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Koronadal National Comprehensive High School


SY 2020-2021

DIRECTION: Read each statement or question carefully. Select the correct answer
from the given choices.

1. What refers to the process through which the level of one hormone influences
the level of another hormone.
A. feedback mechanism C. menstrual cycle
B. reproductive system D. hormones
2. The following hormones regulate the female reproductive system EXCEPT:
A. Follicle Stimulating Hormone C. Estrogen
B. Luteinizing Hormone D. Testosterone
3. Which hormone stimulates the production and development of sex cells?
A. Follicle Stimulating Hormone C. Estrogen
B. Luteinizing Hormone D. Progesterone
4. Which statement describes a negative feedback mechanism?
A. high levels of one hormone may prevent the production of another hormone
B. high levels of one hormone may increase the production of another hormone
C. low levels of one hormone may decrease the production of another hormone
D. high levels of one hormone may stimulate the production of another
5. Which parts of male and female reproductive systems have similar function?
A. vagina and penis C. uterus and prostate gland
B. ovary and testis D. fallopian tube and urethra
6. How would the pituitary gland respond when the production of progesterone
A. The pituitary gland produces Luteinizing Hormone.
B. The pituitary gland produces Follicle Stimulating Hormone.
C. The pituitary gland stimulates the ovary to produce estrogen.
D. The pituitary gland stops the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone.
7. Which of the following is NOT a function of female reproductive system?
A. produces female sex cells
B. receives sperm cells from the male
C. nurtures the development of the new individual
D. stimulates the development of male secondary sex characteristics
8. In female reproductive system, egg cells develop in the ___________.
A. fallopian tube C. uterus
B. ovary D. testis
9. In male reproductive system, sperm cells are produced in the_____________.
A. prostate gland C. testis
B. seminal vesicle D. vas deferens
10. Which male gland secretes a fluid that makes up most of the components of
the semen?
A. bulbourethral gland C. seminal vesicle
B. prostate gland D. scrotum
11. What part of the nervous system is associated with the voluntary control of
body movements?
A. somatic B. nerves C. brain stem D. pituitary
12. What gland controls the body’s metabolism?
A. hypothalamus B. pituitary C. neurons D. thyroid
13. Which of the following produces estrogen and progesterone?
A. hypothalamus B. thymus C. ovary D. testis
14. The main component of the central nervous system is ____________.
A. brain B. cranium C. dendrites D. pancreas
15. What connects the central nervous system to the organs and limbs?
A. Central nervous system C. Cerebellum
B. Peripheral nervous system D. Cerebrum
16. Which serves as a channel for signals between the brain and the rest of the
body, and controls simple musculoskeletal reflexes without input from the
A. spinal cord B. brain stem C. thyroid gland D. cerebrum
17. What serves as the main processing center for the entire nervous system?
A. Peripheral Nervous System C. Central Nervous System
B. Brain Stem D. Axons
18. The endocrine system’s master gland that uses information it gets from the brain
to tell other glands in the body on what to do is called _____________.
A. adrenal B. hypothalamus C. pineal D. pituitary
19. What is known as the medulla oblongata that is located between the pons and
the spinal cord?
A. brain stem B. spinal cord C. hypothalamus D. thymus
20. The organ that connects the endocrine system with the nervous system is _______.
Its main job is to tell the pituitary gland to start or stop making hormones.
A. pineal B. hypothalamus C. pituitary D. thymus

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. B
16. A
17. C
18. D
19. A
20. B

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