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Module Writer: Jeramie G. Buensuceso, MEM

Illustrators: Jericho DR. Santiago
Francis P. Gutierrez
Lay-out Artist: Lorenzo F. Moreno Jr.


21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module
aims to engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century
Literature from the Philippines and the World, encompassing their various
dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.

This module allows the students to embark on a journey from

Philippine regions to the different parts of the world through various literary

Here, the learners will be accompanied by Lito and Letty, the ship
captains of Balangay ( an old name of a Philippine boat). Lito is a Filipino
Ship Captain who is in-charge of the local destinations. And Letty is a Lady
Ship Captain from other country. She is in-charge of the tour abroad. Lito
and Letty assist each other in every module visit.



This Self Learning Kit is divided into 27 modules with varied

parts and respective icons:

Gearing Up

Testing the Water

( Pre-test)

Leaving the Shore

( Priming Activity)

Rocking the Boat

( Activity Proper)

Plotting the Course

( Analysis)

Keeping Track
( Analysis)



Approaching Destination

Seeing the Lighthouse

( Reflection)

Dropping the Anchor

( Post Test)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Going Back to the Ocean

( Remediation)

Every module targets a specific Learning Competency and asks

learners to perform multiple tasks.


Hello, dear student, our fellow voyager!


I’m Letty. Are you ready to set sail

and BEGIN your voyage with this module?

I’m Lito
Well, it’s time to GO ABOARD to set
your quest for KNOWLEDGE in
motion. Have FUN!


Horizon Overview

Learning Competency:
Produce a creative representation of a literary text by
applying multimedia skills ;Choose appropriate multimedia form
of interpreting a literary text

The use of the module requires every learner to demonstrate

understanding and appreciation of literary texts in various genres
across national literature and cultures. At the end of the lesson, you
are expected to:

 identify figures of speech;

 display appreciation for literary texts through discovery of figures of
 use creative skills to adapt a story into video clip; and

 reflect on the virtues learned from the story.


Connect with the Module:

Some reminders before cruising:

1 Use the module with care especially in turning each


2 Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving on to

the Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.

3 Read and understand the directions in every exercise.

Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises

4 and in checking your answers.

5 Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this


6 Try to finish the task at hand before proceeding to the



Gearing Up

Studying literature can be very easy with

the right amount of knowledge gained from your
journey in the past. Can you recall module 25?
How is the structure of the Korean family?

For your next journey , we will guide you in gathering

more literary tools that will surely make learning more

Testing the Waters

DIRECTIONS: Using the given answer sheet, darken the circle

corresponding to the letter of the best answer for each item.

1. It is a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for
ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation.
A. Parable
B. Fable
D. Simile


2. It a phrase that uses the words like or as to describe someone or something by

comparing it with someone or something else that is similar
A. Parable
B. Fable
D. Simile

3. It is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to

which it is not literally applicable.
A. Parable
B. Fable
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

4. It is a brief story illustrating moral or revealing general truths about human nature.
A. Fable
D. Metaphor

5. It is a short story designed to allegorically teach some religious principle, moral

lesson, or general truth.
A. Fable
A. Parable
C. Simile
D. Allegory


Let’s Navigate

In this lesson you will learn about one of

the significant works of a Brazilian Writer,
Paulo Coehlo. A parable titled “The Story of the
Pencil” which featured in his Novel “Like a
Flowing River.
This story features the pencil and its many
facets. It makes the reader see the lessons in
every facets of the pencil.

Leaving the Shore

DIRECTIONS: Explain this saying in two to three sentences, “The pen is

mightier than the sword.”



Were you able to explain the metonymic adage?

Let's continue with your journey to this story. Go to
the next page of the module and discover more. Journey Guide

Rocking the Boat

DIRECTIONS: What are the many functions of a pencil? Write them on the
blanks provided.

1. ________________ 3. ________________

2. ________________ 4. ________________

5. ________________

Did you discover something about the pencil?


Plotting the Course

DIRECTIONS: You are about to read a story titled, “The Story of the
Pencil” featured in novel written by Paulo Coelo, “Like a Flower
River”. It is a thought-provoking story about a nondescript object that
gives a powerful message. Before you read, familiarize yourself
about the author.

Paulo Coelho

 The pride of Brazil whose novel, The Alchemist, became a worldwide phe-
nomenon and is one of the best-selling books in history with 190 million copies
sold and translated into 80 languages

 Musician and lyricist prior to pursuing a writing career as a novelist

 Published 30 books, majority of which are novels

 Recipient of international awards such as the Spain’s Elle- Best International

Writer (2008), Denmark’s Hans Christian Anderson Award (2007), Mexico’s Las
Pergolas Prize (2006), the American Wilbur Award (2006), Croatia’s Kiklop
Literary Award (2006), Germany’s Direct Group International Author Award and
Goldene Feder Award (2005), Ukrain’s Order of Honor and Order of St. Sophia
(2005), the United Kingdom’s Neilsen’s Gold Book Award (2004), Serbias
Golden Bestseller Prize and Ex Libris Award (2004), Germany’s Best Fiction
Corine International Award, Club of Budapest Planetary Arts Award (2002), and
the Crystal Award from the World Economic Forum (1999)

Hi! Welcome back! Were you able to familiarize

yourself with the author? This would help you in
understanding the story that your are about to
read. Move to the next page so we can place
your thoughts on the right track.


Keeping Track

Let us differentiate Fable and Parable

and the figures of speech use in the

Fable vs. Parable

Fable Parable
A brief story illustrating a A short story designed to
moral or revealing general allegorically teach some
truths about human nature religious principle, moral lesson,
or general truth

Often include talking animals Includes real or literal

or animated objects as the occurrences to which anyone
principal characters can relate
Example: The Ants and the Grasshop- Example: The Parable of the Sower

Allegory is a figure of speech in which abstract ideas and principles are described in
terms of characters, figures, and events. It can be employed in prose and poetry to
tell a story, with a purpose of teaching or explaining an idea or a principle.
The objective of its use is to teach some kind of a moral lesson.
Ex: “All animals are equal but a few are more equal than others.”

Simile is a figure of speech in which two fundamentally unlike things are explicitly
compared, usually in a phrase introduced by like or as.
Ex: "When he lifted me up in his arms I felt I had left all my troubles on the floor be-
neath me like gigantic concrete shoes."

Metaphor is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made

between two unlike things that actually have something in common.
Ex: "I'm drowning in a sea of grief."


Keeping Track

Irony is the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning.

Ex: “Oh great! Now you have broken my new camera.”

Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities are given to

non-living objects.

Ex: "I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills”

Now that you have learned figures of speech,

Challenge yourself with the following activity.

As you sail farther, you will meet other types including
sound devices in your future journeys.

DIRECTIONS: Below are sentences that contain a metaphor, a simile, an irony or

a personification. In the blank provided, identify which figure of speech is used in
each sentence.

__________ 1. “Indeed I am writing about you, however more important than the
words is the pencil I am using.
___________ 2. “I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up”.
___________ 3. “Sometimes I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. This makes
the pencil suffer a little, but at the end it will be sharper.
___________ 4. “What is really important in the pencil is not the wood or the shape,
but the lead that is inside. So, be always careful of what happens inside of yourself.”
___________ 5. “always leave a sign. In any case, be aware that everything you do in
your life will leave trails; try to be conscious of every single action”


Approaching Destination
DIRECTIONS: Now, read the story silently, and find out how the
author creatively portrays the parable.

The Story of the Pencil

by Paulo Coelho

The Grandchild was looking at his grandma writing for a letter. Suddenly he
asked: “Are you writing a story about us? Is it by chance a story about me?”.
The grandma stopped writing, smiled and said to her grandchild: “Indeed I am
writing about you, however more important than the words is the pencil I am using.
“I hope you will be like this pencil when you grow up”.

The child, looked at the pencil curiously, but could not see anything special.
“But . . . it is exactly the same as every other pencil I saw in my life”.
“It is all in the way you look at things. There are five qualities in that pencil that, if you will
be able to maintain, will make you a man in peace with the whole world.
First Quality: you can make big things, but never forget that there is a hand
guiding your steps. This hand we call it God, and he will always have to address you
towards his will.


Second Quality: sometimes I have to stop writing and use a sharpener. This
makes the pencil suffer a little, but at the end it will be sharper. So, learn to bear
a little pain because it will make you a better man.

Third Quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to cancel mistakes.
Understand that correct something we did is not necessarily a bad thing, but
something fundamental to keep us on the right path.

Fourth Quality: what is really important in the pencil is not the wood or the
shape, but the lead that is inside. So, be always careful of what happens inside
of yourself.

At the end, the fifth quality is: always leave a sign. In any case, be aware that
everything you do in your life will leave trails; try to be conscious of every single

How did you get on with the chal-

lenge? Was the evening really lonely?
Prove your knowledge for the last time as
you reflect on the final task.


Seeing the Lighthouse

A. After reading, you are now approaching to our destination but before
that try to answer this question based on the story read.
Each of the five facets in a pencil corresponds to a certain virtue or ideal.
Identify the virtue as described by the grandmother. Choose the letter of
the correct answer from the given choices. Write your answer on the
space provided.

A. Integrity B. Prudence C. Resiliency D. Truthfulness E. Versatile

_________ 1 “You can make big things, but never forget that there is a hand guiding
your steps. This hand we call it God, and he will always have to address you towards his
_________ 2. “Sometimes I have to stop writing an use a sharpener. This makes the
pencil suffer a little, but at the end it will be sharper. So, learn to bear a little pain
because it will make you a better man.”
_________ 3. “The pencil always allow us to use an eraser to cancel mistakes.
Understand that to correct something we did is not necessarily a bad thing, but
something fundamental to keep us on the right path.”
_________ 4. “What is really important in the pencil is not the wood or the shape, but the


Seeing the Lighthouse

B. DIRECTIONS: How did the parable affect you? Tell how you feel. Relate
each picture of a pencil about your experiences in life. Write 2-3 sentences







Dropping the Anchor

DIRECTIONS: Identify the figures of speech used. Choose your answer
from the given choices. Have a smooth sailing!

1. "Time is a thief."
A. Allegory
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Personification
2. "I feel the stench of failure coming on."
A. Irony
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Personification
3. “That is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.”
A. Allegory
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Personification
4. “Don't just sit there like a bump on a log.”
A. Irony
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Personification
5. “At last this odious offspring whom thou seest
Thine own begotten, breaking violent way”
A. Allegory
B. Simile
C. Metaphor
D. Personification

At last you’re almost through with your journey! Did you

find it easier to answer now that you’ve learned figures of
speech? Turn to the next page and let’s see how many
exciting gems you have discovered.

Discovering the Gems

Hi! Here are the gems you’ve kept along the

course of your journey. Let’s count them.

1. E 1. B
2. C 2. C
3. B 3. B
4. D 4. B
5. A
5. A

Leaving the Shore Rocking the Boat

Essay Sample answer:
Answers may Pencil is use for
vary. writing letters.

Keeping Track

1. metaphor 4. metaphor
2. Simile 5. metaphor
3. personification

Seeing the Lighthouse Going Back to the Ocean

Answers may vary

A. 1. E 4. D B. Answers
2. C 5. A may vary
3. B

(For scores 4-5)

You have succeeded in your journey to the exciting

(For scores 1-3)

Hello there! Are you satisfied with your
gems? Do you want to gain more? Get ready
because I will be with you as you search for more
gems amidst the waters. Good luck!

Going Back to the Ocean

Figures of speech are useful expressions written

by authors who want to give a more interesting sense
to their writings. The most common among them are


Directions: Now, it is time for us to drop the anchor. In this phase,

we will be unlocking the treasure box of our learnings. Have a
smooth sailing!

Make the story come alive by using clips and pictures from the internet.
Edit the source material well. Use the clips and pictures in making a video clip.


Creative use of material 25%

Crediting source materials 25%
Correct sequence 20%
Clean Editing 15%

Were you able to make a movie clip Well?,

Congratulations! You can now move to your next
journey. See you next time!


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