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Lesson 3

The Self as Cognitive Construct

Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify the different ideas in psychology about the self,

2. Create your own definition of the self -based on the definitions from the field of
psychology, and
3. Analyze the effects of various factors identified in psychology in the formulation of the

The following are the different definitions of the self as presented by the different
psychologist and social scientists:

1. Jhangiani and Tarry – The self is the sense of personal identity and of who we are as
2. Wlliam James- The self as having two aspects- the “I” and the “Me”. The “I” refers to the
thinking, acting and the feeling self. The “me” refers to the physical characteristics as
well as the psychological capabilities that make who you are.
3. Oyserman, Elmore and Smith- Similar concept of self is the identity and self-concept.
Identity is composed of personal characteristics, social roles and responsibilities. Self-
concept is what basically comes to your mind when you are asked who you are.
4. Carl Rogers- created an idea about a concept of self-schema. This refers to the organized
system or collection of knowledge about who we are.


Self Religion


5. Sigmund Freud- A famous psychologist saw the self as its mental processes and one’s
behavior as the results of the interaction between the Id, Ego and the Superego. The Id
is the principle of desire of the flesh, the Superego is the moral principle and the ego is
the self. For Freud, the man should have a balance of two opposing forces in order to
fulfill his humanness.
6. Symbolic Interactionism- G.H. mead believed that the self is created and developed
through human interaction. According to him, there three compelling reasons why self
and self-identity are social products:
a. Humans do not create their selves out of nothing but society helped in
creating the foundations of human personalities.
b. Humans need other people to affirm and reinforce what they actually think
who they are.
c. Important things that are thought to be could only be an influenced from the
society, or other people or even only a historical context.

7. Carver and Scheier- When one is aware of your self-concept this is what you called as
self-awareness. There are two types of self-awareness:
a. The private self- this refers to the internal standards, private
thoughts and feelings.
b. The public self- refers to your public image commonly geared
toward having a good presentation of yourself to others.

Eden Joy Alata and Bernardo Nicholas Caslib and et. Al., 2018 Understanding the Self: Rex Bookstore, Manila,
Philippines. Pgs 25-33
Activity 3
Myself in the Eyes of Others

INSTRUCTION: Create and answer the Johari’s window below. Have your friend answer the
appropriate portion of the window about yourself which have been both known and unknown by you.

Johari’s Window

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