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Activity Title: Compare and Contrast: Socrates and Plato Activity No. 1.

Name: Joriz Justin O. Auza Date: 08/28/21
Section: BSA 1A Score:

Instructions: Compare and contrast the concept of Plato and Socrates using Venn
Diagram (20 pts).



- Plato believed in the division of

- Method of questioning oneself person’s body and soul which forms
known to the world as Socratic the person as a whole.
Method or Socratic Conversation.

- Plato presented the idea that one’s soul is

-Possession of knowledge is a virtue divided into 3 different parts that has
and that ignorance is a depravity. different views leading to different

-The idea of knowing thyself.

- Plato’s 3 Parts of The Soul-
- A person’s acceptance of ignorance
is the beginning of acquisition of
knowledge. • Appetitive soul can drive the person
to lean towards those pleasurable
objects and situations.

- Socrates has a concept of dying as a • Spirited soul is the courageous part of a

martyr that fights against ignorance and person, the one who wants to do something
narrow-mindedness. or to right the wrongs that they observe.

• Rational soul could be said as the

driver of our lives.
Activity Title: Relating Philosophical Concepts of Real-Life Activity No.: 1.2
Name: Joriz Justin O. Auza Date: 08/28/21
Section: BSA 1A Score:

Instructions: Choose three (3) philosophers that you relate to the most. Present your
selected philosopher’s concept of the self and apply these concepts to your experiences (60

1. ST. AUGUSTINE- One of the philosopher’s concept that I can relate to the most is
the concept of St. Augustine in his concept that “We may not be able to give our
agreement to everything other people tell us, but we can still agree to those who we, from our
own perception, think is right or wrong based from our perception”. I’ve been surrounded
with lots of people for my whole life and a lot of them are sociopathic liars. I hardly
identifies who I can trust to, who should I listen to and those who tells lies. That’s
why I can relate to St. Augustine’s concept that it’s we who can decide who we can
agree, based on our own perceptions. As for now, I’m trying to strengthen the walls of
my trust to minimize any damage they bring because what really hurt most is being
betrayed by those who you trust.

2. JOHN LOCKE – Locke is one of the philosophers who I can relate the most, with
his concept that “A person is born with knowing nothing and that is susceptible to
stimulation and accumulation of learning from the experiences, failures, references, and
observations of the person”. Based on my personal experience, it truly is that our
experiences we have, molds us of who we are today. The scars of pain, failure and all
those sacrifices that I gain growing up is the one who makes who I am. Just like
they’ve said that experiences are the best teachers to each one of us. There’s one
situation where I posted something against the faculty of my school and I got
summoned by the disciplinarian. That very situation taught me a lot of things and
realizations and from that moment I said to my self that I have to be more responsible.
You know what, the best thing about committing mistakes is that you can have the
best lessons and takeaways that can’t be taught by anyone.

3. IMMANUEL KANT – Also one of the philosophers whom I can relate to is Kant in
his idea about self, “We can say that were not only an object that perceives and reacts to
whatever it is that we are experiencing, we also have the capabilities to understand beyond
those experiences”. Beyond our experiences we learn, and also, we manage to
understand what those experiences brings to us. Based on my experiences I don’t just
react immediately on a certain thing. I’ve always taught myself not to look only on the
negative side of the situation but also to look for the beauty of it. Just keep in mind
that God won’t send problems if you can’t overcome it. As I were looking at my
photo album I can see a lot of my friends that were scattered all over the country right
now and as I am remembering our treasured memory, I didn’t just react to the happy
or sad moments but I am also wondering what lessons they give to me because for me
it matters a lot.
Activity Title: Reflections Activity No.: 1.3
Name: Joriz Justin O. Auza Date: 08/28/21
Section: BSA 1A Score:




A. What I learned (part of the content that I have mastered)

I learned about the concept of Socrates about knowing thyself. That we should accept
our ignorance if we want to gain knowledge and so be able to know what were
lacking. By asking our self who we want to be or what we want to be, we can be able
to know more about ourselves. Because of his concept that we used up to this day, we
gain courage and confidence by embracing our flaws (ignorance), and so we slay. If
we know more about ourselves we can also know how

B. What I found difficult (part of the content that I need further discussion)

I have difficulty to understand the concept of Paul Churchland in his idea of

eliminative materialism that leads also to his idea of neurophilosophy. It’s because his
idea opposes that people’s common understanding of the mind is false and that is
quite confusing since he is the first philosopher that I’ve known so far who thinks that
way. He also further emphasizes that “The Brain is the Self”, and this statement really
confuses me and it’s hard for me to understand it, since it opposes to what I’ve
learned in school that brain is the organ of the body in the head that controls
functions, movements, sensations, and thoughts and not the self itself.

C. What I need to do (if difficulty is not resolved, what is my next course of action)

I need to have some research and gather ideas on google for me to understand it well
but if I can’t understand it also, I will ask some of my friends and classmates who
understand that concept well and then ask them to further explain it to me. And if I
can’t understand it by then, I will humbly ask my professor to explain it to me.

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