PC Module 2 L1 A5

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Activity 5

Here are some of the key points in Sherry Turkle's talk. Do you agree or
disagree to these/Tell why you do or don’t in 3-4 sentences.

1. [Fast forward to current times] We’re letting it [technology] take us

places that we don’t want to go.

 According to Sherry Turkle, “we’re letting it take us places that we don’t want to
go, I do agree with Sherry Turkle that the new communication technologies are
giving us the power to sacrifice conversation for mere connection. She further
adds that “our little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful that
they don’t only change what we do but they change who we are. They change us
in a way that we become attached to our devices that we are lacking to have a
person-to-person conversation with people. A person- to person conversation is
important for every human being in order to connect with one another because
that’s how we learn about one another and about ourselves. Through technology,
we don’t have that connection and we, ourselves are lost within the new
advancing technology. This eventually leads us to become less focused on our

2. Being together while not being together

 I agree because we are setting ourselves up for trouble in how we relate to each
other but also trouble in how we relate to ourselves in our capacity for self-
reflection. We’re getting used to a new way of being alone together.

3. People are afraid of conversation because it’s in real time and you can’t
control what you say, you can’t edit/delete/retouch

 I agreed because we have words or things that can be said that are unpleasant
or hurtful to the feelings of every person we talk to. and other people have
different thoughts that sometimes they can't control every word they say. others
have the ability or control over what they have to say to someone, these are
people who care about other people who think about what they are going to say
before saying it because they are afraid to say something hurtful to someone.
4. Human relationships are rich and messy and demanding, and we
clean them up with technology. When we do, we sacrifice
conversation for mere connection.

5. We expect more from technology, and less from each other.

 I agreed because technology appeals to us when we are most vulnerable. We

expect more from technology and less from each other because we’re afraid of
intimacy. Social Media or technology addiction is a real phenomenon in this
generation. and people have more confidence in technology because it has been
proven to be reliable and it has also been proven a lot, one of which is that it is
able to give an answer to every human question. Some would rather spend time
online on their social media, updating their posts rather than talking face to face
with their family and real friends. But any addiction is harmful as it keeps you
away from real activities in school, family, and community. And it is especially
important now that there is a pandemic. because technology is the only way for
students to continue their education in today's pandemic.

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