-5. 101 In the mesoderm, Nkx2-5 is expressed
by a developmental program in which many molecular and in the cardiogenic crescent on each side of the embryo in a
developmental aspects are conserved between fly and man. pattern very similar to that of GATA4.
Whereas heart morphology in Drosophila melanogaster is simpler The role of GATA factors in cardiogenesis has been analysed
than the complex multichambered heart of mammals, both are by gene inactivation studies. In GATA4 knockout mice, the heart
constituted of spontaneous contractile myocardial cells. In both tube fails to form, but this does not appear to be a consequence
vertebrates and Drosophila, the heart develops from bilaterally of defective cardiomyogenesis. Instead, it appears to result from
symmetrical regions of the mesoderm, where heart progenitors anomalous rostral-to-caudal and lateral-to-ventral folding of the
migrate to the midline and fuse to form a linear, beating heart embryo, which reflects a generalized disruption of the ventral body
tube (Fig. 2). In vertebrates, this tube undergoes further specific pattern. 102,103 Notably, in homozygous mutant embryos,
morphogenetic movements that lead to the definitive looped and differentiated cardiomyocytes form and markers of terminal
multichambered heart. In parallel with these developmental cardiac differentiation are expressed normally. This could well be
similarities, there is a remarkable evolutionary conservation of due to functional redundancy among the GATA factors.
224 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 2. Formation of the heart in vertebrates and Drosophila. Schematic cross sections of human embryos aged 17 days (A), 18 days (B), 21 days
(C), 22 days (D), and a Drosophila embryo aged 20 hrs (E). F) Drosophila embryos aged 11 hrs (a) and 20 hrs (b) respectively. a) cardioblast
precursors on both sides of the dorsal mesoderm, are stained. b) they meet at the dorsal midline and form a tube that includes the heart.

Consistent with this suggestion, the level of GATA6 transcripts is and double knockouts, should shed light on the precise role of
increased in GATA4 knockout embryos. GATA5 knockout mice these factors during cardiogenesis.
are viable, but females display an abnormal urogenital tract.104 Contrary to what is observed in zebrafish, it has been shown
GATA6 null mice die during early development (stage E5.5-E7.5) in mice that neither GATA4 nor Nkx2-5 alone can initiate
as a result of extraembryonic defects (see below),105,106 which pre- cardiogenesis, although either protein can potentiate it in
cludes analysis of cardiogenesis. committed cells. Studies on the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
Interestingly, in zebrafish, the mutation faust (fau), which maps promoter have revealed a physical interaction and functional
to the GATA5 gene, is embryonic lethal and leads to a cardiac cooperation between GATA4 and Nkx2-5.108-110 Thus, as in
phenotype similar to that oberserved in GATA4 null mice.107 Drosophila, these factors may cooperate in regulating cardiogenesis
Analysis of fau mutants indicates that GATA5 is required early in in vertebrates.
embryogenesis for the production of normal numbers of
myocardial precursors and the expression of several myocardial Control of Endoderm Formation
genes, including Nkx2.5. Furthermore, overexpression of zebrafish All metazoan phyla contain an endoderm and as this germ
GATA5 activates ectopic expression of Nkx2.5 and induces the layer was probably invented only once during evolution, at least
formation of ectopic regions of rhythmically contracting tissue.107 some elements of the gene regulatory network controlling its
These observations suggest a role for zebrafish GATA5 in the formation may have been conserved during evolution. It has
cardiogenic program, including control of growth, morphogenesis become clear over the last decade that GATA factors are among
and differentiation. the most pervasive members of this regulatory network. Indeed,
Further experiments in mouse using the Cre-lox technique to GATA factors play a crucial role in endoderm development in C.
generate tissue-specific mutants of GATA4 and 6, both as single elegans, Drosophila, sea urchin, Xenopus, zebrafish and mouse.
Role of GATA Factors in Development 225

of endoderm formation: specification of the mesendoderm

progenitor (MED-1/2), establishment of the endoderm (END-1/
3) and differentiation of the intestine (ELT-2/7).
GATA factors have been implicated in endoderm formation
in other invertebrates. For instance, in Drosophila, the GATA
factor Srp is essential.85,120 At the blastoderm stage, Srp is
expressed in the anterior and posterior midgut anlage (the
precursors of the endodermal tissues) and in a srp mutant,
ectodermally-derived foregut and hindgut replace the
endodermally-derived midgut. 120 This transformation of
endoderm into ectoderm is reminiscent of that observed in C
elegans med-1/2 or end-1/3 mutants. It is striking that Srp
combines functions of both the ‘blood-specific’ (GATA1/2/3) and
the ‘endoderm-specific’ (GATA4/5/6) vertebrate GATAs. Srp is
alternatively spliced to give rise to different isoforms, containing
either only a C-finger or both a C- and an N-finger, that have
different functional properties.86 The expression of these isoforms
of Srp extends the regulatory potentials of srp and may account
for the broad range of functions assumed by this gene during
Figure 3. GATA factors during Caenorhabditis elegans endoderm development. It is noteworthy that two other GATA factors,
formation. The early cell lineage of C. elegans is represented, together Grain121 and dGATAD (our unpublished results), are expressed
with the location in the adult worm of the endodermal cells derived from in the Drosophila midgut primordia after the onset of srp
the E blastomere. The three successive tiers of GATA factor pairs controlling expression. However, their role in endoderm formation is
endoderm formation are shown to the right of the panel. unknown. Finally, it was recently shown, in an extensive genomic
regulatory network study, that the GATA factor GATA-E plays a
In Invertebrates central role in endoderm specification in the sea urchin embryo.122
The most compelling evidence concerning the involvement
of GATA factors in endoderm development has come from In Vertebrates
studies in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans (for review see In vertebrates, the implication of GATA factors in endoderm
ref. 111). In C. elegans, the endoderm appears at the 7-cell stage development has been invoked for a long time. Three of them,
from a single progenitor, the E cell, which divides 5 times to give GATA4, 5 and 6, are expressed in the extraembryonic and
the 20 cells that form the juvenile intestine (Fig. 3). The parental embryonic endoderm during development as well as in some
cell EMS expresses med-1 and med-2, two functionally redundant endoderm-derived organs in the adult.107,123-131 Moreover,
genes that code for GATA factors that display 98% identity,112 several endodermal genes (expressed in the gut epithelium, the
and divides asymmetrically to produce an endoderm founder cell lung epithelium or in the liver) contain GATA binding sites in
(E) and a mesodermal founder cell (MS). In the MS cell, MED-1 their promoter and can be activated by expression of GATA
and- 2 activate the mesodermal program, whereas in the E cell, factors in non-endodermal cell lines.105,132-136 Finally, in vivo
which receives a maternally contributed Wnt signal, they induce footprinting analysis and in vitro assays have demonstrated that
the endodermal program by directly activating the expression of GATA factors (notably GATA4) bind to and open chromatin at
another pair of GATA factors: END-1 and END-3.112 These two the liver-specific transcriptional enhancer of the serum albumin
GATA factors are the first to be specifically expressed in the endo- gene in liver cell precursors.137,138
derm and act redundantly in its determination.113 Furthermore, Gain-of-function analysis also suggests that GATA factors
ectopic expression of END-1 in early embryonic blastomeres is control endoderm development in vertebrates. For instance,
sufficient to trigger endodermal differentiation and to repress other overexpression of Xenopus GATA5 (or GATA4) in the whole
cell fates.114 However, end-1/3 expression in the E cell lineage is embryo or in animal caps is sufficient to induce the expression of
transient and other factors act downstream of them during dif- early endodermal genes and to redirect prospective ectodermal
ferentiation of endoderm cells. Remarkably, a third pair of GATA and mesodermal cells toward an endodermal fate.139 Consistent
factors, encoded by elt-2, and elt–7, are employed during this with a role for GATA factors in Xenopus development, it was shown
process.111 Although the precise role of elt-7 has not yet been that Xenopus GATA5 is expressed early in response to two key
ascertained, it was shown that elt-2 is expressed in the descen- inducers of the endoderm, VegT or Nodal signalling.139,140 In
dants of the E cell and is required continuously to maintain en- the mouse, the forced expression of GATA6 or GATA4 in
dodermal differentiation.115 The elt-2 promoter contains GATA embryonic stem cells induces their differentiation into
binding sites and END-1/3 may be direct transactivators. Once extraembryonic endoderm and represses mesodermal and
initiated, elt-2 expression is probably maintained by an autoregu- ectodermal cell fates.141 Thus, GATA factors probably constitute
latory loop, since ELT-2 binds and activates its own promoter in master regulators of extraembryonic endoderm development in
vivo.116 It is worth noting that several genes that function in the mammals.
differentiated intestine of the worm contain functional GATA So far, gene inactivations in mouse have failed to demonstrate
binding sites in their promoter and are genuine targets of ELT-2 a clear role for GATA genes in the development of definitive
and -7.116-119 endoderm. Chimera analysis and in vitro differentiation of
In summary, a network of GATA factors that act in redundant GATA4-/- embryoid bodies suggest that GATA4-/- cells are
pairs controls endoderm formation in C. elegans. The 3 different unable to generate visceral endoderm.142,143 However, GATA4
pairs of GATA factors are activated in cascade at 3 successive steps null embryos form morphologically normal visceral endoderm
226 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

that expresses higher levels of GATA6.102,103 Thus GATA6 may mutations do indeed affect GATA-mediated regulation of these
compensate for GATA4 loss of function. Furthermore, although genes in vivo remains to be shown. Of note, disruption of a GATA
the definitive endoderm forms normally in GATA4 null motif in the Duffy gene promoter was observed in individuals
embryos, 102,103 analysis of chimeras indicates that with Duffy-negative blood group antigen.156 As this gene code
GATA4-deficient cells cannot differentiate correctly into for the erythrocyte receptor for the Plasmodium vivax malaria
endodermally-derived gastric epithelial cells. 144 GATA6 parasite, this mutation may be linked to the resistance to
knockout mice die in the early postimplantation period and infection by this parasite in West African populations.157
exhibit a specific block in visceral endoderm differentiation.105 The second category of human genetic diseases linked to GATA
However, GATA6-deficient cells contributed to gut-derived factor dysfunction comprises mutations directly affecting GATA
organs, indicating that GATA6 is not required for definitive genes. The first evidence for the implication of a GATA gene mu-
endoderm specification.105,145 Interestingly though, GATA6 is tation in human disease was obtained after a study of a
required for the differentiation of endodermal cells into a congenital heart defect (CHD), found to be linked to a deletion
specialised lung cell type as well as for lung branching morpho- in human chromosome 8p23.1, which contains GATA4.158 Re-
genesis.145,146 Finally, GATA5 knockout mice are viable, as cently, two different heterozygous point mutations in GATA4 were
mentioned earlier, and do not show defects in the endoderm.104 found in two families with CHD. 159 The missense
Since GATA4, 5 and 6 are coexpressed in the prospective mutation G296S results in diminished GATA4 DNA binding
primitive endoderm in the mouse, the fact that endoderm and transcriptional activity, whereas the frameshift mutation
specification is normal after knockout of each of the individual E359del gives rise to a shorter, transcriptionally inactive GATA4
genes may reflect functional redundancy among them. protein. Strikingly, the interaction bewteen GATA4 and the T
Interestingly, it is in zebrafish that the role for vertebrate GATA box factor TBX5, which is also mutated in a subset of cardiac
factors in endoderm formation has been most clearly septal defects, was disrupted by missense mutations in GATA4 or
demonstrated. The fau mutation specifically affects the zebrafish in TBX5 that cause heart defects. Thus, consistent with genetic
GATA5 gene, which is expressed in all endodermal and in some analysis in model organisms, GATA4 plays an essential role,
mesodermal progenitors. fau mutants present major defects in possibly in association with TBX5, during human heart formation.
myocardial differentiation and gut morphogenesis.107 Notably, Haploinsufficient mutations in other GATA factors have been
there is a substantial decrease in the number of endodermal cells, associated with human congenital disease. Several point
which do not differentiate normally into hepatic, pancreatic and mutations affecting GATA1 have been identified in patients with
pharyngeal derivatives.147 Since the fau mutation is not a null X-linked thrombocytopenia.160-164 These missense mutations are
mutation in GATA5, the extent of the endoderm defect due to located in the N-terminal zinc finger and several of them disrupt
total loss of zebrafish GATA5 may be even stronger (see for the interaction with the cofactor FOG1. The phenotype obserevd
example the phenotype of GATA4 -/- in mice). It has also been are consistent with a role for the GATA1/FOG complex during
shown that GATA5 expression depends on the endoderm-inducing megakaryocytic differentiation in human. Furthermore, GATA3
signalling of Nodal,148 and overexpression of GATA5 in zebrafish haploinsufficiency causes human HDR (Hypoparathyroidism,
embryos induced endodermal genes even when Nodal signalling sensorineural Deafness, Renal anomaly) syndrome.165 Surprisingly
was reduced. 147 Thus GATA5 is required for endoderm though, whereas human and mouse GATA3 are expressed in the
formation and differentiation in zebrafish. developing kidney, otic vesicle and parathyroid, no HDR-related
GATA factors thus seem to be part of a cascade of genes phenotype was observed in GATA3 knockout or heterozygous
controlling endoderm specification that has been be conserved in mice. Finally, it was shown that the tricho-rhino-phalangeal
Xenopus, zebrafish and mouse (for review see ref. 149). In these syndrome type I (TRPS1), characterized by craniofacial and
different species, Nodal-related signalling contributes to the ex- skeletal abnormalities, was due to monoallelic nonsense
pression of GATA factors as well as of Mix-type homeodomain mutations in the TRPS1 gene.166 TRPS1 codes for an atypical
proteins in endoderm precursors and both of these factors GATA protein containing only one C-terminal GATA zinc
regulate the expression of Sox17-related factors. Finally, finger and other unrelated zinc fingers. Interestingly, in a severe
members of the Forkhead family of transcription factors, like form of TRPS (type III), mutations in TRPS1 are confined to
GATA factors, have been implicated in endoderm formation, not the GATA domain.167 Consistent with these phenotypes, targeted
only in vertebrates but also in Drosophila and C. elegans. Thus, disruption of the GATA-finger encoding exon in mice mimicked
several aspects of endodermal development have been conserved several features of human TRPS as well as more profound and
during evolution. generalized skeletal dysplasia.168
Finally, somatically acquired mutations leading to GATA gene
GATA Factors and Diseases dysregulation may participate in cancer development. Indeed,
Although GATA factors play crucial roles during normal GATA gene expression has been shown to be upregulated in a
development, direct evidence for their involvement in human variety of primary tumors and cancer cell lines. Moreover, GATA2
diseases has been relatively scarce until recently. The first category may be implicated in leukemia, since it is located near the 3q21
of human inherited disorders linked to GATA factor dysfunction breakpoint found in some myeloid leukemias and is overexpressed
consists of point mutations of GATA binding sites located in the in these leukemias.169 Recently, acquired somatic mutations in
cis-regulatory regions of GATA1 target genes. For example, three GATA1 have been specifically associated with megakaryocytic
independent single nucleotide transitions affecting GATA1 leukemia and transient myeloproliferative disorder in children
binding were found in the ∂-globin gene of patients with with Down’s syndrome.170,171 These mutations result in the
delta-thalassemia, a hereditary disease characterised by reduced expression of a truncated GATA1 protein that lacks the N-terminal
synthesis of ∂-globin.150-152 Mutations in GATA binding sites transactivation domain and they are probably initiating events in
potentially affecting the expression of a relevant gene have been these leukemia. Since RUNX1, the gene coding for which is
observed in other congenital diseases.153-155 Whether these located on chromosome 21, interacts and cooperates with GATA1
Role of GATA Factors in Development 227

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The Androgen Receptor and Spinal

and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy
Federica Piccioni, Charlotte J. Sumner and Kenneth H. Fischbeck*

Abstract Molecular Mechanism of Action

AR is localized to the cytoplasm in the absence of androgen,1

he androgen receptor belongs to the superfamily of nuclear
receptors, which are ligand-dependent transcription factors. where it is associated with heat shock proteins (HSPs), including
In the absence of the androgen, the receptor is localized HSP90, HSP70 and HSP56.8-10 Upon testosterone or DHT bind-
to the cytoplasm where it is associated with heat shock proteins. ing, the AR undergoes several sequential processes to interact with
Upon ligand binding, the receptor translocates into the nucleus specific DNA sequences, called androgen response elements
and interacts with specific DNA sequences, called androgen re- (AREs), located in the regulatory regions of androgen-dependent
sponse elements. The DNA-bound receptor interacts with the genes.
transcription initiation complex to regulate transcription. Regulation of steroid hormone receptor action occurs, in part,
The structural organization of the androgen receptor is very by post-translational modification, including phosphorylation,
similar to the other members of the steroid receptor family, with acetylation, and sumoylation (addition of the small
an N-terminal transcriptional regulatory domain, a centrally po- ubiquitin-related modifier SUMO).11 AR is rapidly phosphory-
sitioned C2C2 zinc finger DNA binding domain, and a C-terminal lated after synthesis, suggesting that this modification is impor-
tant for the hormone binding properties of the receptor.12 AR
ligand binding domain. The N-terminal domain contains a poly-
undergoes further phosphorylation in the presence of ligand.13
morphic polyglutamine tract encoded by a trinucleotide (CAG)
AR is acetylated in a ligand-dependent manner, and acetylation
repeat; the polyglutamine tract normally consists of 9-36 increases its transcriptional activity, implicating this
glutamines. Pathological expansion of the androgen receptor post-translational modification as a regulatory mechanism.14
polyglutamine tract to 40-62 glutamines causes spinal and bul- Aberrant acetylation and phosphorylation state lead to
bar muscular atrophy, a slowly progressive, X-linked motor neu- ligand-independent activation of mutant AR.15 AR is covalently
ron disease. modified by SUMO-1 in an androgen-enhanced fashion, and
sumoylation has been shown to correlate with downregulation of
Androgen Receptor transcriptional activity.16
The androgen receptor (AR) belongs to the superfamily of Binding of the inactive AR, complexed with HSP, by ligand
nuclear receptors, which are ligand dependent transcription fac- induces transformation of the receptor: the receptor changes to a
tors that specifically regulate the expression of target genes in- more compact conformation, a second conformation change likely
volved in metabolism, development and reproduction. Andro- results in dissociation of heat shock proteins and precedes nuclear
gen receptor mediates the transcriptional response to androgens uptake and the formation of a transcriptionally active complex;
such as testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (for re- the receptor then dimerizes and binds to DNA. The DNA-bound
receptor interacts with the transcription initiation complex to
view see Zhou et al1). The AR has a higher affinity for DHT than
regulate transcription (Fig. 1).17 AR can interact with the basal
testosterone.2,3 Testosterone dissociates from AR three times faster transcription machinery by direct interaction with general tran-
than DHT, and degradation of AR is faster in the presence of scription factors7,18 or indirectly through coactivators such as ste-
testosterone compared to DHT, indicating that ligand occupancy roid receptor coactivator-1 (SRC-1) and CBP, which are proteins
of the receptor is a major factor in receptor stabilization.4 It is that interact with nuclear receptors and enhance their
possible that androgens slow AR degradation by prolonging transactivation.19 Transcriptional activation by AR requires the
nuclear retention and limiting recycling from the nucleus to the recruitment of RNA polymerase II. Transcription by RNA poly-
cytoplasm, preventing proteolysis of AR.1 Although testosterone merase II is a complex processes which requires assembly of a set
and DHT bind the same receptor, they may have different effects of basal transcription factors (TF) to initiate transcription at the
in sexual differentiation as a result of activation of different target promoters. First, TATA binding protein (TBP) (a component of
genes due to differences in activity.5-7 the transcription factor TFIID) recognizes the TATA element of

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
The Androgen Receptor and Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy 233

Figure 2. Structure of the AR gene and protein. Top) The gene contains
eight exons. Bottom) The protein structure shows how the exon orga-
nization translates into discrete functional regions of the receptor: the
N-terminal transactivation region, the DNA binding domain (DBD)
and the ligand binding domain (LBD).

ligand-binding cavity as a lid and retards the dissociation of the

Figure 1. Molecular mechanism of AR function. Testosterone and bound ligand, stabilizing the ligand-protein interactions.26 The
dihydrotestosterone diffuse through the plasma membrane and bind to unoccupied androgen receptor is associated with several heat shock
the AR. Binding of the inactive AR, complexed with HSP, by ligand proteins; androgen binding induces conformational change of the
induces release of heat shock proteins and activation of the receptor. receptor that destabilizes the interaction between the receptor LBD
Within the cell nucleus, the AR dimerizes and binds to androgen re- and HSPs.27 The chaperone complex interacts with unliganded
sponse element (ARE), in the regulatory regions of target genes. This steroid receptors to facilitate the folding of the receptor and sta-
interaction affects gene transcription. bilize it in a conformation receptive to ligand binding;27
overexpression of some members of the chaperone complex has
a promoter. Not all genes contain a TATA box; in these cases been found to alter the affinity of steroids receptor to their
transcription initiation is mediated through other factors and el- ligand.28,29 In the LBD there is an autonomous transactivating
ements. After the recognition, TFIIB binds the preformed function (AF-2) that appears to be weak, since deletion of LBD
TBP-DNA complex, which is in turn recognized by a complex of results in a molecule that is able to mediate transcription of a
polymerase II and TFIIF, followed by TFIIE and TFIIH. Once reporter gene to the same extent as the full-length receptor in the
the preinitiation complex is complete, in presence of nucleoside presence of androgen.30
triphosphates strand separation occurs and polymerase II initiates
transcription. Following formation, the preinitiation complex is
activated, resulting in initiation, promoter clearance, elongation,
DNA Binding Domain
The androgen receptor has a highly-conserved DBD, encoded
and termination.20
by exons 2 and 3. The DBD includes 8 cysteine residues that
form two zinc fingers encoded by separate exons.31 The zinc fin-
Structure of the Androgen Receptor gers specifically recognize DNA consensus sequences, usually lo-
The AR gene is located on the X chromosome at Xq11-12 cated in the promoter regions of responsive genes. The AR-ligand
and contains eight exons, all of which contribute to the complex binds as a dimer to 15-base pair palindromic sequence
protein-coding sequence.21-23 The structural organization is very referred to as androgen-responsive element (ARE)
similar to the genes encoding the other members of the steroid GGTACAnnnTGTTCT-3', as well as to more complex response
receptor superfamily, with an N-terminal transcriptional regula- elements.32-34 The highly conserved cysteine-rich region folds into
tory domain (AF-1), a centrally positioned DNA binding do- two zinc-coordinated loop structures, each with a zinc atom
main (DBD), a hinge region with nuclear localization signal tetrahedrically coordinated to four cysteines.35 In the nuclear re-
(NLS), and a C-terminal ligand binding domain (LBD).7 The ceptors, the first zinc finger contains several hydrophobic resi-
entire amino-terminal domain is encoded by the first exon, the dues and the second is more basic. The first zinc finger contains
two zinc-fingers of the DNA binding domain by exons 2 and 3, the so-called P-box and other residues involved in the direct bind-
and the hormone binding domain by exons 4-8. There is a small ing of the specific recognition sequence of the ARE. During DNA
region between the hormone and DNA-binding domain (the binding, this helix is inserted in the major groove of the response
hinge region) that contains the nuclear targeting signal and is element.32 It determines the sequence specificity of the interac-
encoded by part of exon 4 (Fig. 2). tion;36 amino acid substitutions of cysteine residues in the first
zinc finger alter receptor function due to effects on the coordina-
tion of metal ions to form an essential component of the
Ligand Binding Domain DNA-binding structure.37 Three amino acids of the first zinc fin-
The LBD is located in the C-terminal region of the AR. Re- ger (Gly577, Ser528, Val581) appear critical and interact with
cently its crystal structure was determined.24,25 The LBD has a hormone response elements.38 Mutation of Val581 has been re-
large hydrophobic cavity which forms a ligand-binding pocket. ported in patients with androgen sensitivity syndrome.39 The sec-
Crystal structure of the human AR LBD complexed with the syn- ond zinc finger contains the so-called D-box and is involved in
thetic ligand R1881 shows that 18 amino acids within the LBD receptor dimerization and stabilizes the binding of the receptor
interact with the ligand, mostly through hydrophobic interac- to the DNA by contacting the sugar-phosphate backbone at the
tions involving the steroid scaffold. LBDs of the nuclear recep- adjacent sequences.35 It has been observed that androgen resis-
tors share a similar structural motif consisting of 10-12 α-helices tance also results from the mutation at Arg615 in the second zinc
(numbered H1-H12) in an antiparallel sandwich motif. After as- finger, which is not conserved in all steroid receptors. This muta-
sociation of the LBD with an agonist, the H12 amphipathic tion led to a defective DNA binding by changing the conforma-
alpha-helix is repositioned in such a way that it covers the tion of the tertiary structure of this portion of the DBD, which
234 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

likely exists in an alpha-helical conformation.37 Mutations in the

DBD impair the capacity of the receptor to activate transcrip- Table 1. Clinical features of SBMA
tion, but have little or no effect on androgen binding. In the
absence of hormone, steroid receptors have low affinity for DNA. X-linked inheritance (only men affected)
The mechanism by which ligand induces steroid receptors to bind Onset 4th- 5th decade
DNA is of interest; the LBD or associated HSPs could interfere Slowly progressive weakness (over 2-3 decades)
with DNA binding in the absence of ligand; ligand binding No upper motor neuron signs
changes the structure and exposes the DNA binding domain or Prominent perioral fasciculations (“quivering” of chin)
releases HSPs, relieving the inhibition.40 Sequences outside the Mild sensory involvement
zinc finger DNA binding domain can also contribute to DNA Signs of androgen insensitivity (gynecomastia)
binding. Deletions in the N-terminal region reduce the affinity
for DNA, suggesting that the N-terminal domain contributes to tract length is not critical to normal AR function. Pathological
the stability of the receptor-DNA complex.41 Steroid receptors expansion of the androgen receptor polyglutamine tract to 40-62
contain a nuclear localization signal (NLS) located in the glutamines causes spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA,
carboxyl-terminal of the DBD.42 This region is encoded by the or Kennedy’s disease).59
5'-portion of exon 4 and contains a cluster of basic residues which
mediates the transfer of androgen receptor from cytoplasm to the
nucleus.43 Deletions of the NLS still permit nuclear localization Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy
in the presence of androgen,30 suggesting the presence of a sec- In 1991, La Spada and colleagues described an expansion of
ond, hormone-dependent NLS located in the C-terminal half of the trinucleotide (CAG) repeat in the AR gene as the
the protein, overlapping the LBD.44 disease-causing mutation in SBMA, an inherited
neurodegenerative disease.59 Although first described in the Japa-
nese literature, this disease often goes by the name Kennedy’s dis-
N-Terminal Domain ease after William Kennedy, who described the clinical features
The N-terminal domain is the transcriptional regulatory re- of the disease in eleven male members of two families over thirty
gion of the protein and contains two separate domains important years ago.60
for transactivation. Almost the entire N-terminal domain (resi-
dues 1-485) is involved in transcription activation. However, in
the absence of the LBD a different region (residues 360 to 528), Clinical Features of SBMA
mediates the activation. The capability of the AR to use different SBMA affects approximately 1 in 40,000 people. It is a slowly
and unique regions of its N-terminal domain for transcriptional progressive, X-linked motor neuron disease, affecting males be-
activity raises the possibility that different activation functions ginning at age 30-60 years (see Table 1).60-64 Early manifesta-
are responsible for the regulation of different genes, resulting in tions of muscle cramps and fasciculations are followed by pro-
cell-specific and AR-specific gene expression. 45 The AR gressive weakness and atrophy of brainstem-innervated (bulbar)
N-terminal modulates transcription by directly interacting with and limb muscles. Proximal limb muscles are generally more af-
the general transcriptional machinery through TFIIF18,46 and with fected than distal muscles, with progressive impairment of gait
coregulators such as CBP.47 The N-terminal also contributes to and wheelchair dependence, usually within 2 to 3 decades of dis-
the ligand-induced three dimensional structure of AR by interac- ease onset. Frequently, involvement of lower facial and tongue
tion with the LBD.48 The AR N and C-terminal regions interact, muscles causes characteristic perioral muscle twitching (fascicu-
and this interaction is facilitated by coactivators and is important lation) and slurred speech. Patients may also experience pharyn-
geal and respiratory muscle weakness, with consequent swallow-
in stabilizing ligand binding.47,49 The N-terminal domain of the
ing difficulty and shortness of breath. Occasional patients develop
AR contains three homopolymeric repeated regions,
severe jaw closure weakness causing the jaw to hang open.65,66
polyglutamine, polyproline and polyglycine, which can influence
The extraocular muscles are always spared. Tendon reflexes are
transactivation. Deletion of the polyglycine tract (normally rang- reduced or absent, and no upper neuron features such as spastic-
ing from 4 to 24 glycines), results in a 30% reduction in AR ity are present. Patients may have a postural tremor of the hands,
transcriptional activity in vitro,50 suggesting that this repeat could resembling essential tremor, that occurs early or late in the course
be important for the proper functioning of the nearby AF-1 do- of the disease. Patients rarely complain of sensory symptoms.
main. However, clinical and electrophysiological testing may reveal mild
The N-terminal contains a polymorphic polyglutamine sensory deficits.61-64,67,68 Pathologic studies have confirmed dor-
(polygln) tract encoded by a (CAG)n trinucleotide repeat; the sal root ganglia cell loss in addition to the motor neuron loss in
polyglutamine tract normally consists of 9-36 glutamines. the brainstem and spinal cord of patients with SBMA.63
Glutamine rich regions are found in a number of transcription Many patients with SBMA also show signs of mild androgen
factors and coregulatory proteins, including CBP and Sp1, and insensitivity. Findings of gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, oli-
may regulate protein-protein interactions.51,52 gospermia, and erectile dysfunction may have onset as early as
The polyglutamine tract can act as a repressor of transcrip- adolescence.69-71 Usually female carriers of SBMA are asymptom-
tional activation; longer polyglutamine tract length is associated atic, however a minority experience muscle cramps or tremor.
with decreased AR transcriptional activity in vitro53,54 and clini- Some female carriers also show mild electromyography (EMG)
cally with impaired spermatogenesis and infertility indicative of abnormalities.72,73 It had been postulated that women were pro-
reduced androgen sensitivity.55 Deletion of the polyglutamine tract tected from the full expression of SBMA by mutant
enhances rather than diminishes target gene transactivation. De- X-chromosome inactivation.73 Recently, however, Schmidt and
creased tract length may be associated with predisposition to pros- colleagues described two women who were homozygous for mu-
tate cancer.56-58 Polymorphism of the tract length in humans and tant AR.74 In these patients, symptoms were limited to occasional
the relative lack of cross species conservation indicate that the muscle cramps and neurological examinations were essentially
The Androgen Receptor and Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy 235

normal. The mildness of symptoms and signs in these homozy- mechanisms of neuronal degeneration characteristic of each of
gous females suggests that females do not develop the full mani- the polyglutamine diseases. In the case of SBMA, recent work in
festations of SBMA because they have reduced levels of the AR transgenic fly85 and mouse models,86 has demonstrated that
ligand, testosterone, rather than because of X-chromosome inac- full-length AR requires the presence of ligand in order to cause
tivation. toxicity. Depletion of the ligand in male mice by castration pre-
Confirmation of SBMA diagnosis can be made with genetic vents motor neuron degeneration and administration of andro-
testing. CAG repeat number is determined by polymerase chain gens to female mice induces motor neuronal toxicity.86 This
reaction amplification of the CAG repeat region within the AR ligand-dependency explains the gender specificity of SBMA.
gene (chromosomal locus Xq11-q12).75 Accurate diagnosis is
important in order to provide information about prognosis and Inclusions and Aggregates
genetic counseling for the patient and his family members as well A common pathologic feature of the polyglutamine diseases is
as to avoid inappropriate treatment. Most patients with SBMA the presence of inclusion bodies in susceptible neurons. 87 In
have a normal lifespan and do not die of direct consequences of SBMA, inclusions have been identified in spinal cord motor neu-
their disease, although late in the course of illness some patients rons from patients88 and in animal and cell culture models. These
are at risk for aspiration pneumonia or respiratory failure. Cur- inclusions contain N-terminal epitopes of the AR protein that
rently, treatment is supportive. may arise from cleavage of mutant AR by caspases.89 The inclu-
sions also contain ubiquitin, components of the proteasome com-
Molecular Pathophysiology of SBMA plex, and several molecular chaperones, all of which are cellular
SBMA is caused by expansion of the trinucleotide CAG re- components involved in normal protein folding and degradation.
peat in the AR gene from a normal length of 9-36 to a Their presence in inclusions suggests that there has been accu-
disease-associated length of 40-62.59 SBMA is one of nine disor- mulation of nondegraded mutant AR protein within the cell.
ders that share this type of mutation. These disorders, known as Expanded polyglutamine tracts have been shown to cause pro-
the polyglutamine expansion diseases, include Huntington’s dis- tein misfolding and aggregation in a repeat length dependent
ease (HD), dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), and manner.90,91 It is postulated that aggregates result from the abil-
six forms of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA).76 They are caused by ity of long polyglutamine stretches to form self-associating
CAG expansions in unrelated genes and are characterized by se- β-sheets.92,93 Aggregation of mutant AR protein into inclusions
lective neuronal degeneration in different nervous system regions. may be a central toxic event in polyglutamine-mediated
Except for SBMA, they all exhibit autosomal dominant inherit- neurodegeneration, however in some models, toxicity has been
ance with a similar age of onset and rate of progression. All occur dissociated from the presence of microscopically visible inclusions.
when the CAG tract achieves a critical threshold length, usually Recent work suggests that microscopically visible inclusions rep-
of approximately 40 repeats. Above this threshold, further in- resent structures formed by the cell in order to accelerate degra-
creased repeat length correlates with earlier disease onset and in- dation of excess misfolded protein, while monomeric or
creased disease severity.77-79 These shared features suggest that there micro-aggregated intermediates of polyglutamine protein are the
is a common pathogenic mechanism underlying these disorders. toxic species.94

Toxic Gain of Function Possible Mechanisms of Toxicity

The CAG repeat expansion within the 5' end of the AR gene Mutant AR and other polyglutamine containing proteins may
codes for an elongated tract of polyglutamines near the N-terminal cause neuronal cell death through one or more mechanisms (Fig.
transactivation domain of the AR protein. This expanded 3). In the cytoplasm, mutant AR protein may interrupt the ve-
polyglutamine tract does not interfere with AR ligand binding or sicular transport machinery,95 cause mitochondrial toxicity, or
intracellular localization.80 It does result, however, in some re- trigger aberrant apoptosis. Excess aggregated polyglutamine pro-
duction of normal target gene transactivation.81,82 This defect teins may disrupt normal cellular function by overwhelming the
may account for signs of mild androgen insensitivity in SBMA, ubiquitin-proteasome system (which degrades proteins) or seques-
however loss of function of the androgen receptor does not ap- tering molecular chaperones (which function in protein repair as
pear to be the principal cause of motor neuron cell death. After well as in ubiquitin-dependent proteasomal degradation). In sev-
all, complete loss of function of the androgen receptor is associ- eral models, over-expression of chaperone proteins has been shown
ated with the androgen insensitivity (testicular feminization) syn- to decrease aggregation frequency and mitigate
drome, a disorder that is characterized by feminization, but no polyglutamine-induced toxicity, perhaps by enhancing proper
abnormality of motor neurons. Mutant AR and other expanded protein folding and degradation.96-98
polyglutamine-containing proteins likely cause neuronal degen- Other experimental evidence indicates that mutant AR trans-
eration not strictly due to a loss of function, but rather by a toxic location to the nucleus is a key step in toxicity.85,86 This has led to
gain of function. That is, the structure or function of the protein the hypothesis that toxicity results from a modification of the
is altered in such a manner that it becomes deleterious to the cell. normal transcriptional interactions of the AR protein. This idea
Experimental models affirm that polyglutamine-mediated is supported by evidence that altered gene transcription appears
neurodegeneration results from a toxic gain of function. In the to be an early event in polyglutamine disease pathogenesis.82 Many
many cell culture and transgenic animal models that now exist, transcription factors contain a polyglutamine tract that could be
polyglutamine disease is recapitulated only with expression of the bound and sequestered by a polyglutamine expansion protein.
mutant gene, and not with knock-out of expression of the gene. Several transcription factors colocalize with polyglutamine-
In some models, an expanded polyglutamine protein fragment containing nuclear inclusions, including CREB-binding protein
alone has been shown to be sufficient to confer cellular toxic- (CBP).99-101 CBP is a ubiquitous transcription factor that nor-
ity.83,84 Nonetheless, the particular host protein context for the mally functions as a histone acetyltransferase. Histone
polyglutamine expansion may play a critical role in the specific acetyltransferases work in opposition to histone deacetylases. The
236 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

AR and other expanded polyglutamine containing proteins.106,107

Further work is needed to determine whether these strategies will
be effective in patients with SBMA. Nonetheless, recent progress
in research makes prospects for developing effective therapy very

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The Role of XPA in DNA Repair

Takahisa Ikegami and Masahiro Shirakawa*

ties.4 Cells from XP patients have defects in NER, and therefore,

PA, a 273 amino acid protein, is involved in the early
stage of the nucleotide excision repair process, by which are hypersensitive to UV irradiation. Complementation analyses
a variety of DNA lesions are removed from the genome. have identified eight genetic complementation groups in XP:
NMR was used to analyze the structure of the central domain of (XP-A through XP-G) and a variant (XP-V).5
XPA, which encompasses residues 98 to 219, and contains a zinc The gene that complements XP group A cells encodes a
coordinating motif. Following chemical shift assignments of zinc-finger protein, XPA, which is composed of 273 amino acids.
the backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N, and 13C nuclei, the ter- XPA binds preferentially in vitro to a variety of DNA damages
tiary structure was determined by multi-dimensional and including (6-4) photoproducts and crosslinks caused by UV and
multi-resonance NMR methods. The structure shows that the chemicals. Therefore, it has been suggested that XPA is involved
central domain consists of two subdomains, a zinc-containing in the damage recognition step of NER.6-10 XPA also binds di-
subdomain and a C-terminal subdomain, which are connected rectly to many other repair factors: RPA (replication protein A),
by a short linker sequence. The fold adopted by the ERCC1 (excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair defi-
zinc-containing subdomain is similar to those of zinc fingers in ciency 1)/XPF(ERCC4) heterodimer, and TFIIH (transcription
transcription factors, which bind to DNA in a sequence specific factor IIH), which contains XPB and XPD as its subunits.11-18
manner. In contrast to these zinc fingers, the zinc-containing All of these factors are essential for the early steps of NER.1-19
subdomain of XPA is dominantly negatively charged, and thus These observations suggest that XPA also plays a role in loading
unlikely to directly bind to DNA. The interaction of the central the incision protein complex onto the damaged site as a multi-
domain of XPA with a damaged DNA was investigated by a functional protein that coordinates the early steps of NER. Of
chemical shift perturbation experiment, which suggests that the these proteins that function in the early stage of NER, the TFIIH
DNA interact with the positively charged cleft in the C-terminal components, XPB and XPD, have ATP-dependent helicase ac-
subdomain, and not with the zinc-containing subdomain. The tivities to the 3' to 5' and 5' to 3' directions, respectively, and
backbone dynamics were analyzed with 15N longitudinal (T1), form an open DNA complex in the damaged site. XPG may be
transverse (T2), and NOE (nuclear Overhauser effect) relaxation recruited to the lesion by its interaction with RPA. Likewise, the
data. The results show that the proposed DNA-binding surface ERCC1-XPF complex may be recruited to the lesion by the in-
exhibits a highly dynamical feature, which may be necessary for teractions between ERCC1 and XPA18 and between ERCC1-XPF
interacting structurally with various DNA damages. and RPA. An oligonucleotide of about 28 nucleotides including
the damage is excised by XPG and XPF, which are responsible for
Introduction nicking the 3'- and 5'-ends, respectively. As the final step of the
Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and certain chemical agents can NER process, the DNA polymerase δε synthesizes a new DNA
damage DNA, which is potentially mutagenic or lethal to cells. strand. PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen) and RFC (rep-
Usually in living cells, DNA repair machinery efficiently recog- lication factor C) may be required by RPA to displace the inci-
nizes and eliminates the legions. Nucleotide excision repair (NER) sion proteins from the post-incision complex, followed by liga-
is an important pathway, which removes various kinds of struc- tion of the DNA strand by DNA ligase I.3
turally unlike DNA damages caused by UV and chemical car- Recently, Tanaka et al have succeeded in making XPA
cinogens from the genome.1,2 The NER pathway first recognizes gene-knockout mice (XPA -/- mice).20 The mice were defective in
lesions, and then excises the oligomer carrying the damaged bases, NER and highly susceptible to UVB- or DMBA-induced skin
and finally synthesizes a repair patch using the opposite strand as tumorigenesis, and are therefore expected to be a good animal
the template.3 Defects in NER cause a human inherited (autoso- model for further study of XP-A patients.
mal recessive) disease, xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), which is char-
acterized by an extreme hyper-sensitivity to sunlight, a high fre- Separate Functional Domains of XPA
quency of skin cancers on sun-exposed areas as well as by many XPA consists of several distinct functional domains. The
cancers in other organs, and progressive neurological abnormali- amino-terminal part contains a region (residues 4 to 74) that binds

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
240 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

to a subunit of RPA, RPA34, and a region (residues 59 to 97)

that binds to ERCC1.13,14,16-18 The carboxyl-terminal part of
XPA (residues 226 to 273) binds to TFIIH and recruits it to the
damaged site.14,15 The central domain (residues M98 to F219),
designated as MF122 by Kuraoka et al has been identified as the
minimal polypeptide essential for a preferential binding to dam-
aged DNA, by means of a combination of limited proteolysis
and deletion analysis.10 This domain also includes a region essen-
tial for binding to another subunit of RPA, RPA70.12,13

Structure Determination by NMR

Tanaka et al and the authors of this chapter have determined
the solution structure of the central domain of XPA by nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR). The proteins were labeled uniformly
with stable isotopes, 15N and 13C, by growing the bacteria, Es-
cherichia coli, carrying a plasmid for expression of the central do-
main in M9 minimum media containing 15 NH 4 Cl and
C-glucose as the sole nitrogen and carbon sources. Deuterium,
H, was further introduced in some samples using M9 media
composed of 80% D2O/20% H2O to enhance the intensities of
NMR peaks derived from the 13C and amide 1H spins in the
proteins. Typical samples comprised 1.2 mM of the XPA cen-
tral domain in 50 mM deuterated Tris-HCl (pH 7.3 at 30°C),
150 mM KCl, 10 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), and 20 µM
Zn(CH3COO)2. Two-dimensional (2D), 3D, and 4D NMR spec-
tra were recorded at the proton resonance frequency of 500 or
800 MHz at 30°C, and were used to assign the chemical shifts of
the 15N, 13C, and 1H nuclei, and to obtain structural information.
The structure of the central domain of XPA was determined
by simulated annealing calculations with 1389 distance and 83 Figure 1. Tertiary structures of the central domain of human XPA
dihedral angle restraints.21 The quality of the structures obtained (MF122) determined by NMR. a) Schematic ribbon drawing of the
was sufficient for elucidation of the function-structure relation- representative structure. The helices and arrows correspond to α-helices
ships, as indicated by the root-mean-squaredeviation (RMSD) of and β-sheets, respectively, for which secondary structure elements are
0.76 Å in superposing all the backbone heavy atoms of the best labeled. b) A comparison of the structures determined by Kennedy et
30 calculated structures, excluding parts of the flexible two loops al22 and by the authors.21 The backbone atoms (N, Cα, and Co) that
and both terminals. Figure 1a depicts the structure of the central belong to the thick line parts (residues 102 to 155, 163 to 165, and 180
domain determined by NMR, showing that it consists of a to 208) are superimposed with the pair-wise RMSD of 2.93 Å. The thin
zinc-containing subdomain (residues 102 to 129) and a C-terminal line parts in L1 and L2 and both terminals are so flexible, as 15N relax-
subdomain (residues 138 to 209), which are connected by an ation rates have confirmed, that these parts are not overlaid. (Repro-
eight amino acid linker sequence. Buchko and Kennedy et al also duced with permission from Ikegami et al. Nature Struct Biol 1998;
determined the structure of the same domain by NMR, and re- 5:701-706. Nature Publishing Group.)
cently refined it using restraints derived from pseudo-contact shifts
measured with the cobalt-substituted domain in addition to the where X can be any amino acid, and Cys153 does not function as
normal kinds of restraints based on NOE- and J-coupling con- a metal-coordinating site.24,25 A 113Cd-NMR analysis combined
stants (Fig. 1b).22 with atomic absorption spectra has shown that the four cysteine
residues in the zinc binding sequence tetrahedrally coordinate
The Structure of the Zinc Finger in XPA one zinc ion.26 For the NMR measurement, the proteins binding
The central domain of XPA contains five cysteine residues, Cd2+ instead of Zn2+ ions were used. In the NMR spectrum,
Cys105, Cys108, Cys126, Cys129 and Cys153. Miyamoto et al single 113Cd resonance was observed at the chemical shift value
showed that a mutation at each of the first four cysteine residues of 709 ppm, which is typical for 113Cd coordinated tetrahedrally
resulted in a drastic reduction in the UV resistance of the cells, as by four cysteine residues.
compared to the wild-type XPA protein,23 and that these muta- Structure calculation using NMR-derived constraints with-
tions caused protein aggregation when expressed as a recombi- out any information for the zinc coordination provided relatively
nant protein in E. coli, probably due to misfolding, suggesting well-converged protein structures around the coordinated zinc,
that these cysteine residues are indispensable for the structural due to the obtained results of a condensed network of NOE-based
integrity of the protein. In contrast, a mutation at the remaining inter-proton distance restraints. Thus, in the early phase of the
cysteine at position 153 to serine caused no apparent change in structure determination process, we could easily judge which type
UV resistance, and solubility of the recombinant protein was as of zinc-fingers XPA is classified into. The C2C2 type fingers can
high as that of the wild type one. These results suggested that be divided into two pairs of cysteine residues along their primary
Cys105, Cys108, Cys126 and Cys129 were involved in a C2C2 sequences, and the N-terminal (Cys105 and Cys108) and
type zinc binding motif, C(i)-X2-C(i+3)-X17-C(i+21)-X2-C(i+24), C-terminal (Cys126 and Cys129) pairs together associate with a
The Role of XPA in DNA Repair 241

similar to that of the Rd knuckle, except for the C(i+24)-X2 part,

which the main chain directs away from the zinc position and
takes a helical conformation. The residue following the fourth
cysteine (C(i+24)) of XPA is not a glycine, but Arg130, which is
also found in the C-terminal finger of the transcription factor
GATA-1. The hydrogen bond between the amide of Cys(i+21) and
the sulfur of C(i) is found in both XPA and GATA-1.28 Thus, the
local structure around the coordinated zinc of XPA most resembles
that of GATA-1. Introduction of the distance restrains based on
the above mentioned hydrogen bond network into the structure
calculation further refined the structure of the zinc-containing
subdomain. These newly added restraints did not conflict with
Figure 2. Local conformation of the XPA zinc finger. The main chain, those derived from the experimental J-coupling and NOE data.
the side chains of the cysteine residues that coordinate a zinc ion, and the The structure of the zinc-containing subdomain is composed
amide NH and carbonyl CO bonds that participate in the hydrogen of an antiparallel β-sheet and α helical turn (Fig. 3a). Residues
bond network often found in the Rd knuckle-type zinc fingers are in- 103 to 112 form a β-hairpin structure that contains Cys105 and
dicated. a) The right box in the figure containing the N-terminal two Cys108, residues 116 to 121 form a helical turn, and residues
cysteine residues (Cys105 and Cys108) corresponds to one array and the 122 to 129 form a loop that contains the remaining two cysteine
left box containing the C-terminal two cysteine residues (Cys126 and residues, Cys126 and Cys129. The structure of the zinc-containing
Cys129) to the other array. The inter-array hydrogen bond between the subdomain is stabilized by the coordination of a zinc ion by the
amide NH of C(i+21) in the second array and the sulfur of C(i) in the first Sγ atoms of the four cysteine residues, and by the hydrophobic
array is indicated by the dashed line. b) The first array alone is shown core formed by Val103, Phe112 and Met118.
with the hydrogen bonds that exhibit the similarity of the local confor-
mation of the array to that of the Rd knuckle. Function of the Zinc Finger
The function of the zinc finger motif in XPA is still unclear. It
zinc ion (Fig. 2a). The local conformation of the segment con- was previously thought to be involved in DNA binding by anal-
taining the N-terminal pair resembles that of the iron-binding ogy to the zinc fingers of transcription factors, most of which
domain of rubredoxin (referred to as “Rd knuckle” in ref. 27) as bind to particular DNA sequences and possess highly positively
displayed in Figure 2b. The pattern of the hydrogen bond net- charged surfaces. However, the structure of the central domain of
work between amide NH and carbonyl CO atoms in the main XPA shows that it contains many acidic residues, a total of eight
chain, and between amide NH and the sulfur S atoms of the glutamic and aspartic acids, which are exposed on the
cysteine residues, is nearly the same as that observed in the Rd zinc-containing subdomain comprised of 36 amino acids (Fig.
knuckle. The glycine residue (Gly109 in XPA) is often found 3b). This highly acidic feature makes the zinc-containing
next to the second cysteine in the sequences of many C2C2 type subdomain of XPA distinct from those of the transcription fac-
fingers. The segment containing the C-terminal pair of the cys- tors. This feature is common in XPAs from other species as shown
teines of the XPA Zn-finger displays a pattern of hydrogen bonds by the well conserved acidic resides. Therefore, in spite of its high

Figure 3. Structures of the XPA zinc-containing subdomain. a) A superposition of the backbone atoms of the 30 best structures of the zinc-containing
subdomain (residues 102 to 129). The side chains of the residues in the hydrophobic core (Val103, Phe112, and Met118) and those of the
zinc-binding cysteine residues (Cys105, Cys108, Cys126 and Cys129) are also shown. b) Stick representation of the zinc-containing subdomain.
Negatively charged residues (Asp101, Glu106, Glu107, Glu111, Asp114 and Asp122) in the vicinity of the β-hairpin, which form an acidic patch,
are indicated. Hydrophobic residues (Tyr116, Leu117, Phe121 and Leu123) on the helical turn, which interact with those from the C-terminal
subdomain, are also shown. (Reproduced with permission from: Ikegami et al. Nature Struct Biol 1998; 5:701-706. Nature Publishing Group.)
242 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 4. Structures of the XPA C-terminal subdomain. a) A superposition of the backbone atoms of the 30 best structures of the C-terminal
subdomain (residues 138 to 209). The backbone atoms of residues 138 to 155, 163 to 165, and 180 to 209 are superimposed. The side chains
of the residues in the hydrophobic core are also shown. They serve to fix the relative positions among the α-helices and β-sheet in the subdomain.
b) Stick representation of the C-terminal subdomain. The well-conserved arginine and lysine residues that contribute to the positive charges in
the basic cleft are shown. The six glutamic acids form an acidic patch on the outer surface of helix α3. The function of this acidic patch is still
unknown. It may be used for an electrostatic interaction with other parts of XPA, or with other NER factors. (Reproduced with permission from:
Ikegami et al. Nature Struct Biol 1998; 5:701-706. Nature Publishing Group.)

structural similarity with the DNA-binding zinc finger of Hydrophobic Contacts between the Two
GATA-1, it is unlikely that the zinc-containing subdomain of Subdomains
XPA directly contacts with DNA, due to electrostatic repulsive
The zinc-containing subdomain offers some hydrophobic resi-
forces between negative charges in the subdomain and DNA.
dues, Tyr116, Leu117, Phe121 and Leu123, on the outer surface
of the helical turn (Fig. 3b), which make contacts with hydro-
The Structure of the C-Terminal Subdomain phobic residues of the C-terminal subdomain, Leu138, Ile165,
The C-terminal subdomain consists of a sheet-helix-loop re- Leu182 and Leu184. These contacts fix the three-stranded β-sheet
gion (residues 138 to 182), and a helix-turn-helix region (resi- in the C-terminal subdomain with respect to the zinc-containing
dues 183 to 209) (Fig. 4). The sheet-helix-loop region is com- subdomain (Fig. 5), indicating that the zinc-containing subdomain
posed of an antiparallel β-sheet (strands β3-5), helix α1, and two is not a structurally independent domain. This feature is in con-
long loops, L1 and L2. Loop L1 (residues 148 to 163) connects trast to the zinc fingers of transcriptional factors, most of which
helix α1 and strand β4, and loop L2 (residues 166 to 179) con- are thought to exist as independent domains, separated from other
nects strands β4 and β5. A heteronuclear {1H}-15N steady-state domains by flexible linkers in modular proteins. This character
NOE experiment showed that a part of L1 (residues 157 to 162), probably makes finding a biochemical function of the isolated
L2, and the C-terminal sequence (residues 211 to 219) are highly zinc-containing subdomain difficult.10,13
mobile in solution. L2 apparently formed no definite structure
since few long-range NOEs were observed. The signals for resi- Exon/Intron Boundaries and Tertiary
dues 171 to 174 in L2 were not observed in the 15N-1H-HSQC Structure Elements
spectra, probably due to local exchange broadening and/or rapid It has been shown that the human xpa gene contains six ex-
exchange of the amide protons with solvent. The helix-turn-helix ons.29 Interestingly, the genomic structure of the xpa gene has a
region consists of two long helices, α2 (residues 183 to 194) and good correlation with the tertiary structure elements. Exon 3 en-
α3 (residues 197 to 209), connected by the conserved codes residues 96 to 130 of XPA, which correspond to the entire
Gly195-Ser196 sequence forming a short turn. This region is zinc-containing subdomain, and exon 4 (residues 131 to 185)
packed tightly against helix α1, loop L1, and the β-sheet of the encodes the region containing the linker (residues 130 to 137)
sheet-helix-loop region, stabilized by a hydrophobic core con- and the sheet-helix-loop region (residues 138 to 182). Finally,
taining Ala144, Tyr148, Leu149, Leu150, Leu155, Leu162, the region encoded by exon 5, residues 186 to 224, covers most
Tyr181 and Ile186 (Fig. 4a). The C-terminal subdomain has a of the helix-turn-helix region (residues 183 to 209) and the
large cleft between the sheet-helix-loop region and the C-terminal flanking sequence (residues 211 to 219) (Fig. 6). This
helix-turn-helix region. The surface electrostatic potentials show indicates that the exon/intron junctions are located at the sites
that many positively charged side chains, which are contributed corresponding to the inter-module junctions of the central do-
by well-conserved Lys141, Lys145, Lys151, Lys179, Lys204 and main of XPA. Such a correlation between the functional domains
Arg207, are present in the cleft (Fig. 4b). of XPA and its genomic structure does not seem to be limited to
The Role of XPA in DNA Repair 243

Figure 6. Relationship between the genomic structure and tertiary struc-

Figure 5. The hydrophobic core formed between the zinc-containing ture elements of the central domain of XPA.
subdomain on the right side and the C-terminal subdomain on the left
side. Reproduced with permission from Ikegami et al. Nature Struct Residues in loops L1 and L2 exhibited large chemical shift
Biol 1998; 5:701-706. Nature Publishing Group. changes upon DNA binding. The conformation of parts of L1
and L2 was not well converged in the structure calculations of
the central domain. Previous study has shown that the ERCC1 the free central domain of XPA, due to the smaller number of
binding domain (residues 59 to 97) and the TFIIH binding site NOEs observed in the regions. To investigate the flexibility of the
(residues 226 to 273) nearly correspond to regions encoded by central domain, we employed 15N-relaxation experiments under
exons 2 (residues 58 to 95) and 6 (residues 225 to 273), respec- two different magnetic fields, 11.7 and 18.8 T, where the longi-
tively.13,14,16-18 Future structural studies will reveal the relation- tudinal- and transverse-relaxation times and static 15N-{1H} NOE
ship between the exons/introns and the tertiary structure elements value were measured for each amide 15N nucleus, and local flex-
of these regions.30,31 ibility was estimated from these data.33 The results indicated
flexibilities in the parts of L1 and L2, for which the local struc-
Interaction with DNA tures were not well determined. The internal motions of these
Chemical shift perturbation experiments are often employed regions may be important for the interaction of the central do-
main of XPA with various kinds of damaged DNA by altering
to estimate the surface regions of proteins responsible for interac-
the conformation of the interaction surface to fit the structures
tions with ligands. In the experiments, two-dimensional spectra,
of damaged DNAs.
for example 1H-15N HSQC spectra, acquired in the presence and
absence of the target ligand are compared, and cross peaks that
show resonance shifts and/or broadening upon the ligand bind-
ing are regarded as being assigned to nuclei in the interaction
region. Although there is a disadvantage that resonance shifts can
be caused by conformational changes upon binding, which may
occur in regions distant from the direct interaction sites, and are
difficult to distinguish from those induced by direct interactions,
this method provides a convenient way for prediction of interac-
tion surfaces.
For the identification of the DNA binding surface of the cen-
tral domain of XPA, chemical shift perturbation experiments were
performed using the 15N-labeled central domain. Selective chemi-
cal shift perturbation and/or peak broadening were observed for
signals in a 15N-1H-HSQC spectrum upon mixing with an
equimolar amount of a 24-mer oligonucleotide treated with Figure 7. Identification of the binding surfaces for DNA and RPA70.
cisplatin. This chemotherapeutic agent reacts with the oligonucle- Residues for which the amide signals showed chemical shift perturba-
otide to form a single 1,3-intrastrand d(GpTpG)-cisplatin tion and/or broadening upon binding to the oligonucleotide treated
crosslink, and to distort the DNA helix.32 Almost all of the sig- with cisplatin or to RPA70181-422 are drawn. The signals perturbed by
nals that exhibited large chemical shift perturbations or broaden- the interaction with DNA and RPA70 are restricted within the C-terminal
ing were attributed to the amide residues in the positively charged subdomain and the zinc-containing subdomain, respectively. Both bind-
cleft in the C-terminal subdomain (Fig. 7), suggesting that the ings are expected to be through electrostatic interactions rather than
cleft and the surrounding regions are involved in the interaction hydrophobic ones. However, whether RPA70181-422 specifically inter-
with DNA, but that the zinc-containing subdomain is not. A acts with the zinc-containing subdomain is not yet certain, as described
similar spectral change, however, was observed upon the addi- in the text. (Reproduced with permission from: Ikegami et al. Nature
tion of the nondamaged oligonucleotide to the central domain. Struct Biol 1998; 5:701-706. Nature Publishing Group.)
244 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Buchko and Kennedy et al have recently proposed a model of RPA70181-422 nonspecifically interacts with the zinc-containing
the complex between the XPA central domain and a single-stranded subdomain, due primarily to the electrostatic force.
DNA nonamer, dCCAATAACC.34 They monitored chemical shift Through deletion analyses, Saijo et al have shown that residues
changes or peak broadenings in 31P resonances of the nonamer 98 to 187 of XPA, which include the zinc-containing subdomain
DNA as well as in amide 15N-1H resonances of the XPA central and the sheet-helix-loop region (residues 138 to 182) of the
domain in titration experiments, and calculated the model struc- C-terminal subdomain, are sufficient for binding to RPA70, but
ture using these chemical shift perturbation data with the assump- that further deletion of the sheet-helix-loop region causes the loss
tion that electrostatic interactions drive the complex formation. of RPA70 binding.13 This observation raises the possibility that
The model shows that the DNA covers a surface of the C-terminal the sheet-helix-loop region of XPA serves as another and indis-
subdomain, in particular α1 and the triple stranded β-sheets in the pensable binding surface for the N- or C-terminal region of RPA70,
subdomain, and is thus consistent with the result of our perturba- outside of RPA70181-422. Apparently, future experiments need to
tion experiment. be directed at identifying the major RPA-binding site of XPA.
Chazin and coworkers have shown that the C-terminal domain of
RPA32 interacts with the N-terminal 98 residues of XPA.39
Interaction with RPA70
RPA is a heterotrimeric single-stranded-DNA-binding pro-
tein, which is involved in DNA replication, homologous re-
Role of XPA in NER
combination, and NER. For NER, the interaction between Although various experiments conducted so far, including the
RPA and XPA has been shown to be essential for the opening ones described here, have shown that XPA interacts with dam-
of damaged DNA regions by TFIIH.11,12,35,36 Although XPA aged DNA, the role of XPA in damage recognition is still unclear.
Wakasugi et al have observed that the rate of damage removal was
binds to the two largest subunits, RPA70 and RPA34, a dele-
five times faster when the combination of XPA and RPA first
tion analysis of XPA showed that RPA70 contributes more
bound to a single (6-4) photoproduct in a 136-bp duplex than
predominately to the XPA-binding than RPA34 does, and the
when XPC first bound to the damaged DNA.40 They proposed a
central domain of XPA contains the XPA70 binding site.11-13 model for assembly of the NER-related proteins, in which
By means of limited proteolysis, mutational analysis, and crys- XPA+RPA first forms a complex with damaged DNA with a low
tal structure determination, Pfuetzner et al have shown that specificity and then becomes more discriminatory upon recruit-
residues 181 to 422 of RPA70, RPA70181-422, form a compact ing XPC and TFIIH. In contrast, recent findings have suggested
structural domain that maintains single-stranded DNA bind- a two-step mechanism for damage recognition during global ge-
ing activity.37,38 nome repair, in which various types of damages are detected by
In order to examine the interaction between RPA70181-422 and XPC-HR23B first,41 and then verified by XPA.42 You et al have
the central domain of XPA, we performed chemical shift pertur- suggested that damage recognition occurs in a multi-step pro-
bation experiments using the 15N-labeled central domain. Selec- cess, whereby XPC-HR23B initiates damage recognition and then
tive signal losses were observed in a 15N-1H-HSQC spectrum XPC-HR23B is replaced by a combined action of XPA and RPA.43
upon mixing with an equimolar amount of RPA70181-422 when As for the identification of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers
the salt concentration was sufficiently low (see below). In gen- (CPDs), XPE may be involved.44
eral, signal losses occur when the chemical shifts are perturbed
considerably by interaction, when the exchange rate between the Relationships between XPA Mutations
free and bound states is comparable to the chemical shift differ-
ence between the two states, or when the ligand binding enhances and Disease
the amide proton exchange rate with a solvent. Almost all of The patients suffering from XP have mutations in the genes
the signals for which the peak intensities decreased to < 65% of encoding the proteins involved in nucleotide excision repair pro-
the original values were attributed to the residues in the cesses, XPA to XPG. The mutations lead the deficiency in effec-
zinc-containing subdomain (Fig. 7). Buchko and coworkers re- tive repairs of DNA lesions caused by UV and chemicals. Of these,
mutations in the xpa gene (shown in Fig. 8) tend to cause more
ported that not only the zinc-containing subdomain but also parts
severe symptoms than others, suggesting the functional signifi-
of the C-terminal subdomain, the β-sheet and loop L2, exhibited
cance of XPA in NER. The missense mutation of Cys108 (TGT)
perturbed chemical shifts upon addition of RPA70∆C327, which to Phe108 (TTT) most likely has a global structural consequence
ranges from M1 to Y326 and contains the N-terminal 146 resi- to the zinc-containing subdomain because this cysteine coordi-
dues (60%) out of RPA70181-422.22 They suggested that RPA may nates the zinc-ion. The nonsense mutation of Tyr116 (TAT) re-
interact only with the zinc-containing subdomain, but that the sults in deletion of a large part of the C-terminal subdomain of
interaction may generate a conformational change in the the central domain together with the following region of XPA,
C-terminal subdomain to enhance XPA binding to damaged and thus, probably results in a total loss of function of XPA. The
DNA. patient bearing the nonsence mutation of Arg207 (CGA) was
The interaction between the XPA central domain and reported to exhibit a severe symptom, whereas the mutation of
RPA70181-422 is highly sensitive to the salt concentration. When Arg228 (CGA) leads only to a mild symptom. This observation
the KCl concentration was increased from 28 to 77 mM, the suggests that the C-terminal part after the central domain, which
specific broadening observed for the zinc-containing subdomain contains the TFIIH binding site, is not essential for NER, but
of XPA became significantly smaller. Since the surface of the that the further deletion of a large part of the cleft region of the
zinc-containing subdomain is highly negatively charged, we can- C-terminal subdomain of the central domain of XPA leads to a
not exclude the possibility that a positively charged patch in severe deficiency in NER.
The Role of XPA in DNA Repair 245

Figure 8. Mutations in the xpa gene found in XP patients. a) The mutations are shown on the map of the xpa gene, which contains six exons
(I to VI). The central domain corresponds to the region composed of exons III, IV, and V. b) Some mutations in the central domain are mapped
on the tertiary structure. The terms “stop” and “splicing” represent nonsense and splicing mutations, respectively.
246 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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MOF, an Acetyl Transferase Involved

in Dosage Compensation in Drosophila,
Uses a CCHC Finger for Substrate Recognition
Asifa Akhtar and Peter B. Becker*


he histone acetyltransferase MOF is central to the process histone N-terminal tails has emerged as a major principle under-
of dosage compensation complex in Drosophila, which lying dynamic transitions between permissive and repressed chro-
assures that the transcriptional activity of large parts of matin structure.
the male X chromosome is enhanced by about two-fold. Inacti- The acetylation status of chromosomal loci is negotiated
vation of the acetyl transferase activity of MOF is lethal to af- through a dynamic interplay between histone acetyl transferases
fected male flies. MOF belongs to the MYST family of acetylases (HATs) and corresponding deacetylases (HDACs), which may
that are involved in a wide variety of cellular processes. One char- vary in concentration and activity, and may be targeted to their
acteristic structural feature of this family is the presence of a sites of action by sequence-specific DNA binding factors.5 In gen-
CCHC zinc finger adjacent to their acetyl-CoA binding motif. eral, acetylation of core histones is associated with transcription-
Structure-function analyses of several family members suggest ally active genes, whereas deacetylation of histones often corre-
that this region is important for enzymatic activity. Our detailed lates with repression,6 but exceptions to these rules exist.7
characterization of MOF shows that the CCHC-type zinc fin- HDACs and HATs can be categorized according to their do-
ger is required for interaction with the histone substrate and hence main structure, function and substrate specificity.3,8,9 The cyto-
catalytic activity. plasmic HATs (of B-type) are involved in histone storage, trans-
port and assembly. The A-type HATs are nuclear regulators and
Introduction can be grouped into the GNAT family, the p300/CBP family
The organization of eukaryotic genomes as chromatin repre- and the MYST family.8,10 We will be focusing on MYST acetylases,
sents a considerable barrier for a variety of nuclear processes with which feature a CCHC zinc finger as an integral part of their
DNA substrate, such as transcription of genes, the replication of acetyl transferase domain.
the chromosome and the repair of damaged DNA. DNA is coiled
around histone octamers to form successions of nucleosomes with The MYST Family of Acetyl Transferases
beads-on-a-string appearance at low salt.1-3 The folding of the
nucleosomal fiber into compact structures under physiological The ‘MYST-signature’ emerged when similarities in the do-
conditions can render the wrapped DNA inaccessible to interact- main structure of the founding members hMOZ, ySas2, yYbf2/
ing regulators. The degree and type of folding and hence the func- Sas3 and hTip60 was noted. Later, additional members such as
tional state of a locus is defined by interactions between nucleo- yeast Esa1, Drosophila MOF, human MORF and HBO1 were
somes and interactions between nucleosomes and nonhistone added to the list.8,11,12 MYST proteins are mainly related by simi-
proteins. Main targets for these interactions are the histone larity around their acetyl transferase domains, which includes a
N-terminal domains, their ‘tails’ which protrude from the com- CxxCx12HxxxC zinc finger (all except Esa1, see below) (Fig. 1).
pact globular part of the nucleosome and are hence available for Apart from the ‘MYST signature’ the proteins differ in size and
interactions. Their potential for interactions can be modified by structure, although some recurring domains, such as
post-translational modifications. The histone N termini contain chromodomains and PHD fingers can be noted (Fig. 1). MYST
a number of conserved residues that can be acetylated, methy- histone acetyl transferases are evolutionarily conserved proteins
lated, phosophorylated, ubiquitinated and ribosylated. Distinct involved in a wide variety of regulatory functions. Although they
histone modification patterns serve as semaphore ‘flags’ which were originally identified as histone acetyl transferases (HATs) it
are decoded by nonhistone regulators of chromatin folding.4 The is quite likely that they may modify other, nonhistone substrates
reversible acetylation of the ε-amino group of lysines within the as well, as was recently shown for MOF (see below).

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
248 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Figure 1. Schematic representation

of the domain structure of various
MYST family members. The total
length of the proteins is indicated.

Since MYST acetylases were largely identified through sequence Drosophila MOF is essential to this process: inactivation of
similarity screens, our knowledge of their function is rudimen- MOF leads to male-specific lethality, a striking example of the
tary in many cases. However, they all are found in large drastic effect a two-fold difference in gene expression may have.
multisubunit complexes involved in gene regulation. Tip60, for MOF is part of a multisubunit dosage compensation complex
example, the first human MYST protein member, was identified (DCC), which contains at least four other proteins, the precise
in a yeast 2-hybrid screen in a search for Tat (HIV-1 function of which is not clear yet.28,29
transcactivator) interacting proteins.13 It associates with at least A hallmark of the hypertranscribed male X chromosome is
11 other proteins in a complex that may have other functions the acetylation of histone H4 at lysine 16 (H4K16ac).28-30 This
besides the nucleosomal acetylase and that can be recruited to epigenetic mark is set by MOF and failure to do so leads to lack
chromatin through interactions with the transcription factor of dosage compensation and male-specific lethality. Whether
MYC.14 It also interacts with the TEL/ETV6 repressor and has embedded in the DCC or as a recombinant protein, MOF spe-
been suggested to have corepressor function.15 Deregulation of cifically acetylates chromatin.31,32 This single modification suf-
MOZ (monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein) leads to onco- fices to relieve chromatin-mediated repression of transcription in
genic transformations.16,17 In acute myeloid leukemia, the MOZ vitro and in vivo.31 MOF binds chromatin nonspecifically in
gene is translocated to fuse with the acetylase CBP gene at vari- vitro31 and hence the selective association with the male X chro-
ous breakpoints.18 MOZ is itself an acetyl transferase able to in- mosome observed in vivo depends on other parts of the DCC.
teract with transcription factors, but additionally containing tran-
MOF interacts with other DCC subunits (Morales, Mengus,
scription repression and activation domains.19,20 The yeast Sas2
Akhtar and Becker, submitted),33-35 and most interestingly also
and Sas3/Ybf2 proteins are involved in silencing of mating type
requires a noncoding RNA, roX, for proper association with the
loci (Sas: ‘something about silencing’). Sas2 was discovered in a
screen for epigenetic silencing, while Sas3 was discovered because X chromosome.36-38 Besides histones, MOF is also able to acety-
of its homology with Sas2. Sas3 is part of the NuA3 complex, late other associated subunits within DCC, such as MSL1 and
which acetylates histone H3 in nucleosomes.21,22 Sas2, unlike Sas3, MSL3, suggesting a coordinated modification of the histone in-
does have not HAT activity as a recombinant protein but does frastructure and the nonhistone regulators themselves (Morales,
have HAT activity as part of a complex with Sas4 and Sas5.23 Mengus, Akhtar and Becker, submitted).35
Most is known about the regulatory role of MOF, a Drosophila Drosophila MOF is highly related to human MOF (hMOF)
HAT which is central to the process of dosage compensation, (52% identity and 69% similarity), which acetylates histones with
whereby transcription of many genes on the single male X chro- a specificity similar to the other members of the MYST family.39
mosome is increased by two-fold as compared the transcription The functional role of hMOF protein is currently unknown. The
from either of the two female X genes.24 As will be detailed, the closest relative of MOF in yeast is Esa1, which is part of the
role of the CCHC zinc finger in MOF function is particularly multisubunit NuA4 complex involved in transcriptional activa-
well documented. Thus, MOF serves as a paradigm for the activ- tion.40,41 Intriguingly, the NuA4 complex has other similarities
ity of MYST acetyl transferases. to the DCC in flies: the NuA4 subunit Eaf3 is homologous to
Drosophila MSL3.40,42
The Role of MOF in Dosage Compensation
Dosage compensation mechanisms ensure that, despite of The MOF CCHC Zinc Finger Is Involved in
the fact that male and female cells contain different numbers of Substrate Recognition
X chromosomes (one in males and two in females in humans Part of the sequence similarity that characterises MYST acetyl
and Drosophila) the expression of X-linked genes is equal in transferases is a CxxCx12HxxxC zinc finger close to their HAT
both sexes. Dosage compensation is achieved differently in dif- domains. Zinc fingers of this type are frequently involved in
ferent organisms. In mammals, one of the two female X chro- protein-protein interactions.43 Although they fold as indepen-
mosomes is inactivated by epigenetic means. 25 In Caenorhabditis dent units,44,45 they frequently perform their functions in com-
elegans, the activity of each of the two hermaphrodite X chro- bination with other elements, such as CCHH fingers in LIM
mosomes is halved.26 By contrast, in Drosophila, both female X domains,46 where they are again involved in protein-protein con-
chromosomes are transcribed, but transcription from the ma- tacts (see reference 47 and references therein). The CCHC fin-
jority of genes on the single male X chromosome is increased gers of the HIV1 nucleocapsid proteins bind single-stranded DNA
two-fold to make up for the reduced chromosome dosage.27 during the replication of the viral genome.48
MOF Uses a CCHC Finger for Substrate Recognition 249

Figure 2. Schematic drawing of the MOF CCHC zinc finger region and
position of the different point mutations. Each point mutation is shown
by the original residue, the position and the mutant residue. Residues
which, if mutated, affect chromatin binding and acetylase function, are
marked in black.

Since MOF is known to interact with proteins as well as RNA

within the DCC we tested for a function of the MYST zinc fin-
ger in various assays. While the RNA binding activity of MOF
was unaffected by mutation of the finger structure, we found
that it was essential for the HAT activity of MOF, in addition
to the well-established HAT domain (Fig. 2). Mutation of single,
conserved, hydrophic residues close to or within the predicted
beta sheet/loop regions abolish HAT activity. These mutations
apparently do not affect the catalytic activity of the enzyme, but
rather the recognition of the substrate, since zinc finger muta-
tions also abolish the interaction of the enzyme with the N ter-
minus of histone H4.49 We also wondered, whether the CCHC
coordination of the zinc atom could be replaced by more typical
CCCC or CCHH coordination. Strikingly, converting the CCHC
pattern (Fig. 2) to CCHH (C594H) or CCCC (H590C) also
abolishes HAT activity and chromatin binding (Fig. 3). These
results point to a specific involvement of the coordinating amino
acids in histone binding, either directly or through subtle changes
of the geometry of the zinc finger’s secondary structures. In the Figure 3. A) Altered specificity zinc finger mutants are inactive as HAT
case of the GATA-FOG interaction, a replacement of a cysteine enzymes. Top panel: 1 µg of histones were used as a substrate for HAT
in the FOG1 CCHC finger by a histidine (yielding a CCHH assay using 50 ng (lanes 2, 4, 6) or 100 ng (lanes, 3, 5, 7) of either wild
structure) leads to a repositioning of two aromatic residues in the type, or the C594H, H590C MOF derivatives. Lanes 1 shows a reaction
loop, and hence abolishes interaction with GATA.43 without enzyme. Lower panel: MOF amounts were analysed by Western
Interestingly, the HIV nucleocapsid protein (NC) requires two blot analysis using a specific antibody. B) Altered specificity zinc finger
CCHC-type zinc fingers for the DNA chaperonin activity of NC mutants fail to interact with chromatin. 300 ng of either nucleosomal
during virus replication. Converting the fingers into canonical (N) or free DNA (D) was used for each binding reaction (according to
CCCC or CCHH coordination significantly impairs their activ- ref. 49) using 100 ng of MOF derivatives. ‘Input’ shows 20% of input
ity.48 In light of these results we tested for the interactions of wild protein. The Western blots were probed with affinity-purified antibody
type MOF and its C594H and H590C derivatives with nucleic against MOF protein.
acids. The previously documented RNA binding activity of MOF
through the chromodomain36 was unaffected by zinc finger mu- required for interaction with the TEL protein.15 It will be inter-
tations (data not shown). However, we found that the poor inter- esting to see, whether TEL is an acetylation substrate for Tip60.
action of wild type MOF with single stranded DNA was im- A fusion of MOZ with the nuclear receptor coactivator TIF2
proved by the (H590C) substitution (Fig. 4A). This binding was during a chromosomal translocation is associated with acute my-
sensitive to the zinc chelator 1,10-phenanthroline (Fig. 4B), point- eloid leukemia. The transforming potential of the fusion protein
ing to an involvement of the finger structure in ssDNA binding requires the CCHC nucleosome recognition motif of MOZ, but
and thus confirming the formation of the finger. Collectively, interestingly not the acetylase activity. This indicates that the
our data thus suggest a specific role of the MOF CCHC zinc nucleosome targeting function of MOZ may be functionally un-
finger in substrate recognition. They also illustrate the functional coupled from acetylation. Since TIF2 interacts with the acetylase
integration of the finger into the specialized HAT domain of CBP, histone acetylation may be provided ‘in trans’.16
MYST-type acetylases, which was already suggested by the ex- There appeared to be one exception to the rule that the zinc
tent of sequence conservation. Recently, the CCHC importance finger was important: the MYST member Esa1 does not contain
of the CCHC zinc finger for the function of other MYST family an obvious zinc finger motif, since three out of four coordinating
members emerged: the CCHC finger of Tip60 was shown to be residues are lacking. The apparent problem was solved recently
250 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

contain PHD fingers adjacent to their catalytic domains.52 Inter-

estingly, although p300 and CBP perform very similar functions
in many respects, they differ when it comes to the functional
importance of these structures: whereas the PHD finger of P300
was dispensable for HAT activity, the corresponding structure of
CBP are required for HAT function.52,53 Mutations in the PHD
finger of CBP give rise to the developmental disorder
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome.54 Furthermore, cysteine-rich regions
are not restricted to HATs, but the catalytic SET domain of his-
tone methyl transferases are frequently flanked by cysteine-rich
regions, which are important for enzymatic activity.55-58 The phe-
nomenology of diverse zinc finger structures in chromatin regu-
lators is colorful, and we are looking forward to the emergence of
common principles and differences, which may explain the ex-
quisite substrate specificities that many of these enzymes show, as
more structures are being solved.

We thank Gerit Vriend for fruitful discussions and Mitzi
Kuroda for anti-MOF antibodies. Research on MOF in the lab
of P.B. is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator of p53

Liqing Wu and Carl G. Maki*

DM2 is an oncogene that is frequently over-expressed
in various human cancers, including sarcomas, glio-
sequence has revealed several structural and functional domains
(Fig. 1). These include the p53-binding domain located in the N
mas, melanomas, and breast cancers.1 The primary terminus between residues 19-102, the p300-binding domain
function of MDM2 is to inhibit the activity of the p53 tumor between residues 217-246, an acidic domain located between resi-
suppressor protein. P53 inhibits cell proliferation in response to dues 222-272, a zinc finger domain located between residues
DNA damage and other stresses by activating the transcription 289-331, and a RING finger domain located in the MDM2 C
of genes that mediate either cell-cycle arrest or apoptosis. MDM2 terminus between residues 438-478. RING fingers are zinc bind-
binds the transactivation domain of p53 and inhibits the ability ing domains with a defined octet of cysteine (C) and histidine
of p53 to activate transcription. Importantly, MDM2 binding (H) residues spaced at varying intervals in the coding sequence.11-14
also promotes the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of p53, as well In the RING H2 subtype, the cysteine and histidines are arranged
as the export of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The in the order C3H2C3, while in the RING HC subtype the order
MDM2 gene itself is transcriptionally activated by p53, thus form- is C3HC4. The MDM2 RING finger is of the C3HC4 subtype
ing an autoregulatory feedback loop in which p53 promotes the and, like other RING fingers, is predicted to bind two zinc at-
expression of its own inhibitory factor. The ability of MDM2 to oms. RING finger domains are believed to function in the as-
promote the degradation and nuclear export of p53 depends on sembly and architecture of large protein complexes, including
an intact RING finger domain located in the MDM2 C termi- enzyme complexes of the ubiquitin system of protein degrada-
nus. This chapter will discuss the mechanisms by which MDM2 tion.15,16 As we will see below, the MDM2 protein can function
inhibits p53 function, with an emphasis on the requirement of as an ubiquitin-system E3 ligase that promotes the specific deg-
the MDM2 RING finger domain in p53 inhibition. radation of p53, and this activity requires the MDM2 RING
finger domain.
The MDM2 gene was first discovered in 1987 as a gene that
was amplified in spontaneously transformed murine 3T3 fibro-
blasts.2 Subsequent studies revealed that the MDM2 protein in-
teracts strongly with the tumor suppressor protein p53 and in-
hibits p53 activity.3,4 It is now well-established that the primary
function of MDM2 is to inhibit p53.5,6 The importance of p53
inhibition by MDM2 is best illustrated through the attempted
generation of mice that lack MDM2. These MDM2 “knockout”
mice are not viable, dying at an early stage of embryonic develop-
ment.7,8 Importantly, however, the concomitant knockout of p53
allows survival of the mice. These results demonstrate that MDM2
normally inhibits p53 function, and that this inhibition is criti-
cally important during embryonic development.
Human MDM2 is a 491 amino acid protein that localizes
mostly in the nucleus, though it can also localize in the cyto-
plasm.6 The MDM2 gene has been mapped to chromosome Figure 1. The MDM2 protein. Full-length human MDM2 (also called
12q13-14 and includes several exons that encode the MDM2 HDM2) is a 491 amino acid protein. Positions of the nuclear localiza-
protein. Alternative splicing of the primary mRNA transcript can tion signal (NLS), nuclear export signal (NES), and nucleolar localiza-
result in the generation of different MDM2 isoforms, some of tion signal (NoLS) are indicated. Also indicated are the various func-
which inhibit the activity of the wild-type protein in a tional and structural domains of MDM2, including the RING-finger
dominant-negative fashion.9,10 Analysis of the MDM2 coding located in the C terminus.

* Corresponding author. See list of “Contributors”.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator of p53 253

MDM2 Promotes p53 Degradation zymes in turn may transfer the ubiquitin either directly to a sub-
In 1997, research groups led by Moshe Oren in Israel and strate or to the final class of enzymes known as ubiquitin protein
Karen Vousden in Frederick, Maryland were investigating the ligases (or E3s). The E3 enzymes catalyze the formation of an
binding interactions between MDM2 and p53.17,18 These stud- isopeptide bond between the carboxyl terminus of ubiquitin and
ies were complicated by the fact that p53 levels were consistently the ε-amino group of lysine residues on the target protein. A sub-
decreased with coexpression of MDM2 (see Fig. 2) as an example), strate may then be multiply ubiquitinated through the attach-
which made a quantitative analysis of the p53:MDM2 interac- ment of additional ubiquitin molecules to specific lysine residues
tion difficult. The researchers decided to investigate the molecu- of ubiquitin itself. In many cases the E1, E2, and E3 enzymes
lar basis for the decreased levels of p53. Small-molecule inhibi- involved form large, multi-protein complexes. This increases the
tors of the proteasome prevented the decrease in p53 levels efficiency of the process by allowing the rapid thiol-ester transfer
observed with MDM2 expression, suggesting that MDM2 was of ubiquitin molecules between proteins.
somehow promoting p53 degradation by the proteasome. More- In vitro studies with purified E1 enzyme, E2 enzyme, MDM2,
over, a high molecular weight ladder of p53 species was generated and p53 showed that MDM2 could form a direct thiol-ester link-
when p53 was coexpressed with MDM2 (see Fig. 2) as an ex- age with ubiquitin at Cys464 in the MDM2 RING finger do-
ample). The size of these p53 species was consistent with the ad- main, and could transfer the ubiquitin to p53.21 Removal of ei-
dition of multiple ubiquitin-moieties to p53, and analysis with ther the E1 or E2 enzymes prevented formation of the thiol-ester
anti-ubiquitin antibodies identified them as p53:ubiquitin con- bond between ubiquitin and MDM2, and also prevented the
jugates. These seminal studies provided the first evidence that transfer of ubiquitin to p53. Moreover, mutations that converted
MDM2 can promote the degradation of p53 through the Cys464 to Ala464 (C464A) also inhibited the transfer of ubiquitin
ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.17,18 to p53. Taken together, these data support a model in which
MDM2 functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase that can accept acti-
vated ubiquitin from an E2 enzyme, and then transfer the
MDM2 Is an E3 Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase ubiquitin to p53 (Fig. 3).
The ubiquitin-proteasome system is the major pathway in the
cell for selective protein degradation.19,20 The covalent attach-
ment of multiple ubiquitin molecules to lysine residues of a tar-
get protein serves to signal its recognition and rapid degradation
by the 26S proteasome. Ubiquitination of a protein substrate re-
quires the concerted action of three classes of enzymes designated
E1, E2, and E3. The ubiquitin activating enzyme E1 initially
activates ubiquitin in an ATP-dependent reaction through the
formation of a thiol-ester bond between the carboxyl terminus of
ubiquitin and the thiol group of a specific cysteine residue of E1.
Ubiquitin is then transferred to a specific cysteine residue on one
of several ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (Ubcs or E2s). E2 en-

Figure 2. MDM2 promotes p53 ubiquitination and degradation. Saos-2

cells (p53 null) were transfected with DNAs encoding p53, wild-type
MDM2, and a RING-finger mutant of MDM2 (C464A). P53 levels
were then assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-p53 antibody. In
some cases, cells were treated with a proteasome inhibitor for 6 hrs. prior
to analysis. Wild-type MDM2 promotes p53 degradation while MDM2
C464A does not, indicating the RING-finger of MDM2 is required for
p53 degradation. A ladder of high molecular weight p53 species is re-
vealed when cells transfected with p53 and wild-type MDM2 are treated Figure 3. MDM2 is an E3 ubiquitin-ligase for p53. Current models
with the proteasome inhibitor. These bands are ubiquitinated forms of suggest that MDM2 accepts activated ubiquitin from an E2 enzyme and
p53. transfers the ubiquitin to multiple lysine residues in the p53 C terminus.
254 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

The nature of p53 ubiquitination by MDM2 has not been P53 Is Stabilized and Its Levels Increase in
fully clarified. MDM2 can stimulate the formation of a “ladder”
of p53:ubiquitin conjugates in cells transiently expressing both
Response to Stress
proteins (see Fig. 2 as an example). This ladder could result from P53 levels increase in response to multiple genotoxic and
nongenotoxic stresses, including DNA damage, hypoxia, ribo-
the addition of single ubiquitin molecules to multiple lysine resi-
nucleotide depletion, and the abnormal activation of oncogene
dues in p53, or from the formation of poly-ubiquitin chains of
varying lengths on one or only a few lysines. Mutational analysis signaling pathways, among others.28-30 The effect of increasing
p53 is to inhibit cell proliferation through either cell cycle arrest
of p53, as well as in vitro studies using ubiquitin-aldehyde, sup-
or apoptosis (Fig. 5). These effects are mediated by p53-responsive
port the notion that MDM2 mono-ubiquitinates p53, transfer-
ring single ubiquitin moieties to multiple lysine residues located genes, such as p21 and bax. The importance of signaling either a
cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to these stresses is abun-
in the extreme C terminus of p53.22,23 However, the fact that
dantly clear. DNA damaging stresses have the potential to dam-
formation of poly-ubiquitin chains is necessary to target a pro-
tein to the proteasome24 indicates that a so called “E4” enzyme age chromosomes, alter genomic integrity, and cause mutations
that may activate oncogenes and/or inhibit tumor suppressors.
must exist that can promote p53 poly-ubiquitination. Recent stud-
By triggering a cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to DNA
ies suggest p300 may be such a factor. P300 is a large (approx.
300 kilodalton) protein that can bind the central region of MDM2 damaging stress, p53 prevents the propagation of cells that may
have an altered genome or acquired potentially cancer-promoting
(Fig. 1), as well as two separate regions of p53. While purified
mutations. Similarly, the mutational activation of oncogenes is
MDM2 can promote p53 mono-ubiquitination in an in vitro
system, addition of p300 stimulates the poly-ubiquitination of an early step in the development of most or all human cancers.
By triggering an arrest or apoptosis in response to the mutational
p53,25 probably through the formation of a p53:MDM2:p300
activation of oncogenes, p53 prevents the growth of cells that
trimeric complex. These and other studies indicate that p300 can
participate with MDM2 to promote p53 degradation by pro- would otherwise be prone to becoming cancerous. It is worth
noting that many chemotherapeutic drugs used in cancer treat-
moting p53 poly-ubiquitination25-27 (Fig. 4, left). However, it is
ment in some way modify DNA, resulting in the generation of
important to note that p300 can also function as an activator of
p53 by promoting p53 acetylation at one or more lysine residues single or double-stranded breaks. In cancers that retain wild-type
p53, these DNA breaks trigger an increase in p53 levels, and a
in the p53 C terminus (Fig 4, right). This acetylation increases
resulting activation of p53-induced cell death pathways.31,32 In
the DNA binding activity of p53, thus leading to an activation of
p53-responsive genes, and will be discussed in more detail below. contrast, the same thing does not occur in cancers that express
mutant p53 or in which the wild-type p53 gene has been de-
Regulatory interactions between p53, MDM2, and p300 remain
leted.31,32 This explains the increased sensitivity to chemothera-
both interesting and complex.
peutics observed in cancers with wild-type p53 compared with
cancers that lack wild-type p53 expression.
The increase in p53 levels following stress results from a stabi-
lization of the p53 protein.33,34 This is illustrated in Figure 6.
RKO cells (human colon cancer cells that express wild-type p53)
were untreated, or exposed to UV or ionizing (IR) radiation. Six
hours after radiation exposure, the cells were treated with
cyclohexamide (CHX) to inhibit de novo protein synthesis, and
p53 steady state levels were monitored at various time points af-
ter CHX addition. The rate at which p53 levels decrease under
these conditions is a measure of protein stability. In untreated
cells, p53 levels decrease rapidly following CHX treatment, with
a half-life (T1/2) of approximately 30 min. In contrast, p53 levels

Figure 4. Dual roles for p300 in regulating p53 levels and activity. Left)
MDM2 promotes the addition of single ubiquitin moieties to multiple
lysine residues in p53. p300 is believed to act in conjunction with MDM2
to promote the poly-ubiquitination of p53, and the subsequent degra-
dation of p53 by the proteasome. This process likely involves formation
of a trimeric complex between p53, MDM2 and p300 in which p300
binds simultaneously to MDM2 and a central region of p53. Right)
p300 can bind the N-teminus of p53 and promote the acetylation of
lysines in the p53 C terminus. This acetylation increases p53 DNA Figure 5. p53 levels increase in response to diverse stresses, resulting in
binding activity, leading to an activation of p53 responsive genes. cell cycle arrest or apoptosis.
MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator of p53 255

Figure 7. Mechanism for p53 stabilization in response to DNA damage.

DNA damage activates two related kinases, ATM and ATR. These ki-
nases can phosphorylate p53 directly at serines-15 and -37. ATM has
been reported to also phosphorylate MDM2. ATM activates the kinase
Chk2, and ATR activates the kinase Chk1. Activated Chk1 and Chk2
phosphorylate p53 at S20. Current models suggest that S20 phospho-
Figure 6. p53 is stabilized in response to DNA damaging stress. RKO rylation stabilizes p53 by blocking the interaction between p53 and
cells (wild-type p53) were untreated or exposed to either ionizing radia- MDM2, whereas S15 phosphorylation activates p53 by recruiting p300
tion (IR) or UV radiation. 6 hrs after treatment, cells were treated with (or CBP), which acetylate the p53 C terminus.
cyclohexamide (CHX) for the indicated amount of time, and p53 levels
were monitored by immunoblotting. The estimated half-life (T1/2) of ATM and ATR activate other kinases referred to as Chk1 (acti-
p53 is indicated. P53 levels increase and the p53 protein is stabilized vated by ATR) and Chk2 (activated by ATM) that can directly
following IR or UV treatment. phosphorylate p53 at Ser20.39 Most current models propose that
Ser20 phosphorylation stabilizes p53 by blocking the interaction
are elevated in the UV and IR-treated cells and remain elevated between p53 and MDM2, whereas the phosphorylated Ser15
for up to 2 hours. following CHX treatment. The half-life (T1/2) residue is believed to activate p53 transcriptional activity by re-
of p53 is increased following UV or IR-treatment to about 100 cruiting p300 or CBP.40,41 As mentioned earlier, p300 activates
minutes or greater than 2 hours, respectively. These results dem- p53 promoting its acetylation at C-terminal lysine residues. This
onstrate that the stress-induced increase in p53 levels is due, at acetylation is believed to increase the DNA binding affinity of
least in part, to an increase in p53 protein stability. p53, thus leading to an activation of p53 responsive genes. It is
important to note that ATM can also phosphorylate MDM2 (Fig.
Stress Inhibits MDM2-Dependent p53 7), and this phosphorylation has been reported to diminish
Degradation MDM2-mediated degradation and nuclear export of p53.42,43
Given that MDM2 promotes p53 ubiquitination and degra- The stabilization of p53 in response aberrant oncogene sig-
dation, it is perhaps not surprising that the stress-induced stabili- naling occurs through a pathway different from that which stabi-
zation of p53 results from an inhibition of these MDM2 activi- lizes p53 following DNA damage.44,45 In this case, activated
ties.34 Agents that damage or modify DNA, such as IR and UV oncogenes signal an increase in the transcription of a tumor sup-
radiation, DNA cross-linkers, and chemotherapeutic drugs, acti- pressor protein referred to as either p14 or Arf (referred to as
vate a signal transduction cascade that culminates in the phos- p19/Arf in the mouse). P14 forms a direct complex with MDM2
phorylation of p53 at multiple sites, including sites within or and inhibits the MDM2-mediated ubiquitination of p53 (Fig.
near the N-terminal MDM2-binding domain (Fig. 7).28-30,35 8). Most current models suggest that p14 inactivates MDM2 by
Phosphorylation of Ser15 and Ser20 in p53 is critical for the sta- sequestering it in the nucleolus,44-47 though there was some sug-
bilization and activation of p53 in response to DNA damage,36-38 gestion that p14 binding with MDM2 in the nucleoplasm is
and kinases that can phosphorylate p53 at these sites have been enough to inhibit MDM2 activity. Regardless, the effect of in-
identified. One of these kinases, referred to as the ataxia telang- hibiting MDM2 is to stabilize p53 and thus increase p53 levels.
iectasia mutated (ATM) kinase, is activated in response to DNA The tumor suppressor PML has also been implicated in the
strand breaks, such as those that might occur in response to IR, oncogene-mediated activation of p53. PML is the major compo-
and can directly phosphorylate p53 at Ser15 and other resi- nent in multi-protein sub-nuclear complexes termed PML-nuclear
dues28-30,35 (Fig. 7). A second kinase that is related to ATM and bodies (PML-NBs).48-49 PML can interact with several different
referred to as the ATM and Rad3-related (ATR) kinase, is acti- proteins and recruit them to PML-NBs, including p5350 and
vated in response to stalled replication forks, such as might occur p300/CBP.51 Further, PML can stimulate p53 transcriptional
in response to UV radiation. ATR can also phosphorylate p53 at activity in transiently transfected cells, and this requires recruit-
Ser15. P53 phosphorylation at Ser20 requires ATM or ATR, but ment of p53 to PML-NBs.50 Studies from the laboratories of Pier
is not phosphorylated by either of these kinases directly. Instead, Pandolfi at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York and Scott
256 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

not been demonstrated for the N-terminal NES. Despite the iden-
tification of these NESs, the molecular mechanisms that control
p53 nuclear export and the role of MDM2 in this process have
remained a matter of debate. Initial studies found that endog-
enous wild-type p53 accumulated in the nucleus and was stabi-
lized in cells exposed to leptomycin B (LMB), a specific inhibitor
of nuclear export.55,57 This suggested that nuclear export is re-
quired for p53 degradation. Further studies reported that MDM2
contains an NES within its sequence, and that blocking nuclear
export could inhibit the ability of MDM2 to promote p53 deg-
radation.57-59 Based on these findings a model was proposed in
which MDM2 transports p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm
for p53 to be degraded, and this transport depends on a func-
tional NES within MDM2. In conflict with this model were re-
ports that p53 contains its own NES, and that this NES is suffi-
cient to promote p53 nuclear export even in cells that lack MDM2
expression. 55 The NES identified in these studies was the
C-terminal NES located within the p53 tetramerization domain,
and structural analyses indicated that this NES would be inacces-
sible to the export machinery when p53 is a tetramer, but would
be exposed and accessible when p53 is in either a dimeric or
monomeric form. Taken together, these latter findings supported
a second model in which p53 is exported from the nucleus via its
own NES and independent of MDM2, and that this export may
be regulated by changes in p53 tetramerization.
In an attempt to clarify the role of MDM2 in p53 nuclear
export, cultured cells were transiently transfected with DNAs
Figure 8. Oncogene-mediated activation of p53. Activated oncogenes
stimulate expression of the tumor suppressor protein p14/Arf, which
stabilizes p53 by sequestering MDM2 in the nuclelous. P53 may then
be recruited to PML-nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) through its association
with PML. P300/CBP in the nuclear body can activate p53 by promot-
ing its acetylation.

Lowe at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in New York have

provided compelling evidence that the oncogene-mediated acti-
vation of p53 requires PML. In these studies, p53 activity was
measured in PML+/+ and PML -/- mouse embryo fibroblasts
(MEFs) infected with retroviruses expressing an activated ras
oncogene (Ras V12). Ras V12 expression in PML+/+ cells resulted
in the activation of p53, recruitment of p53 into PML-NBs, and
the induction of premature senescence. In contrast, p53 was nei-
ther activated nor recruited into PML-NBs in PML-/- cells, and
the cells were resistant to ras-induced senescence.52,53 From these
studies emerge a model in which p14/Arf stabilizes p53 in re-
sponse to aberrant oncogene signaling by inhibiting the activity
of MDM2, whereas the activation of p53 involves recruitment of
p53 to PML-NBs, and its subsequent acetylation by p300/
CBP52-54 (Fig. 8).

MDM2 Promotes p53 Nuclear Export

In addition to promoting p53 degradation, MDM2 can also
promote the export of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm,
and this is expected to further inhibit the transcriptional activity
of p53. P53 contains two leucine-rich nuclear export signals Figure 9. MDM2 promotes p53 nuclear export. Cells were transfected
(NESs), one located in the N-terminal MDM2-binding domain with DNAs encoding the indicated forms of p53 and MDM2. Localiza-
of p53, and the second located in the C terminus within the tion of p53 and MDM2 was then monitored by immunofluorescence
tetramerization domain.55,56 Both of these NESs can support staining. Representative pictures are shown. Wild-type p53 localizes to
nuclear export when fused to a heterologous, nuclear protein. the nucleus when expressed alone, but is exported to the cytoplasm when
Disruption of the C-terminal NES causes p53 to display a more expressed with MDM2. This nuclear export of p53 requires the NES
pronounced nuclear localization;55 however, a similar finding has located in the p53 C terminus, and the RING finger domain of MDM2.
MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator of p53 257

Figure 11. A model for MDM2-dependent nuclear export of p53. Ac-

cording to this model, MDM2 binds p53 in the nucleus and promotes
p53 ubiquitination. Addition of ubiquitin moieties to the p53 C termi-
nus are predicted to cause dissolution of p53 tetramers into either dimers
Figure 10. Quantification of p53 localization in transfected cells. The or monomers, thus exposing the C-terminal NES. P53 is exported via
localization pattern for p53 in cells expressing the indicated p53 and binding of the nuclear export factor CRM1 to the NES.
MDM2 DNAs was scored for 150 cells in 3 separate experiments. Graph
shows the percentage of cells with the indicated p53 localization pat- mutant. As mentioned earlier, the C464A mutation in the MDM2
terns. p53 ∆42N lacks the MDM2-binding domain in the p53 N ter- RING-finger domain inhibits the ability of MDM2 to promote
minus. MDM2 exhibited complete nuclear localization in greater than p53 ubiquitination. As shown in Figures 9 and 10, MDM2 C464A
90% of transfected cells when expressed alone or with p53. Cells in was unable to promote the nuclear export of p53, indicating that
which MDM2 did not exhibit complete nuclear localization were ex- an intact MDM2 RING finger domain is required for p53 nuclear
cluded from the analysis. export. It is important to note that the C464A mutation did not
affect the ability of MDM2 to bind p53.60,61 Taken together, these
encoding p53 and MDM2, and localization of p53 and MDM2 results support the current model for p53 nuclear export (Fig.
was then monitored by immunofluorescence staining.60,61 As 11). According to this model, MDM2 can bind p53 and pro-
shown in Figures 9 and 10, p53 displayed a predominantly nuclear mote its ubiqutination in the nucleus, and this leads to the ex-
localization when expressed alone, but was relocalized to the cy- port of p53 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This export re-
toplasm in cells coexpressing MDM2. These results are consis- quires the p53 NES located in p53s C terminus. Based on the
tent with the hypothesis that MDM2 can promote p53 nuclear structural studies mentioned earlier, it is proposed that the addi-
export. Importantly, MDM2 remained in the nucleus despite the tion of ubiquitin exposes the C-terminal NES, probably by caus-
fact that p53 was relocalized to the cytoplasm, suggesting that ing dissolution of p53 tetramers into p53 monomers or dimers.
nuclear MDM2 can promote p53 nuclear export. Mutants of This allows recognition of the C-terminal NES by the export
p53 and MDM2 deficient in their nuclear export signals (NES- factor CRM1. This model was further supported by reports dem-
mutants) were also tested in these experiments. The MDM2 NES- onstrating that mutations in specific ubiquitination sites in p53’s
mutant promoted the nuclear export of p53 to an extent similar C terminus can inhibit the nuclear export of p53 that is mediated
to wild-type MDM2 (Fig. 10), indicating that the MDM2 NES by MDM2.62,63
was not required for this effect. In contrast, the p53 NES- mu- Several studies have supported the notion that nuclear export
tant was nuclear when expressed alone, and remained nuclear is an important component of p53 regulation. For example, vari-
when coexpressed with wild-type MDM2 (Figs. 9 and 10). These ous tumor types have been described in which p53 is function-
results indicate that the MDM2-mediated nuclear export of p53 ally inactivated due to its abnormal sequestration in the cyto-
requires the NES of p53, but not the NES of MDM2. Finally, to plasm, including inflammatory breast carcinoma, undifferentiated
assess whether the RING-finger domain of MDM2 has a func- neuroblastoma, colorectal carcinoma, and retinoblastoma.64-68
tion in p53 nuclear export, p53 localization was monitored in Sequestration of p53 in the cytoplasm is believed to contribute to
cells cotransfected with wild-type p53 and the MDM2 C464A the generation of these cancers by inhibiting p53 activity. In some
258 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

its ability to activate transcription and induce apoptosis, but does

not induce p73 degradation. 77-79 A recent report demonstrated
that p73 and p63 (another p53-related protein) are required for
p53-dependent apoptosis in response to DNA damage.80 It is
unclear at present whether MDM2 binding with p73 in some
way inhibits the ability of p73 to cooperate with p53 in this DNA
damage response.

MDM2 Interaction with pRb

The retinoblastoma protein pRb is the first characterized tu-
mor suppressor. The Rb protein inhibits growth by sequestering
the E2F family of transcription factors, thus inhibiting them from
activating the expression of genes that promote G1 to S-phase
Figure 12. MDM2 interacts with multiple different proteins other than progression. MDM2 binds to domains of pRb that are required
p53. The region of MDM2 involved in binding the indicated protein
for stable interaction with E2F1, suggesting that MDM2 could
is shown.
inhibit pRb tumor suppressor function by favoring detachment
of E2F1 from pRb.81,82 In contrast, pRb was reported to prevent
MDM2-dependent degradation of p53 and inhibition of apoptosis
cases, treatments that either block nuclear export (exposure to in transient transfection studies.83 Taken together, these findings
the nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B), or inhibit endogenous suggest that pRb and MDM2 may antagonize each other’s func-
MDM2 expression, result in the redistribution of p53 into the tions through binding one another.
nucleus.55,69 These findings suggest that the cytoplasmic localiza-
tion of p53 in these cancers results, at least in part, from excessive
nuclear export that is mediated by MDM2. MDM2 Interaction with E2F1
E2F1 is a transcription factor that functions as a dimer with
DP1. Together, the E2F1/DP1 dimer can stimulate cell cycle pro-
Interactions between MDM2 and Other gression by promoting the expression of genes required for the
Proteins G1 to S-phase transition. In contrast, over-expression of E2F1
Notwithstanding its effects on p53, there is abundant evidence stimulates apoptosis, and E2F1 knockout mice are prone to de-
that MDM2 has p53-independent activities that may contribute velop certain cancers. These results indicate that E2F1 has both
to its oncogenic properties. This evidence includes the following: growth-promoting and growth-inhibitory capabilities. In the ab-
First, rare cancers bearing both p53 mutations and MDM2 gene sence of p53, MDM2 inhibits the pro-apoptotic effect of E2F1/
amplifications have been described and are more aggressive than DP1 by favoring degradation of the heterodimer. At the same
those with alterations of either gene alone.70 This suggests that time, however, MDM2 can stimulate DNA synthesis in coopera-
MDM2 over-expression may accelerate tumor growth even in tion with E2F1/DP1. These seemingly contradictory results were
the absence of functional p53. Second, MDM2 over-expression reconciled by the proposal that high levels of E2F1/DP1 were
has been reported to transform cells in culture in the absence of a reduced by MDM2 to levels appropriate for the G1-S-phase tran-
functioning p53.71 Finally, targeted MDM2 over-expression in sition.84
the mammary glands of mice leads to abnormal cell proliferation
and mammary hypertrophy to a similar extent in both a p53 +/+ MDM2 Interaction with MDMX
and p53 -/- background.72 Accordingly, considerable effort has been MDMX (also called MDM4) is an MDM2-related protein
aimed at identifying cell-cycle regulatory proteins other than p53 with a high degree of amino acid sequence and structural similar-
with which MDM2 can interact. A number of such factors have ity with MDM2. MDMX can bind p53 but fails to promote p53
been identified, including the p53-related protein p73, the degradation. 85 Interestingly, knocking-out MDMX in the mouse
MDM2-related protein MDMX, the tumor suppressor proteins resulted in early embryonic death, and this could be rescued by
pRB and PML, the ribosomal protein L5, the transcription fac- the concomitant knockout of p53,86 similar to the results ob-
tor E2F1, and the neuronal differentiation factor Numb, among tained with MDM2 knockout mice. These results suggest that
others73 (Fig. 12). In most cases, the effect of these interactions the function of MDMX is to inhibit p53. MDM2 and MDMX
on cell growth has not been completed clarified. In the paragraphs can associate through their RING-finger domains. It is currently
below, we briefly discuss the interactions of MDM2 with these believed that MDMX-binding increases the ability of MDM2 to
other proteins. target p53 for degradation, through either stabilizing the MDM2
protein or modulating MDM2s localization.87
MDM2 Interaction with p73
P73 is a p53-related protein that has a high degree of amino MDM2 Interaction with Ribosomal Protein L5
acid sequence and structural similarity to p53.74 P73 can induce MDM2 forms a complex with ribosomal protein L5 and its
apoptosis when over-expressed, and can activate transcription of associated 5S rRNA.88,89 These interactions have gained interest
p53-responsive genes.75 These results indicate that p53 and p73 in recent years in light of the findings that MDM2 contains a
can carry out redundant functions. However, unlike p53, p73 nuclear export signal and undergoes active nuclear export. Spe-
mutations are not commonly observed in human cancers, and cifically, it is speculated that MDM2 nuclear export may be linked
p73-knockout mice are not cancer prone. Instead, p73 knockout to the nuclear export of ribosome subunits following their assem-
mice have neurological, pheromonal, and inflammatory defects.76 bly in the nucleolus, and that this may be facilitated by the inter-
MDM2 can bind the transactivation domain of p73 and inhibit action between MDM2 and L5.
MDM2: RING Finger Protein and Regulator of p53 259

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The Zip Family of Zinc Transporters

David J. Eide

plasm for subsequent utilization.13 Also in yeast, the Atx2 pro-

he ZIP family of transporters plays important roles in
supplying zinc to metalloproteins. These transporters are tein appears to transport manganese out of the Golgi.14
found in organisms at all phylogenetic levels including The biochemical mechanisms involved in these transport events
bacteria, fungi, plants, insects, and mammals. They have many have not been extensively investigated. In yeast, transport by Zrt1
conserved sequence elements and most have eight likely trans- and Zrt2 is known to be energy dependent.4,5 In contrast, zinc
membrane domains with similar predicted topologies. Intracel- uptake by the human hZip1 and hZip2 proteins was found to be
lular zinc homeostasis is facilitated by both transcriptional and energy independent.15,16 Zinc uptake by these proteins was not
post-transcriptional control mechanisms that regulate ZIP trans- dependent on K+ or Na+ gradients but hZip2 activity was stimu-
porter activity. These systems work in concert to provide a con- lated by HCO3- suggesting a Zn2+/HCO3- symport mechanism.15
stant supply of zinc in the face of changing extracellular levels Alternatively, zinc uptake by these proteins could be driven sim-
and limit overaccumulation of this potentially toxic metal. ply by the concentration gradient of labile zinc likely to exist across
the plasma membrane.17 It is also unclear if these proteins are
Introduction channels or carriers of Zn2+. Their high affinity for substrate (see
below) provides some support for the carrier model.
Charged ions like Zn2+ do not freely diffuse across lipid bi-
layer membranes. Transporter proteins are required to ferry Zn2+
into and out of cells and into and out of intracellular compart- Biochemical and Structural Aspects of Zip
ments. One group of proteins responsible for zinc uptake in many Transporters
different types of cells is the ZIP family of metal ion transport- ZIP transporters range in size from ~300 to over 600 amino
ers.1-3 ZIP transporters play an important role in supplying Zn2+ acids in length. The marked differences in lengths largely come
to metallate the various intracellular zinc binding sites that have from differences in the length of the N-terminal region before
been described throughout this book. the first transmembrane domain. Most ZIP proteins have eight
The “ZIP” designation stands for Zrt-, Irt-like Protein and transmembrane domains and similar predicted topologies (Fig.
reflects the first members of this transporter family to be identi- 1). Aspects of this topology model have been confirmed for
fied. Zrt1 and Zrt2 are the primary zinc uptake transporters in yeast18,19 and some mammalian ZIP transporters.15,16 While most
the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Irt1 is the major iron up- loops between transmembrane domains are quite short, a longer
take transporter in roots of Arabidopsis thaliana but has also been loop region is often found between transmembrane domains III
shown to transport zinc.4-7 Since the initial identification of these and IV. This region frequently contains a histidine-rich domain
proteins, the ZIP family has grown to over 90 members includ- with the sequence (HX)n where n generally ranges from 3-5. Al-
ing proteins in bacteria, nematodes, insects, and mammals.1 though conserved, the function of this domain is not yet clear.
Among these, ZupT is a zinc uptake transporter in Escherichia Mutation of this motif in the yeast Zrt1 protein resulted in slightly
coli 8 and several ZIPs have been implicated in zinc, iron, and/or reduced levels of the protein accumulating on the surface of the
manganese transport in plants (see below).9-12 Database analyses cell but did not alter zinc uptake affinity or activity when nor-
have indicated that there are 14 ZIP proteins encoded by the malized to surface protein levels.20
human genome. Human genes encoding ZIP proteins are referred Determinants of substrate specificity have been mapped to
to by their Human Genome Organization Nomenclature Com- the extracellular loop between TM II and III in Irt1.21 For some
ZIP proteins (for example the mammalian Liv-1 protein), this
mittee designation of “solute carrier family 39” (or SLC39).
region is also rich in histidine residues.22 Finally, some ZIP pro-
teins (for example hZip4) have long N-terminal domains that are
Functional Characteristics rich in potential metal-binding residues. These domains may play
With no exceptions yet known, ZIPs transport metal ion sub- a role in “harvesting” the substrate from the extracellular envi-
strates across cellular membranes into the cytoplasm. While many ronment prior to transport. Transmembrane domains IV and V
members are involved in the uptake of metal ions across the plasma are particularly amphipathic and contain conserved histidine resi-
membrane, some efflux metals from intracellular compartments. dues frequently with adjacent polar or charged amino acids. Given
For example, the yeast Zrt3 protein is responsible for transport- their sequence conservation and amphipathic nature, TM IV and
ing stored zinc out of the lysosome-like vacuole into the cyto- V are predicted to line a cavity in the transporter through which

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
262 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

mic reticulum.25 Thus, the site of action of this transporter in

different cell types is unresolved. Antisense RNA studies have
indicated that hZip1 is responsible for most of the zinc uptake
activity detectable in K562 cells suggesting a role in zinc uptake
in other cells as well.16 SLC39A2, encoding hZip2, is expressed at
low levels and in only a few tissues.15,26,27 Like hZip1, hZip2 also
appears to be involved in zinc uptake. hZip2 localizes to the plasma
membrane of transfected K562 cells and confers zinc uptake ac-
tivity on those cells.15
hZip4, the product of the SLC39A4 gene, is an important
zinc uptake transporter in the human intestine and responsible
for absorption of dietary zinc. This conclusion is based on the
work of two groups linking SLC39A4 to acrodermatitis
enteropathica (AE), a recessive genetic disorder of zinc absorp-
tion.28-30 Patients with AE have reduced levels of zinc absorption
that results in a wide range of developmental and growth effects.
Figure 1. Topological model of ZIP proteins. Transmembrane domains Homozygosity mapping using consanguineous families with af-
are indicated in dark gray. The histidine-rich region in the cytoplasmic fected individuals indicated the gene responsible for AE mapped
loop between TM III and IV, conserved histidines and charged/polar to 8q24.3.28 Located in this region was a likely candidate gene,
residues in TM IV and V, and the location of substrate specificity deter- SLC39A4. Sequencing of exons from affected individuals indi-
minants mapped in Irt1 are also shown. cated the presence of mutations that were likely to disrupt func-
tion of the protein.29,30 These mutations were not found in unaf-
the substrate passes. Consistent with this hypothesis, conserved fected samples. Moreover, the SLC39A4 gene is expressed in tissues
residues in these regions are essential for function of at least one involved in zinc absorption, the small intestine, colon, and kid-
ZIP transporter, Irt1.21 ney, and the hZip4 protein was localized to the apical plasma
membrane of mouse enterocytes.29 These results strongly suggest
an important role of hZip4 in dietary zinc uptake and reabsorp-
Function of Zip Proteins in Zinc Transport tion of zinc in the kidney. Approximately 10% of the endog-
As describe above, many ZIP proteins have been implicated enous zinc lost per day in humans is in urine and this loss is
in zinc transport. In E. coli, the ZupT transporter is a low affinity reduced under conditions of zinc deficiency suggesting homeo-
zinc uptake system.8 This protein, along with the high affinity static regulation of kidney zinc reabsorption. Based on EST data-
ZnuABC permease, contribute to zinc accumulation. In yeast, base entries, two forms of hZip4 may be expressed that have dif-
Zrt1 and Zrt2 are zinc uptake transporters. These proteins have ferent amino-termini. The more commonly expressed form has a
high affinities for their substrate; Zrt1 has an apparent Km of ~10 329 amino acid segment upstream of TM1 including a signal
nM while Zrt2’s apparent Km is about 10-fold higher.4,5 These sequence. The alternative form appears to be expressed at lower
two proteins provide most of the intracellular zinc used by the levels and has an N-terminal tail of 305 amino acids with no
cell during growth. This is evident when comparing the amount signal sequence. This latter form may arise from transcription
of zinc required for growth of wild type cells vs. a zrt1 zrt2 mu- initiation within intron 1 of the longer transcript.29
tant. The mutant requires approximately 105 more zinc to grow
at its optimal rate than do wild type cells. In contrast, the Zrt3
protein localizes to the yeast vacuole and is responsible for mobi- Regulation of Zip Proteins to Control Zinc
lization of zinc stores held in that compartment. Zinc-replete cells Acquisition and Homeostasis
can store high levels of zinc in the vacuole. Under zinc-limiting Regulation of ZIP transporter activity in response to zinc sta-
conditions, Zrt3 pumps that zinc into the cytosol where it is avail- tus occurs at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.
able for use.13 Mutants defective in Zrt3 accumulate high levels The integration of these different levels of regulation is perhaps
(that is mM) of zinc in their vacuoles and fail to use that zinc in best understood in the yeast S. cerevisiae. Zinc uptake in S. cerevisiae
deficient conditions. is controlled at the transcriptional level in response to intracellu-
In Arabidopsis, the Zip1, Zip2, Zip3, and Zip4 proteins have lar zinc levels. The high affinity system is induced more than
been implicated in zinc transport.9 These ZIPs were isolated be- 30-fold in zinc-limited cells resulting from increased transcrip-
cause of their ability to function in yeast as zinc transporters and tion of the ZRT1 gene.5 The low affinity system is also regulated
complement the growth defect of a zrt1 zrt2 mutant on low zinc through the control of ZRT2 transcription.31 Regulation of these
media. Consistent with their role in zinc transport, ZIP1 and genes in response to zinc is mediated by the product of the ZAP1
ZIP3 mRNA levels are induced in zinc deficient cells. A fourth gene.31 ZAP1 encodes a transcriptional activator that is maxi-
Arabidopsis ZIP protein, Zip4, was not functional when expressed mally active in zinc-deficient cells and repressed by high zinc.
in yeast but was also implicated in zinc transport because its The molecular mechanisms of this regulation are still unclear.
mRNA levels also rise in zinc-limited plants. In Thlaspi caerulescens, A second mechanism in S. cerevisiae regulates zinc transporter
dysregulation of a ZIP transporter may contribute to the high activity at a post-translational level. In zinc-limited cells, Zrt1 is a
levels of zinc taken up by this hyperaccumulating plant.23 stable plasma membrane protein. Exposure to higher levels of
In humans, SLC39A1, encoding hZip1/ZIRTL, is expressed extracellular zinc, as occurs when these cells are reinoculated into
in a wide variety of tissues and cell types.16,24 In transfected K562 zinc-replete media, triggers a rapid loss of Zrt1 uptake activity
erythroleukemia cells, hZip1 is localized to the plasma membrane and protein. This inactivation does not require Zap1 and occurs
where it confers zinc uptake activity.16 In other cell types (e.g., through zinc-induced endocytosis of the protein and its subse-
COS-7, PC3), hZip1 is localized predominantly to the endoplas- quent degradation in the vacuole.19 Mutations that inhibit the
The Zip Family of Zinc Transporters 263

internalization step of endocytosis also inhibited zinc-induced Zrt1 References

inactivation and the major vacuolar proteases were required to 1. Gaither LA, Eide DJ. Eukaryotic zinc transporters and their
degrade Zrt1 in response to zinc. Furthermore, immunofluores- regulation. Biometals 2001; 14(3-4):251-270.
cence microscopy showed that Zrt1 is in the plasma membrane 2. Guerinot ML. The ZIP family of metal transporters. Biochim
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does not alter the stability of several other plasma membrane pro- proteins. J Memb Biol 1998; 166:1-7.
teins. Therefore, zinc-induced Zrt1 inactivation is a specific regu- 4. Zhao H, Eide D. The ZRT2 gene encodes the low affinity zinc
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to high extracellular zinc levels. This system thereby prevents the 271(38):23203-23210.
overaccumulation of this potentially toxic metal. Zrt1 inactiva- 5. Zhao H, Eide D. The yeast ZRT1 gene encodes the zinc transporter
tion is a relatively specific response to zinc but Cd2+ can also trig- of a high affinity uptake system induced by zinc limitation. Proc
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ger the response. Zrt1 appears to be capable of transporting diva- 6. Eide D, Broderius M, Fett J et al. A novel iron-regulated metal
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signal is transmitted to Zrt1. This could occur through the metal 9. Grotz N, Fox T, Connolly E et al. Identification of a family of zinc
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transduction pathway. Recent studies demonstrated that Zrt1 is Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1998; 95(12):7220-7224.
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brane proteins.33 Zinc-induced ubiquitination of Zrt1 occurs on caerulescens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 97(9):4956-4960.
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zinc control ubiquitination of Zrt1? 13. MacDiarmid CW, Gaither LA, Eide D. Zinc transporters that
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are induced by zinc deficiency. In human cells, SLC39A1 (hZip1) 14. Lin S-J, Culotta VC. Suppression of oxidative damage by
expression appears to be regulated by zinc status and by hormone Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATX2, which encodes a
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prostate-derived cancer cells.34 Similarly, SLC39A2 (hZip2) ex- zinc transporter. J Biol Chem 2000; 275(8):5560-5564.
pression may also be regulated by zinc; treatment of the THP-1 16. Gaither LA, Eide DJ. The human ZIP1 transporter mediates zinc
monocytic cell line with TPEN, a cell-permeable zinc chelator, uptake in human K562 erythroleukemia cells. J Biol Chem 2001;
resulted in approximately 27-fold increases in SLC39A2 mRNA 276(25):22258-22264.
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ing the regulation of SLC39A4 (hZip4) expression have been pub- 292(5526):2488-2492.
lished. 18. Gitan RS, Eide DJ. Zinc-regulated ubiquitin conjugation signals
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uptake transporter may be regulated by iron in a fashion similar 19. Gitan RS, Luo H, Rodgers J et al. Zinc-induced inactivation of the
to that described for Zrt1. When IRT1 mRNA is expressed from yeast ZRT1 zinc transporter occurs through endocytosis and vacuolar
a constitutively active promoter, the protein only accumulates in degradation. J Biol Chem 1998; 273:28617-28624.
iron-limited plants. 36 These results suggest translational or 20. Gitan RS, Shababi M, Kramer M et al. A cytosolic domain of the
yeast Zrt1 zinc transporter is require for its post-translational
post-translational control of Irt1 activity occurs in response to inactivation in response to zinc and cadmium. J Biol Chem 2003;
iron. Whether similar regulation occurs for other ZIPs is the sub- in press.
ject of ongoing studies. 21. Rogers EE, Eide DJ, Guerinot ML. Altered selectivity in an
Arabidopsis metal transporter. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000;
Summary 22. Taylor KM. LIV-1 breast cancer protein belongs to a new family of
The ZIP family of metal ion transporters encompasses genes histidine-rich membrane proteins with potential to control
from all phylogenetic levels. In numerous studies, these trans- intracellular zinc homeostasis. Life 2000; 49:249-253.
porters have been implicated in zinc acquisition by microbes, 23. Lasat MM, Pence NS, Garvin DF et al. Molecular physiology of
plants, and mammals. The activity of these proteins is tightly zinc transport in the Zn hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. J
regulated at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels to Exp Bot 2000; 51(342):71-79.
24. Lioumi M, Ferguson CA, Sharpe PT et al. Isolation and
maintain a constant supply of Zn2+ as extracellular and dietary characterization of human and mouse ZIRTL, a member of the IRT1
levels of zinc change. This constant supply of Zn2+ provides the family of transporters, mapping within the epidermal differentiation
needed metal for function of intracellular and secreted complex. Genomics 1999; 62:272-280.
zinc-dependent proteins.
264 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

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27. Cao J, Bobo JA, Liuzzi JP et al. Effects of intracellular zinc depletion 33. Hicke L. Ubiquitin-dependent internalization and down-regulation
on metallothionein and ZIP2 transporter expression and apoptosis. of plasma membrane proteins. FASEB J 1997; 11:1215-1226.
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31(3):239-240. protein accumulation. Plant Cell 2002; 14(6):1347-1357.

Apoptosis by Zinc Deficiency

Kirsteen H. Maclean


inc is an essential trace element for all forms of life. Zinc highly adaptable to meeting the needs of proteins and enzymes
deficiency affects many systems because of the many roles that carry out diverse biological functions. These and many other
it encompasses, such as in metabolism (including the ac- chemical properties form the basis for the extensive participation
tivity of more than 300 enzymes), the structure of many pro- of zinc in protein, nucleic acid, carbohydrate and lipid metabo-
teins and control of genetic expression. Homeostatic regulation lism, as well as in the control of gene transcription and other
of this trace metal is extremely crucial, with zinc status affecting fundamental biological processes.
basic processes of cell division, growth, differentiation and The effects of zinc on cells is evidenced in the numerous roles
apoptosis. The role of zinc in the regulation of apoptosis is not this trace metal plays in basic cellular functions such as DNA
fully understood. The present review describes the current lit- replication, gene expression, cell division and cell activation. La-
erature surrounding zinc deprivation and the induction of bile pools of intracellular zinc are thought to be essential at sev-
apoptotic cell death, and attempts to dissect the various molecu- eral points in the cell cycle, since a number of enzymes involved
lar mechanisms involved in the process. in DNA synthesis such as thymidine kinase and DNA polymerase
are affected by availability of zinc.4 There is evidence that sug-
Introduction gests that zinc is required for a critical process in the mid G1
Two distinct forms of cell death, necrosis and apoptosis, are phase of the cell cycle where under conditions of adequate zinc
extremely well characterized by their different morphological and supply, cells can progress beyond this point to either replicate or
biological features. Apoptosis is regarded as the prominent form differentiate depending on other environmental factors. How-
of cell death during normal development, tissue homeostasis and ever, if zinc availability is limiting, the cells tend to undergo
in the regulation of the immune system. The phenomenon of apoptosis (Fig. 1). Therefore zinc may be involved in regulation
apoptosis in cells was first described by Kerr, Wyllie and Currie of cellular homeostasis by its dual role in both proliferation and
over 30 years ago, when they discovered morphological changes death by apoptosis. This chapter describes the current concepts
in cells undergoing cell death that lead to membrane blebbing of cell death and how zinc levels can affect the molecular mecha-
and digestion of the resulting vesicles by macrophages. Though it nisms of apoptosis.
was discovered in 1972, apoptosis took almost 20 years to come
into prominence in scientific research and only now can we ap-
preciate that apoptotic cells die in a highly coordinated manner
with a myriad of characteristic structural changes that include
chromatin condensation, nuclear DNA fragmentation and
externalization of phosphatidylserine on the surface of the cell
membrane. In the last few years there has been an exponential
growth in our understanding of the biochemical and molecular
processes underlying apoptotic pathways, a few of which will be
discussed in this chapter.
There is ample evidence that the induction and inhibition of
apoptosis in many cell types are thought to involve signal trans-
duction pathways in which the concentration of free intracellular
divalent metal ions seems to be important.1,2 The trace element
zinc appears to be particularly important in this regard and un-
like many other metals, zinc is virtually nontoxic.3 The homeo-
static mechanisms that regulate the entry into, distribution in,
and excretion from cells and tissues are so efficient that no disor-
ders are known to be associated with its excessive accumulation,
in contrast to iron and other metals. Furthermore, its physical Figure 1. Relationship of zinc to the cell cycle. Requirement for zinc
and chemical properties, including its general stable association during the mid-G1 phase of the cell cycle and its potential to cause cell
with macromolecules and its coordination flexibility, make it cycle exit by apoptosis.

Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function, edited by Shiro Iuchi and Natalie Kuldell.
©2005 Landes Bioscience/ and Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
266 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

Zinc Deficiency dermatitis Enteropathica. This genetic zinc deficiency syndrome

The most convincing evidence that zinc plays a physiological is transmitted as an autosomal recessive disease. The disorder is
role in apoptosis comes from zinc deprivation studies in animals, characterized by thymic atrophy and unstable leukocyte func-
the first of which came from a study back in 1977 by Elmes.5 She tions associated with recurrent severe infections and decreased
reported that zinc-deficient rats had markedly increased num- absorption of ingested zinc (normal adult individuals absorb
bers of apoptotic cells in their small intestinal crypts, an illumi- 60-70% of a standard dose of 65Zn taken orally and eliminate
nating finding considering how much scientific research was fo- 0.7%). All of these immunological defects are reversible by means
cused on the area of apoptosis at that time. Using other in vivo of zinc supplementation.14 Importantly, the essentiality of zinc
models, Yeiser et al showed that even a moderate decrease in zinc for differentiation, development and performance is exemplified
levels was sufficient to promote apoptosis following injury to the by abnormalities that occur in zinc deficient preimplantation
brain.6 Thus far however, almost all the evidence of zinc defi- embryos and the teratology caused by zinc deficiency in early
ciency induced apoptosis in vivo suggests that the increase in cell gestation.15-17
death is a direct consequence of a lowering of the intracellular
zinc in the affected tissues. One exception is the involution of the Molecular Mechanisms of Apoptosis
thymus found in zinc deficient animals, which can in part be There are two different reasons why a cell decides to commit
attributed to an increase in circulating glucocorticoids produced suicide. The first is to ensure proper development, such as the
in response to the stress associated with zinc loss.7,8 In humans, formation of the synapses between neurons in the brain require
clinical outcomes of zinc deficiency include those outlined in Table surplus cells to be eliminated by means of apoptosis. The second
1. Given the central role of zinc in cell growth it should be of no is to destroy cells that represent a threat to the integrity of the
surprise that zinc deficiency promotes an apoptotic phenotype, organism, such as occurs during zinc deficiency. There are three
particularly in cells that have a rapid turnover such as those in the different mechanisms by which a cell commits suicide: the gen-
immune system. eration of internal signals, the binding of death activators to re-
There is now a plethora of evidence to support an important ceptors at the cell surface (i.e., Fas Ligand) and the creation of
role for zinc in immune processes.9-12 Adequate zinc status is es- reactive oxygen species. Central to each of these mechanisms is a
sential for a number of processes including: (1) T-cell division, group of highly specific proteases called Caspases (Cysteine As-
maturation and differentiation; (2) lymphocyte response to mi- partate Specific ProteASEs), which recognize and cleave their sub-
togens; (3) apoptosis of lymphoid and myeloid origins; (4) gene strate proteins at tetra-peptide sites that have characteristic se-
transcription; and (5) biomembrane function. Indeed lympho- quences (Table 2), an example of which is the DXXD motif for
cytes are particularly sensitive in that they are one of the cells that caspase-3, where X represents any amino acid.18 Based on the
are activated by zinc. In animals the consequences of a zinc defi- sequence of activation in apoptosis, caspases can be divided into
cient scenario in the immune system are profound and result in 3 sub-types: initiator (activator) caspases; effector (executioner)
rapid and marked thymic atrophy, impaired cell-mediated cuta- caspases and cytokine processors (inflammatory). For the pur-
neous sensitivity and lymphopenia. Primary and secondary anti- poses of this chapter, we need only be concerned with initiator
body responses are also reduced by zinc deficiency, particularly and effector caspases (Table 2). Initiator caspases (like caspase-8
for those antigens that require T-cell help, such as those in heter- and -9) are the upstream activators of the effector caspases (like
ologous red blood cells. In addition, antibody response and the caspase-3). As mentioned, effector caspases are the executioners
generation of splenic cytotoxic T cells after immunization are re- in the cell and are responsible for the cleavage of proteins that
duced. Zinc also inhibits the production of tumor necrosis fac- actually induce apoptosis and that leads to the morphological
tor, which is implicated in the pathophysiology of cachexia and features of apoptosis such as DNA fragmentation (Fig. 2). In-
wasting in acquired immune deficiency syndrome.13 An impaired deed to illustrate just how important the caspases are to cellular
immune response has been linked with low zinc levels in the homeostasis, a recent review by Fischer et al (2003) summarized
plasma and several diseases that encompass noticeable zinc defi- the known caspase substrates that regulate key morphological
ciency, particularly in the zinc malabsorption syndrome, Acro- changes involved in apoptosis and cell fate and comprised a list of
over 280 different proteins involved in such diverse roles as
apoptotic regulation, cell cycle and cell adhesion.19 What is clear
Table 1. Diseases/disorders associated with zinc from this comprehensive review is that there is much to be learned
deficiency concerning the role of caspases in apoptosis.
The initiation and efficient completion of apoptosis is gener-
ally dependent upon upstream regulators of the cell death pro-
Primary Secondary gram. Key controllers of apoptosis include the Bcl-2 family of
proteins that serve to either suppress (e.g., Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and
Acrodermatitis enteropathica Reduced appetite/ Mcl-1) or activate (Bax, Bak, Bad and PUMA) the cell death
anorexia program.20 Bcl-2 family members appear to regulate apoptosis
Coeliac disease All dermatological by controlling the integrity of key organelles such as the mito-
disorders chondria, therefore apoptosis triggered by internal signals repre-
Common cold Pregnancy complications sents the intrinsic or mitochondrial pathway. Most anti-apoptotic
Diarrhoea Liver cirrhosis Bcl-2 family members are localized to the outer membrane of the
Infertility (male) Sleep and behavioral mitochondria (and also the endoplasmic reticulum) and most
disturbances proapoptotic family members disrupt the integrity of these mem-
Night blindness HIV/AIDS support branes. Importantly, changes in the mitochondrial biogenesis and
Impaired wound healing Diabetes function are a hallmark of almost all forms of apoptosis includ-
Frequent and severe infections Growth retardation ing those induced by zinc deficiency. An initial event is a drop in
Apoptosis by Zinc Deficiency 267

Table 2.

Class Caspase Regulatory Unit Adapter Molecule Tetrapeptide


Activators Caspase-8 DED FADD (I/V/L)EXD
Caspase-9 CARD Apaf-1 (I/V/L)EHD
Caspase- 10 DED FADD (I/V/L)EXD
Caspase-3 DEXD
Executioners Caspase-6 (I/V/L)EXD
Caspase-7 DEXD
CARD= Caspase recruitment domain; DED= Death effector domain

the mitochondrial membrane potential (ψAm), which is required such as FADD/MORT1. Upon binding of their ligand (FasL and
to maintain asymmetric distribution of charges between the in- TNF respectively), a signal is transmitted to the cytoplasm that
ner and outer mitochondrial membrane.21,22 If disruption of the leads to recruitment of caspase-8 and possibly caspase-10, which
ψAm persists, the integrity of the outer membrane is compro- then becomes activated by proteolysis. Once activated, these proxi-
mised and results in the release of pro-apoptotic factors that in- mal caspases can also cleave and activate caspase-3 (Fig. 3).
clude cytochrome c23 and apoptosis inducing factor (AIF), which
can induce death independent of caspase activation.24 Release of Involvement of Zinc in Apoptotic Pathways
cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytosol has been The influence of zinc on apoptosis is well documented as both
demonstrated to be a critical initiator of caspase-dependent death in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that zinc influences
pathways. Once released, cytochrome c binds to Apaf-1 thereby apoptotic cell death.27-32 In particular, zinc supplementation in
triggering activation of caspase-9, which then cleaves and acti- thymocytes is known to inhibit apoptosis. In 1992, Cohen and
vates caspase-3 (Fig. 2). Activated caspase-3 then targets several colleagues observed that addition of zinc to dexamethasone-treated
proteins required for cellular integrity including Poly-ADP-ribose thymocytes (a potent inducer of the apoptotic program) in vitro
polymerase (PARP) and the inhibitor of calcium-activated blocked the transition from chromatin condensation to nuclear
DNAase (ICAD) which releases the endonuclease and enables it collapse. The authors attributed this finding to the specific inhi-
to cleave the DNA at internucleosomal sites.25 bition of the ICAD, which digests the DNA leading to the classic
One of the best-understood mechanisms for initiating the pro- DNA fragmentation hallmark of apoptosis.33 However a weak-
teolytic cascade of caspases involves the tumor necrosis factor ness of this study and many others using alternative cell types is
(TNF) family receptors.26 This form of apoptosis, triggered by that the concentrations of zinc required to prevent apoptosis are
external signals is the extrinsic or death receptor pathway. The extremely high, with most experimental works reporting preven-
cytosolic domains of some members of this family, such as Fas tion of DNA fragmentation with superfluous zinc concentrations
and the TNF receptor, are linked to caspases via adaptor proteins in the range of 250mM to 5mM.34 These are concentrations of

Figure 3. The Fas signal transduction pathway. When cell surface Fas
binds Fas ligand (FasL), several proteins become recruited to the intra-
cellular “death domain” of Fas to form a death-inducing signaling com-
Figure 2. Involvement of caspases in apoptosis. Activation of initiator plex, or DISC. Of these, the Fas-associated death domain (FADD)
caspase such as caspase-8, -9 and-10 can activate downstream caspase protein acts as an adaptor, linking pro-caspase-8 to the activated Fas.
members such as caspase-3, -6 and -7, which can then cleave down- This results in the proteolytic processing of pro-caspase-8 and activation
stream proteins associated with apoptosis. of the executioner caspases.
268 Zinc Finger Proteins: From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

zinc that are 10-100 fold greater than the concentration found in intracellular apoptotic mediators other than the endonuclease
serum or tissues, albeit one that effectively blocks a wide array of came from revealing studies by Lazebnik and colleagues who
cell death inducers for a variety of cell types. Conversely, low con- showed that a more sensitive target of zinc was present in the
centrations of intracellular zinc have been shown to accelerate cytoplasm.46 In these studies, they demonstrated that cytosol from
apoptosis of lymphoid and myeloid cell lines35,36 as well as hu- cells primed to undergo apoptosis, induced chromatin condensa-
man leukemia lymphocytes, rat splenocytes and rat thy- tion and DNA fragmentation in isolated healthy nuclei and that
mocytes.37-39 Indeed, Telford et al suggested that a zinc concen- zinc suppressed these effects even when only added to the cyto-
tration below 300mM provides only limited protection against plasm. Subsequent studies by others demonstrated that this mys-
glucocorticoid-induced cell death. Concomitant with these stud- terious component was caspase-3. Although zinc did not block
ies numerous in vitro studies have now shown that depletion of the activity of caspase-3 to cleave its cellular substrates, it did
intracellular zinc by culture of cells in zinc-depleted medium or block the mechanism by which caspase 3 is activated from its
by treatment with the zinc chelator N’N’N’N-tetrakis-2 inactive precursor. Zinc deficiency induced apoptosis in vitro (that
pyridylmethyl-ethylenediamine (TPEN) results in apoptosis.37-39 is, using zinc chelators) appears to be dependent on caspase-3
Several in vivo models also provide evidence for adverse effects of activation since cytosolic caspase-3 activity is increased in
zinc deficiency in the whole animal.6,40 In particular, apoptosis zinc-deficient cells, while known inhibitors of caspase-3 (that is,
was shown to play an important role in the loss of precursor lym- z-DEVD-fmk) can partially suppress apoptosis, albeit at high
phocytes (lymphopenia) during zinc deficiency in mice.41 Con- concentrations. Interestingly, there is also evidence in vivo where
versely, there are also instances where addition of zinc can mark- zinc deficiency induced apoptosis in rat embryos was associated
edly increase apoptosis. Paramanantham et al used in vitro flow with increased caspase-3 activity.47 Many authors maintain that
cytometric studies to show that addition of zinc salts caused cell it is only the activation of caspase-3, which is the important de-
condensation and DNA fragmentation and suggested that zinc terminant as to whether a cell succumbs to apoptosis following
could enhance the generation of hydroxyl free radicals, results zinc deficiency. An interesting study by Chimienti et al demon-
which imply that zinc supplementation could induce features re- strated by western blot analysis that zinc depletion induced a strong
sembling apoptosis.42 Recently another group suggested that zinc activation of both caspase-3 and -8, but only a weak activation of
induces both necrosis and apoptosis in Molt-4 cells without caspase-9,48 which as suggested earlier may have resulted from
caspase-3 activation.43 Collectively however, all the data currently retroactivation by other caspases (Fig. 2). However, since the pro-
suggest that appropriate zinc homeostasis is essential to prevent teolytic processing and activation of effector caspases like caspase-3
apoptosis. However, we must appreciate that although generally is dependent on other caspases such as capase-8, -9 and caspase-6,
accepted to be a potent inhibitor of apoptosis, zinc can act as a these proteases should theoretically also be targeted during zinc
double-edged sword, where depending on its concentration and deficiency. Another study established that zinc depletion from
cell context, addition or depletion can induce apoptosis the use of chelators induced translocation of cytochrome c from
Several studies investigating zinc homeostasis imply that there the mitochondria with subsequent activation of caspases-3, -8
is a labile or exchangeable pool of intracellular zinc that is impor- and –9,49 thus it may be interesting for future experimentation if
tant in the regulation of apoptosis. Many have challenged this apical mediators of apoptosis are targeted by zinc depletion. One
hypothesis and suggest that this labile pool of zinc only consti- other possible target of zinc is caspase-6 which as stated earlier is
tutes a small part of the total cellular zinc, since most of the zinc also known to cleave and activate the proform of caspase-3. How-
in cells is tightly complexed to metalloenzymes and is not readily ever, studies have demonstrated that caspase-6 activation was typi-
accessible.44 Zinquin, a zinc-specific intracellular fluorophore has cally secondary to caspase-3 processing.50 Nevertheless, what ap-
been used to detect labile intracellular zinc. It is easily taken up pears clear from all these experiments is that the addition of zinc
by living cells and is retained intracellularly for several hours. It is salts following zinc deficiency can only effectively prevent late
essentially nonfluorescent until it is complexed with zinc. Zalewski stages of apoptosis such as DNA fragmentation, but appear rela-
et al investigated the subcellular localization of zinc using fluo- tively inefficient at inhibiting early events such as caspase activa-
rescence microscopy and suggested that zinc was largely restricted tion. Another question which warrants addressing is how impor-
to the extranuclear regions.45 However, zinquin probably only tant is the contribution of caspases to apoptosis potentiated by
detects the less tightly complexed zinc in cells, which would in- zinc deficiency? Given the limitation of most in vitro systems
clude free zinc and that which is loosely associated with cellular that are currently employed, several groups have made use of
proteins and lipids. The major pool of cellular zinc that is very gene-targeting techniques to generate mice that are deficient in
tightly bound to the active sites of enzymes and in zinc finger specific caspases to determine their physiological function.
transcription factors may not be available for interaction with Caspase-3-null mice have a perinatal lethality (though this is
zinquin. Therefore, interpretation as to which of the subcellular strictly strain dependent) and exhibit altered morphological and
pools of zinc are important in the suppression of apoptosis obvi- biochemical features when undergoing apoptosis.51 Various cell
ously requires more experimental evidence particularly in under- types such as mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) from these mice
standing the interactions between zinc and known apoptotic regu- and other examples of caspase knockout mice challenged with
lators in these subcellular pools. zinc chelators such as TPEN may give us a better understanding
The precise step in the apoptosis signaling cascade that is sen- of the apoptotic pathways involved following zinc deficiency.
sitive to fluxes in zinc levels remains elusive, however there is a Important modulators of many apoptotic programs are the
growing body of evidence that points us in the direction of some members of the Bcl-2 family of anti-apoptotic proteins and dis-
of the putative targets of zinc in apoptosis. From a historical pro- turbances in the ratio of these proteins are indicative of whether a
spective, zinc was first shown to be an effective inhibitor of the cell is prone to die. Fukamachi and colleagues showed that zinc
endonuclease responsible for DNA fragmentation and indeed supplementation increased the Bcl-2/Bax ratio in the U937 mono-
following zinc deficiency it was this Ca/Mg-dependent enzyme cytic cell line, thereby increasing their resistance to cell death.34
that was targeted. The first evidence that zinc may affect other At this time, it has yet to be determined whether Bcl-2 levels are
Apoptosis by Zinc Deficiency 269

compromised following zinc deficiency, Ahn and colleagues have Conclusion and Perspective
speculated that Bcl-2 is not involved in apoptosis potentiated by This chapter has attempted to address the current research of
zinc deficiency, at least in their model of zinc-depleted induced how apoptosis can be potentiated by zinc deficiency. While re-
neuronal apoptosis.52 However, since these observations only in- search into the various mechanisms of apoptosis is at the fore-
corporated over-expression studies of Bcl-2, it is difficult to rec- front of scientific research, recognized with the 2002 Nobel Prize
oncile whether levels of Bcl-2 are truly an important determinant for Medicine awarded for contributions to the apoptosis field,
as to the outcome of zinc-depleted apoptosis. Nevertheless, oth- research into the cellular biology of zinc, its homeostasis and ef-
ers have speculated that the comparable phenotypes of Bcl-2 fects on apoptosis are still ambiguous. Clearly the best evidence
knockout mice to the zinc deficient mouse model (including, comes from the use of animal models and primary cells. Though
massive apoptotic involution of the thymus and spleen associ- nonetheless important to our understanding, in vitro studies are
ated with depletion of CD4+ T cells and growth retardation) are problematic in that it has been difficult to distinguish the physi-
not simply coincidental similarities.8 Another modulator of ological effects from the pharmacological and toxicological ef-
apoptosis is p53. A recent study by Fanzo et al indicated that fects of addition/suppression of zinc and the fact that immortal-
stress response genes, such as p53, are altered by zinc status. Here, izing events associated with cell line cultures usually involve
normal human bronchial epithelial cells cultured in zinc-deficient inactivation of the ARF-p53 tumor suppressor pathway, a path-
media resulted in elevated levels of both p53 mRNA and protein, way that has many ramifications on apoptosis. The utilization of
results which suggest that reductions in zinc may trigger the DNA cells from knock-out mouse models of apoptosis would help to
damage pathway to promote apoptosis.53 p53 is activated by a define and dissect out what the important mediators are in the
diverse number of signals that stress the cell, including apoptotic response following zinc deficiency. Furthermore, the
hyperproliferation, hypoxia, and DNA damage.54 Normally p53 development of better methods to assess intracellular zinc defi-
levels and function are harnessed by Mdm2,55 which programs ciency, coupled with the identification of which intracellular
p53 for destruction by initiating p53 ubiquitination and shut- pool(s) of zinc are important in mediating suppression of apoptosis
tling it to the cytosol for degradation by the proteasome. 56 Sig- is required.
nals that activate p53 disrupt this interaction, by inducing phos- One of the current challenges is to understand how regulators
phorylation of p5357,58 and/or Mdm2,59 or by inducing the ARF of the apoptosis pathway cooperate with metals such as zinc.
nucleolar tumor suppressor, which binds to and inhibits Mdm2 Adequate zinc levels are crucial for normal human development
functions.60,61 The net result is stabilization of p53 and activa- since clinical studies have revealed that the effects of even a mod-
tion of its transcription functions. In turn, p53 either induces G1 erate degree of zinc deficiency may be profound. Therefore, from
arrest by inducing transcription of the cyclin-dependent kinase a therapeutic perspective the ability to target a specific apoptotic
(cdk) inhibitor p21Cip1, allowing time for DNA repair, or elimi- pathway may ultimately prove to be a superior measure to mere
nates cells by triggering apoptosis. p53-induced apoptosis is zinc supplementation for individuals harboring clinical signs of
thought to occur through its ability to induce pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 zinc deficiency (such as those individuals with Acrodermatitis
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Acetylation 11, 12, 29, 139-141, 145, 160, 169, 170, 176, Corepressor 134, 136, 139-142, 144, 145, 151, 154, 159,
183, 184, 187, 188, 201, 232, 236, 247-249, 254-256 169, 176, 185, 187, 222, 248
Aiolos 200-203 Crystal structure 3, 5, 15, 17, 22, 31, 35-37, 44, 47-49, 68,
Amino acid mutation 16, 81 91, 95, 96, 121, 122, 125, 129, 130, 134, 136, 141,
Androgen receptor 169, 171, 232-235 175, 176, 185-187, 197, 233, 244
Apoptosis 39, 44, 76-78, 106, 107, 110, 116-118, 134, Cysteine aspartate specific protease (Caspase) 235,
138, 141-144, 157, 171, 175, 178, 188, 217, 235, 252, 266-268
254, 258, 265-269
AreA 26-29 D
Arginine 9, 24, 33, 41, 52, 66, 69-71, 87, 93, 96, 129,
Damage recognition 239, 244
183, 216, 242
Deficiency 100, 144, 201-203, 239, 244, 262, 263, 265,
B 266, 268, 269
Development 7, 18, 29, 43, 56, 67, 78, 80, 88, 89, 99, 100,
Basonuclin 2 211, 212 101, 109, 116, 117, 121, 134, 138, 139, 141, 151,
Bcl-2 76, 266, 268, 269 152, 154, 160, 162, 171, 174, 177-179, 182, 183,
Bcl-6 134-136, 141-145 186-190, 195, 196, 200, 202-205, 208, 209, 212, 213,
BRCA1 107, 154 216-218, 221-227, 232, 250, 252, 254, 262, 265, 266,
Brg-1 203 269
BTB 134-142, 144, 145, 156, 157, 165 Differentiation 7, 27, 76, 78, 79, 99, 106, 107, 109, 110,
117, 134, 138-144, 156, 160-162, 171, 172, 177-179,
C 182, 187-190, 200-205, 207, 209, 210, 213, 219,
Cys2His2 (C2H2) zinc finger 1, 4, 5, 7-12, 14, 15, 20, 23, 221-227, 232, 258, 259, 265, 266
39-43, 47, 52, 66-71, 76-78, 80, 131, 134, 135, 137, Dimerization 5, 11, 28, 43, 51, 100, 109, 110, 122,
141, 142, 144, 151, 154, 156, 158-162, 164, 165, 168, 124-126, 129, 135, 136, 139, 141, 144, 157-159, 162,
174, 175, 177, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216, 218 165, 202, 233
CAG repeat 168, 235 Distance determinant 35, 37, 38
Cardiogenesis 223, 224 DNA binding 1-5, 7-12, 16-18, 20, 22-24, 26, 28, 29, 33,
Catalytic domain 35-38, 250 37-40, 42-44, 47, 48, 51, 56, 59, 60, 66-68, 72, 73,
Catalytic subunit 121, 122, 124, 125, 128 76, 78, 89, 91, 137, 139, 140, 142, 144, 152, 154,
Cell cycle 23, 43, 76, 107, 109, 110, 117, 118, 134, 138, 156, 159-163, 170, 174-177, 179, 182-189, 195, 196,
141, 142, 144, 145, 151, 188, 203-205, 254, 258, 265, 198, 200-204, 213, 216-218, 226, 232-234, 236, 241,
266 243, 244, 247, 249, 254, 255
Cell proliferation 39, 76, 78, 79, 109, 121, 171, 178, 188, DNA-binding domain (DBD) 3-5, 16, 20-24, 26-29, 35-37,
190, 212, 217, 218, 252, 254, 258, 269 47, 50, 51, 182, 183, 233, 234, 236
Cell survival 44, 121, 156 DNA glycosylase 31, 34
Chromatin remodeling 23, 29, 47, 109, 136, 169, 176, 183, DNA recognition 1-5, 16, 17, 20, 22, 26, 32, 36, 43, 44,
184, 200, 201, 205 48, 49, 51, 52, 136, 196
Chromatin structure 51, 52, 136, 153, 183, 186, 222, 247 DNA repair 43, 188, 198, 239, 269
Coactivator 114, 118, 161, 162, 169, 170, 176, 184, 185, DNase I footprint 16, 17, 59, 211
187, 222, 232, 234, 249 Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) 66, 67, 76-78
Combinatorial regulation 185, 186 Drug design 39, 43, 44
Coordination chemistry 41, 43, 44 dsRBP-ZFa 67, 77, 78
274 Zinc Finger Proteins From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

E3 ubiquitin ligase 106, 107, 109, 110, 163, 253 Ikaros 11, 12, 200-205
Effector domain (ED) 47, 50-52, 116, 137, 267 Imprinting 12
Endocytosis 101, 131, 262, 263 Inhibition of cell growth 78
Endoderm 27, 221, 223-227
Endonuclease 32, 35-37, 267, 268 J
Endosome 128-132, 263 Just another zinc finger protein (JAZ) 67, 77, 78
Enigma 100-102
Equilibrium binding 56, 57, 59, 60, 62 K
Estrogen-responsive finger protein (Efp) 107, 109, 110
Evolutionary conservation 174, 223 κB-mediated transcription 218
Exonuclease III 16, 17, 32 Kaiso 12, 136, 139, 144, 145
KAP-1 151-154
F Kennedy’s disease 234
Keratinocyte 139, 144, 207-212
Folding 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 17, 40-42, 59, 62, 71, 80, 92, 94, 97, Kidney development 178
103, 122, 141, 153, 223, 233, 235, 247 KRAB domain 109, 151-154, 156, 159, 161, 163-165
Formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase (Fpg) 31
Leukemia 99, 106, 107, 110, 116, 117, 119, 134, 137-141,
GAGA 9, 20-24, 135, 136 177-179, 187, 189, 190, 203, 204, 218, 226, 248, 249,
GATA 20, 23, 26-29, 39, 103, 117, 138, 142, 143, 221-227, 268
241, 242, 249 LIM-homeodomain (LIM-HD) 99-104, 140, 176, 222, 248
Gene cluster 29, 161, 213 LIM-only (LMO) 99, 100, 104
Gene duplication 2, 8, 15, 29, 164 Linker 2, 3, 7, 8, 10-12, 14-18, 24, 35-38, 51, 52, 66, 68,
Gene silencing 142, 145, 151, 153, 154 70, 77, 78, 87, 93, 101, 102, 136, 151, 171, 175, 204,
Gene transcription 1, 11, 29, 44, 67, 81, 99, 109, 117, 216, 239, 240, 242, 255
136, 141, 168-171, 185, 187, 189, 190, 217, 218, 233, Lymphocyte development 189, 213
235, 265, 266 Lymphoma 76, 106, 119, 134, 141, 143, 144, 190, 203,
Glomerular nephropathy 179 204, 214, 218
Glomerular sclerosis 177, 178
Growth regulation 139 M
H Male-female sex reversal 177, 178
MDM2 76, 107, 118, 218, 252-259, 269
Hair follicle 207, 209, 210 Membrane trafficking 128, 131
HAT 170, 184, 248-250 Methylation 11, 12, 17, 144, 145, 153, 183, 184, 186, 187,
Heart 27, 109, 117, 143, 151, 154, 178, 221, 223, 224, 201
226, 227 Mi-2 201, 203
Hematopoiesis 139, 177, 179, 221-223 Miz-1 134, 145
Heterochromatin 23, 151, 153, 159, 203, 204 Modular design 1, 2
Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) 151, 153, 159 Motor neuron disease 232, 234
HIC-1 136, 144 Multiwavelength anomalous diffraction 31
Histone modification 183, 197, 201, 247, 250 Mutation 11, 16, 23, 27, 28, 31, 58, 59, 61, 69-71, 76, 84,
HIV 4, 41, 44, 50, 52, 67, 69-71, 109, 117, 184, 189, 213, 86, 87, 92-97, 100-102, 107, 109-111, 136, 139, 141,
214, 216, 217, 248, 249, 266 152, 168, 177, 178, 190, 202, 203, 217, 222, 224,
Holoenzyme 124, 125 226, 233-235, 240, 244, 249, 257, 261
Homeostasis 134, 141, 169, 178, 200, 203, 261, 262, 265, MutM 31-34
266, 268, 269 MYST family of acetylase 247
Homing 35-37 MZF1 158, 160-163
Human genome 1, 2, 4, 47, 51, 52, 66, 81, 128, 134, 151,
156, 157, 159, 164, 195, 261
Huntingtin 168-171
Hydrophobic interaction 7, 9, 11, 21, 114, 115, 121, 123,
124, 233
Hzf 78
Index 275

N-terminal extension 20-23, 135 5S ribosomal RNA (5S rRNA) 14, 15, 56-63, 67-70, 177,
Nitric oxide (NO) 31, 39, 43, 44 195-198, 258
NMR 3, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22, 26, 29, 40, 43, 52, 58, 60, 72, 7S RNP 1, 5, 14, 15, 56, 57, 67, 197, 198
73, 82, 89, 100, 103, 115-118, 175, 239, 240 26S rRNA domain 94
Nuclear export 15, 18, 86, 87, 139, 168, 197, 252, 256, Rab GTPase 131
257 RBCC 108-111, 152
Nuclear localization 4, 14, 15, 51, 76-78, 81, 86, 87, 139, rDNA 94, 210, 211
145, 160, 168, 169, 175, 176, 183, 198, 200, 208, Receptor sorting 132
216, 233, 234, 236, 252, 256, 257 Recognition code 3, 22, 47-49, 51, 72
Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) 102, 239-243 Redox reaction 40, 42, 44
Nuclease footprinting 61, 62 Regulation 3, 4, 11, 12, 26, 28, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 51-53,
Nucleolar localization 252 56, 57, 66, 76-78, 81, 90, 99, 107-111, 116, 117, 121,
Nucleosome interaction 197 122, 124, 125, 130, 131, 134, 138-143, 145, 153, 156,
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) 239, 242, 244 160, 175, 176, 179, 183-188, 195-198, 200-202, 204,
NuRD 151, 153, 159, 201, 203 205, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216-219, 222, 223, 226, 232,
234, 248, 257, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268
O Regulatory subunit 109, 110, 121, 123-126, 128, 198
8-oxoguanine (GO) 31-33 Replication protein A (RPA) 239, 240, 244
Oncogenesis 99, 106, 107, 121, 189, 190, 217 Rev protein 69
Oxidative damage 31, 42 Ribosome 14, 56, 57, 66, 67, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97, 195, 197,
198, 258
P Ribosome biosynthesis 195, 197
RING finger 39, 106-111, 152, 252, 253, 256, 257, 259
p43 18, 56, 57, 60-63, 67-69, 72, 197 RNA binding 52, 56, 60-63, 66-73, 77, 78, 83-87, 89, 90,
p53 43, 44, 52, 67, 76-78, 107, 116-118, 144, 145, 169, 96, 176, 177, 195, 197, 249
176, 190, 218, 252-259, 269 RNA binding protein 14, 62, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 78, 89,
p53 target 52, 76 177
pag608 76, 78 RNA conformation 89
Particularly interesting new Cys-His (PINCH) 100, 102-104 RNA polymerase III 1, 14, 56, 195-197
Paxillin 100-102
Phage display 3, 11, 48, 49, 52, 66, 68-70, 72, 73 S
Phagosome 128-131
PHD 108, 109, 114, 128, 129, 153, 247, 250 7S storage particle 14
Phosphoinositide 128, 129 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 28, 52, 91-95, 121, 123, 128,
Phosphorylation 11, 12, 77, 90, 101, 121, 125, 128, 129, 134, 165, 168, 196-198, 261-263
131, 139, 140, 142, 160, 170, 174, 184, 187, 198, SCAN 151, 154, 156-165
201, 204, 205, 208, 216-218, 232, 255, 269 SCAN domain 151, 156-165
PI 3-kinase 128, 129 SCAND1 158, 161, 162
Plasma cell 142, 187, 203 Schnurri 213-219
PLZF 110, 134-141, 144, 145 Sclerosis 177, 178
Pol III 14, 18 Separated-paired C2H2 zinc finger 8
Polyglutamine 20, 24, 168-171, 232, 234-236 Separated-paired zinc finger 8, 11
Position effect variegation (PEV) 151, 204 Sequence repeat 15
POZ 20, 24, 134, 139, 156, 157, 165 Sequence specific DNA (ssDNA) binding 20, 139, 249
Proliferation 39, 76, 78, 79, 109, 121, 143, 161, 171, 178, Signal transduction 39, 43, 107, 116, 131, 134, 213, 217,
179, 188, 190, 203, 208, 210, 212, 213, 217-219, 221, 218, 255, 263, 265, 267
223, 227, 252, 254, 258, 265, 269 Site-directed mutagenesis 3, 5, 22, 31, 68, 69, 73
Protein kinase CK2 121 Solution NMR 20
Protein-DNA interaction 17, 37, 40, 66, 158, 195, 196 Splicing factor 67, 176
Protein-protein interaction 37, 38, 43, 99, 100, 109, Squamous epithelia 207, 209, 210
114-118, 123, 126, 132, 134, 135, 137, 141, 145, 153, Swi/Snf 201, 203
157, 159, 160, 169, 170, 175, 184-186, 188, 189, 196,
202, 216, 234, 248
276 Zinc Finger Proteins From Atomic Contact to Cellular Function

TGF-β pathway 218 X chromosome 233, 247, 248
Thermus thermophilus (Tt) 31, 91 Xenobiotic 39, 41-43
Three-dimensional structure 1, 4, 5, 14, 15, 17, 20, 31, 36, Xenopus oocytes 1, 14, 67, 77, 187, 196, 198
42, 63, 86, 95, 97, 102, 106, 114, 115, 234 XPA 43, 239-244
Thymocyte differentiation 219 XPC 244
TIF1β 109, 151-154, 159
TNF-α pathway 213 Y
TPEN 263, 268 Yeast ribosomal protein YL37a 91
Transcription 1, 3, 4, 7-9, 11, 14-16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26-29, Yin Yang 1 (YY1) 9, 11, 117, 182-190
39, 42-44, 47, 49-52, 56, 57, 66, 67, 71, 77, 80, 81,
94, 99, 100, 103, 106, 107, 109-111, 114-118, 123, Z
126, 131, 134, 136-139, 141-145, 151, 152, 154,
156-160, 162-165, 168-171, 175-179, 182-190, ZAS 11, 213-219
195-198, 201, 204, 207, 209-213, 216-218, 221-223, ZBRK1 154
226, 232-236, 239, 241, 247, 248, 252, 255, 258, 262, ZFR 78
265, 266, 268, 269 Zif268 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 17, 21, 47-52, 71-73
Transcription activation 176, 186, 196, 198, 234 Zinc 1-5, 7-12, 14-18, 20-23, 26-29, 31-44, 47-52, 56, 57,
Transcription factor 1, 3, 4, 7-9, 14, 15, 18, 20, 23, 26-29, 59-63, 66-73, 76-78, 80, 81, 84-86, 89, 91-97,
39, 43, 44, 47, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57, 67, 66, 80, 81, 99, 99-104, 106, 107, 110, 114-118, 121-126, 128, 131,
103, 107, 109, 114-118, 123, 126, 134, 136, 138, 141, 132, 134-142, 144, 145, 151-154, 156, 158-165, 168,
156-160, 162, 164, 165, 168-171, 175-179, 182, 183, 171, 174-179, 182, 185-187, 195-198, 200, 202, 204,
185-187, 195, 196, 201, 207, 210-213, 217, 218, 205, 207-219, 221, 222, 226, 232-234, 239-244,
221-223, 226, 232, 234-236, 239, 241, 248, 258, 268 247-250, 252, 261-263, 265-269
Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) 1-5, 7-10, 14-18, 20, 23, Zinc binding 5, 18, 20, 23, 27, 40-42, 44, 92, 93, 97, 100,
39-43, 52, 56-63, 67-70, 72, 177, 195-198, 250 103, 114, 115, 117, 121-124, 126, 240, 252, 261
Transcription initiation 14, 15, 18, 123, 183, 185, 195-197, Zinc coordination 39-44, 70, 78, 100, 240
232, 233, 262 Zinc finger 1-5, 7-12, 14-18, 20-23, 26, 28, 29, 31-44,
Transcriptional regulation 26, 47, 51, 76, 90, 109, 116, 47-52, 56, 57, 59-63, 66-73, 76-78, 80, 81, 84-86, 89,
117, 170, 175, 176, 179, 183-187, 201, 204, 205, 217, 91-97, 99-104, 106, 107, 110, 114, 122-124, 126, 128,
218 131, 132, 134-142, 144-149, 151-154, 156, 158-165,
Transcriptional repression 135-137, 139-142, 144, 145, 168, 171, 174-179, 182, 185-187, 195-198, 200, 202,
159, 162, 163, 169, 175, 176, 182, 184, 189 204, 205, 207-219, 221, 222, 226, 232-234, 239-242,
Transport 14, 161, 212, 235, 236, 247, 256 247-250, 252, 268, 269
Treble clef 36-39 Zinc finger motif 2, 3, 7, 15, 26, 31-34, 47, 52, 76-78, 80,
TRIM 108-110 84, 91-97, 99, 106, 114, 122, 124, 137, 139, 144, 145,
Tripartite motif 108 151, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 171, 241, 249
Zinc finger protein 1, 3, 5, 7-9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20,
U 39-44, 47, 56, 57, 60, 61, 66-72, 76-78, 80, 91, 134,
136, 137, 139, 144, 145, 151-154, 156, 159, 162-165,
Ubiquitin 106, 107, 109-111, 131, 136, 140, 160, 163, 168, 171, 174, 177, 179, 182, 197, 207, 212, 248
187, 188, 232, 235, 252-254, 257, 263 Zinc finger RNA binding 78
Uptake 42, 232, 261-263 Zinc ribbon motif 95, 121-126
V Zinc specificity 42
Zinquin 268
Vertebrate specific 164, 165 ZNF174 156-159, 161, 163
Viral infection 52, 121, 189, 190 ZNF197 158, 159, 161, 163
ZNF202 157, 158, 161-163
W Zyxin 99-102
Wig-1 67, 76-79
Wilms tumor 174, 177, 178

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