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Compose an Independent Critique
of a Chosen Selection

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 1

What I Know

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. The word critique is NOT the same as:

A. review

B. analysis
C. assessment

D. appraisal
2. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading
public insight into the story.

A. Critiquing

B. Ending of the story

C. Organizing
D. Elements

3. The following are guides in writing a critique except ONE.

A. grammar
B. content

C. literary devices

D. author’s intention
4. Below are ways on how to write a critique. Which one is NOT applicable?

A. Study the work under discussion.

B. Don’t make notes on key parts of the work.
C. Develop an understanding of the main argument.

D. Consider how the work relates to a broader issue.

5. Speech is an example of:

A. a literary text

B. an essay

C. a drama
D. a myth

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 2

What Is It

Writing a Critique · describe: give the reader a sense of the writer's overall
purpose and intent · name of author and work ·
When we summarize a text, we capture its main points.
When we analyze a text, we consider how it has been put together- we dissect
it, more or less to see how it works.
When we critique a text, we interrogate it.
Seriously, when we critique, our opinions and ideas are already part of our
textual analysis.
The purpose of writing a critique is to evaluate somebody’s work in order to
increase readers understanding.
Analysis means to breakdown and study the parts.
Evaluation is the most important part in a critical review.

Use the literature to support your views. You may also use your knowledge of
conducting research, and your own experience. Evaluation can be explicit or

Explicit evaluation
Explicit evaluation involves stating directly (explicitly) how you intend to
evaluate the text.

e.g. "I will review this article by focusing on the following questions. First, I will
examine the extent to which the authors contribute to current thought on
Second Language Acquisition (SLA) pedagogy. After that, I will analyze whether
the authors' propositions are feasible within overseas SLA classrooms."

Implicit evaluation
Implicit evaluation is less direct. The following section on Linguistic Features of
Writing a Critical Review contains language that evaluates the text.

Here are some additional ideas to consider in critiquing a text.

1. How did you respond to the text?
2. Did you like It? Did it appeal to you?
3. Do you agree with the main ideas?
4. Did the organization make sense?
5. Was the evidence used correctly without manipulation?
6. Is the author objective, biased?
7. Do you agree with the main ideas of the text?
8. Did you find any gaps in the discussion?
9. Has the author left anything out? If yes, was this accidental? Intentional?
10. Are the text tone and language text appropriate?
11. Are the authors’ statements clear?
12. What is the cultural context of the text?

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 3

CULTURAL CONTEXT is a fancy way which is affected by the ideas and which
stands to lose or gain if the ideas take place. When you think about this, think
of all kinds of social and cultural variables, including age, gender, occupation,
education, race, ethnicity, religion and so forth.

Sample Outline in Writing Critique

I. Background information to help your readers understand the nature of the
 Title
 Author
 Publication information
 Statement of topic and purpose
 Thesis statement indicating writer’s main reaction to the work

II. Summary or description of the work

III. Interpretation and /or evaluation

 Discussion of the works organization
 Discussion of the work style
 Effectiveness
 Discussion of the topic treatment
 Discussion of appeal in a particular audience

What’s More
Now it’s time for you to check your understanding.

Activity 1: Practice makes perfect.

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct word. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It means to breakdown and study the parts. SNLYASIA

2. One of the purposes of evaluating a text. TEVAULAION

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 4

3. Helps readers understand the nature of the work. GRNDUOCKAB


4. Capturing the main points of a text. SUMMRIZINGA

5. Critical analysis. TICRIQUE

Activity 2: Right With Your Heart

As shown in your previous lesson, an example of a critique was provided for

you. This time, you are going to read another literary text, “THE HUNCHBACK OF
NOTRE DAME.” Write your critical analysis .Follow the sample outline in your
module. Use this text also in answering the Worksheet.


Victor Hugo
During the 1482 Festival of fools in Paris, Quasimodo, the Hunchback of
Notre Dame, is elected the pope of fools for being the ugliest person in Paris. He is
hoisted on a throne and paraded around Paris by the jeering mob. Pierre Gringoire
,a struggling poet and philosopher, tries unsuccessfully to get the crowd to watch
his play instead of the parade. Archdeacon Claude Frollo appears and stops the
parade and order Quasimodo back to Notre Dame with him. Looking for something
to eat, Gringoire admires the graceful beauty of La Esmeralda, a gypsy street
dancer, and decides to follow her home. After rounding a corner, she is suddenly
attacked by Frollo Gringoire and Quasimodo rushes to help her but is knocked out
by Frollo as Frollo Runs away. The King’s Archers, led by Phoebus de Chateaupers
arrive just in time and capture the hunchback. Later that night , a group of beggars
and thieves are about to hang Quasimodo when La Esmeralda comes forward and
offers to save his life by marrying him for four years only.

The next day, Quasimodo is put on trial and sentenced to two hours of
torture in the Place de Greve. He suffers both the pain of being stretched and
pulled apart as well as being publicly humiliated by the crowed of people, who hate
him for his ugliness. He begs for water, but no one answers his pleas until La
Esmeralda comes forth and brings him something to drink. Nearby, a recluse called
Sister Gudule, screams at La Esmeralda for being a “gypsy child thief” and blames
her for her daughter’s kidnapping fifteen years earlier. A few months later, La
Esmeralda is dancing in front of Notre Dame and Phoebus calls her over to him.
She has fallen in love with him and blushes when he asks her to meet him later
that night. Frollo watches them from the top of Notre Dame and becomes insanely
jealous of Phoebus. His obsessive lust for Esmeralda has made him renounce God
and study alchemy and black magic. In his secret cell at Notre Dame, he plans to
trap La Esmeralda like a spider catching a fly with its web. Later that night he

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 5

follows Phoebus to his tryst with La Esmeralda and stabs Phoebus repeatedly. He
escapes and La Esmeralda is captured by the King’s guard.

After being tortured at her trial, La Esmeralda falsely confesses to killing

Phoebus and being a witch. She is sentenced to hang in the Place de Greve. Frollo
visits her in jail and declares his love. He begs her to love him and show him some
pity but she calls him a “goblin-monk’ and a murderer, refusing to have anything to
do with him. Before her execution, La Esmeralda is publicly humiliated in front of
Notre Dame. Looking across the square, she suddenly sees Phoebus and calls out
his name. He actually survived the murder attempt but doesn’t want anyone to
know that he was injured. He turns away from La Esmeralda and enters the house
of his bride-to-be. Just then, Quasimodo swings down on a rope from Notre Dame
and carries her back to the Cathedral, crying out “Sanctuary!” He had fallen in love
with her when she brought him water and had been planning for escape all along.

La Esmeralda is safe from execution just as long as she stays inside the
Cathedral. At first, she finds it hard to even look at Quasimodo, but they form an
uneasy friendship. Even though he is deaf, he enjoys being around her when she

Meanwhile, a group of vagabonds resolves to save La Esmeralda after

hearing that Parliament has ordered that she be removed from Notre Dame. But
when Quasimodo sees them attack the Cathedral, he thinks they have come to kill
La Esmeralda and he finds them off as best as he can, killing a large number of
them. Frollo has used the attack as a diversion to sneak La Esmeralda out of the
Cathedral. He offers her two choices: she can either say she loves him or be
hanged. She demands to be executed and he leaves her with sister Gudule. To their
astonishment, they discover that they are mother and daughter. Gudule tries to
protect La Esmeralda, but it is too late.

Back at Notre Dame, Quasimodo goes to off into the distance, he sees the
figure of La Esmeralda in a white dress hanging from the scaffold. He bellows out in
despair and grabs Frollo by the neck. Holding him up in the air, Quasimodo sighs
with grief and then throws Frollo down to his death. .Looking at La Esmeralda
hanging off in the distance and Frollo’s wrangled corpse down below, Quasimodo
cries out: “There is everything I ever loved”. Quasimodo is never seen again. Years
later when a gravedigger stumbles across La Esmeralda” remains, he finds the
skeleton of hunchback curled around her.

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 6


Check it out.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on a separate sheet of
1. Other term of the word CRITIQUE
A. observation

B. critical analysis

C. assessment
D. Summarizing

2. The purposes in writing a critique are the following EXCEPT:

A. to evaluate
B. to analyze

C. to assess

D. to predict

3. It gives the reader a sense of the writer's overall purpose and intent, name of

author and work.

A. Short Story

B. Writing a Critique
C. Essay

D. Argumentative speech

4. It involves stating directly how you intend to evaluate the text.

A. explicit evaluation

B. implicit evaluation
C. evaluation language

D. Conclusion

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 7

5. When we analyze a text, we have to consider the following EXCEPT:

A. to dissect
B. to interrogate
C. to understand
D. to argue

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 8

Answer Key

What I Know What’s More

Activity 1: Practice Makes Perfect
1. D

Assessment Activity 2: Right With Your Heart

1. B Answers vary
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D

Almonte, L. R. et al (2015). Celebrating diversity through world literature. Pasig City.
Department of Education.

www.ou-edu/writing center/specialized.genre/critiqueLearning

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 9


English 10 – Quarter 3
MELC 3: Compose an independent critique of a chosen selection

Name: ___________________________________ Score: _________________________

Grade & Section: __________________________ English Teacher: ________________

I . Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In what part of Paris is Notre Dame located?

A. The Seine B. The Cité C. The Ville D. The Université
2. Who saves La Esmeralda in front of Notre Dame?
A. Archdeacon Claude Frollo C. Quasimodo
B. A Priest D. Phoebus de Chateaupers
3. What does the word Quasimodo mean?
A. half-man B. half-head C. half-made D. half-baked
4. Where is Pierre Gringoire from?
A. England B. Gonesse C. Paris D. Combray
5. Who is elected Pope of Fools?
A. Quasimodo B. La Esmeralda C. Clopin Troillefou D. Frollo

II. Directions: Read carefully the series of events from the story. Then, arrange them
chronologically by numbering the sentences 1-9.

____ A man shouted at Esmeralda.

____ A man stopped the play.

____ Esmeralda married Gringoire

____ Gringoire found the City of Thieves.

____ Gringoire followed Esmeralda and saw two men attack her.

____ In the evening, Esmeralda started dancing.

____ People chose the Pope of Fools.

____ People took Quasimodo around the city.

____ People went to the Place de Grève to see a play.

English 10 – Quarter 3 – Module 6 10

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