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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Aspects of Personal Development

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Personal Development – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Aspects of Personal Development
First Edition, 2019

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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Authors: Morena S. Dela Cruz, Maricel L. Bontigao, Lerma Regalado, Mary Grace C.
Editor: Name
Reviewers: Name
Illustrator: John Albert A. Rico and Robinson M. Alegre
Layout Artist: Name
Management Team: Dr. Darwin D. Bargo

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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Aspects of Personal Development
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and
reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and
or/universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to
email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of
Education at [email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

(To effectively implement all the activities like exercises, reflections, post assessment
tests, instructions were given for maximum attainment of the objectives of these
instructional materials and to draw success on the part of the learners.)

For the learner:

(This module is done with the intention of learners maximizing the use of all the
activities presented. Thus, learners are encouraged to read directions thoroughly and
carefully for the complete attainment of the objectives set for each unit. To provide
clear understanding on the part of the learners with regards to the activities,
exercises and/or performance tasks authors presented a clear overview for each
unit. Similarly, discussion of the important terminologies, concepts and/or ideas
regarding the competencies involved in each unit are well delivered)
What I Need to Know

This module was made and written to help you coping with stress which you
will encounter in your middle and late Adolescence period. The scope of this
module allows you to identify personal ways of coping for healthful living. It
discusses that understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may help
you in identifying ways to cope and have a healthful life. It also talks about the
sources of one’s stress and illustrates the effect of stress on one’s system. In
addition, this module demonstrates personal ways of coping with stress for
healthful living. The cause and effect of stress is also discussed to help you
identify what actions to be taken if these will occur. Various stress responses are
needed to be addressed through familiarizing with understanding the ways to
healthful living so that you could take right decision to cope with this devastating
and breaking down experiences. Having knowledge about this lesson may help you
manage the problems that this life may bring, and may not affect your performance
in whatever activity you are engaged in. The language used recognizes the needs of
the learners. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using

The content of this lesson is about “Coping with Stress in Middle and Late

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. discuss that understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may
help in identifying ways to cope and have a healthful life;
2. Identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the effect of stress on one’s
3. demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress for healthful living;
What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. The reaction of the mind and body to a stimulus that disturbs the
well-being, state of calm, or equilibrium of a person.
a. stress
b. response
c. hormones
d. mental health
2. Cortisol is better known as______.
a. stress hormone
b. adrenalin glands
c. hormones
d. cells
3. It is something that causes a state of strain or tension.
a. stressor
b. stress hormones
c. stimulus
d. nervous system
4. It is a simple reaction to an input that disturbs physical and mental
a. stress
b. emotion
c. depression
d. experience
5. Which one defines “Eustress”?
a. improves performance
b. causes anxiety
c. decreases performance
d. leads to mental problem.
6. Which does not refer to negative stress?
a. sleep problem
b. injury
c. retiring
d. loosing contact with someone
7. Answer with true or false. You can avoid stress.
a. Yes b. No
8. Stress and anxiety is the same thing.
a. True b. False
9. Being easily annoyed and usually irritable can be an emotional
warning sign of too much stress.
a. True b. False
10. Rethinking your expectation may help you cope up with stress.
a. True b. False
11. Stress is a term that has been linked to varied concepts and
a. True b. false
12. It is a stress that caused by situations that can bring life threatening
and life changing.
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational
13. It is a stress were the body reacts to a challenging situation
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational
14. It is a stress determined by person-environment fit.
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational
15. Which is not true in the following statements below?
a. In solving you problem learn to leave it tomorrow.
b. Stress is a stimulus.
c. Stress is an emotional response to the condition.
d. Stress may not give tension. It may only give depression.

Coping with Stress in Middle
5 and Late Adolescence

Stress is the condition that individual may feel when he/she is struggling to
accept changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. It may give tension
which will lead into various responses such as anger, frustration, and nervousness.
You can experience stress because of what the environment, situation, body and
thought produced.

Stress is a term that has been linked to varied concepts and operations. For
some researchers it is stimulus, for others it is an inferred inner state and for still
others it is an observable response to stimulus or situation. Thus the use of the
term is somewhat hazardous because of the lack of consensus that prevails in
stress research. (Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend, 1974).

Some other researchers prefer to use the term stressor to refer to events that
can cause stress, the organism’s biological and behavioral response to the stressor
(Davison & Neale, 1994, p.191)

To solve the problem, some researchers suggest to be more precise in our

usage of stress we must use stressor when talking about a cause of stress and the
word stress when talking about the response to stressor (Holmes, 1994, p.39).

Stress as Stimulus, Response and Stimuli

Stress as Stimulus

Aside from being a reaction (or response) stress is also a stimulus as well as
a relational condition between person and the situation they are in (Feist and
Rosenberg 2012)

-It is caused by situations that may be life threatening or life changing, such
as separation, moving into a new home, or having a new job. These situations or
events are often called stressors.

Stress as Response

It is the way the body reacts to challenging situations. This involve the
interaction between the hormones, glands, and nervous system where the
adrenalin glands drives the production of cortisol or better known as “Stress

To consider stress as a response to environmental conditions, defined on the

basis of such diverse criteria as emotional upset, deterioration of performance, or
physiological changes such as increased skin conductance or increases in the
levels of certain hormones (Apply & Trumball, 1967).
Stress as Relational

When a person is experiencing stress takes a step back to look at the

situation that is causing the stress and reflect on it.

Stress, then, is determined by person-environment fit. When a person’s

resources are more than adequate to deal with a difficult situation, he or she may
feel little stress. When the individual perceives that his or her resources will
probably be sufficient to deal with the event but only at the cost of great effort, he
or she may feel a moderate amount of stress. When the individual perceives that
his or her resources will probably not suffice to meet an environmental stressor, he
or she may experience a great deal of stress. Stress, then, results from the process
of appraising events (as harmful, threatening or challenging), of assessing potential
responses, and of responding to those events (Lazarus & Folkeman, 1984, p.19;
Taylor, 1999, p.169).

Momentary vs. Lasting Stress

Sometimes a stressful situation just lasts a moment — like getting through a

school play audition or making the foul shot that could win the game.

But life also can bring situations that might keep us stressed for a few days,
weeks, or months. Even if we're not always thinking about this stress, it can be like
a background soundtrack playing in our lives.

If you're like most people, you've faced these kinds of lasting stressful
situations. Feeling unprepared or unhappy about the situation increases the
stress. Stressful situations can wear us down over time. Finding ways to deal with
them can help us grow strong.

What’s In

Do you recall a situation or event where people cause you to lose your
control? How does it affect you?

List down inside the box the events or people that cause your stresses? On
the other box state your reaction about these.

Causes your stress Your Reaction

To illustrator, To illustrator,
Insert picture here that has Insert picture here that has
something to do with causes of something to do wiht reaction

Notes to the Teacher

The teacher should guide the learners to answer and accomplish
the tasks.
1. Ask the learner to identify the event or people that cause
his/her stress.
2. Lead the learner to list down the events or people that causes
their stresses.
3. In every situation that causes his/her stress let the student
write on the other box the reaction he/she did about the

What’s New

What is Stress?

Stress is simple a reaction to an input that disturbs our physical and mental
balance. It is ever present in everyone’s life. You are not exempted to experience
this emotion.

A stressful occasions and events may activate the responses, causing

hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol better known as “stress hormone” surge
through the body. This may give negative reactions and make the person

On the other hand, when a person felt excessive desirable moment and
beyond enjoyable experiences, these positive situations may also cause negative
effect of tension and anxiety. For instance, the wedding, it may bring stress since
this could bring the situation into above normal emotion.

Since there are variety of emotions one could experience-whether in their

private life or their work place, these different events from environment bring varied
changes in your emotions. These emotions can be classified in three types –
according to Lazarus & Cohen: Major changes, often cataclysmic, affecting large
numbers of persons, major changes affecting one or a few persons, and daily
hassles. (Lazarus & Folkman 1984, p.12).

Different things cause stress in different people.   Some of the things

students commonly cite as causes of stress include:
 examinations
 deadlines
 returning to study
 pressure of combining paid work and study
 difficulty in organizing work
 poor time management
 leaving assignments to the last minute
 out of control debts
 overcrowding
 noise
 adjusting to life in a new environment or even country
 difficulties with personal relationships (e.g. splitting up)
 balancing the demands of a family with studying
 parents or problems at home

What is It

There are two types of stress, the “eustress”, which is term for positive stress
and “distress” which refers to negative stress. Dr. Lazarus, building on Dr. Selye’s

EUSTRESS as positive stress has its characteristics:

 motivates, focuses energy

 is perceived as within our coping abilities
 feels exciting
 improves performance
 is a short-term

Examples of positive personal stressors include:

Receiving a promotion or raise at work
Starting a new job
Buying a home
Having a child
Taking vacation
Holiday season
Taking educational classes
Learning new hobby

DISTRESS as negative stress has its characteristics

 causes anxiety or concern
 can be short- or long term
 is perceived as outside of our coping abilities
 feels unpleasant
 decrease performance
 can lead to mental and physical problem

Examples of negative personal stressors include:

The death of spouse, and family members
Filing divorce
Losing contacts with someone
Injury or illness
Being abused or neglected
Separation from spouse or committed relationship partner
Conflict in interpersonal relationship
Bankruptcy/ money problem
Sleep problem
Children’s problem at school
Legal problem

1. From among the listed positive and negative stressors in life, identify your own
experience that causes stress on you. List them down inside the human image.
2. Were you able to cope up the stress you encountered?
3. How can you manage to cope with this experience?

Tips to help manage and reduce your stress level.

1. Try relaxation techniques-lifestyle changes can help you to overcome stress in
your life. When you fill life with healthy habits, you’re likely to have less stress in
your life.
2. Talk to some- when talking to someone who can validate your feelings and
understand you can help relieve your stress. Venting helps take the feelings from
inside of your-self.
3. Keep a stress diary- journaling is known to reduce stress levels significantly. It
helps you put your life events in perspective.
4. Manage your time- planning your days and weeks in advance can make busy
schedule less stressful. You’ll be able to make you’re staying productive without
overdoing it.
5. Exercise- Getting your blood pumping will increase your heart rate and lower
your blood pressure. Exercise also causes your brain to release natural
endorphins, which help you to decrease your stress levels.
6. Get some rest – When you get enough sleep, your cortisol levels balance and
you feel more capable to tackle daily tasks.
7. Create structured to-do lists – Planning your days and week in advance can
make busy schedules less stressful.
8. Take a bath- when you take a bat, the quiet time alone and the warmth of your
skin can lower stress level significantly. Add the following essential oils to your
bath, and aromatherapy will help you reduce your stress even more.
9. Chew gum- New research shows that chewing gum is actually linked to lower
stress levels and higher alertness.
10. Regulate your diet-certain nutrients can provide your body with stress-
fighting fuel.
11. Finding a convenient therapist-professional counselor can help you reduce a
stress quickly, they can show you how to handle stress and identify its pattern, so
you can change your life for the better.

What’s More

Activity 1.1 Understanding stress and its sources

Learning Skills: Identifying Stressors
1. Read the following stressors.
2. Identify the stressors that occurred during the middle and late adolescence?
3. Put a check mark next to factor that you experienced which causes stress on
______ house hold chore _______ losing cellphone
______ lack of sleep _______ retiring from job
______ no money _______ buying a home
______ parenting _______ separation from family
______ taking test _______ broken marriage
______ being late _______ speaking in public
______ divorce _______ a friend betrayed you
______ death of family members _______ broken relationship
______ pimples _______ restriction at home
______ holiday season _______ noisy environment

4. Justify your choices by restating why these stressors occur during middle
and late adolescence.
Learning the Skill: Concepts on Coping out with stress
1. From the list factors that cause your stress demonstrate personal ways of coping
stress to achieve a healthy living.
2. Illustrate it through writing your steps on stairways to coping stress.
(Dear Illustrator, draw a stairway where the learner could write his/her ways to
cope up stress on top of the ladder)

To illustrator,
the concept is like
this but look like
the other one.

What I Have Learned

1. Stress is simple a reaction to an input that disturbs our physical and

mental balance. It is the condition that individual may feel when he/she is
struggling to accept changes with physical, mental, and emotional
2. A stressful occasions and events may activate the responses, causing
hormones surge through the body. This may give negative reactions and
make the person depressed.
3. Stressors are something that causes a state of strain or stress.
4. Some other researchers prefer to use the term stressor to refer to events
that can cause stress
5. The sources of one’s stress could be from situational, environmental, and
6. Not all stress is bad.
7. Stress can be positive, or known as “Eustress” and negative or known as
8. There are ways to cope up stress for healthy living. The following are:

 Try relaxation technique  Create structured to-do-lists

 Talk to someone  Take bath
 Keep a stress diary  Chew gum
 Manage your time  Regulate your diet
 Exercise  Finding a convenient
 Get some rest Therapist
9. Stress is ever-present to anyone’s life. You cannot avoid it. It can be
debilitating if it's intense and constant. Luckily, stress is not only prevalent
but curable as well. With the right tools, you can overcome stress and
return to a happy way of life, and a healthy living.
10. Stressful situations can wear us down over time. Finding ways to deal
with them can help us grow strong.
What I Can Do

Just as there are negative and positive stressors which can anyone be
experienced. Some of the cause and effects of them can be described as follows:

 tension  panic
 dejection  agony
 outrage  fear
 desperation  denial
 dismay  rejection
 strain  dismay
 pressure  anxiety

Activity: Fill in the grid below.

Think of your stressors. Tell the emotion associated to it. Decide on how to
manage and reduce this stress.



Taking an examination Pressure Manage your time

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. It is the physical and mental response of the body to the demands

made upon it.
a. stress
b. response
c. hormones
d. mental health

2. It is better known as stress hormone.

a. Cortisol
b. adrenalin glands
c. hormones
d. cells

3. It is the causes of strain or tension.

a. stimulus
b. stressor
c. stress hormones
d. nervous system

4. It is a simple reaction to an input that disturbs physical and mental

a. emotion
b. stress
c. depression
d. experience

5. Which one defines “distress”?

a. improves performance
b. focuses energy
c. feels exciting
d. feels unpleasant.
6. Which one refers to positive stress?
a. sleep problem
b. injury
c. retiring
d. loosing contact with someone

7. Answer with true or false. You CAN NOT avoid stress.

a. Yes b. No

8. Stress and anxiety are two different things.

a. True b. False

9. Being easily annoyed and usually irritable can be an emotional

warning sign of too less stress.
a. True b. False

10. Managing your time may help you cope up with stress.
a. True b. False

11. Adaptive stress helps us rise to life’s challenges

a. True b. false

12. The given examples such as: a high-stress job, overcrowding, and

long commutes to work is under what categories of stress.
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational

13. When performing deep abdominal breathing, focusing on a soothing

words, visualizing of tranquil scenes, repeating prayer, yoga, and tai
chi, are performing what category of stress.
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational

14. The trouble that comes from imperfect people around us is what
category of stress?
a. stress as result
b. stress as stimulus
c. stress as response
d. stress as relational
15. Which is NOT true about stress?
a. If you ignore stress, it will go away.
b. Women appear more distress than men.
c. Stress is hormonal response from the body.
d. Stress can overburden your mind with incessant worries.

Additional Activities

Activity 1
1. Interview your family members, friends, and classmates who had
experienced an event that they viewed this as threatening or viewed this as
2. Compare and contrast the reactions of those who experienced the event
as threatening compared to those who viewed the event as challenging?
3. Why do you think there were differences in how these individuals judged
the same event?
Activity 2
Fill in the graphic organizer. State the source of stress. Identify if it is a
challenge or threat. Tell the ways to cope with this stress. Assert if it is low
threat or high threat.
What I Know Assessment
Answer Key

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