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I thank god almighty for his love and care and for all the goodness and blessings over heart
filled with gratitude for gods amazing power and inspiration which i experienced throughout my research
work.i thank god for bringing hope even through the toughest times especially during this pandemic
period,strengthening and guiding me to complete the dissertation successful.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the management of our lady of health college of nursing for given
the opportunity to fortify my nursing professional role and helping me for the completion of my

I express my profound gratitude to our esteemed bishop Rev.Fr.Dr.Devadoss

Ambrose,D.D,L.S.S,S.T.D.,for his blessings and prayers throughout our studies.

I owe my sincere thanks and gratitude to our correspondent Who inspired me and has
created craving interest in research.his insightful comments and constructive criticism and friendly
approach helped me a lot in the completion of the dissertation.i thank him for arranging and providing all
the facilities in the college.

Its my privilege to express the deepest sense of gratitude to acknowledge our principal
Prof.Dr.SAGAYAMARY MSC(N).,M.A.,Ph.D(N)., principal of our lady of health college of
nursing,who granted permission to do this project and whose scholory outlook and excellence in guidance
helped me to complete the project enthusiastically.

I expressed my deepest gratitude is to prof.IRAIMANI ,M.SC(N).,vice principal of ourlady of

health college of nursing for her valuable suggestions,guidance and support to carry out my research
work completely with enthusiasm.

I express my great jublication thanks to my guide MRS.DEVI,M.SC(N).,HOD of obg department for

her immense support and guidance throughout the work.iam indepted to her constant interest ,untiring
guidance,valuable suggestions ,motivation to bring this study as a success.

. I express my sence of gratitude to all the evaluators who were validated the content and provided
valuable suggestions for my study.

I am highly indebted to MRS.JOICE ELIZABETH RANI,M.SC(N),Associate Professor of mesical

surgical nursing department for her statistical direction ,constant advice and support for the completion of
the analysis part of my research work

I extend my deepest gratitude to the HODs of all the department specially Mrs.Gowri prabaharan
HOD of community department and subject coordinator of research in our lady of health college of
nursing ,for their valuable guidance .

I extend my heartfull thanks to the librarian fo her cooperation in procuring books whenever needed.
A special note of thanks to all the faculty of our lady of helath college of nursing who gave timely help
and support to complete the study.

I extend my heartfull gratitude to the medical officers of marungulam and kallukulam primary health
center ,for giving permission to conduct my study.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to for editing the thesis

I extend my sincere thans to all the participants who participated in the study for their whole hearted
cooperation without whom this study would have been impossible.

I would like express my heartful thanks to my husband ,parents,inlaws,brothers,sisters, for their

love,moral support,and encouragement throughout the completion of my study.

I extend my thanks to all my colleagues for their help and support during my study.

Once again my immense thanks to all the members who are involved directly as well as indirectly for
completing my dissertation in a fruitful manner.

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