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Activity 1

“Human Person”
1. According to the philosophical view, what is a human person? Cite specific
Philosophy of human person can be defined as the science of human
beings that interprets data from experience in light of metaphysical principles. It
derives from two sources, the data of experience provided primarily by everyday
experience and confirmed by experimental sciences, and the metaphysical
principles provided by ontology or metaphysics. As a treatmeant of the meaning
of human nature, the course considers the human person as physical being, as
knower, as responsible agent, as a person in relation to other persons, to society,
to God, and to the end, or purpose, of human life. As a result, Philosophy of the
Human Person is a synthesis of science and metaphysics.

According to Rogelio B. Maguigad there are different philosophical views

of the human person, which are conservatism, liberalism, socialism, fascism. In
conservatism, means a belief in the importance of maintaining established values
and institutions. Conservatives feel that rapid change is likely to bring more ills
than benefits, especially when it attacks way of life that have developed over a
long period of time. They tend to be pessissmistic about the chances of
improving people’s behavior through social change and are often skeptical of
popular democracy and what they see as an excess of personal freedom.

In addition, liberalism emphasizes human person freedom, it began to

place human beings rather than God at the center of things. Humans, with their
rational minds, could comprehend all things and could improve themselves and
society through systematic and rational action. Next, socialism, a comprehensive
set of beliefs or ideas about the nature of human society and its future desirable
state. Have claimed to stand above all for the values of equality, social justice,
cooperation, progress, and individual freedom and happiness. Also, fascism
emphasized the subordination of the individual to a totalitarian state that was
coontrol all aspects of national life.
2. Why was the human nature patterned on the image of God?
Since I am a catholic, the philosophy of St. Augustine relates to my own
belief. Simply, he integrates the idea of Plato and the teachings of Christianity. I
believe in God, so does St. Augustin, once, I ask myself, “if there is God? Do I
believe in God? Why?” then it hit me, I observe that the world or the universe,
rather is so systematic, we expect the sun to rise at morning and set at evening,
the moon doesn’t have a light on it’s self, it only reflect the sun’s light, humans
are so unique that no else in this world has the exact same fingerprints, and still
some people don’t believe in God, I mean ,“who created the universe then? Why
its systematic? Why humans are unique? Why there is life?” someone must had
created the world.

According to St. Augustine in his philosophy, humankind is created in the

image of God and the self is known only through knowing God, means that when
I believe in myself in an honoring way, I’m honoring what God has created, and
therefore, God himself. The more I believe in myself, the more seperated I am
spiritually from God.

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