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Analysis of data from a specific study is the concern of ______________________.

It is a science that says that social matters: our lives are affected not only by our individual
characteristics but by our place in the social world. Sociology
It is a science that says that social matters: our lives are affected not only by our individual
characteristics but by our place in the social world. Sociology
Sociology focuses on the big picture of human culture. False
Analysis of data from a specific study is the concern of ______________________. Sociology

According to Robert Merton, the obvious function we openly intend a social system to
perform are ________________. Manifest functions
The first school in the Philippines to introduce Sociology under a criminology program.
- University of Sto Tomas
The sociological imagination: helps individuals to understand the true origins and character
of the problems they face.
Social Science attempts to comprehend, explain and predict events in our natural
environment. False
It is the study of society and human behavior. Sociology
The belief that all social groups are systems whose parts are interdependent is a
characteristic of: Functionalism
The first Filipino who has acquired a doctorate degree in Sociology Serafin M. Macaraig
From the symbolic interaction perspective, which of the following is a symbol? All of them
Week 3
A group of people living in one place, interacting with one another and have the same
culture. Society

Weber believes in predestination and God’s favor, religious ethic and transformed to work
ethic. True

He said that social facts, any patterns rooted in society rather than the experience of
individuals. Emile Durkheim

Lenski said that sociocultural evolution is the change that occurs as a society acquires new
technology. True

He believes that conflict characterizes society. Karl Marx

Technology, when acquired by a society, causes it to change. True

Industrial society focuses on higher education as required by the advancement of
technology. False

Job specialization was increased in this society. Agricultural Society

Week 4

Main characteristic of a group - members interact regularly through communication

They are people who have something in common and who believe that what they have in
common is significant. Group
This refers to an unplanned group – informal group
Which of these is an example of a secondary group? Business associates
Social organization is an example of a formal group. True
Family is an example of a primary group – True
A collection of people who happen to be at the same place and at the same time but have
no other connection to one another. Aggregate
We are in a special interest group if we stay together to meet our interests as its members. –
Week 5
What are values? D all of them

The tendency to view other cultures by the standards of one's own culture. Ethnocentrism

In order to fit into their new society, however, members must give up some of their original
traditions. This process is called ______________. Assimilation

The way a person reacts to health and illness is an attitude and perception that involve all
other cultural components. True
The defining element of a society is ___________________. Culture
What do you call a culture within the dominant culture? Subculture
Role models and mentors remain basically the same among cultures. False
It is a group of people with shared territory, interaction and culture
Week 6
It is a way society has of encouraging conformity to norms. It consists of positive and
negative sanctions. Social Control
It is a crime borne from the offense committed by ordinary people against other people or
organizations, usually in public spaces. Street crime
It is a violation of a written law. Crime
Deviance is a relative issue and may differ based on location, age, social status, and
individual societies. True
The sociologist whose theoretical paradigm views society as struggle between groups over
limited resources is _____________. Karl Marx
Kind of crime that is illegal because it is committed by the youth. Status Crime
The theory that states that labeling on behavior by society is a deviance and causes deviant
behavior. Labeling Theory
It is the violation of the norms of society. Deviance
It is a crime borne from the offense committed by ordinary people against other people or
organizations, usually in public spaces.
Week 7
Socialization is also a form of a social control. True

The agent of socialization that orients us with the necessary experiences so that we develop
our self-sense. Family

It is the learning from the experiences that we have from the people who raised us. Primary

Who developed a theory which posited that "self" is a product of social experience? Mead

This happens one one starts schooling or works for a job. Secondary socialization

They are virtual means of socialization , media technology

It is the process whereby we learn to become competent members of a group. Socialization

Week 8

A man marrying more than one woman is called polyandry. False

The marriage between members of the same category, class or group . Endogamy

This law states that women are more empowered in their household and become more
economically productive. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act of 2012
It is a foundation of family life. Marriage
Single-parenthood is considered an alternative family. True
When the newlywed couple chooses to live on their own, the pattern is called _____________.
By learning about their cultural heritages, children gain a sense of belonging to something
larger than themselves. True
Polygamy is marrying only one woman. False
Child rearing is a basic function of the Filipino family. True
Week 9
Latent functions are functions that are __________________. Not the main focus
The social purpose of education is to socialize children into their various roles and values in
society. True

Manifest functions are functions that are ________________. Intended

Religion can effect social change. True

A social institution that answers questions that could hardly be explained. Religion

The religion that believes in the principle of karma. Hinduism

The social purpose of education is to socialize children into their various roles and values in
society. True

The most widespread religion in the world. Christianity

Week 10
Monarchy is a government category that is ruled by a king or queen. True

Responsible in making and enforcing laws. Government

Capitalism is an economic system that encourages individual profit. True

Politics is manifested as a social institution in _________________. Government

In this category, people choose their leaders to run their government. Democracy

Volunteerism benefits you in what way/ways? All of the choices

A social institution that provides for the production and distribution of good. Economy

This is a political system that does not allow its citizens to participate in the government. –
Politics is manifested as a social institution in _________________.

Magna Carta for Women is RA 9170;

Week 11
In these societies, education was a significant determinant of social position. Post-
Industrialized Societies

This led to social inequality wherein people started to stay in one place and plant vegetables
for their food. Horticulture, Pastoral and Agricultural Societies

In sociology, the term ____________________ means layers in society. Strata

The gap between the "have" and the "have nots" was apparent in these societies.
Industrialized Societies
The class system places the individual in the social system based on his: Achieved
Ascribed status is based on traits of a person at birth. True

Job specification started in these societies. Agricultural Societies

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