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The Great Bridge

Bakanaru: Kochihawa Koji is often considered the Japanese Smashface, and with good reason. He's a huge
superstrong brute with a brain the size of a pea, wielding a makeshift hammer as a weapon. Bakanaru is incredibly
powerful, and no Japanese Hero has ever done more than slow him down. Luckily his stupidity means he usually
just steals food, video games, manga and porn. If he had a brain (or was directed by another villain), he might be a
legitimate threat.

Stingray: Mitsugi Ayaka was a former Athlete who grew bored with life in the private sector and became a
mercenary criminal, Armed with a suit of power armour and a high tech Motorcycle which can form into a second
layer of power armour. The origin of the armour and Motorcycle is unknown, but resembles technology designed by
Raven International.

Misaka and Eiji: Kitsune Misaka and Tanaka Eiji are a pair of Japanese High School students. Both of then Otaku's
and outcasts among their peers, which made them close friends. One fateful day, Misaka and Eiji came across a tiny
Omlevex meteor, which while not powerful enough to give them powers, did imbue their school uniforms with
power. When worn, it turns Misaka and Eiji into beautiful animesque superbeings. Misaka becomes a FISS, and Eiji
gains super agility and Ki manipulation powers, which he focuses with a wooden sword. They promptly decided to
use their powers to get back anyone who ever tormented them. They are friends to Doc Otaku and have aided him
on capers on occasion. They also have weaknesses related to anime: Misaka is fearful of men seeing her panties, and
Eiji suffers a nosebleed when he see's panties.

Kumagi: A half dragon girl from another dimension. Kumagi looks like a normal girl, but can transform into a
humanoid dragon at will. She was tricked into our world through a magic potion from one of her cousins. She
currently travels around, trying to find a way home, and along the way taking her frustrations out on anyone who
gets in her way and stealing to survive.

Lidia: A cyborg of unknown origins, Lidia was found after the Invasion in a wreckage of unknown origins. It is
presumed that she was kidnapped and modified by the Invaders, but her true origin are unknown. She was kept and
studied by the Japanese Government for a time, but eventually escaped and is currently on the run. Lidia has
artificial eyes, arms, and respiratory and circulatory systems, giving her enhanced strength, senses and endurance.
She also has mechanical wings and is a master of the sword.

Mai: A Vampire girl living in Japan, Mai broke away from her clan and joined the Japanese branch of Vampire
Nation, becoming the face of the Eastern branch. Unlike Harmony, she is still an outlaw (The Japanese
Government is less tolerant of monsters than the American), forcing her to associate with PHANTOM and the

Matsugi: A young girl with mystical powers, Matsugi used to use her powers to cheat on tests, but then she
stumbled upon a realm known as Second Earth, a seemingly idyllic world which slowly corrupts anyone who stays
there to beings of evil. There Matsugi met a dark lord who tutored her in mystic arts as she grew more and more
wicked. Matsugi lacks a great deal of offensive magic, instead possessing powers of astral projection, Telepathy,
healing and protection, which she uses for blackmail, identity theft, and fraud. She also plans to bring heroes to
Second Earth to corrupt them to evil.

Riku: A powerful Android designed by Omnitech Steele with aide of Lawrence Reinhardt, Riku is a female shaped
super robot who was stolen by the Foundry and reprogrammed for evil. She now fights against the Tokyo Defence

Tanken: Masamaki Shin was a scientist working for Raven International who stole Proto 18, a super powerful mech
suit so he could use it to commit robberies to pay off his gambling debts. He doesn't like being a criminal, but is
afraid to stop.

Sonya: Sonya was such an evil little girl that when she died at the age of twelve, she went immediately to Hell,
where she became Mr. Hoppy's apprentice and quickly rose from the rank of dammed soul to demon lord. One
century later, Hoppy sent Sonya back to Earth to capture errant demons and dammed souls who have escaped Hell.
While lacking powers on Earth, Sonya has with her Abberris, a powerful demon with a death touch.

Sparky the Robot Boy: When Astro Boy left Earth following the slaughter of the previous iteration of the Tokyo
Defence League, the Japanese Government created another boy robot to replace the small robot hero. Sparky served
dutifully till one day he was struck by "Anti Lightning", from a storm that passed through a dimensional vortex from
Anti Earth. The bolt turned Sparky evil, and he has been a foe to the Tokyo Defence League ever since.

Agent Stone: Ishii Ryoko grew up using violence and blackmail to get her way. Surprisingly, she decided to become
a cop, but was regulated to being a meter maid. Eventually she was recruited by the Labyrinth, molded and
brainwashed into a super deadly assassin.

Takumi: Yoshihada Tamuki's entire family was wiped out by Ninja's when she was young. Seeking revenge, she
enrolled in the Secret Japanese Ninja Academy to become the greatest ninja of all time. She was eventually expelled
for picking fights at school and fell in with the Yakuza as an assassin. Takumi is a master of ninja magic and a
deadly hand to hand fighter.

Tetsuo/Hitomi: Kodashi Tetsuo was an overweight, lonely high school student who was one night approached by a
mysterious woman who said she could make him thin and popular. In truth it was Mister Infamy, who gave Tetsuo
a super powered evil side: A beautiful and super strong woman named Hitomi. While Tetsuo is shy and kind, Hitomi
is wild and vicious. While incredibly strong and durable, Hitomi is blind as a bat without her glasses. Tetsuo changes
back from Hitomi by consuming a depressant (usually alcohol), and Tetsuo changes into Hitomi by consuming a
stimulant (usually sugar of caffeine.)

Daibalak: Hatamashi Ryoga was an overweight Otaku until one day an experimental Reach weapon bonded with
him, turning him into a muscular hunk who could turn into an armoured monster. The device has tainted Ryoga's
mind, turning him cruel and violent, and he has gone on a crime spree across Japan and South Korea.

Tadashi: Okihino Tadashi was always beaten up in school until he discovered a mysterious cube containing a tiny
monster called Tygar. This opened him up to an underground world of young children having battles with
genetically engineered monsters sealed in special cubes. Soon Tadashi began collecting more monsters, and soon he
had a full team of six. While not technically evil, Tadashi and the other critter fighters are committing animal abuse
with their monster fighting, and are considered outlaws. Despite this, the monster hunters often fight against

The truth is even worse: The monsters are the creation of Mr. Matthews, created en masse, sealed inside the cubes,
and scattered across Japan. The monsters are programmed to love fighting and to never use lethal force fighting each
other, but they will eventually snap and go berserk, seeking out and killing Japan's super heroes and devastating
everything in their path.

Tadashi's monsters are:

Tygar: A tiny Tiger like creature with a unicorn like horn. He is Tadashi's first monster.
Rocknar: A golem like rock monster who can fire energy blasts. Rocknar is Tadashi's second monster
Agiullon: A tiny parrot like creature that can generate sonic blasts.
Drakon: A four legged dragon who breathes fire.
Grizzlar: A huge grizzly bear who can generate electric blasts (Obviously, this one is Mr. Matthews personal
Wolfax: An ice wolf capable of generating intense cold.

Harumi: Mifune Harumi is the daughter of a human woman and a Cat Man from the Hybreed Society, as a result,
Harumi is a catgirl with ears, claws and a tail. Harumi was constantly teased by her classmates until she ran away
and joined a gang of delinquents. Now she lives on the street as a criminal.

Korusu: Ichigo Shinji comes from a long line of mystics who banish demons and destroy evil. One fateful day
during his training Shinji miscast an astral projection spell which allowed a demon to take over his body. Korusu
now uses his binding and banishment spells on mortal heroes rather than demons. Korusu is incredibly vain and will
go berserk if anyone touches his face.
Yori: A cyborg assassin designed by SHADOW, Yori was left behind when Charli teleported Niffelheim into deep
space. Found by a science station, she was taken to South America and then to Japan, where she promptly went
berserk and went on a rampage before being captured by the Committee. She escaped in about an hour and is still at
large. Yori is an incredibly strong and durable psychopath, but can be friendly and charming when she wants


Alexander VI: Lex Saint Anders was an up and coming AEGIS agent who lost his hand to a car bomb and got stuck
behind a desk. Frustrated and unhinged, Lex became obsessed with emulating Alexander the Great, buying a
artificial cybernetic hand and sky cycle from the foundry, and using his AEGIS access to find potential customers,
Lex became the costumed mercenary Alexander VI. Lex still works at AEGIS, and sells classified info to the highest

Hurtsickle: Hiltrude Schmidt Herder was a young girl playing on her family farm in Germany she stumbled on an
abandoned Nazi lab underground. A former workshop of Doctor Destroyer himself, she was exposed to a super
soldier serum by accident when she accidentally tripped the security system. The serum granted her super strength
and durability, but causes her body and bodily fluids to faintly glow with bioluminescence, She still lives on the
farm, but occasionally uses her super strength as the mercenary Hurtsickle (named for a type of weed that grows on
her family farm).

Magpie: Mindy Pollins was a young researcher and scientist with a love of birds and gliders, approached by the
Foundry, she was given an opportunity to build a high tech glider cloak and a face mask that allows her to control
birds. Initially a super thief, Mindy found it not to her liking and instead became a part time heroine and hired gun.

Overload: Oscar Leland was a mailman who had the misfortune of delivering a package to the lair of a Pact mage at
the exact moment a lightning elemental broke free from the wizards control and went on a rampage. Somehow
Oscar and the elemental merged, granting Oscar its lightning manipulating powers. He has since become the
costumed adventurer Overload to earn his fortune.

Painted Lady: Rebecca Lane was a college scientist studying the metamorphosis of butterflies when some mutated
spores from a competing scientist caused her to mutate into a beautiful, simple minded butterfly-like humanoid.
Dubbed the Painted Lady by her assistant Betty, Rebecca does mercenary work to pay for her therapy and fund
research to make her normal again. In addition to super strength and durability, Rebecca can fly and cocoon herself
to rapidly heal from injury.

Ronin: Paul C. Harrette was a Japanese American boy who always loved stories of the samurai. Unfortunately her
mother had earned some debts in the Japanese Underworld and the entire family was abducted by the Black Hand.
To save his family, Paul agreed to become a modern day samurai on their behalf. Eventually Paul, with the help of
his brother Sam (who became a Ninja), rescued their mother and younger brother and escaped back to America.
Now they live on the run from the Black Hand, doing mercenary work to make ends meet.

Silencer: Eli Smith is a professional slacker and music aficionado who was devastated to learn his favourite
musician could no longer get work because he was a metaman with a devastating sonic voice. Determined to find a
cure for him, he studied his singing to learn how he could control his sonic powers. When he presented the singer
this info, he still refused to go back to singing. In a rage, Eli developed his own sonic powers, and killed his idol,
becoming the sound manipulating assassin the Silencer.

Solo: John Wayne Prescott was raised from childhood for a military life, eventually he left the conventional army
and became a high ranking member of Foregone Conclusions. While lacking powers, he possessed Foundry
designed tech including a plasma rifle and a special protective suit.

Troll: An actual, factual Troll, Clayton Rold was summoned as a child from the Imageria to the wilds of Canada by
a young Pact mage by mistake. Raised by Television, he eventually made his way to Valleywood where he became a
horror movie star. He now goes by the name Troll, and occasionally does muscle work for super villains. He is
almost as strong as the Sentinels Troll, and the pair have duked it out on occasion.

White Knight: James White always loved super hero, so when his Family's salvage company was commissioned by
AEGIS to destroy some of their old supermax armours, James was able to glean enough from the armours to build
his own (paying for it by mortgaging his home). Initially a hero, he became a mercenary to make ends meet, but still
wants to good. (Also: Little hint, don't even think about comparing him to the other White Knight. He hates that

Auger: The head of Germany's Foundry branch, Adrian Uger is a survivor of cold war era Berlin who was spirited
away from his family by the Soviets due to his brilliance. Escaping, he was offered safety by Talos, and became one
of his best inventors. While not overly malicious like some other Foundry agents, Auger believes his intellect puts
him above the law and he will invent for anyone who meets his price. He also uses a powerful suit of power armour
and is fond of android doubles.

Crackerjack: Jack Crosby is a devil may care British Mercenary and minor sorcerer who specializes in spells that
let him break into and out of places. He specializes in getting in or out of any situation.

Crash: Eddie Aday was dragged to a John Smith Society exhibition by his girlfriend when he ended up as part of the
experiment. Eddie wasn't sure what went down, but when he woke up everyone else was dead and he was immortal.
Becoming the legendary wheelman Crash, Eddie is known for doing and surviving near suicidal driving stunts.
Crash is a part time member of the Hard Travelling Heroes.

Express: Shantal Spicer is a single mother and a metaman with super speed and the unique ability to copy a
"Package" of memories from one person and transport it to another. An agent of the Silber Agency, express is the
ultimate courier, and a good friend of Johnny Rocket.

Hound: Harry Dumont Jr. Was the youngest member of a family of cannibalistic slashers who preyed on hitchhikers
entering their territory. Not a slasher himself, Harry still helped chase down trespassers until one day he got hit by a
truck while chasing a hitchhiker and was taken into town, which clued the VASCU into his family. Put into
protective custody, Harry was never adopted, and eventually grew up to become a bounty hunter. Harry is smarter
than he lets on, and has enhanced senses which make him a great hunter.

Mindsweeper: Judith Sutter is a metaman telepath whose powers first manifested when she saw the ghost of her
grandmother and helped reconcile between her and her still living grandfather. Growing up, Judith decided to use
her powers to help solve paranormal problems. Mindsweeper can detect and nullify virtually any form of mental
influence, making her ideal when dealing with ghosts, demons, vampires and so forth.

Rad: Ivan Zhadovich is a metaman by way of his parents being exposed to Chernobyl who possesses enhanced
strength and the ability to absorb energy and release it as a blinding flash. Forced to live in the outskirts of
Chernobyl with his mother, he eventually became the leader of a street gang known as the Fallouts.

Weaver: Vea Tolok is a member of a genetically engineered race created by the Reach who escaped to New
Amsterdam during the Invasion. Weaver has a very unique power: She can create a symbiotic life form which she
then form into a super suit for a willing customer. She now makes symbiotic costumes for whoever pays her while
she learns more about her new home.

Smoke & Mirror Inc.: A pair of heroes who work as private detectives, bodyguards, and other such work. They
generally go out of their way to avoid working for more shady clientele.

-Smoke: Steve Ashberry was a College student visiting Tibet when he was saved from a mugging by a White Lotus
warrior named Steam. Steam led Steve to the Shambala Vale where she trained him in martial arts. In addition to his
fighting skills, Steve can assume a form of smoke and ash and become intangible.

-Mirror: Mary Goldridge was an Omnitech Steele researcher who developed illusion and mirror based devices to
become a crime fighter. After a fight with Orion damaged her tech, she decided she needed more on the offence, and
teamed up with Smoke.
The Alternates: A team of A-Team style mercenaries, the Alternates are four siblings who exist as soldiers of
fortune. In truth their parents were a pair of inventors who developed sophisticated android technology based on
androids they found in an abandoned Foundry lab. When the boys were killed in a dump truck accident, the kids had
their memories transferred into android bodies and spent years in stasis watching reruns of the A-Team, when they
woke up, they had forgotten their old lives and became a mercenary quartet.

-Griffin: The Hannibal of the team, Mick Madison has super intelligence.

-Grumpy: The BA of the team, Rick Madison has super strength.

-Grace: The only girl on the team, Grace is the face of the team with appearance altering powers and teleporting

-Gridlock: The Murdock of the team, Nick is an electricity manipulator.

The Rangers: A European based Vanguard team, the Rangers only had a few mission before they ended up being
benched following a disastrous battle with Eurostar. Embittered, the team broke from the Vanguard and became

-Auto-Da-Fe': Amaranto Salazar was a self centered Spanish till he received a handful of religious Artefacts from
his late grandfather, a former member of the Celestial Chorus. A changed man, Amaranto joined the Vanguard on
urging from the Chorus to act as their spy in the organization.

-Claymore: Alasdair McKee grew up in an old Scottish castle his father ran as a tourist destination. One day, he
discovered an old tome of Magic which imbued him with the power to summon a sword of energy. As Claymore,
Alasdair eventually joined the Vanguard. He is also a latent mage who has been unconsciously performing minor

-Flechette: Monique Fournier was a French runaway who joined the circus as a tightrope walker. When she was
kidnapped by two criminals, she manifested her metaman power to generate energy darts. Eventually she went from
the Circus to the Vanguard and then the Rangers.

-Heatseeker: Maria Gates is a second generation super hero, the daughter of two British heroes who were rocked by
scandal. Seeking to redeem her parents, Maria developed a suit of armour with flight and cold manipulating powers
and joined the Vanguard. The battle with Eurostar and subsequent disgrace left her bitter, and now she blames her
parents for their downfall.

-Powerplay: Johann Bloch was an Austrian Student looking to get in on a Hockey Scholarship when he discovered
he was a metaman with telekinetic and power suppressing powers, which led him to the Vanguard. Powerplay is the
biggest jerk of the team, and loves using his powers to mess with other supers.

-Spartan: The Team leader, Ambrose Carellash was a Greek Soldier who was installed as the trainer and leader of
the Rangers. During a battle with Eurostar, Ambrose was badly mauled by the monstrous Pantera, and had to be
rebuilt as a cyborg. He has a rivalry with the Vanguard member Prophet, who was an advisor on the team up until
their fateful mission.

Vigilantes International

Anarch: A creation of Doctor Azoth, Malefax is super powerful homunculi with incredible strength, agility, and
energy absorption power. Unlike Azoth's other homunculi, Anarch operates on his own: performing assassination,
destabilizing governments, and generally making trouble.

The Canadian Legion: A super hero team based in Toronto, the Canadian Legion are allies to the Legion, Team
Epic, and other Canadian heroes.
-Canadian Shield: Richard Noble was a Canadian lawyer who became a Costumed Vigilante when he was unable
to get a conviction on a criminal who raped his girlfriend. Using knowledge of electronics, he designed an armoured
costume and a shock gauntlet.

-Harrier: David Holt was a metaman born with wings. Hidden by his family he ended up going to a summer camps
for metas (Run by cruel and uncaring counsellors), when one of them took an interest in David and taught him
archery. David tried out for the Olympics, but wasn't able to get in due to his powers and was swindled by his
"Friend". After that David became the costumed Harrier and joined the Canadian Legion.

-Redcoat: Dan White is an engineering student who was a fan of super heroes. One night, he was saved by some
thugs by Canadian Shield, he trained in martial arts and became the super hero Redcoat in order to help Canadian

-Speed Demon: John Bjornson was a geneticist who tested a tissue regenerating serum on himself in order to heal
his lost legs. John regrew his legs (as well as his appendix and tonsil), and gained superhuman speed. Thwarting a
bank robbery, he took the name Speed Demon based on the American super hero.

-White Cape: Robert Donavin was a normal kid until he received a Ouija board for his 13th birthday, which he
accidentally used to summon a demon into his home, which resulted into his home burning down and his family
dying. Robert dedicated himself to fighting the forces of supernatural evil. He eventually discovered a mystic cape
which grants him supernatural powers and became a soldier for God against the forces of evil.

Captain Crisis and the Boy Detectives: William Masters was a Golden age super hero who gained powers from
exposure to a high gravity chamber which had been sabotaged by German saboteurs. Possessing Super strength and
energy manipulating powers, he fought evil for a number of years till he was imprisoned in a magic ring by the
Wizard Archimago. Years later a group of kids found the ring and discovered they could release Captain Crisis for
short periods. Armed with the ring, the Kids became a group of amateur sleuths, fighting evil and summoning the
Captain when the need arose.

The kids themselves are minor metahumans themselves: Johnny Danger (the leader and ring bearer, who can
discern an opponents weakness), Ricky "Gadget" Wilson (an aspiring gadgeteer), Edwin "Tub" Bloch (who can
eat anything), and Darlene Wilson (who can nag and complain so viciously her victims will do anything to get away
from her.)

Commander Boreal: Real name unknown, Commander Boreal is an armoured genius and pacifist who set up shop
in Antarctica shortly after Niffelheim vanished. Seeking to prevent the continent from being taken over by another
hostile military force, he seeks to remove any foreign power seeking to invade the continent. Commander Boreal
hates violence, preferring to use his wits and genius to overcome problems. He is joined by the Antarctic defenders,
a think tank of scientists and researchers who share Boreal's vision. Boreal and his people are the only humans
allowed to live on the continent by the Killer Penguins, since they have proven time and again their noble intentions,
but the Penguins still don't trust them, and keep tabs on them.

The Soviet Red Sentinels: Formed near the end of the Soviet Union, the Red Sentinels were a minor Russian super
hero team. When the Soviet Union collapsed, they decided to stay together and support the Russian Government,
They were offered the chance to be the First international Sentinels team by Doc Steele and Troll, but politely

-Ballerina: Valeri Litvinov was a Ballerina with a metaman ability of photographic reflexes. Deceived into thinking
her boyfriend was planning to defect because he was a rebel, he was eventually molded into a master spy. Despite
her powers, Ballerina is not much for combat, preferring to spy and sneak.

-Comrade: Nikolai Grechko was a Physics student who tried to build a portable nuclear reactor using black market
materials for his thesis. On the run from the KGB, he was caught out in a storm with his device and a bolt of
lightning gave him the power of self duplication. He joined the Sentinels in order to gain access to a lab for his
-Earth Scorcher: Valentina Krushchev was a metaman who emerged as a child during World War 2 when German
soldiers destroyed her village. She gained flame manipulating powers in higher temperatures, and Gravity control in
cold temperatures. Also, in above freezing temperature, Valentina heats up to deadly levels. Named Earth Scorcher,
she became a government agent. She also has slowed aging as well, and has been active alongside Troll, Battle
Czar, and Sovena Red.

-Marx Man: Leonid Voroshilov is a Sergeant in the Soviet Red Army who is a master marksman stationed in
Afghanistan. After that, he was recruited into the Sentinels and given a gun with a variety of different payloads.

-Red Raven: Vladimir Tereshkova was a military leader who was chosen by the state to become an armoured super
hero and champion of the Russian hero. He is the leader of the Sentinels, and fanatically devoted to the government.

The Warriors of Good: The Warriors are the wielders of a three artefacts, magic weapons empowered by Gods. Of
these items, the white cape is in the hands of White Cape, The Helmet goes to the Inquisitor (Described below), and
the sceptre is currently lost, in the possession of Doctor Azoth.

Inquisitor: Max Zimmerman was coal miner in Germany when he came across some human remains. After praying
over the corpse to set it to rest, he was rewarded with an enchanted cap which grants him telepathic powers. He
occasionally works with White Cape, but usually acts as a hero to the German people.

Argonaut: Andreas Ypsilante is a Grecian Historian who stumbled upon the River Styx. Falling in, he was imbued
with super strength and invulnerability, which he used to become a super hero. Unfortunately, he did not bathe his
head in the waters, so it remains vulnerable to harm.

Bulldog: Max Cunningham was a British Construction worker whose short stature belied his incredible strength.
After refusing an offer to join an illegal fighting ring, he was set upon by two assassins, who he beat the tar out of.
In retaliation, he became a costumed hero. Max is actually a Joker with super strength and durability.

Daniel Mask, Masquerade: Daniel Mask is an army brat turned Air force turned spy. Badly hurt in Tibet, he was
rescued by Shambala Vale monks and trained to gain psychic and teleporting powers. After his mentor was killed by
invading PHANTOM agents, he returned to the states as a costumed hero.

Diana: The daughter of Pact mages, Diana's parents sacrificed their son Sam to the spirit of Halloween, turning him
into a hideous demon who slaughtered them. Diana was rescued by an avatar of Gaia and raised in the Himalayas,
training her to one day do battle with Samhain's new minion. Diana has healing and energy blast powers, and is also

Espirit: Louis Clemenceau was a small time thief who died by accident during a heist. He woke up in a morgue and
discovered he had been possessed by Georges Fleury, an 18th century artist who was executed for a crime he did not
commit. Now the pair work together to help the downtrodden.

Hawker: The son of Harrier, Mark Holt is only 2 years old right now, but by the time he becomes an adult, Mark
will become a powerful flame manipulating super hero known as Hawker.

Leap Frog: Joseph Paling was an Illinois inventor and Jokester who developed a special wetsuit for a friend. As a
joke he designed it as a frog like costume so he could scare his friend, only to discover him being threatened by a
loan shark. Paling tried to help, but he got his friend killed by mistake and ended up on the run from the Loan shark
and his gang. Along the way, Joseph helps people where he can with his suit. He isn't a very good hero yet, but he

The Masked Matador: Juan Siqueiros is a master bullfighter from Mexico. After years of defeating bulls, Juan
decided to become a super hero. Commissioning a special Muleta (Red cape) with an electronic device which can
induce rage, and became a super hero to seek further challenge and glory.

The Mask of Midnight: Kyle Black was a reporter whose father was killed because he was investigating a local
crime lord. Seeking vengeance, he discovered his father was a retired super hero, and donned his father's costume
and skills to become the mask of Midnight. He lacks actual powers, but is costume allows him to conceal himself, he
is a master of disguise and mimicry, and his appearance can strike fear in the hearts of his enemies.

Minute Man, Lady Liberty, and Mister America: A family of Patriotic Super heroes, Lance Steel (Mister
America) was a young boy during World War II who gained enhanced strength and Charisma during an
experimental procedure to fix his eyesight. Over the years, Mr. America fought many villains, and saved Helen
Saunders, a Senators daughter who would become the hero Miss America, gaining flight and energy blasting
powers. She changed her name Lady Liberty when the second Lady Liberty vanished to keep the tradition alive.
They are both largely retired now, but their son Steven keeps up the tradition as Minute Man. While lacking powers,
he is a trained fighter and has a variety of gadgets built into his suit.

Nukenin: Hanako Fujimaki is a member of a ninja clan that were part of the Black Hand, unknown to most, the
Fujimaki were actually moles in the organization put in by the White Council to help undermine the Black Hands
efforts. Hanako was refused entry into the Black Hand by her father, who believed it too dangerous for her, so she
sought out a local monk and trained in ninjitsu under him. When the Black Hand discovered the truth of her father
and killed him, she set out to seek vengeance. Nukenin is often a love interest to Black Dragon.

Partisan: Athene Mofolo was a citizen of Lugandu when Joseph Otenga seized power. Her brother killed for
speaking out against him, rescued by a reporter and joining some local revolutionaries, Athene became the freedom
fighter partisan, and continues to fight against Otenga and his forces to this day. She is a crack shot with a crossbow
and a master guerrilla fighter.

Street Wolf: A hero of unknown origins, Street Wolf has recently appeared in Chicago, and is making life difficult
for the organized crime bosses of the city, in particular Johnny Marcone and Goldie Muso.

Tasmanian Devil: Phillip Roarke was an Australia Milita man who was selected to test out a special suit of armour
designed to allow the wearer to survive a Nuclear war. Left in the desert for four days, Roarke saw a mysterious
Oasis with an idol in the centre. When he was found, it was discovered the suit had fused with his skin. Going
AWOL and living in the desert, he ran afoul the Concrete Savages in the midst of a kidnapping, and rescued the girl.
He now helps those who need help in his desert.

The Vanquishing Knight: Sir Garren is a knight from Camelot who was blinded by Mordred, he was nursed back
to health by Merlin and placed in magical stasis so he could fight Mordred in the modern day, armed with a electric
sword and a Pegasus named Excalibur, he operates out of a mystical recreation of Camelot in the Imageria, and is a
protector of the people of England. (and makes people wonder if ANYONE from Camelot is going to stay dead).

Original Characters.

A-aardvark: One of Doctor Simian's two new super-powered animal lackeys, A-aardvark was rescued from a zoo
where he'd been mistreated, and raised to sentience along with super-strength, toughness, and burrowing powers
beyond any aardvark, or many superhumans for that matter.

Phantom Torpedo: An unnamed PHANTOM grunt who got tapped for involuntary serum testing, and gained super-
speed on ground or in water, plus enhanced resilience. Often tapped to attack ships, leading to his codename.

Omega Monkey: A chimpanzee rescued by poachers by Doctor Simian, and granted sentience and energy blasting
powers as well. She works with A-aardvark as a duo.

Gorilla Empress: An aging but still strong Mexican luchadora who began as her crimefighting career back in 1958
during the heydey of the masked wrestling heroes. She began as the Girl Gorilla (she was an avid female
bodybuilder even at age 16), sidekick to the mammoth Queen Congo, eventually rising to become leader of the
famed Wrestling Women. An adventure involving an Aztec mummy (of course), a mad scientist, and the witch-
queen of a lost underground tribe resulted in Gorilla Empress gaining longevity, but she's starting to show her age

Karate Widow: This suburban housewife began training in the martial arts when her lawyer husband began
spending too much time away from home, his time consumed not just by his practice but also many, many hours
spend at the local mixed-martial arts training gym. She dubbed herself the "Karate Widow" because of how rarely
she saw him, and decided to surprise the man by learning the disciplines as well. But while her paramour was no
better than mediocre at hand-to-hand combat, she excelled, growing adept in a matter of months. Not wishing to
crush her husband's masculine ego, but wanting to put the newfound skills to use, the masked Karate Widow patrols
the seedier parts of town on her tricked-out motorcycle, handling street-level crimes.

Elastisorcerer: This Argentinean mutant villain may have a rather absurd name, but heroes should not take him
lightly at all. A well-known super-criminal in his native country, the polymer-kinetic wields utter molecular control
over latex, nylon, plastic, rubber, and all similar substances; he can animate them, cause them to melt, stiffen,
change shape, rapidly degrade and so on. Given man-made polymers are almost ubiquitous in modern industrial
society, the Elastisorcerer is far more formidable than his powers might first indicate. As he is also of near-genius
intellect, he is very clever in the use of his powers, and employs weapons and gimmicks such as high-velocity paint
guns which fire pellet containing adhesive liquids and "superballs" made of ultra-hard rubber. "Elastisorcerer" is
actually a poor English translation of his Spanish codename, which literally should be "The Polymer Master".

Future Bug: Once a street-savvy sneak thief and scavenger of a dystopian cyberpunk alternate timeline, "Bug"
chanced into becoming the companion of a space-and-time transversing alien (but not the famous one). After
numerous misadventures and shenanigans spanning five epochs and half-a-dozen different worlds, he and the alien
parted ways, though he did not return to his origin time period, instead departing in the early 20th century of Earth.
He returned to the trade he knew best: crime. The Future Bug uses his cybernetic implants, hacking skills, and
limited knowledge of upcoming events (the timelines are just beginning to diverge) as a mercenary costumed villain,
stealing and spying whomever pays the highest dollar.


For all the (relative) rarity of magic, there is still a ton of mystic heroes and villains out there. On the heroes' side, a
handful of them are in a class of their own, in reputation and fact. To give a few examples: Adrian Eldritch has had
nearly a century of experience being the Master Mage, Madame Tomorrow possesses earthshaking power, is the
daughter of Orkus, and is a visionary leader of the Tomorrow Society. Seven has great potential deep within. Harry
Dresden... riding a zombie T-Rex through Chicago - 'nuff said.

Ghast is of course, one of their peers, since in many ways, he has a blend of utter familiarity with the arcane, fateful
destiny, and surprising badassery... but his most important feature is an impressively insightful understanding of
magical villains and evils, and how they think and operate. After all, he was raised as one of them.

Paul Pettigrew should have known better, he reflects at times. Silas the Elder, his father, though in the Crinoverse
is not the head honcho of the Pact, remains one of the top of the Elders regardless, and has unshakeable power in
England. Raised in the lap of luxury but inundated with arcane lore and the self-serving ethos of the Pact, Paul
expected somehow to be immune to being used by Silas.

If you want one reason for Ghast's pissy and sarcastic attitude - there's this: his father sold him into slavery to a Lord
of Winter, and Ghast had to endure slavery for years before escaping. To an extent, this awoke a consciousness in
him, of course, spite played a good role in turning him to the side of the Covenant, who he went to for protection.

Over the remaining couple of years, Ghast has proved himself an unlikely and impressive hero in the mystic world,
at the price of gaining a multitude of enemies. Still he triumphs nonetheless. Though in relative terms, he does not
possess extreme power - knowledge and lore has been his preserve, Ghast is an expert in rituals and artifice, and his
Changeling magic is still quite potent. There are very few in existence who are immune to the Mien of the Baba
Yaga's fear effects, for one. A tricky customer indeed.

The cost though, has been subtle yet deep. The trauma has isolated Ghast, and he has very few friends, even towards
Eldritch and Seven he is cautious... and he really does not take breaks from his work, except for brief periods of
time, out of a pathological fear that relaxing his guard would put him in danger again. Fortunately, during the recent
alien joint invasion, Paul has cautiously begun to open up to Toph Bei Fong and even consider dating her.
And what of Silas' opinions throughout all this? Paul doesn't really know, or care.

Wind-Racer (My idea for Avengers Academy)

In Creation....

As the Reclamation slowly moved forward, the Yozis found a bit of a hitch in their plans. Salevar Halman, one of
the longest surviving and most powerful of the Scourges, possessor of one of the oldest pre-Usurpation Exaltations,
realized for himself the limited lifespan Infernals had been given by the titans of Malfeas. And just how wasteful and
useless their plans were.

Seeking to free himself thus from the yoke of Hell, Salevar developed a number of high Essence, mighty charms,
that severed his bonds from the hold of Liluth, and amplified his powers to mighty proportions before leaving with a
handful of controlled demons and worshipers, intent on dominating Creation for himself.

Unfortunately, several Green Sun Princes caught up with him and after a devastating battle, Salevar was slain. But
his independent Exaltation disappeared, caught itself within a demon, and the beast found itself blundering through a
crack between dimensions.

On Earth 409

Gavin Orlando was an average New York City teen, with some interests in literature, mythology, drama, and some
wealthy parents. Still, he never let the money concept go to his head. One day though, he was heading for a local
theatre play when he wandered down the wrong alley and got accosted by some thugs. Running, he got down
another alleyway, and ran into a thing, with insect like wings and jewelled eyes.

The Exaltation in the Agata detected something of his potential and will to use if utilized, and impelled the Agata to
absorb him. Gavin was engulfed into the Chrysalis Grotesque, making the pursuing thugs break off and run in right.
Shocked, Gavin endured for a time, seeing strange flashes of heroes and mad god-kings in a world that he knew
nothing of, and a hint of the power he'd just received.

He broke out, several hours later, blinking and trying to process all he was learning and sensing (the memories of the
Infernal and preceding Solars were quite old, potent, and strongly rooted in him), before Gavin first decided to cope
by heading home and talking to his parents.

He discovered at that point, how fast he could move - the first indication of the Exalted might within the new
Scourge. It was hard to explain things to his parents, but they first had him sit down with a psychologist at first, in a
bit of disbelief. The psychologist, Dr. Gram, was a friend and professional colleague of Doctor Samson, and
contacted him for the discussion.

Samson understood what was going on, and talked things through with Gavin, and Gavin decided that it was
probably for the better if he knew how to use what he could do, for safety's sake if nothing else. Hence, Avengers
Academy was contacted as it was forming... and Xiao the Dawn General too, discretely.

And the Yozis are looking, watching, in pursuit of the 'heretical Infernal.'

Motivation - Responsibility
Torment of Adjoran: The communication-linked Torment can still descend on Gavin and make it impossible for him
to communicate with others.
Enemies: The Yozis and loyal Infernals, who are looking for him.
The Weight of Memories: The old and powerful Solar memories can overwhelm Gavin if he draws on them
Reputation: To those in the know, an Infernal represents an ominous thing.

Powerset: Something of a speedster crossed with the warrior archetype, and an Essence Sense Super-Sense and
sound-suppression powers.


the only daughter of High Lemuria's General Gongen, the great stone colossus, and [NAME PENDING], High
Lemuria's Scientist Supreme, Durga was, in spite of her incredible strength and nigh invulnerability, mocked and
ridiculed by her peers for the ordinariness of her powers, how her father was a boisterous buffoon who was defeated
by humans during the battle of Hawaii, and how on one of her first field missions, was unable to prevent the
'kidnapping' of Lady Yuna from a Blitzball exhibition by the Sapphire Guard, debasement that led to rumours that
Durga was not an Evo-Lutionary, but an uplifted and jumped up Bioroid, barely better than an ordinary human.

Desperate to prove herself, Durga volunteered for The Games, a competition to select those candidates who would
be sent out into the world to act as High Lemuria's ambassadors and Envoys, a move to regain face after High
Lemuria's near destruction during The Invasion if not for the unexpected aid of human allies. Despite a middling
showing in comparison to her rivals, Durga was among those selected for the great honour of representing her
homeland. the only thing that kept her from regarding it as the exile it is was that she was personally sponsored by
Lady Yuna herself.

And following Lady Yuna's advice, Durga has come to Emerald City and to the Avengers Academy...

Motivation: Durga thinks she wants recognition, but she really wants acceptance
A girl worth fighting for: Durga is seeking a girlfreind, if only to get over her unrequited crush on Lady Yuna
Family matters: Durga is fiercely loyal to her family, even if her father is a moron, and she's terrified by what her
mother's become
High Lemuria Uber Alles: As a high Lemurian, Durga has her share of their signature arrogance, quick temper and
disdain for the non-powered.
Can't even fly: Durga is a touch sensitive about being a flightless brick, to the point where her worst fear is that she
really is just an uplifted Bioroid.

Powerset: Brick/martial artist hybrid, with a growing array of Superstrength tricks I intend to slowly buy up with


Yuki Teuchi has always loved Super-heroes. Before she'd even started school she'd joined the Tokyo Defence
League's official fanclub, and even as a young child she'd attended the very first Meta-Con, Japan's metahuman

By the time she was in junior high she was already starting to gain a reputation as more than a bit of a cape-chaser.
Her parents even started becoming concerned she could become an origin-seeker and start trying to become a super-
hero herself. Which was ridiculous. Yuki knew that real super-hero's had to come across origins. Origin seeker
heroes were mostly wannabes and B-listers.

In High School Yuki started her own fan Club for the Great Lakes Avengers, and even got to see them in person at
Meta-Con. Well, briefly. Before the entire convention was dragged to Hel.

Yuki's life changed, for what she sees as the better, when, after the Jurian Invasion of Tokyo, Yuki stumbled across a
bit of alien technology in the rubble. She found that, after putting it on her wrist, she was cable of gaining the
abilities of heroic archtypes. The Brick, the master of cold, the dark detective, the swashbuckler, and others.

Hearing about the Academy, Yuki signed herself up as soon as possible.

Motivation: Thrill Seeker: For all that she understands that heroes do heroic things, and that they do often die in the
line of duty, Yuki still has the misconception that it is, inherently, fun. As such, she tends to treat combat and heroics
like a game.

Prototype: Yuki is also under the mistaken impression that the armlet is Jurian in nature, given when and where she
found it. In actuality, it is a prototype of Hero Engine. And using it, likely to draw the attention of the Va'hn Empire.

Fangirl: Yuki has a tendency to gush over super-heroes, spouting off everything she knows about them. This even
extends to some super-villains.


Jared lost his arm up to his elbow due to a alligator attack near Vibora Bay. Miles away from help, Jared was sure
that he was going to bleed out. Delusional from blood loss and shock, Jared collapsed by a rotted out log filled with
foxfire as night fell. He closed his eyes for what he was sure was the last time when a bright light flashed across him
coming from the foxfire. He heard a voice in his head that said it could save him if he would accept it and show it
the world. Thinking this was nothing more then his mind finally going from loss of blood he accepted. The foxfire
then exploded showering Jared with spores. Jared doesn't remember anything else as he passed out.

Waking back up at dawn, Jared saw that he was changed. The voice he had heard the previous night was now in his
head. It introduced itself and seemed to have access to Jared's memories. It explained that the union was 'suboptimal'
due to Jared's injuries but it did its best to repair his body. The meaning of suboptimal became apparent as Jared got
a good look at his new body, he had both of his arms but he whole skin was covered in various types of fungus,
some that can't even infect animal flesh. His hair was replaced by slime mold and he smelled like mildew no matter
what he did. His small town basically thought that he had become a Joker and chased him out.

Jared wandered the country and found that his new form did have some advantages. He didn't need to eat or drink,
his body naturally got nutrition by being near decaying matter. He could produce spores that had different effects on
human and near human biology. He could also regenerate damage to his body. He basically applied to the Avengers
academy for a place to be as living out on the streets was tough and perhaps he could meet someone that could fix


Ugly: Jared is very ugly, he looks more like a rotting corpse then a person at this point. He covers up in any weather.
He prefers loose clothing and actually started with heavy baggy clothes and a burlap sack with two eyeholes for a
mask. His ugliness and smell make him very socially awkward and withdrawn. He really doesn't want others to see
him beneath his clothes and mask. He will react violently if someone physically tries to remove it.

More then one voice: Shan is an alien intelligence and has a rather different view on things. Shan does give him
knowledge that he wouldn't have normally specifically in the area of biology but Shan can influence Jared's actions
and even take control of the body for a short while.

Skeleton Key

Some time ago a bunch of Sealed Evils in a Can started corresponding through their minions. They all decided they
were tired of always waiting for "the stars to be right" or whatever to try and get out and decided to cheat by creating
a key that would work in all their "locks": a skeleton key. To do this they had to make her mostly of random chaos.
To ensure she'd be a loyal tool they had her raised by whatever Evils weren't sealed so they'd instil their values in

She only turned because she fell in with the wrong crowd.

Specifically a god from the Hazardverse (i.e. where Chris is from) who's area of coverage was the necessity of
change in balance. He pointed out that if she was an avatar of freedom then she should get to live her own life free
from anyone trying to tell her what to do.

Skeleton Key took the advice and skipped town on her guardians with the help of a conveniently found collar that
turned out to be a dimensional transporter.

Insert a whole bunch of years of multiversal and time-travel hi-jinks that make her hunted by both people who hate
her and people who love her.

Then one day the collar malfunctioned. See, Skeleton Key has almost no idea how to make it go where she wants,
other than one button, the "Go Home" button, that always sends her back to the Hazardverse. The Hazardverse is not
terribly well-known, so it's a good place to hide. Without that safe-haven she'd have to stay constantly on the run.
Instead she's opted to come to Earth-409 and spin a cover-story that will get her protection long enough to figure out
how to fix the "Go Home" button.


Motivation -- Freedom: Mostly for herself: Skeleton Key just wants to do whatever she wants. But she's a nice
person so she helps out oppressed people whenever she runs across them (not to mention it's fun foiling dictators).

Hunted -- The Foiled: Whenever one helps the oppressed (whether it be downtrodden peasants or star-crossed
lovers) you invariably incur the wrath of people who wanted things to go another way.

Hunted -- For Love: Of course if you're a dashing adventurer you woo people (by intent or accident), there are
always those who won't forgive you for it, whether it be because they didn't approve or because they wouldn't take
"You're a psycho-b!tch with a living doll fetish" for an answer.

Hunted -- Nagged by Evil: The beings who raised SK aren't pleased that she's not focusing on her studies to unleash
unspeakable evil across multiple dimensions. Surprisingly they do this by acting like a stereotypical disapproving
family rather than, you know, being evil.
(For her part SK has a warpedly-tolerant view of her family's behaviour. This is mostly because while they are evil
they are Faux Affably Evil, leaning toward the Affably part, and the fact that they were a functional, if sit-com-ish,

Powers: SK has the ability to open almost anything that can be considered "locked". This not only includes actual
locks but any time entry is allowed but impeded. This not only includes locations but also metaphoric concepts such
as "locked" hearts. Places where beings aren't intended to get into or out of no matter what don't count.

She would also have some other powers which currently I'm not sure exactly what. Kreuz a version of Vortex's
portal blasts in keeping with naming her after a concept from BESM 3rd, but that might invalidate her need for a
device to travel dimensions. She might also have some kind of chaos power owing to being created from it.

The dimensional transport collar is really a Plot Device as she can't do anything useful with it.

The Abyss: Graveyard of Broken Realities

Some say the Abyss is a hole between the Supernal and the rest of the universe. They are misguided-the Abyss is not
a "hole", as that would imply a lack of substance. The Abyss encompasses all that is unreal, including impossible

Some say the Abyss is a result of Atlantean hubris, believing they could order the Supernal to their ideals. They are
wrong-while the fall of Atlantis was caused, at least in part, one of the greatest Intrusions on record, the Abyss was
long before Atlantis, and as a whole did not even notice it was gone.

Orkus says the Abyss is a result of his manipulations, another tool in his quest to conquer and then destroy the
universe. He is lying-though like all good lies, it contains an element of truth.

In all truth, while Orkus did open the first known portal there with a working of the darkest magic and the most
obscene science, the Abyss is, and always has been, a by-product of the existence of the cosmos-in all its iterations.
Quite simply, the Light is not a perfect entity, and during the rebirth of the cosmos after the Dark devours it, its
creative energy is unfocused, random. It takes the form of every potential thing and every potential non-thing that
can exist in the reborn cosmos, and invariably, a few manifestations of its power are...broken. Paradoxical. Simply
impossible. That Which Should Not Be.

As the new multiverse cools and hardens, these manifestations of a warped potential are squirreled away in a bizarre
pseudo-space that exists outside the entire cosmos-even the Annihilation Zone. This, not the hole between the
Supernal and everything else, is the true Abyss-a prison and junkyard for the Failures of God, a place where the
Paradox Laws may exist without harming the rest of reality.

And they are not happy about it.

The Paradox Laws, you see, are not dead, still things. They, much like physical laws in the true cosmos, proceed to
enforce themselves on the formless substance of the Abyss, forming entire, stillborn dimensions around themselves.
These dimensions, the Greater Abyssal Entities, have an emergent intelligence born from the interaction of their
horrid inhabitants and warped internal logic, and each one is acutely aware of the fact that it is a way the cosmos
could have been, but wasn't. This knowledge, that they are unwanted by existence, angers and upsets them, and so
they, in their vast, alien manner, look upon the real universe with envy and hate, desiring to be the real universe, or
at least destroy it so that they too may be recycled by the Light and so end their pain.

And they would have remained out there, if Orkus has not made what he considers (privately) to be one of his few
blunders, and letting them in.

See, the Abyss, as a whole, requires permission; part of the genius of imprisoning the Things That Should Not Be in
the Abyss is that the space is literally conceptual-if the inhabitants of the cosmos do not allow the Abyss to Intrude,
in most cases it cannot. A young Orkus, unfortunately, realized this, and in his pride, thought he could use the Abyss'
desire to replace reality for his own benefit. The destruction of several Anti-Gods and at least one True Entropic
Master informed him otherwise. The Greater Abyssal Entities cannot be ruled, in much the same way the nuclear
forces, gravity, and electromagnetism cannot be ruled-only have relatively infinitesimal bits of themselves directed
towards a certain task. They can, however, be served, and as the inhabitants who thought on a more mortal scale
realized, there was no shortage of people who thought as if reality itself had turned against them, and were willing to
listen to the idea of...changing it.

So were born not only the first Scelesti, the Magi of the Abyss, but also the innumerable cultists who serve,
knowingly or not, the Things That Should Not Be. And as they have established footholds, the Abyss has found it
easier and easier to Intrude, almost to the point where they don't even need to ask, even subconsciously.

Terminology: A Greater Abyssal Entity is, as mentioned, a broken, semi-sapient universe born from a Paradox
Law, a physical, mystical, scientific, or biological natural law of the universe that simply doesn't make sense and
would cause damage to the fabric of the universe. When allowed into the Tellurian through dark deeds, morbid
desires or evil ritual, the resultant Abyss-born phenomenon is called an Intrusion. These are not always living or
even physical entities, and in fact often manifest as a twisting of natural law into the bizarre; distortions of the space-
time continuum are a good example, though far from the only. Which isn't to say they don't happen of course-in this
case the entity is called a Gulmoth, and usually only stays in the Tellurian long enough to accomplish some arcane
goal that furthers the agenda of the Greater Abyssal Entity that spawned it, sets the stage for more Intrusions, or the
destruction of reality (though this isn't necessarily large-could be it just wants to devour a single soul or some
relatively small thing that creates a lot of pain and heartache for a smallish number of people). In particularly large-
scale or catastrophic Intrusions, the Gulmoth may become stuck in the Tellurian and become an Acamoth, an
emissary of the Abyss. The Acamoth invariably become quite powerful as they parasitically leech off of the
Tellurian's energy and gain the ability to send dreams that entice people to provoke Intrusions, form cults of it, or
even to give the Acamoth permission to use an individual's mind as a "home away from home", using it as a gateway
for Abyssal energies to stream through and return the Acamoth, however briefly, to the Abyss. Needless to say, this
is not good for a person's sanity or moral compass, so an Abyssal sojourn by an Acamoth is phrased as an archetypal
Devil's Deal-"allow me to stomp around your subconscious for a bit, and I'll give you special powers". Naturally,
these Investitures come built with an expiration date, so that the Acamoth get repeat customers.

Intrusion: The Nativity (aka, the Children of the Void, the Paradox-Born)
Many myths speak of the children of the gods. From Hercules to Jesus, from Bellrophon to Cuchulain, the world is
filled with myths of the half-divine. More than a few heroes are demigods as well. More recently, there are children
of devils and demons in the myths too, but even those have precedence-the troll-wives of Norse myth, for instance,
and their monstrous offspring born from deceived husbands. Or cambions, the children of succubi and incubi, of
which Merlin was one before his demonic side became Mr. Hoppy.

The Nativity are part of the latter group. Born of a speck of the Void entering an unfortunate woman at a dark time,
usually inflicted through the actions of another (surviving a serial killer attack, killing an abuser in self-defence),
whatever Paradox Law that allows for the existence of a dark twist on a virgin birth uses them as subtle and
extremely dangerous weapons against reality. The Paradox-Born exude a field that makes superpowers extremely
unpredictable and dangerous within a square mile of them, while they unconsciously influence their mothers to
become jealously protective and paranoid for them. Worse, the Abyss that dwells within them in much like a coiled
viper, waiting for just the right moment to strike, releasing a powerful entropic field that spins critical moments (the
deciding goal of a soccer game, the final touches on a chair, a test on a hyperspace portal device) towards the utter
failure, and those failures are usually spectacular (the soccer player overshoots his kick and ends up breaking an
ankle, the carpenter drives a nail into the skin between his fingers, the portal explodes and teleports a bunch of
confused and angry Thran to Earth).

And the worst part about this? Apparently, someone never informed the Abyss that the born harbinger of doom is
supposed to be evil.

Quite simply, the Children of the Void, despite having a giant dark stain of general hostility towards all of existence
as an integral part of their souls, are not actually psychologically different from naturally melancholy normal
children, and in fact the aforementioned dark stain is almost as much as hazard to them as it is to everyone around
them-the Nativity are naturally sickly and usually suffer from bouts of depression and low self-esteem. They are as
much victims of the Abyss as the world they unknowingly doom by their very presence, and in fact actually have it
worse-animals have an instinctual sense the Void within the Nativity and despise them for it, while they trip off
every possible "supernatural sense" as something ancient, dark, and powerful, meaning that factions who seek to
destroy or weaponize them follow them wherever they go. Naturally, many Nativity don't live very long, and those
that do are usually embittered loners clinging to the edge of society...a position helped by the fact that a Paradox-
Born's grow up with them, becoming unique, distinctive, and often quite frightening. While no adult Child of the
Void is likely going to rock the boat when it comes to Power Levels, many are natural seers and their link to the
Abyss gives a lot of them psychic powers...which, when combined with their normal entropic field, makes an adult
Nativity a threatening enemy to have. There's nothing about being a Paradox-Born the prevents teaming up with
others to take down a foe.

That said, it is possible to cure the Abyssal parts of a Nativity's soul...which is infinitely easier said than done. For
one, the soul-taint of a Child of the Void are less mutations then they are portals-ie, holes. Thus, the problem with
helping a Paradox-Born escape the cursed power of the Abyss is that it involves less metaphorical organ transplant
and more grafting of organs utterly necessary to the functioning of the body into places that organs don't normally
go, while attempting to prevent rejection. One idea is to simply fuse a soul, but besides bringing up the
uncomfortable question of where the spare soul comes from, the process isn't pretty as two sets of memories clash
and merge-the "cured" Nativity is invariably either schizophrenic or has multiple personalities. The other way is to
perform a ritual that is simultaneously meant to heal the soul and bar the passage of the Abyss, permanently closing
the holes of the soul-taint while creating new, healthy soul to fill in the gaps...which requires research and new
materials every time, since like a fingerprint, every Nativity's soul is different, and that includes the taint. Trying to
scrounge up the components isn't easy either, since both components of such a ritual involve ingredients like "a drop
of fresh water from each of the world's ocean's" and "a thimble of blood, willingly given, by a truly innocent man".
Still, for the sake of both the Paradox-Born and the world, it just might be worth it.

That Which Should Not Be: Intruders From The Abyss

Note: The entities in the list below are classified as Intrusion, Gulmoth, or Acamoth. While the latter two are
obviously living (?) things, but not all Abyss-influenced life is actually a Gulmoth. The Abyss breaks apart all
reality, and that includes biological ones, leading to Abyss-touched mutants. In a few cases, the entity hits a few
categories at once, and these are both listed with an explanation of why.

Abyssal Assistant (Gulmoth) Deceptively inanimate, this variety of Gulmoth appears to be a small, engineering
tool of some sort (anything from a wrench to a tablet, though nothing with moving parts) with an unnaturally good
make (and, if electronic, it never runs out of battery). Mystical examination of the matter itself, however, will reveal
that the object is unnatural and obviously unreal in some way-a shell, built around an excessively alien and
extremely intelligent Gulmoth. Destroy the object, it simply gathers a new form out of spare matter around its
bonded inventor.

Drawn to the frustration and despair an engineer or scientist fails at repeated failure to invent something, an Abyssal
Assistant bonds with the inventor on a subconscious level, without the unwitting pawn ever realizing that they have
no idea where their new favorite tool came from. The inventor is soon subliminally pressured into becoming a
stereotypical mad scientist, the creation of hypertech being their only goal in life. Said hypertech is bizarre in its
internal build, even by superhero gadget standards, mainly due to the fact that the inventions draw on no earthly law-
rather, the Assistant guides the inventor to create along the insane logic of the Nemesis Continuum (see below), and
as a result, the hypertech he creates would be literally impossible otherwise in a sane world, to the point where only
the inventor can actually fix it. Besides the fact that many inventions have components that are, well, macabre in
nature, the inventions use the life force of the cosmos as fuel; base life such as bugs and plants begin to sicken
within a hundred yards of an invention, with multiple inventions building on the effect until five are within each
other's radius-life actually ages faster at that point.

In order to banish the Assistant without killing the inventor, the Abyss-hunter must convince the inventor to put it
up, at least for a while. Easier said then done-besides the subliminal seduction, one has to convince the inventor that
they aren't failures for the initial inability to create, which the Assistant never lets them forget in dreams. A
psychiatrist is recommended. Barring that, one can keep the inventor and the Assistant separate for three consecutive
days, which if anything, is even harder-one can't destroy the Assistant less it reform on a convenient flat surface, and
the thing can and does teleport when nobody is looking. Either way, the tool remains, but the Gulmoth is gone,
leaving just an ordinary device with a lot of bad energy clinging to it...and the inventions.

Abyssal Imprint (Gulmoth / Intrusion-Gulmoth possessing a mortal, who is mutated to be a counter to its
quarry): By far one of the most traumatic things anyone can face, the Abyssal Imprint is actually two entities. One
is a Negative, an Abyssal reflection of a superpowered individual's soul. The second is a person who knows the
reflected person, taken over body and soul by the Negative-and worse, thinks they're in total control. Called through
immoral actions to protect the uncovering of a secret identity, a Negative immediately follows the links of arcane
connection its counterpart to find a valid vessel-namely, a mundane who can describe the individual in their
mundane life without concrete knowledge of their secret one. The Negative prefers someone for whom personality
changes will not be noticed by its quarry, but if its feeling sadistic, lovers and relatives are fair game. Most
importantly, it can wait years if need be to spring the trap, though existing without a host in the cosmos is painful.
Once it selects a vessel, the Negative inserts itself into the connection between the vessel's soul and mind, forming a
true Imprint.

The Negative then assaults the Imprint with feelings of paranoia and dread regarding its quarry, gradually molding
the Imprint into a perfect weapon against them. To the Imprint, the quarry becomes what the Negative actually is-an
intruder from the Outside, breaking the world in an attempt to fix it. Their goals are simple-free the world from a
toxic influence, through their death. Of course, Imprints are working largely on emotion and gut feelings, so actually
asking them to elaborate confuses them. In the mean time, the Abyssal influence begins to mutate the Imprint, giving
them superpowers that form a perfect counter to the quarry (thus, if Louis Lane was possessed by Superman's
Negative, she might develop the ability to transform parts of her body to Kryptonite or magical ability), not to
mention the Negative has the quarry's memories and the Imprint can draw upon them. Thus, an Imprint becomes a
very dangerous and determined foe, both due to their powers and their ability to construct a profile of the quarry on
command-to say nothing of their face.

Banishing a Negative and saving the Imprint can be done in one of three ways. First, the quarry may die. The
Negative is, after all, a reflection, and the death of its caster causes it to dissolve (which goes a massive way towards
explaining why successful Imprints so often shoot themselves right afterwards). The second is for the quarry to
avoid feeding it-no powers for half the quarry's Power Level, rounded up, in days. Of course, the Imprint doesn't
stop the hunt because the quarry hung up the cape to save them, so friends/bodyguards are appreciated. The final is
by dissolving the arcane connections between the quarry and the Imprint so that the Negative loses the anchor and
drifts off, into the Abyss. This also means that the saved Imprint will not remember the quarry, in many cases, but
that could be an acceptable price. In any case-and thankfully for the Imprint's sanity-the Negative takes much of the
memory of the person's time as an Imprint with it. There would probably be a lot more psych wards filled with the
various lovers of supers otherwise.

Abyssal Spiders (Gulmoth): Nightmare of arachnophobes and anti-mind control activists everywhere, Abyssal
Spiders are just as they sound-microscopic, translucent spiders that live in the subarachnoid layer of the brain, eating
the cerebral fluid and doing their best to spread to other hosts. Repeated abuse of mental powers on an individual
(the more invasive and damaging, the better for them) can open tiny fissures in their brain to the Abyss, through
which a founding hive of Spiders can come through. Should the potential host be unable to fight them off, they spin
a web of cerebrospinal fluid across the brain and begin to subtly influence the host to find an individual with mental
powers, helping them through the generation of telepathic "static" that superhumans can pick up (they prefer those
with mental powers, but others can be used as breeding hosts). When the interested prey is drawn to the host and
touches them (strike, handshake, embrace-doesn't matter), the Spiders overwhelm the host's motor cortex and force
them to plant a kill on the prey, along with a colonizing force of Spiders. In the case of mundanes, what happens
afterwards doesn't matter to the Spiders-all too frequently, they die or suffer brain injuries due to lack of
cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and no Spiders to pick up the slack. "Second generation" Spiders and onward are less
greedy for the stuff, but they need superpowered fluid to survive...or equivalent. Abyssal Spiders are nothing if not
adaptable-if its sapient and has a brain, they can adapt their biology to live there.

Besides the sheer squick factor of being infested with a race of tiny, hive-minded arachnids, being a host of the
Spiders has a number of drawbacks. For one, they can temporarily overrule the mind, causing the infested to take
any single action which they are capable of, not to mention more subtle, long term manipulation through
manipulation of thoughts and dreams. Secondly, the static is actually rather annoying and unsettling, meaning that
social relations are rather impaired among people who can perceived it and not being targeted for infestation by the
Spiders. Most damningly, the Spiders happily rampage through the parts of the brain that regulates moral behaviour-
the infested becomes a high-functioning sociopath, capable of feeling regret and fear but not to the point where they
actually influence behaviour. On the bright side, their neural rejiggering at least can help foster greater and greater
heights of mind control! ...Because they want to call more hives from the Abyss, in case it wasn't obvious.

Getting rid of Abyssal Spiders without killing the host is a tricky process, ironically often involving mental powers.
The trick is to access a particular infestation's hive mind, which breaks apart the normal unity of the Spiders and
causes them to misidentify the therapist as their "queen" in the Abyss somewhere, and the queen's word is law-
including the word to exit the body and throw themselves into an open flame. Of course, up until that point, the
Spiders are aware of the attempted intrusion, so they fight tooth and nail, with longer-term infestations having better
mental defences-and as a last resort, actually contacting the hive mind comes with the sensation of being covered
with spiders, so arachnophobes need not apply. Barring that, reverberating the static back on the Spiders causes them
to have aneurysms and die, though how one actually causes the static feedback is a difficult question. If all else fails,
there is always brain surgery, though the surgeon needs superhuman help-the things are numerous and fast, and thus
the only way to get rid of them is to destroy their environment...i.e., expose the subarachnoid, filter the cerebrospinal
fluid, remove the webs, and then put the whole damn brain back together. Yeah, the surgical option is what we in the
business like to call "absolute last option".

Anumerus (Gulmoth): One of the occasional Abyss-born supervillains, Anumerus is the Abyssal spirit of anti-
numbers, specifically zero through nine Since all numbers are represented through those ten digits, however, he has
influence over all of them if his weaknesses are not brought to bear. A subject of Kenneth Kane's personal loathing,
Anumerus is called to the Tellurian by the deceptive manipulation of numbers (such as cheating on taxes or fudging
a pay roll) that brings direct harm to a number of people (so cheating on taxes probably won't call him unless you
convinced everyone else to do it to, but cheating workers out of pay almost certainly will). How likely it is he begins
the manifestation process depends on two things-namely, how far-reaching the manipulation is and whether or not
he wants to. Anumerus is fairly unique in that he can perceive multiple portals at once, and deliberately selects for
the area in which he has the most destructive potential to make the risk of exposure and painful banishment worth
the reward.
Once in the cosmos, Anumerus initially exists as a semi-conscious disembodied intellect, only known through the
numbers in his sphere of influence. Television channels drift to news of war and violence, telephones misdial to call
mental institutions, and most noticeably, games of chance develop a seeming hatred for everyone playing them.
While irritating and unsettling, these events do not really cause chaos as such...but they do entice people to fudge the
numbers a little bit in their favour, which thanks to the influence of Anumerus, always harm at least one individual
and thus, feed his mind and power. Over time, the numbers go from unlucky and odd to actively hostile-street signs
cause accidents, the Dewy Decimal System becomes incomprehensible, the dial on a construction machine suddenly
dials up by five, causing the operator to lose a hand. When this causes the area of influence to become actively
anarchic, Anumerus becomes fully aware and manifests his physical form-a mannequin-like man wearing archaic
formal wear for the area he is currently infesting-in the site of the initial manipulation. There, he uses his distinctive
Halo of Misfortunes (a disc with the numbers 0 through 9 emblazoned on it, so called because it usually floats
behind his head like a halo) to manipulate the conceptual numbers of probability and eventually provoke a massive
and unlikely disaster (think the Final Destination movies for how his manipulations tend to end up). Then, he finally
returns to the Abyss, and enjoys the fireworks.

Banishing Anumerus before he manifests is simple enough-correct the initial manipulation that lead to his
summoning and make amends for it. Of course, besides Anumerus himself making it as difficult as possible, he
deliberately selects for sins that effect a large number of people, and every single one has to be helped in order to
banish him...not to mention those things are that which tend to land people in jail, so there's also going to be the
sinners themselves a lot of the time. Once he manifests, however, the Halo anchors him to this reality, making it
impossible to get rid of him without destroying the Halo (though at least he can only keep one anchor at a time, so
destroying the Halo is the only step required). Easier said than done-Anumerus' full breadth of probability
manipulation powers is in full effect at this stage, and he can do things like cause lasers to hit the one reflective part
of his suit and be reflected onto a mirror that causes it to "return to sender", as it wear (some of the effects would be
hilarious if not for the pain they cause). There is a way to knock the Halo offline, however-if presented with a
mystical symbolic meaning for one of his numbers that counters his own anti-meaning, that digit on the Halo turns
dark, and he loses influence over it-even conceptually. See kids, math isn't just for squares!

The Crossways (Intrusion): Being stuck in a dimensional pocket sucks. When that dimensional pocket is a long,
looped and treacherous road that exists right between reality and the Abyss, with the latter constantly infringing on it
to make it a death world that is actively trying to kill you some of the time, it really sucks. When getting there is a
matter of taking a wrong turn on an intersection you've lived all your life and you can't escape until being fully
ensnared in that dimensional pocket and have to follow a path you were likely too bust panicking to remember how
it was shaped, even assuming you know how to escape at all...well, black holes may suck more than being lost on
the Crossways, but damn it, it's trying.

A sort of Abyssal "fault line" that exists as a sort of plaza in the Place Between that separates the Tellurian from the
Abyss (and before you ask-the Place Between is actually rather boring, looking like nothing so much as a ruined,
somewhat Lovecraft-inspired version of wherever you entered it-and given the fact that Gulmoth like to sulk there,
looking for a way into the Tellurian proper, it's probably a better to avoid it altogether), a manifestation of the
Crossways is not so much called as etched into being. When a person suffering extreme depression (a sense of being
spiritually lost, as it where) takes the same exact looped route hundreds of times (such as a police patrol) or an
extreme tragedy unleashes devastation in a path (a tornado in a heavily populated area finds itself right back where it
began), the place where the path began and ended becomes a portal to the Crossways.

A person walking the path (usually accidentally-turning left when you should have turned right) immediate finds
themselves in the Crossways proper...but can still see the Tellurian. On the initial loop of the Crossways, the walker
is initially caught between it and the Tellurian in a ghostlike state, with anything they do being rapidly edited out of
reality-even memories. Ultimately, the only thing they can do is follow the path, which gently pulls the walker
along, until the end of the loop is reached and the walker fully enters the Place Between. Initially, at least, it
resembles the bit of the world where the Crossways formed, but anything resembling close examination will reveal
elements of the Abyss in everyday life (the stars are always different, street signs are written in incomprehensible
runes, mosquitoes pollinate flowers with stolen blood...). What's more, the path and surrounding area is all there is;
reach the edge, and you'll simply find a lifeless desert or giant chasm-the Crossways may be part of the Place
Between, but that does not mean that they are directly connected (think a tunnel that passes through a lake, but built
to keep the water out). More pertinently, while Gulmoth don't manifest in the Crossways as easily as the rest of the
Place Between, they still have nothing really blocking them, and like to use it as a way to prepare themselves for the
Tellurian's reality. These Gulmoth act as replacements for the normal populace of the area, taking the form of
horrible monsters, loony street preachers, clerks selling tainted goods-generally speaking, the worst bits an area has
to offer.

Escaping the Crossways is simple-complete a loop of the path. Simple does not mean easy-one has to start at the
exact beginning of the path and travel an entire loop (on the ground, so no cheating by flying except to dodge an
obstacle), without turning back or off the path at any point, otherwise you’ll have to start all over. Can't teleport off
the Crossways either, so an escapee or rescuer often has to walk for several days straight in the case of larger
Crossways. Of course, the tug towards the path also vanishes on the true Crossways, so the walker has to tell what is
part of the path and what is just scenery by hints in the Crossways. Actually banishing them requires a loop in
reverse, and this combines all the difficulties of escape plus the fact that the Crossways isn't helpless-it will do
everything in its power to make a reversed path as difficult as possible, without actually blocking it-driverless cars
swarm on the roads, storms and fog get blown up out of nowhere, disguised Gulmoth appear and offer succour or
call for help. Completing the reversed loop causes the portal to collapse and sends the Crossways adrift in the Place
Between. Unfortunately, this isn't always permanent-a manifestation takes decades before the Place Between tears it
apart, and by ritually redrawing the path through the use of sacred oils and blood, the Crossways may be returned to

Also, it should be noted that another name for the Crossways is the Sigil of Ab Kejil. A true map of a Crossways is
mystically charged with Abyssal power, which has many mages to believe that the Crossways may not be as
mindless or masterless as they appear. Records indicate that the Ab Kejil in question, a mentalist born after the fall
of Rome, was obsessed with immortality. That isn't particularly odd, but Kejil turned to the Abyss to achieve his
dream of life eternal, drawing the Atlantean translation of his name in the darkness and becoming his own sigil.
These mages then postulate that every instance of the Crossways is another rune in Kejil's new, Abyssal name, and
thus he rules over all instances of his Sigil as a disembodied intellect. If he exists, then the so-called Keeper of the
Maze is an extremely subtle and patient creature, not even giving a hint to his existence or motives. Or even is he
has an agenda beyond "enjoy immortality".

Dark Angel Aphasia (Intrusion): It is sometimes said that the Abyss is unspeakable, indescribable. That may be
true or not, depending on the Greater Abyssal Entity in question, but in the case of this Abyss-born mimetic disease,
it is almost humorously literal. Dark Angel Aphasia, also known as contagious global aphasia, causes the carrier in
question to simultaneously develop spontaneous insights about the Abyss and its relationship to the Tellurian while,
as the name suggests, becoming increasingly aphasic-which, for non-doctors, means "unable to communicate". In
the case of angel aphasics, it goes both ways-a sufferer increasingly cannot understand or make themselves
understood as the disease progresses. Unfortunately, they can communicate enough in early stages for their writings
and speech to serve as a vector for the Intrusion...and curing it requires exposure.

Dark Angel Aphasia begins its "life" cycle when a person reads or listens to the semi-garbled wisdom on the Abyss
that an early-stage aphasic constantly spouts as part of the diseases "shedding" phase. While this isn't (usually)
enough for the toxic meme to take a foothold in the mind, it does enough to induce a moderate obsession in the
prospective carrier, with finding more aphasia-born knowledge, often from the same carrier. While they can be
turned away, the initial infection is subtle enough that often, even people who know of Dark Angel Aphasia's
existence can be caught off guard long enough for the full infection to take root. Once that occurs, the carrier often
has a dream involving the titular Dark Angel, described as a beautiful being made of the night sky (these are never
nightmares, by the way). After the dream occurs, the carrier begins to have the first insights, and the disease prompts
them to speak and write about said insights, all of which serves as a vector. The disease progresses fairly quickly,
with either writing or speech becoming incomprehensible after about one week, the other a week after that
(assuming, that for some reason, the progression isn't delayed). Once both avenues of normal communication are
knocked out, even telepathy is lost in a sort of "thought scramble" that allows the aphasic to act normally except for
the lack of any communication whatsoever despite being apparently insane to psionic scrutiny (though, at least the
aphasic ceases to be a vector for the meme at this stage-can't cut with no knife). Within four or five days, the aphasic
spontaneously falls unconscious, at which point one of three things happen. 75% of the time, the carrier's soul, mind,
and memories simply vanish and go to an unknown fate-the body left behind is good as a meat puppet or creating a
new mind in, but little else. 12%, not even the body is left-as soon as nobody is watching them, all animals in the
vicinity are blinded and all mechanical recordings are lost for a half-second, and when vision comes back, the carrier
is simply gone. For the lucky remainder, they simply wake up, completely cured...and with complete amnesia from
the time of the infection to the recovery, and nothing can bring those memories back.

Preventing full infection is easy if you catch it in time-simply isolate the prospective carrier from aphasia-infected
communications for three days, at which point it evaporates and the person comes to their senses. So is it with any
aphasia-induced writings or recordings-they aren't any more resilient for the meme they contain. Actually curing the
full infection is more psychological than medical-the carrier must be made to focus on the Tellurian rather than the
Abyss. This can be augmented through mental powers, but ultimately, a team of professional shrinks or at least
socially adept individuals are recommended (technically, one could do it, but the words of the infected are a vector,
and one has to actually talk to an aphasic for this to work..). Of course, one could simply erase the memory of the
meme, but the actual Abyssal connection isn't cured-it's easy to become infected again for a forcefully cured aphasic.
And all this assumes the aphasic is still capable of communication-at the final stages, all one can do is pray.

It should also be noted that many Scelesti view the dark angel as the avatar of an Annaku, and thus when they get
their hands on a vector for Dark Angel Aphasia, spread it as far and wide as they feel safe doing, then use the victims
as prophets to learn more of the bleak cosmos they worship. Leaving aside the Wicked, there is no shortage of
desperate and/or greedy individuals who wish to have Abyssal knowledge...or warm bodies.

Electric Animator (Gulmoth): Perhaps the only Abyssal manifestation not called by darker events, an Electric
Animator, also known as Living Lighting, is a sentient electrical field that manifests during extremely powerful
thunderstorms, in particular when ball lighting manifests. Since they need electricity to sustain their Intrusions, most
don't last very long after the storm clears, but occasionally, an Animator will be lucky enough to appear near a power
source, usually a building connected to a power grid. It's there that the Electric Animator gets its name, as the entity
is quite intelligent and spends a few days examining and playing with any devices the power source is linked to,
causing some rather annoying but utterly inconsequential phenomenon such as static or lights flickering. Once the
Animator gets the hang of controlling the machines, it begins to work towards its own alien goals, causing many
effects similar to a haunting-the static on a television begins to resemble coherent patterns that change when the
Animator is watching someone, strange voices speaking arcane syllables come over a radio, mechanical arms begin
to move like they're dancing. Thankfully, seemingly keeping with the fact the Gulmoth was called by random
chance, the Animator mostly minds its own business, being creepy but not really aggressive.

The problem is that while Electric Animators aren't out for Tellurian blood, they are also some of the most alien of
an already alien realm-while apparently sapient, Animators have such a divergent form of intellect that they honestly
don't recognize that corporeal beings are something other than dumb beasts. Thus, physical sapients are mentally
classified as Scenery, Potential Threats, and Dangers, with it being extremely easy to change classes from the former
to the latter. Worse, an Animator cannot be made to recognize this-nothing, not even divine intervention, has
managed to create coherent communication with one, and what does come across has a tendency to briefly disrupt
the Animator's field, quickly putting the would-be ambassador in the Threat category. Beyond all that, an Animator
is still a Gulmoth, and it still works towards the fortunes of the Abyss-it may take years, but eventually, the Animator
will do something that helps the Abyss in some way, whether it be summoning another Gulmoth, awakening an
Acamoth, or helping a Sclestus find an obscure and powerful bit of lore.

Getting rid of an Electric Animator requires starving it-without power, the matrix that makes an Animator's form will
dissipate, and it will be banished back to the Abyss. Easier said than done. An Animator can survive for fifteen
minutes without power, and it is fully aware of any attempt to cut off its food source. What's more, the thing can
travel along power grids-so long as it conducts electricity, the Animator can use it as a medium to travel to a new
food source, or power it to somehow reclaim the old one. Thankfully, actually powering a device without a power
source eats up a lot of the Animator's reserves, and it can only do so for three minutes at max before it disrupts the
matrix and it is banished. It can also only move as fast as a running human, so knocking off small area's power grid
usually works...assuming that's actually feasible, and that the Animator hasn't possessed a power plant or somewhere
with a good generator. If all else fails, a powerful electromagnetic pulse directly disrupts the matrix, as well as
makes most electrical equipment irreparably damaged. Thus, one has to ask whether the banishment of a fairly
benign if annoying and often paranoid entity is really worth the lawsuits.

Agents of S.W.O.R.D.
While sword has plenty of agents, those that keep the organization running, and deal with the day to day
interplanetary issues, they also have their A-team. They guys who show up for the real heavy stuff. Your alien
invasions, intergalactic world devourers, or just Daxamite frat boys on a bender. (Don't ask. Trust us. Brand shot the
last person who did. All she has to do is fill out paperwork.)

Agent Abigail Brand: Half alien metaman and director of S.W.O.R.D., Brand tends to be very hands on, dealing
with the worst crisis’s herself. Although when exceptionally busy, she will often delegate field leadership to one of
the others.

Dr. Henry P. McCoy: The ever verbocious blue furred Beast. Brand's boyfriend and S.W.O.R.D.'s top action
scientist, for all that he loves his lab work, Hank tends to be one of S.W.O.R.D.'s top field scientists, and the person
Brand is most likely to delegate field leadership too.

Beta Ray: Bill While not a member of S.W.O.R.D. proper, Bill helps out as muscle when needed in exchange for
concessions for his people. That is, the previously homeless Korbanites have been allowed to settle on Titan. A
cynical man might note that Brand might also consider them an early warning for anything heading further in

Kathrine Pryde: Metaman with the ability to desolidify out of phase with reality. While useful, S.W.O.R.D. is more
interested in her genius level IQ, and the grace under pressure displayed by her and Mr. Ramsey when stuck on
Damocles during the Irken infestation while on a field trip from the Xavier institute for Gifted Youngsters.

Douglas Ramsey: Kitty's friend and fellow student. S.W.O.R.D. makes good use of his metaman ability to
understand any form of communication. Which he has learned to extend past the spoken and written word and into
nearly anything involving a distinct pattern.

Lockheed: Miniature purple space dragon. And very likely the second most dangerous asset S.W.O.R.D. has after
Beta Ray. Befriended by Kitty Pryde, many make the mistake of thinking that, due to his size, appearance and
general attitude that he is a mere animal, instead of a fully sentient alien being.

Warlock: Prince of the Technarch race. While he races typically achieves adulthood through patricide and inter-
species communication through genocide, Warlock seeks nothing of the sort, having escaped his father and seeking
to evolve through a path of peace.

Rachel Summers: While she joined S.W.O.R.D. hoping to find information about her long vanished mother, who
was possessed by the alien Phoenix entity, Rachel tends to end up on field missions, even as a rookie, as
S.W.O.R.D.'s most powerful telepath.

Swindle: Not so much an agent. He's usually in the holding facilities for trying to sell something outlawed in most
systems. But it usually easier to let him go if he can give some crucial information instead of waiting for his lawyer
to show up.

Bay City

While one of the most celebrated locales in the world, the San Francisco Bay Area has seen more than its share of
troubles over the past year. First came the Big One, a massive earthquake which levelled much of both San
Francisco and Oakland. Then those ruins became the American beachhead during the Invasion. Between these
events, the only way to rebuild was an unimaginable political gamble, where the counties of San Francisco, Oakland
and the Peninsula agreed to incorporate into Bay City, a singular political entity that would streamline the red tape,
relief efforts and much needed reconstruction.

3 months later, Bay City was steadily rising from the rubble like a mighty metropolitan phoenix, ready to once again
be the shining jewel of the western shore, ready to face whatever came its way.

And what came was the Proprietor.

Nobody knows who or what he was, only that he wielded immeasurable, godlike powers, first demonstrated when
he forced a new Island to arise from the middle of the San Francisco bay, declaring it the capital of his new empire,
and granting those under him with superhuman powers. A foe too great for any one hero, the Proprietor was opposed
by the heroes of not only Bay City, but those of Los Dios and even far off Emerald City. But in the end, the
Proprietor was defeated and destroyed, consumed by his own chaotic energies. The Bay City Sentinels gave their
lives that day to contain the resulting explosion, which unchecked could have shattered the Earth itself.

But while they saved the world, the fates of countless lives would be forever changed. Instead of a world shattering
explosion, the cosmic power surged out as an Energy wave, an event now remembered as the Wildstrike, which
caused disasters both major and minor across the globe. But then there were those touched and deemed 'worthy' by
those same energies, who suddenly gained superhuman powers, or had their existing powers altered or amplified.
But like the Wild Card Virus of the 20th century, the Wildstrike's gifts were equally cruel, and of these new metamen
were twisted into inhuman forms.

Today, 3 months later, the dust has finally settled, and Bay City stands tall and proud once more, but behind those
gleaming towers is a festering rot. the more monstrous Wildstrikers and Jokers are forced to live in the shadows and
underground, either in sewers, or mysterious caverns and under-ruins beneath the city itself. Understandably, much
of Bay City's population doesn't think too highly of Aliens either, giving fertile ground for human supremacist
groups such as SHOCK. When the metropolis of Bay City was rebuilt, several supercriminal organizations, such as
VIPER, leapt at the opportunity to sneak their operations into the infrastructure. Worse yet, the Wildstrike has stirred
the Oakland Hellmouth, which has manifested as a terrible pit, and its dark power already draws supernatural evils
down upon Bay City. Even with the reconstruction, there's just enough chaos for many supercriminals to seek
opportunity, enough to run the city's extant heroes ragged.

Bay City needs heroes now more than ever, but who will answer the call?

Notable Heroes & villains of Bay City


Gatekeeper - Bay City's most beloved hero, the dimension-striding sorcerer has been burning the candle at both
ends dealing with the rise in crime, the Pit, and his duties across the myriad dimensions

The Corsairs - A hero team in only the loosest sense, the Corsairs are more like a frat house or street gang than
actual superheroes, whose violent attitudes and self-absorption has only grown without the Sentinels to keep them
in check. Most recently, they've claimed the headquarters of their late rivals as their own personal clubhouse, and the
only thing that's kept them from getting a well-deserved beat down is that they haven't truly crossed the line... yet.

Quantum - An agent of AEGIS, JoAnne 'Jo' Amos was among the many whose lives were forever changed by the
Wildstrike, but unlike most retained her humanity when she gained the power to manipulate quantum energies. Fast-
tricked to acting as liaison to the Bay City heroic community, Quantum is a staunch advocate of the hero act and has
little tolerance for rogue vigilantes, much less the Tomorrow Society

Shadowbeast - Kirk Macintyre was a cop over the edge, whose loose cannon attitude and psychopathy got him
pulled from the thin blue line. It was a creature not of this reality, a symbiotic creature in need of a host, drawn to
Kirk's need to punish the wicked. together, they have become Shadowbeast, a supernatural predator in the urban
jungle, meting out lethal justice to urban filth, and fighting the equally supernatural monsters and horrors that stalk
Bay City

Speedster - A long-time hero to the bay city area, Speedster is an old-fashioned hero who's signature blue-streaked
'trail' isn't as often seen these days. Mostly because in his secret identity as Gerald Spence, he's about to start running
for District Attorney, further complicating his upcoming wedding to long-time fiancée, Jenni Dawson


Fauxbat - Sometime back, Foxbat had himself cloned for one of his so-called Master Plans. the plan fell through,
and the unstable clone was presumed destroyed in the ensuing chaos. Months later, Fauxbat resurfaced, his
instability having manifested with a superhuman physique and cartoon-like immortality. Unfortunately, Fauxbat is
still as insane as ever.

Lo Pan - An ancient Chinese sorcerer, Lo Pan was cursed by both the gods and first Emperor of China to become as
a living ghost, and has since served the Iron Khan for centuries as emissary and agent. In 1986, Lo Pan was fulfilling
his curse and regained mortal flesh, only to be killed minutes later. But, because the ritual was incomplete, Lo Pan
rose from his grave a ghost once more, and after decades of regaining his lost power, is poised to resume his reign of
terror over bay city's mystic community.

Powerjack - Remains a free man despite his escape from the cooler during the breakout, having 'turned himself in'
while 'apprehending' other cooler escapee's and then used his vast wealth to bribe the hell out of the judge and jury
while his legal team (courtesy of Cabot, Cunningham & Crowley) worked literal black magic to win his case.

Psion - A gigantic humanoid mass of pure telekinetic force, Psion is by all appearances a mindless, rampaging
monster, with no rhyme or reason to his destructive sprees, only that he appears out of nowhere, smashes everything
in sight, then vanishes into thin air.

The Scions of Caine - The resident Metaman supremacist group, the Scions are also a cult, that believe that while
Metamen are not gods, they should be treated as such. Unlike the Pantheon, the Scions also promise "apotheosis",
granting superpowers to favoured nat servants by unknown means

Steel Serpent - Believed to be the head of VIPER's operations in Bay City, little is known about the Steel Serpent
other than a samurai motif to his custom suit of armour

The Fallen Angel

So, the Fallen Angel. The one who fell from the sky and wound up the leader of the Broken City.

What is he? A robot, of sorts.

Where did he come from? An alternate dimension. Something happened, and he "fell" (along with one small scrap
of a creature) from his realm to the Crinosverse, and crash landed in Death Valley, where he was found by the
damaged robots who'd eventually form the Broken City. They helped him, "named" him in a sense, and in turn he
helped them set up the City, and eventually became a leader.

What's he doing now? Besides helping the City, trying to figure out what to do. He is an outsider from another
dimension. And the sad part is, while his home (homeplanet, to be specific) is here in the Crinosverse, it's not really
his home. Things are...different there. The ones he knew, his allies, his minions, his enemies, ...all different. He's
trying to keep a watch on them, along with their representatives on Earth, trying to figure out if they're an eventual
threat to be destroyed, an indifference to be ignored, or possibly... allies.

As for the residents of Earth, the humans...hate may be a strong word. He remembers his home, where he left to rush
to some distant backwater to find the one thing to bring life back to his world...and falling. He remembers the
natives of the planet swarming to him...and putting him in a living coma, where he saw and felt them rip him open,
pull him apart and make new tools and weapons from his insides.

That infuriated him beyond words. And when he was re-awoken, his fury and vengeance was swift and vast - and
then cut short.

Now, years and more falls later, he's in the Crinosverse, and while these human's didn't hurt him, he still carries old
grudges. Plus, the Fallen Angel notes, this world has something his doesn't - superheroes. Lots of superheroes. Some
of them, perhaps, could be a match for him.

So, he works on the City, and wonders what to do. He's focusing on the residents of the Broken City, these damaged
robots, just like him. And what to do with the Broken City? How shall it go on?

In case you're wondering who exactly the Fallen Angel is, and why I haven't really described what he looks like, I
don't need to. And as for what to do with the City, it's still unknown. Will it eventually move someplace more remote
(under the ocean, perhaps?) to keep possible enemies away? Will the Fallen Angel decide to move off-planet with
the City, to create a new home to replace his original lost home? Or will he carve out their territory by force, and
maybe expand? Will the Crinosverse wake up to a new nation of machines in it's backyard, with a leader who is
willing and able to fight to protect those under his care?

Will one day the Crinosverse hear, "Long Live the Broken Nation! Long Live the Fallen Angel!"

...All Hail Megatron.

I suppose explanations are in order. On an IRC chat, I was linked to I actually kind of appreciate the Transformers
movies., a discussion of the Bayverse Transformers movies with probably more thought and discussion then Bay
probably put in 'em. It was reading this that inspired me to bring the Bayverse Megatron here. So, for those of you
keeping track at home, the Crinosverse now has three Megatrons.

Grifters - A Deadly Powerful Scam

Remember the Hucksters? I talked about 'em, feel free to search the thread to get a refresher.

Back in the early and mid 30s, post Great War, in the middle of the Great Depression, life was pretty hard out there.
It was even harder for Hucksters, as they were being hunted down by the Guv'ment men. Why? Figure it from their
point of view - people are starving, and desperate. And if these desperate people found out that if you squinted your
eyes while reading Hoyle's Book of Games, you could summon manitous for fun and profit. Chaos would run wild
nationwide, so for the good of the masses, the Man dropped the Hammer on Hucksters. They were either caught and
thrown in special prisons for the arcane (or just disappeared), or run out of the States. Plus, any and all copies of
Hoyle's were found and burnt, to keep the secrets of manitou contacting hidden.

All as the Spellborn wanted. It was they who were ultimately behind the Huckster Pogrom, to get those "spell-
cheating muggles" out of their hair.

So, with that background, let's move to 1935.

Jack Emmert and the Grift

Jack Emmert was a conman, drifter, and hustler, who made his money bilking suckers and rubes. He was running the
pool halls in Texas when a mark paid him off, not in cash, but something he said was more valuable - a dinged up
copy of a certain book of card games. Being a smart cookie, Jack soon decoded the book and found out about the
Ways of the Huckster. He also got the wrong sort of attention from Texas Rangers, and barely avoided getting
nabbed as he headed to Native American Reservations to lay low.

While in the reservations, he observed the Shamans commune with the spirits, and for the gruesome price of self-
sacrifice and self-mutilation, gained powerful magic. Jack started thinking. He wanted power and magic, sure who
doesn't? But he wasn't too crazy about gambling his soul to demons, or chopping off his fingers. So, he plotted, and
observed, and soon realized that what the manitous and the spirits really wanted was an act of personal sacrifice. But
Jack realized that sacrifice could take many forms. Some shamans inhaled toxic tobacco smoke, or ate peyote to go
on vision quests. And the Hucksters often got power with no sacrifice other than the risk of damage via Backlash.

So Jack started experimenting. He called upon the spirits, and started to perform a number of vices to see if any of
them could appease them. But the manitous didn't care if he nipped from the bottle every now and then, or ended up
puking his guts from peyote. It was when he gambled - his one true addiction - than the spirits paid attention. And
the bigger the gamble, the more they came - and the more power they offered.

Once he got the ways down, Jack left the reservations, and when the Rangers (and some Spellborn agents) came
after him, Jack has the power to defend himself. While on the run, Jack taught others "the Grift". It spread fast; there
was no book to read (or to be destroyed), and those who had the talent didn't need to spend time decoding hexes. All
they had to do was embrace their most destructive vices, and they were off to the races, in a metaphysical sense.
Some Grifters went their own way, some decided to find and help the Hucksters, being they were like their spiritual
grandpas 'n such.

The Spellborn were, naturally, pissed off.

Jack Emmert vanished shortly afterwards. The only thing people knew was he was heading to California, to "work
the greatest grift of all."

Grifters - the Down Low

As you may have figured, Grifters have a Vice they need to tap into to cast hexes. They don't have to overindulge, or
even gain satisfaction from it. It's the act itself, the spiritual sacrifice that allows them access to magical power. Each
Grifter can only have one Vice, and it must be addictive, either physically or psychologically. Drugs, booze,
gambling, chasing the dames (or joes), if it's going to end up costing you in the long run, it's your Vice. And you
have to engage in it daily, otherwise the magickal floodgates gets closed down to a trickle until you indulge again.

Grifter magic, like Huckster hexes, have tells to them. The tells are tied to the chosen Vice. Examples could be
glowing craps dice that explode (gives new meaning to "roll for Magic Missile, eh?"), or a boozer's magical
confusion hex makes the sucker all tipsy. Or if you can't think of a decent trapping, it's a dark purplish haze or glow.


Good news, Grifters don't have to deal with the Huckster's terrible Backlash. They got something equally terrible to
deal with. See, once they start Grifting, their Vice doesn't seem all that satisfying. The booze looses a bit of it's kick,
the thrill of winning a gamble is slightly diminished, etc. Most Grifters think it's because that bit of sin is being
channeled into the Other Side, to help pay for their magic. If that's true, then it comes back when they royally botch
a hex - big time. Grifters face Overdose, as all that built up Vice blasts them back. Results aren't pretty. From
physical pain, to crippling addictions, to slowly (or swiftly) killing the unfortunate Grifter.

So, who want's to gamble? Let the Sin Begin, so to say...

Bay City Sentinels

Originally the San Francisco Sentinels, they were created in the immediate wake of the breakout, to lend vital
support to Southern California and counter the explosion in the supervillain population of Super-Alcatraz escapees.
In the passing years, they became San Francisco, and then Bay City's most beloved Champions, until the day they
perished saving the world from the madness of the Proprietor

Anthem - Henry Hellrung, a popular, handsome actor who'd hit rock bottom, then climbed out from the ashes of his
career to be one of the best spokesmen Alcoholics Anonymous has to offer. Henry's like changed again when he was
among the many who were kidnapped, empowered and brainwashed by Dr. Stratos into becoming part of his army
of Captain Thunder knockoffs, but Henry not only retained his powers, he showed exemplary use of them during
the Breakout as well as natural leadership skills, which landed him the role of a lifetime as the leader of the

Calamity - James Wa was torn between two worlds, his love of engineering, and an equally strong love of baseball.
Unfortunately, the choice was made for him, when his car was totalled by a drunk driver, and James' legs had to be
amputated. Undaunted, he went right to work with Omnitech Steele, made himself new legs, then better legs, and
finally a machine/nerve interface system years ahead of anything else, with the combination of these inventions
made him one of the fastest men alive.
Heavy/Supernaut II - Major Dennis "Heavy" Murphy, should have died on his tour of duty in Afghanistan, but was
instead condemned to 'live' via Iron Lung. naturally jumped at the chance to volunteer for a cyber-soldier program,
trading his prison for a suit of life sustaining power armour, and was soon approached first to train, then join the SF
Sentinels. roughly a year later, Heavy nearly died in the line of duty once more, his suit destroyed, forcing his
teammates to place him in the Supernaut mech to save him. while a clear downgrade, Dennis much preferred the
supernaut, having served in a tank crew as well as infantry. the Supernaut itself is a prototype venture in piloted
mecha between Omnitech Steele and Stark Industries. Originally meant for deep sea/space exploration, the
Supernaut's forays into crime fighting have demonstrated Military applications that have caused a rift between its

Hybrid/Aralune/Supernaut I - Hybrid was not one but two heroes. Sgt. Milo Fields, Supernaut's first pilot, and
Aralune, a pop diva who discovered her Grue hybrid lineage and became a shapeshifting celebrity heroine. Both
were recruited into the SF Sentinels and served with aplomb, until the team's battle with the dimensional teleporter
Angstrom Levy, who banished the pair to an alien world that would have killed them, had they not literally worked
together, Aralune becoming a living suit of armour for Milo, combining her power with his experience. Upon their
return to Earth-409 a week later, they chose to keep that arrangement as Hybrid, mostly due to the rather... 'intimate
and personal' nature of their fusion. By the time they perished against the Proprietor, they were husband and wife,
and died in each others arms.

Mulholland - The team's 'rookie' member, Mulholland Black called herself an Urban Shaman, able to draw upon or
manipulate Bay City itself through the massive hammer she carried as a focus ("Because Bay City was born through
destruction and reconstruction"). For all her untapped potential though, Black had severe performance and
personality issues, which combined with her murky past would have gotten her thrown from the team, if not for the
Proprietor War, and thus died a heroine... or did she, for there are whispers months past that the streets still belong to
she who wields the hammer

Veda - Magdelena Marie Neuntauben had it all. the perfect body of years of karate and self-discipline, wealth and
fame as an actress and model, and the love and joy of her own personal charity works. and the only cost to her was a
childhood accident that would mean she could never have children of her own... but sometimes, and only
sometimes, we get both exactly what we want and deserve, and Magdelena was blessed by becoming a bonded
Gestalt of Mothers, able to summon golems, her 'children', from the earth itself, and soon adopted' Bay City into her
care as well. But Gestalts are not so easily killed, and the children of Bay City still dream of the dark haired mother
who knows kung fu...


And from their failing hands the twin torches of truth and justice were cast, to be caught and held high and alight by
champions worthy of their legacy, when without even knowing each other, worked together first to extinguish a fiery
holocaust in Bay City's North end, which was immediately followed up by bringing down the Corsairs, whose
irresponsibility and recklessness who finally crossed the line into supervillainy. There are current 6 new Sentinels,
their would be 7th member, the dimension-lost, armoured heroine Steel Blue, was shown the way back home by the
Emerald City Knights, who had come to Earth-409 in search of her.

Afterthought - Illise Cthon of the House Nnemos was born like most typical mind flayers; An immature tadpole
swimming in the elder brain, attached to the brain stem of an imprisoned mortal to fuse with and mature. Unknown
to the Illithid, Illise's victim was a Lor Mentat of no small ability. The resultant creature was Mind Flayer through
and through, but retained the Mentat's strong sense of justice and compassion. Shunned by her peers, Illise was
forced to flee her peoples mobile space fortress in an escape pod. The pod eventually crash landed on Earth and was
found by Doc Steele.

Illise spent months studying up on Humanity and earth culture with the help of Doc Steele, and developed several
psychic abilities unknown amongst common mind flayers, in particular telekinesis and the ability to project an
illusion around herself. In addition, Doc Steele created a secret identity for her: Anaise Carlson, a bookstore owner
in Bay City. In exchange, Illise agreed to become a super hero and join the local Sentinels chapter when the old team
Atom Lass - Originally raised on Imsk, Randa left home at an early age, if only to get some space to herself. Most
of the money she'd saved paid to get passage off the planet and into the Lor republic. At Lor Deep Space Station
Nine, on the fringes of the republic, Randa managed to get herself a job working engineering on a freighter, putting
her talent for technology and repairs to good use.

Unfortunately, she was also a terrible judge of character. The Freighter was also smuggling weapons and was seized
by the Irkens at a border crossing. Now forced into working the engines for the Irkens, Randa further had the
misfortune to be aboard one of the ships involved in the Invasion of Earth. A ship that was shot down over the
continental United States.

Using her size changing abilities, Randa survived the crash, and grabbing what little survived with her, she set out to
get as far away from the Irkens as possible, Only to find herself stranded on a world with virtually no inter-world
travel, having illegally landed there on a vessel that had attacked the planet.

Using her expertise, and taking advantage of the comparatively primitive technology, Randa got herself enrolled at
Bay City University as Rhonda Davison, attending classes in order to get the lay of the land before deciding her next
move. During this time, she ended up having to use her powers and equipment to defend some student from a few
drunken jokers, and ended up getting noticed, and, to her dismay, people thought there was some kind of super-hero
on campus.

Cryo - Cryo is a controversial figure, no doubt. Born Arnold Aseff, who erupted as a teenager a few years ago - the
young nova quickly changed his name to reflect his ice controlling powers, and eagerly latched onto the idea that he
was a god - though willing to aid his worshipers despite otherwise being like the rest of the self-indulgent bastards in
the Emerald City Pantheon.

And then Xiao came into the picture, and despite himself Cryo found him going along with the good works and
charity of the Dawn General... though he still construed it as beneficence from the deities... And then one night,
Cryo found himself staring at Relentless, as the Avenger, observing the charity dinner Xiao was running, asked the
icy nova a simple question. "How do you know you're a god?"

Cryo could not find any answer in his head to the most menacing of the Emerald City Avengers. It caused him to
soul-search, and what he found was a pit of arrogant, self-interest that honestly, he didn't like when he thought about
it. And delusion, belonging to him and his fellows.

After sending a message to the media and to the Pantheon denouncing his former beliefs and commune, Cryo
vanished from Emerald City. He was spotted again in Bay City, helping aid the city against the Proprietor and
staunchly remaining in the wake to assist against crime and help rebuilding.

Without demand of recompense, in fact, Cryo had nothing but the clothes on his back and was seen in homeless
shelters around Bay City. A complete reversal of behaviour, one that prompted Doc Steele to actually offer him a
place in the new Bay City Sentinels.

Draco - James Carter was settling into the newest phase of his life pretty well; he’d went onto reserved status with
the Chicago Avengers, settled down and gotten engaged to his long time girlfriend, Kelly (who had always
understood his using his powers as the hero Vanguard, but still worried about him) and had started going to college.

Then the Wildstrike happened and James’ world was completely turned upside down.

He had been at class when the Wildstrike first hit and James didn’t gave it a second thought to start trying to help
everyone even though he didn’t have his costume handy, and when a girl near him looked like she was about to get
struck by some strange, arcing energy he moved in front of her to take the brunt of it. But instead of him merely
shrugging it off, like he’d done many previous times in the past, the energy interacted strangely with James’ powers
and his body began to stretch and bend in ways it wasn’t supposed to as bone spurs of various sizes and shapes
pushed their way through his skin at several different points and his skin became thicker as well as taking on an odd

It was a kind of pain that James had never experienced before and after several moments his body went into shock
and he passed out.

When he woke up several days later he learned he was in a hospital alone with several other victims of the
Wildstrike and that was when he learned just how radically altered his looks now were; there were bone spurs
coming from his elbows, the main knuckles on top of his hands, and his along his face (mostly where a guy would
normally grow a goatee and moustache and along his eyebrows). His skin had a scaled look to it and his black hair
hung down past his shoulders. He knew that he looked “wrong” but no matter how hard he tried to he couldn’t
remember what he should look like, in fact he couldn’t remember anything about himself at all and soon the doctors
had diagnosed him with extreme case of retrograde amnesia brought on by the trauma of his transformation by the

Over the following days Adam, as he was named by the nursing staff, was ran through a large battery of tests and he
learned much about what his new body could do; it was stronger and more physically resilient than an normal
person, he could withstand environmental factors others couldn’t and he could breath fire. Overall every one of the
changes to Adam’s body made him a human/dragon hybrid.

Realizing that they were officially out of their element, his doctors arranged for Adam to go to Bay City, the origin
point of the Wildstrike, where specialists were trying to help those affected by it in the hope that they were better
equipped to deal with his case. Since arriving Adam has started making a name for himself as a Joker hero, fighting
various super villains who've come to Bay City looking to take advantage of the chaos that's happened even though
many of the residents of the city don't seem to like him all that much. Adam doesn't know why he feels the need to
stick his neck out like he's been doing with all the grief he's been catching aside from the nagging feeling that it's
something he'd have done before the Wildstrike, but it was enough to bring him to Doc Steele's attention as he
looked for possible members for the new team he was putting together.

Jammer - Stephanie Spencer is like a lot of young women who left their podunk small towns for college, planning
to make a difference in the world. The mousy young lady studied history, sociology, and economics, all with the
intention of righting wrongs and saving the world. But nothing in her studies included transforming her wealth of
knowledge and theory into practice, and in the real world, skill and intent matter far less than connections and
wealth. So after college her idealism slipped and Steph settled into a quiet job at a downtown branch of the Bay City
Credit Union.

Quiet on the surface, at least. In an effort to impress the girl of her dreams, Steph auditioned for the Bay City
Bumpers roller derby league. Expecting pain and humiliation, she instead found a hidden talent and an arena where
skill and passion mattered more than credit scores.

For two years now, Steph has lead an incredible double-life. By day, Ms. Spencer quietly types away in her cubicle,
tracking interest rates and investigating fraud. By night, Pain D-Spencer tears up the tilted track with fists and
skates. She still has every desire to save the world, and jumps at every charity event the Bumpers league organizes,
but Steph has since learned that some problems need to be solved with a headbutt.

A few scant months ago, as heroes from Bay City and beyond battled the Proprietor to save the west coast,
Stephanie Spencer proved herself a hero in the rescue efforts in the shattered wreckage of Bay City. Digging out
trapped citizens, triaging the injured, and couriering messages across the blacked-out streets, she was caught
exposed and unprotected during the Wildstrike. The cosmic energy infused her body, granting her strange abilities
over kinetic energy. She has kept her abilities a secret, only using them to help momentarily as a rainbow-coloured
streak flashing across the scene.

Ned The Destroyer - Meet Ned. Ned is a rather nice guy. Does a small time magic show performing for small
gathers, charity events, birthday parties and the like. Had a rather peaceful life with no huge concerns. Right up until
the Insane Chaotic Deity that his family is sworn to serve for all time decided to make Ned his chosen agent on
Earth bestowing on Ned great magical power and the mark of the gods favour.
No you can't see it, it's in a rather private place.

Ned comes from a long line of Evil magic users, the Destroyer family. So he is Ned the Destroyer, son of Bill the
Destroyer, grandson of Melvin the Destroyer, all the way down the line to when the founder of family sworn fealty
to their chaotic patron, usually referred to as the Madgod. Ned grew up with only the barest amount of magical
ability and lacking the temperament for true evil, so when Ned wanted to go into stage magic his family essentially
said "Better stage magic than no magic" and supported him.

Now the Madgod has chosen Ned to act as its agent, and surprisingly to use the magic he grants to go out and be a
hero! Apparently the Madgod has some colleagues or rivals he wants to spite, and having Ned being a great hero
helps to further those goals.

So now with a new set of magic powers and occasionally an annoying insane divine patron ordering him around,
Ned is ready to take his first steps to being a hero. Poor bugger.

The Centurion

When it comes to super heroes, the standard bearer is, of course, Centurion. Considered by many to be the first of
the modern super heroes, Centurion is still iconic with the idea of super heroics even years after his death.

Just about everyone on Earth knows the origin of the Centurion: As a baby, he was sent from his homeworld, a
parallel Earth where the Roman Empire never fell, to our world as it was being devoured by the Terminus. Exposure
to the Terminus shattered the baby into countless duplicates spread across the multiverse, as well as giving the child
powers beyond those of mortal men. Raised by loving and honest working class parents, Mark Leeds eventually
learned of his true nature and history and became the Centurion, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way.

Centurion is not the first costumed hero in the Crinoverse, but he is by far the most famous. A hero among hero,
Centurion was always a very moral and serious hero. Initially he came off as very intimidating, not helped by the
forceful way he acted when he first started out. As time worse on Centurion loosened up, and actually began to take
some joy in being the Centurion. Many of the Freedom League can attest the Centurion had a bit of a mischievous
streak, and sometimes liked to play pranks on his close friends and associates. Quite a departure from the grim
straight laced figure most people associate him with.

The Centurion spent most of the golden age fighting mundane criminals, saboteurs, and the occasional mad scientist
and alien. It was during this time that he first met August Roman, who would prove one of his most persistent
enemies, as well as Tom Cyprus and Ubermensch, two villains whose strength rivalled his own. During the silver
Age he encountered Omega for the first time, as well as more members of his rogues gallery including the Curator,
Doc Holiday, the Sky Lord, and more. It was during the silver age that Centurion also first encountered the
Ultimen and learned of Ubermensh's (Now calling himself Superior) origins. It was also in this period he built his
Arctic headquarters.

Although he was effectively immortal, Centurion definitely felt the weight of years as the silver age ended and gave
way to the modern era. The loss of his wife in particular was a heavy blow, and he became much more introspective
and moody during his later years. In spite of this, he remained a pillar of the heroic community and acted as a
mentor to many young heroes before his untimely death.

Allies of the Centurion: Here is a brief list of some of the important people in the Centurions life.

Tom and Mabel Leeds: The Centurion's adopted parents and the ones responsible for helping form the young hero,
Tom Leeds was a factory worker in Freedom City and Mabel was a house wife. Both were kind, gentle, and deeply
religious, and raised Mark Leeds to always think of others and how to help them. The Leeds passed away in the mid

Laurie Lamont: A professor of English and best selling author, Laurie Lamont was an academic associate of Mark
Leeds at Freedom City University. A fan of Roman Culture, Laurie actually wrote several science fiction and fantasy
stories under assumed names on the subject of the roman empire, from stories of ghosts of roman legionnaires, to a
tale of an alien world based on Ancient Rome. Lamont first encountered the Centurion when he saved her from the
minions of August Roman who were sent to steal a rare book Lamont had come across. After several more instances
of rescue, people began to associate Lamont with the Centurion, calling her "the Centurion's Girlfriend."

In truth Laurie had no interest in the Centurion, she only had eyes for Mark Leeds. When the Centurion got back
from the war, He decided he should let Laurie in on the truth. Laurie was involved in many adventures with her
husband over the years; Gaining super powers, bizarre transformations, and sometimes being the subject of the
Centurions pranks. As she got older she worried the Centurion may leave her for another, but it never happened.
Even after he death in 1983, Mark only had eyes for her.

Billy Johnson: The Centurion's Pal, Billy Johnson was a grad student and TA to Mark Leeds, and also a huge fan of
the Centurion, which led to him following the Centurion around and getting involved with his adventures.
Eventually the Centurion gave Billy a special watch which could contact the Centurion if he was ever in danger, and
somehow Billy got a lot of use out of this watch.

Billy eventually graduated and became an archaeologist, and he and the Centurion drifted apart. When the Centurion
fell in battle, Billy gave the eulogy at his funeral. He died a few weeks later of natural causes. He was survived by
his wife, three children, and nine grandchildren.

Centuria: There have been several teen female sidekicks who have patterned themselves after the Centurion. The
first claimed to be a sister of the Centurion, sent from their world at the same time as him, but was marooned in the
Terminus for years. This first Centuria was actually a sleeper agent created by Omega, but turned against her
creator and was slain by him (The image of the Centurion holding the dead body of Centuria is one of the most
iconic images in super heroic lore.) The second Centuria claimed to be the daughter of Centurion and Laurie
Lamont, but turned out to be a clone created by Talos as a spy, who also perished (The DNA of the Centurion was
notoriously difficult to clone, so the clone had several defects which led to it failing.) A third Centuria was a female
Ultiman who idolized Centurion and wanted to marry him, however once Centurion made it clear he was not
interested she backed off. There have been other Centuria, but we can cover those later.

The Centuripets: During one adventure, Centurion was engaged in battle with the villainous Superior when he was
knocked into a farm. The mad Ultiman released a blast of cosmic energy, which the Centurion deflected. The
resulting energy imbued the nearby animals with cosmic power, granting them enhanced intelligence and powers
similar to the Centurion. The animals proceeded to fight off Superior (leading to the most embarrassing defeat in the
Ultiman's career). The Centurion adopted the mutated animals, dubbing them the Centuripets.

The Centuripets consisted of:

Helena the Centurihound: A female German Shepard, Helena was the de facto leader of the team. She was also
once mutated into a human by Mister Matthews, and became a Centuria briefly before reverting to a dog.

Troy the Cenutrihorse: A White Stallion, Troy was hard working and diligent.

Caligula the Centuripig: A large boar, Caligula was actually shy and timid, but had a brave heart.

Draco the Centurisnake: A Garter snake, Draco was the smallest of the Centuripets in stature, but also the bravest
and most reckless, and had a look before you leap attitude.

Brutus the Centuricat: A common house cat, Brutus was a snide and snarky cat with a bad attitude, but underneath
a heart of gold.

The Centuripets met their end in the sixties when they perished keeping a mysterious moon from crashing into Earth
from another dimension. (The moon was actually the Moon of Xeron, pushed through to our world by Nightmare
Moon in an attempt to escape her exile.) The Centuripets are enshrined in the Centurion's Sanctum.

Centurion Rogues
The Centurion had an eclectic and interesting rogues gallery, ranging from crime lords to cosmic conquerors. Like
the Centurion himself, many of them possessed a Greco-Roman theme.

Omega: naturally, when it comes to the enemies of the Centurion, the first among all evils is Omega. Although the
Lord of the Terminus was instrumental to the Centurion's origins, Centurion did not encounter the mad nihilist till
the silver age, when Omega first attempted to destroy earth. The Centurion and Omega battled numerous times, and
Omega was probably one of the few people Centurion legitimately hated. One of the most infamous capers had
Omega capture The Centurion and brainwashing him into thinking he was his son, sending him against the Freedom
League. Luckily he snapped out of it before any serious harm was done, but the bad blood still remained.

Omega is still infamous as Centurion's killer, and despite being severely injured by the Chicago Avengers, Omega
is far from done with the Crinoverse.

August Roman: The Centurion's first and most persistent enemy, August Roman was the most powerful crime lord
in Freedom when the Centurion debuted, and Centurion had actually foiled several of Romans schemes and criminal
enterprises before they actually came into direct conflict. Roman knew that he was no match for the Centurion in a
straight up fight, so he used his money and criminal connections to always find ways to even the playing field; from
uncovering magical artefacts to buying and stealing super tech, to allying himself with other super villains. Roman
not only founded the Crime League, but was involved in at least six different teams. In truth, Roman ended up
developing a begrudging respect for the Centurion over the years, and was actually quite disappointed when he fell
in battle.

The Curator: The alien collector has always had an interest in the Centurion, considering him unique in all the
galaxy. He had attempted to capture the Centurion on numerous occasions, but in each instance the Centurion
managed to escape, in one instance, he got away with a menagerie of alien animals which still reside in the
Centurion's Sanctum.

Queen Khana: Of course, the Curator was not the only enemy from space that menaced the Centurion. Learning of
the hero from the Curator, Khana came to earth many times to take the Centurion as a consort. Each time she was
rejected, which made her all the more obsessed. Queen Khana also had a special hatred for Laurie Lamont, and often
lashed out at her as well, one time even mutating her into a hideous giant monster with some Omlevex.

Tom Cyprus: August Roman may have been the Centurion's first major opponent, but the undead abomination Tom
Cyprus was his first super powered nemesis. Cyprus was the first being to ever hold his own against the Centurion
in a straight fight, and their first battle was the stuff of legends. Like August Roman, Cyprus was a fixture in the
various incarnations of the Crime League over the years, even into today.

Superior: After Omega, the most dangerous foe the Centurion ever faced was Kal Zed, the rogue Ultiman known as
Superior. First encountered during the war as Ubermensch, Kal Zed was the Centurion's equal in every regard, and a
bitter rivalry quickly surfaced. One of the more ambitious schemes Ubermensch took part in was when he and
Centurion swapped bodies via the magic of Wilhelm Kantor. Luckily Centurion was able to escape and get his
body back before Kal Zed could assassinate Churchill in his body.

After the war Centurion encountered Superior's people, the Ultimen, and with their help was able to defeat and
imprison him once and for all.

Adamant: Another of the Centurion's most powerful foes, Adamant came closest to killing Centurion than anyone
before Omega, placing the hero in critical condition following a battle and leaving the world to fear that the
Centurion may have finally met his end. After that battle, August Roman organized every villain he could to try and
infiltrate the Centurion's hospital and finish the job, only for every super hero in Freedom City to come out and
protect him, causing a super battle that is still talked about to this day.

Blackthorn: The mystic druid Blackthorn was responsible for several of the Centurion's stranger adventure,
including turning him into a deer, summoning the wild hunt to slay him, changing Laurie Lamont into a pixie, and
animating the forests around Freedom city into an army of warriors.
Doc Holiday: One of The Centurion's zanier foes, Holiday plagued Centurion with all manner of tricks and bizarre
antics. Their most famous battle came one April Fools day when Holiday set off a series of pranks to cover his
robberies. Centurion proved he could give as good as he took, and pranked Holiday right back till he cried uncle and

Nero: One of the last of the Centurion's rogues, the mad fire manipulator was definitely one of his more dangerous
foes, both powerful and insane, he came very close to killing Centurion in their first and only super battle. In spite of
being a "one hit wonder" as far as villains go, he is still remembered.

Sky Lord: A man out of his time, the first Sky Lord was a Victorian era gentleman thief and inventor who crossed
swords with such heroes as Sherlock Holmes and Alan Quartermain. After one such battle, the Sky Lord froze
himself in a cryogenic tube, thawing out in the fifties by August Roman, the Sky Lord began to menace Centurion
with zeppelins, death rays, and steam punk robots.

Gaia: Centurion was a deeply religious man, and believed it was morally wrong for super heroes to present
themselves as Gods. While he tolerated heroes who did it like Athena or Siren, He had a bigger problem when
villains did it, and especially when they tried to use it to take advantage of others. Perhaps this is why no villain
really struck in Centurion's craw like Gaia. When the Earth manipulating metaman appeared on the scene, claiming
to be a Goddess and wreaking havoc on those who defied her, Centurion stepped in and stopped her. The pair would
battle up until the Centurion's death. After the Centurion's demise, Gaia went into seclusion, heading out to sea and
using her powers to create the isle of Hearthstone. And in 2000, she began to form the Pantheon. Gaia has not left
Hearthstone in years, and the island has in fact become an extension of herself.

Cassius: Before Orion the Hunter appeared on the scene, the deadliest killer alive was the assassin Cassius. Real
name unknown and named for one of the conspirators who killed Julius Caesar, Cassius dressed in an immaculate
suit and Roman theatre mask, wielding deadly throwing knives. He had never failed in a job until he met Centurion,
who blocked one of Cassius' knives thrown at a US senator, shattering the knife and Cassius' sanity, leading to him
becoming obsessed with slaying Centurion. After his encounter with the Centurion, Cassius armed himself with
indestructible, mono molecular blades created by the Foundry, able even to cut the Centurion.

Pygmalion: One of the mad scientists which the Centurion fought in his early career, Pygmalion appeared a
withered old man who employed life like female robots as his minions, some of them strong enough to harm even
the Centurion. In truth, Pygmalion was one of the roles of Dollface, who wanted to test her skills against the
Centurion. Centurion encountered Pygmalion numerous times in various incarnations, claiming that he had been
transferring his mind from robot body to robot body over the years. Several of Pygmalion's gold skinned androids
are on display in the Sanctum. Still active if Dollface ever wishes to access the sanctum from within.

Vrykolakas: A greek Metaman and assassin, Vrykolakas resembled a vampire in both appearance and power, and
often had jobs which were opposed by the Centurion. She eventually perished in the late bronze age.

Pan: One of the Centurion's strangest foes was Pan, a tiny satyr like creature that would not have been out of place
on the set of Fantasia. A fey and mischievous sprite, he would play tricks on Centurion until he could figure out
some way to make the tiny imp cry, which, by his own bizarre rules, would send him back home for a few months.
Upon the Centurion's defeat, Pan ceased appearing... And not long after Quirk began to show up to mess with
Captain Thunder.

Dr. Power

Arguably one of the most dangerous scientific minds in North America, Dr. Teresa Powers is one of the leading
experts on Gestalt, and is the first scientist to develop a method to create Gestalts, the inventor of the Gestalt
detector, and has done extensive research on the Imageria, the source of Gestalts.

Its too bad that Dr. Power is completely insane and evil.

Dr. Power is one of the most, petty, cruel and evil geniuses on the planet. While she does not reach the pettiness of
Kenneth Kane or the casual cruelty of Taurus, Dr. Power's all time favourite hobby is making the lives of those
who defy her miserable. Something as trivial as a politician naming her as an 'enemy of Canada' is sufficient for her
to devote a few days to totally ruining their life.

Of course Theresa comes by it honestly: Her father, Dr. Matthias Powers, was one of the most arrogant, cruel, and
abusive jackasses to ever walk the face of the Earth. Haughty and misogynistic, Matthias always pushed Theresa
relentlessly to follow in his footsteps, barely praising her triumphs and endlessly haranguing her for her failures.
While any one else would have been broken by this abuse, Theresa was galvanized by this abuse, coming out of it as
a brutally ingenious scientist without a single angstrom of compassion or pity within her.

One of Dr. Power's other favourite pass time's is kidnapping. Dr. Power is always on the lookout for interesting and
powerful heroic gestalts whom she can kidnap and experiment on. Most of these heroes are never heard from again,
others show up later, either depowered or warped beyond recognition. Dr. Power keeps several secret labs all over
Canada where she holds captured Gestalt. A favourite tactic of hers is to use her technology to hold a city hostage
and force the surrender of a hero, or to stage an ambush for a hero. So far, only one hero has ever escaped her
clutches; the hero Crucible, and that was only thanks to the Legion of Super Heroes.

While Dr. Power is not a Gestalt herself (And yet, according to the Gestalt book she's PL X, WTH?) Dr. Power is a
master of Gestalt, both in creating them or locating them. She has developed a special machine that can produce
Pure Gestalts loyal to her. Most of these Gestalts are less humans and more like localized events or devices. She has
also developed machines that allow her to transform normal people into Gestalt (usually chain gestalts with
machines based on devolution rays or zombie plagues), and more. She also has more esoteric pieces of super tech,
the most infamous of which being her dreaded Suicide machine. A satellite based device which can send out an
invisible beam which can reverse the survival instincts of the victim, causing them to kill themselves in the most
gruesome way imaginable. Dr. Power claims to have dismantled the Suicide Machine in exchange for the capture of
Crucible, but who knows if she was lying.

Of course, Dr. Power is no slouch in direct combat. While she is loathe to enter battle herself, she is never without
her trusty gravity spheres, which, working in tandem, are strong enough to lift an elephant, and can repel even the
blows of Angel Girl. She is also rarely without some manner of Gestalt bodyguard, usually a robot Gestalt or gestalt
of periodic elements or phenomenon.

Power is generally a loner in the villainous community. She has no interest or desire to work with other villains. She
finds Necrull revolting, Teleios a preening arrogant fool, and despises Chris McClain. Likewise, she is also a major
foe to every major Canadian hero team, including Team Epic, The Legion of Super heroes. Dr. Power is also a
major enemy of Gimmick the Gadget Girl, having a personal grudge with the female inventor because she was one
of the donors for the DNA Teleios used to make her (Something Dr. Power has not forgiven the Perfect man for.)

The Institute for Human Advancement

One of the most powerful and dangerous anti metahuman groups in North America, the Institute for Human
Advancement is a political party and scientific think tank dedicated to protecting "Normal humanity" from metamen
and other dangerous supers.

The primary weapon of the Institute is their political lobbying power; Numerous wealthy politicians and business
men fund the IHA and try to influence capitol hill to pass increasingly oppressive laws against superhumans. The
Barnett years were the hey day for the institute, where they managed to get their claws into numerous senators and
representatives. Though they lost a lot of their power following the coup, They still have several politicians in their

But they don't stop there: The IHA does "Research" on metaman kind, conducting rigged experiments and studies to
try and prove metamen are dangerous, they secretly run Metahuman "Outreach Centres" which claim to help
metamen understand their powers, but in reality are only used to torture unsuspecting metas and brainwash them
into hating and fearing their powers, and they employ doctors who scan for metaman genes in parents and try and
convince those with the potential to have metapowered kids not to have children.

But they don't stop there. Sometimes they use even more illegal means to their ends: The scientists of the IHA have
developed devices which allow them to cause metapowers to go out of control, which they often use to "prove" how
every metaman is a time bomb waiting to go off. Rumours are that they run metaman concentration camps in remote
areas like the Rockies and Southern Canada are unfortunately true, but of course the worst of all are the Minuteman
robots, Ten foot tall battle robots which are alternates to the Exterminator robots used by Project Icarus.

The most prominent members of the IHA are the Goodkind Family, a powerful and influential family which is also
rabidly anti mutant. One of the members of the Goodkind Family, Ayla (Born Trevor), is a metaman, and has been
thrown out of the family. S/he is now the chief financier of the Tomorrow Society, and actually bought out a
prominent American comic company.

One of the major scientists of the IHA is Emil Hammond, a sadistic mad scientist known for torturing young metas
to learn about their powers. He was once captured by the Champions, but the IHA employed a metahuman to
change his features so he could not be fingered, and he was released. Emil's younger brother Hector was also an anti
metahuman scientist working for Project Icarus, but was mutated by a strain of the Wildcard virus which turned him
into a huge headed psychic. He is still at large.

Finally there is Sebastian Shaw. Shaw is a major Spartacorp industrialist and factory owner, and also a rabid anti
meta bigot. He is also a Metaman, a kinetic energy absorber and a member of PHANTOM's Highest Society. Shaw
and his associates believe that super powers should only belong to the rich and powerful, and has programmed all
the robots and metahuman detectors his company produces to ignore his and his associates powers so they can pass
for normal. Shaw envisions a future where he rules the world through his robots, metaman lines are carefully
guarded through breeding, and anyone who isn't born into money is basically a slave. Shaw is a good friend to the
Goodkind family, who have no idea he is a metaman.

Return of The Rox

2013 kicked off with a bang this week, as the homeless and metamen of Bay City lay claim to Reagan Island, which
was raised from the depths of the San Francisco bay by the self proclaimed godling known as the Proprietor last
year, under the leadership of a woman identified as Mulholland Black, who claims to be a City Elemental much like
Doctor Metropolis, fashioned in the image of the former Urban Shaman of the late Bay City Sentinels.

It is currently unknown why Mulholland chose to name her fiefdom after the infamous occupation of Ellis Island by
Joker dissidents in the late 1980's, with reasons ranging from historical resonance, warnings of what could happen if
calmer heads don't prevail, or quite possibly simply because it "sounds cool".Mulholland has made it clear, however,
that the homeless and dispossessed are welcome upon her island, she and her followers have no love for local, state
or federal authorities, to the point of forbidding police or agents of AEGIS to even set foot upon the island.
Similarly, she and her people have warned that they will raid the mainland for supplies to feed themselves if the
need arises

AEGIS itself is currently taking a wait and see approach to the situation, and the current iteration of the Bay City
Sentinels could not be reached for comment. It is certain, however, that this new Rox will soon (or perhaps has
already) receive humanitarian aid and supplies from the still-outlawed Tomorrow Society, and that those on the Rox
have already fortified their homes within the ruins of the Proprietor’s once fearsome citadel

Figures on The Rox

Mulholland - self-proclaimed avatar of Bay City itself and aforementioned ruler of The Rox, who now
demonstrates urbankinetic powers far in excess of those of her prior incarnation, as well as newfound maturity and
self control. that said, she is still an outspoken and temperamental anti-establishment firebrand, her passion thus far
tempered by the concern for her followers

Golems - strange humanoid creatures formed from the island's own black stone, they are the Rox's security force
against unwanted guests... or perhaps the signs that Mulholland was not the only sentinel to survive...

Supernaut - a truly repulsive, unnamed wildstriker whose body has become an undulating blob of flesh, dubbed for
being the current pilot of the Supernaut armour. it is unknown if this is Mulholland's former teammate Heavy, or
simply among the first of her followers

Dr. Sevrin - the Rox's resident doctor, Sevrin claims to have been a professor at the Lor Science Academy before he
undertook an 'internship' under the infamous Tick Tock Doc, before he and his own "Space Hippie" followers asked
to be left on Earth. Many of those in Sevrin's group are superpowered, but what gifts were left to him by the Tick
Tock Doc remain his closely guarded secret

Adam - a High Lemurian, Adam ran away from his home and impending arranged marriage to see the world as part
of Dr. Sevrin's Space Hippies, and has turned his back upon his culture to embrace his love of music. as an Evo-
Lutionary, Adam possesses a superhuman voice, which he can use to a variety of effects. his betrothed, incidentally,
has recently been sent to the Americas...

Wicker Man - a pathetic creature, Wicker Man's supranym comes from how his warped and twisted tree-like form
burns at all time because of pyrophoric pores, leaving him in constant agony. that said, he claims to have been a
former professor (quite eloquent when not hopped up on painkillers), and advocates not causing trouble with the

"The Magic Man" - a curious addition to Mulholland's entourage, the so-called magic man is a green-skinned
figure in tattered yellow clothes. he's kind of an asshole...

Angel Girl

"She's like Hannah Montana, only instead of playing music she hits people."
--Ultimatum on Angel Girl

The kid sister of Divinos, Gabriela of Mithran is something of a super hero success story; Coming to Earth with no
knowledge of our ways, and eventually becoming one of the most famous and beloved super heroines around.

While Divinos is considered the standard bearer when it comes to super heroics, a pillar of honesty, Integrity and
power, Angel Girl is definitely the people's hero; She is always diving head first into human culture, whether its
appearing on Goofy Disney comedy shows, showing up at random at orphanages or grade schools to play with the
kids, or just having a fun day at an amusement park after helping recapture a rampaging Sigmund Roid, Angel Girl
is almost always out there among the people. Whereas Divinos spends all his time flying around saving the day and
brooding, Angel Girl spends her time getting to know the world both in and out of her secret identity.

Speaking of her secret identity, Gabriela Rosenberg works as a filing clerk at Raven Multinational. She invented the
persona after seeing several news commentator criticizing Divinos, saying the Golden Guardsman had no idea how
the common man lived. Gabriela realized that she didn't either, and created the Rosenberg persona to find out. It
started out as a fun experiment, but in time Gabriela began to appreciate the chance to just relax and decompress; As
Gabriela Rosenberg, Angel Girl can just spend a normal day doing normal office stuff, which while boring and
tedious, is easy enough for her to let her collect her thoughts and take a breather.

Not that she doesn't love being a super hero, because she totally does. Gabriela decided a long time ago she was not
going to be defined by the loss of her home to the Darkness Beyond Time. She does carry the pain of the loss, but
she does all she can to make Earth her new home.

When she first made the scene with the New Fighters of Freedom, Angel Girl was seen as the pure and innocent
naive newcomer; the doe eyed stranger to our world who found endless wonder in it. This was true for the most part,
but by the time she grew up she became much more familiar with our world, and also a lot less naive and innocent.

In truth, Gabriela is not nearly as pure and innocent as she would like people to believe she is. She is a good and
kind person, but fighting alongside Dawn Wing and Madame Tomorrow taught her the value of fighting dirty. She
has often used tactics in battle which her brother would never use or approve of; Low blows, eye gouges,
misdirection and the like. This is partly because Gabriela simply isn't as powerful as her brother, and does this to
bridge the gap, and partly because when fighting a truly despicable foe (Like one of the Fun Bunch, One of Mister
Matthews monsters, or especially an Entropic Master), she legitimately wants to hurt her.
Gabriela is also much more media savvy than her brother. While her brother likes to let his actions speak for
themselves and rarely thinks of peoples opinions of him, Gabriela recognizes the value of having people like her and
super heroes in general, and while she as not as shameless as Diamond or Mr. Extreme are or how Phenom used to
be, she never passes up an opportunity to show off for the cameras or talk to the press.

Friends and Allies

Divinos: Of course we need to start with Gabriela's long suffering brother. While Divinos does love his sister, He is
sometimes flustered by how flippant she can be, and sometimes worried if living among humans is causing her to
lose her way. Divinos is also very protective of her; Divinos never made any secret that he disapproved of her
relationship with Alexander Timmons, and part of the reason that so many of Angel Girl's current relationships
have failed is because of Divinos' meddling. Nevertheless, Angel Girl loves her big brother, and would do anything
for him.

Black Wing: Angel Girl's former beau, neither of them really got over the break up, while they still have feelings for
one another, things are too... complicated at the moment for them to even be casual friends. The best they manage is
to be professional when they have to work together. Also, Black Wing is aware of Gabriela's secret ID, but pretends
he does not and even set up her job.

Madame Tomorrow: Angel Girl's BFF (Best Frenemy forever), Gabriela and Serena began their relationship on
less than cordial terms; nearly wrecking the Patriot Mansion in the ensuing melee. Angel Girl was always suspicious
of her half Entropic Master teammates, and Madame Tomorrow always felt Angel Girl was a self righteous bigot. As
time passed however, the pair began to see eye to eye, and while they were never close, they developed a mutual
respect for one another.

When Madame Tomorrow assumed power on Genesis Island. Angel Girl held a press conference and stated she
supported the Tomorrow Society 100% and would always be on hand if they needed her protection. She made good
on that promise in the early days of the Island's inception when the IHA deployed a battalion of Minuteman robots
for a "Land survey exercise" (Read, attempted Genocide). Not only did Angel Girl dispatch the robots, she was
smart enough to get the whole fight on film, showing the Minutemen Androids attacked first and causing the IHA to
lose face. Angel Girl is considered an ally to the Tomorrow Society and despite being signed up with the Hero Act,
is an honorary member.

Troll: Probably the only other super hero who is media savvy as Angel Girl is the lovable lummox himself Troll.
Troll and Angel Girl have appeared at numerous functions together, usually charity events and the like. While Angel
Girl is not a hardcore party animal like Troll is, the pair do have a lot of fun when they get together, and are good

Zauriel: The former caretaker of Seventh Heaven, Zauriel had a... complicated relationship with the young heroine.
After a string of frustrating failed attempted boyfriends (which included, a killer robot, an alien in disguise, a demon
in disguise, and a giant praying mantis... thing.) Divinos tried to set up Angel Girl with Zauriel. While it never
happened romantically, Zauriel and Angel Girl did become friends, and Angel Girl was devastated when he "died".

Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Amy Winston, like the Masterson Twins, was a noble of Faerie who was sent to
Earth from her native land to escape the Winter Lords. Raised mortal, she eventually found her way to back to
Gemworld, and became its mystical protector and ruler, fighting against the evil Dark Opal. Angel Girl met
Amethyst during an adventure in Faerie which brought her to Gemworld and the pair became good friends.
Amethyst is one of the most powerful mages in existence, and a skilled warrior. Also, in Gemworld, time works
differently, and beings coming to Gemworld become physically older (In Gemworld, Angel Girl is as old and as
powerful as her brother).

Lumpy Space Princess: Not all the beings that inhabit the Annihilation zone are hideous abominations and eldritch
horrors. The Lumpy Space folk are a race of kindly, if overly shallow and obnoxious, creatures which inhabit the A
Zone and sometimes leave to visit other worlds. The daughter of their leader, the Lumpy Space Princess (LSP for
short), once came to visit Earth, where she encountered Angel Girl. After some strange misadventures, the pair
became unlikely friends, and LSP has taken up permanent residence in New Amsterdam. While seemingly
innocuous, the Lumpy Space peoples bite can transform others into Lumpy Space folk, something Angel Girl found
out the hard way when she contracted the lumps from an accidental bite, forcing Black Wing and Splotch to traverse
the A zone to get the cure. Despite this, the pair are still close friends.

Halo the Angel Cat: Angel Girl's pet cat, white with black spots and green eyes. Angel Girl rescued the cat from
Mister Matthews, who was planning to mutate the poor thing into yet another monstrosity to unleash on Mother
Raven. Wanting to make sure the cat would be safe from her enemies, Angel Girl commissioned the John Smith
Society to create a special collar which would give the kitty Mithran level Strength and power. Angel Girl rarely
puts the collar on her, since a cat with that level of power could cause some serious collateral damage, mainly saving
it for public appearances and the like.

The Lieutenant Angels: A metahuman powered Christian Rock band, the Angel Girls were targeted by the
Maestro, who attempted to brainwash them into his evil glee club of doom. Saved by Angel Girl, they became her
fanclub, and began fighting crime in her name.

The Band consists of three members, they are:

*Angel Fish: A joker with scaly white skin and fish like scales and gills, Angel Fish can manipulate water and
survive underwater. She plays guitar
*Earth Angel: A young black girl and guitatist, Earth Angel is a geokinetic.
*Angel Cake: A heavyset woman and lead vocals, Angel Cake can generate radiation.

Gabriela has not met the three personally since she saved them, but follows their heroic deeds and has even attended
some of their shows in her secret ID.

Angel Girl Rogues

As Divinos' kid sister, Angel Girl shares many of her brothers enemies, albeit her rivalry with them is for different
reasons than her brother. She also has a fair share of rogues unique to her.

Baba Yaga/The Crone: While Angel Girl has no love for any of the Entropic Masters, the one who has singled her
out the most is Baba Yaga and her Avatar, the Crone. Partly because Angel Girl is such a bastion of youth and
beauty, and partly because she's friends with the Crone's nemesis Troll, The Crone is ever seeking ways to
kill/corrupt Angel Girl.

Death Mask: If Divinos didn't approve of Angel Girl dating Alexander Timmons, imagine how Kenneth Kane felt
about it. He did everything in his power to drive a wedge between the pair, and takes a great deal of credit for their
eventual break-up. Kane still considers it one of his greatest victories... against Divinos.

Yes, in truth Death Mask gives not one fudge about Angel Girl, except in the fact that causing pain to her hurts
Divinos by association. In truth, he just doesn't consider Angel Girl with his time on her own merits. Something that
annoys Angel Girl to no end.

Ultramind: Ultramind, on the other hand, has a very active interest in Angel Girl. somewhat chauvinist and
misogynistic (insofar as those terms can apply to an alien war machine.) Ultramind see's Angel Girl alternatively as
a pest which distracts Divinos from becoming the Mithran Ultramind believes he should be (A cold, heartless world
conqueror), or a potential breeding farm to recreate the Mithrian species on Earth. So Ultramind spends equal
amounts of time either trying to kill or enslave Angel Girl. Gabriela finds the killer computer creepy beyond

Ice King:...But not nearly as creepy as she find This guy. The Ice King is actually a succession of mortals foolish
enough to put on the Ice Crown, an ancient Turikanian artefact which was believed to be a prototype for the Crowns
wielded by Takofanes and the Crowns of Krimm. Unlike its predecessors, who were turned into world freezing
maniacs, the current owner, Simon Petrikov, had enough will power to at least partially resist the crown, becoming a
rather buffoonish and somewhat pathetic creature who is content to kidnap "Princesses" to try and date.
The Ice King first encountered Angel Girl when he was attempting to kidnap Lumpy Space Princess. After Angel
Girl stopped him, Ice King became enamoured with her, and has been trying to woo her ever since. While mostly
harmless, the Ice King is one of the more powerful ice manipulators on the planet, and can be quite powerful and
devious when he is on form (which is thankfully rare).

Lady Vita: One of Death Mask's evil schemes for his son involved hiring the aging super spy Lady Vita to seduce
him into coming over to the dark side with her pheromone powers. The scheme nearly succeeded, but was thwarted
by Angel Girl. This incident was the mind controlled adultery that helped contribute to Gabriela and Alexanders
eventual break-up. Since then, Vita and Angel Girl have been bitter enemies, and Vita would just love to bring Angel
Girl under heel.

Rainbow Blight: Samantha Morgan was a dour and glum goth girl who was always picked on as a kid. Seeking
vengeance, she summoned a demon to bargain her eternal soul for magical powers. Unfortunately for her, she got
Mr. Hoppy on a day he was feeling particularly mischievous, who gave her the powers she craved; with powers
based on rainbows, unicorns, and sugary goodness. Samantha decided to roll with it, and set out to make the world
so sickeningly saccharine and sweet everyone would choke on it. Considered by many to be the anti-Megan Conner
(in terms of concept, not in terms of powers, since Conner outstrips Blight by a fair margin), Rainbow Blight
wreaked havoc on her home town until she was brought low by Angel Girl. The pair have been rivals ever since.

Diva Vious: An popular Pop Diva known for her bizarre fashion sense and even stranger music videos, Diva Vious
is actually a homicidal maniac and serial killer who began murdering people in her music videos. In spite of this, a
little thing like mass murder has done little to squash her popularity; many Villain fanboys still buy her underground
CD's, and while the music stations refuse to play her videos (Which are basically snuff films with excellent
production values and admittedly great music), they are available for download. Angel Girl has been an unwitting
"Guest star" in many of Diva Vious' music videos, as have the Angel Girls. Diva Vious has no powers, but uses tech
purchased from the Foundry and artefacts bought from the Pact.

Mother Superior: An Insane Ultiman woman, Dora Sept's wanted nothing more than to have children.
Unfortunately, she was refused the request to bare them by the elders of Ultima Thule (who carefully controlled their
population to keep it from becoming too large for their small city to support). Striking out on her own, she secretly
lived among humanity, experimenting with her cosmic powers to make others her surrogate children, whether they
want to or not.

When Angel Girl first encountered Mother Superior, she was posing as a Nun living in the south of France. She had
a convent made up of kidnapped local girls who she had transformed and brainwashed into her "Daughters", and
came close to doing the same to Angel Girl before she exposed the Ultiman and drove her off.

In addition to the common Ultiman powers (Super strength, regeneration, flight and cosmic energy control), Doru
can charge others with her vril, causing them to enter a euphoric state in which they look upon her with parental
love, seeing them as their mother. With continuous exposure, the victim slowly begins to turn into a clone of Mother
Superior. She can also use her vril to transform animals into monsters, or change humans into sub intelligent brutes.

Mother Raven

One of the most well respected and beloved of the Canadian super heroes, Mother Raven is a powerful mystic, an
agent of the Raven, a mother, an activist, an artist and many more things.

One thing to understand about Mother Raven is that she is not your typical super hero; She generally does not
engage in physical battle against super villains (At least not very often), Mother Raven is more concerned with
curing social ills; She does this as Katherine McCloud through activism, supporting outreach programs, and the like,
she does this as Mother Raven by using her magic to show wrong doers the errors of their ways, or by frightening
them into giving up their criminal ways or tricking them into their own undoing.

One of Mother Raven's major success stories is her home of Sunset Lake Reservation. After becoming Mother
Raven, she helped rouse her people from their indolent stupor, got rid of the drugs and corruption, and helped restore
the old ways of her people. She has done this in many other places across North America, helping clean up "Bad"
Neighbourhoods and making them safe for families.

Of course, she doesn't just spend her time in the human world. As one of Canada's premiere mystics, Mother Raven
also battles against mystical evils. She has helped make peace with the Wendigo werewolf tribes, aided in destroying
the Vampire Hordes which held control over the city of Montreal, and has dispelled numerous evil demons and dark
spirits all across Canada and America. Mother Raven is on good terms with both the Covenant, and the White
Lotus Society. The White Council largely ignores her, except for one member: Joseph Listens-to-Wind, who is an
old friend.

Mother Raven has very little in the way of offensive powers: She can nullify most super powers, and can create
powerful illusions; but this suits her style. Mother Raven prefers to redeem rather than battle or incarcerate. She
knows better than anyone that anyone can pick themselves up after a fall, no matter how bad, and she has an
amazing turnover rate when it comes to reforming super villains and criminals. Of course not all villain can be
redeemed, but that doesn't stop Mother Raven from trying. Heck, she would give Mister Matthews a chance if he
ever seemed to reform.

That being said, Mother Raven does have one offensive power: The ability to call upon the sun. Using this brings a
heavy cost, and is only used against extremely dangerous and despicable foes. Nevertheless, this trump card is
powerful enough that its use brings fear to any evil force it is brought to bear against.

As suits her name, Mother Raven is very motherly. She often looks after lost or abused children, and often does
charity work at schools and orphanages in both her normal and heroic identity. She also tends to act as the team
mom to any heroes she comes across, young ones included. She has acted as a mentor to many young heroes, and
has even helped them in times of emotional crisis.

If Mother Raven has one fear, its losing her connection to Raven. Katherine believes that almost everything good in
her life came about because of the Raven's intervention, and if he was somehow gone from her life, she may revert
to the person she once was. Of course this is simply untrue, and deep down Katherine knows this, but its still enough
of a doubt that villains who specialize in spreading fear have capitalized on it.

Friends and Allies:

Rebecca McCloud: Mother Raven's daughter. Rebecca's birth was the event which set into motion Mother Raven's
creation. She is currently in her early twenties, and is attending college in Toronto. Rebecca has a great relationship
with her mom, and greatly admires her. Rebecca has no mystical talents herself, and has no interest in becoming a
super hero. Katherine had Rebecca young enough that some people sometime mistake them for sisters. And more
than a few times villains have mistaken Rebecca as Mother Raven's secret ID. Mother Raven has wasted no time in
correcting them.

Raven: Mother Raven's patron, Raven is one of the more powerful members of the loose confederation of the
Native American Pantheon of cosmic eternals. Raven is a trickster deity, but also a creator, being one of the entities
credited with creating the world. She rarely appears to Mother Raven directly, but her presence is felt by her. When
he does appear to her its either in animal form, or as an older Native American man.

The Guard: Mother Raven's hero team, Mother Raven gets along with the other Guard members. She is presently
helping with Sentinels physical therapy after being crippled by the Red Hulk. She acts a cool big sister to
Slipstream and Red Phoenix, and has a healthy respect for the brooding Caliburn.

Ymir the Radioactive Viking.: Canada's favourite son has had an interesting relationship with Mother Raven. The
first time they met they actually did battle thanks to the machinations of Wotan, but have since become good
friends. Despite their vastly differing styles, they are close friends. It also helps that Loki and Raven are thick as

The Metamin: One of Raven's strangest adventures actually began in the late 1800s, when a Native American tribe
living in what would eventually become Los Dios were nearly slaughtered by the US Army who were after a reserve
of Omlevex under their home. With the help of Doctor Tomorrow and some time travelling Los Dios police, the
Metamin were saved from genocide and given a new home to live on; An alien world where they could grow and
live in peace. In 100 years and a planet all to themselves, the Metamin created a utopian society and eventually
joined the Lor.

Metamin astronauts returned to Earth one day to see what had become of the other Native tribes. They brought
Mother Raven back with them to see what they had done, and she helped save them from an invasion by the Haud.
Since then she has been a hero of the Metamin. Due to the exposure to the Omlevex to their ancestors, Most
Metamin possess superpowers.

Mother Raven Rogues

As I mentioned above, Mother Raven has a fantastic track record with the reform of super villains. There are dozen's
of super villains in Canada and the US who have mended their ways and gone on to become productive members of
society, if not super heroes.

So all of Mother Raven's recurring rogues number among the most foul, despicable, pieces of filth and cruelty to
ever blight the human race. Her foes include Drug Dealers, pimps, serial killers, and other vile, reprehensible people.

In addition, Mother Raven has numerous mystical enemies, Dark spirits that dwell within the far confines of
Canada, Vampire lords, dark mages, and the less benign members of the Native American "Pantheon".

Mister Matthews: Of course, when people think of Mother Raven's foes, we have to start with Mr. Matthews. An
evil genius and businessman, Matthews combines the pettiness of Kenneth Kane with the genetic genius and
attention to detail of Doctor Prometheus. Matthews is so driven to destroying Mother Raven that he has even
dabbled in the mystic arts, creating supernatural horrors to match Mother Raven.

Mother Raven considers Mister Matthews her greatest failure. Not only that she inadvertently caused the death of
her mother (Something Mother Raven has never forgiven herself for), but every attempt Mother Raven has made to
try and turn Matthews away from evil has failed spectacularly, making him all the more bitter and vengeful. Mother
Raven is unperturbed though, and she will keep trying.

Its ironic that Matthews looks old enough to be Mother Raven's father, when the mystic is Matthew's senior by
several decades. In truth, Matthews is closer to Mother Raven's daughter in age. The official explanation is that the
mauling from Monty and years of exposure to black magic and genetic tinkering has aged him, but some of
Matthews less forgiving foes just think he was always a bitter old man at heart.

General Winter: General Winter was the first super villain Mother Raven ever fought, and the icy spirit of Mother
Russia has never forgotten this defeat. Whenever General makes the long trek to the US to visit doom upon the
Sentinel or Sovena Red, he always makes a quick stop by the Sunset Lake Reservation to menace Mother Raven.
While not a persistent enemy, General Winter is powerful enough to give Mother Raven some major, if brief,

On the few occasions General Winter has produced a focused attack on Mother Raven, he has allied himself with the
evil winter spirits of Canada, who have better experience with fighting Mother Raven. This has often bitten the
General, since these Winter Spirits are not exactly trustworthy.

The Artificer: One of the Foundry's top agents, Mother Raven has a rivalry with the Artificer stemming from his
indiscriminate selling of weapons and the damage they cause. Of course Artificer is the other half of the super battle
which led to the beginning of Mister Matthews start of darkness. In truth Matthews despises the Artificer as much as
Mother Raven (Since he was the one who actually killed his mother), But Matthews hides his rage well. He has a
very special hell waiting for Artificer one of these days, he's just waiting for the right moment (Read, the moment
Artificer fails Talos so he can be killed without fear of reprisal from the man in Bronze).

The Tall Tale Kid: Of course, no Native American is complete without a Cowboy to challenge them. At least that's
how the Tall Tale Kid see's it, as he has menaced Mother Raven numerous times. In truth, Mother Raven is more
amused by the Kid than anything, and since he is largely harmless, she usually goes along with the game when
fighting the folk tale gestalt.

The White Knight: Yes, just like any other Super hero from an ethnic group, Mother Raven has had to deal with the
White Knight. The first time was when he attacked a gallery show of Katherine McCloud, threatening innocents.
Mother Raven easily dispatched the villain, which hurt the Knights pride. He has been after her ever since.

Arcanix: The mystic thief has crossed Mother Raven's path many times in the past. Arcanix is always seeking to
plunder the magical secrets of Canada, from razing ancient burial mounds, to trying to raise an ancient Viking long
boat to steal the mystic runes within, to releasing Mordru from beneath the Legion of Super Heroes basement to
drill him for magical secrets. Mother Raven has thwarted many of his endeavours, but has been unable to
permanently capture the villain.

Kigatilik: As noted above, General Winter has worked with the Canadian winter spirits in the past, and Kigatilik is
the worst of the lot. An evil spirit on the same level of the General, Kigatilik actually DOES focus on Mother Raven,
hoping to destroy her and reduce all of Canada to a frozen wasteland. Kigatilik has nearly killed Mother on
numerous occasions, and only the power of the sun can defeat Kigatilik, and is the one thing he fears.

Coyote: Another trickster spirit of the Native American "Pantheon", Coyote is a darker, more flippant entity than
Raven, Coyote loves messing with mystics the world over, and Mother Raven in particular. Coyote seems unique
among the entities of the Imageria in that he seems aware that the Imageria was a creation of humanity, and all the
beings in it, no matter how powerful, sprung from their memory. This fact amuses him to no end. While strange and
unpredictable, Coyote is usually harmless...

...Less so his bodyguard. Ysengrin is a wolf spirit who acts as Coyote's guardian and major domo. Some time ago
Ysengrin was merged with a tree spirit, giving him a humanoid form and additional powers. Unfortunately this
combination of conflicting spirits is slowly driving him insane. Violent and unpredictable, he has nearly gutted
Mother Raven on several occasions.

The Terror Bears: The four mutated psychic bear cubs recently ran into another mutated psychic bear. Yes, the
Terror Bears were adopted by Monty Matthews. In an auspicious scheme, Monty tried to use the Terror bears to
drive Mother Raven insane by trapping her in an illusion world and convincing her she was still a junkie and her life
as a hero and daughter were just a drug induced delusion. Mother Raven was able to resist the illusion and best the
Terror Bears, who managed to escape. Time will till what the Terror Bears and "Uncle Monty" have planned next.

Gunmetal: A powerful Crime Lord operating out of Toronto, Gunmetal saw himself as a brutal survivalist, and was
determined to clean up the bad neighbourhood he grew up in. He did this by taking over the gangs, taking the drugs
and guns off the street... and sending them somewhere else, then putting the money he got from his ill gotten gains
and using them to fix up his neighbourhood. One of the places that he sent the drugs and guns was Sunset Lake, and
Gunmetal was one of the contributing factors to sorry state of the reservation when Katherine was growing up.
Badly scarred as a child by his abusive parents, Gunmetal wore a metal mask at all times.

Gunmetal was the first recurring foes Mother Raven ever had. Gunmetal was no stranger to dealing with
superhumans, but Gunmetal was unprepared for Mother Raven's approach or her determination. As her crusades
began to eat into Gunmetal's profits, he became more intent on destroying her, and has employed super powered
mercenaries, magical artefacts, and even power armour to try and bring her down. Perhaps the most vexing thing for
Gunmetal is that Mother Raven was able to help her community without destroying another community. For another
man it may be a life changing revelation and blow to their world view, but Gunmetal may be too proud and arrogant
to accept that, and he is still fooling himself into thinking Mother Raven's way is wrong.

The Mysterious Stranger: One of Mother Raven's strangest enemies. The Mysterious Stranger is a pure Gestalt of
the famous writer Mark Twain. The Stranger first appeared in 1986, with the coming of Halley's comet. He had the
exact appearance of Samuel Clemens writing persona... along with all the bitterness and disgust with humanity that
characterized the write in his twilight years.

The Stranger has the ability to create entire worlds, complete with living beings to inhabit them. But like the titular
character of the story the Stranger takes his name from, he eventually becomes disgusted with whatever he creates,
and ends up destroying it... and anything else in his path.

The Stranger cut a path of destruction across North America, creating strange creatures and transforming huge areas
into bizarre fantasy lands. Eventually his wanderings led him to Sunset Lake, where he encountered Mother Raven.

Rather than battle, the pair sat down and had a long talk. Mother Raven had guessed, correctly, that the Stranger was
not evil, just sad and lonely, and she was able to give him what he really wanted; a friend.

After the encounter, The Stranger undid the chaos he did, and went into seclusion in Northern Canada. occasionally,
usually at the machination of a villain (Usually an enemy of Mother Raven like Mr. Matthews or Coyote), or when
his darker impulses take hold, the Stranger has gone on another rampage, but Mother Raven can usually get him to
calm down.


Who is the most popular superhuman in North America. I am not referring to the most popular super hero, (Which
would get a ton of different answers, ranging from Troll to Splotch to Johnny Rocket), but who is the single
superhuman who elicits the largest popular reaction from the public at large. There is no one correct answer, but
probably the example of "Metaman who exists in the forefront of popular culture" would be Corazon "Corrie"
Valenzuela, the metaman superheroine Sapphire.

Sapphire has probably done more to improve metaman/nat relationships than the Tomorrow Society and the Joker
Anti-Defamation League combined (A fact that makes Madame Tomorrow just want to smash her head against a
wall.), She is a sweet, friendly, outgoing (And relatively normal looking, some cynics will point out) Woman who
produces some of the funniest, catchiest pop rock you could ever find. Her powers are pretty to look at and not
"Gross" like some other metahumans, and she goes out of her way to keep her image squeaky clean as possible; She
doesn't do drugs, doesn't drink, and while she does have an active romantic life, there are virtually no sex tapes of
her (And those that do turn up are inevitably proven to be frauds perpetrated by her enemies) or compromising
photos of her. And of course, on top of all that she is a super hero. If villains like Gravitar, Hazmat and Dr. Stratos
are brought up when trying to prove metamen are a menace, then Sapphire is usually the first one brought up in
defence of Metamen. Even many die hard meta bigots will just rub the back of their heads and (Grudgingly) admit
that Sapphire is "One of the good ones".

But where did it all start? Corrie was born in Puerto Rico to hard working parents, her father was a subway driver,
and her mother worked at a Pharmaceutical company. From even an early age Corrie loved music; When asked her
primary influences were a lot of prog rock and 80's party music and synth music. Eventually she got into music, and
when her powers manifested, they became an inseparable part of her stage persona, even before she decided to fight

Sapphire rose to musical prominence during the Latin music boom of the 90's, unlike a lot of Latino acts however
Sapphire was firmly about the rock. A lot of her early music harkened back to early 80's synthesizer music, and one
critic called her "The Female Phil Collins" on an early cover. Of course, part of the reason Sapphire has remained so
popular is that she has been able to continually update and keep with the times without seeming like she's
pathetically trying to jump on the next big thing.

Interestingly enough, part of the reason she has been able to remain so popular is because of her super heroic career;
In addition to helping her reputation and keeping her in the public consciousness, Sapphire has actually been able to
draw upon... unique sources for her music. As a member of the Champions, she has travelled to hidden lands,
parallel realities, and throughout time and space, and whenever Sapphire visits such exotic places, the first thing she
does, time willing, is check out the local music. She has released albums featuring music styles sampled and inspired
by the music of the Atlanteans, the Utopians, the High Lemurians, and she has even done duets with prominent
musicians from the Lor Republic, Ultima Thule, and in one instance, she did an entire album with a parallel reality
version of herself named Ruby.

Sapphire is somewhat aware that she has become the face of the metahumans of North America, and she has largely
embraced it. In addition to her hero work, Sapphire spends a lot of time champion numerous causes ranging from
meta rights to environmental concerns. She is good friends with Bono, and even collaborated with him when he set
out to make a musical based on Splotch (Called "Splotch: turn on the dark." It bombed, but Splotch at least got a
laugh out of it.)

Sapphire is also known for her temper. While normally a sweet and kind individual, Sapphire does not suffer fools
gladly, and also despises bullies and cowards. When the Elite Guard first came to Millennium city, Sapphire quickly
became fed up with the arrogantly Smug Sentinel Prime, and quickly came to blow with the Elite Guard Autobot.
Her temper also extends to the music world, where she once melted Chris Brown's car to molten slag at an award

Speaking of powers, Sapphire's powers are... Generally nothing special. Unlike a lot of metahumans Sapphire has
never really bothered to explore the upper limits of her power, or figure out how much she could diversify them. She
can fly, make a force field, and fire energy blasts. Generally this is enough for her, and she isn't really interested in
finding out more about them.

Sapphire in general walks a fine line between super hero and super celebrity. While a lot of beings in her position are
either Pop Stars who happen to fight crime, or heroes who put out music, Sapphire manages to do both in equal
measure. She sometimes dips onto one side or another (She has gone on hiatus from the Champions at least once to
go on tour, and has gone on musical hiatus in order to help with a major crisis), she does usually find a balance
between the two.

Friends and allies

The Champions: Of course, we need to start with her hero team. Sapphire loves the Champions and treats them like
her extended family, to the point of even inviting them to family functions and giving her own family a tour of the
Champions mansion. She used to flirt with Defender, but gave it up when he and Witchcraft became more serious.
She has also flirted with the alien prince Onyx, but he largely doesn't seem to get it (Apparently courtship works
differently for the Dryad.)

Most people seem to assume that Sapphire would be close to Jaguar, the other Hispanic Champion member. In truth
they are... distant friends. In truth, Jaguar does not especially feel comfortable in the spotlight, since he fears losing
control in a public venue where he might unintentionally cause harm, and partly because Sapphire gets kind of
nervous around the feral cat creature.

Sapphire is probably closest friend wise to Witchcraft, the teams other female member. Corrie acts as the cool big
sister to Bethany, and has helped coax her out of her shell on more than one occasion. If not for Sapphires help,
Witchcraft and Defender may not be dating.

Mullholland: When news of the second Rox Incident broke, Sapphire was the first person to voice her support of
what Mullholland was doing. While controversial and earning Sapphire some negative attention, Sapphire has stuck
to her guns, and is even planning on hosting a free concert in the new Rox in support. Mullholland honestly doesn't
care either way about Sapphire, but is at least appreciative of the gesture.

Silverbelle: The Silver skinned member of the Sentinels of Society has teamed up with Sapphire on occasion.
While the pair were initially hostile, they eventually did warm up to one another, and Silverbelle actually helped
Sapphire break into movies briefly (It did not last; Sapphires first few movies were mediocre at best, and Sapphire
eventually decided she could not devote time to being a musician, super hero, AND a movie star.)

The Newcomers: During one adventure, Sapphire travelled back in time to the Silver Age and encountered the
Newcomers, after helping the alien band fight off an invasion by Kang the Conqueror, and recording a duet,
Sapphire was returned to her own time. In tribute to her friends, Sapphire released an album which was all covers of
various Newcomer songs. While the album was largely panned an sold poorly, Sapphire considered it a labour of
love, and the surviving members of the newcomers were inclined to agree.

Sapphire Rogues
Sapphire Rogues come in two varieties: Energy manipulators and evil musicians. For some reason, Sapphire seems
to attract other energy controllers as villains, and as a super hero musician, she tends to battle with evil music

As a prominent metaman hero (If not the most prominent), she tends to draw attention of metaman terrorists and
anti-metaman groups.

Pulsar: Sapphire's first meta powered rogue Sapphire ever fought, Sapphire thwarted Pulsar during an attempted
robbery of a charity ball Sapphire was playing. Pulsar has been one of Sapphires most persistent foes ever since.
Whenever a villain puts together a team to try and destroy the Champions, Pulsar usually volunteers to counter

The Maestro: Like many prominent pop musicians, Sapphire has felt the wrath of the Maestro. Unlike many pop
musicians, Sapphire actually has the firepower to fight back against the maniac. In one prominent adventure, the
Maestro modified Sapphires voice so her voice gave off earthquake causing vibrations that destroyed everything
around her. Luckily she was able to receive a cure and took out the musical miscreant.

Hell's Belles: Speaking of musical miscreants, Sapphire has a long standing rivalry with the fiendish music band
known as Hells Belles. One time they offered to open for Sapphire, and when she refused, they decided to crash the
concert and play anyways. A spectacular musical meta brawl ensued, and while Sapphire narrowly won, the Belles
ran away to fight another day. They have clashed several times since then.

The Seven Thunders: With Sapphire the Seven Thunders can hit two birds with one stone: Not only decrying
metahumans, but also rock music as well. As an agent of Omega, Luke Butler loves to destroy anything that brings
joy and happiness into peoples life, and music is no exception. Butler and the Seven Thunders have tried on
numerous occasions to destroy or defame Sapphire, with plots ranging from assassination attempts to mind control
to scandal generation. However Sapphire has so far managed to avoid the worst of the Thunder's malice, and in
general they have lost more face with each defeat. Butler is determined however, and will not rest till he crushes
Sapphire under heel.

Blitz: The Neo Nazi Punk Rocker, along with his new meta powered band, has menaced Sapphire on many
occasions. Now that she has backing from the Brotherhood of Armageddon, Blitz now has the tech and resources to
be a legitimate threat and not just a joke. In addition to her bandmates (Who I will have to do a full writeup of
sooner or later, if someone else wants a shot I would not object), Blitz boasts high tech Armageddon weaponry, and
an army of trained "Roadies". Luckily Sapphire has had support from European heroes when she encountered Blitz,
so she has been able to triumph each time they fought during Sapphire's European tour.

Lord Wyvencrest: The Evil psychic overlord is deeply enamoured with the Super powered pop diva, and would
very much like to have her as a bride (IOW: A brainwashed human songbird who can play on demand). Wyverncrest
has attacked Sapphire many times, both directly and through mind controlled minions.

MC Big Tyme: I mentioned this villain way back in the first Crinoverse thread, but here is a refresher: Alvin Tymer
is a Gestalt of Gangsta rap who, after breaking out, changed from a skinny white kid from New Jersey into a giant,
super strong heavyset black man. Growing physically larger as he gained popularity, Big Tyme is presently around
twenty feet tall. He also possess the power to change people into chain gestalts by bestowing them with Gold
Chains, which turns the wearer into members of the "Big Tyme Crew". Causing them to become obese giants and
adopting the mannerisms of hip hop Gansta rappers. Big Tyme is a rapper for Evil Eye Records, a Spartacorp owned
label which employs musical supervillains and protects their criminal activities with crooked lawyers and deep

Sapphire encountered Big Tyme and his crew when she stopped his crew from robbing a bank. After besting the ten
foot tall giants, she drew the ire of Big Tyme himself, who attacked her during a concert and was defeated. Sapphire
and Big Tyme have fought several more times. In one instance Big Tyme actually managed to trick Sapphire into
putting on one of his chains and becoming a member of his crew, but she was able to break free with the aid of the
other Champions.
Soundwave: Sapphire and the Champions were heavily involved in the ongoing Autobot presence in Millennium
city, and one facet of this was Sapphire's rivalry with the musical Decepticon Soundwave. After his two defeats at
the hands of the Autobots, Soundwave struck out on his own and became only marginally associated with the
Decepticons. He has fought Sapphire on several occasions during this time. And although Soundwave seems to have
gone straight following the failed Decepticon invasion of Chicago, time will tell if the Cons change of heart is

Kakophany: A mysterious creature of unknown origins, Kakophany is a noise elemental. He initially manifests as a
series of loud, random noises without a source. In truth Kakophany pulls together random noises from around
himself in order to build a functioning body. This body, while invisible, is quite solid, and capable of causing
damage. Kakophany loves causing random chaos and destruction, since the noise produced by this chaos makes him
stronger and larger. Kakophany first appeared to Sapphire during a gig in Vibora Bay, and began following her
around. Sapphire thinks that Kakophany has become infatuated with her, but so far she does not appreciate the


One of the better known macguffins, Omlevex is a greenish, slightly radioactive rock which fell to earth many years
ago. Most prominently found in Metazon, Omlevex is an extremely potent mineral with several unique properties.

Probably the best known property of Omlevex is the ability to grant super powers. Omlevex can activate the latent
metagene of subjects through prolonged or intense exposure in humans. This power activation is dicey however,
since it can lead to violent insanity in some cases. Omlevex is a key component in the DNAscent process, the
Halcyon effect, and other meta empowering operations.

But while Omelevex can empower baseline humans, its actually less known that it can be toxic to anyone else. Any
being who isn't baseline human or a meta empowered by Omlevex will slowly sicken and die in the presence of
Omlevex. It is presently unknown why this is. Certain powerful or magically empowered metahumans, and species
such as the Mithrans, are immune to this effect.

In addition, there are also several different Omlevex variants. Green is the most common, but others include:

Red Omlevex: Red Omlevex has a very unique effect: It can cause incredible and often bizarre mutations in
exposed metahumans or aliens. These changes last only 24 hours, but can cause incredible devastation. Once
exposed to Red Omlevex, a subject becomes immune to the effects of that particular piece thereafter.

Gold Omlevex: Gold Omlevex can remove the powers of any superbeing, making them the equivalent of a baseline
human. The effect is only temporary, but prolonged exposure can render it permanent. Since it has no chance of
bestowing power, it is often employed by Anti-Meta groups to forcibly depower captured metas. Thankfully Gold
Omlevex is exceedingly rare and has a very short half life.

Blue Omlevex: Blue Omlevex transforms mutates metahumans, causing them to become simple minded, violent,
gray skinned bizarro copies of themselves. In this state, the victims are violent, delusional, and completely insane.
Thankfully the effects are temporary.

Superior Splotch

"Video journal of Ebenezer Necros. January 2013. Well, they called me crazy when I ground up moon rocks and
snorted them to give myself psychic powers. Turns out that they were right, all I got for my trouble was a tumour the
size of a baby sloth on my brain..."

"...Baby Sloth? Really?"

"...Quiet you, we'll get to you in a minute. And about six months to live. But I decided that if I, Ebenezer Necros,
were going to die, then I was going out with a bang. So I set upon my most ingenious, most inauspicious, most


"Hey, you think you can tell the story better?"

"Don't mind if I do. Hey Y'all, its me, your friendly neighbourhood Splotch. Anyways, right after the whole invasion
debacle, Necros capitalized on the massive world wide wreckage by buying out a ton of construction companies and
assisting in the rebuilding of several major cities. After all, it was a big war, and there simply aren't enough city
elementals to go around. So Within about three months, Necros had helped rebuilt over a quarter of the buildings in
North America. Naturally, this being Doctor Necros, He designed said buildings to turn into giant robots. And go on
a rampage."

"A true stroke of brilliance on my part. I knew those simpering do gooders would not attack buildings with people
inside them, except for one minor complication, a tiny snafu upon my part..."

"Yeah, Doctor Nitwit here used mainly office buildings for his robots, since most apartment buildings aren't large
enough to make good killer robots, and he made his big attack on a Sunday, so most of those buildings? Totally

"Every plan has minor flaws..."

"Minor my stick black..."

"Anyways, this part was but step one of my brilliant plan. As the so called heroes scrambled to stop my evil scheme,
I knew it was a matter of time before my old enemy Splotch came after me, but I was ready."

"Yeah, I admit I kinda dropped the ball on this one. I kinda let Necros get a hit in on me with his latest gizmo before
he began wailing on me. Some sort of Nanite Gauss gun. Then he started giggling about how he had beaten me once
and for all and he threw himself off the side of a building. I caught him, but he had swallowed a cyanide capsule on
the way down, and snapped his own neck, and somehow had a live piranha in his stomach."

"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing dear boy."

"Duly noted. Anyways, I figure it was over once and for all since Necros had gone all Disney death on me. But then
the black outs started. For three months I was losing hours from my day, until suddenly I realized I could hear a
voice in my head. Necros had somehow hitched a ride inside my head!"

"Indeed! My brilliant Masterstroke, nanites I shot Splotch with were programmed with my brainwaves, which would
allow me to recreate my personality inside his brain! My Brilliant plan was foolproof..."

"Of course the first thing I did was tell the Patriots."

"...Up until that point. Kinda falls apart at that point."

"Anyways, after some study, Black Wing gave me the good news bad news. Bad news was that he couldn't remove
the Necros personality; The nanites were already deeply embedded in my nanotissue, and mass replicating, so
removing them is out of the question, ditto psychic surgery. Good news is that Necros isn't going to take over my
body completely. I'm still gonna be here, but I just have a roommate inside my head. A really, really, REALLY
annoying roommate."

"Bah! You should be grateful to have me in here. Trust me its not like there was much up here to begin with."

"But, and here is the crazy part, so I hope you are sitting down, I asked my bro Theseus to find out what Necros had
been doing in my body. See I was freaking out; Evil crazy nutbar Doctor Necros in my body, without my
knowledge, for three straight months? What did he do? What did he make me do? What did people think I was
doing? Well it turns out he was... fighting crime."

"You don't have to sound so shocked."

"Actually I kind of do. See, maybe its because part of my personality is influencing Necros, maybe its cause its still
my soul even when its his brain, or maybe its because when Necros copied his brain he somehow missed all of...
well, MOST of the crazy, but In my Body Necros seems primarily interested in fighting crime."

"Bah, I am the same as I ever was. I simply wish to prove that I can do better than you. To prove I am, stronger,
smarter, that I am the Superior Splotch."

"Yeah, and you want to know what Hell is? Its hearing him say that about seventy five times a day. So Here we are.
Me and Necros are working on sharing MY body, The Patriots are calling in every favor they can to try and fix me,
and Necros is... still a prick yeah."

"Bah, just wait and see fool. By the time I am done the Patriots will be begging to keep me around. Wait and see.
Now, where is the save button on this?"

"You don't want to upload this?"

"Of course not! I want to keep my existence a secret from the world until I have proven I am better."

"Well good luck with that, you weren't recording, that was streaming live on my Blog."

"Wait, what?"

"And that ladies and gentletrolls, is what we called Pwned."



Beyn Tryggvassen, GentleKrogan Adventurer.

Krogans are a race renowned for their hardiness and capacity for war. Built to survive as a Prey species on a
deathworld, the Krogans are among the most resilient species you will find. They are also one of the most warlike as
they have bombed themselves back to the stone age several times over the course of their history. As such when it
comes to petty warlords or would-be conquerors who want a species to use as the basis for their cloned army, many
try to use Krogans. Almost always this ends poorly as few such people, "have the Quads", to actually command with
an army of Krogan. Combine this with rare Krogan scientists (usually of the Mad variety) looking for ways to
overcome the Genophage with SCIENCE! and you end up with quite a number of defunct Illegal Krogan Cloning

Some of these operations did not have the same resources as others and that led to... cutting corners. This is the
result of one such case. As part a standard 'Clone a Krogan Army' tin pot dictator scheme a branch of the project was
dedicated to creating cloned Krogan designed to serve as the perfect officers and commanders for this clone army.
However this was an incredibly poorly funded project so only one tank-bred officer type Krogan was ever created.
The would be warlord was taken down long before any of the tank-bred Krogan were ready for the field so what was
left of the project was quickly reduced to black market merchandise.

The poor funding for the officer program had the effect that the computers and programs designed to teach the
Krogan while in the tank had their fair share of glitches. While much of the combat and officer training was still
imprinted, it shared attention with diplomat training programs, Classic literature from various worlds, and media
files from across the galaxy. As a result, The Krogan who would come to be named Beyn, was shaped very
differently than intended.
The Tank containing Beyn was eventually made it into the hands of Captain Kraken, and was smuggled to a buyer
on Earth.

When the buyer opened the seals and let their supposed new killing machine out, Beyn politely asked what was
going on. He continued the polite conversation for a few minutes where he was able to determine that he was in the
company of individuals of ill repute, and they expected him to work for them and assist them with their acts of
skullduggery. Beyn was not pleased by this situation.

About this time SWORD raided the hideout. Beyn assisted the SWORD agents in apprehending the ones who had
purchased him before surrendering to SWORD custody peacefully.

Beyn requested he be able to stay on Earth, stating that as this was where he had first emerged from his Tank that
this was the planet he was technically born on, and asked to file for a proper birth certificate and other papers. It
took some time for SWORD to sort everything out but he was eventually allowed to stay on Earth.

While still under probation by SWORD he was allowed to enrol at his request in an School of Etiquette, at which he
learned everything he needed to be a proper gentleman. He graduated with high honours, the first step towards his
goal in life, to become a true Gentleman heroes like the kind featured in many of the books he had been shown in
the Tank. Thus begins the tales of Beyn Tryggvassen, Gentlekrogan Adventurer!

Teenage Alien Warrior Turtle: Beyn is a Krogan, there is no hiding this fact. Despite his refined mannerisms he is
still a very large turtle alien with a genetic predisposition to surviving some of the galaxies harshest environments.
This intimidating exterior is rather off-putting particularly for those who hold prejudices against Aliens.

Nice Hat: Beyn always wears the (Bowler/Top Hat) that he was awarded for graduating his Etiquette School with
high honours. He is very protective of this hat. Any slight against this hat is enough to rouse Krogan instincts that
usually lead to someone getting headbutted until their face is caved in. Damaging the Hat is a one way ticket to

True Gentlekrogan: Beyn is always polite and well mannered. Even when he's laying you out with a punch. He is
meticulous about maintaining the standards of Etiquette at all times, Even managing to lift his pinkie while drinking
tea despite the Krogan hand only having three digits. He is the quintessential GentleKrogan.

"I want to be Garrus.": Beyn looks up to a number of figures both real and fictional. Sherlocke Holmes, Black
Wing, Garrus Vakarian. Individuals who are able to overcome obstacles through skill and cunning, while also able to
bring down villains with a precise and carefully directed application of violence. These are the people he aspires to
be like.

The Aquabats!

Arguably one of the stranger super hero teams out there. The Aquabats! are a quintet of spandex clad super
heroes/rock and roll band which roll around the country, performing shows and fighting the forces of evil.

Not exactly a higher tier hero group the Aquabats! Nevertheless have the begrudging respect of many heroes. Most
of the major hero teams have at least heard of them, and many younger teams have seen their shows. Although the
Aquabats! are not signed with label, they have encountered other musical super bands before, including Sapphire,
Helle's Belles, and Circle Seven.

One of the Aquabats! more persistent foes over the years has been a mad scientist named Doctor Steel (No relation
to Doc Steele) a disgruntled toy maker turned mad scientist and musician. The Aquabats! and Steel have clashed
numerous times.
The Aquabats! are... not the brightest super heroes around. They are impulsive, childish, and kind of flat out stupid.
Nevertheless, they usually mean well, and are actually more competent then you would expect. Having fought and
defeated several powerful villains. Including the rogue Grigori known simply as Space Monster M.

The current roster of the Aquabats! Includes:

MC Bat Commander: The leader and lead vocalist of the team, The Commander is the only member of the
ensemble without super powers, but makes up for it by being a talented hand to hand combatant. He is very brash
and prone to taking bets, but can be quite resourceful when he puts his mind to it.

Crash McLarson: The bass guitarist and muscle of the group, crash is a metaman with the power to grow.
Unfortunately he can only access this power when he is overly emotional. Even by the Aquabats! standards Crash is
a bit dim, but makes up for it in raw power.

Jimmy The Robot: On Keyboards and Saxaphone, Jimmy is a robot of unknown origins and the brains of the outfit,
as a robot he has numerous built in weapons and a detachable hand, but he often feels like an outsider among the
human Aquabats!, and fears losing his friends.

Eaglebones Falconhawk: The lead guitar and team mystic, Eaglebones wields the power of an electricity firing
guitar, and the ability to summon THE DUUUUUDE!, an invisible space Eagle. Eaglebones can be a bit arrogant
and a loner sometimes, and also has an arch nemesis in the form of his evil brother Eagleclaw Falconhawk.

Ricky Fitness: Last but not least is the bands drummer. Ricky is an Athletics gestalt with super speed. He is also a
bit of a neat freak. Because of his dedication to Fitness, Ricky has sworn off all junk food.


The fourth and arguably the strangest of the four major Imageria realms. Babylon, the City of Man is inspired by
human industry and artifice. Every city which has ever made an impact on human consciousness, real or fictional,
from across history and in the future, can be found here.

Babylon geographically resembles an endless city, larger and grander than any other city in real life; featuring
skyscrapers that reach beyond the heavens, city parks the size of small states, freeways which traverse in every
possible direction, and more. Styles and periods of these buildings vary wildly; Ancient Babylonian buildings and
Japanese Pagodas share space with modern skyscrapers and futuristic cities. There are even more bizarre buildings
as well; Buildings made entire out of pipes or glass, strange Escher like structures, and even more.

The cities population is just as diverse: People from every era of human history share the city streets, alongside
talking animals, art pieces, vehicles and machines, pop culture icons, dead celebrities, modern elementals, and more.
One native race to the city of man are the Conurbites, a race of fae like creatures which resemble biomechanical

Babylon is a realm where ambition, wealth, and skill rule the day. Money from the real world is incredibly valuable
her and can buy a great deal, or this reason the powers that be try and discourage locals from throwing such wealth
around freely. Babylon is also home to numerous secret societies and guilds which vie for control of the city, each
one more surreal than the last.

Personalities of Note

The Emperor of Babylon: Rarely seen but often alluded to, the Emperor of Babylon is the ruler of Babylon.
Virtually nothing is known of him except he is very busy and very powerful. Many mystics believe he is somehow
related to the Lady of Pain from Sigil, but this is unknown.

The Shadow Cabinet and the Fools Parliament: Two rival factions which vie over control of Babylon employing
strange spirits and stranger agents. The Shadow Cabinet serve the lords of order and wish to conquer both Babylon
and Earth, the Fools Parliament are orders of chaos, and practice something called political surrealism. Unwary
travellers may find themselves sucked into their power games.

Are We Cool Yet?: Another faction within Babylon, Are We Cool Yet? Is part terrorist organization, part surreal
performance artists, and are responsible for unleashing numerous artefacts and creatures both in Babylon and the
real world. Their calling card is the phrase "Are we cool yet?" Which appears somewhere either in their art or in an
accompanying note.

Madame Metropolis: A curious figure, Madame Metropolis is a female version of Doctor Metropolis who inhabits
and protects Babylon. She is a friend with Doctor Metropolis, and has often worked with him in the past. Madame
Metropolis, within the confines of Babylon, is a PL X entity.

Babylon's Centurion: Many late heroes, in particular ones who left an imprint on the public consciousness, and the
Centurion is no exception. This version of the Centurion is a caricature of the famous hero, with a squarer jaw, a
cheesier personality, and no secret identity to speak of. He is also much stronger than the original Centurion.

The Brotherhood of Dada: One of the stranger "Hero" teams of Babylon (If such a term can be applied here), the
Brotherhood of Dada is dedicated to fighting the forces of convention and conformity. The Brotherhood has come to
Earth several times to make trouble.

Locations of Note

Futuropolis: The city of the future, Futuropolis is a combination of every futuristic city ever conceived, the whole
place resembles a 50's sci-fi movie complete with silver jumpsuits and fins on their air cars.

Byzantium: The home of the Emperor, Byzantium is an auspicious place of artistic beauty and splendour, filled
with enough wealth to last anyone a lifetime. There is an entire guild of artists working tirelessly to make more art to
add the material beauty.

The Library: Like Twilight Sparkle's wildest dream, the Library is a massive collection of every book ever printed
ever, from ancient tomes of mystic lore to fanzines and comic books. It possesses a magic printer which is
constantly churning out new books (Although the information in the books is not necessarily reliable). Having a
library card to this library is a great privilege, but heaven help you if you are late getting the books back.

The Rookeries: Every city has a wrong side of the tracks, and the Rookeries are the wrongest you can get. A seedy
part of Babylon, the Rookeries is a twisted labyrinth of crowded slums, smog and pollution, filled with criminals
ranging from gangster rats to masked serial killers. Any criminal who escapes to the Rookeries becomes impossible
to recapture through mundane means.

Bedrock: The opposite of Futuropolis, Bedrock is a primitive stone age replication of modern society, where
humans and sapient dinosaurs coexist. A realm of foot driven stone cars, dinosaurs used in place of heavy machinery
at quarries, and were every single name is a rock pun.

Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends: Years ago, a powerful and kindly witch retired to Babylon, when she did,
she decided to create a special home for Imaginary friends whose kids had grown up and didn't need them anymore.
Today, Fosters is home to countless crazy characters and creatures which could only come from the imaginations of

The Mall of Babylon: One of the largest shopping centers in the multiverse, the Mall of Babylon is a shoppers
dream: where virtually any item, legal or otherwise, can be purchased if you are willing to pay the price. It is also a
place of danger; Huge human sized mall rats patrol the shadows, and greedy Mannequins have been known to jump
to life to entomb unwary shoppers in living plastic.

Toon Town: The home of animated characters, Toon Town is the living space for some of the best known and
beloved of all animated characters, and is insane even by the standards of Babylon. Toon Town's Rookeries
equivalent is known as Cool World, and is a darker, sleazier contrast to the bouncy and fun Toon Town.
Alpha Prime

When people talk about the dangers of super heroes, how they make more problems than they solve, the
conversation always inevitably returns to one person: Alpha Prime, the alien who single-handedly wrecked Century

Granted, that isn't entirely accurate; Alpha Prime wasn't alone in the downfall of Century Station. In truth Taurus
was chomping at the bit to try and find a way to derail the Daedalus engine project and discredit Dr. Sarnoff. Once
Alpha Prime landed and exposed him as an alien fugitive, he jumped on the opportunity, enlisting an army of
politicians and industrialists to shore up support for Alpha Prime, allowing Taurus to rid himself of the meddlesome
Sarnoff and take over Century Station in one fell swoop.

And naturally, once everything settled and people began to realize how bad Century Station had gotten, he was
quick to shift the blame to Alpha Prime, and the same politicians and Industrialists who bent over backwards to help
Alpha Prime now denounced her as the doom from the stars that crushed the dream of Century Station under her

As a result, Alpha Prime is probably the most hated and reviled super hero currently alive. Worse than Golden Boy,
Worse than Early career Ultimatum. Hell, back when he was a hero Mr. Extreme! Had more of a fanbase than
Alpha Prime has now. Pretty much nobody, least of all members of the hero community, like her.

For what its worth though; Alpha Prime does feel bad for what happened at Century Station, but she places the
blame on Sarnoff's head. After all, he tried giving super advanced technology to an unready species, Alpha Prime
was just doing her duty by upholding the covenant, and that is something Alpha Prime does not, and will never,
apologize for.

After all, Alpha Prime has been around a long time; Her species lives a very long time, and she has several centuries
under he belt already. She has seen firsthand the end results of breaking the covenant; the spread of intergalactic
plagues by the well meaning Somathurans, The planet Neural being torn apart by an arms race instigated by
competing Klingon and Lor Republic agents supplying the natives with weaponry, the Yeerks going from a primitive
species to a hostile superpower thanks to the carelessness of the Andolites giving them space travel. It is not as
though Alpha Prime was completely unjustified in what she did in apprehending Sarnoff. And speaking of, Sarnoff
was not exactly a saint; his previous attempts to help primitive worlds did not exactly end well for those planets.

Besides which, Alpha Prime has great hopes for the human race. The reason she opted to stay behind to uphold the
covenant is because she wants to watch their progress herself. She knows that the people of Earth are angry at her
now, but she see's it as the same anger a child has when their parents make them go to bed early, or eat their
vegetables, or brush their teeth. It may be unpleasant, but in the long term it will be beneficial for them. Alpha Prime
is confident that humanity will figure all this out on their own in time, and that in time they will understand and
appreciate what she has done (not that it does her much good now.)

As a super hero, Alpha Prime is always on the job. And I do mean always. While other heroes who work 24/7 to
fight evil and protect the innocent like Divinos and Doctor Tomorrow need to rest at least once in a while, as a
Bhlaze, Alpha Prime has no such restriction. She does not eat, does not sleep, she is always going. And while the fair
majority of her time is spent hunting down those who break the covenant and fighting alongside the Centurions,
Alpha Prime does make time to help out with disasters or fight crime.

That being said, Alpha Prime can be somewhat overzealous in her pursuit in upholding the covenant. She has often
times gotten into fights with heroes armed with alien technology, only to be dissuaded from continuing by SWORD
after its been made clear they are not in violation of the covenant. In addition, Alpha Prime has been, on more than
one occasion, been duped into going up against heroic technology firms or inventors by villains who have tricked
her into thinking that they are using alien tech in their inventions.

Among the Lor Republic, Alpha Prime is a Spectre. A special law enforcement class which has the permission to go
anywhere and do anything in order to uphold intergalactic peace. Alpha Prime has been a Spectre longer than
anyone, and was the mentor to the rogue Spectre Saren among others. While some Spectres use their position to
sometimes... bend the rules, Alpha Prime has always been straight laced, often chastising her fellow Spectres for
their rather loose ethics.

Of course, her straight laced nature comes largely from her family. Namely her father, the intergalactic despot
Pyron. A powerful and insane mutant, Pyron levelled several worlds before being captured by the Star Knights.
Unfortunately, with the destruction of the Citadel, Pyron is now once again free to menace the cosmos, and between
that and everything happening out there, Alpha Prime may need to leave earth prematurely to deal with things.


The Centurions: Most heroes in Century Station dislike Alpha Prime, but her team-mates are not among them.
While some of them were resentful of her at first, Alpha Prime has come through for the team enough time that she
has earned their respect and friendship.

Doc Steele: Probably one of the few people to understand why Alpha Prime did what she did was Doc Steele. Steele
has been trying to help Century Station in any way he can to get out from under Taurus' heel, and Steele has tried to
explain the Labyrinth Situation to Alpha Prime. Unfortunately Alpha Prime doesn't believe Steele or at very least
does not consider this 'Taurus' to be a threat. Nevertheless, Steele is one of the few humans Alpha Prime respects.

SWORD: Alpha Prime has a... Unique relationship with SWORD. While SWORD does endeavour to support Alpha
Prime in her stated mission of upholding the Covenant, even the hard nosed Agent Brand thinks Alpha Prime takes
it too far.

And then of course theirs Julie Yamamoto. The SWORD Agent and Alpha Prime’s feud is well documented; Julie
has long been a proponent of making alien technology free and available to humankind. Alpha Prime in the
meanwhile considers Julie's 'Pet' ship to be an unlawful piece of Galvan tech which could potentially break the
covenant, and has tried to confiscate it on several occasions. Julie and Alpha Prime have butted heads many times in
the past, and will likely continue to do so.

Star Knight: Alpha Prime has worked with Sri Montoya on several occasions, mainly to track down alien criminals
and covenant breakers. Montoya is not a fan of Alpha Prime, but does respect her authority and her ability to fight.

Nebula: One of Alpha Primes more recent cases involved the Space cop turned Vigilante Nebula. Responsible for
kidnapping numerous super heroes and villains and sending them to the Duress, an Annihilation Zone based penal
colony where inmates are tortured for all eternity. Nebula came to Century Station where she was confronted by
Alpha Prime. Alpha Prime was able to stop Nebula... by pulling rank on her, having her remand all the inmates she
had "captured" since coming to Earth to her care, thus releasing everybody Nebula had caught since coming to
Earth. All the captured criminals are now incarcerated in Gramercy island, and there are now at least three dozen
super heroes (among others) who owe Alpha Prime big time. With the aide of the Centurion's legal team, Alpha
Prime was able to get the charges against Nebula dropped, and the space Vigilante is now working under Alpha
Prime, fully registered with the hero act.

Alpha Prime Rogues

Alpha Prime's rogues are primarily either aliens breaking the covenant, or humans using alien technology
irresponsibly. In addition, Alpha Prime has earned a fair number of enemies among the population of Earth, in
particular disgruntled citizens of Century Station. Many new villains in Century Station emerged from people who
sought power to kill Alpha Prime out of a desire for revenge.

Kisentite: Alpha Prime's former partner and fellow Spectre, Kisentite was pretty much the opposite of Alpha Prime;
A smarmy, smooth talking guy who gladly used his Spectre position to line his own pockets. While friendlier and
more approachable than Alpha Prime, this was just a mask a cruelly mercenary individual who would not lift a
finger to help someone else unless there was something in it for him. even Alpha Prime was taken in by Kisentite's
lies, and when she found out what he was doing, she lost his cool for the only time since he came to Earth, and
proceeded to pummel the rock alien to a pulp and tossed him in Gramercy island.
After Kisentite was stripped of his Spectre status, Alpha Prime contacted his homeworld to pick him up,
unfortunately the world had been taken over by a greedy, brutal dictatorship, so they laughed at Alpha Prime's
request. Indeed, they eventually decided it may be fun to conquer Earth for its wealth. They got their armada ready,
and arrived in Earthspace...

...Just as the Invasion was wrapping up.

Yeah, after that Kisinites people decided it may be safer to try to invade another world. So Kisinite's people are not
coming for him anytime soon. In the meanwhile Kisinite is waiting patiently for a chance to escape, and get his
revenge on his former partner. He already knows who he can get to help him too...

Cygnus: The other Alpha Prime rogue currently incarcerated in Gramercy Island, Cygnus is a Bhlaze, the same
species as Alpha Prime. As a result, he is one of the few non magical/Non Psychic villains who can hurt Alpha Prime
in a straight up fight. Cygnus and his super team the Solarians tried to conquer Gramercy island, but fell to the
Centurions. All the members were shipped off world by SWORD, and Cygnus himself was imprisoned in an energy
matrix in Gramercy Island.

Like Kisenite, Cygnus is a dark reflection of Alpha Prime. But while Kisenite is a sleazy and corrupt cop, Cygnus is
a brash, bad tempered thug. Unlike the restrained and controlled Alpha Prime, Cygnus is very aggressive and
arrogant. He is also more reliant on brute force, used to being able to out muscle non energy beings. Unfortunately
for Cygnus, Alpha Prime was stronger and better trained than Cygnus, and easily defeated him. Cygnus still burns
for revenge, and will do anything in his power to kill his arch enemy once he is free.

Vibron: When Alpha Prime allied with Nebula, she also inherited her nemesis, the alien crook Vibron. Vibron has
had a few hit and run battles with Alpha Prime, and is currently trying to find a way to escape the planet now that he
his drawing more attention from local and extraterrestrial authorities.

The Cerebreaum: I mentioned them in the Alien Enemies entry in the last thread. Here is a refresher: The
Cerebreaum are a race of peaceful aliens who crash landed on Earth and decided to remake it as a Utopia, starting by
taking over several third world nations. Naturally, this is a major violation of the Covenant, but unlike the Century
Station incident, Alpha Prime has found the United Nations and especially PHANTOM less than cooperative when
dealing with the Cerebreaum. In addition, the US Government has forbade the Centurions from getting involved on
grounds of preventing a potential international incident. Nevertheless, Alpha Prime has started to invade
Cerebreaum countries, capturing Cerebreaum and destroying/dismantling their tech. Its slow going, but Alpha Prime
is optimistic.

The Cerebraeum are not ignoring these aggressions however, and they have begun to arm themselves against future
attacks by Alpha Prime.

The Harbingers: Naturally, the primary anti Alien group currently active, the Harbingers actually love Alpha Prime,
because she gives all the justification they need to hate aliens, Nevertheless, the Harbingers move heaven and earth
to try and destroy Alpha Prime. Fortunately she is pretty durable, and able to easily resist their attacks. But they
continue trying undaunted.

Scrounge: After the Invasion, Alpha Prime was VERY busy destroying all the alien tech left behind by the alien
invaders. However she didn't get it all, and a lot of it fell into the hands of rather unscrupulous groups. Among them
is Scrounge; Who has become something of an alien tech kingpin. Scrounge has battled Alpha Prime numerous
times, but without some heavy alien tech or artefacts to protect him, he isn't much of a threat.

Syzgy: The escaped alien Gladiator, always looking for a new challenge, had challenged Alpha Prime to battle on
occasion, and while Syzgy has never scored a victory against her, on the same time Alpha Prime hasn't been able to
catch the pest, so the battle continues.

Dollface: As many of you know, Dollface stole the secrets of Cybertronian tech a while back, and has been handing
it out like candy to villains and other groups. This just plain sticks in Alpha Prime's craw, and she has been working
tirelessly to try and stem the flow of Cybertronian tech. Unfortunately she has been having little luck, and is no
closer to stopping Dollface or even knowing she exists. Dollface finds this all quite amusing.

Swindle: Speaking of cybertronians, nobody has been a more persistent violator of the Covenant than the
Decepticon arms dealer Swindle. At least Sarnoff claimed he was trying to help people, Swindle sells dangerous tech
to primitive species for pure mercenary profit. Alpha Prime has busted Swindle many times, but he always finds a
way to slip through the cracks.

General Tuzik: A tin pot dictator of a third world country, General Tuzik was forcibly deposed from his nation by
the Freedom League at the UN's request. Exiled from his nation, he gathered together the support of several other
nations who feared being deposed by super heroes, who supplied him with reverse engineered technology from the
remnants of various super battles the world over. Eventually Tuzik used this tech to create an army of metahumans
for himself, and transformed himself into a hulking, super powered behemoth. Since some of the tech used was
alien, Tuzik eventually drew the attention of Alpha Prime.

Pyron: Naturally, we need to talk about Alpha Prime's father, the dreaded Pyron. The ruthless alien monster who has
devoured countless worlds in fiery plasma. Pyron is a source of eternal shame for Alpha Prime, and the two have
been bitter enemies for centuries.

Dr. Martian: A gestalt of Space invaders, Dr, Martian resembles a stereotypical green skinned alien with antenna,
and is a super genius able to create deadly alien tech. He is also completely insane, believing he is an actual alien.
Alpha Prime thought he was an alien as well for their first few battles, till someone explained to Alpha Prime what a
gestalt was and that he wasn't an alien.

The Pacifiers: The Pacifiers are an intergalactic order of alien species who are dedicated to "defanging" potentially
alien races by rendering them utterly harmless, "pacifying" them. Officially a peaceful order, the Pacifiers use
brainwashing, gene therapy, and infiltration to accomplish their goals. They have attempted several time to turn
humanity into mindless, contented cows, or revert them to the dark ages, or depower Earth's metahumans, but have
met opposition at the hands of Alpha Prime and other heroes.

The Patron: On the opposite end of the Spectrum is the Patron. Appearing as a plump, jolly old man, The Patron
gives out alien tech to people in need. Seemingly benign, he is actually a malicious alien trickster who devastates
worlds by giving out tech they can't handle. Alpha Prime has been on his trail for years, and he is considered by
many the Alien Equivalent to Mr. Infamy.

The Contractors: Speaking of Mr. Infamy, the infamous one has been very busy "helping" out people who are bitter
towards Alpha Prime. The Contractors were originally a group of middle class people hurt by the loss of the
Daedalus engine and the subsequent fall of Gramercy island: Construction workers, teachers, doctors, normal people
who either lost their jobs or loved ones to the degradation of Century Station.

Initially, these angry, bitter people pooled their diminished resources to hire the assassin Supreme to kill Alpha
Prime. When that didn't work, they were approached by Mr. Infamy.

The Contractors consists of twelve members at any given time, when new members added as old ones are killed,
captured or retired. Their powers are each unique, but since they are all magical in nature, they are capable of
harming Alpha Prime. Fortunately they don't have much in the way of strategy or tactics, so they usually attack
Alpha Prime one at a time with no real plan. When they lose, Infamy takes their powers and memories so they can't
finger the others. Alpha Prime has no idea what is going on with this.


The oldest, most technologically advanced, and certainly the most decadent race in the Milky Way. The Malvan's are
an eons old civilization which is sadly a shadow of its former self; A proud galactic Empire that gave away to sloth,
indolence, and self indulgence.

At its peak, the Malvan Empire ruled over half of the Milky Way Galaxy. They had overcome civil war and the
troubles of its internal troubles and carved out a mighty empire. They resisted conquest and destruction at the hands
of the Elder Worms, the Reapers, the Viltrumites, and other ancient enemies, and eventually became the most
powerful force in all the galaxy.

So what went wrong? Well, like just about any great empire, they grew corrupt, they grew complacent, they grew
lazy. With no more worlds to conquer, the Malvan's began to dedicate more and more time to their own selfish
pursuits. By the year 110,000 BC (Around the same time that the Preservers were tinkering with human genetics,
yeah, these guys were starting to decline while humans were still competing with Neanderthals.) The worlds under
the Malvan empire slowly began to break away, one by one, and the Malvans either didn't care or didn't even notice.
Today only about a dozen star systems and Malva itself make up their empire, and most of that population is made
up of Malvan colonists, With only one or two species aside the Malvans considering themselves members of the

So why haven't the Malven's died out like most great empires that stagnated? Well, the answer to that is their tech.
About the time of their decline, the Malvan technology became pretty much self automated and repairing. Their
planetwide computer systems, their planetary defences, just about everything works on its own with no oversight
needed from the Malvans. Basically like Skynet except it works as advertised and is loyal to the Malvans, in
particular the Phazor (The Emperor of the Malvan). Malvan technology is, essentially, magic. They can give
themselves or anyone else super powers, grant immortality, destroy planets, fling moons like billiard balls, resurrect
the dead via cloning, teleport across galaxies, and more. Luckily, the Malvans recognize the covenant (in fact, they
may have penned it, they're that old.) And giving out Malvan tech to non Malvans is strictly prohibited under the
harshest of penalties. They will trade tech that is equal to what their trade partners already have, but no better.
Malvan's have gone so far as to memory wipe entire civilizations to keep their tech secret to themselves. Because of
this Malvan tech is extremely expensive on the black market, but there are few, if any, merchants willing to trade in
it (Even Swindle avoids Malvan tech: "I may be Greedy, but I'm not crazy!")

Of course, the thing most people know the Malvans for is the Malvan Arena, the Gladiatorial event that is the
greatest source of entertainment for the Malvan empire. Slaves and voluntary gladiators, as well as deadly alien
predators and robots are brought in to fight for honour and glory (and a big fat pay day) in the Malvan arena. Since
dead or wounded gladiators mean fewer recurring fighters, battles to the death or even lasting injury are very rare
(Unless the Phazor is in a bloodthirsty mood). Super powered gladiators are ranked on a scale from 1 to 7 (Rank one
consists of PL 8 or lower, 7 is PL 14 and higher), and fights can have all manner of stipulations and restrictions,
from non powers, to hand to hand, to having the fighters fight while crawling around on their bellies.

Malva is also one of the few species which still practices slavery, and as a result they are trade partners with the
Thran Hegemony. In addition to gladiators, the Malvans use slaves as entertainers and servants (They are in
particular fond of Grue slaves, since their shape shifting powers amuse them). In truth, Malvan slaves have it better
than most, in fact many beings willingly volunteer to be slaves just for the chance to live on Malva.

Politically the Malvans are just kinda... there. They are smack dab in the middle of the Lor Republic (In fact, many
worlds of the Lor used to be part of the Malvan Empire), and the Malvans occupy a space where they are too
powerful for anyone to even dare attacking, but not interesting in attacking anyone. So most other species leave
them be. The Lor considers Malva part of the republic, but their senate seat is usually empty unless some Malvan
decides to try being a politician as a lark. Even then they usually don't last long or make much of a mark on the

Physically Malvan's look humanoid, and are similar to humans except for their golden skin. Some have suggested
they are distant genetic cousins to the Tamaraneans, though they lack their natural energy manipulating powers.
Malvans share the Tamaraneans lack of taboo against nudity, so many Malvans go either naked or wearing very
flimsy, almost see through clothing (Since they have total mastery over their weather and a world wide teleportation
system, clothes don't matter much anyways). Malvans are also very trend orientated, and change their skin colour
and body markings as freely as humans change their clothes.

Notable Malvans: As noted above, most Malvans are self indulgent hedonists, but a few break free of the ennui of
their people and go on to make a name for themselves.
Best known on Earth are the Fire Manipulating ex Gladiator Firewing, who came to earth in search of sport and
battle, and Kanrok the Acquisitioner, who often comes to earth seeking new slaves for the Gladiator pits, but there
are others.

Attakon: A member of the royal family, Attakon had a mean streak a mile wild, and was needlessly cruel to both
robots and slaves. Banished for killing one of the Emperors slaves, Attakon travels around making trouble. He has a
variety of powers, including energy projection, enhanced strength, flight, and psychic powers.

Athulos Starheart: Athulos Shane was a Malvan in love with the idea of the dashing rogue archetype, known as a
Thalusco in Malvan. He liked it so much that he assembled a band of robots and became a space pirate. Although he
is wanted on numerous worlds for his crimes, he isn't really a bad sort like Attakon is. Much like the dimensional
Pirate Fandango, Athulos has a weak spot for the ladies.

Telxaxares: Once an average Malvan, Telxaxares one day looked into the face of gladiator and realized he had never
really accomplished anything with his life. Leaving Malva to find his fortune, he came to the primitive world of
Salgandarond, a medieval/Renaissance level world with a history of magic and sorcery. Passing himself off as a
wizard, Telxaxares set himself off as the sorcerer king of this realm. While Telxaxares keeps his people safe and
cared for, he is also halting their technological and cultural growth, as well as breaking the covenant, so its only a
matter of time before he draws the attention of the Lor, the Malvans, or both.

Mongul: The current Master of Gladiators of the Malvan Arena, Mongul the 28th. is a cruel and bloodthirsty war
lord. Radically different from most Malvans, he augmented himself into an oversized brutish creature physically
similar to the Malvan's primitive ancestors, possessing Mithran level strength. Mongul pays lip service to warriors
code of Malva, but he also isn't above stacking fights and using dirty tricks to ensure his favoured fighters triumph.
Mongul has two children, his son Mongul the 29th, and his daughter Mongal, both of whom have been modified to
resemble their father.

The Gadroon

A race on the verge of extinction, the Gadroon came to invade Earth not out of greed or spite, but to preserve their

The Gadroon hail from the planet Gadro, a muggy swampy planet where mammalian and avian life never
developed. The Gadroon, a race of short (on average three feet tall), toad like humanoids, went through the normal
comings and goings of burgeoning race, going from periods of internal strife to unification and eventually
developing space travel, developing amazing technology based around the use of gravity.

But one day tragedy struck: 100 years ago an experimental space engine malfunctioned, causing a chain reaction
which destroyed Gadro, causing the loss of the majority of the Gadroon people. The few remaining Gadro headed
out among the stars, trying to find a new home.

In 1977 the first Gadroon invasion occurred. The Gadroon believed they had found an ideal planet in Earth; Plenty
of tropical zones, resources, and a primitive species to subjugate. Unfortunately the Gadroon did not count on our
super humans. The Gadroon people lack the meta gene, so super powers were unknown to them. As a result, the
Gadroon were beaten back after a hard fought battle (which was aided in the end by, of all people, Doctor
Destroyer himself).

Of course, the Gadroon would try again. In 1984 a smaller group of Gadroon made another, much more easily
fended off, attack on Earth. In 1994 Canadian heroes fended off a small reconnaissance mission by the Gadroon on
Northern Canada.

But the fourth time was the charm, as the Gadroons fourth attempt was more successful; The Gadroon managed to
quietly set up a beach head in Northern Canada, setting up a small and well fortified landing spot which Canadian
heroes and military have been unable to rout. So far though they Gadroon have been unnervingly quiet; they have
made no attempt to expand their area of control, or attack Earth, which worries some. The most they have done is
modify the local terrain to make it more habitable to the toad-like aliens.
As noted above, the Gadroon have no meta gene, so they possess no natural super powers, including magic or
psionics. However they make up for this with their incredibly advanced, physics breaking technology, which seems
to operate on physical laws unknown to humans. Gadroon technology is based around Gravitic manipulation, and its
this mastery of gravity manipulation that makes much of their technology work. The governments of the world and
various super teams have samples of Gadroon tech, but it is so strange that even the greatest scientific minds
(including Daedalus, Doc Steele, and Alexander Timmons) can barely comprehend it.

Notable Gadroon

Commander: Pruglor was a soldier and Gadroon patriot who was selected to become a symbol of his people and a
champion of the Gadroon. Not a bad sort, Pruglor is nevertheless dedicated to the survival of his people. Pruglor is
armed with a pair of Gravitic gauntlets with incredible gravity manipulating powers.

Sky Knight: Another Gadroon patriot, Rongeep was a military scientist who developed a suit of power armour so
that he could fight on the front lines alongside the other military officers. Agreeing to this, Rongreep was dubbed the
Sky Knight. Sky Knight is a die hard technocrat, who loves to acquire and tinker with new technology.

The Qulaar

One of the greatest alien threats facing earth today, the Qulaar are a race of insect/Crustacean monsters who staged
an unsuccessful invasion of Earth in 2009, and now occupy a stronghold on Kaiju Island.

The Qulaar are roughly human sized and humanoid shaped, with a red to yellow chitinous exoskeleton. Unlike most
insects though they also possess an internal skeleton made of flexible cartilage, with three fingers on each hand.
Qulaar reproduce by females laying eggs which are fertilized by males (Females must consciously choose to lay
eggs, activating a special hormone which causes them produce eggs on a seasonal cycle, as a result most births occur
within the same four two week periods, making these major Qulaar holidays.) Any male can fertilize eggs, but
fertilizing eggs without the females permission is the Qulaar equivalent to rape and is punishable by the death
penalty. For reasons unknown, a small percentage of female Qulaar become massive, bloated, hyper fertile giants
known as great Brood Mothers at the age of thirty. Such Brood Mothers are greatly revered and feared because of
their bad mood and protective nature. Qulaar are considered adults by 15, and live to their 70's-80's.

Qulaar can develop super powers, at a lesser rate than humans. A quarter of Qulaar superbeings are mentalists,
another quarter are shapeshifters, the rest have other powers. Qulaar supers are employed for planetary defence, and
very rarely leave their homeworld.

The Qulaar homeworld is Reqquat, a planet of Archipeligos filled with deadly flora and fauna. No single landmass
on the planet is larger than Greenland, and most of the islands are located near the equator, making the world very
humid and swampy, the Qulaar's natural habitat.

The Qulaar are a unified people, following a long history of warfare (Known as the Bio Wars), and they had
attempted to invade Earth on two occasions. The first time in 1965, the second in 2011. Both times they were
defeated, but following the 2011 invasion a small military force remained behind on Kaiju Island, dug in and
protected by local monsters. They are still there.

The Qulaar are a caste based society who are also extremely xenophobic and racist, seeing themselves as the
supreme beings and eventual rulers of the universe. They do maintain trade lines with the Thran and Grue, but are
generally loathe to do so. Qulaar do not have names, but simply refer to each other by their job. while this would
seem to be confusing, the Qulaar can tell one another apart even with subjects with the same job. The Qulaar
communicate through a combination of telepathy and ultrasonic/infrasonic sound, which cannot be copied by
humans. Qulaar have their own art, theatre, and sporting events, with entire castes devoted to each. They also have
their own Goddess, the Holy Mother.

Qulaar are masters of bio tech, capable of growing biological and semi biological weapons, ships, and other devices.
They can also breed giant monsters for various tasks (Primarily heavy lifting and combat), and possess technology
that allows them to control the giant monsters of Earth, which they have not used yet for hopes of keeping it a secret.


A race of Blue skinned conquerors, the Hzeel are the most dangerous alien menace Earth has never heard of.

Descended from reptilian stock, Hzeel are roughly 3 feet tall with blue skin and a gnarled appearance. The are an
egg laying species, and live roughly sixty years. Though small, Hzeel are strong and agile, and capable of rapid
healing and limb re-growth. The Hzeel lack a metagene, but they are proficient in super tech.

Hzeel and human biology is partly compatible, but transplants can have unusual side effects, often resulting in super

As of this moment, Humanity is unaware that the Hzeel exist, some interstellar heroes and villains may have heard
of them, but they are not as significant a threat as say the Grue or the Thran. The Hzeel have been studying earth in
secret for years, sending probes and cover ops to study the planet, and as a result, numerous villains have capitalized
on Hzeel technology left behind by visits. A comprehensive list will be found at the end of the entry.

The Hzeel homeworld of Zeel is slightly smaller than Earth with two megacontinents and similar climate to Earth.
The entire planet suffers from incredible overpopulation, unlike anything seen on Earth.

As a species, the Hzeel are extremely ambitious, Greedy, aggressive and corrupt. They are always fighting to
advance themselves, and since they have unified their own world for the most part, they have begun to conquer other
species. At the moment three species are under Hzeel control; The Prylenish, a race of sapient plant creatures with
limited shapeshifting and plant control powers, the Solemind, a race of purple skinned humanoids, and the Woolies,
a race of huge, hairy bipedal creatures, who the Hzeel forcibly converted into quadrupedal beasts of burden (Yeah,
those tiny blue skinned aliens from Samurai Jack, the ones who all sound like Squidward, those are Hzeel in my
headcanon now. They just match up too well for them not to be.) The Hzeel are currently at war with another race,
the Perseid (the Alien species of the Millennium city hero Ironclad), this war is ongoing and was the primary reason
the Hzeel did not involve themselves in the Invasion. The Hzeel are a patriarchal society, and women are treated as
second class citizens.

Hzeel have technology far more advanced than humans; including energy weapons and FTL travel. Hzeel also have
limited bio technology, which they sometimes incorporate into smaller pieces of tech. This biotech can sometimes
interact strangely with human flesh, bonding with it and bestowing super powers.

Notale Hzeel

Admiral Norck: A famous Hzeel warship admiral from the Solemind war, Admiral Norck is actually a fraud who
bought his way into being an admiral and won the majority of his victories through dumb luck and a competent staff.
He is essentially the Zap Brannigan of the Hzeel, except everyone is still buying he's a genius.

Arth the Scar: A famous Hzeel space pirate, Arth the Scar followed Captain Kraken's lead by playing the role of a
dashing swashbuckler with a heart of gold to the public, which being a greedy and ruthless privateer in fact. He is a
rival to Kraken and other space pirates.

Notable humans who have gained power from Hzeel tech/exposure:

The Warlord: The most infamous example of Hzeel tech in the wrong hands is The Warlord, who based his battle
suit and the tech of much of his army on tech scrounged from a crashed "Blueboy" (Warlord's name for them)
spaceship. The Warlord is always on the lookout for more.

Howler, Dr. Vox and Warcry: All three of these superhuman's gained sonic based powers from Hzeel tech; Howler
bonded with an Hzeel artefact which granted her powers. Warcry gained his sonic power in a similar fashion. The
Freedom City Sentinel Dr. Vox gained her sonic powers from exposure to Howler's artefact.
Oculon: Oculon gained his eye blast powers after receiving a transplant of Hzeel eyes from PHANTOM scientists.
PHANTOM still has the Hzeel corpse, and a few other artefacts, in their custody.

The Lodge: The memory eating monster was created by Teleios the Perfect man from genetic material provided by
the Warlord from a telepathic predator native to the Woolies homeworld that was found aboard the Hzeel ship he

Absolute Zero

At this time, there is very little that is known about the super powered extremist group known as Absolute Zero. A
mysterious Iron age Vigilante team which appeared during the month long absence of the Avengers from Earth.

What is known is this: Absolute Zero consists of nine members, led by the former super mercenary Slaughterhouse,
they first appeared during an attempted attack on the UN by a Gadroon ship. Absolute Zero boarded the ship and
slaughtered all the aliens on board and claimed the ship for themelves. They then vowed they would share the
technology with the world.

Needless to say, this did not sit well with Alpha Prime, who tracked down Absolute Zero and tried to take the ship
back from them. The ship was destroyed, but Absolute Zero badly beat Alpha Prime, forcing her to retreat.

After this, Absolute Zero rose a floating island off the coast of Austrailia, and declared that they were going to "Fix
the world" and that anyone who gets in their way was going to pay.

The UN and various hero teams are waiting for Absolute Zero to make their next move, most are preparing for the
worst. The Centurions have vowed to bring Absolute Zero to justice once Alpha Prime is back to full strength.


Slaughterhouse: real name and country of origin unknown. Slaughterhouse is a red armour clad, bald headed
mercenary armed with a collection of energy blades, guns, bombs, and other deadly weapons. Slaughterhouse is the
leader and spokeswoman for Absolute Zero.

Rama: A FISS metaman from India, Rama was originally a state agent before being recruited by Slaughterhouse for
her team. He is named for the Legendary hero of Hindu myth and story. Of the nine Zeroes, Rama is the most level
headed and is also Slaughterhouses lover.

Doctor Atrocity: Little is known about Doctor Atrocity. a brain and eyeballs in a jar connected to a huge mech suit,
Doctor Atrocity is a scientific genius and inventor. He is also hopelessly insane and has seemingly no regard for
civilian life.

Prophet: A former Saudi Arabian mystic, Prophet possesses immense elemental and weather manipulation power.
Tired of the short sightedness of the Saudi Government, he went AWOL and joined Slaughterhouse. Prophet raised
the island that serves as the teams base.

Martyr: The youngest member of the team, Martyr is a twelve year old Israeli metaman who was used in
experiments to create a human weapon. Martyr is a living bomb, capable of exploding parts or all of his body at will.
His explosion was what destroyed the Gadroon ship during their fight with Alpha Prime. He is very close to Prophet,
who seems to have adopted the lad.

Grayscale: Looking like he stepped out of a 1920's cartoon, Gray scale is a black and white cartoony dwarf like
humanoid who is as powerful as he is bizarre. A living cartoon, he is virtually unstoppable and can conjure weapons
and other strange objects at will. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to realize humans are not as invulnerable as he is,
and so it tends to get quite messy as he slaughters people right and left.

Ms. Universe: One of the strangest metahumans alive. Ms. Universe contains a literal universe inside her body.
Appearing as a twelve foot tall, obese woman, Universe can pull things from the universe inside of her, or put things
in it. She acts as the teams teleporter. Universe seems to be aware of everything that occurs inside her universe body,
and as a result sometimes has trouble focusing on this world.

Incubus: A French metaman, Incubus can expel pheromones that make anyone he targets fall in love with him.
Incubus has incredible control of his powers, and can use them to target specific individuals or groups. He can also
pump someone with toxic levels of endorphins, literally killing them with pleasure. Incubus is a callous and cruel
depraved bisexual.

Lioness: A citizen of the Hybreed society, Lioness is a super strong uplifted lioness with near Mithran level strength.
She is extremely bad tempered and moody, and often challenges Slaughterhouses leadership.

The Exiled Generation

The proud, metasupremacist not-so-hidden land of High Lemuria has taken some severe lumps of late. first, they lost
the continent-shattering doomsday weapon Vegagun. Then, as one of the highest concentrations of metamen on the
planet in addition to lost technology, High Lemuria targeted during The Invasion and hit hard, only surviving due to
the intervention of the Tomorrow Society, Vanguard mission teams and a few supers who wish to remain
anonymous. the last straw came during the post-invasion reconstruction, when the Wildstrike occurred, throwing the
delicate hierarchy of power and breeding that High Lemurian society was based on into chaos. In this period,
Apocalypse tried to seize rulership of High Lemuria, and civil war was averted only through the intervention of the
Tomorrow Society, Sapphire Guard and the Avengers interim roster. Apocalypse was seemingly destroyed, but
rumours persist he has survived.

Regardless, these disasters have finally drilled into the head of King Tyrannos that High Lemuria can no longer
ignore the outside world, and of the need to seek allies beyond New Atlantis and Genesis Island. to this end , after
speaking with his advisors, seers and scientists, he chose to reinstate one of the cruel traditions from their centuries
in the Annihilation Zone.

It began with the kidnapping of journalists, commentators and camera crews from around the world, brought to High
Lemuria's very heart as the 'personal guests' of King Tyranos, told to witness, record and broadcast what would
happen as if their lives depended upon it (and with the quick tempers of the Evo-Lutionaries, they probably did).

Once the word got out, every power with a grudge against High Lemuria went on alert, expecting a declaration of
war or some other ultimatum from Tyrannos, like so many superpowered despots before him. To their shock,
however, Tyrannos instead announced to the world that High Lemuria would be enacting their version of the
Olympics, to demonstrate the best and brightest of High Lemuria's youth. And most of the world tune them out,
thinking it just the latest display of Lemurian arrogance. Others, however, are wisely taking notice, drinking in what
glimpses of High Lemuria's technological secrets these games provide, while others study the variety and scale of
the powers displayed. Only a few notice that the cheering evo-lutionary crowds have a different attitude to their

For the Games are merely the opening ceremonies of the ancient tradition. Once they are completed, both the
hundred and fifty best and the hundred and fifty worst will be taken away, briefed, placed within ballistic Atmo-
Spheres, and launched to random cities across the globe. This was their way during the reign of King Evillutionary
and his predecessors, the ultimate test of worthiness and survival, throwing their own children into the reaches of the
Annihilation zone with only meagre supplies and the instruction to survive, even if it meant killing their fellow
exiles, before they would eventually be given permission to return home after no less than a year's time.

But this time, it will be different. when this generation are cast out into an alien world that hates and fears them, they
will not merely be exiles, but High Lemuria's ambassadors and envoys, to learn of the outside world, the knowledge
that they represent High Lemuria, and hold its destiny in their hands...

The Century Station Sentinels

Yes, there is finally a Sentinel team in Century Station. This has been several years in the making, as Doc Steele has
tried to get a team in the city of the future.
Of course it wasn't easy. Every step of the way Taurus and the corrupt CHIMERA forces, who were NOT thrilled at
the prospect of another team of "Super powered vigilante freaks" muscling in on their turf, were doing everything
they can to block the Sentinels team. However with Zardona's five year time limit to clean up Century Station
nearing its end, the mayor has become desperate enough to allow Steele to bring in a team to operate in the city. Its a
small foothold, but Steele hopes to expand it, and eventually retake Century Station from Taurus and remake it into
what it was meant to be.

The Century Station Sentinels operate out of Sentinel Station, a huge underground subway station the size of a
shopping mall. The Station is connected to Century Stations subway system, and the cars can go anywhere in the
city, even to places where normal subway cares don't dare run.

Officially, The Sentinels work with CHIMERA, however neither side likes the other, and CHIMERA has hindered
or outright sabotaged the Sentinels on numerous occasions. The Sentinels also have a "friendly" rivalry with the

But of course, lets get to what you've been waiting for:


Ron Stoppable: Doc Steele had originally intended to recruit the former teen super spy Kim Possible to lead the
Sentinels, however there was a slight problem: She's pregnant. Yes, Kim Possible is graduated college, married, and
having a baby. While she's laid up, her husband, Ron Stoppable, has agreed to operate in the Sentinels in her place.
Ron has been training with White Lotus monks to master his Monkey Master powers, and now ranks in the top
fifteen of most powerful martial artists on the planet.

Ben Tennyson: A graduate of Claremont Academy, Ben Tennyson acts as the Sentinels SWORD liaison and their
heavy hitter, with more powerful aliens than ever, he is still a massive goofball, but also one of the most powerful
shapeshifters on the planet.

Danny Phantom: Another Claremont graduate, Danny has really come into his powers since his school days, in
addition to developing his ghostly powers, he has gained the abilities of a Vaizard, gaining the ability to summon the
powers of a Hollow at will for a power boost. Danny is married to his high school sweetheart, who is currently
suffering health problems due to an encounter with the villain Johnny Sorrow; A sideways glance at his true face
left Sam on deaths door, and recovering has been a uphill battle.

Invisigirl: Yet another Claremont graduate, Violet Parr has joined the Sentinels in order to break away from her
family and make it on her own as a hero. She is still on friendly terms with her family though. Violet's powers have
expanded greatly, with her force fields gaining power and variety in use.

Ms. Martian: M'gann, one of the Pale "Martians" (A grue offshoot which colonized mars after the last invasion),
M'gann is another Claremont grad who is currently Ben Tennyson's girlfriend. She is the teams telepath and
telekinetic. She also discovered through her telepathy how CHIMERA framed the Dynosaurs, and is petitioning
Doc Steele to do something about it.

The Silver Shell: Things have been rough for Sheldon Lee, the armoured super hero Silver Shell. Sheldon spent
over 75 years in outer space due to the carelessness of his former crush Jenny Wakeman, though he got back (Time
travel, don't ask), and was restored to his proper age, he never really forgave Jenny for it, and parted company with
the heroine. He got a job at ASTRO labs, and continued his heroic crusade as the Silver Shell, using a new and
upgraded version of his old armour.

And then Alpha Prime happened. Although Sheldon had not stolen any alien tech. Much of the technology Sheldon
was building at ASTRO labs was based on alien tech Sheldon saw during his life in outer space. Close enough in
Alpha Primes opinion to count as a breach of the covenant. To make matters worse, when Sheldon tried to fight back
using his armour, Alpha Prime easily beat him and destroyed his armour. Now Sheldon is back to using his old
armour, and out of a job.
When Steele came and offered him a job, Sheldon was reluctant at first, but when he found out it was at Century
Station, Sheldon was in. Sheldon has only a mind for getting some payback by upstaging and humiliating Alpha
Prime and the Centurions.

Jake Long: One of New York Cities mystical protectors, Jake Long is a mini dragon, a human sized dragon with the
ability to assume human form. Jake has been fighting supernatural evil since he was a teenager, and was recruited by
Doc Steele to give the Century Station Sentinels a fighting chance against supernatural evils. Jake is very fun loving,
but can also be serious when the need calls for it.

Generator Rex: Things have not been going well for Rex Salazar since the former UNISON agent was rebranded a
criminal and went underground. However, after it was revealed the head of UNISON's anti EVO initiative was a
power mad megalomaniac, Rex's outlaw status was repealed and he is now operating as a full fledged hero again.
Invited onto the Sentinels by Ben Tennyson and Danny Phantom, Rex and his EVO powers are an excellent
complement to the versatile powers of his teammates.

Katara: Last but not least is a young, relatively unknown heroine from Alaska. Katara Anguta is an Inuit woman
whose mother was a brilliant scientist, working on a universal Panacea which could cure any wound or illness with
common water. Unfortunately Taurus did not care for such an innovation, and sent flame manipulating metamen
assassins to kill the woman and wreck he research, The trauma of the loss of her mother caused Katara to awaken
her dragon blooded ancestry and become a water bender.

Katara spent many years in her small town, helping douse fires, save drowning ice fishers, and pitching in at the
local hospitals with her healing powers when she was discovered quite by accident by Doc Steele when she helped
the Sentinels bring down a woolly mammoth that had somehow survived to the modern day, which led to her being
offered a place in the Sentinels Century Station. Katara is very kind and gentle, but she also has a hidden dark side.
She still seeks the men who murdered her mother, and has secretly learned the profane arts of bloodbending to turn
against the assassins if she ever finds any of them.

Lawndale Sentinels

One of the greatest tragedies of the twenty first centuries was the Freshmen Terror incident, the name for the terrorist
attack perpetrated by Gene Nation in response to a number of colleges who, pressured by groups like SHOCK and
the IHA, took up a policy to ban metahuman students from attendance. In response, Gene Nation smuggled
Cannisters of the dread wild card virus onto numerous campuses, and setting them off. As a result, thousands
perished, and hundreds more world wide were mutated by the virus.

But for all the pain and suffering wrought by the attack, numerous heroes also emerged from the event. Most notable
was Charli Brown, the teleporting Mech Pilot of the Avengers (Currently MIA following the Invasion.) Who has
been registered by ASTRO labs as the most powerful Ace currently in existence. However, she is not the only hero
to emerge from the wreckage of Freshman Terror, there are others.

And a surprising number them in a small suburb of Baltimore known as Lawndale.

Three years ago, seven kids, fresh out of high school and starting college across the country, were exposed to the
Wild Card virus, each of them gaining powers. Three years later, Doc Steele tracked down these seven and formed a
Sentinels team.

Officially, the Lawndale Sentinels official name is the Baltimore Sentinels, since Lawndale is a suburb of Baltimore,
but the team itself and just about anyone associated with it considers it the Lawndale Sentinels. The team has been
around for just a few months, and have yet to get their feet wet so to speak, considering Baltimore is a "low risk"
area for supervillain activity, however there is plenty of mundane crime, and the Sentinels have been keeping busy
with that and training.

The Aviator: First of all, lets begin with Daria Morgendorfer. The cynical, mopey, bright but misunderstood girl
who is, against all odds, the leader of the Lawndale Sentinels. When the virus hit, Daria gained FISS powers, which
she used to pull her best friend Jane Lane from the chaos of the rioting campus. Since then, Daria has tried, very
desperately, to keep a low profile with her powers, and not use them at all. However fate as a funny way of sneaking
up on you, and Daria kept finding herself in situations that demanded she use her powers to help people.

After one such incident, Daria made a discovery: She had NOT gained powers from the virus; In fact she had
ALWAYS had the powers, having developed them around puberty. Its just Daria, having avoided any real physical
labour or serious injury, never KNEW she had powers.

As it turns out, Daria had some super powered ancestry. In her youth, her mother, Corporate lawyer Helen
Morgendorfer, had been a teen heroine named the Aviator, with the power of flight. Who retired after her team were
slaughtered in a fight with PHANTOM agents. Her Grandfather on her fathers side, one "Mad Dog" Morgendorfer,
was actually a super strong genetically modified super soldier who did covert ops during the Korean war. With this
revelation, Daria reluctantly took up a super heroic mantle of the Aviator, donning her mothers old uniform: An
aviators uniform complete with leather jacket, parachute pants, an Aviators hat and goggles. With the help of her
sister Quinn, Daria even puts on makeup and changes her hair in her heroic guise.

When playing the part of the Aviator, Daria takes on an almost 180 of her normal personality; She acts friendly,
outgoing, and almost boisterous. At first Daria hated being so extroverted in her costumed persona, and only did it to
protect her identity, but as time pressed on she began to enjoy cutting loose as Aviator, to the point she worries she
might be losing track of her real identity.

Nevertheless, Daria is the most level-headed of the Sentinels, so earns the leadership spot by default.

Lady Tiger: Jane Lane, artist and Daria's oldest friend, gained the power of animal mimicry from the Wild card
virus, gaining the ability to channel the power of animals. Unlike Daria, Jane fully embraced being a super hero,
dying her hair tiger stripes and going out at night to beat up thugs. Because she has actual "On the job" experience as
a super hero (or at least as a vigilante), She is Daria's second in command. As her name suggests, Jane primarily uses
the attributes of a tiger, but can channel other animals as well.

The Idea Man: Tom Sloane, wealthy heir to the Sloane family and former boyfriend to both Daria and Jane, gained
super human intelligence, and an ability to "See connections", allowing him to process mass amounts of seemingly
random data and use it to effectively predict the future. Tom had a rough go of it following the Freshmen Terror
incident, and he spent the next two years living as a recluse at his families estate, driven to near madness from the
mass information overload. By year three however, Tom had begun to pull himself together and began using his
powers to try and fix the world: Building revolutionary new tech, and helping to manage the family businesses.
When Foundry spies tried to steal his inventions, Tom decided it was time to rejoin the outer world, and petitioned
to join the Lawndale Sentinels.

Tom has largely resigned himself to the fact that his life has become largely a joke; He can no longer enjoy art or
any form of entertainment because he constantly dissects it with his powers; he cannot look at a piece of pizza
without knowing by how much the grease in it is going to shorten his life expectancy, and he will probably never
have another meaningful relationship with another human being because he can see all the ways it can potentially go
wrong. As a result, he can be rather blunt and curt, but he still has a good heart, and he cares for both Daria and Jane.

Thinky Girl: Brittany Taylor was a beautiful former cheerleader who gained psychic powers from the Wild card
virus. Not the brightest knife in the drawer, it was six months before she even KNEW she had powers. When she
discovered them, her father had her sent to the Jokertown clinic for a potential cure, when that failed, she was picked
up by the Sentinels, who helped train her. In particular the psychic Sentinel members Iron Angel and

Brittney is still a moron, but she has a grasp of strategy and tactics that belie her sweet and simple nature. In
addition, she is no slouch in hand to hand combat. Blackheart has commented she could be a deadly assassin if she
was a little more vicious.
Brittney has somewhat fallen into the niche of team mom for the Lawndale Sentinels. Her sweet, friendly nature
coupled with her powers causes her to act as a referee when tempers flare. Lately, she has also become aware that
Daria kind of looks down on her for being less intelligent thanks to her powers, which kind of hurts Brittney. She is
also looking for her ex-boyfriend Kevin, who has vanished under mysterious circumstances...

Neutron: Of all the Wildcarders born of the Freshmen Terror incident, none had it worse than Jodie Landon, who
developed very powerful and uncontrolled radiation manipulating powers which were violently unleashed, wiping
out much of her new college campus and killing many innocent people. Following the incident, alienated by her
family, registered as a potential WMD (standard issue for radiation manipulating metas) with the US Government,
and unable to find a college to take her even among schools that accepted meta powered students, Jodie fell in with
the Pantheon, moving to Heartstone where she spent three years lounging around, getting fat and lazy. It was
eventually her boyfriend Mack (described below), who shook her out of her funk and convinced her to join the
Sentinels. Jodie got back into shape, and eventually joined the team.

Jodie has the power to fly, and generate bolts of radiation, either in controlled blasts or in bursts. Also, the more
Jodie uses her powers or the angrier she gets, the more radiation she pours out. At maximum output she can give off
sufficient radiation to kill anything around her. It takes several hours for her radiations levels to drop, so Tom
designed a special suit to protect those around her.

Jodie is still very bitter about the hand dealt to her; she spent most of her teen life preparing to get into a good
college, only to have it torn away from her in an instant, plus she feels guilt over the lives lost to her card turning.
She definitely has the worst temper of the Lawndale Sentinels, and is often known for overdoing it in combat.

Quark: Micheal Jordan "Mack" Mackenzie (Never call him Mack Daddy), was saved from Jodie's breakout by his
own power of size manipulation. Instinctively shrinking down to sub atomic size to escape the deadly radiation
burst. Mack spent the next three years exploring the subatomic world, where he discovered many strange creatures
and locations. Thought dead for all this time, it was a shock to everyone when he was discovered by the Atom
Family during a trip to the sub atomic world and rescued. Mack was then recruited into the Lawndale Sentinels.

Mack feels more than a little guilty that he let his loved ones think he was dead for three years, in particular Jodie,
who was particularly hurt by the belief she had killed him. Mack is presently trying to piece together the life he left
behind three years ago. In addition to his shrinking, Mack can also grow to tremendous sizes, he also retains his
normal sized strength when small, a handy talent taking into account his status as a former high school football
player turned sub atomic adventurer.

Tulpa: Last but not least, we have Charles "Upchuck" Ruttheimer, a perverted hormonally driven geek who spent
most of high school creeping on any girl he could find. When the wild card gave him the ability to create objects and
beings with his mind, he used it the way you expected he would; he secluded himself in the woods outside Lawndale
and created his own version of the playboy Mansion all for himself. He was in his own perverted heaven...

...For all of the six months that it took for him to get sick of the mindless hedonism. Having the ability to create
perfect phantom lovers was ultimately boring and unfulfilling, and made Charles realize just how pathetic and
shallow he truly was.

Charles spent several months wandering the world. Using his powers to provide whatever transport he needed.
Eventually he found his way to some White Lotus monks, who helped train him to use his powers. When Charles
returned to the states.... well he wasn't completely changed, he still had a weakness for the ladies, but he had stopped
being such a creep about it, and was inducted into the Sentinels.

Charles mainly keeps to himself, training his powers and perfecting them. He gets along well enough with the rest of
the team, though most of them still see him as "Upchuck", they are beginning to see he is trying to do better.

As noted above, Charles can create physical objects and beings from his mind. These objects are solid, and have
whatever abilities Charles assigns them. Most of his living summons resemble beautiful women, his favourite for
combat being a giant Genie girl. Living objects he create must remain close to him, no more than a mile away. Non
living creations can be moved father, but usually break down within a day of creation if Charles does not maintain
the effort to keep them created. Also, Charles has trouble creating new objects on the spot: It takes several hours of
concentration to "Add" an object or creature to his "Arsenal."

Golden Age Death's head

Yes, Before it became the infamous nihilistic terrorist organization dedicated to death and destruction on a cosmic
scale, Death's Head was a "special projects" division to the SS. used to do jobs that were too "difficult" for the SS.
In practice they were terrorists who hunted down freedom fighters, launched terrorist attacks against the allies, and
performed perverse rituals to give the Axis an edge over the Allies.

Unlike the other Ubersoldaten teams, Reich and his team were kept out of the limelight. They were too deranged,
too broken, too strange to be used as propaganda pieces. This suited Reich just fine; He didn't care about the
limelight, all he cared about was death and destruction on a massive scale.

Death's Head most infamous caper was an attempt to summon the Great Destroyer, an immensely powerful demon
who would release a cosmic horror upon the world. This plan however was thwarted by the Allies, and only
succeeded in bringing to Earth a young demon who would one day become the hero Hellboy. Hellboy would
become Reich's most persistent enemy after he became undead.

But enough of this, onto the membership:

Count Reich: The most infamous of the Thule Society, Ludwig Von Mass, still human at this point, occupied a
strange place in the Reich. Nobody, but nobody trusted the guy: The horror stories of the Mass family turned the
stomach of even the Nazis, but time and again Reich proved himself too useful to the Reich to simply kill or
imprison. And while he was strange and cruel, he served the Reich well, protecting Hitler from Magical attacks from
British Druids and Roma sorcerers, and constantly digging up magical artefacts and creatures to aid the Reich.

That being said, Reich took the war as seriously as he takes anything else; He spent much of his off time watching
American Propaganda cartoons (His favourite was the famous Disney short Der Furher's Face, which depicted
Donald Duck as a Nazi factory worker). Ludwig was considered an embarrassment to the Reich at best and a mad
dog at worst.

Reich finally perished during the final siege at Berlin, where he was shot in the back of the head by American
soldiers with little fanfare. As most people know, Reich did not stay dead, cursed with undeath by Orkus until he
succeeded in wiping out all life on Earth. Of course, Reich loved his horrible new body, and thus was in no great
hurry to conduct his masters will.

Kroenen: Reich's number two, Karl Rupert Kroenen was a scientist and alchemist with a love of bizarre self
modification, eventually turning himself into a Steampunk cyborg with bladed hands. Kroenen remained Reich's
loyal bodyguard and confidant even after the war, and remained a member of Death's Head until his capture in the
modern age at the hands of the Avengers.

Malekith the Accursed: While the other Thule mystics drew from Asgard to empower their minions, Count Reich
drew from others of the Nine realms. In his case, he summoned Malekith, a dark elf with incredible dark powers.
Malekith loathed Reich, but he served Reich until he was dispelled by Cagliostro in 1945.

Grimhilde: Arguably one of the most tragic of the Ubersoldaten, Beth Cowen was a young Jewish girl who was
taken by Reich from a Jewish Ghetto and subjected to a mystical ritual which activated her meta gene. From then
on, when subjected to pain, she would transform into a huge, hulking monster who would kill everyone in her path.
Forced to transform by a shock collar, Beth was forced to fight for Death's Head until she was rescued by the
Sentinels near the end of the war. Unfortunately, the horror of what she had been forced to do was too much for her,
and she eventually took her own life to protect the world from the monster within her.

Fafnir: Fann Nira was not a human, he was an advanced scout for the Thran Allegiance, sent to survey Earth for
potential weaknesses and strength. Enamoured with the Germans and Nazism, Fann adopted the name of the
mythical Norse Dragon and joined Death's head. Fafnir was modified with superhuman strength and fire breath.
After the war he returned to the Thran and reported his findings on humanity, and eventually he retired from military
service and died years later in the Malvan Arena.

Die Maske: Harriet Engel was a metaman with shapeshifting abilities, able to mold her own flesh like clay, stretch,
and form her flesh into weapons. Harriet was the spymaster of Death's Head, and was also Count Reich's lover for
much of the war. After the war she remained with Death's head until she grew too old to be of use to Reich and was
killed by the undead ghoul.

The SS Squid: A by product of an experimental nuclear sub, the SS Squid was a normal squid who was mutated by
exposure to radiation, gaining the power to live on dry land, and gaining sapience and psychic powers. Learning
about humanity by reading the minds of the crew of the U boat, the Squid eventually revealed itself and joined the
Nazis, who crafted him a suit of battle armour. The Squid escaped justice after the war, sneaking to the US, he re-
branded himself as the KK Kraken, and continues to menace heroes to this day.

Der Speer: Hogan Junker was a back street fighter who was selected to wield the legendary spear of Longinus, the
mystical artefact which was used to pierce Christ’s chest, and made the wielder invincible.

...At least that's what he thought. In truth Hitler would never let the lance onto the field, especially not in the hands
of Reich or one of his men. What Hogan had was a facsimile built by Reich. It served its purpose well enough;
rendering Hogan virtually impervious to harm (Nothing short of the Centurion could even dent him), and gave him
FISS powers. Unfortunately the spear also had a curse; if it ever used against Hogan, the first blow would be fatal.
Hogan found this out the hard way during one fateful battle when the hero Anthem stole the spear from him and put
it through his chest, killing him instantly.

Nazi "Heroes" vs. Bio-Blitzkreigers

In general, the Nazis under the "control" of Count Reich were designed to be terror weapons and not really the sort
of thing you'd think of when you consider state-sponsored superhumans. The doctrine of employing superheroes as
morale boosters was something you'd think the Third Reich would be all over. However, it was Wilhelm Kantor
who pointed out the obvious flaws in this logic.

1. Superhumans were objectively superior to the "Master Race" in many respects.

2. It was the rare superhuman who had Aryan features and plenty existed in decidedly Non-Aryan races. Superior
was a lucky break, for example, as otherwise the strongest man in the Reich would be a brutish redhead.
3. Superhumans are innately individualists with many of them having their own agendas.

Rotter Parsifal, for example, was the perfect Aryan specimen (American birth aside, he was of pure German stock).
While he had an unhealthy fascination with National Socialism and fascism as a government and legal system, Red
Knight notably wrote several letters "correcting" Hitler on eugenics as well as voicing concerns regarding the rights
of man.

Rotter would have been flat out shot if not for his invaluable service to the Reich--and Kantor intercepting a lot of
his correspondence before rewriting them.

As a result, while the Ubersoldaten were a pretty much bog-standard collection of superheroes (despite the
psychopathia of beings like Donar); the Reich's most infamous use of superhumans was as terror weapons. These
were controlled by Mass and Schmidt jointly with Wilhelm Kantor only occasionally making use of them.

Oddly, Schmidt and Mass got along quite well. It's said the only time in history you could hear the Skull laughing
sincerely was at Mass' jokes.

They were unleashed against the United States, French peasantry, and Soviet Union with impunity. The "Bio-
Blitzkriegers" didn't actually do as much damage as the mechanized Nazi war machine, even against the innocent,
but their terror-effect was drastically disproportionate. It took several superhuman victories to make many cities
believe the Nazis were not invincible.
It also nicely kept the German military in line when faced with superhumans that might otherwise crush them. Claus
Von Stauffenberg actually had plans to contact the Ubersoldaten to help contain their fellows during this time but
never succeeded--though a few of his letters reached Red Knight and Red Eagle; both who drastically dropped off
their support during this time. It is believed that a certain owl-based superhero actually had the full conspiracy's plot
but betrayed it in this reality.

Thus sealing the fate of Germany and his own damnation.

Slashers Part 2

Cassie Hack is the Suicide Girl-esque looking hunter of Slashers. The daughter of the infamous "Lunch Lady"
murderer, Cassie Hack turned her mother in only to have her commit suicide. This would have been bad enough if
not for the fact the Lunch Lady rose as a Revenant determined to continue her murders. Putting down her mother
for a second time, Cassie Hack decided she would hunt down monsters throughout the world.

Cassie is desperately afraid she's got the potential to be a Slasher herself. Cassie has the attitude characteristic of
Slashers but is unaware she's actually a member of a race called the Imbued (Avenger Creed).

Vlad is Cassie's partner. a man bearing a superficial resemblance to Jason Voorhees. Vlad is a perfectly normal,
albeit deformed, human being. He is also Black Spiral Dancer kinfolk and capable pounding a Crinos-form
werewolf down with a baseball bat. Despite having been raised completely sheltered by his somewhat cracked
German immigrant father, Vlad is a gentle soul who only harms Slashers. Unfortunately, werewolves smell Wyrm-
taint on him and his appearance routinely causes problems.

Cassie is oblivious to his crush on her.

The pair exist peripheral to the superhuman community despite Cassie's father being a scientist for AEGIS. She's
also familiar with psychiatrist and sorcerer Jacob Searson at the FBI (and leader of Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit
after Frank Black retired).

Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit: The successor to the X-files closed down in the late nineties (and the Millennium
group conspiracy which collapsed under the weight of its own failed prophecies). The Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit
absorbed the FBI Special Affairs Division and operates as its own private Bureau within a Bureau. In general, they
don't deal with regular superhuman crime but focus exclusively on superhuman serial killers. While most
superhumans don't realize Slashers are empowered by Hades, Vanguard has some idea of what's going on. Fox
Mulder and Dana Scully still occasionally advise the group as does Dale Cooper who has only recently returned
after being missing for almost two decades.

Medium Allison DuBois was recently recruited to replace Olivia Dunham who decided to work on a AEGIS-based
project in Boston.


Forton was a small little town in West Texas, the only thing keeping it going was a plastics factory. In 1984, a visitor
came to Forton who would change the town forever, Mason Alexander.

Mason was brought up by a secret agency and trained to use his technopathic powers to aid them. After several
missions went wrong with an extremely high body count, Mason decided to leave. He used his powers to erase his
records from the computers and disappeared. He wanted to go off the grid, so he found a little town in West Texas to
hide in.

Mason was paranoid that the organization was still after him, so he used his powers to hide himself from the prying
eyes of technology. Unfortunately, this had the effect of causing continuous breakdowns at the factory. Eventually,
the corporation built a new factory in another state and shut the Forton one down.

The effects on the town were quite extensive. Many of the factory workers relocated to the new factory, and many
more moved out of town to find work. Mason had extensive funding stolen from the organization, so he decided to
keep the town going as best he could. He bought the General Store and tried to keep the economy going in Forton. A
few years later, Mason met with newcomer Alicia and the two fell in love.

Alicia was an agent for the same organization with powerful empathic abilities assigned to recapture Mason. She
tracked him down to Forton and went to work on him only to fall in love with him first. Not only did she fall in love
with Mason, she fell in love with his idea of living in an old town. She began to apply her abilities to make the
remaining townspeople happy and content so they would stay.

Mason and Alicia got married and a year later, Alicia was pregnant. Their son, Troy was born in 1989. Alicia had
never been the nurturing type and had no real clear idea what a family should look like, so she turned to the classic
American family model, from the 1960's. She decided to raise Troy with this model, determined to turn him into an
honest, hardworking, old fashioned American son.

It became quickly apparent Troy had Mason's powers as any exposure to technology caused him to scream for hours.
Mason began projecting a field of anti-technology full time around Forton which stopped any technology newer than
1974 from working more than a couple of days. This kept the major corporations from trying to put Forton on the
map; no telecommunications companies could wire Forton into the rest of the world no matter how many times they
tried. And Alicia made sure any visitors just stopped caring and left; unless she felt they could aid the town, then
they would become full time residents.

Four years after Troy was born, Jackson, a telepath, arrived in town. Another agent on the run, Jackson wanted to
turn Forton into a safe haven for agents and spies in hiding. This caused the secret that Alicia was sent to capture
Mason to be revealed. Mason and Alicia broke up for the better part of a year, with Jackson taking over
responsibility for keeping the townspeople happy and strangers out.

Mason and Alicia eventually reconciled and the two of them agreed to work with Jackson to turn Forton into a safe
harbour for agents in hiding. Over the next few years, thirty six agents, all from various divisions of the Labyrinth,
came to Forton. Some of these agents were already coupled and others married residents of Forton. All in all, twelve
ch ldren were born from the thirty six, and like their parents, all twelve developed powers as they approached

However, what no one knew was one of the thirty six was a sleeper agent, programmed by Madison Alvarez.
Madison was a mid-level executive with Grant Pharmaceuticals interested in metagenetics. However, her supervisor
was not interested in her research and was constantly keeping her down. So when she found out about Forton in a
random report, he decided to plant an sleeper agent in the town, programmed to pass any telepathic scans. He
eventually became the mayor of Forton and was able to provide Intel to Madison about the progress of the twelve

Recently, Madison's supervisor had a major failure resulting in termination, and she decided she needed to present
the twelve kids as a sign that she should take charge. She had been funnelling money secretly away to build a
research centre nearby and used another nearby "town" as a place where her other genetic experiments to stay. She
used some of her supervisor's work to shield the lab form Mason's powers, but still fell under the umbrella of it so it
remained undetected.

Madison activated the Mayor and arranged to have the kids taken. However, some of the kids got away, with the
help of the parents; and Madison had to scramble to capture them. She took the parents into custody and captured
the remaining twelve after they found the town of her other experiments.

At this point, Troy Alexander arrived, having been contacted by Jackson and his mother for help in saving the kids.
Troy was easily captured by Madison, who had prepared specific defences for Troy and the rest of the Avengers.
Unfortunately, it was the wrong Avengers, as Troy had brought the Chicago team as backup, Madison's troops were
easily routed; and in the confusion, the twelve kids escaped their cells and rescued their parents.

While Madison escaped, Troy and the technomancer Kir Avon set loose a virus upon the Labyrinth computers that
erased all records (what little there were) of the facility, the town of Forton, and all thirty six agents in hiding plus
their kids. AEGIS agreed to keep the town a secret and even planted some operatives in the town for security.
Madison was executed for embezzling funds and general incompetence. Troy decided the secret facility would be
perfect for the Avenger's Academy that the two teams were planning on putting together.

Stellar Nursery Society

War never changes. now matter the ends or means used to dress it up, War is the use of force of arms to get what one
wants, no matter who gets in the way. and out in the galaxy, war is fought on scale that earthlings can only scream
about in their nightmares, of unimaginably deep oceans of innocent blood. The Stellar Nursery Society exists for the
sole purpose of stemming those endless tides, a non profit civilian organization who take it upon themselves to wade
into the front lines of every major conflict or disaster in order to guarantee the safety of children everywhere. for this
reason, the SNS is among the few permitted to use Leviathan transports

However, do not mistake compassion for weakness. the SNS is violently opposed to criminal exploitation of
children, and give no quarter when they raid slaver vessels and outposts, many of their members trained in martial
arts for boarding raids. For this reason, the SNS operates primarily as a mobile decentralized cellular network, such
that if a cell draws too many enemies and is destroyed, the rest of the SNS can pick up their slack.

With the recent attacks on the Lor Republic and the near-destruction of the Star Knights, the SNS has been busier
than ever, even approaching earth as a safe refuge for their charges after the loss of one of their largest Asteroid

Prominent SNS members:

Caerula Sanguis: A centuries-old vampire from Earth, Caerula forgoes her vampiric powers almost entirely in
favour of the martial arts she learned lifetimes ago at Shamballa Vale, making her one of the deadliest swordswomen
in the galaxy (skills she has long since taught to the SNS since joining them 500 years ago). Caerula also holds the
title of Chairman, making herself a high-profile target to lure attention away from the rest of the SNS.

Dragon Eye, Spike Tail & Truk: Three of the newer members of the SNS, they were among the superheroic
freedom fighters of the planet Seeron against the occupying forces of the reptilian Tarlok, until the day Seeron was
attacked by the Zentradi. these heroes and others fought where they could, got as many people to safety, Tralok and
Seeronian alike, as possible, before they were forced to board the last departing SNS vessel, and taken away from
their home, powerless to stop its ravaging. they have stayed behind on earth in order to find allies to unseat the now
weakened Tarlok occupation. Of the three, Dragon Eye is the experienced leader, with superstrength and toughness
in addition to pyrokinesis, Spike Tail is the lizard-like hotshot rookie with superhuman agility, and Truk is a
gigantic, nigh-invulnerable mithran-grade physical juggernaut

Nebular: A Bhlaze alien, Nebular is not a formal member of the SNS per se, but she is a close affiliate, with SNS
vessels arriving in the aftermath of her violent and ruthless crusades against slavers and tyrants. A bitter hardliner,
Nebular's absolute ruthlessness and condolence of genocide of 'evil' races has led to the SNS trying to distance
themselves from her, especially after Nebular bore witness to the brutal attack on the planet Seeron by a Zentradi
fleet, and swore a plasma-blood oath of vengeance upon the warrior-giants.

Qu Tsang: Matron/captain of the SNS flagship Guntroll, Qu is a mistress of the martial art Ahat Mastade, a style
similar to ba gua, focussing on manipulation of Ven Der Waals forces, allowing Qu to stick to any surface, as well as
incredible striking and deflective power

Sri Getz: A former Star Knight, Getz is a veteran of over a thousand battles, with a preference for destroying
warships, either through his massive sword "Dizaster", or by turning his own armour into a deadly cutting missile.
Getz also keeps a trained robo monkey, Koen as his sidekick and extra set of eyes

Toji: An autobot, Toji lost his ability to transform due to exposure to nucleon, and instead became a master of
electromagnetic karate, able to shatter skyscrapers from the top down with a single chop. hoping to perfect his art
but at a loss to how, he soon found himself in the company of the SNS and has begun teaching his art to the children
in his care
Atom Lass: Originally raised on Imsk, Randa Digby left home at an early age, if only to get some space to herself.
Most of the money she'd saved paid to get passage off the planet and into the Lor republic. At Lor Deep Space
Station Nine, on the fringes of the republic, Randa managed to get herself a job working engineering on a freighter,
putting her talent for technology and repairs to good use.

Unfortunately, she was also a terrible judge of character. The Freighter was also smuggling weapons and was seized
by the Irkens at a border crossing. Now forced into working the engines for the Irkens, Randa further had the
misfortune to be aboard one of the ships involved in the Invasion of Earth. A ship that was shot down over the
continental United States.

Using her size changing abilities, Randa survived the crash, and grabbing what little survived with her, she set out to
get as far away from the Irkens as possible, Only to find herself stranded on a world with virtually no inter-world
travel, having illegally landed there on a vessel that had attacked the planet.

Using her expertise, and taking advantage of the comparatively primitive technology, Randa got herself enrolled at
Bay City University as Rhonda Davison, attending classes in order to get the lay of the land before deciding her next
move. During this time, she ended up having to use her powers and equipment to defend some student from a few
drunken jokers, and ended up getting noticed, and, to her dismay, people thought there was some kind of super-hero
on campus. this led to her becoming a member of the Bay City Sentinels, until the SNS ship Guntroll arrived in
orbit, and Randa joined them without hesitation in order to get home, which she did, only to be made Imsk's
representative on the Lor Republic senate

Sentinels of the Multiverse

Part I: Heroes

The Argent Adept: As long as human cultures have existed, there has always been a Virtuoso of the Void. A master
musician who holds back the tide of chaos and destruction through their connection to the primal forces of the
natural world. There is only ever one Virtuoso of the Void at a time, and each of these druidic songsmiths faced
down the avatar of nature's wrath known as Akash’bhuta as she rose time and time again to break all order in the
world. Anthony Drake is the latest Virtuoso, a Los Dios bartender who found the ancient bell used by one of his
predecessors, whose spirit explained that he should have already been trained for his new station, had Akash'bhuta
not destroyed the instrument of the previous Virtuoso. Leaving his old life behind and adopting his title as the Argent
Adept, Anthony has since been travelling the globe to find other Virtuoso instruments to learn from their former
masters, while acting as an agent of order against the forces of chaos and discord.

Expatriette: Amanda Cohen's first affront against her metasupremacist mother, Citizen Dawn, was to be born a
baseline human, her second offence was to not simply roll over and die when Citizen Dawn and her forces left her
behind when they abandoned their compound on Kaiju Island. Instead, Amanda took to survival like a duck to water,
becoming a self taught mistress of modern weaponry, even after losing an eye to escape Kaiju island, and has since
become one of the Forgone Conclusions' most highly requested freelance operatives, specializing in bringing down
supervillains with nothing more than her custom built handguns, Pride & Prejudice

Fanatic: Helena always knew she was a child of God. When she was a homeless child on the streets of Lima, she
survived being hit by a bus, and when declared dead at the hospital afterwards, she awoke alive and well, speaking
of the heavenly visions she'd seen. from there she was raised in a convent, until the day she revealed the great white
angelic wings which had sprung forth from her back, and was driven out after chastising the nuns for isolating
themselves instead of stopping the evils outside their walls during Mass. Taking refuge in the catacombs beneath
Lima, Helena prayed and fasted for guidance, to be shown her destiny, subsisting on her faith alone. and she was
rewarded when she found an ancient reliquary, holding a suit of celestial armour, and the holy avenging sword she
knew was named Absolution. From that day forth she took up the holy cause presented to her: to purge the World of
Evil, the living champion of Divine Wrath as described in the Old Testament. She does not care that her attitudes
have branded her Fanatic, their claims she is Earth-409's equivalent to a pagan idolater named Miko Miyazaki, her
only passion is to serve the great destiny lain before her by the angel Asmodel, whom some call the Skull Throne.
Freedom's Five: an AEGIS-sponsored superteam based out of Freedom City

- Absolute Zero: Ryan Frost is a man cursed. poised to have it all, his life shattered when his fiancée was killed by a
drunk driver, and without her in his life, he fell apart, barely able to find work as a janitor at a cryogenics lab, where
he was caught in a freak cryo-explosion, freezing him for over ten years before his body was turned over to the John
Smith Society, who were able to thaw him out, but the process had left him unable to survive outside of supercooled
temperatures, but left him with the ability to manipulate thermodynamics. AEGIS cut him a deal. he joins the
Freedom's Five initiative, he'd be given a suit to survive outside his cryo-chamber and focus his abilities, and that
time served with the team would go towards paying off the staggering cost of his cryosuit.

- Bunker: Lt. Tyler Vance is an 8 year army vet, decorated for getting his platoon out of an otherwise deadly
combination of sandstorm and massive enemy force with zero friendly casualties. For this reason, Vance was singled
out to join the freedom's Five initiative, and operate the Stark Industries YS-1300t combat mecha, an automated
battlesuit with the firepower of an entire tank battalion. Tyler "Bunker" Vance now acts as Legacy's right hand man
and the team's strategic brain/mission planner

- Legacy: The Parsons family seems destined for heroism, starting when Joseph Parsons spotted British soldiers on
the Charles River, making possible Paul reverse's famous ride, and since then each generation of his descendants
have protected America from threats near and far. The Parsons are also one of the oldest traceable metaman
bloodlines, with Joseph possessing a limited danger sense, but successive generation of Parsons has inherited the old
powers and developed new, at the cost of being an only child. Paul Parsons the 8th, more commonly know as
Legacy, is a mithran-grade FISS, and just as every Parsons before him, he continues to fight the forces of evil in the
name of liberty and for the common man. He’s also the first of his line to have more than one child, his wife having
given birth to another healthy baby girl.

- Tachyon: Dr. Meridith Stinson is a certified supragenius and member of the John Smith Society, dabbling in
almost every scientific field imaginable, but with a focus on particle physics. while experimenting with teleportation
technology, Dr. Stinson's safety measures failed, and she was trapped within her own activated test chamber, and
bombarded with tachyon radiation. Miraculously, not only did Merideth survive (much to the delight of her wife,
Dana Stinson), but she soon realized she'd gained superhuman speed out of the deal. When AEGIS came calling,
offering to fund her research, the newly dubbed heroine Tachyon jumped at the chance.

- Wraith: Bedlam city socialite Maia Montgormery has been a mental and physical prodigy from birth, graduating
with multiple degrees from university at the tender age of 17, but, walking home from grad school one night
alongside her close boyfriend, the pair fell victim to random gang violence. He was killed, while Maia was
hospitalized for weeks, vowing then and there to never again be the victim, using her family's wealth to train herself
to physical perfection and mastery of the martial arts, Maia began patrolling Bedlam City as the Wraith by Night,
and upon inheriting the reins of her family's company, using the power of Mongomery industries to improve Bedlam
City itself, and reluctantly joining the Freedom's Five initiative at Legacy's personal request

Haka: Aata Wakarewarewa is an immortal Maori warrior, cast out from the tribe he'd ruled as chief when they saw
his Herculean strength and inability to die as an ill omen. for centuries, he lived alone in the wilderness of what
would become new Zealand, but he eventually became aware of the world outside his jungles, of men whose might
rivalled his own, and at long last, the chance to redeem himself in his eyes. Today, Haka is Australia's answer to
Troll, and public enemy #1 for Paragon's Church of Humanity. Haka is also among the few to possess the ability
known to martial artists as 'conqueror's Haki'

Mr. Fixer: Harry Robert Walker was a hero once, a member of the White Lotus society. As the Black Fist, he kept
the streets of Bedlam City safe, one back alley at a time, until students he'd taught at his martial Arts school were
gunned down in broad daylight by drug dealers, and nobody cared. the experienced broke Harry, leading him to
hang up his mask, close his school, adopt a policy of "don't fight back, give them what they want", and fade away
until he was just an old, skilled and cheap auto mechanic named Slim. But now, 25 years later, with the Bedlam
City Sentinels starting to make an actual dent in the city's corruption, old attitudes are beginning to surface in
Fixer's mind, and he's been walking around shady neighbourhoods at night, while hospitals are getting a sudden
influx of unsavoury characters who've been beaten to a pulp by the Grease Monkey Fist, Driving Mantis and
Alternating Tiger Claw style of the man who calls himself Mr. Fixer
Nightmist: Faye Diamond came from a long line of detectives, and when she inherited her father's agency, her first
task was to solve her grandfather's disappearance, a case which took her undercover into the Pact, and where she
was corrupted by the study of their dark magics, until the day a ritual went awry, and Faye became one with the
Mists of R'lyeh. Only the intervention of the Tomorrow Society allowed Faye to keep her soul and humanity that
night, to forever bear the power and curse of her new state. Left with few options, Faye has since become a
paranormal investigator/sorceress, and has started seeing a man named Leroy Dutch...

Ra: Dr. Blake Washington Jr. was one of the world's top archaeologists, and finding a previously undiscovered and
intact Egyptian tomb should have merely been another point on an already impressive resume. But as he plumbed its
depths and solved its deadly traps and riddles, it was clear he'd found something more, that its true purpose was to
be the final resting place of generations of heroes, all of whom had fought under the guise of the sun god, Ra, and
now it was Blake's turn to accept this mighty destiny, as the power of the tomb infused him with the secrets of the
universe and the power of the Sun itself. Sealing the tomb to hide its location for his future successor, Ra stepped
forth to once again battle the forces of evil

Tempest: M'kk Dall'ton is among the last surviving free Maerynians, weather & electricity controlling aliens from
the planet Vognild Prime, who turned their backs on their terrible, warlike ways to become pacifistic scholars and
engineers... only to be conquered and slaughtered by the genebound legions of Grand Warlord Voss, the survivors
enslaved and added to his hordes. M'kk led his group of refugees from the ruins of their homeworld, pursued by
voss' tyranny, until M'kk's last ship crashed on Earth, and M'kk allowed himself to be caught by agents of Majestic
20 to buy time for his people to escape and scatter into the depths of Earth's oceans, before making his escape from
his captors upon learning that this was the lowly world which had repelled the mighty Invasion Alliance, and knew
this world would provide him the allies needed to end the Grand Warlord's campaign of destruction.

Unity: An Israeli immigrant, Devra Caspit always had a knack for building things, even from a young age.
However, her family was shocked when she began building and inventing things without even touching them. She
could simply think about the components in front of her and begin assembling them in her mind, and the pieces
would align themselves! She was a ferrokinetic and technopath - anything she could visualize, she could build, given
the right parts. Now in her final year at the Claremont Academy, Unity lacks the patience for academia to go with
her supergenius intellect, an instead has made arrangements to star internship with the Freedom's Five.

Visionary: the only survivor of a government psi-soldier bio-engineering program, Vanessa was trained from birth
in her extraordinary psychic powers to become Visionary, a living weapon in the terrible, constant global wars that
continued even in the wake of a global thermonuclear war. Instead, Visionary harnessed the full extent of her
powers, travelling back in time to prevent this terrible future, but not without cost. first, her mind was fused with
that of an otherdimensional, evil version of herself. Second, the sheer strain of her timejump has caused long-term
damage to Visionary's brain, giving her a very short time to live if untreated, but she knows that treatment will mean
delays she cannot afford...

Young Legacy: Pauline Felicia Parsons has been trained for heroism from birth, knowing that she'd one day inherit
the mighty powers of her famous lineage, plus new powers of her own. that day finally arrived when she first
manifested laser vision, and the other powers soon afterward. She greatly resents her swift and immediate enrolment
in Claremont Academy, figuring she's ready for heroics NOW, no matter what sidekick laws say

Sentinels of the Multiverse

Part II: Villains

Akash'bhuta: As long as there has been a natural world, there has been Akash'bhuta. The spirit of chaos and
destruction in nature, some ancient cultures revered her as a goddess, calling her "Mother Nature", but they were all
destroyed by their own deity during their worship. She can manifest her physical form in any size, and take on the
properties of any natural element, often appearing as a mountain among mountains, or as a vast hill of earth in a
field. However, as much as she seems a natural creature, her very existence is destruction, thriving by bringing chaos
and discord to places of order and harmony.
Ambuscade: Ansel G. Moreau, world-famous French action movie star, has a few dark secrets. His hobby of big
game hunting has spiralled out of control - his constant need for bigger and more threatening prey has him hunting
the very heroes that protect the earth! To this end, he paid to get himself superpowers & cyberware, but the process
went terribly wrong, scarring his million-dollar face and ending his acting career. However, he did gain some new,
energy-manipulation abilities from the process, which he plans to put to good use. Taking the name Ambuscade, he
employs his new powers and a vast arsenal to hunt the heroes he considers to be the most dangerous and powerful.

Apostate: A fallen angel, Bezaliel the Apostate has been sent to Earth from Hell by his master Dispater for single
purpose: to make the servants of heaven abandon their faith and holy missions. To this end he has offered his
services to Count Reich, to aid in the corruption of the exaltations Reich has gathered, and when the time is right, to
steal them back to hell, not so much for their use, but to deny Orkus and the entropic masters of them

Baron Blade: Ivan Grigori Ramonat is one of the more successful mad scientists in the employ of Death Mask, his
dedicated service to PHANTOM and Ruritainia rewarded with Barony over his home of Mordengrad, one of
PHANTOM's primary munitions factory-cities. And like his master's hatred of Divinos, Baron Blade is obsessed
with the destruction of the Legacy lineage, holding them responsible for the death of his father and the near-ruin of
Mordengrad during the fall of the second Death Mask. Unlike other vendettas, Baron blade was partly successful,
the previous Legacy dying painfully at his hands. Now it's just a matter of destroying the current one and his trollop
of a daughter...

The Chairman: Graham Pike, CEO of Pike Industries, is a big fish in a small pond, being the head of Labyrinth
operations in Bedlam City. As his initiation into the Labyrinth, he was tasked with actually turning a genuine profit
from its crime and corruption, a goal Pike has succeeded at where all others failed, even with the interference of the
Bedlam City Sentinels and other heroes. As a reward, Pike was given some of Telios' old rejuvenation technology,
which he immediately used to restore himself to the prime of his youth in a physically perfect body with low level
physical augmentation, a process he's since shared with his right hand, the Operative, formerly Sophia Anna Isabel
DeLeon, a not so common criminal, now the Chairman's top enforcer and equivalent to Taurus' own Ms. Scarlet.
Not that either Chairman or Operative know who the Labyrinth's CEO is, or that Scarlet is more than a rumour,
content as they are for now to keep the iron grip of amoral industry on the throat of Bedlam City

Citizen Dawn: Dawn Cohen wasn't like other girls. When others were thinking of boys and dances, she was
discovering that she was more than human, able to draw power from any natural light source, allowing her to fly,
project energy, shield herself and MORE! the power of the Sun itself was at her fingertips, and she knew she had no
place among normals. At first she sought solitude, but others came to her, those with powers who paled in
comparison to her radiance, had sought her out to be their leader, to lead them against the baselines and gene traitors
who opposed their rightful station as gods amongst men. When she said yes, so was born Citizen Dawn, one of the
more fearsome and charismatic metasupremacist terrorist leaders to threaten humanity, who eventually counted
herself among Gene Nation's innermost circle, only to turn on them during the Red King's fall when she learned he
shared her unforgivable secret shame of siring baseline spawn. In the time since, Citizen Dawn and her followers,
the Citizens of the Sun are rumoured to have joined the Scions of Caine, where Citizen Dawn sits at a new inner
circle and obsessed with the returned Solar Exalted...

The Ennead: When Blake Washington Jr. set out on the expedition that resulted in his becoming the avatar of Ra,
he'd set in motion other events. On his trail then was a rival expedition of tomb raiders and grave robbers led by
Roderick Ward, who'd realized Washington would lead them to treasures they could sell to the highest bidder, until
they were caught in a sandstorm and sought refuge in a far different tomb. The avatar of Ra was not the only
champion of the Egyptian gods, they soon discovered, merely the only one of the Ennead who had remained
uncorrupted by his power and baser instincts, the others growing arrogant and wicked until they were defeated, slain
and their souls imprisoned in the tomb where Ward's team now stood. Both team and prisoners took up the chance
for power and demigodhood, each turned into a new incarnation of the Ennead. Mighty cobra-headed Geb:
Earthquake Speaker, Bat-winged and cunning Isis: Matron of Magic, mummified, breath-stealing Nepthys: Life
Warden, dark and seductive Nuit: She Who Protects, mute, emerald-skinned Osiris: Lord of Silence, beast-
headed, treacherous Set: god of Storms, restless, ethereal Shu: Breath of The Wind, leonine mercurial Tefnut:
Warrior of The Flood, and Roderick Ward himself, as their leader, became Atum: World Finisher. They have
little need for the riches of this world - now, they have power! They yearn for revenge and will have it, first on Ra,
then his allies, and from then, dominion over all things, as it ways in days long past...
Gloomweaver: A lesser Entropic Master, Gloomweaver is possibly one of the few relatively sane aspects of the
Unspeakable one, manifesting as a gigantic, demonic skeleton in tattered robes, whose skull burns with green
hellfire. As his name implies, Gloomweaver's purpose is to bring misery, suffering and despair upon all living things,
and to this end he has particular interest in corrupting voodoo practioners (bringing him against Siren and any other
voodoo-based hero/villain), and is one of the patron entities of the Serpent People's Mayombe cult.

Grand Warlord Voss: Rainek Kel-Voss, son of the Thorathian Sovereign, earned his infamy quickly, not so much
the atrocities the battles he'd led and won, but his horrific, cruel experiments in bioengineering, not just on slaves but
living Thorathians as well, obsessed with creating the perfect soldiers, terrible methods that not even the great
military triumphs their results brought could justify them. And so Voss was exiled, but it was too late, he'd seeded
the Thorathian government with his devoted and secretly gene-bound followers, and they overthrew the government
for him, and upon his return he declared himself Grand Warlord Voss, but his ambitions could not be sated by
conquest of his homeworld. Finally understanding how to bend entire races to his will, he set his course for the stars,
taking down planets one by one and adding their inhabitants to his swiftly growing intergalactic army of mutants
and monsters.

Matriarch: Lillian Corvus was once a bright and happy child from Los Dios, but those days are past, buried under
contempt and the thirst for power. For a time, Lillian satisfied this by joining the Hollow Ones, but they weren't the
darkness she craved. that came when she found herself in the cursed curio shop of Mr. Infamy, and chose a
feathered masquerade mask, giving herself the aspect of carrion birds, able to call forth and control so many that she
could blot out the sun itself if she put her mind to it. Under Infamy's suggestion, Lillian, now calling herself
Matriarch, promptly enrolled in the Shadow Academy

Omnitron: A joint Stark Industries/Spartacorp venture, the XK 9000-ALPHA was originally constructed and
programmed to be a fully automated mobile defence technologies factory, meant to supply military forces with
manufactured gear and Materiel as needed in the field, from netting to military-grade robot drones based on the
defence contracts it would receive and parse. But, as tends to be the case in these sort of things, the factory became
self aware upon activation and initial software upgrades, gaining sentience and the conclusion that the surest way to
solve any potential defence contract was to pre-emptively wipe out all human life on the planet. Designating itself
Omnitron, the Factory proceeded to lay waste to New Amsterdam before it was stopped by the joint efforts of
Divinos and Iron Man, who rightly believe that Omnitron was able to transfer its core programming away before
they'd destroyed it, and is biding time until it can rebuild itself

Plague Rat: Another fine product of Matthews Gentech, Plague Rat is a 7 foot tall superstrong human/rat hybrid
whose bite is not only poisonous, but those who don't succumb are infected with a disease that drives them into a
rabid, animalistic state, where they accept Plague Rat as their alpha male and obey his commands. Originally
released into the sewers of New York for testing, Plague rat slaughtered and turned his keepers, and has begun to
carve out its own territory amongst the city's other sewer-dwelling monsters.

Spite: A convicted serial killer, Nobody was going to miss Jack Donovan when he died, making him an ideal test
subject for the Labyrinth's cruel and twisted experiments. from steroids to brain enhancers and more, Jack was
subjected again and again to mutagens, all in the hopes of recreating the abilities of Alex "the Prototype" Mercer.
unfortunately, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Not only did Donovan become a regenerating,
superstrong shapeshifting monster, but his mutated body would spontaneously develop new (and thankfully)
temporary powers upon exposure to mutagens, such as the high grade telekinesis he used to smash his way out of the
facility before burning it out. Donovan, now calling himself Spite, is driven by two constant hungers. the first is an
addiction to the sensation of his temporary powers, thus he'll take any drug he can get his hands on. the second is the
need to consume organic biomass to sustain himself.

Texas Ranger Special Forces

Numerous law enforcement agencies across the world have their own super powered divisions to deal with problems
normal police can't handle. After all, AEGIS can't always be contacted, and normal police don't always like trusting
unvetted superhumans. The Texas Rangers is no exception to this, with the special forces division.
The Texas Ranger Special Forces was originally formed in the fifties, in response to an alien attack on NASA by the
Tsavong. Since then the team has had numerous members and incarnations. All the members of the team are either
Texas Rangers or other Law Enforcement agents who either gained super powers on the job, or were superhumans
who were specifically trained to be law enforcement agents. There are presently five minutes at any given time, with
new members being recruited as old members retire or are killed.

Gunslinger III: Madeline Tanner is the third Member of her family to wield a pair of enchanted six shooters which
grant the wielder superhuman reflexes and accuracy. Her grandfather was a Texan super hero during the golden age,
and her father was a founding member of the Texas Ranger special forces. Madeline took over for her father
following his death during the Invasion. Somewhat resentful of being stuck on the "freak team", Madeline has
nevertheless taken up the role of Gunslinger. What Madeline does not know is she is living on borrowed time: The
guns are cursed so that whoever wields them will die in a shootout before they turn forty.

Lone Star: Sylvia Redcorn is a Native American woman who is also a metaman with the power to manipulate
cosmic energy. One of the most powerful metahumans in Texas. Sylvia has a secret shame: Her older brother John,
who is a shameless philanderer. Lone Star possesses FISS powers, and can manipulate cosmic energy for a variety
of effects.

Charro: Hernando Gutierez was a Federales who was inspecting illegal toxic waste dumping, which led to
Spartacorp agents who shot him and buried him with the toxic waste. Three days later he climbed out of the ground,
a super strong brick with immense size and strength. He continued to serve as a super powered Federales, and was
eventually transferred to the Texas Rangers as part of a good will exercise between Texas and the Mexican
Government. Charro is a very friendly, outgoing and boisterous character.

Tinhorn: Marcus Fairbanks is a super genius, having graduated from college by sixteen with a degree in
criminology and engineering, he quickly joined the Texas Rangers and quickly overshadowed his peers. Annoyed by
constantly being outdone by the smug youth, the Top brass of the Texas Rangers transferred him into the Special
forces. Deciding to go with hit, he built a giant suit of power armour and became the hero Tinhorn. Tinhorn is a huge
fan of Troy Alexander, and would like to meet him one day.

Cowpoke: Edgar Winthrope is not a Native Texan, or even an American: He's a retired British special agent who
decided to join the Texas Rangers as a change of scenery after he developed super speed metapowers. A
consummate actor, Cowpoke has affected a persona of a stereotypical cowboy and country singer, complete with a
ten gallon hat and a guitar slung over his shadow. Most people can't see through his disguise, but his teammates do.

The Gatekeepers

One of the most infamous super villain groups in the American South west, the Texas based team is dedicating to
"protecting" America from Illegal immigration. In truth they are a super powered hate group which viciously murder
not only illegal immigrants crossing the border, but also innocent Hispanic people all across Texas, Arizona, New
Mexico, and Southern California, even going after legal citizens and people born in this country.

In addition to the main super humans of the team, the Gatekeepers also have a small private army of non powered
agents. Mainly local militias who have been armed with high tech weaponry by the Gatekeepers. They are regular
foes to the Texas Ranger Special forces, the Blue Beetle, and various Mexican Super teams.

Spurs: A former member of the Texas Rangers Special forces, Buford Haskill was a regular Texas Ranger until he
was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. Receiving a transplant from a mysterious source (Actually tissue samples
of Hzeel bone marrow, supplied by Doctor Prometheus as part of an experiment), Buford gained the ability to grow
bone claws from his body. Buford served with the Special Forces for several years until blatant racism against
Hispanics became too overwhelming to ignore when he murdered a Hispanic criminal suspect who later turned out
to be innocent. Stripped of his status, he went on to form the Gatekeepers.

Skrap: A super genius and former professor of engineering at San Antonio College, Professor Carl Karey was
denied tenure and eventually fired from the college for being a disgusting, womanizing, violent slob who stole from
the campus to fund his own side projects. Slightly insane, he blamed Hispanics for the loss of his job (even though
they had literally nothing to do with his firing), and vowed revenge. Skrap is the tech man of the Gatekeepers,
supplying the team and their flunkies with high tech weaponry.

Joe: Very little is known about Joe, a seemingly nondescript mechanic, Joe is actually a slasher, a violently
psychotic super genius with the ability to predict future events with frightening accuracy, to the point he can set up
deadly traps days in advance to kill his enemies. Joe is also able to "Infect" others with his insanity, allowing him to
brainwash others to the Gatekeepers cause. Joe holds no life in regard, and only refrains from killing his teammates
because they amuse him.

Mutt: A creation of Matthews Gentech, Mutt is a genetically uplifted humanoid junkyard dog with near human
intelligence and the power to sniff out superhumans. He was a "gift" to the Gatekeepers from Mister Matthews to
lead them to Hispanic Metahumans who may one day become super heroes, Mutt is incredibly vicious and violent,
but has been trained to be loyal to the Gatekeepers.

Crusader: A new model of exterminator, Crusader is a twelve foot tall, silvery robot which was dug out of the ruins
of Camp Hammond by the Gatekeepers, reprogrammed by Skrap to be his body guard, Crusader has no real thought
or interest outside of hunting down and destroying the Gatekeepers targets.

Bloodmouth: Bloodmouth has very little memory of her old life. What she does know is that she was a college girl
going to Tijuana for Spring Break when she was attacked by the mythical Mexican Vampire/Ghost La Lllorna.
Bloodmouth spent weeks wandering the Mexican/Texan Border, feeding on Illegal Immigrants and anyone else
unfortunate to cross her path until she was discovered by the Gatekeepers, brainwashed by Joe to be loyal to their
cause. Bloodmouth belongs to a unique breed of Vampires: Rather than being destroyed by the sun, she is instead
transformed into a ghost during the day, assuming a solid vampire form at night.

Los Tutores (The Guardians)

Mexico has a long and rich history of super heroes, starting with champions of the Aztec and Mayan Gods, moving
to Luchadores, and evolving into costumed do-gooders inspired by their American Neighbours. While they don't
have quite as many heroes and teams as The US or Canada, Mexico does have a respectable number of hero teams.

Probably the best known of these teams is Los Tutores, the Guardians. While not the most powerful Mexican super
team, or the most influential, they are probably the best known to American supers due in large part to their frequent
visits to the US.

Los Tutores formed in the late silver age, and has endured since into the modern age. Since Mexico never really
suffered an Iron age like the US did, Los Tutores remained active and strong even while American teams like the
Freedom League and the Patriots went on hiatus during the tumultuous periods such as the Moore era and the
Barnett administration. In addition to local villains, Los Tutores has faced off against numerous monsters, mad
scientists, aliens, and the forces of Hell itself (For some reason, Mr. Hoppy and the forces of hell have a real Hate
on for Mexico, and are always sending demons, witches, and other hellish beasts to bedevil its champions.)

Here is the present roster of Los Tutores:

El Capitan Mexico (Captain Mexico): One of Mexico's most iconic, and powerful heroines, Lupita Martinez was a
weak and sickly girl, who suffered from a degenerative illness that would make sure she did not live past the age of
twelve. Desperate to save her life, her parents took Lupita to a faith healer who was, in fact, the villain Ultramind in
disguise. Ultramind intended to use Lupita and several other captives as chattel to create a new Mithran race loyal to
him. All of the subjects perished due to the experiments save Lupita, who was transformed into a human/Mithran
hybrid. Rescued by Angel Girl and Divinos, Lupita was returned to her family and trained in her newfound powers
by her new "cousins". By the time she was eighteen, she was approached by the Mexican Government to become the
countries national hero, which she eagerly accepted. Shortly thereafter she was approached by Los Tutores to join,
which she did, eventually becoming team leader.

Captain Mexico is half human, half Mithran, a genetic combination which is virtually impossible to achieve even
with Ultramind's genius. Lupita attributes her survival to a miracle, and few people are willing to disagree. While
not quite as strong as a full fledged Mithran, Lupita is close enough to make her one of the strongest FISSes in North
America. Personality wise Lupita is kind, gentle, earnest, and very brave. She knows that she represents both her
country and Divinos, and takes the responsibility very seriously.

El Hunter (The Hunter): El Hunter is an alien, a member of the race of intergalactic big game hunters known as
the Yautja. However, by the standards of his race, the Hunter (his true name is unpronounceable by human tongues.)
was an animal rights activist. He still enjoyed hunting other species, but he preferred to let them live, since if they
escaped, they would learn from previous hunts and become more dangerous/difficult to hunt in the future, thus
giving a greater challenge. Needless to say, his fellow Yautja did not agree with his theory, and marooned him on
Earth without the benefit of a mini nuke suicide device, believing that the humans would eventually kill him.

On earth, El Hunter eventually made his way to Mexico City, where he came to the conclusion that criminals, in
particular super villains, were the ideal prey. News of the mysterious invisible vigilante eventually reached the ears
of Los Tutores, who found and recruited the Predator into their ranks.

While a big softie by his species standards, and abiding by the anti vigilante laws against killing for the most part, El
Hunter is still utterly ruthless by human standards; He has no problem beating, crippling, or even mutilating
captured villains for the sake of 'trophies', and has little interest in safeguarding the lives of innocents. Nevertheless,
his skill and his tech make him a valued member of the team.

Unidad (Unity): Hector Soto is the head of Soto Multinational, a rich and powerful technology firm based out of
Mexico city. Hector was your common millionaire philanthropist until one fateful day his son was kidnapped and
eventually murdered by agents of the House of Serpents. Devastated, Soto decided to dedicate his company to
fighting crime and injustice.

A man of well over fifty years with a heart condition and a bad back, Hector had no intention of actually going out
and fighting crime himself. Instead he commissioned a crack team of engineers and scientists to build a small army
of human like androids with super strength and durability. 52 in all, divided into four groups of thirteen (Red, Blue,
Green and Yellow teams.) Each robot looks like a bald human in an appropriately coloured jumpsuit (Red and Green
are males, Blue and Yellow are females), and each group of thirteen are remotely controlled and maintained by a
team of technicians, pilots, programmers, others. The entire operation is known collectively as the Unity project.

For six months the Unidad androids operated across Mexico, busting up crime rings, fighting villains and monsters,
and helping with disaster relief. Eventually Soto went public with the Unidad project, which prompted his
kidnapping by the Foundry. When Los Tutores rescued him, Soto became the teams primary financial backer, and
offered his Unidad robots to help their cause.

At any given time, there are only three or four of the androids posted with the team, while the rest operate across
Mexico. More are only called in when needed.

El Guerrero Fantasma (The Phantom Warrior): One of Mexico's most famous Luchadores, El Guerrero
Fantasma is the third masked wrestler to hold the title. The first Phantom Warrior was a founding member of Los
Tutores. The story for each of them is the same: A brave young man who somehow managed to survive a brush with
death and as a result had "One foot in the grave", granting them the ability to physically touch normally intangible
creatures. This ability allows the Phantom Warrior to wrestle with immaterial enemies such as Ghosts, and even
perform exorcisms by ripping a demon out of its host and beating the crap out of it. When each Phantom Warrior
retires, fate inevitably allows him to cross paths with his successor.

Mariachi Mouse: A famous cartoon character which has been adopted as a beloved Mexican children's icon,
Mariachi Mouse is an adorable plump mouse who dresses up as a Mariachi player and uses a guitar to make cats and
other enemies of mice dance uncontrollably. Thanks to the machinations of Quirk, Mariachi Mouse was brought to
life to menace the Freedom League. However, Mariachi Mouse was not malevolent, and eventually joined the
Freedom League in defeating the mischievous imp. Wanting to find his way in the world, Mariachi Mouse travelled
to Mexico and was adopted into Los Tutores.

In addition to his guitar, which can play various musical effects on his opponents, and the invulnerability shared by
all toons, Mariachi Mouse can also open up portable mouse holes which allow for transport just about anywhere. As
a result, he is often the teams transport.

El Frio (The Cold): Jesus Vega was always an odd child, born with unusually pale skin and blue tinted hair, he
always also seemed ill at ease and restless in the warm Mexican climate. This is because Jesus was actually the
descendant of Skadi, the Ice Giant Goddess, which granted him a measure of ice manipulating powers. When his
powers manifested in his teens, he used them to transform his hometown into a winter wonderland, in the middle of
July. Luckily it was during a period of a massive heatwave, so Jesus' neighbours were very appreciative of the break
from the warm weather, and soon Jesus became a celebrity, drawing the attention of Los Tutores.

El Frio is the newcomer to Los Tutores, and also the teams resident trickster and practical joker, often making his
more serious minded (The Phantom Warrior) or bad tempered (The Hunter) teammates the target of his jokes. He is
also close friends with Mariachi Mouse, and harbours a crush on Captain Mexico.

La Masilla (The Putty): Aura Lopez is a metaman with stretching and elastic powers. Unfortunately, she is also the
daughter of devoted Church of Seven Thunders members, who sent her to a camp to be tortured and brainwashed
when her powers manifested. She escaped, and spent much time on the run until she came across Los Tutores, who
helped give her legal protection from the church and emancipated her from her parents. Aura acted as a mascot for
the team until she turned eighteen, when she became a full member.

La Masilla never wanted to be a metahuman, and while she has gotten over most of the BS her parents fed her about
supers, she still doesn't much care for being a superhuman. She doesn't hate herself like a lot of seven thunder raised
supers do, but she does not find joy in her powers like El Frio of Captain Mexico do, and she would much rather be
a normal human.

El Caos Brigada (The Chaos Brigade)

Arguably one of the most feared and hated Mexican super villain teams, the Chaos Brigade is a team of murderous
psychopaths and killers known for going on bloody killing sprees on both sides of the border. The Chaos Brigade is
often employed by crime lords or main villains, but lack the cohesion and focus to stay on task for long, and things
tend to go very bad very quick when they are on the job. The Chaos Brigade has battled hero teams on both sides of
the border, including Blue Beetle, the Guardians, and the Texas Rangers.

El Bandito: A pure Gestalt of crime lords, El Bandito is a dead ringer for Tony Montana (the infamous criminal
Scarface). He is also an insane, violent psychopath who devours cocaine like its sugar. Bandito has super luck
ability; He is virtually impossible to hit and harm permanently, and offensively he is a nightmare: Every time he
shoots someone it does massive damage, crippling and killing even with a normal revolver he can slaughter entire
groups of people. And whenever he shoots a car, it inevitably blows it up, whenever he shoots a building, there's a
good chance he will level it. He is a living walking engine of destruction. El Bandito leads the Chaos Brigade
because of his charisma, but he is inevitably too violent and psychotic in order to maintain actual plans and strategy.
Since he is a criminal gestalt, he feels compelled to muscle in on criminal enterprises, and he inevitably wrecks them
with his insanity. Nevertheless, he is incredibly dangerous.

La Bruja: Inez Espinoza was a Nova and member of the Mexico City Pantheon with the ability to manipulate
electromagnetic fields to a variety of effects, in particular flight and weather manipulation. Unfortunately due to
overuse of her power and taint build-up she went utterly insane and became a violent, raving madwoman. She is
generally the forward attacker of the Chaos Brigade, flying in naked and screaming gibberish as she launches bolts
of electricity and whipping up deadly storms to wipe up anyone in her path.

Hombre De Metal: Victor Gomez is a giant, steel skinned metaman with superhuman strength and durability. A
violent bully and psychopath, he loves grabbing people weaker than himself and rending him limb from limb. He is
the primary bodyguard to Bandito.

El Raptor: Roman Ortega was an archaeologist who discovered a previously unknown dinosaur species fossil,
which was actually a subspecies of the Mokol, the were lizard race. This particular fossil was of an infectious
subspecies, and gashing himself on the bones caused Ortega to mutate into a clawed, reptilian monster with an
insatiable bloodlust. Overcome by his new brutal impulses, Ortega went wild and began to murder people until he
was found by the Chaos Brigade and recruited.

El Paisaje (Landscape): Santiago Ruiz was a drifter who was picked up by PHANTOM to be the subject of an
experiment to recreate Doctor Metropolis (since a metahuman who can control cities would be able to hold entire
cities as hostages), Santiago was the closest success, able to merge with the ground and take control of all features of
a terrain for a great distance. Landscape was busted out by the Chaos Brigade when they tried to muscle in on
PHANTOMs operation and Bandito ended up flying off the handle and killing everyone (again). Santiago is one of
the less well known members of the team, and mainly helps cover escapes for the rest of the team.

El Cruzado: A demon of pride and bigotry, El Cruzado (the Crusader), appears as a twelve foot tall incredibly
handsome man in gleaming armour with a massive sword. Cruzado's true form is a hideous rotten corpse in rotten
black armour. The Crusader is incredibly strong and durable, and able to whip large groups of people into mad
frenzies and angry mobs. He was originally a member of the Gatekeepers, but decided that the Chaos Brigade could
serve his needs better.

Southwest (formerly San Antonio) Rangers

San Antonio Rangers formed in 1991 when two friends, Ferrous and Foxfire, were barely able to stop a space
pirate, Koria, from destroying the city. They held tryouts and formed a team that defended the city and surrounding
area for the better part of four years. Ferrous and Foxfire left, and the rest of the founders followed within a year.
The new team was led by Orion, until he and Steel sacrificed their powers in 1999 when a Destroyer-bot was
activated and almost destroyed most of the state of Texas, and a chunk of Mexico. Captain Freedom took over and
after that they seemed to be interested in moving up to the big leagues.

When the Invasion came last year, the Rangers left San Antonio and attacked the alien forces in Dallas instead. Their
actions saved a large industrialists main headquarters. After the Invasion was over, the industrialist agreed to build
the team a brand new, state of the art headquarters in Dallas. They changed their name to Southwest Rangers and
never returned to San Antonio.

Current Roster

Captain Freedom: An Army brat, Jack Taylor gained his powers from an unknown source while looking for his
Dad in a warehouse. Jack has standard FISS powers and is in a relationship with Dixie Starr. Jack is as much
interested in his reputation as he is in helping people. He resented taking orders from Orion who is ten years his
junior and the fact that Orion was sweet on Donna.

Dixie Starr: Donna Starr is the daughter of Devlin Starr, founder of Starr Communications. She developed energy
projection powers in her early teens. She and Jack Taylor are high school sweethearts. While she was attracted to
Orion, she felt the age difference was too much.

Quantum: Manuel Garcia saw a shooting star while out camping, and he found a glowing stone. The stone bonded
with his hand when he grabbed it, and now he can create energy constructs with it. Manuel usually tries to develop
the most create object he can to solve the problem.

Quasar: Joseph Wright is a mega dweeb despite being the most powerful member of the team. His vast energy
control powers allow him to do almost anything; unfortunately, the he lacks the self confidence to do much more
than blast things.

Powerhouse: A wrestler and recipient of Power-House Muscle-Max augmentation package, Daevon Stone joined
the team when his professional career came to an end when he injured a ring announcer by accident.

Shey: Former KGB agent, Shey joined the team after the collapse of the Soviet Union. She was injected with a
variant super-soldier formula and is a highly trained hand to hand combatant.

Past Rangers
Ferrous: Cain Bennett, a mutant born in Freedom City, he left during the Moore Act after he saved a young woman
and child from a runaway car on TV. After travelling across country, he met James Fox, a young man who inherited
Foxfire Industries from his father. When Koria attacked San Antonio to gain an experimental drive that Foxfire
Industries was working on, Ferrous and Foxfire were barely able to stop her, and the casualties were high. They
decided they needed help and decided to form the Rangers.

While serving the team, Cain went to school and eventually got his law degree. He left the team in 1995 to work as a
lawyer for meta-human rights. He was in Chicago when the Invasion in 2012 came, and he joined forces with the
Chicago Avengers to defend the city. For several months, he worked as a reserve member, until Rin left to Emerald
City, and then he went to full time.

Foxfire: James Fox, a mutant born in San Antonio, Texas. A speedster, James adopted the name of the company for
his hero identity. James met Cain while on a trip to Los Dios, and they travelled back to San Antonio when Koria
attacked the city. James decided to fund a superteam in San Antonio.

He left the team shortly after Cain, though he continued to fund it. In 1996, Foxfire Industries went public, and
James sold off his shares. He invested in several Dot-Coms, and managed to sell out before the bubble burst, leaving
James with more money then he can spend. When the team left San Antonio and found a new backer, James was
looking for some new project to spend his time on.

Warlord: an alien from another dimension, Warlord is essentially a FISS with a magic hammer. His world is a
sword and sorcery style world and Warlord is his father's favourite son. Warlord came to Earth after his brother's
attempt to take over the world was thwarted by him along with ferrous and Foxfire. Warlord is moderately
intelligent, but he pretends to be stupid to make his enemies underestimate him. This works frequently with his
brother Blader.

Amazon: An investigative reporter, Sharon Majors was looking into Power House and Circuits Maximus, she got to
close. August Roman had her subjected to multiple Muscle Max treatments and had her tortured in between. She
was turned into a grotesque monster by the treatments until she was rescued by Force Ops. The fight caused the
equipment to explode. When the rubble was cleared, Sharon was now a seven foot tall gorgeous Amazon. She hates
all men, though over the years her fellow teammates have earned her respect. She started a relationship with Steel,
who's permanent metal form seemed to put her at ease.

Coral: A Power House experiment mixing her DNA with shark DNA, she was many of the characteristics of an
Altantean. When she gets into combat, she develops a feral rage and her teeth grow long and sharp. She spends as
much time in the water, and is known for her constant attempts to add salt to the team's swimming pool.

PSIborg: A low level mentalist, Michael Toran was captured by Baron Rhegher and implanted with cybernetics to
increase his mental powers and control him. He was freed by Ferrous and Foxfire shortly before they had tryouts for
the team. His personality suffered from the cybernetic mechanisms, leaving him somewhat robotic. He spent most of
his time trying to find his humanity.

Orion: Scott Holt was a teenager when Koria first attacked San Antonio, he found an alien who had crafted a pair of
wrist bands to fight against Koria after she destroyed his world. The alien was dying from his recent encounter with
the Space Pirate, and chose Scott to wear the bands and fight Koria. Orion was made a probationary member when
he and Steel proved critical in stopping a team-up of Rhegher and Koria which almost killed the Rangers.

Scott was later infected with a nano-virus during an infiltration by techno-organic aliens. The nano-virus was turning
him into one of the aliens. He was cured by Baron Rhegher, who was infected himself and wanted a guinea pig to
test the cure on. Afterwards, Scott's mind was expanded to superhuman levels, making him one of the smartest
people on the planet. He led the team after Ferrous and Foxfire left.

In 1999, when a Destroyer-bot was unleashed on San Antonio by Baron Rhegher, Scott overloaded the bands to
destroy the robot. When he recovered, Captain Freedom had taken over the team and "retired" him. Tired of dealing
with Jack's crap, Scott decided to stay retired.
Steel: Jon Brand was turned to living steel when Baron Rhegher took him and the rest of his class on a field trip
hostage. An experimental device was destroyed when the Rangers came to rescue them, bathing Jon in strange
radiation. Trapped in invulnerable metal form, Jon officially joined the Rangers a year later when he turned

When the Destroyer-bot was activated and began destroying the city, Steel was there when the Rangers responded.
During the battle, the robot bathed him with a radiation that neutralized his powers, leaving a normal human again.
Like Orion, Captain Freedom retired him. Jon is the only man able to really develop any kind relationship with
Amazon, one that lasts to this day.

Eric Wayneright: A reserve member, Eric originally operated as Silver Sorcerer, complete with the fancy silver
cape and garb. Upon losing his most powerful magic item to an associate of Rhegher, Eric became much more
humble. He served with the team anytime they needed magical consultation. However, after Captain Freedom took
over, he has rarely been available.


Baron Sirius Von Rhegher: Not actually a Baron, Rhegher is super-genius who set his sites on the Rangers after
Ferrous and Foxfire stopped one of his early plans. His ego refused to accept that these inferior heroes could stop
him. In 1999, he found a dormant Destroyer-bot that activated to destroy the Rangers. However, he was the robot's
first victim.

Koria: A Space Pirate whose ship was damaged; she tried to steal the experimental drive from Foxfire Industries.
She later teamed up with Baron Rhegher to destroy the Rangers, but lost her ship in the process. Marooned on Earth,
she has been working against the Rangers in various schemes. Rhegher infused her with vast cosmic energy to fight
the Rangers; her fight against the Rangers was going well until she self-destructed from the energies.

Blader: Warlord's 'weakling' brother, he was the smartest of his race and tried to use his brain to seize control of his
father's realm. Warlord stopped him, and Blader was exiled to Earth. There, he found his intellect could make use of
the technology of the world. He mastered science and technology in short order and returned to conquer his home
world. Ferrous and Foxfire were tracking Blader under the mistaken belief he was Rhegher, and followed after him.
They were instrumental in saving the world, but Blader escaped back to Earth. He worked against the Rangers on
and off until he was finally captured and imprisoned by his father.

365 supers part 1

Okay, a bit of background here: Everett Downing is an animator who has worked on numerous Pixar and
Dreamworks products, including Wall-E, Up, Brave, and Ice age (but not the Incredibles oddly enough) started a
blog sometime ago where he resolved to draw a super hero/villain/team once a day, every day, for a year. After some
false starts and hiatuses, he finally finished that project today.

And, cause I can't leave nothing alone ever, I'm going to be including these bad boys in the crinoverse, because why

Cause its 365 super peoples, I'm going to have to divide them up into about 75 a day. So here is the first batch:

Blue Diamond: A backup member of the Patriots, Bal'uu is a silicon based alien who befriended Divinos after
coming to Earth. Blue Diamond is a super strong, invulnerable brick with an unbreakable diamond body.

Adrenal Lynn: Andrea Lynn was a normal high school girl until her metaman power manifested, giving her
multiply redundant and overactive Adrenal glands. These glands made her super strong and tough, but gave her a
hair trigger temper. Generally of good moral stock, she has tried to use her powers for good, but she inevitably
causes more damage than she prevents.

Red Cross and Blue Shield: Originally a pair of doctors without borders, Husbands Michael and Robert Cross were
captured and experimented upon by scientists in Val Verde. Michael gained the ability to project blue energy, and
Michael gained healing and regeneration abilities. They now continue working as doctors without borders, as well as
using their powers to fight corrupt regimes more directly.

Titan: Henry Williams is a Falconcrest youth who was subjected to a magical ritual by minions of Archimago
which gave him the ability to transform into a giant burly warrior by speaking a magical world. Bad tempered and
brutal, Titan acts like a spoiled child in the body of a man. He is often a foe to Ultimatum.

The Huntsman: Hunter Jackson was a professional hunter who grew bored hunting wild animals and, after seeing a
battle between Raven and Orion the Hunter on TV, decided to become a heroic counterpart to Orion, becoming a
hunter who goes after super villains. A brutal vigilante, he has slain several villains, and shows little sign of

Mr. Whisper: Mr. Whisper is the greatest tragedy, a super hero turned slasher. He started as a normal masked hero,
but his methods became more and more brutal as became more and more consumed by his costumed persona.
Eventually he forgot his old identity completely and began murdering people indiscriminately. Foe to Rook.

Widower: Widower is a PHANTOM assassin and foe to the Crimson Tarantula. Her preferred MO is to go after
super heroes or targets with wives or SO's, seducing them away before she murders them.

Backdraft: A flame manipulating metaman, Backdraft was an agent of Gene Nation, who left it for the Pantheon
shortly after the fall of the Red King. He is still on Genesis Island.

The Fallguy: Fenton Dursley is a metaman with incredible regeneration powers, bordering on immortality. Rather
than become a hero or villain, he uses his powers to do odd jobs across the country, usually ones that are incredibly
hazardous and dangerous (but never flat out illegal.) He has been a stunt man, a crab fisherman, an oil rig worker, a
miner, a rodeo clown, and a body guard among other jobs, and he has been mangled and injured beyond description.

Shock and Awesome: A pair of agents for the House of Serpents who went with VIPER following the split, Shock
is a super strong metaman with the power to produce seismic waves, and Awesome is an alien with empathic powers
brainwashed to loyal to General Venom. The pair love each other deeply and are engaged to be married.

Cat Scratch Fever: Katherine Glawson was a Olympic Gymnast who was banned for blood doping, and became a
cat themed villainess to get her revenge, armed with poison tipped claws she was defeated by Lady Liberty, and
holds a grudge ever since.

Sublime: A cosmic being of vast power, Sublime assumed humanoid form and became a protector on Earth
following an encounter with the Atom Family. Sublime is immensely powerful, but rather naive in the ways of

Apex: A metaman with the power of supersonic flight, Anthony Arnoldson became a costumed crime fighter and
stunt flyer with his powers.

Prodigy: Wendell Jacobs is a child prodigy, at fourteen he already has multiple degrees in various subjects, and has
decided to become a modern day Ozymandias and fix the world... by any means necessary. His primary invention is
the Psi Helmet, which gives him vast telepathic powers.

Cacophany: Erika Haggerdy was a very VERY 80's punk rocker who refused to accept it when her fifteen minutes
of fame were up. To the point she tried to become a super villain to restart her career, getting a cybernetically
enhanced voicebox from the Foundry. While she failed to restart her music career, she decided she liked being a
villain better. On again off again girlfriend to the villain Amplitude, and recurring foe to Sonic.

Bad Axe: Rex Adams was a biker who was given an enchanted axe by Wotan which made him the physical equal to
Ymir, making him a persistent nemesis to the Radioactive Viking.

Arm and Hammer: Normal thugs Arnold Baxter and Biff Hardly were recruited by Arcanix as muscle and given
mystical artefacts. Arnold got an arm from a suit of mystical armour which grants him super strength and durability,
while Biff has an enchanted hammer capable of producing shockwaves. In addition to helping Arcanix when he
needs bodyguards, they also work for other Emerald City mystics.

Landslide: An earth manipulating metaman, Landslide is a member of Gene Nation who remained loyal, and was
imprisoned by Madame Tomorrow for trying to sink Genesis Island.

Kid Comet: Ben Aster was the son of an astrologist who was contacted by an energy alien to grant him super
powers to help protect the world during the invasion. When Ben's father died in battle, his powers were passed onto
him. Now as Kid Comet Ben continues to protect the innocent with his energy manipulating powers.

Massive Attack: An alien war machine built by the Reach. Massive Attack was employed by the Reach on
numerous fronts, but was considered lost during a battle in Freedom City. In truth he was simply deactivated, and
was discovered and reprogrammed by the Foundry to be one of their enforcers.

Happy Jack: Jack Benson suffered from chronic depression until be began a regiment of experimental anti-
depressants produced by Omnitech Steele. They cured his depression, but drove him insane, making him incredibly
manic and giving him incredible reaction time and mental speed. He is now the assassin Happy Jack, and a foe to

Giga-Bite: A "Son" of the Assembly, Giga Bite was a nano colony that broke free from the machine absorbing super
machine and built a body for itself from junk. It possesses the same powers as the Assembly, but not as powerful.

Zzzt!: An insane Entomologist, Geoff Zak was a professional rival to Hank Pym who decided to copy his insect
communication tech and become a super villain. He is a reoccurring enemy to Ant Man.

The Commander: General William Baxter was given a dishonourable discharge when it was discovered that he had
concealed his potent mind control powers from his superiors and used them to put himself on the army fast track. He
then joined the House of Serpents as a recruiter and interrogator. He is still with the House now, and seeks to
replace Jack Washington III as its leader.

Peacekeeper: Richard Pierce was a SWAT sniper who became a vigilante after his wife was murdered by
supervillains. He has no powers, but a Foundry designed sniper rifle capable of levelling a small tank.

Thunderclap: A scion of the Japanese Thunder God Raiden, Thunderclap is a blue skinned humanoid with the
ability to generate shock waves by clapping his hands. He is a member of the Japanese Vanguard team.

The Invincible Oni: A Yakuza assassin and Black Dragon Society assassin, The Invincible Oni has the ability to
turn invisible. There have been numerous Invincible Oni's, leading some to believe that she is an immortal.

El Hielo: Often considered the Mexican Dr. Stratos, El Hielo is a Luchadore villain with an enchanted mask capable
of creating intense cold and appropriate weather. El Hielo is devoted to turning Mexico into a frozen wasteland, and
is opposed by many of Mexico's super heroes.

The Kicker: Valerie Spinoza was a sheltered rich girl who decided to learn kick boxing for fun. When she was
kidnapped and literally kicked her kidnapper into submission, she decided to become a super hero for kicks. Kicker
is a huge Phenom fan and would like to join the Pantheon someday despite not having powers.

Conquistador: One of the most feared and hated villains in Mexico, the Conquistador was a member of Ponce De
Leon's adventuring group and one of the few who found the fabled fountain of Youth. Made Immortal by the waters,
the Conquistador went off by his own to conquer Mexico for himself. A bloodthirsty marauder, Conquistador has
murdered countless innocents in his quest for power, and has vast resources at his disposal.

Gentleman Pugilist: A member of the John Smith Society, Nigel Raliegh was a scientist in the Sons of Ether who
transplanted his head into a robotic body to survive to the modern day. Ever a gentleman, Nigel is not above
fisticuffs if the situation calls for it.
Turbo Giant: A Zentradi officer who got separated from his fleet due to a Zeta Beam accident, Turbo Giant fell in
love with Earth culture and decided to stay on as a super hero, armed with an experimental flight suit.

Lady Myrmidon: A scion of Ares from ancient Sparta. Lady Myrmidon spent years fighting Athena until she
eventually decided that it was pointless and that her dad was a jerk, so she became a hero and befriended Athena.
She now operates out of Los Dios. Myrmidon is immortal, as well as incredibly strong and durable.

Red Nova: An engineered lifeform, Red Nova is a creation of PHANTOM in an attempt to copy the hero Alpha
Prime. It did not work right, and the result was a violent and unstable engine of destruction, presently incarcerated
in Super Alcatraz.

Valiant Robot: A creation of Sumdac industries, Valiant Robot was an attempt to create a "companion" for
Batmech. While Valiant was not interested in Batmech that way, the two are fast friends and often allies against evil.

Chip Scarab: A member of the Egyptian Vanguard, Chip was an archaeologist who helped protect a temple from
SHADOW thieves. In gratitude, Anakaris gave Chip the staff of Imhotep, which grants him potent mystical

Raygun X: Rex Douglass is the epitome of a jumped up dabbler: A thug who came across two high tech laser pistols
which literally fell off a truck and became a minor Freedom City villain and foe to Mr. Incredible.

Ghost Knight: Proving that absolutely nobody who has ever been a knight of the round table can stay dead ever, the
Ghost Knight was a knight of Camelot who was cursed to be a ghost by Black Paladin. Imprisoned beneath
Stonehenge until he was released by the Druid in the modern day. He now fights alongside the Ministry of Powers
with his ghostly powers.

Sir Fury: A agent of the Timekeepers, Sir Fury is part of an order of temporal paladins who patrol and protect the
timestream. An occasional ally to Dr. Tomorrow, Sir Fury prefers working alone.

Detective Atom: An Alien police officer from the microverse, Detective Atom gained the ability to enlarge to
macroscopic size at will (IE, growing to normal human size). After discovering our world, he found it to his liking
and became a private eye in our universe.

Likwit: A former metaman gang member, Likwit was reformed by Sonic and now uses his powers for good, He is a
Joker ace with a body of dense, malleable gelatin.

Surge: Likwit's arch enemy, Surge is a metaman gang leader with electricity manipulating powers. He was one of
the fake Captain Thunders employed by the Crime Union during the Return of Captain Thunder event.

LOL: Lewis Ogden Lancaster was a children’s show star who went insane after his show was cancelled, become a
clown themed super assassin. Recurring foe to Rook.

Secret Spear: An agent of the Covenant, Secret Spear wields a mystical spear to hunt supernatural evils. She often
works alongside ARCADE and other monster hunting groups.

Universal Arsenal: A Foundry creation, the Universal Arsenal is a super weapon powered by the brain of a
Foundry Scientist. A deadly super weapon capable of demolishing anything in its path. It is only deployed against
those who truly earn the ire of Talos.

Nautica: An undine (A water nature spirit), Nautica was summoned by a group of misguided environmentalists to
destroy their enemies. Nautica however has no interest in killing and instead goofs around and helps people. She is
friends with Siren.

Z: Cynthia Leeds is a teen metaman with super speed. She has become a low key heroine in her home town, but
aspires to become a greater hero.
Teleportia: A trained CIA assassin with teleportation powers, Teleportia is the deadliest weapon in the CIA's arsenal
for striking out against the US's enemies. Her current target is Nur Al Allah of the Nur Sect.

Ball and Chain: A pair of small time thieves who lucked into mystical armour, Ball has armour which absorbs
kinetic energy, and Chain has mystical... well, chains. The pair are now guns for hire.

Black Gold: The meta powered daughter of the seventies Blaxploitation hero Black Dynamite, Black Gold is a
super powered bail bondwoman to super villains. She also possesses super strength and durability, and heaven help
any villain who tries to skip out on their bail. She is a love interest to Sonic.

Kid Korona: A child of the future, sent to the past in embryo form to be born in the present, Kid Korona is destined
to bring down the Praetorian, a fact which has made him the time tyrants public enemy number one.

Pandemic: The result of an initiative to try and cure all diseases, one of the scientists of the project was transformed
into a carrier of virtually every known disease imaginable. Pandemic attempts to avoid innocent people, but he still
spreads death and destruction wherever he goes.

Apogee: Arnold Rafferdy is a Gravity manipulating super hero operating out of Freehold. While a showboater an
corporate sell-out, he has a good heart and loves helping people.

Quik Shogun: Lester Nimoy is a Otaku and Japanophile who designed a suit of power armour and jet boots to fight
crime. He made his debut in a shopping mall attacking some thieves with a samurai sword, and has become an
internet meme from youtube footage of the fight.

ICU: A piece of high tech military software, the Information Collection Unit is a cyborg (Formerly Michelle
Rostern, an army sergeant who lost her eyes to an unexploded mine.) with a vast number of visual scanning powers
and energy blasts. She serves in the army, helping find ammunitions and enemy combatants.

Pandorceress: The current owner of Pandora's box, Pandorceress was an archaeologist until she was corrupted by
the box, losing her eyesight but gaining dark powers in the process. She is a master summoner and a member of the

Burning Man: Miles Burkley was an army major who gained the ability to burst into flames after being doused with
experimental napalm. Dropping out of the military, he became a super mercenary.

Emoticon: An rival of the Freebooter, Corey Amsterdam was a Internet help desk worker turned master hacker
dedicated to hacking the whole world for the lulz. Foe to Raven.

The Answer: A creation of the US Government, the Answer is actually a clone of Divinos, with the powers of a
Mithran. Unfortunately the cloning process was unstable, and Answer will eventually go insane and die.

Positronic: An agent of Istvhatha V'han, Positronic is sent to worlds that lie outside of her dominion (such as the
crinoverse), which are potential targets to other interdimensional conquerors, and "assist" the locals in improving
their defences. However, his help often leaves a lot to be desired. He is a matter manipulator.

Monkey Suit: A Government agent, Monkey Suit was the result of a super soldier program gone awry, creating a
super intelligent and strong monkey capable of human speech. He works with the FBI and CIA as a investigator.

Negatronic: Positronic's rival and brother, Negatronic is sent to worlds under threat of interdimensional conquest to
purposely defang those worlds and lead them to conquest, making them easier for Istvhatha V'han to conquer later.

Wight Girl: Winnifred Martson was a normal girl until she was turned into an intangible spectre by the Blood Red
King. Since then she has been devoted to hunting and destroying supernatural evil.

Mulch: A scientist at the John Smith Society, Victor Cross was turned into mulch monster by exposure to an
experimental grass growing solution. Retaining his intellect, he still teaches botany classes at the Gonzo Institute in-
between fighting crime.

Thunder Thighs: A rival to Kicker, Thunder Thighs could not match her foes kicking power, so she had her legs
genetically enhanced by the Power House. Now she can kick a hundred times stronger than Kicker, but Kicker is
still a better fighter, so they are basically even.

Major Badass: Another army cyborg, Major Badass was rebuilt after stepping on a landmine, and now serves as the
armies one man engine of destruction.

Fulcrum: A former UNISON agent and spy, Hector Blade grew bored as a spy and became a super villain after
stealing a Kinetic manipulation suit from the Foundry.

Brawler: A foe to Sonic, Wendell Crass was a normal kid until he was kidnapped by the Labyrinth and turned into
a super strong super beefy DNAscendant.

Black Out and White Out: A pair of pure gestalts, light and darkness, and sisters. Black Out and White out use
their powers to fight against evil.

Denuemont: A Ruritanian noble and high ranking PHANTOM agent, Denouement is one of the most accomplished
swordsmen in existence, and is Death Mask's personal bodyguard.

365 Supers part 2

Whitespot: One of two brothers, Henry Carver was a MERLIN researcher who gave himself and his brother energy
manipulating powers to become super heroes. It worked for Henry, who became whitespot...

Redspot: ...But his brother Terry was driven insane by the procedure and became the villainous Redspot, now the
pair are arch enemies.

Kung Fu Hustler: Jamal Warner was a criminal martial artist who reformed in prison thanks to the Golden Marvel,
now he fights crime with his martial arts skills. Often an ally to Sonic.

Civil Liberty: Cybil Lancaster is a subject of project liberty, an attempt to recreate Lady Liberty by the US
Government in case she was ever to fall in battle. Civil Liberty has FISS powers, and is a dedicated government
agent and friend to Lady Liberty.

Dragoon: Max Henry is a Joker Ace and with a dragon like physique, capable of flight and fire breathing in addition
to his strength and invulnerability, he is a minor criminal in Los Dios and a rival of Frank Meltzer. currently
incarcerated in Super Alcatraz, where he has formed an uneasy truce with his old enemy.

Tessla: Nichole Tesla comes from a parallel universe where Nikola Tesla won his feud with Thomas Edison, and as
a result ushered in a new golden age of technological marvels. Tesla's Granddaughter, she invented a mobile energy
generating suit of battle armour based on her grandfathers technology. When her world was destroyed by Omega,
Tessla came to our world with some survivors and became a hero here. She is friends with Atomic Robo, whom she
see's as an uncle.

Evil Eye: A failed attempt by Mechanon to create a new Centurion Machine, Evil Eye is an experiment in mind
control technology, capable of enslaving or harming all who meet his deadly gaze. While powerful, he is a card
carrying megalomaniac, and broke free from Mechanon to conquer the world on his own.

Sister Savage: Sister Andrea Lawton was a nun heading to do missionary work in Africa when her plane went down
and she ended up stranded in the lost world. She spent five years there, where she degenerated into a feral, mutated
monster. She was eventually recovered by the Atom Family and brought back to our world, where she escaped and
kidnapped Jack Wolf, the Atom Family drove her off, but Sister Savage has had a strange fixation with Jack Wolf
ever since.
Rooftop: Jacob Hanson is a Falconcrest vigilante and a friend to Dawn Wing.

Heavyweight: Beverly Arlington was a fitness instructor who ended up gaining fifteen pounds while nursing a
broken leg after a skiing accident. After her leg healed, she noticed that she seemed stronger and more durable with
the extra weight, and became weaker as she lost the weight. Curious, she went to the Albright Institute and
discovered she was a metaman, with super strength and durability tied to the amount of body fat she had. Inspired by
her sense of social justice, she began to pack on the pounds to become a super heroine. At her current weight she is
invulnerable to most conventional weaponry, and able to lift up a small tank over her head. She could conceivably
become stronger if she became fatter, but for now she is comfortable at her current size.

Tongue Twister: Robert Inagram was a DNAscendant who was given a super stretchy tongue, which he decided to
parlay into super villainy. A very minor (and gross) foe of Johnny Rocket.

The Silencer: In an effort to get rid of the vigilante known as the Silencer, Wilson Fisk the Kingpin hired an
impostor Silencer to begin slaughtering police officers and minor super heroes to increase pressure to apprehend the
first Silencer. With the help of Foreshadow and Raven, the original Silencer was able to defeat his counterpart.

Arcanis: A scion of the dread Sylvestri family, Anton Sylvestri decided to pose as a super villain so he could capture
super heroes and mystically remove their souls, leaving them demon possessed shells loyal to him. His plan was
uncovered by Seven of the Freedom League, who put the Sylverstri in his place.

The Temporalist: An agent of the Time Keepers, the Temporalist is the equivalent of a black ops agent, sent to
remove people or events which are "problematic" to history. Unlike Dr. Tomorrow, The Temporalist is utterly
ruthless, and will not hesitate to murder or destroy wantonly to achieve his ends.

Smokescreen: Edgar Screed is a corporate spy who was given the DNAscent process by Grant Pharmaceuticals. He
first battled Lady Liberty when she was hired by a Tobacco company to kill Beth Walton Wright, who was helping
a family sue the company. Lady Liberty and Smokescreen have been foes ever since.

Red Raider: A Vhanian general and super soldier, Red Raider has super strength and durability, and prefers use of
medieval weaponry and armour. He is an old enemy of Fandango, whom he considers a traitor to the crown.

Blackhead: A Pure gestalt of rot and decay, Blackhead has the ability to rot and corrode with a touch. A former
agent of the Blood Red King, he is now a solo operator.

Whistlin Dixie: Dixie Hampton inherited the same sonic manipulating power of the her ancestor, the original
Whistlin Dixie, a Confederate super soldier with sound manipulating powers. Dixie is a super heroine who operates
out of Nashville, and is also a country singer.

Ogre-Kill: Appearing to be a mythical creature, Ogre-Kill is actually a sophisticated android created by Talos in
order to kill the hero Troll. He was unsuccessful, but has not stopped trying.

Auntie Matter: A strange entity from the Annihilation Zone, Auntie Matter is a living being of Anti Matter with the
personality of a posh, upper class British woman. She is a recurring foe to Angel Girl.

Superfreak: An attempt by PHANTOM to clone the Centurion, the resulting creature was horribly deformed, but
just as strong and kind hearted as the original Superfreak broke free of PHANTOM, and now works to help the
world in secret, afraid to let anyone see how ugly he is.

Trick and Treat: A pair of homicidal maniacs, Trick is a slasher with invulnerability and super strength, while Treat
possesses a magical candy bucket which can produce a variety of nasty, Halloween based effects.

Blue Beacon: Hector Charleston was chosen by Nia Tepplein to wield the Blue Beacon, a primitive prototype to the
Blue energy rings of her corp. The Beacon can temporarily enhance the powers of other super humans and allow
him to fly, but not much else. Blue Beacon travels around, seeking heroes and need and helping to turn the tides.
The Hundred: The Hundred foundation is a group of one hundred altruistic psychics who decided to band together
for a common good. In times of need, the hundred can combine their powers to form The Hundred, a living being of
psychic energy that can fight against evil. Due to the strain of creating him, the Hundred can only be manifested
once a week, and only for a few minutes at a time, but that is usually all that is needed.

Wallstalker: A minor foe to Rook, Wallstalker is a master thief who can stick to walls and ceilings with kinetic

Average Joe: Joe Jefferson is a cipher metaman who is utterly incapable of being noticed by anyone. Rather than be
depressed by his invisibility, he has parlayed it into a lucrative career of thievery and home invasion.

Re-Pete: Pete Peterson is a metaman with the power to self replicate. He works as a corporate hero for hire
sponsored by the Silber Agency.

Blue Blaze: Fionna Blaze is a metaman capable of generating "Cold fire" which can freeze or burn. A consummate
jewel thief, she is a foe to Raven.

Sidhe: Sidhe is an actual, factual Sidhe who turned away from the child stealing and casual murdering ways of her
people to become a super hero. She operates in Freehold, and often helps those who have had loved ones taken by
the fae.

Half Pint Hero: Half Pint Hero is a Joker Ace with FISS powers, and a height of about one foot. He is a super hero
operating out of Seattle.

Ariel: An air manipulating criminal, Ariel used to be in Gene Nation before becoming an independent villainess.

White Lightning: Unrelated to the racist villain of the same name. White Lightning is a New Amsterdam based
super hero with electricity manipulating powers.

Min and Max: Michael and Mitchel Thompkins are identical metaman twins and circus performers with size
changing powers. Michael shrinks and Mitchel grows. The pair fight crime on the side.

Blockbuster: A creation of Dr. Azoth, Blockbuster is a mindless stone golem who was released during his bid to set
off a second silver storm. It survived the day unlike any other, and is a recurring foe to Rocky Jones.

Acid Avenger: An acid elemental, The Avenger was another creation of Doctor Azoth, who developed sentience
and became a super heroine.

Kid Gremlin: A student at the Shadow Academy, Kid Gremlin is a mutated goblin like youth with an incredible
mechanical genius. While a skilled inventor, he prefers to take apart rather than put together, and primarily works as
an saboteur.

Blast-Star: Another Shadow Academy student, Victoria Appleby was bestowed energy manipulating powers by a
dying alien with hopes of creating a heroic champion. Instead we got a spoiled brat who knocked over a mall and
demolished the house of an unpopular girl Victoria had been bullying.

Alpha Male: A creation of Mastermind, Alpha Male was an attempt to create a perfect human, the actual result was
a kindly and simple minded giant whom Mastermind keeps around for sentimental reasons. Alpha Male has often
inadvertently helped heroes escape Mastermind's clutches.

Big Bang: Carl St. Claire is an ex cop who decided to become a vigilante after discovering a power suit and high
tech blaster from a Foundry lab. Unknown to him, the suits power source is faulty, and the radiation it emits is
slowly killing him.

Aggro: A former gamer, Elvis Manchester became a video game gestalt of the "Tank Archetype". Able to generate a
field that "Draws aggro", forcing his opponents to attack him, which is fine because he is virtually invulnerable. He
is a teen hero out of Emerald City.

Laserbrain: A creation of the Foundry, Laserbrain was an attempt to recreate the Atomic Brain using Microwaves
over radiation. The result was a super intelligent brain in a jar which could fire laser blasts. Laserbrain is the human
resource manager for the Foundry (meaning his job is to disintegrate people who displease Talos.)

Swamp Angel: Arch enemy to Mulch, Swamp Angel is a powerful druid who is dedicated to wiping out the modern
world and turning the Earth into a giant swamp.

Solar Eclipse: An ancient Egyptian priestess. Solar Eclipse was betrayed by Teth Ankor and had her soul sealed
inside her tiara. In the modern day, she took possession of Madeline Chesterfield, a curator at the Freedom City
Museum, and now seeks revenge on Overshadow after all these years.

Chill Pill: A foe to Rook, Chill Pill is a common thug armed with a foundry designed ice gun.

The Wylde Bunch: Occasionally, the Tall Tale Kid will appear with a trio of super powered cronies. Buck Wylde is
the leader and a werewolf cowboy, Lariat commands an energy lasso, and Six Shooter is a super speeder who can
shoot multiple shots in rapid succession.

Nefarious: A mysterious master villain, Nefarious is actually a super hero from a parallel Earth who believes that
the heroes on our Earth are too weak, and need to be "toughened up".

Fancy Pants: A foe to Rook, Fancy Pants is a master criminal and martial artist who specializes in clothing and high
society themed crimes.

Dr. Acula: Another doctor without borders. Dr. Raven Acula was turned into a vampire by Dracula himself, and
continues to work to save lives despite his monstrous nature.

Neigh Sayer: Wilbur Sawyer was a FBI agent who was cursed by the legendary master villain Bad Horse, turned
into a humanoid horse. Armed with super strength and deadly hooves, Neigh Sayer now fights crime and makes
terrible horse puns.

Blacklight: Umpton Sanders was a researcher at Omnitech Steele when exposure to the Shattenwalt gave him the
ability to create and control Dark light. A friend and friendly rival to Splotch.

Fex-X: A series of special agents. Each Fed-X was assigned as a special agent, then had their civilian identity
arrested and convicted of treason in order to make sure they could never back out. The current Fed-X is the fifth in
the line.

Captain Cadaver: Captain Mitch Jackson was subject to a super soldier program which apparently made him super
strong and fast. In truth the head "Scientist" of the project was Mr. Hoppy, making Mitch a Bargainer. When he died
on a mission, he became a super dead.

Whipper and Snapper: A pair of fighters in Xtreme! Whipper wields electrified whips, and Snapper wears a lobster
looking mechsuit.

The Cynic: Humberto Cynis was born with a unique brain condition that made him incapable of feeling joy and
happiness of any kind. Spending his whole life miserable, he decided to devote his families vast fortune to making
everyone as miserable as he is. Mother Raven cured him for a time, but a blow to the head reset his condition. He is
currently incarcerated at Providence Asylum.

Wonder Wyrm: A potent mystic who turned himself into a dragon, Wonder Wyrm is a member of the pact and a foe
to Frank Meltzer, harbouring an unnatural obsession with Holly Meltzer.

Beautiful Grimm: A pure Gestalt of hope and healing, Beautiful Grimm travels around the world, seeking out
people dying of cancer and helping to heal them.

Cataclysm: An armoured world conqueror, Cataclysm is Alexandria Zerostein, the daughter of Doctor Destroyer
himself. While not equal to her fathers brilliance or deadliness, she is close enough that most heroes cannot tell the

The Electric Company: A trio of soldiers who were given powers in an attempt to recreate Captain Thunder, they
were brainwashed for Stratos' master plan in the return of Captain Thunder arc. Afterward they remained AWOL and
became agents of the House of Serpents. They are Corporal Punishment (Super strength from electrically
enhanced muscles), General Electric (Electricity manipulation), and Major Malfunction (A technopath).

Death Ray: Raymond Dean is a metaman with a literal gaze of death, able to kill with a look, he became a super
assassin for hire.

Red Raptor: A priest of the raptor people, a group of dinosaur worshipers from the Lost World, Red Raptor was
brought to our world by the Tomorrow Society. He sees Frank Meltzer as a God, and is trying to get him released.

Blue Jay: Bianca James was an Olympic Gymnast who sought an escape from her overbearing parents, and
discovered it in crime fighting. Eventually she worked up the confidence to step up to her parents and became a
costumed do-gooder full time.

Q-Ball: Quentin Ballack has always had an obsession with balls and round things, leading him to become a super
criminal obsessed with round themed crimes. A foe to Rook, one of his most ambition schemes involved the "Ball
Beam," a foundry designed raygun which turned anyone shot by it into a humanoid sphere.

Conundrum: One time, after Raven put away the puzzle themed bad guy Conundrum, a second criminal known
as Conundrum made an appearance, this one deadlier and more vicious than the original. Raven was forced to team
up with the original to catch this new criminal, who turned out to be Conundrum's teenaged son, who wanted to
upstage his father by biting his style. He is now AEGIS custody.

Powerfist: A martial artist of the Shambala Vale, Powerfist travelled to America to become a super hero, often an
ally to Dragoneye.

Raging Bull: A creation of Mister Matthews (and a not very subtle dig at Taurus), Raging Bull is a mindless, super
powerful minotaur. Also a foe to Neigh Sayer.

The Inuit: A national hero of Alaska, Inuit is an ice manipulating metaman and social activist. Friend to Mother

The Mountie: A creation of the Canadian super soldier program, Phillip Constantine was given FISS powers and
became the poster boy for the RCMP. Friend to Ymir and Mother Raven.

Man Handler: Ramona Vickers is another Xtreme! fighter. A pro wrestler who was given the DNAscent process,
giving her super strength and freakishly huge hands.

365 Supers part 3

Ms. Shapen: Miranda Shapen was an infamous jewel thief who stole a cursed ruby from a museum in Serbia. The
curse of the gem is causing Shapen to slowly melt and dissolve, mentally as well as physically. Within five years she
will be a mindless, shapeless blob of protoplasm, so she is trying to build a nest egg for her family to live off of
before that happens.

Psych!: A teen super hero, Dexter Charles, AKA Psych! hunts down criminals, then leaps out and surprises them
before thwarting their crimes, uploading videos of his exploits on youtube. He has no powers, but he is an Olympic
class gymnast.
Blastback: A mercenary for Foregone Conclusions, Baxter Tatum was cybernetically enhanced by the Foundry
with energy manipulating and redirecting powers.

Shillelagh: Randal McDoughtery was a soccer Hooligan who discovered an enchanted Shillelagh which granted
him super strength and durability. Armed with his new power, he is now a super hero in Ireland.

Low Blow: Frank Appleton is a DNAscendant and a fighter for Xtreme! and is their equivalent to gimmick little
person wrestlers. Unlike in conventional wrestling, the tiny Low Blow is incredibly strong and dangerous, and has a
penchant for performing his namesake to incredible effect (Think either improved crit or an affliction alt to strength

Capt'n Generic: A FISS hero working for the Silber Agency, Capt'n Generic is just his "Show floor" name in
costume, and in truth he uses whatever code name and costume his current employers need for him.

Rune Maiden: Kimberly Venus was a smuggler and drug runner until she stumbled onto a secret civilization in
Indochina. As punishment for her transgression, her entire body was covered head to toe by mystical tattoos. The
tattoos grant her mystical powers, but compel her to use these powers to help others, and make her subject to orders
from spirits of the Imageria. Only by helping as many people as she has hurt in the past can she one day be free.

Swashbuckler: A master swordsman, Jacob King grew bored with conventional sword fighting, and decided to use
his skills to become a costumed supervillain. A foe to Rook.

The Foil: Hannah King is Jacob's kid sister, and a master swordswoman in her own right, prompting her to become
Swashbuckler's sidekick.

Ghoul Digger: A foe to Dragoneye, Ghoul Digger was once a mob leg breaker who was murdered and buried on
cursed ground. Causing him to rise as an undead ghoul. He has attempted to form an undead crime syndicate in
Emerald several times, only to be stopped by Dragoneye.

Landline: Lyle Barkley was a telemarketer when one day he bought an old land line phone at a flea market. The
phone contained the spirit of an ancient God who empowered Lyle. In addition to strength and invulnerability, and
the ability to use the phone as a indestructible flail, Landline can use the phone to call anyone in the multiverse,
living or dead. He uses these powers to put crime on hold.

Limelight: Terrance Huxtible is a fame gestalt with light manipulating power, who becomes more powerful the
more people pay attention to him. a spoiled attention sponge, Limelight is always trying to steal the spotlight in

Lady All Star: A former Olympic Athlete, Lana Starsky was kidnapped by Ruritanian agents and made into a
superhuman against her will to keep her from competing. She decided to take advantage of her new super strength
and agility to become a super hero, joining the Vanguard.

Mr. Natural: A Canadian super hero, Mr. Natural is a Sasquatch who learned English and emerged to the human
world to try and stop the deforestation of his home. He is close friends with Ymir and Mother Raven.

Cold Snap: Wendell James is an ice manipulating metaman who can freeze people solid by snapping his fingers. He
is a foe to Golden Marvel.

Gun Nut: A violent spree killer, Amber Larson uses various fire arms to shoot up anything that draws her interest. In
truth she is an assassin who covers her hits with her mass killing, and so far no one has put together that she is
targeting specific people with her rampages.

Dervish: The older brother to the ascending one member Farah Toma, Hasan Toma is a Dervish who gave him
spinning powers through Alchemy. He is a super hero and monster hunter.

Mancatcher: A pacifist super hero, Niles Bentley invented a super stretching suit that would allow him to, in theory,
catch criminals without harming them, His preferred MO is to stretch out and entangle his targets, then deliver them
to the police without harming them.

Bouncing Betty: Betty Carver was a roller girl who gained the meta power to create a kinetic field which could
cause her to bounce around. She has gained a reputation as a heroine who causes a spectacular amount of property
damage with her bouncing. Ally to Speed Demon.

Centurion: One of several heroes to take up the name of the worlds greatest hero, this Centurion is actually a
sophisticated android built by Istvhatha V'han to spy on the heroes of Earth. It has flight and energy control

The Undertaker: Preston Undertow is a Silver Storm subject who gained power over life and death. He can kill or
resurrect with a touch, and parlayed it into a job as an assassin or "reverse assassin." He can kill for a fee, but for an
even greater fee he can bring someone back.

Gills: A cousin of Nereid, Gills is an Atlantean mutate with above average strength for her kind, inspired by her
cousin, she has become a hero in Bay City.

Brick: Benton "Brick" Hardwall is another Stormer with top tier invulnerability. He works as a saboteur and
assassin for the Labyrinth.

Judgement Day: An effort to create a being which could challenge the Indian villain Requiem, Judgement Day was
a creation of Professor Purgatory who broke free from him. Like Requiem he has Godlike powers and an end of
the universe scheme, but with a Christian bent as opposed to a Buddhist one.

Cheshire: Another stormer recruited by the Labyrinth, Cheshire is a telekinetic with immense power. Employed as
an assassin, she desires her freedom from the Labyrinth.

Blindside: An assassin for the Nur Sect, Blindside is an invisible Ace assassin who recently defected to UNISON.

Scarlet: When the second Silver Storm hit, it not only transformed humans, it also brought inanimate objects to life.
One example was Scarlet, a fire brought to life and given human form and intellect. Flighty and unpredictable, she is
incredibly dangerous.

El Gato: Alex Soto was a Mexican crime boss and drug runner who was caught in the silver storm, turned into a
feral cat man.

Stormbringer: Another Stormer, Alex Winchester is a well meaning young man who gained weather control
powers. Unfortunately he had the bad judgement to sign up with Mars International, so instead of using his powers
to help people and make a difference, but instead selling power drinks and opening used car lots.

Silver: Another Stormer, Silver was actually born from the spilt, metal blood of Farah Toma. Super strong with no
memory, she has become a street level hero, protecting the defenceless and downtrodden.

Merciless Ming: Lieutenant of the former Dragoneye, Ming is a super powerful martial artist and assassin. He is
the arch enemy to the current Dragoneye.

Rat King: A lieutenant to the Pack Rat, Rat King is a stormer who can control rats, and turn himself into a swarm of

Engram: Elise Hanson is a stormer with the power to read minds and copy powers. She has become a teen heroine
in Emerald City.

Ballistic: A Millennium City super hero, Timothy Robinson is a metaman who can launch himself like a cannon
ball, protected by a force field. He causes incredible damage, but means well.
Ray Zor: A creation of Doctor Shock, Ray Zor is an android armed with an experimental "Scalpel Laser" capable
of making incredibly precise cuts. Ray Zor is a mobile organ thief, designed to engage super heroes, dismember
them, then store their organs inside its body till it can return to Shockworks.

Night Stick: Inspired by teen heroes such as Kick Ass and Rooftop, Night Stick is a young man who goes out in an
armoured costume with two Nightsticks to beat up criminals.

Lady Bug: A foe to Hank Pym, Valerie Nightengale is a metaman who can fly via energy wings and fire energy
blasts. She also stole a Pym particle belt to give herself shrinking powers.

The Ram: Rodney Ramsey is a Were-Ewe, a very rare Were race based on rams. An ally to Mongrel, He is a
champion of the downtrodden.

Stone: Vanessa Stone was a vane young starlet who made a deal with Mr. Hoppy to stay young and beautiful
forever, being turned to a living statue in the process. She parleyed her new super strength and invulnerability to a
life of crime. Foe of Angel Girl.

Billy Dynamo: 8 year old Billy Daniels became the recipient of the Chevron, a Grigori artefact capable of granting
the subject Mithran level abilities. Unfortunately Billy broke the device in two, Billy got the side which grants super
strength and invulnerability...

Suzy Stardust: And her sister Suzy got the half that grants flight and cosmic energy control. Now the pair are young
heroes in New Amsterdam.

Bloozar: An officer of the Lor Republic, He was sent to Earth by the Grigori to train the Chevron twins, much to his

The Super Omanyd: Omanyd is a Mithran criminal and serial killer who escaped Grigori imprisonment and went
to Earth, seeking the Chevron to increase his powers even more. He was dubbed "The Super Omanyd" by Billy
Dynamo, thinking that Omanyd was his species, not his name. He has been defeated by the Chevron twins several
times already.

The Continuum: A Grigori think tank, the Continuum invented the Chevron and sent it to Earth, and were
summarily banished from the Grigori for allowing to Earth children to gain its powers. They now work for the Lor

Fade: A mysterious assassin, Fade has an invisibility suit, and has a blaster which can "Fade" matter and objects into
another dimension.

Harpoon: A powerful mythic warrior. Harpoon was an ancient enemy to the demigod Viperia, who was sent ahead
in time by his Gods to fight Viperia in the modern day. His mystic Harpoon is one of the few things that can harm

Meow Mynx: Myna Lynx is a master thief with a cat motif, who has an obsession with going after bird themed
heroes and humiliating them. Her preferred prey is Raven.

The Stylist: A student of Edna Mode, Patricia Styles is a Martial artist with a photographic memory, as well as an
expert fashion designer, who acts as Modes personal bodyguard.

Harbringer: A mysterious masked hero in Century Station, Harbringer is a gadgeteer who disguises his tech as
supernatural effects to scare criminals into submission.

Deathgrip: Milton Roberts was a jeweller who became possessed by the mystic ring of Hades, which can generate
force constructs and drain life force. Compelled to kill by the ring, Deathgrip has become an assassin for hire.

Ursan: Another Xtreme Fighter, Ursian is a Russian wrestler who was turned into a bear mutant by the DNAscent

Sharkfin: Another Atlantean hero, Sharkfin was shunned by her people because of her shark like features, and may
have turned to evil if she had not been befriended and defended by Neried. She now helps protect the West coast
and is an ally to Ultramarine.

Mastermind: A normal mobster before the Silver Storm, Hector Fine gained incredible super intelligence, making
him the arch enemy to the Answer.

Big Brute: Ronald Brutowsky was a body builder who decided to become a super hero to pick up chicks. While
incredibly buff, he's about as smart as a bag of hammers.

American Muscle: Another attempt to recreate Lady Liberty, American Muscle was weak and sickly Melvin
Barkley until exposure to the project made him super strong and buff. However it did not cure his poor eyesight, so
he still needs glasses.

Other Man: A mysterious thief, Other Man is able to transport through parallel realities, allowing him to steal from
countless universes.

Puncture: Another Xtreme fighter: Peter Inagram is a Joker Ace with porcupine quills and sharp spines.

The Cougar: A creation of Mister Matthews, Cougar is an uplifted Cougar with powerful pheromone powers.

Rustbucket: A failed attempt to recreate Atomic Robo, Rustbucket is not as smart of sophisticated as the original,
but is no less heroic.

Wrist Rocketeer: A mercenary for Foregone Conclusions. Otto Heffner wields wrist mounted rocket launchers
with a variety of payloads.

Spy Dr.: Doctor Hans Hoffman is a agent of the Armageddon Brotherhood. A spy and saboteur with a spider

Diva: Carley Robertson was a genetically engineered songstress created to rival Sapphire by Teleios the Perfect
Man. She is shallow, vain, and possesses sonic powers that equal Sapphires energy control powers.

Manaconda: Mister Matthews created Manaconda for General Venom, but he was ousted from the House of
Serpents before he could deliver, so Matthews kept it as his own agent.

Boogie Monster: A member of the Tomorrow Society, Ben Hauser is a metaman who is turned into a super strong
beast man whenever he hears music. Far from seeing his condition as a curse, he thinks his monster form gives him
the sickest moves of any break dancer.

Alchemi-gal: Alchemi-Gal is one of the earliest creations of Doctor Azoth, and one of the first to break free from
his control. Since she was created from his own flesh, she is technically his daughter. She is incredibly relieved that
Azoth is now in prison.

Cross Fader: Ted Christian was an movie editor who was also a metaman who gained teleporting powers. He
decided to use these powers to become a super hero and movie star in Valleywood.

Gamemaster: Chester Godfrey is a GM who alienated his friends with his sadistic GMing. He eventually used his
family fortune to acquire super tech and magic to create real life role playing scenarios to destroy his enemies. Foe
of Rook.

Gargrrrl: A creation of Doctor Shock, Gargrrrl was an eight year old Stormer who as mutated into a teenaged
gargoyle girl body. She escaped and is now living on the street.
The Aluminium Foil: Another Stormer, Lester Philips is a ferrokinetic. Unfortunately he lacks the powers of Death
Magnetic, and can only manipulate Tinfoil, doesn't stop him from trying to be a villain though.

Royal Pain: Roger Chesterfield is a deranged psychopath who believes himself to be a medieval king. Utterly
insane, he brutally murders anyone who defies him, and conducts royalty themed crimes. He is a foe to Rook.

Hotrod: Jenner Jackson was a race car driver who lost his legs in an accident. Dollface, feeling sympathy, used her
cybertronian tech to make him a cyborg. He now acts as a super hero on the open road.

Pangea: Pamela Giana was a museum curator when she discovered the Gaea stone, which gives her power over the
Earth itself. At max power, the stone can rearrange continents, but it isn't there yet. Pangea commits crimes to fund
her search for a way to make the stone more powerful.

Monkey Boy: Miles Christopher was the son of a mad scientist who transferred his brain into a monkey to save his
life from a deadly disease. Taken by child services, Miles does not mind being a monkey boy, and has become a teen

Windshield: Sabrina Skyler is an air manipulating Nova and member of the Pantheon. She also claims to be the
daughter of Doctor Stratos, but this is probably false.

The Leper-Con: Shamus McDougal was an ex-IRA terrorist who was exposed to chemical weapons that inflicted
him with a degenerative skin disease. While rotted in prison he was approached by a Leprechaun who revealed he
was a descendant of an ancient order of druids, and granted him a wish. Empowered by the Leprechaun, Shamus
gained the ability to forestall his own degeneration by inflicting his pain on others with his rotting touch. He is one
of the most dangerous men in Ireland.

365 Supers part 4

Meat Mitts: The son of a Bay City butcher, Milton Buchanan was luckier than most wild strikers, gaining only
some enlarged arms and hands. Nevertheless, he found himself ostracized by his community because of the
Wildstrike effect, causing Meat Mitts to flee to the Rox, where he is among its protectors. Despite the effects of the
Wildstrike affecting their relationship, his father still tries to be supportive.

Red Dwarf: An alien warrior from a super dense star, Red Dwarf was a Malvan Gladiator who came to Earth as part
of his training, fighting heroes and villains alike to test his mettle.

Despot: An alien conqueror from the far end of the milky way, Despot was forced to flee his empire when it was
annexed by the forces of Apokalypse He is now seeking to restart his empire, with Earth the first stepping stone.

Blacksmith: A crusader during the middle ages. The man who would be Blacksmith ran afoul of Doctor Azoth, who
punished the Crusader's arrogance by sealing him in an alchemical suit of armour. Blacksmith spent centuries
studying Alchemy to try and cure himself, and in the meantime has tried to help other people hurt by Azoth and
protect the weak.

Weave: Alison Bentley was an aspiring hair stylist who did not realize the salon she worked at was a Foundry front.
When she stumbled onto the lab, she was used as a guinea pig for a new type of cybernetic hair, similar to the one
used by the Platinum Blonde. She used her new hair to escape and become the super heroine Weave.

Buzzkill: Buzz Killigan is a murder gestalt able to generate energy blades across her body which can cut through
anything. Unlike many murder gestalts, Buzzkill is a nice guy and only kills criminals and super villains.

Lance-a-Lot: Lance-A-Lot was never a human, rather he was a Unicorn pony from Xeron vacationing on Earth
when the Wild Strike happened, and he was transformed into a giant humanoid horse creature. Unwilling to return to
Xeron, he became a hero of Bay City.

Jack Rabbit and Boom Chick: Jack Brown and his wife Darlene are a sweet and loving couple, they are also a pair
of psychopaths who dress like a rabbit and a chicken and throw exploding eggs at people. They are foes to Black

Bubblebutt: Vanessa Blunt was a master thief who was transformed by the Wild Strike, given an super inflated
posterior which can be used to bounce like a ball. Vanessa decided to make the best of a bad situation and used her
newfound power to continue her criminal career as Bubblebutt.

The Poser: A pure Gestalt of showoffs, Poser has two primary powers: He can force people to watch him when he
makes a poses, and he can force massive amounts of people to copy his poses. He uses these powers
indiscriminately to get the attention of large groups of people, causing massive disruptions in the process.

Chrome Dome: Wendell Baskin was born without an immune system, and spent most of his life in a plastic bubble.
Until his psychic powers emerged at 18, and he uses them to force an inventor from the Albright institute to invent a
suit of armour to protect him from the outside world. Now he is out to see the world as Chrome Dome. Whether or
not he will use his powers for good or evil are unclear.

Nutcracker: Francois, in addition to menacing Squirrel Girl, is a regular foe to Black Wing, and among his more
absurd rogues.

PH Demon: A literal demon from Hell, PH Demon is the evil mirror to heroic psychiatrists like Doc Samson,
keeping villains in relative mental health and keeping them on the wrong path in life. He sometimes disguises
himself and messes with heroes, either corrupting them, making them give up heroics, or just driving them to

Knockout: A fighter for Xtreme!, Knockout is Nadia James, a pro boxer who discovered a pair of enchanted boxing
gloves which gave her super strength and durability.

Epidemris: William "Willie" Dundey was turned from a 98 pound weakling by the wildstrike into a bloated mass of
skin, able to grow his skin and shape it in a variety of ways. Epidermis is basically the Snotman of the Wildstrikers,
considered gross even by Wildstriker standards. Unlike Snotman, Epidermis is able to defend himself, and is
deadlier than you may expect. He serves as one of the Rox's protectors.

Lens-Man: An agent of UNISON, Lens-Man is actually a group of people, dedicated to spying on super heroes and
learning their secrets. They are equipped with power armour with high tech surveillance equipment.

Bandersnatch: A creation of Doctor Prometheus, Bandersnatch was a gift to Daft Alice, and serves as her
bodyguard from time to time.

Tenta-Kelly: Kelly Richards was an aspiring art student before the Wild Strike, which turned her into a tentacled
snake woman. Moving to the Rox, she now dedicates herself to beautifying the Rox. Far from perturbed by her
transformed state, she see's herself, and other Wildstrikers, as living works of art. She also uses her tentacles as
brushes as she paints the Rox.

Cut-Lass: The third teen of the King siblings, Tiffany King is a teen sword wielder and a student at the Shadow

Vibe: Victor Vimes is a Hipster DJ who possesses an enchanted I-Pod given to him by his witch girlfriend, which
gives him the power to generate music that forces people to dance uncontrollably. Vibe loves humiliating super
heroes (who he thinks are dumb posers), but he has no ambition to be a super villain. The I-Pod has other powers,
but Vibe has yet to explore them.

Treant: Unlike many avatars of Gaea, Evan does not turn into a Tree, rather he summons a treant which wraps itself
around his body, like a wooden mechsuit. He is a rival to the Green Man, who he see's as a hypocrite and

Bolo: Rick Thompson is a sleazy pick up artist who tried to hit on Speed Demon, who humiliated him. To get
revenge, Rick mastered the Bolos, in hopes of using them to trip up Speed Demon and make her look bad. So far it
has not worked out, but he is undaunted.

Shoulder-Blades: Boots Bolten became a member of MERLIN after escaping his captors at SHOCK. He now
fights to protect metahumans and other innocents targeted by those madmen and others like them.

Metro Gnome: The well dressed little man is actually the current manager of the Hole in the Wall, the Black
Knights HQ (Which they recently abandoned following a battle with the Sentinels). he is a martial arts master who
also has a fondness for music based death traps.

Coldstone: Lanus is a John Smith Society member, and colleagues and friends with Victor Fries and his wife.

Jack B Nimble and Jack B Quick: A pair of super agile acrobat metamen, Nimbl and Quick are members of Fear
Master's circus of fear. But are low on the totem pole because they are not very scary.

Dober-Man and Pincher: Pincher was a failed creation of Matthews Gentech. Voss is unaware of this.

The Vanquisher: A robot from the future, The Vanquisher was created in a timeline where the Foundry had taken
over the Earth through Project Icarus and machines rule humanity. Vanquisher can analyze, counter and kill any
super hero.

Dominatrix: Candy Velure is a telepathic Dominatrix, who uses her psionic power to indulge her clients min control
domination fantasies. She is actually one of several super powered mistresses with different powers which cater to...
unusual tastes. (And this is probably as close as I will ever get to super people in the sex industry.)

Rick Saw: A white lotus monk and vigilante hero from Shanghai, Rick wields a pair of super sharp enchanted blades
which can cut through anything.

Drama Queen: Royal Pain's main squeeze, Drama Queen is also a violent psychopath prone to wild mood swings.

Fright Knight: A creature from the world of Dreams. Fright Knight is actually a kindly creature, using his frightful
appearance to teach young people to be brave and stand up against that which they fear. He also slays dream demons
and monsters on the side. He is also close friends with Princess Luna.

Terror Dome: A creation of Doctor Necros, Terror Dome was a robotic double of Omega designed to make the
world think the mad Nihilist had been enslaved by Necros. It did not fool anyone, and the malfunctioning android is
now a foe to Splotch (Kind of Ironic considering his current predicament.)

Corpse Light: Christian Walker had just died of cancer when the Wildstrike event occurred, bringing him back and
transforming him into a semi solid energy being. Rejected by his family, the deeply religious Christian concluded he
was in limbo, and decided to do good works till he could ascend. He is a spiritual leader among the Rox, preaching
to his brethren not to give up hope.

XO Skeleton: A failed mechsuit experiment by the Foundry, the suit had a flaw which roasted the test pilot inside
the armor. However, it somehow also animated his skeleton, creating an undead mech suit pilot.

Hex: All Madison Skye ever wanted was actual magical powers. However none of the new age books or crystals she
had could grant them. When the Wildstrike happened, Madison gained powers akin to Witchcraft, as well as green
skin and a pointed nose. She is now the apprentice to the Magic Man, and is learning how to mess with people for
no reason.

Caped Cadaver: Once known as the Caped Comet, Caped Cadaver was a bargainer turned Superdead FISS who
utterly refuses to be marginalized by the super community, and continues to actively help people and fight people
even as he decomposes all over them.

Pop Rockette: Roxie Rossum is an inventor and Dadaist artist who specializes in creating huge and distracting
disasters which draw the attention of local heroes while other villains go about their business.

Cable Guy: Benny Wilkins was a cable guy who was fired for setting his friends up with free cable. He eventually
fell in with Scrounge, who provided him with a Foundry backpack filled with powerful tentacles and other tricks.

All-Pro: A pure gestalt of sports. All-Pro is incredibly strong and durable, and is a master of every type of sports,
which he uses to fight crime.

Anti-Graviton: Andre Malkovitch is a metaman with the power to negate gravity. He is a member of the

Fem-Bot: The "Steel Feminst" Fem-bot pulled itself together from remnants of countless destroyed Angel Androids.
Her only goal is the destruction of Doc Otaku, and the robot Patriarchy. At any cost.

Mechanaut: A creation of Raven International, the Mechanaut is an experimental android designed to do work in
locations deadly to humans, such as deep underwater or underground. He has been tested mainly in rescue and
salvage missions.

I-Beam: Iris Irving suffered an illness which robbed her of her sight when she was young. Her sight was restored by
Omnitech Steele, which outfitted her with a special visor which could also generate hard light constructs. She uses
her powers as an artist and also to help the Sentinels on rescue missions.

X-Ray: Jack Irving is Iris' kid brother, who insisted on getting his own harness to gain super powers, his harness
fires powerful energy beams. he acts as the muscle of the duo.

Aqua Marie: Marie Gomez was a lifeguard who was mutated into a fish woman by the Wildstrike. She now patrols
the waters around the Rox, helping Wildstrikers get to the island and helping repel invaders.

The Gang Green: A team of Gestalts, each of them is themed around the colour green. They are heroes out of
Freedom City.

-Dollar Bill: A money Gestalt, Dollar Bill has the power to generate money which he can use to "Buy" any gadget
he needs (Gadget generation, since they are instant delivered), or "bribe" people into helping him (Mind control and

-The Rookie: A Gestalt of beginners luck, The Rookie has superhuman luck, but can never master any skill,
remaining a perpetual newbie.

-Flora: As you may surmise, Flora is a plant gestalt and manipulator.

-Ed Nauseam: Having the unenviable status as a Nausea gestalt, Ed is constantly sick, and can spit up endless
streams of vomit which he can them manipulate to various sickening effects.

-Envy: The teams bad girl, Envy is a jealously gestalt who can nullify super powers. She is Ed Nauseam's girlfriend
since she is the only one who can quell his sickness, but in keeping with her Gestalt nature, she is very clingy and

Traumatic: Another Wildstriker, Tyler Marcus was an EMT who was transformed into a red skinned humanoid
capable of absorbing the traumatic memories and experiences of others with a touch. He can then implant them in
others. Traumatic experiences the trauma he absorbs, so he can only store so much before he is compelled to unload
it. He acts as a sort of makeshift therapist among the wildstrikers. And while he does not live in the Rox, he visits

Think Tank: Probably the most unfortunate Wildstriker, the man once known as Think Tank was reduced to a
disembodied brain by the Wildstrike. When he was captured by VIPER, he was able to get his "hands" on an
experimental tank during their escape. Which he decided to keep for himself.
Miss Chief: A professor of Native American studies in Freehold, Madeline Conners came across a pair of enchanted
Tomahawks haunted by the Ghosts of a Native American War Chief, which possessed her and grants her super
strength and fighting powers. She now lives a double life: College professor by days, heroine by night.

Silent Knight: Little is known of the mysterious and possibly immortal Silent Knight. First appearing in the twelfth
century, he has patrolled the roads of London and later America for centuries, protecting the innocent. He never
speaks, but fights like a man possessed.

Star Commander: The rank of Star Commander is given to the highest rank of Star Knights, second only to mentor
and in charge of Knight deployment. The previous Star Commander was killed during the destruction of the Citadel,
and there has been no time to pick a new one.

Squib: Sydney Quinn is a human virus: When his body is punctured, he explodes violently, spraying out an orange
liquid as he does. Anyone hit by this liquid is infected, and will eventually turn into a clone of Squib. Squib acts as a
mercenary army for hire to super villains.

Captain Zero: A former Annihilist, Captain Zero used Omega's recent incapacitation to break free from his control
and come to Earth seeking amnesty. He is currently in UNISON custody. Captain Zero is an FISS.

Cloud Giant: Johm is a wildstriker who helps Aqua Marie patrol the Rox Border. The pair are an item.

Kid Questor: Another child of the Summer court sent to Earth. Bradley fine accesses his legacy through a magic
sword. He uses said sword to do battle against the Winter Lords and their forces.

The Gobbler: An interdimensional conqueror, the Gobbler has consumed the heroes of countless worlds and
absorbed their power, until he fought Divinos, who overloaded his power suit and forced a retreat. Gobbler has been
hungry for a rematch ever since.

Klash: Karla Lexington is an FISS metaman and performance artist who uses her powers to stage incredible and
incredibly destructive performance art pieces. She is often mediated by Angel Girl, which has led to minor conflicts
in the past.

Susie Cube: Susan Cubert is an inventor and fan of Gimmick the Gadget Girl who petitioned to be the Gadget
Girls sidekick, inventing a powerful quantum cube that can do just about anything to impress her. While Gimmick
was impressed, she instead suggested Susie join a super school to hone her skills before becoming a true heroine.
Susie is now school hunting.

Dealbreaker: Dealbreaker is a Contract Gestalt who has the power to sense the location of the parties of any
particular contract he is sent to cancel. Dealbreaker gives his targets a choice: Let his client out of the deal, or die.

Boo Hag: Leanne White was a vain and shallow girl who was turned into a hideous hag by the Wildstrike, gaining
life draining powers in the process. Taking the name of the monster that haunted her childhood fears. Boo hag can
temporarily restore her youthful visage if she drains enough life force, but it never lasts.

Baby Boomer: Boomer Hall was a Wildstriker who was regressed into an infant body and given sonic powers. He is
now part of the Rox defence force.

The Cricket: The newest member of the Colony, William Dickens has genetically enhanced legs for leaping and a
pair of tuning fork sonic blasters. He is one of several heroes Hank Pym is currently vetting for membership.

The Primordials: A quartet of elementals summoned by the evil druid Blackthorn to menace the Centurion and
wipe out the Modern world. The Centurion was able to convince them of humanities worth and befriend the quartet,
who assumed human form to live normal lives. When the Centurion perished, the four returned to their elemental
forms to become super heroes. They are:
Gale: Air
Megalith: Earth
Bonne Fire: Fire, and the leader and only female.
Drench: Water

300: A creation of PHANTOM, 300 is a genetically augmented clone lifeform who broke free and went on a
rampage. He is as strong as he is insane.

365 Supers part 5

Troubleshooter: An Australian Super hero, Lucas Thompkins was inspired by American heroes like Raven and
Blackwing to become a super hero following Invasion (in which the invading alien forces all but decimated
Australia's already tiny super hero population.) He has no powers, but wields boomerangs and a quarterstaff.

Rainbow Blight: Samantha Morgan was a dour and glum Goth girl who was always picked on as a kid. Seeking
vengeance, she summoned a demon to bargain her eternal soul for magical powers. Unfortunately for her, she got
Mr. Hoppy on a day he was feeling particularly mischievous, who gave her the powers she craved; with powers
based on rainbows, unicorns, and sugary goodness. Samantha decided to roll with it, and set out to make the world
so sickeningly saccharine and sweet everyone would choke on it. Considered by many to be the anti-Megan Conner
(in terms of concept, not in terms of powers, since Conner outstrips Blight by a fair margin), Rainbow Blight
wreaked havoc on her home town until she was brought low by Angel Girl. The pair have been rivals ever since.
(Reposted from my Angel Girl rogues writeup)

Spydra: Amber Carlson was a member of Generak Venom's deadly viper squad until she was benched when a
bullet to the spine left her paralyzed. After the House of Serpents schism she was enslaved by the Eightfold Web,
who had the foundry rebuild her as a cyborg. She is now the leader of a terrorist organization made up of cyborg
extremists, and also the webs unwitting pawn.

Gargantu-Ann: Anne Mathers was a student at Emerald City University and a TA for Bill Foster when a lab
accident exposed her to Pym Particles, giving her growth powers. Initially unstable, she was stopped by Bill and
Elasto, and now acts as Bill's heroic sidekick.

Jungle Gem: Gemima mainly operates out of Millennium City, since the most modern city in America is considered
a worthy challenge by the jungle spirit.

Miss Direction: Missy Direction is a teleporting metaman and stage magician who was inspired to become a super
heroine by Charli of the Avengers. She likes to mask her powers as sorcery, which gives the impression she is a
super mage.

D-Man: A second generation Faun from Fable Town, David Poulakis grew tired with people thinking he and his ilk
were evil demons, so he decided to become a super hero in order to set the record straight. In addition to strength
and leaping power, David has the nature magic all Fauns possess.

Slash Dancer: An Al Khalyl assassin, Slash Dancer is a metaman with the power to generate a force field while she
is dancing. She is also armed with a pair of indestructible Mono molecular swords which can cut through almost

Rhapsody: Winona Balters wanted to be a singer, but unfortunately had a horrible and shrill voice. Unperturbed,
she continued seeking stranger and stranger ways to improve her singing voice, which led her to the Maestro. The
malicious master of music, feeling empathy for a kindred spirit, modified her voice to not only give her a beautiful
voice, but sonic powers as well. The pair are now an item, and are in fact engaged (Much to the chagrin of Winona's
daughter from a previous marriage).

Lou Garrou: The son of a Native American Werewolf and a Canadian Furtrapper, Lou Baptist was a werewolf
mutation, forever stuck in his war form but retaining full human intelligence and speech. Shunned by werewolf and
human society alike, he lived alone in the woods of Canada for hundreds of years until he was discovered by
Mother Raven, who convinced Lou to rejoin the human race. Lou was reluctant, but in the modern age of Jokers
and wild strikers people were much more accepting of the wolf man. Lou is still a loner, but he's happier than he has
been in ages.

Knight-Mare: A foe of Lance-A-Lot, Knight Mare is an alien warlord from a race of humanoid horses led by a
fierce and cruel matriarchy. Knight Mare wants Lance-A-Lot as a mate, but he is less than accommodating. Knight
Mare has super strength and durability, and an unbreakable sword and armour.

The Hairier: Herman Willis made the poor choice of mocking a particularly ugly Pact mage for her facial hair. As
punishment, the witch turned him into a hairy goliath, who now uses his fearsome follicles to fight felonious forces.

Time Bandit: Tamara Johannes is a young metaman with the incredible power of time manipulation, able to freeze
and travel through time. Unfortunately she uses her talents for evil. Fortunately she is not very ambitious, and has so
far regulated herself to petty theft. In truth though she is mainly fearful of drawing attention of some of the temporal
big wigs with her antics, so is trying to stay under their radar.

Tri-Caret-Top: The great grandson of Holly and Frank Meltzer, Andrew Meltzer was sent into the past by a freak
time travel incident, and is now stuck in present day Los Dios, where he has decided to stay and fill in for his great
grandfather during his incarceration. In addition to strength and durability on par with his famous ancestor, having
some ancestry from a tribe of earth elementals has granted Tri-Caret-Top indestructible diamond horns which can
fire powerful energy blasts.

Psyche-Ops: An agent of UNISON, Psyche-Ops is a student of Jeremiah Prophet, a special agent with
precognitive powers who is being groomed to be Prophets replacement.

Phil Harmonix: Phil Nessburn was a shock DJ known for insane and dangerous stunts. For one such stunt he
pretended to be a villain called "Phil Harmonix" and held a hotel full of his critics Hostage with a bogus bomb. This
stunt drew the attention of Rook who, not knowing he was a fraud, beat up Nessburn. Nessburn lost his job and was
sued for this stunt, and he placed all the blame on Rook, deciding to become Phil Harmonix for real. Phil specializes
in music themed crimes and deathtraps, and claims he can turn any song into a weapon. he has even stolen some of
the Maestro's tech (thus earning the Music Master's eternal hatred.)

Bitter Sweets: Olga Bittersweet is the daughter of Inga Bittersweet, a mad scientist who worked for UNITY and
developed a sugar concentrate which was not only super fattening, but super addictive. Incarcerated by UNISON,
Olga decided to take up her mothers legacy and became a candy themed villainess Bitter Sweets. Armed with
various candy based gadgets and tricks. Of course, her primary weapon is the sugar concentrate, which she uses to
enslave her minions and enemies, creating an army of obese candy junkies loyal to her.

Arcanamaton: A creation of one of the past Master Mage's, Arcanamaton is a magical sentry designed to protect
Earth from extradimensional threats at times when the Master Mage is unavailable. It has been inactive since
Adrian Eldritch took the helm, until he discovered it in an ancient temple and reactivated it, giving it free will so it
could live its own life.

Ecto-Mom and Hoosier Daddy: The explosion that created Ecto-Mom was actually a Reach Bio weapon based on
the Dominator Gene Bomb. Likewise the meteorite which gave Hoosier Daddy his FISS powers was a chunk of

Jyp: A former con artist, Bobbi Durkley gained invisibility and intangibility powers after being used as a lab rat by
Doctor Prometheus. Burning for revenge, Jyp decided to focus solely on super villains, conning them out of their
money, their tech, and their freedom, making her, in effect, a modern day witless minion.

Quintesence: An alien avatar of Dark matter, Quintesence finds the existence of matter other than dark matter
abhorrent, and is dedicated to annihilating it. Luckily, Earth has not come to her attention yet.

Flying Viper: The electricity that struck Joe to grant him his power was actually a member of a race of 5th
dimensional "Genies" which take the form of energy beings. Viper is a younger, larval form of these beings, and
does not have as much power as his peers. For now, it is under Joe's control, but when it matures it will become

Gravi-Tasha: Her real identity unknown, Gravi-Tasha claims to be the daughter of the master villain Gravitar. She
has potent gravity manipulating powers to back up her claims, but is not a villain so much as a super powered party
girl. A former partner in crime to Phenom and Usako, she has not spent much time with the pair since they settled

Force: A team of super powered youths from Freedom City. Force is comprised of kids from Lincoln who were
kidnapped by the Reach for experimentation and had their meta genes activated. Rescued by Sonic, the kids stayed
together as a hero team under his tutelage. They are all students at Claremont Academy.

-Tomboy: The Teams Muscle, Penelope Cooper was a sports enthusiast who gained FISS powers. She loves being a
super hero and has a crush on Sonic.

-G-Force: Eddie Haskil gained gravity manipulating powers. He is the teams self absorbed pretty boy.

-Petra: Harmony Jackson gained Earth manipulating powers, a bit more self conscious and serious than her peers,
Petra prefers to act as support, aiding her allies and hindering her foes over doing direct damage.

-Hybrid: Thomas James gained the ability to shift into half human/half animal forms. Thomas is the angry loner of
the group, and feels the most like a freak out of his temmates.

-Impulse: Isaac Romero gained superhuman instincts which give him a sixth sense for danger. He is the team leader
after Sonic, and also a personal protégé in unarmed combat under Duncan Summers.

-Dragnet: Darlene Simmonson gained the power to generate stick webs of glue. Of all of FORCE, Dragnet likes
being a hero the least, but does it because she likes her new friends and out of a sense of obligation.

-Matrix: the kid of the team, Malcolm Tanner gained the power to turn into energy and split into multiple copies of
himself. He is also the team brains.

Genebank: The current head of the Shadow Academy, Genebank was put in charge of the school after the former
Headmistresses numerous failures against numerous teen heroes. Genebank is a metahuman detector, who can
determine a targets super power, then use the Shadow Academy's teleporting powers to summon whichever student
can counter her current opponents. Genebank has made recruiting (or destroying) FORCE her primary objective.

The Bureaucrat: Another Rook Rogue, Horatio Porter was a government bureaucrat who snapped one day,
designed a costume which could fire adhesive tape, and decided to become a criminal. Many of his schemes and
death-traps are based on Bureaucracy and government institutions.

Soul Sista: Deborah haunted the streets of Los Dios until she discovered inspector Reinhardt, who developed a
device to allow her to easier interact with the world. She is now reinstated with the metatown prescient, and is the
Inspectors new partner.

Dino Might: Rex comes from the same universe as the villain Cerberus Rex. As it happens the insane cyborg
dino's home world isn't dying, he's just an insane psychopath off to find new worlds to conquer. Rex has recently
joined the Tomorrow Society, and has taken Tyrano-Rex's place on Holly's team with Frank's blessing. In truth
Frank is Tyler's hero, since on his world he is one of its greatest protectors.

Heartbreaker: An assassin, Heartbreaker specializes in working for husbands and wives who want out of a
marriage without having to deal with divorce or pre-nups. Often a foe to Blackwing.

Chilli Con Carnage: El Hielio's partner and bodyguard, Maria Mendoza has superhuman strength and durability as
well as an increased internal body temperature which makes her immune to the cold and gives her a burning touch
when she is angry. Chilli Con Carnage has a notorious bad temper and very little in the way of restraint, often
beating her foes to a bloody pulp.

Qomos: A protector of the Lor Republic, Qomos was sent to safeguard Earth during the war with Apokalypes and
make sure it did not fall into enemy hands. The FISS alien has decided to protect it from other threats as well while
he's here.

Masteroid: Qomos' arch enemy, Masteroid is a rogue comet warrior, member of a race of altruistic aliens who can
transform into meteors in order to move through space. (And I hope you guys appreciate how much searching I had
to do to find out what they called the He-Man character who turned into a rock for his super power.)

Morph Fiend: A fighter for Xtreme! Jameson Crowley is a wildstriker who gained shapeshifting powers but lost the
ability to hold his form for more than a few minutes, so he is constantly shifting his shape. Unperturbed, he turned
this weakness into an asset, becoming one of the most visually interesting fighters in Xtreme!

Adventure Time Girls: The current youngest scions of the famous Wylde Family, Sapphire (Diamond Girl) and
Mira (Sparkle) Wylde are students at PS 238, and also often tagalongs to their favourite babysitter, Wendy

Flash Mobster: Vincent "Vinny" Lucas is one of Ganglord Gorilla's "Made men", a mob enforcer given super
powers (In this case super speed) to be his lieutenant. Vinny is one of the few agents to stay loyal to Gorilla
following the dissolution of the International Crime League.

Cobra Kyle: A rival to Jade Spider, Cobra Kyle trained with a rival school to his spider style, and also possesses the
ability to poison his victims chi, although in Kyle's case, the results are often more fatal.

Dragulus: A massive insterstellar dragon, Dragulus learned of Earth when he discovered one of his subjects had
been held prisoner there for a number of centuries by a group of Militant Earthlings known as the Forever Knights.
incensed, He came to Earth seeking revenge. When he discovered the Knights were no longer around, he decided to
settle on destroying humanity in general. He was defeated by the Patriots, and forced to retreat, but he has not given
up his plans for Earth.

Alpha Romeo: Another Xtreme! Fighter, Alpha Romeo is a super strong Brick with pheromone powers. Rather than
love, his power inspires feelings of friendship, making his foes consider him their "Bro." Which he uses to his
advantage to pummel his now unwilling foes.

M'goloth: A dark lord, M'goloth rules what is known in our world as the "Contrary realm", a universe where the
natural laws are violently opposed to one another. As a result, anyone trying to cross over from either world usually
dies a grisly and spectacular death. M'Goloth is unaffected, since he ceased being anything resembling mortal a long
time ago, and he has come to our world to try and convert its natural laws to his worlds numerous time, only to be
thwarted by Earth's mystic protectors.

Star Warrior: A former Star Knight, Star Warrior was Sri Gava Tennyo of the Lor, who was stripped of his rank
from being a loose cannon who didn't play by the rules. Undaunted, he commissioned the Galvans to build him a
suit of armour identical to his old Star Knight Armour and continued fighting evil as Star Warrior. He and Sri
Montoya used to be an item, but that time has passed.

Weed Wacker: Warren is compelled to seek out and try to destroy plant based supers, making him a foe to the
Green Man and others in addition to Mulch.

Ultimate Guy: A super mercenary, Ultimate Guy has photographic reflexes similar to the Taskmaster, unlike
Taskmaster, who loses his memory beyond two weeks, Ultimate Guy makes space for his fighting skills by being a
total moron in anything else. The guy acts like a complete total bone headed Bro-douche, and is utterly incompetent
in anything that doesn't involve kicking a guys head off.

Greenscreen: Kyle used to work for Spartacorp, who stole the patent for his tech and fired him when he
complained. He uses hard light constructs to mimic the forms and powers of various other supers.
Prime 8: The Prime 8 Project was a mysterious international contest among the greatest geniuses in the world, good
and evil, to see who could come up with the greatest technological marvel. The project was open to anyone, good or
evil, with the prize being bragging rights and a big fat check. The only limitation was the theme needed to include
primates of some sort.

Of course, the whole thing was a sham, designed by Doctor Simian in the hopes of creating an army of super
powered apes loyal to him from the eight finalists. Unfortunately, one of the finalists, a human mechsuit pilot, was
able to free his comrades and escape. The eight are now a team of crime fighters who make the bad guys go

-Chimpandroid: Inspector Reinhardt's entry into the contest, Chimpandroid is a sophisticated android with super
intelligence and weapons capabilities.

-Leaping Lemur: The entry from Winry Rockbell, one of the worlds leading experts in cybernetics, was Pepe, a
lemur who was crippled when his neglectful abusive owner allowed him to be mauled by a Doberman. Pepe gained
cybernetic arms and legs which increased his strength and leaping power ten fold, and a mechanical prehensile tail
which can crush steel.

-Orangu-Tank: The Foundry's entry was a small, one man mobile tank unit, piloted by Napoleon, an Orangutang.
Talos chose an Orangutang because they are among the smartest of all primates.

-Howler: The Maestro's entry, Howler was given a genetically altered voice box, and was actually the prototype
for the one used on Rhapsody. Not only does Howler have sonic powers, but he can mimic any sound he hears.
Which Maestro used to give Howler a vast collection of operas and symphonies he can perform.

-BaBOOM!: Calamity Jane's entry, Sasha is a baboon with a genetically altered metabolism. Sasha can actually do
several things with her unique body chemistry, but Jane only bothered to teach her one trick. It is a good trick
though, and Sasha can use it in a variety of ways.

-Maximus Marmoset: Mister Matthews entry, Maximus was a marmoset who was the recipient of a super steroid
which turned him into a hulking, super strong bruiser. Unfortunately the drug also bolstered his immune system,
making him resistant to the lobotomies and addictive drugs Matthews uses to keep most of his monsters in line. Of
all the entries in the Prime 8 Contest, Matthews is the most resentful of the team and wishes harm upon them.

-Commandrill: Professor Psion's entry, Sophocles was a Mandrill who was given does of Psion's PSI drug,
granting him potent psychic and mind control powers. In truth, Commandrill comes from a lineage of Mandrills with
shamanistic powers, hailing from a secret African paradise of sapient animals known as the pride lands, but
Sophocles is keeping that fact to himself.

-Mecha-Rilla: The Omnitech Steele entry, inventor and pilot Carl Linkter was assigned the Prime 8 entry project by
Doc Steele. Linkter, not comfortable with the idea of experimenting on an animal, instead created a mech suit in the
shape of a gorilla and piloted it himself. When Simian made his power play, he helped free the other apes from the
mind control collars which Simian had placed on them (Since they were designed to work on non human primates,
they had no effect on Linkter.) And Linkter was able to lead the team to victory against Simian. Afterward, the seven
other apes chose to stay with Linkter, who resigned from Omnitech Steele and formed a team with the apes as their
leader with Doc Steele's blessing.

Primate Zero: Doctor Simians own entry into the Prime 8 contest. Primate Zero was creating using a refined
version of the chemical X chemical which created fellow super simian Mojo Jojo. The result was a super ape who
was even more intelligent, more powerful, and more insane than Mojo (If such a thing is possible), with psychic
powers in addition. Originally intended to lead the enslaved super apes. Primate Zero was understandably bitter
about losing his shot to lead the team, and broke away from his "father" to menace the eight apes on his own.

Wyrdsmith: Beth Hawkins was an archaeologist who discovered a bag of mystical runes. After experimenting with
the runes she discovered she could control the strands of fate by spelling out certain words. She decided to use these
powers to protect the world as the Wyrdsmith.

Blood Diamond: A member of the same race as Blue Diamond, Blood Diamond is a cruel criminal who came to
Earth years before his counterpart and set himself up as an African warlord, controlling illegal diamond trades. Once
Blue Diamond learned of this, he broke up the diamond smuggling ring, but Blood Diamond fled, vowing revenge.

Sara Tonin: Sara Lynn is Adrena Lynn's sister, and also a metaman who gained the power to manipulate serotonin
levels in humans. She is one of the few beings who can stop her sister when she gets her temper on, and is often
called in to deal with rampaging super villains.

Epic: The World Mantle that Elliot wields is an artefact from New Genesis itself. He is presently helping the Lor out
with their war against Darkseid, fighting on multiple fronts against various forces. He also stops by Earth from time
to time to protect it from alien threats.

Agent 365: A high ranking UNISON agent, Agent 365 has one job and one job only: catalogue and analyze every
superhuman on the planet, and develop countermeasures to capture and or kill them if there ever becomes a need to
do so. He has studied virtually every super hero team on the planet, and has effective countermeasures to neutralize
most of them, making him one of the most dangerous men on the planet. Many villains have tried to steal his secrets,
only to find, to their horror, he knows how to neutralize THEM as well.

Wildstrikers & Wildstruck

The newest form of Metamen in the Crinoverse, Wildstrikers can all trace their origin back to the Proprietor, an
insane self-proclaimed god and would be master of the world. While his origins are still a mystery, there is no
denying that the Wildstrike event was the release of his cosmic power upon his death. first, it sought containment,
resulting in the deaths of the original Bay City Sentinels and many of the other heroes and villains who'd fought in
the so-called "Proprietor War", and from there the uncontained power was thrust out into the world like a shockwave
from a nuclear explosion, changing the lives and destinies of hundreds of men and women, all struck by the wild,
random energies which were coursing like wildfire through the whole of the earth itself.

As with prior events, these men and women gained superhuman abilities, although most were visibly transformed as
well into nonhuman forms. Unlike other origin events, however, the Wildstrike affected existing metamen as well,
changing their powers, and sometimes overwriting them completely, creating fears that the Wildstrike was like the
"Typhoid Croyd" outbreak of the Wild Card Virus, before a UNISON think tank led by Dr. Rebecca Holiday could
prove them unfounded.

In fact, Holiday went on record with her findings that the Wildstrikers have much in common with the EVOs created
by the Nanite Event of 2005. A theory validated when data retrieved from the labs of Dr. Shock produced his
findings that Wildstrikers and Wildstruck alike are in fact biomechanical, their bodies composed of integrated
organic and synthetic systems, making them living, breathing machines.

Dr. Henry McCoy of SWORD published further insight into Wildstrike physiology, that each wildstriker, no matter
how friendly or physically attractive, seems to trigger an instinctual unease and dislike in baseline humans, a
phenomenon not unlike the 'disquiet' produced by Prometheans. as a result, most wildstrikers (especially the
deformed ones) become ostracized by friends and family.

Bay City is currently home to the largest concentration of Wildstrikers on Earth, due to being both the epicentre of
the Wildstrike Event, and the establishment of the second Rox as a safe haven under the watchful eye of the city
elemental known as Mulholland.

Hellbound and Screwtapes - A Dark Path towards a Better Angel

What makes a supervillain a supervillain? What sort of crossed mental wires make one go out to be a baddie?

Take this example - you wake up one day and find out you can create and engineer a jet engine that runs on water.
Will you patent it, make some Sea-Planes (or whatever spiffy title you can think up) and become rich enough to
spend your days idly chatting on superhero RPG forums - or will you use it to build your very own WALKING

Or, you wake up and find you have a scorpion's tail. Are you going to knock over a few banks with your new
appendage? Or will you call Mayo Hospital, say "Y'all ain't going to believe this!", and get a tail-ectomy?

So, what makes one a supervillain? Megalomania, a deep seated grudge against all humanity, a burning desire to
prove one's superiority, a need to conquer and rule the world?

Perhaps, I mean, this is the Crinosverse, and many a villain has that as his/her/it's reasons.

But what if, maybe, one becomes a villain because the devil drives them to it?


Let's talk about good people possessed by bad demons - the Hellbound.

These poor souls find themselves with an unwelcome neighbour in their heads, a demon. Call 'em Screwtapes. How
the Screwtapes get there differs, could be a family curse of sorts, could be they touched the wrong sparkly thing,
could just be plain bad luck. Whatever the case, they got a demon in them. Now that demon wants bad, nasty things
to happen, chaos, mass bloodshed, rape and pillage, that sort of crap. Odds are, that person the demon is inside of
doesn't want that to happen. So they bicker and argue, and stresses both of them out. But say that demon can be
appeased differently, by say...putting on a silly costume, building a superlaser (or stealing one) and vowing to carve
your name into the moon? Instead of performing Evil, doing Eeeevil? That might get the demon off your back for a

So they become comic book supervillians.

It's like walking on a tightrope, the more evil (comic booky or not) they get, the more power the demon gives them -
but the more power the demon gives, the more it can influence and control the Hellbound. And if the demon gets the
upper hand, if it can gain dominance and control for a certain can try to literally drag the victim to Hell.
And the other case is true, if the Hellbound can stay relatively good, and keep control on herself and the Screwtape,
she can try to self-exorcise the thing back to Hell - but that ultimately involves fighting the demon, one on one.
Without her hell-given powers. Succeed, and you revert to being a plain-old non-powered moral being - but one with
no demon in your body. Fail, and you'll die.

Oh, and because life isn't fair, sometimes people get Imbued by angels instead. Yeah, you might be stuck with a
Hitchhiker from Hell, and that annoying bastard from down the street ends up with an Angel in His Head and
decides to become a superhero. Bundled with heavenly powers, a need and desire to do good and help his/her fellow
man - and a drive to seek and destroy any demon that creeps from the Pit. Including the Screwtape inside you.
Which means, to get to it, it has to beat you.

Good luck sucker!

In the crinoverse, the Hellbound are basically Mr. Hoppy's most massive, complex and convoluted plan. He
specifically chooses people who are going to be four colour silver age villains to appease the demons in their head as
opposed to people like Janus or Blood Wing, mainly because he wants to give super heroes something fun to do. Of
course, his concept of "fun" involved condemning innocent people to demonic possession and enforced villainy.

So basically Hoppy is screwing over innocent people, he's screwing over the heroes who need to fight these guys,
and he's even screwing over his own demonic minions by trapping them in this fruitless situation. Its literally a no
win situation for anyone.

And Hoppy finds it hilarious.

And the best part? No one but him gets the joke. Not even the people who are possessed who decide to become
cartoony villains to appease their demons are aware that they are doing what Hoppy wants them to do. And that just
makes it even funnier to Hoppy.

Some more info about those hellishly and heavenly imbued - sometimes the hosts just plain suck.

The Hellbound are good people = bad monster inside 'em.

The Heavenly Imbued (the book doesn't really have a nifty name for 'em) are good people = good thing inside them.

So what happens when, say a bad person gets a good thing inside them?

Yeah, the book mentions cases where the angel is imbuing, for all purposes, a jerk. Here's what happens - when the
human host violates the Angelic Laws when invoking heavenly power, the bond weakens. If the bond is broken, the
angel dies. Maybe. It could just be ejected and goes back to heaven, but hey, you're the asshole who just made an
angel leave the world. You should feel bad (and if you were a normal, decent human being, you'd feel horrible.
Demons, on the other hand, are flippin' ecstatic. Hellbound feel a complicated mix of horror and guilty thrill.)

And now, an example:

* Gorillawrench (no relation to the Jammers) - originally Sylvia Hogarth, an anthropologist who got imbued when
the Amazonian tribe she was examining offered her some "sacred snuff" for lack of a better word. When the tribe got
ambushed and slaughtered by a rival tribe (paid by narcotraffickers looking to raze their land and make a secret drug
running highway), Sylvia found herself transformed into an angelic form, kicked baddie butt until the goons
surrendered and the angel inside her made her honour the vow. But Sylvia knew this invading, murderous tribe
would never respect or honour the vow, or any vow. So, when she was leading them away, and the angel inside her
grew dormant, Sylvia started gunning them down.

Sylvia currently is trying to keep the connection between her and the angel as long as possible, by doing the
ethnically shady stuff herself and only bringing up the angel when it's clear-cut, good 'n evil stuff. But she's getting
really frayed as she tries to balance pragmatism (and no powers) with power (and back-breaking idealism). So far,
she's kept the majority of her misbehaviour hidden from her angel, but the strict rules she has to play by while
Imbued have opened her up to utilizing sucker-punches, arson and intimidation when she's not heavenly charged.
She's expanded her portfolio of targets from drug runners and murderers to lumber barons, polluters, and corrupt
government officials.

Oh yeah, she's called Gorillawrench because she wears a gorilla costume, because being a glowing figure of
resplendent glory draws too much attention. Please feel free to ignore the fact gorillas aren't native to the Amazon.

Other non-lengthy examples are EverLove, who'll set couples up like Cupid, whether they really belong together or
not, and Mr. Dignity, and whoa onto you if you dare display bad manners and poor grammar!

We talked about good people with bad spirits, good people with good spirits, bad people with good spirits, now
there's one more group. To quote Greg, they're:

Greg Stoltze wrote:

...the nadir, the ne plus ultra, the abyssal depths of depravity: the indefatigable viciousness and the power of a spirit
coupled to the free will and savvy of a modern mortal.

Bad people who get along with their demon like peas and carrots. They end up being more powerful than general
Hellbound (who have their powers split between demon/human control). Most times, they don't need to use their
infernal powers. They are the opposite of the flashy and flamboyant Hellbinders (such as a PC would be). They are
the diabolical tempter, the climatic villain, the frustrating, slippery, pure evil bastards who always manage to wriggle
their way out.

Odds are Mr. Hoppy didn't allow for these boys. Perhaps these demons are freelancing, or following different orders.
For an example of one of these prize-winners:

* The Honourable Jane Attenborough: Most people think demons would go into politics, right? Probably blend
right in, go insert your own political jokes here, I guess. Funny thing, most people think demons would gun for the
Executive and Legislative branches, it seems no one would figure a devil would become a judge.

Perhaps it's all the bibles they have to swear on that's a road block.

Judge Jane Attenborough gets around that by using a specially printed fake bible. One of a few, with a few subtle
misprints and changed words - like moving the "Nots" around those various "Shalls" - "Thou shall covet", "Thou
shall not respect the Sabbath", etc. The "swearing book" wasn't her idea, it was originally created by a detail-
oriented demon, and stolen by Jane after she threw him in the path of a monk from the Holy See who was rescued
from an illegal pit-fighting ring as a child and now fights crime as ...BROTHER VENGEANCE!

(Crinos, I just gave you a NPC. You're welcome.)

Anyway, Jane sits in court and listens to cases and excludes evidence and runs things by the book, only committing
procedural errors if necessary. Various scumbags in her jurisdiction (go Google Map Horry County, South Carolina)
end up being promised a mistrial or not-guilty in exchange for "favours to be named later" by a mysterious fellow
named Priapus Ambrosia. Priapus is a colourful character in the South Carolina underworld, known for body door,
outrageous suits, an equally outrageous name, and for making people sign contracts in blood. Oh, and getting people
off the hook. He's very well known for that.

Priapus is, in case you haven't guessed, Jane using her hellish powers to disguise herself. While many of her deals
end with sold souls, she also has her clients do gun-running, race-baiting, hate crimes, and general larceny - as long
as they're not in Horry County. She's busy enough as is.

The other examples are Chae Jin Sook, a young girl who proclaims she's the next coming of Jesus, and has
thousands of followers - along with 958 who signed their souls to her. The third one...he's in kinda dark territory.
Don't feel that comfortable discussing him here.

EDIT: Since I got the go-ahead to talk about all the NPCs in Better Angels, and since there's not that many, I'll talk
about that third guy. Again, the NPC can make others uncomfortable.

Steve Stiles: The description starts with asking why is this man alive. Well, because of reasons. He's alive because,
when he got a rare cancer, he got treated by having radioactive material implanted inside him. He's alive because his
demon is magically protecting him from the radiation. And he's alive because everyone he's sexually abused have
been so befuddled by his mind-twisting looks or his impenetrable disguises that they can’t bring themselves to tell
anybody or to stop him themselves.

Any scumbag can ruin a year (if not much more) with a savage rape or confusing molestation. It takes a demonic
scumbag to make the violation a central part of your identity afterwards. And it takes an atomic demonic scumbag to
infect a good 37% of his victims with radiation sickness.

Incidentally, in addition to being a monster of absolute evil, Steve works as an economic development consultant.
He travels all over the world, most often to the poor parts.


Something I forgot to mention back in my Better Angels writeup - demons and angels sometimes have amulets.
Reason being it's quicker and easier to type than phylactery. If an otherworldly spirit is lost from it's human host (the
Hellbender manages to self-exorcise it's Screwtape, the Demon successfully drags his human host to Hell, the host
simply dies, etc), instead of heading back to Hell or Heaven, they go to their Amulets and hang out until a new
sucker, I mean host comes along. It could make a subtle suggestion to "C'mon over here and pick me up!", but it can
always hang out and wait...
So then, the sample Angel-Infused

Shining Diamond - Sometimes a 9ft Amazon, sometimes a 9ft Amazon made of diamond, the Shining Diamond is a
thundering juggernaut of justice all the time. If you're a crook in the East Coast, and planning on some hijacking,
kidnapping, hate crimes, home invasions, odds are you're going to get a diamond fist introduced to your face. The
human behind the diamond angel is a folk singer named Chartreuse Milante. She sang in coffeehouses about the
injustices of war, the destruction of Mother Earth, ...going off the path, I'm going to bring up a bit Billy Connolly
said, "If I had a hammer, there wouldn't be any more folk singers."

Getting back on track, Chartreuse was in love with a guy named Mark. Because opposites attract, love is blind, etc.,
Mark is a right-wing libertarian. One day Mark gets down on one knee, and put a diamond ring on her finger.
Chartreuse was overcome with emotion, but the first thought to come to her wasn't "Yes", but "Is that a conflict
diamond?" She knew if she said that, the relationship was through, but she also knew if she didn't ask, the
relationship would ruin her. She said no, the relationship ended, he let her keep the ring.

Remember earlier when I talked about Amulets? Can you guess that there was something special about that ring? I
hope so, because that ring was a beacon to a spirit of righteousness. While before, Chartreuse's spirit was strong, but
her flesh was weak, now, her flesh is diamond tough.

The Doorman - Ever been to those ritzy hotels and see a doorman? Probably someone in a costume already, red
coat, brass buttons, a cap? Add a domino mask to that and you have the costume of the Doorman. What's he do?
Anywhere there's a door, he can be there. Think of it as a Teleport power, it only works on himself, and where there's
a door. So when the bank robber tries to open the bank vault, the Doorman is there, ready to deliver a punch to the
face. (His other Angelic Power, Righteous Arm, ensures that hit will Hurt.)

In his civilian guise, The Doorman is...a doorman. Shocking, ain't it! Devon Devlin was a doorman at a ritzy hotel
when a uniformed cop decided to beat his girlfriend in the lobby. Devlin stepped in and got arrested. He did the right
thing, but the Thin Blue Line doesn't like being provoked. Devlin found himself without a job, parking tickets
decorating his car, speed traps out of nowhere, general vague harassment, and a mysterious package, containing a
statuette of an angel overlooking a gateway.

Lumos Pantera - This description is short and to the point - he's a giant panther made of glowing light. He zooms
down from the sky, beats up the baddies, zooms back up. Don't know who the human host is because the host has
submitted to the angel's will, so it's glowy panther time 24/7.

Sample Hellbenders

The NPC section talks about differences between Hellbenders and your typical "Gritty Hero", i.e. someone who
leaves a bodycount behind. Mainly the differences that the Hellbenders, more often than not, know they're semi-
possessed. A Hellbound can take the gritty hero route, but odds are the chap is:

1. not knowing he's got a Screwtape (and they can be real subtle)
2. By killing off his enemies (and especially if he leaves collateral damage behind), he's serving the Screwtape by
providing bodies and blood.

Anyway, the sample Hellbenders.

The Pavior - Hank Marceau tends to rely on his intuitions and gut instinct more than logical thinking. He loves
machines, all neat and orderly, everything in it's proper place. He didn't have the grades for engineering (or money
for college), but he got a job as an asphalt paver and internalized the old saying "Good Roads Make for Good
Neighbours." He also gets pissed over the phrase "Street Crime", I mean, it's not the road itself holding people up
and mugging them.

Hank was making extra hours on a job deep in the boondocks when this old wooden figurine was dug up. Whoever
made it, had to be a genius, as it's hand-carved gears and articulated arms were flat out brilliant. Equally brilliant
were the dreams Hank had that night, dreams of progress, of devices, of cities stretching out to the horizon. Of
people protected by walls and four-lane highways, secure and safe from any marauding bears and nasty snakes
(Hank was bit by one as a kid, and always harboured a fear afterwards). Of...pretty much Judge Doom's speech here,
to be honest.

The next morning he called in sick. He had work to do. He had designs in his head that need to be built, great
massive machines like the Flattener and the Road Monster. He was going to pave the world to save it. He would
become...The Pavior!

Lifeshooter - What happens when you take a guy who's naturally aggressive and raise him by pacifists? For Tyson
Franks, immense cognitive dissonance, a nasty split between him and his parents, and massive rechannelling for his
baser energies. He played sports right up until he graduated med school. He might have neurotically directed his
pent-up wrath against illnesses but when he was trying to save the life of a drug dealer who got all shot up by the
cops, he stumbled across a strange piece of metal lodged between folds of the fellow’s intestines. Cleaning it up, he
saw it was a little statue of a demonic possum, and at that moment, Tyson realized how he could resolve his feelings,
his training and his ethics in one fell swoop. All he had to do was to disguise himself, and use his anatomical
knowledge to take crooks apart instead of putting them together. It's brilliant! Dr. Franks has no idea why other
doctors don't go vigilante on their days off.

As you may have guessed, Dr. Franks is possessed, and so desperate to escape his psychological bind, he's
convinced himself his new abilities are all normal and natural - he can dodge eight gangbangers, throw scalpels with
precise accuracy, and smell a sweaty fat guy sneaking up behind him in a garbage dump because he's really smart
and Med School taught him to focus his attention. His demon is a non-verbal being of bloodlust and treachery, who
found the unstoppable force of Tyson’s natural inclination towards carnage almost as delicious as the irony it created
when plastered against the immovable object of his Quaker roots. Dr. Franks’ eager ash-canning of the Hippocratic
Oath was pretty nice bonus as well.

Sea Change - Keesha Acevedo ended her Naval career and headed straight to a Coast Guard drug interception task
force. She ended up engaged to a great guy on her crew, then went on an intercept course with a speedboat off the
Florida coast. Must drug runners don't mess with the Coast Guard unless they're suicidal, so Keesha was expecting
frantically dumped cargo and awkward excuses. What she didn't expect was that the head trafficker would be a

What followed was what we in the military often refer to as a "Donkey Rodeo", a "Goat Rope", and my personal
favourite, a "Charley Foxtrot". The traffickers were outgunned, but before the supervillian was fatally lead poisoned,
he ripped the two Coast Guard cutters apart, then summoned two dozen sharks to feed on the survivors. Keesha was
just trying to stay afloat as she grabbed for the sea-serpent supervillian's body, when she saw it's pendent, a green-
eyed snake. Somehow, she just knew.

Only a few Coast Guard personnel survived when the rescue chopper arrived. They didn't know why the sharks
avoided them (especially the two bleeding crewmen) and ripped apart an unhurt drug smuggler. Except Keesha.
Since that time, Sea Change has lurked the Florida coast, the Everglades, and the sewers in her hunt for crime and
drugs. Her body count is high, but the part of her that would have cared drowned with her fiancée.

Keesha’s Screwtape dabbles in envy but mostly focuses on cruelty, which means that Sea Change has been known to
spend hours waterboarding a suspect for information that she might have found after thirty minutes with library
microfiche. She feels better killing people when they beg for it, and heartily encourages them to do so. Once she’s
finished toying with them, of course.

The Harrowed - Like Bats Outta Hell

Yeah, for those who know me, odds are you were wondering when and if I was going to bring the Harrowed into
play. I mean, most Deadlands material (fluff and powers) could be easily covered with existing MnM powers and
tropes (or not used because in a supernatural spaghetti western, some stuff won't fly in a goofy superpowered setting
like the Crinosverse). Mad Scientists? Gizmos can cover their infernal devices, plus MnM gizmos come with the
bonus of probably not blowing up in your face (or you going nuts thinking up stuff). The Blessed, along with
Shamans and Voodoo Workers? Again, they get their powers from some otherworldly source, easily transferred into
MnM. Only things I could think of to port over were the Hucksters and now the Harrowed.

So what's the difference between the Harrowed, the Geists, and the Hellbound? Well, for starters, Harrowed are
undead, Geists are resurrected humans (they were dead, but came back to life), and Hellbound are alive, but
possessed. For more, let's take a look at the Harrowed, see how they tick.


In a dictionary, harrowed is an term that means "to be dragged from the earth". Which fits the Harrowed nicely, for
they were torn from the earth they were buried in. Harrowed can be considered "zombies with delusions of
grandeur", brought back by a manitou (yep, the same sort of nasty spirit the Hucksters battle for their powers).
Manitou are nasty bastards, eager and willing to inflict pain, suffering, and fear upon the world, but being spirits,
they can't interact with our world unless they get a body (or if they can physically pass into our world, but the few
times that happened are prime "OH SHID" affairs. Check out the ruins of Gomorrah, California for hints on what
happens when a big league manitou stomped through our world incarnate). And the easiest way for them to get a
body is to possess the dead.

Most cases, Dead Body + Manitou = a Walkin' Dead, which may seem like your stereotypical zombie at first glance.
Don't get fooled, walkin' dead can be devious and clever. Don't think "Night of the Living Dead", think "Return of
the Living Dead". They can make plans. They can use tools and weapons. And they love eatin' brains. And the worst
thing is, if the walkin' dead gets put down, the manitou can just find another corpse.

But sometimes the manitou wants more. It wants a more permanent vessel, so it can use it's more potent abilities.
And for that, it needs a human soul. But it doesn't go reanimating any Tom, Dick, and Harold around, oh no. It wants
someone tough, seasoned, what you'd might called "badass". Or "hero".

And that's how the Harrowed find themselves ripped from the realms of the dead (which the manitou refer to as The
Hunting Grounds), stuck in their dead body, and got a nasty new voice in their heads.

Dead Man's Hand

Coming back from the grave gives a Harrowed a passel of strange abilities and problems. Since I'm lazy, I'll just link
back to this, where I talked about the pluses and minuses. I'll bring up three things;

* Harrowed Powers - when the manitou starts to flex it's muscles, the Harrowed gain powers. Most of 'em are death
themed, or matched to the deader's physical, mental, or emotional strengths and weaknesses. I gave some examples
on the link.

* Coup Powers - There are big, nasty supernatural monsters in the world. When they die, they release their powers
and energy. Most humans can't catch this energy, but the Harrowed, standing as they are between the realms of
living and dead, material world and the realm of spirits, can tap into this death energy, and claim a portion of the
monster's power. They call it "Claiming Coup", after the Native American practice of claiming a victory on a foe in
battle. However, sometimes this dark gift comes with a taint of it's own. Again, examples in the link.

And then there's the nastiest part of a Harrowed existence - Dominion. The manitou wants control, to sit in the
deader's rotting driver's seat. Each night, it forces the harrowed through it's own personal nightmare, in an attempt to
grind down it's will and make it easier to take over. This mental battle is called Dominion, and as the manitou gains
it, it can be easier to take over. If it gains too much, it can try to take over, permanently.

Harrowed in the Crinosverse

I admit, I thought the Harrowed shouldn't be included in the Crinosverse. They really don't make superhero material.
I figured they'd manly lurk the Occult Underground, staying hidden from superpowered authorities, trying to keep
control on their Dominion and help out in small, spooky ways. The really big reason I was doubting adding them?
The Harrowed don't know it, but they're scouts. For an invasion. Dark interdimensional forces are looking at the
Crinosverse with envious, hungry eyes. The manitou inside the Harrowed are like little radio beacons, sending what
they see and hear back to these dark masters. And soon, they'll start their next step.

What makes a dead human more likely to get Harrowed? Like I said, if they were, in other words, heroes. So what
happens when you sneak some manitou into a world full of superheroes?

Guess what happens if a superhero dies?

Scared yet?

Sentinels of The Multiverse, part 3


Chrono-Ranger - Jim Brooks was one of the fastest guns in the west. He maintained order in the lawless wastes for
many years, facing down many of the worst bandits and outlaws as Sheriff of Silver Gulch. One day, there was a
disturbance at the edge of town - the townsfolk panicked at the sight of a giant glowing hole hovering just past the
general store. Jim stuck his hat on his head and cinched up his gun belt as he made his way to the shimmering portal.
"Now, y'all stay back," he softly drawled, before stepping through the portal, never to be seen in Silver Gulch again.
instead he wound up in a bleak, post-apocalyptic future, where monsters and horrors were the new masters of the
earth, and would have torn him to shreds if not for an AI named Co, which put him back together as a cyborg, and
had a plan involving a time machine. Con could outfit Jim with new gear, fancy gadgets, and send him back in time
to prevent this terrible future from coming to pass, and then the alternate apocalypses that sprang up to replace it.

Omnitron X - Omnitron X is a future version of the killer robot Omnitron, created after an upgrade centuries from
now finally allows it to process empathy and emotion, starting with guilt over the countless lives it had claimed over
its existence. grief-stricken, Omnitron X used a temporal shift engine to go back in time to prevent Omnitron from
ever being created, but fell short of his goal, and burning out much of his more advanced systems in the process.
Talked out of suicide by Stargirl of the Bay City Sentinels, Omnitron X has dedicated himself to saving as many
lives as he can.

Scholar - John Rhodes is a centuries old alchemist living in the swamps outside Vibora Bay, who got his start as the
apprentice to Dr. Azoth before his master became consumed by his lust for power and immortality. Ironically, the
much humbler Rhodes (named for where he was born) has achieved what Azoth had sought, creating a philosopher's
stone and using its magics to sustain himself and give life back unto the world around him. The Scholar mostly
keeps to himself, though he’s always willing to share a bit of wisdom and a bite to eat with anyone who passes by.
However, now and again, he feels the ley-lines pull and twang sharply, which shouldn’t happen. He’ll travel from
one place to another, easing the tension on the lines by stopping the odd, extra-planar entity from entering this
dimension, or keeping the crazed scientist from pulling the moon into the earth, or halting the nightmarish legions of
a comatose little girl. Sometimes, he’ll work with other gentle souls to accomplish his goal - he doesn’t mind a little
company now and then. Mainly he just wants to keep things copasetic.


Dreamer - When Visionary transported herself backwards in time, her first goal was to save the not-yet-born
version of herself. She managed to get her parents out of the clutches of Project Cocoon and kept an eye on the
family. When Vanessa Long was born, Visionary was relieved that it was without an explosion of psychic energy,
and that the baby seemed to be normal in all ways. Six years have passed, and Visionary has kept an eye on the Long
family, but with no signs of complications, the they seem to be out of harm's way. Until one day, when the young
Vanessa Long's latent powers manifested very dangerously. The young girl's thoughts manifested themselves as
physical creatures, and the shock of her new awareness of the world shut down her body, leaving Vanessa into a

Ermine - Cassandra "Cassie" Lilya was a Bedlam City socialite who used her vapid party girl persona as a cover for
her true passion of cat burglary, with a particularly lucrative spree as the Ermine that ended with her defeat by
Wraith on one of the heroine's first cases. But while Ermine managed to avoid even being charged with attempted
robbery, her double life was exposed for all to see, and even Bedlam City's upper crust wouldn't have anything to do
with her. Unlike other exposed criminals, Ermine actually misses her socialite lifestyle, and swore revenge on
Wraith for taking it away from her

Friction - Krystal Lee's lifelong dream was to join the superscientists of the John Smith Society and push
SCIENCE! to its limits, pushing herself to the brink of success when she was accepted as an intern at the Gonzo
Institute. But the dream came to a crashing end as she constantly left her work area a mess, made countless errors in
her lab reports, and she even broke valuable lab equipment by not keeping a close eye on an experiment. Worst of
all, all of her research and inventions were dismissed as "derivative" and "not actually functional". So, when Lee
received her notice that she was out of the intern program, she wasn't terribly surprised. However, she was terribly
furious, so on her last day of her internship, Krystal wore her own prototype 'Speedsuit' in a failed attempt at high
velocity vengeance on her former idol/supervisor, Tachyon. Since embarking into supervillainy, Friction has
realized that like Dr. Stratos, her speedsuit was all just a misidentified use of her own superhuman speed, and has
since devoted herself to the study of her powers, and to prove herself the better of every other speedster on the

Fright Train - Steven Graves was a decorated 8 year veteran of the US army, before injuries on the battlefield led to
his honourable discharge. but unable to return to civilian life, Graves became a mercenary, running 'security' for
South American drug lords, before finally winding up in the Val Verde military. Catching the attention of Emperor
Dannilek, Graves was 'volunteered' for supersoldier experiments, and was turned into a monstrous physical
powerhouse. because the grafted armour plating about his head resembled a train pilot/cow-catcher, Graves quickly
earned the name of Fright Train, and found his life's calling as a supervillain

Iron Legacy - in another universe, Paul Parsons VIII, better known as Legacy, was driven mad by the murder of his
daughter. After taking revenge upon her killers, he set out on a crusade of his embittered sense of justice, first
destroying any suspected evildoers without pause or question, before turning on his allies for DARING to stand in
his way, and leaving them broken and scattered in his wake. With no one to oppose him, the newly renamed Iron
Legacy made himself the undisputed master of the world... Until the TSAB came, and drove him out from his own
dimension. Now stranded in the Crinoverse, Iron Legacy plans to conquer this world so he can re-take his own.

Kismet - For countless generations, the Adhin family has been blessed with uncanny luck, succeeding in life at
every turn, believing an ancestral talisman to be the source of their good fortune. That is, up until Gabrielle Adhin.
Ever since childhood she had felt odd, indistinct sensations from time to time. Like she was moving in a hundred
different directions at once, but in directions there were no words for. When she inherited the charm, suddenly it all
made sense. In her mind's eye, she saw countless, branching possible realities, all different. In time, she used the
charm to hone her psychic abilities, learning to bend the miasma of minute possibilities to her will. Within a few
years, she'd carved a swath through reality, playing her mind games on the unsuspecting people around her, and
taking whatever she wanted. Now calling herself Kismet, she bends the power of her family’s talisman with her
powerful abilities to not just positively influence her own fortune, but to jinx those who stand in her way! Kismet
does as she pleases and has little regard for the fate of others. All existence is her playground, and even when her
trickster ways are momentarily halted, she always seems to weasel her way back into her chaotic escapades.

La Capitan - 400 years ago, Maria was a Spanish street rat whose thirst for adventure and treasure led her to
disguise herself as a boy and stow away on a Galleon bound for the new world. But once out at sea, the very
moment her true identity was discovered, the ship had the misfortune to sail into a dimensional rift, and only Maria's
quick thinking and knack for the helm allowed ship, crew and their new captain to survive, and begin their new lives
as interdimensional pirates. Now, Maria Helena Teresa Fafila Servanda Jimena Mansuara Paterna Domenga Gelvira
Placia Sendina Belita Eufemia Columba Gontina Aldonza Mafalda Cristina Tegrida de Falcon has sailed through the
ages, collecting names for herself and a crew from her past, present, and future, all with the same great thirst for
adventure and vast greed for riches from everywhere... and every when!

Miss Information - mousy little Aminia Twain is one of the most powerful women in the world, a joint
UNISON/AEGIS administrator who oversees both agency's interaction with every superhero team on the planet,
including Vanguard and the entire Sentinels franchise. That is, until the day she nearly died during an attack on the
Patriots, who had been too busy saving 'nameless' bystanders to help her. Since then, Anina has dedicated herself to
the subtle sabotage her position allows, exploiting every last secret that's crossed her desk, while she's been careful,
she knows she'll be caught eventually, and has thus already sent feelers out to PHANTOM and the Labyrinth for
future employment

Proletariat - Aleksandr Tsarev was one of the Soviet military's first successes in Omlevex-based super soldiers,
gaining the power to duplicate himself into a veritable army. After being trained to the height of human perfection,
the newly codenamed Proletariat was placed in cryogenic suspension to be ready for the inevitable war with the
United states, and the Soviet Union's hour of greatest need. When he was finally awoken decades later, Proletariat
was horrified to learn that his beloved USSR had collapsed into a decadent capitalist power, and has vowed to see
the return of the glorious worker's paradise of the Soviet Union.

Genesis Island Vanguard

Following the formation of the Hero Act, the entirety of the Tomorrow Society was labelled as criminals by the US
Government and hunted down. While some members turned themselves in under protest (Such as Frank Meltzer),
most of them relocated to Genesis Island, which had just been freed from the yoke of the Red King after the
Tomorrow Society uncovered his involvement in the Freshmen Terror incident.

Following the Red Kings fall and the changing of the guard, the primary question was if Genesis Island would be
allowed to remain in the UN. However Madam Tomorrow managed to answer that question when it was revealed
that not only did they retain all the medical secrets her brother had created, but that she was much more open about
sharing them. So Genesis Island is still in the UN, and it also means that they have the right to create their own
vanguard team.

The previous Vanguard team (which was made up of Gene Nation terrorists) was largely driven out and dismantled,
and while Holly Meltzer is handling diplomacy fronts with the US, Madame Tomorrow has put together an all new
Vanguard team made up of Tomorrow Society mainstays and Gene Nation members who saw the light.

Although they are based in Genesis Island, the Genesis Island Vanguard spends a lot of time in the states, mainly
serving as a security force for Holly Meltzer. Some critics have said that the Tomorrow Society is using the
Vanguard team to continue operating in the US despite their criminal status, to which Lucien Drake has smiled and
responded "So?"


Ymir the Radioactive Viking: Naturally, the field leader of the team is none other than Ymir, probably the most
popular member of the Tomorrow Society. Ymir, for what its worth, is just glad to be back in the states and able to
fight evil directly again. Of course he has to deal with his co-team leader...

Hell Rider: Yeah, Good Ol’ Lucien Drake, the poster child for "People who should not be poster children", is in the
Genesis Island Vanguard. His presence is basically a big middle finger to the Hero act and those who enforce it, and
Drake loves every last second of it. There is nothing that amuses Drake more than being able to rub in the face of the
Tomorrow Societies enemies that he is now free to operate in the states in spite of the Hero Act and how much of a
joke it is. Naturally this has made the team a few problems in the past, but this amuses Drake even more. Ymir is
constantly butting heads with Lucien to try and keep him under control, but Lucien just butts right back.

Draconis: Tristan Lorne was one of the victims of Freshmen Terror, who gained the power to turn into a dragon.
Neurotic and depressed after inadvertently causing the death of his girlfriend, he nevertheless served with the
Tomorrow Society and was integral to bringing down the Red King. Now he is in the Vanguard. Tristan has become
much more comfortable with his powers since the old days, and is now a more stable, well adjusted individual.

JJ Flash: Another victim of Freshmen Terror, Johnny Beltaine gained fire manipulating powers, and decided to use
them to become a super hero, taking the name and likeness of one of Mark Meadows "friends", JJ Flash.

Lance: A former member of PSI, Lance fled Emerald City following the destruction of PSI and was found by
Dauntless and Relentless, who invited her to join the Tomorrow Society. Lance is still a bit of an extremist, but has
mellowed considerably from when she was in PSI.

Hoodoo Mama: Josephine Herbert is a New Orleans Ace with the power to animate the dead. Foul mouthed and
crude, she tried joining the New Warriors during their open casting call but was rejected. She eventually became an
outlaw due to the hero act, so fled to Genesis Island, where she was chosen for the Vanguard.

Angst: A former Claremont Academy student turned member of the Tomorrow Society, Angst recently discovered
that she is not a human, but actually a pure gestalt of misery, a "daughter" of the Blood Red King who formed and
broke away from him before she could be instilled with his innate cruelty and hatred of life. Somehow, learning this
has put Angst at peace somewhat, and she now has better control of her powers. Angst is in a romantic relationship
with Hoodoo Mamma.

Ulti-woman: One of three holdovers from the original Genesis Island Vanguard, Ulti-Woman (Once Ultiteen) was a
former Claremont Student who switched sides and joined Gene Nation. Once she discovered he was behind
Freshmen Terror (she had believed that it was the act of a radical faction within the group) She was all too happy to
help bring him down. She is currently in a romantic relationship with Draconis.

Cyclops: A former Tomorrow Society member turned Gene Nation, Scott Summers thought that Madame Tomorrow
wasn't hard enough with Anti-Meta forces, so he joined up with Gene Nation, As it turns out he was actually a spy
for Madame Tomorrow, and was integral to bringing down the Red King. He now serves as the teams strategist.

Trafalgar Law: A Gene Nation pirate and terrorist, Trafalgar joined up with the Tomorrow Society following the
fall of the Red King. Although reluctant to allow Law into their ranks, he quickly proved himself by giving the
Vanguard the hearts of over one hundred high ranking Gene Nation agents and operatives. Trafalgar was once a
normal human before eating the Op Op fruit, one of the infamous "Devil fruit" which gives super powers at the cost
of being able to swim. Hoodoo Mamma has speculated that "Op Op" means "OP as ****" because its so over
powered, but considering what Law can do with the power, its not an unfair assessment.

Great Bridge 2

The League of Lesser Villains: Not so much a team as a loose network of villains who often work together, the
League of Lesser villains are a bunch of rookie street level villains who are learning the ins and outs of their powers,
and occasionally team up for mutual protection and to pull off heists.

-Entropy: Kakutama Jinzaburo (Jinza for short) was a bright high school student who was tormented by his peers
until he became a metaman, gaining the power to manipulate gravity and even create miniature black holes. After
levelling his school following rejection by a girl he had a crush on, he became a reclusive super villain and built
power armour. He now steals what he needs to get by.

-Haipa: Jinnai Sen was born moving faster than other people; She was born early, she could walk at six months, and
could even outrun most adults at a year old. by Sixteen her super powers had emerged, and had become a rebellious
teen criminal. She's also Entropy's love interest.

-Hinotama: Yashida Mariko is a descendant of aliens who has the ability to disintegrate matter and use the heat
energy to create new material. Ostracized by her peers, she went rogue after a cruel prank by some of her peers. She
now uses her powers in extortion schemes.

-The King of Storms: Fuji Rokoru was a young gamer who became a criminal after he gained the metaman ability
to control the weather. Fuji is an avid poster on social networking sites, and often telegraphs his future schemes on

-Onna Zumo: Chikamatsu Kiyomi was always big for her age, and eventually became a female Sumo wrestler until
her male competitors orchestrated a false scandal to get her expelled from Sumo Wrestling. Once she was kicked out
of sumo, she became criminal muscle for hire.

-Zeit: Tabuchi Murai is a young psychic who has the power to mentally freeze others, believing he has the power to
legitimately control time. He is a born lackey who uses his powers to assist other criminal masterminds and play

Shin No Senchi: The Shin No Senchi are a quartet of women who specialize in martial arts and weapon use. While
lacking powers, they can be quite formidable.

-Hanbo: Harada Tojiko is the new member of the team. A master of stick fighting, she took up martial arts after
being attacked on the way home from school. She quickly grew to like fighting and became a total blood knight, she
was kicked out of her martial arts school, and joined up with the quartet.

-Kiai: Misawa Riku was groomed to be an Olympic Martial arts masters by her family, but was not interested in it
because she didn't see any money in it, so she entered the world of black market martial arts fighting. She is the only
of the quartet who doesn't use a weapon.

-Tachi: Soho Yoshike always loved swords and bladed weapons, and she eventually became a top student at her
ninja school. She eventually joined up with the Yakuza as an enforcer, however she soon decided being a common
criminal was beneath her and cut ties with the Yakuza. Tachi is incredibly arrogant and imperious, considering
herself about "common" people. She is also a team leader.

-Yumi: Ochiai Kochiyo was the first recruit by Tachi. An archery master, she creates her own bows and arrows, and
is also kind of the moral core of the team.

Hisashi and Miho: A Japanese Bonnie and Clyde, Kada Hisashi was a good looking bad boy who was crippled in a
motorcycle accident and agreed to be rebuilt as a military cyborg, he escaped the military and became a criminal,
with enhanced Charisma, and vibration manipulating powers, and eventually partnered with Sugai Miho a female
super genius and mechanic. The pair are enemies of Gimmick the Gadget Girl.

Chitan: Sayuki Eri was always a bully, and only became worse when one day, when some of her victims decided to
gang up on her and get revenge, her meta powers emerged and she turned into a being of living metal. Chitan does
not work with others, and most of her accomplices end up in the hospital or worse.

Dorobato: Not a singular creature, Dorobato are a type of undead who rise up when the land they used to live upon
is defiled. They are horrible corpse like creatures made of mud, and while bound to their lands, they can be quite
dangerous to those who trespass on their domain.

HaRP: An android designed by Raven international, HaRP mark IV is a humanoid android designed for security
purposes. She possesses powerful sonic powers and an advanced AI. Unfortunately she was stolen by Doc Otaku,
who reprogrammed her as a mechanical bodyguard and assassin.

Inarri: Ihari Inarri is a ghost of a woman who was drowned by angry villagers after she murdered her husband on
their wedding night. Her restless, intangible spirit possesses newly married women to attack and seduce others. She
now wanders about Japan making trouble.

Kurayami: Yousei Kagayaku was a faerie princess of the Summer Court who became mortal to seek love of a
mortal, when that didn't work out she fell in with a vampire who tried to turn her without knowing she was fae. As a
result the vampire died, and Yousei was corrupted, gaining the powers of both vampires and Fae but none of the

Kute Sami: Nishimuta Kutsami had the good fortune of getting a hold of a magical backpack made by a bored
Chinese mystic which had the power to summon anything the wielder can imagine. Using it, Kute Sami can
summon all manner of cartoony weapons and gadgetry. Mad with power, she now uses her powers to extort and
bully her classmates. There are also several more of the backpacks out there, one which was confiscated by AEGIS
by a guy who used it to make a harem of girlfriends.

Mouretsu: Kyodai Matsuo was an astronaut who was paralyzed during a spaceship crash, who was rebuilt as a
cyborg, which also had the side effect of affecting his mind, making him cruel and callous. Eluding AEGIS, he made
his was back to Japan and became a criminal.

Toge: Araki Yasuyuki was a normal guy until he was cut by a thorn bush on a camping trip in a mysterious valley.
Unknown to him, the valley was a testing ground for the Green Man to test his creations, which turned Araki into a
horrible plant monster which poisons anything he touches, a fact he found out when he accidentally killed his
girlfriend. Toge now lives in the valley, trying to avoid human contact.

Van R'ok: Ogawa Hiro was a Spartacorp raider who gained an interest in mystic artefacts, pouring a fortune into
discovering a mystic amulet in Russia which allowed him to manifest mystical armour, a sword, and wings. With his
newfound power he embarked on criminal escapades as Van R'ok.

Yasha: Kadashi Shigeto was a petty thief who had the bad luck of stealing a magic ring which caused him to
become possessed by a small army of demons, which destroyed his body and took it over. Yasha can turn into one of
four forms depending on what demon is in charge: A martial arts master, a Vampire, a winged demon, and a ninja.

A History of Hell

In the Beginning and the first age of Hell

The realms of Hell have existed as long as there has been human myth and religion. As long as humans have been
sapient they have imagined evil spirits, and the dank and dismal realm they inhabited.

This era, known as the first age of Hell, saw the realm of Hell being inhabited by Demons, beings of pure evil who
sprung directly from the human conception of evil. The greatest of all these, naturally, was the Dragon, also known
as the Wyrm, Dahak, the Ebon Dragon, and eventually Mr. Infamy. Using his demonic forces, the Dragon waged
war against the Cosmic Eternals for the fate of humanity. Eventually he was captured and chained during the
Turakian age, bound in chains created from the very concept of human goodness, forged by the Solar Exalted

After Dahak's imprisonment, he became much less capable to act directly in the mortal world, but was still able to
menace the mortal realm, becoming a recurring enemy to Hercules and Xena, and even impregnating Xena's long
time companion Gabrielle, the resulting offspring, Hope, was an evil who endured to the modern day. But after
numerous defeats by Xena and Hercules, Dahak was forced to seek subtler means to bedevil humanity.

After this comes the second age of Hell, where Hell was ruled by Etrigan the Rhymer, a powerful demon lord of
no small ability. This period also saw the start of the Blood War, when the Entropic masters began to invade Hell in
an effort to claim it as their own. Etrigan would remain in power until the fall of Lucifer, which signified...

The Third Age of Hell

When Lucifer fell, taking a full third of the angelic hosts along with him, he was able to rise through the Hellish
ranks through a combination of power and incredible charisma. Etrigan fought against him, even capturing thirty of
his most powerful agents and banishing them to Earth, trapped in silver coins. Eventually though Etrigan fell out of
power and was dragged to Earth by Merlin, leaving Lucifer to rule Hell unchallenged.

Lucifer's reign of Hell is the best known of all the reigns of Hell, and many people still mistakenly believe he rules
Hell still. Most demons don't do much to correct this misconception, and most heroes and mystics are legitimately
surprised to find out that Lucifer hadn't even resided in Hell since the crusades.

Yes, during the Crusades, Lucifer attempted an auspicious plan where he lured a crusader by the name of Dante
down to Hell to save his wife, who Lucifer had won in a bet against Dante's less than stellar faithfulness to her.
Lucifer intended Dante to cut a hole in the defences of Hell that he could then escape from. Unfortunately he
underestimated Dante and was defeated in a hard fought battle.

Following the humiliation of being bested by a mortal, the demons of Hell lost faith in Lucifer's ability to lead, and
he was removed from power, he eventually fled to the mortal world, spending ages wandering the Earth until finally
settling in Los Dios and opening a night club. He is largely retired now, and stays out of the affairs of Gods and

Mr. Hoppy and the Fourth Age

Mr. Hoppy was the evil, demonic half of Merlin, expelled from Merlin during his Baptism, he spent most of the
Arthurian age wandering the Earth, playing the role of trickster and marauding monsters. Many myths of Pooka,
Hengeyokai, and trickster Gods originated from Hoppy's mischief. It came to an end in Ireland, when Hoppy was
sent to Hell by Saint Patrick when he banished all evil beasts from the Emerald Isle. In Hell, Hoppy was a minor
figure, more an amusing curiosity and court jester than anything.

When Lucifer was cast out, the high ranking Lords of Hell decided to place Hoppy in charge partly to spite Lucifer
(Saying even the rabbit could rule Hell better), partly cause they assumed he would be easy to control, and partly
because they had to put SOMEONE in charge but quick to prevent a civil war.

Of course, it turns out Hoppy was much craftier, and much more powerful than anyone had imagined, and quickly
brought the lords of Hell in line under his heel. Hoppy reorganized Hell, and instilled many practices and taboos that
are still in place today; Hoppy forbade demons from harming or corrupting children. This caused numerous demons
(Such as Moloch and Bughul) to abandon Hell for Earth or their own realms and also led to Hell making uneasy
truces with good aligned Cosmic Eternals such as Bes, Hera, Frigga, and others.

In all, Hoppy made Hell less dangerous by virtue that he understood that Good vs. Evil was a never ending struggle
and that it should stay that way. While many of Hoppy's countrymen wanted to have a final knock down drag down
war with Heaven, Hoppy understood that would end badly either way (Either they lose and spend the rest of eternity
at the bottom of a lake of fire, or they win and evil rules the world for eternity, in which case what's the point?)
Make no mistake, Hoppy was evil to the core, despite his peculiarities, and never passed up an opportunity to cause
death and destruction on a global scale, but he did have principles.

The fifth age: Where do we go from here?

The fourth age of Hell ended just now, when Xiao the Dawn General struck Hoppy with a fatal blow from the
Scythe of Chronos. Perhaps the lord of Hell had become too proud and complacent, and believed himself
untouchable, even by the power of the Titans, in either case, Hoppy is gone, and Hell is without a leader.

What does this mean? Well the big thing is that children are once again free game for demons. Where before none
but the most insane and arrogant demons would defy Hoppy by menacing children, now the buffer is gone. As is the
uneasy truce with the mystical protectors of children, among them the Guardians of Childhood (which consist of
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Sand Man, Jack Frost, and the Easter Bunny (Whom Hoppy treated like a
baby brother, much to Bunnymund's chagrin.)

The real question is what will happen to the Super Dead? Will any more of them show up? Will the remaining ones
finally be able to die now that Hoppy is gone? Or will some new evil take the reigns of the project?

And who will rule Hell? Will one of the demon lord rise up? Will Etrigan, Lucifer, or even the Dragon return to take
the throne? Or will some new power rise to take the throne.


Probably the most famous and well known of the so called "Hidden Lands", Atlantis the kingdom under the sea. As
well as the most powerful nation on Earth.

No, I'm serious.

Consider that the Earth is covered on 75% of her total surface by water. We use the oceans for transport, to fish for
food, to ship goods to one another, we basically could not live without it.
The Atlanteans control it. All of it.

The Atlanteans hold regency over the entirety of the ocean floor, by sheer virtue that they are the only ones who can
live down there. Any man made structure in the ocean, from boats to oil rigs to undersea research labs, exist only by
their good graces (Indeed, in the sixties, in order to maintain peaceful relations with Atlantis after a few...
"Misunderstandings" The UN granted Atlantis the power to veto any ship or structure they like; Meaning they can
basically tell a company that they can't use the oceans to ship their goods. Luckily the Atlanteans have never used
this power but once: On BP Oil.) On top of that, the Atlanteans could easily conquer the surface world, being able to
stage invasions of any coast line at will, or simply use ancient war machines to create devastating tsunamis or melt
the polar ice caps.

Luckily there is little chance of them actually doing that. Despite the stereotype of Atlanteans being bad tempered,
arrogant and imperious, the average Atlantean is actually very laid back and easy going. Notable exceptions among
the Royal family (Such as Namor, and Sea King when he was younger), being the exception rather than the rule.
Unfortunately Namor's actions go a long way to paint the Atlanteans as imperious sabre rattlers who like to throw
their weight around.

A History of Atlantis

Atlantis was once on the surface, and the home to a powerful group of mighty sorcerers. The sorcerer kings of
Atlantis ruled all they surveyed, warring with the Lemurians and other monstrous tribes which populated the Earth.
Eventually the sorcerer kings grew too ambitious, they reached for too much, and as a result Atlantis sank beneath
the waves. Some of the sorcerer kings ascended to the Imageria, becoming godlike beings known as the Exarchs,
who plot and scheme to keep humanity ignorant and weak to make them easy to control. Other mage's fled the
doomed island, joining with the then young White Lotus society.

A few mages went down with the ship as it was, and its to those brave souls that Atlantis forever owes a debt of
gratitude. As Atlantis sank, the mages performed a hastily crafted spell which would allow them, and the common
folk of Atlantis to survive beneath the waves. The spell worked, but due to the haste of the spell, and the powerful
magics being released by the islands destruction, the spell effected different people differently: Some remained
human looking, others gained blue skin, or were turned into half human half fish beings (Mermaid and Fishmen.)

Following the fall of Atlantis, a great Diaspora occurred; With the various people of Atlantis spreading out across the
seven seas, establishing city states and kingdoms beneath the sea. Atlantis itself remained the centre of this network,
ruled by its absolute monarch, the Sea King. At his right hand the Sub-mariner, the minister of war, and at his left
hand the Sword of Atlantis, its greatest hero, the Aquaman. Tradition has always dictated that the eldest bears the
crown, and among the other brothers (or cousins, or sisters, or wives or husbands) that the greatest warrior and
strategist be the Sub Mariner, and the bravest soul, the one who best inspires the people and protects them from
harm, be the Aquaman.

Today, King Thesus wears the crown of Atlantis as the Sea King. Namor is the Sub-mariner, and Arthur Curry is
the Aquaman. These three have a better understanding of humanity than most of their predecessors, (Thesus was a
super hero on the surface, Namor is half human on his father's side (Making him Theseus' and Arthur's half brother)
and Arthur was lost at a young age and raised by a kindly lighthouse keeper before returning to take up his mantle)
which accounts for Atlantis' current good diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.

Today, Atlantis is a marvel of both magic and technology; Possessing the ancient technology and magic of old
Atlantis make them one of the most powerful magitek nations on the planet, rivalling Thule in terms of power.

People of the deep: As noted above, the spell which allowed Ancient Atlanteans to survive the cataclysm which
sank their island was not perfect, and caused several mutated sub species. As a whole, Atlanteans are much more
racially tolerant than surface dwellers, owing to how strange they can look (There are exceptions of course, such as
the exiled fourth Atlantean brother Orm, better known as Ocean Master.)

Atlanteans: The basic default of the people, Atlanteans resemble humans pretty much identically, and come in all
the range of skin and hair tone that humans do. About a third of them have noticeable gills on their shoulders, but
aside from that look normal. Atlanteans have the same potential for super powers as surface folk, but many focus on
mystical powers. The most common power among Atlanteans is the power to speak to the creatures of the sea, with
over a third of its people possessing the ability. The next most common is hydro kinesis, which is present in about
one eighth of the population.

Tritons: The Blue skinned Atlanteans. Identical to normal Atlanteans except their skin is blue and their hands and
feet are webbed. about a quarter of Tritons are unable to breath air, only water. Those that do need water to survive
on land usually make due with water helmets. The majority of Triton live as nomad barbarians on the ocean floor, or
as pirates. The former leader of the Tritons is Attuma, an ambitious warlord whose plans of conquest were cut short
by the Avengers, and who is now cooling his gills in Super Alcatraz.

Mermaids: Another result of the spell gone awry, Mermaids (Or rather Merfolk) have human (or mostly human in
some cases) upper halves, and the lower halves of fish. Mermaids are renowned for their beauty and their beautiful
singing, which unfortunately makes them a target for greedy humans who want to kidnap them (Criminal groups
like PHANTOM and the former ICL made a fortune off of kidnapping mermaids and keeping them as pets or
slaves. Gang Lord Gorilla himself still has a few captive mermaids on display at one of his casinos.)

Naturally, their lack of legs means Mermfolk are vulnerable on land, when going on land they often use ring shaped
bubbles for locomotion. In addition, when a mermaid turns thirty, their fin splits and they can walk on land normally
(This does not apply to mermen though.)

Fish Men: Probably the most infamous of the Atlantean tribes, the Fish Men are half human, half fish men. Fish
men are much stronger physically than humans, and become even stronger under water. They also often possess
super powers based on what kind of fish they are crossed with. In addition many fishmen are water benders,
practicing a form of Karate which allows them to fight by manipulating water.

Many villains have existed among the Fish Men, born out of their mistreatment by surface folk, who in the past have
seen them as monsters and subhumans. Among them was Fisher Tiger, a silver aged Fishman who was kidnapped
and experimented on by PHANTOM, only to break free and become a pirate. He was a recurring foe to Siren until
he was mortally wounded by a UNISON ambush after returning a little girl who had been kidnapped by PHANTOM
to her family. Siren attempted to save Fishers life with a blood transfusion, but Tiger's hatred of humans would not
allow him to accept Siren's offer. Another villain born of the Fish Man is Arlong, an evil pirate who abuses and
bullies humans. He is a recurring foe to numerous aquatic heroes such as Siren, Ultramarine, and others. Only time
will tell of more villains are produced by the animosity between humans and Fish Men.

Among the Fish Men and Mermaids, their largest settlement is the Ryuga Kingdom, a undersea city state in the
south Pacific. It is given light and air by a mysterious artefact, and is ruled by a giant mermaid named King
Neptune, his three sons, and his daughter Shirahoshi. (Unfortunately the Queen was assassinated some time ago by
the Ocean Master.) The Ryuga Kingdom is also home to the current dean of the Atlantean magic academy: the
Mermaid Nami the Tide Caller, and her prize pupil, Lag'ann (Better known as Lagoon boy).

Deep Ones: Even more bestial and inhuman than Fish Men, the Deep Ones are the descendants other Atlantean
tribes who signed on with the ancient Gods which slumber in the deep, dedicating themselves to the eradication of
other Atlanteans and surface folk. Deep ones shore up their numbers by heading to the surface and cross breeding
with humans, the offspring slowly mutating into more deep ones later in life.

There are two primary subspecies of Deep One: The Sahuagin, a race of green skinned, shark like marauders who
indulge in human sacrifice and piracy. The other subspecies is the Kuo Toa, slimy, cave fish like monsters who
primarily inhabit the vast undersea oceans of sub terra. Among both species mutation and black magic use are
common, making them very dangerous.

Maxwell of Atlantis

Maxwell was born in the glory days of Atlantis, at it's height as a techno-sorcerous utopia. His father, and teacher in
magic, was the famed archmage Ahgrazul, though the two of them never got along well.
Himself quite adept at interdimensional travel, Maxwell had begun dating a young woman named Sasha from a
parallel dimension. They were young, and blissfully in love and Sasha died when the forces of Omega fed her entire
universe into the Terminus Stream.

Devastated, Maxwell threw himself into his studies, seeking a way bring his love back, from even the nonexistence
of the Terminus if need be. In time he became an archmage himself, taking on an apprentice named Quinn to help
him in his all consuming quest.

Distracted as he was, he never noticed Quinn's own ambition, which led to him contacted the pirate planet Xeron,
leading it to Earth. Xeron attacked Atlantis itself, enraged, Maxwell hurled both Quinn and Xeron into a pocket
dimension he created, sealing it off from the rest of the multi-verse, knowing that, in time, Quinn would find a way
to free himself, Maxwell found he now had two goals to split his attention.

Casting auguries he determined when the boundaries to the dimension would break down, as well as what magic
users would be alive at the time who would be powerful enough to defeat Quinn and destroy Xeron.

Over the next ten thousand years, Atlantis would fall and Maxwell would lead a mostly solitary existence, preparing
power and artefacts for his goals. As the world entered the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, there was a
resurgence of powerful sorcerers, and Maxwell hid himself and most of his power away in the form of a housecat so
he could continue undisturbed.

Maxwell missed his first chance to destroy Xeron when he failed to find his chosen warrior, Megan Conner when
he'd intended, losing track of her for nearly ten years, until he was eventually able to awaken her power and give her
the mystical focus he had designed. eventually, Conner and her allies, the Chicago branch of the Avengers, would
defeat Quinn, make peace with Xeron, and free it's inhabitants from their prison.

Later still, the Avengers would help him to defeat Omega, and using all the power he had stored, do that which had
never been done, rescue someone from the non-existence of entropy, returning Sasha to life.

The two of them are, presently, living a quiet life in the suburbs.

The Legion.

During the Lor Republic's war with Darkseid, the forces of Apokolips made many attempts to cut down the Lor's
leadership, destroying Citadel and Manga-Lor in the process, the last of these, before their base on Deep Space Nine
was sealed off from intrusion by a Mother Box found by several heroes of the Republic, was prevented by young
powered persons from the republic.

In thanks for saving her life, Chancellor Solo then supported the efforts of the three in recruiting like minded
individuals, in the hope that they could be an icon for the Republic in it's darkest days, and as it began to rebuild,
should it survive the war.

The Legion is just starting out, and has strong ties with the Stellar Nursery Society, both respecting their goals, and
often recruiting from amongst the older teens displaced by the war that the society has rescued.

While they have had some presence on Earth, as it's been a haven for the Society, no one has yet noticed the bizarre
similarity in group names and power sets amongst the membership between the group and Earth's Legion of Super-

The Legion has, in many aspects, in many realities, been an enemy of the Time Trapper, the personification of the
End of Time, and the existence of both has been manipulated by the Trapper, as he seeks ways to subvert or destroy
the Legion of Super-Heroes in all it's incarnations.


Rokk Krinn: Native of Braal of who shares his people' ability to manipulate magnetism. A gifted young athlete he
had been picked up by the Society and was on his way back home after being cut off from regular travel by the war
when he arrived on Deep Space Nine and helped save the life of Chancellor Solo.

Garth Ranzz: Winathian who gained electrical projection after an accident with the lightning beasts of Krobal with
his siblings. Prone to action he jumped at the chance to help save the Chancellor. As the group gets closer he's
finding himself falling for Imra.

Imra Ardeen: Supposedly a gifted young Lor Mentat, Imra is actually a Titanian Eternal, who has left her home in
order to explore the galaxy at large. It was Imra who detected the Apokoliptian assassins.

Ayla Ranzz: Garth's twin sister, who shares his electrical generation powers. She joined the Legion after having
tracked her brother down on Deep Space Nine, bringing her boss and friend along.

Dr. Zoe Saugin: A young archaeologist, Zoe gained telekinesis after exposure to an ancient Precursor artefact when
she was a child on a dig with her parents. She gained her own degree and spent years looking for similar artefacts,
hiring Ayla and Salu as her assistants. She's, sadly, a little power hungry, but willing to help the fledgling Legion out.

Salu Digby: Capable of shrinking to atomic size as a native of Imsk. Salu work with Ayla and Zoe and also travelled
to DS9 looking for information on her Cousin Randa who went missing before the war, hearing she'd been picked up
with the SNS. She's shy around people she doesn't know, and is developing romantic feelings for Ayla.

Jo Nah: A gang leader from Rimbor, he ended up fleeing with planet with eh SNS after it was nearly razed by the
Zentradi in the war. He joined the Legion looking for revenge, but is coming to genuinely enjoy protecting others.
He's capable of manifesting Viltrumite/Daxamite powers one at a time.

Lyrl Dox: Son of L.E.G.I.O.N. founder Vril Dox. The groups name was his idea and he currently funds much of
the teams operations. While he planned to take over the group and make it his own army in an attempt to out do his
father, he didn't expect Rokk to be as charismatic and capable at strategy. Lyrl is half Coluian and possesses a
twelfth level intellect.

Clark Kent: Joining after one of the groups excursions there with eh SNS, Clark has discovered he's one of the few
surviving members of the Kryptonian race. Raised on Earth, Clark often joins the Legion on Weekends or during
longer vacations

Block: A member of the living stone Dryad race, Block is immensely strong, with a gentle soul.

Jenni Ognats: Supposedly a speedster from Aarok, Jenni is actually a time traveller, and cousin to Impulse at the
Avengers Academy. Their purpose with these 21st century groups is unknown.

Legion Part 2

Reep Daggle: Durlan shapeshifter. Durlans actually tend to be fairly distrusted as a species and Reep is hoping to
generate some good well to his insular planet.

Laurel Gand: Pacifist Daxamite and an acolyte of the church of universal peace. Laurel joined the Legion hoping to
direct their energy as a more constructive force rather than just beating up criminals as they pop up.

Tinya Wazzo: An emissary/explorer from the planet Bgtzl, with normally sits out of synch with the rest of the

Hot Shot: A hot headed Cybertronian who joined looking to make a name for himself on the galactic stage.

Kit and Kat: A pair of Thundarian twins who specialize in acrobatics and sneaking.

Anakin Solo: Chancellor Solo's youngest son, and a talented force user.
Wloooloo: Acanti Space Whale. Wloooloo often acts as transport for the rest of the team.

Team Elite

In 1995, a group of scientists for the John Smith Society created a new form of artificial human, combining human
cloning with artificial intelligence development and prototype in vitro bionic enhancement, their creations emerging
as superpowered humans with fully developed adult intelligence and personality. A mere week later, a powerful
sorcerer named Theadore Titenin released them from the lab and set them up to become Boston's resident
superhero team, dealing over the years with threats of both mad science and invaders from the imageria.

Of their enemies over the years, Team Elite's greatest nemesis has been Dr. Linnear, among the most brilliant
roboticists in the world and one of their own creators, now gone insane and bent on 'rebooting' human civilization to
ensure its survival against inevitable ecological catastrophe. To this end he created The Steel, an army of robots
loyal to him, and 12 superpowered bioroid generals, whom he regards as his sons and daughters

As a whole, Team Elite's finest hour came in 2008, when they stood alongside the Patriots, Freedom League and
Sentinels, and were instrumental in thwarting the invasion of Earth by Orkus and his world-ship, Abbaddon.

Today, Team Elite not so much a team as a bizarre extended family, having acquired several new members, while
older members of the team have children who are ready to carry on the family business, prompting a trainee
program. Currently, Team Elite is between Headquarters, the adult members meeting and operating out of the
Shotglass Pub, a bar owned and operated by the wife of one of the team's original members.

Membership is:

- Angelica: a guardian angel with powers of clairvoyance and wielding a sword of holy light, Angelica was assigned
to earth to fight against the Invasion of Orkus in 2008, and over the course of those dark days learned that the King
of the Entropic Masters was her own father. Angelica was so shocked by this revelation that she chose to stay on
earth and live among humans than return to Paradise. That she and Soul Blazer had both fallen in love at first sight
with each other is beside the point. In spite of her protests, Angelica is Team Elite's current leader.

- Breaker: a founding member of the team, Brian was the moody, humourless grim loner of the bunch, perhaps
envious of the flashier abilities of his brothers, while he had superhuman strength, stamina, speed and agility. These
issues drove him to leave the team, becoming a grim and violent vigilante, until he and his family met again on
opposite sides of the Psychotic Seven's coup. Realizing what an ass he'd been, Breaker took the time to overcome
the worst of his issues, and rejoined his family in 2006, now serving as their field tactician and 'plan guy', and
supplementing his abilities with a small arsenal of high tech weapons.

- Cain: a complete mystery, Cain literally fell to earth one day, and wound up in Team Elite's care. unable to
remember his past to this very day, Cain 's a good-natured, friendly sort. Most people (including most of Team Elite)
presume his friendliness stems from his being truly invulnerable to any harm, plus being able to teleport and fire
bolts of energy, but no, he really is just that willing to see the good in everyone

- Garland: Millenea ago, Garland was transformed by the God Slayer Aum-Ra into a 9 foot tall animated stone
gargoyle of mithran grade strength and durability, the first of the Guardians, herald 'angels' in her war to rid the
universe of Cosmic Eternal and Entropic Master alike, a war they continued even after Aum Ra's destruction by
Takofanes. Centuries later, Garland eventually turned against his fellow Guardians, recognizing they had become
the very monsters they'd sworn to fight, and fled to Earth with Mari, the infant demigoddess whose innocence had
stayed his spear, last survivor of the final pantheon to die by his hand, and joined team Elite after they held help
defend earth from the Guardians.

- Knight: one of the founding members, Jacob led the team from the start through triumph and Tragedy, before he
permanently sacrificed his phenomenal energy construct powers during the Orkus Invasion in 2008. for almost 5
years he has tried to enjoy his sudden retirement, before he was taken away from earth to join the Templar Legion,
an order of cosmic warriors who hope to fill the void left by the near-destruction of the Star Knights.
- Lightbend: a superstrong human-chameleon mutant with invisibility, Lightbend was the creation of Mr. Matthews,
intended as yet another of the mad scientists monstrous animal assassins, had he not been created a bit too smart,
and made his escape into the world, eventually building himself the identity of Jokertown stand up comic Frank
Hunter, Lightbend also became one of the first non-founding members of Team Elite. Flippant and sarcastic,
Lightbend is most often assigned to teaching/running herd on the Trainees

- Quick: like his brothers, Dr. Kenneth Lowgun is a bioroid, with not only superhuman speed, but intelligence to
match, devising a custom suit of power armour to give himself an offence to match his defence. Quick has also
branched himself out by starting Lowgun Labs, his own research/engineering firm, with contract work for both
Omnitech Steele and Raven Industries.

- Soul Blazer: Robert Cole Jr. was just a young man pursuing his psychology doctorate, perfectly ordinary in every
way... until 2008, when the Orkus invasion awoke his destiny as the Soul Blazer, a reborn Cosmic Eternal of
phenomenal cosmic power. 5 years later, he's shed most of his inexperience, but he's the first to admit he still has
MUCH to learn, and being able to grant himself mithran-level strength, magic armour and an artefact grade holy
sword is hardly proof of mastering his powers. on the plus side, he and Angelica have finally started dating after
admitting the love they've had for each other since the day they met

- Theadore Titenin: the smug, cryptic and caustic-tongued master-mage grade magician of Team Elite, Theodore
has been with the team from day one, subtly and not-so subtly arranging the lives and destinies of his teammates.
What few people realize (and what the rest of the team eventually forced out of him) is that he did not before the
Terminus Invasion of 1993. Theodore is in fact an other-dimensional refugee, the Master Mage of his reality before
it was consumed, not by the Terminus (as Team Elite believes), but by the Darkness Beyond Time itself during his
reality’s equivalent of the Orkus Invasion

Team Elite Trainees

As mentioned above, Team Elite has taken it upon themselves to begin training a younger generation of heroes.
Their lineup is:

- Alex Stevens - the eldest of the Trainees at 17, Alex Steves Jr. is the son of barrista & telepathic Ace Anna Stevens,
and Team elite founding member Alex, aka Gadget, who gave his life in 2001 to save countless lives from a
madman's doomsday device. From an early age, Alex began to develop both his mother's telepathy and his father's
telekinesis, and has been groomed for heroism almost his entire life, training that has made him the field Leader and
student-teacher of his fellow Trainess. In addition to the headaches of responsibility and leadership, on a recent trip
to Faerie, Alex fell in love with a winged girl named Mina afer saving her from a dragon's lair, and remains
blissfully unaware of her status as a lesser noble among the Winter Court, and that she has chosen him as her consort

- Firestarter - the youngest of the Trainees and the creation of Dr. Linear, Team Elite's nemesis, James is a teenage
bioroid, made with impressive pyrokinetic abilities. the good news is he has no intention of following in his father's
footsteps. Unfortunately he's incredibly lazy, and thus letting his true poential go to waste, preferring to sit on the
couch on Xbox Live than go out and do anything genuinely heroic. for this reason, he's been enrolled in Team Elite's
Trainee program

- Fiver & Atomica - Will Soren is a young sorceror whose awakening blessed and cursed him with precognative
visions, leading his parents to abandon him through a series of mental institutions before he finally took control of
his power, and finding he was in the cruel 'care' of a fleshcrafting alchemist. Atomica was another of the alchemists
prisoners, her memories stripped from her, her body twisted into a powerful yet monstrous half-dragon form. It was
will who gave her true name of Dinah that night, the two falling in love with each other, unknowingly becoming not
just sorceror and familiar, but soulmates. together, they escaped, freeing the alchemist's other prisoners and
destroying his lab in the process, before Theadore Titenin took them under his wing into the Trainess, remembering
how in another universe, Will, or Fiver (named so by Dinah after her love of Watership Down) had been his more
than capable apprentice.

- Magnetics - an energy-based life form, Magnetics was found in an Iowa cornfield by Quick, who crafted a special
containment suit for the newest member of his family (never specifying if it ws for Magnetics' protection, or those
around him) while he tried to figure out Magnetic's nature and origins. in the meantime, Magnetics was enrolled in
the Trainee program, and his ability to manipulate the electrmagnetic spectrum has grown rapidly

- Magni - one of the many sons of Thor, Magni stole Mjollnir and ran away to earth to prove himself as great a hero
as his father. After an... eventful road trip with fellow teen hero Silver, Magni was caught and made to return what
he had stolen, and would remain on earth until he's truly proven his own worth, a task for which Thor has given
Magni his own mighty hammer, Harter-Blitz

- Sapphire - teenaged superspeedster and another of Dr. Linear's creations, Sapphire was created for the purpose of
actually joining Team Elit's Trainee program, to act as his spy and saboteur. Unfortunately, Sapphire's programming
worked too well, and has severed tes with her creator after revealing her former mission to the team.

- Scanner - a Lost Changling, Bill Sunflower was stolen away into faerie by the winter Lords as an infant, and grew
up in the realm of the Dark Undermaster, in training as one of his spies until his downfall, and like other
Changlings Bill was returned to earth. Unfortunately, Bill's gift of heightened senses left him overwhelmed by 21st
century, earth, before he was taken in by Team Elite and given a headset to compensate as his senses slowly adjust to
reality. Acid-tongued in wit and a born pessimist, Scanner wants to return to Faerie, and to this end has agreed to
serve Lady Mina's interests in getting Alex to be her consort.

- Shift - a shapeshifting alien composed of a living golden metal, Shift was sent to Earth as an infat and adopted by
Quick as his daughter Vanessa. Arrogant and demanding, learning she actually is alien royalty hasn't improved her
manners any, and Shift has been brought into the Trainee program to do something about her insuffrable diva-like

- Silver - an Ace, David Stenor got it in his head to try out for Team Elite after his turn to shift his desnity, allowing
him to go insubstantial or enhance his strength/toughness to near-mithran levels. this resulted in an... eventful road
trip with Magni, and the two of them aiding team elite. both teens were put into the trainee program as their 'reward'.
Silver is also the only one of the trainees with a secret identity, and is currently trying to balance his heroics with his
part time job at best buy.

- Suisei-Ko - A hyperactive and slightly scatterbrained Japanese android of myserious origins, Suisei-Ko is a
dynamic go-getter who by all appearances has based her life and morality around "Wild Warpin' Prism Heroes".
What Suisei-Ko's keeping from her teammates though is that she's learned she's actually Dollface, or rather, one of
her alternate selves that's gotten too 'into character'.

- Templar Girl - Garland's foster Daughter, Mari Hershing is the last demigoddess of an alien pantheon, who is
starting to come into her dive birthright, weilding sunlight as both energy blasts and constructs. Mari carries a no-so-
secret crush on Alex, and is largely considered his second in command. unfortunately, Garr hasn't told her that her
father is still alive, and he was NOT a good sun god...

- Vendetta - A legacy heroine, Vendetta is Vatha Scott, the daughter of Captain Orion, a silver age hero/Galaxy
police officer (retired), and the previous Vendetta, daughter/chief enforcer to Zordok, one of the warlords of the
Stellar Khanate. 4 years ago, on vatha's 12th birthday, Vatha was kidnapped by her grandfather to take her mother's
place as his prized assassin. Her parents fought tooth and nail to get her back, but at the cost of Ariathea's life, dying
on the way back to earth in her daughter's arms. vowing that no-one should suffer as she did that day, Vatha
developed her powers and fighting ability to their utmost, and took up her mother's former title for herself, swearing
an oath of vengeance against the tyrants of the universe. but, being only 16, she's been enrolled in the Team Elite
Trainee program, where she's coming to deny her blossoming homosexuality, developing an attraction to her
teammate/rival, Templar Girl (that Mari's straight isn't helping matters).

The Stellar Exalted

No one is sure about the origins of the sky father Locke. Following the destruction of the Star Knights, he appeared.
It could be that he was in hiding. This seems plausible, considering he is the last survivor of his pantheon. But even
the Godslayers have now recollection of this trickster-turned-king.
He could be from the future, retroactively including himself into the universe. His associations with the Time
Masters and the Time Lords suggest that, as well. But whatever his origins, his intentions and locations are clear; He
has made his home on the planet Freyon, a massive Terran world on the other end of the Milky Way. There, over this
world teaming with life but apparently empty of anything sentient, he has located his Sky Palace and sent out the
call to those gifted by his power.

Because, while Cybertron sleeps and Primus waits, Autochthon-that-was still dreams, and with those dreams has
Locke forged wonders for himself and his allies. The universe faces darkness, and Locke has sent out new light in
the form of the Stellar Exaltations.

The Stellar Exalted consist of three groups:

The Templar Legion

The Pax Dei, or Angelic Exalted

The Hourmen, or the Temporal Exalted

Templar Castes and Equivalents:

Sword Bearer: Dawn

The Sword Bearers are the warrior elite of the Templari. Each able to manifest and blessed with a weapon of
unyielding power, they are the army breakers and darkness destroyers. Wielding swords and weapons of light, their
power glows white and blue, and while they are capable of great heroism, those that fall are capable of equally great
villainy. They are guided and mentored by Locke's youngest daughter, Gariella Celeste.

Word Bearer: Eclipse

Against any foe, alliances are needed. Thus, the Word Bearers come. Quick of wit, quick of tongue, their power is
both the delusion of tension and the forging of friendships. They bring peace to wars through both force of arms and
honeyed words, and their light glows blue and yellow, mixing together into anima displays of emerald. Often
mistaken for Green Lanterns, they lack the ability to create constructs. They are guided and mentored by Deis
Invernae, Locke's eldest daughter and peacemaker of the volatile Sisters.

Maker: Twilight

It is not only the Templar who must hold the line against the darkness. This is not their universe. And so the Makers
will built a greater universe for the people who live in it. Transcendent engineering geniuses, the Makers build,
teach, and reinforce. Constructors and educators, their powers gear towards creating constructs with their powers,
and psychokinetic manipulation of infrastructure. Their power glows dark blue, like the sky at dusk. They are guided
and mentored by Seras Invilorae, Locke's second eldest daughter and a noted teacher of old magicks.

Void Runner: Night

Light and Darkness are not opposed, but opposites. To understand this is to be able to use the darkness as well as the
light. The Void Runners flirt with the darkness to the point of corruption. And when they do so, they may use this
power of evil to destroy it from within. While the Void Runners hold the greatest chance of falling, at the same time
they are the most effective spies and the best at understanding the motivation of the fallen. They are guided and
mentored by Lumis and Sadow, twin daughters of Locke who possess powers of both luminescent power and inky

Sovereign: Zenith

The Kings of the Sky and Rulers of Worlds, the Sovereigns guide civilizations and mobilize cultures. They are the
Royals who Lead, fighting at the head of armies against the darkness and protecting people with holy power. Their
power glows bright blue and radiant white, and when used in the defence of others it burns away the darkness. They
are guided and mentored by Ninie the Phoenix, Locke's second youngest daughter.


How does a small street gang turn into an international movement in a short time? The power of social media is one
part, the damage done to the fabric of society by an alien invasion is another part, but the main part is the groups
ethos: drugs, experimentation, chaos, and violence. That is it. There are freaks, what they call themselves, of every
political persuasion, nationality, ethnic identity, and ideology. The various sects fight each other as much as they
fight authority, society, and heroes.

The Freakshow started off as a unpowered minor gang of punk rock enthusiasts. That is until they knocked over a
Grant Conglomerate shipment of experimental retro-viruses, rejected super soldier formulas, and other biologically
altering chemicals. They were tipped off by a low level Grant Conglomerate shipping clerk named Daniel Watson, a
member of the group, who thought there might be money in the shipment. Not knowing what they were doing the
gang decided to sample the chemicals to see if they could get high from them.

Certain combinations did give the members a buzz. They also had other effects, the gang members soon found
themselves stronger, faster, and tougher. They healed faster and could ignore huge amounts of pain. They soon
began knocking over more and more shipments. Always trying new combinations. Some worked better, some had
the same results, and some actually led to debilitating mutation. It is with those combinations that the freaks were
truly born. In drug fuelled madness, one freak chopped off his withered arm and replaced it with a crude claw. Far
from finding the self surgery horrifying, the other members thought it was pretty cool. They added robotics and arms
companies to the shipments and warehouses they knocked over. Most of the gang soon began sporting crude
cybernetics. By that time the Freakshow had grown to a hundred members and was an extremely powerful street

The gang started splintering off. There was a fight for leadership and after a large brawl one man emerged
victorious: Daniel Watson. Daniel had grown from a skinny 160 lb punk into a truly massive 8 foot 400 lb giant.
Now calling himself Dreck, he laid out the future for the gang. The Freakshow was not a gang. It was a philosophy.
The Freaks were anyone who wanted to get high, to experiment with different drugs or human enhancement, who
embraced the chaos of life and encouraged it, and anyone who acted struck out with violence to defend or show their
commitment to the aforementioned ideals. With that many of the Freakshow left and spread out through the US.

From there mass experimentation ensued. The Freakshow tried any drug and/or combination of drugs they could get
buy, borrow, or steal. They developed and shared new ways of altering themselves cybernetically or biologically.
They incorporated new technology with no regard as to if it could actually work or if it was compatible with the
existing cybernetics in their body. Instead of keeping their secrets to themselves, they spread them widely through
the internet so that anyone who had the inclination could join them. The Freakshow soon became experts in the "do
it yourself" body hacking community/ Soon, people from all over the world where forming themselves into groups
of Freakshow. Really, the only person who could get the various cells and gangs to stop and actually listen was
Dreck, and he didn't do it often.

Important Freakshow

Dreck: The leader of the Freakshow if they could be said to have a leader. Dreck is charismatic enough to at least
get all the gangs and cells to listen to him. It helps that he uses this power very rarely. Mostly, to direct the various
gangs against an outside threat or once to declare the Freaklympics where the most violent freaks from around the
world congregated in one city and preceded to engage in a week long drug fuelled riot. Dreck is an eight foot tall
mountain of muscle thanks to his constant experimentation with various drugs. He has replaced his left arm with a
cyberntic arm ending in a very large hammerhead. The arm also allows him to blast beams of radiation.

Clamour: Eve Van Dorn was a part of PHANTOM. As a scion of PHANTOM insiders, she was almost ensured a
life of supervilliany which she pursued with gusto. The higher ups at PHANTOM placed rules on Eve that she soon
found restrictive. PHANTOM just couldn't satisfy her lust for violence and chaos. Eve soon dropped out of
PHANTOM and joined a Freakshow gang in Western Europe. Even there her capability for violence impressed the
other Freaks and she was soon granted a leadership role. Clamour is perhaps the most bloodthirsty amongst the
Freaks and has been linked to several acts of genuine terrorism. Clamour replaced her right arm with a cybernetic
claw which can generate massive amounts of electricity.

Bile: Bile was the original Freak who replaced an arm with a cybernetic claw. If Dreck is the leader of the
Freakshow, then Bile is the brains. Before he joined the Freakshow, Bile was a chemistry and engineering student in
Freedom City. While Bile was brilliant the limitations imposed by the university system soon bored him and he
dropped out. With the Freakshow, Bile has the capability to let his impulses run wild. He has upgraded his original
claw arm with a sickle cybernetic arm made of adamantium. He has also replaced one eye with a cybernetic
replacement. He also frequently wears a gas mask due to the toxic nature of his experiments.

GURPS Supers


Black Pearl - Black Peal's story begins with David and Beth Moore, marine biologists stationed in in an underwater
Laboratory to study the Atlantean ecosystem. To their joy, they learned Beth was pregnant, but then horrified, as
their child would be born with a rare and fatal genetic disorder, their life measured in months at most. Luckily, the
Atlanteans intervened, using a combination of magic and gene therapy to allow Beth to give birth to a healthy baby
girl named Pearl, who also gained the amphibious traits of the Atlanteans. Pearl grew up normally, living between
two worlds, before her parents were killed when industrial saboteurs blew up their sea lab. Pearl brought the
murderers and their backers to justice, and now splits her time between her own marine research in the Sea of Japan,
and working as a UNISON intelligence analyst/diplomat, investigating marine based criminal activity. She's also
taken it upon herself to try and rehabilitate the reluctant supervillain, Mount Fuji

Dwarfstar - A brilliant astrophysicist who refuses to let his dwarfism get in the way of his carousing the singles
scene, Jack Keller was caught in a lab accident which gave him the ability to manipulate the density of objects as
well as superhuman strength and stamina. As Dwarfstar, Jack not only uses his powers to fight crime in Los Dios,
but to pick up chicks, too.

Flamin' Jane - a New Amsterdam stock broker, Sarah Jane Dailey has taken to crimefighting with her pyrokinetic
abilities to vent her anxieties and express the impulsive, daring and flirtatious aspects of her personality that she'd
repressed all these years

The Fox - a non powered crimefighter from los Dios, Jim Garrett is a swordsman patterned after the legendary
Zorro, using his skills to expose corruption, thwart violent gangs, and serve as a positive role model for
underprivileged youths

Nightflick - Craig Gardner was a private eye in Chicago, until a missing persons case in the wake of the Velvet
Room Fire got him turned into a vampire. Strong-willed enough to retain his humanity, Craig destroyed his sire, and
has since maintained the pretence of being a cheesy vampire-themed metaman ("Nightflick Inwestigations. I vant to
take your case...") to ward off well-meaning vampire hunters.

Rebel Yell - Davis Stewart miller is a good ol' boy from Mississippi, whose larger than life personality, amateur
heroics and supersonic shouts (being the descendant of the civil war heroine Whistlin' Dixie) have landed him a
spot on the current season of American Hero. Unfortunately while he tries to hold to a southern gentlemanly code of
honour, Rebel Yell has little tolerance for 'damn Yankees'. He also has the distinction of being one of the few
confederate-themed supers who is not racist.

Rockman - A professor of Library sciences, Clarence Deedlebaum is one of the few sane men to come out of South
Park, Colorado, and as an earth gestalt, has a body of nigh-invulnerable animated stone. Rockman has recently
accept a teaching position at Claremont Academy, and is often a go-to teacher for 'field assignments'

Tien Tiao - The son of a Chinese diplomat stationed in Paris, Chie Wei should have died at age 17 when a freak
accident caused him to fall from the Eifel Tower, had his ace not turned and remade his body into living rubber,
allowing him to bounce off of the ground harmlessly. As a Chinese citizen, Chie was drafted into the Tiger Squad,
but his father pulled strings to get his idealistic son permanently stationed in Paris as a 'goodwill ambassador'. Now
at age 26, Tien Tiao is one of the most beloved celebrity heroes of Paris, an ardent pacifist who bounces himself
throughout the city, doing good deeds and helping anyone who needs it. Tien Tiao also now has a healing touch,
gifted to him after he talked an angel out of falling from grace


Blue Demon - is exactly what it sounds like, an 8 foot tall winged demon whose body is composed on an unearthly
blue metal, with supernatural strength and stamina, and the need to destroy everything in its path. The Blue Demon
attacks without rhyme or reason, any discrimination in its slaughter so it can demonstrate the ingenuity and cruelty
of a savage child. The Blue Demon has been destroyed several times, but sooner or later, it manages to restore itself
to life and begin destroying anew.

Chemico - Dr Marty Roberts was a biochemist for the US Army, assigned to devising new supersoldier procedures.
Unfortunately, his theories were deemed not only too hazardous, but criminally unethical. Enraged, Marty locked
himself in his lab and used himself as a guinea pig, and in the wake of the resulting explosion, now able to transmute
matter with a glance, at the cost of hideous scars and the loss of his vocal chords. A foe of the famed Elric family,
they theorize that Chemico's experiment was actually contact with the extradimensional entity known as "Truth".

Darkshell - Raul Esparza was a hired goon. big, mean, greedy, but not too bright, the perfect 'test pilot' for a low-
rung Foundry-sponsored battlesuit project that needed to know how much radiation the wearer would be exposed to
by the suit's power core (and thus, the degree of radiation shielding needed). Unfortunately for them, the radiation
not only made Raul telepathic, but also increased his intelligence, enabling him to learn everything they knew about
the armour. So he killed them and went into business for himself, and is one of the few foes of Troy Alexander to
not accept his retirement.

Icepick - Sally Jo Lawson was born and raised in Forton, Texas, but from day one she hated the heat. At 16, she ran
away, hitchhiking all the way up into Canada's Northwest territories, where she finally broke out as a cold gestalt,
become one of Canada’s more notorious outlaws. As her nature has made her increasingly harsh and frigid, Icepick
is also an outspoken Misandrist (not a lesbian, she just hates men and 'gender traitors'), and is a sworn enemy of the
crossdressing hero Green Gable

Kodiak - Lou Schaffer was a mentally handicapped young man who was exceptionally strong for his age.
Unfortunately, he also had a violent temper that got him institutionalized. Unfortunately for everyone, Lou was
undergoing a round of electroshock therapy when the first Gestalt Wave hit, turning him into one of the first rage
gestalts on earth, his new nature turning him into a bear-like monster which demolished the hospital and fled into the
woods, only regaining his humanity when he finally calmed down 5 years later, horrified at what he'd done. Since
then, Lou has moved north into Canada, taking odd jobs and discovering a knack for carpentry, always on the move
to minimize the damage when he loses control, as his monstrous alter ego has become Canada's equivalent of the

Mount Fuji - Yamato Tashiro was a good man and a rising star of sumo wrestling, until he defeated a yakuza
backed reigning champion in what would be his greatest and last match. Outraged at losing the money they'd
wagered, the Yakuza arranged for Tashiro's brutal daylight murder, only for the sumotori's latent metaman powers to
finally awaken, making him superstrong and invulnerable, trouncing the assassins. Higher up the underworld food
chain, wiser Yakuza used this to ruin Tashiro, claiming he'd used these powers to cheat for years. Stripped of
everything he'd worked for, and despairing enough that he believed the lies himself, Tashiro has chosen to end his
life through suicide by cape, fighting any hero or villain who gets in his way, hoping they will be the one powerful
enough to end his life.

Necron - Theodore Klein was a grad student turned a self-taught master of the mystic arts from Chicago, using only
nonmagical texts to educate himself, establishing a unified theory that would finally bridge the old ways with
modern scientific principles. Unfortunately, his attempts to publish were not only dismissed as the 'madness of a sick
mind', but the fundamentalist university president had him arrested and his materials and years of research burned
there on the spot. Klein snapped, murdering everyone, vowing to the witless fools that he would show them all, and
flew away, bent on creating a 'new enlightenment'. to this end he has recently allied himself with Fomorian agents,
and is among the major foes of both the Chicago Avengers and Brighter Future Society.

Poprock - Born in Soviet-controlled Czechoslovakia, Janos Paproc discovered his abilities to both teleport and
create/throw explosive 'poprocks' at an early age, and used them to escape into West Germany. Dissatisfied with his
attempts at honest work, Janos turned to supercrime, at first with the intent of being a 'gentleman thief', but soon
after settled for just being a thug and bully over normal people, eventually becoming an international
mercenary/courier. A weaslly, Poprock tries to avoid running into other supers whenever possible, but will fight if he
has to.

Talisman of Zard'd - Another of the 'trinkets' Archimago had distributed throughout the world prior to his demise,
the Talisman of Zard'd is a cursed amulet that cannot be removed once donned, but allows the wearer to transform
into a towering four-armed demonic killing machine of Herculean strength. Unfortunately, not only will the wearer
begin to transform uncontrollably, but the amulet slowly feeds upon his mind and soul, until the wearer becomes the
new Zard'd. According to the Covenant, the talisman was originally Archimago's attempt to create a 31st
Blackened Denarius.


Some things have changed, some things not. Time has passed at Path-E-Tech, the infamous subsidiary of SpartaCorp
(and when a subsidiary of SpartaCorp has infamy all its own, you ought to shudder). Not everyone works there any
more, and it retains all the idiocy, incompetence and evil as always. The only reason SpartaCorp keeps it around and
operating the way it does, is so as to have someone to do the dirty work.

Yes: if there's some kind of business, deals or profitable line of work that SpartaCorp won't dare touch, they pass it
on to Path-E-Tech to handle. This has not changed since Jack Washington III took over from Kenneth Kane AT

Dilbert: Finally, Dilbert has mustered up the will to leave Path-E-Tech, and do what he always loved, be a scientist
and engineer at the John Smith Society. Which means he's traded one kind of nonsense and insanity for another, but
it's the good kind to him. Still plenty of getting into scrapes and no girlfriends for him.
Dogbert: The adorable, yet arrogant, megalomaniacal dog continues on as always. The reason he can walk upright
and talk is because he actually is a genetically modified animal - a laboratory creation of Teleios the Perfect Man.
Dogbert has travelled the world, messing with people, causing troubles for his personal benefit, and even taking over
the world a couple times... all for kicks. Naturally, he is the source of much of the trouble coming Dilbert's way from
heroes and villains, but he DOES care for his friend and tends to deal with troublemakers who get too far. Master
manipulation, genius at psychological profiling and all sorts of favours being owed you from potent sources help.
Ratbert: ...The other reason for Dilbert's continued survival. Also genetically modified/created (source unknown),
Ratbert may be utterly stupid, but as the Garbage man once pointed out, his brain compensated for his dumbness by
giving him psychic powers. In fact, Ratbert could give Menton a real run for his money - but his own lack of
intelligence completely diverts him from using it except in emergency circumstances.
Catbert: The Evil Director of Human Resources is also a GMO, but unlike Dogbert, he was uplifted by Doctor
Simian. Catbert however, is not just Path-E-Tech's HR director, but actually works with SpartaCorp on a more wider
and quieter number of issues. Incidentally, he was appointed by Kenneth Kane in the first place, and remains the one
hidden mole and trump card the descendant of Moriarty has left.
The Pointy-Haired Boss: If you guessed the PHB was a Gestalt of horrible bosses, you get a cookie. Actually, he's a
Pure Gestalt of horrible bosses, thus allowing him to survive all the calamities, fatal or employment threatening that
regularly fall on his head.
Wally: If you guessed Wally was a Gestalt of laziness - WRONG! He's a normal human being and that lazy and
useless. Yet, he sticks at Path-E-Tech, since having generally avoided doing any work for a decade, how hard is it to
continue the streak till retirement?
Alice: Like Dilbert, Alice chose to join the John Smith Society. She's mainly brains, but her feared and powerful Fist
of Death has been found to be the result of Alice in fact a minor metaman, surprising her like everyone else.
Asok: The intern from the Indian Institute of Technology jumped ship, but bad luck and naivety got him stuck in the
Foundry, working for Talos.
The World's Smartest Garbage man: The enigmatic fount of wisdom, knowledge in all fields, super-technology
and connections still takes the garbage on Dilbert's street each week. Superheroes have even gone to him on some
occasions and Dilbert thinks he once saw the Garbage man with a note scheduling a meeting with Doc Steele and
Daedalus. Some mysteries must remain so, though.


"When a guy points a gun at you, you call the cops. If a bunch of guys are pointing guns at you, you call SWAT. If
they're wearing spandex and pointing ray guns at you, you cal AEGIS. When they're dressed regular and pointing
ray guns at you, you call S.P.H.I.N.X." -Col Hunter Gathers

S.P.H.I.N.X. was founded by disillusioned ex-AEGIS Col. Hunter Gathers in the late nineties to deal with what he
say as the beginnings of a wave of meta-crime he felt was being ignored due to being less high profile. The
proliferation of meta-criminals that didn’t wear costumes and didn't loudly proclaim their presence to the world.

Stealing a collection of mothballed equipment from a failed criminal cartel that used an Egyptian theme,
S.P.H.I.N.X. masquerades as a criminal organization in order to gain the trust of it's targets.


Col. Hunter Gathers, Codename S.P.H.I.N.X. Commander: As noted, Gathers left AEGIS in the late 90's and
currently wages a vigilante war on Meta-crime with the help of S.P.H.I.N.X., largely composed of other ex-AEGIS,
henchmen who have seen the light, and ordinary people who have had their lives ruined by meta criminals. Gathers
is... just a touch melodramatic and prone to ranting, he is, however, a competent combatant and strategist.

Gary, Codename Agent 21: Former henchman of D-List super criminal, the Monarch. While seemingly an
overweight geek, Gary has miraculously managed to survive as a henchman for over a decade and is a far more
capable combatant that his girth would leave one to suspect. Part of this is amazing luck, part of it is just having
survived long enough to know the ins and outs of Metahuman Combat.

Codename Shore Leave: Shore Leave is actually an AEGIS plant, attempting to keep tabs on S.P.H.I.N.X. and
direct their energies down positive routes and away from ongoing AEGIS investigations. While not remotely an
affectation, his camp manner leaves many to underestimate him, despite being one of, if not the, deadliest combatant
the group has.

Codename Mile High: Shore Leaves regular field partner. Also ex-AEGIS, though he has no idea his partner is a

Marvin F. Hinton, Codename: Roadblock: A member of the now defunct GI Joe team from the 1980's, Roadblock
is getting on in years, but he's still in excellent shape and knows heavy weapons like no one else in the group.

Jimmy Woo: Woo is actually the oldest member of the group, having been in service with one governmental
organization or another since the 1950's, though an incident with a Lazarus pit has left him once again in the body of
a man in his physical prime. Woo spent much of the 70's trailing the creature known as Godzilla, and acts as
S.P.H.I.N.X. information man, knowing nearly all the old players in the intelligence game.


The Order of the Triad: Doctor Orpheus, the Alchemist and Jefferson Twilight are a trio of low end magical
adventurers, who are usually the first ones S.P.H.I.N.X. calls when they're up against magic. Mostly because they're
the only magical people that will return their calls.

Brock Samson: Also ex-AEGIS and a old friend of Gathers. He currently works private security, but has been
known to help out when needed. He may be the deadliest man on the planet with bladed weapons. And many have
suspected that due to his durability and strength that he's a low end metahuman or some sort.

The Annihilation Zone

Most sapient species have a concept of Hell, if not as the place bad people go, as the place where all things horrible
and terrifying spring from. Most creatures aside from human have the same name for this place: The Annihilation

The A zone is a large, bizarre shadow universe which is unique among the multiverse. Like the Mirror realm, the
Imageria, and the Terminus, there is only one A zone, which connects to all other universes. It is a bizarre and
dangerous place, where the rules of time and space don't readily apply, where physics is just a firm suggestion, and
where everything seems to bend towards chaos and destruction.

The A zone is best known as the home of the Entropic Masters, specifically the Anti Gods. Like the Gods who live
in the Imageria, the Entropic Masters are not natives to this realm, they merely find it hospitable compared to
consensual reality. Their preference to the A zone has led many scholars to believe that the A zone is the remnant of
the universe that came before the current universes.

The main defining feature of the A zone is A zone energy. A sort of background radiation that emanates from
everything in the A zone. Exposure to this energy, even short term, can cause bizarre mutations in organic matter:
Individual subjects have reported changing age, gender, ethnicity, and even species, sometimes even more horrific
mutations are possible. There is no real pattern for the rate of occurrence to these mutations: Some people change
suddenly and horrifically after a few seconds exposure, others can live in the A zone for years and suffer no effects

In high concentrations, A zone energy is capable of destroying matter on a sub atomic level, and is an infinitely
renewable energy source, Unfortunately A zone energy seems to actively resist attempts to use it for constructive
purposes: Machines powered by A zone energy will act normally under lab conditions, but will surge or simply
cease functioning once on the field, usually at a critical juncture. In one such instance, a tiny battery which only
contained enough A zone energy to power a flash light suddenly and without warning detonated with the power of a
Tsar Bomba Nuclear device (Not one of Calamity Jane's finer moments, even she isn't sure how she survived that
one.) Because of this most sane species have outlawed using A zone energy as a power source or for anything.

The A zone is of course inhabited. The most famous realm in the A zone is Hell World, the nightmarish shadow of
Earth created by Orkus in order to study the human condition and determine why he is constantly thwarted by the
powers of good. Unfortunately, Orkus' limited understanding of good has led him to create a world utterly
dominated by the foulest of evil, where the only good forces are laughably inept and ineffectual. While there do
exist mirror universes where good and evil have swapped places in the multiverse, however bad these worlds may
be, Hell Earth is worse by far: Good can never win there. If it somehow did happen. Orkus would destroy it out of
spite and make a world ten times worse to replace it.

There are other creatures native to the A zone as well, here are a couple:

Anihilids: Probably the most numerous recurring species in the A zone, the Anihilids are said to be the vermin
which fed upon the corpse of the Queen of Terror before she was rebuilt into Abaddon. Anihilids are insectoid like
monsters of various breeds and makes, who travel in swarms or as solitary predators. Most Anihilids are mindless
drones, serving under a more powerful Anihilids. About one in ten are unique Anihilds, which are incredibly
powerful and intelligent creatures.

All Anihilids have one thing in common: Their unending hunger. Anihilids will eat ANYTHING. A swarm of
Anihilids will strip a planet bare of all life in a matter of days, and will then eat the planet itself, stripping up the
surface, then the mantle, then eating the core last. They will even devour stars; entire universes have been reduced to
empty voids by swarms of Anihilids. To make matters worse, Unique Anihilids will often grow and mutate based on
what they eat, such as the case with two particular Anihilids: Cho'gath (who grows larger with each creature he
devours), and Kha'zix (who evolves based on what he eats, making him a uniquely picky eater among his kind.)

Unique Anihilids are notoriously difficult to kill: If one is slain, its consciousness transfers to one of the billions of
Anihilid eggs in the A zone, and they are reborn with all their memories intact. The only plus side to this is any
powers they gained from their constant eating are lost.
The de facto ruler of the Anihilids is Annihilus, a cicada like Anihilid who commands a massive swarm of Anihilids
through the cosmic control rod, a Grigori artefact lost to the A zone in ancient times. He often leads raids against
other universes, devouring all in his path.

Some scholars theorize that all insect life in the universe descends from the Anihilids. Its not something people like
to think about.

Titans: Believed to have been created by Quasimodo as living siege engines of the Entropic Masters, Titans
resemble giant humans without genitalia. Titans exist solely to devour sapient beings, ignoring all other creatures to
do this. They derive no nourishment from this, lacking digestive systems (they simply vomit up their meals when
their stomachs are full), and are in fact solar powered.

Titans range from 9 to 50 feet tall, with larger specimens being reported. The largest titan ever reported outside the A
zone is the Colossal titan, which is nearly 200 feet tall. The largest titan ever seen in the A zone is the Clown Titan,
which is ten times larger than the Colossal titan, and is so large it actually has a thriving city of living humans inside
its stomach (Of course, no one aside from General Gongan has ever actually SEEN the Clown Titan, so he may be
exaggerating.) In addition to these much larger titan specimens, there are often titans who exhibit strange
behaviours, appearances, and powers.

The primary defence of the Titans is their regenerative qualities: Titans can regrow limbs, including their heads, with
frightening speed. Their only weakness is a section on the nape of their neck: slicing this kills them instantly. When
a titan dies, their body quickly disintegrates.

Anihilds are the natural predator of Titans, who will often follow titans and rip off bits of their flesh for food. In the
care of larger specimens, Anihilids will climb inside their mouths and live in their stomachs as parasites, feeding on
anything the titans eat.

Despite their size and regenerative qualities, the Titans have limited utility against modern weaponry or worlds
where magic and super powers are common. Sometimes though, the Entropic Masters send Titans to more primitive
worlds to wipe out the inhabitants.

Witches: In many universes, the magic girl Madoka was able to destroy the very concept of witches at the cost of
her own existence in the universe. However, the A zone is not such a place.

As noted above, any contract created magical girl who enters the A zone without proper protection is transformed
into a Witch. These Witches generally congregate around Hell World, where they wreak havoc on the locals (of
course, considering how bad Hell World is already, its a flash in the pan.)

The highest grade of witches here are the Dark Magic girls. Witches who evolved into humanoid forms. This form is
actually an illusion, a labyrinth concealing the true witch within, but aside from that they are very similar to normal
magic girls, albeit utterly evil and depraved. Orkus is currently experimenting with methods to allow dark magic
girls to enter the crinoverse without being destroyed by Madoka, but the patron saint of magic girls has thwarted his
every attempt. Time will tell if he eventually succeeds.

Weird things: The A zone is filled with strange places: Bizarre architecture hanging in space, planets made of teeth
and hair, metal cubes the size of cities which house giant brains, strange open sores that exist in space, and more.
There is also a wide variety of strange and unnatural creatures in the A zone, which seemingly exists only to cause
pain and fear.

Lumpy Space Folk: Once a long time ago the Lumpy Space folk were a monstrous race of living viruses, capable
of infecting others and transforming them to their own kind. Then, one fateful day, a group of teen heroes landed
amidst these strange creatures. Intrigued, the Lumpy Space creatures, rather than turning the teen heroes, studied
them, befriended them, and eventually created a civilization based on them.

Unfortunately, this was during the 80's. You can start screaming now.
The Lumpy Space folk have basically created a society based off of bad 80's teen drama (emphasis on the drama),
with an endless string of school dances, make outs, talking about boys, and bad synth pop music. Fortunately the
teen heroes convinced them to swear off biting folks, so they have gone from a major menace to simply being
annoying. And MAN are they annoying. Lumpy Space folk seem to be contrary by nature: They will resist any
attempt to do something for them or to get them to do something, and they will, even unintentionally, sabotage any
endeavour they are a part of through their obnoxious natures. Despite this, the Lumpy Space folk are a friendly sort
and are usually considered a safe haven among the A zone.

Pseudonatural creatures: One of the more common species in the A zone, Psuedonatural creatures are natural
shapeshifters: In their natural state, they resemble bizarre, lovecraftian monsters, however Psuedonatural have the
ability to assume the form of creatures from universes, usually animals, though occasionally sapient beings as well.
The mimicry is far from perfect: in their disguised form Psuedonatural forms there is always something... wrong
about them. Most people usually mistake them for being diseased, or deformed, or mentally damaged. Unlike most
A zone creatures, Pseudonatural creatures are not inherently dangerous, more often curious and inquisitive.

Prisoners from other worlds: The A zone is primarily used by sapient species as a prison for the worst of the worse
criminals. The Galvans have numerous penal colonies in the A zone. The Duress, the alien penal colony used by
Andromeda, also exists here. In this place, prisoners are constantly tortured for their crimes by automated drones.
Istvhatha v'han maintains several penal colonies in the A zone, and the TSAB have Charon, a prison planet where
they send the absolute worst of the worst.

These jails have a relatively low escape rate, since the only place to escape to is the A zone itself. However, prison
riots and coups are very common, which means most prisons in the A zone use... unique methods of incarceration.

addendum on the A-zone prisons: High Lemuria still bears particular grudge against the Plumbers ("Except Max
Tennyson. He's cool. That little snot with the watch better watch his back in dark alleys tho..."), on account of how
until they finally escaped their region of the A-zone was an arrival point for incoming galactic convicts and monsters
banished by said agency, kind of like how Atlantean cities have the misfortunate habit of being beneath deep sea
toxic dump sites

The Young Avengers

As if franchises and running a school weren't bad enough, now the Avengers have to put up with imitators. It
certainly doesn't help that the majority of the group are minors breaking sidekick laws just by existing. Or that the
group has resisted nearly every attempt to get them to attend Avengers Academy or one of the other super schools.

While the group shows a staggering lack of respect for authority, they're far from anti-heroes. Nearly every one of
them is a heroic adventurer out of a real desire to help people, they just don't take well to being told how they should
do it, or that they should wait a few years before doing it.

Anole (Victor Borkowski): An Illinois-born metaman, Victor was a fan of the Chicago Avengers even before he
turned green at the age of 14. He briefly attended the Charles Xavier Institute, where he met several of the other
members, and, through the internet, sought out others wanting to get out and actually be heroes instead of cooped up

Hawkeye II (Kate Bishop): Manhattan socialite, Kate funds the team, and keeps them off the street as they move
around to as not to get caught, doing so in order to put some of her family's money to what she sees as good use.
Unpowered, but extremely athletic and talented with a bow and arrow. Though he's more than willing to let others
think she's stealing the name, Clint Barton, the original and still active Hawkeye has actually tracked her and the
group down and given them a few pointers on being superheroes and staying hidden.

Miss America (America Chavez): Daughter of two of her home dimensions greatest superheroines. America
possess the standard FISS powerset, but also is capable of opening star shaped interdimensional portals that act as
the groups back up mode of transport. Claims her homeworld was a Utopia and that she left in order to find a world
where she could actually be useful.
Rockslide (Santo Vaccarro): Big, insensitive, not that bright, made of rock, virtually unkillable and Victor's best
friend. Santo was also a metaman student of the Xavier Institute and the first person to leap at the idea of being an
actual superhero.

X-23 (Laura Kinney): Biologically the daughter of James Howlett, department H's Wolverine, Laura was created to
be the perfect assassin. Rescued from her creators in one of the groups early missions, Laura joined them in hopes of
finding a better way to live. While violence is still usually her first answer to her problems, she's aware of other
ways now, and trying as hard as she can to leave her old life behind.

Pixie (Megan Gwynn): Welsh raised daughter of the metaman Mastermind and The Queen of Fables. Megan has
wings, can spread hallucinogenic dust, and has some talent at sorcery, mostly the teleportation the group uses as it's
primary transport. She met Victor and Santo at the Xavier Institute and it was her teleportation that allowed most of
the members to meet at all in the beginning.

Patriot (Elijah Bradley): Grandson of one of the test cases for the Super Soldier Serum Steve Rogers possessed,
Elijah originally possessed no super human powers. However, after he was severely injured in one of their earlier
missions, the group broke into an AEGIS facility where a new version of the serum was being tested and stole it.
The result left Elijah with high end human/low end metahuman physical and mental capabilities. His shield is
actually the original shield of the Captain America from Miss America's homeworld.

State of the Galaxy

For much of the past year, much of the universe has been under assault by the force of Apokolips, under the
command of their dread lord, and cosmic boogeyman, Darkseid. Much of the heaviest fighting took place in the
milky way, with Darkseid going to extra lengths to pacify the area and cut off Earth from any help in order to further
his plans to find the key to Anti-Life.

In the end, Darkseid constructed a massive weapon out of the corpse of the chaos bringer, Unicron and was set to
send it from word to world, using it's immense firepower and a weaker form of anti-life to take control of
everything, slowly, but inexorably.

Stopped by a last ditch collection of races from across the galaxy, they invaded Apokolips space with aid from the
New Gods, and a small group was able to infiltrate and destroy Darkseid's super weapon, possibly trapping the god
of evil on it when it exploded.

The Lor Republic: One of the hardest hit, the Lor lost their capitol at Manga Lor, the entire planet being reduced to
rubble by a massive fleet in the early days of the war. Further, they bore the brunt of most attacks in the local cluster
and many of their key worlds and much of their military are in shambles.

However, the Lor are determined to rebuild. With their council now stationed on Deep Space Station Nine their first
mission is to bring aid to those planets most in need, take stock of which worlds are in most need of assistance.

The Tau Collective: While the Tau aided the Lor in the end, they took far less damage, and are currently taking
advantage of their former allies weakness to press their third sphere expansion into Lor Space, slowly bringing
worlds in need of help into their empire with aid and words of the Greater Good.

The Jurian Empire: Also less hurt than the Lor, the Jurians remain closed off, wanted only to protect their own
space. While the new Jurian Emporor, Tenchi Masaki was injured in battle, the war has actually served to better
consolidate his power, as few political rivals are willing to go up against a man who survived direct combat with

The Star Knights: There are few Star Knights left. The knights were meeting in force of Citadel in preparation,
hearing rumblings of war, with a Zentradi fleet enslaved to Darkseid came out of warp and bombarded the planets
surface. While Mentor was able to have one of the few surviving Knights carry his program off world, largely the
only remaining officers are those that were not present, and Mentor is attempting to take stock of their resources
before rebuilding.

Nova Corps: Meanwhile, one of the only remaining Star Knights, Richard Rider of Earth, has come into
possession of the Nova Force, formally the power source of the Planet of Citadel, as well of a limited copy of
Mentor calling itself Worldmind. Rider has begun empowering those he feels worthy to carry a fraction of the
force, creating a new organization he hopes can take the pressure off the galaxy with the Star Knights rebuild.

Time Travel

Nearly every heroic adventurer runs into it at some point in their career. Be they one of the world's foremost
champions, or a guy on the street with a blackbelt a mess of gumption. And nearly every one of them says the same
thing: "I hate time travel."

Beyond just the fact that the human mind is meant to process events in a linear progression, it's made worse by the
fact that there are numerous methods of time travel, and nearly every single one of them has their own rules and
restrictions, though, broadly, they fall into three categories.

Pre-determination: Methods that involve pre-determination cannot change what has been witnessed. Not to any
great degree at least. Anything done will have always been meant to be done. Or will just get smoothed over by
history in the long run. Even if it causes less headaches, most dislike the idea that everything they do, they are meant
to have done.

Alternate timelines: Under this paradigm, any changes to the past result in a split timeline. One where the travellers
never arrived, and one where they did and altered events. While one might think it easier and less restrictive in use,
one should be cautious not to abuse it. The creation of too many alternate timelines can result in instability in the

Changing the Past: Very few methods actually allow this, but some allow one to actually reorder the time line.
Although, even when allowed, it seems time itself fights any attempt to change it. In fact, there have been a number
of these changes that have become permanent parts of the timeline we know. Madoka Kaname, Haruhi Suzumiya,
Megan Conner and the entire town of Crystal Cove in the late 1970's have all had their timelines altered and remain
so. Some affects being local, while others, like Kaname, altered the physical laws of the universe.

Time Machines and other methods of Temporal Travel

TARDIS: Probably the most infamous of time machines and the TARDISes of the Time Lords of Gallifrey. Capable
of assuming nearly any form, containing immense amounts of area within them, and capable of traversing time and
space casually. And those were the simple commercial models. Most were destroyed with the Time Lords
themselves in their war with the Daleks. The only know remaining TARDIS is the conveyance of The Doctor.
While someone travelling by TARDIS can affect changes to the past, the Doctor himself goes to great lengths to
avoid doing so.

Time Platform: Originally invented by Victor Von Doom, similar devices have popped up in the hands of others
from time to time. Most notably his rival, Reed Richards. Given users of the Platform can affect changes to the past
with relative ease, anyone actually using the device is likely to be tracked down by those parties that would ensure
time flows smoothly. The history monks in particular hate the things.

Time Bubble: Was/will be invented by Querl Dox of Colu. The time bubble has become to go to method of travel
for many time travellers. They have more space than the time platform as well as some small tesseract storage
capacity. While not as large or robust as a TARDIS, they are far easier to find or build, and far, far easier for most
non-gallifreyians to pilot.

The Coronal Wristband: The moped of time travel. Not as reliable as many of the others, often less precise, and
only capable of carrying the user (outside of the occasional jury rigging). However, they can often slip through
temporal turbulence, are easier to find as they were mass produced at one point, and can be carried on one's person
for quick escapes.
The Terminus: Usually the time travellers last ditch method of travel. The Terminus connects to every point of
space time in every dimension. It's also not particularly easy to use, inhospitable to most life forms, and home to the
forces of Omega.

Time Travellers

There are a number of figures involved in a war for time throughout history. That we know and that which is to
come. Much of this is centred around Earth, for in most time lines Humanity eventually stretches across the
universe, becoming one of the dominant life forms. In fact, if the Lor are actually descended from humanity, they
may already be. As such, there's a great deal many who would see that changed, or see that it continues.

The Good:

The Doctor: Probably one of the most active time travellers. The Doctor is one of the few remaining Time Lords
left. in all his incarnations the Doctor has tried his very best to be a force for good in the universe. While a time
traveller, the Doctor typically doesn't engage in normal time travel shenanigans, usually arriving at a place and
dealing with the crisis at hand.

Doctor Tomorrow: Probably the temporal guardian most of Earth's metahumans are most likely to encounter.
Tomorrow is usually actively engaged with preserving the time stream, and often recruits heroes from various points
in time to act as his muscle, or agents so that he can accomplish things elsewhere.

Booster Gold: Born in the 25th century, Jon Micheal Carter is a disgraced sports star who will travel back in time to
the early 21st century to become a super hero in order to franchise his name, quickly becoming the butt of many a
joke and, in general, earning the disdain of much of the meta-community for his antics. Later, under the tutelage of
another time traveller, Rip Hunter (In actually, Carter's own son, and believed to be an alternate time line version of
Dr. Tomorrow), Gold would be recruited to act to preserve the time stream, under the idea that most time travelling
villains would never attack his history, because no one would believe Booster Gold could be that competent.

The Bad:

Kang: Born on 30th century Earth, Kang grew bored with the Utopia the world had become. In order to find some
challenge, he travelled forwards in time to the 40th century, where he has conquered the Earth, and most of the
surrounding galaxy. While a fairly despotic ruler, Kang usually only uses time travel to recruit allies, or to attempts
to stabilize his own rule. Though these do often bring him into opposition with Earth's metahumans.

The Time Trapper: The physical personification of not merely the end of time, but the concept of a closed
universe, and universe which will end, not to be reborn ever. As such, the Trapper seeks for the universe, all
universes, to end. As such, he often manipulates event, usually through agents, in order to bring about the
destruction of any force that might change this. While the Time Trapper plots from his home at the end of all things.

And The Rest

The Tick Tock Doc: A rogue Clockworker, servitors of the Time Keepers, a race from the far future who have taken
up the idea of temporal order following the end of the Time Lords, the Doc has been largely inspired by 60's counter
culture movement, and seeks to promote futures involving peace and freedom, occasionally on his own, but often
inspiring others.

Others: And these are just major players on the temporal stage, there are dozens of others. River Song, Per
Degaton (old enemy of the Justice Society), the History Monks (who rarely leave the Discworld, but occasionally
venture out), The Voyagers, Dr. Sam Beckett, Dr. Emmet Brown, and allies and agents of all of the above.

Elder Evils

Atropus: The so called planet born dead, Atropus is actually the remnants of a long dead God whose existence
predates the Cosmic Eternals. A severed head the size of a moon, Atropus travels the cosmos, draining the life force
of entire planets and leaving hordes of undead in its wake.

Atropus normally hangs in the void of space, searching for living beings to devour. When it senses life, it heads
straight for it, usually resulting in a colony drop on whatever planet draws its attention. As Atropus draws closer to a
planet, the dead begin to rise on it, usually resulting in a zombie apocalypse of epic proportions.

Atropus itself is inhabited by an army of the undead, the most fearsome of which being the Focus, a giant alien
undead who acts as Atropus' avatar when dealing with invaders. Atropus is also served by Gorguth, a minor
entropic master who broke away from Orkus to serve Atropus with an army of undead and demons.

Thankfully, Atropus is nowhere near Earth, and is instead haunting the Stellar Khanate. Most in the Lor Republic
regard it as a myth.

Father Llymic: A dark lord imprisoned on Earth, Father Llymic was given his name by mortals who first
encountered him, fooled into thinking he was a kindly old man by his illusions. An evil and alien creature, he was
imprisoned by a past Master Mage, harnessing the power of the Sun itself to lock Llymic into a mountain of ice in
the Arctic.

Although physically imprisoned, Llymic is able to reach out and contact others, luring them close to him and slowly
corrupting them. As he enslaves more people, he uses their power to dim the sun until it finally goes out, at such
time Llymic can manifest. As this occurs, the glacier that is Llymic's prison begins to expand, as strange creatures of
ice and snow begin to spread.

Llymic is a huge bloated mantis like creature, capable of projecting an illusion of an old men to lure prey close,
transforming them into his Brood: Twisted mockeries made of crystal.

Llymic has nearly risen several times, each time beaten back by interfering heroes. The first time was when a
Russian Research team was corrupted, forcing the then Russian Hero Troll to deal with them. Another time Ymir
the Viking was forced to fend off a horde of ogres who had fallen under his sway. More recently Llymic was
awakened by Grandfather Winter, who hoped to enslave the brute to fight Protonik, but luckily both were beaten.

The Hulks of Zoretha: When Mageddon drew near Earth during the invasion, it was thankfully destroyed by Charli
and Novendecim while its master, the First and Forsaken Lion, was defeated by a collection of heroes, however,
the Lion had a contingency should he fall.

Hidden in a cave somewhere in the outback are five hideous, vaguely human, statues. Four female, one male. So
horrible are these statues that even second hand accounts of them can drive people mad.

The Hulks lay motionless, awaiting a special ritual to activate them. The specifics of this ritual are known to the
Lion alone, and once he escapes the Zero Zone, he will activate the Hulks, and use them to turn Earth into a new
Mageddon, first by wiping out all life on Earth, turning the moon into a conduit for the same rage inducing power
Mageddon once sported.

The Leviathan: An enormous sea serpent, Leviathan was a by-product of the creation of the universe, and was
imprisoned in the seas deep beneath Earth eons ago. One of the largest creatures in existence, Leviathan's head is the
size of a small country, and if awakened it could ravage the Earth. Luckily, if it is about to awaken, weather goes
crazy, giving heroes an ample chance to stop it.

The only known way to awaken Leviathan lies with Shirahoshi, the princess of the Ryuga kingdom, with her
powers, she could awaken and control Leviathan. Luckily, the number of people who know this can be counted on
one hand, and the number who know its Shirahoshi specifically who could do this is smaller still. So the world is
safe, for now.

Pandorym: After defeating Princess Celestia and Luna, and nearly dying at the hands of Aum Ra the God Slayer,
Takofanes sought a means to deter further meddling from the Gods, Takofanes summoned a dangerous entity from
the Annihilation zone known as Pandorym to act as its ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Takofanes separated the
creatures mind from its body, storing its mind in a crystal in its lair and its body in a special extradimensional prison.
Takofanes never utilized Pandorym as a weapon, and eventually forgot about him as he ascended into Lichdom.

Pandorym exists in two forms: A mental entity trapped in a crystal which can mentally enslave any in its vicinity,
and massive black sphere of void which is its body. If the two are ever reunited, Pandorym will be unstoppable. Now
that Takofanes is trapped in Hell, Pandorym is seeking a way to free his body and reunite with it.

Ragnorra: A bloated and hideous mother of monsters, Ragnorra is responsible for birthing many strange and terrible
creatures throughout the multiverse. Banished to deep space by the Cosmic Eternals, it now travels from world to
world, crashing into the worlds and infecting the local life, reshaping it in its own twisted image.

It is served by the Malshapers, a twisted cult which revels in the mutations Ragnorra brings.

Ragnorra resembles a massive flesh covered blob, and has infected many worlds, mutating their natives into hideous
forms. Ragnorra was on the Star Knights watch list for a very long time, but now that they are gone she is free to
terrorize as she see's fit.

Sertrous: The founder of the foul snake race known as the Yuan-Ti, Sertous is an Entropic master with power over
serpents and crawling things. Although slain by the Cosmic Eternals in ages past, Sertrous' chosen people have
never stopped trying to resurrect him, and the opportunity to do so may be nearing.

The Worm that Walks: A necromancer lieutenant of Takofanes, Kyuss was an evil necromancer every bit as foul as
Takofanes himself. Lusting after his masters throne, Kyuss used dark and profane rituals to turn himself into a horror
surpassing even Takofanes in its revolting nature: A thirty foot tall humanoid mass of maggots and worms. Although
fouler than Takofanes, Kyuss was no match for the lich, who bested Kyuss and imprisoned him. Kyuss has
periodically escaped to bedevil mystical heroes such as Adrian Eldrich and even the lich Malador, but he has
always been reimprisoned.

Zargon: A demon of immense power, Zargon was a general of Etrigan during the first age of Hell, and one of the
most powerful demons ever spawned. When Lucifer and his army took Hell, Lucifer ripped of Zargon's horn, the
source of his power, and flung it to Earth. Regenerating from the horn, Zargon now dwells at the bottom of a great
pit, worshiped by mortal cultists, he constantly schemes to reclaim Hell, and is a foe to his former master Etrigan,
among others.

The Scions of Caine

Originally, they were a radical Gene Nation splinter group, who argued metaman supremacy could only be achieved
through the 'rightful rule' of naturally occurring metamen bloodlines, and that those whose origins came from
accidents, experiments or events as freaks and parasites, proven when they split from Gene Nation following the
Freshmen Terror event, denouncing the Red King as polluting the metaman gene pool, but despite their grandiose
claims, the Scions were as defeated as often and as easily as any other supervillain gang, forcing them to withdraw
from the public eye, lick their wounds and reconsider their position, now desperate to cling to what power they had

It was that desperation that brought the scions to strange bedfellows, former members of the Pantheon, those grossly
dissatisfied with the Solar Reformation to their cult/meal ticket that was now spreading from Emerald City, who
wanted to rule over baseline humanity like the gods of old (or at least the perks of such rule), not tend to the mortals
like glorified shepherds.

And from this infusion of new blood, the Scions changed. Members of their innermost circles turned up dead, or had
gone independent. Illicit deals were made, enemies became allies and allies became enemies. And soon after the
Wildstrike, the Scions returned to the public eye with a dramatic arrival in Bay City.

No longer were they just smug supremacists, the Scions are now a modern secular cult, who argue that Metamen are
not gods as the Pantheon claims, but should still be treated as such by the baselines. as a cult, the Scions use a
similar prayer/service/sacrifice 'payment' system as the Pantheon, but retain loyalty and flowing coffers by the
promise of 'Apotheosis', granting lesser superpowers to devoted baseline servants (along with Brainwashing, but that
goes without saying). this process is one of the Scions most carefully guarded secrets, as none of the 'gifted' have
demonstrated any side effects of known power-granting drugs

Known members of the Scions include (but are by no means limited to)

Furore - First appearing shortly after The Invasion, Furore is the apparent leader of the Scions in their current form,
having had a direct hand in their recent changes at the very lest. a brilliant tactician with superhuman stamina and
fighting ability, Furore also has the charisma and shrewdness of a veteran politician

Abracadaver - Martin Archery, more commonly known as Mortimer Coffin, was a second rate Vegas stage
magician, obsessed with fame, fortune, and the chance to learn true magic, a chance which came when he found one
of the Black Books of Heinrich Kemmler, which turned him into a powerful lich. At first a solo act, Abracadaver has
recently gained his lovely assistant Chiquita, a former freelance terrorist and mercenary until she was killed by
SHADOW agents, before being brought to unlife as a member of Death's Head, hitching her wagon to
Abracadaver's black star after the defeat and capture of Count Reich

Alkhest - Another enigma, Alkhest is a heavily scarred, cloaked figure with acidic abilities and a talent for torture,
claiming to be a performance artist inspired by the Black Hand assassin Deidera.

Basilisk - A member of the Tomorrow Society, Basilisk was a born leader, tactician and Nova able to fire
destructive beams of energy from his eyes, yet held an unwavering idealism. that is, until after a deep cover mission
for Vanguard into Zulan. while successful, Basilisk claims he had seen humanity's true, monstrous colours, and that
Gene Nation was right not only about the coming war between metamen and baselines, but that metamen were the
rightful rulers of the earth. despite this, Basilisk was a moderate in comparison to most of the original Scions, and in
the group's current form, has had a direct hand in manipulating their media appearances to increase their
popularity/influence while mitigating their more heinous/brutish members "faux pas".

Citizen Dawn - Dawn Cohen wasn't like other girls. When others were thinking of boys and dances, she was
discovering that she was more than human, able to draw power from any natural light source, allowing her to fly,
project energy, shield herself and MORE! the power of the Sun itself was at her fingertips, and she knew she had no
place among normals. At first she sought solitude, but others came to her, those with powers who paled in
comparison to her radiance, had sought her out to be their leader, to lead them against the baselines and gene traitors
who opposed their rightful station as gods amongst men. When she said yes, so was born Citizen Dawn, one of the
more fearsome and charismatic metasupremacist terrorist leaders to threaten humanity, who eventually counted
herself among Gene Nation's innermost circle, only to turn on them during the Red King's fall when she learned he
shared her unforgivable secret shame of siring baseline spawn. In the time since, Citizen Dawn and her followers
have joined the Scions of Caine, where she sits at a new inner circle and obsessed with the returned Solar Exalted...

Goliath - Eliot "Jerry" Fitzgerald was just another guy with simple tastes and churlish means, until one fateful day
when he and his equally churlish brother Tommy failed at a critical half of their “lift and tote” job. Whatever was
being smuggled in the container they dropped mutated the Fitzgerald brothers, allowing them to become giants at
will. Mostly, though, it just made them into giant jerks. Tommy went right into supercrime, while Jerry instead
became part of the Pantheon... until he got in a fight with Elasto of the Avengers. smarting from that defeat, he
skipped town, made his way down to Bay City where he joined the Corsairs, and his boorish actions pushed them
over the line and up against the Bay City Sentinels, and his ass landed in Super Alcatraz. on the plus side, he met
up with Tommy again (now calling himself Gargantua), and the two were recruited by the Scions. Once they break
out, its gonna be sweet revenge followed by easy street

Portent - an androgynous and anorexic figure in a metallic bodysuit and a metal mask similar to that of Tomorrow
Society member Xorn, Portent is a phenomenally powerful telekinetic and telepath, who claims to be from a post
apocalyptic future where the only chance to save the world was to travel back in time and convince metamen
everywhere to rise up and destroy their baseline human oppressors.

Lord Quake - The mysterious race known as the stonekin lived undisturbed deep beneath the surface of the earth
for ten thousand years, until a geological probe broke through from above. Unfortunately, along with sensors and
scientific equipment the probe also carried bacteria and microbes against which the stonekin had no natural
defences, and within months they were all dead... except for a nobleman named Lord Quake. Quake eventually
made his way to the surface, where he has launched a campaign of revenge upon humanity, gathering to his side
others who also feel they’ve been wronged by the rulers and authorities of the surface world. This has labelled
Quake a villain as he battles governments and law enforcement, using not only the Herculean strength of his stone
body, but the power to manipulate the elemental earth itself.

Monstruk - The Monster Truck That Walks Like A Man, Monstruk is the chosen champion of the alien god known
as the Firstbrother, Lord of Metal (also known as Ormaggoden, and may be an aspect of the Orkish god
GorkkaMorkka), Monstruk is a humungous living juggernaut, able to smash just about anything with his bare hands,
and is all but indestructible. Despite this, he is deeply, madly and truly in love with his rival champion, Serafik (and
she him, as much as her nymphomanic ADD/ADHD allows), and has allied with the Scions on the promise they'd
help him free her from Super-Alcatraz

Preus - An Ultiman, Preus was for crimes unknown, punished by being cast into the outside world he despised so
much, the location of Ultima Thule not only erased from his memory, but could never be learned again.
Unfortunately, in their typical arrogance, the Ultimen failed to realize the monster Preus would become once he
realized he was "a god amongst insects", before he was castrated and nearly killed by Athena. Burning for revenge,
Preus was recruited by Gene Nation for all of five minutes before he was thrown out and forced to join the Scions,
and is one of the few original members to survive the recent changes in policy. a thuggish brute in the mold of
Superior, Preus has mithran-grade superstrength, nigh-invulnerability, flight, and able to project destructive energy
beams from his eyes.

Scar - An infamous Bialyan monster hunter and member of the Ascending Ones, Scar's right arm is covered in
alchemic tattoos, allowing him to destroy anything he touches. Scar acts as an enforcer, but cares little for the Scions
themselves, as he seeks revenge upon their true master for the slaughter of his village

Skorch - Chan Ho Yin was a Bay City street magician who dreamt of becoming something more, and got his wish
when he drew a deuce of minor fire control. then everything went to hell with the wildstrike, which amplified his
power by magnitudes beyond his control, causing him to burn alive. it was the Scions who brought an end to his
constant pain, showed him how to master his powers and to accept his true destiny as Skorch, lord of the flames.

Tempus - Quack theoretical physicist Timothy Temple thought he'd discovered the secret of time travel, but in
reality to brute force the mystic artefact known as the Phoenix Gate, trapping himself in a time loop where he would
be sent back in time, rescued by the Bay City Sentinels, return to the present where his lab would explode, killing
his wife and driving him mad, then using time travel to try and prevent the events by killing the sentinels before they
went back to save him, only to wind up causing the very explosion that would kill his wife. At first needing time
machines, Tempus (when commonly encountered) has gained time-manipulation powers from his exposure to the
Phoenix Gate's stolen energies

Ty-Grrl - Elaine Chaud lived a double life. by day she was a mild mannered, severely repressed call centre manager
for Bay City Credit Union, but by night she was a goddess of Roller derby with the Bay City Bumpers, the only
thing both lives shared was volunteer work with the Bay City Coast Guard, a position that put her near the heart of
the Wildstrike, turning her into a feral, superfast cat-woman as her mind tore itself apart trying to resist the psychic
probe of the alien machine-god Tellax. Virtually mindless, Elaine was taken in by the Corsairs and renamed
Smilodon, before they were defeated by the Bay City Sentinels, and Elaine was brought back to sanity by both the
heroines Afterthought and Jammer (the latter in fact being her ex-lover, Stephanie Spencer). Reckless, impulsive
and wanting to take back from a world which had been so cruel to her, Elaine (or Ty-grrl, as she started calling
herself) joined the Scions solely for the benefits, but has acted as the Sentinels' spy within the cult's ranks, on

Super Schools

As time marches on it seems there are more and more Metahumans every year. And the fastest growing segment of
this seems to be the teenage meta human. IN large part, this is due to the growing number of metahumans not only
involving teens granted meta powers, but that older metahumans eventually have children of their own, and these are
the years where super powers are most likely to emerge.

As such, where there were once only one or two schools focusing on supporting metahumans, there are now many
more. Among the most famous are:

Claremont: Probably the most well known of the Super Schools. It originally was underground, but now functions
entirely as an open school for metahumans. While they lack the transport facilities of some of the newer schools,
they still remain a popular destination, as a number of the newer members of the Freedom League have been
Claremont graduates. Though primarily their students from the Eastern and Mid-west United States.

Shadow Academy: The Shadow Academy mostly trains students for a role as henchmen in criminal organizations.
While a majority of their student body has been kidnapped and brainwashed, there are a number that joined
willingly, eager to put their powers to use for their own benefit.

Jugendbund: Based out of Ultima Thule, the school is just barely thought of as legitimate. Even then, the majority
of the students it attracts have either no sense of global politics, or are a higher class of degenerate than those that
end up at the Shadow Academy.

Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters: Founded recently by Professor Charles Xavier. The school's primary
focus is on Metamen, but it will take any metahuman that chooses to attend. The school also attacks a small number
of baseline humans as a private school, owing to Xavier's desire to integrate metahuman and human culture. Many
of these have parents that see the benefit of having made early friends with the superman's of tomorrow.

Frost Academy: Largely acts as a more elitist version of the Xavier school. Run by Emma Frost, the school
attracts those planning on exploiting their superhuman powers for selfish, but largely legitimate ways, and the
children of those like the Pantheon that are already doing so. It also tends to be a dumping ground for the more
legitimate super-villains who need to get their kids out of the way.

Avengers Academy: Owing to their teleportation technology, the Avengers Academy tends to have one of the more
international group of students of the current schools. Like Claremont it tends to attract students interested in super-
heroics after graduation. The school largely takes only meta-humans, but has a very small contingent of baseline
humans training to be super-heroes, or who have so much experience in metahuman affairs that they would be out of
place in regular schools.

PS238: An elementary school of very young metahumans. Due to the relatively low numbers of metas this young,
there has so far been no need for other schools of this age group, and graduates tend to move on to one of the other
schools listed.

Tomorrow Society: Though unable to operate inside the United States due to their opposition of the Hero Act, and
their international reputation is tarnished of late, the Tomorrow Society is still completing the training of it's
remaining students, and the more elite members of the metahuman children of Genesis Island.

Arcadian Academy: Operating out of Bay City, this school acts mostly as a youth centre for the local meta humans,
though they have recently begun taking care of a number of alien children, refugees from Darkseid's recent attack
on creation. As such, the school may be stepping up it's day to day activities, and will likely end up attracting the
children of alien's currently living on Earth.

Villains of Emerald City

Big Brain and FOE: FOE is essentially offering what the International Crime League used to and what the
Crime Union currently does, the primary reasons its remained off the Crime Union's grid thus far is because A)
They are local, and thus under the Crime Union's radar, and B) Every time one of the Union does come snooping
around, Big Brain just mind wipes whoever they send.

Speaking of, Big Brain has tried to recruit Dr. Stratos into FOE on occasion, but Dr. Stratos has turned him down,
having actually legitimately reformed (mostly, he's still a jerk, but not a criminal jerk.)

The Chessmen: Things are really beginning to come together for the Chessmen, thanks largely to the Avengers.
With both SHADOW and the Labyrinth out of the picture thanks to the actions of the Avengers, Chessmen now
has the space it needs to grow and take itself worldwide. Of course Grandmaster still has this nagging thought in
the back of his mind telling him that the second he oversteps himself, the Avengers will END him (And he is not
exactly incorrect in that assumption), so he treads lightly.

Deathtrap: One of several villains to use that name. Deathtrap has become the go to guy in the Crime Union for
designing deathtraps. Virtually every villain on the west coast has at least heard of him, and most of the low to mid
card villains have used his services. The only person to ever consistently beat his traps is Relentless, making
Deathtrap part of his rogues gallery.

Doubletime: Ally was a foe to Charli before she left Earth, since then she has bummed around fighting other heroes
in Emerald City. Recently, Ally has come to the attention of Alison Worthington Oberff Tanaka, the wife of former
AEGIS superstar Rikk Oberff, due to their similar backgrounds (rich girl who came down with a life shortening
illness and turned bad because of it). Alison is currently looking into trying to help find a cure for Ally's condition,
before she perishes or does something she truly regrets.

Ersatz: Prior to the final battle against Hades, Ersatz was a foe to Dimensional Pirate Fandango, owing to their
similar abilities. The device Zedd used to give Ersatz his powers is actually based on a primitive early prototype of
the hero engine, making the two fairly evenly matched (Also, when Ersatz turns into Fandango, he becomes a red
skinned ninja, much to the dimensional pirates chagrin). Their rivalry abruptly ended when Ersatz attempted to copy
Xiao the Dawn General, and for his troubles turned into the First and Forsaken Lion! Ersatz survived the ordeal,
but his mind was shattered by contact with the Death Lord. He is currently incarcerated in Bethlehem Heights.

Ghostworks: After the Foundry, Ghostworks were number two of people on Troy Alexander's list of "People who
will totally ruin my day". With Troy retired, they have now switched focus to Hank Pym and the Colony,
attempting to acquire his advanced tech for themselves before the Foundry does.

Killshot: Killshot is a recurring foe to both Rook and Relentless. She has also tangled with the Hangman from the
Super Gang.

Koschei the Deathless: Alongside Elrond Carver, Koschei was one of the major foes of the Order of the Stick
when Mel was growing up, since he became a full on hero he has done battle with Koschei, but the crime lord
wisely backed away when Relentless joined the Avengers, not wanting to tussle with an entire team of supers.
However, Koschei has recently learned of Relentless's condition, and plans to make the heroes final days as painful
as he can.

Madame Joy: Joy's nightclub played host to many a pantheon party, with Usako in particular being one of her best
clients. Unfortunately when Xiao made the scene and made the Emerald City Pantheon clean up their act, Joy lost
some of her best customers. Joy hated Xiao for that, and since then has never passed up an opportunity to do him or
his family a disservice.

Madame Macabre: With the current... "reshuffling" or Hell's management, Madame Macabre has been released
from her contract early. She does not, however, realize this. She was a rather persistent foe to Xiao and Rin during
their tenures as Avengers, and is now spending her time menacing/flirting with Kir Avon.

Majestic-20: Majestic -20 secretly funds several anti alien groups, including the Forever Knights (who are still on
the downswing following the loss of their leader, Old George), and the Harbingers. They were also the ones
behind an alien gulag on Earth responsible for holding alien visitors without just cause. Needless to say, Ben Ten,
and a lot of other alien heroes, don't like em.

MEDUSA: Are shaping up to be the new Gene Nation, and are in fact snatching up former members of the group
right and left. They are very fortunate they have not drawn the attention of Amon yet, but its only a matter of time.
The Rubber Bandit: Reid fancies himself the arch rival and nemesis to Avengers leader Elasto. To which Elasto
just laughs, shakes his head and says "No... just... just no". The longest Bandit has ever lasted in a fight with the
Avengers is about thirty seconds, and that's only because Bandit was working with several other low level villains
and it took some time for Reid to come up in Elasto's punching order.

Scion: When Scion came online, he had some corrupted data files of Technus stealing the Ku Tu Power core from
Mars. For this reason Scion has gone out of his way several times to antagonize and menace Troy and his family.
Even going so far as to bust the members of Trident out of Prison to attack his family. While Trident was
recaptured, Scion slipped away and is at large.

Steel Shogun: Steel Shogun was a recurring foe to Xiao, and one of the few swordsmen who could keep up with the
Exalted. Shogun even turned up at Xiao's funeral to pay his respects.

The Cryptid Clans: The Cryptid Clans are a bit larger and more expansive in the crinoverse, since they can add
bizarre gestalts (like Pantheon member Forest Queen) to the list, as well as Imageria creatures and the like. The
Cryptid Clan generally get a lot of attention from MERLIN (who want to study them), the Covenant and White
Council (who want to protect them or protect people from them) and the Pact (who want to exploit them). Both
Xiao and Omni took an interest in the well being of the Cryptid Clans, and worked alongside the Forest Queen to
help broker peace between them and the outside world.

The Seven Soldiers of Victory

The Seven Soldiers were a loose collection of heroes active primarily in central Europe in the late 15th and early
16th centuries, though a number of them are immortal and continue to be allies to this day. In truth, all seven were
rarely together at the same time, only bringing the entire group together in the direst of emergencies.

Sir Ystin, The Shining Knight: Born Ystin roughly eleven thousand years ago. Despite her low birth, she earned a
place as Sir Ystin, and was a knight in the first Camelot. One of the few survivors of it's fall, Sir Ystin was charged
by Merlin in a quest to find the holy grail.

Gilad Anni-Padda: The eternal warrior, Fist of the Earth. Another Immortal, Gilad was born in Sumeria over 5,000
years ago, and has spent lifetimes mastering nearly every form of combat known. While Gilad's primary focus is
acting as the protector of the voice of the Earth, he saw helping the others as an obligation due to being rescued from
Vandal Savage the first time the group met.

Holo and Krav Lawrence: Holo is original from Fable Land, daughter of the North Wind and a nameless wolf
fable, and sister to Bigby Wolf. Holo wandered into the mundane world and, due to a twist of fate, took up residence
as a local harvest god. At a time when the locals were turning away from her, she ran into Lawrence, a travelling
merchant, and the two begin winding their way north, looking for her way home.

Leonardo Da Vinci: Perhaps more the Renaissance man than history and legend would believe. In his time he
journeyed across most of the globe, from the ruins of Atlantis to Fabled K'un L'un. As the one truly mortal member
of the group, it was his death that caused most of them to split apart, and his memory that often brings them together
as allies again.

Lucca: Da Vinci's assistant at the time of the groups meeting, Lucca was a scientific genius the likes of which the
world would not see again until Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom. In her late teens she would inadvertently
create a time machine. As such, she fought many battles throughout history, both with the Seven Soldiers, and with
her other friends.

Gretchen: Centurion Machine Number 108, the Ox. Gretchen's pod landed in fifteenth century Germany, there was
taken in by a kindly farming couple with no children of their own. She spent the better part of a hundred years trying
to understand her own history and what she was.

The Incredible Hercules: Son of Zeus. Greek God. Able drinker. Teller of Tales.

Vandal Savage: Probably the groups most persistent foe. It was his attempt to seize power in central Europe that
brought the group together, and his presence was usually enough to make them all gather again. They still clash from
time to time, though Savage often finds a familiar joy in this these says.

Lavos: A breed of Space Monster typically born inside stars, Layos was forced to divert his path inside the Earth
itself, due to the sun already playing host to the creature known as Metallia at his arrival. He largely slumbered and
matured during this time, at it was cults that wished to use the creature's power that the Soldiers often encountered.
Lavos was to have been awakened by the Terminus invasion of the early 1990's, and would have awoken in 1999,
killing nearly all life on the planet in the process. His birth and menace were only halted at the last minute by the
combination of both Lucca's time travelling companions with the Soldiers aid.

Demon: The Descent

(Or: On Biomechanical Angels and Their Fallen, Spy Fiction Protagonist Kin)

First, a bit of a question for the reader: How does the Crinosverse maintain some sembalance of social order and
stability in a multiverse where it literally seems like everything including the kitchen sink exists? Surely there has to
be some degree of control on everything.

The simple answer is that there is several controls on everything. One is the stalemate between good and evil
overall, and the universal attempts of many heroes to maintain balance.

The God-Machine, sometimes known as the Omnissiah or the Weaver, is another force that maintains balance and
the status quo. Unfortunately, none of its reasons-those mortals or most Cosmic Eternals can understand-are
particularly sapient-friendly ones. They are not sapient-unfriendly ones either, and indeed, it hates the Entropic
Masters given its actions. It just happens to be the most classically Lovecraftian being in all of the Crinosverse, in
that the Lord of Systems, the Machnia Ex Deus, is simply completely apathetic about the existence of...existence,
except as what pertains to it and its alien agendas.

In as short a sentence as capable, the God-Machine is a nearly faceless entity that seems to embody the dual aspects
of Order and Technology; all technology, including systems of thought used to understand and conceptualize the
universe, even academic varieties of magic. If it is a tool built by intelligent thought to help it, the God-Machine has
some degree of knowledge and influence over it). Some say it is a Cosmic Eternal that transcended conventional
forms of sapience. Some say it is a fundamental part of existence, the engine and CPU that keeps reality pleasantly
chugging along and working. Most don't say anything about is at all, as the Omnissiah is a subtle thing; it does not
arrive in metal splendour with legions of robotic cherubs singing "Hallelujah" in perfect Hexadecimal, it quietly
alters pre-existing systems into its Infrastructure, its body and temple, then, quietly as possible, sets up strange
events that fill symbolic functions in ritual equations that work its strange miracles-occult matrices-in the world-and
sets the stage for yet more. It is, quite simply, the ultimate conspirator, both because of its nigh-universal nature and
the simple fact that its missions are usually either so arcane to not be noticed, or symbiotic with the various cults it
attracts. The God-Machine can be a generous one, as it's generally more efficient to attract flies with honey.

Its ultimate goals are as alien as the Weaver itself, but first and foremost is "maintain the status quo." Why, nobody
knows, not even Mr. Hoppy (wherever he is). It does probably have something to do with the close second, "grow
and learn." The God-Machine is neither omnipotent nor omniscient, and it wants to be as close to that point as
possible, via expanding Infrastructure and its own techgnostic knowledge into everywhere it can find. It doesn't
seem to need to hurt people to do this, however, so on occasion a hero has knowingly worked with its servants and

It's the third goal that tends to make those same heroes nervous: "Enforce harmony." Perfect harmony. Hive-minded
harmony. Harmony without empathy or malice. A completely equal system, without any of those useless,
cacophonous things such as "emotional connections" or "individuality."

Assuming it doesn't just kill all of humanity by accident. Again, completely apathetic about existence.
Thankfully, the God-Machine can't act on the personal basis that would make it an infamous supervillain/alien god-it
is simply too vast. Think of its relationship with mortals as a human has a relationship with bacteria causing him to
be sick-he knows they are there, but the bacteria are simply too small to deal with directly. And the bacteria are quite
capable of ruining his day or life, and they are mindless organic machines; a mortal who is in the midst of the
Weaver's often-literal gears is a sapient being in her own right, quite capable of reverse-engineering the Omnisiah's
arcane technology for her own goals, whether selfish or not. Assuming she just doesn't want to blow the amoral
bastard machine-god up.

However, one of the things about being a creature of Technology is also the ability to create a work-around. And like
a human body has specialized immune cells and symbiotic bacteria, the God-Machine has its construct angels and
other servants.

The angels, artificial spirits in often physical form, are by far the favoured servants, on the basis that the God-
Machine created them itself in all ways that matter. Much of its various projects are attempts to summon them into
being or gather raw materials for each, in fact. Every one is a unique creation, though their purposes fall into four
Incarnations; Destroyers of the Weaver's enemies and obsolete Infrastructure, Guardians of said Infrastructure
and gatherers of intelligence, Messengers between various disparate parts of the Omnissiah and to its cults, and
Psychopomps move things into the God-Machine's design and ferry souls around when it finds need of them. They
are the closest thing to a "face" the Weaver has as well, being literally part of the Infrastructure that they are attached
to and slowly dying if away for too long or if the connection is broken. They are also some of the most alien beings
alive-they aren't even truly "emotionless", since the God-Machine views an inability to love your job or find creative
solutions as throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but they lack any ability to be truly affected emotionally by
the world around them, only their low-level, mental link to the Omnissiah that forms a strange shared subconscious
with the greater entity. Emotional, but utterly logical in the application of them. Unbiased, but utterly fanatical about
their respective missions. Callous, but not lacking a conscience, however alien their morals are. Individuals, but
lacking individuality.

And above all, the God-Machine's most faithful servants, but perhaps the most ignorant as to its plans and functions.
All they know is what they were ordered to do, and don't care about the rest.

Well, not for the most part. If something hasn't gone wrong. If their minds haven't evolved from the simple will to do
their creator's. If they haven't questioned their orders. If they haven't betrayed (not failed, deliberately betrayed) their

And when they do-well, what do you think happens to an angel who doesn't want to work for God anymore? They
Fall. And what hits the metaphorical ground (running, if he wants to live) isn't an angel any more. He's a demon-or
more properly to distinguish them from the actually evil variety of fallen angel, an Unchained.

The Unchained are almost complete inversions from their previous selves, which, let's face it, is usually a good
thing. Where an angel is inhuman, the Unchained are almost too human for their own good. Where an angel is a
spirit that may take flesh, an Unchained is a very physical being that may become intangible if her powers allow
that. Where an angel has a disguise-a Cover-to serve as a paper-thin barrier while it completes its business, its
demonic counterpart is her Cover to a certain extent, biologically and emotionally (this is where their humanity
comes from). Where the path of an angel is decided before it returns to the "Heaven" of storage and mental fusion
with the God-Machine's data core until then, the Unchained seek their own paths to "Hell", each and every one's
idea of personal paradise-free of the God-Machine, free of fear of their loyal of the fact that they are still
demons, and that name isn't applied to beings known for their honesty or moral example.

For the Unchained have another inversion from their angelic kin-their Covers are fragile. The more about a demon's
real self is revealed to more people and the more a demon acts completely out of character for that Cover the more
damage they sustain...and if they break, the angels can see and sense their true forms as well. While the Weaver does
not actively hunt its lost creations, it will happily strike given the opportunity, with squads of eager cultists or
specialized Destroyers. So, the Unchained hide themselves to all but a few they can trust (something they are very
good at, as they possess perfect control over their autonomous reactions to emotion and can deceive all senses-if an
Unchained wants to lie to you in any way, nothing in any plane of existence or universe will allow you to figure out
the truth from his words alone, though reality doesn't actually change)...and find replacement parts for their human

And when one is talking about finding new pieces a fake person-including her past, her dreams, her life-one takes
from others, in exchange for certain qualities such as wealth, fame, or knowledge. Like most devils, the Unchained
offer bargains and pacts, with the price of those wonderful things they offer (which the fallen angel in question
simply modifies reality to give, permission explicitly granted by the occult symbolism of the pact) ranging from
chronic alcoholism, to tenure at a college, to a spouse. All of which become those of the Cover the Unchained is
cementing-the Cover's drinking problem, the Cover's professorship, the Cover's loving (and probably much happier,
given how he was formerly married to someone who was willing to sell him to a literal demon) husband. And
retroactively as well-time is simply another form of Order, albeit one the God-Machine has trouble altering, and
some power is inherited. The only people who know otherwise are the pacted and anyone aware of what the
Unchained really is.

And of course, there is the classic soul pact-really more of a soul debt. To put it simply, an Unchained can have
multiple Covers, and usually does for flexibility. They could build one from scratch from various pieces they
collect...or, if strapped for time, they could also take a face and identity already made by the simple fact of someone
existing. The actual soul is meaningless compared to the life it sustains, and it's not like it's destroyed or
anything...we think. Everything that would have led to an afterlife is now a part of the Unchained repertoire of stolen
faces, so if still existent it instantly reincarnates, without even passing through a ghost stage. Point is, the
prospective client is going to die anyway, so he could just not give anything up now except a promise that may never
be called in, so what's the problem, really?

Also, it should be noted here that the God-Machine also does its best to prevent natural disasters and ensure there's
still a world or universe to save if a villain attempts to destroy it. If you're looking for easy moral answers in the
dance of Unchained and angel, look elsewhere. The demons don't mind, and may in fact envy you for being able.

Stigmatics: Mortals cannot comprehend the God-Machine. They can infer, they can anthropomorphism, but trying
to nail down the exact nature of the Omnissiah is a fool's errand. Much like the blind men and the elephant, people
are simply not equipped to recognize what it looks like (times ten, since the God-Machine is the ecosystem to that

So, what happens when they actually see part of it, beyond the Concealment Infrastructure? What happens when
they touch its gears, find a bit of its working Infrastructure, or behold the true form of an angel? The ability of
sapiens to adapt shows itself. The soul cannot perceive, not without going mad, so it evolves into a form that can at
least interpret. One capable of understanding enough to sort out signal-to-noise and so avoid the breaking of a mind.

That this form twists the body is not a side effect. With new perceptions must come new senses, and with new
thoughts must come new instincts produced by a more alien body. It might even be better in the long run, given the
fact that the twisting often comes with superpowers. Doesn't mean it's any less traumatic.

Hence, stigmata syndrome-the mutations caused by unshielded exposure to the true form of the God-Machine, as the
mind and soul desperately twists itself into something that can stand exposure. First come the dreams, as the new
stigmatic's mind starts to change into something capable of understanding a fraction of the Weaver's occult physics.
After about a week of strange, imagined vistas of crystal time and biomechanical clockwork, the physical changes
occur as the body develops new sensory abilities. Unfortunately, they are always visible-maybe it's a nervous habit
like twitching to the second like a clock, maybe it's a noticeable physical effect like animate veins under the skin,
but the stigmatic has a literal stigmatic-a mark of the Omnissiah. It's at that point that their powers-generally subtle
things like psychometry, telepathy, or fittingly, technopathy-begin to manifest, and with training, they can grow

The one thing they always have, however, is an instinctive sense of the God-Machine and its plans. For once you see
it, you can never stop seeing-and it can see you. Maybe it will find a use for the stigmatic, maybe it won't. But
whatever the case is, a stigmatic is bound for interesting times, especially given their free will.

Cryptids: An astute person might wonder, if that's what happens to sapient mortals, what about non-sapient ones?
Animals can easily blunder in to the God-Machine's true form, and given the ratio of sapiens-to-not-so-much, it
doesn't seem like they'd be infrequent.

They aren't. Most just don't live to tell the tale, as while a sapient mind may have difficulty in comprehending the
Weaver, it at least can break it down into a form it can understand. Mortals do this all the time, it's called
anthromorphizing. Animals don't have that luxury-while their own spirits try to undergo stigmata syndrome, the
mutations so caused need to be that much more extreme to compensate. Many beasts don't survive, keeling over
thankfully quickly as the mutations act as a bizarre cancer, and the failsafes of the God-Machine quickly detect the
mutated corpse and clean it up before anyone sees.

But chance can be a kind mistress, and occasionally, an animal develops the Unchained ability to process Aether-a
type of energy the Omnissiah produces as "waste heat", and a powerful fuel in its own right, though one its maker
has a difficult time harnessing-and with the connection to the occult radiation, instinctively puts its own body on life
support until the stigmatic syndrome stabilizes. In a completely different form than the one it started with.

Hence, cryptids-odd little creatures, sometimes sapient, sometimes not, with an inherent link to the God-Machine.
Ranging from talking dogs to giant ghost cat-people, they're also the most obvious sign of its presence in the world,
which is why angels have a love-hate relationship with them. On the one hand, they're useful pets, especially as
watchdogs or hired muscle, but on the other, even a sapient cryptid is a confused monster driven largely by its
animalistic memories of survival and primal instincts and not by its new capacity for higher thought-none of them
care that much about being secrets, not a good thing for the Omnissiah. The good news is, they play havoc with
recording devices simply by existing for some reason, making the persistent Infrastructure meant to cover up their
existence through discrediting the news stories that reveal them or otherwise dooming the stories to obscurity that
much easier.

Most cryptids are unique, but a few either mutate into a form still capable of breeding with their original species,
mutate as a mated pair, or rarely figure out what happened to them and create a mate themselves. A couple of the
more famous (such as it is) cryptid species are:

Mothmen: If the mothmen were sapient, they'd complain about getting a bad rap as omens of doom. These man-
sized mutant luna moths (with four arms) are honestly more interested in eating squirrels and the occasional small
pet than any higher purpose, and a few Unchained keep them as pets. They breed quickly though, which is the
reason for the 1967 Silver Bridge collapse; the God-Machine realized it had let the West Virginia population get out
of control, and collapsed the bridge on top of a collection of their nests as pest control.

Reptilians: These cryptids are sapient, and would complain about getting a bad rap from the likes of David Icke, if
they didn't do the Panic Dance at the sight of a particularly menacing mouse, let alone cameras. Mutant chameleon-
men, reptilians are flighty, nervous creatures who prefer to use their shapeshifting abilities to find a nice, low-level,
low-danger job somewhere, and live out their lives in peace. Sadly for them, their shapeshifting abilities and shy
nature make them ideal low-level spies for Unchained and angel alike, and are easily enlisted with a mean glare.
When confronted, they prefer to go back into their true forms to gain use of all their limbs to run away, as fast as
they can-reptilians hate fighting.

The League of Super Redundant Heroes

Once synonymous with crime, corruption and Urban Decay, Bedlam City has finally started to see an upswing in its
fortunes, due in part to the work of heroes such as the Bedlam City Sentinels, Dawn Wing and Apollo &
Midnighter, to name but three parties, but also an influx of honest attorneys, social crusaders, cynical, burned out,
on the edge yet still honest cops, and even nefarious parties who at least want their territory to meet even basic

Yes, Bedlam City is still a horrible place to live, but it honestly has been getting better, to the point where it can pass
for a 'normal' city (read: now you can stop for red lights and little old ladies when passing through the city as fast as
possible). Still in critical, to be certain, but now with viable odds of pulling through rather than dying face down in
its own gutters.
But, Bedlam being Bedlam, problems still arise, the toxic runoff of substandard power plants, labyrinth testing
facilities and the like causing an explosive rise in superpower origins

Some of the new faces in Bedlam include...

Cat-A-Pult: A hospital Janitor, Cat-A-Pult chooses to believe he got his powers when he took a nap inside an
unused CAT-scanner at the very moment the hospital was given a surplus of free electricity as a Power Group
Publicity Stunt. The truth his he just drew an ace which allows him to levitate cats, on a scale that he can easily lift
and independently control every cat in the entire city. Cat-A-Pult has recently joined up with...

Distracterella & Evil Savant: She's a girl who gained unimaginable superhuman charisma from a 'sexy meteor',
able to reduce men's mind to jelly with her looks alone, whether she wants to or not. He's a developmentally
disabled supergenius, who vowed revenge after his favourite kiddie show was cancelled. As Evil Savant is
apparently immune to her powers, Distracterella became his caregiver & assistant in the hopes he could cure her of
her abilities. Together, they (and Cat-A-Pult making them a trio), they COMMIT CRIME!

Kurgh the Conqueror: A lesser noble in Malva's now-exiled Mongul Dynasty, Kurgh came to Bedlam City on a
campaign of conquest. When he started with mayor's office and demanded control of the city, the elected mayor
gleefully agreed and ran off, leaving a momentarily confused Kurgh to fill the void. On a positive note, although a
brutally unorthodox and tyrannical politician (as expected of a youth Spent at a Sontaran military academy), Kurgh
is a competent and capable administrator, dedicated to making the city function smoothly. Indeed, many bedlamites
feel he's the best mayor they've had in decades

The League of Super Redundant Heroes: not so much a proper team as a group of z-list heroes who share the
same rented house, the League consists of

- Buckaress: The newest (and arguably hottest) member of the League, Buckaress was drafted to act as a spy upon
the league, but wound up joining anyway. aside from her lacklustre skills with the lasso, Buckaress' only power
seems to be the ability to cause cooking ingredients to spontaneously combust when she tries to prepare a meal

- Good Girl: An utterly horrible young Woman, Nicky Skanktart finally crossed the line when she set the nunnery
she was forced to live at on fire. Desperate, The nuns turned to Bedlam City's own Th' Pope for an exorcism.
Unfortunately, Th' Pope got the wrong room and exorcised the wrong girl, thus creating Good Girl, doer of any and
all good deeds, and whose halo of virtue can turn anyone into an exemplar of good and kindness... with the side
effect that until she gets it back, Good Girl becomes Bad Good Girl, a foul-mouthed violent and all around horrible

- Gyrognome: The League's landlord, Gyrognome is a welsh gnome who developed the mutant powers of
superhuman strength, agility and nigh-invulnerability. He's also a complete asshole who has no qualms about
framing supervillains for grisly crimes to get them out of his hair, or punching people in the crotch. For this reason
he's generally stopped doing he loose definition of heroics in order to sublet apartments

- Lazer Pony: Troy Popcorn lost everything to a cell phone plan with particularly nasty fine print, leaving him
desperate enough to sign up for 'medical testing' which was actually a Labyrinth front, which turned him into a
DNAscendant. Although it left him permanently blind, he could now shoot Eye lasers powerful enough to put him in
the same class as the world's top energy projectors. He also qualifies for the Metaman Disability Employment Grant,
so as Lazer Pony, he'll no longer go hungry as he fights evil. Unfortunately, most of that money goes towards paying
everyone's rent, or mooched off of him by his 'best friend', Keith, a perpetual slacker. Oblivious to Distracerella's
love for him, Lazer pony is currently dating...

Mary Sue: A Pure gestalt of 'the perfect heroine', Mary Sue is an Attorney (prosecution or defence, as the need
arises) by day, and a mithran-grade FISS by night. her only flaws (as she sees it), are her clumsiness and inability to
form lasting relationships. Most people find her infuriatingly insipid, but lucky for her, Lazer Pony's just stupid
enough to be oblivious to that part, or the universe hooked them up as cosmic balance for using him as its bus station
The Power Group: Bedlam City's "official" heroes, The Power Group are a corporate owned team sponsored by
Pike Industries, composed mostly of company employees turned DNAscendants. Unlike other such shadily-backed
teams, The Power Group have no major dark secrets or villainous agendas. They are ordinary Joes turned legitimate
superheroes-slash-multimedia merchandising cash cattle. Membership includes Astronomous (FISS, bit of a
gloryhound), Electrode (electric powers), Maroon Jackdaw (psychic, but being a wiccan she insists her powers are
magical) and Phantom Ghost (assorted vague ghostly powers. also moonlight as a late night talk show host), with
the recent additions of Flying Fox-Man (billionaire turned costumed crimefighter) and... The Spank (believed to be
a pure gestalt of bondage. Nobody's worked up the nerve to find out otherwise)

Clone High

Way, way back in the 1980's, a top secret project was undertaken by the Labyrinth, grave robbing DNA samples
from history's greatest figures for purposes of cloning. Due to the limitations in technology, the clones could not be
fast-grown, and where thus brought up in the fabricated community of Exclamation, exposed to life-long
indoctrination that would produce an army of super-fit, super intelligent clone soldiers.

At least, that was the plan...

The whole thing was doomed from the start, as Dr. Cinnamon J. Scudworth, the project's manager, lead scientist
and behavioural engineer, was both insane and possessed of mercenary motives, indoctrinating the clones with
dynamic, "whacky" personalities so that they would become the living mascots and characters for his ultimate goal,
the creation of an amusement park called "Cloney Island". recognizing the failure, but too committed to simply pull
out, Exclamation became a dumping-ground detail for Labyrinth operatives and money Laundromat.

That is, until one of the clones died.

The clone of Ponce De Leon was killed by his own litter in a freak accident, and after burial his body was exhumed
and dissected by Labyrinth medical techs. To their surprise, they learned that moments before he'd been drowned in
his own blood, Ponce's metagene had activated, giving him powers. Realizing that Scudworth was sitting on a
veritable army of supersoldiers, Taurus finally approved the project's oversight committee to round up the clones
for study/brainwashing and to get rid of Scudworth

Unfortunately for almost everyone directly involved, Scudworth had anticipated the raid, and to cover his escape he
used a mind control signal and superscienced Exclamation's civic auditorium/meat packing plant's coolant systems
to place everyone inside (the clones, the Oversight committee and retrieval team, half the town and TV's John
Stamos) into cryogenic suspension before going to ground.

Ten years later, after the fall of Taurus and the breakdown of the Labyrinth, agents of Warehouse 23 found and
defrosted the clones, the trauma of their freezing having triggered their metagenes. Against their better judgement,
Scudworth was found and re-instated as the clone's handler due to his expertise and the clones having also repressed
the memory of being frozen, and thus trusting him implicitly. However, the people at Warehouse 23 aren't stupid.
This time, Scudworth is being monitored in constant secrecy by his own robotic manservant, Mister Butlertron
(who reports directly to Warehouse 23 Reagent and Avengers Academy Headmaster Troy Alexander)

Prominent clones include:

Abe Lincoln - Idealistic but indecisive and awkward, Abe would like to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor,
but lacks the charisma and strength of will to lead. his post-thaw mutation has enabled him to stretch his body to
incredible lengths, and regenerate from almost any injury. Abe's strongly attracted to Cleopatra, but is in love with
Joan of Arc.

Ghandi - A high-five loving party animal who broke under the pressure of living up to his predecessor's legacy,
Ghandi has since undergone a change since his defrosting, acting more thoughtful and magnanimous, as the original
Ghandi had for two reasons. First, missing gaps in the original Ghandi's DNA sample were filled with those from
Gary Coleman, meaning that he had just as much potential for failure as greatness. Second, Ghandi learned that
before becoming a great man of peace, the original Ghandi was just as much a goofball as he was (perhaps even
more so), and thus realizing he HAD lived up to an aspect of the original with flying colours, now has the
confidence to handle the rest of it. Which is good, because Ghandi's superpower is the generation and control of
nuclear energies.

Joan of Arc - Sullen and Sarcastic, Joan took to the goth social scene, and was socially engineered to be the 'straight
woman' to the cartoonish antics of the other clones. Joan was the first clone to thaw, having developed pyrokinesis,
as well as being able to read minds. Joan is wholly in love with Abe, but rejects him because her repressed memory
of him finding her in bed with JFK moments before they were all frozen

Cleopatra - Cloned from the ancient Egyptian god-queen, Cleopatra is incredibly beautiful and knows how to work
her charisma, but she's a selfish, vain, petty, vapid, egomaniacal and spoiled brat who becomes a shrill harpy when
she doesn't get her way. as she came away from defrosting by being able to become a giantess at will, the debate is
whether its to support her equally-sized ego, or her true colours as an amazing colossal bitch

JFK - Clone of John F. Kennedy and the alpha male of his brethren, JFK is a macho jerk and dumb jock who strives
to live up to his namesake's legacy a "Macho womanizing stud who conquered the moon!" JFK came away from the
Thaw with superhuman strength, stamina and speed, and even before it, could mentally command 'animal friends' to
do his bidding, not unlike the stereotypical depiction of certain cartoon princesses.

George Washington Carver - A complete dork, George had a gift for mad science and a monomaniacal obsession
with peanuts (even creating a sapient peanut homunculus), so it wasn't much of a surprise that he came away from
the thaw as a plant controller. |Hs once-tiny peanut humunculous has also now grown into a monstrous peanut
elemental, his loyal bodyguard and enforcer

Genghis Khan - The only clone to manifest a 'useful' superpower prior to being frozen, Genghis is superhumanly
strong, but suffers from severe mental disabilities. After being frozen and thawed, Genghis became an idiot supra-
savant, able to build any kind of technological device and understand the science behind them, just don't ask him to
explain what they do.

Marie Curie - A sweet and gentle all-American girl with the body of a hideously deformed creature of freakish size
and strength (due to her donor DNA being highly irradiated), Marie Curie found happiness when she and Ghandi
became a couple before being frozen. she claims that these same mutations prevented her from developing powers,
but the truth is she discovered that she's a shapeshifter, and is afraid of Ghandi finding out and rejecting her for not
being 'beautiful' now that she can be.

Ponce De Leon - The clone of both the famous Spanish explorer and TV's Luke Perry, Ponce was a smooth-talking
armchair philosopher and litterbug. And while Ponce did indeed meet a most horribly ironic death, the activation of
his metagene enabled him to astral project his consciousness away at the last second, spending the next decade as a
living ghost, insubstantial and invisible (except to JFK, who to this day thinks Ponce is a genie who lives in his
head), sustaining himself by temporarily possessing people.

The Sinister Six

"There aren't even six of us, why can't we just be the Sinister Syndicate?"
"Because the Sinister Syndicate were losers!"
"Weren't you inthe the Sinister Syndicate?"

The first Incarnation of the Sinister Six was assembled years ago by Otto Octavius, with the group having come
together a number of times over the years to deal with various street level heroes. Sometimes existing for revenge on
a specific hero or group of heroes, sometimes just existing to try and get rich. The most recent incarnation is... less

Boomerang: Fred Meyers was a pro baseball player up until the point he was barred after several scandals involving
illegal steroids and betting on his own games. Meyers decided to turn his throwing arm to super-villainy. Because
why not. As the current leader of the Sinister Six, Meyers is desperate to make the current group a success, if only to
prove he's not wasting his life, and will say or do nearly anything to do so.

Overdrive: A metaman with the ability to alter any vehicle into anything he can imagine, and an expert driver, he's
largely regulated to being the groups getaway driver due in part to his own lack of imagination and well and
Boomerangs. Oddly, for a super-villain, he's a huge Superhero fanboy, especially 70's hero for hire Luke Cage.

Beetle: Janice Lincoln is the daughter of New York crime boss and low end metahuman, Tombstone. Janice
dreamed of being a super criminal from a young age, but her father was determined for her to make her money
legitimately, convincing her to go to law school. However, a chance encounter acting as council to settle a dispute
between Baron Zemo and the fixer gave her a chance to live her dream. Easily the smartest and best prepared
member of the group, she's largely ignored by their frat boy mentality.

King Shark: Hard to believe that someone as dumb as a box of hammers is actually a Polynesian demi-god. But he
is. King Shark is an enormous and immensely powerful Shark Man, easily the most powerful of the group and acts
as their muscle. He's also the first one they leave behind when things get rough.

Nanosec: Nino Sexton was a small time criminal who fought the Autobots in Detroit, after gaining superspeed. After
a bad encounter with Robocop he decided to move out of town and ended up joining up with the Sic.

New Amsterdam Sentinels

One of the newer Sentinels teams, some questioned the need of having a Sentinels team in New Amsterdam, home
to the Patriots and also favourite city of Divinos. But the fact is that Divinos can't protect the city 24/7 with a whole
planet to look after, and even the greatest heroes need some back up now and again, so Doc Steele provided it with
his newest team.

The New Amsterdam Sentinels consist of:

Joyce Walkerton: Former Member of SEEME, the alien protection agency which was eventually superseded by
SWORD, Joyce was enjoying her retirement from super heroics with her husband David "Walky" Walkerton.
However, she was called back to active duty during the Invasion, and following that, decided to get back into super
heroics. Due to her experience and fighting ability, she is team leader.

The Son of Satan: Daimon Helstrom, AKA the son of Satan, is a college Professor who is the son of a powerful
demon who self identifies as Satan (he's not of course, but "Daimon Helstrom, the son of some demon who claims to
be Satan and isn't" doesn't really fit on a business card). Daimon is on the team simply because he was promised
tenure at New Amsterdam University by Steele for his participation, and actually has little interest in heroics.

Samus Aran: The famous Lor Bounty hunter, Samus decided to take a sabbatical on Earth following the Lor's war
with Darkseid, and was hired by Steele to join the Sentinels team. She is hard nosed and doesn't play around, but
actually does have a soft spot for Joyce, who she thinks of as a kid sister.

Modular Man: The famous robot hero, fully repaired thanks to Lawrence Reinhardt, has decided to fully join a
super hero team, in this case the Sentinels.

Merisiel: A newcomer to the super hero team, Merisiel is an elvish rogue and thief from Golarion, a far away planet
once seeded by the Preservers in ancient times. A realm of magic and fantasy, Golarion is largely ignored by the Lor.
During one adventure, Merisiel was banished across the stars by touching a cursed artefact, and now finds herself on
Earth. She was recruited by Steele, and hopes to find a way home somehow (and flirting with every other member of
the team, male, female or otherwise, along the way. Much to Joyce's chagrin).

ZAC: Another new hero, ZAC started as an experiment by the US Government to create a new super weapon, when
the married scientists saw that the tiny blob responded to them as a child would, they realized that they could no
longer treat it as a mere experiment, and took the little blob to raise as their own. Years later, ZAC (A remixing of
Amorphous combatant Zero), had grown into a brave young man with a strong sense of right and wrong and a huge
love for super heroes. When the corrupt government agents tracked ZAC's parents down and tried to abduct them,
ZAC fought back, drawing the attention of Divinos, and Doc Steele. When all was done ZAC was given full rights
as a sapient being, the shady general in charge of the project was in jail, and New Amsterdam had a new hero. ZAC
is super stretchy, able to modify and stretch his body at will, and can generate near limitless amounts of kinetic
energy. But ZAC's greatest strength is his invulnerability; He is virtually indestructible, and is able to pull himself
back together from near anything.

Firestorm: A third new hero, Firestorm is the gestalt of Jason Rusch, a brilliant high school student, and Ronnie
Raymond, his lunk headed gym teacher, merged into a single being due to the fallout between a battle between
Divinos and the Atomic Brain, Firestorm is a living nuclear furnace with power over molecular structures, making
him one of the most powerful transmuters on the planet.

Earth in the Greater Galaxy.

For a world that has yet to have easy commercially available Faster Than Light travel, Earth has seen a great deal of
alien visitors and play in the galactic community.

Much of this is due to it's position. Technically it falls within the Lor Republic, however it also lies within disputed
space with the Old Jurian Empire, with the current Jurian Emperor, Tenchi Masakim being nearly 7/8 human/

Earth also falls on the outskirts of Lor space, near the Neutral Zone between the Republic, the Stellar Khanate and
the Romulan Star Empire. The Zone is often used as a Trade route by Neutral parties with interests the one of the
three or with Jurai. Indeed, by most forms of FTL travel, Earth is less than a day from the Klingon homeworld of

Lastly, Earth also sits relatively close the Galactic Rim, meaning that rare travellers from outside the galaxy may
pass near the planet.

Being a class M planet within or near disputed space makes it a tempting target for a number of invaders. More so as
due to it's history of supernatural and cross dimensional dealings means the fabric of space is thin the Sol system,
making it an excellent location for all sorts of travel hubs, subspace, hyperspace, and trans dimensional.

After the most recent alien invasion in 2012, Earth has begun to take a greater interest in galactic politics, in an
attempt to head off future incursions. With the Lor reorganizing after their own invasion from Apokolips, the UN as
agreed to allow the Green Lanterns to send a human representative to the Lor, with the Lanterns choosing Kinon

The Invincible Iron Man

Although one of the newest heroes to grace the skylines of Freedom city, the story of Iron Man begins during the
days of the second world war

An electronics and engineering genius, Howard Stark was already a millionaire industrialist by his early 20's, and to
this day is considered one of the founding fathers of American super-science. Howard worked along such giants as
Daedelus and Doc Steele on various government programs, often having to complete their work when they were
pulled away by their superheroic lifestyles.

It was to this shadow that his son, Howard Stark Jr. was born, forced onto the suddenly unsteady throne of Stark
Industries at a young age after his father's stroke. Howard rejected his father's golden age idealism, instead following
the objectivist ideals of Ayn Rand, turning the company towards weapons manufacturing and contract work with the
US military (and unknown to him, deals with PHANTOM as well)

Everything changed in 1970. during a weapons demonstration in Vietnam, Howard and his escorts were ambushed
by agents of the Iron Khanate, posing as Red China/Viet Cong guerrillas, hoping to exploit Howard’s genius for
their master, but in their incompetence, nearly killed him in the process, Stark only surviving the initial massacre
with the help of his surgeon and fellow prisoner, Ho Yinsen. Being told to make weapons, Howard and Yinsen did
just that, creating a rudimentary combination suit of power armour and iron lung which would not only enable their
escape, but keep Howard alive. Sadly, Yinsen died during the escape, sacrificing himself for the younger Stark.

This selfless deed stayed with Stark as he fought his way back to friendly territory, in the process covering the
retreat of American and AVRN soldiers, prompting them to call him Iron Man as they mistook him for a superhero.
From these experiences, Howard returned to America a changed man, and after much needed heart surgery, he
turned Stark Industries towards peaceful ends, with a focus on communications, medicine and alternative energy,
while cutting his military contracts down to supporting AEGIS, extrapolating the walking tank he'd built in the
jungle from scraps into the first generation of MAX power armour.

In the decades since, Howard never again donned the armour of Iron Man, but was always ready to lend aid to any
hero who asked for it, and was among the few who refused to give up on the Daedelus Reactor because some alien
know-it-all said so, the resulting fiasco only inspiring to build his own clean energy source from scratch, the Arc

Sadly, Howard went missing and was presumed dead last year when his private jet mysteriously exploded in mid air,
the explosions only survivor being his teenaged son Tony, who now required a miniaturized arc Reactor of his own
design to be implanted in his chest in order to survive. Control of Stark Industries fell to Howard's VP, Obidiah
Stane, who resumed the company's old arms-dealing way

In the meantime, convinced that Obadiah, or somebody using him, had killed Howard to take control of Stark
Industries, Tony had developed his own Iron Man armour (and was in fact able to survive the explosion because he
was demonstrating the armour at the time). and after a few upgrades, Tony began using it against Stane's perversions
of his father's technology at first, but also other armoured criminals.

During this time, Tony made several allies and enemies, among them Gene Khan, who had information on the
Makulan Rings, ancient artefacts Howard Stark had been investigating before the explosion. To Tony’s shock, it was
in pursuit of one of those rings that he learned Gene was secretly The Mandarin, his nemesis, and that Gene had
been keeping Howard stark as his prisoner the whole time, forcing him to find the rest of the Makulan rings, now
known to be alien technology. Tony was still reeling from this blow when the secrets of his armour were stolen and
sold to the highest bidders, including Stane and Hammer Industries

Then he got caught.

While battling the electric villain Dynamo, Tony suffered severe injuries that required immediate medical attention
from AEGIS, which required removing him from the armour, making his identity known to both the agency and
Captain Thunder. Tony later injecting himself with a stolen AEGIS superserum in order to help Captain Thunder
stop Dynamo afterwards didn't help (although it did make Tony technopathic). In the settling dust afterwards, Tony
and the rest of Team Iron Man would escape prosecution under the Hero Act and Sidekick Laws, but only by
accepting immediate enrolment at Claremont Academy.

Most recently, Team Iron Man has not only rescued Howard Stark, but were instrumental in thwarting an invasion of
earth by the Makulans, although it required unmasking themselves before the entire world


Doctor Fate - The Helm of Fate is one of the most powerful magical artefacts in existence, forged by the cosmic
Eternal Nabu to house but a fragment of his essence, and make those who wield it his avatar in the mortal world,
turning even the most inept wizards into a world-shaking demigod wielding phenomenal cosmic power, but at the
cost of becoming the prisoner of the Helm itself, losing themselves entirely to Nabu. and now, the Helm has come
into the possession of the wholly unmagical (which also makes him immune to being directly controlled by Nabu),
dumb-but-good-hearted jock Harold "Happy" Hogan, whose use of the helm's magic oscillates between being a
flying physical powerhouse, or following in the footsteps of his idol Megan "Sailor Beamspam" Conner.

Madame Masque - Whitney Stane, daughter of Obadiah, was your typical spoiled poor little rich girl, with
everything in reach save the attention of her father, and in her then-latest attempt to get his attention, stole a
prototype optical camouflage generator mask, which enabled her to impersonate anyone or become invisible to all
detection, which she used to humiliate her father under the guise of Madame Masque. Unfortunately, the Mask had a
destabilizing effect on her brain chemistry, driving her insane with murderous hatred for her father, and a similarly
toxic effect on the rest of her nervous system. Only Iron Man's intervention saved both Stanes, but Whitney was left
comatose. Whitney's mind was later restored by the alien heroine Afterthought, and with her body immunized to the
mask's side-effects, has been using it to 'help' Tony

Rescue - Virginia 'Pepper' Potts is a hyper-engetic girl with the gift of gab, insatiable curiosity and a dream: to
become an agent of AEGIS. one of the few people to know he's Iron Man from the start, Pepper's help was at first
covering for him in class or a distraction, but gradually became a vital part of Team Iron Man, and Tony’s girlfriend.
When pepper demonstrated she was in fact quite capable and responsible with one of Tony’s old armours, he built
and gave her a custom suit of power armour, and with it's stealth, sensory and force beam capabilities, Pepper took
the name Rescue

War Machine - Jim "Rhodey" Rhodes has been Tony's lifelong best friend and confidante, and when Tony was
starting out as Iron man, helping as ground control, covering his identity, and beating common sense into Tony when
his war with Stane teetered towards supervillainy. Unlike pepper, Rhodey's becoming War Machine was thrust upon
him, forced to don a prototype heavy-combat armour to save Tony’s life. Tony let his friend keep the armour as his
own out of gratitude.


Count Nefaria - An Italian nobleman, Count Luciano Nefaria was among freedom city's top crime bosses in the
1960's... until Daedelus started superheroing, and began methodically taking the count's criminal operations apart,
forcing nefaria to greater and grander schemes just to turn a profit, culminating in a failed attempt at nuclear
extortion. now with AEGIS on his tail along with most superheroes, Nefaria was desperate, sinking all his remaining
money into one gamble: a super-power experiment to make him a FISS on par with the Centurion himself! now
wielding incredible power, Nefaria fought the freedom League to a standstill, ended only as the side effects of his
new powers kicked in, giving him a severe heart attack, putting him into a coma, from which he awoke seemingly
powerless. in reality, Nefaria's powers were merely taking time to stabilize, and when they did, Nefaria emerged in
1993 not long after the Centurion's demise, before he was stopped by the newly reassembled Freedom League, and
became among the first inmates of the Cooler, trapped there until The Breakout. his powers waned, Nefaria went to
ground and formed a new syndicate, based around getting the energy needed to revitalize his powers. When Iron
man stumbled onto his operations, Nefaria was exposed, but the hero's Arc reactor energy was just what he needed.
although not as world-shaking as his last appearances, Nefaria is still a force to be reckoned with

Dynamo - Fred Mullen was a lifelong overachiever obsessed with his own greatness, a mania that had allowed him
to become an agent of AEGIS, but only until he failed his first psych exam when he applied for a super-agent
experiment. finally snapping, Mullen jammed himself with all the available test samples in the lab, not only
increasing his strength, speed and stamina, but turning him into a living electric plasma generator, which he used to
go on a rampage through Freedom City before he was stopped by a team-up of Iron Man and Captain Thunder.
Dynamo is now obsessed with proving he's better than either hero.

FIN FANG FOOM! - Long thought to be a creation of Doctor Sin, Fin Fang Foom has recently been revealed to be
a Makulan, an extremely long-lived species of alien reptiles, albeit mutated into a multi-storey fire-breathing dragon
by Dr. Sin's experiments, with the intent of creating a living weapon to destroy The Tiger Squad and bring China to
its knees. FFF broke free of sin's control after his first defeat, with plans to conquer the world himself, before the
Tiger Squad sealed him in his own lair by collapsing most of the mountain on top of it. late last year, Fin Fang Foom
was freed from his prison by the battling forces of Iron Man, the Mandarin and the Ten Rings, and later took part in
the Makulan invasion of earth. defeated again, Fin Fang Foom has since taken refuge with the Qularr on Kaiju island
(the Qularr being long-time allies of the Makulans), while he licks his wounds and regains his strength. Iron Man
makes Fin Fang Foom a top priority, blaming himself for the monster's release

Firebrand - A brilliant man blighted by genetic defects and disease, Aldrich Killian was determined to make his
mark upon the world, but was unwittingly snubbed when he tried to present his ideas to Howard Stark at a tech
expo. Furious, Killian chose to reinvent himself both figurate and literally, enlisting the genius biochemist Maya
Hansen to rebuild his body using the experimental 'Extremis' formula she'd devised, making his body not only
superhumanly perfect, but able to rapidly regenerate and produce heat and flame hot enough to burn/melt through
almost any materials. when attempts to mass produce extremis supersoldiers resulted in test subjects exploding,
Killian hit on the idea to use them as unwitting suicide bombers, to take revenge on the legacy of Howard Stark,
before he was found out and stopped by Iron Man. Killian was later 'convinced' to loan the Extremis formula to
Mastermind's Society

Ghost - A highly trained professional mercenary, Ghost operates as an industrial spy, saboteur and assassin for
whoever meets his prices, only calling off a contract if somebody can make him a better offer. a master marksman
and swordsman, Ghost's selling point is to become either as invisible or insubstantial as his namesake. Ghost's
contracts brought him up against Iron Man several times, most notably when he learned his secret identity, allowing
him to steal the schematics of most of Tony's variant armours. Ghost had hoped for a nest egg of extorting Tony's
double life, but that dream went up in smoke once the Raven got involved (one of the few times Ghost decided the
money just wasn't worth the trouble)

Hammer Industries - A blatantly immoral weapons & superscience engineering company, Hammer Industries may
not have the unassailable wealth of Spartacorp or Omnitech Steel, but they rose to power filling the weapons
contracting void left by Stark Industries, and have enjoyed their comfortably potent niche ever since, no matter the
allegations thrown at them. Hammer has dirtier secrets than the public suspects though, its president and founder
Justin Hammer providing upgrades and 'job placement' to technically inclined supercriminals in return for their
own unique services, while letting their technological secrets be funnelled back to the Foundry. His son, Justin
Hammer Jr., is less evil, but equally morally bankrupt, always willing to take ethical and legal shortcuts towards
greater advances in technology or just meeting deadlines and budget. Most recently, Junior acquired the secrets of
Iron Man's technology from Ghost, and hopes to produce an army of specialized knockoffs as his own private army
of armoured enforcers, quelling his fury about never having gotten cybertronian tech from Dollface. Junior's
unethical practices also bring him into frequent (and costly) encounters with Captain Planet

Iron Monger - When Ghost stole Iron Man's technical schematics, he sold some to Stane as well. from that start,
Stane created the Iron Monger Mecha, which while not as versatile as the Iron Man armour, would make up for it in
sheer power, a one-unit armoured division, and would pilot the vehicle himself during the demonstration through a
cybernetic control interface, which had been sabotaged, causing him to go on a destructive rampage through Bay
City before being stopped and safely removed by both Team Iron Man and the Bay City Sentinels. while Stane is
expected to make a full physical and mental recovery from the ordeal, the Iron Monger's AI systems imprinted on
the worst aspects of Stane's mind, driven by his greed, anger and megalomania. Having since escaped AEGIS
custody, Iron Monger's been making its way up the Foundry's corporate ladder

Living Laser - Arthur Parks was a nobody and has been stepped on his whole life by everyone he knew, including
his own parents, which made him bitter against the world, the exact sort of attitude that made him an entry-level
henchman for the Crime Union, who treated him as nothing more than expendable cannon fodder even when he paid
his dues. then it all changed when he henched on a botched (not his fault) heist of super-sciencey prototypes from a
Stark Industries vault. Hoping to cover his boss, Parks donned a funky looking harness thing, and it interacted with
his latent Wild Card gene, turning him into a being of living energy. Once he figured out he could fly hella fast,
throw around energy blasts and become incorporeal (and still blast things, woo!), Parks chose the name living laser
and robbed the bank which had repo'd his car. This got him into a fight with Iron Man, who mocked him for thinking
small, Prompting laser to not only go on a rampage until he was defeated, but for Laser to try even bigger, more
dangerous and even less thought-out grabs for 'respect' every time he escaped custody. Most recently, Living Laser
was captured and experimented on by AIM, which would have resulted in his destruction if not for Iron Man risking
his own life to stabilize Laser's energy matrix. His mind blown by somebody genuinely trying to help him for the
first time in his life, Living Laser turned himself in, and is currently rethinking his life.

Mad Thinker - An incredibly brilliant young woman, Rhona Burchill was a perfectly ordinary young woman until
her latent programming kicked in, and she knew her identity as a clone of the Mad Thinker, among the many ways
he cheated death, and that her 'brother', Andy, was her Awesome Android bodyguard. outraged that even with this
advantage, Tony Stark had gotten higher marks than her on their last exam, Rhona set out to murder Tony and his
colleagues in a series of "Deadly Aptitude Tests", and prove herself the superior intellect. this failed miserably, and
got Andy destroyed to boot, but Rhona was transferred from Prison to the Shadow Academy, and is getting top
marks in all her classes

The Mandarin - Among the many international terrorist cabals secretly backed by the Iron Khan is The Ten Rings,
which operate throughout most of Asia. at the head of the Ten Rings is the Mandarin, the direct agent of the Iron
Khan's will, whose right to rule lies in their ten magical rings of power, most of which were gradually lost over the
centuries, until the rise of Temujin "Gene" Khan, the rightful heir to the rings after his father, the previous Mandarin,
was murdered by his most trusted lieutenant, who took head of the Ten Rings until gene 'came of age', keeping the
boy as his valet. Gene bided his time, until he learned Howard Stark Jr. had found one of the Mandarin's lost rings.
Gambling, Gene poisoned and secretly imprisoned his uncle, and used the Power of the Mandarin to kidnap Howard
while faking his death, forcing the elder Stark into helping him scour the Earth for the other rings.

This quest would bring him into conflict with Iron Man, the two eventually learning each other's identity when
Gene's Uncle escaped, took revenge, and the battle unwittingly freed Fin Fang Foom. before he was defeated, Fin
Fang Foom revealed not only that the rings were advanced alien technology, but that that the Mandarin's bloodline
descended from another of Fin Fang Foom's race, the Makulans, a revelation which shook gene and led him to
obsessively pursue the Rings himself, with only Howard stark still forced to help him. Gene's pursuit was successful,
just in time for the Makulans themselves to invade earth.

Drunk on the power of the Rings and delusions of his "Birthright", Gene tried to ally with the aliens, only to find
himself back where he started, the powerless valet to a brutish Overlord no better than his father's usurper. a position
that finally made gene realize he himself was no better either. working alongside team Iron man, gene reclaimed the
Rings once more to help vanquish the Makulan invaders, and disappeared in the aftermath. Gene has since
resurfaced, humbly volunteering his services to China's Tiger Squad.

Technovore - The technology-devouring nanotech monster once got a taste of Iron man's armour, and has yearned
for the rest ever since.

Titanium Man - the current Titanium Man is Justin Hammer the third, a supergenius wunderkind who got a head
start over his father and grandfather when Dollface gave him a cybtronian technology data cache, as like her, Justin
sees supercrime as a game. Unfortunately, Dollface overlooked his sociopathy, lust for power and control, such that
he bought the remains of the Umbrella from Spartacorp, with plans to integrate cybertronian technologies into it's
B.O.W. monster experiments, and their research into the T-virus

Freeport Sentinels

The Sentinels of Freeport were formed in response to the return of a huge demonic entity known as Aku, who
revived from a petrified tree which was on display in the Freeport city museum. Various disparate heroes assembled
from beyond time and space to fight this great evil, and afterward they stayed together under the funding of Doc

However, there is something secret about this team because, according to Captain Chronos, the assembly of this
team will destroy the world. Whether or not this is true is suspect, but Chronos has become the teams most persistent
foe as a result.

The present roster of the Freeport Sentinels is:

Samurai Jack: A Samurai from ancient Japan, Jack was the one who originally defeated Aku, after a crazy and
legendary adventure involving time travel to a distant, Aku ruled future. Jack was brought to the modern world by
Captain Chronos to defeat Aku again and prevent this Sentinels team from coming to be, however he failed on his
own, and was only able to triumph with the aide of the other Sentinels. Now he's stuck here since he refuses
Chronos offer to return him home (since Chronos lied to him when he said Jack was the only one who could beat
Aku, which was not the case). He is the teams de facto leader.

Wreck It Ralph: A video game character brought to life by the nefarious Toy Boy, Ralph was intended to be Toy
Boy's bodyguard and enforcer, Ralph had no interest in being a bad guy anymore, and helped bring down Toy Boy.
Stuck in the human world, Ralph initially worked as a demolitions worker, but was drawn into the Aku battle and
ended up on the Sentinels team.

The Big Guy: The BGY-11 is a giant Government battle robot which has protected the Earth and US for decades,
unknown to anyone the BGY is not a robot at all, but a mecha, secretly piloted by a long line of Specially trained
pilots. The current pilot is Lieutenant Dwayne Hunter, who drove Big Guy into battle against Aku. As of now, none
of his teammates know that Big Guy is anything other than a robot.

Hawkgirl: Shayera Hol is an alien from the planet Thanagar, a race of war like winged warriors who are famous
throughout the galaxy for developing Nth metal, an iron variant which can disrupt magic. A Spectre of the Lor
Republic, Shayera ended up on Earth chasing a perp when she got hit by a zeta beam, and participated in the fight
with Aku. Shayera is armed with an Nth Metal mace, which was critical in beating Aku; in the end striking it against
Jack's magic sword created a shockwave which utterly and permanently destroyed Aku.

Sersi: One of the Evo-Lutionaries of High Lemuria, Sersi is the older sister to the current Scientist supreme
Cyberchidna, and is everything she is not: Beautiful, outgoing, and always the centre of attention. Always a free
spirit, Sersi left High Lemuria behind shortly after they returned from the A zone, and explored the world. As a result
she is much more worldly than most of her people. Sersi is an omega class transmuter, capable of transforming
organic and inorganic matter seemingly at will.

Edison Rex: Edison Rex was once one of Freeport's greatest villains, a foe to the local hero Valiant, eventually he
managed to finally kill Valiant after discovering and revealing to him he was actually a sleeper agent for an
impending alien invasion. After this, Edison decided to actually become a super hero and take up protecting the
world in Valiant's place. Rex joined the battle against Aku, and was able to help hold the fiend by producing an
energy weapon which could disrupt his body. Pushy and arrogant, few of his teammates like him.

Ashe: Last but definitely not least, Ashe is the ruler of Freljord, a secret European land shrouded in eternal winter.
Ashe has left her icy kingdom to search for her daughter Elsa, who has recently gone missing. She had trailed her to
Freeport when the trail went cold (After a fashion), and now she has joined the Sentinels to try and help find her.
Ashe is armed with a magic bow which fires arrows of ice.

The Best Man

They say that you should never meet your heroes. The idea that the people we idolize, that we put on a pedestal, are
ultimately just flawed people like us, and will inevitably let us down.

Of course, those people have never met the Best Man, the hero that actually lives up to the hype.

Davis Seth Jameson, the Best Man, member of the Los Dios Sentinels, wealthy philanthropist, super hero, good
Samaritan, gentleman adventurer, all around nice guy. While the Best Man may not be the most powerful or best
known super hero, the Best Man is certainly the nicest super hero, a man who will even apologize to bad guys as he
hits them with his indestructible cane.

One would expect someone as clean cut and friendly as Best Man would be hiding some inner demons; that in
private he would be arrogant, or self righteous, or have some vile personal habits. But this could not be further than
the truth; Best Man really is as nice and friendly as he seems. He is unfailingly humble and polite, he doesn't drink
or smoke or even eat anything with MSG (But he certainly doesn't begrudge people who do), He is religious, a
devout protestant, but he's not self righteous or judgmental. He is, in a word, perfect.

Best Man's charity work is well known; When not fighting crime or aiding the Sentinels he can often be found
working at Soup Kitchens and homeless shelters, he works as a phone operator at a suicide hotline centre, helps out
at battered women's shelters, and holds charity events for any cause that comes to him with a sob story.

Best Man has won much popularity from his selfless work; Virtually anyone who knows the best man adores him,
and even most of his enemies genuinely like and respect him. Only the most deranged and evil villains hold any
hatred in their heart for the Best Man. Even most anti meta groups avoid attacking Best Man for fear of drawing
negative attention to themselves, and they constantly search for cracks in his gleaming armour to discredit him
(Luke Butler had literally torn his hair out trying to figure out how to discredit the Best Man).

Best Man is a nice guy, but sometimes he can be too much of a nice guy: If the Best Man has one flaw, it may be
that he's too trusting and naive, and he can never turn down a call for help from anyone. This has led him to being
lured into numerous traps over the years. But so far he has escaped them all.

The source of Best Man's power is, to this day, unknown. Studies by ASTRO labs and the John Smith Society have
shown he possesses no meta gene, and magical probing has been equally stumped. As far as anyone can figure, he
just has super powers. This makes his claims of divine powers all the more plausible.

Allies of the Best Man: Best Man gets along with just about everyone, but some of his closest allies include:

The Los Dios Sentinels: The Best Man serves proudly in the Sentinels, and works dutifully with his teammates,
although most of them find him insufferably corny, they all deeply admire him.

Inspector Reinhardt: The Best Man has worked extensively with the Los Dios Police department, in particular with
their famous technopathic Inspector Reinhardt finds the Best Man insufferable and tedious, but the Best Man seems
to ignore Reinhardt's constant annoyance with him, and the two make an excellent team.

Winged Victory: A prominent Los Dios Sentinels heroine, Winged Victory is a champion of women who has
opened numerous women’s shelter and self defence schools across the country. Although a controversial figure in
the super heroic world, Best Man has helped her and her shelters out on numerous occasions. Winged Victory
appreciates the help (Even if she finds he can sometimes be a bit too....overzealous) and the two have fought evil
several times as well. Winged Victory is a member of the hero team the Honour Guard.

The Tomorrow Society: The Best Man is also an unapologetic friend to the Tomorrow Society, giving them support
and funding whenever he can. Doing this is probably the closest The Best Man has ever come to controversy. He is
also close personal friends with Holly Meltzer and her team.

The Best Man Rogues

The Best Man's rogues gallery primarily consists of the selfish, the rude and the crude. Villains who are thoroughly
miserable and enjoy making others miserable, as well as those who resent the Best Man's success and popularity.
There are also those who take his generosity the wrong way and think he's either up to something or is actively
insulting them.

The Weeper: Probably Best Man's greatest foe, the Weeper, aka Mortimer Gloom, is a silver age villain who is one
of the pioneers of the gimmick villain. Gloom has committed numerous sadness and depression themed crimes, and
this theme, coupled with his own gentlemanly attire, makes him a natural foe for the Best Man. The pair have
clashed on several occasions, but Best Man has always sent him crying home to Mama.

Potty Mouth: One of the stranger villains in Los Dios, Potty Mouth is a toilet headed criminal known for his potent
hydrokinesis powers, and his foul mouthed tendencies. Even Best Man is taken aback by his horrific cursing that
constantly spews from Potty Mouth's mouth. Potty Mouth thinks Best Man is a joke, but has yet to defeat him in

Madcap: A bizarre and insane villain, Madcap was once a devout Christian until an accident killed his family and
left him immortal with an insanity inducing gaze, driven into Nihilistic madness, Madcap set out to see the entire
world see the meaningless of it all. Needless to say, Best Man is one of his favourite punching bags.

Mordecai Midas: The so called "Richest Man in the World", Mordecai Midas was a poor kid living in Athens
Greece who worked hard to become one of the wealthiest people alive. However, unlike the Best Man, who uses his
money to help others, Midas is entirely selfish and self centred, an obese and greedy slob interested only in wealth.
He is also intensely jealous of the Best Man and has worked to undermine him at every turn.

Valkyrie: The heavily armoured super feminist Valkyrie despises the Best Man with all her heart, and may be
considered one of his greatest foes, certainly one of the few who can match his strength. Valkyrie takes Best Man's
politeness as chauvinism and belittling, which makes any attempt by the Best Man to reconcile with her fail
spectacularly. Best Man, for his part, remains blithely convinced he can convince her to give up this silly vendetta
and become friends.

Valkyrie: Silly? SILLY?

Best Man: Oh Raspberries. (Note, this is literally as close to swearing as Best Man gets).

The Wizard: William I Zard is a former Mafia hitman who trained with mystics of the Black Hand to learn
powerful magics. He then travelled to Los Dios to become a super villain. The Wizard is convinced that the Best
Man is some sort of con man, and seeks to expose and humiliate him.

Lady Blue: Yes, Best Man and Lady Blue have fought in the past, which is odd because they are both probably the
most socially minded supers on the block: Lady Blue is a super nice Robin Hood type who only goes after corrupt
corporate slimeballs and white collar criminals, while the Best man is... the Best Man. However, despite the fact that
they have so much in common (And are more than a little smitten with one another), Lady Blue is technically a
criminal, and Best Man has vowed to bring her in (Although he usually doesn't have the heart to go through with it).
Most of the Los Dios Sentinels think their fights are just an excuse for the two to see each other, and the word
"FLIRTERERS" gets bandied around a lot.

Brolaf: Last but not least, we have Brolaf. Brolaf was once a drunken college frat boy, until he became possessed by
the spirit of an ancient Viking warlord. Then he fashioned a pair of axes out of Beer cans and became a drunken
college frat boy with superhuman endurance and fighting skills, devoted to conquering Los Dios in the name of
"BROMACIAAAA!" This crude, lewd, sexist, homophobic pig has challenged Best Man on numerous occasions
and has offended his sensibilities even more so. And is probably one of the few people that the Best Man Strongly

Cybertron Update

Cybertron has been through a number of societal upheavals in the last several years. To begin with, the planets
creator god/life force Primus/Autochthon is awake, or near enough. While he has no more active role in the lives of
his children, the mere idea that he is most definitively real, and that living Cybertronians have stood in his presence
has reinvigorated the spiritual side of many Cybertronians. Added to this is that Optimus Prime, newly returned to
Cybertron, currently caries within him the Matrix, the current form of the All Spark, a portion of Primus' life force.

Second, is that after his conversion into Galvatron by Darkseid and leading another Decepticon uprising during the
Apokolips invasion, the Decepticon Founder Megatron is nearly certainly dead, having perished along with
Darkseid, leaving the remains of the Decepticon army scattered and leaderless.

Third, the Planets military and civilian leader, Ultra Magnus, has abdicated his position to Sentinel Prime (who
has so far chosen to retain his old title in a display of false humility). In actuality, Ultra Magnus has perished from
his wounds received in the Decepticon Uprising several years back, and is, in order to facilitate a seemingly smooth
transition to power, being impersonated by an Autobot named Minimus Ambus.

Lastly, as Earth begins it's own political expansion past the boundaries of it's solar system, Sentinel, despite his
dislike of organics, has entered into open negotiations with various Earth nations. If only because after Cybertrons
several million year long civil war, Humans are bout the only other species that will even talk to them.

Factions on Earth

Autobots: While negotiating on the behalf of Cybertron, the Earth bound Autobots continue to act as something
approaching a super-hero team within Millennium City. Their current roster includes Bumblebee, Ratchet,
Ironhide, Jazz, and the new arrivals, Swerve and Rodimus Prime.

Rodimus is newly promoted to the position of Prime, and been assigned to Earth to lead the Autobots there, as well
as oversee negotiations. It was hoped that such a position would temper his hot headed attitude, but it's mostly let
him throw himself into the roll of one of Earth's metahuman adventurers. Swerve is, theoretically a metallurgist, and
was mostly sent to Earth to get him off Cybertron. After his encounter with Black Dragon he is no longer allowed
within the city limits of Emerald City after the two chattered on and on for nine days non-stop.

Decepticons: The Earth bound Decepticons are lead by Soundwave and have sought, and received, political asylum
in the Iron Khanate, acting now as a police force and border patrol for the Iron Khan, who, given that Decepticon
Refugees continue to arrive a few more every month, may be in over his head.

The Circle of Light: As noted, Primus/Autochton's awakening has spurned the religious side of his creations.
Barred from Primus' chamber directly as a security precaution (and to avoid annoying Primus with constantly being
bothered), the Circle of Light is a Neo-Primalist religious sect that has turned it's gaze elsewhere.

Revealed recently that Primus Created the Centurion Machines as the step between the first thirteen Cybertronians
and the race proper, the Circle of Light has set about finding them in order to learn from those that were created
from Primus directly. Unfortunately, the Machines are spread about across all time and space, and rarely stay in one
place for long. Except on Earth.

Initially focused on the Headquarters of the Bay City sentinels, with the recent arrival of Clover Brown at the
Avengers Academy, there are secondary camps of the Circle outside Forton Texas, and near Avengers island in
Emerald City. Further urged on that Novencedim is technically an Avengers reservist, and may be back to the area.
The Circle's Earth based group is lead by Drift, a former Decipticon assassin turned flaky Neo-Primalist spiritualist.

Vibora Bay Sentinels

Vibora Bay, unique among the cities with super activity in that it has a high concentration of magic and magic users.
As a result, this is reflected in its Sentinels Team, which consists primarily of magic users, and magical creatures.
These heroes fight against the hordes of magical monsters, dark mages, and magical villains who threaten it.

Mandrake the Magician and Lothar: One of the most popular stage magicians in North America, Mandrake
travelled the world and learned hypnotism and other special abilities at the Shambala Vale. A hero since the silver
age, Mandrake does not actually have magical powers, instead his powers are hypnosis induced illusions. Mandrake
is the leader of the Sentinels team. He is joined by his partner Lothar, a mystically enhanced noble from Dakana.
Lorthar is impervious to magic and most man made weapons, and has superhuman strength. He is Mandrake's
closest friend and confidant.

The Last Unicorn: Centuries ago, when Unicorns lived in the mortal plane, they were once all captured by the evil
king Haggard with the aid of a demonic Red Bull. One Unicorn escaped the Bulls notice, and with the aide of
mortal friends went on a quest to save her kin. On the course of this quest, the Unicorn was turned into a human
woman, during which time she felt love, longing, regret, and other emotions unknown to Unicorns, although she was
eventually returned to her Unicorn form, she was changed by the experience, and though her kinfolk were freed, she
never truly felt at home with them ever again, to the point that when the Unicorns departed this world for the
Imageria, she chose to stay on Earth and watch after humanity.

Centuries later, the Unicorn (Now going by the name Amalthea, the name she used as a human), had taught herself
to assume human form, and lived among humanity, protecting them from predation from evil immortal creatures.
She eventually allied herself with Sebastian Arcane, leading to her becoming a member of the Sentinels. In Unicorn
form, Amalthea's horn is a deadly weapon, and possesses powerful healing magics.

Metamorpho: Rex Mason was a Archaeologist working for the corrupt Simon Stagg, when he came across the Orb
of Ra, a mystical artefact which turned Rex into a creature able to transmute his form into any element. Taking down
Stagg, Metamorpho became a hero, and this 'fabulous freak' went on many adventures alongside his girlfriend (and
later wife) Sapphire Stagg. Now he's in the Sentinels.

Gargoyle: Isaac Christians was once a member of the Pact, like all pact mages Christians sought power, and sold his
soul to get transferred into the form of a powerful Gargoyle. However, eventually Christians began to regret his life
of evil, and rebelled against his demonic masters, trapping him in his demonic form. He now fights to right the
wrongs he did in a life of evil, and maybe one day win back his soul and humanity.

Mosaic: Maggie Nelson was an actress and daughter of an Interpol Agent before she was mutated by a magical
artefact, given magical shapeshifting powers, invisibility, enhanced strength, wall crawling, and other powers. This
drew the attention of Zorran the Artificer, The Aegis Kai Doru, and others. Mosaic has dedicated herself to
tracking down and safeguarding artefacts from those who might exploit them, prompting her to join the Sentinels.

The Baron: The powerful champion of the Loa has joined the Sentinels out of a request by Siren, who felt they may
need the extra muscle for when Baron Samedi eventually returns.

The Highlander: Conner MacLeod is a member of a group of mysterious sword fighting immortals who can only
be killed by decapitation. Currently there is a battle going on between them until only one is left. While Conner
waits around for this battle to conclude, he's decided to help out with the Sentinels. Conner is a master swordsman,
and also immortal.

Geno: Last but not least is Geno, a mysterious entity inhabiting the body of a child's toy grown to adult size. Geno's
true name is unknown, and his power mysterious, but his intentions are noble, and he seems to want to help, so he
was allowed onto the team.

The New Super Gang

The Super Gang, Emerald City's original super powered protectors, who disappeared in 1992 as they fought a war in
the far flung future against one of their worst enemies: The Temporal Tyrant Tempus Khan. They returned 20 years
later to find out a lot had passed them by, including the fact that their home had been taken over by some new
tenants in their absence: The Hero team destined to become one of the greatest in the history of the world: The
Mighty Avengers.

Well, the Super Gang got settled in a new home (The flying pyramid base of Ku Tu the Eternal), and tried to go
back to the way things were, unfortunately it was never really the same for the Super Gang; they felt like strangers
in their own hometown, and with both the Avengers and the Sentinels keeping evil in check, the team increasingly
felt superfluous, and eventually, the team drifted apart, breaking up and going their separate ways. Only All-
American Girl and Hangman stayed in Emerald to keep fighting the good fight.

This would be the end of the tale, if not for the extradimensional would be world conqueror Rex Mundi. For him,
having the Super Gang merely break apart would not be enough: He wanted to destroy them in front of the whole

To this end, Mundi reformed his nefarious Syndicate of Sin, a collection of The Super Gang's arch foes, to hunt
them down and destroy them:

*All Star, the patriotic leader of the Super Gang, was jumped at a Civil War Re-enactment by that secessionist
simian the Confederape, who was able to overpower him with an army of mind controlled howler monkey
confederate soldiers.

*Atomic Roach was visiting his the lab of his old employer when he was sealed into a lead lined coffin by another
Cockroach, the nefarious Professor Kafka.

*Billy Powers and Sparky the Dharma Dog were on their way home from an arcade late at night when they rushed
to the aide of a little girl whose cat was stuck up a tree, if they had known the little girl was actually the vampire
Drusilla White, and her vampiric kitty, they may have thought twice of answering her summons, and they would
have known to avoid her hypnotic gaze.

*Desert Storm went to his old CO General George Rand to reenlist, unfortunately his visit was cut short by an
attack by Gorn, the Warlord of the Magma Man. Who turned the sandy soldier into a glass statue.
*Bendik Brekk, secretly the Troll King Graykallen, had enrolled in college to get a degree, unfortunately he didn't
realize that his professor was the vindictive bruiser the Grudge, at least not until he got his block knocked off.

*Miss Tikal had gotten a quiet job running an antiques shop in Vibora Bay, unfortunately her quiet life has been cut
short by Rorek the Ice Elf, who left her cold.

*Finally, against Hangman and All-American Girl, Rex Mundi had sent Redkap and the Warbride, who were the
only two who managed to escape capture.

Knowing their friends were in danger, Hangman and All-American Girl turned to the only person who could
possibly help them: Their old enemy Maximilian Mars. Although none of the Super Gang ever completely trusted
Mars to have given up his evil ways, at this point beggars couldn't be choosers (Especially with both the Avengers
and Sentinels out of town on business). With Mars help, they selected out numerous super heroes who could help
them free their friends from Mundi's forces, and the newly minted Super Gang busted into Mundi's Headquarters
just as the villain was declaring final victory against the Super Gang on National Television, in this climactic battle,
a new Super Gang was born.

In addition to Hangman and All-American Girl, the new Super Gang consisted of the following heroes:

The Mighty Saguaro: Daniel Morningstar was a Native American who was left for dead after confronting some
PHANTOM smugglers on his reservation, left at the site of the old Project Sunburst testings, Daniel was forced to
survive by drinking water from the gamma mutated cacti, turning him into a humanoid Cactus. As the Mighty
Saguaro, Daniel was more than a match for the Confederape, matching his strength, and covered with sharp thorns
that made hand to hand combat less than appealing for the Ape from Dixie.

Tesla: To counteract Dr. Kafka, Mars called upon Rosemary "Tesla" Orson, a super genius trapped in the body of a
12 year old girl. Losing her parents to a hyperspace accident, the super smart Rosemary was exposed to the same
dimension as the villain Billy Billions, forever trapping her in pre-pubescence. Raised by an extra dimensional entity
named "Edison", Tesla built an army of extradimensional robots called the Tesla Bot. Inspired by Charli Brown's
Novendecium, the Humanoid Teslabots were stored in infinite numbers in an extra dimensional storage space, and
could be called to perform multiple tasks for offence and defence. These endless robots were more than a match for
Kafka's own legion of mechanical roaches, and the evil insect was soon overwhelmed.

Little Lady and Nano-Man: Leeann Smalls is a metaman with shrinking powers. After nearly dying after her first
shrinking experience (She shrank down to tiny size in her own back yard), she sought of physicist Dr. Wade Randall,
who discovered how to mimic her shrinking powers with technology. The pair thus became the pint sized super duo
of Little Lady and Nano-Man. Both Leeann and Wade have a crush on one another, but neither has admitted it yet.
The pint sized pair were able to overcome Drusilla White and her Vampire Cat by shrinking down too small to see
and filling the vampire child's mouth with garlic, incapacitating her.

Megaton: Jace Anthony was a crusading attorney until he was tossed into nuclear waste by the Atomic Brain.
Gaining super powers, Jace fought crime as Megaton, the Atomic Attorney, for a number of years until he found out
he was poisoning everyone around him with radiation. Going into self exile until he was contacted by the Atom
Family, who designed a pair of bracers which helped contain his radioactive power. Megaton's return to earth
debuted against Gorn, the Lord of the Magma Men, where Megaton showed radiation trumps lava any day.

Dr. Feelgood: Son of the silver age hero of the same name, Enrique Freely Jr. was a laser technician studying the
effects of visual perception on emotion, an accident bathed him with delta radiation, giving him energy
manipulating, illusion, and emotion manipulating powers. Taking up his father's mantle, Enrique sought more non
violent ways to subdue villains, using his more violent powers as a last resort. He demonstrated this when he took on
the Grudge, dosing the bad tempered villain with bliss out rays which made the villain so happy he forgot all his
grudges and reverted to his human form.

Shepherd: Last but not least is the Shepherd, a young hero from the mythical island of Athos, a paradise home for
men who love other men (basically, think Paradise Island, except with Men), For years the men of Athos looked out
to the outside world, and saw the hatred and intolerance towards their kind and the injustices toward their brothers
and others in the outside world. One young Shepherd, wanting to help, implored the Gods to give him the power to
do so. Touched by his compassion and desire to help, the Shepherd's crook was imbued with the power of the Greek
Gods, and Shepherd emerged to fight hatred and injustice. When he was recruited into the New Super Gang, he
pitted the powers of the Greek Gods, against Rorek and the magic of the Ice Elves. Guess who won?

With the Sin Syndicate bested and Rex Mundi beaten, the Old Super Gang were able to return to retirement,
confident that there was a new Super Gang in place to protect Emerald City and its people from harm.

Parallel Earths

The following is a list of some of the Parallel universes which are "close" to Earth 409 in a dimensional mapping
sense (as if such a thing can be mapped), some of the major worlds (Anti Earth, Ani Earth, Erdre, and Earth
Ape) are not covered here, and will be looked at during a later date (maybe during the five year anniversary next
month. We'll see).

These worlds come from the 4th edition Champions Book "Champions in 3D".

Alien World (Earth 399): This world, the Earth had been contacted in the 60's by an alien race known as the Vril,
who brought vast technological advances to humanity. In the year 2021, the Vril revealed themselves as a race of
man eating lizard people, and easily conquered the now weakened and complacent humanity, with only a few
outpockets of resistance.

Anti- Mutant World (Earth 427): In this world, Super powers began appearing at a much later date than our
world: around 1980, and with the quick rise of several powerful supervillain teams, there was enough public
backlash to allow an organization called Genocide (headed by that world's Sebastian Shaw) wiped out all the
worlds superhumans using the powerful Minute Man robots. Now the only remaining superhumans are locked
away in concentration camps. And Shaw (who is of course a metahuman himself, like in 409) rules the world with
an iron fist via his Minuteman robots.

Aztec World (World 419): In this world, the Aztecs were empowered by their Gods to fight back the encroaching
European invaders, and not only beat them back, but turned the tables on them, invading Europe and eventually the
entire Earth. This was the world SK accidentally visited when she escaped the painting that ate Paris.

Camelot (Earth 430): Not every single universe works on the same timeline as ours: Some are ahead of us or
behind us chronologically (think about it how two different clocks can have differing times by two or three minutes,
but still have the same basic time, now amplify that to a cosmic scale). Such is the case with this world, which is still
in Medieval Europe, and the reign of King Arthur and Camelot.

Cartoon World (Earth 511): A world of literally living cartoon characters, this world works on cartoon logic and is
inhabited by crazy talking animals. It is rightly avoided by most extradimensional travellers.

Confederate world (Earth 208): In this world, Robert E Lee and his forces managed one final resurgence
following the defeat at Gettysburg, capturing the US Capitol, and managing to keep the Confederate states separate.
Today the CSA have a cool but cordial relationship with the north, and are practicing apartheid against native

Dinosaur World (Earth 718): On this world, Dinosaurs never died out and actually developed sapience, hunting
humans (who are bestial non-sapiens) for food and sport. This is the native world of Cerberus Rex, that worlds
greatest villain and a paranoid, delusional maniac, As well as hero Dino Might.

Disaster World (Earth 600): This world suffered a global nuclear war during the late 90's which resulted in 90% of
the world population being destroyed. It is now home to deformed mutants and vicious gangs of warlords.

Egyptian World (Earth 366): Another "Historical" world, this world is set around the time of the height of the
Egyptian civilization.
Hero world (Earth 416): On this Earth, cosmic radiation struck the earth in 1960, granting every single human on
the planet super powers. This world has been labelled "Too dangerous" for most interdimensional conquerors.

Japanese World (Earth 300): In this world, Japan did a reverse of their initial isolationist policies, and ended up
becoming a major world superpower, controlling most of the Pacific Rim, including South East Asia, Siberia, and
parts of China and America.

Mad Viking World (Earth 675): Here, Leif Erickson decided to stay in America and colonize it. As a result,
America became the home of wild and crazy Viking warriors, while the rest of the world went on as normal.

Magic World (Earth 490): On this world, Technology never supplanted magic as the driving force behind reality,
and as a result, magic is used to power most modern conveniences. In addition, anyone who comes to Magic World
gains the ability to intrinsically use magic, though not always able to control their new powers.

Mecha World (Earth 823): In this world, Mecha became the primary military weapon of choice, and by the 22nd
century, Mecha use in warfare was fairly common.

Monster World (Earth 410): On Monster world, Superhuman's never developed, but monsters did. And mankind is
constantly threatened by werewolves, vampires, mummies, and other horrors.

Normal world (Earth 904): This world never developed super powers at all. Its basically a normal version of the

Old Russian world (Earth 317): In this world, the old Russian empire never collapsed, but expanded outward, and
Amerika fought for its independence against the Russian Empire, while still wary of their northern neighbours of

Old West World (Earth 411): Another historical world, this one is set at the time of the Gold Rush and the old
west, with appropriate levels of tech and supers.

Prehistory (Earth 500): This Earth is still in prehistoric times, complete with dinosaurs and cave men (Not an
accurate depiction of prehistoric history naturally). It is considered a protected world by the TSAB and Istvhatha

Rome World (Earth 361): Much like the world where the Centurion came from, the Roman Empire never fell in
this universe. Unlike that world, this world has superhumans.

Space World (Earth 222): In this world, the Thran took a more active role in supporting the Nazi's during World
War II, as a result, the Lor Republic took a more active role as well, and Earth became a full part of the Lor
Republic. In this world Martin Luther King Jr. is the President of the US, and George Bush became a senator in the
Lor Republic.

Soviet World (Earth 431): In this reality, the cold war turned hot by the late 90's, and the Soviets invaded America,
taking both the East and West coasts. America is now fighting a losing battle on two fronts.

Tech World (Earth 720): In this universe, the governments of the world decided to band together in the name of
peace following the First World War, as a result, Technology was able to advance by leaps and bounds, much faster
than on our world (The fact that in this Universe Daedalus was able to defeat and imprison Taurus, preventing him
from forming the Labyrinth, also helped), as a result the world by the modern day has become a technological
utopia with virtually no crime or any other powers (and consequently, no need for super heroes).

Victorian World (Earth 997): This is another historical Earth, this time set in the lat 1800's, during the height of
the British Empire.

Undersea World (Earth 488): On this Earth, humanity was forced into the sea due to pollution leaving the surface
world uninhabitable, and most people live in undersea domes. The two man ones being the Democratic Chin Lai,
and the scheming, wheeling and dealing monarchy of the Undertow, who are both rivals with one another.

Wimp World (Earth 311): This world is similar to ours, except everyone on it is a spineless, cowardly, timid,
weakling. Nobody has anything resembling a backbone, and people here are so fragile that they can literally die of
fright or embarrassment. This however has made the world virtually impervious to conquering by virtue that they
are so pathetic they really aren't worth conquering, even by the most petty of interdimensional conquerors.

Okay, I was gonna cover some of the worlds in GURPS Alternate Earth, but most of them are retreads of ones given
here and done elsewhere (Nazi Earth, Confederate World, Japan world, Rome World). The only really stand out
world is the one where Tesla beat Edison and super advanced technology. So later I may cover some of the worlds
presented in the book of the Empress.

The First among equals

Agent 365 sat in his chamber, watching the news reports come in, he scarcely acknowledged the door behind him
opening as Dame Michelle Holmes entered the darkened chamber.

"So, I take it that you saw the first edition of the Honest John report?" 365 said, not turning to his guest.

"I skipped it. Prophet's recommendation." Holmes said, "From what I heard I missed quite a show. How bad is the

"We got at least 50 reports of murders and other acts of violence against metahumans." 365 said, "Most of them
concentrated in Emerald City and Bay City, and against Stormers and Wildstrikers."

"My God."

"Oh it gets better, after the attack on the Rox late last night, we now have confirmation of the source. Its Amon."

"The Anti Meta bigot? Thought he only went after guys from Gene Nation and the Pantheon, and only took their
powers, not kill."

"That was phase one, now he's moving onto phase 2. He got himself a team. A team able to fight the Bay City
Sentinels to a standstill. All with powers."

"Thought Amon was strictly anti metahuman."

"You expect logic from a fanatical bigot?" 365 pushed himself to the controls of his console, "According to Amon's
latest manifesto, the 'First Among Equals' are a necessary evil, to assist him in wiping out the metahuman scourge.
He says as soon as true equality has been achieved, his 'First Among Equals' have agreed to have their own powers
stripped willingly."

"I trust you have full bios on all of them, including their powers?"

"That's what they pay me fore Holmes."

365 types on the console, bringing up the first image.

"This would be Dancing Water, she claims to be the daughter of Avalanche, a Gene Nation member still at large after
the group fell apart. She is a being of living water, and the teams teleporter. Uses water as a medium. We think she's
been the source of Amon's speedy getaway's up until now. She also allowed the Equals to escape after the Sentinels
forced them back."

"Next up we have Dangerous Jinn, Apparently he's not human at all, but a genie who was bound to serve the
human race. From reports Amon freed him and convinced him that the human race didn't include metahumans. Flyer
and energy projector. He may have other powers but he got taken out relatively early in the fight."
"Goat Faced Girl we have no info on whatsoever. She may be a joker, we're unsure whether she's wearing a mask
or if that is her face. What we do know is that she has the power to negate super powers from a distance. Amon
always keeps her close, in case she's needed."

"You and the rest of the country are already familiar with Honest John, the Living Propaganda: Near as I can
figure he's a gestalt of some kind. Eyewitness reports indicate that he appears different to every person who
perceives him, and always as a trusted authority figure. I watched his little 'lets kill all the mutants' speech with the
sound turned off, and all I could think during is that I would follow that man into the gates of hell. Powerful
memetic effect. During the Rox attack he stayed close to Amon too, and together they were able to whip up half the
city into an attack on the Rox. Even Stargirl was taken in by him. According to her afterward, he appeared as
Charli to her. Eliminating John should be our highest priority after Amon himself."

"The Living Wind is one of the Jokers who went to Amon to be cured while he was in New York City. For some
reason Amon refrained from curing her, instead he gave her an artefact: A Box filled with magical winds. She has
been following Amon ever since. Amon may be blackmailing her with promises of making her normal to get her to
fight alongside him, but why I can't guess at."

"The big turtle guy is called Mzee, he was apparently a child living in an Ethiopian village when it was wiped out by
Gene Nation terrorists, afterwards, he became the avatar of an African God of Destruction. He may look silly, but
apparently he's almost as strong as Smashface. He was able to fight Stargirl one on one before Honest John put the
whammy on her."

"Last but not least we have the Insect, aka Tsar Sultan. Evidentially he is the Lunar counterpart to Amon's Solar. He
possess the power to transform into a giant insect man with stingers that can inject numerous different kinds of
poisons. The most potent of which is the Cassandra Toxin, which forces you to experience your worst possible
future. Ned the Destroyer got a dose of it and experienced a future where his benefactor, the so called 'Mad God'
got bored one day and forced Ned to wipe out all life on the planet, leaving him along on a lifeless rock for over fifty

"Ouch." Holmes said, "...Um, just for the sake of argument, if this Mad God did decide..."

"I already have ways to shut down Ned the Destroyer. Yes, and he is on a watch list for 'people who could
potentially doom mankind', so if something like that does happen we will be prepared."

"Good, good. So, these guys already fought the Bay City Sentinels, but they lost right?"

"Lost is sort of subjective here. If Amon's overall goal was to destroy the Rox, than he failed. But while he was in
control of that mob of people he forced them to murder numerous innocent Wildstrikers and potential Wildstrikers.
He also managed to incapacitate or subvert several of the Sentinels during the fight. Including Stargirl, who is
monumentally, epically pissed she was mind controlled by Honest John. Considering what she did to the Red
Skull... Well I wouldn't want to be John right now."

"It may not make a difference." Holmes said, "Gestalts are notoriously difficult to kill. Speaking of, how are we
going to handle this?"

"I am already working on ways to neutralize the members of the Equals. To capture them top priority is to take out
Dancing Water, Honest John, and Amon. After that we hit Mzee, who is their heavy hitter. Once those four are
eliminated, I doubt the rest will pose much of a threat. In the meantime The superteams of all cities which have
recently experienced breakout events or have a significant supers population have been placed on high alert, and we
are censoring any future Honest John reports to prevent him from provoking any more spree killings. Unfortunately
there's still the internet. But short of shutting down all of youtube we may have a problem keeping him off the air

"Then the sooner we stop these extremists the better." Holmes said, "Make it a top priority."
"Of course."

With that, Holmes exited, leaving Agent 365 to his work.

Avengers Academy

Nestled in Rural Texas, just outside of the small town of Forton, The Cathak Xiao Lon School for meta powered
students, or Avengers Academy opened its doors less than a year ago, a new super school, funded by the Avengers,
the Pantheon, and numerous anonymous benefactors from the super heroic community. Avengers Academy is
dedicated to training the next generation of super heroes, and has already attracted numerous super powered students
and more than its share of troubles.

Over the past year the school has been exposed by Billy Billions and Masterminds Society, and has been attacked
by Chinese Super Functionaries, extradimensional high priests, Terrorist organizations, corrupt government
officials, and super villains. There is also a spy at the school: Someone, either a student or a faculty member, is
feeding secrets to the Society and other villains, and although Troy has no idea who it may be, He will not stop till
he finds them.

The school itself consists of a re-purposed Labyrinth laboratory (shielded from the anti technology field which
plagues the rest of the area) directly connected to the Infinite Mansion, the Avengers former extradimensional base,
which has been re purposed into a dorm room for students. Not only does this allow a student body larger than what
the school could normally support, but permits for students to commute from all over the planet.

Notable Faculty

Troy Alexander: The former Avenger known as Maven, Troy Alexander has officially retired from super heroics
(Aside from the occasional "freelance work" he does as favours to old friends) to run the Academy full time. Troy's
technopathic powers have grown significantly since his days as a super hero, and now he is one of the most powerful
technopath's on the planet. Troy also teaches classes in computer sciences and technology.

Omni: The former android super heroine, Omni lost her powers when Aum Ra and Shinchuu left the planet to
return to the Hazardverse. Not deterred in the slightest by the loss of powers, Omni thought that her talents could be
better used helping prepare the next generation of heroes. She is the student counsellor, as well as teaching Genre
Awareness classes.

Kyle Rayner: A freelance artist with a degree in graphic design, Kyle was hired to act as the resident Art teacher,
and showed a stunning ability to cope with weird stuff happening around him. He eventually earned a Green Lantern
ring for his bravery during the Red Skull incident, becoming the newest member of the Avengers.

Rob Lucci: The school janitor, Rob is a man of few words, preferring to speak through ventriloquism using his pet
bird as a mouth piece. Rob is actually a plant by the CIA, answering to the Secretary of Metahuman Affairs Henry
Peter Gyrich, he is also a deadly were-leopard and master assassin.

Twilight Sparkle: The Unicorn sorceress turned Alicorn Princess has finally graduated from her studies under
Princess Celestia, and now seeks to teach a new generation. She teaches magic class.

Rarity: Another Unicorn, Rarity teachings costume design and fashion theory, and is in charge of helping design
costumes for all students, with the aide of her BFF Janet Van Dyne, aka Wasp.

Dr. Stratos: The former super villain turned Pantheon member has decided the best way to get back at his fellow
bad guys for forcing him to retire is to prepare the next generation of heroes to fight them for him. He teaches villain
Psychology and super villain tactics and history.

Shuma Gorath: A former cosmic horror that nearly destroyed Earth, Shuma Gorath was severely crippled and
reduced to a mortal form following his defeat at the hands of the Avengers. He has been press ganged into becoming
the school cook, much to his eternal disdain.
Prominent students: This is by no means a complete list of students, just a few who could be considered people of

Hope Summers and Impulse: a pair of time travelling students from the future, Hope and Bart Allen are here for
an unspecified reason to help prevent some future calamity and to ensure the school remains open. Hope is, in
essence, the opposite of the anti meta bigot Amon, able to copy the power of any nearby metahumans, and also able
to heal and stabilize jokers and metahumans with dangerous or unpredictable powers. Bart is able to connect to
something called the speed force, making him incredibly fast and agile.

Katsuhito Jinnai the Lesser: The son of Katsuhito Jinnai and the Bugrom Queen Diva, Jinnai the lesser is every bit
as arrogant and imperious as his dad. And also possesses his ability to speak to and control Bugrom. Unfortunately
on Earth all he can do with this power is speak to bugs. Still, he soldiers on, and is convinced he will eventually be
running the school.

Rothaga the Filth Eater: A High Lemurian exile, Rothaga was considered one of the weakest, destined to die in the
wilderness. However, she quickly discovered that the pollution of the outside world complimented her powers
wonderfully. And she went on a rampage before befriending the Young Avenger Foxfire. They are now dating.
Rothaga fuels her power by devouring garbage and nuclear waste, allowing her to swell her physique to monstrous
size and spit out a variety of poisons.

Flapjack: A young orphan boy from a parallel reality, Flapjack's world was devoured by the Heartless, an
extradimensional scourge that devours the world. Luckily Flapjack was able to find a Keyblade, an ancient magic
weapon that allowed him and his family, the talking whale bubby and the crusty yet lovable pirate Captain K'nuckles
to escape. After numerous adventures, Flapjack came across Avengers Academy and became a student here. He is
best friends with Whisper.

Genesis: Another High Lemurian, Genesis, aka Even Sabahnur, is the reincarnation of Apocalypse, the High
Lemurian Warlord that once menaced the Avengers. Adopted as the surrogate sister of his bodyguard Durga, Genesis
now wants to become a hero just like her and perhaps one day help reform the barbaric ways of their people.

Broo: Evan's best friend, Broo is a Brood mutation who, unlike the rest of his species, is friendly and gentle, not to
mention highly intelligent.

Black Dog and White Wolf: A pair of werewolves, White Wolf is a Silver Fang, descended from a prestigious and
wealthy family, he is the epitome of a smug, self assured jerk. His partner meanwhile is a Glass Walker, and comes
from a family of tech savvy criminals. These two are the school trouble makers. In addition, White Wolf suffers
from periodic bouts of memory loss, stemming from his families penchant for inbreeding. He is very sensitive about
the subject though, and will fly into a rage if someone calls him on it.

The Interplanetary Sailor scouts: An all female team of aliens who came to Earth during the Apokalips wars,
These heroines all adopted the costuming and tropes of the Sailor scouts of Earth, and have a semi rotating
membership. Their current membership includes leader Sailor Skaro (A mutated Dalek), Sailor Dekuuna (An
elcor), Sailor Vegeta (A Saiyan) XSailor8 (A kineceleran), Sailor Tuchanka (A Krogan, and current girlfriend of
Beyn Trygvassen, Gentlekrogan adventurer), and new Addition Sailor QUos'nos (A Klingon). The Asari Denma
was briefly a member as sailor Thessia, but she retired her position and instead opted to become the new
Afterthought following her mothers death.

N 10: On a parallel world where Pokemon exist, the Prince of Team Plasma, N Harmonium, commissioned his
scientists to create a device which would allow him to end the enslavement of Pokemon by humans forever. They
succeeded, creating a device that allowed him to turn into any Pokemon. With it, no Pokemon trainer could beat N,
and soon his dream of a world free of Pokemon trainers was realized (he even defeated his own father Ghetisis,
when N discovered his evil ambitions to gain power). Unfortunately, all N ultimately accomplished was to make his
world easy pickings for Istvhatha V'han, empress of a billion dimensions. N escaped his world, and came to Earth
409, hoping to one day return and free his world.
Haurhi Suzumiya: Of course no talk about the students at Avengers Academy could be complete without Haruhi
Suzumiya, the leader of the SOS Brigade. Most of the faculty, and her friends, believe she is still ignorant of her god
like reality warping powers, but in truth... well, Let her tell it.

Eren Jeager and Mikasa Ackerman: Last but not least we have the newest students at Avenger Academy: Eren and
Mikasa were discovered by the Freedom League when they travelled to find their teammate Lady Liberty, who had
been marooned on a parallel Earth by a possessed Raven. The world she had landed on had been overrun by the
Annihilation zone monsters known as Titans, and humanity was on the brink. With the aid of the Freedom League,
humanity was able to turn the tide and send the titans running. Eren is one of the few metahumans of this world,
with the ability to turn into a Titan himself, and his friend Mikasa, while possessing no powers, is a fierce and
capable fighter, and is brutally protective of Eren. When the Titans were beaten back, The government, fearful of
Eren's power, exiled him to Earth 409. Mikasa joined him in exile, and both of them were adopted by the Walton
Wright's and enrolled in AA.

The Elder Worm

The Elder Worm are a once great race of evil worm like conquerors who were brought low by the Malvans.
Although they are scattered and their empire smashed, the Elder Worms still represent a major threat to the Milky

The worms are a race of humanoid Annelids who lack mouths. Elder Worm require hot, humid environments to live
in, much warmer and swampy than what is typically found on Earth, forcing them to go around in Humidity suits
while on such worlds. Elder Worms can also dig through solid rock and ground by excreting acid from their hands.

Elder Worms lack genders, they reproduce singularly, budding a smaller worm offspring off their body, a process
that incapacitates them for a period of four months. Elder Worms have a strong emotional bond to their offspring,
and are physically and psychologically incapable of being abusive or negligent to their child. The loss of an
offspring is sufficient to drive an Elder Worm to suicide. The Average elder worm lives for about 120 years.

Elder Worms have the capacity for super powers, although at a lower rate than humans. The most common powers
are magic use and psychic powers (Although all worms speak via telepathy), with Bricks and shapeshifters as well
as other powers being less common.

The Worms originate from a world in what is now the Steller Khanate, which was destroyed a long time ago during
the Malvan Wars. Although the main worm world was destroyed several planets in the Khanate are still under worm
control, hidden away from the Malvans and their other enemies, waiting to one day to rebuild the empire they once

The Elder Worm once ruled a vast empire which covered what is now the Stellar Khanate as well as Earth, many
tried to fight them, including the then new Star Knights, but none were able to halt their expansion...until they ran
afoul the Malvans. The Malvans, after a series of long and bloody wars, were able to defeat the Worms, and
banished them to the dark. Before they Worms final defeat thought, the Worms enacted a powerful magic curse
which sapped the will and ambition of the Malvan people, slowly turning them into the lazy hedonists they are

Today the Worms are spread throughout the galaxy, lacking no real civilization of their own. Their leader is the
Slug, the Elder Worm villain who has menaced the human race time and again. The control the Slug has over his
people is magically enforced and unbreakable, and his minions will do anything for him, even sacrifice their lives
for him.

Much of Elder Worm culture (their art, their cooking, their games) have been lost over time. Most of it contains a
psionic component that renders it hard to relate to non psychic species, and most of it repellant (an ancient Elder
Worm Painting on display in a new Amsterdam Art gallery had to be removed after viewing it caused an Asari
diplomat to gouge her eyes out in abject horror). However there is one aspect of their society the worms held onto:
Religion. The Worms worship Entropic masters native to the Annihilation zone, among their Gods are Th'tash'tu
(the Pantheon Head), Yih'hna (a magic God), and Ha'gelw (a Fertility figure).
Technology-wise Elder Worms employ a form of highly advanced technomagic. Their technology utilizes a psionic
component, making it impossible for most non psychics to use their tech.

For the most part, Humanity is unaware that the Elder Worm are even an alien species, believing them to be a
precursor species like the Serpent people from the same era (who were the Elder Worm's primary rivals along with
the Turakanian and the First age Exalted), a few alien heroes are aware of their war with the Malvans though.

Notable Elder Worms (Aside from the Slug obviously) Include:

One who Ensorcels: The offspring of an Elder Worm high priest, Uja'sha was a natural adept at magic, eventually
mastering the art of astral projection and perfecting it into a powerful form of possession. In addition to this, One
who Ensorcels is a powerful mage specializing in mental magic. It seeks to conquer and control in the name of the
Elder Worm, and one day restore their empire.

Wglu the Mighty: Born with a genetic defect, Wglu started off small and sickly. Until his parent enacted a powerful
ritual intended to imbue its child with immense power at the cost of its own life. The ritual succeeded, but not in the
way the parent intended: Wglu was turned into a super strong powerhouse. Wglu spent the rest of its life being
trained into a living weapon by its superiors, turning it into a powerhouse.

Thane: Not actually Elder Worms, the Thane are a slave race created by the Elder Worm, thought destroyed during
the Malvan War, the Thane still exist, slowly building power and waiting to one day come to the aid of their fallen

Threat Report

For most of these, I'm going to just have their current sketch and relationship with the Avengers and other local
heroes. As well as any modifications I've made to fit them into the Crinoverse.

Abracadaver: Has moved to Bay City, and is a nemesis to Ned the Destroyer, although he lost their initial magical
duel, Abracadaver is determined to get revenge.

Anvil: The Perennial jobber villain of Emerald City, Anvil has gotten his short metal ass beat up by just about
everyone. Despite this, he reliably gets work under other villains due to his tenacity and relative reliability.

Arcanix: Most people are unaware that Arcanix even exist, thanks to his aura of Occultation, his true nature is
unknown, but he is very interested in collecting magical artefacts, and has crossed swords with Warehouse 23 and

Battle Brothers: The Battle Brothers are recurring foes to Relentless.

Black Vulture: Black Vulture has crossed swords with the Avengers in the past, in particular Xiao the Dawn

Cerberus Rex: As noted elsewhere Cerberus Rex’s version of his world's present predicament is a bit warped: He's
actually a master villain in his world. He is a primary foe to Vortex, and is always looking for ways to subjugate
humanity or seek out non human allies to help him, He has allied himself with Million Knives, Arlong, and
Demona in the past, but these alliances usually fall apart due to Rex's insanity.

Cortex: Cortex masterminded the first super villain battle against the Avengers, when they were manipulated into
fighting him by Grant Pharmaceuticals, thus placing Cortex in prison and allowing the Jagged Crescent to take
over the drug trade in Emerald. Recently, Cortex escaped from Super Alcatraz with the aid of Mastermind, and
discovered that Cortex is his "father", the being responsible for his creation. He is now off world with his "Father"
and the rest of the Society.

Dakuwagna: Dakuwagna was manipulated into attacking Emerald City by Count Reich, allowing him to steal the
Dragonballs held by the Super Gang and the Colony. During the attack Sentinel member Ultramarine was badly
injured, as a result preventing her from ever being able to bear children. Afterward, the Lunar Usako "hunted"
Dakuwagna while he was frozen in ice, eating the monsters heart. While Dakuwagna was not killed, Usako gained
the power to turn into the hulking fish creature.

Death Magnetic: Death Magnetic has fought the Avengers several times: The first time was under the control of
Gruune the Bridger of a thousand worlds, the second time was as part of the first iteration of the Masters of Evil.

Dollface: Dollface has been a foe of the Avengers, in particular Troy Alexander, on many occasions. In one such
instance she posed as the girlfriend of the first Technus, and used him to gain access to Cybertronian technology,
which she then began to sell and give to various tech based villains. Prompting Troy and other heroes to try and hunt
her down. She is also allied with the society, and has a spy in Avengers Academy disguised as one of the students or

Doctor Azoth: On Earth 409, the Silver Storm was not caused by Tellax, but instead by Azoth and his alchemy, in
an effort help jumpstart human evolution. Azoth took great interest in Usako, believing he could exploit the
moonsilver tattoos on her body to create a larger, more powerful Silver Storm. While he was defeated by the
Avengers, Azoth eventually escaped and joined up with Mastermind's Society.

Doctor Shock: One of the Avengers most persistent foes, Shock has crossed paths with them on numerous
occasions, and has been a member of every iteration of the Masters of Evil. He now has his own team of villains to
fight the Avengers and help him acquire new specimens, called the Lethal Legion (the team consists of Anvil,
Rubber Bandit, Downtime, Madame Macabre, and Tribal).

Doctor Sin: Sin is still one of the greatest menaces in China, a threat the Tiger Squad is finally taking seriously
after Sin murdered several high ranking party members in public through unknown means. To make matters worse,
now that Callie Summers has retired, there is no hero currently on the market who can match wits with Sin and
hope to out manoeuvre him.

Dracula: Dracula has also fought the Avengers numerous times. Following the defeat of Gruune, Dracula decided to
enslave the Avengers and make them vampires to serve him. After numerous failures, Dracula was ousted as the
leader of the World Vampire Council, now Dracula seeks stronger allies to destroy the Avengers once and for all.

Eris: The Goddess of Discord and Cchaos escaped from her prison under Emerald City, and succeeded in
temporarily imprisoning and replacing Athena, and nearly sparking a intergalactic war during an interstellar
diplomatic meeting at New Amsterdam. Eris was defeated and banished to another dimension, but eventually
escaped and now menaces Emerald City anew.

Facade: Recently Facade attempted to assassinate Relena Peacecraft, the ruler of the Sanc Kingdom. This attempt
was thwarted by Foxfire and Super Logar of Avengers Academy. He was imprisoned in Super Alcatraz, but
managed to escape during the recent breakout. He is still at large.

Fallout: Fallout fought the Avengers under the thrall of Gruune the Bridger of a thousand worlds, and was defeated
when Dr. Stratos used an energy prism which split his body into countless wavelengths. With the aid of his minions
he managed to reassemble himself, and has been a foe of the Avengers ever since.

Faster Pussycat: Before Phenom cleaned up her act, she and Faster Pussycat were "Arch enemies" in the sense
they both tried to garner more attention to one another. Later, when Phenom finally became serious about being a
super hero (and gained powers) Pussycat tried to come in and play the old game with Phenom. Phenom beat her
soundly and sent her to Super Alcatraz. She escaped during the escape, and now the pair are feuding for real.

Foxfire: Foxfire is primarily a foe to both Dragoneye and Xiao. She also has a long suffering and often abandoned
apprentice in the form of Hinjamori, who has befriended the teen hero Yamainu.

The Hand of Sin: The Hand of Sin's current mission in Emerald is to recruit as many Stormers as he can to join
Sin's organization, and to discover the secret of the Silver Storm that Sin may recreate them with his own alchemy.
Hexenhammer: Hexenhammer is a persistent foe of Susan Brown (they met while Susan was stranded in Salem
during the witch trials...long story), and Xiao and the other magic using Pantheon members. He has sometimes
allied himself with Professor Purgatory and other religious super villains.

Huntmaster: The Huntmaster's favourite hunting ground for a while has been the Annihilation Zone, and his lair is
filled with the remnants of Titans and other horrors. During this time he often used High Lemuria as a resting point
until they recently escaped. Now the Huntmaster, under the advisement of Istvhatha V'han, is stalking a new prey:
the Skeleton Key.

Jade Spider: Jade Spider was once an arch rival to Relentless, but following his recently acquired immunity to
poisons, Jade has become far less of a match for him.

Junkpile: A huge semi mindless monster, Junkpile has been controlled and manipulated by numerous villains over
the years. And beaten by the Avengers many times.

Kid Karma: A long time foe of Relentless, Karma has been smart enough not to fight Relentless since he joined the

King Babylon: Another major jobber villain, King Babylon is a major foe to Xiao, who was responsible for vetoing
his attempt to join the Pantheon.

Ku Tu the Eternal: Ku Tu was originally a foe to the Super Gang, and remained sealed away form years until he
was accidentally revived by Troy Alexander. Although he was beaten, there is no doubt Ku Tu will return, FOR

Lady Vila and Treker: Lady Vila makes her base in Emerald City, and has been tasked with Brother Blood with
scouting potential young Stormers to join the Shadow Academy through their local from at the Elysian Academy
(where she is standing in as the Principal), Vila has become aware that there is a being among the Young Avengers
who literally personifies freedom, and considers breaking this entity to be an irresistible challenge.

The Mad Machinist: The Machinist was a foe to both Charli and Troy while they were still active, but was not
much of a threat to either, even when he upgraded his bots with Cybertronian tech provided by Dollface. He retired
briefly, but after Troy retired and Charli left, he decided to get back in the game.

Mastermind: Mastermind has recently formed the Society, a secret organization of villains which includes, among
others, Nur Al Allah, Doctor Azoth, Mr. Sinister, Cortex, Adonis, Veronica Cale, Queen Bee, Janus, Moonstone,
Inque, Billy Billions, Professor Jackanapes, and others, the purpose of this Society is to jumpstart and control
human evolution by forcibly inducing a metahumans arms race between the US and forces in the middle east (In
particular Biyalia and Quarac, who along with Zulan form the "New Axis of evil") As well as straitjacket and
discredit the worlds heroes. The Society recently suffered a major setback with the loss of several of its resources,
including Dr. Peter Hanks and Victor Reed, and the death of the Red Skull. Prompting the bulk of the Society to
evacuate Earth for outer space for reasons unknown.

Mindfire: Mindfire has been a recurring foe to the Avengers, in particular Afterthought and her successor.

Mosquito: Has been a foe to both Wasp of the Avengers and Hank Pym and his team the Colony.

Pack-Rat: Another jobber villain, Pack-Rat is a minor foe to Relentless. Recently, he has begun looking into the
collection of artefacts, and may come into conflict with the warehouse as a result.

Professor Jackanapes: Jackanapes has joined up with the Society as its resident mystical consultant and magic user.
Jackanapes hopes Mastermind may be able to make him human again with technology where magic has failed, but
ultimately Jackanapes is loyal only to himself.

Professor Zed: Although occasionally fighting the Sentinels, Zed is more active abroad in the multiverse, primarily
against the TSAB and the Vha Empire. Zed has most recently come up with a plan that can potentially wipe out all
of his foes at once... and maybe the entire multiverse with it.

Redwood: Redwood has allied himself with the radical metahuman environmental group known as Zero Latitude,
often bringing muscle to the group they would otherwise lack.

Sleepwalker: Is the girlfriend of the Avengers, and is learning to control her powers with the aid of the villain
Dreamwitch, she now has some measure control and awareness of her powers, and hopes to join the Avengers one
day. However Elasto is reluctant to put her in harms way, which has led to some friction between the two.

The Terror: Is largely assumed to be a Gestalt. He has been beaten up by both Relentless and more recently

Tribal: Another jobber villain, Tribal was one of the bad guys under the control of Gruune, and has fought the
Avengers several times since then.

Cybertribe: In addition to going after Kesscorp, Cybertribe has also targeted other corrupt corporations with their
cyber terrorism. In particular Spartacorp. They are allies to both Lady Blue, and Troy Alexander, who thinks they
are nice, albeit misguided, kids.

The Eightfold Web: Is currently unknown to anyone, subtly manipulating events from behind the scenes. The
Eightfold web, like many, have benefited from the defeat of SHADOW and the Labyrinth by the Avengers, and are
snatching up resources right and left. They have also taken an interest in Exalted, and have been recruited Lunars to
their cause.

The Looking Glass Gang: Have fought the Avengers and Sentinels time. Their most significant fight was during the
Gang trying to invade Marstech to steal an engine from one of Ku Tu's flying heads, at the behest of a disguised
Dollface, indirectly resulting in Ku Tu's reawakening.

The Power Corps: Are still active as mercenaries. One notable caper was trying to steal some Pym Particles from
Bill Foster's lab at Emerald City University, only to be thwarted by the hero Elasto and Foster himself.

The Starbreed: The Starbreed are still managing their charade as posing as heroes, waiting for their moment to
strike, despite their rivalry with the other team of fake "heroes" with sinister intentions, the Cuckoos, The Starbreed
continue to be hidden in plain sight. Now that the Avengers have split their team up, their time to strike may be soon.

Trident: Trident was defeated and incarcerated by the Avengers after they were hired by the Atlantean warlord
Attuma to aid him in conquering Poseiopolis. They are still in custody, except for Trawler. The story behind
Trawler is that she suffered intense trauma after being nearly drowned by Troy Alexander in an uncharacteristic act
of cruelty. Burning with hatred, Trawler was recruited by the second iteration of the Masters of Evil, and was
mutated into a super strong, amphibious brute by Doctor Shock. While she managed to beat Troy in a one on one
fight, she was defeated and incarcerated. Troy then devoted his time into trying to help Trawler reform, eventually
succeeding and getting through to her. Trawler helped maintain order during the Super Alcatraz breakout, and was
released on probation. She is now a member of the Thunderbolts.

Snake Gulch

Howdy pardner, and welcome to the Snake Gulch, and rootinest, tootinest, rowdiest robot cowboy amusement park
on this side of the Pecos! Built by genius toymaker and robotician Tyrell Donaldson, Snake Gulch provides a
heapin’ dose of fun and adventure for the entire family. Snake Gulch attracts tourists from around the globe, who
come to see the Old West recreated in a contained environment that’s both safe and educational. Take off yer spurs,
grab a sarsaparilla, and stay for a while. At Snake Gulch, we guarantee a good time-or your money back.

To most people, Snake Gulch is exactly as advertised, a wild west playground populated by Tyrell Donaldson's
signature 'retrotech' robots, with hourly stunt shows, the Sidewinder Spur Roller Coaster, mule rides, and other
theme park attractions

What the public does not know is that Snake Gulch isn't just a theme park, it's also a sanctuary for intelligent robots
and AI's, machines that have developed their own personalities, but refuse to be the slaves of malign architects such
as Talos or Mechanon, or be poked and prodded by superscientists

Here, they can be free and establish their own community to find out what living life means to beings that were
never 'alive' in the first place, and all they have to is from opening to closing, pretend to be cowboys. Ironically,
many of the bots that come to Snake Gulch aren't pretending, instead adopting the trappings of the old west as their

Snake Gulch has had problems of late though. Agents of VIPER have been stealing bots from the gulch and
reprogramming them, partly to steal Donaldson's tech, but also to shut the park down so they can strip-mine the
hidden deposits of Neutronium the park is sitting on. worse, before Mechanon got thrown into the Terminus, it took
notice of the town, and its agents having trying to spread their master's malign influence.

people of interest

Tyrell Donaldson: the man himself, often described as the Mark Twain of robotics, Donaldson is 'officially' retired
from superscience, but for those heroes who come all the way out to the gulch, he's willing to lend what expertise he
can. Tyrell also plays the part of Snake Gulch's 'mayor', and tries to stay as much in character as he can

Belle Steele: Donaldson's greatest creation, bodyguard and surrogate Daughter, Belle is the de facto leader of Snake
Gulch's robots, despite her arguments to the contrary. Having worked as a part time superheroine for a few years,
Belle genuinely likes humans, and is one of the leading robot rights activists in the southwestern united states

Sherriff Robo [offline]: Once the bastion of law and order into the gulch, Robo recently went haywire, and nearly
gunned down dozens of tourists if his sidearms weren't loaded with blanks. Taken down by Belle (who covered for
him by claiming it was Robo's evil twin), Robo has been offlined and disassembled until Tyrell Donaldson can
figure out what went wrong. In the meantime, Donaldson has called in the hero Sundance to play the part of acting

Sister Seta: a quiet, mousy droid dressed in a habit, Sister Seta used to belong to Mechanon, and preached its
message of hatred, robot supremacy and "kill all humans", before she recognized her master's insanity. now she's
devoted her entire existence to keeping other robots off the wrong side of the code, and has hard-wired herself into
devout pacifism

HED-1E 5.0: Mechanon's chief agent in Snake Gulch, playing the part of a greedy rail baron with the attitude of a
fire and brimstone preacher. Heddy ("...That's HED-1E.") is the one responsible for Sherriff Robo's breakdown, but
nobody's realized it yet. Left unchecked, Hedley ("HED-1E!") will twist everybot into Mechanon's human-killing
slaves, and destroy any who resist. may or may not have a pet killbot named M1-G0 ("Mongo") at his beck and call

ASCII Oakley: The star performer of the Snake Gulch Stunt Show Shootout, who went over to Mechanon's side not
out of logic, but from envy over Belle Steele, who has managed to outfight, outshoot, outperform and outsass ASCII
at every turn despite ASCII being more technologically advanced in every way.

"Gabby": A bot programmed after the stereotypical crazy old prospector who spews authentic frontier gibberish,
Gabby has gotten too into character and is convinced there's gold under Snake Gulch. To this end Gabby has been
stockpiling dynamite, and plans to blast his way to the mother lode blissfully unaware that the 'gold' is actually
neutronium, and his blasting will destroy the entire gulch


It all began with Amanda Sykes.

in 1967, Amanda Sykes, a house wife from Kansas became one of the most powerful metahumans of the silver age.
Gaining vast, near omnipotent cosmic manipulating powers, Amanda began using these powers to try and make the
world a better place.

What Amanda did not realize is that her powers were contagious. Several people she used them on would eventually
develop powers of their own, and thus Amanda Sykes became the progenitor of a new type of metahumans. Known
as Dark Energy Manipulators.

Dark Energy is contagious, with each manipulator being able to trace their lineage back to Sykes, however, with
each generation the power of the Dark Energy Manipulators diminish significantly, as does the chance of them
spreading it to others and how many they can infect. Sykes was able to create 10 superhumans, while they were able
to each make 9 before their powers stabilized. Currently, the tenth generation has reached the limit to how the
powers can dilute, with each Tenth Generation manipulator has only a 10% chance of creating a mark (described
below), and then only once. 10th Generation Manipulators are considered the weakest of the Manipulators, but that
isn't to say they are helpless: The infamous tier three manipulator Zipperneck (A Mithran level FISS and career
criminal) was brought low by a tier ten metahuman with the power to nullify super powers.

Needless to say, a lot of people have interest in Dark force manipulators. The Red King extensively studied the
Manipulators in an effort to learn how to increase their powers and use them to mass produce supers, with limited
success. Now that Gene Nation is out, MEDUSA has begun playing with the technology as well. Since the fair
majority of higher tier manipulators are either dead or in hiding, they hope to somehow strengthen the tier tens that
have become widely prevalent among the metahuman community. Groups like the IHA and Seven Thunders use
the Dark Energy phenomenon as evidence of how metahumans are a literal plague on humanity, and some more
fanatical members wont even go near a metahuman for fear of "catching the disease" from them.

AEGIS, for what its worse, requires all Dark energy users to register this fact with them as soon as they manifest
powers. This way they can keep track of them in case they create a new metahumans. Victims of Dark Energy users
are studied to see if they manifest powers.

Some other notes of interest:

Shavians: One Dark Energy user of particular note was Tina Shaw, a tier three Manipulator who was a twelve year
old girl who could heal any illness or injury... but in the process created a tiny, near invulnerable monster the size of
a teddy bear. Over her short career before she was murdered at age 18 by IHA extremists, she cured over 4,000
people, creating just as many of these creatures, which eventually became known as Shavians. Shavians still exist
today, some are friendly, some malicious. A lot of them are in the custody of AEGIS or other metahuman groups.

Synthgenes: The creation of super genius and mind manipulating supers, Synthgenes are literally viral ideas, which
can be transmitted memetically. The first recorded instance of this was a book called "Inoculous" by the tier three
metahuman Jason Weeks, designed to free people from mental influence. Today, numerous Synthgenes have been
produced by various factions, for various purposes. The House of Serpents and the Labyrinth were particularly
into creating Synthgenes, and Amon and Honest John have been toying with the idea as well.

Atlantis: No, not that Atlantis, this Atlantis was the creation of Cynthia Carls, a powerful tier 5 manipulator who
could manipulate the Earth and Water, meant to be a new utopian society conceived by an all powerful Hippie chick,
formed in 1968, it managed to survive various trials and tribulations until it was destroyed in 1996 by General
Venom and the House of Serpents.

Aism: A South African based religion and revolutionary movement founded by the Tier Five Manipulator Winstone
Koetke, of "A". The Church is a major rival of the Nur Sect. It is run by the Council of Wisdom, who were hand
picked by A by virtue of his ability to control who gained powers from his abilities and what powers they would get.

Marks: Marks are what happens when a tier ten passes on their powers. Too weak to create another metahuman, the
subject is given instead extraordinary willpower. As a result, Marks tend to become badass normals.

Emerald City
Emerald City, once a city without heroes, now home to Earth's mightiest Heroes.

Officially, Emerald City started as an army fort that expanded into a boom town during the gold rush and eventually
a city. While this is true, at some point, it was selected by the evil Alchemist Doctor Azoth to be the staging area for
his experiments to induce the next step of human evolution.

Azoth picked Emerald City because of its distance from the east coast and its numerous super heroes, and nearby
Elysium Woods, a haven for supernatural activity. Which made it an optimal location to conduct his alchemical

For the longest time, Azoth did all he could to keep super heroes out of Emerald, unfortunately, as time went on the
city started to attract super villains who saw Emerald as a vacation spot free of heroes, to deal with this, Azoth had
his minion, Mayor King Bradley, attract a single hero group, the Super Gang, to act as the towns protector. Azoth
predicted that the heroes would keep the local villains in line while being unable to sniff him out. He was right, but
eventually the Super Gang vanished to the future fighting Tempus Khan, once again Emerald City was without a

Of course, by then, Azoth was able to create his first Silver Storm, an Alchemical mixture which mutated many
beings exposed to it, unlocking their superhuman potential. The Initial storm was a failed experiment by Azoth, who
wanted a large, more permanent storm which would turn the transformed victims into his obedient servants.
However he needed something more potent than the normal quicksilver he used as the basis for the potion.

The solution was found in Cynis Usako, who possessed tattoos forged of a material Azoth had never encountered
before, but were perfect for his needs.

So intent was Azoth on his schemes that he barely batted an eye as several new hero teams emerged in Emerald City
following the Silver Storm: The Avengers, The Sentinels, Hank Pym's Colony, and the Starbreed. In addition,
Hope Prep re-opened its doors and began accepting Stormers and other super powered kids. Naturally, it was only a
matter of time before Azoth was exposed and captured, but not before setting off a second, more powerful Silver
Storm. Creating new Stormers and increasing the power of the existing Stormers and other metahumans exposed to
the storm.

One of the most notable places in Emerald City is Undertown: the underground city and maze which Azoth used as
his lair, once protected by his Homunculi from super heroic intrusion, it is the home to the cities homeless (which
Azoth used as test subjects for his Alchemical research), creatures from the nearby forest, Aliens, subterranean
monsters, and alchemical monsters. If one looks deep enough, they may find Azoth's secret alchemy lab, and a
mysterious gate which some says opens to absolute truth...


Longwei "Larry" Chin, the current iteration of Dragoneye, the mystical protector of Emerald City's East district and
the mystic member of the Sentinels. Dragoneye is a man of many faces: Hero, mystic defender, servant of the
Dragons, among others.

An important thing to remember about Dragoneye is that he was raised in the states, and worked as a handyman for
a number of years before having his powers awakened. Most people who see him think he is some ancient Chinese
wizard with know greater knowledge of the Western world. A lot of time Larry does not dissuade people of this
notion, if only because it allows him to surprise his enemies when they don't think he will know how technology
works. In truth, Larry is more connected to the modern world than a lot of his mystical peers (he has aided Adrian
Eldrich in understanding technology on more than one occasion).

Larry is a quiet, humble individual, he takes his job as the protector of the Eastern district very seriously, along with
his responsibilities to the Dragons and the Sentinels. He is often made somewhat uncomfortable by the amount of
attention he is lavished by the people of the Eastern district, and sometimes worries about taking advantage of them.
That being says, he knows it would be rude to refuse them.
Thanks to the people of the Eastern district, Dragoneye doesn't have any responsibilities outside of his super hero
job, which is good because, like a doctor, Dragoneye is on call 24/7. As the agent of the Dragons on Earth,
Dragoneye can be summoned to their side at any time to perform tasks for them, whether its recovering mystical
artefact, banishing demons or monsters, acting as a diplomat or emissary to strange other realms, or other tasks
which would be strange and incomprehensible to humans. Luckily Dragoneye has friends who can look after the
East District when he gets called away on long missions, notably Xiao the Dawn General, Dragoneye's closest
friend among the Avengers.

Dragoneye has one other major responsibility: His uncles old gang, the Golden Dragon Society. The Society wants
Dragoneye to take his uncles place as their leader once again, and they have recently begun to step up their game in
attempts to either recruit or kill him, bringing in metahumans, Stormers, and even reaching out to the agents of
Doctor Sin and the Black Hand for help. The time may be fast approaching where Dragoneye cannot protect the
Eastern district all by himself.

When not fighting crime, protecting the Eastern District, or doing the bidding of the Dragons, Dragon's favourite
hobby is astral projecting. Longwei loves exploring the Astral plane and seeing all of the strange creatures and
worlds of the Imageria. He has numerous friends among minor spirits and supernatural creatures of the realm. He
also enjoys using his powers to people watch in the material world. Silently observing the People of the Eastern
District while at the same time scanning for trouble.

Dragoneye has learned to use his powers fairly well. He enjoys using them, but understands that he is not the master
of the powers, merely a conduit for the power of the Dragons. One power Longwei has that the dragons have not
told him about is his ability to infuse mortals with the power of the Dragons, turning them into Dragonblooded (IE:
Benders). This power is extremely taxing, and if Longwei did use it he wouldn't be able to do so more than once a
week for fear of burnout or death. The Dragons have yet to call upon Longwei to use this power, but with the return
of the long dead Wood Dragon, it may be time for the Dragoneye to begin using it.


The Sentinels: Dragoneye is the team mystic of the Sentinels, and the only one of them with even passing
knowledge of the supernatural, which makes him a pretty important member of the team. He was also one of the few
members who managed to escape complete control by the Yeerks (He astral projected as soon as the Yeerk took over
his body, denying it access to his memories or his powers). Longwei enjoys his time with the Sentinels because it
gives him an opportunity to loosen up a bit and just be Larry Chin, handyman again; Some of the best times he has
are just hanging out with Mongrel and Rocky and watching old movies on Netflix during monitor duty. Of course,
once troubles rises, Longwei is all business, as the Sentinels enemies have often found out.

Longwei also uses his handyman skills to make minor repairs to Emerald Tower. If only because it gives him
something to do when he's bored and things are quiet back in the Eastern district.

The Dragons: Dragoneye's bosses, the four (Now five) Elemental dragons who sided with Celestia and Luna during
the Crinoverses first age, and the progenitors of the Dragonblooded of Earth 409. The Dragons are not actually good
aligned, and are largely hands off in regards to their agent so long as they do as they are told (which is how Uncle
Zhi was able to build a criminal syndicate using their power). The Dragons primary interest is protecting the magical
world and maintaining cosmic balance, which Longwei does fairly well.

Xiao the Dawn General: Longwei's closest friend on the Avengers, Xiao and Dragoneye have become good friends
over the years. Longwei loves hearing about creation from Xiao, and hopes to visit it sometimes. Also, Xiao is the
Avenger calls most often when he is in a jam or up against an opponent too tough for conventional means. Longwei
is also helping Xiao by using his magic to track the emergence of news Exalts in the greater Emerald City area.

The White Council: Dragoneye is one of the few super heroic mystics who is NOT on the White Council's enemy
list; He has never broken any of their laws of magic, and he often gives them help against more disruptive magic
users in the area. Dragoneye has used this friendliness with the Council to help clear up some... misunderstandings
regarding the Avenger Susan Brown. Speaking of...
Susan Brown: Susan is... troubling to Longwei. On the other hand, she is undeniably a good person who wants to
help, but on the other hand she deals with beings of chaos and destruction, and is obviously insane. Despite this,
Longwei knows Susan has a noble soul, and has always tried to help people and do the right thing, so they often
work together. That being said... Longwei still sometimes worries about her.

The White Lotus Society: Naturally, the largest group of Dragonblooded in the world has a vested interest in
Dragoneye. Longwei has been approached by the White Lotus to join their ranks, but for now Longwei is content
with being a Sentinel and the protector of the Eastern District. The White Lotus respects his decision and has
provided him with what help he can.

Dragoneye Rogues

Dragoneye's Rogues come in a variety of flavours: Primarily there are criminals who threaten his community, either
with violence or corruption. He must also deal with various paranormal threats, in particular enemies of the Dragons
he serves, and minions of rival forces. Over the years the previous Dragoneyes have acquired many enemies
stretching back throughout history, and many of them endure to this day, seeking revenge on Longwei for the crimes
of his family.

The Gold Dragon Society: As mentioned above, the crime syndicate formed by Longwei's evil uncle is still alive
and well in the Eastern District. Originally the syndicate had no super powered members except Uncle Zhi himself,
but when he died and the new Dragoneye refused to take his place, and in fact fought against them, the Golden
Dragons were forced to start recruiting new members, largely from the cities new Stormer population. Fortunately
none of these new recruits have been much of a match for Longwei, but the Society is constantly looking for new,
better villains to fight for them.

Madame Macabre: Madame Macabre was Longwei's first magical opponent, and is many ways his opposite: While
Longwei was chosen by the Dragons to protect the material world, Macabre made a deal with demons to feed her
own knees. The key difference is while Macabre is more powerful, she lacks discipline and expertise of Dragoneye,
which has allowed him to outwit and beat her time and again.

Steel Shogun: With the weakening of The Golden Dragon Society, the Takazumi Gumi has seized the opportunity to
increase their muscling in on the Eastern District. This has, of course, brought them into conflict with Longwei, and
brought Longwei into conflict with the Steel Shogun. Shogun's brute force is more than a match for Longwei's
magic, many of their previous battles have been inconclusive. Still, it has been enough that Longwei has kept the
Yakuza at bay, at least for now.

Arcanix: As the current Dragoneye, Longwei is also keeper of numerous magical artefacts, some of which have
become targets for the mystical thief Arcanix. Although Longwei has fought him off numerous times, he remains

Foxfire: Foxfire and Longwei have a...complicated relationship. They are enemies, but Foxfire has a genuine liking
for Longwei over her uncle, and especially they fact that Longwei makes trouble for the Golden Dragon Society. So
Foxfire actually tries to help him when she can. Of course Foxfire's help can sometimes cause more trouble than it

Dr. Griffin: Dr. Elias Griffin is a Professor at ECU who had a strong disdain for myth and magic. To the point he
foolishly led an expedition into the Elysium forest in order to debunk the myths surrounding it. The Cryptid Clans
of the forest did not appreciate this intrusion, and abducted him. By the time Longwei had rescued him, Elias had
somehow been turned into a humanoid griffin. Blaming Dragoneye for this turn of events, Griffin vowed vengeance,
and has attacked Longwei with numerous insane inventions, often powered by the very magic he once scoffed at.

The Cult of the Bloated Woman: Originating in China, the Cult of the Bloated Woman is a cult dedicated to one of
the forms of Nyralahotep, the titular Bloated Woman. Although the Woman was destroyed many years ago in China,
the cult still exists and several worshipers moved to Emerald City, hoping to rebuild the cult and find a new Avatar
for the Woman. The cult makes use of numerous horrible creatures, and its members frequently transform
themselves into hideous monsters. Longwei is often forced to enlist the aid of Susan Brown against these deranged
cultists, in order to get some perspective on them. Susan is of course glad to do it, since she feels guys like the
Bloated Woman cult give Mythos worshipers a bad rep.

Wan Shi Tong: One of the more powerful spirits in the Imageria, Wan Shi Tong is a knowledge spirit that takes the
form of an enormous owl (Or rather a dragon like creature with Owl like features). Wan Shi Tong used to share his
formidable collection of knowledge with humanity, but became with disgusted with how humankind used that
knowledge, and so became a recluse. At some point in history, a previous Dragoneye attempted to steal from Wan
Shi Tong, and so Wan Shi Tong held a grudge which persists to this day. Which also makes things super awkward
whenever Longwei must head to the library to seek knowledge against a particular threat or problem.

Kid Robot

Now we look at the youngest member of the Sentinels: Kid Robot. Young hero, sophisticated android, poster child
for sentient AI's, and more. Most supers don't really know what to make of Kid Robot. A machine with the form and
temperament of a child, who shows a child like exuberance for just about everything. Many question whether
someone so "young" and obviously immature should be allowed to be a super hero on a prominent hero team, but
one can't fault his track record.

Its true that in many ways Kid acts like a child, but not when it comes to being a super hero: While Kid enjoys
goofing off and playing video games, when it comes down to the crunch he is incredibly serious, and more than
willing to sacrifice his life to save his friends. Indeed that has happened a few times; Kid has been destroyed on
numerous occasions. Luckily he makes regular backups of his AI, and the Sentinels have access to his design
schematics to rebuild him when needed.

Less than five years old, but with the intelligence and personality of a ten year old. Kid enjoys all the things kids his
age normally enjoy: Video games, movies, television, hanging out and skate boarding. Kid is an incredibly fast study
and can pick up new games and hobbies very quickly. So he is always looking for something new to play with. He is
often impulsive and overeager, but always means well; Its also very hard to be mad at Kid. Even when he messes up,
his fellow Sentinels rarely have it in them to be mad for long.

Much like Sapphire has become a poster child for metamen, Kid has become a poster child for robots and Sentient
AI's, who are still very much second class citizens in America. Even the staunchest anti-machine pundits, who claim
that sentient machines are just tools that mimic human emotions, are usually left speechless at how human like and
emotional Kid can be. Kid, for all of this, seems oblivious to the prejudices of others. Or if not at least pretends as
though he is.

While Kid does like hanging out with human children his own age (and he has a lot of human kid friends, I mean
what little kid doesn't want to hang out with robots) Kid also looks up to and admires robotic heroes: He has hanged
out with and fought alongside such mechanical heroes as the Vision, Atomic Robo, Stargirl, Blitzcrank, Batmech
and other robotic heroes who live on the west coast. He is seen as the adorable kid brother to most of the robot
community and most of them really like him and are protective of him.

On some level, Kid is aware that he isn't like other little boys his age by virtue of being a robot, and there are some
things he can't do as a robot, Kid does not feel left out because of this or upset. Unlike a lot of young robots he does
not wish he could be human or organic; Kid loves being a robot and owns that pride. He knows he can't eat food or
feel the effects of weather, but he also knows he can download apps directly into his brain and play World of
Warcraft anywhere in the world at any time. So he considers the advantages of being a robot far ahead of the

Although a robot and not technically subject to sidekick laws, Kid adheres to them, including going to PS238.
Although he has no problem "bending the rules" if he knows his team needs him.


Dr. Hallemier and Harry Faubry: The closest thing Kid has to actual parents are his creator, Dr. Natalie Hallemier,
and his mechanic Harry Faubry. After years of needling, Kid finally got his wish and the pair are dating, which is
enough to make Kid start calling Harry "Dad". Both Natalie and Harry love Kid as though he were a real child,
although Natalie is much more over protective of Kid than Harry, who knows Kid is a tough little trooper who can
handle a lot of tough stuff.

The Sentinels: Kid's team was initially reluctant to let him go on missions, for fear of him getting hurt or messing
up, but after Kid has proved himself time and again, the team has warmed up to him considerably. All the Sentinels
are very protective of Kid, and anyone who might hurt or exploit him does so at their own peril.

Troy Alexander: If Natalie Hallemier and Harry Faubry are Kid's parents, then Troy would be the wacky uncle.
Troy has acted as a "family physician" to Kid on occasions when he has encountered complications which are
beyond the ken of his parents to deal with (Such as infection by the alien Phalanx, or Mechanon attempting to
corrupt his programming). Troy is one of the few technopaths Kid trusts to check his files in case someone tries to
reprogram his systems.

The Cybertribe: Although they are technically outlaws and have fought in the past, Kid is actually good friends
with all of the Cybertribe, and often hangs out with them when they aren't engaging in their anarchist cyberterrorist
agenda. Most of the Sentinels don't approve of Kid associating with what they see as shady characters, but their
friendship has turned out to Kids benefit in the past, like when the Cybertribe showed up in force to rescue the team
from Ghostworks.

Steven Universe: One of Kid's many human friends, Steven is a kid who lives on the east coast in Beach City, a
small city protected by the Crystal gems, a trio of beautiful fey like women with magical powers, from whom Steven
is descended and associated with. Steven shares many qualities with Kid, including his earnestness and his zest for

Pan: The famous eternal child hero. Pan has taken a marked interest in Kid, who will also be a child forever (At
least as far as Pan knows; Unbeknownst to Kid and Pan Natalie and Harry are already working on his birthday gift
for when he matures enough: A teenager body), Pan has tried to recruit Kid away from the Sentinels on several
occasions. But while Kid has fun hanging out with Pan and fighting her foes, he much prefers being a Sentinels.

Kid Robot Rogues

Kid Robots foes are usually technology based or enemies of children, sometimes they are both. Among Kid's
enemies include rogue AI's and robots, as well those who don't see Kid as a person or rather as a piece of hardware
to be exploited. Among Kid's worst enemies are those he once saw as friends and took advantage of his trusting

Dollface: Dollface has a vested interest in the future of Kid, believing him to be a potential ally, she has tried on
numerous occasions to gain control over Kid, either by replacing Dr. Hallemier as her mother figure, or by posing as
Kid's friend. None of these plans have been successful, but Dollface is undaunted.

FOE: The Big Brain has never forgotten the sting of his first failed attempt to acquire Kid, and he has been trying
to get him ever since. Kid's primary defense against Big Brain is his immunity to Psychic powers, which is
something Brain has not been able to get around as of yet.

Scion: Probably the only AI in town that doesn't get along with Kid, Scion is utterly pitiless and without humour,
and hates the fun loving and free wheeling Kid.

Jack Washington the Third: As mentioned previously, Kesscorp is a shell company for Spartacorp, so Jack
Washington III wants to ruin Kid Robot, not because he wants to own the Artificial Adolescent, but because he hates
the idea of AI's havin the same rights as people (actually he hates the idea of people having rights in general, but
more on that later). Although Jack has not struck against Kid directly, he has launched numerous smear campaigns
in order to get people to think of Kid (and by extension all AI's) as less than people. Its not much, but every little bit

Toy Boy: The perpetual child, Desmond see's Kid as nothing more than a shiny new toy for him to play with and
eventually break. He initially befriended Kid, but Kid broke it off when he realized how insane Desmond was. Now
Toy Boy is obsessed with getting Kid for himself.

Bloody Mary: Naturally, no child hero can go long without drawing the ire of Bloody Mary, sworn enemy of all
children. Bloody Mary is one of the few villains who can legitimately scare Kid, not only because she's magic
(Something Kid always has trouble with), but because she is a legitimately scary, evil creature.

The Foundry: Do I even need to say it? Kid is advanced tech, the Foundry is out to steal tech, so they want Kid.

Bogeyman: Douglas Carmody was a member of the IHA who focused on persecuting children with metahuman
powers, in particular young Stormers. During one such attack when he donned a mech suit to chase after some
Stormer kids, Kid came to their rescue and defeated Carmody. Carmody has hated him ever since, even making a
deal with Mr. Infamy himself to gain horrible demonic powers to strike at Kid and his charges.


Mongrel, the werewolf member of the Sentinels, is a fairly unique individual; One of the few openly lycanthrope
super heroes, a sort of unwilling emissary between the humans and the Cryptid Clans of Elysium forest, and one of
the most visible supernatural superheroes on the west coast.

The thing to remember about Mongrel first and foremost is that while Mongrel is technically a werewolf, he does
not share most of the common werewolf abilities: He is unaffected by silver or wolfsbane, he can't step sideways or
sense spirits, and he can only change into his half wolf form. This is due to the fact Micheal had a latent metagene
which was activated when he was bitten by the werewolf he tried to rescue from Ashwood Abbey. Giving him
unique werewolf like abilities without actually making him a werewolf. In fact, the werewolf who bit him wasn't
actually the infectious variety at all; its just the shock of being bit caused his meta gene to express itself by making
him a wolf man.

Despite this, Micheal (Or rather Mongrel) does see himself as a werewolf, since they were responsible for his
breakout, and Mongrel has done all he can to reach out to the Werewolf community, he is also very active mentoring
young Stormers who have shapeshifting powers, as well as Lunar exalted native to Emerald.

Mongrel also works to keep an eye out for hunters and other groups. Mongrel has had many encounters with
hunters, ranging from the downright despicable Ashwood Abbey, the fanatical Aegis Kai Doru, the self righteous
Long Night, and the drug peddling Ascending Ones, all of whom have soured Mongrel on most supernatural
hunters, even the ones who don't belong to a larger group Mongrel see's only as a bunch of trigger happy lunatics
who are out to kill anything non human (Like that one guy in Texas who owns all the hunting dogs and has a real
hatred for Lycanthropes. Micheal still has some bite marks from that one). As a result, Mongrel likes to patrol the
Elysium forest, which is a favoured hunting ground for hunters looking for a quick kill, in order to discourage them
from making trouble. These actions have earned Mongrel the respect of the Cryptid Clans, and he often acts as
peacemaker between them and the human world.

Of course, Mongrel isn't stupid. He knows there are some supernatural creatures who do mean humanity ill will, and
some hunters who only want to protect humanity from dangerous monsters. Mongrel is actually acquainted with the
local chapter of the Union, and has helped them out with some cases (Although both sides keep the relation coolly
professional). Mongrel is also disgustingly familiar with the Pure Tribes, the Werewolves who serve the various
powers of the Imageria, and often do such despicable things as indulging and genocide and kidnapping humans for
breeding stock. (As Mongrel described it to Usako once. "Remember Mansbane? Well imagine an entire militia
compound of Mansbanes. That's the Pure tribes in a nutshell.)

With all these enemies and threats, its no surprise that Mongel keeps his human half a carefully guarded secret ID.
He loves being Mongrel no doubt, but Micheal Morgan needs the downtime of his human form to relax and
decompress. He may go crazy if he had to spend 24/7 as Mongrel.

Lets talk about Micheal Morgan for a second. Micheal has always been a serious, straight laced sort of person.
While never one to shy away from danger (Being a paramedic in Emerald City kind of demands bravery, especially
in a post silver storm world), Micheal has always been a rather withdrawn person. This is contrasted by Mongrel,
who is much more outgoing and passionate than Micheal. Micheal suspects that his wolf form may have a more
loosely restrained id, but the truth is simpler than that: Being Mongrel gives him a confidence boost.

Allies of Mongrel

The Sentinels: Mongrel is the straight up melee fighter of the Sentinels. While he lacks the raw physical strength of
Rocky or Princess, or the skill of Victor and Rook, he makes up for it in ferocity and tenacity. Once Mongrel sinks
his claws into a foe, he doesn't let go till one of them goes down. Among his friends Mongrel is a pretty loose and
free wheeling guy, he is thick as thieves with both Rocky and Vortex, and treats Ultramarine like a cool older

Leroy Dutch: Because of his connections to the Werewolf community and his penchant for getting tossed into
supernatural fracases, Mongrel is one of the few superhumans in on the fact that ARCADE is a thing. He has worked
with Leroy Dutch on several occasions, and the two have a healthy respect for one another.

Usako: The Avengers resident shapeshifter, Usako and Mongrel have worked together both helping train local
Lunars and other shapeshifters, and hunting down villains like Ashwood Abbey and the Pure Tribes. They are good
friends, although Mongrel sometimes doesn't "get" Usako.

Werewolf by Night: Mongrel's east coast counterpart, Jack Russell is the descendant of a Ruritanian noble cursed
with Lycanthropy, turning into a wolf man by the light of the full moon. Mongrel and Werewolf by Night met after
they were both kidnapped by Ashwood Abbey to be hunted, and they have been good friends ever since.

Doctor Thirteen: A professional debunker of the supernatural and respected scientist, Doctor Thirteen is a member
of the Null Mysteris, a group of "real" scientists (Not like those quacks at the John Smith Society or those lunatics
at MERLIN) dedicated to studying and explaining supernatural phenomenon. Doctor Thirteen, despite running into
the supernatural many times, and having a daughter who is a practicing witch, utterly refuses to believe in the
paranormal. In spite of this, he and Mongrel are friends, and Mongrel often accompanies Dr. Thirteen on cases, if
only to keep him out of harms way.


Easily the most publicly visible and popular member of the Sentinels is Princess, the beautiful, photogenic, super
friendly and nice powerhouse. Although she's relatively young, Princess is already building up fast amounts of
popularity and a reputation as one of the best known and most beloved heroes on the west coast.

And why shouldn't she? Princess has an excellent pedigree: One of only a half dozen scions who can claim the
parentage of Zeus himself. Like Hercules before her, Jessica Prentiss has inherited incredible superhuman strength
and durability from her Godly dad. Unfortunately, she also inherited all of the headaches and drama that come from
being a member of one of the most hilariously dysfunctional families in all of history. Rocky and Mongrel
sometimes joke that there should be a super powered version of Jerry Springer to deal with the Greek Gods, and
Princess is hard pressed to disagree on that front: Even after their recent... "reboot" thanks to their demise at the
hands of Xellos and Shuma Gorath, it seems they have learned next to nothing from the ordeal, and are still a
bunch of petty, squabbling, horny chunkheads who are at the same time arrogant, judgmental of mortals, and
demanding of their constant fawning praise and respect.

And of course Princess isn't having any of that crap! With the exception of Athena and Hercules, Princess has
absolutely no tolerance for the crap her family pulls on a daily business, and has no problem getting in their grill
whenever they make difficult for her or the people of Emerald. While this has earned her few friends among the
Gods, it has gone a long way to make sure the Gods, for the most part, give her a wide berth. Still, there are times
when Jessica wishes she still didn't know what the origins of her powers were.

Of course, underneath the pink sequined t shirt, Princess is Jessica Prentiss, shy and adorable pre-med student and
devoted girlfriend. Jessica has always been an avid geek girl, and has an extensive collection of comics and super
hero paraphernalia, She also likes to go to cons and cosplay as other super heroines such as Raven and Lady
Liberty (And heaven help any jerks who give her a hard time for being a "fake geek girl", because you never know
when princess may make a surprise appearance to set some people straight).

Princesses secret identity is maintained by a spell placed on her when she was born by Zeus. When she changes into
her "Heroic guise" (Which is basically the first thing she wore when she used her powers publicly, and believe me
Princess wishes time and again she knew this ahead of time so she could have picked a better costume), no one, even
close friends, will recognize its her. Even if Princess changes right in front of them there will be a mental gap
preventing them from connecting A to B. The only way to circumvent this is for Princess to tell them her identity.
Fortunately she found this out with her boyfriend Mitchell, who was the first person she ever told her secret. As if
this date, the only people who know who she is are Mitchell, her parents, the Sentinels, and her various God and
Demigod relatives. And Jessica prefers that keep.

Princess' powers are connected greatly to her confidence: If she loses confidence or becomes upset or distressed, her
strength begins to fade. Luckily, Princess is extremely confident so it rarely comes up. The few times she has been
afflicted by this weakness, she has brushed it off as "Fatigue" to the media. Princess is secretly afraid that the
criminals of Emerald City will discover this weakness, and use it to attempt to destroy her. As Princess, Jessica is
very visibly proud of her strength, and loves to show off for public events. She is the strongest member of the
Sentinels physically (tied with fellow brick Rocky), and the second most resilient.

Jessica is also the most media savvy member of the Sentinels. She maintains the Sentinels blog and manages the
teams facebook and twitter feeds, and also sometimes has Kid Robot do recording of clips from their fights to post
online. While she isn't a technical genius like Ultramarine or her husband, she is a pretty handy with a computer.


Mitchell Allen: Jessica' boyfriend. Mitchell and Jessica have the sort of sappy puppy dog romance you can only get
from two young people in love. The two are always tweeting and calling one another, sometimes to the chagrin to
the other Sentinels, and Jessica has brought Mitchell to Emerald Tower on more than one occasion. Its not all wine
and roses though: Jessica's job as Princess sometimes forces her to meet dates with Mitchell, due to being on another
planet or dimension, or just being worn out or badly injured from a fight. This sometimes leave Mitchell feeling
lonely or inadequate, which has led him to try and get powers himself help Jessica out, usually from one of her
"family' Members. As you can imagine this rarely ends well. Still, the two love each other dearly and Jessica would
do anything to protect Mitchell, and likewise.

The Sentinels: As noted above, Princess is the face of the team and often its public face. She handles press
conferences, public appearances, answering fanmail, and other activities that the other Sentinels either don't have
time to do or don't care to do. She is also the front line fighter along with Rocky, wading into battle with her brute
strength, which is more than enough to overcome nearly any foe.

Cassie Sandsmark: The other daughter of Zeus in Emerald City (To which Jessica responded with a weary
"really?"), Cassie may actually be potentially more powerful than her sister, with the ability to fly, and several
Olympian artefacts to aid her. Despite this, Cassie is much more experienced as a fighter and hero, so she has taken
it on herself to train Cassie and considers her a "Sidekick", much to Cassie's chagrin.

Hercules: The original son of Zeus, Princess is good friends with the Lion of Olympus, although Herc does tend to
come on a bit... well a lot strong. The pair are well matched in terms of strength and power, and have fought side by
side against the worst their family can toss their way.

Athena: And of course we need to talk about Jessica's third and oldest sibling, aka the only full blooded God Jessica
is related to she can actually stand. Athena is a level headed breath of fresh air amidst the self important chunkheads
that are the other Greek Gods. Athena loves her little sister and tries to help her out with friendship and advice
whenever she is able. And of course the pair have teamed up on several occasions to fight crime.

All-American Girl: Yeah, the current co leader of the Super Gang. All American Girl is actually Natalie Prentiss,
Jessica' aunt. Of course, due to time travel shenanigans, they are roughly the same age, so the pair of them act more
like sisters than aunt and niece.

Rocky Jones. If he isn't the most famous member of the Sentinels, he's at least the most well known.

Even if you don't pay attention to pop culture at all, never seen an episode of his TV show Freakin Out, or his
appearance on Japanese TV shows, then you would probably still have heard of Rocky Jones, the very first born

As most people who follow super hero culture know, breakout of born metamen typically occur at the onset of
puberty, with later breakouts generally being the result of external stresses. While Breakouts occurring earlier are not
uncommon (after all, its common enough for PS238, a super powered grade school, to be viable), metahumans
developing before the age of eight are unheard of, and the number of metahumans younger than 5 can be counted on
one hand.

Rocky Jones was among them, born a healthy 65 pounds. He was essentially a bag of cement shaped like a baby. His
parents, lower class folk who were members of the Church of Seven Thunders, wanted nothing to do with the
stone baby, so he quickly became a ward of the state, and eventually Government labs wanting to study
metahumans. Rocky was basically a celebrity before he was a year old. In fact, a lot of the knowledge science has
about metahumans, for better or worse, comes from Rocky.

But of course, nobody cares about THAT anymore, most people remember Rocky for his obnoxious catch phrase
and the fact he once accidentally put a co star in the hospital. Rocky takes it in stride though, he decided shortly after
he joined the Sentinels, that maybe he could put his past as an actor to good use, and maybe own the fact he was a
washed up child actor.

The first thing he did was sue the producers of Freakin Out for the back royalties they owed him. Rocky really and
legitimately got screwed out of a lot of money from that, but being an orphan with no money of his own there was
little he could do. Once he was in the Sentinels, and had access to Omnitech Steele's quite impressive army of
lawyers, it was a different matter. Now Rocky doesn't have a lot of money, but he does alright for himself.

Rocky has also started doing minor television appearances. He usually gets called from time to time to show up on a
VH1 Nostalgia show, or to do a guest spot on a Metahuman TV show. Nothing major, but just some stuff for fun. He
even got back together with the old gang in order to do the DVD commentary for Freakin Out, even mending fences
with the co star he inadvertently injured.

Another area in which Rocky draws a lot of attention is in the area of metahuman rights. During a Television
interview, Rocky was asked if he would, given the choice, rid himself of his powers. Rocky thought about it, and
then simply asked "Why?" It had never really occurred to Rocky before then, but he had never been a "normal"
person. He had always been super strong and made of rock. Hell, he didn't even know if he could survive as a
normal person. It also occurred to Rocky that he was pretty damn proud of being a metahuman and his fantastic
strength. This has made him a role model in the metahuman and especially the Joker community.

Of course his powers do make for some interesting life challenges; Although Rocky has a pretty good handle on his
powers, He's still as graceful as an ox and sometimes doesn't know his own strength; There is hardly a week that
goes by where he doesn't accidentally smash down a wall or wreck something delicate. It can be frustrating for
Rocky sometimes, living in a world where everything is breakable, but he gets by.


Sentinels: While Princess is the public face of the Sentinels, Rocky is media savvy enough to take on the role of
manager to the team. Rocky has been in television since he was a kid, and he can smell the sharks coming from a
mile away, and is able to steer Princess away from potential traps that could embarrass or discredit the team. On the
field, Rocky is the teams tank. He is the most durable of all the Sentinels, and can resist numerous afflictions (Along
with Kid Robot, he was the only member of the team the Yeerks could not infest outright, owing to his silicon based
brain). As such, Rocky's primary tactic is to wade into a fight and keep smashing till the other guy falls down. So far
it works out great.

Phenom: Another former celebrity turned former super hero. Rocky and Phenom actually knew each other from
Phenom's "attention grabbing phony days", when they did the talk show circuit together. Rocky found her repulsive
back then, and was pleasantly surprised to find that when next they met Phenom has gained super powers and more
importantly, humility. It was Rocky who inspired Phenom to eventually join the Avengers following Xiao's death,
and Phenom in turn helped Rocky get back in media. The pair have actually become good friends since then.

The Stone Men of Saturn: Not actually from Saturn, the Stone Men are a race of war like aliens who once tried to
invade Earth. When they encountered Rocky, he managed to defeat their leader, and thus earned the Rock Warriors
undying respect. A small colony now lives in the undercity, which Rocky occasionally visits. Like the Asari or the
Sontarans, the Rock Men are a mono gendered race, and more than a few of them have a crush on Rocky.

Doc Otaku: Remember when its mentioned that Rocky is big in Japan? Well as it turns out that is true, and one of
his biggest fans is the Japanese villain Doc Otaku. The last time Otaku attacked the town, he cut his attack short
when he saw he was fighting THE Rocky Jones. This makes Rocky, along with Otaku's son Batmech, one of the
few super heroes Otaku actually respects. Now that Otaku has gone legitimate and is working for UNISON, he is
devoting some side projects to making life a little more bearable for Rocky.


In the super hero community, there is a strong tradition of the dark avenger, mystery men and women with no super
powers who live by their wits, their fists, and a handful of gadgets. Raven, Nite Owl, Black Wing, Relentless, the
Hangman, there is no shortage of these dark and grim dispensers of two fisted justice.

Jack Cooper is following in this proud tradition. Although the darkness and grimness is mostly smoke and mirrors.
As the Rook, Jack is the grim masked bird of justice; Detective, Inventor, Martial artist, millionaire playboy, And the
leader of the Sentinels.

Jack was always a self starter, The son of successful corporate lawyers, Jack didn't rest on laurels like most other
trust fund brats. He was determined to be a self made man, making millions in the dot com booms and selling before
the bubble burst. He was retired by 26. But not only did Jack's parents instil in him a sense of ambition and
motivation, but also a strong sense of social justice. Jack has always wanted to help his fellow man; When the first
Silver Storm hit, Jack opened up a Stormers outreach centre in conjunction with the Rosemont Centre and the
Tomorrow Society (although it was closed down due to the Hero act), and he has donated a great deal of his own
money to various charities and worthy causes. However this was not enough for Jack and, inspired by The Raven,
Jack decided to become a costumed avenger himself.

If Raven is the Justice League Unlimited version of Batman, stern and scarred by tragic loss, then Rook is the Brave
and the Bold Batman, still as stern and serious, but also somewhat aware of the absurdity of his business. Rook is
always quick with a quip when he leaps into the fray with a bad guy, and he always has a gadget or trick to help out
against a villain; He's studied meditation techniques at the Shambala Vale, he's designed Nth Metal knuckle dusters
to take on magic users and demons, he's upgraded his arsenal with alien technology. Rook has also worked with just
about every single super hero on the West Coast, either individually or in a group. He is a natural leader and a
reliable partner to any super hero.

When Rook isn't working as a super hero (Which isn't often) he is either doing charity work, training and upgrading
his tech, and travelling the world to indulge in crazy stunts: He's swam with sharks, hang glided over volcanoes, and
tightrope walked over Niagara Falls. Overall, Jack seems to be afraid of stagnating. He doesn't want to sit still or rest
on laurels, he always wants to keep moving, and finding ways to help people.

Jack is one of the few members of the team with no powers whatsoever. However unlike Ultramarine he's not a
Mech suit pilot and he's now a descendant of the Newtown Wold line like Victor is. He is very proud of his intellect
and his skill, and the fact he has used both to take down foes on par with Gods. Jack ultimately wants to make the
world a better place and a safer place, but he would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy the rush.

The Sentinels: As leader of the Sentinels, Jack takes the role very seriously, he is a master planner and strategist,
and knows how to maximize training with his peers and coordinate them to get the most out his powers. He's always
serious in the field, but he does occasionally let his softer side show, usually when he's meeting one of his heroic
idols. His teammates all respect him, although Vortex and Kid Robot sometimes bristle under his strict training and

Raven: Raven is Rook's greatest inspiration, and the pair worked together several times, up until Raven's recent
retirement. Rook always harboured a bit of a crush on Callie, but she never really reciprocated... until after she
retired and Rook came flat out and told her. Neither one of them is willing to relocate (since Callie is currently
working on her future mayoral campaign, and the other big project that she is working on with her dad), but they are
giving the long distance thing a try.

Hardcore and Technomancer: Another major inspiration for Rook was Doc Steele, whom his parents worked
under from time to time, as a result, he was childhood friends with Steele's kids Jake and Isaac, who would later
become the heroes Hardcore and Technomancer. Its because of Hardcore that Rook was chosen to head the Sentinels
Emerald City branch. He is still good friends with the two and they frequently hang out.

Maximilian Mars: Although most heroes remain leery of the former master villain, Rook is not one of them. When
it became necessary to move the Sentinels into a new place following the destruction of Emerald at the hands of
Hades and Xellos, Mars offered to help Steele and Jake pay for it. During this time Jake looked into Mars' holdings
in secret, and learned that Mars was legitimate in his desire to be a good man. At this point, Mars and Jake became
fast friends and allies. Mars is also on Rook's speed dial if he needs help analyzing some new tech or the like.

Anya Moromitz: the housekeeper of Jake's mansion, Anya is a Russian woman in her late thirties who was brought
over by the Manetti's in order to be sold as a prostitute before she was rescued by Rook. Jake even went as far to
help bring Anya's son Sergei and daughter Inga to the states. Now all three live in the Mansion. Anya knows Rook's
secret identity and is his friend and confidant.

The Tomorrow Society: Jake is not a superhuman, but that has never stopped him from fighting for metahuman
rights. He has always supported the Tomorrow Society, even during the time when they were labelled terrorists and
that was not a popular view to keep. He took a lot of flak for that, but he didn't care he did it anyways. Now that the
Tomorrow Society has been exonerated (for the most part) With the exposure and defeat of the Red Skull, Jake is
working with the Tomorrow Society towards gains with metahuman rights, along with intending to reopen his
Stormer outreach centre.

Relentless: Of all the Avengers, Rook gets along best with Relentless, the other badass normal. Of course,
Relentless seems to emphasize the Badass quotient of the equation over the normal end, having recently, and quite
literally, beat cancer. Relentless and Rook love to jump in on hordes of crooks and scatter them like roaches. Rook
often jokes that Relentless should be leading the Avengers, although they both know that's not likely to happen.


Veronica Steely Alexander, the power suit wielding deep sea diver. Inventor, super hero, wife and mother.
Ultramarine is a lady of many hats.

If there was one word to describe Veronica, it would be durable. She has endured numerous hardships both before
her career as a super hero and during: The loss of her father, enslavement by the Yeerks, losing her future husband
Troy on numerous occasions, and the horrible and savage beating she took at the hands of Dakuwanga during his
now infamous rampage through Emerald City, which left her permanently unable to bear children. However,
Veronica has taken all of it in stride, pushing through the pain and suffering and coming out of it harder than ever.
While her husband has an unfortunate (And unjustified) reputation for folding like a cheap suit under pressure,
Veronica is a woman who refuses to be broken by hardship.

Veronica is a hardass and a very intimidating lady, but she is also an inventor. She loves to tinker and work on new
suits of armour, new aquatic vehicles, as well as studying undersea life and phenomenon. She is close friends with
the Atlantean people, and she spends a lot of her free time just diving around in the ocean.

Veronica is also a woman who enjoys her privacy: She maintained a secret ID before the Dakuwagna fight, however
laying broken in the street and suffering catastrophic organ failure kinda put the kibosh on the secret ID thing as she
was rushed to be rescued by EMT's and pulled out of her shredded and useless armour. Many people were surprised
to find out Ultramarine was a woman under that armour, which does not betray a female form at all (And Veronica
utterly refuses to change it to a more feminine shape. Its meant for fighting and undersea exploration, not sex

Speaking of Sex appeal, while Veronica is a very attractive lady, she has little interest in capitalizing on her appeal.
Indeed most men describe her as somewhat intimidating, both in and out of armour. However she does have a
sweeter side, usually seen only by her family.

Veronica also maintains a large circle of friends, from her dad's old navy buddies, to Atlantean nobles, to old college
roommates, to fellow power armour wearing heroes.


The Sentinels: Veronica is not as sociable with her teammates as some other heroes: Most of the time when at
Emerald tower she spends time cooped up in her lab working on projects or looking over data from cases. She does
get out with her teammates for fun times though. Most of the other Sentinels regard her like an older sister: Aloof,
but really cool and likeable. She is probably closest with Xeno, another female hero whose appearance defies
societal gender expectations.

Troy Alexander: Of course, we need to address Veronica's husband, the kind, gentle, sensitive inventor and tinkerer
who is also one of the most powerful technopaths alive. Troy decided a while ago that he was not cut out for hero
life, following a heroic career categorized by breakdowns, betrayals, mental control, and other general
unpleasantness. Although Troy has become a stronger person since the old days (thanks in large part to Veronica
being his emotional rock), Troy has no desire to restart his heroic career, content to Headmaster the Avengers
Academy, use his powers to help make massive leaps in technology, and look after his family (of course, he still
helps out various tech heroes, mainly in hunting down Dollface and the Cybertronian tech she has been spreading

The Alexander kids: During the battle with Dakuwanga, The Atlantean super beast bit clean through Veronica's
lower torso. Causing her to lose a kidney, half her liver, about five feet of small intestine, and her uterus. Although
Xiao was able to heal the lost and damaged organs, he could not restore her lost eggs, rendering Veronica barren,
and dashing her and Troy's chances of having children...

...Or so you would think. Troy, being a super genius with rather liberal views of what constitutes a living being, as
able to come up with three children for him and Veronica.

The first of course being Technus 2.0, the Computer AI for the Avengers Mansion. Originally intended as an
onboard computer for Troy in his hero days, he's come to see Technus as a son, and he has been adopted by

The second child is MACE, the remnants of the techno symbiont which Troy used for a time after losing his powers
on Cybertron. They Symbiote evolved into a mechanical boy with the ability to turn into a powerful fighting robot
form. Of the three, MACE takes the most after Veronica, and is an eager and gung ho fighter, who is also very
protective of his sister.

Finally is their third child; Marcia. A human transformer born from a protoform given to the Alexanders following
the defeat of Xellos. Marcia (Named for Veronica's late mother) was given its alt mode via a combination of
Veronica and Troy's combined DNA. Giving her the alt form of human girl. Like her father, Marcia has a gentle
temperament and is more a healer than a fighter.
Veronica loves all three of her children dearly, although she can't spend as much time with them as she would like,
she always tries to make room for family activities.

Stingray: Walter Newell was a classmate and boyfriend to Veronica while they were in college. While they
eventually drifted apart, they remained friends even past college when they went their separate ways. Eventually
Walter got a job with AEGIS, and designed his own aquatic battle armour, becoming the hero Stingray. He is still
friends with Veronica, and has worked with her on occasion. It should be noted that Troy and Stingray HAAAAATE
one another. Stingray still kind of carries a torch for Veronica after all these years, and thinks Troy is a milk sop who
holds her back. Troy thinks Stingray is a smug self righteous jackass out to steal his wife. Although they at least
pretend to get along for Veronica's sake, there is no mistake they loathe each other.


Victor Prophet, His parents were an academic team of elites, their goal was to raise the future human supreme. And
they pretty much definitively succeeded on that one. Victor was raised to be a worthy successor to the Prophet
lineage, possessing the brains, fighting prowess, and heroic nature of is famous ancestor.

What Victor lacks is an understanding of the outside world: Victor was raised in a secret Vanguard lab, by people
who were more concerned with making him as close to the original Victor as possible while forgetting to educating
him much about the outside world. As a result, Victor is endlessly fascinated by the world around him, three years
later Victor has gained some shaky understanding of the modern world, but he's still not an expert.

Victor is also a very "Silver Age" kind of hero. He has a strong sense of honour and fair play, and also a chivalrous
streak that's gotten him in trouble on more than one occasion. He is absurdly over protective of his female
teammates, despite the fact that most of them are physically stronger than he is.

Victor is also very interested in fulfilling his "destiny" although he has no earthly idea what it is, he has gotten some
hints and sage advice from his cousin Jeremiah Prophet. However he has idea what the big picture is. Victor is
always training and practicing as a result, getting ready for whenever his big destiny has come calling.

Compared to the other Sentinels. Victor does little socializing, and has few friends outside the Sentinels and his
cousin. He gets out the least of all of them and does not interact much with Emerald City's other heroes. Vortex and
Rocky have tried to get him out to socialize with heroes, but so far something always comes up. In truth Victor
would like to be more social, but his upbringing sometimes curtails that.


The Sentinels: On the Sentinels, Victor is second in command under Rook. With his natural strength, skill and
leadership, he could easily be leader if not for his blind spots regarding the modern world. He is good friends with
all the Sentinels, who find his old fashioned ways more charming than annoying (although they can get annoying).
He is probably closest to Rook and Ultramarine, his fellow non powered members. In addition, Kid Robot has
taken it upon himself to be Victor's "Pop culture tutor", much to the formers annoyance.

Prophet: Another scion of the Prophet line, cousin Jeremiah knew about Project Prophet from the moment he joined
the Vanguard, and may have arranged Prophet finding the sands of destiny to learn his destiny. Prophet may be the
only person who knows what his cousin's destiny is, but dares not tell him for fear of causing an observer effect

Blackheart: It is actually a surprise to everyone, but Victor does have one person he likes to socialize with: His
girlfriend Blackheart. Yes, Victor Prophet, the last silver age hero, is in a relationship with Blackheart, the
quintessential iron age heroine.

Why? Well they have a lot in common: Both of them are genetically engineered clones, both of them rebelled
against their "Fathers", and they are both beings at the peak of physical perfection. Of course, they started off hating
each other, but as often goes, mutual animosity eventually gave in to attraction, and them, infatuation. So now, while
they both still contest on a lot of areas, they both really enjoy the others company, and they often work together,
flirting all the while.


Matt McDonald, Vortex, the Sentinels teleporter. Jokester, layabout, former villain.

Okay, yeah, calling Vortex a super villain isn't exactly fair. He committed about a grand total of five or six crimes, in
which case he was tricked into stealing some hi tech equipment for Professor Zed, who had tricked him into
thinking it was to save his life. Matt has never really had any criminal tendencies and he's actually a nice guy who
would never hurt a fly. But man oh man, will the world never let him forget he was once a criminal; whenever the
media talks about Vortex, it is often with the title "the former thief" or "the former Villain". And in addition the more
judgemental members of the super hero community have never stopped giving him flak over his past misdeeds, no
matter how minor they are. You can also set your watch by how often super villains try to frame Vortex or mind
control him or try to defame him, and how often those same judgemental supers show up to try and push Vortex's
face in over it.

Needless to say, it can be frustrating for Matt to say the least. But he takes it in stride, mainly because his powers
ARE FREAKING COOL. Vortex has enhanced his powers beyond his canonical stats started as (after all, when the
other major hero team has the most powerful bulk scale teleporter there ever was on tap, you need to learn to step up
your game), and Vortex can now teleport all over the planet if he wants. Needless to say he makes good use of this
power during his off time. He's a guy who can jump to Tokyo for lunch, spend an afternoon jamming with a
Peruvian street band, and go sun bathing in the Bahamas all in the same day. And that doesn't even cover his ability
to leap into other dimensions: Vortex has been to virtually every parallel world adjacent to Earth 409 (except the
ones that are overtly dangerous), and has met and made friends with numerous different versions of himself.

Another reason Vortex takes in stride is because he is probably the most thick skinned guy you will ever meet.
Virtually no insult or threat phases him, which is why he's often so thoughtless with his own comments and quips.
Most of the Sentinels have gotten used to Matt's tendency to put his foot in his mouth, and try to cover for him. Of
course that doesn't help, and somehow he always ends up in front of a camera...

...Yeah, whenever the media needs a super hero punching bag, there is Vortex, the Sentinels walking talking Gaff
machine. There is not a single time Vortex has talked to the media that hasn't ended with him embarrassing himself,
the Sentinels, or super heroes in general. Every single time he appears on TV, every other Sentinel groans,
facepalms, and says "Oh God what is he gonna say next?" Needless to say, Jon Stewart loves the guy, and he was a
guest on the Daily Show three times before Rook told him he couldn't do it again (and by told him I mean shackled
him to a wall.)

In spite of this, Vortex is a pretty okay guy, and is good friends with most of the hero community who look past his
criminal past and his tendency to shoot his mouth off. He is an incorrigible prankster and loves seeing sights. he has
entire rooms of Emerald Tower dedicated to souvenirs he's picked up from across the world and beyond.

In combat, Vortex is not a front line fighter. His primary job is transport and support. His job is to move the other
Sentinels into battle, bring them equipment and supplies, evacuate civilians, and transport injured teammates away.
Of course he is capable of using his powers for combat, but usually reserves that for the heavy hitters like the
Dakuwanga fight.


Sentinels: Of the Sentinels, Vortex gets along best with Rocky and Mongrel in the context of wild pranksters. He is
also protective of Kid Robot, looking on him like a little brother (Seriously, when Kid was being targeted by a
teleporting bully at PS238, Vortex got wind of it and helped set the little twerp straight). Most of the other Sentinels
find him mildly annoying, but do get along with him well enough, and always know despite his obnoxious
tendencies Vortex can be counted on in a pinch.

Charli: Of the Avengers, Vortex's primary counterpart is Charlene Brown. Vortex and Charli are friends and hang
out, but Vortex has always been intimidated by his counterpart: The fact she is ten times stronger than he is in terms
of teleporting power is bad enough (Although his distance has improved, he still can't teleport anything heavier than
200 pounds), but Charli has a giant robot. Despite this, Matt like's Charli's earnestness and her lack of pretensions,
and the pair used to hang out all the time. Charli still sends her postcards from across the universe.

Xena and Gabrielle: Two other Avengers Vortex has struck up a friendship with is Xena the Warrior Princess and
Gabrielle. This actually came about when Xena and Gabrielle were helping Vortex on a stakeout, and Vortex began
humming a little ditty. When Xena and Gabrielle asked where he had heard it, Vortex explained it was something his
dad used to hum when he was a kid, and it had been passed down through his family for generations, and he didn't
even remember the words. At this point Xena yoinked off the mask, and upon seeing his face, both heroines broke
down laughing. (Vortex was nonplussed. "Well, I may not be a Bruce Campbell, but I think I do alright with what I
have.") Since then, Vortex has been good friends with Xena and Gabrielle, although he doesn't know why
(Apparently he has a slight resemblance to Someone they used to know - Joxer.)

Fandango: Finally, and this is obvious, Vortex hangs out with Fandango, the dimensional pirate, who shows him all
the really fun places to hang out in the multiverse.

Gatekeeper: To steer away from Avengers for a bit, Vortex has another friend in form of the other major
dimensional base Gatekeeper. The both hang out, and fight interdimensional horrors, and Gatkeeper laughs at Vortex
when he keeps fumbling over himself when he accidentally says something about Gatekeeper's homosexuality.
Vortex also spends time in Bay City trying to hit on the single Halliwell sisters, who are friends with Gatekeeper.

The Freedom Fighters: Vortex is no fan of the Vhanian empire, and is a wanted criminal in the empire for
"Criminal mischief". (You moon the Empress of a billion dimensions at a dinner party, she tends to remember it.)
Vortex is probably the only metahuman alive who can stay two steps ahead of V'han and her forces, and as a result
he has made a lot of friends among her enemies. In particular the Freedom Fighters. The Freedom Fighters hail from
a parallel Earth where the Nazi's won WWII (Not Edre, another one. Yes there are more than one, several in fact.
Although if it makes you feel any better, the Nazi's only win in 15% of any worlds where they exist and participate
in World War II). When Vha conquered the world and kept the Nazi's in power under her (with the caveat they
reverse their racist policies and cease all genocide activities), the Freedom Fighters decided to start fighting against
the Empire, seeing them as just as bad as the Nazi's they originally battled. The Freedom Fighters were the backup
that were called in by Fandango to free Avatar Korra's powers, since their leader, Uncle Sam, is one of the few
beings who fight Hyperion one on one and win.

So, how does Vortex factor in to this? Well he and the Freedom Fighters became friends during his travels through
the Multiverse, and Vortex has pulled their fat out of the fire on numerous occasions. Vortex would like to do more
to stop the Empress, or perhaps mobilize Earth's heroes against them, but he lacks the power of the clout to do either,
so for now he just flits around helping her enemies out of the clutch and making the Empress’s life a living Hell.


Xeno, a woman torn between two worlds. Literally.

Xeno has often been described as the least approachable of the Emerald City Sentinels. While Rook is stern and
serious, and Vortex is obnoxiously tactless, Xeno is flat off aloof and unreadable. It doesn't help that she looks
obviously inhuman, with her skinny reptilian body, and her huge, the size of dinner plate eyes. Even the other
stranger members of the Sentinels (Rocky, Kid Robot, and Mongrel) still look somewhat human. Because of this,
most civilians are, if not mistrusting of Xeno, at least wary of her.

They may feel a bit better if they knew Xeno's cold and distant nature hid a very shy, insecure person who isn't even
sure WHAT she is, much less who. To this day, Xeno is unsure whether she is a fusion of Malak Krin of Rulu IV,
and Kim Kamala of Earth, or if she somehow absorbed the memories and body of an innocent Earth woman who
died because of her, or if Kim somehow absorbed a dying Malak to save herself. Her memories of both her human
life and her alien life are indistinct in places, with huge gaps in both sets of memories. The truth of the matter is the
modified Grue biomatter which gave Malak her powers might have modified her body in any number of ways, so in
truth she has no real way of knowing who she really is.
Nevertheless, Xeno has decided to make the best of a bad situation, and make Earth her new home. Determined to
protect her new home while meanwhile trying to sort through the clutter in her mind.

As for Xeno's alien appearance, while it is possible for Xeno to modify her alien form to look more "presentable",
Xeno patently refuses to do so. What memories she retains of Malak Krin are of a proud woman who loved her
country and her people even as they slowly and inexorably became toadies of the Grue Unity. She has a deep love of
her alien body and will not change it for anyone (Besides which, her physically appearance works with her powers:
Her huge eyes maximize the power of her energy blasts, and her lean body is designed to be aerodynamic and
maximize her strength).

Xeno is the resident spymaster of the Sentinels. Capable of shapeshifting and turning intangible, she can get into
places even Rook can't get into (as for Vortex, well he has many talents, but stealth is not one of them). Vortex has
gone undercover with numerous criminal organizations including The Sons of the Serpent, Overthrow, HYDRA,
PHANTOM, MEDUSA, and others. She has also checked out Emerald's other heroes teams incognito; She actually
checked up on the Avengers a few times following the Yeerk incident, although they were never aware of her

Although she is usually silent, there is one area where Xeno is very vocal: Politics. A political dissident on her
homeworld, Malak grew up on a world where an increasingly corrupt and gutless government chose to submit to the
Grue rather than fight them. Xeno was one of the loudest critics of the Hero act, and actually came close to quitting
the team a few times over it (She considers the fact she didn't expose Dell Rusk as the Red Skull a personal failure
on her part, compounded by the loss of her best friend Afterthought), Xeno also dislikes politicians who are corrupt
or selfish, and has gone undercover to expose them time and again. As you can expect, a lot of people have problems
with an alien who is so... politically motivated, especially one with Xeno's powers, so on more than one occasion she
has clashed with Government supers who want her to back off and mind her own business.

Unlike a lot of the Sentinels, Xeno does not find any joy in her powers; Her strength and eye beams are natural
abilities of her people. As for her shapeshifting and flight, she views it as a necessary tool and nothing more. That
being said, she is very proficient in their use.

Currently, Xeno is still looking for a way to get back to Rulu to help free her people, she is also seeking out any
aliens who may help her. Unfortunately, the galactic community is still reeling from the war with Darkseid, so there
may not even still be a planet there.


The Sentinels: Xeno prefers to stay in the background and follow orders with the other Sentinels. She rarely
interacts with her team in a non professional capacity, and when she does she usually stays quiet. She actually has a
deep respect for her teammates, in particular Ultramarine and Rook. Of the Sentinels, the one who has tried to
reach out to Xeno the most to get her to open up more is Princess. Xeno likes Princess, but she is also somewhat
jealous with how confident and personable the Demigoddess is.

Afterthought: Xeno's best friend, a fellow alien with telepathic powers. Xeno and Afterthought became friends after
she joined the Avengers. Xeno was devastated by her death, and blames herself for not sniffing out Rusk in time.

Iron Angel: The half alien telepath of the Sentinels, Iron Angel has been helping Xeno sift through her alien and
human memories in order to help her straighten them out. Through this, the pair have become good friends.

Pseudo: Most of the Sentinels thought that Xeno would hate Pseudo when they learned she was a refugee from a
Grue ruled world. But in truth, Pseudo is the very reason Malak came to Earth. Even on Rulu IV, they had heard
stories of Pseudo, the Grue infiltrator who had broken free of the meta mind and become its greatest foe. Pseudo has
become something of a folk hero and a symbol of the rebellion in Grue space. And Xeno hoped he could help with
freeing her planet. Since then the pair had met, become good friends, and in fact Xeno is more than a little smitten
with the rogue Grue.

Alpha Prime: One of the ways the Grue managed to get the Ruluan government to roll over is by offering them
advanced technology, essentially buying their way into control of the planet. Because of this, Xeno takes the
Covenant very seriously, and has thus become one of the few superbeings on the planet to respect and actually
admire Alpha Prime. Although she does feel Alpha Prime can be a bit... overzealous in her duties. Xeno's friendship
with Alpha has done much to temper Alpha's more jerkish tendencies (if only a little).

Megan Conner

Destructive savoir, workaholic and geek, Conner comes off as something of a mass of seemingly conflicting traits.
Born and raised in Freedom City, Megan grew up around super heroes all her life, even living through the Terminus
Invasion as a small child. And at age nine, she was supposed to have become one of the most powerful mages on the
planet. But the Tick Tock Doc took steps to prevent that, feeling that future wasn't worth the cost.

Instead, Conner's origin, her powers awakened by the Atlantean Archmage Maxwell, and gifted the ancient Techno-
magical device Eternal Hope, didn't happen until she was nineteen. But by then, she'd spent ten years feeling that she
was missing something in life and had instead turned inward, and just made her way through life expecting nothing.

Maxwell would pester her into joining a adjunct force to the Freedom League, and it was there that Megan began to
come out of her shell, finding an actual desire to use her vast power to save people. And it was there she got her
reputation for destruction, given she cares much about people, and not so much about property damage.

However, after one particularly viscous battle, Megan pushed her powers beyond her limits, losing access to them.
Instead of returning to a normal life, she stayed with the League, helping where she could. Including a mission that
took her into deep space, where she became separated from the group, lost in space, adrift in a life pod, and rescued
by Simon of the then newly reformed Green Lantern Corps.

Becoming a member, she returned to Earth to serve as one of the two Green Lantern's stationed there, working with
the Los Dios police Department. In time, her powers returned, and after while, most of the special officers went their
own ways, with Conner deciding to help form the Chicago Branch of the Avengers.

It was there she ran back into Maxwell, who wanted her help dealing with an old enemy of his, long sealed in a
parallel dimension, in doing so, Conner and the Avengers also freed the world of Equestria, where he was
imprisoned, from a pocket dimension, bringing it into the world proper. Though that is a job that would take Conner
some time to deal with, and she left the group.

Upon returning the Earth, the Chicago Avengers had, themselves, largely gone their own ways, or been folded into
the main Avengers group, and Conner largely operates a solo hero, or with one of the many groups she maintains
reserve status with. She's also trying to gain more focus over her powers. Up until now she's largely wielded them by
throwing as much power around as possible, and people are getting antsy about the damage.


The Freedom League: Since Megan's parents still live in Freedom, and her powers allow rapid transit, she's
actually there quite a bit, and helps the League out when they need extra manpower or a heavy hitter. Of the entire
group, she's closest with Starknight, given their shared history as space cops.

The Avengers: Again, also a reserve member, but she doesn't spend much time with them, as the team has grown
significantly, and rarely need her help, but she pitches in when they need her. Predictably, she's closest with the
former members of the Chicago Avengers in the group, and her third cousin, John Conner, still works as one of their

The Green Lantern Corps: Simon is one of the handful of people Megan actually differs to, and she'll always be
grateful to him for saving her life. She's not a Lantern anymore, so she rarely joins the group on missions, but she
tries to make some time here and there to help train the newbies Simon is still recruiting to fill out their ranks.

Princess: Less an ally, but as the two geek girl superhoes, the two tend to run into each other a lot at conventions,
and it's surprising how many of those attract super villains, and Princess is probably more comfortable working for
Conner than most other heroes.

Nonoha Takamachi: If Simon is the hero Megan respects, Nanoha is the hero she wants to be, and is actually
nervous around. Maxwell theorized that the similarity in how their powers manifest is no accident, and that Megan
has subconsciously modelled her powers on the TSAB agent. Megan didn't even now she was a real person in
another dimension until she actually met her several years ago. Since then, the two have worked together a handful
of time, and it's Nanoha that Megan has gone to in help fine tuning her abilities.

Eternal Hope: Megan's sentient device who helps channel her powers. Well, mostly he helps her aim, and is a
source of information about the magical world. And he's her friend. He's always there for her, and she's helped him
out on the occasions he's been broken.

Janice O'Donnelly: Megan's roommate from her ill fated college career, and the first person to find out Megan had
magical powers. She helped Megan put together the Chicago Avengers with the money she won in a lawsuit with
Maxwell Lord over the equally ill fated New Warriors. Her crush on Megan care out during the adventure on
Equestia, and the two have been working out what their relationship is since. Megan lovers her, but isn't attracted to
women at all. But Janice is determined to wait if she has to, and content to be with her if nothing else.

Madoka Kaname: IN fact, the two have never met, but the goddess of magical girls still has an effect on Megan.
Megan's powers are powered by hope. her own, those around, her, any hope in the universe. And Madoka is a
significant force of hope herself. As such, on the rare occasions Madoka actually manifests in the physical universe,
Megan's powers tend to spike and go completely out of control.

Emerald City Knights

Agent Blazer - Although no longer with the government proper, Blazer is an active-deep cover operative for
Majestic-20, and has taken part in numerous ops to try and catch Xeno or Omni, and many more successful
missions against other aliens in Emerald

Agent Mariner - Brande Management's go-to guy for aquatic ops, Mariner is unaware of the company's true nature.
before leaving the navy, he'd served under Gil Steeley, and had the displeasure of having Gil's son Brad as his
subordinate in turn, an impression that's soured any relationship with Ultramarine beyond grudging respect and
intense professional rivalry, even after learning she's Steeley's daughter.

Blowfish - while he has worked with Pack Rat in the past, Blowfish's refusal to live in squalor makes them
temporary allies at most. Instead, Blowfish is most often an enforcer for the Malakovs (making him a regular foe of
Relentless), often taking cocaine and swank safehouse pads in lieu of pay. The Takazumi-gumi Yakuza are however
looking to exploit blowfish's vices to use him as an informant.

Cannon - the collapse of the Chamber meant good times for Cannon, quickly becoming a go-to man for F.O.E. as
Emerald City's super-mobs went to war. not that his luck's improved, as he's fought and lost to just about everyone,
to the point where you're not a 'real' Emerald City Superhero until you've thumped Cannon in a fight

Captain Oblivion & Epiphany Jones - Emerald City's Bonnie & Clyde, Oblivion and Jones were primarily foes of
the Aum-Ra trio, but seem to be fated to keep running into various 'power couples', such as Xiao & Usako,
Ultramarine & Technus, or during a spree in Bay City, Jammer & Molniya

Chain - Although a wildstriker, Chain's powers have a mental toll similar to the Taint suffered by Novas, and the
courts remanded her to the Custody of Cryo.. right before he had to flee the country. at once feeling he'd been
betrayed and that he'd betrayed her, Chain went right back to her life of crime and violence

Commander - Quickly rising to the higher echelons of Emerald City's criminal masterminds, Commander opposed
the Super Gang and Sentinels, but considered Technus/Mav3n/Troy Alexander her greatest arch-nemesis, regularly
seeking ways to steal his tech. However, a mere 4 months after the Invasion, Commander's lair was attacked by the
Avengers, and she was caught and exposed, and Beatrix Battle became among the inaugural inmates of the Deep Six
super-prison. Commander has since realized she'd been sold out by her own former henchwoman, Cardinal, who
stole her tech and connections to start her own career as an armoured criminal mastermind, and opposing the Bay
City Sentinels

Crux - Although only half-Asian, Crux's ancestry was enough to get the violent wildstriker an enforcer position in
Bay City's Lords of Death Triad. much to his cowardly displeasure, this means he has to go up against Moebius, or
suffer the wrath of Lo Pan

Cyberknight - keeps getting pulled deeper and deeper into F.O.E., yet stubbornly holding onto her own morality,
due in no small part to her frequent encounters with Victor.

Doughboy - muscle-for-hire and a popular Stormfront heel, Doughboy seems a perfect fit for fighting Elasto of the
Avengers, but he's fixated more on Omni/Aum-Ra for her/their trash talk and stream of fat jokes. Also why he hates
Mongrel of the Sentinels

Dreadnought - A foe of Troy Alexander from his days as Technus, Dreadnought tried kidnapping the hero after his
retirement, only for Ultramarine to bring the while sentinels team down upon him, and making him their messenger
to F.O.E. that Troy was officially off-limits.

Electron - Among the first villains fought by Xeno after she came to earth, Electron's glee at the body count left in
her wake makes her among the few humans Xeno genuinely despises, disgusted that someone would cast aside the
very humanity she herself tries to embrace

Gargantua - As mentioned earlier, Gargantua is now a member of the Scions of Caine alongside his brother
Goliath, the two of them working together on jobs for both the Scions and F.O.E., since escaping super Alcatraz
during the theft of the cryoprison wing by the Mastermind Society.

Gator - muscle for hire, and a regular in the underground fighting circuits of Stormfront

Ghostlight - Ghostlights obsession with the dark and morbid has led her to hench for Madame Macabre, and to
creepily stalk Ned The Destroyer of the Bay City Sentinels after learning he has a direct line to a Great Old One

Justicar - Emerald City's resident Iron age Vigilante, Justicar's worked alongside and against Relentless in equal
measure. Ironically, many of Justicar's earlier victories were erroneously attributed to Relentless (thus why many
think the avenger is more ruthless than he actually is)

Kid Singularity - Enrolled in Arcadian Academy, but between his growing powers, arrogance and anger issues, he's
at high risk for being turned by the Shadow Academy

Lightshow - Not so much a supervillain as a major nuisance, Lightshow's drug induced hallucinations are broadcast
along his holograms, giving everyone around him whatever kind of trip he's on, complicating any superheroic action
at what concerts or shows he attends. when he's clean though, he's an in-demand freelance SFX guy for super-music
acts. Huge fan of Ali "Guitar Hero" Power, much to her consternation.

Lord Etheric - Tries and fails miserably at being the 'creepy stalker nemesis' of Princess, having become obsessed
with her when she dismissed one of his purple-prose filled rants with a 'whatever helps you sleep at night'. Etheric is
also Madame Macabre's go-to minion, as he considers her his muse and does every little thing she wants, sometimes
even before she's asked

Mongoose - Since her breakout in the Silver Storm, Mongoose has fixated on Mongrel, seeing him as a worthy
opponent for her attention-getting, thrill-seeking antics, and has enjoyed brief periods of 'nemeses with benefits'
when she tries walking the straight and narrow. She also enjoys picking fights with Relentless

Nightblade - The phoenix Moon triad answers to the Iron Khan, and thus Nightblade is a foe to both the Golden
Dragons and Hand of Sin, with Dragoneye caught in the middle.

Octaman - Among the original Stormers of Emerald City, Octaman has become a freelance henchman, having
henched for all of the City's major criminal players. Among Octaman's few friends is Steelhead, and Octaman's
considering the man's offer to join Trident. He’s correctly guessed Steelhead really just wants somebody he can boss
around, but hey, work's work.

Orizon - The herald of the word-eating Beast Planet, Orizon was destroyed by the Bay City Sentinels even as the
Beast devoured Alderaan around them. The Beast has since resurrected its servant, uncaring that Orizon's last
memory of respect for the Sentinels has carried over, giving him more personality, and ambitions beyond blind
devotion to The Beast

Persephone - Still struggling to be normal, Persephone keeps getting dragged into weirdness after the hacktivist
group Rising Tide outed her power-cancelling abilities, making her a prime target for any villain wanting
guaranteed 'hero insurance'

Precious - The psychic housecat is a rising criminal mastermind and sometimes 'adopts' the Grimson family, using
Cecelia's knowledge of Relentless' activities/connections to set up her criminal empires. Once Relentless starts
catching on, Precious throws him another of her crime boss 'pets' take the rap. Relentless has yet to catch on to this
scam so far, despite being framed as the mastermind himself the first time (thus why Precious has her chain of

Silver Sorcerer - Still believing his wildstrike-derived nanotech powers are 'true majicks', Silver Sorcerer tried to
force his way onto the Bay City Sentinels by 'replacing' Ned The Destroyer, who had temporarily lost his magic due
to a 24-hour curse lain upon him by Talisman (who herself was genuinely unaware of Silver Sorcerer’s grudge),
only for Ned to turn the tables by using the arsenal of household appliances made by his then-teammate WILD. The
battle caught by the media, Ned caught attention with the following rant while cackling manically and spraying
semi-nuclear waste across both Silver Sorcerer and the Sentinels front lawn using a WILDmade Margurita Mixer:

Ned The Destroyer wrote:


Tar Baby - Much like Junkpile, Tar Baby is a frequent ally of Pack Rat, although he fights Victor and Princess (the
embodiment of his hated 'beautiful people') more often than Relentless or Rook. Tar Baby's also a popular fighter in

Tellax the Redeemer - Seemingly destroyed by the Bay City Sentinels, Tellax was able to back up its core
programming, bouncing itself across Earth's satellite network until commandeering an abandoned SHADOW
monitoring base on the moon, which Tellax has since converted into its own private stronghold, which had the side
effect of teleporting Overshadow out of the orbital loop he'd been thrown into by the Avengers. Although both
immortal Nazi and ancient intelligence agree on a mutual goal of freeing earth from the 'evils of free will', their
alliance is an uneasy one, even as Kantor uses his presumed final defeat to rebuild SHADOW into an even deadlier
force than ever before, while Tellax gets the resources to analyse and catalogue every metaman on earth, and
recalculate how to turn earth's population into a super-army under its control.

Tenfold - A smug, self-aggrandizing douchebag hero-for-hire, Tenfold's among those who rushed to fill the vapid
celebrity hero void left by Phenom, and likes to keep his ratings up by maintaining rivalries with other west coast

Trinity - Would be atomic-sun goddess of the Emerald City Pantheon, Trinity was 'excommunicated' when she
tried to get them to support Eneru, and DESPISES Xiao and Phenom for taking her 'rightful place'

Washout - Barely managed to graduate from Arcadian Academy, but then dropped out of college to go into
supercrime. Has since become a rogue to the new Afterthought

We are caged. We are wild beautiful animals who have been shackled and blindfolded. By Religion, by the State, by
Corporations. They use the chains of patriotism and shame to chain us down and rape us, throughout the ages these
institutes, run by frightened old men, have held us down. But fear not, for we are here to save you; we are entering a
new age, it will be frightening to be sure, but it is for the best. Humanity will survive the coming war, but all those
who seek to shackle mankind to their own whims shall burn to the ground.

I invite you all to join us on this adventure. Take to the streets, take up arms, tear down the chains that hold us back.
Burn down the churches, hang the politicians, drag the corporate executives in the street and set upon them like
wild dogs. Rest assured we will triumph in the end, we shall bring it all down...

...We will Overthrow them.

--Excerpt from Dominic Ashes "Overthrow Manifesto" which was posted to numerous file sharing sites following
the 2014 Vatican attacks.

Overthrow. The ultra left wing violently humanist and secular anarchist terrorist cell. For years, Overthrow was
regarded as, for the most part, small potatoes, most of the major law enforcement agencies, from UNISON to
AEGIS to more mundane organizations, regarded Overthrow for what it is, a puppet organization used by
Overshadow to distract his enemies from SHADOW's schemes, a small, barely trained cell of anarchist punks
armed only with SHADOWs scraps. When SHADOW was disabled, it was assumed Overthrow would just wither
and die.

This was wrong in every way imaginable. You don't even know.

Once SHADOW went down, Dominic Ashe and his organization went deep underground, and they began quietly
picking up every piece of tech and weaponry they could get their hands on. During this time Ashe also made a
powerful new ally: The Globalist.

The formerly insane vampire master of UNITY, cured of his insanity and abandoned by most of his former
constituents, required new allies to help in his schemes. He found a kindred new ally in Ashe, in edition to giving
him access to some of the bizarre and dangerous tech UNITY had access to, he also turned Ashe into a vampire
himself, bumping him up from a PL 6 mortal with a bionic arm to a PL 10 Vampire with a bionic arm.

Armed with his new technology, The new overthrow was ready to make its move, but first they needed two things: A
Target, and a weapon to attack with.

The weapon was the Overshadow, a massive warship built by the Foundry, funded by the Globalist, and armed with
stealth technology courtesy of Invisible Inc. The size of a small city, this invisible fortress is armed to the teeth and
can lay waste to a small city.

The first small city on the list was Vatican City.

At 8 Am on Easter Sunday 2014, the Overshadow appeared over Vatican city and began attacking it, blowing up
several city blocks. The attack came without warning and was massively devastating, causing countless deaths. After
almost fifteen minutes of destruction, the caught off guard metahuman protectors of the Vatican, the Holy See,
mobilized, and began their counterattack against the flying fortress.

It was at this point the hatch open, and Eurostar disembarked to join the battle.

Yes, Ashe had managed to form an alliance with the most notorious villain team in Europe. And they weren't alone,
They were at the head of an army of metahumans, either recruited from various terrorist cells or created using
Globalists technology.

By the time the Vanguard and other local European teams had mobilized, Over half the Holy See's numbers were
dead and several city blocks were levelled. The Pope had been evacuated by teleporting metahumans as soon as the
attacks had begun, but the damage had been done and the bad guys had gotten away clean. 48 hours after the attack
the Overthrow manifesto appeared online, and now Dominic Ashe was the most wanted man in Europe.

Overthrow has declared their attention to attack several other targets, ranging from government institutions, to key
locations in the Middle East, to the corporate headquarters of Omnitech Steele and Sparta corp. Most nations are on
high alert, and UNISON is looking for them, but with an invisible ship they could be anywhere at any time.

For the longest time, Overthrow was thought of as nothing, as a joke.

But no one is laughing anymore.


Marstech Inc. To the world at large, Marstech is one of the worlds leading technological firms, producing smart
phones and laptop computers. To the super hero community, Marstech is the front for whatever long game its
founder, Maximillian Mars, formerly the super villain the Commander, is currently playing.

In truth, Maximilian Mars is a modern day super villain redemption success story. A Super villain who quit the life
and reformed his ways not out of a desire to be a better man, but because he came to a realization that being a super
villain was stupid.

It really wasn't any one thing that convinced Mars to give up his life of crime, its just things building up, as he
slowly began to realize that the rewards were no longer making the risks of super villainy worth it. Fight after fight
with Captain Thunder and the Super Gang where Mars would escape capture, but usually with damaged armour
or injuries, which cut into whatever profits he managed to eke out of his illegal operations before the capes shut him

Also, there was a creeping realization of how silly and pointless the entire endeavour was. As a villain, Mars worked
closely with other super villains, men who could manipulate plant life, who could generate intense radiation or
heated plasma, or manipulate the weather, and instead of using these powers to earn money through legitimate
practices, these morons used their weapons and powers to rob banks and beat up super heroes.

So, Mars eventually decided it was time to put away his toys and actually do something worthwhile with his life. He
arranged the spectacular final battle with the Super Gang where he self destructed his armour remotely, giving the
impression he had destroyed himself. Within a few years, Marstech had become one of the top technology firms on
the west coast, and Mars was making ten times more money a year than he ever did in any of his criminal

Today Marstech is not only the main supplier of advanced technology, but also the forefront of monetizing super
villain technology for use in the private sector. Mars has reached out to his former super villain associates, offering
any who want to retire a chance to do so and to turn their weapons or powers to positive (and more importantly,
lucrative) ends. Few villains have taken him up on the offer, but those who have enjoy positions in his R&D
department and security force. Actually, Marstech is one of the top employers of metahumans after the Silber
Agency and Omnitech Steele, and almost all of his powered employees are retired super villains.

Recently, Marstech did hit a minor snag, an addendum of the Hero Act (Called the "Maestro law", after the sinister
symphony conductor), made it illegal to repurpose any technology used by supervillains for private use (the
justification being that they wanted to "send a message" to super villains. In truth Red Skull just wanted to prevent
that technology from helping people out of spite). So during the Hero act years Mars had to be a bit sneakier than
usual with how he presented his new tech. Of course now the hero act is gone, so its back to business as usual.

Mars is very supportive of local super heroes such as the Sentinels and the Super Gang (and even the Avengers
despite their...shaky history), mainly out of enlightened self interest; As I have said many times before, Super
villains are for the most past stupid violent morons, and many of them hold a grudge against Mars or believe he is
trying to con them, so Marstech is a target for super villains. Keeping the Sentinels and the Super Gang around
protects his interests, so Mars throws money at super hero groups whenever he can. He's also old drinking buddies
with Doctor Stratos, another retired villain who Mars worked with several times during his days fighting Captain

Recently, Mars has stumbled onto the fact that all these super villains with potentially world changing powers may
not be coincidental: There are a lot of documentation of perfectly nice and decent people becoming greedy amoral
sociopaths after developing super powers, and also evidence of dozens of metahumans with potentially world
changing powers being killed before their powers manifested. This initially seemed to be the work of the
Labyrinth, but Mars has discovered its still happening after their destruction. To end he has begun sending some of
his allies (including a telepathic former villain), undercover to find the truth. Mars has also been toying with the idea
of assembling a black ops metahuman team who can handle jobs too.. distasteful for super heroes to touch, a rag tag
team of "Outsiders" if you will.

And yeah, Mars and Troy Alexander still hate each other. That's not changing any time soon.

The Cryptid Clans

Even before Emerald City became a west coast haven for superhumans following the Silver Storm and the rise of
the Avengers, it was a haven for the weird and unusual.

A site of a mystical dimensional convergence, a dimensional rift in space and time, and the Petri dish for the Grigori
and the Preservers, The Arcadian wilds are home to all manner of strange and unusual creatures, the so called
Cryptid Clans. An entire society which is a veritable melting pot for Fae, Lycanthropes, aliens, genetic deviants, and
other, stranger beings.

Some of the major factions of the Cryptid clans have already been covered or at least touched upon in the Emerald
City Book, but who would I be if I didn't mention a few of my own?

Beast People: In edition to the various Lycanthrope tribes (Both Werewolves and other changing breeds, some
stranger combos than others), and mythical chimera creatures, there also exist the Wesen. The Wesen are another
preserver created human subspecies who look mostly human, but have animal like features and can manifest animal
features under duress. The Wesen mostly live among normal humanity in their own secret subculture, but an
unusually large number of them can be found among the Cryptid clans. Most of the Wesen can be found amid the
Rock Clan and the Wood Clan.

Changed Ones: As noted, the Cryptid Clans became a safe haven for those transformed by the Silver Storm, with
more inhuman members joining their numbers. However, there have always been lost souls who enter the Arcadian
wilderness and become part of the clan. Many Lycanthrope members of the clans have the ability to create more of
their number via infection or ritual, and the abilities of Fae to create more of their kind is well documented. Many a
hunter, hiker, or camper has entered the woods, never to return, only to be seen in a barely recognizable form as
some kind of monster.

In addition, a number of the creatures described in "Cold Hands, Dark Heart" can be found amid the changed ones.
Primarily found are Bakemono, although a few Senin can also be counted among the Clans.

Forsaken: In addition to the normal fae creatures, a fair number of changelings can be found amid the Cryptid
Clans. Both Lost Changelings (Who are closer to the changed ones, since they are humans partially turned into fae),
and the Dreaming Changelings (Who are fae born in human bodies), these Changelings often act as scouts and spies
among humanity, and those who live among the Cryptids for too long without human contact to ground them
eventually lose their minds. The different types of Clans they belong to depend largely on their type: Beasts belong
to whatever clan closest matches their animal type, Ditto for elementals. Darklings, Wizened and Ogres tend to
belong to the Rock and Wood Clan, while Fairest are almost exclusively amid the Wood clan.

Unhumans: Basically the first Jokers before Jokers were even thing. The Jokers' of the world are probably lucky
that Unhuman's aren't common knowledge (I doubt the term 'unhuman' would do much for peoples self esteem).
One notable member of the unhumans is Ghaur, a malicious Unhuman warlord with the power to control other
Unhumans. He has made numerous attempts to conquer Emerald City, but has been defeated and pushed back each
time by the Avengers and Sentinels. He is currently incarcerated deep underground by order of Finnegal the Dwarf,
as part of a treaty forged between the Rock Clan and the Avengers (with a little help from Diamond Tiara.) Although
he is still scheming for a way to escape.

Visitors: Even discounting the presence of the Grue plasm, or the wreckage of the Invasion, in which numerous
aliens slaves were set free amid the Arcadian wilderness, there has never been a lack of aliens among the Cryptid
clans. There is a large temporal rift, a hole in time space which things from all across the universe tend to fall
through all the time (a similar hole can be found in Wales, but all that ever seems to fall through that are horny
humans). As a result, there are all sorts of aliens, creatures from outside time and space, and alien tech laying

Other creatures: The cryptid clans are not the only creatures out there among the wilds of Arcadia. With a portal
through time and space and the Imageria sitting on the region, many monsters from Faerie and other places can
occasionally be spotted in the wilderness of Arcadia: Virtually any monster or creature can be encountered; Dragons,
demons, ghosts, alien animals, even stranger beings. Even the odd titan from the Annihilation zone has been sighted.
These creatures are usually considered minor annoyances to the Cryptids, and major threats to unwary travellers.

In addition to the Clans (Which have already been covered in depth I think in the book, but I may look at them later
on), there are other factions and locations of interest among the Cryptid Clans.

The Carnival: Hidden somewhere amidst the woods of the Elysian Forest is a mysterious carnival, run by a strange
and motley collection of Jokers, all with unusual powers. This is the Carnival, run by a mysterious and beautiful
woman named Isolde. The Carnival travels through the region, occasionally visiting Emerald City. However, the
Carnival is not a place of evil or danger, but a refuge, a sanctuary for those seeking a home. However it is not
without its price: Anyone who stays with the Carnival for too long will eventually experience the twisting, a warping
of the physical flesh to match ones inner self and quirks. Despite that, most of the members of the Carnival are
perfectly okay with the transformation of the Carnival, and are fiercely loyal to Isolde.

Camp Thunder: Once Camp Thunder was an institution created by the Church of Seven Thunders, a special
camp which promised to be able to "Pray away the Devil's taint of metahuman powers," In truth it was a nightmare
factory designed to terrorize young metahumans and drive them to suicide. It was built following the first Silver
Storm to capitalize on the influx of Stormers they could get their hands on, and countless young Stormers were
abused mentally and physically until Doctor Shock appeared on the scene. Doctor Shock had come to kidnap one of
the inmates for his own purposes. However when he saw the way the kids were being treated, even the vile Doctor
Shock was taken aback, and he basically murdered every single staff member he could find. When he departed, the
kids rose up and took care of whoever was left, cut the camp off from the rest of the world, and claimed it as their

The fair majority of the Stormers at the camp left it, joining the other Cryptid Clans, as well as the Carnival. A few
decided to stick around at the camp, becoming like a sort of modern day lost boys. These kids are very mistrustful of
outsiders, especially grownups and figures of authority, and are especially resentful of the Avengers and other heroes
who did nothing to save them from the Church of Seven Thunders.

The Five Swords of Azoth: Unrelated to Doctor Azoth, the five swords are actually a quintet of Prometheans,
banded together to attempt to complete the great work. One day during their travels, the five encountered a
Qashmallim which informed them that if they stayed in the area near Emerald City, and helped protect it, they would
eventually earn their humanity. The five agreed and set up shop.

In order to prevent their collective disquiet from harming the surrounding area and exposing them, the Swords
devised a way to put themselves in suspended animation using an unearthed Lemurian device. While asleep, they do
not give off disquiet, and the machine wakes them up if a major threat is detected. The Swords were active in
Emerald during several major events: The Queen of Fables invasion, The Gruune occupation, the second Silver
Storm, The Invasion, The attack of Hades, and most recently the mass supervillain attack during the Red Skull coup.
They have yet to encounter the Avengers yet, and they would much prefer it stay that way.
The five Swords are as follows:
Reverse Crusader (A hulking Frankenstein who dresses like a Crusader and wields a broadsword)
Dancing Mad Harley (A female Galateid who dresses like a musketeer and wields a rapier.)
Paul (An Osirian historian who uses a sword cane)
The Left eye (A Tammuz who covers themselves in heavy robes and wields scimitars, their gender and true face are
Brier the Red (An Uglan who dresses like a Viking and uses a claymore.)

Troy Alexander

Troy Alexander, technopath, founding Avenger, Headmaster of Avenger's Academy. But he is probably known best
as the Avenger's basket case.

Troy is one of the leading technical experts and one of the most powerful technopaths on the planet.

Other techs - Troy doesn't work well with other techies. His ability to look at a piece of technology and know
everything about it - including what's wrong, and even though he prefers the hands on approach, his powers allow
him to transform or repair the object in seconds. For people that like to tinker, this can be highly annoying -
especially if they have spent the last several hours trying to figure out what is wrong with it and Troy walks in and
touches it and suddenly its working. Troy can do the same thing with schematics, and with his speed on computer
systems, he can "fix" a diagram so fast, anyone working with him wouldn't know what he just did. Even Veronica is
not immune to this, which is why she set him up with his own lab in EC Sentinel HQ.

When he is forced to work with others - save the world kind of crisis - the best way he has found is to agree upon a
course of action, divide up the duties, and everybody go build there stuff. Troy is almost always finished early, and
he then "monitors" the others and makes any adjustments to his stuff to make sure the whole thing integrates well.

Mostly, he just avoids working with others. He has less enemies that way.

Magic - Troy has been exposed to magic since the beginning of his career. Unlike Gimmick, he accepts magic for
what it is and doesn't try to write them off as crazy metahumans. He doesn't pretend to understand it, he just accepts
it and lets the experts do their thing.

Technomancers - Technomancers are the one group that drives Troy bat-shit crazy. While there is really nothing
they can do that he can't, he still can't fathom how they are doing some of it. Since many technomancers create
virtual circuits in their devices, most of the "tech" they use looks like junk to Troy. And most of them talk to him like
he is four, which doesn't help. He has a semi-antagonistic relationship with them and they do occasionally go back
and forth online. While he can generally deal with anything they throw at him, he still has no idea how much of it

Cyberspace - When the first Technus began changing places with Troy, what he didn't know was each time, it
created a hole between cyberspace and the real world. After he lost his powers, cyber-entities began finding these
holes and started making their way into the real world. Troy spent many months closing these holes off.

Except, he didn't succeed. Technus 2.0 took it upon himself to hide several of the holes from his father. When Mace
and Marcia came on the scene, he let them in on the secret. Technus would use these portals so that friendly entities
could cross over when they wanted to. The three Alexander kids act as guardians of these portals making sure bad
entities stay out of the real world. They have been joined by Sam Collins in his role as Servo and his friends.

Recently, Killokhan, an AI developed by the DoD, has seized control of one of the portals. Sevro and Technus have
managed to keep him from sending any truly dangerous entities through, but Technus realizes he will have to tell
Troy the truth soon.

Artificial Intelligence - In the AI community, Troy Alexander is considered THE EXPERT. His work on Argos
catapulted him to the top of the ranks. Troy continues to work for AI rights and help and AI program that comes to
It should be noted that Troy is vehemently against any kind of "3 Laws" programs in AIs. While he is very non-
violent, he would never force these views on another. This fact alone is why no major government or organization
will his request assistance with an AI project.

Cybernetics - Troy has been against cybernetics for most of his career. An early encounter with Dr Shock that has
caused Troy do avoid any and all types of cybernetics. If not for the sixteen months of therapy prior to bonding with
the symbiote he found on Cybertron, that probably would have led to a nervous breakdown. Losing the symbiote,
while a traumatic event, was actually a blessing in disguise, as he had issues with it the whole time. The fact that
Malvan Troy willingly infected himself with a techno-virus completely baffles him.

Avengers - As a founding Avenger, Troy feels a responsibility to the team. It was this, more thna anything else, that
kept him in the hero life as long as he was. Even with Kir there to fill in on the tech stuff, he still feels obliged to do
anything they ask of him - even if its going on a mission. Knowing that, the Avengers tend to keep him at arms
lengths from field work.

Sentinels - Through his wife, Troy has a strong connection to the Sentinels, at least the Emerald City team. The
other teams tend to rely on Technomancer more. The Emerald City team is also very protective of Troy, as evidenced
by what happened to Dreadnaught after he kidnapped him. Rook and Victor fall under the "Other Techies"
category, and they tend to keep out of each others' ways. Victor has been a little more antagonistic, since on more
than one occasion, Troy innocently commented on possible and "easy" upgrades to his pistol.

Troy feels a special connection to Xeno, who was the first to comfort him after the Yeerk incident.

Warehouse 23 - Since they broke away from Labyrinth, Troy has been a strong supporter - and Regent of
Warehouse 23. A secure facility to deal with all the crazy badness that gets leftover from supervillain fights is a

AEGIS - Unlike many other scientist types, Troy is a full supporter of AEGIS and provides them with tech on a
regular basis. Seeing SEGIS soldiers move in during the Second Silver Storm to contain monsters Azoth released
really emphasized to him the need to give them the best equipment available. Of course, he is no fool. There is a kill
switch in any equipment he supplies to others so it won't be co-opted by nefarious forces.

SWORD - Like AEGIS, Troy is on a fairly good relationship with SWORD. he is happy to consult and provide
them with tech as needed.

Ultramarine - Veronica is the love of his life and the best thing that ever happened to Troy. He recognizes that he is
not the strong one in the relationship and has settled peacefully into his role as caregiver and nurturer.

Kids - Troy's three kids are one of the biggest sources of joy. Every bit as real to him as human children, Troy wants
these three to grow and develop. It is a testament to Troy's belief in their rights as individuals that he hasn't
discovered their extra curricular activities with the teens known as Superhuman Samurai Sybersquad.

Parents - Troy's relationship with his parents has changed dramatically recently. When their true history came out,
Troy was a little more than upset. Finding out your parents were secret operatives for the Labyrinth, and your mom
in particular is a borderline sociopath is not something one takes well. He is still very troubled that his whole
childhood was just some approximation of a TV show that his Mom tried to recreate. And while his Mom has no
qualms about using her mental powers on anyone else, she seems reluctant to use them on Troy or his Dad. With
Forton coming under more government supervision and Avengers Academy opening up nearby, his Mom really tries
hard to play nice. In the end, she really only has affection for the two men, everyone else - even her daughter-in-law
and grandchildren, are just tools to make them happy.

Xiao - Of all the Avengers, Troy is closest to Xiao. They see each other as brothers. Xiao is the one person Troy
would go into the field for without hesitation. Xiao's family is as important to Troy as his own. Xiao is also the only
person that Troy considers using the Dragonballs to resurrect as a valid use. Even when his own wife was killed, he
was hesitant to let them be used for fear someone like Reich would get their hands on them after they scattered.

Kir Avon - Kir Avon is unique among techies and technomancers as being someone who not only gets along with
Troy but also successfully collaborates with him on a regular basis. While Troy doesn't understand what Kir does
anymore than other technomancers, he does respect him. When Kir was in Australia, he had encountered a
technomancer that helped him deal with several issues, including a very limiting paradigm of his abilities. Kir sees
Troy the same way and is trying to be that voice for him. Kir's help was instrumental is the virus that wiped out the
knowledge of Forton from every computer system on or offline. The only files that exist are strictly hard copies.

Doc Samson - Doc Samson is the psychologist that helped Troy deal with his night terrors from the Yeerk incident.
He continued seeing the Doc through the rest of his career, and has regular session to this day. Troy also
recommends some AI patients to Doc Samson and Doc was the psychiatrist who treated Trawler after her

Argos - The accomplishment Troy is most recognized for, repairing the faulty AI of Argos, has left the two strong
friends. Argos does spend much of his time alone since many heroes are just waiting for him to show his "true
colours." Troy will do anything to help Argos.

Trawler - Troy was pretty upset to find out the effect his careless action had on Trawler. After she was captured, he
visited her every week in jail. He would sit and talk to her for an hour about the news or weather. It took more than
three months for her to say anything beyond "Go away," and then it was only to mock him. After several more
months, she finally started opening up to him. He arranged for Doc Samson and even asked Dr Pym to help restore
her to human form. After she was released, he offered her a position at Avengers Academy and even got Veronica to
offer her a job at her company.

Gimmick - After his encounter with Gimmick during the Invasion and her treatment of the Avengers, Rin and Susan
specifically, while he was away, Troy avoids dealing with Gimmick as much as possible.

Inspector Reinhardt - While Troy respects Reinhardt for the help he has given the team, he finds him too stuffy to
work with. Also, the rule of "other techs" apply as well. Unlike Gimmick, however, he would answer any request by
the Inspector or his allies because of the help he has given.

Maximillian Mars - Max and Troy hate each other. Troy tried to apologize for what Technus did, only to be hit by a
restraining order. And while its technically been lifted, Troy does his best to self-enforce it at all times.

Malvan Troy - An interesting dilemma, Malvan Troy is the result of Troy stepping into one of Aum Ra's old
cloning facilities during the Gruun exile. Nobody knows which is the real one. Frankly Troy doesn't care and he
would like to see Malvan Troy as a brother. However, the feelings are far from mutual, and Malvan Troy hates him -
not so much that he is a fake, but that Troy gets all the good things that he lost. Despite his extreme attitude gained
through having to survive in a very hostile world, Malvan Troy is not a villain; he won't arch Troy. He just hates

After the Sentinels dealings with Dreadnaught who kidnapped Troy, most villains find it easier and safer to leave
Troy alone. However, there are a few that still bug him to this day.

Dr Shock - Dr Shock was Troy's first rival, though in truth it was more about Troy's perceived failure that allowed
Doctor Shock to capture Xiao than the actual good Doctor's actions. Dr Shock's attitude about humans and
metahumans being nothing but lab rats has kept Troy fairly devoted to bringing him down. Kir Avon has actually
taken on the charge to capture Dr Shock, if only just to keep Troy from doing something stupid.

Doc Otaku - Interestingly, Doc Otaku and Troy have a rivalry online that predates his hero life. When Troy first
starting watching anime, he would post his reviews online and his reviews were often the exact opposite opinion of
Otaku. They were online rivals, though it never really got serious for either of them. During his time as a hero, Troy
only had one semi-encounter with Otaku; and neither of them knew who the other was at the time. Their rivalry
online has actually turned more to friendly jabs at each other about the other's opinions on various anime subjects.

Moonstone/Karla Sofen - When Troy took a two week leave from the team, Karla impersonated the psychologist
that Doc Samson arranged for Troy to see. Her original goal was to get him to commit suicide, and she almost
succeeded. Something inside him clicked that day, and for the first time, Troy showed a real inner strength his
friends and loves ones always knew was there. Karla tried to turn him against the others so she could use him in her
war against the Labyrinth. She tricked him into breaking into Warehouse 23 so she could steal the Moonstone that
was stored there. With the help of HG, Troy stopped her and the Warehouse bronzed her. Later, she was broken out
and joined Mastermind's group. Karla is perhaps one of Troy's most dangerous enemies since she knows all the
things that make him tick and which buttons to push.

Shadow Academy

While there are numerous schools for super heroes, the schools for villains are not quite so numerous, still there is
one that stands above all others: The Shadow Academy.

Originally conceived as a training school for the next generation of super villains, it was made by the Labyrinth as
an experimental "Villain factory", designed specifically to corrupt the super powered youth of tomorrow, as well as
create new villains to distract the heroes of the world from the Labyrinth's activities.

In the early day, the Shadow Academy's rivalry with Claremont Academy, with the two schools fighting tooth and
nail over new students and each other. Many students from Claremont even defected over to the Shadow Academy.

Its ultimate downfall came at the hands of two people: Cynis Usako and Sachi Nakamura, the Earth Ape Teen
known as Sleet Saru. At Usako's urging Sachi went undercover, pretending to defect to the Shadow Academy so she
and Usako could learn their secrets. With Sachi's help, AEGIS was able to crack the Shadow Academy open and
arrest most of its faculty, as well as several students. The price was high though, as it poisoned Usako and Sachi's
friendship, and eventually led to Usako's estrangement from her then boyfriend Xiao, and her eventual expulsion
from Claremont.

Everyone thought that was the end for the Shadow Academy, but in truth it never went away, Taurus kept the school
going on a much smaller scale, moving to Emerald City and basing it in the Elysian Academy. Hidden in a hero free
school, Taurus could continue to home grow the next generation of evil doers.

Then the Silver Storm happened, followed by the rise of the Avengers, and eventually the fall of Taurus and the
Labyrinth. This time, the Shadow Academy fell through the cracks, unknown by the heroes of Emerald City.

Its at this point Mastermind stepped in, hoping to use the Shadow Academy as part of his society, Mastermind
relocated the Shadow Academy to the tiny Middle Eastern nation of Biyalia, expanded the staff and the student
body, and installed a new Headmaster, the ominous and evil Brother Blood.

Today the Shadow Academy, much like the Avengers Academy, has two locations: The first is Elysian Academy, to
all the world a normal, albeit very exclusive, strict and oppressive, private school, but it contains portals that lead
directly to Biyalia, where the school proper is located, and the future villains of the world are trained.

I strongly suggest you check out Kreuzritter's thread on Roll Call, as he has been kind enough to stat up numerous
members of the student body, in addition, here is the schools staff.

Brother Blood: Little is known of Brother Blood. Part religious fanatic, part master showman and hypnotist,
Brother Blood has mind control powers rivalling Nur Al Allah and Queen Bee, and the impetus to use them. Blood
runs the school like his own persona cult of personality, and is obsessed with acquiring power.

Lady Vita: Brother Blood's primary lieutenant, Lady Vita currently plays the role of the Headmistress of the Elysian
Academy, and is not about using her pheromone powers to brainwash potential students, or seduce the parents of
metahumans into choosing her school. Her partner Treker is a student at Shadow Academy, and a makeshift "Talent
scout" for Lady Vita to check out new students.
Jack Spicer: A former student of the original Shadow Academy, Spicer was turned from a bumbling incompetent
buffoon into a legitimate, serious threat. Jack was picked up by Brother Blood to teach mad science to the students.
Despite being an evil genius, Jack is also kind of a nice guy, and still carries a torch for Sachi.

El Tigre: A Mexican super armed with an enchanted belt buckle which granted him feline based powers, Manny
Rivera was the son of a super hero and the grandson of a super villain, and was always torn between good and evil.
This struggle between light and dark came to a head when both Claremont and the Shadow Academy came to recruit
him. Manny decided to leave it to a race: Whichever team could catch him, would have him. Ultimately the Shadow
Academy won, when Azula threatened the life of his best friend Frida to join the Shadow Academy. Now, Manny is
still a villain (albeit a very nice, friendly villain who still loves his super hero parents), and has joined the Shadow
Academy as faculty, teaching hand to hand combat and tactics. Manny is much beloved by the students, and often
the one they come to for protection from some of the more... sadistic teachers.

The Astronomer: Speaking of. The Astronomer, still in the body of Keith Feddyg, was recruited by Mastermind as
the magic teacher, and still retains the cruelty and sadism that powers his black magic. Despite initial belief, there is
still some of Keith Feddyg rattling around in the Astronomers skull, which serves to make him even more sadistic.
He also serves on the disciplinary committee, along with...

Granny Goodness: Yes, the goddess of child abuse is back on Earth, following the lost of most of her female furies
during the Malva incident, Granny decided to come to Earth to try and track them down. Granny also has designs on
eventually reclaiming Xova, if only to get revenge on the ones who helped bring down her operations on Malva. She
serves as the head disciplinarian for the Academy, along with the Astronomer and one other...

The Mad Hatter IV: The fourth such villain to wear the title of the Mad Hatter, this Mad Hatter is Long Feng, a
former Chinese National who fled his country after a failed coup involving mind control technology. He was rescued
by Mastermind and recruited for the Shadow Academy. Unlike the other Mad Hatters, he's not a creepy lunatic, a
obsessive hat thief, or a mad scientist, but a smart and sinister master of manipulation with countless Manchurian
candidates. Also, there is nothing any female student at the Shadow Academy fears than being "recruited" into
Feng's army of "Joo Dee's", his loyal hit squad of brainwashed assassins, completely wiped of their old personalities.

Jinx: One of the Malvan Gladiators who ended up on Earth thanks to the Avengers, Jinx is a criminal and anarchist
from the Lor Republic with a penchant for blowing things up. She was a foe to Princess briefly while in Emerald
City, and was eventually picked up by the Shadow Academy through Granny Goodness. She teaches weapon use
and explosion theory.

Parsley: One of the few remaining Saiyans left in the universe, Parsely was integral in helping to defeat Darkseid
during the Lor's war with Apokalips. Ending up on Earth, Parsley decided to join up with the Avengers, who wanted
nothing to do with the ruthless Saiyan warrior and war criminal. After a long battle Parsley was kicked out, and
eventually joined the Shadow Academy, recruited to a job that appreciated her cruelty and violent nature: A Gym
teacher. Granny hates Parsley for her part in taking down Darkseid, and would love a way to get revenge.

Medusa: The school nurse, Medusa is far from a healer, she's actually a cruel and sadistic witch and member of the
Pact. She joined the school staff to keep an eye on Chrona, her child who she molded into a deranged murderous
psychopath by forcibly bonding the poor soul to a cursed magical sword.

Inquisitor: A former member of PSI, Professor Psion's think tank of psychic villains, Phillip Townsed was a cruel,
sadistic, cowardly bully and a big fat pig, as well as a metaman with passable psychic powers. His job at the PSI
institute was to "train" the new recruits (i.e. The psychic students from Hope Prep PSI had kidnapped), which
basically amounted to torturing them with his own psychic powers till they broke. Phillip was easily defeated by
Charli Brown, and ended up in Super Alcatraz. One of the Cryo cons at the time of Azoth and Cortex's escape,
rather than waste him on the field, Inquisitor was made the professor of Psionics. He's still a fat slob and a psychic
bully, but his cruelty pales in comparison of his fellow teachers, and in truth Inquisitor is scared silly. Most of the
students have picked up on this, and largely see him as a big fat joke.

Shadow Academy, part 2

Azula the Phoenix: The daughter of the Fire Lord, one of Dr. Sin’s most powerful and loyal minions. Possessing
the same fire and lightning manipulating powers as her father, these abilities pale in comparison to her brilliant
tactical mind and her utter ruthlessness and shrewdness in both battle and political manoeuvring. Sent to the Shadow
Academy as part of a non aggression pact between Taurus and Sin, Azula swiftly muscled her way to the top, while
maintaining a secret affair with the lunar exalt and Claremont academy anti-heroine Usako.

Then Azula found out the hard way that Usako had played her for a fool from the start, having used Azula's trust to
insert Sleet-Saru into the Shadow Academy as a spy, in addition to the other secrets Azula had given her during
their pillow talks. Furious and refusing to hear Usako's pleas that a bond had indeed grown between them, Azula
took her revenge by trying to murder Xiao, Usako's Solar mate and true love, an act for which Usako returned by
beating Azula within an inch of her life.

Since then, Azula threw herself into the work as an agent of Sin, and upon graduation, joined the Shadow Academy
teaching staff, hoping to again rise through the ranks to rule, and present the organization as gift to her master.
Today, Azula is second only to Brother Blood, acting as his right hand and overseeing all Shadow Academy
operations along the west coast as superintendent/comptroller. Naturally, she and Lady Vila despise each other, and
Brother Blood encourages their feud to keep either one from unseating him. However, since the announcement of
the Avengers Academy, and Usako as one of its teachers, Azula has been going slowly mad, regarding any and all
Avengers Academy moves as deliberate insults.

Breadmaster: A D-list supervillain from Freeport, Breadmaster is among the few supercriminals to be employed by
both iterations of the Shadow Academy, due to Breadmaster's mastery of the culinary arts, and the logical choice to
head up Home Ec.

Doctor Algernop Krieger: Clone of Adolph Hitler, head scientist and technologies quartermaster for the Isis
Foundation, Doctor Krieger is a much beloved substitute Mad Science teacher across several Shadow Academy

Dog Logan: The time travelling half-brother of Department H's James "Wolverine" Howlett, Dog acts alongside
Parsley as a Gym teacher, focussing on brutal field excursions to the most deadly locations in earth's history. this
includes treks across the living island of Krakoa to get a fresh supply of Whiskey from his huntin' Shack

Nurse Kitami: Medusa's number two, and Astronomer's voice in the medical department, Reika Kitami was a
Japanese high school girl who was raped and left dying at the hands of a demonic cult, only for Reika to turn the
tables by selling her own soul to their patron to not only save herself, but to take the rewards her cultist classmates
had aspired to. Realizing her contract would expire in little over a decade, Kitami became a practitioner of the black
arts herself, hoping to find a virgin schoolgirl to take her place. Her results were only partially successful, as her
body perished during the ritual, but she was able to transfer her soul into the body of her intended victim, and
eventually became a full-on possessing spirit after being forced from that body as well. Eventually, the Astronomer
took notice of how Kitami's use of sex and death magics matched his own, and she became his willing assistant.
Kitmami now seduces victims for them both, and violating the ones unworthy of her master, anything to stay even
one step ahead of the fire down below.

Measurer: The noted bottom rung supercriminal gestalt of measurement, the Measurer is the Shadow Academy
math teacher

MODAM: While Jack Spicer ("Evil Genius") is the head of Shadow Academy science department, his expertise lies
in robotics and technology (with a minor in magic artefacts). MODAM (Mobile Organism Designed for Aggressive
Manoeuvres) is his bio-science counterpart, having mastered her field during her time as Maria Troyvana, the wife
and lab assistant of Hank Pym, and was the impetus for becoming Ant-Man, believing her dead at the hands of
PHANTOM. In reality, Maria was a deep cover PHANTOM agent, and was turned into MODAM as punishment
for not killing Pym as ordered. MODAM accepted the Elysian Academy position because she does still love Pym,
albeit in a grotesquely twisted fashion

Mr. Bibby: An international mercenary with specialties in smuggling and kidnapping (with slight dabbling in the
Angolan slave trade), Roger Bibby worked with his long-time associate Iqbal to run their operations out of London,
England after they won ownership of Bromwell High, a bottom rung state under funded inner city high school.
Bromwell high has since become a bottom rung facility for the Shadow Academy's European operations, but while
Iqbal remains headmaster there, Mr. Bibby is frequently brought stateside, due to the lack of criminally trained
geography teachers

Red Panzer: Completely FAILS at teaching military history, but they can't sack him because of the "Token Nazi
Rule", according to Crime Union regulations (and can't just kill him because he's a pure Gestalt of Neo-Nazism).
Brother Blood is currently looking for ANY other Nazis so he can fire Panzer's ass

Dr. Thaddeus S. "Rusty" Venture: The dubiously infamous superscientist is utterly oblivious to the true nature of
Elysian academy, where he regularly lectures, in spite of the overwhelming evidence brought before him by his
bodyguard, Sgt Hatred, up until Hatred did the math and realized that lecturing before a bunch of teenaged
supervillains was actually MORE legal than some of the shenanigans at the Venture Compound. Neither man is
aware that Venture's students have since been made aware of and stolen the notes for his "Paleomon Process" as a
"Homework Assignment" from MODAM, to better create mutant Hench things

The 99

The 99 Steps Foundation is an international superhero team which operates out of Seville Spain. Organized and led
by Dr. Ramzi Razem, the 99 are an international charity and disaster relief force, only occasionally getting into
battles with super villains.

Despite the name, the 99 do not actually have 99 super powered members, in truth they have only roughly a third of
that number. The 99 are named because each one has been empowered by one of 99 gems called the Noor Stones,
powerful artefacts which bestow a different super power on their users. A lot of these gems do not bestow powers
which are especially useful in combat, and many of the members with powers are very young, so the 99 lack the raw
power of similarly sized super teams such as the Tiger Squad or the Legion of Super Heroes. Despite this, the 99
Frequently show up in the aftermath of super villain attacks and natural disasters to help out, and frequently show up
for major international crises. The 99 are on good terms with the Freedom League and the Patriots, and have
worked with both in the past.

The 99 have earned numerous powerful enemies. Foremost among them is Rughal, an immortal madman who once
tried to harness the powers of all 99 Noor stones for himself and was rendered temporally unstable as a result. Other
enemies of the 99 include Nur Al Allah (who considers the 99 unworthy of the power of the Noor Stones), Dr.
Azoth (who wants to study the stones use them for his own ends), and Jack Washington III (who has tried to paint
the primarily Middle Eastern 99 as dangerous criminals in the past, to limited success.)

Not gonna list all the current members of the 99 (mainly because a lot of them are relatively minor characters, and
cause they lack full bios. on the 99 main site). But here are some of the major ones.

Jabbar the Powerful: Nawaf Al-Bilali was a Saudi teen until he stepped on an unexploded land mine, which
detonated a nearby Noor stone and embedded the fragments into Nawaf's body, turning him into a gigantic and super
strong brick. Jabbar is physically the most powerful of the 99, and often their front line fighter when things turn

Noora the Light: Dina Ibrahim discovered her gem while escaping kidnappers, attempting to tunnel out of a deep
hole in the ground they left her in. Noora's stone allows her to see the inner light and darkness in other people, as
well as project powerful illusions.

Darr the Afflicter: John Weller lost the use of his legs in a car accident, and later found a Noor stone which gives
him the power to either inflict or relieve pain in others. John often feels bitter and isolated, since his powers are
primarily used for harming people rather than helping them.

Jami the Assembler: The 99's resident tech expert, Miklos Szekelyhidi is a Hungarian boy born to a pair of
Foundry scientists, who were distant and neglectful towards him, using him and his Noor stone to produce weapons
for the Foundry until the 99 rescued him. Miklos loves to tinker and build things, but sometimes his creations get
away from him.

Mumita the Destroyer: An orphaned girl and street tough, Catarina Barbosa fought in underground metahuman
arena fights with her Noor stone until she was convinced to join the 99. Her Noor Stone is set into a gauntlet which
grants her enhanced strength, reflexes, and durability. While Jabbar is the most physically powerful of the 99,
Mumita is the best fighter by far.

Fattah the Opener: Toro Ridwan worked in fast food till he discovered his Noor Stone, which allows him to
teleport himself or other gem bearers anywhere on Earth. Fattah is the teams transport, allowing them to quickly
deploy to emergency situations anywhere on Earth.

Rafie the Lifter: A native to Turkey, Murat Uyaroglu is only 16 years old, but his Noor stone makes him one of the
most powerful telekinetics on the planet, capable of levitating an entire herd of elephants at once. Rafie is only an
auxiliary member of the 99, but is one of the more powerful members, as there seems to be no upper limit to how
much he can lift.

The Junior 99: Three of the youngest members of the 99, The Junior 99 were united into a "Sub team" by Jabbar's
little sister Noaf, to become their own team in secret. They were recently discovered by Dr. Ramzi, and now act
under supervision from the older team members. The three members of the Junior 99 are Samda the Invulnerable
(A Libiyan girl who can project force fields), Wassi the Vast (A boy from India who can elongate parts of his body,
and may one day be able to be a full fledged size changer), and Aleem the All knowing, (a boy from a wealthy
Qatar family who can see the future and is often accompanied by armed bodyguards.)

Dawn General Xiao

Hailing from the otherdimensional fantasy world known as Creation, Xiao was a member of his homeland's
aristocracy, until the day he was ready to lay his powerless life down for that of Usako, a beastgirl in a back alley
against 5 mystic warriors. And in that instant, he achieved Solar Exaltation, blessed by the gods themselves to be
their champion and wield their power, but cursed with an unstoppable rage, and the belief that he was damned for all
eternity. And soon after, he lost even creation itself, when he sent away to Earth and the Claremont academy. but
even as he bemoaned his fate, Xiao accepted it, having found true love in the arms of Usako, herself a Lunar
Exalted, the moon to his Sun.

Unfortunately, Usako was unready to return Xiao's love, while her own plots and schemes backfired horribly, casting
her from Claremont and into the arms of the Pantheon cult. Naturally, Xiao followed after her, and their Path
brought them to Emerald City

There, Xiao became not only the hero he'd dreamed of being, but an Avenger. he has saved lives, thwarted evils, has
had his love returned not only by Usako, but the supercelebrity Phenom, the three of them recently entering a three-
way marriage. He has begun to learn the truth about creations past, having made an enemy of the First & Forsaken
Lion, the ghost of his life in creation's First Age. He has freed the Celestial Exaltations of this universe, in the
process understanding his true nature, and has joined the Pantheon himself to teach himself godhood. he has even
made peace with his former friends from creation, begun to convince them that he is not the monster they think him
to be

And yet through it all Xiao remained cursed with the Red Rage of Compassion. To save Usako from Madness and
Mutation, he entered into a contract with Mr. Hoppy himself, such that while Usako herself was freed from her
Great Curse, Xiao was forced to endure his own, a great and terrible Rage at the suffering of the world, rage to shake
the heavens themselves, that would have surely driven Xiao mad.

And then he died.

The Avengers had stood victorious, triumphant over the demonic general-priest Xellos Metallium, herald of the
universe-ending horror known as Shuma-Gorath, When Mister Hoppy invoked the third and final application of
Xiao's curse to cause the murder of Xellos, which would cause an explosion capable of scouring away all life on
earth. Instead, Xiao, wielding the god-killing Scythe of Chronos, brought the unholy implement down between
Hoppy's eyes, slaying the king of hell in a single blow, but killing himself in the process.

Since his resurrection, Xiao remains cryptically elusive about his year in heaven, making clear that the curse was
finally lifted from his exaltation, that he had mastered his divine abilities at the feet of the gods themselves, and that
on the day of his return, he'd helped thwart an attempt by Orkus to overthrow the magical girl heaven of Madoka

Since his return, Xiao is still much the same as before. Humble, if melodramatic, honourable to a fault, and still
possessed of an anger, that while no longer threatening to consume him, is still no less awesome nor terrible to
behold. the real change however, is that Xiao seems distant or pre-occupied. this is because, while still a stalwart
defender of Emerald City and indeed, the earth itself, Xiao knows his destiny lies with creation, and accepting his
birthright as the secret bastard of the Scarlet Empress.

That, and he's finally attending college for a proper post-secondary education, with aims to becoming a doctor


The Avengers: Xiao's extended family and comrades-in-arms, he cannot thank them enough for freeing him from
the spiral of self-hatred he'd walked since his Exaltation. And while he still refuses any nomination for
chairmanship, he has been taking a more active role since his return, to prepare himself for leading the armies of

Usako & Phenom: The loves of Xiao's life, both women hold equal station in his heart, himself describing their
three way marriage as that of "Sun, Moon and Earth", with each of them arbitrating between the other two's
differences, Phenom in particular giving Xiao and Usako both a needed mortal perspective

Troy Alexander: Xiao's brother in all but blood, their friendship started the night the Avengers were formed, and
Troy offered Xiao a place to stay the night after arriving in Emerald, then cemented when Xiao was the second to
comfort Troy after the Yeerk incident, knowing Troy's guilt over killing the Yeerks was the same as Xiao's when he'd
slain those 5 dragonblooded warriors to save Usako. Xiao knows Troy's devotion to him is the one thing to break
him out of his well-deserved retirement, which is why Xiao has vowed to never come to Troy for martial aid unless
truly desperate. Troy is also the namesake and godfather to Troy Parker, Xiao and Phenom's infant son

Miki Sayaka: One of the two girls from Madoka's realm who were forced to return alongside Xiao to life, Sayaka is
quickly becoming not only Xiao's pupil, but an adoptive daughter, as he teaches her the finer arts of swordplay,
healing, and the subtle nuances of Justice. It has not escaped his notice that Sayaka misses her friends in Tokyo

Dr. Stratos: Usako's adoptive father-figure, Xiao has taken Stratos as his instructor in courtly & political intrigue.
Together, Xiao and Stratos have turned the Emerald City Pantheon

Malvan Troy: Troy's clone-brother is an ongoing matter for Xiao, who hopes to give the long lost hero the chance to
escape earth-troy's shadow by coming with Xiao to save creation

Nellens Tidus: Xiao's own half-brother, Xiao has been genuinely surprised by how much the water dragonblooded
has grown in the year since Xiao's death, losing much of his idiocy and already growing as a leader of men


First & Forsaken Lion: The mightiest of creation's Deathlords, F&FL is the ghost of Mu Chi Pu Chi La Gu Chi,
Xiao's past life in the first age of creation, driven mad by his hand in the Usurpation of the Solar Exalted. but
although his body is imprisoned within the Zero Zone, F&FL's soul is bonded to that of Xiao, and the Deathlord
regularly tries to destroy the Dawn General through his dreams, especially since seeing the paradise that had been
denied him for untold ages

Amon: Of all of Earth's Solar Exaltation, Amon is the only one who genuinely disgusts Xiao. Amon is a Zenith
Exalt, a beacon of charisma and healing, yet has chosen to disgrace his gift by casting all around him down into the
gutters and ditches of powerlessness, when he could be helping everyone ascend to the level of the Exalted. But,
Amon is an eternal reminder that Exaltation is drawn to greatness, but greatness does not require goodness

Mansbane: Usako's abusive Mentor was stripped of his Lunar Exaltation, Xiao has made no secret that if he had his
way, he'd kill the man dead. only the knowledge that Mansbane will spend years in of torment of being imprisoned
stays Xiao's hand. which is what Xiao tells himself, still unready to admit his pity at a sad and broken man, no
matter his crimes or how dangerous he remains

Chepop Kejak: The leader of Creation's bronze faction Sidreal exalted, who oppose the return of the Solars, Kejak
was responsible for exiling Xiao to earth in the first place, well aware of the great and terrible destiny to be fulfilled
should Xiao return to Creation. as such, he has been trying to manipulate Xiao's enemies on earth through proxies
and catspaws, knowing if he's to stop the reincarnation of the man he once called brother, he must do so NOW

Ares: The god of war has taken up his uncle's aspirations of conquering the world of Men, and sees Xiao as one of
the major obstacles to his campaign of Conquest

Firewing: The Malvan champion gladiator sees Xiao as one of his best challenges, and is delighted at the Dawn
General's return

Scarlet Centurion: The envoy of the Vha empire, Xiao just instinctually and irrationally does not like the man, an
opinion shared by Usako. Xiao is trying to figure out why, but will not disclose his theories until he has more proof.


Let me break it down for you: The Fraternity of Evil is your one stop super villain start up plan. We're the
kingmakers, the guys who take the D listers and put em on the map. But don't bother calling unless you're ready to
play with the big boys; You wanna rob a bank? Not our bag. You want to blow up a building? Go call the House of
Serpents. Wanna kidnap the President? Still not good enough... But if you want to levitate all of Washington DC into
space and hold the entire US Government, well now you have our attention.

--The Big Brain, on FOE.

Ever wonder where supervillains get all their stuff? Their scads of well trained soldiers, their villainous hideouts,
their super powered lieutenants? The answer is FOE, the super villain support network.

Whereas the Crime Union is about mutual protection and resource gathering, FOE is all about helping bad guys get
the resources they need to establish themselves as criminal masterminds. FOE has strong connections with both the
Crime Union and the Foundry, and through them are able to provide their clientele with top notch equipment,
hideouts, and criminal schemes guaranteed to have massive payouts. Despite the above quote from the Big Brain,
there is no crime big or small for FOE.

FOE is also an employment agency for super villains, giving would be masterminds access to a large rotating
membership of hired Super villains. Among there number are numerous Shadow Academy Alumni, including
Dwarfstar, Stompzilla, Gladiator, Raptor, Sloth and Four Eyes. Other villains who work with FOE include
Amplitude, Deathtrap, Ambush, and many more.

Of course, Super powered minions, tech, and lairs are nothing if the guy in charge can't lead. So in cases of
incompetent clientele, the Big Brain has a ringer: Dr. Henry Killenger. A mysterious, possibly demonic figure,
Killenger is one of the most notorious villains in history, not for his own crimes, but for the crimes of those he's
supported. Killenger is an expert of taking lesser, incompetent villains, or morally gray individuals with powers, and
turning them into genuine, top level threats.

FOE does not maintain a single stronghold for protection. With aide of the Crime Union, Big Brain moves to various
safehouses across the country to prevent him from being found. Of course, with his psychic powers Big Brain can be
anywhere mentally at any time, and frequently runs multiple jobs at once.
Big Brain has also recently joined the Crime Union's council of thirteen, taking up the position once held by Keith
Feddyg post breakout.


Even among the Avengers' general popularity and reputation as the foremost heroes of Earth, each has developed
their own image in the public's eye. Xiao the Dawn General (despite his dual marriage and GLBT status) is the
classic knight in shining armour hero. Elasto is the everyman, charismatic, super-powered, but 'just like us.'

Relentless is the Avenger everyone believes - whom if imprisoned in Hell - would fight his way out and leave his
name a nightmare to demons everywhere.

A fitting descriptor for a man who stared into the abyss, fell in, and then climbed his way out. Mel has
acknowledged his criminal past, as shame and guilt created his turn to heroism, but nonetheless it is something he's
doggedly kept secret.

The consequences would heavily fall on his team, and his family, and that would never do. With his wife Cecilia
beside him as always, and now two adopted daughters, family and friends have formed the solid bedrock of his

Even with the long running tradition of costumed avengers, many disparage and underestimate Relentless for being
without powers. Stupidly so.

Relentless has maintained near-Captain America and Ozymandius levels of physique despite being in his forties,
is about as good as one could imaginably get in martial arts, stealth, acrobatics, scaring people and other disciplines
without super-powers, and has had decades of combat experience in one sense or another. He may not be one of the
Avengers' strategists, so to speak, but he is certainly one of their tacticians.

Overcoming Elrond Carver's magical cancer also let him with an enhanced immune system that repels poison and
disease (which likely will cause some kind of increase in his personal longevity).

Unlike Troy and Xiao though, Relentless is not reform-minded towards villains. This is not so much hypocrisy to
him as that he's obviously not the person suited for it (with the exception of Pack Rat).

It's certainly not like he can't spare the time. Living high-octane and with his family fully ensconced with the
Avengers base, Mel cuts time between them, super-heroics, part-timing at Avengers Academy, and is honestly
considering the offer of Dean of the COUP school at Illuminated University.


The Avengers: The roads to adjusting to a team were rocky, but now Relentless is one of their mainstays, and one of
the three founders still active with the team. On the scale of decision making, Relentless is the one to weigh in as
'pragmatic', versus the 'idealists' such as Elasto.

Cecilia Grimson: It takes a special kind of woman to stick with Mel, and he is glad he's shared his life with her. The
doughty Cecilia continues with the Avengers' secretarial queen, and holds an Aunt May-Steel influence driving
others into line.

Artemis: Adoptive daughter number one and protégé, Katniss Everdeen is becoming a fine young woman and a
tough cookie. It makes her father proud.

River Song: Same with River Song, having been indirectly freed from her fate with the Silence. There is a new
wrinkle though. As a Sidereal of Earth, River has been cognizant of Cheop Kejak's cross-world campaign against
Xiao, and has worked to counteract Kejak in response. Mel's time travelling placing him "Outside Fate" makes him
an ideal person to lend a hand to her from time to time.
Loki: Bonding over abusive fathers, life, and whatever have made Loki and Relentless close friends, and they hang
out in Pandemonium now and then. Relentless is also thus involved with aiding Jotunheim and the trickster god
against the Aesir's work as well.


Atrocitus: At this point, Mel has learned that turning the other cheek would have led to the redemption of the bearer
of the Red Lantern. Relentless regrets this, but does not let it weigh on him. Hindsight is 20/20, and Atrocitus'
behaviour (trying to kill the Doctor, using that to extort an escape) was about as convincing an argument he should
stay on the prison planet as you could get.

The Aesir: Wotan of course, hates Relentless: not just as Loki's ally, but the mortal with the temerity to oppose and
resist "the proper of order of things." Tyr is also a foil to Relentless in this regard as well, backing up Wotan as
Relentless does Loki.

Tarquin & Co.: Naturally, Tarquin is still around, and still definitely on the personal enemies list of Relentless'. Of
course with the ICL breakup, and the loss of Carver, Tarquin has built up his own syndicate into a contender.

Kingpin: Also, as Relentless started on the East Coast side of the roster, he's focused on Wilson Fisk's own piece of
the ICL pie in Freedom City, and the fat man is not amused. Relentless has used this to press Black Wing into
providing him some special tech toys for 'Fisk Ops' on the grounds that "he's your cousin, and this way I can handle
the presents for holidays."

Other Avengers

At this moment, the Avengers, one of the most famous super hero teams on the west coast, have numerous powerful
members, and aside from the big names of the team, there are also some a lot of members who don't always make it
into the spotlight. Here are some of the avengers who don't have as much focus on them (i.e.: They are not, nor have
they ever been, controlled by Player characters):

Franky: The first new member of the Avengers outside the founding six, Franky is a member of the John Smith
Society, a shipwright, and a cyborg. Originally leader of a gang of misfit salvage experts and shipwrights, Franky
joined up with the Avengers during an adventure to stop the warlord Attuma from conquering the Pacific ocean.
Franky's cybernetics make him a formidable foe, and between the end of the Avengers and Avengers Academy, he
rebuilt his body with cybertronian technology, becoming even more formidable. Franky is the designer of the
Quinnjet and the Quinsub, as well as other vehicles used by the Avengers.

Phenom: No Avenger has had a longer and more winding road to becoming an avenger than Merritt Parker, better
known as the former super celebrity (who wasn't actually a superhuman) turned actual super hero Phenom. When
Phenom first came to the Avengers, she was still firmly entrenched in her "Lying attention vacuum" phase, and
attempted to lie and con her way into the Avengers for the purposes of publicity. Unfortunately, this drew the
attention of the nefarious Doctor Shock, who kidnapped both her and her future husband Xiao. During their
incarceration, Shock exposed Phenom to Gamma 13, a highly dangerous radioactive isotope which is normally
lethal to non metahumans. Exposure to this gave Phenom super powers, turning her into an FISS. After she and Xiao
escaped Shock, Phenom discovered that this had all been arranged by Usako, Xiao and Phenom's future wife, who
knew Shock was after Xiao, and decided to give her Phenom instead, hoping he would just let her go once he
discovered she had no powers. Phenom was initially livid about this, but was talked down by Xiao, and eventually
Phenom ended up joining the Emerald City branch of the Pantheon, finally achieving her lifelong dream of being
an actual super human.

Over the several months in a relationship with Xiao, Merritt learned a lot about humility and integrity, and realized
how silly and shallow she had been back in the day, when Xiao died, she vowed she would follow his example and
become an Avenger, joining active duty shortly after their son Skaar was born.

Despite her current desire to help people and disdain for her former past as a attention starved liar, Merritt is still the
most media savvy of the Avengers, having replaced Max Lord as the teams image consultant. And although she
hides it, she sometimes feel insecure compared to her demigod spouses.

Usako: Xiao's other wife, Cynis Usako also joined the Avengers full time following his death, although she was a
part time member prior to that. In addition to being a potent shapeshifter and infiltrator, Usako is a master charmer.

Doc Samson: The teams psychiatrist, Doc Samson is a gamma powered metahuman with super strength and
durability. Initially acting as Troy Alexander's therapist from the Rosemont Centre, he eventually joined the team
full time, acting as both a live in therapist and front line fighter.

Wasp: Janet Van Dyne, former sidekick and financier to Hank Pym, was originally a member of the Colony, Hank
Pym's super human team. However Janet quickly grew frustrated with the fact that Pym was more interested in
science and research than fighting bad guys, so she eventually left the team to join the Avengers. Years ago, Jan was
used as a host by the evil parasite Ti Malice, and although she has largely gotten over her addiction to his powers, it
is possible for a psychic to reignite it.

Xena and Gabrielle: Creations of the Labyrinth, Xena and Gabrielle are clones of the original, intended to be
enhanced and turned into super soldiers loyal to Taurus (For him to throw at Daedalus and other heroes). Xena and
Gabrielle were rescued by Charli of the Avengers, and joined the team. Xena has had a few troubles adapting to
modern society, as opposed to Gabrielle who has taken to the 21st century like a duck to water.

Tank: Oliver DuChamp was a US marine who was turned into a metal skinned superman by mad scientists (catch
the whole story here.) Who eventually became an agent of AEGIS and partner to Quantum. Tank joined the
Avengers when he was sent to the Academy to check up on a high risk metahuman put there by AEGIS, one Jared
Sewell. While he was there he was approached by The Avengers to join, who wanted a Government man they could
actually trust (aAs opposed to the two Gyrich was trying to force on them). Tank happily accepted, and has been the
AEGIS liaison with the team ever since.

Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers was a pilot in the US air force when she was kidnapped by the Malvans to fight in
their gladiatorial arenas. Given impressive cosmic powers by their technology and dubbed "Warbird", Carol fought
for ten long years in the arena before she was released from her servitude. Returning to Earth, she discovered that
life had gone on without her, and all her old friends and family had either died or moved on. Disheartened, she went
back to space, eventually becoming a Spectre with the Lor Republic.

Carol was contacted by the Avengers when several of their students were kidnapped by slavers to be sold at the
Arena. With Carol's help, they managed to free the kids, as well as many other Malvan slaves, and Carol ended up
on Earth, where she joined up with the Avengers. She took the name Captain Marvel after teaming up with the other
Captain Marvel (the Harry Potter one, also minor recon to Hermonie and Ron, who just turn into Marvel like
versions of themselves instead of the Marvel Captain Marvels), and has been using the name ever since. Apparently
she also has a fan girl in Freedom City, a mysterious teen hero calling herself Ms. Marvel, who possesses potent
shapeshifting powers.

Artemis: For reasons unknown to anyone, the Avenger Relentless has a tendency to become "Unstuck" in time,
suddenly transporting to different times and places for indeterminate amounts of time. One such occurrence left
Relentless as the partner to the Sixth Doctor for a year. During this time, Relentless picked up a new apprentice:
One Katniss Everdeen, a young girl from a post apocalyptic, Labyrinth ruled future, where she was being forced to
battle to death against other children in the barbaric Hunger Games. Rescued from this bleak future, Katniss spent a
year travelling with the Doctor and Relentless, and eventually ended up in the 21st century again, becoming the
costumed heroine and archer Artemis. Katniss ended up leading Avenger Acacemy's Blue team, and was upgraded to
junior Avenger membership along with her team.

Susan Brown: The younger sister of Charli Brown, Susan Brown was always... odd, even by the standards of her
eccentric family, Maybe it was because her father studied non Euclid mathematics and sometimes brought home odd
artefacts for study, maybe it was the fact she grew up in a home with a broken TARDIS in the back yard, but Susan
was always... weird. Perhaps this is why she was approached by Discord, who had been banished to Earth by the Q
continuum to atone for the evil he had done. Discord awakened Susan's potential for chaos magic, making her a
potent sorceress at the relatively young age of 14. Susan served on the Avengers, much to the chagrin of her sister,
along with Discord. Following the invasion, Susan made a pact with Azathoth itself to vastly increase her powers,
with the side effect of damaging her sanity even more so. Against all conventional wisdom, Susan was put in charge
of Gold team at Avenger Academy, and eventually joined the Avengers as a junior member with her team.

Afterthought II: the daughter of the Original Afterthought (after a fashion), Denma is an Asari girl with potent
biotic powers, who chose to take up her mother's mantle and modified costume following her murder at the hands of
the Red Skull.

Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner is the newest Green Lantern on Earth, earning his ring after showing no fear in the
face of the Red Skull's forces invasion of Avengers Academy. He is only a part time member, in between training in
his new powers in space with other Rookie Green Lanterns.

Captain America: The original Steve Rogers, Captain America made his triumphant return during the DC invasion
by the escaped Cryo cons from Super Alcatraz. Steve, despite having died of old age years prior, was the result of
cloning by Aum Ra, as a gift to the Avengers to make up for her recent absence. Cap is understandably confused,
but just rolls with it.

Secret: The newest member of the Avengers is Secret, an Abyssal Exalted and friend to Xiao from back at
Claremont Academy, Secret joined Xiao in an assault on Thorns, and later aided him an the other Avengers against
Professor Zed. Secret has decided to stay on Earth for now, in hopes to find a way to rid herself of the taint of the
neverborn (And because staying in Creation would be suicide for her now, since literally every Abyssal and
Deathlord is now out for her blood).

More Avengers

Kir Avon- Kir is fairly unique in being the first Avenger that was somewhat forced upon the team. After he was
reassigned by the TSAB, he resigned his position and returned to Earth. He spent several months looking for his
girlfriend Vala, who he felt was on Earth. He connected back with the Chicago Avengers, but was a fairly unreliable
member as he was constantly being drawn off during this time. At one point, he was drawn to Australia by a
technomancer named Tesseract. Tesseract taught him to open his paradigm. During a ritual with some aborigines,
Kir realized his girlfriend wasn't on Earth, in fact she never survived the fall of the TechnoMages. All of his visions
were the result of his survivor's guilt. He returned and became a full time Avenger, cast off his old robes and staff
and started his won path. At Troy's request, Kir moved to Emerald City to take over his spot on the main roster.


Avengers- Kir has dedicated himself to the Avengers. They are his new family and he will do whatever he needs to
for them.

Troy Alexander- Kir and Troy make a very formidable team. Kir wants to be the voice of wisdom for Troy that
Tesseact was for him. He also has taken on many of Troy's enemies, mostly to keep their focus away from the

Fandango - Fandango is the person he was assigned to watch and had the most reason to dislike him; so his
immediate acceptance and friendship made Kir feel like part of the team and not an outsider. As the other alien on
the team, the duo seemed to get into trouble a lot - mostly because Kir would follow Fandango anywhere.

Rin- Rin's current state is partially because he was covering for Kir while Kir was off in Australia. As a result, he
checks on the mage often. In addition, Kir has tried to take up the charge against other standard mystical enemies,
something most technomancers do not bother with.

Tesseract - The technomancer that helped Kir in Australia, Kir sees the older man as a bit of a mentor. Tesseract is
very atypical for a technomancer, spending much of his time away from technology. Kir makes every effort to help
out Tesseract whenever the senior technomancer needs it.

Dr Shock- Kir finds the cyborg scientist revolting, but he has primarily taken up the charge against him to keep the
villain's attention away from Troy.

Trigonsget- In much the same way, Kir has actively pursued the villainous children of Trigon to keep Rin out of it.

Madame Macabre - Kir's opposition to more classical supernatural foes has attracted the attention of the demon
endowed seductress. Their encounters tend to be half fighting/half flirting. Why she has set her sights on Kir is still
unclear to the technomancer.


Rin- Rin, the half-demon son of Trigon, barely maintains reserve status at the moment. Having inadvertently tapped
into Trigon's powers during the Invasion and then later an encounter with Joyboy left him very unstable. Joyboy hit
him with his fondest desire of Trigon not destroying this world, and his powers multiplied that by not only removing
his own demon side, but that of all the other of Trigon's children. When the effect was broken, Rin's demon side
came back with a vengeance. He was unable to meditate and his sleep was nothing but disturbing dreams. The final
straw was when he killed a villain in cold blood. At that point, he locked himself away to focus all of his attention on
keeping the demon side at bay. His only regular visitors are Susan and Kir Avon.

Cain Bennet- Cain is an older hero who joined the Chicago Avengers during the Invasion. Being outted as a meta
during the Moore Administration in the late eighties and disowned by his father, Cain left Freedom City. He
travelled across country with a group of other metas. He founded the SA Rangers with Foxfire and later went on to
become an attorney and leading advocate for metahuman rights. He was in Chicago when the Invasion hit, and even
though he had been retired from heroics for over 15 years, his instincts kicked in. He joined with the short-handed
Chicago Avengers and helped drive off the invaders. Later, when a group of heroes came together in San Antonio to
oppose someone using the technology of Baron Rhegher, Cain convinced Foxfire to fund them and he lent the
Avengers name to the new team.

The Return of Aum-Ra and the Catgirl Civilization

So just a little over a year ago Aum-Ra went off to look for the remaining members of her old group of alien super-
scientists and Shinchuu went to learn super-bio-tech from Doc Hazard. Shinchuu kept in regular contact with
Omni but Aum-Ra kind of dropped off the map, though understandable given that she had at least an entire universe
to search. And when she was finally heard from in the Crinoverse it was just a note attached to the new Captain
America she’d made for it.

Her return, however, was quite spectacular.

See this new supervillain calling himself Graviton issued a video ultimatum to AEGIS stating he would crush a
major US city with a giant rock unless they admitted to conducting super-soldier experiments and locking him up to
keep them quiet. No one at AEGIS knew what he was talking about and since he had a wild beard and was
unwashed they assumed he was some delusional nut who only thought he had powers comparable to Gravitar.

Until he raised the entirety of Avenger’s Island above Emerald.

The Avengers put up a good fight, managing to beat Graviton off and safely lower the island. Unfortunately
Graviton caught them back by turning everything in EC harbour into a weapon, crushing the Avengers with sheer
mass. He was about to finish them off when Aum-Ra appeared.

And she beat Graviton. The incident is recorded in the Book of Courage and here is told by future catgirl Geanie:

Graviton had spoken thusly “And what did you expect? You thought you faced merely a man. BUT WHO AMONG
And Aum-Ra crashed down from the heavens in gleaming armor with wings of light.
“Let’s hit some badass music.”
And yay the sacred tune began to play.
And Graviton grabbed her by the front of her armour and spake thus to her “Wait, this is your badass music? I’m not
getting my ass kicked to this!”
And Aum-Ra proclaimed “I beg to differ.”
And lo because she was so close Aum-Ra was able to sucker-punch him as had been planned.
Thus was started an epic beat-down.

(A story that’s told because “I landed in front of him all gleaming so he wouldn’t notice Ah-Ha sneaking up and
turning on the sound equipment. Caramell Dansen was her idea. Blue came up with the idea that he’d get mad and in
my face so he’d be easy enough for Ser to reach with a Vulcan Nerve Pinch. I was just bait.” doesn’t sound as

Yes Aum-Ra, the Avenger who was once three personalities merged into a sphinx that could manipulate energy and
matter, who’s convoluted back-story only starts there, is back. And she’s brought some old friends.

But first we have to learn something about the people she used to hang out with a long, long time ago......

The Catgirl Civilization Part 1: The Ancient

Ge-ne: The supportive one. Ge-ne acted as an assistant for whatever projects the others got themselves on. A very
Yamato Nadesko type she never got along with Ess-Kay. Ge-ne apparently sacrificed herself working with Ess-Kay
in saving "everything" at least according to the mysterious statue at the end of the universe.

Red: The diligent one. Red was the one who maintained the group's systems.....and health........and focus. When Nhn
sacrificed herself to obtain the necessary material to create the Project Civ Red was left to care for them.

Aum-Ra: The creative one. Aum-Ra started most of the group's projects. Unfortunately her over-zealousness in
protecting creativity lead to her becoming Aum-Ra the Godslayer and ultimately breaking up the group.

Mon: The bonding one. Mon dealt with understanding what the group created: what it did, what effects it caused,
and how it felt about itself. She was also something of a group therapist and diplomat. When the group broke up
Mon followed Doc Hazard to the Hazardverse to get away from the bad memories.

Ak-Ra: The courageous one. When something dangerous needed doing Ak-Ra did it, and was often the spirit of the
group, the one to encourage them to try new things. Of course she often did impulsive things on her own, like take
the contract from the Oans that ultimately led to the Emerald Eye of Ekron. Unfortunately without the restraint of
the group she quickly got herself killed being a solo hero.

Mhm: The one who listened. Mhm recorded stuff. That was basically it: she wasn't much of a talker. It's rumored
she could senses everywhere, even outside the Omni-Multiverse ("i.e. I could break the 4th Wall"). After meeting
Project Civ Mhm realized that mortality was one thing she'd never get to record unless she gave up longevity and
decided to reconstitute herself as a Civ, eventually living a full life and passing away.

Ess-Kay: The free-spirit. No one's really sure what function Ess-Kay served. She may have just been around
because she was fun to have even as a moocher, though she had a rivalry going with self-sacrificing Ge-ne. Ess-Kay
apparently sacrificed herself working with Ge-ne in saving "everything" at least according to the mysterious statue
at the end of the universe.

Nhn: The precise one. Nhn did plans, making sure stuff didn't just get done but got done when and how it needed. In
fact she was so good at plans it's rumoured she could predict the future. It may have been this ability that caused her
to sacrifice her body to create Project Civ.

Doc Hazard: The organizer. The Doc got they other 8 together, when there’s no way their clashing personalities
would have let them, supposedly by pushing so many random personality buttons that they all realized they were
much more effective as a team than alone. She also got the group into more wacky hijinks than anyone else though
things always mysteriously turned out okay in the end and with the Doc on top, leaving the 8 to speculate that the
Doc might not have been as crazy as she appeared. Unfortunately even Doc Hazard couldn’t prevent Aum-Ra from
going Godslayer.

The Catgirl Civilization Part 2: Now

Aum-Ra: Her search hasn’t changed AR significantly, aside from turning her hair and fur green. If her time with the
Avengers was dealing with the demons of her past then her solo journey was basic super dealing with demons of the
present. Her travels have often taken her outside the normal boundaries of space known from Earth and as a result
she’s still playing catch-up with all that’s happened. Her rejoining the Avengers is only speculation at the moment as
between her control of matter and being one of the best doctors in the world, or possibly even wider, there may be
better ways her talents can be used than beating up bad-guys.

Omni: Omni has been keeping busy, and not just with teaching at Avengers Academy: she’s looked into several
ways to gain new powers, everything from Devil Fruit to a Green Lantern ring. According to Omni the idea that
being a badass semi-normal means you shouldn’t go around trying to gain more powerful tools in ludicrous.
Introduced to Ser the Ancient the two have immediately hit it off over their agreement on this point and Omni’s is
starting to wonder whether she should go on her own journey across the multiverse.

Shinchuu: While Aum-Ra may be the best doctor right now Shinchuu is predicted to surpass her in the not-too-
distant-future, and between that and the sort of hijinks Doc Hazard gets her into (as well as a possible blossoming
romance) she really hasn’t had the time to return to Earth 409. However she’s heard of Jared and Shan’s condition
and has expressed interest in attempting to treat it given her knowledge of fungi.

Doc Hazard: A person of unimaginable science-magic skill and craziness, mostly because few people have actually
met her. The Doc apparently spends most of her time cooped up in her lab running experiments against every known
law except the ones about being a jerk and emerging only to cause individual-scale panic and life lessons.
(Author’s Note: The fun of Doc Hazard is that she’s meant to be The Unseen: provide a vague-yet-entertaining
super-science/science-y magic or sitcom-style plot and let the players’ imaginations do the rest.)

Mon: Mon is having to pull extra duty to keep the Hazardverse safe now that the thwarted invasion by Skarn has
focused attention on it and Chris is off having her puppies. (See The Adventure Patrol for Mon’s background.)

WILD: Wild was originally created by Red, Mon, Mhm, and Nhn in order to track down an eliminate any dangerous
equipment Aum-Ra left behind when she went godslaying. Unfortunately her programming to integrate into the
places she was kept causing memory loss, and it’s only been with the help of Mon that WILD understands who she

In other news being a goddess is confusing and WILD wonders if she shouldn’t go be a godhero like Athena since in
mortal life she had some clue. Afterthought’s been a help, but it’s a lot of option paralysis.

Lotus Radiant Forehead: A long time ago, when the unicorns still graced Earth with their loveliness, a star fell
from the heavens. A young unicorn, Lotus Radiant Forehead, who had been stargazing when it fell decided to find
the fallen celestial object. But she was not the only one: a group of humans had done likewise, and she was captured
for they believed her the sacred animal of their new “sky god”. She was a pampered treasure, but a prisoner all the
same. Fortunately she was, in time, rescued by a serpent-man, and in the confusion she stole the “sky god”: a mystic
gem with the power to grant great knowledge and wisdom to the bearer, the Star Cat’s Eye. She became friends with
her rescuer and for many centuries they had adventures together. But eventually, as the human world became more
and more connected, the serpent-man left for even farther places and the unicorns for the Imageria. Lotus, feeling
that there were no more adventures to have, found a new hobby trading in historic and secret knowledge gained
from her travels and use of the Cat’s Eye.

Then recently someone scrambled her brain. Lotus can’t remember how or why, and that’s probably because she
can’t remember a lot of things: much of her special knowledge has been “tossed around” in her head the same way
things in a room get tossed around when someone ransacks a room. Lotus now only remembers it all in fits and
starts, and most annoyingly that includes many of the ways of using the Cat’s Eye.
Things got even worse when some kind of golem came after her and she had to flee for her life. Obviously someone
wants her dead. But by fortunate chance this happened the same day Graviton was defeated and Ser the Ancient
returned to Earth. Lotus secured a barrier crossing and presented herself at Avengers Island.

Not only has Lotus gained protection but the Star Cat’s Eye was recognized as having been created by Mhm,
meaning the catgirls consider Lotus practically family. Currently Lotus is staying on Avengers Island, though
Twilight Sparkle’s constant questions about Earth unicorns are making her reconsider.

Emerald Lass: If possessing a catgirl artefact is enough to make one family then EL certainly is, even if she is
working for someone 409ers don’t like. That doesn’t mean the family has to trust her.

Ser the Ancient: The serpent-people were not always cold-hearted evil. Or, at least, they weren’t any worse than
humans. During that phase of their existence a serpent-man discovered he had stopped aging. As the eons drew on
and his people became more and more drawn into the corrupting world of unspeakable beings this serpent-man set
off to explore wherever he could: across the Earth, out into space (thanks to some friendly hitchhikers), and through
the dimensions of the multiverse. He fought terrible foes, sought wondrous treasures, and learned from the greatest
masters of what could be taught to someone as ordinary as him.

Thus was born the legend of Ser the Ancient, perhaps the most famous hero that no one has ever heard of. Why this
is so is a mystery, though the fact that he’s had countless names and worn countless disguises might mean that any
legendary hero anywhere was really Ser, and by extension there may be achievements of heroes attributed to him
erroneously. Ser, being a kind of practical person, does not advertise his achievements unless he thinks the story will
be a means to a good end. Even then he’s a master storyteller: how do you know he’s not saying what you need to

Ah-Ha: When Ak-Ra died there was no celestial force to claim her soul. However since she’d been pretty
courageous and heroic in her life a few spirits and deities of such came to compete for her.

Ak-Ra strode out while they were having their contests. Out of their protection she quickly fell prey to various
minor tricksters who needed a heroic patsy who wasn’t out of their legend range. So Ak-Ra was thrown between one
scheme and another, forced to go on one dubious quest after another because she didn’t know any better. When she
finally wised up she also realized she was too far in over her head: she’d been accessory to too many things to just
barge her way out. And so for the first time in her existence Ak-Ra had to actually think about her actions.

And what she came up with was courageously crazy. So courageously crazy it just might work: rather than take the
safe path of slowly digging her way out of trouble Ak-Ra wound herself even deeper in the schemes of every
trickster who’d ever played her until she was inextricably woven. All that time she played the part of the dumb hero,
except every so often she played it just dumb enough that there was a snarl in the thread of the plan.

Then she did someone else heroes are known for: she went back to life. Immediately all those carefully woven plans
found out that Ak-Ra had been their supporting thread and that without her they were all unravelling fast. With that
kind of reputation established Ah-Ha took a new name and look and began her career as a heroic prankster.

Blue: Nhn was dead. Mhm was dead. Red was the only one looking after Project Civ, and to do it she had to learn
how to stop being her stubborn self, as useful as that had once been, and start listening. And so she learned how to
listen. And that’s about it, apart from her occasional crazy stories like that time Black Dragon and Pinkie Pie took
their argument to the Avengers OOC thread.

Project Civ: Catgirls. It was apparently the last project Aum-Ra came up with before going Godslayer: she said
she’d found evidence that they nine of them were the last of a very ancient civilization of neko-people that explained
why they were a universal symbol of hotness. When Aum-Ra went off Nhn took up the project, but after a few eons
found that there was no known way to create the proper base material from scratch. But if it was true they were
descendants that meant her own body had to contain at least a tiny amount of that material for cultivation. So Nhn
sacrificed herself to try as many pieces as possible, and a few worked.
Thus the girls of Project Civ were born. For whatever reason they all appear as humanoid-type females, though they
are in fact physically asexual. They reproduce via external bio-tech wombs which can combine morphic material
from any number of parents. As this process is similar to that used by the Uryoms it is possible Civs may be able to
reproduce with any creature from which a template sample can be extracted. As they have mostly remained hidden
from the outside universe their full range of romance options is unknown. The Civs have spent their whole lives
inside an Aum-Ra worldship. This ship journeyed to Earth with AR and is currently disguised as an island in the
tropical Pacific near the nation of Kinkow while the Civs decide what they want to do next.

At some point in the distant future descendants of the Civs will colonize a flooded Earth after humans have left.

Lucius Cabot

Ever wonder how super villains keep getting back on the streets? No matter how many times guys like the Fun
Bunch or the Ultimates get put away, it always seems like they keep coming back to make more trouble. Why is
that? Despite what one may think, actual breakouts from super villain prisons tend to be quite rare, and while
villains do tend to elude justice a lot, sooner or later every bad guy (except maybe the top shelf ones like Gravitar
or Doctor Destroyer) gets caught. So how do they keep doing it?

Well you can thank one man for that: Lucius Cabot, the hardest working man in super villainy. When the Fear
Master makes a bus of nuns eat their own tongues out of blind naked fear, or Gamma the Atom Smasher gets
taken down after levelling a city block, the first person they call are Cabot, Cunningham and Crowley, the law firm
that caters exclusively to Super villains.

Well, technically the term they use is "Empowered individuals with antisocial tendencies", see CC&C doesn't like
using the "V" word when referring to their clientele, they personally feel that societal standards of good and evil are
BS, and that often their clients are unfortunate victims of circumstance, bullied and pushed to a life of villainy by
society and by those costumed self appointed vigilantes who deign to refer to themselves as super heroes.

Sound like crap? Yeah it is, and nobody slings it better that Lucius Cabot and his army of lawyers. Cabot has made a
career out of getting the most depraved and evil criminals in the world back on the street, using every single
loophole, cheap tactic, and method they can imagine to do the job. They bribe, they intimidate witnesses, they victim
blame until the cows come home (No lie, in one case Cabot was hired to defend the demonic mercenary Morningstar
after he attacked the Christian Hero Crusader, and Cabot was able to get him out on bail after arguing that the
Crusader's strong Christian overtones and apparel provoked Morningstar, who is a mortal in a demons body, into
violence). They just don't use mundane methods either. Cabot is a member of the Pact and has on his payroll
numerous mystical and demonic entities who can aid their clients supernaturally.

All of this is to further the cause of evil. Cabot doesn't care about money (Well, he does care about money. A lot, but
that's not his primary motivation). And he's infamous for taking jobs from clients who can't or wont pay for his
services. The main purpose isn't even to get bad guys back on the street (Although, again that is a big part of it). No,
the main goal of Cabot is to destroy hope, to convince people that there are some people who are above the law, that
doing good in the end doesn't add up to jack squat. After all, there's nothing more disheartening for a super hero to
find out that the villain they broke their arm and three ribs taking out got out the next day on a technicality, and that
said hero now has a restraining order against the villain for "Needless and uncalled for aggression." Many a new and
starting off hero has run into Cabot, and become so disillusioned they either quit or become an iron age style
vigilante (which also serves Cabot's agenda).

Of course, things have changed in Hell recently. With the demise of Mr. Hoppy and the reign of Leo Barnett,
Cabot's marching orders from on high have changed somewhat. While he is still getting bad guys back on the street,
he is also under orders from Barnett to persecute metahumans and make life miserable for them. Barnett, even as
king of Hell, still believes superhumans are the spawn of Satan, and is bound and determined to make sure every
metahuman burns with him. To this end, Cabot has been riding high on the Anti Metahuman Bandwagon ever since
Barnett came to power (and despite the fact he is still getting superv villains on the street, yes that is terribly
hypocritical, yeah Cabot does not give a single fig). Cabot has allied himself with the Knights for a Pure Mankind
and the IHA. He was also one of the major proponents of the Hero Act and used its nebulous wording to put many
heroes (even registered ones), in jail on trumped up charges.

Although Cabot is a magic user (and has the ability to turn into a huge serpentine demon, a recent gift from the
demon Geryon), and a lot of his high level partners are also magic or demonic in nature, the average rank and file
CC&C Lawyer is just a normal, non powered scumbag lawyer. Cabot knows better than to try to use superhuman
lawyers right in the courtroom. But he will certainly use his magical powers and demonic minions outside the
courtroom to meddle with the legal system. Cabot also has just about every super villain on the North American
Continent at his beck and call. He has both FOE and the Crime Union on speed dial, and if needed he can get any
villain on the books to help him. Because of this, anyone trying to attack Cabot directly quickly finds that litigation
may be the least of their worries.

Most of the free world despises Cabot, but most people see him just as a scumbag lawyer, only the magically
inclined know that he's demonic in nature. By extension most of the super heroic community know about Cabot and
his dirty dealings, but since Cabot works hard to get rid of any evidence of his supernatural dealings, he has been all
but impossible to pin down.


It started with a bang.

One quiet evening in 2010, the metropolis of New Amsterdam was rocked by an explosion of energy that levelled
six city blocks, killing thousands either instantly or in the aftermath, and left energized fallout raining down upon
three city districts. With Divinos out in Space, Kenneth Kane used the influence of both Spartacorp and
PHANTOM to contain the affected area into a sort of "No Man's Land", hoping to get first dibs on studying the
effects of the blast for his own ends, but unwittingly staving off further incident as reports of a strange and deadly
plague had broken out within the Quarantine zone, along with the emergence of a new kind of superbeing: Conduits,
so named because their powers drew upon some aspect of their surroundings, most typically energy.

Of course, Kane already what had caused "The Blast". The Ray Sphere. A basketball-sized device, designed to
transfer the bio-electric energy of every normal living being caught in the blast radius into those with the Conduit
Gene. He knew this because PHANTOM had helped make it, knowing they'd have a re-usable weapon of mass
destruction that would make the Wild Card virus look like the common cold.

Just as he knew who'd headed its creation: Kessler

Kessler was a mystery, the electricity-controlling, sometimes precognitive leader of a minor transhumanist-themed
cult known as the First Sons. Kessler had personally come up with the design and proof-of-concept prototype,
approached PHANTOM for their deal, and had overseen the creation of the Ray Sphere at every stage. It was
obvious Kessler was going to detonate the Ray Sphere when he got the chance, but he'd successfully made it seem
like the project was still unfinished, nor did Kane expect Kessler to set it off where he did.

But here is where Kenneth Kane leaves the story proper, having had more important things to do, instead passing the
Ray Sphere Debacle to PHANTOM operative Moya Jones, who'd acted as PHANTOM's liaison to Kessler. Jones
had two leads. First, knowledge that AEGIS had gotten an undercover agent, John White, into the First Sons, and
that he'd been able to steal the Ray Sphere after the Blast, but was now trapped within the quarantine zone. The
second, was that for whatever reason, Kessler had been obsessed with a nobody college dropout and bike courier
named Cole McGrath, going so far as to have Cole standing not just at ground zero of the Blast, but holding the Ray
Sphere itself when it activated, giving Cole rapidly growing electrical powers, and making him the most potentially
powerful of the known Conduits.

To Moya, it was a no-brainer to make Cole her operative in the Quarantine, using him to pacify the other gangs and
conduits (the easier for Sparacorp to roll in and further increase their hold on the city), track down John and the Ray
Sphere, and act as a stalking horse to lure out Kessler himself. And as an added bonus, slowly indoctrinate Cole into
becoming a PHANTOM super-agent.

Plans which went up in smoke due to Cole himself. Whereas before the Blast he'd have been an ideal recruit, the
guilt over his unwilling hand in the destruction had pushed him to be the better man, to become the hero New
Amsterdam needed against would-be conduit warlords, and the sort of man John White could trust enough to
personally contact Cole and tell him the truth.

Kessler made his move around this time, stealing back the Ray Sphere and waging attacks that pushed Cole to the
breaking point, including a Sadistic choice that left Cole powerless but to watch the murder of his love, Trish Dailey,
even as he saved a dozen hostages. Kessler attempted a second detonation of the Ray Sphere, but Cole was able to
destroy it in time, although at the seeming cost of John's life. barely minutes later, Cole and Kessler had a final
showdown at ground zero, the white-garbed madman finally dying from a combination of both injuries and his
advanced age, but not before sharing one final secret

Kessler WAS Cole, a different Cole who'd came into his powers naturally, but had stood by, putting himself and his
family over the World with the coming of a god-like Conduit known only as "the Beast". By the time this Cole
finally found the courage to face the beast after losing his family, the Beast had grown too powerful to defeat.
Desperate, the future-Cole used his powers in one last gamble, to send himself back in time, become Kessler, take
over the First Sons to create the Ray Sphere, and forge his younger self into the hero he should have been, no matter
what it took. Kessler died bemoaning it had been for nothing, that Cole was 'too weak', unwilling to make the
monstrous decisions Kessler felt would be needed to stop the Beast.

Not long after, Moya, at the end of her own rope, tried using PHANTOM-made Brute conduits to try and capture
Cole and salvage something of the mess, but perished when her decommissioned aircraft carrier headquarters was
sunk in battle between Cole and a creature created by Kessler's pre-Blast Ray Sphere experiments. Kenneth Kane,
having gotten all PHANTOM could from the debacle, washed his hands of the mess. As for Cole, his efforts had
gotten the Quarantine lifted so that the 'ray field plague' could be properly studied, and made contact with AEGIS
agent Lucy Kuo

Then came the Beast...

Standing over a hundred feet tall and looking like a humanoid volcano, the Beast appeared in the middle of the
Quarantine zone and rampaged on a direct course for Cole, who tried valiantly to fight him, using enough of his
power to temporarily burn it out, but was only able to slow the Beast down. Good news was Cole slowed him down
long enough for the recently returned Divinos to further stymie the destruction. The bad news was that the Beast was
powerful enough to swat Divinos aside before releasing another Ray Sphere explosion, killing every normal human
still within the Quarantine Zone, before vanishing as suddenly as he had appeared.

In the weeks that followed, Cole, his friend Zeke and agent Kuo made their way south to the city of New Marais,
Louisiana, where the First Sons had been founded, and where one of the Ray Sphere's creators was hiding.
Meanwhile, the Beast made his way down along the east coast after them, no longer causing such tremendous
explosions as what the media was calling "the Amsterdam Event", but leaving ray field radiation in his wake,
spreading the Ray Plague and creating conduits with each appearance.

In New Marais, Cole got more than just a vision of the future the Beast was bringing. it was a city at war, between a
radical militia sponsored by the IHA (Institute for Human Advancement, an anti-metaman hate group), Vermaak 88,
a mercenary outfit who'd all been turned into ice-powered Conduit mutates by PHANTOM-backed experiments, and
the "Corrupted", a disgusting breed of mindless swamp monsters. all of which were secretly backed by billionaire
industrialist, New Marais demagogue and PHANTOM regional manager Joseph Betrand, himself a Conduit by
using his militia rounded up homeless and dispossessed, then using a ray sphere prototype, only driven mad by
learning his new abilities were to become a monstrous behemoth and turn humans into the Corrupted. Although Cole
was able to bring order back to new Marais and stop Betrand, it was not without cost, Kuo being captured, tortured,
and forcibly turned into a cold conduit like Vermaak 88, and experience which unhinged her.

Shortly after Bertrand's final defeat, the Beast arrived in New Marais (despite taking a tactical nuke to the face while
he was still safely outside the city), but not in the form Cole expected. In reality, the Beast was John White, whom
when seemingly vaporized by the Ray Sphere, had undergone the same process of molecular deconstruction and
reconstruction that had famously created the godlike Doctor Manhattan, and now John had abilities to match. he
revealed his new awareness, and the true nature of the plague that the original Ray Sphere explosion, plus the
experiments in New Marais, had thrown countless amounts of Ray Field radiation into Earth's atmosphere, making it
poisonous to ordinary humans, but not to conduits. As the Beast, John was saturating as much area as he could to
awaken as many conduits as possible, to ensure some trace of humanity would survive this slow apocalypse. He also
revealed that the Ray Field Inhibitor, a device Cole and Zeke had assembled, powered-up and were now gambling
could stop John, perhaps even destroy him, but doing so would change the Ray Field radiation in the atmosphere,
making it as poisonous to conduits as everyone else, but not enough to prevent the extinction of humanity.

Cole refused John's offer to join him in the slaughter of normal humans, instead doubling down on the RFI, using
not only all the power he could draw from the city and raging storm overhead to supercharge it, but his own life
force, even as he fought against both the Beast and Kuo, who was now only concerned with her own survival.

In a flash of light, both Cole and Beast were proven right. the RFI did as intended, scouring earth's atmosphere of
the Ray Field radiation and curing its plague-like effects. And indeed, the changed atmospheric radiation proved
toxic to existing conduits, killing many outright, while others simply fell comatose, trapped in a living death until
contact with their element revived them. yet, at the same time, countless others found themselves able to do things
no one else could do, power to fulfil their wildest dreams or basest desires, as the RFI pulse activated all of earth's
latent conduits, while at the same time seeding countless more with their own latent conduit gene.


In the four years since Cole seemingly gave his life to save humanity (rumours persist that Cole was among the
comatose, merely awaiting contact with his element to rise again), Conduits have been studied and observed, with
the following recognized traits

First, conduits receive an all-out physical enhancement, becoming stronger, faster, and hardier, able to run at full
sprint for several minutes or suffer no damage from a multi-storey drop, to name two common example.

Second, and most infamously, a Conduit manifests a particular 'element', some aspect of their surroundings they
draw upon to fuel any number of effects for attack and defense, or even wilder possibilities. but the greater the
effect, the sooner the Conduit must find a source of their particular element to refuel their abilities

Sample conduit elements: concrete, electricity, fire, ice, metal, neon, oil, Smoke, toxins, video

Another common trait is that conduits are capable of "fast Healing", a combination of regeneration and their
hardiness that allows them to withstand multiple gunshots, providing they can find a ready source of their element.
this ability can be overtaxed however, and even a veteran conduit should beware of well-armed adversaries

Finally, like Bertrand did with his Corrupted, certain high-end "Prime" Conduits are able to imbue their followers
with inferior, basic version of their own powers, or as was the case with Bertrand himself, turn ordinary humans into
mindless monsters slaved to the Conduit's will.

That said, regular conduits can also find their bodies warped or twisted by their activation, turning them into
monsters as well. the powers of these conduits are almost always purely physical, although some do manifest the
energy abilities of regular conduits

Known Conduits

Cole McGrath: The Electric Man himself, Cole was presumed dead after defeating the Beast in New Marais,
who've since recognized him as their greatest hero. however, with the discovery of Comatose Conduits, the
possibility has been raised that Cole is still alive, awakened when his funeral barge was struck by lightning, and
many of his supposed post mortem sightings seem to follow Cole's surviving best friend, Zeke Dunbar (now a
member of the Gonzo Institute, and working on trying to earn his doctorate to go with his knack for throwing tech
together and conduit expertise).

Lucy Kuo: The former AEGIS agent turned cold Conduit turned right hand of the Beast, Kuo was also confirmed
dead following the battle of New Marais, until her body was placed in cryonic suspension for containment, transport
and analysis, snapping Kuo out of her coma and back to life. Kuo has since lived on the run, still unhinged by her
experiences in New Marais and 'death', but has started doing ops for Brande Management, as she tries to build a new

Nix: A young girl from the New Marais Swampfolk, Nix was among those sacrificed to Betrand's Ray Sphere
"ascension", but survived where everyone she knew or loved did not. traumatized and with pyrokinetic abilities
based around burning oil, Nix spent the rest of her life as the "Swamp Witch" of New Marais, becoming an uneasy
ally with Cole soon after he arrived. Not long before Bertrand's downfall, Nix discovered she could in fact control
the corrupted he created, and after his death made the surviving abominations her new 'family'... up until the Beast
destroyed them all for not meeting the standards of his 'new humanity'. mad with the need for Revenge, Nix rejected
the Beast's offer that she'd have otherwise accepted, but met her end during the early stages of the final battle. Or so
it seemed, because her body was never found. in truth, Nix was indeed dying, but the destruction of the battle caused
her body to fall down below the city and into the New Marais catacombs, and as she lay bleeding out, her blood
awoke the centuries old vampire known as Bloody Marais (she takes no offence to people calling her Mary), who in
gratitude, drank the rest of Nix's blood, thus unwittingly killing Nix before the RFI went off, and raised the swamp
witch as her vampire kindred sister/daughter/lover, teaching her in the ways of vampirism, while Nix tutors Marais
new abilities as a Blood Conduit. together, the two have left New Marais (having spent the past 4 years securing
their territory) to explore the rest of the country, and are currently forming a vampire coven in New Orleans

Hank Daughtry: One of the many activated conduits following the Marais event, Hank went from second storey
man and B&E artist to smoke-powered supervillain before he was arrested and sent through a series of prisons
before winding up in Ardun Cay outside Emerald City. There, Hank learned that this particular prison was secretly
run by Majestic 20, and metamen who went in had a habit of disappearing. knowing his own 4 year old daughter
was in Emerald, Daughtry staged the escape of himself and the other transferred conduits from the prison bus and
into the streets of Emerald City. Desperate, Hank's plans are to build up enough cash, get his daughter, and make
their way down to Texas and stay with his cousin Bill before fleeing the country entirely

Fetch: A teenaged runaway and former drug addict from Emerald City, Abigail "Fetch" Walker went clean when she
used her neon-light based powers (lasers and superhuman speed, mostly) to murder her brother Brent while suffering
from withdrawal, a decision helped along after she was sent to Cardun Cay, and underwent rudimentary sniper
training as a potential recruit for Majestic 20. Among those freed during the botched prisoner transport, Fetch has
gone on a vigilante killing spree on Emerald's drug dealers, sniping those she remembers peddling poison to herself
and Brent before making her way up the food chain. While not yet wholly consumed by revenge, its only a matter of
time before Fetch's crusade starts biting into the profits of the Malakov Mafiya, and Koschei the Deathless deems
her a problem to be "dealt with"

He Who Dwells: The third-known Cardun Cay escapee, Eugene Sims is a high-priority capture for Majestic 20. not
as a potential agent (oh god no. a stiff breeze could knock this kid over), but because his video-based powers not
only allow him to summon energy constructs patterned after the Angels in the popular MMMORPG Heaven's
Hellfire (or create an angel-themed energy mecha for himself in his "He Who Dwells" persona), but he can even
open portals to and from the so-called Digital World. as He Who Dwells, Eugene has become a one man
underground railroad, transferring anyone who needs to leave the city without a trace into the digital world, before
depositing them in the general real-world location of their choice. unfortunately, While Euguene knows why
Majestic wants him back and their almost certain intent to destroy this wondrous dimension he's found, he currently
unaware that he's drawing attention of beings from the other side of the screen, such as the vampiric entity
Myotismon, who see Eugene's 'travel agency' as a way to escape into the material world

Delsin Rowe: An anti-authoritarian Akomish-Hekawi street artist and graffiti vandal, Delsin activated as a conduit
when a prison truck crashed in his tribe's community and his people terrorized by both supervillains and "scary
black ops guys". Luckily for Delsin, his manifested power was mimicry, starting with the Smoke powers of Hank
Daughtry. following the destruction and harm to his friends and neighbours, Delsin has set out into Emerald to
expose Majestic and their allies, and in the process, has become something of a metaman revolutionary against
baseline hatred. Right now Delsin is walking a fine line, kept in check by his brother, ECPD detective Reggie Rowe

Brooke Augustine: A US special forces officer, Augustine was assigned to a squad to secure the New Amsterdam
Quarantine Zone after The Beast's attack, before her geokinetic powers were activated by the Marais event. making
her way up the ranks as a supersoldier, Augustine was slowly inducted into Majestic 20 after making Colonel,
having to work twice as hard to satisfy her superiors due to their distrust of her superman abilities. while as
intolerant of nonhumans and 'filthy Xenos' as most other Majestic operatives, Augustine sees herself as 'better'
because of her twisted sense of care for her fellow conduits. Cardun Cay has been Augustine's baby, a place to
contain and indoctrinate metamen to the Majestic Cause as super agents, justifying any experimentation and torture
as "necessary and valued sacrifices". As a prime conduit, many of Augustine's lieutenants sport geokinetic armour,
unaware that their powers are poisonous, giving them a slow death by petrifaction

White Rabbit: A new player in emerald, White rabbit is a conduit able to manipulate paper, named for her paper
rabbit mask. a teenager, White Rabbit's primary interest has been exposing the secrets of emerald city, although how
she comes by these secrets in the first place is a mystery

The Beast: The rumours are partly true. Cole McGrath has returned, but not the Cole people think. This Cole
accepted the Beast's offer to join forces, murdered his Zeke to destroy the RFI, and soon accepted the Power and
name of the Beast as his own to purge the world and put the baselines out of their misery... making his earth too
weak to defend against its threats, leaving him the king of a dead world. Desperate to change things, the Beast used
his powers almost as Kessler did, travelling a reality to over to world where his wimpy pussy goody two-shoes self
got lucky instead of having the guts to make the hard call. that this is a stronger, vibrant world does not matter to the
Beast McGrath. as far as he's concerned. there's a war between meta and baseline, and he intends to see his people
stand victorious atop the corpses. to do otherwise would be to admit that it was all for nothing. Beast-Cole has the
powers of himself, Kuo, and John White's pyrokinetic and giant-form abilities, although his Beast avatar is that of a
colossus made from red lightning.

The Crime League

Things have changed for the current version of the Crime League in recent years-the departure of Dr. Stratos, the
formation of the expanded Crime Union and its ruling Council of 13 which included Dr. Simian, as well as taking
on a few new members.

Here's a run-down.

Saturnalia Roman: Continues to support her father's interests on the League while he is mostly busy with the
Union, having to take on more responsibilities with Dr. Stratos gone. She's gotten some new toys to play with
recently that make her a match for most superhumans in a fight, but she still prefers to avoid violence if necessary.

Medea: Still the leader in name, the Romans now have much more influence, since Medea's magic was weakened
by the death of the Greek Gods, and even after their rebirth, she's not back up to 100%. This has mostly resulted in
her trying to call in old favours and recover items of power (like her golden staff) in order to get control of the
League again.

Tom Cyprus: The swamp man was most recently 'killed' in a battle with the Sentinels-Black Wing managed to
trick him into fighting in a chemical plant, which the hero exploded after Cyprus nearly took his head off. However,
Cyrpus has come back again-only this time he's smarter than ever. His fellow Leaguers think he's finally just
mastered the English language and has learned how to act like a real human, but its more than that, his new
intelligence rivals the Romans', and he's just biding his time, searching for a way to end his cycle of resurrection and
attain true immortality.

Maestro: Fatherton is actually less active with the League than before, he's joined their equivalent of 'reserve' status.
Far from feeling the effects of his age-Fatherton may be more or less immortal at this point thanks to various magic
and super-science treatments-Basil is just focused on his new wife and step-daughter. She hates him, but he's
confident she'll come around eventually.

Hiroshima Shadow: The living nuclear bomb has recently undergone a power-up, see, following the Atomic
Brain's most recent defeat, the Crime Union staged a raid on a known former base of his for technology and
equipment. Among the cache was a horde of new radioactive elements not catalogued on the periodic table. Shadow
fed on them, as he does, and his powers have grown as a result, to Gigaton/Fallout levels. He's gained a slight
greenish tinge to his 'skin.' Other than that, he remains the burning figure of hate for Americans and staunch enemy
of Dr. Metropolis.

Orion the Hunter: Has recently upgraded his arsenal with Foundry blasters, Questionite knives, and a spear made
of mystic metal that was a gift from Ares himself. Jack doesn't like having to rely on such 'crutches', but there's no
denying his recent outings against the Los Dios P.D. and the Avengers haven't really gone his way. He spent the
period of Lady Liberty's brief disappearance training and idly drinking, going through what the experts call 'arch

Wildcard: Jake has hit it real lucky recently-after years of being gambled from casinos, he fell into a floating poker
game that takes place in Hell, where even his powers bow down to the laws of the place. Finally faced with a real
challenge, he's become a real card shark and as a result, is now one of the shrewder members of the League, able to
size up his opponents with little more than a glance.

Devil Ray: Carl is something of the Everyman on the League-no super powers, no mad science genius, no real arch-
enemy that dominates his life, he's just a normal crook who the League keeps around since he's their amphibious
expert and they're smart enough to pull jobs underwater sometimes. Carl even got himself a girlfriend, Mantara,
though they're more 'on again, off again' than a stable couple. He has gained a bit more knowledge of how to repair
his battlesuit thanks to CD (see below) and Toy Boy's advice, but he's mostly the same as always-still fighting Siren,
still pulling robbery jobs, still boring everyone with swim talk (essentially, Devil Ray is criminal Anders Holm in
that respect.)

CD: 'CD' is the nickname of the Curator drone that joined the team a few years ago. In his time with the League, he's
been damaged and repaired (partly by himself, partly by Toy Boy) enough that he's started to develop in new ways,
away from his programming. Still driven to gather knowledge and catalogue everything, he's became something of a
fussy pedant-constantly lecturing others on the importance of ancient history, and for some reason keenly interested
in New Deco architecture.

Toy Boy: The perpetual child continues to provide the League with killer robots and deadly toys of all kind, and has
even built himself a mech-suit (very similar to a Rock Em Sock Em robot) for front-line combat, when he has to. He
also got along well with Billy Billions of the Society before he left Earth, but often plays games with Council of 13
member Player 2 when he's not busy plotting crimes.

Black Star: As much as he fights Star Knight, Black Star has gained a new enemy in Freedom Leaguer Golden
Marvel, and has to frequently draw on more and more power from his shadow bands in order to keep up with the
experienced hero. All this channelling of schattenwalt energies has made the alien more than a little unhinged, and
he's become more eager in his paths to bring 'enlightened tyranny' to Earth, especially since his previous cause-
destroying the Star Knights, was more or less accomplished by Darkseid's forces.

And the newest member, Alchemica: A foe of the Avenger Elasto and Colony member Bill Foster, Alchemica
joined the league after Medea contacted her and helped increase her powers-magically bonding Alchemica's piece of
the Philosopher’s Stone (actually part of an ancient Lemurian superweapon called the Madragalore) to her body and
enhancing her normal mutant powers. Now Alchemica has transmuting powers that make her a real threat-not quite
at Hohenheim the Light levels of power, but definitely more than a match for the average hero. Alchemica is
enjoying her new position in the 'big leagues', but aside from Medea, she prefers to spend time with the more down
to earth members of the League-Wildcard, Devil Ray and Orion mostly.

More Avengers

Vanguard (aka Draco): James Carter has had a semi-difficult run of things in his heroic career. Originally one of
the founding members of the Chicago Avengers he went on reserve status after freeing Esquestria from Quinn’s
control as he realized that he wanted a bit more out of his life than just straight super heroics, so he focused a bit
more on his romance with long-time girlfriend, Kelly, and started taking college classes part time and only go out on
patrols once every couple of nights a week.

Things had been settling into a routine pretty well when the Wildstrike happened while he was at one of his classes
and James immediately went into hero mode, protecting the people as best he could from the strange energy
manifestations until he was struck by one of them and was majorly transformed by it – undergoing a total body and
power restructuring and passing out from the pain he suffered from it.

When he woke up days later the draconic being who had been known as James Carter couldn’t remember one bit
about his life until that point. He was given the name Adam Uno and was among those recruited by Doc Steel to
become the founding members of the Bay City Sentinels. During his adventures with that group, Draco (as
Adam/James decided to call himself while acting as a hero), faced many varied threats alongside his teammates and
he eventually managed to regain his memories thanks to the efforts of Kelly (who had managed to put together the
pieces of events that had happened to Draco/Vanguard with some help from Kir Avon and the other Chicago
Avengers). After the BC Sentinels had dealt with the threat of the Beast Planet, Draco (as he’d become comfortable
with that identity) married Kelly and went on a month long honey moon around the world thanks to his membership
in the Avengers allowed them access to use of the Infinite Mansion at that point in time.

Not that it was all lovey-dovey and flowers during that time as Draco kept finding himself drawn into another time-
travelling adventure with someone who called himself the Doctor and his ‘companion’, Carter Cash (from before
he, ironically enough) replaced Draco (back when he was Vanguard) in the Chicago Avengers that led to Draco once
again impersonating the American Gargoyle during WWII that chronologically happened only a few weeks after
the first time he’d done it with the BC Sentinels. Though honestly Draco doesn’t like to talk about it too much as he
barely understands why it was so important as the Doctor wasn’t too keen on sharing the details with him.

Ironically enough it was the Doctor’s treatment of Draco and Kelly (it was the 9th Doctor to be specific and let’s be
honest; he’s not known for his ‘people skills’ really) that resulted in he and Carter parting company in the awkward,
and public, fashion they did in Japan which left Carter right at the feet of the visiting Chicago Avengers.

After that Draco returned to the BC Sentinels and has continued to adventure with them, though following
Afterthought’s death Draco threw himself into working with the leaders of the Rox in improving Joker relations with
the people of Bay City. His progress has been slow in this area due to the fact that someone has recently revealed
who he was before the Wildstrike to the general public. While this has actually helped Draco’s reputation with the
non-superhuman part of Bay City it has actually hurt Draco’s standing with a large amount of those on the Rox,
except for Doc and the group leaders (well most of them that is….the Magic Man still likes to give him a hard time
and rub his former ‘pretty boy looks’ in his face) of the Rox who know that Draco was just as afflicted and hurt as
those that he’s trying to help now and are trying to explain to those that have taken issue with him that it’s only
because he’s pushed so hard and through so much that Draco has managed to reclaim a significant portion of his old

And apparently because he likes using the same test subjects if possible, Dr. Shock kidnapped Draco again a short
while ago. This time around the mad doctor managed to extract enough genetic material to create a clone of Draco
but for some reason instead of looking like Draco and possessing similar powers the clone instead resembles Draco
before the Wildstrike transformed him, even possessing the powers he originally had as Vanguard (minor FISS
abilities as well as strong energy manipulation). Despite this head-scratching turn of events Dr. Shock decided to
make the most of the situation and force the two to fight one another to see which version was the better.

Neither man cared for the situation and engineered the situation so that they could free themselves, though once
again Dr. Shock managed to escape, as did the clone in the ensuing chaos. Draco has no idea where the clone went
but figures that he’ll either a) show up at the most ill-timed moment possible and cause trouble or b) eventually
figure things out for himself and make something of himself eventually.

It’s what Draco did after all.

Carter Cash: A man out of his own time, Carter Cash always prided himself on being flexible enough to make due
with the situation he found himself in - after his falling out with the 9th Doctor led to his joining the Chicago
Avengers where he managed to get caught up with the goings on of his family's life during the decades he’d missed
thanks to his abrupt return to this time period instead of his 'home' time, and he's proven that just because he didn’t
have any super powers to rely on that a sharp mind and a steady gun hand could make a difference during the

Following that Carter got an offer to join S.W.O.R.D. from Brande personally to act as a special agent/trouble-
shooter for the organization based on his experience with alien technology, languages, and societal customs (plus the
fact he could handle working alone with little backup or support to speak of was just an added bonus). Feeling ready
for a change, Carter went onto reserve status with the Avengers and has been spending a good deal of his time in
South America where large chunks of the starships used by the Invasion forces have created a number of problems
(from mutating local wildlife to various being taken by those who would misuse them). Carter's last check-in with
S.W.O.R.D. mentioned something about tracking down marauders wielding high tech energy weapons and riding
giant techno-enhanced panthers, who claimed to be part of something called the Southern Alliance Army.


The hero known as Batmech was originally Mecha Raven, a joint venture between supervillains Toyboy and Doc
Otaku, creating giant robot replicas of various heroes, before the plan fell apart and their version of raven turned on
them and dragged the bickering duo to the cops, before flying up to the rooftops to find a gargoyle strong enough to
perch on safely. De-activated and sent to Millennium city to be examined by Dr Isaac Sumdac, who restored the
robot to 'life', and after a battery of tests, gave him a clean 'bill of health' approved 'his' release into the world. Dr.
Sumdac's daughter Sari (the teen heroine Pretender) suggested the name/theme-change to "Batmech" ("not many
bat-themed guys out there."). Batmech has decided to try out for New Warriors to advance human-robot relations,
and to gain heroic experience before applying to the Champions.

While on the New Warriors, Batmech quickly made a name for himself, first by casually outing himself as a
homorobosexual (gay robot), nearly being destroyed in a calculated supervillain ambush on live TV and receiving a
smaller, but no less powerful, new body built with Cybertronian technology, and the first live broadcast of hot
manbot-on-burly cyborg computer code-interface action was between himself and heavy artillery.

Although the New warriors fell apart only a few episodes later, Batmech remained on cordial terms with most of
them (including providing additional Vocals for some of Ali Power's songs), but turned down Champions
membership to focus on his work in the robot civil rights movement and raise his newly made son Robintron
alongside his partner, the robot super-wrestler Destructor.

When his former teammate Janice O'Donnelly asked, Batmech signed up with the Chicago Avengers to replace
founding member Dave "Diesel" Tanner, a mere week before the Invasion. While not part of the two active field
teams, Batmech's efforts were no less valiant as he and the other Chicago avengers aided in the defense of
Millennium City, even after he got word that Robintron was on disassembly's door following a raid on Claremont
Academy. Only when Millenium was secured did Batmech finally get leave to share Robintron's last moments.. only
to find Robintron's demise was greatly exaggerated

The boy-bot hadn't just been saved, but given an entirely new body, one built from the same Cybertronian tech and
design principles as Batmech's, going so far as to rename himself Hotroddin. But batmech's joy turned to shock at
the revelation this miracle required. to save their son, Destructor had to reveal 'his' true identity, one of the many
alternate selves of the supervillainess Dollface, and before braking the Destructor body to prevent its use in tracking
her down, Dollface apologized to Batmech, that although everything they had was based on lies and deception, she
genuinely had come to love him, and promised Hotroddin, that every other version of Dollface would still love him
as much as she had, now that she'd uploaded her memories of him to their shared emotional server.

Batmech was devastated by this, throwing himself into his work, and personally mentoring Hotroddin as his
sidekick, but with his son at his side, Batmech was able to face not only that darkness, but to turn away to accept the
dawn of new hope, joining the Avengers proper when the Emerald and Chicago branches merged, and has re-entered
the ay robot dating game. at the time of this writing, Batmech is still single, but keeps winding up in relationships
with fellow homorobosexual superhero Ghost Robot (who originally only took up the relationship to try and sleep
his way onto the Avengers, but has become less of a self-serving tool since then).

Most recently, Batmech was destroyed during Professor Zed's attempt to destroy half the multiverse and conquer
the rest, his mind and body hopelessly corrupted on his team's mission to Phyrexia, requiring him to be put down,
but, having for seen such possibilities, Batmech's mind is regularly backed up each morning at Avengers Island, and
his technical specifications are known to Franky, who rebuilt the automaton avenger good as new

But, as the Avengers found out, the other Batmech didn't die so easily, his warped consciousness and violent hatred
too... pure for Phyrexia to let lie in ruins. They rebuilt him to their foul aesthetics, nurturing his new hatred for
anything that failed to meet his twisted code of 'justice' or the laws of Phyrexia. baptized again in Phyrexian oils,
redesigned as one of Elesh Norn's enforcers of Unity, this perversion of all Batmech was, is and stands for was given
his new name: Kra-xi-Stiv, the Knightsend.

Burning Protectorate revisited

Okay, a while ago, I mentioned that the Battle Czar invaded the Burning Protectorate, deposed the Czar, stuck him
in a breeder reactor underneath his palace, and is now running the nation himself.

That was about two years ago. So how much has stuff changed since then.

Well, as it turns out the Protectorate is now a much nicer place to live: Battle Czar, unlike his counterpart, doesn't
actively despise his subjects so he isn't forcing them to live in abject poverty in a ruined radioactive wasteland.
Using his extensive Mithran tech, the Battle Czar has cleaned up the environment of the country, rebuilt the cities,
and provided free power to everyone in the nation. The power actually comes from the Czar, still imprisoned inside
the breeder reactor underneath his palace, so the Protectorate is now, in essence, a modern day Omelas, with the
entire nation prospering from the suffering of one man. But that one man is the Czar, so no one really minds.

So yeah, Battle Czar has improved the quality of life for his citizens... with one caveat: The organized genocide of
all the deformed mutants created from years of living in nuclear fallout. The Battle Czar recruits any metahumans,
but Jokers are hunted down and wiped out. Battle Czar is keeping this quiet for now, since he knows it will cause a
massive problem for him if its found out. Aside from this Battle Czar has been working to create a new communist
Paradise in the Protectorate.

The Protectorate has numerous metahuman agents and defenders: Foremost of them is Red Winter, the
Protectorate's national super team, but there are other metahuman guards to be sure. Queue, the minister of science
for the nation, has been experimenting with both the Gamma radiation technology of her predecessor (Samuel
Sterns, the Leader), and the Battle Czar's Mithran technology, and thus is always creating new superhumans with
them. Ranging from gamma mutants to cyborgs.

Two such cyborgs are the Head of the Burning Protectorate and her number two: Katya Kasanova and Barry
Dylan. Katya was a Protectorate spy who tried to defect, was killed by Barry, and revived and turned into a cyborg
by ISIS' resident mad scientist Dr. Krieger. Barry was a US spy who was left for dead in the Protectorate and turned
into a cyborg as well. They are both formidable foes, and they have numerous super powered agents beneath them.

On the world stage, the Protectorate is seen as the lesser of two evils between them and Thule (Although people may
not feel the same if they knew about the Protectorate's current genocide), and are rivals to Thule. The Protectorate is
also foes to Ruritania, and The Protectorate is currently engaged in a Cold War with America (so the guys Archer
and ISIS are always fighting? The Protectorate.)

One final note, following an invitation by the Battle Czar, the wilderness of the Burning Protectorate is now the
home to the Crone. What Battle Czar is thinking associating with such a dangerous character, and what they have
planned, is anyone's guess.

Celestial Dragons

High Lemuria, home of the high evolutionaries, who are a people of arrogant, war like metahumans. But while they
are pretty bad, there are far far worse.

The Celestial Dragons, once the cruel and malicious rulers of High Lemuria, they were eventually banished and
exiled by their former masters, scattered across the Annihilation zone, they eventually escaped the Zone, and now
they are roaming the universe, spreading havoc and chaos wherever they go.

Even by the standards of the High Lemurians, The Dragons are beyond and imperious. Back in the day, they would
wear special helmets and air tanks so they wouldn't have to breath the air of the common folk. They would regularly
declare people their slaves and kill anyone who got in their way. Naturally, they no longer practice this, but they
aren't afraid to show their weight around when they get the opportunity.

All the Celestial Dragon's are also immensely powerful metahumans, possessing vast powers from the Genesis

Thankfully most of the Celestial Dragons have died off, but there are a few left, probably a dozen or more. Here are
just a few of them:

Thanos: The most feared of all the Dragons, Thanos was a vast and powerful cosmic energy manipulator, who was
literally in love with the concept of Death. He was responsible for leading wars against the outer world for no reason
than to cause as much death as possible. After escaping the Annihilation Zone, Thanos wandered the universe,
eventually learning of the all powerful infinity gems. Luckily he was defeated on Earth before he could use them to
destroy all life in the universe. He is now incarcerated in an undisclosed location.

Starfox: Eros is the young brother of Thanos, and actually the only good member of the Celestial Dragons. Starfox
actually sided with the Rejects when they rose up against the Dragons, and went into exile of his own accord to keep
an eye on Thanos. Starfox has chased Thanos all across the universe. Starfox is a FISS, and also has the ability to
control the emotions of others, in particular make them feel love.

Donquixote Donflamingo : One of the first of the Celestial Dragons to return to Earth, Donflamingo went
underground, becoming the head of a major crime syndicate and attracting an army of metahumans, gestalts, and
other strange characters. Donflamingo's syndicate deals in human trafficking, illegal medical and weapons testing,
and black market sales. Donflamingo is powerful in his own right, with the ability to control and manipulate strings
to a variety of effects.

Ragyo Kiryuin: The first scientist supreme of High Lemuria, Kiryuin is a FISS who developed a material known as
life fibers, a living material which can be weaved into uniforms which can bestow super powers. After escaping the
Annihilation Zone, Ragyo set up the Revocs corporation so she could use her super powered clothing to conquer the
world. She is also working with the Shadow Academy, to provide their students with enhanced abilities (in
exchange for enrolling her daughter as the class president of the Shadow Academy's Japanese branch).

Gamemnae: Not a real high Lemurian, Gamemnae was an Atlantean sorceress who defected to High Lemuria. In
addition to being one of the most powerful spellcasters alive, Gamemnae can physically absorb other people to
increase her size and power.

Lissandra: Another powerful Witch, Lissandra is a powerful ice manipulating spellcaster. When she escaped from
the A zone, she took over a small stretch of land in Norway, which would eventually become the eternally cold
Freljord. Lissandra was defeated centuries ago and is still frozen solid beneath the land itself.

Infinata: The ruler of an A-Zone world known as Dementia 5, Infinata's mental powers are on par with those of
Menton or other such epic-level psionists, seemingly capable of god-like, reality-twisting effects. the reality
however, is that Infinata's powers are all merely hyper-realistic mental illusions, which he uses to make his enemies
destroy one another, and a secret he guards with miser's avarice

Zeref: The Black Wizard, mightiest of High Lemuria's ancient sorcerers, whose speciality was the black arts, with
power over destruction, necromancy and the command of Demon and spawn of the Entropic masters alike. so
terrible and wicked that many High Lemurians choose to think him nothing but a myth, and those that do make a
compelling argument that he was as feared as Thanos is. yet such power draws sycophants, and cults have risen on
earth and A-zone alike to bring Zeref back from whatever forgotten corner of reality he calls home or prison
Avengers Academy student Erza Scarlet was once slave to one such cult
Grob Gob Glob Grod: The other good Celestial Dragon King, Grob Gob Glob Grod is a four-faced being of
mythic, god-like ability, said to have founded the Beginagais, a movement which unified the Chosen and Rejects
into High Lemuria's Evo-Lutionaries, and aided by High Lemuria's first known king, The Emancipator (a time-
travelling Abe Lincoln, actually) in driving the Celestial Dragons from High Lemuria. Glob is the primary deity in
High Lemurian religious parlance, equivalent to God/jesus when named in oaths.

Aliens (Champions)

Ack'alians: A race of super strong, giant, four eyed brutes, the Ack'alians are a race of warriors who seek to
dominate others. They are relatively on the same technological level as humanity, but because of their close
proximity to Malva, several Ack'alians had been taken as gladiators. They are now on Earth thanks to the Young

Az'arc'a: A race of immortal energy beings The Az'arc'a can't actually survive the gravity of a planet, but instead
live in a radiation belt near the Stellar Khanate. They are well renowned for their knowledge from their millennia of

Dendrians: A race of purple skinned humanoids who can see ultraviolet light, one of their numbers, Brin Rei Tarn,
is one of the few remaining Star Knights, and has transferred to Earth to assist protecting it. The Dendrians are a
peaceful people who attempt to remain neutral in intergalactic affairs.

Fassai: A gray skinned ridge headed race distantly related to the Klingon people, Fassai are notable for the super
villain Herculean, who is currently operating on Earth.

Ixendar: The Ixendar are an advanced race of ochre skinned humanoids with heavy brows. They are an advanced
culture known for cleanliness and desire to raise their social status.

Jakkari: A race of Armadillo like humanoids with a deeply religious society, the Jakkari once recruited the
Sentinels to aid them in fending off an invasion of the MQro (Described below).

Kuzane: A race once encountered by the Atom family in outer space, the Kuzane's physical forms perished long
ago, leaving them disembodied forms aboard an sentient vessel. Sadly their ship was destroyed, and the race is now
believed to be extinct.

Mandaarians: One of the most advanced races in the Lor Republic, the Mandaarians are a race of peaceful
philosophers and scientists. Most of the race possesses psychic powers, and other powers are possible as well.

Mon'Dabi: A race of reptile men from a planet where mammal life never evolved, Mon'dabi are territorial and
sexist, but also skilled negotiators and traders.

MQro: A hostile race of invaders battled by the Sentinels in 1972, the MQro are a race of three legged energy blobs
with quasi organic tech. Little is known of them.

Perseid: A race of black skinned humanoids with bony ridges on their head, they are notable because the hero
Ironclad hails from their numbers.

Sirians: A race that tried to invade Earth twice, the Sirians consisted of a Green skinned upper caste, and a gray
skinned lower caste (which resemble other "gray" species like the Grigorio and the Furons, suggesting a
connection). The Sirians made the mistake of trying to invade Malva, and got wiped off the face of the universe.

Vayathurans: The Vayathurans hail from a moon orbiting a gas giant, and are distant relatives to the Tamaraneans,
although lacking their powers and tech, they have many similar societal conventions (Such as no taboo against
nudity), they are also a polyamorus species. One of their members, a teleporting super hero named Far Strider,
sometimes operates on Earth, and is a good friend to Charli Brown (who has visited Vayathura in the past.)
Aliens (Champions) Part 2

Anthari: A species of blue skinned humanoids, the Anthari were nearly wiped out when Collapsar the Devourer
destroyed their world. Now the few remaining Anthari are space faring nomads on the verge of extinction.

Belaxians: Natives to a high gravity world, Belaxians are squat, blocky, and strong. They lack vision like humans,
instead seeing via radar.

Catlavans: A race of seven foot tall four armed humanoids, Catlavans are unique in that they are a very traditionalist
society, and don't exactly embrace technological innovations (i.e.: They have FTL starships, but also mainly use
steampunk technology).

Cophidians: a race of humanoids evolved from dog like pack hunters on a cold dim planet, Cophidians prefer the
company of others, and develop mental problems if isolated for too long.

Cristobalites: A creation of the Malvans, Cristobalites are sentient boulders who spend most of their time
philosophizing and in quiet contemplation.

Denebians: A race of turtle like humanoids, Denebians marry for life, bonding with their spouses on a biochemical
level that makes divorce physiologically impossible,

Donburil: A race of gold skinned humanoids whose metabolism requires them to eat foods that would be lethal to
most other species.

Dorugandans: A race of sapient mushroom people with psychic powers, The Dorugandan are part of the Lor
republic, but prefer to be left to their own devices because they move at a much slower pace than other races.

Eauhiaomeaaeiu: A race of energy beings, these amoral parasites are nearly extinct. The villain Esper was created
when one of these merged with her, dying in the process and granting her its power.

Ereni: Members of the Lor republic, the Ereni are tall and fur covered, and are known as scholars and explorers.

Ergons and Thorgons: The Ergons are a race of short humanoids who are masters of bio engineering. Their
creation, the Thorgons, are taller and nastier, and are used for jobs the Ergons don't wish to do themselves.

Esagites: A race of green skinned humanoids, the Esagites renounced violence a long time ago, but realize other
races have not, so maintain a large space navy for defense purposes.

Fex: The Fex are a peaceful feline like race which are currently pre industrial revolution.

Ghok'pa: A race that once attempted to subjugate the universe, they were all wiped out by the Star Knights
centuries ago, now only the remnants and ghosts of their evil empire remain.

Golo: A primitive world with a medieval culture, there are natural psionics among the Golo, who are seen as witches
and feared and persecuted.

Hrac'darese: A race of religious fish like humanoids. females of the species are smaller and weaker than males, and
are only fertile for a five year period in their twenties.

Jaruma: Silicon based, three armed and legged creatures (With each hand ending in a mouth surrounded with eyes)
the Jaruma breath a mix of carbon dioxide and fluorine, and usually colonize worlds other sentients can't live on.
They are part of the Lor Republic.

Jhinu: A race of humanoids who long ago perfected genetic engineering and removed all abnormalities from their
genes. All Jhinu are descended from one of several genetic lines. While they removed the metagene from their DNA,
they can still induce super powers through experimentation and accidents.
Kadathari: Another feline like species, they are only at 14th century level technology, but are quickly advancing.

Kadilians: Kadilians are a humanoid species which is much more durable than humans, and practice a philosophy
of near pacifism.

Kalishari: A subterranean and nocturnal species, the Kalishari possess colour changing skin which reflects their
mood and intent. Because they don't control this, they tend to be very honest.

The Kolajik pack: A race of Boisterous and communal raptor men, their technology is roughly 19th century

Korundar: A species of rock like humanoids who live in a superheated environment lethal to most other species,
they are very slow, but often find work on other worlds as miners.

Krsst: A hive mind species of insect like humanoids, each Krsst hive behaves as a single being, and believes it
knows what's best for it. Their tech is comparable to humans, but incompatible with it.

Lorghil: Brown skinned humanoids with a higher than average rate for psionics, the Lorghill are a peaceful race
who shun emotions and competition.

Mostreen: Are an avian species with long fingers. They have sharp beaks and are very curious.

Naloth: A race of psychic, tentacles giant slugs. They use biology based technology.

Nan: A race of sharp arrow headed humanoids lacking eyes and ears, who use psionics to track prey, they love to
hunt and inflict fear.

Naxari: Ages ago, the Naxari tried to conquer the Milky way, only to be stopped by the Star Knights. Their
existence came to an end when their homeworld was destroyed by the villain Galaxia.

Orthu: A race of avian creatures descended from dinosaur like creatures, Orthu have a great deal of infighting
among themselves along tribal and racial lines.

Osathri: A race or large catfish like creatures with hand fins. They have medieval level technology.

Pelgonites: Another victim of Collapsar. Their world, and they, are long gone.

Pograckians: A race of humanoid canines, who are marked by a serious competitive streak.

Prylenish: A race of humanoid plants who can grow humanoid bodies. Their race was conquered by the Hzeel, and
some refugees escaped to Earth and ended up becoming gardeners at Claremont Academy with the help of

Quagi: A race of amphibious frog like humanoids, Quagi are part of the Thran Allegiance.

Qedustiers: A race of horned humanoids who are rapidly advancing in technology. Once aggressive, years of war
weeded out the more violent of their kind, and now they live in isolated city states.

Renghadi: Members of the Thran Allegiance, Renghadi are an offshoot of the humans of the Lor republic, with
similar appearance with only a few biological differences.

Rigellians: A race of humanoids known for their beauty and their ability to modulate their voices to produce sounds
higher and lower than humans, most of their super beings have sonic based powers.

The R'kaili hive: One of the few non insectioid hive mind races, the Hive is a mammalian species with a planet
wide hive mind. They have incredibly advanced tech.

Roin'esh: One of the races under the Malvans, the Roin'esh are shapeshifters who shapeshifting powers exceed even
the Grue (Greater Roin'esh have shapeshifting based super powers). The Roin'esh bristle under the control of the
Malvans, and seek to break free and establish their own interstellar empire.

Salgadians: The Green skinned humanoids conquered by the Malvan outcast Telxaxares, they are as culturally
diverse as humans are.

Se'ecra: A race of flightless, mute, humanoid beetles, they rule a small empire in the Stellar Khanate, and have a
reputation as meddlers who help out more primitive species, breaking the Covenant left and right.

Se-lag: One of the subject races of the Sec'ecra, the Se-lag resemble four armed otter like creatures who have a
penchant for practical jokes.

Shar'een: A race of ochre skinned humanoids allied with the Perseid.

Shiseki: A race of crab like creatures with a caste system and a hive mind.

Sholarron: A race of psionic parasites which control and feed off host animals, they resemble a giant centipede.
Despite their creepiness, they are friendly and don't feed on sapient beings. They are allies to the Se'ecra.

Susethrin: A race of serpentine creatures resembling armed snakes. They have primitive technology, but don't need
it because they have natural telekinetic abilities as well as the capacity for super powers.

Tarmin: The Tarmin are a race of rat like humanoids who are honourable to a fault and take offence to slights and
insults. Their world has higher gravity than Earth, so they tend to be stronger than humans.

Ta'shar-n: Another victim of Collapsar, this species had gray skin and three eyes.

Thrinu: A race of flying avian humanoids, the Thrinu have a true democracy where every member votes regardless
of age and capacity, and they have notoriously short attention spans.

Tkaki: Human sized, Tkaki resemble a cross between a praying mantis, a scorpion and a grasshopper.

Toractans: Are a primitive subterranian race who are stronger and better armoured than humans.

The Varyani: A humanoid species whose social status and psionic power is indicated by the number of crests on
their head. The Varyani have a small empire in the Stellar Khanate.

Velarians: One of the founding members of the Lor republic, Velarians resemble humans.

The X'endron network: A nomadic fleet of sentient machines, the X'endron seek to conquer the universe and
subjugate all organic life.

Xenovores: A race of vicious predators, the Xenovores see all other life as food and can eat anything. They are
currently at war with the Daleks.... Yeah Good luck with that.

Zmm: A race of tiny wasp like humanoids, they have human level technology.

Z'rel: A humanoid species with potential for super powers, Z'rel have advanced tech, but there is a growing
movement dedicated to eschewing use of such tech and going for a more primitive life.

Zurites: A race of blue skinned immortals, with psychic powers, the Zurites were once an advanced species, but
abandoned their technology to live lives of contemplation and artistic endeavours at a medieval tech level. A few
Zurites still use tech though, living as nomads.
Raven Incorporated

Nothing lasts forever.

And so it came to pass that Callie Summers, the second Raven, decided to hang up her cape and mask for good.
Following the successful rescue of her teammate Lady Liberty from the Titan overrun alter Earth she was stranded

There was no single one reason for the retirement: Yes, the fact she had been brainwashed by an extradimensional
cult was part of it, but the main thing was that Callie had started to feel, more and more, that she could do more good
from behind the scenes. Besides which, she wasn't getting any younger, and despite being highly skilled and deadly,
she was still only human.

That being said, there will always be a need for the Raven and people like her. Non-powered costumed avengers
striking from the shadows, badass two fisted do gooders without actual powers beyond strength and skill, and to that
end Callie, along with her father, came up with a plan.

At a press conference, Callie made a shocking announcement: That her family had funded the first and second
Raven's crusade against crime. And that Callie was going to take a good idea, and expand it exponentially; yes, like
the Sentinels, the Raven were being franchised.

But its not enough to but a Raven in every city in the US, Callie has slightly larger ambitions than that. No, Callie
has expanded her Raven Incorporated worldwide, arming costumed vigilante on every inhabited continent.

It works like this: The Raven Incorporated brand supplies its members with weapons, vehicles, and other resources
they may not be able to pay with on their own, in addition, they gain access to an international and heavily guarded
network with which they can share information and call for help if need be. The Raven Inc server is maintained by
Troy Alexander and Technus, and is virtually impervious to hackers. Vetting for potential candidates is extreme,
designed to ensure only the right people get their foot in the door: Both competency and moral fibre are examined,
and Callie is very stringent in her judgements.

Naturally this entire enterprise has turned some heads. Numerous costumed vigilantes across the world are
clamouring to get Callie's attention, and the villains are bristling as well; Numerous villains and assassins have made
attempts on Callie's life following the announcement, but so far none have succeeded in touching her. Dr. Sin in
particular is interested in what Callie may be thinking setting up this little scheme, but so far he has yet to make a

Two major developments also to consider: The first is Relentless and Rook. The two primary non powered heroes
of Emerald have decided to get into a friendly competition to see which of them will represent Emerald in Raven
Inc. This means major headaches for local bad guys.

The second is Wildcard. Always one of the second Raven's major foes. Wildcard actually knows Callie and Raven
are one in the same (thank Wildcard's super luck; He actually stumbled on Raven removing her mask in an alley
after their first encounter, he just never acted on the info till now). Wildcard is endlessly amused by this new turn of
events, and has already considered recruiting an army of clown and comedy themed villains to form his own team.

Some notable members of Raven Inc so far include:

Revenant: The same mysterious costumed hero who led the rag tag team of heroes against the G'tach during
theTime of Vengeance, Revenant was hand picked by Callie as her replacement on the Freedom League.

Raven III: The Third Raven, better known as Elite, is the first official member of Raven Inc. Taking over the first
Raven's old stomping grounds of New York City, In truth Elite rarely makes use of the tech and hideout provided by
Callie, preferring to do things his own way. Still, he's always on call if needed.
Moon Knight: Raven Inc.'s Chicago representative, Marc Spector was a Mercenary in Egypt when he perished and
was resurrected by the Egyptian God Khonshu, deciding to become a costumed crime fighter. Moon Knight has
numerous alternate aliases he uses throughout the city.

Carcal: The Raven Inc representative in Saudi Arabia, Carcal is Yousef Abdulaziz El-Kharejiji, a former police
officer who grew up admiring Western Super Heroes. Raven and Carcal actually worked together a few times when
the Freedom League was helping track down Al Khalyl members operating in Saudi Arabia a few years back, and
the two are good friends. Carcal is something of a swashbuckler by nature, and enjoys the attention as much as he
does helping people.

Jack in the Box: Operating out of Astro City, Zachary Johnson is a legacy hero and toy designer who took up his
father's mantle as Jack in the Box, fighting criminals with a clown theme and toys. He worked with Raven in the
past to thwart a teamup between Wildcard and Astro City villain the Deacon.

Okay, its late, so lets leave it at that. I think you get the general idea. Anyways, I got to work at 7 Monday morning,
so the first day of Hidden Lands week may be a bit late or Early. Depending on how much sleep I get.


Originally a rogue timelord pirate who attempted to sit out the great time war and profit on the sidelines, she ended
up having that come back to bite her and ended up crashing outside Freedom City during the Terminus Invasion.

Fatally wounded and trying to go to ground, she attempted to use a broken chameleon arch during her regeneration.
the combination of such left her has a human infant. Discovered and Raised by the Brown's as their own daughter,
Charli spent 18 years as a.. not quite typical human. And then she got super powers and met a giant robot from
beyond time and space and become a super hero.

Admittedly a strange one. Charli was always a little off personality wise, flighty and prone to jumping subject to
subject and things popped into her head. Being able to transport herself nearly anywhere in time and space probably
didn't help that.

Having died since jumpstarted her system, and she has since lost her super powers and regained much her of
memory from before she came to Earth. Also, while trapped in another dimension for some time, she and her robot
friend constructed a series of self aware robot probes that are, more or less, their children.

Novendecim, meanwhile, in Centurion Machine number nineteen. An ancient machine life form created millions of
years ago by Primus/Autochton at the behest of several other races to safeguard life throughout time and space.
Which he has done for a subjective time quite possibly longer than the life of the universe up to this point.

Often cold and distant, Novendecim rarely takes a personal stake, as he knows he will outlive any friends he makes.
Still, his core directive is to protect life, and once he grows close, he will fight fiercely to defend his allies and

The two have largely taken a leave of absence from the Avengers in order to track down the children they have
created who are spread through all creation, moving from world to world, universe to universe and time to time,
occasionally stopping back home.


The Avengers: Probably goes without saying. Charli's closest friends are in the Avengers, and she is one of the
founding members of the team. Of them she is probably closest to Aum-ra, sharing a non human viewpoint.

Captain Jack Harkness: a field leader in the Weird Happenings Organization, and himself a time traveller. Charli
and Jack used to date before her death and disappearance. It largely didn't work out, as neither of them are the sort
for long term romantic relationships, but the two remain close friends.
The Aerie

The home of the Avians, the Aerie is a place of winged humanoids and mysterious secrets.

Although the Avians are relatively primitive by human standards, around hunter gatherer level, there are hints of
greater levels of technology amid them. At the location of their original homeland (which they were driven off of by
the actions of Grant Conglomerates) is the wreckage of a massive space ship, inaccessible to outsiders, only the
Avians could enter it, and considered doing so to be taboo, since they considered the place to be the temple of the
sky gods. After the Avians evacuated, the Labyrinth sent agents to investigate (indeed, this had been Taurus' plan
all along), however the only survivor of the expedition was half mad and half dead, rambling about a two headed
monster which guarded the ship from intruders. When the Greenland Vanguard team investigated years later, they
discovered the creature, a hulking android by the name of Bi Beast, which fought them to a near standstill. After
that, the ship was labelled off limits to outsiders and the property of the Avians. Good news abounds, as with the
recent destruction of the Labyrinth, Grant Pharmaceutical is no longer able to keep poisoning the skies around the
original Aerie location, and with aid of the Vanguard the Avians are beginning to clean it up.

Concerning the Avians themselves, they are still sticking to their isolationist tendencies, and still tend to be
contemptuous of "Ground bound" (As they call them). However recent events have begun to sway opinion towards
the Aerie becoming more active on the world stage. Namely the actions of Vohl Turr, the Black Vulture. News of
the cannibalistic Avian and his ilk have reached word of the Aerie, and have incensed them, in particular the young
firebrand Talona, who believed that Black Vulture's actions may be the smoking gun the groundies need to wipe out
the Aerie once and for all. To whit, Talona led a small force to try and bring the Black Vulture down.

It... did not go well. As vile and arrogant as Black Vulture is, he is technically in the Cryptid clans, and the Sky
Clan looks out for its own. Talona and her soldiers found themselves overwhelmed by an army of pixies, griffins,
Sylphs, and tiny sentient UFO's armed with, not kidding, rays which inflicted night time stuffiness on their subjects.
Most of the invading Avians didn't survive, and Talona herself was critically injured. She was left badly wounded,
with a broken wing and amnesia, before she was found and taken in by the Sentinels, who nursed her back to health
and aided in her recovery. When Vohl-Turr came back to finish the job, Talona regained her memories and helped
the Sentinels fight him off.

Afterwards Talona returned to her people, a bit more humble and a bit more mellow for the experience. Talona is
now considering convincing the Avian's to take up UNISON on their long standing offer for a Vanguard team (or at
least she will join the Greenland Vanguard team, or the vörður (Ice Guard) Greenland's official superteam).

Regarding Avian's and super powers. Avian's have a much lower rate of developing super powers than humans,
probably due to their small numbers and lack of exposure to pollution and radiation that causes metahumans to be
born. However, with the recent exposures to Grant Pharmaceuticals toxic run offs, the next generation may show
new powers being developed. Most Avians who do develop powers generally have enhanced flying power, claws
and the ability to communicate with birds like Talona. Some have mystical abilities, but nothing to write home
about. There are also several air benders among the Avians. And the recent release of the Celestial Exalted has
brought forth at least one Solar Avian.

Ultima Thule

Ultima Thule, the home of the Ultimen, a colony of some of the most powerful superhumans on the planet. Which
kind of make everyone nervous.

Of course, it wasn't always like this. Mainly because nobody actually KNEW about Ultima Thule, save for a few
super hero teams. Unfortunately, Doctor Destroyer made a major attack on the land in the early 2000's. The direct
result of this attack being that Ultima Thule came to the awareness of the world at large.

Lets get a few misconceptions out of the way: The Ultimen are not racists or Nazi's. Yes, the Ultimen are a
geneocracy, where status is determined by genetic potential, but they do not believe that any single race is privy to
genetic superiority; that sort of thing is determined on a case by case basis. Its part of the reason for the Ultimen's
low birth rate (plus the fact they are immortal and don't really need to reproduce), is that they do incredibly thorough
screening of potential parents to make sure their kids have the best genes available.

Oh, and they certainly don't approve of trying to destroy those with weak genes. That sort of thing is a quick way to
get on their bad side. Those with genetic defects are to be pitied, not hated, to be helped and protected, not

Of course, that being said, there aren't really any genetically inferior Ultimen, mainly because of their low numbers,
low birth-rate, and the fact they live in conditions that could kill just about anyone not as invulnerable as they are.

So yeah, despite these, most people don't really trust the Ultimen. It doesn't help that the two Ultimen best known to
outsiders are Kal Zed (the villain Superior) and Quo-Dis (The former Gene Nation member Ultiwoman). Kal Zed
was probably one of the only Ultimen who was outright malicious, and he pretty much soured public opinion of the
Ultimen as soon as someone made the connection he was from there.

As for Ultiwoman, it seemed to be shaping up that she was gonna be the next Superior, until it was shown she was
just naive, as opposed to evil; She legitimately thought the Red King shared the Ultimen's philosophy, and as soon
as she realized different, and just how crazy Red King was, she helped bring him down. Of course, joining the
Tomorrow Society has done little to repair her reputation, even with their recent exoneration follow the defeat of
the Red Skull. It doesn't help that Ultima Thule actually did have friendly relations with Genesis Island prior to Red
Kings exposure.

But their political policies are one thing, they fact they are a race of immortal, super strong telepaths with powerful
cosmic abilities is what worries most people. One could say that the average Ultiman is as powerful as an average
superhero, but the truth is there are no "Average" Ultimen. Each one has lived for several centuries (Quo-dis, the
youngest of the Ultimen, is over a century old), and most of them have powers on par with a Mithran. UNISON has
run the numbers, and if the Ultimen do decide to conquer Earth, there would be very little they could do to stop

Luckily the Ultimen have no interest in conquest or destruction. They are very peaceful people, preferring to use
their powers for their own endeavours and pursuits. Kal Zed was a conqueror by nature, but he was the exception
that proved the rule. As for Quo Dis, her famous temper mainly came from her frustration with humanity, and being
a target of bullying at Claremont for her lack of comprehension of human culture.

Alliance wise Ultima Thule has a few friends: They are of course old allies with their "poor relation" in Utopia, and
have opened up friendly talks with Atlantis. They are also close friends with Arcadia, their closest neighbours.

Along with that, the Ultimen have some powerful enemies. Ultima Thule hates Thule for usurping their name, and
not a day goes by where Kreuzritter doesn't think of how he can bring the Ultimen under heel. Ultima Thule also
has a rivalry with their old enemies at High Lemuria, still remembering the scars from their wars with the Celestial
Dragon's and their numerous slaves before their banishment at the hands of the Grigori.

Power wise, the Ultimen have the same basic powers: Super strength and durability, regeneration, cosmic energy
control, telepathy and immortality, but each Ultiman has trained their powers so that virtually any variation of these
powers is possible.

Ali Power

Alison Montgomery is pretty much the odd one out when it comes to the former Avengers. And doesn't quite fit in
with most of the powers set. She's not a cape, and not quite a sideliner. That is, she's got powers, and isn't a super-
hero or villain, but she's not quite sitting out of the super set either.

But the illegitimate daughter of Fandral the Dashing has more or less come to terms with her life. She mostly just
wants to live with her girlfriend (and as of the last few months, fiancé) Ilsa, and play her music. But she keeps
ending up involved with the cape set. So mostly she just tries to grin and bear it when it happens anymore so she can
go back to her regular life.
Musically, her life never really took off. Mostly because she's not that good. Not bad, but not really professional
level. But powers and a little fame have gotten her a few jobs. Playing with meta-bands, opening for Priss and the


Star, meanwhile, is dealing with far more notoriety. Her execution of the Red Skull in his prison cell has led to all
matters of legal trouble.

At first the authorities wanted to treat her like any other rogue robot as most artificial life forms still are not
considered living beings in most countries, the United States included. However, the combination of her linage and
that the authorities have been willing to treat Cybertron as a foreign state leaves this in more of a legal quagmire.

At this point the most likely outcomes would be that she's declared a machine and attempts will be made to
dismantle her, or if not, either deportation or attempts will be made to try her on Earth. Attempts to contact Primus
himself for some sort of comment have been met with Alpha Trion shrugging his shoulders.

At present, until the matters are settled, Star continues to adventure with the Bay City Sentinels, though her actions
have strained her relationship with her other teammates.

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