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Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success

Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition


Activity A, p. 22 Activity A, pp. 25–26
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. f
1. Yes, I went to Mexico on vacation; 2. b
No, but I really want to go to Japan. 3. d
2. Students may mention food, 4. h
language, sports, landmarks, history, 5. a
current events, etc. 6. e
3. This is from China. The people look 7. c
like they are doing a dragon dance. 8. g

Activity B, p. 23 Activity C, p. 26
Why do we study other Answers will vary.
Marcus c. People are different. WORK WITH THE LISTENING
Yuna b. It’s interesting. Activity A, B, p. 26
Felix a. We learn from them. Answers may vary. Possible answers:
Sophy d. It helps us live peacefully. Lecture: International Advertising
Main Ideas Details
 Product name
 Language mistakes has funny or
can cause strange
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
problems for meaning in
Answers will vary.
companies. another
Activity B, iQ Online Resource language.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:  Colors have
 Colors are another different
In my hometown, we have a traditional
pottery that’s blue with white dots. problem for meanings in
NOTE-TAKING SKILL companies. different
Activity A, p. 24 countries.
Answers may vary. Possible answer:  Some customs
Main Ideas Details  International that are
 Culture shock  Normal, common customs are common in
 International another difficulty. one culture
students could be
 Ideas to feel  Learn about host offensive in
better country’s history, another
visit 3rd fl. library
 Meet people, join Activity C, p. 27
clubs, sports, 1. make cultural mistakes
activities 2. international advertising
3. product name
LISTENING 1 4. colors

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

5. lose money should learn culture, bad in

6. learn about the customs about another
numbers in  Some languages
Activity D, p. 27 different in Asia: word for
Example 1: computer; Eastern Europe; cultures. 4 sounds like
product name means “chicken” in some word for death
languages  Ex: company put
Example 2: telephone; Middle East; 4 golf balls in
advertisement showed bottom of package, no one
person’s shoes; not polite there in Korea bought
Activity E, p. 28
1. T Activity B, p. 29
2. T Answers will vary. Sample answers:
3. F The color blue usually has a Main Ideas Details
positive meaning.  Companies  Ex: sports or TV
4. F The colors black and white can should be stars; they can give
both mean death. careful about positive feeling
choosing about product
Activity F, p. 28 famous  Car maker used
1. c people for American star in ad
2. b ads.  people in one
3. a country didn’t like
SAY WHAT YOU THINK  people stopped
Say What You Think, p. 28 buying that
Answers will vary. Possible answers: company’s car
1. Companies need to think about the
language and customs of the culture LISTENING 2
where they are advertising. Students PREVIEW THE LISTENING
may know the names of foreign Activity A, pp. 30–31
products which are amusing in their 1. invite
language. 2. upset
2. Students may talk about colors that 3. rude
hold patriotic significance, or that 4. offended
are used in traditional ceremonies, 5. dies
like weddings or funerals. 6. wedding
7. confused
LISTENING SKILL 8. carefully
Activity A, p. 29
 International  Numbers can be Activity A, p. 31
companies good in one Answers may vary. Possible answers:

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

this is rude
Cultural Differences

Joao from Brazil

Main Ideas Details
Activity C, p. 31
 Standing in the  Joao stood too 1. a store
U.S. close to a student 2. OK
in the bookstore 3. positive
 U.S. student upset 4. dies
 Joao confused 5. do business
 Standing very 6. offended
close is rude in
the U.S. Activity D, p. 32
Joao is a university student in the U.S.
Tanya from Russia offended someone in a shop
Main Ideas Details Tanya did not make a cultural mistake
 Giving flowers  Went to Toronto went to another country for
in Canada on business business
 Co-workers gave Rick attended a special event; enjoyed
6 flowers as gift meeting a friend’s family
 In Russia, an even
number of flowers Activity E, p. 32
are for when 1. b
someone dies 2. c
 Tanya not 3. a
offended, other 4. c
Russians might be
Activity F, p. 33
Rick from the U.S. Answers may vary. Sample answers:
Main Ideas Details 1. stood too close to him
 Giving business  Went to wedding 2. confused
cards in Japan in Japan 3. she was leaving
 People gave 4. feel angry
business cards, 5. give an odd number of flowers
Rick surprised 6. accept business cards with two
 In U.S. business hands and read them carefully right
cards are only for away
 Took business SAY WHAT YOU THINK
cards with one Activity A, p. 33
hand and put in 1. Answers will vary.

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

2. Answers will vary. Possible answers: Activity A, pp. 36–37

In additions to the kinds of problems 1. It’s rude to stand too close.
mentioned in the lesson, students 2. it’s OK to give an odd number
may be able to share problems or 3. it’s not polite to do that
situations that they or someone
they know has experienced because Activity B, p. 37
of cultural differences. Answers will vary.

Activity B, p. 33 PRONUNCIATION
Answers will vary. Activity A, p. 38
1. avoid
Activity A, p. 34 3. considerate
1. a 4. offended
2. b 5. personality
3. a 6. positive
4. b 7. similar
5. a 8. telephone

Activity B, p. 34 Activity B, p. 38
Answers may vary. Possible answers: Answers will vary.
1. first time away, miss my family
2. lonely, wanted to go home SPEAKING SKILL
3. was great, were very kind Activity A, p. 39
4. like a member of the family, helped Answers may vary. Sample answers:
me feel better Eating — only use your right hand for
5. happy, didn’t want to come home eating; impolite to use the left hand;
host will offer more food, take a little
PART 1 Visiting someone’s home — dress neatly
Activity A, p. 35 and conservatively; bring a gift for the
1. shouldn’t host; chocolates or other sweets; It isn’t
2. shouldn’t good to bring flowers
3. should Gift-giving — receive a gift with the
4. should right hand or both hands; shouldn’t use
5. shouldn’t the left hand; shouldn’t open the gift
6. should when someone gives it to you; wait until
Activity B, p. 36
Answers will vary. Activity B, p. 40
1. Eating
GRAMMAR • only use your right hand
PART 2 • impolite to use the left hand

Listening and Speaking 1 Q: Skills for Success
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key Second Edition

• host will offer more food,

you should take a little more
2. Visiting someone’s home
• dress neatly and
• bring a gift, such as
chocolate or other sweets
• do NOT bring flowers
3. Gift-giving
• receive a gift with the right
hand or both hands
• do NOT use the left hand
• should wait to open the gift

Consider the Ideas, iQ Online Resource
1. answers will vary
2. answers will vary


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