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UL Safety
On Time
Market Access to
North America

UL is a global
independent safety
science company
offering expertise
across five key
strategic businesses:
Product Safety,
Environment, Life &
Health, Knowledge
Services and
Verification Services.
Our breadth,
established objectivity
and proven history
mean we are a
symbol of trust and
enable us to help
provide peace of
mind to all.

The UL
Safety Mark
TRUSTED And accepted worldwide

The UL Mark indicates that UL has tested representative samples of the product and found it to be compliant
with the applicable standard or other requirements with respect to its potential risk of fire, electric shock and
mechanical hazards. The UL Mark on a product is the manufacturer’s representation of continued compliance
with the applicable standard. More than 20 billion products are awarded the UL safety mark worldwide
each year. UL is the only third-party certification organisation which is authorised to issue the UL Mark.

Compliance with North American safety requirements

The UL Mark is the most widely Consumers UL Anti-Counterfeiting

recognised, valued and accepted evidence The UL mark is one of the most widely For almost 15 years, UL has taken an
of a product’s compliance with U.S. and recognised and trusted symbols by aggressive stance against counterfeiting
Canadian safety requirements. consumers – it is their greatest assurance through a comprehensive programme
of safety when using products.
Code Authorities that involves law enforcement agencies
Regulatory Services department staff are Retailers from around the world. UL works
dedicated to providing code authorities closely with U.S. Customs and Border
With over a century of product
with technical support services in Protection, U.S. Immigration and
compliance expertise, the UL Mark is
order to help them achieve safe, code Customs Enforcement, the FBI, the RCMP,
one of the most widely trusted safety
compliant installations for the citizens INTERPOL and other law enforcement
symbols in the world and communicates
in their communities. Our staff have agencies around the world to provide
to your customers that you have gone
technical expertise in a wide range them with the information necessary
the extra step to ensure product safety
of North American model codes and to distinguish between authentic and
and care about the safety and quality of
regulations, covering areas that include counterfeit UL Marks.
your products.
building, electrical, fire, environmental, Since 1995, there have been thousands of
Today, with a comprehensive retail
mechanical, plumbing, and public health. seizures of counterfeit products at entry
service portfolio UL is more focused than
The expert service we provide is ports from coast to coast; preventing
ever on meeting the unique needs of the
unmatched by any other certification millions of products bearing counterfeit
global retail community.
organisation. UL Marks from reaching consumers. In
addition, UL has mandated the use of
holographic labels for product categories
targeted by counterfeiters.

Highly trusted
product safety symbols in North America

The most common UL Marks.

The UL Listing Mark is one of the most common used UL Marks. If a product carries
this mark, it means UL found that a representative sample met UL safety requirements
and the manufacturer is representing that the product continues to meet those
requirements. These requirements are based on UL’s own published standards for
safety. This mark is seen on appliances, computers, furnaces, heaters, fuses, electrical
panels, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, life jackets and bullet-resistant
glass as well as thousands of other products.

The Recognised Component Mark is rarely seen by consumers. It is used for

components that are part of a larger product or system. These components may
be restricted or incomplete in construction. This mark is found on switches, power
supplies, printed wiring boards, industrial control equipment and thousands of other
parts. Given that a Recognised Component is an incomplete product it has conditions
of acceptability.

The UL Classification Mark appears on samples of products that UL has evaluated

with respect to specific properties, a limited range of hazards or suitability for use
under special conditions. Typical products classified by UL are building materials and
industrial equipment, immersion suits, fire doors, protective gear for fire fighters and
industrial trucks.

Special marks for every requirement.

The UL Functional Safety Mark appears on products that are evaluated for UL
Listing as well as functional safety. Functional safety is the part of overall safety which
depends on the correct functioning of safety related control systems and software.
The use of the Functional Safety Mark is normally restricted to products that are
intended to be used in a functional safety application.

Field Evaluations: This label is applied to a product that is thoroughly evaluated

in the field instead of at UL’s laboratories or the manufacturer’s facilities. If a product
has been significantly modified since its manufacture or if it does not bear any
third-party certification mark, a building owner, a regulatory authority or anyone else
directly involved with the product can request that UL evaluates the specific piece of
equipment in the field.

SECURITY signaling plumbing

… and many other marks.

Add value By demonstrating safety
UL certifications are more than marks. Benefit from a well-known brand Invest in brand value
They are a universally recognisable The UL Mark unites more than 65,000 In a competitive marketplace,
symbol of trust and safety. Nothing manufacturers who come to UL for differentiation is key. What better way
demonstrates a company’s commitment product certification. That number alone to differentiate than by promoting
to safety and customer satisfaction like a cements UL’s increasing recognition UL certification as a commitment to
UL Mark. in the market among manufacturers, high-quality safety standards? UL Marks
distributors, retailers, code authorities add value and build brand image by
and consumers. separating a company and its products
from those who have not invested in that
level of safety.

Customised solutions
Giving a competitive edge.

Data Acceptance Programmes Knowledge Services Market Access Services – Worldwide

Depending on the programme of choice, UL Knowledge Services is UL‘s training and UL provides a streamlined global service
four levels of qualification allow for tests advisory services business unit, providing and unique solutions to bring safe
to be conducted in house or at third safety and compliance-related knowledge products to the global marketplace,
party test facilities with or without the solutions. With a broad offering of gaining the national and international
supervision of UL staff. These flexible specialized workshops, e-learning, advisory marks necessary to meet the current and
programmes make testing in tight product services and personnel certification future market compliance requirements.
development schedules even easier. programmes, our knowledge addresses specific topics intended to help our
customers and constituents create and /
or install safe products, increase efficiency
and realize improved speed to market.

Unique and powerful online tools

Open the door to safer consumer products around the world.

Powerful databases UL Online Certification Directory UL iQTM Databases

UL online databases are more than just The Certifications Directory contains The UL iQTM database search tools
a collection of information. They are the UL Listed, Classified or Recognised facilitate the pre-selection of certified
key to a wealth of valuable resources products and components. Users can materials by buyers and specifiers. Users
that are available instantly. This allows search by company name and location, can search by various criteria – e.g UL
customers to connect directly with UL product category, UL file number ratings, company name or materials.
a world of UL certified products and and key word. This tool is also used by iQTM databases currently exist for AWM
components. Authorities Having Jurisdictions (AHJ) to (Appliance Wiring Materials), Plastics,
verify if a product is certified by UL. www. Electrical Insulation Systems, Restricted Substances, Printed Wiring Boards and

make their
Your streamlined resource for
Fast global market access
consistent quality and safety:
• U
 L’s brand reputation enables worldwide acceptance and recognition.
For over a century, UL has been
• S
 treamlined and accelerated certification processes through a consolidated
testing products for safety. A
global service.
• F aster time-to-market through well-proven global programs.
unique history of certification,
• B
 undled product safety testing and certifications for all your target markets working with industry leaders
with only one product submission. and acting as a trade facilitator
• N
 ational safety marks increase the trust in your product and the value of your has made UL one of the most
brand – globally.
reputable names in the
Highest quality
From manufacturers to
• P
 owerful global network of technical experts and competent local customer
service. consumers, from regulatory
• S
 ophisticated conformity assessment services for safety, environmental and bodies to code officials, UL has
performance verification programs. made its mark. Additionally,
• L eader in standards development and active driver in international committees a truly global presence,
for standards harmonisation.
coupled with an in-depth
• S
 upporter and provider of strong credentials amongst Authority Having
understanding of local needs
Jurisdictions, consumers, manufacturers and retailers.
enables quick access to
• R
 ecognised promoter of a public safety mission globally.
markets anywhere in the
Customer friendliness world.
• U
 L provides a consolidated global service and streamlined access to world For over 100 years, with
markets, reducing your administrative and project management activities to a constant enhancements of its
services, UL has been
• C
 ombined factory inspections save your resources.
committed to being the
• P
 articipant at initiatives, which protect consumers and support manufacturers
against anti-counterfeiting practices.
benchmark of trust.

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RFI Global, a UL Company

T: +44.1256.312000
F: +44.1256.312001
E: [email protected]

This brochure is for information purposes only.

All rights reserved.  May not be copied or distributed without permission.

UL, the UL Logo, and UL certification marks are trademarks of UL LLC © 2012
Other marks are the property of their respective owners. 298.04/12.en.2000

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