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Name:  Sara Khan

Age: 22 years
Gender: Female
Education: Graduate
Religion: Islam
Socioeconomic status: Middle Class
Family structure: Joint Family System
No. of siblings: 6
Birth order: 6th
Language: 2 (Urdu / English)
Residence: Rawalpindi
Intake by: Aneesa Anser
1. Beck Depression Inventory:
Quantitative Interpretation of Beck Depression Inventory:

11 Normal

Qualitative Interpretation of Beck Depression Inventory:

The client showed normal symptoms of depression in domains such as pessimism, past failure,
loss of pleasure, guilty feelings, self-dislike, crying, worthlessness, changes in sleeping pattern,
concentration difficulty and loss of interest in sex.
The client showed mild symptoms of depression in domains such as sadness, punishment feeling,
self-criticism, suicidal thoughts and wishes, agitation, loss of interest, indecisiveness, loss of
energy, irritability, changes in appetite and tiredness or fatigue due to workload of studies and
The client did not portray any moderate and severe symptoms of depression in any domain.
Overall, the client scored a Normal level of depression.
2. Beck Anxiety Inventory:
Quantitative Interpretation of Beck Anxiety Inventory:

20 Moderate

Qualitative Interpretation of Beck Anxiety Inventory:

The client responded normally on certain factors such as unsteady, terrified or afraid, feeling of
choking, shaky, fear of dying, indigestion and face flushed which shows that the client have no
anxious behavior in these domains.
The client showed mild symptoms of anxiety such as fear of worst happening, dizzy or
lighthearted, heart pounding, nervous, hands trembling, difficulty in breathing, scared and faint
because of stress and fatigue due to loss of concentration in studies. She often have severe
headache because of over use of laptop and mobile.
The client showed moderate symptoms of anxiety such as feeling hot, wobbliness in legs,
numbness, unable to relax, fear of losing control and hot / cold sweats due to restlessness in her
daily routine. She have to do household tasks in the morning and also have to attend online
classes and other tasks related to studies which cause stress and difficult to manage all the things.
The client did not portray any severe symptom of anxiety in any domain.
Overall, the client scored a Moderate level of anxiety.

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