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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Mohammad Saleem Wani

M.Sc, NET, Ph. D
D.O.B: 3th January 1986,
[email protected]
Cell No. +91 7780928797

Permanent address

Stadium Colony Baramulla

Aim – Baramulla
J & K, India.
Nationality: Indian


To carry out research and acquire knowledge for becoming an efficient and dedicated researcher
and an integral part of scientific community, so as to become capable of doing something
constructive towards the welfare of mankind. I firmly believe and practice the process called
learning which alone can push forward me to my desired goal.

Educational qualifications

 Masters in Botany
 Ph. D in Reproductive biology, Molecular, and Phytochemical analysis (2015-2018)
 Title: “Reproductive biology, genetic diversity and phytochemical analysis of Betula
utilis D. Don from North West Himalaya”.
Fellowships and Grants Received

 Received Junior Research Fellowship from Ministry of Environment, New Delhi (2010-
 Received Junior Research Fellowship from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New
Delhi (2014-2015).
Honors and Achievements

 Qualified CSIR-NET in 2010 with AIR rank of 156

Invited Manuscript review activity

1. Journal of Applied Research on Elsevier

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
3. International Journal of Food Taylor & Francis
4. Evidence-Based Complementary and Hindawi
Alternative Medicine
5. Phytomedicine Elsevier
6. Plant Genetic Resources Cambridge University
7. Journal of Applied Research on Elsevier
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
8. Plant Genetic Resources Cambridge University


 Attended a 3 day workshop on Reproductive Biology of Flowering Plants for their

Conservation and Improvement Sponsored by Department of Science and Technology
Ministry of Science and Technology and University of Delhi.
 Basic Molecular Techiques in Biological Research-Oct, 2019, Punjabi University Patiala.

Teaching experience

01-09-2017 Assistant Professor 2 Years

Govt. Mohindra College, Patiala Punjab
05-09-2020 Assistant Professor
Govt. Degree College, Surankote TILL DATE


1. Sharma, N., Singh, B., Wani, M.S.,* Gupta, R.C., Habeeb, Talaat H. 2021.
Determination of the Volatile Composition in Essential Oil of Azadirachta indica A. Juss
from different areas of North Indian Plains by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
(GC/MS). 11, 73-82.
2. Tantray, Y.R., Wani, M.S., Saroj Kumar., Hamid, Maroof., Singhal, V.K., Gupta, R.C.,
Talaat H. Habeeb. 2021. Morphological, cytological and phytochemical studies in
naturally occurring diploid and tetraploid populations of Physochlaina praealta from
high altitudes of Trans‑Himalaya. 33:567–577.
3. Sharma, N., Singh, B., Wani, M.S.,* Gupta, R.C., Habeeb, Talaat H. 2020.
Morphological, Cytological, and Chemotypic Variation of Essential Oils in Syzygium
cumini (L.) Skeels". 10: 602-608
4. Wani, M.S., Hamid, M., Tantray, Y.R., Gupta, R.C., Munshi, A.H. and Singh, V.
(2020). In vitro pollen germination of Betula utilis, a typical tree line species in
Himalayas. South African Journal of Botany. 131: 214-221
5. Sharma, N., Singh, B., Bhatia, A., Gupta, R.C. and Wani, M.S. (2020) . Morphological
and cytogenetic analysis of different cytotypes of Boerhaavia diffusa L. and their
evaluation for biological activity. Advances in Traditional Medicine (2020). DOI
6. Wani, M. S., Gupta, R. C., Munshi, A. H., & Sharma, V. (2018). Development and
Characterization of SSR Markers in Himalayan Species Betula utilis. Journal of
Forestry Research. pp. 1-8.
7. Wani, M. S., Gupta, R. C., Munshi, A. H., & Sharma, V. (2018). Genetic Diversity and
Structure of Betula utilis Accessions of North-western Himalaya Based on RAPD and
ISSR Markers. The Nucleus, 61(2), 145-152.
8. Wani, M. S., Gupta, R. C., Munshi, A. H. & Saroj Kumar. (2018). Estimation of Four
Triterpenoids, Betulin, Lupeol, Oleanolic Acid, and Betulinic Acid, from Bark, Leaves,
and Roots of Betula utilis D. Don Using a Validated High Performance Thin-Layer
Chromatographic Method. Journal of Planar Chromatography, 31(3): 220- 229.
9. Wani, M.S., Gupta, R.C., Munshi, A.H. & Pradhan, S.K. (2018). Phytochemical
screening, total phenolics, flavonoid content and antioxidant potential of different parts of
Betula utilis D. Don from Kashmir Himalaya. International Journal of Pharmaceutial
Sciences and Research, 9(6): 2411-2417.
10. Sharma, V., Wani, M. S., Singh, V., Kaur, K., & Gupta, R. C. (2017). Development and
Characterization of Novel Microsatellite Markers in Trillium govanianum: A Threatened
Plant Species from North-Western Himalaya. 3 Biotech, 7(3), 190.
11. Tantray, Y. R., Wani, M. S., & Hussain, A. Genus Quercus: An Overview. (2017).
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, 6(8), 1880-
12. Kaur, K., Sharma, V., Singh, V., Wani, M. S., & Gupta, R. C. (2016). Development of
Novel SSR Markers for Evaluation of Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in
Tribulus terrestris L.(Zygophyllaceae). 3 Biotech, 6(2), 156.
13. Wani, M. S., Hussain, A., Yaqoob, U., Wani, A. M., & Munshi, A. H. (2016).
Distribution Pattern, Population Density, Phenological Episodes and Morphometric
Analysis of Salix babylonica. Research & Reviews: Journal of Botany, 2(3), 5-11.
14. Lone, A. H., Lal, E. P., Munshi, A. H., Wani, M. S., Mir, Z. A., Malik, Z. A and Jan, N.
Distribution pattern, Population Density and Conservation by Vegetative Propagation of
Ulmus villosa in Temperate Conductions of Kashmir. The Bioscience 2016; 11: 2471-
15. Lone, A. H., Lal, E. P., Ganie, S. A., Wani, M. S., Khare, A. Effect of Sewage and
Tubewell Water on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Vegetables. Asian
Journal of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2016; 6: 2231-2560.
16. Wani, M. S., Hussain, A., Ganie, S. A., Munshi, A. H., Lal, E. P., & Gupta, R. C. (2016).
Juglans regia–A Review. International Journal of Latest Research in Science and
Technology, 5(1): 90-97.
17. Lone, A. H., Ganie, S. A., Wani, M. S and Munshi, A. H. Wind Pollination: A Review.
International Journal of Modern Plant & Animal Sciences, 2015, 3(1): 45-53.
18. Wani, A. M., & Wani, M. S. (2014). Study on Heritability and Genetic Gain in Plus Tree
Families of Bauhinia variegata L. in Western Himalayas. International Journal, 2(8),
19. Wani, M. S., Lone, A. H., Yaqoob, U., Munshi, A. H., Wani, A. M., & Ganie, S. A.
(2014). Effect of Altitude on the Morpho-phenological Parameters of Juglans regia L.
from Different Sites of Kashmir Himalaya. International Journal, 2(7), 97-110.
20. Lone, A. H., Lal, E. P., Thakur, S., Ganie, S. A., Wani, M. S., Khare, A. & Wani, F. A.
(2013). Accumulation of Heavy Metals on Soil and Vegetable Crops Grown on Sewage
and Tube Well Water Irrigation. Scientific Research and Essays, 8(44), 2187-2193.
21. Wani, M. S., Munshi, A. H., Gupta, R.C & A. H., Lone, A. H. (2013). Betula L. A
wonder plant: Taxonomy, Reproductive Biology and Medicinal uses. International
Journal of Research in Biological Sciences, 3(2): 93-97.
22. A. H, Lone., Lal, E. P., Munshi, A. H., Wani, M. S., Ramteke, P. W., Mir, Z. A., Ganie,
S.A. & Malik, Z. A. (2013). Vegetative and Reproductive Phenophases in Aesculus
indica Colebr at Different Altitudes in Temperate Kashmir Valley. Annals of Plant and
Soil Research 19(1): 80 – 84.

Book chapters

1. A. H, Lone., Wani, M. S., Bhat, N. A., Munshi, A. H. & Lal, E. P. (2006). Ecology and
Distribution Pattern of Platanus orientalis L. in Kashmir Himalaya. Conserving
Biological Diversity: A Multiscaled Approach, 321-332.
2. Betula: Ecology and Uses (Nova Science Publishers).
Wani, M. S, Younas Rasheed, Gupta, R.C, Ishrat Jaan
3. Genus Lactuca-Its Uses and Cultivation (Nova Science Publishers).
Wani, M. S, Younas Rasheed, Gupta, R.C, Ishrat Jaan.


Betula utilis Don: Reproductive biology and genetic diversity of Betula utilis: High-
elevational medicinal plant of Kashmir Himalaya. In Lambert Academic Publishing.
ISBN-13: 978-6200532176

In Press

1. Mohammad Saleem Wani, Nazir Ahmed Malik, Naseema Akbar Wani and Younas
Rasheed Tantray. Phytoremediation Potential of medicinal and aromatic. In: Aftab, T.
and Hakeem, K.H. (eds). Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Healthcare and Industrial
applications. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG.
2. Naseema Akbar Wani, Younas Rasheed Tantray, Mohammad Saleem Wani and
Nazir Ahmed Malik. The Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal Plant Resources.
In: Aftab, T. and Hakeem, K.H. (eds). Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Healthcare and
Industrial applications. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG.
3. Mohammad Saleem Wani, Younas Rasheed Tantray, Nazir Ahmad Malik,
Mohammad Irfan Dar and Tawseef Ahmad. Microbial bioremediation of
Pesticides/Herbicides in soil. In: Dar, G.H et al (eds.) Microbiota and biofertilizers
Vol II. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG.
4. Nazir Ahmad Malik, Jitender Kumar, Mohammad Saleem Wani, Younas Rasheed
Tantray and Tawseef Ahmad. Role of Mushrooms in the bioremediation of soil. In:
In: Dar, G.H et al (eds.) Microbiota and biofertilizers Vol II. Springer Nature,
Switzerland AG.
5. Nazir Ahmad Malik, Mohammad Saleem Wani, Naseema Aqbar Wani, Younas
Rasheed Tantary. Unravel the mystery of plant-microbe interactions. In: Pirzadah,
T.B, Hakeem, K.R. and Mushtaq, W. (eds.) Plant Microbe Dynamics: Issues and
Challenges. CRC Press, Taylors and Francis group.
6. Younas Rasheed Tantary, Naseema Aqbar Wani, Mohammad Saleem Wani, Nazir
Ahmad Malik and Ishrat Jan. Decipher the Plant microbe interactions through
Metabolomics. In: Pirzadah, T.B, Hakeem, K.R. and Mushtaq, W. (eds.). Plant
Microbe Dynamics: Issues and Challenges. CRC Press, Taylors and Francis group.
7. Younas Rasheed Tantary, Sofia sharief Khan, Ishrat jan and Mohammad Saleem
Wani. Fundamentals of Integrative medicine. In: Shanawaz, M., Dar, R.A., Jelani,
S.M. and Qazi, H.A. (eds.). Recent advances in the horizon of Integrative medicine.
Apple Academic Press, USA.
8. Younas Rasheed Tantray, Mohammad Saleem Wani, Ishrat jan, Naseema Aqbar
Wani and Nazir Ahmad Malik. Role of Wetlands in conservation of aquatic
9. Mohammad Saleem Wani, Nazir Ahmad Malik, Naseema Aqbar Wani, and Younas
Rasheed Tantary. Environmental Pollutants and Their Remediation Using Medicinal
and Aromatic Plants. In: T. Aftab, K. Hakeem (eds.). Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,
Springer Nature Switzerland.

Under Review
1. Phytochemical analysis and comparative HPTLC profiling of Saussurea obvallata
and Saussurea simpsoniana from North-West Himalaya (Journal of Planar
2. Assessment of chromosomal diversity, meiotic behavior and polyploidy in some wild
‘composits’ from high altitudinal regions of Kashmir Himalayas (Journal of King
3. Phytochemical variation in polyploid populations of Hyoscyamus pusillus from cold
desets of Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir) (Journal of Planar Chromatography).
4. Phytochemical studies for quantitative estimation of heraclenol in Heracleum
candicans Wall. ex DC. and Heracleum pinnatum C.B. Clarke. from high altitudes of
Trans-Himalaya (Journal of Planar Chromatography).
5. Intraspecific variability in anti-diabetic activity and UPLC quantification of oleanolic
acid from two morphotypes and three cytotypes of Achyranthes aspera. Journal of
Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plant
6. Optimization of Conditions for In Vitro Pollen Germination and Tube Growth in
Aesculus indica. South African Journal of Botany.

Conferences attended

1. Simultaneous Estimation of Four Triterpenoids, Betulin, Lupeol, Oleanolic Acid,

and Betulinic Acid, from Bark, Leaves, and Roots of Betula utilis D. Don Using a
Validated High Performance Thin-Layer Chromatographic Method. 2019. Plant
and Microbial Research: Present Scenario, Punjabi University Patiala.
2. Genus Quercus: An Overview. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances
in Engineering Science and Management, 2017. IETE Institute of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers, Chandigarh, India.
3. Development and Characterization of SSR Markers in Himalayan Birch (Betula
utilis D. Don). Biodiversity and Climate Change: Challenges abd Prospects, 2017.
Department of Environmental Sciences, Govt. S.A.M. Degree College, Budgam
(J & K).
4. Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Himalayan Endangered tree species Betula
utilis using RAPD and ISSR markers. Swarna Jayanti National Conference on
Biodiversity and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources, 2017. Department of
Botany, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
5. Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Himalayan Endangered tree species Betula
utilis using RAPD and ISSR markers. National Symposium on Evaluation and
Conservation of Plant Germplasm, 2017. Department of Botany, Punjabi
University Patiala.
6. Phytochemical Screening of Bark of Betula utilis D. Don. An Important
Medicinal Plant of Kashmir Himalaya. Basic and Applied Research in Plants and
Microbes, 2016. Department of Botany, Punjabi University Patiala.
7. Reproductive strategies of Betula utilis D. DON along the altitudinal gradients of
Kashmir Himalaya. 11th JK Science Congress, 2015. Scientific, Social &
Economic Dimensions of Climatic Changes. Department of Botany, University of
8. Climatic change and its impact on Flowering of Betula utilis D. Don growing in
Kashmir Himalaya. Environment and Human Health organized by National
Environmental Science Academy in association with Department of Botany,
Jamia Hamdard, 2012.
9. Distribution Patterns and Morphometric of Juglans regia at Different Altitudes of
Kashmir Himalaya. 8th J and K Science Congress 2012 on Science, Technology
and Regional Development: Opportunities and Challenges. University of Kashmir

1. Drug Discovery from Biodiversity: Targeting Iron. Department of Botany
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. June19th, 2020.
2. Establishing a Sustainable Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Institutions of
University of Kashmir. Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. June 24 th, 2020.
3. Forest, Environmement and Wildlife- Status and Development in the 21st
Century. Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and
Sciences. August 04, 2020.
1. Crop Residue Burning Management and Celebration of Green Diwali through
Plantation in the Campus. Swami Vivekanand Group of Institutes 24 Oct,

1. Dr. R. C. Gupta
Department of Botany
Punjabi University Patiala, India
E.mail: [email protected]
2. Dr. V. K. Singhal
Department of Botany
Punjabi University Patiala, India
E.mail: [email protected]
3. Dr. Vikas Sharma
Department of Botany
Punjabi University Patiala, India
E.mail: [email protected]

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