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Academic Year 2021/2022


Individual Written Assignment

Student’s name: ONG YEE LING Student’s ID: 21PBD10012

Programme: DIPLOMA IN Word count:1491 words Tutorial class:1DEM1

Assessment Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor

Introduction and 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0
Outstanding Good Sufficient Lacked Little
research with research with research but research and evidence of
overview (10.0)
important some only a few most points serious
organisationa important important are minor or research.
l details. organisational details unimportant.
details. mentioned.
Macroenvironmen 30.0 24.0 18.0 12.0 6.0
6 macro- 6 macro- 6 macro- Less than 5 Many
t analysis (30.0)
environment environmenta environmenta macro- wrong
al factors l factors l factors environmenta choices of
6 x 5 marks = 30
affecting affecting your affecting l factors. macro-
your brand/product your Many environmen
brand/produc ’s growth. brand/produc irrelevant or tal factors.
t’s growth. Good points t’s growth. superficial Little
Highly raised. Some points. Some evidence of
relevant Evidence of contents contents understandi
points. good taken directly taken directly ng the
Evidence of analysis. from source. from source. topic. No
in-depth Evidence of Little evidence of
analysis. some evidence of analysis.

analysis. analysis.
References and 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Outstanding Good Generally Incorrect Non
citations (5.0)
application application of correct referencing TARUC
of TARUC TARUC referencing with many Harvard
Harvard Harvard with some errors. Referencing
Referencing. Referencing. errors. .
Minor errors
Appendices and 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0
Highly Good Generally Few and Very few
academic format
relevant appendices good poorly appendices
appendices that support supporting chosen and mostly
that support and enhance appendices appendices irrelevant.
and the writing. but with that have
strengthen an some poorly little
evidence- chosen ones. relevance to
based the writing.



COURSE CODE/ COURSE TITLE: ABDT2043 Fundamentals of Marketing


GROUP NO: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18
Individual assignment /50 = /100

Overall feedback:

Student’s Date: 21/7/2021 Lecturer’s /Tutor’s Date:

Acknowledgement: Name and Signature:

Ong Yee Ling

Note: This form must be submitted together with the assessment grid/grading criteria and
Turnitin report for the coursework.


Academic Year 2021/2022

Plagiarism Statement

Read, complete and sign this statement to be submitted with your written work.

We confirm that the submitted work is all our own work and is in our own words.


Tutorial Class:1DEM GROUP 1

Date: 21/7/2021

Name (Block Capitals) Reg. No. Signature

1.ONG YEE LING 21PBD10012 ongyeeling


Cover page 1-2

Feedback form 3-4

Plagiarism statement 5

Turnitin result 6

1.0 Introduction and company overview 8

1.1 Background

1.2 History 8

1.3 Mission 9

1.4 Product and service 9

2.0 Macroenvironment 9-10

2.1 Demographic Factor

2.2 Economic Factor 10

2.3 Political Factor 11

2.4 Technological Factor 11

2.5 Social and Cultural Factor 11-12

2.5.1 Socio Cultural Forces 12

References 13-14

Appendices 14

Turnitin report 15-19


1.1 Background
Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn. Bhd. is an organization that makes and manufactures a variety
of breads and is also a major source of food in Malaysia. Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd
(GBKL) is also a joint venture organization with QAF Ltd, a Singapore Listed Food Group
that also owns Gardenia Singapore as well as the Philippines, and Padiberas Nasional Berhad,
a Malaysian corporation (Gardenia).

1.2 History
Gardenia Bakeries was founded by an American named Horatio Sye Slocumm in 1969.
International Executive Service Corporation (IESC) sent Mr. Slocumm to East Malaysia to
start a bakery. Mr. Soclumm carried with him 35 years of baking experience from one of
America's largest bakery chains. In the same year, the brand name of Gardenia was
conceived. 'Uncle Slocumm's original recipe' is still written on the labels of Gardenia bread
today (Appendix 1), in honour of Mr. Slocumm's contribution (Superbrands Brandsearch).

In 1978, Gardenia had humble beginnings as a small in-store bakery at Bukit Timah Plaza,
Singapore starting to make a variety of bread. In March 1983, a commercial bakery opened in
Pandan Loop, Singapore capable of producing 2000 loaves per hour. In 1986, Gardenia
Bakeries rolled off its line the first loaf of bread known as the "Original Classic." Within four
years, it had become the synonymous bread market. In 1991, the first Gardenia bakery was
opened in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Axel Lee).

1.3 Mission
Gardenia's mission will provide consumers with the best choice of wonderful bakery and
related food products, as well as a fair return on shareholder investment, through global
manufacturing plants and an efficient nationwide distribution system. (Ms Leaca, 2014).

1.4 Product and service

When we talked about Gardenia, the first thing that we thought of was Gardenia Original
Classic White Bread. The quality, shape, weight, size, and colour of each loaf are all
consistent. Most notably, Gardenia bread is always soft and fluffy, living up to its slogan of
"so good you can even eat it on its own." Gardenia Original Classic has evolved now, they
include the goodness of Nutrinegy in their bread recipes. Vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, and
other vital nutrients are contained in each slice. Gardenia's new recipe has 0% cholesterol or
trans fat, making it a wonderful alternative for a light snack or a full breakfast. Gardenia's
packaging has also changed over time, transitioning from horizontal bread bags to the iconic
vertical bags that consumers are acquainted with today (Appendix 2) (Jeremy Ng, 2021).


2.1 Demographic Factor

Demographics refers to how a marketer classifies a market into groups like age, gender,
income, and race. Gardenia divides its customers into three groups based on their age:
teenagers, adults, and senior citizens. Gardenia accomplishes this by providing a wide range
of products to fulfil all demands. Teenagers that are very energetic will need a source of
energy to combat hunger, and they will be more prone to ingest sweet-tasting foods. Gardenia
responded by producing new waffle products to satisfy their requirements. Gardenia
produced full wheat fibre bread and also the current Gardenia Breakthru, both of which are
strong in fibre & vitamins, for adults and older citizens who demand a well-balanced diet.
The focus nowadays is on healthy breads. The Gardenia Breakthru, a nutritious bread with a
low sugar, additional proteins, fibre, and low calorie and carbohydrates, was recently
introduced by Gardenia Bakeries.

Most of the Malaysian customers have shifted their eating habits toward much healthier diet
plans, which often include daily breakfasts of bread instead of traditional delicacies, for
example laksa, curry noodles, fried rice and so on. Bakery business is popular in Malaysia
because Malaysia's three main races, Malay, Chinese, and Indians, prefer bakery items not
only for breakfast but also for their meals throughout the day. With a 21% share value,
Gardenia Bakery KL Sdn. Bhd. is the top-ranked branded industry in Malaysia, followed by
Stanson Bakeries Sdn. Bhd. with an 11% share value.

Gardenia has effectively identified the market and built the knowledge necessary to establish
itself as a market leader and become the country's most well-known bread brand. Gardenia
has grown towards becoming Malaysia's favoured brand, with a wide assortment of speciality
breads, buns, and rolls that suit every taste bud, and already has acquired a 70% market share.
Gardenia's customers come from all walks of life, and market statistics show that Malaysians
prefer the soft, American-style bread produced by Gardenia to the drier European types
(Hasri and Azmi).

2.2 Economic Factor

Consumer purchasing power and spending patterns are influenced by economic factors. The
purchasing power of a money is defined as the quantity of goods or services that one unit of
money can purchase (Hayes, 2019). Consumers with various jobs will have varying income
levels and, as a result, varying purchasing patterns. For example, high- and intermediate-
income level people will expect a better quality of life, as well as higher quality items. This is
also relevant for food, such as bread, which, while a daily essential need, will likely or tend to
be chosen by high- and middle-income level consumers. Consumers with a higher income
will opt for more expensive breads, such as Delicia (a Gardenia product) with specific
features like the raisin series. Low-income consumers, on the other hand, will aim to
minimise their spending while making purchases, therefore they might be only able to
purchase a classic white bread to fulfil their daily needs. As a result, the economic force may
have an impact on a company's marketing plans. Every customer has distinct demands and
desires, so Gardenia offers a wide range of bread variations to satisfy their needs. The
principle of demand states that the buyer is willing to pay the price and wants to buy the
products and services.

2.3 Political Factor
Laws, government agencies, and political groups all affect and limit numerous individuals
and companies in a society's political environment. Political and legal developments will
certainly have an impact on marketing decisions. In Gardenia, a dedicated Halal Committee
was established to oversee all aspects of Halal Regulations and guarantee all standards were
strictly followed. JAKIM has approved all Gardenia products as Halal. Officers from JAKIM
perform regular factory inspections to monitor and guarantee the overall operations are going
according to plan. Gardenia had also recruited an Independent Syariah Advisor to protect
their Halal status and refer to in “syariah” related issues (Gardenia).

2.4 Technological Factor

In this era of modernisation, technology has grown at a fast pace. Technology conjures up
images of scientific breakthroughs such as information technology, which gave rise to the
Internet, cell phones, and a slew of other innovations. This has opened up a lot of space for
creativity in both production and marketing (GraduateWay, 2019). Therefore, Gardenia was
forced to enhance the factory's technology in order to increase production speed and achieve
a higher market.
In 1991, Gardenia decided to build its own completely automated manufacturing in Kuala
Lumpur with a capacity of 6000 loaves per hour, in response to the increase for fresh and
nutritious bread in Malaysia. To satisfy the growing demand for bread, a new state-of-the-art
plant opened in 1994, capable of making 10,000 loaves per hour. Gardenia's five automated
factories nowadays can manufacture 900000 fresh loaves per day, making it Southeast Asia's
largest bread producer (Superbrands Brandsearch).
Besides that, the convenience with which e-commerce may be done has aided the growth of
independent commerce.

2.5 Social and Cultural Factor

Social changes in the environment are one of the social factors. A society's basic values,
perceptions, preferences, and behaviours are influenced by the cultural environment, which is
made up of institutions and other forces. Rising levels of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes
in Malaysia have awakened people to pay attention to healthy and nutritional foods, as well
as the government being involved in encouraging people to eat healthier and live healthier
lifestyles, in the past few years. Gardenia has established its own health and fitness team and
provided nutrition counselling to help customers about the actual meaning of healthy
nutrition. Wellness has become a topic of discussion in this early 21st century. Consumers
are determined to spend whatever it takes to stay healthy and fit (Hasri and Azmi).

2.5.1 Socio Cultural Forces

Sociocultural forces will have an impact on society and culture, influencing people's beliefs,
customs, and lifestyles. Gardenia was forced to provide a HALAL certified goods for Malay
and Muslim customers in order to gain a larger market and more profit. Because of Malay
and Muslim religion, it is forbidden to eat pork or drink alcohol. As a result, Gardenia
included the HALAL logo on all of their products. Malay and Muslim consumers will
comfortably purchase a product bearing the HALAL label. Gardenia may earn money and
prepare for the long term by adhering to HALAL on their products and selling them openly,
especially to Muslim customers.


1., Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd, Viewed on 8 July 2021,


2. Superbrands Brandsearch, Superbrands Worldwide | The World’s Independent Arbiter of
Branding, Viewed on 8 July 2021

3. Scribd. History of Gardenia Bakeries | Breads | Food and Drink Preparation

Viewed on 8 July 2021
< >

4. MGT 790 Gardenia Malaysia Viewed on 9 July 2021

< >

5. Free Malaysia Today, 2021, Gardenia Viewed on 9 July 2021

gardenia-came-to-be-a-malaysian-staple >

6. Hasri, M and Azmi, A Marketing Environment, Segmentation and Targets in Peninsular

Malaysia: The Case of Gardenia Bakeries SDN. Bhd. Viewed on 11 July 2021
< >

7. Hayes, A 2019, Purchasing Power Definition, Investopedia Viewed on 11 July 2021

< >

8. GraduateWay, 2019, Gardenia Marketing Viewed on 12 July 2021

< >

9., Gardenia Bakeries (KL) Sdn Bhd, Viewed on 13 July 2021,


10. Hasri, M and Azmi, A Marketing Environment, Segmentation and Targets in Peninsular
Malaysia: The Case of Gardenia Bakeries SDN. Bhd. Viewed on 15 July 2021
< >


Appendix 1

(Labels on Gardenia Bread)

Appendix 2

(Gardenia Original Classic New look now)


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